#I do like Jane though she’s an interesting character
sarahreesbrennan · 2 days
Quick Evil Note
To all my wicked darlings, I have now received rather a lot of messages asking me about the influences of Long Live Evil. And I wish to get messages about LLE and truly appreciate the ones I do get! And I wish to answer them. But answers about influences are tricky.
The book has been out in the US for a little over two weeks, and it’s going so well so far, I couldn’t be more delighted and appreciative about its reception.
But also I’ve been informed (not asked) that two of my characters are obviously somehow both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter, and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. (Very puzzling as I don’t think these pairings - and one isn’t a pair - have much in common with each other or with mine. Vague hostility against a vaguely academic backdrop for a bit? For the record… in the book everyone is an adult and I don’t even have any academic backdrops to be vaguely hostile in front of…) This hasn’t happened to me in a long time, because I haven’t had an original novel out in a long time due to illness, and it is upsetting to always be discussed differently than writers who didn’t openly link their real names to their fan identity.
I have very different feelings and new appreciation for fandom than I once had. It’s been amazing to see and meet people who have stuck with me for decades. People are generally way more open and affectionate to and within fandom than they once were. Love matters to me a good deal more than hate. But getting death threats in your early 20s for excitedly telling your Internet friends you were going to publish a book does mark the psyche, and so does having your characters dismissed as other people’s characters.
And we can say there is nothing wrong with fanfiction or writing fanfiction and there isn’t! Fanfiction is great and can be genius. Terry Pratchett wrote Jane Austen fanfiction, and didn’t (and shouldn’t) have people saying Captain Wentworth = Captain Vimes. Still, when a TV show is discussed as ‘like fanfiction’ or when Diana Gabaldon said she didn’t like fanfiction and many said ‘YOU write fanfiction’ it isn’t intended in any kind spirit, even when it’s fannish folk saying it. And it’s just generally odd to have everyone call your apple a tomato, and has had professional consequences for me in the past.
However! All the asks I’ve received have been very kind, and I do want to answer them. I do want to talk about my influences because they are manifold and because I actually think it’s important to always talk about influences. I don’t believe stories exist in isolation - we tell tales in a rich tradition, and also a story doesn’t come alive to me all the way until it’s heard or read.
Long Live Evil is a love letter to fandom: it’s chock full of references to many many stories I’ve loved, to fairytales, myths and legend and Internet memes and epic fantasy and meta. My acknowledgements are endless partly for this reason. I do owe a great debt to many portal fantasies and archetypes and musicals and jokes about genre and plays through the ages, though I do think of my characters as themselves and nobody else.
I was frankly tempted to go ‘Yes I stole EVERYTHING! Bwhahaha!’ But while I am thoroughly enjoying and finding great freedom in my villain era, I do want to talk sincerely to you all as well, especially when asked sincerely interested questions.
But I’m a little scared to do so and have people say ‘AHA! Now we know what it’s fanfiction of’ (it’s happened before) or ignore me and go ‘we know the truth!’ (it’s happened before) and to feel like I’ve injured my book. Long Live Evil means more to me than any other and I really want to get talking about it right, and make sure it has the best reception I can give it.
So. Questions on all Evil topics very very welcome but answers to influence questions may come slowly. Bear with me. I am working on this!
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terrak0 · 7 months
I think Jane was right about Kenny being unstable and dangerous to be around, but putting AJ’s life at risk by hiding him in the car and not telling anyone in order to purposefully set Kenny off was just incredibly stupid.
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The FNAF Mikes talk about their extended family..
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Leaving lipstick marks on various CRPs 2/2
i need to stop drinking coffee but ooooouuugh it tastes so good was going to include bloody painter and puppeteer but this post felt too long... maybe ill give them their own posts one day characters: eyeless jack, laughing jack, jeff the killer, nina the killer, jane the killer notes: reader is GN and wears makeup CWs: none
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the best youre going to get is kissing on his mask since he doesnt like taking it off that often
on the chance you kiss his actual face, his entire body is going to be stiff... he doesnt know what you think of him, despite you pressing your lips against his face... many times
doesnt like how the lipstick feels on his skin so the marks dont last long, hes going to clean them soon after you stop and get off of him
hes more interested in non kissing physical affection such as cuddling
sometimes his eye tar gets in your mouth... does not taste pleasant... you try not to make a face so the mood doesnt die
to the surprise of no one, hes giggling the entire time youre kissing all over him
wears makeup as well so hes going to totally cover you in marks too... you envy him, his makeup doesnt seem to smudge at all! how does he do it!
wraps his arms up all around you, being able to totally encase your body and pull you against him while you both pepper each other with smooches
lightly swings and sways you around during the entire time
looooooves when you do stuff like this, and hes going to keep the marks on him for... a long while... you may need to convince him to clean them off
more open to it so long as hes not already busy with something else
doesnt much like the clean up after though since sometimes the makeup can get stuck up in his mouth scars... plus knowing him hes probably using a paper towel so hes just smudging everything around
loves the attention though, especially if youre telling him how pretty you think he is between kisses
usually these sessions are short lived, he still sometimes thinks love and affection is icky
hardly ever takes her mask off around you due to the scars on her face- many seem to forget that jane was burned
shes not exactly ashamed of her scars but looking at them makes her seethe because it reminds her of what happened.. if you end up kissing her actual face instead of her mask it at least takes some of that anger away momentarily
not very big on affection however she doesnt push you away when you want to initiate... if anything shes more awkward since between losing everything and trying to find jeff.. she hasnt found much time to date anyone
very soft and tender rather than high energy and lighthearted, you tend to kiss gently all over her face and affirm how much you love her
loooooooves kissing your face and getting kisses on the face
youre both left in marks- and if you let her shes going to change her lipstick between kisses under the guise of "testing them"... so your face is going to be a mess of different colors
likes keeping the lipstick on her face and knowing her, if its possible, she tries to incorporate it into her makeup- whether keeping them in tact of smearing and blending them
because of this your marks stay on her face the entire time
giggling and bouncing in her seat the entire time
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fangirlynjunk · 28 days
I just genuinely get the feeling a shocking amount of the younger hatchetfield characters have the gift as per mentioned by Miss Holloway and Bob Metzger.
Like in my head the characters that I feel have or had the gift over the course of everything I’ve seen are
1. Paul Matthews (he knew so fast that the musical plague thing was happening and that the IMPLICATIONS were grim), and is the only 30 or so year old I see this with almost immediately
2. Lex and Hannah Foster (these are confirmed obviously)
3. Ethan Green (he has the Miss Holloway hat guys she helped him, this is confirmed to me)
4. Richie Lipschitz (this is my way of explaining his intro to high school is killing me)
5. Ruth Fleming (see the Richie reasoning)
6. Max Jagerman ( similar to Richie and Ruth, this is how I explain him constantly talking to the audience and controlling the stage lights BEFORE he gets his ghost powers)
7. Grace Chasity ( hers seems a little specialized since it only seemed to show her Maxs angry ghost AFTER he killed Richie, but a warning is a warning)
8. Sofia and Daniel and who knows how many others from Yellowjacket
And then there’s big maybes to me which include
1. Becky Barnes, why did you climb that tree
2. Linda Monroe, if for no other reason then maybe it might explain the LiB interest in her, though I really do think that’s just because of her attitude
3. Professor Hidgens, but he isn’t handling it well
But like there’s still way more young characters and I think there’s two very good reasons for that
Miss Holloway helping and saving kids
And the hatchetmens decline, we know the Metzgers are still out there but we don’t seem to have any others. Arguably it seems the Perkins once were, though Emma and Jane both don’t seem to know anything about it
Meaning that there are more and more born with the gift. What that means for Hatchetfield I don’t know, but just an interesting thought
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isagrimorie · 1 month
It’s always frustrating whenever the BAU tackles a case where either the victimology or UnSub has similarities to Prentiss’s background/upbringing but the writers rarely use it to give insights on Prentiss or have Prentiss’s background provide some insights into a case.
As an example, The Performer is an episode featuring Gavin Rossdale as a rockstar whose kayfabe was being a Vampire ala Lestat but fake.
The show could have dove a little into the goth community, a community Emily Prentiss used to be a part of. Did they do that? Unfortunately, no, they hung a lantern on it. The writers had Penelope tease Emily about how she used to dress Goth. Even though, Emily still dressed like one but corporate style.
In the episode, Pleasure is My Business. The UnSub grew up around wealth and privilege and then used sex work to lure her victims.
We discover in Lauren that Prentiss was in a similar enough situation re: Operation Valhalla.
Ala The Americans show, Prentiss used intimacy to get close to Ian Doyle.
Emily Prentiss became Lauren Reynolds because she matched Doyle’s type.
I know the writers had a vague idea of Prentiss’ past only that the writers had breadcrumbs pointing to a rich, mysterious past. They don’t have a crystal ball, but the privileged background could have been a jumping off point for a discussion, an insight to the UnSub’s thoughts.
In the season 16 episode, Orpheus Wrecks, the writers could have again used that case as a way to get more insight into Prentiss’ hidden personal life. As a Politician’s kid, and a somewhat savvy political operator herself, Prentiss would have been as familiar, if more, to the DC wonk space as Bailey was.
Prentiss would also be familiar with the Beltway Elite app even if she didn’t use it herself.
(As a former Spook, the idea of having an app like that in her phone would give Prentiss OpSec paranoia. She would not want her photo distributed everywhere. Being on Politico was enough of a headache for her tbh).
I know Prentiss’ whole thing is she wanted to distance herself from her mother’s political life but she would still have friends and would have known more people as she climbed up the ladder in the FBI.
Other shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Elementary, and Person of Interest almost always use a kernel of similarity/parallelism in their various cases of the week as a jumping-off point to tell a richer story about their characters.
Criminal Minds does but selectively.
This is what makes the show frustrating. You can always tell when the show could have threaded the Case/Monster of the Week and connected the case to one of the characters.
Morgan and JJ also needed more exploration. The only one the writers they consistently use this with is Reid.
To the writer’s credit they have vaguely gestured at Emily’s mysterious past— setting up Emily’s existential crisis about her morality in the face of what she’s done while she worked for CIA and JTF-12.
But then the show goes several episodes mentioning the problem, an arc villain, and it’s frustrating!
(I sometimes lowkey wish some Whedon trained writers joined Criminal Minds to establish a good character-to-case ratio. Like, Jane Espenson. Or someone from Person of Interest writers room joining the Evolution writers team. The idea of Denise Thé writing for the CM ladies makes me yearn because delicious character development + inventive messed up twists. Erica Messer does a good job showrunning— a different job altogether than just writing for the show. But also— I yearn! Think about a POI caliber writer in a CM writers room! It would be so good to have, IMO. Not that PoI was entirely perfect either, I have my frustrations too!)
Chris Mundy seemed interested in delving into the internal lives of the characters, especially Emily’s. Demonology was really important for our understanding of Emily Prentiss.
Her guilt, her low-key self-loathing— the way she runs from the people she loves because she thinks she’s not worth it. The way she can conform to be anyone to fit into a situation and not stand out.
Her casual regard for sex as a tool to help her get accepted. All things that were helpful for Prentiss when she became a spy.
As Michael Westen from Burn Notice said: “People with happy families don’t become spies. A bad childhood is the perfect background for covert ops.”
TLDR— It’s just frustrating because they’re always nearly at the cusp of a great character driven procedural but then almost always back off from giving us really good food.
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lunar-and-ardent · 1 month
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The relationship of Tecna and Timmy is so romantic.
It may be not as visible, because the show has couples being romantic in a more classical way, but Timmy and Tecna actually have so many tender, gentle and vulnerable moments. They are so sweet together, and awkward, and then out of nowhere hit you with the deepest scenes imaginable. They are so Jane-Austen's-characters'-coded lol.
Like this short scene of a game from season 2 (first gif)??? This is so romantic and sensual, you wouldn't expect it from them.
Their conflict in the second season was that Tecna at first cared about rather performative bravery (literal fighting, close combat) + wanted something more than just talking about their hyperfixation. Timmy, on the other hand, thought in a more logical way: he knew his strengths, and that he's better at strategy and computers, and wasn't interested in posing as a hero just to feel good about himself (this scene where he realizes he isn't strong enough against Trix and so he gives away the Codex). He also wanted to get closer to Tecna, so it makes sense he tried to connect on their common hobby, at first not realizing that Tecna, with her emotional growth, started to want a little more than this. And you can understand them both, and both have good points.
And Timmy is a freaking badass. He always thinks logically (I'd argue that even more than Tecna, like this scene with Codex, where she called him a coward for not doing something that was doomed from the start), and so the scene in the third season hits so much. You know which one. All Winx cry and Riven tries to comfort Timmy (I really like the fact it's Riven who does that btw, but this is a material for another post), trying to bring reason to him, politely saying that there's no way Tecna is still alive, and Timmy says in a calm and sure way that he knows she is alive. If Timmy says something like that, you know he's right.
I guess the scene from the second season, when Winx go to fight Lord Darkar and specialists stay at the back, sums up their relationship in the best way: Timmy stays inside the ship, because it is his role to navigate it, and he and Tecna look at each other, just sighing each other's names (though they cannot hear it). Their love is so, so deep. And a relationship like the one they have wouldn't fit everyone, since both of them don't need to spend as much time together as others, nor do they have to say as much (but if they say how much they love each other, oh they say it), and they both share their hyperfixation/special interest, but all of this works perfectly for them. They're a match made in heaven. And come to think of that, we have this popular fanon that Tecna is on the spectrum of autism, but I wonder if there is any fanon like this for Timmy? I also feel like being demisexual or graysexual fits them both (maybe I just like the idea of Tecna, a character whose main arc is understanding and expressing emotions, feeling sexual desire only to someone who she has a strong connection with, I guess it feels kinda poetic to me).
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heavenlymorals · 4 months
How a Modern Perspective Skews Historical Characters: A Mini Rant on the Hatred of Female Characters in RDR2
This isn't that organized cuz it's more a rant than a retrospective but fuck it it's my blog, I do what I want-
There are so many people who have actual hatred, not criticisms, for Abigail, Molly, Grimshaw, Mary, and other female characters in the Red Dead universe.
And honestly? I find it very interesting. Sure, men will probably always find a reason to hate a female character, but what I find interesting is how many women also hate these wonderfully crafted characters.
It could be so many reasons as to why this may be the case but honestly? I think it's because people forget that they CANNOT analyze this game authentically through the modern lens of morals and behaviors. This game takes place in 1899 America. Let me say it again. This game takes place in 1899 America.
One more time, just for good measure- this game takes place in FUCKING 1899 America. Women had to be dependent on men because otherwise? They'll either be in poverty, exploited, killed, or all three. There was also the honor system. When had to be the moral high ground for their family so them messing up has consequences on their fathers, mothers, siblings, cousins, and anyone connected to their family name.
Abigail getting pissy at John for getting in trouble all the time? If course it'd feel annoying if you're looking at it through the modern perspective but when you don't, it's a woman telling her man to act like a man and be careful because if he doesn't, she and her son will be destitute and destroyed.
Mary not getting with Arthur but using him? What's the likely hood that the law would bother to help Mary when the two people she needs help with are her father and brother- two grown men who can make their own choices that she literally can do nothing about because as a woman, it wasn't her place to dictate what they do. Arthur was her only option. "Girl, what her family thinks doesn't matter, she still should've gotten with him" girl no, because it's much harder and difficult than that- it's like tearing away an entire identity that you depend on to fucking survive.
"but what about Sadie? She was also living during this time period and she isn't drowned by societal expectations-"
Seriously. Do some research, read a book, expand your knowledge of gender roles and what that entails for people because it explains so many things about these characters in such a human way. They aren't "bitches", they are women of their time and people have to understand that.
No. Sadie isn't a part of this discussion because though she is a fun character and an amazing character, she is a mishmash of historical women who did masculine things to survive at one point but then went back to traditional roles, even if they did occasionally go back to to those old activities for sport sometimes, like Anne Oakley or Calamity Jane. Sadie's entire character is basically "but what if they didn't and committed to the nontraditional lifestyle". There are many inconsistencies that Rockstar did regarding the time period that they established earlier to accommodate Sadie's character better. Sadie is a great character but she doesn't belong in this discussion.
Edit: Ok, since this was a rant, as mentioned previously, I was a bit too rushed with the Sadie aspect of this post and ignored some crucial details. I'm not gonna change the post besides just this though. @hillbillyhipster84 made some great points that Sadie was a reference to Appalachian women and real outlaw women who did run and were accomplices in men's crimes, that I was too ignorant to mention prior beforehand because I didn't do much research. I still don't believe that People should use Sadie to bash the other women though, because those women mentioned above were not the status quo and thus were more trivialized because of it.
So many cultures still operate like this too so if anything, you're just learning something new about another culture.
But I swear, anytime someone talks shit about these characters, y'all got me looking like this-
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Hey y'all welcome back to the hit show
'You MFers Be Racist!'
I'm your host, Roman and on today's show we're gonna be talking about how Miguel, a Latino man looks... Latino.
*audience gasps*
Now audience, what if I told you there's literally people mad they made Miguel darker in ATSV 😭😭
They're saying it's racist because 'if a black character got turned white-'
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Like they ain't even change his ethnicity. Just the fact that he's darker makes them angry.
Same hair color same eye color but he's like four shades darker
Oh my god the creators are so evil for making a *checks notes* brownskin Latino man
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Someone said they prefer Miguel's ATSV design because of the brownskin Latino rep
- and they got called an Anti-White Racist (me and Hobie cackling in the next room) and then anon tried to explain how ethnicities and races in Mexico work
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Y'all do not understand how pervasive racism is in the Spider-man community.
It goes to show how so many 'allies' work and cheer for black solidarity UNTIL black or brown people do something they can't relate to.
Oh, Hobie might wanna date black girls to bond over the shares experiences of racism and anti-blackness? NO THAT'S RACIST how dare he hold parts of his blackness so dear that he wants to be able to share it to his partner with complete understanding? Race shouldn't matter at all to him!! And if it does he's a racist and so are you!!!!!!! You holding your culture dear is not allowed.
For the racists in the fandom, It's racist and upsetting to imply that POC might have a stronger connection to a black character than them.
Oh, brown Latinos are happy that Miguel is brown skin rep now? NO THAT'S RACIST how dare you change the characters skin color by four shades darker even if he's still the same ethnicity and nationality.
How dare you give rep to a largest part of the demographic he's always been apart of
Y'all are the mfers that gave Zendaya - a mixed race self-described Black woman - a hard time.
Yeah mfer I ain't forget that shit!!!!!
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Back when casting Zendaya as MJ was seen as racist and 'race switching' and 'what if they made Miles white that wouldn't be okay so this shouldn't be okay either'
even though there's already a white Spider-man but no black canon spiderman love interest despite the character being around for over half a fucking century.
Because even though Zendaya shares Caucasian ancestory like Mary-Jane has, Zendaya is very clearly a person of color, and since she doesn't look white, that's not enough.
(And don't even get me STARTED on the shit she got for actually dating Tom. Or people who say they want his Black Cat to be white so he can 'get back to' yt women)
Sure, Miguel is mixed - sharing white ancestory with his father. But he's clearly a person of color now, and since he doesn't look white anymore, that's not enough for y'all.
The racism is wild. It's wild and clear.
And that's all from me folks! See you next time on 'Y'all MFers be Racist!!'
Maybe next time we can talk about how Jessica Drew wasn't that much in the wrong. And how she was way less in the wrong than Peter B. And how y'all put responsibility on Black women while also giving a pass to white male incompetency in the same breath.
Tune in next time because trust me these racists will strike again and so will I 😭😭🧐🧐
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mouwrites · 11 months
Creepypasta/MH - How They’d Ask You Out
Characters: Eyeless Jack, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Tim/Masky, Brian/Hoody
Eyeless Jack
I don’t think it would take him too long to ask out someone he liked
As long as he was sure that he really did like them, and that they didn’t hate him or anything, he’d be comfortable at least asking
He would bring flowers for sure
He’d show up at your door late at night, bouquet in hand
“Would you care to join me for a walk?”
You’d stroll through the woods, talking a bit about yourselves
It’d be a pretty deep conversation, both of you staying serious as you exposed vulnerable parts of yourselves
He’d hint at being romantically interested in you, but he’d wait until you were back at your house to pop the question
“You’ve probably noticed by now, but I really do think you’re amazing. I’d love it if you’d be my partner.”
If you say yes he’ll be absolutely radiating joy and he’ll promise to treat you well before bidding you goodnight
If you say no he’ll understand, thank you for your time anyway, and disappear into the night
He’s okay staying friends, but he’ll be sad about it for a while
Still, your companionship is more important to him than being yours
Nina the Killer
It won’t take long at all for her to ask out someone she’s interested in
As soon as she knows she can trust them, she’ll go for it
She’ll use something homemade to actually ask the question
Like a kandi bracelet that says “be mine?”
Or maybe a cake she baked herself
Either way it’s bound to be something decorative made with lots of love
She’ll find you at school/work/home and tell you she has something to show you
She smiles hugely when she reveals her little project, but inside she’s buzzing with anxiety
“So..? What do you say?”
If you agree she’ll literally drop whatever she’s made and throw her arms around you
She will proceed to take you out shopping to buy something to commemorate the occasion
Matching shirts, bracelets, a new piercing, maybe even a pizza to share
Just a little something to celebrate :)
If you say no she’ll be devastated
“Oh… well, thanks anyway…”
She probably won’t talk to you for a while, if ever again
She’d have to know you for a VERY long time beforehand
She has trouble trusting people, as well as trouble finding someone she’s genuinely interested in romantically
You’d know pretty much everything about each other by the time she decides to ask you out
That just means that she knows the way to your heart though
She’ll make a beautiful sketch of you
Maybe there’s some gore incorporated, but hey, if you’ve stuck with her this long you’ll be used to it
You’ll be hanging out one day, her drawing and you distracted by something else, and she’ll suddenly tear a page from her sketchbook
She hands you the drawing while saying:
“Hey, Y/n, so… I really like you. You’re my dream partner. I want you by my side always.”
If you agree to be her partner, she’ll grin, turning back to her sketchbook with a little pinkness on her cheeks as she mumbles “cool”
When you leave she’ll peck your cheek before slamming the door in your face, giddy that she had the courage to do that
If you reject her, she’ll frown
Probably won’t want to be friends anymore :(
She just doesn’t want to be around someone she loves knowing they don’t love her back
Jane the Killer
I think it depends on the person when it comes to Jane
If you guys click really well, she’ll probably try to advance the relationship quicker than if your relationship started off rocky
But either way she’s going to plan something romantic
She’ll buy you something nice and deliver it in secret
Like, one day you’ll just find a box of chocolates or a necklace with a note attached telling you to meet her someplace
Personally I like to think it’d be a blossoming cherry tree, or perhaps a scenic overlook
You’ll find her there waiting for you, hands fidgeting nervously behind her back
She’ll get straight to the point:
“Y/n, I like you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but if you do… wanna be my girlfriend?”
If you accept, she’ll get a huge smile and run over to you, throwing her arms around you and twirling you around
You’ll sit together at the scenic location for a while, leaning on each other with your fingers intertwined
If you decline, she’ll just nod with a sad smile
She’ll be sad for a while, but ultimately she’s got other things in her life to worry about, so I don’t think she’ll wallow for too long
Might keep talking to you, might not; again, it really depends with her
Another one who’d have to know you a while first
He needs to make sure he trusts you, yes, but he also needs to start trusting himself around you
Once he’s sure that you can both handle yourselves, he’ll take more time to hype himself up to do it
He questions bitterly whether you’d even accept if he did ask you out
Eventually he gets so exhausted from the constant will they/won’t they in his head that he spontaneously blurts out:
“Do you want to go out with me?”
You’ll be taken aback; you guys were literally just chilling in silence
Plus he would’ve given next to no hints that he liked you at all
If you accept, he’ll sigh, slouching severely in relief
Finally some peace of mind… and heart
He’ll murmur a thank you for giving him this peace, but won’t elaborate
If you decline, he’s going to beat himself up about it so hard
He won’t blame you at all; no, every ounce of blame is going into the anvil that he’s crushing himself with
Probably won’t want to keep contact for much longer
Your presence is just a constant reminder of (what he sees as) his failure
He didn’t know you for too long before deciding to ask you out, but he knew a lot about you
If he’s interested in you, he’s going to find out everything he can
He prefers outside sources, but if he absolutely cannot find something he wants to know, he’ll begrudgingly just ask you
That being said, he knows how to charm you
He’s a pretty naturally charming person regardless, but he wants to do something special just for you
He’d leave a gift for you; something he knows you love
Jewelry with your favorite gemstone, your favorite flowers, a nice new fluffy blanket… something on the luxurious side
Plus a note saying:
“Y/n, please be mine. With love, Brian”
He’ll approach you later and ask for your response
If you agree, he’s got a whole nice evening planned out already, and he’s more than eager to take you on this first date
If you decline, he’ll probably “cut contact”
I use quotations because he’ll probably still keep tabs on you in secret for a while
He’ll get over it eventually, but until he does that’s his way of coping
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Thank you for reading!! Take care of yourselves pumpkins <33
(divider by saradika)
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bitterduo · 1 year
Jake English is such an interesting character because the way he is written infuriates me (in a good way). I saw a particular text post saying basically that Jake English did nothing wrong and that Jane is an asshole for being upset at him. This is just… Wrong. I think a lot of people in general like to try and make Jake seem like he cannot do any wrong because he has neurodivergent traits and is heavily implied to be neurodivergent. This is not to say Jake was entirely in the wrong in some situations, but neither were his friends when they became upset at him. Because, guess what Tumblr, they are teenagers and teenagers are flawed as fuck.
The main thing I would like to talk about is the pages where Jane yells at Jake (starts at page 5521).
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While obviously Jane’s passive aggressiveness did not help the situation whatsoever, she was very clearly upset at the fact that one of her only friends forgot about her birthday. After he realizes he forgot, he starts making up excuses. Obviously his forgetfulness is not his fault but I feel like Jane’s slight is definitely not unjustified.
Not to mention he doesn’t even say “happy birthday” to her once during the conversation and instead makes stupid quips and proceeds to dump his relationship problems onto her. Before then though, he goes on a huge ramble to try and avoid his problems (aka what he was initially going to talk about with Jane).
During his conversation with Jane where he should be moving on as he’s decided to, it’s obviously complete filler of a conversation where he repeated over and over how Jane is 16. He’s only talked to her about his issues for so long it’s obvious that he doesn’t know how to initiate in a normal conversation with her anymore. When she finally gives him the go ahead to say it (likely because she was tired of a nonsense filler conversation) he all too eagerly tells it as if he was just biding his time for when she’d let him speak. It’s an asshole move really.
Obviously communicating with your friends and being there for them when they are struggling is good, but whenever Jake seems to talk to Jane, it is only really about his problems. Not to mention, he never talks to the person he’s having issues with (majority of the time Dirk) and instead ghosts them for weeks on end.
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Not to mention he’s the one to push her into the conversation.
If you actually read the conversation you will also notice that her messages become more sparse and short while Jake’s get longer while he rambles.
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When Jake says “laying low” he means ignoring and avoiding Dirk’s attempts to actually try and talk. Not to mention he also insults Dirk by saying he is “needy” and that essentially saying he is tired of Dirk’s company.
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And here we fucking are folks, the bread and fucking butter of this whole convo, the shit and jam. Saying that Dirk is annoying and that his “paranoid prophecy” (you know, the one about all of his friends hating him?) is going to come true, aka saying that he does hate Dirk and no longer even wants to interact with him. And guess what? Jake is not even trying to communicate with Dirk on the matter and is instead dumping all this shit ON THEIR FRIEND.
Anyways, let’s skip to when Jane starts getting upset.
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In this scene, Jake is practically ignoring her until she basically begins screaming at him. Not to mention the two last messages from Jake are extremely dismissive and so incredibly un-self aware.
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Again with his strange quips and being weirdly self deprecating and pity-ing towards himself.
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You can very clearly tell she’s upset, reclaiming something she let be their thing but changing it to just hers. Instead of doing the rational thing which would be to apologize, continue this at a later date or ask what you can do to make it up, he focuses on the semantics of the phrase, trying to come up with a new one. This is very obvious that he’s avoiding the topic because he’s uncomfortable with the thought of facing these issues.
After that, on page 5528, she TELLS him the issue and proceeds to keep doing the thing that’s making her UPSET.
She then freaks out again and then Jake finally tries to do something smart by insisting that they talk about it tomorrow (something JANE insisted on EARLIER) and then when she gets more upset and Jake proceeds to basically Jane not to be upset (“Aw come on jane. be a sport.”)
TLDR; stop woobifying Jake English and acknowledge the fact that he also fucks up, just like his friends.
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creepedverse · 3 months
how would crv react to meeting their closest creepypasta counterparts
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nico's got the hots for bitches like jane.
Tobin and Toby would probably get on well if they could keep their egos in check. After getting over the initial weirded out phase of being so similar, they'd have their fun. They'd work together to be the most annoying duo on the planet and would make it their lifes goal to piss everyone off. Cuz its funny. And they have nothing better to do... Then when they get in trouble they'd both go back to their girls and both be scolded with a "Well what did I tell you?"
Tali and Clockwork would bond over their art, and mutual interest in dumbasses. They're both relatively laidback so they'd be good casual acquaintances. But nothing more than that. Tali would feel a bit relieved she found another girl who understands her, she's always struggled with that. She'd think the clock eye is badass.
Tommie and Tim/Masky aren't exactly 1:1 characters, but they have a lot in common. They probably wouldn't talk to each other, though. They'd do a lot of staring. Tommie would probably think Tim is cool, though. They could get along well enough.
Im really uncertain about it, but Shannon via concept could be closest to Toy Maker? This ask made me think myself into a ditch of who in the Creepypasta roster would be her counterparts.
Bonnie... might align best with Lulu? That or a very subdued version of Nina. She'd get along with both just fine, cuz they're all generally sweet girls... She'd just feel really awkward with Lulu and skeptical of Nina, but I think she could become friends if Nina is persistent
Dia and Bloody Painter would be very confused by each other but afterwards they’d definitely hit it off. Sharing their works with each other and giving tips and tricks when it comes to working with blood as a medium
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artist-issues · 8 months
Actually, no, I’m just going to talk about Sabino.
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I was going to talk about the deleted song “A Wish Worth Keeping,” but suffice to say: that song would not have made the movie better because that song had the same terrible point as the movie: “The power to make your wishes come true is in you, so keep wishing.”
No. Bad. Bad point, therefore bad movie.
The deleted song wouldn’t have saved it. Stop saying “Why This Song Matters” and “The Deleted Song That Could’ve Fixed Wish.” Figure out what was wrong with the movie first. Then you can properly figure out what should and shouldn’t have been cut from the movie.
Now let’s talk about Sabino.
I already said several times that the character is terrible in the actual movie. The idea of him could’ve been good, especially when you’re trying to say something about the concept of wishing, though.
In Wish, he’s an old man who’s tangible wish-trapped-in-a-bubble has never been granted. You’re supposed to feel bad for him; his life has been so long and he’s never gotten what he really wanted. But, even if you accept what the movie is telling you (the main point I referenced up there) he doesn’t do a good job supporting it.
Sabino can’t remember his wish. (Stupid.) So you don’t feel that bad for him. He gave it up when he was eighteen. He’s lived more of his life with no wish to miss than he did with one that didn’t come true. So what if it never comes true? He’ll just keep living as a vaguely cheerful guy with people who love him. He’s never that sad. We don’t care.
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Also, when the idea that his wish will never come true is presented to him, he just… accepts it. On the one hand, that’s logical because of what I just said. But on the other hand, what a wasted opportunity to say something about your lousy “keep on wishing” main theme.
He’s 100 Years Old. He could have been the character that watches and waits, no matter how much time passes, and genuinely has faith like Cinderella or Geppetto or Snow White or Ray the Firefly or Ariel, and hangs on to his wish.
But they couldn’t do that. They couldn’t have an old character who is an example to a young woman. Because they had to have Asha be the one to “teach” everyone the “you have the power, so keep on wishing” message. You have to have her be the spirited child who proves the naysayers wrong—and therefore, you have to have Sabino be the naysayer. He doesn’t get to be the wise old man who teaches her something. He has to be the guy who says “you’re young, sit down and give up.”
Of course, they can’t even really commit to that either, because they’re still halfway-trying to make Sabino sympathetic, they’re trying to convince you that Asha really loves him and everybody does because he’s a sweet old man with a dream. But they half-do everything, and the base is rotten for all of it, so we don’t care.
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Here’s what they should’ve done:
If you’re sticking with that terrible main theme: Give Sabino a wish that he never gives up on. Don’t let him give it to Magnifico. Let him keep it for himself and spend a hundred years working toward it, and he comes close several times, and it keeps blowing up in his face, and everyone (including Asha) thinks he’s crazy for keeping it, but he gets up and tries again over and over. That would’ve at least been interesting and had a shot at being impactful.
Get RID of that terrible main theme. Switch it to “have faith” and then make Sabino the one with the faith. And again, his age highlights that it is hard. It takes a long time. He spends most of his life yearning and wishing, but he never gives up or stops acting on faith. He becomes a source of inspiration for the people around him—except Asha, who loves him but needs to find her own faith before she can understand him—and then eventually joins him in faith. Like Jane from Return to Neverland. (Yes I said it.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Could i ask for platonic headcannons (tadc) for jax,ragatha, pomni for a reader who acts like Jane Doe from ride the cyclone ( says the most random facts, doesnt know wtf is happening half of the time etc)
Sorry if this is a long ask.
And tysm
Jax, Ragatha, and Pomni x jane doe!type reader!
funny thing is that today ive gotten a second jane doe reader request, like an hour or so ago :O, so ill probably answer that one right after this so !! originally i was gonna tie the two asks into one post but idk, so uh uh !!! we'll see! speaking of, i need to get into RTC, i never really. got into it, outside of some of the songs (ballad of jane doe, talia, and noels lament have changed me) ill also be relying on the other persons ask to guide me on janes personality, so im not totally blind on this !! apologies for any inaccuracies !
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she kind of finds your manner of speaking.. uncanny, in its own way. the flatness, the fact you dont put many emotion behind your words. and how you sometimes drop the most morbid bits of information (usually) unprompted
one time the two of you were doing an IHA and the topic of ants came up and you just started talking about how if ants find a rival colony they will engage in all out war in order to survive and claim the resources of the place. why did you start talking about ants? because caine conjured up an ant NPC to serve some role in the adventure
now if you have some knowledge on the digital world and its secrets and... perhaps a means of escape, then she may be more inclined to spend more time with you
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sometimes she has to keep an eye on you when you guys are having an IHA, just so you dont wander off and possibly get hurt when you decide you dont much care for whats going on
"oh thats nice..! can you tell me more?" when you drop some random facts about something. imagine randomly dropping some facts about centipedes and she just. grins and tries to act casual while you have this sweet little look in your eyes
not much else to be said, i think she would indulge in your little fun facts if she thinks it will make you happy
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"no one wants to hear about your net facts, reader"/ref
but like its worded a little meaner, if that makes sense
only really seems interested if he can find a way to use the new knowledge to be a little shit
otherwise, i dont think he would interact with you often :( i dont really see him being the type to hang around a character like that SOBS
he thinks its funny if your facts earn a look or reaction from someone else, though
if not romantic, i could see the possibility for a friendship!
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patrickjanebrain · 1 year
Patrick Jane's Problems with Authority
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On the show there are two specific situations you can expect Jane to get excited about. The first is when he comes across a performer or another con artist, someone who is also in the craft of fooling people. No matter how skilled or clumsy that person is, Patrick is always intrigued. He likes to view the competition. He always perks up when he smells a scam. It’s endearing. 
The second situation is when Jane encounters a petty tyrant available for him to take down. It doesn’t matter how small the throne they sit on, if they’re in any way unworthy, he views it as his honor to kick over that chair and laugh.
It’s not just once in a while. It’s every time. Every tyrant. Every politician, principal, CEO, security head, or society snob. They don’t have to get in Patrick’s way or insult him (or Lisbon) either, although if they do, he strikes like a mongoose. No mercy.
Patrick Jane hates authority. He really does. He especially hates unearned authority, blowhards, and tyrants, but he does not recognize any authority over himself at all. As he tells the sheriff in Red Alert (3x13): “I’m not below or above, I’m to the side.” He sees himself outside the hierarchy, an authority to himself and the only authority over himself. If he cooperates at all, it’s only because it’s in his best interest to do so. Sometimes, even when it is in his best interest, his impulse to be a pain in the ass wins out over practical concerns.
As far as Lisbon goes, she doesn’t control him, and his affection and care for her is the only reason he occasionally lets her put the brakes on him. Not because she’s his boss (she is, but he doesn’t acknowledge it), but because his messes get her in trouble, and he doesn’t want her to suffer. 
Outside of the people he interacts with regularly, Jane has three basic approaches to people. 
Any person in authority, he automatically begins to try to poke at their achilles heel. He’ll make little mocking digs or outright humiliate them. He’ll question their leadership ability or just embrace his naughty side:
See that flourish? Jane artistically adds it after he paints the last letter in “SNYDER SUCKS"? That’s a fuck-you flourish. The vandalism is enough to get him the principal’s attention (which Jane needs to expose the fact that he’s been illegally surveilling minors in the bathrooms). The message is one of (Patrick’s usual) disdain. The flourish, though: that’s for every kid who’s had to deal with this self-righteous, hypocritical prick. He’s sticking it to the man, almost literally. 
He just loves to do this. It’s not work for him, it’s a privilege. 
When Jane questions average people who are not authority figures and who have information to give, he’s sort of a neutral version of himself. He can still be bratty, but it’s not in any way malicious. Sometimes he has to stir people up to get an answer or idea, but there’s nothing personal in that. He doesn’t want to hurt them or help them. He’s just doing his job, and often that’s making trouble to cause a distraction or get someone to reveal something. 
Jane was trained from birth to view regular non-carny people as marks, and it’s still a habit. He doesn’t get involved, and he doesn’t feel guilty about how he interacts with them as long as he doesn’t really hurt them. 
This is the facet of Patrick Jane’s character that is the most interesting to me: his care and tenderness with people who are hurting or are weak in some way. I’ve read commentary online from people questioning whether Jane is a psychopath or a sociopath, but I don’t think that you can view how he interacts with children, injured or sick people, and anyone who is vulnerable and call him incapable of empathy. He’s capable of enormous empathy.  
He has a personal understanding of grief and pain, and when he sees it in others, he softens. He doesn’t hug people, but he will give them careful, useful advice. Occasionally he will do little favors, like a quick hypnotism to help them break a bad habit, or show them his real self and what he’s learned through suffering. 
Interestingly enough, he will change his approach when he sees someone get downgraded from authority figure to a vulnerable person. He does this with Bosco once he’s injured, and he also immediately drops his desire to toy with the coroner, Dr. Steiner, who has shown him outright disdain in the past (and present!). In The Red Mile (3x18), as soon as Jane comes to understand that Steiner is sick, he goes out of the way to give him what he knows he needs: a front row seat to an adventure, breaking the rules to catch the bad guy personally. He also gives Steiner the great gift of sitting with him and distracting him while he’s committing suicide, though it clearly costs him to see death come and take another person he’s grown to like. 
Jane takes pity on Lorelei Martins after he understands what Red John has done to her, even though she tried to hurt him and engineer Lisbon’s death. 
It’s easy to see Patrick Jane as cool or funny or even cruel, but the reality is that he has experienced a ton of loss and trauma and that’s permanently altered the way he relates to people and how he sees them. Ultimately, I think the reason that he has so many problems with authority is because his father was very abusive and controlling. Every petty tyrant Jane takes down is a proxy for his father and a win for his younger self. He is taking back control for all of the times he couldn’t when he was vulnerable and had no other options.
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zabala0z · 19 days
TMA S3 makes me want to cry and like shake around the characters in a fun box. Anyways hi!!! I’m here like 5 mins later.
MAG 102:
“I’ve been trying to give you the information you need”
“Sure, when you’re not bashing its head in with a pipe” GAGGED.
I want to know what happened though with Helen and Jon???? Like did they talk, what did Jon do?? I need to know. Is Michael like fully dead? I guess he can’t die really. I can’t fully grasp the situation with Michael-Helen-The Spiral.
Anyways, I guess that’s why Not! Sasha was going to the wax museum. That’s where the Unknowing will happen. Cannot blame Melanie for trying to kill Elias again. I’d do it too. So, this French guy had like a pretty similiar situation to Jane Prentiss, with the whole “bugs love me and I love them, etc”. Crazy Gerard and Gertrude worked together??? The weirdest duo ever. Goth guy and old woman. I wanna know Gerard Keays deal. I need to hear his voice
Not much on MAG 103. Guess that’s why Gertrude went to New Zealand. Jon is cooking up a plan with Daisy and I’m praying it goes well. Another meat statement. Whatever the meat entity is, I want nothing to do with it. I also realized that when Leitner mentioned his assistant getting consumed by like a pile of meat, that’s like connected to MAG 18. Toby Carlisle. I’ll edit that post. (EDIT 9/2: I just realized when reading over MAG 58 that the cannibalistic guy is named Benjamin Carlisle. Jesus. This meat theme went through generations. Ill edit that post as well)
MAG 104: Sneak Preview
I hate this so much, I want to like give Tim a nice blanket. Everyone in this podcast needs a damn blanket.
The fact the theatre was destroyed by fire twice makes me think The Desolation had something to do with it cause y’know fire. The clown being Joseph Grimaldi is interesting. A real person being applied to the podcast, I think that’s cool. I mean bros dead it’s a free real estate. Also I’m a bit worried about Tim and his “mild” suicidal tendencies now.
Didn’t glean much from MAG 105 but a lot of death (of course, it’s about war) and like the undead. Xiaoling was sweet. Interesting the institute has a sister institute?? I hope they come up more
MAG 106: A Matter of Perspective
Oh hey, it’s the other guy from Personal Space! Apparently he didn’t have a better time than Carter Chilcot. Pretty sure this is another like The Vast statement y’know. The whole nihilism thing. I want to see Manuela’s story because it was said her fingers were burned, her eyes were red and she was withdrawn I believe so clearly something happened with her. No idea what was blocking the stars.
Elias. I swear, I swear I hate this man so much 😭 the fact Mealnies dad was in Ivy Meadows (MAG 36) is unlucky. Smoke inhalation would’ve been the better death. God I love Melanie like leave her alone Elias
Anyways! That’s all I got. I stopped taking my daily synopsis’s of every episode because school started up and while I love this podcast, I got things to do unfortunately 💀 so I’m just relying on my brain and my 10/10 memory.
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