#Does NOT look good in the middle of the night
rqnarok · 2 days
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summary: make up sex with old man!logan.
cws/tags: smut, mdni! oldman!logan. insecure!logan. petnames. logan calls reader ‘kid’. jealous!logan. daddy kink. oral (f receiving). not proofread. 
Logan can’t be ‘mad’ at you for more than a day. He just fucking can’t, alright?
He tried to keep his hands to his own as a protest of yesterday's quarrel. Logan still doesn’t know if it’s meant to be a punishment for you or himself. 
The older man does know that when he’s jealous, he’s doing it in a self-destructive way.
How he isolates himself and avoids you instead - because he knows that he doesn’t deserve you. A fucking hundred-year-old something who’s angry all the time, who’s aloof to the world, and who’s pining over someone as pretty and young as you. 
It fucking wound him too when he pretends nothing ever hurt him, that the way you laugh too loud at the guy’s jokes at the pub did not have any effect on him. That he had to pretend as if he’s not an insecure old man who just wants you all to himself by making things worse. 
“C’mon.” It’s all that Logan could force out as he skims through whatever he’s pretending to read, ignoring the way his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth in ferocity, “What’re you on, huh? Y’ve got no reason to throw a tantrum like this, kid.” 
He sees the moments when your gaze changes, hurt bleeding into the orb, “You’re mean, Logan.” It wounds him - but this kind of confrontation is all he’s ever known. 
Hell, he doesn’t even know why you decided to stay with him. He thought you’d leave in the middle of the night of the first month after figuring out how much of a failure of a man he is. 
So when he goes back from his tiring work and still sees your figure cooking dinner for him in the kitchen, he fucking loses it. His breath gets stuck in his lungs as he watches you stroll around with one of his henley shirts, humming softly the tunes of your favourite song. 
Maybe he’d use a different type of confrontation now—maybe he’d talk about his feelings more often. He’d do everything not to lose this sole sight: His pretty girl being so domestic that he can’t help but get so shamelessly hard.
The way he tried to gain composure and not to lose his coolness but fails miserably at the sight of his your shirt riding up to give him a good view of your perky ass as you reach something from the top cabinet. 
Logan takes you by surprise when he wraps his arms around you, nipping and kissing the soft skin below your ear—his way to say sorry - it’s all my fault.
“Will ya’ forgive your old man, sweet girl?”
He hates how he sounded so unconfident - so different from his younger self.
But when you lean your back onto his chest and shyly nod, his worries are buried. Logan hauls you up with a smile, the bone-cracking sound reminds him of his old age. He rumbles in laughter when you squeal in surprise before spreading your thighs apart on the kitchen counter, pulling your legs around his head so he can eat his dinner. 
His big nose drapes around your clothed pussy before groaning at the smell of you. Cursing himself from avoiding you yesterday when he could have had this. “Y’ve got such a pretty pussy, baby. ‘S mine, huh? My pussy.” He says as he takes off your panties.
The statement itself and the scratchy feel of his ragged beard made you arch your back from the rough surface, “A-ah, ‘s yours, Daddy.”
“Tha’s right.” Logan licks a stripe of your dampening pussy, deeply humming in delight when you let out a high-pitched whine and subconsciously locking your legs tighter to pull him closer. You trail your hands down and tug at his greying hair while he laps you up and fucks you with his tongue. Making you come undone in just a span of a short time.
Logan wipes his mouth and beard as he stands before you in quick breaths, looking at you all apologetically: I’msorry I’msorry I’msorry-
You’re teary-eyed, blinking up at him - whining for him to fuck you hard now - to make up his stupid faults. 
Stupid old man who thinks he’s not worthy of you.
 Logan groans as he tosses away his belt, holding the base of his cock as he teasingly drags the head on your wet folds, “Ssh. Let Daddy make it up t’ya, alright? Daddy’s gon’ give it to you now, baby.” 
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stxrslut · 3 days
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kinktober day 2 : incest / corruption — father!rafe x reader
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summary : nineteen years later, your father returns. you think it may be for a second chance at a family, to be loving and caring and the man that he never was. but you are oh so mistaken, and when you find out his true intentions, everything changes.
4.2k words. contains dark content. dddne.
content : father / daughter incest. I repeat, blatant incest. loss of virginity. unprotected incest sex. general eeriness. reader is compared to her mother. rafe thinks about reader when having sex with her mother. corruption.
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nineteen years ago, when you were one year old, your father had left. and last week, he had returned. 
it had been a late night, you were curled up on the couch watching a movie when he’d knocked on the door. upon answering you were met with a nasty smirk, one of the ones that creepy old men on public transport give. and it had all just played out perfectly from there. 
now he’s living with you. your mother had welcomed him with open arms, she’d told you she felt like her missing piece had finally returned. you don’t know how to feel. the way he speaks to your mother, the way he struts around the house, the way he looks at you. 
he’s strange around you, he doesn’t speak much but he stares. he watches your every move. he comes into your room every night before you go to sleep, not ashamed to be looking at your body under your silky nightdress. 
he’s been here for exactly one week, today being the seventh day, exactly enough time for you to know that your father is not a normal man. 
you’d heard all sorts of stories about him, he used to be the son of one of the richest guys on the island, his dad owned some big business that he then inherited under weird circumstances. there were also rumours. rumours of crime and murder and things you have no place knowing of. the only reason you do is because of the slippery mouths of middle aged women at the country club who had heard about it the moment it happened all those years ago.
you’re pottering about in the kitchen, preparing dinner for tonight as you’d wanted to give your mother a break.
you notice him lurking in the entrance. he’s watching you again. you’re suddenly aware of how low cut your top is and how loose your shorts are, and the fact that you’re not wearing a bra. he does that, he makes you notice. 
you ignore it, or do your best to. you’re sure that you may look suddenly uncomfortable. you hope he doesn’t notice, it seems to make him worse when he notices you’re uncomfortable. it’s sort of like he enjoys knowing that his presence can get even a minor physical reaction from you.
the room remains silent for a good ten minutes while you work and you think it might be okay. then you drop a plate, it smashes into pieces on the floor, the shards flying all over, making a mess that your shoeless feet ought not to be around.
you swear under your breath and crouch down to start picking them up. when you do your hand meets another. you look up to see his face, it’s like he appeared out of nowhere, even though you know he was just there by the door the whole time.
“dad..” you murmur. you’d started to call him that two days ago, not out of your own preference though, it’s just that you hadn’t anything else to call him. rafe seemed weird and what were any other possibilities, it had to be dad, he is your dad after all. though something about the name still feels icky and weird to you. 
“let me do it,” he murmurs, looking up at you with that hint of a smirk on his lips, “don’t want to cut yourself do you?”  he has a certain charm to him, the sort of charm you're sure a man isn't supposed to use on his own daughter.
you nod, a little taken aback. you move back to stand, “no— uh— thank you- thanks.” you go back over to the drawer to get another plate in place of the dropped one. 
“no problem sweetheart.” he smiles. sweetheart. he’s been calling you that since the first time he saw you and it makes you feel strange. it’s not like he says it in an affectionate way, no, it’s different, he says it in a possessive way almost, like he sees you as his, his sweetheart. you’re probably delusional. you’re probably just finding reasons to not like him because you can’t bring yourself to accept him after the way he’d abandoned you and your mother all those years ago.
you don’t speak after that, not sure how you’d even continue the conversation if you wanted to. it’s a weird silence, not like one of those comfortable ones no, it’s almost eerie the way he just watches you from where he’s still crouched on the ground, his movements of cleaning up the broken plate halted almost completely. 
you guess there's nothing you can do, bringing it up is sure not to help, so you just get back to work, hoping that eventually your focus on the task at hand will tune out the look and the feeling of discomfort it's inciting in you.
over the next few weeks you get to know him more, you become more relaxed around him, and you don’t notice, but he gets closer to you, weirdly closer. 
in a way you become strangely attached to him, like you miss him if he’s not there. maybe it’s just the yearning for a father figure reawakened inside you but you feel like it’s something else. 
the discomfort remains though, every time he hugs you or gives you one of his glances. 
the glances, that’s the one thing that hasn’t changed. he continues to look at you with little smirks and chuckles that make you question what is going on inside his head. 
there’s already suspicion out there that he’s seeing another woman, only just over a month after his return. you can see why your mother always used to talk badly of him, you can also see why she welcomed him home so easily. there’s a certain something about him, he can seem so vile and yet he’s so appealing, so easy to be around. 
rafe has been having many thoughts about the whole situation himself. 
he hadn’t come back for your mother, no, he’d come for you. he wanted to see how his daughter was growing, how you’d matured and what sort of personality you’d adopted. 
he also wondered how in your place you are, how well you’re going to live up to the Cameron name, how you’d handle the money and business upon inheriting it, at least until you get yourself a husband who can do it for you.
he’d much rather leave it all to a man, just let you stay in the kitchen and the house and be domestic, no matter what, that job would be much more up to your speed. 
there’s one other thing he wants to do. he wants to stake a claim on you. perform some sort of action that would really make you his. sure you’re his blood but there needs to be some sort of emotional connection too, something that would guarantee him control over you if he wanted it. him simply being your father won't do that.
he’d been working on making you trust him. over the days he’d been being kind, he bought you things and really valued your personal time together. really really personal time, time when you’re at your most vulnerable.
like at night when he comes to tuck you into your own bed, an action that you’d simply never experienced until these past few weeks arose. 
tonight he walks down the hallway to your door, not knocking before he pushes it open. 
you’re halfway through dressing, you let out a sharp inhale and pull up your nightdress to haphazardly cover your bare chest. “dad..” you look at him with wide eyes, slowly going over to sit on the bed and try to adjust yourself more. 
he follows you and sits too, looking down at your partially covered body. you look too, watching as his hand comes up to take the strap of your nightdress and pull it over your arm, letting the material slip and momentarily reveal your nipple. 
he doesn’t acknowledge it, just continues to replace your clothing until it’s secure. he looks back up to your face, “you’re welcome.” he murmurs, it’s nearly condescending, he knows you know what he wants you to say.
“thankyou.” you feel obliged to say it. you know what he’ll want to do next and so you begin to lay back on the bed, pulling the duvet over yourself. 
he smiles, like he’s proud of you for knowing what to do. he shuffles closer, adjusting your blanket and bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek, “goodnight, sweetheart.” he speaks lowly. 
“night dad.” you match his tone. he once again smiles and now, he does something new. he begins to lean down, invading your space even more than he had before in the past weeks.
he places a kiss on your forehead. then he sits back up and moves to leave the room just like normal. you watch him leave, watch him close the door, watch him walk away like what he just did was the norm.
is that going to become a regular thing? you can still feel the discomfort hot in your chest. it’s like sticky tar that you can’t peel away for the life of you. his eyes on your body are one thing, even his hands, but his lips, that just feels wrong.
rafe makes his way back to the master bedroom where your mother is waiting for him on the bed. the moment he gets inside he locks the door behind him and advances on her. 
as he fucks her he looks up, tones out the sounds she’s making and imagines that it’s you he’s doing this to. it makes the experience seem better. 
he imagines your pussy. it wouldn’t be like your mothers, no. it would be young, tight, possibly untouched by anyone. he makes the decision now that this is how he’s going to stake his claim. he’s going to fuck you. 
the next day you wake up late, with no responsibilities for the day you decide to take it easy. when you saunter downstairs he’s there in the kitchen brewing a coffee. you are completely oblivious to the sick and twisted plan he'd made last night. 
you join him, getting your own cup and placing it next to his, a silent request for him to fill it as well as his own. he obliges, passing you the ready drink once he’s done. he’d put just the right amount of milk and sugar in. he’d memorised how you like your coffee on the first day.
you murmur a thanks and you’re about to walk away but he stops you, placing a hand onto your shoulder. you turn back around to face him. 
“I want to give you something,” he smiles. god that smile, it’s so strange. so normal yet something is hiding behind the blankness in his eyes when he does it, you can't tell what though, and you don't particularly want to imagine.
“oh?” you reply, looking around briefly until you spot a neat looking gift box on the counter. you give him a look to inquire if that is indeed it and he nods, queuing you to open it there in front of him.
you take it and undo the ribbon slowly, then you take the lid off and pull out a white perfume box. it’s a sweet scent you read from the front, summary with hints of fruit, “thanks dad!” you beam up at him, you’re happy with this, it’s a nice gift. for a moment you forget that there could be any sort of malicious intent behind it.
“I want you to wear it,” he tells you, “when you get ready this morning you should put it on.” it’s hardly a suggestion, not by the way he says it no, no he is telling you to wear it. you have to wear it. 
it had been a carefully thought out thing. a gift to lighten you up and on his end something to make you seem more his own. the scent your mother used to wear when she was young, a blissful reminder of the innocence and pure love he once experienced. 
you have a thorough ritual when it comes to getting ready. breakfast, then shower, then dressed, hair and makeup, and finally whatever scent you’re to be wearing on the day. 
you dress comfortably, nowhere to be today. once everything is in place you carefully remove the bottle from its packaging. it’s a beautiful crystal thing, you love it from the look alone.
once you’ve sprayed it onto your body you love it even more. it truly is sweet, sweet like the flowers and dew on an early summer morning. you spend the rest of the day feeling refreshed. 
your father notices it, you can tell by the smirk he sends you upon you coming close enough for him to be able to sense the lovely smell. 
your mother is also a fan. she speaks about how she feels like she knows it, that it smells familiar and maybe she’d owned it at some point but she couldn’t for the life of her remember.  
you wear it for the next three days. and over the next three days you notice three things happen. 
first, he distances himself from your mother. he stops kissing her as much, stops sitting so close to her. he even sleeps on the couch one night after you hear raised voices. you were temporarily worried he'd run off again. you had found yourself making periodic trips downstairs to ‘fetch water’ in which you'd just so happen to manage to get a glimpse of him asleep.
second, he becomes closer to you. he spends more time in your bedroom at night and he lingers around wherever you are in the day, even outside of the house you notice him lurking nearby.
third, he becomes more comfortable. he kisses your cheeks and your forehead, he hugs you more, he buys you more gifts. 
maybe you sort of like him now. he’s creeped into your life and gained your trust, gained your daughterly love, however complicated that may be. 
rafe’s patience is beginning to run thin, he needs to get this over with. your mother had already noticed him being strange around you. it had started an argument, she hadn’t wanted him around you because she thinks he might corrupt you. that was the night he slept on the couch. 
after that he knew it was imperative to gain your attention, to make sure that you are fond enough of him and trusting enough that when he finally does execute his plan you won’t dare to tell anyone. 
he’s walking down the hallway to tuck you in like usual. he notices something though, a whimpering sound, a desperate little cry. 
it’s coming from your room. he slowly and quietly opens the door to be beholden with a sight he could only have ever hoped for. you’re on your bed, back facing the door meaning you don’t notice him enter. you’re grinding your bare pussy onto a pillow. 
you're squirming around all over, letting out desperate sounds of pleasure and desire. if he used his wishful thinking he's sure he could hear you cry out a small, ‘dad’. this is his perfect opportunity, catch you red handed and then help you commit the crime. he approaches you with confidence.
you’d never done this before, not once, it had never occurred to you to even try it. but you’d been so frustrated recently, and google had told you that mastrubating would help relieve that frustration. then you realised you had not a clue how to do it, so you had to google that too. not your proudest moment. 
you feel his hand on your shoulder first, you yelp in surprise and try to scramble to hide what you were doing even though you're sure it was painfully obvious.
“hey— shh.” he murmurs, “you’re doing it all wrong sweetheart.” his eyes are fixed on yours as he pulls your body back and adjusts the pillow's position between your legs, then one of his hands comes down to cup your bare pussy. his chest is nearly pressed against your back as he kneels behind you.
you whimper, “dad— what are you doing?” you look up over your shoulder, trying to avoid acknowledging the pleasure you feel now that he’s beginning to move your body and his own hand with a skill he could have only acquired from years of experience.
“m’just showing you how to do it.” he murmurs in a deep, almost comforting voice if it weren't for what he's currently doing, “don’t want that task falling on some weirdo do we? there’s some serious characters out there kid.” 
you frown, “but- but you’re my dad..” you don’t know why you’re still letting him do it, why you’re still letting him touch you down there and move you, pushing you toward an inevitably intense climax.
“that doesn’t matter sweetheart. only matters if I get you pregnant and I’m gonna make sure that doesn’t happen.” you’re sure that sentence is a lie. surely it’s just wrong in principle. a young girl who has sex with her father. it’s a small island and your name is big. If it got out you’d be killed, emotionally at least.
“are you sure?” you ask, mentally cursing yourself the moment the words leave your mouth. why can’t you just say no? tell him to stop and call him out for being a complete and utter creep. 
maybe it’s because of the way that, despite all moral disputes, he’s actually making you feel good. maybe it’s because you’re scared he’ll do it anyway if you say no, that you’d rather do it on your own free will than against it. 
maybe it’s that condescending power that he holds over you, it’s like a cloud that looms everywhere around you, ready to turn into a storm upon its slightest agitation. 
“I’m sure. just don’t tell anyone okay?” his voice is deep and low, aroused, you can tell. god this is so fucked up, you can’t even think straight. “it can be our little secret.” 
it's so easy, just tell him no, but you can't, not now, you're in too deep. this is going to have to be your little secret whether you like it or not. 
“are you a virgin?” he asks as he continues to rock your hips back and forth on the pillow and his hand. you nod, looking back up at him with curious eyes.
“are you going to teach me how.. how to…” you return your gaze down. you can’t believe you were actually going to ask. ask your own father if he’ll teach you how to have sex. you’re sick. he is sicker, and so he nods. the movement of your hips continues for possibly another minute until you feel a warmth begin to form in your belly. 
you whimper at the new and overwhelming feeling, “dad— m- think m’gonna—” he removes his hand and stops moving you just before you reach the climax. the halt in stimulation is jarring.
you frown, looking back up at him. why did he stop so suddenly, maybe to remind you that you aren’t actually enjoying this, that it’s illegal and most certainly disgusting. “don’t look at me like that sweetheart. get on your back.” 
get on your back. he’d told you to get on your back. it’s now that you realise he’s actually going to do it, he’s going to have sex with you. you don’t know what to do or say other than comply, and so you do. you turn your body so that you can lay back on your bed securely. 
your father is on his knees above you now. he begins to undo his belt and then he pulls his pants down, revealing himself. he’s big, the hairs around are unkept and yet also tidy. his balls hang down too and you notice. you can’t believe it. whenever you’d wondered what it would be like if your dad was to return you’d imagined reunions and hugs, love and tranquillity. you’d certainly never imagined this. 
he smirks down at you, it’s cocky, victorious. he leans over, holding himself up over you with one hand and bringing the other down to pull your nightdress up. “what? you think it won’t fit?” he smirks down at at you, his face ever so close to yours. he leans down, placing an open mouthed kiss to you.
you don’t kiss back, it would feel wrong to do so. you think if you just let him do it then it will all blow over, he’ll never do it again and you can block this day out of your memory forever. 
“you’re so pretty.. mature now.. turned into a good woman.” oh how you hate that look on his face, the smug possessiveness. it’s like he knows you’re going to let him use you however he wants and you won’t ever tell a soul. 
he’s touching you now, his two fingers swiping through the folds of your pussy. you whimper out of unsure emotion, wriggling up on the bed almost as if to try and get away. 
“stay still,” he tells you, “can’t show you how to do this if you’re movin’ so much.” you can’t even help your movements, it’s just an involuntary reaction that your own body has to the pure disgust you feel with yourself. 
he smirks again, this time it’s wicked, this time you know he’s going to do it, he’s really going to do it. he’s going to break that regular bond and turn your relationship into something so genuinely sick and twisted. 
you can’t even bear to look, not at him, not at anything. you close your eyes, locking them tightly shut in anticipation of everything that’s about to happen.
first you feel the tip of him press against your core. it sends a cold shiver down your spine. you can feel the thickness of it, intimidating and uncomfortable. the size compared to your untouched hole is too much. 
after that he begins to push himself in. it’s like a burning stretch. your face scrunches up and you let out a small squeak of pain. it doesn’t stop him though, it’s a slow and yet constant movement as he pushes himself to the hilt. 
that’s when you dare to look, you open your eyes just a peek to look down and see him completely buried inside you, leaving a bulge in your lower belly. your own father is doing this to you. you feel sick. 
your head falls back and your eyes close once again. he begins to move and you can’t even help but let out small sounds, some out of pain, some out of involuntary pleasure. 
it’s bad at first, the sensation, then it gets better, more comfortable. you would be able to understand why people love sex so much if it weren’t for your current situation regarding it. 
his breathing is ragged, he’s enjoying this more than you are. he’s finding some sort of sick creepy pleasure in the fact that he’s fucking his daughter. the innocence in you, the youth and the part of himself that is rooted into you from birth, from conception even. 
he feels that maybe if he fucks you good enough, if he shows you what this is really about then maybe that part of you will come forward. you’ll be like him, twisted and horrid to the point where you’re properly willing to do things like this. 
he relishes in the feeling of your tightness, the feeling of a virgin pussy, he hasn’t felt that since the first time he was with your mother. he remembers that night like it was yesterday. 
the way you squirm and whimper makes him only want to go faster. he doesn’t care about your comfort or wellbeing, no, he just wants to make his mark on you. 
the sensations are all new to you and it soon becomes too much to handle. you’re sobbing and shaking and unable to think straight. it’s approaching, you can tell. you’d heard descriptions of it, neared it yourself a couple of times. but now it’s actually coming, your own first orgasm. 
you have to close your eyes again, make it less real. it can’t be this real. your breath quickens and all your muscles tense up and then it washes over you. seconds of pure bliss, you forget what’s happening and just let the pleasure take over you. 
then it all comes crashing down on you worse than ever. the knowledge that now it’s happened, it’s all done and all over and it can’t be undone. 
your father removes himself from you just one moment after you finish to get to his own orgasm. he only pulls out just in time, otherwise he would have done it inside of you.
now it’s over and done, not to be taken back and he is satisfied with his achievement. he’s claimed you now, you’re all his. 
you’re horrified, laying completely still, stomach covered in the same substance that was used to create you. 
you feel as though your whole life is ruined.
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Come And See Me
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Summary: “sexually reserved men are THE best. Well behaved, won’t steal a kiss, won’t touch you inappropriately but boy if you give them consent? FINISHED…”
Terry Richmond isn’t the type of man Summer is used to. He’s the strong, silent type. A lot of discipline and control. She’s used to men falling to their knees in an instant. Hardly any dirty talk. But it does feel good to get to know someone on a deeper level for a change. He promises he’d come see her, but Summer didn’t take his word for it. That was, until he walked into that strip club one evening to surprise her with…
Summer was in the middle of a routine that earned her bandz at an unimaginable level. She climbed that pole, showed off her acrobatic skills, flexed that body and popped that ass so good she had ‘em lost for words. Speechless.
Terry Richmond walked in with a bouquet of flowers, dressed in khakis, a Curaçao soccer shirt, and white Air Forces. His hair was styled in a tapered cut with a curly fro. In his large, veiny hand, Terry gripped her red roses tightly, walking through until he made it to a section he’d reserved directly in front of the stage. He wanted an up close and personal view of Summer. He didn’t plan to take his aurora gray eyes off of her.
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His captivating eyes created a path of seduction across her glistening skin that glittered beneath the strobe lights. Drink in his other hand, he took small sips, licking his lips nice and slow. Terry held the faintest smirk on his lips, body composed, but his heart was racing. His print left little to the imagination. Low grunts fell on deaf ears. Summer hit a split and made her hefty cheeks bounce. That body on her deserved big dick. It was built for big dick. Terry couldn’t wait. It’s been too long. Suddenly, as if she could sense him, Summer glanced over her shoulder and that’s when she realized Terry had shown up.
For a second, she’d forgotten where she was. His presence stunned her. Summer turned her body on the floor of the stage, money sticking to her tacky skin. Their eyes locked on for a while. Oooh, she was speechless. Summer started grinding her crotch towards him, rolling her hips and biting her lip. Terry’s piercing gaze was fixated on her face the entire time. Not once did he look down. It was so intense, her clit pulsated.
Drankin’ and Smokin’ came on and Summer lifted her shapely body into a squat, slowly and teasingly removing her bikini top. At this point, she was putting on a show for Terry and Terry only. Her Marine. She’d had his name saved under Mr. Marine in her phone. The hot pink top fell to the stage, bountiful titties with pierced nipples saluted. Terry dropped his beautiful eyes down to stare at her round, fat titties.
We drink up and we smoke, but she always do the most
It kinda turns me on the way she lickin' on my stones
My chains on antifreeze, it look like I made a clone
Wanna see you get more sassy, if it bring out better emotions
She called me her God, the way I floated in her ocean…
Summer needed him. So bad. That fine ass man. Seeing him in person…seeing the man behind that deep baritone. She rushed off that stage in an instant as soon as the music faded out. Breathing uneven, she walked off in her seven-inch pleasers, looking back at Terry, mind replaying all their conversations late at night…
(one of their many phone conversations)
“Hey baby…I wish you could see what I have on right now…You so sexy, imagine how…Intense it would be…To hold me right now…Our song's playin’…”
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Body wrapped in her faux fur, black blanket, head resting against her black satin pillows, Summer held her cellphone to her ear with one hand, the other caressing her tawny skin. Terry made a sound that vibrated her core.
“Summer rain…when I listen to that, you know I think about you, right? Mmm…I bet you look so good in my T-shirt.”
“You’re so far, and I’m all alone in my bed…”
Summer was wearing an old, baggy T-shirt; Terry’s Marine Corps T-shirt. The fabric of it against her body with his voice in her ear gave her butterflies.
I can still hear your baritone
In my ear telling me you'll take it slow
And I was in the mirror playing wrong
Like you were here, I couldn't turn me on
So I fell asleep with the music on
Woke up again hearing the same old song, playing…
Summer paced her bedroom, stopping in front of her window, gazing out into the rainy evening, pressed to the glass, and laughing at Terry and his corny jokes. Her brown eyes followed the path of the raindrops, the sudden recollection of her own essence dripping. All he did was make her laugh, spew facts about things she’d never heard of, and say over and over again how beautiful she is. He didn’t judge her. She felt safe with Terry and she hadn’t even met him in person yet. Thoughts of how gentle and kind and thoughtful he is makes her play in her pussy every night.
“Patience, baby…When I get to you, you’re all mine…”
She shut her lids and pictured him, standing at his towering height, bending over to kiss along her neck and wrap those big arms around her waist. Now, her body is shaking to the fantasies.
“Don’t take it easy on me, Terry. I need you here…”
Summer turned, pressing her back against the window, bringing the collar of his T-shirt to her nose and taking a whiff. Mmmm…it smelled just like his cologne. Vanilla and Sandalwood.
“You’ll be begging me to take it easy on you, baby…”
Terry stood up and approached her. She was wearing a form-fitting black dress with her belongings. Her long, jet-black, silk pressed hair was pinned up with a claw clip. Summer gave Terry a bashful smile. She couldn’t contain the butterflies in her belly. Terry handed her the roses.
“Thank you,” Summer smelled them, “they’re beautiful…I can’t believe it’s really you…”
She knew Terry was tall, but DAMN. She had to crane her neck just to look up at him. And his eyes…Summer found herself getting lost in them.
“You’re so much more beautiful in person. That performance…damn…”
Summer tucked her chin, unable to contain her blushing. Terry startled Summer when he lifted her chin for her to look at him. Her breath hitched.
“Up here…”
“You did amazing up there. I’m glad I got to see it in person…” Terry whispered with a low, resonant voice.
“Thank you, Terry. Me too.”
“Should we get outta here? I’m kinda anxious right now to have you all to myself…”
Summer chuckled softly, body vibrating with lust. Terry wouldn’t stop admiring her. It was so intense, Summer shyly smiled and dropped her head. What was it about this man that had her acting all giddy and nervous?
“C’mon,” Terry held his hand out for Summer to grasp.
Thighs clenching, Summer accepted Terry’s hand and when she placed her hand in his, Summer almost whimpered. His entire hand swallowed hers. Warm and strong. Fuck. Summer allowed Terry to guide her out of the strip club. When they’d finally made it to the door, Terry placed his hand on the small of her back, holding the door opened for her.
“Did you drive here?” Terry questioned.
“I did,” Summer pointed to her blue lexus, “This is me.”
“I’ll follow you out if that’s okay.”
“It’s more than okay!” Summer responded excitedly.
Terry laughed before opening her door for her when she unlocked it. He helped Summer inside and then he took her things to put them in the back seat. Terry stood at the opening of her driver’s side door, looking down at her with a smirk and soft eyes.
“I’ll be right behind you, baby girl.”
“Okay, Terry…”
She watched as he leaned into her car, her body tensing up. Terry grabbed her hand and pecked it gently to tease, then came that deep chuckle she loved so much. It took her a moment to gather herself. It was the faintest of kisses but the feel of his generous lips against flesh sent sparks throughout her body. The hairs on her arms stood up and her pussy did that pitter-patter thing.
“Drive safe.”
He shut her door and flashed her a quick smile before jogging over to his truck—an all black GMC Sierra 2500HD Denali. Summer started the ignition, licking her lips to . Cocoa butter. She pulled out of the parking lot and checked to see if Terry was following her. When the coast was clear, she drove off with shaky hands and a flutter in her belly.
Summer stayed in a nice cul-de-sac home with a two car garage. She’d made enough money as an exotic dancer to purchase a home and move out of her apartment. She hopped out of her car and Terry pulled in closer as soon as she shut the garage. He quickly exited his car and grabbed her duffel bag so she could open the door.
Terry was finally going to see her home. After talking for months and wondering if he would ever come to see her, she didn’t have to doubt him anymore. Summer opened the front door and turned on the lights. The home had a futuristic feel to it that Summer loved. Terry took off his shoes and socks so he wouldn’t ruin her good carpet. While Summer got settled, he did some exploring of the first level.
Biomorphic curves, gravity-defying elements, sleek materials and bold angles. It looked like something dreamed up by Hollywood. Even the staircase leading up to her room with its modern glass rails completed the design. Summer returned with her flowers, giving Terry a megawatt smile filled with dimples and glossy lips. He followed her into her kitchen and watched her place her roses in a vase.
“This is nice, baby,” Terry took in his scenery of sleek stainless steel and marble, “So, this where you cook up them smothered pork chops, collard greens, and red beans and rice, huh?”
Summer giggles, “You know it. This is my favorite place to be. Would you like some wine?”
“I’ll take some, thank you,” Terry placed his arms behind his back as he stood near the kitchen island.
Summer handed him a glass and Terry accepted it with a slight tilt of his head and a penetrating gaze. They toasted each other before taking a sip of the white wine. The silence was palpable. They were both so thrilled to be in each other’s presence that words were lost on their tongues. Terry broke the silence with a nervous chuckle. He gently placed his now empty glass on the kitchen island before walking with slow, purposeful strides to reach Summer on the other side.
Summer had a firm grip on her wine glass, brown eyes ascending his tall frame to reach his gorgeous face. The pictures of him told her that Terry is a rare sight. A man this handsome is hard to come by. To view him in person; skin-to-skin, breath-to-breath, eye-to-eye, Summer had never seen a man so beautiful. Terry reached out to remove the glass from her hand and he sat it down on the counter top.
“Miss. Summer. I’ve been waitin’ a long time for this moment…and I know that I’ve made promises to come see you…that haven’t been fulfilled…and I’m sure you’ve had your doubts…”
“I have, I’m not gonna sugar-coat it. But you’re here now,” Summer exhaled slowly, “I don’t have to fantasize about what it would be like to have you next to me in my bed anymore…”
When you're not here
(I sleep in your t-shirt)
I wish you were here
(To take off your t-shirt)
After we make love
(I sleep in your t-shirt)
Wake up in your t-shirt
I smell the scent of your cologne…
“I don’t have to wish anymore,” Summer blinked up at Terry as she reached out her hand to stroke his arm that’s two sizes bigger than hers and covered in veins, “Or wonder if we could be something…”
“Hey,” Terry drew in closer his voice lowering a register, “We are something, baby. I need to get that doubt out your head…may I?”
Terry opened his arms and Summer gave her consent with a nod of her head before his arms hugged her tight. Summer pressed her cheek centimeters below his chest. He’s so big and warm. Body beneath his T-shirt unyielding. Terry’s hands began to explore. One hand threaded into her hair, massaging her scalp through her silky, thick tresses, the other glided up and down her back soothingly. Summer couldn’t remember the last time she’d been hugged like this by a man if not ever.
“I wanna explain what held me up a while…I had some legal issues in Shelby Springs…my cousin got mixed up in some mess and I went to bail him out but…he died.”
“The cousin you told me about? Are you serious?”
Summer rested her chin against Terry’s chest as she looked up at him with saddened eyes. He looked back at her, so much emotion swirling in those blue-gray orbs with flecks of gold and brown, as if they are forever changing.
“Yeah,” Terry’s shoulders slumped, “It’s a lot…still gotta clear my name…lawyer up…I’m sorry I’m dumping all this shit on you right now—”
“Don’t be, Terry, don’t be,” Summer caressed Terry’s cheek, “That’s a lot. I’m so sorry…I can’t imagine…”
Summer squeezed Terry and he reciprocated. She felt her body being lifted from the floor and her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I’m so sorry about your cousin.” Summer said.
“Thank you, ‘ppreciate that…you’re so precious…”
Summer smiled fondly at Terry, “You’re such a good man, Terry Richmond.”
He loved that she said that. It made him smile handsomely down at her. She wanted to continue putting a smile on his face.
“You’re my safe space, Summer…”
She shut her eyes to avoid the onslaught of tears. It’s only been months that they’ve been talking. She’s his safe space?
“Can I kiss you?”
Terry hooked his hands beneath Summer’s ass and hiked her up so her thighs could circle his cut waistline. One hand cradled the back of her neck while the other secured her waist snugly against him.
Summer felt her heart race. The air was thick with the creamy, warm, and earthy scent of his cologne, and the distant sound of her heartbeat faded into the background. A mix of security and excitement reflected in their depths.
With a tentative smile, Terry brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine. The hand against her waist gave a gentle squeeze that spoke volumes. Time seemed to slow as he leaned in, their breaths mingling.
When their lips finally met, it was soft and hesitant at first, testing the waters. But as the kiss deepened, the world around them faded away, leaving only the warmth of their connection and the thrill of a moment long awaited. Their tongues danced a slippery recital, lip’s cushiony, teeth grazing.
He’d ached to taste her. To taste a woman after so long. Summer’s daydreaming didn’t prepare her for the reality in front of her. Terry’s long legs began to guide them into Summer’s living room and towards her couch. He pulled away so that he could place her on her back. Summer’s dress had ridden up her shapely thighs revealing smooth, tawny skin. Terry knelt one leg between her thighs before lowering over her. Summer lifted to kiss him again, but Terry stopped her with a single finger to her lips.
“…It’s been way too long for me, baby girl. Seeing you dance tonight…doing your thing up there…it took a lot of work not to walk up on that stage and put this dick in you.”
Summer’s breath hitched.
“I’ve painted a picture in my mind many times of what that body looked like…” Terry’s eyes dropped down to the tops of Summer’s breasts, “I don’t think I ever told you I’m a breast man…and you got a pair that I just wanna…”
He pressed his face into her neck and inhaled. Summer drew her bottom lip into her mouth to control the incessant trembling. He’d never talked this dirty to her.
“…I just wanna suck and lick and nibble all over these titties…”
She could feel her nipples hardening from his words alone. Hearing it in person and so close to her ears had a greater effect. Summer was squirming. Her pussy leaked so much that it became unbearable to even wear panties around him. She’d have to walk around with an exposed pussy to cool off.
“I can suck these titties all night…sleep with a titty in my mouth…play with your nipples until you’re squirming…flick your nipples with my tongue…you got some thick nipples too, baby…mmmh…”
That long, drawn out groan into her neck had her whimpering. This man had her weak. Summer raked her nails down his chest before twisting the fabric of his T-shirt into her fist.
“Here, please,” Summer thrust her chest into him, “Daddy, please…”
“I love the way you beg, baby girl…” Terry kissed down her neck, “you’ll be doin’ a lot of that shit tonight. Beg for me to suck on that pussy…beg for me to fit this dick in you nice and good…”
His malleable lips created a tickling sensation until he reached her breasts. Summer watched with desperation as his lips covered the fleshy hills in a repeated motion. She was mewling. Nipples so hard. He started kissing around each nipple through her dress. Summer clawed the suede sofa.
She was shivering.
“Want more? Where you want it? Talk to me…”
She was able to control the quiver of her lower lip to speak, “Please suck on my nipples…I can’t take it.”
“Nahhh, you gotta beg harder than that…”
Summer moaned softly, “uhnnnnnn…” when he used his teeth to nibble on her nipples, “Daddy, I want you to suck my nipples. Do whatever you want to my titties…please, please, please….”
Terry peered up at Summer with those hypnotic eyes.
“Good girl…that’s how you ask for what you want…”
With one hand, Terry’s eyes remained fixated on Summer’s face, he lowered the top of her strapless, body-con dress, one beautiful, round, breast coming into view. Skin like honey, nipples and areolas a deep brown. Busty and asymmetrical. Perfectly imperfect. Her bejeweled nipple pebbled and Terry’s lips parted.
“Shit, you just don’t know…”
He revealed the other breast and it jiggled a little upon its release.
“So fuckin’ beautiful…”
He blew air onto her nipples. Summer arched her back. Terry used that opportunity to slither his hands beneath her to keep her chest elevated so he could attack each big titty the way he wanted. Hair in her face, glossy lips slightly open, soft moans flowing from her mouth, Summer looked pleasantly horny.
Terry started off with flicking her nipples back and forth. His pink tongue is warm and wet. When his lips drew her left nipple into her mouth first, Summer cried out. Her thighs gripped his waist, and Terry couldn’t wait to feel those soft thighs do the same thing to his head.
“Ah, mmm, unhhhh, yesss…you like these fat titties, daddy?”
“Mhm,” Terry was in the zone sucking back and forth.
She could tell he was a titty man alright. He rubbed his face in it, dragged his teeth down her breast bone, used his big, strong, veiny hands to push her breast together so he could trace his tongue back and forth.
“I’m a need you to do that on this pussy!”
Terry released a laugh, burying his face between her breasts. Summer was hot all over and close to tackling this man!
“More wine first,” Terry rest his cheek against one of her breasts as he looked up at her, “So soft…the best pillow…”
Summer exhaled impatiently, “You’re driving me crazy.”
Terry kissed her breasts one last time before covering her back up, “Are you okay with me getting the wine? While you put on some music?”
Summer wasn’t prepared for the visual. Terry stood up and as he was fixing his shirt that had lifted up, she focused on those abs, the strip of hair leading down to his crotch, and the deep v-cut. The lower her eyes went, the more she had to stop herself from dropping to her knees. A very vivid and distinct outline of his third leg sat along his thigh like a python beneath a sheet waiting to strike. He was on brick.
“It’ll be all yours tonight…”
Their eyes met with equal desire.
“I’ll go grab that wine…bathroom?”
“Uh…d–down the hall and t–to your right.”
Terry chuckled, “I’ll be back.”
He disappeared and Summer let out a long exhale. She walked over to her Bluetooth sound system and knew exactly what she wanted to listen to.
Summer dimmed the lights with her cell phone and after five minutes, Terry returned with their glasses and a bottle.
Storming outside, rain
She keeps me home
Quiet conversation makes me warm
Summer rain
Whispers me to sleep
And wakes me up again
Sometimes i swear i hear her call my name…
Terry smiled at her. Summer pat the sofa cushion next to her enthusiastically. He handed her a glass and plopped down, throwing an arm over her shoulder. His finger tips caressed her arm as they sang along to summer rain
“So go ahead and make it rain…you bring the sunshine back again…”
“Okay vocals!” Summer teased.
Terry threw his head back and laughed, “Stop.”
“I’m just teasing, daddy,” Summer snuggled closer, “More wine, please…”
“Anything for you,” Terry leaned forward to retrieve the bottle.
Summer rain started playing again.
They emptied the bottle of wine and their tipsy banter stared. Terry was very playful. He had Summer trapped beneath him on the throw rug, his shirt off and thrown somewhere. Summer couldn’t stop giggling. The wine had her feeling light and cozy. Her laughter couldn’t be contained.
“If you follow directions, I wouldn’t have to do this,” Terry had her by her wrists above her head, “You gotta behave to get what you want, Summer. I’m not asking…I’m telling.”
“It’s on my thigh, and you expect me to behave?”
“I expect you to remember who’s in charge…”
“Terry,” Summer rolled her eyes, “You haven’t felt how deep this throat can go yet.”
“So? What that mean?” Terry arched a dark brow, “You ain’t felt my mouth on your pussy yet.”
Terry sat back on his knees above Summer. She lifted up onto her elbows. He tucked his chin slightly and stared at her with this primal look that reminded her of a jungle cat.
“…take this dress off.”
Summer sat up on her butt and shimmy’s her hips, bringing her dress up and over her head, revealing black, cheeky, lace panties and a matching strapless bra. Terry crawled to her. He pulled her into a fierce kiss. Summer’s hands roamed all over his muscles. His skin is so soft.
“Your room…now…” Terry spoke against her lips, “Right now…”
They both stood on unsteady legs, laughing. Terry popped Summer on the ass and she whimpered softly. They moved towards the stairs, Terry creating space between them so he could watch Summer seduce him with her slow ascend. She would look back at him as she climbed, smirking at him with those siren eyes. That booty in those panties made him want to take a bite.
He’d been dying to see her room. She pushed open the double doors and Terry came face-to-face with a room made for a vixen. The dark palate mixed with low lighting created the perfect space to get nasty. And he planned to get real nasty. Terry walked up on Summer from behind, and with one hand, he gathered her straightened hair into his fist neatly and tugged. She pivoted back against him, her soft cheeks flush against his crotch.
“I’m undressing you…”
Hair still in his grasp, Terry worked on her bra. It fell from her body to the floor. He released her hair so that he could drop down and take her panties off. Summer looked over her shoulder at him. He peeled her panties away at a snails pace. His lips kissed her back dimples. She wiggled her hips to help him lower her panties. Buttery, smooth skin beneath his fingertips.
Terry nibbled on her ass like a famished man. His hands kneaded her plump flesh. It was time to peel the crotch of her panties away from her pussy.
“Bend forward slightly…yes…just like that…”
His deep grunt told her all she needed to know. Terry was blown away by how much sticky, wetness connected to her panties. A slimy, sweetness he couldn’t wait to clean up with his tongue. The aroma of her arousal activated his taste buds. The shape of her lips from the back had him mesmerized. Summer stepped out of her panties quickly so Terry could have her completely.
“C’mere,” Terry stood and walked Summer towards her bed, “Sit this pussy on my mouth right now.”
He got down on the floor and tilted his head back on the bed. Summer straddled his face and tilted her pelvis forward. Terry placed each hand on her ass to push her closer. The moment her pussy smothered him, he used his tongue to clean up her mess.
Summer felt his tongue part her outer lips and swipe upward. She almost saw heaven.
Her legs shook. Terry pushed her legs apart further with force so he can eat it more. Summer raised a leg to the edge of the bed and Terry wasted no time using his lips and tongue in junction to slurp on her pussy.
This was a man that knew what he was doing. He didn’t have to tell you. Summer started feeding his mouth some pussy with a roll of her hips. Terry followed her movements eagerly. Clit hard, folds nice and slick, she knew she was close. It was only a matter of time.
“Terry, I’m gonna cum in your mouth…”
His silence was her undoing. He was too busy eating pussy like a starved man. She could hear his big lips working her up to a juicy cum. His tongue darting in and out of her wet hole, her clit being attacked from every angle imaginable, she was going to burst.
That ass and those thighs jiggled out of control.
She fisted the sheets so hard her nails dug info her skin painfully. The aftershocks of her release left lingering tremors she couldn’t control. Terry removed his lips from her clit, a trail of her cum connected to his bottom lip. His face was covered in sweat and cum. Summer threw herself onto the bed so Terry could stand. She looked at him and watched as he licked his lips.
“So good…your pussy tastes so good…”
“Thank you…now I wanna taste you…”
It was the moment she’d been waiting for. Terry hummed his approval, walking up towards her. Summer worked to undo his pants with frantic movements. Terry didn’t stop her. She wanted that dick in her mouth.
“Get yours, baby…”
“Oh, I will,” Summer replied.
Summer lowered his pants and briefs. His dick bobbed out and she had to take a moment to just…
He was definitely a big boy. Enough to stretch you out. That pain and pleasure mix. His length told her she would feel it in her stomach. The veins created a path for her tongue to take. His tip; the perfect shape to fit in her mouth perfectly. His balls were taunt and heavy. It was a masterpiece.
“Summer…put this dick in your mouth…that’s an order.”
An order she would gladly accept. Summer kissed along his shaft. Terry smoothed her hair back so she wouldn’t mess it up. Her kisses turned sloppy, then she added some tongue, then she found herself sinking down onto his pole the sides of her mouth stretched to accommodate all of him.
“Put more in there,” Terry placed his arms behind his back, watching her like a drill sergeant, “there you go…such a good little thing, ain’t you?”
He sat at the back of her throat. Summer used her neck and jaw muscles to work that dick with loud sucking and spit bubbles. Terry’s mouth dropped open when she showed him that she could deep throat. Her tongue wiggled against his balls and Terry almost nutted down her throat from that alone.
“Damn, girl…you lovin’ this big dick?”
“Fuuuck,” Terry’s beautiful eyes rolled shut, “that’s how you suck this dick…that’s how you show daddy…”
Summer loved sucking dick. Terry’s dick deserved all the love. She would suck it and look in his eyes. Terry stared back with furrowed brows and a bite of his lip.
Her name resonated from his voice so deep and lustrous.
She pulled out all her tricks. Sucked his balls, focused on his tip, licked his frenulum. Terry’s ab muscles flexed and his squared jaw clenched. Her hair in his grip, Terry was losing his sanity.
“I’m cumming—”
Thick, ropes of ejaculate filled her mouth.
“Ughh–ahhhhh fuck—”
Summer drank down every single drop like it was the sweetest cream filling. She’d waited months to do this and she was going to make this beautiful man cum. That fat dick hung in her face ready for more action and she had a wet pussy for it to dig into.
“Aight, on your back, no more wasting time.”
Terry spoke those words with such urgency. Summer felt the firmness in his tone. She scooted onto the bed and spread her legs wide and limber. Terry climbed onto the bed and settled between her legs. The feeling of the tip of his dick sitting against her pussy lips made this moment all too real.
“Yes…put that big dick in me…”
Terry placed himself above her and with one hand, he guided his dick between her lips and then with a slight thrust of his hips, he sank inside of Summer. She gasped, knees drawing into her chest. Terry watched his dick split her open with a penetrating stare. Summer tried to move and Terry locked her legs to her ears.
“You want me to keep you still? I suggest you stop moving.”
She froze.
With one thrust, he was fully inside of her. Summer moaned louder. As a reflex, she tried to close her legs, but Terry wasn’t having that.
“Terry! Holy FUCKING SHIT!”
“Eyes on me. That’s an order.”
He smirked mischievously. She was ruined.
Terry pumped into her at a moderate pace. Summer couldn’t handle taking all that dick and focusing on his eyes at the same time. There was no way.
“It’s so big!”
“It’s big but this pussy love it, this pussy love it, look at this pussy…creamin’ all over me like that…such a messy girl…”
Summer was making a mess indeed. You could hear it and see it. Wet, sloshing noises.
“Ain’t been fucked in a while…got you wettin’ this dick up.”
She couldn’t handle the way his dick stroked her spot.
“Stretchin’ this pussy out? Didn’t I say I wasn’t gon’ take it easy?”
She couldn’t speak. How could she? Terry had her folded in half and teetering over the edge. She felt her stomach grow tight and her body seized up.
Summer didn’t have a chance. She turned her head and cried out. Terry held his dick deep while staring down at her face.
“You tryna push me out?” Terry chuckled evily, “What if I don’t wanna leave?”
“P–please, daddy…”
“Hmm,” Terry slowly withdrew his hips, “Please keep fucking you?”
His words were killing her. She could only nod her head.
Oh! Boy I've been waiting
(Oh oh oh)
Now my body's shaking
(Oh oh oh)
You're so deep, baby please, take it easy…
“Think you can arch your back for me?”
Terry kissed Summer on her lips.
Terry lifted Summer and helped her into position. She arched her back exactly how he wanted her. Deep with that ass high in the air. He was tall so it needed to be. Terry had a handful of her ass and that was his leverage to anchor his dick in her pussy. Summer groaned into the sheets. She looked breathtaking. Hair fanned out above her. Back in a beautiful position. Ass sitting up and giving Terry the best view of that pink pussy.
She could feel him almost touch her heart with how long his dick is!
“Terry, it’s too much!”
He wasn’t even giving her all of him. He arched a brow down at her.
“What did we discuss…”
She knew to be a big girl but LAWD he was hefty.
“I know…it’s just so big…”
“With a body like this…it’s built for dick like mine…”
He stroked slower, Summer drooling onto her sheets.
“Nah you look at me when I’m in this pussy…”
“Summer turned her head and looked back at Terry.
“There’s my pretty girl…such a pretty girl.”
Summer put a finger in her mouth and sucked on it like a pacifier while staring into his eyes.
“Fine ass,” Terry picked up the pace.
“Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!”
Summer bit down on her finger and her eyes crossed. She coated his dick again and at this point it was dripping wet. Terry pulled out and ate her from behind. He couldn’t control himself. Summer tried to move her hips away and it earned a sharp slap to the ass. Terry resurfaced, pumping his dick in his hand. He snatched Summer by her hair and abruptly angled her head to suck him off. Summer did just that while Terry fingered her pussy from the back. He started talking her through it.
“Fingers deep in this pussy, little one? Mmhm…”
Summer stroked him while sucking on his tip.
“There you go, such a creamy little slut…”
She furrowed her brows at the feeling of two fingers pumping her. She was leaking to the bed.
“Daddy fingering this pussy good? Hmm?”
Summer spit his dick out, “I’m cumming!”
Terry continued to work his fingers knuckle deep. Summer felt something burst inside of her and soon she was creating a puddle between her legs. Terry’s fingers slipped out and he brought them to her mouth to taste. Summer licked them clean for him.
“I know you can give me more, right?”
“Yes…” Summer replied weakly.
Terry placed Summer on her back and then he got between her legs from the side. Terry pointed his still hard dick at her pussy and with one look into her eyes he was back inside like he never left. His toned hips worked to drill her hole.
“Daddy! Cum already!” Summer begged.
It felt too good and she couldn’t handle the overwhelming pleasure. She pressed a weak hand against his abs, attempting to push him away, only for Terry to lock her wrist down. He licked his lips at her and gave her a sly smirk while continuing to fuck her into the mattress.
Summer erupted. The tight hold from her walls made his balls tighten and his dick pulsate within her wetness.
“Give me this pussy!”
Terry’s hips stuttered out of control. He couldn’t hold off any longer. This good pussy on her had his dick so sensitive.
Terry pulled out and Summer shot up from the bed with her tongue poked out and eyes on him. Terry fisted his long dick, emptying a big load all over her tongue and face. It just wouldn’t stop. His ass muscles clenched from the overwhelming pressure. Summer looked pleasantly fucked and her giggle warmed his heart.
“You’re such a nasty girl…”
“All for you…”
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flowering-thought · 2 days
It called to me please why does my brain do this to me?? I thought I wouldn't start series out of nowhere, but my brain won't let me go. It's like I have no choice but to THINK
Anyways I decided only tf 141 for this, writing many characters in one series under one roof can be a lot to think about and when I originally thought about this it was only them I was originally thinking about. I hope you all enjoy!! Maybe I'll do another character or multiple if compelled enough or if this lil series is enjoyed lots!
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, stalking, mentions of drugging, threats, isolation, dubcon/noncon mentioned
Obsessive Delusion
(Poly 141 × Reader)
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Price didn't know exactly when it started. It was a simple passing fancy and yet to him and his boys, it became something they could hardly control.
They met her in a pub one day in a small town, and a big smile stretched on her face. They didn't actually approach the lass, but how could they look away? She was outgoing, laughing up a storm with a small group of girls, her high heels making her taller than the rest and her little dress almost riding up and revealing her panties.
Gaz licked his lips at the sight, raising his pint of beer up to his lips, each of the boys watching closely until one of the girls the lass was with came into view, slightly shorter than your friend, only in light heels and a cute blouse and skirt. You were being careful as you pulled down her dress, gently warning her to be careful.
All the lass did was laugh off your concern, her arm slipping over your shoulder, "Don't worry (Y/n)!! It's just a lil' slip no one will mind hm?".
Your face pulled into an expression of worry but the only thing that the boys could focus on was your friends' carefree and outgoing nature, her words affecting them as Ghost moved his hand to cover his growing erection.
Soap couldn't even make fun of him cause he wasn't any better, his mouth nearly drooling since he saw her dress riding up in the first place.
All of the boys managed to pull their eyes away when Price gave them a knowing grin, a small plot forming in their minds.
Before leaving the pub, you kept an arm around your friend who was now completely drunk, her eyes lidded and her form slightly disheveled. You were careful with her, using a hand to keep her upright, only walking a couple of blocks down to a small complex, your feet stopping at the door, and being careful as you pulled out your friends' keys.
Once the door was open you shook her a bit, "Becka, we're at your place hun, help me get you out of that dress." You said, your friends' form just giving you a light laugh as she stumbled down the hall of the flat without your help, your form quickly following her before the door clicked shut behind you.
Had you not been so distracted, you might have seen a couple of men behind you, spread out in case any of you got suspicious but with you taking such good care of your friend they now knew as Becka.
They couldn't help but smile as they took note of the small building complex and left for the night.
That's what started their series of outings. Gaz would be the one taking photos, a camera he once brought on base now held tightly in his hands with the subject of his camera's eye being that pretty lass Becka.
Ghost would often accompany him, finding that he enjoyed seeing her safe and sound. But what they noticed early on was that you were often at her side.
It's not that you called her out everywhere. Rather, it was the opposite.
You often came to make sure she got home safely as if you weren't there to get her home she would end up getting confused. Once Becka called you in the middle of an alleyway in near tears cause she didn't know where she was and she had one too many cocktails.
They noticed that you'd always come, and while they were irritated that they could never get the lass alone, they were grateful that you kept her safe and always took care of her till you were sure she'd be okay.
Soap was the one who brought up the idea of leaving gifts, always wanting to send her a hangover meal or tonic. The first time they did, she actually ended up eating it, her window always open and clear, showing how she eagerly ate the meal and smiled, only glancing at the note that was last in the bag before throwing it out.
She did that with many of the notes, only keeping the ones she found interesting and always accepting whatever was in the bag left on her doorstep.
You once warned her that it wasn't a good idea to accept random things from a stranger but she just laughed and said it was cute how you worried.
They never felt the need to enter her flat, the window blinds were never closed and the only thing they couldn't see through the windows from their vantage point was her bathroom. and with how often she got naked why couldn't they just sit back and enjoy the view?
Price was the one getting their home ready, the guest room on the second floor of the home they had all bought together. They bought it once they all retired, the money they all had saved up going into repairs and making their house a home.
So they bought a nice mattress for the guest bedroom, a simple bedframe to prevent anyone from going underneath. The closet was filled up with simple clothing and spares the boys didn't wear much. And a small bathroom with only a sink and toilet connected to the guest bedroom.
They would fill it with more things once they had their precious thing with them.
There was only one thing that each of the boys were hesitant about. You.
You took care of Becka so well and the both of you were so close they just couldn't imagine what would happen if Becka was without you. So after much debate and concerns spilled at the table they decided to bring you too. A buy one get one free deal that they didn't exactly want but Price just reassured everyone with, "If we threaten the little friend then Becka would likely listen better no?". To that, everyone agreed.
It's why the guest bathroom had two fresh toothbrushes and there were a couple more pillows added to the bed in the guest room. Locks and other safety features were installed on the windows and doors and security cameras were added outside and on the property.
They owned a bit of land for what they thought would be future projects. Soap wanted to have a shed for tools and such but also wanted to get one of those rideable grassmowers. It was Ghost who shook his head at that silly notion, knowing Soap would just wreak havoc and definitely mess up the yard.
Gaz has actually put a swing set in the back one day when all the boys were out and on the first day Soap somehow break the seat of the swing in half which led to Gaz making him fix it.
Price just likes the thought of having land to do what he pleased with. He wondered to himself if maybe when Becka got comfortable with them, she had any dreams of what she wanted her house to look like. He and the boys wouldn't mind building her whatever she wanted.
He sat in his recliner in the den, the football game playing mindlessly in the background with a can of beer in his hand. His head leaned back with his body, leaning against the chair in deep thought.
Surely everything would be okay. Becka might cry a little and get upset, but he was sure that after some time and with your help she would adjust.
It will be okay.
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One night, they drove into town, memorizing how you and Becka would always go out on a Friday night. And low and behold there Becka was, ordering another drink and one for you as well, much to your dismay.
It wasn't hard to slip something into the freshly made drinks, the bartender was occupied with Gaz ordering a drink while Price slipped it in.
And within the hour they watched both of you get real tired. Somehow you managed to hold out the most, feeling odd as you realized Becka was exhausted much like you were.
You were careful as you led Becka outside, leaning on each other carefully. You noticed a bench on the street and sat down next to her. Unfortunately, Becka was already dozing off which had you worried. She wasn't the type to get drunk this quickly and one cocktail wasn't enough to get you feeling so drowsy.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before deciding to bite the bullet and call a cab or an Uber, yawning as you pulled your phone out. But before you could even unlock the device a hand pulled it out of yours, your eyes widening as much as they could before a small pinch on your neck made you black out.
Waking up on an unusual bed was not on your list of Friday night activities. The room was dimly lit and you felt a presence next to you, noticing the form of your friend sleeping peacefully next to you.
Your heart began to race, your limbs heavy from whatever was in your drink that caused you to become so drowsy.
The moment you sat up you heard the sound of someone sitting up and opening a door, looking up to see a large form peeking out the doorway into what you could only assume to be a hallway, "Hey! The friend is up!" the rough voice shouted, a couple of footsteps could be heard coming your way.
You panicked as you turned to Becka, putting your hands on her shoulders to gently shake her. You started tearing up as you lifted a hand to her cheek to gently tap it. You didn't want to hit her to wake her, what if she didn't wake up cause you hit her too hard?
Before you knew it, all four men had entered the room, when you realized they were all staring, you put your back to the bedframe.
A man with a mohawk and a small grin on his lips, a simple tank top showing off his huge arms. A man near his height with dark curly hair neatly cut, his hands hidden in his pockets. A very tall and big man, scars littering his features making him strikingly handsome yet his eyes stared at you coldly. And a slightly older-looking man with a neatly trimmed beard, his eyes seemingly soft but you could see a calculating look behind them.
You kept your back to the headboard, still keeping your palm on one of Beckas' shoulders, fear striking you.
Before you could utter a single word Becka started to stir, her other hand walking your hand away, an annoyed grumble leaving her lips, "(Y/n)? Why are you in my bed?" She asked, her eyes still closed as she tried to sit up.
You were scared silent, your lips opening only to let out nothing, your heart beating so loud and fast that it felt like a drum in your chest.
When she opened her eyes she let out a screech, her hands quickly going to your shoulders as she pushed you forward a bit, pulling her knees close so she could attempt to hide behind you.
At that sight, Ghost couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
Price stood at the end of the bed with a soft smile on his face, but you could only stay still out of fear as your friend decided to raise her voice, "Where am I?? Who are you??" She asked in a demanding tone and her brows furrowed.
Price just smiled and stood still, "Let's just say that from now on you're in your new home love. I'm John, and me and my boys here took quite an interest in you Becka." He stated.
You couldn't hear a thing as Becka and the man in front of you talked, her loud voice right behind your ear, and yet the only thing you could hear was the loud sound of your heartbeat and muffled yells with a calmer voice. No matter how hard you tried to focus on the words, you just couldn't get past the sound of your heartbeat.
No one had even realized you weren't there mentally as Ghost reached for Beckas' arm, her grip on you tightening. They had to forcefully pull her away.
You were suddenly pulled out of it when you realized Becka was actually getting dragged out of the room, scrambling to get up from the bed, "Wait!! Where are you taking her!?" You asked frantically, your eyes nearly watering as she was taken out of the door.
Price just gave you a wry smile as he stood at the door frame, "Since she's decided to say some very harsh things, we thought we'd teach her a lesson in manners." He stated, closing and locking the door.
You sat there in the guest room waiting for a very long time for Becka to return.
You didn't realize that your best friend would be the one to torment you more than your abductors from that moment on.
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Learning to live with the boys was simple for you but not so much for Becka.
Living with the boys lets you have a pretty simple routine. While you had free range of the house except for their rooms, you didn't interact with them much. Breakfast was usually made by Simon or Price.
Becka often skipped breakfast and would berate you if you ate breakfast without her, so often you spent breakfast in your shared room. You'd usually help brush her hair while she complained about everything. You always stayed silent when she talked about escape or managing to stab one of the boys.
The last time she tried to stab one of them you could hear the screams she let out of the closet for hours. The tense silence in the den was hell that day.
But after breakfast, you did the laundry. The amount of clothes that would get ruined by juice or tea or whatever liquid Becka could get her hands on would grow a lot so you'd try your best. You would even arrange piles by whose clothes they were.
You just did menial tasks before prepping lunch, and then the time between lunch and dinner was time you got to yourself. That's when you'd find some forgotten corner of the house and read a book, dreaming about being far far away.
During the day Becka would be handed off between the boys. John would try to spend time with her on the couch usually, attempting to make her mood change with an interesting show but if he even tried to cuddle with her or have her in his lap she'd immediately start insulting him which never helped her case, often resulting in a spanking.
One time, after a spanking, she refused to open her mouth at all to talk to anyone. During that time you made a small joke, "It's okay Becka probably just got reminded of all the times she got spanked for getting in trouble as a kid.". That usually got a small chuckle from the boys, making them cheer up from Beckas' sour mood.
When with Simon he often made her spend time with him in his room, away from prying eyes. But often that ended with Simon's arms being filled with scratch marks and light bruises on Becka's wrists. He often ended up dragging her out of his room and putting her back in the guest room.
Simon was often annoyed and pissed off after their interactions. You'd usually pull out disinfectant and make him a cuppa for when he comes down afterward.
Johnny was the one who tried to do physical things with Becka, being careful as he let her in the yard and pushed her on the swing or showed her some tomatoes he grew. You were there though when Becka lashed out and shoved the tomatoes onto the ground, cussing at him only for Simon to see and drag her inside.
You saw how upset Johnny was at that moment and ended up using the tomatoes for dinner that night. When you told him they were tasty and made the pasta sauce super good, he seemed to cheer right back up. Fortunately, Becka wasn't at dinner that night. They actually kept her locked in her room as punishment.
Kyle tried to do small activities with her. He'd pull out coloring books or puzzles or even buy nail supplies and other beauty stuff to try and get her interested. Occasionally Becka would oblige, but mostly it ended up with broken things and a very upset Kyle.
And when Kyle got upset, that meant that everyone in the house had to deal with his bad mood. He was silent but annoyed and needy. You didn't know how to help much other than clean the mess Becka made, and sometimes you'd try to fix the things she broke if you could. Once when he brought little ceramic things to paint with her she smashed it. Once you found the glue, you fixed it and then returned it to him That luckily stopped his bad mood.
But while they all had lost their patience with Becka many times due to her harsh words and temper tantrums, you undoubtedly took the brunt of it.
Whenever she started yelling you'd do your best to calm her down, the boys always got too frustrated with her behavior, especially when threats of punishment wouldn't work.
When in the privacy of your room she would bring up escape plans only for you to be the rational one, explaining how you two still didn't know where you were. How the exits all have locks on them and how the boys were keen on all of their movements. You even explained how they had to be trained in some sort of field because there was just something about them.
And every time she'd get upset, leaving bruises on your stomach or arms that you'd end up covering with the long sleeves you'd wear around the house.
You couldn't even count how many times you'd refuse to give her a knife. Always so angry and violent. She had never hit you, always just having rude things to say about your appearance or how you acted before you two were abducted. But now she had gotten even worse.
Every day all you wanted to do was cry but you always ended up keeping it inside and trying your best to not get in anyone's way.
You didn't want their attention. You couldn't imagine being on the end of their punishments nor how much sex they all have. The amount of marks Becka would end up having on nights she was forced to spend with the boys was insane.
Some nights she came back angry but others when you assume she got the upper hand she came back with a grin on her face.
She rarely talked to you about much anymore, just always complaining and always upset. And how she would blame you for many things going wrong if she got punished.
You weren't quite sure how much more of this you could take.
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It was another emotionally and physically draining day for the retired 141.
Becka had once again attempted to stab someone, luckily Simon reacted quickly and prevented himself from getting hurt.
They were all sat in the den, a binder of photos out when you came out to them with a tray of tea and some snacks. They had trouble putting Becka in the closet they used for isolation, and you did not like the tense feeling in the house, so you brewed some tea to calm your nerves.
It was actually Simon who noticed you first, taking the tea and mumbling along small "thank you". It was followed by Johnny hoarding the snacks you brought and Kyle who fought with him over it. John also took some tea with a small tired smile pointed at you.
At the sight of Kyle and Johnny fighting over snacks, you couldn't help but let out a little laugh. The sight of your abductors fighting over snacks when the coffee table was filled with creepy pictures of your friend strewn about felt odd but the situation was crazy enough to make you laugh.
Upon realizing all eyes were on you, you immediately shut up, fear filling you as you quickly took the tray and put it in the kitchen, quickly scurrying away to find someplace where you felt safe enough to hide away till night came.
They hadn't realized it, but it was the first time the boys heard you laugh. In the months of time passing since you came here with Becka, they had never heard you laugh.
You were always so skittish sometimes they completely forgot they took you too. You weren't their main focus but they always tanked you for chores or tasks you did for them. They thanked you when you managed to calm down Becka and when you were kind to them.
And when they gazed upon the photos Kyle took, they couldn't help but wonder what your real smile looked like. You were in many of the photos despite the clear focus of them being Becka. Yet in each one, you never had a real smile on your face. They all looked strained and wry.
As they looked through the photos they had, they truly didn't have one of you where you seemed truly happy. And that led to multiple days where they wouldn't bug Becka, their attention shifting from trying to make her happy, to observing your movements and habits.
They noticed right at the beginning that you did everything you could to keep your distance. You would make small talk but not much else. Their sudden interest in talking to you seemingly made you anxious.
And you often were hiding away during your free time. They noticed that you would hide in the bathroom when no one was using it or would go to the study and get comfy on the floor with a book in hand. Sometimes, you would even hide in the coat closet much to their confusion.
They noticed that you really enjoyed most meals, often a satisfied or happy smile reached your lips when you thought no one was looking, or even sneaking a bit more food onto your plate. They also watched as you hummed while cooking, occasionally mumbling along some lyrics they couldn't make out.
You also hummed when you did the dishes after dinner, swaying to whatever song played in your head mindlessly.
You had all these small, cute habits that they truly never noticed before, and now that they were seeing them, they wanted more.
How could they have ever been obsessed with that mess of a woman? The deluded version they had of her in their heads had finally cracked, and when they looked at you, they couldn't help but feel guilty that they hadn't noticed you sooner.
As the days passed you noticed their sudden change. How Simon would come into the kitchen while you were in it, asking if he could help. Every time you tried to decline he would push his way into prepping whatever needed to be chopped up or even just stirring a pot while you grabbed an extra ingredient. It was very hard to forget Simon was there. He always pressed up against you, his body close, or his attempts at "squeezing" by you just to move you with his hands on your hips. It was starting to make you anxious each time you heard someone approach you while you cooked.
John would tell you to come sit with him on the couch, a football game playing on the TV and he'd ask you questions about your life or things you liked to watch. Each time you'd get confused and ask what it has to do with Becka. And just the mention of her name was enough to make him frown, a sigh leaving his lips. Didn't help that he tried to sit close to you. You'd stay still out of fear that he might do something you didn't like if you moved at all.
Kyle would be the one to start buying you things he thought you'd like as a guessing game to himself. First, it was a soft blanket with some sort of cute character on it. He told you it was for the couch so you had something to yourself. Kyle would make excuses to get you things, whether it was new books or activities he thought you might enjoy. And you thanked him each time, but he'd observe you closely to see whether you actually liked it or not. He knew you would accept anything even if you didn't like it out of fear. So the next day when that thing you didn't like disappeared from the house you'd try to ignore it, too afraid to ask what happened to it.
Johnny though? He'd find you when you went into a hiding spot and accompany you. No matter how well you thought you disappeared in the house he would always find you. When he did he'd start rambling about things he liked to do and how he wanted you to join him in certain activities. He even brought you outside into the yard and set up a blanket on the grass so you could read. His poor excuse of, "Well, bein' outside is good for ya!". But each time he dragged you out of your spot he could see how afraid you were. Each time he tried to ignore it in hopes that you'd get used to his sudden change.
And you weren't the only one who noticed their change in behavior. Becka has become far more irritable as things weren't catering to her much anymore.
And each night that passed they boys noticed you had started to avoid her like the plague.
They told themselves they wouldn't need cameras inside, but they were curious. You and Becka were so obviously different. They were now second-guessing your relationship with her.
So they took the opportunity to install a hidden camera when you both were taken to have a shower and such downstairs since your bathroom connected to your room only had a toilet and sink.
The boys weren't bugging you nearly as much due to them installing it. It was only Becka in the room until nightfall, her form either pacing in the room or on the bed taking a nap. And when they bid you goodnight and let you into the room they quickly gathered around the computer in the study and watched the feed from your room.
They noticed that you went straight to the headboard, your back straight against it much like that night that you first woke up in that bed. You were watching Becka pace in front of the bed.
They noticed you looked terrified as she started talking once again about escaping. You kept silent until she started yelling at you, wincing when she turned to face you, "Please Becka!! If you would at least pretend to be nice then maybe the plans you come up with would work. But they are always so wound up because of you that there's no chance they wouldn't notice." You warned, your voice pleading with her to listen to you for once.
But that only seemed to upset her more.
"Ha! And you're so much better huh?? Acting like a docile little slut to get on their good side hm?" She berated, your mouth opening to defend yourself only to have her start yelling, "If you weren't always hiding like a coward we could have taken them out by now!! If you weren't so fucking scared like a little sensitive bitch then I wouldn't have to deal with them!! It's all your fault and you just keep ruining everything!" She screamed, tears filling your eyes as you looked down in shame.
But your tears weren't enough for her to forgive you. The sight of her dragging you out of bed by your shirt, the fabric tearing and showing the bruises she had left previously, her hand raised as you tried to defend yourself against her. She left a harsh slap on your cheek for the first time, and your eyes widened in shock.
The boys immediately took action, getting up and rushing up the stairs.
They could hear you behind the locked door, pleading with her to stop, to let you go, that you couldn't take it anymore, it only seemed to anger her more, her legs straddling your torso as her hands reached your neck.
The only thing you let out were choked sobs of, "I'm sorry." over and over. When they finally managed to open the heavily secured door they saw it.
The sight of you crying heavily, choked apologies leaving your lips as you held her wrists. You had a look of sorrow in your eyes as your own former best friend choked you with the intent to kill you, acceptance slowly dawning on you.
It was Kyle who dragged her off you, anger filling him as Becka kicked at the man. Johnny had to intervene and hold her back, pressing her to the wall with Kyle. His grip on her was so tight she started to cry.
But he couldn't hear her, none of the boys could.
The moment you could breathe again you started backing away to the wall, all the tears you never let out in the months of being trapped there escaping as you finally broke down.
You sobbed and cried, rocking back and forth as you hugged yourself. John and Simon tried to approach but you were terrified of them approaching. You gave them the same terrified look you gave Becka and that hurt them even more.
They knew you couldn't accept them at that moment, not when you thought they'd hurt you just like she did. They could already see the bruises forming on your neck, your cheek red, and the bruises that littered your body underneath those long sleeves you hid yourself behind.
It hurt more than they expected, the sight of you terrified and hurt. And when Becka started screaming threats and insults their anger multiplied.
John grabbed Becka by her hair, dragging her through the doorframe kicking and screaming. But unlike the first time they dragged her out of that room, they were not going to be gentle.
They dragged her outside to the tool shed that Johhny and Simon had built and chained her to a post. They closed the door the moment she was chained and went back inside.
The moment they even got near the stairs they could hear your sobs from the open door of your room. It seemed as though you wouldn't stop anytime soon.
As much as they wanted to comfort you, as much as they wanted to hold you and whisper reassurances, they didn't deserve to.
They looked at each other with a clear understanding, that the approach they'd have with you would be heavily dependent on making you comfortable with them. They had to fix it even if it took time for you to accept them.
They made the mistake of having a deluded obsession with the wrong person, and they would do anything to fix their mistake.
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literaila · 2 days
atf satoru try not to kiss wife for 24 hours challenge
“seven feet, satoru,” you tell him, moving yourself to the opposite end of the couch. “seven. feet.”
“but—“ he’s whining, obviously, and stretching his obnoxiously long body to fit the space you just left. his hands rub at the body warmth you’ve left behind longingly. “this is cruel and unusual punishment.”
you only roll your eyes, resuming your very diligent email checking.
“c’mon,” he pleads, throwing caution—and his glasses—to the wind. puppy eyes are very persuasive. “it’s been three hours.”
“oh good, only 21 more to go.”
satoru groans, pulling at his hair. “three hours.”
“three hours since what?”
you both look up, tsumiki standing at the end of the couch, smiling at you and scrunching her nose at satoru.
“morning, ‘miki, how’d you sleep?”
satoru whines again and shoves his face into the couch cushion—but not before he lifts his head so that tsumiki will give him a kiss on his forehead as she walks by, which she does, because she loves him or something.
she sits down next to you. “good. what’s wrong with him?”
you blink at satoru. “want to tell her what you did?”
“t’was a’ accident,” he mumbles, hanging his limbs in defeat.
tsumiki giggles again, but she still asks, “what did you do, dad?”
at that, satoru lifts his head. “nothing. i did nothing and your mother still refuses to touch me—i feel my limbs getting weak already,” he sits up, hand to his chest. “tsumiki i need you to call shoko.”
“shut up. you know what you did.”
he pouts.
“he pushed me out of bed in the middle of the night,” you tell tsumiki, shaking your head. “and he didn’t even wake up to check and see if i was alright.”
at that, tsumiki attempts to hold in a laugh—which she almost does, except she’s spent eight years living with the two of you so—
it’s safe to say that she coughs into her hands very subtly.
“i checked!” satoru argues, hands floating circles around his head. “i woke up from a very nice dream, which was ruined, and i tried to grab you but you weren’t there. i was all alone.”
“because you pushed me off—“
“why are you yelling,” and then your second child comes into the room and if satoru was going to win this fight—which he wasn’t—any chances have just been ruined.
“god,” satoru lays back down, turning so hes facing the couch, back to all of you. “i am a victim,” he says, very promptly and then shuts up.
tsumiki just gives megumi a little wave.
“sorry,” you say, even though you’re not sorry at all. “did we wake you up?”
megumi steps over your legs, his bed head very endearing. “no.” he sits next to tsumiki, resting a single palm on the top of her head as a hello. “where’s the coffee?”
“ask your father. he probably drank it all.”
megumi stares at satoru. white hair shakes sporadically, but the man-child makes no move to turn around.
you just shake your head, all of you waiting for satoru’s inevitable excuse.
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aangelkeii · 2 days
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❝𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐙𝐔𝐌𝐄❞ | Oops - Tweet, Missy Elliot ❦ ❀
Kinktober Day 3: Cock Warming (k.tober 2024)
A/N: GOD DAMNIT. okay so i rushed this im sorry it's not my fav but it's what you're gonna get. i'm so tired rn i should've listened to my girlfriend bro oh my gawd. also the photo of him on the ground is really tasty ngl
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
wc: 1.7k (hmm..) | warnings: fem! reader, singular use of the word 'cunt' (sorry, couldn't be helped), cock warming obvi, uhh li'l praise? literally the tiniest bit, this goes on during a stream so like.. voyeurism? viewers are adults dw, pornstar! kuroo is mentioned cuz i think that's so funny, kenma whines. o.0.
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Wake up, eat a protein bar, turn on the computer, stream for however many hours, sleep for 3, repeat. 
That’s been Kenma’s routine for the past few weeks. He’s been doing charity with Kuroo, ‘Kodzuken: After Dark’, a cheesy title for a program where he does what he regularly does, just for an all-adult audience. He’s dealt with the guy for this long, and he’d do this stupid thing for him. It’s not good for him, though. It’s absolutely terrible, visible in the dark circles under his eyes and the extreme exhaustion written across his face, but he’s been doing this kind of thing for so long that he doesn’t see anything wrong with it.
You beg to differ.
Of course, you support him through his career because it’s what makes him happy (and what makes the money), but it’s gotten to a point that you’re living with a walking zombie instead of your sweet, loving boyfriend. You don’t want to be annoying and pester him about his unhealthy habits, but sometimes you just have to be stern with him. 
Sending him a quick text while he was streaming, asking if he could come to bed soon, proved to work somewhat. He did curl in next to you earlier than he usually did, but it was still considerably late at night. The worst thing about his habits is the fact that even with a total of 21 hours of sleep a week, he still manages to look so good, and feel mostly unaffected by it. Most of his exhaustion comes from the drop of adrenaline after a good stream.
You decided to do something about him. Not in a regular way, but in a way that would make him understand.
In the middle of a stream, you opened the door to the office and peeked your head in. Kenma heard the door creak a bit and muted his mic, turning in his gaming chair and pulling one side of his headphones off of his ear. 
“What’s up?” He muttered, half of his face illuminated by the harsh light of the computer. His hair was tied back into a ponytail, stray pieces tickling his cheeks every time he moved his head. 
“How’s the stream?” You made sure that your face isn’t visible to the webcam. Kenma didn’t want you to show your face to his fans just yet. You understood, flattered that he cared so much early on in your relationship. Even if it’s been 3 years since then, he still stood by his words. “Jus’ wanted to check in.”
He looks back at the screen, reading the chat as they greet you with ‘Lady Kodzuken’, a title that started off as a little joke. It’s the only thing they call you now, not knowing anything about you. “It’s good.”
He looks back at you, giving you a look over while his eyes are away from his nosy viewers. “You going to bed soon?”
You shrug and step into the room, softly closing the door behind you. Kenma’s hand hovers over this stream deck in case he needs to change the screen, but you walk to the side of his desk where the webcam can’t reach. Your hip leans against the desk, his eyes following your every move.
“You gonna come with me?” Your tone is a bit snarky, but mostly teasing. 
He looks back at the screen, the look on his face answering your question. You figured he wasn’t, but you’re still slightly annoyed. “There’s a few more levels, then I’ll join you.”
Nodding slowly, you peek around the screen to read the chat. They’re asking where you went and what you were doing.
You step into frame, and Kenma barely reacts in time to switch the screen, going to ask you what you were doing when you took his face in your hand. Your warm palm pressed gently into his cold cheek makes his eyelids falter just a bit as he relaxes. You soothe his cheekbone with your thumb, looking down at his golden eyes. He has a small look of confusion, brows upturned in question.
“Can I stay here with you?” Your soft voice has him nodding before you even finish your sentence. He doesn’t question you when your free hand goes to the drawstring of your pajama pants, undoing the tie and shimmying them down your legs. It’s only when you step out of them and reach for the waistband of his sweatpants that he snaps out of the trance you put him in.
“Wait–” your hands freeze at his hip bones. He has an internal battle with himself, debating on whether or not he should just end the stream and take you to bed like you wanted or let you sit on his lap with barely anything separating the two of you, but your thumbs delicately brush over his lower stomach.
He gulps and releases a shaky breath, reading the look in your eyes. You don’t plan on just sitting here with him. You’re planning something more.
He nods and you resume your actions, tugging the waistband down, and he lifts his hips for you to pull them off entirely. His hand rests on your hip as you settle on top of his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. He knows immediately that this was a mistake.
He can feel how warm you are, seeping through his bones and warming him from the outside-in. Your knees settle on either side of his hips, digging into the back of the gaming chair, and lean down to kiss his neck.
He feels you shift on his lap, seemingly accidental, but the purposeful roll of your hips down on him tells a different story. The seemingly innocent kisses and tender touches was just a ruse for you to fuck him.
“Babe, I’m streaming,” his voice strains when your fingers creep underneath the band of his boxers, peeling them down enough for his hardening cock to spring up. Your hand palms him, pressing the head against his sweater and leaving a small wet spot on the fabric. It’s embarrassing to him.
“I won’t be bothering you,” you spread the pre cum down his cock, taking your hand away to pull your underwear to the side, sitting against him and rolling your hips. He slips between your lips, knocking against your clit over and over, the stimulation enough to make you clench around nothing. When you raise on your knees and press his tip to your slit, his hands shoot up to the sides of your thighs in warning. 
Sliding down on him slowly, giving yourself enough time to stretch out around him without hurting yourself, Kenma’s already a panting mess beneath you. When the back of your thighs meet the top of his, a pitchy noise leaves his lips and his head falls back in an attempt to control himself.
“Go back to your stream, baby.”
His eyes dart to yours alarmingly, looking at you as if you were crazy. You expect him to continue on like he’s not buried to the hilt inside of you? How can he act like everything’s normal?
You lay your head back into the crook of his neck, taking in a deep breath of his hoodie, tightening your arms around him as you settle down. A slight shift of his hips has you clenching around him and his head feels like it’s going to roll off of his shoulders. But, he does as you say, unmuting himself with a quiet apology as he switches the screen. Now, he wishes he had set up that screen for when he’s not using his webcam.
The rest of his stream goes by agonizingly slow, periodic twitches of your cunt around his dick that makes him buck his hips involuntarily. You have an impressive talent of keeping yourself dead quiet at times, and he’s entirely grateful for that at this moment. The chat questions every time his face burns a darker red and his bottom lip is pulled between his teeth, but he brushes them off with some lame excuse. Either his chat is clueless or stupid, because it should be entirely obvious that he’s stuffed inside of you while you cockwarm him with no care in the world. 
His tip keeps nudging against your sweet spot, and after a torturous hour of small, faltering movements, your hips start to pick up in speed. Kenma slams his hand down on his stream deck, switching to some random idle inimation and muting his stream before his hands grip onto your hips, head falling back with a moan. He hasn’t gotten softer with little to no stimulation, only growing painfully more hard. He can feel how wet his boxers have become from how you’re dripping around him, and it’s overstimulating when you increase your speed even more.
“Oh, oh fuck, mmmhn, s’good,” he babbles on, mouthing near your temple, head foggy and determined to come. The slight praise sends a bolt of electricity between your legs, clit pressing harshly into his pelvic bone, stimulating a fire inside of you. It’s a sudden rush of want and need that forces Kenma to reach up to the back of your neck, dragging you away from his neck to slam his lips against yours in an effort to muffle the pathetic whines that pour from his lips. The warmth of his cum inside of you is enough to make you come, too, huffing out your own noises of pleasure as you ride it out on top of him.  
It feels like forever until the heat finally subsides and you lie limp on his lap, arms circled around his torso as you catch your breath. Kenma ends the stream quickly afterwards and plans to tweet out an apology or something, saying it was a technical difficulty, hoping to god that no one points out the obvious signs of his bliss with you. He knows that it’ll spread like wildfire if even a single person mentions it, but he’ll worry about that later.
“I didn’t like that,” his breathless voice speaks into the quiet air.
“Oh?” Your head lifts, slightly worried. Did you cross a line? 
He looks at your face, pupils dilated and face warm from the rush of blood throughout your body. “An hour was too long. We could’ve been in bed by now.”
Your worries are forgotten. You smile and lean closer to kiss him, cradling his face in your hands.
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© aangelkeii - do not repost, translate, plagarize, or claim any of my works as your own.
taglist: @ggriwm @ppsucker3000 @cstandsforchaos @jakeyjakies @cphlo @dumbwaystolive
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gallaghersgal · 2 days
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DAY THREE → somnophilia, kerry von erich
TAGS & WARNINGS → NSFW 18+ somno, dom/sub, daddy kink, fingering, p in v, oral (f!rec), fem reader, fem pet names like darlin'/mama, spitting, cumplay. and aftercare!
WC → 1.4k um.
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kerry is a gentleman. always has been, always will be. it’s a trait that endears him to you. but the warmth of you on windswept, lonely autumn nights is too much for him to resist.
a soft, happy groan leaves him as he slips out of bright red shorts and underwear all in one go. he’s already half hard and when he sees you’re bare underneath a soft tee his dick throbs under his own palm.
honestly, the mere fact you’d let him have you like this got kerry rock solid.
“‘ey darlin’,” he mumbles, one strong hand lifting the hem of your tee. he parts your thighs with a gentle touch, spreading you open before spitting on his palm. kerry guides himself inside your warmth, his knees buckling at the feeling. “good girl, lettin’ daddy take’ya like this.”
he shudders with every thrust, hips pistoning into you with as much care as he can muster. selfishly, he wants you to stay asleep. so you can stay like this for him, alseep and sated, letting him keep his softening length snug inside you as he slept on your chest.
but of course on the other hand.
seeing your eyes blink open, features contorting into a mask of pleasure at the girth of him inside you. hearing your moans, and your sweet voice repeating his name over and over again. he figures, maybe it won’t be so bad if you do wake up.
it doesn’t take much for him to cum. one hand pawing at the smooth skin of your tits is enough to send him over the edge. at the same time you begin to blink up at him, whimpering at the way he’s left you wrecked.
“awh sweet girl, ‘m gonna take care ‘f’ya. promise.” he mutters more sweet praises against your neck, lips trailing down your sternum. kerry takes his sweet fucking time leaving little bruises across your skin. you hear him huff in amusement when your tummy jumps, one hand coming to swat at his head.
"that tickles, asshole," you complain, your walls clenching around his load and squeezing it back out. you're desperate for release, your body sluggish and preening under every touch. "c'mon, ker. please, need you," you beg softly.
it's the voice that does him in, same as always. all you have to do is ask oh so softly and your big, scary boyfriend is putty in your hands.
"a'ight mama, 'm goin'," he grumbles. large, rough hands caress the soft flesh of your thighs, drawing one over his shoulder while he sinks his face lower. plush lips settle over your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves while his curls brush your lower belly.
the longer bits are dangling by his mouth, he's being a champ about it though. but you have the presence of mind to take your scrunchie from the bedside table and tie his hair back into a little bun. you cradle the side of his head, back arching in pleasure as he licks into your messy hole.
his tongue moves in a pattern you can't decipher. you drag your fingers through his bangs, give them a gentle tug, and ask, "you spellin' somethin' down there?"
when kerry looks up at you his chin is slick and shiny in the dim light. "awh nothin', just y'r name," he mutters, kissing your stomach softly, "an' thank you."
two fingers push deep inside you, his thumb moving to work at your clit. messy lips crash to yours, smearing all over your freshly washed skin, but you can't find it in yourself to care. not with the way his middle finger crooks inside you, pressing against a spot that has you seeing stars.
"kerrykerrykerry,” you babble, just how he likes you. fucked too stupid to say anything but his name.
“tha’s it,” he keeps his face so close that his lips brush yours when he speaks. one thumb tugs your bottom lip, his teeth sinking gently into the top one before he asks, “you gonna cum f’me, darlin’?”
“mmh! mmhm,” you hum in response, lips chasing after him with so much determination that your teeth knock together when you finally kiss him.
he doesn’t mind it. 
slow, deep pumps of his fingers paired with tight circles on your clit send a wave of pleasure crashing over your body. you lose all sense of your surroundings for a moment, crying out as your thighs shake. "daddy, daddy," is all you manage whine, nails digging into his biceps.
faintly you hear kerry chuckle, and mumble, "did s'good for daddy, look so pretty baby." amused at the way your cunt flutters around his fingers, squeezing his load out at the seams. he removes his fingers and spreads them out, white, sticky strings stretch between his digits. “open up,” kerry mumbles.
you do as you’re told, waiting for him to slip his fingers into your waiting mouth, but first he tastes for himself. The pads of his fingers dip into his mouth, smearing onto his lips in a way that makes you unable to look away. your mouth begins to close but kerry grips your jaw firmly. “tongue out,” he growls. 
again, you do as you’re told. you display the flat of your tongue and he spits into your mouth, one rough hand closing your jaw until you swallow. you loll your tongue out again to prove your obedience, rewarded with a sloppy kiss and the taste of mixed arousal on kerry’s tongue.
when you separate for air, he replaces his tongue with his fingers. you lick the digits clean with your eyes closed. deep breaths through your nose and kerry’s gentle kisses across your face help slow your heart rate. 
time passes in a haze until kerry decides it’s time for bed. he kisses your forehead, one finger pulling on your lower lip as it slips from your mouth. he pulls it into an exaggerated pout, face looming over yours until your mouth lifts into an awkward smile. he lets go and stands from the bed. 
“stay right there darlin’,” he mutters, leaning down to kiss your tummy. on his way out he tosses you the clean, red silk robe that hangs on the back of the door. after propping yourself comfortably on the pillows you slip off your tee—now bunched up by your collarbones from the night’s activities—and wrap yourself in the robe. 
to be cheeky, you leave the top loose enough to show your chest, including the curve of your breast and the blossoming bruises kerry left there. he returns with a glass of ice water, a warm washcloth, and the instant camera you’d gifted him for his birthday.
you accept the glass with gracious hands and spread your legs apart, waiting for him to clean you up. but the washcloth gets placed on the bedside table, and just as quickly as you’d been given the water, it was taken. 
kerry shushes you when you whine. he sits on the edge of the bed, looming over you with the camera. “y’re so messy baby,” he mumbles, "wanna remember.”
you flinch as he lets go, leaving one hand on the camera, but his strength keeps the thing suspended. his thumb draws your lip into a perfect pout and before you know it the flash is firing in your eyes. “k-kerry!” you exclaim, blinking slowly.
the photo prints off, and he sets it to the side, kissing your forehead. you think you’re finished, but he moves to sit back on his knees, angling the camera towards your body. “‘ey, arch f’me pretty girl. please?” 
oh. he’s whining.
you smile and angle your knees apart, arching your spine off the bed. your hands pull at the tie on the robe, moving the edge of the fabric until the curve of your breast is visible. the camera flashes again, and you don’t mind as much. 
kerry cleans up your face first, wiping your sticky chin and cheeks with the washcloth before taking care of your sensitive pussy. his chest tightens at the way you mewl, the sound bordering pain and pleasure. “doin’ do good baby girl,” he encourages. 
as soon as he’s done the cloth is swiped over himself in a quick pass or two, getting the job done but with much less care than he exhibited towards you. when he tosses it off to the hamper, his arms are around you immediately, pressing his face against your chest. you cradle his head against your skin and pull his hair down, fingers petting through messy curls. 
kerry’s out in no time, and with the weight of him pressed against your chest so are you.
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© gallaghersgal, 2024. inbox. masterlist.
div., cafekitsune (x), sugarish (x).
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dilf-rot · 2 days
Nuisance P2
Link to p1 
Word count: 1990
Tags: Wolverine x Reader, Logan Howlett x Reader, Mutant!Reader, Hater to Lover, Reader with a Vulva, GN except for the term “princess” and “doll”, Fighting as Foreplay, fingering but through the clothes, P in V, creampie 
AN: This is basically just more smut… also! thanks to those who requested more of this<3 
MDNI 18+
Today was sparring training which would have been fine but when you looked at the schedule you wanted to scream. You could have sworn you would be up against Scott, but reading the schedule now it seemed like he switched with Logan.
God fucking damnit.
You had been avoiding him since the party, trying to put as much distance between you as possible. Praying that the out of sight, out of mind sentiment would work and you could forget as quickly as possible what happened that night. That you could ignore the desire building inside of you. That you could pretend that he didn’t feel that good, or make you cum that hard. Pushing him as far out of your mind as possible, but now you were trapped. Stuck sparing with him on such short notice. You make a mental note to kick Scott’s ass next time you see him.
When you entered the training room, there he was leaning up against the wall, arms crossed against his chest, just waiting for you to come in.
“There you are,” His voice makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. He smiles as he starts to walk over to the mat in the middle of the room, 
“Let’s just get this over with,” You set your bag down against the wall and adjust the waistband on your training suit, making sure the small knives holstered around your thighs aren’t going to move around. If you had been sparing with Scott, as had originally been the plan, you would be trying out some new moves you had been thinking of, but since you were now faced with the insufferable and nearly indestructible Logan, you just wanted to avoid getting pinned and take him down as quickly as possible.
You barely regarded him as you made your way to stand across from him, readying yourself. You heard him let out a small huff, as if he was amused by you, but you didn’t feel the need to respond. The timer on the wall started and you leapt towards him, your smaller frame allowing you to side step his attempt at a grab and jab your elbow into his side. 
His movements are faster than yours, but you use your size to your advantage as much as you can. Slipping through all of his attempts to take you down. To your surprise he hasn’t even unsheathed his claws, instead just using his bare hands and strength to spar with you. You miscalculated the distance it would take to kick him in the side and he manages to grab hold of your ankle, smiling at you as he does. He holds you there for a split second before pulling you close to him.
“It’s exhausting pretending to hate me, isn’t it?” He asks, looking at you with a smirk on his face as he drops your leg from his hold, places that hand on your waist to hold you there.
“I’m not pretending.” Being this close to him again is making your heart race, and not just from the exertion of the fight, but rather the sensation of his hands on you again, and the scent of him filling your head.
“Then why don’t you use that knife in your pocket sweetheart.” He looks down to your thigh and has the most shit eating grin on his face. The saccharine tone he uses when he calls you that, makes your stomach twist in a strange way.
“Fuck you.” You spit on him as you push away from him, wrestling out of his grip and getting a few feet between you before he’s moving towards you again.
He manages to catch you as you try to take him down and pins you to the mat, finally unsheathing his claws to cage you in, the metal digging holes into the mat on either side of your shoulders. 
“Do you still hate me?” He says, his body weight on top of you making it impossible to escape. He’s dragging his hands up your thighs and your mind is racing.
“Yes,” you slide your hands to grasp the handle of your knives, but his fingers race up and grab your hands.
“Let’s see if I can change that,” His voice low, as he leans in. You try to wrestle yourself out from under him, but he is far heavier than you, and trying to throw him off seems unlikely. 
“Stop playing around,” You try to kick up against him but he just finds this amusing and sits up, pulling his claws out from the mat and resting on his knees. You take the opportunity to squirm out from under him, hooking your legs around his hips but before you can push him down on the mat he catches you by the waist. Pulling you up so that you're sitting in his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist, his arms wrapped around yours. You grapple against his shoulders, trying to think of a way to remove yourself from this situation.
Logan presses his head against your neck and whispers, low and warm against your skin, “You keep wriggling like that, and we might have some problems.”
You stiffen, hands dropping from his shoulders down to his hands which rest at your hips. As you pull your head back to look at him, all you can see is the sly smirk on his face and the pupils of his eyes dilating. 
“Let’s get back to the match then,”
“Too late for that,” He silences you with a kiss, it’s gentle and nowhere near as aggressive or wild as the first time he kissed you. But the sensation fills your head with thoughts of him. Of his mouth. Of your hidden desire for more. You’re embarrassed that you are the one who pushes him further, who whines against his mouth in an attempt to get more, to have him devour you in even a fraction of the amount that you had been craving since that night. 
His hands trail up your spine, and you shiver at the touch. He hums against you, and you have to stop from grinding yourself down against him. You cling to him to steady yourself and as he pulls away you let out a very pathetic sound.
“That desperate for me?” If you were in your right mind you would slap that smile on his face, but all you can think of is his hands, his mouth, his cock. You want him to destroy you, to dismantle that last bit of restraint and hatred you’re pretending to have.
 He leans back into you, dragging his hands back up your thighs and pressing the palm of his hand between them. You try not to buck up against the pressure, but obviously fail. Pressing yourself further up against his hand, craving his touch, rocking yourself against him. He brings his free hand up to your shoulder, pressing you back down into the mat, “So needy, just hold still.”
“Stop teasing,” you hiss, trying to claw your way out of his grasp.
“No,” He uses his fingers to press right against your clit through the fabric, sliding them back and forth, dragging short breaths out of you. You wish he would just cut right to the good stuff, but he doesn’t seem to be stopping himself anytime soon. You try to paw at him through his suit, but he knees your hands out of the way, moving his hand from your shoulder to collect your wrists and pin them above you. 
He swirls circles over your clit, pressing harshly against the fabric. You squirm against him, unable to stop yourself from grinding up into his hand, trying so hard to get some sort of release. 
“Just fuck me,” You breathe out, horse and ragged.
He looks you over, quirking his eyebrow as he takes in the desperation on your face, but denies you again, instead replacing his hand by pressing his knee between your thighs. You can feel his cock hard against your thigh through the slick fabric of your training suits. The pressure of his body against you is still not enough, and you grind down against him, causing a smile to break across his face as he places kisses across your neck and shoulder.
Losing your self respect you whisper, soft and wanton, “Please.”
That is all he needs to pull back and tear the crotch of your suit open, dipping his head between your thighs to drag a sloppy kiss across your clit, palming himself out of his suit before readjusting to stare at the sight before him. 
He smirks as he slaps the head of his cock against your clit, spitting on it and dragging himself through your folds, your slick and his salvia mixing together and making lewd wet sounds between you.
Your hands claw at his hips, urging him to stop toying with you, and he obliges for once. Thrusting himself slowly into you, the stretch of his cock even better now than it was in your memory. His pace is slow and methodical, he wants you to feel every inch of him, he wants you to cave, to own up to how you actually feel.
You don’t care, you just want him to use you. You just want to feel the way you felt that night. “Logan, harder,” you groan, clutching onto his shoulders.
“I don’t know, Princess.” He drags himself back, slowly, until the tip of his cock is just barely inside of you.
“Hard-” the breath is knocked out of you as he slams all the way in. Rough and fast. Your eyes wide and watery. 
He fucks you rough and hard, just as you asked, and it feels so good but it isn’t enough. You still need more, and he can tell. He bites down on your shoulder, a whine caught in your throat. He kisses and licks at the bruise that is beginning to form. You grab his wrists and he smiles, bringing his hand between the two of you to rub your clit in little circles, so softly and slowly in contrast to his thrusting.
His movements are erratic and you can feel yourself getting closer, he trades his circling for fast back and forth movements. You moan and whine and mutter nonsense as you get brought to the edge, your nails scratching down his back and arms, drawing a deep growling moan from him. 
He smashes his lips against yours, collecting all your whimpers and praises into his mouth, his tongue darting inside and rubbing along yours. You eagerly kiss him back, swirling your tongue against his, the building sensations making your thighs quiver as you tighten around him and feel a shock through your system as you finally cum. Your eyes screw shut as you press yourself up against him, riding out the feelings as his movements falter and you feel him twitching inside of you.
You break away from the kiss, salvia strung between the two of you, and you look at him with pleading eyes as he tries to fight off his orgasm. 
“Inside… please,” You barely manage to whine, and his hands are gripping your hips harshly, his fingers digging into the flesh as he pulses inside of you, filling you up with his warm white cum. The feeling of him inside of you is gratifying, you could melt away in bliss.
You stay that way, his hands never leaving your skin, your hands trailing along his back and arms. A pathetic sound leaving you once he finally slips out. 
“How about now? Still hate me?” He wraps his arms around you pulling you into his chest, you hide your face against the crook of his neck.
“No…” you finally admit, more to yourself than to him. Your voice muffled against his skin.
“Knew you’d come around eventually, Doll.”
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pellaaearien · 1 day
The Secret of Immortality
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Dream x Hob, Charles & Edwin | Teen | 4k | established Dreamling, comics mashup, the boys are doing their best | Ao3 link
The Dead Boy Detectives are on the trail of an immortal killer who sucks the life from his victims. In the course of their investigation, they encounter the mysterious Marquis de Marquez, who claims to also be hunting the killer. According to the Marquis, their culprit is the infamous Gilles de Rais, currently living in London under an assumed name... Hob Gadling.
The first thing Hob thinks, when he’s woken in the middle of the night, is that Dream is visiting.
It’s a common enough occurrence, now, that his first instinct isn’t to go for his knife, and he turns his head to look, expecting to see the dark outline and wild hair of his beloved sleep paralysis demon.
Instead, he sees two smaller shapes, light glinting off their eyes in a way that strikes him as deeply, primally unnatural. He sits up, and now his hand goes for his knife under the pillow, but he doesn’t grasp it. The supernatural has been more of a common occurrence in his life since he became the Dreamking’s consort, but Dream has never sent anyone but Matthew to Hob’s home in his stead.
He does consider calling Dream, just briefly, before dismissing the notion. He might be laughably out of his league when it comes to anything from Dream’s world, but he is, after all, immortal, and these boys — for that’s what they are, whatever else they might be, boys in old-fashioned clothing — don’t feel like a threat.
“Hello, there, chaps,” he says, as it doesn’t appear like they’re going to speak first; they both jump, like they weren’t expecting it. “What’s the word?” He doesn’t take his hand away from his knife, even though he’s not sure what good it’ll do. Are they ghosts? How has he never encountered ghosts before, if they’re real?
“He can see us?” one of the boys hisses to the other.
“Bugger that,” his companion says. “Do the spell, Edwin!”
Continue on Ao3
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derww · 3 days
The mace is, of course, important. But Clown wants the mace because he wants to prove that he can be peaceful – just doesn't want to. And, also:
– You have to participate, – says Squiddo to him, and something in their intonation makes Clown feel like she's not joking. So he joins.
And he actually enjoys it – after all, he has his days off from being a mass murderer. He likes to do funny, cool, and cute stuff. Yeah, it's a little strange to be like that to someone besides his close friends, but he manages easily. It became a good change of the rhythm, even if it was just for a few weeks.
And, dismissing how obvious it is that he is pretending, he is the perfect candidate for the mace: a strong fighter who has redeemed himself passed, ready to protect the weak. True warrior of the peace. A symbol of hope. Is it that Minute wanted to be the last time?
When the Mace Keepers invite him on a walk in the middle of the night, they lead him up the tall mountain, a peak towering over the world. The air here is thin and almost sweet, the colors are hidden by undertones, and dense clouds hide the ground below. It's truly peaceful up here. Maybe some other version of him could have gotten used to it.
– You won, – they say, looking at him with pride. – you are truly worthy.
For some reason, all of them are smiling. Their hands are all empty. They are nodding.
– But none of us have the mace, – 4CVIT remarks cryptically, – not Squiddo, not MrCube and not even me. Its Master Oogway who got to actually take care of it.
They step aside, showing a small hillock located under a spreading willow tree. The grass is silvered under the moonlight. Firmament is strewn with myriads of stars.
At one point, there's no one there. He blinks, and there appears a figure. They are completely hidden in a dark robe, and their fabrics shine down like a waterfall. The Mace Keepers applaud them, as if approving the spectacular appearance.  
The figure removes a long purple hood. Branzy looks different – stricter, taller, and with the white hair pulled back in a braid – but it's still him. He's smiling. 
– Hello, gorgerous, – Clown says, – an honor to see you again.
Branzy smiles and blushes and laughs, but he needs to keep the composure, so he does.
– You had worked really hard to get here, – Branzy says, and he can't stop smiling and he looks Clown straight in the eyes, – reminding us all that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mistery, but today is a gift. And whats why it's called a present.
He solemnly presents him with the mace – takes it out of a sealed briefcase, from a purple silk pillow, and carefully holds it, not like a warrior but like an archivist, and he hands it to Clown.
And he accepts it, feeling the weight of responsibility and echoes of the warmth of other people's hands, and Keepers congratulate him and applaud, and everything is finally exactly as it should be – and then he changes his grip, wind charges into the sky, and with the eerie rumble strikes 4C, bringing him instant death.
It's too easy to kill them, weak and defensless, who had just given him the strongest power in the world. Squiddo and MrCube live only a little longer, but they too get decimated into dust. Mace shines, overflowing with power. Clown turns around and looks up at Branzy. and lowers the mace.
– I missed you, – he says warmly and takes out the mask. They look into each other's eyes for a moment. And then they hug.
– I missed you too, Clown, – Branzy agrees, caressing his hair, – you are the ray of sunshine in my life.
– Aw-w, dear, – Clown gives in and kisses him in the cheek, and Branzy, finally taking down all the officiousness and seriousness, happily giggles, – you never fail to make me smile.
They have less than an hour. He is happy nonetheless.
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syndullqs · 3 days
soft mornings — clone trooper headcanons
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summary — what soft mornings look like with some of our favorite troopers
warnings — painstakingly soft, gn!reader, some cheeky moments with cody, might be a part 2
note — UH YEAH ITS BEEN A MINUTE HI! this won the poll so it’s FINALLY out. sorry if it sucks…pls enjoy!
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arc trooper fives
shore leave with fives is not short of fun
but there’s also moments where the two of you just need to relax together
you’re sipping a cup of caf one morning, reading something on your datapad when fives walks in, his hair tousled which is coupled with the grey sweatpants
aka he’s lookin fine af
he sits down next to you on the couch, and you watch him as he settles his head on your shoulder
fives is clingy, but especially in the mornings
you set your datapad down on your lap, and with your free hand your buried your fingers into his hair and massaged his scalp.
which earned you several grunts and moans from fives
“you’re a mess,” you would tell him, and he’d only bring himself closer to you, wrapping his arms around your middle.
“but i’m your mess,” he’d look up at you with the biggest brown eyes full of love and ugh
once that man gets caf in his system though it’s over
captain rex
due to unpopular belief, rex is not a morning person
like he would rather be stuck in bed, curled up with a blanket than be anywhere else
so when he is on shore leave, the bed is his best friend
not that you would be complaining
the sun would be peaking through the curtains, brushing against his skin, casting shadows on his muscles.
aka he looks ethereal
you sit yourself on your elbows, running a hand over his back and leaning over to press kisses between his shoulder blades
rex just groans, not wanting to wake up and face the day, but also the feeling of your touch is sending him through the roof.
“good morning, my love,” you would hum in between kisses to his shoulder blades
“mornin’,” he mumbled back.
aka an absolute softie
mornings with rex are always soft, always warm, and always safe
rex has never felt safer whenever he’s with you on shore leave
captain howzer
now this man, THIS MAN, is a morning person and boy does it show
he loves getting up before you when he’s on shore leave, making you breakfast and a hot cup of caf
he loves the quiet mornings despite how rare they are
you’d get up after feeling his lack of being there, following the smell of breakfast
you’d wander into the kitchen, find howzer standing with his back to you
shirt off ofc
you’d wrap your arms around his middle and rest your cheek between his shoulder blades
a very sweet and very warm moment for the both of you.
the feeling of your arms around him secures him in place, it tells him he’s ok.
you’re his safe place
“smells absolutely amazing,” you hummed, earning a deep chuckle from howzer
“glad it does, it means i’m not burning it,” he replied as he twisted his body to kiss you on top of your head.
howzer loves cooking, even if he’s not that great at it
you definitely teach him
mornings with howzer are soft, but be ready because the slowness to the morning doesn’t last long with him
commander cody
if there’s anyone out of this bunch who’s cheeky in the mornings it’s cody
but he has his soft moments too
he doesn’t stay in one position all night, he’s definitely one who will fall asleep one way and wake up another.
he wakes up first, and when he sees you’re still asleep?
he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
he’ll watch you for a bit before he brings you closer to him, wrapping you in his arms
you would slowly wake up, but would melt right back into his touch.
it would be all soft, cody running his fingers up and down your back
and then he’d start kissing your neck
“cody!” you would squeal out in surprise
“what? you’re my breakfast,” he’d say casually
“whatever, lover boy,” you would blush.
his hands would roam, but they would respectfully
he never would do anything you weren’t comfortable with
so, mornings with him were always a little cheeky, but always soft and warm
commander wolffe
wolffe isn’t used to being on shore leave, no matter how many times he’d done it
but for some reason whenever he started dating you he eased up
clearly there’s an obvious reason
mornings are rough for him
he’s up early, sitting in the living room, with his sweats on and a hot cup of caf in his hands
mind you it’s not even light out
but you feel an absence without him, so you crawl out of bed and wander into the living room
“hun?” you softly called to him, and he turned his head to face you
wolffe definitely doesn’t get good sleep
so, when he sees you wander into the living room, his shoulders sag and he relaxes.
“couldn’t sleep, so just came out here,”
you sit yourself in his lap, and he absolutely loves it
he loves you being close to him; it helps him relax and it does help him sleep
the two of you would sit there, in silence, and wolffe would focus on you and your presence
you’re his grounding point, and no matter how quickly sleep evades him, you always manage to help him rope it in
commander fox
we all know that fox isn’t a morning person. like, at all.
when he gets a chance to sleep in, much less sleep at all, he’s sleeps HARD
fox is also a cuddle bug, fight me
like he wants to be close to you, but he doesn’t want nor like anyone knowing that about him
mornings with him are always started with him refusing to wake up
“we’ve got to get up, my love,” you’d groan, trying to wiggle out of the tight grasp he had you in
“i’m off, no we don’t,” he’d mumble into your neck, causing shivers to crawl down your body.
so you would lay there, your fingers threading through fox’s curls
he’d feel the safest with you, he’d feel seen by you, and those two things were the most important things to him, besides you of course
“what if i make you breakfast and caf?” you hum into his ear
now, that gets him going
“i’ll get up for that, especially since you’re making it,” he lifted his head out of the crook of your neck and kissed you
you’d end up laying there still, by the way
probably end up falling back asleep because who wouldn’t want to cuddle fox and tell him he’s gonna be ok
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Good night
Wolverine x reader
Summary: you’re sick. What's especially bad this time is that your throat is filled with mucus (lovely), which makes sleeping a nightmare. Feeling especially bad one night, there's only one person you want to go to.
Warnings: none - this is just pure fluff!
Note: hi y'all, this is my first time ever posting something like this here, so I hope you like it! Inspiration hit me today! Please enjoy! :)
You jolt up in the middle of the night, gasping for air. But the air doesn’t come. For a few seconds you try and see if the tightness in your throat subsides, but the only thing you’re able to do is gasp. 
Panicked, you’re convinced you’re going to die if you don’t get help. You get out of bed and head into the hallway. One, two, three, four… When you get to the fifth door, you softly open it. Unable to speak, you pray that Logan is still a light sleeper.
You peer into the darkness of his room, suddenly unsure whether to approach him, but then you’re shortly blinded when his bedside light turns on. He looks at you with narrowed eyes and a confused face, but that immediately turns into concern when he processes what’s happening. 
Still gasping, you drop to your knees at his bedside, trying to get your breathing under control. Besides the obvious fear of dying, you mostly feel bad for waking him up.
Logan hurriedly slides out of bed and joins you on the floor. “Look at me, hun”, he says, and places a hand on your lower back. You move to sit sideways, facing Logan. When your panicked eyes meet his, you’re struck with the intensity of them. He has never looked at you or anyone at the house like that before. The initial feeling of being scrutinized ebbs away and turns into something warmer.  
“Keep breathing. You’ve got this. It doesn’t feel like you can breathe, but you’re doing it”, he says. He can’t help sounding stern.
You give him a few small nods. The gasping doesn’t subside for another whole minute. All the while, the two of you are locked onto each other.
Then, finally, your heart starts beating less erratically, and your breathing becomes less labored.
You close your eyes and let out a shaky breath of relief. You lean your head against the bed. “I’m so sorry”, you say with a tiny voice. 
You hear a strangled sound coming from Logan. “Why the hell are you sorry?”  
You open your eyes and are met with his incredulous expression. “I thought I was choking. I didn’t want to scare you, but the only thing I could think of was to go to you.”
His features turn soft at those words, and he grins.
“I’m glad you came to me.”
“Thank you for helping", you croak. "Oh my god, I sound even more like a chain smoking little kid now.”
Logan chuckles and gives you a pat on the knee. “Very welcome. And yes, you do.”
“I hate being sick.”
With an old man groan, he rises to his feet. “Stay put. I’ll get you a glass of water. And I’ll see if I can find some medicine for your throat.”
“Thank you”, you breathe.
When he gets back with a glass of water, you haven’t moved an inch. 
“Sorry, couldn’t find any medicine”, he says while handing you your water. “But let’s get you looked at first thing in the morning.”
“I’m a bit scared to go back to sleep”, you admit. Logan watches you take a few sips of water. “Do you want to talk until you fall asleep?”
You look up at him, slightly surprised. When he doesn’t meet your eyes immediately, you can’t help but smile. “That would be nice.”
“Alright, let’s get you back to your room. I have some stories that are guaranteed to bore you out of your mind.” “I can’t wait!” you say in an excited whisper. “Having your voice lull me to sleep sounds like heaven.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you wish you could take them back.
“Oh, does it?” Logan’s voice is dripping with self-satisfaction. You don’t dare look at him. 
So you cough. But this sets off a coughing fit, and by the end of it tears are streaming down your face.
“Goddammit”, you wheeze.
From the corner of your eye, you see Logan holding out his hand. “Good sir, I have respiratory issues”, you say as you swat at him. “I can still walk!” 
“Okay, excuse me”, he says, holding up his hands in mock offense. “Good to see your near-death experience didn’t affect your sense of humor.”
Once you’re settled back in your bed with extra pillows and blankets so you can sleep in a more upright position, Logan takes a chair and sits across from you. It takes you a while to shake the giddiness of having Logan in your room, telling you a bedtime story. Hearing him use a different kind of voice. A more intimate one, you suppose. But as expected, around ten minutes into his story, sleep takes you.
You don’t see Logan’s expression as he watches your sleeping figure. 
After a while, he quietly gets up from the chair and leans over towards you. As softly as he can, he strokes your hair.
“Good night.”
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trendywaifus · 1 hour
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— there seems to be a second serial killer who has their eyes on you. but it seems like they came for you for a different reason. will they be a failure like the last one was? ↳ INSPIRED BY SCARY MOVIE.
a/n — ngl i put more thought to this than the last one so think of this as the better sequel. it’s long btw.
part one
↳featuring ghost face! transfem! feixiao x fem! reader
“ it seems like events are repeating theirselves once again as there’s been another murder, not one, but two this time, “ the blonde newsreporter stood in front of your college campus in the middle of the night as she emphasizes her words, “ that’s right folks you heard me, two murders happened right on this campus yesterday night involving a twenty–five old male, caelus and a twenty—four year old, dan heng. “
previously leaning back into the sofa, utterly bored out of your mind, you hastily scoot your butt to the edge of the cushion, jaw slacking in shock. “ oh my god? dan heng and caelus? what the fuck, why? how? “ you didn’t know the two very well but they were very popular around the college. caelus was an average jockey who was apart of the football team and dan heng was the quiet boy you’ll mostly see at the back of a classroom or in a library. the only reason why they was so popular is because they were seen with each other a lot—well it was mostly because of caelus following dan heng around like a puppy. they fit the stereotypical quiet boy and jock boy romance bullshit. it was cute as fuck but god it felt like you were a background character witnessing a yaoi manga in real time.
the news reporter walks around the half empty campus, looking for poor college students to interview. since it was halloween night, there was a good amount of people hanging around the campus in halloween costumes. “ i’m sorry, young man—i mean young lady, do you have a second?” the lady walks up to a person and the camera panels to a tall, grey-haired woman wearing a baggy tracksuit who strikes a strong sense of familiarity in you. her sun colored eyes glances between the camera and the news reporter in confusion. their voices blur in your ears as your pensive gaze lingers on the familiar woman currently on camera. your mind flashes back to last halloween where you fucked the shit out of a dumbass killer who broke into your house and looked just like her. “ am i genuinely tripping right now or is this who i think it is? “ you blink several times at the screen, “ is she at the same fucking campus i’m going to?! how in the fuck have i not seen her until conveniently now? bullshit. “
her soft voice rings through the mic, “ caelus was my brother and— “
you let out a string of curses, snatching the remote from the table and angrily changed the channel to some shitty slasher movie. “ she’s caelus’s sis? and a hot one at that. ugh, that makes so much sense because they look like twins. i knew she looked familiar when i unmasked her. i bet she’s the one who did it. maybe i should snitch—wait, since i knew about her and fucked her, would i get arrested for swallowing and letting her nut in me? what would i call that? guilty by fucking. .?”
actually. . .you changed your mind. if she does it again next halloween that’s when you’ll report her. yeeah. but then again, why would she even kill her own brother and his boyfriend? that’s some fucked up sibling beef. but you know one thing, she better not try and fuck with you again—
ring ring !
“ son of a. . .” you reach for your house phone on the table beside the sofa and bring the phone to your ear. “ hello? “ you hold your breath as you wait for the person the other line to speak.
“ . . .hi, (name)? “ your friend’s high-pitched voice, march, comes through the speaker. you let out the most heaviest sigh of relief.
“ good it’s you. march, question. .did you know that caelus had a sister? “ you inquire, leaning your body back into the soft cushion, idly watching the slasher chase his victim on tv.
“ umm, yeah? “ she replies back with a matter-of-fact tone. “ her name’s stelle, she’s apart of the girl’s varsity basketball team but you really only see her at the gym, track, and other athletic clubs. i think i have one core class with her but she’s really quiet and a little weird. let’s just say she’s the total opposite of caelus in terms of popularity and personality. which is sad ‘cus she’s such a hottie too. . “ well, stelle sure wasn’t the total opposite with you. “ by the way, you heard about caelus and dan heng right? i’m genuinely shocked that they got shanked! they were so good together—maybe the killer is a homophobe?”
“ march, don’t start. “ you groaned, running a lazy hand through your hair. march loves to gossip and gets wild with her speculations at times. though, they are pretty entertaining as the rumors she tells you about from being apart of the cheerleading team and photography club.
“ hear me out! last year there was multiple murders in our town but only two of them were students from our campus. the snazzy guy, aventurine who liked to make crazy bets to earn money and sunday, the student council and robin’s brother. “
“ um, so? “
march sighs, “ there was rumors that aventurine messed around with vertus ratio in y’know, that way so people were speculating that they had a thing. sunday was also caught with adventurine during— “
you cut her off, “ march, i don’t know if anyone told you this but like, half of the men here are into hot dogs. like, they’d definitely have a huge sausage party if all of them were to get together. so, the killer wouldn’t be homophobic if over half of the men at our college likes ding-a-lings. “
“ ughhh, these killings seem pretty targeted if you ask me. but i have to go, i need to go through my camera. i took some photos of cool costumes people was wearing. i’ll talk to you tomorrow bestie, bye~ “ she ends the call and you set the phone back down where it belongs.
you sit there in silence, spacing out. the whole situation is pretty weird and the fact that you were previously targeted counters march’s claims. to you, the killings were just random and unhinged like stelle. you just don’t know understand how someone goofy as her can possibly be responsible for the murders. who gives a shit though, you’ll just fuck stelle and pretend the whole thing is a porno if she comes back to try again.
ringgggg !
your shoulders slack in annoyance and you reach for the buzzing phone again. “ hello? it’s getting late, call me tomorrow—“
a muffled, raspy voice interrupts you, “ what’s your scary movie, doll face? “
you let out a sigh, not an ounce of fear invoked in your heart. you’re not scared this time from already experiencing this. “ oh, so you came back for more, stelle? i just saw you on the news. “ a snort leaves your smirking lips. “ are you actually going to kill me this time? “ the mysterious voice laughs with mirth, and somehow it sounds different from before.
“ this is not stelle. you scared her away, which i’m impressed about. but i’m not here to kill you baby, oh no, “ their voice lowers a pitch as they rasp, “ i was hoping to get my hands on your pretty ass, ‘been wanting you for a long time now. shoulda’ been me who got fucked instead of her. now to start things off, why not answer my question— “
“ oh, so i attracted another one. fuckin’ great. didn’t see that one coming. “ you say sarcastically, hanging up the phone right in that weirdo’s face. “ like damn, my pussy gotta be a magnet now if another one is stalking me. they gotta have some skype slasher group chat going on. .“ it hasn’t even been five minutes and the phone goes off again. you smack your lips, picking up the phone once more.
“ yo. “
“ hanging up on me is pretty rude, pup. i’m trying to be patient for you and i’m generally an impatient person.— “
you roll your eyes, “ choke on a dick, jackass. “
“ hehe, you’re going to be choking on mines by tonight— “
“ don’t care, bucko. just because i fucked your friend doesn’t mean shit. i’m not going to answer your question either. if you want your dick blown, have that dumbass hottie friend of yours to do it. bye. “
you slammed the house phone down and got up from the couch. “ i’m going to wash my ass, fuck this shit.“
forgotten about the shitty horror movie playing in the background, you left the living room and made your ways towards the stairs to take a shower. oh, no, hopefully the big bad killer won’t secretly follow you upstairs and get you while you’re taking a shower. you roll your eyes with a dry laugh at the thought. “ cover for me, “ you pat the large piano that you somehow stationed at the top of the stairs, “ if not, i’m ripping out your keys like they’re damn press-on fingernails, okay? “ the piano responds back with hurried high notes as it slightly trembles. you don’t even know why your father has a piano in the house, neither you or him can play for shit. you really only say that you have a piano to score the magneta—haired babe who’s into classical music. what was her favorite song again? dramatic epiphany?
“ atta girl. “
you take your shower without any disturbance. well, your soap kept “slipping” from your hand so you had to bend down a few times to get it. (un)fortunately a dick didn’t magically appear and stick itself in you. steam spills into your bedroom as you walk out of the misty bathroom with a tank top and shorts on, drying your hair with a towel wrapped around your shoulders. as you made your way back downstairs, you lazily thanked the piano. “ thanks. i guess i’ll have to play with you sometime as a reward. “
you ignore the cheery high notes hitting your ears as you walk down the steps.
and as soon as you stepped inside of the living room, the phone rings again. you angrily picked up the house phone for the third time within two hours. you drape the towel over your shoulder as you plop down on the sofa. “ this is the third fucking time you called my damn phone! “ you barked, pausing the cheesy horror film you forgot was on while taking a “quick”one hour shower, “ take a hike you fuckin’ bum! and don’t even bother asking me about what my damn favorite scary movie is because i don’t have one! there! stelle was somehow less annoying than you are! “
nothing but heavy breathing can be heard on the other line and if you listen closely, you can hear wet sounds of skin slapping against skin. “ fucck, “ the killer’s voice groans out, “ keep going yelling, i’m almost finished. .mm. .“
“ you got to be fucking kidding me. “ you mutter irritably, face crunching up with disgust.
“ you sound so sexy when you’re upset, i love it. ‘that’s just how i want my girl to be. “ they continue to speak in a strained voice, “ and i’m jealous that you keep mentioning that girl when i’m here. by the end of this night, you’ll be expecting me instead around every halloween~ “
“ fuck off, loser! “ you snarl through gritted teeth, “ what i’m expecting from you is to stop calling my phone and leave. me. alone.”
“ no, because i’m already here~ “
on cue, they casually pop out into the doorway of your kitchen with their own phone near their masked head, dressed in the similar ghoulish outfit like last halloween. their statue seems a bit taller or just as tall as stelle’s. you shoot up from the couch, the towel that was once on your shoulder falls to your feet. you clutch the house phone, ready to use it as a weapon. “ what the fuck? how did you get in here? “
chuckling lowly, they lean into the doorway, crossing their arms in a relaxed manner. “ you have a habit of leaving your back door open, a bad habit for such a pretty girl like you who’s constantly home alone. though, i’m not complaining. it made things easier for me~ “ they purred.
“ yeah? w-well, come at me! this ain’t my first rodeo, creep! “
“ and it certainly won’t be your last, baby. “ they remarked smoothly, stepping into the living room. heat simmers in your belly. damn, had they not been some weirdo, you would’ve of just let them have it and keep your panties as a trophy.
“ try me! “ you chucked the phone at the unwanted guest and sprinted towards the dining room. you can easily just loop in the kitchen, tire them out, and head toward upstairs for the piano. “ oh i will baby, all nighhht! “ they run after you, quick on their feet. you dash through the dining room and into the kitchen, hauling over to the rectangular counter conveniently at the middle of the kitchen. they let out a amused laugh as they realized your plan.
“ really, pup? you can’t possibly think you’re going to outwit me with this boring trick. c’mon, you don’t have to make it harder for us, i swear i won’t hurt ya!”
you take a hurried step to the side, they do the same. “ fuck you! “ you grab an apple from the fruit bowl and threw it at the other end of the counter. they easily dodge it and seize the chance to dash towards your end. you took off running to the other end and it repeats for a few minutes. you can tell they were getting frustrated from the way they would curse and slam their fist onto the marble surface whenever they fail to outsmart your loops.
“ damnit girl, it’s starting to get hot under this thing! as much as i want to play ring around the rosy with you, i can hardly move with this on! just be a good girl and come over here so i bend you over this counter!“ they growled impatiently, mirroring every step you take. you move to the left, they move to the left. you move to the right, they move to the right. “ fuck no, stupid bitch! “
they click their tongue with a plan in mind. “ if that’s how you want to play it, “ they bait you by acting like they’re running to your end and as soon as you sprint halfway to the other side, they quickly slide over the counter. you let out a troubled scream as the triumphant killer throws their arms around you and yank you into their solid body. “ gotcha baby~—hey, watch your damn elbow! “ they narrowly dodge your elbow jabbing at their head.
“ l-lemme go! “ you cried out, kicking and thrashing in their tight hold.
“ nah, not when you made me work for it, girlie. now, stop struggling orr. .” you feel something sharp pressed against your neck. they chuckle darkly in your ear.
“ ugh! oh no, you have a knife against my neck, i guess i have to follow whatever you say or some shit. ” you grumble sarcastically in defeat, relaxing in her arms.
“ hehe, that’s my girl. at least you know how to play your part as the main girl well, hm? “ they turn you around and back you up against the counter. your opposer towers over you, trailing their knife gently along your jaw and tap it under your chin. a pleased hum leaves them as they shamelessly admire your features. “ wow, “ they awe breathlessly, the cool metal gradually runs down your neck, “ now that i’m up close and personal, you look like a fine piece of work, baby. fuck, i’m jealous stelle got to you first—which is why i killed her brother and his butt buddy. she was only suppose to scare you. ”
“ wh-what the fuck? who the hell are you? “
they rip off the ghostface mask and your eyes pop open like you seen a bunch of aliens walking around in the streets with thongs on. once again, you’re face to face with a familiar woman. long white tresses flutters down her shoulders, large, foxian ears spring out and stand tall as she looks down at you with her mischievous, piercing cerulean hues. how the hell did she get everything to fit into that mask?
“ f-feixiao? you’re that team captain from the woman’s varsity basketball team! “
feixiao smirks down at you, teeth baring. “ surprise~”she croons, her voice sounding much clearer and distinct. she’s popular amongst the girls in the college, a huge fuckgirl who you avoid like the plague. yeah, she’s the whole package but you find her a cocky tryhard who thinks she’s humble. “ it honestly could of been anyone but you. “
she juts out her bottom lip in a playful pout, ears slightly flattened. you know she’s pretending like the jester she is. “ what, you don’t like me? i did nothing to you. “
you cross your arms with a curled brow. “ that’s true. you did nothing to me but you did do something to a whole bunch of other girls. “ feixiao laughs, then licks her lips as her roughish gaze lowers at your exposed cleavage then back up into your eyes. she presses herself into you, bringing her lips to the shell of your ear. you feel something hard against your thigh. what’s up with women having dicks?
“ you don’t like that, pretty girl? i can always stop for you if you become my main girl. “ the white haired woman nibbles at your lobe and kisses at the spot right under your ear. you unfold your arms to grip the bulky edges of the counter behind you as she peppers damp kisses down the column of your neck. “ how many girls have you told that to? “ you bite your lip, holding back a groan.
“ jus’ you baby, promise. “ feixiao mutters against your skin, rocking her steady hips into yours. her knife trails down your cleavage and you stiffen. she chuckles at your jumpy reaction, and dips her head down to lap at the hardening bud through your tank top with her eager tongue. a short groan exits from your parted lips. feixiao cup the underside of your clothed breast and attach her hungry mouth to the bud. she suckles and firmly tugs until her spit ruins the fabric of your tank top.
“ damn, you know what. . “ feixiao carelessly tosses the knife on the counter behind you, abruptly pulls away, and releases your breast to lift up her inky hooded robe with one hand while the other fumble downward to unzip her ripped black jeans. your wandering gaze takes a glimpse of her abs, which tastefully protrude through the tight fabric of a black top underneath. damn. “ on your knees. “ she commands, desperation tainting her proud voice. you begrudgingly do so, waiting for feixiao to pull out her dick.
“ oh. .my god. “ you gawk as she finally frees herself. yeah, she’s definitely packing—a least two inches bigger than stelle. it’s slightly curved to the left, and girthy. you swallowed thickly. you see why the girls flock to her. feixiao smiles smugly at your big doe eyes, “ that’s the reaction i’ve been wanting to see,”considerate, gloved fingers gently push back the tousled locks from your eyes and into a ponytail. “ be my lady and you’d get to see this damn near every night, fuck every halloween. “
the tip of her cock playfully pokes at your lips. “ tempting, but no. i still don’t like you, feixiao. “
feixiao pouts before sighing with defeat despite not feeling discouraged by your answer. “ fine. i’m still not giving up, i bet you’ll change your mind by the time i’m done with you. now open up. “
you comply and feixiao momentarily release the hold from your hair to slowly slides herself in your moist mouth. only half of her is in and yet she feels heavy on your tongue. “ mmmh. . “ she sucks in a sharp breath, taking a brief moment to adjust. “ ‘gonna go slow, baby. “ feixiao groans, slowly rolling her hips into your mouth. your pillowy lips enclose around her shaft and your hands rest on her thighs. her fat cockhead graze the back of your throat before retreating away.
“ you look so pretty on your knees like this—damn, i might cream in your mouth right now from just looking at you. . “
your brows knit together. is she actually serious right now? there’s no way you got the biggest fuckgirl in your college, who also revealed herself to be a murder, saying shit like this. this has to be some sick halloween fantasy written by a horny bum with failing romance in their life.
feixiao slightly speeds up her moving hips, edging herself more down your throat as she thrusts. she tips her head back, becoming tipsy to the addicting warmth and wetness of your mouth. your spit coats her thick shaft, leaving behind a sheen. “ no gagging so far? hehe, you’re doing so well, pretty. .” feixiao moans out shamelessly, biting her bottom lip to the filthy, drawn out squelching noises producing from your stuffed mouth.
she grips your ponytail a little tighter, “ actually, i change my mind—fuck. .i might lose it if i go at this pace. breathe through your nose now, baby. i promise i’ll be quick! “
you rolled your eyes and nod your head, relaxing your jaw. she blurts out a cheery yes! then adjusts her footing. just like how feixiao wanted, she starts rutting into your mouth. you force out series of guttural sounds, but you don’t yield from her deep thrusts. your constricting walls swallow in her needy cock, earning strings of curses and groans. “ just what i-i thought, your throat feels amazing. i-i can only imagine what she feels like. . “ she moans, repeatedly snapping her sloppy hips into your mouth.
she? oh god, did feixiao really just refer to your pussy as a she? was this some sort of fuck girl slang?
beads of spit seep from the corners of your filled mouth and trickle down your chin like drool. your fingers slightly dig into her black pants as your gag reflex kicks in. feixiao pulls back just enough so her length lays heavy on your tongue, eagerly waiting to continue. “ i’m already half way there, hang in there.” she assures with unusual softness in her quivering voice, “ tap me once so i can keep going. “
and you do so, patting her thigh once. she starts again, shoving her cock back down your throat. your throat tightens on reflex and she whines, twitching. “ damn girl, now i’ll be almost there if you do that a—ohhhh. . “ feixiao grits her teeth, lolling her head down as you voluntarily close your walls around her. she feels stuck but stubbornly keeps thrusting, fucking your tight throat until she’s on the verge of cumming. “ th-the best—y-you’re the best. .sh-shit,”squeezing her eyes shut, sweat drips down to the tip of her nose,” i swear i wouldn’t n-need to talk and fuck any other girls if i had you. “ feixiao babbles, the cockiness in her voice is completely replaced with spiraling desperation.
the white–haired woman thrusts again and again, and stops suddenly as her fat, twitching cock fully squeezes through your throat. “ ‘gonna cum, b-baby. .” she holds your head still and thick, syrupy ropes shoots down your throat. heavy exhales escape from your nose while you swallow most of her load. “ good fuckin’ girl. . “ feixiao praises through a passionate whisper, and pulls away completely once you start to gag and choke. thank god for practicing your oral skills with your toothbrush routinely every morning and night or you would of left a colorful mess all over her dick. it’d be like one of those mainstream japanese shows where it shows the character vomiting. narudo z was it?
the bitter taste of her cum lingers on your tongue. it takes a minute for feixiao to stablize her breathing as she steadies herself on the counter. with a sigh, she stands upright and looks down at you with an easy smile. “ i’m not done with you yet. get up and gimme some sugar, yeah? “ she firmly pulls you up by the forearm, forcing you on your feet. feixiao hold your jaw between her thumb and index finger and maneuvers your head up at her. you cringe as her glowing ocean blue eyes bleed into yours. did they get brighter or some shit? you swear it wasn’t like that before.
she notices the squinty eyes and uncomfortable expression sitting on your face. “ what’s wrong, pup?”
“ it’s like i’m looking at a fucking blue glow stick in the dark. i see why people look the other way when they talk to you. “
feixiao pouts again, genuinely looking offended. “ okay, ouch? i can’t help the way my eyes are! i actually take pride in them. “
“ how unfortunate. imagine how awkward the sex would be if we do it missionary? if i can’t look you in the eyes while we fuck because of the risk of going blind, then that’s a hard pass for me. “ as if being a seasonal killer wasn’t already a hard pass.
“ haah? “ feixiao’s eyes go wide with surprise, “ don’t be like that! we can always work around that, i can have you on your stomach while i—“
“ i don’t want to hear it. just shut up and close your eyes before you kiss me. “
she grumps, complying with your demand. her disappointment almost instantaneously disappears by the soft caress of your perfect lips. feixiao’s tongue prod at the small opening between your lips and you allow her in with ease. a low moan resonates in her chest as the bitter taste of her seed in your mouth welcomes her senses. her tongue feverishly swirls around yours. she doesn’t care if the kiss is sloppy, she doesn’t care about her teeth occasionally clashing with yours—the only thing that’s on her mind right now is you, you, you.
once your chest start get to tight from the lack of oxygen, you lightly push feixiao away from your spit-coated lips by her biceps. even through the robe, you can feel the curled, firm muscle. string-like saliva stretch and dissipate between you and her. there’s carnal desire in her sky blue eyes as she peers down at you. “ my mouth and throst is feeling kinda dry right now, “ she whispers, gloved fingers unbuttoning your pajama shorts, “ how about you let me return the favor while i hyd–“
“ just eat me out. you already broken into my home and chased me and shit. “
feixiao laughs, sounding almost sheepish. “ i have no regrets doing it either, y’know. i also have no worries you’ll tell anyone too since that girl is still walking around scott free. “ well yeah, if you do tell, ‘pretty sure you’ll get fucking arrested too. she drops to her knees once she slides your shorts and ruined panties down to your ankles. the taller woman whistles with delight at the appetizing sight of your dripping pussy.
“ damn baby, did i get you this wet? “ her mouth salivates from watching your arousal slowly roll down your inner thigh.
“ no i just thought about killing myself. “
she raises a brow at you, spreading your legs out an inch wider. “ you dislike me so much that you’ll use that as your lie? “
“ yup. “
feixiao tsk, spreading your puffy folds with two fingers. “ my stubborn girl. even if i couldn’t get you to warm up to me so easily, at least she did. “ she laps up the trail and her eyes flutters at the delicious taste. without warning, she buries her face between your legs and give your bundle of nerves a spoiling amount of messy kisses. her tongue broadly licks at your soaked folds, collecting your sticky essence on her tongue. “ fuck.” you curse in a breathy voice, one of feixiao’s pierced fox ears twitch. she sloppily circles her tongue around your clit before sucking on it. feixiao sucks hard, causing your toes to curl.
feixiao grows hard again to the sounds of your labored breathing and shaky mewls. she drag her tongue to your fluttering entrance and acts as if she’s making out with you as her tongue teases your dripping hole. “ oh my god. . “ your hand flies down to grip her surprisingly soft locks. the thick tip of her tongue rushes a sloppy stripe back up your pussy. she kisses at the sweet spots that makes your knees visibly tremor. feixiao smiles smugly into your cunt, returning down to your drooling slit. she laps and obnoxiously slurps at the thick fluids dribbling out of you. her ministrations last for a few minutes until you become jumpy and sensitive.
“ best drink i had in a while, baby. mmhh. .” she mutters through hot breaths, sneaking a hand under her robe to stroke herself. she’s beyond excited—growing utterly impatient to fuck you dumb and reshape your insides into her home. no matter what insult you throw at her, how much you claim to dislike her; she’s not letting you go. you’re too good to let go. after all, she did kill for you. you droop your head to the side, a broken moan ripping itself from your raw throat as her tongue pushes inside. “ f-feixiao, fuckk—i. .” you stop yourself, swallowing back the words that’s threatening to spill from your glistening lips. feixiao lets out a strained sound similar to a moan and fists her cock until it’s angry red and swollen. you moan again at the vibration shooting through your heated body and fondle your breast with a clumsy palm. you pinch at the hardened nipple through your tank-top between slender fingers.
feixiao’s practically tongue fucking you, albeit hastily. your gummy walls squeeze her slimy muscle as you grind on her tongue. you’re becoming light-headed, hazy from the swelling pleasure clogging up your mind and body. “ feixiao, i-i want you—“ you blurt out impulsively. at this point, you just want to get fucked into oblivion, “ pl-please fuck me with your cock, your tongue i-isn’t enough. .”
she doesn’t waste a second to rip herself away from your pussy, not caring about the lower half of her face stained with your juices, and rushes up to her feet. she briefly steps back to remove the annoying robe from over her head and throws it aside on the floor. you finally get to see what she’s fully wearing under and it took every ounce of your being to not fall for her. a tight-fitted sleeveless turtneck top that shows off her athletic structure, sculpted milky arms, broad shoulders, fairly supple tits—shit! no matter what, you have to remind yourself that she’s a serial killer and a fuckgirl. she’s just a good fuck to finish off your eventful halloween night. “ anything you want, my pretty girl. jump. i’ll catch you.” you hurriedly step out of your shorts and undergarments pooling at your feet. with two hands clamped onto feixiao’s broad shoulders, you hop into her solid arms, wrapping your shaky legs around her waist. she secures you in her embrace, “ screw bending you over, i like this position better.” she comments, hoisting you up by the fat of your ass.
quickly, feixiao lines herself up with your throbbing pussy and guides you downward. you moan loudly as her girthy length fills up your empty pussy, stretching you out until you’re rubbing against her ripped jeans.“ nnghh. .s’tight, baby—damn, you’re so mine.” she growls possessively in your ear. you want to deny her but you can’t. the way she’s building up her momentum, jerking her hips sharply into your hole has you whimpering pathetically.
squuuish! slooosh! squuuish!
your slippery walls make it easier for her to go deeper and faster. you helplessly cling onto her for dear life, tangling your fingers into rivers of white tresses. it’s been a while since you been fucked good like this—the type of fuck that has you seeing constellations, drooling like a baby, and your mind made into someone’s home. “ m-more fei—fuck, moreeeee~” you babbled, bouncing on her fat cock without a care in the world. your slick smears the stiff fabric of her jeans and globs of it spill onto the tile floor. although strained, feixiao’s laugh rings through your ears. “ haha, fei? it looks like you’re g-giving into me~” she sing-songs, pounding your pussy with quick pistons of her ruthless hips.
feixiao’s curved shaft deliciously rub against your sweet spots, the swollen cockhead smack against your g-spot. you nearly scream as she rams right into it, “ yes! r-right there, pleasee, pleaseee! “ you’re sobbing, begging for a sweet release you’ve desperately been craving. she gives you a few lingering wet kisses on your hot cheek while she fucks you. “ you know i gotcha, my baby—hnngh. .! “
your pussy grips her cock like its afraid she’ll pull out and leave it empty. feixiao’s hips starts to stutter but she still keeps going on. you smash your lips against hers, kissing her sloppily and she gladly reciprocates back. your tongues twirl together, hot breathes combining into one.
“ mmph. . ! ❤︎ “
feixiao grinds her clumsy hips into the plush of your ass in a circular rotation, rubbing her twitching cock along your pulsating walls. a frothy ring forms near the base of her member that’s created by your slick and essence. you greedily suck on her tongue, tasting more of yourself. a guttural moan rumbles in her throat and she squeezes your ass. “ i never knew my girl was a freak. .” she breathes after you pulled away to moan.
“ mm, i-i’m not your girl. “ you slurred.
she chases after you and gently pull at your bottom with her fanged teeth. “ like hell you’re not. you already got me more in love, you think–mmh, after all of this i’d leave you alone? haha, no. shit. .i’m about to cum, sweetness. “
before you can say argue back, she thrusts hard into you one last time, forcibly provoking a surprised scream and an eye rolling orgasm from you. you and feixiao cum together in sync. “ t-take it all, baby~” she purrs, spurting her hot seed deep inside of you, painting your walls the color of her hair. you cling onto her, cumming violently on her dick. mixed, syrupy cum spills from your seeping hole and adds onto the growing puddle on the floor. foamy bubbles produce as she dumps the rest of her load into you. “ ‘full—i feel s’full, feixiao. . “ you whimper, shifting uncomfortably in her arms as a ball of hotness circulates in the pits of your stomach.
“ i know, pup. let’s stay like this for a little bit, i wanna hold my girl for a little while longer. “
you weakly smack your lips as she refers to you as her girl for the umpteenth time tonight.
“ wh-what did i tell you about—whatever makes you sleep better at night. .” you grumble, resting your chin on her broad shoulder while coming down from your high.
“ i’ll sleep even better now knowing that you’re mine~” you deeply frown at the smile in her smug voice.
fuck, what have you done? not only did you fuck two serial killers, but you have one of them on your ass.
please don’t make a continuation of this, i actually don’t want to end up in some threesome next year. thanks dumbass.
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elenagoeslightly · 11 hours
Lately I've been pondering on how exactly does Rafayel comes to remember mc, so I've come up with a little something! I also took some liberties with a certain abysswalker but it's all in good faith.
Aunt Talia says that all humans are evil, but the girl in his dream is always smiling.
The first time he sees her, it’s a dream, her hair swaying in the wind.
She’s looking at him.
Rafayel tries to speak, tries to ask her 
“Do I know you?”
but the sun blinds him and there’s sand everywhere, it gets in his eyes, in his clothes, in his mouth.
It’s hot, in the desert, too hot and he knows he shouldn’t be here; why is he somewhere where there is no water?
Where has all the water gone?
The sun burns brightly, too brightly, and he feels like he’s being burned alive, whatever it is that he’s wearing sticks to his skin in a way that’a almost painful but-
he knows that is she’s here, than he must be here too.
Her hands move as if to touch him and he can’t help but move toward her fingers, as if she’s pulling a string tide to his ribcage, to somewhere deep inside him.
Just as she comes closer, he wakes up.
Rafayel looks around and she’s there, still, and he blinks one, two times and before he knows it, she’s gone.
At breakfast he wants to ask aunt Talia about the strange woman in his dream, but instead he plays with his food. He takes a small jump to get down from the chair, his legs still too tiny. He knows that aunt Talia will say that his dream don’t mean anything, that he's just a child with a vivid imagination.
For a while, he doesn’t see her, all the way through middle school.
And then, he starts to see her everywhere.
Once high school starts, she’s all that he can see: she’s in every face, every cloud, every drop of water.
Sometimes she looks like a princess, so beautiful that it stops the breath in his throat.
Other times, she’s dressed in all black, and that suffocating feeling comes again.
In dreams, she’s all floating white and pale blue, looking like a vision.
Sometimes she's hidden in a weird place, it looks like a cave, and she's always frowning.
What never changes is him, trying to walk torward her, trying to at least caress her skin, but he never can and she’s never real.
He doesn’t make many friends.
Rafayel tries to draw her, to have at least one way to freeze her in time, to look at her, but the imagine he has of her is always fuzzy, he’s dreams too blurry, too long and not long enough- he just wants to touch her, to know she's real.
Until that night.
He still can remember it as if it was yesterday.
Rafayel went to bed as he did every night, his bed sheet the deepest shape of blue; he doesn’t remember what he dreamt, but he remembers how he woke up screaming, a sharp, unrelenting pain that went from his hips to his heart.
The pain seemed everlasting as he clutches his chest, his thighs, it went in his head, in his blood until he felt it in every single part of his body.
And he knows, he knows it is her, that she did this to him.
Talia came running to him that night and he clutched at her nightgown as if she could save him.
“Who is she?” he asks, his voice trembling.
He cradled him, as if he was still a child.
She doesn’t answer his question and Rafayel is too tired, but he is afraid of sleeping.
But even so, tiredness had the best on him, and he fell in a dreamless sleep, until he saw her again, in broad daylight, as she stared in horror at her hands, red with blood.
Is it his?
He knows it is.
But it’s the horror in her face that strikes him, as if she regrets hurting him.
He cannot swim without his tail, he cannot live without his heart.
After that, the memories come crashing on him like a flood.
He remembers everything: he remembers the promise they made as children, he remembers saving her from the water, he remembers her touches, the incessant thought of taking her heart; there is not a single piece of his existence that isn’t stained with her presence.
Rafayel betrayed his people, his followers, for her.
But it won’t happen again, it can’t.
He will find her, and he will do what he has to do.
So he starts to search for her, barely seventeen.
It turns out that trying to find someone is not as easy as he thought.
It takes time, it takes patience to play the long game and end up being the winner.
But he does it.
He gets pictures of her, her whereabouts.
She looks younger, carefree.
Rafayel wonders, for a brief moment, if she remembers him, if she too can’t live without seeing him everywhere, without not being able to close her eyes.
The lectures he gives at the University are a clever ruse, but he’s waiting, waiting to see her face in the crowd and one time, he does.
He thought he wouldn’t feel a thing, that he would be reasonable, for once, and do what he has to do.
What a fool he was.
Rafayel’s imagination could never even fathom the emotion he’s feeling right now.
Bride, his mind calls her, his heart.
My beloved bride
He let’s her go, until she’s just a blurred face in the distance, as his plans turn to ashes.
Rafayel knows that he will see her again, that life will never leave them be.
And he does, as she gives him directions, as she catches a fish for her and the irony of it almost makes him laugh but he can’t even breath, how his chest aches, how everything he wants is just in front of him, completely oblivious of who he is.
But then the painting, the metaflux and fate bring her right into his home where she belongs, where she should have been from the beginning.
And he falls on her, not his finest moment.
Rafayel needs to be part of her life, needs it like he needs air, needs it like he needed the sea.
And she’s so carefree, so happy.
The bodyguard idea came on the spot, an absurd life safer; as if the God of the Sea needs to be protected by a human, as if Rafayel needs protection from anyone but her.
 He remembers with vivid clarity as her hands, small and steady, cut off his tail, carved him open; and he remembers how he let her, his fingers around her wrists, but so scared to hurt her that his blood kept dripping on the sand, painting it red.
He remembers, but even so, he loves her, loves her as he loved her in those moment of agony, loves her through space and time, above and under water.
So when tragedy hits her family he tries to console her as best as he can, offers the solace of a old Lemurian ritual hoping it would soothe her broken heart, and hoping, selfishly, that she might remember, but she never does.
But one night, she calls him, and he holds the phone in trembling hands as she admints that she can’t sleep; the fact that she chose to call him makes his heart beat as fast as it can, a smile breaking on his face as the mark on his chest burns brightly.
He was never her friend, they never had the time, but now, now he can be and the happiness it brings him is something that his unknown to him, it gives him hope and so he waits for her, waits through her grieving, waits until the sun shines on her smiling face again; when he sees her smiling for the first time after so many months, he can’t hel but cup her face in his hands, being rooted by how amazed he is by her.
But the more time they pass together, the more his hands tremble.
Even playing kitty cards with her has become something that requires more self-control than he can master, he wants to climb that damned table and kiss her-but it’s not that easy.
She doesn’t know, doesn’t remember, and it’s burning him alive, like those leather garments in the desert.
Rafayel wants her to feel what he feels, wants her to burn like he burns- and she might not.
She might see him as nothing more than a friend, her weird employer, someone she might forget the moment he turns.
“I dreamt you.” she says one day, and the brush falls from his fingers as the world reshapes itself.
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somelegobird · 18 hours
I need something to do so uh,,, *ahem*
What every character has said they love(d) (according to the fandom wiki transcripts)
Same structure as my wish list, this doc has it colour coded and some extra notes from me if you're curious.
I'm not taking tone into account here because I can't understand it!! I'm also only counting stuff that they said themselves, if someone else said they love something/one it won't be counted. Maybe if I get bored one day I'll create a second version in the doc that does include them, but don't count on it.
I've only done this to the episode The Spell at the Waterfall (DR s2e5) because that's the latest transcript available SOMEONE PLEASE GO DO THE TRANSCRIPTS AAA
For Kai and Nya to try and escape
The idea of looking out for ways to help anywhere he can
His parents
Planting flowers
To visit his Mom and Dad
The smell of land hurtling towards you in the middle of the night
His Tread Assault
Chocolate-covered shell peas
Slow jam
Mr. Pale's work
When a plan comes together in his head
Dr. Julien
A tour of the Bounty
To see Nya again
Edna's crumb cake
A tour of the Bounty
To see Nya again
To catch the ruffian that broke into his place
What the Oni did with Ninjago
When it's Zane's night to cook
The idea of whoever finding the identity of Samurai X becoming the green ninja
Daffy Dale
Their new gis (in Rebooted)
The hacking capabilities of the Techno Blades
The Weekend Whip
Fritz Donnegan movies
His room in the Tournament of the Elements
Roller Skates
Cleaning the hull of one of Nadakhan's ships
Going in and kicking snake butt, or whatever passes as a snake's butt
Mister Cuddlywomp
Nya (Six times)
The smell of arcade in the morning
The idea of the ninja holding a tournament to figure out who is the best
The gold highlights of their uniforms
A good old fashioned rollercoaster
Nya (twice)
When a plan comes together
Sitting around and talking instead of doing
Crazy ideas
Clutch's book
The "infinite lives thing" of Prime Empire
His Golden Dragon Raider
To build
The dark
The idea of being called "Mutt the Miracle"
The Destiny's Shadow
Kai's energy
Spider bombs
To see a demonstration of Jay's elemental powers
Bananakhan flavoured ice cream
The New Ninja and the Classic Ninja working together
To go on a date with Jay
The lights of Day of the Departed
The song of the whales
Studying at school
Zane (Three times)
The smell of screams in the evening
The Allied Armor of Azure
The Ninja's TV spot
Rufus McCallister
Allotted recreation hour
Arin (twice)
The smell of new old stuff in the morning
Mucoid hat mondays
Scenic drives
Below is this list but ordered chronologically and the lines are directly copied from the transcript (and it says what season & episode they are). There's also some lines that aren't included above because they weren't directly about one person's love
Rise of the Serpentine
(Rise of the Snakes) Kai: And will be declared the Green Ninja! I love it!
(Home) Jay: Mmm. Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook.
(Home) Wu: Yes, Zane. We would love for you to make dinner.
(Snakebit) Ed & Edna: We'd love a tour!
(Snakebit) Lloyd: I'm the son of the Dark Lord. I love the dark. I eat this stuff for breakfast.
(Snakebit) Cole: Hi, Mom and Dad. Of course, I'd love to visit.
(Never Trust a Snake) Pythor: Hmm, I love revenge!
(Can of Worms) Cole: Ah. I love the smell of land hurtling towards you in the middle of the night.
(The Snake King) Kai: I love the gold highlights.
(The Snake King) Kai: I love a good old fashioned roller coaster,
(The Snake King) Jay: So whoever learns the identity of this Samurai is the one who will become the destined Green Ninja. Ha! I love it.
(Tick Tock) Dr. Julien: And the only reason I'm about to do this is because I love you.
(Once Bitten, Twice Shy) Nya: Sure! I'd love to.
(The Royal Blacksmiths) Lou: Kai, love the energy, hate the hair.
(The Rise of the Great Devourer) Cole: I love this thing.
Legacy of the Green Ninja
(Darkness Shall Rise) Wu: Also, I love scenic drives. 
(Double Trouble) Cole: I love ceremonies. 
(Double Trouble) Brad: And I love planting flowers.
(Child's Play) Jay: Oh, look. A first edition "Daffy Dale." I used to love that nut growing up. 
(The Last Voyage) Rufus: I love you, you stupid Nindroid.
(Island of Darkness) Misako: There was a time when I loved him very much.
(Island of Darkness) Kai: Oh, I love my sis.
(The Surge) Jay: I love the new threads.
(The Surge) Jay: Ha! I love it! 
(The Art of the Silent Fist) Jay: Hey, I love this song.
(Codename: Arcturus) Jay: I love Fritz Donnegan movies.
(Codename: Arcturus) Kai: Ah. I love it when a plan comes together.
Tournament of the Elements
(Only One can Remain) Jay: Haha! I love my room!
(Only One Can Remain) Cole: Look, chocolate-covered shell peas. I love these.
(Ninja Roll) Jay: Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!
(Ninja Roll) Chen: Button, button, I love buttons.
(The Forgotten Element) Chen: I love lessons.
(Stiix and Stones) Ronin: Hey, love the armour.
(Grave Danger) Jay: Whoo-hoo! I love skiing! Haha!
(Curseworld, Part I) Cole: I do love a slow jam.
(Public Enemy Number One) Ronin: Been meaning to say, love the TV spot.
(Public Enemy Number One) Kai: Haha. I love my little sister.
(My Dinner with Nadakhan) Jay: Ha! I love it!
(Wishmasters) Lloyd: Uh, sounds great. Love the idea.
(Operation Land Ho!) Edna: And after you save Nya, bring her over for a bite. We'd love to see her again.
(The Way Back) Nadakhan: But do you still love me? Delara: Of course.
Day of the Departed
Nya: Oh, this is my favorite holiday. I love all the lights.
Ed: I know, son, but I love your mother's crumb cake.
Hands of Time
(A Time of Traitors) Jay: Aw, I love a parade.
(Scavengers) Kai: Oh, yay, I just love sitting around and talking instead of doing.
(Scavengers) Jay: I love it!
(A Line in the Sand) Raggmunk: Ah, I just love the smell of screams in the evening.
(The Attack) Jay: Mister Cuddlywomp… is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and—
(Secrets Discovered) Lloyd: I love it!
(Pause and Effect) Wu: I should have told you I loved you before you went to—
(Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea) Acronix: I suppose escape is impossible, although I'd love for them to try.
Sons of Garmadon
(Game of Masks) Harumi: I...I love you.
(Iron & Stone) Dareth: I love your work.
(Iron & Stone) Karlof: I love to build!
(Two Lies, One Truth) Mystake: And I fell in love with this world he created.
(The Weakest link) Dareth: I love it when a plan comes together in my head.
March of The Oni
(Into the Breach) Garmadon: Love what you've done with the place.
(Endings) Misako: I love you. 
(Endings) Kai: I love crazy ideas.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu
(The Belly of the Beast) Jay: Oh, thank you, Nya! I love you.
(Boobytraps and How to Survive Them) Kai: Yeah! I love...that book.
(Ninja vs Lava) Jay: Oh, thank you Nya! I love you!
(The Message) Zane: Pixal, I love you.
(The Kaiju Protocol) Pixal: If this doesn't work, please tell Zane... I love him!
Prime Empire
(Superstar Rockin' Jay) Kai: Huh. I love this infinite-lives-thing!
(One Step Forward, Two Steps Back) Jay: I love you!
(The Temple of Madness) Jay: Don't leave me! I love you.
Master of the Mountain
(Queen of the Munce) Murtessa: I would love to see a demonstration.
(The Skull Sorcerer) Vangelis: I love you, child, but why don't you ever listen?
(Long Live the king) Trimaar: I love you.
(Long Live the King) Benthomaar: I love you too, Father.
(Papergirl) Nelson: I love Bananakhan
(The Calm Before the Storm) Jay: Ah, I love the smell of arcade in the morning.
(Nyad) Nya: she mouths "I love you."
(The Turn of the Tide) Jay: Nya! I... I love you.
(The Call of Home) Nyad: Oh, I love their song.
(Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!) Kai: Wow. I love this thing!
(A Painful Promise) Jay: Take care of Nya. Tell her I love her.
(The Fall of the Monastery) Mechanic: I love these things.
(Return of the Ice Emperor) Pixal: Zane, if these are our last functional moments, I want to express that my love for you is ingrained deeply in my circuits.
(Compatible) Pixal: I felt things ... I never felt before. I felt ... love. For you.
Dragons Rising season 1
(Return to Imperium) Past Sora: I'm just excited about getting back to my work is all, but love allotted recreation hour.
(Mindless Beasts) Percival: I love studying at school!
(Mindless Beasts) Arin: Love the sound of that.
(The Temple of the Dragon Cores) Sora: I love ya, Arin, but not everything is some big cosmic plan.
Dragons Rising season 2
(The Blood Moon) NinjaFanInfinity: New ninja, classic ninja, working together? Love it!
(Shattered Dreams) Suetonius: Mucoid Hat Mondays. Yes! Love.
(Shattered Dreams) Fedulian: I'd love to catch the ruffian that broke into my place, but I have a business to run.
(Shattered Dreams) Sora: Arin I love you buddy, but you got to realize that not everyone tells the truth.
(Beyond the Phantasm Cave) Arin: What? No! I love you! I miss you!
(Force From the East) Spitz: Ah, I just love the smell of new old stuff in the morning.
If you notice an error or want me to order it in another way for ease of use, feel free to tell me!
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galvanizedfriend · 2 days
hi! so i’ve read pretty much all of your works and loved them so much. your writing is amazing and some of the best fan fiction i’ve read.
the only ones i haven read from you are the wolf series but i keep hearing so many good things about it.
i know it’s a TO rewrite with caroline instead of hayley (and i could look past the baby plot if it means klaroline) but i’ve tried watching the show a few times and hated hayley’s personality and some other nuances to the show and o was wondering if The Wolf is Caroline in place of Hayley but her personality and the way she acts in situations is how Hayley does in the show, or if it’s very much so Caroline if she were put in the position Hayley is in? if that makes sense
First of all, thank you very much, nonnie! ❤️ Glad you enjoy my little fics 🥰 Your question makes perfect sense, yes.
The short answer is: no, Caroline is not just Hayley in a wig 😂 If you're asking me, I'm obviously going to say it's completely different! I'm biased, but I also know how much work I put into it, so I know all the ways TW deviates from the show. I think Caroline is very IC in this, if I may say so myself, so obviously not Hayley, and every time I've gone back to re-read parts of this fic I have had a great time 😂 So personally, I think this is a very entertaining story, but again, it's my story lol Other people might be able to give you less biased opinions.
If you hate hate The Originals, there is still a chance you won't like this anyway, but I do think it's very different, and I have a longer answer if you're interested.
Under the cut because I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Be careful what you guys ask me, you might get a freaking bible as a reply.
I have become deffensive of this fic over the years because I have received some very nasty comments in the past (not saying your question is offensive in any way, nonnie, this is a very valid question!). I can respect people not liking it, I can respect this isn't everybody's cup of tea, and that's totally fine. What I can't stand is when people tell me I haven't done anything to the show, or that Klaus and Caroline are exactly the same as Klaus and Hayley. I did not spend the amount of time I have spent overthinking and overwriting this shit into something that makes much more sense and is way more fleshed out than the show ever was to hear from people that I've done nothing. I can't even list all the ways TW deviates from the show, or Caroline from Hayley, because I'd be here for the rest of the day.
As the person writing the story, I know exactly how much thought I have put into it, how many original scenes and dialogues and shit I write each chapter, and how much of what I've taken from the show I have cracked my brain to twist and change in a way that fits. I have spent more time of my life overthinking the crappy writing on this show in order to add context and find correlations and make connections and rationalize characters' behaviors and add depth to their actions and their thoughts, and let me tell you, nonnie, it was not easy. It's unbelievable how weak the writing for TO is, the actors do a lot of the work all by themselves. My friends who were with me during this time know how fucking annoying I was lol
This was me sending messages to @definedareasofuncertainty in the middle of the night to explain an idea:
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I realize I can't expect readers to feel the same way, everyone is entitled to their opinions and I can only be responsible for what I write, not for how people are going to understand it, but I can't help the way I feel because, to me, it's insane when someone reads this and thinks it's the same. The entire premise of The Wolf is different. It's never about the baby, the baby is almost background noise. The Originals starts and ends around Hope, but The Wolf is not about baby Eve (that's the baby's name), it's about Caroline. Everything is about Caroline, and about Klaus' feelings for her.
A lot of what I think is wrong with TO is that it just doesn't make sense. The things they do, the choices they make, the way they relate to each other just doesn't work, and what I tried to do was rewrite it in a way that it did make sense, not only moving the story forward, but also, and especially, the characters, their motivations and their relationships. I feel like TO was always going to be a better show if they'd focused more on characters than on plot, because that's what I was there for from the start, the family and their bonds, not undercover werewolf packs or baby-stealing aunts. But the writers sacrificed the characters so much for the sake of some arguably very silly plots (don't even get me started here…). While I do keep the plot points, what I tried to do (and hopefully succeeded, at least to a certain degree) was to bring the characters to the front and push the action and enemies and wars and such to the background. So instead of having the characters reacting to the plot, I have the plot serving the characters, if that makes sense. I kept the parts that interested me and that I felt I could use to serve my purposes and threw out everything I could dispense with.
And what I was aiming for first and foremost was to get Caroline the center stage I always felt she deserved, and the love story she could've had with Klaus. So the whole thing is really about that. S1 is the two of them sorting through their differences and understanding their feelings for each other, S2 is the two of them negotiating an actual relationship, S3 is them being married. That's it. I had the best time writing about the two of them through the eyes of the other characters, to have Elijah and Rebekah and Kol and Marcel witnessing and monologuing about Klaroline, all these different points of view on them. And my actual favorite part of the entire story is the part that isn't The Originals at the end of TW2.
So anyway, my point with my TO rewriting was never to fix everything that is wrong with the show. I wasn't writing the version of TO I wish it had been, my ideal spin off. I could've done that, but I didn't, because it's not what the project was ever about when I started. I wanted to keep the show as close to what it is as possible, whilst trying to prove a point (to myself, but also, hopefully, to some other people) that there was a way that this show could've still kept me invested. I'm an easy girl, just give me faves on their journey towards endgame and I'm satisfied, you know.
If you made it to the end of this, congratulations, nonnie 😂 You wanted a yes or no answer and you got a STATEMENT. I'm very sorry for my dumbass response, I've just become *protective* of this fic. If you do read it, I hope you'll find it enjoyable. If not, that's ok too! There are many amazing fics out there for you to be wasting your time on something that won't spark joy for you ❤️ And thanks again for reading my other fics, that's very lovely of you!
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