#I did it baby idc
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guess the bioterrorist
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nanocados · 3 months
Top 10 worst babysitters (LQG almost threw binghe in the trash)
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radioves · 9 months
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[id : a digital drawing of a fae from flight rising, with the genes harlequin, flair, and runes in shades of black, grey, red, orange, and green with purple accents, giving it an autumnal vibe. she is wearing a pale yellow mask with orange markings, antlers, with white arm sleeves, scarf, and cape that resembles feathered wings, along with a lantern on the tip of her tail casting a reddish orange glow. she is laying on her belly with her wings held up, and her long neck is twisted around to rest her head on one of her talons, looking off to the side with a cheeky smile. end id]
bonus version w/o accessories bc i did NOT put in the effort of coloring her in only for half her body to be covered up
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[id : the same image as above, but without her accessories on. the purple runes along the fae’s face, body, talons and tail are visible now, as are the leafy patterns on her wings. the shading has been removed, giving the image a flatter appearance. end id]
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neopuppy · 3 months
lmao someone’s Jeno astrology chart reading just came up for me on tiktok and it finished with saying he’s likely a switch but definitely leaning dominant, far more dominant
and that he’s probably really into biting/primal play
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hate to say I knew this already without a chart and been preaching abt it for years butttt!
it is funny to me that you can tell he’s a Taurus just by looking at him too. also did not know he was a Leo rising until just now.
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motley-cunt · 1 month
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Andy with his son (and his daughter)
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gregoftom · 1 year
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what do you mean you don’t think you’re gonna be buried at my side
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badnewswhatsleft · 3 months
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
that “what if viserys ii was a girl” ask sits in my mind because i keep imagining aegon iii finally reaching the end of his regency, firing the entire council, telling munkin where he can shove his precedents, and officially naming rhaenyra as rhaenyra i targaryen, queen of the seven kingdoms, and himself as her successor, and putting viserys/visenya’s kids in the line of succession, then looking at the entire realm and going “overthrow me i double dog dare you” aksjdjd
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baylardian-1 · 8 months
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im cringe but im free!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤪
uniquely in the First Splinter Timeline (book canon), i think kathryn would regain all of her lost/hazy memories from all that happens to her in the Q Continuum when she's brought back from death. which, GOOD OR BAD, would allow her to remember those three hyperevolved glory days. :)
(multiple timelines allows me to enjoy playing in both sandboxes of kathryn can/can't remember how the triplets came about haha)
also i think everyone just assumes she'd be fine and well-versed in having a baby but she actually isn't and she's terrified of the whole ordeal and it's way harder than laying eggs haha.
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mintyyoongls · 5 months
I'm slowly falling into a rabbit hole for Hannibal. I've never watched the show and only knew Hannigram is a really popular ship and so in boredom I decided to watch some crack vids and now I can't stop learning more and more about the show. I have exclusively been reading Hannibal fics for the last 3 days! I CAN'T STOP
Why did no one ever tell me it was actually more like a crime series romcom??? I always assumed it was just horror and gore, kinda like saw (which i also haven't watched lmao) 😭
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alcina dimitrescu KILLS her maids and drinks their blood
karl heisenberg tried to use a BABY as a weapon
ethan winters is WHITE
mother miranda tries to STEAL someones daughter
at the end of the day, your favorite resident evil 8 characters are terrible people
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neganerd · 9 months
I'm ngl i think people in the fandom are romanticizing Betty's sacrifice as "badass sexy wife saves the day" instead of "young woman with identity and self esteem issues gives up on everything for a man she just met"
I know y'all like the ship, but some of y'all are ignoring what the series is trying to tell us.
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
thinking about how Spider was neteyam's big brother. losing my mind. ripping out my hair.
was 'teyam scared of storms or the dark? did he confide these "childish" fears to his big brother? did he get shy with all the attention he got in the village? did he hold Spi's hand when he got nervous?
did Spi have habits with 'teyam like 'teyam had with lo'ak? did Spi mess with his hair or reach for his shoulder or cuff his neck?
did Spi ever worry for 'teyam after he "stepped up" and became the Big Brother when the humans returned? did he worry something would happen to him? did he want to protect him despite being a human? was he proud? did his pride outweigh his fear?
did he think about 'teyam after he was taken? did he wonder where he was and if he was safe?
what was Spi thinking when he saw the bullet hole in his baby brother's back? did he freeze when he saw the blood, when he realized he failed to protect him?
what was 'teyam thinking? when he looked to Spi, did he want him to be the big brother again, did he want to stop being brave and let Spi do it? did he want to say something?
I have so many questions. I don't think my heart could take the answers.
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h0wdyydee · 2 years
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wackyaussiegiraffes · 2 months
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completely forgot where I got this from
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howertism · 1 year
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