#I do want to make drawings that make people think more deeply - to give D the depth that Kikuchi doesn't allow us hahaha
swampybogg · 18 hours
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine SFW Alphabet
Relationship: Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine x Reader
Fandom: X-Men
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst
Word Count: 3,684
Main Masterlist: Here
X-Men Masterlist: Here
Consider donating a TIP or a Kofi: Here
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Logan is a very solitary guy. He’s much more used to being on his own than with someone in any capacity. That said, I do see him as an “acts of service” kind of man. He definitely is getting you refills on your food and drink at mansion parties, and keeping an eye on the people around you. He’ll carry you to your room after a mission, or make sure that you’re not needing any medical assistance, if you are a part of the gang.
If you’re a normie, he’s holding your heels and carrying you home after a night at the bar even though he warned you not to wear them and to just go with your boots.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Sarcastic comments and playful bullying are your first love languages. I mean, people outside the friendship think you hate each other, but that’s only if they don’t look at you closer. He would always find something to tease you about, but he never let it get too mean.
If you’re an X-Men too, I believe that you guys would have been made to go on a solo mission together. You two have never been this close, so you try to pass the time, but it eventually turns into you pushing Logan’s buttons. So he gives it as good as he gets.
A normal person however, a non-mutant, I could see him just meeting you at every given chance. It’s a small town in Canada that he has decided to stay in; there’s one post office, one coffee shop, and only a couple of bars and restaurants. So yeah, he just keeps running into you, and strikes up a little conversation each time.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh he for sure loves to cuddle. You’re going to look at me and tell me that grumpy kitty with the fluffy hair doesn’t like to cuddle?! Oh nay, nay. This man loves it. A major reason is that he loves to make sure you’re kept happy and comfy. In Logan’s mind, the safest place you could be was in his arms.
Logan would cuddle one of two ways. He would either place you on his chest, fully laying down on him because he would love to feel your weight on him. It’s comforting to the man. Or, he would be on his side, with you in front of him. His back would be to the door, and his arms would be tucked up all around you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
This man has proved he wants to settle down. He wants to have his little cabin in the Canadian wilderness, maybe a dog, and you and some littles. Logan would want to retire from being a superhero one day. Even though he could technically live forever, he doesn’t want to spend those days fighting. He craves having a slice of the quiet life, with someone he loves.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Cold, quick, and efficient. He would not draw it out, or withdraw from you over time. Logan would either simply leave with only the necessary items while you’re asleep or away. But if you catch him leaving, he would continue barreling towards the door, successfully shaking off your hands. He would not talk more than necessary and would only leave with one final glance before stalking off into the unknown, and away from you.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Logan loves fiercely and deeply. Not even death can shake his love for you. He would learn to live with it of course, but he would still proclaim his love for you till his dying breath. He’s a committed man to those who commit to him. To be loved by the Wolverine is a blessing and a bit of a curse. That fierce kind of love always rears it ugly head in a jealous mood if he notices you getting close to someone you shouldn’t. That being said…
If you were a mutant that had a healing factor like him, I think he would want to actually get married. Full on, with a marriage certificate, a suit and gown, and a beautiful ceremony and reception on the lawn of the mansion. Beast definitely officiates the wedding, with Charles rolling with you down the aisle. Scott makes a joke about how Logan should get married in a Canadian tuxedo rather than a traditional one. That doesn’t go over well with the man who is already reigning in his nerves about the whole ordeal. Not about marrying you, but rather the fanfare of it all.
If you do not posses a healing factor in some fashion, whether you’re a mutant who doesn’t have that, or a non-mutant, I feel like he would be hesitant to marry you. Logan wouldn’t want to tie you down to someone that will inevitably outlive you. In fact, he might encourage a break up so that you can find someone to grow old with. But, if you manage to convince him to stay, he would have no hesitation about marrying you. You have a small and intimate affair, from where Logan calls in a favor from an old friend named Charles.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s the Wolverine. It’s James Logan Howlett. That man is as soft physically as concrete wall. However, he does tend to take a softer hand to you no matter what he is doing. Logan has lived with his own enhanced strength for centuries, but he is still afraid of hurting you. He would always make sure that his hands are soft on your body, and that his claws are nowhere near you.
Now, emotionally, again it’s the Wolverine people. He is a lone wolf, that doesn’t care too much for the rules of society. But, when it is just you two, he’s letting you in on his struggle on reconnecting his past or the innermost struggle of his more animalistic side. Going back to A for Affection, Logan sends you little winks and smirks from across the bar. But his smile, his genuine smile when the two of you are alone; those are what you both cherish.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He, for sure, loves to hug you close. He’s just got those big meaty hands, and those equally beefy arms that encompass you and keep you close. It’s a safe form of intimacy for him. Even if his claws were to come out accidentally, he would probably just knick himself. There would be virtually no chance of him getting you caught between them.
Logan tries to hug you whenever he’s home from missions. The first thing he does after getting home and dropping his bags in the foyer of the mansion, is to find you so he can get his hugs that are on back order. It’s something that helps ground him as much as his hugs help to ground you.
Getting a hug from Logan is the physical feeling of putting a fleece blanket hoodie on a bear statue and walking into it. He is always warm, partially because he’s a big burly man and partially because of his mutation, and he’s hairy. So if you hug him without a shirt on, be prepared. Could make a carpet out of that body hair.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
At least six to eight months, but more than likely a year. He’ll know right around the six month mark, but he’s not telling you at first. Logan would assume his acts of service and protection were enough to tell you that. He’s also waiting on you to gage how he feels about saying that word to you. You’ve gotta show him, and possibly tell him, you love him in order for him to reciprocate.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Logan really only gets jealous if he notices someone younger and attractive trying to chat you up. A major insecurity of his would be the age gap, and possibly you not living as long as him. If you had no regenerative healing factor, he might just quietly sulk in the corner of the bar as he watches.
If you do, however, he would be downing that beer first, and then moving. Logan’s not stupid enough to leave his drink unattended. Just because he can heal from just about anything, doesn’t mean he wants to. He’s pulling hands away and squaring off to anyone that dares try to get handsy with his girl. And you need to be prepared to calm down the feral Wolverine, and give him some reassurance once you get back to where you guys are staying.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
As I said, Logan loves fiercely and deeply. His kisses are no exception. He kisses you like it will be the last time he sees you forever. Logan aims to encapsulate you in a kiss, and it works a lot of the time.
He loves your lips, and forehead. Especially if you’re shorter than him. Lips for the obvious reason; it’s close, intimate, and he loves feeling yours against his. Now the forehead, is because that is what he can reach. When you’re tucked into his chest, he wants to be able to kiss you but for whatever reason he can’t, so he goes for your forehead. Also those forehead kisses just bathe you in a warming glow.
Logan loves to be kissed on his throat and knuckles. Now hear me out before you scroll away! His throat, because if you’re shorter than him, it always happens when he’s got you hugged close. So when he’s dropping kisses to your forehead, press a couple to his throat and he’s putty in your hands. As for his knuckles, it’s a dangerous game, but one that is born of a time of deep insecurities. When he is having doubts about himself, his choices, and his past, he likes to sit with you on the couch or bed and hold you. Logan is always worried about having you anywhere near where his claws come out of skin, but the little, feather light kisses you leave, well, they break his resolve just a bit.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
I believe that it depends on the child’s age. If it’s a small baby, like less than two years old, he would be okay as long as he is not the one holding it. However, if you do manage to convince him to hold the infant, he is sitting there with the most scared expression he has ever had.
Kids that are a bit older and can handle their own he’s okay being around. Logan doesn’t mind the younger ones, like are seven or ten, but he tends to just watch them rather than get involved. Teenagers are the youngest he likes to interact with. He’s just not used to being around little ones, and he feels like he’s too old to start now.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Logan are blissfully spent. Whenever he gets the morning off from work or from the X-Men, he loves to spend it doing absolutely nothing. Slow mornings are spent lounging in bed, with nothing on your mind. He loves watching you sleep and be at peace. It’s a peace that he, himself, longs for. Logan enjoys being able to have slow mornings as it gives him a taste of a life he craves.
N = Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Evenings depend on how that day has been. If the day goes good, then you can expect a nice slow evening, with cuddles and kisses. Maybe falling asleep to an old black and white film on the tv, with you perched of his chest.
Now if he had a bad day, oh Lordy. Logan is going to be non-verbal and totally unwilling to be near you. For your own sake, he wants to keep a distance from you. He doesn’t want to hurt you physically or emotionally. Eventually, Logan will come to bed, but he does it after you have gone to sleep, because he just doesn’t want to deal with any questions. Not until the next day.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Logan would not be open to you at all. He’s a very closed off man that doesn’t let just anyone in. It would definitely come in stages. He would tell you what he could remember about his past over several months to years. And as he uncovers more of his past, Logan will come to terms with it before he ever tells you. He’s also a man of few words, so it will probably take him a while just to put it into words to tell you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I don’t think he gets angered easily so much as annoyed. It genuinely takes a lot to get him angered. And most of the time, he’s playfully annoyed at you. Like if you politely ask him for another drink, he’ll grumble about how you are perfectly capable of getting it yourself. However, getting him mad is something that takes a personal turn. If you attack his abilities, or legitimately degrade him, he’s getting righteously angry. Logan takes any purposeful attacks on him personally. And he knows you could do it after a while of dating, because he will have told you things that will push the right buttons in the right order.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Logan remembers everything. Losing his memory is a blessing in disguise, because now he can use that space for you. He truly loves every word you say, even if he doesn’t show it. Logan can often be perceived as disinterested in you whenever you’re talking. But this man got a small notebook to fill with random things you talk about, including your to go orders. There’s a section about favorites like food, color, or move. Another is there about dreams and plans for the future, and even random things.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Logan’s favorite memory is one random night in the dead of winter.
He returned home from a mission gone horribly wrong. Scott was pissing him off, Jean kept trying to tempt him into another relationship, and Storm was staying out of it on the flight home. Then, the actual contents of the mission. They had lost their target, gotten wrapped up in another one of the Brotherhood’s schemes, and overall got the snot kicked out of them. The team had enough that day. So getting home was of top priority.
Logan grabbed his bag and stalked off before anyone could get a word in on him. He wanted out of his suit and in his bed as of yesterday. Even he could feel the cold from the snow seeping into the mansion as they ascended. He was in his jeans and his usual jacket, but the boots caused the stairs to creak under his weight. As he came into the room, his heart skipped in his chest, and he leaned against the doorframe.
There you were, snuggled up in the blankets with his flannel wrapped around your body. You were even on his side of the bed with your face smooshed into his pillow. It made him swell with love and pride. But that stands out in his mind, because it was the first time that he had caught you like this. The TV was still on; you were trying to wait up for him. And that meant more than anything in the world. He would never tell you though, that he had caught you like that.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I’m sorry, you do realize who we’re talking about right? Wolverine is going to be the most fiercely loyal and protective lover in the world. He will literally sniff out trouble around you, and keep you safe.
If you’re just dealing with someone who won’t take no for an answer at a bar or party, he’s putting a hand on your waist and glaring the person down. If they refuse to back down, he’s getting in their face and using his intimidation to make them. After that, claws are coming out, bub.
Now, on missions it’s a different story. He knows that you can take care of yourself, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting to keep you away from harm. But if Logan sees that you’re getting overwhelmed or in trouble, he’s on his way over as fast as lightning. He is dispatching of the enemy with fierce vengeance.
Logan wouldn’t need nor want you to protect him physically. That’s his job and he will stand by it. However protecting his mind and heart is the only job he wants you to have. By providing him shelter when his own mind betrays him, it protects him during a vulnerable time.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates really depend. If you’re an X-Man and going on missions, your date nights and anniversaries are at the liberty of whenever you are home from missions. If you’re not, he usually has an easier time of planning things for your dates. Regardless, he will usually plan casual dates nights for the most part. Every once in a while he will take you out on the town for dinner and a movie, or a night of drinking and dancing. But most of the time, he’s just having a dinner prepped or gotten take out, and a movie pulled up on the tv.
Logan loves to silently spoil you. He will never make a huge fuss about gifts he gives you. And they’re always practical in some fashion. He gets you a new coffee mug with your favorite character on it but he’s scratched your name into the bottom so no one can take it. Or a new set of personal defense weapons that won’t trigger metal detectors but still pack a punch.
            Like I said before, his love language is acts of service. You need your car fixed? He’s got it purring like a lambo. You need laundry done? You’ve got new clothes in your dressers, plus some of his flannel and tank tops so you can have his clothes and scents around you. This lovable man will preform mundane tasks without being asks because he wants you to know he loves you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Going cold and silent for no good reason is a big one. It’s so easy for him to revert to his old ways but he does try to work on it. After a long day though, he just wants a beer and a silent, dreamless sleep. So, it’s difficult for him to open up and talk about whatever it is that’s bothering him on a day like this. Thus, leading to the withdrawal.
I feel like another would be his ability to overreact. If Scott asks you to join him on a mission, or even how one went that he wasn’t on, Logan is just about growling at the man. But anyone he views as a threat to you, he’s not liking one bit which tends to lead to the man to growling, snapping, and even the claws coming out.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Logan is not all too concerned with how he looks. He does his hair but that’s about it. Like, other than that, he just genuinely doesn’t care. This is a mutant with the ability to heal near instantly. I can’t reiterate how much he doesn’t care.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
The further you get into your relationship, the more he feels like he can’t live without you. It’s something he gets hit with all at once. It’s part of why he’s so protective over you, even if you have a healing factor. He’s terrified to lose you once he truly loves you deeply within his soul. When he can’t be near you, he’s counting down the minutes till he can remedy that. If he ever lost you, if you died or left him in some other way, there would be nothing left to keep the animal in check.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Logan loves you playing with his hair and pampering him. Does he understand the difference between a physical exfoliant and a chemical one? Absolutely not. But he loves having you use whatever it is on him. When his day is super rough, he’ll stay silent as he lets you lead him face down on the bed. Getting massages on those days are amazing because he swears that your hands can feel what is wrong and get it out. He’s letting you wash his face, put weird creams on him, all the while he’s got a fluffy headband on. And once you’re done with the skincare, the head massage that follows? Oh, he feels the stress of everything wash away. There is nothing that clears the rage and foul feelings better than a little pampering session.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I don’t know why, but he strikes me as a texture guy. Not on his skin, but in the food he eats. Like he won’t eat certain foods because they make odd textures in his mouth. He also just likes simple foods, so that could be a reason.
In a partner though, he wouldn’t appreciate someone trying to change him, or that would pry too deep. Let me explain. Logan knows what he is, a rehabilitated animal that tries to do his best. And he doesn’t want anyone else telling him that he isn’t. It’s not a matter of that he can’t shake the image that he spent so long with, but rather that he can still feel it inside his being every time those claws come out.
In that same vein, he doesn’t want someone that asks too many questions that he doesn’t have the answers to nor wants to give. If he wakes up from a nightmare where he uncovers new memories, he’ll decide in time to share that with you. You have to let him go at his own pace otherwise you’ll spook him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
On his back, straight as a board, blankets around his chest, while he’s alone. If you’re spending the night, he’ll either fall asleep with you on his chest with hm on his back, or with his back to the door and on his side with you in his arms. Also, I don’t care what anyone says, this man has the cutest baby snores ever. Sounding like a baby bear in bed and now it’s your own form of white noise. It’s so difficult for you to fall asleep without it.
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orkbutch · 1 year
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Okay! time to add my accompanying essays with each image from this set of work about why I assigned which types of play to each set of characters, and how Baldur's Gate III supports these in the text of the game. Because I thought about all of this way too much im not joking
First, Context: All of these are drawings of consentual play happening between these characters after they have put aside any active conflicts between each other. Nontheless, they utilise the dynamics and emotional conflicts of these characters. Each of these characters are in some way violent people, deeply stressed out by their circumstances, and craving pleasure and connection. Sometimes you need a little pinch and squeal before the end of the world just to get through the night, you know?
Rough D/s sex/Breath play, Karlach (D) / Shadowheart (S)
A little clarification of what exactly is happening in this image: Karlach is strapping SH roughly, whispering very dirty things in hear ear, and using her hand and the weight of her body to gently restrict SH's breathing. Now you know. :) If you want to know what Karlach is whispering, I will be taking questions thank you.
The first thing Shadowheart says upon seeing Karlach is that she likes that Karlach looks strong and reliable enough to protect her in a pinch. This is because Shadowheart is horny and gay but ALSO. I wanted to explore this little glimpse of something unexpected about SH, especially that early in the game, but really revealing and true about her personality: Shadowheart understands and appreciates that relying on others is very important and shouldn't be avoided.
I think this part of SH is almost her saving grace from otherwise being totally absorbed by her Sharran faith; knowing she wants and needs other people. Because community has always been comforting to her, and because other people help you cope with life. It makes her loneliness far more profoud as well. She has not buried a need for other people (like Astarion for example), but lost people she knows she needs. She lost her Sharran peers on their mission, lost her memories, lost her family, lost the experience of being cared for in childhood. What does that have to do with SH getting pounded into the ground by a big hot woman, I hear you asking. Well, it's related to how I see Shadowheart's possible relationship to submission. I instinctively see SH as a dom because she just... Absolutely gives dominatrix energy. She basically got trained to be a particularly mean dominatrix, and I think she'd enjoy doing it a whole lot. But being a dom is a role of responsibility, reliability and authority; it requires you to plan and think and make decisions not just for yourself but for a whole additional person. Shadowheart clearly enjoys not having to do that sometimes. She knows the reliability, guidance and support of another person/people being there for her, and she craves it.
I think she'd like being taken away from the responsibility of their situation; to not have to think about the artifact, the tadpole, the fate of the world, what Shar wants, who she is, what her memories are, will she die tomorrow - a terribly stressful existence for someone as prone to anxiety as SH seems to be. What a luxury, to let someone force all the worries out of your head. To leave no space for those anxieties to find purchase through the weight and force of their presence. A big, hot, reliable warrior, squeezing you close, filling your head with what to think about, flooding you with pleasure and a little pain, enough to ground you to the moment. It's a rare treat. SH would love it.
On the other hand, I think Karlach would absolutely love this kind of role. Not because Karlach likes pure power - she seems kinda repelled by it actually - but because Karlach loves being capable, needed, and providing for people. To sweep SH off her feet and give her a moment of hot, rough, rejuvinating bliss through her strength and sexual prowess would be extremely up Karlach's ally.
Karlach is also just... such a rough houser. She's an excited dog at the park that plays too rough and feels bad until she finds a friend who actually loves it, and she's thrilled with the chance to use all that energy to its full potential. She likes a little grit and texture. Anything too slow or methodical and I think she'd get bored. To get to use her boundless energy and have that be deeply appreciated would be so fun for her.
For her to get to use her body and the traits that ended up landing her in slavery - her toughness, strength, skill at violence and knack for intimidation - to indulge, to provide pleasure, to make something good and deeply desired... I think that'd be very touching for Karlach. Intimacy is something she hasn't gotten to explore for a long time. She wants as much contact as possible, to feel others viscerally, to feel that she can be something that other people can not just handle/accept but enthusiastically want. Even after whats been done to her and what she was for ten years, she is the right thing for people, because of and not despite who she is after Avernus.
In conclusion: I think Shadowheart would love to be no thoughts head empty fucked brainless now and then, and I think Karlach would be thrilled to provide. And oh man, Karlach would be SO good at aftercare. So sweet, so warm to cuddle up against, super attentive. She'd ask for reassurance that she wasn't too rough or didn't say anything weird, and Shadowheart would reassure her that they could get far more depraved than that; it was exactly what she needed, and she wanted to go deeper next time. A little challenge to let Karlach embrace her role more completely. Oof. I am so excited to write this shit into the fic im working on LMAO
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hello! may i request 10, 13, 15, 17 and 20 for the yeon brothers please... also thank you for your service and dedication to the entire paralive community I LOVE your writing !!! have a good day when you see this :D
(This is so sweet thank you!!!)
Dongha Yeon:
10. ♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
You're very delicately woven into his business dealings, considering the arranged marriage, but he doesn't really ask for your opinions on things unless he knows they're in your wheelhouse. If you want to offer something up he'll listen, but be careful about doing so in front of others as he can be less agreeable if he knows people are watching.
13. ♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
At his current age, no, it's not something that would be looked upon favorably regardless of your relationship (and Dongha would light something on fire if someone suggested a 'sleepover'). But when he's older, having someone sleep by his side is a necessity. There's a comfort in turning to the person you love when you're at your most vulnerable (not that he'll ever consider himself vulnerable) and being able to just cuddle up with them, finding it much less embarrassing to do so when you were sleeping (even if he always fell asleep when curled up with you, leaving you to wake up to the very scene he didn't want you to see in the morning).
15. ♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
Dongha rarely has anything he wants to talk about just before bed. Your husband is very communicative when he's agitated or something is bothering him, so you're used to receiving daily calls or being pulled into a side room for him to vent to you. You loved that he trusted you enough to do so, thinking it's best that he leave his frustrations at the door so that the bedroom could be a place he could truly relax.
17. ♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
Arranged. Everything in his life had been arranged so it made sense his love life was just that as well; a powerful heir, or someone who’s an ally to his family, either way he viewed it as something purely strategic. He treated you with a distant politeness but you could see that he was putting on a professional mask; his harshness was just a cover for his constant feelings of rivalry and inadequacy compared to his elder brother, and while you wanted to support him, he wouldn’t take you seriously until he was much older (and more emotionally intelligent). He wasn’t averse to getting to know you on some level, however, which was an extended olive branch you excitedly took.
Hajun Yeon:
10. ♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
When you first get to know Hajun you’re very much on the outskirts of his life, getting small glimpses in from behind a stone barrier with lights flashing almost like a warning. Being allowed to know the people around him, to know the things he’s involved in, to even know something as little as his career aspirations, is the way you know Hajun fully saw you as his partner. Once you’re officially dating you’ve begun some deeply ingratiated into just about everything he does that your loss would be like removing a chunk of who he is, and the scar that would be left behind would never allow another person entry again.
15. ♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
Depends on if there’s something to talk about. Hajun doesn’t make conversation just for the sake of it, and you can tell when he’s content or giving you the cold shoulder before you fall asleep next to him. He doesn’t always like talking to you when he’s sleepy as embarrassing things tend to slip out, like his more affectionate craving tendencies as he makes loving demands that a fully at attention Hajun would turn around on you by saying it was clear you were the one that wanted to be close.
20. ♥ How did their relationship start?
Your relationship with Hajun had a slow start; he was familiar with you due to being formerly engaged but he had since lost touch after all that happened with his family. He’s wary about why you’re coming back now that he’s practically no use to you, even more suspicious as he had to think about what you might deliver back to your own parents (which would surely reach his fathers ears). He was hardly willing to call you a friend but your sheer determination seemed to imply more than just an interest in reporting his business back to his former family. He gives you an inch and he expects you to respect it, but with time you wedged yourself back into being an important person in his life.
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bolsadefrutas · 7 months
New post!!
Sorry for not posting for some time :[ I don’t draw RDR fanart very often, and I realized that posting my own OC’s doesn’t get as much attention as my RDR fanart. It made me very sad because I draw my own characters a LOOT and love to share about them! Maybe one day I’ll be able to get them to get as much attention in here haha.
Anyway, these are some doodles I drew on magma from a little while ago :D
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And Alsoo…
I wanted to add that I DO have RDR OC’s!!!!
These two are siblings; their names are Ajei (26) and Xochitl (19) Narváez. A bit of a backstory & character explanation;
Before they moved to the United States, Ajei and Xochitl lived in a pueblo back in Mexico. Their father, who left his reservation with reason to explore the world, met their mother, who was a nun at the church of the local pueblo he was staying in at the time.
The government wasn’t the best at providing for the people, especially the indigenous pueblos. In fact, wanted them gone. We all know the story and how it goes. Unfortunately, this family were also heavily affected by the wrongdoings of a corrupt governor, which caused the sickness and slow death of their dear pueblo. Not enough clean water, food, and resources. If the people in towns didn’t have it good, they sure had it worse.
Ajei started growing into the mindset of a rebel; taking away from the greedy government and give back to the people. At the age of 22, he decided to join the gang of the rebelling forces, which made him participate in the stealing and killing of the Mexican troops and their governors. Not long enough, he had gotten a bounty to his head, which also affected his alive family member; Xochitl. Ajei decided to take himself and Xochitl to the United States where they could hide low and get a proper life, since he could not be any safe in his own country. (They both were 23 & 16 at the time.)
Ajei and Xochitl didn’t really fall into a gang in the United States, but they had the knowledge of Dutch Van Der Linde, and deeply admired him. More specifically, Ajei did. Xochitl just viewed the man the same as she did to Ajei’s old leader; a man leading prideful people to their deaths just for his benefit. Whenever she mentioned it to Ajei, he’d just get upset and not listen to her for looking up to him.
They didn’t have it easy growing up, and to Xochitl, she thought Ajei didn’t learn to not trust so easily, even when a person has the same ideologies as him. In his defense, he felt sense of comfort when someone actually recognized how important his people are to him, and him wanting to search for safety in that is valid, but the boy thought more with his heart than with his brain.
The way they met Dutch…. or more accurately, one of his men, Arthur, was at Valentine. The siblings were just going to town for some of the necessities they needed at their shared home, and as they got separated, Xochitl had gotten snatched away and out of sight. As Ajei looks for her, he asks around the people if they have seen anything, including Arthur. (Arthur would have seen what happened before Ajei approached him.)
I just wanted to add this as a preference, a fictional side mission. Arthur would have the ability to either help Ajei search for his sister, or do nothing and let Ajei go on the search alone. (This would affect how Ajei thought of him in the future.) Either way, Ajei would have found Xochitl safe, but wound himself in the process.
I don’t think I want to bombard more with information about them, especially since anything after this information would contain spoilers of RDR2. I really do like these two though, I just have not drawn them enough, or like at all. I think I’ll make more content of them for Tumblr because my RDR content gets more views. IF YOU READ THIS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!
Small doodles of Ajei and Xochitl :3
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fryday · 3 months
Hihi~ I am the “tell-all video” anon. First of all, thank you so much for answering my ask. I have been a lurker for quite some time now and really enjoy reading your elaborate answers on DnP so i finally decided to send in an ask! :)
Looking back, i now realize that was a very confusing question. As in a “tell-all” video, i meant more like a what was going on behind the scenes and what did the other person do that make it work sort of thing. Coz there were so many incidents that I am just so curious to know how the did they get through it you know what i mean? Especially after watching Dan’s more serious videos (eg. existential crisis, depression video, BIG, and WIQY) and Phil’s Draw My Life 2, we can clearly see that they have been through so freaking much together. With Dan’s depression, I always wonder how Phil was going through as well and how he handle the situation as he has never been vocal about what he was going through as well and his actual feelings. I also have a feeling that Dan spoils Phil rotten like a tutor princess now is because Phil has been so supportive, loving and accepting of him through out the years. Like we got a few teeny tiny glimpse of supportive Phil from time to time, but I want a 5 hours tell all video of them sappily talking about how supportive the other person was when they were going through all the challenges.
I think you sort of touched on it in your answer, and I agree 100% that it would be appreciated if they are willing to share more on serious topics as they are both very eloquent and intelligent. Or maybe something like the mukbang video when they are just chilling and chatting something more light hearted yet where they still be able share more of their thoughts and feelings.
hi, anon, thanks for coming back to clarify your previous ask!! i'm glad you enjoy reading my responses ❤️
totally get what you mean now, and you're right for being super interested in the idea of that video, even if we know we're probably never going to get it (which is within their right!). they've been through hell and back together, and yet remain maybe the healthiest example of a partnership i've ever seen on the internet. it's so admirable.
(this is a long one, so continued under the cut!)
re: phil supporting dan through his depression, i do think about dan whenever phil mentions something to do with the topic, like in the recent advice video phil did when he said something about how depression can make people messier than usual, and to be aware of / considerate about that. he is so learned on these things and i'm sure most of it is from experience.
you know, there is something in what you said about how dan spoils phil these days. he DOTES on him in a way i don't think i've ever seen him do before. (like he's always been very fond towards phil, but that's not the same as the way he like, wifes him these days and yes i made up a verb there because it felt necessary. do you know what i mean?) (disclaimer, i took a break from watching dnp for a hot minute from ~2017 to now basically, so there's lots i've missed, and maybe this was already a trend back in the day. idk! i'm just going off what i remember.)
the few glimpses we've gotten of supportive phil have been so special, but you're right, they're obviously just the tip of the iceberg, and even then they've completely destroyed us each time. it makes you think about how yes, we know they love each other, but we'll never know just how much, or the many many deeply important, difficult and meaningful ways that loved has been forged + toughened over the years.
i think a mukbang type setting is the only way i can conceive of them sharing things like this. a setting where they can relax, let their walls down and be vulnerable. the energy in the mukbang video was completely different from their usual, similar only maybe to the final google feud, but even that was more silly and jokey. mukbang vid was just - soft. open. giving. and they shared some things i didn't expect at all in it.
but at the end of the day, like you said in your first ask, the way they've barely shared anything important about their relationship really proves how genuine it is between them. like, this is their life. they live it for themselves and each other, and we're just lucky enough to get to see them sometimes. it's great
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imaginehappyhavoc · 10 hours
Could i ask for the thh boys with an artistic reader that likes drawing them? Thanks! -🌠
Pairing: thh boys x artist!reader
Genre: fluff!
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Makoto thinks it’s the sweetest thing!
♡ He considers himself pretty average in all aspects, so it was a shock to him when you said he was your favorite model.
♡ He gets really flustered every time you show him one of your sketches, but it doesn’t stop him from telling you how amazing it is.
♡ You’re just so talented! It’s hard not to get butterflies when you draw him so pretty!
♡ The little heart you drew next to him was also a pretty great addition, he thinks.
Byakuya Togami (platonic):
♡ I’m gonna be honest, drawing Byakuya is like submitting a sketch to an art show.
♡ The first time he notices you drawing him, he demands to see it. He has to make sure you’re representing him properly, after all.
♡ His critiques, while unwarranted, are surprisingly constructive.
♡ He’ll then say something along the lines of: “Try again. Here, I’ll even give you a better angle.” And he’ll pose.
♡ He’ll never admit it, but he loves the attention.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ It takes him forever to realize that you were drawing him, and not just doing random sketches.
♡ When he figures it out, he quite literally makes the “:0” face, followed closely by the “:D” face.
♡ He all but begs you to let him see your drawings, and he hyped you up endlessly once you let him.
♡ Now, he keeps trying to convince you to make a career out of your art. He says he’ll even be your first investor!
♡ You wonder where he plans to get the money for that, but you decide not to ask.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ This mf goes wild.
♡ He tries so hard to hide it, but oh dear lord he’s so in love with you. How did he manage to bag someone so talented and sweet?
♡ Like Byakuya, he’ll pose for you. Unlike Byakuya, he’s joking.
♡ He’ll totally ask if he can keep the drawings you make of him.
♡ If you let him, he’ll keep them in his school bag, and pull them out to show people at the slightest provocation.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
♡ They have absolutely no idea why you think they’re such a good model, but they’re certainly not complaining.
♡ However, it’s hard for them to keep still once they realize you’re drawing them.
♡ They just get so nervous! In a really good way!
♡ When you’re done, they’ll shyly ask you if they can see. If you say yes, they’ll blush about it so hard they can hardly speak.
♡ They want to keep your drawings, but they’d never ask. Maybe someday they’ll find the courage to take one back to his dorm, just to admire your work.
Mondo Owada:
♡ Speaking of flustered: Him.
♡ This man is a mess about any kind of affection that isn’t physical touch. He has no idea how to cope with it.
♡ He can’t wrap his head around the fact that he’s the one you wanna draw. He never thought he was all that attractive.
♡ Once he sees one of your sketches, he’s suddenly made very aware of the way you see him. You think he’s beautiful, and Mondo just can’t deal with that kind of adoration.
♡ He ends up shouting his thanks to you, as he always does when you get him flustered.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ He is so deeply moved by your work.
♡ He would praise you until his last breath, if he could. However, it wouldn’t be efficient, so he settles on displaying your art.
♡ According to him: “It’s an incredible skill that you’ve honed so well! It deserves to be appreciated, not just by me, but by everyone!”
♡ If you get flustered about it, he’ll reassure you that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s so proud of you, and he’ll tell everyone who’ll listen about it.
♡ While he’s very flattered that you chose him as the subject matter, he’s far more focused on the quality of your drawings. The hard work you must have done to achieve such beauty is truly admirable, in his opinion!
Hifumi Yamada (platonic):
♡ Hifumi is an artist as well, so this makes him happier than anything else!
♡ Once you reveal that you’ve been drawing him, he reveals that he’s been drawing you, too. Art trade ensues.
♡ He’ll model for you enthusiastically. If you need help figuring out how an arm would look when bent this way or that, Hifumi will happily demonstrate.
�� He gives the most useful, constructive criticism you’ve ever heard in your life. Real, good advice that helps you improve.
♡ You two will sometimes just sit in silence with each other, drawing your friend while they draw you. Good times, all around!
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Been thinking about a particular LOTR what-if scenario (because my D&D campaign took a turn into collaborative LOTR fanfiction), and I'm interested in your perspective on it if you have time . . .
Supposing Boromir somehow survived protecting Merry and Pippin, what effect would that have on Denethor?
Denethor's being fed despair by Sauron either way. But I have always read him as the news of Boromir's death being the thing that breaks him and makes him start to believe it. His grief is certainly a large part of what's informing his treatment of Faramir (though certainly not the only thing, as I think there's textual evidence that Denethor favored Boromir all along).
If Boromir didn't die . . . would Denethor still give into despair? Would he still send Faramir on a suicide mission — and if he did, and Faramir still suffered the same wounds, would Denethor still end up in his whole "all is lost; better to die on our own terms" spiral? Or would he have the presence of mind to see to the defense of the city?
How would he react to Aragorn, a man who has all the qualities Denethor disdains in Faramir but even more so, and who people are now saying is the rightful king (who even his own sons, even favored Boromir, are saying is Gondor's king returned)?
(He almost certainly wouldn't be a fan of Aragorn's plan to draw Sauron's eye away from Frodo. He probably would be greatly displeased that the Ring had been allowed to go across the River to Mordor at all, and even Boromir would have trouble convincing him otherwise.)
Thank you for letting me ramble in your askbox, haha. Don't feel pressured to answer if you don't want to or don't find the question as much as I do. (But if you do answer, I will be delighted.)
As much as the Gondor Dudes aren’t my personal hyperfixation in LotR, I am nonetheless a big fan of overthinking hypothetical situations, so this is right up my alley. :-D (Also, it’s really cool that you’re running an LotR-themed D&D campaign!! Sounds like a blast.)
To be honest, you hit pretty much every point I was going to touch on; Denethor’s despair and consequent insanity were certainly motivated, at least in part, by grief, so if you take the grief out of the equation then naturally the results are going to be at least slightly different. But we still have lots of other factors at play here: fighting a hopeless war, the looming specter of deposition, knowing that your allies just sent a nuke into the territory of the Enemy in the hands of a garden gnome so small you could punt him, and Prolonged Exposure to Cursed Artifact are still going to take their toll on Denethor’s mind. He will doubtless be more motivated to hold on to life while his favorite son is still alive, but even if he doesn't turn paranoid and filicidal, he’s still going to be Deeply Messed Up regardless.
So since I'm not getting any new ideas by looking at things from a Watsonian (in-universe) perspective, I'm gonna steer this in a Doylist (meta) direction and talk about implementation instead. The question I always ask myself with these sorts of "canon but a bit to the left" fanfictions is this:
What do you want out of the story? Do you want to:
A) Return to canon as quickly as possible? B) Change just one thing and see how far it butterfly-effects out? C) Find something somewhere in the middle?
Because the thing with "canon but a bit to the left" AUs that you can make pretty much anything work. It's a hypothetical situation. The question is how far away from canon you're willing to deviate. If I'm writing a "Boromir Lives" AU, I might go a couple of different directions, and the one I ultimately choose depends on personal preference and what I want out of the story.
Putting this under a read-more 'cause it's about to get long.
Option A: Canon, but like .5 degrees to the left
Ever since the battle at the Falls, Boromir has been following Aragorn and doing everything the Three Hunters (well, Four Hunters) do. When Pippin looks into the Palantir, Gandalf decides to take him to Minas Tirith right away, and Boromir, who's eager to get home and feels some responsibility for Pippin, volunteers to go with them.
(Yes I know that Shadowfax travels at ungodly fast speeds to get from Rohan to Gondor, but it's implied that lesser horses can keep up with their lord when they need to, so even if Boromir took a different horse they might still have been able to make it to Minas Tirith in a similar time.)
Denethor gives an enthusiastic welcome to Boromir and a far less enthusiastic welcome to Gandalf and Pippin. That welcome becomes less enthusiastic still in the ensuing conversation/interrogation, when he learns that they totally had the Ring but they sent it into Mordor instead of bringing it here. Boromir tries to reason with his father. Denethor is very disappointed with him. He blames Gandalf for corrupting his other son with all this foolishness, and treats Pippin with suspicion because of the whole prophecy with the Halfling, and the convo ends with hurt feelings all around.
I might need the War Nerds on this blog to correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, the attempt to take back Osgiliath wasn't a completely useless suicide mission, at least in concept. It is a major river crossing, and controlling transportation routes is like War 101. If you make it hard for your enemy to cross the River, you make it hard for your enemy to get to your stronghold, and that's good. Not a bad idea on paper. The only problem was that Minas Tirith didn't have the manpower to pull it off.
(And also there were Nazgul.)
Anyway, the point is, it's almost logical enough that you might be able to get away with Denethor ordering the Osgiliath offensive even without the grief-induced paranoia. Besides, there's still other paranoia in play: so far as Denethor is concerned, the Ring is walking into enemy hands, his son and most trusted captain has turned against him, and Gandalf is already planning a coup.
So here's what I'm thinking. Keep the Osgiliath battle, but send Boromir out there as well. Boromir and brother bravely bear the baleful battle, before their butts are badly beat and they get bit by the Black Breath. Dad feels bad, his boasts bashed as his boys' bodies burn with fever. Battle bears down on the beleaguered bourgeoisie, but their bereaved bigwig is barely bothered, too busy building bier bonfires.
…Sorry, I don't know where that came from.
Anyway, the point is, this puts us squarely back where we'd be at this point in canon: Denethor thinks he’s about to lose his family, his city, and his kingdom, and consumed by despair he decides that it's better to die on his own terms than in the hands of the Enemy. You can pretty much just follow canon from here and copy-paste Boromir with whatever is happening to Faramir.
(Except, of course, for the whole "falling in love with Eowyn" thing. But hey! Boromir was in Rohan! He and Eowyn probably know each other already! So they might have some fun conversations in the Houses of Healing.)
This is the route I would take if you want to stick as close to canon as possible and still keep Boromir alive. If adherence to the narrative is not your biggest concern, however:
Option B: Go stupid, go crazy
Boromir doesn't die. What does that change?
Well, everything, if you let it.
Let's say Boromir does return to Minas Tirith with Gandalf and Pippin like I suggested above. Let's say he's able to talk his father into begrudgingly going along with their unorthodox plan to save the world. Let's say Denethor doesn't call for the almost-but-not-quite-entirely-completely-a-suicide-mission to Osgiliath and instead puts Boromir and Faramir to work strengthening the defenses of the Minas Tirith. By time the Battle of Pelennor Fields rolls around, Denethor—now no longer occupied by the family barbecue—is available to direct defense of the city, with both sons acting as his captains.
Awesome! All this is great stuff, right?
Well, yes. So far.
The problem is that we lose so many great moments with other characters in the process. Pippin's pell mell run to find Gandalf. Beregond abandoning his post to protect Faramir. Eowyn and Merry, who slayed the Witch King together because Gandalf was too busy putting out fires (literally!) to get down there and do it himself. Aragorn, proving that "the hands of a king are the hands of a healer"! And if Faramir and Eowyn hadn't both suffered the Black Breath, they wouldn't both have been forced to stay behind as everyone else went to fight at the Black Gate, and they wouldn't have fallen in love in the same way.
This is not a statement meant to push your decision one way or another, but it's just a fact of the decision: If you dispense with Denethor's paranoia, and the insanity, and the murder arson, then you dispense with a lot of the other cool moments in this book. The question you've got to ask yourself is if that's a price you're willing to pay, and if not, how you can work around it.
Anyway, back to Pelennor Fields. I want you to imagine that Denethor is standing at the wall, watching the battle raging below him. It's not going well. The reinforcements from Rohan arrived, but they're barely hanging on. And to his dismay, he sees a fleet of black dots which could only be Corsair ships sailing up the river.
The foremost ship unfurls a banner, with the Tree of Gondor glittering on it.
And the army that pours out of them absolutely wrecks shop with Sauron's forces.
Is Denethor feeling relief? Yes. But is he feeling dread and apprehension and anger too? Also yes. He knows what this is. It's a challenge to his power waiting to happen. All his suspicions about Gandalf's ulterior motives are coming true: he has found someone to supplant him, and whether or not this kid is the true Heir of Isildur, the darn upstart's already gone all dramatic and made a war hero out of himself. Whoop-de-frickin'-do.
And then, he sees Aragorn's face.
And he's livid.
Fun fact: Appendix A tells us that Aragorn actually worked for Denethor’s dad, Ecthelion, for a long time. Aragorn went by a different name, of course, but he was so competent and so well-liked that he became Ecthelion's most trusted and honored captain, to the point that the Steward liked Aragorn more than he liked Denethor. We don't just have history here. We have beef. It's a little bit of a Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Steve Rogers situation where it’s like “Dad liked you more than he liked me and I’m his own son”.
You’d better bet your bottom dollar that when Denethor’s childhood rival rocks up to Minas Tirith, flying a banner made by an elven princess and carrying the Sword that Was Broken on his belt like he's somebody important, it doesn’t matter if Boromir and Faramir and Imrahil and everybody else in Minas Tirith likes him and happily falls in line behind him; Denethor is still gonna take one look at his face and go, “oh. it’s YOU. I freakin' HATE you.”
Whether this colors their ongoing relationship "coolly polite" or "passive-aggressive" or "outright hostile" depends on how vindictive you want to write Denethor. Because let's be honest, bro could totally order Aragorn to leave Minas Tirith and he would; Aragorn knows he's not the king yet, and he's humble enough to accept orders while the Steward is still in charge (as bass-ackwards as that is). But the thing is that Aragorn has the support of the people, and banishing him isn't gonna change that; if anything, it will probably garner sympathy for him, cause the people of Minas Tirith to distrust their leader, and maybe result in fracturing the loyalties of the populous.
So here's what you've got, okay.
You now have a David and Saul situation.
Think about it. Charismatic, upright war hero, beloved by everyone he meets, serving under the suspicious and deeply disturbed incumbent ruler who knows the newcomer is gonna boot him off the throne. You can't live with him: 'cause he's gonna boot you off the throne. But you can't live without him: 'cause you're in desperate need of his particular set of skills, and you'd be incredibly unwise to do away with him and earn the ire of the public. So you put up with him. And put on a show of liking him. And maybe chuck a spear at his head while he's playing the harp to calm down your possibly demonic fits.
But that's just Saul, so let's get back to Denethor.
The next step, in the book, is obviously the Battle of the Black Gate. And, obviously, Denethor is gonna think this military equivalent of knocking on the door of an axe murderer and threatening him with a pea shooter is a terrible idea, because it is. But the whole point—Aragorn and Gandalf and Boromir and Faramir and Imrahil and everyone else insists—is to distract Sauron long enough that the Ring-bearer can succeed in his mission. The plan isn't to win, it's to be bait.
Now you have a few options.
Denethor can, once again, begrudgingly go along with it, showing that he's slowly changing in heart. Perhaps Aragorn's humility is winning him over. Perhaps Boromir's impassioned pleas are getting through. In any case, you have a pretty good set-up for a redemption arc here, which could be interesting if you want to go down that road.
Alternatively, this could be the moment that Denethor entirely gives in to despair and basically says "fine, if you guys wanna go kill yourselves, I'll just be over here doing the exact same thing", and he tries to make Steward a la flambé. (Whether or not he succeeds is up to you, but I will say that this would be a pretty easy way to settle the succession crisis.)
Alternatively still, Denethor could publicly denounce the whole idea as stupid and order the people of Minas Tirith to stay put and defend the city, at the same time that Aragorn and the rest are urging those same people to come with them for one last stand. Now every eligible fighter in the city has to make a choice. Who will they follow? Lord Denethor, or Lord Elfstone? The people are divided. Factions are made. (This might be the moment that a certain member of the Guard sees Faramir standing with Lord Elfstone and decides, for the first time in his life, to break the rules.) In any case, the force that travels to the Black Gate is far smaller than it would have been if not for Denethor's interference.
If you go with the first option, it's a quicker road to a happy ending. Aragorn returns victorious, he and Denethor reconcile, and Aragorn honors the Steward and puts him in a place of high esteem. Everyone in Minas Tirith likes this, including Boromir and Faramir, and everyone lives happily ever after.
If you go with the second option, Denethor has either successfully or unsuccessfully attempted sudoku, which should probably disqualify him from public leadership either way. If he succeeded in barbecuing himself, it's the tragedy of a man who never got to see the upcoming victory; if he failed, it's the tragedy of a man whose mind was so utterly broken by the Enemy that he couldn't enjoy it.
If you go with the third option, congratulations; after Aragorn gets back, you still have to deal with the succession crisis. But I've waffled on for long enough and have basically no ideas how you'd handle this post-story, so I'm not gonna go down that road any further.
Option C: Pitch straight down the middle
Now what I've just presented are the two most extreme possibilities of a "Boromir Lives" AU that exist in my brain, but they're far from the only options. This thing is a spectrum. There are a potentially infinite number of possible storylines, some closer to canon, some further away.
If you like parts of one but not the other, you can mix and match. Take an exit ramp from the AU and get back on canon wherever you want, or just don't and see where it takes you. All I've done is present the furthest extremes I could think of to help shake up the ol' creative juices.
(I would have explored the possibility of Boromir arriving on the corsair ships with Aragorn instead of a few days earlier with Gandalf and Pippin, but that didn't change much except for Boromir having less opportunities to talk his dad down from bad decisions. So do with that what you will.)
I have no idea if this was the kind of answer you were looking for, but I guess I'm just returning rambling for rambling, LOL! In any case, I hope this helped, and if not, I hope it was a fun read.
But there is one more thing I can do for you, before I wish you good luck in your D&D endeavors, and that's turn it over to everyone else who reads this blog and see what they think!
HEY YOU GUYS! If Boromir lived, how would that effect Denethor's psyche?? Reblog with your thoughts!
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quanticq · 1 year
Introducing My WHAU:
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Updates will be slow and gradual since I’m still in university, but the story will be reveal through a series of drawing and texts :D
(Note: Welcome Home and characters belong to PartyCoffin / this story will be heavily reliant on HC and speculations to proceed the plot)
(Additionally I would like to say that the story itself was inspired deeply by Home Is Where You Belong by u/Bitway on AO3! @ozrockbitway work was also the first time I see the character, Dorelaine, mentioned and depicted as an important character in their story which I think is pretty cool and I want to play around with that too!)
Please check out their work!
More info under the cut!
Now that’s done, here are some breadcrumbs of the world and story that I have in mind:
(Note that some info may be subjected to change in the future)
“N” Youfu or The Caretaker is an OC that I created for this story, they use They/Them pronouns, often referred to as The Human
Puppets and Humans co-exist with each other in this universe, “N” in this context was referred to be as the only human in context to how they’re the only one in the neighborhood of Welcome Home
“Walking through the supposed lively pathway of the neighborhood, it is noticeable that everything seems to be neglected and barren. Where are the people? Empty stalls were sprawled across the streets, homes boarded up and windows long since shattered. Only then, a lone red house atop of the hill seems to beckon you close, it looks run down and deathly still. It’s floorboards has long since rotten as you stepped inside, but that’s alright, you’ll make home for it.“
Wally’s role in this story is that he is a keeper of sorts, he is tied to the Neighborhood due to mysterious circumstances.
Wally is the only resident of Welcome Home. Although, he would gives hints of the previous residents habits and personalities but won’t disclose what really happened
“N” and Wally work together to rebuilt the neighborhood in hope that it will bring people into Welcome Home, Wally would be the concept artist to grasp the foundation, while “N” does the hard labour
(since puppets are so light, im not sure if Wally is able to lift a single brick)
R. Dorelaine would be integral to the plot. Some parts would be split between present and past events surrounding Wally’s circumstances but do take note: he will be a morally gray character
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That’s all! Thank you for reading, stay tune for more info!
(Also apologies if there’s any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language, I accept questions and critiques!)
Additional info: “N” and Wally Darling is Asexual in my story, their relationship is very Queer-Platonic
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corviisquire · 6 months
just gotta say: totally love ranne. obsessed with that character design so much that i've been doodling him now and again, he's so fun to draw. okay, anyway, thanks for sharing your work with us, it's wonderful and i always look forward to seeing it. :)
oh dear sweet anon
beautiful amazing perfect anon
I’m sobbing.
pardon any spelling grammar mistakes below
This makes me very joyous that you love their design so much. Not to brag but I feel like Ranne has been the best character design I’ve ever created. Creating them has been a long process (one that’s still ongoing) and I’m glad to say that Ranne will not be an OC I give up on or get tired of. There’s been plenty of times of created a character, don’t really devote too much time and effort, and end up dropping them. But Ranne’s something different and I cherish them dearly.
Im still early in life so things will change but I don’t plan on making art my job ever. Commissions would and will be something I’d do but that’s probably the only thing I’d make money off of. Art is something very personal to me and it’s my “purpose” in a normal way. Making art my job would be hell for me. BUT that’s not saying I would like to explore art industry “things”. I’ve always wanted to make a graphic novel or at least some short story about something original. I’ve tried multiple times but I think Ranne My Beloved opened a new door for me artistically and creatively. Not all ideas are original so Ranne My Beloved is just a mishmash of everything I love from Elden Ring to birds to stories having way to many characters that I will never draw (yet). So maybe this will be future project when I’m out of school.
I’m getting off topic.
Trying to keep this short but finding that someone (and everyone who’s decided to follow my characters stories) enjoys my personal content is amazing. I’ve gotten this love from friends irl and people on the internet Ma fit drives me to create more. Not saying that I don’t 80% of the time create for myself. Thank you deeply.
(Also also also if you would like to, privately or publicly, share your Ranne doodles, I’d be ecstatic to see them :D)
Older Ranne doodle that I love looking at for you 💕💖❤️🦑
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haedraulics · 2 years
Man I was on ur Twitter and first of all a solid cringe towards commenter, 0/10 behavior (im so curious for screenshots but understandable if you want to keep that close) and second of all autistic Erwin so true and valid— he’s got the masking down to a T
Idk why Levi is the one so hc as neurodivergent tbh, I see him as the more resolutely neurotypical one but to make up for it he has a million other flavors of things up with him
bahaha yeah that was a funny tiff, definitely not the most egregious thing that you can encounter online but for sure a charming reminder of all the personalities in fandom.
erwin being on the spectrum is so intuitive to me at this point, like it's as embedded in my characterization of him as levi's transness is to him GRAH the way that he's a character who feels so deeply but struggles to communicate his compassion, and so defers to letting people assume that he's cold and unfeeling 😭the way he overcompensates for it through his overly polite speech, the way he oscillates between unflinching conviction and abject self-defeatism it's so GOOOOODDDD AAAGGHHH
as for neurodivergent levi headcanons, i obviously don't have a problem with people doing transformative fiction, but i do think it's pretty typical of the way that people tend to project onto levi by emphasizing and elaborating on his internal character struggles. sometimes that comes in the form of pathologizing some of his peculiarities (giving him anger issues or cleaning OCD, for example), or it's just in terms of classic whump tropes where he suffers inordinately for the sake of reader/author catharsis. not to say that i'm at all innocent of this with erwin though LMAO
personally, i do agree with you that levi is the more 'neurotypical' between him and erwin, though 'neurotypical' doesn't mean normal or even relatable. he's definitely a very extreme guy who is alarmingly efficient at tactical dissociation (the way soldiers are trained to dehumanize their targets, but levi probably adopted this way of thinking in order to survive, and can draw upon it easily to torture and maim if so ordered). regardless, he's been shown as consistently capable of making level-headed decisions at the inattention to his own emotional needs- the one exception, of course, being his choice in midnight sun. gay people and the apocalyptic implications of their love oh my god.
anyway my general take on levi is that he basically has himself sorted out, and the struggles that we see him undergo in canon are primarily external ones that serve to test or refine his pre-existing principles. he falls into self-doubt in momentary bursts, but i can't recall when he's allowed those feelings to seriously impede on his ability to act, or when those feelings became a holistic warping of reality, like how erwin experiences them. what's important to note about erwin is that he doesn't just dislike himself, it's that his guilt and self-loathing is so total that it disrupts his ability to objectively perceive reality. he'll take the least charitable self-narrative over the most accurate one, in basically every instance ;;;;;;
but i ramble 🙈thank you for the interesting ask anon! i'm glad i could blather about these characters again :'D
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auspex · 1 year
i love it when i know the person asking already has an idea of the answer but its Fun to answer so its sent On Purpose :D
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Both before and after embrace: His romantic side . Teehee. That's a short answer so lemme expand: He really is romantic and believes in true love and stuff but that goes against his Professor Persona and is not Cool so unless u actually are that person who is romantically into, u aint gonna waterboard this one out of him.
After embrace: He doesn't want to show his sympathy for ghouls to most, out of fear they would start questioning him about his own. He's a bit more open about some of his other kindness but NOT that.
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
This feels like an autistic-ass answer but... it depends. If it's someone he loves romantically and who he believes is his soul mate, he would, and it would be an easy decision. But this hasn't happened since he's become an adult.
For other people he loves deeply: The whole world? It would be a very hard decision. I think he would do it for Sampson. And that's it, at the moment. And after Sampson exits his life and/or dies, it would be very rare for someone else to get to that level.
For those who Know: I think JP would get to this level, whether or not Mark ends up being with him romantically. But that won't happen for awhile.
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
Fuck no he's not good at singing.
He would sing "Waiting on a Friend" by the Rolling Stones if he had to sing karaoke in public. Read the lyrics. It's funny cause he's gay.
He wouldn't be good at it though.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
if weather permits? Brown Slacks. White Undershirt. Sweater Vest.
He got cursed to wear this often because ppl kept drawing him in this so the ST made it canon that he wears it all the time. And then i Expanded it to make it his Autistic Go-To Outfit.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
-That he's a nerd: Yes -That he is a neonate: yes in the sense he is independent from his sire, but certainly not in age. He seems older due to his sire making him Politically Safe but he's a baby. -That he has Many Secrets: Yeah but not the type they think for sure -That he has someone powerful protecting him: Yeah <3
There are prob other things that I'm not myself aware of cause im bad at recognizing such things but... those are some!
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
next morning pickman’s model (cabinet of curiosities ep) review
- ben barnes really seemed to be doing his best i think. of course it’s hard to tell for sure but the weird moments he has seemed more to do with the script and however the fuck he was being directed than personal acting flaws. still don’t think he was the right man for the role but yknow. gold You Tried sticker
- crispin glover was kind of in the same bucket. not the right man for Pickman, not the best performance ever and they barely gave him three scenes altogether, but he seemed to be doing the best he could with what he had, and he was somewhat entertaining to watch
- that one moment where thurber sees one of pickman’s sketches for the first time and does a weird spasmodic hand flex while his hand is still dripping from the sink actually made me hope that the episode was going to be way hornier and weirder than it wound up being
(and bad is under the cut because it’s. Far, far longer :))))
b a d
- the way it was trying to be every recognizable lovecraft story so hard???? the incredibly awkward comment that pickman is a ‘wet fish’ who comes from ‘old new england’ blood and the random sea creatures popping up, the yog-sothoth references and shub-niggurath imagery, the sudden references to what I can only assume is cthulhu at the end (because we aren’t given any other explanation!!!), the switch of the setting to Miskatonic in Arkham for the first bit instead of the whole thing being set in an art club in Boston--Pickman’s Model was one of Lovecraft’s most effective semi-standalone stories! make a couple references if you like but don’t wreck it because you want it to be a Lovecraft™ mishmash instead of a good horror story!
- fuck i feel like we could argue it shouts out Medusa’s Coil, the way it adds an Evil Depraved Witch-Woman when it really didn’t fucking need to 🙃 and speaking of, love that the already ‘we should treat this reeeeeally carefully and think about it hard’ element in the original story of ‘the creature race steals human children sometimes to add to their numbers’ is replaced by ‘the evil beings and evil crazy women associated with them EAT BABIES, let’s show an art of long-nosed ugly witches giving a baby to a monster’ 🙃🙃
- ‘well the original story’s horror derived from how clear and realistic the pictures of horror were (which beautifully led to the reveal that pickman is drawing from life when he draws malevolent inhuman beasties)... let’s throw out that ‘pickman draws from life’ setup by having him draw a normal model with two arms and rotting flesh in scene one, make a lot of the sketches and smaller pieces more spooky and fantastical looking, and whenever we have a big painted piece--well, art can’t scare people on its own! we can’t trust the actors to carry this! quick, shake the art really hard in front of the camera, animate bits, and play really loud child crying and monster growling sound effects over it. perfect.’
- ‘what do you mean it’s about doghuman fairy-ghouls living under boston and eating corpses? that doesn’t sound scary!! it’s about a depraved witch-woman--wait no, it’s about big ol’ monsters that eat babies! both? idk, we don’t have time to really connect the two properly, throw in some witch imagery, we have to get to the bit where pickman’s art survives a fire with no explanation and suddenly starts converting people who look at it to self-mutiliation, fantastical Insanity, and Cthulhu worship. we’re so good at creating coherent horror narratives’
- ‘i see the original story is somewhat homoerotic. well, that won’t do. give thurber a girlfriend, have him be repulsed by pickman 5 minutes into their acquaintanceship, then give him a wife and son and make the horror all about the perfect little hetero family setup being threatened. perfect! none of that nasty ‘horror and tragedy derived from a devastating revelation about someone you were not only a close friend too, but deeply admired the art of and were utterly dazzled by’
- ‘of course this doesn’t mean we’ll have developed female characters! just an Evil Witch-Woman, a Generic Girlfriend, and later a Perfect Little Wife.’
- I ranted about this in my first tags but this episode was just a badly made story. The brief ‘happy normalcy’ scenes (which are always the painfully heterosexual ones :)))))) are awkward as hell and jar against the other scenes, not in a ‘oh no good things but now bad things’ way but in a ‘is the director aware of how a tonal shift properly works?’ way. Things will happen where the payoff kind of matters and then we just don’t see it. The writing is mediocre at best; when it cribs a few lines from the original story, they now don’t really make sense in context, and the writer’s seen fit to only use the first half of some lines and chop of the second, more interesting half. Ben Barnes goes to Lovecraft Madness stage 4 after one encounter with a scawy picture and then I guess. Gets over it??? there’s a timeskip of 17 years with no note on whether anything’s happened during that time. He then nearly stabs himself in the forehead when looking at another scawy picture and is dissuaded by someone saying ‘sup?’ to him. everyone else looking at the pics either doesn’t react except with ‘ew’ or they go completely Fake Fantasy Mad. why is the protagonist different????? who the fuck knows!
- all in all the writer and director clearly didn’t understand the actual horror of Pickman’s Model or like, care about adapting the story, and didn’t have the chops to make something different but good, and elided an ounce of racism to include a bucket of antisemitism and make it more homophobic and sexist, so my overall conclusion is kind of like that Persuasion review. everyone should be in jail for just a little bit to think about what they’ve done
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callofdooty · 1 year
Louse asks!
3. What was their first impression of each other? 10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together? 21. Do they enjoy domestic life? 27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
YEAAAAH LOUSE TIME!!! All questions are from this post
3. What was their first impression of each other?
I guess it would depend on which versions of them they are, but I like to think, generally, their first impressions of each other are a little on the lines of "lmao look at this fuckin' guy" - something that's strong but maybe not entirely positive? An intrigue that makes them want to study each other a little.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
Inspired by our convo, I think they'd like bird watching. Logan can take pretty pictures, and Mouse just likes watching the birds. And it's an activity that they can just quietly enjoy together. And in that vein, they'd probably also like hiking LOL
Also, they'd like playing old video games together. Fiends for just a liiiitle nostalgia. Mouse shows Logan all the weird obscure video games she used to play as a kid, and Logan plays through all of the Legend of Zelda games while Mouse watches, and he probably infodumps about the lore the entire time (Mouse ends up really liking Midna and Tetra.) I think they'd share a sort of longing for easier days, and since they're the same age, they probably have a couple similar experiences (they could probably bond over old cartoons and shows LMFAO)
Also I definitely like to imagine that they have old DS systems, like DS Lites or DSi's, and they'll use the pictochat function to talk to each other even though they're literally sitting in the same room, or even right next to each other. They'll send stupid little drawings and messages back and forth.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
I think they'd both struggle with it in their own ways; both never expected they'd get this far and be able to experience that side of life again. Y'know, bite, bite, bite, stab, maim, kill, etc, etc. But eventually they're like "no actually this is really nice, I forgot life isn't always just about death and suffering, and now I get to enjoy this with one of my favourite people??? what." They just get to feel like actual people and not just destructive animals or machines, and I think it's smth they really really grow to love.
27. How do they say "I love you" non-verbally?
I think non-verbal is definitely the way these two communicate more genuinely. Not that they can't have serious discussions or talk about their feelings, they're both just very naturally quiet people that love quietly as well.
Mouse actually accepting affection would probably be one form of it. Most of the time, she's flippant and doesn't seem to take much seriously. Early on, she's very quick to brush off affection or make it into a joke, partly because she struggles to be serious for more than a second and partly because she's not used to affection and being seen and loved. It shows trust, for her. Otherwise, spending time with others and doing generally thoughtful things is kind of her quiet way of saying "hey, I think you're neat." She likes giving small gifts or doing favours, usually in a stealthy way.
Logan strikes me as someone who's sentimental. He cares deeply, and it always shows more through his actions than anything else. He probably frames photos he's taken when they're together (like on hikes, pictures of valleys, hills, lakes, animals, etc.) Not because he's proud of them (though they do look nice) but because it's a snapshot of something they got to do together. It's special because it's their shared moments. He fills living spaces with things - not meaningless shit, but things that he genuinely values because it reminds him of the people he loves. His "I love you" is him silently showing that "look!! I cherish the time we spend together!! I want to immortalise it!!"
AUGH i can't believe I'm making them cute. HELP.
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molochka-koshka · 2 years
🌿 and 🌾 for Venna, 🌲 and 🌸 for Tristo?
I'm gonna long-post this because I have so many thoughts rattling around in my little noggin for these, let me tell you ok
Also under the cut for slightly spicy romantic content??? Mostly vaguely implied, not really detailed or anything.
And some of this is stuff I've gone back and forth about, especially with the Venna
🌿What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
I feel like Venna's love language is really acts of service, maybe s l i g h t l y gift giving with that. So she loves cooking for people she cares about, even when she's knight commander and has other 'more important' things to take care of she still goes out of her way to make sure the people she cares about are okay. Like she's the kind of friend who would text people like "have you eaten today? have you had any water?" if this was a modern/normal setting. With Daeran in particular I feel like he probably jokingly has to tell her that she's not one of his servants (but also I have this feeling that she's low key into that with him). I feel like he maybe returns the favor sometimes though too, especially when she starts to trust him again after Heaven's Edge? I feel like him doting on her kind and doing things like the rose scene maybe makes her feel cared for, even though it is overwhelming when it happens.
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them. (Daeran btw)
"There's something so unholy about her, and not just because of what she is. She's an enigma, and that's what's so alluring to her. A peasant, but with a regal air to her; a creature nearly undead but not quite yet so full of life; a woman petite but who can command a room despite a less than imposing figure. All that, and she's still fun. The way her stormy gray eyes fix on whatever her focus is draws me in too, she almost makes me care about the damn crusade. Her pale skin so smooth and fine like marble, her hair thick and gently curled, so untamed and unrefined, it's all so much and she's still so unassuming sometimes. She acts like she'd be just as adjusted to a domestic life as she is to the battlefield, it all almost makes me want to settle down--as horrific of a thought as that is. Thankfully nothing we've done together makes me feel like I'm settling down."
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
Tristo pushes down all of his emotions. Almost all of them actually, he really only gets even slightly vulnerable with the people he's closest to (Sosiel, basically). He has a hard time connecting with people mostly by choice. He feels like having people he openly cares for is a source of weakness that can be used by people who want to hurt him, and also he just doesn't trust people not to betray or use him. He's closest to Sosiel for sure, and I feel like he's so soft and quiet and gentle when he comforts him. Like he's very pragmatic and very efficient but also he knows that him being all logical all the time isn't fair to Sosiel so he forces himself to soften up so that he can support him better?
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
Hot black tea ( g o d I'm craving tea now), dark chocolate, raspberries, pomegranates, the smell of dust and old books, the smell of ozone before a storm, the rumble of thunder, the sound of a crackling fire, steak cooked well-done, watching people do meticulous crafts, puzzles, feeling important, feeling in control, little orange cats
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omg for that ask meme... okay i find your attention to clothing design super super fascinating, and it makes me wonder if you have a theater background? especially like period pieces, with costumes that evoke certain eras? i like how warm and cozy your art always looks and the fact that it's inked by hand. that shit is SO HARD, are you kidding me? no undo button! i look at the expressions you draw and can just TELL that you likely make them with your own face when you're trying to figure them out on paper. they always look so natural, and it's honestly amazing how well you distinguish the different four swords guys given the fact that they are visually very similar in the manga. you give them personality just through the subtext of their appearances in a really neat and endearing way.
your writing gives me similar vibes where it's like, either you've immersed yourself in certain historical genres and aesthetics for practical reasons, like being in theater or studying them in school, or it's purely through the power of hyperfixation that you're able to channel them seamlessly into your work. either way, i admire it so much. i love how you created an entire world and magic system and tense political environment for the fsaa one-shot, despite it being. a one-shot, as far i know? it adds so much richness and depth to the character beats, and could totally work as original fiction. i still want to hang out in that tavern you described it would probably have bitchin fresh bread
okay i'm stopping now i just love getting an excuse to praise people's art in very specific ways !!
Oh wow, thank you so very much, Sam!! I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this much in response to the ask meme, but I'm absolutely delighted by it <3
To make it easier for myself, I'll break it down and answer point by point:
Do I have a theatre background? Well, not really. Not unless you count script writing, 4 years worth of D&D, a 3-day improv course I did once, and some basic stuff we did in school one winter. I think I would've loved to be more involved in theatre — either as a writer or as an actress — but at the moment I'm not. That said, script writing and acting have relatively little to do with costumes and designs. When I design clothing for characters, I have two rules in my head: it should tell the viewer something about the character; and it should be practical. That last bit is particularly important. One of the main reasons I started the LiWiAU was because I was annoyed by how impractical some of the LU Links' designs were, and I guess that's carried over into the FS designs (especially the Knights Lodge AU). That's not to say my designs are perfectly practical or deeply researched, but it does mean that I try to make the outfits as plausible and useful as possible. In terms of armour, I frequently default to my partner's superior knowledge and research actual medieval armour, but when it comes to things like winter clothing I have a lot of first-hand experience with it from Scandinavia.
Yup, inking is a one-way street! I also don't have backup sketches or copies, so if I make a mistake, I have to find ways of covering it up or distracting from it!
True! If I'm struggling with an expression, I do try to replicate it on myself to figure out how it works. This actually goes for anything, from expressions to full-body-poses, and it's not unusual that I pause in the middle of a drawing session to figure out what I'm doing.
Thank you so much! I really enjoy making the FS boys look similar but distinctly individual, and I'm so glad that comes across.
So when it comes to writing certain time periods, I'd say that's 50/50 hyperfixation and studies. The particular one-shot you're referring to is partly Dickensian, partly Austen-esque, and I did study both Dickens and Austen, as well as their respective context, in uni, which has given me some insight into the general culture at the time. (I also studied a number of other texts in that approximate time period, which has given me more to work with.)
I still don't know where the world for that one-shot came from, but I think I'm as deeply fascinated by it as you are. I'd love to explore it further one day, either as a fanfic or as original fiction.
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