#my dad and older sibling were present for this and I got the sense I was saying something wrong because they were just looking at me like 😐
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ratingboomercomics · 10 months ago
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So I wanted to post a gay comic for pride month but when I looked up “gay boomer comic”(and I cannot emphasize enough)the only results were either homophobic or furries(idk what this was about but there was so much furries). Luckily Gary Larson came through. My friend in trying times
I gotta give this one 9/10 I think, I love Gary Larson obviously, it’s a solid pun, and I love the cow lesbian bar, that’s iconic(I always get a kick out of the cows)but it’s not the best Far Side out there. The best one is Cow Tools obviously
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presidentstalkeyes · 4 months ago
Pines Family Headcanons (Take 2)
I know I already did something like this, but that was a while ago and my headcanons have evolved since then, and my fixation brain is in Pines mode again so here we go! (Mostly focused on the Mystery Twins but with some attention to the older generations scattered about)
The first member of the Pines family to arrive in America in the 1800s was Gabriel Penzak, a Sephardic Jew from somewhere in the Balkans. His last name was changed to Pines at Ellis Island, and his family later assimilated into the majority-Ashkenazi Jewish community in New Jersey. He was the father of Elmer Pines and grandfather of Filbrick.
Filbrick was the youngest of four brothers (the others were Philip, Fillmore and Fulton). He was the 'weakest' of the four, compensating with his intellect and business sense. He was also born with highly sensitive eyesight - flashes of light would blind him for hours - requiring dark glasses later in life.
His eyesight also meant he was passed over for the draft in WWII. Since all three of his brothers died in the war, this possibly saved his life. As a young man, he operated and maintained film projectors at a traveling carnival, under a boss who taught him many tricks (and bore a resentment towards 'freak show' acts, viewing them as talentless). It was here he met - and accidentally impregnated - his future wife Caryn.
Caryn Romanoff's parents were Pavel, a grizzled sailor, and Tanya, a fortune-teller - both Ukrainian Jews who fled to America to escape persecution from Stalin's Soviet Union. She also had two siblings - older brother Dimitri, a troublemaker and later hatchet-man for the Mafia (never a made man due to his non-Italian ancestry, but close enough for his family to disown him) and little sister Shprintze, who was married three times and had five children in total, all of them named after Roman emperors (except for her only daughter Cleopatra).
Filbrick and Caryn's first son was Shermie, born in 1947. Their second sons, Stanford and Stanley, came 8 years later in 1954. Shermie was a star athlete in high school and always kinda distant from his little brothers, in addition to being Filbrick's obvious favourite. Also a notorious flirt and brought many girls back to the pawn shop (and distracting Stanford from his homework with the resulting noises), and tattled on Stanley for bringing a possum into the store, forcing him to let Shanklin go. Was later drafted into the Vietnam War in the 60s, missing out on Stan's eviction from the house. When he returned from the war, the first thing he did after finding out he was a brother short was to track down Ford and deck him in the face.
While in Hawaii on R&R, Shermie started a relationship with a local waitress called Wikiola Kale. After getting pregnant with his daughter, Wikiola got a plane ticket all the way to NJ to ask Shermie's parents to look after the child, being too poor to raise a child herself. Filbrick almost slammed the door in her face until Caryn intervened. The baby - Louise - was the one in Caryn's arms the night Stan was kicked out.
Louise Pines first grew up in Glass Shard, then moved to L.A. after her dad married a rich businesswoman called Fiona Safesmith (the relationship with Wikiola having not worked out). Fiona was a less-than-ideal stepmom, trying to force her daughter to go into acting and disparaging her interest in DD&D and mystery novels. She also cheated on her husband after an old war injury acted up and he lost the use of his legs, and later went to prison for tax fraud.
Louise would later get a degree in criminology and met a computer geek, amateur ufologist and 'radical cool dude' called Emile Sauvageon (who ran away from a strict, isolated religious family). They started a relationship and had twins in 1999: Mason and Mabel.
Dipper and Mabel's full names are Mason Emile Pines and Mabel Louise Pines, respectively.
Lou and Em only moved to Piedmont on Shermie's recommendation (and with his money). They would regularly clash with their neighbours for their 'weird' habits (and refusing to maintain their lawn). They considered themselves the arch-enemies of the local HWA.
Em worked at a fancy silicon valley tech start-up, while Lou was a private investigator (the boring realistic kind that mostly deals with insurance fraud and the occasional adulterer).
When he was little, Emile used to wow his son with stories about he was secretly an awesome space pirate with a cosmic ancestry, evidenced by Dipper's birthmark. And Dipper believed him. Really believed him. When his dad finally told him the truth, he did not take it well. Dipper also butted heads with his mom a lot over the existence of the supernatural - she would encourage him to examine things rather than blindly accept them, but he'd often think she was just doubting him for no reason. In short, he had some trust issues with his parents.
Dipper did have some friends in elementary school, but most of them moved away, and in middle school he alienated his fellow nerds after he was kicked out of the tabletop gaming club for being too rules lawyer-y. The resulting slump also lead to him falling behind on band practice.
Mabel is asexual and aromantic, but didn't realize it until much later. Finding she was drifting apart from her friends, she wrongfully attributed it to not having a crush (in truth they simply started to see her as immature and embarassing to be around - you know how kids can get :V). Not wanting to be 'left behind', she dedicated the summer in Gravity Falls to getting a romance as 'proof' that she was a totally grown-up big gal now (while her only reference material were 80s animated comedies and age-inappropriate romance novels).
Mabel very nearly didn't get to go to Gravity Falls at all - she was in danger of being forced to go to summer school due to poor grades (unlike her brother - and like her Grunkle Stan - she experienced great difficulty with any subject involving figures and rote memorization, especially math, the sciences, and computer studies). Only a week of late-night cram sessions spared her from this fate.
Contributing to the above, she also suffered from a form of anterograde amnesia - she would easily forget things that happened just the day before - sometimes even less - until presented with a reminder, usually in the form of an object or person, often her brother. She originally started scrapbooking to help her remember things. This wasn't diagnosed until a year after that summer.
Dipper was in the Boy Scouts in 2011. He hated the experience, camping out in the woods with no games or books, not relating to the other boys and resenting being ordered around by his hardass ex-army Scoutmaster. But he did get a merit badge in astro-navigation, so that's something.
Mabel had a brief stint in the Girl Scouts as well. She quit after an attempt to sell cookies somehow ended with her troop being chased out of a neighbourhood by a knife-wielding maniac in a bathrobe. To this day she's only told Dipper the full story.
One time, Dipper watched Small Soldiers and subsequently destroyed all his action figures checking them for military control chips. He was also banned from Chuck E. Cheese after his 7th birthday when he checked the animatronics for anything suspicious and made Pasquale's head fall off in front of everyone (on the same trip, Mabel tried to get the animatronic band freed from their exploitative contract so they could pursue their true musical potential).
One of Mabel's favourite movies is Rocky IV. For a long time she genuinely believed that's how the Cold War ended and was very disappointed to learn that wasn't the case.
Mabel had a bug-catching phase when she was 10, spurred on by all the creepy-crawlies that would nest in their unmaintained lawn. She'd catch bugs in jars and invite them to have tea and review movies with her. This came to an end after one of the jars smashed and released fireflies all over the house. She was finding descendants of Francisco the Firefly living in the basement as late as 2014.
Lou and Em were not getting divorced - they merely had a fight about paying off their mortgage after Em lost his job, and Dipper simply overreacted and assumed the worst. They sent the kids away that summer while they got their affairs in order. In the end, they had to sell the house and move into a cheaper apartment in Oakland.
When they first returned from Gravity Falls, the twins' grades took a nosedive as they had difficulty re-adjusting to mundane life, experiencing frequent traumatic episodes and refusing to follow instructions. Their parents had to be called in multiple times after both twins got into a fight in the hallway because another kid made up some dumb rumour that they'd joined a cult or had been abused by their 'creepy uncle', or were just faking their episodes for attention. They were only spared mandatory counseling thanks to emergency 'how to pretend to be normal' coaching from the Grunks.
Dipper has to start wearing glasses a few months after leaving Gravity Falls. Mabel of course made fun of this, thinking that only the male Pineses turn short-sighted (and forgetting about her mom). She had to start wearing glasses at 16, to which Dipper only replied by smugly grinning at her.
In high school, Mabel started a knitting club, which ended up being the most popular club in school - mostly because she insisted that it was a safe space for anyone, and anyone who tried anything funny would have their lives made hell. In her clubroom, nerds, preps, goths and jocks sat side-by-side in peace.
Mabel also took up sports, especially wrestling, becoming captain of the girls' wrestling team by Junior year. She took up a high-protein diet to build her strength - this combined with a childhood spent binging candy finally catching up to her lead to her putting on a lot of weight. By adulthood she's developed what she calls a 'sumo bod' - chubby, but strong (and great for hugs).
Meanwhile, Dipper took up track and gymnastics while regularly going to the gym - to the shock of everyone, as getting pre-Gravity Falls Dipper to exercise was like pulling teeth. If he was gonna have to brave another apocalypse, he didn't want to be saddled with noodle arms. By his 20s, the combination of his 'baby face' with his square jaw and muscular body has attracted a good amount of attention from girls (and boys) - attention he is alternately mildly perturbed by or totally oblivious to.
Dipper also devoted extra effort to his art skills, hoping to achieve the same level as Ford. Sometimes he'd climb up onto rooftops to get a good view of the landscape to draw, and then add a completely gratuitous monster because why not?
Despite his best efforts, Dipper was never able to overcome Mabel's height advantage. In fact, in their teen years she gained a few extra inches on him.
Dipper still regularly wears hats even as an adult - though he's no longer self-conscious about his birthmark, he's been wearing hats for so long it feels weird not to. It's like his 'thing' - Mabel has her sweaters, he has his hats.
Past his school years, Dipper mostly goes by Mason, especially with strangers - 'Dipper' is reserved for friends and family.
Dipper got a doctorate in forensic science at college, and also interned at a coroner's office. He also did some work as a runner on a film set, but the experience at the Used To Be About History Channel soured him on show business. Instead, after getting his doctorate he decided to take up Ford's offer to apprentice under him from years before, hoping to become a paranormal investigator in his own right (incidentally, Candy Chiu took the same offer, and now they work together).
Mabel went to college too, but didn't particularly want to, only going because she felt pressured. She ended up dropping out after the first year and still feels aimless, not knowing what to do with her life. She currently still lives with her parents and has a decently fulfilling job at an independent haberdashery (sweaters will always be there for her), but she's not sure that's what she wants to do.
Both twins are adored by Soos and Melody's 6-year-old kids (also twins) - they're considered honourary Uncle DipDip and Aunt MayMay.
When he turned 16, Soos gave Dipper his old truck - as much as he liked it, he can't exactly stick his kids in the cargo bay. Mabel meanwhile drives the Mabel-Mobile, an old Soviet military van painted pink with a huge shooting star mural, plus a liberal amount of graffitti and bumper stickers. Where she got it remains a mystery - not even she seems to remember.
Mabel has a serious weakness for booze. She experimented a lot with various substances during her brief time at college, but cocktails really stuck. When she's drunk, she tends to shift between giddy and sentimental, grumpy and ranty, and depressed and regretful. You know she's had too much when she starts singing about 'Lady Apocalypse'.
Dipper never got as into that stuff himself, but he was introduced to weed by Wendy, relying on it to calm his anxieties during exam season. He's currently trying to wean himself off it by means of alternate herbal cigarettes.
Waddles had to be sent back to Gravity Falls after a few years, since he rapidly grew too big to keep at Piedmont. He currently lives in a lean-to next to the Shack that Soos built. He still regularly sees Gompers, to Mabel's delight.
Wendy also got both twins into tattoos, convincing Mabel to get a huge shooting star on her upper right arm. For her 18th birthday she also got a special pair of tats on the forearms - a pair of arrows with the right marked 'Fasten In Case Of Hug!'. Dipper was reluctant at first, but caved when Mabel designed him a 'pine tree heart' emblem, which he wears on his right shoulder.
Both twins are in a special 'Never Mind All That' group chat, along with almost everyone else in the Zodiac, plus Candy and Grenda (but not Gideon). Mabel had the idea for a 'hotline' of sorts that they could message whenever the old post-apocalypse trauma started acting up - knowing from experience how important is to have people to remind you they're there.
Every year on the anniversary of the end of Weirdmageddon, both twins visit Bill's petrified body, and scribble tally marks on his face - one for each year, alternating between Dipper's blue marker and Mabel's pink one (this is something I've already mentioned elsewhere but I felt like it deserved to be at the end. :P)
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adult-kinda · 8 months ago
First Impressions Matter
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Warnings: fluff, college student Jay, profanity, Jay is just so boyfriend coded I cried writing this
In which Jay does everything in his power to make sure that meeting your family goes well…
“Are you sure you wanna do that?” You asked at lunch.
Jay nodded casually. “I don’t see what the issue is. It’s about time, don’t you think so?”
The topic at hand? Him meeting your family. Jay is an amazing guy and as far as you can tell there are no flaws. But your family is very strict about who you date and they can be very pushy people at times. Your younger siblings are the worst about it, always asking about who Jay is. But for Jay he thought after hitting the four month mark he was more than ready to meet the family.
“I don’t know, Jay. They can be a lot and my dad is very protective.” You said hesitantly.
Jay grabbed your hand gently which caused you to look up at him.
“Hey I’m not gonna push this if you don’t want me to. I just think it would be good for them to know who I am sooner rather than later.” He said honestly.
Jay’s words gave you a sense of comfort that your last relationship couldn’t provide. That’s also why you were scared to have Jay come over. The last guy did not work out too well having showed up too casually in sweats and no full sentences. But Jay was different; he was perfect. He could manage your family’s high demands.
“Okay.” You said.
Jay’s eyebrows shot up. “Okay like I can meet them?”
You nodded smiling at his excitement.
“I’ll ask my mom when she would like to do this.”
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Saturday arrived and you were pacing in your room. Thursday evening after school you asked your family if they would like to meet Jay and that was all it took. Your siblings cleaned around the house, your mother purchased the best meats at the store, and your dad shined his pistol. Now the day had come and you were panicking.
Jay texted you throughout the day words of encouragement and when he was leaving to ease your anxiety. It worked but as it got closer to 6:30 you got more and more nervous. You made sure to where your best outfit to make a good impression on Jay in the event that your family failed to.
Your phone buzzed and it was Jay.
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The next thing you heard was the doorbell ring. You ran downstairs to try and beat your family but they were already there ready to answer. Your younger brother was the one to open the door.
“Who are you?” He asked with a frown.
Jay smiled politely. “Hi I’m here for Y/N’s family! I’m assuming you’re Baekhyun?”
Your little brother gasped with wide eyes.
“You know me?” He asked with shock.
Jay crouched down to his 10 year old figure.
“I do! In fact I know you so well I got you this game you’ve been wanting.” He says as he pulled a video game out of the gift bag he carried.
Baekhyun happily took the gift and laughed.
“Noona your boyfriend is Santa! I like him!”
You chuckled and watched as Jay stood up properly to meet your father.
“Hello Mr. Jung! I am Park Jeonseong but you may know me as my English name Jay. It is wonderful to meet you sir.” He said as he bowed.
Your father raised an eyebrow and took his hand to shake it.
“Well hello Jay! Welcome to our home.” He said with surprise. This was definitely a 360 from the last guy you tried to bring.
Jay took out a box from the bag and presented it to your father.
“Your daughter mentioned that you enjoy watching American basketball, specifically the Los Angeles Lakers. I hope you don’t mind but I was able to find a limited edition pen for you. I hope you enjoy it sir.” Jay presented the box which had your dad’s name engraved on it too.
The older man was very impressed. Clearly Jay put a lot of thought into his first impression and he was doing a damn good job.
“Why thank you Jay! This will go right on my desk! Please take off your shoes and come in!”
With that Jay slipped off his nice dress shoes and stepped into the guest slippers you laid out for him.
“So this is the most handsome Jay my daughter speaks of!” Your mom said excitedly.
Jay chuckled and bowed to her. “Hello Mrs. Jung! I have heard many great things about you and your cooking so I am very excited to meet you!”
Your mom opened her arms for a hug.
“Ah come here you! And just call me mom!”
Jay gladly took her hug invitation with a smile. When he pulled away he took a set of neatly folded aprons out of the bag.
“My mother helped me pick these out for you, I hope you enjoy wearing them.”
Your mom just about lost it. Did he really get a gift for each family member? Now that was how to make an entrance.
“Oh my stars let me put this on right now! Thank you so much Jay!”
He nodded and shifted his attention to your 14 year old sister who was gawking at the man in front of you guys.
Jay looked up at you briefly with a raised brow.
“And I’m going to assume that you’re Minji?” He asked.
She nodded with heart eyes. Honestly you couldn’t fault her, Jay was a handsome man.
“I’m also single.” She said.
Jay chuckled. “Well I’m not but I heard something about you wanting to marry Jungkook so…” he pulled out the BTS seven album. Minji gasped and almost cried. She had been saving up for that album!
“Oh my gosh you didn’t!”
“Oh I did!”
“Oh my gosh sis you literally have to keep him! Aaaahhhhh!” Minji practically screamed.
She happily took the album and went to unbox it on the couch.
Jay finally took a proper look at you and smiled with a blush.
“Well hello Miss Y/N!” He said jokingly.
You giggled at his politeness and went in to kiss him before he backed you off.
“Out of respect for your dad I’ll kiss your hand.” He said before he planted a kiss to the back of your hand.
You blushed at his actions. He was definitely making an impression.
“I’m surprised you remembered those details over the months!” You commented.
Jay shrugged. “Well I’ve been taking notes. Enough notes to remember your bouquet of eucalyptus, white roses, and baby’s breath.”
Your smile beamed and Jay felt like he was on top of the world. Making you happy felt like his new purpose in life. He would do anything to make you smile.
“Thank you so much, baby!” You said happily.
He followed you to the kitchen to put the arrangement in a proper vase.
“Sweetie why don’t you take Jay to your room, if it’s clean.” Your mom suggested.
You groaned at her last words. “Mom of course it’s clean!”
“Not always!”
You quickly took Jay upstairs to your room and just as you were about to close the door your dad shouted from downstairs.
“Open door policy tonight!”
You groaned annoyed with his words. Jay took a seat on your bed and looked around. The room was about what he expected from you; mostly organized, pastels, it was just you.
He looked up at you with a smirk. “Nice room you got here.”
You rolled your eyes and sat on his lap. “Better than yours.” You said referring to the many times you’ve been at his house.
“Hey I changed the bed sheets to white because of you so you’re welcome!”
You chuckled and leaned into him.
“So far so good huh?” He asked.
You nodded in his chest. “Better than I anticipated. And definitely way better than last time.”
Jay nodded and lifted your chin.
“Well now that we’re in your room…”
You looked at him mischievously.
“I think I can finally kiss you without repercussions.” Jay said.
You chuckled and leaned in to meet his lips. He was pleasantly surprised by the new strawberry chapstick you wore specifically for tonight. He liked it a lot. Probably too much because there was a sudden knock followed by an ew! at your door.
“Sis mom said to tell you the food is ready! So disgusting.” Baekhyun said before heading downstairs.
Jay chuckled as you groaned annoyed with his behavior.
“I thought it was gonna be one kiss, it’s been like five minutes!” You complained.
Jay skidded you off of him and straightened himself up.
“I’ll make time for that later princess. Now let’s go eat!”
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“Wow! The food was absolutely amazing Mrs. Jung!” Jay commented with a stuffed belly.
Your mom waved him off. “Oh please call me mom! And it doesn’t take much, just a little bit of love!”
You smiled happily. So far everything had gone right. The food was amazing, when your siblings tried things Jay went along with it, even your dad was impressed!
“So Jay, tell me about yourself.” Your dad requested.
Jay took a sip of water to prep himself. “Well sir, I am a full time student at the same university as your daughter and I work part time with my father. He has a company based in Seattle Washington in America so he travels quite a bit for work. I am studying business and plan to inherit the company and expand it here in Korea. I also play rugby for the university. I am fluent in English and am currently studying Japanese. Is there anything else that you would like to know about me sir?”
So far your dad was further impressed. He seemed to check most of the boxes but he still had one big question.
“Yeah, why my daughter?”
“Honey! I’m so sorry about him!” Your mother apologized.
You even gave your dad a look.
“No no it’s okay. Sir I think that’s a good question but the better question is why not your daughter? She is one of the most kind, caring, smart, beautiful individuals I know. She can adapt any role anyone needs her to be. When I need to talk she listens, when I need advice she gives it, when I need rest she lets me, and when I need attention she offers it. She is the first person everyone trusts. I have never met someone I could just look at and know I want to marry that person as soon as I can but she has that impact on me. This is a lovely family here and you all are amazing people. I know that I want to build what you have built sir and I want to build it with Y/N.”
The room went silent. You could almost hear a pin drop. You were in a bit of shock. No one had ever declared their love for you in that way.
“That shit was cute as fuck!” Your sister said with a quiet sob.
You hit her arm for ruining the moment.
“Minji watch the language!” Your mother said with a proud smile.
Your father unexpectedly stood up and walked over to Jay causing him to do the same. His face showed no emotion as Jay tried to hold his composure.
Then your father stuck his hand out and pulled Jay in for a hug.
“Welcome to the family, son.” He said with a newfound smile.
You smiled with tears pricking your eyes. Jay made sure you had no reason to regret your decision. He saw you and gave you a cheesy wink. All you could do was smile.
“Well that was wonderful Jay! And if everyone is finished I will get started on dishes.” Your mom said.
You quickly jumped up to help her, another thing Jay loved about you.
“Hyung do you play video games?” Baekhyun asked.
Jay smirked coolly. “Are you kidding? I’m a god at Call of Duty man!”
Before Baekhyun could drag him off your dad motioned him toward his study. You looked over with concern.
“What’s he doing, mom?”
Your mom shrugged as she ran hot water. “Who knows, it’s your father after all.”
Jay had no concern as he entered the study until he saw the pistol laying on the desk.
“Relax, son. I’m not gonna kill you it’s just for intimidation purposes.”
Jay relaxed in the chair and looked at your father with the most respect he could muster.
“Now my Y/N is my first born and I do not mess around when it comes to my children. I trust you but if she ever comes home hurt I will hunt you down, CEO or not.”
“I understand sir. I will do my best to keep her happy.” Jay responded.
Your dad nodded. “Good. She’s a great daughter but she can be stubborn like her mom. You gotta have a lot of patience with her. She’s also nervous about relationships. You’re probably aware of the last guy, he showed up in sweats so dress pants and a sweater is a nice change of pace.”
Jay chuckled at your dad’s words. “Yes sir she was actually concerned about me meeting everyone because of the last experience.”
“And she proceeded to stay with him for another 8 months or so? He was horrible. Now I don’t expect to see that behavior from you young man. I’m trusting you with her.”
After a while they finally came out of the study. Your mom watched how you looked at Jay with a smile.
“Go be with him!” She instructed.
You nodded and dried your hands to be with your man.
“Everything is perfect, my dear!” He said calming.
You gave him the warmest hug. Jay would always cure your anxieties, that you could count on.
“Ice cream?” You asked muffled my his shirt.
He looked down at you with a raised brow.
“Ya’know, to celebrate!” You added.
Jay smiled and planted a kiss on your lips. “Grab your shoes, I’ll negotiate with the parents.”
You rushed upstairs only to find notes on your bed from your siblings.
Y/N he’s a good guy! He got me COD! I like him. Can we keep him?
Big sis thank you for showing me what love is supposed to look like. I need to find a guy as amazing as Jay.
You smiled and slid on a pair of shoes. As you got back downstairs your younger siblings were pestering Jay.
“Hyung I want ice cream too!”
“You can introduce me to your friends!”
“Okay that’s enough you two! Baekhyun I think it’s time your sister and I to enjoy our time together, yeah? And Minji you are 14 you have plenty of time to find a boyfriend who is your age!” Jay said
You quickly jumped in to save the day. “Ready?”
Jay smiled and nodded. “They gave me the okay so let’s go!”
The moment you both got in the car you let out a breath you didn’t know you guys had been holding.
“Did you mean everything you said at the table?” You asked.
Jay looked over at you and smirked. “Every last word. I’m gonna marry you and have a life with you. I mean that.”
That’s all it took for you to reach over a kiss your man. You accepted all of his love, his passion, you took all that he gave you. It broke Jay to pull away.
“Okay let’s head out of here before we start something we can’t finish!”
And with that he drove away to Baskin Robbin’s making sure to have you home by 12:00. Jay assured you that he understood how important first impressions were and we was going to make sure he made a good one every time.
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museofnyx · 2 months ago
𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄| William Afton Fanfic
Hey everyone! i hope you enjoy what i write, and if so i would like you to let me know. This is part of a story i tried to upload to Wattpad before but was unsuccessful due to the lack of time i had as I'm in college, but still, i wanted to give it a try here on Tumblr ;) There are many obvious things that are 18+ appearing in this story to work, so just ignore the post if you don't like it, don't report it please!
PART 2 HERE!! part 3 here!!
Warnings: NSFW🔞, mentions of death, torture and unhealthy relationships, age gap, perv!William. Violent acts are descrived in very graphic way. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I'LL BLOCK YOU!!!
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Today was supposed to be a special day, i thought my life was good, i thought i would have a wonderful life like the one my mother always portrayed for me... how could a perfect girl like me could be ruined in a matter of hours?
I couldn't understand a thing that was happening, everything was blurry as i tried to open my eyes and my whole body ached.
"What is this place?" I asked myself, when all of a sudden, I distantly hear those kids again, screaming in their own happiness. My vision was blurry and i was trying to focus my sight really hard.
The fresh smell of blood was everywhere, as i started to panic again i heard his voice... everything started to make sense as i recovered my consciousness, i was doomed and there was nothing i could do.
𝙉𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙢𝙚.
𝙉𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚.
I screamed until my throat bled. No one was coming.
𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩.
𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙚.
𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚... 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙢𝙚.
𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚... 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚.
𝙈𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙖, 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙢𝙚. 𝘿𝙖𝙙 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚.
𝘾𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙢𝙚?
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My life changed when Danny was born, me being 12 years older than him was hard, i had always wanted a sibling but i was too old and impatient to be able to play with him one day. Time had gone by so fast that i only realized i was just the babysitter to my little brother when he started walking. I never really cared about it, i loved taking care of Danny, we both enjoyed to go for a walk on Sundays and then get ourselves some ice cream on the way home. There was much to do this summer, Danny wanted to celebrate his birthday at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, this stupid restaurant with animatronics and live performances. I tried to convince him otherwise, but he stood his statement. He wanted his birthday party at Freddy's.
"Mom!" i yelled coming down the stairs. "We're leaving, is Danny ready?" "i am!!" Daniel yelled back as he waited at the door for me, holding in his arms a present. I walked towards him with a smile, holding his hand ready to go. "Oh! and Nina, try to be careful please and be back on time" i heard as soon as we both stepped outside, my mom warning me before we leave. "We will ma, don't worry" i said quietly as i closed the door behind me.
Danny and I were on our way to Freddy's, my friend Cameron had invited us to her sister's birthday party and of course my brother was not going to miss a chance to be there with those animatronics. Mom and Dad had placed a curfew, we had to be home at least at 8:00 pm, not a minute late. It was ok though, we had at least 3 hours to be surrounded by pizza and music.
"I can't wait to get there Nina! i want to see Bonnie again!" he said filled with joy. "You will have time to do everything you want Dan" a slight smile appeared on my face, if he was happy, so was i. "And can we get some ice cream on our way back, then? Pleaaasee" "Sure, just if you don't tell mom"
And with that, Daniel couldn't stop talking about how much he'll enjoy this day.
As soon as we arrived to Freddy's i made sure to tell Danny some safety rules, no sooner than i finished did he ran away to play as every other kid would. My friend Cameron greeted me and i handed her the present we got for her sister. I was happy to see her. We sat down on a table where we were able to take a look at our siblings and where we would also be visible to them in case something happened.
"So, what are you going to do now Nina?" Cam asked me but i was lost in my own thoughts. "Hey, is everything ok?" she said as she moved her hand closer to my eyes, waving slightly to pull me back to reality. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly looked her way, "Yeah... it's just that i feel like someone is watching me" my voice came out quietly, as if i were telling her a secret, i was feeling uncomfortable and my face clearly showed it. "Don't worry too much about it, we're surrounded by people" she said giggling. "Yeah, i guess so" i responded with an uneasy smile.
We both chatted for a while, i had told her my plans about moving out for college and all that stuff, she seemed to be very excited about our future and so was i. Unfortunately, i couldn't see the man that was eavesdropping our conversation, maybe if i had paid a little more attention i would have known better that my anxiety was not tricking me.
"Well, i know for sure i won't be getting married soon, i don't want kids, i've had enough with the kindergarten at home" Cam told me as she bit her slice of pizza. I laughed at her comment; she had four siblings and i was pretty sure she meant what she said. "Yeah, me neither, besides we're still young to be thinking about that" i told her in response while eating my last strand of pizza.
We kept talking but i slowly got lost in my thoughts again, i still felt someone watching me and i was looking carefully around me to see who it might be.
"Nina, you sure you ok?" Cam snapped her fingers at me. "Yeah...yes i'm ok, i'm sorry" i smiled at her while i apologized for not paying attention to her, trying to reassure what i was feeling.
As soon as she started talking again i looked at a pair of gray piercing eyes that were already looking at me. The man in a purple shirt smirked when i caught him staring at me, i quickly noticed the security badge on his shirt and as soon as i looked straight into his eyes my whole body shivered.
"Cam, that man... he is the one that has been looking at me the whole time" i told my friend completely startled, my voice was slightly shaky and i could feel a cold shiver down my spine. "Don't worry Nina, he's the security guy, that's his job" she said almost rolling her eyes. "They have to look out for everyone"
I decided not to follow that conversation anymore, maybe my mind was tricking me again so i decided to go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. "Could you watch out Danny for me? I have to go to the restroom" i asked Cameron while standing up. "Sure, don't worry" ================================================
The uneasy feeling was not leaving my body and i had already damped my face with water several times, i quickly looked at my watch as i wanted to go home as soon as possible. "Fuck, it's almost 6:30...it feels like we've been here for ages" i thought to myself.
I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror one last time before i got out the bathroom. I was going to look for Danny just so that we could leave but Cam wanted us to stay a little longer. "We still haven't got cake!" she said with a big smile, hugging me and holding me by my shoulders as she guided me back to our seats at our table.
I was finally calming down as i no longer saw that man, now i could enjoy my slice of chocolate cake. Daniel came running to us in a silly way just so that he could get a slice too and i couldn't help but laugh at the thought.
He seemed very happy, all he spoke about was the games he played and the other kids that played along with him, but he stood quiet all of a sudden, i got worried quickly but a big smile appeared on his face. And there it was. I felt a big hand on my shoulder, "It's Springbonnie! look Nina! and he is smiling at you!" he said with great joy, his eyes almost seemed filled with sparkles as he looked behind me. "Hey little man! Do you want to join us for the big party? We have lots of prizes!" A high pitched and squeaky voice echoed in my ears. It was clearly a man's voice...just, in the role of the mascot. "Yes! I do want to go!" Daniel didn't think about it twice to answer him. "I'm sure your pretty sister would want you to have some fun, right?" And as the yellow rabbit said that i looked to my side, the same gray eyes were staring down at me. The panic flooded my body and i couldn't say a word. "Sure! it's still early, everyone can have some fun and relax!" i heard Cameron say. "You can go with Springbonnie and all your friends Danny!"
I slowly felt his hand letting go of my shoulder, his eyes never leaving mine. I snapped out of my thoughts when i heard all those kids screaming and having fun, i looked at my friend. "You see? everything's ok, there's no need to worry, you both will be home on time" she smiled softly at me.
If only i knew that was a lie, if only i had trusted my gut. If only...
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911is · 6 months ago
My thoughts on the Diaz mostly Helena and Eddie's relationship.
I think the reason why Eddie’s parents especially Helena are so hard on him and so neglectful towards how is he and his feelings. Is because Eddie has always been around Helena; there has probably never been a moment where kid Eddie and Helena were separated. This makes Eddie biased and a mama's boy (at that age) and probably up until they took Chris.
But yeah yeah it’s always been Eddie and his mom together, which means Eddie had noticed his dad wasn’t around a lot and just unconsciously stepped into this role of being everything his mom needed, so that means helping around the house and just being an all around good kid for her. Obviously he got to do kid things; but the older he got the more he picked up on just be there and taking care of his mother.
So you have a barely present father and it’s you and your mom in this house together and Eddie is a person who’s always been anybody else but himself for other people. And this is where it starts.
And now Eddie’s got a new sibling on the way and his dad is telling him “step up and be a man” and Eddie is no longer having a sense of self; he’s a Son, he’s going to be a brother and now he needs to be a man. So the feeling of taking care of his mother grows and Helena is no longer seeing Eddie as a kid, she’s starting to see him as a person she can rely on.
( I don’t know how far apart in age the three of them are)
Helena has Adriana and Ramon isn’t there but Eddie was and his first thought was that he needed to get his mom to the hospital quickly. So what he does is he gets into his father car and tries to pull it around for his mom to get in. But since he’s a literal kid and doesn’t know how to drive he crashes the car. And when his dad finally gets back and sees that he doesn’t think good job for trying son; it’s probably what were you thinking and you’re grounded.
And the same thing with Sophia Ramon isn’t there in the beginning of it; he literally says in a episode I wasn’t there in the beginning but I made i always make it to the best part which Is the baby is born and he gets to hold them. but more than likely Eddie was there during the start.
And then Ramon was probably off again which left Eddie with Helena and his two sisters. And Eddie’s taking more of a caring role: he’s making his sisters breakfast probably because Helena is too tired and he’s probably helping out more around the house than usual cause his father can’t/isnt.
So once again Eddie isn’t seen as a little boy in his parent's eyes now, especially Helena. He's her rock, her little man, and her biggest helper. She more than likely relies on him to be that for her.
So now Eddie's this adultifed kid that mom leans on and he's seen even more as an adult at eighteen; becuse now Eddie has Chris and now it solidified what Helena and Ramon already made Eddie out to be a Man a adult.
So Helena can't be more sensitive towards Eddie because its set in her mind Eddie should know better and do better by now.
And I haven't gotten into the fact that maybe she and Ramon probably sees Chris as a second chance to raise a kid in their own vision.
Helena especially, this is my opinion that she sees Chris the way she never got to see Eddie.
A kid that she can baby a son that needs her that relies on her. She wants to right a wrong, it is why she was so adamant about getting Eddie and Chris to stay out in El Paso with her and Ramon.
And I can honestly go on about this in more detail but I won't cause this post is already too long.
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poppadom0912 · 1 year ago
His Girl
Warnings: Brief mentions of the Burke drama and Hannah's overdose situation, Will's dating life?
Summary: Through all the women in his life, at the end, only one ever truly mattered.
A/N: Just because I want to, I'm changing a few things around just for the plot. I was inspired by several fics on ao3 about singlefather!Will so i thought i'd make this part of my Faith Halstead series. Hope you enjoy!!
This is my last fic of the year. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and will have a wonderful new year. Fingers crossed 2024 will be our year. See you all next year!!!
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Faith's mother had never been present. It had always been just Faith and Will from day one and he never saw a reason for that to change till he moved back home to Chicago.
Then Will's favourite duo became a trio, Jay unsurprisingly becoming a staple in their lives. Will didn't see any reason to change this dynamic when everyone was happy.
But then he met a few women who changed some things.
Natalie was the first to some degree. There were feelings on both sides but she had a newborn son and a mother-in-law who didn't like him for some reason. Their kiss was a 'mistake' and so he moved on.
Nina was his first official girlfriend since moving back and his hesitancy to get back into the dating scene was as clear as day. So they took it as slow as necessary.
Will was scared. He liked Nina relatively and they were at a point where he was comfortable enough to introduce her to Faith but the lingering fear of abandonment remained. He didn't want to introduce a female and a possible maternal figure into her life just for them to leave.
Luckily, Faith was just touching five when they broke up and he finally got with Natalie.
Those two to three years could be described as near bliss.
He loved Natalie and to see how she took Faith in with open arms, he could've cried on the spot right then. And she was the perfect older sister to Owen, three years her younger, getting along as though they were blood related siblings and being as thick as thieves.
"Hey bubbles." Will called out. His nerves radiating as he sat down besides his daughter on the floor with her toys splayed out on the carpet.
"How would you feel about papa and Natalie getting married?" He asked, apprehension lacing his words. Marriage and having a mother were topics Will often breached with Faith but it had never got this serious and he'd never do anything to this degree without having Faith's permission.
But the second her brown eyes lit up as bright as the stars in the sky, Will felt like everything was finally coming together and for once, he could give his daughter everything she wanted and deserved.
Faith was seven when everything came tumbling down.
She'd been with the bridal party when everything unfolded. She tried remaining naive to the nerves of the bride who she had yet to start calling mum. She tried remaining oblivious at the church when her dad hadn't shown up yet but she sobbed her little heart out when Will was dragged away from her into witness protection.
For the first time in her life, Faith didn't have her dad and she didn't know what to do with herself. Nothing made sense to her, living in a house with Natalie and Owen but not her papa.
When uncle Jay Jay brought him back though, Faith's world was glued back together again, she could finally breathe and for a second everything went back to normal and she thought they'd get the happy ending they deserved.
But then Natalie, the only motherly figure she had besides Maggie, broke up with Will and wouldn't let the duo back into her life.
That was the first ever heartbreak Faith experienced and somewhere deep down, she wasn't sure she was ever going to forgive Natalie for putting her and her papa through such pain like they hadn't been through so much already.
Her newly turned hatred was made apparent. Once the father and daughter moved out, whenever Faith found herself visiting the ED, she actively tried avoiding the woman and if they happened to stumble upon each other, Faith would send the hardest glare a seven-year-old could muster and not even a hi was exchanged.
Natalie's hurt didn't make Faith feel too guilty. She only felt a little bad when Will gently scolded her for being so cold to the woman who was supposed to be her mother once upon a time.
Faith was eight when she was introduced to Hannah. Ever since Natalie, Will had been more hesitant than ever to get into a relationship. The pain Faith went through post breaking up with Natalie had been long lasting and the thought of that happening again deterred Will from the dating scene.
But surprisingly, Faith was the first to propose he go forth with whatever his feelings for Hannah were. Somewhere deep down, apparently, Faith had a soft spot for the OBGYN that gave Will the confidence to move forward.
However, fast forward one year and no disrespect towards Hannah, but if Will could go back in time, he would've changed things.
Will could never forget the events that unfolded that night.
He was coming back from work, you were with Hannah at her apartment, spending the night together which made Will feel some sort of way knowing how well the two were getting along.
The apartment was pin drop silent when he entered which was surprising since it was a weekend and Faith always begged with her puppy eyes to stay up, Hannah could never resist them.
Just as he was taking his jacket off, he heard a familiar cry that caused the hair on his arms to stand on end, his head snapping up at the sound.
Will moved faster than he ever did before, taking large strides towards the distressing cries he barely heard from his little girl as she got older.
"Bubbles, what's-" Will cut himself off as he rounded the corner and caught himself in the bathroom doorway, gripping the doorframe so he wouldn't trip from how fast he was moving.
"Papa!" Faith's voice cracked as she cried. The second she saw her father; she scrambled up from where she was sat on her knees on the ground. "I w- I was just going to brush my teeth when I heard a bang and, and I found her..."
Faith sobbed into her father’s shirt, back turned to the unconscious woman on the floor, her face pushing into his torso as though she could burn away the image from her mind but she had seen enough.
Will immediately switched back on. "Bubbles, listen to me. I need you to go into her room and get that big bag that papa has at home and bring it. Can you do that for me Faith?"
Faith hiccupped, rubbing her red eyes as she nodded up at her dad. Will pressed a quick kiss onto her temple before watching her scramble out the bathroom allowing him to give all his attention to his girlfriend.
It was safe to say, that night did quite a number on Faith and Will found himself taking the blame.
Now in present time, Will hadn't dated anyone since Hannah. He talked to a few women at work and if things had been so much more simpler, something could've happened but then everything flashed before his eyes and he stopped himself.
Faith was eleven now and she was still the sole focus of his life besides work. He could never forgive himself for what he put her through with the women he tried bringing into their lives only for it to never work out.
In the end though, when all was done it seemed that just the two of them survived and thrived perfectly alone.
When Faith first came into Will's life, it was just the two of them battling alone together in a world neither could navigate and eleven years later, it was a little easier but there was still so much Will wished he could get rid of just for her sake.
The sound of the car door opening broke him out of his thoughts, his head turning as he smiled at his dishevelled daughter.
"Hey, how was school?" Will asked, softly smiling at her messy braid, tucking back the fly away hairs behind her ears before pulling away from the school.
Faith hummed, fiddling with her beaded bracelet. "Was good, I have a permission slip you need to sign."
"I'll do it tonight after work, make sure to remind me." Will told her as he started driving towards his brothers and sisters-in-law’s place. Despite his failing love life, his younger brother managed to settle down and Hailey loved Faith despite the short amount of time she knew her.
"Papa-" Faith stumbled over her words, picking the skin around her nails as she tried to form her question. "Um, are you happy?"
Will was caught off guard. His eyes widened a little as he took one hand off the wheel to stop Faith from picking her skin, his tutting making her stop instantly.
"What? Why would you ask that bubbles? Of course I am, I'm more than happy." Will answered confidently, looking at her at a red light to try understand what was going through her mind.
"Why? What happened at school?" Will's tone changed at the thought of someone saying something bad to his little girl.
"No! No! It was nothing like that I promise!" Faith hastily answered before her dad could turn the car back around to give the school a piece of his mind.
"It's just, you haven't gone on a date since Hannah..." Faith licked her lips nervously as she brought up Will's ex who didn't have the best lasting effects on them. "Is it because of me?"
"Of course not. Why would you think that?" Will asked her calmly, completely confused as to why she was thinking in such a way. "I promise you bubbles that I'm happy. You're all I need Faith."
While he drove, Will took a quick glance over to his right and found himself smiling at the adorable face Faith was making. Her eyes squinted from how hard she was smiling to herself at her father's comment.
"C'mere you little gremlin." Will said, welcoming how fast she got up from her seat to be enveloped into his arms. Squeezing as tight as he could, Will made sure not to suffocate her before pressing a kiss onto her hairline.
"Alright, love you lots. Have fun-"
"But not too much fun. I'll keep Uncle Jay in line." Faith rolled her eyes, already knowing what her dad was going to say since he'd been saying the same thing all her life.
Watching his not so baby girl run out the car and towards her uncle's home, Will felt his heart flutter, his chest all warm.
Yeah, he's made some questionable decisions regarding his love life but there was not one mistake made when it came to Faith. When everything came tumbling down, she was all that mattered and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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autistichalsin · 7 months ago
I love my mom but the lying and guilt tripping gets to be so much sometimes.
IE she overheard me talking about getting my brother a ticket to fly to comic con with us. She got pissed about money (fair enough I guess since he still lives with her and my dad) but then I brought up we were helping, and she got mad at me saying she missed my college graduation because of money so why didn't we help?
I just about lost it. I BEGGED her to come. I offered to pay for all the hotels or plane tickets. She's scared of flying so wouldn't do that, and won't let my dad go anywhere without her, so that was a no. And she said the drive was way too long, she'd be really uncomfortable, and my dad couldn't take that long off work.
She didn't come because she didn't think it was important. Bottom line.
In fact, I even mentioned at one point before the graduation I was grateful, as much as the pandemic sucked, that the graduation would be getting livestreamed because it meant she and my dad would see it no matter what. And she (granted, drinking at the time, but still) said it was horrible for me to celebrate people dying just so I could have a graduation.
EVERY TIME I brought up my graduation, she never showed the slightest interest, nor the slightest bit of sympathy that she was missing it. She went out of her way to blame me, act like I was the one being unreasonable. She continued showing absolutely no interest for my Masters graduation, so that I ended up not even bothering to travel (online program) because I knew no one would be there for me anyway, so why bother.
I didn't even get to go to my high school graduation, because it was an online program on the other side of the state. I had to be held back a year when depression hampered my academic performance, and my older siblings had already dropped out; in desperation, trying to motivate me not to do the same, my dad promised me that if I made it, they would too. So I worked through, got the credits I needed... and nope. My mom screamed that my dad spent too much on getting the car up to pass inspection standards (how does that even make sense) and that we therefore couldn't afford to go. So I didn't get to attend that either.
And you know what? Honestly, I made my peace with it- with the fact that my mom will never care about me the way she cares about my sister, that she just doesn't think my successes are worth celebrating (unless she can brag to someone online to seem like a good parent, I guess) and lacks the empathy to understand why me having my parents with me at major life events is a big deal. I worked through that and made my peace with it and have quietly decided I am not even going to bother inviting them to any future events I have, unless maybe I get married one day, I guess, though I feel she'd still try to find excuses not to go to that if it was more than a four hour drive from her.
I could deal with all that. But she fucking LIED about it to guilt trip me. She lied that she WANTED to come and it was money preventing her. That I never tried to help her get to me. And that's the part that hurts the most. That she wasn't there to celebrate when it mattered, but now has the nerve to lie about it and play victim, as though I'm the reason she wasn't there.
She always does this shit! When I was a senior in undergrad, there was an undergraduate research symposium everyone in my major was required to present at. It was ALSO on Zoom, so no excuse not to make it. I asked her and my dad multiple times if they'd like to see my present my research paper on a Japanese death cult and the effects it had on Japanese culture. They BOTH declined. So I invited my grandma, who was happy to be invited, and my best friend even walked her through setting up Zoom for the first time. AFTER the event, when I was telling my mom and dad on the phone about my grandma loving my presentation, THEN my mom got livid and said she had NEVER been invited, and of COURSE she would have come if she had the chance, why did I invite my grandma and not her?
She doesn't want to share in important things with me but then she gets pissed if I then share them with others instead. I guess she wants to feel so important that her declining would make me refuse entirely instead (as with my Masters degree ceremony?) I don't know.
I'm just tired of this man.
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topazy · 1 year ago
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 3.05
There is a striking absence of noise during breakfast aside from the occasional sound of Jace’s babbling and spoons scraping bowls. It was too quiet—no conversation, no small talk of any kind, not even gunshots lingering in the background outside. The uneasy tension causes the hairs on your arms and neck to raise.
In-between observing Jace attempt to feed himself mushy oatmeal, you watch as Carl picks at his food; he looks so lost. Everyone present was trying their best to look out for him, but he was only beginning to mourn his mom’s death. Sensing you were being watched, you look across the table you’re sitting at to the concrete steps leading to the next room and meet Daryl’s gaze. You hadn’t spoken to him yet that morning, and since there was an unspoken vow of silence, it didn’t feel appropriate to even say good morning.
With the feeling of Daryl’s lips pressing against your own, heat rushes to your face. Just as you start to feel lost in the moment he pulls away, his lips are now ghosting yours. You start to grow nervous when he doesn't say anything, but he finally breaks the silence, whispering, “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
Placing your hand on the back of his head, you pull him in for another kiss.
“Everybody okay?”
You’re almost startled to hear your brother's voice. As part of his grief, he had been avoiding everyone, including his new baby. You spin around to face him and are glad to see he looks better than when you saw him in the early hours of the morning, his hair, face, and clothes soaked in Walker blood.
After a long pause, Maggie answers, “Yeah, we are.”
You share a look with Hershel, who’s sitting beside you at the table; he had already tried to get through to Rick that he was being reckless and putting his life in danger, but he didn’t listen. The older man looks up at him and says, “What about you?”
“I cleared out the boiler block.”
You hear concern in Daryl’s voice when he asks, “How many were there?”
“I don’t know. A dozen, two dozen. I have to get back. I just wanted to check on Carl.”
You try your best to keep any hints of frustration out of your tone. He could hardly look at the sweet baby girl sleeping in Beth’s arms. “Stay here; rest. We can take the bodies out; you don’t need to do this alone.”
“No, I do.” He walks past you and goes over to Daryl. “Everyone has a gun and a knife?”
Daryl briefly meets your gaze; he swallows the rest of the food in his mouth before answering. “Yeah. We’re running low on ammo, though. Lily and Glenn are going on a supply run this afternoon to get bullets and baby formula, and we cleared out the generator room. Axel’s they’re trying to fix it in case of emergency... We’re going to sweep the lower levels as well.”
“Good. Good.”
When Rick walks out of the cell block, Hershel yells his name, but your brother ignores him. The older man sighs, “It might be time for tough love from a sibling.”
You both nod and settle Jace into Hershel’s arms before standing. Just as you go to leave, you feel a presence behind you and turn to see Carl looking up at you. His eyes widened with worry.
“Aunt y/n?”
“Can I go with Daryl and Oscar to clear out the ground floor? I asked Daryl earlier, but he says I need to check with you first.”
His words stung; right now, you were his only parental figure. You straighten the sheriff’s hat on his head and force a smile. “Sure, as long as you listen to what he says.”
“Do you think you’ll get through to my dad?”
“I hope so, munchkin.”
“Rick…Rick…” When your brother doesn’t respond to you calling his name for the third time, you say the one thing you know will get his attention, “Richard.”
He freezes just as he reaches the door leading outside. Rick slowly turns back around to face you, frowning. He says, “Nobody ever called me that, but dad.”
“I know,” you say, shaking your head as you walk towards him. “But it got you to stop, didn’t it?”
You had spent roughly twenty minutes trying to find him, and with each passing minute, you became terrified that something bad had happened. He had gotten himself killed by trying to take on too many walkers at once. When you open your mouth to speak, he waves his hand dismissively. “Y/n, just don’t.”
Irritated, you clicked your tongue. You felt for Rick; it was obvious he was suffering, but if he continued acting the way he was, Carl and the baby would soon become orphans. When he goes to open the door, you slam his door shut and step in front of it. “I’m worried about you, Rick. I’m worried you’re going to get yourself killed.”
“I’m fine.”
He tries to pull the door open, but you press your full weight against it, stopping him. Rick’s grip on the ax in his hand is so tight, his knuckles turn white. You could hear the walkers outside snarling close by, and Rick was in no fit state to take them on himself. “But what about Carl and your daughter? They need you; I need you.”
You don’t even realize you’re crying until you taste the saltiness of tears on your lips.
“How do I move on from this?” He asks. “How do I even begin to recover from this?”
“I don’t know,” you admit. “I sometimes think about the way we were before the world went to shit, and when I do, it hurts like hell, but it was different for me. The man I fell in love with died long before he died on the farm. I’m not going to tell you how to grieve, because hell if I know, but risking your life isn’t the way to do it.”
His eyes became glossy with unshed tears. “I haven’t even held her yet.”
You say nothing.
“Did you forgive them?”
You chew on your lower lip, struggling to answer him. Did you? In the pre-apocalypse you would have cut ties with both your fiancé and sister-in-law, but in the new world, you didn’t have that luxury to hold onto pain the same way you would have before.
“I was just—” He presses his head against the metal bars of the cell, a sob escaping from his mouth. “We were just beginning to forgive each other, and then she died, and now I’ll never know if we could have made it. But we’ll never know because both Lori and Shane are gone.”
Rick drops the ax in his hand and slides to the floor. You mirror his actions and sit down beside him. “What’s done is done. We can’t bring them back, but we need to keep it together for our kids. And you have a beautiful daughter waiting to meet her father.”
While you’re handing Jace over to Beth, Daryl walks over to your bunker. He tilts his head to greet the young girl before looking at you. “Hey, are you and Glenn just getting ready to go?”
“We are just getting ready to go now.”
He says nothing while observing you, checking your ammo, and swiping your knife into its sheath. Beth takes no notice of this because she is so focused on Jace reaching for her hair, not that she seems fazed by it. It’s not until you reach for the long-sleeved top at the end of the bed and place it over the vest top that Daryl finally says something again. “The area has already been checked out; there are hardly any dead roaming. Should be in and out quick.”
Although it seems like a general conversation, the look Daryl is giving you is reassuring. “Yeah?”
He raises his eyebrows and points at your hands. Your fingers were trembling while you pushed the buttons through the holes on the top. Daryl was the only one that noticed. “You worried?”
You sigh, “I’m not worried about the run; I just don’t like leaving Jace, Carl, and the baby when my brother is absent.”
Hershel would no doubt be running point in the cell block while Daryl cleared out the lower level of the prison, but you still couldn’t help but worry about leaving them. Beth was amazing with the babies, but you felt guilty whenever she watched them for too long. On the flip side, you still needed to do your share of supply runs.
“I’ll make sure nothing happens to them while you’re gone.”
You press your lips together and smile, “I know.”
“Yo y/n,” Glenn says, standing beside Daryl. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you guys soon.”
“We just hit the powdered formula jackpot,” Glenn says, holding the store’s door open with his foot so you can get by. “I can’t believe we have all this stuff.”
Aside from a few birds nesting inside the store, it looked as if nobody else had been in it in a long time. There were shelves full of baby formula, diapers, and bottles that you placed either in your backpack or in red baskets. You’d even managed to find some toys for the kids to play with. “Thank God, I’d hate to go back empty-handed.”
“And where is it y’all good people are calling home?”
Being startled by an unfamiliar voice, you drop the baskets to reach for your gun. The man in front of you had blood sprayed across his face and a large blade at the end of his wrist instead of a hand.
Glenn comes up behind you, looking confused. “Merle?”
The man lets out a laugh, places his gun on the ground, and starts to come closer. “Wow!”
“That’s far enough!”
“Okay, okay, honey. Jesus.”
“You made it,” Glenn says, sounding surprised.
Merle, Merle, Merle. You knew that name but couldn’t place it, and then it finally clicked for you who this man is. “You’re Daryl’s brother?”
He nods, “Can you tell me, is he still alive? Huh?”
Merle looks genuinely relieved to know his brother is safe. “Hey, you take me to him, and I’ll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta. No hard feelings, huh?” When he notices Glenn staring at the large blade, Merle laughs. “Oh yeah. Well, I found myself in a medical supply warehouse. I fixed it up myself. Pretty cool, huh?”
Glenn tries to reason with Merle by saying he’d bring Daryl to him, but you already knew that wasn’t going to work. Even if you hadn’t heard stories about Daryl’s brother being untrustworthy, one glance at him and you'd know he was trouble. Merle expected you to believe he had made it from Atlanta himself, and aside from the blood that belongs to someone else, he looked clean and relatively healthy. You look at the car behind Merle, and in its reflection, you see another gun in his back pocket. He notices you looking and lunges for you.
“Get off me!”
He wrestles you to the ground and holds the gun to your head. You try to wriggle out of his grip, but he places the blade in your throat, and you are completely trapped.
“Merle, put the gun down and let her go!” Glenn yells, “Put it down now!”
Merle presses the gun closer to your face, and you tremble with fear when you hear him clicking the safety off. You met Glenn’s gaze and shook your head slowly. “We will never tell you where our camp is.”
“Very mouthy for someone with a gun to her head,” he laughs. “Put the gun in the car, son.”
Glenn reluctantly follows his orders. By the look on his face, you know he’s in a silent agreement that, no matter what, you weren’t telling Merle a damn thing. You’d rather die than lead a man like that to your family. With all the commotion, the garbage-covered street was beginning to fill with walkers.
“Get in the car, Glenn; you’re driving. The three of us are going on a little road trip.”
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stardustlin · 2 years ago
can you do an african american reader w/ miguel? specifically a cultural one :))
love ur work btw!!!
YES OF COURSE!! though this will be from my perspective since i am both african american and mexican so i hope you still enjoy this <3
miguel o’hara x african american! reader
pure fluff; meeting your dad’s side of the family
miguel has always been culturally inclined to learn more about you and your culture since he found it appropriate to get to know every single aspect of you. yes, you were pretty and intelligent but he felt that if he could get to know your cultural background, you both could feel more interconnected. miguel always made sure to make you feel extra loved and did quite literally everything for you without you having to lift a finger. you pretty much got that princess treatment going on for yourself and you couldn’t be more thankful to the universe.
he’d compliment the way you curls fell on your face to the amazing smell of coconut oil that you’d put on your scalp to keep your kinky hair healthy. he admires every little thing about you. you’re perfect under his eyes, and he will always make it known. your connection is with miguel is a pure and sacred one. you’ve never felt more loved than by a man like miguel.
as you introduce miguel, your boyfriend, to your dad's side of the family at the cookout, the warm embrace of loved ones and the joyful chatter of conversation fills the air. the scent of grilled food and the vibrant colors of the gathering create a lively atmosphere.
miguel takes in the scene, observing the vibrant energy that fills the space. he feels a mixture of excitement and nervousness, wanting to make a good impression and show his genuine interest in your family and cultural background.
as you lead miguel through the gathering, you introduce him to each family member, highlighting the unique and diverse personalities that make up your dad's side of the family. miguel greets everyone with a warm smile and extends a genuine hand of friendship, eager to connect with each individual.
the older generations welcome miguel with open arms, sharing stories of their own experiences and embracing him as if he were their own. they appreciate his respectful demeanor, his curiosity, and his genuine effort to understand and appreciate their culture and traditions.
the younger cousins and siblings become instantly intrigued by miguel’s presence. they swarm around him excitedly, asking questions and sharing their own interests. miguel’s natural charm and wit shine through as he engages with them, laughing and joking, fostering a bond that transcends age.
throughout the day, miguel becomes immersed in the lively conversations, taking part in the rhythm of laughter and storytelling. he savors each bite of the delicious traditional dishes served, eager to experience and appreciate the flavors that hold deep cultural significance to your family.
while miguel may initially have felt some apprehension, witnessing the love and warmth that radiates from your family reassures him. the love they shower upon you pours over onto him, welcoming him into their embrace without hesitation. he feels the bond of family strengthening between him and your loved ones.
as the sun begins to set and the joyful festivities wind down, miguel takes a moment to reflect on the significance of this day. he realizes the privilege of being welcomed into your family, the rich tapestry of culture and history that is now a part of his own story.
with a deep sense of gratitude, mage knows that his connection with your family is not just about the present but also about the future. the bond he forms with your dad's side of the family shapes the foundation of a love built on acceptance, celebration of diversity, and the joy of shared experiences.
tags 🏷️; @kairiscorner @sabcandoit @meeom @emiemiemiii
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dumbassaimee · 1 month ago
Hi thanks so much for writing my request love it. I was going to request another 2
Is present day Noel comforting his son after a fight about someone who is not a fan of his dad ( I get from interviews that Donovan is very much " daddy's boy ") I just the way Noel softens when he talks about his kids
90's Noel finding out he's going to be a dad for the first time. Irl they found out about Anais in the south of France then went to Italy for 2 weeks because Oasis were at the height of fame. Always sounded glamorous. ( I have older siblings who collected magazines in the 90's so this is how I no )
I'll leave you be now
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Thus so far I’ll write the first story and the second request will be in the making, and obviously this will be in Noel’s perspective.
“A fathers comfort”
It had been a long day at the studio, by now his two sons should be back from school.
Turning the key and getting inside his home and admittedly sensing something was wrong, it was too quiet in here…way too quiet.
Usually the boys would be running around and causing chaos but now it felt odd.
Shrugging his jacket off, leaving it hanging on the leather chaise he made his way to Donovan’s room first.
Knowing that the quietness started off with him, knocking softly on the wooden door a few times he peeked inside.
He found Donovan curled up in his bed with his arms crossed.
“Alright Dono?” He asked, stepping further inside the room.
Hearing a heavy sigh fall from his son’s lips he knew something really was wrong.
“Not really..”
He sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at his lap for a few moments before adverting his gaze to his sulking son.
“Got into a fight in school” Donovan muttered.
“A fight?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly thinking that his beloved son got into some fist fight.
Sensing his father’s unease Donovan quickly clarified.
“Not like that dad-“ he groaned, “just…some lad was blabbering about you—saying you’re overrated. That your music is just noise, and you’re—“ he paused “washed up.”
He exhaled a chuckle “well, that’s original coming from a 9 year old kid.”
“Sorry—sorry” he quickly apologized with a small smile on his face “listen, people are always gonna have something to say. Specially about me, I’ve been pissing people off before you were even born.”
“Right, but it’s not fair” Donovan mumbled, “they don’t even know you”
His chest tightened, this kid—this kid was out here defending his old man like if he was some kind of hero.
“You don’t have to fight my battles” he spoke softly “I know who I am, and you know who I am. That’s all that matters”
“Just let it go yeah?” He cut off “Tell you what—next time someone chattin’ bollocks just ask ‘em what their dad’s ever achieved. That’ll shut ‘em right up.”
Donovan shook his head, the fight dimmed into his little mind and was replaced by something more soft and sense of relief.
“C’mon then.” He stood up from the bed “let’s put some proper music and forget about them idiots yeah?”
A small smile plastered onto Donovan’s face, nodding and following his dad out of the room.
A/N: A little short I know, I’ll be in the making of longer stories I promise.
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anamelessfool · 1 year ago
The Mission
Gen: Secondo & Family (600-ish words)
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Holidays, Children are extremely serious especially Secondo's, Secondo retired and moved away from the Ministry a decade ago, Secondo is disabled in my AU, Dad Secondo
Secondo's children enact the most important ritual of their entire year.
Blaming and tagging @riptide-kid for this
Ficlet below the cut!
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“We all have to get up.” Eden stood by her parent's bed. Her eyes were enormous, blazing with determined intensity. Her round, pale face and lank hair gave her the appearance of some ghostly entity standing in the dark of the room. The littlest brother Sam was behind her, kneading his hands.
Secondo and Sandra were no strangers to their daughter’s habit of standing by their bedside with something cryptic to say. Maybe it was Secondo’s bloodline, or maybe the eight-year-old was just extra theatrical, it was hard to tell. Secondo didn't mind it all that much. Sometimes her mysterious statements became accurate portents.
Not this morning, though. They expected her here. In fact they were surprised it was this late. She was a very punctual child, with a strong sense of what was necessary.
No surprises there.
“Mommy, it's time. Everybody has got to get up.”
“Nope, this is your father's job,” Sandra muttered. She sleepily tapped his back. “Magician and man of the house and all that. I've got fifteen minutes until I'm getting up.”
“We need to hurry then,” Eden said solemnly. Sam nodded, still frowning.
“I'm getting up at the pace I'm getting up,” Secondo announced, pulling himself upright. He reached for his forearm crutch.”Go get Paul if you want somebody fast.”
“Paul! We forgot Paul!” Sam hissed. “We left him alone!”
“Well, go get him!” Eden ordered back. Sam slipped out the door to wake their older brother. Eden paced on the carpet.
Secondo snorted, shaking his head. “Serious business.”
“They take after you, dear,” Sandra replied from under the quilt.
The door opened and Sam dragged Paul in by the wrist. The teenager blinked slowly in the soft darkness, his hair looking like it was caught in a windstorm. “Whuh—”
“You and Daddy have to go check!” Eden insisted.
Paul tossed his head and he locked eyes with his father, his face now full of determination. Secondo watched his son struggle not to break character. “You're right. We need to make sure,” Paul announced in a hushed tone. Eden and little Sam hugged each other excitedly.
Secondo finally got the momentum to pull himself upright and onto his crutch. “You're the fastest of all of us,” Secondo told his oldest son. “You have to lead the mission this year. Good luck.”
“You can't let him see you,” Eden reminded him while Sam bobbed his head vigorously in agreement. “Not for even one second.”
“Godspeed,” muttered Sandra.
The four adventurers organized themselves at the end of the hallway. Down the hall was the living room, now slowly becoming awash with reddish light from the large curtained windows. “Go on, Paul,” whispered Secondo.
Paul nodded and crept down the hallway, dramatically stopping every few feet to look back at his younger siblings. Eden, the mission commander, glared as she observed his task.
At a pace that seemed like forever to the children under eight years old, Paul finally reached the end of the hall, peeking around the corner. He turned and tossed his hand at Secondo. “Now you,” ordered Eden in a whisper.
The old magician nodded solemnly and walked with as much authority and dark majesty as he could in pajamas. He met up with Paul at the end of the hall, craning his neck to observe the living room as cautiously as he could. He gave the younger children a satisfied nod. His mouth was a thin, firm line, his whitened eye gleaming in the dim light.
“All clear. Santa’s gone. And he left presents for you.”
My Fic List | My AO3
Fun fact, my dad would do this to us every Christmas Morning. And when he moved out, as the oldest sibling it was up to me to check. I don't know if you know this but apparently if Santa is down there by your tree and sees you EVEN FOR ONE SECOND, he vanishes and takes all your presents. (This fact had no bearing whatsoever on me, obviously.)
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theflagscene · 1 year ago
I love Phee’s dad trying his hardest to raise Phee right, something tells me he’s not going to approve of what is going on in the present with his son lol.
The inconsistency of the makeup department covering up Ta’s finger tattoo is so funny to me, because I genuinely don’t think the tattoo ties into the character at all, I think they were just trying to cover up Ta’s tattoo as he was playing a high schooler and then they stopped completely when he was supposed to be in university.
Oh so Non’s parents knew about Phee? Enough for Phee to call her mom and not auntie, so they knew they were dating or… what?
I fucking called it! First episode I said that Tan looked like he could be Non’s brother and it wasn’t even said that Non had a brother at that point lol, I just thought Mio and Barcode looked similar enough that they could play siblings.
I love that nearly 25 year old Ta (his birthday is soon 🥳) is having to call 19 year old Mio ‘Phi’ lol.
Did he really just ask his mother why she’s crying!? Come on Tan, you’re supposed to be the smart one in the family!
Okay so Tan isn’t an overprotective older bro, he feels guilty because he was just as absent in Non’s life as his parents were. Y’all suck!
Omg could you two look anymore sus!? Jesus. They’re just standing there and it’s like big ass red flags are already waving over their heads, also where did Tan stay while he was doing this act of subterfuge with Phee? Phee’s dad is a cop so I doubt he would just allow his son to move a random boy into their house, especially right after the crap with his missing ex-boyfriend. I don’t really expect Tan’s parents to notice he’s not back at university in England, they couldn’t find their own asses with both hands and a map. But Phee’s dad seems at least somewhat competent.
Put your shirts on boys, y’all look like rakes next to Ta lol.
Ohh, Jin’s got a crush, it’s lust at first sight. I mean, I get it, when I was in high school I would’ve probably had a crush on Phee as well.
Tan, you’re about as fucking subtle as a brick to the head. Which I know is exactly what you would like to be doing to them atm, but a little decorum my man.
Phee already is looking like the more sane out of the two, ngl.
Phee, Tan told you to become his best friend, not eventually fall in love with the dude.
And there’s the first time Jin dislocated his shoulder! Now the ‘again?’ comment by Phee when they fell out of the coffin makes sense, I was wondering about that tossed in line.
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hebuiltfive · 1 year ago
How about our boy Scotty and #22?
Hellooo! Thank you for the ask! My words were not wording, so I hope this is okay and makes sense (I did read it back, but I don't think my brain is firing properly). Also I wasn't sure how to end it so apologies for the sudden finish! We're travelling back in time for some Wee!Tracys for this one!
(#22: You've Got Something On Your Face from 30 Gentle Prompts)
Time-keeping was a skill that little Scott was very proud of having. The watch Jeff had bought him for his recently passed ninth birthday had been a cherished present and Scott had worn it with every outfit, even when the bright blue of the watch didn’t exactly match the attire chosen. He didn’t care. It helped him keep track of time which, as he often pointed out to his younger siblings, was a very important thing to do.
Hence why Scott became irate this morning.
Before bed, he had asked his father all the necessary questions regarding how long it would take to drive out to the track and what time would be best for him to set his alarm. Jeff had helped him navigate the itinerary before tucking him in for the night and wrestling with Lucille over Scott not needing to be so organised at the tender age of nine. Scott had heard part of their conversation, but their words had soon drowned out as sleep claimed him.
When he had woken in the morning, he was on time and raring to go. His bag had been packed the night before so all he had to worry about was getting ready to leave, but that was when it all went wrong.
He strolled downstairs, his bag grasped excitedly in his hand, prepared to see his father waiting to drive him over to the club… Only Jeff wasn’t in the living room. He wasn’t on the front porch and, when Scott traipsed through to the kitchen, he noticed he wasn’t there either.
Virgil was sat at the table. In one hand, he held a spoon that was dripping with milk and cereal. In the other, he held an orange coloured crayon, which currently held more of his attention. When Scott entered, Virgil’s head lifted.
“Dad had to go over to Grandpa’s. Something had happened.”
Scott’s heart sunk. “What? What happened?”
“Nothing bad!” Virgil quickly amended at the look of dread on his older brother’s face. “Grandpa said it was urgent though, and Dad said he would have been back by now.”
Scott slammed his bag onto the table before lifting himself into one of the dining chairs with a huff.
Virgil steadied his bowl of breakfast with a tut. “Careful! You’ll ruin my homework!”
“What are you working on?” Scott asked, peering over the box of cereal to try and make out what Virgil had been colouring. Being on the opposite side of the table, it took Scott a minute to decipher the picture. “Is that a pigeon?”
“No! We’re studying regional birds. This is the titmouse.” He held up the orange colour proudly. “He has some orange around his sides!”
“Orange is boring. You should colour it blue.”
“It wouldn’t be accurate.”
“So? It would look cooler.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, throwing over another sheet of paper towards Scott. It landed upside down but, when Scott flipped it over, he noticed an already completed picture.
“That’s a bluejay.” Virgil explained as Scott’s eyes widened.
“I’ve seen these! There were some in one of the parks when me and Dad visited Wichita last month.”
“You can keep it.”
Scott’s eyes tore away from the perfectly coloured in picture ��� honestly, Virgil had a real talent for his art projects — to glance back at his brother. “What about your homework?”
“I only needed to do one, but I got inspired so I did them all. You can keep that one.”
Before he could utter his thanks aloud, Lucille walked into the kitchen with John trailing behind her. When she caught sight of Scott, he expression saddened. “Scott, honey, I’m so sorry but you might have to join the afternoon class today. Your dad did say he’d be back by now but…”
“It’s alright. Virgil coloured me in a bird.” Scott held up the picture for his mother to see.
“That’s lovely, sweetie.” She smiled fondly and then ruffled his hair. “Now, breakfast?”
Scott frowned. “But what if dad gets home when I’m eating?”
“You shouldn’t really start the day without breakfast, Scot. What about some cereal, like Virgil? Or I could make you some pancakes if you’d prefer.”
A dull thud and then the cries of a toddler came from the next room. Lucille ran out to check on Gordon before she noticed Scott’s grimace at her suggestions.
“Mommy is right, Scotty.” Virgil said, as John clambered up onto one of the chairs to join his older brothers. “Food is good.”
Scott rolled his eyes. He wasn’t particularly hungry and he hadn’t planned on having anything before his first day of training. Though he wouldn’t admit it to any of them, he had been feeling anxious all night. His sports teacher had signed him up for the track club after claiming he saw potential in Scott, and Scott had been excited to start ever since he’d agreed to give the club a go, but now the day had approached, he was nothing but nervous. Eating was the last thing on his mind.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Just have something small.” Virgil offered his bowl. “You can have the rest of mine, if you’d like?”
Scott shook his head. Cereal, especially the kind that was now soggy from being left in the milk too long, was the least appealing option. He jumped off the chair and scoured the kitchen. Both Virgil and John watched him curiously as he opened cupboards and debated between boxes and tins. Eventually, during his perusal of the refrigerator, he caught sight of the remainder of Mom’s freshly made apple pie and his eye brightened.
He took the pie from the shelf and placed it on the counter. Once he retrieved a clean plate from one of the cupboards, Scott carefully sliced himself a piece. He was acutely aware of his two brothers staring at him. Smugly, he returned the rest of the pie to the fridge and then took his seat at the table again.
“That isn’t breakfast!” Virgil claimed as Scott began to tuck into the pie.
“Mom said I had to eat. This is what I want to eat.”
“But it isn’t healthy!”
Scott’s eyes flitted from Virgil’s horrified expression to John’s curious gaze. He shrugged. “It tastes good though.”
“Mommy said pie is for the puds.” John frowned, finally understanding what his older brother had chosen to do and deciding to show he was unhappy about it. “Not morning time!”
Another couple of bites of pie were taken and Scott rolled his eyes. “It’s fine, Johnny. Mom won’t know. I’ll eat it really fast, look!”
But John had already jumped down from the table and had left the kitchen. 
Unfazed, Scott continued to eat at a hurried pace. Whilst he technically didn’t do anything wrong by helping himself to the apple pie, he didn’t fancy having to explain his choices to Lucille and so wanted to be rid of any evidence before she returned.
“Ew, Scott, slow down! You’re getting crumbs everywhere!”
“Stop bein’ such a baby, ‘Gil.” He involuntary spat more crumbs everywhere, causing Virgil to cover his colouring to avoid the sheet getting tainted.
It took Scott no less than a few minutes to finish the plate. He grinned widely. “See? Nothing to worry about!”
Virgil clamped a hand over his mouth as the front door to the ranch clicked open and Jeff’s voice boomed through to them.
“Scotty? Ready to go?”
With furrowed brows of confusion at his younger brother’s obvious amusement, Scott hopped off the dining chair. The pie sat heavy in his stomach as he jumped, the nervousness beginning to set back in again, but he pushed it aside.
Just as Scott was about to run through to greet Jeff, Lucille appeared from the next room. She stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Slow down. You’ll cause an accident— Oh, Scotty.”
There was a glint of amusement in her eyes that matched Virgil’s quiet giggles.
Scott frowned. “What?”
“What have I told you about leaving those pies for pudding, not for breakfast?”
His cheeks warmed. “I didn’t…”
“No? So why is your little face covered in the red sauce and crumbs?”
His mother’s fingers carefully wiped at the corners of his mouth as she asked him her question. There was no accusatory tone, only soft delight.
Scott batted her fingers away. How embarrassing! “Mom! Stop! It’s fine! I’m already late!”
Behind him, Virgil was finding it hard to contain his chuckles. 
Scott offered him a glare, finally realising what his younger brother had found so funny. “You didn’t even tell me!”
“You would have found out eventually! That’s what happens when you eat something you’re not supposed to, Scotty.”
“Boys.” Jeff stood behind his wife in the doorway. “No fighting.”
“We wasn’t fighting.” Virgil clarified, his smile still large and beaming despite his inaccurate phrasing.
“We were about to.” Scott mumbled before being ushered out of the kitchen by Lucille.
Jeff took Scott’s shoulders to direct him through to the porch. “Come on, let’s get you going. We can make it for the afternoon class and… Scott, why are your clothes covered in pie crumbs?”
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harrison-abbott · 9 months ago
When I was around 17 I went over to my Dad’s house for some family gathering. I can’t remember exactly what the occasion was. Only that I went over there, and so it was my Dad, his partner Jacqueline, my little sister Catherine. And my eldest brother Brodie. He brought around his then-girlfriend Lauren.
Now, Lauren had, a few weeks back, said to Brodie that she found me very good-looking. In her ditsy way, she said to Brodie that I was the best looking of all of the siblings in the family.
And when I got to the house, the first thing that Jacqueline did was to touch my hair and she exclaimed, “Oh, you’re so good-looking! If I were your age! Oh!” And she said that in front of the whole group, including my Dad, her partner.
I have no control over my appearance. I just look a certain way; just as anybody else does. There is nothing about my appearance that I created. I don’t look the same as I did when I was 17. These days I’m 31 and I have grey hair and a bit of a belly. Meh. Lots of men also do.
But, after those few comments when I was a teenager, at that table scene – my elder brother just ripped me apart. He verbally laid into me the entire evening. He took the piss out of me, imitated me, yelled, attacked in every way he could think of. Because his girlfriend Lauren said that she found me handsome. It is hard to describe what it was like unless you were there. Everything I tried to say: he pounced on it and just tore it to shreds.
Lauren kept her head down. She didn’t laugh; only thought it was cruel and didn’t like it.
Jacqueline was drunk on champagne. And she kept snickering and sniggering at Brodie’s mockery. She loved it. My Dad was present at the table. And he didn’t say anything. He didn’t interject at any point and tell my brother to shut his ugly trap up. And my little sister Catherine was there too and she was only about nine so she didn’t understand any of it.
Brodie was nine and a half years older than me. I was 17, at this point, and at that same time he would have been 27. And even in his late twenties, he was still so immature enough as to be threatened by his little brother. Because of my physical appearance!
Or, he was furious with his ditsy girlfriend for saying that she favoured my appearance over his. Therefore he redirected his fury onto me.
But, yes, that dinner scene. That’s what it was like for me growing up in the family. That wasn’t even the worst incident: this scenario was pretty typical. A sense of being intensely bullied around a tea table by one of my elder brothers, and neither parent stepping in to get them to shut up, and a stepmother finding it amusing and thus encouraging the behaviour with laughter.
I still think about such memories. And I go back to the dark family history quite a lot. I haven’t written about this example in a direct manner before. Maybe I’m trying to flush the memory out by opening up about it. But the way I see it is that I’ve always been different from my other family members. I love my siblings and parents. It’s only that I don’t understand why I attracted all of that raging ridicule from all of them, when I was only trying to grow up. Which is a hard thing for anybody to do.
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loremonster · 2 years ago
Okay but
As a youngest child, my elder siblings were examples on how to avoid hazards. I'd see my parents fail to protect them from a hardship, learn I'd have to deal with that myself, and prepare to evade.
This is why I don't have student loans; I watched my elder siblings get shoved into higher education before they even know if they could DO anything with it. My sister got a business degree, Wal Mart still kept her in part time hell for another decade before the finally gave her full time work, and she's still barely making it work with the addition of her partner's income BECAUSE HE HAS STUDENT LOANS THAT DID FUCK ALL FOR HIM, TOO. Meanwhile my brother got tricked by a for profit school that wasn't actually accredited, so his radio training doesn't actually COUNT for anything and he still got stuck with the bill. His partner is a traveling nurse, who takes contract work because it pays better than regular employment, which had allowed them to manage their debts. He's a stay at home dad now and loving life, but he did not need the financial burden of his student loans just to drive a bus for a couple years.
When my brother took me to the local community collage, when he tried to take me to the financial advisors office, I started crying when presented with the paper work. I collapsed, and the lady suggested maybe he bring me back a different day.
Sometimes I feel like the family failure because I didn't do the things my parents expected-- but I acted according to what made sense to ME based on my observation. They can be disappointed all they want, I can see what I'm doing even if they can't.
Those who are older than you are worth study, if only to see how not to do things.
oh quote from joseph gordon-levitt on being second, we're really in it now
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applefan28 · 3 years ago
Ok, So here's an interesting one for the headcannon thing, Dough :) I wanted to suggest it seen you seem to be a Dough liker! :D
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Sexuality Headcanon: This guy lives by like no labels, Dough isn’t all that connected to the such but if you had to label him, gay but in a very aromantic way where he does kinda forget he’s gay because being with someone intimately never crossed his mind nor was of importance in his life. Like sure, if Dough WERE to date he knows it’d be only a guy of sort because “yah, they’re cool” but overall he isn’t going out of his way to be in a relationship. He never caught onto it, and to be frank he kinda doesn’t care nowadays, he might find the occasional Man That Could Carry Him Bridal Style attractive but that’s about it (and it goes by pretty quick). Though i think also Dough, being his contrarian ironic self, would be like “nah im not gay im an ethical incel” or something if you’d ask him from the fact he’s into romance-focused telenovelas and novels.
Gender Headcanon: Much like how it is with sexuality, gender as well is done with no labels other than just “not cis”. The most you could say is probably agender or demiboy, but even then that’s too concrete of a way to pinpoint Dough’s gender (also wouldn’t care much for it anyways). Dough is just some “guy” but not in a cis way, also goes by both he/him and she/her with gender presentation remains as basic as wearing an ironic “my sister is lame” or “gamer” shirt with cargo shorts. I think also because she looks up to Bow and tries to be somewhat like her in some ways, would try to dabble in her clothing style only to not feel comfortable with them #autism. Though i can definitely see him wearing skirt with, yes, a mid early 2000's gamer shirt and really bad knee high socks. She would also enjoy the funny combo in wearing the first outfit using she/her and the second using he/him, gender is a joke to him anyways and is just kinda dumb. Bloke who does fuck all!!!
A ship I have with said character: None i can think of honestly, he’s not about the dating life.
A BROTP I have with said character: DOUGH AND APPLE ok yeah i know i talked about this on the Apple post but idc. My blog my posts.
I’ve talked about their potential dynamic on this post, but tldr; they’re weirdo kids with a longing sense of alienation who fulfill a sibling relationship in the others’ lives that weren’t provided or met in their own lives (Apple in a large family but not being given enough attention, Dough as an only child but with Bow now who doesn’t want him). In Dough's case, much like Apple on a more self-aware aspect, he sees himself in Apple and not only has that sorta need to make up for what he wished he had, but he doesn’t like seeing another feel the same she has. I’d imagine the first couple of months to year, Apple and Bow’s relationship still isn’t well mended. Apple feeling not welcomed along with feeling like a bother to Marshmallow, she’s gonna have a sense of being left out. She wanders about the mansion and with Bow at times taking Marsh’s attention, she’s kinda left on her own. I can see her striking up a convo to Dough out of not wanting to feel alone, and Dough, feeling pretty much the same, takes it up. She catches on quick on Apple’s intentions behind it and immediately Knows, to not have this girl feel sad and alone. From then on, they just click and talk to one another. Apple feeling like she’s got another person that likes her, and Dough not only feeling the same way for himself, but helping her feel more at ease at the mansion. I’m thinking he tells her about the shows and books he’s read (books taking a slight interest in Apple because she does wanna improve in her reading), their shared taste in oldhead dad music, having been internet kids sharing ideas and thoughts on forums, their love for animals as it was what kept them company growing up, dude they’re just neat as a duo. Dough is like an older bro to Apple, well one that went out their way to hang out with her at least, and he feels the same about Apple. It’s like they’re making up for that somewhat lonely childhood, with jam sessions and My Little Pony marathons, and of course the feelings talk.
They’re both closed up on how they feel most of the time but i think Dough is more willing to put his own feelings out there if he feels like he can trust someone for it. Pointing back to the Bow Takeover Event where he tells Apple she and Bow should get sibling counseling, reveals a lot about her allowing to be vulnerable enough to seek some form of help from another. So often is he all nonchalant and resigned to whatever, as much as that face he puts on is translucent it’s still a wall put up to avoid the uncomfortableness that is in showing your insecurities. I’d say this is further down where Apple and Bow are in better terms than where they were in the beginning, so Apple has an upper hand in being a communicator for the two, especially for Dough. Apple may not be easy with her own emotions, but she’s good at knowing if someone isn’t feeling Good, which she notices in Dough (and pays more mind to than Bow and Marsh). With Dough now having Someone to talk to, she confides in her own conflicts with Bow in particular and does want something to be done. I love the idea of Dough showing more than what he puts off, and doing so comfortably with another person. He’s been shafted to the background too much and she deserves to not only be seen for once but to be heard.
Also when Apple brings animals to the mansion making a little farm, Dough has the privilege in naming them all like cheeseburger, ketchup, salsa, mayonesa, honestly just food names especially in spanish (half mexican swagger). Dough also gets her own chicken, horse, and his favourite, a highland cow (how Apple found + brought these is anyone’s guess).
A NOTP I have with said character: Bow because well, they’re alleged siblings. Other than that, just about any other girl in the show honestly.
A random headcanon: HOMESTUCK FAN DOUGH OH MY GOD honestly i dont have anything to back as to why but i just think it’d be mad funny if Dough had been into homestuck since the beginning (internet kid like Apple). He made a trollsona, fan trolls/kids, part of the mspa forums, made amvs, etc. I wanna say her interest in romance/relationship focused media and speculation in media started as a kid when watching telenovelas with his widowed dad, but for sure was taken more into an actual interest with homestuck once Act 5 hit with it’s quadrants and Karkat being the one to be all about that sorta stuff. Dough enjoys analyzing and speculating bonds and relationships between one another, it gets her thinking and being able to understand the world around. Not to mention the drama he LOVES both eavesdropping in and maybe partaking in a little gossip (he was massively annoying on the forums talking about pairings). I’d like to think one of her faves were Gamzee, which is how she got into ICP LOL, also greatly enjoyed Caliborn’s antics later on. Also i remember seeing a John Egbert fancam to MSI’s “Tornado” on twitter and thought “Dough would SO make this”. He’s a homestuck veteran, has witnessed the horrors of it all, could recite the fan songs and Octopimp homestuck comic dubs, Dough’s a homestuck </3. Oh, and as for his thoughts on Homestuck^2 and the Epilogues, he doesn’t like them at all but will be a bastard and play devil’s advocate about how good it is for it subverting fan’s image of the franchise :^)
SORRY another headcanon because i just remembered it but because there’s that one clip of Dough singing the Adventure Time intro, she enjoys watching cartoons and would wanna do cartoon night at the hotel.
General Opinion over said character: I love Dough, he’s just this annoying weird guy that hides a lot of his genuine emotions behind a flimsy facade of contrarianism and irony. She deserves all the love she gets from the 5 other Dough enjoyers ive seen, and im glad he’s a part of the purgatory mansion family :) If you hate on my boy there will be trouble, blockhead.
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