#I can’t quite explain it
fruityfroggy · 6 months
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Original video here
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pearlsanddoves · 1 year
it started getting super cloudy on my walk and i thought i was going to get rained on but i really didn’t care and it felt really nice to just not give a shit.
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serialbxwl · 2 months
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baji keisuke doodle dump cuz i said so
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ratingboomercomics · 4 months
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So I wanted to post a gay comic for pride month but when I looked up “gay boomer comic”(and I cannot emphasize enough)the only results were either homophobic or furries(idk what this was about but there was so much furries). Luckily Gary Larson came through. My friend in trying times
I gotta give this one 9/10 I think, I love Gary Larson obviously, it’s a solid pun, and I love the cow lesbian bar, that’s iconic(I always get a kick out of the cows)but it’s not the best Far Side out there. The best one is Cow Tools obviously
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 3 months
a thing about me: i love to design soulmate aus that are the most inconvenient for the focal characters
(because the premise essentially demands that they get some kind of destined, happily-ever-after love at the end of the story, i like to treat myself to a little (or a lot) of emotional torment first!)
anyway, i just realized that the funniest possible soulmate situation for labru is one of those "the first words they say to you" tattoo AUs, because
laios does not notice, lol
kabru overthinks whether/how to tell him because being soulmates complicates the narrative he's been building around conquering the dungeon
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Y’know, I’m starting to think that maybe q!Cellbit actually legitimately escaped from the Federation in a stroke of pure luck.
I’m not saying that he isn’t brainwashed, because he probably is in some way, but I think that the fact that the Federation hates him kinda suggests that maybe they didn’t let him go in some sort of sleeper agent type of situation. (If anyone was a sleeper agent, it’d be q!Foolish, but I digress.) Because if he was a sleeper agent, why would they have bothered with El Quackity at all when they have a guy already there planning to run? Two guys, even, if you count q!Felps.
I legit think that it was just a freak coincidence that Cellbit’s corporate roboticism ran out at the same time as Felps’ ice treatment.
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cerealforkart · 9 months
There’s something to Lark wanting to be hated in the church of the doodler, and there’s something to Sparrow wanting to be forgiven with code purple, and there’s something to both of these situations and desires contrasting with each other that I can’t quite figure out in words but it’s been on my mind
Do you think Henry is as upset with Lark as he is with Sparrow? Because I don’t think he is
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synonymroll648 · 9 months
headcanon that as sophie ages, she gets more and more off-put by how she still looks twenty at some age past 40. the only wrinkles she has are smile lines and a barely-there crease between her eyebrows that never leaves. no gray hairs. it doesn’t feel like there’s any physical evidence of how much stress aged her too fast.
(maybe she dyes more grays into her hair to feel better about her reflection, the more time passes by. maybe, on bad days, she contours wrinkles into her skin with makeup. maybe the bad days get more frequent as she ages outside the human lifespan. maybe.)
#i feel like fitz and dex are the only friends of hers that really get it#since fitz understands more surrounding human cultures than most elves thanks to his firsthand experience in the search#and dex grew up with his mom’s romcoms#which would probably show some human perspectives on aging#and his mom explaining some things that didn’t quite make sense to Smol Dex#but i’ve always imagined sophie turning up on fitz’s doorstep in the middle of the night#with tears running down her face and saying she didn’t know who else to talk to about almost-immortality feeling so so so wrong as she#gets older. not necessarily just because he knows more about humanity than most of her group#but also because like. there’s some part of her that says ‘if he can help you through learning to be an elf at 12 maybe he can help you at#42 too’. and they’re cognates. and they’ve gotten old enough to set aside teenage grievances with one another#and i like the idea of them sitting on a couch together by lamplight and trying to navigate the cultural and personal differences#in how the two of them and humanity and the lost cities view mortality#and not really reaching a concrete conclusion. but rather. a conclusion that keeps the two of them sane until they reach triple digits.#and then they have the conversation again. and come up with a plan to stay sane in their triple digits. and the same thing pops up in their#thousands. idk man the whole thing screams trust down to the bone and that’s what they should have when the war is over#is there anything more Cognate than talking through wildly different fears surrounding the same thing that make both parties#super vulnerable??? down to how your minds work in the face - or lack of - death?#maybe so but i can’t think of them off top of my head#kotlc#sophie foster#kotlc headcanons#keeper of the lost cities
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akkivee · 1 month
@courage-a-word-of-justice post was getting a little long lmao
ichiro creating their filing system was mentioned in the first bbmtc manga drama track!!!!!
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and for the life of me, i can’t remember where they mentioned that saburo has a lot of money saved up, but it is a canon detail that saburo has over ¥10,000,000 in savings he acquired from playing the stock market. abema hosted these division study guide episodes back in 2021 on each division where they talked about character profiles and that’s the last time i remember it ever coming up lol
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the yamadas’ relationship with money is so fascinating and a dynamic i think is in the process of being told within the story, which that’s exciting lol, but i think those points hit it on the mark!!! i’ve been interpreting it as
ichiro is the eldest who is also responsible for keeping them afloat. keeping them together has always been the root of his fears so he micromanages everything, especially money as he sees it as the source of their safety
jiro grew up feeling very loved in the orphanage and regularly visits the orphanage if that 2️⃣3️⃣📚🎲 event in arb ik you’re far more familiar with than i am lmao was anything to go by. jiro’s situational awareness can be a little off sometimes, maybe bc he did grow up well in the orphanage and by ichiro making sure he doesn’t want for anything despite their living situation, so he might not be too aware of the what costs to stay together
saburo is very conscientious of always being protected, whether it was jiro protecting him from bullies extorting him in the tdd manga extras, to knowing how hard ichiro’s working for them and admiring him for him. i also wouldn’t be surprised if those savings of his were a ‘just in case’ fund if something were to happen that threatened their livelihood
rei’s made bank off those aforementioned means and he actually flaunts them at ichiro in his glory or dust verse lmao. if money is ichiro’s issue, he’s got plenty of it and rei always tries to reach out to ichiro to get him to join him, so rei’s wealth could maybe also be means of maintaining any kind of relationship with his sons
which also kinda makes me wonder what the future looks like for the yamadas lol. like that’s a point of comparison i make with bat and bb, the fact bat all know what their ideal future is but bb hasn’t talked about theirs. ichiro is so scared to not be with his bros; it was a topic point in those long removed hypnosis radios and the recent bb drama track might be seeding out the thought that what they have can’t last forever. do the bros retire early with saburo’s savings lmao and live together still??? it’d be nice to hear their thoughts on the future lol
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wanderinghedgehog · 1 month
It is so important to me that Javert is kinda ugly.
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hael987 · 2 years
While watching, I must say what @lutawolf said about “Win is not jealous of Team and his friendships. He’s possessive of the time in which he has with Team” really became more obvious to me this episode.
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Looking at his expression, he’s clearly not jealous that they’re there or that they’re friends with Team, he just simply wants this time with Team and for it to belong to him alone, so he devises a way to send them off and possess Team’s time for himself.
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Even that minute head nod maybe it’s not a nod but it felt like one to me when Team says he’ll drive them back just really shows (to me) that he’s not jealous of Team’s other interpersonal relationships. Would he want the time to be just for the two of them? Given how he keeps looking at Team in this whole scene, undoubtedly yes but he gets it - he knows at this moment this time is not his with Team because Team wants to drive them, he agrees with it.
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He expressly says himself Team can go hang out with his friends. If Team wants to hang out with friends then he gets that, he gets that it’s not his time, he’d be considerate about Team’s wishes. He’s not jealous of that friendship.
He wants what’s best for Team but also wants the time he does have with Team - the time he can have with Team - to belong to him (when it’s his).
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venti-death-watch · 6 months
my current genshin thought is that…. diluc returned to mond for a reason. he learned something, met someone, found something out, and now he’ll be in mond until the incident passes
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
One day I will cry long enough to make you feel so sorry for me you will write that meta about heteronormativity of marines
aw, you don’t have to cry! asking nicely is all it takes.
so, when i say the marines are a rigid, heteronormative institution, what do i mean by that?
they work in the service of a heteronormative government and society—the world government, and the world nobles, who consider themselves superior to the rest of the world because of their bloodlines
they have heteronormative values—among them strictly defined gender roles and prioritizing relationships based in blood/deprioritizing all others
they use those values to dictate how the ‘civilized’ world should behave and assume that everyone shares those values, marking those who do not as uncivilized, criminal, and rebellious
more details below the cut.
any kind of royalty or nobility that defines itself as superior to the masses because of their bloodline, ancestors, etc. is going to be particular about having proof of that blood connection. if you think your blood makes you better, you better have documentation of it, family trees going back eight hundred years so no latecomers can doubt your importance.
they’re also going to care deeply about the “sanctity of marriage”—not because it’s actually sacred, but because if wives are cheating on their husbands then you can’t trust your family tree. and if your family tree is a lie, then maybe you aren’t actually superior to all of those dirty, common masses. the horror!
lastly, they have to care deeply about children. because, until someone develops some kind of immortality elixir, the only way to keep your very important family going (and it has to keep going, or what’s the point of any of this?) is to have children. and you’re going to prioritize biological children over any other, because if the child doesn’t have your blood, they aren’t really superior to the masses.
(the exception: note that the child sabo’s parents adopt when he runs away is chosen for his aptitude in school and his higher status biological family. bringing fresh blood into your family that improves your status is always beneficial, whether it’s through marriage or adoption.)
so. special bloodlines, preserved by marriages that produce biological children. until someone develops alternate methods of reproduction—which is not out of the question in one piece—all of that requires heterosexual relationships. they have to be the priority, in order for the superior bloodlines to persist.
thus, the prioritization and normalization of heterosexuality by the world nobles—and therefore the world government that serves them—and therefore the marines that serve them.
what about those heteronormative values?
well, look at female marines. there aren’t many of them; even if you’re only thinking about named marines, women are outnumbered nearly ten to one. and the unnamed background guys are always guys, so actually it’s an even greater disparity. why? because a woman’s place is in the home. she should be a homemaker and mother, because continuing the family line is the point of a woman, according to the nobility’s heteronormative view of the world. going against that is to set yourself up for a struggle. and a number of these ladies do struggle.
bell-mère had to leave the marines to keep her kids, taking on a job with a highly variable income that left her nearly starving at times; men in the marines have no such trouble, though whether that’s because of narratively invisible wives or these men not caring if they raise their children well is unclear.
tashigi has an enormous complex over being treated differently because she’s a woman, and it’s not a complex that comes out of nowhere—she is treated differently. most of her opponents beat her easily and then let her live for no good reason; as a captain she’s idolized, not respected, by her crew.
then there’s characters like hina and tsuru, whose presence high up in the military structure is acceptable because they have powers that put their opponents into submissive, humiliating positions. you don’t see a female marine with one of those elemental devil fruits; no, they have to have a fruit with a power play component to it. because god forbid women hold positions of power if they don’t have a bit of a dominatrix energy to them. (actually it’s because they’re being subversive in service to the state and the status quo, which makes them acceptably quirky rather than rebellious, not unlike members of SWORD, or our single female warlord.)
and then there’s the prioritization of bloodlines.
we see that value most clearly in the paramount war, where ace is executed not because he’s the second division commander of the whitebeard pirates, not because of any crimes he’s committed, but because of who his father is. a man who died long before ace was born, a man ace hates because of the awful opinion the civilized world has of him (and therefore his kin), a man who had no influence on ace in any way but blood. that’s enough reason to kill a man, by the marines’ logic.
and the man ace does call father, who embraced ace and gave him a loving family? well, that man, as far as the marines are concerned, only took ace in to put him on the throne of the pirate king, making himself the power behind the throne. (because naturally a king’s son should inherit his throne! never mind that whitebeard’s power far outstrips ace’s—surely pirates would only bow down before their king’s rightful, blood heir—and the marines can’t allow for the pirates to unify under one man’s leadership like that.) to the marines, ace only has value as roger’s heir, and so they expect that to be all the value he has to anyone.
and this backfires on them. the betrayal from within the whitebeard fleet (which the marines orchestrated) operates on the assumption that whitebeard will prioritize ace over the rest of his fleet. but all of the whitebeard pirates are his children, and he makes that clear when he gives them an out, allowing them to abandon him to his death if they so choose. the marines wanted to show the world that even this benevolent father figure of a pirate captain was a monster deep down, but they couldn’t pull it off. they don’t believe whitebeard is sincere in his affections for his ‘sons,’ and that costs them the narrative they wanted for the paramount war.
there’s also this one-off line that i rediscovered while rereading impel down/marineford to prep for this post, which in retrospect explains garp’s manic insistence on his grandson becoming a marine.
in chapter 530, hearing that luffy’s broken into impel down, sengoku shouts, “if you weren’t called ‘the navy’s hero,’ i’d make you pay for the sins of your entire family, garp!” as a counterpart to it being just and lawful to kill people for the crime of being related to a sufficiently dangerous criminal, garp and others like him believe that if you serve the state well enough, you can be forgiven for the crime of being related to a criminal.
if luffy (and ace) had just become a marine, garp thinks, then the identity of luffy’s father wouldn’t matter.
which strikes me as very naive. of course it would still matter; blood is the only thing that matters to these people.
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#i wouldnt usually care about stuff like this. but every month or so i get two or three asks like this and i just got one earlier today#and look. i’m not saying u can’t hate ns or dislike them. feel free to send me asks that are like ‘ns you are stupid and you suck and i hate#you’ he IS stupid and he DOES suck and he is quite hateable. that’s fine#it’s just when you start sending me wholeass paragraphs explaining every single detail you hate about ns and how they deserve a slow and#painful death that i think two things: 1. you are finite waves reincarnated 2. you are weird! and strange even!#what are you on about! ns absolutely does NOT deserve a slow and painful death! and you absolutely do Not have to be so hostile and#aggressive towards them as a character! like Please relax. we serve bullshit here sir#most anti-ns asks i get are funny and are light hearted because it’s just people messing with ns on purpose or mocking him and making him#mad because he easily gets mad and it’s funny. Like those asks are fine. it’s another deal entirely when you send me this detailed and—#honestly—really mean message. I guess i am not surprised considering how similar ns and pebbles are in terms of personality#(and circumstances somewhat) and we all know how the fandom treats pebbles. even worse than ns. but yeah anyway#they are not an irredeemable unforgivable monster and they do not deserve to die. Hope this helps#to me even calling them a Bad Person is kind of a stretch. let alone the shit some of you are saying about them#we have to get normal about mentally ill and traumatized and autistic characters gang!#crammerposting#i also do not appreciate when people insuniate that ns is stupid for overworking himself and damaging his structure and so on and so forth#yes it is his fault but that didn’t mean he deserved what he had coming to him or anything like that. be nice to him
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mirazia1200 · 3 months
May or may not have made a list of songs that I may or may not end up singing for my friends in the near future… if the opportunity arises that is…
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fastsalad · 8 months
posting this because i feel like i’m the only one who isn’t a fan of it
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