#I can’t wait to see this wild couple in action!
missmouse43 · 3 months
I still can’t believe we’re gonna get a jiara pier date of them getting snowcones and holding hands which ends in them getting chased having to jump off the pier holding hands
Thinking about that pier date is the only thing that’s been keeping me going through this drought anon 😭
I have watched that video of JJ grabbing Kiara’s hand too many times to count and it still sends me into the stratosphere every. single. time.
The PDA!!
The casual intimacy!!
JJ being the one to initiate it!!!!!!
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I will never emotionally recover from established couple jiara.
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absolutebl · 7 days
This Week in BL - So Many GREAT Kisses!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
(Please notice I am now using 6 dots in all ellipses because according to Taiwanese BL that's how we queers roll. Who am I to argue?)
Sept 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Jack & Joker (Thai Mon IQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - A most excellent glow up. And it’s still a great show. And I cannot wait to see the many different faces of War. Bring on the Leverage of One action-packed mess. I'm waiting.  
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Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs Gaga ) ep 9 of 12 - I’m gonna say this because it drives me crazy. Why are boys in BL, when out and about the countryside, always dressed inappropriately for Thailand? If it’s hot, takeoff your damn jacket. I don’t mean to be crass or crazy or whatever. But don’t wear a jacket when it’s 90° with 90% humidity. In Thailand, jackets are for malls. Meanwhile, I’m an extrovert and that still seemed like an exhausting trip. Although, I suppose they didn’t show all the drive time in the van, when everyone is asleep.
Meanwhile, why are the sides so frustrating in this show? Authentic friends-to-lovers is always a slog. Finally a kiss! And a decent one.
New character? Aw! Hi Yu!!!! Gosh Putter is so cute.
Where were we? Oh yes, Beer is now heartbroken. Always the great fear in F2L that the friendship will be destroyed as a result. And it’s a decent fear. 
On a completely different note, I cannot help but wonder when somebody’s chue len is Beer, if that is because beer was involved in their conception. Like, it’s the name you give your "oops baby" from that drunken night at the club. Don’t mind me. I’m just over here in the corner being crass.
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Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) ep 8 of 12 - That was one of the cutest wake up sequences ever depicted. Utterly adorable. And now he’s blind again? Oh my God this is such a soap opera, I can’t even. Meanwhile, wicked ice prince finally made his move. Gah! Why aren’t we getting more of this couple? I always love the sides best with this production house.
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I love a hard fraught game of badminton. Even though we actually didn’t see play. YoIng claiming was so cute!!! And their shower kiss was v hot. Yay little show! Also cute use of the punishment trope!
Kidnap (Fri YT) ep 3 of 12 - The weight upon the shoulders of our idiot good guy kidnapper continues to pile up. So does the affection. The dude playing Q has sanpaku eyes. Cool. He’s not a particularly good actor though. Rough because everyone around him is giving their very best.
The problem is. I'm noticing. I shouldn't be noticing all the talent trying so hard. That usually means there is something wrong with the story, or there was something wrong on the set.
I don't know what to say at this juncture except I have the sinking suspicion this might not actually be a good show. (Covers head and cowers. Don't hate me.) I'd loved to be proved wrong, but my faith is GMMTV is only about 50% these days. And it probably should be lower.
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Addicted Heroin (Thai Tues WeTV) ep 6 of 10 - I was so confused by how we suddenly got on a trip together, that I went back and re-watched the previous installment. And it still isn’t explained. So I have no idea why our leads are on a trip but apparently that’s the next trope to hit. I also have no idea how they're suddenly boyfriends. I’m just generally confused by this episode. It’s like an alt reality. We skipped over all of the stuff where they actually got into a relationship. In general I wasn’t wild about this episode.
The Trainee (Sun YT) ep 12fin - The most realistic thing about this show is that everybody is everybody else’s ex on any given set. I feel that in my bones. Or do I mean boner?
Frankly, both actors look better after a glow up and I guess pretending to be more their actual ages suits them? Considering what was actually done to invoke youth (a lot of the shine and gloss) aging them was an anti-glow up. A great mattification? Well...... this was a somewhat lackluster finale. (Thank you, thank you, the pun was unplanned. It's a gift.)
I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see Jane suffer? Work HARD to get the kid he abandoned back? I would’ve liked to have seen Ryan a little bit more competent and capable and his job. Maybe dating someone else. But I also do not want any more episodes. This was more than enough. So instead no separation, just boyfriends and a montage of their lives together, getting new and better jobs, moving in together, being supportive and sweet, etc... LOOK: It’s never a good sign when I immediately want to rewrite the show that I just saw.
In conclusion:
A story about a group of interns at a commercial video production company. While I genuinely love OffGun, I’m not convinced this was a good vehicle for them. Is it terrible for me to say, I miss their PickRome days? I don’t think they’ve ever had rolls that suited them better. Still, theirs was the best storyline in this ensemble piece masquerading as a BL, although they still fumbled the ending. Thus, I enjoyed about a 1/3 of it as much as possible, and 2/3 of it less than conceivable. 7/10 and I seriously considered dropping it to a 6/10 so don't push me.
Love Sick 2024 (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 1 of 15 - Not gonna lie I was very skeptical. But I like it fine. Better than I expected because it’s been changed just enough. But it does need to stay changed. I don’t know what I’m trying to articulate here but…... I guess we’ll see.
Live in Love (Sun Gaga) ep 3 of 5 - It’s cute in a weird disjointed way. I’m enjoying it enough, I guess. I do like how forthright and direct Kla is. 
Bad Guy My Boss (Thai Sun Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Ah. Bully romance. My old frenemy. Of course making this office based means +10 for workplace harassment. Well well well. This will be red flag party town I see. How VERY old school yaoi. It’s all very Cdrama CEO = dudes in suits walking on parquet (minus all the gay sex of course.) The jumping around between times and unfinished scenes is very strange. Is this Starhunter chaos only applied to a timeline?
Imma say this so they hear it at the back. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE HAIR. If you do time jumps: change. the. hair. It's the easiest and best clue if you aren't going to apply a filter or other cinematography tricks. JUST CHANGE THE DAMN HAIR STYLE.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The On1y One (Taiwan Thurs Gaga) eps 9-10 of 12 - And now we all start using six dots in our……? A new coded way to indicate that one is into BL? I did think we were in a slight mire with ep 9, too much teacher filler. Not enough time spent with our boys. Meanwhile, sports day. Pouty Baby utilizing the power of Ge, in front of all of the classmates who do not realize how hard he is flirting and activating babygirl = one of the greatest things ever to happen on my screen. Essentially this was a version of the claiming trope, only nobody knew it but the two of them. Fucking genius. Yes, I watched it multiple times. Then babygirl is injured, the carrying and the flirting!!!! Gah!
I don’t mean to trivialize the show, but this is me and I can trivialize everything even something as brilliant as this. But that conversation about history at the beginning of ep 10...... Was that about topping and bottoming? Because it sure seemed that way.
And then...... Possibly the best only one bed trope twist ever?
This show is so fucking amazing.
And I am so worried about the end.
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Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun grey) ep 7 of 10 - I love the kinkyness of our baby boy’s fantasy. Where he is the gift and his boyfriend is in uniform. Very nice. Thank you Japan. Never one to let kinky dogs lie. Also, the premise continues: one half thinks that they are already boyfriends and acts like it, and the other half is still trying to become a boyfriend. It’s absurd in that way that only Japanese miscommunication extraordinaire can be absurd. Also could Kyosuke be any more under his boy’s thumb? 
Love is Like a Poison AKA Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Japan Tues Netflix?) 1-2 of 10 eps - Shiba is a top lawyer, angular aggressive bespectacled workaholic cat-type (Kitten? Babygirl? Tsundere? Some unholy combination of all 3?) I am reminded I should be more considerate of my potted plants. OMG the teasing and the little tongue sticking out. Haruto is such a flirt. I love this dynamic. What fun! Manic pixie dream boy but MAKE HIM EVIL! Or very high? Or a grifter? I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. But I’m enjoying it. It’s very...... very
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First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - Oh! Good kiss. Smart to have the younger character initiate. I also like that he put a stop to it and then went and had a long conversation with a friend about it. Cautious boy. Also shows how in control of the situation Sea is becoming. It works for this BL since he has the stronger personality. I don't care what the characters say, this is about Sea becoming a rock for Neil.
But the secondary couple is actually winning this show. I want so much more of them. 
Seoul Blues (Korea Fri? YouTube) ep 8fin - I’m not sure that blackmailing and entrapment, especially of your ex, necessarily justifies cheating. Plus I never like it when it’s gays against gays. But what did I expect from this show? This whole series was basically Korea’s version of messy gay. If you liked Only Friends you’ll probably enjoy this bullshit. And they were quite pretty. I, however, am monumentally displeased. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED but still, basically, BL, however…... do we want to support this kind of behavior?
It's like now they discovered boys can kiss they can't be happy.
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It's airing but...
The Hidden Moon (Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) by Violet Rain (I Feel You Linger). A man is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai being converted into a café. He sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, falls in love with one of them. Was substantially recast. I loved IFYLITA except the ending so I think I'll let this one run it's course you can tell me if it's work tracking down... if they managed to land it. I have my doubts.
Happy of the End (Japan Tues Gaga) - A boy is disowned for being gay, dumped by his boyfriend, and ends up in a dysfunctional co-dependant relationship with his would-be kidnapper. We were due for another messy JBL and it's exactly as expected. I do not like it at all. And ya know what? There is plenty airing. DNF 
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In case you missed it
I FINISHED Meet You at the Blossom (China). I ate crow, binged the fucker, and live blogged the experience. I enjoyed it a lot and got quite witty (I think) there are also puns (warning). But if you don't wanna slog though it, here are my final thoughts:
This was undeniably a wuxia and most definitely a BL. Evil stunning princely Cheekbones meets and falls in love with the bisexual disaster Dimples of his dreams. There’s a lot of floaty fighting, tangled plot, and overworked emotions. From start to finish it is exactly as it claims to be, including more than the expected amount of sexual claiming (dubious conscent to the point of rape). I’m not wild about the wuxia genre, but I will tell you what I do like: Very pretty men in flowing robes + eye makeup + hair ribbons wafting about stabbing and kissing each other plus ridiculous soap opera machinations. I also like cheekbones and dimples. AND I love a stupid gay sleeve, okay? There was also truly epic levels of stink-eye, and that too is to be lauded. This show left me grinning like crazy. Was it great? Not really, but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it immensely. 8/10
4 Minutes (Gaga) Ended - Spies reported in to say the ending was not-exactly-unhappy and mostly lackluster. I'm torn over whether to watch. My natural disinclination to binge, meets my dissatisfaction with wishy-washy, is going up against my love of high heat and pretty men. Oh the age old struggle between art and lust.
Mitsuya-sensei no keimakutekina ezuke finished and it’s reported to be solid. Age gap treated with respect. I'm curious, so I'll check it out if I can get hold of non-G-drive subs.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Still Coming Sept 2024:
9/28 Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YouTube) ?? eps - oh I don't know just Ba Vinh doing his thing with pretty boys again.
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I love love love this execution of the punishment trope. What's Ai going to do to you, Yu? Ride you to death?
I Saw You in My Dream indeed.
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Sigh. This show. (Addicted Heroin)
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All praise one of BL's best-in-show glow-ups. Nicely done, Jack.
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James, on the other hand. Never needs a glow-up. Still the prettiest. Has been since Oxygen. (Battle of the Writers)
He's playing the role of Saint in this show, thank you very much. Speaking of which, wouldn’t that be just the most gorgeous pairing in the entire universe? Saint and James? I’ll be in my bunk. 
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Taiwan giving us a boop! Reminds me of Be Loved In House I Do, right up there with TharnType as chronic boopers.
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Why is he SO GOOD in this show?
All Frist Note.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many at-ings.
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
Hiii, could you please do a live action jet x reader smut? Where the reader is a water bender and he meets her when he meets sokka and Katara, she knows hes kind of a bad person but she can't help being into him. You don't have to do exactly that, just a idea!
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Rude Boy
Jett x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: Needing to take a break from travel, your group stops to rest in the Earth Kingdom village of Gaipan. After meeting Jett and the Freedom Fighters, you can't help but be charmed by his bad boy persona. He invites you out to the city for a wild night.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Rough Smut.
You guys had been flying for hours and the sun was starting to go down. Anng decided that they would find somewhere to set up camp for the night. Appa was getting tired so they needed somewhere soon and Gaipan was the nearest village. Nothing seemed off at first, Katara and Sokka were arguing about the most efficient way to set up their tent. Anng made sure Appa was comfortable when Jett and the Freedom Fighters made their appearance. After they explained their disposition, they joined you around the fire. Jett was sitting right next to you, telling these lavish stories of glory and riches. Katara wasn’t impressed by his show boating and was disappointed you weren’t seeing it. After he was out of ear shot, all she could talk about was how he was a bad guy and not to be trusted. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t see the signs that he was up to no good. You just didn’t give a fuck. His dominant personality was quite charming. How he didn’t tolerate anything he was unhappy with. You loved everyone in the group and have grown to be like family. However, being happy-go lucky and optimistic all the time was emotionally taxing. As Katara used her water bending to put out the fire, Jett pulled you aside. 
“Hey I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come into town with me later tonight?” He asked. 
“Oh uh- yeah I think I would be able to sneak away,” you said, looking over to see if anyone was watching. 
“Great, I'll meet you here, in an hour or two,” he says while catching up with his group. 
You were practically snaking with excitement. For so long, you’d been surrounded with morality and sunshine. You were excited to break away from that, do something that made you feel alive. Laying on your back in the tent, waiting until you felt everyone was actually asleep. Your heart was racing, trying to avoid anything on the ground that could make noise. Jett was waiting for you where he said, resting his hands on the handles of his hook swords. He smiled once he saw you, joking about how he was starting to think you bailed. 
“No, not at all! I’m really looking forward to seeing the night life in the city,” you explained. 
“Well, I’m excited to show you.” he said, holding his hand out for you to take. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you reached the night market he was intent on visiting. It was really nice, several food stands that were making your mouth water. He pulled out a large bag of coins, and made your eyes widen a little. You couldn’t remember the last time you saw that much money in one place. Never giving you a straight answer when you asked how he acquired the money. The mysteriousness was only adding to his bravado. After walking the full length of the market, he took you to a really scenic spot. At the top of a hill, overlooking all the lights in the city. Laying on a bed of soft grass while enjoying the view. 
“So how did you really get all that money?” you asked, laying your head against his shoulder; admiring his side profile. 
“The less you know the better,” he chuckled. 
“It’s okay if it’s bad. I know the group I'm with isn’t the most open minded but the Fire Nation made the world like this. Impossible to survive so why can’t we break a few rules to withstand their wrath you know?” you explained. 
“Finally, someone that gets it,” he said, turning to face you.
Your lips were only a couple inches from his. Smelling the alcohol on his breath from a drink he’d gotten earlier that night. Everything about him was just so unacceptable, his attitude, outlook on life and his moral compass was so wrong. You were tired of trying to figure out why that was so intriguing. Shamelessly giving in to your temptations. Wanting to test the waters slowly, you brush your bottom lip against his. In return he melts his mouth into yours. Running his tongue over your lip, grabbing your face with his hands. Breathing hard out your nose, trying to get air in when you could. He rolled on top of you, pressing his pelvis into yours. Starting to kiss and nip at your neck as the two of you rock your hips together. He sits up abruptly, your lips separating with a wet pop sound. Now on his knees, he pulls out his hook swords and tosses them to the side. 
For the few seconds he was hovering over you with the blades, your skin prickles with goosebumps. He looked so powerful and menacing, it made you feel hazy. Dropping back down, his hands coming down hard on either side of your head. You flinched a little, which made him chuckle before pulling your top off. Of course, you eagerly help him remove it. Your back arched off the ground as he took one of your nipples into his mouth. Swirling and flicking his tongue while pinching and pulling at the other. Your head falling back against the grass, both mind and body fully engulfed with pleasure. Your clit was aching and feeling yourself getting wetter wasn’t helping. 
“Can I ride you?” you asked. 
“No, I wanna fuck you until you’re braindead,” he says, flipping you onto your stomach. 
Pushing your ass up and grinding against his leaking member. Spreading his pre-cum all over your skin before focusing his tip on your entrance. Teasing for a few moments before burying himself inside your heat. He started rocking his hips slowly, pulling out fully before sliding back in. Biting and sucking hickies on your shoulder. Trying his best not to animalistically pound you into the ground. Moaning every time he fully pressed his cock inside you; his head kissing your cervix every time he snapped his hips. Your head was turned to the side, perfect angle for him to shove two fingers into your mouth. Massaging your tongue and prodding down your throat. Letting out a moaning as you gagged and drooled. Wet slapping sounds came from how hard he was thrusting. Taking his hand out of your mouth and brushing the hair out of your face so he could see your expressions. Spreading your drool all over your face in the process, while making patronizing cooing noises at you. Your body went limp, barely audible uh-uh-uh’s coming out of your mouth. Seeing you turned into a fucked out pile of need was steering him closer to climax. Having no remorse and using your body for pleasure was his only goal. Pounding away at you with such force, your skin was becoming sore and reddened. Pressing his full body weight into you, pulling your hair to expose your neck and biting down as he came. Snapping his hips into you every time he shoots thick ropes of cum into your belly. Grunting and growling into your neck as he rode out his high. He got the two of you semi dressed before passing out where you two laid in the grass. Too fucked out to care about the repercussions and responsibilities that tomorrow holds.
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yelenasdiary · 1 month
yelena x reader
their anniversary, like maybe third of being a couple
they rent a chalet for a week, so cold and snow
during an afternoon walk in the woods they emerge on a frozen lake, and reader is stubborn, so when yelena tells her NOT TO WALK on the ice she does it anyway and then reader falls in ice water
Yelena manages to save her in the end and they run to the chalet and Yelena does everything to warm up the reader and in the end she succeeds
a lot of comfort/fluff in the end and a little bit of angst bc reader is stubborn
Cold Shock
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader
Summary: Yelena quickly jumps into action to save your life when your stubbornness doesn’t listen to her.
Fluff, Comfort & Light Angst
Warnings: hypothermia, fear of dying | 1.1K
Translations: Detka (baby), Милый (darling), 
AC: I hope it’s okay I went with Fem! Reader, usually when a requests uses she/her pronouns I just go with Fem. Thank you for sending this, I hope you enjoy! x 
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The sky was blue with a kiss of orange as the sun began to set and after an exciting day or skiing and snowboarding, it was your idea that you and Yelena take a small walk before it got too dark. Layers of snow covered the green of the tall trees leaves and branches, your footprints dug deeply into the thick layer of snow on the floor as you and Yelena walked hand in hand through the woods close to the chalet Yelena had booked for the weekend. 
Birds chirped their last song of the day and wild rabbits and hares came out to catch the last hours of the sun before night fell. The air was cold, but the coldness didn’t bother you when your gloved fingers were interlocked with Yelena’s. You had been waiting for this weekend get-away since the moment Yelena mentioned it. You had a countdown on the calendar that hung in the kitchen of your shared apartment. 
“Detka!” Yelena’s worried voice stopped you the seconds before your right foot would land on the frozen over lake. She gently pulled you back, the two of you barely noticing the lake from being so distracted by conversation and the sights around you. “Ooo! Let’s do a little skating!” You suggested causing Yelena’s brows to frown. 
“I don’t think so, do you know how dangerous it is to walk on a frozen lake?” She replied, standing her ground. 
“Oh, come on baby, it can’t be that bad! People do it all the time” you said, taking a step onto the thick ice. 
“Милый, please get off the ice! It’s not safe!” Yelena stressed, not batting an eye off you. A cheeky smirk tugged at your lips as you began to slightly and slowly walk out further into the middle, “don’t tell me a little bit of ice scares you” you teased, not hearing the cracking sound below your feet. 
“I’m being serious! Get back here!” Your girlfriend demanded, her own foot hovering slightly over the ice just wanting to get to you and pull you off the dangerous ice. To tease her a little more, you spun around, giving her a little twirl when the ice broke through. In the blink of an eye your body fell through the ice. You had never felt water so cold before, your body went into panic as you tried to swim to the top. 
You faintly heard Yelena’s voice call your name as she rushed ever so carefully to your aid. Your eyes were in pain as you tried to keep them open to see Yelena’s hand reaching for you. She was too far, you were falling deeper, your body going into a cold shock. You tried harder, kicking your legs to help push you back up to the surface while your mind filled with regret just wishing you had listened to Yelena. 
Above the ice, Yelena was calling out for you. She rushed to grab a long stick for you to grab, everything was happening quickly, you faintly saw the stick enter the water, just inches away from your cold, cold hands and with all the little strength you had in you, you grabbed it as tightly as you could. 
Yelena pulled you to safety, dragging your cold body off the ice. You were almost as blue as the sky and Yelena knew she had to act quickly. She took off her puffer coat and began to carefully strip you of your wet clothing. With nobody else around to help, she picked you up in her arms and rushed you back to the chalet as fast as the thick snow would allow her.
Once inside, she gently placed you on the sofa and ran to get more dry and warm clothing as well as blankets to help your body warm up again. “Try and stay still, detka” Yelena said after she dried and dressed you in dry clothing. She covered you with the blankets before she slid in beside you, wrapping you up in her arms. “S-ss-sso c-cold” your teeth chattered.  
“It’s okay detka, just keep still and let your body slowly warm up” she assured you, gently pulling you closer into her hold. Her body heat adding to the other ways to help your body warm up. 
After an hour of laying on the sofa wrapped in Yelena’s arms, you started to feel your body temperance returning to normal. “Baby, can you please make me a tea?” You asked, craving a nice warm drink. Yelena smiled softly, seeing that your skin color had returned. She placed a kiss on your forehead, “of course I can” she said softly before she carefully climbed over you and making her way to the kitchen. While you were now by yourself for a few minutes, the guilty feeling of not taking Yelena seriously had sunk in once again. 
Slowly, you sat up on the sofa, keeping the blankets covering your entire body while you waited for Yelena to return. 
“What’s eating you up?” Yelena asked, handing you the hot drink. You held it with both hands, allowing the hot mug to warm your hands up even more. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you” you replied. Yelena sat next to you, placing a kiss on your cheek, “that doesn’t matter detka. All I care about is that you’re safe and okay” she assured you. “You might get a cold after this but that just means we can extend our stay so I can make sure you that you get the best care and are 110% feeling better before we go back home” she added. 
You couldn’t help the soft smile that tugged at your lips, “can we even extend our stay?” You asked, not wanting to leave the beauty of this place. Yelena shrugged, “leave it to me, I’ll work something out” she said before you took a sip of your tea. 
Later that night, once your body temperature was back to normal and you had taken a warm shower to wash the lake water out of your hair, you found Yelena on the balcony of the two-story chalet. You walked up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist, “what’s eating you up?” You asked her. She smiled softly, “I’m just taking how beautiful this place is” she replied softly before she turned in your arms and placed her hands on your hips, “and how much of a stubborn little bunny I have in my hands” she added. You chuckled at her words before she kissed you gently.
“You say that as if you’d have me any other way” you replied, teasingly. 
“There’s not a damn thing I would ever change about you, my stubborn little bunny” Yelena smiled softly. 
“I’m glad because even after today, I still want to go ice skating!” 
Yelena chuckled, “I’ll take you skating but we’re going to do it the safe way, okay?” 
“Aye, aye captain” you smiled before you kissed her plump lips once more.
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Taglist: @marvelfan98 | @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @itsmelulu | @axolotllover225 | @koinsss | @nuianced-tck-enby | @springsheep | @prentgarcialuvr | @stayevildarling | @mommysgoodlittlebrat | @marvelnatasha12346 | @mrromanoff | @umadirectioner | 
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theostrophywife · 10 months
silver lining.
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pairing: draco malfoy x reader
song inspiration: bathroom by montell fish.
author's note: this is just filth. don't imagine draco looking at you like the cover picture when you're on your knees for him. don't do it.
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The rosewood door clicked shut as Draco hastily ushered you inside. Your heels echoed against the marble tile, the train of your velvet dress kissing the floor as you faced your boyfriend with anticipation.
Beyond the lavish bathroom, the sounds of the soirée filtered through the packed halls of Malfoy Manor. Nearly everyone who was anyone in the upper echelons of society was present for tonight’s festivities, which meant that you were supposed to be on your best behavior.
A task that you so arduously failed the second you caught sight of Draco. 
In truth, you couldn’t be blamed. Your boyfriend had no business looking that delectable. When he greeted you at the door earlier that night, you nearly swooned. The suit that adorned his body was perfectly tailored, showing off his lithe and lean frame. It cinched at his midsection, sending your gaze further down and letting your imagination run wild with images of you wrapping your legs around his trim waist. The deep navy color accentuated his silver eyes and they flashed like streaks of lightning as his gaze descended on you. 
Mischief danced on his features as Draco indulged in the sight of you, his gaze snagging on your curves, perfectly hugged by velvet fabric that matched the color of his suit. The dress was delivered to your door early that morning along with the diamonds that dripped from your ears and fingers. The pièce de résistance, a gorgeous sapphire necklace, hung proudly around your neck. It was easily recognizable as a Malfoy family heirloom. One that Narcissa had worn out and about in countless society events. Draco’s message was clear. He intended to make you a Malfoy soon enough.
The note that accompanied the necklace said as much. Your boyfriend simply wrote: A jewel for my jewel. See you tonight, my future wife as though he hadn't splurged a year's worth of wages on the dress alone. To Draco, money wasn't an object. Not if it meant making you happy.
As the Malfoys welcomed your family into the manor, Draco swept you in by your waist. He caressed your cheek, the cold bite of his rings kissing your skin as his fingers slipped down to wrap around your neck possessively. 
“You look ravishing, darling.” Draco said as he pressed a chaste peck against your lips. The kiss was soft and gentle, likely for the benefit of your parents. You doubted that Draco’s usual affections for you would be deemed appropriate in their eyes. Your boyfriend seemed to know this too because he smirked, lowering his voice so only you could hear. “I can’t wait to rip this dress to shreds tonight.” 
That little comment ignited a fire within you. As the night progressed, you couldn’t stop staring at your boyfriend. Thinking of all the filthy things you’d rather be doing in his bedroom instead of paying attention to the millionth what a beautiful couple you make or how refreshing it is to see young love at work comments that various guests showered you with. You already knew that you and Draco were the perfect couple. He repeated this sentiment to you every day. Not just with words, but with his actions as well. 
Draco was possessive in every sense of the word. Like his namesake, there was a dragon underneath that handsome face, hoarding his most prized possession—you—with unmatched devotion. Your boyfriend showered you with affection and you loved every second of it. Selfish as it was, you weren’t well pleased at the prospect of sharing his attention even for a few hours. You were utterly spoiled, to be sure. But Draco had made you that way. 
By the time that dinner started, food was the last thing on your mind. You probably would’ve been more well-behaved if your friends were present to help take your mind off of things, but traitors that they were, they had left you all alone to simmer in your sinful thoughts. Pansy and Blaise were off on holiday in the Maldives while Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo disappeared soon after their required appearances. Knowing the boys, they were probably in the gardens getting higher than a hippogriff. 
You felt envious. The last thing you wanted to do was sit through a stuffy dinner, smiling cordially at the high profile guests around you and acting like the prim and proper aristocrat that your parents raised you to be. Draco was certainly faring better than you at the moment. The charm and confidence came naturally to him. He leaned back against his wingback chair, sipping red wine and conversing with the Minister of Magic like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
Through the crystal glass, you examined him with a smile. His platinum blonde hair was slicked back and not a single strand was out of place. Silver rings adorned his knuckles, which were loosely curled around his wine glass. You couldn’t help but think that his fingers would look better wrapped around your neck, but perhaps that was the alcohol talking. 
Draco licked his lips, which were now stained a pretty crimson color. You wondered if he'd taste like wine when you kissed him, which you couldn't wait to do. Kiss, lick, suck. All over. Every single inch. You flushed as Draco's gaze trailed over to you. A sly smirk curled against his lips as he leaned in. 
“Darling, is everything alright? You’ve barely touched your food and yet you look absolutely ravenous.” His cold breath tickled your cheek. “Hungry for something else, are we?” 
A devious expression flickered through his features as your cheeks heated. Your boyfriend knew exactly what he was doing. He was being a tease, plain and simple. 
“What if I am, Draco?” you replied, placing your hand on his thigh. Draco’s breath hitched as he looked down at your perfectly manicured hand. 
His voice was low and husky, tinged with need. “You can devour me all you’d like after this dinner, princess.” 
“You know I’ve never been patient.” You pouted, causing Draco to chuckle lightly. “And I’ve been waiting all night.” 
Draco chuckled darkly, patting your hand. “Behave, darling. I promise to reward you after.” 
You weren’t satisfied with that answer. Draco was determined to leave it at that, but you had other ideas. Dating him meant that no wasn’t really in your vernacular. Draco doted on you, spoiled you beyond belief, and most importantly, he never made you wait. You were used to getting what you wanted, when you wanted. Tonight would be no different. 
As Draco returned to his conversation with the minister, you busied yourself with the guests around you. The Greengrass sisters were gushing about the dresses you had all picked out for the Yule Ball, while their parents commented on your recent charity work. You took it all in stride, accepting each compliment gracefully while inching your hand higher up Draco’s leg. 
Lucius had joined the conversation, bragging about Draco’s most recent accomplishments. Narcissa smiled fondly at her beloved son. 
“We’re quite proud of our Draco,” she said with a smile. The older woman looked positively regal and intimidating as always, but there was a warmth to her as she turned in your direction. “Especially since he’s brought the wonderful Y/N into our lives. If he plays his cards right, then we may be adding another Malfoy to our midst soon. Though I already think of her as a daughter.” 
You beamed. “Thank you, Cissy.” 
Draco cleared his throat as you inched your hand higher, toying with the seam of his pants. The minister was none the wiser as he turned his attention towards the both of you. 
“You two make a very handsome couple indeed.” 
You flashed the minister a charming smile as you palmed Draco through his trousers. He was hard as a rock and positively delicious against your palm. You rubbed over him slowly, making him jolt from the contact. “Do you hear that, Draco? Why, I think we have the minister’s approval.” 
Your boyfriend nearly spilled his glass of wine when you squeezed him between your fingers. 
The minister furrowed his brows in concern. “Are you quite alright, Mr. Malfoy?” 
“Splendid,” Draco replied through gritted teeth. “Though I just recalled, Y/N and I must check up on dessert. She needs to practice if she’s to be lady of the manor soon.” 
Draco subtly removed your hand from his lap. Ever the perfect gentleman, he stood up and gallantly offered you his arm. “Shall we, darling?” 
Hiding your smirk was nearly impossible. Though he appeared calm and collected, you knew Draco well enough to clock the tick in his jaw. Your boyfriend was pissed. This was further confirmed by the silence that followed as he escorted you through the halls of Malfoy Manor. Not a single word or glance was spared in your direction. 
Instead, Draco opened the door to the bathroom and watched as you ducked inside. Before you could even speak, Draco pushed you against the door. One hand wrapped around your throat while the other gripped your waist. 
His silver eyes flashed with anger. “You want to tell me what that was back there, princess?”
The anger radiating off of him in waves awakened a sick sort of thrill within you. You lifted your chin defiantly, nearly putting a crick in your neck as you glanced up at Draco. Every in your tallest heels, he still towered a good foot over you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Draco. It’s not my fault that you’re all hot and bothered over a simple touch.” 
“A simple touch?” He asked, quirking a pale brow at you. From his tone, you could tell that his patience was wearing thin. “Darling, you were practically clawing at my trousers. In front of our parents. In front of the bloody minister. Are you so desperate for me that you couldn’t wait until the end of the night?” 
“What if I was? What are you going to do about it, Draco?” 
He flashed you in irritated glare. “You’re playing a very dangerous game, my love. You know better than to test my patience.” 
“Oh, but it’s so much fun.” 
“Is it? Well, it isn’t fun for me.” Draco grabbed your hand and ran it over his length. “Do you feel that? You’ve caused this problem, darling. By acting like a needy little slut all night and riling me up. Now you’re going to fix it.” 
“And if I say no?” 
Draco squeezed your throat so hard that your air supply was momentarily cut off. “Then I’ll just have to put you in your place.”
You smiled. This was exactly what you wanted. Draco clocked your satisfied little smirk. “Don’t think I don’t see that smile. You think you’ve won, don’t you? Well, you won’t be smiling once I fuck you throat until you’re crying and begging me to stop. I’ll make sure you won’t be able to talk for days, let alone grin.” 
“It would be a genuine pleasure, Dray.” 
“Such a smart mouth on you, hm?” Draco released you from his hold and stared down at you with a menacing grin. “Get on your fucking knees, princess. It's about time you remembered your place."
The words sent a shiver down your spine. You were so turned on that you could barely breathe. As you knelt on the cold tile, Draco unbuckled his belt. You looked up through your lashes with a lust filled gaze as he freed his cock from the constraints of his meticulously pressed trousers. Draco pumped himself and the sight made you groan with need. You tried to reach for him, but he swatted your hand away. 
When you whined, Draco responded by taking fistfuls of your hair and yanking your head back. “Open your mouth like the pretty little whore that I know you are.”
Without warning, Draco shoved his fingers into your mouth. You whined, wanting much more than just his digits. He tilted your head back, those silver eyes flashing with irritation at your bratty behavior.
"You think I'd give you my cock without making you work for it first?" He asked with a sneer. "Show me that you can handle my fingers and maybe I'll let you suck me off. I'd like to see if you can still mouth off to me with your lips wrapped around my cock, you fucking brat."
You moaned in response, peering up at him through your lashes as you sucked on his fingers. Draco watched hungrily as you flicked your tongue over his silver rings and wrapped your lips around the Malfoy family crest. He hissed as you coated his digits with saliva, letting him gag you with his long fingers while you gazed lovingly up at him.
"Look at you. You're fucking filthy, darling. Putting on a show for me, hm?" Draco laughed when you nodded eagerly. "I bet you're soaked, princess. So turned on and all I've done is gag you with my fingers. You're such a whore, aren't you?"
You looked up at him and smiled, kissing the tips of his fingers. "Only for you, Draco."
This seemed to please you boyfriend because he leaned down and rewarded you with a sloppy kiss. With a hand around your throat, Draco slipped his tongue into your mouth and groaned when you sucked on it.
"Come on then, darling. Let me fuck that pretty throat."
You swallowed thickly, your lips barely parting before Draco shoved his way in. You gagged as he hit the back of your throat with a sharp thrust. He groaned and picked up the pace. There was no precursor. No gentleness. This was just Draco selfishly abusing your throat for his own pleasure and you loved every second of it.
Draco held nothing back. While he was quite domineering in bed, you’ve never seen him unleashed like this. Your boyfriend was feral, roughly fucking into your throat like it was his god given right. Tears and snot quickly covered your face as he rutted into your mouth over and over again. You were slobbering all over him, leaving lipstick marks all over his cock. 
With a particular sharp thrust, Draco flashed you a vicious smile. The hand that wasn't gripping the back of your head tugged the straps of your dress off of your shoulders. He pulled the fabric down, exposing your breasts to the cool air. You hissed as he roughly squeezed your tits, alternating between them with equal attention. He flicked his thumb over your stiffened peaks and hit the back of your throat with brutal force. You cried out, your words nothing but an incoherent stream of pleading and pleasure.
“Isn’t this what you wanted, princess? You talked up such a big game, but now you’re crying like a desperate little slut. Oh, you can’t take any more? Am I bruising your pretty little throat? Well, too bad. You asked for it by acting like such a fucking brat. Now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.”
You moaned at his words, making him throw his head back at the vibrations. His perfectly coiffed hair was now a mess. Platinum locks framed his handsome face, looking like some unholy angel. He panted and moaned, signaling his release. Draco pulled out and positioned the tip of his cock onto your tongue. 
“Swallow, darling. Every single fucking drop.” 
You were shaken. Your knees ached. Your throat was definitely sore. But it was all worth it to watch your boyfriend come apart above you. Draco’s lips parted, releasing an animalistic groan as he spilled onto your tongue. His eyelids fluttered as he came, those pretty silver eyes rolling back until they disappeared. 
Draco looked down, watching intently as you flashed him the load he’d emptied into your mouth before you swallowed obediently. He smiled proudly. 
“That’s my good girl.” 
He picked you up off of the floor and kissed you, groaning when he tasted himself on your lips. Compared to his earlier actions, the kiss was rather affectionate and endearing. After you had a chance to catch your breath, Draco cleaned you up. With a quick incantation, he vanished the evidence, wiping away the snot, tears, and mascara until you appeared pristine again. 
Draco smiled, wrapping a possessive hand around your throat as he kissed your forehead. You whimpered at the slight pressure. 
“Poor baby, but you had it coming. Told you I’d ruin your throat.” Your boyfriend murmured, trailing kisses down your neck. “Have you learned your lesson, darling?” 
Your voice sounded rough and scratchy when you spoke. “Mhm, I learned that I should make you mad more often. That was so fucking hot, Draco.” 
Draco chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re hopeless, princess. But I love you anyway. Now come on, let’s get back to dinner before anyone suspects the ungodly things I’ve just done to you. If you’re good, maybe I’ll make you see heaven later.” 
You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll hold you to that, Draco.”
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jamjaemin · 7 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊
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• pairing. Lee jeno x reader
• description. all your sweet husband wants is to put his dick in your mouth —is that so bad?
• ↳ tags. smut (18+), blowjob, slapping, husband!jeno, filthy honestly.
• w/c. 0.6k
• a/n. My mind is wild especially when I'm about to sleep so.. i couldnt hold back.
The hand of Jeno tangles hard in your hair, keeping you arrested and reliant on him for movement until there’s an ache in your neck. His veiny forearm is flexed and resolute, giving you a jostle that puts a sting in your scalp. A whimper escapes you, keeping your eyes squeezed shut. It’s all so much, in such a delicious way, and when the familiar motion of him rearing your head back signals you as to what’s to come, you open your mouth obediently. As you suspected, a heavy tip smacks against your hanging tongue, scraping against tastebuds as it plunges down your throat.
You lurch, violently. Drool spilling from the corners of your lips as he fucks your face, moving you for you like a fleshlight. A pliant and submissive little toy. Without concern over how much you stifle and work through your gags, his hips buck to meet you, shoving his cock further and further in with each thrust. It’s breakneck. That ache in your spine worsens as he uses you. He sees you push your limit, raising yourself to the best of your ability. When you palm his thighs he knows you’re about to push off, so he makes the decision for you, folding over to pull himself out. A thick string of cum and saliva connects the two of you until its weight breaks, glossing your chest and legs like a satin ribbon. You like it rough. So he’ll fucking give it to you.
He cranes your neck back and rears his hand, swinging it to contact your cheek in a resounding smack. It sounds worse than it is, and the burn of it rushes blood to your skin. You cry out as your sex floods with new arousal, dripping down your bare thighs and to the floor. It seems he wasn’t satisfied with the first because he gives you another one, the ends of his fingers slapping you in the same spot, harder than before, flaring up the existing pain. You flinch in preparation for it, and squeak when it hits, backing up out of instinct but that grip on your hair is infallible.
“Look at me.” he tells you, but you can’t do it yet. Holding back tears, you breathe hard through your nose as your pussy pulses with the need to be filled. The taste of his dick is still on your tongue, sweat and bitter pre-cum, the smell of a boy’s crotch gone unshowered for a couple days. He yanks you over by your hair, giving you another firm pat to your cheek to make sure you’re paying attention, “I said, look at me.”
Your brows upturn, involuntarily keening from his actions as the burn on your cheek intensifies. Claws reach out to clutch his forearm as he grabs your jaw, angling you to face him.
You open your eyes for him, and you see him tongue his upper lip beaded with sweat. “That’s right. Fuckin’ slut like you still does what she’s told, huh? You fucking like getting your throat fucked?” he questions in disbelief.
He doesn’t wait for an answer, straightening to tower over you as he pushes his hips forward, rudely nudging the tip of his cock to your lips til it protrudes through. It slides in, and as soon as he’s given leeway he bottoms out, your nose bumping his abdomen as you gag around him.
a/n. hope you enjoyed! please like and reblog and let me know how u liked this, i know some ppl will find this hot and the others not mwah c:
368 notes · View notes
tsumuhours · 1 year
ONE NIGHT PAIRING: suna rintarou x afab!reader (she/her pronouns) TAGS: smut + a little choking (but honestly ur just gonna have to read this ig) WORD COUNT: 2.4k
mature content !
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There you are. 
Standing across the room, eyes locked with his, practically teasing him as you dance with the blonde whose hands are planted firmly on your hips and your head rested back on his shoulder. Your gaze saying a million desires and words all meant to be kept secrets between the walls. 
And all he sees is a glowing vixen that he cannot wait to tame. 
Placing his drink down at the bar, Suna leaves the girl chatting his ear off before making his way to you. The crowd parted in his way as if it sensed the dark presence of the brunette which stood among them. His casual strides narrowed gaze and resting smirk not faltering as Suna tapped on the blonde’s shoulder, “I think she’s bored, how about you let someone else entertain her?” He says, pushing the other out the way without another word. 
Suna’s touch lighting fires in your body, the intoxicating feeling instantly clouding your mind as your hand reaches up to the nape of his neck where your fingers begin to entangle themselves in his hair. His hands placed on your hips, pulling you closer to him, looking up into his stare. Even in the dimly lit light of the club, you can vividly see the piercing colour of his green eyes. They’re enticing, and magnetic, refusing to let you look away. 
You pull his face closer to you, the lingering scent of alcohol and aftershave filling your senses as you breathe him in. Lips ghosting over each other, glancing up at him, noticing the tainted tint in his pupils – one that screamed danger, and a glimpse of insanity – which you ignored for the pros seemed to heavily outweigh the cons. 
Closing the gap between you, a hand fists his button-up, showing him just how desperate you are for him. Suna tastes the fruity cherry kirsch on your tongue, the mix of red bull and vodka smeared in with your lipgloss that had begun to wipe away throughout the night. His ring laced hand reaches up to the roots of your hair, gripping tightly as he tilts your head back, deepening the lustful action, his tongue slipping into your mouth within seconds. 
The kiss, becoming a heated make-out, messy and rough. A hand reaching down to knead the plush flesh of your ass, Suna begins to break apart from your lips, trailing down your jaw to your neck before leaning in close to your ear. Hot breath on your skin, his touch tracing your jaw to your chin. 
“How about we go back to my place?” He says, moving to stand beside you with a hand placed on the small of your back. You turn your head, the corner of your lips turning up.
“I’d like that,” hooking a finger around the chain on his neck as you pull Suna away from the crowd and to the exit of the building. The simple action manages to drive him wild, almost animalistic, the urge of wanting to claim you as his quickly blurring his vision. You push open the door, exiting the stuffy club and out into the cool night street. 
Spinning around, you are gently pushed up against the brick wall behind you. Suna towering over, with a hand placed on either side, trapping you between him. The glowing of his eyes in the night resembles one of a predator looking down at their prey, ready to pounce and kill for their meal. “Are you so impatient that you can’t wait?” You tease, playing with the buttons on his shirt, slowly – yet surely – undoing the first couple in the process.
“What’s your name?” He asks, wanting to remember the name of the pretty girl who caught his eye at a dinghy club. If you’re going to be a good fuck, he wants to know who to look out for in the future. 
“[Y/N],” you respond. 
“Do you not have a last name?” Suna says, dipping his head down to be at a similar level to yours.
“I do.” You tell, “But, I would be a lot less… reluctant if I knew who you are too. This goes both ways babe.” 
“Rintarou Suna.” He says, his voice deep and sending a shiver to run down your spine, the world around you going black as a red light shines over his back. “And now, I’m going to ask again, what’s your name?” 
You didn’t understand why it was so important for him to get your name and surname, but one thing you were sure of was that you were not going to ask. “[Y/N] [L/N],” you answer. “Do you want my entire life story too Rintarou?” Teasing him, your fingers reaching up to brush at his fringe. “Or can we go back to your place instead?” 
Suna, amused by how direct you are, and how particularly eager you are too, brushes it off. Smirking, as he backs away, holding out a hand for you to take so he can lead you back to his apartment. Smiling, you accept the gesture, getting pulled to Suna’s side as he leads you down the street to his home. 
By the time the two of you had arrived at Suna’s apartment, he wasted no time. Slamming you against the closed door, his lips crashing against yours. Your fingers work to undo all the buttons of his shirt, pushing the fabric down his shoulders where he throws the piece of fabric off his body then discarding it across the room. Suna, tears off your dress, essentially ripping the item of clothing in half and letting it fall to the floor. 
Pulling your bottom lip between his teeth before lowering his head and slowly falling to his knees as he travels down your body. Nipping at the skin at your collarbone before moving down to your chest, looking up through half-lidded up, chilling – and taunting – eyes staring at you. “No bra? Who are you trying to impress?” He hums. 
“Who says I dress to impress someone else?” You question, tugging at his hair to keep his stare on you. “Besides, I wanted to look good, and a bra would have ruined my outfit.” You explain, “Not to mention, they’re incredibly uncomfortable. Understood?” 
“Aren’t you feisty?” Suna says, “How about you I put you into your place?” 
“You can try,” you hum, tilting his chin up, “even so… I’ll always be in control. Whether you believe it or not.” You have a way of… getting what you want. Manipulation? Not exactly, but it is deception. Then again, Suna wasn’t being entirely honest either. “Show me what you got, pretty boy.” 
“Anything for you,” he muses. Kisses gave down the crevice of your breasts, hands kneading the flesh of your chest. Teeth gently pinching the skin, tongue pressing flat against the bud of your nipple. Suna travels down your body, leaving purple bruises to form in the place where his lips used to be. 
The brunette tugs the thin fabric down your legs, hoisting you up, hands firmly placed on your thighs as he wraps your legs around his shoulders. Suna's tongue attaches itself to your clit, slowly building pressure onto the sensitive bud, repeating his slow yet intense movements of his tongue. His amused hums send vibrations through your body, rhythm picking up and tongue lapping against your cunt. 
Suna draws patterns and lips curling around your clit, causing your hips to buck forward and a hand to shoot to his hair as another does its best attempt to grip onto the flat surface of the wooden door behind you. 
Pushing his head closer against you, increasing the side of pleasure as you continue to grind your hips to the skilled movement of Suna’s tongue. Breathing becomes staggered, chest rising and falling. Mouth hanging open, eyes clenched shut, toes curling, and legs hugging onto his body. “Just like that,” you gasp, whimpers escaping from your mouth while you succumb to the rush of euphoria and pleasure that races through your body. 
Mind going completely blank when his fingers come in contact with your cunt, a moan sounding from your throat. Suna glances up, basking in the wonderfully sinful sight behold him, snapping a million mental pictures. With his free hand, he clenches the plush of your thigh when your nails dig into the skin of his shoulder. 
Body flinching forward, legs going stiff, and senses overflowing with an insatiable amount of pleasure. “Oh– don’t stop Rin, you’re doing so good.” Panting, a more vocal moan echoing throughout the apartment, “Keep going, I’m so close.”
Suna complies, not stopping. He’s fuelled by the angelic sounds of your whimpers and moans, and he’s doing everything he can to hear the music to his ears of hearing you reach a release. Ignoring the mess on his lips, Suna picks up his pace, listening to the staggering and whiny responses of overwhelming pleasure which he provides you. Chasing the release, your back lifts off the door, eyes rolling, and your head is thrown back. 
Pleased, Suna drags his tongue up your folds one last time before trailing his lips down your thighs, leaving a mark or two. In seconds, he lifts you, wrapping your legs around his torso as he rushes to the bedroom. Throwing you onto the bed, crawling on top of you, where your hands meet his belt, undoing the band and the button of his jeans. 
Suna then kicks off his jeans, feeling your hand palm him through his briefs. His fingers wrap around your wrist, wide eyes looking up at him with the appearance of faux innocence, only driving him mad. “You’re needy aren’t you?” The brunette teases, “Are you that desperate Princess?” 
Unimpressed, you pull down the hem of his boxers, hand lightly grazing over his hard. Leaning in close, lips brushing over his, rolling your wrist, “You aren’t any better Rin.” You push him down onto the bed, crawling over him, knees planted on either side of his legs. 
Pumping his cock, before aligning him with your cunt. Keeping your palm pressed flat against his chest as you lower yourself, satisfied at the electrifying way Suna’s face scrunched up upon feeling your walls around him. 
Holding tight onto your sides as you start to bounce, his cock hitting deep, reaching your cervix. Filling you up by your control, rolling your hips, knowing how to find all the right places that work for you and driving Suna wild. He, surprisingly, was perfectly vocal. So whiny and loud, which you loved – it was an insatiable feeling that drove you over the edge. His eyes clenched shut, head rolling back into the pillows, and hips rising off the mattress. 
However, as fun as this was. This was not how he planned for his night to go. Snapping out of his daze, the intense fire and longing for control arising, Suna flips the two of you over. Hovering over you, face centimetres from yours. “Open wide Princess.” He instructs thumb pushing past your lips and pressing down on your tongue, “Good girl. Now Stay like that for a few, alright?”
Mouth agape, a string of saliva falls from his tongue and onto yours – a hand wrapping itself around your neck with narrowed eyes that crave power. Suna connects your lips in a lewd embrace, his hips colliding with yours in a forceful thrust. Eyebrows scrunching, nails digging into his back and a strangled moan coming in response. 
“Look at you,” he pants, infatuated with how your tits bounce with every thrust. How dumb you look, eyes rolled far back into your head, back arched, and how even in this weak state you’re gripping onto the headboard which bangs against the wall. “I’m fucking you dumb,” humourlessly laughing, “I bet no one else can ever make you feel this good.”
He feels it coming, that insufferable itching at the back of his mind. That intense sense of possessiveness, and all the thoughts of seeing you with other people. Images of them fucking you, your pretty moans that won’t be for him making him angry. He can’t stand it.
“No one will ever fuck you as good as I can,” he growls. Pushing your legs to your chest, allowing him more access to fuck you deep, obsessed with how his dick looks slipping in and out of your cunt. “Tell me [Y/N], have you ever been fucked this good before?” He questions, noticing the tear that slips past your shut eyes from the overpowering pleasure you feel. “Answer me.” 
“No,” you whine out. “You’re the best,” 
“Yeah?” He says, “You’re just a little slut at the end of the day. Need a good fuck? I bet that blonde at the club couldn’t fuck you like this,” Suna continues, “no one can ever treat you like I can.” He buries himself in your chest, sucking on your tit, “You’re such a good girl for me, Princess,” Suna voices between breathless grunts and curses. “Taking my dick so well, God, you feel so good.” He praises, “If I knew you’d be such a perfect fuck, I would have taken you right then and there at the club.” 
You moan in response, his words were enough to send you over the edge to pure ecstasy. Suna pounds into you with relentless speed, under him falling apart, becoming nothing more than a limp body that had been taken over by stimulation and force. The growing pit in your loins growing incredibly, back arching off the bed, as you grip on for dear life. Dark vision growing blurry, mind clouding – blocking any thought or action, temporarily blocking your senses as you started to reach your peak.
“Oh, you like this?” Suna says, “You like the idea of me fucking you in front of a crowd of people? Want to put on a show for everyone to see?” Movements and thrusts grow more erratic with every passing second. “Maybe next time I should make a little film, show the whole world what a desperate slut you truly are.” 
Your mind has little time to process the words he spoke before his hips slams into you. Body filled with pleasure as your orgasm rode out. Suna, pulls out, grabbing you by the nape of your neck as he pumps himself. A thumb opening your mouth before placing his cock in its place, releasing it onto your tongue. The white liquid spreads across your plump lips, collecting it with his thumb and shoving into your mouth. 
“Swallow [Y/N],” the brunette instructs. Smiling when you listen, swallowing his seed. “Open,” he says, wanting to see, satisfied knowing you listened. “Oh, I like you – I think I might just keep you around.” Laying down next to you, burying himself into your chest, falling tired and relaxed as your hands stroke his hair. 
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
This is gonna be a little long but here we go.
Not one of the regular spies but I’ve been keeping my eyes on things the last few days and I can tell you in the discord group I’m in, it’s mixed between buddie fans and BT fans. There are a couple…loud (nice word for it) ones especially who are very much trying to push hard core right now that between the messed up fics and that tumblr account the other day, Buddie fans are “out right declaring war” against gay men specifically due to their “homophobic attitude” toward Tommy. Like the amount of times in of them said “against gay men” in their latest rant in discord, if it was a drinking game we’d all be hammered.
If someone asks questions because they aren’t familiar with what’s going on because they have things blocked or filtered then it’s immediately on the defense of “you need to clam down” and “maybe if you didn’t burry your head in the sand over buddie you’d see how this is affecting real life gay men” or the fan favorite rhetoric of “if your a woman then you don’t need to speak on the matters and you should be supportive of Tommy right now”
It’s honestly getting really wild how much they are losing it. And even when myself and other queer have said something we just get ignored and accused of being “self hating homophobic”
Then on the TikTok and Twitter side, they seem to have launched this rhetoric that kinda goes along with what LW was saying about changing the narrative about Lou/Tommy and mental health. One of the louder BT fan TikTokers even made this wild video today about how people need to really try and step back from their hate and understand that when we saw Tommy in the begins episodes
“it was 2005 and that kind of stuff was just the normal hazing and stop reading into it.”
So pushing the racism/misogyny as just normal hazing now instead of what it is.
There has been some push back against that video by both POC creators and white creators being like uh no that’s definitely not hazing and it’s definitely not your place to dismiss it as such etc. but the comment section is unfortunately mostly with people agreeing with the BT creator and that people need to “let it go and try and understand Tommy better”
Twitter they are trying to push hard on the narrative that they know they aren’t going to see Lou until either 8.01 or after 8.01 “but it’s for his mental health to not be seen so it’s for the best”. And it’s of course the buddie fandoms fault he needs to take such actions and can’t be seen until then. But very big push right now on trying to get them all on board with the “it’s for his own good and we should be proud of him for standing up for himself and staying where he needs to be so he can be safe and happy”
That’s all I got for now
Hello darling ❤️
This was a lot. Be supportive of Tommy? When he's a canonically bigoted character and people keep saying gay excuses racist while attacking real life queer women and poc people for having opinions on a fictional character? I'll pass. When the show gives me real proof he evolved as a human, maybe, until then ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I did see the calling the comments he makes "normal hazing" which is out of touch to say the least and considering tiktoks algorithm, unfortunately, that only gonna show up for people who agree.
And, look, I think he's gonna be in the season too, but this narrative that we are so bad for Lou's mental health is... Tommy and Lou are not the same, so like, opinions on Tommy are not attacks on Lou as a person and I'm still waiting to see proof of this awful bullying we are doing to Lou that leads to this. Even more when we've seen multiple of them attack Ryan very explicitly.
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gunnerfc · 7 months
Mackenzie Arnold NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Gets you anything you need and will help you clean up before you two relax after sex
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Mackenzie’s favorite body part is her hands, she’s a goalkeeper, she has to have good hands and she knows how to make you cum so hard with just her fingers
Her favorite body part of yours is your chest, she’ll leaves marks all over your chest and she finds it really attractive how no one else can see them but she knows they are there and she can’t stop smirking every time she looks at your chest
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
It drives her crazy feeling you suck her fingers off after she made you cum
D: Dirty Secret 
She has multiple videos of her fucking you that she rewatches all the time when you’re apart and you always know when she watched them because she’ll text you asking if you’re free
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
She’s experienced!
F: Favorite Position 
Mackenzie has a few but her favorite is a tie between you sitting on her face or you bent over something
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
She’ll make some jokes here and there in the build-up but in the moment, she’s serious and only focused on how she’s making you feel
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Mackenzie is very intimate with you even though she can be quite rough
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She’s not going to tell you not to or anything, but she knows it won’t feel the same as when she’s the one making you cum
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Praising, she loves giving you praise but she also loves hearing you tell her how good she’s fucking you
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
She prefers the privacy of your apartment but there are times when she just doesn’t care and you two end up fucking in a bar bathroom
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
When you praise her, any time really but especially when she has a really good save in training or a game
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Mackenzie isn’t sharing you with anyone, she hates the idea of people flirting with you when you go out, there’s no way she would let someone else make you cum
For her to even consider a threesome, it would have to be with someone she really trusted and knew would be respectful (so someone like Alanna)
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Giving, she’ll give you back-to-back orgasms before she switches to something else
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
It changes but for the most part, it’s fast and rough
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
They happen sometimes when neither of you can wait, but Mackenzie prefers being at home where she can have more time
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She’ll try whatever you want to try
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for a couple of longer rounds
T: Toys 
Just one strap but it’s used all the time
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
She loves to tease you, either with her words or her actions
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Not loud at all, you’re definitely the loud one between the two of you
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
She got caught staring at your chest during training one time and played it off but she was smirking to herself because she knew under your training top were loads of hickies
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s on the higher side
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
You two are usually up for a little bit after sex and fall asleep around the same time
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afi-writes · 4 months
Until the Dawn Breaks
Oda Nobunaga x female reader
Losing in the game of Go can be a win on another battlefield, can it not? Once again, you are trying to beat Nobunaga in his own game while you both know how it is going to end. But which part of you he will conquer this time?
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You stare at the Go board and your pieces on it. There is no doubt in which direction the game has turned once more. You did your best, yet the result is spreading right in front of you. Trying to predict Nobunaga’s actions, you had made yours. And for a moment it had seemed that you would succeed. But now, everything is lost; there are no actions that could turn the tables for your benefit.
Nobunaga’s gaze is glued to the board as you wait for his next move. He’s taking his time as if the decision was difficult even though he must see what you are seeing.
You can’t help it. A warm bubble pops in the depths of you, making your skin tickle all over. You force your breathing to stay calm and your heartbeat steady… but it is as useless as to tell the birds not to chirp in the spring breeze.
Long fingers grab a black piece and move it on the board. Nobunaga is expressionless as he lifts his gaze. “Your turn.”
Your hand trembles as you shove a white piece forward. It’s pointless to pretend that you have choices. No matter what you do, the final outcome will be the same.
“Aren’t you eager~?” Nobunaga smirks at your movement, responding with his. It’s the last one, and he pushes the Go board aside. Some pieces roll on the tatami, but he doesn’t bother to pick them up. The carnelian eyes are now completely focused on you as restless waves course through your veins.
You lean your hands against the tatami, fingers brushing the material. Shallow breaths vibrate between your lips as you stare at the man before you.
Nobunaga is still smirking, getting smugger by the second as his gaze doesn’t waver from your curves. “Tell me you wanted to lose.”
So unfair. A couple of evenings earlier you had another game of Go. One you lost, obviously. That moonlit night, Nobunaga conquered your voice, telling you that you can only say what he wants you to say. Back in your day, that would have caused a serious discussion about consent… but then again, you both know that you already consented to his game. Now, you play by his rules.
That doesn’t mean, you happily admit his win and your loss. Gritting your teeth, you meet the carnelian gaze. “I wanted to lose.”
One day you will win yourself back. Perhaps.
Unless you will stop wanting to.
“I see.” Nobunaga inches closer. “Craving to know which part of you I’ll conquer tonight?”
You stay silent.
Nobunaga leans even closer until you can smell the sake in his breath. His fingers are reaching for your obi belt and manage to open it with a couple of fast tugs. “Admit it.”
Grabbing your yukata, you gasp. No way, you allow him to slide it off. You wouldn’t…
You would.
You know you would.
But no way you are telling him that.
“Tonight, I will conquer your sight.” Nobunaga rises. He roams behind you and brushes the wild strands of your hair behind your ears. “Close your eyes.” A mere whisper against your left eardrum.
Not obeying isn’t an option.
You let your lids flutter down, and the silk fabric caresses your face, wrapping around your head. The knot presses slightly to the back of your head but doesn’t hurt while you feel a fingertip toying with your earlobe.
“This already belongs to me.” A touch sweeps your hair just before the teeth meet the sensitive skin of your ear, pulling you into the borderland between pain and pleasure. You try to swallow your groan yet fail as it escapes from your mouth anyway.
You’re about to rest your body against Nobunaga’s chest when he retreats and crawls to your front side. As you still hold your yukata, he grabs your left hand and raises it. Your stomach churns from anticipation.
“This, I conquered first.” Nobunaga’s lips touch the tips of your fingers. He sucks your index finger into his mouth, his tongue sliding underside of the said digit and playing with it as if he hasn’t tasted it before.
Small quivers run from your fingers to your wrist and up to your arm until they reach your heart which bouncing quickens with every teasing suckle. You remember that first game of Go very well. You thought that was your way to redeem your way back home from Azuchi Castle. At the time, you lost and agreed to give your left hand for Nobunaga to use as he wished, and ever since then, he has not missed a single opportunity. Or lose a single game of Go either.
You never redeemed your return home. But don’t they say the home is where the heart is? You voluntarily succumbed to Nobunaga as he told you that first night. He conquered you piece by piece until even your heart didn’t belong to you alone anymore. It is his, like everything in you. Yes, every now and then a tiny voice in you rebels, yet in the end you know it’s vain, for this man has sneaked his way into your soul.
Nobunaga kisses your palm and advances to your wrist, his tongue meandering up your arm and finally reaching the bend of your arm. A giggle whirls up your throat, and you try to yank your arm from Nobunaga’s grasp.
But he doesn’t let go, instead, sucking the skin on the sensitive spot. “I didn’t give you permission to escape.” The words vibrate against your skin.
Nobunaga nibbles you before his tongue continues to trace your upper arm while his hand pushes the sleeve out of his way. You would yearn to see his face but don’t shove the blindfold aside. You made a promise after all. You lost, so you can’t do anything else than submit to his will.
The sleeve slides down to your arm when Nobunaga releases your hand. You can hear him moving a little further on the tatami. However, it only takes a moment before the warm fingers are already brushing the toes of your right foot. His hand snatches your ankle, lifting it so fast that you need to take support from the tatami.
Nobunaga toys with your pinky toe. The urge to pull your leg away from him radiates through your muscles, yet you fight back and stay still.
“We were visiting the hot springs when I made this conquest.” Nobunaga breathes onto your toes. A sigh escapes from him. “Sadly enough, we were interrupted that night. But today, I have made sure no one will bother us.”
The fact makes something heated smolder deep within you. You have all night without disruptions, and if you have come to know Nobunaga at all, that night will be long.
Hot, wet mouth wraps around your big toe, tongue traveling along it. A moan erupts from you as sparkles rush from the toe to your ankle, searching its way to higher and higher. Your hand slips and your back hits the tatami. At the same time as your hand squeezes the yukata, preventing it from sliding off, the other scratches the tatami, not getting a grip on it.
As Nobunaga’s tongue follows the curve of the instep of your foot, your body arches, and a groan presses past your lips. Laughter sweeps your skin before the lips stop to kiss your ankle. Nobunaga traces your calf, shoving the fabric of your yukata out of his way until he reaches your knee. You can’t help but moan when his fingertip teases the bend of it.
You want this man. The mere thought of him makes your innermost parts tremble and his touch is enough to make you lose your mind. You can feel how your depths turn into a moist swamp, ready to take him in. His hands run along your thighs as his lips cover them with kisses. His fingers brush your right butt cheek, which also belongs to him, while he slides his tongue on your thigh and gazes at you. As a fabric brushes your leg, you realize that Nobunaga has already tugged his obi open as well.
Digits dig into your buttock’s skin, causing you to inhale deeply. The tongue leaves a damp trail as it proceeds upwards. Before you know it, you have spread your legs for the man who owns you.
“All this is mine. Only mine.” Nobunaga’s voice is dark and rough.
Your heart skips a beat when Nobunaga lets go of your butt and shoves himself against you. His hand detaches your fingers from your yukata and hustles it aside. Even though the evening is warm you shiver when he reveals everything for his eyes while you don’t see a thing. His finger runs in the valley between your breasts before he presses his palm against your chest right above where your heart thrums.
“Say it belongs to me. Your heart.”
“You don’t have to ask.” You can’t but whisper. “It’s yours. Forever.”
Nobunaga’s hair tickles your skin as he presses his lips where his palm rested just a moment ago. However, he doesn’t stop there but nibbles your breast, making you whine. You raise your hand to sweep his head aside, but he grabs your wrist, preventing your intentions. “Are you not enjoying this?”
“…it tickles…” you manage to muster out.
A smile shudders on your skin. Nobunaga passes your hips with his foot, taking your other wrist as well and pinning them both against the tatami. Nudging you, he drowns you in a kiss that steals your breath while his groin rubs on your belly, revealing how much he craves for you too.
Pulling your lip, he groans into your mouth. “I want you. I want you completely. Tonight.”
You lift your hips to meet his. “Take me then.”
The response is a chuckle. Tugging your lip with his teeth, Nobunaga grinds against you. His tongue conquers your mouth without mercy, and you submit to him. Willingly. Completely.
All too soon, he breaks the smooch, tracing your chin with the tip of his tongue. It meanders along the column of your neck until the greedy mouth captures your breast once more, imprisoning the perky bud that cries to be touched. He sucks it in, teasing it with his teeth and forces moans out of you as your back arches and fingers curl as if trying to grab something. Heat courses through you and makes you pour for him.
As Nobunaga’s mouth travels south, he lets go of your hands. You comb his hair with your fingers, allowing the shower of kisses on your lower belly. He stops right there, just above the hairline. A whimpering sigh escapes you as you push his head slightly.
A hot blow caresses your curls, but Nobunaga doesn’t mind about your commanding fingers. He simply toys with your hair as if that would be all he wanted. Then… he slides his hand up your inner thigh, finger slithering up… up… up… and stopping. “You have to ask for it.”
Unbearable flaring rushes to your cheeks. He must know what you want. It should be obvious by now.
“Remember, I have also conquered your voice. You have to say it.”
You swallow and suddenly you are more than grateful for the silk in front of your eyes. At least you don’t need to see his smug smirk right now. “I… I want you to…”
Why is this so difficult? You’re on fire, your heart pounding so fast it’s almost painful as your breathing is growing fierce. No one can hear your words. No one but him. Whatever you say, it’s for his ears only, and because of that you have nothing to be ashamed of.
“Say it.”
Turning your head to the side, you draw breath. Yet that doesn’t calm down your heart. “I want… you to…” You swallow again while your fingers entangle with Nobunaga’s hair. “… kiss me…”
“Oh? I think I already did.” Such a teasing voice. He is doing this on purpose, isn’t he? “Try again.” He inches his finger closer yet doesn’t touch the area that yearns for it the most.
“I want you to…” You are scorching all over. “…lick me.”
That’s all Nobunaga needs. Without further ado, he buries his face between your thighs, his tongue finding its way over your already plump and opened petals. He sucks the throbbing nub of yours, circling it over and over again. A sigh erupts from you and turns into a series of moans as he keeps going while digging his digits into your buttocks.
Soon, one of his hands leaves your butt. He skims along your folds, dipping a finger into your dampness. You raise your hips, and he dips again, refusing to go further. All the while his tongue never stops.  
Nobunaga pushes his finger further in but makes it retreat right after. Not saying anything, he continues dancing his tongue on your most sensitive spot.
“Please, please, please. I need to feel you… your fingers inside me.” A groan follows your words. You’re gushing against his mouth, hanging on the edge of pleasure without really getting there.
In that instant, not just one but two fingers push past your barriers, commandeering even this region of yours and making it his. If there was shame before, there is none now as you wail in bliss while he finishes his triumph. Tugging his hair, you succumb to his control over you. The lamentation of your lust probably carries through the door to the castle’s hallways, but you do not care. Every cell of yours is Nobunaga’s realm now, and if he wishes to make them sing, he will. And you sing and sing until you have no voice, and you simply tremble in his grasp out of breath, nearly sobbing from the pleasure that is almost too much to bear.
As Nobunaga separates your fingers from his hair, you try to steady your wheezing. He crawls next to you, releasing the knot behind your head. You blink while the familiar scent of your own desire wafts into your nose, making your face flaring all over again.
“I will never stop loving the view of you when you surrender to me.” Nobunaga lifts you in his arms bridal style and carries you on his futon. He scoots by your side, brushing your hair behind your ear. “And I’m going to enjoy that view over and over again until the dawn breaks.”
If you like my work, consider reblogging it. That helps more people to find it. Don't feel obliged though. Only do it if you want to, but I do appreciate the gesture.
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littleholmes · 2 years
ohhhhhhhhh snap and holy smokes, there’s a lot in the short amount of text in this chapter!
1. First, Sukuna knows/recognizes/understands Yuji and what he is and where—rather who—he comes from
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I guess since Yuji was his vessel he wasn’t able to get a full understanding of Yuji’s lineage and him being Choso’s little bro as a cursed womb painting, but now that he’s out of Yuji, he can see it all—and whew he wasn’t quite ready for it. Right before this, Sukuna was kinda puzzled by Yuji’s strength…and then he realized. He recognized that Yuji is potentially a product of what I affectionally call Kenjaku’s asshole era (though he has a couple of those) and knew Kenjaku has something to do with Yuji. Which brings me to the second thing
2. He, Ryomen, the ‘King of Curses’, Sukuna, is disgusted (or at least grossed out) by Kenjaku’s actions
Apparently Sukuna has a line that even he won’t cross and Kenjaku crossed it (and apparently crosses it frequently since he said grossest things, which implies Kenny does gross shit all the time or at least on a regular enough basis that he knows the horrible history). Sukuna maybe said it with a touch of admiration, but mostly it read in a way that was like, as messed up as he is himself, there’s things even he won’t do, and Kenjaku is the type to do them—
Which is wild to me, because you have to do some really messed up things for the King of Curses to say you do gross things. And we know Kenjaku is bad and he’s done messed up and gross things but like dude is apparently even worse than what we know, and has done things so incredibly awful and obscene and horrible that even Sukuna is like yikes.
I’m rambling but whether his comment is in admiration or disgust or a bit of both, it’s clear from Sukuna’s words that Kenjaku is worse than him. Which, while I’m comparing Sukuna and Kenjaku, brings me to the third thing.
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3. Megumi is pulling a Suguru and is taking back control of his body
Kenjaku may be using Suguru as a vessel, but during Shibuya he tried to regain control for a brief second after Satoru tried speaking directly to Suguru (remember the whole, you’re just gonna let him use you like that comment and Suguru’s movement against Kenjaku’s wishes?). The same is happening with Sukuna to Megumi, except since Megumi is still alive he’s fighting back harder than Suguru’s residuals. And he’s fighting so intensely that he’s impacting his energy output so he can’t attack Yuji as hard as he wants.
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Megumi said ‘not today’ and Sukuna, for what it’s worth, kinda doesn’t seem too mad about it. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he was expecting him to fight back. After all, he’s against Megumi before and knows what he’s capable of (kid’s a Zen’in after all) and what he’s like when he’s in fighting for his friends, but especially Yuji.
idk I’m rambling but whew this chapter had some interesting points and I’m tagging in my friend @theanimepsychologist in case I missed anything, but I can’t wait to see what comes next
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I would dye for you
so this was inspired by a mix of an ask on @cloudninetonine's account and a couple of details from something I did in totk, but there aren't any story spoilers there's just a screenshot at the bottom.
This is a little fluff side story for something else I'm writing, where Wild and the reader get tossed into reader's world and split from the rest of the yandere chain. I might flesh this out into more of an au but as of now but honestly, this idea just lives rent-free in my brain
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"so you’re sure, like completely sure this is what you want"
"I want to try something new, besides it's not like I'll get the chance to have you do this for me again anytime soon, is it? And you’re the one who suggested I should change things up so I don’t get recognised, why not do it like this? "
Wild lifted their arms with the giddiest smile on their face, a box of temporary dye held like the most precious treasure they could've found. Deep cobalt blue, awfully reminiscent of someone’s scarf, just enough to cover all of his hair to hopefully stop the instant recognition of him on the streets wherever the both of you go. 
After the initial shock of them falling through the portal with you back into the real world, if you could even call Hyrule fictional after everything you went through there; after their shock and excitement died down to a reasonable-ish level. The both of you decided perhaps something should be done so people don’t instantly recognise him as Link - the protagonist of Breath of the Wild, new clothes helped, but thankfully the modern world has a few more options for disguises. 
"When I suggested dying your hair, it’s not like I expected you to get a colour that bold, wait - where did you even get that from?"
"I bought it when you were looking at the other dyes, it’s such a fun colour not like anything I could get easily at home. You - you’re not bothered are you?"
With that last sentence wild seemingly decided to try his luck with you, looking up like a kicked puppy begging for reassurance that what he did was okay, that he won’t be in trouble for his actions. Begging you to comfort him, to do anything to get them to smile; all the while knowing they've got you wrapped around their finger. you're all his, no other heroes to steal your attention off of him, to steal away your smile, to steal your sweet voice from your lips, no he's got you all to himself…
as they believe they deserve.
You can't even see the countless red flags burying him in a crimson hue, too focused on helping him adjust to this alien world or if the thought ever crosses your mind that he's too happy about being trapped so far from home it's quickly dismissed.
they're a link, noble, courageous; chosen by Hylia herself. you've got to be imagining things. He couldn't can’t be like that.
it's hard not to cave at his face, so you simply end up ruffling his hair and plucking the box from eager hands.
"no don't worry I'm not, it's your hair so you get the final say on anything about it. just kinda surprised you chose this colour is all. ready then?"
Wild's mood instantly brightened at those few words, with a relieved manic, unhinged smile bright enough to blind anyone not used to him but keeping the same begging eyes through it.
"yeah! Of course I am, you're going to be doing it all for me right? right?"
"Well, you know how to use the shower, so you can wash the dye off yourself, no? But I’ll be helping you with the rest of it all."
He doesn’t even speak that time, opting to pout and turn away from you sulkily, like you’ve said the wrong thing, chosen the wrong option.
"Do you want me to even wash your hair for you after?"
"...please [name]?"
If you didn’t assume it was because you were the only thing they had familiar to them in this world, you could say that Wild has gotten far more whiny and needy towards you. Of course that can still be said, but there’s a sane reason behind it. 
With a playful sigh, you push Wild down onto a chair, gesturing for them to take off their shirt which they do after a moment of hesitation, their face coated by a blazingly hot blush. After tossing an old towel around their shoulders and tugging on the cheap plastic gloves you could finally start getting to work. Using the bottle of dye’s nozzle to pipe it through their roots making sure every area is coated before running the dye through with your fingers coaxing it through every inch of his hair, drowning the sun by submerging it in the deep blue of the sea. 
Wild for his part was relishing every moment in the bliss of your touch, leaning up into your touch like it’ll cure his every hurt, really it’s a miracle they’re still on the chair and haven’t fallen off with how far they’re leaning into you. Having to gently nudge him back to sitting upright, so that the dye’s even and so that he doesn’t slump to the floor. 
Before he gets the chance to really enjoy the feeling of your fingers in his hair, you're already backing off and peeling away the gloves to admire your work blatantly ignoring his pitiful whine towards your actions.
"That’s the dye in then, so you’ve just gotta wait for a while till it's ready to wash out, won't take long, only half an hour"
they don't even have the dignity to respond to that, sitting there with a sulky pout that goes unnoticed. it takes them a moment for him to shake off the fact that you couldn't just sit there like that for half an hour, before responding.
"So you’re definitely washing my hair for me then?"
"Pfft, yeah someone’s gotta make sure you don’t trash my bathroom with dye. I’ll rinse it off for you in the sink."
"Can you play with my hair longer this time..?"
He would’ve never had the courage to ask that in front of the chain, lest the arguing starts up again. Although now he’d be far more willing to risk that; due to the fact that the two of you’ve been living separately from the chain together for a couple of months now, it’d be far harder to split you apart to the others’ dismay.
The processing went far faster than either of you could’ve expected and soon enough it was time to wash his hair out and see if the dye took to it well, not that there was much of a chance it couldn’t given his natural colour. 
So after leading them to the bathroom and setting them on a chair shifted so they could lean over the sink, you took to work, gently tipping water through their hair to get out all the residue. When the heavy was washed out you switched to massaging his roots till the water ran clear, not a single dash of dye left in sight. Even then you weren’t quite finished deciding to go the extra step, with the conditioner in hand and him melting underneath you.
Shaking him back awake was a new experience though seeing as he’s usually one of the first to wake anyway, then if he were ever to nap it wouldn’t be due to you washing his hair or anyone washing their hair. 
"Hey, link all the dye's washed out now. You've just gotta dry your hair."
"Mh, alright then [name]. I’ll do it."
He’s still drowsier than you’d ever really seen him when you all were travelling through Hyrule but chucking a towel at his head seemed to snap him out of it. Ruffling his hair with the old towel till it was dry enough for him, in other words still dripping wet; he leaned against you with a pleased smile like you hung the very stars in the sky just for him."I love this, it just feels right, thank you so much for helping me like this [name]... And I can count on you doing it whenever I need a top up right?"
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so uh, I definitely reacted totally normal when I found out you could dye Link's hair in totk. but on the other hand look at Link with blue hair and tell me I'm wrong - that he doesn't look incredible
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191 notes · View notes
olivescales3 · 8 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Episode 3
[Episode 1]; [Episode 2]
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I’m at the lion temple’s entrance hall, surrounded by statues of lion warriors, who gaze at me gracefully in an action of ferocious protection. Each and every one of them are unique, sculpted in such a way that they look real, or like they could be real– and that’s because they’re meant to. They represent the glorious warriors that protected our temple long ago.
It is truly a comforting sight, to be safeguarded by my ancestors, the ones who swore to protect Chi. Then, a disembodied voice, monotonous yet mellow, whines from the distance, blended in with nervous footsteps.
“You know, man, this canine craze is wild. Like, they went bonkers out of nowhere!”, cries Leonidas, mumblings on his words.
As I tiptoe near the guard, hiding myself behind one of the statues, Longtooth leans on the temple’s door frame. He sighs, pushing down his beanbrows– one scarred from top to cheekbone. While he crosses his arms and hides the huge claw tear on his bare chest, he whispers,
“I know, sweetheart.”, He opens up his damaged eyelid, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll sort it out– together.”
A moment of silence slips in the middle of the conversation, a minute of peace and thought. Leonidas slides slowly near the brunet lion, getting his thin and delicate body near his mate’s fluffy mane, then shoves his muzzle inside it.
Accidentally, a meow escapes from my mouth, and the lion couple notices me, happy about my presence.
They turn around and march towards me; Longtooth then crouches on the floor, just to pat my head with his dark tan paw.
Beneath the fierce bodyguard’s canines hides a smile that loosens his serious, headstrong expression into an almost submissive frown. When his watery eyes try to shed at every blink, but that only makes them shinier.
As he brushes my cheek, I utter, “Longtooth… are you alright?”, my voice cracks a bit.
Leonidas tilts his head, his banded orange mane falls down from his shoulder. He presses his lips, hiding the malformed incisors that stick out of his mouth.
Longtooth delicately puts his hand under my arm and holds it– the wounded limb has already recovered, and the only remains of the injury are ugly scabs in the shape of claw marks. His agonized concern is enough to make me understand— even in silence—, that nothing is over yet.
I can see Leonidas’ concern for his partner, but also his fear for what might happen; he’s right– what’s been happening during these last days is wild. Of course, to say the least. In reality, words can’t encapsulate the weight of this tragedy.
“Alert, alert! Close the main gate and stand in your positions!”
This powerful roar rumbles throughout the castle and beyond, attracting our attention to the howls penetrating inside the temple.
“Your Highness– please remain still.”, he murmurs, while skimming his eyes to the side, before dashing away.
Leonidas soon stumbles forward, behind him, while wielding a spear.
I wonder for whom the bell will toll today.
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Lagravis wanders in small but hard steps across the Throne Room, staring at the ground. His face recoils in doubt, as he murmurs to himself whatever is in his thoughts.
The Lion Temple was invaded, this morning, by a pack of a hundred wolves. Warriors were able to protect our fortress and control the damage caused by the invasion, but it wasn’t enough– blood was still shed in our territory, whether from our people or from the Wolf Tribe.
I sneak into the room, patiently waiting for him to notice me. Or, do I even want to be noticed? Dad’s posture this week has been worrying me a bit…
He sits on his throne with a loud thud. “I can’t believe this!”, he shouts, throwing his arms forwards, before leaning his face onto his hands, “Even with my guards in the Wolf Lair…!”
My dad’s shock resonates with my feelings, I’m also confused, too. I witnessed him ordering guards to surveil the wolves; lion tanks and buggies were scattered all across the camp’s radius, monitoring every move!
Lagravis roars, once again, “Someone has to be involved in all of this! These events are too organized for a bunch of mindless ferals.”
Uncle Lavertus passes by, waving his hand at my dad. Perhaps he also wants to check up on his brother, just like me?
“Hey, buddy! Big bro, whatever! How’re doing?”, says Lavertus, with joy brimming from his glistening eyes.
Dad doesn’t even move an inch, but instead scowls in frustration, not willing to loosen his mood. His gray-haired muzzle is starting to look more grizzled than normal.
“Aw, Lagravis. I noticed your attitude’s quite bitter recently. Stuff sucks and all, but can’t ya at least keep up with a smile?”
The king gets up, his blue scarf swings violently. As he clenches his paws and sticks out his claws, the muscles from his tanned torso tense up. He can’t go forth, because the Sacred Pool of Chi is right in between him and his brother, scattering blue light throughout the room.
“…Tell me about the necropsies, Lavertus. Be serious with me!”
My uncle grabs a piece of fibrous paper, with notes written all over it, from a pocket on his tunic.
“Want me to—”
“Just tell me already!”, Dad screams.
After a few eternal minutes of silence, just enough for doubts and fear to haunt us, Lavertus begins to read the notes out loud:
“All of the lion guards assigned to monitor the Wolf Lair were found dead during the sunrise, with the sunlight hitting Mount Cavora’s east side. The deaths happened approximately at dawn, as the corpses smelled fresh, but blood was dry.”
The Throne Room begins to smell with adrenaline. No one has noticed me, yet.
He continues, “A necropsy exam began soon after the discovery of the bodies– their thoracic cavities were mauled with distinctive bite and claw marks. All organs situated in this area of the body were found to be severely damaged on gross observation. Therefore, the cause of death was diagnosed to be acute organ failure due to physical trauma.”
Dad nods, understanding the situation. Whispering about his shock at the wolves’ strength, he sits on his throne again, with his paw placed under his chin.
I shrink and curl behind a lion statue. What an abominable act of violence that was… and in such detail too!
“And what about this morning’s incident, brother?”
“Exactly the same thing. It’s safe to assume that the wolves from now were the same from before.”
Lavertus marches around the Sacred Pool of Chi, as the chains that adorn his tunic hitting against one another, then lends the two necropsy notes to his sibling.
After a quick glance on the papers, Lagravis raises his eyebrow in concern. “Chi was found near the dead wolves. Do you have any ideas about why that happened?”
“They were after our Chi, Lagravis. We found crystals inside the wolves’ bodies. That’s how they managed to destroy our guards back at the Wolf Lair— all with the power of Chi.”
Dad quickly turns his head upwards. This shocking revelation petrifies him: his breath starts to hiccup, and he places his hand on his chest in agony. Such horrors tear him to shreds, a pain so sudden and terrifying that his face deforms into the scariest snarl imaginable. Cough after cough. Bulging eyes, awkward skin folds, menacing teeth…
He roars, “Chima is in danger, our people are in danger! My son is in danger!”
Lavertus presses himself onto his brother, petting his back while humming a comforting melody– my uncle’s voice softens and… Dad begins to cry.
That melody brims with the warmth of nostalgia; I recognize the notes, the emotions it brings, because my dad would sing this to me when I was a baby. A heartfelt reunion of both past and the future, the contrast of simpler times against the unpredictable war of tomorrow.
I know this feeling— It’s anxiety.
Between sobs and desperate coughs, Lagravis reaches his face near Lavertus’ ear and whispers something. My uncle glances at me in reaction, before nodding to my dad with a layer of resentment.
Maybe it’s time to leave; I can’t let this slaughter to prevail– and I will find what’s truly going on.
This noon’s ambiance feels heavy, and quite haunting too. Even if the sky continues to be blue, I sense a presence behind me– of the lives who were taken away by that purple moon.
I have returned to the Forever Rock with my friend. This time, however, we aren’t going to play. We’re going to do something else.
Cragger rests his back on the big rock. He briefly looks at me, before turning away and crossing arms.
“Laval… I’m scared.”, he mutters.
My heart starts to race. We’re just kids, after all, we can’t do much. Maybe this– or I– might fail, but silence now is not an option… right? As a prince, it’s my duty to help my father in situations like these.
The crocodile returns eye contact for another short moment. There was doubt in his pupils.
In second thought… what if I get hurt? Will I only get in my father’s way? It might all just be adult matters, like Lavertus said— but for me, it doesn’t matter. I won’t leave animals behind.
My stomach churns in a whirlwind.
“Don’t worry, Cragger. It’ll be worth it in the end…”
He waddles up to me. I rest my head on his shoulder. Struggle will dawn on Chima, but I’m sure we’ll prevail.
Then, from the deepening jungle, two Speedorz emerge; it is at this moment, while the hanging leaves are pushed away, that I encounter Wakz in a worrisome state. His skin folds are heavier than usual, flopping at each panting breath. Drool melts off his tongue and drips on top of the vehicle.
Worriz’ eyes look damper today, too, sullen by his hanging beanbrows. He’s holding onto Wakz’ thin fur, not ready to let go. I’ve never seen him like that… It breaks my heart.
They parks before us, followed by Winzar stopping his Speedor besides them, alert, almost in judgment. The wolves remain still, and they’re staring right at our souls. A chill runs down my spine. I don’t know what they expect from us; perhaps, it’s that I don’t know what to do.
Worriz soon lets go of his father, though hesitant on stepping his foot down. We can notice that his eyes are quaking between blinks, as he trembles while getting down the Speedor. The pup walks in our direction with his tail between legs. It’s horrible to see such a young kid be anxious like this— I don’t know how could a child still be standing after witnessing deaths upon deaths, especially of their own kind.
That’s why I called him.
“Hey, Worriz… I’m sorry for your loss…”
He stares down at the grass, and doesn’t budge. A small tear crawls on his face; it shines all the way down his chin and onto the ground.
I slowly get closer to the pup, then kneel in front of him.
“Look. Everything is going to okay.”, I hold him with my arms, “Just give me time to solve this.”
He stares down at the grass, and doesn’t budge. A small tear crawls on his face; it shines all the way down his chin and onto the ground. I slowly get closer to the pup, then kneel in front of him.
“Look. Everything is going to okay.”, I hold him with my arms, “Just give me time to solve this.”
Worriz stares at me, his right eyebean raised. As the pupils twitch around, they shrink and grow in size, before pinning their aim right at my soul— a speck of dust submerged into a pool of honey. It is the dirt inside cynical sweetness that catches my attention; right underneath those golden eyes, moves resentful lips that drool spiteful words, and they shine from the saliva coating them.
“I doubt that someone like you could achieve anything. Stop acting like the hero you think you are”, his gray, delicate snouts pushes itself right in my view, the bare teeth of his snarl leak drool.
I push my hands on Worriz’ chest, putting a distance between us. Those words… how— no, why would I think of myself as a hero? What is the point he wants to make? This is outrageous, to assume the worst of someone in this manner— an act of sabotage! Huh… Nope… Perhaps his reaction was genuine and out of fear, or did I just phrase myself wrong? I can’t piece anything together.
“What do you mean? I just want to help—”
“That’s what I’m talking about, idiot”, he interrupts me, whispering in a sharp tone of voice. “Hundreds of wolves died by the hands of your tribe, and a gold adorned crybaby is not going to stop this slaughter!”
My body flinches in reaction. It recoils backwards.
All is silent. Even Cragger himself keeps his mouth shut, holding his jaw tightly so that he doesn’t utter even a single word. He’s clenching his fists, too. None of the adults behind us say something either— I need to get to the bottom of whatever is going on. Their reaction rubs me the wrong way.
“Is this what you think of me, Worriz?”, my voice breaks the unnerving quietude that haunts us. “Do you truly believe that I’m doing this for myself?”
Worriz stops for a second, analyzing my body, then returns to swab his snout aggressively. He snarls worse than before. “Friends, family members, acquaintances are all going insane because of this moon. Do you know how it is to see someone snap, kill, die, with no salvation? We live knowing that there’s nothing else able to be done.”
“Did you even understand what I was trying to ask?”
Argh! It was short, but I failed to keep my mouth shut; the thoughts from my mind spewed too quick. It has now placed me in a tough spot— one that, in reality, I believe isn’t that tough. It was merely the truth!
The pup locks his stare onto me. Those golden eyes brew with fire from the sun.
“I said that a golden adorned crybaby is not going to solve this issue!”
A howl dissipates out of thin air throughout the Forever Rock; it soothes down everyone here and alleviates their tension. Worriz, however, stares at the sky, attentive. His ears sprout upwards. The cry repeats once more, as if it’s a cue for the wolves to leave.
From afar, I notice Wakz moving his wrist at himself and it attracts my friend’s attention. I stay quiet because I know that there’s nothing more to be said. Worriz wouldn’t lend an ear anyway.
He groans again, “You got lucky, unlike us. Keep your mouth shut.”
Then, the wind turns colder and brings a strong breeze that rattles the leaves all across our land, its noise concentrates as the foliage whips around with force each minute passing. Cragger and I can’t listen to our surroundings properly, we’re stuck watching our guests chatter for a bit before they mount on their Speedorz. Though, something keeps rubbing me the wrong way— Cragger is besides me, yes, but it doesn’t feel like it, I can see he’s observing them, processing each and every move they take. His eyes focus on the wolves’ lips, while also moving his mouth following their movements. It forms: “Fu… ne…”
“Are they going to a funeral?”, he finally speaks, muffled down by the incessant atmospheric noises.
My body twists in shock. “…Care to explain?”
It’s obvious… with the melancholic howls, depressing mood, and countless deaths, that a funeral could be foreseen, but I couldn’t help myself from asking. I want to be sure. I have to do something, now.
“Do you think I know what’s goin’ on?..” We notice them moving away from us at a slow pace.
Cragger smirks, uttering, “Better find out!”
He sprints at his vehicle and hops on top of it, before drifting to my side in a break. He tilts his head towards my own Speedor. Without a doubt, this is the opportunity waiting for me…
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I don’t know what I expected when I came here; maybe it’s the dry air that’s making me sick, or the weight of witnessing a funeral… Probably both.
Cragger and I are standing behind a spike at The Fangs, as we witness wolves stand in a circular formation around a huge hole on the ground they dug up; an entire graveyard made out of one single grave. None of those who died will have the peace of rest, but instead, seems like they’re going to be piled on top of each other. Everyone keeps waiting for the corpses to arrive— and they do, carried, inside a container, by Wakz’s Pack Tracker. Then, the vehicle brakes in front of the hole, ready to dispose of the bodies.
The wolves bow, they open their muzzles, howling harmoniously underneath the hidden moon; next, elders stand within a hand’s reach near that pit, ready to throw there little bits and pieces of fruits and herbs clasped between their claws. Inspired by darkness surrounding them, they grasp the ground and pay attention to their elders’ words. Prayers of perseverance, pleas to the moon— all tears from those who suffered, but still continue to ask for help during their pain; they cry a shower of flowers in loyalty to it, even if it was the one to doom their brethren. Soon, those tears blend, after the elders open hands, and it turns into a colorful curtain, a flowerbed for the dead.
Winzar makes his way towards the container. Vibrations smear out of his footsteps; they are strong– I can feel it with my whiskers–, intimidatingly imposing silence. When he opens that container, it drops forth the piles of bodies as they tumble and crash into the void. Everything ends when those corpses, muffled by their fur, scream ‘thud’ at the pit’s bottom, the sound pounding on our eardrums.
Cragger looks at me, terrified– jaw open, and eyes smaller than a speck of dust. The crocodile clings onto me; I’m held hard enough by my friend’s arms to feel the intense heartbeat punching from his chest.
He sobs in a whisper, leaning at my ear, “Is… Is this what happens to us after we die?”
A tear crosses down his face, slowly touching my fur. I pat him on the head, but the crying only gets louder, as loud it can get. While under my breath, tears begin to flow down from me too. Water brims out of Cragger’s daffodil eyes; for the Fangs’ crust, it is a precious gift, one that brings life to this lifeless land– a second chance for those who rest. If only we— all tribes of Chima— could’ve helped prevent this massacre… All we can do is go forth and protect those in danger, starting with the wolves who might soon succumb to their next night. Alas, those losses happened inexplicably, and might’ve also been unavoidable… Is this such work of a king?
In the meantime, we begin to hear a melancholic melody flowing out of the pack’s voices, and it blends against Wakz’ humming; must be their final goodbye to the dead, memorialized into a ritual. Then, Winzar, along other pride mates, push the dirt back where it was dug up from, and thus finishing the ceremony.
We can’t, and shall not, be caught here; it would be quite rude of us to appear uninvited at an event like this one. Neither of us had thought on an ‘escape plan’, because it never came to our mind up at this point. Since we came here behind the wolves’ car, it wouldn’t be wise to repeat that again– it’s unlikely that the vehicle goes away from The Fangs, as the Wolf Lair is camped near the burial. Though, not a lot of choices are available to us. I’m afraid we might have to find someone, and hope they don’t suspect a thing.
After we turn our backs, the fogs of sadness blurring my mind dissolve away; with it, the real silence of steps and murmurs returned. Passive noises of a beetle’s buzzing elytra tick me off, and I whip my hand to swat the bug— fingers fetch on the recoiling paw at my back.
Worriz stands behind my arm while clutching it, then lets me go as he positions himself in front of our path. He puffs up and growls. A tough look like his is never a good sign—
Cragger rushes behind me. He’s scared of what the little wolf might do. Size might be lacking, but a sharp tongue is nonetheless an efficient weapon, capable of lethality if used properly… And, coming from Worriz himself, there is no doubt that he won’t leave it without causing ruckus…
I look at my surroundings, but can’t find any Speedor in sight. Even that pack tracker behind the ground’s hole has begun to leave, too! Bad luck for us, because this time I didn’t even bring anything. Worriz points fingers at me, “Never mind how you came here. What did you say last time back at the Forever Rock, Laval?” he snarls while licking his snout.
My heart bursts into flames, and the combusting adrenaline riles up through my veins. This face… it means no good. What if he uses whatever happened earlier, against me? It wasn’t much, but he’s taking it so aggressively that…
The rhythmic lung movements, breathing in and out, bump onto each of the rib inside my caged chest. It needs to get free; I need to escape. Do not succumb to Worriz’ ruthlessness.
“You idiot! Can’t even remember your thoughtful words. Disgraceful.”, he pulls on my tunic, “Fine, I’ll ask it instead; tell me how you’ll help us, and how long it’ll take for you to do it.”
I instinctively place myself distant from him, but he persists to close the gap between us. As I move backwards, my torso hits a land spike— and Worriz pins me his hind paw. I push the wolf’s toes aside, still holding it with a though grip.
Nothing is possible at this point. Cragger’s whimpers only get worse and it riles up the pup even more… until he waves his hand at me, like a sign for me to wait; though his awkward smile expresses uncertainty, or maybe even fear.
Within the blink of my eyes, I managed to capture a drastic change of scenery, during when these two kids had begun fighting each other.
…It didn’t stop at that blink; they’re still tumbling on one another with cascades of boundless punches really close to me. The crocodile immobilizes Worriz on his back; I roll away from them in the short time frame before the wolf breaks free, hiding behind the fang of dirt.
A few seconds later, I hear a pathetic growl from behind.
“D— don’t pick me by the scruff! Argh! Laval, just answer my question already, you coward!”
My heart skips a beat, I try to remain calm, but the sight of my friends tearing each other apart— it hurts badly.
I wanted to help his people. It felt wrong to stay silent during all of this terror; even as a cub, there’s always a way for me to help… for I am the prince of the Lion Tribe. Something can be done. I just… don’t know how to help. I fear of turning everything worse, or being in the way of help. Instead of placing myself as a possible obstacle…
“I’ll use my position of power as prince to extract information and opinions from animals.”
He recoils, confused, staring at me in mockery.
“Then, I’ll analyze whatever was collected, and use that for guidance. It might not lead me to the solution… but it’ll help our leaders with their strategies, and avoid as much confrontation possible.”
Worriz seems suspicious… though, he looks at me with a serious face. “You’re kidding me, right? A child like you can’t possibly do all of that”.
I push myself forward, just before Cragger lets go of the wolf. My lips rise with strengths I never knew of having, revealing my growling voice.
“Why are you doubting me?” I reach closer to him, exposing my teeth bare.
His eyes immediately shrink. Somehow, I managed to intimidate him— it was out of my control… but it went to my favor.
Worriz whimpers, “Go back home and do as you said.”
Time is of the essence. …Did I say that right? Ah, forget about it, it’s my dad that says these kinds of stuff… I need to concentrate on my work, a survey I thought out. What was the deadline Worriz set for this? I don’t think he said anything about that yesterday.
The sun hits the open window of my room, sizzling my fur. It’s too hot in here and I can’t think of anything! Do I need to drink some water? Again?
Pen in hand, paper on the table, I sit in front of what might be able to help us in this dire situation. It’s blank, but it’s the key we need—
It’s blank.
The pencil sitting between my paws waits for the moment I push it onto my project and begin to write. Its tip, made out of charcoal, shines in faint tones of light— it was sharpened not long ago, too.
I look outside; I sigh in relief at the sight of a bright, early morning. But the clock continues to tick, click and swing. Clouds swim throughout the horizon, almost in synchrony with the noises snapping each second.
Again, the paper continues empty. Nothing will be done at this pace! Think, Laval… think! What is of utmost importance, something that needs to be highlighted and questioned, right now? My hand begins to tremble, but I know it’s no use to be still!
…Yes! I need to ask about Chi first. It’s powerful and important to all of us… but is it harming the wolves? Uncle Lagravis said that they were after it, and that it was the reason for them becoming strong like that. What if I try finding out what lions think about this— or, what to do about this?
The noises of friction on the paper start to itch my brain. I can feel the ideas rushing from my thoughts straight to the paper.
About the wolves… It’s important to know how my people feel about them. We can’t run into trouble against those who are suffering through something we don’t understand yet. I don’t want to risk my tribe of growing resentful, especially when our biggest event of the year was interrupted by wolves… It all started with me, the prince, getting attacked, so this will also influence the answers… but it’ll be all revealed later.
I sigh, fatigued, but relieved as well, because I finally managed to strip all of my questions and place them into the survey.
Now… it’s time to leave.
I step down the lion temple’s stairs; a once bustling place, the Chi Market is now empty. Of course, today isn’t Chi Market day, but the absence of lions who would rest here, laying their torsos onto the , sitting on top of abandoned barrels and relaxing, gives off a disheartening melancholy. Though, it’s not just simply melancholy– I can sense their dread, one that stems from today’s annihilation, a wound so fresh that no one knows how to cope with it, but I think I can tend their injuries…. starting at this door!
I give the door a slight knock. For a few seconds, my gaze points at the text I had written, at the wobbly handwriting whose ink is engraved into the fibrous plant remnants we call paper. The wolves, the Chi, the lions, my family, my father, me. We are all in danger. If I’m not able to pull this through, I might not—
“Oh, a lost cub…”, a sweet and tender voice whispers beneath the noises of the opening door, “Do you have something for me?”
I hand over the questionnaire and the pen to this lioness, who reads it with attention, seemingly surprised by what’s written.
“So I just sign what I think?”
“Yes… exactly that.”
She moves the pen, pressing it onto the paper, hesitating on what she’ll answer. What is she confused about?… I touch my forehead– that’s why she’s looking at me like that; I forgot my crown at home.
After a long minute of wait, she returns my materials while smiling, though she can’t hide the awkwardness leaking from her muzzle. In the end, I got to see someone’s opinion on the matter. Now, I need a few more participants to get a result.
At another house, I knock on the door, waiting patiently for a reply. My hind paws balance forth, as my tail wags in eagerness. It seems the papers are a bit out of order, so I organize them back in place. However, time still passes by. Waiting isn’t the problem here— it’s the difference in responses that piqued my curiosity, and as far as this knock goes, no one has come. I tap again, now with my knuckles hardened, and the noise of the hits echo through the door. Then, it opens faster than I could’ve expect, revealing to me a short brunet lion. His tan body is quite muscular, with a Chi holder strapped around his shoulder and torso.
“Laval… is that you?”, his voice rises in happiness.
I proceed to hand over my papers. “Yeah, I mean… Wait— how did you know that?”
He picks up my item and flips over the pages. “Of course I do. I work for your father!”, he giggles.
Yikes…. what a dumb question. The harness on his chest is worn only by lion warriors! I should’ve seen that coming. Furthermore… having a lion warrior give his opinion on my survey might help me out a lot. His tall smirk would soon dissolve at the last page.
“Oh… you mean that, right?…”
The smug expression on his face had completely dissipated into a state of terror. He signs on the papers then hands me my materials, before whispering mournful words and closing the door.
The study, with over a hundred participants, has been completed. Whatever opinions my people wrote down here will change the trajectory of this mess. This might be the only way I can know if the Wolf Tribe is in danger.
‘What was your perception of the Wolf Tribe before the occurring incidents?’ Out of 150 total answers, the majority of them were neutral; 25 were ‘positive’; 28 were ‘negative’; 8 were ‘overly positive’; and 6 were ‘overly negative’.
‘What is your perception of the Wolf Tribe now; is the tribe innocent?’ 26 votes were ‘wary; neutral’; 14 were ‘wary; innocent’; 17 were ‘positive; innocent’; 30 were ‘wary; guilty’; 53 were ‘negative; guilty’; 10 were ‘overly negative; guilty’. There were no overly positive votes.
This is not looking good so far.
‘Is Chi in danger; should it be protected? Should the Lion Tribe still host events such as Speedorz Racing or the Chi Market?’ ‘Chi is in danger; withhold it at all costs’, 45 votes; ‘Chi is in danger; make smaller and safer events’, 54 votes; ‘Chi is for everyone; continue everything as is’, 18 votes; 33 votes were null.
From the corner of a discreet alleyway, an orange chunk of fur wiggles in every way possible, and it shakes to the sides while vibrating. Whenever I get closer, even if it’s just a tiny bit, the fluff stops for a second– before returning to its funny dance. Fluffy, moving… thing! I– I can’t take my eyes off it!
My legs project forwards and I pounce onto the worm-looking object; my teeth pierce it, but it screams and turns around in a violent curve, throwing me onto the ground. The paperwork slips off my hands, making a high pitched noise. My survey is all over the ground.
“Argh! Hey…!”, it shouts.
As I begin to observe what’s in front of me, while dealing with mild pain from the thud, the ‘thing’ walks up to me, tapping their toes on the ground!Everything is a bit blurry…
They— an animal that reminds me of a fox— stare at me; their eyes are so dark that I can’t see their pupils. Oh, wait… that’s a real fox! I thought their tribe went extinct.
He grips his tail, snarling pathetically. Pathetic isn’t enough– he falls flat onto the floor, curls up like a baby, and begins to cry. “Can’t believe I found a mean… mean cub! Get your teeth out of my tail.” I sigh and drop my shoulders. Who is this guy, and why is he making fun of me being a kid? Does he even know I’m the prince of the Lion Tribe, son of Lagravis?
Such ignorance is unacceptable, telepathic words from Dad sprout in my mind, his deeply angered voice sends chills down my spine. I won’t let that slide. Even if I sound brittle…
“Tell me your name. Present yourself before—”
My vocal chords crack.
That pesky fox stares at me again, then opens his jaws wide to burst out laughing. An act of absolute disrespect towards the Royal Family.
“Name’s Furtivo. Or Furty, but you’re not my friend. Shoo!”
Furtivo regains his upright posture the moment I start to pick up my sheets of paper– the orange shadow runs around, and my project disappears from my sight.
While flipping over the pages with swift fingers, following the text in his mind, he pauses everything and instead fixes attention at a specific part of my survey, as he sticks his snout up close to it.
Furty’s muddy iris turns up and down, diverging between the paper and I. The animal squints at me. He hisses, “What do you have against the wolves, huh?”
I hop at his hands, but he lifts my project out of my reach.
“First you bite me, then you ask others if they hate wolves. What’s wrong with you? Coward!”
How audacious! You were the one to start this whole mess, mocking me unashamedly!
“Targeting the young lion prince is the cowardly action here. Return it to me, or I’ll call the guards.”
An interesting turn of events happens; Furtivo is caught off guard, surprised by the reveal– his cynicism gets shut down, tail between his legs.
He hands back my possessions, then he reaches closer to me, whispering in my ear, “Let me work for you as your secret agent– I got deep connections with the Wolf Tribe, and they might help you sleuth the truth.”
Humph… Snarky attitude aside, his emotional attachment towards the wolves seems quite strong. Might as well test him out, but I am not too fond of belittling jokes.
I nod. “Let’s meet up here later. Grab as much information as you can about this. We can’t let this slaughter continue.”
Cragger and I tussle on the soft, moist dirt, leaving depth marks on the ground. I push his body aside, though he grabs my arm, tugs me forth and puts his mouth on my face. As he pulls me around, I place my paw on his head and tap him, before he wiggles his head and takes it off me. After wiggling around for a bit, sending friendly kicks, I manage to nip his tiny tail– he cries loud in reaction, but not in pain.
“I told you to not grab my tail!”
His crispy and brittle voice catches me off guard; I’m unable to hide my sudden giggles, even if I cover my muzzle.
“Ah… Sorry, Cragger. It’s just that…”
“Just what?”, he cracks his voice.
Ah– haha… He’s so adorable. Can’t say that straight to him, though!
“You’re funny. That’s it”
He growls, stomping on the ground as he gets up. Moist dirt gets all over his toes.
“If you think that’s funny, then watch this!”, he kicks a ball of mud onto my chest, in a pitiful tantrum.
The ball splatters all over my already dirty tunic. It spreads a moist, musty smell that makes the swamp’s humid atmosphere even more unbearable.
We sprint at each other; the moment I pounce on the air, Cragger dodges my jump, and I fall down. He cackles, making fun of me, as he hops around uncontrollably.
Amusing for him, but I don’t find that funny. The mild pain aches a bit everywhere; I hit the floor with my entire body, and the impact hurts. Agh!
As awkward as the pain is, I can’t take my attention away from the sky. The sun was setting the entire time we were playing; now, a moon rises from below, while radiating the horizon with a violet tint– it seems to block something else — a bright satellite — behind its shadow. Before the light disappears, a glimpse of shine reflects itself onto the muddy water, mirroring the image from above us. Every bit of heat turns by itself into light; Cragger’s eyes become ghastly in contrast to his cold, pale scales, between the masses of spectre terrain.
This entire scenery sends chills down my spine, the manifestation of a déjà-vú, an omen of horror. However, it’s a warning I can fully understand: the purple moon.
Grimey footsteps echo splashing sounds– unnerving, for sure, but the anxiety still remains, sprouting as sweat from my skin.
A feminine voice emerges in the middle of the noise, screeching, “Your dad has been calling you for an hour, Cragger!”
From amidst the hanging vines and crooked trees, a small crocodile marches up to us, her dark green scutes blending in with the background, as her pink eyeshadow stands out.
“I don’t get it”, she whines, “you want to be attacked or something? You act as if you’re five.”
Cragger groans, “B- but I’m playing, aight! Stop butting in my life.”
“Our parents babied you for long enough, and not for you to almost die again! Ungrateful brat!”
She picks up her brother by the tail, pulling him through the dirt. He slaps the ground in anger, shouting and screaming, in vain.
Somehow, he manages to break the clinch by throwing himself at Crooler, making her lose her grip. She crashes onto the mud and screams in shock.
Her long pink dress, raggedy from overuse, is now covered in dirt and moss. She stares at the pink trail of makeup smeared in front of her, as her anger spills, leaving only sadness to be felt.
Cragger frowns, arms crossed, wagging his tiny tail.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen them together, but she has changed quite a lot since then… Resentment is in the air, strangling the relationship between the twins. They’re fighting with their sharp tongues, each word at a time pinning on one’s weaknesses.
Crooler holds her breath, claws clenched, before she starts to sob, “Why are you like… this? Why do you always need to make things hard for me?”
“If you stopped crying, ‘nd saw the animals around you, maybe things would get easier…”
Her eyes shrink in fury. She tries to say something, but her words hide themselves behind her teeth, so she storms out of the woods.
I grab Cragger’s hand.
“I think it’s best for you to see your dad.”
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In this swamp rests a kingdom, one so small yet so lively, where crocodiles are constantly fishing, building, training, and overall living their lives. It’s almost like the embodiment of the Chi Market, except it’s only crocodiles. However, what strikes me the most out of everything here is that they embrace a state of being ephemeral, as they live in function of the swamp’s natural cycle. They possess barely anything, because they already have happiness, whereas my homeland is covered in gold, but very closed up when you get to know my people. The trees around here are scattered sparingly, enough to create a comforting shade on the landscape. No wonder everyone here is so peaceful.
I… I feel like this was where the Legend Beasts lived— surrounded, and shaped by pure nature, with no concrete walls to hide behind. The varying shades of green blend with the dark dirt into a soothing mix of colors.
From the corner of my eye, I see a crocodile merchant selling toys. How interesting! Maybe should I check his products out? It won’t hurt to explore a bit. Unfortunately, there is a huge influx of crocodiles scuttering across the thick mud. I’m too small to be noticed and I get pushed around by the crowd. After finding a breach, I stick out from the masses.
As I get closer to the seller, his charismatic voice grows louder, shouting tempting words like: “Bones to chew on for cheap! Better than those you see for sale in the Chi Market! Come and buy them!”
I look at the sky and notice the sun has changed position.
“Thank you very much, but I now have to take my leave!”, I say in a hurry.
I dash across the migration herd of crocodiles, mud splatting at my toes with every step. As they get farther away from me, I brake my run and stop to breathe.
What exactly was I waiting for? I don’t remember having a specific schedule for today— Oh. Cragger!
I begin sprinting in the direction of the village’s castle.
At the castle’s entrance, I lean myself. My panting is too loud, it’s not good etiquette to enter royal property like this! Even worse, my blue tunic has been muddied into oblivion.
After a few minutes of recovering my breath, I observe my surroundings. It seems that there are no guards around here. Strange.
I enter the castle and notice Crominus holding his golden cane and gently tapping it on the floor. His children are starting at him. Maybe they haven’t noticed me yet, or did I just come here late?
By making noise with his cane, the crocodile king reignites what looks like his kids’ already exhausted attention.
“My children…“, he sighs, “Even if I explained everything, I can’t expect you to take extreme safety measures, in the way I’d hope.”
The twins glance at each other, seemingly tense because of whatever conversation the three had while I was late. They stiffen up, gazing at their father and paying attention to his words.
He adds, “It’s hard to take care of you all by myself. Please understand where I’m coming from.”
Crooler tilts her head and freezes her tail, in an almost state of shock. I peek a bit more from behind the cave’s walls; I can sense that the princess is distraught, as her eyes twitch up and down at Crominus. She’s paralyzed.
Cragger looks at her while beginning to itch the palm of his hand. She, however, doesn’t even look back. It feels like sympathy isn’t enough to calm her down. They’re concerned, anxious, silent, holding themselves back and waiting for the right phrase to come. But it doesn’t.
“…What about my mother?”
She stares at the floor, head low.
My mouth falls open wide. I… don’t think I should be here…
Crominus hugs his daughter during the blink of an eye, then curls her inside his arms. The thick eyebrows on his face furrow down the eyelids. He’s not ready to let go. She did not hug back. Instead, her entire body collapses onto his grasp– waves of uncontrollable emotions take control over her, drying her eyes up until the last tear she can drop.
“She won’t change, Crooler, at least not soon. I’ve also been waiting for her, just like you, but only time will tell.”
Though, the crocodile princess refuses to listen. She’s revolted, angry, holding herself to not burst into flames; it’s all made transparent through her snarl. Beneath her aggressive posture, my eyes can’t stop noticing some kind of jealousy...
She bawls, her desperate screeches echo across the cave, “Cragger always gets everything, but I can’t even have my mother! My pain is never understood!”
Crooler pushes Crominus away— I dive backwards as she dashes all the way outside the cave. The noise of my fall got muffled by her incoherent words. Those sobs echo around the room. Her relatives have been left behind, worried in silence.
She took off so suddenly… and left behind dust. Nothing else is there to do. They both return to wherever, but not to where she went.
I can’t believe… I never knew Cragger had personal issues in his life. He doesn’t look like the type of animal to—
I sigh. Guess his family also has their own problems to deal with…
This revelation is too sudden. For me, at least… Maybe he’s already used to it? What about his mother?.. To be honest, I don’t recall much about my own mother either.
The hall has been emptied. It hurts to be alone. But I don’t know how it is to be consumed by resentment, the way Crooler was. Every single piece of tasty crumb we leave for those we love, fulfilling and sweet affection, disappears without a trace, they’re devoured by the feeling resentment. It blinded Crooler. It might blind someone else as well. They stuck to me, the devastating cries and weepings of a lost child blinded by rage.
I think I have to leave now. Ah… If hopes and wishes could—
Sweat has been crawling on me, dripping over metal chains… Chains that tie me up to a cut tree trunk. It’s tight, so tight that it hurts, and blood can’t get around in me well. My stomach turns upside down, as it chokes every breath I take.
There are almost no light sources here. Air is damp and it drowns my lungs, as multiplying noises from my gasping haunt every corner of this mysterious lair.
No… how could this be? What even is all of this?
I’m confused, I can’t understand what happened for me to be here. I can’t concentrate either, the pain is too much to handle.
I force my eyes shut, then begin scouring through my blurry memories; what was it… before the agony of this torture…?
I can’t even remember how much time I’ve been here. Everything is pitch black. The area stinks of mold and old, still water.
“Dad…”, I whisper, but silence is the only one to greet me, with despair tapping at my shoulder. "Dad!"
Tears flood down, flushing away on my crushed body. Everything is too much to handle, and even if I face forward, even if I try to persist… only darkness can be seen, and the shadows reply back with the reflection of my deepest fears. In nothing, there is no place for reality, as the emptiness distorts even the most rational of thoughts. This feeling… It crawls between your nerves.
My mind suddenly clenches onto the most excruciating thoughts possible: what if they think I’m dead? Cragger, Dad, Uncle, Eris… What if they think I’m gone?
The pathetic disappearance of the Lion Prince– a life Dad fought so much to flourish is now captive. I wonder how he will die… if it is even death at all. The anxiety of not knowing one’s destiny is enough.
Only one can wonder… I want this to end. Please.
My lungs ache, I’m unable to fill them, as my throat can only cough– it contracts violently; a cannonball of warm liquid surges there and drops all over my chest.
I yearn for warmth… but… This smells like blood.
“Ugh— stop yapping…”, a lanky creature abruptly rises from the depths, holding a burning stick, “I won’t hesitate to end your pity show.”
A voice, something I hoped would lead to my salvation, instead brings my attention to this grotesque figure, of olive green scales, tall enough to hit their head onto the caves’ ceiling. That dancing light reveals everything: the height of this basement, the pool of my own blood, the hanging fish skeleton from that crocodile’s loincloth. On top of their sully look, there’s… a creepy, sadistic smirk that spreads all across their mouth. While the flames of their torch ignite a shine on my splattered blood, the fire gets closer to me, small steps at a time. I try to not inhale any longer, but can’t hold for much longer, and the ashes go through my nostrils, forced to breathe in fumes inside this musty cave.
“And… you’re covered in blood. You already did half of my work for me.”
Those amber eyes… A familiar face!
I shout, drooling, “Are you the one who pulled the trigger at the Speedor Race?”
The reptile recoils, offended by my words. He slaps me— in the blink of an eye. It hurts a lot, blending in with the aching of my body.
A sharp nail pushes onto the cartilages of my neck, slowly crawling up to the chin.
“If you don’t hand me that survey of yours, I’ll kill you.”
Blood shoots from a cough to his face. In reaction, he pulls the nail, cutting my chin. Tears fall off my eyes.
All of this for a survey?… What sur—
“But… what do you have to do with it?”, I whisper.
He shoves his empty hand on my neck. “Think you can take information from me, naive cub? …Either hand me the survey or burn it!”
The crocodile analyzes me from top to bottom, as his previously angry expression melts into that creepy smile. He throws the torch away– it sizzles from contact with muddy water– then goes behind the tree trunk and unties me. My body falls onto the ground from exhaustion, everything going to black.
Thorny giggles echo inside the cave.
A husky voice interrupts the laughing, “This is taking too long, Crawley. If you keep making noises, the king might come here.”
“Didn’t you block the entrance with your personal guards, Cruz? Shouldn’t they be enough?”
“His Majesty’s wishes are above mine”, the voice sighs, “Put this kid somewhere else, before anyone notices. I’ll clean up this mess.”
Personal guards?… Wait– if a guard was willing to follow this kind of order, then… Is someone from the Crocodile Tribe actively involved in this, or worse, someone who has enough power like that? This is war!
My body is already dropped on the floor, but I try to loosen myself enough to look unconscious; pain might be sufficient to do this trick. … Then, I wait…
Breathing flows on top of my head and ears, followed by sharp fingers poking me. I’m flipped over to the side, as the filthy water underneath begins to moisten my fur. Ew.
“Ehh. I think the cub is unconscious.”, Crawley grunts in a high pitch, “I’ll get rid of him, while you do the rest.”
Air feels dry and my throat is stiff, aching slightly as it moves. Sore eyelids begin to open up after the sunlight hits through the retina, but it’s too bright, making my tear ducts water up. I can’t even see properly anyways…
Coughing slips out of my mouth, forcing my lungs to squeeze, and projects my neck forward. I squirm in pain.
Just before I can react, everything starts to look normal again.
Ehboni sits down besides me while holding a cup of tea. The vapor that steams from the warm liquid dances around in a trance, as it dampens my breath. She then leans forward, at my left.
“Please, drink this tea I made. It’ll ease your pain.”
A strong odor startles me. It definitely comes from that beverage.
“But— Ehboni… is it acerbison?”, I stutter by moving my frail vocal chords.
With hesitation, she pats me on the forehead, and lends the cup very close to my face. I drink the liquid from it, its bitter taste shocks my tongue, I snarl hard in reaction, but this is numb compared to the pain piercing me. It’s for my own good, anyways.
My throat trembles while I feel the liquid itch down to my stomach with its bitter taste. It’s horrible. I don’t even want to look down and stare at my bruised body. Dad doesn’t want to see it either. Though, there he is, his eyes unable to understand the wounds on my neck, the redness scattered throughout my skin… Or the damp fur, too.
“My son…“, he kneels before the bed, “How could—”
His voice froze while speaking. He’s terrified– I can see his paws twitching.
Dad cries, “I failed you.”
The wounds on my neck writhed and my breath whistled under moist lungs as I heard those words. I clench my eyes shut. However, I can feel Ehboni caressing my forehead, brushing her fingers between the hairs of my growing, wet mane. I am able to listen Dad’s sobs, and to the nurse’s calming whisper:
“It’s not your fault.”
“How is it not my fault? Look at my son! Look at the state he’s in!”, he bursts into tears.
Lagravis’ sorrow becomes louder than before, enough to hurt my ears. He’s… roaring, his voice brimming with anger.
“Someone is trying to murder my child, my prince!” Then, his voice lowers into whimpers near me, “Who did this to you?… Another wolf?”
I open my eyes. My heart skips a beat. Two battles should not be happening at the same time… And yet…
I haven’t told my dad about the survey– it’s about the wolves, but I accidentally got Furtivo involved… followed by crocodiles? Yes, the one who disrupted the big race of weeks ago. He was with guards too, who were commanded by someone also directly—
Dad interrupts my thoughts, “Son?”.
“It’s a long story… Dad, please bear with me”.
Each word I stutter under my moist breath seems to terrify him further. The naked truth is disheartening, and not even the bravest of kings can handle it.
“The crocodiles are also involved in this too?”
I sigh, “I think so, yeah.”
He touches my hair, rolling it with his fingers.
“How terrifying… An unexpected turn of events. Your damp fur already attests this.”, he pets me while crying, “I will find those who harmed you.”
We feel the stones and gravel crunching beneath the royal tank’s caterpillar tread. My eyes are barely open, but I can notice the faint moonlight hitting them, while thousands of blurry stars shine in between the sight of my eyelashes. I also feel the vehicle rocking sideways from time to time— it’s a soothing motion, combined with the warmth of my father’s arms wrapping around me. I am barely awake— the pain was too much for me to handle—, though I know my presence is needed for now.
Meanwhile, the trees that pass behind our view begin to appear more and more scarce, as I start to regain vision. They look paler by comparison. The air becomes sharper to the nostrils, too.
A serious voice rises from nearby, “My king, we are getting closer to our destination”. It stops silent for a few seconds, but speaks once again, in a whisper, “I wish you the best in this. For Chima.”
“For Chima, Longtooth. For Chima.
Lagravis turns his head to the side. “Wakz. Do not fail us. Tell them everything you know.”
Are we returning back to The Fangs?… I hope not. Besides, it doesn’t seem like it either way— we’re surrounded by life, even if they look like the tiniest of shrubs. Our surroundings are vast, with a mixture of pale green and brown, dry but still livable.
Surely enough, we’re face to face against the tall Eagle Spire— far away, though. It’s huge, shaped like an eagle. Houses branch off that mount, sometimes built on top of its cliffs. The yellow tip piercing the sky is supposed to be a sculpted beak, shaped to meticulously that I can notice this from the distance.
Then, a cold, yellow hand holds my wrist, catching me off guard. Ehboni has been by my side the entire time… She lets go of me, picks up a piece of paper and, without uttering a word, takes notes on it. Lagravis receives it before sighing in relief.
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My eyelids start to fall down again…
I wake up being held by Dad inside a large library, similar to a big enclosure.
“Good afternoon, Your Majesty and sir Wakz”, a blue eagle smiles as he opens space on the bookshelf and returns the book between his claws.
Wakz bows in response, “Good afternoon, Ewald. We need your help.”
The sapphire eagle pauses himself, book midway inside the shelf– his wings curl and hide his body in a state of shock. He proceeds to finish what he’s doing, then turns around, establishing eye contact with the elder.
“P-pardon me, please continue…”
“Could you please lend me your wife’s studies of the Purple Moon?”
Ewald’s pupils shrink, he raises his eyebrows, afraid. Eris— who has been near him meanwhile— and I freeze; perhaps she knows what’s going on, or how serious is this matter, but I don’t– his distraught face was enough to make my heart race.
…Oh, wait, a purple moon? Sounds familiar, maybe I’ve—
“My son had a dream with a purple moon once, where he was attacked by a wolf.”, sighs Lagravis, “It seems that both wolves and this moon are intertwined when causing terror.”
Wakz explains, “Yes, that is the case, Your Majesty. We are currently going through the Hundred Year Moon.”
Makes sense, of course, because whenever it gets dark, chaos breaks loose. However… this feels too simple. Hundreds of wolves died. Blood was shed, lives were taken, animals are in danger– it has been three days already, three days too many.
“Such events have been occurring ever since my son was attacked. The patterns are very obvious here, but if we don’t prepare ourselves, he’ll become the first victim of this terror”, Lagravis weeps.
Ewald moves his head, searching for something, but with his despair growing by the minute, it feels like he has nowhere to go. What could he be looking for in such a big library?
“Oh dear Phoenixes… please lend me your strength”, he mutters.
“Humph. What is it, mister Ewald—”
“We don’t have much about the Hundred Year Moon."
Lagravis, while slowly moving his tail, glares at the eagle, arms crossed. His eyes pinpoint down on Ewald’s anxiety, ready to inspect whatever possible when necessary; however, what is there to inspect? What is there to be questioned, when the Eagle Tribe knows even what they don’t?
Ewald starts to point his nails, rubbing them on his sharp scales, grating them at a fast pace.
“We don’t have any studies about the Hundred Year Moon, Your Majesty. There are only a few sightings archived in our library, written in ancient language.”
“And can’t you translate them?”, Dad hisses.
“We’ve tried, but the records are in bad shape…”
An awkward silence slips into the investigation for a few solid seconds.
“Therefore… you have no idea on how to solve this. Your wife was a renowned astronomer, Ewald; maybe her research could give us any clues.”
The blue bird’s feathers close his body tight, and his elongated head shape becomes more obvious, unlike when it was behind a puffy cloud.
Eris tugs the waist of her father’s delicate tunic; she whimpers in soft chirps, blinking to wipe off the tears that shine from her golden eyes.
Ewald caresses his daughter’s forehead, while he whispers soothing words to her, but to no avail.
No one dares to interrupt this moment of grief, one that every father can sense from the bottom of their hearts: an aching loss of a loved one, the agony of no longer being able to see someone you cared for.
I’ve… never seen Eris like this before, trying to hide her sadness– or feeling sad at all. Sunshine doesn’t remain forever, as cloudy days are to come when you least expect it.
I leave my dad’s side and get closer to my friend, hug her and hold her tight with my arms.
She cries, “I’ll do it. I’m going to solve this, just like how mom would’ve.”
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Taglist: @nexusofdomains @aspiringfictionwriter @fenth-eiria @awleeofficial @tigeryasou @iloveanimalsmorethanhumans @harleyacoincidence @the-lesbian-demon-queen1 @detectivepetrichor @squarebracket-trick @sapphireraeburn @fire-but-ashes-too @rabidasexualgarlicbread @ibrahim92056 @ghostenluvs @axl-ul @eldritchx @cosmicwonders111 @jasper-the-menace
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lillian-gallows · 11 months
Kinktober Day 27: Double Penetration (In two holes) with Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson
Pairing: Steddie x Fem!reader Word Count: 2660 (It got away from my a little lol) Warnings: DP, Anal (F receving), Vaginal and Anal Fingering, Dirty talk, P in V and P in A sex, Unprotected sex, Aftercare. Kinktober Master(sub)list.
Minors DNI
You were a ball of excited nerves, had been all day. Why? You may ask.
Well, that’s because you have a very special surprise for your boyfriends, Steve and Eddie.
The three of you had been official for a little over a year, and had shared many firsts with each other, but there was one that had been put on the back burner for a while, primarily because of the preparation that went into it.
You’d been more than vocal about how much you wanted them to fuck you as the same time, one in the front and one in the back, and they’d both been equally vocal about wanting to do it too, but that problem of needing time to prepare so you didn’t get hurt was always an obstacle.
Well, today was the day. You’d started it by using your fingers to massage all the muscles of your ‘back door’, even going so far as to slip a couple fingers in while stimulating your clit along the way to help feel yourself relaxed.
Then once you were as thoroughly stretched as you could manage on your own, you’d put in a plug. Nothing crazy, not massive or fancy, just enough to both keep you stretched and help the muscles get used to the feeling, it didn’t take long for it to start feeling really good.
Just those steps had used a lot of lube, considering that every source on the topic had basically said ‘When you think there’s enough, add more’ so when you’d used over half a bottle and could barely keep hold of the plug because it was so slick you felt confident that you’d done right.
It was a really good thing that the three of you kept plenty on hand because you were going to need it.
You were planted on the couch watching T.V. when your boys came striding into your shared apartment, all smiles and laughter, the kinds that get when they’ve been teasing each other, it warmed your heart to see it.
“Hi, Beautiful.” Steve said, pressing a kiss to your forehead on his way to the kitchen.
“Hey, Princess!” Eddie chirped, mimicking Steve’s previous action. “How was your day?” He asked cheerfully, entirely unaware of what waited for him.
“Hey, Loves. Great, been thinking about what I want to do for dinner, I’m thinking we might be pretty hungry.” You answered the wild brunette cryptically.
“What makes you say that?” Eddie eyed you with a lifted brow as he moved to sit by you on the couch, plopping down unceremoniously as he always does, causing you to jolt as the movement jostled the couch and therefore jostled you, moving the plug just right to send a shock of pleasure to your core.
“What was that face for?” Came Steve’s inquiry as he stood at the kitchen door, a glass of water in hand. “You okay, Sweetheart?” His worry quickly started to write itself all over his face, ever the mother hen.
“I’m fine, Stevie.” You answered quickly, face flushing a little. “I have a surprise for you two is all…” You answered coyly, looking between the two.
Eddie caught on a lot quicker than Steve as his eyes widened. “Yeah? And what would that be, Princess?” He asked, voice now low and slow.
Steve, bless him, caught the change in Eddie’s tone, but his confusion didn’t cease.
“You remember how we were putting off DP till we had time to prep?” You asked, excitement bubbling just below the surface.
“Yeah?” Steve answered slowly before his eyes went wide, the implications clicking in his head. “Fuck…” He breathed, face flushing an adorable shade of pink.
“I did most of the prep while you both were at work…There’s um-There’s a plug in my ass right now.” You snorted a quiet laugh at saying the words out loud. Sure, it’s a little immature, but if you can’t have a little harmless immaturity then what’s the point of living?
“Jesus Christ.” Eddie murmured, eyes drifting up and down your body slowly, full of desire. “What still needs done?”
“I could only stretch myself so much, so I need one of you to finish that.” You answered. “It shouldn’t take long, the plugs been in for most of the day.”
Steve and Eddie shared a look of silent communication before Eddie was on his feet, pulling you with him and all but dragging you to the bedroom, Steve hot on your tails.
Eddie planted you on the bed as soon as you entered the room before turning to Steve, who’d just closed the door. “Get her naked.” He ordered before making for the nightstand to grab a bottle of lube, only to find none.
“Looking for this?” You asked, holding up the bottle with a teasing grin. You’d left it on the bed earlier, wanting to waste as little time as possible.
Eddie chuckled lowly, grinning wide as he watched you wave it jokingly. “Yes, actually.” He answered as he sauntered over to the foot of the bed where you were sitting. “How did you know?” He joked.
“Call it intuition.” You joked right back, eyes lit up as you gazed up at him, Steve settling behind you on the bed, fingers drifting up and down your arms, causing goose bumps to bloom.
“Then intuit this.” He leaned toward your head. “Get out of those clothes.” His voice was low and authoritative. Steve didn’t normally get very dominant, at least not in the ‘telling you what to do’ kind of way, he’s always been more the ‘asking you to do something’ type.
This was a delicious change.
“You heard him, Sweetheart.” Eddie said, watching you through half lidded eyes, enjoying this new side of the other man as much as you were.
You stood from the bed as Eddie sat down, both men watching you intently as you pulled your shirt over you head, dropping it to the floor carelessly.
As you took off your clothes piece by piece, Steve and Eddie watched you while sharing slow touches and kisses, and you watched them right back, body getting hotter at the sound of Steve gasping against Eddies lips, pussy clenching around nothing at Eddies quiet groan when Steve palmed his cock over his underwear before taking them off.
Watching them lit you on fire the same way it did them.
Once you were naked Eddie beckoned you to them with a gentle hand, pulling you to the bed between them, Steve in front and Eddie behind. Steve immediately pulled you into a slow kiss, all tongues and gentle caresses, while Eddie was pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder, teeth nipping here and there to leave little marks while his hand drifted down to brush over the base of the plug, which made your pussy clench once more.
“You really are something else, Princess…” He whispered into your soft skin before looking over your shoulder at Steve. “Keep her busy for a sec, will ya?” He asked and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
Steve nodded slightly and pulled you to straddle him as he laid back on the bed, angling you perfectly for Eddie to get behind you.
Your lips didn’t leave Steves for more than a second as his hands roamed over your body, cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples, gripping your hips, while yours roamed him in return. Fingers slipping into his perfect hair to give it a tug, which earned you a soft moan, you wanted desperately to grind down against him, but that would make Eddies job harder.
As if sensing your frustration, Steve trailed one hand down your body to the apex of your thighs, running through your folds to coat them in your slick before rubbing small slow circles over your clit.
Eddie must have been too busy watching the pair of you because he didn’t touch you till you wiggled your hips unconsciously, then he was gripping them. “Christ, Sweetheart…Steve, you should see what I’m seeing…” He breathed softly.
You managed to pull your lips from Steve’s for a moment to pant out. “Cameras on the dresser…”
Eddie chuckled. “Maybe next time. My hands are shaking too much to take a good picture right now.” Then there was the sound of him opening the lube bottle, a quiet wet sound, then his chilled fingertips were rubbing around the base of the plug.
They worked almost in tandem, Steve working your clit slowly and occasionally teasing your pussy, while Eddie first worked the plug from you, then slowly stretched your rim, working methodically till he had three fingers moving in and out of you.
It ached at first, just like it had when you’d worked yourself open that morning, and just like it had when you’d put the plug in, but just like both of those times the pain soon subsided and turned into a low burning pleasure that had you pressing back into both of them.
“How’s that feel, Princess?” Eddie asked softly, pressing a kiss to your lower back.
“Good…Feels good…” You whimpered, wishing desperately for more.
“She ready?” Steve asked, looking past you at Eddie, who you assume nodded when Steve spoke again. “You want the back or the front?” He smirked, knowing neither of them actually had much preference.
“Flip a coin?” Eddie joked and chuckled when you whined. “I’ll take the back, so she doesn’t have to move as much.”
Steve nodded back and the pair helped you upright on your knees, holding you up as your mind began to drift, lost in the sensations of them.
“You ready, Baby?” Steve asked softly and received a nod in return.
There was another wet sound as Eddie slathered his cock with lube. “Deep breaths, okay?” He said softly before you felt him pressing into you slowly, almost frustratingly so, but you knew better than to rush, he was thicker and longer than some fingers or the plug, and all of this would be a waste if he hurt you.
You let out a sound at the stronger than before ache and Steves free hand caressed your face soothingly. “That’s a girl, keep breathing…Doing so good for us…” He whispered sweetly, his other hands still working your clit softly, which balanced the discomfort.
And once he was bottomed out, he held there, breathing deeply as his face buried itself in your shoulder, giving himself a rest as much as he was you.
“Steve.” Eddie said after a few moments, voice heavy and just this side of a breath.
“Yeah?” Steve answered, hand shifting from your head to Eddies to comb his fingers through the wild curls gently.
“Go ahead.” Eddies head shifted slightly, and you saw something in Steves eyes change in response to the look Eddie was giving him, something that made Steves cock jump against your thigh.
Eddie straightened up a little and pulled you flush to his chest, an arm under your breasts while the other turned your face to his to pull you into a long kiss while Steve shifted a bit, lining himself up with your sopping pussy.
He pushed in even slower than Eddie had, and you don’t think you’ve ever felt fuller in your life, it was a new kind of ache, the space between both holes stretched taut but in a way that wasn’t unbearable or even particularly unpleasant, especially when he too bottomed out and was pressed firmly against your g-spot by Eddies cock.
You could almost swear they were touching.
“Jesus-fuck…” Steve rasped, eyes screwed shut as he gripped your hips. “I can feel you, Eds…”
Eddie let out a breathless noise that was meant to be a chuckle. “Yeah…Yeah, I can feel you too…Christ…” He panted before brushing his fingertips along your cheek. “You okay, Sweetheart?” He asked softly.
Your body was alight with sensations, and you could swear that all it would take to make you cum at this point was for one of them to brush your clit, it was all so intense. “I’m okay…Full…Feels so full…” You answered, voice high and airy before swallowing thickly, trying to moisten your dry throat. “Don’t-…” You made a soft grunt when one of them shifted, it was hard to tell who, and it sent a zing through you. “Don’t think I’ll last long…” You made a similar breathy chuckle to Eddies.
“Us either…” Steve smiled softly.
“Won’t find out if you don’t move.” You pressed, one arm wrapped around Steves shoulder and the other reaching back to Eddies hip.
Both men chuckled at your insistence. “Yes, Ma’am.” Eddie said before slowly pulling out an inch or two, then pushing back in just as slowly, Steve doing the same on a delay, so when Eddie’s pushing in Steve was pulling out, making it so you never stopped feeling full of them.
It was euphoria. Pure euphoria.
Did you know that you can reach the g-spot from the back? Well, you can, so even when Steve was pulling out, Eddie was making sure it was never left unattended.
You were right about not lasting long, as almost four thrusts in you were clenching around both of them with a shuddering gasp, body flushing ever brighter as you gripped at them, both men grunting and gasping at the sensation, but they didn’t stop.
“So pretty when you cum, Baby…Such pretty noises…” Steve groaned as he pressed kisses to your neck, one hand reached back to Eddie, fingers once more in his hair, while the other still had hold of your hip.
“Can’t get any more perfect…Shit…Think I’m gonna cum…” Eddie murmured, and you could picture the blissed-out look on his face, his hand gripping your opposite hip while the other was holding the back of Steve’s neck.
“Mmhmm…” Steve managed, and it was clear from the look on his face he was in the same boat.
It didn’t take long for you to get worked right back up, a new knot tightening in your belly, this one stronger than the last. Your voice almost didn’t feel like yours anymore with how it came unbidden from your lips, cries of their names, half formed around moans and gasps.
You felt their hold on you get tighter in time with the careful in and out of their cocks, and the tightening of all your muscles, and before you could warn them you felt that knot snap, sending all three of you careening off the edge of pleasure together in a writhing mass of sweat, cum, and gentle touches.
The two men had to hold you up as your spent body went lax against them.
Eddie pulled out first, slowly and carefully, with a groan as his softening cock grew sensitive. “Jesus Christ…” He breathed before taking hold of you so Steve could do the same, letting out a grunt of his own.
“Get something to clean up with, I got her.” Steve said softly as he gently brushed your hair from your face, grinning when you smiled dazedly at him.
“Okay.” Eddie answered, leaning in to steal a kiss from the other man before you felt him climb off the bed.
“C’mon, Beautiful…” Steve murmured as he guided you to lay down, head rested on his chest as his arms remained wrapped around you.
You felt Eddie cleaning you up with a dampened rag before you even realized he was back in the room, but the sensation pulled a disquieted grunt from you, skin hypersensitive.
“Sorry, Princess…” He whispered as he finished up, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before tossing the rag away, to where you neither knew nor cared, then settled behind you, enveloping you in warmth.
You’re not sure how much time passed after that, but as long as you had both your boys, you knew you were just fine.
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allvre · 1 year
glue | jungwonxreader
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i haven’t written in ages so i apologize this isn’t my best. i still hope you can find some enjoyment in this lil blurb :)
for my luv bug maddy <3
warnings!: none just fluff :)
childhood friends to lovers
“i’ve never known someone like you”
after nightly facetime calls and texts telling me every precise action he does before every individual concert, he’s finally home.
i’m anxiously waiting at the airport fiddling my thumbs and scanning the area. i check the time for the one hundredth time in the past few minutes and the that’s when i saw it change, his flight just landed. i felt my heart drop my to my stomach.
jungwon and i have been best friends for as long as we can remember but somehow i can’t remember my hands ever getting this sweaty waiting for him or the amount of times i’ve paced back and forth with anticipation of seeing his face again.
“y/n!!” thats when i get snapped out of my thoughts by a group of boys yelling my name. i look over and see him, front and center. all the nerves have disappeared and i run up and jump on him like he was a wild bear. “oh why hello” he giggles holding onto me tightly, “hi” i reply almost shyly still not letting go of him because i just don’t think i can.
we all continue to walk out of the airport chatting and them telling me all of their stories at once and i still have not. let. go. eventually we reach the car and the guys are putting their belongings in the back, “hey bug you gotta get off now so we can get in the car but when we reach the dorm i promise you can hug on me all you like” he rubs my back ever so gently as i pout. “as long as we can watch our favorite movie too” i look at him with the most desperate eyes and his expression completely relaxes, “of course we can” the biggest smile i’ve seen shyly appears.
the dorm looked just like it did when i was here last a couple months ago. the only thing different was that it was extremely quiet. i looked down to see jungwon and i’s fingers interlocked while everyone was slowly creeping behind us like they’ve just seen their crush out in public. my cheeks heat up and a smile creeps up on me and he seemed to pick up on that.
“movie time?” he looks down at me but before i can answer he throws me over his shoulder and takes me to his room and gently seats me on his bed. “i was go-“ i start but once again i don’t get a chance to speak, “you don’t have a choice we’re watching it now, buttttt” he drags out his words and starts to pace nervously, biting the inside of his cheek. “i’d like to ta-“ it was my turn to interrupt “i’ve never met someone like you” i blurt out “what do you mean by that?” his eyes shot up at me
this is when the anxiety picks right back up like before and i begin fidgeting with my fingers looking at the ground. “we’re stuck together like glue” i exhale deeply still not bringing my eyes up besides the small glances i take at him to see his expression, he smiles. he grabs my hand and rubs the back of it “wouldn’t want to be stuck with anyone else” he says and my head shoots up this time.
“kiss me stupid” i smile as he placed his hands on my cheeks and looks at every detail of my face and slides my hair behind my ear and his cheeks flush a bright red and right then and there i kiss him. our lips acting on their own like they were meant to collide, the perfect puzzle pieces.
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
A wild about post appears!
Hey! I’m MC. They/them, late twenties. I also run Direct Action for Hope, for petitions/campaigns/protests that don’t fit on a good news blog, as well as my own takes and activism.
Queer, trans, disabled, white, USian, for context. (Please let me know if I accidentally post something offensive, btw! I promise I have like. an actual ability to take that kind of feedback gracefully and work to remedy the situation)
 Some Info about This Blog
Actual good news only!
No heartwarming stories that aren’t actually news. No stories that other sources THINK are heartwarming, but that are actually super depressing and dystopic!
All websites/sources are at least preliminarily vetted by me
If I don’t think a source and/or a news story I find is accurate or reliable enough, I find a new, better source with a new, better article
Relatedly, any links that have the url web.archive go to an Internet Archive copy of a paywalled article. Usually this is the LA Times, NY Times, or Washington Post. Not a weird suspicious link, I promise!
All posts are cited and dated at the end!
All posts should be tagged, including for major/common content warnings. I can’t promise that I won’t miss any warnings, but I am definitely keeping an eye on this
Filter the tag “not news” if you only want to see the news articles/posts
Feel free to send me articles to look at or submit posts! I’ll vet these before I feature them. That said, you might be waiting A While, because despite many efforts to the contrary I am the worst about checking/answering messages. Sorry about that
Posts are generally long because I have Many Words And Endless Details Disease. Hopefully the thoroughness and the bolded highlights make up for that
A couple people have asked me if I could share their donation posts, so I wanted to pin this up: I’m sorry, but unfortunately, I will not be sharing any donation posts, because I don’t have the time or skills to vet all of them and weed out any potential scams. If you’re struggling, please check out this post, which lists communities designed for donation posts and mutual aid. You’re much more likely to get help there than on tumblr. You can also find other mutual aid resource lists and wikis here, here, and here
If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, especially around climate anxiety or climate grief, there’s a really, really thorough directory of crisis hotlines by country that you can find here. Seriously, they have so many countries I wouldn’t have expected them to list - try it, if it might help
Tip Jar
I put a lot of work and passion into this blog—and a not inconsiderable amount of time. Also, I’ve been too disabled to work much at all for most of the past year...rip. (but thankfully doing better now!) So, if you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Good News Source
You can find a comprehensive list of all the websites I’ve bookmarked as sources for this blog here!
Note about Gaza
I will be posting good news (as much good news as there can be in this sort of situation) about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, because one of the most important ways to help is to refuse to be silent. Palestinians in Gaza have asked us to please keep talking about it, that it really does help, so I’m going to listen.
And honestly, my disabilities significantly interfere with my ability to take irl action like going to protests, so using what platform I have here really is all the more important to me. (Though I am also setting a notif on my phone to remind me to call my representatives every few days, and I encourage you to do the same if feasible.)
All that said! It is completely legitimate to need a break from horrific news (a huge part of why I started this blog), and it’s also legitimate to say “I need to find out about this stuff Not from my tumblr dash.”
If news about the war/genocide (esp on social media specifically) is making you spiral and shit, then I genuinely encourage you to filter out these posts. I’m not judging. I have significant filters around what Israel/Palestine stuff I see on here myself, because I want to be very intentional about the times I do engage with it. (Which is every few days and via the Actual News.)
I’m committing to fact-checking this stuff before posting, fyi, even with reblogs.
So, tl;dr:
I will be posting about Palestine and Gaza
I will still only post good news, eg: about successful protests, aid reaching Gaza, progress toward ceasefire
I’ll only post actual, concrete news, not just Politicians Saying Words
If you need to not find about this shit from tumblr and/or my tumblr, then filter out the tags “Palestine” and “cw war”
If you don't want to see my posts on this blog about the Israel-Palestine War, then block the tags "Palestine" and "cw war"
if you need a break, then take a break
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