#I don’t think she follows me here anymore but I hope my dear friend in France who I met bc they used to write Rory is having a good day <33
I’m just saying that if anyone else ever got the desire to write Rory Williams I would scream and yell to have him interact with Rory!Master.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 days
A Twist of Fate
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Characters: Dean x Reader, Billy x Reader
Warnings: Nothing too extreme, just some angst, language, and fluff
A/N: Got this idea from a picture I was tagged in by @jackles010378. Sorry it took me so long to write this. Dean and the reader were dating and broke up. Dean sees the reader with her new boyfriend and things unravel. 
This is a work of fiction, all work is my own, do not take it or copy it. 
Minors DNI 18+
The crisp autumn air nipped at my nose as Billy and I strolled down Main Street. The leaves were a kaleidoscope of reds, oranges, and yellows, a beautiful contrast to the gray sky. I couldn't help but think about how much my life had changed since I'd last seen Dean.
Three years. That's how long we'd been together. Three years of laughter, love, and a shared passion for the supernatural. And then, just like that, he was gone. A letter, a simple explanation that he couldn't be with me anymore. The pain had been unbearable, a wound that had slowly healed, leaving a scar that I would always carry.
That morning I woke up and found the letter on his pillow. It was the day my world broke. Tears fell on the letter as I read his simple words. 
Dear Y/N,
These past three years have been great. We’ve shared so much and done even more together. I know you love me. You’ve said it so many times, and showed me every day. I just can’t lie to you anymore. I don’t feel the same. That’s not fair to you, to make you think we have a future together. One where we get married and have kids. I can’t do the apple pie life. I’m sorry, Y/N. I do hope you find the love you deserve.
It didn’t make sense to me. We had just shared a night of love and passion, tangled in each other’s embrace. Whispering words of love and affection. We talked of the future and he said he’d love to be a dad one day. He was the love of my life, then he was gone. 
Now, here I was, two years later with Billy. He was kind, considerate, and everything a good man should be. But a part of me couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.
We met through a mutual friend and had an instant connection. I wouldn’t call it love, but I was grateful for the companionship. I hadn’t even spoken the words to him. Billy was quick to say “I love you”, but I couldn’t say it because I didn’t mean it, nor did I feel it. 
Billy spent all of his free time with me. At times it felt suffocating. Dean and I spent a lot of time together too, but we also had our time apart. I’d bake and he’d work in the garage, it was a perfect balance.
Walking hand in hand through Main Street my mind kept comparing him to Dean. When Dean and I would walk, his arm was around me in a protective way. Billy just held my hand. Dean would lace his fingers in mine, Billy just cupped my hand. 
When Billy kissed me, it was hard and fast. When Dean kissed me it was soft and full of passion. Every step I took my mind kept comparing Billy to Dean. I couldn’t figure out why Dean was in the forefront of my thoughts.
And then I saw him. Leaning against the Impala, looking as effortlessly cool as ever. Dean. My heart pounded in my chest as our eyes met. A flash of something crossed his face - regret? Jealousy? I couldn't be sure.
As we continued walking, I glanced back. He was still watching, his gaze fixed on me. A wave of emotions washed over me. I stumbled as I looked back. I saw him gasp and jump off the car. Billy grabbed my arm trying to steady me. “You okay?” I nodded. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from Dean. Billy followed my gaze. Clearing his throat I turned and met his eyes. “Who’s that?” He asked, his voice laced with hurt and something else, anger maybe. I looked at Dean then back at Billy, “he’s my ex.” 
Billy wasn’t happy. I could feel the tension between us. As we walked into the quiet cafe he shot me a look that sent a chill through me. The cashier offered a soft smile. “How can I help you two today?” She said with a sweet voice. Billy looked at her and said “We will both have a coffee with 2 creams and 1 sugar.” She nodded as she started to put in the order. I spoke up, “Um, excuse me. I’ll have a vanilla latte please.” Billy shot me a look and grabbed my hand, “No, you’ll have what I ordered you. You’re my girlfriend and you’ll have what I order.” 
The cashier stood shocked. My mouth was on the floor. He’d never acted like this before. I touched his bicep softly, “Billy, I am your girlfriend, but I can order what I want.” Billy huffed and mumbled something. The cashier told Billy the total and she went about making the order. 
When we had our order Billy directed me to a booth at the back of the restaurant. I sat across from him and looked at him, shocked by his behavior. “You want to tell me what the hell that was about, Billy? Since when do you order for me and grab me?” Billy just stared at me, anger flashing in his eyes. It honestly scared me. 
“I didn’t like how you kept staring at pretty boy out there. It’s like you’re in love with him or something.” I bit my lip, not knowing what to say to him. I was in love with him. I never stopped loving him, but how could I tell him that? 
I swallowed hard. Touching Billy’s hand I started to speak, “Billy, I was in love with him when I was with him. He broke my heart and I’m with you now. That’s all that matters.” 
Billy pulled his hand away from me. “So you can love him but not me? You know what, screw this. Why don’t you go back to him and be his little whore again.” I gasped, “Billy! What the hell. Please calm down. I don’t want to be with him, I’m with you.”
Before I could say anything else, Billy stood up and told me to have a nice life and left. I sat at the table in shock. What the hell just happened? How did one little thing set him off like that? 
I sat at the table thinking about the past few years, how my love for Dean slipped away, and how Billy reacted to me seeing Dean. I was lost in thought and didn’t hear the bell above the door. 
The sound of a deep husky voice pulled me from my thoughts, “Hello, sweetheart.” My eyes flicked up and they met the piercing green eyes of my favorite hunter. My breath caught in my throat, “D…Dean, what are you doing here?” “Sammy and I were in town on a hunt, I heard you moved here. I’m so glad I ran into you. Can I sit?” 
“Sure.” I said without hesitation. Dean sat across from me. His hands instinctively grabbed mine. My head is screaming at me to pull away, but the rest of my body is holding on for dear life. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I was foolish and a complete jackass for leaving and for leaving you the way I did. I was scared. I had finally found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, have children with, and I got scared. Scared you would be taken away from me. Scared because I don’t deserve the love you had for me. I’ve never deserved love or to be loved. I’m broken, Y/N. 
As I sat across from him, hearing him say how he didn’t deserve love my heart broke for him. “Dean, you deserve so much.You, Dean Winchester, deserve all the love in the world. You were four years old when you saved your brother from the fire, you raised him. Dean, you had to be mom and dad to Sam. Dean Winchester, the man who willingly went to hell to save his baby brother, the man who was willing to die for so many people. Dean Winchester, the man who took on the Mark of Cain to help save the world. You deserve all the love this world has to offer. You deserve so much more than I can give you. I NEVER stopped loving you, Dean, and I know I never will.”
Dean stood and walked over to me. He reached out his hand and took my hand in his, pulling me up and flush to his body. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, and his hand cupped my face, “You are even more beautiful now than you were two years ago. I was a fool to let you go, and I intend to spend the rest of my life making that up to you. That is if you’ll have me again.” 
I leaned into his hand that cupped my face. My heart hammered in my chest. His touch ignited that fire, that love I had buried deep inside me. Without another word I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. It was soft and Dean hesitated for a moment. Then something changed. His hands went into my hair and pulled me in. The kiss became more passionate and full of need. 
The hurt from the past two years was fading with each kiss. When we finally parted, I looked at Dean and smiled. His eyes are full of love and desire. “Dean, take me home.” I said as I leaned into his embrace.
Dean took my hand and led me out of the coffee shop and to the Impala. He opened the car door and I climbed in. When he got in the driver’s seat, he looked over, smiled and took my hand. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.” He stepped on the gas and we headed back home. Home, where we both belonged, together and in each other’s arms. 
Tags are open, if you want to be added, let me know.  
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
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@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
@kindollss @foxyjwls007
@lmg14 @cevansbaby-dove
@spxideyver @reignsboy19
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lunajay33 · 10 months
Destiny Part.4🐺
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her dad and sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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“I’m Paul’s imprint, he told me everything” I glared
She was so hypocritical, she can be in love with a vampire and be obsessed with their family after a year but I bc ant spend time with people who have been in my life forever and they just happen to be shifters? That’s not far, she’s never fair
“W..what?” She was shocked, her eyes showing full white and her jaw slacked open
“I’m Paul’s imprint, I’m meant to be with him, I always have been and we both knew it deep down, why is this such a problem atleast he protects people, look what those blood suckers did to you” i tried to reason
“You don’t know a thing about them y/n, don’t ever speak about them like that ever, you’d be lucky to even be in the same room as them, especially you” she scowled
“What is that suppose to mean Bella?” I felt my heart throb
“You’ve never been good enough, you’re just a burden to this family, can’t you see that”
I couldn’t take it anymore I ran out the door still sore but I didn’t know where to go, my bike was back at Emily’s, then I remembered I had Jakes number
I ran out of the house trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill, after three rings Billy answered
“Hi billy……” I felt the lump in my throat get worse
“Y/n? What are you doing calling at this time of night? Are you okay?” He asked concerned like he always was with me
“Is Jake around? Would he be able to come pick me up?” I whined as my voice wavered
“Oh dear of course I’ll send him by right away just hold one okay?”
“Okay, thank you billy”
I waited for 20 minutes when I saw his rabbit car pull up I quickly got in
“Y/n what’s wrong why did you call?” He asked concerned
I looked out the window and sunk in my seat
“Can we talk about it later I just need to be away from Bella right now…..please”
“Of course” he said softly as he started to drive back to his house
When we pulled up to the red house that felt more like home I felt a bit better, a sense of belonging
Me and Jake got out and he opened the door to the house for me, I threw myself down on the couch and sighed
Today was suppose to be a magical day, I found my soul mate, and he wanted me he actually just wanted me and I wasn’t his second choice
As I was sitting there I saw billy roll in and stop infront of me as Jake sat down next to me
“Dear what happened?” Billy asked
And the tears finally fell, I couldn’t hold it back anymore, especially around him
“She said I wasn’t good enough….that I’m just a burden to the family, I don’t know what I ever did wrong for her to hate me” I cried into my hands trying to avoid looking at them
I felt the warmth of Jakes hand rub my back as billy pat my knee
“Y/n look at me” billy pleaded and I hesitantly looked up
“You are never a burden to us, we love you, you’re like another daughter to me, and I know Jake sees you like his little sis, you’re always the sweetest most kindest soul, and don’t you ever let her make you think you’re not worth love” he said as he wiped my tears away
“Do you want me to call Paul?” Jake asked
“No I don’t want him seeing me like this” I hiccuped that’s when we heard a knock on the door
Jake got up to answer it and that’s when I heard that beautiful voice I love always got butterflies around
“Where is she? Is she okay?”
“Come in she’s on the couch” Jake said stepping aside and he jogged over kneeling infront of me
“We will give you some privacy” billy smiled as Jake wheeled him to a different room
“How did you know I was here?” I asked confused but I couldn’t help feel better with him around
“I could sense you weren’t okay and I just followed your scent, it’s an imprint thing, but what happened?”
How is everyone liking the story plz lmk🤍
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
Paint me red.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
CW / Disclaimer: A bunch of cute stuff, just a nice feel good fic about our dear boy Steve.
Author’s note: It was time to write about Steve Harrington, so here it is. Four parts, can find them both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 2783 / (complete fic) 13059
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Steve’s POV
Steve had himself draped nearly flat over the counter, arms folded under his head as he watched Robin dart from left to right in front of him while she talked. He watched with mild amusement as she gestured wildly along with her words. In all fairness, he wasn’t exactly following what the point of her story was anymore as she had redirected the course of it about six times now, but he loved hearing her talk.
“… so. You’re coming to the fair with me.”
He frowned.
Robin rolled her eyes affectionately and ruffled his hair, which immediately caused him to straighten his back to fix it.
“Have you even been listening?” she asked. Steve nodded, then shrugged, then shook his head.
“I… tried?” He provided a crooked smile.
“Vickie and Y/N are working at the fair. I’m gonna give Vickie a visit so you should come. They work at a food stall so… can have a nice chat and stuff.”
Steve thought back on the last time he had seen you and suppressed the smile that threatened to grow on his lips. He remembered how fun it had been during the paintball game, how you had painted a flower on his cheek and how he hadn’t wanted you to get out of his car in favor of talking to you for a little while longer.
“Won’t that be weird?” Steve questioned, considering that maybe you wouldn’t want to see him. It wasn’t like you had given him the idea that you were interested at all. Normally, girls would fawn over him before he even had to woo them. Except with Robin, but Robin was gay. Even Nancy had given obvious signs that she was interested. What if…
“Are you sure she’s into guys?”
“Uh, yeah? I think she’s definitely into guys. Why does that matter? Are you into her?”
Steve avoided her smug expression. Robin was having none of it and moved her head into his vision, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“She’s nice,” Steve mumbled.
“Yeah! She’s nice. Can’t people be nice?”
“Just nice?”
Steve sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. Robin always did stuff like that. Asked questions in a way that made him want to defend his answers.
“She’s nice and… funny.”
Robin raised her brow.
“Fine, she’s also hot. Her eyes are really pretty. Nice hair too and… well, everything,” Steve admitted with a sigh. Robin could read him like a book, as usual. He just hoped he was only obvious to her. His crushes on people blossomed way too quickly. People could simply portray some basic human decency and he’d feel a subtle notion of butterflies. Not actual butterflies, but his brain could easily trick him into believing they were.
Robin’s subtle smile spread into a grin.
“I thought so. You like her. So. Fair? Yes? Can I tell Vickie we’ll be there?”
“Sure, yeah. Do that.”
Robin smirked and grabbed her pack of gum from the counter.
“Perfect. Want one?”
“Yes, thanks.”
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The fair was bustling with people all around, visitors a mix of children to elderly, though teens and young adults were mostly prevalent. While Steve took in the various stalls and attractions they had, Robin was trying to make a beeline towards the stall you and Vickie were at. It was when Steve glanced up at a giant pink teddy bear, his footsteps faltering, that Robin sighed and hooked her arm through his.
“Don’t get any ideas, she might be one of the many girls that don’t like pink.”
“I was just looking,” Steve argued, turning his head to look at it one more time. “It’s just… massive, isn’t it? I never understood why anyone would want a big plushie like that.”
“To hug it, sit against it, I don’t know. I don’t like them either.”
“Don’t they have their partners for that?” Steve questioned out loud, to which Robin shrugged.
“Maybe it’s for when they miss them? Anyway, maybe plushies hug better than some people.” A beat and then: “Vickie gives the best hugs.”
Steve smiled softly at her and let her lead him towards the food stall. It was easy to spot Vickie in the distance, though he didn’t see you yet. Perhaps you were taking a break or something. Once they arrived at Vickie’s stall they were met with a bright smile and she quickly walked around it to hug them both.
“Hi guys!” She immediately eyed Steve apologetically. “Sorry, Y/N isn’t here.”
“Oh,” Steve said, unable to hide his disappointment all that well. “That’s— she’s not sick or anything, is she?”
“Oh, no! She’s just not here,” Vickie said, pointing to the ground. “She had to cover for someone at the haunted house.” Steve followed her gaze towards a creepy looking attraction where several people stormed out of every now and then. Fun.
“Oh okay, cool. I’ll see if I can spot her later, maybe.”
“You should go in! It’s really fun. And scary of course,” she said with a giggle. “I’ll be here when you get back,” she told Robin then with a bored roll of her eyes. “I’ll be here alllll night.”
Robin squeezed her hand sympathetically and smiled.
“Will you have time to walk around with me later? I saw a giant bear plushie that I want to win for you.”
Steve gaped at her and she shrugged as a smile tugged on her lips.
“So that’s why you were so damned to drag me away, huh? You wanted it all for yourself,” Steve concluded with narrowed eyes.
“She likes pink,” Robin said, as if that was enough of an explanation. Vickie beamed at her and nodded excitedly.
“Yeah! I’ll get off at ten so we will have two hours or so. Just promise me you won’t waste all your savings, please. Let’s agree on an amount.”
“Who says I’m not a professional at balloon popping?” Robin countered with a playful smile. Vickie batted her eyelashes at her and wrapped her arms around her neck before giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.
“Alright. Show me your best!”
After that, Steve and Robin headed to the ticket booth of the haunted house and he was surprised not to see you there either. For some reason that had seemed to be the most logical place to spot you next. It bugged him a little that disappointment swirled in his stomach. When did his desire to see you become so strong all of a sudden?
“Maybe she’s inside?” Robin offered, noticing his confused expression.
“To do what?”
“I don’t know, scare people?”
Steve shrugged and joined Robin in the row to the haunted house. Many screams were heard from both inside and at the exit and if he was honest, he was already dreading it. He wasn’t scared that easily, he liked to think (it was a lie), but haunted houses just gave him the type of fright that was hard to ignore, especially if someone ran after him unexpectedly. There was no way he was backing out though, he just hoped he’d see you somehow. Maybe they did some storytelling inside? He doubted you were a scare actor since they usually went all out for that with make up and costumes and what not. According to Vickie you had been called upon pretty last minute.
It was extremely dark inside and he fought the urge to grab Robin’s hand immediately. She’d never let him hear the end of it. Cautiously, they walked forward, the first room being filled with eerie sounds and cobwebs hanging low from the wall. They even added a giant spider on one, which creeped him out already. This was going to be hell. His eyes flickered over to the jail bars next to him as they entered the next room and he noticed actors were standing behind it, occasionally snaking a hand through the bars. Robin however hadn’t noticed, and when one of them lightly grazed her arm, she bolted with a scream.
“Oh, great,” Steve mumbled dryly, earning a giggle from an actor breaking character for a second. He hoped Robin was alright, as he didn’t find her in the next room, or the next. His eyes were so focused on finding the entrance to the following room that he hadn’t noticed he wasn’t alone. Out of nowhere, an actor jumped in front of him, arms wide open as if to grab him.
As he jumped backwards he saw that they were smaller than him and wearing a mask and, he vaguely noticed through his own screaming, were calling him by his name.
“Steve! Steve, it’s me!”
Y/N’s pov
Steve relaxed cautiously as you put your hands on his shoulders after lifting the mask up to rest on top of your head.
“Steve.” A soft giggle escaped you. “It’s me, Y/N.” You gave his shoulders a quick squeeze and pulled him aside in case the next group would show up.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” Steve sighed exasperatedly as his hands searched for a way to hold onto you. He settled for a brief brush of his hands against your shoulders before he dropped his arms again. “Ever thought of saying hi instead? I think I lost three years of my life just now.”
You couldn’t help but giggle some more and squeezed his shoulders lightly. Your hands traveled down his arms until it felt right to remove them and you shrugged.
“It is a haunted house after all. Wait, then I guess it was Robin who I saw running past just now then, huh? I was still processing that but then I saw you and I was certain it was you, so…”
“It’s me. Steve “The Deceased” Harrington. I might as well stay here forever now, become a corpse,” Steve said with a heavy hand gesture.
“You’re so dramatic, Steve.” You smiled. “Go on, before the others come. I don’t wanna keep you.” You urged him towards the next room but he shook his head.
“Wait— Uh… Do you also get off at ten? Like Vickie?”
“Yes…?” you asked, feeling there was more to that question.
“Do you want to hang out with me after? Vickie and Robin are going to and I don’t really want to be a third wheel and uhm… Well no it’s not just that, I also had fun with you last time, so. Yeah. Just a question. If you like.”
He ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck all in one motion and sighed, unsure what to do next. You smiled at him.
“I’d love to. We can meet at the food stall? I’ll for sure be hungry and I’ve promised myself some churros.”
Steve nodded.
“Alright, meet you there.” He glanced towards the next room. “I don’t trust this place after what you did to me just now.”
“You’ll be fine. Just be prepared for when the guy with the chainsaw comes running after you and don’t break a leg, please. ‘S gonna be hard to walk around the fair with me otherwise.”
“A guy with a— Okay, I’ll do my best,” Steve groaned. “Nice seeing you again, despite these circumstances,” he added with a soft smile. You nodded in agreement.
“Nice seeing you too, Steve “The Deceased” Harrington.”
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Ten couldn’t come around soon enough. Luckily time passed faster in a haunted house than it did at a food stall, as the energy of people in an attraction was vastly different. You managed to scare quite a few people, though you didn’t jump in front of anyone like you had with Steve. That had been personal, for the sake of it. Other than that one time you spent your time walking through the room slowly, dragging a fake ax behind you on the ground. That was scary enough for most people. Being in a haunted house usually made them skittish for the mere fact that they were in it.
Aside from time passing by fast, you wished you had spent it at the food stall instead. It would have meant you didn’t smell like a stuffy mask and your hair would still be perfectly in place and Steve would probably— Hold on. You stopped your train of thought quickly. Since when were you focusing on appearance when it came to Steve? You shook your head, quickly shrugging it off. Nonsense, you just wanted to be presentable in general. That was all. A relieved sigh left your mouth which coincidentally startled a person who had just wandered into the room. Oops.
You left a little past ten as you waited for someone to replace you since you had only agreed to take over until that time. After handing the guy your mask and long, oversized coat you had been wearing to hide your clothes, you quickly made your exit towards the staff bathrooms to freshen up a little. Wearing a red t-shirt to match the food stall had all been fun until you didn’t spend most of the night there, as well as the red lipstick you had decided to wear. Your light blue washed jeans and black boots finished the look and to your relief you still looked presentable enough after a quick touch up. 
You were only half surprised to just see Steve standing there and you couldn’t blame Robin and Vickie for wanting to get as much time together as they could. Seeing Steve all by himself did make you feel a little guilty though, considering it was already twenty minutes past the agreed time. Once you got closer, you realized he was wearing a paper cone with churros and your heart swelled a little. Vickie had already cleaned up the food stall, so getting them yourself would have been out of the question. He seemed to be lost in thought still when you halted next to him and decided to give him the lightest poke on his bicep.
“Don’t wanna scare you a second time,” you told him softly. Steve turned around, still a little startled, and you watched his face break out in a smile.
“Hey you,” he greeted you.
“Hi,” you quipped with a grin. He gave himself a moment to drink you in before he held out the churros.
“Here, for you. Told Vickie you wanted some.”
“You’re a hero, oh my god, thank you!” you groaned at the sight as you accepted it from his hand, fingers sliding past yours. “You want one too?”
Steve shook his head, his smile soft.
“I’m good, I had some just now. I uh… got you a drink too,” he said as he held it in view. “You wanna go for a walk around?”
You smiled at how considerate he was and nodded with your mouth full of your first churro bite. He took it as a yes and smirked as he nodded over to the right.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
There was a comfortable silence between you while you devoured your churros and gratefully accepted the drink he had gotten you on Vickie’s suggestion. You spotted her and Robin at the balloon popping stand and tugged Steve along by his arm when he wanted to make his way over.
“This is their date, let’s give them some privacy,” you told him softly as Steve willingly let himself be pulled along. As you passed a ring toss booth, your eyes flicked towards a cute plushie. It was a weird, purple little mushroom supposedly standing on a rock. Steve followed your gaze and lowered himself a little to catch the right one into view, his hands resting on his hips.
“Hmm… the dog?” he tried, pointing at an adorable dalmatian dog plushie.
“Nope, the purple mushroom.”
A giggle left his mouth, surprising himself it seemed as he clasped a hand over his mouth and he pulled his hands up defensively as you quirked a brow at him.
“No it’s— adorable! Really. Just didn’t expect it.”
“No? Well lucky me, I love being a little unpredictable.” You shrugged and Steve chuckled, pulling gently on your wrist as you set another step away from the booth.
“Oh you are, believe me,” Steve mumbled with a soft sigh. “Come on, let’s get you your weird little mushroom.”
“You’re gonna win it for me, huh?” you asked, eyeing him provocatively as if you didn’t believe he could.
“No,” he told you, lowering himself to your height. “We are going to win it.”
After a couple tries, you fought a smile at every failed attempt. Not because it was funny to see him fail, but because the soft little grunts he made were simply adorable. He tried not to show it, but he definitely started to get worse the moment he realized it wasn’t as easy as anticipated.
“Now I see why you said we were going to win it,” you teased, a grin almost permanent on your face now.
“Oh, shut up,” he mumbled, nudging you with his elbow. “If you’re so good, show me how it’s done then? Come on.”
“Oh I couldn’t possibly be as good as you. We stand no chance if we waste our tries on little ol’ me.” Acting like a damsel in distress had never been this funny to you. Steve rolled his eyes affectionately and put his hand on the small of your back to move you in front of him.
“Here, hold this. Swing it towards the red ones, they are worth the most.”
“He says as if I haven’t been paying attention,” you remarked dryly. “You didn’t think I was just staring at you, were you?”
“Wouldn’t mind if you were.”
It left his lips so naturally that your grip on the ring faltered for a second. You could feel him smiling. Oh, he was loving this.
“Well, too bad, Steve. I was too focused on watching you try.”
Steve whistled softly and pretended to clasp his heart, though you couldn’t really see it as your back was still facing his front. You definitely didn’t miss the sound of him slapping his own chest, though.
“You try it then,” he challenged.
“Hmm, not gonna show me how it works? That’s surprising.”
“All you have to do is ask.”
A chuckle left your lips. He was getting bolder and you found that you liked it. Kept his distance, yet hovered closely behind you. Gave you lingering looks but didn’t push for anything after them. It was a playful game.
“Oh, no need, I’m good. I just figured since you’re breathing down my neck a little, that you were gonna pull a move or something.”
Games aside though, you slightly cursed yourself at your need to bite back, wondering how long it would take before you crossed a line with him. It wasn’t as if you knew him that well. To your surprise, he laughed.
“I didn’t think you were the type that enjoys cliché moves like that.”
“So what type do you think I am?”
“Someone determined to win her own weird mushroom plushies, probably.”
You laughed at that and finally gave the ring a flick of your wrist, landing around a green stick which was thirty points.
“You make it sound so…” Unsure how to finish the sentence, you simply threw another ring, and another, not bothering to really try. After three more throws you had seventy points in total, which wasn’t a lot.
“You’re not even trying,” he remarked dryly as he nudged your shoulder gently.
“So rude,” you retorted, a playful smile on your lips as you turned around. “I guess you should show me how it’s done then,” you quipped with a shrug of your shoulder. Steve leaned closer, his front and your back nearly squeezing out the warmth that was gathering between you both as he picked up the remaining rings you had. Where you expected him to do the whole touchy feely thing, he did the opposite. Instead, he stood next to you and nudged your hip with his own to make room.
“Alright then,” he smirked and, oh. The bastard had the audacity to wink. Apparently your little back and forth had caused a surge in confidence within him though, because he managed to hit the five remaining rings all in either fifty or forty. With your points counted together you were just a few tens short, but with some convincing words from Steve you got it anyway. The man in the booth handed it to you and you squeezed it with delight before holding it up to Steve, nearly pushing it into his face.
“Look at it! Isn’t it cute?!”
Steve laughed and nodded at you, pushing the plushie down with his hand a bit to meet your eyes. 
“Almost as cute as you are right now.”
Well damn. He did it again. A faint blush tainted your cheeks and you quickly lowered the plushie to hold it against your side. Steve cocked his head, amused at your reaction and tapped the back of your hand with his finger.
“Where to next?”
Since the ring throwing had basically been for you and your plushie, you decided that it was Steve’s time to pick. Without missing a beat he decided on the ferris wheel. Curiosity built up in your belly, wondering whether the ferris wheel held any other implications than admiring the view, which wouldn’t be too impressive at this time of night. The lights were nice, sure, but other than that you couldn’t really see far and wide like you would during the day. Though, that would be less romantic, you supposed. Not that you were hoping for it to be romantic, although…
Your eyes found Steve’s face again, as they had quite a bit tonight. You had promised yourself not to let yourself be tempted by him so easily. But what could you do? He was funny, kind, charming, a flirt in a fun way, handsome as hell and just… really sweet. Making sure you had your churros had been really thoughtful and it was nice how he wanted to win the plushie for you without being all alpha male about it.
“Something on my face?” Steve interrupted your thoughts. You blinked rapidly, turning your head away as you shrugged, trying to remain casual.
“Just your freckles. I don’t know if you ever noticed, but you have quite a few.”
Steve sighed and when he answered that he did in fact know, he actually sounded a bit self conscious, which was the last thing you wanted to achieve with that statement.
“I like them. They’re really pretty,” you stated.
Now it was Steve’s turn to look at you, eyebrows lifted in surprise, as if no one had ever told him how pretty his freckles were. As if. There was no way all those girls looked at that man and didn’t compliment him on it, right? From the looks of it, your words had an effect on him as he positively started blushing a deep crimson and mumbled something incoherently that mostly seemed to resemble ‘thanks’. Damn. Add cute to that list.
“Here we are,” you announced as if the giant ferris wheel in front of you wasn’t enough of a confirmation. “Ready to get high?”
Steve smirked. “Eddie would love that joke.” He frowned to himself, awkwardly gestured towards the sky and sighed. “The uh, high thing. He’s a friend.”
“I remember him,” you told him with a nod. “Wouldn’t have imagined you two together as friends though, somehow.”
“We both happened to hang out with this kid and— I’m making it weirder,” Steve sighed. “Dustin. Henderson? He lives near you.”
“Oh! Yeah I know him. He’s alright. Seems like an old man in a kid’s body sometimes, so I’m not surprised he keeps up with you two.”
“Uh… thanks?” Steve responded unsurely, though he seemed to understand exactly what you meant.
“Did you find it funny though?”
“The high joke.”
“Oh! Yeah. I did.”
“Oof… no need to lie, Steve, that hurts…”
“I’m n— Y/N. You're making a fool of me again, huh?”
Just as you wanted to respond, the guy at the ticket booth interrupted you.
“Hey, lovebirds, are you gonna go in or not? We’re about to start the last round.”
“Jeez… already?” you mumbled to yourself. “Yeah, Frank. Two tickets please.”
“Oh just go in already,” Frank grumbled, but answered your smile as you gave him a grateful nod. Steve let you get in first and watched how you clutched the plushie between your thighs.
“Can’t risk losing it,” you explained. Steve nodded in understanding and settled next to you, making the cart wobble a bit as he did so. As soon as the cart started to move to the next spot, you felt how Steve put his arm behind your back, his hand wrapping around a part of the frame.
It was the first time the usual comfortable silence between the two of you actually felt a little awkward, especially when you felt his thigh press against yours. Steve seemed to be focused on the view although you could feel how he was drumming against the frame with his fingers since his arm flexed against your upper back. When you reached the top, Steve finally broke the silence.
“Can you point out where your home is?”
Startled by his sudden question, you looked around for things you recognized and narrowed your eyes.
“Hmm… I’m not good at this. Somewhere in that direction though, you said as you stretched out your arm to point.
“Almost,” Steve mumbled, lifting his own arm to circle his hand around your wrist and adjust it. “Right there.”
You smiled softly and turned your head to respond, but quickly found that his face was so close that it felt safer to just talk towards the darkness of the night.
“You could be pointing at the other side of town and I’d still believe you,” you mumbled. Steve chuckles softly and your current position made it easy to feel the vibration of his laugh, causing your cheeks to heat up again.
“Now that’s a little worrying, trusting me blindly.”
“I trust you won’t take advantage of that. And anyway, it’s not like I won’t know my way back after that.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” The atmosphere finally felt a little relaxed again. Your chest didn’t feel as tight anymore and words came more easily to you. At least until Steve let go of the frame and wrapped it around your shoulder instead.
“You need a ride home?”
“Yeah, that would be lovely, thank you,” you answered without thinking twice about whether you and Vickie would be going home together. All you could think about right now was his hand, that was currently grazing your arm gently with his blunt fingertips, giving the subtlest scratch.
He felt so close. So goddamn close. You could feel his breath on your neck, the press on your thigh heavier and you closed your eyes for a moment, facing forward still.
“Would be a little cliché if we kissed now, huh?” he murmured softly, daring to use his hand to pull you against him a little.
“So cliché,” you agreed, your brain working hard to grasp at every word to give it some meaning.
“And you don’t like clichés.” It was a statement, not a question.
“No. Doesn’t matter though,” you responded weakly, unable to come up with a better retort.
“Who says I’ll let you kiss me?”
Idiot. Idiot, idiot, idiot. You were close to psychically groaning when yet again, he managed to surprise you with a soft laugh. How you had managed to not fuck this up yet with your responses was a miracle to you.
“Who says I was gonna make the first move?”
“Too cliché?” you asked.
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just nervous. Come on.”
Without you realizing, you had arrived at the bottom again and it was time to get out. He held out his hand to help you out of the wobbly cart and didn’t let go once you were back on the grass, a few feet away from the ferris wheel exit. For a moment, you just stood there and watched as several booths turned off their lights until Steve squeezed your hand gently.
“To the car?” he suggested, his glance at you a slightly nervous one. He had been serious about feeling nervous, then. You nodded and gave him a soft smile and returned a squeeze to his hand. All the way to his car, your hands never let go and you even managed some casual conversation, such as Steve mentioning the pink bear he had spotted with Robin earlier that evening.
“Oh, Vickie would love that,” you said. “I hope they managed to get it.”
“Hope so too,” Steve agreed. “Still happy you went for your weird mushroom?”
“Absolutely. It’s the best combination of weird and cute. Plus, I like purple.”
“That’s good, I’m glad.”
Steve opened the passenger’s side for you first before joining you in the car behind the wheel. He drove off slowly as many people left the fair on foot and didn’t exactly pay attention to whether they were about to be hit by a car or not. You already missed his hand holding yours. Apart from listening to the tape Steve had put on, not much happened during the ride. You talked a bit about other funny encounters in the haunted house and he shook his head, remembering his own fright.
“Can’t believe you jumped in front of me.”
“Can’t believe I actually scared you.”
“That’s what jumpscares are supposed to do, isn’t it? You literally jumped and scared me,” he pointed out. You giggled, again reliving the moment and he groaned.
“You’re enjoying this so much.”
“Come on. It was funny.”
“If you’re evil maybe.”
“I’m evil now?”
“A little.”
“Hm. So what would make me a whole lot evil?”
Steve mulled it over for a moment, stopping the car in front of your home in the meantime. Eventually, he shrugged.
“I don’t know, man. I’ll let you know when you do, how about that?”
You chuckled.
Glancing at your front porch, you sighed softly. Yet another night had come to its end and this time, you really didn’t feel like leaving the car. Steve leaned forward a little to block your view.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked curiously.
“Yup, time. Goes by too fast,” you sighed and he smiled and nodded to show he agreed with you.
“Sure does.” He rested his head against the headrest sideways so he could look at you, his index finger tapping the back of your hand gently like he had done earlier this evening.
“You looked really pretty tonight. Red suits you well.”
Oh how grateful you were for the dim light surrounding you, because you were definitely, definitely blushing now.
“Oh— thanks.”
A professional at taking in compliments, you were definitely not. Steve smiled and you watched how his eyes lowered to your lips for a moment as he wet his own with his tongue. You swallowed. You felt his hand trail upwards from yours all the way up to your shoulder, only to then cup your cheek gently.
“Would be cliché, huh,” he murmured softly.
“So cliché,” you agreed once more.
A smile crept onto his lips and he leaned back, leaving you a little confused. Yet, you didn’t dare say anything, not even when he drove off again and parked around the corner.
“Better,” he concluded. “Doubt you’ve ever had a guy nearly kiss you only to then drive his car around the corner to actually do it, and even explain the whole ordeal to you,” he added, fighting a grin that broke through regardless. You giggled and shook your head, gently biting down on your bottom lip.
“Never. Now kiss me,” you sighed impatiently, unbuckling your seatbelt as you did. Steve didn’t waste a second to cup your face again and smirked when he felt you undo his seatbelt as well.
“Thought you’d never ask. Or… demand, more like.”
Another giggle, this time it was him.
“Okay, okay.”
His lips found yours easily, pressing closer the moment the first touch was initiated. Lips parted and tongues slipped past, earning you both a kiss you had longed for longer than either of you was willing to admit. A kiss that just felt right. A kiss where thoughts didn’t matter, overthinking didn’t exist and the feeling only grew stronger as you went on. The soft sounds escaping your lips were reciprocated by some of his as you both worked hard to be as close as possible with the nuisance of being in a car. He hummed pleasantly as your hand tugged gently on his hair as you combed through it, kissing you a bit more demanding. His hand rested on your waist now, thumb stroking your shirt gently wherever it could reach. When you finally parted, your dazed state soon turned into laughter when you realized your lipstick had traveled all across both your faces.
“Red suits you too,” you told him sweetly. Steve smiled and couldn’t resist another peck on your lips, which inadvertently resulted into another make out session. Maybe, just maybe, you liked Steve Harrington quite a bit after all. Lucky for you, he liked you too.
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selunesdreams · 6 months
Forms of Imprisonment: Godless
“There’s no mandatory waiting period between suffering and enjoying yourself.”
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Smut excerpt from Ch. 17 of Forms of Imprisonment. Full chapter/story on AO3.
Pairing: Astarion x OFC (post-tadpole)
Word count: ~2k
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, oral, religious shame?, sacrilege kink (if you squint), rough-ish, dirty talk, cumplay, Astarion keeps his clothes (mostly) on during sex, slight fluff?/preexisting relationship stuff, brief mentions of violence, part of a series (but readable without context)
Astarion reaches for her, tilting her chin to meet his gaze. “Are you alright?”
She averts her eyes. “I’m fine.”
“The question was a courtesy. You’re obviously not.” He says. “You’ve been betrayed by someone you once cared for…” he pauses. “And I think you would have enjoyed watching me rip him to shreds. Does that scare you? Are you ashamed of yourself?”
“I said I wanted to go-”
Astarion draws her face closer and she can see his jaw tense, his stare unwavering. “Because you shouldn’t be.”
She glances around them through her peripheral, his touch still lingering under her chin. People pass them on the road, but no one seems to notice. Down the street, the lights of Sharess’ Caress illuminate the area in a faint yellow glow.
“If I’ve learned anything, it’s that there are no rewards for good behavior, my dear.” He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and cups her cheek with his hand. “Don’t be ashamed of the darkest parts of you. You owe no penance here. Not with me.”
She pulls back, appraising him. “How do you do it? You’re not tormented by the pains of virtue.”
He holds her face in his hands. “Even if that were true, I would never want that for you. Your damned virtue, annoying as it may be, is what makes someone like me have a sliver of hope they could ever trust another soul.”
“I don’t want to be good. I didn’t ask for any of this - to be Selûne’s granddaughter, to lose my family, a religion I didn’t choose. My identity will never be my own.” Tears brim along her waterline and Astarion frowns, moving to stroke her cheek. She swallows hard and forces herself to regain composure. “I’m tired.” She croaks.
He casts her a rare, sympathetic look and entwines his fingers in hers. “I know, my dear. I know.”
Wordlessly, they weave through the streets of Rivington back to the Elfsong. Celeste is relieved their friends haven’t caught up - she doesn’t want to explain herself to anyone right now. They fall into step near Wyrm’s Rock before Astarion speaks again.
“You’re not all innocence and purity, you know.” Astarion says. Her hand drops from his and she wraps her arms around herself. “You told me of your little Sharran assassinations and I saw all the carrion you left at the cloister. If it’s a dangerous reputation you’re after, you’re doing alright.” Astarion notices her shiver and shrugs off his cloak, wrapping it around her as they walk. “I shouldn’t have underestimated you.”
Celeste draws the cloak around herself tightly. “What you saw at the House of Grief was sheer luck. I didn’t do that on my own.” She absentmindedly toys with her necklace.
Astarion’s attention follows her movement and lingers at the base of her throat, the pulse of her neck beating visibly. His throat burns with want and he clears it to displace his thirst. “Lucky we found that family heirloom, then.”
Celeste snorts bitterly and lets the pendant fall from her fingers. “You have no idea.”
Astarion cocks his head. “Well, regardless of where the credit is due, I was quite taken with your work.”
“Now is hardly the time, Astarion.”
“Because you’re not in the mood, or because you’d feel bad about it? There’s no mandatory waiting period between suffering and enjoying yourself.” His tone is empathetic, but there’s a seductive edge to it.
Celeste makes a small hum of appreciation. “Not the worst advice you’ve given.”
Astarion leans down to whisper in her ear. “Didn’t you just say you don’t want to be good anymore?”
She considers his words as they step inside the Elfsong. The tavern is lively tonight, a bard’s lute ringing across the room as patrons dance and drink and stumble into corners, pressed against temporary lovers. Astarion appreciates the debauchery for a moment before offering his hand. “Come, darling.” She places her fingers into his palm and he leads her up the stairs. The music from the tavern pounds rhythmically into the wooden floors. It reverberates through her, a satisfying thud echoing each beat of her heart.
Their rooms are empty, though Astarion isn’t sure how much distance is between them and their friends. “Not here.” He guides her to the private room down the hall. A single candle burns on the bedside table, the balcony is wide open, curtains catching in the breeze. “Surely it’s our turn in the rotation.” He shuts the door behind him and pins her to the wall, looking down at her as if he were hunting prey.
“I’ll be the devil, if that suits you, darling...” He murmurs into her neck. “Let me show you what it is to be godless.”
His lips catch hers hungrily. She presses her hips against him in response and a whine betrays his controlled demeanor. He tugs at the straps of her clothes, bringing the entirety of her leather one-piece to the floor. Astarion leads her across the room and shoves her on the bed, removing her undergarments in a fluid, impatient motion.
Bracing himself, he stares at her naked form appreciatively before sliding two fingers into her wet cunt, curling them upwards and bending down to let his tongue explore her in a languid stroke, never taking his eyes from her. She arches her back in surprise, grinding herself against him as he begins to lap at her and fuck her with his fingers.
“Greedy.” He teases, before his mouth returns to her.
She rests her lips against her forearm, burying a cry of pleasure in her throat. Astarion tracks every movement with his red irises, letting a moan reverberate against her to coax a stronger reaction. His imposing, fully clothed figure arches towards her as he drops to his knees and throws one of her legs over his shoulder. Her breath catches and she looks down at him, the faint portrait of his satisfaction gently illuminated.
Celeste’s will crumbles in minutes and the borders of her vision begin to darken and pulsate as she climaxes. Astarion doesn’t stop until she whimpers, pushing against him as if trying to escape. He sucks on his fingers after removing them, still gazing at her from his knees before standing.
“We’re not finished. Not yet.” His fangs glimmer in the light as he smiles, his hands moving to his trousers. His gaze is locked with hers as he undoes the clasp. They fall to his thighs, letting her see all of his intent.
Her breath hitches in anticipation and he drags her closer by her hips, lining himself up with her. Celeste clings to the fabric of his shirt, burying her face in his neck as he drives himself to the hilt of her, teasing at first, then progressively becoming more rough. Astarion lets one hand wander to palm her breast, kissing her reverently.
“I think I might have been made to ruin you, Celeste.” He purrs as he thrusts in and out of her, fucking her roughly with eyes full of sinister devotion. Her stomach throbs with anticipation and she whines for him to keep going. An impatient knock at the door morphs Astarion’s groan of pleasure into one of frustration.
“There’s over a dozen other beds in the next room that will suit you just fine!” He snarls at the door before clamping a hand against Celeste’s mouth as he ruts into her, using his free hand to draw circles around her clit.
“Pardon the interruption.” He pants into her open mouth with a smirk, feeling the slick of her seep from his cock onto his fingers as he thrusts. “Gods, look at you. You don’t have to worry one bit about a good reputation with me, love.”
She tightens around him in response to his taunting, her muffled cries reverberating against his palm. Astarion’s speech becomes less and less coherent, replacing his hand on her mouth with a frenzied kiss, a deep growl escaping his throat.
Celeste whimpers, clawing at his shirt as he sends her over the edge. Astarion grits his teeth, sucking in air before releasing a hum of pleasure against her lips as he spills himself in her. He continues working in slow strokes long past their orgasms until neither of them can bear it. She goes still on the sheets and he finally halts, shuddering against her.
“Hells.” He braces himself against the mattress, panting against her shoulder as he pulls himself out of her. His fingers drift to where his spill mixes with her own arousal, teasing the mess he’s made until she whimpers a surrender. “I don’t think anyone else will want the bed tonight.” He devours a look of feigned disapproval from her face with a long, rough kiss before pushing off of her and readjusting himself inside of his trousers.
Astarion walks towards the balcony overlooking the street. He leans over the railing on his forearms, hands clasped together loosely. One ankle crosses over the other behind him, a delicate balance, his form like a painting. His features are neutral, contemplative. To anyone else, he might seem at ease, but Celeste can almost see him turning over something in his mind. She gives him a moment before tentatively reaching for his cloak near her pile of discarded clothes, drawing it around her naked body and padding across the room to join him.
Sensing her approach, the corners of his mouth twitch upwards and he whirls and brings her close, a thumb brushing against her cheek. He presses his forehead against hers and releases a slow exhale before he meets her gaze under lowered eyelids.
“Now who’s overthinking?” She asks. In response, his lips crush against her in a lingering kiss, smiling against her mouth when he pulls away, assessing with amusement.
Astarion hums a bit and his lip twitches. “Well, aren’t you cheeky?” He opens his arms invitingly, and she lays her head on his chest, looking off in the distance.
“You’re very important to me, Astarion.”
“I do like it when you say things like that.” He wraps his arms possessively around her waist as he speaks.
“Careful, or you might give me the impression you’re in love.”
“Would that be so terrible?” He releases her, but doesn’t move away.
“I didn’t mean it that way. I didn’t think-”
“What did you think?” His tone is suddenly cold, almost challenging. “What went through that pretty head of yours when you said that?”
“Astarion, not tonight.” She pleads.
“When is a more convenient time for you, Celeste? Would it really come as a shock if I were in love with you? Because I am…” He searches her eyes, hesitant. “…in love. With you.”
Celeste takes a step back, the emotions swirling within her.
“What, did you think I was just using you for sex?” He asks bitterly.
“So much has happened, I just thought...” She trails off, filled with a mix of regret and confusion.
“Thought I was just using you,” he finishes, his voice going quiet again.
“What of the night on the boat? When you said we were two people enjoying one another’s company? What was I supposed to take away from that?”
“And we did, enjoy it. That’s... the truth, but...” he sighs, and takes her hand, letting his fingers trail against her thumb. “Maybe that was just me trying to convince myself that’s all it was. But…things have changed. This is more than that now…for me.”
“Astarion… I just need a moment to process…”
“Take all the time you need,” Astarion replies, dropping her hand. “Keep the room for the night. I’ll see myself out.”
“Astarion - wait, please,” Celeste pleads, as he stumbles out of the room. The door slams shut, leaving her stunned and alone. The events of the evening overwhelming her thoughts, Celeste curls into a ball on top of the sheets with his cloak draped over her, a single sob escaping her before she forbids herself to cry another second about any of it. The candle on the nightstand fizzles out, leaving her with nothing but darkness.
Leaning with his back against the other side of the door, Astarion runs a hand through his hair. “Damnit,” he mutters under his breath.
Hope you enjoyed! Please like/reblog/kudos/follow/whatever if you did? Full chapter/story on AO3!
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teaberrii · 8 months
Chapter 19: Something to Hide
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“Sounds like now isn’t a good time.”
He must've heard the overlapping conversations. You look over your shoulder where Yanqing is eating with the rest of the kids. You face forward and walk to a quieter part of the yard.
“What do you want?”
"A chat. One that will work to your advantage. I know all about your little detective games, but you should stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. It won't do you any good."
"I don't know how much you know," you say flatly. "But, it sure sounds like you're scared of us finding out more, which means you have a lot to hide, don't you?"
He quietly scoffs. "As I said, let's have a chat… and you'll see why. It's about your dear 'ol Jing Yuan. Tell me... How much has he really told you about himself?"
This man’s bluffing. He’ll say anything and everything just to get the upper hand. You should know after all that you found out.
“You haven’t known each other for very long,” he continues. 
Someone tugs at your shirt, and you look down and see Yanqing.
“...I'll give you until tonight to think about it.”
Then, the line goes dead.
You lift the phone away from your ear, and then Yanqing asks:
“Who was that?”
You give him a small, tight smile as you slip your phone into your pocket. “No one. Don’t worry about it.”
“Oh… Okay. Well, I saved you some food!”
You follow Yanqing back to the table, determined not to let the conversation get the best of you. But you can still hear that man’s voice in the back of your mind:
“...Tell me... How much has he really told you about himself?”
You’re eating the food Yanqing got you when one of the moms comes up beside you. “I’ve never seen you around here before… Where are you from?”
“The city.”
You’re about to take a bite of a mini bread roll when she asks, “Is that where you met Jing Yuan?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Oh, well, it’s just… he met his ex-wife in the city through a mutual friend. I was so shocked it didn’t work out. They were such a loving couple, and—”
“You seem to be very interested in his life.”
"Ah, well…" You know she's uncomfortable when she breaks the awkward eye contact. "He seems like a great guy, and—"
"He is."
"Oh, I didn't mean that he wasn't! We were classmates, you know. We pretty much grew up together. And I just..." She gets the hint when you go back to eating your food without even looking at her anymore. You hear her walk away, and then you take a bite of your food.
“Hey.” Seels walks up to you with a small plate of her own. “Hope you still have some of your sanity left.”
“I’d rather deal with the kids than the parents if I’m being honest,” you mutter.
Seele chuckles. “Pros and cons to both.” She subtly nods at the woman who has just spoken to you. “Was she asking you about Jing Yuan?”
“How did you know?”
"She likes to brag that she was classmates with him. Weird flex, considering he's not a celebrity, and all of us pretty much know him."
“Yeah, well, it’s cause he’s rich.” You turn to the other side and see Bronya sipping orange juice from a wine glass. “Don’t judge.”
“Where can I get one?”
Bronya chuckles. “Comin’ right up.” She puts her glass on the counter.
"I want one, too," Seele says.
Just then, you feel your phone buzz inside your pocket.
General: I’m on my way.
"Jing Yuan's coming?" Seele asks just as Bronya returns with two wine glasses and a tub of orange juice.
“Well, the man’s got fifteen minutes before the party’s officially over,” Bronya says, filling the glasses.
Once she passes you a glass, you ask, “Do you mind if I ask how the two of you met?”
"We were at the same orphanage." Well, you aren't expecting that. "We met when we were like… seven in Xianzhou. Got adopted by different families."
"We went our separate ways for years before we somehow ended up working at the same company together," Seele says.
“That definitely sounds like fate,” you say.
“We didn’t know at first,” Bronya says, chuckling. “We even got off on the wrong foot.”
"She accused me of the one stealing snacks from the lounge." Seele rolls her eyes. "Proved my innocence later by presenting evidence."
“How did you two end up back here?”
"We were caught up in the massive layoffs that one year." Bronya finishes her orange juice. "The job market was hell on earth, and after months of looking we just… stopped."
“To clarify, we thought that taking a mental break would help us get our energy back,” Seele says. “So, we came up here for vacation. Loved it. And thought…”
“Hey, why don’t we start a business together?”
“And that’s how we started a mechanic business.”
“Just like that?" you ask. "Wow. What a jump! From corporate to mechanic.”
"I work on the vehicles," Bronya says. Then, she nods toward Seele. "She does all the business and administrative stuff. It really was an interesting jump," Bronya says, "but it was related. Our last job was with a company producing electric cars."
“Still…” You and Bronya turn to Seele who’s looking at the counter. “There are times when I miss the corporate life though.”
“I called her crazy,” Bronya whispers to you. “There’s so much freedom in running your own business and doing your own thing.”
"I never said it was bad," Seele says. "Just… It felt pretty daunting in the beginning. But after things settled down, we adopted Clara, and continued hustling from there."
"Um… How did you cope with that, if I may ask? You know... the insecurity and uncertainty in the beginning?"
Bronya looks at you curiously, but it's Seele who asks, "Is this just out of curiosity or are you looking for advice?"
The sound of the doorbell echoes throughout the house.
"That must be our guest of honour," Bronya says loudly. "Didn't all you people want to see Jing Yuan?"
Some kids and parents follow Seele to the door.
As soon as she opens the door, she says, “Good to see you, Jing Yuan.”
“I hope I’m not too late.” He holds up a small present. “I thought Clara might like this.”
“Hi, Jing Yuan!”
You watch as some kids surround him like he’s a celebrity. He affectionately ruffles Yanqing's hair and politely greets everyone else before his eyes land on you.
Seele gestures for Clara to come up. "Come look at what Uncle Jing Yuan got you, Clara."
Jing Yuan crouches as Clara shyly walks up to him. “U-Um, hello.”
“Happy birthday, Clara.”
She takes the gift with both hands and says, “T-Thank you.”
"Why are you suddenly so shy?" Seele asks, putting her hand on Clara's shoulder. "You've seen him plenty of times."
Clara looks up at her mom and quietly says, “...But not this close.”
Seele laughs. “And what does he look like up close?”
Clara is looking down when she quietly says, “...Handsome.” Then, she quickly runs off with some of the kids, including Yanqing, running after her.
Jing Yuan stands as Seele says, “Thanks for the gift.” She laughs. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
Everyone else starts walking back into the living room, but Jing Yuan walks with you. You’re itching to bring up what Caelus’s uncle said to you, but now isn’t the time nor the place. So, you do your best to shrug off the thought before it eats you alive.
“He wouldn’t kill someone.” March scrolls to the next page and continues her dramatic reading of Welt’s manuscript. “I’ve known him far longer than you have, my dear. The detective that you’ve grown to love… Has a dark side eating away at him every. Single. Day…” She looks up. “The periods really give it that extra oomph.”
The trio are sitting in their cabin living room, taking a rest day as it's forecasted to rain. Almost thirty minutes ago, it had been just March and Dan Feng. They were playing a board game as their friends were holed up in their rooms. Welt—with his laptop—was the first to emerge from his den and had asked his friends to read the latest plot twist in his novel.
"So, what comes next?" Dan Feng asks. "Don't tell me our Ms. Femme Fatale is just going to leave our ace detective after all they've been through."
“Yeah, don’t leave us hanging, Welt!”
Welt takes his laptop from March and puts it on the table. “The story will get there.”
Dan Feng has a little smile when he asks, "Is that code for 'Sorry, guys. I have no idea what's next. Still figuring that out?"
“No spoilers.”
"Whatever it is… I just need a happy ending!" Then, March sees Dan Heng coming downstairs. "Look who decided to come out of hibernation. What have you been doing all morning?"
“...Researching schools.”
Welt and March glance at each other before looking at Dan Feng. Ever since lunch with you and Jing Yuan, March hasn’t seen the brothers talk. When Welt noticed something was wrong, March explained what had happened.
"Have you decided on one?" Then, Dan Heng says the name of the most prestigious university in the nation. "Why am I not surprised?" March asks.
“Go big or go home,” Welt adds. “But, they’d be crazy not to take you.”
"I've already started my application," Dan Heng says, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. "Hopefully, I can make it for their winter semester."
Dan Heng has just closed the fridge when his brother asks:
"How long is the program?"
He looks around the room. "What? Everyone else is allowed to ask questions but me?"
“Two years, part-time. One year, full-time.” Dan Heng walks over. “...Is there a date for your surgery?”
“It’d be around the same time you start your semester… if you get in.”
March sighs. “Why can’t you two just hug it out like real men?”
“Oh, I don’t know, March. Maybe it’s cause my brother has cooties.”
Dan Heng sits next to Welt. “...What’s going on between you two?”
March and Dan Feng look at each other. “What do you mean?” she asks.
Welt closes his laptop. "I sensed it, too. Something seems… different about you two."
“Oh, I get it.” March’s quick laugh turns into a deadpan look. “I might’ve gotten a few wrinkles because this guy”—she hits Dan Feng’s leg—”is like an adult child who can’t take care of himself.”
“Me? Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself?”
Dan Heng sighs. “Why can’t you two just hug it out like a real couple?”
March and Dan Feng turn to him with an appalled look.
“Why is your face turning red, March?” Welt asks.
"It's not!"
Dan Heng and Welt smile at each other.
Then, March quickly stands. "...I'm going out to buy some drinks before it really starts to pour." She walks beside Welt. "Come with me."
“Me? Uh, okay.” Welt stands and looks at the brothers. “Want us to get you anything?”
“Skittles frappucinno.”
March looks slightly disgusted at Dan Feng's request. "What in the world is that? Sounds like diabetes in a cup."
“It’s you if you were a drink.”
“...Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Welt asks quietly.
“Anything for the cooler brother?” March asks, looking at Dan Heng and Dan Feng almost rolls his eyes.
“I’m good.”
“Well, shoot a text if you want us to get you anything.”
Then, Welt and March are out the door.
After a short silence, Dan Heng says, “...I understand why you’re upset. I would be, too, but—”
“I get it.” Dan Feng isn’t looking at his brother. “I’d hate it if you forced yourself to do something you don’t want to do. Everyone suffers that way.” A small pause. “...I’ll cheer you on.”
“...And I’ll do the same for you.”
“Cheer me on for what? Recovery?” Dan Feng waves his hand dismissively. “If you’re going to do that, might as well be my butler while I recover.”
“Are you sure you don’t want that job to go to March?”
“Listen, that girl will probably be flying to a different country this same time next year.”
“...Is that why you want to stay friends with her?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” Dan Heng says as his brother looks away. Then, Dan Heng stands. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”  He walks to the kitchen but stops halfway and looks over his shoulder. “...I know you aren’t looking for advice, but I’m going to say it for March’s sake. Talk to her. At least, there’ll be no misunderstandings.”
Dan Heng knows his brother likes to poke fun at his advice, but this time he remains silent.
Yanqing is asleep in the backseat when Jing Yuan is driving back to the bed and breakfast.
“...Caelus’s uncle called me today,” you say, after making sure Yanqing’s still asleep.
“What did he want?”
“A chat. He didn’t go into details… No surprise there. But, he mentioned you.” A small pause. “...He asked me how well I really knew you, and how much you told me about yourself.”
You don’t know, but there’s a quiet anger that’s bubbling beneath Jing Yuan’s calm exterior. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised that Caelus’s uncle is trying to interfere with his relationship.
“I obviously know better than to just believe him, but I admit it’s been bothering me and…”
“...It’s what he wants.” Jing Yuan takes your hand that’s resting on your lap. “...And, I think I know what he’s going to say.”
You turn to him, surprised. Hang on. Does this mean there is a secret? Neither of you gets a chance to say anything when Yanqing yawns.
“What did I miss?” he asks sleepily.
Yanqing looks from you to Jing Yuan but doesn’t say anything and looks out the window. Then, your phone buzzes, and you pull it out.
Have you decided?
You glance at Jing Yuan, and then another message comes.
Time's ticking.
You had to resist blocking this number.
“This is getting fucking ridiculous,” you mutter.
“What is it?”
Jing Yuan pulls up to the bed and breakfast, and Yanqing asks, “Are we walking Mom back?”
You turn around and put on your best smile. “Shall we go?”
Once Jing Yuan parks the car and all of you step out, Yanqing goes on ahead. You quickly show Jing Yuan the ominous text, and he says:
“...I’m going to call him.”
There’s an anger in his voice that you cannot explain. A lion ready to pounce. A dragon awakening. Whatever it is, it’s reflected in his glare.
It doesn’t take long for the line to go through.
“What’s taking so long?” You quickly walk up to Yanqing, preventing him from getting close enough to hear the heated conversation. “...Why does Dad look so angry?”
You crouch and gently turn Yanqing’s head toward you. “Don’t worry. He’s dealing with a customer.”
“Everything will be fine. Trust Mom, okay?”
Yanqing slowly nods and hugs you.
When you hear footsteps approaching you, you turn and see Jing Yuan. But, another voice comes:
You stand upright as Jing Yuan’s ex and her fianceé walk up to you. Yanqing looks from his birth mother to you and back to her.
Her fianceé looks at Jing Yuan. “...Wasn't expecting to see you here, but thanks for taking care of that problem earlier.”
You turn to him, and Jing Yuan says, “A guest was causing issues for everyone else.”
Then, his ex looks at you. “...Has he contacted you yet?”
"So, you were the one who gave him my number," you say flatly. 
“Wow. What’s going on?” March and Welt are walking together, and as they get closer, you see Welt carrying a small bag of drinks. “This can’t be a family outing, right?”
"What did he want with you?" Jing Yuan asks his ex. "...Just her number?"
March and Welt glance at each other, and then she leans over. “Hey, Yanqing, let’s leave them with the boring adult talk.” She reaches into the bag and pulls out a snack. “Let’s eat on our way back.”
Yanqing runs to March and says, “Oh, but I’m not hungry. I just came from a birthday party.” “A birthday party? Whose?”
March and Yanqing start walking ahead, and Welt follows close behind.
Jing Yuan’s ex looks at him. “Yes. That was all he asked about.”
“...Why are you asking?”
Her fianceé had just come out of the bathroom, and he saw her on the phone.
“We’re on the same side,” Caelus’s uncle said.
She knew it was a dumb question, but she still had to ask:
“What are you going to do?”
“Is it just me, or does it sound like you’re worried about your ex’s girlfriend? That’s a rare sight amongst women.” Then, a soft chuckle. “I’m not going to do anything to her if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m going to put an end to this once and for all.”
By turning you against Jing Yuan?
Jing Yuan has the same thoughts when he says, "He's threatening me and aiming to put her in a difficult position." Then, his sharp gaze lands on his ex. “He’s also going to get you involved.”
“Me…? With what? What could he possibly threaten you with? Don’t tell me it has something to do with Yanqing.”
“No.” Jing Yuan looks at her. “And for Yanqing’s sake, you won’t go along with whatever he says because it’ll end up destroying all of us.”
You slide your hand in his, and Jing Yuan turns to you. It’s written all over your face. Worry. Frustration. Confusion. Only he has the answers, and as much as he doesn’t want to hide anything from you, a part of him is afraid of what you will think after he tells you more about his past. Will you blame him just like he once blamed himself? Will you turn your back on him and walk away?
“I heard my name.”
“Geez, Yanqing,” you hear March say as she runs towards the group. “Don’t go running off like that!” Welt is walking behind her.
“They're too slow!” Yanqing turns toward his dad. “What are you talking about?”
You and Jing Yuan glance at each other, and then you say, “We... were talking about how we’re going to take you on vacation with us. March was the one who suggested it.”
March points to herself with mild confusion.
Jing Yuan nods. “It got postponed because Dan Feng went to see Luocha about his shoulder.”
“Ah!" March makes a fist and hits it against her palm. "Yeah, that’s right.”
Yanqing looks from March to Jing Yuan and then to you. “...A vacation? Really?”
“You don’t believe us?” you ask.
“It didn’t sound like you were talking about a vacation.”
The fianceé sighs. “It’s because we wanted to spend time with you.”
You and Jing Yuan turn to him, surprised that he’s playing along.
“...That’s right,” the ex adds. She crouches and puts her hands on her son’s shoulders. “...I miss you, Yanqing. I miss spending time with you.”
He steps back, and the hurt is obvious on her face. But, it’s only for a moment.
“...You're just saying that to get me to go back to the city. But, I don’t want to go back,” he says, not looking at her. “Not forever.”
She exhales softly and asks, “...Are you happy, Yanqing? Are you happy with Jing Yuan and…” She looks at you. “...Her?”
"Yes!" A small pause. “You keep saying that you want to keep me in the city because of my future… but I’m happy right now.”
“...While it’s important to think about the future, it’s just as if not more important to cherish the present.”
March gently nudges Welt. “Stop trynna act all philosophical.”
Jing Yuan’s ex sighs. “...Alright. I understand. But, if you ever change your mind… you know that Mom’s door is always open." A small pause. "Can I get a hug?”
Yanqing takes one step forward, hesitates for a moment, but then walks up and hugs her.
“Is it just me, or did this turn in a direction we never saw coming?” March asks quietly.
“...Just let it be,” you whisper, and Jing Yuan nods.
Eventually, you, Jing Yuan, and Yanqing are walking together towards your cabin. Occasionally, Yanqing runs ahead, leaving you and Jing Yuan at the back.
Jing Yuan’s hand finds yours, and as you turn to him, he says:
“...About what I said earlier, Caelus’s uncle wants you to pick a side."
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you tighten your grip around his hand. “About that… You said earlier that he’s going to try to put me in a difficult position. What… What did you mean? What’s going on?”
“...Before I left my position as Director, I had a friend interested in taking over my position.”
Jing Yuan and his friend from university were finally catching up on life. His friend had invited him over, and the two men were currently seated adjacent to each other. But what Jing Yuan thought was a reunion between two friends quickly turned into a conversation that would haunt him.
“...So, you’re leaving your company,” he said.
“That’s right.”
His friend cleared his throat. “Have they decided on who’s going to take your place?” He awkwardly scratched his head. " I’m actually looking for another job, and, well…” He didn’t need to go on for Jing Yuan to know where this was going. “...Okay, I’m just going to say it. Could you, well, could you refer and put in a good word for me? That’s allowed, right? Because…”
The rest fell on deaf ears as his friend rambled on and on about how he needed this job, but Jing Yuan didn’t need to hear more because…
“You wouldn’t want to be there.”
His friend stopped talking. “Why not?”
Jing Yuan sighed. “It’s… not as clean as you’d think if you know what I mean.”
“...Are people making up numbers or something?” Then, he lowered his voice. “Is the company losing money? Is that the real reason why you’re leaving?”
“No,” Jing Yuan answered flatly. “There are practices that you wouldn’t want to abide by.”
“...Please, Jing Yuan.” This was a response that Jing Yuan wasn’t expecting. “I… could really use the help.”
Your heart is slowly sinking to your stomach as you listen.
“...I told him the consequences,” Jing Yuan says. “But, he was desperate because of his family’s financial situation.”
“Did you refer him?”
Your phone buzzes. You and Jing Yuan glance at each other before you take out your phone. It buzzes again. Now, you have a message from Kafka and Herta with the same worrying content:
CEO of The Knights B&B accused of ruining a man’s life nearly a decade later
Chapter 20
End notes:
We've finally reached the climax. I was going to end this with a cute little scene where Jing Yuan asks Yanqing if he wants to give you a goodnight kiss. But I decided on this instead.
I think I should just make the grand finalé with someone giving Caelus's uncle a good 'ol punch to the face. Man gets arrested and call it a day LOL
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @immahuman @queencybow @nqctre @grimreapersscythe @winterpein @asakenajustexistshere @sunsethw4
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
Young Love and Old Money
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Summary: this series follows the story of Lewis Nixon and Josephine Wills and their trials, tribulation and love throughout WW2, including stories of their friends in between. Warnings: character death, graphic mentions of wounds, swearing, grief.
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The Letters, February to July 1945
Dear Lieutenant Nixon,
I hope my letter finds you and your comrades well. I have heard from Eugene that you have moved on from the Ardennes. I am pleased. I hope it is warmer wherever you are now.
I am writing to you to inform you that Josie has left her job with me at the field hospital. Unfortunately, Captain William Beaumont’s plane was shot down while she was stationed here and he died from his injuries. Josie took it very much to heart and I believe it was the final straw. She says she will go back to England and has a family friend who lives in London that she will stay with. I have enclosed the address below and I think it’s only fair to share it with you. If you have time please do write to her, I feel any words of comfort you offer her will be a great help.
Yours sincerely
Jess Campbell
Lewis' eyes trained on the letter as he took in Jess’ words. Josie had left. She was gone and hadn’t written to him once in the hospital. Lewis could feel the tears burning his eyes at the thought of his wife just taking off.
“What’s wrong, Lew?” Dick asked, stepping into the room and seeing his friend in such distress.
“She’s gone.”
“Who’s gone?”
“Josie. She’s gone, Dick. She’s gone home,” he thrust the letter towards his friend who scanned it quickly.
“Lew, she's gone home. She hasn’t left you. At least if she is back in England you know she is safe. You should write to her too. Support her through all that she’s been through.” Dick did make a lot of sense. Lewis hurried off immediately to write a letter to his wife and to reply to Jess.
To My Dearest Josie,
How pleased I am to hear that you are alright and you are back safe in England. My worried heart can finally stop its anxious fluttering every time I think of you in danger. I miss you terribly but just know that as soon as this war is over I will find you and we can start our lives together properly.
I love you always my darling girl
Yours forever
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To My Dearest Josie
We have moved into Germany now. Strangely, being here in the enemy country has nearly the same comforts that we had in Aldbourne. Somehow this seems like the safest place so far in this war.
I don’t know if my letters are reaching you anymore. I fear one day I may receive divorce papers through the post but until I do I will continue to write to you my love. I will continue to fight for you until we can be together once more.
I love you.
Yours forever
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To My Dearest Josie
Some days I imagine that you reply to my letters and that we will be reunited soon.
War can turn people into something so evil that sometimes I barely recognise myself. The horrors that we have witnessed in Germany truly make my stomach turn. I fear that I will never be able to speak of what I have seen and of the men we have lost.
War is hell but to know that you are safe wherever you may be.
I love you, Josie.
Yours forever
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Lewis sighed, rubbing his face aggressively with his hand, trying to shake off the throbbing handover. He was slouched in the chair by the window, just in his underwear with the pen he’d had in his hand for the last thirty minutes but with the paper still blank. Dick strode in through the door, whistling and his normally chirpy self.
“Morning Lew. Oh dear, is last night finally catching up with you?” Dick laughed watching as Lewis glared back at him.
“Oh piss off Dick. What are you so chirpy about anyway? How come you never get a hangover?” Lewis squished his face against the desk with a loud groan.
“Well I don’t drink for a start and it was VE Day yesterday, that’s got to count for something.” Dick sat down on the chair beside him.
“Yeah and then we’ll probably have to go to Japan now, so what does it matter anyway.”
Dick’s eyes travelled to the blank piece of paper then back to his friend. “Still no word from Josie?”
“No,” Lewis mumbled, “but I guess no word is better than divorce papers.”
“Lew, I've seen the way she looks at you. She loves you so I don’t think she will be sending you divorce papers,” Dick tried to reason with him but Lewis just glared at him again.
“If she loved me she would at least reply to one of my letters, just to let me know she is okay at least. I don’t know what I did wrong,” tears began to trickle down Lewis' cheeks once more and Dick moved in to hug him without any hesitation. “I love her Dick. When I thought I’d lost her in Bastogne I thought my life was over. B-but she was okay and I thought we’d get through this.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Lew. Nothing at all alright. We don’t know what Josie went through after her injuries and her time in the hospital. We’ve heard what it’s like from the other men so who knows what she had to endure, and Will dying too must have taken its toll on her.”
Lewis nodded, snuffling into Dick’s shirt but his friend didn’t seem to notice, he only rubbed his back in response.
“You know you could write to her again. You haven’t written since we moved into Austria,” Dick spoke up but Lewis just shook his head.
“No, I don’t think I can.”
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Dear Josie,
I fear this may be my final correspondence with you. I am writing to let you know that I will be heading back to England now the war is over. I plan to visit the address that Jess said you were staying at and I would very much like to see you again maybe should you want to you could accompany me back to the States where we can finally make our life together.
I’ve missed you, Josie. I wish you were here with me through all of this but I’m glad you’ve been safe. I love you with every part of my being and I can’t wait to see you again even if it is just to say goodbye.
Love Lewis
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The steps were steep and winding up to the fifth floor of the London apartment block. The stairs creaked beneath his feet and the stairwell was stifling with thick, humid August heat. His jacket was slung over his shoulder and his tie was a little loose. He’d made Dick fan him on the train ride to London because he was sweating so much from the stress.
“Lew, it’s going to be fine. I can come with you if you want me to.”
“No, it’s alright. I have to do this. Regardless of the outcome I at least have to say goodbye to her.”
When Lewis reached the door, he double-checked the address one final time before wrapping his knuckles against the wooden door. A muffled voice called from inside and the shuffling of feet came before the door creaked open. Lewis gulped at the sight of his wife, dressed in a large winter coat which seemed rather inappropriate for this time of year, her brown locks pinned in meet roles and her dazzling smile which soon dropped from her lips as her eyes focused on him.
“L-Lewis?” She croaked, her mouth parting as she gasped, raising her hand to her mouth. “It’s you.”
“Surprise,” Lewis said awkwardly, thrusting the roses he’d bought towards his wife. “Sorry, I didn’t call ahead. I did send a good few letters but I didn’t get any reply so I just thought ‘Hey why not turn up and at least say goodbye before going back to the States.” Lewis laughed, his sarcastic tone no longer seeming appropriate as he watched his wife’s lips wobbly as she invited him in. She seemed sad and deflated, nothing like the bold, confident woman he fell in love with.
“Would you like some tea?” She asked but Lewis shook his head, flopping down in one of the armchairs which she sat opposite him.
“It’s good to see you again, Lew,” she reached forward to hold his hand but Lewis pulled away.
“Is it Josie? Is it really? Because from the lack of any goddamn letters I’d have thought that you never wanted to see me again. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? I didn’t even know if you were alive. Jess told me you were leaving and gave me this address but I haven’t heard anything for months, Josie. For eight fucking months! I assumed you wanted a divorce.”
“I’m sorry,” Josie began to sob and Lewis suddenly wasn’t sure what to say. He’d never seen his wife look so damaged and broken that all he could do was rush towards her and embrace her. He pulled her close against his chest, the tears soaking into his dress uniform shirt but Lewis didn’t care. It felt so good to hold her again, to feel her heart beating against him, to know that she was safe.
He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but gradually the tears dried and Josie sat upright, looking at him from where she sat on his lap.
“Lew, there’s something important I need to tell you but I want you to know that no matter what you can still walk away. I won’t hold it against you I promise and if you want a divorce then I will honour that.” She stood up facing Lewis who just looked at her blankly.
“Darling, why would I want a divor…” Josie opened up the long winter coat that she’d wrapped around herself revealing a very large, swollen abdomen.
“Surprise,” she said jokingly, a nervous laugh following as Lewis’ face morphed into every expression of confusion and surprise the man possessed.
“I-I… well… how? I mean not… not how but… well.” Lewis could barely form coherent sentences as his eyes continued to flicker between Josie’s face and her protruding abdomen.
“Do you remember that night in Reims, eight months ago, before Bastogne? Well, surprise? You did it!”
“Yeah I did,” Lewis breathed out, running his hand through his hair. He still looked utterly stunning when he looked up at his wife again, “I really thought you’d ask me for a divorce. I went through every scenario including begging and crying on your doorstep for you not to leave me but never imagined this.”
Josie sat down beside Lewis again, her hands clasping his, “Oh Lew I’d never want to leave you. Never. You are the love of my life. You’re all that’s kept me going through everything since my accident, after Will died, finding out I was pregnant, all of it. You kept me going. I love you Lewis Nixon with all my heart. I know you had a child with your ex-wife and I know we never spoke about children but…”
“Let me stop you right there, Josie,” Lewis moved to crouch down in front of her. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never knew I could love another person as much as I love you. A lot of men can help make a child but not a lot of men can be a real father to a child. I want to be this baby's father Josie and I want to be your husband every step of the way for the rest of our lives.”
Josie nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as the couple embraced once more. This time both of them cried, tears of happiness for they were finally together again and they could start their lives in peace.
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Tags: @georgieluz @iceman-kazansky @yeahcurrahhe-e @msmercury84 @blvestxr @dustyjumpwjngs @theflyingfin @jump-wings @kafka-ohdear @kmc1989 @mads-weasley @docroesmorphine @liptonsbabe @sweetxvanixlla @hesbuckcompton-baby @ronsparky @allthingsimagines @whollyjoly @bucky32557038ww2 @malarkgirlypop @hanniewinnix @inglourious-imagines @l13bg0tt @samwinchesterslostshoe
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angelst4re · 2 years
Hello babe!! I’m absolutely obsessed with your writing, I love love love your page with all my heart! I was wondering if you could do a Jamie smut, where he’s in his counterfeit era doing a tour meet and greet with fans where he meets y/n and takes interest in her, flirting with her a little as they meet for the first time. He ends up finding her with her friends after the meet and greet and at some point she ends up back on Jamies/Counterfeits tour bus after her and Jamie get to know each other better. The rest of the band meets y/n and after meeting her they all go out for a drink (or something) inviting Jamie and y/n to come with but they both decline the offer leaving Jamie and y/n in the bus alone together…and then smut. smut. smut. and smut. 🤭🖤
omg when i first saw this request i knew i was gonna love writing it... and i did!! so i hope you love it darling <3
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Rockstar- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
summary: you go to a meet and greet with your favourite band and find yourself drawn towards one particular member...
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut, if you don't like this or feel uncomfortable then please don't read it my love!
notes: this isn't the fic about the page he follows on instagram!! that one's coming soon hehe :) i feel like i rushed this but i really wanted to post something today... so here you go! (also i'm literally 5 followers away from 600?? ILY ALL SO MUCH!!!! <33)
You have waited in the cold for 5 hours today, all for a band you have loved for three years. You didn’t mind, neither did your friends. You were all too happy about the fact that you managed to win some VIP tickets so you could meet the band in person after the show.
Your friends giggled as Sam looked over towards the three of you, he was their favourite from the group. You told them that you didn’t have a favourite, that you liked them all equally, but your mind was telling you otherwise when you locked eyes with Jamie. Jamie Bower.
“Hi sweetheart!” He grinned as you walked towards him, his arms open for you. It was as if he was meeting a friend he had not seen for years.
You squeaked out a ‘hello’ against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You look gorgeous,” he said, his eyes still looking into yours as you pull back from the hug, “what’s your name, dear?”
You tell him your name, quickly becoming aware of how his hand was still on yours. You quickly lift it, twirling your hair to keep your hands occupied.
Suddenly, every conversation you had planned in your mind for this moment has disappeared. You worried that you created an awkward silence between the two of you, all you could think about was how hot he looked in person.
“I hear that a lot, y’know.” He smirks. Fuck. Did you say that out loud?
“So,” you begin, trying to ignore what he had just said, before asking him how long he’ll be in your town for.
“Just a few more days, we’ve got a busy month so it’s like a little break for us. Are you from here?”
“Yeah, but my friends aren’t.” You say, looking across the room to where they stood, blushing at every word Sam said.
“They seem to like my brother.” He chuckled.
“He’s their favourite, Bethany even has him as her lockscreen.”
“And who’s your favourite, darling?” He asks, tilting his head slightly, thinking he knew what the answer would be- yet you were about to surprise him.
“I don’t have a favourite. I love you all equally.”
Jamie chuckled again, shaking his head.
“Don’t lie to me sweetheart, I don’t like liars.” He said, a little quieter than before, a wide smirk on his lips as you were lost for words.
“Well, maybe there is an exception,” you say, also quietly, before realising the shift in atmosphere. Sensing the tension between the two of you, you quickly changed the conversation topic. “There’s a great bar in the town, y’know. I know you don’t drink anymore, but they do non-alcoholic cocktails. You should check it out before you leave.” You say, a sweet smile creeping on your lips as you find the place on your phone and show him.
“And will you be there?” He asks.
“Maybe I will.” You say, slipping your phone back into the pocket of your jeans.
It was time for you to leave so the next group could meet the band, so Jamie asked you for a hug- which you couldn’t refuse- before thanking you for coming out to see them and also for your recommendation of the bar.
You and your friends left with the biggest smiles on your faces, they told you about how Sam called smiled at them and called them both “sweetheart”, you wouldn’t dare to tell them about the way Jamie would look at your lips, how his hand lingered on your waist after the final hug or the way he spoke to you, creating a heavy tension that you quite enjoyed to tell the truth.
They also didn’t know that you were off to (hopefully) meet him again tonight.
When you got to the bar, you went to get a drink as you expected you would have to wait a while to see if Jamie would turn up or not. You felt stupid for not asking for his number, if you did and he didn’t give it to you then you would’ve felt even sillier.
“That’ll be 3.99 please.” The bartender said, placing the drink down in front of you.
As you reached into your bag to find your credit card, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll pay, darling.” Said a familiar voice.
“You came?” You said with a smile as you turned to face him.
“Don’t sound so surprised, sweetheart.” He chuckled, “I was hoping you’d turn up, I’ve had to miss an interview to come here.”
“You didn’t have to-”
“I’m only here for two more days, I’ll be doing tons of interviews whilst we’re on the road. Missing one won’t hurt.”
The two of you spent over an hour at the bar, ordering countless drinks (non-alcoholic!) and getting to know each other. You had discussed your favourite movies, bands, tv shows, albums… you had found out you have quite a few things in common, and that you were also total opposites at the same time.
There was no denying that you got along very well, there was never an awkward silence or a moment where you wished to be doing something else, unless-
“So,” Jamie said, almost hesitating before asking you, “would you maybe like to come back with me, go somewhere a bit more comfortable? Our tour bus is only about 10 minutes away?”
“That sounds fun,” you said with a grin, “will the others be there?”
“They’ll be getting back soon… Why do you ask, love?”
“No reason,” you smirk, “I’ve always wanted to see what those buses look like.”
Jamie paid for all your drinks and you made your way back to his tour bus, you were glad to see the other guys weren’t back yet- although it would have been nice to meet them.
“There’s so much space in here!” You gasped, looking around.
“I know, our last one wasn’t as big as this. We got quite lucky this time.” He said, a smile on his face.
“So,” you begin, sitting down beside Jamie, “where else are you going-”
You were interrupted by the door opening- the others were back.
You felt quite disappointed, you hoped that you and Jamie would’ve had a chance to resolve some of that tension from earlier.
“Jamie?” Roland gave Jamie a look to say ‘who is this?!’
“Oh, this is y/n, we met at the meet and greet, I bumped into her again earlier and, well, now she’s here!” Jamie said, giving you a quick look as if to say ‘go along with it!’
You nodded your head.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said with a smile, although the others seemed to be discussing something else now.
“We’re going out for drinks soon, do you want to join us?” Sam asked you and Jamie.
You shake your head slightly as Jamie tells him you’ll both stay here, and they were quick to leave again.
“It was nice meeting you, y/n.” Sam smiled as he left, you thought about how jealous your friends would be when you tell them all about this.
But now that you and Jamie were alone again, your mind only went to one place.
You couldn’t take your eyes away from the way his hair sat messily atop his head, or the way his muscles in his arms flexed as he stretched, his tattoo peaking through his half-buttoned up shirt. You felt your face flush, it was surely a deep pink by now. You had to get up.
“What’s this?” You ask, looking at the notebook that sat on the table.
“Our tour diary,” said Jamie, “you can look through it if you want. We always write in it when we’re on tour, and even put some pictures in there if we can be bothered.” He chuckled.
You looked through it, unaware of his presence behind you. He looked over your shoulder, watching you flip through the book.
As you turned the page over, you accidentally knocked the pencil beside it onto the floor.
You bent down to pick it up, flinching in surprise as you felt your ass press against something.
Oh shit.
You didn’t know what to do, you were definitely bright red in the face now.
You felt Jamie’s hand on your hip as you got back up, placing the pencil back on the table.
Something in the air had changed at that moment. You turned around to apologise to him, but as you looked up at him you saw how his pupils had dilated, his lips slightly parted, his hand was still on your hip.
“Jamie, I’m-”
“Shh…” He placed a finger on your lips as he leaned down, placing a delicate yet needy kiss on your neck.
He then replaced his finger with his lips as he kissed you with nothing but pure desire, he needed you, almost as much as you needed him.
He had you pushed up against the table, your hand tangling in his hair as his tongue slipped into your mouth. You gave it a gentle tug and he let out a deep groan against your lips.
Jamie helped lift you onto the table as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer to you- all without breaking the kiss.
“Do you want this?” He asked between kisses.
“Yes- fuck yes.” You whined, feeling the way his hips bucked into yours.
You gasped as you felt his hand sliding down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your jeans. He was quick to unbutton and unzip them, sliding them down your legs along with your underwear. Your hands came up to unbutton his shirt, thankfully there weren’t many to undo and the fabric soon fell to the floor. His hands grabbed the hem of your top, pulling over your head in one tug and throwing it to the side, leaving you in just a bra, and Jamie in his jeans.
Jamie’s lips trailed sloppy, wet kisses down your body, from your jaw, to your collarbone, to above your bra, your stomach, then he stopped just above where you needed him the most.
He placed his hands on your thighs, spreading them apart as he kneeled between them. He took in the sight of you- you would have usually felt quite insecure in this position, but he looked at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He ran his thumb through your slick folds, parting them slightly before teasing your clit in small circles. You bite your lip, holding back a moan as your nails dig into his shoulder.
He soon had his face buried in your cunt, his mouth working your sensitive nub as his fingertip grazed your hole, gently slipping it in. You let out a moan, followed by his name, before realising-
“Fuck- Jamie, what if anyone comes back?” You panic, getting ready to push him away, but he doesn’t move. Instead, he slips another finger into you, his eyes meet yours and he says,
“They won’t, darling. It’s okay.” He quickly reassures you before returning his lips to your messy cunt, suckling your clit with more force than before. You rake your fingers through his hair, the pleasure he gave started to become too much, you could feel it on your stomach.
“I think… Jamie, I think I’m about to-”
“That’s okay, baby. Cum all over my fingers, that’s right, good girl.” He talked you through your high, your cunt pulsed around his fingers as your thighs trembled. You threw your head back, screwing your eyes shut as you grabbed Jamie’s shoulders, the wave of euphoria rushing through your veins. “Good girl.” He repeated, placing a kiss on your thigh as his fingers slipped out of your pulsing hole.
“Oh my god.” You gasped, grinning lazily at him as he stood up.
“Was it that good?” He chuckled, if you weren’t completely blissed out in that moment then you surely would’ve slapped him (playfully of course!)
You looked down to see the tent in his jeans, you reached out to help him undress but instead he helped you up and led through to what must have been the bedroom. There were 5 beds, they all had curtains around them for privacy. Cute.
Jamie pushed you down onto one of the beds, you hoped it was his. You shuffled back a little, your head resting against the pillows as he undressed, before joining you on the bed. You instantly pulled him down, crashing your lips into his once more.
“I’m on the pill.” You say between kisses as you reach down, taking his cock into your hand.
You give him a few pumps, before he takes your wrists, pinning them above your head and whispering in your ear,
“They stay there. Understand?”
You nod your head.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He says, you feel the tip of his cock rub against your folds, your body shudders due to the overstimulation.
He positions himself, lining his cock up with your slick hole before beginning to push inches of himself inside.
You whimper, half from the burning stretch of your walls, half from frustration. You wanted to hold him against you, run your fingers through his hair, claw your nails at his back to relieve the pain.
He let out a groan as you feel him fully inside you, your walls clench around him involuntarily and he screws his eyes shut, you loved the way he filled you up.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he groans, beginning to thrust his hips, fucking in and out of you, “when was the last time you were fucked like this?”
“Last year,” you gasp, “mm- but he wasn’t as good as you.”
“That’s right, darling,” he says, his hand sliding up from your waist to your throat, “no one else can fuck you like this.”
His other hand pushed down on your lower stomach, creating a delicious pleasure that made you squirm around on the bed.
“Stop moving, baby.” He said, his pace getting quicker and quicker.
“Jamie,” you whimpered, “please… I need to touch you.”
“Go on then, you can move sweetheart.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down and capturing his lips in a rough kiss. You wanted to be as close to him as possible, as if he wasn’t literally inside you.
“I’m close, darling.” He told you, although you guessed when you felt his cock twitch inside you.
“Me too,” you whimpered, feeling the pressure in your belly building, as if you were about to burst, “cum inside me, please.”
“Are you begging for my cum, love?” He chuckled, his thrusts beginning to get sloppier.
“Fuck- I am.” You grinned, your eyes screwing shut as you came undone again with a loud moan, one which sounded rather pornographic.
It didn’t take long for Jamie to finish either, not with the way your walls pulsed around him. You felt the warmth of his seed rush into you, painting your walls, leaving you feeling even fuller. It felt perfect.
Jamie moved the two of you around, so you were now on top of him, his cock still stuffed inside you as you lay on his chest. You both catch your breath, coming down from your highs together- but your heart starts to race again as you hear the sound of a door slamming shut. Followed by a,
“Jamie, what the fuck man?!” It was Tristan. “Don’t tell me you two fucked in here-”
“I think I’m going to be sick!” Roland groaned.
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curekibouka-writing · 2 years
Heart of Stone (Twst one-shot fanfic)
***SPOILERS for Glorious Masquerade***
Summary: “Sure, we might have stone for hearts,” the gargoyle lightly punched Rollo’s chest, “but you don’t, you know?”
Word count: 1705
*This fic is also on Ao3
A/N: Aaaaaaaaa this event! Aaaaaaa the angst!! And aaaaaaaaa OMG I LOVE THESE MOBS! Anyway a friend wanted to see the follow-up with the gargoyles and I wanted to write the NBC mobs (my precious cinnamon rolls) so here we are~
Also I am an unabashed Hunchback of Notre Dame (including the musical) fan and I put in references like nobody’s business hahahahaha
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Dear Diary,
I have taken time to reflect upon the words those Night Raven College scoundrels had left me with. They are of questionable moral character, but on the grounds of my fair virtues, I shall not render one’s arguments as nonsense solely because of their character. 
Reading back through my previous entries, I now notice how frequently I had excused my own anger and hatred and phrased it as if it were the will of my late little brother. And I have come to the painful realisation that such excuses are chipping away at my scarce memories of him, silencing his real voice. I laugh at my folly, how could I have disrespected you so, dear brother? Now I barely remember you, your blissful childish giggles and all the hope you had in magic. I barely remember all the fun we had, the pride you had when you cast a successful spell, and the pride I had for you. You were so bright. 
But piece by piece I will try to recall. The festival decorations are finally being put away down in town, I can see it all here on the bell tower. I remember how you used to whine when it ends, and how I held your hand—
“Hey, Rollo! Whatcha doin’?” 
Rollo barely stopped himself from crumpling his diary page from the gargoyle’s booming voice. 
Ah yes, it’s the noisy one who befriended Malleus Draconia, Rollo sighed to himself. 
“Whatcha writing? Care to show me?” 
His voice was cut off by a clack as an older gargoyle whacked him on the head, “Now he doesn’t have to show you nothing, you chatterbox!” 
Rollo slammed shut his diary before the older gargoyle hopped to him, he has no words for these moving statues, they would never understand. 
No one ever understands. 
“Rollo, child,” the older gargoyle kept her distance, “there’s no need to tell us if you aren’t ready. But it’s been a few days, we only want to check up on you.” 
No one else has cared, why would they? 
“We wish we could’ve approached you before all this happened but—“ 
See? They think he was wrong too. 
“Yes I am quite fine,” Rollo waved his hands impatiently, but his next sentence grew quieter, “I do not need another lecture on my past.” 
“But you need to face it, child.” 
He did not like the way she talked to him. It didn’t feel like anyone else in his life before. It felt as if he was really a child, as if he did not grow one bit from then, as if the fire engulfing him never burnt him in the slightest yet he never took one step outside. 
“I know.” He looked away. 
“And we see you trying.” The smile was apparent in her voice. They have watched from afar when he writes his diary, they have seen the way his countenance was no longer tensed, his eyes were no longer strained, no longer suppressing the truths that threatened to spill out. 
“You’re not lying to yourself anymore,” she sounded proud, “So how about you try being true to others too, eh?” 
He scoffed, “I must be quite desperate if I have to be true to hearts of stone like yours.” 
The noisier gargoyle cut in, “Sure, we might have stone for hearts,” lightly punching Rollo’s chest, “but you don’t, you know?”
Rollo wanted to back away, but the gargoyles did first, returning to their normal positions. The older one leaving him with a wink and one more gentle push, “Step into the light, child. Nobody wants to stay cooped up forever.”
Before he could ask what they meant, he heard voices calling out to him a storey or two below, “President Rollo~! Are you up there?”
Their voices were swathed in layers of echo, but they call out to him like this far too often for him to not recognise them. He took a glance at his diary, quickly slipped it into the folds of his robe, and called back, “Yes, what’s the matter?” 
He heard hasty footsteps rushing up the the wooden stairs, and soon a head of hazel coloured hair popped up from the staircase. 
The vice president of the student board, slightly short of breath, beamed brightly upon spotting Rollo, “There you are! We’ve been looking for you!”
“Yes. I can tell. What’s the matter?” He found that he occasionally has to repeat himself when talking to them, though it strangely does not exasperate him.  
The aide also made his way up, “We promised to have an after-party once the exchange is over, didn’t we? We thought that, well, things have finally settled down in school after these few days, it’s the perfect time.”
“Your injuries have not fully recovered so we thought takeaway would be better than eating out. We brought pastries from your favourite bakery, oh and cups for the grape juice, we’ll need something to toast with after all!” 
“Come on down and share a meal with us! It’s a chilly night, we wouldn’t want the croissants to go cold.” 
Rollo tapped his fingers on the desk thrice, he shall keep the fact that he did not remember ever agreeing to an after-party a secret, perhaps he just misremembered… having been preoccupied with other matters. 
“Well, thank you for bringing the food all the way up here. I suppose I should… indulge.” His expression softened, slowly rising to his feet and followed them to the floor below, where everything in sight shimmered in a thin coat of moonlight.
The vice president and aide chattered passionately about the good memories from the exchange while setting the table, about the friends they’d met and how much of an honour it had been to show them around the city. 
“Truly, president Rollo, you are a genius to have thought of this activity!” 
“Thank goodness the flower incident was dealt with in time. And it was all thanks to president Rollo’s hard work that we could still have the masquerade the next day.” 
“It could not have been made possible without the hard work of you two,” Rollo lifted the corner of his mouth stiffly in a polite smile.
“Oh please, you are just being modest again. We all know the time and effort you put in, we barely even saw you have a proper meal during the hectic days of preparation!” 
“Not to mention we passed out while you and the students from Night Raven saved us all, how humiliating. How we wished we could have been of use to you more!” 
The corner of Rollo’s mouth twitched. 
They finished setting the table and pouring three cups of juice. 
“Now let’s toast to the success of such a huge event!”
“President Rollo, would you please?”
The aide passed him a cup, and they both looked to him, there was light in their eyes. 
The paper cup felt heavier than stone in his hand. And for a moment he was overwhelmed with thoughts — thoughts that he could be freed from this. 
“I have something important to say.” 
The moonlight was as if a gentle drizzle, pooling around his feet, ridding him of the shackles of flames so that he can take a step forward. 
But would the people out there accept him? Or revile him?
Out there in the cruel, ugly world — a world that he had a hand in molding — is he a man, or a monster?
These two had always looked up to him, always thought that he was fair and just and right. So what if they find out he was not? 
Would they spurn him? Hate him? Curse him? Would they no longer call out his name and worry for him and invite him for a meal and happily work with him on student board matters? 
Would they fear him? 
He feared that. 
He stood still. 
“You two…” the cup felt even heavier, “I want you two to know, at least, that I had not been the one to save you, or anyone.” 
He turned away from the light of the moon, “I froze in fear… I cannot do the right thing.”
That was enough. That was the most he could say right now. He could hardly stop his hands from trembling already. 
“But… that’s only normal, is it not? The vice president began, somewhat jokingly, “I mean, what kind of monster would be fearless in that chaos?”
“It must’ve been hard to face it all alone,” the aide deduced, “I’m sorry we couldn’t be there with you.” 
“It would not have been—!” Rollo almost snapped, but held himself back. He reached for his handkerchief to cover his wavering lips. 
And he gave thought to it. Yes, perhaps it could have been different. He knew these two well, he knew how helpful and kind they could be, he knew they each have proficient magic powers. 
Although he would never know if things could have been different, if they could go back far, far in time, if they were with him back then. 
“We know you, president Rollo, we trust that you always have proper reasons for what you do. And you always take responsibility for it too.” 
“We at least try to understand you, always, and on the basis of what we do understand, we truly think you are an great, respectable person.” 
They just don’t understand. They just don’t understand the weight of all he had done. 
He was a monster. But he was not. 
He wanted to trust them. He wanted to trust them now. 
But we are always blind to some parts of the truth. 
Out there is a cruel, ugly world, and he had refused to see the times and the people when it isn’t. But the light is shining on them now, and he could try again to see. 
“Thank you,” he stowed away his handkerchief. 
Stepping out of this fear will take time, but now the moonlight softly held his trembling hand, sharing the weight of the stone with him. He raised his cup, “Allow me to raise a toast for the two of you. I am glad to be in the student board with you.” 
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heiressofdoodles · 10 months
Journal of the Last Prophet (Part One)
April 16, 1611 - Dear diary,
Hello! This is the first time I'm writing in you, so I'm going to introduce myself! I am Aeon Caldera, I live in Tarot Town with my Mama, and I'm now five years old! Mama got me this for my birthday! She said "writing down your thoughts and feelings every day is a good habit to start early!" I’m so happy to start being like Mama now.
June 1, 1613 - Dear diary,
Mama and I left home to go to Underland today. I don't remember going there before, so I'm super excited for this! We left a bit later than the others, but maybe if we hurry we can catch up with the others before the Queen notices. We'll be going to the festival tomorrow! Wish us luck!
June 2, 1613
We got to Underland a bit late. The Queen seemed a bit upset, but not too upset, I guess. We were just enjoying the festival, and… Mama grabbed me and ran. I saw it. The Jabberwocky. I saw fire all around, and he seemed so angry. I wanted to help, but Mama didn’t let me go. She said that if you make the Jabberwocky angry, you won’t be able to see your friends or your family anymore. I was so scared, but we hid before the Jabberwocky got us. We hid for a long time, but when we came out, there was fire everywhere. Mama tried to hide it from me, but I think some of them aren’t okay. I hope they wake up soon. There were others that were okay, but when everyone got back to the gateway, someone came to us. He was huge and scary, and he was angry and sad. He said “you Wonderlanders left us behind! I won’t let you back here!” I think he was the King. Was one of his friends sleeping as well? We left to go home shortly after. I don’t think anyone knows what’s going to happen next year. I hope he’s going to be okay, though.
June 4, 1613.
We’re all still at the Queen’s Court. Apparently, she wants us to talk about what happened in Underland, and what it means for the Kingdom, or something like that. I didn’t hear a lot of it. Just boring people talking about boring things. Mama said to pay attention, but I couldn’t keep focused. It felt like hours before something actually happened. Someone had opened the doors. He seemed scared and hurt. He just ignored the guards trying to ask him to stay calm. But he didn’t. He was just more scared, asking for help. The Queen was angry at him when he got close to the throne. I didn’t see all of it; Mama covered my eyes. I think the Queen hurt him more, though. She started screaming at him things my mom said were bad to repeat. How could she be so mean to him? She’s an adult like Mama; she should know better than to hurt someone like that!
The Queen ordered her guards to “take him away from me”. If there weren’t so many people, I would’ve followed them. Why didn’t anyone try to stop her? Yeah, she’s scary, but I’ve had bullies before! And can’t we just help him anyways? If the Queen really is like this all the time, why hasn’t someone tried to stop her?
Mama said to stop writing things like this.
I’m scared.
June 5, 1613.
I snuck down to the basement in the middle of the night. It was dark and cold, but I don’t think anyone saw me. The Jailer had walked past while I was sneaking around, so I think I’m okay. I heard a few things in other rooms, but Mama said that there are things even she’s not allowed to see in the castle. Things she doesn’t want to see. I eventually found that boy. He looked like a boy, at least, but when I started talking to him, he was… sad. Much sadder than any kids I’ve talked to before, at least. He was confused why I was here, and I just wanted to cheer him up somehow. I asked his name, and he just said “my name is Shard. I’m the Bishop in Underland.” It… was weird. Why would an Underlander be here in Wonderland? And why would the Queen be so angry at him? I asked him, but he just said he didn’t know either. “The Jabberwocky grabbed me, and it brought me through the portal here. I was scared, but it dropped me, and we both fell to the ground. I’m lucky to have been okay,” he said to me. I still don’t understand why she would be so mean to him.
Mama told me to hide my journal. She said “If the Queen found this, you’ll be like the Underlander.”
June 10th. 1613.
We still haven’t gone home to Tarot Town yet. Mama said we were going to go home last week, but we’re still here. I’ve noticed a few people in the Court had gone missing since earlier this week. I think some of the people are the pretty dragon lady, the grey and blue rabbit girl, and the plum mouse lady. I tried asking what happened, but all the adults were scared of answering. And the Queen didn’t answer when I asked her either, even though I did everything Mama told me I should do when I go to ask the Queen for something. It was weird.
But I’ve been going to see Shard every night. He seemed hungry and thirsty, so I snuck to the basement with something for him. No one else ate it, and it was just left out in the open. Does the Queen not care that much? It’s all going to go to waste if someone doesn’t have it. I would’ve given him my blanket as well because it’s really cold down here, but he said it was too risky. He didn’t want me to get hurt. “You’ve already been so kind to me, even though I told you it was dangerous for you. But taking something like that would be a step too far.” I don’t know what he meant by that. This morning, Shard said something to me. “I don’t want you to come looking for me again. The Queen has been getting more angry the longer I’m here, and I think she’s going to kill me.” He told me to not try to reason with the Queen, and to not follow him if anything happens… I gave him a hug, or at least the best hug I could manage through the cell bars, and left and hid before the Jailer found me.
Shard was taken to the Court today. He looked even worse than when I last saw him. He had bruises, his clothes were ruined, and it looked like he was bleeding. What happened to him in such a small amount of time…? The Queen seemed calm; I was hoping Shard would be able to go home. But he didn’t. She said he was dangerous to her people, and that the sooner he was gone, the sooner Wonderland would be able to heal. That was wrong though! It was all wrong! Not even Shard wasn’t even trying to argue against it! She was lying to everyone, and no one tried to tell her that she was wrong! But who would listen to a little kid, anyways…
I followed Shard and the guards. I know I promised I wouldn’t, but I had to make sure he was okay. It seemed so weird, though. If she was this angry, why didn’t she do what Mama said she did to people that made her angry? I didn’t think that wall or that forest was there earlier, but there it was. The castle was really far away, but Tarot Town was closer. I could get myself and Shard there if something happened. But something did happen. I tried to follow them and stop them from hurting Shard, but the guards caught me at the gate. He seemed surprised that I followed, but when he came over to me, he… he didn’t try to run. He just told me to go, and that he’d be okay. He’d be okay with whatever happened as long as I was okay… I tried to tell him to not go, but one of the guards grabbed me and took me away. We just sat at the gate, waiting for something, anything. But Shard never came back. The group of guards came back, but… I hope my friend is okay.
The guards said they wouldn’t tell the Queen I stowed away, but they’d tell my Mama. I asked why they’d do that, and they just said “we’re afraid of what the Queen would do to us if we didn’t.” Why would they serve her if she made them scared? They didn’t answer me when I asked what they did to Shard. I hope he wasn’t hurt more. Mama was terrified that I’d come back to the castle with the guards. She said we’re going home tomorrow. I could hear her thank the guards before we left for our room.
Shard, please be okay in there.
June 2, 1614.
There wasn’t a celebration this year. Not even an invitation from Underland. I hope the King is okay. Still no word if Shard is okay, either. The blueberry looking man, Chaos as some of the adults call him, has also gone missing from Somnia’s court. I tried to go to the forest for what might be the millionth time again to see if Shard is okay, but there’s still no way to get inside. I hope he and everyone else that’s gone missing are okay…
March 7th, 1619.
I’ve been talking with some of the other townsfolk. It feels like Tarot Town isn’t as safe as it was when I was younger. Some of the other kids are going to school in groups, or asking their parents to go with them. The teachers and the Mayor said they’re doing the best they can to protect the town, but they aren’t doing enough. We’re stuck in a town that is slowly dying, while the Queen and her goons do nothing to help us. The Suits can’t save us, not like they’re trying. There’s been no word of the Diamond, the Club or the Spade. They’ve abandoned us to suffer Queen Somnia’s reign. Well… At least we have each other right now. Galacta, Kamenshi, Kaseki and I have been close before, but I think this is pulling us together. I enjoy their company, and even though we’re forced to live in such a lonely place, it’s something we’re going to live through together.
April 16, 1623.
It’s my sixteenth birthday today. I’m not too sure how I want to celebrate, honestly, other than having some cake and spending some time with my partners. Mom doesn’t seem to mind that Seki, G, Kam and I are actually together as a group, which is more than a relief. She even seems cheerful when I talk about them. I wish that was true of everyone here. But, since this is for writing down my thoughts, I guess I’d better start with something. I’ve never really left Tarot Town after the Jabberwocky incident in Underland. Any time I did, it was mainly to see if there was any way to meet the other Suits… Or get into that forest Queen Somnia had her guards drag that Underlander, Shard, to what was certainly his death. But there was just no getting over or under the wall, and the only gate keeping them in and myself out was locked up tight.
Another thing that I've had on my mind a bit more lately was… well, where I came from. I don't really know who my Dad was, and I thought today, I'd finally have some answers. Nope. Mama said he was an Underlander, but that was almost it, just like always. I asked her why he wasn't with us, or why we weren't with him, and she finally said something more, and told me that he wasn't ready for a family. That and their relationship was "a secret from the monarchs, both of whom would've been extremely displeased upon hearing there was an affair between them at all." Her words, not mine. The subject seemed way too touchy, so I just sorta dropped it after that. I'm curious about him, but if he really didn't care enough about me and my Mama, he probably isn't worth my speculation… I’m still curious about him anyway. I mostly wonder if he even survived the attack from the Jabberwocky. But with so many dead on both sides, I doubt it. 
June Seventh, 1629
Today was the happiest day of my life. I’m now the wife of my three wonderful spouses. Kaseki was worried and stressed about it, but I knew that it was going to be more than just decent. The only thing I wish we did was make it a more private event. Oh well. Galacta wore a long, feathered cape to hide his wings, but I believe all of us were beautiful today. Mama had several pictures taken, and she certainly cried the entire time. I’m certain that she’s overjoyed that I’m going to be with such loving and caring partners. I just wish that Kamenshi and Kaseki’s parents could’ve been here… It feels lonely for them to not be here, but… I suppose they’ll be here in memory. Oh, I’m sorry for turning this so negative. I just don’t really know how to describe how I feel, other than pure bliss and joy that this day has finally come.
We’re going to be so happy together, I can feel it.
May Second, 1631.
I’ve officially been sworn into office today. The other candidates are all more experienced than myself, but they say I can learn as I go. My spouses said that they were so happy for me. I’ve been writing in my journal more frequently, as there have been more and more on my mind. I just hope that I can do my best to serve and protect Tarot Town. From those who wish us harm, and from the wrath of the Queen. I haven’t forgotten what she did to that poor Underlander. And all the others that had somehow incurred her wrath. It’s strange. Today is one of the happiest days of my life, and yet, I’m dreading what might come of today.
May Third, 1631.
The Queen arrived in the town today. I was caught off guard, but when I tried to apologize to her, she… This is going to sound crazy, but she said there was nothing for her to get angry about, because she had arrived without warning. It was purposeful, even… I’m not sure how to think of her anymore. She seems so calm. Too calm, even… Her several royal guards, on the other hand… They seemed tense… Anxious, even. I tried to ask one of her guards, Ava I believe, but… The Queen had strictly ordered both of us to stop. And… That was when I really remembered again what she did. What she has the ability to do to anyone that crosses her. The two of us walked through the town, just quietly talking to each other. When we got to my new office, she just… asked me to sit.
We went over the different terms and agreements that came with me now being in office, and she seemed rather transparent about what she wanted of me and my town. I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting such transparency. It was… in a way… very disturbing… Was she this transparent with all of the other mayors? Or is this just a facade? I can’t tell. Regardless, she… she gave me a written contract. It glowed softly, and I could read over the terms and conditions they laid out. Of course, I read the contract over repeatedly, almost tuning her out. Every word, every letter, every single asterisk. But there was nothing. Not as far as I could see. So… I signed. Hoping those stories from my childhood to have been false. She left me a copy of the contract, and she left Tarot Town shortly after, but… I can’t help but dread the idea of what I might have missed on that contract.
December Twenty Third, 1631.
I've noticed that my powers seem to wax and wane with the sun and moon. I get stronger during winter, and they get weaker during summer. I think even my visions are at their most immersive and more accurate during the Winter Solstice. So much so that it becomes hard for me to distinguish what's actually happening around me. It's strange, but that's just how powerful this magic is. I've been preparing for today though, for quite some time. It's the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, and the strongest my powers will get this year.
Mama said this power is something she's lived through similarly to myself, and it had given her wisdom and experience that was deeply needed by the historians and the Suits. The Club before they disappeared, the Heart before Somnia, the Spade before they were attacked by the Jabberwocky, and the Diamond before their banishment. Apparently, this power is genetic in some capacity. If I were to have a child of my own, this power will become theirs. I’m not sure if I’ll stop having visions if they were to start having them, but I don’t imagine so. Mama said the power might even follow the women better than the men of our family. I’m… sort of curious now, but not curious enough yet. The four of us will have a child when we’re ready for it.
I’ll just leave this here, and write any visions that I may have.
July Thirty First, 1632.
I’m writing this in between my tears, so if something looks wrong, that’s why. The Queen paid Tarot Town a surprise visit, and she seemed to be calm, even a little bit cheerful. I invited her to my office, and offered her a cup of hot chocolate. The conversation was civil and calm, even if her guards seemed a bit on edge… But today was just confirmation that I should never have trusted her. I… I asked too many questions. About her supposed kindness. About why her guards seem so afraid. About the Underlander that I saw when I was a child. She’d tried to deflect the answers, but Shard… Asking her about what she’d done to him was apparently a step too far.
She was furious, demanding to know how I knew where he was. She quickly calmed herself, but… I know it was false. I tried to change the subject, but I shouldn't have. Her guards tried to approach to passively separate us, but just a glare was all it took from her to force them away again. She said to me “You have lied to my face for decades on your true loyalties. You swore loyalty to me, all the while you conspired with them.” I tried to calm her, tried to make her think rationally, but nothing I did worked. She revealed the contract that the two of us had signed when I started my job as the Mayor. It was all the same but… it was terrifying what she had done.
With just a snap of her fingers, lines of invisible ink had become visible. She had hidden terms and conditions in that contract. She lied to me, and I was either going to tell her everything I had neglected to inform her of- things that vary from important to the town's health to deeply personal information that could endanger the Kingdom if it fell into her hands -or… I would be cursed. I'd heard several stories as a child of what she'd be able to do to people that angered her; the curses and fates worse than death she could inflict without a second thought. But, despite my fear, I put my foot down. I refused to bow down to her, refused to tell her anything that she demanded to know. She made it clear that it was the worst choice I could’ve made in my entire life. Just as worse as even thinking of helping Shard.
It felt horrible, being dragged outside like I was a criminal, and thrown to the dirt in front of the entire town. I saw Galacta and Kaseki try to run to my side, but when the guards approached me, their weapons at the ready, they just stopped. No one wanted to cross the Queen, and now that I’m writing this, I sincerely don’t blame them. I wouldn’t wish any of this upon anyone else. The Queen stood at the top of the stairs, trying to make herself intimidating and powerful compared to those she thought below her, including myself. She unraveled that golden contract again, holding it out to show to my people.
“Let this be a lesson to those who dare stand against me! In my hand, I hold the contract your Mayor has willfully signed when she took office! The contract she had intentionally violated!” I think she was stalling slightly to decide what to do with me. I prayed that she would have mercy, but I knew that there was nothing I could do anymore. None of us could do anything. Not even her own guards could stop her.
A pair of ghostly hands of pitch and scarlet appeared, and… the next moments, even now, are a complete blur. I don’t know what happened, but I knew that I… In that pain, that feeling of being lost and abandoned, that agony… I thought of my family, I thought of what would happen to me, and what lives we could’ve had if this never happened. And I thought of Shard… Did he go through something like this? This pain, this agony that I was living through at that moment? I… was unconscious for a moment. Again, what happened, I had no idea. It must’ve been so terrifying, so painful if I completely blocked it out, even now. The guards seemed deeply shaken, and the people seemed horrified, but the Queen… Kamenshi tried to help me up, and I saw that… that look on her face… She was so… so… How could she be so happy about this? She wasn’t just happy, she was fucking revelling in this horror show. She walked over to me, and just said to me, “This is just the start, prophet. So long as I hold the throne, you will never know a moment of peace.” She… left soon after…
The curse she placed on me, I don’t quite know how to describe it. I thought, at first, that she had stolen my voice, like the witch from one of those old stories. But she must’ve thought that was too cliche, because she didn’t steal my voice. Rather, she completely distorted my ability to speak normally ever again. Only speaking in riddles and confusing phrases. I.. still don’t know what I’m saying, compared to what I’m thinking of saying. I can’t even say “hello” or “I love you” without getting confused myself. While I so deeply wish I could make her take back this curse… I know that I did the right thing. What I know, the visions I’ve had, the lives I’ve helped, it could all be stolen away at just a moment’s notice if she had gotten her hands on my journals, and especially if I had told her everything she wanted to know.
Galacta is standing guard outside the room. I don’t think he’s going to sleep, and I don’t blame him. He blames himself for letting her even lay a hand on me. I think this is going to be the first in a long line of sleepless nights, with pillows soaked in tears.
January Fifth, 1634.
I was making my daily rounds through the town today, checking in on how everyone was (to the best of my ability with my spouses busy) when I had seen a pair of men wandering around. I hadn't seen them very often as a child, but I believe that they have been here before I was born… Actually, not even Mama is sure of how long they’ve been here. She said they were here before she moved here. Something interesting that she mentioned, however, was that they always took caution to hide themselves from the Queen during her surprise visits, and despite their mockery and joking, they usually keep to themselves. I don’t even think anyone knows their names.
When I greeted them, they said to not worry about apologising immediately about not having a translator or writing out my sentences on a piece of paper instead. “We can understand you even if others can’t,” they said to me. One of the twins walked heavily on the one side, and had to use a cane to relieve the pressure, but the other, despite looking in just as frail of a condition, was walking fine. It was odd to see them walking and moving; despite their movements being completely fluid, there were… moments in which it looked like they were fighting their own bodies in a way. Like they were moving slightly too far or slightly too little than they wanted to.
I didn’t want to be rude through my conversation, but… it was a bit difficult to properly phrase my questions and my answers to their own questions. They didn’t answer a lot of them, though. That was understandable; I was still a complete stranger to them, and if they thought I was still working with the Queen, it… would be more than understandable for them to ignore me. I won’t break my vow to protect my people, however. There is nothing she could do to make that happen. I hope that I can keep this courage I have at the time of writing this.
Fylass in Wonderland belongs to @george228732
Aeon and Cresunsa belong to me
Queen Somnia belongs to @stardustshimmer
Tenebra and Celesta Knight belongs to @lucent-nargacuga
Shard/Lucid and Buddy belongs to @lostsoulau-ask
Kurabe and Fettuccine belong to @kachikirby
Dero belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
Chaos belongs to @galakianexplosion
Ava belongs to @avathestarwarrior
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
He had Kelly on his close friends so I guess he had the other wags there too 😭 // Before giving you all the information, I want to say that other F1 photographers can’t stand him. Most of us don’t like the way he works, it’s very invasive towards the drivers and very dishonest to other photographers. In case you’re wondering how I know this, I’ve been an F1 photographer for a few years so I know a lot about what’s going on around the paddock. You’re free to take this as you wish, I’m only here to share my thoughts. This is going to be long, my apologies.
You’d be surprised when I say not many of the wags are on his close friends. Only Kelly, Caterina and Charlotte have made it there because they were the only ones who really interacted with him regularly. Kelly is still there, but Caterina and Charlotte aren’t there anymore because they have run their course as F1 wags. When Cate was still dating Pierre she would let Kym know she was going to be there almost a week before without Pierre’s knowledge. She would also tell him when they were on their way to the track. Occasionally he would give her fashion advice on what to wear to stand out more than other wags. He would call her “My dear Caterina”.
Charlotte did something like that too but only when she needed more attention. Whenever she needed to deny rumors she would call him and tell him where and when to photograph her. The bicycle entrance was a PR stunt from her part, according to Kym himself.
Kelly is his new Cate and Egle will soon be it. This is why we see more pictures of her than any other wag. She lets him know she’ll be there days prior to the start of the race weekend and lets him know when they’re on their way to the track. During Monza she was not going to be at the track initially because she had some issues according to Kym, but he convinced her on going and she did so. I think she was sick or something happened because she didn’t seem happy at all on the paddock.
Egle let him know she was going to be on the paddock too and he was really excited about it. That’s why she made a grand entrance with that awful outfit. The wags that are constantly photographed don’t pay him a crazy amount of money, but they do give him something for the “Paddock Photoshoots” as he calls them.
Carmen is photographer often too, but according to what I’ve heard she doesn’t pay him at all. He likes her because fans like her. Now, many wags and ex wags don’t like him at all. Katerina had contact with him for a while but cut it off after. He didn’t share the reasons, so my initial thought would be she got tired of him being annoying.
Dilara, Luisa, Tiffany and Justine asked him directly to stop photographing them. Lando asked for some privacy too but Kym didn’t care.
Dilara was very good friends with Caterina and was often photographed with her but she didn’t really like having Kym following her around. She asked him to stop photographing her, but of course he didn’t listen. This same thing happened to Luisa, Justine, and Tiffany. This is why Justine would often get to the paddock from the back entrance. That is all I can share for now. I hope this helps clear out some things that are being talked about!
Note to Steppy: This blog is more popular than you think and most people that I’ve discussed the blog enjoy it a lot! People saying wags and others don’t care about this blog are wrong and know nothing about the paddock life, you made me and others download Tumblr again 😂 In case you want to know some of the drivers know about the blog, but you’re the number one entertainment source for some of the mechanics and photographers.
Keep up the good work, hopefully I can be back with something useful soon. If you have any questions I’ll try to answer them 💛
— Lens anon 📸 (I’ll call myself this if you don’t mind)
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Drabble Challenge!
Well now that we’re on hiatus following a juicy strq volume, I think it’s a good time to post this. I need to get back into writing anyway, so I’ll be doing this all v9-10 hiatus long. Send me a number (and a strq character, ship, etc if you want) and I’ll write a ficlet or drabble for it.
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
(Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!)
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luna-only-online · 2 years
So I’ve been continuously getting followers recently (slowly). At least daily. First, thank you! I’m glad you like my work! Second, I didn’t think anyone would find me and thought I wouldn’t have to do anything, but if you’re here I feel must provide content. At some point very soon.
In the meantime here is a poem I wrote. Inspiration was from the religious relationships and stories between both me and a friend. The poem tells a story of a child and their relationship between them and and their god until eventually they loose their relationship with their god. Until eventually they stop believing in them altogether.
Dear God, Are you There?
Dear God,
Thank you
For my family
For my friends
For my teachers
I love everything so much!
The world is soo prettyful!
I am so excited for tomorrow
Why? I start kindergarten
Bye Bye!
Dear God,
I’m doing really well in school
I’m basically the best
I always know the answer
I’m spend a lot of time alone
My siblings are too busy
Mom and Dad are always busy
And They’ve been fighting a lot
Dad spends less time at home
God please help them love each other
Please help me too.
Dear God,
help me find my way.
Help me get back on the path to you.
I eagerly await eternal salvation.
Dear God,
I’ve been really tired lately and
I don’t think the others really like me
I hear them say mean things about me
No one invites me to join them
By the time I ask to join
They have too many people
I’m the last to be picked for teams
No one seems to want me
I don’t like being alone.
Please help me
Hey God,
I got a puppy!
she’s my best friend
I practice my role for the play with
I’m gonna do great!
Thank you.
Hey God,
I don’t see my Dad anymore
I hope he’s alright, would you help him find his way?
Sorry I broke my promise
it was just too much
I did wonderful on stage!
But before and after the performance I cried a lot
The others said some things that hurt a lot
I have to change myself
Please help me to be better
Dear God,
My dog was killed
It hurts so much
My best friend is gone and I’m alone again
Mom is finally letting me transfer schools
It all became too much, I couldn’t take it
I didn't realize I was being bullied
I have a new chance
Please help me get through this
Are you there God?
Dear God,
I hate myself.
I’m having a hard time.
I hate everything and everyone
the world is so dull and boring
I don’t wanna be here anymore
Would you send an angel to free me from this world?
Or at least help me find my way.
I’m doing my best.
Dear God,
I’m struggling to keep faith
Help me continue on the right path.
I transferred schools again.
I met people who are interested in things I am!
Thank you.
God, are you there?
Its been awhile and It’s getting hard again.
My friend is with you now
I hope he doesn’t suffer from his illness anymore
We went into lockdown and a lot of people died.
It feels like everyone I love leaves me
Rumors started about me
I don’t know who to trust
Why am I here?
If there even is a God,
Is there a god?
I’d like to say “Hello” just one last time
This is the last time I’ll try
I was kind, I was helpful
I prayed, I believed
But isn’t what I was promised
I just don’t believe you’re there
I’ve been living a miserable life
But just in case I thought I’d say Goodbye
There is no God.
I know there is no god.
I used to be told to pray to the lord.
They promised me eternal happiness.
They said he would solve everything
and that he would save me from all of my pain.
He didn’t.
I did everything right
Why couldn’t I be happy?
And I’m not the only one.
I was a fool, a complete idiot.
To think someone else could solve my misfortunes.
But I was so wrong.
There was no one who could help me.
It has always been just me.
There is no God.
I should’ve known better.
I’m so stupid
I should’ve known I could have helped myself
I could’ve saved myself.
That’s so frustrating!
I didn’t know anything!
Why is that..?
I still don’t know
What an ignorant idiot
I didn’t need to depend on someone else to make my life better.
But now I know better than that.
Now I know there is no God.
Dear God, There is No God.
When I was little,
I had already suffered
Children shouldn’t have to suffer
I believed someone or something would save me
I believed there was a god that would help me
I believed that for so long.
Eventually I learned better
By the time I was 12
I didn’t rely on anyone
I’m alone.
It’s me against the rest of the world.
I may be alone but I am going to survive.
Notice Regarding The Fan-Fiction I Write: Excluding Kite, I’m not taking requests yet. If you have any ideas for a Kite fanfic, please tell me! If it’s for Kite, I’ll do anything . . . almost anything.
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the-lancasters · 2 years
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A selection of the correspondence between Robert and Alexandra over the last 18 months
AN: Trying something a bit different with the narrative style! 😬 Their relationship has been slowly growing in the background but haven't actually seen each other since the wedding.
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Transcript under the cut
Dear Alexandra,
I hope you were serious about writing those letters, unfortunately it is the most reliable form of communication out here on the ship - the internet is terrible and with 300 crew members trying to contact their loved ones…well lets just say it can turn into an all out brawl sometimes. Being a prince gives me no special privileges on this ship - it's actually something I love most about serving. I'm not Prince Robert, I’m just Lieutenant Lancaster.
Re-adjusting to life on board after the wedding has been interesting - but it always is after I go home for any length of time.
The guys gave me shit for all the fancy dinners and dancing - they all watched the wedding broadcast on board apparently and said that my hat was 2 degrees off centre. Like they could tell from a live feed!
I enjoyed showing you Lancaster Palace in my last days on shore, it's a special place to me. Kissing you in the moonlight at the music pavilion will stay with me for a very long time.
Dear Robert,
I was half convinced you were joking about the letter writing, but I am glad to be proved wrong for once! Things have really quietened down here - Charles and Vic have left for their honeymoon, and the city is going back to normal after the frenzy of events.
It's surreal going back to my little job after being a part of something so massive. I think my colleagues now look at me differently. They haven’t been all jokes like yours, more like there's this invisible wall that has come down between us. I think they see me as ‘different’ now. Even though they already knew that my father is the Earl of Winslow! I guess it's a bit more real for them now.
I also enjoyed the personal tour of Lancaster Palace. It's quickly becoming special to me too.
Dear Alexandra,
I'm sorry to hear things are awkward at your job. Would it help finding a new place? I remember you saying that there was only so far you could go at this charity organisation and that a bigger one would give you more space to grow.
I can sympathise with the whole ‘looking at you differently’ thing. But in my experience they often settle down soon and remember that you are actually a person, and more than a picture on TV..
Robert Robert,
I did it! I got the job at the Global Women in Business Foundation! I start in two weeks and it cannot come soon enough. The people here are still not gone back to the prewedding state like you promised and I'm looking forward to escaping the staring.
I don’t know how much you see of the news out there but Vic is coming under some heavy criticism at the moment and I don’t know how she keeps that smile on her face during engagements. I went to visit her and she's pretty distraught.
No one seems to be helping her - is this normal? I don’t know what to do.
I'm sorry to hear that Victoria is struggling, I know that it can’t be easy coming into this particular family. I'm also concerned about the fact that she doesn’t have any support. I’ve contacted Charles to see what the hell is going on. From my experience the staff around you make or break you as a royal. So tell her to get going on that part and the rest should follow.
That was some sage advice you gave. And I don’t know what you said to Charles but all of a sudden the roadblocks seemed to clear! I don’t know if Charles was the roadblock but someone was and he may have just pushed them aside. Whatever the reason - thank you. Victoria seems more like her old self again.
Things are going well at the foundation, I've managed to even make a couple of friends! Which is helpful since Vic isn’t exactly free for after work drinks anymore.
Have they told you yet about your next leave? Maybe we could have dinner?
Love, Alex
Dear Alex,
Dinner with you sounds like the most perfect thing in the world to me right now. But it doesn’t look like I'll be back this year. My mother is, of course, devastated that I won’t be home for Christmas. It's her favourite time of year, and with Victoria being pregnant she seems to have put the ‘perfect family’ lever in overdrive.
Maybe she is over compensating for all the Christmas' that we would spend in separate parts of Sanderton House. Margaret and I would hide up in the nursery and bribe one of the maids to bring us snacks while we played board games.
So while dinner is off the cards, for a while at least, maybe I could call you? We will be in port next week and with most guys going on shore I will actually have a chance at having a semi-private phone call.
Love, Robert
Dear Robert,
I will be waiting by the phone!
Love, Alex
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idiotlovesongs · 1 year
The Letters pt. 3
Dear Will,
This week was our first week of high school without you. El told me that you guys started last week. She said things were going well. I’m happy she’s made friends. Have you? I know you said you didn’t want to play D&D without me us, but don’t make yourself miserable. You can join another party if you change your mind. 
Does Lenora’s high school suck as much as Hawkins’? Hawkins’ high school isn’t much different from middle school. It’s all the same faces. People are ignoring us for the most part now, which is nice I guess.
I kept turning around expecting you to be there. It’s different from when you disappeared. Before, I could at least see you in the halls. I could remember your old routes to class, where we would eat lunch, and where we would hang out afterward. Now, you’re not here at all. There’s no trace of you. 
My classes are fine. They seem easy enough. Definitely, no one like Ms. Lorn. Do you remember all the shit she put us through? We were in middle school for fucks sake. Why did she think an essay every Friday was okay? I think I would have to drop out if she followed me here. Especially now that I don’t have you to help me get through her class.
They have a writing club here that I’m not sure about joining. I’ve only seen girls interested in it. It would be kind of weird if I was the only guy there, right?  And El probably wouldn’t like it. I mean, what kind of girl would like her boyfriend surrounded by other girls. It would be cool to start writing like that again though. Maybe I will join.
Lucas is trying out for the basketball team. I don’t know enough about basketball to tell you whether he’s going to make it, but I hope he does. He’s not taking his breakup with Max super well. He gets that she needs space, but he really misses her. Lucas says he’s fine just being friends with her, but I’m not sure he means it. I think he’s just taking what he can get for now.
I miss her too, surprisingly. Never realized how much we talked until we stopped. I’m kind of worried about her. She doesn’t want to hang out with us and got angry when we tried to visit her. It seems like she doesn’t leave her place much. We only see her at school. I’d try talking to her, but I’d rather not get chewed out in public. She’s seriously harsh.
Dustin’s fine I think. He only ever talks about Suzie these days. If this is how annoying I was when El and I got together, I’m so fucking sorry. At least I never called El Elliepoo (I think I just threw up in my mouth at the thought). They seem happy. I’m just glad Suzie is a real person. Can you imagine how awkward it would be if she wasn’t? Not that I don’t have faith in Dustin’s ability to get a girl. She’s kind of demanding. I’m sure you could imagine considering Dustin had to sing to her for her to save the fucking world. Seriously, they were singing while we were trying to escape the you-know-what? 
Sorry. You probably don’t want to think about that. I mean, that’s why you guys left, right? It’s a little hard not to think about it here. It feels like Dustin and Lucas could move on so much easier. Max and I Max is taking it harder because of her brother, obviously. Nancy is busy with college stuff. I think that’s how she’s getting through this. She just buries herself in work. Is Jonathan doing any better? Nancy doesn’t really talk about him that much anymore. Not that she talked about him a lot before, but it feels kind of different. Don’t tell Jonathan I said that.
Are you doing any better? We don’t have to talk about this stuff.
I’ll see you guys this Thanksgiving. Isn’t that cool? It sucks that you guys won’t be able to be here this Christmas. Guess I’ll just have to buy your guys' presents really early and bring them when I come. Promise you won’t open them before it’s time? It’s only fair that way. I heard California doesn’t really get snow. Won’t it be weird to not have snow for Christmas? Maybe I’ll send you some to spread the Christmas joy. 
Is California cool at least? I heard it was more accepting. Lots of different people, you know? Have you met anyone cooler than us yet? No, right? For my sake, just say no. You can hang out with all your rad art friends after lying to me. 
Is Ms. Byers letting you leave the house alone again? You haven’t had any more visions and you’re out of Hawkins so there’s no reason for her not to. Find some cool spots so you can show me them when I visit.
I guess I’ll leave you to whatever you were doing before. See you in November.
Sincerely, Love, Your friend, From, Mike
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 4, pt. 5
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reveristcalicocan · 2 years
Alright, going for another idea here. Kitsune reader who is found by Miko and maybe some other Inazuma characters after getting attacked by a group of (rift) wolves. Is covered in many scratches, perhaps had an ear partially bit off?
Ooh that’s a nice one, i’m making this more of a mother-daughter dynamic if you don’t mind ><.
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You jumped backwards, barely dodging the ridthound’s tail strike. Defenceless you could only run and hope that it stops chasing after you.
Looking back at the pack of wolves, you saw them disappear. Thinking that they left you alone, you stopped running, trying to steady your breathing.
“!!” A painful blow hit your head making you fall onto the ground.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to create as much distance between you and the rift hound. You had scratches all over your body and although you couldn’t see it, you knew your ear was injured.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you prepared for the next attack only to be met with nothing. Slowly, you peaked out of your hands, eyes landing on a pink haired lady.
Noticing your gaze, Miko gave you a close eyed smile before carefully approaching you. Although you were still wary about her, you didn’t make a move to avoid her touch.
“Oh dear little one, it seems you’ve taken quite a substantial amount of damage.” She held one of your hands in her own, helping you up.
“Follow me, i’ll get you patched up!” Her cheery voice comforted you.
Although still a bit hesitant, you followed after her. It was a long walk back to the grand narukami shrine, by the time you’ve reached you were ready to pass out.
After making sure you were comfortable, Miko went to start a warm bath and grab a few first aid stuff. Kneeling down to be at your eye level, she slowly disinfected your wounds. Checking to make sure you were alright every few minutes.
Once she was done, she moved to your ear. That was when you finally let out a soft sob, despite the pain in your body, what hurt most was the fact that your ears had been hurt.
You loved your fluffy ears, everyone you’ve met would try to touch it. Of course you would let them, you enjoyed basking in their attention. Now that your ear was hurt, you were afraid people might not like you anymore.
“oh what’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” shaking your head you wiped away the tears threatening to fall.
“pretty pink lady, you can fix my ear right? right…?” You looked at her hopefully.
A small smile plastered Yae Mojo’s face at the name you’ve given her, “but of course, it’ll take a while but don’t worry. Your ear will be good as new in no time.”
Hearing those words put your mind at ease. You let her work in silence after that, heart content with the her answer.
Even if you had only know her for less than a day, you could easily tell that she was someone you wanted to know better.
Saving you from the rift hounds, cleaning your cuts and bruises, giving you a warm bath and a new set of clothes. You’ve never came across anyone quite as nice as her.
When night came, you anxiously waited outside the door. Miko was talking to a few shrine maidens inside, you were looking around uneasily.
The door opened, “ah! little one, perfect timing!”
The previous anxiety you felt was instantly swept away at her tone. Unlike what you had thought, she didn’t have any intentions of kicking you out.
“why don’t you stay here for the time being, at least until you have somewhere you want to go. I can even introduce you to some of my friends in the morning!” A wide smile was etched on your face.
You practically beamed at her, “yes please!”
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