#I am. so sorry
pachiiblr · 2 days
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I know i literally just posted part 1 however part 2 (i am having so much fun)
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mintedwitcher · 3 months
I had a terrible awful no good very bad scene pop into my head and so now I must inflict it on you all.
(bucktommy, MCD)
Its a miserable fucking day. Gloomy and humid, with the promise of a storm on the horizon. He's got a flat tire and he's pulled over to the side of the road to change it. He thinks it'll be fine, he's got time before the storm hits. Time to get home. Time to see that gorgeous smile and those big blue eyes.
He's got time.
The storm comes out of nowhere. Drenches him in a minute flat. It's the kind of storm you can't even breathe through. Hard, heavy rain. Earthshaking thunder. Blinding lightning. His coat is soaked through in a matter of minutes, water rushing over his head. It doesn't feel like rain. It feels like he's under a faucet. Just constant water pouring down on him. His grip on the wrench slips as he tries to fasten the last lugnut on the tire. It's the last one, come on, he's so close to being done. Then he can get back in his warm, dry car, and get the hell out of here.
His grip slips again and this time, the momentum makes him tip forward, whacking his head against the tire well and his fist into the asphalt. He swears and shakes out his fist. That's not great. His boyfriend is going to worry. He always does. Those big blue eyes go so soft and concerned, his mouth tilts down, his brows cinch together. It's miserable.
He loves it. Loves him. There's a little velvet box in his car right now, hidden in the bottom of his duffel bag.
The last lugnut goes tight, and he sighs. He picks up the spare and throws it into the back seat. He'll worry about proper storage later. It doesn't matter right now.
He's still got time. They agreed on nine tonight. It's only a quarter til eight. He's got time. He opens the driver's door.
The headlights come out of nowhere and too late to react.
With a scream and a drawn out honk and the sickening crunch of metal-hitting-flesh-hitting-metal, all there is now is pain. Agony. Denial.
He's got time, right?
The car was so fast.
There's a woman in the rain now, screaming and sobbing into her phone as she stands over him.
"-out of nowhere-"
"-dont know, I think-"
"-y God he's still alive, you have to-"
He's... he's got time. Right?
Flashing red and blue. Sirens. More shouting. Thunder booms. Lightning flashes.
An ambulance. He knows what they look like. Seen enough of them. Worked in some too. Cleaned more than he can tell you.
He couldn't tell you his name now, if you asked.
He should've had time.
He's going to miss the movie.
Sterile, white, bright lights. A hospital.
No one's shouting now. Someone's crying. He can't turn to see who it is.
The slam of a door, a sudden hush.
"You don't need to be here, man."
"Yes I do."
A face hovers over his now. Those big blue eyes. That sad, concerned pinch in his mouth and across his brow. His eyes are shiny and wet. Is he crying? Why is he crying?
"Don't cry," he says, but it comes out garbled. Misshapen. Someone gasps. There's more crying.
"Don't try to talk," that sad, concerned mouth says. "You just sleep, okay? I'll be right here when you wake up, I promise."
"Thank you," he tries to say. Those big blue eyes go soft. He puts a hand to his face.
"Of course, Evan."
He closes his eyes. Tommy holds it together until the monitor flatlines.
They were supposed to have time.
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missionel · 11 months
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hey i don't know how large the overlap between gen 5 pokemon fans and pizza game fans is but um. have this horrible abomination i cooked up last night 👍
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the-zestiest-milk · 1 year
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unfortunately I’ve become afflicted by visions. and maladies.
hi sangdante nation (literally just me and my friend)
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cordyce · 2 years
i just know tonowari could pick you up so easily. you get drunk and start arguing with anybody that walks by and he’s all “okay baby, that’s enough for tonight” and just casually throws you over his shoulder like you weigh nothing. and you’re still slurring out banter at the group he’s carrying you away from and he’s patting the back of your thigh chuckling under his breath all deep and rumbly ohhhh my god
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antebellumite · 2 months
this is the worst one yet.
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Hey. Mechs fans. Whatever you do, don’t listen to Drift Away from Steven Universe while thinking about Jonny waiting by the airlock for Nastya to come home after she went out. Just don’t. It’s too painful.
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sam-is-tired · 7 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated
(Retracted message, see tags for info)
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birrdies · 3 months
I wanna talk a little about Etho’s characterization in the MCZU, not because anyone asked but because I’m thinking about him and I’m the captain of this ship. So buckle in, sailors.
First and foremost I am well aware that MCZU Etho and the general consensus of canon c!Etho have very glaring differences. The MCZU as a whole is an inherently dramatized and transformative take on the life series. But the roots are the same. It’s a take on the “reputation” Etho has. Early UHC days, hell even 3rd life and last life— people are scared of Etho. He’s a wild card, he’s smart, he’s dangerous. He’s a survivor. So what happens when— in this world that’s done nothing but test and push him to the brink time and time again— he starts to believe it? What happens when you lose the parts of yourself that made you YOU, what happens when the “survivor” becomes all that you are?
THAT’S MCZU Etho to me. We don’t get to see him before. When he and Cleo were friends in college, when he worked in a greenhouse, when he played the guitar. Etho’s introduction into this world is in that ditch on the side of the road, eye bleeding and wondering if this is where he dies— and he’s there because he stopped to help someone. He stopped to help and they stole his items and left him for dead. This is the birth of MCZU Etho as we know him. And how fitting that he meets Bdubs at that same time. Somehow both the worst and best thing that ever happened to him.
We see some of this softness survive with Bdubs— the need to help, the need to provide and protect. He would’ve gone with Bdubs until the end. We see it with the ranchers. He finds Jimmy and Tango in that closet. He looks at them and realizes how afraid they look and he pities them. He spares them by ignoring them, by leaving them in that closet. Unknowingly giving them a few extra months together. He doesn’t tell Bdubs, because loving Bdubs is the same thing as knowing him. Loving him is the same thing as understanding that Bdubs might not have let them go.
And the painful part is— the glimpses we see of this “before” Etho in these moments are all flashbacks. The first time we see Etho in the MCZU is months/maybe even a year after Bdubs’ death. The world’s taken everything from him, so why should he bother?
What I feel like it all boils down to, for me, is empathy. This may be a controversial take, given a lot of people portray Etho as distant and difficult to connect to— but I think that he’s like this because he cares TOO much. And he TELLS GRIAN AS MUCH in Grian and Scar’s story. “I cared a lot once, and it ruined me. So now I don’t care about much at all.”
CARING TOO MUCH IS WHAT’S ALMOST GOTTEN ETHO KILLED. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. He’s in the most danger when he’s showing mercy, when he’s made the choice to spare or help. The world has done nothing but punish him for being empathetic, for caring about the people around him. At least, that’s how it feels to him. What’s there left for Etho to do? If being cold, disconnected is what it takes to survive in this world, shouldn’t that be what he becomes? Shouldn’t he smother that soft-spoken, kind nineteen year old inside of him, because the only thing he’s brought has been pain and loss.
So Etho tries. He tries to shut it all out. He grows more callous and violent. He enjoys killing sculks, traveling through the city, anything that takes place of thinking. Of feeling. He tells Grian he doesn’t care. He tells him he doesn’t care, but that’s not true is it? Even still, after Bdubs’ death, he cares. He cares so much that when Impulse comes to his door and tells him the Grid burned, his first reaction is guilt. This guilt of not helping Scar and Grian— the thought ‘well maybe if I’d helped I could’ve done something to stop it’ — plagues him the entire rest of the series.
When Etho starts seeing the ghosts of the people he killed, Scar is one of them. Skizz, BigB, Impulse all died directly at Etho’s hand. Their blood is forever on his hands, and it isn’t until after his crusade is done that he realizes they’ve died for nothing. But Scar— Etho had nothing to do with Scar’s death, really. He wasn’t there when Scar decided to go after the Redlands on his own. He had no way of knowing or controlling that outcome. And in a series haunted by choices — both made and not made — this, the choice not to help the Grid, is the one that haunts him the most. So he sees Scar. Scar is one of the ghosts that haunts him, because deep down he believes it is his fault that he died.
It’s his fault and well…
Doesn’t that make him and Grian even? Doesn’t that mean they’re the same thing, deep down?
Etho realizes it in that observatory. He looks at Grian and knows that if Grian hadn’t gotten there first it’d be Ethos sitting there, covered in blood. It’s the first crack, the first inkling that maybe this isn’t worth it. Maybe he can turn back before it’s too late— maybe he can still try to be good.
But he can’t. No, of course he can’t.
He loved Bdubs. He loved him too much.
And it nearly killed him.
But, no. That care stays. It lingers, because no matter how hard Etho tries he will never be able to smother that nineteen year old kid. He’ll never be able to forget the fact that he loved Bdubs enough to destroy himself in the process of avenging him. He’ll keep kneeling by roadkill, feeling for their suffering and wished he’d been around to help. He’ll enter the ranch house and choke on the grief and the lost love that’s staining the carpet. Without knowing it was Scar that bled there, that it was Jimmy and Tango who built it, he still feels every inch of it.
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eeleye-mcshitposts · 4 months
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back at it again with the Ivok brainrot
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thormanick · 1 year
Me: *seeing info about that One Interaction between Wriothesley and Neuvillette with the umbrella*
Me: don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t d-
My brain, unprompted and unabashed: what is this, miraculous ladybug?
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"Even fate picks its favorites." @ stelle
Raw lines. Closed! | @blckswnstm
"Then fate should stop."
The response is bitten out curtly, only barely held back from being a snarl. Hands close into tight fists; if not for her gloves, Stelle's nails would have cut into her palms.
Her shoulders hunch, then she whirls around to face the fortune teller, eyes blazing like the dark sun within her chest.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment? Comfort? Fate this, destiny that, that's all I ever hear from people like you! What is it but some sick sort of spectacle to watch? You don't care; whatever makes the most beautiful memory, right? How noble it is to fight against something inevitable, right? Was it her fate to die?" Her voice wavers, threatens to close her throat. She hates it. She hates it. She grits her teeth, face returning to its usual impassivity, but her tone is icy when she next speaks. "To hell with your fate, I submit to no one."
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zipstick · 1 year
humphrey bone? who are you boning? men?
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elebyte · 8 months
Okay y’all I’ve dealt with my fair share of bots here but I just got a bot DM again and accidentally opened it UMM. This feels so silly to ask but assuming they’re genuinely something I should be worried about… Should I be fine as long as I didn’t hit the link attached? All I did was open the DM on accident and then promptly deleted it but I am way too nervous about getting hacked so I figured I might as well ask the potential silly question just in case LMAO
I changed my password just to be safe but I wanna know if like. I should be concerned? Idk
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me when i send normal things in the group chat
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transdunbar · 6 months
Dream boy
this is a very fucked up au despite the nice title :) so here you go!
“He’s gone, isn’t he?”
David nodded slowly, reaching out to hand Liam something. It was a bracelet, carefully hand-made with colorful strands of embroidery thread; Liam had to resist the urge to gag as he recognized it as the bracelet he had given to Theo on their third date, the one he had spent hours making the night before. The bright threads had been worn down over time, and at one point Liam had loved seeing how they had dulled, knew that it meant Theo had cherished it as much as he had cherished Liam, but now, seeing the faded greens and blues made him want to be sick. There was a faint spatter of blood on the bracelet— Theo’s blood— and this time Liam really did gag. He felt Melissa’s arms encircling him and pulling him into a hug, felt his dad’s comforting hand fall onto his shoulder, but all he could do was stare numbly at the bracelet in his hands.
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