#I am happier when I play pokemon
smugraccoon137 · 2 years
My boyfriend told me I should go play pokemon cus im always happier when I'm playing pokemon.
And I straight looked him in the eye and reminded him that December was almost upon us, you know just in case he wanted to start a new neopets account
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beloveddawn-blog · 6 months
Nine people to get to know
Thanks to @leahnardo-da-veggie for tagging me! I did this a bit ago, but have no trouble doing it again!
Last song: San Quentin by Nickleback. I know there was at least one other song on after that on the drive home, but that was what I had turned up.
Favourite Colour: red, bright and bold. It washes me out badly though, so blue or purple for wearing
Currently watching: still Sailor Moon R. We're out of the Doom Tree arc, but life has been kicking mine and coffeeangelinabox's asses and we haven't been consistent with the actual watching of things on movie night
Favourite flavour: pistachio or saskatoon
Current Obsession: pokemon. I bought Sword secondhand when my neices decided they were into it (I got them Sheild for Christmas) and now I'm at the point where I'm hassling my sister about them getting leveled up so I can get those goddamn exclusives and complete my pokedex.
Last thing I googled: Avril Lavigne's age when her career started
Favourite season: fall. I love the way leaves crunch, and I can wear my collection of awesome hoodies/light jackets everywhere. Mostly though by the time a season changes I'm bored of it anyway and am looking forward to the next.
Skill I'd like to learn: Sewing or art. I can do basics of both, but I'd like to get good at them. That, however, entirely depends on time and I usually don't prioritize them enough for that.
Best Advice: Please and Thank you for everything. My Dad gave me a great object lesson in this by being a petty-ass jerk to a rude and entitled student and the college he worked at, and it's served me well. I'm a crew lead at my own job and I cannot overemphasize the difference it makes in my team when I thank them earnestly for doing the things they're supposed to do anyway. They work harder, look for ways to help, and are generally much more chill and happier when they feel valued.
If I tagged you last time, sorry. If I haven't tagged you at all but you want to play, sorry for that too and feel free to join in! @slimylittlemaggot @messy-jaxx @mitchell-nihil @poetinlovewithflowersonhisgrave @stesierra @squarebracket-trickster @minnieposting @artistvicky @mageofcolors
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drifloonz · 6 months
I also wanna see hcs of Steven with an autistic reader (dating hcs ig, I'm also a Strangled Red simp and I'm autistic)
remember me. im alive . Im here to heal the drought . i am too tired mentally to do the whole format shebang maybe ill dress it up when i wake up ( it is currently 6:21 am for me and im not tired yet )
Actually i dont think i do anything that extra or fancy with my formatting other than the title which i added right now. so . Enjoy
steven x autistic reader!
♡ he's autistic as well ... like that "I hate people" type'a autism. at least nowadays! i think he used to have trouble with volume and tone before the incident and just generally get easily overwhelmed... and either freeze or start to go on a walk to take his mind off of things. stuff like that.
♡ He's also insanely autistic about battle strategies and its his special interest of sorts . like... not that much, he did ( in my interpretation and what is kind of implied? ) sweep everything with miki because she's a special charizard who just kind of. Is stronger in all ways.
♡ BUT! i think i mean this in the more pokeani style of battles - he's crafty and very observant of his surroundings and how to "Cheat" battles with it. wink
♡ anyways yeah autistic reader . hi . You came for dating hcs right .
♡ he tends to just live in his house, lurking, stalking, barely moving out of bed to eat - so you might have to help him with that. ... buuuut, if you're similar, then you two will simply just sit in bed staring at the ceiling all day . napstablook core
♡ he hasn't had much stimulation outside of taking care of his basic needs and like. i'unno. being alive in general. so if you have an interest he isn't too aware of, he's always very happy to listen.
♡ he's an extremely good listener- he'll be nodding and mostly silent, but he may ask questions once he's more comfortable with you. he is actively trying to engage with your interests, although his own autism makes his tone a little stagnant- if he sounds uninterested, it's not intentional. his voice just comes off like that.
♡ he particularly likes games and music although the interests and energy for them have wavered a lot for him personally - so if your interests align with those sorts of things, he'll definitely be on board. you being into something in a genre he used to like definitely gives him enough energy to try again.
♡ this eventually does end up with him having more energy to engage with things that used to give him joy in a similar way . mostly playing games... like, a pokemon stadium or battle revolution game if those existed in-universe? because he can't exactly uh. Battle for real anymore without hurting those around him. of course, he always has charizard on his teams front and center. it's not Her. but, it'll suffice as long as he distracts himself.
♡ truly, it's just like this. introduce things to him and he'll be eager to try or listen or talk to you about them.
♡ if you get overwhelmed anywhere, he is quick to move you out of the area and also maybe take away the overwhelming Element. if it's a person, well. he'll just basically glare at them. a silent 'Fuck Off'
♡ also he will personally appreciate it if you get him more clothes. having just a few sets is fine for his depression, but the more he realizes it, the fabric feels awful sometimes. mainly, his trainer outfit he usually goes outside with - it's very worn and torn and the material was always a little cheap... if you get him a replacement, he'll be all the happier for it.
♡ he'd also give the old one to you if you cared about that sort of thing, but he'd be tentative because. well. it's worn and torn...?
♡ unless you fix it up and sew it somehow. that'd be nice. Im getting offtrack
♡ if you draw, write, or do creative things - he's always happy to see them. he likes to simply wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he looks at what you're doing now and again... it's, calming? like, really calming. to be honest, he could do that forever and ever.
♡ until you two get hungry of course. but, until then.
♡ he does also of course engage and ask about things like your OCs ( if you have them ), worlds, writing, dynamics, headcanons - anything, everything.
♡ generally things like this are what he's happiest with . watching something with you or watching you do something as he lays back and relaxes. seeing you enjoy the things you like makes him feel a lot better even though its something so simple .
♡ ... S!3v3n is also similar, he's just much more quiet- basically nonverbal - about how he goes about it. those red eyes will always be watching intently though .
sorry if these were barebones i didnt rlly know what to Go off of but yeah . he is autistic too !!!! the Tismry
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Bright Blue Star - A Tiny Pokemon Fic
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated: G Pokemon Sun/Moon No Warnings Words: >600
One of my tiny fics for the lovely @pokepocketzine ! This one focuses on a fairytale story about a lost girl and a minior! Head on over and check them out, at the time of posting we've opened leftover sales!
On Mount Hokulani, a young girl was lost. She’d been making her way up to the top with her mother, but suddenly found herself alone. In the darkness, the forest loomed large above her, and the girl felt much too small.She began to cry, sitting and hugging her knees.
Though tears blurred her vision, she caught a glimpse of cyan glowing in the grass. Surprised, the girl looked up, rubbing away the tears with her palms.
Bobbing in front of her was a bright blue Minior, smiling happily at the girl.She stared momentarily, taking in its vibrant light.
Minior floated closer, nearly close enough to touch the little girl's face.“Why do you cry?” Minior asked.
“‘Cause-“ She said, “I’m lost and all alone!”
Minior spun sideways. “That’s not quite right,” it said, “How can you be lost if you’re right here? How can you be alone when I’m here too?”
The girl blinked. “...But I’m very far away from home, and I don’t know how to get back!”
Minior ceased spinning, and nodded in understanding. “I see. But there’s no need to worry, because I am far from home too! We can look for our homes together.”
With a friend by your side, things were never quite so scary. The girl agreed, and began looking for a way home with Minior. It glowed brightly and stuck close to her side, lighting their way. While the mountain was still quite big and the girl quite small, Minior was just the right size to keep her company.
Eventually, they found their way to a clearing. The space was filled with a multihued display; dozens of Minior floating every which way. So the pair joined them, spinning and playing together in the starlight, all the proper things for a little girl and little Pokémon to do.
When they’d had enough, the girl lay in the grass again, much happier than before.“Is this home, then?” She asked Minior.
“No.” Minior replied. “My home is up there.” It bobbed up towards the sky. “I will return there soon, so now I must say goodbye.”
The girl felt very sad to hear this. She had made it through the forest with her friend, but now it would leave her.
“Don’t go!” She said, “I’ll be all alone!”
But Minior just floated forward and tapped her nose with one of its arms.
“Do not cry.” It said, “I am going where I am meant to be. I will return home with my family. Do not forget your mother, who loves you very much. Stay here, and she will find you soon.”
She nodded. She understood, though it made her sad.“I’ll stay. But I’m gonna miss you.”
Minior smiled. “I will miss you too. But one day, many years from now, you will become a star too, and join me in the sky. Then, we will reunite.”
A silent moment of understanding passed between them, and before the girl knew it, the Minior had floated up and out of sight.
The girl’s mother finds her curled up asleep in the grass. The mother cradles her daughter close and carries her home. Though she is still sleepy, the girl feels a sense of comfort wash over her. This is where she’s meant to be, and that makes her very happy indeed. She hopes Minior feels the same.
They will meet again someday, but that is a story far from now. Until then, there is always one star- bright blue and twinkling, shining especially bright on that girl, as long as she lives.
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revalentine2 · 2 months
Roseanne Sets Out! - Team Objective plays Pokemon Emerald
Hey, is-is this piece of junk on?
Ah, there we go...
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I am ROSEANNE, Leader of TEAM OBJECTIVE, the EVIL-actual moral alignment pending-team dedicated to showing the world that OBJECT POKEMON are OBJECTIVELY the GREATEST!  In my latest mission, I am...
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...sitting in the back of a moving truck.  With grimy camera footage.
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we don't have the greatest budget right now, ok?  I've had to hole back up with mom, and these...dirty, hairy beasts!  Horrible.
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I wish there were clock and gamecube pokemon.  They'd look so lovely.
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Oh thank Regigigas they're gone.  What kind of sick person would let something like that into their-
-oh.  right.  dad.
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I was investigating this other house and thought I spotted a voltorb on the floor-it was, unfortunately, a regular pokeball-when this squirt came over and starting being sexist to my face?  What kind of backwards town IS this???
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I walk just outside, and see what I mean???  Mangy beasts.  …I don’t suppose any of the pokemon this man is offering are OBJECT pokemon, are they…?
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No, they are not.
Well, until we have another option, I will take the lizard I guess.  Understand that he is being relegated to HM duty as SOON as I have my hands on an object pokemon.
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That professor guy said to go look for his son, but I don’t think I’ll waste my time.  I’ll just head out of town and-
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-Oooooof course.
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I’ve looked around, and all I’ve found is a bird I’ve heard some claim turns into a toilet.  Guys, I know that’s just a weird looking bird.  Some people can be so immature.
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Hey Brendan, you’re a poopyhead!
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I’ve decided to venture out to the next town.  No luck on finding any object pokemon on the route between, either.  I’m beginning to think there aren’t any…maybe that’s why dad moved out here.
Well, let’s get this over with.
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Dad I love you but WHY do you surround yourself with the objectively WORST pokemon-
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Huh?  Who’s this kid?
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…YES!  Child, I will get you an object pokemon, and you can become the next-and first but that’s not important-recruit of TEAM OBJECTIVE!
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I suppose I should not be upset that the sickly child is happier now.
(but I am, kinda.)
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…What?  The gym leader in Rustboro is a ROCK TYPE leader?  Someone who would know where and how to find rock pokemon??  Oh, dad, you’re showing support for my interests after all!  I will be off at once!
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Hmm…tell me if you’ve seen any object pokemon first, and then we’ll talk.
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Aw, what?  I’m an evil team LEADER, not some hero!  …But fiiiiiiiiiine, I guess.
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Team Aqua?  Sir, do you know any object pokemon that reside in the sea, because I’ve done my research and have found frighteningly little.   …Knowing this region’s reputation, maybe I picked a bad spot for my first outing.
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Nothing to tell me?  Then, off with you!  Team Objective has no time to waste on petty thievery.
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The Rustboro gym, home of Roxanne…her name and mine are quite close, actually.  And she’s an honors student?  Surely she must know much about the rocky objects of this region!
…Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take my leave for now.  It’s…disappointing, ending my first day battling in support of Object Pokemon without a one to my name, and just in sight of actually SEEING one…but, next time…next time, we shall not only head inside, but, find our first TRUE team members.  For the Object Pokemon-TEAM OBJECTIVE!
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valiisthea · 7 months
Sighs not my FFVII muses coming back because of Rebirth. I've sort of shelved Roche for now since I am enjoying getting to write with one vs writing him for now but he does still exist if wanted.
I'm gaining a lot of muse for Zack and Tifa on top of already having Reno, Leslie, Biggs, and Wedge.
But also my brain is still in a very bad place and everything changes in me at the drop of a hat so take it with a grain of salt.
It was really nice to be able to write some FF16 again too! Though for some reason, it was much easier to slip into Barnabas than it was Dion who I mained for HOW LONG sheesh.
Grief and anger mentions beneath the snip snip.
I'm stuck in the 'anger' portion of my grief. I have 3 free therapy sessions through my insurance specifically to address grief that I will be going to starting next week. But the anger is really starting to be coming intrusive and concerning. I'm misplacing it too. I can notice all of this AFTER the fact, but I can't seem to stop myself in the heat of the moment. Like, my dogs pissed me off so much last night that I legitimately threw a (very small) vacuum at my door. I also slammed a lot of doors and screamed incredibly loudly into a pillow before storming out of the house and angrily marching around dollar general until I felt okay enough to come home. My anger does not ever get taken out on people or animals, even when they're the reasoning behind it, so I'm really really glad for that. But I am not the 'throwing a vacuum, running out of the house, slamming doors" kind of person and I didn't like any of that at all. But I felt so out of control in the moment.
I do think the anger and lack of patience is from the grief. I think I flutter in and out of the anger stage of grief and sometimes it just gets to be too much and I'm overstimulated and I just sort of...lose it. So I'm glad I'll have the therapy to address that. As soon as I calmed down I was booking appointments so damn fast because it is NOT acceptable behavior.
Aside from that, things have been okay at best. I just want my grandma and she's not here and she will never be here again and it's not fair to her. I struggle with it every day. I know it's only been a month (on sunday) and that it's still fairly fresh, but I didn't expect it to still be eating at me THIS intensely at this point.
I miss my fiance. I want him to come back desperately.
I want to write more, I think it's helping a bit to get some anger and frustration out but my motivation is so lacking, I feel like I cannot start anything without my hand being held.
On a happier note....I started playing pocket frogs again and those lil froggies are so damn cute. If nothing else, I have my froggo babies. And my best friend has been shiny hunting pokemon at night for me to fall asleep to so I don't feel so alone. I super appreciate that so much. AAAAND Stuart has been playing Rebirth a little bit every afternoon too so I can see the game/story since I don't have a ps5 so that's been nice too <3
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i hate that i’m still, at least partially, yours. that i’m still talking about this, so here’s me trying to get the last of it out.
you’re the first person in a damn long time to make me feel even sort of human. like i wasn’t some kind of fucked up monster with attachment issues and half a god complex.
you actually and legitimately saw me. the whole person i never really let anyone else ever get to know. that hit because id been all but begging for him to see me for 2.5 years. i spend a day with you and you’ve already got me wrapped around your finger.
it’d be really, really easy to brush it off, like “oh yeah we just got along well cause our brains are the same type of broken.” something something empathy issues. and honestly, it wouldn’t be fully untrue.
i’m a liar at my core. a fraud who has somehow escaped having imposter syndrome despite a calculated facade of humanity. you saw through me and liked what you saw. i was honest with you because it never seemed worth it to do anything else. you did the same. we sat at the park and pinky swore. it meant the same to you as it did to me and you said as much.
we talked about everything. from dumb gossip to the intricacies of family politics. every decision i had to make we talked through together. as a team.
what sucks is that it wasn’t even a real relationship or anything. we never bothered with a label beyond friends. mostly because we couldn’t, i think. i remember a drunk conversation where you told me you fantasized about running away together, quote- often. it wasn’t a breakup, we got caught fucking around and found out. got cocky the first time when we mutually told the same lie to our friends and loved ones and got away with it.
i think about all the dumb romance. taking pictures of each other, sneaking off to go sit behind his car and make out when no one was looking. petty squabbles over who would pay for dinner. buying each other random, “hey i saw this and thought of you,” gifts.
i was never happier than when we’d have dumb conversations on my bed about shitty horror movies. playing pokémon on their floor and being automatic teammates in any and all situations. falling asleep together and waking up suffocated by the heat in that room. our dumb bits, the fact that you loved my shitty humor.
i keep wondering if you’re anywhere near as torn apart by this as i am. i think maybe- you still text me even though that’s borderline suicidal behavior in your current situation. i don’t think im allowed to reach out to you, so i don’t. communication feels disjointed now, i know that’s on me. i’m sorry for that, but the way.
my mind keeps going back to watching the sunset on the beach. we sat in the sand building half a sand castle and we talked about happiness. i remember you looked at me, and told me that you were truly happy in that moment. i remember smiling at you, and saying i was too. we talked about what that meant. happiness. and came to the conclusion that that was very dangerous, and we should probably stop before shit gets weird. we didn’t. we didn’t even try.
you called my house home that night, and i reacted poorly. i’m sorry for that, too. the wounds were still too fresh and we weren’t sitting on the beach anymore. in the car you told me you thought i fell in love with my friends, and i said something pretentious about the grecian types of love. it sparked a conversation with the other people there, which i was grateful for. when we got home, i had left my lights on. we watched a few movies, played a couple pokemon games and i turned off the lights.
it was always in the dark we were the most intimate. staring at the ceiling and talking about love. i think it was safer that way.
you’re still it for me. when i tell people stories they’re always about us. i still miss you more than i’ve missed anything on this earth. i still hope you’ll come back someday. maybe in 600 years- that was always our backup plan. if not in this lifetime, maybe the next. you pressed your forehead to mine and held my hand, told me we were twin flames.
i laughed then, but i think you know better than i do. if we’re speaking spiritually, the stars told us this would happen. we talked it over and came to the same conclusion. unlucky this time, better luck next time.
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farceargon · 9 months
my love my dear <3 blows u a kiss. 1, 20 and 30 for the asks :-3?
HIII MWAH!! I push you down the stairs beloved!!!
1 . what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Oh you had to pick the hard one huh. | I really have no idea about what shaped me... I suppose that dinosaurs did? Classic kid thing to start fixations with, those things consumed my childhood and I still love them. It's thanks to them that I branched into drawing dragons, then got to where I am. Casual eldritch/biology enjoyer. Games for sure, 100%. Honestly I think my neighbour falls into this place too. He was the younger brother but I got on way better with him. I'd say we were almost best friends, we'd spend majority of our afternoons throughout all his primary school years (+2 of my high school years) playing Skylanders together and talking about Pokemon. We saw each other almost daily!! I don't know where he is now or how he's doing, but I hope he's doing great out there. He was a good kid, I wouldn't want anything else for him and for how much he helped me become who I am today. I hope he knows how much he still means to me after all this time.
Music. I think would have to be the last thing I can think of. My music taste has changed so much since the start of high school but regardless it was my crutch. My silence was always filled with music if I could help it. On the bus, in the car, at home. It's still the same now too. Music stops me from overthinking and fearing and I always tend to tear up at random moments listening to random songs. I would and do always daydream to it and it powered/powers my thoughts like nothing else. Music kept my creativity alive, especially when I developed some intense anxiety/depression during early years of high school. For that I owe it everything.
20. favourite things about the night?
Oh yes an easy question, PHEW. It's dark, quiet, peaceful, nice on the eyes and generally peak hours 'cause everyone's asleep. Nothing is nicer than having a window open to the darkness outside, hearing the wind blow a cool breeze by. Orange streetlights over the road or Christmas decorations in the dark. Nothing quite as hypnotizing as driving at night and seeing the lights go by in spotty patterns. During the day people are active and about, supposed to be awake and full of energy. I'm a very chill, tired person most of the time and the night is so much less stressful to me. It's down time for everyone and that means I can vibe at my most comfortable. Did I mention it's dark? Light hurts my eyes </3 That's also why I love cloudy af days.
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Cat. My cat. Idk how you're supposed to not feel happy when you're near a little, fluffy creature that loves you. Easy mood booster.
Hough... This one ended up a little more than I meant. Actually I think both asks did, my bad dfgnjdfh
Thank you for asking though!
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
August 23, 2023
Woke up at 9am today. X/6 attempts on Wordle today. After 26 attempts I finally failed. Kinda sucks. I was feeling kind of bored to go to Cathy's son's christening but then I already confirmed and I can't flake out last minute. The bed's calling me and the travel from home to Kingston'll be an extra long one because the sun's so scorching today.
*deep breaths* This'll be the last day of my 6 day offs and I'm having a panic attack in my head because I'll be tormented with work when I come back. I have to press on today because I already said yes. I took a shower and wasn't really happy with the shirt that I was wearing because it doesn't really fit me but I didn't have any other white shirt so I had to suck it up.
The train ride was torture. The weather was so humid and hot that it was physically making it harder for me to reach my destination. I finally arrived in Norbiton Station and it's as if I never left the place. Everything looks and feels the same. I was a bit late for the mass and I initially sat at the back until the christening actually started. I was so glad to see my old colleagues and friends. The treatment was essentially the same and I haven't really talked to many of them in over a year! I'm so glad to be able to reconnect with them.
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Along with seeing my friends, the Filipino food was to die for. They had lumpia, kare-kare, pancit, chopsuey, mango ref cake, estopao, everything! I had so much I was able to eat three plates-worth of food! I don't usually go to these invites so I'm taking advantage of it all. I was also happy today because I was able to receive communion and it was like a year ago since I've last attended mass.
I went to DSU before catching the train back home. I bought some pastries in Sainsburys and caught Kuya Luigi and asked him to let me in. People were so welcoming in the unit. Everyone was telling me how I look fine and asking me how I'm doing and if I love the work. Everyone's been so welcoming and it's nice that they haven't forgotten about me. Everyone from the scrub staff, the ward girls, and the recovery gals, they were so genuinely curious about how I am and they seem happy that I payed them a visit. I'm so lucky to be able to be a part of such a fine community.
Ed called me around 5pm right when I was walking home and he told me he got the spot for his new post in Newham! I couldn't be happier for him. I bought him some chocolates on my way home.
We had some bangus and the leftover nilaga that I made. Ed bought some Sprite and some ice per request because it's so damn hot today I can't even function.
Spent the night playing Pokemon Unite. It's been such a lovely day. It really has.
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estirose · 1 year
A quick Pokemon Sleep review
I pre-registered for this because I am apparently into anything Pokemon.
So, the idea is that you are assisting Professor Neroli, who is doing research into Pokemon sleep habits. While there are some things you can do during the day (pick up items your Pokemon partners have gathered and feed the Snorlax a couple of times each day), the real action takes place at night when you go to bed. You put your phone on a charger, put it near your head (but not under the pillow unless you want your phone to overheat), and pick it up in the morning to resume normal phone stuff.
The more you sleep, the more points you get and the happier your Pokemon partners are.
Each morning, you have the option to help with the research right after you wake up or later when you choose. This research is to check out which Pokemon have shown up and how they're sleeping. I've seen a variety here - mostly gen 1, but a few of other generations.
There are things you can buy with Real Money, but I have yet to spend a dime. My main reason for picking this up is that I do have problems with sleeping and this rewards you for having a consistent wake up and bedtime.
Also included is a microphone function so you can hear if you're talking in your sleep. (You can turn recordings off but can't disable it completely.)
Here are the pros and cons as I see it. For me, the pros so far outweigh the cons.
I find it to be quite effective gamifying better sleeping habits.
For casual use, if you're just using it to make sure you get enough sleep, you won't need to spend any money.
They are not kidding about leaving it on the charger. I had two nights where I either didn't plug it in or didn't plug it in enough and I only got partial sleep data.
If you use your phone for functions other than the app, it really doesn't like it. (For example, I play audio on my phone to help lull me to sleep.)
Being privacy-minded, I'm uncomfortable with the fact that you can't turn the microphone off - they state it's needed for sleep tracking, and I can understand, but I'm always suspicious about app permissions. The FAQ states that the recordings are never transmitted and only stay local, so there's that.
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@caromitpunkt thank you for tagging me!
Tag game! 
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Nope. My parents didn’t even think about the meaning of names, just how they sounded.
2. When was the last time you cried? 
Within the last few days i guess. I usually need cathartic media to cry.
3. Do you have kids? 
No, and no matter how disappointed genealogy/local history obsessed child me would be, I won’t have children in the shortening time frame there still is for that. And I genuinely think that is for the best!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
I suppose (though more of a dry humor type). But I often struggle to tell whether others do.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? 
I was the small and sickly child who for some reason still liked sports they were bad at. I loved martial arts and I have as an adult occasionally managed to get back into it for some months at a time... But I never managed to maintain the habit and social connections. Now it’s been years again and I know I would be happier with this hobby. Well.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? 
Their clothes. Not in a judgmental sense, I am just genuinely fascinated by what people choose to wear. There is a good chance I won’t remember their names and especially their faces.
7. What's your eyes colour? 
Good question. I never knew what to call it. My passport says green brown. Possibly what in English are called hazel eyes. I think the Polish do it better: They say oczy piwne - beer eyes :D
8. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Scary or at least suspenseful movies with happy endings
9. Any special talents? 
... I guess I can read fast? And remember unimportant particulars? The occasional hyperfocus?
10. Where were you born? 
In a cretaceous basin
11. What are your hobbies? 
Stalking ducks, beachcombing, catching pokemon while riding my bike, clumsily climbing up outcrops, sitting with the back against the radiator while reading
12. Do you have any pets? 
No. Sometimes I fantasize about living somewhere I could keep a few ducks... But we will see if that will ever be feasible.
13. How tall are you? 
My passport says 155 cm but I think I took a guess.
14. Favorite subject in school? 
Oh dear. I think there is not a single subject I did not at one point in time love and then hate. When I was little I disliked math but grew to like it more and more. Latin was a good thing, as well as other languages.
15. Dream job? 
Just something that is not totally without positive impact, that I can survive on and where no one yells at or hits on me. Anything else I don’t dare dream of anymore.
...Ok that sounds very negative ^^” I really would be happy with that though, as long as there are ducks living within biking distance and I can pirate institutional access to journals.
I’m tagging @mlem-wooloowoo @likealimestonecowboy @ley-med
Just if you feel like it atm, no pressure!
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calciferstims · 2 years
If it's talking about favorite Pokemon you want, talking about favorite Pokemon you shall receive!! My favorite Pokemon is zorua. The very first game I played was Pokemon Ultra Sun, and when I found a zorua by the trainer's school, I caught him in a premier ball and named him "LL" because I wasn't familiar with the controls yet and thought that the enter button was the backspace button. When I did get the chance to rename him, I dubbed him "King" and he became my ace. I named my festival plaza after him. I soloed Ultra Necrozma with him. We beat the elite four first try together, and I couldn't be happier. I pet him and fed him constantly, so his affection was MAXED and it made him so overpowered in battles. The amount of times this guy survived a hit on one hp? I can't even count. I reset that file, but King has always had a very special place in my heart. I got a zorua plushie for my birthday last year, it is SO big and SO fluffy and I love it so much (my mom named it "zorunia" which is actually kinda cute!!) And I think the ultimate homage to this Pokemon is the fact that I named myself after it! I go by Zoru (it used to be Zorua until my friend sent a typo without the a and I fell in love with it) and it just feels so special to carry around that sort of love for a Pokemon in something like my name :)
(This got kinda long sorry lol!! I got carried away -w-;)
~ @petalstims
OUGHHGH THATS SO SWEET HELLO??? 🥺🥺 it’s so awesome that u have a connection that deep with ur lil Pokémon :’) and Zorua is such a cool Pokémon!!!! Zoru is a super awesome name as well 🥰
I gotta be honest I am such a sucker for a classic ‘edgy dark mammal’ kinda Pokémon, yknow, like the kinds of Pokémon that you know some emo middle schooler would obsess over, and Zorua definitely falls into that category for me (which I say with so much affection).
For me, the first Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Y, so my first Pokémon ever was Fennekin! I don’t think I ever named them but they were very special to me :)) From that point on, I was always fiercely loyal to the fire type starters, lmao.
Thank you for sharing!!!!! I love getting people to ramble hehhe ☺️
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sundaeserenade · 2 years
I’ve been trying to figure out how to word this that doesn’t sound potentially insane for a stranger to say someone but regardless! I’ve been so much happier since following you I feel. I turn 25 in 2 months and for some reason I’ve just felt so like weird and upset bc I’ve been thinking things like “am I too old for this?” And feeling genuine shame especially bc like pokemon is really precious to me which is weird bc it’s been with me my whole life. you’ve just brought a sense of like happiness and comfort that I can just exist with the things that make me happy and it doesn’t diminish anything I’m doing in my life as an adult! Im really glad I found you on ao3 last year. Your works have been something I hold dear to me!!!! Im really sorry for rambling and if this was really fucking weird I didn’t mean for it to be.
I don't think this is a weird thing to say at all! I think this is something everyone thinks at some point but honestly? You're not LMAO
And you essentially answered this question yourself. You've been with pokemon since you were a child, of course it's important to you. Playing the game or any game or ANY MEDIA during your formative years sticks with you. It teaches you about yourself about things you like and don't like. It starts that process of critical thinking and media consumption even if you didn't realize it at the time.
There's nothing wrong with that. Like pokemon is marketed toward adults, too. There's championships for pokemon. For adults. There's rap showcases about pokemon. There's meetups and contests and zines and everything. You're not alone in still loving pokémon and you shouldn't feel ashamed for continuing to enjoy something you loved as a kid.
I get that I'm older than you, but when I was a kid, fandom WOULDN'T EXIST without those 30, 40, and 50 year olds who created content and organized events and held the fandoms together. They would archive and back up fic. They'd exchange emails and chronicle things like??? And it was because of those adults that we have sites like AO3 now.
If those people hadn't helped the fandom grow, I never would've started writing. It's because of old adults that I got inspired and tried. all these people, no matter their age, enjoy this show or game or whatever and that's what fandom is. That's what it's about.
Can you imagine if fandom was like…all kids??? There would be nothing here. There would be nothing. Like maybe something every once in a while but like?? Who would make and sell merch? Who would do commissions??? Who would organize zines like?? Adults are integral. So don't feel ashamed. Be happy. Like life is too fucking short. If you're not hurting anyone, then go off I say. People can enjoy whatever they want. Like fantasy football or marvel and DC. WHATEVER!!
be an adult and enjoy fandom and be glad, because now you have money to buy all that merch 😎
I'm glad i could help you feel better about this, but please don't be ashamed. thank you for reading my stuff and holding it dear. that's very sweet, and I appreciate that very much 💕thank you for telling me.
like im not ashamed to say that i'm probably gonna be here till i'm 50 but then i may like dip into something else idk. if i live that long LMFAO i have no concept of time???
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gurophism · 2 years
don’t be sorry, as i said before i genuinely like to read your posts. and this is your profile, you should be posting as much as you want. i am not the type of person that posts frequently, when i do post something it usually is just a brief of my monologues, so i don’t have many followers, which is not a problem for me at all. your aura is not bad, i don’t categorize people as strictly bad or good, but if i had to say, yours is more good than bad. i can’t create bonds with humans easily either, i am more of an outsider, but they do make me deeply interested. people are definetly difficult to deal with though, they have such an unpredictable way of existing. listening to music always make me less tired of the world, it’s like music cheer me up immediately. besides, i think we like similar musical genres. at the moment, what is your favorite song, C?
i am glad that you worry about me somehow, this is not something that i am used to. i also worry about you, way more than i should! HA. today i will try to have some rest. i made my favorite tea, which already made me so much happier. i think that smoking and playing Pokemon is a great way to rest, i’ll be doing the same, but instead of playing Pokemon i’ll be reading while smoke.
did you had a good night of sleep, C? how is your day going? tell me everything about it.
sincerely, V
Umm more good than bad, huh? Interesting.. I'm curious but glad it's not entirely bad. My favorite song? mm I would probably say right now Is Everything Real? by The frozen Autumn.. I've been listening to this one almost a whole month now ohh and also Black No.1 by Type O Negative. What about yours? You worry about me? That feels nice.. (: What is your favorite tea? I must admit I'm not a tea person.. I usually like coffee more. You smoke too? How curious, I never imagined you as someone who smokes, for me you have more of a drinking vibes? hhsgg Sorry if that doesn't make sense. Tell me, what are you currently reading? Are you enjoying it so far? And yes, I had a decent night of sleep, I think. My day is being calm, I didn't do much yet, got some food and all and I might go out later for a coffee. Nothing really special happened today, what about your day?
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dangerousthoughts3 · 1 month
Day 4 of My Active Life
Yesterday we began the discussion of “why?”  I dove into the deeply personal and tragic (in perhaps the most profound sense of the word as there is no greater tragedy than the daily acceptance of misery in a passive existence from a creature capable of choosing joy)
I’d like to dive deeper into a few moments that changed my life.  Simple conversations that helped me to design the person that I am in the process of creating. 
The first was a vivid memory I have with my brother.  We hadn’t always been close.  Or perhaps we had.  Trapped in a shared misery.  (But that’s beyond the scope of the current discourse).
We were at a park.  I was about to head off to college.  He had recently graduated.  I can’t tell you if he’d ever given me advice before.  But he gave me some of the best advice I’d ever received.  I was depressed.  I was alone. And it was my fault.  I knew it too.  I spent probably 10 hours a day playing video games.  Pokemon evolved into minecraft (pun not intended).  Which grew into Skyrim.  Soon I had over 2k hours spent in Dota 2.  
“When you go to college. For your first semester.  Promise me you won’t play video games alone.”
He didn’t ask me to abscond them entirely.  He simply asked me to avoid filling the hole in me and to use them as a tool.  
By the end of my first semester it was a running joke among my friends that “*insert my real name here* knows everybody.”  Because everywhere we’d go I’d walk up and introduce my closer friends to one of the dozens of people who I had met and made a careful and intentional choice to learn the name, face, major, and something personal about.  For the first time in my life I felt truly as if I wasn’t alone.  
A single decision.  Spawned from a promise to a brother who a part of me hated. And I was happier than I’d ever been.  
I’ve played videogames since (and at times had much worse hobbies). But I’ve never fallen back into that addiction.  Because the void.  The loneliness.  That had died.  I had killed it.  And I lived yet.  In fact… I lived a little more than I had before.
Protinus Vive
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seraph of the end
I watched the Seraph of the End anime for the first time when I was around 13, and ironically, I nearly didn’t finish it, but I’m really glad I stuck with it because now it’s one of my favourite pieces of media of all time. Here I’ve decided to showcase the 21st manga in the series, and you know that must mean I have manga 1 all the way through to 21. The characters are said to be born in the same year as I am so as a kid, it made me happy to think I was growing up alongside them.
burts bees
Lip balm might be a weird inclusion, but hear me out. I used to not take good care of my body at all. I’m not sure when it happened exactly, but at some point I realised I needed to make changes. I set up a routine for my life, including a wake-up and going-to-sleep routine. I was still depressed, which sucked but I think learning to have a routine and self-awareness about what my body and mind needed is a hugely important skill that I still have today. Lip balm is just a representation of the changes and routine I made.
washi tape
Washi tape is a staple at a lot of stationary shops, and I used to go a lot with my sister to check them out. She has always been a lot more careful with her money than me. I can't handle the temptation and usually leave a stationary shop with something. I have a stupid amount of washi tape and other kinds of stationary. I just like the aesthetics and patterns of washi tape that inspire some of my brightly coloured art, and sometimes I even digitally draw washi tape to emulate physical craft style.
I bought myself a Sanrio edition tamagotchi, which only ever came out in Japanese. So with the help of a translation guide online, I take care of my little creature. You can probably tell by now that I like Sanrio characters. My sister and I both had tamagotchis around 2010 and back then they were in black and white, while the one I have now is in full colour! I watch videos about the timeline and all about the different versions of tamagotchis that were made. It's a nostalgia thing and reminds me to put a childish 2000s flair into my work.
I’m a bit of a collector, and my stack of sticker sheets is further proof. I have tons of stickers that I’ve collected over the years from a range of places. Although I get really nervous about using them. I want to keep all of them nice forever. I’m a bad hoarder and need to get better at using some of these things up. Since a lot of the stickers are made by artists, they inspire me a lot, and often they’re made as merchandise for a show or cartoon I watch. It's been my dream to sell things like stickers myself.
water cup
I have a love for water and hydrating, like all normal living things do. I genuinely believe drinking a lot more water and staying hydrated throughout the day has made me a happier, healthier person. This water cup was a Christmas gift from my sister one year ago. Everything just tastes better when drunk with a straw. It also features an animal crossing pattern, which I play with my sister. Being in a good mindset is really important for my creative process, so drinking water helps me feel good enough to work hard on creative projects.
pokemon cards
Despite actually finding a lot of the games boring, I have spent a crazy amount of money on my Pokémon card collection. But for me, it isn’t about pulling the crazy rare and expensive cards, it’s all about collecting the pretty cards or cards I find visually appealing. There are hundreds of different artists working for Pokémon, so each card is personalised and has its own style. I think collecting them now as an adult is a way to appease my child self because I was told they were a waste of money, and they are, but I just can't help myself from collecting things.
ticket stubs
Here are some of the ticket stubs or receipts I’ve collected from going to shows. I keep these to preserve the memory of going out with friends or family to watch something. My favourites are plays, and then also animated films. Some may think it’s childish for me to still be so invested in colourful movies typically catered towards kids or teens, but I really enjoy taking in the art and beauty of animation as inspiration for my own bright and bold creative style, which also in turn influences my graphic design practice.
keroppi figure
Keroppi is a frog from Sanrio, and I got this specific figure from a blind box, which means you’re not sure which design or character you’re going to get when you buy the box. My best friend Cat got me this box to open, and when I did, we both thought it was really cute that I got the one that is shown to be drawing. He has the same profession as me, so he sits on a shelf above my bed and can watch me do my own design work.
sonny angel
At first, I used to think Sonny Angels were creepy. I didn’t like the idea of having a smiling, naked baby on my shelf as a collectable, but the more I learned about them, the more I was swayed. Sonny Angels are cherubs made as a companion for working women in their mid-20s dealing with the stress of adulthood. Cherubs are also a sign of good luck, so they’re almost a charm of sorts to bring happiness and luck. Of course, they are also just a piece of expensive plastic that we buy and collect, but sometimes it’s about the simple pleasures in life.
I got my first Wacom tablet when I was around 12 after borrowing my sister's far too much. Weirdly enough, I wasn’t a fan of physically sketching before this and was much more drawn to digital art and the effects and style of this medium. Even now, I’m actually a horrible physical artist, despite all my time spent drawing digitally. Being part of these digital art and design communities helped me improve and be inspired. This was the first step in taking me down the path of graphic design and helped me realise what I wanted to do for work later in life.
This is my medical prescription for testosterone. I go in every 3 weeks for an injection of this stuff. It took a lot of time to get to this point in my life, but I can confidently say it has made me a happier, more confident person to finally feel like I’m comfortable in my own skin. My gender is an extremely important part of me, as it is for anyone, cis or not. It’s important for us as people to express ourselves authentically to be perceived as how we want to be, and when someone misunderstands you, it can be uncomfortable.
fuggler box
This box once housed a fuggler, a funny, ugly creature. I wasn’t sure that it really stood for this at first since I’ve heard a more rude version of that saying. These toys are meant to be, well, ugly to an extent. They have interestingly shaped bodies, small beady eyeballs, and visible, semi-realistic-looking teeth! Despite the intent of them being made ugly, I find them quite endearing. I like this idea of finding the beautiful behind the ugly. I also like the mix of horror with cuteness. It mirrors some of my own work, where I draw something scary but do it with bright, bold colours.
grape fanta
This can is another probably weird thing to add to a list of my favourite objects, but my love for artificial grape flavouring knows no bounds. It’s ironic because I don’t even like actual grapes! Fizzy drinks, soda, pop, whatever you want to call it, is one of my favourite things to drink as a treat. When I’m feeling down or I’m working on homework and I’m losing motivation, I treat myself to full strength, full sugar, definitely bad for me, soda.
splatoon amiibo
Splatoon is a game where you play as a 'squid kid’ (a kid who can also turn into a squid) and hang out in Inkopolis Square, shop for colourful streetwear fashion with unique abilities, and play games of turf war where you and 3 other players go up against a team of 4 and try to paint the majority of the map in your team colour. It’s one of my favourite Nintendo games, and I’ve been playing since the second game. There’s a third game in the series now which I played every single day. Now I don’t have as much time to play it, but I still love the general aesthetics and gameplay.
The DSi was my first ever gaming console. I got it for Christmas one year from my nana when I was around 7. This began my love for Nintendo and video games. I played a lot of Zelda: Four Swords and Animal Crossing: Wild World, as well as others. But it is whenever I play with my sister that I remember most and hold closest to my heart. Video games are such a creatively stunning work of love, from the graphics to the music to the story they tell, and in a way, they go hand in hand with graphic design as they communicate a story visually and through a specific creative style.
tote bag
Tote bags are another thing I started using after witnessing my sister style them. When she went to university with one, I also decided that a tote bag for university would be cool and convenient. In actuality, it really hurt my left shoulder and was really inconvenient to rummage around to find what I was looking for. I still have a considerable collection of them, though, because I do think they add to an outfit in a way that is more stylish than just a basic bag. It’s also perhaps cliche, but you’ll typically see a tote bag as a creative bag of choice, so I guess I’m just doing my duty as a designer.
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