jujusjunk · 29 minutes
I am not sure what version everyone else say because I saw the live Arabic version where Nasrallah spoke yesterday at around 5:00pm Lebanon time.
33;08 he says that none of this will stop and he will continue fighting until Israel pulls out of Gaza.
And I don’t feel like listening to more cuz I’m not home butttt it’s somewhere in there. When I find an English translation I’ll post it but the one by sky news is so vague and inaccurate.
Something is very wrong when even Nasrallah in his speech says the 4000 papers involved were all owned by Hezbollah operatives, but Lebanese civilians such as yourself are reblogging false reports about healthcare workers pagers being involved. Even Nasrallah says that is incorrect. I believe him, he has zero reason to lie about that. It would look so much worse for Israel if Nasrallah could claim hospitals were targeted, but Nasrallah is saying this is not what happened.
You can do so much better critical thinking Juju I've seen you do it before.
No need to respond to this I just want you to mull it over.
The fact that Hezbollah never said that yesterday dedicated 15 minutes of his space thanking and honoring the people hurt which included nurses, doctors, children, women, ambulance drivers, first responders of all kinds and just anyone caught up in the attack.
Also the fact that I saw a man wearing an army uniform with no leg screaming while he was on the floor is more than enough for me.
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jujusjunk · 1 hour
Something is very wrong when even Nasrallah in his speech says the 4000 papers involved were all owned by Hezbollah operatives, but Lebanese civilians such as yourself are reblogging false reports about healthcare workers pagers being involved. Even Nasrallah says that is incorrect. I believe him, he has zero reason to lie about that. It would look so much worse for Israel if Nasrallah could claim hospitals were targeted, but Nasrallah is saying this is not what happened.
You can do so much better critical thinking Juju I've seen you do it before.
No need to respond to this I just want you to mull it over.
The fact that Hezbollah never said that yesterday dedicated 15 minutes of his space thanking and honoring the people hurt which included nurses, doctors, children, women, ambulance drivers, first responders of all kinds and just anyone caught up in the attack.
Also the fact that I saw a man wearing an army uniform with no leg screaming while he was on the floor is more than enough for me.
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jujusjunk · 1 hour
anon said "they could end this war tomorrow by returning the hostages and having Hamas step down from government."
Netanyahu literally spelled it out for you that even if all the hostages were returned, the war on Gaza would continue.
Many of the hostages have now been killed as a result of Israel's constant bombing.
With this logic, this all could've been ended if Israel had released the Palestinian hostages that led to Hamas attacking in the first place.
Who has the billions of dollars of funding and advanced weaponry here?
Who has the strongest military power in the world backing them up?
Who receives thousands of soldiers from other countries to fight their war for them?
"Hamas step down from government" You think Palestinians in Gaza would then be left alone if that happened? You think Israel which went in front of the whole world and showed a map of Palestine with all the Palestinian Territories wiped out and controlled by Israel will stop if Hamas stopped existing?
The horrors we see were happening before Hamas was a thing by DECADES. Criticize Hamas all you want, acting like they are the problem when these issues have existing before them and would exist should they stop existing is disingenuous at best.
Truly believing that the only reason Israel is currently committing these crimes in Gaza is for the hostages when they have made it clear since day one that hey give exactly 0 shits about the hostages, is ridiculous. They killed their own people for fuck's sake.
Not to mention, the horror and deaths and kidnapping happening in the West Bank despite no hostages being there. This is not about the hostages and never has been. they just used them as the reason to remove as many Palestinians from most of Gaza as possible (whether by killing them or displacing them). Goal was always to take the Palestinian Territories too. That's why illegal settlements keep being built in the West Bank.
But that doesn't suit your narrative, does it? You all have to grasp at straws to try and make sense of what's happening and use mental gymnastics to excuse or defend or justify or reason Israel's actions because the truth would be too difficult to hear. Living in denial and ignorance because you can't face the reality that those you defend and stand by wouldn't hesitate to murder thousands of innocents, of CHILDREN for imperialistic goals. For power. For land.
Like look at Lebanon now. Either y'all are making jokes and cheering at the deaths or you're trying your hardest to search the entire internet for anything to suggest that no civilians got hurt in order to continue standing in support of Israel with a conscious mind.
Actual people losing their limbs and eyes, and arms and actual health rovers and children dying are things you refuse to believe and you'll try to reason in it with "children ding is wrong of course, but collateral damage. but Israel could've been more careful" while completely ignoring how this exact scenario and these exact justifications play out EVERY TIME Israel has any operation.
You think the mutated dead corpses of babies in Gaza were just unfortunate collateral damage, or fake photos, don't you?
We are not humans in your eyes, are we? No matter how much proof, no matter how much suffering it'll never be enough to admit that Israel doesn't shy away from killing innocents and never has.
I could list all the young kids that were shot in the head, people and loved ones I myself know , and you'd still try to find a way to reason "it was just one bad soldier" "it's not the norm" "maybe the 4 year old had a rock" like you all sound exactly like those racists that will work days and night to try and justify cops killing indigenous and black people in North America. Literally no difference.
We live in a time where mass killings and mass ethnic cleansing, forcibly expanding land, killing people at the drop of a hat, "end justifies the means" is all considered wrong and those who did it in the past get criticized in every way, but somehow that goes out the window when it's Israel doing it because "safety :("
On Point.
Hezbollah also spelling it out yesterday in a speech, “if Israel stops its assault on Gaza and pulls out and returns its hostages, Lebanon will stop. All of this will stop if Israel stops so it truly is in the hands of the enemy.
Also sir, I’m a Palestinian…
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jujusjunk · 11 hours
Do Palestinians like raw kibbeh as well, or is it mainly a Lebanese thing?
While Levantine cuisine tends to be under a big umbrella, what are some quintessential dishes that are specifically Palestinian (other than musakhan) and which are specifically Lebanese? What would you say are the key distinctions?
Andwhichsidemakesthebestbabaganushfalafelandhummus? *runs*
Lmao for hummus I have to say Jordan 100%. Babaganoush 100% Lebanon and falafel 100% palestine. I will throw fists for this.
Raw kibbeh isn’t a huge part of the Palestinian cousin it is mostly Lebanese but it’s not unheard of in Palestinian food. We eat lots of raw food (raw liver, raw kibbeh, raw eggs (for babies actually)) so raw anything is actually a pretty big part of all levant cultures but I think raw kibbeh is specifically Lebanese.
I think for Lebanese manousheh and tabbouleh and like in general salads and kibbeh and all that is a good Lebanese meal.
Jordan tends to be on the heavier side when it comes to food (as in you have to not eat the whole day to be able to stomach a Jordanian meal) we have Zarb which is meat that’s cooked for like 13 hours under ground and OMG it’s so good. We have mansaf(which the history behind it is crazy interesting). Of course we have alayet bandora which is just cooked tomatoes sometimes with eggs but mostly without.
For Palestinian dishes of course as you said musakhan. We also have maqlubeh which is rice with eggplants and tomatoes that’s like flipped after it’s finished and honestly that’s the first thing I ever became good at with cooking because it’s an easy yet filling meal. You can make it with chicken or meat (I like meat more). Then we have of course mahashi which is done literally in every Arab country but I firmly believe it is Palestinian (with literally no proof I just know it in my heart). Which is stuffed zucchini, eggplants, grape leaves, bell peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins (small ones). It’s stuffed with rice and minced meat and ITS SOO GOOOODDD.
Now the food I think is under an umbrella in all of the levant and sometimes even the whole of the Middle East is hummus, falafel (Jordanian is the best), knafeh, Zeit w zaatar. Those I think are just an Arab thing.
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
Be real careful juju im seeing a lot of misinformation about the pager situation and some of it is on the violent tankie propaganda blogs you are reblogging from. Even within the same post there is information that conflicts with something later on in the same post (such as having a screenshot about lithium batteries exploding [untrue could not have produced these sizes explosions having seen the videos] and then later in the screenshot claiming Israel planted explosives in the devices, which is more likely accurate. But that's just a neutral example, there's other straight up untruths in those posts and sharing lies does nobody any favors. I have no interest in getting into an argument about what those things are. But what I want you to do is try to verify stuff with actual news sources. It is very easy while chaos is happening to simply make stuff up and it is always best to verify with multiple legitimate sources the things you find screenshotted and shared by propaganda accounts on tumblr. None of us are immune to propaganda. Same with me, which is why I try to verify stuff to minimize the "oh someone said it on reddit/tumblr and it sounds plausible to me so I will believe it happened that way now" which still gets me on occasion.
You and me both but I got the info I was making sure of and it’s that not only were Hezbollah fighters carrying pagers but also workers and civilians and pharmacists and that was said in hezbollahs speech today so if anyone wants a confirmation I’m sure there’s a translated version of it by now.
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
Honestly this is depressing. I really do wish Palestine to be free, for Israelis to allow them the right of return. For the end of settlers in the West Bank, the end of the gazan blockade, etc. But the Palestinians and their leadership seems to make every stupid decision possible in order to screw them selves over. Maybe don’t shoot missiles into Israel, don’t kidnap and rape people, don’t do bus bombings, recognise Israel. They could end this war tomorrow by returning the hostages and having Hamas step down from government.
Netanyahu’s government isn’t much better either.
You cannot blame Hamas and the Palestinian government only. I firmly stand by that. You want to play the blame game then fingers are pointing at everyone and everyone is an asshole in the situation.
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
What’s your most controversial opinion?
I like Saddam Hussein, I honestly think he was the best ruler for Iraq🤷🏻‍♀️
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
Where’d you go?
I’m still under @homochadensistm ‘s floor boards
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
What’s your favorite thing about being Palestinian?
The culture that honestly so deeply ingrained into my everyday life that it’s just the way I function at this point.
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jujusjunk · 12 hours
What do people in Lebanon or Jordan ( wherever you went to school growing up) learn about Jewish history going back hundreds/thousands of years? Particuarly in the Levant or wider Middle East.
What interesting things do you learn about the ancient history of your own people? What do you learn about the ancient history of Lebanon (it's really old!) or what's now Jordan? I feel like I don't know a lot about the old history of Israel's neighbors as an American Jew but I feel like those areas gotta have a rich history.
We learned nothing about Jewish history! Like at all, in religion we learned about Moses and the Islamic story of the Jews which is much different than the one you guys know about but we genuinly know nothing about Jewish history in the Middle East. I’d love to hear about it tho if you’ll tell me! I love love love history and it’s always been my favorite class but that’s about all I know about Jews. (Obviously and the Second World War but that’s it)
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jujusjunk · 13 hours
Lwade3 Keefak Jawad.
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jujusjunk · 22 hours
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jujusjunk · 22 hours
awwwww terrorist's got their phones blown up???
womp womp
Again I don’t care that Hezbollah idiots died they are monsters
Israel used random explosives in populated areas and it killed and maimed CHILDREN
I didn’t tolerate this shit when America did it by accident with those stupid yellow bombs that looked like fuckin aid packages and I don’t tolerate it when idiots in Israel do it
Motherfuckers are so desperate to suck off Israel and virtue signal about wanting Arabs dead they don’t even read the part where I want Hezbollah dead too
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jujusjunk · 1 day
Never forget that this would not be happening had Biden reined in Israel in October '23 instead of giving them a blank check to attack anyone they please. At the very least there should have been consequences for Israel bombing an embassy.
Instead Biden promised iron clad support for Israel. We're now facing the possibility of a huge regional war that will devastate the lives of tens of millions of civilians in West Asia
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jujusjunk · 1 day
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jujusjunk · 1 day
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Update 2:
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jujusjunk · 1 day
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We will not forget, and we will not forgive. 16/9/1982 The 42nd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: Telegram 42 Years Since the Sabra and Shatila Massacre, and the War of Genocide Continues
42 years have passed, and the Palestinian memory still holds the recollection of one of the most heinous crimes in modern human history. This massacre was committed by the gangs of the zionist occupation army and its collaborators in Lebanon against unarmed civilians, including Palestinian refugees, their Lebanese brothers, and dozens of others of various Arab and foreign nationalities. The massacre claimed the lives of more than 3,500 martyrs and left hundreds missing. The murderers committed the most brutal acts of killing and torture, cutting open the bellies of pregnant women, slaughtering children, women, and the elderly, and destroying homes over the heads of their inhabitants. For three consecutive days, the killers unleashed all their hatred and savagery, carrying out one of the most atrocious crimes against humanity. Its psychological impact remains present in the minds and hearts of all our Palestinian people and all the free and honorable people in the world. This horrific massacre occurred in the wake of the zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and the steadfastness of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance against the invading forces at the gates of Beirut for three months. During this period, the occupation failed to break through. They managed to enter only through deceit and Western-American collusion, which provided guarantees and promises to the Palestinian revolution forces to protect Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Just days after the revolution forces departed, the Nazi gangs, under orders and support from the zionist occupation army led by war criminal Defense Minister Ariel Sharon and his Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan, stormed the camp inhabited by thousands of Palestinian refugees, poor Lebanese, Syrians, and others, where they proceeded to kill every living being they came across. Despite the brutality and savagery committed by the occupation army and its tools, the world turned a blind eye to prosecuting the criminal murderers and pursuing them as war criminals. The genocide being perpetrated against our people in the Gaza Strip proves that as long as criminals remain outside prison, they continue to accumulate crime, savagery, and fascism, sitting at the top of the racist zionist entity, which today poses a threat to all humanity and to all the free and honorable people in our nation and the world. The 42nd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre and the war of genocide led by the occupation army in partnership with and complicity of colonial Western American silence and official Arab betrayal against the Palestinian people continues to unfold. Today, our people in Gaza, the West Bank, and Al-Quds face a war of genocide and ethnic cleansing rarely seen in contemporary human history. The aim is to liquidate the Palestinian cause and implement the zionist-imperialist schemes to control the resources and wealth of the peoples of the region and colonial domination over the world. While the occupation army commits the most heinous crimes using the latest in American-zionist Western killing machines against an unarmed people who have only the will and faith in the justice of their cause and their right to a free and dignified life like all the peoples of the earth, the Palestinian people continue their resilience and steadfastness, writing the most wonderful epics of heroism and sacrifice, rejecting subjugation and surrender, and affirming their commitment to the option of resistance as the only path to liberation and return.
The Sabra and Shatila massacre 42 years ago served as a model and a lesson for our people and a warning to all who bet on American and Western guarantees and promises, which are synonymous with lies, hypocrisy, and conspiracy against peoples yearning for liberation from the yoke of occupation and enslavement. As we remember the horror of this massacre, we call on the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, all international legal and human rights institutions, and all advocates of freedom and justice worldwide to continue exerting pressure by all means and methods until the war of genocide against our people in Gaza and the West Bank stops. We demand the prosecution of the leaders of the zionist entity and its army and their trial as war criminals so that the murderous criminals do not escape punishment, as did the perpetrators of the Sabra and Shatila massacre 42 years ago. On the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, we renew our pledge to the martyrs of the ongoing massacre that our people will continue the path of struggle and resistance until all their usurped rights are restored, no matter how long it takes and regardless of the sacrifices made. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department September 16, 2024
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