#Ranne doesn’t have gender so they use They/Them pronouns
corviisquire · 6 months
just gotta say: totally love ranne. obsessed with that character design so much that i've been doodling him now and again, he's so fun to draw. okay, anyway, thanks for sharing your work with us, it's wonderful and i always look forward to seeing it. :)
oh dear sweet anon
beautiful amazing perfect anon
I’m sobbing.
pardon any spelling grammar mistakes below
This makes me very joyous that you love their design so much. Not to brag but I feel like Ranne has been the best character design I’ve ever created. Creating them has been a long process (one that’s still ongoing) and I’m glad to say that Ranne will not be an OC I give up on or get tired of. There’s been plenty of times of created a character, don’t really devote too much time and effort, and end up dropping them. But Ranne’s something different and I cherish them dearly.
Im still early in life so things will change but I don’t plan on making art my job ever. Commissions would and will be something I’d do but that’s probably the only thing I’d make money off of. Art is something very personal to me and it’s my “purpose” in a normal way. Making art my job would be hell for me. BUT that’s not saying I would like to explore art industry “things”. I’ve always wanted to make a graphic novel or at least some short story about something original. I’ve tried multiple times but I think Ranne My Beloved opened a new door for me artistically and creatively. Not all ideas are original so Ranne My Beloved is just a mishmash of everything I love from Elden Ring to birds to stories having way to many characters that I will never draw (yet). So maybe this will be future project when I’m out of school.
I’m getting off topic.
Trying to keep this short but finding that someone (and everyone who’s decided to follow my characters stories) enjoys my personal content is amazing. I’ve gotten this love from friends irl and people on the internet Ma fit drives me to create more. Not saying that I don’t 80% of the time create for myself. Thank you deeply.
(Also also also if you would like to, privately or publicly, share your Ranne doodles, I’d be ecstatic to see them :D)
Older Ranne doodle that I love looking at for you 💕💖❤️🦑
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