#I am just so giddy about this all
finduilasclln · 6 months
Okay, but now I'm thinking about Buck and Tommy and Eddie all hanging out together, because "Hey, isn't this great? You're already friends with my new boyfriend?" and yeah, Eddie's totally happy and giddy 'cause now he gets to hang out with BOTH of them.
And then there comes a point where Buck and Tommy are very much making eyes at each other and Eddie is just totally oblivious and grabs another beer and "Do you want one?" And Buck is like, "It's getting kinda late, huh, Eddie? Don't you need to go relieve Carla/Marisol of her babysit duties?" and they kind of have to manually shove him out the door because they want to make out.
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skyrigel · 1 month
I don't feel loved
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revserrayyu · 9 days
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One HSR Character a Day Extra 3 (Day 54): Feixiao
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vulpinesaint · 5 months
talking the way that i do (metric ton of endearments in every sentence) is so silly and so inconvenient in daily life. like man you can't be calling this girl you've spoken to exactly one time in class "my darling" as you're coordinating this project over text. rewrite that message. you're going to make people uncomfortable 😭
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
I need to make more Tower of Dawn posts because this book is better than I thought (and I went in with decent expectations)
but for right now I just need to cry scream for a second because THE CHARACTER ARCS AND DEVELOPMENT just perfection utterly beautiful and I love every single one so much I get all teared up every dang time
especially right now what’s getting me; which is Chaol finally understanding Aelin, and talking about her, and Rowan. And THEN with Yrene. AND THEN then their ship speech! AND AND AND THEN her talking about Aelin and not even knowing it & them both thanking her (they gonna help get our girl home I just know it and that reunion realization is gonna be so worth it) !
my wyrd how is ALL of this so beautifully written??
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 11 months
Fuck it Friday
tagged by @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @rewritetheending @devirnis
thanks you beloveds! <3
now that paint sex is finished and posted i am focusing hard on the calls fic. for context this snippet is occurring while buck is comatose after the lightning strike.
The medic in Eddie is internally screaming all of the effects of reinjuries. And for the first time in a while, Eddie hates how much he knows.
He knows how continued harm to one spot of the body can degrade all that holds a person together until they are worn and weary and unable to function anymore.
He knows the pain of enduring repeating, mirroring injuries, far too intimately for his liking. Shot enough times to know the taste of metal in the back of his throat and the pathways it can carve through a shoulder and the invisible force that catapults through your body, a shockwave that temporarily numbs every nerve until the pain blasts out so violently you feel like you are being torn in half.
He knows what reinforced trauma can do to a person, how it can cut open old scars and create new wounds with similar shapes and textures that go far too deep to ever heal.
Eddie lost his wife.
He lost Shannon several times, really, but the last time–the last time is something he carries with him, forever and always. Those moments with her in the back of an ambulance where so many other lives had been saved and spared–but not hers, why not hers–engraved into his heart.
It scarred over eventually and every now and then Eddie will run his fingers over them, the jagged and rough lines that nearly ripped his heart in half, remembering how he bled and hurt and sobbed and nearly destroyed himself, but able to feel proud that he made it through the loss, he kept going until he was more than just his grief.
He can’t do that again.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @diazass @anxieteandbiscuits @callaplums @bucks118 @lover-of-mine @housewifebuck @captain-hen @lemonzestywrites @shitouttabuck @gayedmundodiaz @folk-fae @buddierights @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @spotsandsocks @thekristen999 @disasterbuckdiaz @911onabc @vampbuckley @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @arthursdent @bigfootsmom @paranoidbean and anyone else who wants to share!
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wis-art · 2 years
i thought lesbians would think I'm an imposter or something because i have a boyfriend and i dont exactly look like a girl most of the time, turns out they love me and support me and what i do and appreciate my art.
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ajaxbell · 4 months
Learn The Truth 😂
Please enjoy my completely unhinged thoughts on The Truth S2, in which I use the word 'fun' way too many times.
So I'm kind of obsessed with this show (my mini recap of the ep 0 pilot here). I described it to non-drama watching friend as like being at a murder mystery house party but with some of your fave Chinese celebrities instead of your friends. It's just fun. The Truth S2 (aka 开始推理吧 第二季, aka Start Reasoning 2) is a Chinese comedy variety show about investigating murders.  An overview on how it works:
Each set of episodes is set in certain time period. The six cast members are given details about their character in that time period (but the other cast seem to only know the info about their own character and are surprised by everyone else's reveals), a preset story plays out and an NPC is murdered. Then two characters deemed free of suspicion (I'm actually not sure how this is determined) become investigators and the other four are the suspects.
The investigators check the scene and body for clues, then all six sit in a room while those clues are presented, and then each suspect has a box of gathered clues about each other. Like Suspect A will say 'here is what was found in Suspect C's room' and then  show the incriminating evidence, while Suspect C tries to explain using their backstory notes and everyone else teases and mocks them. Then there's a some sort of mysterious test and if the murderer passes it then they can make one of the investigators an 'X' meaning the investigator will help them escape discovery. Then once they've all shared their evidence and backstories, they go out into the sets (a huge building of different rooms) and try and solve the mystery by finding more clues.
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This season stars Bai Yu (yes from Guardian), Liu Yuning, Dilraba Dilmurat, Zhang Linghe, Zhou Keyu (who is apparently American???), and Wang Xun (who has more credentials than the rest of the cast combined). It's an interesting mix of ages and backgrounds that seems to be working, mostly because they are all eventually revealed to be chaos gremlins. Also LYN, BY, and ZKY were on The Truth S1, so they are the 'seniors' here.
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Episodes 1 & 2 are set in the 1920s in a cabaret club. Same characters, location, etc. but a different murder in each ep, with an over arcing separate (non-murder) mystery with its own clues going on simultaneously. Episodes 3 & 4 are in 1988 in trading company office.  I've seen some incredible costumes that might or might not be from ep 4. They don't seem to fit what I've seen so far (through ep 3) but ep 2 goes so far off the rails from where it starts that I'm willing to accept anything might fit in these bonkers storylines.
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We're only 3 eps in and am unable to count the number of times I've shouted "wait, what!?" at the screen. To be fair some of this is because it's only available to me (in the US) with terrible machine translated subtitles. It's almost like a whole separate game just to parse these out. And some of it is nonsensical and confusing, and some is utterly delightful, like Liu Yuning telling a story that starts "when I was young girl..." But mostly there's a lot of weird direct translation of names that is simply so confusing that you have to just guess what they are saying in context.
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Despite that it's a joy to watch. To see who is really picking up clues, to watch them all constantly eat snacks (seriously so many snacks in this show), to see how they play the story lines they are given,  and to see them interact with each other. Things I didn't know I needed to see, like how pleased with himself ZLH is Every time he solves a problem but especially a math problem (he was an engineering student before he was an actor). And LYN's ability to instantly solve puzzle boxes (maybe because he does magic tricks sometimes?) Dilraba's incredible ability to spot clues in weird places that no one else seems to notice.
So I've said this is fun and it is, all on its own. But I am absolutely obsessed with this show so far because the actors keep making it gay when they really don't have to. Like just for fun. Even if none of the actors are queer (unlikely) at least two of the actors have been in bl drama adaptations, and at least two more have been in shows with Gong Jun, so I assume they all at least know from gay, you know?  Some of it feels like the good old days of TV in my youth (in the last century) when we had to ship folks to make our own gay, which the restrictions of Chinese are making increasingly necessary. Some of it is probably just like my own wishful thinking. And because of the terrible subtitles a lot of it is me just saying "wait did that just actually happen, or did I just think it did?" (Nothing says fun like gaslighting yourself about whether something is gay, lol.)
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There are also a lot of good running jokes developing. At some point in Ep 1 Bai Yu called everyone 'little killers' (xiao shashou) and it really caught on. And now every time a suspect is defending themself against evidence someone will say, laden with sarcasm, the equivalent of "sure you're innocent, little killer."  Everyone keeps calling Zhang Linghe "Handsome He" and I literally cannot figure out if this is in the script or just them teasing him (because there seems to be a lot of teasing of ZLH). In addition to this the cast is making a lot of gay jokes and it's lovely because it's clearly not mean-spirited or cruel. Some seem to be just obvious and fun. But others I can easily interpret as the cast simply being like "hey, there is no gay here, let's put some gay here! It's fun!" In ep two there's a conversation that went something like this (I'm paraphrasing the subtitles)
ZKY *in character reading from I think another character's journal?*: Young Marshal He [ZLH's character] lifted his head and looked towards Young Marshal Ning [LYN's character] with a complicated emotion in his eyes. ZKY *out of character*: "What emotion?" Dilraba: What type of story is this? (omg the look on her face, she knows) ZLH *starts laughing and looking shy* LYN: *singing to ZLH* I've finally learned how to love… ❣️‼️ Dilraba *looking overjoyed*: This is so messy! (ZLH's character is supposed to be in love with her character, and LYN's character is her character's brother) ZLH (continues to laugh while simultaneously looking pleased and shy)
Then as they go on around the sets looking for clues and solving thing they just keep referencing this joke of ZLH's character and LYN's character being the ones in a romance in the story. But like I guess subtly enough that it gets past censorship? But like obvious enough I got it even with the terrible subtitles. And after this it's like all I can not to analyze every scene for good gay joke content.
There's several scenes while they are searching for clues and the lights go out and something scary happens. These presumably leave the cast unable to see in pitch black, but are filmed with some kind of night vision (nice to see who is dying their hair by how it comes out weird in the night scope, lol). So I'm bopping along wondering if I'm feeling creepy for how I'm kind of starting to ship LYN and ZLH and then the lights go out and I'm forced to frantically text by friend: "OMG the lights just went off on The Truth and LYN plastered himself, chest to back, on ZLH, then they grabbed Dilraba and pulled her in and now this is some kind of perfect bisexual triad that I didn't know I wanted?" And I'm sitting there, having watched it three times, asking myself if that's what really happened. Then the show's official Weibo posts it with the caption "After the lights go out, Liu Yuning became Zhang Linghe’s backpack." I mean, c'mon!!
the subtitles here are something like- LYN "let's sing to make ourselves brave" ZKY *sings the alphabet song and everyone joins in* LYN "what no, not this song."
And the scene carries on, the new bisexual triad of my dreams with arms linked and everyone being so cute that I can't stop thinking about for days. And then later the show decided to get a certain clue ZLH and LYN had to stand face to face and get wrapped like a mummy. Because why not? 😅😂 I was already being ridiculous about this, why not just SPOON FEED IT TO ME? And then. And then... Remember in ep 2 when LYN starts singing "I finally learned how to love" to ZLH? Welp then LYN posts the most theater kid emo gay boy video imaginable with song on his Weibo. A video that just screams, "I'm so deep, and cannot ever share my deep, meaningful conflicted feelings." And which point I'm forced to text my friend, "OMG is THIS the show that's finally going to turn me in to a delusional shipper? Of LYN and ZLH? This was not on my bingo card. Like totally out of left field." And yet here we are. I'm not proud of what this show has done to me. But obviously I'm not embarrassed enough to not post about either.🤡
Now I've written this entire rambling mess just so I could share that with you all my unhinged obsession with the gay subtext and gay jokes in this show. Like eagerly watching with popcorn looking for that next little single line or physical touch that I can make something huge out of. A week later and I'm still thinking about a moment when ZLH casually called LYN 'ge' while touching his shoulder because it felt so real and out of character for the scene. Because seriously, what is even happening in this show? Is this all happening, is it actually on screen, or am I finally really having a reality break? I think the point of this post was to convince you to watch this beautifully bonkers show, but I got really distracted by the gay. But like maybe that too will convince you to watch these absolute chaos gremlins?
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satoruxx · 16 days
wait there’s like five hours until i’m 21…
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madame-mongoose · 9 months
Domestic yesman sounds so delightful in all the best ways. You go grocery shopping and he insists on coming with you, but there's No way he'd fit through the doors so you begrudgingly leave him outside. Your perusing the aisles and suddenly he comes rolling up to you happy as can be. You ask where he came from, how he got in, but he just winks at you and doesn't answer. Then he begs you to get fancy ingredients because he learned a new recipe but the ingredients list looks Fucking Horrendous, but you humor him and buy them anyways. Later that night he cooks dinner and somehow turns fish paste, cream corn, and puff pastry into a delectable dinner
AUGHH sobbing like,,, holding one of his claws as we walk down the aisles,, him making a little beep to get my attention,,, everyone is so frightened of this huge fucking securitron meanwhile I'm being all lovey dovey with him. Ooooh my goddd oh my god. I'm gonna fucking EXPLODE
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kathrynmjaneway · 4 months
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harleybarbarahandler · 10 months
i’m ngl that one scene from babylon where the director grabs nellie’s face and forces her to spit her gum out does make me feel Things
#is this hornyposting idk will probably delete when I have had more than two hours of sleep oops#has anybody giffed this moment#for no reason at all#nellie laroy is a sub I said what I said#an absolutely bratty sub but a sub nonetheless#thinking about the Margot interview where she was like ‘I knew Diego was the perfect manny#because when he said ‘shut the fuck up’ I shut the fuck UP. and Nellie only responds to people who can do that’#I’m paraphrasing but it was something like that#and her bi awakening with lady fay. the Margot interview again where she was like#‘nellie was just so discombobulated because this woman took control of her sexually in front of all these people#and she’s on this giddy high from it’#margot really read the script and said oh wow this character is for sure a sub#she really is so Character I’m normal about her#I may be the only person in the world who thinks about Nellie laroy babylon (2023) but by god am I gonna talk about her#I could’ve fucked with a Nellie/director lesbian subplot at some point#lady fay/nellie should be endgame but it would’ve been fun to have those two because they had good chemistry#the way the director was always boosting her up before a shot and nellie yelling at the sound guy ‘I ONLY LISTEN TO MY DIRECTOR’#her ignoring the sound guy when he instructs her to do something but when her director tells her to do the exact same thing#Nellie does what she’s told. and also them both being women in the industry surrounded by men? could’ve been a good subplot#hell nellie could be poly
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crenna · 5 months
omg omg my friend that i’m totally not interested in asked if i want to call like just us two sometime (my friend is in another country for a couple months rn) stay calm lili omg
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twopercentboy · 6 months
guys you might be truly shocked by this but I am so gay and I love boys 😭🫶
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catastrxblues · 1 year
finally listening to guts ajsklfd
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notsolonelyygirl · 2 years
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