#I can't plan what I draw it just comes out
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some fun facts about this whole picture
(also just because I share all of this with you guys, nothing is set in stone, if you have your own theories that's the coolest thing ever!!! Share them with me please!!)
🍜Some of y'all said that Macaque was sitting alone but believe me just because Bai He turned around to chat with MK and Mei she is only there because Macaque came and Macaque is only there because Bai He bagged him to tag along,
🍜 You might have noticed that some of the chopstick holders and sauce holders have stickers on them. Those were put there by MK. He first did it when he was much younger to help decorate the shop because he overheard a convo between Tang and Pigsy discussing renovation and finances - it was a whole thing - Pigsy even got mad at MK, but they figure it out eventually and nowadays when the stickers get too worn MK replaces them with new ones
🍜 Mei is showing Bai He a puppy video you can hardly see it
🍜 Mei hardly even touches Red Son in the illustration, Red Son is just completely distraught by the idea of being so close to someone. (He's very embarrassed they might be blushing a bit too (I just went able to draw that properly lol))
🍜MK is sitting on outside of the boot because he keeps on getting up and helping pigsy around (it's not even conscious anymore, whenever they sit down with the others he sits somewhere, where he can easily get up to land a hand to Pigsy (or to anyone))
🍜 Yeeah Yeah okay,,, I know there is a shadowpeach shaped question in the room bugging your minds like: omg clownery is it on purpose that they are the only characters that we can't see the faces of???
And my answer to that is: I made this drawing on a whim, I started drawing it purely to mess around with perspective and expected to give up halfway bc it looked ass, I could have hardly given it any deeper meaning or thought. How could've I possibly planned anything? The core elements of this picture are all managed to get made up while I was drawing it...
Except from this one ;]
See when I sat down and got an idea about a group picture I wanted to differentiate the celestial monkeys (excluding MK) from the main group
This picture takes place some time after season 3 and a bit before season 4. I would like to say that Wukong and Macaque are not a part of this group. Especially in season 3 both of them have done terrible shit and regardless of where they're sitting and what they are doing, they're not part of it all.
For Macaque this is pretty easily illustrated, he is the one who stands out the most, not a lot of people want him there since they did try to kill members of the group even if he was under the influence of LBD. He's at a different table MK invited them bc MK genuinely wants to be friend Macaque, but this was already stated: Bai He wants Macaque to be there - I have a lot of head canons about their relationship but I'm not going to talk about this here cuz this rant might get even longer - but Bai He at first was scared as fuck with Wukong around, she only felt better when Macaque was there. She has gotten better since then, as you can see she's pretty comfortable with MK and Mei (even Red Son surprisingly), but she still needs Macaque there.
Making Wukong stand out and look isolated is a bit more tricky... He's in the group seemingly chatting with Sandy, he's there part of the whole thing, but there are subtle hints about his environment and body language you might notice:
Well for once he is turned away from the pov, we cant see his face already distancing him from you guys the viewers.
His body language is also closed off, arms crossed, legs just next to each other tightly, he's not comfortable, he's somewhere else, Sandy is there but his talking at Wukong rather than talking to him.
Also It has been made pretty evident in the show that Wukong loves eating right? If he was perfectly comfortable and at ease he would at least have 3 bowls of noodles yet he barely touched anything, he's not eating.
I mean he almost got Mei killed and the whole plan screwed since he was unwilling to cooperate and share his plans with the others. I like to think that Mei just straight up ignored him for a while,, same with pigsy,, those two had enough of Wukongs past getting MK in trouble, they do not like him (and them being so buddy buddy with him in later seasons is annoying af to me,,, maybe season 5 gets some form of pass, because more time has passed and Wukongs actions in season 4 were considerably better, but they were waaaaay too comfortable with him at season 5,,, it bugged me a lot)
I think they're also very aware of each other's presence (I have a whole au that plays between season 3 and 4 explaining how Macaque started living on the FFM with Wukong, so in that context,,,, damn they are having a BLAST especially Macaque, he would like to be anywhere but near Wukong :] )
🍜Also they're sitting away from each other as far away as possible, and (this was not planned and got pointed out by one of my friends) Wukong is sitting closest to the sun and Macaque is the one who is in the shade the most
Sorry about the big monkey rant, I am just so extremely shadowpeach pilled that it distracts my brain form everything else
And once again: I tell all this stuff to you guys, but feel free to come up with your own theories about the illustration, details, backstories, whatever you have in mind. You guys have different interpretations makes it all the more fun!!
Please share your theories with me in the comments I would love to hear them 🍎🍊🍊
I'll edit this if I have more ideas 💡
Wow okay
#clown does art#lmk#lego monkey kid#lmk sun wukong#lmk macaque#lmk mk#lmk mei#lmk tang#lmk pigsy#lmk freenoodles#lmk sandy#lmk red son#lmk bai he
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hi quip! i really like your one piece comics and i am curious how you do them! i'm not good at comics and want to be better at drawing them! how do you learn how to make comics?
thank you!
uh oh... im afraid u have caught me at the perfect crossroad of "bored at work" and "unrelated task ive been meaning to do but keep putting off."
this is long. i hope you like reading (and grayscale progress pics). and of course!!! disclaimer before we begin that this is just how I, personally draw comics. there is no "right way."
quip's comic-making process!
Switching my typing to make this more legible...
My process can kinda be broken down into 6 steps:
Panels & Text
1. Brainstorming
My brain is a leaky sieve on a good day, so I sloppily jot down ideas in my phone notes the moment I have them. This helps me when it's time to draw too, because if I feel art blocked, I can look through old concepts and see what catches my interest.
Otherwise, I love drawing for other people's writing. :) And if worst comes to worst, doing manga/comic page redraws in my style teaches me new things every time.
Once I have my idea, I'll usually make a bulletpoint list of "plot points" or "story beats" I want. Then I plan the comic with this format that I've adapted from a tutorial I read once. I'm going to use my most recent comic (original comic post) as an example.
I start in the third column, writing notes of what I'd want to see in each panel. I also include the dialogue (in this case, I didn't have to write the dialogue! it's from the fanfic linked in the original comic post!). I usually write the whole name like [Luffy:], but at this point I've drawn so much of these guys, just the first letter works.
I like to handwrite these notes to get an idea for how much text I'm putting in a single panel.
After I describe all the panels, I go back and separate them into pages. I can't tell you how to know how many panels to a page. It's whatever works for you. I just kinda know about how big each panel will be, and so I can feel when I'm probably running out of space. (Also. You can change things later. I don't in this example, but I add/drop pages/panels all the time.)
2. Thumbnailing
Thumbnailing—as the name suggests—should be done tiny. Too tiny to accidentally get sucked into details.
This is about marking down blobs where items/characters go, and figuring out the paneling. I'll draw and redraw these a bunch of times too.
This is also the most time-consuming/brain-working part for me. If I were in a zine that did progress percentage, I'd try to finish thumbnailing around the 50% mark (but I'm also a moderately fast artist, so your mileage may vary).
I think the terrible quality makes them charming, actually. I really like how silly they look. :')))
I will add, when you draw your "page" rectangle, make sure it's the same proportions as your actual canvas for the final image. You want an accurate idea of how much space each panel will take up, especially if you have a lot of text.
3. Sketching
This is my most recent change to my usual workflow, and it's saving me a lot of time. I make my thumbnails a bit bigger (each one about half the size of the final canvas), and I sketch these basic body forms right over them.
It just helps give me placement for my actual lines!
I usually draw these in a paleish color so I can lower the opacity and not get distracted by them while lining. The random darker parts are to either help keep two forms separate (like when two characters have their limbs all over) or to better define sections that were too sloppy/poorly proportioned.
I also think this helps my poses stay looser, because I have more dramatic/wriggly shapes that aren't too bogged down by proportions yet.
Sidenote: I CANNOT show this here, but sometimes this is when I take videos. Of myself. I prop my phone camera up and shoot a video of me acting each panel. :/// It looks really dumb, but it also shows me fun body language ideas like hand gestures, expressions, weight distribution, etc. Just pretend you're an overdramatic cartoon character, and try not to worry about your roommates or mother walking in on you doing odd things. (You can also use the video for anatomy reference later, but I usually just capture the vibe and don't try to copy the actual video frame.)
4. Panels & Text
Oh, boy. So, the panels are usually just straight lines (though it's fun to make creative exceptions, like a round panel to mimic looking through a spyglass), but there are some fancy rules that I don't strictly adhere to.
I believe (I have no technical training in this. Take everything I say with a grain of salt) the vertical gaps (between two side-by-side panels) should all be a consistent width and the horizontal gaps (between two panels on top of each other) should be another. The vertical ones? Should be thinner? Because you want the eye to easily glide between them, whereas the horizontal gaps should be a visual barrier to keep you from jumping ahead. Just something I've vaguely noticed.
There are lots of fun "default layouts" you can look up. Or keep it a consistent grid. I think it's fun to sometimes have characters/objects sticking out of panels and overlapping others. This is just a matter of taste, creativity, and inspiration. (Read Witch Hat Atelier... It has some of my favorite paneling...)
You may also notice I have already done the speech bubbles. This is, to me, a crucial step. This helps me catch early if I don't have enough room for all the words. It also lets me plan the art in each panel with the speech bubbles in mind. There's nothing worse than working really hard on a panel, and then you realize there's no room for the bubbles.
I also try to lay them out in a way that guides the eye! Even without art, can people tell where to go next? Better yet, if I want people to look at panels out of order (aka not left to right, in my case), can I use the speech bubble path to make them? Here's just a vague example of what I mean.
As an added bonus, doing speech bubbles early also allows me to be lazy! :) Ignore the comic; I'm not supposed to post it yet oops,, There's a whole lot of drawing to do on each comic page, and I am not wasting my time on stuff that will be covered up. So yes, if I hide my bubbles, there are a lot of unfinished lines trailing off into nothing. (As a bonus, if there's a part of a character you're struggling with—and it won't look weird to do so—you can move speech bubbles to just hide the problem area yayyy)
Making the actual bubbles could be their own whole tutorial, tbh, but there are some general guidelines I use.
Zoom out when you choose your font size. You want to know how it will look to the average reader, so it isn't super teeny tiny or way too big. You generally want to keep the same text size for all your pages/bubbles.
When I draw bubbles, I try to size them about one vertical letter height (and some change) around the words [left side]. This isn't always the case though, because humorously large or funny shaped text bubbles can convey different feelings [right side].
On Procreate, I set my bubble lines to Reference and just drag-and-drop the white fill on a separate layer below the lines. (Remember to turn Reference back off again when you're done, or your fill bucket won't work right when you're drawing.)
To get the white outlines I use to keep the bubbles from cluttering up the art, I literally just Gaussian blur an all-white copy of the lines + fills... and then I copy and merge it 5 times until it's opaque enough. This is a terrible way to do it, but it works for me. :')
5. Lines
This is the part that I can't tell you how to do. I literally just. Draw right over my wacky sketched body forms. Boom. Comic drawn.
I'll make three suggestions:
Don't focus on making every panel perfect. Give a little extra love to big ones or ones you want people to linger on. Otherwise, know that people are typically speeding through the art. It's way more important to focus on storytelling than art technique. In my opinion, a good story that's told well will always be better than a beautiful one told poorly. (Some comics are beautiful AND well-written... Alas, I am just a hobbyist who needs to get the ideas out of my head at top speed.)
Put your background lines on a different layer. Put your foreground lines on a different layer too, if you have those. Basically, I try to keep the main part of each panel (usually a character or object) on my lines layer so I can erase background/foreground/etc lines to ensure clarity/focus.
You can make background lines lighter colors too. I have too many numbers sorry. (1) Background. The stuff that's farthest away. Lightest lines. Few details; more focused on shapes and the suggestion of a background (I'm not good at backgrounds). (2) Midground. Same distance away as the characters are. Lines can be black. (3) Also midground, and also the same distance away. But they're very detailed, so I lighten them so they aren't so distracting. (4) The characters. Black lines for focus. For people who haven't seen the comic, I swear they are just hugging. This is SFW. D:
6. Tones/Colors
Do not. Do NOT ask me. I don't understand colors. I hate working with them, but I try because I want to improve. I hate doing anything beyond the simplest grayscale shading. Please go elsewhere for your coloring/tone advice. This is how my color picker looks 95% of the time. I have pre-set "percentages" of black that I got by lowering the opacity of a black layer and just color picking it. I don't even know the exact percentages I used. Good luck out there. Be better than me.
7. Sharing
This is a bonus step that I didn't mention earlier, but it's actually the most important of all of them.
You need a friend. Or maybe a groupchat or discord. A family member or coworker if you're really close like that. I don't know.
Find SOMEWHERE you can spam wips and be cheered on. Drawing comics takes a while, especially if you're trying to tell longer stories than I'd dare to attempt. If I don't force someone to praise me for every line I draw, I shrivel up and die.
Also if and when you post online, add alt text. I'll admit I'm the first person to complain and drag my feet on this, and I literally use a screenreader myself when my eyes hurt (strong prescription glasses wearer). Comics should be accessible, because stories are fun and everyone should be able to enjoy them.
And I guess lastly, how do you learn to make comics? Two steps: 1) read them and 2) make them. This is the tragedy of creating things.
1) Reading them: I grew up reading comic strips, western serialized comics, and webcomics. I've always loved graphic novels too. Then in late middle school, I started reading manga (Death Note and Haikyuu were my first two), and now I'm trying to read more webtoons (sorry im so slow bree)!
I also... mass-consume doujinshi, thanks to proxy mailing services and bilingual friends/Google Translate/knowing some Korean. (I have an entire bookshelf of doujin, actually,,)
The thing is, it's not usually enough to just read comics. You also need to be thinking. :/ I notice paneling, comic devices, clever comedic timing, etc. as I go. It's just a lot of studying/learning while also enjoying the story.
2) Making them: You just have to start. :( Even if you think they're "bad." My first comics were actually just drawings placed randomly all over the page, connected by speech bubbles (yay... I was already practicing how to place bubbles to lead the eye around the page...). I was going to post a pic here, but I'm a coward. Backscroll my account and you can find some older ones though.
I also know my art in general improved dramatically when I did ten comics in ten weeks for my friend's fic. Don't do this. It hurt my hands/wrists. But do practice in moderation.
If you actually read all that... I hope it made even a modicum of sense. And maybe it was even helpful? Just know at the end of the day, there is literally no right way to draw a comic.
And if you aren't ready to go for it yet, you can start by just adding a couple speech bubbles to your illustrations or doodles! It's a way to add storytelling and dialogue writing to things you may already be making.
Yay. I love comics. :))))
#art tips#ask#THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS#PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT STORYTELLING AND ART AND COMICS#i have so much more i can say but i will not because this post is already way too dense#ive been meaning to finish/post this for so long im sorry#making comics is this fun blend of THINKING REALLY HARD AND WITH PURPOSE and doing things innately and you rly dont know why#reference#art reference#i dont remember my tutorial tag#oh. was it#tutorial#I DONT REMEMBER
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How do Bear and Lyney Meet?
How do they get together?
Do they have any pet names for each other?
OHHH MY TIME HAS COME..(thanks now I'm going to use you to throw out a lot of stupid info..AND WITH SILLY PICTURES. because, uh I like to draw)
this..looks like it's going to be longer than I planned..oopsuwu
can't guarantee that I've written everything correctly...my english is a nightmare.
ACTUALLY (🤓☝🏻), both of them met a few months after Bernadette arrived at Fontaine, however they did not speak to each other.
The two began to cross paths frequently, especially since some children related to Lyney started going to listen to Bernadette's stories. (he's a storyteller)
Lyney was the one who started talking to him, small dialogues and exchanges of words every time he went to pick up the children in his care,, sometimes he just stayed to listen the stories from afar.
Despite Lyney's personality and casual attempts to maintain some sort of bond, it actually took quite a while for Bernadette to begin to reciprocate in any way.
Though his personality seems intense, he has never been a very open person and prefers to avoid unnecessary stuff, like anything that makes him feel too observed...naturally trying to cut the conversations and leave.
Still, Lyney was NEVER pushy about anything in particular, letting things go at their pace. slowly the greetings turned into small talk, then long conversations. then outings together, a little help here and there...and they became friends.
Lyney for his part was very open with his feelings, but at the same time he kept a lot of his personal life secret, afraid of harming him. and Bernadette simply denied feeling anything at all. He's not good at processing intense emotions, so not having anyone to talk about it just isolated him.
Oh, and of course, the
"why should I tell you anything about MY life if YOU won't?"
delayed things a little..
The moment that felt like a confession was in a late night conversation they had in secret. It wasn't formal. In fact, the subject wasn't even broached. But it was intimate enough to create a great silence.
(I'm not going to say what it was because in my head I have a whole comic for that OKAAAY??)
Still, after that there was a formal confession, but it was only as a final confirmation.
(the conversation was started by Lyney, the formal confession was made by Bernadette.) (technically my bear did the easy thing) (He already took it for granted so) (yeah)
After they started dating, the first week was funny to watch..Bernadette was as petrified as a scared goat. (If you don't know how goats look when they get scared, I swear it's funny)
He's not the type of person who reacts extremely SWEET to displays of affection, at least not in a conventional way (he will probably show his affection by making you fall straight to the ground every time you try to walk)
So,, the first few days he looked like a shy kid with his first girlfriend in kindergarten.
That mood didn't last long (though unlike Lyney, Bernadette is much more cheesy in private....Lyney seems to forget when he's in a public space)
(this was just an excuse to draw bro being the cuddly one) (leave me alone)
Lyney seems to have a shotgun full of those, Bernadette responds more to the word sweetheart than to his own name at this point..All the cheesy shit that comes to your mind, whatever you think Lyney probably said it.
and Bernadette..sometimes uses petnames, BUT he has the habit of just calling him Lyney in a softer tone. he loves his name and thinks it sounds cute enough.
(also calls him honey) (haha its fun, because) (he's a bear) (haha) (haha guys why arent you laughing)
and following on from what I said, this also took him quite a few weeks to do it naturally..Lyney can still VIVIDLY remember his boyfriend of 2 weeks staring at him, in silence, after 4 long minutes of preparation to say something like "hey love" and ending up being a "hey dude"
I'm sorry to whoever is reading this, I got carried away LOL
#I find it funny that the 'unnecessary stuff' was lyney..#things he'll never know#should i put this next to the pinned post? yeah maybe....#I don't know#I'm sleepy uwu#genshin oc#genshin impact#genshin ocs#genshin#art#oc#digital art#genshin impact oc#grrr#lyney#lyney genshin#lyney genshin impact#lyney fanart#lyney x oc#oc x canon
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Countdown to Homulilly
Like Walpurgisnacht before her, Homulilly's formal entrance to the narrative is heralded with a the whirring of a projector and dramatic countdown using film leaders (though technically speaking, she's been there from the very beginning as both Homura and the entire false Mitakihara). I've already talked about how Homulilly's countdown signs evoke Walpurgisnacht's, so I won't go into too much here except to say that the Rebellion Production Note explicitly confirms as much; instead, I'll focus on what else is going on in this sequence as the rest of the Holy Quintet braces themselves for impact.
Rebellion thrives on surrealism and dream-logic, and it's unclear how much is meant to be taken literally here. The stylized format makes it feel like we are watching actors on a stage as they prepare for a big scene, and I don't think that's a coincidence.
Regardless, note that of the girls are already transformed and wearing their magical girl costumes, presumably because the city going up in flames as the biggest Nightmare of them all gets going and they are the only ones who can deal with it, even if only Sayaka and Nagisa/Bebe have the mental framework for what is actually happening.
First up is Madoka, hiding behind a wall of ticking clocks. Unlike the clocks chiming midnight that marked Homura's revelation of her witchhood, most of these clocks are set for 4 am--which, along with midnight, is known as "the witching hour". (There's also one clock set for 3 and another a little after 5, and I'm not sure why--"the time is out of joint, O cursed spite / that ever I was born to set it right", perhaps?)
Also, the gap between midnight and 4 am suggests that Kyubey's explanatory monologue and argument with Homura was four hours long in-universe, which is just too funny for words. Alternately, the more depressing theory is that Homura got "stuck" in her own despair before she emerged in her witch form. But like everything else in Homura's labyrinth, time is malleable, so I wouldn't think too hard about it--everything happens at the most dramatic moment possible, regardless of logic or logistics.
(Still, it's kind of insane that starting with the sunset bus ride to Kazaimino about thirty minutes in, everything after that takes place in a single night, at least until Homura wakes up and resets everything. Not to mention that this all goes down approximately one month after Homura's first day of school, as if Homura can't escape her loops even in her dreams. The chronology of Rebellion is both entirely deliberate and fucking wild.)
Behind Madoka on the shelf are two teacups that previously appeared on the street as Homura walks to Mami's apartment. I confess I don't really know what's going on with these teacups--tea is usually associated with Mami but her cups are in a different style, and I've only been able to find the cups in the drawing with the clocks in the Production Note. So clearly they mean something to Inu Curry, but what I'm not sure.
Unlike the earlier film leaders, which were floating in a nebulous meta state, the rest of Homulilly's countdown signs are projected onto the landscape. This makes perfect sense when you remember that the entire false Mitakihara is Homulilly's labyrinth, so there is no separation between them. Here it's reflected on the floor of the alleyway where Homura confronted Sayaka... and sure enough, a second later we see Sayaka in silhouette, working "behind the scenes" to ensure that their plan to rescue Homura comes to fruition.
Sayaka is frequently associated with "black and white" during her transformation sequence and elsewhere during the later battle sequence, some of which is deliberately borrowing from the witch Elsa Maria from the original series who was Sayaka's foil and some of which is just because it makes some nifty artistic shots.
#3 is the bridge over the highway where Sayaka and Kyouko fought in the original series, with a glow-up even beyond what it got in the Beginnings recap film (below).
I don't know why this bridge is associated with Mami here, and I don't think it was featured in any of the establishing landscape shots earlier. It's also much better illuminated that in the original series, with a new design of lamppost I haven't seen before.
Number 2 is also on the bridge, this time next to Bebe, and we get a nice close-up of the intricate tilework that was added in for Beginnings. Also I love that Bebe's jacket has Charlotte's face on it.
Mami stands up, ready to face the witch, because that's what magical girls do, even if she doesn't realize it because her memories have been wiped. Instead, she bravely faces the unknown, and I think that's beautiful.
(Note that the fence/railing that was visible in the previous shot disappeared because reality continues to mess with us. Or, alternately, you could interpret this as the "guardrails being off", i.e., the normal rules no longer applying.)
Cut to Kyouko, hunched in her chair in front of a red curtain. The camera pans out to reveal she's at the cafe again, except that the braided innocent Homura from earlier is missing the upper portion of her head.
Abruptly and without any warning, the table is gone, allowing Kyouko to reach out to Homura as the curtain rises. Note that her posture means she is unable to look Homura in the face even if Homura had one in the first place.
Furthermore, while the curtain was closed, the background set has changed, and Homulilly is formally introduced to the narrative.
Why is Kyouko so depressed here? Well, it's not just because she cares about Homura (although there's no question that she does). The next time we see her, she's more or less in the same position, isolated away from the others. Because of the way reality works in ths movie, it's likely she was always like that, and what we saw before was just a symbolic rendering; the same action viewed in two different ways (although other readings are certainly possible).
Homura's awakening as a witch isn't simply horrific for its own sake; it means the end of Kyouko's happy dream life, and she's not happy about it. As she tells Sayaka, "I had a horrible dream about you last night. You were... dead. But it wasn't a dream, it was real, wasn't it? This, right here, us fighting side by side, is the dream, ain't it?"
Every scene in Rebellion has its counterpart somewhere, and this one echoes what Homura says to Madoka in the second flower field scene, "I had a dream and it scared me. ...In my dream, you went someplace far away and it was so far, I wasn't going to be able to see you again and everyone forgot about you."
Homura and Kyouko are kindred souls in more ways than one, but especially in that they can only meet the person they love in this dream. This is why Kyouko doesn't join the fight until Sayaka is swallowed up by one of Homura's familiars, and why she's not very active in working against Homulilly. On some level, Kyouko would be happier if Homura succeeded! And when Kyouko does fight, it's because it means she can be with Sayaka one last time before the dream ends, and there's something so bittersweet about that.
Anyway, while that particular topic is worth a whole essay in itself, I think it's fascinating that each of these five characters has a very different reaction to Homulilly's emergence, and how that's reflected in both their surroundings and the way they carry themselves.
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To Be With You In The Morning Is My Favorite Tradition
This was the fic I wanted to post on Bruce's Birthday, but due to me being disheartened about losing half of my progress on the story from the phone glitching, I decided I would post this on my Birthday (which is today!)
If you'd like to go support my other two stories in this series liking or reposting, that'd be appreciated! But even if not, that's perfectly okay! Anyhow, here they are: 5 Times Bruce Was Protective of His Pups (+2 Times They Were Protective of Him) and The Difficulties of The Working Class (Just Clark Kent): A Beautiful Omega, His Pups and The Fact He Wants Both
This story is-for some reason-so incredibly mushy at a lot of points that I think it made me sick 😂.
Also, a very Happy Birthday to anyone else who shares March 1st as a B-day too! Eat good food and have fun! You darlings deserve it.
Anywho, without further ado; the story. Enjoy! 💛
Birthdays are like a special holiday in the Wayne-Kent household–mainly for Bruce and Clark's kids–it's as if something takes ahold of the omega whenever one of their babies Birthdays are near and all he can do is plan accordingly. I mean, it's a day to celebrate (with very good reason) the lives of all his children, so sue him for decorating almost every room in the house with the best decorations.
He is just glad for his husband, Clark, and his superspeed coming in handy. The rooms get decorated faster that way.
Anywho, Birthdays are a very special and beloved occasion in the Wayne-Kent household, a day for both the alpha and omega to lavish their children with gifts, kisses and love, while reminiscing on the days when the kids were smaller and more big eyed towards everything.
Birthdays are a treasured thing by Bruce Thomas Wayne, especially as he has a reason to feel excited for them again, the familiar feeling of excited fluttering happening in his stomach as the days leading up to his kids, dad's or husband's Birthday draws closer and closer. All from the joy of imagining their reactions to his carefully thought out decoration plans and the moment they unwrap every perfectly wrapped present.
I know I keep saying it, but Birthdays are like a national treasure in Bruce's home.
However, the issue is how the stubborn omega becomes disinterested whenever his special day draws near, as though his Birthday is somehow less important than anyone else's just because it's him. And the more annoying aspect of that behavior for the family is how Bruce never means it in a negative way...even if once upon a time he did, he's admitted that he doesn't feel as depressed and unhappy whenever the day rolls around like how he used to as a child or teenager.
Clark and the kids have asked Bruce repeatedly what the reasons are for his disinterest, just to make sure that the omega remains as happy as possible as his Birthday nears, because if anyone deserves to feel such joy, it's Bruce.
But, the man just smiles softly whenever they ask, because he knows the reasons as to why they are questioning him, and just explains with the same answer: I'm married and have kids now. An answer that Clark doesn't completely understand, but then again, he acts like a hyperactive toddler whenever the days draw nearer to his special day, bugging his wife about what his theme is that year and what are his gifts and whining loudly whenever he can't find the presents the man hid from him. The alpha just doesn't fully understand Bruce's reasoning. I mean, he's an adult (doubtful), as well as a mature (mhm) alpha and a father as well, and he still feels antsy with anticipation whenever his Birthday rolls around.
No matter though, Clark and the rest of the family always decorate just as much for Bruce as he does for them, the gifts heartfelt and usually handmade by the kids (or else he wouldn't be as excited for the gifts). And yes, they continue to buy things for him even though nine out of ten of most his gifts are immediately on display as decoration for no one else but Bruce's eyes.
But if you were to ask Bruce what his favorite part of his Birthday day was, the answer would be-after listing a billion reasons having to do with the kids-his and Clark's morning ritual of waking up way before anyone else in the house (especially the twins) to just simply bask in one another's presence. Its one of the omega's most favorite moments: to wake up to the gentle nosing at his neck by Clark and the man's incredibly soft, deep voice rumble out a, 'Happy Birthday', to him.
Even if Bruce doesn't show the same enthusiasm for his special holiday like when he was a kid, he still finds his heart fluttering in excitement and love when his family bombard him with lots of hugs and kisses.
Like today: February 19th, Bruce Wayne's Birthday.
The sun has barely begun to peak over the horizon, the sky lightening from a deep, midnight blue to something still dark-yet light toned-at the same time, in preparation for the impending sunrise.
Clark smiles down at Bruce and gently nuzzles the omega's neck, his left arm draped over the curve of the other's waist while he props himself up on his right elbow, his deep blue eyes fondly watching as the shorter male scrunches up his nose cutely at the feeling of the alpha tickling his neck with his lips. "Bruce." Clark's voice rumbles soothingly in the omega's ear, the older placing a soft kiss to the exposed shoulder and hiding his smile in the warmth of his wife's neck. "Baby, s'time to get up. It's your Birthday." Bruce hums low in his throat, his eyes bleary as he cracks them open only to see the darkness of the room, a small yawn escaping him as his body extends into a stretch. "Mm..." He grunts softly from the way his muscles tense momentarily from the force of his sleep rested muscles suddenly extending, before relaxing against the fluff of his pillow with a soft sigh, his icy blue eyes looking up and over to where he knows Clark's face is. "Alpha."
Bruce can practically feel the smile he knows is being directed down his way, his ears tingling at the sound of happy alpha filling the quietness of their bedroom.
"Stupid alpha."
Nevermind, moment ruined.
Clark stops his pleased rumbles in favor of whining pitifully at whatever he did, "What did I do? You always ask me to wake you up every year, even when I feel guilty for doing so."
Bruce huffs a soft, sleepy laugh and pinches at the Kryptonian's cheek, "That's not why you're stupid."
Said stupid alpha responds to the comment by squeezing the omega closely to his body, carefully pinning the shorter underneath his comfortingly heavy weight as he mutters pitifully in the man's ear. "Then why doesn't my omega tell me why I'm stupid so that I can fix it." Bruce can't help his giggle at the ticklish puffs of air against his ear, his hand raising up to gently brush back Clark's curls. "You'll always be a stupid alpha-" he yelps at the teeth playfully digging into his earlobe for the accusation, a sigh of defeat escaping him as he concedes to the reprimand and gently wraps his arms around Clark-"but you're my stupid alpha."
The man hums appreciatively against Bruce's throat before licking apologetically at the now pink lobe. "The actual reason you are stupid is because you didn't turn the lamp on so I could see your face."
Clark stops his licking to prop himself up above Bruce, a beaming smile on his face as he stares down at the omega. "You wanna see my face first thing in the morning, baby?" Being able to make out the omega's blush despite it still being dark in the room is truly a blessing, thank Rao for his superpowers. Bruce huffs again in displeasure at the disgustingly happy smile he can sense Clark is giving him...and from the fact he can't see the alpha, but the stupid alpha can see him. "O-Of course I do...you're beautiful always, so why wouldn't I want to see you?" Clark smiles fondly down at Bruce for the timid remark, momentarily leaving the other's side to flick on their bedside lamp, both squinting against the soft glow of the light.
"Hi." Clark whispers as he settles on top of Bruce once more, his thumb caressing his mates pink cheek tenderly.
Bruce looks up at Clark with a soft look in his eyes, his breath hitching at how handsome his husband is. "Why do you never look like you slept?" He sighs wistfully as he looks at the ever perfect hair, as though he is imagining waking up in the morning looking just as put together as his alpha does.
"Really? No good morning or anything?"
Bruce looks away from the dark curls and finally makes eye contact with his mate, a small smile gracing his face as he softly greets the taller. "Hi and good morning, Clark." Clark is soft for Bruce, he really and truly is, to the point where it seems overwhelming. The alpha returns the smile and whispers, "I'm going to kiss you now." Waiting for his mate to nod his head before he lowers his head and gently presses his lips to the omega's, smiling into the kiss when hearing the satisfied hum from the other and softly licking at his mate's lips carefully for permission to enter, rumbling in satisfaction when the omega opens up for him. Bruce feels overtaken with warmth as he kisses Clark; that's the way it always goes. The omega purrs contentedly as he kisses his husband, his arms wrapping around the alpha's neck when the man slowly deepens the kiss by licking into his mouth, his chest rising to meet Clark's as his back arches instinctively at the other's long tongue brushing against that one sensitive spot on the roof of his mouth. "C-Clark."
Bruce whines softly against the warm tongue, his heart fluttering at the possessive growl coming from Clark, the others warm, earthy scent turning to something deliciously smokey and heated as he nips at the omega's pink lips.
"Bruce-" a suck of the tongue-" my omega-" a soft peck to plump lips-"my wife-" a deep, possessive growl as canines bite none to gently at the trembling mouth-"my mate." Clark whispers almost reverently against the sharp lines of Bruce's jaw as he trails a burning path of kisses down the omega's jaw and to his beautiful neck, biting at the mating mark and groaning softly at the pheromones released from the sensitive gland. "Rao, baby, you can't do this to me." Bruce squawks indignantly and weakly slaps at his alpha's shoulder, "W-What are you talking about?! I'm just sitting here and doing nothing–" the way Clark looks at him makes the omega pause, that godforsaken blush returning to his face as he forces down the urge to squirm away from the heated gaze–"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Clark gives Bruce an appraising look before nipping at his oblivious omega's nose, his voice laced with something heated yet soft as he looks down at the other and says: "You're the oblivious to my stupid, y'know that?"
The alpha only has point five milliseconds to explain/defend himself before Bruce starts trying to kill him, he hates any sort of implications that he doesn't know about something...even when sometimes said implications are true.
Bruce-once what the alpha said catches up to his kiss melted brain-narrows his eyes warningly at his very stupid husband, his mouth opening to complain and argue about what Clark even means, when suddenly the dumb alpha overtakes his mouth once again with a self-satisfied smile. As though he knew exactly what the omega was thinking and decided to stop him before he could even say it. Bruce tries to fight against the surprise attack, but it's hard to when the alpha growls low in the back of his throat as he struggles around, the taller forcefully pushing his wife back down on the bed and wrapping the omega up in his arms when he arches too far away from him.
And if Clark is soft for a sleep addled Bruce (and just the omega in general) to the point of feeling overwhelmed. Then Bruce with a very forward and demanding Clark (and the alpha and who he is in general) is beyond overwhelmed.
And curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Clark smiles smug against the kiss bitten lips of his mate, tugging at the pink flesh for a moment before releasing the muscle with a soft hum. "You gon' let me explain?"
Ugh! That Midwestern lilt Clark can have in his voice is so darn charming. The alpha knows that and is once again using it against Bruce.
To reiterate: curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Bruce narrows his eyes in an attempt to show his displeasure, even though his body betrays said attempt by relaxing into the warmth of Clark's arms circling his body. A soft noise escapes the omega when his alpha just smiles knowingly down at him and kisses the tip of his nose softly. "You are oblivious because you seem to not truly understand the effect that you have on me-" Clark trails the gentle kiss to Bruce's nose down to his mates kiss bitten lips-"All you need to do is sit there for me to want to do anything for you. All you need to do for me to want to move the world is simply look at me and I would do it all."
The alpha's gaze suddenly returns to a heated look while he nips at the omega's chin, trailing a heated path of messy kisses from the delicate chin down to the pale, elegant neck.
"You don't even know how much you turn me on by just simply existing, sweetheart-" Clark's nostrils flare at the burst of pheromones Bruce releases because of the pet name, a low growl escaping him as he licks at his omega's neck-"when you let me do anything and everything for you." The alpha trails his kisses back up to Bruce's ear, his voice deep and seductive as he whispers. "You are always doing so much for the family and the world around you. Always moving, always acting, always doing absolutely anything to make sure people want for nothing, but what about you, sweetheart? What about my omega? What about my wife? What about my mate?"
Bruce squirms underneath Clark's heavy body, a soft whine escaping him at the tongue sucking on his earlobe, his arms wrapping around the alpha to keep him close.
"Y-You take care of me, alpha."
Clark's grin is all pride at Bruce's quiet confession, a low rumble of affection filling the room as he presses the omega into the mattress, as though he's completely trying to cover him from the outside world. "That's exactly right, baby, your alpha takes good care of you in a way I know no other alpha has before–you've told me as much, hm?" Bruce nods his head obediently, not even sure if the alpha meant it as an actual question or not, but answering anyway. "That's right. I take care of you because you chose me, and I can only thank you everyday for that honor, cause you-" a tender kiss is placed on Bruce's lips-"deserve the world and more. I love the way you sit back and allow me to do the heavy lifting when it's needed."
Clark groans and tightens his hands carefully around the omega's hips, "You are always so strong, and yet you sit back and let me protect you and the kids, you allow me to love every single one of you with all my breath."
Bruce doesn't know whether he's extremely turned on right now or falling absolutely in love all over again?
Both could be absolutely possible, but his body is going through this weird push and pull of feeling hot with pleasure and warm with fondness for Clark.
The omega's eyelashes flutter as he watches his mate slowly-gosh, every so slowly-roll his hips into the plush of his backside, a surprised gasp escaping him when the taller leans into his ear to whisper once more. "I love seeing you sit back and take it all from me: my love, my affection, my protection-" midnight blue eyes somehow darken even more as Clark thrusts his hips suddenly against Bruce's-"my pleasure. You always look so pretty when you lie back and take it all." Bruce feels his body trembling, a whine escaping him when Clark gives him that charming smile, his body reacting to the touch of self-satisfaction hidden within the smirk as the alpha deals the final blow. "Like such a good wife." Bruce gasps and feels his eyes water automatically from the words, from the overwhelming heat consuming him inside and out, his hands raising to try and cover his red face when Clark stares at him for too long.
"W-What-" he stutters and grips at Clark's broad shoulders tightly-"I thought you...you were just complimenting me so innocently."
Clark chuckles and Eskimo kisses his omega, continuing to give his mate emotional whiplash from the two different sides he's showing. "I was-" a loving kiss to the other's forehead-"and I meant every word about how it's an honor and even a privilege to be able to love you in all the ways I've ever wanted to, and in the ways you deserve. But, it's also an honor to see you be good for me when we're alone, just the two of us, and it's also a pleasure to see you exactly like how you are right now: pretty and pink underneath me."
Bruce blushes (again) and slaps weakly at the older man's shoulder, "I married a monster-"
"No. You married an alien."
Bruce furrows his brows at the interruption and swats at the back of his mates head, "Shut it. Depending on who you ask, it's the same difference. The point is, I married an alien who's actually just a monster in disguise and no one would ever believe me if I told them that." Clark snorts playfully, "No. They wouldn't believe you because Bruce Wayne isn't married to an alien, he's married to a kind-hearted, mild mannered reporter from Kansas. Do you really want to be seen as insane? You come from Gotham, I think that's enough evidence to get you booked, so stop adding onto the list."
The alpha laughs at Bruce's displeased grumbling, accepting the slaps the other assaults him with with a toothy smile, crooning softly towards his mate when the other pauses and reddens from the smirk.
"You leave Gotham out of this, Kent. Don't you even get me started on Metropolis. And I don't care if I look insane, I'm used to seeing people say anything and everything about me...whether I'm Bruce Wayne or Batman. Plus, when I was younger I think the mental breakdowns I went through constantly didn't help my reputation either, so I'm pretty sure that some people still remember that and think I'm crazy."
Clark looks at Bruce in concern, "That...sounds horrible. I didn't know there were articles of you that young-" he pauses thoughtfully before asking-"just...just how old were you then?"
Asking questions like this can always go one or two ways: 1. Very good or 2. Not so good, there is hardly ever an in-between with these kinds of things. Especially as Bruce hardly likes recalling his childhood...and Clark doesn't wish to make the omega feel horrible on today of all days, but he can't help his curiosity and can only hope his mate will be comfortable enough to share more of his past with him.
Maybe it's the fact that it's his Birthday or maybe it's the snuggles and pheromones relaxing Bruce?
But, all he does is frown slightly in thought towards the question. "Hm? I was only thirteen at the time...that was the age I officially tried to insert myself back into the media, but it turned out I actually wasn't quite as ready for it as I had expected-" he smiles awkwardly up at his husband-"As usual, I pushed myself a little too hard and got overwhelmed really quickly, it was really bad the first time and made Alfred really mad. Alfie really put work into making sure those articles released about me over the years were never heard of or talked about ever again. To this day, I still don't know how he managed to achieve that, and it's something he's never willing to tell me."
Clark relaxes at hearing what Alfred did, a happy smile overtaking the worry as he kisses Bruce's cheek, his voice a pleased rumble when he speaks. "I bet he killed them all."
Bruce chokes on his spit in surprise, his hand raising to check Clark's temperature in mock worry. "Who are you and what have you done with my mate? You are a hero, Clark...you shouldn't wish for the death of any innocent people." He can't help the giggle that escapes him when Clark playfully snaps his teeth at him, as though he's going bite him. "You said it yourself that you married a monster. Maybe it's my inner beast coming out? And I am a hero, that's why it sucks sometimes, because I'm not supposed to wish any harm to come to anyone-even the bad guys-even when I really want to. Those 'reporters' who said what they did about you are absolutely not innocent, they are predators who took advantage of someone who was in pain just for a good story, and that someone was my beloved who would grow to become the bestest omega, mother, wife and mate to ever exist."
Bruce doesn't even know how he manages to keep blushing, it should be impossible right now, but leave it to Superman to achieve the possible from the most hopeless of things.
"Stop it, Clark-" Bruce mutters bashfully-"I wouldn't say that I'm the best at it...but I try my hardest to be as great as I can in those roles." Clark nods to show he's listening before biting the omega's shoulder, smiling innocently when his mate protests. "That's for speaking negatively about yourself. And I'm sorry, baby, but we can't accept the wrong opinions at this point and time, so when you are actually right, come try again."
Bruce huffs and tries to hold back his smile, resting back against the pillows as he hugs Clark close to his chest.
The silence in the room is comfortable as Bruce strokes the alpha's curly hair carefully, the taller inhaling the scent of the omega deeply before exhaling in deep satisfaction from the smell alone, a long-suffering sigh escaping Clark as he nuzzles into the shorter man's chest. "I can still smell your arousal from earlier, B, s'clinging to you like a second skin. I don't know whether to be relaxed or turned on." Bruce chuckles softly and playfully tugs at the short hairs on the back of the alpha's neck, "That's your fault. You had to switch from innocent poetry to verbal p-o-r-n." Clark lifts his head up from the omega's endowed chest to raise a curious brow at him, "Why did you spell it out? It's only me and you."
Bruce rolls his eyes and pinches at Clark's nose for the dumb question, "The twins are in the nursery right next to us. We don't know what their cute, sensitive little ears can make out."
The alpha just smiles fondly at his mate, enjoying when the man acts like such a mother. "Honey...they are only eight-months-old, they can't even read and don't know what most words we say mean yet-" the glare his mate gives him causes Clark to backtrack immediately-"Of course, our kids aren't a stupid alpha like I am, so they are definitely way smarter than that and could probably understand what we are saying. I think you are right for being so careful about this, that's what I think."
Bruce purrs in contentment and nods his head, "Yes. Which is exactly why we can't just say everything in front of them, especially as our babies are learning to speak now, they'll be picking up what we say a lot more now than ever before."
Clark nods and hugs his omega close again, sighing wistfully into the other's neck, "Yeah...maybe I should have taken you on a vacation for your Birthday? That way we can say whatever we want and do whatever we want without cute, sensitive little ears hearing us. You aren't known for being the most quiet-ow!" Bruce sticks his tongue out at Clark when the alpha whines pitifully at being slapped, "You're being dramatic! I can't even hurt you like this. And I do know how to be quiet–" his cheeks redden at the way Clark looks at him, the man's dark stare saying 'oh really?'–"What?! I do know how to be quiet. Maybe it's you that makes all the noise."
The alpha just chuckles low in his throat and places a tender kiss to his mates pouty lips, "Defensiveness has never looked prettier-" he croons deeply-"Though that argument doesn't work, sweetheart, not when we got noise complaints at my crappy apartment. A crappy apartment with thin walls with-might I remind you-residents that already knew my name by then. I still remember when Mrs. Greta congratulated me for finally getting a mate–you remember that? She baked us some cookies and demanded I massage you for the rough treatment."
Bruce groans loudly in embarrassment, throwing his head back against the pillow. "That was such a horrible first meeting to all of your neighbors! I never wanted to show my face there again for my lack of decorum."
Clark smirks against the other's chest and places two loving kisses on his sternum, "But I like it when you de-decorum-ize." He smiles, pleased at the laugh he gets from Bruce for the made up word. "And if I'm not able to make you lose a bit of your etiquette with my–" he glances towards the nursery thoughtfully–"you know what buried deep inside of you, then I think I'm failing at my job." Bruce giggles and kisses the corner of his alpha's mouth in thanks, "You do care about the babies! And it's okay, Clark-" his icy blue eyes soften, that familiar pink coloring his cheeks as he looks down at the man through fluttering eyelashes-"I like losing my decorum for you."
Clark feels his breath being taken away at the sight of his lover, the soft glow of their lamp seeming to soften Bruce's face while also calling attention to the piercing glow of his brightly colored eyes.
The omega watches his mate humorously as the man loses control and smothers his face back into his chest with a loud, frustrated groan, a few fake sobs escaping him as he hugs Bruce close. "We should have totally went on a vacation for your Birthday! Then I wouldn't have to wait until night to get my hands on you." Bruce shakes his head fondly at the alpha's attitude while also grunting in disapproval, his fingers stroking across the alpha's head reassuringly. "You wouldn't dare. I love being with all of my family during special days like this and would hate to be separated from any one of them if I can help it. Especially the babies, they need me–need us right now, and I would hate to deprive them of our time together."
Clark sighs softly, "I know...but how much closer could they want to be with you? They incubated for eight to nine months inside of you. It was crowded, dark and I'm sure comfortable, they could learn to give you some free time with me."
Bruce's brows twitch as he tries not to laugh, unable to help the laughter that escapes his upturned lips anyway whenever Clark gets this way. He knows that the alpha isn't genuinely possessive over him, especially when their pups are involved, however, the man can feel a little put off whenever he feels he hasn't been able to spend an appropriate amount of time with his mate. And as usual. The omega just hugs the man close and pats his back reassuringly, "But you are such a good father, Clark, so patient even when you feel frustrated. And you help me so much too when I need help and feel a bit overwhelmed as well. You know...one of the reasons I love spending my Birthdays and holidays here, is because you are such a good alpha, mate and husband. You make me feel so comfortable in a place I felt so alone in for such a long time, that now, all I want to do is make new memories here."
He smiles at Clark when the alpha looks at him, "Like this one. It's always nice to wake up beside you in our bed, not some random bed halfway across the world or in another state–but here, with you, in the house you turned into a home with me."
Clark's eyes crinkle at the corners from how hard he's smiling, his chest puffing out in pride at the knowledge of how relaxed and happy he's able to make his lover feel around him and around places he once used to not be so fond of. "Well...when you put it that way, I see what you mean. I've always wanted to have a family of my own...and you all are my everything now–this place is my everything. I don't think I'd want to be separated from it either. Even if it's just for a Birthday."
This is why Clark is so amazing to Bruce: he always understands what he means and how he feels.
And the omega knows that it's not just on a surface level, the alpha has gone through very similar losses and feelings of loneliness throughout most his life, in just the exact same way Bruce has felt the majority of his. It's just that they handled their loneliness and hardships very differently, with the omega being a touch more harsh around the edges when it comes to the people around him (except children of course), and Clark being in a weird limbo of wanting that connection with the people and world around him, yet never really feeling he fit in or related with those he interacted with.
They both grew up thinking they were or would be monsters in their own way.
Clark with his constant worrying he'd harm someone with his superpowers, always fearing a lack of self-control.
And Bruce, who always fretted about being a curse to anyone and everyone around him, thinking that all he would ever do was harm those around himself with a curse of death. I mean, it happened to his parents during one bad night, so why wouldn't it happen during another?
But both?
Both have strived for control out of their fears of never being in control. And all the years of patient and grueling training have payed off: they both ended up meeting one another due to a common goal; protect their cities and their world.
Clark often likes to say that fate is what led them to each other, that their similarities in losing their worlds in just one day and never wanting that to happen to anyone else, is what drew them together like moths to a flame.
While Bruce says it was just Clark playing kindergarten and trying to make friends that made them meet.
Or his ass.
He's not too picky about the answer. Just as long as it's not mushy and romantic like Clark's comment is.
Those kinds of responses always cause the omega's heart to flutter, because even if he won't admit it to anyone out loud, he is actually a little bit of a romanticist at heart; little romantic gestures make him swoon.
Too bad he doesn't know how to handle his own deep desires though, cause he always ends up saying something insulting or otherwise about what's going on. But luckily enough, Clark understands his mate well and just laughs it off, calling the shorter cute for the embarrassment (which he likes doesn't like).
Whether it's fate, good timing or an omega's ass that brought the two together, they are here with one another now. And that's all that matters to them both.
Bruce leans his head down to lightly kiss Clark's lips, his eyes squinting against the sunlight peaking through the crack of the closed curtains, a soft hum escaping him as he pulls away from the alpha. "I hadn't even realized it was sunrise already." Clark hums softly and glances at the clock, "Why is it already seven-thirty in the morning? I'm surprised none of the kids have woken us up yet."
It's as if the comment sparks a chain reaction as a soft gurgling sound comes from the babies nursery, another little sound being made right after the first one. "Neeeeever mind. The boys are up."
Bruce smiles up at the alpha and gently pushes at the larger man's chest hurriedly, "Get up. I want to see my babies."
The twins must be developing super hearing already, as one of them lets out a loud coo at hearing Bruce's voice and a small, "Ma...ma", is babbled. The omega just smiles wider at hearing the noises coming from the nursery, a loud purr escaping him as he coos back at the baby, "That's Damian."
Clark raises his brow, curious as to how Bruce can even tell the difference between the babbling baby voices.
"How do you even know that?"
Bruce looks at the alpha as though he's insane, "Because it's Damian. I don't know how to describe it...I just know it is."
Clark watches his mate sit up, a deep, overwhelming feeling of love overtaking him at the sight of the omega's sleep tousled hair, rumpled up night shirt and naturally pink lips upturned into a happy smirk at the sound of their pups.
Clark whispers softly and smiles wider when the omega finally looks at him, leaning in and capturing the other's lips tenderly with his own, not allowing the shorter to voice his curiosity as to why his husband is staring so intently at him. "You're as radiant as the sun on a hot summer's day." He smiles against Bruce's lips before pulling away until they are touching forehead to forehead, his hand rising to cradle the omega's cheek in his hand. "And as gorgeous as a flowers first bloom in spring."
Bruce exhales shakily at the soft tone, his heart warming with a deep, all consuming affection as he shakily calls his alpha's name, "Clark."
The alpha just kisses the tip of Bruce's nose in response, a soft sigh escaping him as his thumb rubs back and forth on the other's soft skin of his cheek. "And the fact that you're all mine and I your's is as exciting as getting a present on Christmas Day."
Bruce flushes heavily at the words, butterflies wings lightly fluttering against his stomach as he whines in embarrassment and pushes at his husband's face, lifting their blanket up to hide his face and cover his reddening cheeks. "S-Shut up-" he stutters out, his ears twitching at the fussy garble coming from their babies, waving away Clark to the nursery while being thankful for the distraction-"Go get the twins. They are getting impatient waiting on us."
The taller just hums in pleasure at seeing his beloved mate so shy, floating over to the nursery door and cracking it open with a soft call to Damian and Jon.
Bruce exhales in relief when Clark finally disappears, lowering the blanket from his disheveled appearance and smoothing back his hair as he fixes the bed so the pups will be comfortable, taking his and the alpha's pillows and placing them at his sides in preparation to feed Damian and Jon. The omega finds himself pausing in his careful ministrations in favor of listening to his mate croon to the two boys, a fond sigh escaping him as the man talks to the boys as though they understand him, asking them how they slept and if it was a good one. A chuckle escapes Bruce when the soft moment is interrupted by the alpha fake scolding Damian for hitting at him suddenly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as Clark appears in the doorway with the two pups cradled in his arms, a coo escaping him at the sight of the gurgling babies and a despondent alpha.
"What happened, poor baby."
"Damian attacked me suddenly." Clark answers at the same time Damian and Jon babble, the former twin shouting at his daddy's interruption and glaring at him.
Bruce giggles again, smile growing wider when Jon copies him with a cute laugh of his own, his chubby hands clapping together as his excitement overtakes him, "Mama." The omega purrs happily and extends his arms to the babies, happy and content pheromones escaping his neck glands at being called by his name. "Yes, honey, mama. Good boy, Jon. You're so smart already, yes you are." Clark sighs dramatically as his assault is brushed aside, walking forward and carefully handing off the boys to their mother, his own own pheromones betraying his pretend dramatics as he croons at seeing the pups snuggle up to Bruce. "Ma...ma."
Damian gurgles happily too, his big eyes staring expectantly up at Bruce, as though he's waiting for the same praise.
Bruce smiles down at both pups and kisses their fat faces, scenting the babies and tucking them in close as he praises them. "I didn't forget about you, Dami, you're a very smart boy too. So good at saying mama already, do you know how happy that makes me?"
It's as if they truly understand every word coming from the omega as they giggle and clap their small, fat hands (their favorite thing to do), cooing up at their mom as if they are holding a conversation with him. The bed dips suddenly and Clark is quickly scooting closer to the trio, a happy smile on his face as he croons softly for his pups attention and smiling when they look his way, a large finger pointing to himself in barely concealed excitement. "Very good, boys. Can you say, dada?"
Jon innocently eats his fist while glancing over at his twin while said twin just stares at their father surprisingly disinterested for a baby.
Clark doesn't give up though and keeps pointing at himself, "Say dada. You got it boys."
Damian smacks at Bruce's arm, looking up at his mom and back to his dad before keeping his stare on the omega, a wide smile gracing the round face as he coos. "Mama."
Bruce squeals at how much more smoothly his baby said his name this time around, hugging the babies close and kissing them again. "Good boy, Damian! You said it even better than before. Isn't that great, alpha?" Clark just stares dejectedly at the pups, feeling betrayed by his own seed and flopping onto his back with a groan. "Yeah, omega, it's great. But, I think Damian is out to get me...he doesn't appreciate me that much." The omega frowns at his mate and grumbles in disagreement, "You're his daddy, Clark, why wouldn't he appreciate you? He's just a little baby-" Bruce smiles down at the pups, inhaling their milky scent and kissing at their fat necks-"our little baby. And sometimes they just smack things a lot, hm? Maybe they sense that out of the two of us, you are the near indestructible one, so they feel better smacking you."
Bruce snickers at his theory, gently nudging the alpha with his foot and pausing when his ankle is carefully grabbed in a large hand.
"It all makes sense now-" Clark kisses at the bone-"They are just copying you. You slap at me all the time."
Bruce opens his mouth to protest but immediately flashes back to all the times he swatted at Clark this morning, a soft pink coloring his cheeks yet again at being called out. "T-That's because you always say the dumbest things...and the next thing I know, my hands are slapping at your arms or shoulders." Clark hums and releases the other's ankle, "Well...you are quite the charmin' little thing whenever you're flustered. You look like a cherry blossom and are just as pretty as one whenever you blush."
Bruce has no words right now. Why does his alpha insist on trying to kill him this morning?
Even worse is how Clark just smiles self-satisfied and croons to Damian and Jon for their attention, his voice soft and sincere as he asks, "Ain't that right, boys? Your mommy is the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth?" Damian stops his pulling at Bruce's night shirt in favor of cooing in answer, the way he stares up at the other with shining green eyes making both alpha and omega think their kids understand a lot more words than regular babies do. "Mama." He gives a toothy smile up at his mom, the apple of his cheeks rounding out as he gurgles happily, chewing on his fist while continuing to give Bruce an amazed look.
Jon coos too, his little feet kicking into Bruce's breasts as he wiggles and squirms around, his smile wide and joyful just like Damian's and the way his eyes squint while smiling similar to Clark's as he claps his hands in a random burst of excitement. "Mama."
The amount of adoration Bruce feels for his children is overpowering, tears wetting his eyes as he looks down at his pups and quickly hugs them close to his chest, an overjoyed scent permeating the room as he sniffles against the softness of their baby hairs. "Clark...thank you for making them with me." The alpha's deep blue eyes soften at the omega's wobbly smile and his sincere thanks, his large hand reaching out to squeeze comfortingly at Bruce's ankle. "I wouldn't have done it with anyone else but you. You cooked up some beautiful babies for us, thank you for your hard work."
Bruce smiles at his mate, startling slightly at the small mouths drooling over his shirt and trying to suck at his nipples through the cloth, a soft laugh escaping him as he purrs at the pups. "I know, I know. Mommy's sorry for not getting your breakfast ready yet."
Clark watches warmly as his mate fluffs up the pillows he prepared on his sides before setting the pups down on each side of himself, unbuttoning his shirt so that the twins finally have access to his breasts and helping them latch on. A content sigh escapes both omega and alpha; Bruce's due to the feeling of his pups gentle suckling and feeling of achievement and accomplishment at feeding the boys, while Clark's is from seeing his beloved relaxed and happy, and pups well fed.
The alpha shares a proud look with Bruce before he slightly tilts his head towards the bedroom door, his super hearing extending beyond their room and to the noises he finally realizes is going on beyond it, a tenderness shining in his eyes as he smiles.
"It seems like the rest of our pups are up and working on breakfast."
Bruce just hums softly and lies back against the headboard with a relaxed look on his face, the only sounds being made are the soft suckling of his babies, his own content purrs and the sound of the birds singing good morning outside.
He's never felt so at peace before.
Clark places a soft kiss on top of Bruce's foot before rising from the bed, quietly walking over to the curtains and drawing them open and exhaling loudly at the comforting feeling of the sun against his skin, closing his eyes at his body quickly soaks up the energy. "It's a beautiful morning today, Bruce. It's shocking cause Gotham is usually so smoggy." Bruce keeps his eyes trained on the alpha as he turns around, his breath catching and heart stuttering in his chest at the sunlight outlining the other's strong body, his already sun kissed skin seeming to glow from the solar energy the sun provides and his black hair seeming almost as dark as ebony in comparison to the bright light shining down on him. "Gorgeous."
Clark blinks in surprise before smiling big, his chest poking out at the attention from his omega.
Bruce smiles fondly at his mate when seeing the others reaction, "Maybe the sky cleared up because it knew you'd be here. The sun seems to be attracted to you no matter where you go, like you're a flower." He looks at Clark from head to toe, taking in the broad shoulders and strong lines of his body, glad that the alpha forewent putting on his shirt first thing in the morning so he can have this view. "A very pretty flower."
The look Clark gives Bruce causes the omega to snap out of his soft rambling and distracted staring.
"Now who's the one waxing poetic?" The alpha's voice is breathless as he asks, a small flush rising on his cheeks as he beams at the omega, though his eyes betray just how much he enjoys the compliments.
Bruce blushes himself at the other's tone, using Jon as a shield to hide his face behind as the babies are done feeding, his voice timid and slightly annoyed by being embarrassed. "J-Just put on your shirt before the rest of the pups come up, they've probably finished the food already." He gasps as Clark is suddenly in front of him with his shirt on, his eyes drifting down to his wife's exposed breasts and eyeing the small beeds of milk that escape his nipples, clearing his throat and looking the other in the eyes as he buttons up his nightshirt for him. "We can't forget about mama either."
Jon smiles at hearing his mama's name, small arms extending to Clark so he can be held.
Bruce hands over Jon to Clark while he picks up Damian and scents the boy some more, doing his best to get over the alpha's heated look from before. "Stupid alpha."
The Kryptonian just chuckles at his omega and the fact his words don't have the same heat as they usually do when he says that, the alpha scooting over to sit next to Bruce so he can scent the shorter and Damian, said pup flailing his pudgy hand at his papa for interrupting his cuddles with his mama. "No hitting, Dami, I just wanted to scent you." Bruce giggles at the pout on Clark's lips, his ears twitching at the loud sound of his children scurrying through the hallway, their 'whispering' not so quiet as they debate who will enter first. The omega smiles softly and kisses Damian's cheek before handing him off to Clark, having to gently shush the older twin when the boy whines at being separated from his mother, "Hold onto them for me. Once Richard sees we're snuggling together, he'll immediately want in."
Clark nods in understanding and kisses at Damian's disgruntled face repeatedly, crooning happily when the pup (despite being unhappy about the sudden switch up) allows him to gently nibble at his chubby face and neck.
The doorknob slowly starts to turn, both Bruce and Clark remaining silent as the door opens slowly to reveal Alfred, the older alpha smiling kindly at seeing his son and son-in-law already up with the pups. "Good morning, Bruce, Clark and pups. I told these loud lot that you two would already be awake-" he gives a slight side eye towards the loudly protesting pups-"just as you are every year."
Richard pushes through his siblings, clutching a small vase of flowers in his hands and pouting Alfred's way for entering the room first.
"Alfie! You were supposed to let one of us go first-hey!"
Jason elbows Richard in his side, his brows furrowed in displeasure at the eldest. "You're the one to talk! I was supposed to enter first because I have the food...kind of."
The nineteen-year-old attempts to (gently) shake off the siblings that insist on clenching tightly to the food tray, their bodies dangling in the air and a squawk of protest coming from Stephanie at the rough treatment. "Stop moving us around so much, stupid! Both of you are in the wrong! You-" she narrows her eyes at Jason-"were supposed to let me and Cass carry in breakfast because ma would obviously want to see our beautiful faces first and not the horror story that's yours. And second: Richard was supposed to let Tim carry the flowers in since he's the one that picked them!"
The eldest gasps dramatically, a hand raising to grab at his heart as he stumbles backwards towards their parents bed and falls dramatically on top (making sure to keep the vase steady as he does), a whimper escaping him as he makes sad eyes at Bruce.
"Do...do you hear of this slander, mama? What I'm being accused of? Does no one recognize what I've done for this family?"
Jason rolls his eyes and continues with his attempts at shaking Tim and Stephanie off of his food tray, "Pfft! What? How you give us all a headache. Trust me...it's hard to forget what you've done for us when we are reminded everyday of it." Richard wails pitifully at the slander, sniffling loudly as he inches his way over like a worm towards a humored Bruce, hiding his head in his mom's chest. "I'm being bullied." Bruce's eyes crinkle in happiness, a soft coo escaping him as he indulges his eldest son's theatrics. "My poor Dicky bird." He purrs happily at the sight of the pretty roses expertly arranged inside of the vase, "The roses are gorgeous, puppy. Thank you for helping Tim with the flower arrangements."
Richard immediately perks up at the praise and looks up at his mom with a bright smile, setting the flowers carefully down on the side table after letting the omega smell them, sticking out his tongue at the rest of his siblings and smiling cockily when being praised.
Immediately causing a chain reaction from the rest of the group as they loudly clamber forward to receive compliments too.
"Mom! I helped grandpa cook breakfast!"
Jason extends the food tray towards the omega, scowling down at Stephanie and Tim when they start gnawing at his arm and even try to take credit. "Don't listen to him ma! Alfred did most of it."
Cass watches on the sidelines, an amused smile gracing her round face while watching the banter, her smile growing soft when she looks towards her mom and dad. Her hands tugging a confused and timid Kon behind her as she pushes through the battlefield and to the bed, "Good morning, mommy, and Happy Birthday! Sorry about the noise today...we didn't have much time to organize how we'd come in-" she gives an apologetic smile while nuzzling into Bruce in greeting and doing the same with Clark-"but we did our best on the presentation of everything-oh! And don't listen to Stephanie, Jason and Alfred did all the cooking while she burned everything."
Stephanie suddenly shouts in protest and releases the tray in favor of tackling Cass into the bed with a playful growl escaping her lips.
"You traitor! I thought we were friends?!"
Cass smiles and nips at the older girl's chin playfully as they wrestle on the bed, careful to avoid hitting the babies in Clark's arms. "The best of friends." Steph stops her assault at the admission, a happy croon escaping her as she lets the younger go. "Fine...you win cause you are just so cute." She huffs and turns to Bruce with a wide smile on her face, "Hi mama! I know that your day was ruined by seeing Jason first thing in the morning, but I hope that I can make it a little better?"
The female alpha kisses the omega's cheek loudly, shouting when she's grabbed by the nape of her neck and pulled away from Bruce, only to have her face shoved into the mattress. "Shut the f–udge up-" Jason glances at the babies briefly before looking down at his sister-"you're just mad because you suck ass–tronomically at cooking." He ignores the girl's protests in favor of settling some of his weight on her while leaning forward to greet Bruce, his eyes shining in adoration towards the omega. "Happy Birthday, mama. I put my foot into the food...so I hope you like it?" Steph slumps in defeat underneath the younger boy's weight, rolling her eyes at Jason's words. "Why would B wanna eat food that tastes like sweat, testosterone and fungus?" Jason quickly hands over the food tray to Bruce so he can put Steph in a headlock, the pack smiling at the giggles coming from Damian and Jon.
Barbara shakes her head at everyone's antics like a tired aunt left to watch her rowdy nieces and nephews, rather than an older sister.
She gives their mom a knowing smile and kisses the man's cheek, scenting the other in her neutral scent before pulling away. "Happy Birthday, mom. Can't escape the noise even today of all days, huh?"
Bruce purrs happily at all the love, smiling softly when Tim crawls towards him and kisses him, the teen scenting Bruce in his cinnamon, nutmeg and orange scent.
"Good morning, mama. Happy Birthday!"
Bruce smiles at his seventh youngest and scents the younger back, his eyes sparkling with an uncontrolled affection as he looks at the beta. "I wouldn't want to escape the noise—this is the best kind any how." The omega looks at Conner afterwards as he's the only one who hasn't said his good morning yet, a soft chirp escaping him as he calls to the pup, opening up his arms wide when that's all the teen needs to launch himself into the omega with a soft call of his own. "G'morning mother."
Bruce smiles kindly and nuzzles the boy's head with his own, looking at the rest of his children tenderly. "Thank you my babies."
Conner smiles shyly at his mom before turning to Clark, his gaze turning to something more guarded as he looks at the older alpha wearily, feeling a bit more comfortable getting close as the man is holding babies. "G-Good morning, father." The boy fidgets and stiffens up, his heterochromatic eyes closely watching the elder as he shifts Jon to be held in the arm Damian is in and raises his free hand to slowly pat at the boy's head, crooning towards the half-Kryptonian reassuringly. "Good morning, pup. It was nice of you to help your siblings with B's breakfast."
The teen slowly but surely relaxes into the gentle head pats, a proud smile on his face at receiving praise from his alpha.
"T-Thank you, father...I have never tried cooking before. I wanted to try making this thing called toast."
Clark raises a brow and nods his head to show he's listen, "Oh yeah? Did it work out for ya?"
Conner suddenly looks chagrined, bowing his head as he twists his shirt in his hands. "I think so? I ate it all." At his father's loud burst of laughter, Kon quickly looks up at the older alpha in confusion...he thought he would be punished for taking food away from mother. "W-Why are you laughing at me?!" Clark clears his throat to stop his laughter, though his lips betray how he still finds the situation funny, a soft look in his eyes as he ruffles Kon's hair. "I'm not making fun of you, Kon. I just thought the situation was a bit funny and endearing...I don't think your mother minds that you ate the toast."
Bruce purrs when Kon looks his way, "It's okay, pup. I'm glad that you enjoyed the food."
Conner's shoulders slump in relief at the reassurance, the boy blushing at how he freaked out over nothing and yelping when he's tackled by his siblings into the bed for pack snuggles.
The omega shares a small smile with his alpha before glancing at Alfred, who is standing at the foot of the bed watching his grandchildren lovingly, the elder turning to look at his son when the younger squeaks like a puppy. "Dad " The old alpha softens at Bruce extending his neck to be scented by the pack alpha, a soft croon escaping the Brit as he lowers himself down on the omega's side of the bed to scent him. "Happy Birthday, my dear boy."
The younger relaxes against the headboard with a content sigh, a feeling of completeness settling within himself as he's officially been scented by all of the family.
Apparently though, all the scenting has gotten to Damian-which also means it's gotten to Jon-as the pup(s) start cooing and whining for Bruce again, the eldest twin slapping at Clark when the alpha hasn't given him over to his mom yet. "Mama." The baby stretches opens and closes his hands towards the omega, slapping away at Richard when the man tries to comfort him. "Ow! I'm just trying to hand you to mom, Dami." The boy responds with a grumpy scowl on his face, a grunt escaping the baby as he is cradled in Richard's arms, his head swiveling automatically towards Bruce and keeping his eyes trained on the man. "Mama."
Richard playfully rolls his eyes at the pup's behavior, "Is that all that is ever on your mind is mama and milk? What about me? Aren't I your favorite"
It's as if Damian knows what Richard is saying as he stares the alpha down, a serious look in his eyes as he gurgles happily. "Mama."
Bruce laughs at the forlorn look on his eldest child's face, the omega clicking his tongue to get Damian's attention again and grabbing the twins from both alphas. "That's right! Mama is your favorite, right? Damian and Jon are my favorite too–" he trills happily at the joyful smiles both boys give him–"Yeah, that's right. You are my little babies, yes you are and I love you so much." Clark rubs at Richard's back comfortingly, chuckling to himself at the young man's dramatics, but know that he's not actually jealous (at least he hopes not). His deep blue eyes take in the sight before him: Conner being attacked with snuggles by the girls and Tim, Jason leaning against Bruce's side (though he keeps having to fight off his siblings who eye the spot jealously) and Alfred who has taken to feeding the pups fruits from Bruce's fruit bowl, his sons munching happily on the food while the old alpha croons at the twins happily.
Bruce notices Clark's staring and smile at the older, pushing his plate over towards the alpha and opening his mouth up when the other looks at him curiously.
"Feed me."
The Kryptonian chuckles and picks up a grape first, watching adoringly at how his omega closes his eyes and hums happily around the fruit, glad their kids are too distracted playing with each other to notice him leaning forward to capture his mate's lips in a sweet kiss. "Thank you, darlin' for allowing me to be a part of this family." His voice is nothing but a whisper, as though if he were to speak any louder, the moment would end and he'd realize it was all just a dream. "I'm glad I didn't take you in that vacation."
Bruce smiles against the other's lips, pulling away with a light laugh as he allows the chaos of his family to wrap him in a warm embrace. His forehead rests against Clark's as he thinks of only three words to say to the alpha, a special kind of gentleness in his gaze as he whispers.
"I was right."
(I bet y'all thought the three words were I love you, huh? I was going to end it all mushy...but I have had enough of that and made Bruce be smug about it instead XD. The man can't handle romance properly to save his life lol.
I had plans to make three more posts on my Birthday...but I obviously cannot and did not. So, sadly this all you all get of me today :3, I hope the story was just as enjoyable as all my other one's?
You all taking time to simply glance at this story is enough to make my heart full with love! So I truly thank every for the constant love and support ☺️, seeing you all actually enjoy the stuff I put out is exciting to me.
Also, this story is related to the 5+2 story as it has Kon in this along with Damian and Jon as twins (like the majority of readers requested in said 5+2 *on ao3*). While the Difficulties of The Working Class fic goes along the lines of if I stuck with introducing a 10 year old Damian like how it is in canon (I'm still working on that story btw...and I am truly sorry for the horribly long wait 💀💀💀).
I don't know what else to say except that I truly appreciate all of you! Everyone of you are very special and muchly appreciated, thank you!
I hope everyone has a great first day of March (it's my Birthday wish). So, please remember to stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💛)
#dc comics#dcu#bruce wayne#clark kent#omega bruce wayne#alpha clark kent#dc universe#bruce loves his kids#bruce wayne is a good dad#romance#fluff#humor#fluff and humor#batfamily#batfamily shenanigans#a/b/o#a/b/o dynamics#a/b/o verse#alpha and omega#superbat#blushing#flirting#pet names#damian wayne#jonathan samuel kent#dick grayson#alfred pennyworth#jason todd#tim drake#conner kent
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#I can't plan what I draw it just comes out#teh heh#twisted wonderland#twst#Floyd Leech#disney twst#twst fanart#mozus trein#my art#sketch#YES I WROTE POTIONS INSTEAD OF HISTORY#😭😭#fan art#art
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May your hardened heart be woken By the soft and distant song Of all you left here unspoken All the shards we keep stepping on - Take this body home Take this body home Call the wind, and let her know Take this life outgrown Take this broken soul Call the stars, call them all And take it high, take it far, take it home
#svsss#luo binghe#shen qingqiu#bingqiu#sqq#lbh#scum villain#heard the song Take This Body Home by Rose Betts and it nearly took me out at the knees#it really really suits sqq's self-detonation in hua yue city right? i'm not the only one feeling this?#considered adding some literal shards for them to be stepping on - since sqq's sword explodes - but i couldn't quite make it work#anyway this has been playing like a music video in my head for the past couple days highly recommend listening to the song#if you haven't heard it before#can't get over the absolute dissonance between how sqq views this scene and how everyone else must feel about it#like to him he's just completing his plan - hopefully keeping lbh from destroying a city with energy imbalance and escaping The Plot#nbd! he and sqh have planned it all out it's FINE :) off he goes!#meanwhile everyone who loves him - including lbh who worked years to get back to him and is trying to work through a lot of grief#and resentment and doubt and longing and... - watches him DIE in FRONT OF THEM#just collapse while coughing up blood sword disintegrating energy completely consumed#like holy hell sqq could you traumatize the people around you any more???#no wonder lbh went a little bit crazy after that like my man was already not in a great place but what the fuck#lbh watches his shizun presumably sacrifice himself for him ONCE AGAIN like after he's finally Gotten Strong his shizun is STILL#coming to harm in an effort to make up for his shortcomings#my art#most of the time out here drawing what amounts to muppets and then sometimes i get the urge for this and just need to cover everyone in blo
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can't sleep but i also can't get out of bed bc i saw a rlly big spider crawl across the floor :(
#sylph.txt#thibking abt what i can draw for OCtober#i gotta plan out wgat i wnna drsw now or it won't get done!!!#im rlly bad at coming up w ideas tho...#i wnna get back to shiny hunting but i have a new task now#what should i watch while i draw#i stopped watching succession so that 🐶 could catch up#so i need smth else noww.#can't believe it's nearly october already#GAH my light suddenly went off/rlly dim just now. i was keeping it on a lil incase i saw another crawly
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↞[arcane preference] founding out you were injured in crossfire↠
Since I've created a Bluesky profile and wrote my thesis on Arcane, I'll be posting both old and new drawings there as soon as the time comes. I'm taking advantage of this little space to promote my other social account. honey-tongued.bsky.social Also, I've received both comments and requests, but Tumblr decided I couldn’t post for a week (my internet connection is terrible). I want to let you know that I appreciate them, and I'll get to everything as soon as I can. So, feel free to leave comments, feedback, or requests!
- This is the worst news he could receive: he's a scholar, he has no idea how to handle these situations, and, most of all, he's forced to confront his pride.
- Not only was he unable to protect you now, but what if it happens again? Even if he's there, he wouldn't know what to do.
- What if there's a next time? What if it doesn't turn out as well next time?
- His self-sabotage leads him to distance himself from you for a few days, not because he doesn't want to be near you while you're hurting, but because he's ashamed of not being able to protect the person he loves.
- On the bright side, for even just a second, he remembers the original purpose of his research: making the city safe, helping people.
- But on the negative side, with no one to blame, more than ever, the people of Zaun appear to him as beasts, second-class humans who can't be redeemed in any way.
- When he finally gathers the courage to see you again, he tries to make amends for everything: for not protecting you, for not being able to, for allowing someone to hurt you, and for not being there during your recovery.
- He'll literally do anything to be forgiven: every morning you'll find breakfast in bed, if it's cold at night he'll prepare a warmer for your feet, and despite his squeamishness, he'll personally tend to your wounds, even if it makes him feel queasy.
- He tries to help you in every way possible, even ignoring his own pain.
- He feels sadness, regrets that you went out alone and ended up in such a situation. He can't help but imagine the fear you must have felt, the confusion, and the loneliness when the guards intervened, and you woke up alone in the hospital.
- He may be a scholar, but first and foremost he's a man with a moral code, and secondly, he's from Zaun: if he has any work, appointments, or lectures, he'll skip them all, maybe muttering a few insults in his thick accent at the most insistent people, and make up for it at night.
- Plans, ideas, codes, anything – but he won't leave you alone unless you ask him to.
- He takes care of you meticulously, respecting schedules, bringing you meals in bed, changing your bandages until your skin heals, and you're able to stand on your own again.
- He doesn't mind helping you – as a chronically ill person who refuses others' help, he's learned to do everything on his own, and he's almost happy that his skills can be useful to someone else.
- Is it something totally normal in the lanes? Yes.
- Does this stop Ekko from panicking? No.
- He's the one who finds you and brings you to the others, but he doesn't want, nor can he afford, to be seen panicking. So, he swallows his despair and tries to act as normal as possible while ten other people rush to help you.
- His face remains expressionless as the most skilled remove debris, clean the wound, stitch your torn flesh, and bandage you, but his foot keeps tapping the floor with force and speed, revealing his anxiety.
- When the others insist that it's best you stay in the makeshift infirmary, he tries not to protest, but suddenly every moment of the day becomes an excuse to pass by: to bring you stolen sweets from Piltover, to tell you about some expedition, maybe even steal a kiss or fall asleep leaning against your mattress.
- It's an overwhelming fear, but the fear of losing you makes him unable to think rationally, and all he feels is how much he misses you, even while you're right there with him.
- A crossfire from the other side of the river was already a big enough provocation to alert him and prepare to defend the city or, if absolutely necessary, to strike back.
- But you, as an accidental victim, are a huge problem.
- He doesn’t have the heart to pull away from you, and when he does, he can’t help but feel frustrated, angry at himself, knowing he hasn’t been able to keep his city under control like he promised—to you, to Piltover, to everyone.
- He’ll ask for your forgiveness by kissing the scarred skin every day, even if you insist it’s not his fault, and if you remember even one of the faces, he’ll go and handle the problem.
- Not with violence, unless necessary, but it’s not about personal justice; rather, it’s about protecting the other citizens of the alleys too.
- Even after you’ve healed, he’ll insist it’s absolutely necessary to carry you everywhere you need to go, claiming a very good doctor told him so.
- And the memory of the scar will be tiny compared to all the marks Vander has left on you.
- Private justice is absolutely the first option, even though you were an accidental victim.
- He’ll call all his goons and associates for a meeting while you’re still bedridden, to see if they’ve heard, seen, or been involved in any armed conflict, and if he doesn’t get a face or a name from them, he’ll turn to the brothel, the house of all information,
- Until he finds who hurt you and makes sure they can’t do it again.
- Silco isn’t fazed by blood or open wounds, but despite having enough experience to handle it himself, at least on the first day, he’ll take you to Singed to make sure you’re in the best condition.
- In the following days, he’ll take care of you himself, but he has pride, a façade, and little emotional communication skills, so he won’t openly show how worried he is, relying entirely on the fact that you don’t know about the murder of your assailant and remember nothing of the visit to Singed.
- But the only reason you heal so well and so quickly is that, even if he doesn’t know how to express it, all the love he feels is poured into the care he gives you.
- Flashbacks. So many. Too many.
- At some point, she’ll even convince herself that she’s the one who shot you, leading to a complete breakdown.
- She punches her head, scratches herself without realizing it, her nose bleeds, and her eyes are bloodshot.
- It takes her a while to convince herself that she wasn’t the one who shot you, even though the hallucinations overlap images of you with memories of her armed, creating waking nightmares that feel increasingly real.
- As much as she’d like to ask her father for help, even just to give you a cleaner room, she feels responsible and is too scared that if she stays away from you, you’ll forget her. That’s why she sets up a little space for you and takes care of you herself, though not always painlessly.
- She’s pulled bullets out of her own body more times than not after missions; what might seem like dangerous, delicate work to someone else is almost routine for her by now.
- Once she has a suspicion of who might have done it, she’ll make sure they learn their lesson.
- Anger.
- Why were you out alone? Why didn’t you leave as soon as you saw the crowd getting too big? Why were you in that area?
- But her anger is just panic pouring out like a flood, the fear of not being able to protect the one she loves twists her stomach, making her feel like she might throw up, like she’s dying inside.
- None of those questions mean she blames you, but she doesn’t know how to feel, what to think, or even what to do.
- She’ll do everything to help you—bandaging you, cleaning your wounds, staying silent and giving her full attention to make up for not being there when you needed her, even though that’s not true.
- And when the scar forms, she’ll kiss it every single day, every single night, like a little ritual between the two of you.
- Safety first.
- She’ll be the one to assess how bad the injury is, and if there are any foreign objects in your body, there’s a good chance she’ll try to handle it herself, even though at first it might seem a bit barbaric.
- She’ll give you the guest room and call the family doctor to make sure you’re okay, that you don’t need anything else, and she’ll take care of what’s necessary, even teasing you a bit to hide her worry.
- "A bullet in the leg from being caught in crossfire? Very vintage, I must say."
- What you won’t know is that she’ll quietly increase security, not in an oppressive way, but just enough to make both you and the other citizens feel safer.
- Her family won’t get involved directly, but they won’t stop her either. Sometimes Cassandra herself will make sure her daughter finds the tray to bring up to you, though she’ll never be too open about it.
- The perfect rehabilitation? Long walks in the villa’s garden, so you can stop for some cookies or tea when you get tired.
- Flashbacks, but less personal than Jinx’s.
- Her mother would call her weak if she knew how it kills her to see someone barely scratched by crossfire, and that realization soon turns into frustration, which then becomes anger.
- She tries to stay calm, but her voice sounds like she’s scolding you, and then like she’s scolding the servants, or anyone else who crosses her path.
- Two hours of lecture if you’re lucky—why you shouldn’t go out without a guard, why you shouldn’t put yourself in dangerous situations, why the enforcers are utterly useless and can’t find anyone responsible, even though the fight was so intense.
- She’ll focus entirely on the bureaucratic side because little Mel was never taught how to deal with strong emotions, and she’s definitely feeling them now but can’t afford that vulnerability, even though she knows you’re safe.
- She won’t take care of you herself, but she’ll always stay in the room. Not because she doesn’t want to, to be clear, but because she wants you to have the best care possible and prefers to leave it to a top professional rather than her inexperienced hands.
- In return, she’ll triple the amount of affection and caresses—more to calm herself than you, but you won’t be the one to complain.
- She needs a moment.
- She knows she has to report to Silco that there was a firefight, that someone is threatening the people, but part of her just wants to grab those responsible and crush their heads with her bare hands, doing both you and her boss a favor. Yet, another part of her doesn’t want to leave you alone or take you with her.
- She knows how to handle these things; she’s lost an arm, and Silco’s goons often come back in worse shape, which is why she’ll take care of you herself, in complete silence.
- She’ll wait until you’re asleep to place a water bottle, a glass, some painkillers, and some bread on the nightstand next to your bed. And when she’s sure you’re fully asleep, she’ll leave a soft kiss on your forehead before putting on her cloak and heading out to the Last Drop.
- There, she’ll release her anger in a brawl or two, talk to her boss, and search for the reason why she feels so awful at the bottom of her third glass of whiskey.
#jayce x reader#viktor x reader#ekko x reader#silco x reader#vander x reader#jinx x reader#vi x reader#caitlyn x reader#sevika x reader#mel x reader#jayce talis#viktor arcane#ekko arcane#silco arcane#arcane vander#jinx#vi arcane#caitlyn kiramman#mel medarda#sevika#arcane x reader#arcane headcanon#arcane 2#arcane writing
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Relativity Falls!
Design Concepts (and my unnecessary thoughts):
Excuse the the colors, ig my apps are fighting.
I see Mabel finding success no matter what happens to her, but I really like the thought of her running an insane arts and crafts business in GF. Alternatively, if she fell in the portal, she'd come out acting confident as always, but she probably wouldn't realize how much the constant change and lack of family/stability wore her out until she settled back in. In either case, she's a bit cracked.
Dipper is investigative, but cracks easiest under stress and is not as inherently adventurous as Mabel or Ford- so the portal wouldn't treat him well. If he's not the one in the portal, he'd be into stargazing and real magic to share with people, while also warding tourists away from the dangerous stuff. In general, he'd be an unhappy adult if left to his own devices, lol.
Between Dipper and Mabel, I like Dipper being in the portal more. He's a great protagonist, but as a supporting cast member, he needs to be more insane to match the draw that is 'Mabel taking care of children,' ha. I also love the idea of there being no portal / some other looming threat for these two to struggle with (at least because Hirsche has made it clear that Dipper and Mabel are equally smart, and to me it seems like the portal would reopen way quicker with them), but I didn't plan on posting these and I don't know how my followers feel about me posting lore.
Stanford and Stanley:
Pretty much how they are in canon, but now they're in a setting where they can get over themselves, ha. They aren't quite as mature as Dipper and Mabel were at their age, but after coming to GF, they finally found other people to look out for them. Dipper could be a more emotionally available and level-headed role model (I think having people to take care of is calming for him in turn), and they'd both look up to Mabel as the peak of somebody who knows how to socialize.
He's a sweet, southern, farm-raised mechanical engineer just like in canon.
Idk why Fiddleford is in GF (visiting an unnamed grandparent?), but I really like his relationship with Ford in the journal. Following that thought, in this AU, he starts out more of Ford's friend than Stan's, and it's kind of a big deal. Unlike Dipper's arc on learning to be a kid, Stan and Ford clearly struggled a lot with interpersonal relationships / finding security outside of eachother, and that's what I think this AU could be about (it's great they realized they need each other in canon, but the part where they had no one else to turn to is also kinda crazy if you ask me).
Ford gets to meet another smart kid in a weird town, which helps him feel more normal. He has a better idea of what friendship is because of it, but also, since I can't imagine Dipper wanting an apprentice so young/vulnerable/impressionable or Mabel asking only one of the twins to stay- he'd have to come to terms with the fact that he can't live in his dream world forever. (Or maybe the apprenticeship comes from somewhere else, just because the conflict around going back to Glass Shard Beach at all, or sending Stan alone could be pretty good.)
On the flipside, I think Stan's initial jealousy of Ford and Fiddleford's friendship would force him to try finding his own friends / hobbies. I like the idea that he fails at first- and a lot- but Mabel notices his mounting frustration (which he is very keen on hiding), and her consistent and unorthodox support makes him realize he wasn't alone to begin with. He can be more open around her, which makes it easier to open up to others, and then he can make friends without having to pull any tricks. He probably starts with some animals, and then at least gets closer to Fiddleford anyways (I feel like they're both more practical than Ford and value human company more, so they'd bond easier once Stan gets over his personal hurdle).
Anyways- because that was way too much- Mabel's exes are a constant source of antagonists and Dipper is stressed about setting a good example.
(I was more of a Monster Falls fan back in the day, but I can't draw animals, lol)
#fanart#gravity falls#relativity falls#relativity au#mabel pines#dipper pines#stanford pines#stanley pines#fiddleford mcgucket#fiddauthor#(if you wish)#I wasn't planning on doing any AU fanart#but designing mabel was way too fun#damn i didn't even draw bill#oh well#i have mixed feelings and ideas for how he'd fit in anyways
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𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
word count: 3.2k
mentions of: yeah its just sex,, uhhhh ya get together at the end but it’s pretty vanilla and i think this might be one of my fav writings for iida so far ehehehe this story was so fun to make. I plan on making a pt.3 and I’m going to postttt soon idk :P
part one
moodboard here!
You tied a cute bow in the belt of your robe once more, walking over to him and fixing the glasses on his oh so cherry red face. “Tenya..?” You ask, sitting on the side of the table next to him. You glance down at the sketch, seeing how far he had actually gotten. It was pretty impressive for someone who is a beginner when it comes to realism, or art itself really. “Do you want some help?”
His jaw was slack, staring up at you now that you were so much closer. Whatever perfume you had on almost made him faint, and there was nothing he could really formulate besides a very quiet, “Ex..excuse me?”
“I said, Do you want some help..?” You tease, leaning down so your faces were only a few inches from each other. You reach for his tie, slowly sliding your hand down his chest. “I wouldn't want you to fail just because your model was a distraction..” You lean closer, gripping the end of his tie as ruby eyes glancing down at your pretty plump lips.
Did you mean help help him, or draw it yourself? There was no way he was reading into this wrong, right? Did you see his hard-on the whole time?? He gave a long blink, trying to keep his head on straight. “I w..would love-” Before he could finish the sentence, you tug on the tie and press your lips against his. He melted into you, hands placing themselves onto your hips softly almost as if you’d break if he did touch you.
He had yearned for this for so long. There was no way you felt this way all this time and he never picked up on it. The thought only made him deepen the kiss, his hands moving to hold your face in his palms. You let his tie go with a smile, giggling at his eagerness to kiss you back. You place your hands on his shoulder, feeling him stand but refusing to let his lips leave yours. It felt like fireworks were going off around the two of you, only pulling away when you both needed the air.
Tenya was once again standing with crooked glasses, red faced, and this time slightly out of breath. “Y/n I.. Why didn’t.. How did I not..” He panted, after what was only a few seconds, he crashed his lips against yours before you could even respond to his stuttering. You whimpered in response, attempting to untie the tie the best you could with your eyes closed. He helped you, loosening it and letting his hands tangle themselves behind your head and into the kitchen of your hair the best he could. He just wanted you closer. Closer than he already was.
You pull away from him, feverishly leaving kissing along his sharp jawline. He sighed, hands going back to your waist patiently. He rubbed your sides up and down as you kissed down his neck, letting out a breathless whine at the missing feeling of your warm lips against his.
“Why haven't we ever k..kissed before now if this is how you ..f-felt..” He sucked in a sharp gasp once you kissed the right side of his neck. Bingo. You bit down on that spot listening to him groan in your ear, gripping your hips a little harder.
You open your legs slightly so he can stand between them, his body involuntarily pulling you towards the edge as he takes the step towards you. “Because I can't lose you.. I never thought you'd feel the same..” You mumble against his skin, leaving open mouthed kisses down to his collar before unbuttoning it.
You could feel the hard-on poke at your thigh, tauntingly moving to grind against him. After all, the silk of your robe was the only thing keeping him from well.. you. He ached, looking down at you with an almost heartbroken look in his eyes.
“Of course I do, I have wanted you for a very long time.. I know I can treat you better than anyone else out there y/n. It hurts so bad when you'd find someone else more interesting than me. I thought I was too..” He paused for a second, groaning as he grinded against you subconsciously. “A square, if you will.” He chuckled nervously at the admission, feeling you nipping at the most sensitive part of his neck as he let out soft moans and grumbles.
You pull away to look at him, fixing his glasses from earlier with a small giggle. “There's nothing wrong with liking books, or wanting to follow the rules..” Manicured hand began to unbutton his collar and down his shirt.
“And I just never thought you'd go for someone like me. I assumed you'd want a shy girl or somthin’.. I guess we really did make an ass out of u and me.” You tease, giggling once more at your own play on words. You stopped about halfway down his shirt unless this was too much. You didn't wanna be too pushy but God did you want to see those abs.
He let out a small laugh as well, staring down at your gorgeous lips. “I would have told you a lonnnng time ago, y/n. I'm sorry I didn't–” He started, feeling your finger press against his lips to stop him.
“We know now, don't we? Now we move forward.” You wrap your legs around his waist, watching him nod until you move your finger away. “How about I finally help you?” You run a hand down his chest, watching him shudder at the feeling of your acrylics.
He leaned over you, hands moving onto the table rather than on your hips. “If we're going to do anything, I want to do it the right way..” You wanted to pout at his response. He was right, being caught would be absolutely terrible for the both of you. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go back to one of your apartments and finish? Ugh but then the mood is different..
As the gears in your brain worked, Tenya still mindless pressing against you, began kissing you once more. You smile, coconut colored eyes following as he kisses your neck. This time looking for you to gasp or make some sort of noise. His lips smirked against your skin, kissing down to your shoulder and moving the robe off of it. He bit right between your neck and shoulder, causing you to squeal and grip onto his shirt.
Your eyes fluttered, feeling him kiss down to your collarbone. He guided a hand to unbutton the rest of his shirt, the other going back to resting on your waist. He made sure to kiss down the valley of your breasts, not breaking eye contact with you once had he looked up.
“May I?” He motioned to the robe, watching you quickly shrug the silk off of your other shoulder and pulling the tie of your belt. All he needed was to open it up completely. He chuckled at your quickness, letting it pull around your legs once again. He made sure to kiss both of your boobs, finishing with the unbuttoning of his shirt. He used that hand to pinch at your nip, putting the other in his mouth to suck on.
You arch your back into his touch, whimpering as you squeezed your legs around him in response. You could feel him smile, swapping to give your girls equal attention. He felt you buck at such simple actions, kissing down your navel and to where your robe pooled.
“You sound so sweet.. I need to taste you. Wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to go first baby,” You melted at the name, nodding hurriedly. He smiled, going onto his knees and scooping his arms under your knees. He pulled you to the edge, watching you jolt in surprise. You could feel your heart beating in more places than one. The entire time the only thing that had been covering you up was that flimsy piece of silk which he finally moved out of the way, staring down at you for a moment.
This obviously wasn’t the first time he’s been in a sexual situation, but he couldn’t help but freeze for a moment. You were so stunning.. ethereal even. He really didn’t mean to stare, not wanting you to think something was wrong or he was too scared. Just very much in love with the look of you. He finally breaks concentration, looking up at you with a small smile. “You promise this is okay?” He wanted to double check just in case you saw him as he saw himself.. God forbid you did.
“I promise.” You put your pinky out, watching him move his hand from your thigh to interlock his pinky with yours. Without any hesitation, he shoved his glasses up and opened your legs wider. He kissed your clit before starting to suck on it, crimson eyes staring up at you to see what he was doing well vs what you didn’t like as much. Your breathing hitched, hand going to take the glasses and set them on the table so you could grip onto his hair the correct way. You rut your hips towards him, staring down in awe.
He couldn’t help but stare back up at you, strong hands keeping your thighs pressed against his shoulders despite your involuntarily squirming. He swirled his tongue around your bundle of nerves, hands gripping onto your thighs so he could be as close as possible. You tasted so sweet. Damn near sweeter than fruit, only making him want more. Flattening his tongue against you and going back to giving your sensitive spot hell.
You pulled at his navy blue hair, hands gripping onto him as you rode yourself against his tongue. Stuttering out praises through pants and moans, “Ffffuck.. tenya-ah!~” You squeak out, thighs beginning to shake from wanting to close. He slithered a hand from your thigh, teasingly tracing his index finger around your entrance. “Don’t t..tease me!” You leaned forward, hair falling around your shoulders as you looked down at him.
“Please please pl-ngh~!” Your begging was stopped by the feeling of two thick fingers sliding into you as he swirled his tongue around your clit some more. He made sure to curl them, feeling you clench around his fingers drove him insane. Thrusting his fingers into you even faster than his tongue was moving. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, the knot in your stomach starting to tighten. You couldn’t keep quiet even if you really wanted to. You were on another planet.
The face you made when you came could only be described as angelic to iida, he watched as you came undone around his lips. You laid your back against the table as he lapped it up. Almost liked someone dying of dehydration. He slowed his fingers down, sliding them out of you to lick his fingers clean. He lightly placed your legs back onto the table. “You taste divine, you know that?” He asked, unbuckling his belt and tossing his wallet on the table.
You blink up at him, panting and giggling. “I know now,” You stared up at him, messy haired and mouth wet as lustful but loving eyes stared down at you. You took a mental picture, biting your lip to hold back your happy giggles. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, sliding the belt off and placing it on the chair behind him. “Let me,” You lean forward, unbuttoning his dress pants hurriedly and unzipping them. It ached being hard for so long, but as many times as he’s imagined this to play out, he was always going to make you feel good first.
“I need you, y/n..” He admitted almost in a whisper, reaching for his glasses so he could actually see you. You tug his pants down, letting out a small laugh to yourself at the red checkered underwear he wore before pulling them down as well. You assumed he’d be big, the man is 6 foot and built like a fucking unit.
What you weren’t expecting was for it to spring right in front of your face. There’s no way that can.. Well, Doesn’t matter if it fits or not. No way you’d miss the opportunity. He let out a chuckle, assumingly at your wide eyes.
“You have me,” You smile up at him with half lidded eyes, changing your expression quickly so you werent the one looking like a deer in headlights. You grab his cock with manicured nails, licking the precum from his tip before siding as much as you could into your throat.
His breath hitched, a small groan leaving his lips. “No sweetheart, I mean I need you. As much as.. I’d l..love you to,” He let out a breathless sigh filled with pleasure, head tilting back.
“Keep.. feeling your mouth, I need you. Awfully bad, I might a..add.” He struggled to speak, moans escaping his lips as he felt you take him completely down your throat for a moment. You pulled away with a pop, smiling up at him.
“Whatever you want, sir..” You tease, sitting up and putting your hands on his shoulders, slowly sliding them to his neck to cup his face. “Give me a few more kisses, huh mister?” You didn’t even have time to lean up, feeling his lips desperately go back to yours. You tangle your hands in his messy hair once more, feeling him lay you down gently.
He pulled your legs to the edge once more, listening to the squeak you let out as he subconsciously manhandled you. He looks over to the wallet he tossed on the table earlier, opening it to fish for a condom that he always carried around. Not that he ever thought he’d really use it.
“You don’t need one,” You see him quickly look at you as if you were insane, vermillion eyes studying your face. “I’m serious! If worse comes to worse I’ll stop by the pharmacy. I want us both to actually feel it..” You sit up once more, pretty brown eyes staring up at him pleadingly. You place a hand on his arm, which was enough for him to go standing right back in front of you.
“Are you sure, y/n? Absolutely positive?” He asked carefully, cock twitching at the cold air of the room. The snow from the skylight had covered it so much the room was practically black if it weren’t for the very dim but few lights in the room. You nod, giving him a reassuring kiss on the cheek.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it,” You smile, laying back down. Big hands gripped your hips as he lined himself up to you, staring down at your sensitive bud for a moment before slowly sliding the tip into you. You whimper, gasping and letting your eyes roll back as he slid what you could take into you. You felt full, eyes trying to focus on the man in front of you.
“Fuck..” He muttered, leaning over you and kissing up from your collarbone to your neck, holding you close as he started to move gently into you. He knew he was big, and he didn’t plan on hurting you. he wanted it to be the best experience you’ve ever had.. despite the uncommon location. You hug him quickly, whining out and pressing your face into his shoulder. It couldn’t get closer than this.. Or so you thought, feeling him slowly start to fuck you open and press against that spot. Tears well in the corners of your eyes, gasping and biting the pain into his shoulder.
He hissed, making sure to go as slow as his mind and body would let him. He needed to see you completely undone, but your comfortability and adjusting to it would come first. “It’s okay sweetheart, ‘m right here. I got you. “ He whispered into your ear, nipping at your lobe with a small smile. You could hear how passionate he was in his voice, letting your legs wrap around him once more.
After a few more slow thrusts into you, you move from his shoulder and whisper back. “F..Fuck me like you mean it, Ten. I can take i..it.” You mewled out, feeling him kiss from your cheek to your lips before slamming into you. You squeaked, having trouble trying to kiss back. You couldn’t quiet down even if you wanted to. Your nails grab at his back, lightly scratching so you didn’t rip his skin open. Shit, fucking you like this you might not be able to stop yourself.
He shuddered at the feeling, pulling away from your lips to leave open mouthed kisses against your neck. You bite your lip hard, you didn’t know what time it was but you knew there were still people in the building. He slid his hands up to your back, letting his hands hold onto your shoulders from underneath you to keep you still while he fucked your brains out.
You were seeing stars, biting and leaving hickeys all over him to muffle yourself. He gritted his teeth, glancing down at you through foggy glasses. “You take it so good, honey.. Need..Need you like this all the time.” He huffed out, letting out another breathless chuckle at your fucked out expression. “Can I have you?”
Broken sobs of pleasure was really all you could give in return, nodding as quick as you could before kissing him once again. He smiled against your lips, letting a hand slide down to your clit. He only thumbed over it a few times before you came, legs squeezing tighter against his torso. He pulled his hand away, moving both of them back to your hips. He was obviously close too, but it felt so good he wasn’t sure he could pull out exactly in time.
“G-Gotta let me pull out, honey..” You shake your head no, burying your face into his skin once again. “Need.. need to feel.. In me– cum in me.” He began to slow down, trying to think through racing thoughts and how good you felt around him. It wasn't much time to make the decision and professionalism was already out the window at this point. “P.. Please- please tenya~?” You cry out, hugging close to him. If that’s what you wanted, he was going to oblige.
He gave a couple more thrusts, cumming into you and holding you close. Once you pulled away enough, he left peppered kisses amongst your neck and jaw.
You smile, sighing out tiredly before giving him a few kisses on his poor red lips. “You are my favorite human being on the planet,” You huff out, trying to continue but your thoughts were a bit scrambled. “I’m yours. For as long as you want me.”
He quickly responded, kissing your cheek in conformation. “Forever. I want you to be mine.. Forever.” He was sweaty, hair sticking to his forehead and still out of breath himself. His face was red, eyes hanging low from both tiredness and wonderment.
You giggle at his response, taking his glasses and cleaning them with the silk of the robe that was under you.
“Forever it is.”
© if you like what you see please reblog! It means a lot! Want more? Heres my m.list! I write for x black reader so throw me some requests :P my other account are icons and x black reader moodboards if you’re interested!
ALSO ALSO special thank you @urfriendlywriter for some of the smut ideas and the vocabulary, it helped better than fighting a thesaurus lol
thank you @thecutestgrotto and @arlerts-angel for the banners and thank you @fizzintine for coloring the top photo!
have a good day/night/whatever!
#sugar reblogs!#bnha smut#bnha x reader#mha smut#tenya iida x reader#tenya lida#bnha tenya#tenya iida x black reader#tenya iida smut#tenya iida imagine#mha x black reader#bnha x black!reader#x black reader smut#x black plus size reader#x black reader#x black fem reader#x black y/n#bnha iida#tenya iida#mha iida#iida#iida x black reader#iida smut#iida x reader#iida x you#iida x y/n#iida tenya#bnha x chubby reader#bnha x fem!reader#mha x poc!reader
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massagers and misunderstandings

<sylus x fem!reader>
Haphazardly leaving your little toy in Sylus's room after your playtime wasn't part of the plan.
The good news is that the vibrator was in Sylus’s room.
The bad news is that the vibrator is currently in Sylus’s hands.
genre/warnings: smut, pwp, vibrator play x mirror sex, overstimulation, unprotected sex, sylus teasing the everloving shit out of you, breeding kink, (light) choking, dacryphilia, shit load of orgasms
w/c: 2.1k
a/n: shout out to the loml @rafsfishstick for helping me out with this and also giving me this fuck ass idea. Now y'all gna suffer with ME. you're welcome 🩷
Shit, shit, shit. Where is it?!
You've been flipping your whole bedroom upside down over an important missing device. You swore you kept it in the drawers of your room, or at least, you thought you did.
Unfortunately, it went over your head that staying with Sylus for extended periods had you getting very comfortable with leaving your belongings around.
Including your vibrator.
Well, Sylus didn't need to know about it.
In your defense, it was lonely in the mansion without him. And when you did miss him while he was gone, you'd sneak into his room (not that he minded), lie on his bed and let his scent just engulf you completely.
Well, you had your needs too.
And usually you'd just keep your vibrator in your room within the mansion.
And unfortunately for you, this was not one of your usual times.
When the realisation hit you that you in fact did absentmindedly stash your toy hastily in one of his drawers during one of the nights when he told you he'd be away from town for a while, you bolted to his room, hoping, praying, that Sylus hadn't reached his chambers before you did.
The good news is that the vibrator was indeed in Sylus’s room.
The bad news is that the vibrator is currently in Sylus’s hands.
Fuck me, you think, a million useless excuses flooding in and out of your mind.
Maybe you could knock him out and snag the toy from his fingers.
Yeah, like that could ever fucking work with his level of reflexes.
“Aren't you coming in, kitten?”
His usual pet name sends goosebumps flooding your skin.
“Good evening, Sylus”, you force a smile, trying to ignore the way he’s fidgeting with your vibrator.
“This wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?” He asks, dangling the silicone vibrator before you. “I've never seen you use it before.”
You could smack the smug look off his face if you had the chance to, but for now, you force a smile, reaching out to take the device from him.
“It's just a massager”, you lie horribly.
Of course he fucking shifts it away from your grasp.
He narrows his eyes at you and decorates his expression with a sharper smirk.
“Right, because massaging devices look unassuming like this, and you happen to decide to have a little massage session in my room?”
There's no way out of this.
His smirk fades. He puts an arm out to beckon you closer.
His eyes reflect tints of something else, like a reminder that you're about to turn into his prey.
And you can't help but always fall into his trap.
“Now, won't you show me how you use your little massager, sweetie?”
You watch him twirl the vibrator between his slender fingers, touching and feeling the buttons on his fingertips. He has your legs spread apart in front of him at the edge of the bed. You’re carefully observing your partner as it takes him barely a few minutes to figure your toy out when it buzzes to life.
“Don't look so scared, kitten. I'm not about to eat you”, the gaze Sylus is giving you says otherwise. Unfortunately, there's a twisted stem of anticipation that's slowly flooding your veins. You wonder what he's about to do to you, and it's getting you excited.
He smirks when his gaze lands on the small damp patch of fabric on your pussy. He wants to make it bigger.
Sylus grazes his knuckles against your clothes pussy, and it draws a gasp from you.
“I have to say, sweetie, your little massager here has quite the strong vibrations”, Sylus teases. His arm curls around your legs, pulling you slightly closer to him, before he presses the buzzing toy on your clothed pussy. Despite the fact that you knew it was coming, you still jumped from the sensation instantly.
You crunch your abdomen when you feel Sylus rolling the vibrator up and down your pussy, watching with sheer satisfaction at the way the dark patch on your pussy continues to grow darker and bigger.
“How does it feel, kitten?” He asks with a smile, and you're not sure if you're getting soaked from the vibrator or from Sylus eye fucking you.
“Tickles…” you force yourself to answer. You hear him hum from below, before your mind shuts off when he shifts the vibrator right to your clit, and applies pressure right there.
But it's not enough.
You know he's fucking with you. He's teasing you–especially when he intentionally lowers the vibration to a dull buzz, taking away the build up, only leaving you whining for more.
But at the moment where you're able to catch your breath, the vibration climbs in levels again, leaving you fisting the sheets and his shirt. Sylus removes his arm around your thigh, and hooks a slender on the damp piece of fabric, tugging it outwards.
“Should we get this out of the way, sweetie? It's bothering you isn't it?”
You nod, still trying to regulate your breathing, your mind racing at the thought of Sylus being the one pressing your vibrator on your bare, wet, sticky pussy.
He lets you close your legs to roll the panties off your hips, only to disappear behind you for a split moment.
His husky voice rings in your ears.
“Open, sweetie.”
You feel his fingers brush on your chin, and he gestures to you to face the front.
You're facing the mirror.
The view of your legs spread open, the sight of your glistening pussy right before your reflection makes you swallow hard.
Sylus’s finger slither down to your sopping folds, spreading your pussy open.
“So fucking pretty for me, aren't you?”
Your fingers clutch tightly against his shirt, the desperation for him to do just anything coming out as a beg when you whisper to him, “please, Sylus.”
His other hand switches on the vibrator once more, and he aims it right on your fucking clit. It makes you jump, and before you realise it, your orgasm hits you–white engulfing your vision, the pleasure shooting through your veins at lightning speed and your pussy uselessly and desperately clenching the air. Sylus captures your lips with his, eating your fucked out moans while he drags your orgasm out, rolling the toy in circles around your clit, collecting the sheer wetness with his fingers and vibrator.
He pulls the vibrator off you, at least, momentarily, to let you descend from your high.
Sylus watches you through the mirror–you, in tears, a small puddle just under where you're sitting and just a creamy fucking mess your pussy is.
“So this was what you were doing when I was gone?”
He watches the way your ears turn red.
Sylus’s fingers keep you staring at him through the reflections.
“I got lonely when you weren't here…”
“Right. I'm sorry for that, sweetie. I should make it up to you, hm?”
You couldn't even proceed to ask him how before he lifts you onto his lap, and the view before you makes you swallow harder–his cock just resting against your bare pussy.
His lips are pressed against the shell of your ear.
“If I told you that I crave so fucking much to just see you the moment I leave, would that leave your mind at ease?”
“No”, you mutter, then gasp when he presses his dick along your folds, dragging his cock so painfully slowly against your pussy. “Nothing is enough if it's not you being here in the flesh.”
He chuckles–it feels warm and it spreads through all over your body.
“Greedy kitten”, is all he replies before he stretches you open, taking the gorgeous sight of you completely falling apart for him as he fits his cock in you.
“That’s a good girl for me. You're taking me so well. Fuck, look at you swallowing me up”, he groans, greedily wanting to just keep all the wet warmth for himself.
It has been a couple of long weeks since he was gone, and fuck was his cock quite a stretch. He fills you up so fucking good every single time.
He listens to you sigh shakily, trying to adjust. He feels the way you're squeezing his thighs with your hand.
You feel so good around him. You feel so good for him.
You hiccup when you feel Sylus thrusts his cock right into you again. You're so fucking overstimulated, your sensitivity climbing up in hundreds, but Sylus still trails the vibrator across your clit in pulses, making your head fall back against his shoulders, your moans bouncing off the walls of his room. It doesn't help that he's forcing you to soak in the sheer perversion of view that's presented before you.
“You're squeezing me so much, kitten”, he hisses into your ears when he feels your pussy clench around him once more. He's in fucking heaven.
But of course, he loves playing with his prey a little more.
The moment he feels you start flutter, he lifts the vibrator off your clit. It makes you gasp.
Then he thrusts his hips upwards, pressing against your sensitive spots. You watch the way his cock just disappears in you, all the way in, and it's starting to make you light-headed.
“Can your little vibrator make you make that face, kitten?”
You see the tear stains that streak down your face, your eyes still watery. Fuck, of course it doesn't.
“Maybe”, you answer shakily, and you watch his eyes fucking glow right before you in the mirror.
Sylus laughs.
“I guess I should change that, right?” He responds. His fingers are now on your throat, and his other hand lay flat on your thigh.
“Then I'd better make sure I make you see fucking stars. Fuck you hard and good, right?”
His fingers tighten around your throat.
Sylus is a fucking menace.
You don't even remember the existence of your vibrator. Not when Sylus is fucking the ever-loving shit out of you from below, and that you're watching it through the fucking mirror–every thrust detailed perfectly under the lights, his fingers cutting oxygen from you from time to time.
He's forcing you to cum with his dick.
And it's fucking working..
Much thanks to the horrible edging he's done to you, you're a fucking overstimulated mess–so sensitive and broken that when you're about to flood, you're begging him.
“Gonna cum, Sylus, please. I'm gonna cum so much. Fuckkkk-”
It fountains out of you and pushes him out, spraying all over the mirror and the sheets. You don't know what Sylus is muttering in your ears but you know he's fucking slapping your pussy, more fluids spraying out to his satisfaction.
After the clear fluids, only the thick cream comes after, and Sylus doesn't hesitate to slide his cock back in, filling you up once more, cream settling and slicking down his shaft with every thrust. Your thighs are still twitching from how fucking good it feels.
“Have I told you that I adore ruining you so much? Because I do adore ruining you so much, sweetie”, he groans. His face contorts in pleasure so fucking beautifully in the mirror while he bottoms out in you, his cock twitching and letting thick streams of warm cum filling you up. He lets himself stay in your pussy for a second or two, before he pulls out, only a thin string of cum linking his cock and your pussy.
Sylus forces you to watch his fingers once again pull open your pretty folds, and thick white seeps out of your hole in loads.
You see him plant a kiss on your temple before he effortlessly scoops you up to wash up with him.
You swear you didn’t leave it in his room this time round. You learned your lesson. When Sylus had his butler change out the soiled sheets, you had pocketed back your vibrator and kept it in a safe part of your room so Sylus wouldn’t get his hands on it again.
At least, that’s what you thought, because the vibrator seemed to have disappeared again.
Shit, did you have to intrude into Sylus’s room again? Well sure, he was gone for a couple of days, so you used his bed for a couple of days…but you were sure as hell that you brought the vibrator back with you when you on the day Sylus came back.
Unsuccessful with the search in Sylus’s room, you return back to yours, wondering if the mansion had just sucked up the vibrator into thin air.
That is, until you see Sylus on your bed.
With your vibrator in his hands.
#l&ds sylus#lads sylus#lnds sylus#l&ds smut#love and deep space smut#love and deep space sylus#love and deepspace#love and deepspace sylus#sylus#sylus x reader#sylus qin#qin che
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Being Clever with the Fae (Malleus x Reader, Lilia x Reader, Sebek x Reader)
Pre-established relationship implied. You tell the Diasomnia boys that your world planned for ways to outsmart faes. You pull your trick but you're not sure who won.
Warning: Pepaw Bat's gets a little spicy so be careful.
I'm taking liberties with Sebek's part because he's a neutral for me and I don't know that much about him.
You and Malleus had talked about fae folklore more than once. He was delighted to know fae had something of a presence in your world but was wildly horrified at the misinformation. Out of everything you told him, only a handful were correct:
Don't give your name unless you trust that fae because names have power
Iron will hurt some fae but not all. Iron is more harmful to nocturnal fae than day fae.
Being rude to fae may be the end of you altogether
Partaking in fae food means you open yourself up for a wager
Yes, fae like to play tricks. Expect them and be wary.
Stepping into a fairy circle will summon the fairy who made it.
Just about everything else was wrong. That's why he and Lilia were teaching you what not to do if you came upon the various fae in Twisted Wonderland. Thus far you'd only managed to memorize what herbs kept smaller creatures at bay and how to curry the favor of the various faeries that helped out at NRC. Your current assignment from Lilia was filling out a map of different fae territories and classifying them as 'safe' for humans or 'unsafe'. Each territory had a tree they would love to craft from or loathed to be near and you were expected to know that, too.
Strange stuff but apparently it was important.
They liked to break up the bigger chunks of information with smaller, digestible things like etiquette so it felt more manageable. Malleus was currently instructing you on how to part from a fae in a formal setting as to not incur their wrath.
"Again, Child of Man," he's bowed down until eye level with you, one hand holding yours.
"Light shake, eye contact, nod, slide foot back, squeeze the hand, turn." he's parroting your motions until you turn away. He, instead, draws himself to his full height and observes as you pretend to walk away.
"Excellent," he nods. "But ensure you don't slouch while leaving. It will make some feel as if you don't hold them in high regard."
"That's so--" you roll your eyes. He simply lifts his brow as if to question your mild frustration. You puff your cheeks out and he laughs.
"We can be a bit particular." he agrees.
"To a fault." you smirk.
"Oh?" he's intrigued, eyes twinkling.
"Yeah," you smile. "In my world the fae were known for being literal with their word so you always had to keep something clever in reserve."
"Do tell," Malleus' grin goes from practiced and polite to genuine. A hint of fang shows.
"It's kind of specific though. Depends on that old joke about fae wanting to come for the first born."
"That's not really a joke," Malleus crossed his arms. You can't tell if he's offended or not. "We like the younglings. We're always looking to bring more around to the fae ways. In fact, fae make fantastic guardians because--"
He had a lot to say and you felt the beginnings of a lecture creep up. In some way you felt like you were in trouble. To save yourself, you said, "Just pretend. Then I can show you what we do."
Malleus pretended to make a deal with you. It looked a bit intimidating and official with the magic pulsing in the rickety floorboards of Ramshackle. They were groaning. Shadows danced along his face as pieces of his signature thorned briar wove around your joined hands. "In exchange for the repairs around Ramshackle, you will give your firstborn to me."
You pull him in, his green eyes searching curiously for any hint of what's to come. "Sure! How soon do you want to start working on that? Or do you want to wait a little while?"
All at once the floorboards fell quite. The hum of magic died with a rattle that broke the briar into tiny pieces. A few fell at your feet, the others shooting off into various directions.
Oh. Did he not understand? You thought it was clever! Maybe he was too sheltered to--
His laugh is kind of a snort at first but then you hear it honest and lilting. The hand holding yours slides up your arm and snakes around your waist. You're lifted until your hands find purchase on his shoulders and your legs wrap around whatever they reach. Your heart goes from your chest to your throat when his gloved hands slide down to your thighs as he walks you to your sad couch.
"Now is fine," he's careful to hold his weight above you, silky hair spilling around you and tickling your cheeks. His eyes are bright and boyish, a deadly compliment to his kissable lips.
Well, that technically backfired but if this were a real situation you'd make out just fine because he'd chosen to make out with you instead of curse you.
------ ----- ----- ----
Lilia wanted to focus on physical protection as much as written knowledge when it came to handling fae. You still couldn't wrap your head around the idea of him being a general but he had old photos, a weird mask, and a massive magearm to prove it. You'd picked up quite a few self-defense moves and practiced them regularly. He wanted them to be second nature to you. So here you are, in a designated training room within Diasomnia.
"You just want to cuddle me," you teased, in the familiar position of him being behind you with an arm around your neck. One elbow was planted in your shoulder, the other clasping it at the forearm to make a little prison for you. He gave a reprimanding squeeze, ever mindful of the pressure since you were fully human. Lilia gave a huffy laugh, trying to relax his smile into something more stern as he wove his fingers into your hair. You flinched at the tug and slapped his arm lightly.
"Focus," he couldn't deny himself the simple pleasure of whispering into your ear. If you asked him, it was to throw you off balance and distract you. "What could you do now?"
You thought about just leaning back into him, pressing against him, but you knew that wasn't what he meant. Capitalizing on this moment of closeness, the stillness, to huck him over your shoulder and into the floor crossed your mind but then you'd have to give him a back rub later.
Not that you minded that, either.
"We could make a deal," you leaned back to whisper in his ear even though it hurt your neck a little. You could tell by the way his bangs fluttered that he'd jerked in surprise. Was that a little pink on his cheeks? Before you could nip his pointed ear, Lilia leaned you forward and took his elbow off your shoulder, opting to hold you in a bearhug instead.
"Acceptable in this situation," he managed, clearing his throat when his voice cracked a little. "Although this exercise is supposed to be combat related."
"So make the terms. I can't negotiate a deal that doesn't exist." you try to break his hold, shimmying your shoulders and sliding your feet to see if you could slip away. He lifts you off the ground with an ease that doesn't seem possible with his short, lithe body. You hang there against him as he thinks.
"Your life for that of your firstborn."
A bit dark, wasn't it? Kind of rude, really, you thought. But, your train of thought continued to ramble, he did find Silver somewhere so it didn't seem too unusual that he'd want a kid. Either that, or he was messing with you because you told him that whisking away kids was something fae were known for in your world.
"You can't have a firstborn with your clothes on." you joke.
"That's not true because I found Silver with my--" Lilia drops you when he realizes what you've said. You weren't expecting him to drop you and didn't catch yourself, hissing as you land on your knees. Before you can start complaining or poke fun at him for being an old man he's locked the door. You're bowled over as he rushes over to you, pinning you on your back as he peppers kisses along your throat and collarbone.
He's several bites in and you’re halfway undressed when you think you hear a knock at the door. Lilia begrudgingly peels himself off of you, licking blood from the corner of his lips.
"Father? Are we not going to train today?"
"M'fraid not, my boy," Lilia turns his attention back to you, opening your legs to slip between them. "But you'll be getting a new sparring partner in about nine months."
His red eyes are glowing. They're absolutely beguiling.
"Do they come with therapy?” he hears Silver mumble as you look up at him through your lashes.
He pounces on you again. It was a brilliant, filthy tactic. He's not exactly mad about it. You've earned favor with one fae, at least, and he will protect you from the others.
----- ----- --- ---
Sebek is a hard worker. He's a product of his environment; he has Baur's straightforwardness, Lilia's dedicated regimens, and his mother's impressive teeth and jaw strength. Lilia thought the best way for you to learn some of the self-defense tactics was to fight someone your size.
Sort of. Sebek seemed to be the better choice since Silver was too sleepy to be a constant threat. And, in Lilia's mind, you should have an easier time fighting a half-fae versus a full fae.
You never noticed how muscular Sebek was until you were under him. He's got corded arms and you can see the muscles of his shoulders flexing under the Diasomnia shirt he chose for the exercise.
You've never seen him in casual clothes! He actually looks very nice. Not as buff as Jack but sturdy in his own way; his chest is broader than you imagined. A solid man.
More than capable of being Malleus' body guard.
You groan as he knocks the air out of you a little. He's on top of you, pressed into your back. He's got one foot braced against the floor, leaning his weight into you. Your arms are pinned at your side courtesy of the one he's snaked underneath you.
When did he flip you over? Asshole, you scrunch your nose in frustration as your cheeks begin to burn. He's an asshole that means well and won't go easy on you, though. He makes sure you learn. You try to inch out from beneath him but he angles his shoulder down and grabs his own wrist, dragging you back to him.
"You're supposed to do something in this situation!" he grumps, "You know how to break this hold!"
You do, but he's heavy and it probably wouldn't work. And he's had a literal lifetime of training versus your handful of months. You've tangled your legs together and used his half-lean to put him on his back. Your kicking like a tipped-over bug and almost free when you remember that his fae half is crocodilian and you might have triggered his death roll tendency.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Sebek's pupils change, the dark of his eye slitting and boring into you. His throat strains like he's growling but you don't hear anything. It trembles against the back of your neck and you're reminded in that moment of just how much bigger he is than you.
How he folds around you and encompasses you.
He opens his mouth, teeth glinting and sharp. "You've bested me," you admit, swallowing thickly as his teeth hover near your shoulder. "Make your deal."
You somehow turn yourself around in his unrelenting squeeze.
Sebek huffs as if he's insulted and you swear you see his teeth dull. His pupils begin to fill out. He's usually loathe to acknowledge his human side, as he'd much rather be full fae, but it serves him in this instance. "I'm not a true fae. Such a thing wouldn't work on me!"
"You have to pretend! Lilia's teaching me how to deal with the fae! You just won't hurt me as much. Maybe." you dare to flash that teasing grin at him and Sebek nearly tears into his own lip because he doesn't know what to do with that wiggly feeling you give him.
Him? Hurt you? Not on purpose. It would go against the core values his grandfather AND Lilia taught him! Any fae caught abusing their spouse would be drawn and quartered, made a public display of. Any human man who chose to do so was no man at all!
Sebek's face feels almost painfully warm. He can feel the heat spreading from his cheeks to his ears. "In an act of benevolence inspired by the great Prince Malleus, I shall spare your delicate human self in exchange for a child. Is that the cliche rubbish you desire?"
Some of his once slicked-back hair has fallen down on his forehead, between his eyes, as if it's disappointed in you too.
"You think our child would be cliche rubbish? Cliche Rubbish Zigvolt? That does NOT sound good! I'm naming the firstborn, you're just helping make it."
"Wha--but I--that's not!" Sebek doesn't know what to say and he hasn't been trained for this. He's careful not to shove you away but untangles himself like a thrown ragdoll. He rolls over sharply, totally fine with hiding his face in the floor. His green hair is in disarray and his arms are limp, stretched out to either side of him.
You laugh, climbing onto his back and raking your nails down it gently. He makes the noise. You're not sure what it is but you've heard it before. It's deep and somehow soothing. He relaxes underneath you as you continue to scratch his back, throwing in a squeeze to his muscles every now and then.
It's not until you're in what would be the small of his back (if he wasn't build so solid and thick) that he raises his head, folds his arms up, and rests his chin on his hands. "You're safe." he can't bear to turn his head and look at you right now. If he did, you'd see how...how...weak and mushy he looked. Sebek snorts through his nose, arching his back in surprise as your hands slide all the way up until you flop on his back and your arms hang off his shoulders.
"Thank you, o' kind Zigvolt!" you hug his neck. "This delicate human appreciates it!"
"And I...appreciate...you." he mumbled slowly, the words a little foreign to him. More scary than foreign, honestly. That heartwarming shyness evaporated in an instant when he pinned you and began a stern lecture about how you should NOT offer to conceive a child with ANY OTHER FAE and what YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE INSTEAD.
You weren't surprised by this. Sebek lectured Silver all the time and Lilia said he was a very informed pupil. You, too, would be informed as it didn't seem like he was letting you go anytime soon.
#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#twstd wonderland#Lilia x reader#Lilia Vanrouge x reader#Malleus x Reader#Malleus Draconia x Reader#Sebek x Reader#Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
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Hey! Saw your requests are open. If you havent been overwhelmed eith asks I have one for Yandere Shadow if you're interested, if not you're fine!!
What about a Yandere Shadow and Sonic with an S/O who's extremely affectionate and overprotective? BUT, as a twist, They're this way with everyone they care about. They just have a lot of love to give❤️
(Bonus headcanon that Eggman targets them first in fights because his robots literally cant get anywhere near anyone else due to how protective they can be of others. They focus on others so much they forget they might also be targetted)
A/n: idk how long this was in my inbox for
Yandere Shadow/Sonic x Overprotective, Affectionate Reader

Shadow isn't used to the kind of affection you give, not from anyone. He wasnt quite used to affection to mych at all. Not after Maria at least.
You're the type to wrap your arms around people in your life without a second thought, ruffle their hair, or reassure them with kind words whenever they’re feeling down.
At first, he thought this affection was only for him. The way you’d stand beside him in fights, ready to shield him from harm despite your lack of superhuman abilities, left him both confused and, strangely, touched.
But then, Shadow began to notice a pattern.
You weren't just protective of him. You were protective of everyone you cared about. Whether it was Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, or even strangers in trouble, you'd throw yourself into the way to ensure no one got hurt.
Your willingness to put others first was respectable, but it also infuriated Shadow.
Didn’t you realize how reckless it was? Did you think anyone else deserved your warmth and care the way he did?
Shadow tried to reason with himself. He knew your affection was genuine and that your overprotective tendencies came from a place of love.
Still, that jealousy in his chest clawed at him every time he watched you worry and fuss over someone else.
His thoughts turned darker as he began to wonder if maybe he needed to teach you to focus that energy solely on him...
It wasn’t unusual for Eggman to target the people Shadow cared about, but this time, Eggman targeted you first.
Shadow’s blood boiled when he realized why. Your protective nature made you an obstacle to Eggman’s plans, your sheer determination to shield others from harm meant that his robots couldn’t get anywhere near his intended targets. And worse, your focus on others left you vulnerable.
Shadow was livid. Not at you, but at the world. How dare anyone put you in danger?
You were so busy worrying about others that you forgot to worry about yourself. He decided right then and there that he'd do whatever it took to keep you safe, even if that meant keeping you away from everyone else.
In the days that followed, Shadow became even more possessive. He started hovering closer during battles, stepping in before you had the chance to protect someone else. If you tried to shield Sonic or Tails, Shadow would pull you back with a firm grip, glaring at whoever dared to draw your attention.
"You can't keep doing this," he’d say in a stern voice. "You're going to get yourself hurt. Let me handle it."
At home, Shadow became even clingier. He didn't like how much energy you gave to others, so he made it his mission to monopolize your time.
Every moment spent with him was another moment you couldn’t be out there, being with someone else.
Still, he couldn't completely suppress his jealousy. The way you’d light up when hugging someone else made his fists clench.
Your constant reassurances that you had enough love to go around only made him more determined to make you see that he deserved all of it.
"Why do you waste your time on people who can’t protect themselves? They donct deserve what you give them. I'm the one who'll keep you safe, not them"
Sonic's usually not the biggest fan on being the receiving end of affection, but when it comes to you, he loves it. In fact, he thrives on it.
You're always ready with a hug, a playful nudge, or words of encouragement that make his heart race faster than his feet.
At first, he thought you were just that way with him, and he basked in the attention.
But Sonic quickly realized that you didn’t just have love for him. You had love for everyone.
You'd throw yourself in front of Tails to block an incoming attack, fuss over Amy if she got a scratch, or rush to Knuckles aid whenever he bit off more than he could chew.
Your boundless compassion for others left Sonic respecting you even more, but it also left him feeling insecure.
As confident as Sonic was in his abilities, he couldn’t shake the fear that someone else might steal your affection.
He wanted to be the one you turned to, the one you prioritized above all else. But your overprotective tendencies meant that you focused on everyone equally, leaving Sonic craving more of your attention.
Then came the day Eggman decided to target you.
It wasn’t hard to see why. You were a force of nature in your own way, your determination to protect others made you a threat to Eggman’s plans. Sonic’s heart dropped when he realized that Eggman saw you as a liability.
The first time one of Eggman’s robots aimed directly for you, Sonic barely managed to stop the attack in time.
"Hey, what were you thinking?!" he scolded, his voice tinged with panic. "You can't keep throwing yourself in the line of fire like that!"
You brushed off his concerns, he did that stuff all the time, why was it any different?
Sonic wanted to argue, but he couldn't bring himself to. Still, he made a silent vow to protect you, even if it meant protecting you from yourself.
Sonic's jealousy is more subtle than Shadow’s, have to keep up the 'perfect hero' act. He'd crack jokes whenever you doted on someone else, masking his unease with humor. But if someone started to take over your time, Sonic wouldn’t hesitate to intervene, dragging you away with some flimsy excuse.
Despite his possessiveness, Sonic would never stop loving your affectionate nature. It's part of what makes you, you. But he’d do everything in his power to ensure that your love didn’t come at the cost of your safety, even if it meant keeping you closer than you’d like.
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic#fanfic#headcanons#sonic x reader#sonic the hedgehog x reader#shadow the hedgehog x reader#shadow the ultimate lifeform#shadow x reader#shadow the hedgehog#yandere sonic the hedgehog#yandere sonic the hedgehog x reader#yandere shadow the hedgehog#yandere sonic#yandere shadow the hedgehog x reader#yandere shadow x reader#yandere shadow#overprotective reader#overprotective
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Fuck it, we ball, I hope that disrespectful anon gets hemorrhoids and they can't get them removed until next year, AND that their insurance doesn't cover it. I'm here thinking about your Omega idea where omegas normally do the pursuing, but with a slight twist; the boys being the omegas. An alpha who is for sure down bad for the boys, but thinks "ah, theyre out of my league, I should be aiming lower, manage my expectations". Only 141 is just as down bad for them, and they're doing everything just short of screaming "PICK UP ON THE HINTS, COME INTO OUR HOUSE AND BEDS AND LIVES AND STAY FOREVER PLEASE"
Johnny is about to say fuck decorum and just show up in reader's house wearing nothing but a ribbon and a tag that says 'free to a good home' (your home is the good one, please keep him, there is no receipt so you can't return him).
Price has the brain cell normally in terms of trying to gently coax you into getting you to say you're into them, he has a 15 step plan that may or may not involve using his various contacts to get you spending more time in close proximity to them. Also he for some reason is always baking, he always comes over asking you for sugar? (He'll take any kind of 'sugar' you're willing to offer, he loves making a variety of cream pies)
Gaz is always gently inviting them to attend 'friend' things, things that could be a date but that he can excuse as 'well we're coworkers/friends/neighbors, we should get along :)'. It's just a coincidence that various other people seem to bail except for any of the other boys, now why don't you sit beside him so you guys can share popcorn at the movies (you both always seem to be reaching for it at the same time, if your fingers touched anymore you might as well be holding hands)
Simon is chasing off any omegas he thinks are a threat to them getting reader, that is THEIR alpha, paws OFF (rip to anyone reader was halfheartedly going on dates with, this man is gonna become those people's sleep paralysis demon)
Hope you enjoy!! :3 💕💕 i lovedddd writing this sm omg
See, the thing is, you’d always thought of yourself as a decent Alpha. Not overbearing, not egotistical, not a demanding freak- just capable and steady. But you weren’t extraordinary. Not the kind of Alpha Omegas like them would look at twice. And so, while you worked alongside the men of Task Force 141 you convinced yourself to be content with just admiring them from a distance.
You couldn’t help it. They were perfect, as far as you were concerned. Perfect, and fully out of your league.
Surely, Omegas like them would want someone better. Someone stronger. You’d told yourself that so many times it was practically your mantra, the only way you’d be able to stop yourself from pursuing them. They deserved someone more charismatic, more confident- an Alpha who could match their brilliance. Not someone like you, fumbling through conversations with them, struggling to keep your feelings in check.
But they’d already decided. They didn’t need a flashy Alpha or someone who tried too hard. What they wanted was you. The only problem? You didn’t seem to realize it, no matter how obvious they made it.
John took the lead, naturally. He knew you were cautious and perhaps a little insecure when it came to relationships (it was fucking visible in you, silly Alpha. He scoffs each time you draw back, frustrated), so he made it his mission to draw you in- slowly and subtly. His plan was meticulous: get you comfortable, build trust, and create opportunities for you to spend more time with them so you’d see that they only want you.
Maybe then you’d break out of that stupid shell you’ve put yourself in.
He’d started baking regularly, a habit you hadn’t even known he had. At least once a week, he’d show up at your place with a tin of cookies, a loaf of fresh bread, or a perfectly golden pie. “Thought I’d share,” he’d say casually, though the slight smirk tugging at his lips told a different story. He peers at you, letting his scent coil just a bit more. “I hope you don’t mind the amount of cream. I happen to like cream pies a lot.”
The way to an Alpha’s heart is through their stomach, and all that.
If he wasn’t offering you baked goods, he was asking for your help to make said baked goods. “Ran out of sugar again,” he’d sigh, handing you an empty container. “Mind sparing a bit?”
It was ridiculous, downright unbelievable how often he supposedly ran out of baking supplies. But his visits became a highlight of your week, and the lingering looks he gave you left your heart pounding long after he was gone.
The one time he’d handfed you, watching you lick the syrup from his fingers with half-lidded eyes, still lives in your mind rent-free.
Kyle took a softer, more personal approach. He wasn’t above using the pretense of friendship to spend time with you, often inviting you to casual dates- grabbing coffee, going to the movies, or just walking through town and shopping. Every invitation was framed innocently, but there was always a little extra effort behind it. He’d pick a movie he knew you’d like, suggest places he knew you’d find interesting, and ensure that others you unfortunately knew joined just enough to make it seem less like a date.
Somehow, though, those other people always mysteriously canceled. It was never anything dramatic- just a sudden cold, a scheduling conflict, or a “something came up, sorry.” Eventually, it would be just you and a very smug Kyle, sitting close enough that your knees brushed or reaching for popcorn at the same time. Once, right as the bowl emptied and you both reached for it, Kyle simply thought fuck it and held your hand.
On one occasion, you both shared a bowl of spaghetti and ended up with the scene from the Lady and the Tramp.
It was so painfully obvious to everyone.
Except you.
“It’s not a coincidence,” Kyle muttered to Johnny one evening after you left, both of them sitting in the spot you were in, bathing in the leftover warmth and scent. “How can they not notice?”
Speaking of Johnny; he’s barely keeping himself together. Subtlety in missions are a must sometimes, but he doesn’t want to that with you anymore. He was just so, so, so frustrated with your obliviousness. What more does he need to do to show you that he- that they- want you?
He’s been dropping so many hints; half-jokes about Omegas waiting begging to be swept off their feet, suggestive winks when you compliment him in that lovely, adoring tone of yours. Once, while watching a romantic tv show, he’d sighed loudly and very pointedly said: “If only someone would claim me.”
“If ye don’t figure it out soon,” he growled at the others one night, pacing back and forth like a wild beast and probably on his way to leave a dent in the carpet, “I’m showin’ up at their doorstep with nothin’ but a red bow, like some bloody Christmas prezzie, I swear to god.”
John sighs, rolling his eyes. “You do that, and I’m leaving you on their porch.”
“That’s exactly what I’m askin’ for!”
Simon took the quietest but most direct approach. Just not exactly direct towards you. While the others worked to get closer to you, Simon focused on eliminating what he saw as obstacles: other Omegas who thought you were free for the taking. It didn’t matter if they were serious or just someone you’d gone on a casual date with- Simon saw them all as threats.
He didn’t have to say much to scare them off. A single cold glare from across the room, sharp bursts of his scent, or a low, menacing comment was usually enough to send them packing. He didn’t care if it was excessive.
You were his Alpha. You were their Alpha, and no one else had a right to you.
But even Simon softened when it came to you. He couldn’t put all his thoughts, all his feelings into words, so he did them with his actions. Quiet protectiveness, gentle, careful touches. Moments of fleeting vulnerabilities shared between you and him.
He was always there for you. Even if you didn’t know you need him with you.
Still, despite all their efforts, you remained convinced that they weren’t interested.
In the end, to no one’s surprise, it’s Johnny who snaps. Johnny, so close to his heat, so absolutely done with your obliviousness and the Omegas that aren’t them talking with you when you should be only focused on them.
He doesn’t care; leaves the carefully made nest with your stolen shirts and none of the others stop him when he just. Drags your surprised self to the nest.
“Johnny! You-“
“I want you.” He hisses, bares his teeth all sharp and desperate. “We want you. And damn it, we will have you.”
And well, who are you to even say no when this is all you have wanted?
#noona.asks#cod x reader#cod#cod x you#tf 141 x reader#tf 141#tf 141 x you#john price x reader#cod omegaverse#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost riley x reader#ghost x you#ghost x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley x reader#kyle gaz garrick x you#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x reader#gaz x you#soap x you#soap x reader#johnny soap mctavish x you#johnny soap mctavish x reader#poly!141 x reader#poly 141 x reader#poly!141#poly 141#call of duty x reader#cod imagines#noona.writes
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FEATURING:⠀⠀Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz.
AUTHOR'S NOTES:⠀⠀Part one for context. Part three.

"I won't." He repeated for the third time. His friend glanced at you, feeling partially guilty for not stopping him from drinking more than he should have. "I would never go into a place alone with another woman." Max said, pointing his finger up, and you quickly lowered his hand, trying to avoid drawing more attention.
"I'm sure there are plenty of people happy with the photos they got today." You thought. Your brain barely had time to process what he was saying as you just pushed him inside the house. You said goodbye to his friend and closed the door, turning to see Max already sitting on the edge of the couch, stiff like a child in an unfamiliar place.
"Aren't you going to the bedroom?" He quickly shook his head, his eyes scanning the entire room. You spent five long minutes watching him, but your boyfriend didn’t move from where he was. "Do you plan on staying up all night?"
Max looked at you, shaking his head again. "I'm waiting for Y/N to come get me."
"She..." He sobbed, then fell silent for a few seconds, likely losing his train of thought and unable to continue.
"Who?" You asked, distracting him to keep him quietly seated in the car, no longer trying to open the door or yelling in hopes that his friend would pull him out of there.
"My girlfriend... she's going to kill you." Your boyfriend said, playing with the hem of his shirt. "And then she's going to kill me... She's going to kill the love of her life because of a misunderstanding. It's going to be your fault..."
A low laugh interrupted him. "She won't. I can fight her. Bet I can beat her." You joked.
"No, you can't. I... I'll defend her. I go to the gym, you know?" Carlos murmured, his eyes almost closing as he surrendered to sleep. You thought you'd finally have some peace until you got home, but he suddenly woke up. "I want to get out. Abre la puerta. My girlfriend said I can't trust strangers."
You raised an eyebrow. Although you're not a stranger, it was amusing that he only remembered that after you'd already made it halfway home.
#f1 x you#f1 imagine#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 x reader#carlos sainz#max verstappen#carlos sainz x you#max verstappen x reader#f1 x y/n
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