#I did know it was chemical processed and the process is bad for the environment
viciousewe · 1 year
Wait….I didn’t know superwash yarn is basically just wool that’s been coated in plastic……🤢🤢🤢
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
I know you aren’t a doctor, but is there anything else that, to your knowledge, tends to get diagnosed by alt-doctors as CIRS?
So this is probably going to piss some people off, but I genuinely believe that CIRS (which as I've talked about before as being... questionable as a diagnosis) is more likely to be a mast cell disorder.
The science and reasoning around CIRS and the obsession with "toxins" and mold is just too vague, and I say that as someone who was at one point diagnosed as CIRS and went through the whole process only to be met with HEAVY resistance from my alt doctors when I wanted to know WHY something was "toxic" and why I wasn't improving despite doing what they recommended.
They couldn't explain it. Thing Just Bad. And if I wasn't improving, it was my fault for not removing enough "toxins" from my environment.
Well, turns out some of those things weren't universally "toxic," I just have an immune disorder (MCAS) that makes them toxic to me, where my body thinks harmless things are a threat-- including my own hormonal cycle!
There was mold killing me, though, that was indeed making my mast cells unstable and sending me into anaphylaxis on a regular basis and causing all kinds of neurological problems. Mast cell stabilizers and removing the mold from my home did more good for me than any of the CIRS treatments.
(Important note: not everyone with MCAS experiences anaphylaxis as a symptom, and it is not a requisite of diagnosis.)
MCAS is not the only form of mast cell dysfunction either. There's also mastocytosis and Hereditary Alpha tryptasemia. You can read more about them at The Mast Cell Disease Society. (There are also different types of MCAS for anyone interested.)
Other things I've seen alt-doctors misdiagnose as CIRS over the years include:
Dysautonimia (high rates of comorbidity with MCAS)
Fibromyalgia (some recent research suggests that mast cells play a role in the onset of fibromyalgia)
ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
Celiac Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder (which I also think is mast cell related, tbh.)
Pernicious Anemia (the other thing that was killing, because my untreated MCAS was stopping me from absorbing nutrients from my food)
Chronic migraines.
SIBO (which can lead to secondary MCAS)
Various different mood disorders
Interstitial Cystitis (also a common symptom of various mast cell disorders)
And I'm sure a couple more I'm just forgetting right now.
Basically, there are a lot of things CIRS could actually turn out to be. But my money is on some form of mast cell fuckery.
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hauntedveil · 19 days
In just a few days, I will be going back to school, and it's almost surreal to reflect on the person I was just a year ago…
A year ago, I started my graduate studies at a large prestigious university. Since then I’ve:
1. Started transitioning- Embracing my natural hair was a significant change for me. Since childhood, my hair had been regularly chemically straightened, and I never knew what it actually looked like in its natural state. After years of dealing with dry, brittle hair that was falling out at the roots, I decided to stop all chemical processing and allow my hair to grow as it was meant to. This journey has been challenging; filled with tearful nights and more moments of low confidence than not. I still struggle with my self-image, as my long, straight hair was deeply tied to my sense of identity and beauty. As I work on regrowing my hair, I’m gradually coming to terms with my changing appearance. I’m attempting to redefine my standards of beauty, and I trust that, in time, I’ll feel like myself again—beautiful in a new way.
2- went vegetarian. This might not come as a surprise to myself, considering I've spent much of my life already limiting parts of my diet. For a few years, I was pescatarian. When I started college and began cooking for myself, the only meat I would occasionally prepare was bacon for breakfast. Raw meat has always genuinely repulsed me. There wasn’t a specific reason or a pivotal moment that led me to fully embrace vegetarianism; it was more of a gradual shift. Perhaps part of me was drawn to the idea of doing something that might make me seem more interesting, and I also believed that being vegetarian would encourage healthier eating habits. With some heart issues in my past, I’ve become more intentional about my diet. I don’t hold anything against eating meat; I simply recognize that avoiding it is better for the environment—and ultimately, better for my health as well.
3. Became goth- I had never been educated about subcultures. Growing up black meant that any music that wasn’t rap or RnB was deemed “white music”. In middle school, I was bullied heavily for liking One Direction and Justin Bieber. So naturally, I hid my love for Fall Out Boy. There were no outwardly alt people at my school, so I was never exposed to subcultures. While I had friends who shared my taste in music, we were unaware that our interests were part of a broader subculture. I mostly listened to emo and metal, but without knowing any better, I labeled anything alternative as “rock,” unaware that it was more nuanced. Last year, while watching YouTube I stumbled across a goth makeup tutorial and decided to watch because I had been wanting to learn how to make more dramatic/dark makeup work on my features. From there, I was recommended more videos, and my interest was piqued. What made something goth? I began researching and soon found myself deep in the history and musical intricacies of the goth genre. To my surprise, I discovered that goth was a music-based subculture rooted in the very music I had been listening to for years. I continued educating myself and found I deeply resonated with the subculture and its ideologies. The rest is as you know it.
4. Got a piercing- now this may seem tame to a lot of you, but I remember being in middle school, swearing I’d never get any piercings or tattoos. I never imagined it would be something I’d want. It didn’t help that I’ve always had a huge fear of needles—I feel so bad for my piercer; I’m sure I stressed her out. So why did I get a piercing? I love how it looks. I’d been wearing a fake piercing now and then for a while, and I always felt prettier with it. I was hesitant to get a real one because I didn’t want to look too alternative at school. But at some point, I just thought, screw it. Learning so much about the anti-establishment and anti-conformist roots of punk and goth made me realize—why was I trying so hard to please people who have never accepted me? People who have never had a positive opinion of me? I got a piercing because I’m tired of hiding who I am. I’m a little weird and unstable, and who cares?
It's incredible how much can change in a year. I'm so far from the girl who was too afraid to express herself at a new school, still grappling with the sadness and disappointment of a lonely, unfulfilling college experience. I am no longer that girl, and yet, in some ways, I still am. I see her every time I look in the mirror. I remind her that it's okay if people see me now. They *will* see me, and I won't shrink because of it. I won’t. I'm so proud of her, and I know she’s proud of me too.
I’m excited to start school again, knowing that this time, I’ll be entirely myself.
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If you know you know I suppose, but I’m taking out the most obviously identifying parts of this ask because we are growing closer to actually having a day without a nonsense and if I don’t censor it people are going to accuse me of sending all 12 people who follow me to mob this person. Because no, I don’t agree with this take as you present it, and no I don’t follow them and don’t want to sift through posts trying to find the actual take. Since I’m removing them from this equation in general though, I’m going to address this claim solely as presented here because whether that is what that other person was actually saying or not, this mindset is not uncommon in certain circles.
Disclaimer over, let’s move on.
First of all, no. To move to a more sustainable future it does not make sense to eat less farmed meat and more hunted meat. See the current overfishing issue if you want a real world example of why, but the more blunt answer is that humans do eat a lot of meat and we just eat a lot in general. Ultimately, not everyone who needs meat can just grab a shotgun and find an alligator. Many people who need meat are in fact disabled to begin with, and even those who aren’t probably have a job and can’t afford to take time away to hunt, skin, and dress an opossum several times a week. We already have issues with the average person not having time to cook proper meals, we can’t expect anyone to have the time or energy to gut a deer every week or so. Even if they did, while opossums and deer are very common now, they would not be very common if we all started doing this. Farming animals is sustainable because it means we control how many there are at any given time. We can also assure that farmed animals are both treated for and checked for zoonotic diseases and parasites before it hits our plate. If we just shrugged and went back to hunting for food full time there would be a massive uptick in localized epidemics of diseases that haven’t been relevant to medicine in the US for several decades at least.
Second, a cattle ranch can still exist with native habitat incorporated into it. A field of crops absolutely cannot. Between the monoculture, pesticides, and soil depletion, there genuinely is not a particularly sustainable way to grow crops the way we have been. Commercial crops are a FAR greater threat to the environment than livestock is, additionally, we use livestock to make eco-friendly fertilizer. Limit the animal agriculture and you limit the resource, if you can’t find enough natural fertilizer, you need alternatives. The alternatives are “night soil” or chemicals synthesized in labs. The former would again cause millions of deaths due to disease, the latter can be incredibly toxic to wildlife. Again. Bad. That’s not conservation. Conservation isn’t making more corn fields to make up for lack of cattle farms. That isn’t helpful to anyone.
People absolutely WOULD starve from this. People would die of disease left and right from this. I’m not even sure what the logic of calling this a more sustainable future would be. Want a more sustainable food source in the US? Hunt and process feral cat meat I suppose. Feral rats, mice, house sparrows, and starlings too. Pythons as well if you can get them. The cats and rodents will be major vectors for disease so freeze deep and cook them well. Why on earth would it be preferred to hunt and eat native species rather than the invasive ones if the goal is conservation.
Want sustainable futures? Lobby against highways. Fight for and donate to habitat restoration. Support land back movements. Closing meat and dairy farms only hurts the working class, particularly the disabled (or infants who, you know, may need formula that is actually accessible and not price gouged by scarcity of ingredients, the US already struggles with this the last thing we need is less milk available).
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rahneiispersonal · 1 year
Teenage Life: A Blogೀ
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Being a teenager in middle to late adolescence is a great stage in life to find and identify yourself. Are you a preppy person? A grungy down to earth? or a stick to the basics type? Answering those questions may seem easy on paper but when it comes to real life, it's a challenge.
Some facts about being a teenager in this new generation!
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
❥Our brains are wired to take risks! During our adolescence stage, our brains undergo a major rewiring during puberty the brain's social-emotional system leads to increased reward-seeking, especially in the presence of friends. For example jumping from a high staircase and rolling down a hill, maybe even licking the toilet seat (I saw it once, my classmate did it for 50 pesos ToT)
❥We have a shorter attention span Because of how the internet works today, content creators have been producing short 10-30 second videos which we get addicted to, like Tik-tok and Youtube shorts. You can say it is somewhat even shorter than a little kid playing on their Ipad.
❥We are more prone to addiction Our feel-good dopamine chemicals in our brain during this stage of life are lower than adults and children, but we produce way more dopamine than an adult. And because of this we can do whatever the action or word is over and over and can lead us to addiction (Addiction is not good especially if its vices like drinking, vaping and even porn addictions. So we must always limit ourselves and set boundaries!)
❥We have a lot of opportunities! In this new generation, we have more knowledge for politics, the economy, and even for our environment! and today there are so many STEM students that will thrive in making a better world!
☆We can be sensitive since we are technically still kids but just a little older and knows better! No it is not being a "cry-baby" or being "dramatic" it is how we process things and sometimes we take it too far or too slow! and that is okay! since we are still learning about life and morals!
❥We are more active than others Though some can be "lazy" or "weak" We are more active and a bit strong since our muscles are developing! We just don't want to do it all the time!
❥We are technically chronologically online ever since we were young! Because of our early access to the internet, we tend to be waay more online than usual and waay too into trends and such, which can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
☆ Lots of peer pressure from the world Adults expect us to act like them, despite them still treating us like children. It's all so confusing and really overwhelming on what kind if things they dump on us and just expect us to do in such an age. Even if we have more control of our choices, many of them still expect us to do the right thing right away. Not much "room for making mistakes and learning through them" now, huh?
☆Nagging and Criticism Cause Teen Brains to Shut Down (Literally) When we are being nagged or critisized for what we don't want to hear, our brain goes on an "offline mode" and seems like we are ignoring it but it's not what you think! It's not because we are "disrespectful" or anything like that, we just don't like how you are telling us that you are wrong, a nice gentle way of telling us what we did wrong is better!
❥Even if we have it easier, we just can't! having it easier, is in fact easier but on paper. We still have the pressure of academics, peers, and even our own family! which is why having support is always appreciated. Just knowing someone is there for us, is enough!
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The positives and negatives of being a teenager of today౨ৎ Being a teenager is of course enjoying life to the fullest with friends and family cause you wont get the time to enjoy it as you get older, but sometimes life can be pretty hard these days, so lets look at the positives and negatives!
Having time with your friends and family, Spending quality time with them is a great reliever and the best way to spend your weekends or after school! even as simple as eating out or just watching TV. It's all about the little things that make it big!
Trying and learning new things while we can! As we grow, its a bit harder to learn and try new hobbies. Even with sports! We should take any opportunity we can!
Being able to be in your best shape. We have more energy and optimism than adults, so we should take advantage of it and to be as healthy as we can!
We have less financial stress and worry. This depends on different households but we all mostly are still able to live under our parents roof and for them to provide for us!
We have freedom! but this also depends on different lifestyles but teenagers have more freedom than adults!
As much as we have a lot of freedom in our life, we also have the burden of our ancestors and grandparents. Both emotionally and economically. We have the burden of trying to keep the planet as healthy as it can be. But due to the recent climate changes that are very drastic, we should help as much as we can.
Even if we have a lot of freedom in our life the academic stress especially in the Philippines are very very extreme these days. As other countries progress to have better education days, we are still stuck with loads of projects and assignments with our school days being 7am-5pm.
Since we are more prone to more emotional baggage, the emotional baggage of the world ends up making it heavier on our shoulders as we struggle to balance our vices and our important needs. This can lead to anxiety, depression and etc.
We can unintentionally or intentionally be too rude, intentional or not it is very unavoidable since we are mostly direct and or a bit awkward.
We can get annoyed easily and be defensive, It's not because we are forcibly disrespecting you! its just how we feel and we would like to set a boundary but we didn't mean it in the most rudest tone !
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Thank you for reading our short blog, and we hope you learned more about teenagers!
Blog created by: Rahne Yap, Laina Pagalanan, Toby Chance, Sam Quindo, and Iyyar Bullozo
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lunarsprites · 1 year
Hm. I have been seriously lacking in my writing and journaling.
Things have been, well, I'm not sure? They have not been bad at all, the forecast is partially cloudy if I were to liken it to something. As though I'm on a plane ride and there are mild moments of turbulence. Although, nothing that would cause a grand disturbance.
I must admit, the entire debacle in accordance with those two, was simply... Strange? I must admit it did stir me up a little at first (the unprovoked nature of the occurrence was what had me confused), but then it became something partially amusing.
It has come to my attention that my mere existence irks people. Even after such a long time. This, to be fairly honest, is a tad perplexing to me; as I am no longer in the same state of mind I was when I last had any interaction, if remotely, with these people. And, true, I do understand my behavior was quite polarizing oftentimes whilst I was healing. Though I have to pardon myself for that; I knew not of an adequate approach to the situation and had been torn down to an unrecognizable version of myself. I spent the whole time since, searching for myself. Some of this process, in specific the first half, was erratic and filled with remnants of frustration, scattered pieces of a soul and heart. It was not a clean-cut progression.
But the late half was spent in recluse, to grow comfortable with the uncomfortable parts of myself I now needed to let go of. I spent most of it feeling absolutely nothing, even when things were going pretty smoothly with no issues. I began doing things I used to love as a child once again, spending more and more time by myself or only with close friends. I changed. I found myself again and spent time getting to know her once more.
An odd concept, isn't it, how people from your past whose bridges have been incinerated tend to see your behavior whilst they knew you as all you amount to. How they pair behavior and character so heavily, yet don't seem to see what caused that behavior to be elicited. My actions were reflections and direct consequences of what I lived through, the environment I was in. Truth be told, I had no strength to be so deeply aware of myself at those times.
I do not let it bother me much. I am sure those people must have their own demons they must face, as I had to. It spares them a slither of pity from my person.
As of my most immediate present, I am once again awake at the witching hour, and... I want to keep writing more. I know I have a downpour of thoughts, but they, unfortunately, like to surface once I am away from my computer, with my eyes shut.
I have been hanging out with somebody lately. On the odd occasion, mostly one day of the week on a weekend. It's been nearly a month of this. At first, the chemical bond came a little strong and it was quite comforting to be able to be around someone in a pseudo-romantic way. Something which, truthfully I had not experienced since my last relationship. And then, the hormones from my monthly season of red also pushed that comfort further onto my heart momentarily. The fact that things felt too comfortable meant I then began to give this person a little too much of my time and allowance.
Which, if you know me, you know that's how things end up going south. I have been doing too much, for what the terms of this "situationship" pertain to. Now that the hormone chaos has hushed inside my brain and the letters begin to unscramble and sort into sentences clearer to make sense of, I can tell this may be a little too much. Not only for me but for him, too. I most definitely do not want to be in a committed relationship any time soon. Neither is he. Very much not.
You see, this is the tricky thing with the age gap. It's not so much the maturity part, it is more of the phases we're both in. Had he been my age, that stage of fooling around and doing what you want would have been nearing an end. Had I had the last five years, I would have probably had my career path together. He has that time now, that I was not graced with. And knowing this, I understand this situation is nowhere near plausible to have any sort of hopes for.
This is why I now sit on the question; do I distance myself from him once more, or do I simply free myself of any fleeting attachment and carry on casually seeing him. It irks me that these are even thoughts that circle my brain, because if I was to be real: Luna, you're deeping it way too much. I know I'm not the best at "just casual" things. I tell myself I am, and either I get attached or I grow absolutely zero attachments and leave once the initial thrill of the chase ends. So I guess this is why these questions do arise. However, I simply have no answer. The thoughts that are smaller are a little deeper; "what if I cut him off and then we don't speak again", and "what if we keep going and then one day he develops feelings?". They're such annoying little thoughts that even I roll my eyes at myself.
Rounding it all up, you could say it's my lack of control, and the uncertainty of what I can do, what I should do, what I want. Coupled with the same variation of questions applied to him; what does he want, what is he actually feeling, etc. Because, in truth, he does not come across as the time to be able to do "casual", either. By what he's told me he has been in his series of previous relations. Although, people do change, and he is still young in the sense he hasn't yet had a chance to go and do all of that.
Y'know what, I'm going to leave it at that because as I finished writing that last paragraph, I was confronted with a wave of "wait, I don't actually care that much what am I even going on about". I may have laughed at myself a little, too. You see? I have no idea what I truly feel, if anything at all, in moments like these. I care a little, but then, I'm submerged into waters of indifference and it runs through my veins and my head goes "Oh, ew." at any emotion that correlates to possible metaphysical attachments to another person.
Perhaps, it is a trauma response, although it almost feels more like intuition. I am still trying to learn to distinguish the two.
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dailypsyfacts · 1 year
Treating Mental Health Disorders With LSD?
Welcome to my second blog post! Today, I brought an interesting topic that has gained some attention in the media recently. It’s about the legalisation of LSD in Australia. Just a disclaimer, this is not a promotion for drugs! This is only legal in a clinical setting with a professional supervisor accompanying the process. Sorry to disappoint. So, how come Australia is the only country where LSD has been legalised?
It all started when Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann (1906-2008) accidentally discovered that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has hallucinogenic effects. He and Western scientists then started to research the psychedelic substance for medical purposes. LSD had already been marketed as a treatment for anxiety disorders and for use in psychiatric research by the pharmaceutical firm – Sandoz – Hofmann worked for. Unfortunately, LSD soon became a drug of recreational use outside the scientific realm. Its purpose then quickly went from potential therapeutic effects to inducing an altered state of consciousness purely for pleasure and casual use. Hence, it’s been banned in the late 1960’s which also stopped the medical research in psychedelic substances. However, the research into LSD came back again in the 1990’s and has gradually increased since then (Houseofswitzerland.org, 2020).  
It turns out Albert Hofmann accidentally synthesised LSD when working on a parasitic fungus that grows on rye in 1938. A few years later, in 1943, he must have accidentally absorbed a trace of the substance as he started to feel strange sensations. These sensations, however, raised his interest in the chemical, so he decided to run more tests. At some point, he intentionally ingested what he thought was a tiny amount (0.25 mg) for the first time without knowing what it would do. He would soon find out, when he experienced the first ‘bad trip’ in history of LSD when he made his way home on his bicycle, that this was a massive dose. He described his surroundings as a parallel universe with distorted pictures. It’s a good job his laboratory assistant was with him as he couldn’t remember cycling home but rather felt like he couldn’t move from the spot – despite a very rapid journey according to his assistant. Interestingly, he mentioned that he felt completely powerless in terms of using his mental abilities to sort of ‘wake up’ or put an end to this. No matter how much physical or perceived energy he would try to force, it was useless. He also mentioned the dissolution of his ego. Hofmann’s conclusion was that LSD is too risky outside of a controlled environment and was therefore against the recreational use of LSD, but he did say that it always has its place for the purpose of exploring the human soul and coping with life’s anxieties (Houseofswitzerland.org, 2020).
This nicely leads into my next point as it is precisely the reason it has been legalised in Australia. Just last month, on February 3, 2023, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGD) in Australia has officially allowed the psychedelics MDMA and psilocybin for medical use as of July 1, 2023. MDMA – otherwise known as the active ingredient in ecstasy – and psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – will be treatment options for PTSD and treatment-resistant depression, respectively. Precisely, Australia has authorised MDMA which mimics LSD in a way by invoking feelings of depersonalisation and altered perception and thought without the overt hallucinatory effects which doesn’t make it a classical psychedelic. Researchers assume that MDMA acts by increasing the reuptake and release of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Another factor may be an enhanced release of oxytocin. The results of studies involving MDMA show highly significant results that almost make you wonder why they’re not used more often around the world. It only took three MDMA-assisted therapy sessions for 67% of participants to no longer qualify for a PTSD diagnosis (MAPS, 2021). 88% of participants within the same study significantly reduced their symptoms. Jennifer Mitchell, lead author of the paper, says that what seems to make MDMA so effective is that it raises compassion and understanding while reducing fear. Other studies came to the same conclusion of substantial clinical benefit and a cost-saving effect for third-party payers (Marseille et al., 2020). Especially, PTSD patients with a dissociative subtype seem to show great results. Mitchell further notes that MDMA may help patients to confront and overcome their trauma instead of distancing themselves from a trauma and avoiding to cope with it, if the right mindset and an appropriate environmental (clinical) setting is given (Mackenzie, 2021). This could be what Hofmann was implying by exploring the human soul and coping with life’s anxieties.
Psilocybin, too, includes LSD and even the neurotransmitter serotonin. Dephosphorisation leads to the psychedelic being able to cross the blood-brain barrier and can easily activate the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor given its structural similarity (Mackenzie, 2021). By activating this specific receptor, scientists assume that this activates the psychedelic effects. However, these effects are highly dose-dependent which is why heightened perception, imagery, complex hallucinations and distortions can occur if measured inappropriately. Scientists theorise that psilocybin alters the thalamic gating in the brain and increases the activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is impaired in patients with depression (Mackenzie, 2021). Psilocybin has been directly compared to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram in a clinical trial. The result was that psilocybin could keep up with the antidepressant effects and may even invoke a deeper and faster effect (Carhart-Harris et al., 2021). However, only 59 people took part which lowered the power and significance of the study.
This raises the question then why drugs like alcohol or sugar are legal, when LSD-involving psychedelics such as MDMA and psilocybin and their possible benefits aren’t?  
Indeed, psilocybin is illegal mostly worldwide, but has been decriminalised in several cities in the US over the past few years (Mackenzie, 2021). However, Western countries such as Australia experience an overwhelming number of drug-related deaths that are caused by alcohol and tobacco – both legal drugs (Parliament of Australia, 2023). Meanwhile, LSD is classified as a narcotic worldwide, except for Australia. A 2007 study by Professor Nutt and colleagues proposed a ‘drug harm ranking’ that compares the harms caused by a range of drugs, legal as well as illegal. Specifically, alcohol is placed on rank five of the most harmful drugs right after heroin, cocaine, barbiturates and methadone. It is noticeable that alcohol and tobacco are ranked much higher than LSD and ecstasy which are ranked at 14 and 18 (Nutt et al, 2007). Professor Nutt criticises that alcohol and tobacco should not be seen as non-drugs. Therefore, Nutt et al. promote a relative approach that compares both, legal and illegal drugs, to not isolate only the illegal ones as it can lessen the harmful effects of legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco. They also recommend educating the public on relative harms, rather than just selected harms. I would argue that people simply don’t want to know about the harms of legal drugs as it is too comfortable not to. People are usually used to having a beer or a glass of wine in Western cultures. If it’s just that, the harms should not be too bad. However, people don’t need a prescription for alcohol or tobacco, unless they’re underage, which means that those legal drugs are always available in huge quantities. However, it is interesting that sugar is not listed within this table which may imply that sugar is not seen as a harmful drug per se. Can sugar not be harmful when consuming too much of it after an exhausting day? Sugar can possibly develop into an addiction too (Ahmed et al., 2013). Limited evidence shows that sugar activates the same reward and craving systems that addictive drugs induce. An evolutionary explanation can give insight. Within the evolutionary environment, humans have developed a preference for foods high in sugar and calories in order to survive. Today, we need to stop eating sugar in order to survive. Physical consequences, such as obesity, are known to decrease our health.
Overall, the same rule that applies to almost everything is that the potency makes the difference. If the dose of LSD is too high, unwanted effects, such as hallucinations, may arise. However, this should not be the case in clinical settings. The highly significant results of clinical trials investigating the effects of psychedelics, such as reducing anxiety and symptoms of PTSD, must be recognised. Maybe Australia only made the first step and more counties will consider using psychedelics to treat mental health disorders.  
Ahmed, S.H., Guillem, K., Vandaele, Y. (2013) ‘Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit’ Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care 16 (4), 434-439.
Carhart-Harris, R., Giribaldi, B., Watts, R., Baker-Jones, M. et al. (2021) ‘Trial of Psilocybin versus Escitalopram for Depression’ The New England Journal of Medicine; 384:1402-1411. Doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2032994  
Mackenzie, R.J. (2021) ‘An introduction to Five Psychedelics: Psilocybin, DMT, LSD, MDMA and KEtamine’ Technology Networks. Neuroscience News & Research. https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/articles/an-introduction-to-five-psychedelics-psilocybin-dmt-lsd-mdma-and-ketamine-355897
MAPS’ Phase 3 Trial of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Achieves Successful Results for Patients with Severe, Chronic PTSD. (2021)
Marseille E, Kahn JG, Yazar-Klosinski B, Doblin R. (2020) The cost-effectiveness of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy fort he treatment of chronic, treatment-resistent PTSD. PLoS One 15(10): e0239997. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239997
Minet, P. (2017) ‘The Swiss beginning of LSD’ Translation based on an article by Pascaline Minet published in Le Temps. https://houseofswitzerland.org/swisssttories/history/swiss-beginnings-lsd
Nutt, D., King, L.A., Saulsbury, W., Blakemore, C. (2007) ‘Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse’ The Lancet. Volume 369, Issue 9566, 24-30. Pg. 1047-1053. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60464-4
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luvinlifeau · 2 years
Biodegradable Yoga Mat: Why You Should Choose Them?
Yoga is a great way to stay healthy and get in shape. It's also an awesome excuse to spend time at home doing something relaxing, which we all need more of.
But did you know that some of the materials used for yoga mats can be harmful to your health? PVC plastics are common in yoga mats due to their durability, but they're full of phthalates—chemicals linked with asthma and other respiratory problems that can cause allergic reactions like headaches when inhaled during hot yoga classes. As it turns out, there are plenty of biodegradable yoga mat Australia options available if you know where to look!
You don't have to sacrifice quality or grip.
When I first started practising yoga, I was a little apprehensive about using eco-friendly mats. I worried that they might not be as sturdy or grippy as traditional mats. Thankfully, that's not the case at all! biodegradable yoga mat Australia is just as good quality and grip-wise as their non-eco counterparts. Plus, they're better for the environment!
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It's better for the planet.
You want to be kind to the Earth.
You don't want your yoga mat to be harmful to the environment.
Maybe you're a vegan and need to avoid animal products in all aspects of your life.
No matter what the reason for using biodegradable yoga mats is, there are plenty of reasons why it's important for us as yogis (and human beings) to consider their impact on our planet. For example:
1) Eco-friendly mats use sustainable materials that don't harm animals or our environment;
2) They are biodegradable, so they break down over time instead of sitting around until they decay into harmful chemicals; and
3) They are made from natural materials that don't contain toxic chemicals like phthalates (which have been linked with cancer).
You'll avoid PVC plastic, which is harmful to people and the environment.
PVC is a known carcinogen, and it can leach into your body as you use it. It's made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource that belongs in the ground (if at all). Plastic does not biodegrade, so once it's gone—it stays gone for good! And even if you did recycle your mat with other plastics (which are hard to find), PVC will still be processed with other types of plastic that can release toxic fumes when heated in an incinerator or landfill.
Sustainable Materials
You should also be aware of the materials used in your mat. PVC is a plastic that's notoriously bad for the environment, and phthalates are toxic chemicals that can seep into your skin during practice. Lead, cadmium, and BPA (bisphenol A) pose similar problems when it comes to your health. To ensure you're getting a yoga mat made with sustainable materials like natural rubber or jute fibre instead of toxic plastics, look for these certifications:
They're Non-Toxic
Another reason that biodegradable yoga mats are a great choice is that they're non-toxic. Many of the materials used to create regular mats contain harmful chemicals and additives that can be absorbed by your hands and feet, which then enter your body. Biodegradable yoga mats, on the other hand, are made from biodegradable materials like natural rubber or cork.
We hope that by now, you've decided to make the switch to biodegradable yoga mat Australia. The benefits of using sustainable materials in our products are countless, and there are many more reasons why you should try them out for yourself. You can feel good about buying environmentally friendly products that will last longer than their conventional counterparts while also helping protect the planet.
source : https://luvinlifehealth.blogspot.com/2022/10/biodegradable-yoga-mat-why-you-should.html
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
you (seem like you) like actually fully love yourself and your live and don't want to die. How?? Like how did you get to that place?
(you don't have to answer if you don't want, I just think you're cool and am in awe)
Aww, thanks, anon.
Well... I have two responses here, and I want you to listen to both of them, okay?
Response the first is that while I've certainly worked at and still work at loving myself, a lot of my basic well being and mental health come from loving, sane parents with decent boundaries and a lack of genetic predisposition to mental illness. I'm not saying this to depress you but to point out that nobody should be too hard on themselves.
Mental health things can be like financial things where everyone's telling you "bootstraps, bootstraps", while ignoring that they started life way ahead of the game, and not everybody has those advantages. So if things seem very hard, don't beat yourself up. Maybe you just got dealt a shitty hand.
Response the second is that even with a shitty hand, life is not hopeless. What you do on a daily basis makes a big difference. Fixing my sleep and eating habits is a lifelong process, but it has definitely helped my mental health. Forcing myself to finally write my first novel involved learning time management I never did as a ~gifted kid~. Finishing that project made me feel better about things I didn't even know bothered me.
Exercise is an... uh... ongoing project. (Read, I am terrible at doing exercise, but it does help with mental health.) Decluttering my mother's horror of a house is too, and every time I make the space I spend my days in tidy and cute, I feel so much better. Scattered belongings mean a scattered mind for me. Having less stuff is a part of that. I'm a packrat by nature, but it's bad for me.
Being in my 40s also helps. I was happier than most teens, but I still had a lot of emotional ups and downs and hormones going nuts back then. I know who I am better now than I could have in my 20s and 30s.
I too have times I feel awful though. I'm extremely anxious about money right now. I have family I can fall back on, but that means groveling to someone in a way that's deeply embarrassing for my middle-aged ass. I'm about to move in with my girlfriend, and a lot of decluttering and such needs to happen first. I do think I have a better foundation than most of liking myself deep down, but it doesn't necessarily get rid of the surface level anxiety and bad brain days.
If you are currently very young, some things may just calm down as you age and hormones calm down. I don't mean horny hormones: I mean how teenage bodies dump chemicals in your brain all the time, and emotions are as volatile as you'd expect from that. If you are not so young, good habits won't solve everything, but they're a good first step. The key for most people is a stable environment, low stress levels, and professional help, usually both meds and talk/behavioral therapy. All of that takes money, so I understand how frustrating that can be to hear. Aggressive decluttering, making your space nice, and removing sources of stress from your life like toxic friends or social media addiction are things one can start on without a lot of money though.
Nobody has to go through life wanting to die all the time. We all have bad days, but that's extreme. Feeling better is a long process with a lot of hard work, but there are strategies you can try. I recommend seeking out advice from people who started in a much darker place than I did. They're going to have more practical advice because their attempts to love themselves were more conscious and concrete. I know some of my readers have linked to subreddits and other sources of free advice on how to replicate things like CBT and DBT on your own if going to a pro is not an option.
Good luck, nonnie!
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ranboo5 · 3 years
Dropping the Ranboo mixtape
Anyway at time of starting to write this post I had two likes and two affirmative replies, which is Good Enough For Me, so here I am :D I was gonna link the YT but on second thought my YT channel is a mess so this is gonna be one of the annoying ones that doesn’t link to one you can actually listen to but 
This is also a running list and currently organized roughly by increasingly hotter takes and it’s under a cut bc it’s 13 songs and I justified all of them 
Everybody Likes You (Lemon Demon) - LISTEN THE ANIMATION MEMES WEREN’T LYING THAT EVERYBODY LIKES YOU CAN RANBOOCORE. The increasingly distorted, incredibly bright repetition of EVERYBODY LIKES YOU EVERYBODY LIKES YOU EVERYBODY LIKES YOU until you can hear it morphing in and out of EVERYBODY LIED TO YOU? Tell Me That’s Not Him In The Spiral Depths 
Tall (Naps the Block on YT) - This is a) literally a theme for the End, b) sounds stumbling and anxious/high-strung, and c) echoes the Pigstep melody in the middle while still very much doing its own thing this is self explanatory 
Dance of Thorns/Old Secret mashup (Tensei and James Roach respectively, feat. woodfur00 on YT) (yes this is Homestuck music) - It’s just the vibes. The energy. The way the elegance of the violin lines of Dance of Thorns sounds almost nervous especially against the almost noir mystery vibes of Old Secret, and the guitar lines of Dance of Thorns add like. Initiative/urgency especially when they underlay the other music it’s so good I don’t think either song alone is Ranboo vibes but this remix definitely is. Just the mix of perseverance and desperation and melancholy and mystery and Class 
Touch-Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon) - This one is old news but tbh it just works. Man decides he’s the correct one in this situation and he’s losing his entire mind that no one is listening to him because he just is not 
2012 (Will Wood) - This one isn’t really clever it’s just about memory loss, derealization, identity, and often self-hatred (“A miserable fuck, but a loud Tao mystical” is a lot). “Did you lose yourself?/It’s always in the last place that you check” sounds so mocking in ways internal monologues like Droice have been and “I might find myself/By retracing my steps” is literally just Ranboo dealing with the Enderwalk; “And not until lobotomy abolished my monotony/Did I applaud autonomy, and modify a lot of me!” works so much for him Dealing With Himself generally, and also “I heard the world would turn to hell/Compared to that, I’m doing well!” is a Him sentiment 
Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In! (Will Wood) - Jokes about the three hour mining/grinding streams aside. Not only is the chorus so heavily a spiral/self-evaluation mood, but literally consider his thought processes abt the things he’s done/allegedly done and then consider “My dreams were shattered like a stained-glass window/Jesus in pieces! I believe I through a brick right through Him/But my memory could not be saved!/It just seems unlikely that it’s me who was to blame/So I bookmark my DSM, ‘cause I need to remember my place.” And now with the advent of the “experiments” the second verse’s “Take the road on higher ground, and tell me ‘don’t look down! You’ll fall and break your back’/But that just reminds me how there’s more to be found beneath the black!” is more relevant than ever 
Friends With You (The Scary Jokes) - Oh my god. Oh my fucking god man. This could be on here for “I put myself to bed just halfway through the party/I love all my friends, but I hate when their eyes are on me” alone but the general almost empty saccharine vibe of the song is immensely his vibe; the humorlessly-smiling vocal fry on “don’t know” in “Why do you pretend/You don’t know who’s to blame?” is probably responsible for 80% of this read. Not to mention the first lyrics are literally “How long do I have to wait/’Til my lonely days are over?” which is really the. The waiting it out man the So When Do I Get To Be Okay of it all. Shoutouts also to “And the crumbling infrastructure no one else can see,” the self hatred of “I miss being friends with you/But what can I do/What can I do/But leave you alone?” and to “And I can tell you really love me/Can you tell I’m really sorry?” Just. The mix of hope+affection and dejected cynicism and self-hatred in the lyrics
Saline Solution (none other than Mr Wilbur Soot) - Remember what I said about waiting it out until you get to be okay? Anyway that’s crystallized in “If I could just break one more night/Maybe I could wake up and feel alright” and also this is literally a song about catastrophizing and self-evaluation just,, in general and I will not be highlighting all the lyrics about this but I will highlight the fact that he literally calls himself pragmatic and also the lyric “blurring the facts and the fiction.” Also, the sheer desperate anger-concealing-breakdown vibes of “I think I’ve made my choice” to “I think I’ve found my voice” deserves a mention, as does the culminating end of “saline solution to all your problems” with the tears+now splash water motifs of it all with Ranboo I am going to die 
Funny (The Scary Jokes) - This is actually a softer take but not only does it literally start with the singer pleading with the addressee to look away, it  continues with “I went up in the middle of the night and I climbed right onto the stage/And I raged/And I cried/Oh, what a funny joke am I” disregarding everything as performance, reemphasizes the opening demand with the qualifier “it’s not that I hate you, it’s just that I’m funny these days,” and then kills you with the last couple lines which. Yeah he does care and it does,,, just,,,,, a
Chemical Overreaction (Will Wood) - This is where the mood VIOLENTLY whiplashes because this is where we get unhinged. Anyway “I won’t stop to drop to draw a line in the sand/’Cause I’ll be picked apart to pieces by coyotes!” is LITERALLY the whole “I don’t do well with ‘peer pressure’” thing. “Where the sentimental value of the city around ya/Is deleted obsolete, but still completely will stun ya” is the single most L’Manberg lyric I’ve ever heard, especially from the perspective of a character whom I will repeatedly insist is narratively in the role of someone who’s shown up and seen the status quo as an outsider after it’s been established (hence the eternal New Kid vibes). Chorus very much has vibes of Ranboo Is Seized By The Urge To Do Something, and like. The entire dramatic end part. The last two lines especially (be very careful if you look up the vieo for this by the way it is NOT pretty; cws in the video for flashing, blood, suicide imagery) 
A Mannequin Adrift (The Scary Jokes) - The Bitterness. This song is just fully The Bitterness at the environment he’s stuck in; the saccharine comes back as does the “peer pressure” thematic and just the Having An Awful Time; the sarcastic saccharine comes back too, which is always good I love passive aggression. Honestly the first verse is just everything like just listen to it it immediately makes sense
Poison Ivy Grows (The Scary Jokes) - This is overall a song about having bad brain and not knowing what the hell to do about it; it’s so faintly bitter and distant and melancholy and also so zoned out. Also, it’s not the only lyric that matters here but it is enough to be a full argument on its own: “I used to spend so much time/Wandering around outside/Now I’ve got too much on my mind/Now I’ve got too much on my mind” 
Spring Haze (Tori Amos) - Listen. Do I know what Spring Haze is about? No. Is that gonna stop me from saying it’s about Ranboo? Also no. I just think “You say we’ll never make it there/So all we do is circle it” is so much, the fact that the bridge at the end is just “Why does it always end up like this?” repeated, and that it just feels so much like overall the song feels like a desperate attempt to figure Something out, and the chorus is just inexplicably him? It might be partially influenced by the fact that “Uh-oh, let go, off on my way” and, to a lesser extent, “Uh-oh, way to go” is not only in accordance with character vibes but also vaguely evocative of Ranboo’s speech pattern
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I Hate Me Now
Word Count: 6k 
Genre: Angst, smut 
Summary: You and Wonpil used to be lovers, soulmates even, before your priorities in life got in the way. You wanted to do anything to help your family, no matter how morally ambiguous it is, while Wonpil thought that doing the right thing was of the utmost importance, no exceptions. Now, facing off in court years later, all the old wounds gets torn open again and things finally come to a head.
A/N: *long fart noise* this fic had the potential to be something good but I fucked it up and I’m beyond even caring.
Warnings: inconsistent writing if you’ve ever seen one, kinda femdom, unhealthy as per usual, sad little story.
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The neutral, slightly intimidating mask you put on everyday was the one most people were familiar with by now. You rarely showed your real emotions anymore, not since you had lost him. His departure brought on a profound change in your life. There had already been a rift growing between who you wanted to be and who you had to be in order to survive, but when he left he took any remaining idealism left in you with him. It’s funny that the reason he left you was because he couldn’t handle your diverging moral standings, yet it was precisely his departure that cemented the turn you had taken.
Now, with him standing opposite you in the courtroom, fighting for the opposing team, you feel your mask slipping. It was hard seeing him like this. Even though it’s been years already, not having him break into that breathtaking smile of his that was like an ingrained reflex as soon as his eyes would meet yours was disquieting. Now he just frowns and looks away; his big, beautiful eyes that used to be filled to the brim with a sort of dreamy goodness were now empty and tired.
Needless to say, you weren’t on your best game. You could hardly concentrate at all during the trial, and you can bet your ass that your boss knew about your abysmal performance before it even ended. As soon as you were out of the courtroom, he was calling to give you crap about it and condescendingly remarking that if you couldn’t handle such a big case then you should’ve left it to someone who actually knew what he was doing, emphasis on the ‘He’. You assured him that everything was under control and that this wouldn’t happen again. You were just caught off guard, not that you dared tell him that last part. This was a huge case and it could either make or break your career. You couldn’t afford to get distracted by the man you had once thought to be the love of your life, and might still do…
You had to do this for your family. But it seems the man in question intends to put your resolve to the test.
You don’t know how he found you. Perhaps he had followed you out of the courthouse. Did he hear you talking on the phone to your boss? You sure hope not, not when his mere presence was forcing you to face the fact that you never got over him after all, and you didn’t need him to see that. You had hoped that the time and distance would harden your heart and heal the wounds he had inflicted upon it but all it took was one look in his eyes for them to get ripped wide open again.
If nothing else, you wanted to keep your pride. He doesn’t get to break your heart and see you still broken up about it all these years later. So you put on your mask again and smirk at him, “Good work today, Pili.”
His frown deepens at the term of endearment you used to call him when you were together. You suppose you aren’t allowed to use it anymore, which is precisely why you do. “Too bad it won’t do you any good. You always did have a soft spot for the hopeless cases.”
Wonpil puffs his chest out, subconsciously trying to look bigger under your mocking gaze. “Our case isn’t hopeless.”
“Yeah sure, whatever you say, Pili.” You roll your eyes. You should end it there, tell him you have no time for him and leave to go work harder on your case to take him and the people he represents down. But you haven’t made a levelheaded decision since the moment he came back into your life and you just can’t resist adding, “You shouldn’t be wasting your skill on these people. They’re never gonna win. Join my company. I’m sure I can find you a place.”
Wonpil’s face contorts in disgust, “You think I would ever be a part of a company like yours? You kill people!”
“My company doesn’t kill people.” You reply half-heartedly, not really up to defending your employers out of the courtroom.
“Maybe not directly but the chemicals they pollute the environment with has led to the illness and death of countless people. That’s on your hands.”
You’re not surprised that he insists on making you complicit in the actions of the company you’re representing. Wonpil always did have an absolute sense of justice, from the CEO to the janitor, everyone was equally responsible in his eyes.
 “Be careful what you accuse people of, Pili. This could get you in real trouble once my company wins the lawsuit. And they will win.” You smile sadly, “They always win.”
You walk closer to him and reach out for his hand tentatively. You’re surprised when he lets you, and you take a moment to just hold it, feeling the familiar, yet almost-forgotten, weight of it in your own hands. When you lace your fingers together, they fit as perfectly as they did years ago, the heat of him permeating through yours like blood through a corpse revived. 
You know you couldn’t let yourself get carried away for long. You needed to say what you had to say and then withdraw back into yourself when he inevitably rejects you. Rubbing your thumb over the web of skin between his thumb and index, you take a few moments to steady your breath as you willfully shed years worth of mental defenses to allow him to gaze onto the real you, naked from any pretenses and completely vulnerable against the bottomless darkness you see in his own eyes. 
“I’ve missed you so much, you can’t even know. I… I still want you.” You weren’t sure if it was just your voice that was trembling or your entire body—you were holding too tightly onto his hand to be able to tell. “It’s not too late for us. We can still be together. What you’re doing right now is admirable, fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves. You’ve got the most beautiful soul I’ve ever seen… but it’s a losing battle. There is no hope for them, but there is for us. We can have a good life together.”
His lips press together into a thin line and he yanks his hand back, almost throwing you forward when you don’t react fast enough to untangle your fingers as he steps away from you, looking disgusted at the mere thought of what you’re suggesting. “If you really think that I’d not only abandon these people but actually work against them then you don’t know me at all.”
“Oh, I know you.” You look down at your now empty hands, muttering tiredly, “I just hoped that you might’ve changed.”
“And I wish you didn’t. I don’t even know who you are anymore. You’re nothing like the girl I once fell in love with. You’re a monster.”
You let out a bark of laughter to hide the stabbing pain his words delivered right into the center of your chest, cutting up your tattered heart all over again. “And did you follow me all this way just to say that? Aw, Pili, you shouldn’t have.”
He glares at you, utter contempt displayed on his face.
“I hate you.” He curses out before he leaves, not sparing you a second glance, and for that you were thankful. You could barely stomach the fact that the broken woman who was openly sobbing in the middle of the street in broad daylight was you—you didn’t need him to see that.
Just like you hadn’t expected to ever face off with him in a courtroom, you also never expected him to show up at your place only days after your less-than-sweet reunion.
“What are you doing here?” You stand with your arms folded over your chest, feeling resentful that he’s forcing you to deal with the heartache he brought with him into your own residence. “How did you even know where my apartment is?”
“You’ve messed with my damn head.” He accuses, looking deeply agitated as he paces back and forth in your living room.
The audacity of this man! He sought you out first, then he rejected you, and now he barges into your home and claims you are messing with him?
You plant your body in his path to stop his pacing, and ask, putting emphasis on each word, “Why. are. you. here?”
He stares at you for a second, exasperated and contemplating what to say, but each time a sentence starts forming, he bites it back abruptly. Huffing, he runs his hand through his hair haphazardly and tries to get past you to start pacing again.
But you jump into action, your hands shooting out to grab him and hold him in place. You won’t let him play games with you. You won’t be able to handle it.
In the process of holding on to him to try to keep him in place, you had gotten much closer to him in proximity. With your arms almost enveloping him, your heart starts beating erratically. This was the closest you’d been to him in years, and by the looks of it, Wonpil wasn’t completely unfazed by it either.
“What do you want from me, Wonpil?” You ask, suddenly feeling weary as if all the fight has seeped out of your body. 
His eyes flit down to your lips as you talk, and they linger there even after you’re done, giving you your answer. Wonpil was never particularly good at hiding his feelings, something he would readily admit to if asked, and you take advantage of it.
You raise your hand to his face carefully as if he’s a frightened animal you don’t want to scare off. When he feels your hand on his cheek, he finally looks you in the eyes again, and you feel a twinge of pity at the helplessness you see in his gaze.
Taking in a deep breath, you ask slowly, “Do you want to kiss me, Wonpil?”
You knew you shouldn’t be doing this; it will only open up your wounds further, but you’ve never gotten to say goodbye to him, and you knew that if you miss this-- probably last-- chance to be with him, you will live to regret it even more.
You’re so lost in your own head that you miss the subtle nod Wonpil gives you and, antsy by your lack of response, he makes the first move, pressing his lips to your own.
It’s an awkward kiss, tight-lipped and uncoordinated as Wonpil is unsure of what he is allowed to do, but feeling the urgency to touch you anyway. His hands are all over you, but not in a good way. They would barely touch a part of you before they moved on to the next, leaving you feeling unsatisfied.
Deciding to take the reins—which was par for the course back during your relationship anyway—you grab his hands and hold them behind his back, making him whine when you break the kiss. “Don’t whine. You don’t have the right to.”
He bites his lip, stifling anymore protests from coming out. Pulling on his arm, you lead him to your bedroom and push him on the bed. He tries to pull you down with him but you shake him off. Again, he starts whining but with a sharp raise of your eyebrow, he pipes down immediately.
Grabbing the hem of your oversized shirt, you cock your head at him. “Do you want me to take this off?”
“Yes, please.” He breathes out before you’re even done talking.
You slide the shirt up your body slowly, teasingly, making sure to give Wonpil a show. With the shirt off, your breasts are entirely exposed for you to play with them and tease Wonpil some more. Pushing them together, messaging them, twisting the nipples lightly, you do everything you know will drive him crazy until he’s biting down hard on his lip so he wouldn’t piss you off, but you could see from the obvious bulge in his pants and the way his right leg was bouncing up and down impatiently that he was getting needy.
You give your breasts one last squeeze before you slide your hands down your abdomen and towards the waistline of your shorts, pushing it down on one side only to pull it back up and do the same thing with the other side.
“Please, what? You want me to take this off too?”
“But I thought I was a disgusting monster and you can’t even look at me. You have no problem with it now that you want to get your dick wet, huh?”
He averts his eyes, having the audacity to look ashamed and it pisses you the fuck off. 
You grab his jaw, making him face you, and hiss down at him. “Either you grow some fucking balls and face the implications of your own desire or you get the fuck out of my sight.” 
You needed him to voice out his desire so he’d admit that he’s equally responsible for what is happening. You’re not going to let him paint you as a monster seducing poor, helpless him. He wants this too, and he needs to be held accountable for that.
“What do you want me to say?” He asks, entirely too chagrined than he had any right to be. 
“That you’re a fucking hypocrite.” You spit, astonished at how disgusted you were with him, while still wanting to be one with him. Your whole relationship is a mess, and you’re convinced that either it was never meant to be, or that the gods themselves are jealous of your love and are trying to hurt you.
“I’m… I’m a hypocrite. There, are you happy?” He challenges, but you just let out a tired sigh, almost having expected him to deny it and put an end to this—to tell you that this is insane and you’re insane, but he validates your insanity and now you can’t back down.
No. None of this makes you happy. You haven’t been happy ever since he left you.
You take your shorts and panties off unceremoniously and straddle him, staying still for a moment to see if he’ll try something, but his hands stay balled to his sides as he awaits your permission to touch you, so you give it to him. “Go ahead. You can touch.”
His hands immediately go to your breasts, touching you in the exact same way you were just touching yourself, and you laugh. “Aw, Pili, you wanted it that bad?”
He frowns in that adorably pouty way he unconsciously does sometimes, and it makes your smile falter, the memory of something you used to have but is just out of your reach now is all too painful.
He forcefully takes you out of your thoughts when his mouth latches onto one of your breasts, placing kisses all over it and sucking on your nipple. You moan out, a hand reaching for his hair and automatically tugging on it the way you know he likes, which only makes him needier, one of his hands eagerly moving down to your pussy, and the moan that leaves him lets you know just how excited he is to find you dripping. Too impatient to wait, his fingers move down to your hole right away. When a finger enters you, he’s the one pulling back with a throaty moan.
You chuckle breathlessly, feeling yourself quivering around his finger. “Does my pussy feel that good, Pili?”
He nods, pumping his finger in and out of you, making you gasp as you start unbuttoning his shirt. “Tell me what it feels like.” 
“Tight. Wet. Soft.”
“Hmm, and did you miss it?” You slip his shirt off his shoulders, forcing him to remove his hands from you, but as soon as the shirt is off, his hands are back on you again, one grabbing a handful of your breast and the other two fingers deep in you.“Do you miss how it feels around your cock?”
“Yeah.” He closes his eyes and you know that he’s imagining it. 
“Do you want to feel it again?”
“Yes.” His eyes snap open again, full of silent pleas.
You push him backwards until he’s lying down in the middle of the bed with you straddling him, his cock snug between your wet folds as you slowly rub up and down against it. With your hands holding his arms over his head, he looks up at you, gaze brimming with need as he holds his breath and waits, but you don’t give it to him yet.
“Look at you. You were acting all high and mighty earlier but now you’re willing to do anything to get inside this pussy, huh?” You taunt, rubbing yourself with the tip of his dick.
When he doesn’t say anything, you lean down to bite his collarbone, making him yelp. “Answer me, Pili.”
“Yes, please, give it to me.” He nods emphatically, throwing his head back and crying out as you sink down on him. 
As soon as you have him all the way inside of you, you know you are in trouble. God, he fills you up so good. Everywhere his cock touched inside of you burns with pleasure and you can’t even help yourself; you ride him hard and fast, desperate to feel the kind of pleasure you haven’t felt in years. Everything is just different with him, the way he fits inside of you, the needy, almost reverent look on his face, his choked off moans, they all work you up to a frenzy. 
“Does it feel good, Pili?”
“Yes. So, so good.”
“I bet you’ve been fantasizing about this for years... just lying in bed, fucking your own spit-covered hand and imagining it was me taking you.” 
“Yeah, y-yeah…” He sniffles, lower lip trembling as he readily admits to it.
“You’re gonna cry?” You spit out, suddenly enraged, and come to a stop. “Fuck, you’re so pathetic.” 
“No! I’m sorry. I’ll stop. Please keep going.” 
“No. I won’t let you twist this narrative into you being the victim.” You fall back onto the bed and pull him up over you. “If you want me, take me.”
The muscle in his jaw jumps as he considers his options for a second, and you lay completely still under him, waiting for him to make the decision on his own, half-wishing he’d stop this madness. But he doesn’t.
Grunting, his hands grab your hips as he pushes his length back inside you. It only takes a few unexpectedly sharp thrusts for you to cooperate and wrap your arms and legs around him. Goosebumps erupt all over his skin when you pull at the hair at the nape of his neck, the shaky moan your action elicits causing heat to start gathering in your belly once again. You stare up at him in hunger, admiring how sexy he looks as the pleasure overtakes his features.
“Shit…shit, you feel so good.” Wonpil rasps out, his eyes squeezing shut as his thrusts turn sloppy. “ I can’t hold on much longer.”
“Don’t you dare.” You snap at him, your nails digging red trails down his back, making his hips stutter. 
“Please, I can’t hold it.” He shakes his head, desperate to get you to let him cum.
“No.” You hiss, silencing him with a kiss. You swallow his whines as your hands grab his ass and force him to keep fucking you. The more he squirms, the more his hips grind against you, rubbing coarsely against your clit and bringing you oh-so-close to your orgasm. 
But—seemingly just a second away from release—Wonpil goes rigid under you, his body freezing up too hard to allow you to move him anymore. His mouth tears away from your own in a loud moan as his dick twitches inside you and fills you up with his hot cum.
You can’t believe it. You were so, so close. Frustration and disappointment fill up the spaces the receding pleasure leaves behind.
“I told you to stop.” You hear him say meekly, and you sigh as you’re left tense and unfulfilled, just like always. 
“It’s fine.” You mutter darkly, pushing him off you, and Wonpil’s face falls, shame spreading all over it.
You know your reaction is hurting him. Wonpil hated not pleasing you. He took it as a personal failure if you were even the slightest bit unhappy with his performance. His desire to please and your desire to be pleased are what brought you together in the first place many years ago. But honestly, all you can think about right now is that mind-blowing orgasm you were just robbed of because he couldn’t hold back just a little bit more.   
But before the last bit of pleasure inside you recedes from your body, it is forced back in when Wonpil, still half-hard and sheathed inside you, starts moving again, fucking his cum into your sensitive pussy.
“What are you doing?” Your mouth hangs open in shock and pleasure, and you watch him grit his teeth and set a frantic pace. As his cock starts hardening inside of you again, he’s able to fuck you harder and harder, the determined look on his face the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen.
His moans are loud, and you can’t tell if they’re from pleasure or pain as Wonpil never once lets up his assault, hitting just the right spot that has you seeing white. When his thumb flicks your clit, it is over for you, your hands flying out to grab his face and pull him down into a searing kiss as you cum. 
When you pull back from the kiss, signalling the end of your orgasm, Wonpil collapses into a sweaty mess next to you, still clinging to your body by wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck as you both catch your breath.
“What’s so funny?” He perks his head up, asking as you start shaking with laughter in his arms. But the more you look at him, the harder you laugh. This is just all so absurd.
Wonpil watches you uneasily. He needs assurance, something that he had always relied on you to provide for him, but you can’t do that this time. 
You come down from your laughter fit with a deep sigh. “Get out.”
He’s taken aback at your sudden coldness. This isn’t what he expected, not what he was used to from you, and you almost start laughing again. Is he really that clueless? Did he expect things to be just like they were before after what he’s done?
His eyes flit between yours, searching for a comfort he won’t find in them. “But—but… aren’t we going to talk about this?"
“Talk about what, Wonpil?” You ask in exasperation, “Have you changed your mind about my work?”
“No, but—”
“But you want me to make the sacrifice for you.” You finish his sentence for him. “This is why you’re here, isn’t it? You refuse to give up your job but you expect me to give up mine for you.”
“It’s the right thing to do.” He bristles, sitting up.
“I don’t care about the right thing. All I care about is my family.”
His face hardens at that, and through gritted teeth, he says, “Your family isn’t going to starve if you work at another firm.”
“Quality of life isn’t measured by whether you starve or not. I want them to have a good life.” You don’t know why you even bother anymore, he’s never going to listen. “You wouldn’t understand.”
He tears himself away from you and gets up, angrily putting on his clothes. “Yes because I’m just a poor orphan boy who will never understand what family means. Isn’t that right?”
“Pili… you know I didn’t mean it like that.” You unconsciously reach out for him but he jumps away.
“Yes, you did. You always pitied me for not having a family.” Pain twists Wonpil’s pretty features. “You know, for a while, I actually thought you could be my family.”
“No, Pili. I couldn’t have.” You sigh sadly, the deepening look of hurt on his face cutting you up. “Because you left me. And family never leaves.”
His mouth opens and closes like he wants to say something but doesn't even know what. Collecting himself, Wonpil scoffs and turns towards the door.
“Yeah, like that.” You mutter, collapsing back on the bed as you hear the sound of your front door opening and slamming shut. 
You know it is wrong but you can’t stay away from each other. Now that you have had a taste of the forbidden after years of having sworn off each other, you couldn’t find it in you to stop.
You find yourself in each other’s beds again and again, hurling accusations at each other and fucking your emotions out until you’re too tired to do anything but sleep, each time getting more and more exhausted until you stop trying all together, just blocking out everything and focusing on the here and now as if nothing else existed outside of your respective bedrooms. 
Your nights have been sleepless ever since he's gotten back into your life, and not just for the obvious reason that he’s the person you thought was the love of all your lives, past or present. No, many nights were spent just staring at each other, no words uttered for fear of disturbing this fragile improbability that brought you back together, or holding each other so gingerly as if you were made of matter and antimatter and your meeting could annihilate not only yourselves but the entire world you’ve built around you. 
It’s a bubble and you know it, the translucent shell that surrounds you gleaming all rainbow-like when the light of forgotten dreams hits it just right. It sways and wobbles, signaling its impending explosion any moment now. And yet, you stay curled up around each other as if you can’t see the surface tension on the verge of breaking.
Every once in a while, one of you would lean forward and press their lips against the other’s, and you’d close your eyes and pretend like these past years have been nothing but a bad dream and you’re still college students, young and lost and unsure of everything in the world except for the notion that love is eternal and that you have already found it in each other.
You wonder what you’d look like now to your past selves, having gained all the conviction and knowledge you would’ve never thought you would possess, but having lost the one thing that made any of it worth a damn. You bet your past selves would hold each other and cry at the sight of the broken you holding onto the jagged pieces of your once-sweet notion with bleeding hearts and crushed souls.
Tears trickle down your face, and Wonpil reaches up to wipe them with the backs of his fingers, pressing his lips to yours again when the branching stream reaches even your lips.
Pulling back ever so slightly, he whispers to you and to the dying universe around you, the vibrations of his voice reaching your lips through the tiny distance between you, sounding choked up like he had begun crying too, “I wish we could stay here forever, just forget about everyone and be forgotten by them.”
You sigh and wrap yourself around him, his starry eyes shuttering closed and a soft pout forming on his lips as he drifts off to sleep, just like old times. And you're left alone to wonder... if you could do it all over again, would you have chosen differently?
You knew something was off. Despite the time and distance that have whittled down your sense of him, you still knew that something was off. Your body had picked up on so many little things—the way his eyes glossed over when he would force himself to face you, his excessively soft touches that resembled those of a volatile lover silently apologizing for his latest outburst, the lingering looks he gave you as if he was memorizing every little detail of you before you went away—it just took your brain too long to make sense of it all.
Or maybe you just didn't want to believe it. You got too greedy and wanted to live in your fantasy world just a little bit longer, and it cost you everything. 
Looking at him now, you think he’s saying something to you but every word is muffled as if you were submerged in water. He gets agitated, shouting something again and again that gets just a little clearer every time as he forces you back to the surface and you register that it’s your own name.
When you blink, your gaze finally focusing on him, he breathes a sigh of relief. “You’re scaring me.”
“I wish I had never met you.” Your sentence is slow and raspy like the ghostly murmur of someone fished out of water.
“Don’t say that.” He whimpers, "I had to do it." He says it like he means it, like he really couldn’t stop himself from betraying you, using you, ruining your life. "You said it yourself, we never would've won. It was the only way. These people depended on me."
"And what about me?" You rasp, tears stinging your eyes. "I loved you."
"And I love you." He tries to hold you but you push him away.
"They fired me.” You inform him monotonously, “They had me blacklisted to make sure I would never find a job in this field again."
Of course they did. What company will want you now that you've shown yourself not to be reliable? You slept with your rival and allowed him to steal crucial documents that could jeopardize the entire case from right under your nose. Your stupid amateur mistake could cost the company millions.
"How am I going to provide for my family now?" You moan, not really asking him.
"You could join us. It's not a big pay but—”
Your hand goes to pull at your hair in frustration, “God, do you ever shut the fuck up?”
"I'm sorry.” He holds his head down, sobbing.
"No, you don’t get to cry about ruining my life! You don’t get to feel sorry for yourself! You don’t—” You stop abruptly, unable to breathe. Cradling your head now, you lament, "Oh god, what am I gonna do now?"
"I don't know."
"No, you never know." You say bitterly. "I don’t want to ever see your face again."
His head whips up, "Don't say that..."
"I didn't mean for all of this to happen--"
"Go." You shriek and he flinches back. His lower lips tremble as he tries to hold his tears back to no avail. In a shaky voice, he says, "I'll give you some time to calm down but I'll be back. I'll fix this."
"God, Wonpil," You suck in a shaky breath, "for once in your life, I wish you'd leave it alone."
He jerks his head away, wiping at his tears furiously, "I'll see you later."
You struggle to hold back tears as you wait inside your cramped studio apartment. You don’t know how much longer you can stand to do this— lie to your parents about getting fired and blacklisted, telling them that you quit for moral differences, accepting money from the man who ruined your life just so they wouldn’t find out for a little while longer.
But you couldn’t do anything to help yourself, let alone support your family without Wonpil’s charity. The only jobs you are able to get now are in the service industry and those barely pay your rent and living expenses. You couldn’t even go back to your hometown and your family for fear that they’d figure out the truth, and you just couldn’t let that happen.
You knew your father would insist on getting back to work in order to help support the family. You barely even had him convinced that his condition doesn’t allow him to work and that he needs to rest. If he finds out you not only lost your job but also any hope for a future one in that field, he’d go back to work right away, and that could very possibly kill him.
Your siblings’ future now lies unknown. The eldest of your siblings after you is a senior now, and soon you’ll have to tell her that she isn’t going to college like you promised her she would. She has to abandon her dreams in order to get a job to help provide for the family, and as your other siblings grow older, they too would follow in her footsteps; a family that came from dirt and will die in it, that’s what Wonpil’s ideals have cost you.
After everything you’ve done, after all you’ve gone through, you’re still nothing. It’s funny that Wonpil is fighting for the poor and innocent when he’s the one who has proven to you once and for all that the rich will stay rich and the poor will stay poor and under the feet of the rich.
The case he betrayed you for was a loss in the end. After a long, tedious trial, his clients were forced to settle because they couldn’t afford to pay for a trial that kept getting prolonged, a strategy the rich and powerful employed in order not to lose doomed cases, in the end making the poor people poorer and worse off than they were before. That’s what Wonpil does. He makes people hope and believe that maybe, just maybe the world isn’t as shitty as it seems, only to shatter them completely when he can’t follow through on his beautiful promises. He breaks them because he made them hope.
Hearing the doorbell ring, you get up to answer it, moving mechanically. After you swing the door open, you stand in the way so Wonpil wouldn’t be able to barge in like he tries to sometimes.
He hands you an envelope which you take with a heavy heart. Every envelope you accept is a debt piled on you that you’ll live the rest of your life paying back.
“I’m working three jobs right now but I hope to find something with a better pay soon so I can start paying you back.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” He rushes to say, but you cut him off. “Yes, I do.”
He sighs and stares at the floor, fiddling with his finger. It annoyed the hell out of you. “Is there something you want?”
His head shoots up, eyes wide at having been caught.
“I—“ He clears his throat after he chokes on the word. “I miss you.”
You hate yourself because of how his words still affect you, how you wish you could fall into his arms and let him comfort you until there are no more tears left in your eyes.
But you won’t cry. You won’t let yourself be vulnerable in front of him. Never again. 
“Goodnight, Wonpil.” You say coldly, closing the door in his face before he can say anything else.
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
one of the areas I get really annoyed about black and white thinking in is uh medication stuff?
and like
both are true
Medication can make a huge huge huge difference to people's lives. it can make it possible to leave the house and get shit done instead of just sitting vibrating with your own misery. it can and does save lives
h o w e v e r
A lot of mental health systems do in fact jump straight to medication as a first resort and then if it mitigates symptoms, treat the problem as solved. a lot of diagnostics are more about identifying drugs that might work than about tackling underlying issues. most psychoactive medication is highly addictive and all of it has potential side effects and interactions. my partner has been on medication for over a decade, on a constant cycle of newer more hardcore antidepressants, and it was only in the last year or so he's been offered Any Therapy Whatsoever and the therapy he got was unsuitable but 14 sessions still had a more marked positive effect than any of his medication switches.
and saying that isn't to say 'therapy works and drugs don't' it's just that uhhhh. medication is a part of a solution being treated as the whole solution. imo in most cases, particularly with issues often associated with trauma or negative experience like depression, OCD, anxiety, schizophrenia, DID etc, the function of medication is as a sticking plaster to keep you functioning and give you a stable base to start working on longer-term and more holistic solutions (through behaviour adaptation, therapy, and changing destructive circumstances)
When I was severely suicidally depressed, what I needed was a solid foundation from which to access trauma therapy, to get out of my house, to get a job and get out of the constant grinding terror of total poverty, to get out of abusive state systems, to make new friends. Those life changes are the main things that helped me, but for a lot of people medication is a necessary part of creating the foundation to start working towards meeting their more foundational needs. like. you need something to help make brain work before you can even begin to have the energy to engage with the work needed to get to a better place.
and that doesn't mean medication is necessarily temporary. if it's helping stabilise you then it's valuable.
but. like. A lot of the medical approach to mental health is to take that first step (finding working medications) and then step back and say RIGHT JOB DONE. and in that respect it is about a) getting you to shut up and stop Being A Problem and b) putting money into the pockets of pharmaceutical industries. like. Medication is Good Actually but treating it as the whole of the process just. puts responsibility onto the patient when they're inevitably not 100% fine and cured and able to do everything ~as normal~ when they're on working medication.
if your life is still shit, if you're still carrying around unresolved trauma and you have a constant weight of poverty or homelessness or physical illness or an abusive/toxic living situation or you know just the constant crushing misery of capitalism, then it is in fact expected that until your life gets better you're not going to be 100% fine and happy just because you're on meds which address the chemical aspect of your mental health. like. that's not actually your fault. and it can be improved on but it needs to be understood as part of your mental health journey as much as chemical balancing. and there's a big chunk of psychology that is just. very concerned with ignoring those very important factors and fully centring on Your Brain Is Wrong We Can Fix Its Wrongness With Medication.
your body, your brain chemistry, your experience and your environment are all part of a connected system we call mental health and medication can act effectively on brain chemistry but if it's applied alone without equal reference to body health, personal experience and social and physical environment then it's woefully inadequate. and that. is why medicalisation of mental health is a problem. not because Drugs Bad or Drugs Don't Work but because Drugs Working Is A First Not Last Step.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Exotic Lifeforms.”
Had some fun writing this one. Give you more of that alien perspective everyone likes so much, so I hope you like it 
“It has been a pleasure doing work with you as always.”
“Your end of the deal?”
“Already upheld…. Where do you even find these creatures. I can’t say we have ever seen anything like it.”
“We found these ones on a stroke of luck. We do not think they are native to the panet, though where they came from is still very much a mystery.”
“Then what a stroke of luck for us indeed, I can’t imagine having your job.”
“You should try sometime, the exotic lifeforms business is very lucrative. If it hadn’t been you, I would have sold it to a wealthy owner.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because, you paid more.” 
The Vitan turned ponderously on its five trunk-like legs and left through the open wall which spilled a beam of light through the room before going dark once more. 
The doors all around the circular room closed, the collector turned back to their work. The room itself was large and dark, shaped in that of a large black circle, the floors rising up with a steady curve into the ceiling than above. They stood at the center of this circle, and when commanded great projections of blue light appeared around the circle each disclosing a different image from a different one of the pens.
They turned their attention to the newest addition, watching the creature where it prowled back and forth around the perimeter of the yard.
Another beam of light cut through the room, though they did not turn to see who it might be.
The sound that followed was a sort of scuttling noise, slimy and wet against the open floor.
The Mandicar approached from behind and paused just to the right and behind their left side, a lead scientist by trade, she was one of the most important life forms on his staff.
They turned to address her.
Four thick stumpy tentacles undulated and wriggled, pulling her heavy body across the floor. The sacules on the side of her torso wobbled with her movement, and thousands of tiny breathing holes across her skin expanded and contracted with the movement of airflow. 
“What have you discovered?” They wondered, though-- nothing the tint of blue on the tips of her tentacles, the could see that she was very excited.
“A glorious discovery! Very exciting and like nothing we have ever seen before. Each creature better than the last. I have four new species to report about, and add to our collected knowledge on exoctic lifeforms.”
“Go on.”
“The names are decided Duopedus Secandi, Volantes Planita, and Magnum Turpis, Though the children have taken to calling the first a Duos because they cannot pronounce the proper scientific name. It is a very popular creature with our guests, very active. IT has even been seen to interact with some of the guests.”
“Tell me, what have you learned about this creature.”
She adjusted herself clearly excited to be giving a presentation. That is why they had hired her. While they were not particularly interested about the welfare and maintenance of these creatures, studies had shown that a happy creature that was well taken care of was more likely to live a long time, and therefore draw more of a profit. Not to mention that the sentient species tended to react best when there was someone around to boost enthusiasm, and he had to admit she was very good at that.
“Oh it's a lovely little creature, quite adorable really, the way it scampers around on its little feet.”
“Oh, sorry.” The sacules at her sides flushed purple, “Well we know the basic so far. Obviously it is a bipedal carbon-based consumer lieform. Its primary needs are Oxygen and water. An analysis of its structures, including teeth, eyes and other notable features seem to suggest that it is an omnivorous predator. Early studies seem to suggest it has a relatively high IQ, maybe that of a small child though it does not seem capable of language, at least not that we understand. It’s range of speech are in extremely high pitches, and it barely seems to be able to hear us much less us hear it.”
“How very interesting.”
“Isn’t it! Anyway, I took the liberty of analysing it, so that we might better accommodate its needs. And so far what I have determined is,... well the creature is very cute, but it is a complete  biohazard risk.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean all of its byproducts are completely volatile and hazardous to health. We have tested and analysed some of it by products and determined it to have some sort of symbiotic relationship with bacteria that live in its innards. These bacteria help the creature digest in exchange for maintained life, but due to this many of these bacterial lifeforms are expelled and cause great hazard. This process begins in the mouth meaning if this creature were to bite, it could lead to a likely lethal infection.” “We will have to put barriers in front  of the enclosure than.”
“ Now  as to more health related topics. The creature is capable of consuming a very versatile diet though its resistance to infection is a little less than one might have hoped, so it’s food will need to be properly cleaned. The diet itself should contain a wide variety of complex structures as it cannot produce by itself some of the chemicals required to feed it. That should not be hard, I would suggest injecting supplements into the food we are already rationing to it. This should include meat as I have said before. As a consumer based lifeform it both requires and expends a great deal of energy. I imagine it will be one of the viewers favorites due to the increased activity level. Furthermore -- as related to my earlier discussion -- its pen should be cleaned weekly if not biweekly. A clean water source should be provided, one that has likely been sterilized as it seems the water on its native planet was not prone to bacterial interference.”
“Seems strangely needy for a creature that has a symbiotic relationship with bacteria.”
“A very specific kind of bacteria.”
“Alright then, what else do we know?”
“The creature is bipedal as you are aware, though its feet and skin are relatively soft. It will require sand in its enclosure for maximum comfort, not to mention that it will need a shaded place to rest in order to stay out of the direct rays of the sun. Its skin has no natural defences against UV light making me think that it is likely a creature meant for the shade, though I cannot be certain. That is merely a guess based on the very light color of its dermal layer.” 
They nodded, “That can definitely be arranged.”
“Now, analysis also demonstrates a high production of oil in the skin and the hair. We see this as some kind of over-production, so it might be best to add a second kind of water source for it to bathe itself. The skin is water-proof but also requires moisture, and I think that a slow running river through the habitat would be a nice touch for the creature. Since it does not have fur, and the body has to work to thermoregulate, I would suggest temperatures around 75-80 degrees with 45-55% humidity index. Furthermore analysis of the bone structure might suggest that the creature originally evolved from an animal that walked on all fours, for this reason the feet, the knees and the lower back are especially prone to issue. IT will need somewhere comfortable to lay down, likely in that same shaded area I mentioned before. Something with enough padding to support the spine and allow for the bones of its hips and shoulders not to become soar.”
They were working to type this up in a report and send it out to the lieforms who built the habitats.
“What else do we know?”
“Since the creature has an increased intelligence quotient, I would suggest stimulating the environment. Add in some kind of activities or puzzles for it to solve, so that it will not be bored, otherwise it could become destructive. OUr analysis suggests that it was likely supposed to be a social creature, so Maybe adding a ground level window for it to interact with guests. We can see if maybe we can tame the creature so that the keepers might be able to provide it with some socialization. I hesitate to do that though because it still is a wild animal.”
They shifted turning to look at the camera feed, where the Duos was still wandering the perimeter of its enclosure.
“I thought you said it was docile.”
“It was injured when we found it, which was a likely reason, but I have done some tests on its chemical structure, and it seems to me that the creature produces some kind of hormone that stimulates the aggression centers of its brain. If this creature were to get out of its cage and be in a bad mood, it has a bite force of 162 pounds per square inch which is capable of tearing flesh and even amputating small lims on some of our guests, not to mention that the claws on the tips of its fingers can break skin. There is also evidence that it can turn its saliva into a projectile, which means that it can spread its biohazard up to around 32 feet, though that is on the extreme end of the spectrum.”
“This creature is really than dangerous?””
She sighed loudly through her entire body, the sacks at her sides quivering with the movement, “You see, that is the difficult part to determine because…. I would have to say no. It is not as dangerous generally as most of the creatures we keep here, but it is just dangerous enough in a variety of ways that the aggregate makes it especially concerning. Take the fact that the creature is not venomous, but it's just enough of a biohazard to behave like it is. Its bite isn’t that strong and its teeth aren’t that sharp, but still enough to rip flesh. Its not as strong as some animals, but strong enough to know someone over and hurt them badly. It isn’t very fast, but faster than some. IT isn’t the smartest we have seen -- that goes to the Volontes Planita-- but it is smart enough that we have to be careful. It isn’t aggressive, but it has the potentiality to be.” She ran her tentacles over the ground, “I think what I am trying to say is that the creature isn’t particularly impressive in any one aspect, but its abilities are so diverse than it aggregates into something greater than the sum of its parts.”
They nodded in great interest, “Go on.”
“It can run, it can jump, it can bite, it can spit, it can throw, it can crawl, oh and it can climb, that is probably something important you are going to have to look out for. An analysis of its feet and hands suggest great dexterity of a four legged creature that once spent most of its timb climbing, and while this creature spends most of its time walking on land there are still structures in there that make it an excellent climber as it can grip very well with the hands and partially with the feet. The hands in particular are an important structure to keep an eye on as the creature has an amazing dexterity with them.”
“How so?”
“IF could probably perform complex medical procedures if we asked it to, not that that would really be possible.”
“Good, good. I will get this down to the workers immediately, and they will make an enclosure for it.”
“Ah…. but there is one more thing.”
“What is that?”
“It seems as if we are not the first one to have captured this creature?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” They demanded, turning around to look at the scientist with great interest and agitation.
“The body is not completely organic. The skeletal structure on its outer layer that we once thought of as some kind of exoskeleton is not organic.”
“Not organic!”
“No sir, it seems to be made out of titanium and steel. Not to mention that one of its legs has been replaced, along with one of its eyes.”
They stood there in shock not entirely sure what to think about that, “It survived without one of its limbs.”
“Yes whatever happened to this creature, one of the legs and the eyes was removed and replaced with analogues. As for the creature itself, it is very durable, and has overactive scar tissue meaning that it heals quickly and from extreme injuries. That is another reason that I express my concern to you as it seems this creature may not be taken down by normal means especially if some other life form has been tampering with it.”
“That is…. horrible .”
Another long sigh, “I know…. Its horrible what they did to it. I can’t believe someone would be so callous. How it must have suffered.”
“Well, get it moved into a new enclosure, and see that its needs are taken care of. I want to send some of my people back to see if we can learn anything about the species that has been tampering with it.”
“Of course.” 
She turned and headed towards the door.
They called after her and she turned, “Be careful, if that creature is half as dangerous as you say it is, we will want to be cautious.” ***
I was not going with them.
I sat at the center of my ‘pen’ arms crossed and looking at the open cage door at the other side of the enclosure.
These asshole bastards had put me in a fucking zoo,and now they expected me to cooperate for a measly piece of fruit. Despite popular opinion from my brothers I am not a fucking monkey and will not be bribed to go with out.
I had already done a preliminary examination of the enclosure. It was nothing to write home about  -- aside form the fact that I was it’s occupant which bothered me greatly, and made me feel some serious feelings for the lions at the zoo who must have been just as pissed off as I was.
The walls were too high and too smooth to climb, and at their top I could see a thousand eyes staring down at me. Now its not like there were a thousand people to look on, but some of these freaky aliens had like ten ees which greatly skewed the eye count.
They gestured with tentacles and limbs and and any other appendages towards me as I sat arms crossed glowering towards the door.
A part of me greatly wanted to flip all of them off or moon them or something, but just because I was being treated like a monkey didn’t mean I had to act like one.
I could see the handlers moving just outside the cages trying to coax me in by tossing in more fruit. In a way watching them struggle was kind of funny. Based on their behavior, I would wager to say they had no idea that I was sentient. If they ever found out this was going to ook really stupid for them.
Now if they have a plate of my mom’s Pumpkin Pie in there, than MAYBE that would work, number one because pie is great and number two because that would imply they were keeping my mother captive to make pies, which was something I could hardly stand for.
Let them do what they want.
I needed to find a way out because this was DEFINITELY not ok.
This is not how I was going to spend the rest of my days.
For sure.
I had to be smart about this. Sitting there in the sand I began to devise a plan. The important part obviously was not to let on about how intelligent I really was. Unfortunately a lot of that might already have been undone, but maybe if I acted enough like an animal, than it would lower their guard and they would make somes sort of mistake.
Remember, I still had the Iron eye armor on my side, and an advanced prosthetic leg. Not to mention a knife and two spearheads which had been concealed under my leaves, so I was not completely helpless.
Although, you know what, retract my earlier statement. Maybe acting like a monkey is exactly what I needed to do to get out of this place. Make myself look docile and harmless, lower security and get my ass out of here.
Man I wish I was smarter, for sure, but I guess flying by the seat of my pants was going to have to do.
I cracked my knuckles and then my neck.
Time to go back to my animal roots.
Yeah, laugh all you want but it is much easier to behave like an animal when you are actually behaving like an animal.  I couldn’t convince them i wasn't bipedal already, but I made sure to behave all the other ways like an animal, slowly and nervously approaching the opening, stepping half in and then backing out, quickly grabbing some fruit and then running off with it. Eating pieces of it messily and with both hands. Using my teeth as much as possible.
Yeah yeah, I felt pretty dumb, but this was my first idea so I might as well roll with it.
Once that piece of fruit was done, I wandered over and nervously crawled in on all fours testing the ground with my hands.
OF course I could already see the hatch way that was going to come slamming down as soon as I crawled inside. I may be an idiot but I am a sentient idiot, and just as I thought it would, as soon as I crawled in far enough, the door slammed shut. I made a big show of getting spooked and racing around the sindie of the cage jumping up against the walls until finally curling up piteously in a corner. All the while I am watching carefully how they contain me, and it seems as if their transfer method is pretty solid. I had more likelihood of breaking out in the pen.
I wait quietly in my corner as the box is moved, and suddenly the door slides open again. 
I do my best to look hesitant and scared as I poke my head out into the sun.
A waft of pleasantly warm air hits me.
Crawling out, I crawl out onto nice warm sand. A stream trickles past my feet not a few feet away, and just to my right a little shaded nest has been made up below a tall covering. There are branches and steel bars lined around the enclosure, meaning I guess they figured out that humans can climb. 
Overhead I can see a steel cage cutting off my escape from the top.
Or so they thought.
It was a pleasant little place all told, almost like a beachfront island paradise with the perfect temperature and humidity.
I crawled up over to the next and took a seat hidden behind the leaves.
Well fuck their beachfront property and comfortable captivity.
I would rather be a free man suffering than a well groomed pet in a cage.
I was going to escape.
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darkobssessions · 4 years
Coping Tips for Autistic Women
I am compiling a list of resources for aspie women along with tips to manage symptoms and navigate the world. Regretably, most of my personal experience comes from living undiagnosed and unaware about this for the last 27 years. There was a giant elephant in the room with everything, and I have only recently worked it out. This means that most of my habits prior to this point were ones attempting to cope with a giant unknown, the limits of which were unclear. But they more or less worked, because, as I am realising, there’s always been something they are attempting to address.
With other diagnoses and ways I attempted to explain and understand my difficulties, there were finite causes and treatments. I should have been improving if I tried x, y, or z. And I did improve my symptoms in many ways, but there was something missing from the picture. That is that autism is my personality, my state of being, how I process and view the world. And no tool, medication, process or treatment was ever going to change who I really was. Being misdiagnosed (or being missed and failing to receive the autism diagnosis) means that I have been trying to correct something that you cant ‘correct’, and shaming myself for something fundamentally me.
Some of the tips I learned over time, from how I am as a person, without the framework of reference of neurodivergence or autism:
My sensitivity has always been a big waving flag. I felt and saw things others didn’t. I felt more deeply. I sensed the microeffects and changes in everything. I responded harder and faster to any chemical, environmental shift, any positive or negative event, As we all do on the spectrum, we attempt to navigate our sensory environment. And we come up with coping mechanisms, good or bad, before or after we realise we are on the spectrum. For me this was a strong aversion to the things that upset me, that disturbed my senses. It was an orienting of myself in a way to avoid the disturbances, going inwards, withdrawing and even shutting down. I learned that I could not and did not want to handle crowds, loud places, supermarkets. I lived in a giant simulation attempting to minimise and avoid as much as possible the things that hurt. I learned that I was extremely sensitive, no one else seemed to be, and I just had to manage it. Since discovering autism in the last weeks, I am able to embrace the fact that sensory overload is a thing, and I really do feel pain in my body when things are too much and too loud, and just wearing earplugs has mitigated so much of this. I was gas lighting myself before about feeling a certain way because there was no explanation, that I was aware of anyway.
I have had so many problems over the years, since I was a young girl. I used to get food poisoning symptoms really easily. I had hidden allergies. I remember a lot of my childhood spent doubled up with stomach pains, or having a fever. My family didn’t know any better and fed me and treated me as they did every other member. I was not the same, I did not feel the same, but I took it all in. By the time I was in my early teen years, I had cemented my aversion to certain foods, taken the only control I had at the time against an encroaching and controlling mother and turned it into anorexia. I avoided things I didn’t like, again, and set up a system of control that made more sense than the gaping wounds and confusion within me. Starvation triggered bulimia. And a viscous cycle of malnourishment and dysregulation unfolded. I didn’t learn until many, many years later that my system was so sensitive and damaged that if I tried to go back to how I used to eat as a child, I would get terrible symptoms. So my coping tips as I have healed from the eating disorders and become more aware is to figure out what the triggers are, what hurts, and to avoid it. This along with adding in nutrient dense foods and working on the deficiencies has done wonders for me. I’ve done tremendous work on my autoimmune conditions, gut problems, sensitivities and inflammation levels and the difference is like night and day. That I can induce psychotic symptoms by deviating or introducing foods I am intolerant to is no joke. The tip I can share is elimination diets truly do work, the keto diet is recommended, and eating the carnivorous way saved my life. My eating disorders for almost 15 years INCLUDING the 7.5 years I was a vegan, mostly high raw and fruitarian depleted my nutrients so badly that every symptom was enhanced 100% and I was eating pretty much ONLY food I was actually intolerant to. Ahem, plants, I’m talking to you. The peace I feel, the nourishment and rest on a nervous system level having eliminated them is unreal.
I have always known I was different, in a deep, visceral way. How the adults in my life answered questions was inadequate. I saw through people and things. I was far too intense and serious. I learned to watch and observe humans and pick up cues so as to attempt to fit in. I spent the majority of my life masking, something I am only now finding out about and unraveling. I kept notes on the human experience, and saved colours, sounds, feelings, because I felt like I couldn’t communicate the truth of myself otherwise. Over the course of my life there have been inexplicable (until now) events. Lost friendships and relationships, strings of broken promises, people not acting on what they say, confusions and miscommunications, and many dangerous situations and predatory bonds. I made what sense I could of it from whatever lens I could find. It was the trauma, it was my soul contract, it was what I deserved, it was being targeted- all close, but not quite within the realm of being so naive, open and fundamentally different as you are on the spectrum. I just always assumed everybody was like me. I had to learn the very extremely hard way that not everyone felt and thought in the same way, nor had good intentions. I still struggle with the fact that humans don’t tell the truth. It is of no relevance whether they secretly know it. Most people are more comfortable with illusions. I always knew this, but the diagnosis gives me a lot more peace around it. It’s allowing me to accept the fact that if I look around the majority of the people I see are not walking around processing and over-analysing everything, feeling sounds, decoding patterns and obsessed with hacking the code of reality. Less pressure that way, and more in the way of what can be viewed as natural interaction on my part. I will solve the mystery of the universe out loud otherwise, and get the blank looks and the discomfort. I have found my people, a tribe of likeminded individuals, I have gathered friends over the years that didn’t run from my weirdness. But I am mostly content to be on my own, knowing that I can only use what is around me to try to convey how I feel and who I really am. And that will probably be a book, a movie or a work of art, much better than a 2pm rendezvous when I can’t stop talking about the hidden signs.
With the intensity of my emotions I have developed borderline personality disorder as a means to cope with being autistic and not knowing. I have been diagnosed with both that and bipolar because I have intense stints of emotions. They come and go in waves, lasting hours, lasting days and weeks. I consider it to be an energy management system to cope with the demands and stressors of modern day living. Creatives always withdraw and hibernate, and come out with new insights and art to share. The way that I feel and view the world is special. It’s at the basis of my writing, what I choose to engage with and how. My emotions make me who I am. I feel intensely, I share passionately about how I feel. I snap, I break, I shutdown, I come out again and I am a bright, shooting star. There is an excited little animal that lives within me and it is the strongest most passionate thing known to man. I thought that my negative experiences or trauma killed it, but this is before I knew it IS me and cannot die. So I have stopped trying to cram these emotions in or explain them. Stopped trying to attribute them to whatever script people were following when they dealt with me. Throwing me into the depressive, anxious, panic stricken, eating disordered basket case category. The missing piece now makes so much sense. The ways I responded to being autistic were coping mechanisms, such as developing a personality disorder, to deal with the pressure. My psyche splintered under the weight. My tip here is in embracing your inner life and world, embracing that you are different, so that all of the mental and emotional acrobatics needed to attempt to explain the issues or fit in can be put to rest.
Being different and feeling differently means I naturally saw and expressed things in quite a strange way. I was convinced of a secret world to reality, behind reality, living on behind a paper shell, so to speak, that would rip if only I could reach out and tear it aside. That conviction was rewarded as year after year my awareness grew, my gifts multiplied, and the experiences I had revealed to me the hidden hand of god. There was very much design to the universe, a pattern, weaving through all things. And i was a part of it, not some discarded afterthought or simple byproduct that had no place. In the early years, I kept my convictions to myself, nursed them with experience. I died a thousand deaths in dark nights of the soul, crashing against the turf of my ignorance. I broke open, and everything I had been so sure of as a child was revealed to me again and again. I was convinced I had a purpose, I could feel the deep tides of human emotion and motion, could feel into the genetic sequence that had birthed me. I felt like an alien, but that slowly over time the map of my operation was being revealed to me. This is what it feels like so many years later to stand here and find out about being autistic and realise that how I felt in my soul all these years was real, and that I can begin to truly fulfill this mission now, to share my experience in words I know others will understand because they feel the same way too. It was the challenges that I never understood, while the gifts were the reason to stay alive. My message to myself and others now is that there is a point, a reason to persevere and understand yourself more. The suffering reveals so much of the true state of things, so that we can protect our tender hearts and build new things that honour who we really are, our souls. 
Resources, movies, literature to follow. I just wanted to share something of a summary now of my realisations since coming home to myself.
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Does the antivaxxer movement have its roots in any religious communities? Or is religion more of a tool that has been, and still ABSOLUTELY is, used BY many antivaxxers to justify to themselves, and to others, why they are refusing to take their vaccines?
Certainly. Vaccines had never been conceived of when these primitive superstitions were invented, so their corresponding scriptures and doctrines don’t say anything unambiguously - and even if they did, it would be primitive ignorance - so believers end up squinting and reading their scripture creatively to try and figure out what to do. Since, of course, you have to use it to decide everything.
Allah wasn’t prescient enough to know that ringtones would be a thing, so Muslims have had to try and work out which ones won’t damn you to Jahannam.
In some cases, like how the Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, it’s basic primitive ooga-booga. Superstitions about blood being sacred, what with it needing to be spilled for atonement (blood magic).
In other cases, the problem is subverting god’s will. The bible has a very dismissive position on doctors and physicians, and several verses tut-tut people who went to a doctor instead of going to see god. Because you’re supposed to die or be saved based on whether god wants it. Which is stupid because maybe god wants you to have the vaccine, and how could you ever divine the intentions of a silent, “mysterious ways” god, except through the lens of your own ignorance and superstition. The same people have no problem with looking both ways before they cross the road, and don’t see the hypocrisy.
And then there’s the case where it’s not necessarily the concept or process of a vaccination itself that is the problem. Islam, the religion of drinking camel piss, doesn’t explicitly reject vaccines, but is obsessively concerned with whether the ingredients are haram or halal. Ditto for Judaism.
But antivaxx has taken on a life of its own independent of religion. Flat Earther’s aren’t limited to people who think the bible - and the flat Earth within - are literally true, and antivaxx has also broken out of the borders of religion, with its own superstitions built around it, and its own suspicion, paranoia, ignorance and arrogance relating to the scientific process and the medical profession, such as being “anti-chemical” without the slightest notion of how absurd that is, and produced such wisdom as:
“I don’t think anything that is natural can be bad for you.” - Gwyneth Paltrow
"If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be putting it in your body or in your environment." - Sandra Bullock
Even though arsenic is pretty easy to pronounce, while quinoa is not.
The public hazard known as Jenny McCarthy doesn’t appear to be of any particular religious denomination herself -- outside of being the leader of her own pseudo-cult that holds its tenets with nothing but outright faith. She’s an ignorant idiot, with more influence than someone as dangerously unqualified as her should have, trying to wrangle the illusion of control to the circumstances she and her son have to deal with, and filling the gap with easy answers.
Social media has certainly amplified this, since there’s now the perception that knowledge and truth and reality itself are democratic, that “real to me” means anything, that you need to believe truth rather than discover and understand it. And of course, it helps the idiots find each other and cluster together. To quote the St. Olaf telephone company motto:
“It's great bringing two idiots closer together.“
Religion was accustomed to being the authority on everything - how the world works, what to do to solve problems, etc. When science and medicine overtook it in regards to health, it became necessary to discredit it, in the same way the idea of a round Earth in a heliocentric system needed to be discredited. Although many religions have grudgingly ceded this ground as science and medicine have accelerated human quality of life - simply wrapping “because god” around its discoveries - the remnants of this remain.
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universemarvel · 3 years
The time Peter should have FIRST called Mr. Stark “Tony.”
By @universemarvel for @sdottkrames
Rating: general audiences
Relationships: Tony Stark & Peter Parker
Characters: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Summary: an irondad one shot where Peter gets... hurt., and handles it in a Peter Parker Way™️. Tony is honestly just trying his best okay?!?
Part of the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
Read on ao3 here
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The kid jumps and his head snaps towards his mentor. He smiles sheepishly. “Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“What are you doing?” Tony held his coffee mug up in front of his mouth in a poor attempt to hide the smile on his face.
Peter looked down to his messy table, which was occupied by empty blue and silver snack wrappers, drinks, and his Spider-Man suit, which he was currently scrubbing with a sponge. He picked up one of the wrappers that still had some did in it. “I’m... trying all the pop tart flavors,” he said, taking a bite out of the pastry.
“You feeling alright?” It’s not often he could walk up unnoticed upon Peter.
But Peter just smiled. “A little lightheaded from the sugar rush, but otherwise fine;” his smile disappeared as quickly as it had come. “Why?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Why are you scrubbing your suit with a sponge? I’m sure there’s a dishwashing machine somewhere in this building,” he finally revealed his smile.
Peter’s eyebrows scrunched together. “Is the suit dishwasher safe? Because that would actually be great.”
Tony laughed. “I’m not answering that. What happened? And please don’t tell me you’re hand scrubbing your multi-million dollar suit because you forgot to put on deodorant.”
Pink painted Peter’s cheeks as he smiled and shook his head. “No, I just got something on it and it stinks. Do you want to smell it?” He offered the suit up, and Tony took a step back reflexively.
“No thanks, kiddo, I’m rather enjoying my coffee at the moment. However, I do have a decontamination gadget for a reason, so let’s throw it in there for a few hours so we can go back upstairs for dinner. That is, if you’re still hungry after eating New York’s entire stock of pop tarts.”
“Of course I’m hungry,” Peter smiled, “and if your cleany-box doesn’t work, can we try the dishwasher?”
“Absolutely not.”
After dinner, the pair found themselves scrolling through Netflix. Peter’s lightheadedness from earlier had slowly been developing into a headache, but he didn’t want to bother Tony with it.
He didn’t feel like watching a movie, which he figured was a red flag, but he picked a Star Wars movie to avoid raising suspicion.
“Are you sure?” Tony’s voice pulled Peter from his attempts to distract himself from his headache.
“Am I sure...about what?”
Tony eyed him suspiciously, and Peter tried to think of what he did that was out of the ordinary so he could reverse it.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Tony squinted his eyes.
“Of course.”
“Correction-“ his mentor rolled his eyes; “do you have any pain at all?”
Peter shook his head, still trying to figure out what his giveaway behavior was. “Why?”
Tony crossed his arms. “Because we watched this movie last night.”
Peter’s breath caught, and he reached for a lie. He shrugged. “I feel like you didn’t appreciate it enough the first time.” His mind replayed the evening before. “Aaand you fell asleep, so technically you can’t say you watched it last night.”
Tony’s mouth was still pressed in a thin line, revealing his doubts, but he just shook his head. “Okay,” he gave in, “but don’t make me regret this.”
Peter smiled, hoping the well-known noises from the familiar film would minimize his headache’s growth.
Still in the process of waking up, he was glad the room was so nice and quiet. He knew he was still at the tower because it was always loud at his apartment. His headache was gone, and realizing he was in his room at the tower, he wondered with a start how he’d gotten back here from the living room; he figured he must’ve been pretty tired last night to have been so out of it.
He waits for the noises of the tower to reach him, but they don’t. He sits up quickly, somehow quietly. Too quietly. He looks down at the sheets, and runs his hands back and forth on them. He can’t hear them, and his eyes widen. He can see his chest is moving quicker with his increased breathing pace, but he can’t hear that either.
He brings his fingers to his ears and snaps.
Nothing. He tries again, watching his hand this time to make sure he snaps correctly, still nothing.
He feels true panic swell up in his chest, and jumps out of bed. He rushes to put a shirt and a pair of pants on, and the silence of his movements scares him; he feels like he’s watching a movie on mute, except he’s never not heard at least his own breathing. He opened the door, and paused; the silence of the hallway greeted him like a wave, rushing into his head with an overwhelming ringing he feels rather than hears.
It hurts.
On second thought, he closed the bedroom door again, shutting himself off from the hallway. It had to have been whatever chemical was on the suit. The suit which was now decontaminated and as clean as it had been new. How helpful would it be going to Mr. Stark without any information? Maybe if he could retrace his steps from yesterday, he could find out what the chemical was. He glanced at the clock, and saw it was 7:15. Tony wouldn’t be awake for several hours still, so Peter could get a head start until then. If all went well, Peter could even analyze the sample and neutralize it before Tony was up for his usual weekend 11 am breakfast.
Peter made it to the spot he’d been sprayed by the bad-smelling stuff by 8 o’clock. He landed, slowly turning around to assess the area. It was a bright alleyway, lit from the morning sun’s reflection off a nearby skyscraper, but was still secluded and generally ignored by passerby’s due to it being a dead end street, blocked off by a wall of brick apartment.
He realized that he hadn’t said anything to Karen, who had no doubt been talking to him since he put the mask on; he wondered what she had been saying, and felt partly guilty for what was probably perceived as him ignoring her.
He didn’t want to tell her he couldn’t hear, however, for fear of some hidden protocol that would alert Tony, so he did his best to try to sound natural, a difficult task given that he couldn’t hear himself.
“Hey Karen,” he said, and paused. What did she normally say to him? Ask him how he was doing? How he slept? She would have for sure commented that she was glad to see him, but her usual trail of discussion had probably been derailed by the fact that he hadn’t acknowledged anything she’d said throughout the entire trip thus far.
“Sorry for ignoring you,” he said after giving her a chance to talk, “everything’s fine, I’m just trying to find something. Here. For Mr. Stark.”
He waited a beat, hoping he wasn’t cutting her off or waiting too long to respond, but honestly he had no idea.
“Could you help me find any synthetic chemicals on the walls or ground here? I’m looking for the stuff I got sprayed with yesterday.”
If she replied, he didn’t know, but he was glad to see diagnostics pull up as Karen began to highlight a plethora of invisible substances in the environment around him. With each one that pulled up, Karen did a quick calculation as to what it was.
He scanned his surroundings; urine, vomit, urine, blood, urine, some more urine, a few unidentifiable splotches, but he could tell from their location and position that they weren’t what he was looking for.
His shoulders slumped forwards, and he frowned.
He saw a shadow grow forward into the alleyway, and jumped around in a twist to see what was there. It was just a garbage truck, but the fact that it was now looming over him in the alleyway without him knowing it was even there still had his blood running cold. He jumped onto the wall and started climbing. Halfway up, Tony’s face appeared on his display. He realized it was an incoming call, and too late requested, “Karen don’t answer!” As the call connected through.
He couldn’t hear anything of course, and knowing Tony was currently talking to him made his breath quicken. Also the fact that it wasn’t even 9 am, which was early — and therefore abnormal, for Tony.
“Hi Mr. Stark,” he greeted as happily as he could. “I’m, uh, climbing up this wall at the moment, can I, uh, can I call you back later?”
He hoped Mr. Stark said yes, and he wished he’d have video called so Peter could see his expression and attempt to read his lips, but he couldn’t. Instead he quickly exhaled “Karen, hang up,” and watched as the call disconnected. He climbed onto the roof, and hoped that Karen’s compliance to hang up meant that Tony hadn’t said anything too important. Besides, Peter should probably head back to the tower anyways to start figuring out what was wrong.
Now that he was on the roof, however, he was met with another wave of panic as the view of the skyline met him. He looked at the silent scene of a busy New York City morning, down the streets where he knew cars were still honking, people were talking, phones were ringing, and kids were yelling while they played on their weekend, a morning free from school. He knew it was going on, and he was missing it. Sure, this was every day for a lot of people, but he was Spider-Man. His job required his ears.
As if to prove his point, his spider sense flared up, and he fell to the ground. He looked around, not knowing why or where it had come from, but he didn’t see anything. Was he even the one in danger, or was it alerting him that someone else needed his help? After nothing happened for another moment, he ran to the side of the building and looked down. The scene he saw was normal, people walking, cars driving, even the alleyway he had come from was clear. His spider sense was still pulsing though, so he ran to the next side of the rooftop, frantically looking towards the street.
His eyes immediately found the scene, a car crash. It had just happened, and he wondered if he’d have been able to prevent it if he’d been able to hear. He didn’t know if they’d crashed before or after he’d felt the warning, although experience told him it was the latter. He swung down to the scene, and saw the driver open their door and fall out of the car. He ran up to her, seeing the passenger seat was empty, and helped her to her feet.
“Are you alright ma’am?” He asked, and not seeing any blood on her or problem with standing on her own, he thought so. Except her expression was still extremely worried, and she was talking, yelling maybe, but Peter couldn’t tell what she was saying. She then stumbled forward. Peter caught her, confused as to what she was going on for. She had just been in a motor vehicle accident, after all, so maybe a bit of odd behavior could be expected? He wished he could hear her to be sure.
She pointed back to the car. He looked, but didn’t see anything in the seats, besides boxes that had fallen in the back; other people were approaching the car now, too, trying to open the crushed back door. His spider sense was still calling, and he wondered what was in the back that could be dangerous. What everyone but him currently knew of. He turned back to face the woman, but she just grabbed his arm with a grip that told him that Something was Not OK and brought him around to the back, tears on her face now. The driver of the other vehicle ran up to them, saying something, before turning and walking anxiously with them. Confused, Peter cautiously followed them to the car, pushing past other people.
He suddenly saw behind the boxes in the back seat that there was a baby car seat, spider-sense screaming, and he was pretty sure he cursed out loud. He darted past the woman, pushed past the small, struggling crowd, and tugged the jammed car door, ripping if half off its hinges. He pushed the boxes out of the way to get to the baby. He tore the seatbelt in half to let the car seat loose, and handed the entire seat to the woman.
He glanced at the baby, happy and relieved to see her alive— crying but unharmed, and he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. The mother unbuckled her, smiling now, and seeing that the scene was okay to go on without him, Peter left.
He swung away, away to a rooftop surrounded by nothing but open sky, and crumpled to the ground.
His spider-sense didn’t stop. He didn’t feel safe anymore. His chest tightened, and he felt like his airway was closing. He closed his eyes tightly and focused on breathing in, slowly, breathing out, slowly. Repeating it. His fingers dug into the rough artificial ground.
Someone could be screaming right next to him, and he wouldn’t even know it.
He could see something flashing even through his closed eyelids, and opened his eyes to see this at his display had changed.
Next to a transparent box showing his elevated vital signs, Mr. Stark’s concerned face was on the screen. He said something, but Peter shook his head.
“I can’t hear you, Mr. Stark,” he said, hoping his voice was louder than a whisper, “I can’t hear you.”
Tony frowned, typing something on his screen and saying something else Peter hoped wasn’t supposed to be directed at him, and at once a new message popped up on the screen, all systems online and functioning correctly.
Peter just shook his head again. “I’ll be right there,” he said, “I’m heading back to the tower now. Please meet me there, please.” And he hung up before Tony could try to tell him something again.
He had to take four breaks on his short trip back to the tower, just to breathe. He felt like he was dying, but he hadn’t been hit by anything, so he couldn’t be. It painfully reminded him of an asthma attack like those he used to have pre-powers.
But, unlike those past times when he wouldn’t have even been able to stand, every time he caught his breath even just enough to stand up again, he forced himself to keep going. He was so afraid to see someone get hurt, or worse, without him being there to prevent it from happening. His never relenting spider-sense made him feel like people were getting hurt around him; it made him feel blind, like he couldn’t see things he knew were there.
It wasn’t even 10 am when he arrived back at the tower, but Peter fell into the tower window, gasping. He saw Mr. Stark stand up in surprise at Peter on the floor, before rushing over to him. Peter pushed himself up so he was sitting, and ripped off his mask. He felt the tears on his face and didn’t know how long he’d been crying for. He just wished he could hear the voice of his mentor as he stopped in front of him.
Peter reached forward and grabbed his shirt, seeing that the man was trying to talk to him.
Peter cried, “I can’t hear, Mr. Stark; I can’t hear you.”
Mr. Stark pulled him to his feet, touching Peter’s chin so that Peter could see his face, and tried to say something else. Peter shook his head. “I can’t hear you,” he repeated, “I can’t— I can’t hear anything.”
Mr. Stark pulled Peter into a hug, where they stayed until Peter could feel his heart rate slow and his breathing calm down. He pulled away to wipe his eyes. Mr. Stark gently took his arm and led him into the lab, where he handed Peter a metal device shaped like a pencil. He pressed a button and a nearly (but not quite) opaque holographic blank screen popped up in Peter’s face out of the long side of the not-pencil, making a sort of hand-held paper in Peter’s hand.
Suddenly the words, “can you understand me now?” Typed into the screen, and Peter looked up. Tony said something else, and the words, “it usually works pretty well, just let me know if something doesn’t make sense” appeared. Peter raised a confused and interested eyebrow.
“This is neat,” he said curiously. “Why do you have this?”
Tony shrugged, and started speaking. Then, “It’s not the first time I’ve had deaf friends hanging out in the tower, you know.” Peter didn’t know that, but didn’t ask further. Whoever it was had his respect, though.
“So do you have any clues?” Tony’s question popped up on the holographic tablet.
Peter shrugged. “Pretty sure it was whatever I got sprayed with last night.”
“Makes sense. You were pretty out of it yesterday you slept through most of the movie and didn’t even wake up when I carried you to bed.” Peter scrunched his eyebrows at the image.
Tony went on. “When did it kick in?”
Peter cocked his head to the side; “what do you mean?”
“What time did your hearing go away this morning?”
Peter shrugged. “Sometime last night.”
He looked at the screen, then at Tony when nothing appeared. Tony was staring at him with an expression Peter had seen before, usually when he’d done something wrong.
Tony spoke, and Peter was for once glad he had good reason to look away to understand him.
“So. You woke up. Your first morning missing a pretty important sense. And decided to go out as the crime-fighting, life-saving, danger-seeking Spider-Man?”
Peter didn’t know if the punctuation on the screen was intentional, but it helped give him an idea of how Tony sounded.
“Ummm, not exactly,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the screen; it was weird talking and not hearing your own voice, and Peter partially wondered if he was talking too loud. “I went to see if I could find a sample of whatever was in the, uh, the spray.”
Tony turned to the table beside him and pushed a button. Silent videos from social media popped up of Spider-Man helping a woman to her feet, then pulling a baby from a crushed car. He had to admit that even without sound, he looked a little lost.
He glanced back at Tony, he was now looking at him skeptically.
Peter shrugged. “I got distracted.”
Tony rolled his eyes, but Peter could see a hint of a smile on his face. He thought he was going to say something but instead he walked around the table to where Peter normally sat, grabbed a paper towel, then reached under the table and grabbed a yellow cube from the trash can.
Not a cube. The sponge from last night, that Peter had used to try and scrub the suit clean. Tony held it up expectantly.
A sample.
Movement on the tablet caught his attention. “Oh indeed,” Tony said.
They had the chemical’s composition within the hour. They had the antidote by lunch. They were waiting for FRIDAY to make the dose needed, when Peter saw Tony laugh.
“What?” Peter hadn’t said anything, and he looked around to find out what he was laughing at.
Tony’s words appeared, “I think it’s time for lunch. Friday tell us when the dose is ready.”
He laughed again. The words, “sure thing boss” followed on the screen.
Peter frowned. “Why is that funny?”
Tony smiled. “Because your stomach growling is more reliable than my alarm clock.”
Peter rolled his eyes, glancing down at his abdomen. “Traitor,” he jokingly accused.
FRIDAY had the dose ready sooner than expected, so Peter brought the rest of his PB&J down to the lab with him.
He’d forgotten the talk-to-text tablet upstairs, so he didn’t hear anything Tony said and hoped there weren’t any urgent special instructions when Tony handed him a glass of blueish liquid.
Peter raised an eyebrow. “I just drink it?” Tony nodded and opened a can of sprite, leaning it forward for a toast. Peter tapped the cups, and they both drank. Peter made a scrunched face at the nasty taste after emptying the glass, closing his eyes as he coughed.
“So I’m guessing it wasn’t blue raspberry flavored?” Tony asked.
Peter shook his head and coughed, but froze when he realized he’d heard the question. He opened his eyes to see Tony smiling in front of him.
“We did it Mr. Stark!” Peter exclaimed, his voice sounding wayy too loud in his head.
“We did it,” Tony replied, and Peter visibly flinched.
“Everything’s so loud,” he said quietly.
Tony’s smile faded a little. “Hm.” He spoke softly, “whatchya say we stay in for the rest of the day and watch movies with the sound turned way down low?”
Peter grinned, “I’d love that, but then you won’t be able to hear it!”
Tony put his fists on his hips in mock anger, “are you saying I’m old?”
Peter laughed. “Maybe in spider years.”
Tony rolled his eyes and smiled. “That’s what I thought. Now, what’re we watching? And please don’t make me watch that same movie for the third time in a row. There’s only a certain number of times I can listen to the jar jar lizard, and we’ve already exceeded that.”
“Okay. So how about that old movie Predator?”
“Okay, now you are calling me old.”
“Of course, now that I can hear your reaction.”
30 minutes, 2 buckets of popcorn, and 1 pizza later, the duo finds themselves back upstairs on the couch, working on pulling up Predator with subtitles for Tony.
“So,” Tony began, “going back to that topic of reactions. How about I add this: don’t go out when you’re injured, as if that’s a new rule. Or impaired in some way. And if something like this happens again, come to me first. Please.”
Peter smirked. “Of course.”
“Nuh-uh, I need a stronger promise than that, bud. I don’t feel reassured at all.”
Peter sobered up, then. “Okay,” he said, “I will. Seriously. I was so scared.”
“Me too, Kid. Me too.”
“I thought I’d never hear you again. Or anything.”
“Aw, you’d miss hearing me?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Just the good stuff.”
“Like how much I care about you? And how great you are? And I’m so glad you’re my kid?”
Peter’s eyebrows shot up before he could stop them. He quickly turned it into a frown as if contemplating something. “Nah, I was thinking more about the times when you’re like, ‘do you want food?’ Or, ‘here’s some pizza,’ is a good one, too.”
Tony narrowed his eyes at Peter, who grinned. “But that other stuff you were saying is nice, too,” Peter added, feeling a blush rise in his cheeks.
“I’m glad you think so,” Tony replied, “because I mean it.”
“Oh,” Peter responded.
“Oh indeed,” Tony replied with a smile Peter could hear in his voice.
The movie started, and Peter rested his head into Tony’s side.
“I care about you too, Mr. Stark,” Peter said quietly. He knew Tony could easily hear over the movie’s volume. “And I’m really glad you’re here for me and that you’re my, uh, my mentor. Well, and like a father figure person, too.”
Tony wrapped his arm around Peter.
“Glad to hear it, Peter. You make a really great kid, you know. And I’ll always be here for you.”
”Thanks, Tony. And you make a really great dad.”
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