#I can spin so many stories from that one anime moment alone
alexiethymia · 2 years
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As promised, Death on the Ice Field
Nothing I say here will be new since the themes have been tackled plenty of times in fanfic (which I am so thankful for), but it’s still fun regardless. I feel like I usually have to put the disclaimer that this is a HitsuHina blog, because I think I will always have more to say about them.
Like Death on the Ice Field for example. It frustrates me the anime didn’t show Momo’s part here, because I’ve always believed that she was as crucial to Rangiku and Granny in setting up Toshiro on the path of a shinigami and meeting Hyourinmaru.
The way I see it, Momo was the spark, the impetus, Rangiku showed the way, while Granny allowed him to go. The special chapter, in my view, was all about awakenings or an awareness of change. It was Momo leaving which reminded Toshiro about things changing. It’s an allegory of sorts about growing up. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that perhaps this chapter also showed the start of his awareness of his budding feelings towards her (I mean there will always be naysayers and live and let live, but even without the relationship chart, I don’t think you’d blush at your sister or sister-figure no matter how close she was).
Another thing is how when he says Momo and Granny were the only ones never to be afraid of him, he says next that that’s why he likes Granny, but he doesn’t say the same of Momo. I’ve always thought Kubo excelled in his use of negative space, but that also applies to the dialogue-variant in that he seriously leaves a lot of things unsaid and interactions unexplored (Isshin reuniting with Rangiku and Toshiro, Kirio with Hiyori). It leaves a lot of room for interpretation and makes things fun for fans. Personally, I always read it as him being unsure of his feelings for Momo now, again something brought to his awareness with her leaving, a characteristic tsundere response if you could say.
He measures time by the number of years she entered the academy, and while she still smiles brightly at him - the same smile she graced him with five years ago - she no longer faces back (to Toshiro, Jurinan, take your pick) when saying goodbye the way she did the first time she left. And unlike five years ago where Toshiro just scowls and says she shouldn’t bother visiting anymore, this time he no longer keeps the pretense up, he waves back, though a bit limply because Momo doesn’t even see it, only facing forward, sure in her goal. (Be careful what you wish for and all that.)
So when Grandma says at the end that Toshiro didn’t want to make her lonely, it brings to mind what she said while scolding Toshiro that he shouldn’t say what he said because doesn’t Momo leaving make him feel lonely? He doesn’t deny it either, only pretends that everything is ok and that she’ll be back soon anyway. It’s also no coincidence, I think, that Granny wanted to talk to him right after Momo visited again. In other words, he didn’t want to make Granny lonely the same way Momo leaving made him feel lonely. But that theme of loneliness also applies to Hyourinmaru. Both sword and master would always feel lonely if Toshiro never discovered his name. And if you take Bleach Track 8 as canon (which I do because I love that Drama CD), there’s something to be said about Toshiro discovering Hyourinmaru’s name out of a desire to protect Momo, and Momo being the first to discover him discovering his shikai and subsequently calling him ‘Hitsugaya-kun’ without any prompting this time. In a way, it was a mark of growing up for Toshiro. That’s why there’s plenty of underlying themes between Hyourinmaru and Hinamori in relation to Toshiro that I love to see explored, which @rays-of-fire-and-ice does wonderfully in their fic! That theme of loneliness was also present in Momo during the Soul Society arc (and truthfully for a lot of characters) when she must have felt so isolated because of everything going on around her.
Laying it all out like this, you can really see the parallels with how Toshiro wakes up to both Momo and Rangiku, and how the line “I hear a voice” gets repeated for both Momo and his Granny. I don’t know how intentional Kubo really is with references to mythology, but it’s a fun coincidence to liken the three of them to the fates - Momo as the Maiden, Rangiku as the Mother, and Grandma as the crone - all pivotal to Toshiro’s path.
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traumaboyexo · 21 days
[[No idea what the exact story or plan is for Loop in the @circlesuponcircles AU, but I really liked the idea of Loop being trapped in the Orrery room and I wanted to do something for it. It's a little short but I hope you like it.]]
You push the smallest ball on the strange sculpture once again. The entire figure spins once again. You watch as it goes round and round once again.
Round and round and round.
You've been doing this for the past few hours. At least you think it's been a few hours. It could only have been a few minutes. You can barely tell anymore.
You watch as the figure of orbs slowly comes down to a stop, motionless, silent.
You flick the smallest ball once more.
For a moment, you consider kicking the entire thing over in rage. You consider throwing it against the wall and watching it shatter into a a small pile of debris, letting the orbs aimlessly roll around the floor.
It'd be far more entertaining that whatever has happened so far. It'd be new.
You want to scream.
Alone. You don't remember how long you've been alone but it's been very, very long. Not another voice than your own. Not another sound than the ones you make.
You almost heard their voices once, in the midst of your madness. You thought you were there, with you. That for a moment, you weren't alone.
It's sickening. It's disgusting. It's horrifying.
It just needed to be on the other side. The question that you could answer. To open this door. Why couldn't it have been inside? Why was this prison made?! Why are you even here?!
You so hopelessly wish to bash your head against the door until one of them breaks apart and crumbles. To know that no matter which outcome occurs, it'll all be over for you.
You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out.
...you take a deep breath.
It doesn't help anymore. But you can act like it does. For the sake of yourself.
You get off the floor and walk towards the stupid novel. You've practically memorised most of the story at this point. You could almost read it by heart by now.
The person creates another them. They finally have somebody to talk to. They get into a heated fight. They separate and betray each other. Then they cry become friends again.
Reading it nearly makes you wish to see them again. Your other half. They must be outside now. Having fun. Spending time with their family. Maybe he'll let you out if you knew you were here! Maybe he'll be able to read the words.
How many times have you told yourself hope wasn't healthy. That the more you continue to wish, the more they won't come true. Just the same pain and despair and agony and vile feelings.
You look towards the walls. Once, you had hoped the scrolls in this room would hold an answer to escape. Maps of the stars, every single one. And so you plastered them across like posters, aligning and arranging every single one. Praying, wishing, hoping.
Nothing. Not a clue. Not a sign. Not the answer. Almost like a cruel joke.
And so you tore into them, scratching them like a wild animal and throwing them off the walls.
And then, soon after that, you looked towards the books on shelf. Every single of them was worthless, books from every topic, from various studies on the stars and planets, the concepts of infinity, mathematics, a textbook on pure physics. Useless, useless, useless. Not a single sentence or word even explained your situation.
And so you brought the entire shelf down. Toppling over and breaking as soon as it hit the floor.
Would it have been worse if it had been fully frozen in time? Your efforts to break it, made futile and meaningless?
You don't even want to comprehend it.
You just want to cry.
You slowly drag yourself over to the door, and slump down with your back against it.
You begin to break down into tears. Why did this happen to you? Why would the Universe forsake you in this manner? Was this your part to play in this sick world? Was this your fate, your destiny determined?
What a shitty role to be cast into.
...footsteps. Voices. From behind the door.
...it couldn't be. And yet it was.
It was them. It had to be.
But they wouldn't be able to open the door. There was no point. It was hopeless, after all.
...but maybe there's something you could after all. The very thing you're meant to do, that you promised to do.
Perk up, little star.
It's showtime.
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rwbyrg · 8 months
What Inspired the Fairytale: Warrior in the Woods as a Rosegarden Allusion
I've broken down Ruby as Little Red Riding Hood, and Oscar as the Little Prince, now I want to analyze the two of them within a canon fable. The very first story within RWBY: Fairytales of Remnant: The Warrior in the Woods.
For those who are unfamiliar with it, I will summarize, or you can read it in the official free preview of the book here. One disclaimer before I get started: I'm not speaking about the animated adaptation here. Something Oz mentions in his fore/afterward of the book is that fairytales often shift and change depending on who it is that's telling the story. The book itself seems to aim to tell the most objective version as possible, whereas in the episode of FToR, it's very clear Tai's experiences and biases greatly influences the way he tells the story. With that out of the way...
The story is about a boy who lives in a village surrounded by a forest that is said to protect its residents from Grimm. One day, the boy ventures into the wood further than anyone would think to look for him. There he is attacked by a monster, the first he has ever seen... Only to be saved at the last minute by a cloaked warrior carrying a curved weapon. He thanks her and asks for her name, but she tells him to leave and not return. He doesn't listen. Every year since the day of their first meeting, he ventures further into the wood hoping he will meet his saviour again. And every time, he is proven right when she shows up and saves him at the last minute. Each year, the boy grows older and wiser, training himself how to fight, bringing the woman gifts as thanks for protecting the village alone and without appreciation all these years. Until one day, the village is attacked by Grimm for the first time in ages. On their next planned meeting, the boy - now a man - fights his entire way through the forest to the hut where she lives, and finds it torn apart and empty. He returns home and tells the villagers her story having taken up the mantle of protecting his people in her place. When asked if he kept going back to see her just because she saved him, he replies (paraphrased): "For that reason, and many more. But I believe she knew the deepest reason of all. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her silver eyes."
Even the summary alone paints a picture very reminiscent of Ruby and Oscar's paired arc throughout the show thus far, but I want to break it down even further. First things first:
The Warrior
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She is described as "a fair woman in a flowing (threadbare and tattered) black cape" with a "curved blade" she can spin so quickly it "blurs". Her hair is "almost as dark as the Grimm's, white (ones) standing out as brightly as bone", and in the boy's eyes the first time he sees her, remarks that she is "beautiful and fierce". We know by the end of the story, as well as one of the Grimm fights, that she has silver eyes as well and she tells the boy at one point that she fights alone because she is alone, since all the people like her were killed by other humans. This lines up well with how Silver Eyed Warriors have been hunted by Salem and her forces for generations.
When we compare this to Ruby when Oscar first meets her, it hits all the same marks. He is captivated by her silver eyes the moment he first meets her:
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She is fair skinned with black hair (if you include the books illustrations, with a reddish tint), has silver eyes, and a torn and tattered cloak.
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There is a point at which the woman also ties a red ribbon around her weapon's handle to hold it in place, which immediately acts as a tie in to Ruby's colour scheme.
Lastly, the boy meets the warrior for the first time in a "moonlit clearing". And we all know how much moon imagery Ruby has associated with her by now, that I really don't have to go over it again.
The Village Boy
There are no photos or descriptions of him within the text, just that he is a boy when we first meet him and is a man by the end of the story after visiting the woman annually 4-5 times. So he is roughly 14, aka the same age as Oscar, for both their first appearances.
What we do know about the boy, is shown in the objects he carries for himself and the gifts he imparts onto the woman in the woods.
The first is a parcel of clothing. It includes some blouses, leggings, a black skirt, some boots... and a new hooded green cloak. Ruby's cloak is red, but as we know both in show with ships like Bumbleby, and thanks to Eddy's bit of trivia in that Reddit AMA a while ago, that wearing the colours of people you care for is a common sign of affection within Remnant. Within this story, the woman dons a cloak in a green colour (something heavily associated with Oscar Pine), whereas within RWBY in V6, it is Oscar who dons Ruby's colour on his shoulders in his outfit upgrade.
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The second is the sword the boy forges for himself before their third meeting. It is described as long and thin which immediately calls to mind The Long Memory.
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From there, the next gift: a bag full of food.
"She opened the bag and pulled out parcel after parcel. There was honey cake, a strawberry tart, and sweet biscuits. When she unwrapped a stack of fresh-baked cookies, her expression lightened, and her happiness made him happy."
The first bolded example: strawberries are cited by Monty as Ruby's favourite food, and as we know by Ruby's first meeting with Ozpin (which is important given his connection to Oscar), she's a big fan of cookies too.
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Now that all the aesthetics and symbolism are out of the way, I want to compare the structure of the two stories.
Separation and Reunions
The Warrior in the Woods, as well as Ruby and Oscar's arc throughout the show (as well as The Little Prince) are stories of absences.
The boy starts his tale without the woman in his live for many years before he meets her. When they do meet, it is for only a moment within a day until they must wait another full year before seeing each other again. When they do meet, at least the first 3 times, the warrior saves him from Grimm attacks. Then, at the 4th time, he runs into no obstacles and is able to sit and talk with her without incident, only for her to disappear shortly before their 5th visit, leaving him to take up her job of protecting the village.
Ruby spends the first 4 volumes of the show not knowing Oscar, but when they meet he, just like the village boy, is in awe of her silver eyes. From there, she saves him from Grimm twice (I imagine we are holding out on the third where she saves him with her silver eyes for a volume we haven't received yet)...
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...and they are faced with constant separations and reunions thereafter.
Oscar goes missing in V6E8 only to be reunited with everyone in V6E9...
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2. They are separated for much of V7 due to disagreements and other external circumstance, only to reunite and make up in V7E9...
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3. They are then immediately split up again, one going down to Mantle and the other staying in Atlas, only to reunited at the beginning of V8E1 (suspiciously after Oscar stares into a fire much like the boy at the end of the story).
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4. It is short lived before they split up on different teams AGAIN, which leads to another reunion in V8E10...
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5. Only to - you guess it - be separated one more time when Ruby falls into a void, leaving Oscar to think that she died and take charge as the new leader carrying her responsibilities in her place.
Which follows the structure of the original fairytale - at least in numbers - down to the letter.
Beyond that structure, there is also the matter of what both relationships are built upon: the act of taking care of one another.
In the book, the woman explains that she protects the villagers "because she can, because no one else will, and because some people are good, like the village boy, and that gives her hope".
This heavy responsibility the warrior carries is very reminiscent of Ruby's character arc. A leader who feels she can't be a failure, who can't rely on her friends and teammates to share how much this all weighs on her, someone that lost all her silver eyed family and fears for her own fate because of a trait she had no control over. Even going so far as to try and push people away for fear they will end up hurt because of her. Someone that "remembers all the people she saved, and all the ones she didn't".
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This is juxtaposed by a boy who was sheltered and safe, far from the dangers of the world, but set out and joined hers anyway. And when he did, he brought her new clothes, a new weapon, some food, and an ear she could tell her stories to. When he explains his motives, he says:
"You've spent all these years looking after us. I thought maybe it would be nice if someone looked after you for a change. Because that's what I can do. Because no one else will."
Which ties into Oscar's character exactly as well. After his conversation with Ruby in V5 about how scary all of this is, his first thought after saying she's amazing, is to acknowledge how hard this must be on her. And from then on out we see him looking after her to the best of his ability, despite his inexperience, time and time again. Protecting her when she's hurt, standing up for her when their friends fight, and baking her a casserole after she's had a tough day.
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All of these things tie into what Ozpin cites as the main message of the fairytale in his notes at the end of its chapter:
It is often used as a cautionary tale, intended to discourage children from wandering too far from home on their own, or from relying too much on others to save them. But the most enduring, and I think the most inspiring, aspect of this story is one which many have taken to heart: If you can help others, it is your responsibility to do so. Whether that means fighting evil singlehandedly, or baking cookies (for kindness can be as rare as silver eyes) is up to the reader to decide for themselves. From each according to their own abilities.
Ruby and Oscar are two characters driven by their responsibilities to do something about all the bad in the world, in whatever ways they are able, before they run out of time. While Ruby's main allusion is Little Red and Oscar's is the Little Prince, I think it's really inspiring to see a canon fairytale within RWBY's own universe that relates to their story so well as this one.
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acatalystrising · 2 years
After a new job, relationship, and now an upcoming move to plan for, I’m FINALLY back to writing! Here we have, at long last, chapter four of Moth to a Flame! This story has taken so many turns and I have a million ideas, so there will be more chapters to come! For now, I hope you enjoy!
Here are the links to chapters one, two, three, and five!
Minor nsfw, no other warnings.
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Moth to a Flame Chapter Four
“Having trouble, mesh’la?”
Boba Fett’s deep rasp had taken a uniquely playful tone as he walked beside you, the clinking of his spurs breaking the calm silence. He watched you carefully, brow raised, a knowing look in his dark eyes - eliciting yet another furious blush as you tried to regain your balance.
You’d fallen in love before, of course. Had your doomed relationships that went nowhere, leaving you with only a broken heart in their wake. But this? Stars, you’d never had a person make you feel like this.
Head still spinning from the kisses in the rancor pit, you’d nearly tripped as you ascended the palace steps.
“Oh, I’m fine, just clumsy,” you managed to right yourself and smirk at your own expense, “wouldn’t be the first time I’ve tripped on my own two feet.”
But it’s the first time I’ve fallen this hard…
You almost said it. Almost voiced the roaring thoughts in your head, but they were locked behind your lips - past experiences and fears strong enough to curb your tongue.
“Then we’ll use precaution,” Boba extended a gauntleted arm with a smooth flourish as he walked beside you. “Allow me.”
“Such a gentlemen,” you placed your hand on his arm and he chuckled, the sound warming your chest and making you weak-kneed all over again.
You snuck a glance at him as you both passed a set of windows, the moonlight filtering through the hewn stone, illuminating the pathway beyond. Your jaw nearly dropped when you saw his green armor glinting in the pale lighting, which cast a silvery sheen onto his eyes and skin. Maker, he was gorgeous. His broad frame overshadowed yours, study and resolute - the build of a warrior. Every scar, every muscle spoke of a life spent as a vicious bounty hunter, someone many still feared. This once again served as a reminder of the danger he posed - not merely for the weapons he carried, but for the weapon he was.
And yet, he was gentle with you.
“Like what you’re seeing?” His voice was soft, softer than you’d expected for someone of his reputation, and you frowned, noting a hesitation there.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d suspect that Boba Fett, of all people, doubted his worth. For all the power, grace, and confident charm he exuded, you suspected there were many wounds hiding behind those honeyed brown eyes.
“Always,” you gripped his arm tighter as if that alone could reassure him, to help him see the truth you were discovering. “How could I not?”
The beskar was cool to the touch - but it didn’t frighten you. Relief, not dread, washed through you as your fingers ghosted over chips in the paint. You felt grateful for the armor that kept him safe, helped him stay alive all those years to be here, now…with you.
He hummed, brows furrowed in thought. For a moment, he seemed so far away - mind lost in the spiraling galaxy above. You didn’t know what dwelled in that mind, but stars, you wanted to learn, to dive deep into vastness that was as wide as space itself. Wanted to help him see he wasn’t alone, as he’d shown you.
“Thank you…for everything.” You finally spoke, voice equally soft, and he regarded you with a gentle stoicism you now understood to be rapt attention. “I’m not…used to this. I’ve done what I can to care for the animals, my friends…but I’m just…me. I’ve never caught the attention of anyone important.”
His dark brow flicked up as he silently helped you up the next flight of steps, lips set firmly as he guided you through his palace. It was ironic, that after all these years of fearing the likes of Jabba the Hutt and Bib Fortuna, you found yourself exploring the halls of their former home with the new Daimyo. Someone who, unlike them, was fair and just - walking beside you in thoughtful silence.
It was a peaceful quiet, really.
Contemplative, even. In truth, you didn’t mind - it was comforting in the way a mountain would assuredly always stand. The way the stars shone in the sky, lighting your path home in the dark. True as the suns and moons that blazed above in celestial wonder. Boba Fett was only a man, you knew - but he felt like something eternal.
“You intrigued me the day we met.” When he finally spoke, he was achingly somber, those dark brows furrowed in thought as he led you down an adjacent hallway. “I’ve been alone for…a long time. Didn’t think that would ever change. Took weeks for Fennec to convince me to return.”
Weeks? You found it difficult to picture this big, broad bounty hunter being afraid of anything - much less your rejection.
“Stars Boba, I’m not scary. Sure, I was frightened at first when you stopped by,” you shrugged with a small grin, meeting his waiting gaze. “Think about it - the most renowned bounty hunter, now our Daimyo, back from the dead, walking into my clinic.”
“Didn’t wish to frighten you.” He looked away, fumbling with the helmet tucked at his side as if looking for a means of escape.
You noted the rigid posture, the squared shoulders, the armor that went much deeper than beskar draped over his heart. A heart that, despite all the things he’d done, the blood he’d spilled, had always been something soft…something wanting love. It broke you, to see it - a soul so akin to your own despite your vastly different experiences. Perhaps you weren’t the only one who bore inner scars still mending.
“Boba.” You stopped, waiting for him to do the same, softening your voice the way you would for a pacing, caged animal. You didn’t see him that way, of course, but you recognized when someone felt trapped.
He paused, shifting on his heels to face you, expression guarded, a great weight lingering in his eyes. And damn it all, those eyes were an ocean, one you’d willingly drown in. There was a wisdom there, beyond his years, a depth of pain that spoke of decades of trauma and loneliness. Stars, you wanted nothing more in than moment than to love him so fiercely, so wholly, he could set it all aside - if even for a moment.
Maker, what all had this devastatingly beautiful, broken man endured?
“I’m not afraid. In fact, you’ve captured my heart, I think.” You dared to speak your mind, smiling nervously as you forced yourself to continue. “You have since you first set foot in my clinic.”
Boba’s eyes locked onto you, gleaming in the moonlight, and you swore to the stars you saw hope.
“The feeling,” his lips curved in a fond, yet sad, smile - watching you with such intensity you felt his gaze bore into your very soul. “Is mutual.”
You could only nod, so moved by the dualities of his gentleness and strength as he resumed leading you down a hall you recognized, the one that led to the dining room.
The truth was, you’d been alone for so long.
His words both warmed your heart and left an ache lingering in your chest. In your experience, good things didn’t last. You’d lost much in your life, and you couldn’t help but wonder…would you lose this, too?
“You’re quiet,” Boba’s voice rumbled through you as he led you into the dining room. “Something wrong?”
You blinked, realizing you felt so comfortable with him that you had slipped deep into your thoughts. Whether he knew it or not, he’d proven to be safe enough for you to lower your guard - and that didn’t happen with many.
“No,” you regarded him with a smile, finding him watching you with rapt attentiveness. Once again, the hunter in him was too keen - something you were still adjusting to…but he deserved the truth. “I don’t…have much of a family. You’ve been so kind, and I enjoy your company, I just don’t want it all to…”
Silence fell as the words cut off in your throat, as if held by back an invisible fist around your neck.
He led you to the vast spread of food, pulling out a chair for you in silence. He sat at the head of the table beside you, graciously waiting for you to gather your thoughts. You didn’t want to admit it - admit that you were afraid. Not of him anymore, no, but of losing him. That mental shift had happened quickly - very quickly, you might add - and it forced you to face the real question at hand. Stars, had you already fallen in love with Boba Fett?
“Look at me, sweet girl.”
Boba’s voice was soft, rumbling through you like a caress, prompting you to meet his gaze. You found a raw adoration in those amber shot eyes, so intense it left you breathless.
“There’s no hidden motive,” he placed a hand over yours, gloved fingertips lightly caressing your knuckles. “We’ll take things however slow, or at whatever pace, that you wish.”
You nodded, and his lips curled in an easy smile that made your heart race, but his gaze still held a note of seriousness that commanded your attention.
“I’ve no intentions of walking away,” he raised a brow, moving to lift his hand from yours. “Unless you ask me to.”
You mourned the loss of his touch and fought the urge to lean forward and take his hand back in yours, heartbeat still pounding in your ears as you shook your head.
“I’d never ask that,” you smiled, fears melting away. His mere presence did that - cutting away the darkness in your mind. “So I suppose you’re stuck with me, my Daimyo.”
“With a beauty such as you?” He lifted a cup in his big hand and raised it to his lips with a devilish smirk, voice impossibly husky. “If I’d ever be so lucky.”
You watched him drink, eyes locked on you, and couldn’t help but squirm under his gaze. It was intense, to feel so captured, and yet so at home.
“Please, eat,” he gestured at the spread of food, armor glinting in the firelight. “Look like a princess in that dress.”
Heat blossomed on your cheeks as you raised one of the cups to your lips, the wine smooth and sweet on your tongue.
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, the food, his close proximity, or all three - but you felt nearly euphoric as you and Boba conversed well into the night.
It quickly became apparent that he was brilliant…more brains then you’d expected from a man with his brawn. Stoic and direct, but with a surprisingly dry, humorous side - he never missed an opportunity to compliment you, his smirks and light touches sending you spiraling deeper and deeper into an abyss that you never wanted to escape.
“I’m still curious about the nexu,” Boba crossed his broad arms, leaning back into his chair, brow slightly raised as he regarded you with a small, crooked smile. “What do you plan to do with her once she’s older?”
“They’re native to thick jungles and heavily forested areas, but adapt well to new environments.” You took another sip of your wine and shifted in your seat, suddenly wishing he was closer, that he’d kiss you again. “I’m hoping to train her, and eventually build her a nice, big enclosure.”
“Tell me if you need assistance,” he set down his fork and wiped his bare fingers clean with a napkin, and a very, very traitorous part of you watched those thick, yet nimble digits with another blush. “The animals deserve good lives.”
Think about the topic. Think about your nexu. Don’t let your mind wander… you swallowed, nodding, glancing away and taking another gulp of wine. Gods, you were in trouble. Kriff, kriff, kriff, he’s so attractive. I just want to…
“I…thank you,” cheeks burning, you shifted again to press your thighs together in a sad attempt to alleviate the ache in your core, and his gaze flitted over you like a caress - those dark, beautiful eyes flecked with gold locking on you with intense focus.
Damn it all, of course he’d notice. He was a bounty hunter, the best bounty hunter - he knew how to observe people. And right now, you were hopelessly tipsy bordering on drunk, and he was reading you like a book.
“You seem distracted…something the matter?” He quirked a brow, the corner of his lip curved in a sly smirk. “You can tell me, mesh’la.”
Oh gods, the man was toying with you. You’d willingly walked right into the hunter’s snare…and he knew it. He had you right where he wanted you, and you couldn’t have been happier.
“Oh, I…I’m fine,” heat crawled over your ears, and you knew you were blushing, dipping your head down to take another sip of your wine, the potent wine loosening your tongue. “You’re just…so beautiful. That’s all.”
Boba fell silent, and for a moment you worried you’d offended him. You anxiously glanced back up, only to find his trademark scowl replaced by a uniquely shocked expression.
“You mean that?” His tone was gruff, brows lowering with confusion, he gestured at his face with a shrug. “Even though I’m…this scarred?”
Oh maker, you wanted to hug him. Kiss him senseless and show him just how attractive you thought he was.
“Of course I do,” you leaned forward, subtly scooting your chair closer to his, heartbeat pounding like a drum. “What a silly thing to say. Scars don’t make people ugly, they’re signs of survival. Marks of honor. And yours make you stunning.”
The sound that emitted from deep in Boba Fett’s chest was the closest thing to a strained groan you’d ever heard him make. And gods, it nearly sent you spiraling. You shifted closer to the edge of your seat, breath snagging in your throat when he scooted his chair back and regarded you, head tilted to the side, legs spread, fingers steadily tapping the armrest as if he were on his throne. If you hadn’t already been blushing, your face was assuredly as red as the suns when he shifted his hand and patted his muscled thigh, voice a beckoning purr.
“Come here, little one. Take a seat.”
Oh. Good. Gods.
How the kriff were you even supposed to move? And yet you stood before your speeding thoughts could process the actions, moving on wobbly legs to stop before him.
He regarded you with a stern expression, save for the glimmer of a smile in his eyes, a subtle softness which prompted you to sit on his thigh. A strong arm curled around you, hand resting comfortably at your hip, holding you securely against him even as a chuckle rumbled from his chest, sending more heat curling to your core.
“You’re the beautiful one. So perfect.” He lifted a hand to caress your jaw, touches feather light as he explored your skin. “This okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, voice hoarse, heart pounding so loud you wondered if it would burst. “You, you’re…”
“I’m what, princess?” He shifted, and your cheeks burned when you felt his hardened arousal solid like durasteel beneath you. “Remember what I told you earlier, sweet flower - use your words.”
You nodded, daring to lean further against his chest, closing the remaining distance between you, the contradictory coolness of the beskar and warmth of his body oddly comforting. Kriff, the things you’d only do with Boba.
“You’re…unlike anyone I’ve met before.” You took a breath, trying your best to gather your thoughts as his fingers traced circles over your skin, nearly sending your poor brain into a mad spiral. “You make me feel safe.”
He nodded, a certain pride shining in his eyes at that, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your pulse point. He lifted a hand to your face, fingers caressing your bottom lip, hesitating. You dared to flick out your tongue over his finger, and he growled, dropping his hand to your chin and guiding you into another kiss with more rumbled praise.
“Good girl.”
You whimpered against him, you couldn’t help it, core clenching around nothing even as heat pooled between your legs. Just the fact of knowing that he was so close, that he was affected by you too, made your thoughts blur until you no longer knew what end was up. And yet he was so, so strong, holding you as he deepened the kiss. Protective, ensuring you wouldn’t fall. Respectful, always waiting for you to take the next step.
“Liked that, hmm?” Boba drug his lips along your cheek, warm breath washing over your skin. “Tell me if I should stop.”
“Please don’t,” your voice was nearly breathless as you tried to string your words together. “Please…”
He hummed, kissing your neck, then your jawline, dragging his lips up to capture yours. You leaned into him, deepening the kiss, shifting so you were straddling his lap. He grunted, pressing a hand to the small of your back, guiding your hips in a slow grind.
It had admittedly been a while since you’d been with someone. And there’d been a reason…a reason you’d elected to ignore for the moment. Trauma be damned - you wanted this with Boba, wanted him. So you ignored the flare of panic spiking in your chest like an errant flame.
This was Boba. He was safe.
He wanted you to feel protected, even now.
So you moved with him like you imagined water would flow, following his movements, letting him guide you. You ground against his length, eliciting a deep groan from the Daimyo, and dared to press kisses along his powerful jawline and down his neck. His own kisses were all encompassing, demanding, yet soft as you explored him, slowly lowering a wandering hand to his pants.
“Mesh’la,” Boba’s voice was impossibly gruff, yet direct enough to get your attention. You stopped your advancements, looking up at him with a frown. “You’re drunk. Don’t wanna make you do anything you’ll regret.”
“You’re not…I want this,” you pressed a kiss to the corner of his lip, anxiety worming it’s way into your chest. “Unless you don’t…”
Boba wrapped both of his arms around you and held you flush with his armored chest, amber gaze dark, locked on you.
“I want you, ad’ika.” He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, the light touch sending a shiver down your spine. “Been a bit since I’ve been with someone. Wanna do it right.”
Heat flared in your cheeks and you looked away, swallowing hard, head still spinning.
“Yeah…it’s been some time for me, too.”
Boba’s fingers found your chin, gently lifting your face to meet his. As always, he bore his trademark sternness, brows lowered, gaze intense, as he seemed to observe you from a new lens.
“Your former partners…they didn’t care about you.” He spoke gently despite the severity of his expression, thumb gently caressing your throat, a reminder that there was no judgement - no shame.
And it hadn’t been posed as a question.
“Well,” you sighed, a weight in your chest resurfacing and threatening to pull you under. “No…”
He nodded, lips pursed in thought, thumb still stroking your neck.
“You deserve better,” he finally gave you a warm smile, a softness you hadn’t expected dancing in his eyes. “When the time comes, if you’ll have me, I’ll ensure you’re never left wanting again.”
Stars, his gentleness and caring words nearly made you want to cry. You managed to nod, still too overcome by the influx of emotions to speak. He gently rubbed your back, and you curled against him, held securely in his arms.
“We’re all fighting our pasts,” he kept his voice low, soft, soothing - similar to the way you’d been with him earlier. “We can learn to heal together.”
You nodded, tucking your chin against his neck, and closing your eyes with a soft sigh. He held you close in a comfortable silence, as if he understood more than you’d expected.
Every single day, you’d fought. Endured, to be strong. Struggled for everything you had, for the name you’d made for yourself and your clinic. Sacrificed so much for the animals you loved. And for the most part, you’d done it all alone. But now…perhaps you didn’t have to.
“I…” you finally spoke, albeit hesitantly - stars, how were you supposed to explain trauma? “Thank you…”
“Should be thanking you for giving an old bounty hunter a chance,” he held you close, resting his chin over your head in a gesture you swore was protective. “You’ve had a lot to drink. If you want that, let’s wait for a special occasion, hmm?”
“Okay.” You gripped his arm tighter, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “Because I do want that. With you. I just…have my own demons to face.”
“We’ll face them together,” he ran a hand through your hair with a gentle caress.
You nodded, snuggling against him, a heaviness settling in your bones as exhaustion slowly took you over.
“C’mon little one, let’s get you home.” Boba’s voice rumbled sweetly through you, and you nodded, letting him gather you in his embrace.
By the time you made it back to the clinic, Boba helped you upstairs to your rooms, a hand at your back, ensuring you wouldn’t fall.
You were too tired to worry about the presentability of your home, letting him guide you to your bed without a single fleeting concern. Once you were nestled under your covers, he stood at your bedside like some kind of green armored guardian angel, a softness in his gaze that contradicted his powerful physique.
“Boba…” you wearily reached for him, words starting to slur. Damn, you were drunk. And exhausted. But for the first time in a while, you felt happy.
“What is it?” He raised a brow at you, gently taking your hand in his.
“Please…stay? Just…wanna be close.” You held onto his hand as tightly as you could. “You make me feel safe. Please?”
He was silent for a moment, and just as you began to worry he’d refuse, he reached up and fiddled with one of his pauldrons, removing the piece of armor with practiced ease. You watched him remove that legendary beskar that kept him safe, that marked his identity, all too aware of the implied trust in the moment.
The bed depressed with his weight as he joined you under the covers, clad in his undershirt and pants. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest, thundering heartbeat melodious to your ears.
“This okay?” His voice was soft, so achingly gentle it made you want to kiss him again.
“It’s perfect,” you twined your legs with his, feeling so warm and protected, your anxieties melting away. “Thank you.”
He hummed a response, a hand carding through your hair, lulling you to sleep.
“Goodnight, mesh’la.” His voice was gentle, soothing, as your consciousness faded to black. “You’re safe with me.”
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theonevoice · 11 months
Sorry if this is a little foggy and poorly worded, but I have been sitting on this thought all day, after working on a scene from Mamoru Hosoda's Wolf Children, and might as well put it here. The scene in question is the one where little wolf-boy Ame, sweet child who loves stories and picture books and who struggles to come to terms with his hybrid identity, one day while out in the woods with his sister and his mother on a sort of wolf-training excursion suddenly starts crying. And the reason why is crying is that, in all the picture books, he keeps seeing the wolf depicted as the bad guy that ends up shooed away or killed. And because of such representations, now he wants to repress his wolf identity, that has always been a lively and funny, although hard to figure out, part of his life. He is terrified of being what he is because the narrow representations that he has access to tell him that the world does not like people like him. It's a powerful little moment in a beautiful movie, that always makes me tear up, and if you missed it I highly recommend you watch it. If you are not into anime movie and just curious of the scene, I found a clip on YouTube:
Anyway, this scene made my lonely braincel twitch, and I was thinking, now that we are approaching the end of this glorious - as far as the mediascape is concerned - year 2023, that many people underestimate the enormous power of fantasy narratives in expanding the borders of gender (and minority in general) representation. Having an author canonically establish that certain fixed categories do not apply to one or more characters for in-universe reasons takes away that nasty oblique excuse that some people use to deny and disparage diversity in media (where I live they usually sound like "they only made this character a person of color to please the woke liberalsTM even if the historical context doesn't allow it", or even, comically, "it is narratively implausible that this character is or shows to be queer but they were forced to do it by THE GAY LOBBY" - yes, this is an actual conspiracy theory loudly promoted by Italian journalists and politicians, and yes, I am personally deeply ashamed by it). Obviously, almost none of said people has the faintest actual interest in narrative aspects, but they still use the excuse to pollute the public discourse and attack minorities. And I am aware that there is a possible dark pitfall here: in the best possible world, we should not need to take the route of fantasy settings to have something that should never have been denied in the first place, but from a pragmatical standpoint it does work. Having authors saying "nope, sorry not sorry, they are wolf-children / angels and demons / weird vampires / anachronistic pirates in a fantasy context so your self-proclaimed laws of plausibility do not apply and you can shove them where the sun does not shine while we enjoy the show and put this beautiful, funny, delicate, deep and sad things on screen", is like having a cultural picklock which is also a cultural battering ram thrusting the representation-door open. Shows like Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, What We Do in the Shadows (and their fandoms with their massive collective creative endeavour), by offering the symbolic shield of a fantasy setting can establish a safe space where 1. queer people (especially young people but not only) can finally recognize themselves and stop feeling like they are alone and don't have the words and images they need to describe themselves; 2. not queer people can get used to a larger set of possible identities and not only realise that 100% of said idenities are in fact - hold on to your butts - still people with thoughts and feelings and needs, but also, through the power of mimesis, acquire a deeper understanding of forms of life that they don't directly experience. Including, hopefully, understanding how similar we all are when it comes to us being ultimately a bunch of naked apes who walk on this spinning rock trying to be as little miserable as possible.
Again, sorry if this sounds clumsy and blunt, given how delicate and complex this subject is (one does not simply walk into Mordor talk about the lives and needs of other people like that), but I had this thought stuck in my shallow brain wrinkles and I wanted to try and put it into words.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
If you could choose three of the ROR characters to get Spin Offs, who would you choose and what would their stories be about?
Ooh this one got my brain going into overdrive!
Sticking with the theme of the other spin offs, for the moment, I'll make it a bit difficult and only choose those on the humanity side.
First, I would like to see one for Michel Nostradamus, we've already met him in the manga, and we don't know too much, but we've learned that he somehow managed (which I'm praying they touch on) to break the Bifrost. I bet that story alone is going to be bonkers, however, it would be interesting to see other chapters of his backstory. We know he's strong, as he's able to handle the gods of Helheim and escape whenever he wishes to and is the only human to be sent to Helheim, for his actions against the Bifrost.
Second, I would like to see more of Sasaki Kojiro's past in a spin off, we know that he is 'History's Greatest Loser' but from all his losses, he became the strongest. He died young, we know this, but it would be interesting to see some more of his time when he was alive, followed by tales of his adventures in Valhalla, as he said that he continued to train after his death, which led to his prime being right then and there when he fought. Unlike the others, his story would probably be mostly based in Valhalla, and it would be interesting to see the types of warriors he faces to become as strong as he is now.
Third, even though they are not humans, they are on the side of humanity, I want to see more about the different Valkyries. We have 13 different characters here, all of them different from each other and I feel like we need more than just the little bit we get to see in the anime and manga. I feel like these characters can have backstories and maybe even just fluff stories with how they go about their normal days, like what do they do for jobs, if they have any, how to they interact with other gods and humans. I just want to see and know more about these characters.
Fourth only for my own selfish reasons because I wanted them to live, Raiden and Thrud!! They were so stinking cute!! I wanted more of their adorable romance! I wanted to see them get married and have so many babies that they would rival Big Mom's family in One Piece!! Let me have my romance with the adorable giant beefy woman and her shorter but still beefy husband!!!!!!!!!
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felixmoonstar · 9 months
Hii, good night everyone, im here once again to show you another bit of my art, i think i may start to post weekly so if you are interested ill probably post again every week in a time between tuesday and friday, cant say with precision as i have some art blocks sometimes like everybody, but anyways, ill leave a song that i think that matches my text, explain why i choosed that specific song and also leave my inspirations, also as always im open to constructive criticism, so, enjoy^^
The Limbo forest.
I woke up in the middle of the forest in the dark, a limbo so deep that the only reason I could know I was in a forest was the branches hitting my face, as neither the sun, moon, nor star was visible in this pitch black. Just darkness and constant slaps from the branches, other than that, I couldn't know anything else close to me. At first, I was terrified by the lack of vision, the fear of the unknown, of what would happen soon, fear of not knowing, but after a few hours without having an idea of ​​what was happening, I ended up getting used to it and my anxiety decreased considerably. Before I could calm down, I walked the whole time, getting slapped by branches, getting scared by the noises I made when I stepped on fallen branches that I couldn't see, falling head-on into several trees, and all kinds of general things that I couldn't see. could happen if I was in a dark room, there was just one problem: unlike a room, I wouldn't just have to worry about pieces of lego or banging my finger on the corner of a table, here I was constantly taken by my surroundings, which in addition to increasing my anxiety and pain, it also increased my hatred for this place and my miserable condition, so after a few hours of emotions dominating my mind, rationality returned and I started to ask myself "if I'm in a forest, where are the animals ? Is this place so shit that no animal has managed to adapt to it? ... the biggest problem seems to be the lack of light, but many animals can see in the dark..." then I looked at the sky again, and to surprise of anyone, there wasn't even a celestial body in the sky yet, and I only realized that now. *just now. In addition to being naturally desperate, I was even more confused for not having realized this before, and I wondered what else I was missing. Thinking about losses, I started thinking about what I was missing by being here, precious time with friends? A meal? A robbery? I would never know, and I didn't even want to think about it much to preserve my remaining mental health. After reflecting for a few hours sitting and crying, I started to recover myself and started walking again, and to my surprise, I found what I assumed was an exit, a distant remnant of light, so I didn't waste any time and simply ran in that direction, to my happiness and surprise, in fact it was the world that I knew, the sun was in the sky and I didn't understand how this was possible, but I didn't even try to find out why, not for now at least, I just reflected on what could be found in that "forest" in which I found it.
So, first of, i choose "introduction to the snow" as the best music for that piece of writting because one, i love Tally Hall and miracle musical is bassicaly a Tally Hall spin off, and second, i thought it gave a nice feeling of not knowing about where you are, and i feel a strange when listening to this music, i love this music but it give me a weird feeling in a good way, plus, "alone at the edge of the universe" Is bassically what i wanted to describe when writting this.
Now, what was my inspiration? When writting this, i was feeling completly hopeless and that was like a vent to me, so whats writted is how i was feeling at the moment, i enjoy putting my emotions in my writting, then feeling overwhelmed is for me, something that makes the process way easier.
Long story short, thats one of part of my art, one that im really proud about and that like all my other art, is full of myself in it.
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gamersonthego · 2 years
GOTG Review: The Last Guardian
This is the second game in my Backlog Roulette series, where each month I spin a wheel to randomly select a game on my massive backlog that I must play (though not necessarily to completion). These wheel spins occur on the monthly preview episodes I co-host with my friends on The Casual Hour podcast.
I’m trying to remember the last time I felt genuine emotion for a character in a video game. Fire Emblem comes to mind. It is my favorite franchise after all. The idea of building up a roster of characters from zeroes to heroes. I celebrate their wins. I’m pained by their losses. But they don’t feel real. When one goes down, I mourn the loss of their utility more than I do the loss of their character.
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I may not feel genuine emotion for Lapis as a character, but I sure do love when she does this.
Pokemon has a similar issue. I watch these monsters grow up and evolve over the course of my journey, my six faithful companions helping me take on the world. But the artifice never fully falls away. I see their “health points” and their mechanical abilities and am reminded these are still just bundles of data, and if I think about the numbers long enough, I can game them just right to always land in my favor. The closest I’ve felt to a critter in Pokemon is in the most recent entries, where Game Freak added in a chance to “hang on” with 1HP left after a devastating enemy move if your Pokemon’s friendship stat was high enough. It’s cool to see a Pokemon break the rules of the game through the power of love, but it also happens too often and too randomly for it to feel authentic.
Cliche as it might be, that last time that genuine feeling occurred might be Team Ico’s previous game, Shadow of the Colossus. Agro, your character’s horse was a constant and stalwart ally. Yes, it was mechanical in its own way, but in a game built around solitude, having this one thing on your side was a comfort, one that made the mostly empty world a little less lonely. And while Shadow of the Colossus plays on this attachment in a few key moments, Team Ico’s third game, The Last Guardian, is built entirely in service of this interaction. 
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Reductively put, The Last Guardian is the video game embodiment of “a boy and his dog.” You control a nameless boy, waking up in a prison of a cave. But you are not alone. There is a creature locked in here with you — a massive griffin-like animal. Chained, injured and afraid, it lashes out whenever you come near. This is Trico, and while you might not know it yet, this monster is going to become your best friend. 
Trico is the whole reason The Last Guardian works. His appearance may be fantastical, but his movements, his mannerisms, his stubbornness — they are familiar. You look at Trico, and you know he’s made up of polygons and AI "if/then" statements, but that artifice just melts away, expertly hidden by characteristics that are innately animalistic. Trico barks at things he doesn’t understand. He looks at you in confusion as you try to coax him to move. He paws at his food. He stretches his legs after escaping cramped quarters. He shakes the water off him when he comes out of water and then he preens his feathers. It’s magic. And the developers are able to keep up this trick throughout the entire 12-hour experience. 
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How could you not love this goofball?
The game around it however, can leave something to be desired: An awkward camera that’s both rigid and yet has a mind of its own, scenarios that go back to the well a few too many times (I can’t tell you how often my character blacked out due to story reasons, only to be woken up in a new area by a rescuing Trico) and world design that, while undeniably beautiful, is often confusing and repetitive. 
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But while those things can (and will) frustrate you, they can’t stop the emotion you feel for Trico. Never have I spoken so much to a TV during a playthrough, using the same tone as I would with my own pet. “That’s right, just a bit further. You can do it.” “No, not that way, Trico.” “Oh, you’re hungry now?” “There, there, the bad guys are gone. Nothing to be afraid of.” I caught myself saying these little phrases often, then laughing at how the game had fooled me yet again that Trico was a living, breathing thing.  
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The Last Guardian definitely has its moments of intentional heartstring-pulling — big set pieces and scripted events with you or Trico put in a tight spot just to miraculously have the other save them at the most critical of times. And those moments do often land with their intended impact. But it’s the quiet moments that give Trico, and The Last Guardian by extension, its heartbeat. 
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I have played and will play hundreds of games that are “better” than The Last Guardian. Games with sharper controls, more layered stories, nicer graphics, smoother framerates and less obnoxious  puzzles. But few games will leave the impression The Last Guardian has. Because despite its flaws (and perhaps, even thanks to them), The Last Guardian made me feel something in a way that most games can't. 
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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write-ur-wrongs · 3 years
The Death of Me
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Word count: almost 4K - big whoops!
A/N: This was totally meant to be a drabble / blurb, but the story got away from me! A huge thanks to the sweet anon who submitted this prompt - I was beyond inspired and chuckled warmly throughout the entire writing process. This baby isn’t proofread so thread lightly!! I sincerely hope y’all enjoy this one :’) 
Prompt:  Heya! I saw your post about wanting to practice writing short stories so I have a small prompt for Geralt! What about: the reader and Geralt have always had a difficult relationship, always running into each other at the most inconvenient moments and hence disliking each other. However, while Geralt is passing through a village the reader comes barging into his room bloody and near death, only getting a chance to say “I didn’t know where else to go” before collapsing. I would be honoured if the idea inspired you :3
You’d never considered yourself unlucky but lately life had a funny way of throwing you for a loop, or rather, throwing you to the wolves. One wolf, actually. A damn, irritating, and arrogant white wolf.
At first, it was all business. You’d arrive in a village itching for a contract, only to find that a “legendary witcher” had already come through and taken care of every monster within a two-days ride. Furious, hungry, and broke, you set out determined to get as far as you could and as quickly as possible. Your determination got you far enough that you’d managed a full three months of contract work, but not far enough it seemed.
You’d been on your way to collect payment from your latest contractor when you’d heard the buzz on the street; a witcher had come through asking about work, and had been told to wait and see as someone else (a woman! A human woman!) had already committed to the case. Apparently, he was either incensed or bemused at the idea – the brute was very hard to read, so say the town gossips – but it didn’t matter to you. You beat him to it and now you get to eat. When you finally met with the contractor to collect your coin, you couldn’t help but swell with pride as they thanked you, eyes wide, for taking care of a monster no human ought to be able to handle. You could have sworn your pride had given you wings as you floated out of the inn.
That is, until you heard them mumble under their breath, “Thank Gods that lass was able to handle it! Had it been the witcher, I would have had to pay triple!”
“Thank heavens for cheap labour!” whispered their partner, raising their glass to cheers their big victory.
Suddenly whatever weightlessness you felt transferred onto your coin purse. Biting hard on your cheek you pushed up your chin, determined to remain dignified. But then you saw him.
Impossibly broad chested, rippling muscles evident beneath his leather armour, with golden eyes that reflected back to you with a cruel playful nature that made bile rise in the back of your throat. He held your gaze and raised his own tankard to you as you walked past him. His deep voice rumbled through you as you pushed the door open.
“Cheers to cheap labour,” you heard him say, and swore you could hear the smirk on his full lips.
Groaning furiously, you pushed the door so hard it swung back and slammed shut behind you with such force a flock of birds took off somewhere in town. Undeterred, you stomped off towards your horse and set off at a gallop.
I’m going to make sure I never cross his fucking path ever again, you thought searingly.
You were wrong it turned out, but how were you supposed to know that?
You’d gone years without actually seeing him again, but that didn’t mean you were free of him. You’d alternated winning and losing contracts to each other, and the pressure of beating him to the next one stressed you so fiercely you developed ulcers. That alone would have been enough to push you to murder had you not heard from another witcher that their brother, the great white wolf, was losing sleep trying to keep up with you. Knowledge of this fact spurred you on; after all, if you couldn’t beat him, it’s best to be even, no?
The next time fate brought you two together, though, you could not have been farther from on top. What made matters worse, is that you weren’t even in battle when your paths crossed. Your literal paths just simply… crossed.
You’d been riding east for many days and just as many nights. You were tired, sore, and somehow still soaked to the bone despite the fact that the rain had stopped at least a day ago. You were so tired, your muscles seemed heavy in your limbs, and you had to keep blinking hard to bring the spinning world around you back to its axis. As you rode through an intersection on the trail, the sun peaked out from behind the thick curtain of clouds just long enough to pull you fully into sleep, and right off your still-moving-horse’s saddle.  
You honestly didn’t remember falling asleep, or off the saddle. You also had no memory of the moment another traveler, who was riding towards the intersection on the other trail, leapt off his mare just as you started your descent and caught you before you could split your skull open on one of the many rocks sprinkled throughout the street. You had no memory of the way he’d pulled you off the path, leading both horses behind him as he’d carried you over his shoulder. Zero recollection of him laying you down on a bed grass, tying your horse to a nearby tree, lighting you a campfire, or filling your pack with some bread and meat.
What you did remember, was the arrogant look on his face when you finally woke up. The condescending tone he took as he reminded you that you were ‘only human’ and had to take care of yourself accordingly was also seared into the annals of your memory.
You hated that he’d saved you almost as much as you hated the fact that you’d been asleep around him. Completely vulnerable for God knows how long and he’d been there to witness it all. Whenever the memory of the look on his face or the way he’d crossed his arms and tilted his stupid head as he condescended your humanity came to you, you couldn’t help but cringe even months after the fact.
Your saving grace came a full six months after your damned damsel in distress moment on the trail.
Well fed, well worked, and well travelled, you were taking your time enjoying the market in your town of the week. The work you did wasn’t glamourous, but it did allow you the means to afford a few luxuries every now and then. This time, it just so happened that your coin could buy you the sweetest gift of all: revenge.
The market was busy as ever, you could barely hear yourself think over the cacophony of voices and animal bleats bouncing around the square. Had it been anyone else, the conversation would have been lost among the noise around you, but when that voice came rumbling through the mess of shrieks and shouts, you couldn’t help but seek out the source. You didn’t know why you cared or why you were so surprised to find that the voice’s owner was none other than the White Wolf himself.
“You good?” you asked, making sure to tilt your head, hands on your hips, the same way he’d done the last time you’d met.
“Fine.” He practically barked, not even turning his head fully to address you directly.
The merchant, none-too-concerned with your arrival on the scene, continued as if uninterrupted. “I’m sorry Mr. Witcher, sir, but I can’t go any lower. This is the best I can offer.”
“I can’t pay that much,” he grumbled, hands closed into tight fists.
“I’m sorry-”
“Is this enough?” you interjected, knowingly offering forward far too many ducats.
“Y-yes!” breathed the merchant, looking quizzically at Geralt before picking three coins from your open palm, “thank you, madam...”
“Y/N,” you introduced yourself with a warm smile and a nod.
“Y/N!” Geralt hissed, at the same time, reaching out to push away your hand a fraction too late; the vendor was paid, and you’d won this round.
“What is it, Witcher?” you teased, as the vendor took his sword back for repairs, “been on vacation? Why so skint?”
“Been low on work lately,” he replied coolly, cat-like eyes boring into yours, “not as many contracts as there use to be.”
“Well, I’ll be,” you said, cocking your head to the side and pursing your lips in mock contemplation, “I can’t imagine why that’d be the case! Seems I keep running into monsters to kill.”
“Mmhm.” He hummed, narrowing his eyes at you.
Refusing to let him have the last word, you quickly turned on your heels and high-tailed it out of the market, shouting over your shoulder to the blacksmith to give any change back to Geralt before disappearing back into the crowd.
Being even should have brought peace between the two of you but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Your last interaction only fanned the flames of your rivalry. As the months turned to years without coming upon each other again, you still found yourself filled with unreasonable anger whenever you saw a mop of white hair cross you on your travels.
And not that you’d know it, but it turned out that Geralt wasn’t faring any better; finding himself frustrated and acting recklessly whenever he’d come upon anything that reminded him of you.
You were both completely obsessed with one another. Thoughts of the other constantly on the mind. Whether in waking or in dreams, you were both equally afflicted by an intense need to outperform, out run, and also, inexplicably, to impress the other.  
It was that need to impress each other that led you to accept a contract you should have never even considered taking. You honestly wouldn’t have even considered it had the circumstances been any different but you’d been hearing about this monster for weeks on your travels. Tales of the mighty griffin tearing people to shreds had been circulating far and wide on this side of the Yaruga, and honestly, with every retelling you’d expected to hear that a witcher had handled it, but that never happened. You’d somehow managed to arrive at the village at the source of these stories before him and had an opportunity to literally rob him of this victory.
Granted, you were the only one who’d been attributing him with this win, but that didn’t matter, not to you. The only thing you cared about when accepting this particular contract was the knowledge that by taking it, you were preventing him from having it, and that was more than enough.
The shock on the villagers faces when they saw you accept the contract only added to your already inflated confidence. The sheer size of the griffin’s wingspan humbled you a little, though, and whatever grand illusions of an easy victory you’d carried into the forest were squashed along with a couple rib bones only moments after engaging the beast. In short, you were fucked.
Some might say that coming out of it alive was enough of a win. Those people would be morons, you thought as you stumbled clumsily back towards the lights of the village, clutching your split abdomen with both hands and blinking back blood dripping from your forehead. Every step you took came with the stabbing pain of additional tearing around your wound. You could barely think, your ears were blocked and caked with dried blood and dirt, your tears stung as they fell across the gashes on your cheeks, and every breath in felt like it could be your last. You’d never admit this out loud, but a part of you wished the creature had finished the job.
Perhaps the only saving grace here was that in your condition, you couldn’t hear the villagers as they pointed and gossiped. You didn’t hear the “told you so’s” or the lewd shouts coming from the drunk men as you stumbled into the tavern. You could barely hear the disappointment in the inn owner’s voice as they reprimanded you for accepting a contract, they knew you couldn’t complete. Rolling your eyes, you pushed your way towards the stairs as quickly as possible – which, as it turned out, was not so quick, praying that someone would call you a healer.
“… and to think a witcher arrived only hours after she went off to kill herself! Tsk-tsk!”
You stopped dead in your tracks, drops of blood falling across your brow as you interrupted the momentum you’d been building. “W-what?” you croaked, turning towards them as much as possible to make sure you’d hear them correctly.
“Yeah! And not just any witcher, lass, the Butcher of Blaviken no less! Checked in with us just as you head out. Had you waited half a day you could have saved yourself a world of – ‘ey! Now where’s she off to?”
As you registered this news, something inside you snapped. Before you knew what was happening, you’d made your way upstairs and started pushing your full weight onto every door you passed. The great White Wolf, the Butcher of Blaviken, was certainly arrogant enough to leave his door unlocked. You might have been wrong about the griffin, but you’d be damned if you were wrong about this.
Fortunate or not, you weren’t wrong about this. As you pushed your shoulder against the last door with whatever strength you had left, the door swung open with very little resistance. The heavy wooden door slammed loudly against the wall at the exact moment that your limp body crashed onto the floor.
“WHAT the fuck!” Geralt howled, leaping off the bed and onto his feet. His wild eyes assessed the situation in an instant, and he bound to you in barely two strides. “What the fuck did you do? What happened?” he asked as he flipped you over, so gently you were sure you’d already passed out and were now dreaming. Or maybe the blood loss was finally catching up to you and you were full-on hallucinating.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” you breathed, barely above a whisper, before losing consciousness in his arms.
Regaining consciousness was a slow, painful process. You’d come in and out of it a handful of times throughout the night, and flashes of what you’d seen before you lost it were coming to you in an almost dreamlike haze; terrifying images of the furious griffin, its blood-soaked talon shining in the setting sun as it reared back to strike you again, and warmer visions of Geralt, shirtless, running towards you with – could it be? – genuine concern in his eyes.
Now as the rising sun cast its glow across the room, you squinted painfully against the light. Your head felt as though it was full of cotton; heavy, and scratchy, and unnatural on top of your shoulders. Hesitantly, you ran your tongue over your teeth and were equal parts relieved to find them all there and disgusted at the acrid, mineral taste the blood left behind. Blinking slowly, you tried to bring up your hand to rub at your eyes, but stopped short as you felt the large bandage draped across your forehead.
Slowly, you started to register the other bandages, on your arms, your cheek, across your abdomen. Your eyes grew wide as you finally registered the man facing away from you in the far corner of the room. Geralt’s broad strong back was hunched away from you as he rifled through herbs and small glass vials looking for something. Inexplicably, you found yourself disappointed to see he’d put his thick black tunic back on. Horrified by that realization, you literally gagged, startling Geralt and pulling his attention squarely onto you.
His big dumb beautiful face was all hard lines as he looked you over, stern eyes flashing to meet yours before dropping back down to the vial in his hands. You couldn’t help be notice the way the muscles in in jaw rippled and tensed as he sighed. He was oozing disappointment and anger, and that infuriated you.
“Am I dead?” you ask, squinting at him a little theatrically as you squirmed and winced in your bed.
“No.” he practically growled, his body tense as he made his way towards you slowly.
“Oh,” you breathed, bringing your eyes up to his before adding, “this isn’t hell?”
To your immense satisfaction, his stern eyes widened into shock, but then something unrecognizable flashed across his features – wait, was he hurt?
“Why, because I’m here?” he shouted, as if in confirmation of your hunch, and slammed the damp cloth he’d been holding back into the basin.
“No, jackass,” you retorted, pleased that despite the position you were in, you still had some semblance of an upper-hand, “because a griffin fucking fileted me like a fish and some poor drunk is probably downstairs slipping in a pool of my blood right now.”
You’d kind of hoped that he’d laugh, or at least have a comeback geared up for you, but Geralt just stood there staring at you, his mouth in a tight line, nostrils flaring.
Uncomfortable by the intensity of his stare and the silence accompanying it, you decide to continue to poke the bear.
“Come on, what’s with the face, Geralt? Pissed I’m still alive? You know you could have just closed the door over my body, let nature finish the bloody job.”
“Fuck, no! Y/n!” he screamed, startling you out of the attitude you’d put on, “I’m pissed because you’re an impossibly difficult woman hellbent on killing herself! I’m pissed because you don’t seem to fucking care about what happens to you! You can’t keep doing this Y/N! Because one of these days you’re going to get hurt and you’ll be too far away from me and I won’t be able to fucking save you, again! I am pissed because I am losing my mind spending every god-awful day wondering if you’ve gone and gotten yourself killed! Fucking hell, woman! If you didn’t find me – I-if I wasn’t here, with these herbs – Damnit Y/N!”
You just sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You couldn’t believe it. You didn’t know what to say. This man, your nemesis, was in front of you pacing back and forth, breathing heavily, looking like a maniac. His nostrils were flaring more than the monster that almost killed you just yesterday. Part of you wanted to correct him and demand he never address you as ‘woman’ again, but his wild earnest eyes kept you quiet. My god… was he crying?
Before you could say anything, Geralt sighed gruffly, ran his large hand over his face and stormed out, mumbling something about needing to get you more water.
Left alone with your thoughts, you couldn’t stop yourself from spiralling. You’d expected him to be angry – hell, you wanted him to be angry! You’d humiliated yourself twice over, enraging him would ease the blow – but this was… different. He seemed genuinely concerned about you. And what was with his whole speech? He spent every day thinking about you? Worrying about you? There’s no way.
Sure, you thought about him daily, but that was out of spite! You hated the man! Why else would your heart race whenever you thought you spotted him in a crowd? Why else would you actively seek out the most dangerous contracts? What, like you were hoping these contracts would draw him out, and therefore, closer to you? As if!
Your ridiculous inner monologue was interrupted by Geralt’s return. The horrible brute knocked gently on the door before stepping inside, and your heart had the audacity to skip a beat.
Oh, you thought, fuck.
“I need to change the dressing on your wounds,” he grumbled, not meeting your eyes. You nodded wordlessly as he settled onto the chair next to you. You watched him work in silence, praying he would attribute your insane heartrate and flushed skin to a pain response from his work.
“Geralt?” you tried, chewing nervously on your cheek, as was just finished up with the last of your dressing.
“Hm?” he hummed, keeping his eyes cast down as he fussed with the bandage on the gash across your abdomen.
“Thank you… for saving me.”
He finally brought his gaze up to meet yours, but said nothing in return. He merely grunted in acknowledgment. You didn’t know why, but his silence in combination with his inscrutable gaze encouraged you to keep talking.
“I honestly only took this contract because I didn’t want you to have it,” you admitted bashfully.
“What the fuck? No one was taking it because they weren’t paying nearly enough! Hell, and you’re just a human,” he fumed, throwing up air-quotes as he said it, “so what – they offered you a third of nothing?”
Laughing lightly, you shoved him with your elbow, “they offered me three whole ducats!”
“Oh, wow,” he laughed, low and rumbling, “so a big pay day for you, eh?”
“Shut up,” you gasped as pain rippled through you with each peal of laughter, “knowing I could screw you over was payment enough!”
“Well congratulations are in order, you did manage to screw someone over,” he chided.
“Me,” you stated dryly, gesturing widely at your busted up body.
“You,” he echoed with a sigh that seemed to deflate him.
He suddenly looked so small, sitting there next to you. You watched him as clenched and unclenched his jaw, rubbing his large hands up and down his thighs – was he anxious? You mind raced as you felt his eyes travel slowly up your body. You held your breath as he worked up the nerve to finally bring his eyes up to yours.
The moment his eyes landed on yours, something shifted. Whatever had been lodged uncomfortably between the two of you all these years had finally clicked into place. This change, albeit small, was palpable. His eyes dropped to your lips and lingered there. He was looking at you like he’d never seen you before. Like he was afraid he might never see you again.
Without speaking, Geralt inched himself closer to you and reached a tender hand to tuck your hair behind your ears before cradling your face.
“You’re not allowed to die, do you hear me?” he whispered, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You gave him a quick nod and brought your hand up to his, nuzzling into the warmth of his palm before giving his hand a quick kiss.
“I need to hear you say it,” he begged, bringing himself even closer to you.
“I do,” you breathed, trying to sit up to bring your face closer to his. “I’m not going to die, not on your watch, but I’m also not quitting.”
“Y/N –”
“No! If I quit, you’d get lazy. Who’d push you? What would be your driving force?”
“Wow,” he scoffed, looking at you incredulously but fondly, “you’re so fucking arrogant.”
“And yet…” you said, quirking a brow flirtatiously as you pulled him closer by the collar.
“… and yet?” he murmured, letting himself be pulled closer to you. His eyes half-closed and his lips slightly parted.
“You love me.”
“I love you.”
And then he kissed you. His mouth claimed yours urgently but his hands were ever gentle, ghosting over your bandages and caressing your skin with a feather-light tenderness that would have brought you to your knees had you not already been bedridden. Any hesitation or doubt melted away under the heat of his touch as all those years of tension sprung apart catastrophically. The knot you had carried in your stomach unfurled into flittering fireflies, their heat traveling up your stomach to your chest as his hands worked their way into your hair.
You didn’t know when they’d fallen, but you let out a shaky laugh as Geralt kissed away the tears on your cheeks, his thumb swiping at the tears his soft lips failed to catch. Breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against yours; his hands cupping your face as yours captured his.
Gods – this man was going to be the death of you.  
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Chifuyu x Hybrid!Reader
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⚠️ Warnings⚠️ this story contains explicit description of sexual acts. Viewers discretion is advised. Minors dni
彡❣️Chifuyu and a Cat!Hybrid would be the cutest relationship ever. I do not care.
彡❣️Considering he owns a bet shop he knows exactly how to take care of a cat and because of all the manga he read as a kid, he knows how to love a woman.
彡❣️Don't think it works that way buddy but it's the thought that counts.
彡❣️He's the best owner and boyfriend ever. He grooms you, pets you, gets you all different types of desserts as rewards, cuddles all the time!
彡❣️Sure, at first he was a little awkward. He's never owned a hybrid before much less dated one, it was weird but he loved every minute of it.
彡❣️His favorite thing about you would probably be your tail. It's so soft, he can't help himself. He loves playing with your tail. Especially after a long day at the shop.
彡❣️ Oh! You're a great help at the shop too. It's like you have this intuition about animals, it just helps everything run smoothly.
彡❣️Your guys' domestic life is pretty calm and relaxing, it's peaceful.
彡❣️Except when it's not.
彡❣️Ever since you guys started dating you stopped taking heat suppressant pills. Your body had to get used to the sudden change, considering you just stopped completely. For a while your heat was irregular and random.
彡❣️Good thing you had Chifuyu to help you!
彡❣️It was a telltale sign that your heat was coming when you started to purr really loud, like extremely loud, or you get clingy and super emotional.
彡❣️You'd always want to sit on his lap, his cock resting right under you.
彡❣️You would have to wear something that smells like him, anything.
彡❣️Your eyes would be dilated, completely focused on him as you whine his name over and over.
彡❣️ Slowly grinding your hips against him as you cry his name begging for him to fuck you.
彡❣️ He would instantly give in, fucking you for hours until you were satisfied.
彡❣️ It wasn't always like this, the first time you had your heat was just seven months into your relationship.
彡❣️ You guys were out shopping for some new clothes when you randomly fell down to your knees. Your breath was broken, you would barely say a full sentence.
彡❣️ You remember feeling dizzy, drunken almost. Your head was spinning at a thousand miles per hour and there was nothing you could do about it.
彡❣️ Your body heated up in an instant, drool seeped out the corner of your mouth. Your ears and tail moved without your command.
彡❣️ "H-Hey?! What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
彡❣️ "Fuyu'..."
彡❣️ With one look at your face he knew, he carried you to the car and rushed back home.
彡❣️ He put you in your shared room, telling you to take as long as you needed to feel better.
彡❣️ You tried and tried. Your fingers weren't didn't reach where it needed, the pillow didn't feel good, nothing worked. You couldn't bring yourself to that orgasm you needed. All you could do was cry knowing you'll never be able to get rid of this itching feeling in your core.
彡❣️ Chifuyu heard you crying but refused to do anything about it. It's not like he didn't want to, but he wanted your first time to be special. Not when your judgement was clouded by your animalistic urge to mate, he wanted you to come to him mind free of influence and doubt.
彡❣️ But fuck, why are you moaning so loud. Why are you crying his name, you're making it harder for him to stick to his resolve.
彡❣️ "Fuyu' please, I cant— Need you, please Fuyu'."
彡❣️ Fuck it.
彡❣️ He came into your shared room, only to see your ears dropped down and tail in-between your legs as you desperately tried to finger yourself.
彡❣️ "Need you cock Fuyu'"
彡❣️Followed by a plethora of please and begs came after.
彡❣️ The throbbing pain in his cock tried to convince him to just fuck you right then and there, but he couldn't.
彡❣️ This wasn't the way he wanted to have his first time but he can still make it special and cater to your every need.
彡❣️ "Be a good kitten and spread your legs."
彡❣️ With glossy eyes from the tears you did so, you moved your tail and parted your thighs allowing him to look at your glistening sex.
彡❣️ "So pretty, can I touch you here?"
彡❣️ You nodded begging him to touch you, even going so far as to trying to grab his hand.
彡❣️ "Nu-huh, be patient okay?"
彡❣️ You nodded, you could feel yourself getting wetter from the anticipation of his touch.
彡❣️ He bent down, his knee pressed into the bed as his lips claimed your own.
彡❣️ While he distracted your mouth his own he took the time to explore the outer region of your cunt, a two fingers dragging down each lip. Till his fingers met your slick slit, his fingers dragged up your slit grazing your clit with his digits.
彡❣️ You arched your back into his touch. All you could think about was more, you wanted more of his mouth on yours. More of his fingers, everything.
彡❣️ He broke the kiss to focus on your dripping sex. You were dripping, honestly prep wasn't needed but he wanted to make you cum with just his fingers alone.
彡❣️ He pushed two of his digits inside of you, starting off slow while he kissed your thigh leaving bite marks on the plush skin.
彡❣️ "Fuyu~"
彡❣️ "I know kitten."
彡❣️ Kitten, he'd often call you it as a play on you being a hybrid. Never once did it sound so sexual till now.
彡❣️ His fingers curled inside you, hitting the spot that had you creaming on his fingers in an instant. Due to being in heat you were more sensitive than usual, even the smallest touch could have you squirting in an instant.
彡❣️ Despite you cumming once, he never stopped. He picked up the pace, his fingers moving after inside your sloppy cunt.
彡❣️ You were shamelessly grinding against his fingers moaning his name. Your tail was wrapped around your waist keeping it out of his way so he can continue the assault on your gummy velvet walls.
彡❣️ You cried for more as you felt another orgasm come near, he obliged. His fingers now moving at a ruthless place as they continuously hit that same spot over and over without mercy.
彡❣️ "Good girl, go on. Cum again for me."
彡❣️ And you did, your juices dripped down his fingers into his hand.
彡❣️ "Such a messy pet."
彡❣️ "M'sorry, more please.."
彡❣️ He put his fingers in his mouth tasting you, and he felt like he was on cloud nine from taste of you.
彡❣️ Pleads came form your mouth begging him to hurry up, you just couldn't take it anymore. You needed to feel him inside, more tears dripped from your eyes as you repeatedly begged him.
彡❣️ "Okay, Okay, I'm hurrying."
彡❣️ Stripping himself from all articles of clothing he stroked his cock just to solidify the hardness before he gave you what you asked for.
彡❣️ It was hours of him mercilessly pounding your tight cunt over and over. 
彡❣️ His length reaching those places you couldn’t, his cock kissing your G-spot with every thrust as you mewled his name.
彡❣️ Plethora of praises left his mouth in a gruff tone through his pants.
彡❣️ They just went straight to your cunt, with every praise you would subconsciously squeeze around him. You’d earn a hiss from him every-time. 
彡❣️ You can’t remember how many times you released your juices on his cock or how many times you begged him to keep fucking his cum into you. 
彡❣️ Your head was spinning, eyes crossed, and tongue lulled out. You saw stars each time he’d slap his body against yours.
彡❣️ Kisses littered your body as he called you his “pretty kitty”. Promising to fill you up real nice. 
彡❣️ He’d kiss and bite your tail or ear, whichever looked better at the moment which sent a jolt through your body.
彡❣️ He was attentive to your sensitive nub as well, rubbing circles that matched the pace of his thrusts. 
彡❣️ He was close once again and you were too. The way your walls pulsated against him told him everything he needed to know.
彡❣️ Talking you through your nth orgasm.
彡❣️ “That’s it baby, you feel it coming don’t you? Fuck- Go ahead, cream my cock princess.”
彡❣️ “Your pussy is so greedy, you just came but it won’t stop sucking me in.”
彡❣️ “Fuck, fuck, fuck, gonna cum in this tight cunt again.”
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Kinktober Day 22: Zombie (Voracious)
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Day 22: Zombie Title: Voracious Word Count: 2.6k Warnings: Noncon, necrophilia (cause zombie), predator/prey, biting, marking, blood play, yandere Note: Thank you so much to @thewheezingwyvern who is always down to help me without batting an eye when I go “so, zombie plague...what are some good symptoms? And yes, the zombie is going to fuck you.” Also, for the love of everything that is unholy, please mind the warnings. Do not read the fic and come to me to tell me how disgusting it was. Trust me, I know. :)
Kinktober Masterlist
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The country of Japan is dead. Or at least close enough that the distinction doesn’t matter.
Several months ago, an aggressive virus leaked from a quirk research facility and spread through the population like wildfire. Nobody was informed about what was going on, and nobody was warned when the virus first began to hit the cities. Officials kept it as quiet as possible, hoping to contain the spread before it got out of control. And before anyone knew how big of a mistake they had made.
But it was far too late for any sort of containment. The virus already spread fast in a lab environment, and it was even faster as it tore through an unprepared population.
The first sign of contracting the virus is tiredness and body aches.  The infected simply thought they caught a minor illness, and they continued their business as usual, expecting it to go away on its own. But as the virus continues to spread through their body, the tissues start to die and they develop intense fevers and headaches. By the time the infection makes its way to the brain, confusion and outright delirium has begun to occur.
The infected are wild by this point, feral to the point of attacking, biting, and eating the uninfected.  The ones who were bitten and survived had the site of their wound swell and turn agonizing to the touch, and they would suffer the same progression as the other infected.
The final stage is always the same though. Once the black rot of plague starts appearing on your skin and spreading like the branches of a tree, it’s too late.
The worst part is that the infected still have use of their quirks, and the devastation has been immense. Super powered heroes and villains with their minds rotting and decaying from infection, losing the ability to distinguish friend from foe. In some areas, the casualties were even worse from fighting than they were from the virus itself.
Somehow, you have managed to keep yourself alive and stay away from the worst in-fighting and the areas with the highest concentration of infected. Still though, it is a surprise to you. You’re simply a quirkless nobody with no way to defend yourself.
You have seen so many better, stronger people die right in front of you, leaving you forced to continue on alone.
You sigh as you scavenge through an old building that was once a store, looking for more supplies. Yours are dangerously low, and your dry mouth and grumbling stomach tells you that you need to find something quickly, before you become too weak to continue on.
You practically jump out of your skin when you hear the banging of items hitting the ground from deeper within the store. It might be survivors, or it might be the infected. The thought briefly occurs to you that you need to check to make sure, but you quickly shake it away.
Survivors or not, you didn’t come this far by being careless. But as you inch quietly towards the exit, you see a flash of red eyes from within the darkness as something emerges.
No, not something. Someone.
One of the infected.
It’s clear that he’s in the late stages of infection, the black rot spreading out through his body, but most notably his left leg which he drags limply. He’s wearing what are essentially black rags that flow out from behind him, leaving his chest bare so that you can see more of the black spiderwebs of rot twining outwards.
His eyes zoom in on you, narrowing slightly as you stand there frozen in fear. Neither of you moves for what feels like hours, but is really mere seconds. You break out of your trance first, turning on your heel and running for the door. The infected pursues you instantly, jumping over a table rather than running around it to save time. The move is a sign of intelligence that instantly fills you with dread. By this stage, the infected are usually too confused and delirious to remember such things.
You make it to the door with him hot on your heels. You’ve always considered yourself a fast runner, especially lately, but this is an entirely different story. He’s fast, too fast. The infected are not supposed to be like this, especially not with a bad leg. But yet he is quickly catching up to you as you dart through streets you know so well.
You realize that your only chance is to lose him somehow, as you’re never going to be able to outrun him. Your breath is coming in harsh pants already, a stitch burning in your side as you make a sharp, desperate right turn into an alleyway.
An alleyway with a dead end.
This area was clear just a week ago, but now it looks like an infected hero or villain used their quirk to collapse both buildings in the area, causing massive chunks of cement and debris to block the road out. There is no way to climb over the rubble and no handholds or stairs to use to climb up the buildings. You’re completely trapped.
You whirl around quickly, hoping to get out before the infected catches up with you. But you’re too late. He’s already standing at the entrance of the alley,  staring you down with heated red eyes. A sharp burst of awareness fills you as you realize exactly who this is. The leader of the League of Villains, Shigaraki Tomura, whose whereabouts have been speculated on for weeks along with the rest of his villain group.
No wonder he’s so fast and so dangerous. The infected retain some level of awareness and ability from the time before, and Shigaraki was one of the most deadly villains in the country.
And if the way he’s acting towards you is any indication, he still is.
You take a step back. He takes a step forward. Another step back. Another step forward. You scan through your chances of getting out of this alive and uninfected, but your mind comes up with nothing.
Your back hits a wall abruptly, and in your split second distraction, the infected is on you. You’re pulled roughly to the ground, hands barely breaking your fall as you land on your front. This is it, you think to yourself, I’m about to be eaten. All this time of running away, of watching people you care about die, all for nothing.
You can’t stop yourself from trembling as you try to brace for the pain of being devoured. But instead, he leans down and buries his face into your neck, sniffing the skin deeply as he pushes your body further onto the ground. His hips are bucking against the curve of your ass, and with dawning horror, you realize exactly what the hard bulge in his pants is.
He grabs your pants and you watch as decay overtakes them and dissolves them into ash. He decays your shirt and bra next, leaving you bare from the waist up and shivering from the cold of his body pressed against you. You’re too scared to move, too scared to do anything.
But when he reaches for your panties, that’s when your paralysis finally breaks and fear takes over. You try to lift yourself up from the ground to run, only to hear a snarl as teeth sink into the flesh of your neck.
You go limp with a choked sob, losing any and all desire to try and get away. It’s all over now. That one single moment has doomed you to infection and madness. The pain of the bite is nothing compared to the despair you feel.
He lets out a pleased hum at your sudden obedience, pulling your panties aside as you feel something cold and hard prodding at your entrance. You barely have time to comprehend what’s happening before your pussy is filled with one sharp thrust of the creature’s hips. The infected aren’t supposed to do this, aren’t supposed to have these urges, you think wildly to yourself. This can’t be happening, it’s not possible.. But it is happening. You’re being taken by this creature like a wild animal in a back alley.
And then he is moving, hips slapping against your ass as his throbbing length pounds into you. There is no gentleness, no precision, just deep, feral thrusts that have you unwillingly clenching. He’s thicker than you’re used to, and the pain of your muscles stretching around him causes you to whine from the back of your throat.
This shouldn’t feel good. You should be horrified, disgusted. You should be fighting tooth and nail to get away, even though it’s hopeless since you’re already infected. But the cold of his cock pressing against your warm walls has your head spinning from the contrast.
He hits a soft, spongy spot inside of you, and you let out a squeal as your stomach tightens. The teeth are removed from your neck, only to bite down in another spot on the other side. He ruthlessly breaks skin, causing blood to run down your front and drip onto the pavement below.
Your body feels like it’s on fire, everything so overly sensitive as his cock forces your walls to stretch open even further as he gets rougher. The hands gripping your hips feel warmer than they were before, fingers digging hard enough into your skin to create bruises. The grunts and groans leaving his throat are positively lewd, and he takes his mouth away only to bite down in between your shoulder blades.
Your scream echoes through the alley as the teeth penetrate flesh, his tongue lapping at the bite and taking deep swallows of your blood. You try to imagine yourself somewhere else, anywhere else so that you don’t think of the pressure building up inside of you and the pain from the throbbing bites now decorating you.
Your nails dig hard into the cement below you as you try to ground yourself and ignore what’s happening, but Shigaraki doesn’t seem to appreciate that at all. He smacks his hand hard against your ass, keeping his pinky raised delicately off your skin in a way that has you worried about his level of awareness.
Now that your attention is firmly back on him, he bites the back of your neck, and you can’t stop the howl that leaves your throat when you feel your skin break, or the orgasm that wracks your body as you feel blood trail down the column of your neck and down in between your breasts.
Tears run down your face as humiliation burns through you, the shame of cumming around this infected villain’s cock almost too much to bear. Almost worse than the fact that you’ll soon be just like him.
“M-m-m - “
Your eyes widen as you glance behind you, seeing the infected concentrating hard as he tries to get words out. He’s stopped thrusting, as if he’s trying to focus entirely on whatever he wants to say. As he opens his mouth, you see his teeth stained with your blood and the sight shoots straight to your core.
“M-m-mine,” he finally manages to stutter out, “mine.” He forces your head down onto the pavement as he begins to ruthlessly pound into you.  The infected don’t speak, they’re not supposed to speak -
“Mine,” he snarls, almost as if he heard your thoughts and is trying to prove you wrong.
You’re oversensitive and wet from your previous orgasm, allowing him to fuck you deeply, hitting your cervix with every thrust. You can feel your pussy dripping your juices all over his cock, and the wet squelching noises that fill the alleyway has you shaking with embarrassment.
“Mine, mine mine,” he chants as he bites again and again, each time pausing long enough to take gulps of your blood. Your head is spinning, lightheadedness from blood loss overtaking you. The ground below you has puddles of your own blood where it drips down, and you briefly think that maybe you really will be eaten right here and now instead of being infected and left to wander.
His hand comes in between your bodies to stroke tight circles against your swollen clit as he chuckles deeply into your ear. “Mine,” he whispers darkly. “Why else would I stumble across the cure for the plague if you weren’t meant to be mine?”
Cure for the plague? That’s not possible, there’s no cure for the plague, and you’re completely quirkless -
He bites down one last time, sinking his teeth into the back of your neck and holding you there like a dog refusing to let go of a bone. You realize why immediately when he groans into your heated skin, warmth spreading through your core as he shoots hot ropes of cum directly against your cervix. The pain of his teeth buried into your flesh has you thrown over the edge as well, legs trembling and eyes rolling into the back of your head.
He removes his teeth from your neck once he’s emptied himself inside of you, letting you go as you collapse onto the ground. You roll over enough to meet his eyes, seeing sharp intelligence and contemplation. The black rot is quickly disappearing, color returning to his skin. Within no time at all, you can no longer tell he was ever infected.
“How - I don’t - I’m quirkless - “
“No, you’re not.” He states it matter of factly, as if it was already known. “You have a quirk, it just didn’t have a purpose until the plague. Your blood carries the cure.”
You consider everything that happened, realizing that the more blood he drank, the more human he seemed. The faster the infection was being cured. He snorts at the look of disbelief and then understanding on your face. “With you on my side, I can remake society exactly the way that I want.”
“I am not on your fucking side! You’re a villain who just - “ You can’t even bring yourself to finish the sentence, but Shigaraki has no issues doing it for you.
“A villain who just fucked you and got you off?  Such a dirty girl, getting off around infected cock.”
Your face heats up and you instantly glance away, drawing another chuckle from his throat. “I won’t help you,” you say stubbornly, ignoring his previous words.
“Who said I was giving you a choice?” His fingers dig into your arm as he pulls you off the ground. “You belong to me now, and I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want with you. Just think about the power I have now. I control who stays infected and who gets cured. No more hero society.” His voice has taken on an excited, almost manic tone as he considers the possibilities.
“Are you - are you going to let them do what you just did?” You whisper quietly, a single tear running down your face at being used the same way by other people.
He instantly scowls at you. “Of course not.”
You perk up just a bit, until you hear his next words.
“I’ll let you be a blood bag, but for everything else - you’re mine. And I don’t like to share.” He begins to drag you back the way that you came, walking with purpose.
“Now come along. We have so much work to do.”
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Kinktober: @ichor-and-symbiosis, @thewheezingwyvern​, @vixen-scribbles, @katsukisprincess, @hisoknen, @trafalgar-temptress, @leeswritingworld, @burnedbyshoto, @bakugotrashpanda, @dee-madwriter, @kittycatkrissa, @reinawritesbnha, @yanderart, @dabilove27, @fae-father, @anxietyplusultra, @flutterfalla, @angmarwitch, @nereida19, @babayaga67, @fromsunnywithlove, @dabis-kitten, @bakugos-cumsock, @yumeneji, @the-grimm-writer, @iwaizumi-chan, @slashersheart, @bunnyywritings, @bakarinnie, @angie-1306, @emplosion22, @lalalemon101, @videogameboiwhowins, @f4nficbaby, @tenkoshimmy, @baroque-baby, @bbyspiiice, @thirstyforthem2dmen, @blissfulignorance2000, @bluecookies02-main
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 1 - Loki x Reader
Summary: After your child is born a Frost Giant, your husband accuses you of infidelitiy, unaware about his own heritage...
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Warnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Angst, Mild Cussing
Noteable: Takes place before Thor 1, Asgardian Fem! Reader
Words: ~1800
I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
It was as if your anchestors wanted to deliver a warning, for Asgard had never faced a storm matching this fateful afternoon.
The thunder swallowed all of your screams and cries, every curse you spoke with each contraction as the baby made it’s way into this world. All this time, your precious husband would never leave your side, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed.
“Only a little bit more, my Lady!” the midwife shoutet from between your legs, her tone calm yet cheerful. “I can already see the head!”
“I’m right here. You’re doing wonderful, my petal.” Loki was softly petting your hair, pressing a wet kiss into your forehead. “You are incredibly strong, Y/N. And I love you so much!”
Remaining collected was using up all of his energy at that very moment, you knew that much. Yet not even the God of Lies could hide all the helplessness and excitement stirring in his head at that very moment.
Being with the Prince of Asgard was just like in a dream.
Once you get to know him, that troublesome arrogant lone wolf turned into a smart, caring - and especially charming - prince. And hel, Loki treated you like a Queen.
All this pain you were experiencing right now would ultimately lead to the greatest bliss imagineable - just like it was with Loki.
Oh, how dearly you had fought, suffered, yearned for him, only to be rewarded with heartbreak and frustration. In between his feverishly chase for the throne and his rivalry with Thor, there was just no room for a loving relationship to grow.
The crushing weight of thinking himself unworthy for affection had made him cold and bitter over the millenias, telling himself the comforting lie that he was above all, born for a glorious purpose.
For the God of Mischief, whose kinsmen had always made him feel out of place or under-appreciated, the process of trusting had always been one step forward, three steps back.
But through your compassion, and with a great deal of patience and understanding, you slowly but steadily melted the ice around the prince’s heart.
Because deep inside, you always knew that it was worth it.
And today would be the peak of your romance: Your child would forever remind the Odinson that he belonged somewhere - right here, with you.
“It’s a boy!”
“A heir?!” Loki exclaimed, smothering your face in kisses. “Well done!”
You smiled weakly at his excitement, in between choked sobs. All that your exhausted self was able to process was the fact that your child is born - and you already loved him beyond reason.
“Where is he?!” you whimpered, unable to realize how the air in the room had shifted - for when the midwife touched the infant, she began to scream in agony.
“What’s wrong?!” Loki’s eyes were narrowing at the midwife that almost dropped his newborn, detecting some sort of burn wound on her palm. Quickly, she had covered the boy in a towel, aware that if any harm came over that baby, she was to die at the God of Mischief’s hands.
A flash of lightning was brightening the whole room, which had only been flooded by dim candle light until now.
Another one of the midwife’s screeched in terror, almost stumbling as she frantically erscaped your bedchamber. The adrenaline from birth and worry about your child sharpened your senses, yet concentration was almost impossible.
Still, the words she was yelling as she ran down the hall send a shiver down your spine:
“It’s a monster.”
Your head was spinning as you rushed into an upright position, with two nurses pressing you onto the bed again. “Milady, you need to rest! It’s still too early!”
“What is wrong with my child?!?” you desperately screamed, kicking with your legs to free yourself from their hold. “Give it to me!”
Their expressions were too much to bear. Your head was spinning, seeing pity mixing up with disgust and anger in their eyes.
“Enough!” Loki finally broke his own silence, his mind having been occupied with all the horror scenarios one could think about.
Walking up to the midwife carrying the infant, he demanded seeing it. “Your highness, don’t-” yet the midwife’s beg was for naught.
Yes, everything will be alright. Loki will take care of it, like he always does. After all, he’s your savior, your hero, the love of your life...
Gently and insecure, your husband cradled the newborn in his arms - a sight to behold. And the baby’s strong cries assured you that it was at least alive.
However, as soon as he dared to unwrap the towel, revealing it’s face, Loki’s heartbeat completely stopped for a second. His trembling lip began to shake, mouth widely agape as he took in the child’s form.
For a brief moment, his mind was completely blank. All emotion dropped from his face before taking in a complete different demeanour.
“Wha-” you wouldn’t dare ending that sentence when your husband’s furious eyes met yours.
The air was so thick, you thought not even Thor’s hammer could break it. Clearly ritten on Loki’s usual unreadable face were so many emotions at once:
Aversion, fury, incredible sorrow...all directed towards you? The child?
Loki Odinson loved you more than anything in this world, this was the only thing you had always been sure he wasn’t lying about.
“From all the people I expected to betray me...” His voice was hoarse, as if the ache in his heart was wrapping around his throat. “Why did it have to be you?”
You could feel the horrendous aura, a wave of sadness and despair coming from your husband. Seeing him like this was like torture.
“What- what do you mean, darling-”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you harlot!” That was surely not the first time your lover had raised your voice against you - he could be a bit difficult at times, obviously.
But this time was different somehow. It sounded so...ultimate.
And the Loki you knew would never use such harsh words against you!
“Please, I beg of you...just let me see my baby!” Everything was just too much for you, almost to the point of passing out. 
And the man did as you pleaded, almost shoving the child into your arms. “There, have your bastard! And make sure to never show your filthy faces to me ever again!”
With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving you with those strange nurses looking at you like you’ve just commited an unforgiveable crime.
There was no use in overthinking this. He’ll come back like he always did. You can work this out, whatever it is - even if you are gonna be mad for a very long time, making such a fuss and then disappearing instead of taking care of you, the mother of his child.
Out of a whim, you decided to finally observe the little being you’ve been waiting for all those months.
A loud gasp escaped your mouth as you realized just why everyone was so worked up about that little boy. Yet the sound you made was solely surprised - not a hint of fear or rejection laced your voice.
It was a beautiful baby boy, little fists balled to the air as if he was searching for the warmth of his parents - though his skin was in the shade of a dark blue. When you dared running your hand over the deep lines and ridges on his body, the stinging pain of frostbite immediately stung your fingertips. His eyes snapped open, looking at you with black irises through red scleras.
You knew the meaning of this, even though you didn’t understand how this was possible: This child was a biological Frost Giant. A small one, but nonetheless.
A curse? Was someone trying to play your family dirty? No. If that was the case, the child wouldn’t also have actual powers together with the appearance.
Just how long have those tears been running down your cheeks in thick streams already? You wouldn’t know.
Only one thing came as clear as daylight to you: You loved this baby, more than anything in this world. And no matter the hardships that came along with it - you would protect him, no matter what!
“He’s magnificent...” you sniffled, pecking some quick kisses onto his small body before the cold could hurt you. “I love you so, so much...!”
Not minding the judging looks of the nurses, let alone wondering about the consequences, resolve was starting to give you new strenght.
The boy got a grasp on your finger, and instead of your skin freezing off as expected, your magic allowed him to the boy to finally disguise itself as one of you. How was this even possible? Well, this is probably the first time something like this ever happened, so no one could prepare you for what to expect with this child.
They all say that birth was an impactful event - but nothing could’ve prepared you for everything that you had to endure on this day.
Yet nothing could’ve stopped you from believing that this child was the greatest blessing that ever came over you.
Now you only had to convince your husband of that very fact...
“Y/N Y/L/N!” the guard wouldn’t even bother adressing you with your full title as his harsh voice woke you up. When had you drifted away into slumber anyway? You were probably way more worn out than you wanted to admit...
Your eyes immediately snapped open, heart skipping a beat until you saw that your son was still sleeping soundly right next to you. Stroking his cheek as he smiled up to you, it almost made you forget about that burdensome situation.
“Hey!” Protectingly, you were holding onto your child for dear life as the guard approached both of you. “I have an important message to deliver!”
You scowled, almost like an animal mother protecting their offsprings with baring teeth, even though you knew in that state you would be completely and utterly helpless. “Why now? What could be more important than the well-being of my child?”
The answer let your blood run cold:
“I am here to announce that Lady Y/N Y/L/N has to face a trial in front of the Allfather. The following crimes she is being accused of: Infidelity, collaboration with the enemy and trying to sneak one of them into our glorious kingdom.”
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Trauma does really bond
Umbrella academy x teen!reader
Summary: You were number eight, The Healer. With the power to heal anything you touch. Or at least you would be, if the world knew about you.
A/n: I know I said new fics on Friday but I couldn’t wait lol
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Everybody knows the story of the Umbrella Academy. Seven children, adopted by an eccentric billionaire, forced to become superheros and eventually fizzled out of the limelight.  
But know one knows about you. 
You were the eighth child Reginald Hargreeves adopted. You were Y/n Hargreeves, age 17. Everyone knows that the seven siblings were all born at the same time, and day. So how are you 17?
Well basically the same thing, but when your mother spontaneously gave birth to you, she handed you over to Reginald within a heartbeat and as far as he knows, you were the only spontaneous birth on y/bd. So he took you in. Now he wasn’t completely sire that you would get powers. For all he knew, your mother just didn’t want you. But all that changed when you were just 6 years old. 
You had stumbled upon a mouse that was squirming in a mouse trap while exploring the attic. You felt so bad for the poor thing that you had set it free. You cradled it in your hands, as you teared up at the sight of it twitching when suddenly you felt it. It was like magic, you felt each bone and nerve that was broken heal until the mouse was once again moving, full of life. You ran out the attic, mouse in hand. Running all the way to your fathers office, barging in despite his protests.
“Y/n Hargreeves, how many times must I tell you--” “ I’m sorry father, but look!” you cut him off, thrusting the healed mouse towards him.
“Number eight. You interrupted my studies to show me vermin?” 
“No father! I healed him! He was in the mouse trap and I healed him!” You exclaim. That caught Reginalds attention. 
“You healed it?” He asks eyeing the mouse, “ How?”
“I dunno” you shrug, “ I just felt bad and touched him”
Reginald hums, standing from his desk and walks over to you. 
“Come with me.” He says, leading you out the study with a hand on your back. 
From then on he put you through brutal training. Nicking you with knives I see if you could heal yourself, bringing you hurt animals to heal, injured people. Then it escalated. He brought in people who were on the brink of death, comatose. He forced you to heal them, despite it taking all your energy. There were multiple times where you ended up collapsing, sobbing and exhausted from healing too many people in one day. He forced you to get up, and heal some more claiming,
“You have been given a gift. It would be selfish of you to hoard it just because you get a little tired”
Not to mention the brutal physical training. Because you had no siblings, he made training robots. They, unlike humans, did not hold back. Forcing you to fight as if you were actually trying to survive. And if you lost, you weren’t able to heal yourself.
Now all this training would have made some sense if you were going out into the world and saving lives. You weren’t. Reginald didn’t allow it. You were to stay on the premises, 24/7, 365 days a year. He claimed
“The world is cruel Number Eight. You are not yet ready to face the harshness that is reality. It is best to keep you here until you are.”
So alone you were. Well not totally alone, you did have Grace an Pogo. And you had Luther but all he did was missions and avoid you so he didn’t really count. But Grace and Pogo? They were your best friends. Grace was practically your mother. She sang to you, brushed your hair, tucked you in, told you about your “siblings”, and taught you how to bake and cook as well as other things. She like you, wasn’t allowed to leave, so you felt like she understood you. Pogo, taught you everything you know. He helped you learn seven languages, he sat and was forced to listen to you learn the piano, violin, and guitar, he was the one who snuck you Vanyas book and answered any questions that Grace couldn’t. And he was the one who sat with you in the attic as you both looked out at a city that didn’t know you existed.
You secretly longed for the day you were able to leave. If not training or doing school work, you could be found gazing out the attic window, or outside in the courtyard staring up at the sky. Despite being in a huge mansion, you felt trapped. You have read almost every book in the house, including Luthers research that he sent from the moon, Fives old theories, and Allison’s diary. You started meditating, yoga, and even picking up little hobbies like scrapbooking or candles making. You learned different ways to play chess, ballroom dancing ( your father insisted), how to read music, and so many other things. You were so smart and yet so naive. You, theoretically knew the cruel realities of the world, having read them in books and such. But you never experienced them. You had no human contact other than your father (and Luther till he was sent to the moon). You knew battlefield medic techniques but not simple everyday things. Hell, not even your so called siblings knew that you existed except Luther and he was sworn to secrecy. Not like he payed attention to you anyway. You weren’t even allowed to watch movies or listen to modern music. Just whatever records Luther had, and the Walkman you found up in the attic. But secretly, at night when you crept into the attic, you can see into the apartment across from you. Their large tv playing movies and you were able to watch. Playing classics like Dirty Dancing and Grease, action, and scary movies that scarred you for life. But it was your escape. You couldn’t hear the words but you made them up. A little world all to yourself, your little secret. You yearned for that moment when you could leave. Leave behind strict schedules and brutal training. Leave behind empty halls and loneliness. But you knew it wasn’t coming soon.
Not over your fathers dead body.
Your father is dead.
You didn’t realize it at first, having been extremely exhausted for some reason. You went to bed early saying good night to everyone and promptly passing out. But you know that your father was fine. Healthy even, as you could sense it with your powers. So when you woke up and reached out, sensing your family as you always did, you knew something was wrong. You couldn’t feel your father. Not how you used to. It felt like...like the dead bodies he used to force you to heal.
You leapt out of bed and dashed to his room, heart racing as you passed a humming Grace. You burst into the room, seeing him collapsed against the bed, limp and eyes closed.
“Nononono father?! Father can you hear me?!” You say rushing to his side. You feel for a pulse but find nothing, noticing his cold skin. You start CPR, like he trained you to do.
“ Father?! Father please!” You start to cry, tears running down your face as you race to save him. But deep down you knew...you couldn’t heal a dead body.
“ MOM” you scream desperately, starting to use your powers, “ POGO”
You start to get light head, your basically pouring your energy into this dead body. Your powers kickstart the healing process, accelerating it 10 times it’s usual rate allowing for quick healing. But if the bodies dead...it can’t heal itself and you basically just heal superficial wounds but not bring them back. 
“Father...” you start to slur, you’re running out of energy and he still hasn’t woken up. “Father you have to wake up...don’t leave me...”
Your world starts spinning as you fight to stay awake. Desperate to save the man you consider as your father. But you collapse. The world fading in and out as you see two silhouettes hover over you.
“ oh y/n...” a voice softly says. You feel someone touch your head and you succumb to the darkness. Feeling helpless as you realize one thing.
Reginald Hargreeves is dead.
That night, around the country seven siblings find out that their father has died. And make plans to come home.
You were unconscious for the whole day.
You woke up letting yesterday’s events wash over you. You cry. Not for the man, cause let’s face it he’s an asshole, but because of what he represented. He was part of your family. Your world that only consisted of three.
And you couldn’t save him.
And let’s face it, he was your father. He kind of raised you for seventeen years. You had to care about him.
After calming down, you reach out. You try to feel for Pogo or Grace, but you can sense the presence of two people you’ve never met. So you force yourself out of bed, and creep down the hallway. Your room right closer to Reginalds as it was the only room left. So you snuck into the main room, seeing your mother staring into space.
“Momma?” You whisper, catching Graces attention.
“ Oh Y/n dear, you woke up.” Grace says with a smile standing and stroking your face, “ Darling, your in your night clothes, you know the rules.”
Your eyes water as you throw yourself in her arms. Feeling like a child.
“ I..I tried momma..I really did”
You feel her arms wrap around you, “ Do you want breakfast, you haven’t eaten in 12 hours and 15 minutes.”
You were confused. Why was she acting like nothing has happened?
“Momma I-“ “Mom?”
A male voice cuts you off. You freeze, not knowing who the voice belongs to. His presence unfamiliar.
“Diego, welcome home are you hungry?” Grace says, “I was just going to make breakfast for Y/n” she squeezed you gently before letting you go to turn to Diego.
You hide behind her, like a child. Peaking over her shoulder to get a glimpse at the man. He was average height, Hispanic most likely, wearing all black with a harness and some knives. He had short hair and a scar on the side of his face. He looked at you then Grace in disbelief or shock. You can feel that he was healthy, just a bit sore.
“Um mom who’s that?” He asks gesturing to you.
“Oh I suppose you haven’t met yet. Diego, this is..well why don’t you introduce yourself.” She says to you. Your eyes widen and shake your head.
“Come on dear, just like we practiced. Go on.” Grace nudges you in front of her. Setting a comforting hand on your back.
“ hello...my names y/n Hargreeves. It’s lovely to meet you.” You say softly, and then you give a shy smile.
“Hargreeves?” Diego asks, shocked, “ I don’t understand...how?”
“ Y/n is just like you and your siblings.” Pogo chimes in, startling the three of you.
“ She came to us 17 years ago, just as the six of you left. Your father kept her secret as he did many things.  She has remarkable abilities just as you and your siblings. ”
Diego looks at you, sizing you up and taking you in. “Why didn’t we know about this?” He asks Pogo.
“ Your father had his reasons. He believed she wasn’t ready to see the outside world. She has been here her whole life.”
Diego scoffs, “ What? It wasn’t enough that he ruin our lives, he had to start again?”
He looks at you, “ Welcome to the family, kid.”
Then he walks off. You look at Grace and Pogo
“ Did..did I do something wrong?” You ask.
“ Oh no, Diego is just...on edge. You did great.” Grace says cupping your cheek.
“ I am glad that you are alright Y/n. It’s good to see you up and about.” Pogo says with a comforting smile.
“ thank you..” you say, “ there’s another person here..a woman.”
“Yes, well I think it is time you meet your sister. Come along.” Pogo says, leading you to the kitchen.
Oh boy...
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Undiagnosed Autism-spectrum disorder in The Michells Vs The Machines
I'm sure that more well educated people have put two and two together in this film but I really, really want to put my own spin on it from my experience. For me, as an aspie, film is one of my biggest interests. I love studying and more than anything I love watching and rewatching films. My latest favorite movie was one that I just watched last night for my family movie night, The Michells Vs The Machines. I also went 17 years of my life asking myself the same question that both Rick and his daughter ask each other, what is wrong with him/her?
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Well, I'll tell you, in my firmly undiagnosed autistic opinion for far too long, that this family is full of people with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder. When I was watching it with my parents my mom made the comment that "the dad was a jerk" and maybe "he just didn't love his daughter enough to let her be her own person." I thought that was so not seeing the bigger picture even though it was only fifteen minutes into the film. I have felt like Katie so much with my own dad. My dad is a computer nerd and a physics major for those of you that don't talk to me very often. That means in laminas terms that he's extremely smart. Way smarter than I will ever be in my entire life. Both of my parents are insanely smart in their own rights. My mom is a CPA accountant. But that isn't what I wanted to talk about here. I want to discuss the effect of undiagnosed autism and what it can do to a whole family when they all have it and just don't know that they do. This will probably go on for quite some time so you may stop here or read below the cut because this also has the probablity of getting super, duper personal.
We'll start with Katie! To me, Katie is one of the most relatable characters that I have ever come across. She's a film nerd, which alone has made her supremely relatable as somebody who is thinking about going into a degree in film studies. I am more of a critic of film than somebody who wants to make her own film but nonetheless, there were SO many little moments that I related to. The first thing that I personally noticed and related to was the stimming technique that Katie has. She chews on her hoodie strings. As somebody who has chewed on the drawstrings of hoodies far too often long before I was officially put into the Aspergers box. Aspies are also known to stick with one "special interest" for the rest of their lives if it's one that is wide enough and varied enough to make it applicable. For Katie, that's film. For me that's animation. I appreciated that little detail of most of her dialogue being references to other films because as a lover of films and movies in general I could go for days on just fumes and movie references that nobody else understands. The little things from her hair being perpetually messy (same that's a whole ass mood like I just learned over quarantine how to tye my own hair back), only having one earring in her ear at all times, the way that she dresses and draws on her own hands, this was just me when I was first in high school. I was one of the few people that wore shorts underneath all my skirts/dresses. Everyone who knew about looked at me like I had grown a third eyeball.
Aaron, the younger brother, also just oozes spectrum lil buddy out of his every pore from his being. I do think that they should have picked somebody capable of doing a bit of a younger sounding voice (I know what they were going for, but like Ben Schwartz has become a huge deal in both voice acting and live action before switching mediums.) His special interest is actually quite a common one, he loves dinosaurs. I've met a bunch of people on the spectrum that are fascinated by dinos and what they meant for the world as well as the universe as a whole. To me, there was one scene specifically that was the scene where Katie was lightly teasing him when they were going to the half assed dinosaur extravaganza. For me, this was SO relatable because both of my parents will mess with me about my interests most of the time it's when we go to Disneyland, they'll tell me that we actually aren't going to land of magic but to Timbuckto (hopefully one day they'll say some place else just to switch things up.) I related so hard to Aaron's protesting and whining in this scene since that is always my reaction to doing something that I want to do but get told that I can't do that thing.
Linda is more of your traditional mom but I think that she's on the spectrum as well. Just a more... normalized version as opposed to her family. She's able to be a teacher, she's able to interact somewhat normally around her neighbors. If anything, she reminded me of my own mom. This independent, takes nobody's trash (especially not her husband's), strong minded, and amazing mother who is completely in control of everything. She knows the special interests of her children and is constantly thinking of what will make them happy. Whether it be taking a detour for something dinosaur related, reminding her daughter that her dad loves her no matter what, and even something as simple as watching something that her daughter made and put her heart and soul into. I can't tell you how many times my mom has watched something with me. She watched my first anime Soul Eater with me when I was 12 and ever since then has been trying to get me to watch other shows with her. She's a lot like Linda, your loving, but firm mother who just wants her family to work things out.
Whew boy. This one is going to be probably where I cry. Comparing my dad to Rick is... something that I did consistently when I was watching the film. He's the strong but silent type usually, unless your me and he's just this constant annoyance when I'm trying to do something. He could be seen as just a "Jerk" but I think that is the undiagnosed aspie talking. Rick and Katie just struggle so hard to see eye to eye because their special interests can't intersect to save their lives. This, this hurt me because so often I struggle to relate to my dad. Especially when he talks to me about computers or physics. Now I took physics but without having been in quarantine and having him as my live in tutor I would have failed, not gotten an A. This has resulted me in saying things that I don't mean in the heat of the moment when we do argue. It doesn't happen nearly as much as it used to back when I was in middle school but when it happened it was because of one thing. I lied. I used to lie a lot because I felt so unworthy of being his daughter because on my best days I am not technically smart. You want to know how many nations of the world there were in 1991 when the original Animaniacs was airing? You want to hear my Dot Warner impression? Did you ever wonder how to recognize a specific voice when your watching anime? Have you ever had to watch a panel of your favorite anime voice actor just to laugh at something? No, well I did. But ever since I have started taking a quarter off from community college I have realized something. I am not technically smart. I struggle at learning the rules for math. My dad can do this with his eyes closed but me, I struggle and look like a complete moron. It took years for my dad and I to see eye to eye. Sometimes I still wonder if I was the product of some laboratory experiment of what would happen if two intelligent people came together, fell in love, and expecting that the daughter was smart I was the reject. Watching this movie with my dad I saw so much of my relationship with him on the screen. Struggling to relate to one another, fighting and getting into arguments about petty things, and not being able to be in the same room as one another without heated words because I didn't get him.
The scene that I related to the most when it was in terms of how much Katie just doesn't understand her dad was after he was nabbed by the machines. When Aaron asked her why she said those things to their dad and her simple answer was "I don't know." This. This right here was when I saw me. So many times I've gotten into heated arguments with my dad when he has simply annoyed me at the wrong time and I've just blown up in his face. Then I regret my actions and not know how to apologize for losing my temper with him because "I don't know" just doesn't seem like a nearly acceptable answer. I felt this in my soul because it happened especially often before I was diagnosed.
When I was diagnosed, things started to get better with my dad and I. We haven't had a fight in nearly four years now. He watches cartoons with me now to try and relate to me, it's mostly Pinky and The Brain but it's more than I could have ever asked for. I love my dad so much, more than anything in the entire world. This movie is so, so good at telling a story about how a family of undiagnosed aspie's and people on the spectrum struggle to relate to one another because their special interests are different.
Special interests and family's are especially difficult and I applaud this movie so loud because of the way that it was able to treat the subject matter with integrity and honesty. I'm sorry if this analysis got a little bit long in the toof but thank you for sticking with me! I really hope that if you watched the film you loved my analysis.
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Massive Dream SMP Fic Rec!!
Hey- Hi, I just feel like there are a ton of fanfiction that's really underrated in this fandom- so I'm going to dump it on your dash!!! Most of it is going to be Tommy-centric or SBI-centric, but they are very good!
Source: Me
Finished Fanfics:
Multi-chaptered Fanfics:
that's, like, a hundred miles by No_one_you_know
Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him.
It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar.
The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him.
Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade?
in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade
Hard-hitting, but has a happy ending, though I recommend reading the prequel (in the same series) first, otherwise, it's lowkey depressing.
you’ll rise above (crowned by an overture bold and beyond) by azvremoon
Tommy is not sixteen. He has faced too many open wounds, dripping ichor onto blood-stained warzones, to be just a child. He is Blood and War and needless Death, an all-in-one special of everything that can ruin reality.
(Tommy is the blood god. No one should know, but this server can't stop pushing him over the edge.)
+2 more Works that were Inspired by this one
Tommy is a BAMF and Dream, Technblade, and Phil get fucked it is what it is.
Responsible Forever by SilverWing15
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” /////
“So,” Techoblade says, slow and deliberate, his face shows clearly just how unbelievable he finds all of this, “you saw a boy last night, in the middle of the night, living with raccoons and eating our garbage?”
“I know how insane it sounds,” Phil says, “but I know what I saw. We need to help him, who knows how long he’s been out here?”
“Okay,” Wilbur interrupts, “let’s say that raccoon-boy is real. What is it you want us to do? We can’t go searching the woods for specific bunch of raccoons, I don’t know if you’ve noticed Phil but there are a lot of them out there.”
“Going out and hunting him isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Techno says, “we have to let the raccoon-boy come to us. He’s already come once, you know how tenacious raccoons are. If they came to the garbage pit once, they’ll come again. We just have to set a trap.”
“Those raccoons aren’t gonna know what fucking hit them,” Wilbur mutters.
Or: RaccoonInnit taken well beyond its logical conclusion
Tommyinnit is a Raccoon boi that lives with other Raccoons
Protecting the Traumatised Youth by spookyserpent
Sam blinks. “What?”
Even behind the mask, Sam has the distinct impression that Dream is grinning at him. “A week and he was begging for my attention, even after I stole and burnt his armour, even after the beatings. He couldn’t stand me leaving him because I was the only one to show up, to pay him attention. It was hilarious.”
Sam is going to be sick.
Or, Sam decides to ask Dream about his intentions and ends up becoming a big brother to Tommy and Tubbo. All the while, Dream and George fight, Niki and Jack plan child murder and Ranboo is slowly getting adopted into the SBI.
Awesamdad written back when it was possible... ahhh
Chaos In a Bottle by Lovetribable
After a realization, Tommy leaves the pillar, but instead of going to Techno. He just disappears, leaving everyone to think he's gone.
It takes a war to bring him back.
+2 Sequels and an Alternative Ending
Dadinnit!! + A Sympathetic Dream
Absolutely Anything For Them by Numanum
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, Tubbo,” Dream sighs, meeting his eyes cooly. Tubbo, back against a tree, shudders at his tone, at the look on his face.
The sword at his neck skims across his skin as Dream shifts his grip on it, and he flinches back into the rough bark behind him. Dream smiles at his reaction, seeming pleased- like the cat that’s been toying with a mouse that always tries to run no matter how many times it’s caught. And, despite this being his first encounter alone with the man, he thinks that the comparison is fairly accurate; Tubbo has never felt smaller than he does now. There’s supposed to be a buddy system to prevent things like this- he shouldn’t be alone here, stuck in this situation.
Or: Tubbo becomes a traitor to save everyone and has to struggle with his choices
Traitor Tubbo, but it has the happiest ending possible since it follows the rest of the story.
Where Did You Come From, Kit? by KadeAK (zacixn)
Hybrids are an ancient species of humans crossed with animals, blessed with the favour of nature. They used to live in peace on the SMP’s land, but ever since the dawn of humanity’s modern culture, they have become ostracised and hunted by their once-brethren. Now, the once-thriving subspecies of hybrids have been reduced to ashes, the majority of their peoples struggling to survive in a city capital that can't stand their presence.
To the members of L’Manburg, General Wilbur Soot is just another mildly prejudiced human being, stuck with a hybrid fox kit for an adopted child. However, that assumption could not be farther from the truth. As it turns out, there's a reason why he is the man he is today.
This fic is entirely pre-L’Manburg.
Part of a series, very good.
Take It Easy by sweet_magnolias
Five times Techno scared Michael, one time Michael scared him, and the resolution of those fears.
AKA - Techno learns how to be an uncle.
Technoblade's POV, so expect some Tubbo bashing on the margins of all that Michael fluff.
I suppose it’s never my time to die, is it? by Birb_Whale
The first time it happens, he barely remembers. The second time is when he realized. The third... Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern
“It’s not your time to die yet, Tommy”
Messed up, but not unrealistic. Purely for the Hurt/Comfort lovers.
This Wasn't Planned, But It'll Work Out by Anonymous
Dream isn't sure what to think when he finds a kid on his doorstep, but he can't just leave him there, now can he?
(He doesn't know what he's getting into, or what he's gotten the kid into, either)
Long, and angsty, with a bittersweet ending Imo.
let's play a game by Aria_Cinabun
Tommy was once a slave. That's gone now - shoved in his past with the memories of blood and gore and death. He wants to forget who he was; what he has to do to survive. Of course, the Elementalists will always come back to haunt him. They aren't the ones who killed his mother, but they're close enough. And now he and his brother have been dragged into the mess, as Elementalists with their own, separate covens, to find the Pit - the place where he'd lived and killed and hurt for the first twelve years of his life. His coven can't know. Can't know who he really is, what he can really do. Can't know anything about his past. He doesn't want a coven full of Elementalists who don't trust him; one of whom he's pretty sure despises him. He doesn't want that life. He wants the life of a pickpocket, on the streets, because nobody questions street kids, and nobody comes asking about his past and pushes him to tell his secrets that he holds closest inside. Tubbo tries to tell him to trust people. But trust is how you die.
Good fantasy AU, has SBI, and is thus fluffy.
Turn of the Tide by SilverWing15
Tommy’s fins twitch at the mention of Dream’s ancestors. Dream talks about them a lot, how they made their fortune hunting down mer pods, how they were cruel and greedy. Nothing like Dream is. They’ve both overcome their roots he says.
Tommy is nothing like the wild mer out in the ocean, who spend their lives scraping by just to survive, who kicked him out of the pod when he was a baby because he was too small. He’s also better than the pit mer, who can’t overcome their wild instincts and know nothing but fighting.
He’s different from them, he’s better than them. He’s Dream’s. //// OR: Change is like the tide, when it comes, you can only sink or swim. You would think that a mer would be better at keeping afloat.
Mermaid AU Pooog. Part of a series.
Snapped by AmberRunnel
“You don’t know what I went through in that prison cell.”
Jack burst out laughing, blinded with rage and the overwhelming urge to hurt Tommy, to give him everything he deserved. “Oh, is the poor child traumatized? You want pity now?” He twisted his blade, and Tommy’s axe was sent clattering to the ground.
“If the prison was so awful, why don’t I send you back there?”
Jack doesn't handle Tommy's revival well. There's a simple solution, though. Kill Tommy, and Dream revives him right back into that cell. Problem solved, kid dealt with.
It takes a few confrontations for Jack to realize he's an asshole.
It's fucked up, but god does it hurt in a good way.
the sky is coming down blue by salinesolution
An imagining of New Milo's perspective throughout the Skyblock Randomizer adventure. What did he think of the world he found himself in, and how did Wilbur's feelings and actions change things for him? Here's my way of answering those questions.
He made the fish think, funniest shit I've seen.
You told me to be a hero (so let me die like one) by spiromachia
"You told me to die like a hero," the blond interrupted, spinning on his heel to face the others, holding his arms wide open, "So why not fulfil the ending that was always meant to be."
Across the battle field, through the chaos and destruction, a tree burned.
Even the sound of explosions and cries and bloodshed felt distant enough for the world to become silent for a few moments, each individual slowly coming to the same conclusion, each of their bodies tensing.
Tommy's face broke out into a grin as he lowered his head, glowering at the people around him, and Philza's face flashed with recognition.
"Kill me."
Or... In the middle of Doomsday, Tommy decides to ask Technoblade to be the Lycomedes to his Theseus.
Heavy and dark, but at least Dream gets it.
tomorrow night by meridies
Tommy is desperately searching for his missing brother. Techno is the reluctant psychic who unfortunately got dragged along.
or, two people, more alike than different, learn what it is to have a family at their side.
It's cute what can I say :]
maple syrup by itisjosh
"We could run," Tubbo stares at the sun. "We've got everything we've ever wanted right here. We could run."
"Yeah," Tommy agrees, feeling his head swim. "We could."
(or, tommy and tubbo run away together)
Children get away from toxic adults :)
Why’d it have to be so sunny? (The sun shouldn’t shine without you.) by AToZRainToBe
‘A realisation hits Phil in the face like a truck. “Wi- Ghostbur,” Phil says, turning to his grey-scale, translucent, actually-dead son. “You definitely told Tubbo that Tommy’s alive, right?”’
To get away from Dream, Tommy agrees to fake his death, going with the cover story that he jumped from the pillar in Logstedshire. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell Tubbo.
Misunderstandings are one of my favorite tropes.
sugar and ice by princedemeter for Aenqa
“He is my son,” Philza says. “Mortal or not, I would see him grow strong.”
Technoblade looks down on earth, at the tiny, angry bundle of cloth and pinking, wrinkled skin. This mortal child, he thinks, lungs filled with breath from the king of gods himself, will not grow strong.
It's mostly centered around Technoblade and Wilbur with Phil being a shitty dad. Pog Gods AU.
a matter of time by meridies
Tommy is twelve years old when his wings first appear, and he is twelve years old when Phil tells him, "All it takes is time and patience, Tommy, and soon you'll be flying even better than me."
or, Tommy grows up feeling like a failure, and it takes him a while to figure out where he's happiest.
Tommy is just finding his place in the world. Powers AU.
That Time a Baby Decided to Raise a Baby by Scitrust
Tubbo wasn't good at making excuses, so when Schlatt asked him why he was leaving in the night, he made something up on the spot. That had been months ago.
At least he sort of had an alibi for that, now.
Or, in which Tubbo finds a baby in the woods on his way to see Tommy, and promptly adopts it.
Part of a collection!! Read it all.
spider lily by blue000jay
Wilbur has a body.
The freckle on the base of his left pinky finger (shared with Techno). The scar on his chin from when he was twelve and over ambitious, diving into too-shallow water. The scar on his throat from the final control room, and the puckered skin on his shoulder from the poisoned arrow that killed him next. Various other nicks and things that litter his skin from years of rebellion and living wild, a kid thrown into a vicious world with too little self-preservation.
(Resurrection AU, for when/if Wilbur comes back.)
The author knows how it's like to live with chronic pain, and it shows :(
Hands tied loose by rabiddog
"Let's run away, Tubbo." Tommy breathed; a wide grin split across his face as his hope grew. "Let's get out of here – far away. We can go anywhere, can't we? Let's just go, you and me right here, right now."
Tommy needs to leave. He has to get out of L'Manburg, he has to leave the Dream SMP for his own sanity, and he wants Tubbo to come with him.
But Tubbo has a family now, a better life - something that he can't give up... not even for his best friend.
Unhappy ending :(
The serpent underneath by rabiddog
Tommy and Techno sit at the memory-filled bench and talk. Technoblade reminisces, he talks, he admits his pent-up feelings, he cries. And Tommy? Tommy listens. (That's all he can do.)
“I’m sorry for everything, you know? For all of it. I’m so sorry about... about the first war, about the withers and the fighting, about...” Technoblade's fingers began to curl around Tommy’s blonde locks. “About Wilbur and everything after. I'm so, so sorry.”
Damning choices by rabiddog
Ranboo would have never expected to find himself in a horrifying situation such as that one - quite literally sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, with three lives dangling over his head and the answer on the tip of his tongue.
Tubbo, Michael, Tommy.
It's his choice. He chooses who lives, and who dies. His new family, or his first friend. But Ranboo... Ranboo already knows.
"Ranboo," He hissed out, voice cracking and somewhat staticky, "It's not your fault. It's not. You had no other choice; I know that, okay? I- I know that- I know- I know..."
Jealousy is a disease by rabiddog
Tommyinnit isn't new to the idea of jealousy. He understands it completely. He understands the way it runs rampage through his body each time he catches even a glimpse of Tubbo and Ranboo's new relationship, he understands that the emotion makes his heart clench uncomfortably from time to time. He sees it, feels it, and yet he doesn't care.
He doesn't care at all.
"You took Tubbo away from me. You took him away. You took my best friend, and now he's- now he's not my best friend anymore, and I-!"
Word of Honour by rabiddog
Tommy could only stand and stare as Technoblade agreed to hand him over to Dream - as his brother traded him off like he was nothing. Like Tommy wasn't important.
Technoblade was a man of honour. He was a man of pride and sticking to his word. He knew that he owed Dream a favour, and no matter what that favour might be, he'd be compliant with it. Nothing would change his mind. (Not even Tommy.)
Almost canon. F.
Sweet Repentance by rabiddog
Perhaps Tommy should have told Phil about his arguably life-threatening injury the minute his father had opened the door. But of course, Tommy being Tommy, did not.
Dying seemed like a nice enough option as long as he was with his family.
Tommy just wanted acceptance, forgiveness, and peace. He wanted to close his eyes for the last time and finally be able to let go.
Tommy dies painfully.
A White Tulip by astervoid
He picked the white tulip from the bottom of the stem, standing up carefully as he held it pinched between his fingers. It would die now, inevitably, but Tommy relented and held the flower to his chest. What a silly, stupid thing to ground him. He almost hated that it made his breaths come easier and his steps feel lighter. Almost.
Tommy & Ranbooo chill on the bench.
lying to the authorities (again) by touchgrass
"Please tell me that my right-hand-man, my soon-to-be vice president, one of the people I trust the most on this godforsaken server, did not lie straight to my face and tell me he was twenty-fucking-years-old.”
Tommy opened his mouth to protest, but then closes it shut at the furious look on Wilbur's face. Oops.
It is the day of the elections and Wilbur Soot could not have chosen a worser time to realize that half his staff is underage.
The ONLY fic with this premise I've seen on Ao3.
Dear Theseus by rabiddog
Tommy had thought that they'd won - thought that they'd finally beaten Dream, and that everything would be okay. As it turns out, however, apparently Dream had called in that favour from Technoblade after all.
“Please,” Tommy whispered after a beat, quivering hands edged upwards to hesitantly press against the tip of the sword striking through his chest. Why, why, why? Why him? Why now?
Tommy almost wins.
A Shifting World by AplusIsRoman
How was Wilbur supposed to know it would end like this?
The smoke hung in the air and soot clung to his skin. His brother - adopted, but older by two minutes - stood back-to-back with him. The chilling cries of people and the calls of the withers rang through the air above the chasm that was once his home.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
How could he have known this would happen?
Sequel to A Child's World
Age-swap AU. Has a prequel.
heart of the sea by RyDyKG
Here is the secret that he barely thinks about, a secret that he shoves deep and far down in himself:
Wilbur Soot is a siren, and he’s not exactly proud of that fact.
Wilbur-centric. Urban Fantasy AU.
He knows, ok? by Ralli
By some means, Techno has given his raccoon younger brother some cotton candy. It doesn’t end as well as either of them would like.
Very, very cute :)
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat
Tommy has always been the fighter.
He has never been the fought for, and he knows it, with every whisper Tubbo directs at Ranboo, with every glance thrown his way- Tommy knows, the way he wishes he didn't, that they think he's dead.
If they're so convinced he's still dead, maybe the one good thing left he can do for them is die.
Or, Tommy gets addicted to being dead and thinks that nobody cares about him. The people who very much do try to pull him back from the brink before Dream can't resurrect him anymore.
Messed up, but with a happy ending.
Hugs 'n PTSD by rabiddog
Ranboo knew from the start that the recovery process would be hard - that moving on from quite literally being beat to death would be something hugely difficult to step away from, and that's if Tommy could even manage it at all.
He knew that it would be stressful and arduous, demanding and tough... he just hadn't expected to be holding Tommy through a PTSD-induced panic attack only days after his release from Pandora's Vault.
Ranboo isn't typically an overbearingly protective person. But for Tommy? He just might be.
I love this author if you can't tell.
Big Men don't cry by Shiny22Snivy
The room is small and warm, almost stifling compared to the cool openness of the ravine. It’s cosy and candlelit, and a chest sits open in the corner, full of what looks to be burnt rags of a former smart suit. And sitting in rumpled blankets on a bed, cradling a mug of something steaming, sits Tubbo.
At first, Tommy forgets all about Niki’s vague warning. He’s just so happy to see his best friend again, alive and well and all in one piece. Tubbo’s okay. Tubbo’s okay, and in front of him, and suddenly everything bad in the world is gone, if only for just a moment.
And then Tubbo turns to look at him.
Clingyduo fluff.
sins of the father (i broke all my bones that day i found you) by ryter
The thing that hurt Wilbur most was when he saw Fundy tear down the walls of L'Manburg. After all, those walls had gone up to protect his son. But in this world, Fundy trusts his father just a little bit more, and it ruins him.
Or: there's only one way Wilbur never becomes the villain. It's unclear whether this was the better path.
Sad, but cathartic.
i’m dropping ALL the fucking revived tommy headcannons on you guys today get ready for some ANGST
this is different from what i usually post but it was fun
i don’t think there’s a lot i need to put warnings for, obviously there are mentions of the way tommy died and the aftermath of that (i.e. injuries and trauma), but if there’s anything that needs a warning please tell me!
What it says on the tin- not really a fic.
Unfinished Stories:
Ongoing (Less than a month since the last update):
Over the River Styx by CorpseArt
I feel like we should name him.
There’s a scuffle at the back of his mind as he rolls up, curling tight with a shiver despite the heat of the flames licking up his back.
I mean, he’s like – us, but like a worse version clearly because oh man, this is just weirdness. There’s a flare of a tangle of emotions, complicated and fearful, resentful and livid with anger. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been reduced to, stuck in the mind of this- this child.
He’s like your age, Tommy. Are you calling yourself a child?
I mean, I am one so fucking duh. Child murderer.
Or: trauma bonding in the most unconventional of senses.
Just- Read it. Show the writer your support, it's unique, it's amazing and there needs to be more of it.
If history is dead and gone by iregretallmydecisions
“Don’t come any fucking closer,” Tommy shouted, startling Phil into stepping back. Tommy was still looking around wildly, like a trapped animal “Don’t fucking do it.” ---- In which Tommy finds himself faced with his splintered family, while it was still mostly whole. The past is not an easy place to be when the future was not kind. His family is forced to deal with the fall out.
It's better than Rewind, but you didn't hear that from me.
Wilbur Soot's Redemption (OR Ghostbur's Retry) by luckykitty0523
Wilbur had many regrets in his life, being lost in his madness and the urge for revenge drowned leaving a shell of who he once was. It was only in his dying moments that he regained himself but it was already too late for him leaving him drowning in wishes and regrets. However waking up in another different universe where wilbur was never born and family soulmates exist, so when wilbur said he wanted to fix the mistakes he never expected this turn of events.
In one world wilbur dies and he would return as a ghost missing his memory and trying to fix what he did in life but in this one wilbur dies and wakes up in another world where soulmates exist and the wilbur of that world was never born so wilbur/ghostbur takes his place and tries to make up his mistakes to the other version of his friends.
Wilbur adopts SBI + Fundy + Dream.
A Talk Long Overdue by penink
Tommy has his first therapy session with Puffy.
Tommy gets therapy.
Into the Night by Interjection
“Don’t touch me,” Tommy hisses, leaning against the railing. “I will - I will-”
They’re a hundred stories up. Wind lashes against Phil’s face. Next to him, Sam makes choked noise.
“But why?”
Tommy looks up to meet Phil’s eyes, terror struck so deep in those pale blue irises Phil thinks they must hold all the world’s fears within them.
“You’ll die,” he whispers. “And then I’ll die. But I’ll come back.”
“And I don’t want to come back.”
Others have the freedom to live. Tommy doesn’t even have the freedom to die.
But maybe they can teach him that living doesn’t have to be so bad.
(Superpowers AU where whenever someone touches Tommy, they both die. But Tommy will always come back to life eventually. He just wants it to end - but instead, he’s on the run, terrified of how his power will be exploited if he’s caught.
A few people reluctantly team up to save him.)
Funky SBI dynamics + a Sam that cares. Also a lot of angst.
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