#I did this with the welcoming selfie too but liked this one better
old-thymey-magpie · 7 months
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Having to take a selfie with Mike Wazowski in Dreamlight Valley and just looking at this quest objective like
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cheoliehansolie · 5 months
Uno Reverse Card
Summary: Seokmin is the one who constantly surprises you when you least expect it, so you decide it's time to return the favor.
Word Count: ~2.8k
Pairing: gn reader x Seokmin
Warnings: although reader is written as gender neutral, it's implied that they have long hair.
an: This was inspired by blonde Seokmin and it was supposed to come out sooner but I hit a wall, so let's pretend that it came it earlier. If you like reading this, make sure to reblog! If you have any suggestions or you just want to talk, send me an ask 💕
To read more, check out my masterlist
“Minnie, I already told you, we’ll meet at your place later. You don’t need to come with me while I just do a bunch of boring errands.” you say as you make your way to the hair salon.
“I know babe, but I miss you. We haven’t been able to see each other for a while because we’ve both been so busy the past few days.”
You hear the pout that is extremely evident in his voice and you can just see the pout on his lips.
“Aww, I miss you too. But I have something important I have to do and as much as I love you, you will definitely distract me. Besides, I want it to be a surprise.” you say, hoping to cheer up your pouty boyfriend.
“A surprise?” he asks, curiously.
“Yeah, but it can only stay a surprise if you don’t come with me while I’m out today.” 
“Fine, I guess we can just meet at my place. But it’s only because you want to surprise me!” he says.
“Okay, okay, listen I’ve gotta go now. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay, babe. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” you say as you hang up.
The hair salon comes into view right when you hang up the phone. You couldn’t wait to surprise Seokmin with your new hair later tonight. He was always the one to come home on a random weekday with completely different hair, two weeks ago being the perfect example.
You were sitting on the couch doing a few final touches on the presentation you were supposed to present the next day when you heard a knock at the front door open. Once you opened the door, you were greeted by your sweet boyfriend dressed in gray sweats, a black shirt, and a black beanie effectively covering all his hair.
“Hey baby.” he says as he leans down to meet your lips for a quick kiss.
“Hi Minnie.” you say with a smile as you let him into your place and wait for him to take his shoes off.
“What’re you up to? Did I disturb you?” he asks as the two of you plop onto the couch.
“Nah, I was just working on a presentation for tomorrow. I’ve been staring at it for the past few hours so you coming over was a welcome distraction. I think I would’ve gone insane if I had to stare at the slideshow any longer.” you explain.
“Well then I’m glad that I can take your mind off it.” he says with a bright smile.
“What about you? What’d you get up to today?” you ask him.
“Before we get to that, I have a surprise for you!” your boyfriend exclaims excitedly.
“A surprise? Where is it? You don’t have a bag with you.” you ask, confused.
“Just close your eyes. It’ll make sense soon, I promise.” he says.
“Okay.” you say, bringing your hands dramatically up to cover your eyes.
You can briefly hear some shuffling, but you try not to focus on it too much so you can be fully surprised by the sweet boy sitting next to you.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now!” Seokmin says and you can hear the joy in his voice.
When you open your eyes, your jaw immediately drops at the sight in front of you. Seokmin, you’re sweet, lovely boyfriend that sent you a selfie earlier in the day from the studio with his natural black hair now sits next to you with bleach blond hair.
“Oh my god, your hair!” you exclaim as you shuffle closer to get a better look at his hair.
“What? Do you not like it?” Seokmin asks anxiously.
“Not like it? Baby, there’s no way I could not like it! You look amazing, I’m just shocked.” you say, hoping he could hear the earnesty in your voice.
Your boyfriend visibly relaxes as you bring your hand up to card your fingers through his newly blonde locks.
“How is your hair still so soft after you just bleached it to death?” you ask.
“My hair’s just special like that, I guess.” he says as he shrugs his shoulders.
“You’re so annoying!” you joke as you giggle and gently pull at his hair, making him whine. “I can’t believe that you came home with completely different hair than when you left this morning. It’s literally a random Tuesday.”
“Well, I actually knew a few weeks ago but I decided to not say anything so I could surprise you.” 
“You knew for a few weeks and you didn’t say anything? I’m getting you back for this, Lee Seokmin.” you threatened.
Which brings you to why you’re seated in the hair salon waiting room. In the time that you and Seokmin had been together, you didn’t really change much about your appearance. You liked how you looked and you didn’t really feel the need to change. But when you were cleaning out your camera roll, you came across pictures from before you and Seokmin knew each other.
The pictures included some from a few years ago when you impulsively decided to cut your hair to your shoulders after going through a particularly rough situationship. It had been a while since then and you had forgotten how much you liked your shorter hair. It was also so much easier to take care of than the long hair you currently have. It’s been a few years since you did anything drastic to your hair, so you decided to change it up. 
Your name gets called and you get up to take a seat at the stylist’s chair. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you told the stylist what you wanted and you were so excited to see how this would go.
Not even an hour later, you were staring at your reflection in the mirror and you couldn’t believe how good you looked.
“Oh my god, I love it so much! You did a great job.” you exclaimed to your hairstylist as you played with your hair.
“I’m so glad you like it!” she says with the biggest smile on her face.
“I can’t wait to see Seokmin’s reaction.” you say as you get up from the chair.
“He doesn’t know?” your stylist asks.
“No, I wanted to surprise him. Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He definitely will! If he doesn’t, call me and I will personally shave his hair off.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” you laugh as you make your way to the exit.
“Thank you, again!” 
Once you’re back out in the streets, you can’t keep the smile from appearing on your face. You just loved your new hair so much and you couldn’t wait to show Seokmin.
You still had a few hours before you were supposed to meet Seokmin, so you decided to do a little window shopping until later tonight. But less than thirty minutes into your shopping trip, you feel your phone buzz in your purse. Unsurprisingly, it’s a call from your sweet, clingy (in the best way possible) boyfriend
“Babe~, when are you coming over?” Seokmin whines on the other end of the line.
“Well I finished my big task that I had to get done today and I decided to go out shopping since it finished quicker than expected. I figured I could just window shop until we were supposed to meet later tonight.” you explained as you continued casually browsing the racks of the store you were in.
“If you’re done with your big task, why can’t you just come over earlier?” Seokmin asks, pouting at you for the nth time today.
“I thought you would be busy and you’d have a few things you needed to get done before I came over later so I wanted to give you some time to get stuff done before I come over and distract you.” you say into the phone.
“First of all, I’ve literally spent the entire day sitting on the couch watching the clock waiting for the time that you’re gonna come over. Second of all, I do have things to get done but I can’t get anything done when I know that I get to see you later. Third of all, you are my favorite distraction to have and I would have no problems with you distracting me.” your boyfriend says sweetly into his phone.
You feel your cheeks heat up at his words and you hide yourself in a corner of the store to avoid having other people see you all flustered and embarrassed.
“Okay, since I am done and it seems like you’re getting nothing done anyways, I guess I could come over now.”
“Really? Yay! I’ll see you soon then babe. I love you!” he says happily into the phone.
You can’t help the smile from spreading onto your face as you say “I love you too, I’ll see you soon.” and hang up the phone.
As you’re about to leave the store, you see a hair scarf on one of the mannequins and you think that would be the best way to hide your new hair from your boyfriend. 
Less than ten minutes later, you’re leaving the store in the direction of your boyfriend’s apartment, scarf completely covering your hair from view. Once you’re standing in the elevator on your way to his floor, you do a final check of the scarf on your head to make sure no pieces are sticking out. By the time the elevator doors open, you determine that you’re physically ready to show your boyfriend your new hair.
Mentally? That’s another story. You know that Seokmin will love you no matter what you look like, he’s made that apparently clear over the past year you’ve been together, but you can’t help the doubt from creeping into your mind as you make your way to his apartment door. You haven't changed your look much, if at all, since meeting Seokmin and you can’t help but wonder if this will completely change how Seokmin sees you. What if he doesn’t like you anymore?
Before you can dwell on your thoughts much longer, you’re standing in front of Seokmin’s door and you decide you can’t stand there delaying his reaction any longer. So, you bring your hand up to knock on his door. Not even a second later, the door swings open and your boyfriend greets you with the brightest smile.
“Babe! I’ve missed you!” he says once you’ve made your way into his apartment and slipped your shoes off.
“Aww, I’ve missed you too!” you say as you reach up to give him a hug.
The two of you melt into each other's touch and your previous nerves from a few minutes ago seem to immediately dissipate.
“So, where’s my surprise?” Seokmin asks, his excitement evident in his voice.
“So impatient.” you tsk. “I’m starting to think you only wanted me to come over sooner so you could get your surprise sooner.”
“Babe, you know that’s not true.” he whines as he leans down into your embrace.
“I know, I know. I’m just teasing. Come on, let’s go sit down and I’ll show you your surprise.” you say as you lead him to his couch in the living room.
“Sit down and close your eyes.” you say as you stand in front of the couch, too nervous to sit down.
“Okay babe.” Seokmin says as he grabs a throw pillow from his couch and covers his face with it to prove to you that he’s not peeking.
Taking a deep breath, you undo the scarf and drop it on the coffee table next to you. You feel your previous nervousness bubbling up again, but that’s almost immediately gone when your boyfriend opens his mouth.
Seokmin, still sitting on the couch with his face in the pillow, hears the rustle of fabric and says the first thing that comes to mind, being “You’re not taking off your clothes, are you?” Seokmin asks “Like, I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but that’s definitely not the surprise I was expecting.”
“Seokmin!” you exclaim, acting scandalized as though Seokmin hasn’t seen you naked on multiple occasions. “I wouldn’t say I have a surprise for you just to get naked in front of you. Why was that the first thing you thought of?”
“I don’t know! I just heard fabric rustling and that’s what I thought!” he says defensively.
“What if I bought you a shirt and that’s what you were hearing?” you ask, smiling at the fact that he still has his face buried in the pillow.
“Well did you buy me a shirt?” 
“I don’t know, did I?” you counter, sassily.
“Babe, can I please open my eyes now? I’ve been sitting with this pillow in my face for like the past three hundred years.” he whines dramatically.
“Hmm, I’m gonna choose to ignore how factually incorrect that statement is. Okay, you can open your eyes now.” you say.
Seokmin opens his eyes and it’s his turn to have his jaw drop. You had shown him pictures of your hair when it used to be short before you met Seokmin, but it had been a long time since then and the pictures definitely didn’t do you justice.
“What do you think?” you ask nervously as you card your fingers through your newly shorter hair.
“Babe, I love it so much. It looks so good!” your boyfriend exclaims as he gets off the couch to stand in front of you.
“You look so beautiful.” he says softly as he cups your cheek in his hand. “Can I touch it?” he asks, knowing how you normally don’t like it when he touches your hair when it’s been styled.
You nod your head in approval and it’s his turn to card his fingers through your hair. You lean your cheek further into his palm, seeking comfort in his touch.
“Do you really like it?” you ask, still feeling a little bit insecure.
“Of course I do! Do you like it?” he asks you.
“Yeah, I think it looks really pretty.” you say softly.
“Then that’s all that matters. I’ll love you no matter what you look like. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” he says, his blinding smile gracing his lips once again.
You knew he would like it no matter what, but hearing him confirm it to you himself made any last bits of insecurity completely leave your system. You wrapped your hands around his neck, bringing his lips down to yours in a long kiss and you hope he can feel how much you appreciate him.
Once the two of you part, you can practically see the hearts coming out of his eyes and you know for a fact that your expression is the exact same.
“So, how long have you been planning this?” he asks, back to his normally silly self.
“Hmm, I made the appointment at the salon like two weeks ago?” you say, unsure of the exact date you made the appointment.
“You’ve been sitting on this information for the past two weeks and you didn’t say anything?” he exclaims, fake betrayal heavily lacing his voice.
“Now you know how it feels! You’re always the one who comes home with completely new hair with no prior warning. At least I told you to be ready for a surprise when I came over today.” you whine at him.
“Okay, okay, that’s fair.” he says with his hands up. “But, you’ve gotta admit, it’s fun for you, isn’t it?”
“No comment.” you say, as you try to turn around to grab your scarf off the table.
Key word, try. The second your back is turned to your boyfriend, he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest. Before you can say anything, you feel him push the two of you into the couch and his hands are immediately tickling you all over.
“Admit it! You like it don’t you?” he says, a smile plastered on his face as he continues tickling you.
Your giggles fill the room and you struggle to say, “Fine, fine! I do like it! Can you stop tickling me now?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” Seokmin says as he collapses against you on the couch.
Before you can protest that his weight is all but crushing you into the couch, you feel his fingers carding through your hair again and the words die on your lips. Even though you felt like you would suffocate in the cushions of your boyfriend’s couch, you couldn’t bring yourself to break the peace. You realized you were much too content staying here with his fingers in your hair and you wanted this moment to last forever.
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weirdomellow · 2 months
Delicious Words
It took me forever but here it is finally! I did a poll a while ago and Sexting with Ari got the most votes so here we go. This is not beta'd and just my thots put into words. As always, comments, reblogs (and likes) are welcome 🥰
Pairing: Dad's best friend Ari Levinson x female reader
Summary: Sexting with DBF Ari. You and your DBF Ari have missed each other like hell and so a few texts turn into delicious words that drive both of you insane.
[Reader is mid-20s, Ari is in his early 40s]
Warnings: masturbation (both male and female), phone sex, fingering, dirty talk, nude selfies, age gap dynamics (younger female, older dominating male, both of them are consenting adults), mention of unprotective sex (piv), orgasm denial mentioned, a bit of fluff and fuzzy feelings
Word Count: 1.2k
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The sunset illuminated your room beautifully as you were lying on your back naked on the bed. The only thing - the only person - missing by your side was your DBF Ari, who also happened to be your lover for quite some time.  
He was the reason you were single. You even turned down other guys your age who flirted with you. Some of them were hot but nothing compared to Ari. Your Ari... and nothing compared to how he ruined other men for you and how he ruined you each time you fucked each other’s brains out.  
His beefy hairy body was all you craved for right now. You wanted to touch him, take him all in and feel his delicious fat cock.  
Since he lived nearby, you two always found a way to sneakily meet but Ari has been on a business trip for 2 weeks and it was just annoying. The only solution right now was to text him.  
Sexting was actually not your thing. But Ari made a lot of things possible and introduced new adventures to you. So, when he suggested sexting, you were startled but intrigued by the idea.  
"I miss you Sir..." was the text you sent him on this calm evening. You needed him and you knew he was going to reply sooner or later. He was the one who brought it up and deep down you knew he needed you as well.  
You managed to distract yourself for a while until you saw the message.  
"I miss you too babygirl." 
"Have you been a good girl?"   
Whenever Ari was away on business trips, he had a rule for you: You were allowed to touch yourself but not bring yourself to orgasm unless he allowed you to. He even allowed you to bring yourself to the edge, but the climax was not allowed. Once, he half-joked that you could play with whomever you wanted but you had to tell them not to make you cum.  
He was mean in a delicious way... and you loved him for this.  
"Yes Sir, I did not even touch myself. I couldn't. I missed your fingers, your tongue, your cock."  
"That's my good girl."  
"Show me how you need me." 
"Fuck." You whispered to yourself. Heat rushed to your cheeks and your whole body buzzed as you slowly pushed your middle and ring finger inside and tried your best to take a photo. "Well, it's shitty and blurry but will do." You thought to yourself as you clicked Send.
Right after your text, the phone rang. You reached for your Bluetooth headphones and answered the phone.
“I thought I would call you so we can y’know.. sext better” He chuckled lightly.  
“Ah you are always ahead of me Mister” you giggled as your body reacted to his voice in a way you couldn't explain.
“You have no idea how much I missed you, your scent, your sweet pussy baby”. His deep voice and those words were enough to drive you crazy. You felt it there, the pool of your lust forming as you kept on playing with yourself.
“Ari, I missed you even more. It’s so boring here without you."
“Y/n.. you fucking drive me insane” he slightly whined. You knew he was also jerking off as you heard the slight rhythmic movement in the background.  “You know what I would love to do? I would love to take you here, right now, in my hotel room, overlooking the city skyline. Bend you over and fuck you while we both watch the sunset. Ruin you until we fall asleep like we always do." You could feel his breathing becoming more primal. This urge to just take you and use you however he liked... it was electric and erotic.
“I… oh Ari, I am so close. I want to feel you in me.” you said, as you kept on fingering yourself faster. You could feel your whole body moving, your toes curling. A slight moan escaped your mouth. You wanted to be loud but you had to be careful since your parents were still downstairs.  You increased your pace as you thrusted your fingers in and out, imagining them to be Ari’s cock. It didn’t compare but it was still something.  
“Tell me… what did you dream of me while I was gone?” 
"We were far away on a boat and you were fucking me bareback on an open sea." You said as you played those fantasies in your head over and over again. The idea of him pounding you raw has been on your mind even though you always used condoms.
“Oh fuck!” He was panting heavily. “I am coming Y/n. Fuck!” he moaned as you heard him – felt him – reached his climax.  
You were so close and it dawned on you at that moment that you had to ask his permission, you huffed. 
“Sir… can I come?” 
“Fuck Y/n.. How can I say no? Come my sweet babygirl! Come for me." 
You zoned out and brought yourself to climax with the nasty thoughts in your head and panted heavily. Your whole body was on fire as you tried to muffle your moans as much as possible.
“You still there?” you heard him ask from the depths of your zoned out mind. You lost touch of time, was it seconds or moments?
“Y..yeah” you tried to form coherent words. Then you saw it, the photo he sent of his hand wrapped around his cock and your panties. The ones he stole last time from you.  
“You don’t have to send me a photo but thought I would show you how much of a mess I made” he said, his breathing turning to normal. You could feel him grinning on the other end of the phone.  
“Well.. you owe me another pair of underwear Mr. Levinson.” you said as you giggled.
“Consider it done. As a matter of fact, let’s go lingerie shopping together once I am back. I heard a nice shop opened in the city, and they even have some sexy lingerie I would love for you try on." He said, his voice inviting and tempting.
“All the more reason for you to ruin more underwear.” you said as you smiled. A small silence. You sighed. "I can’t wait for you to be back, counting the days already.” You wanted to say those damn 3 words but maybe it was a bit too soon. 
“I miss you too Y/n” he sighed. “I have to get ready for the dinner. Is it ok if we hang up? I will check up on you later.” 
“Yes of course. Think of me the rest of the night."”  
You both hung up the phone. Were you in love? Was this how it felt like? Or was it the rush of hormones? You tried to silence the thoughts in your head as you took a deep breath. Whatever this weird feeling was, it made you drunk… for him. You only hoped he felt the same way about you. Until then, you were going to enjoy this delicious thing you had going on with him and the many adventures you were going to go on. 
The last moments of the sunset created the chance for an amazing photo and so you used this chance to take a post-orgasm selfie… and clicked Send with the Caption “Bon appetit Mr. Levinson❤"
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Bunker Babe: The First Fourteen Days
I'm combining Weeks One & Two since Week Two was all about giving the GREMLINS trait to the lot for the HANDINESS grind, and days blended together verrrrry easily. But Lilac survived. Ish.
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On Day One, our plucky heroine started with a CHAIR, a TRASH CAN and a TOILET - and some fruitcake that she'd snatched from Leslie Holland and the rest of the 'welcoming' committee.
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Turns out that fruitcake is a 'like,' which is fortunate as guess what we'll be eating exclusively for the next four days? Looks like three things have the capacity to survive MOTHER: cockroaches, Lilac... and fruitcake.
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Many terrible selfies later, Lilac was able to afford a KNITTING BASKET. While wearable items can only be sold over Plopsy, the animal clothing (some of which you can start crafting right from Level 1) can be sold directly from your inventory. And Lilac needed those simoleons - stat.
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Level Three KNITTING and ART LOVER self-discovery? Acquired. Considering how she'll be making most of her simoleons, that's one of the more useful traits she could have.
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Oh, and one of MOTHER'S children said hello.
By Day Two Lilac's hygiene needs were already in the amber, but the Watcher thought that loneliness could eventually get her first. So the new objects acquired? A BED aaand a MINI-GOAT.
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We named her Gouda Girl.
On the third day in hiding the Watcher gave to me... one MINI FRIDGE and a Vladdy visit for freeeee...
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(Actually the Watcher had nothing to do with Vlad.)
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While Lilac was asleep, I got his usual creepwalk message but thought nothing more of it - at least until the fastforward sleep speed slowed back down to regular time and I heard the usual sounds of sizzling and screaming.
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S'up Grim.
Since Lilac had no interaction with him at all and didn't even register his demise (maybe he can't find your Sim if they're in the basement), there were no sad moodlets and she simply continued knitting and keeping up her social bar with Gouda Girl.
Gouda Girl can also be milked for 45 simoleons each day, and thus will pay for herself in no time. Beyond her companionship, which of course is priceless.
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Day Four and this was around the time where the Watcher discovered that Lilac's energy bar was refilling way too slowly. Yes, her mattress was cheap but she was sleeping for 10 hours at a time and still only recovering about a third of her bar. The Watcher sold the old bed, cheated her a better one - and yet the problem persisted.
It could be the LAZY trait, but I've never had that issue with other LAZY Sims before - or Lilac other times that I've played her.
Since bunker life is already boring enough without watching a Sim sleep for 20 hours, I simply resolved to use the 'make happy' cheat every other day until her HANDINESS would be at a high enough level to upgrade the mattress (thus Week Two Gremlins).
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And it was on this day that Lilac consumed the last of the fruitcake.
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By then she was getting major moodlets for too many fast meals, but Gouda Girl made everything better.
The two big gets of the day were a ROCKING CHAIR and a KITCHEN BENCH, so Lilac was finally able to prep some proper food. Ish.
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Ah, the bliss of low poly salad...
Oh, and on Day Three I think Lilac acquired a SINK. No shower yet, but queuing the 'wash hands' interaction did restore a lot of her hygiene bar.
Day Five and well - what a great whim for this challenge.
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She's like 'yes, see this here? I'm the smartest Sim you ever had...'
More knitting, while Mei Prescott kindly came by to mourn Vlad, much to the delight of the garden gnomes.
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The bat came back, the very next day...
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He came, he haunted his own urn, he cried. Lilac kept on knitting and skill grinding.
Since Lilac was getting major embarrassed moodlets from purchasing all of her low poly salad ingredients due to the FREEGAN trait, the Watcher bought two of those VERTICAL PLANTERS from Eco Lifestyle. Sure, the regular pots would have been cheaper, but soon we will be crunched for space.
Oh, and on Day Seven we acquired a WORKBENCH.
Skills: Week One
LEVEL 8: Knitting LEVEL 3: Programming (acquired from the Watcher needing to unless MOTHER) LEVEL 2: Photography, Handiness, Cooking LEVEL 1: Gardening, Logic (likewise acquired for MOTHER)
Items Acquired
Week Two was the exciting addition of a SHOWER - less so once Lilac realised that the Watcher had likely purchased it just to give her more things to repair once the witching hour struck.
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I couldn't spare Lilac or myself from the grind, but I may as well spare you. Let's get on with it, then.
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Because Lilac's energy bar was refilling so slowly, in spite of my use of cheats this week was just a vicious cycle of sleep, repair, repeat. Even with a decent mattress that was fully upgraded, it was taking her eight hours to refill her energy bar from halfway - in comparison to the three hours that Andie Mae and Paolo Rocca in another save need for a cheaper upgraded mattress.
Skills: Week Two
LEVEL 9: Knitting LEVEL 8: Handiness LEVEL 4: Gardening LEVEL 3: Cooking, Programming LEVEL 2: Photography, Singing LEVEL 1: Logic, Fitness
Items Acquired
With this being the only save that's currently playable, I'm running through Week Three fairly quickly, so see you soon.
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roosterforme · 2 years
The Deployment Diaries Part 8 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You take a deep dive into work to distract yourself from missing Bradley while he's gone.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, angst, adult banter, smut
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! Check my masterlist for the reading order!
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Bradley was delighted to find out that the dirty photos were not a one off. You spoiled him so well. As the carrier was leaving the San Diego harbor, you texted him three photos.  The first one was simply a cute selfie of you smiling and sitting on the kitchen floor with Tramp on your lap. The other two had him stepping away from Nat so he could get a closer look. You had somehow managed to put on his flight suit and aviators one day without him knowing. The suit was huge on you, and you'd left it unzipped, leaving your breasts and landing strip exposed. You were smirking, and pushing his sunglasses low on your nose.
"Holy fuck," he muttered as he scrolled to the last one. It was you in that UVA shirt you loved so much. You took the photo over your shoulder in the mirror with the shirt pulled up, so he got to see your gorgeous tits and your round ass in the same photo.  He was scrambling to call you while he still could. "Hi, Roo!" you said, and your voice still sounded tear-filled. "I miss you already!" "Baby Girl, you're getting me hard and you're not even here. Thanks for the photos." "You're welcome," you replied with a watery giggle. "I love you." "I love you, too." ---------------------------------------- When you got home around lunchtime, you ran into your bedroom, Tramp right on your heels. You opened the nightstand drawer to find another paper airplane note and something wrapped in tissue paper. This note was addressed to you and Tramp, and a laugh bubbled from your lips. "It's for you, too," you told the dog, sitting down on the floor next to him. He jumped into your lap and licked your hands as you opened the note. Hi, loves of my life. I got this so we can all match now. I already miss you terribly, and I can't wait to be home again.I love you, Roo You unwrapped a yellow dog collar with a shiny, golden dog tag that read Tramp. It looked just like your necklace charm, which Bradley got for you to mirror his own dog tags.  You smiled as you replaced Tramp's plain black collar with the new one. "It's from daddy. He misses us already." Tramp just snuggled up closer to you, and you held him tight when the tears started again.  ----------------------------------- Bradley settled into a routine. Daily flight briefings each morning, lunch with Nat, flight simulation in the afternoon, and then dinner before hitting the gym. He felt relaxed in the gym this time, since the environment was Amaya free. And Nat had him doing some sort of weird pilates stretching that was actually helping him sleep better. Which was great, because his bunkmate snored.  Maybe he just needed to be deployed with Phoenix all the time. He was spending a good bit of his time with her, and not that he was looking at other women, but very few had been approaching him at all. Other than one woman who occasionally asked if he could spot for her in the gym while she did some bench presses. He had agreed to help her, and she ended up talking about her husband and kids the whole time while Bradley talked about you and Tramp. It was nice.  But it was more than a solid week in now, and Bradley still didn't get permission for a phone call or Facetime call, and he was getting so antsy. All he had been able to do was exchange a few emails with you. He learned that the three new engineers from Annapolis had arrived in your lab, and your commanding officer was letting you assemble the team as you saw fit.  Bradley was so fucking proud of you. You were so smart and so good at your job. He still wanted to get you up in the air with him, because he was sure you'd understand how to update the F/A-18 training protocols even better if you experienced it for yourself. Plus you'd get your own flight suit, and therefore you'd be the hottest backseater in history.  ------------------------------------- You had been nervous to meet the new engineers on loan from Annapolis, but they all turned out to be pretty great. Reggie was a good bit older than you and had a PhD in physics. Sonya grew up near your hometown, so you had a lot to talk with her about. And Josh was close to your age. He was also tall, dark and good looking. Not as good looking as Bradley, but still. You were thinking about introducing him to Maria.  "You need help with that?" Josh asked you as you struggled to carry a shipment box down the hallway from your tiny office to your lab. "Sure, thanks," you said with a smile, and he effortlessly took it from your hands and followed you back to the lab. You set Reggie up unpacking the new equipment. "Can you help me grab the rest from my office?" you asked Josh, and he instantly agreed.  You walked side by side down the hallway and fell into a conversation about where he was from. You had noticed he had a bit of a drawl like Hangman. "I'm from Houston," he told you with a charming smile.  "The only time I've ever been to Texas was to visit the Technical Training Center in San Antonio," you told him. "Is that close to Houston?" "Not too far. About a three hour drive. But Houston is much cooler. Go for the BBQ, stay for the cowboys," he told you with a wink. You laughed. "Sounds like a good time." You chatted as you made several trips up and down the hallways together. "If we were at the Naval Academy together, it's a shame we didn't meet sooner," Josh said. Your heart was starting to beat a little faster at the tone of his voice. Was he flirting with you? You weren't quite sure what to say. And when you stood together in your office, it was very apparent how small the room really was.  "Yeah," you replied cautiously. "Well, I was a bit of a bookworm, so I didn't make it out to a ton of parties or campus events." Josh chuckled as he held the door open for you. "You don't look like a bookworm." You pressed your lips together, and when you got back to the lab, you joined Sonya and Reggie at one of the long tables. ------------------------------------------ When you had a meeting with Commander Bickel, he asked you what you thought of the Annapolis crew. "They all work really hard. I don't know which one is going to be the best fit yet, but give it some time." And as it turned out, you worked well with each of them. They were all easy to get along with, especially Josh. You and he were exactly the same age and had a lot in common. He did seem to get a little flirty at times, but if he started to cross a line, you would just have to let him know you had a boyfriend. It wasn't a big deal. But Bradley had been gone for almost two weeks, and you had only been able to email with him. It was agony. The only bright spot was getting to spend your evenings with Tramp.  "Hey, buddy!" you called every day when you got home from work. The little ball of black and brown fur bounded out to meet you at the front door. He jumped and licked your hands almost nonstop until you clipped his leash on him and took him for a walk. He lived for his early evening walks, and you had been able to meet a bunch of your neighbors who also had dogs.  Two Fridays after Bradley shipped out, your phone rang during your walk with Tramp. You wrenched the thing out of your jeans pocket, almost losing it down a storm grate in the process. Restricted caller.  "Bradley?!" "Baby Girl!" "I miss you!" you gushed. "I miss you so much! How are you?" "I'm fine, Sweetheart. But I only have five minutes. Tell me how you are." "I'm out walking Tramp. He sends his puppy love," you said and relished the sound of Bradley's chuckle echoing through the phone. "Work has been insanely busy, which is great. I like all of the engineers so far. It's going to be hard to decide who gets to stay with the program." "Don't spend too much time at work," he told you, and your brain shifted to last night when you and Josh had eaten takeout together in the lab after hours as you worked on your program.  "I won't, Roo. How's Phoenix? She keeping an eye out for you?" Bradley filled you in on some of his mission details and promised you that he and Nat were doing great.  "I get to Facetime next week. Which day works for you?" he asked as you walked back up your sidewalk. "Any day! Any time! Just call and I will answer!" -------------------------------------- So you found yourself in the lab late into the evenings again the following week. You felt better in the lab than at home without Bradley. And you knew Tramp would be okay for another hour or so, since he had access to his doggy door. You had dismissed Reggie, Josh and Sonya for the day, but Josh had offered to stay late and help you. He must really want this position if he was willing to put in the overtime.  You and he were working on coding for the new software, and your eyes were getting so tired. "I wish I had worn my glasses today. This is rough." "Here, let's just enlarge the font size," he told you, gently removing your hands from the keyboard to adjust it for you. You sucked in a breath when he touched you, and then tried to play it off. "I bet you look cute in your glasses, though," he added. You froze, unsure how to respond. "Uh, you don't have to enlarge the font too much, or then it will be annoying for you." You needed to bring up Bradley, but how? You'd already known Josh for three weeks, and you'd said nothing about your boyfriend. It was kind of a big deal to you to keep personal conversations out of the workplace.  Shit. He was turning and smiling at you. "It's cool. As long as you can see better." You drew in a deep breath just as your phone rang. You stood to pull it from your uniform pocket, and Josh tracked your body with his eyes. Restricted Facetime Caller.  "I need to take this!" you told Josh, and you were answering the call before you even took a step away. As soon as you saw his face, your heart melted. He looked so handsome, and his hair was still wet from the shower. "Bradley!" "Baby Girl, I miss you! Is it a bad time? I see you're still at work." "No, no, no, just hang on a second," you told him with a smile. "I'll be back soon," you told Josh before you turned toward the door with your phone. "Who's that guy?" Bradley asked, after you presumed he was able to catch a glimpse of Josh as you were walking away.  "Josh, one of the engineers from Annapolis. He offered to stay late and help me tonight." You hustled down the hallway and unlocked your office door. "Hm," Bradley grunted as he frowned and raised one eyebrow. You closed yourself in your office and sat down at your desk. "God, Roo, you look and sound so good. All the pictures of you on my phone aren't cutting it for me." Bradley's hard expression melted into a smile for you. "Speaking of pictures, when did you take that one in my flight suit? You look like some sort of pinup model, and it does crazy things to my heart whenever I look at it." You giggled and licked your lips, and Bradley audibly moaned. "A pinup model? You want me to make you a calendar for your birthday?" you asked, knowing how much fun it was to tease him a little bit over Facetime. ---------------------------------------- Bradley's eyes went wide and his jaw went slack. He leaned in closer to the ipad screen and your grinning face. "Are you serious right now? You'd do that for me?" He watched you shrug, your khaki uniform shirt sliding over your breasts in the most alluring way. Bradley's dick was getting hard as he sat here in a little booth in the quiet area talking to you. He'd been jerking off to the photos of you when he could, but this was just painful, because he could hear you and see you and his body was demanding you. "Yeah, I'm serious right now. If you're interested. Of course you'd have to hang it up inside our bedroom closet or somewhere else nobody could see it!" "Fuck, Sweetheart. Yeah, that's what I want for my birthday. That, and an entire day in bed with you." "Consider it done," you said with a smirk, and he was groaning and biting his knuckle. God, you looked fucking delighted with yourself.  "Now tell me what's going on with your mission and Phoenix!" Bradley took a deep breath and filled you in on a few details. Soon he would be in Japan for a few days, and assuming he could get a good wi-fi connection, he would be able to Facetime then.  "I can't wait to eat roughly my body weight in sushi," he told you with a smile.  "Good luck being able to afford 220 pounds of sushi on your per diem," you replied with a laugh.  "I love your laugh. I swear I dream about it at night," Bradley told you. "My bunkmate snores, so I've been working on a playlist for you and falling asleep to it at night to drown out the snoring." "You're making me a new playlist?" you asked, cradling your chin in your palm. Bradley knew playlists were your love language.  "Yeah, it's all the love songs that remind me of you. It's almost ten hours long already." "Roo," you sighed, and his heart clenched for you.  "Shit, Sweetheart. Time's up. I'll email you and we can Facetime when I'm in Japan. I love you." "I love you too, Roo!" Bradley disconnected the call and stood with a sigh. Luckily his boner had abated a bit, but now he was missing you terribly. That was the problem with only being able to talk to you occasionally; he either felt rejuvenated or shitty after the call ended. This time he felt extra shitty as he remembered what you had told him about Josh.  Bradley did not appreciate that Josh was constantly offering to stay late with you. That was basically guy code for 'trying to get into your pants'. Who the hell did that guy think he was? Sitting there at your laptop when you stood up? He even looked smug to Bradley.  All Bradley could hope for was that you were talking about him so frequently, nobody would even think to make a move on you. ----------------------------------------- When you returned to the lab with a smile on your lips, Josh pulled your chair out for you.  "Thanks," you murmured, and you watched him tapping away on your keyboard.  "Who was it that called you?" Josh asked, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. "My boyfriend, Bradley. He's deployed right now," you told him, checking his lines of code as he went.  "Oh yeah? He's a sailor? How long is his deployment?" "He's an aviator. It's an eight week deployment," you said, writing something down in your notebook to make sure you fixed a line later. "That's a long time. Those guys have terrible deployment reputations," he said, keeping his eyes on the screen.  "Nah, he's a good one." But you thought briefly how much easier it would be to date someone like Josh. Someone who wasn't constantly deployed and breaking your heart in the process. "Hmm, my wife would lose her mind if I was deployed for that long. Good for you." "You're married?" you asked, not sure why on earth you were still engaging in personal conversation with him.  "Yeah, her name is Chelsea. We got married last year. You'd probably get along well with her. She's really bored hanging out in our apartment all day. Maybe you'd want to meet her?" You suddenly felt much better about spending extra hours with Josh. If he was married, there was no way he was actually flirting with you. "Yeah, I'd love to meet her." He turned and smiled at you. "Great. I'll set something up." ------------------------------------------- Bradley was in sushi heaven. A conveyor belt was literally delivering delectable pieces of everything he could ever want to eat right to him. He already loved Osaka, Japan, and he was definitely bringing you back here with him someday.  "Haven't you had enough?" Nat asked from the stool next to his. "You've eaten so much, people are looking at us!" "No, Nat, I have not had enough. This shit is authentic and delicious. Grab that spicy tuna when it comes back around, would ya?" He was rolling some sashimi around in soy sauce with his chopsticks when he heard her ask for the bill. "Hey, I'm not done!" "Hurry up. It's almost 8 pm in San Diego. Aren't you supposed to be calling your girlfriend?" "Oh, shit. It got late." "Yeah, that's what happens when you spend an hour and a half eating lunch, Rooster."  So they hustled out of the restaurant and found a quiet park bench where Bradley could call you using wifi. But the call was taking forever to connect.  "She should be home. She told me she would be." His mind automatically flashed to you staying late in your lab with Josh. You'd been doing that a lot lately, according to your emails.  "Just give her a second," Nat said, and then you answered. You were in bed wearing your glasses and reading, and Tramp was next to you. And Bradley audibly let out a sigh of relief.  "Bradley! We miss you!" you said, aiming the phone down at Tramp, and Bradley got a good eyeful of your legs. You were wearing his tee shirt and your underwear, and now Bradley was almost salivating. "Tramp, buddy. I miss you," he said, and the dog perked right up. "I miss your mommy, too." "How's Japan?" "I love it here. You thought I couldn't eat my body weight in sushi, and you were wrong. Here, talk to Nat." "Oh my God, he's a nightmare," Nat told you once she had taken the phone from his hand. "I don't know how you deal with him on a daily basis." Bradley heard you cracking up. "It's not easy. He eats so much food!" Bradley rolled his eyes as Nat told you in detail how much he ate for lunch and how embarrassed she was when she got the detailed bill. "It said we ate a combined 57 pieces of sushi. I only had a dozen!" "I'm not even surprised," you responded. "How are you, Nat? I miss you both. The Hard Deck is boring without you there!" "We're fine. Flying a mission the day after tomorrow. Of course it's boring there without me. You're probably stuck playing darts with Jake. And I gotta tell you, Bradley is a bit of a mess without you. He likes to ramble on about you when we eat lunch together." Bradley took his phone back from his friend. "She already knows how pitiful I am over her, Nat. Don't you, Baby Girl?" he asked, looking at your face again. "I'm going to take a walk over there," Nat said, giving Bradley some privacy. "You're not pitiful, Roo. It's endearing and maybe just a tiny bit pathetic, but never pitiful." "Thanks, Sweetheart. I appreciate that. You home for the night? Not going back out?" "I'm dressed for bed! Where would I be going this late?" you asked, and Bradley watched Tramp stretch up and lick your cheek. God, he was so jealous of that animal.  "Just checking. You've been spending a lot of time at work." He added with Josh in his mind.  And then he had to listen to you confirm what he had been thinking. "Yeah, I stayed a bit late today, but only until Chelsea called Josh and told him she had dinner ready. I'll probably stay late again tomorrow. The coding goes so much faster with two people." This man did not sound to Bradley like someone who was married. Hell, Bradley wasn't even married to you yet, and he was home as promptly after work as was humanly possible so he could spend his time with you. "Do Reggie and Sonya ever stay late?" he asked, getting mad at himself for feeling the way he did. "Not yet, but when we reach the next interface, it's more Sonya's specialty, so maybe then she will. But I don't want to talk about work, Roo." "What do you want to talk about, Baby Girl?" "I don't really want to talk at all." Bradley's brow scrunched up as he was about to question what that meant, but he watched as you set Tramp down on the floor, and then you started pulling his oversized shirt up and over your belly. A second later he was staring at your breasts, and a second after that, the shirt was gone completely. "Oh, shit!" He started longingly as you propped your phone up and knelt in front of it. "I would rather watch you while I touch myself. I think this is the only way I'll be able to get any relief." Bradley watched with bated breath as you ran your fingers along your beautiful tits before letting one hand drift down into the front of your lacy thong. He knew that underwear by heart, had taken it off of you so many times. "Baby Girl, you're giving me a boner on a park bench in a foreign country. Holy shit, you are so fucking sexy." Bradley glanced around, found that nobody was too close to him, and spotted Nat sitting over by the fountain.  He gave you his full attention. You used your free hand to yank your underwear down, and now Bradley was able to see you working your fingers around your clit. "Keep talking, Roo. God, I love your voice so much." He took a deep breath. "I keep thinking about the first time I saw you in that underwear. You wore those to the barracks on Halloween when you were dressed in that little Tinker Bell costume." You bit your lip and slipped your fingers inside while Bradley gaped at you. "I was also wearing them when you fingered me next to the Bronco the evening after the Padres game. You just didn't get a chance to see them that time." You tipped your head back and your breathing was getting heavier. "Fuck! Y/N. I need you to come. I need to watch you come while you're riding your own fingers and talking to me." So you looked back at him, pumped your fingers harder and harder as your thumb moved to your clit.  "Come on, Baby Girl. I want to hear you moaning. I want to see that pretty face all flushed." "Bradley!" you moaned as you came, and he was so familiar with the noises you made, he was actually panting now. "Roo! Oh!" He watched as you grabbed your phone and collapsed back against the pillows, your tits bouncing beautifully as you did so. "Thanks, Sexy. I needed that," you said as you giggled and licked your fingers clean. "Fuck it. I'm heading to the airport and flying home." You giggled more and he smiled at you. "You feel better now?" "Yes. Much." "Good for you, Sweetheart. Now I'm going to have to deal with some blue balls, but it was definitely worth it to see that show."
Well, this deployment feels different than the last one.
Part 9
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Ji Ho's Therapy Game It starts -> here
It's a two day ride to the east from the Castle to Goldshire and the Princess took her time to get to know her future subjects. The Royals need the good publicity after the righful Heir had to leave. And the folks liked her a lot. Like Ji Ho in real life, the mermaid princess radiates sunshine and gives everyone around her the feeling of being welcomed and accepted and loved. It just feels so good to be near her. The word had spread that Princess Jihovere would visit Goldshire and so the Mayor and the dwellers already awaited her eagerly. (Well not exactly everyone, given Martha's face ^^' Is she jealous?)
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Vendor: "The Princess is here!" Stefan: "She's even more beautiful than on Social Bunny!" Sara: "Aouwww I love her outfit! I bet the Queen chose it!" Mayor: "Welcome your Highness! We are delightfully at your service!" Martha: "Tch!"
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After they greeted each other, the Princess showed the photo of the statue around and asked if anyone had seen this man. She didn't tell them who he was, though, to not turn them against her (should they still believe the hate posts about the reightful Heir's descent are justified) and to not start unnecessary rumors about her supposed marriage with Prince Caleb. One step at a time. The Mayor told the Princess that, a while ago, a handsome stranger visited Goldshire who looked alike the statue. He had no money and made a secret about his status so they quickly sent him westwards to the Castle so the Queen could verify his status. Mayor: "I hope he didn't cause any trouble at court? We would be devastated if." Princess Jihovere: "No. Not at all. He is a dear friend who went missing." Mayor: "Oh. We should have treated him better then. I apologize. To be honest, he acted like a criminal and he insisted to work for the sculptor! No one works for the sculptor." Princess Jihovere: "Don't worry. You did nothing wrong." And since Vlad found his ingame version molded in stone, they still need to know what happened to NPC Vlad after Vlad left Goldhire and logged out - so she also asked about him, but everyone claimed there hadn't been another stranger around lately... weird.
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Meanwhile Stefan cared for Yang Mal. Which is also weird, the Princess expected Lou to. But he wasn't around and his shop was closed...
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The dwellers prepared their most famous vegan dishes for the Princess and they had a delicious meal together. Sara interrogated Princess Jihovere about the latest fashion trends at Court. Gia laughed: "Let her breathe ^^' " But the Princess didn't mind. (Martha in the background still sulking ^^')
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When the Princess asked about Jack, the mood turned gloomy. Everyone here likes him and they hope he will return back to Lou soon. They are so sweet together 💞 But no one had a clue why Jack ran away.
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Suddenly an upset rooster interrupted them and shooed them loudly cackling over to the Sculptor's shop.
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Where the bat was! But the shop was closed too and Sara told Princess Jihovere that the Sculptor left Goldshire to visit his partner in Bacalao Bay. She also spilled that many here think the Sculptor is acting suspicious. He is a witcher and it is said he keeps company with the underworld - demons and stuff. Hence anyone in their right mind refuses to model for him ö.Ö'
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Sara sent the route to Bacalao Bay to the Princess' phone. It isn't far away.
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It wasn't that late and Princess Jihovere said goodbye to reach Bacalao Bay before dusk. It sounds too promising to lose any more time! Maybe the sculptor knows how to find the demon that stole Jack's heart! After the Princess left, the village folk met in the pub to discuss the Royal Visit. (No photo of Martha and the Princess ^^')
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They posted their selfies with the Princess on Social Bunny and got lots of likes and reblogs for their sweet pics🐇👑💖 And (almost) everyone agreed that the kind and beautiful Princess was the, by far, best choice to marry their future King. (Whoever it may be o.o)
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And the radio in the Lion's Pride Inn was playing:
'When I'm lonely, well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you And when I'm dreamin', well, I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you When I go out, well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you And when I come home, yes, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you I'm gonna be the man who's comin' home with you But I would walk five hundred miles And I would walk five hundred more Just to be the man who walked a thousand Miles to fall down at your door'
Let's hope the Princess comes home with her King 💕
I'm gonna be (500 miles) - The Proclaimers What a coincidence, again a MV with Johnny Depp. This song was the title track of 'Benny and Joon' in which he played Sam. (This is also the song that played in a loop in Marshall Eriksen's car in How I Met Your Mother. And: the song that played in a loop in Rita's truck when the Boys went on their first weekend trip to Henford! ^^')
The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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alexagirlie · 1 month
Sasnak City The Kingdom Convention - Day 3
(Link to Day 1) (Link to Day 2)
The final day! This day was a catch up day to make up any missed autographs and photos that didn't get done the first two days.
My group had a ton of photos to make up but we did hit a bit of a snag.
Our first photo of the day went great, a group photo with all four of us along with Mark and Arnas. Arnas once again coming up with the sword pose idea.
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However after this photo my friend, who has a medical condition, partially collapsed and had to be brought back to her seat and had to sit out the rest of the photo op session.
(I really applaud the staff at this event for doing everything they could to make sure she was ok but she did end up having to have her own make up session later in the day and sat the rest of this one out.)
I got my last two photos done, one with Arnas and another one with both the boys.
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I got to hug Arnas (my life is complete) and they both said good bye to my friend on their way out to lunch.
I also want to give a huge shout out to Rod Hallet (Constantine), after he was finished with his own photos for the day he came and sat with my friend and chatted with her for a bit while the rest of us got our photos done. He had opened his gift bag from the group and had read the poem my friend had write for him and he really like it. (She did one for all the cast, done in anglo saxon style, plus did a version translated in to old english as well). He was very very sweet.
After the photo op session was over it was time for lunch and then we got our autographs from Ryan. He was also very sweet and asked if my friend was feeling better and helped her to a chair while i got my print signed.
After that my friend and I had our meet and greet with Mark.
The man was late. He spent his lunch hour doing some sort of virtual tour thing and then at the last minute decided to eat. He still had half a cookie when he showed up 🤣
We got lots of good info during the meet and greet, including insider info on a new project he is writing that he would like to make one day. A super, super dark comedy.
I also asked about any ad lib that made it in to the show and he told us they did so much! The line about eating too much cabbage in season 5 was aaaalll him :D
We did our selfies.
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Then they decided to save time by finishing his meet and greet with autographs in the same room and my friend had a ton of stuff so I was her gopher. Carrying things, running back and forth etc...
We ended up having to boogy back to the photo op room so my friend could get the last of her photo ops (Arnas helped her to and from her chair, dude took pretty much her whole weight and she is as tall as he is). I definitely got my steps in! She also got the last of her autographs from Arnas and Eliza and we had a little bit more time to chat with them.
They really are so, so very amazing.
The convention ended with everyone back in the main hall and watching 2 more short films!
There was 1 film, called Man Made, which featured Cavan and Harry, plaging a father and son and was a little heartbreaking.
The second film was written by Amelia and starred our very own Stiorra(Ruby)! It is called Oh Rats! and it was so amazing, and weird and creepy and i really, really loved it.
The final event concluded with a surprise as well....
This is not the end.
There will be a 2025 event! (Your welcome, my friend and I suggested a 5 year reuinion to the organizer and she took it to heart!)
The actual reason was because a sword she had the cast signed to be auctioned for charity was missing the shield plate (it has since been found) and she didnt want it to go to waste.
So 2025 The Kingdom is a go! It will be open to previous attendees first, and I am already brainstorming how to start saving money for wheb the dates are announced! (I'm opening commissions soon if anyone is interested!)
Ps. Mark is meeting up with Alex in Italy and will put a good word in! So. Maybe an Uhtred appearance next year???
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krispycreamcake · 27 days
woah your matchups are so detailed ! 🩷 can i request one if that is okay? idk if this info will be okay but, here goes nothing: i'm 5'1 and v petite, w messy hair cut in a wolfcut. i have so much duality, both in personality and in my style: i can go from happy and sweet to ruthless and cold af in seconds so much that sometimes idk which of the two is the real me... i'm also v good at acting, lying and pretending. my style varies between emo and cutesy haha. i'm shy but i'm also a gremlin w the ppl i trust and can act v silly. i have v bad trust issues, i really can't trust anyone. i have anger issues too... my hobbies include writing, playing romance games and watching anime. i love rock music and visual kei too. i would love to learn how to play an instrument or learn to sing one day... my friends say i'm sweet and in general i'm cheerful around them ! i hide my feelings and struggle w them alone often, esp when i have anxiety.
my love language is gift giving. bc i'm not v smart and even if i have good intentions what i say might have the wrong effect i prefer comforting my friends making playlists for them or writing them a fic to cheer them up. i know if they lived near me i would always be buying little gifts for them haha but at the same time i'm super shy when it comes to accepting gifts bc i don't think i deserve them...
i'm also v romantic and daydream a lot, especially abt my yumeships. i can be cheeky and a quirk of mine is i tend to wink when taking selfies a lot > /// < i also obviously love vampires 🦇
idk if this info is okay... i'm sorry if i did this wrong and absolutely no pressure to answer ! thank you so so much either way ♡
From author: From what I've gathered, it looks like what you need is someone to spend quality time with.
Your need for that romance aspect in your life tells me that you're very open to relationships and would welcome one if it came your way. But you do need to be wary and try not to rush things as it may affect how much of you the boys could take.
Since you prefer staying home, I can decipher that you're not necessarily a very socially active person but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy building friendships since it's clear to me you care about your friends abundantly.
Because you deal with anxiety and emotions, this can show me that you may prefer to keep them locked away or even push them aside to forget about. I wanna hone in on this a bit because as we know all of the brothers have problems dealing with inner conflict and you not being able to navigate through your OWN ones would help better point to who you would work best with.
Because of your generally kind nature and ability to comfort people without necessarily using your words, this tells me that despite being faced with emotional obstacles from those around you, you still find it possible to respond in appropriate manners without the need to verbalize your care for someone.
And now that we've assessed you, your best match would be 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Azusa Mukami
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Continue reading for more info
Azusa is someone that's known to be passive and soft spoken. His docile nature has lead him astray in the past and because of this, he needs someone that won't take advantage of him while also keeping him on his toes.
Because of your clashing tendencies of being kind and being assertive, this keeps him interested. Azusa would be exactly what you need when looking for a romantic partner seeing as he's always selfless and would constantly think of your needs first.
Azusa doesn't need to go out all the time and have fancy dates planned, he'd be perfectly comfortable just laying next to you while you scroll on social media or even listen to some Malice Mizer. As a matter of fact, he quite enjoys that band and loves it when you do decide to put on some music.
Because of your ability to navigate through emotional conflicts by showing remorse or even gratitude towards someone by giving them a gift, this shows Azusa that you care about him and that you're putting effort into the relationship. This would then have a domino effect of him learning to open up more and in return, making you be able to open up towards him.
He'd fully support your creative side and would encourage you to learn a new instrument and even sing. He'd be your biggest supporter no matter what you do.
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vicsy · 18 days
currently sitting in Baku airport and letting the past weekend sink in. wanted to share with you my many notes and emotions ♥️
Azerbaijan GP in general:
- in my opinion, perfect place to kind of get introduced to going to actual races. I met many people who’s first gp was this one.
- great organization overall. probably the only downside is the amount of walking you have to do because of street closures.
- price range is rather compared to the seats/options they offer is pretty good actually! especially if you book in advance. they also release GA tickets about a week or so before the gp, so anyone could enter the fanzone without having a grandstand seat. although there aren’t many places you could see the track from but there were many screens around!
- Baku is a rather small city, not too complex to navigate. I really liked it tbh.
- merch prices felt illegal but what else is new? they accepted catch (local currency) and any and all credit cards.
- volunteers were really fun to hang around with! I made friends with a couple of them for next year.
- the entire area was huge and had so much to offer for adults and kids alike. many options for food and drink.
- +30 degrees Celsius was a bit harsh but I’m good at surviving heat. you definitely get an extra tan on the grandstands ahahahah
- to me Daniel was taller than many people say he actually is. and broader? very solid. very beautiful. very…. beautiful….
- Charles up close was like a deer from a magical forest. very nice. was seen sprinting to the hotel on Sunday cause I think he was running late.
- Fernando did not approach us but I felt his aura even from a distance. he’s also very square and small but stocky. and super handsome.
- Liam smelled nice when he stopped to take a selfie with a couple of us standing at the gates on Sunday.
- Carlos was very present, signed a lot of stuff to so many fans, sometimes had his dissociating face while doing so. also smelled very nice. his hairy arms….. I shall not speak.
- Alex was a sweetheart <3 tall and smiley. very welcoming even if some people tried to swarm him. very friend shaped.
- I will protect Jack Doohan with my entire life, he’s so sweet and shy. will kill and maim for him. he’s also really tall but somehow tiny. saw him in his biking gear that left nothing to imagination.
- also saw Valtteri biking in his lycra (?) suit, 10/10 ass right in front of my face.
- also saw James Vowles exiting the paddock. he got swarmed by so many kids asking for his autograph, it felt like he was there to sign them to Williams. which is ironic.
- Jonathan Wheatley was in his phone while going out, wheeling out his little suitcase. I looked at him longingly. silver fox indeed.
emotionally it felt… like nothing else. I’m very keen on preserving the child-like wonderment inside of me and seeing F1 cars on track live for the first time reignited that unadulterated happiness that many of us are constantly chasing. it may not have been the best outcome of the race but I understand the appeal of watching a gp in person. it truly feels differently and, to each their own, somehow it’s better than just watching on screen.
the entire ordeal with getting to the fanzone stage first was worth it. and getting a card signed by Yuki and Daniel + Aston Martin posting me twice on main is just proof of that ahaha but honestly. great way to see the drivers up close for the first time. they felt so real.
Monday felt weird because I got used to only wearing f1 merch and constantly sprinting to get myself places. the comedown from such high intensity emotion even knocked a couple of tears out of me (allegedly). I definitely want to try and attend races more often now.
to be very honest with you, I wasn’t done being happy. and I really want to go back to the beginning. but we go on. so vicsy gp is signing off (for now). hopefully not for too long!
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harlowtales · 9 months
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Y/N has a chance meeting with Jack and his friends and it’s just the beginning
18+ Adult Themes | Romance
You were in Kentucky on business when a well dressed big and tall man with dreadlocks approached you as you were looking at the menu at Ceviche, a high end restaurant and favourite spot to Jack Harlow and his crew The Homies.
“You always be looking so fine all alone?” The man asked
“Who wants to know?” You countered coyly. He sure had some nerve coming up to you and you kind of liked it.
“Name’s Quiiso. You can call me Quiis if you want.” He said extending his hand for you to introduce yourself.
“Y/N” you said sizing him up as he took a little too long to release your hand.
“You obviously from out of town because you have a different look about you. He said in the local smooth southern drawl.
“I am not from here you are correct Mr. Quiiso.” You said formally and took a sip of your margarita
“Margarita’s at lunch? Where’s the after party?” He asked “May I sit?”
“Quiiso, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but…” You started to explain but he cut you off as he felt rejected.
“Say less. Have a nice day.” He said and excused himself from your presence. All the Homies came in and they grabbed a booth in the back of the restaurant. You recognized all of them and knew exactly who he was. In playing it cool, you were concerned you had turned him off. You went to the bathroom to practice what you were going to say to fix the situation and the bad impression you left.
When you walked back to your table Jack Harlow was sitting in your spot. You froze.
“You can’t give my man a chance?” He asked as he relaxed in your chair.
“Um…my gosh. THE Jack Harlow?” You said after your mouth stopped hanging open.
“I am him.” He said with a grin as if he were some god.
“I came off rude, I was just shocked is all.” You explained. “Tell Quiiso I’m sorry.”
“I ain’t nobody’s messenger pigeon. Tell him yourself. We’re in the back booth.” And with that he went back to his crew.
You stood there for a moment gathering courage and walked up to a booth of about 10 guys just staring at you. This could go horribly wrong. “Hi Quiiso…I…I didn’t mean you couldn’t sit with me. I just..I…you’re welcome to come and chat for a bit at my table is what I mean. Only if you want to, and I would understand if you didn’t…but you can.” You were nervous and fumbling your words but it worked. It worked on everyone. They all looked at Quiiso.
“I have a better Idea” Jack said “We got room for one more right fellas?” They all nodded yes “Grab your plate and come on over.”
“Ok sure!” You said happily. All the awkwardness left you as they all seemed friendly. You returned to their table and sat next to Quiiso. He smelled amazing and was dressed in a shirt and tie.
“What’s the occasion? Everyone all dressed up?” You asked
“Celebrating a win that’s all.” Quiiso said “My project just dropped and doing numbers so I felt like celebrating. Did you listen to it?” He asked you
“What Lemon Peel? Um YES.” You answered with just the right amount of attitude and the table went nuts.
“Ohhhhh shit! She’s a real one!!” They said as they erupted in cheers for you. It was embarrassing but sweet.
You had the best time with them chatting taking selfies. Your friends were not going to believe this!
“Listen Y/N” Urban said “We’re having a game night at Jack’s place you should come by.”
“I’m alone in town I don’t think so but thanks for the invite.” You politely declined.
“We don’t bite. We get out old fashioned board games and just have fun. Other girls will be there too if that’s what you’re worried about.” Shane said
“Oh well that sounds like fun actually!” You said as he convinced you. As you were a few margaritas in you accepted the invitation a bit too loudly. A few of them tried to hide chuckling.
“Man good one Quiis baby. She’s cute. Real cute.” Jack said patting his friend on the back as you were due at other meetings for work and excused yourself.
“Yeah man you want help with that?” Urban asked
“Maybe” Quiiso said with a slight grin “Let the games begin fellas”. He watched your ass in your skirt as you walked away.
@okaaay-mice @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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taehyungfirst · 1 month
Real talk. We all know that none of those boys has ever been unattractive. "I wish I was attractive". Come on now JM. "I don't look good on camera". Sir, what?! But not my main man Tae. Because it would have been preposterous for him to be like "yeah me too, my face is def not good either". First off, he knows better and we love a quiet confident king. Also, because if, for some inexplicable reason, those uber pretty boys think they aren't attractive -- having your globally recognized handsome bud chime in (whether to join in or try and convince them otherwise) doesn't help matters. (If you feel chubby, whether you are or aren't, having your much skinnier friend say anything to you is annoying at best.) Even if they don't really think that, he did such a nice, simple job pivoting the negative talk. He moved them to a topic they can all agree on -- Jin is handsome. Or giving them his glasses and hat.
And it's just another glimpse into Tae's personality, specifically the emotional maturity and situational awareness. And it says something that he's famous and talented and next level beautiful but the feedback we more consistently get is how warm and generous and welcoming he is. And why he's such a good friend and why people feel so drawn to him.
Absolutely yes! Just wanna add that even tho he is recognized as the most handsome man in the whole world and his face was probably sculpted by the gods and kissed by the fairies, he also got insecurities. Which is normal, we are all humans.
Some time ago he wouldn’t take one selfie because he didn’t like his face, can you believe it? He developed more confidence during the years and I am very happy about it, reminds me of when Hobi (was it Hobi?) asked him if he got his makeup done and he just replied “I don’t need it”.
Regarding his emotional maturity I completely agree, I have always talked about how I think he’s the member with the most EQ.
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katasstrophy · 1 year
Hear me out hear me outtttt!!
That Isagi fic where he won’t take off the bracelet reader made him but instead it’s Shidou and he refuses to take off the dog collar you bought him.✋🏼
Bonus points if reader is fucked up and calls Shidou, this feral ass dog, “puppy” or some cute shit like that. He will NOT be taking off that collar, no sir. And I think he would try and physically fight the refs if they even tried him. 😭
(the isagi fic in question) nonnie i am hearing you loud and clear this is GOLDEN lmfao. welcome to the sequel, “god, not this feral fucking ass dog again” i am actually about to lose it.
you bet your ass reader got him an actual dog collar too. didn’t have a smidge of consideration in them to drop a pretty penny on some cushy chocker at the sex shop — just sauntered into the pet shop on a regular tuesday and brought home the first pink dog collar they found. 
the cashier probably very innocently initiated small talk like “aw, what kind of breed are you buying for?” and reader just scoffed and casually dropped the nuclear bomb that “my boyfriend who needs to be put in his place.” they didn’t ask a single question for the rest of the day pls someone lock those two up 😭
shidou is, of course, expectedly elated about what was supposed to be a gag gift you’d strap on his neck real tight for a night of animalistic sex then shove in a drawer until the next time he decided to cross a line with you. gets all pouty like “sweet cheeks, did you forget the leash? how’ya supposed to take me on walks now, ah?” he is. sooooo messed up. you lovingly and messily stitch the words he bites <3 with hot pink yarn into the collar just to really sell the thing and shidou literally refuses to take it off anywhere he goes. he shows up to a promotional shoot with the collar on. runs errands for you while scandalising all of tokyo. posts a selfie with it on his socials with the captions ain’t no better engagement ring than this
so, inevitably, when football season rolls around again, everybody has to deal with the fact that shidou ryusei will not take off the pink dog collar he still routinely wears during sex, no matter what bullshit reason is presented to him. when anri finally musters up the courage to gently confront him about it, the bastard just claims it would ruin your engagement (which hadn’t actually happened yet but shidou knows you’re too psycho for anyone else. he’s the only one that can handle you <3) and the collar doesn’t lie. he does bite. so the refs on the field don’t even dare to breathe near his direction. blue lock boyfriends: 2, poor refs who didn’t fucking ask for this: 0.
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
I'm feeling too euphoric and happy right now to form coherent thoughts so no meta, just all the vibes I took down while watching, just cleaned them up a bit!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, feel free to chime in with corrections 🙏
Pisaeng feels like he's holding Kawi back, huh?
I'm incredibly confused cause all I can find googling some of these lyrics is a 4 year old twitter clip of Krist singing these lines in a car, apparently he wrote it but it wasn't released at the time but I don't know if it ever did lol
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Because the word love / It begins with the word us But in the very end (you gave it to him/them) / Our love (covered) And this (thing) is your truth / (covered) The word us became him/them, right? / (covered)
I LOVE THE DIFFERENCE IN DELIVERY ("No, I'm free today") between the first time they switched to ผม (pom) / คุณ (khun) vs. this time when Pisaeng has obviously been using them for years and years so it doesn't feel new but so very normal
THIS TIME THERE'S NO PRONOUNS ถ้ากลัวก็จับมือกันไว้นะ = If (you're) scared then hold each other's hands
VS. THE FIRST TIME INTENTIONALLY HAVING THE NEW PRONOUNS ถ้าคุณกลัว จับมือผมไว้ = If you're scared, hold my hand/you can hold my hand
This episode completely reframes ep. 10:
it's clear that it was meant to be like this from the start, Pisaeng using the crystal ball was just as much predestined as Kawi using it!
ep. 10-12 have told one continuous arc and I'm in love with that
sidenote: now I finally get what Gawin meant when he said Krist stepped out of his comfort zone/did something daring (can't remember his wording tbh) but he was talking about the rides ofc!
Taking note here of how much more PDA there is and how they're getting comfortable with it (cheek kiss while taking a selfie, holding hands before getting on the roller coaster, holding hands after talking about being afraid of the future, holding hands at Pear's wedding)
"Don't you want tomorrow to come?" = coming to terms with having limited time in this world and with our loved ones and making the most of our time
The fact that Gawin's OST Unable plays when he's asked Kawi What if we didn't date :( followed closely, in the next part, by Pisaeng saying I love you to Kawi, please my hearttt
AND KAWI REPEATS IT BACK TO HIM AWUHCSGDYGCZY ถ้ากลัวก็จับมือกันไว้นะ If (you're) scared then hold each other's hands
Pisaeng and Kawi both said they wouldn't change anything about their future together but by choosing each other so much more enthusiastically and openly, they are making a change :)
it's still on my brain from earlier- the significance of the the sun and the color yellow associated with elder queer max imparting wisdom @telomeke
so sunroof down = the sunlight here standing for being openly queer, being out vs. Pisaeng earlier bringing up that he'd be fine hiding if it meant Kawi could attain fame and success as a singer
all the yellow! the light of the crystal ball, Kawi's hospital gown, the decoration for the surprise welcome home party, the warm sunlight at the beach at the end
The writing on Max's jacket 👀
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Time always leaves the (lesser? better?) people to the end, for like ? just like wind, disappearing ? while love is like water, (having? leaving?) ?
Handholding is their love language <3
What a beautiful ending to a beautiful series! It's definitely going into my favorites (pun absolutely intended)
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purpleprincessonfyre · 7 months
I've missed talking about my partner in Crime Solving on here so I'm gonna share the story of the one time @finlayholmes and I went on vacation and it turned out very badly. It is a long one but here's Part One for now. Enjoy!
Felton & Holmes: Murder in Paradise
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"I can't believe you agreed to this!"
"I can't believe I said 'yes'."
Muttered Finlay Holmes, already regretting everything. After being very gently told they should take a break by Francis the butler, Liane had taken it upon herself to plan a vacation for her and Fin. No cases, no trouble, no worries. Except for the fact he was taking Liane with him, there was really nothing to worry about. Which only narrowed it down minutely. As they stepped off the plane in LAX, Liane squealed, lowering her sunglasses, almost knocking Fin over with her large sunhat.
"Could you perhaps not be a walking road obstacle to your fellow passengers?"
"Hey you were the one who wanted to fly commercial instead of calling My-"
"Let me remind you that we do not need Mycroft to get around. We got here perfectly fine on our own."
"Alright. Now cmon, we gotta grab a cab so we can get to our hotel!"
"Why didn't we bring Francis?"
"Because he needs a vacation too. Now relax! I can tell you're kinda nervous and whatever but I've been to LA tons of times, there is nothing to fear. A little sun won't kill you!"
Fin glared at her for that. He had spent the whole flight lecturing her about skin cancer and the dangers of UVA and UVB. He lowered his own sunglasses to emphasise his point. Liane rolled her eyes.
"Stop that. Okay so it could kill you but like if you're protected and yknow you don't just wallow in it then it can do you good! Vitamin D, freckles, and it helps keep acne at bay."
"Which magazine told you that?"
"Finny! We just got here, just trust me for once." She said, holding out her hand to him, inviting him to join her. Reluctantly, he took her hand in his and a grin spread across her face and she pulled him through the airport excitedly, heading for the luggage carousel and picked up their bags. Liane's luggage came off the conveyor, all in white and gold with embossed lettering on the side. Meanwhile Fin pulled a dark duffel bag off the conveyor and tightened the straps of his rucksack as they headed for the taxi rank.
"Why did you bring so much stuff?"
"My luggage, my choice. There better be smart clothes in there if we go for dinner."
"There's A smart outfit in there."
"Good enough for me. TAXI!" Liane yelled, waving down a large cab as Fin clenched his ears.
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Liane flopped down on her bed, sighing happily. She'd finally dragged Fin to the sunshine state. It felt good to win. She waited patiently for him to emerge from the washroom as she'd instructed him to change out of his usual attire in favour of actually feeling the sun on his skin.
Liane had arrived dressed for the weather, wearing a soft cotton playsuit in lavender purple paired with gold strappy sandals, a white lace cover up over the top paired with her enormous sunhat and her signature pink heart-shaped sunglasses, her large beach bag slung over her shoulder stuffed with sunscreen, drinks, money, snacks, makeup and her selfie stick.
"Cmon, show me! I wanna go to the beach!"
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"Alright." Fin stepped out of the washroom dressed in black denim cut offs turned into long shorts, a faded ACDC tshirt, sneakers and had a grey bucket hat on his head. Liane squealed and hugged him tight, making him instantly regret everything and everyone. This was a common occurance for Fin, most often felt whilst with Liane, his trusty detective partner.
"You look great!"
"I don't love the hat."
"The hat stops your black-like-your-soul hair from burning. You. Are welcome."
"So, beach?"
"Beach! Venice beach to be precise."
"Can I bring a book?"
"Sure. But you are going in the sea at least once."
Fin grabbed a book from his book and also noticed Liane slipping a fantasy novel into her bag as well which made him smile. They left the hotel and headed towards the beach and set down towels on the sand to mark their territory. The sand was soft and golden meanwhile the skies were a bright blue, the skyline almost matching the sea as they approached the bay. Liane smiled, gazing around happily. Fin squinted in the sun and quickly set himself down on the sand by the rocks, leaning on the stone as he pulled out his book.
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Liane didn't hesitate she tugged off her outerwear, revealing a white bathing suit and ran into the sea to let the waves lap over her before taking a swim. Fin watched her for a while before starting to read his book, glad to see her enjoying herself before settling on the sand to read. He had to admit it was rather pretty here, a little noisy but he could easily tune that out.
After having swam in the sea for a while Liane came running back, her blonde hair in wet curls on her shoulders as she approached Fin.
"Finny! It's so good in there, it's warm but it's also refreshing? Just one dip, I promise I won't splash you."
"Promise. Cmon just get your feet wet! You won't melt."
Once again she was holding out her hand invitingly. There was something about that gesture that Fin just couldn't refuse. He sighed, putting down his book and followed her out to the sea, dipping his toes into the water. It was nice like she said but he wasn't going to admit that. She was smiling and that's all that mattered. As he waded in deeper he realised he was actually enjoying himself.
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"I told you!"
"Don't give me that, you like it! I knew it!"
"Alright fine. Yes I do."
"Yeeeee! This is amazing! I've finally got you to have fun my way!"
"Don't push it Felton, any splashing and I am out of here."
"I heard you the first time."
After they'd spent time in the water and Liane had resisted splashing Fin, they made their way back onto the sand laughing and having fun. Fin rarely let his guard down but now it was just him and Liane having fun together with no Sherlock, Watson or Mycroft he didn't feel that pressure to be serious and unfeeling.
As the sun started to lower in the sky and the tide was coming in, they packed up their things and headed back along the road towards the hotel, getting ice cream on the way. Fin offered to pay and bought them both soft serve in a cone to enjoy on the way back to the hotel, the sound of sirens coming from the distance.
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But as they got closer the sounds of sirens got louder and they saw the police cruisers parked outside the hotel. Fin dropped Liane's hand and started towards the hotel a bit faster, his crime sense tingling. Or at that's what Liane called it. Liane called after him, chasing him in her strappy sandals as they approached the front entrance and saw what all the fuss was about.
Fin saw a body splayed out in the lobby, a pool of blood around their head as they lay there limply. Liane finally caught up and Fin held out his arm to keep her back as she approached the crime scene. He was deep in thought. Liane gasped, covering her mouth as fellow guests gathered, muttering and gasping in shock as they saw the body.
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A woman cried out, running down the stairs to the body but was held back by police. Liane lowered her sunglasses, seeing the look in Fin's eyes. She could already see the gears turning in his mind as he examined the body. She had not planned for this scenario. But if you aren't the killer then you never really plan for a murder, do you?
"Looks like you got your wish after all, Holmes."
Thanks for reading!
Note: Finlay Holmes is an original character based on the BBC Sherlock series, the character belongs to @gcthvile. Liane Felton is also an original character that belongs to this blog and the creator @missstrawbs2001 who runs this blog. Do not steal these works or use their likenesses without permission.
Tagging: @jackiequick @gcthvile @cherrysft @blueboirick @meiramel @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @missstrawbs2001
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 6: The Setting Sun
Howdy y'all, it me Connor back after the final week of navigating around Nagoya!
This is going to be a mostly writing focused blog as I do not have a ton of photos as this week was cut short as I had a flight to catch back to the good ole US of A.
First up, I passed all my finals, I think.
I got a perfect score on my speaking section on the speaking section of my Japanese final and I passed the written portion. So yeah I'm basically fluent. Learning the language was definitely way tougher than I thought it would be, but it gave me confidence to at least try and continue learning it in the future.
In addition my engineering final presentation went so well that my group won overall best presentation. We won a set of diecast Honda NSXs which is a car I have fawned over in previous blogs. I was super happy with my research surrounding modern plastic alternatives used in dashboards and the real cost of fabric vs. leather car seats. This program has given me a refreshed sense of enthusiasm in regards to the automotive industry. I have experienced the industry in a way completely unique to Japan and have now seen aspects of automotive culture inaccessible anywhere else.
Sadly though the time has come for me to leave the country. I still have quite a sizable lab report I have yet to really dive into so my studies have yet to stop but I no longer will be able to experience the wonders of Japan. But here are the last couple photos of my shortened week.
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This is me standing in front of the Nagoya University sign (Holding up the classic UMich M, GO BLUE!). It is in front of the main yard where we often saw students throwing balls, sunbathing, and just generally having a good time.
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This selfie was taken on the way to the farewell party hosted by the NUSIP program. You can see most of my roommates pictured. These guys really made my time in Japan special and I cannot thank them enough. The farewell party was super sweet and everyone was super sad to leave.
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A photo of my room taken on the day of my departure. You all would not believe how long it took me to clean it up. It felt just like yesterday that I walked into this room exactly how I saw it leaving. I almost cried as I had my bags packed and was walking out the door.
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After a couple hours of traveling, and one too many trains, I took this photo at the airport right before going through security. Although I was smiling that was only because I took the wrong train and still made it to the airport on time. But oh boy did I have a massive journey ahead of me. My parents were worried sick because of the windows outage causing may flights to be cancelled. Luckily all of my planes arrived and I only suffered an hour delay.
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I landed at Boston Logan Airport quite late Friday night after almost 30 hours of traveling. The one thing I was looking forwards to coming back for was that my family was about to take a nice long beach vacation in Cape Cod. I was so happy to see them, and even better I got possibly the greatest welcome back breakfast in the world. Nothing could stop me from demolishing these biscuits and home fries topped with sausage gravy, because you could never find something that good in Japan.
Until next time, さようなら, また 来週
Connor Gilfillan
Mechanical Engineering
NUSIP Automotive Engineering in Nagoya, Japan
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coderedblood · 1 year
TW for mentions of abuse and sexual assault
Not that their criticism isn’t valid if fans complained (and I refuse to listen to Corny Cornette himself for a number of awful reasons, including allegations of sexual abuse, bodyshaming and thinking Kenny Omega is a fetishizing p*doph*le bc he wrestled, sold for and put over a 9 year old he helped train, and for Omega’s putting over of Japanese women, one of the most attacked groups in professional wrestling), but let’s recap this right quick. (I am aware I’ll be accused of bias here. I do not care.)
“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry is facing criticism and is in controversy for being rude and aloof in two separate places, a convention and a Q&A. One of these incidents led to fans losing money and there were no refunds. In a video (which I watched 🤮 it was painful and cringey but you’re welcome!) of his, Cornette presented emails of fans who had bad interactions with Perry. Breaking down these incidents, they are as follows:
A fan paid Perry for a selfie and voice note. Perry did not do the latter.
A fan asked if Perry was coming back to their region for any more indie bookings. Perry, in what was recounted as a “rude” tone of voice, said “I ain’t traveling back there anytime soon”. This could’ve been handled better. He could’ve gotten away with this if he said so with humor and saying he doesn’t know, but he didn’t. Plus, what’s wrong with the fan’s region? (Rude, Jack.)
A young fan asked Perry what wrestling match he would watch if he were about to die. Perry said if he knew he were about to die, he wouldn’t be watching wrestling, and the thought of doing so was depressing. On one hand, that fan is a child, and children are have rudimentary grasps of death. Of course they’ll be thinking about doing fun things if life is gonna end. On the other, Perry is 25 going on 26. He is a young man and he responded in a pretty young person fashion. (Ive asked my older brother similar questions and he’s responded similarly to Perry.) Plus he also lost his father at a young age, and he was probably remembering what his dad was doing as he was dying. Here, it’s unpopular, but I don’t think either party was in the wrong.
In the now infamous Q&A, Perry was asked by another young fan about who he seeks advice from in the locker room. Perry said he only seeks advice from people who have a similar style to him, like his ex partner of some years Luchasaurus/Austin Matelson, and he doesn’t listen to “guys like Billy Gunn”. On one hand, yes, his dismissal of Billy Gunn is rude. Billy Gunn has been in the industry for longer than Perry has been alive, and the fact that Gunn will be 60 this year and still looks amazing and puts on cool matches, that is noteworthy and worth listening to. On the other hand, lucha libre has a lot of equally long-lived wrestlers (like Rey Mysterio, who’s been wrestling since he was 15!) and since Jack Perry is from California, a state with a significant Mexican population, there is some noticeable lucha libre influence in his wrestling style. Perry probably gets a lot of advice from lucha libre wrestlers. There are multiple ways of having a long career. So here, I think Perry was rude towards Billy Gunn, but ultimately neither he nor the fan were wrong.
Another young fan (what’s it with you and kids, Jack?) asked Perry for advice on becoming a wrestler. Perry said “just don’t do it”. Rude? Yes, especially to a child. However, this was a little concerning to me, especially with the way it was delivered. Perry seems to be growing disillusioned with the business he’s been training in since he was a 9-10 year old child, especially with his stagnating character. (I love the Jungle Boy gimmick but it’s time for a change.) This sounds like a tired young man. (I heard my older brother in him here too, I gotta check on my older brother again.) Rude, yes, but he seems unhappy. He needs to talk to his bosses and see how there can be changes.
Perry responded on Twitter with how much he loves meeting fans, told people to “take a walk, get laid, or hit a Canadian Destroyer”. He did not apologize. He is under a lot of criticism for these actions that have transpired, and people are either cancelling him or they are calling for a heel turn. Either way, he is the least popular Pillar atm.
Let’s now take a look at the other 3 Pillars.
MJF legitimately no-showed a fan fest last year, ostensibly over a pay dispute. This I don’t fault him for. He also could have had mental health issues or health problems or a family emergency in addition to the pay dispute, but until the autobiography comes out in 2046 we’ll never know. (This is terrible, but even with MJF’s skill in the ring, I do wonder if he was made AEW World Champion partially to keep him in the company.) A kindly user named @syreina reminded me of an incident where he dumped alcohol on a child. (What the fuck Max?) IMO that’s more problematic than rudeness.
Sammy Guevara, a beacon of trouble. In 2020 it came to light that during a podcast, Guevara said he wanted to “r*pe Sasha Banks”. (First of all what the fuck Sammy?) This is completely not okay. AEW suspended him for the grand total of one month and donated his pay to a Florida women’s shelter. Then he was back on tv. (That’s why my mom and I laughed when he said he didn’t have any pushes or privilege. Yeah right Sammy.) In 2022, he caused a fight with Eddie Kingston (where Kingston legitimately struck him, not cool Eddie) over calling Kingston fat. He later attributed this incident to “being in character” which can be a bad thing. It’s a version of “I was just joking”. Hella rude, Sammy. This isn’t 1986, wrestlers come in and all shapes and sizes now. You don’t insult people’s body types. Then later that year he was involved in a legit fight with Andrade over the latter being too stiff, to which Andrade responded (summarized) that Guevara should be stiffer (that’s what she said 😂) Guevara then said Andrade should be grateful because all he is/was in AEW is a “jobber” and said the only reason he gets bookings is because of his father-in-law (Ric Flair). Andrade simply said he would see Guevara Wednesday, which indicated a storyline, but instead what happened was Andrade legitimately ambushed Guevara. Did Guevara deserve this? No, of course not, but he has a history of problematic interactions with other wrestlers and not getting punished for them. (One has to wonder how much Chris Jericho is protecting him.)
Now we come to the least problematic of the Four Pillars, Darby Allin. Right? WRONG! Of the four, Darby has received some truly heinous accusations. An ex and fellow wrestler named Hawlee Cromwell, has said he emotionally, physically and sexually abused her. In addition, he has gone on podcasts (like Chris Jericho’s) and gleefully told stories of abusing homeless people and addicts for money or fixes. (One horrific incident that apparently took place was he made a homeless person dr*nk vomit for $5. I don’t remember where it is, but this story is burned into my head. He also made a drug addict put his head in a filthy toilet for $100 and paid off a cop in two more incidents. Eww.) Yet Darby gets countless pushes and title reigns. People have been fired for far less than he’s been accused of. He’s sick and I hate him, and I hate talking about him. (My mom and I half-joke he’s related to Tony Khan if he’s being protected from consequences so much.)
What is the point of all this, you’re asking. (If you’re still here, if so, hi and thank you!)
The point is, I don’t excuse Jack Perry’s rude behavior. With that said, this seems to be a relatively new thing. I have heard a lot of fan interactions with Perry, and I’m not exaggerating when I say almost all of them were positive. (Except for the recent ones, which are still a small percentage.) It has also been alleged that Perry has severe anxiety and stomach problems. (I believe the anxiety bc as a GAD sufferer, I can recognize the traits - lack of eye contact or looking around a lot, fidgeting, speech patterns, discomfort in large crowds/being the center of attention, etc.) That still doesn’t excuse the rudeness, and he should take these incidents as opportunities to grow and develop into someone better. If he has these severe problems with his health then he needs to speak to his doctor and his bosses about solutions to help him be better. That said, I also do find it suspicious that notorious AEW detractor Jim Cornette is the one to bring these incidents to light, especially since he’s never really had a complimentary thing to say about Perry to begin with. (Cornette’s comments about Marko Stunt, one of Perry’s close friends and an inspiration to Perry, are horrible and I’d say he should be ashamed of himself but that man has no shame especially since he masterminded Smoky Mountain Wrestling.)
Also, of all the things to be cancelled for, I don’t think rudeness is one of those things as much as you shouldn’t be rude, especially when you’re coworkers with actual terrible person Darby Allin, professional shit-talker Sammy Guevara and guy-who-pours-alcohol-on-kids Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
TLDR: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry is under fire for recent rude behavior and some vocal members of the wrestling community are calling for his cancellation. Rude behavior especially towards kids isn’t okay but this seems to be a recent thing and was started by Jim Cornette (professional shit-stirrer). Perry should take this opportunity to apologize and get better, especially since he’s one of the pillars with Darby Allin who’s done far worse and is beloved, and Sammy Guevara, who can’t shut the fuck up.
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