#I don’t mind answering question
jujusjunk · 20 days
So many asks I get sound like they’re AI generated it’s crazy
“What is your perspective on the involvement of external geopolitical actors, such as international organizations and foreign governments, in mediating the conflict?”
It’s either you got a PHD to your name (if you do, tf are you doing on tumblr), or chatgpt is your best friend.
If this is someone trying to be nice I’m sorry but this is just one example.
I got :
“how do you cognitively navigate the dichotomy between your cultural heritage and the necessity for peacebuilding efforts?” I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS???
“how have these interactions influenced your ideological stance on the potential for reconciliation and peace?” I BEG YOUR FINEST PARDON??
“how do you perceive the balance between maintaining Palestinian rights and achieving a pragmatic resolution? Which specific issues do you consider to be non-negotiable?” Nah actually fuck off with this one
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loveinterestcastiel · 4 months
pls explain urself in the tags
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Sorry if you’ve already put this somewhere and I didn’t see, but what’re your favourite ships?? :3
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ahalliance · 1 year
just finished Nimona… DAMN does it feel good to watch such an openly queer movie man
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winedogs · 10 months
this is not a coherent thought but I’ve been doing a lot of Thinking about Things and I just want everyone who’s into dogs & dog sports to take a quick second and ask themselves why they’re doing that and what’s in it for their dog. what does he get out of your agility trial. who are you there for.
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olasketches · 19 days
so because we have only three chapters left, I’ve decided that I’m going to wait for the official release instead of going through the leaks as I’ve been doing for… almost the past 2 years. I don’t want the leaks and the fandom discourse to ruin my last experience with jjk as a still ongoing manga… plus I thought it would be more fun and enjoyable this way... more special ig (I’m being so sappy ik) wish me luck guys!!
#Plus I want to know what it feels like to read a jjk chapter without the leakers’ wonky translation and shitty panels quality#also… I’m soooooo tired of the discourse I’m genuinely over it.#I’m trying really hard to avoid it and just enjoy the chapters#cause even if I had my own doubts (that expressed here) about certain things#they were more or less later addressed in the next couple of chapters#so at this point I’m like ok I still don’t know what to expect or how gege is going to tackle all of it.#I have more questions than answers regarding characters like sukuna yuuji or megumi.#yes I loved sukuna’s conclusion and no idk how certain his ending it is as everything about it felt quite vague and unclear.#so yes I’m happy but I’m also open to whatever gege has planned for the last three chapters…#and basically whatever. just you do you gege I really don’t know what to expect. AT ALL.#all I know is that I want to let gege finish his story so I could have a full picture in mind#I’m tired of reading and going through assumptions criticism about new released chapters#while knowing that there are still more (now just three) chapters left#this was basically my whole jjk fandom experience after EVERY new chapter “this is bad and doesn’t make sense” like…#the story is not even finished yet 😭#I just want gege to finish the manga and then we can talk about what went well or what went wrong… and all#but in the meantime I just want to enjoy the story for as long as I can#that’s all#jjk#personal
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asleepyy · 11 months
hello!!! first of all, thank you for sharing your oopsie! au with us, it's definitely one of if not the best reverse good omens au that i've ever seen, and i absolutely love your designs for them!!! azazel is definitely my favorite, he deserves the world😭😭💖 I did have a question though, about the latest update, does no one question why azazel has a cloth that covers his eyes? or they don't thanks to a demonic miracle to make sure that no one finds it suspicious?? again, thank you, and please don't overwork yourself!!! have a nice day!!💖
Thank you very much! 💖
Azazel covers his eyes due to a sense of insecurity, and to feel safer. If anyone asks, he will usually say it was from an intense battle wound, or if he’s being especially silly, that he’s a very religious man and he refuses to see sin.
If he doesn’t feel like explaining himself, he’s known to cast a demonic miracle or two so suspicion slides off him like…whatever it is water slides off of
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
But didn’t shanks said they’re gonna go to laugh take together on “OUR own ship” when buggy was sick?
so, two things about this.
the first is a request for someone to please send me the raws to look at so i can make my own judgement on how literally to take this translation, because i read too many bad, official translations of manga in the early aughts to trust blindly. (eta: someone did!)
the second thing, assuming the translation is accurate: was buggy awake and aware enough to hear that? you can see a little gyaaaa sound effect that i assume is buggy screaming in the background, but idk what setting the anime provides for shanks in that scene. the manga panel has no background; shanks could be sitting next to buggy’s bed or he could be standing outside crocus’ office, for all i know. and even if he’s right next to buggy, with a high enough fever buggy might not retain any memories of events going on around him.
which is to say: just because shanks intended for the two of them to go to laugh tale together doesn’t mean buggy knew about it.
even during their roguetown conversation about laugh tale, when shanks says he changed his mind about going there he uses the phrase ima no tokoro (at present/for the time being). it sounds to me like a “not yet” sentiment (which seems very reasonable tbh, the two of them are fifteen, a two-man crew of teenagers is gonna have trouble getting to the new world, let alone laugh tale), but that is still enough of a shock to buggy that he rejects shanks for saying it.
okay, dialogue/translation nitpicking talk under the cut:
this is another situation where i really want to review the original japanese dialogue before i make a judgement!
because yes, the sj translation does have shanks saying that:
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Chapter 967, Page 16
but then during the roguetown fight buggy says “that you’d take your own ship to laugh tale one day!!” (emphasis mine):
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Chapter 1082, Page 8
so i am dying to know whether these two panels are using the same turn of phrase—or near enough to it, given buggy’s kinda rude, slangy way of speaking—because whether they are or not tells us a lot about how much buggy knew.
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napping-sapphic · 10 months
How do you feel about love bites? Like a really gentle bite on the cheek or neck or shoulder to show affection. Or anywhere really. Chomp chomp.
Ya know i can honestly say that i don’t think i’ve ever considered the idea of casual affectionate biting lmao
Idk!! It seems like one of those things where i can’t really form a solid opinion on it unless it happens to me but so long as it’s not like actual leave-an-injury-or-mark type biting I’d probably be okay with it! I usually find people’s more unexpected or unique ways of showing affection really endearing tbh so I’d probably just think it was cute honestly🙃
Also weirdly enough i read shoulder and was like “oh yeah that makes sense you can bite someone there” so that’d probably be fine i guess lol, if it was like painful biting though it’s probably a solid no from me though because i am a wimp😌
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just wanted to put it out there that I’d be happy to tell people what their cats’ genetics/coloration is 👀 shoot me an ask/reblog this w a pic of your cat, or someone else’s, or just from the internet, lmk what you want to know, and I will be happy to let you know!
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soniccrazygal · 9 months
Rebuilt au question again, sorry! But does William realize how close he is to getting his 'obedient' son in Michael? Is he trying to be the 'nice' (manipulative) father again by using Michael's growing fear of him against him?
William doesn’t know exactly how close Mike is to breaking, because Mike is doing his best to hide it from both William and the others, but William knows he’s getting closer to that outcome. Mike might try and act like he’s not giving in as much as he is, but there’s no hiding the signs, not when Mike’s not as argumentative, quicker to back down and obey when William asks him to do simple chores around the house, and doesn’t make nearly as big an effort to push against the rules and test the limits of William’s patience.
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in-kyblogs · 2 months
need to know more about italian lestat and why is this so overshadowed by his french side 😤
Have you heard about the fact that Lestat is nonbinary on his mother side? We could say the Italian thing is the same kind of situation really lmao
His mother, Gabrielle De Lioncourt, was born in Naples and grew up there. It was common for Italian nobles to marry in France for political alliances reasons, the most famous is the Medici family from ‘400 Firenze: Caterina De’ Medici was a french queen in 1547 (fun fact: the Medici family seal has similarities to the royal French seals with the arald of a lily I think for some alliance thing in the ‘500 but I can’t exactly remember). But I digress. This is to say that, as direct neighbours, Italy and France have a lot of history and a lot of beef, mostly due to wine and cheese if you can believe it. And football. Oh, especially football.
Gabrielle isn’t really an affectionate mother, she has a complex and fascinating relationship to her role as a woman and a wife and a traumatic experience, I’d say, with giving birth to seven sons (can’t wait for her character in the show, especially since Hannah, who wrote a play on these themes called What a young wife ought to know, which I wholeheartedly recommend, said she is really excited to be writing for her!). This results in her and Lestat having a really weird relationship, cold and distant but at the same time extremely visceral due to the both of them being kind of prisoners in their own life. Gabrielle never teaches Lestat Italian, nor is particularly forthcoming about her old life or her cultural roots. When Lestat runs to Paris, Gabrielle tells him to find someone who can write Italian for him, so he can send her letters that his father can’t read. She also never bothered to teach him the alphabet, even less a second language, and she used to read Italian books that Lestat couldn’t understand. So, very mixed feelings about this on Lestat’s part I’d say. He is, I think, really resentful of this side of his mother that he isn’t allowed to know, but at the same time really fascinated by it: his first attempt at escaping is with an Italian troupe of commedia dell’arte actors, a type of play that involves a lot of improv. Basically you have a series of “maschere” (characters) that have a definite set of characteristics but no written lines (we call it canovaccio I have no idea how to translate this concept though). Each character is tied to a specific part of Italy, for example Pulcinella is the neapolitan one, Arlecchino (Harlequin) is from Bergamo (near Milan). Lestat plays Lelio in the book, a character from the italian play that is the maschera of the lover. (He is also the protagonist of a play by Goldoni where he is also a liar (title of the play Il Bugiardo), totally unrelated to iwtv but it always makes me laugh).
I basically wrote all this stuff to say that Lestat knows basically nothing about his italian heritage and that explains why it is so overshadowed by his french side, but I will say that both italian and french people are extremely extra, in wildly different ways and also they will fight each others over nothing (they stole the Gioconda btw), so this accounts for why Lestat is like that ™️. Particular about food? Italian heritage. Snobbish about music? French heritage. Extremely petty? Eh, to be fair, both. Will hold a grudge forever? I will tell you, during fifa and uefa football games we still yell at the French team about that time during the 2006 World Cup final when one of their players went and hit one of the Italian team players with a headbutt (Italy won btw💁🏻‍♀️). So yeah. Lestat never stood a chance really
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bardicbeetle · 2 months
a loon on the water. red eyes rimmed in black and white. a checkerboard of feathers against murky water. blue on the surface. orange if you look down. recovering from the fallout like the rest of us. sky hazy with wildfire smoke from hundreds of miles away.
my body hurts. the sun feels nice, but it doesn’t mend the slow agonizing dull knife i take to the gut every few minutes. contract. release. contract. breathe. i talk to my mother about her trauma. i add more hurts to the list of things i know. i tell her i’m sorry no one was there to treat her pain with the care and weight it deserved.
she says they did the best they could with the tools they had. she cannot hold it against them. i want to say she could but i know in her case, most of the time for closure is long gone.
i think about my own trauma.
about the apologies i do not seek because i know it is pointless.
about the things i do not say.
i talk to my father longer and more openly than i have in years. we float on the water. blue. orange. warm. colder than the air. i’m wearing someone else’s swim trunks. found discarded upstairs in a drawer. cedar and mothballs. we talk about the well and camp before the rebuild and the interviews i’ve had.
i feel so little about my grandfather’s imminent death. it’s comforting when my mother admits to feeling the same. neither of us are wrong for it. but we are tired. and there is so little energy for those who have been angry and bitter since before we were born.
things are better and worse. i am better and worse.
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only-one-brain-cell · 11 months
What if they try to keep Spencer coming back as a secret so in episode one all the BAU members are in the meeting room stumped “what the hell is Gold Star???” Then Spencer walks in “I know what it is.” Rossi: HOW????? I actually want to know how you know when you’ve been gone for month’s!
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for so long I was like “why do so many people ask me questions with answers easily found in the books” but now I’m wondering. what if they’re actually not easily found. I just think they are. because i already know so much. and so my perception is completely and entirely skewed.
that or people not having the books on hand but I’m just. like. finally processing that i cannot speak to what a normal amount of kotlc knowledge is at all because I’m such an extreme. I know so much. holy shit guys I don’t think I’m normal
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thisperfectmonsoon · 1 month
Have you read any books recently that you’d recommend? Or what are some favorites that you think everyone should read?
oh I absolutely adore this question! I read a lot of romance & smut, tbh, so my suggestions are a little skewed. I’m going to share books that have been the most impactful to me, in one way or another.
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
Good Omens by NG (not writing his name) and Terry Pratchett
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
A Not So Meet Cute by Meghan Quinn
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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