#I am guilty of both
asimplearchivist · 1 year
sometimes the only way someone can physically mentally and/or emotionally stand to be kind to themselves is to romanticize themselves in prose
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cobwebears · 1 year
Out of your friends which are you
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vesperewrites · 1 year
How do you write tension so well? I noticed it in your one shot and parts of your royalty fic !
Thank you! That's kind of you to say.
I don't think I write it *so* well, but more like I drag it out. I'm not fazed by much anymore due to the nature of my job and life experiences I've been through.
For me, it's important to build-up certain aspects, so you can get to the explosive parts. I've honed in on longing and yearning and wanting things all my life. When I've had a bite of something, all I want to do is devour it. I have an appetite. But if that appetite is too easily satiated, then it's boring. The reward doesn't taste as sweet (to me, at least).
You know what does? Being deprived. It's counter-intuitive I know.
Be it pleasure or winning or attaining something, it's only delectable if I can't have it. If the chocolate is just out of reach, almost within my grasp...well it's even better when all of that pays off.
Writing tension is a dance. The reactions. The sudden movements. The clumsiness. All valid ways of ramping it up while getting just a taste. I live for illustrating the growing intensity of wanting something...but the danger of never being able to have it is so real.
And that's a real threat.
That's how I'm able to write it.
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holy shit is that sasha. 🥺
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raaorqtpbpdy · 6 months
All the Danny Phantom artists who draw Danny with lichtenberg figures should, logically, also draw Vlad with acne scars, but they won’t. The world isn’t ready for that yet.
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Honestly a big reason for why I don’t get over shit as quickly as I can is because I can’t fucking stop talking about it. And by that I mean I’ll quietly resolve w myself that I’m over something or something, and then in my typical indecisive nature I’ll either ruminate on it hours later or vent about it w a friend. I hadn’t realized how powerful just TALKING about something bothering you was until now. Even if you’re close to getting over something, just verbalizing that it bothers you can bring you 3 steps back. Yeah processing emotions is important, but the moment that’s done I need to actually be firm w myself about moving on. Like it’s done. We’re over it. We’re not gonna waver when someone asks us how we’re dealing w it. We will not complain about it unnecessarily. We simply keep it pushing
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cheshirehedgie · 10 months
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This is a daily reminder to vote Kazui innocent! Do it for dad!
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
I’m laying at the foot of the bed waiting for the bathroom and Leeloo was perplexed that I wasn’t in the accepted bedtime position. But she’s a social creature and made it work by laying on my face.
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vinndas · 18 hours
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when the mc is doomed....
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madou-dilou · 7 months
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"Each unjust act, even committed for the sake of a just cause, carries its curse within." The Accursed Kings, 1956
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metukika · 5 months
ill say it before and ill say it again. hc that teru doesnt like serizawa at all.
#im gonna go into it here cuz im not confident in my hcs hi hello#so actually not cuz of the whole claw thing. i think that seri wanting to be a better person is like the one thing teru respects about him#and thats the thing. hes like !!! hes kinda like me!!! so he lowkey tries to make a connection thru that like haha we were both assholes an#arent perfect but trying! but see heres the thing. serizawa is an adult. he wants to act like an adult. so he treats teru like a child. not#in a bad way. normal adult to child. he respects him and all but see teru acts and maybe feels that he feels like an adult. so he sees that#as disrespectful. finally someone whos kinda ignorant like him... but hes treating teru like hes a child?! maybe legally serizawa is an#adult but after staying inside his room for years and then all that manipulation at claw.. mentally teru considers them the same. except#that seri wont act like it cuz reigen told him how to treat regular teenagers but teru isnt a regular teenager get what im sayin#ok and. then teru is kinda mean to him like ok man get outta my way but seri respects him and gives him more chances which makes teru feel#guilty which makes him dislike seri even more and try to push him away by being mean and its this hopeless cycle until one day teru snaps a#him and they have an actual conversation and he can see that hes actually the one treating serizawa like a child. and that hes like a shitt#adult in this scenario am i making any sense is anyone even listening#anyways sorry this is in the tags if u thought it was good and wanted to rb. hope i made u consider some dynamics
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carpisuns · 2 years
cant stop thinking about how elation might have played out if:
a) marinette did not repeatedly refer to herself as a "fan" but rather a friend, since they have been through a lot together and have hung out and gone to the movies. and she has also yelled at him angrily multiple times, unlike any other starstruck fan he's ever met
b) andré ran a normal business and just like. served the customers who approach his cart lol
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messrsbyler · 1 year
[in the middle of the rink-oh-mania fight]
mike: [clearly frustrated] well, i don't know! maybe you should've reached out more! why is this on me? why am i the bad guy?
will: [clearly in distress and looking sad]
mike: [immediately activating his will's voice] look 🥺 let's just 🥺 find el, okay? 🥺 [stares a second too long to check will is okay and then turns around]
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freebooter4ever · 5 months
so i started by looking through the 2009 all star blogs and have finally hit the 2014 oly*mpics and :
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this is so funny and confirms my silly tag:
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the idea of insanely tall geno trying to hide behind anybody is adorable and obviously would work about as well as covering your eyes to block out the sun but the description of geno just:
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awwwwwwwwww ;_;
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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you're faithless, for you pitched me against your holy father and it seems that I am winning
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little-demy · 8 months
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Toska, the Elemental Spirit of Solitude
The draft and sketch has been sitting as a wip for MONTHS and only now I managed to draw Atropa's soulally!!!!! He went through tons of changes from the early draft because I was so lost but at the end I did it✨
His element is darkness btw
Also lore tidbits under the read more!!
Toska, the Elemental Spirit of Solitude, oddly enough was attracted to the anomaly known as "Miss Lebedeva" (how odd, he knows her name, the old name, yet it never managed to be vocalized nor thought about). A mess of a soul, he would say. It was colorless, soundless, and most especially not attuned to any elements of Lore. It was just ... empty.
But there's something residing deep within her soul. Tied to a bound, it seems. But how whoever that being is harmonized with the lady that currently known as "Commander Atropa", Toska was left in awe.
Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't fit in. Maybe it's the fact that she seems to be just a lone, empty soul. Maybe it's the fact that she was what Toska would thought as "solitude" itself.
Who knows.
Toska still adores this lady known as the Vessel of Misfortune.
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