#I didn't wanna draw sitting positions for everyone and thought to cover it up with a table
krys-does-art-stuff · 15 days
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A typical meal time scene in Hideyoshi's house, with Masamune inviting himself over because why not.
Couldn't think of what I wanted with just Masa and Houki for their shared birthday, but through a relatively recent ask I got on main, thought it would be cute with a meal time scene inspired by the ask.
So, Happy Birthday to Masamune and Houki, my beloveds.
Sept 2024
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I thought of this while falling asleep, so stick with me.
I have a very specific image in my head of jisung/chan/noona laying in bed all day and struggling with their mental health, like depresh sesh fr. And then seungmin sees it after he went to school and came back and they were in the same position. (Especially chan, bc we know he has experienced depression irl). So seungmin texts the pack and everyone goes into help the sad mode. Felix makes baked goods and lays with them, Minho makes dinner and makes sure they drink water (he knows when he doesn't need to be a snarky baby, so he lets them live), hyunjin helps with self care and gets them to shower, changbin talks to them and tries to get to the root of the issue, jeongin tries to get them to play games with him or just cuddles up to them and holds them tight like Felix. (Babies) at the end of the night, everyone is piled up in someone's bed watching a kdrama.
Also, ig i could ask the pack this too. If someone is being seriously depressed, how does everyone help? Who usually has the worst of it, if you wanna answer?
(This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing. Because as someone who struggles with mental health (as most of us do!) this was so comforting to read and imagine and take into consideration. <3)
Triggers (only discussed, nothing specific but please take care of yourself): Self Harm, Depression, Anxiety, Mental Illness, Suicide
"This is a serious ask." Changbin remarks somberly, lips drawing into a thin, pressed line.
"It is," Chan agrees, nodding. "But it's also incredibly important to talk about. But first-" He gives a soft little smile. "I wanna give all of you guys a big hug and tell you you're doing your absolute best-no matter where you are on your journey-that we're proud of you, and we love you."
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He settles back into his seat, folding his hands into his lap, glancing around at the other members of the pack.
"Is there anyone who feels comfortable discussing this? Or would you like me to go first?"
You glance to him. "I think we've all talked about this amongst each other before, but I don't know if we've ever really talked about it outside of the pack. So maybe it's best you go first, Channie."
He nods once and lets out a long breath between his lips. "Okay. Well, I've had a long, hard road of mental health struggles, it's not a secret I don't believe." He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, and then continues. "I've always had bouts of depression, but it got a lot worse when I moved from Australia to Korea to study."
"I was alone, I didn't know anyone, I was just a kid. I felt like no one cared, like I was adrift without anyone or anything to support me. I turned to school and music and producing to try and fill the void, but the weight of the darkness was increasing, and none of those things felt like enough."
You reach out silently and cover his hand with your own. He gives you a slight smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and squeezes your fingers between his own gratefully.
"It got so bad, eventually I never left the studio-I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I didn't take care of myself. At my lowest, I seriously considered just being done with it all. No one would miss me anyway. At least that's what I'd convinced myself-and the depression agreed."
He blows another long sigh out through his teeth, and the pain in his dark eyes is heartbreaking.
"But-" He shifts, sitting up straighter and shaking off some of the heaviness, glancing to Changbin now. "-Then some asshole convinced me to partner up with him for a semester project."
Changbin shrugs and gives a rueful half grin in response. "What can I say? I wanted the best."
Chan gives a little chuckle, shaking his head slightly at the other alpha's teasing. "The depression didn't go away. The weight didn't just disappear over night. But over time, I realized that maybe I did have something, was really someone, that people would miss. At least, certain people that mattered."
He glances around at all of you now, affection flashing across his features, and he gives your hand another squeeze.
"It's still hard some days. I still get too in my head, the darkness never really disappears, it just takes the back seat for awhile, but I've learned how to cope with it better, to turn to people I trust for help, instead of withdrawing and being alone and letting it consume me."
"We're proud of you, Christopher." Minho states plainly, and you can see how much the words mean to Chan as they settle like a blanket around his shoulders.
"Anyway-" Chan gives a little laugh, the tips of his ears going red, as he shifts and rakes a hand through his curls. "Enough about me, someone else go."
"No, but wait-" You stop him, and he glances at you curiously. "-I think it's important to talk about and realize the triggers, the tells, of someone you know and love when it comes to mental health. Because sometimes, when they feel the darkness creeping back in, they can't vocally express that need for help."
Chan nods thoughtfully. "Very true."
"Hyung has very specific tells." Changbin adds, studying Chan. "He starts to withdraw, he spends a hell of a lot more time alone-in the studio, his room, etc.-which leads to him not taking care of himself. He gets quiet, like he's in his head and not with us, and I think everyone's gotten to the point where they can tell 'regular Chan quiet' from 'overthinking, sinking Chan quiet.'"
Chan is nodding again, shooting the other alpha a wordless, grateful look.
"Jisung and I both struggle incredibly with anxiety and panic attacks." You bring up next, looking to the beta, who is nodding beside Changbin. "Although, just because we have the same diagnosis, it doesn't mean our triggers or even our symptoms are the same."
"Yeah-" Jisung agrees, jumping in. "It's important to note that you can struggle from the same mental issues as someone else, and still realize that that doesn't mean you know anything about what the other person is going through. A similar diagnosis can look completely different for someone else."
"In my case, my anxiety revolves around uncertainty and the 'what ifs', and certain scenarios are really triggering for me." You continue, giving Jisung a breather before you give him the option to express his feelings. "If someone is later than normal getting home from school or work, I panic, coming up with all the worst case scenarios in my head until I can't breathe."
"Communication is absolutely key for you and the type of anxiety you struggle with." Chan agrees, nodding.
"Yeah, we've implemented check ins or communication methods when someone is going to be late or somewhere unexpected." You nod, giving Chan a little half smile. "It's really helped, and I really appreciate you guys doing that for me, even if it feels silly."
"Hey, Hyunjin-hyung never has to check in." Jeongin suddenly complains, as if he's only now just realized.
You grin. "Hyunjin is always late, so I've just come to expect it."
Hyunjin smirks like a cat, all sharp teeth and feline eyes. "You know me so well, baby."
Jisung takes in a deep breath, and you take that as his silent signal that he's ready to discuss his own struggles now.
You glance to him, and give him a little encouraging nod.
"On the other hand, I have a hard time with anxiety and panic attacks in social situations, or when dealing with crowds. I don't like to be around a lot of people that I don't know."
Changbin reaches over and stops the beta's nervous twisting of his hands in his lap, giving him a little warm smile.
Jisung steels himself with the alpha's encouragement and goes on. "I don't like feeling like people are counting on me, or expecting something from me that I can't give. In social situations, there's too many variables and too many unknowns, and I feel like I'm guaranteed to fail no matter what I do."
"The buddy system is a great way to help Sungie when he's feeling anxious." Felix interjects, giving the beta a dazzling smile. "We always stick around him in social situations or gatherings, just so he has someone he knows well to joke with or talk to."
"Yeah." Jisung lets out the breath he'd been holding, seem to relax a little. "That helps a lot."
"And Minho-hyung and noona are great at talking him down when he's in the full throes of an actual panic attack." Seungmin adds, throwing an arm around the other beta's shoulders in a silent show of support. "They let him breathe and take his time, and then convince him his feelings are valid and okay, and that he's safe."
Jisung nods again wordlessly, and you see Changbin squeeze his hands.
"As far as everyone helping out-" Felix looks thoughtful now, his brow creased. "-I feel like we all suffer from certain levels of mental issues, and that's to be expected, and everyone kind of just knows how to help in the right way depending on what pack member is feeling down."
"You were absolutely spot on with your scenario of what Channie likes though." You laugh, referencing the previous thoughts. "He needs people to pull him out of his head, help him take care of himself, and mainly snuggle and be there for him. He likes the entire pack to pull around him when he's in a rut."
"Minho-hyung on the other hand-" Changbin speaks up, giving the elder a pointed look. "-he'll bite your head off the first day. He likes his space until he's come down a little, and even then, he wants one or two specific people to just exist with him for awhile."
"And who are those one or two people?" You ask, already knowing the answer, laughing a little.
Minho rolls his eyes as Changbin answers without hesitation, "Chan and Felix of course."
"Ah, Aussie line!" Chan crows triumphantly, and Felix grins at him from across the room as Minho looks annoyed at having been called out.
"Anyway, as we said-" You continue, threading your fingers through Chan's. "-this is a super important topic to talk and be open about, and please, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or confide in, find someone you trust-a therapist, a friend, a sibling, a parent-"
"A stranger on the internet." Jisung adds cheekily, grinning.
You laugh. "-a stranger on the internet. Just know you don't have to struggle alone, and that there are always people who will be there for you, even if the darkness makes you doubt that."
"We love you guys." Chan adds seriously, nodding. "And I think I've said it all at this point, so let's end with another big hug."
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lovedbydottore · 3 years
╰┈➤ 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲
𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 || 2
➯ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 1
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-`,✎ ❝ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬. ❞
Pronouns: She/Her
Trigger Warning(s): None
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Taking your opening breath as you opened your still tired eyes which were then greeted by the dawn light which leaked through the white curtains which covered your windows, the light bringing the serene and peaceful ambience of the city once dawn strikes and blesses the city. A blessing to behold indeed, you stretched slightly in your position and threw the comfy blanket off and sat on the edge of your stiff bed stretching and yawning in unison, you then finally completely set your feet on the cold wooden floor stumbling a bit due to the frailness that would usually curse your body once you wake up from your slumber, standing close to the wooden vanity beside your door..you looked into the mirror and finally pointing your gaze to your new uniform resting on the chair. Your aunt must've snuck it up here when you were still asleep, cracking your knuckles you gently picked up your uniform and went downstairs. You were greeted by the annoying voices of clients which just absolutely ruined the ambience. You swiftly walked to the bathroom without drawing any attention successfully! Placing your uniform on a hanger, you took your clothes off and placed them on a spare hanger. You stepped into the shower, you turned the handle and the cold water started pouring out connecting with your skin, shivers were sent up your spine from the coldness. Thoughts started swarming my head making you zone out...most of it was about my encounters yesterday, for some reason you couldn't get over it. I mean this man you met just yesterday literally flirted with you and paid for your tuition! You finally snapped back to reality when you heard a knock on the bathroom door, must've been your cousin. You dried off and finally wore half of the uniform, it fitted perfectly! I guess having a tailor as an aunt does have it's perks. You dried your hair completely,making sure you didn't leave a single strand wet. You then proceeded to wear the white tie and the vest, you also straightened up your black skirt. The skirt was just the perfect length! Not too revealing which would attract perverts and not too long which would just make you look awkward. You sighed as you grabbed your thigh-high socks and slipped it on with ease! You then slipped on your polished school shoes. You looked into the mirror and smiled. A knock from the door brought you back to reality, you twisted the handle and ran straight to the kitchen. Your cousins were already eating, your gaze then fell on a plate with toast on it.
"C'mon eat up! You don't wanna be late for your new school and something." Azra spoke up. You sat down and ate as fast as you could and chugged down some water.
"Thanks for the food!" You exclaimed as you took your bags, you ran out past the crowded waiting room into the street, looking up at the academy beyond. You ran into the distance, ready to start a new chapter of your life.
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You calmly walked through the halls. Looking at your schedule you stumbled upon your classroom, pausing you went inside. Half of the class was there! You gulped your anxiety and continued to walk until you landed infront of the professor's table.
"Ah! Y/N am I right?" A slightly pitched voice cheered. You simply nodded, he chuckled "Go sit beside Viktor. You can introduce yourself later once everyone is here!" He spoke in an enthusiastic tone as he pointed over to a pale and slender brunette. You smiled and walked passed and finally sat down. "Viktor." He simple spoke holding his hand out. You chuckled "Y/N" you responded as you shook his hand.
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You and Viktor became friends in no time! Both of you were walking through the halls talking about your interest, suddenly you bumped into someone's chest "I am so sorry!" The voice exclaimed as you saw a hand reach out "It's fine" you sighed grabbing the hand and pulling yourself up "Oh, are you new? I haven't seen you around here!" He exclaimed with a smile "Mhm, Y/N" you smiled "Jayce, Jayce Talis." He grabbed your hand a shook it gently Viktor just spared a glimpse at Jayce before turning back to you "We should get going!" He put out, you looked at him "Yeah...we should!" You exclaimed and turned back to Jayce "I'll see you around, I guess." You muttered before continuing on with Viktor's little tour of the place. You both stumbled on a pair of stairs, he grabbed your hand and both of you started walking up "This, is where the dormitories are." He began pointing over to each doors in the hallway you were in "And that's about it!" He laughed putting one of his arms behind his neck "Woah this place is big! By the way, where do I find you?" You mumbled looking at the man beside you "Ah! My dorm is right beside yours, so there's no need to worry...speaking of your dorm, come with me I'll show you where it is!" He grabbed your hand and led you to the end of the hallway where your room is waiting. He twisted the handle and welcomed you in your new room, your eyes started shining like the stars! It was big, bigger than your old room which was just...an attic. You started walking around the room, the wood creaking. You chuckled and walked close to the window and looked out onto the amazing view! "Woah!" You cheered as Viktor walked right behind you "Looks like you got lucky with the amazing view." He laughed putting his arm on your shoulder, he suddenly snatched it away "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Viktor awkwardly spoke "Oh! It's fine, I promise. Your my friend after all." You smiled, he chuckled and looked away "Promises are the sweetest of lies." He whispered in a calming tone, you felt heat rising onto your face you sighed and calmed yourself. You raised a hand and smacked the back of his head! "I told you I'm fine with it! I swear I'm not lying!" You expressed, he chuckled "Alright, I believe you." He softly smiled.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐐𝐢'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
Hehe finally a pt 2 (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ sorry if this is kinda short idk I kinda ran out of ideas 乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ lols anyways finally viktor and jayce made an entrance! I'm planning on more ideas to introduce more characters hehe btw rn this is based on Act 1! Anyways here ya go another chapter :)))) I will make a pt 3 so keep a lookout! ⊂((・▽・))⊃
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Wrong victim
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Pure comedic self indulgence because we all need a funny break before shit starts to really go down in To bargain for immortality. Set quite a few years after the game events, around 2025, and is pure ridiculousness so enjoy.
Her response to being unceremoniously shoved in the back seat of a car that looked like it's seen far better days was merely an annoyed grunt. It turned into an eye roll when the man that climbed in after her pulled everything out of her pockets. 
"Wouldn't want you calling anyone," he said with a toothy grin while waving her phone in front of her. 
"Trust me, that won't be necessary," she replied in a deadpan voice. It's not like she would call the police, she wanted them involved even less than her kidnappers probably did. As for other people she could reach out to, a phone call would be redundant really. "Do be careful with it, I'd hate to lose the photos of Daniela sleeping upside down." 
After maybe ten minutes of driving down the barely illuminated outskirts of the city, and having her pockets emptied, dagger included, the burly man driving pulled up inside a parking lot. It was large and overgrown with weeds and vines reclaiming spaces that had been left without human activity for who knows how long. The lamp posts were nothing more than useless concrete pillars as they provided no illumination, resulting in her pitiful captors having to use flashlights as they made their way into the dilapidated factory. 
Nicole sneered at the sight of collapsed walls and rusty metal walkways, reminding her of the one particular Lord she couldn't stand the sight of. She decided a distraction was needed from unpleasant memories. 
"Abandoned factory?" She whistled. "How many cliche movies have you guys watched?" 
She let out a chuckle when the man that had previously taken her phone shoved her ahead. Hopefully they wouldn't tape her mouth shut, there was so much fun to be had by mockery alone. 
It didn't take long before all three of them entered a dimly lit room, numerous candles placed all around, either on desks or candle supports nailed to the walls. The three more people inside were wearing long black robes and white masks covering their faces. Nicole had to laugh. 
"Oh so you're that kinda crazy." 
"Shut the fuck up and stay put," the man holding her hands behind her back said while pushing her into a chair. 
He then moved to a table and Nicole couldn't help but scowl at how unceremoniously her beloved dagger had been thrown on the wooden surface. Afterwards, he put on a mask not unlike the others, except with red streaks going down from the eye holes, and started to prepare something in the middle of the room. The others joined in on the task, all but the one man that had been put in charge of making sure Nicole stayed put. Because of course she could easily escape five people much bigger than her at any given moment. 
She decided to take a look around, at the various dusty books opened on pages she couldn't quite make out from where she was sitting. A few pages were laying around, either with diagrams or with scribbled notes. Had she really stumbled upon a cult? She couldn't wait to have a laugh about it with her family. 
"So," she started, craning her neck a little so she could see her captor's face. "Who you gonna sacrifice me to huh? I wanna know before you slice up my throat or whatever you're planning on." 
A confused and suspicious look was thrown her way, surely due to the complete nonchalance she spoke with about what would surely be her untimely death. "The… the devil," was his unsure reply. 
Nicole let out a small laugh. "Oh trust me, you do not want to meet her. Though devil is not quite the word," she continued despite a few other pairs of eyes landing on her. "Maybe a pissy fungal overlord with an unhealthy obsession for crows. Yes that's more like it," she finished with another chuckle. 
The man with a slightly different mask, who seemed to be their self appointed leader, got up from where he was nailing something to the floor and walked up to her in a few long strides. His eyes were barely visible, but anger was clearly distinguishable. 
He pulled out a knife, old, rusty and with a black worn out handle so typical of a kitchen utensil, and so incredibly ugly compared to the beautifully ornate daggers that decorated her home. She had to laugh when the dull blade got pressed to her throat. 
"Will you shut up for one minute?!" He raised his voice slightly, as much as someone who was doing something they didn't wish to be caught doing would dare to. It didn't deter her though. 
"Oh sweetie this is just what foreplay looks to me," she started with a grin that made her wish she had fangs like the better part of her relatives. "But please do me a favor and stay quiet, there's no fun in hunting if my darling finds you within five seconds due to you screeching like a broken squeaky toy." 
The man blinked for a few seconds, taken aback both by the words and by the apparent passivity towards having a knife at her throat. He stayed like that until one person that was working with some ropes behind interjected. 
"Of all the people you could've taken, how did you find this unhinged bitch?!" 
"I'll take that as a compliment," Nicole said, bending slightly to the side so the person that had spoken up would have a clear view of her sickly sweet smile. 
After that exchange, her captors seemed happy to move things along quicker, working in silence and begrudgingly ignoring any remarks she would throw their way, including an observation on the downright dreadful quality of the rope they had. Quality that she regrettably got to experience when her wrist and ankles got tied to the nails in the floor, having her lay down in a starfish position. It kind of reminded her of sprawling on the bed she shared with Cassandra simply to annoy the brunette. 
After loudly reciting something in latin, the leader bent down, same rusty knife in hand, and tipped her chin upwards to expose the neck. She did let out a wince when the blade sunk deep in her flesh and got dragged downward, towards her chest, leaving behind a choking sensation and the taste of copper in her mouth. The knife however only made it to the base of her neck, before the sound of metal crashing caught everyone's attention. 
"What the fuck," the man whispered, thankfully pulling the blade out so her skin had the time to begin stitching itself back together. She still had to turn her head around and spit some blood that made its way into her mouth. 
Before anyone else had a chance to speak up, the door was kicked open, one of the rusty hinges breaking completely, to reveal a rather angry Cassandra with her sickle in hand, ready for bloodshed. 
There were a few seconds of stunned silence before the blade was unceremoniously thrown into the first person's skull, spinning through the air for only a few meters before getting embedded into the bone with a sloshing sound. Anyone else trying to escape through the one door was met with a similar fate. One person had their knees kicked inwards before a knife held at the same belt as the sickle came down to slash their throat. Another had their head smashed to bits against the nearest wall in the blink of an eye. And last, the burly man that had driven and kept an eye on Nicole, had his heart ripped through the bottom of his ribcage when Cassandra shoved him against one of the tables, scattering the books and papers that were by then stained crimson. 
The remaining man, the leader, got grabbed by the shoulders and forcefully shoved into the same chair she had been sitting in not too long ago. 
"Stay put and I'll let you live," Cassandra spoke, all the cruelty polished over decades upon decades of sporting the title of the family's most sadistic coming through those few words. 
He gulped and nodded, eyes glossed over by the pure human terror now so unfamiliar to both of them. 
She then turned around, expression softening like a switch had been turned behind golden eyes. "Nicole," she started, barely an edge of concern and irritation at the sight of her wife's bloody skin. 
"Hi babe." The self satisfied grin almost had the brunette chuckling while she retrieved her sickle and Nicole's things. 
The weapon was used to cut her free, a grimace pulling the corners of her black lips downward at the same quality observation her wife had priorly made, no doubt. A hand was offered to Nicole to pull herself up, while the other presented the familiar dagger that was gifted to her so many years ago. 
"Will you do the honors love," Cassandra asked, with that beautifully sadistic smile. 
"Of course," came Nicole's reply as her hand wrapped around the leather covered handle. 
With some of the wretched ropes gathered from the ground, Cassandra made quick work of the man's hands and legs, securely tied to the chair and voice frantic. 
"You said you would let me live!" 
Cassandra laughed, a low ominous sound, while grabbing the mask and throwing it on the floor. She did love to see the terror in her victims' faces after all. 
"Unfortunately my wife made no such promises," she finished with a forceful pull of hair that kept his head in one place as she moved to the back of the chair. 
Nicole approached with the dagger already out of its holster and tapped the blade's point against her lips in thought for a few moments. She could simply slice his throat and be done with it, or stab him and leave him to bleed out, choking on his own blood. A hum made its way past her lips. No, no that would not do. 
She grabbed a fistful of the man's shirt, pulling it up almost to the neck. After a few mental measurements and approximations were made, the tip of the blade finally found its way into muscle, drawing thin trails of blood and pained screams. It took a good five minutes to carve all the intricate details she wanted to, the swirling patterns cutting cleanly through skin, courtesy of her wife keeping the blade sharp and in top condition. 
After she was content with the level of detail, and screams subsided to pathetic sobs, she took a step back and, with a hum, looked at Cassandra for a reaction. 
"Oh dearest," the brunette said, looking over the man's shoulder and down at the bloody cuts on his abdomen and chest, forming a crude yet not unfitting replica of the Dimitrescu crest. 
At the adoration that made its way past the cruelty in her wife's eyes, Nicole smiled and gingerly took a hold of her unoccupied hand, bringing it close to her lips and leaving a small kiss and a barely visible blood imprint on each knuckle. 
"I take it that you approve of my… design choice," she asked with another glance down at the jagged lines that formed their family's symbol. 
"It's wonderful," Cassandra replied, fangs shimmering slightly in the low light, exposed from the proud smile that tugged at her lips. 
A gorgeous smile, really, that made something swell inside Nicole's chest no matter how many times she saw it. Truth be told, her rendition of the crest was quite lacking, never having had the artistic skills to quite capture the intricate details that formed it. Nevertheless, if it brought a smile to her wife's lips, she was more than content with it. How unfortunate that it had to be ruined. 
She let out a sigh, still holding Cassandra's hand. "Too bad those pigs at the BSAA would quite disapprove of us leaving such things behind. Oh well," she shrugged, bringing the hand she was holding over to the man's abdomen. "Better it be ruined at your hands." 
The next second, claws dug deep into flesh, slicing the muscle and everything underneath all the way up to the throat. It left five deep gashes over the fine cuts of her dagger, but the satisfaction did not dwindle. On the contrary, when the gurgling sounds finally stopped and the body went limp, her smile was still there, turning into light laughter when Cassandra licked her fingers only to visibly cringe. 
"Say what you will about the dungeons, but at least we feed our livestock well," she spat, taking out a napkin from a pocket and wiping her fingers clean. "But with that disgusting thing out of the way, let me help you with that," she continued, grimace morphing into a sly smile when her eyes landed on Nicole's still bloody neck. 
She gave her no time to disagree, not that she would, before she pushed her backwards slightly into the edge of a table. Nicole wasted no time in lifting herself up on the wooden surface, bringing their faces just a tad closer to being on the same level. 
Cassandra dipped her head down, lips leaving teasing feather-like kisses on her jaw before lowering even further so she could drag her tongue up the length of her neck. It made a shiver run down Nicole's spine, that turned into an impatient tug of her wife's hair when the motion was repeated again and again, until no traces of blood could be seen on her neck, save for the crimson stains that made their way to the hem of her shirt. 
Their lips met in a hungry kiss, full of fangs and smeared lipstick and the taste of copper so familiar to the both of them, albeit for different reasons. When Nicole's hands went to the first buttons of Cassandra's blouse, their kiss was broken with a sly smirk. 
"This is such a dreadful place for such things, don't you think," the brunette said, all too amused by her wife's exasperated sigh. 
"You started it," Nicole complained, but before the words were fully out of her mouth, she was tugged off the table and on the way out, ready to get back home and have a laugh about the irony of her capture. They would have to pick up where they left off at a later time. 
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xuxishortcake · 4 years
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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ
John Mayer - Your body is a wonderland
¹:⁰³ ──♡──────³:³⁰
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : your boyfriend, Taeyong has been worn out due to working hard on his latest comeback & you just wanna appreciate him & tell him how much you love him <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : sub!idol Dom!reader smut , angst ? some pretty cute fluff : 3, cursing , cream pie, cunninilingus, handjob , blowjob , praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.7k
hey everyone! this is my first official ff, so pardon me if there's Grammer errors, spelling mistakes, etc. I got inspired to write this while listening to "your body is a wonderland." I just love the soft, morning sex feel of the song & wanted to turn it into a ff. I'm not sure if I'll be an active poster , but I did have fun while writing this & making up stories is a hobby of mine so we'll see. feedback is very appreciated, & enjoy!! :3
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
it was a pleasant Sunday morning & you woke up a little earlier than usual to the sound of birds chirping. You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the light streaming through the semi transparent curtains. next to you, lay your peacefully asleep boyfriend, Taeyong. {damn,} you thought, {even while sleeping he's just breathtaking to look at. God really does have favorites huh.} it made you smile to see him look so tranquil.
the night before, he came in the apartment quite fatigued since he had been out all day, practicing for his group's newest comeback.
"hey bubu," you said as you stood up from the couch you were sat at. you walked over & you hugged him. "how was everything today? any new progress?"
"mmm, everything's going along well, just a little tired because the recording session was a bit hard. I'm just glad to be back home & hugging you." he said while putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"you seem tired, baby." you reply, moving your fingers through his hair "want me to make you some tea maybe?"
"yeah, that'd be great. I'm just gonna go lay down on the bed for a bit. " he smiled tiredly, putting his backpack & shoes next to the door.
you went into the kitchen to get a kettle onto the stove. once it started boiling, you poured it into two small mugs for the both of you, added the tea bags & stirred in some honey. you left for the bedroom & came in to see Tae curled up, fast asleep on the bed. you sighed, a bit sad & put down the cups onto the night stand next to the bed & sat down besides him. you glanced at the clock on top of the night stand, 9:55 PM. makes sense he was tired, he left pretty early in the morning. however, you wanted to talk to him at least for a little bit more since it felt like the two of you hadn't had a conversation or even really cuddled in so long for his job was keeping him very occupied. sure you both texted back & forth while you could, but it just didn't feel the same as actually being there together. it wasn't too long before his comeback would be present, but then again, he'd be busy with promotions. a bit crestfallen, you slipped out of your clothes, went to get washed & had gotten into bed.
back to the present, you were thinking of how nice it was just to be close to him & know you could finally have a day where you could both just enjoy each other's company. you knew you wanted to do some extra special caring for him. knowing how he's been so hard at work was a sign he's in need of some extra special lovin'. you felt like you hadn't been able to tell him how much you loved & appreciated him, & now, you felt like you could finally do it. you snuggled up closer to him, gently put your hand onto his face & started caressing him. Taeyong 's nose scrunched & his eyes fluttered open.
"good morning bubu. " you said, continually stroking his cheek with the tips of your fingers. "sleep well?"
taeyong smiled & stretched a bit. "yeah, I feel well rested. how about you?"
"same same. I'm just glad you don't have to go anywhere today. I've missed being able to be with you. "
"I'm sorry I fell asleep so quickly last night y/n. I just wanted to lie down since I felt so drowsy but I dozed off like an idiot & didn't get to talk to you while I had the chance. I feel so bad since I feel I've been terrible at spending time with you & actually being a boyfriend. " he looked down glumly.
"no, baby, it's fine. it's understandable since you've been going pretty hard lately, & we have all day today so : )" you assured him pressing a small kiss on his forehead.
you smiled & held his cheeks between your hands & kissed his lips ever so gently. he kissed back, & you started to kiss back a little bit harder. before you knew it, things were starting to get really heated. you had slid your tongue over his lips as an ask to come in, & he happily let you in. that cute little bubblegum tongue of his sure knew how to get you riled up, cause damn, was he a good kisser. tongues playing harmoniously while softly panting. you broke out of the deep kissing to kiss his cheek & then started to leave kisses all along his sharp jawline. you climbed on top of him & worked your way down his neck, leaving a plush trail of kisses with him sighing softly. your hands trailed down his stomach & onto his forming hard on. starting to slowly stroke his covered bulge, you now moved your lips to his nipple, giving a few light licks, giving you great joy to hear the sweet little whimpers that were coming out of his mouth. you started to work faster with your tongue & hand. you lightly dragged your tongue down his abdomen & hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers & pulled them off. his cock sprung up & slapped against his stomach. the tip was sore & red, glistening with precum, which made you lick your lips in anticipation. slowly, you started to stroke it,from the base & squeezing a bit once you came to the top. you began to pick up the pace, taking in your boyfriend's pretty flushed face, begging you to touch him more.
"fuck tae, your body is like a wonderland. you're so beautiful. "
he started blushing at the compliments, hand slightly against his mouth , & that just made you want to do more. you stopped stroking his length & he whined at the lack of friction, trying to buck his hips in the air. however, you had a firm grip on his left thigh & wouldn't let him. you moved further down his body, until your head was in between his thighs. you started leaving kisses & bites all along his inner thighs. reaching to his dick, you placed a quick kiss on the tip & started giving a few kitten licks.
"fuck y/n,you're such a tease. " taeyong panted out.
"I'm just trying to savor every moment of this baby ♡" you said smirking since you knew what you were doing to him.
finally, you took him whole & he groaned out loud. bobbing your head up & down, his tip sometimes reaching the back of your throat, making you moan & send out vibrations, which made him moan right back . chest heaving & eliciting pretty moans , his back was slightly arched & his hips were pushed up a bit, but you made sure he was held put. he practically melted by your hands, & it was amazing to feel you had this much power over him. you could tell he was reaching his limit, & you got off of him with a *pop*. you were about to position himself into your entrance when he grabbed your wrist.
"no....not yet. I want you to feel good too. please, sit on my face. "
"ok, I'll let you since you've been a pretty good boy." you say as you crawl up onto him. you lower yourself slowly above his face & he holds your thighs in place. he takes one long lick across your slit, savoring it as if it tastes like candy & starts eating you out like he'll never be able to do it again.
"you're so pretty, y/n" he says against you, nose deep into you.
"ah fuck, & you're so good at this tae." you say tugging onto his hair, trying tohold back moans.
the way he eats you out is unbearably good. his tongue, gliding along your vulva , up & down & making circle motions on your clit gets you feeling so high. you felt yourself coming to a reach, & taeyong could see it & started to go even faster. your thighs started to shake in the euphoric feeling & you held his hair as he continued lapping up your juices until you told him to stop. finally, you got down off of his face & positioned yourself. you lowered yourself down onto his firm cock. "ohhh" taeyong let out a deep groan, relieved he was finally getting attention on him again. you stretched your torso across to pin his hands above his head & slowly started to move, your hips going perpendicular. moving your head towards him, you went back in for more kissing. tongues entangling & beads of sweat falling down in between your foreheads. having a tight grip on both his hands, you started going at a quicker pace, drawing out more moans from tae.
"oh my god. I'm close, y/n." taeyong moaned out against your lips with his hands starting to tremble.
"ok baby. you can cum." you replied, increasing the movements of your hips & pushing your lips into a deeper kiss with his. you felt his thighs starting to quiver & his hips bucked up deeper into yours, warm cum spilling out from inside you. you both rode it out together until you started to pant. not moving anymore,you were still on him with a bit of cum dripping out of your pussy, creaminess covering his cock. you rose up & got some tissues to clean the both of you. after that, you laid down next to him. him turning to meet your face & his chest still rising.
"it doesn't matter how long we've been together, you still manage somehow to make my heart race with every breath you take." taeyong said, a bashful little smile creeping onto his face.
"well, you never fail to make me smile at your sappy commentary." you giggled, running your hands through his messy hair. "you're pretty cute too."
"I can't believe I get to date someone as angelic as you." he said, snuggling his head into your chest, arms wrapping around your waist.
"ha, you make my heart flutter, really. I'm so lucky to have you. " you cuddled him back, hands on the back of his head, gently caressing him.
"love you, y/n"
"love you too, yongie" you replied smiling, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
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firelord-frowny · 2 years
some thoughts about the uhhhh possibility of starting adhd meds.
im reading all these descriptions of positive experiences people have had with adhd meds and it's all this stuff about how, all of a sudden, they gained the ability to just DECIDE to do things. they could get up and make their bed and cook breakfast and do a lil workout before going to their job instead of waking up and then just, idk, picking at a fucking loose thread in their bed sheets for an hour and a half before rushing to throw on some clothes and then forget to pee before hurrying to work.
people talk about all the goals that had always been out of their reach that they're now accomplishing. they get their masters degree. they land their dream job. they eat better and exercise.
and like...
as much as i loathe ~altering my brain chemistry~ as a concept if only because i honestly do love myself the way i am and my only issue is that i can't seem to function in this particular culture/era/society,
the thought of finally being able to ACTUALLY FINISH my artistic goals THRILLS me. i have dozens of unfinished violin covers/arrangements sitting in my soundtrap account. dozens of unfinished transcriptions handwritten on staff paper that i can't even find anymore. i've been meaning to learn the entirety of vivaldi's four seasons for like 12 fucking years. been meaning to record versions of La Folia. Been meaning to finish like 5 screenplays. been meaning to put together some kind of ~chapbook~ featuring my creative nonfiction and my photography artsy lil iphone pics. the method book i've been writing is off to SUCH a fantastic start but i just CAN'T get myself to COMMIT to working on it on any kind of schedule. I've been meaning to audition for grad school. i KNOW now that i AM good enough to stand a chance at getting into Eastman or NEC or Stony Brook, and i know i could be all but GUARANTEED admission into Peabody... but I know I need some coaching before I'll truly be prepared for those auditions, but i just cannot seem to get myself MOVING in terms of searching for a teacher who's qualified and willing to help me. i wanna turn myself into the Number One Choice when anyone in the area is looking for a session violinist. I wanna develop art/music/etc projects that I could pitch for various ~artists in residence~ programs like the ones hosted by the national parks service. i KNOW i could create something worthy of Denali or Crater Lake or Kings Canyon.
BUT I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T!!!! I can't think straight! I can't draw a straight line between any two points in time or space! even a fucking lightning bolt, with all its fractals and leaders and jagged little tendrils is more streamlined and less chaotic than I am. every idea i ever have scatters like oriental cockroaches in a damp basement the minute any light whatsoever shines on them. every intention i ever commit to sublimates into a broken promise before i ever have the chance to lift one finger in its honor.
my entire life is an attic full of failed inventions. a cemetery of stillborn brainchildren.
and yet somehow the idea of being able to actually accomplish all or even just some of these things kinda scares the shit out of me.
like, what am i gonna DO all day when i'm finally able to focus on a task?
i've spent so much of my life in a constant state of being stressed from feeling overworked and overwhelmed during a time where the decisions about how I spent my days weren't up to me. and i couldn't cope with even a quarter of the amount of Responsibilities that everyone else seemed to be able to cope with. and i was so fucking miserable, i honestly, truly, felt like i didn't even want to be alive.
and now i'm terrified of the prospect of being busy again, because business strangled the life out of me in high school and college.
i don't wanna Do Tasks because I don't wanna risk the possibility of going back to being that overwhelmed, miserable person. and i KNOW that one of the benefits of meds is - or at least is supposed to be - gaining the ability to focus in such a way that i'm not so easily overwhelmed anymore.
but i cannot imagine what that's like. i CANNOT IMAGINE what it's like to wake up every day - or at least most days - and decide to spend 6+ hours on any particular task at all, and then actually do it. and then, if i DO do it, to still feel content and at ease by the time I'm done.
what am i gonna do all day??? am i gonna still know how to enjoy having ~down time~? am i gonna wish that i had more downtime? am i gonna resent the fact that i can't dedicate as much time as i feel like to just doing things that make me happy???
wtf is gonna happen to me? what's that LIKE???
literally, what do people do all day at their jobs?? how does being, say, a department head in a youth music program, use up 6+ hours of your day? what do you DO after you get to work? how is there SO MUCH to do that you actually have to keep Doing Things until it's time to go home??
what does an architect do for 8 hours a day?? what does a sports utility store manager do for 8 hours a day? what does a dog trainer do for 8 hours a day??? are they actually, literally just training dogs nonstop?? or are there other responsibilities, too? how is there even enough time in the world to do anything for 8 hours a day?
and its STOOPID that i don't get it, bc like... i went to SCHOOL and did TASKS for more than eight hours a day! my day in high school was TWELVE HOURS. 10 if you don't count the commute back and forth. my longest days in college began at 10am-ish and went until 10pmish. so CLEARLY there are things that can occupy all that time, even if there are a couple hours worth of lulls dispersed throughout.
but like woooooooooooooooow.
im legit so afraid of being busy. :(
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nomsugayoongi · 3 years
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Off My Face. Part 4!
Pairings: Jungkook X OC female (nameless)
Tags: Fluff. They get busted. Giggly!Joon. Flirty!Jk, SMUTTTTTT! Sweaty after practise Jk getting his fuck on in a bathroom. Not for littles.
She was warm. She was comfortable. She was probably the most relaxed she'd ever felt, floating in dreams. Something subtle was pulling her out. Back towards consciousness. She groaned sleepily, a warm, soft lump at her side wriggled also. Awareness hadn't quite crept in yet. The lull of sleep drawing her away. But there was a noise. Something that didn't want her to stay here. Sound started to form. Like a tapping sound. Glass maybe. More wriggling at the side of her, weight across her stomach, something tickling her neck. She lifted a heavy hand to swat at it, only to connect with something solid. Her fingers wriggled. Something soft beneith them. Tapping. More awareness. Jungkook. First formed thought. Before any real comprehension kicked in, he did. She sighed. Sleepy smile. More tapping. "Jungkookie?" She knew that voice. Awareness crashed back into place followed by panic. "Shit" she hissed, eyes snapping open. Sunlight flooded the room, Jungkook still asleep next to her. She'd fallen asleep in his bed. "Jungkookie, I'm coming in!" Namjoon called through the door.
Her eyes scanned the room furiously. There wasn't enough time for her to go anywhere. Plus her underwear was on the bedroom floor. Naked from the waist down, she frantically pulled the covers over herself. The door handle creaked. She elbowed Jungkook and braced for impact. His eyes shot open and he groaned, cradling his ribs where her elbow connected. He didn't have time to ask her what the hell was going on. He was still squinting stupidly when the door swung open and Namjoon appeared. "JK, you need to get up. We have....WOAH!!" Namjoon's hands shot to his mouth, frozen in the doorway at the sight that greeted him. His eyes wide. "What the....?" He started. Jungkook was awake now, scrambling into a sitting position. "WHAT IS THIS?" Namjoon shrieked, his shock dissolving into giggles. "Shut the door" Jungkook hissed. Namjoon booted the door closed, not taking his eyes off the pair in the bed. "What happened?" He whispered, still chuckling childishly. "We fell asleep" she replied stupidly. Jungkook had jumped out of bed, opening the bedroom door he peered either way down the hallway. "Where is everyone?" He questioned. "Showering or having breakfast. We let you sleep as long as we could but we have practise in an hour. What is going on here?" He asked again. "Good, so nobody heard you freaking out then." Jungkook mused, ignoring Namjoon's question. He turned back towards his bed, running his fingers through his hair with a heavy sigh. He flopped onto the bed next to her, resting his head against her shoulder with a sleepy grumble. That was not how he wanted to wake up. She smiled, stroking his hair. "GUYS...are you serious? What the hell?" Namjoon questioned for the fifth time. "You said nothing was going on" he added, pointing an accusing finger at her. "It wasn't...then." she replied sheepishly. Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed. "Well...when?" He asked, still reeling. "Yesterday. After dinner." She said simply. Namjoon gawped at them. "So...what? Now you're like...bed buddies?" Jungkook chuckled, finally lifting his head. "I wouldn't say it like that. Look, we like each other. We wanna see where it could go but it's....new. We didn't want anyone to know until we'd had a chance to figure it out ourselves. So please don't say anything to the others. Hyung...please." he asked sincerely. Namjoon frowned, his expression immediately becoming that of supportive big brother. "Of course I won't. But guys....this is....insane. I mean...it's GREAT. But...WOAH!" He chuckled. She grinned, nuzzling into Jungkooks side. "I told you to tell him" Namjoon smiled. Jungkook frowned looking from her to Namjoon. "Huh? Told her to tell me...." He muttered. "How she felt about you." He responded. Jungkooks frown deepened. "Why? How long have you known?" He asked. Namjoon shrugged. "Ages. Since she got back from England." Jungkook pouted, picking up the pillow and bashing her with it playfully. "Told him months ago. Told me yesterday. That's some kind of backwards." He whined. "I couldn't tell you. It was too intense. I was all...spazzy" she replied, defensively. "Uh huh?" He hummed, leaning in to kiss her. "Uh huh!" She replied, catching his lips in a soft kiss. Namjoon cleared his throat loudly. "Still here guys. Plus, I don't wanna ruin your moment but you really do need to get up. 50 minutes till dance practise." He reminded. Jungkook groaned loudly, throwing his head back. "I'll be down in 5 minutes. Need to pee and brush my teeth" he grunted. Namjoon nodded, giving them one last huge smile before departing. Once Namjoon has left, Jungkook started trying to motivate himself, rifling through his wardrobe for something comfy to wear. He usually really enjoyed dance practise but that was when he hadn't stayed up most of the night before and didn't have a half naked, beautiful girl in his bed. "Jungkook, can you pass me my underwear please?" He turned, smiling at the blush flooding her cheeks as she sat in his bed, hugging her knees. "They're right there." He said, pointing to the spot on the floor where they'd landed. "Well...can you get
them for me?" She asked. "But they're closer to you than me. Why can't you get them?" He questioned, folding his arms with a smirk. Her face burned scarlet. "Cause...I'm naked under here. You'll see." She whispered. He walked over, picking them up and leaned onto the bed, kissing her before dropping them in her lap and turning back to his wardrobe. "I've already seen." He said in a sing song tone. "Jeon Jungkook" she hissed. "What? I have. I had my whole face right up in there. Too late to get shy about it now." He teased. She scrambled under the covers to pull on her underwear, blushing furiously. "Stop it, beast" she grunted. He turned back again with a grin, grabbing her hands and pulling her out of bed. He hooked a finger under her chin as she tried to avoid his gaze, forcing her to look at him. "Don't be shy. You don't need to be. You were so beautiful last night. Watching you come undone like that..." He paused and sighed, shaking his head. "...i'd be trying to make you look that way again right now if I didn't have practise. You don't have to hide from me. I like every inch of you. Very much." He caught her lips, his kiss sweet but just a touch of his hunger leaking through. His thumb trailed softly down her face. "JUNGKOOK" a collective scream bellowed from downstairs. He lept back from her reluctantly. "ALRIGHT" he hollered back. "To be continued." He muttered, apologetically, grabbing a handful of clothes and speeding off towards the bathroom. She took a quick shower and decided to get herself ready before heading downstairs. Hair washed, blow dried and straightened. Cute outfit. Minimal make up. She didn't want to look like she was trying to look good. But she still wanted to look good. That was an issue when the person you had just started dating could look good in a sack. She bounced downstairs about half an hour after Jungkook had left her. "Morning guys" she called. Namjoon was grinning at her stupidly which made her giggle. She ruffled his hair playfully as she walked past, causing a distressed grunt from him as he tried to fix it. She walked up to the table, throwing her arms around Suga's shoulders from behind as he sat eating his breakfast. "Oh...hello" he smiled, patting her hands. Jungkook was sat opposite looking sinfully good. Baggy black cargo pants, a black long sleeved shirt that absolutely swamped the frame underneath but still managed to look great on him. She guessed black sneakers too even though she couldn't see his feet. He was shovelling cereal into his mouth, his eyes flickering over her face in a way that made her feel naked. She let go of Suga, planting a peck on the top his head then made her way round the table, leaning over it unnecessarily to grab a piece of toast right in Jungkooks eye line. He swallowed a huge mouthful of cereal, fighting a smirk. "Hungry?" He asked. She hummed her affirmative as she chewed. "Starved" she replied. "You? Didn't you do enough eating yesterday?" She raised a cocky eyebrow then bit her lip to hold in a laugh as she heard Namjoon choke on his food behind her. Jungkooks face remained neutral but she saw his ears flush. He shrugged casually. "Nope. Still hungry" Jungkook replied. His eyes were burning into her. "You know he could eat for his country" Jin piped up. She let herself laugh at that and nodded, turning and heading away from the table. "That's very true" she replied quietly. ----------------------------------------------------------- She had just about finished cleaning the house when she heard the cars pull up outside and collective sounds of the guys. The front doors banged open and they filed in, talking and laughing amongst themselves. She grinned having already prepared cold drinks and snacks for them all. Jungkook was in the middle of the bunch, an arm slung around Jimin's shoulders. He gave her a huge smile, grabbing a bottle of water and stopping beside her. He pressed the bottle against his head, the cold condensation feeling nice against his warm skin before untwisting the cap and downing about three quarters of the bottle in
huge gulps. He looked gorgeous. His skin flushed and clammy, his hair now wavy and damp with sweat but he was still buzzing with energy. He always was after practise. His adrenaline kept him going much longer than the other guys. "How was practise?" She asked, sneakily resting a hand on his back, her fingers playing under his shirt, stroking over his sweaty skin. He smiled, draining the rest of his water before grabbing another. "It was good. A few hiccups but we're getting there. Some of the new choreos are pretty intense. Should be good in front of ARMY though." He replied. He leaned into her, smelling her hair quickly. "I need to shower." He said, scratching at his sweaty hair. He made his way towards the stairs, clattering Jin over the head with his empty water bottle and giggling mischeviously as a cushion was flung at him. He paused at the bottom of the stairs, beckoning her to follow before hopping up them 3 at a time like he hadn't just spent the last few hours dancing his ass off. She paused for a minute, wondering what excuse to use so she could disappear. Namjoon walked over with a smile. "Go. I got you covered." He whispered, grabbing a bottle of water and turning back to the group. She grinned happily, heading for the stairs. She could hear the water running in one of the bathrooms and wondered if he'd already jumped into the shower. She paused at the top of the steps, looking from the bedrooms to the bathroom door. "Psst" She swung round, Jungkook was stood in the doorway of his bedroom with a smirk. "Hey. I thought you were showering" she smiled. He pulled her into his bedroom, pinning her against the wall, his fingers lacing through hers. "I will be." His lips were on hers straight away, his body pressing her against the wall so hard it made her shoulders hurt. "I missed you" he mumbled between kisses. "Couldn't stop thinking about you at practise." His lips skimmed down, sucking and nipping at her neck. Her breath caught, she wrenched one hand out of his grip to tangle in his messy hair. His smell was intoxicating, a gentle mix of his usual scent and the warm, wet kind of smell of someone who'd been active recently. The kind of pre-sweat smell. Very masculine and playing absolute havok with her hormones. "Couldn't stop thinking about last night. You. The way you moan. How you taste. The look on your face." He grunted into her neck. She felt a sharp stab as he bit a little harder at the tender skin above her collarbone. Each word he whispered collecting at her core, provoking an instant ache. "Need more." He whispered. He lifted his lips from her neck, his eyes meeting hers. She almost moaned. He looked aggressively gorgeous, his eyes darker, burning into her, lips slightly swollen and parted, the tip of his tongue running slowly across his bottom lip. He took her hand, pulling her towards the bathroom. She almost had to run to keep up with him, taking long strides, yanking at her arm like he didn't have time to waste. Once in the bathroom, he kicked the door shut, pulling her in for another mind melting kiss. She was so busy trying to keep up with his insistent tongue that she didn't even notice him unbuttoning her jeans until he was hooking his fingers in and pushing them over her hips. She moaned against his mouth in anticipation. He broke the kiss, kneeling down to yank her jeans and panties off her feet then trailing kisses up her leg, stopping to sink his teeth into her thigh. She squeeked, watching a cheeky smile pull at his lips. He stood, lifting her easily and plonking her on the bathroom counter. She gasped, the cold marble surface agaisnt her bare skin making her squirm although she really didn't have long to think about it. He was already pulling her legs apart, sinking down as his eyes stayed fixed on her. She watched, his eyes never leaving her face as he delivered a long, slow lick to her slit. He groaned, sounding almost relieved as he repeated the action, tongue sliding through her folds, the instant jolt of pleasure as he passed over her clit. "Oh my god." She breathed. There was
something inherently more sexy about actually watching him do it. She felt like she should look away but his gaze wouldn't let her. His big brown doe eyes holding her innocently while the action with his tongue was anything but. After another long lick, he stopped at her clit, circling the bundle of nerve endings with the tip of his tongue, still watching her watch him, the corners of his open mouth curling in an almost sinister smile. "Do you have any idea how fucking good you taste?" He groaned. She opened her mouth to reply but no words came out, she was rapt, watching him flatten out his tongue and lick hard, his lips closing around her clit in a way not unsimilar to the way he kissed her face. He moved one hand from her thigh, sitting back on his heels, his attention temporarily turning from her face as he lazily dragged his fingers up and down her pussy. She could see her wetness coating his index and middle finger as he stood up, presenting them to her. "Open" he whispered. Unable to do anything else through the haze of lust currently engulfing her, she obediently opened her mouth, lips closing around his fingers, tongue snaking round them as she experienced the tangy, slightly sweet taste of the arousal he provoked in her. He moaned, watching her suck his fingers deep into her mouth, her tongue soft and warm sending jolts of desire to his already aching cock. "Damn. I want to fuck you so bad." He panted. "Wanna feel your soft, hot pussy around my cock. Wanna screw you till you can't speak. Want it so bad." His voice was husky, his head dropping onto her shoulder as he battled ferociously with his need. "Please do" she croaked, her mouth dry. He whined, a small part of him thinking their first time together shouldn't be a lust fueled quicky in a bathroom with all his brothers downstairs. The rest of him couldn't have cared less if they were sat on the counter next to her. He was too far gone to notice. His stomach churned, feeling uncomfortable under the weight of his lust. "I can wait." He offered, although it was taking more restraint than he thought he possessed. "I don't wanna wait." She breathed. "I want you inside me." With that, his resolve snapped, his fingers already deftly battling with the button on his cargo pants before his brain had registered her response. He didn't even bother to take them off, he couldn't wait that long. He just undid them, and pulled his swollen, achy cock out of his boxers, hissing at the contact from his own hand. "Fuck" she gulped. He realised that she'd never actually seen him before, pausing with his long fingers curled around his shaft, he smirked, squeezing slightly, gently stroking his cock, ignoring the tingle of pleasure to focus on her reaction. In typical Jungkook fashion, he was an overachiever. His cock decently above average size without being obscene, deliciously thick, smooth, perfectly straight. Even his dick was pretty. If it wasn't for her overwhelming need for him to stop fucking about and nail her with it, she'd have been annoyed that this gorgeous, cute, devilish, cheeky contradiction of a man had literally not a single physical flaw. He was sculpted, proportioned and presented so perfectly that it stole her breath and at any other time, would have made her heart contract painfully with overwhelming affection. But she wasn't thinking with her heart. She was too wrapped up in her pussy, leaking, feeling so empty she could hardly stand it. "Gonna stand there jerking off or are you going to fuck me?" She hissed, past the point of impatience. His smirk grew. "Feeling needy are we?" He teased. She pouted pitifully and nodded at him with wide eyes. "But how can I fuck you when you look so cute?" He cooed, rubbing the head of his dick against her clit. She shivered, her fingers clenching against the edge of the marble counter top. "It's simple. You just stop being a brat and stick it in me." She huffed. He laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Oh that's it? Just slide my thick, hard cock into your cute, tight, greedy little hole hmm? Just stretch your wet little pussy
out, fuck you till you can't see straight." He whispered. She moaned and whined at the same time. "Koo...please. I'm gonna die." She cried, wiggling uncomfortably. He chuckled, making a mental note to see how far he could actually push her in the future. He already knew he was going to have a lot of fun with her neediness. "Relax baby. I've got this." He lined up, rubbing the head of his cock against her hole a couple of times, biting his lip as he felt her entrance contract, trying to suck him in. He pushed slowly, feeling her stretch to accommodate him, then the slick, soft heat engulfing him inch by inch. He groaned heavily, eyes fixed on her impossibly tight hole swallowing his length greedily. "Holy shit." He panted, pleasure exploding through him. "Fuck you feel amazing. Fuck." He wanted to savour it. He felt her fingers clench, balling his sweaty shirt in her hands. "Oh god" she whined, wriggling deperately. The stationary pressure of his cock buried deep inside her was making her crazy. The slight burning stretch, the feeling of fullness. She needed him to move. Her hands gripped at his hips, pushing back. "Don't tease me" she panted. He leaned in, running his nose along her jaw, inhailing deeply, his lips finding her ear. "What do you need Jagi? Slow?" He withdrew painfully slowly, allowing her to feel every bit of him against her sensative walls. "Or hard?" He snapped his hips forward, driving into her mercilessly. She grunted, a stab of achy pain as he hit something deeper than she expected. "Hard." She hissed. He bit his lip, swallowing his own moan, pulling out of her. "Jump down" he instructed, taking her hand and helping her to slide off the marble counter. He kissed her softly before turning her round, pushing against her mid back until she bent over the counter. He groaned, eyes glued as she presented her ass to him. He bit his lip, running his hands over her soft, perfect skin before finding a home on her hips. He positioned himself, her hips giving him the leverage he needed to pull her back sharply as he thrust into her, his cock slamming roughly into her. He groaned, head falling back, a shock of delicious pleasure bursting through him. He fucked her like he was on a timer, relentlessly drilling his dick into her, the lewd slap of his thighs hitting her bare skin permiated the room, drowning out the sound of the still running shower. Her body banging agaisnt the counter top repeatedly as though he was trying to fuck her through the damn thing. He reached up, curling her hair around his hand and pulling her head back, looking at her in the mirror. Her cheeks flushed, mouth agape, brow furroughed, eyes heavy as she bounced around helplessly with every steady thrust. Her sweaty hands slid uselessly over the marble surface, finding no purchase. "You ok? " He grunted. She nodded rapidly. "Don't stop" she hissed. He pulled on her hair sharply, forcing her upright. "Kiss me" he panted. She turned her head, his lips hungrily attacking hers, moaning lustfully into her mouth as he ground his hips agaisnt her ass, his cock still buried to the hilt inside her. "Fuck. So good" he growled, one hand snaking round her waist to play with her clit. She yelped, pushing back, grinding desperately on his cock. He grit his teeth, his expression almost angry as he rapidly rubbed at her clit. His toes were curling inside his sneakers, his orgasm threateningly close. He needed her to cum. Quickly. "Fuck. Love this pussy. So good." He babbled, incoherently. She whined deperately, her head falling back against his shoulder as she sucked in a sharp breath. He felt her walls clench around his cock, felt her muscles tighten and almost sighed with relief, letting go of his restraint, the rapid pulsating of her pussy pushing him over the edge. He came hard, still pistoning his hips deliriously as he spilled what felt like everything he had inside her. He slowed his thrusting, the obscene squelching sound coming from her sloppy cunt only heightening his pleasure. "Fuck" he repeated, stilling his movement, clinging to her weakly.
She looked dazed. Her eyes not fully shut but clearly not actually looking at anything. She panted deperately, trying to regain some oxygen. He braced himself even though his legs felt like jelly, taking the majority of her weight. He nuzzled into her neck, carefully pulling himself out of her, shuddering at the friction against his overly sensative cock. "That was..." He sighed, not actually having a word. "Delicious." She hummed, a smile tugging at her lips. He chuckled and nodded. "Very very." He held her for a few minutes, feeling his heart rate calm and his breathing return to normal, enjoying the blissful afterglow, nuzzling and kissing her affectionately as the lust died down and was replaced with an overwhelming softness for her. She was completely still, breathing shallow and he actually wondered for a second if she'd fallen asleep. "Still with me?" He whispered. She smiled immediately. "Mmm hmm. Just...floating." she sighed. He grinned, knowing the feeling well. "I should shower. We'll be ordering food soon." He murmured, kissing her neck gently. She whined in protest but the sudden growling of her stomach told her he was right. "I know." She said sullenly, peeling herself out of his warm, cosy arms. "Gimme two minutes to clean up then I'll go so you can shower." She sighed, untangling her underwear from her jeans. She washed up quickly, checking her make up in the mirror and fixing the smudges before pulling her hair up. It was too mussed to leave it down now and she couldn't be bothered straightening it again. She made her way downstairs shortly after, leaving Jungkook in the shower although every step away from him felt painful and unnecessary. Some of the guys were still in their rooms, cleaning or getting changed. She headed into the kitchen, stealing a cold Sprite before collapsing on the sofa in the lounge. She sighed, wriggling her toes, the after affects of what had just happened still not fully gone. Her legs still felt shaky. She could feel a dull ache across her thighs where they'd smashed into the marble edge of the counter top repeatedly. She smiled. Yes it was slightly strange but she liked the thought of it bruising. A tangible reminder of what had happened. She bit her lip, feeling heat rise into her cheeks as she stared into space, deep in thought. She'd just had sex with Jungkook. Giggles swelled in her chest. It was so surreal. She didn't understand how she'd gone from pining for him to this. She suddenly missed him desperately even though she'd only been away from him for minutes.
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Part I.
with Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz.
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 2k.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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The klaxon sounding outside and calling your attention, pushes you out of your thoughts. You weren't sure about what kind of outfit would be appropriate, being this your first date ever. Putting on the skirt of the black tight dress well, to get the wrinkles out, you grab your bag to hand it in a shoulder. Keeping your keys inside it, as you go downstairs, you can't help but show him a shy smile on your lips when you see Coco resting against the pilot seat. Thinking how good the black baseball cap on backwards fits on him, he welcomes you between his arms, narrowing you under his grip for a second.
“Ready?” He's trying to hide his nerves, the same you're feeling and getting mixed with the tickles in your belly. You nod.
He follows you to the other side of the car, to open the door for you. By the gesture on his face, you are very sure that it's the first time he does something like that. Stepping in, he closes it without a word, securing the seat belt over your chest and waist in the meantime that he takes a place by your side. The plan is simple, but amazing. Dinner at the fair in Santa Madre and then, maybe, a walk. Whatever is enough for you two, after the way you met some weeks ago. But even if you were almost dying to be close to the other, the road to the mexicali border is quiet and silent. Only the latin music through the speakers breaks it.
Once the Mayan has parked the car, you two get out of it. You can't help but let your eyes travel around the place. There are a lot of colorful lights, people everywhere. You can hear the laughs of everyone walking next to you, children running from one side to another, and more music. You like it. It's like a site you would go if you were sad. That happiness wrapping you, draws a smile on your lips, unconsciously, with your orbs finding Coco's. He chuckles watching you admire the fair as a child would do. One of his arms ends up over your shoulders, mingling with the crowd and looking for one of those food trucks installed there. Following the smell of fried frijoles, you urge him to walk a little faster, raising your nose to take a deep breath by it.
“That's the one”. You sentence, pointing at it.
“You sure, mami?” He laughs.
“Yes”. Nodding firmly, you place yourself at the end of the row.
For some reason, maybe for inertia, you intertwine your fingers with the long ones hanging over your shoulder, before placing your other arm around his lower back. You feel comfortable in that position, waiting to be attended to.
“So, what you want t—”.
You can't finish the question, when his phone starts to ring. Clicking his tongue, Coco rolls his eyes.
“Sorry, gotta answer, I'll be back in a moment. Order whatever you want”.
A little disappointed, he disappears from your visual field almost suddenly. Puckering your lips, you turn back to the food truck, taking some steps to the counter. You aren't sure of his tastes, so you order a piece of every taco on the menu and two beers. In the meantime you look for your purse inside your bag, but when you're about to pay, the mexican appears putting fifteen dollars over it.
“Nah, c'mon, I wanna buy you”. Even if you complain, he doesn't care.
“Next date”. He replies.
His arm is back to your shoulders, making you feel strangely protected. But that sensation turns to one more nervous when he places a soft kiss on your temple. The nice shivers run your spine, and you can't help but surround his waist with your arms. A fleeting hug happens between you two, intensifying the tickles within your belly. He smells so good, flooding your lungs with his scent even if you don't want to. It's inevitable. But the gesture, much to your regret, gets broken when the order is ready. Guiding your steps to a picnic table, unlike others couples there, you sit together. Arm by arm.
“Damn, I'm starving”. He whispers, a little fascinated for your good taste, when he opens the cardboard box.
Luckily, you have made the right choice.
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“But you are from Mexico!” He says a little surprised, with an incredulous gesture on his face.
“So, what?”
“How is it possible that you don' like guacamole?”
“You don't like corn! And that's the main ingredient of our recipes”.
“Nah, I don' like raw corn, you know… I eat it when it's cooked”.
“What a shame”. You laugh, covering your mouth with a hand just for a moment.
“Shame on you, mami! You're the one who doesn' like guacamole”.
“Okay, let's make a deal”.
Coco places himself in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest. Curious.
“Next date, I will take you out to a mexican restaurant. In Yuma. A friend told me about it. So… You will try raw corn, and I will try guacamole”. You propose poking his chest with your forefinger.
“Deal”. He nods offering you a hand.
Narrowing it with yours, he doesn't waste time to put back his arm on your shoulders, without loosening the grip. Getting mixed between the crowd, he leads you to one of the stalls. A shooting one. Raising an eyebrow, you look for his dark eyes wrinkling your nose.
“Wanna impress me?” You chuckle. “Will you hit a single one?”
“One?” He pretends to be indignated. “Watch out, mami”.
Taking off the baseball cap, he puts it on you, palming the top of your hair to look for some dollars inside his wallet. As soon as he has the rifle between his arms, the mechanism starts to move all the wooden ducks. Putting his elbows over the counter, he leans forward, placing his right eye on the peephole. The shots are fast and accurate. Poor ducks. Yes, you are impressed, but you don't show it more like puckering your lips with a soft smile.
“See?” Coco raises his chin with a proud gesture, before pointing at the bigger stuffed animals. “Choose”.
“That one, please”. You mumble to the stalls owner, with your eyes over a big white seal with googly eyes.
Coco is happy seeing you carrying it all around the fair, even if you have your hands on it and not on him. Having a walk and sharing a blue cotton candy, he can't help but focus on his baseball cap on you. It looks good. For him, you look like an angel. Always wearing that smile that makes his heart flutter. But what gives him curiosity enough to push him into his thoughts is the fact that you didn't ask about his aim. Like if you don't care. Not in the way that you don't want to know things about him, but in the way that you know what is going on on Santo Padre and its surroundings. And you accept it.
“Earth to Coco, earth to Coco”. Imitating the sound of a broken radio, the mexican looks at you. Laughing like two idiots, he shakes his head. “What about the ferris wheel?”
“You wanna ride there, ah?”
“Yes. What? Are you gonna tell me you're afraid of heights?”
“You're challengin' me a lot tonight…”
“Just a little”. Holding the seal with an arm, you make a gesture with two fingers from your free hand. “Lemme ask that guy if he can keep my new friend”.
Coco simply nods, placing himself at the end of the row, while you walk towards the stall. Knocking the window, the old man with a friendly look attends you opening the door.
“¿Sí, chamaquita?”
“¿Puedo pedirle dos favores?” (Can I ask you two favors?) The man laughs, maybe you are too evident. Giving him twenty dollars and the seal, he understands. “Muchas gracias”.
“Disfruta, niña”. (Enjoy, kid)
Now your arms can surround Coco again, who kisses this time your cheek.
From there, you can see all around you. Santa Madre, the border, Santo Padre and all their surroundings, with the desert. The views are simply amazing, resting your temple on his shoulder. You could be there for an eternity, just with him, feeling his fingers caressing your cheek so gently that give you some soft chills. Your heart jumps slightly when the ferris wheel suddenly stops. Of course, you were expecting it.
“¡Denme un momento!” (Give me a second!) The old man steps out from his stalls, feigning that something isn't working.
“The lucky ones”. You joke then, as if it wasn't your idea.
“Nah, don' worry, I protect you, mami”. Coco says, closing his arms around you a little tightly.
“Yeah, I'm double lucky”. Chuckling, and focusing on the fact that he doesn't look worried, you squint for a second.
“Nothing”. You laugh loud.
But this melodic sound ends up drowning onto his lips, when he presses yours with his. For inertia, you close your eyes. Your hands travel to his chest and the back of his neck, pushing yourself a little closer. Your mouths look like the pieces of a puzzle, destined to fit with the other. Taking his time, Coco slides his tongue into your cavity, tasting your saliva until he finds yours. Both touching slightly, but making you feel countless sensations, tangling your fingers on his shirt. The slow gesture is turning itself in your favorite thing ever, until it gets interrupted by the attraction working again. Your laughs rhythmic his, so close that you can almost drink each other's.
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Much to your regret, the night has to have an end. It's late and both of you work the next day. Actually, you have to wake up in less than six hours. But it's worth the tiredness. Parking in front of your house, in the same place you found him some hours ago, you step out of it as he does. Taking off the baseball cap, you offer to him back, but he shakes his head denying it.
“Keep'et, so you can wear it on our next date”.
“Okay”. Smirking at him, you grab the big stuffed animal under an arm.
His hands go straight to your lower back, hugging you against his chest. You don't want him to go, but he has to. Even if he doesn't want either.
“Did you have fun?” Coco whispers onto your ear, you just nod.
“Tell me… something”.
Putting yourself away from him and licking your bottom lip for a second, you twist your neck a little to the side.
“Did you… pay that man to stop the ferris wheel?”
“Ah… Well…” He says, somewhat nervous. “Yeah, maybe… Sorry, I tho—”.
“I did it too”.
The mexican stays in silence for a second, before breaking into laughter.
“That motherfucker scammed us!”
“Yeah, we're a little dorks…” You nod then. “Okay, ahm… I gotta go…”
“It's okay, gotta too”.
His lips come back to yours, as you were craving since the first kiss ended. Again, his soft caresses make you lose the north. Your fingers stroke his scalp, running the tip of your nails down to his nape.
“Will you text me tomorrow?”
He sounds worried, even if he tries to hide it, touching your nose with his and his forehead resting against yours.
“Yeah, maybe…”
Tickling your sides, he makes you laugh loud again, before attracting you between his arms to hug you tightly.
“I will, I own you a second dinner”.
“That's true”.
“Good night, Coco”.
“Sleep good, mami”.
Grabbing the seal with both hands, you leave a last kiss onto his lips, before guiding yourself to the main door of the building. Once that he sees light inside your flat, through the windows, making sure you are at home, he leaves with a huge smile on his lips. The crew is waiting for him at the clubhouse, to know how the date was.
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Toru Oikawa x F!Reader 
Song ~ I think I’m in love by Kat Dahlia. 
Warning - Swearing
Fluff, SFW.
Word Count ~ 8.8k
Under renovation! 
I won’t lie to you guys I have been writing this one for about 3 weeks it’s been hard with going back to work I have barely had the time to do it.
Posted 08/07/20
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Oikawa had first seen her at a practice match against Shiratorizawa that was held at the start of his third year, she was the team's manager, he was awestruck by her. Her (H/L) (H/C) was tied back out of her face in a French braid, she had a massive grin, and her (E/C) eyes seemed to glimmer with excitement. When he heard her loud joyous laugh rang though the gym it was clearly at something Tendo had done, he knew he wanted to listen to that sweet musical sound spill from her lips every day for the rest of his life. 
The match had ended with Shiratorizawa beating Seijoh, three-set to two. Even with Oikawa pushing himself to play at a hundred and fifty percent, as he wanted to show off, he wanted her to notice her. The pang of jealous that rip through him when she hugged Ushijima and congratulated him, what made it worse was when he hugged her back! He felt his jaw clench painfully tight; his eyebrows frown into a glare, his knuckles turned white at the tightness he squeezed his bottle of water. 
"What are you glaring at?" Oikawa head turned in the direction of his childhood best friend, Iwaizumi. 
"No one." His brown eye's flicked back to where the (H/C) girl was stood talking to Ushijima, with a closed-eyed smile at him, upon her tiptoes patting his head, while he had to lean down for her as she was relatively short compared to him, it caused Oikawa to glare at the pair again.
"Wait? Are you jealous of Ushijima right now." Before he could control his facial reactions, his eyes grew large, and his eyebrows shot up. Iwaizumi instantly knew he had hit the nail on the head. "That's his sister, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi told him as he walked away, not before catching the bewildered look on his friend's face, Iwaizumi, bit back his smug look as he walked away.
"Since when does that bastard Ushiwaka have a sister?" 
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The next time Oikawa saw the girl was inter-high preliminaries, but that didn't matter, she was all that was on his mind. He trained extra hard, so hard that he hurt his knee again, but he knew that she was going to be here and he wanted, well needed her even, to notice him. 
(Y/N) had seen him at the start the day with his fangirls they had made him food, and he had said they were terrific asking if they had made them for him, making (Y/N) and rolled her eyes. She had to stifle her giggles when Iwaizumi hit him in the back of the head with a volleyball but the look of fear on Oikawa's face when he saw who it was, was absolutely priceless and caused some to escape. 
Oikawa looked past Iwaizumi, spotting the girl who has been on his mind for the past two months, he saw by the way her shoulders shook he could tell she was giggling, the pain in the back of his head subsided as he rubbed the spot where the ball hit, if she was going to laugh at his expensive then he was happy to get hit in the back of the head with a volleyball. His eyes locked with hers for a second "(Y/N)! Come on!" and just like that, she disappeared from his sight once again.
After Seijoh's first match had ended, Oikawa had found himself leaning on the wall, his elbow was resting upon it with his chin placed on hand as he watched over the game that is happening below. Well, he wasn't exactly watching the game below him, his eyes were on the beautiful girl sitting on the bench with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. Her hair was in in a ponytail this time. Some had come loose and fallen around her face, gently framing it, every time a few strands fell in front of her eyes, she would huff and her eyes squinting in annoyance before tucking it behind her ear again, he found it cute. His eyes zeroed in on the way her nose crinkled as she watched the game, making notes on the game and the players. The slight smile that graced her face when her brother scored a point was mesmerising. 
Ushijima had noticed Oikawa looking in the direction of his sister, he had seen it at the practice match as well, one thing for sure is that Ushijima was not happy that Oikawa was eyeing up his baby sister, no way was that guy going near her, he wouldn't be having any of that, he had heard the rumours of him being a fuckboy, and that was the last thing he wanted his sister to be around. Ushijima was hoping (Y/N) hadn't noticed the prat.
What Ushijima and Oikawa didn't know was it that she already had, (Y/N) noticed the boy at practice match, it was hard to miss the look she received from the boy or the cheers from his fangirls that came to that match. (Y/N) won't deny that she thought he was handsome, that he was on her mind, ever since the practice match she has thought of him, those brown eyes and the way they sparkled, the way his hair flicked, the cheeky grin his face held and his passion for volleyball draws her to him. There was no way though that (Y/N) was going to let him know that he caught her attention if he wants anything to do with her he would have to work for it. 
The first time they spoke was after the final match of Seijoh and Shiratorizawa with the latter being once again undefeated. Oikawa was walking back to the bus, he was frustrated that they had lost once again, lost in thought of trying to work out how he was going to win in the next match against Shiratorizawa he bumped into someone, his hand shooting out to catch the small figure that bumped into him. As he looked down his heart jumped in his chest when he saw who was warped in his arms and secured firmly against his chest, her hands where placed on his chest, Oikawa was sure he that she could feel his heart racing.
"You're Shiratorizawa's manager and Ushijima's sister, right?" Oikawa asked he realised she had to be a good couple of inches shorter than himself, he loved the feeling her in his arms, a whiff of sweet peachy-scent filled his sense. Her (E/C) eyes staring up into his doe-like as she cocked her head to one side, before lightly pushing against his chest and stepping back, Oikawa tried not to sigh or frown at the loss of contact.
"That's me. You are Seijoh captain, Toru Oikawa." Her voice was like honey to his ears, sweet, soothing and addictive.
"You know me?" 
She nodded and hummed in reply. "I know everyone on all the teams, I am the manager after all, and well, your serve is hella impressive, and you are a great setter." A slight blush formed over his cheeks at the compliment, if anyone else told him he was a great setter he would generally brush it off with a shrug and a - yeah I know. Coming from her though it was a totally different ball game, his crush had just complimented him, and he had no clue how to respond. 
"Also, No one can't miss the looks you give me, especially the one's you sent to me while watching the match the other day from the stands, and the glare you sent when I hugged my brother at the practice match." Her face held a smug look as Oikawa was taken back. She had noticed him back then, on the inside he was jumping for joy, his crush had noticed him, but at the same time, he thought shit she's seen the looks I've sent her, and she was very good at being sly about it. 
"You noticed me?" He wheezed out as if he all the air was knocked out of his lunges, which couldn't help but make her giggle, he practically melted at the sound, his face softens as the sound met his ears his eyes turning into a gentle look of adoration as he watched her cover mouth with her fingers to conceal the giggle. 
"You are hard not to notice, pretty boy." Patting his cheek. "Anyway, I forgot something. So thanks for the save. I'll see you around, pretty boy." 
He watched as she walked away, a hand in the air waving bye not even turning around to look at him, the sway of her hips and the way her hair bounced with each step, yep he had fallen for her and fallen hard. 
Maybe, just maybe it was time to try and love again.
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During the start summer holidays they bumped into each other at the beach, well more like Oikawa stalked her Twitter and found out that she had a day trip planned at the beach a week later and proceed convinced the team that they need a relaxing day at the beach, the exact same day. 
(Y/N) had later posted a group selfie of them all confirming that they still went on the beach day. The girls were either sunbathing, swimming or playing some three on three beach volleyball games. The boys were walking along the beach when Oikawa finally spotted her, his eyes ran over her body; she was wearing a turquoise bikini with white high waisted shorts, Seijoh colours suited her, like really suited her. It made his heart do somersaults in his chest and made him have some thought he shouldn't but will most differently be remembering tonight. (Y/N) caught sight of him out the corner of her eye and waved the Seijoh team over, to join them. 
"Hey, pretty boy." She grinned at him, held the volleyball to her right hip, with her left hand placed sassily on her other hip.
"Wanna join us?" she asked, launching the ball at towards him. He wasn't expecting the force or the speed behind it as he caught it, but then again, her brother is one of the top three aces in the country. He could feel Iwaizumi's glare in the side of his head; he had just worked out why Oikawa had so desperately convinced the team to go to the beach. 
Wasn't long till they spilt into teams, six on six, (Y/N) and Oikawa ended up on opposite sides. It got competitive very quickly, they didn't play by standard rules, everyone seemed to play whatever position was needed and (Y/N) was jumping around the court like a child on a sugar high after coming out of an all you can eat sweet shop, she went from being a wing spiker to libero and a setter in no time flat. They just kept playing till they were fed up not wanting to play anymore.
"Want to stop and grab some ice cream?" Oikawa gestured over his shoulder with his thumb towards little cafe he had noticed.  
Oikawa asked (Y/N) if she wanted to go for a walk along the beach not long after the match had ended, walking next to one another with close proximity he once again caught the scent of peaches and cream it was barely there the smell of salt nearly masking it, but he could still smell it. The conversation between the two just flowed with no hesitation or lost for what to talk about, it didn't take long for (Y/N) to discover his love for aliens as well as theories, he found out about her passion for ancient history.
"Sure, that sounds good" (Y/N) nodded and grinned. Stepping inside the door that Oikawa held open for her, giving him a polite nod as thanks before looking around, on the outside, it looked like a little beach hut style cafe. Once you step inside it was actually a retro-looking American style dinner with booths and hanging on the walls vinyl and pictures of prominent artist from the fifties like Elvis and Ray Charles, in one corner there was the old-style jukebox that had the king of rock and roll himself playing. 
"Take a seat where ever you like lovelies, I'll come and take your order in a moment." A lady in her mid to late forties said to the pair from behind the counter, her American accent rang through strongly as she spoke. Taking a seat opposite one another in one of the window booths placing the menu in between them. They couldn't believe how many types there were, either they could have one to themselves or share one. They both seemed to be drawn to The Ultimate Banana Spilt, with bananas, cherries, chocolate-covered strawberries, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, brownie pieces, fudge, caramel, wafers and sprinkles, it was a heart attack on a plate but sounded terrific! 
"That one!" They both pointed at it at the same time, causing them to laugh. 
The same women from behind the counter came over, taking the order. "What a cute couple you two make." She gushed over them, causing them to become flustered and stutter in denial, while the lady looked utterly unconvinced. "What can I get for you both?" Oikawa quickly ordered the sundae and a couple of soft drinks, to stop it from being more awkward, which turned out it actually only makes it worse when the women smirked and commented, "The perfect sundae for a couple."
The pair looked each other as the blush flushed cross their cheeks before (Y/N) just shrugged shaking her head. 
When they had finished the sundae which they were both impressed that managed to, it was huge! They slowly wander back along with the shore barefoot, the waves licking at their feet laugh at stories they told one another, mostly (Y/N) revealing to him some of the embarrassing stories of Wakatoshi had done when they were children.
"(Y/N)!" Her head flicked forward to see her brother storming his way towards them.
"Speak of the devil." She mumbled while Oikawa chuckled nervously as Ushijima glared at him, it was a deathly glare, you know the overprotective brother glare. 
"(Y/N), we're leaving." he gently but firmly grabbed her wrist as he dragged her back towards her friends and few from the Shritorizawa team. (Y/N) mouthed him a sorry before making a phone with her hand holding up to her ear and winked at Oikawa. 
"Ushijima!" He yelled, watching as they both turned around, (Y/N) tilted her head to one side hinting for him to continue, while her brother continued to glare at him, "You should have come to Aoba Johsai, the colours really suit you." He smirked as he watched her laugh and shake her head at him before she stuck her tongue out at him. 
Oikawa's eyes flickered to Wakatoshi which just freaked him out, the glare he received was as if he had just asked for a death wish from what Oikawa had just said. It was going to be hard to get Wakatoshi to allow him to see (Y/N) again. He thought back to the fact that (Y/N) wanted him to call her, jumped fist-pumping the air in excitement, screw Wakatoshi he liked this girl, and he was going to become friends with her and get her to fall for him. 
But that was when it clicked...
He doesn't have her number. 
Groaning, he threw his head back, covering his face with his hands. Why was it so hard to get the girl he liked?
"What's up Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi appeared next to Oikawa kicking his side lightly while Oikawa sat on the sand, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared out to sea with a dejected look on his face. "(Y/N), not what you expected her to be?" 
"She was more than I expected, she is amazing, she has a great sense of humour, and she is the complete opposite to her brother, she's outgoing, and she's such a happy go lucky person. She even told me to call her." Oikawa smiled gently at the memories of the day. 
"I don't have her number." 
"The one girl you've ever wanted since that bitch and you failed to get her number. Impressive."
Iwaizumi bit back the dry chuckle as he realised his best friend was smitten with this girl, and he was glad for that, he deserved to be happy, especially after Oikawa's ex broke his heart, and he retreated to flirting and fuck buddies.
But didn't matter how smitten he was Oikawa still failed to even get her number, how useless could he be? He could flirt with his fangirls with no problem and get their number with ease, but this one, he seems like he has lost all his charm and wit whenever she is nearby. Iwaizumi realised how much of a forgetful idiot Oikawa had to be, he literally tracked her down and found her twitter, how has he managed to forget this? "Twitter." Was all Iwaizumi said as he walked away to find the rest of the Seijoh team. 
New life suddenly filled the boy, his bubbly playful personality had come back, "Iwa-chan! You're the best!" he called after his best friend.
Throughout the summer, after Oikawa sent her a message on Twitter and gotten her number. The pair would try to meet up at least once a week, going out on different days out ranging from visiting the mall, go to the cinema to see the latest horror movie and make fun of it, to the planetarium or just sitting in the park or a cafe and trying to work out what people do with there lives and chatting, they didn't care as long as they were together. While they were at the mall the pair went in a book store (Y/N) had found Oikawa a book full of facts about aliens, she just had to buy it and give it to him for his birthday, which he didn't even try to hide or deny was his favourite present. 
The team quickly noticed the change in his behaviour after that. He was always on his phone, a small love-struck smile graced his face or laughing at something he read the only time he wasn't like this was when they were practising. (Y/N) was just as bad, everyone had noticed the difference in the pair, Iwaizumi instantly knew the reason, and Ushijima had an inkling of who it was causing the changes in his younger sister, but was praying he was wrong, and Oikawa hadn't managed to catch his sister's attention, pray that them hanging out at the beach hadn't sparked this side to her. 
Once they were back to school in September, it became so much harder for the pair to see each other, both Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa training extra hard for the inter-high tournament and for nationals. They still texted each other when they could and would have hushed late-night calls about there day and Oikawa telling (Y/N) all about the alien theories, and he had some that linked into ancient Egyptian history he had found on twitter. He had stopped flirting with his fangirls. His mind was always on the younger Ushijima, he already had decided that he wanted to change that damn last name of hers. 
It was the inter-high tournament the next time they were able to see each other, with weekend practices and school, they struggled to see one another since the middle of September, and their phone calls and texts had become rarer the closer they got to the tournament, so they had agreed to meet before the first matches, they were both sat in a quiet secluded corner catching up on everything that had happened.
Oikawa had gotten a kick out of the fact that the second the matches ended for Shiratorizawa, she was up in the stands watching his games, cheering them on. The semifinal match for Shiratorizawa was held before Seijoh's so she had made it just in time to watch, she lipread all his teammates telling something about him that he will owe them Ramen if he misses. 
"Oi, Pretty boy!" She yelled from the stands, she watched as his eyes dart around the bleachers trying to figure out where she was when he finally locked on to her, Oikawa couldn't help the smile that graced his lips when he noticed her figure that was leaning against the wall with a lazy yet cheeky grin on her lips as she rests her cheek on her hand before he mouthed a sassy what to her. 
"You know how I like my Ramen!"
Chuckling and shook his head as he gave her a thumbs-up. All the while, his teammates gave him a smug look suddenly working out who was behind all the texting and longing lovestruck eyes he sent at his phone when it hasn't buzzed in a while. 
(Y/N) could feel the murderous glares coming from all directions around her, turning around looking at all of his fangirls, smirking slightly she waved at them, before going back to watch the match. She could hear the mumbles about her being a Shiratorizawa bitch, and she must be the whore that took their Toru Oikawa away from them. 
It was an intense match, with the scores always being so close, (Y/N) was gripping the wall the entire time she didn't move from her spot the whole game, praying that Seijoh would win, she knew Oikawa's dream to get to nationals, even though she knew he had to go up against her brother team in the next round she would want Oikawa to win, she wanted his dream to come true. 
So when they lost her heart broke for him, when they thanked everyone in the bleachers for coming to the game and their eyes locked, (Y/N) sent him a faint, sad smile and she could see the tears he was holding back. Without a second thought, she ran to the doors to his side of the court. 
She waited patiently leaning against the wall for them to walk out, one by one they did each and every one of them looking so lifeless and upset. When Iwaizumi walked out and saw her, he checked over his shoulder before looking back at the girl sending a slight nod in her direction giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze before he follows after the rest of the team. Oikawa was the last one to step through the door, with a demoralised look on his face. He was clearly the most upset of the whole team. (Y/N) watched him her head tilted to one side as she gave him a tight smile, her heart cracking even more as she saw how lugubrious the boy she had come to treasure so dearly looked.
"Come here, pretty boy." (Y/N) whispered as she walked towards him, pulling him into a tight hug, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, as he buried his face into her neck and his arms around her waist, he inhaled her peach scent finding comfort in it.
"I thought you ran up the stairs and way from me cause you were disappointed in me." He mumbled into her neck so quietly she barely heard what he said. 
"Oh, Toru," She began tenderly, as if not to scare him, her voice was so gentle and compassionate, she chooses her words carefully before continuing. "No, I wasn't disappointed in you. I couldn't ever be disappointed in you, you played so well today, I was so proud of you." She laced her fingers into his hair as she tried to comfort the boy in front of her, as she felt the silent tears stream from his eyes and soak into her team's uniform jacket. 
Pulling away from him, she cupped his cheeks, giving him another gentle smile, making him look in her eyes as she gently brushed the tears away with her thumbs. "Come on, I'll pick you up from your school once you have had the recap meeting and we can go get some food, just the two of us. Okay?" 
He nodded, and they headed back to the entrance, the Shiratorizawa bus had already left, (Y/N) had driven to the stadium that morning anyway and she told the coach she was going to watch the Aoba Johsai - Karsuno game and to leave without her. Gently she pushed Oikawa on to his bus. 
"I'll meet you by the gate, text me when you are done with the meeting." He nodded, taking a seat next to Iwaizumi as he watched her walk towards her car. Sitting down in the driver's seat, she leaned her head back in defeat. Shiratorizawa didn't lose often, and it hurt when they did but nothing like this. That is when she realised that she didn't just love Toru Oikawa, she was in love with him.
Head over heels in love with him.
"Fuck." She groaned, lightly banging her head on her steering wheel. She wasn't upset that she had fallen in love with him, it was more that she was scared her brother would kill him because Toru Oikawa clearly liked her, the boy wasn't very good at hiding the looks he sends her when he thinks that (Y/N) isn't looking. 
Her phone dinged loudly making her jump as she was too deep in thought with whether or not she should tell Oikawa her feelings for him, not because she wasn't worried he didn't feel the same it was more for his safety, she didn't want anything to happen to that pretty boy. Grabbing her phone, she saw it was from Wakatoshi, a standard blunt text. 
Who won?
Karasuno. I'll text you when I'm back.
Throwing her phone back on the passenger chair, she switched on the engine and headed for a quick stop at the dorms to get changed before she drove to Seijoh.
Jamming the key into the lock of the beige colour door to her dorm. She quickly stripped and threw her team uniform on to her bed, (Y/N) changed into some faded blue jeans and an oversized jumper that was hanging off her shoulder. Grabbing her keys and wallet from her desk, she heads back out her door.
"Where are you going?" She jumped at the sound of her brothers voice behind her as she was locking her door. 
"Out." She huffed, trying to push past her brother. 
"Where." He asked against as he placed one of his large hands on her shoulder, stopping her. 
"To get ice cream." (Y/N) replied as she pushed Toshi's hand off her shoulder, glaring at him as she walked past him. "I'm eighteen Toshi. I can drive, and I want ice cream. I'll be back later and will be ready for tomorrow." 
"You better not be going to see that damn Seijoh captain." She heard Toshi call after.
"So what if I am, I'm my own person Toshi." She snapped at him, leaving the building.
Jogging down the steps of the dorm building before jumping back in her car and continuing the short drive to Aoba Johsai. Parking up out the front of the Seijoh, (Y/N) got out the car and leaned against the bonnet of her car again as she fished her phone out of her jeans pocket seeing that Oikawa, her brother, Semi and Tendo had texted her, ignoring Toshi's, and Tendo's fifteen thousand texts, her friend needed her. She honestly wasn't in the mood to deal with her overprotective brother and his friend that he roped in to help him get information out of her. She smiled at the one Semi sent telling her to ignore the other two boys she replied a quick thanks.
Checking Oikawa's text that was sent ten minutes ago saying he was going to have a shower and will be there in ten, looking up she saw the boy gloomily trudging towards her, one hand stuffed in his trench coat pocket while he was scrolling on his phone, his hair falling flat against his forehead where it was still wet from his shower, not the usual sweeping style. Quickly sending him a text - Lookup. (Y/N) watched as his nose scrunched up and eyes squinted into a frown behind his glasses, as he read the message on his phone before looking up. (Y/N) giving him another smile, she beckoned him to jump in the car with her head before sliding into the driver seat once again. 
She loved it when he wore his glasses just gave him this more relaxed look, and personally, she thought it made him look ten times more handsome, she had seen him in them quite a few times, she had let it slip that she like it when he wore them one time when he was too lazy to wear his contacts and from that time on Oikawa, seemed to always wear his glasses around her if he didn't have practice after their hang out.
 (Y/N) tapped her fingers against the steering along to beat of the music that was playing quietly. Other than the music, the car was silent neither didn't really know what to say. (Y/N) had already decided where they were going for food hoping this would cheer him up, even if it was an hour-long drive. She glanced at Oikawa out the corner of her eye he had his chin resting on the palm of his hand while staring out the window, deep in thought. When they finally pulled up, the sun was beginning to set in the autumn sky, the hues of reds and oranges were painted across the magnificent lavender sky. Oikawa looked at her with raised eyebrows when we saw the little beach retro diner, the one that they went to that time at the beach, in front of them. 
"Come on pretty boy you look like you're in need some ice cream." She said with a slight grin, tucking her hand in his, felt like if static shocks shot up their arms as their hands met before she tugged him inside away from the cold breeze blowing in from the sea. 
"Oh, it's you two again! I see you finally got together." The same middle-aged women comment as she glanced at their conjoined hands. Going to pull her hand away, so people don't get the wrong idea again just caused Oikawa to tighten his grip. He needs this comfort right now and (Y/N) caught on to that as she squeezed back while just giving an awkward smile to the women.
Taking a seat in the same booth as last time, (Y/N) passed the menu to Oikawa "It's on me pretty boy, just pick what you want." She watched as his eye scanned over the menu, the indecisive look in his eyes.
"So what can I get you two?" The lovely lady asked. Oikawa frowned still not sure what to order. "You could always make your own if you like."
"We can?" He asked, looking back at the menu again, "could we please get the waffle sundae, with praline and vanilla ice cream, topped with, raspberries and strawberries and whipped cream." The lady nodded as wrote down all he said, 
"Any sauce?" Oikawa looked at me, motioning for me to pick. 
"A hazelnut and can we add sprinkles as well, oh and two Rio's please." 
She nodded, walking away as she went to make it the sundae.
"How did you know that this place that would be open at this time of night?" 
(Y/N) pulled her phone and waved it in the air, as she grinned "Google, of course." 
Looking around the room, (Y/N) noticed that they were the only ones in the diner, getting up she walked over to the junk box, she couldn't help but get giddy when she saw that it was a proper vintage one, a massive one, it was filled with vinyl, there had to be a couple of hundred of the black plastic disks all from the fifties to eighties. She ran her hand over the top of the smooth wooden surface before grabbing the folder that contained all the songs available.  
"What kind of music is this?" 
Causing (Y/N) to gape at the boy next to her. "They're vinyl." She replied in a deadpan tone.
"I can see that, but I don't think I know too many of these songs." He said, looking over her shoulder at the book in her hand frowning as he read the titles of the songs.
"Are you telling me you know barely anything from the fifties to the eighties music-wise? Come on you got to know some, let's go with the sixties first." Her eyes scanned the page in front of her, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought. Oikawa couldn't help but stare at her, that thinking face of hers was so cute, and he just wanted to squish her cheeks while peppering her face with kisses.
"Oo, how about this song." She typed in the number for 'Daydream believer' by The Monkees, they watched at the machine selected the correct vinyl, and it started to play, the sound of the music and the crackle from the vinyl had (Y/N) slow swaying from side to side her eyes fluttered closed as she quietly sang along. Oikawa was watching her with a gentle smile, she was so engrossed in the music really enjoying it. But no, he didn't know the song.  
"Nope, don't know it." Her eye's flicked open, and her eyebrows shot up. Huffing as she ran her finger over the open book containing all the available songs. 
"Ah-ha, you've gotta know this one," She tapping her finger on the song she had selected to play next, as the bass guitar at the start of 'Sweet Caroline' by Neil Diamond came through the speakers. She watched him with inquisitive eyes waiting for a reaction from Oikawa, he started to frown and shrugged, "I recognise it, but I don't really know it." 
"Recognise it?!" Gawking at him. "Right, we are swapping to the seventies." (Y/N) flicked through a few pages to the list of songs from the seventies, he has to know AC/DC, and everyone knows Highway to Hell. Putting the song on the grin spread over (Y/N) face as the electric guitar started up, and she sang along. 
"Oh! I know this one!" Oikawa grinned as it got to the chorus.
"Finally!" He couldn't help but laugh as she jumped for joy. "Okay, but we are still going to find out how uneducated you are in the realms of classic music. This one next."
The lady watched the pair from where she was creating their sundae, she couldn't help but watched the couple, she laughed quietly when at the look of shock on the girls faced when he didn't know the song—the different eras playing through the diner. It wasn't until Raspberry Beret came on and he didn't know who it was that she looked like she was about to have a complete mental break down. 
"This is my favourite artist of all time! We are listening to all his songs on the drive home." She told him pointedly.
"Your food is ready." The pair looked at the table before sitting down and digging into her sundae, they chatted to whatever came to mind, flowing smoothly like water over a waterfall. Every now and again (Y/N) would quietly sing along to the songs, getting way too into Paradise City by Guns' n' Roses, tapping her fingers against the table to beat of the drums.
"Pretty boy! This is your song!" 
"What? No, it's not," He chuckled at her passionate declaration.
"It so is!" She waved her "You are the kinda guy who would want to go to the paradise city where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty!" She told him, pointing an accusing finger at him. 
"Well if the pretty girls, is actually just you then sure." The flirtatious tone to his voice caused the blush that coated (Y/N) cheeks were so red that they were on par with the strawberries on the plate in front of them. 
His eyes widen, that was the second time today that she had used his first name. Damn it, I have done fucked it. His whole brain had gone into panic mode as he thought that. "Y-yea?" He choked out as he gulped.
"Do you mind if we go for a walk there is something I want to talk to you about." He nodded, damn it, she was going to reject him, wasn't she? He knew it; he just ruined their friendship. Standing up, she went up to the counter, paying and the women handed her two takeaway cups. 
"It's cold out there, here's some hot chocolate for you, on the house." She smiled, sending a wink at (Y/N) before shooing her out of the diner.
As they stepped out, the diner (Y/N) handed the hot chocolate to Oikawa. "That lovely lady gave us these on the house." 
"That was kind of her. So, um, what did you want to talk about?" Rubbing the back of his neck as he nervously glanced out the corner of his eye at her.
"Can we walk a little first?" (Y/N) asked as she stepped on to the sand, she caught the nod that Oikawa gave as he followed after her.
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was the only noise as they walked along the beach neither of them had spoken since they left the cafe, it wasn't an awkward silence, but you could sense the slight tension in the air, (Y/N) was trying to work out the right words to use to tell Oikawa that she had fallen for him.
 "I realised something today." She didn't look at him, (Y/N) eyes were glued to the cup wrapped in her hands, she was so nervous, she wasn't sure whether or not this was the right time or even if this was the right thing to do, he didn't say anything, just continued to listen to what she had to say. "When Seijoh lost the match today it broke my heart, I know how much you want to get to nationals, I wanted you to win so badly, I was praying that Seijoh would win, that tomorrow you would go up against my brother's team, and even though I would be sat on the bench as their manager, but I would be rooting for you on the inside, continuously cheering you on." 
His head turned to look at her in shock, he was not expecting her to say that.
"I want to always cheer you on, by your side for everything. I want to be there for your every win and be the one you lean on when you are feeling down and catch you when you fall, I want to be that person to you Toru, because, well..." She stopped and turned to face him, she shyly looked up into his swirling caramel brown eyes. "Well, it's because I've fallen for you, I've fallen in love with you Toru Oikawa." 
Oikawa was stunned when she said she wanted to talk he was not expecting this. He was not expecting her to tell him that she was in love with him. Taking the cup out of (Y/N) he placed them both on the wall next of them, before cupping her face in his hands, brown meeting (E/C). 
"And I want to be that for you too, I want to be the one you lean on, I want to be with you for every up and down, because I'm so in love you too (Y/N) Ushijima" He watched as the broad infectious smile spread across her lips, his eyes flickered between her eyes and lips. 
"Can I..." Taking a deep, shaky breath before continuing "Can I kiss you?" He asked nervously as he wrapped one arm around her waist as his hand on the small of her back while his other hand brushed the hair from her face. He was so nervous, he never been timid when it came to kissing a girl, not even his ex but this, this was different, she was his world now, and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin his chance right now.
(Y/N) bit her bottom lip, oh he hoped she didn't know the things that doing that was doing to him, she could most likely get him to do anything if she was to give him the puppy dog look while she bit her lip and the last thing he needed was her to know that it made him putty in her hands.
She gave a slight nod, it was so subtle that it if Oikawa's molten brown eyes weren't fixated on her face he would have surely missed it. The tip of tongue darted out between his lips wetting them as he dipped his head, his nose gentle brushed against hers there hearts were beating out of their chest. The butterflies that were fluttering around in his stomach as he apprehensively brushed his lips upon hers, their eyes fluttering shut at the contact when he felt one of her hands rest on the nape of his neck, her fingers tangling into his hair and the other gripping the front of his coat, pulling him closer, it was soft kiss and full of love, both of them pouring how they feel into it. They could taste the strawberries and hot chocolates on each other lips feeling as if they were on cloud nine. Oikawa pulled away, planing a soft peck against her lips before leaning his forehead against hers. 
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." Oikawa planted a kiss against her temple and pulled her into a tight hug inhaling her peach scent again.
"Since the first match of the school year?" (Y/N) giggled wrapping her arms around his middle, burying her head into his chest as she inhaled his musky, sweet smell.
"Maybe~" He mumbled cheekily into her hair. (Y/N) noticed how affectionate he was, endlessly planting little butterfly kisses in her hair or he was twirling it around his fingers. He was continuously drawing patterns or rubbing circles on her back.
"So~ does this mean you're my girl now?" 
"Is that how you ask someone to be your girlfriend, pretty boy?" 
"Well, I have only had one other girlfriend." Tilting her head up (Y/N) raised her eyebrows not believing him. "Seriously and she dumped me cause I was too focus on volleyball." 
"I think your passion for volleyball is cute." She kissed his cheek as she leaned up on her tiptoes.
"So will you be my girl to spoil and show off?" 
"Hmm~" Tapping her chin and pouting her bottom her lip out, leaning back in arms so she could admire his pretty face. "Well, I suppose I could be." 
He rolled his eyes at way she responded, but they widen at the feeling of her hands, gripping the front of his coat, pulling him down to plant a kiss on his lips once again. "I would love to be your girlfriend, but let's not tell my brother, for now anyway." 
"That I agree with I don't want to die anytime soon." 
"Like I would let him kill you." Shaking her head, grabbing their forgotten hot well luck warm chocolates they began to walk along the beach back towards the car their fingers entwined. Oikawa would make (Y/N) blush and go shy every time he would plant a kiss on the back of her hand, and he loved it, he wanted to make her blush all the time with cute gestures and little sweet nothings. 
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It was two days after the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa, with the outcome being that Karasuno had won. (Y/N) was missing her boyfriend, they were back to there text whenever they could, and the late-night phone calls had started again, but she wanted to spend time with him, she wanted to be with him all the time.
"Question? Why is Shiratorizawa's manager led on the floor of our practice court looking like she's having a mid-life crisis?"
"We don't have practice on Wednesdays I put my foot down and said we all need a break and because I am having a mid-life crisis. Your captain is an uncultured swine." The team just stared at her, noticing Oikawa hadn't actually arrived yet.
"You." (Y/N) Pointed at Matsukawa, "Who is the original performer of Uptown Girl?"
"Westlife." He replied without missing a heartbeat, holding up her phone she clicked something on her screen, and the wrong answer buzzer sound played.  
"Wrong! Anyone else got the answer or are you all uncultured?"
"Billie Joel." The voice she loved said as he crouched down behind her, leaning over her as their eyes met, beautiful chocolate ones meeting breathtaking (E/C) ones.
"One point for Toru?" she looked shocked at him, "Three days ago you didn't even know who Prince was, what's going on?" 
"She didn't call him pretty boy?" She heard the Seijoh team whisper between themselves as they watched the pair. 
"Yea yea I brushed up on my music taste last night, cannot have my girlfriend think I am, how did you put," he tapped his chin smirking at her "Ah yes, an uncluttered swine now can I?" he planted a kiss on her forehead causing a light blush to appear on her cheeks.
"Did he just-?"
"Yea I'm pretty sure he did..."
Leaning forward, Oikawa grabbed (Y/N) wrists smirking at her. "Baby. Don't. You. Dare." She warns, her voice was dangerously low, she knew what he was about to do. "I hate you!" 
"You weren't saying that three days ago!" He practically sang with a chuckled as he dragged off the court. 
The whole team just watched the couple, gobsmacked. 
While Iwaizumi was rolling his eyes, Oikawa had called him that night when he got home from being out with (Y/N) telling him that they were together now, he damn well hoped they were not going to be like this all the time playful and cutesy, it made Iwaizumi want to puke, especially with the mix of the couple giggled and chuckles echoed throughout the gym. Still, Iwaizumi was happy for his friend, he deserved to love and have someone who loves him just as much in return. Iwaizumi eyes soften as he continued to watch the pair mess around in the gym, (Y/N) was now chasing after him, he gave a small gentle smile, you would miss it, well, almost miss it if you weren't looking at him.
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When Ushijima found out about their relationship was when (Y/N) said she had chosen to go and study sports therapy in Brazil. It was at the airport, they had managed to keep it under wraps for six months. (Y/N) was waiting for her flight. Her mum and brother were with (Y/N), her mum obviously upset that her baby girl was going so far away from her.
(Y/N) 's mum also knew about the relationship between (Y/N) and Oikawa, she loved them together, she had once seen them on a date together, and she was cooing all over how cute they were. Her mum also promised not to tell Wakatoshi about there relationship. 
"Last call for flight 825 to Rio De Janeiro. Will all passengers please make their way to departure gate 17." Hugging her mother and brother one last, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and showing her passport to the guard as she stepped thew the gate.
"Ready to go?" She smiled a smile that reached her eyes as she jumped into the love of her life's arms, even after six months the pair of them were still in what people call the honeymoon stage, but the couple just said it was true love and that they said they were actually soulmates, of course, they had had the odd argument, but they always made up and apologised rapidly.
"Sure thing pretty boy! I'm so excited" She giggled kissing him. (Y/N) glanced over her shoulder to see her brother seeming to be fuming, but there was no chance he could follow after her. 
"Don't worry Ushiwaka, I'll take good care and look after your sister, she is my girl after all, and I love her so much." Oikawa teased, smirking towards him. (Y/N) could see the rage burning in his eyes, the way his hands clenched and unclenched, his jaw was set. 
Both (Y/N) and Oikawa knew this would be the only way they could get away with telling Wakatoshi and in the process, not getting Oikawa killed. (Y/N) mum had her hand over her mouth to stifle the giggles at the way they pair had chosen to say to him.
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After (Y/N) graduated and became a sports physical therapist, Oikawa and (Y/N) ended up in Argentinian, the pair gained national citizenship. Oikawa was on the national team, (Y/N) had never been more proud of him. He was the same, just as proud as (Y/N) had become the same national's team's physical therapist.
They got married in 2018. As you can imagine, Oikawa had a little difficulty to get permission for (Y/N) hand in marriage when they popped back to japan to visit their families, not from her father, her father and mother adored him, it was Wakatoshi, but somehow (Y/N) managed to convince him to let Oikawa marry her. The wedding was wondrous, it was a beach one in Santa Teresita, and all their high school friends and family attend. Wakatoshi did nearly give a reason for them not to be together, but Tendo and the rest of the Shiratorizawa team were there stopping him.
Iwaizumi was the best man, and his best man speech was entertaining, embracing Oikawa with when he first saw (Y/N) and how jealous he was of Ushijima cause she patted her brother on the head and gave him a hug. Iwaizumi was also telling how much of a lovesick puppy he was, and he was so happy that the pair were still together, after six years of happiness, even if how cutesy they are made him sick to his stomach. They were still all lovey-dovey as they were at the start of the relationship. He ended the toast by saying how much he knows Oikawa will always treasure (Y/N) and that they will always be together.
In 2021, they were at the Olympic games. Oikawa being the setter for the Argentina team, (Y/N) was, of course, the sports therapist, they had their first child on the way. They had yet to tell anyone, no one knew a thing only the pair but (Y/N) was starting to show now at four months. And it was just in time for the games. Oikawa was over the moon he was going to get the greatest gift ever, parenthood. The one person they worried about most is, of course, Wakatoshi, but he couldn't kill Oikawa at the games so when Hinata noticed that (Y/N) was pregnant before anyone, the boy was actually surprisingly observant, the rage in Wakatoshi eyes when he looked at Oikawa was burning like the fires of hell.
Wakatoshi was a force to be reckoned with during his match he was furious that Oikawa had sullied his sister. Atsumu found this far too amusing and continued to tease him making him angrier, didn't help that Bokuto decided to join in on the teasing.
That evening Oikawa did run away from Wakatoshi, he was on a rampage, (Y/N) tried to remind him they had been together for nine years now, and he needs to get over the fact that they have sex. 
But when the baby boy was born Wakatoshi became smitten with Kazue, Oikawa had named the boy, his name meaning single blessing, which he wasn't wrong the child was a blessing. Wakatoshi had suddenly warmed up to Oikawa after that, the two started to get along, though Oikawa was a little apprehensive about this but started to warm up to the idea of being friends with him, who would have to know it would take until (Y/N) and Oikawa to have a child for them to become friends. 
The couple lived the rest of there lives together, in bliss and happiness, with four children in the end and so far they had eight grandchildren. They always took them to the same beach and little cafe as they went too when they were teenagers when every they were in Japan, the owner had seen the couple go from friends to being in a relationship to engaged to being married, and she met all their children before she passes away her own child had taken over the shop.
The children and grandchildren all look up to their grandparents for their love life, they still adored and fallen more and more in love with each other every day.
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©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
Haikyuu Masterlist
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Alone, Bored and Mischievous~
Words- 2034
Fandom- Rick and Morty
Focus Characters- you, Jerry, Rick
Summary- You were bored in the house and in the house bored, everyone else was out apart from Jerry so you decided to hang out with your favourite dad.
You were bored as fuck. You wondered around the house, unsure if what to do. Everyone seemed to be doing their own things; summer had gone to the mall with Beth- your adopted mother- Jerry was reading a newspaper in his 'man cave', Morty was out and you had no clue where Rick had gone so you assumed the two were on an adventure.
You wandered around the house aimlessly. Usually you'd go out with friends or have plans but everyone else had plan today with family or dates or other shit. So you were left alone.
You looked at the couch, sitting down and wondering if you should watch some interdimentional tv, you turned the tv on and grabbed a remote, sitting on the couch.
You were wearing some pretty lazy stuff although it was hot out. It wasn't burning but it was definitely hot enough, you wore an over sized baby blue t-shirt with a little bee on the breast saying 'bee-kind' and some casual black leggings with no socks or shoes. Your hair was down and partly messy, thought you had brushed it prior.
You flicked through a variety of shows, ranging from cartoons to 4th Dimensional shit. But nothing grabbed your interest, you mostly just wanted to do something, not just sit around. You looked at the nintendo, perhaps you could play some games? But the idea quickly faded as you just weren't interested in it right now.
You got up and turned off the TV, putting the remote back. You even thought about eating, but you were just bored so there was no point.
You then decided to go nose around the house, no one was hone so it couldn't hurt right? You'd already nosed around in the main areas so you decided to go to Rick's room.
Ah what a genius you are.
Fucking nutcase.
Anyways you slopped off to his room, you wandered down the downstairs hall behind the stairs and quickly found the old farts room. You peeked inside, no one around, you looked around to make sure no one was around either, Jerry would have been to busy to notice anyway.
You stepped into the room and looked around, a messy bed, messy floors, his notes covered his walls, boxes were stacked upon each other filled with whatever Rick collected, his draws were slightly open and random clothing and paper falling down and more. You looked over the mans bed, questioning how he could sleep on a bed so low and so unsteady.
Even this bored you, you really had nothing catching your interest, even mischief was killing you.
You left the room, though before you did, you left a little surprise for Rick under his bed.
You left and trotted down the halls, finding your way to Jerry's man cave. Maybe you could hang out with him, he was like your dad after all.
You entered the room to see him sitting on a recliner chair watching some show about you had no clue, nor did you take any interest.
"Hey J" you rhyme, smiling at him. Jerry paused the show quickly and sat up smiling too. He waved pathetically but appreciated the nickname. You usually did this anyway, and he had a nickname for you too.
"Hey Mischief" he said, one of the best nicknames he'd come up with in a while, though he'd been calling you it for years. You usually caused mischief in the family, earning you the appropriate title.
You wandered over to Jerry, standing next to the recliner and looking at the TV. "What cha watching?"
"Nothing, what cha doing?" Jerry asked, brushing off his show. You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"I'm just hanging out with my favourite dad"
Jerry's face went sick and tears filled his eyes at the thought.
"Awwww y/n!" Jerry got up and pulled you into a hug making you laugh, you swatted him away, pulling out of it.
"Alright sap king" you laughed, Jerry just rolled his eyes.
"Anyway what are really up too?" Jerry asked, knowing your mischievous ways. You shrugged with a slight smirk, you really wanted to cause some mischief right now.
"Uh-huh... okay-" Jerry eyes you but the two of you left to go to the kitchen to grab a drink. You chatted about some strange things and then about a job for Jerry.
"Yeah I found this job application" you explained, leaning over the kitchen's side as he got you both a drunk from the sink.
"No way really?!" He asked excitedly. "What about?"
"Its nothing fancy, just a couple of ads" you shrugged as if it was nothing, taking the water Jerry had poured out for you.
"Thank you y/n! Thank you thank you thank you!" Jerry jumped with joy as the two of you headed into the living room to watch TV. And seeing a way to cause mischief you jumped over the couch and slid right under where Jerry was about to sit.
Then when he went to sit next to you you just laid across the whole couch.
"Jerry I'm trying to watch TV!" You whined, pointing at the black screen. Jerry loomed at the TV to see if you actually were, but obviously you weren't, just pulling his leg. You burst out laughing and he mocked you.
"Ha ha! Very funny. Now move" he ordered, though it was in his own pathetic Jerry way.
"Nah, I'm quite comfortable here" you explained, placing the drink on the table and stretching out with your arms under your head like when someone was sunbathing.
"Oh really now?" Jerry asked, putting his drink down too. A slight teasing in his voice.
"Mhm! You should try this out- oh wait" you laughed in mockery, only joking around as not to hurt his feelings. But quickly your laughter turned slient as he fluttered his hands over your open armpits. Your eyes opened wide and you stared st the Jerry looking down at you, glaring at him.
You had closed your armpits now, looking a little silly on the couch having lost your confidence. Jerry noticed this and smirked, smiling as though he had no clue what was going on.
"Is everything okay?" He taunted. He was a dumbass, a pain in the ass, pathetic, but a great dad for the most part. He knew in every way to embarrass his kids and loved to do it together it was on purpose or just his pathetic ways.
You glared at him, staying in the same position.
The smirk on his face only grew as he acted more and more stupid. He reached his hand down and squeezed your belly, making you jerk and almost fall off the sofa though you didnt due to him being there.
"Jeherry. Jerry dont" you ordered, though it partly sounded like pleading, your hidden laughter mixing with your words. Jerry only answered with a little squeeze in the centre of your belly making a dumb smile break through on your mouth before you quickly got rid of it.
"What's wong y/n?" Jerry teased in a babys voice. You always hated when he did that, making you giggle even more but trying to act tough you tried your hardest not to laugh.
"N-nothing. Move ya big ball sack!" You told him, pushing him out of your face, holding back giggles. You always sounded like such a baby when you giggled, especially nervously. Not like the strong independent wOmAn you are on missions who can fight and comprehend almost anything.
"Hehey! Watch it" Jerry laughed as he was pushed backwards. You chuckled as he fell backwards a little bit but stay stood up over you. He had a wide smirk on his mouth and you were doubting whether or not you should have caused mischief in the first place.
"Y/n?" He asked, stepping closer sl you couldn't run.
"W-what?" You stuttered, a bit nervous now.
"I have a question"
"I don't think I wanna hear it-" you muttered slightly, looking for a way of escapism.
"Please! Just one tiny little question." He begged as he crouched down, trying to hide his smirk. You never minded when Jerry tickled you, you didn't hate being tickled either, you actually enjoyed the memories but you hated the taunting, the taughtig was terrible. You'd go all ready and squeal, unable to talk from being flustered so much.
But you knew there was no escape from this.
"Jerrryyyyy" you begged silently.
You sighed, looking down in defeat.
"What Jerry!" You whined, pooking up into his eyes. Though it was a horrible mistake, full of mischief and taunting, a large smirk on his face.
His hands darted to your sides as he threw you back.
"Are you ticklish?" He knew the answer, darting his hands up your sides making you squeal suddenly and then giggle like a child as you were slammed into the couch. You desperately pushed at his hands as your face turned a light pink.
"Jeheherry! Nohoho" you giggled, pushing and wiggling out of his grip. He grabbed you though and threw you onto the couch slightly, you were a great fighter, slippery and incredible but you were light as a feather no matter what. Even Jerry could swoop you up for a quick moment.
He stood over you as his hands squeezed and dances over the skin, slowly making their way up your ribs making you kick out as you tried to hide tour laughter, clamming your mouth shut so no one would hear, though no one was home and everyone knew except Rick.
"MmMHMm!" You muffled and tried to compel your laughter, wiggling as Jerry straddled you between his legs, dancing his fingers up your ribs. Weak bitch in fighting but tickle fights? It was such a Jerry thing.
He even fir a quick moment brought a hand to your neck, light tickles causing you to tuck in as he brought it back down to your side and ribs. You pushed and pulled at his wrists but nothing worked. You were dying behind a clenched smile.
Jerry skillfully shot his hands into your armpits making you squeal extremely loud, almost rolling off the couch with giggly screeching laughter. It wasn't even your worst spot, you were just surprised.
You rolled off the couch and ran to the kitchen, standing over the counter so Jerry couldn't get you easily, and good thing too, you both heard a voice call out if everything was alright in there and Rick stood outside the garage door with his casual light blue shirt on and pants having working on something in the garage this whole time.
You turned around for a split second to see if Rick was actually there, Jerry detracted too. You quickly span around though and pointed a finger from him to Rick.
"HE CAN NEVER FIND OUT!" You yelled particularly loud, a slight bit out of breath from the attack. Your face was bright red by now and your hair a bit messy. Jerry was smiling wide and laughing at your reaction. Rick just gave it a weird ass look.
"What uurrp-" Rick questioned before being interrupted by his own burp. You only snapped your neck to look at him so he could see your bright red and flustered face.
"What the-"
"She's really-" you snapped your head and glared at Jerry, screaming.
"SHUT UP JERRY!" You really never minded the tickles, but once more, having to watch someone let out your secret of being tickled? It only meant the other person would tickle you more. It was human. And embarrassing.
You didnt care if Rick knew, but you really did. You didnt wanna seem weak, or babish. You didn't want him to know you actually enjoyed the tournament, not that anyone did know. Still.
"FUCK YOU ALL" You yelled, walking out of the room, bright and flustered.
Rick gave you a look and then Jerry, Jerry put up a hand to talk.
"She's really-" he whispered slightly but you leaned back into the room and yelled at him to shut up.
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E2; Chapter Two, Trick or Treat, Freak - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Tensions grow between Y/n and Mike as does their concern for Will.
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A//N: This chapter is slightly different cause I realized I'm a complete Doof™, and I had Max and reader meet twice. It had been so long since I wrote MADMAX, that I forgot they met in the arcade lol. So if you've read this before, the scene in the hallway is different.
||Reader's POV||
"Well, good new is, this is only slightly humiliating," I mumble.
I was doing the best I could to shrink back and be as hard to notice as possible, even though I know it's a lost cause.
Unfortunately, the boys all had the same thought and I had been slowly pushed front in center.
"Oh, my God," Someone laughed.
I did my best to let the side comments and laughter slide off my back.
"Maybe its's not so bad," I tried.
"That's easy for you to say [Y/N], you're not in a proton pack and jumpsuit." Lucas said.
I winced. He did have a point, their costumes are a bit more obvious than mine.
"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin said.
I heard Will speak up behind me. "Everyone dressed up last year."
"Yeah! I mean, who are they to judge, he went as Frankenstein's monster last year, and no one laughed despite that being super played out." My anger was getting the best of me, and I made direct eye contact and let my voice rise as I uttered those last words.
The boy I had targeted, covered his laughs with a cough and grew silent fairly quickly. At least I shut someone up.
"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you."
"Just be cool" Mike encouraged.
I took a deep breath in, and that's when we all heard some prick speak out. "Who you gonna call? The nerds!"
I had a million things I wanted to say to that kid but nevertheless I took another deep breath in. That's wen I felt a hand grab my own, and I knew it was Will. I gave his hand a light squeeze as a silent thank you and kept walking.
...three to the right, four to the left.
I mindlessly repeat the combination in my head as I've done a thousand times before at this school and my locker opens once again. I let it swing open and I sigh. I pull the fake glasses off my head and fold them, putting them on the small shelf in the locker space. I reach forward and grab my textbook and notebook after scanning for them. It's then that I barely make out my brother's voice.
"...so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick-or-treating,"
I frown and look over to find them just down the hall. Talking to Max. Or, attempting to at least. I continue to exchange my things and get ready for the next class. Although, I can't help but wince when I hear him continue.
"and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us."
My eyes widened slightly, and I took that as my cue.
"'It'd be okay'?"
My eyes widened slightly and I took that as my cue to jump in. I closed my locker and quickly reset the dial.
"Yeah. Our party's a democracy, and the majority voted that you could come."
I quickly made my way over, my things held tightly against my chest. I smiled and spoke up.
"Hey guys," I chirped. I made eye contact with Max and I chose my words carefully. "How are you guys?"
I ignored the frantic and slightly confused looks Dustin and Lucas were desperately trying to send my way.
Max smiled knowingly at me.
"I'm good." And I knew, just like me, she had a double meaning to that.
She turned back to the guys and plastered on a fake smile.
"I didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you." I couldn't help but smirk at that.
"Yeah, I mean, we know where to get the full-sized candy bars. We figured you'd want in."
Her eyes squinted ever so slightly. "That's presumptuous of you."
I stood there awkwardly before I recalled that Max and I had our next class together.
Desperately wanting to change the subject, I smiled and turned to her. She was already closing her locker.
"Wanna head to class?"
"Sure thing." She smiled, and the two of us walked away, leaving the boys a gaping mess.
I felt kinda bad for the guys, but at the same time, I hadn't realized how nice, and refreshing it was to have another female friend for once.
||3rd person POV||
Max felt a looming sense of dread knowing it was time to go home. Which meant another painful care ride with him. She hated even being around him, he made her life a living hell. As she skated across the parking lot, she knew he was gonna threaten her in some way for being late. She didn't feel bad though, of course.
"You're late again."
"Yeah, I had to get catch-up homework." She mumbled, opening the passenger door and climbing in.
"Jesus. I don't care. You're late again, and you're skating home. Do you hear me?"
Max sits quietly, wishing with all of her might that the car ride could just be over. 
Billy, her older step-brother blasts the song Wango Tango as he drives, wrecklously down the road. He scoffs.
"God, this place is such a shithole."
Max thinks of the [Y/N], the only girl who had actually been nice to her, despite her own short temper. Her only real friend since moving here.
"It's not that bad,"
He looks at her, and she knows - she knew as soon as she said something, anything, Billy would find away to use that against her. And sure enough.
"No?" He said, angrily.
She watched as he reached for the window mechanism and rolled down her window. He watched smugly as she winced at the smell and harsh wave of cold crisp air. He took a deep breath, and pulled his nose.
"You smell that, Max? That's actually shit. Cow shit."
"I don't see any cows." She said, matter-of-factly, reaching over and rolling up the windows.
"Clearly, you haven't met the high-school girls."
Max's head threw itself back at the headrest at the comment. She felt her anger boiling up, but she tried to keep it down.
"So what, you like it here now?" He snapped.
"No," she said defensively.
"Then why are you defending it?"
"I'm not."
Max knew he was getting angry again. He knew his pattern by now and she knew he was already up to no good. He loved to corner her.
"Sure sounds like it," He said calmly.
Max hated it when he got calm like this. It always meant he was going to snap. Go too far. Her heart began to pound. She shook her head, tying to regain her composure.
"It's just we're stuck here, so..."
"Hmm. You're right. We're stuck here," She felt his head turn and his eyes zero in on her. "and whose fault is that?"
His attention when back to the road. She couldn't help it, her anger was getting the best of her, and the answer came out in a weak whisper she prayed he didn't hear. But he did, and she knew 
he was going to do anything to make her pay.
He looked at her, then back at the road but then back at her. "What'd you say?"
Max felt like she was shrinking. "Nothing," She mumbled, quickly.
Billy got calm again. Her heart began to beat faster once more. "Did you say it's my fault?"
"No," she said quickly.
"You know whose fault it is."
She stayed quiet. Max knew anything she said would it would piss him off. Her words failed her.
"Say it,"
Her eyes began to burn, but she refused to cry. He always made her feel weak and powerless and she knew she might not be able to do anything now, but she sure as hell wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
"Max..." He said lowly, drawing out her name. "Say it." He growled.
He whirled towards her in his seat, his face inches away from hers. His face was completely red as he screamed his throat raw. "Say it!"
She closed her eyes tried to ignore him. Even though she could feel his spit on her face, and his screams were loud enough to vibrate the car. She couldn't let him see how he got to her.
He returned to road, and reached for the volume dial, cranking it all the way up. His foot stomped on the gas and the car was suddenly going unnaturally fast. Billy threw his hands on wheel to every beat of the song.
She let him take it out on the car, grateful it wasn't her. But she knew there was nothing she could do to stop him anyway, right?
She was prepared to make it through the rest of the car ride, but her pounding heart stopped, her breath hitched and her eyes went wide when she saw four figures on their bikes in the middle of the road, not far up ahead.
"Billy, slow down." She said, quickly.
"Oh, these your new hick friends?" he asked, a scary gleam in his eye.
She quickly shook her head. "No! I don't know them."
"I guess you won't care if I hit 'em, then?"
Max knew Billy was crazy. He was out of his damn mind, but what terrified her most, was that she truly and honestly did not know if he was crazy enough to hit some kids with his car. She felt sick to her stomach, everything was going too fast and her heart began pounding faster and faster. 
"I get bonus points, I get 'em all in one go?" he asked excitedly.
The car was getting close and just like that, her fear was quickly replaced by anger and her adrenaline was pumping. She whirled herself around all the way to face her nasty scum of a step-brother and her voice was rising. "No, Billy, stop. It's not funny."
His body kept dancing, his head bobbing and hands drumming themselves against the steering wheel, but his head turned to her and his eyes were stone cold. He had no emotion in his face and it was enough to send a chill down her spine, but she knew now wasn't the time. He stomped on the gas pedal and the car roared.
Max wondered to herself why and how in the hell do these idiots not here this car and why the hell aren't they moving?!
She kept an eye on the road, the kids, the girl - [Y/N] - noticed the car coming first.
'Why the hell, aren't they moving?' she thought.
Max found her voice one more and screamed at the top her lungs. "Billy, come on, stop it. It's not funny. Stop!" The car got faster.
What she feared most was coming true. He snapped, and he might as well have been in trance cause he was laser focused, she was positive he hadn't even blinked, and she knew it didn't matter whether or not he had any intention of stopping. She couldn't afford to sit around and wait, they were only a few feet in front of them.
"Billy, stop it!"
With a racing heart, Max lunged forward, gripping the steering wheel and the car swerved to the left, just in the nick of time. 
Billy came to life and started shouting again. "Yeah! That was a close one, huh?"
He let out a wild and crazed laugh, and Max whipped around in her seat, peering out the back to see her classmates emerging form the leaves on the side of the road. She was unable to get a good look, the car was over the hill within seconds and they were out of sight. But she breathed a sigh of relief knowing they were alive.
Tag List: @dickkwad @aimee-lucass @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa @miscellaneoustoasts @acexattorney
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