#I am in total Memori mode right now
starsarebleeding · 1 year
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im still not sure exactly what's going on but apparently im driving far down memory lane to my first bf and, like, am In It. wwwwwtfffffff
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subwaysurf45 · 1 year
This is based off reality lol but my partner has adhd so sometimes they forget to text me/contact me and it sends me into a shame spiral because my mom used to ignore me for days when I was a kid whenever she felt upset about anything (I mean she still cries it but I am an adult now so I’ve learned to live with it) but anyway it really traumatized me because now when people g hours without responding I immediately assume it was my fault and I dive into fix it mode (even if I did nothing wrong). So idk maybe you could do something where Bucky forgets to text reader about something and reader immediately panics and freaks out because ✨trauma✨
babe, I got you. thank you for the ask, I totally know what you mean. I have many friends who forget to answer my texts and you can't help but think they are mad at you, I fully understand. I hope this does what you are feeling justice.
A/N: there are a few time jumps, I hope it's not too confusing!
So many years ago… 
“Mom!” you screamed from outside her door, sitting on your knees while tears streaked down your face. 
She had hit the new record for how many days gone without speaking to you; three was the new record. You had forgotten what you had done but your mother definitely did not, she was an elephant with her memory. 
You were invisible to her, she walked right past you with nothing to say. There was seemingly nothing you could do except wait it out, but you needed your mother, you wanted her comfort. As hard as you banged against her door, as loud as you screamed, as hard as you cried; she did nothing. 
It was always the worst when you accepted defeat and headed off to your room, contemplating how you would punish yourself because obviously you had done something very wrong. There were times when you’d punch your own thigh, maybe scratch along your collar where the skin was thin, anything to continue the punishment. 
There had been times when she’d catch the bruises on your legs, immediately giving up the act to get you the bag of frozen peas. Everytime you thought it was over, you really thought she’d continuously love you. But then you’d forget to unpack the dishwasher or say something under your breath after an argument; and the cycle would repeat. 
Present Day...
“Bye, love,” you whispered and leaned up to kiss Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck as he placed his gentle hands on your hips. His roommates were in the next room so you needed to be quick and quiet, no one needed to know about your kissing. 
“Text me when you get back to your place, yes?” Bucky muttered before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your collarbone, softly pulling the collar of your shirt with it, pressing a loving kiss to the mark that was blooming. 
You grew coy, “of course,” you whispered as you fiddled with the hem of his shirt, “bye,” you said at the last moment with your head still poking in the door. Bucky stood there and waved, when the door closed you headed down to your car and headed home. 
There was something about Bucky that was unlike any of the other guys you got close with, there was something so pure about him; even though he wasn’t all the time. On your first date he got you flowers and the next date you got him a bouquet. All the boys in the house laughed but after putting them in a vase and getting into his car you saw a tear roll down his cheek, just one before he swiped it away. 
He has one of the flowers pressed and in a frame sitting on his bedside table. 
There was an immediate uplift in your life after meeting Bucky, something to look forward to every morning with his texts and always feeling secure. You knew he was your guy, you no longer needed to suss out your mother before calling her to rant. Sometimes she was in a bad mood and would hang up on you, or even worse, sigh loudly until you got the hint. But if Bucky didn’t have time for a phone call he’d stop by on his way home from work or class, just checking in and then either picking you up or stealing a quick kiss before heading home. 
You looked after one another because both of you wanted to see each other happy, there was never a moment of malice between you two, just uplifting spirits. 
That wasn’t to say you were always perfect, there had been big fights and big emotions. But with Bucky, he sat down and talked about them, maybe after taking a walk so he wouldn’t scream in anger, but there would always be a drive to fix things and not let them linger. 
It took many relationships and friendships to realize your mother did a number on you, what you thought was normal raised a few brows; especially Bucky. 
“Babe,” Bucky said in his bed, sitting up against the headboard, “that’s fine,” he patted your butt. You were laying on your stomach and trying not to look at him. 
“But you…” you sighed, “we were-...” you sighed again. 
Bucky leaned over so you had to look at him, “I was in the mood last night- both of us were -and we had fun, even though I’m fine with something doesn’t mean you have to be as well.” it didn’t look like you believed him, Bucky chuckled and laid right behind you, “I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman and have period sex, babe, I don’t,” you cracked a smile, “just because I offer to lay down a towel doesn’t mean you have to agree, alright?” 
“But I feel bad,” you whispered, “but I also don’t like how messy it gets and I was tired because my iron level drops so bad and-”
“And there’s our answer,” Bucky giggled, “remember: we both have to agree, don’t just follow along, alright?” 
“Sure,” you whispered. Bucky obviously didn’t think that was good enough, so he tickled you until you were screaming in agreement, the most enthusiastic alright. 
When you got home you trudged up the stairs and laid on your bed, sending Bucky a text that you got home. 
You: got home perfectly fine, I did in fact almost hit a bunny but it ran out of the way
Bucky: seriously, you gotta be more alert
You: I know I was paying attention but it just came out of nowhere
Fixing your pillow, you sat up and stared at your phone. The typing bubble hadn’t even popped up yet, you needed him to know you were driving safe. With the extra time now you re-read his text, you immediately read it like he was chastising you. Giving you pointers because he felt you were a bad driver. 
You wanted him to answer, so he knew you knew you needed to be safe. As you sat there the gears in your brain began to spin, you shouldn’t be this tied to your phone, it’s unhealthy. Don’t be a clingy girlfriend, he’s not actually mad at you. 
You began to type again: babe? But you quickly deleted it. 
You sat for a moment: did I do something? That was too pathetic. 
Maybe a different angle: I bet that bunny is off with its family right now, having the time of its life. But even that was a little much, you could easily come across as rude. 
Instead you placed your phone to the side and tried to think back, was there something you did that pissed him off? Maybe he was just annoyed with something else and took it out on you. You could barely sit with yourself, this needed to get fixed. You couldn’t leave him mad at you for too long, he’d leave you. 
The thing about your mother was, she would never abandon her kid. But with Bucky, you’re just some girlfriend, easily disposable. 
Bucky smiled down at his phone, looking at the text you sent him. “Gotta love her,” he whispered to himself as he sat on the couch, before he could begin to type Sam poked his head in the backyard. 
“Hey, need you to help with the barbeque,” Sam waved him outside. 
Bucky threw his phone beside him on the couch, “who’s grilling tonight?” 
“You,” Sam smirked, “you always do them so well."  
Steve was already out there, there was something wrong with the propane tank. All three of them used google and youtube to figure out why the tank wasn’t fitting in the BBQ, they had the same tank as last time but something wasn’t connecting. 
“There isn’t even a hiss when you start it up,” Bucky said as he fiddled with the switch, “that’s so weird, man,” Bucky scratched the side of his head. 
“I’m so fucking hungry,” Sam muttered to himself, “if we don’t get this figured out soon, I’m fucking ordering in again and I don’t care how much it costs.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” Steve nodded as he crouched down to try and come up with a solution. 
Though it took a while, they managed to hook up the new tank all by themselves. Bucky now stood by the grill, one hand on the bar on the lid, and watched the timer hit zero. The smell was amazing when he opened the top, feeling the hot steam escape after building up. Steve and Sam were inside, cutting up tomatoes and other toppings to put on their burgers. 
“Hey, bud,” Sam called from the screen door, “your girl is blowing up your phone.” 
Bucky turned around, “pass it over,” he flipped the last patty and walked over. Immediately, his heart sank as he saw the spammed texts and calls that were coming from you. The most recent text covered the others on his lock screen: I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry I made you upset. 
“What?” he whispered to himself, clicking on the notification to see the others in their text chain. 
You: Babe? 
You: the bunny is okay and so am I 
You: are you mad? 
You: I know you think this is so pathetic but the text you sent sounded like you were mad and I want things to be okay if your mad but also I’m freaking out over nothing because you probably aren’t
You: right? 
You: please pick up the phone 
You: Bucky I’m losing my fucking mind, please don’t shut me out if you’re upset, please 
You: please
You: okay
You: I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry I made you upset. 
Before Bucky could do anything, he was frozen as he stared at the typing bubble that popped up. When the text came through his heart cracked to pieces, it felt like he was dying. 
You: I’ve been bad and I deserve it
“Boys!” Bucky called from outside, Sam and Steve both ran out. “Something wrong with y/n, I need to go to her house, I’m sorry, someone’s gotta watch this right now.” 
“What’s wrong?” Steve had never seen Bucky more stressed out in his life, watching as he basically tugged his hair out. 
“She’s-” Bucky held out his phone, “look at this.” 
Sam was the one to take the phone, “dude,” he looked up at Bucky, “you sounded mad at the last text you sent, the ‘seriously’ doesn’t help and then-” 
“Holy shit,” Bucky snatched the phone from Sam’s hands and ran to the door to get into the backyard from the side of the house, fishing for keys as he got to his truck. 
You sat on the edge of your bed, Bucky beside you. “you-I don’t want you to meet my mom.” 
“Why?” Bucky rubbed your back, you looked so sad as you sat beside him, rubbing your wrist raw with anxiety. “I’m sure she’s not as bad as you think.” 
“No,” you shook your head, “she just messed me up,” you looked up at Bucky who was shaking his head, silently saying you aren’t messed up. “She would ignore me for days on end, I wouldn’t know if I was getting fed or dropped off at school somedays, and I was like seven. I-” you choked on your words, leaning into Bucky’s side as he kissed the top of your head, “I just always assume people are always mad at me- especially if I get ignored because I’m so used to it.” 
“That’s why you don’t want me to meet her?” Bucky whispered. 
“She doesn’t deserve to meet you,” you mumbled while you looked at the floor, “she’s in the past and I don’t want my present and past to mix.” 
Bucky nodded and planted a few more kisses on the top of your head, “I’ll always be here, I’ll always be in the present.” 
No speed limit mattered in this moment, the university kids crossing the street were perfectly timed. It was like the universe knew Bucky needed to get somewhere, all the lights were green and no one got in his way. When he parked in the driveway to your off campus apartment complex he almost forgot to turn off the car, he was sprinting out of there. 
He had a key to your place, you had a key to his. 
“y/n?” he bursted through the door, not hearing a single sound. He found you in your room, sobbing under the covers, you didn’t even hear him come in. “baby,” he whispered and quickly hugged you from outside the covers, making you jolt away from him. “It’s just me, I’m not mad, I promise, come here.” 
“You’re not?” you coughed out, looking over your shoulder at him. 
“I was about to text you back and then Sam needed my help with the barbeque and I forgot about it so quickly, you know how I get with that.” 
“I do,” you nodded. 
“And I was in charge of the burgers so I was outside, away from my phone- jesus, I’m so sorry,” Bucky whispered and got under the covers, “it just slipped my mind, I didn’t mean to give you the silent treatment, I really didn’t.” 
“Deep down I knew you were busy but then I just…” you sighed and looked away, “I fed into my thoughts, what I knew since I was a kid: getting ignored is-” 
“I know,” Bucky kissed your temple, “don’t feel bad you went back to what you knew, anyone would do that, I’m just so sorry,” he held you tightly, kissing all around your head, “that text meant to be funny but it so wasn’t and I’m so sorry, but I’m not mad- all you need to know is that I’m not mad at all,” he felt you nod, “all one misunderstanding that really hurt you.” 
“I forgive you,” you flipped around to face him, “I’m just so mad I let her win again, I thought I was over this.” 
“I forgot to text you back for a long time,” Bucky brushed the hair out of your face, “you can only go so long and that’s normal, babe, totally normal.” You used his shirt to wipe the tears off of your face, “you don’t need to feel any shame or any embarrassment, alright?” 
“But I do,” the tears came back again but Bucky was quick to soothe them. He held you close and continuously whispered in your ear sweet nothing, making you feel loved. After a while you believed him, he wasn’t mad at you, and you leaned into his touch. 
“The only thing you deserve,” Bucky cupped your face to make you look at him, “is to be loved and listened to, alright?” 
You nodded, a smile gracing your lips for the first time in what felt like days, “alright.”
Taglist: @jackiehollanderr @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksanddrinkingtea-blog @linzc-reader @hotleaf-juice @honeybunchesofbucky @seybox @happyt0exist @yaszx @striving4averagegirl @searchf0rtheskyline @aya-fay @wbyss @luvrsbian @albertdabuttler
If you would like to be added or removed from the taglist please send an ask!
reblogs and feedback are greatly apreciated!!!
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
Hi! I just fell on your blog a few minutes ago and then went on to read all your stories about Billy Kid (my favorite character in ZZZ) so I immediatly followed you and now dying to read more because I am starved for good Billy kid stories you have no idea. AO3 hasn't done much yet about him, there are some good ones, but they are also too few yet, maybe in a few months. Hope you don't mind if I flood your ask box with request about him. I love him being in a bad situation and the rest of the Cunning Hares immediatly going into War Mode the moment someone mess with him without their knowledge. Or him just being cared for by the rest of the girls when he's not in a good shape, or injured, or well, you get the idea. Think you could do a story where Billy suffers a blow to the head during a mission which makes him temporary lose his memories about his time with the Cunning Hares so he still thinks he's a feared enforcer in the Outer Ring and thus acts more like the old him, who is very much implied to have been much less nice and more ruthless than his present self given that in one of his trust events he actually sends a death threat to a thug, and also an entire gang of thugs running away from him the moment they recognize him. Meanwhile Nicole, Anby and Nekomata are at a loss at how to deal with a much less nice Billy who doesn't remember them and is clearly more than ready to shoot anyone or anything for just being in his way and them trying to just bring back the Billy they know by trying to show him everything he's been doing with them, and also them worried about how different he was before meeting them and them not knowing him more than that and stuff. Would be interesting, if you want to write it of course. Also, do you plan to maybe put your stories about Billy (all the asks you got about him) on AO3? There is not enough Billy Kid content yet there, and I think you would help immensely, given your stories are all incredible and they are about our favorite android. <3 <3 <3, Of course, no pressure there, I'm just curious and wondering, feels like a shame to only see those stories on tumblr, but I'll totally understand and respect whatever decision you choose. Also love the work you put for your stories about the Billy asks, I drank them faster than a thirsting man in a desert suddently having access to water, I love you so much for doing this the internet needs more Billy Kid stories the android is gonna be my death and I am so ok with that.
RAHHH YOU'RE SO SWEET, WHAT?? -> oml, you fr got me close to tears over here <333
as of right now, i don't have an AO3 account- bc it never seemed like much of a priority to make one, but i might just bite the bullet and start posting over there now that you're hyping them up so much 😭 
of course, i'll still primarily post on here methinks, and i'll definitely write that request of yours too bc i genuinely love that idea [just in a different post to keep this from getting too long] but seriously, you're so sweet. thank you so much and request away!! <3 <3 <3
HC for the Road: When Billy gets super angry, like genuinely needs to blow off some steam before he snaps at the girls, he'll just kick or punch the nearest safely destructible item -> for example: the Hares' could be in a Hollow and they get stuck or something, and Billy's already had a bit of a rough day so he just kicks one of the thick metal pipes laying around to vent and accidentally sends his foot through it [and gets stuck like a cartoon] -> the rest of the Hares' are struck yet again with the reminder of "oh yeah, he's CHOOSING not to break our bones 😃"
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stay-midnight · 2 years
Unreleased Draft #4: A Journey Through the Cosmos
Android Hwang Hyunjin x Male Reader
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Synopsis: Humans went extinct decades ago, Y/N found himself waking up in an unfamiliar place with no memories of what happened, only an android and a possible second human to keep him company.
A/N • My attempt at writing third person POV i was having a hard time at this! This was suppose to be my 200 Followers special huhu but I didn't manage to finish it at that time it was long ago as well like 2021 probably😭
Author Ratings:
Plot/Idea on Scratch - 9/10, I am a sucker for sci-fi and I eat it up regularly, haha Im a science nerd what can I say I hope to do more sci fi in the futuree writing.
Writing at that time - 7/10, kinda good for a first attempt at third person but generally I dont like third person povs with x reader fics 😭! I think my wording is owkay here.
Writeability / Needed Creativity - 0/10, my love for sci fi is not comparable to my ability to actually write them, my limit is tentacle alien smut HAHAHAHA 😭.
Total Darkness.
Completely Fading.
That was all Y/N could feel, well for now I guess.
Years and years have passed in his cold sleep, that is until it was finally time.
“Wh— Where am I...?” He mumbled out, the light at the ceiling was blinding and once he sat up the chill that was surrounding him gradually disappeared. He turned to the side and noticed he was in some sort of container.
“A hospital?” He thought, weirded a bit at the moment.
He sat up straight and look around his surroundings, his blurry vision from the blinding light before now much clearer to him.
He was in a white room, like clean and pure white with lines of silver engraved on the wall.
What caught his attention though was another person, standing with his head bent as if he was nodding. “What is this place...”
Is he in heaven? In a experimental facility? He had a lot of questions surging through his nerves.
Where am I?
The male inside the opened ‘container’ stretched his muscles before standing up and walking over to the weird person.
He tapped his shoulder, Once. Twice.
Then the mysterious person looked up at the one who disturbed his sleep then spoke.
“Select a mode, human: Helper Mode, Human Mode, Guard Mode, Lover Mode.” He said without blinking and in a monotone voice.
The last option made the male widen his eyebrows in confusion as silence reigns over both of you for a few moment as he took in his appearance; sharp jaw, plump and huge lips, cat eyes, big nose and clear skin. He’s too perfect, what the hell.
His eyes were glowing a blue hue which fascinated the male until he opened those lips of his again, “Again, human please select a mode: Helper Mode, Huma—”
“Helper Mode.... Wait, are you a robot?” Said the fascinated one, scratching his head at what exactly is happening.
“Very well then.” He accepts before his blue irises turned into green, emerald glowing ones.
“As I was assigned to helper mode, I will do my best to attend to your needs whether you have questions or just want me to do a certain action that will benefit you.” he explained briefly and looked at the human before him for any signs of questions to his statement.
“Forgive me, Y/N for I haven’t introduced myself properly yet.”
He knows my name..?
“I am an android, for typically I don’t have a name — but my creator always called me Hyunjin. I was created to serve the last humans. You and whoever is inside that.” he stated, pointing to the other container right next to you before giving a beautiful smile.
“L-Last humans? This isn’t some kind of prank is it? Is this some kind of test..?” Y/N asked with a trembling voice and shocked eyes as he gnaw on his bottom lip.
The android smile faded, “No. You are both the last of civilization. Planet Earth was destroyed 79 earth years ago.” he asked his voice still barely holding emotions but empty.
Y/N tried to calm your head down before asking more questions again, “Where are we then? If Earth got destroyed.” You breathed out trying to process information.
“We are currently in what the Creator called the ‘Mothership’” Hyunjin hummed before sighing and made a hand signal inching Y/N to move forward and you did.
He swiped his hand and a hologram appeared behind Y/N, he looked back and stared at the figure in awe. “Is this where we are?” He spoke reaching out to the it only for the tips of his fingers to pass through it.
Hyunjin nodded, “Yes.”
The ship looked a bit like a submarine of some sort. It looked cool but what was worrying about is how this ship works, like a car using fuel? Or just collecting the space dust - turning it into usable gas. he might have to ask Hyunjin later.
“Oh, you mentioned something about different modes you have - what exactly to they do?” Y/N spurred.
“Helper Mode is helping those in need either by medical or informational problems. Human Mode is where a personality to be built and be processed. Also to adapt. Guard mode is for fighting and protecting and lastly Lover mode is for me to give people’s physical needs by affection or to entertain sexual desires.” He explained once more thoroughly with a handsome smile on his face.
“Now, please take a rest. I am going to standby here to wait for the second human.” Hyunjin said but more in a concerning look.
“I have been asleep for seven decades and you still expect me to sleep?” Y/N pouted and looked at him with a glare. Hyunjin paid no mind and just nodded. Before standing still and looked at the other container.
Is it okay if—
“Hyunjin, switch to Human Mode if you may.” Y/N mumbled lowly but somehow Hyunjin’s advanced hearing caught on.
The android looked at Y/N before his emerald irises turned into brown orbs, looking more human so to speak. “As Human Mode was activated, I will do my best to communicate, learn and interact to add to my data and help build a complex human personality.” He said with a warm smile, taking a seat at the corner.
Wow, he seems more like a different person.
Y/N played with his fingers in absolute boredom as you waited for the container to open.
“Hey Hyunjin? How long till that open?” He said in a frustrated tone, sighing afterwards.
“Not much long..” Hyunjin sighs with bored look on his face as he turned to the male walking in circles, deep in thought.
“In the meantime, Hyunjin, may I— uh, explore the ship?” Y/N spoke in a thrilled tone as his orbs was filled with curiousity.
“I would recommend you to stay put but as long as you stay in vicinity of this room, it should be okay since it’s easy to get lost in the ship here. O- Oh.. take this if your going.” He smiled meekly, standing up but somehow the other man couldn’t take his eyes off on how the android moves his thick and plump lips while he’s chattering.
“Y/N..? Hello Y/N to ship?” He waves his hand on your face, laughing at you.
Y/N stared at him incredulously, silently judging his slighty robotic laugh. “Is that normal?”
“Uh....” he trailed before clearing his throat and laughing again this time more realistic.
The human smiled at it but forgot that Hyunjin was giving him omething, due to the absurd amount of time used to check the non-human.
“Take this if your going.” he said pulling something out of his pocket - a badge?
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daz4i · 2 months
throwing some ideas for. possibilities
time traveling shenanigans - kunikida mentioned it, reminding the audience that this is indeed a thing that can happen in the bsdverse, so we have it in the back of our minds when it's used in the story again, which. given how pear shaped everything has gotten. seems to be a very feasible option
light snow - why bring tanizaki in now of all times? and leave a cliffhanger where he might die, right after kunikida tells him to use it to escape? ain't no way he's dying now lmao. speaking of-
tanizaki going sicko mode - i want to see it happen. it will. it must. please.......
everyone else will "die" (get sucked into ame no gozen, and we don't quite know what it entails) leaving only sskk alive, to connect to the anime's ending. maybe aya too bc fyodor did make a promise. maybe she'll help them even
^so, atsushi will use his cutting through abilities thingie to rent that thing asunder - to shreds, i say.
the book? - i mean. i can only assume the reason fyodor even did all that is to create a distraction in order to go get it (one can also assume this is why atsushi remains alive while his comrades die - he is considered a key to the book, so fyodor might need him in order to get to it). perhaps something he'll write in it will revert things as well, or bring in a totally new storyline, or kill everyone lol but i sincerely doubt that
meursault gang somehow becomes relevant again - idk if they can physically make it in time to change anything (unless... nikolai...? 🥺) but idk maybe from afar. maybe the book is located there for some reason and they'll use it. maybe sigma will unlock some new power by unlocking old memories or smth idk. anything's possible
that's all i have for you now. ig we'll wait and see 😳
other thoughts in general:
others have already said so but ain't no way kunikida died fr. and tanizaki won't either. which means teruko might come back too! which makes me slightly less mad abt how she was treated narratively. slightly.
AKUTAGAWA'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bram's not coming back guys. sorry. this time i'm certain
as usual: so no nikolai? *throws phone* *smashes skateboard* one day he will come back guys. i can feel it. he has to. nikolai nation we have not lost yet i believe in him.
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nenilein · 1 year
I've started archiving (and translating) the field conversations from Puyo Puyo Fever 2!
Unlike most other Puyo Puyo games, Fever 2 doesn’t only tell its story through the regular story mode (RunRun, WakuWaku, HaraHara). In between each part of the story mode, the player is given the option to explore Primp Town, talk to the characters in the various locations there, receive gifts from them and even listen in on private conversations between the characters. These “field conversations” can only be viewed once per save file and and are missable, making them a bit of a pain to archive. So, for purposes of posterity, I decided to go through the entire game, record every single field conversation and translate them all.
Here's the doc with the translations for the conversations archived in the video above: LINK
Here are some of my personal highlights:
Rei: (The sign he is holding reads:) Yu is my twin sister. Rei: I wish I could say that we’re always together, but… Rei: …she’s almost never here.
Sig: “... The “Memory of Chuu”, huh…” Akuma:  “Ah, the legendary Memory of Chuu. I see you are hard at your studies, ma.” Sig: “....................” Akuma: “...ma?” Sig: “... zzzzz … zzzzz…” Akuma: “He’s sleeping, ma!?”
Klug: “Don’t make the mistake of underestimating me. The Klug who stands before you is not the Klug of yesterday, oh no! Are you ready for my true potential?” Raffina:  “Oh please, how much could you possibly have improved in one day? It is steady, daily practice that makes perfect. Ms. Accord herself said so.” Klug: “Heh heh, I suppose we should put that claim to the test in a match then! Now, should we use custom handicaps? I will set mine to “Spicy” and yours to “Mild”. That only seems fair.” Raffina:  “If you are trying to prove something to me, then have it your way! You will see where it gets you!”
Yu: “Whoopsie! Sometimes I totally forget you exist, Rei!” Rei: (The sign he is holding reads:) I’m used to it. Yu: “Sorries~!”
Klug: “Eheheheh… You see, this book I carry on my person… I actually borrowed it from the Library department here.” Klug:  “Who would’ve thought that a volume with such grand, dark power was hiding here all along!” Klug: “Of course, it takes true greatness to control its might. I am most likely the only one capable of this feat!” Klug: “Now, please excuse me. I have to go and extend my lease on the tome again…”
Klug: “Professor, I have a question regarding an item.” Accord:  “Which item is it about?” Klug: “The ‘Memory of Chuu’. It has been the talk of the town as of late.” Accord: “Ah, the ‘Memory of Chuu’. It is said that it tempts your opponent with their sweetest memories, causing them to lose the will to battle.” Accord: “There is an old poem that describes the effect in lyric, but I must admit I have never seen this item myself. I must wonder if it even exists.” Klug: “The fact that you, with your tendency to keep secrets from us, say this makes me even more sure that it does exist. …The ‘Memory of Chuu’... I should investigate the matter…” Accord:  “Dear, oh dear… That is not nice, Klug. You should really have a little more faith in your teacher.” Klug: “Excuse me, but you do have a history!”
Klug: “Have you ever seen a ‘Memory of Chuu’ with your own eyes?” Dapper: “Of course I have. I may not look it, but even I was in love once and had a partner.” Klug:  “Do you need a romantic partner to be allowed to carry a Memory of Chuu?” Dapper: “...You’re still a little too young to be talking about this, I’m afraid. Let’s stop this right here.” Klug:  “I… I read the monthly Darkmaque!!”
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helenadurazzo · 8 months
The Lord of The Underworld And His Lady of Spring Part 6
Next in the HPHM x Twisted Wonderland AU, it is time for the testing, as both groups of the boys go through it, Idia, along with Helena and Ortho go through the data to look for interesting results
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“Test One complete.” Ortho confirmed, “Subjects are cooling down within the simulation.”
“All vital signs for the three subjects are normal.” An employee, Moor Eiriniko, of Helena recalled his name right, reported. “And blot accumulation is within standard range.”
“There are the numbers I expected as well.” Idia observed, “Time to see if they differ with the next test.”
“Simulator has been synced with the Lachesis System.” Another employee, this time, Etern Skotadi, was the one to talk, “We are set for the second test.”
Idia nodded firmly, “Take it away Ortho.”
“Roger!” Ortho obeyed, “Virtual enemy mode standby. Commencing dive!”
“Test two complete.” Ortho reported, “Subjects are cooling down in the sim.”
“Vital signs remain normal.” Moor typed on a tablet as he talked, “Yet there has been an increase in blot accumulation.”
Etern looked at the system and made modifications, “Lachesis System desynchronizing. Down to five percent… four, three, two… desync complete.”
“Simulator cooldown has finished.” Ortho’s voice sounded, “Subjects are being transported to the recovery room.”
“Excellent.” Idia breathed a sigh of relief, “When you are done with that, prepare Subjects B and D for their testing.”
“Roger.” Ortho’s holographic figure nodded before disappearing.
“Now let’s read the stats for these famed housewardens.” Idia grinned as he went over to a large screen.
“The difference in their blot accumulation rates is fascinating.” Helena observed, walking up to Idia to stand beside him.
“Totally.” Idia smiled at her and then looked at the screen, “Let’s look at Riddle first. He busts out spells like he is in hyperdrive. And his magic pool is way beyond other mages his age. Likely had training in magic at a young age. Like a sports pro who practiced their whole lives since they could walk. It’s the only way he could wield such numbers. If you ask me, his strength is more from hard work than from innate talent.”
Helena hummed, “He also has a tendency to elevate his output and brute force his magic during moments of indecision.”
“Whiles it is inefficient.” Idia admitted,
“he had the power to back him up”
“And his mental state is impacted by external factors rather than internal ones.” Helena pointed out, “If my memory serves him right, he had quite the controlling mother watching over him, a skill mage doctor in the Queendom of Roses.”
“Despite everything though.” Idia starred at the screen, “Its safe to say he has a strong offense but a paper thin defense. Being quite fragile physically and mentally when he isn’t in control of his surroundings.”
“Yet compare that to Azul,” Helena observed, looking at his results. “Despite his slow speed at casting, he is precise and deadly accurate with his spells.”
“He served as a support for Riddle’s brash actions!” Idia declared. “On one hand he is calm and efficient, on the other you could say he is cowardly for hiding behind the magical gifts of others.”
“Or it just means he can be suited as a healer.” Helena shrugged playfully.
“Perhaps he is careful because he has a small magic pool.” Idia theorized, “like he is banking up on his quick thinking to make up for his little reserves or something. It’s not like he can use his signature spell willy nilly.”
“Making him the opposite of Riddle.” Helena observed, “Then there is the case of Vil, who is unique in his own right.”
“Oh boy talk about STABLE.” Idia exclaimed. “All of his numbers are remarkably high and he hardly breaks a sweat. His lack of sharp performance strikes may be one thing, but he is solid in both offense and defense. And I am pretty sure Vil didn’t get any specialized training prior to his enrollment.”
“His physical and mental resilience is rather impressive.” Helena observed.
“He would make a perfect tank!” Idia declared with confidence. “Vil’s signature spell is a long duration debuff curse… and since he’s got a big magic pool, it is a long lasting one, that’s huge. I would hate having to fight these guys, but oh man they’d be a blast to play if they were in an RPG!”
“That was quick.” Idia exclaimed with wide eyes, “They figured out how the system worked immediately.”
“Well Leona is the type of guy who knows when he is dreaming.” Helena reminded him.
Idia sighed, “Where’s the fun in that? And Jamil’s stress levels barely moved to. How did these guys overblot? Vil as well for that matter.”
“Simulator cooldown complete.” Ortho reported as astern worked on desyncing the system, “Transferring subjects to the recovery room.”
“Testing sequence completed at 2245” Moor took note of.
“Good, good.” Idia muttered then looked at the two employees, “You two are free to go once the data is backed up.”
“Roger.” The two men nodded.
Ortho suddenly entered the room, “All subjects are in the recovery room Idia. They’re fast asleep.”
Helena laughed, “When is Leona not asleep? Not surprising at all.”
“Nice job Ortho.” Idia spoke calmly
“You to Idia!” Ortho cheered happily, “What do the results look like for Leona Kingscholar and Jamil Viper?”
Helena gasped as Idia put the data on the monitor, “Their numbers are exceptional!”
Idia started with looking at Leona’s data, “Spoiled or not, Leona is still royalty. Totally makes sense that he would have top notch magic instruction as a kid. His casting speed is off the charts and his magic pool is huge and he is quite efficient which helps with minimizing blot accumulation.” Idia sighed, “But I already knew Leona was tough and could handle whatever danger is thrown at him. And it’s hard to measure resilience when it comes to inner turmoil.”
“He does seem to commonly exhibit a great mental fortitude.” Ortho agreed. “And a drastic change could lead to an increase in blot accumulation.”
“Stat-wise he would be a great tank like Vil.” Idia continued. “But given his personality, he isn’t best suited for a leader. Now that I mention it, their personalities don’t seem to match with their ideal class.”
“What class do you believe Jamil would be?” Helena pondered.
“He’s tricky.” Idia admitted with a shrug, “He could fit just about anywhere TBH. But he tends to go for efficiency over speed, just like Azul. Looking at his background… he had no training before arriving at Night Raven College. Yet where he differs is how he is really quick and precise with defensive magic. Perhaps it’s his natural state given how he guards Kalim.
“So perhaps a Melee to defend a tank or a healer?” Ortho proposed.
“Something like that.” Idia nodded. “Just imagine it, Night Raven Quest, the RPG, now that’s a game I’d play even more given these additional stats.”
“You should totally make it Idia!” Ortho energetically requested, “It would be a blast! And it could be open world!”
“Development costs would be too much for open world for such a ridiculous concept.” Idia pointed out. “Besides development for a joke concept like this would be a pain and waste of my time.”
“Say Idia.” A lightbulb seemed to light up for Ortho, “Why don’t you invite the Housewardens to play with you and Muscle Red?”
“What!? No!” Idia was simply horrified, “Where did you get that idea!? None of these guys are interested in gaming! They are complete normies! And besides, we are going to send them to the River Lethe before they return to Night Raven College. They will forget everything, and possibly us as well.”Glancing briefly over at Helena and her Pomegranate lenses that his parents insisted on if their detail instructions before their departure, before finally turning his gaze to Ortho, “There is no use with making friends with them…”
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
two weeks late? what do you mean? ...haha.
sorry i have excuses okay? I moved houses in that time and then got sick. like i said, lateness is becoming my brand i guess
anyways this week (last week) it is time for
The Opera in the Outback Caper!!
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notes as always under the cut!
player's australian accent is hilarious
bro the writers were researching australia and they saw carmen the opera and their eyes shot out of their heads like looney toons
according to wikipedia if this episode had gone like the opera carmen would have stabbed a bitch to death and then sung about fucking somebody all night from prison. but yeah carmen would have also ended up stabbed to death in the end so....leaning towards the bad omen scale
that fifteen person orchestra is really pulling its weight damn
can you imagine being gray in this episode he has literally no idea what the fuck is going on wheeze
this is totally way later in the episode but wait a minute if the vile device fried all the soundboards how the hell did the rest of the opera keep going
its gra-YUHM
that surprised pikachu face jdsghdjhga
god fuck i hate that he flirts with her im getting it out of the way right now so i don't harp on it later but i do not like it
Gray Ham says enjoy the show and carmen walks like a penguin her ankles go WAY up
i love love love watching the progression of carmen's faith in vile go from her mostly playful, almost dismissive air in the start to realizing just how dangerous this all is and i think it starts RIGHT HERE, realizing that theyve killed crackle's memories of her and VILE
mentally i am the guy dressed as a soldier who is staring straight ahead and singing with one blank smile on his face
something about that swing and how carmen's coattails move is just mwah
carmen stays there for literally no reason how did you not see le chevre coming over to kick you in the back girl
that subliminal messaging device falling was sooo on key 🫦
so nitpicky but that opera singer is NOT opening her mouth enough literally watch any video of an opera singer their mouths are going twice that wide
the way she just plucks it from his hand is so funny
i love this fight btw. its so dynamic but its SILENT. and the entire fight is based around the need to not draw attention to themselves and disrupt the performance. very cool fight
like yeah the flips and the way they pull on each other's clothing and jump and use the bars and stuff super cool
literally the second time le chevre has done that exact same thing girly
that landing HAD to hurt SO BAD are you kidding
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also love how carmen goes in slow motion before this but the music doesnt thats hilarious
wouldnt it have been funny if as carmen the singer was singing her high note carmen the thief fell on her
love the standing ovation and curtsy for the uh. fourth song of the opera
player was in record mode because he secretly loves opera and wanted to record the live performance of his favorite habanera
HUAN HONK HUNK HONK HA HION HA HONK he does bleat like a goat
i find it very hard to believe that le chevre is so flippant about the mindwiping thing seeing as dr bellum is potentially setting him up for the exact same circumstances today in fighting carmen lmao
i love when characters on screens look at things from the perspective of the. screen
"remix" its just you dr bellum
carmen: haha quip player: oh girl u fucked up girl
love Carmen's thought process of being completely unaffected by the thing that got blasted directly in her face just because she wasn't the target
player does the most
i love doctor denim jeans she seems like such a nice enthusiastic person
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look at her shes so excited
what was carmen standing up there looking for anyway
pls player didnt even know it was gray but he knew. he was just like ffs carmen not the silver jambon
love how carmen is pinpointing his orders from vile as the problem and not. his willingness and ability to kill her
he's got good hearing wow
sparky is actually australian slang for an electrician. good to know. shocked crackle didnt name himself Sparky
love how crackles tone changes from joking to that dramatic "year of my life" speech i dont remember if they used that for flashbacks or trailers or what but its for something lol
"electrician" gray you sit at the desk and press buttons as far as we can tell dude
"yeah stranger go online and find some random guy to take you into the australian outback <3 my experience couldnt help you avoid a potentially bad situation there at all."
shes like four feet away and he's screaming lmaoo
it is just her name, honey maid
"the outback- may sound like somewhere you would take a man to shoot him but we have to save that for next season!"
mad respect for them primarily referring to it as uluru so it sticks that way and not the more colonialized name of ayers rock, which was given to it by, surprise surprise, a brit
its a miracle the car didnt break down in the outback after player told her to be careful in the harsh terrain. literally two episode ago he was like "be careful of altitude sickness!!" and then she died
god the music and animation in this episode are gorgeous though arent they?
miro is the most patient man on the planet
ivy being so fed up with him wheeze
carmen being polite and excusing herself from the conversation! never thought i'd see the day lol
i love miro he's just like what. what do you mean. who are you guys and he's right
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for sure the only tourist in the car
where did carmen get those hot little pink glasses and coats did they mug a couple workers or what
ivy and zack's sibling dynamic forever
she is for sure like five feet from that door and should not be running for as long as she is while talking to player she is a split second away from crashing into the wall
pls the rocket is so close to the facilities it would take the buildings out
anyone else love the animation when ivy's waving the id badge at mom jeans denim
zack's little salute ive never noticed that before
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yeah your new interns. the most conspicuous american twenty year olds we can find who apparently blend in with every situation, including fashion week in milan
who voices bell bottom jeans because her australian accent is sketch is it sharon. it sounds a little like bellum
IT IS SHARON ok sorry queen your australian accent is not great </3
is there a "where in space is carmen sandiego" where zack and ivy go to an alien planet because i havent watched any of the 90s show but. that feels like it would happen
was player directing her through that or did carmen just randomly learn to hack too
love the single button to launch a whole rocket its so funny
brancusi jeans: that was the day i decided the laboratory is no place for opera speakers: opera in the laboratory skinny jeans: wow this is the best thing that has ever happened to me
i wonder if that cart wheel was 3d
ivy expertly tied that woman up great job ivy. ig she learned from boston lol. interesting tho- that is how carmen tied them up, and i wonder if carmen taught them
uh oh spaghettio
again cs color theory <3 with the button going green when vile's plan starts to work
the rocket launched in less that 3 minutes! btw it will take more than 4 until we get to the final countdown. and we will cut down much of the space in between but its totally less than three ok
love the way ivy smashes through that door
wheeze the control panel at the top of the tower
zack's got the best australian accent out of all the terrible australian accents in this show. he could be on bluey
zack's cold chuckle before he tells el topo that the dingoes are mauling his boyfriend is priceless its so funny
adore the clear shock and horror in carmen's voice when she realizes what she's done. good gina moment thank you for a moment gina. oh nevermind that what have i done was sad and limp :(
le chevre said grrr. WHAT? OUGH!
"let go" yes le chevre that is something she would do while you're dangling her a thousand feet above the ground
pls my video started buffering and it just went "OUT OF MY WA-" and then the screen went black ivy killed it
love ivy shes such a girlboss
still not sure btw how top and bottom arent recognizing the boston kids its. what the third, fourth time?
that little thing le chevre does i think must be a vile taught thing, which is interesting. he hooks his arms under hers and holds her there that way. i say that because in the s2 opener episode el topo does the exact same thing to carmen
the gays are so funny i love them
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ivy comes very close to dying a horrible death this episode lol
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"i've got you."
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drops her
she did not have to slide down the rocket like that but thank god she did. hot of her. love that her hair came down and her glasses came off for maximum hotness she booked it over here you can tell
the two gays are literally just >:( >:(
shit my pants joke
everyone laugh
player is literally that friend trying to get his bff not to get back in that toxic relationship GIRL HE TRIED TO KILL YOU LIKE. A WEEK AGO HE AINT WORTH THE FRESH START BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP
i do like gina's voice acting here though. she does sound like she's actually. feeling things
god the shots in this show are so pretty
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look at that. art
even the light changing from green to red once she decides to blow him off. yes yes yes yes the red represents safety and certainty and as soon as that green light turns not only does it physically block her from crossing over to him just like she's mentally decided not to put it puts any question of vile completely out of the question
insert that tumblr post about wanting to make eye contact with someone from across a street and then disappear behind a bus here bc i can't find it
woohoo carmen leading herself to believe that the only way she can keep people safe is to avoid them. im sure this wont come into play in any future searches for more familial figures of carmen's
i like all the human and animal remains in maelstrom's office. cool of him tbh
they wanted to say "bring me the head" so bad
anyway PAPER STAR! TRANSITION SENTENCE TO NEXT EP! i love next ep paper star is so cool. also beginnings of julethief. look, i have a transition sentence too.
next week is actually two days ago on saturday but thats okay ill hopefully get it done sometime this week, so i can be on time for being late this saturday. hope you liked this ep's notes <3
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casketscratch · 7 months
Trying so hard to remember today already.
- Woke up full-blown panic mode, shaking and breaking down crying, my entire left arm wouldn't stop shaking. Can't remember what the dreams were.
- Therapy was good. Went over how I broke down crying the moment we hung up last week, and generally the sense was that someone's trying to communicate or integrate a bit more. Something about our system isn't made for this to happen. It turns into levels, and layers of memories that will a common emotional thread but otherwise feel just scattershot or random. We've figured out that this alter trying is scared to, because they are "held in place" by...
- This terrifies me, but by an alter who was installed by our traffickers/my grandfather to keep the rest in line. I think this means the whole... I hesitate to say ramcoa. But it confirms the, ah, narrative? Hunch? That they did deliberately try to program alters. And there are "higher ups" in charge we can't speak to but who seem to exert a lot of psychic/mental pressure if others act out of line. Felt like I had a javelin in my skull by the end of session.
- Used to have debilitating migraines that felt exactly like that when I left for undergrad. Almost failed out because I "wasn't supposed to be there" - my dad had tried everything in his power to keep me from moving so far away.
- (I really hope he suffered for failing to do so.)
- We also talked about the "pass out and collapse" thing we keep doing. That one alter will try to merge traffic (if you will) and at the same time she holds so much pain and fear and trauma that she can only cope with feeling that much by basically freezing. Freezing so hard it's a shutdown. I'd honestly call it a kind of flight to an inner world more than that (not that it can't be elements of both).
I... Don't... Like this. I am struggling with the scope of abuse. I am struggling with being right when I wish I had been wrong. I am struggling with trying to even conceive of how to manage this. It's been weeks of not trusting my own reactions because I couldn't tell where they came from, and now, uh, well. Some very powerful gatekeeper (not unlike Orion!) who's aligned with our traffickers (very very very unlike Orion) and would rather kill us than let us succeed in anything?
Sort of like how this group preferred my aunt to remain totally unsupported and to die homeless a few years ago. That's what I was supposed to get. Except they could never poison me against my mom's side of the family enough, so... I didn't become their next "sacrificial lamb" or whatever. That's what it feels like those "higher ups" push for. Sabotage, doubt, sow a lot of internal chaos, keep superficial but upsetting things too of mind.
I was so exhausted I've just spent the last like 8 hours in bed watching Dropout to feel better.
I don't really know where to go from here.
Started guitar yesterday though. Immediately remembered SO much and a dumpster fire of memory snatches with it, and I think this might be both pretty fun and a good way to connect with those parts from back then.
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maryellencarter · 7 months
"low fast travel" run continues: having climbed all the way up to shee vaneer because i discovered you can see shee venath from a korok spot above bosh kala (look it's the photographic memory i'm pretty sure i know all 120 shrine names if i think about it okay? the totk ones aren't sticking at all though. i can clarify locations and associated puzzles about the botw ones but i'm not sure anybody reading this... cares really), i am now considering whether i'm stubborn enough to do the glide-and-climb *back* up to shee vaneer after solving shee venath.
(i am still doing them guideless or i could just look up the answers :P i had to look up some for my first all shrines run but once i've seen the solution it's much easier to understand the possible strategies to get there)
(technically "guideless" fell to "i have been around the entire circumference of the great plateau wall looking for a sword i know is here but my fucking irl perception check is not high enough to spot it" but i'm okay with that. i'm trying to rely *primarily* on memory and exploration, as much as possible. sometimes i need to know where to look and/or what i'm looking for, or i will Not See)
i am entertained to discover that from the summit of shee vaneer peak you can see ta'loh naeg through a gap in the pillars of levia, hinting you towards kakariko if you've been ignoring it thus far.
i really, really need to get back on the damn path though. i need hestu. i have nineteen korok seeds and i keep dropping perfectly good weapons i haven't even used because i only have eight slots, and i'm committed to keeping my basic tools on hand at all times: a torch, a hammer weapon, an axe, and a korok leaf.
(what am i gonna do when i've broken all the axes and they're not respawning because it's a no blood moon run? i rely so much on the respawning double axe at woodland stable. ...hopefully have the master sword or something? jeez. i usually try to save it for situations where it gets powered up, like the divine beasts and the castle.)
i did successfully manage the exploit to delay the blood moon for another week -- you save around 11:57pm in game, let the last few seconds run until the first frame of the blood moon cutscene hits with that BOOM, hit home and close the game, load it up from the manual save (not the autosave from the blood moon occurring), and the extra loading time squeaks past the "blood moon timer is reset to zero" flag but doesn't actually trip the "enemies and weapons are all respawned" flag.
the exploit itself is so simple you can do it by mistake, and in fact that's how the streamer I learned it from discovered it. The challenge comes from paying attention to the blood moons; remembering not to leave a shrine, divine beast, or the castle right after midnight unless you're sure it's not a blood moon night; not being able to roll over nighttimes with beds or fires unless you're *very* sure it's not a blood moon night; using your knowledge of the game to pace out your kills so that, for instance, you don't go after a lynel or a hinox until you have space for his weapon drops; the possibility of running out of weapons is a little higher in master mode because of health regen (calamity ganon in master mode is a *beast*, i doubt i'll ever play master mode myself for that reason, i'm too cautious to play a mode that doesn't allow for slowly whittling down health), but i'm sure it could also happen in normal mode, especially since there are just fewer total weapons in normal mode.
I don't know if it'll be physically possible to fill out the Hyrule Compendium without buying any pictures, during a no blood moon run. I'm stacking a lot of goals that I haven't seen anyone else do all in the same run. I know it's possible for certain weapons to go extinct in the game even during normal play -- I killed all 22 lynels in my main save without ever getting a mid-tier gear drop, because I was so scared of them that I put them off until they'd all evolved into white-maned or silver lynels. (There's a non-scaling blue one in the castle gatehouse for the compendium photo, but he won't drop his weapons unless you save-reload during the fight.)
in other news i have successfully parried a chuchu! it didn't damage it any though. shame.
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Oh my god, Mikeyyyy my little orange boy. You deserve better.
As soon as Leo heard that there is a possibility that Donnie might not get his memories back he became the representation of almost every reader; I hear you Leo, but please listen to Mikey! I just hope, HOPE, that nothing the fam does ruins Mikey's progress.
Who knew Donnie's autistic teenage brain would be the key to Draxum's downfall. Although does that mean the idea of Donnie getting his memories back through a super emotional rock ballad is out of the question?
Xever, please stop being transphobic.
Poor Tigerclaw, hopefully his affection will carry over when Donnie gets his memories back. I wonder, what did he do in this continuity to make Alopex hate him? In the show, Alopex blames Tigerclaw because he always made the decisions saying he knew what was best for both of them, besides killing their parents. If Alopex ever appears in the fic I can easily see her helping the fam, and hating Draxum because of his arguments that he knows best.
You mean like with Pearl in the SU movie? I mean, that's not how it's gonna go, but that song is iconic.
I kind of saw it as more misogynistic than anything. Would Xever be transphobic? 'Googles some stuff about gay rights in Brazil' Oh, they're actually at the top of the list when it comes to LGBT rights. Good for them!
But, and I'm just reading from the Wikipedia page, it seems like this extends more just to the LGB part, and a lot of transgender people end up in the sex industry because they can't get work elsewhere. Attitudes have been changing in the last few years, but it's 2020 in the story and Xever has been living in the U.S. for a few years, so he wouldn't have been around for that. The murder rate for LGBT individuals is very high in Brazil-but the murder rate in Brazil is high in general right now, so that's probably more of a reflection of the political unrest going on right now than attitudes towards gay people.
Now I'm really thinking about Xever's backstory and how it would have influenced his perceptions. He grew up poor, mostly out on the streets getting involved in crime and gang activity from a young age, and while he's definitely smart he's very undereducated. How progressive are Brazilian gangs? Would he feel some sort of kinship and mutual respect for trans people selling themselves on the street, because he's also doing what he needs to do to survive? Or would he look down on them because "at least I didn't stoop to that."
And he has lived in the U.S. for a bit-but again, he's mostly hung around gangs. And I am so totally here for women's wrongs and queer mob bosses, but gangs in the U.S. are generally pretty misogynistic and homophobic. Not that people can't break out of the mindsets they've been immersed in most of their lives, but like-people need resources to do that. Xever has like a sixth grade education that was probably not very good to begin with (impoverished school with low budget, crowded unruly classes, poor attendance and didn't pay much attention when he did go because he was a hungry kid who had bigger priorities) and he's lived life in survival mode for a long, long time. He probably doesn't think about that kind of stuff and doesn't really have the tools to refute what he's been indoctrinated with. This is why cutting education is fascism 101, by the way-it makes it way easier to indoctrinate people with bullshit.
(fuck, this got off the rails)
I still haven't made a concrete decision on Alopex. I'm pretty sure she's going to appear, but I haven't nailed down a definite backstory for them yet and I haven't decided if they'll reconcile. He didn't kill their parents here though-he never returned home after they were kidnapped. He didn't know if his family was still alive or if they would accept him, and he decided that he would rather just never know.
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shadendesire · 1 year
Tag nine (9) people you want to know better!
Tagged by: @thediscoelysiumlesbian
Last Song: “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls (I may have been altering them, Fall Out Boy, & the Cyberpunk vocal songs since last week)
Currently Watching: My brain is in scattershot mode so flirting between Looper, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Moriarty the Patriot, Garden of Sinners, Professor Marston, Rope, Bound, & the Handmaiden (as well as toying with my next sci-fi show)
Currently Reading: I would like to blame the pile of books I am juggling to my scattered brain but that would be disingenuous. I tend to have multiple going at any one time. The only difference is the ravenous speed I normally have when not on chemo or side effects. Currently it is The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray (to be followed by the Diviners), Earthian, Akuma no Riddle, Angel Sanctuary, Six of Crows, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Kushiel’s Scion, By a Silver Thread, Tender is the flesh. Many of these are in a state of reading a second or hundredth time so I do not feel bad for putting them down for months at a time.
Current Obsession: oh boy that’s a doozy. Until this past weekend it was continuing my obsession with trying to catch back up on Critical Role after falling behind with the last job. Actively anticipating the return of the Silt Verses & Impact Winter. Then two things happened. One we get the announcement of Fate/Strange Fake (& I watch the 1 hour movie) which sent me deep into my Nausuverse obsession again (I adore Tiné and may well be my favorite character in the whole verse). As well as the fact that we opened a memory box of friends who passed 25 years ago. And there is just so much there. So many things that just break my heart but also make me soar. Showing me how much they impacted my life even if our time together was far too brief. So that probably is my great obsession right now & everything it stirs up.
Tagging: I would totally love any and all mutuals to, but let’s see if I can choose the 9. @anotherrowen @thedragonagelesbian @leigh-fae @warmcoals @frankenfran @tsunamimatsika @ar-guile @stephanieratt @ahoneesan
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senjuushi · 2 years
Noble Musketeer Story: Hachikyu
Episode 1: Hachikyu’s Suffering
Hachikyu: Tch, this is bad...! Shit, shit...! I seriously have no luck today!!
Hachikyu: Oh, (Player Name)! Hey, you don’t happen to have any yakisoba bread, do you? 
Yakisoba bread? 
I don’t have any... 
Hachikyu: Damn it, there goes my last hope...! What am I gonna do... go back to the classroom like this...? It’d be certain death if I do...! That’s not happening!!
What’s going on...? 
What’s wrong?
Hachikyu: Ah... yeah. Murata told me to buy him yakisoba bread for lunch, but... 
Hachikyu: I wound up dozing off, and by the time I opened my eyes, it was all sold out. 
Hachikyu: On top of that, they somehow figured out that I’d read Arisaka’s diary... If they find me, they’ll kill me for sure...! 
Hachikyu: Hahh... even after coming to a military academy, a gunman’s life is super hard mode. 
Hachikyu: ...nh! That’s it! You gotta help me escape! 
(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: On the mega-rare chance we get caught, if you’re there, you’d make a good buffer, y’know?  
(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: That fast!? I’m begging you, so at least ask why! 
Hachikyu: I mean, it’d suck to have to re-summon me and hurt yourself worse, right? So keep me from being killed!
Murata: Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure. ...oh, Arisaka. Did you not hear the voice of that useless scoundrel just now? 
Arisaka: I heard him over here. Arisaka will lead the way. 
Hachikyu: Shit! They’re here! C’mon, let’s go! 
Hachikyu roughly grabbed (Player Name)’s arm and took off running.
Hachikyu: C’mon, over here! 
Hachikyu: *pant*... *pant*... Let’s hide here for now.
Hachikyu’s hiding spot was in a PE warehouse near the sports field. 
Hachikyu: They won’t find us in here... I hope. 
Hachikyu: If they do find us, it’s your turn. I’ll be counting on you.
Am I supposed to apologize...? 
I guess it can’t be helped.
(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: Are you an idiot? If you apologize, they’ll just be like, “Oh, is that so?” and not forgive me at all. 
(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: Alright! I can seriously count on you, right...?
By the way...
How long are you going to keep your hand there?
Hachikyu: Hand... woah!? Why were you so close!? 
Hachikyu: Wait, I was the one who grabbed you, I guess... Um, s-sorry for being gross... 
Hachikyu: ......
—about ten minutes later.
Hachikyu: ...you think we’re okay now? Maybe those two have gotten tired of looking, gave up, and gone back to the classroom...
Hachikyu: For now, let’s see if we’re clear. 
Hachikyu: Hell yeah! No sign of Murata or Arisaka! Hey, (Player Name), sorry for suddenly dragging you into—
Student 1: Hey, look over there.
Student 2: That’s the one who was with the World Empire... 
Several students with grim looks in their eyes came toward Hachikyu and (Player Name), and stood surrounding them.
Student 3: Hey, you... you used to be the World Empire’s Musketeer, didn’t you?
Student 1: You don’t belong here. How could you support the tyrannical regime of the World Empire, then just turn around and come to this school as if nothing’s wrong...!? 
Student 2: Your old memories aren’t gone just because your Master’s changed, right? How do you feel about those old days?
Student 4: Do you feel regret? If you do, your words and actions should show it loud and clear! 
Hachikyu: ......
Can we please calm down?
This isn’t doing any good. 
Student 1: Are you gonna defend this guy? You know what the World Empire did, don’t you? 
Student 3: So tell us, how do you feel!? Answer truthfully! 
Hachikyu: ...hah.
Hachikyu: ...when a pencil writes a word, is that word what the pencil thinks? 
Student 4: What are you talking about!? The pencil doesn’t think, and it doesn’t write on its own, either. 
Hachikyu: Are “that” and “me” really any different?
Hachikyu: Noble Musketeers may be treated like we’re so important, but we’re just guns. We’re summoned and used by our Masters— it’s a totally different position than you mighty humans. 
Hachikyu: There’s my refute. See ya later. 
Student 3: ...w-wait! You’re not just a gun. You’re a Musketeer! You’re not the same as a gun or a pencil! 
Student 3: You can think, speak, and move on your own. Were your intentions truly unrelated to what you did in the past?
Hachikyu: ......
Kyoudou: Hey, you over there! What’s this commotion? Personal fights are against school rules. 
Student 1: ...., Professor Kyoudou. Nothing’s going on. We’re just talking.
Student 3: ...sometime, we’re going to get that answer.
Hachikyu: ......
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in other news of things nobody here followed me for or knows about (contd from dc stuff): i started playing rf4 again (the special version actually. which i have never actually completed) and now im bored and Trapped Away From Games so i wanna do a belated liveblog:
im actually retrying a thing i gave up on a while ago which is to drag the first arc out as long as possible. well the original idea was to get married before leon karnak for the alleged unique spouse cutscene that gives you, but i dont think im romancing anyone on this run so now i'm just taking my time for no real reason. also it's hell mode
actually i decided that it was feasible based on calendars to try and time all the guardian releases for their actual birthday. so i am now stuck not progressing past water ruins until fall. im killing time by trying to fight my way through yokmir cave to get to that little deposit of bronze that's up there (because of the aforementioned hell mode this is Not Easy)
i stupidly shipped the first bronze you get out of a request, which was a total waste, bc i forgot raven gates her inventory based on your story progression so she won't actually Stock bronze yet so i just chucked that incredibly valuable earlygame resource into the void. rip. you DO get a second one eventually which i am saving for mail since i think that's the most worth it right now
however RAVEN REDEMPTION ARC: apparently (in the special version at least, i could have sworn this wasn't how it worked in the original) the boss drop from water ruins got added to the loot table for requests as soon as the dungeon unlocked, rather than after you actually beat the boss?? which means that i could get a lightning mane from a randon rq, ship it, and then buy them back off raven to buff all my gear with. granted the stats it gives you aren't crazy BUT the diz res is real nice and for early game +7def is still pretty worth it
im also doing a staff run, which is good for this kinda run bc you can forge a ~lvl30 staff with just an earth crystal which is real easy to come by (as opposed to other weapons, which require materials that i'm locked out of rn) ... however the actual damage stat for staves is kind of really shitty compared to other weapons (prolly bc it's primarily m.atk and early game enemies don't have a ton of m.def?) so an invisiblade might end up being better anyway idk.
however a BONUS of staves is ambrosia's thorns give you the heal effect on charge 2 from the boss's like, radar stun attack. and healing is INVALUABLE in this stage. so i am probably sticking with this
another thing i should probably do but don't rrreally feel like doing is taming a high orc / orc archer to go through the cave with. that would probably significantly increase my survival rate
also storywise, i don't think there's anything crazy that i've discovered from dragging my heels on the main storyline but i DID get to that cutscene where you and venti talk about earthmates and your memories and i am rotating the "it's all so surreal. like i'm a stranger to myself." bit
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lutiaslayton · 2 years
Well! This chapter was definitely worth the wait! But now I have more questions! How was Clay able to shift into little Des? How's Claire going to react to this revelation about Hershel? How's the reunion between Hershel and Des going to go? And most importantly, WHO or WHAT, is Clay? Well, nevertheless, I can't wait to see more and find out (even if takes a while 😅)!
That is indeed a lot of questions, and all of those are questions I absolutely intended to give indeed, hehehe >:)
We have reached the point when I no longer have any French chapters as buffer, so I sadly won’t be able to keep up the pace of one chapter per week… But everything is planned, and I have a lot to reveal with what comes next.
Warning: I had some fun giving teasers for the future of the fic in this ask, so even though I don’t give actual spoilers, I’m still leaving this under the cut. If you want to read the fanfic 100% blind, you can ignore this. If you like being teased and having hints as to what to expect in the future, however… Have fun letting your brain dive into theory mode :)
Who’s Clay and what have they become? Indeed, since this is pretty much the only mystery the crew really has to solve (what with Clay already knowing basically everything else… or not?), the reveal won’t come before a LONG while. Doesn’t mean I don’t plan on leaving hints for the audience to pick up on, haha, so if you figure it out ahead of time and get it right, congrats!
I will have planned for this eventuality in the sense that although this is a big mystery, this story is (as you could guess) far more than just focusing on Clay’s mystery. Even if you figure it out as soon as the first or second chapter (which is totally possible imo, I left enough clues to at least allude to the truth), I hope that everything else will keep the story interesting. If anything, knowing who and what Clay is ahead of time might even make it all the more entertaining? Who knows!
How’s the reunion between Hershel and Des going to go? It’s going to go places. I have written down a TON of Hersh/Des interactions with awkward dialogue and/or dialogue where Hersh gets salty and doesn’t hesitate to rub salt on the wound (let him have the sass, he deserves it after having been lied to for more than two decades). I have written months ago an entire scene where Hershel goes on a road trip with Roland and Lucille in order to visit Des so they can finally discuss some Family Matters, and where the ambience is hilariously tense and awkward lmao.
How’s Claire going to react to this revelation about Hershel? Claire is the best girlfriend in the universe. I did say in the previous ask that I don’t write Hurt without Comfort.
How was Clay able to shift into little Des? This question was meant to find an answer in the latest chapter (chapter IV-3, or chapter 8 in AO3’s numbering system). From Hershel’s deductions at least, it appears that somehow, memories of his own alternate-timeline-future-alter-ego made their way in Clay’s mind, which includes memories of both future events that can no longer take place… and personal childhood memories, if only one or two—therefore, including the memory of child Des’s appearance.
Still, copying someone’s memories and implanting them by force into someone else’s brain… This sounds absolutely ridiculous. Absurd. It’s not like anything like this could ever have been made at any time. Am I right folks?
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…am I right, folks?
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
Hello, Alaeza! I hope you're well ♡ Can i join in your fun game, darling, please? If not, it's ookay! 🩷
Okay, I am choosing:
My initials are DB, my preferred gender: male
Your vibe to me is.. like you remind me of light academia. You remind me of good things like happy memories. You also give me mysterious vibes. But you're friend everyone wants to be friend with. 🩷🙈 i feel like you have high feminine energy.
Here's moodboard:
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Thank you so much and take care! ♡
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Hiii here's your reading ~
Your advice right now here is to take some alone time for now. Be in the Hermit mode now . Do self check on your doings and non doings for now. Venture your shadow self . Being alone is not a bad thing think it as "All one" and in total harmony with everything . The greatest treasures are those that wait silently during your quite times.
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Feedback is Compulsory
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