#I don’t wanna be 20
surr3al1sm · 10 days
Since it’s officially the 10th of September in the Netherlands,
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Happy 20th birthday to me!! 👴
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zukkacore · 3 months
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Second Place episode of Gamechanger feat the Aguefort staff aka Aguefort heaven is Porter hell. It’s a very efficient system
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
Hey, Dickhead!
*smashes your face in with a crowbar*
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hamable · 5 months
I need Brennan to win an award. I need the world to know how exceptional a storyteller he is. How do you plan something like this?
I’m suddenly seeing the rat grinders as a sort of self insert for him. Not character-wise, but as tools for writing a mystery. Usually you start with the solution and work backwards. Brennan had to concoct this solution and prepare for every possible thing that the best DnD players he’s ever known might do to crack his story wide open. He needed an entire party of character foils whose primary goal was to cover their tracks and account for periphery details to outsmart The Bad Kids. An unfathomable amount of work to be able to tell this story at the pace it’s being told.
I found myself remarking earlier in the season how much planning and foreknowledge he had to have to have the variety of dome projections from @caitmayart he does and now I realize that’s just scratching the surface.
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the sandra lynn / fig conversation is driving me Insane. fig saying that sometimes she doesn’t wanna exist as herself at all…not wanting to ask her friends how they see her (because she’s afraid to hear their response) saying that to someone she is a monster and she Cannot stop thinking about it. sandra lynn starting the conversation saying she needs to step up but is also simultaneously taken aback about what fig expresses and doesn’t know how to responds to it and suggests getting ice cream. sandra lynn saying “convincing people they deserve good things is really tough” talking about herself but how it also reflects fig. insane!!
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kkolg · 3 months
Abyss - Scraton
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houseswife · 9 months
I love how neferiously hugh laurie delivered his lines in that 5x1 scene where house is blackmailing wilson. because the dialogue could’ve been conveyed in a manner that was obviously facetious and unserious (like the way RSL was playing the scene: “You’d jeopardise a patient—? 😒🙄) but he literally chose to go “If it keeps you here😈👹” in the most deadass, diabolical tone. so the result is that we have house sounding like a genuine psychopath as he threatens to let a woman die and then wilson proving he’s an even BIGGER one by responding with, like, mild exasperation at best. 10/10 dynamic no notes
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pawthorn · 6 months
Uh oh.
Kalina couldn’t say her conspirator’s name.
But in her last moments she did say
Ragh Barkrock.
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transformersweatpants · 8 months
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Kristen Applebees assigned they/them pronouns by various fellow intrepid heroes my beloved
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I know it was probably tied to the whole rage plotline for this season but I hope they keep the stress tokens as a mechanic for senior year it’s just such a cool thing and we never got to see it to it’s fullness this season and that sucks
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of-mutts-and-men · 10 months
I’m not meant to work I’m meant to be part of a werewolf pack and be so very eepy and snuggly with all the other omegas in a big cozy nest all day >:((
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skhardwarevers1 · 30 days
if this post gets like…5000 notes I’ll actually start writing scripts/making storyboards for videos I’ve had ideas about for months
additionally if this gets to 10000 (which I highly doubt it will) I’ll actually work on my abandoned stories, book ideas, and poetry
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Who’s Clone are You?!?!
So stick with me for a sec. Imagine Batman finds a lab set up for cloning by (insert whatever villain/scientist u want)
After interrogating said person bats finds out that they did manage to make a clone but it died shortly after. When asked who’s clone the person doesn’t know, saying that the DNA came from a spot of blood on a batarang that was thrown into a wall as an intimidation move.
Now big problem because all the Batfam have 100% given themselves nicks from batarangs (those things are sharp as f/ck) even bats gets a small cut every now and then so it could be anyone. But whatever the clone is dead so shouldn’t be a problem…
That is until one of the fam meets a black haired, blue eyed kid, who jokes about death a lot and who Jason swears feels kinda like the pit…
Que the bats trying to get this ‘Danny Fenton’s’ DNA while Danny does he’s best to avoid both the bats and the Wanyes at all cost because god dammit he’s retired from the whole superhero gig and never going back, plus he already has one rich fruitloop to deal with he doesn’t need two thank you very much.
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charlilil · 2 years
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The crew back together again
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doehoney · 3 months
JJ after having one of the most emotional exists from Criminal Minds just to come back at the end of the season and then stay forever
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dorkprincess-art · 2 months
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Drawing Trent (mostly) from memory
i had a very big crush on trent as a child
I didnt think I’d be posting this, so please excuse these wip screengrabs from the timelapse preview
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