#I cant believe this au was made by someone my age
fishyingrn · 11 months
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IOTS Izzy angst! Just her sobbing and basically on the edge of a psychotic break down! Should I doodle that next? (๑>ڡ<)☆ lmk!!
Bless @eavee-ry for making this au!!! It's so good that I can't sleep the same at night! Truely an unexpected interpretation of my favorites! The more I read it the closer on the edge of my seat I was!
Anyways I doodled this in a brisk hour!! I was sorta just going w/ whatever! It kinda js happened by itself!
It's a real pain when I had to hand hatch the bg, rip my shoulder (;´д`)ゞ
Hope you guys enjoy (and forgive) this little departure from my wholesome content so far!
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slutshamethesquirrels · 3 months
Lost Lamb
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pastor's son!geto x fem!reader
length: 12.8K (oof my apologies)
cw/tw: prison, arrest, religious shenanigans, implied/referenced child abuse
Your ex, your first love, Suguru Geto has been granted parole after spending several years in prison for manslaughter. You want closure.
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A Disclaimer:
friends, please listen to me before you start this fic: there is implied child abuse in here.
i intentionally left it vague, because i didn't want to dwell on it for any longer than i had to. i dont have any particular headcannon about what happened to the girls in this au. assume it's bad, basically is what i'm hinting at here.
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Suguru Geto’s arrest had taken your small hometown by storm.
In the following weeks, everywhere you turned there was a reminder. His empty spot in the back pew on Sunday morning, his jacket on the door hanger in your bedroom, his mugshot plastered all over facebook. You wished every middle aged mother that commented on the posts accidentally got their fingers caught in the garbage disposal. You’d made the mistake of voicing that opinion to your own mother, who’d called you hateful.
Wow!! He was always such a sweet kid!! What happened!! PRAYERS!!
Is that pastor getos boy??
It’s that damn Gojo kid he's been hanging out with.
Sad. what happens when you take god out of schools.
i cant believe this!!
I knew the minute he refused to cut his hair and stretched his ears he was a lost cause.
Your parents had eventually taken away your phone, and after a particularly rough point, your bedroom door from its hinges.
Initially, he’d received a few charges. Murder in the second degree, and attempted kidnapping. Tacked on were lesser charges; unlawful possession of a firearm, simple possession of controlled substances. Eventually, those charges had been dropped and reduced until he was left with nothing but second degree manslaughter. It was a hell of a plea deal, and most of the town suspected it had to do with the family’s influence, however the judge had simply sighted “mitigating factors”.
You do your best to ignore the whispers, the rumors, but they bled in anyway. He was gone, long gone and yet he was right there on every local news station, in every tear, in every nightmare, falling from people's lips in the local diner:
“Did you hear about the pastor's kid?”
You can't see the nasally woman behind you, but you mind conjures up an image. Middle aged, bob cut, wrinkly and judgemental. You bet she collects expired coupons like Pokemon cards.
“Yeah! I actually went to that church a few times! Isn't that so scary?! I heard that he always sat behind those little girls at church. Creepy!”
Her equally as nosey friend wasn't wrong. Suguru did sit behind the Hasaba twins every Sunday. What they didn't know was he had confided to you once that they had a rough home life. Apparently his parents had temporarily taken them in for a while as toddlers so their parents could “sober up”, the details of which were unclear. He wouldn't give you specifics, but you could garner that whatever was happening behind the scenes since they’d been returned home wasn't good. You always thought Suguru was lying in wait for something to happen, though you never knew just what.
“I mean, how do you kill someone, kidnap their girls, and only get ten years?!”
“You have a preacher for a daddy, that's how.”
“That's crazy! And a possibility of parole after only three years?!”
“Girl, I know! And poor Mr.Hasaba! He always seemed so sweet, you know? He just had kind eyes.”
She had no idea what she was fucking talking about. That man was a creep. Your mother had an awful habit of making you hug older church members goodbye, and his hands always slid a little too low, held you a little too tight. He was insistent upon cheek kisses, and they always felt disgusting; sloppy clamps of his lips instead of soft polite pecks. Once, you’d tried to tell your parents you didn't want to hug him goodbye anymore, but they'd simply told you it was the polite thing for a little girl to do.
“I wonder what he had planned for those girls?”
“Thank god we’ll never know!”
But you wanted, needed to know. There wasn't a single part of you that didn't crave the answer to the question that had plagued you for weeks; What happened to him?
Suguru had always been a sweet boy. Your playground protector, puffing up his chest to kids twice his age when they pulled your pigtails. You recalled a time he'd found a dead bird on the lawn of the church, and promptly went and buried it by the woodline, complete with a few verses of Amazing Grace and a moment of silence. He'd cried, and you pinky promised to never ever tell anyone he'd gotten so upset.
A few years later, he’d become the envy of all your friends. Any girl in your grade would've killed to have a boy two grades above them walk them home every day. You had let them be jealous, and hadn't dared to tell them that you were pretty sure Suguru would never like you like that. In fact, when they started a rumor that you two had been caught kissing behind the bleachers, you didn't deny it at all.
Turns out you were wrong, and you’d never been happier than when Suguru had asked you to prom three years later. Your parents had been absolutely thrilled. By that point, Suguru had been around for years, and he had always been respectful and well-behaved.
Doors stayed wide open when he was over, but usually he didn't seem all that interested in whisking you away from the other members of your family, much more happy to sit in the living room, talking business with your father or future plans with your mother; she liked to prod him with intrusive questions, all of which he handled with exemplary grace. That doesn't mean they weren't mortifying for you, though. Suguru was your friend and here she was asking him about grandchildren.
You had a sneaking suspicion that it was less about your relationship with Suguru, and more about your relationship with Suguru, the pastor’s son. Your family name wasn't known for much in this town, but the Geto’s held control of the church and therefore, control of the town itself. To be related to them was your mother's golden ticket to sit with the uppity tennis-skirt wine moms at every ballgame. When he started sitting with your family every Sunday, she saw an opportunity and was more than willing to take it.
It didn't hit you until he arrived at your door in a fitted suit that night that maybe one day that could be a real possibility. You hadn't expected to feel like you did. Standing in the lowlight of the gymnasium, for the first time you noticed he'd grown to something beautiful. Long gone was your playground hero. He'd been replaced by someone taller, leaner, more… handsome. The chub of his cheeks was fading, but his dimples still appeared when he smiled, and everytime they did you got this roller coaster-esque feeling, like you were free falling right through the floor.
Your mom had reminded the two of you to leave room for Jesus when dancing, but that didn't stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck as you slow danced, pressing your body against his, making a mental note to repent later. His hands had fallen against the small of your back as you swayed, and it struck you just how big they'd gotten. The thought made you shudder. His forehead fell down against yours, awkward bangs toppling out of his bun and falling across your own forehead. You tried to keep your eyes open, memorize the way his lashes fluttered against his burning cheeks, but found the sight too powerful to withstand, instead shutting them. Which was maybe worse, because without the distraction of eyesight everything else felt so much more intense. You found the rise and fall of his chest comforting, the hotness of his breath fanning across your face intoxicating. You, somehow, hadn't expected it when he leaned forward and captured your bottom lip between his own, but it lit a fire in you that to this day you hadn't been able to quell completely.
He left for college your Junior year. You had tried to hold it in, not show any sign of weakness, but every minute you spent with him felt like a countdown. He was going to the city, where the girls were gorgeous and knowledge was a bottomless well. You couldn't convince yourself he'd still think of you, the girl from down the street with braces and bargain bin jeans when he had the whole world to choose from. It had all come to head on move-in day. For the first time, your parents allowed you to be alone with him. You were angry that it just so happened to be the day you'd have to leave him here, hours away. His assigned roommate hadn't arrived yet, so he got to pick which uncomfortable mattress and study desk would be his. Your hands shook as you pulled his clothing from bins, folding them and tucking them away into the stow-away drawers beneath his bed.
“Are you okay?” He’d asked, and that was all it took for the dam to bust. You’d frozen, one of his hoodies still gripped in your hands, but when you opened your mouth to assure you were just fine, your body had betrayed you. All that had come out was a broken sob. He’d immediately dropped to the floor beside you and pulled you into his lap, squeezing you like his life depended on it. He’d promised you he'd come home whenever he could, that he was definitely not going to forget about you.
”Y/n, I love you. Distance can't take that away from me.”
”You-. You love me?”
He buried his face in your hair, inhaling your scent and planting gentle kisses to your scalp. It wasn't until he sniffled that you realized he was crying, too.
”I love you too.”
He couldn't come back until two summers later. Initially, you’d stayed in daily contact. But daily video chats had turned to weekly calls, and then texting only. Those texts spaced out and dissipated just like you’d always feared they would. You were surprised when he’d asked you to meet up, even more shocked to find out that he wanted you to meet him at a hotel, away from the prying eyes of your parents, or his for that matter. At first, you'd been elated, excited that he still wanted to see you after all that time, but on your drive over you’d become angry. Every moment you'd spent waiting to hear from him, every tear you’d cried, every helpless night spent laying awake hit you all at once.
You remembered your eighteenth birthday, spending most of your party glancing at your phone, hoping, just praying he’d call. You remembered your mother's funeral, when you’d listened to his father preach over her open casket, alone. You remembered that party where you’d been caged against the wall by a man much larger than you, when his lips had grazed your skin and you tried to close your eyes and imagine it was him.
He was waiting for you outside the door to the room he'd paid for, but instead of the boy you expected you were met with a fully grown man. He was chiseled, defined, from the angle of his jaw to the curve of his bicep fighting the fabric of his t-shirt. His hair was so long, silken loose locks flowing freely from his scalp and tumbling down his back.
“Hi.” He said, casually, like he hadn't broken every promise he made you and ruined every potential date since just by existing, and being him, and looking like that.
Tears well in your eyes, and you don't exactly know what the emotion behind them is; some combination of sorrow and infuriation and relief because he was here. He was finally here.
“Fuck you.” You half spit, half choke, a gurgled laugh escaping your throat because it was almost funny, wasn't it? The way he was fine and you were a fucking wreck.
He blinks, and then nods slowly, and has the audacity not to fight you back.
“I deserve that.” He pulls a white card from his pocket and keys the door open.
“You do. You really do, Geto.” You almost sound like you're pleading, but when he takes your hand and yanks you through the threshold you don't stop him. And when he backs you against the door you don't stop him. And when his lips crash into yours with an unprecedented fervor you kiss him back, lips and teeth mashing together, desperation taking hold as his tongue bullies it’s way past your lips. He moans into your mouth and you feel yourself absolutely gush at the sound, your body's reaction only serving to piss you off more.
You pull away and he dives into the crook of your neck, one large hand smacking flat onto the door above your head, the other reaching down to hike your knee around his waist.
“I’m fucking serious, Suguru! I hate you!” You cry out, but your hands tangle in his hair as he suckles on your sweet spot, marking you. You were his, you were always his, and you would always be his.
“I know.” He breathes, rocking against you and grunting as his clothed erection grinds against you, slowly at first, and then quicker, whimpers and whines mixing together in the heated air as sparks dance in your belly.
“You broke my heart.” You tell him as the hand against the door moves to hike your shirt up, bunching it around your neck as his head dips to lap at your skin. It’s messy, needy, the way he laps at you like a dog in heat.
“I know.” He repeats, and you realize he's sinking to one knee when he drops your leg, his fingers instead fumbling for the button of your jeans, doing his best to get them off before you change your mind.
“You fucking ruined everything. You ruined me.” Despite your words, you help him remove your pants and panties all at once, lifting your legs and balancing with your hands on his shoulders.
“I know.” He throws one of your legs over his shoulders and his eyes trail slowly from your face to where your core drips right in front of his eyes despite your protests.
“Who’d you shave for?” His eyebrows raise slightly in curiosity as he realizes you're free of all body hair, his eyes lifting to meet your face again.
“Did you expect me to wait for you?” You ask, chuckling incredulously “It's none of your business, really.”.
You don't tell him you have a boyfriend. Partly because you feel a sense of shame about being a cheater, but mostly because despite everything, you don't want to hurt him. Besides, it was nothing serious, just someone to attempt to fill the gaping hole left in your chest by the man kneeling in front of you. The man whose eyes had gone dark and predatory at your words. You’d never seen anything like it from him before. Your pussy clenches around nothing at the sight.
“Did he make you cum?” He hums, presses his lips into your thigh.
“Oh, fuck you, Suguru.” You spit, and then immediately yelp when his teeth sink into your soft flesh as a reprimand.
“Answer me.” He chuckles against your skin and he moves higher, his tongue flat and warm against the sensitive surface.
“Make me.”
“Bad move.” He deadpans, and then licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit, agonizingly slow, smirking against your core as you whine. He repeats the motion once, twice, three times and then slurps at your entrance. The sound is disgusting, but you can't care when he's buried between your thighs, teasing you, playing with your cunt like a toy. You think you hear him mutter something about how good you taste but the blood pounding in your ears drowns it out.
“Come on, y/n. Answer me, baby. Did he make you cum?” He finishes his question off by parting his lips and blowing on your clit, the cool air icy against your arousal and his spit. You shake your head back and forth, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth and glaring down at him.
“ ‘No’ as in ‘No, he didn't.’ or ‘No’ as in ‘I’m not telling.’?”
“I’m not- ah!”
You're quick to swallow the rest of that sentence when he leans forward and begins eating you in earnest. That desperate motion is back, the flat tongued lapping he’d done to your chest earlier, eager to taste and take and pleasure you. His hand grips and the underside of your thigh that's hiked over his shoulder, nails leaving red crescent marks on your skin.
Your hands fly to grip his hair and you begin to rock against him in time with his strokes, crying out with every flick and swirl and lap of his tongue. The pressure builds as he learns your body, repeating motions that get the most reaction out of you until you're basically doubled over his head, white knuckle gripping his inky locks as you feel that white hot coil in your center wind tighter, and tighter, and-
He pulls back, laughing as you sputter out “Nonono please, please!”.
“Are you ready to tell me whether he made you cum or not?”
You could absolutely fucking scream. How dare he dangle your orgasm in front of you and rip it away, just like he’d done with every hope you had of a future with him.
“Ohmygod, he didn't make me cum but he also didn't abandon me after promising he wouldn't!”
His face falters beneath you, that devilish smile melting away just briefly as your words seem to hit him in the face. For just a second, he looks familiar again, and you realize those eyes are the same ones that wept for the bird in the courtyard all those years ago.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” He breathes, and before you can cry he's returning his mouth to your clit, closing his eyes and sighing into you as if the taste was soothing him somehow. His movements are now steady and fluid, and he uses more lips than before, almost making out with you in expert timing, lips smacking and slurping against you in a rhythmic motion. Below the lewdness, you can make out the sounds of him moaning, whimpering even as he drinks you down and if it didn't feel so good the fact that he seems so desperate for you would send you spiraling. This was the Suguru you knew. Honey sweet with an eagerness to please. You melt against him, gasping for air between whines. You couldn't even care that he was all but supporting your entire weight on his shoulder, but for what it's worth, he didn't seem to mind either.
A rough palm slides up the skin of your inner thigh, followed by the intrusion of two thick fingers gliding into you, not pumping but rather curling inside of you, sliding against a spot that has tears stinging at the corner of your eyes. Or maybe it is the fact that he’d come back to you after all that time, and you didn't know if he was planning on staying. Was he on his knees begging? You couldn't tell.
“Suguru, m’gonna- fuckyes, please! Cummingcummingcum-”
When your orgasm arrives, it washes across your body like ocean waves, one large crash of pleasure buckling your knees followed by several smaller ones, certain and steadfast.
He places your leg back down on the floor and you immediately fall to your knees, scrambling into his arms like he might run away if you don't, and he's quick to reposition himself beneath you so he can hold you in earnest. You think about the last time you were on the floor of some unfamiliar room with him and can't do anything but cry into his shoulder.
“Y/n?” He murmurs, and you hum inquisitively between hiccups.
“I don't believe in god.”
You draw a quick and stuttering breath as you brace yourself to sit back and look at him. His eyes are closed, though, like he can't look at you.
“I’m confused.” You admit, sniffling.
He opens his eyes to meet yours, his expression morose.
“I think I maybe never did. I always guilted myself, though. I thought-” He sighs and looks off to the side, his cheeks flushing as he speaks “I thought that it was the devil, trying to tempt me. I thought if I just prayed hard enough that it would go away-”
“Suguru, where is this coming from?” You ask, and he shifts underneath you, splaying his palm out behind him to support his weight, his free hand coming up to push his hair backwards, sliding through the root at his scalp and shaking the knots out, maybe anxiously.
“Just- just listen, please?”
That was years ago, when he’d explained to you how he lost touch with his faith. He called religion predatory, said it relied on offering desperate people a chance at salvation, at forgiveness, at love- only to take their money and run. Or convince them to vote one way or another. It was all a game of mind chess, at least to him.
He thought you’d hate him. He didn't want to hear you cry, beg him to come back home. He said hearing you devoutly defend the very system designed to harm you and keep you subservient would've been too much to take. He still loved you, by his own admission.
”There hasn't been a single day you didn't occupy my thoughts. I couldn't bring myself to rip you away from everything you've ever known.”
He would hate to see you now, crumpled at the altar, sobbing at the feet of his father, his mother's arms splayed across your body, her fingers intertwined with yours from above as she murmurs a prayer in your ear. She smells of the same laundry detergent his hoodies were always washed in, and it makes it all the more painful.
His parole hearing had been on Friday. His request for parole had been granted.
“Heavenly Father, we come before you with a heavy heart, burdened with the pain of one who has strayed from your path.”
It was always a little jarring, the way Suguru’s loss of faith came first in his list of sins in the forefront of his parent's minds. Still, all these years later, there's no one that still held this hurt the way you did.
”We know that your love is unconditional and your mercy boundless. I pray that you will lend us your grace to envelop my son, my sweet boy, in your grace and help guide him back to your light.”
You didn't know if you wanted to be a part of that. You wanted answers, mostly. You knew there had to be some reason, some explanation for his actions. You cry harder.
”Lord, I ask for y/n to be a vessel of your strength and wisdom in this difficult time. Help her to be a model of your love, showing patience, understanding, and unwavering faith. Grant her the courage to stand firm in her convictions while extending compassion and support.”
You can't argue with her, can't tell her that God has had his line disconnected for you since the day Suguru was arrested. At some point, you realized Suguru was right. Religion was a ploy for desperate people, and god were you desperate.
”Touch the heart of my baby, Lord. Open his eyes to your truth and fill his spirit with a yearning for your presence. May he feel your divine touch and hear your gentle whisper, calling him back to the fold.”
You didn't know what you could possibly say to him. Two weeks. Two weeks from today he would be home. You can't imagine what he’ll look like with a monitor strapped to his ankle. Your brain feels like sludge, so you focus on inhaling that familiar scent, imagining that it's him draped over your shoulders, the same way he'd hold you at football games in highschool.
”We trust in your divine plan, knowing that your ways are higher than our own. Let your will be done, Father, and give us peace in knowing that you are always at work, even when we cannot see the path ahead.”
For a while she just sobs into your shoulder, her white hot tears scalding your skin through your blouse as she cries.
”God, thank you. Thank you for bringing my baby boy home.”
“Y/n! Please, come in!”
The Geto household had been a second home to you growing up. As you stepped past Suguru’s mother into the entryway and began to remove your shoes, memories flooded your head like raging waters. Everything was so comfortable, so familiar. The gentle years-old carpet cradling your newly socked feet had been the backdrop for countless play dates, one- sided wrestling matches, and forts built from the blankets that had always been strewn across the leather couches and the barstools you knew awaited you just around the corner in the kitchen. You can almost see where your feet had worn a permanent path from the front door up the stairs to his bedroom door, though there's a part of you that knows that's unreasonable.
Pastor Geto and his wife both stood at the foot of the staircase, looking tense as they watched you shed your jacket and hang it on the coat rack. When you turn, you brush yourself off and wring your hands together. Despite the familiar place, everything feels uncomfortable. The skin of your hands feels like sheets of sandpaper grinding against each other, your jeans are pinching your waist uncomfortably, your shirt is constricting, it's too cold, it's too hot-
“Where is he?” You finally ask. You don't know why you're whispering.
“Upstairs, sleeping. He's…” Pastor Geto trails off, lets his head fall forward, and then up to the ceiling. Anywhere but your face.
“He's struggling with the adjustment period, we think.” Suguru’s mom cuts in, taking on the classic too-soft voice of an evangelical woman “He's been sleeping a lot.”. She nods, as if it's herself she wants to convince.
Your eyes trail up the stairs, and you nod and go to take a step forward, only to get stopped by the Pastor's hand on your shoulder. You lift your apprehensive eyes to meet his.
“Before you go, we wanted to know if it would be better for us to stay or if you wanted us to go. It's whichever you think will be best.”
Geto’s mother cuts in, quickly elaborating:
“We thought it may be best to give you privacy. We know this is emotional for everyone involved, but if you're worried…”
Oh. They don't want to leave you if you think he's going to hurt you. The thought almost makes you laugh, and then you remembered the whole reason you were here is because he was violent. Your Suguru, the one you knew, wasn't. But this one…
“It's okay, you can go.”
You wonder if that was the right choice as you watch them go, but ultimately you knew it was. If he could- if he did harm you, it couldn't be any worse than what he’d already done. At this point, a swift death would be a mercy.
Every step from the ground floor to the second is a labor, but you couldn't decide if it was one of love or desperation. You felt like twenty pound weights had been attached to your ankles, each stretch of your muscles burning like you’d just run a marathon. You know that twelve feet of altitude does absolutely nothing to air quality, and yet somehow with each rising inch you feel like the atmosphere thins. You reach the top of the stairs and creep your way down the hall, making eye contact with the pictures on the wall. Cheesy mall-quality photoshoots of him and his family, all wearing matching outfits and smiling in perfectly practiced photos. There are others, too; family dogs that had since passed, distant relatives you didn't recognize, your prom photo.
You physically recoil from the image. His hands resting on your waist, the butterfly kiss of the tip of his nose against your cheek that was covered in just a tad too much blush, the genuine smile you both held as you laughed not for the camera, but in spite of it. You remembered that night like it was yesterday. You remembered how gentle he’d been with you. Did he still know how to do that?
You pause to take a deep breath before you knock on his door, wrapping lightly at first to no avail, and then a little harder when you remembered he was asleep.
“Yeah?!” His voice echoes from the other side and from the tone alone you realize he thinks it's one of his parents. You bite your lip and try not to cry. Not yet.
God, why did your throat fucking burn like that?
“It's me. It's just me.” You call out.
For a second, all is quiet, and then your heart drops straight through to the ground when you hear frenzied shuffling coupled with the uneven slap of large feet against the floor from the other side of the door. He's flung it open in less time than you can back away, a t-shirt still following over the lower half of his abdomen as he stood frozen in the doorway, his eyes wide and his lips parted open as his breath seems to get caught in his chest. His hair is messy and his eyes are tired; soft purple circles beneath the expansive brown irises you’d always adored.
“Y/n?” It comes out as a question, like he can't believe you're actually standing there.
“Hi.” Is all you can manage.
You weren't sure what to expect, but it wasn't for him to sink to his knees in the open doorway, folding into himself and bowing whether he intended to or not. On the way down, his hands reach out for you, but stop just short of touching you, instead he pulls them beneath him, hugging them to his chest like he was simply trying to disappear into his self. You understood the feeling.
“Fuck, y/n.” It comes out as barely more than a whimper.
Moments pass like trying to pour cool molasses. You're stunned by indecision, stuck between what you know you should do and what your instincts demand of you. You’d never seen him so vulnerable before. His pride always, fucking always, won out over his emotions. But here he was, crumpled beneath you like a wounded man, assuming the same position you took at the altar every sunday. Was he asking of you what you asked of god? For grace and mercy and relief? For love?
You notice beneath the mass of knotted hair a tremor in his shoulders. It was quiet, near silent, but you could hear the faintest sniffling. He was crying. You had only ever seen him cry once before.
You sink to your knees in front of him in a much more controlled manner, but your fingers still shake as you shuffle forward on all fours until you can reach out and slot your fingers through his hair, grazing his scalp with your fingertips. His hair wasn't as soft as it used to be. You doubted they had his ridiculously expensive choice of shampoo in prison.
“You’re a wreck, Suguru.” You point out, and although you meant for it to sound very tough and strong-willed, it comes out in a breathy, shaky murmur.
He chuckles in a low rumbling tone, and then sits back on his knees, his palms rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to wipe away the tears before you can see them “I guess you could say that.”.
You sit back as well, planting your hands on your thighs and rolling your lip between your teeth and nodding slowly. It was too easy. You were too comfortable. You had the urge to throw yourself into him just like that, but you wouldn't. You couldn't. Right? You open your mouth to ask him why, or to scream, or to tell him that he was the lowest of the low, but nothing comes out, so you shut it again.
“Y/n” He breaks the silence first “I understand if you hate me, you have every reason to, but holy shit you have no idea how happy I am to see you.”.
His face is blank but there's a hopeful spark in his eyes. He looks just like he did the day he asked you to be his girlfriend, just like he did when he'd touched you under your skirt for the first time, just like when he'd met you outside that hotel room all those years ago. He doesn't want to show you his entire hand, but the cards reflect in his irises.
You despise yourself for your reaction.
You crawl towards him until you’re close enough to touch him, your arms slithering around his neck as you pull him into a hug. For a moment, he tenses, like he’s unsure if he should reciprocate, but then you squeeze tighter, practically begging him through action alone, and he concedes, strong arms snaking around your center as he buries his face in your shoulder. The sensation was both foreign and familiar. You’d been wrapped up in him more times than you could count on ten fingers and all your toes, but yet this one felt independent of the others. His palms were still warm, inviting, splaying out across either set of ribs from behind as if to guard your very breath from the open space behind you, but he was bigger now, buffer, his arms almost swallowed you whole and you find yourself briefly pondering if he’d spent his time in prison exercising. You refuse to let yourself think about him in an orange jumpsuit, or how his biceps would flex as he did pushups. It was not the time.
“Are you not afraid of me?” He murmurs, and you shake your head slowly.
“I know I should be.” You admit “I just can’t- I, I don’t- I missed you.”.
Your voice cracks and you choke a small sob into his hair. You were no stranger to crying by this point, but this time was less violent then the fits you’d become accustomed to dealing with thrice daily since the day of his arrest. These were tears of relief, you realized. It didn’t matter what he’d done, he was still Suguru. You still felt at home in his embrace. You still slotted perfectly against his form.
“I missed you too, y/n.” He squeezes you, just slightly, to accentuate his words “You were on my mind from the moment I saw those blue lights in my rearview all the way up until I fell asleep this morning, please believe me.”.
You pull the world's biggest breath in through your nostrils, leaning back with your hands on both of his shoulders, looking into eyes you’d dreamt about for years.
“You have so much explaining to do, you asshole.”
He cracks a small, tight lipped grin “I know.”.
A few minutes later, you're sitting on the foot of his queen sized childhood mattress with your legs crossed in a spot you’d been in many times before. In fact, it was “your spot” if you were to ask Shoko or Nanami. When you were younger, Suguru’s house had been optimal for studying. Your room was too small, Shoko’s family was dysfunctional, and Nanami swore he’d rather fail pre-calc then to ever let the three of you inside his house. Plus, Suguru had the biggest bed out of the three of you, plenty of room for laptops and papers and textbooks and snacks. The rules set by the Geto’s were that the door was to be left wide open and you and Shoko were to remain six feet apart from the boys at all times, so they would settle themselves at the top of the bed and you and Shoko would nestle yourselves at the foot. No one dared to even dream of mentioning that Shoko was way more likely to make a sexual advance towards you than either of the boys.
Suguru grabs a hairbrush from atop his dresser before settling into the head of the bed, letting muscle memory take over as he rakes it through his hair, as if he was suddenly conscious of the way he looked. It catches on the knots intermittently, causing him to wince against the feeling.
“Nice anklet.” You attempt to soothe the awkward tension with a joke “Where’d you get it?”.
His eyes flash down to his ankle monitor, and he laughs, a little mirthless, before shooting back:
You snort and shake your head at him, trying to find a way to ask the questions that really needed to be asked without making it awkward, though at this point it seems almost impossible. He finishes up with his hair and tosses the brush onto his nightstand as he speaks.
“I wouldn’t recommend getting one, personally. You have to plug yourself into charge twice a day or you go to prison.”
“Mmhmm,” You hum “You know, your mom used to tell me this thing- something about actions and consequences, no- games and prizes-”. You sarcastically attempt to lament over just what it was, but you both know the answer.
“Would that be, uh, ’Play dumb games, win dumb prizes.’ ?” He plays your game with a smirk as you nod enthusiastically, sarcasm practically dripping from your hair as it shakes with the motion.
He rolls his eyes and chuckles, but heat floods his face and his eyes land on the carpet of his childhood bedroom. Was he embarrassed? Ashamed? Shame was good. Shame meant he knew he’d done something terrible. Shame meant there was hope.
“I know you’re waiting on answers.” He breaks the silence for you with a sigh, leaning forward and pawing at his forehead with his fingertips, as if he could rub away the clutter in his brain “But I don’t even know where to start.”. A sigh.
You nod, swallowing thickly, your eyes tracing the plaster on the ceiling “How about the beginning?”.
You didn’t mean it as a joke, but he giggles anyway “Yeah, I guess that would be a good starting point, huh?”. And so, following a brief pause, he tells you everything.
It started when the girls had been taken by child protective services. Panicked, their mother had called the Geto’s in a frenzy, begging them to take temporary custody while the Hasaba’s sorted out whatever it was that was going on at home. Seventeen and sheltered, Suguru’s parents had never given him all the details of why they were there in the first place, but in the sixth months they’d been there he’d undeniably grown attached to them. He described Nanako as “spunky”, said she had an affinity for fashion and anything shiny and pink. She was your stereotypical little girl, full of sass and glitter. Mimiko, on the other hand, was quiet, reserved, and spent her afternoons sat at the kitchen table with a handful of crayons and a few sheets of printer paper. She preferred not to be seen or heard.
Suguru was good with kids, he always had been. The girls were quick to shove into the role of big brother; protector. It was where he fit naturally. A fact you yourself had taken advantage of throughout your own childhood. There were no bullies, no monsters, no fears when Suguru was there. Nothing could get you. The girls seemed to have felt much the same. Nanako enjoyed pestering him, even at the big age of four whole years old. She’d beat on his bedroom door while he was studying, demanding he play with her. Drop Legos down in his boots when he wasn’t looking, force him to sit in the living room for hours on end while she knotted his hair up with sparkly elastics and butterfly clips. Mimiko, on the other hand, seemed to be afraid of him for the first few weeks, peering at him around corners as her sister made him her personal bitch.
“Eventually, she let her guard down.” He smiles fondly, shaking his head “I remember the first time she actually hung out with us. She brought her bucket of blocks out in the front yard and set like, six feet away from us while we drew on the sidewalk with chalk- well, I drew on the sidewalk. Nanako drew more on me than anything else. I’ll never understand how she figured out if she wet the chalk first it would stick to my hair. That was the longest shower I’ve ever taken in my life-”
With each passing day, Mimiko would sit a little closer, look a little longer at whatever Suguru and Nanako were getting into. Eventually, she spoke, asked if she could play, too.
“We were eating dinner one day and Nanako asked if I would be coming home with them when the time came. I had to tell her no. I didn’t even think Mimiko was listening, but she got up with her food and just went to her room.”
For a while, Mimiko had reset, if not backslid to a state worse than the one she had arrived in. This all came to a head after their final meeting with their case worker, after which Pastor Geto had enthusiastically told the girls that they would be returning to their parents soon. That night, Mimiko had simply strutted into Suguru’s open bedroom door to find him slaving over his laptop in the middle of the floor, diligently studying for his SAT’s. She’d come in with the force of a person four times her size and began absolutely pummeling him to the best of her tiny ability.
“I didn’t know what to do with that.” His brow furrows, troubled as he recalls the memory, his eyes darkening “It’s not like it hurt, you know? Not really, she was a preschooler and I was over six foot tall but still- kids aren’t supposed to hit, you know? And it was… she wasn’t hitting me like a child hits people, y/n. She was throwing legitimate left and right hooks, with follow through, and I just remember wondering where the hell she learned that. Anyway-”
He’d gripped her arms, just enough to contain her, and she’d shrieked with all her might, kicking and screaming at him to let her go while he begged her to calm down.
“Mimi, what’s wrong? Why are you being cruel to me?”
”I don’t want me to leave you!”
The immature phrasing breaks your heart. You could imagine what his reaction had been. The same soft pout he’d given you over and over throughout the years.
“I just held her, rocked her, tried to convince her she could come play whenever she wanted, y’know? But she was absolutely inconsolable. So I asked her why she didn’t want to go home, and she… God, she said-”
”He hurts us.”
“Their dad?” You interject, your voice trembling against your heightened emotion. You can feel dread pooling in your gut as he nods, confirming.
“What-” You swallow, feeling nauseated “What did she mean by that?”.
He looks you dead in the eyes and your blood runs cold. You had never before seen that expression cross his features. His eyes were always dark, but in that moment you were peering into a lightless cavern. He doesn’t elaborate, only shakes his head ‘no’. You don’t push it, and the momentary lapse of sanity seems to fade. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
He’d taken that information directly to his parents, who had reminded him that redemption was always possible. That we as people had to have grace for others. Jesus was friends with societal rejects. Whores, thieves, and beggars. All they could do was pray about it, they’d said, the rest was up to God and the state.
He left for college not long after that, but he couldn’t get the thought out of his head.
God and the state.
God and the state.
He tried them both. Over and over, spending his free time on his knees at the nearest chapel to his college campus, spending the drive home calling and anonymously reporting what he knew to any government official he thought would listen. All of his calls went unanswered, ultimately.
“The longer it went on, I- I don’t know. I went insane a little bit, I think. It’s kind of a blur. I just tried to knuckle down and study. The less I thought about it, the better I felt. And then Satoru-” He chuckles at the name, shaking his head incredulously and pawing at his eyes as he giggled like a little boy “Fucking. Satoru.”.
His college roomate, who you’d met briefly the summer before the arrest. You thought him to be a little wild, a little brash, but nothing prepared you for Suguru to tell you he was a little more than into psychedelics. He was always trying to get Suguru to loosen up a little, let himself experience something outside of the mundane small town life he’d always lived. Satoru was spoiled, rude, a nepo baby who’s daddy “allegedly” paid a large sum of under the table cash for him to attend the same prestigious college that Suguru did despite having a GPA lower than the Mariana Trench.
“He isn’t dumb, though. He’s actually a genius, I think. He could comprehend academic concepts I had to study hours for in minutes. He just has this thing with authority-”
It wasn’t until Satoru convinced him to start smoking pot that Suguru began to question the existence of god.
You screw your face up, and he puts a hand out to halt you from saying something you were never intending to say in the first place.
“Weed had very little to do with this. I didn’t get high and decide to murder anyone, it’s not like that. It just took the edge off of everything. I don’t think I knew I experienced anxiety until I smoked for the first time and knew what the world felt like without it.”
Without the cutting edge of his inner turmoil, and away from the prying eyes of his parents, he came to a conclusion one night while sprawled across his dorm bed as his high pulled him off to sleep; maybe God couldn’t do anything because he didn’t exist, and the state couldn’t care enough to do something about it, but he could.
He fought himself on it for a long while.
But every time he'd come home, he'd sit behind the girls in church, already perturbed by his irritation with religious ideologies, already uncomfortable with the way his Sunday best was digging at his skin- and Mimiko would throw glances at him over her shoulder, her eyes begging for him- for anyone to intervene.
“Do you remember the last Sunday I saw you before it happened?” He asked, and you nodded, your throat feeling tight at the memory.
You knew he hated church, it was all he’d ever talk about on the drive to the local burger joint after. You hated thinking of him in this way when he was so frustrated, but you always thought he looked incredible pulling his hair loose from his signature bun, thought his fingers looked so pretty tugging at the top buttons of his shirt, thought his snarl looked just as enticing as his smile in the afternoon light. Sometimes he'd pull his car off an old dirt road after, hike up your dress and take you right there just to blow off steam.
That Sunday was different, though. He had driven you straight home, his hands white knuckle gripped on the wheel at ten and two. Precise, methodical. His jaw clenched so tight you worried for his teeth. You’d considered asking if he was okay, but your mother whispered to you from the grave not to bother with men when they get like this. So you’d sat in thick silence, not even the radio on to help dampen the hellfire you could feel omitting from his pores.
“You know the Hasaba’s?”
He'd asked you, his voice grim and his eyes never leaving the road. You had nodded, a small
Falling from your lips. His fingers had tapped against the steering wheel as he inhaled through flared nostrils.
”You ever notice how the dad's always a little weird with young girls?”
You didn't recognize his voice that day.
He chewed on his cheek, nodding slowly, swallowing back bile.
”He ever make you uncomfortable? Push any boundaries?”
You’d gone silent, fixing your face to your passenger window, your breathing going uneven. You couldn't explain it, but you felt like it was wrong to answer that question truthfully.
He spoke your name like a warning.
He’d laughed. Not the laugh you knew him for, but once that was low, humorless, painted in disbelief.
“You were a real prick that day, y’know?” You half-spit at him, but your animosity is quickly quelled by his response.
He nods, pursing his lips “Yeah. I know. I don't know where my head was at the time, I think I had long since lost it. I could've at least told you I loved you before I pulled away-”.
“But you didn't.” You whisper, almost accusatory.
“You’re right. I didn't. It's one of my biggest regrets.”
When he’d dropped you off at your house, he hadn't walked you to your door or chatted with your dad like he usually did. He hadn't even looked at you, or waited in his car for you to get safely inside, instead speeding away before you'd even made it six feet from the car.
Three days later around dawn, the town was rocked by the news of Mr.Hasaba’s murder. He was found face up in his living room with a singular bullet lodged in between his eyes. It hadn't taken long for the authorities to lock in on Suguru. What are the odds that one man dies and another disappears in the same county at the same time? What are the odds that they attend the same church? What are the odds that the families would be intertwined and blended by way of two vulnerable little girls? It was obvious.
“The girls…” You struggle to find your words. This was the biggest part for you “What happened to them? What was your plan?”.
“I had them in the car before I ever pulled my handgun out. They were watching a movie on my phone with headphones in. Y/n, I know what people must think but you have to believe me, I would never hurt them.” His voice becomes rushed and hurried at the end, crackling on the edges and you can't help but scoot closer, holding your hands out for him to take. He does, and you give him a pointed look.
“I know. I believe you.”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment and then reopening before he continues.
“Satoru has this Aunt that lives upstate. She's middle aged, super rich, and has always wanted kids but can't have them. Uterine cancer took that away from her in her twenties. I always thought she'd be a great mom so I-”
You nod, understanding, your body sagging as you feel more weight than you knew you’d been carrying falling off your shoulders as he tells you about his plan to get the girls to her. He’d been apprehended about an hour out, but he'd begged the officers to call her.
“I told them I’d take whatever punishment they gave me without a fuss if they'd just get the girls to her. Life in prison, death row, whatever. The officers told me that wasn't for them to decide but they called her anyway and she was there within the hour filing an emergency protective order.”
He smiles a little “She’d never met them, y'know? But she heard there were kids that needed her and immediately rushed to get them. That's exactly what the girls needed, that type of love.”.
Apparently, the system smiles fondly at those who take down child abusers. Or at least, in his case they did. The D.A. had thrown out a hell of a plea deal in record timing after reading over his case.
“I still had to go to court for sentencing though. I think it helped that the girls were there. They were technically classified as 'victims’ but they got so excited to see me that Satoru's aunt had to take them out of the courtroom before anything had even started. They were yelling at me, yelling that they wanted to sit with me. I think the judge was a little amused.”
You squeeze his hands, smiling up at him through misty eyes.
“Don't look at me like that,” He breathes, his eyes soft “I’m not a hero, y/n. What I did was awful-”.
“I know. But you're not a monster either. I was so scared that…” You trail off and shake your head, not sure of what you're denying.
“It's okay,” He reassures with a placating smile “I get it.”.
“You don't, though.” You tell him, watching as his face contorts in confusion “Do you remember the first time you told me you loved me?”.
He nods “In my dorm.”.
“Right. Do you remember what I said?” You're slowly inching forward, crawling into his lap.
“You asked me if I loved you, like you couldn't believe it.”
You hum the affirmative, settling yourself on his thighs “And you told me you did. Unconditionally.”.
He nods, obviously still confused, and you let go of his hands to run your fingers along his jawline, noticing the way his cheeks flared red beneath your proximity.
“Whether or not you meant to, you set a precedent for me. Unconditional love is all I’ve ever known with you, Suguru. I was scared that if I came up here today and found every rumor to be true that I’d still love you… because I would. I’m glad that doesn't have to be the case.”
His lips meet yours, hesitantly at first, his hands carefully cupping the sides of your face and his thumbs swiping at the skin there, almost petting you in a way. His tongue pokes past his lips, just slightly, swiping against your lips deliberately. You're happy to part your lips for him, whimpering as he swirls his tongue with yours and washes you in the familiar taste. The wet sound and a pitiful handful of whines from somewhere deep in your chest fill the once stale and silent space as he guides you down and backward until your spine is flush with the mattress, one hand moving to cradle your head like you were breakable, like you falling against even something as soft as the plush of his bed without his protective grip may shatter you.
He pulls his lips from yours and hovers over you, planting both hands on the comforter on either side of your head, his hair tumbling down around you like a veil, until all you can really see is an obsidian void and him, him, him. His lips are pursed, eyebrows furrowing as he inhales slowly and his eyes flutter shut.
“I’m sorry, you didn't come here for this. I lost control, I-”
“Suguru Geto.” You reach up and let your fingers dance along his devastating jawline until you're gripping his chin between your pointer and your thumb. He opens his eyes slowly. You always thought he looked a little fox-like, his features pointed and sly, yet so soft on the edges. Gorgeous. He was always so god damn gorgeous.
“I don't believe in god. I can’t anymore. But every fucking night I’ve prayed for you. Just in case.”
His eyes flick across your features, some combination of reverence mixing with guilt painting his features.
“I’m sor-”
You cut him off again, this time by taking your fingers and sliding between his parted lips, pressing against his tongue to silence him. His eyebrows widen in shock at your dauntlessness.
“No. No more apologies. What I’m trying to tell you is that I love you, Suguru. If you want to apologize, fuck me like you're sorry.”
His eyes darken as you speak and he swirls his tongue around your fingers before sliding his mouth off of them with a wet popping noise, reaching up to grab your wrists and pin them on either side of your head, laying flush against your body as he dips into the soft curve of your neck, slurping and lapping at the skin there like all he ever wanted was to taste you.
“Since when did you get bossy?” He questions between kisses, a hiss pushing through his teeth when you grind down on his thigh “I’m not gonna lie, I kind of like it-”.
His teeth sink into your flesh and you rock harder against him, whining pathetically as he dips his head lower, letting go of your wrists only to rid you of your shirt and yank your bra down, not bothering with taking it completely off before he's got his mouth wrapped around one nipple, lapping in fat motions back and forth across your areola while one hand gropes your free breast, his thumb swiping back and forth over your stiffening nipple.
You curse and keen, writhing beneath him as he teased, relishing in his expert conduction of your body as he alternates between your breasts, sucking on your sensitive nipples and looking up at you with blown out pupils, drinking in the way your face contorts when he gets it just right. It isn't until your entire chest is damp with his saliva that you grip his hair, pushing on him and urging him downwards.
He chuckles but doesn't move, smirking up at you with sparks in his eyes “Use your words.”.
You pout, huffing dramatically “That's not very apologetic behavior, Sugu.”.
“How can I apologize appropriately when I don't know what it is you're asking for?” He coos, his grin carrying a wicked edge.
“You’re impossible, I’ll do it myself.” You push him back from you and he cocks a singular eyebrow as he watches you wiggle around and rid yourself of your remaining clothing, re-settling on his bed with your legs parted, your pussy practically dripping down your ass and onto his sheets. You realize as you trace over his still and captivated expression that you weren’t the only one that no longer knew the other. Just as you’d spent years apart from him, he’d spent years apart from you. You are different now. Older, wiser, more bold, less likely to take his shit.
You trace your body with your hand until the pads of your fingertips slip through your folds and make contact with your clit, your movements slow and deliberate, for now. Suguru’s eyes trace your every movement as he stands on the side of the bed and begins to shed his own clothing.
“Who’d you shave for this time?” He asks, the sound muffled as his shirt slides up over his chiseled frame and then his head.
“Why? Jealous?” You tease, and he scoffs incredulously as he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down and shedding them one leg at a time, taking a little longer on the leg that has the ankle monitor.
You move your fingers a little faster as you shamelessly reach out your free hand to palm him through his boxers, a moan escaping your lips as you begin to feel the pleasure of your own hand.
He grunts and tosses his head back, shamelessly thrusting against your hand “What if I am?”.
“Then you’d be dumb,” You fight to keep your tone even and confident “because I did it for you.”.
“Fuck.” He spits, seemingly losing all patience as he lunges down and flips your body until your front is flush against the mattress, your legs dangling off the edge and your toes barely touching the floor “Are you serious? Tell me you’re serious, y/n. You knew you were going to fuck me today?”.
“I didn't know, exactly- shit!” Your hips buck involuntarily as his hand slips between your thighs to roll your clit between his fingers, hard and slow “B-but there was a part of me that- nngh!- hoped-”.
That seems to be something akin to the answer he wanted, because he straight up moans into your shoulder blades before slathering the area in sloppy kisses, trailing down your spine with fervor.
“You’re mine, you hear me?” It's a question but you can't formulate a response, not when two of his fingers are slipping inside of you, stretching you out so deliciously “From here on out, I’m gonna be the best fucking husband you could ever ask for. You'll want for nothing. Just say it, tell me you belong to me, y/n.”.
“Husband?!” You half question half squeak, but he ignores you, only curling his fingers inside you with precision, hitting that gummy spot you could never reach with your own fingers that had you burying your face in the comforter to muffle your moans.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you almost protest but then he's on his knees, burying his face into your cunt from behind and causing you to nearly scream into the mattress. You give his college days credit for how fucking good he is at giving head, his thumbs spreading your lips wide so he can trace around your clit with precision, tracing figure eights around the sensitive nub before flattening his tongue and sliding one slow and wide stripe through your entrance. You expect him to stop there but he doesn’t, continuing his trail across your other hole and all the way along the crack of your ass.
“Suguru!” You're unsure if you're reprimanding him or crying out for more, and when you throw a glance over your shoulder he simply keeps his gaze locked on yours as he sinks his teeth into the soft flesh of your asscheek, causing you to yelp.
“Say it.” He tells you, his hand moving to toy with your clit.
“Say what?” You know what. You just wanna see how far he'll take this.
He tsks disapprovingly, his free hand moving to push two fingers into you again, curling in time with the stars he was drawing in your clit “I can do this all day, you beautiful little brat.”.
Your mouth falls open in a silent moan, your eyes scrunching shut as he adds a third finger, the stretch making you see stars. The flame that had been on a low simmer in your gut was now a roaring fire, flames lapping at every inch of your exposed skin with every well timed movement. It wouldn't be long before you fell apart on his fingers and you knew it.
Apparently, he did too, because he slows his movements to a torturous pace, chuckling as you attempt to shove yourself backwards onto his fingers as he pulls them back in time with your movements, seemingly amused with the way you’re squealing his name in frustration. It’s not enough, and too much. It’s so mean, and yet you can’t imagine yourself going a day without it ever again. You can’t imagine yourself going a day without him ever again.
“Make me cum, please-” You beg, and he hums condescendingly.
“You know I’d love to, doll but unfortunately I’m still waiting on those magic words.” He sighs dramatically and picks up the pace again, waiting patiently for your walls to start spasming around his digits again before returning to the same daunting pace.
“Oh my god!” You groan in frustration, slamming your face down into the mattress like a petulant child, one fist meeting the space beside your head in a shaky dejected punch.
“It’s actually ‘Suguru’, thanks.” He quips, and you’ve officially had enough.
You scramble forward until he’s pulling out and off of you with a slick lewd sound, and then flipping around to face him, all but climbing his body like a tree before twisting ever lock of hair you can find in one fist, yanking him down to eye level with you and using your unoccupied hand to shove your finger in his face with a exasperated pout.
“You, sir, are supposed to be groveling.” You remind him, and he smiles genuinely, with his whole face, his eyes scrunching into crescent moons and the white of his canines shining through plush and soiled lips. You have the same realization you had at sixteen; he’s so beautiful. Even now, even after everything.
…And then his tongue darts out and swipes a stripe up your pointed finger, and you cry out in protest and yank him back a little by the hair that was still gathered in your fist like he hadn’t just licked your literal genitalia, and he laughs the same way he did when you were kids, and your heart explodes in your chest.
“Is that what it takes?” He asks, his words coming out a little breathless, accompanied by a small chuckle “If it’ll get you to tell me you’re mine, I’ll grovel.”.
You roll your eyes, but he's undeterred as he reaches back and grabs your wrist, squeezing lightly to signal for you to loosen your fingers. You do, and he pulls your wrist to his lips, kissing languidly in gentle motions up your arm until hes reached your jawline, murmuring against your skin as he does so.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I never ever wanted to leave you. I love you, please. I love you, I’m so sorry.” His lips tickle against your skin, and he remedies it with kitten licks that have goosebumps erupting from your skin and heat pooling in your core.
His lips find yours and you feel yourself swelling with emotion as he speaks between sloppy wet smacks of your lips.
“M’ gonna get my shit together.” He promises “Gonna give you everything you want and then some. Doesn't matter if that's a camper that we drive around the country or a big house with a picket fence and a couple kids. I'll spend my life worshiping you, y/n. It's all I know how to do.”.
“Okayokayokay-!” You concede as you push yourself backwards as far as possible “I give up, I’m yours. Shut up and fuck me before you make me cry again.”.
He giggles and it sounds the mid-notes on a piano. Comforting, familiar “Since when are you afraid to cry in front of me? That's kind of our whole thing; crying.”.
“I’m not afraid, Suguru.” You scoff “I'm just sick of crying. I don't want to anymore.”.
You dip your hand into his boxers, taking his weight into your hand, causing him to hiss directly into your open mouth in response. You hadn't realized just how much you were affecting him, but the head of his cock is already slathered in precum, making it easy to stroke him in the way you know he likes, applying more pressure at the head and a little less at the base, pausing occasionally to press your thumb in circles across his slit, needy whines escaping your lips every time he blesses you with another drop of wetness, every time his cock twitches in your grasp.
“Shit, slow down-” He gasps, but grunts as he fucks into your closed fist regardless, like he can't help himself.
“Awh, Sugu, gonna come from a two minute handjob? Who are you?” You tease, and he can't even bother to giggle along with you, his brow furrowed in concentration and his lips parted in pleasure as he reaches down to push his boxers down to his thighs so he can watch you work his body, a needy, uncharacteristically high pitched keen escaping him at the scene below. You don't fail to notice the way a ridiculous amount of precum dribbles from his cock onto the soft skin of your stomach the minute he takes in the sight.
“A man who's thought about this every night for the past four yea-”
You pick up pace, causing him to cut himself short with a moan. Smirking, your free hand moves to gather the precum splattered across your abdomen, gathering the salty liquid with your index and pointer, grinning maniacally as he follows your fingers all the way to your mouth with wide, almost devastated eyes. You lick them clean, providing him with an overly dramatic whimper as you swallow, and his whole body tenses.
He snatches your wrists with force, pinning them above your head as he gasps for air and swallows thickly, his lips pursed together and his eyes scrunched shut as he wills himself not to cum, his dick spasming against your belly.
“No.” He says it in the same manner that one would use when correcting a mischievous dog, and now it’s your turn to giggle at him.
“Y/n, I am going to fuck you until you forget I was ever gone. I’m telling you. You've really done it now. Whatever happens next is your own fault.”
The words have you leaking, your cunt clenching around nothing.
“God. Fucking. Dammit.”
He all but tosses you up towards the headboard, rising briefly to shed his boxers before he kneeling between your parted knees, licking his lips hungrily and taking in a shaky breath as he grips to his last string of self control.
“You on birth control? Say yes.” His voice is distant; far away and fucked-out.
You confirm, but barely get the words out before he's flipped you into your stomach, pushing you practically flat against the mattress with his hands on the small of your back, using one of his knees to part your legs as far as they’ll go. It almost hurts, but before you can complain he’s pushing into you, a needy groan escaping his lips as you suck him in inch by inch, panting like he’d just run a marathon.
“Easy, easy, Suguru, please-” You beg, and his thumbs rub apologetic circles into your back.
“Sorry love, I'll be gentle.” He huffs, desperate “You just feel so good. Better than I remember. Tell me when you're ready, yeah? We're about halfway there.”.
Halfway? What the fuck do you mean halfway!?
…Is what you intend to say, but it comes out as a muffled jumbled mess as you do your best to accommodate him. You throw a glance over your shoulder just in time to see him gather a large wad of spit in his mouth and allow it to drain from his lips onto the place where your bodies meet. Your pussy clenches around him as his spit slides down the crack of your ass and flows over his cock, dripping down beneath the two of you onto the bed below.
“Like that, huh? You’re a freak, baby.” His grin is absolutely demonic.
You rock yourself back on him in response, effectively wiping that egotistical look off his face with one buck of your hips. He begins thrusting, shallowly at first, and then quicker, deeper, until he’s pounding into you with force.
Every thrust has you crying out into the mattress, mewling as he slides against your g-spot over and over, pushing down on your spine to angle you just right, and you silently thank god that he knows you so well. His slightly obsessive tendencies were more useful in some areas than others. You remembered the first time he fucked you, his eyes analyzing your body with surgical precision, mentally mapping every sweet spot in academic detail, committing you to memory and since then he seemed to know exactly how to use you to his satisfaction. You knew him well enough to know that nothing got him off quite like knowing he could get you off harder, faster, better than anyone else. Better than yourself, even.
He groans, allowing his head to fall forward until his forehead rests between your shoulder blades, sweat mixing between the two of you as he slows temporarily, rolling his hips rather than thrusting, leveraging his cock inside you and grinding down against your walls, the pleasure rolling over you in one never ending wave instead of repeated splashes.
“Fuck, Suguru-!” You keen, gripping at the sheets for some sort of purchase “Please, please, I wanna watch-”.
You slap at his forearm to signal him to let you move and he does, pulling out of you and watching with a fucked-out gaze as you settle on your back underneath him, moving to lock your legs behind his waist as he settles between your thighs and reaches down to guide himself back in with a hiss.
His thrusts are slow and methodical as he presses his lips to yours, swirling your tongue with his and allowing you to capture the wet muscle between your lips and suck, earning yourself a groan and a change in pace, lust overtaking his determination not to bust. He reaches down with one hand to rub the most delectable circles on your clit, whining and whimpering as you clench around him in response, the pressure in your stomach building at an exponential rate.
“I swear to god, it's like I can't get close enough.” You can't tell if he's blathering to you or himself but he reaches down and grabs the underside of your knees, throwing your legs over his shoulders and fucking into you impossibly deeper until you're certain he's bruising something inside of you. The pain mixing with the pleasure has you teetering on the edge of euphoria, your whole body tensing as tears pool in your eyes and you yelp with every thrust, trying to formulate words even though he's effectively smoothed over every ridge in your brain. All that's left is him and how good his cock feels reshaping your body from the inside out.
“I, I’m-” You attempt to announce your impending orgasm but no words come out, only an illegible mess of jumbled stuttered moans.
His hand slides down between your bodies to toy with your clit again “Please, baby, please cum for me, I can't hold out much longer. Not when you look like that.”.
The sound of him begging for you is the final nail in the coffin, your whole body spasming in an explosion of pleasure as you cum on his cock, damn near screaming his name, curling inward and gripping at his hair with desperation as he only pounds you harder.
“F-fuck, fuck, baby- yes. Holy fuck you're incredible. All mine. You're mine.” He's a blubbering mess above you as he blatantly chases his own high, his breath labored with effort, his eyes wide and drinking in your expression as you fall into the territory of overstimulation from the continual force. Your legs tremble against him, every thrust making you jerk and twitch beneath him.
“S-say it baby, fuck. Tell me who you belong to.”
“You, Suguru! I’m yours, please-!”
His orgasm hits him so fast it almost shocks him, his whole body stilling as his dick spasms inside you, painting your walls with an obscene amount of cum.
His muscles relax as he rests his forehead against yours, trying desperately to remember how to breathe. You tap at his shoulder and he mumbles an apology, helping you to pull down one leg at a time.
He pulls out and flops down beside you on his back, comfortable silence overtaking the familiar room, nothing but the sound of your breathing slowly evening out echoing off the walls.
You turn your head to look at him and he’s already staring at you, smiling gently.
“Hey.” He whispers cheekily, like an awkward teenager as he reaches over to brush locks of sweat dampened hair away from your forehead.
“Hi.” You respond in the same tone, grabbing his hand and bringing his knuckles to your lips, pressing kisses to each one.
“I think your parents wanted me to come up here and convince you that God was real.” You tell him, and he laughs, bringing his hands up to cover his face in embarrassment. You giggles meld with his, adding “I think I got a little distracted.”
“A little?” He questions through the laughter, and you nod.
“I mean, I think I saw him there for a second if that counts for anything-”
“Oh my god, you're so dramatic!” You playfully slap at his bicep and he catches your wrist, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I love you.” He murmurs, pressing kisses into your hair, inhaling your scent like he couldn't get enough.
“Unconditionally?” You ask.
“Unconditionally.” He confirms.
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Hey thank you for the links! They are working. Werewolf Sykes is sooo cool. And, I love dark fic so I thought the drabble was awesome. Pulling a gun on his s/o? Yeah. He would. His gentle, quiet, dangerous voice...👌👌
I had a dark thought, too. Warning for dub-con. If your family happened to owe Sykes a debt...imagine him demanding you as part of his payment. Promising them that the amount they owe will be reduced if they hand you over. He'll say you'll be working for him, helping with accounting and bookkeeping, that your services will take some of the weight off his shoulders...they can't see any other option but to accept.
He walks to you to his car, whispering silkily into your ear not to worry, all your needs will be taken care of. One of his big, warm hands on the small of your back as you climb into the back seat. Just a hint of a threat in his voice and his imposing size sending a shiver through you. You soon find out that the services he mentioned aren't exactly what you were expecting ;)
That's it. 😁 You must have some Toon Patrol asks then. 😁 I like the Weasels too, Wheezy being my fav. What else do you have asks for? It's ok if you don't want to share- I am just very curious. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here!
This. This, this, this!!! There's nothing to add, its just- Ughhh, good stuff 👌 XD
Accounting 😏 and Book Keeping 🥰 I see.
And- yes!! I have lots of Toon Patrol asks! ^^ There is some other stuff sprinkled in as well though. Ooh you like Wheezy?? Sameeee XD He is so chill and in control 😏 While also being an unpredictable addict, which is very interesting XD
Here's the list!: (Apart from the OC stuff, the audience for which is basically @marinerainbow and I XD )
Doc and Sheriff from Cars x Reader x Chick Hicks. I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED TO WRITE THIS. I NEED TO SIT MY ASS DOWN AND ENJOY IT, I DUNNO WHY I KEEP PUSHING IT BACK!! @marinerainbow g i f t e d this ask to me, suggesting a reader who's so flirty with Doc and the Sheriff, because she likes them so much <3<3 , but who's getting nowhere with them because she's younger and they're gentlemen who would never 'take advantage' of her- when Chick comes into the picture and starts coming onto reader (He has no problem with the age gap 😅🤣). And she kinda has a moment, like... well, I'm not getting anywhere with the men I w a n t- so I might as well give this guy, who actually w a n t s m e, a chance! Right?? And then suddenly Doc and Sheriff are jealous XD
Another of her gift asks to me as a Professor fucking Callahan one where he treats Student!Menstruating!Reader better then all the other students XDD I c a n n o t believe I haven't written this yet. I guess I just feel guilty writing so much Cal (and Jim and Cruella and Otis- my f/os) 😅😅 The audience is real niche for them 😅😅😅
Horror Villains sorted by Love Language
A few Spotify Wrapped Prompts I still havent done 😅😰 (Maleficent, Psycho Weasel, Greasy Weasel, Inkubus, Clayton, and the Horned King).
Rufus Firefly thoughts! x2
@marinerainbow 's Slasher!Toon Patrol AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x2
Lady Tremaine and Madame Medusa thinking about reader while they're... self caring~ 😏 XD
Which Disney Villains would be up for a threesome with reader?? And with w h i c h other Disney Villains would they be happy to do it with? 😏😏😏
Ex!Freddy Krueger x Reader who's with someone else now but cant stop thinking about him. (God fucking damn him, right?? XD ) I actually have written this, but I made it r e a l self indulgent and the other guys is d e f i n e t l y Jim Bickerman (I mean- I didn't use his name- But I alluded to it XD Reader kinda goes 'J- ' and stops just in time XD ). So i have to rewrite it and make it a bit more ambiguous XD
Pervy Villains (Beetlejuice, Chucky, Freddy, Greasy, Hades (or Jafar. I'm thinking of swapping them), and Offenderman) reacting to noticing reader having a wet dream ~~~
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milky-oatmeal18 · 2 years
tell me all of ur invader zim headcanons or like aus or whatever u NEED to talk more
i do have an au i am working on, though i think ill make a separate post for that, right now ill just talk about headcanons!!
disclaimer that u dont have to agree with any of my headcanons, this is just how i see them personally, and there are times when i draw them older, but that's only really for aus or something
also, giving young kids sexualities isnt sexualizing, kids can know when they like boys or girls more, or both! <3
dib is about 14 when i draw him (probably like 13 and 9 months old, still a baba)
5'0 in height
he is autistic! his hyper-fixations are aliens, and cryptids in general, i would like to think he also fixates on technology, and building things
the headphones i draw him in are sensory headphones! theyre just noise cancelling but they help him a lot!
he is trans FtM, but since hes young hes just on hormone blockers and practices deep voices and stuff, which is why his voice is still high, but still masc (he/him)
in the show i know he does hack into things, but i like to think he also programs a lot! he makes a lot of stuff for his own use, like for his computer he made a program that helps him keep all his personal info on zim, it has a password and everything so no one tries stealing anything
he has anger issues, not major ones, but he does get mad a lot and easily, he usually calms down by napping or watching supernatural documentaries
he draws a lot more than you think! i know theres silly doodles across his room, but i like to think he has a binder full of all his drawings that arent on his walls or anything, hes a weird kid, so hed probably draw like zims gut anatomy or something
he tries playing the guitar, hes not the worst at it, he just cant play a full song without messing up at least once
he has paranoia, its hard for him to sleep usually, so that's why he's almost always tired, when he cant sleep he stays up trying to find more stuff on zim!
he prefers tea over coffee! while he does love coffee, i like to think he drinks tea more cause of prof membrane, and he doesn't complain about it, his favorite tea is black tea!
i like to think that he knows he's not straight but just doesn't know what he is, he says omni whenever someone asks, but he doesn't really know
he loves, and i mean LOVES gir so much that he gets kinda upset that he cant have his own sir(?) unit, i mean who doesnt
his briefcase is actually a case for his laptop that he just uses as a briefcase at times, sometimes his laptop is in there sometimes its not, depending on what he's set out to do
when i draw zim, i personally see him around the age 14-15 (14 and 9 months at least) still a baba
4'11 in height
zim has adhd, though on irk its just seen as him having trouble in a lot of things, or just as a defect, it doesn't bring him down though!
though zim is young, he did go through invader training because of how irkens are made just to be weapons and/or invaders
he used to be a scientist for the irken empire, but quickly got excluded from being one due to messing around and messing up a lot of valuable equipment, the turtle neck was kept from being a scientist as a kind of punishment to "remember what he did" but he just thinks it looks cool
he was never given limb enhancers like the other invaders cause he isn't a real invader, so he thought hed make his own cause he though maybe they just forgot to give him some, it does have a bit more advances than the regular invader one, since they're not allowed to enhance or add onto their enhancers without given permission
zim cant eat many earth foods, but he also cant eat many irk foods, , not cause of allergies, but because of his sensory issues, its hard for him to eat in general (his safe food is waffles!!)
irkens dont have genders, mainly prefered pronouns in which zims are he/it
he made his own hearing aid cause of how much it was pushed off on irk, no one really believed that irkens can be born with defects like that unless their antennas are damaged (only his right antenna is mostly deaf)
he sees gir as his little brother more than he sees him as a sir unit, he doesn't know the term brother, but knows he cares more about gir than anything else even if he finds him annoying
he forgets things, a LOT, in the comic i think its funny how fast he forgets things or pushes things aside, but i like to think he just, actually forgets that fast, even if he tries to remember it
like dib, he doesnt really know his sexuality, mostly cause of how irkens don't have genders, or don't really have the concept of genders in their head, so he just also thinks he's omni, with a masc pref
i like to think he has more of a over bite, but when he's not paying attention he sometimes puts his bottom row of teeth over his lips, just as a little fidget, or just does it while biting the skin off his lips (if irkens have lips?? idk probably not visible ones)
he is still growing, height wise, but when he's older his hight wont be the tallest, probably a few inches or so
gaz is 11 and a half (11 and 6 months) she is also, a baba
5'0 in height, suck it zim
she has adhd as well, fixated on games and pigs
her safe food is pizza!! she loves eating it with her dad and dib, they just like being able to spend time with all of them even if she messes with dib a lot
she likes cryptids to a degree, also isn't as obsessed as dib is, just thinks that only SOMETIMES they're interesting
she tells dibs to make hacks for her in games, and even tells him to make games or addons for games, she usually plays the games dib makes for like a day and then never again
along with the guitar, she can play the drums! she likes playing them while dibs trying to sleep or nap
she is a lesbian and a demigirl! (she/they)
they have a lot of stuff for stress reliving in her room, like a punching bag and a LOT of pillows to punch, she sometimes puts a picture of dibs face on the punching bag, but its not as good as the real thing
she doesnt hate dib, she wont mind if he holds her hand while they walked home or hugged her from time to time, she just likes tormenting him cause its funny
she prefers coffee over tea, which is why they have coffee at their house, she prefers it over tea but would still drink tea if they had some, plus prof membrane basically makes them drink it at times, she prefers her coffee black, but wont mind it being super sweet either
the necklace that her dad gave her actually has a tracker in it incase she ever gets lost, they never get lost cause they're mostly at home, but just incase
she thinks zim is interesting, they think its interesting how he is and how it even got to earth, but she cant be bothered to find out, all she knows is that he's annoying
gaz is sort of blind, they have hyperopia (far-sighted) she does have glasses but only uses them if they really need to, she doesnt wanna look like a nerd like dib
she usually cuts her hair by themself, mostly cause of how when they go get it cut they usually give her a bob instead of what they wanted
probably prefers punk, goth, and emo over scene, but still admires others who can pull it off
has a little case for their game slave! its like a little bag, shes always sure to have it on themself so shes never bored
gir has no real age mostly cause of how hes a robot, but i like to think theyre always seen as a child, 8 years old to be exact
gir is autistic coded!
3'5 in height
they have no gender as well, obviously, but do have "preferred" pronouns (it usually gets called by it/they/he)
he really does care about zim and his mission, it just has a lot of trouble focusing on it, or functioning right, since theyre literally made of garbage
his sir unit build is the same as mimis (taks sir), but just defected with misprints and messed up parts, thats why he has prints in the same place as mimi, just messed up
adding onto that, he doesnt have the same big arm as mimi on his left, both his arms are from the builds that regular invaders have
a lot of his parts float, his arms can still extend and move freely, its just that they float , there is a sertain extent where if they go too far they just detach or recoil back to the body, they only detach if zim needs to fix anything on gir
a lot of his body can be detached, almost every single part, he can either still be sentient while they do, or be turned off
zim actually made girs disguise, like handmade, so it has different shades of green scattered around on it, its obviously fake, but people fall for it
the blue color on him changes depending on how he feels, usually its just other shades of blue (ex. dark blue for sad, bright blue for happy/excited, a little duller blue for neutral, you get it) , but when he actually takes orders is when he turns a different color (red)
a lot of the foods he eats can actually turn into fuel for him, depends on what it is, if its chips, soda, slushies, donuts, or any foods that would be on irk as well, will most likely be transferred into energy for him, if its foods like pizza, tacos, or just anything thats specific to earth, it will most likely get jammed into his system, to where zim has to clean almost all the time
a lot of his system is messed up, but zim fixed it up a bit, he doesnt know what causes gir to be crazy and silly and just the way he is, but he feels like it wont feel right if gir was just a normal sir unit
ill probably come back to this to add or fix some stuff if i ever feel the need to, but for now these are all the headcanons i have for them!! these are either adding onto or just new ones that werent on the refs i made for them, so yeah!! again this is just how i see them, you dont have to agree or anything
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panther-os · 7 months
Okay okay so here are questions for your bastard children au.
1. How does Ghost find out that Cam is a half brother? How did that conversation go? What did Cam react to realizing Simon Riley isn't dead and actually a scary mf in the 141? And how did Simon react to learning that his basterd father was more of a basterd than he thought?
2. Will the other siblings learn about Giles = Simon? Or is it a secret between Cam and Simon? I cant imagine it would be safe to tell all these people he barely knows. But also, they are family...
Probably more questions to come, but these are the main ones for now 💕💕
So there are several ways I'm playing with the reveal going! But basically it boils down to Cam is not ashamed of Simon, he is proudly open about who his older brother is and what he means to him. He doesn't go around announcing it, but when talking about why they wanted to join the military, he just very clearly goes "My older brother, Simon Riley, was in the service, and I want to be like him and make him proud of me. Yes, that Simon Riley, no, I don't think he's guilty. I never met him, but everyone said he was sweet, if grim, and he was very protective of his family, even and especially after he came back on leave. I don't believe he could've done it - killed the American? yes. killed his brother and mother and baby nephew? absolutely not."
Cam also talks to "Simon" out loud sometimes. Like a mission will go well, and he'll sigh and look up at the sky or into thin air and go "We did it, Simon. We made it through." (And Ghost will nearly break his own neck doing a double take if they were paired together for it.)
Cam is just glad Simon's alive and glad that he and all the other siblings were right and he was innocent. Though, he is a little sad he can't tell the others, especially Jambo. I forgot to say in the last ask, but Jambo is a computer nerd obsessed with proving Simon's innocence. He has maybe gotten in trouble for hacking government records (mostly because he's bad at it). Not even he thinks Simon's still alive, though.
Ghost is scared as fuck for Cam and the others. He's lost all his family before, he's almost certain it'll happen again. Cam gets in his face about it when the avoidance gets extreme though and is like "I chose this life, too. You only get to dictate the risks I take in my professional life, as my mentor and superior officer, not in my personal life as my brother. We are both adults." After that, things get smoother, and he agrees to be added to the groupchat with the best cyber security Laswell can set up on his end.
As far as learning about his half-siblings' existence... he's disappointed in his dad but not surprised. Or surprised that his dad is a disappointment. 🤷‍♀️
Keegan for sure finds out eventually, when the Ghosts and 141 finally team up. I think the others will start to suspect after a while, but they're not saying nothing. If Giles is Simon, they don't want to get him in trouble with the authorities, and if he's not, they don't want to upset him by treating him like someone he's not. So they all know but they're not talking and they don't Know. Not even Jambo. And this is 100% to keep them safe, Cam and Keegan and Simon all chose to enlist, the others did not. And Kitty is roughly the same age Joseph was when he died, which makes the feelings More Complicated for Simon. He got PTSD up the wazoo.
One thing that is related to it being family, though, is that Ghost's maternal grandmother - his Mamó Caoimhe (pronounced sort of like Mamaw Keeva), who he was super close to - is still alive. The Bastard Children in Manchester all take turns checking in on her and bringing her food and giving her company. They've never said they're her son-in-law's offspring, but she definitely suspects. But Ghost cut off all contact with her for the same safety reasons and supposed to be dead reasons after the massacre, and it gives him peace to know she has people looking after her. Specifically, being able to get regular updates on how she's doing without putting her in danger by showing up himself or straight up hiring a stalker - or begging Laswell - does his mental health a world of good.
I think that answered all your questions? 😅 Let me know if I missed any!
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wswe-autism-fic · 1 year
seeing as ive already given my opinions on the entire mario timeline, i may as well do sonic. no, it will not be as in depth. why? because oh my god have you ever tried piecing together the sonic timeline??? dont.
basically, i believe most alternate universes to be canon. and by the way, if its an au i havent enjoyed, im not counting it lmao.
classic games!!!
i like the generations version of things, where the classic games are when they're all younger. i'd say sonic's probably about 12, tails 5, knuckles 13 and amy 11. robotnik can be about mid to late 30s at this point and i cant be bothered with any other characters lmao
and before someone goes 'bit odd that sonic's eye colour changed lmao' ik but like it reminds me of my brother. he had the same colour eyes as me when he was a baby (really dark brown) but now his eyes are hazel (or, as my dad calls it, 'autumn'). i also like how the only reason they specifically chose green was for green hill zone. i think that's really sweet.
i also like to think the OK KO crossover happened about here, if not, very early on in the modern games. maybe sonic underground??? actually, no, i dont think sonic underground could be canon.
modern games!!!
the modern games happen in the order that they happen in. dont ask me about the weird bit. actually, just dont ask at all - nobody knows what to do with this bit. im also counting the idw comics as modern games seeing as they're apparently canon now? yeah idk either.
as for fleetway, archie and any other comics i cant think of, i havent read them, i dont know.
for the ages, generally, sonic's 15, tails 8, all canon ages, yada yada EXCEPT for amy. i dont like amy being 12, so in my head she is 14. i dont even ship sonamy, just the entire thing of her being 12 when sonic is 15 and those two being probably the most canon sonic ship out there that isn't technically canon (STOBOTNIK DOES NOT COUNT JUST IN CASE IN THE FUTURE ITS EVEN MORE EXPLICIT) really makes me feel grossed out.
oh yeah and seeing as he doesnt have a canon age, robotnik is vaguely 40.
post-timeline stuff!!!
this is mostly where actual theory comes into play, because before this point its like, yeah? we knew that? i get that sonic boom is an alternate universe, but i... i like sonic boom. i like it a lot. so it's canon in my eyes. tbf they do all look and act much older, so i'd imagine boom is a future where they're all adults. as of posting this, sticks has only just been made canon, with that mention in frontiers, so if she really does end up in any mainline games, they just happen before this. probably. i dunno, maybe they'll ruin this entire portion.
i think that robotnik is probably late 40s, early 50s by this point, and tbf i think the main cast overall is only rough suggestions, because i could imagine sonic boom happening over the course of a few years. sonic is probably about 19-25, knuckles 19-26, amy 17-24, tails 11-15, and im pretty sure sticks is about knuckles' age canonically? so we'll say she's 19-25.
i get that shadow is 50 and whatnot, probably about 55-60 at this point, but i generally think he's like, a few months older than sonic if we're going based on why we count age (experience and stuff), so probably 19-26, like knuckles.
this is where i think most crossovers take place: mario & sonic, all the weird sega sports games from the late 2000s to mid 2010s (im looking at you, sega all stars tennis/sonic and sega all stars racing (but specifically for the wii (because thats the best version))), stuff like that. with the mario timeline, i said most crossovers aren't canon, but with sonic, anything is possible! because of that, the only crossover than comes to mind that definitely wouldn't be canon is smash, and thats because smash is canonically a kid playing with their toys.
the bit where i lose my mind (aGAIN OMG THIS HAPPENED WITH MARIO)!!!
anyway, this is the bit that couldnt possibly be canon. or hell, maybe it could, the sonic lore is never logical. basically, if you havent read the mario theory, i ended up linking it to undertale, saying that undertale is basically the future of mario, at least for my favourite characters, wario and waluigi. this is like that.
hear me out:
my hero academia?
i'm sorry, but i cant help but think mha is like sonic now. its definitely more of a stretch than undertale and mario, so this one i count as being less reliable, but like... yk how shadow in every tv show has to beat tails to a pulp? shadow is bakugo and tails is deku. as for rouge, rouge is transmasc legend, kirishima. idk who omega is, but tbf he doesnt have a life, so maybe thats why.
and sonic is like all might! and knuckles is like kirishima again! but knuckles can also be iida, if he likes! and amy is uraraka! and i need therapy!
sorry. again. im very sorry. i formally apologise. i could never make this up to you. sorry.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
,, butcher is about to be evil and horny and its all directed at stone. i dont think i can stop him if i wanted to
also like. uh. he's roughly the same age as stone, maybe just a few months older, but he's 35 i think? if i recall, i did say dominics 35 somewhere... so. yeah.
i dont know if that warrants the daddy treatment but i think it'd be funny if it still did (BUT originally, before dominic was a thing, he was a solid 50 or so. but. if i made dominic 50 it'd make everything else REALLY weird)
i have a disgusting image in my head of him calling stone kitten (which sylvester both cringes at and laughs at cuz. well. at least that stayed consistent) or literally any other slightly possessive sounding name he can think of. he's fond of doll/dollface
theres also a visceral reaction to him being daddy'd, which really does result in degradation. "oh? already thinking of me as the replacement, arent you? how utterly disgusting. i adore it, dollface, really, i do.. but keep that up and my collar will end up around *your* pretty little throat"
,, yeah i dont think calling him daddy is a good choice. esp in the context of the post-bharat ranch au. but besides that,, he loves being sir'd too and powerplay in general. sigh. hitting him over the head with a comically oversized hammer for that
as much as i hate to admit it too, hes a tried and tested domtop and i cant do anything about it. hes hissing at me just at the consideration of changing that. fucking ass smh
anyways. local kinky bastard is now rubbing his grubby little claws. someone send away the girls ffs. im sorry for dumping this here, hes just clawing at my brain, desperate to get out
funnily enough, looking at this ask, you really wouldnt believe that 99% of what i think about relating to him is surprisingly wholesome. hes just a freak in the sheets. oh and hes cis/amab. so. ahem.
Stone wants to be collared, please collar him, Butcher. Butcher can call Stone whatever he likes, he'll be a pretty doll if that's what Butcher wants.
Kali, don't look, someone else is having their fun with Stone in the ranch AU.
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somekndofpeople · 5 months
Fallout Verse Spit-balling
I've mentioned I got that fallout itch since the show dropped and been revisiting the games. So I got to thinking about verses for all my goofs and been jotting ideas and thoughts on notes the last few days. This is what I got so far- ya'll tell me what you think?
Hal- Dear god…The possibilities… On one hand- if he can’t get in a vault ( which I really dot think he'd even try.) he would probably survive if he is far enough from a blast zone. Become semi-ghoulish somehow bc the radiation prolly does damage and kill him a couple times over, but part of his immortality In the death like state is regeneration. Depending on how severe the damage and how long he goes between deaths he could develop scarring and/or a ghoulish appearance. If he did get into a vault for whatever reason (he'd have to be forced.. I really cant see an end of the world scenario where he would take a survival chance from someone)- it would only take a few years before someone surely gets suspicious of him and his lack of aging. God forbid there was an incident, or experimentation, depending on the vault. He dies and comes back and even more crows raise. What if he’s the only survivor of his vault bc of the immortality?
Jack- Is this just modern au Jack but the divergence 50s timeline? Did the whole Wildwest and gods auxiliary but was released from his duty nearing the 1940s- only for the world to go to shit (in his opinion) from there on out? He wouldn't and probably couldn’t vault. He would survive the blasts being immortal entity the way he is. Lone wanderer type material. Maybe a new guiding spirit like how Peder was. People probably think he’s irradiated bc of his eyes and all and he just let them believe that. Probably thinks he was released from his job bc the gods knew the world was going to crap and took the matters out of their own hands.
Peder- Speaking of… Same circumstance as Jack- he’s just more human like? Lone wanderer- maybe a courier work here and there. Definitely returns to being a guiding and protective spirit. Like Hal, he wouldn't take a chance of survival from a mortal.
Joel- A Mamma Murphy type figure, but talking to the dead? Residing in some settlement somewhere? Maybe someone's side showing him in some compacity and taking majority the earnings for themselves?
Raymond- Would be an obnoxious vault dweller- a terrible raider- and a lone wanderer bc no one can stand traveling with him. In all realness, I don't think I'd give him his power in this verse. Just a rough n rowdy dude. He would survive solely on spite and roach like tendencies. He would be resourceful and probably thrive in the environment honestly. Bit of a cling-on if someone were to cross his path and give him the light of day.
KANE- Made for this shit. Made this character for apocalypse plots. I can see him being a raider. But I can also see him being a lone wanderer doing oddball jobs here and there. Vault 111 cryo survivor from concord maybe? Like the idea that he was a mechanic at the red rocket truck stop just outside sanctuary hills. After leaving the vault he makes home base there?
Thats all I got atm- some of my muses I either cant see in this universe or I have to let them bake a lil longer.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
Omg I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were ill. I hope you get some rest. ❤️❤️
Once you're better feel free to answer this or just to leave it. No pressure! Look after yourself first! 🥰
Question: what has it been like creating kendis and kai. I would love to hear more about them and how they were created/came about. I would also love to hear about val. 👀👀
Yes it's kendis simp anon back again. 😌😌
Sorry to keep sending you asks, but Kendis has been rotating in my brain for the past few weeks and it's been giving me brain rot. 😂😭😭
I also wonder who kendis, val and Kai would romance in infamous. And what would they think of each other and the infamous cast if they were to meet. 👀
The way I had such a good response but I lost it. Fuck my phone.
But I am okay anon. Tired, and now HIGHLY frustrated, but okay. Ty. I didn't really tell anyone that I was feeling unwell, so no worries.
So. I'm going to answer your infamous question too and see if I cant answer your first question as well. Might do that in a separate post.
Okay, so first up is Val.
For Val, despite the age gap, I say Seb. My first thought was Seven but they would be too liable together. Though, thinking on it some more I think maybe if they were friends before The Fight and then fell in love after, maybe. I also considered Orion as he does have SOME A tendencies -- stubborn, hard working, srsness. But I feel he might find Val too immature. I feel it might take him longer to see past their childish and awkward exterior. I also I feel as he is their manager Val might work on irritating Orion than they had Adam, who is technically a coworker.
Seb I feel is sensitive enough to both be mindful of Val's temperament and to pick up on their values beyond Acting Like an Immature Trash Gremlin. I feel Seb would make Val laugh. He would be so unexpected, because he looks like Some Straight Edged Guy.
For Kai, again a bit of an age gap, would he August. I read August as someone who has more strength than they give themselves credit. Which can be intriguing. Also they aren't easily bothered or intimidated. They're also quiet and intelligent-- two things that appeal to Kai. I also feel they would introduce each other to different things: August with yhe movies,Kai with the being affectionate with a loved one. Also Kai wouldn't let Augusts parents push him around. He would see value in powerful in laws but yeah. Lmao.
Orion is someone he would pick. I think they would be okay but I feel August is the best bet. My brain also wants to say Vic. But I wanna learn more about her first.
For Mx. Kendis -- Rowan.
Jk. Actually ....
I pondered Orion and Seb but I don't think they would be fully right. Though, I almost went with Sebastian again for this [who would've thought?] BUT I KIIIIIINDA wanna say Valenreign but it would have to be a non-cheating AU. Because Kendis doesn't fuck with that -- unless it was a REALLY bad communication situation ... which could happen [Kendis is REALLY obtuse about 1. Romantic situations -- both on purpose and by nature of being Kendis 2. G is G]. It would be something where they wanted to clown and Kendis was just like fine Just. SEX. But Vic doesn't deserve to be made to suffer because of these two, because she is the one who would fall first.
THOUGH, I would say G would likely admit before Kendis [yeeeeahhh, they're that bad] and I believe in G and Vic supremecy when they're working together. Them tag teaming Kendis into being their third would be great to read! I think G would genuinely drive Kendis up the wall, but they would both enjoy butting heads. But she would say a lot of shit they didn't like to hear. I think at first Kendis would think Victoria is one thing and then realize she is the other and very quickly become obsessed with her. Kendis would stick around for the sex and to meddle and because someone needs to take care of Victoria and then -- BAM.
0 notes
albertdabuttler · 2 years
FaceTime? | F.W.
fandom: Harry Potter
pairings: Fred Weasley x F!Reader
WARNINGS: LOOOOTS of cursing. like so many bad words bro mb. implied smut but no actual smut
summary: !!MODERN AU!! Fred calls you in the middle of the night because he can’t sleep, but you look so pretty and he starts getting a little heated up. Part two will be smutty asf.
WC: 2.8k
A/N:The modern part is that smartphones exist. It’s not necessarily “modern” per se. Hogwarts and the like whole franchise is the same with the same characters and ages but you and Fred are still in school (7th year). And basically this part will be the readers POV but the second will be Fred’s. EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL DORM.
Also, please let me know if I made any mistakes! And duh I’m happy to take requests bcs it motivates me to write more.
Tumblr media
gif by me !! (bro istg the things id let him do and say to me. he literally INSULTS angles. angles have no choice but to submit to him.)
A groan came from the bottom of your lungs as you unclasped your bra and took it off. The best fucking feeling in the world. Such a relief.
Yawning, you looked at the time realizing you stayed up a little too late reading, the clock reading 12:41 AM. As you changed into your pajamas, you set it down, putting it to charge while you walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Long days were your favorite. Well, not the day part, just the night when your muscles relax as you’ve already finished all your work and your head hits the pillow.
Spitting out the leftover toothpaste and water from your mouth, you splashed your face with some cold water, reaching to the face towel to dry it and finally go to your bed.
You let out a content sigh as your body hit the mattress, the cold material of the sheets causing a smile creep onto your face. You were definitely getting the best sleep tonight.
There was a sound as you were already drifting off, but you ignored it, trying to quickly fall into a deep sleep so that nothing could bother you anymore.
Until you heard it again.
Your eyes shot open as you realized it was the buzzing of your phone, you only left notifications on for important people, such as your close friends and family or whatnot.
Unplugging it and pulling it close enough to see, but far enough that the low light wouldn’t burn your eyes, you unlocked it only to see a new notification from your messages.
It was Fred.
F| you awake - 12:53
F| bruh - 12:55
F| wake up i cant sleep - 12:55
F| HEY - 12:56
F| .. please - 12:57
F| please ;( - 12:57
You let out a yawn and typed back
You| what do you want - 12:57
F| for you to wake up - 12:57
You| well im awake now so what - 12:57
F| i cant sleep and im bored as hell - 12:58
You| i know your goofy ass did not just wake me up because you cant fucking fall asleep - 12:58
F| hold on, you mean my goofy and FAT AND LUCIOUS ASS, right? - 12:58
You| im going to beat the fucking shit out of you tmr - 12:58
You| and its luscious* 🥱 - 12:58
You| if you actually fuckinf studied basic english you’d probably know how to spell it, but your goofy - not fat and luscious - ass is too busy setting living human beings on fire - 12:59
F| FUCK YOU - 12:59
F| i prank people i dont hurt them 🙄 - 12:59
F| also you misspelled fucking - 12:59
F| also yeah my ass is fat and luscious and all the girls want it - 12:59
F| you just dont wanna say that bcs then that would mean you’ve actually looked at it and i know you’d absolutely hate to admit that ;)) - 1:00
F| also im not the goofy one here anymore, your silly swan looking ass face wants to fight me - 1:00
F| can you believe that shit 😹 - 1:00
F| you actually wanna fight someone who’s like twice your size, the fuck do you think you are -1:01
You| fred if you dont shut the fuck up and go to bed, im telling your mom you had a girl in your room. - 1:01
F| … okay im sorry :( - 1:01
You left him on seen and put your phone back down, turning around in annoyance to cover yourself up and finally fall asleep.
Letting out a significantly loud groan, you grabbed your phone, ready to tell Fred to “fuck off and suck a dick.”
But your plans changed.
F| hey im really sorry for waking you up and then acting like a douche - 1:03
F| i don’t wanna bother you but do you wanna facetime? - 1:04
F| talking to you is really nice - 1:04
F| thats why i always only text you and no one else, you actually make me feel better - 1:04
F| more at ease ig, enough to help me fall asleep - 1:04
F| come onnnn - 1:04
F| bruh if you dont answer rn im telling cormac you have a big fat crush on him - 1:04
You| fuck you - 1:05
F| i mean… - 1:05
F| if you really want to then i guess i can make an arrangement. - 1:05
Annoyed at his flirtatious mood, you clicked on the FaceTime button and expected him to answer right away but he took a second.
When he picked up, you made an annoyed face at him, him only keeping a straight face but it was enough to make you snort.
You could see him trying to hold back a smile until you made a smolder face and his lips turned upwards into a wide grin.
“You’re so dumb” he said, a small grin still sticking to his face.
“Oh I’m dumb? Says the one who needs his favorite person to fall asleep and can’t spell ‘luscious’.” you scoffed with a chuckle.
“You think you’re my favorite person? Getting cocky are we?” he questioned, his face morphing into that all too familiar competitive smirk.
“Yeah, am I not?” you stated,
His smirk grew wider, more competition in his eyes.
“Yeah, you’re one of my favorites.” he responded.
You chuckled and spoke again, changing the topic before he made you blush.
“What are you doing on Friday? Wanna go to Hogsmead?” you asked.
“Yeah sure, I’ve got a prank to play on Snape so you’ve gotta come with me to that first, you’re my lucky charm.” he said.
“That sounds… Not so platonic, Fred. What are you implying?” you joked.
“Oh, shut up. You know thats not what I meant. You’re just fun to have around.” he scoffed.
“Just fun? You don’t love me?” you made a pouty face at him.
He hesitated for a second.
“…Well when you put it like that…” he said with a silly voice, causing you to throw your head back in laughter. He chuckled.
Laughing for a little bit, you only heard silence from the phone so when your laugh died down, you looked at him. God, you wished you hadn’t.
He had a sweet smile on his face, like he was admiring you. He was on his side with the right side of his face on the pillow squishing it, making him look adorable. Left hand underneath his face, his short orange hair was lightly fanning over his forehead, and it was quite messy, but it made him look… Cute.
His messy hair made him look hot. It always did. You considered yourself one of the luckiest people on the planet for having him be such a close friend of yours. It meant he’d let you touch it.
All the times you’d ruffled it when meeting him in the corridors, all the times you’d play with it while he fell asleep on your lap after studying for so long. (With you, of course. He’d never spend his own time studying.) All the times you just looked at it and admired it and it’s softness, how fluffy it was.
All the times you’d thought about tugging on it while he destroys you from the inside out.
But that would never happen…
So you snapped yourself back into reality and just continued to look at him. He was so beautiful.
So handsome.
You could marry him but you’d melt at the sight of him in a black and white suit for you.
He made your heart sink to your pussy whenever he’d walk up to you after quidditch, sweaty hair, flushed cheeks from the windburn.
Your knees weak whenever he wore just his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and had loosened his tie.
Shaking your head slightly, you watched him through your phone screen, your eyes adjusting enough for you to see the shape of his shoulders.
Fuck. They were so broad.
And his chest, it was like a brick wall. Even if it was covered with a t-shirt, his muscles were on the brink of ripping it.
At this point, you’d had no choice but to think about when you’d hug him, the warmth of having yourself in his arms while your face was stuffed in his chest.
When you used it as a pillow on the weekends as you were having sleep-overs, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
Your back being pressed tightly up against it whilst he’s inside you and whispering into your ear how good you were making him feel.
It was getting out of hand how many fantasies you’d made up about him but you couldn’t stop yourself now. You were admiring every last inch of him you could see.
His lips.
Thinking about how they would feel if he was massaging them against yours.
Both the ones on your face and the ones below your belt.
His eyes.
They had a certain sparkle in them. It wasn’t romantic or anything like that.
Though you weren’t sure it was platonic either.
But what you were sure of was that Fred Weasley had a tight hold on you whether he knew it or not.
“So….” you said with a croak in your voice,
“So?” He repeated, the same admirable look in his eyes, that sweet, tooth-rotting smile still on his face. He wanted you to keep talking but it was incredibly difficult when he looked like that.
“Um I was-“ you began but he interrupted you,
“Wait is that that stupid old shirt George got you for Christmas 5th year?” he asked.
You chuckled, “Yeah,”
You stretched your arms out to be able to point the phone at it, looking down at it yourself. It was a white shirt with a little blue cat on the front, and some extremely long joke on the back that ended with “There’s no punchline, but you sure as hell were bored enough to read the back of a stranger’s shirt.”
Swallowing, he spoke again. “Wow, I can’t believe it still fits you.” You both chuckled.
“I mean it’s only been about two years, not like I’ve grown that much since then. Plus, George got it like two sizes too big,” you laughed.
He smiled, “You know, I had the perfect gift for you but I lost it two days before Christmas that year. I think someone stole it and I was so sad that I couldn’t give it to you.”
“Awh. What was it?” you asked.
“I’m not telling you.” He smirked.
“Bruh come on. You lost it so just tell me, it’s not like you’re going to die if you do.”
“Yeah well I don’t want to. If its such a pain in your ass then I’ll tell you this, it was an inside joke from third year.” he told you.
“Wait, lemme think…” you looked up and bit your lip as you tried your hardest to remember all the stupid jokes you made in third year.
“Ah! I know! Was it the time you and I snuck off in the middle of the night and caught Snape reading that really cheesy poem out loud? I forgot what it was about but I remember it was really funny. You wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks.” you said
“No, that’s not it. Not even close.” he said.
“I have no idea then.” you said.
He went silent again and just kept looking at you. Smiling.
It made the room really hot. You tried looking elsewhere, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him and his ridiculously good looks.
“Look at me.” he said, taking his hand out from under his face to avoid it falling asleep and getting pins and needles.
When you heard him, it was like a half whisper, his voice was so soft and it sent fireworks all throughout your guts.
As you looked his way, he had a small smirk on him.
Why the fuck does he always have to smirk?
Your face was starting to get hot.
“What” you said.
“Let’s have a staring contest.” he replied.
“That’s dumb.” you stated.
“You’re dumb.” he retorted.
“No, I actually study. You spend all your time making jokes and pranking people and you never study. You always only study with me and I literally do like 80% of the w-“
“Just stop talking” he interrupted and giggled at the argument you were trying to make.
You let out a sigh and looked at him with a disappointed face.
He sighed too but just kept his eyes locked on you. He wouldn’t stop and it was starting to bother you a little bit.
“Damn okay.” you said.
He squirmed in his place, it seemed his room was also starting to get as hot as yours.
Chewing the inside of his bottom lip, his smile slowly began to fade.
You had to start looking around awkwardly.
His eyes seemed to be getting heavy and they kept closing, he’d shoot them back open only to keep fucking eyeing at you.
“If you’re about to fall asleep then we can just talk tomorrow. Unless—you’re sure… you wanna stay on call…?” you spoke.
His eyebrows twitched and he responded, “M-Yeah…” he sighed. His eyes fluttering shut once again.
“You look like you’re on the verge of falling asleep into oblivion, Freddie.” you giggled. He probably didn’t hear you since he was actually already starting to pass out, but he did.
He rolled his eyes back and you took that as a sign that he was actually starting to get pissed off that you kept on talking.
Turning his head to stuff his face in his pillow, he let out a groan that sounded like he had been working out all day.
A small cry came from him that indicated he’d been deprived of something he loved for months, and he still managed to look back at you, but with furrowed eyebrows, hooded, watery eyes, and his mouth slightly agape.
“I-I’m gonna go to bed.” he choked out, stuttering as if he was on the verge of crying.
“Oh, okay, goodnight then, I love you.” you said with a sympathetic smile, he probably had a long day and needed your presence somehow, it seemed that he needed to let a cry out now that you were hanging up.
His face actually got really red and he replied.
“I love you too…” he sighed.
“So much.” he inhaled sharply before closing his eyes tightly, his face scrunching up like he just poured lemon on an open wound.
When he opened his eyes, he sent a small, forced smile your way.
You hung up and hesitantly put your phone down, turning around and covering yourself back up so you could sleep.
Tossing and turning for like five minutes, you turned back around and texted Fred again to ask him if he was okay. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get any sleep if you were worried about him and didn’t know what was wrong.
You| you okay freddie? - 1:31
No answer.
You waited for about a minute until you decided to click the FaceTime button again since you wouldn’t wait for him to text back.
He took a second to pick up.
When he did, he was now on his back, holding the phone above his head.
“Yeah?” he said.
“Are you okay, Freddie?” you asked, you knew he liked it when you called him ‘Freddie’ so you did it now just to bring him comfort.
“Uhm…” he licked his lips and looked down towards the end of his bed.
“..Yeah, I’m fine. I just had a long and… stressful day with… uh, grades.” he looked back up at you now, he looked fine and relaxed. A little nervous might you add.
You noticed he wasn’t wearing his shirt anymore and there was a hint of sweat on his forehead.
He definitely had a terrible day.
That’s all.
“Erm okay well.. Goodnight then I guess… See you at breakfast.” you tried your best to hide the fact that you were worried sick about him.
He chuckled, “Goodnight then, love.” he sent a big smile at you and it made you feel better, but you hung up as fast as humanly possible so that he wouldn’t notice your nerves.
You were glad that he was okay now.
Throwing your phone on your nightstand for the last time, you finally turned to try and sleep.
But not before turning back around and grabbing your phone again,
You| can i go to your room? - 1:37
There’s a part two coming with Fred’s POV 😻
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Ive seen a lot of Dream (and usually Techno and Phil too) as gods au (i have one too dw) but all of you are sleeping on the funniest option.
Tommy is the god.
hes the only one in that galaxy (other than drista ofc)
Just imagine how fucking funny it is like 
it would be so fucking hilarious
and tommy just doesnt tell them
so techno is just there making all these blood god jokes and jokingly telling tommy to serve him and tommys just laughing
imagine a god in the form of a chaotic 16 year old racoon gremlin just walts into your land commits arson and gets banned, only to come back with another person who he helps start a nation for drugs?
imagine how fucking funny it is
imagine tubbo banning a literal god from his lands and he just doesnt come back? he just plays by the rules? then goes and like sits in the corner all sad because some humans/dreamons told him to leave
ranboo, just joining the server: hi-  a chaotic gremlin god: wanna commit arson with me?  ranboo, just trying to vibe and maybe not disturb this god: sure 
Phil and Ranboo recongnize Tommy as a god on sight.
Everyone else just refuses to believe it. hes Tommy. Tommyinnit. hes just weird lol
And Drista being a fucking chaotic blood god? 
drista is open about her godhood and does not hesitate to spawn blocks
Drista finds Dream and decides she likes this small human, and dream just has to deal with it lmao.
drista and tommy are both born at the same time.
Tommy is a god of music, chaos, war and theivery (the last one bc he is a BITCH)
Drista is the blood god, chaos, deception, and theatre
okay but imagine the sbi interactions... like ig in this au tommy joins at like 12/13 years of age (in their minds) so he doesnt really grow much 
and like tommy, a literal god, just claiming phil as his father???
phil, in his house making eggs, assuming one of his sons woke up and came to the kitchen, not looking: hey son  tommy, from their couch, already deciding hes phils son now: whats up dad? phil: looks up at tommy who are you tommy: idk dad, who am i  phil: *stares at tommy for a second* eh i made extra eggs you can stay 
everyone on the server: tommy is the youngest! tommy, as old as the universe: no im not!!!! im not a child!!!! he doesnt pout because pouting is for children and hes not a child but hes pouting tubbo: lol im older than you by a month tommy dont try to hide it tommy: im not a child!!!! techno: laughs
tommy doesn't try to hide that hes a god just its tommy
thats all the evedince anyone needs to think tommy isnt a god or powerful its like mcc hes good but only when he doesnt throw for content
quackity: sees drista written in bedrock lmao drista visited? tommy: yeah! i wrote that for her!  quackity: snorts yeahhhh sureee tommy
imagine like how fucking funny it is jsut like 
a fucking chaotic god breaks into your house androbs you makes a room under your house and decides to live in your floorboards
imagine dream like trying to manipulate tommy, and tommy a fucking anchient diety immeditly recongnizes what hes doing
but decides to play along for the angst and giggles and then actually gets mad when no one fucking cares for his theatrics
tommy, storming off to technos base to rob and build under: >:///// cant believe none of them acknoledged my  deppression 
i love that tommy stills robs everyone, he doesnt need to he can spawn in anything he wants
he just does it for the sport of robbery
dream: im god actually tommy: thats so fucking funny lets make a cult about that :)  dream: see! look! im god! and jesus!  tommy: wheezing
imagine tommy getting stressed and letting go of his mortal form
Tommy, his human form peeling away, showing his actual form a bit: WH̸͘A͠T̷ ̶̢T͞H͢E ̡͘F̴̵͘Ù̧C͜K҉ ̶T͘͜͞E͟CHǸ͏Ǫ  Techno: HAH?
tommy just saw tubbo and got emotionally attached
Tommy, a literal god: hello Tubbo: oh hi do you like my pet bee? Tommy: you’re mine now Tubbo: im okay with this
tommy, a bored god: gives techno shapeshifting powers  techno, not even caring: changes into more human to pig-ishg forms as he wishes this is my life now ig 
phil lets tommy do fuck all in exile bc he knows hes a god hes fine
phil: IDC IF YOURE A GOD! YOU WILL DO THE DISHES NOW YOUNG MAN! tommy: grumbles but does them
phil is the only one who can control tommy
god... tommy... with star freckles... on his human form... (as well as his god one)
tommy: f̷͛͠a̵̋t̵̒̑h̸̚e̶̓͝r̸͊ ̸̐̒i̴ ̸̅̿d̷̉͆o̵͂͋ ̵̛̆ñ̸̾ő̶́t̸̎́ w̶͆͘i̴͠s̵̓̈́h̸͗́ ̵̯͗f̶͋́ő̴͑r̷̐̌ ̶͝é̵̽g̸͊͂g̵̒s̷͂̃  phil: idc, eat your goddamn eggs tommy: pouts
tommy, despite being able to get supplies himself by fucking spawning them in: hey tubbo? we need supplies 
In this au ig like if a god claims you you get a mark on your skin showing that. Drista’s would be like a green crown, Tommys would be a red and white disk (white as the outer ring and red as the center) (its different enough that if you don’t realise tommy is a god you wouldnt realise whos it is) (schlatt is the only one who never had one which shoulda been a sign dude :/)
Dream has two from the beginning, everyone else has only one, well until they meet drista. (sbi have had one since they met tommy, though they dont remember the first time they met tommy)
wait what if tommy like found them all as children one by one and later kinda pulled some strings to get them all in one kingdom. (he still joined sbi through forcing phil to adopt him) 
tommy would hang out with baby techno and tell him stories
once he told him the story of a man named thesus
another time he told him the story of a blood god
like for example tommys first time meeting techno would be like
(for context techno lived in a shitty village and was an orphan and it was kinda a dog eat dog place, he learned how to be strong because of it)(he was young enough that he doesn’t remember this well, just like learning about the blood god and someone giving him gold)
baby techno: sighs tommy, appearing out of nowhere: oh heyyy whyre you sad? techno: jumps turning around with a knife up ready for a fight who are you tommy: im tommy! :) techno: what do you want from me! you dont scare me! tommy: whats your name! techno: i have a knife! i'll use it! tommy: of course, thats a given, but its rude not to tell people your name techno, confused: t-technoblade? tommy: smiles thats a nice name techno: so. tommy: hm? techno: why're you here tommy: i don't have a reason. im just a traveller! techno: then why hole to this terrible village! theres nothing nice here! everyone is terrible and so are you! tommy: hmmmm i dont agree techno: what are you? a child? i thought adults were supposed to know that everyone is mean tommy: mmhmm looks at the bruise on technos face where'd you get that? techno: fight. i won. i'll win against you too! so don't try anything. tommy: of course. i would never win in a fight against a blood god techno, putting down his knife a bit, stars in his eyes: blood god? tommy: grins blood. god. i think she'd like you. techno, muttering: maybe i can give the blood god some of your blood tommy: laughs yeah, she'd defenitly find you intresting tommy: here tosses techno a golden crown at techno, he spawned it in in the moment techno: whats this? tommy: a crown, thought it suit you screams in the distance tommy: huh. i need to go. have fun lil piglin. ruffles technos hair before running off towards the screaming unbeknownst to the pig the blood god was actually the one waiting for the god he met. techno: stares at the crown 
Techno found a pouch of gold in his ‘house’ later that day. he didnt know who left it but it helped him get food for that night. (he kept the crown)
okay but imagine tommy not taking the war seriously at all, and only seeing it as a squabble between mortals, Like toddlers fighting
tommy doesnt realise that theyre serious until wilbur dies
tommy would usually go apeshit against anyone who dares messes with his humans, but what is he supposed to do when his humans are fighting Eachother?
wilbur: fucking goes insane and dies  tommy: hey- hey can you guys let me talk to wil for a sec? everyone else leaves tommy, unsually somber: sorry i didnt help you i forgot how easily breakable mortals are tommy: this time you wont die, and i'll make it so that you dont break again, okay? tommy: brings wilburs soul out of its body and enters his mindscape ghostbur: wakes up what- where am i? tommy: hi there ghostbur: who are you tommy: i go by a lot of names all, one, you, the world, the universe, god, but you can just call me tommy ghostbur: oh okay. who am i? tommy: you're name was wilbur soot. you were the son of philza minecraft and brother to Technoblade, Tubbo and myself. ghostbur: was? tommy: well you see, you died. ghostbur: oh... well what am i then? tommy: a ghost! well actually its your choice. would you like to continue your existance or fade away with your body? ghostbur: i dont want to fade away! tommy: smiles thats what i thought you'd say stretches his hand to wilbur ghostbur: grabs tommy hand tommy: lets go home
ghostbur doesnt remember that though
he only remembers the good
tommy wont let him remember the bad, what if he breaks again? mortals are so fragile
phil realises what tommy did as soon as he sees ghostbur 
drista, painting tommys nails (there both in god form btw) (after wilburs death btw): tommy shouldn't you of all gods realise how fragile they are?  tommy: i know just... forgot  drista: sighs and nods i get what you mean, especially with the ones we found... they act a lot like gods sometimes i forgot they arent  tommy: ikr? wait- drista here gets drista's hair out of her face you were gonna get it on my nails, anyways, don't judge me. we all know if dream died you would turn him into a ghost too drista: smirks not if you do it first, we all know you would tommy: you say that as if you wouldn't fight me to do it first  drista: .... tommy: ... drista: both of us when he dies? tommy: nods tommy: anyways my turn to do your nails 
or like tommy with ghostbur like
ghostbur: i don't like this :( tommy, a worried brother and god: whats wrong? ghostbur: everyone is mad at me and i d-dont know why- why are they mad at me tommy: theyre mad at something alivebur did ghostbur: b-but im not alivebur sniffs it hurts. i dont like it. tommy: spawns in some blue here ghostbur: whats that? tommy: its some blue! it'll help you not hurt anymore! ghostbur: how does it work? tommy: see how its blue? ghostbur: nods tommy: well its blue because it sucks up all the bad feelings! it'll help ghostbur: !!!!! ghostbur: presses the blue into his chest ghostbur: !!!!its working!!!! :D tommy: smiles good
wilbur fucking died and tommy went from annoying little brother to caring older brother
tommy just wants to help his brother :) though he doesnt realise that not letting ghostbur remember bad memories isnt good
*at logsted shire btw* ghostbur: who are you? tommy, chuckling: did you forget me already ghostbur? ghostbur: i didnt forget you! i think! you're tommy! i just... you're different tommy, looks over at ghostbur: different how? ghostbur: you're not normal are you? tommy: grins whaaaaat? you think im weirdddd? how heartbreaking... my own brother thinks im weird, this is terrible ghostbur: giggles tommy: but really, don't worry about it bur. ghostbur: you sure? tommy: yeah, dont worry about me ghostbur: smiles okay! do you want some blue anyways? tommy: giggles sure! ghostbur: grins
ghostbur isnt worried about tommy
he knows hes strong
phil having to tell tommy that he cant just not let wilbur remember the bad memories
and tommys like "what if he breaks again!" and phil hugs him and tells him to at least ask ghostbur if he wants to remember and tommys like ‘fine’
tommy: hey bur? ghostbur: yeah? tommy: do you like you're memories? ghostbur: i mean, yeah its hard not to when you only remember the good tommy, quietly: would you want to remember the bad? ghostbur: w-what brought this question on tommy: answer the question ghostbur: no- alivebur was badi shouldn't want to- tommy: but what do you want bur? wilbur, silent for a moment: yeah- yeah i do. not that i like the bad memories! they hurt... but i wish i could remember tommy: ... ghostbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? ghostbur, with tears in his eyes: do you think they'd be less mad at me if i could remember, maybe then i could repair my relationships, what the hell am i supposed to do when i dont even remember hurting them? tommy: what if they dont? what if you break again? ghostbur, saltily: we'll maybe i'll be able at least be able to say i know why everyone hates me tommy: i know how to get all of your memories back ghostbur, looks towards tommy in shock: you do??? tommy: nods ghostbur, voice wavering: for how long tommy: since the beginning ghostbur: and you didnt tell me tommy: i did what i thought was best. i just didnt want you to hurt anymore. ghostbur, angrily: WELL THAT CLEARLY WORKED DIDNT IT? tommy: sorry wilbur, sometimes i forget how to handle humans ghostbur: what- tommy: sighs and taps ghostbur on the forehead and ghostbur does the ghost equivilent of passing out tommy: wont hide any memories this time
ghostbur doesnt wake up, instead wilbur wakes up weither thats good or bad we'll see
wilbur, waking up with all his memories: HOLY SHIT TOMMY WASN'T KIDDING phil, who was reading beside the bed tommy placed wilbur into, which was in technos house. yes he broke into technos house with a passed out wilbur. move on.: hm? wilbur: holy shit phil: huh? yeah. wilbur: wait you knew? phil: yeah i recongnized him as soon as i saw him about 5 years ago now? wilbur: excuse me while i freak out because my little brother is an actual god
it really hits wilbur that tommy is a god later
wilbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? wilbur: how fucking old are you? tommy: snorts of course thats the first thing you ask wilbur: well? tommy: i dont really know the exact years since years are kind of a human thing that were invented recently wilbur: they were invented thousands of years ago- tommy: but it was around the beginning of this galaxy wilbur, softly: what the fuck
tommy telling wilbur stories about different heros and villains and different humans he met during his life.
Adsjbffsg what if Tommy made himself blonde and blue eyed and white bc thats hyow the first human he met looked like asjfhsd
and just didnt change that, despite meeting new humans, its just his defult settings.
he would totally do this tho im crying.
drista just based her human form off dream because she is his sister now. he must deal with this. trying disowning me when i look like you BITCH.
thats my take anyways later might continue this
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yinses · 4 years
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college au! headcanons
gojo satoru, geto suguru & nanami kento
rqst: college au for nanami, geto and gojo?
a/n: so i divided it into three categories to help keep my head straight. honestly almost straight kicked gojo out of college bc i couldn’t decide on a major for him. the jjk discord server is heaven sent for my sanity. ty everyone again 🌺
last time i should have to post these. hoping everything is fine now. 
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gojo satoru
—he starts off undecided for a long time. the fact that he’s on scholarship allows him to be more flexible with his classes given that he’s not responsible for costs. he grew up with expectations from his family but university is suppose to be his opportunity to spread his own wings and grow from his experiences.
—so he tries a bit of everything- sciences, music and social studies- anything to prompt a spark. (took a business class once and made a point to sit next to nanami everyday just to annoy him) by his second year he’s getting as frustrated as his counselor because if he doesn’t decide soon he’ll be a potential 5th year senior.
—he’s overthinking it but gojo wants to invest in what he believes will make the most significant impact to his ability. his counselor takes those crumbs and runs with it.
—he gets steered towards political science and actually excels at it (that advisor gets a raise). surprises most of the class with his analytical skills because they thought he was just a pretty boy- surprise he’s beautiful and smart.
—develops a vested interest in governmental policies. might run for president one day idk. brings donuts to his early am class. doesn’t share.
—he’s not the jock per say, but as the star athlete of the basketball team, the school likes to take advantage of his image to draw in sponsors.
—his face is plastered all over the auditorium whether they’re in season or not. sometimes it’s not even to promote basketball, gojo is pretty and they’re not afraid to use it. which also makes him one of the most recognizable faces on campus.
—due to his student athlete contract, he’s not allowed to sign autographs freely in the event they’re attempted to be sold as quick cash. but yikes, he can barely walk to class without someone stopping him for a picture. to the best of his ability he tries to laugh it off, poster boy image and all, but it gets pretty fucking old and annoying quickly. especially when it makes him late for his next lesson and the instructor shows no sympathy.
—his height didn’t only help him get into basketball, but its also convenient when it comes to shouldering politely through the student masses. his golden rule is don’t make eye contact. the busier the crowds the easier it is for him to pretend like he could’t possibly have heard them.
—gojo doesnt scout fraternities, fraternities scout him. but he’s not interested in the slightest. as an athlete he already gets into any social circle he wants without the additional effort. that and he doesnt think he could tolerate an alpha male trying to exert his dominance without barking back.
—loves to show up to parties but always arrives late enough to the point where they don’t think he’s coming. it helps him slip in when he wants too. he’s a connoisseur of all alcohol varieties and a master of beer bong. he’s not necessarily the life of the party but his presence is kind of hard to miss.
—he gets too much attention to date casually. most potential suitors are in it more for the benefits they receive than him anyway. he’s got enough on his plate with career indecisiveness and games to try to pursue anything serious before third year.
—he’s not completely celibate though. he tries to keep the same partners as long as he can. not only to keep himself clean and safe but because he often goes into an agreement to keep it casual. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. either way he gets coined as a ‘heartbreaker’ before the end of his freshman year. frankly the rumors obscure most of the truth and give him more freedom. people always expect that he’s with someone even when he’s not, which helps keep his invasive teammates off his back.
—gojo can easily graduate without securing something tangible but there is still a window for potential.
—you’re both his consistent classmate and occasional friends with benefits. its the former title that keeps bringing him back around. he cant exactly avoid you without subjecting himself to 8am classes. it helps that the sex is good too.
—he can text you an offer to study together for the next test and roll over after an hour and wreck you for the rest of the week. its hard to tell who gets addicted first but he does appreciate the way your skin looks when youre wearing his marks.
geto suguru
—he’s a STEM kid, particularly interested in bio-genetics to improve overall health. he believes that simply becoming a physician just keeps the issue at bay and his goal is to eradicate the problem at its source.
—since high school he’s been cataloging different programs across the country before deciding what he wanted and putting all his efforts into it. so it’s no surprise when he gets in.
—geto doesn’t need counselors but they’re required so he listens to them prattle on about using university as an opportunity to explore. this man came in with more college credits than most sophomores, he knows what he wants.
—always on-time to class and never misses an assignment. also that kid who goes above and beyond, even on the simple stuff. he rarely gets teased about it, not even behind his back. geto straight up scares some people even when he’s smiling.
—not afraid to correct teachers when they’re wrong. in fact he lives for it.
—he’s the one who graduated early and starts his master’s program before most of his age group declare their own majors.
—he tends to frequent the same circles- handpicking his acquaintances out of class rosters, clubs and honor lists. he’s less in it for the friendship and more so to scout for potential research partners.
—met gojo in one of his science electives and literally carried him through the class. they somehow end up friends but only really hang out at each other’s places- bunch of chill movie nights and pizza.
—there is no interest in fraternities, but he does join university funded clubs that allow him to further his research. they give him unique access to labs, take him on trips to different conventions and have an alumni list a kilometer long for future collaborations.
—the man does not party but he will occasionally slip into quieter bars to ease some of his frustrations. he actually enjoys karaoke thursdays , not to sing for himself but the drunken antics of others bring him some amusement.
—smokes weed occasionally, but only his own product. it helps him relaxand fan out the stress. he never sells it but sometimes gojo nicks some of his stash. given that he gets drug tested often, geto doesn’t know how the athlete never gets caught.
—not interested in seeking out relationships in the slightest. the man has a plan and he’s already married to it.
—he’s not completely immune to sexual advances though and occasionally splurges but none of the friends with benefits crap. he’ll hit it once and stay celibate for the rest of the year easily.
—you might be able to squeeze in as his fellow lab partner. remain invested in the work and not him and he’ll start noticing the little details of your company- the way you subtle perfume lingers on his lab coat hours after you’ve adorned for the day, how he knows you have to keep your hair up for safety precautions but he thinks about running his fingers through it daily and your mind, damn, he wonders what else you can come up with when he has you laid out on his sheets.
—if he’s interested, geto won’t hesitate to broach the topic. he’ll ask you out for coffee and when you try to bring up research he’ll be upfront about his attraction. ultimately if you start dating the two of you are an absolute unit- not that you weren’t before.
—you’re the one variable he didn’t plan for but he’s glad to have added you to the equation.
nanami kento
—he was made for the business world, brought by a CEO who raised him to inherit the company. administration major marketing minor.
—takes initiative in all his classes and is often coined as group leader for projects. mostly keeps to himself  and only speaks up when prompted or disagrees with something.
—he takes the earliest sessions possible because it means less people more often than not. doesn’t really care if its in the front, middle or back but always sits near the edge.
—doesn’t really want to but it looks good on his resume so he joins the marketing team where they present mock business plans for competitions. they win a lot. nanami honestly doesn’t care. but again it looks good.
—it only took him a brief summer internship to learn that he found nothing satisfying about board meetings and macro management.
—he decides to invest in law school to handle the company from a legal standpoint instead.
— sort of like geto, only wants to make friends on a need be basis.
—he would rather keep to himself but knows the benefits of socializing so he interacts with his frequent classmates when he can- through study groups or car pooling to seminars.
—he does join a fraternity, its the same one his father did (and uncles, cousins, whatnot. its a generational thing). its geared towards bettering future leaders. they focus building resumes, charity events and run the organization like a proper business. nanami gets elected president by his third year and runs two terms.
—the only parties he attends are networking events- full of wine and fancy horderves. wine is plentiful but he’s always nursing a scotch on top of his headache. if one more person squeezes their stocks into a conversation he’s going to personally take down the whole market
—zero interest in college party life. spends some of his downtime at the campus theater watching old time movies and classic plays.
—he’s the coffee shop hoe. he wakes up early sometimes just to sit by the window and read some casual literature. has his own thermo that gives him free refills to cart to class. do not talk to this man before he’s had his caffeine.
—he probably has a high school sweetheart that he’s still clinging too, whether on the same campus or long distance. it helps him because he can’t really see himself pursuing a relationship while focusing on school.
—he’s been with you long enough that you understand his ambitions and won’t feel bested by them. the two of you have a system- starting the day off with sweet ‘good morning’ texts before class and ending the day with long conversations as you digest the last 12 hours.
—nanami is independent but he is thankful to have you to rely on when classes start to overwhelm him. the two of try to escape briefly for the weekend when you can. often going to near by reservations just to get off campus
—other times the two of you will cuddle close on your dorm bed, his long fingers combing through your hair while he reads over some notes for class.
—sometimes you have to be the one to tell him to take a break and to enjoy life while he can. even if that means dragging him the events and concerts hosted on campus. he resists at first but you can see the tension ebbing away as the night comes to a close.
—the two of you start living together in your senior year just because you can. he insists on buying a house. not only because he can afford it because it can be rented out after graduation. always the business man.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: first meetings [ii. the small pink-haired boy] Genre: just angst, drama, romance, historical fiction Pairing: Sorcerer!Sukuna x gn!sorcerer!reader (heian era; pre-curse sukuna)
Synopsis: in which you befriend the slave boy you’re supposed to spy on.
Warnings: not canon stuff, future dark themes,, smoll manga spoilers, slavery, whipping, mentions of rape, language and violence Notes: im kinda back i guess skksks also these are pretty much random au’s of my own take of sukuna’s back story uwu, theyre arranged in no particular order and you can read them in any order. This started out as a random one shot and i couldnt get it out of my head lol ksksksks, def not canon btw but it is canon that sukuna used to be an all powerful sorcerer before he turned to the dark side or smthng.
lil dictionary: non-person-  usually what they called slaves during the heian era.
masterlist [for other parts] ;; taglist 
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“That’s beautiful.”
Contrasting to your rather clean and prestigious appearance, the young boy was dressed in rags and had dirt painted on his face. You could tell by his uncommon red eyes that he didn’t want you here nor did he even want to be associated with you.
“...the boy is rather prideful.” your otosan recounted a few nights before, you’d usually have conversations like this since you were quite close with him and he did like to confide you with these things,“but he has spirit, he’d be good for a ward.”
“What are you doing here?” He spat, being a part of and the sole heir of your family meant you were also treated with dignity and respect, it seemed like this boy wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, this made you grin wildly much to his disdain, “Oi, stop grinning like that. You’re creeping me the fuck out.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“And I don’t care.” 
“Has anyone told you that you’ve got quite the temper?”
“Well, has anyone told you that you’re being an annoying bitch?” he bit back, five minutes into your first meeting, this strange boy seemed to want to get furthest away from you. He seemed to be rather ignorant to his overflowing cursed energy, your father was right, this boy was definitely no joke. 
“That’s sad.” You pouted, “All I wanted to say was how beautiful that Kimono is.”
“I was at a store, looking for some clothes that best suited you when I saw a young boy of your age…” your otosan narrated, “Who had a rather high cursed energy, he seemed unaware with it. He works as an errand boy, I believe, he carries heavy clothes and silk… His looks are hard to miss Y/N, so I’m sure you won’t miss him...try to talk to him…”
The boy looks up to you, completely annoyed, “Well, you said it. Now fuck off, yeah?”
You chose to ignore him and just bend down to his level, you had no training for today so you might as well join the boy for a moment since you had time to kill, “You know, if you keep keeping that attitude up, you might scare the customers away.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“Yeah?” he clicked his tongue, “Looks to me that you aren’t even here to buy anything.”
“He seemed rather…” Your otosan described, “perplexed...so you might as well go in my stead…”
“Ah.” your grin doesn’t seem to fade despite his rather rough way of speaking, “You just seemed around my age so I got interested.”
“No shit, now buzz off. I got no time for kids like you.”
He talks as if he was older than you, it’s no surprise. Boys like him tend to think they know quite a lot.
“Do you wish to tell me your name now?”
He was silent for a moment.
That’s when realization dawned upon you, why he seemed perplexed around your otosan, why he thinks you were an annoying buzz, and why he couldn’t reply when you asked for his name. You feel yourself inwardly cringe at your mistake, it seems like the boy your father took interest in is a slave with no name, “Twenty.” he mumbles, shrugging nonchalantly.
“They call me twenty.” he recounts, his voice is still rough around the edges, remaining uncensored by his identity.
“Right…” you tilt your head, “Twenty…”
“You’ve got silks to bring to the next town, boy!” a loud voice calls out, cutting you short, making the pink-haired boy put the pretty kimono down and back for display. Without even sparing you a glance or a word, he retreats to the back and you’re left squatting there alone. You watch him from behind, specifically at the bandages that peeked through his wrists.
The boy had piqued your interest to the point that you made it your weekly agenda to visit him and a-some-nights agenda to watch over him. He still ignores you and seems to be annoyed by you every time but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it so you just sit there. 
You were also still in awe by how much raw energy he possessed, you’d ask your otosan if he knew any sorcerers with lost children because it surely seemed as if this boy wasn’t ordinary.
“Just keep an eye on him,” was all your father said as you watch the boy close up shop late at night from on top of a roof, “He might make a great sorcerer and shift the tides.”
Your otosan was not one for gambling on people but it seemed like he made a large bet on this boy. 
As usual, you’re watching over him close up. It’s late and the owner of the place walks out, a pipe on his lips. Right then and there, he slaps the pink-haired teenager right at the face, “You should’ve joined the customer awhile ago in the dressing room, boy.” he growls, “It would’ve been quick…”
You feel the negative energy emit stronger than ever and your grip on your knife is tight, “Don’t get involved, Y/N.” your otosan’s warning echoes in your head, yes your otosan may have been interested in him but he was never one to dwell in human affairs, saying they were annoying and a mess to clean up.
“...It seems like the lesson a few nights ago wasn’t enough.” you snap back to reality and watch his boss stretch out a whip with its pointy ends and you feel your blood run cold. 
‘Don’t get involved-’
You ignore your otosan’s words in your head and throw a stone right at a nearby sign, resulting in a booming clang, making the cat nearby yelp outloud. The pink-haired boy jumps on the spot and so does the older man at the sound.
“Ah fucking-” the older man curses, tucking the whip back in, “No food for you for three days. Know your fucking worth, non-person.”
Your grip on your nodachi lessens as you let out a sigh of relief, whatever legal terms your father must be talking about needs to be done quickly.
On the next day, you’re on your way to visit him again. Carrying the bento box that you know he’ll refuse again because of his ‘pride’ yet you stop dead on your tracks when you find his owner and an older man talking, Sukuna seems to be standing behind them, looking quite uncomfortable.
It didn’t take two and two to guess what was going on, the amount of cursed energy leaking on him was strong so you could only guess this was the man who wanted to get his way on him yesterday. Your nose crinkles in absolute disgust, “Don’t get involved-”
Once again, you ignore your otosan’s words.
“Hey!” You call out, you see his red eyes widen, “What are you doing?”
The older man frowns at your sudden appearance, “None of your business brat. Now go home-”
“I said,” You repeated, your voice dangerously low, “What are you doing to him?”
“He’s a non-person, kid.” his ‘owner’ growls, you notice his hands dangerously close to his whip, “A fucking slave in simpler terms, now get the fuck out before I beat him and you.”
“You don’t scare me.” Your eyes are narrowed, truthfully, no one ever scares you. You were the heir of your clan. It was to be expected and drilled since your curse energy manifested when you were five that fear would come last, “Now unhand the boy.”
“This bitch-”
“Now, now.” The other man smiles, cutting the pink-haired boy’s ‘owner’ off,  “Maybe I can take that young child with me too. After all, they seem to be good friends. Two is better than one…”
You watch the other older man snake an arm on the young boy’s shoulder and you could feel the fear leaking out, it was harder to mask and hide now. 
“Is it alright to put a little scar on’em? So that they’d know-” He gets ready to take out the whip while your fists are clenched, this would be easy. You could get away with this later, at least you’d take the boy away from this place and help him control his energy after. 
Yet before you’re able to land a blow, the pink-haired boy yells at you to move as his ‘owner’ takes out a whip to whip you.
For someone who didn’t seem to like your presence, he was rather quick to defend you, having his face get hit in the process by the sharp whip. Your eyes widen in surprise, “Ah, shit… Y/N, run!” he yells but you’re staring at his very bloody face.
It would obviously leave marks like the wrists and who knows which parts since he was always covered by that very loose raggedy kimono.
You clench your fists tightly and look up from his blood features, the ‘owner’ stops on his tracks when he meets your very cold gaze, “Do you know who you just messed with?” you asked, “You really think I won’t tell my otosan that you planned to make me your prostitute?”
“Y-Y/N, jesus christ just fucking run-” he tried to stutter out, any evidence of the prideful and strong boy who tried to shoo you away was now gone.
Yet like the stubborn child you are, you ignore him and instead take out your family seal and drop it in front of them, ignoring the pink-haired boy’s plea’s and watching the two men in front of you turn white as a ghost as they see the nameplate, “My name is Ryomen Y/N.” You stated, voice loud and clear, “And you better hope that I’ll let you out here dead or me and my otosan will hunt you down for the rest of your life.”
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taglist [if your name is crossed out, i cant tag you!] @shinhiromi ;; @hcn421 ;; @airybnb ;; @coldbookworm ;; @kristineyoshaii ;; @frankenstein852​
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ficrecsbybu · 3 years
WinterIron fic rec 2021: Part I
Note: this fic rec consists only of Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark fics. the only Stucky & Stony you might see is as past relationships but that’s it. it’s also complete works ONLY. also - no underage stuff 🔪.  if you have any requests for Winteriron fic recs (for e.g non-superpower au, only one shots, series, hardcore smut, post-tws, college au, not team cap friendly fics, bodyguard au etc.) you can send me requests ^^. anyway... enjoy 😉 
✨ The Guiding of Death by RayShippouUchiha
“That whole Merchant of Death thing,” someone off to the side faux whispers, “makes a lot more sense now.”
It echoes across the bridge like a gunshot. 
Rated M, Hades & Persephone AU, Canon Divergence, always female Tony Stark, not Team Cap friendly. word count: 41391
(note: listen... I know het pairings and/or gender bend is not popular and I never really read those in general BUT this is straight up one of the best fics I have ever read so I NEEDED to share this with y’all...✌️)
✨ Forms of Love by bear_bell
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Rated E, Post-CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Team Iron Man. word count: 33591
✨ Looking at You by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Bucky looks for so long that now all he wants to do is touch and hold and fix everything. But Tony can barely be in the same room as Bucky, cant even look him in the eye. So Bucky doesn't know what to do about Tony, but he is determined to do something. Because all he wants is to look at Tony, and see Tony looking back with a smile.
Rated E, Post-CW, PTSD, team heals, mental healing, forgiveness, angst with a happy ending. word count: 28,168
✨ I'll Be Your Bodyguard (If You'll Be My Security Blanket) by NarutoRox
When one of Loki's pranks gone wrong leaves the team with a young Winter Soldier in their care, they know they're going to have their hands full. Especially since this newer, tinier version of Bucky seems to have a bodyguard complex - and a particular attachment to Tony.
Rated T, kid fic, age regression/de-aging, de-aged Bucky, tiny bodyguard Bucky. word count: 4,993. 
(note: finally something CUTE. Im so sorry for being such a slut for angst and heavy stuff 😅)
✨ Fate Strings Not Required by Akira_of_the_Twilight
Tony took the hint.
Tony wrapped his hand around the new guy’s elbow. He kept his touch light and breakable in case he’d misread the cue.
“Just some guy claiming to be my soul mate, babe.”
The new guy’s eyebrows rose to his hairline in surprise. He chuckled and gave the first guy a smirk. “Strange. Last time I checked we were soul mates.”
Rated T, AU - no superpowers, AU - soulmates, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, age difference. word count: 7,032.
✨ Shameless  by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Tony isn’t actually sure which of them starts it—he’d like to take credit, but if he’s learned anything it’s that Barnes is by no means a wilting flower. Besides, the start doesn’t matter as much as figuring out who’s going to actually finish it.
rated M, flirting, dirty talk, sexual tension. word count: 2,560
✨ Winter Wooer by salytierra
Winter may not be the most pleasant guy to live or share your body with, but he isn't nearly as destructive as everybody expected him to be either. He likes to brood in the corners, watch British TV, and freak people out. And Tony. He really, really likes Tony Stark. There's just one problem – Bucky's pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way about the guy.
Rated M, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, team as family. word count: 8,726
✨ Even Darkness Must Pass by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
“Fake it till you make it,” Bucky whispered to himself, swallowing around his panic. Sam had drilled the idea into him, and it had become a mantra of sorts, something to hold onto when all he wanted to do was blend into the shadows and disappear.
“You’ll be fine.”
Steve placed a warm, strong hand on Bucky’s shoulder and squeezed, his super soldier ears having picked up Bucky uttering the now familiar saying.
Bucky nodded, tried to believe his own words, and followed Steve onto the common floor, a wall of sound hitting them as they entered.
rated M (but mild sexual content), parent Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes recovering, team as family, of love and hobbits 🧝🏻‍♂️. word count: 15,289
✨ Paths Are Made by Walking by Potrix 
The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best.
Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
rated T, post-TWS, fluff, humour, getting together, idiots in love. word count: 4,744.
✨ Rise In Perfect Light (Be Not Fearful Of The Night) by RayShippouUchiha
At first, the new element singing in his chest, Tony doesn’t understand what he’s done.
Doesn’t understand the full consequences of his actions.
But, to be fair, there’s no way he really could have.
Not even a futurist like him could have ever seen this coming.
rated G, post-CW, past Stony, angst with a happy ending. word count: 3,589.
(note: this fic is SO BEAUTIFUL. lemme just asjkdjnsjkdm)
✨ and amidst the ruins, there was you by TheKitteh
With everything resolved - post the Berlin conflict, Siberia and the rogue Avengers' return - Tony relishes in the clarity of what the team is now. He can finally see the well-defined lines, he can rely on solid rules and the chain of command. He's settled into his life like never before.
That is, until one day, an unhinged sorcerer with no grasp on his magic shatters that new-found balance.
As a result, half of Tony's soul is now gone, but he's willing to do anything to get it back.
rated T, post-CW, canon divergence, au - Dystopia, Dimension Travel, magical accidents, slow burn, getting together. word count: 36,976
✨ and so we unfold by TheKitteh
Senbazuru. Thousand Cranes.
An ancient Japanese legend that promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Some stories believe you are granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.
Bucky’s not big on believing in any legends, not after all that has happened. He just wants to create something for a change, not destroy.
He needs to prove himself that he can be trusted to handle something delicate. He doesn’t need a promise of a wish come true. He just,- needs to do this for himself.
He doesn’t need noticing how sad, tired Stark looks. Doesn’t need to want to do something for the man, when he can barely do anything for himself.
rated T, CACW canon divergence, getting together, reconciliation, POV alternating, Bucky Barnes recovering. word count: 14,449
✨ Spilt on the Ground like Water by tisfan
Tony has been black-bagged and illegally held at the Raft. Steve has no intentions of going to rescue him.
But the Winter Soldier isn't going to leave him behind.
rated E, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, implied/referenced torture, frottage, dub-con, mention of part non-con (HYDRA trash party), not Steve friendly, suicidal thoughts, touch-starved. word count: 10,853
✨ Norns, Save Us (From Ourselves) by phlintandsteel
It’s been ten years since half the universe was dusted.
rated E, post-IW au, A/B/O verse, Omega Tony, Alpha Bucky, Soulmates, Peter & Harley playing matchmaker, still recovering Bucky Barnes, not Steve Rogers Friendly, angst with a happy ending. word count: 37,324.
✨ Change You Like A Remix by ficlicious 
No one ever said Avenging would be easy, but Bucky could have really used a memo about the weeks where the hits just didn’t stop coming. He’d probably still have signed his soul away to the gods of spandex and paperwork, but a heads up woulda been nice before he nodded and smiled and took up residence in the house sanity fled when the Avengers moved in.
---- Soulmates, misunderstandings, snark, genderswap and sleep-deprived Avengers abound. Tony's a woman. Must be Friday.
rated E, AU - soulmates, established relationship, temporary gender swap, jealous Bucky Barnes, misunderstanding, miscommunication. word count: 10,494.
✨ Getting to Know You by orbingarrow
It had been an adventure, navigating the sweetly apologetic Bucky Barnes, who haunted the tower most days, and the the Winter Soldier, who occasionally inhabited Barnes’s body. The Winter Soldier was not apologetic; he was scary. And he was currently chilling out, uninvited, in Tony's lab.
“Leave,” Tony said, because Tony was either a dead man or not, and there wasn’t much he could do about it before coffee.
“Or you could give me permission to be here,” the Winter Soldier suggested.
“I don’t let strangers poke around my stuff,” Tony grumbled, as he walked past the Soldier to take a seat at his workbench.
“Easily solved,” the Soldier deflected. “Get to know me.”
-This is what happens when Tony does.
rated G, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are different personalities, fluff, Clint Barton is a good bro. word count: 9,470
✨ Safe House by ali_aliska
For years, Tony had successfully kept his secret. Neither the world nor his team knew he was Iron Man and as far as he was concerned, everyone was better off that way. On his best days, Tony Stark was not someone people liked and trusted, so the last thing Tony wanted was to tarnish Iron Man’s good reputation by revealing the truth.
But then SHIELD falls, the Avengers face disarray, and a stray Hydra assassin forces Tony to go into hiding—and where better than the safe house he had just crafted for the Avengers and their own ex-assassin ready to come in from the cold?
Tony plans to hide away from everyone in his makeshift workshop until the coast is clear and he’s safe to go home. No one would care to spend any time with the reclusive, arrogant billionaire anyways, right? Iron Man is the one everyone wants around.
Bucky Barnes, on his own journey to reclaim his life and identity, seems to disagree with that sentiment.
rated T, post TWS, canon divergence, au - Secret Identity, mutual pining, team as family, slow burn, misunderstandings. word count: 89,533
✨ Versace on the floor by withered
The modern man’s armor is his clothing, and Bucky wants Tony out of his.
rated T,  post CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Separate Personalities, Barnes & Soldier & their hard-on for Tony, not team cap friendly. word count: 2,127 
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ot3 · 3 years
had some 'thoughts' on an au where mia/lana and phoenix/edgeworth's narrative arcs are swapped (aka mia main protag lana main antag, phoenix mentor) and dumped over 1000 words on the subject in the groupchat today. here you go.
lana -
she and mia strike up a childhood friendship after the skye parents use the khurain channeling method to talk to lana and ema's grandparents. at this stage in life, lana really wants to be a detective because she believes that proper like collection, treatment, and handling of evidence is the Key to making sure everything in the world turns out fair and just and righteous. i think rather than less than one year she and mia have a few years of being friends like this, but don't see each other every day like phoenix and edgeworth would have at school. lana just makes the trek up to khurain village whenever she can and they call on the payphone etc.
then, the skye parents die in a car accident and she completely ghosts mia and drops off the face of the planet. the parents were killed by a drunk driver and gant is the detective assisting the prosecution with this case. the defendant is successfully imprisoned. lana goes on to become a detective under the tutelage of gant, who recognizes lanas potential from a young age and takes the skye sisters under his wings a la manfred and edgeworth. eventually he pushes lana into pursuing prosecution instead because he wants a pawn in the prosecutors office and he does this by telling her that he collaborated with the prosecutor of her parents' death to forge evidence and testimony, otherwise the killer would have gotten away with it. so she becomes the demon prosecutor.
mia -
meanwhile stays in khurain and continues her training for the most part. since there's no dl-6 nothing happens to misty and theres no reason for mia to leave, but one day shes watching her mother perform a channeling for someone and the person being channeled turns out to have been someone lana had falsely imprisoned who was subsequently executed. mia is like. hey holy shit that doesn't sound right. one, lana's supposed to be a detective, not a prosecutor, two, she wouldnt do that. i have to go find out what the hell happened and see what made her this way.
so mia leaves the village and attends law school at ivy and it's really her first time out of the village for any significant stretch of time and so she's very country mouse in the big city. dahlia spots her at the courthouse when she's pulling Her whole shtick and is like OH MY GOSH HEY CUZ YOU REMEMBER ME RIGHT (: (: (: (: (: SO CRAZY BESTIE BEEN SO LONG SINCE WE'VE SEEN YOU I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU ((poison necklace)) and obviously there's not the dating identity swap i dont know about the specifics here but. mia gets involved in dahlias hijinks from Trusting Family too much and phoenix ends up defending her in court, which is where she meets him and eventually she begins working at his law firm with him
phoenix -
he and edgeworth were friends through childhood and when edgeworth started at themis to study as a defense attorney their friendship continued. phoenix spent enough time going over edgeworths schoolwork with him and serving as a filler in after-hours mock trials put on by the more enthusiastic students or bumming around in the art club because eventually they stopped kicking him out that eventually edgeworth started to realized phoenix kind of had a knack for the whole lawyering thing, and convinced him to give it a try. phoenix was very easily swayed by edgeworth telling him he was smart and good at something. he and edgeworth both started practicing as defense attorneys at the edgeworth law offices, with phoenix lagging a bit behind edgeworth in terms fo passing the bar and whatnot. maybe by a couple of years. did they date in this timeline? yes. absolutely. idk when though. some awkward high school stuff for sure and then probably some more serious stuff as adults.
he and lana face off in the fawles trial and the whole affair ends with fawles suicide and ray getting godot'd with the poison bottle. also something mysterious happens to edgeworth and he's suddenly cold and distant, leaving his fathers firm to pursue a career as a prosecutor. phoenix can't bear to be there without edgeworth so he leaves to open his own firm. here's where phoenix starts getting the idea that maybe the way the law functions needs some changing, so he starts doing some side research on the jurist system while he takes a break from cases. he keeps getting stopped everywhere he goes and everyone he talks to, and eventualyl finds out that one man currently owns pretty much all of the justice system: redd white. so phoenix begins looking into white trying to take him down as a prerequisite for judicial reform. this does not work and phoenix gets bludgeoned to death in his office after mia wins her first case. RIP KING !
edgeworth -
becomes a defense attorney at his father's firm as established. pretty much what you'd expect from a no dl-6 au edgeworth. but then. the twistening: this is also something i haven't really ironed out the specifics of but whatever it doesn't really matter. MVK has been eyeing revenge on greg. in a sort of parallel to the sl-9 incident, greg - with edgeworth as co-counsel - had been defending someone accused of a serial killing, and it REALLY started to look like the prosecution was not going to be able to put the case through. there's one final confrontation where the prosecution is interrogating the defendant, and the defense team is waiting outside. power outage, scuffle, blah blah blah, long story short it ends with mvk killing the defendant and setting the scene up to make it seem like greg killed the man (either accidentally or in self defense?idk) which, yknow, killing your defendant is sure to ruin a defense attorneys reputation
so mvk blackmails edgeworth into switching teams and becoming a prosecutor. in a few years, he's chief prosecutor like lana was. since mvk works internationally he cant keep the position himself, but having edgeworth there as a pawn works in his favor and of course edgeworth is wholly miserable
ema -
sort of in fran's place. becomes a detective at an incredibly young age and pops up after mia gets gant arrested. she's got more of her aa4 bitterness going on here because gant was basically like forensics is fucking stupid (whihc she now realizes is because forensic analysis makes fucking lying in court a hell of a lot harder) and is embittered because she essentially had her dream beaten out of her to be used as someones pawn. she spent all this time trying to live up to her sister and help her sister when her sister wasnt even doing anything good either. shows up after lana 'chooses death' to investigate her sisters disappearance
maya -
still assists as mia's co counsel, only she's channeling phoenix for the most part here. very sad that the only time phoenix and maya will ever get to meet is once pearly gets into the mix but these are the sacrifices we make.
fran -
i think conceptually still the second prosecutor once lana Chooses Death only since she spent most of her life without edgeworth, the two of them are on slightly different terms than they are in canon. not as close, but not quite as volatile and competitive either since she was working as a prosecutor far before he was. edgeworth calls her into the country to start prosecuting while he is, i guess, in jail for his crimes, presumably, because he wants to believe she is a good enough person to prosecute the Right way and doesn't trust most of the remaining prosecutors in the district. shes still sort of on the fence over the whole game but obviously gets pushed over the edge in 2-4
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Ravs please, in name of our friendship... where’s the Sukuna band au ? 😠💥💳💳💳💥💥💳💥💳💥
Band AU - Sukuna Ryomen 
Everyone swooned over the infamous Sukuna. His charms and overall sexiness was enough to get men and women to drop at his feet as if he were some type of God. But you knew better, that this cocky saxophone player was quite the opposite, a devil in your eyes.
Every time you tried to leave he somehow managed to reel you back in. He played around and had his fun only using you at the darkest hours at night and throwing you away the moment the sun rose. You had enough. You couldn't comprehend why he kept doing this to you when he had so many fans and even other artists that could satisfy his needs. Why did he always ask for you?
“Come on sweetheart you don't mean that”
“Don't act like you care you prick. You go out with different people to your award shows and dates and only expect to use me at night? Just admit your embarrassed to be seen with someone who doesn't uphold your reputation!“
“I never once said you embarrass-“
“Then why cant it be me? Why cant I be seen with you in public?” (Y/N)’s voice cracked expecting an answer but was only met with silence.
“That's what I thought″ 
You hung up the phone and threw yourself onto the bed. Maybe this is what you deserved, everyone knew out of all the members in the band Sukuna was the worst. Even Gojo treated relationships better than he had. But maybe this is what fame at a young age does to you, inflates your ego to the extent that no one else is able to reach you up there.
Tears escaped your eyes as you thought about him. Whenever you were together it just felt right but he clearly didn't feel the same. He was a selfish man who wanted the world and truly believed he could have it. 
A few weeks had passed since the incident and you were currently sitting in your university dorms with your friends. 
“I pray the jujutsu sorcerers win best rock band this year they definitely deserve it!!“
“I know right they've worked so hard and they're members damn gurl“
“you alright (Y/N) you've gone silent“
“Oh yeah I'm fine just daydreaming“ You quickly lie and turn away from the TV, the sight of Sukuna enough to ignite either sadness or anger within you.
“And the award for best rock group goes to....JUJUTSU SORCERERS!” the announcer yells as the crows begin to applaud and whistle. Honestly this outcome was no surprise, you couldn't deny they made good music and their range was amazing. 
You drowned out their acceptance speech knowing that Nanami would most likely talk followed by Yuuji and they'd be off the stage. But a new voice, no a recognisable voice had grabbed the mic right after Nanami.
“I know I don't usually do these speeches, they're not really my thing but there's a few people I’d like to thank this year“
You looked up in shock. What the fuck was he doing? 
“First I guess I’d like to thank the group who put up with me, second I’d like to thank those who believed in me and my saxophone skills I know it isn't really a popular instrument but it takes hard work and dedication to use a sax in a rock band. And finally I’d like to thank (Y/N) who always supported me, unfortunately she couldn't be here today but I know shed look damn fine in that crowd if she was” Sukuna smirked and waved to the camera before walking off stage.
The band, the audience and most importantly you sat there in shock. Did he seriously just do that on live TV? Maybe he did care more than he let on. Maybe Sukuna couldn't have the world but that was okay as long as he had you.
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