#I always was a crybaby ; wasn’t I ?  (  ASRIEL.  )
variantia · 2 years
BELLUM.   OKAY AS PROMISED !!   some scenes from my adult Chara x reader fic, showing how I write them and their sibs as adults, as well as showcasing things that they’re STILL dealing with as an adult that they also dealt with as a child ... some lore about the cult ... and like.   some scenes / dialogue just because I’m fucking proud of it ok
for context : initially Reader-chan starts out as a recently graduated college friend of Asriel’s, who he offers an office job to at the Monster Embassy.   after spending A LOT of time around monsters with TONS of magic ... that kickstarts her own magical potential, and after a few months, Asriel offers her a permanent job as his adviser.   she has the ability to CHECK, letting her analyze people and situations.   (Frisk had a weak form of this ability during their adventure, but it’s not their main magic so it vanished after they left the Underground.)   current more advanced techniques are her EMPATHIZE, which allows her to literally go into someone’s mind (allowing her to see memories and / or a general mindscape interpretation of their thoughts and feelings at any given moment) and CONFIDE, which allows her to let someone else into her mind.   both EMPATHIZE and CONFIDE use up more magic and leave her drained, though, especially if using them for more than 2-3 minutes at a time.   the bold text outside of any quotation marks is her CHECK giving her text to read.   (or, inside a memory, it’s a manifestation of the thoughts of whoever’s head she’s inside of within that memory.)
also for context, Serena and Wen are Frisk’s boyfriend and girlfriend ~
there’s a lil bit here and BIG TRIGGER WARNINGS for stuff like child abuse, suicidal thoughts / behavior, and the like, so stay safe !
but if none of that is triggering for you and you’re curious ... please give me ur thoughts on my personal favorite parts of this MONSTER of a fic I am writing uwu   <3
these scenes go in chronological order, as well, so they’re easy to follow !
   When Asriel makes his way over to Chara, they’re snickering uncontrollably. Their eyes are open again and fixed on you as you try to disentangle yourself from the same flood of reporters that nearly drowned their brother.
   “Phew, man,” Asriel sighs as he settles into the space where you were just a moment ago, “(Name) came just at the right time. It was starting to get bad over there. I mean, how many pictures do those people want?”
   He doesn’t get an answer save for an endless stream of giggling, prompting him to look over at his sibling with a raised eyebrow. “Chara? What’s so funny?”
   One thin finger lifts, pointing at your futile struggle. With their other hand, they mime wiping a tear from their eye.
   “She fell for it. Now she is trapped.”
   Thankfully, unbeknownst to you, you’ve also passed their first test.
   The unfortunate part is that it’s far from their last.
   “I want to make sure you know this in no uncertain terms,” they begin, “mostly because you have everyone else fooled. Even yourself. And perhaps I was too polite the first time we met. However, allow me to make it very clear. You are not worthy of being friends with my brother. Nor are you worthy of being friends with Frisk. And you never will be.”
   They tuck a lock of hair behind their ear. “As I mentioned before, humans have tricked themselves into believing they are good and deserve good things simply because they have shown the smallest modicum of respectability. We are all so very flawed. Just like all other humans, you cannot escape your faults. It is only a matter of time before you show my family or I just how selfish, cruel, cowardly, and merciless you are. And when you do, I will not stand idly by and let you hurt Asriel or Frisk with your flaws.”
   There are a few heartbeats’ worth of silence, during which you could swear everything in the world has stopped. It feels like you and they are the only things moving.
   It almost feels like you can’t even catch a breath.
   Finally, they speak up again. Their voice is quieter this time, but no less full of rage. “Frisk is too optimistic to think anything bad of you before they see it for themself. And Asriel… despite how humans have hurt him, he still thinks there is good in humanity. They are both naive, and they are both dead wrong.”
   Their eyes snap back to you. Blood red irises bore directly into your SOUL, and it’s as if they can see every single mistake you’ve ever made.
   For half a second, there’s a flicker… like a glitch in a video game. For that half a second, you could swear their eyes turned pitch black.
   The illusion ― or whatever it was ― is gone as soon as it came, though. You’re surprised you didn’t feel the need to let out some kind of ungodly shriek, because that face was terrifying.
   “I will say this only once,” Chara continues, slowly. That smile of theirs grows more and more unnerving with every word. “If you keep your head down and leave my siblings be, you will have at least proven that you are not a fool. If you refrain from getting closer to either of them than you already are, you will have proven that you care about them in some small capacity.”
   That same face flashes again, and their voice lowers.
   “But if you hurt either of them, I promise, not only will I d e s t r o y y o u, I will enjoy doing so.”
   Then, as an afterthought, “And do not even think about trying to get close to me. You and I? We are not friends. We are not buddies or pals or chums. You are a menace to the peaceful life my family is trying to live. You are a disaster waiting to happen, and I am too broken for you to even comprehend, let alone fix. There is not enough DETERMINATION in the world, if you have any in the first place, for you to bother trying with me. So do not.”
   “… Thank you for the flowers,” they finally say. Even with that, you doubt that your earlier chrysanthemums will end up in their garden, and they probably won’t keep these longer than it takes to get you out of the room. However, you note that their voice is a touch softer than it usually is. “I must admit, I certainly did not expect you to go home and start studying floriography based on my comments. It is also odd that you managed to put together an arrangement that I read incorrectly.”
   “Not really incorrectly…” You give a small shrug. “I-I mean, all the stuff you thought wasn’t, um, what I wanted it to mean… but you know better than I do that, uh… those flowers still mean the other things. You just, um, seemed to ― k-kind of jump to the worst meanings before… any of the other ones.”
   They hum once more and stand up; their head moves just a bit to beckon you toward their desk where they’re walking. “In any case, I believe I can accept the apology, at least. The purple hydrangeas were still a mistake, but if you want to try to squeeze blood from a rock, that is your funeral. You will never understand me; watching you try is simply free entertainment for the rest of us.”
   The bouquet is set down… and Chara plucks from it one each of the blue hyacinths and blue hydrangeas. Keeping their arm at a strange angle that you guess is meant to dissuade any accidental touch, they hold both flowers out to you.
   “Asriel made me aware that my behavior that evening was on the lighter side of rude. I cannot say I care if I offended you, and I still do not want you around… but for the time being, until you do something to prove your nature, my brother considers you a friend. He cares about your feelings. In the interest of ensuring his happiness, I want to apologize for the way I reacted.”
   They pause, seeming to think about whether they want to add anything to that… then apparently decide that they do. “It… had more to do with me than to do with you. Or anyone else. For Asriel’s sake, I am sorry about my comments and storming out that night. I do not require forgiveness from you; all I need is for you to acknowledge that you will not hold my behavior against Asriel.”
   The apology stuns you for a moment. It’s so… genuine while still being hollow. That kind of thing shouldn’t make sense, but that’s definitely Chara for you.
   Obviously you know they continue to not give two shits about your feelings. They’re just concerned with keeping Asriel happy, and they think that apologizing to you, in the clear hopes that you won’t be upset about what happened, will help keep him happy.
   It’s also a little on the weird side that they think (without any provocation or evidence?) that you might take out any hard feelings toward them on Asriel.
   Just like your power says, they don’t look happy. They look… angry.
   “That is not funny,” they finally say after a long few seconds of silence.
   You reach up and rub your arm. “It… was j-just a dumb prank. We were all s-stupid kids.”
   “You are speaking about it as if you have let them off the hook for what they did.” They only seem be getting angrier with every word. That in itself is crazy… this is the same person who said they don’t care about you or your feelings, getting pissed on your behalf over something that happened like ten years ago. “They terrified you to the point of tears, and these were your friends?”
   “W… well… they were… I… kind of stopped hanging out with them, um, after that.” You give a weak shrug. “I-it’s okay, Chara.”
   “It is not,” they snap. “You are a living, breathing doormat, but you must at least know that it is okay to be angry when someone has hurt you. And they hurt you.”
   You shake your head. “I-I was mad back then, sure! But I… just, you know, um… it was a w-while ago. Being mad now… i-isn’t gonna solve anything. I’d… rather just… t-try to be happy today… than be mad o-over something that happened a l-long time ago.”
   Whatever’s going on in their mind, it’s probably better that you don’t know. If that stare of theirs was a laser, there would be two smoking holes in the floor. After what feels like years, they take a deep breath. “Well. You are a better person than I am, then.”
   You don’t get too long to bask in it, because almost immediately you’re rolled to the ground in an overeager hug. “(Name)!!”
   “Ah! Frisk!” Luckily you’ve been startled less and less easily and the impact didn’t hurt thanks to the rug on the floor. Instead of being annoyed, you’re excited to see them even despite the long day you just had with Chara. You return their hug immediately… and decide to press a kiss to their cheek just like they’ve been doing to you. “H-hi! How was your day?”
   “Paperwork suuuucks,” they whine, burying their face in your shoulder. “Where did you and Chara go? Did you have fun?”
   Asriel snickers as Chara settles into one of the chairs. “Frisk, dude, don’t tackle the company.”
   You lift a hand to wave him off. “I-it’s okay, they’re fine! I like it.” You make a big show of resuming the hug, tightly, and rocking from side to side with them. “My frieeeeend!”
   Frisk smothers another fit of giggles into your neck. They seem pretty pleased by your reaction. “My friend!” they declare while squeezing you just shy of suffocation.
   Once the two of you are done being silly, you both simply go limp on the floor, chilling out. “Oh, we, um, went to Puzzle Palace,” you speak up in reply to their question. “Then we got some coffee with our prize and… went for a walk. I-it was a lot of fun!”
   “Oooh, Puzzle Palace.” They lift their head. “Azzy, since we finished what we needed to do today, can we go there tomorrow?”
   “You owe me! I’m gonna be seeing that paperwork in my nightmares for weeks!”
   Asriel shakes his head with a short laugh. “We need reservations for Puzzle Palace. Maybe next weekend. Didn’t you wanna talk to (Name), anyway? Why are you hitting me up for your fix instead of doing that, you fun addict?”
   “― Oh! That’s right!!” They push themself up and pat at the ground with their sweater paws. “(Name), do you have any plans tomorrow?”
   Also… did Chara just come to your defense? Without being asked? Chastising their brother and best friend as they did so? Wow. They really don’t pull punches even with people they like. In a way, that kind of honesty is refreshing.
   And… they were trying to help you out. No prompting, no reward for it, just the assertion that they think you should say something for yourself instead of letting Asriel and Frisk decide for you.
   As you consider what might be best, your hand strokes lightly over Frisk’s hair, which, judging by the way they lean into it, they greatly appreciate. “Uhhhh, well… is it okay if we, um, wrap the lessons together? I-I… assume you won’t, haha, be throwing anything… too crazy at me on Monday night, Asriel, s-so… hopefully there’ll be time for everything.”
   Frisk and Asriel share a silent conversation, then Frisk nods. “Yeah, that’s totally fine! It gives our, haha, budding guest star a chance to get prepared anyway.”
   For reasons you don’t quite understand, Chara groans. “Frisk, oh, my God, you are insufferable.”
   “Sure am, thanks for noticing!”
   Asriel shakes his head at the both of them with another small laugh. “In any case, guys. We’ll get things straightened out for Monday. And if there’s anything that changes, we can talk during work.”
   “Aaaah,” Frisk hums, “the sweet benefits of working in the same building as my siblings and best magic human friend.”
   You raise an eyebrow at them and move to get up. “Uhm… Frisk… a-aren’t I, like, your only magic human friend…?”
   Frisk sticks their tongue out at you (it must be a family trait despite the fact that they and Chara are adopted) and with their next sentence mimics Chara’s normal syntax. “That is entirely irrelevant!”
   “Oh, pleaaaase,” Frisk drawls, draping themself in such a way that you have to hold your arms out to support their weight. “Mom already said that if you don’t stay for dinner, she’s putting it in a to-go box for you. So you need to do us a favor and just stay! Oh, yeah, and now that she knows you like them, she’s gonna make snails more often. Thanks for that!”
   Chara gives a scoff as they lean against the side of the rail. “Do not blame her for having good taste, Frisk. This just means you can sneak your food onto her plate and you will end up with double mashed potatoes.”
   Frisk’s eyes pop open and they look over at Asgore, adopting the most fake-looking ‘innocent’ expression you’ve ever seen. “… I don’t do that!”
   “Geez, Frisk. You did it last time, you’re planning to do it this time, and you’re gonna do it every time for the foreseeable future.” Asriel gives them a light punch in the shoulder. “Stop lying and let’s get (Name)’s lesson underway.”
   “Wha ― well, how dare you, Azzy!” Frisk does start to move, though, gesturing for you to follow the group back up the stairs. “I’m a good child! I don’t lie! Do you think Mom would call me her little angel if I lied? You’re the one making things up! So rude! I’m offended and I demand your mashed potatoes as payment for my pain and suffering unless you wanna see me in food court!”
   “Oh, yeah, food court, huh? What are you gonna do, put me in soli-tarragon confinement? Sentence me to 25 to 60 in the oven?”
   “No, no, no,” Frisk muses, “you’ll get the chair, Azzy. The highchair!”
   “Good grief…”
   Chara sweeps their arms toward the railing and, once you’ve taken a few steps up, comes up behind you. “Honestly, (Name), do not let Frisk and their silliness fool you,” they hum to you. “They are a beacon of horrible decisions. If we were still in high school, your mother would forbid you from hanging out with them because she’d say they are a bad influence.”
   “Me, a bad influence?! You and I should just change our names to Pot and Kettle!”
   You reach forward and hook your arms around Frisk’s neck as you walk. “Aw, leave them alone. M-maybe I like bad influences!”
   Frisk snorts. “Oh, I bet you do! Say, speaking of that, did Chara tell you what they were like in high school? Because if you like bad influences, you should hear the story about Mom finding a pack of Torrids in their jacket pocket… but Flowey, he’s even worse! If Chara smoked a cigarette, he’d smoke the whole pack! I’ll say this once, okay? Don’t fall for him! I’d be so heartbroken that you abandoned Chara so quickly, I think I’d have to disown you… no more friendship kisses for you… stay strong, Frisk…!”
   Oh. Well. They certainly turned that around on you. “U-umm, uh…!!”
   Your face is suddenly very hot. What are you supposed to say to that?!
   As soon as you all reach the top of the stairs, you bury your face in Frisk’s shoulder. You can hear Chara trying and failing to hold back laughter behind you.
   You’ve barely taken a step before they have the knife raised. It’s not a cool and calculated movement, and in fact nothing about their demeanor right now is cool and calculated. They aren’t displaying any real sadism or even hatred for you.
   Instead, they remind you a bit of a trapped animal. They have an escape route, they could flee down the stairs, because you’re not blocking that… and yet, it seems they still feel like they don’t have a way out. They look desperate and frightened, as if they’re convinced you’re going to try and hurt them even if they run.
   “Don’t you dare take another step!” they snap. You notice that Chara’s hands are shaking. You don’t think they really want to hurt you. “Ahah… unlike my siblings… I do not have magic to defend myself. Do you know what I do have? A knife. Now… I am not particularly craving a reason to use it. But if I must…”
   “But you don’t have to use it!” you answer. “I didn’t mean to… to start this! I don’t wanna h-hurt you!”
   Their smile looks more like a sneer. “Pretty words. Pretty… useless… lies. If you do not want to hurt me, then end the FIGHT.”
   You look around for anything, a menu, some rules, something. Asriel’s words from your first lesson with him come back to you. When you were in the FIGHT with him, he set ‘conditions’. You couldn’t SPARE him until you met those conditions, and if you didn’t SPARE him, your only options were FIGHT, ACT, or ITEMS.
   Although you’re not sure how, and you didn’t mean to, you probably set some conditions of your own when you started the FIGHT.
   “I… I can’t? I don’t know how! We haven’t covered that!” You keep your hands up, just so they can see you aren’t going to move to try and attack them. “You, um… y-you could try SPARING me?”
   “And how am I supposed to do that? What do you want from me?!”
   “I-I still like you, Chara!” It takes you a moment before the laughter dies down, and for someone who laughs in almost every situation, they seem a bit baffled by the sudden outburst. “Listen, I… I get why you did what you did. You were scared… w-we both kind of just made the situation worse. It’s not… I mean… y-you said it yourself, pulling out a knife is… kind of… y-you know, it’s not weird in a FIGHT.”
   They give you a funny sort of smile, then shake their head. “Yes, well, being upset and anxious does not give one the right to just do whatever they want. That fact does not change simply because I was the one displaying such behavior. If I were in your position, I do not think I would be nearly as forgiving. Certainly, I would not still have feelings for the person who pulled a knife on me. But we have already established that you are a doormat given the will to live.”
 �� They shift from one foot to the other, then turn their eyes down again. “So, well. If only for the sake of my family and their relationships with you… are we… ‘good’?”
   You can’t help but giggle as you dig your keys out. “Yeah. We’re good. I’m… I’m sorry for everything that happened. I’ll… try not to start any more FIGHTs with you, okay?”
   They nod. “And I will try to remember that if you do, it was most likely an accident. Also, I will… attempt to listen to what you say instead of listening to what my ‘worst-case-scenario’ voice is telling me. Apologies in advance if that is… a bit difficult for me, however.”
   You’ve spoken to Chara one-on-one a few more times. They seem to like it when you confide in them, particularly about magic-related matters… they understand some of the struggles you’re going through. Often it strikes you that you’re not ‘leveling up’ your power as quickly as Frisk did theirs, even though everyone thinks you’re doing great. Chara hasn’t been able to manifest magic at all, so they get the inadequacy and frustration you feel, despite the fact that those feelings aren’t necessarily the truth.
   They manage to be surprisingly comforting in regards to your progress. After a particularly challenging lesson, they sit outside on the swing with you as you cry and berate yourself, saying a few unpleasant things about yourself that later you wish you could take back. They pluck one of the few flowers from the back garden that are still growing, and tuck it behind your ear.
   “You would not think a daisy was useless for not growing as fast as the one beside it, would you?” they say to you. “You and Frisk are different people. The only comparison that matters is the one between you today and you yesterday. And even that is… sometimes irrelevant. You may not even be a daisy like Frisk. You may be a bush or a tree, and those plants take years to grow. As a gardener… I think it would be a waste if a tree gave up growing simply because it did not pop up like a daisy.”
   It’s true that Chara doesn’t let you hold them again. However, they do allow you to rest your head on their shoulder during that moment. The wind howls gently around you, the cold air stings when you breathe in, your tears freeze on your cheeks, and the moon is so bright and the sky is so dark and you can pretend nothing else exists but the two of you.
   It’s one of those memories you don’t think you’ll forget as long as you live.
   “Ah… (Name).” Rather than exclaim at you as it seems like they want to do, they evidently force themself to be calm. Their smile is back up in a second as if they’re afraid to be caught without it. It looks even faker than usual, ready to fall apart at the seams, and you get the sense that their smile is the only thing holding their composure together right now. “Well, it is nice of you to rejoin the world of the living, Sleeping Beauty.”
   You give a weak wheeze of a giggle. How is it possible they always make you laugh? “Hehe… I’m glad to see you.” Almost instinctively, you reach out your hand in search for theirs. “Oh… there’s… there’s something stuck in my hand. Will you, um… take that out for me? Please?”
   They laugh, but it sounds more like they’re about to cry. Within only a second or two, their hand is slipped into yours. It’s warm and familiar and it feels more comforting than anything you can think of. “No, no, no. I am afraid that needs to stay in your hand. It is an IV giving you pain medication.”
   “Oh…” You blink a few times. “But… but I don’t feel much pain. I feel okay.”
   “Yes, well,” they snort, “you will not if I take it out and you are no longer getting the medication.”
  “… Y-you knew after the first time what was gonna happen, Chara.” Your voice still breaks when you speak. The thought of Chara having any kind of feelings that would lead them to want to be hit by that thing is… upsetting to you. “Asriel moved out of the way. But you… you kept stepping in front of it. Even w-when there was… there was nobody to… p-protect by doing that. Why?”
  When you look back at them, their jaw is clenched tightly. Their usual smile is there, but it seems like they’re trying very hard not to cry. You notice dark lines under their eyes, likely from sleeping poorly, and suddenly they actually look their age. “Why do you not tell me your guess as to why? You have become rather perceptive.”
  You stare at them for a long moment. It’s as if you’re not trying to CHECK; just trying to read them from what you’ve learned about them. They had a terrible childhood that they refuse to give details about, they’re hiding their pain, and they’ve just displayed an astonishingly worrying behavior.
  You think Chara doesn’t like themself very much. You think somebody close to them hurt them, maybe more than one somebody.
  You think that whatever happened in their past, it made them believe they’re a bad person who doesn’t deserve anything good.
  You think it’s not a stretch that they might go from thinking ‘I’m a bad person’ to ‘I’m better off dead’.
  You think they’re suicidal. You think maybe it hasn’t choked their being entirely, but their putting themself into a situation where they would have been killed if not for someone else’s actions, multiple times, proves that those feelings are without a doubt embedded in them like thorns.
  … More than anything, you think that’s very sad for someone to think so low of themself.
  It strikes you as unfair for someone to believe that the world would be just fine if they killed themself.
  You reach up to take their hand, and this time, unfortunately, the instant your fingers touch theirs, they yank their hand away from yours. It’s not the same violent action as the one time they were lost in that memory; it’s telling, though.
  “D-do you… really think you… deserve t-to die?” The wind nearly swallows your voice.
  Their silence tells you more than anything they could possibly say.
  “Chara. Chara! We’re literally at the hospital. W-we can…” You try to push yourself up so you can stand. “Let’s go b-back in… we’ll… we’ll tell them…”
  “We will not,” they snap, accompanied by a sort of breathless-in-the-worst-way laugh. They go so far as to put their hand on your shoulder and physically push you back down into the chair ― gently, but firmly, in a way which reminds you of Toriel. You don’t think they even mean to sound as nasty as they do right now. “I am not going to march in there and tell them I have tried to kill myself several times, only to be told that I am crazy or exaggerating.”
  You reach for their hand again. This time they allow you to take it, but it’s limp in yours. “Y-you’re not… they’re not gonna…”
  Did they just say several times?
  This isn’t the first time they’ve shown suicidal behavior?
  … Is that what Toriel was going to say when she told you Chara has had ‘problems’ with something?
  That means their family knows. And their family wouldn’t just stand by, do nothing, let Chara suffer. They would try to help.
  You think Chara won’t let anyone help them.
  “It’s a long story,” Asriel sighs, “and I don’t think I should talk about it… you know, much. Chara’s already told you what they’re willing to tell you. They wouldn’t be too happy with me talking about what happened. They’ve had other problems since then, since we came back, other attempts, but… I-I mean, thankfully, the few times they’ve tried, they’ve picked… I don’t know, stuff that might not actually kill them.”
  He runs a hand through the tufts of hair atop his head with a shrug. “It hasn’t happened too often, between the time we left the Underground to now, but when they’ve done it, it doesn’t… seem like they fully, actually want to die. Those few times it seemed more like… like a…”
  “… A cry for help?” you offer softly.
  He closes his eyes and gets up to pace around the room. “Yeah… yeah, I guess that’s what I’d call it. Except, every time we try to get them help, try to take them to the hospital or to a therapist… they fight it.”
  Obviously you hoped that he’d tell you something like that; that they’ve all tried to get Chara to seek help. Everyone loves Chara so much, it’s unthinkable that they’d all sit and not try to do something.
  It really is just a pity that none of the help has stuck. Chara seems to understand that they have a problem, that suicide attempts aren’t normal or healthy, and yet they aren’t ready to take steps to make themself healthier. Most likely because they know it’s going to hurt worse before it gets better, and they’re unwilling to face that pain.
  “I mean,” he continues with a smile that’s only half amused, “we took them to a therapist once. They had to leave ten minutes into the session, without giving her anything to work with, because they made her cry!”
  Without even thinking, you decide to take a page from Frisk’s book. “Oof.”
  The tension is broken almost immediately. Asriel snorts and shakes his head a few times. “Oof is right. It’s… been a couple years since the last time they did anything truly suicidal. And when they do end up doing something, we can usually handle it, so we just… handle it.”
  He shakes his head. “Besides, what are we supposed to do? No matter how hard we try to talk to them, they don’t wanna talk about their deeper feelings. And we can’t force them to go to the hospital unless they’re literally unconscious and can’t make a decision on their own. So we just… try to take care of them if they do anything harmful to themself.”
  That’s a little reassuring, of course. Still… Asriel agreed with your description that their previous attempts have appeared like a cry for help. And last month, your CHECK used that phrase to describe their opening up to you about being scared you would force them into a kiss.
  It evidently wasn’t their first cry for help. They’ve been crying for help, but nobody knows how to help them, because they won’t accept the help they need and that’s offered. Your only guess for that is they’ve lived with those feelings for so long that any change, even an improvement, is terrifying to them. ‘Better the devil you know,’ isn’t that how it goes?
  Your heart breaks to think that there’s probably nothing you can do to encourage them to seek help. Nothing they’ll take to heart, at least. They already rejected your urging to go back into the hospital and tell doctors. If they won’t listen to their family, why the hell would they listen to you?
  What else can you do except continue to treat them with kindness?
  Frisk grins. “You haven’t seen it yet?? Oh, man! It aired last week for the beginning of the holiday season, and we’re finally getting around to watching it. Okay, Chara, sorry, I’m gonna rewind! She’s gotta see this.”
  “Mhm, agreed. I usually find holiday specials rather trite. This one is palatable, however.” They run their thumb lightly over the back of your hand. It’s so easy to relax with them now. Even though you’ve not known each other for long, they appear to be adjusting more to being physical with you. “Fallen is one of my favorite series of his in general. You said you have seen all of it, (Name)?”
  You nod, smiling when you feel the top of your head knock gently against their chin. “O-oh, yeah. The writing’s great. I… I really feel for Sparks. His creator’s s-so mean to him! Like… she didn’t, you know, have to make him… just to do nothing but hurt him. I… I don’t really get it, haha.”
  Their free hand begins to sift through your hair. When they speak, it’s soft and wistful, and you get the sense that their mind isn’t entirely on the show anymore. “Mm. I do not understand it, either.” Then they giggle, making a patch of your scalp tingle. “It is okay, though. This special might have a happy ending, judging by what we have seen so far. At least, Sparks will―”
  “Aaaah, no!” You lean back against them, tilting your head up. “Shhh, no spoilers, haha.”
  They chuckle and comb your hair in such a way that it moves your head back down. “Oh, dear. I suppose that is fair. Well, if Frisk ever gets this rewound all the way to the beginning, feel free to have some of the popcorn while we watch.”
  You raise an eyebrow, glancing toward the scattered kernels before looking at Frisk. “You guys w-wasted half of it with that… what did you call it? Popcorn Goalie?”
  Frisk pointedly taps the rewind button harder while flashing you a grin that makes them look like the cat that swallowed the canary. “Don’t worry! Mom’s gonna bring us some hot chocolate in a little bit, so we don’t really need the popcorn anyway.”
  “W-well, in that case, I think I have to rescue it from you guys.” You reach over to take a small handful. After popping a few pieces into your mouth, you raise your hand in order to offer one to Chara.
  With a hum that seems to imply a sort of why not? attitude, they stop playing with your hair in order to pluck a piece from your hand. “Thank you. Speaking of Mettaton, by the way,” they say around their tiny mouthful, “will we be seeing that garish bucket of bolts tomorrow?”
  “Oh… yeah. He’s, um, coming over to do the interview… b-because he doesn’t want a studio to stress me out. He’s… got a big head, but he’s pretty nice.”
  Chara scoffs. “You are entitled to your wrong opinion.”
  “Oh, let it go,” Frisk groans. “We all know you’re not still mad, you butt. Now calm down because I think I got it back to the beginning! Everybody get back into cuddle puddle position for the next hour.”
  A door slams open and you freeze. The sound reminds you of a gunshot, like the attack a few days ago. “Chara!”
  “Ah!” It’s almost a squeak, and instantly they’re standing with their hands behind their back. “I-I am sorry…”
  Coming through the door is a man. You can’t see anything except vague features like an outline. It seems like he’s wearing similar clothing to Chara, but everything else is blurred. You feel embarrassed, like you’ve been doing something you weren’t supposed to.
  You get a vague sense of unease from this man’s… energy. There’s a twinge in your stomach, and your vision swims briefly, as if someone has just spun you around while blindfolded.
  “Just like every other time, I’m sure. Go sit back down; I do not need you getting into trouble while I’m gone.”
  They nod and practically scurry back to their spot beside you. As the man passes in front of them, they pipe up. “Before you go… will you… will you wind it up? Please?”
  The man sighs, but stops in front of the fireplace. He takes the trinket off the mantel, and there’s the sound of gears clicking. As soon as he sets it back down, the same melody Chara was humming begins to play. “Just this once, Chara. Now, I’ll be back soon. Behave while I’m gone, understand? You are to sit or lie there and not move. You may pray if you would like.”
  “Yes, sir. Goodbye.” Chara bobs their head, then shifts to lie down on the floor.
  The man is gone out the front door in a moment, and Chara looks over at you in confusion. “Should you not go, too?”
  You look toward the door for a few seconds before glancing back at Chara. You’re not sure what’s going on, really. This is a memory, maybe. Possibly. It all feels staticky and like it could break apart at any second.
  Finally, you lie down next to them. “No… I-I think I’d rather stay with you. Is that okay?”
  They smile. It’s a bit different than their usual one; it lights up their whole face and they look genuinely happy. They laugh and roll over close to you, grasping at your hand. “Yes, I would like that! I have never had anyone to listen to the music with.”
  “Oh… really?” You’re surprised by the way they nestle into you readily. This isn’t like them. It’s nice, but it isn’t like them. “I… I’d love to listen with you.”
  You close your eyes as they try to get even closer to you. They’re making themself smaller, curling in, and humming to the tune.
  The harmony is vaguely haunting, although the music box makes it sound like a sweet lullaby. It wraps you up and makes you feel calm.
  When you open your eyes, you’re no longer holding the adult Chara you know. In their place is a child who looks like a younger Chara, with baggy clothes and dark lines under their eyes and a body that feels too skinny in your arms.
  “You should not be here,” they murmur, while making no attempt to pull themself from you. “You’re too close. Get out. Please. I don’t want anyone to see me. Not like this. Not you. Not anyone. Leave… leave…”
  The sound of harsh coughing catches your attention, breaking apart any focus you might have had on getting yourself out of here. You turn toward the noise to find Chara in a bed ― just as you know them, except with those baggy clothes and longer hair. They’re leaned back against the pillow, hair fanned out and seeming awfully tangled.
  And there’s that man again, next to their bedside holding an old-fashioned mercury thermometer. His features are still unknown to you, little more than a blurry silhouette with some muted blobs of color. “Well,” he says, and his voice sounds so loud, “your temperature’s a bit high. We’ll see how you are in the morning, though, alright?”
  Chara looks exhausted. To you, their face reads as someone who hasn’t gotten much sleep in a few days. When they speak, it sounds like they’re trying to speak around a throatful of broken glass. “But… but Daddy… I feel r-really bad.” Both hands swallowed by their sleeves come up to cover their mouth as another round of coughing starts.
  It’s several seconds before they can talk again, their hands moving down to clutch at their chest. “It hurts…” They lift their eyes toward the man in a clear attempt at silent pleading. “I-I read there is… stuff you can take when you are sick… that m-makes you feel better?”
  “For others, yes, but not for you.” This man ― their father? ― makes you feel very, very uneasy. There is something not right about him. Although he wasn’t kind in the first memory you saw, here his aura is even darker. It’s like a black cloud that makes you feel nauseous.
  He leans down to their level, setting a hand on their head. That small gesture sets off the worst kind of alarm bells for you. “This illness is a punishment for you, Chara. You must bear it without any assistance, to atone for whatever sin you’ve committed.”
  His voice borders on something serene, something that’s completely at odds with the actual words he’s saying, and the touch that accompanies it seems gentle. It’s a hugely dissonant energy, which sets you on edge.
  You can’t think of too many things crueler than denying someone medicine while telling them they deserve to suffer and that it’s their fault they’re ill.
  Chara looks up at him with a look in their eyes that reflects a hope shattered into a million pieces. Something exists that might ease the discomfort they’re in, and they can’t have it. After a second they begin to cough again, practically doubling over from the force. It sounds like each one is trying to rip their lungs apart like tissue paper.
  “But… but…” They try to speak between their breathless coughs. “What… did I do… wrong…?”
  “You know that’s a question you must ask yourself.” He gives their head one last rub before straightening up. “You have all night, so think about it.”
  Just like last time, he’s gone quickly, walking out the door and shutting it. You think you hear a lock click.
  You can’t recall anything you’ve done bad lately.
  Maybe you should think harder. You must have done something to justify feeling so poorly
  Mercifully, before you can say anything, there’s a knock on the door before a humanoid monster who appears to be made entirely out of jelly walks into the room. “Okay, Mx. Dreemurr… oh! Haha, I didn’t know you had a lovely young lady visiting you. Sorry to interrupt, but I’ll try to keep things brief.” She gives both of you a smile as she steps in. “I’m Dr. Borden, the emergency physician in charge of your case. Remember me at all? It’s okay if you don’t; you were pretty out of it earlier.”
  “Mhh… my apologies. I do not recall not much outside the memory of you and your nurses forcing me to swallow an entire cup of horrid black sludge. Speaking of―” They wave at you, gesturing you toward the door. “(Name), you should go relax and get something to eat. It has been an eventful day for all of us. I will get some sleep after speaking with the doctor, so do not worry, alright?”
  Easier said than done. Still, you nod, then lean over to brush a light kiss over their forehead, and give their hand one more gentle squeeze. “O-okay. Make sure to take it easy and, um, stay out of trouble, okay?”
  They flutter their eyes closed and all but press themself into the contact, their smile growing just a little more genuine. When they open their eyes again, they squeeze your hand back in kind. “You do the same on both counts, haha. I will talk to you as soon as I am allowed out of here.”
  On your way out the door, you hear Dr. Borden chuckle softly as though they’ve just told her the best joke she’s heard all year and they don’t realize it. “Actually, Mx. Dreemurr, about that…”
  You don’t quite make out the wording she uses as you slip outside, because she doesn’t speak very loudly. However, Chara’s response is more than enough to echo behind you while you and Asriel start back to the waiting room.
  “Excuse me?! You cannot keep me here. I am an independent adult and capable of making my own decisions. Wha ― self-induced poisoning?! You are the one who treated me in the emergency room. Do you happen to remember what the supposed poison was? It was cold medicine! I have a cold!”
  “H-hey, it’s okay. I… I get it. It… can be hard to know who to trust, sometimes. Even for me.” Things fall quiet as you move one hand to play with their hair again. Finally, you break the silence. “That man in your memories… that was your dad? Um… I mean…”
  “Yes, my birth father. He raised me in that tiny village by the mountain.” Their lips fall into a straight line, and for a moment, their smile disappears. It almost looks like they’ve just sucked all the juice out of a lemon. Maybe with an undercurrent of melancholy. “… I hate him. More than any other human. I despise him and he terrifies me.”
  Everything about Chara’s childhood memories stands out to you, particularly the second one you were inside of. The dark emanation from their father, that aura that made you feel nauseous and disoriented, his stunningly callous behavior. How could anyone treat their child that way?
  It was stronger in the second memory, maybe because he wasn’t acting very cruel in the first one, or maybe because you were more agitated during the second one. Even in the first memory, he was dismissive of Chara. You don’t want to ask about him, because you’re sure too much poking will cause them to shut you out. You’re not keen on getting another cold shoulder after you’ve just got them back.
  You press a kiss to their temple. “I’m sorry. From what I saw, I, um… I don’t blame you. He scared me, too. While I was in that second memory… I-I don’t know. Being around him made me feel… sick to my stomach and… off-balance.”
  “Mh.” They close their eyes. “That does not shock me. Being as you are, your SOUL is sensitive not only to malicious intent, but strong magic. My birth father had both… in spades. His magic was powerful, with so many different techniques that did not seem like an extension of any one ability. Many different spells, I would assume. His magic is the most impressive I have ever seen from another human. That is why he led us.”
  You notice them shiver and give them a gentle squeeze before drawing away so you can put their coat around them. The last thing they need right now is to get any sicker just as they’re on the mend. “Uh… led you?”
  Huh. So, even with all the shit they’ve been through lately, they’re willing to have you on top of them to cuddle. Does that mean they enjoyed it when you were both cuddled up with Frisk that one night? “Oh, well…”
  Having the weight of another person leaning on them doesn’t seem like the wisest idea at the moment, though. They’re feeling better, but… just the same as being outside in the cold for too long might hinder their recovery, you don’t think having pressure on their chest would be a good idea right now. You can just imagine accidentally nuzzling a bit too close and aggravating their cough.
  “Um, h-how about… you can lie against me instead?” Your face is probably on fire from the mere suggestion. You relax a little against the arm of the couch and give a few small, reluctant pats to your lap as a silent invitation. “I… I don’t wanna, um, y-you know… hurt you.”
  The look they give you is awfully funny. Although they’re still smiling, as almost always, their bottom eyelids curve up and their eyebrows knit together. They look sort of inquisitive or puzzled. In the end, they chuckle, which turns into a brief handful of coughs. “Ahahah… oh, dear, (Name). You have mistaken me for something delicate.”
  You laugh with them, though you don’t think it’s all that humorous. Usually they can make you laugh without even trying… so what if you’re trying to be careful with them? Is that a bad thing? Don’t they deserve to be treated considerately? “N-no, I just…” Your face flushes even more. It must be spread out horribly by now, because your ears and neck feel like they’re burning. “… Thought I could… you know… t-take care of you.”
  “Ahah, awww.” They hum and, after a minute of thought, they hesitantly scoot closer to you. “I suppose fair is fair. We have done this one way, so having another perspective may be interesting.” Their hand pauses halfway toward yours, then they suddenly snap their eyes up to meet yours. “Pose me.”
  Immediately your nerves dry up to leave only bewilderment. “W… what? Pose you??”
  “Yes.” They stretch their arm out. “You must be thinking of a certain position. So… help me into that position. Show me what you would like.”
  Oh. That’s, uh. What??? Why do they want you to do that? “But… I-I want it to be comfortable for you, Chara. I… wanna know what you want.”
  “If I am not comfortable in whatever position you place me, I will adjust myself. I know it seems strange… haha… just indulge my curiosity, will you not? Please? Come, think about it… I have just returned home from the hospital… I have been through the wringer lately… do you not want to make me happy? It is such a small thing, so…”
  Your confusion is broken and you can’t help but snort. “W-wow, first your own brother, now me? I didn’t, um… pack for a guilt trip.” Although you didn’t have any doubts, here’s the proof that they can be just as manipulative as Flowey when they want to be. “Okay… I guess.”
  If that’s what they really want, where’s the harm? It’s not like you’re going to put them in a painful position or take advantage.
  You move yourself a bit closer, then carefully circle your arms around them. One around their shoulders, one around their waist… similarly to how you held them when you visited them in the hospital. You hang on to them, and slowly lean yourself back until you’re propped up against the arm of the couch, with the rest of you lying pretty flat.
  The action has left Chara only somewhat pressed against you. They’re sort of watching you, and you can feel them breathing in a sort of pattern, probably to keep their anxiety down. You keep your touch light and tender as you tug them down, so that they’re lying flush against you. You guide their head to your chest, resting on your collarbone. It feels like your heart is trying to beat right out.
  You mimic their patterned breathing for a moment, feeling them tensed up and hoping to calm the both of you down. “I-it’s okay,” you find yourself murmuring. You brush your lips over the top of their head. “It’s okay. If you wanna move…”
  “No. No, no, no… I…” Their voice is small and hoarse from being sick, so much that it almost disappears. They shift around just a little, arching their back in order to move themself up… just enough to tuck their head under your chin. One of their arms folds in against their chest, and one wraps loosely around your waist. “… I am okay. I am… very okay.”
  Toriel’s face lights up. “Oh, my child! So, does that mean…?”
  They hum. “Yes… if she agrees to accompany me, then I will do the flower activity at your school.”
  The next course of action, predictably, is for Toriel to turn her pleading eyes on you. Boy. You can see where Frisk learned that particular facial expression. She doesn’t even have to really say anything.
  “O-okay, yeah!” The words are out before you can even think about stopping them. Doesn’t it sound like a nice day, after all? You’d get to spend Valentine’s Day with Chara, helping them teach kids about plants. “Oh, gosh… is Valentine’s Day on a weekday this year? I think… I’ll, um. Have to see if Grace can get me that day off, but… but it shouldn’t be a problem! Sign me up.”
  Asriel leans over to give you a hug, grinning as Toriel gives you a wide smile. “If it wasn’t clear, y’know, she’s really happy. I mean…” He gestures toward Chara before ruffling their hair. “Her oldest baby… stepping out into the world… socializing… pfffffff, I think I’m gonna cry!”
  “Ugh! Asriel! Get your boozed-up hand off of me!” Despite their laughter, they try to push their brother’s hand away. “Stop! Stop, you are ruining my hair!”
  “Ooooh, right. Right. I forgot, you gotta look pretty for (Name)! You’ll be the… whaddaya call it… house spouse?”
  “Asriel! Go home, you are drunk!!”
  “I am home, you chocoholic! You gonna carry me upstairs across the threshold into my room?”
  “Perhaps I am a chocoholic, but do you know what you are?”
  “Charming and handsome with a dramatic profile and a smile that lights up a room?”
  “… No, that is also me. You, brother, are a child!”
  You can hear Toriel trying and failing to hold back a fit of giggles. “Well, he certainly is a kid! Haha!”
  Everyone else erupts into laughter, including Asriel who does his absolute damnedest to hide his face. It’s a useless attempt and everyone knows it and none of you can even try not to laugh.
  Your legs turn wobbly as the strummed chords of the next song start to take over. It’s bad enough that you’re basically pressed against Chara, who chuckles and does their best to hold you up.
  “Please,” they murmur, their own arms shaking from your combined weight, “did I not warn you about falling for me?”
  For a long moment, all you can do is stare wide-eyed at them. It’s weird… like they’re trying to be funny while simultaneously reminding you of all the things they’ve said before about getting close to them.
  Your mind, for whatever reason, flashes you back to the first day you came to work at the Embassy. They warned you not to try getting close to them. They told you that you didn’t have the DETERMINATION to handle their jagged pieces. They said they were too broken for you to fix. To not bother trying.
  They keep saying things like that. They seem to think they really are broken. That whatever else they may be, there’s nothing there for anyone to love.
  You don’t believe that. You can’t.
  They look like a line from a song about falling in love, like someone has picked the most romantic, evocative lines from a poem and given them life.
  “Yes,” they sigh. “Often I can handle it for a short time. In this situation, however… the risk is very great. Frisk cannot watch out for me because they are rather drunk. Asriel is attempting to oversee the party as a whole, so he cannot stick by my side. And as much as I try to do for myself… my anxiety spikes around crowds.”
  You can see your own actions in the window, and they open their eyes to watch you briefly. They don’t stop you when you raise your hand, so you set it on their shoulder. “If you’re okay with it, um… you and I can hang in here for a while.”
  Their smile reflects back at you. “I would like that.” Then their head tilts up toward the sky outside. “Look. Did you know there is a star that shares my name?”
  Your eyes are pulled toward the sky. It’s pitch-black, the only sources of light being the streetlamps and the sparkling pinpoints of the stars. “O-oh, no way. A star named Chara?”
  “Mhm. Its Bayer designation, a certain way to which stars are referred, is Beta Canum Venaticorum. It is located in a small northern constellation called Canus Venatici ― mhh, often translated to… ‘hunting dogs’, I believe. But the star is also known as Chara or Asterion. For the purposes of brevity, I would assume,” they laugh.
  You can’t help but smile. “That’s… that’s so cool. Do you… know anything about it?”
  They nod. “Only a bit. My father told me that this was what my mother named me after… a star. Something distant and cold and unpredictable. This star, though… from what I read, its star system is one of the most likely to host planets with extraterrestrial life.” Their smile tightens briefly, then relaxes. “I suppose there is hope for me, then.”
  This must be why their SOUL chose to appear to you as a star. Maybe that’s how they see themself; a far off being, but wanting to mean something to someone.
  … Wishing that they mean something to you.
  “There’s more than hope,” you murmur, running your hand down their arm. After a few seconds you reach their hand, and after setting yours inside it, they squeeze lightly. “He was wrong about you. Stars… stars aren’t cold. They’re literally, um, made of hot swirling… like, hydrogen and helium, I-I think? They’re always… producing light and heat. You’re not cold.”
  An eyebrow is raised in your direction. “Haha. What about ‘distant’ and ‘unpredictable’, then?”
  You give a shrug. “I’m just saying… if he was wrong about one part of that… w-what else could he have been wrong about? You’re… you’re great, Chara.”
  “Mmh, well, thank you for your consistently strange opinion.” They shift their legs  down, swung over the side of the bookshelf and heels tapping lightly against it. Their gaze is still focused outside. “When I was young… sometimes I dreamed about being able to see the stars so clearly. I knew they were there, because I read about them, but… I had never seen them before I left my village. The night I did was the first time I had ever laid eyes on a star. Or, a whole sky full of them, as it was that night.”
  They’re awfully sentimental right now. You gently nudge their legs further over the edge so you can sit next to them and they readily make room for you. Similar to something Frisk does, they arch their ankle to brush their foot against yours. You’re sorely tempted to reach down and yank your shoes off so you can fully appreciate the gesture. “Wow…”
  “Before you ask,” they chuckle, “I do not really want to talk about any of that. And I do not want you in my mind to look at it, either. This is just… me reflecting on life after another year as the next one is about to start. I find it amusing that, well… the very thing I was named after, I spent the first ten years of my life without seeing. Ironic in a way, I suppose.”
  Despite that you wouldn’t enter their mind without permission, you can’t help but picture that kind of a scene in your mind. This small child, having been pushed to their breaking point and running away from everything they knew… probably crying, as they looked up to the sky, their namesake reflected in wide eyes as they see a glittering starscape for the first time in their life.
  You imagine being there next to them as a child yourself ― like you did on the drive after picking them up from the hospital when you thought about your younger self listening to the music box with them.
  You can almost feel the cool chill of night air on your skin, the resolution with which Chara might take your hand, the violent whispers of, “Let’s never go back, okay?” and “We’ll take care of each other” and “I’ll always be here for you” that you might have exchanged.
  Asriel’s voice drifts in from the main room. “Okay, guys, thirty seconds to midnight! Get ready for the countdown!”
  Chara gingerly pushes themself up on their tiptoes. They’re close enough that if one of you moves suddenly, you’d bump noses. “How about another set of quotes? Your turn.”
  “U-um, oh…” Another few roll around in your mind before you settle on one that’s been running through your head lately; particularly when you think about Chara. You let your hand slip down to cup their cheek. It feels so vulnerable to do this, to look in their tired eyes… it’s what you want, though. For them to let you do something so affectionate. “‘You’ve got a new story to write. And it looks nothing like your past.’ Danielle LaPorte.”
  Maybe it crosses your mind when thinking about yourself, too? So much has changed, both for you and for Chara, in such a short time. There’s still a lot in the future you might not know how to deal with, because neither of you have dealt with anything happening in the present so far. It’s been one day at a time for several months now, with new things going on so fast you can barely keep track of them.
  You’re grateful you have supportive people in your life. Chara is by your side even if they’re still standing at a bit of a distance. Asriel and Frisk are always next to you, and you know you have Toriel and Asgore behind you regardless of anything else.
  You don’t think you would be learning to be as confident as you’re learning to be without any of them.
  You don’t think your life would be as good as it is right now without any of them.
  “Okay, ready, everyone? Ten… nine… eight…”
  Chara’s lips curl up further. There’s something unidentifiable in their eyes, like a mix of relief and sadness and euphoria and pain.
  Their hand tightens in yours. “‘Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart.’ Charles Dickens.”
  You can feel your heart starting to pound again. They’re almost right on top of you now. Kissing them is something you’ve been fantasizing about since you realized you were attracted to them. It’s something you want more than anything.
  Things have to go slow between the two of you, not pushing each other, not jumping right into something too strong. That might scare them and it might scare you and either one of those things would put a strain on any budding relationship.
  Are they… ready for this? Are you?
  Your heart leaps into your throat.
  They give you a shy smile and push themself up further.
  “The song now just… hit something in me, I suppose, that made me think… how it is so funny, in a sad way, that…”
  They look down, tracing their thumbs over the backs of your hands. “Everything I craved when I was a child, that protection, and for someone to care about me… you want so badly to give it to me. I have pushed it away for a while, and I… I am trying to accept it. It is hard, and I know sometimes I am difficult and that I shut you out. The things you want to give me, I have them now, with my family, and it is sometimes… not so easy to believe that someone outside my family could want to invest that kind of energy in me.”
  Another sigh leaves them, and they sound so weighed down. “It is an uphill climb for another human to convince me that they mean me no harm, that they… just want to care for me. You are the first who has even put serious dents in my hatred for humanity. I… I just feel like I must tell you that it… means a lot to me that you are still climbing.”
  “… I do have to stop to, um, rest sometimes,” you tease, but rock forward to press your forehead against theirs. God, do they really think they’re, like… not worth it or something? How much pain has poor Chara had to bear? And why do they think they have to bear it all alone like this instead of telling someone about it all?
  You tilt your head up just a little to brush a quick kiss to their nose. “But… maybe I just… like climbing, I guess, hah. You’re a special person, Chara. I… like getting to know you, even if it’s, um… in baby steps. Anybody who doesn’t is missing out. And… and you deserve to have people taking care of you. I… I don’t understand how your mother could have thought what she did, or… or, but… but she was wrong about that. You’re not… I-I mean, she… you’re just…”
  You squeeze their hands, and out of nowhere you become aware that you’re crying, too. “… I’m really glad I met you. My life is a lot better because you’re in it.”
  They laugh. “Aaah. Surely you cannot mean that?”
  “I do,” you mumble, loosening one hand so you can comb their hair back. “If you weren’t in my life, I… I think… it would feel like something was missing. A lot of things have changed, a-and it’s really fast… I never thought I’d… you know… be where I am today, and… and be looking at the future I’m looking at.”
  Your mind flashes back to the first several weeks and months of your relationship with Chara. It started out so rocky. They barely wanted to speak to you, threatened you several times, and didn’t want you in their siblings’ lives, to say nothing of their own life.
  You still don’t know how that changed in less than six months. It seems like it’s been so long in some ways, and barely a blink in other ways.
  When you get Chara out of the car and are walking up the steps, you can practically feel the incredulity rolling off them in waves. They really can’t say much, given that they took you to what was basically three escape rooms for their first pick several months ago.
  Of course, not being able to say much doesn’t stop them from saying anything. “We are going to the science museum for our date?”
  “Yep,” you hum cheerfully. A small part of you feels bad for not giving them more information. It’s supposed to be a surprise, though. If they really didn’t want to be surprised like this, they’re not shy about telling you so.
  They sigh, but it’s not a truly irritated sound. “Will you at least give me a hint? If I bat my eyelashes and say please?”
  You swing your hand with theirs and think about it. “We’re almost there. Y-you can wait two more minutes, can’t you?”
  “… Considering you have made it sound like I am a petulant child for asking, I suppose I can.”
  The two of you giggle at each other as you lead them down the hall you need to be going to. “Okay,” you laugh, “I’ll give you a tiny hint. It’s, um, it’s a newer exhibit.”
  They blow out a long breath. “That does not help me. As much as I enjoy learning, I have not been here in… mh, a year, I think. Anything new in the last year is new to me.”
  It takes a lot of willpower not to cry when you really, really feel like crying. You feel tears pricking at your eyes, and to your surprise, a thin, calloused thumb reaches to gingerly brush them away.
  “I-I don’t know,” you sigh, and let your head lean against the top of Chara’s. “The last couple weeks have been so… so great. You and I are good with each other, a-and… and we kissed, and… things feel like we can all just breathe, but…”
  A low hum leaves their throat. “… But things going well in the short-term does not mean there are not more worrisome things on the horizon. I understand that. It serves us well to plan for the future, and sometimes… the future is not pleasant.”
  True to their word, they push themself up to brush a small peck over your lips. It tastes just like the soda you handed them, sticky and sweet, but with an undertone of their same unabashed self. “There is nothing I or anyone else can say to take away your worry. Because the truth is, anything kind I say would just be a placation.”
  “I already know how you feel about those,” you murmur.
  They chuckle. “Exactly. Even if I told you, ‘there, there, it will all be okay’, you would still worry, and my words would be for nothing. They would be empty, because I do not know for certain that it will be okay.”
  Their fingers creep into the spaces between yours, giving you a squeeze that helps ground you here in the moment. It reminds you that the past and future don’t yet exist. Even though you should learn from the past and plan for the future, you shouldn’t let those things ruin the present.
  “What I can tell you,” they add, “is that no matter what happens from this point on, I know that you do not roll over and give up. You may be a doormat most of the time, but you are a hurricane when it counts. I have seen it for myself.”
  When you look down at them, you think you see their smile relax into something less sure for half a second. “… It is frightening, is it not? I am sorry that I… do not think I can be of any real comfort.” Their head gestures up, where the stars continue to churn above you. “The universe is a big place. It pains me to admit it, but in the grand scheme of things, every individual has a relatively small amount of control. And handling a lack of control as poorly as I do, I have learned that… well.”
  They squeeze your hand again. “The unfortunate truth is that sometimes, there is nothing that can truly make it better. The only small, inconsequential comfort is to sit with someone else and figure out what little we have control of.”
  Chara chuckles. “Yes, that is correct. Photosynthesis has the side effect of producing oxygen… something which all humans and many monsters need to survive. Very good. What else do plants need to grow? It is also something that we drink.”
  Another little girl raises her hand. “Water! My mom says my granddad drinks like a fish, so I think that means he drinks lots of water!”
  It looks like Chara has to bite down on their lip to keep from bursting out in laughter. “I, er, I suppose, haha. But, you are also right. The vast majority of complex living things, like plants and animals, need water to survive. Those are the basic things plants require ― soil, sunlight, and water. So I… yes, Patience?”
  When you glance over from where you are at the beginning of the second row, she’s got her hand up again. “Um, my daddy says his gardenias grow so good because… because he talks to them! Is that like people? I mean, liiiiike… people need to talk to each other to be, um… to have inside their heads be good, right? What about plants? They grow really better if you talk to them, don’t they?”
  Most of the class snickers, but Chara offers a sharp, “Ahem!” that reminds you of the way Toriel does it to get her children’s attention. They head toward the front of the next row, carefully depositing another cup of soil into that child’s pot.
  “Do any of you think laughing at an unusual idea is a particularly kind choice to make?” they hum. “Now, talking to plants may seem like a strange one, but in fact, Patience is not entirely off the mark. There have been some scientific studies which suggest plants are capable of hearing, to put it simply, and that plants exposed to music might display an increased growth rate compared to plants which do not ‘hear’ any music.”
  The two of you finish filling the students’ pots with soil in silence, and Chara returns to the front of the room. Clasping their hands behind their back for a moment, they almost remind you of the first time you met them at the coronation.
  You have to note, their smile is less fake than it was back then.
  Maybe that’s just because plants are involved, so they truly are a little happier to be gardening. Or… gardening adjacent.
  Or maybe it’s something else. Regardless, they look quite a bit softer right now than they did the day you met them.
  “What I want you all to understand more than anything else,” they say, “is that plants are living things. They are not like rocks or metal or plastic. Plants can feel pain and joy just like we can. They are alive, perhaps alive in a way that we find hard to understand… but while you are growing your marigolds, think of them as pets. Take good care of them, the same way you would take care of a pet.”
  The song is interrupted by a child shouting, the sound of plastic banging on the tile floor, and Chara’s exclamation of, “Oh, dear!” Your attention is pulled away to see that a little scaly-winged monster boy has, evidently, knocked his flowerpot onto the ground. Even though it isn’t pottery and didn’t shatter, so isn’t dangerous, there’s a crack in its side and soil has spilled all over the floor. Probably most heartbreaking is that the poor kid has started to wail, clearly upset that he ‘ruined’ his project.
  “There, there… it is okay.” Chara is on their knees immediately, grabbing the pot and scooping what soil they can into it. Despite the crack, they’re doing their best, and a pretty damn good job, holding it so it doesn’t come pouring back out.
  “I know it is frustrating, so I will not tell you not to cry. But I promise this is not the end of the world, alright? There are very few mistakes that cannot be fixed, little one.”
  They’re pretty fast, too. Within just a handful of seconds most of the dirt’s been cleaned up. “(Name), will you please come get him started with a new pot while I finish taking care of this?”
  “Y-yeah, sure, I’m coming!” Ah, well, so much for your curiosity. Maybe now that you know a few lyrics of that song, you can search it up and see if there are any sources with a full version.
  Before you head off, you take a quick glance at Patience’s name paper for her pot, and give her a thumbs up. “Looks great! I’ll, um, I’ll be back in a second, okay?”
  Once you get over to the little boy with a new pot full of soil (and a couple tissues from the box on the teacher’s desk), you bend down on the opposite side from where Chara is. “Hey, it’s okay, honey.” You hand him the tissues and set the pot down on his desk. You keep an eye on his wings, suspecting that perhaps that was how he accidentally knocked it over the first time.
  “This is why Mx. Dreemurr b-brought extras of things,” you offer gently. You reach over to run a light touch through his hair, intending to pull away if it seems like he doesn’t want to be touched. Thankfully, your instincts gave you the right idea, because he leans forward in a very eager bid for a hug.
  “There we go, there… it’s okay, I-I gotcha…” You hold him close for a minute, rubbing his back. When you pull away, despite some tear tracks, he looks a little bit calmer. “Like Mx. Dreemurr said, there’s, um, not many mistakes that can’t be fixed, yeah? Besides,” you add with a wink, “don’t worry. I know where they bought everything, and… and it was all… haha… dirt cheap!’”
  The rest of the class, including the little boy, start to laugh, and when you look over to where Chara is, they’re barely restraining their laughter.
  “Yes, well,” they manage to choke out, “even if it was a bit expensive, there is no need to worry; after all, I am not dirt poor!”
  The kids lose it, and you give the little winged boy one more pat to the head before you go over to help Chara finish cleaning up. You bend down, only for them to grab your hand and squeeze it under the guise of picking up a handful of dirt.
  They lightly bump your shoulder, giving you a wink. “Well, well… your lowbrow humor is good for something, after all.”
  You shake your head. “I don’t even wanna know w-what you promised her… I love this! It’s… it’s been a while since we’ve actually… you know, like, um… spent time alone, totally in private. It’s, um, it’s kind of nice when it’s just… me and you.”
  “… I cannot help myself,” they groan, “it is ‘you and I’!”
  … WAIT! Hold on! You’ve got them!
  “I-it can be ‘me and you’!” you offer in defense. “Both are, like… equally valid in this case, aren’t they?” You give a teasing poke to their arm. “You’re wrooooong!”
  Their eyes snap wide in shock, as if the very idea of being wrong about grammar has thrown them into a fucking existential crisis. It reminds you of being on that not-date with them, when the two of you were talking about that one girl Asriel went out with, and their reaction when you asked them how they knew she didn’t flirt with Toriel.
  They let their head fall against the top of yours. When they speak, their tone comes out in a half-whine. “How could you?? You could not just let me have that, could you? Oh… my trust… it is irrevocably shattered… I must hand over my crown of intelligence to someone who thought I would gift her socks for Christmas…”
  Just as you’ve turned to the first real page, they speak up again. Lowly, in a conspiratorial whisper that suggests they wouldn’t want anyone to overhear. “If you must know, (Name)… you are an exception. If there is to be any redemption for humanity, it is because of people like you and Frisk. I… apologize if I upset you.”
  They stretch upward to press a brief kiss to your cheek. “What is the exaggerated sound effect Frisk uses…? ‘Mwah’? Haha, well. Mwah. In any case, whenever I say something about my hate for humanity… you are free to give me a kiss to shut me up. When I speak about it, I… I would like you to know that I consider you separate from the rest of humanity.”
  You glance down at them with a tilt of your head. Although it probably looks doubtful, the truth is that you just… don’t really know how to respond to that.
  “I do not hate you,” they say softly. “If you believe nothing else I say, please believe that.”
  You want to believe them so badly.
  They’ve always been honest with you, even if that honesty wasn’t always pretty or nice.
  So you don’t have any reason not to believe them.
  Even more than that… God. God. The way they say that to you cuts right to your SOUL.
  They don’t hate you.
  They used to, you think, on the simple basis of you being human.
  But they don’t anymore.
  You bury your face in their hair for a moment. Sometimes you’re not sure, because they have so much anger toward other humans, and you know they still have that fear in the back of their mind that one day they’ll turn around and you’ll shove a knife into their spine. How could somebody not hate a person they think is going to betray them?
  And they don’t hate you, though!
  The fact that they felt the need to say it out loud, despite that they’ve said it before in several silent ways, suggests they think you needed to hear it.
  Did you?
  “Th… thanks.” Your voice comes out shakier than you would have liked, but you’re grateful that you don’t start crying again. That’s the kind of thing you probably could cry for hours over. Coming from them, “I don’t hate you” is borderline a confession of love.
  Your smile takes shape in their hair. “I-I’m glad you don’t h-hate me… because… because I really like you.”
  “Oh, my,” they sigh dramatically, lolling their head against your chest. “You cannot go more than five minutes without saying so. I know it is Valentine’s Day, but please, you are spoiling me. I might get used to hearing that.”
  When you pull back, you’re still smiling. “So? Maybe I… haha… maybe I w-wanna get you used to it! It’s nice, huh? I really like you, Chara. I-I like you, I like you…”
  “Oh, my God!” They’re laughing now. “Stop! Now you are just being silly!”
  You leave an invisible lip mark on their temple. “I like youuuuu… I like you a-and there’s… there’s nothing you can do about iiiiit…”
  Damn, you love the sound of their laughter. “Honestly!! If I say it back, will you stop?”
  That’s what makes you freeze. Your eyes go wide, your smile turns hopeful, and you look right at them with an expression you’re sure reads as, … Would you?
  The pink flush that rises in their face reaches down their neck. What comes out is an anxious laugh, but… it doesn’t sound bad-anxious. More like they’ve got butterflies in their stomach.
  “I… haha… I am… I feel… ahahahah… I-I am… I am unbearably romantic for you. And I am so sorry for that!”
  You can’t stop yourself from joining them, resting your head atop theirs as you giggle.
  Well, what else were you expecting?
  Actually, you think you prefer the way they say it to a simple “I like you”.
  There’s nothing simple about Chara Dreemurr… and aside from their pain, you wouldn’t change that for anything.
  “Now, (Name)… say it… say the words.”
  “What?? Surely if you like me, you must have something to tell me on this day!”
  “O… oh…”
  “Say the words, (Name).”
  “Pffft… h-happy Valentine’s Day, Chara!”
  “Ooooh. I enjoyed that. Can I make you say it again, I wonder?”
  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Chara.”
  “Would a third time be testing my luck?”
  “I-I think… I think you should say it to me…!”
  “Oh, my… what does Asriel call that? Uno Reverse???”
  This book is never getting read.
  And you think you’re just fine with that.
  He nods, nodding for you to walk with him a minute. “Yeah, no, I bet you went to the schools that had already been established for a while. And they don’t teach any monster history aside from legends about Mt. Ebott, right?”
  “Yeah…” Your mind is filled with all kinds of magic images. You can picture spells being cast, so many different colors that you wonder if there are as many magic abilities as there are variations of colors in the world. How many would that be? Thousands? Millions? “I wish… I wish they would’ve taught this stuff.”
  “It doesn’t surprise me, you know? I hate to say it,” he scoffs, “but the people who founded Ebott did a good job covering up that it was their little monster-hating, rain-dancing, circle-drumming colony who created the barrier. It’s like every trace of monsters got removed or painted over or whatever, and barely any history books mention that we were ever here.”
  That’s. More than a little fucked up.
  You’re blurting it out before you can stop yourself. “Oh, my God, that’s f-fucked up!”
  Asriel offers a bleating laugh and a one-armed hug, the habit of which you can see he definitely gets from Asgore. “Yeah, kinda. But hey, we’re making progress, so I can’t say kids today aren’t getting the stuff you missed out on!” He grinds to a halt again, blinking. “… Oh, my God. Did I really just say ‘kids today’? Holy shit. I probably need another MagiGo.”
  “If you do that, I’m… I’m pretty sure Chara’s gonna kill you.”
  “Yeah, I thought you might be at least a little interested. You’re such a magic geek,” he tease. “But, yeah, I’ll pass that on and you just think about it, okay? Now, I gotta talk to Frisk for a minute, so…” His expression shifts to something comically stern. Despite this, he’s clearly trying not to bust up laughing. “Get… get back to work!”
  Your reaction is probably about what he expected ― that is, you’re incredibly obvious in trying to bite back your own laughter. “N-no, no, my boss told me I can take a break whenever I need to! And my… my best friend just hit me with a lot of info! I’m stressed!”
  Can he blame you for not being fooled? Asriel isn’t a big fuzzy pushover by any means, but he’s the most laidback boss you’ve ever had. The only time you’ve ever seen him yell or bark orders was when you were shot at the press conference.
  “Gee, okaaaaaaaay. Go talk to your misanthropic datemate, why don’tcha? Pretty sure they’re out doing planting around the sides of the building. Have fun, you crazy kids.” With that, he gives a small knock on Frisk’s door before pushing it open, given that it’s already partially open. “… Frisk! Again, seriously? If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you… if you wear a suit jacket to work, you gotta wear at least semi-matching pants or a skirt, not a ruffly hot-pink tutu!”
  “Azzyyyyyyy!” you hear your friend whine from inside. “I’m having an office ballerina day, and anyway, Serena dared me!”
  “Then you need to stop taking dares, especially from your girlfriend! I love you, dude, but this outfit looks unprofessional!”
  “Unprofessional? Azzy’s gonna lecture me on professionalism? Milk came out your nose at breakfast today ‘cause you were laughing at a fart joke!”
  “Yeah, that you told! And it didn’t happen in a meeting!”
  “I don’t have any meetings scheduled today, so if I’m not in front of people, I can wear whatever I want!”
  “Sure, and what happens if I call an emergency meeting?”
  “Stop asking reasonable questions!! You know those give me an existential crisis!”
  You slip quietly away, though not before your CHECK gets a barb in at Frisk’s expense.
  You’re glad to see those treatments for Frisk’s voice are working fabulously.
  As you reach to touch Chara’s shoulder, you make sure to call out a soft, “Just me,” so that they don’t get startled. Though you can see them stiffen up for half a second, they calm immediately once your voice meets their ears.
  They’re pushing themself up leisurely before you know it, dusting off their hands after what you assume is a hard morning’s work. Their cheeks are even more flushed than usual from the slightly chilly air coupled with the increased blood flow to their face from bending down. “Well, well. If it is not someone very adorable!”
  You giggle and lean to brush a kiss over their lips. “H-hey, beautiful.”
  “… Ah!” Their face turns even redder. Although they happily return the kiss, their hand quickly reaches up as if they can scrub the pink from their cheeks. “Please, you are making me blush!”
  “Haha… well… good! You’re really cute when you blush.” Oh, boy, you just said that out loud. No turning back from it. So you double down instead, taking their hand with one of yours, and using the other to stroke two fingers over their cheek. True to their word, not only is their face bright red, it’s also warm. “Uh-huuuuh,” you hum as if you’re a scientist confirming her hypothesis, “j-just as I thought. I’ve never seen a case so severe… Mx. Dreemurr… your cuteness, it’s… it’s terminal… I’m so sorry…”
  Oh, geez. That snort of theirs when they find something exceedingly funny never fails to put a smile on your face. “My goodness! Is this why I have not seen much of you this morning? You have been neglecting your duties in order to think up more ways to romantically antagonize me?”
  You give them another kiss, this time on the cheek. “H-hey, hey… you should be throwing me a parade, okay? I just got Asriel to take a break for a few minutes.”
  “Did you? Thank God. At least it is not nearly as bad as it was when he was first crowned, but I swear he has forgotten the meaning of the word ‘break’ in the last few months.”
  “Well,” you add with a blush of your own, “I had to, um… bribe him with an energy drink, but…”
  “Aha! So I am not the only one whose weaknesses you exploit. Tsk, tsk.” They shake their head. “You are such a doormat. Someone mentions something they like, even if it is perhaps not the best thing for them, and you fold like a bad hand of cards because you want them to like you.”
  You give them a pout. “Aaaand… w-what does it say about you that you keep encouraging me by taking the chocolate every time? Y-you’re like a fish who keeps biting the end of a lure!”
  They roll their eyes up to the sky. “Hmmm… well, I suppose I am no better than you, haha. Regardless, thank you not only for forcing my brother to take a break, but also for informing me about the energy drink. Now he cannot lie to me and say it is his first one when I catch him drinking another after dinner.”
  “Hm, true. Guess I, uh, saved the day! Oh, actually, now that I convinced him to take a break… I-I’m here to convince you to take a break.”
  “Ah, is that right?” They tuck a strand of hair behind their ear. “Do you believe I have been working as hard as Asriel?”
  You reach over and take their hand, holding it up to be at eye level. “Dirt under your fingernails. Ummm… calluses still there. And your face is red from being bent over. B-besides… Asriel’s my best friend, so, I know what working hard looks like. You’ve definitely been working hard.”
  They somehow manage to stick their tongue out at you without losing their sunny smile. “Well, I am not just a pretty face, you know! In any case, I do not believe I will need much convincing…” Their thin fingers twist to fill your hand’s empty spaces. “Let us see what you have got, though.”
  Ever prepared (and maybe a little predictable), your other hand reaches into your pocket. “I’ve got chocolate.”
  “… That will do it.” No sooner have you taken the candy bar out of your pocket, than it’s been snatched from your fingers. And, of course, no sooner is it in their hand than it’s been unwrapped and they’ve sunk their teeth into it. “Mmm. I am quickly becoming accustomed to this brand, I think. Although even bad chocolate is still good… this is the only human-made brand I actually enjoy.”
  Almost as if proving it, they offer it in your direction. “My apologies, I have forgotten my manners. Would you like a bite?”
  “N-nah, it’s all you.”
  “How generous.” Their hand swings a bit as they tug you gently, guiding you toward the concrete. A silent bid for a walk around the building as they take a brief respite from their work. “You must want something.”
  You can’t help but laugh and go along with them. “Why does everyone think I’m bribing them today?? C-can’t a girl just be nice?”
  It’s no big shock that the chocolate is already gone, so Chara tosses the wrapper into the trash can when you pass by it. “Oh, dear, you know how suspicious a denial like that makes me. However, I have accepted the bribe, so as a matter of honor, I must at least hear you out.”
  Do they… really want you to closely share a memory with them that badly? Even though you know they like you, you never really thought they might want to unravel your mind the way you do theirs.
  “Yes, yes, you are correct. Hm. It is intriguing.” They twirl a lock of hair around their finger. “If you would like to share it with me… if you are still interested… you are coming over for dinner, are you not? And Mother would love to have you stay the night. We would have several hours to try it after dinner and before bedtime.”
  Idly you wonder if Chara truly considers themself as having a ‘bedtime’ now that they’re an adult, but it’s funny anyway. And it makes you very nervous to think about trying a new technique on them without doing it with anyone else, when last time it caused them to freeze you out for two weeks.
  Then again, they let you use that same technique on them again, with some planning and boundaries. They seem much better with the idea of a first use if they know it’s coming and it isn’t just this thing that randomly happens.
  And. You do want to share with them like they’ve been willing to share small pieces with you.
  “If… if you’re sure…” You make sure to keep your distance at the moment, though. CHECK doesn’t require touch, EMPATHIZE first flared up through touch, and so it’s a wild card as to whether this new… CONFIDE… might start up if you get too close. If that happens, you can kiss any bonding tonight goodbye.
  “Yes, well, we will see if I stay of the same mind later. However, this kind of thing,” they laugh, “might be the closest I ever get to using magic, even if it is not actually me performing the magic. I believe it would be a… well, a learning experience.”
  That does make sense. Not that you think they wouldn’t want to take whatever you’re willing to share anyway, but surely they would be more excited to do it in a way that might feel to them like they’re doing magic.
  It makes you a little sad, somehow.
  You remember their reaction when the rest of their family was oohing and aahing over being happy to teach you when yours first manifested. They have a chip on their shoulder about not being able to do magic.
  Are they desperate to know what it feels like? A bit too curious?
  Or… do they really think they’re not worth anything because they can’t?
  Well… you can straighten all that out some other time.
  The smile slips entirely from Chara’s face for a moment. It’s enough to make them step away from the barely-open door, and their whole being writhes in disgust.
  This was one of the places you stayed? These people are more interested in arguing with each other than in your wellbeing.
  You said you stayed with your friends’ parents. If that were the case, they think they might hear some other person in the house, or at least these people would mention their own biological child.
  Instead, it sounds like perhaps you were less than truthful with them. This doesn’t seem like you were staying with a friend’s family; this sounds like you were in a foster home, with ‘parents’ you didn’t really know and who didn’t know you at all.
  Why wouldn’t you mention it? Why would you only choose to show it now? You’ve always been far more of an open book than they are.
  The idea that you have things you want to hide as well, just like they do… for some reason, that upsets them.
  Not for the fact that you haven’t told them before now, because there are still so many things they haven’t told or shown you. It’s just upsetting that you’ve suffered in ways you feel like you have to hide. Things that hurt so much you’re ashamed of that pain, hurt so much you’ve been afraid to show people until now.
  It’s almost like looking in a mirror. That is exactly what they’ve been doing.
  “Good grief,” they mutter, “that is concerning behavior.”
  If they realize at all the obvious, Um, duh! that hangs in the air, they shove it down and try not to think about the implication that it means it’s concerning when they do it as well.
  Chara scoffs. “Why, I have never heard anything so ridiculous.” Their mind flashes back to something you said to them months ago, when they got home from the hospital. And they don’t know why, but it comes shooting right out of their mouth, phrased in their own way. “Just because someone cannot or refuses to see your worth does not mean you have none.”
  “… I-I can’t imagine what I could be worth to anyone.” You sniffle and drag your sleeve over your eyes. “I wanna run away. I hate m-my stupid life.”
  Whoa. Whoa, what did you just say?
  Before now, Chara couldn’t have even conceived of the word ‘hate’ coming from your lips.
  It’s… jarring. They find that they really, truly do not care for it at all.
  Your voice sounds so raw and spent, like you’ve been crying for hours and nobody has noticed. No one has sat up and seen that you need help. You’ve been left to drown by yourself; either no one in your life cares, or they don’t know what to do, or you…
  … Won’t let them in so they can help.
  There is a tired rage on your shoulders, something akin to a dying fire. You’ve been so brightly angry, such intensity for a relatively short amount of time, threatening to burn your entire self away. They can see it in your face that you want to stop feeling like this, but you do not know how.
  God, they don’t even know what to do. Like they have so many times, they reach for your hand. That always works, for one of you to ground the other.
  Almost like their fingers are the fangs of a snake ready to strike, you pull your hand away from them. That’s so startling, their eyes widen in disbelief. You… have never done that before. You always adore having physical contact with them. Whatever they’ve been willing to give you, you lean into it without too much hesitation unless you’re afraid you’ll hurt them.
  The way you yank your hand back sparks a memory. Your very first magic lesson with Asriel, you opened the door for them after to lead them into the house. They remember where their mind was, and they must have looked dazed enough that you touched their shoulder to shake them out of it.
  You reacted now the exact same way they did, and they did not even actually touch you.
  “C-can you not?” they hear you choke out. “Please?” Although your tone is much softer than they might expect, you wince at your own words. “I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
  They shake their head. “Think nothing of it. You do not need to apologize for not wanting to be touched right now.”
  Your shoulders shake, and your voice cracks as you continue to cry. Chara wishes more than anything that they could take you in their arms to comfort you. This is the most pain they’ve ever seen you in, and you’ve felt like you had to hide it all this time? Are you even healed from this?
  Those moments when you’re so surprised that someone is grateful for you. When you press in against Chara like you’re glad not to be alone. When you blush a little too hard at simple acts of affection like you’ve scarcely had them before. When you told them it’s hard to know who you can trust too, after they told you straight-up that trust is difficult for them.
  Are those your scars from everything that’s been done to you?
  Worse, from everything that hasn’t been done?
  They think maybe they should hold this information very gently.
  You chose to show them this specifically, something they could easily use against you. They could poke your scars or rip open your old wounds that might have healed, and they could make you have to heal all over again.
  God, no. How could they even think about doing that to you?
  “I have nobody,” you sob, ducking your head down into your arms. “No one cares about me! I’m all alone! It h-hurts so bad and I just want my parents back, but they’re gone! I can’t even count on my f-friends, ‘cause they’re all assholes!”
  Are those the same ‘friends’ who locked you in an escape room closet, then laughed at the anxiety attack which reduced you to tears? Though Chara themself would try to find a more sophisticated word, the one you chose is at least incredibly accurate.
  It’s frustrating beyond all measure that they can’t hold you while this happens. They remember being held in the first two of their memories that you saw. It was peaceful. They can’t bring themself to touch you if you don’t want to be touched, however.
  The sound of your strained, weak-blaze wailing might follow them into their dreams. Your anger has faded, exposing the pain which brought that fury into existence.
  They hear your breath hitch, followed by a meek query that’s almost swallowed up by the wind. “W-why… why doesn’t anyone want me?”
  It’s almost enough for Chara to choke on every less than kind word they’ve ever said about you.
  No wonder you persisted in your friendship with not only Asriel but Frisk, despite their warning you to leave their family alone in the early days. No wonder you cling to any scrap of praise and approval anyone gives you. No wonder you seem to worry that your presence is unwanted or people are simply inviting you to things to be polite; that you sometimes have trouble believing people enjoy your company.
  A long time ago, people threw you away like garbage, and you started to believe they were right to do so.
  You might be healed from the worst of it, with your wounds scarred over, but pain like that never disappears entirely, even if it doesn’t control you anymore.
  Their nerves crackle as they recall certain things they’ve said to you, particularly in the beginning. Things they knew might chase you off… but things they didn’t know would hurt you as deeply as they probably did.
  Maybe… you just want them to understand. You want to show them your past, just like they’ve been trying to give you pieces of theirs.
  You want to show them the things about you that you don’t necessarily like, things they could probably exploit to hurt you if they wanted to… and you’re trusting that they won’t.
  You’ve never done a damn thing to hurt them on purpose.
  Why are they so afraid that might suddenly change? Why do they still think, after over six months of knowing you, that you want to hurt them? You took a bullet for them after less than ninety days of knowing them.
  If you would do that for them, if you would open up like this for them, why would they ever think about hurting you?
  Is that the way you feel about them? That the thought of hurting them is so incomprehensible you can’t picture yourself doing it deliberately?
  They… think they understand you a bit better now.
  “I want you,” they murmur. They can’t get too close, but they can at least say that. Even if it won’t change the memory. Despite the fact that it doesn’t change what happened, they know from experience that what comes to pass in the memory while they’re here is something you’ll remember.
  Even though it won’t change the past, it will make a difference to you. Your actions in their memories made a difference to them. Because if it doesn’t truly matter what they do, then all that matters is what they choose to do.
  And it’s… easier, somehow, to do it here in the mindspace. Magic flows through them, giving them confidence, softening their sharp edges so it’s not as hard to break through their own walls to be honest with you. “You have become dear to me, (Name). I do not let go of dear things so easily.” It’s still whispered, still tentative. It feels so loud and intimate, like they’re shouting some kind of declaration of love from the top of a mountain.
  Their fingers twitch, buzzing with the itch of wanting to touch you. “You are not some unwanted burden. If people think of you that way, they are very ignorant, and it is their loss. I… I am glad that you are in my life.”
  Their heart doesn’t know whether to be broken or relieved that you begin to cry harder.
  They think you are ready for them to leave.
  “It is alright now, (Name).” It comes out surer when they repeat it. “That time of your life is over. I meant it; I want you in my life. So do my siblings and my parents. You are not unwanted or a problem to us. I do not…” They have to swallow, hard, because tears are threatening, and it won’t do you any good if they fall apart too.
  “I do not want you to ever feel that way again. If your mind tries to tell you any of those things, it is lying to you. You are better than to simply take being lied to, even by yourself. Do you understand what I am saying?”
  You nod against them, and your hand comes down to lay on top of their chest. Your fingers clutch the fabric of their shirt like they’re the only thing you can depend on right now.
  They let out a heavy sigh, their head falling to rest atop yours. Once there, they ghost gentle kisses over you. Hopefully they didn’t sound demanding or harsh… it just twists their stomach in knots to think that you suffered like you have.
  No one is perfect. They know that from personal experience.
  But you were crying out for help, and nobody came.
  The world failed you. People failed you. There were at least four adults who didn’t care what you needed, and several so-called ‘friends’ of yours who actively made things worse.
  They knew you weren’t lying when you said you had no one, that you felt alone and got used to being alone.
  Being there and seeing, feeling, firsthand what it did to you was different than hearing you talk about it.
  How can you still have any kind of faith in anyone after everyone who should have helped you just ignored you?
  “Hey, flower child, do you normally talk to the foliage like it’s a person? You know plants can’t drink, right? They don’t have mouths. The fuck is Chara teaching you?”
  Though you flinch slightly at the abrupt voice, it registers immediately as Flowey, so you don’t startle like you might have a few months ago. You’ve gotten fairly used to his presence by now, especially for the fact like he likes to pop up when you and Chara are working in the Dreemurrs’ back garden.
  You look over from the hellebore just in time to see him disappear and sprout back up only a few feet from you. “Hi, Flowey. Coming to visit your harem?”
  He scoffs. “Eat shit, (Name)! The crappy flower harem anime’s been canceled. I’m committed to Clementine now.”
  “… Clementine??”
  “A-duh! The blue clematis in my room? She’s better than a million daisies. Ya know, with all this talk about marriage and Goddamn spring fever and shit, I’m thinking maybe I’m ready to take the plunge. Tie the knot. Weigh myself down with the old ball and chain.”
  For a second you wonder if he’s delusional, or if that clematis actually is like… his girlfriend. He’s technically a plant, and Chara’s told you that plants are able to communicate with each other in weird ways that don’t involve speech. With the addition of magic, it’s not a huge leap to think he could talk to it ― uh, her?
  Of course, it’s infinitely more likely that Flowey is just trolling. As usual. “Enough of you sticking your nose in my personal life! Where’s my pain-in-the-ass, other-half brother?”
  “Asriel? Um, in the office. He and Frisk had some extra paperwork to do.”
  “Uuuuugh. He’s never fucking around when I need him!”
  “W-well, Asriel doesn’t usually fuck around, I dunno if you should be surprised…”
  “Oh, my GOD! SHUT UP! I’m done with you and Frisk and Mom and all your shitty puns!! If I hear one more, ‘Hi, Hungry, I am Mom’, I’m gonna lose it!”
  You reach over to pet the top of his petals. “Can’t lose what you never had, hehe.”
  “Fuck off! Okay, so if those two yokels aren’t home, then where’s Chara? You’ve always got tabs on them, at least.”
  “O-oh, I do not.” Just for that crack, you pull your hand away to pretend resuming your attention toward the hellebore instead. “Just to prove that, um… I have no idea where they are right now.”
  Flowey makes a show of flopping himself back into the dirt. “Godddd, why are all my siblings so useless?!”
  Flowey rolls his eyes. “Cut the weak-ass manipulation attempts, sugarbee. When it comes to me, you know you can’t play ball. Now, Chara’s told us all a little about it. No damn details. But I know they’ve shown you memories of what life was like in that village, because I was there that one time, and they told Azzy you saw stuff they don’t talk about. So. What. Did. They. Do. For. Show. And. Tell?!”
  You frown. Although you don’t know that he’s going to use the information for anything sinister, telling him anything you’ve seen that he doesn’t already know would be a betrayal of Chara’s trust. You’re not going to do that. They haven’t told their family about any of it for a reason. “I… I can’t tell you that, Flowey! Why do you think they don’t talk about it? They’re not, um, ready to talk to you guys about it…”
  “Are you kidding me?! Over fifteen living years they’ve known us, we’re family, and they’re ‘not ready’, but they’re ready to talk to someone they haven’t even known a whole year?! Fuck! You’d think they didn’t love us!”
  Oh. Maybe that’s what this is about… Flowey feels like Chara’s reluctance to talk about their past means they don’t love or trust their family. From experience you know that isn’t true at all. They love their family more than anything else and would literally, well and truly, die for any of their parents or siblings.
  You do, however, know what that feeling is like. It hit you every time you tried to get Chara to open up even a little before things got complicated. And the only reason, you think, they’re sharing with you is because things got complicated. Without that, you’d probably be just as in the dark about their past as Flowey.
  Flowey gives an exaggerated groan and launches himself out of your lap. “You two are making me sick, oh, my God! What is this nonsense, Chara? Beginning of November you ran away at the thought of kissing her, now you can’t keep your hands off each other? You’re a mess, dude!”
  “Ugh, stop that.” Chara visibly recoils. “Frisk may not mind that term, but how many times have I told you I prefer not to be called, ugh, ‘dude’? Or ‘chick’, for that matter. They are both disgustingly informal.”
  “Okay, then, whatcha wanna be called? Your Highness? My liege? Their Majesty? Take your pick, you stuffy little brat!”
  “Hmm… you know, any of those would work just fine. I am still technically a princex, after all. And they are all much more preferable to ‘dude’ or ‘chick’. If you like, instead of any of that, you may simply call me by ― gasp ― my name.”
  “God, you guys both suck! I’m outta here!” He disappears into the ground, then pops back up a second later. “Ooh, oh, (Name), so do we have a deal or what? I guess I’ll owe you, but only if you don’t ask for anything super dumb!”
  You giggle, shifting around now that you no longer have a giant flower monster in your lap. “I’ll, um, I’ll think about it and let you know soon, okay?”
  “Fine, but you better not take too long!” He points a leaf at you, then Chara. “Now, you two take your alone time and shove it! I’m gonna go decompress with Clementine!”
  With that, he’s once more gone like a thief in the night.
  You turn to Chara, and within seconds you’re both laughing. Chara laughs so hard they have to pull their handkerchief out of their pocket to wipe their eyes. “Haha, my goodness! What kind of deal are you making with him, anyway? I do not think I need to warn you that making deals with Flowey requires quite a bit of caution.”
  “Y-yeah, I know that,” you hum. Although you don’t want to lie to them, Flowey needs this to be a surprise, and you want to preserve that. Maybe you can tell them without telling them? “He’s… trying to get your birthday present mapped out, and he, um, asked for my help. For some reason, he thinks my CHECK will be a big assist in… like, you know, finding just the right thing.”
  There! That’s not lying, is it? Flowey did ask for help getting a gift for Chara’s birthday, and he does think your CHECK will be useful for that.
  You think you’d pass a polygraph test, at least. You didn’t tell them details, but you also didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.
  “Is that all? He is willing to owe you over something that small?” They laugh again, reaching to smooth out the soil around the hellebore’s stems. “My birthday is September 9th. Does he truly want to get it ready this early? All that will happen is that he will misplace the gift. One year, I received a box of staples from him on my birthday, then when he finally found the actual gift, he gave me gardening gloves for Halloween. You do not know how disappointed I was that he did not give me chocolate.”
  They sigh, brushing a kiss over your head. “With any luck, but do not fret about it. And I do mean it; if you are ever so inclined, you may CONFIDE in me again, haha. Your magic was… mh, well, an intoxicating sensation.”
  “Aw, you think? I… guess I’m mostly used to it by now a-and it just feels normal to me.” You let your thumb run gingerly over their thigh, back and forth, like you sometimes do when you hold their hand. “Um, hey. About that first time I used CONFIDE with you…”
  “Aah, yes? I should apologize again for that ― I fear I stayed a bit too long and exhausted you.”
  You shake your head. “Oh, no, you don’t have to be sorry about that! I… I didn’t mind. I got to fall asleep in your arms once it was over,” you giggle. “It’s just, um… I wanted to apologize, actually.”
  Their eyes go a bit wide, though their smile doesn’t fade. “You want to apologize to me for that? Ahahaha, why, may I ask?”
  “W-well, I know I got really emotional in there… unlike that EMPATHIZE session we had on Valentine’s Day, I, um, didn’t really have a plan about what memory I wanted to show you. It… just sorta happened. And Flowey said it… m-made you really mad… to see me hurting like that.”
  After all, while you know you aren’t responsible for anyone else’s emotions, the last thing you ever want to do is cause Chara any stress, and anger is stressful. That seems to be their default emotion when something is upsetting to them. Maybe because it’s easier and more satisfying than sadness or fear or pain.
  On the other hand, when they hurt, you don’t get furious. You’re angry that they’re in pain, sure, but you feel sad for them more than anything.
  You see how they try to cover their anger up, even when everyone knows it’s there. They staple on a smile that’s fake at least half the time. They laugh to cope with whatever unpleasantness is rearing its ugly head. They pose diversions or bluntly say they don’t want to talk about it. Even while their anger is boiling their insides alive, they keep a lid very tightly on it. So they don’t lose control.
  Maybe that’s why they’re almost underweight, huh?
  They spend a lot of effort not only on being angry to avoid feeling sad or afraid or hurt, but on trying to hide their anger itself.
  Being so angry so often must take up a lot of energy.
  All the chocolate in the world couldn’t fuel their anger well enough to keep it from burning up practically every calorie they eat.
  This is killing them in more ways than one, isn’t it?
  Of course, pretending you’re not still angry about pieces of your own pain hasn’t done you any favors, either. You and Chara have gone in equal, opposite, parallel directions with your trauma.
  You hope that means the two of you can help each other find a balance when it comes to anger. God knows they need to be less angry, and you perhaps need to be a tiny bit more angry sometimes.
  Before they can finish their sentence, the door suddenly bursts open. In comes Asriel first, with his reading glasses propped up in his horns, then Frisk following along behind him. “Mooooom! Frisk and I are home! I’m really sorry we stayed at the office so long!”
  “Well, it is about time, my children! Young man and young enby, are you two aware you are late for dinner?” Boy, she says that like it’s some sort of war crime. It’s the same voice parents use when they find out you have an F on your report card, and it strikes fear into your heart.
  “Go easy on us, Mommyyyyyy,” Frisk whines… as they proceed to literally flop down into your and Chara’s laps. They seem entirely nonplussed about cuddling against you both, even undeterred by the squeaks they get from the two of you. Whatever else is true, they do look incredibly devoid of their typical energy. “There was so much paperwork… oh, my God, my hands are cramped from typing… I can barely move my little baby wrists… I think I’m dead…”
  “Aww, Frisk!” You’re not willing to move away from Chara entirely, but you do gently disentangle your hand from theirs atop their thigh so you can stroke your friend’s hair. “P-poor thing, did mean, old Asriel overwork you?”
  “Heyyy, (Name)! Betrayal! Mean, old Asriel overworked himself, too!”
  “Oh, God… so it’s worse than I thought. Toriel!! I-I can confirm it ― they’re both dead! You can’t deny them pie, I think that’s the only thing that’ll save them!”
  Frisk moans not unlike a starved, desperate zombie, “Pieeeeeeeee…”
  Asriel’s response is to snort and lean over the couch to get a hug from Chara, then voice what you’re thinking. “Frisk, dude, you sound like a zombie.”
  “Ah, well, zombies only eat brains, do they not?” Chara smirks. “At least you and (Name) are safe, brother.”
  You give them a poke to their stomach, which earns you another squeak from them. “Y-you, on the other hand, better get running.”
  Neither of you get to say a word, because a commanding, “Ahem!” from the kitchen doorway gets your collective focus. There’s Toriel with a spatula in one hand and the other curled into a fist on her hip.
  “Oh, have I got your attention now?” She’s still smiling, indicating that she’s mostly teasing you all. “For you children to play around while dinner gets cold is unacceptable, especially since two of you are already late.” She points her spatula at each of you in turn. “Asriel, go get your father from the garden so he can wash up. Frisk, go take an aspirin for your hands. Chara and (Name), would you two mind setting the table?”
  Asriel huffs, though he heads toward the back door anyway. “Why do they get asked while me and Frisk get bossed around?”
  Toriel raises an eyebrow at her son, regarding him with a cool expression. “They were not late for dinner.”
  Chara looks stunning, so no surprise there. They’re wearing that black suit they mentioned, perfectly tailored to their body, and if Chilleen thinks you look sharp, well, has she seen them? It suits them (PUN INTENDED!) way more than it does you. The sleeves are fitted well, your eye easily follows the seam line of their trousers up their legs, and they’ve got a pair of strappy silver heels on. They look so put-together, so refined, with a plain stainless steel ring on one finger and a pale blue handkerchief (or, is it a pocket square??) tucked into their breast pocket and a layer of deep red lipstick.
  And their nose in a book, as usual, while Asriel chats to whoever’s on the other side of him.
  You lower yourself into the chair beside Chara, then reach over to playfully, slowly pull their book down into their lap. “Heya, handsome. Reading anything good?”
  They blink owlishly at you several times, almost like they can’t believe you just did that. Something in their eyes looks amused, though. “Well, no, not anymore, haha.” They dog-ear the page before letting their hands close the book… and immediately press a kiss to your cheek. As if they would rather focus on you. “I prefer this view, actually. Greetings, my dear. How has your morning been?”
  “Ah, please.” Their eyes roll up to the ceiling. “Even though none of us are actually working today, he is still in king mode. He is unbearably social, and I believe I would just make things worse for him. Do you remember the coronation party? I am terrible in these kinds of settings.”
  Honestly, Asriel’s coronation feels like a million years ago; how long has he been king for? Ten months? Not even a full year, though pretty close. That you’ve known Chara for coming up on a year is kind of exciting to you.
  “I do remember it,” you say softly. “A-and you may say that, but… you were still interesting to me even back then. After the party, I know I, um, thought about you a lot. I can remember looking at you and thinking…”
  “Haha, you must have been thinking, ‘I wish I had not ended up standing next to this misanthropic bastard’, were you not?”
  You give them the most exasperated look you can muster, followed by a squeeze to their hand. “N-no! Oh, my God. I was thinking, ‘Wow, look at them, they’re so fucking out of my league’.”
  God, the way pink blossoms over their face is the most gorgeous image. That’s one of your absolute favorite things in life. Along with jumping to high-five Frisk and getting flour flicked onto your cheek when you cook with Toriel and burning your tongue when you drink tea with Asgore and seeing Asriel pretend-wince when you get into an elbowing war with him, one of the best things is watching Chara blush.
  “Ahahahah… do not pull my leg. I was awful to you! The way I treated you was not ‘out of someone’s league’, that is called ‘hideously unapproachable’, haha.”
  “Mmmm. Definitely not hideous…”
  “Are you attempting a world record today for how many times you can make me blush within the span of twenty-four hours?”
  “Huh, maybe? I-I mean, I like it when you blush, so…”
  They snort in a way that prompts them to almost smack a hand over their mouth. In the most elegant way, of course. “So you have said on more than one occasion! This means you are actively manipulating my reactions! Have you no shame?”
  You purse your lips for a moment as if in thought… and lift their hand up so you can kiss their knuckles. “Ummm. I guess not.”
  “Oh, my God… what are you even…” With their book balanced on their lap, their other hand lifts up and tries to cover their face completely. Even then, they can’t hide the deepening blush creeping past their cheeks. “Is it possible for one to develop heatstroke from the high temperature of a blush? Because if it is, I am blaming you.”
  You grin and kiss their hand again. “Aww, what… h-haven’t had enough of me visiting you in the hospital?”
  Their fingers tighten around yours, like they’re fighting for control of the gesture. “Did I not tell you something about low blows not three weeks ago?” They’re laughing, though, and not in the way they do when something upsetting is going on. “However, I suppose I should be grateful you can joke about it, should I not? I recall you being quite angry that I did not apologize to myself during that particular conversation.”
  … Oh. Were you angry? You can remember not necessarily being happy, but if they think you were angry, they’re the expert on anger. “I… I was? Well…”
  “You were.” Their voice lowers, presumably so anyone close doesn’t hear. They don’t like talking about this kind of thing, especially in public, you’ve noticed. They’ve only just worked up to being romantic with you around other people. “I am not such a fool as to have no idea why you were angry. Regardless, I am glad it has not left an indelible mark on you such that neither of us can laugh about it.”
  They tug their hand away from you, except they bring your hand with theirs, and press a kiss to the back of it. “They do say laughter is the best medicine, correct? It is how I personally cope with most things, so I am glad you are able to make use of humor as well.”
  Although it could be simply that they speak very properly, and you know this by now, the word they used, ‘cope’, that’s a very specific word. Not many people would use it outside of certain contexts.
  You think they must know the way they handle things isn’t always 100% healthy.
  It’s certainly not something you can talk about right now, though. Too heavy a discussion for a day like this. Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket.
  Your gaze shifts over to Chara, not least of all because they’ve set their hand over yours now that you’ve sat down. “Chara… are we… I mean… do you… d-do you wanna dance now, or… or later…?” You curl your fingers around theirs. God, you promised yourself and them that you wouldn’t put labels on this right away. That you didn’t have to jump into a relationship. Even if you’ve thought about it…
  Your bond with them has deepened since then, hasn’t it?
  It’s not like you can help the way you see them. The way you want to be with them, even if you’re taking it slow.
  You didn’t push. You just asked a question. You didn’t do anything wrong.
  Plus, it’s been five months since the two of you plainly confessed your feelings to each other and agreed to explore those feelings. Thinking of putting a label on this after five months isn’t necessarily ‘right away’.
  And besides, they don’t seem angry.
  “They did say ‘special someones’,” Chara hums. In a rare twist, it’s them getting up first and pulling you to your feet. Their eyes offer you a mischievous sparkle. “You are indeed a very special someone. Am I also a special someone?”
  You don’t think you’ve ever moved toward them so fast in your life.
  Chara’s fingers mimic your earlier movement on their back, tapping against the base of your neck. “Well, that is awfully easy to answer. (Name), come now, you are an intelligent woman. Of course, if you… ahem.” They pause to clear their throat, blushing a bit harder. Seems they can’t meet your eyes either, because they suddenly find the floor super interesting. “If you were my girlfriend, then I would be your…”
  They stop short, eyes widening as they look back up toward you. “… Oh. Ah. Hm. I see the problem.”
  “I-I just don’t know what word to use, is all.” God, this whole topic is just making the two of you all flustered. Although it’s not like you didn’t expect there to be challenges in dating someone like Chara (they literally said so themself, after all), it’s one thing to realize that and another to go right up against those things.
  That said, you’re a little relieved that one of your biggest challenges is what you might call them if the two of you were an item.
  “Like,” you try to clarify, “how I would, um, introduce you to other people, you know? This is my ‘blank’, Chara. I know Frisk uses ‘lover’, but…”
  They shake their head. “Oh, no, no. I do not think I would like that one for myself. Frisk is very much a lover in the sense that they simply… love, without a lot of difficulty. They fall in love quickly, they love effortlessly, and that is… not how I think of myself.”
  You give them a nod as best you can without looking directly at them. “Yeah… that makes sense, I guess. How about, um… y-you like formal things, so… I dunno, ‘significant other’?”
  “Aah, that is… quite a mouthful, though.”
  You laugh. They’re worried about their label in a romance being a mouthful? With the loquacious way they speak? “I… yeah, kinda, but if that’s what you’d wanna be called, I-I’d use it.”
  “No, no, no… that is too, mmh ― clinical.” When you manage to look over at them, they’re giving that smiley-pout they do sometimes. Cute. “I must confess, I should be more knowledgeable about gender-neutral terms… but in a romantic context, I have never truly had much need for them. Surely there must be more than those two? How about, ah… ‘paramour’?”
  Though with that, they almost immediately wrinkle their nose in uncertainty. “Oh, God, no. It sounded lovely in my head, but out loud… it is much too Victorian even for my tastes. Hmm. Do you know any other ones?”
  While you continue to sway with them in your arms, you rack your brain for any other descriptions you know that aren’t gender-specific or anything. “Ummm… I know people use ‘spouse’, but that’s, like, kinda for… married people.”
  “Ahaha… yes, well, that is true. Although Asriel called me as such in one of his jokes during Gyftmas… he was drunk. We give drunk Asriel words no weight.”
  “Pff… p-probably a good idea.” You play with their hair for another several seconds, then as soon as a new possibility hits you, you slide your hand to their cheek in an attempt to return their gaze to you. “Hey, wait… what about ‘partner’?”
  The gesture works, because their attention is back on you in a heartbeat. They’re all wide eyes and curious smile. “Oh, hm… ‘partner’. That one is… not bad. I like it better than the other options. After all, what is a romantic relationship ― or any relationship ― but a team effort? I believe ‘partner’ is what I would prefer to be called.”
  Between you all that exists for a moment after that is the melody, with both of you filling the rest of the space with silence. You know they’re smart enough to recognize subtext, and you think that like usual, you’ll need to be the bold one It’s only fair since you brought it up.
  However, in a twist, just as you’re getting ready to open your mouth, Chara speaks up softly.
  “(Name)… this is not just a hypothetical conversation… is it?”
  Before you can reply to that ― though you’d hope the wistful look on your face speaks for itself ― suddenly the two of you are bombarded by Asriel, Frisk, Serena, and Wen. Despite that you aren’t overly familiar with Frisk’s lovers, you’re glad the two of them press in against you rather than Chara.
  “Look at these two lovebirds,” Asriel hums.
  Frisk giggles. “Yeah, so lost in each other’s eyes, it’s like… they’re the only people in the room!”
  “Like something out of a romance movie,” Wen chuckles.
  Serena props her elbow up on your head. “Should I tell them or someone else wanna do the honors?”
  It really only took a second of Asriel leaning in before Chara started smacking at his hands. If you’re not mistaken, the blush on their cheeks creeps out to fill the rest of their face in an instant. “Asriel! Frisk! Serena! Wen! May we help you or are you willfully antagonizing us for exactly no reason at all?”
  “If we didn’t do that sometimes, we wouldn’t be your siblings,” Asriel grins. “You guys are distracted and probably didn’t notice, but the reception’s over. Everybody did one final pass to, y’know, hug and congratulate the happy couple, and now the royal family and their significant others are gonna lead them out to their cute little ‘Just Married’ limo.”
  Frisk drapes themself over Chara’s shoulder. “And, (Naaaaaame), you get to join us! Even though you and Chara aren’t official, you’re totally close enough, so c’mon!”
  It’s hard to argue when Serena and Wen are already tugging you to your feet, and Chara’s already up on theirs. You give Chara a pleading look, to which they offer a fake-exasperated eye roll and a nod, so you shift your eyes to Frisk. “Well, Frisk, actually…”
  Immediately Frisk’s face lights up, and they can’t seem to decide whether to look at you, Chara, Asriel, or their partners. “Wait, you mean―? Oh, my God! Azzy! Our little Chara has a girlfriend!”
  “Excuse me, Frisk, what do you mean, ‘little’? In case you need to be reminded, I am older than both of you!”
  “Ooooooh, yeah? Maybe your growth spurts didn’t get that memo. But this is so exciting… Serena, Wen, do you guys have any more tissues? I’m gonna cry again!!”
  “Chara!” You’re on your knees in an instant, as close as you think they’ll let you. “Chara, hey, hey, I’m here. Talk to me, okay?”
  It sounds hard for them to speak, because what they manage to choke out is a raspy, “I-I saw him…! It was him, (Name)… he was so close… he is here…” More tears drip down their cheeks, landing on your hands as you reach for them. “I thought I was never going to s-see him again! But he’s here!”
  They don’t fight you when you get nearer and pull them in, burying their face in your chest. The way they cling to you, it feels like they want to shut the whole world out. “I have been away for him for fifteen years being alive, nineteen being dead, and he is still hurting me!”
  “Chara… f-fuck…” You hold them as close as you can without worrying that you’re going to break them. You can feel how much they’re struggling to breathe, and if they don’t calm down, you think they’re going to pass out right here in your arms.
  Their tears dampen your clothes and skin, pressed in against you like they are. Their whole body is shaking, breaths scraping their throat as the air forces its way in through sharp, desperate gasps.
  “I cannot do this,” they wail. When you put a hand in their hair, your fingertips come away bloody. They’re so anxious and in pain that they’re hurting themself more. Their panic has risen so much it’s preventing them from getting a normal breath in. “I-I cannot calm down!” They look up at you with this horrible, begging look in their eyes. “Help me, (Name)… p-please… please help me…!”
  “Please!” they sob as they try in vain to wrench themself free. They’re only a little shorter than he is, as an adult, and perhaps fifty pounds lighter, but you know by now that appearance in the memories means nothing. Everything you’re seeing, with regard to him, happened when they were a child. Of course they don’t stand a chance against him.
  “I will be better!” Though you don’t think they started out crying, tears are rolling down their face now. “Please, Daddy! I do not want to go down there! I am sorry! I will not do it again! I will be good! I promise!”
  His face stands out more now. It’s almost similar to their face ― soft curves, without a lot of angles, looking younger than he likely is. His hair is a slightly lighter brown than theirs, and falls well past his shoulders. If you saw him on the street, you wouldn’t give him another glance. He looks normal.
  Just like Chara’s clothing, his is all white. And you can see now that his clothing is a robe, with a hood attached that he doesn’t have over his head.
  The black cloud of his aura moves through you again. Bile rises in your throat, and you swallow it back. It’s not as bad as it was when you were around him back in the physical world, at least, meaning it doesn’t stop you from moving.
  You know what you did wrong this time.
  It wasn’t a huge transgression. And an apology should lessen the punishment.
  But he’s not listening.
  He doesn’t want your apology; but what else could you do to make him stop?
  As he drags Chara to an ominous-looking door, you realize that this isn’t the house you’ve seen in their previous cult memories. It’s some sort of abstract space in their mind, somewhere you can’t escape from by running to another room.
  He’s stone-faced opening the door. His voice is just as soft as you remember, just as disturbing. “I’m sorry, too, Chara. Do you think I want to do this? It’s the only way you’ll learn. You don’t want to go down here? Then you will try harder to manifest your magic next time, and you will not talk back to me.”
  “No! No, please, please, please!” Their screaming is breaking your heart. Even more than that, they actually try to run.
  They manage to break away from their father, only to get three steps before he picks them up. He’s not messing with just their arm anymore; he takes them in his arms and holds an arm taut across their chest, the other grabbing their legs to prevent their kicking.
  You think they may have been a little older when this happened, maybe seven or eight, simply because they’re trying to fight back rather than just accept that it’s going to happen.
  Or maybe they’re younger, meaning they haven’t yet learned what kinds of horrible things happen when they do fight back.
  Either way, much as they try, the cult leader still has them restrained. He’s bigger and stronger than they are and their effort means nothing to someone like him.
  “Daddy!! No! No, no, please, Daddy, no! Please, please―!”
  With one fluid motion, he opens the door, throws his child inside, and slams it shut.
  He vanishes immediately, leaving you to stare in horror at the spot where he dissipated. You whirl around to face the door before attempting to open it. The knob won’t budge, though, so you start to pound on it.
  Your fists beat with all the strength you can muster, so hard and fast your hands might be bruised when you go back to the real world. Tears sting your eyes, your entire being overcome with a cold dread. “Chara! CHARA!”
  “H-help me! Please!” Their voice is muffled by the door. It sounds a million miles away, and it’s devolved into the voice you remember from their child self. “Help me! It’s s-so dark in here! I’m scared! Please, please, help me! Please!”
  … But you can’t.
  You frown when you get the delayed taste of the water Chara drank. It coats your mouth, bitter… bitter and sweet, like an artificial bubblegum flavoring covering something else.
  Water shouldn’t have any taste, especially a taste like this.
  It tastes like… weak medicine.
  A glimpse into the glass tells you all you need to know, with a faint pink film clinging to the bottom and sides of it. Like there was something mixed into it that tinted and thickened the water.
  … Like maybe a liquid antihistamine. Like maybe the kind which has MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS on the warning label.
  Before your eyes, Chara practically collapses onto the table, arms splayed out in front of them, their cheek laying there as they face you. “Oh, God,” they murmur. Their eyes flutter, as if they’re trying to do battle with the sudden fatigue. “I want to take a nap.”
  You set a hand on their back, and in response they give you a sort of hum-sigh. “Will you nap with me?” They look so tired, but they do have a smile now. “I think it would be better to sleep with someone else than by myself. Daddy is gone, so I am all alone… and so sleepy…”
  “I-I dunno if I can nap with you… but… but I’ll stay. You’re not alone, okay? I’m here.” You try to keep your voice soft. It’s not easy; all you want to do is cry and scream about how unfair this is.
  What, were they not defenseless enough for him by virtue of being a child?
  He was capable of picking them up and locking them in a closet, yet he had to make them even more vulnerable by drugging them?
  He told them before they couldn’t have medicine, when they were so sick they couldn’t breathe from coughing.
  Now in this memory, when they didn’t need it, he slipped it to them so they would fall asleep.
  You are so much easier to control this way.
  You rub their back, and with every stroke they fade more and more back into a child. This time it shocks you how small they are. When did this memory happen? They couldn’t have been more than five, maybe six, in the memory where he denied them medicine.
  You don’t think they can’t be more than three or four in this one.
  Tears pool at the bottoms of your eyes as you take them in your arms. They’re practically dead weight now, almost fully asleep, slipping their tiny arms around your neck.
  Why would someone do this to an innocent child?
  How could anyone do this to an innocent child?
  They’re just a little thing. Too small. Fragile.
  Forget the morals of giving a child (or anyone under your care) medicine they don’t need just so you don’t have to take care of them.
  Medication is dangerous, even non-prescription medication, as you saw from Chara’s overdose on cold medicine that they presumably bought over the counter.
  If he’d given them too much of this medication, whether accidentally or on purpose, he could have killed them.
  Carrying them feels like carrying a rock.
  The only things which break the pale pattern are the multitude of bruises which decorate their skin, everywhere except for their face. Even there on their chest.
  Those are the things you focus on, more than anything else. The bruises are in various stages of healing; some of them are fresh and red, some of them are amaranthine, black and blue, and some of them have drained away into sickly green and yellow.
  They’re everywhere. Along Chara’s ankles, their wrists, thighs and forearms and waist and shoulders. Most of them aren’t big and there aren’t enough to make you think they were struck multiple times, over and over and over. But it’s still too many.
  You note, with a nausea entirely unrelated to their father’s black aura, that many of them are fingerprint bruises… from being grabbed. The ones which aren’t fingerprint bruises are either longer, from being held and restrained, or big ones as if from single hits with a blunt object.
  Dear God, is the only thing your mind can come up with. What the fuck did he do to them?
  Poor Chara is trying to curl up into a ball, crying with only their voice and dried trails along both cheeks. Their breath shudders with every inhale, and they’re shivering violently. Every few seconds they tug at the chain that connects them to the bed. It’s in vain, of course.
  When you gingerly touch their other hand, they flinch and look over at you. You can feel their mind pressing against you, trying to keep you from seeing this ― yet so frantic in the need to calm down that they’re showing you everything that’s going through their mind, even things they might not really be ready to show you.
  Where is he? You’re so hungry.
  How long has it been?
  An intense hunger pang reverberates through you, and Chara whimpers in response to it, feeling the exact same thing.
  You have been so bad.
  You deserve this, don’t you?
  They’re staring at you with desperation in their eyes, pleading with you to do something. It makes you feel so useless, because you don’t know what to do. You don’t even fully understand what’s going on.
  “You do not have any food, do you?” they ask, and their voice is so feeble. They have circles under their eyes, chapped lips, and when another pang hits them, you don’t feel it as much as hear their stomach growling. Their face scrunches up in agony, the hunger crashing over them, relentlessly, as if it’s a series of waves pounding the shore of a beach. “I do not know when he is coming back…”
  A story that’s eerily familiar to another memory and just as terrible starts to unfold in your mind.
  Your CHECK is painting a picture for you. You hate what it’s telling you.
  If he left you to die of hunger or cold, maybe he was right to do so.
  You shouldn’t be alive in the first place, should you?
  That message mortifies you. Is that really how they were thinking, even back then? How old are they in this memory?
  You look over toward the door, then at Chara’s cuffed wrist. Maybe you can get that thing off…? They’re so thin, it might slip off with a little fiddling. “Is the door unlocked?”
  They shake their head. “N-no, I… I do not think so? H-he always locks it.”
  “I bet I could… get it open.” You move your hand down to the cuff and give it a tug. “Let’s… let’s try to get this off, a-and then we’ll go out and find you something to eat…”
  “N-n-no!” They try to pull their hand away. The chain attached to the headboard rattles almost in a sync with another shiver wracking their body. “No, no, no… if he finds me out of the room and eating from the kitchen, th-things will be even worse!” They sniffle, and aside from their crying, you notice that both their cheeks and their nose are bright red due to the cold.
  “This is m-my punishment… he knows best… I-I should listen and take it without complaint… e-even though it is uncomfortable… I m-m-must repent… without help…”
  ‘Uncomfortable’ would be sitting in a time-out chair for ten minutes, or losing dessert privileges for a few nights. And maybe as a real punishment, for something done wrong. You find it hard to believe that Chara did anything that warranted even an actual punishment, much less this.
  Humiliation, restraints, starvation, and hypothermia are not uncomfortable punishments or repentance for wrongs, they’re torture tactics.
  They ran away from all this eventually. Why are they so scared to try now? Now, when they’re in danger of freezing or starving to death?
  Because they’re scared of him? Scared of what other punishments he might give them?
  How much fucking worse could it get?!
  Are these the memories they think about when they think of him? The ones that make them feel helpless and terrified? This is what’s running through their mind after seeing him?
  Their need for control already made sense to you before.
  Seeing all the ways control was taken from them in their early childhood, you can’t imagine how the desire to never lose it again doesn’t consume their every waking moment.
  Maybe it does.
  Maybe seeing him, knowing that he’s still alive and being less than ten feet away from him, made them think he’s going to take away what little control they’ve managed to cling to.
  They lean in against you, clearly seeking comfort. “B-but… I know what I did wrong. I did not listen to him, and I tried t-to go outside while he was gone. Th-the village cannot tolerate my presence among them all… no one can… I-I am a curse. He has to k-keep me in here… I cannot be around o-other people, but I did not listen. I d-disobeyed him, and I must pray and r-repent and… and suffer to be forgiven…”
  When they press their face into your shoulder, you feel them shrink back into a child as you hold them. They’re swallowed up by your jacket, both hands trembling at the front to keep it closed. You don’t think they particularly enjoy being seen like this; you don’t blame them. This kind of vulnerability, especially with regards to their past, is difficult for them, and they are incredibly vulnerable right now.
  “I just don’t know why I must suffer in so many ways at once,” they cry. “Would one not be enough? And i-it’s been so long… when do I stop suffering? How do I know when it has been enough? Why d-does forgiveness require suffering, anyway? F-Father says this is how the gods want it to be… to s-suffer for forgiveness… but…”
  Their breath hitches, more tears dampening your shoulder. “H-how do I believe in and respect something like that? Gods are all-powerful, are they not? W-why do they need my suffering? What k-kind of God would not simply accept me saying a prayer that I’m sorry and know that I am?”
  You give their shoulder a careful rub, and run your fingers through their hair. They’re so little… is this perhaps why they have trouble gaining weight now? Because they weren’t always fed properly as a child? If this man starved them as punishment once, he did it more than once. It would make sense; people have difficulty growing even as adults if they aren’t well cared for during their formative years.
  It breaks your heart to think, but maybe Chara’s right. The cult leader has been out of their life for so long and he’s still hurting them. Even when they’re ready to try healing, some of these scars might never go away.
  Even though you don’t consider them weird or bad or think there’s really anything ‘wrong’ with them, they don’t have an easy time going about things with all this trauma on their shoulders. If life were a video game, their shitty excuse for a father has made sure they have to play it on hard mode.
  It makes you angry, more than anything.
  You are so selfish, and a heretic.
  Demon child.
  No wonder your mother killed herself after seeing what she brought into the world.
  “I know,” they sigh, pressing their face into your shoulder. “I am just… I am so scared. I am so scared, all the time, about so many things, but this…”
  They never truly thought this would happen.
  Much as they thought about it, worried about it, they didn’t think he would ever actually come back.
  “This is so bad,” they finish tearfully. “You felt it, did you not? The hatred in his heart? The incredible strength he possesses? We do not stand a chance against someone like him if he uses his full power! I do not want all the people I care about destroyed… but he could…”
  The atmosphere is still so heavy, blue and purple pulling you down, down, like a ball and chain tied to your ankle, so strong it feels inescapable. They feel like they can’t fight this, don’t they? Like they have no choice.
  Like they’re back to being a powerless child who can’t stop their father from doing anything ― hurting them, hurting others, leading a march of violence that will end with all monsters dead.
  “― Well, well, welly, well, well! Look who has to come save everyone’s asses! Or maybe it’s just you two.”
  Holy crap, you have never been so happy to hear that voice.
  When you look over toward one of the windows, Flowey is peeking in, clearly having grown his stem from the soil outside. “Chara! Oh, thank God, Flowey’s here!”
  Their brother is propping himself up on the window sill, tilting his head while looking in. “In the flesh, sugarbee! Or, y’know, whatever passes for flesh in a flower. Not usually the reaction I get, though. Guess you clowns must be desperate.”
  “Are you… quite finished?” Although their voice is a bit thready, Chara still manages to speak up. “I-is everyone alright outside?”
  A funny look flashes across Flowey’s face. “… Huh.” You think it’s been a while, if ever, since he’s heard Chara stammer like that. “Yeah, far as I can tell. The happy couple and their parents are locked up in the car, and everyone who did get hurt’s just about healed up.”
  Then his face changes again, to a chilling grin. “But, boy… is Azzy pissed.”
  “And you’re not?” you huff, pulling Chara closer against you. “Th-this shouldn’t have happened!”
  “Yeah, no, no, I don’t like it any more than you guys do! Sheesh. I have a heart, y’know.” Flowey drums his leaves against the windowsill. “This is just angrier than I’ve seen Azzy in a loooong time. He usually doesn’t have the heart for it. But he’s giving you a run for your money right now, Chara. Then again, you’re too busy being scared to be angry at the moment, huh?”
  They give him a hard, almost cold look. “Flowey, i-if you do not back off this subject right now… I will never forgive you.”
  He quickly spreads his leaves out the same way a person would spread their hands in a gesture of surrender. “Fuck, I’m shutting my big mouth! You’re so touchy. Fine… I’ll let Azzy know he can come in. He just wasn’t sure if you’d wanna see him right now, Chara.”
  “Of course I do,” they murmur. You can tell they’re still anxious and afraid and a million other things… but the fact that they’re speaking more normally is a good sign. Hopefully. They’re not just faking being okay; they’re trying very hard to calm down. “I just did not want him to see…”
  Flowey scoffs. “You know, you could tell us shit, Chara! You didn’t want any of us seeing whatever you showed (Name). How come only she gets to see it? You can’t show all of us? We’re your family, dumbass!”
  Chara’s face turns bright red, and the expression they give is the one that someone gives before they burst into angry tears. “J-just send Asriel and leave, please,” is all they say.
  “… Whatever,” Flowey hisses. Although he looked stunned and almost hurt for a second, he’s focusing that into anger instead of anything else. Maybe because he knows that no matter what he says, Chara isn’t going to show him anything they showed you. Maybe because he knows he can’t express that he’s hurt without being hurtful himself.
  Either way… “Your favorite brother will be here in like half a second, I’m sure! Enjoy your pity party of two, and if you ever decide you do wanna talk, don’t be surprised when I don’t listen!”
  “Flowey!” For once, your voice is firm, your hand pressing against your partner’s head. “I know you’re mad, but that’s enough right now. Try again later.”
  He gives you an absolutely wicked look before pulling himself off the window and falling down, probably to disappear back into the dirt.
  With that you turn your attention back to Chara, cradling them against your chest. “It’s okay, Chara… Asriel’s coming.”
  “Th… that was so horrible of me.” The anxiety has caught back up with them, it seems. They’ve started to cry again, though thankfully it lacks the wild, hyperventilating quality it had when you first found them. “W-why did I do that? Why did I tell him to leave?”
  “B-because he started to get mean,” you assure them gently. “He was trying to… make you talk about stuff you’re… you’re not ready to talk about.”
  “But he has a point.” Their hands are curled up into fists against their chest, and they make a feeble attempt to push against your chest. As if they already know they don’t want to leave, however, it’s nowhere near strong enough to extricate themself. “I have shared so many things with you that I swore I… I would never tell anyone. And if I shared them with anyone… should it not b-be my family first?”
  “(Name)…” Chara mumbles. “I do not w-want to talk about… anything you saw. Not… not now.” From this angle, you can see big tears welling up in their eyes. “I cannot take it. I am a-ashamed that you saw those things.”
  They shouldn’t be.
  That’s so sad.
  Their father hurt them so badly, and they shouldn’t feel ashamed to have someone know how much pain they’re holding inside.
  They aren’t the one who did anything wrong.
  God, if only you could hold them any closer. “We don’t have to talk about it now.” You keep your voice quiet. “But let me just… say one thing, okay? You remember when… when you said you were glad you saw the stuff I showed you? E-even though you didn’t like what I went through?”
  “I’m glad I saw all the stuff I did just now.” You can hear footsteps coming down the hall, gentle but urgent. Good. Here comes my best friend. “You shouldn’t… have to hide it, like… like, you shouldn’t have to walk around keeping all this inside a-and it keeps hurting you because you feel like you can’t tell anyone and…”
  You still have a hand on their head, so you carefully guide them to rest against your neck. To their part, they seem overwhelmingly fine with that.
  “… He’s the one who should be ashamed, Chara. You are not what he did to you.” Fuck. You wish there was some way you could engrave that onto their entire being.
  Maybe if you say it enough times, it will stay with them.
  It feels like they fall apart in your arms again, letting out a shuddering breath. “(Name), please…”
  He’s just as worked up as everyone else, even though he’s clearly trying hard to appear calm and in control. “Hey, (Name), you doing okay?”
  “Y… yeah, I think so.” You’re not sure. He doesn’t need to hear that, though. You’re starting to feel a bit less anxious, so that’s enough. “What about you?”
  With your eyes closed, focusing on the energy of his SOUL, you can kind of get a feel for how he’s doing. Like everybody, he’s doing his best not to freak out. He sighs, however, a puff of air on the side of your head as he pulls away a little. “I’m… dealing. Thanks for everything; you’re a big help in all the chaos.”
  You give him a gentle squeeze in return. “How’s everybody else? Fuku and Grillby are okay, right? And everyone that got hit by the attack?”
  “Ah, yeah… I think Fuku’s a little shaken up, but everybody’s gonna be fine. That attack… man…” He shakes his head, drawing his arms away from you. “It was water, so it would have extinguished Fuku and Grillby’s flames… but it was hot water. If the whole attack had gotten dumped on Chilleen… it would have melted her the same way it would have extinguished Fuku or Grillby. And it was enough to give the rest of us burns. Not to mention…” A clawed hand runs down his face as he lets out a deep breath. “Dumb question, but remember when you got shot?”
  Almost as if on cue, your shoulder aches a bit. Even though the injury happened six months ago and has been fully healed for at least three, it still acts up sometimes. “Y… yeah.”
  He rubs a hand over his forehead. “Remember when you woke up in the hospital, and I told you that whoever fired the shot used magic that repelled healing? That water attack… it did the same thing. Mom, Dad, and I had to work hard to get everyone healed. We might have done it, but the pain’s still kinda here despite that there’s no more actual physical injuries. This guy did his homework and thought of every detail.”
  You sort of understood the information earlier, when you came face to face with the cult leader and inside Chara’s mind. Now that all the anxiety is coming down and Asriel is spelling it out like that, it hits you like a truck.
  Their father is the same one who launched the attack on the press conference. He’s the one who tried to kill Asriel and ended up shooting you.
  More tears well up in your eyes. You feel so guilty. If that man had wanted to kidnap Chara, he would have easily been able to do it while you were incapacitated by his LOVE.
  You don’t understand how no one else could feel it. Didn’t everyone tell you before that humans who can do full magic like you are super susceptible to violent intent? Why couldn’t Frisk feel it too? They’re even more powerful than you are.
  “Chara wouldn’t have been able to… since they’re not capable of magic.” Asriel sighs, leaning back on the couch. “And Frisk… Frisk’s never been able to feel that stuff before being attacked. Any attack by someone with a high LV would hurt them more than it would another human without magic, but… they can’t tell who has a high LV. They could while they had CHECK as a side power in the Underground… not anymore, though.”
  He rubs a hand over his face, and suddenly, he doesn’t look like the youngest Dreemurr sibling anymore. If you didn’t know any of their ages, you’d think he was the oldest. “It might be something to do with your magic. Or this specific guy. I… I don’t know, (Name).” When he moves his hand down, you notice that he looks overwhelmed.
  He’s had to deal with a lot in the last year. His first press conference ending in an assassination attempt, where he or his siblings could have been killed and you ended up getting hurt. Chara’s accidental overdose and suicide watch. And now this, a concerted effort at killing a wedding full of monsters and humans, many of whom he’s close to.
  Not only all that, there’s the day-to-day stress of being king of monsterkind, having the whole weight of an entire community on his shoulders.
  No wonder he’s two energy drink withdrawals away from cracking under the pressure and sobbing about how everything’s gone to hell since he became king.
  “I don’t know anything. I don’t have all the answers.” His voice falters with the admission as he pushes himself to straighten up. “I wish I did, I pretend like I do, but I don’t. I don’t know how to keep my people safe, I don’t know how to get my big sibling to talk to us about stuff that’s hurting them, I… I don’t…”
  With that, he buries his face in his hands. “I don’t know how to be a good little brother, or a good friend, or a good king.” When he tries to breathe, his whole self shudders. You can feel his SOUL this close, glittering like a rainbow prism like you always see it… but in the worst way possible. It’s erratic, too manic, like he just can’t calm down.
  Like he’s trying to be too many things for too many people, and just like Chara, he hasn’t let anyone know how much he’s struggling.
  “Dad said it would get easier,” he sniffles, “but instead, everything just keeps getting harder. I act like I’ve got everything together, but, I’m a mess. I… I’m so afraid, (Name).”
  It hits them like a truck.
  They knew Asriel was a crybaby as a child… they teased him about it, even. They may have even manipulated that trait of his. (To their great regret, obviously.)
  Ever since the two of them grew up, however, they can count on one hand the times they’ve seen him cry. They haven’t witnessed a single tear or crack in his resolve since he became king.
  It sounds as if it’s been taking its toll more than anyone realized… simply because he was holding it all inside. Because he didn’t want any of them to know just how bad it had gotten.
  Something twists inside Chara’s chest when they see you reach over to hug Asriel, and when they see the way that their baby brother crumples into your touch. Not only does it remind them of the way they themself act when you comfort them, it also kicks their protective instincts into overdrive even though they’re exhausted.
  They’re the oldest for a reason, aren’t they? It shouldn’t fall to you to comfort everyone, especially when Chara knows you’ve overworked yourself. Even if you want to.
  This day has been a challenge for everyone. Chara feels like their worst nightmare is coming into being. Their biggest fear transitioning from a silly thing that could never happen to something tangible that’s come right to their doorstep.
  Maybe bad things are going to happen. Maybe the world is in danger because of that man’s power, or maybe he will return to hurt them or try to hurt their family.
  That future, the only one they see right now, is terrifying.
  But they cannot let it steal the present. Not from them or from anyone else.
  They have their own well of DETERMINATION to draw from.
  That man is not going to get the better of them. Not while he isn’t actually here. He will not stop them from helping their family and their girlfriend.
  They might be scared and in the haze of some post-traumatic stress aftermath. Their hands might still be shaking. They might still feel weak and worthless. They might still be in pain.
  Your words and the echo of everything their family has done for them spur them forward, though. I will not let him prevent me from being there for the people I care about.
  He caused me so much pain. He ignored me while I was suffering. He did not care.
  I care. I would rather die than ignore Asriel and (Name)’s suffering.
  I would rather die than be like him.
  Even if Chara doesn’t know who they are other than a violently angry, misanthropic, distrustful person… at least they know who they are not.
  Asriel tries to blink the tears away, rubbing at his face like he doesn’t want them to see him like this. In some ways, they think he’s overcompensating for not wanting to be the child he used to be, so paralyzed with fear that all he could do was cry. He might even be remembering the way that Chara knew exactly how to use that fear… it makes them sick, how they can see the parallels between themself and their brother.
  It’s another thing they both do, they think. A family trait ― thinking some vulnerability shown will be weaponized and used to hurt them. It’s to the extreme with Chara that they think any vulnerability is a bullet in someone’s gun, unless they’ve gotten close to someone. In Asriel’s case, it’s crying, and Chara truly could kick themself for the fact that their actions when the two of them were young potentially exacerbated it.
  Well, as they have done every time they’ve seen Asriel cry, they plan to seek whatever redemption is there for what they did as a child.
  “You may be afraid, Asriel. But… you are not alone.”
  The way the weight comes falling off his shoulders is palpable to both Chara and you. At least, they think you can feel it too. How can you not? Something just snaps, and suddenly Asriel is leaning against their shoulder. It’s not really the kind of intense sobbing that they often do when they cry; all the same, it’s undeniable that, yes, he is crying into their shoulder.
  Gingerly, they move their arm away from you so that they can put both arms around Asriel. As if it’s some kind of cycle of comfort, in turn you carefully slip your arms around their waist. (The urge to ask you if you’re trying to monitor their weight crosses their mind. Ultimately, however, they decide it would ruin the moment they’ve tried so hard to make Asriel comfortable inside of.)
  Instead of anything else, they just relax. Everything is not okay, but it is okay.
  They’ve definitely got a fierce protective streak with regard to their family, but this is the first time in a while that they’ve really felt like a big sibling. No anger, no threatening other people who get close. Just… being there for their little brother. They’d almost forgotten how fulfilling it is to be a force of comfort rather than a force of vengeance.
  And… there you are, nestled against them from behind, with your cheek resting against their back between their shoulder blades.
  Asriel pressing in against them for support is a quiet reminder of, You’ve become a really, really great big sibling.
  The presence of you at their back, somehow being both being comforted by them and being a source of comfort yourself, whispers, And you’re starting off as a pretty good partner, too.
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stealikeanartist · 2 years
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“I always was a crybaby, wasn’t I, -------?”
Day 2: Asriel!
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Ah... not to be that person but if you continuously play a no-mercy route, Chara urges you to seek a new path. They're with you in the pacifist route, too. You save them in Asriel's fight. They didn't abuse Asriel - They were both 9, 10, and doing something scary. Chara is a kid who's done some wrong things but they're not a killer unless you make them one.
I really hate to burst your bubble, but you did not say a single thing that is actually true in accordance with actual Undertale canon instead of fanon. I'll break it down piece by piece.
If you continuously play a genocide route Chara urges you to seek a new path.
Yes, but also no. Chara doesn't urge you to seek a different path; rather, they express confusion as to why you want to do this over and over again—and more specifically, why you have this "perverted sentimentality" for this world, why you care about it, why you want to keep it around. They outright state this if you refuse to destroy it after a second genocide run.
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It is NOT the desire to murder that Chara doesn't understand. That they understand, because they have it too, and that made them think that you and they were similar at first. It is the desire to recreate the world that they don't understand. It's the refusal to destroy the world after yet another genocide run that they don't understand. The world is empty. There is no one in it. Yet you want to keep it around. That's perverted sentimentality, in their eyes. That's what they can't understand. Chara doesn't "urge you to choose a new path" because they don't want to slaughter; they continue to encourage you to murder and urge you not to proceed if you don't meet quota on each and every subsequent genocide run:
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But the fact that you keep recreating the world, and the fact that you try to refuse to destroy it (try, because they do it anyway) . . . that's what they don't get or approve of. 
(All above screenshots courtesy of NoChocolate.)
They're with you in the pacifist route, too.
It's a commonly held belief that they're the narrator in the pacifist route, yes, although they don't actually have any power there because no murders happen (/therefore no murders happen because Chara doesn’t have power to do murders themself, since they only get power to do murders themself after the player does murders first). As I said in the original post, the player has to initiate the genocide route and carry out most of the murders. Chara and the player are PARTNERS; Chara encourages the player and keeps track of their kill count, and only has enough power to kill on their own at the very end (when they kill Sans, Asgore, and Flowey). Chara wants the player to murder, is ready and raring to go if they're going to do it, but if the player doesn't meet quota at any point in the genocide route (or spares a boss etc), the route ends and Chara gives up on it. That the player has to give Chara power by carrying out most of the murders doesn't change the fact that Chara is very much on board while the murders are happening.
You save them in Asriel's fight.
Nope, that's Asriel you're saving. I know a lot of people got confused about this for some reason, but the "one more person you have to save" is Asriel, given that he's in the midst of an emotional breakdown during that fight. You save him, not the ghost of the kid who got him killed.
They didn't abuse Asriel - They were both 9, 10, and doing something scary.
I hate to break this to you, but kids abuse other kids all the time, though usually it's not called abuse. Usually it's called bullying. Even so, what Chara did to Asriel in the True Lab tapes carries all the hallmarks of emotional abuse. As a very quick run through off the top of my head:
— When Chara brings up how they and Asriel accidentally poisoned Asgore with the buttercups, Asriel mentions how scary it was, but also how Chara "laughed it off." Asriel adds that he should have laughed it off like Chara did, implying that he was far more upset but also that Chara has made him feel bad for being so upset, trivializing his feelings.
— Going along with this, at one point in the tapes (in fact I believe in that same conversation) Chara asks Asriel if he's crying. Asriel's reaction is, "N-No, I'm not crying! Big kids don't cry . . ." implying that Chara has shamed Asriel for crying before. Going along with this, Asriel at another point says, "I always was a crybaby, wasn't I, Chara?" implying Chara has called him a crybaby before. Shaming someone for crying / feeling bad (especially in the face of a traumatic incident like poisoning one's own father) and calling them names is emotional abuse.
— When Asriel tells Chara that he doesn't like the buttercup plan, Chara demands to know if Asriel is doubting them. We know, because Asriel says, "No! I'd never doubt you, Chara . . . never!" Instead of actually listening to Asriel and taking his feelings into account, Chara makes Asriel feel bad for having those feelings or thoughts at all and accuses Asriel of doubting them. This is emotional manipulation and abuse.
While these are only small glimpses given to us by the True Lab tapes, these are also the only glimpses given to us of their relationship, and every single one of them is an abusive behavior. The fact that these abusive behaviors culminated in their deaths, and that Asriel himself says that he wishes that he’d had a friend like Frisk when he was alive and that Chara wasn’t the greatest person further backs up that Chara abused Asriel by shaming and manipulating him into the buttercup plan. And as a final note on that, the “something scary” you’re referencing was entirely Chara’s idea, which they pushed Asriel into. It wasn’t like they suddenly found themselves in a scary situation; in fact, the only one who was actually scared was Asriel, and Chara is the one who made him feel bad about feeling that way.
For further reading on Chara’s abuse of Asriel, I really recommend this meta essay. It goes into heavy detail with referenced sources on abusive behaviors and the behaviors of abuse victims, and I really recommend it.
Chara is a kid who's done some wrong things but they're not a killer unless you make them one.
Chara is a child, and they’ve definitely done wrong things (abusing Asriel, attempting to slaughter a village of humans, later on murdering Sans, Asgore, and Flowey, and then destroying the world) — but they were a killer prior to their death, as Asriel tells us himself:
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(Screenshot edit courtesy of NoChocolate.)
If you’ll recall, when Charasriel was seen carrying Chara’s dead body into the village of humans, the humans—understandably terrified and upset—attacked. Since Chara came from this village (and had a working brain), they had to have known that the sight of a humongous monster carrying a dead child would prompt the humans to attack. In other words, they picked that fight. They then wanted to use the power they had since fusing with Asriel to slaughter the village of humans. The only reason they weren’t able to commit any murders was because Asriel refused. So the idea that Chara only gained bloodlust because of the player’s actions is demonstrably false when Asriel’s words at the end of True Pacifist are taken into account. Chara always wanted to murder. Chara committed suicide with the intention of fusing with Asriel and then using that power to commit murder because they—again in Asriel’s words at the end of True Pacifist—hated humanity. It was Asriel’s refusal that made that plan fail, which Chara punishes him for by brutally murdering him at the end of the genocide route.
So all in all, you seem to be operating on a fanon idea of Chara, which is that Chara was an innocent child who was manipulated into what they did. In truth, the only innocent children that are manipulated / forced into murder in Undertale are Asriel (because his actions as Flowey directly stem from the emotional abuse that Chara doled out on him while alive / until his death) and Frisk (who is the one actually forced to do the stabbings throughout the genocide route). While Chara doesn’t have the power to murder before the very end of the genocide route (and only gain that power because you, the player, choose to start and continue that route and force Frisk into stabbing every monster you come across), they encourage and help you as much as they can until they have the power to take Frisk’s body for their own. The only thing they question is why you’d have any sentimental attachment to the world at all, but provided you don’t let that “perverted sentimentality” get in the way of erasing said world, Chara thinks you’re a great partner. 
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(Screenshot courtesy of NoChocolate.)
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how bout 19?
Rating: T (implied/referenced suicide) Word Count: 415 Prompt: "on the edge," I picked Chara & Asriel since there were no specified characters Read on AO3: here ---
“Y-you don’t have to do this,” Asriel said quietly, even as he offered the buttercups in his open palms. The skin over his paw pads had already begun to blister from exposure to the petals.
They’d come so far. They were at the edge of freedom. Why would he want to give up now?
“I want to do it,” Chara insisted. They kept their legs still, despite wanting to kick them back and forth against the side of the bed, or bounce them up and down to relieve their energy.
(Not nervous energy. They weren’t nervous, or scared. They weren’t a coward.)
(They were going to be a hero, just like Dad always believed they could be.)
“I… okay.” Asriel swallowed, then nodded somberly. “I trust you, Chara.”
Guilt squirmed in their chest, like a bad bowl of snails. There was no reason for it. Asriel was going to be fine.
Chara was going to be fine, too. They'd be with their best friend, forever.
(And even if they weren't fine… well, everyone else would be. That was more important.)
They took the handful of buttercups and shoved them in their mouth.
It stung. Worse than the time they’d eaten fire candies on a dare. Worse than the time they’d snuck Mom’s wine. Worse than the stomach acid and alcoholic vomit that had come back up.
But they chewed and swallowed without dodging Asriel's eyes.
"There." They forced a grin, even as their throat burned and burned. They could feel petals stuck between their teeth, stinging the sensitive gums. A few were even wedged beneath their loose tooth.
(They'd be dead before it fell. Wasn't like it mattered; no tooth fairy came to the Underground, if such a creature had ever existed.)
"Do you feel…?" Asriel hovered nearby, his palms glowing green with healing magic.
"Stop that." Chara swatted them away. A little dose of magic wouldn't stop what was coming, though. They'd consumed twice the amount of flowers as Dad, and they had much less HP.
"R-right. Sorry." Tears started to well in Asriel's eyes, but for once, Chara didn't call him a crybaby. They were too busy fighting back their own stinging tears.
"...Stay wi’h me," Chara said, though it came out more like a question, wet and runny with the spit pooling in their mouth.
Asriel crawled up onto their bed without hesitation.
"Always, Chara."
They curled up under the covers, and Asriel held them as the poison inched through their veins.
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sharada-n · 5 years
Could you elabirate about why Papyrus reminds Flowey of Chara? I'm really curious.
Sure, but I want to preface this by saying its been ages since I’ve written Undertale Meta so excuse me for being a bit rusty. Also, there’s a lot of personal conjecture and interpretation here so feel free to take what I say with a grain of salt…
This is pretty much a counter argument to people claiming that Papyrus resembling Asriel is the reason why he’s Floweys favorite. I’ll get into why I think that isn’t true in a second (and why I think he actually is more like Chara) but first I’d like to point out that this theory doesn’t even make sense.
Flowey’s relationship with Asriel is complicated. On a technical level they’re the same person, yes, but in reality, they’re more like separate entities. While I do believe there is some Asriel left in Flowey, Asriel himself states at the end of the pacifist route that Flowey and he are not the same. More importantly though, Flowey talks about Asriel with clear resentment. He says Asriel was weak and blames the failure of the plan to free monsterkind on himself.
Keeping this in mind, it doesn’t make sense that Papyrus reminding Flowey of Asriel would be a positive thing to him. Especially considering the way Flowey speaks about his first encounters with Asgore and Toriel. Flowey doesn’t seem to want a constant reminder of his old life around, let alone a constant reminder of his old self. If Papyrus was like Asriel, I can only imagine Flowey would resent him too and not have him as a best friend.
“But Shara,” I hear you cry “Flowey is hardly a good friend. In fact, he's kind of a jerk and he manipulated Papyrus in the pacifist ending!”. Which, yes, that’s a fair point. I’m not saying he deserves a “friend of the year” award, but I’ve definitely been over why I feel their friendship is not just a charade on Flowey’s part. It might have started as such, but it's not anymore I think.
For example, the plan to use Papyrus to lure everybody into his trap at the end of the pacifist route wasn’t concocted until after Frisk fell, and they were friends long before that, so it can’t be the reason why Flowey befriended him in the first place.
Granted this is veering a little into headcanon territory, but there also is canon evidence to support this, such as the anniversary event where Flowey was the only one who knew what Papyrus’ favorite food was, and was seemingly annoyed at the fact that nobody else knew.
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And also the dialogue you get if you keep doing neutral runs without ever attempting a genocide or pacifist run.
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Here Flowey accuses the player of continually resetting and visiting him out of curiosity and boredom rather than a genuine desire to befriend him. This mirrors the part where he talks about his friendship with Papyrus being a result of his own curiosity and Papyrus (for some reason not actually properly explained in canon) being “fun to mess with” and a character that took a long time for Flowey to get bored off. Then we get this tidbit:
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Not only is this line very interesting but the facial expression is important too. You can read it as discomfort, clearly, but it is also very much a guilty expression. This is the same expression Flowey has at the end of the pacifist route when addressing the player and compelling them not to reset anymore because it would take away everybody’s happy ending. It also happens to be the same expression he has when talking about the Flowey Fan Club as well as at the exact line I mentioned above, where he admits Papyrus was his “favorite”. 
Seems to me like Flowey is expressing guilt or embarrassment about his original intentions behind befriending Papyrus…
Now to get into the main thing: Why do people think Papyrus and Asriel are similar? The hard part is that we don’t know that much about Asriel when you think about it. He’s been long dead before the events of the game. We get some bits and pieces here and there but most info comes from Flowey himself, who is hardly an unbiased source. However, it's fair to say Asriel was very kind, innocent even, and pretty naive. A crybaby, in his own words. And if you take the most shallow, basic interpretation of Papyrus (the kind of fanon that makes me want to pull my hair out) what do you get? That Papyrus is kind, innocent and naive.
The only word in that list I do not take offense to is kind. Papyrus is undeniably a very kind person. But he is not innocent or naive. I could go into why I say this but honestly, it has been argued to death not just by me but by the entire fandom at this point, you’ve all heard it before. Papyrus is an actor. He’s good at showing people the parts of himself he wants them to see. It's unlikely that he’s completely faking it, I do believe Papyrus is genuinely a positive and quirky person. But he’s also playing up those parts to the extreme. Which leaves us with a lot of subtle clues as to his real feelings. Meanwhile, Asriel wears his heart on his sleeve. Crybaby, remember? And what about Asriel being a coward? Papyrus is anything but a coward.
So let's talk about Chara then. Once again we face the same problem we did earlier. Chara is long gone and we don’t know a lot about them besides what Flowey tells us, unless you subscribe to the “Chara is the narrator” theory, which I personally do, but since I know some people are still on the fence regarding this I’ll keep to strictly canon dialogue first. 
Asriel says Chara wasn’t the nicest person. True enough, their plan to destroy the barrier by means of killing themselves and then a bunch of humans wasn’t exactly a solid idea. However, it was made with good intentions. Chara was willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of freeing their newfound family. Chara wanted to help fix something they saw as undeniably wrong: the way humans treat others.
But this was also about revenge. Chara was bitter. They didn’t climb the mountain for a happy reason, according to Asriel. Asgore tells us something different too. He says he can see “the same hope in Frisk’s eyes that he saw in [Chara]”. So here we find what is both the big similarity and the big difference between Chara and Papyrus. Both of them are genuinely filled with hope, with belief, and with the motivation to make things better. They just manifested it differently.
Where Papyrus seems to maintain this disposition even in the face of adversary and unkindness, believing in you all the way until his death in the genocide route, Chara has already faced the kind of behavior that has made them resentful of things they consider unfair or unjust.
Both of them are willing to act upon these feelings of righteousness at least, however ill-advised, in contrast with Asriel (or ironically: Sans), who seems to be a more static, laid back person that didn’t like shaking up the status quo and just went along with what others did. Even Flowey himself only engages when he’s sure he has an ace up his sleeve and is unwilling to act thoughtlessly or impulsively. 
As the tape in the True Lab betrays, Chara was also a hard person to read, and both an excellent liar as well as an actor. They were hard to figure out, at the very least, and Asriel expressed joy at seeing a glimpse of their unguarded emotions when they smiled genuinely. Once again though, Chara seems to do this because they want to come across as colder and more emotionless than they really are, giving the impression that they don’t care about anyone or anything. While Papyrus is always trying to come across more happy and untroubled than he really is, and rather keeps his more negative feelings to himself.
The result for both of them is the same though: they are distanced from their friends and family, I’d almost go as far as to say that even those closest to them barely know them, and they are misunderstood in the most fundamental way. Their motivations are harder to figure out than those of most other characters, for sure. It would definitely go some way into explaining why Flowey was so fascinated by Papyrus from the start…
If you do believe in the Narra!Chara theory, there are some small details that match too. Chara is a rather goofy person actually and often makes jokes, but expresses disgust at puns and Sans’ rather lazy sense of humor where he goes for the most obvious wordplays. Just like Papyrus, who the fandom often portrays as hating puns when in reality he loves them, just not the kind Sans makes because they’re easy. Chara is also implied to be quite fond of books/reading and cooking, as is Papyrus. They both come across as inquisitive to me. The narrator's retorts can be unexpectedly sarcastic, or even dark, not unlike some of Papyrus’ dialogue. There’s some other minor things but honestly this post is way too long as is so I’ll just leave it there
Conclusion: Flowey made the same mistake the fandom made in assuming Papyrus was a one-dimensional person who is easy to fool, only be confronted with his new best friend being strangely similar to his old one and now he has no soul and a weird attachment to this strange skeleton who everybody underestimates. He even admits that Chara is the only person he would still care about now. Kind of a weird statement, except if you consider he has found somebody like Chara that sparked some kind of actual emotion in him (whether that be friendship, compassion, guilt, or something else)
What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your thoughts, or if you want to tell me this post was a horrible read from start to finish you can do that too
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level-of-violence · 5 years
I remember my last words before I died. Asriel was holding my hand so tightly. He kept going on and on about how everything was going to be okay. He wasn’t talking to me though. I’m sure he was reassuring himself. I guess he felt like he questioned and second-guessed me too much and felt like he couldn’t talk about the plan to me anymore in fear of backing out. So he was kneeling by my bedside with my hand in his claws and mumbling “it will work” to himself like a prayer. Every time I tried to speak my mouth would crack and bleed. It was so dry and no amount of water would fix it. It hurt to talk at that point but I had to comfort him somehow. “Asriel-” I could already taste the blood from my dry and cracked mouth pooling beneath my tongue. “Sh’up” I tried to laugh that last part out as to make sure he knew it was just a joke, but it came out as a wheeze. He just went quiet and his breathing got funny. I knew he was crying. He always was a crybaby. I tried to squeeze his hand but I couldn’t feel my limbs anymore. My vision was red for a long time. You would think dying would feel how it is described in books. Getting cold until you can’t feel anything. I think...You already feel dead before you die. You feel hollow and heavy and tired and energized all at once. Then moments before you die you feel like you’re falling. There is no light, no pearly gates. Only red.
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captainthane · 6 years
God of Monsters Versus Demons’Queen (Fan-Writing for Superyoumna and Hammie)
The battle was already engaged for hours at this point. Even if Yaser, Faris and the others with Alphys’s help could extract and free Olin from Dewana’s control, she was enough powerful to fight them and destroy them. The souls collected for centuries but also from people Yousra as well as Olin slaughtered over the recent decades made her too strong for everyone. Yaser and Faris didn’t have a choice but to use their full powers on her. It didn’t do any effect. They were all on the ground, injured and exhausted. Hope seemed to be lost for good. Only Frisk was still standing in front of the Demons’Queen. 
- The determined tiny human...your life ends here and I am gonna make sure you will suffer for eternity in my hands. (Dewana)
Frisk smiled when she heard these words from Olin. They finally almost saved him from his demonic destiny. She wasn’t scared.
- Don’t worry, Olin. Everything will be alright. (Frisk)
Dewana was about to strike them but their attack was stopped by some...plants...lianas?
- You are there! (Frisk)
- I wish I wouldn’t have needed to come...Frisk but you gave me a chance in the past so I am gonna use it now. (Flowey)
The Queen was surprised but she laughed so bad.
- HAHAHAHAHAHA! A tiny talking flower?! To fight me?! That must be a joke! (Dewana)
Suddenly seven humans souls appeared from the ground and were tied up by Flowey’s lianas. 
- Wait...did you? Why Flowey...(Frisk)
- Do not cry. These humans died from illness or old age. (Flowey)
Flowey absorded them to transform into his god form. More powerful and stronger than everyone around. Yaser and the others were shocked but glad to see such a powerful ally. Asriel Dreemurr Charged Dewana but she didn’t fear and charged too. Rainbow lasers, magic swords, demonic tentacles and claws. The whole place was shaking from these two godly beings destroying around. However, Dewana was getting closer and hit Asriel directly in his chest...in the souls. He was badly hurt and fell on knee...desperate.
- Even you...Asriel Dreemurr can’t defeat me in this form. I am the most dangerous creature you could face and you don’t stand a chance! (Dewana)
They were about to erase Asriel once and for all when someone screamed...in arabic speaking
Yaser recognised this voice and this old man. He tried to stand up but was too injured for that. 
- A...Akram...what are you doing? (Yaser)
- (I am here to fix my mistake. I am here to free you from the burden you carry since the last 42 years. It was my fault. If I had treated you better, maybe all of this wouldn’t have happened. I am so sorry Ameer. Faris told me everything from your powers to how our village was destroyed. Forgive me Ameer...I am gonna give you the peace you need)
- AKRAM! (Yaser)
Akram’s soul got out from him and just went through Asriel. With one more soul...Asriel was just not even a god but...God! He took Dewana’s hand and he grabbed it so hard with an angry face.
- For everything you have done...I am gonna destroy you for good and free the souls from you! (Asriel)
His hand pierced Dewana. They could feel their own...mortality. Many souls popped out of nowhere and disappeared like they should have done. Going to the afterlife. Dewana was screaming from the pain and just faded away. Asriel became Flowey again. All the souls were gone except two fo them who went next to Olin, Faris, Yaser and Teba. A ghost form of Yousra appeared in front of them.
- I am so sorry for everything I have done. I love you all and I hope you will forgive me. I have to go now. (Yousra)
She was crying as well as her family. 
- Mom...I....am sorry...(Olin)
- It’s okay Olin. Just don’t forget you are loved. You have a long way to redeem yourself but it will be fine. Your dad, your sister and the others will help you (Yousra)
- Sweetheart, we will join you. Wait for us. (Faris)
- We will mom. We love you. (Olin and Teba)
Yousra looked at Yaser. He was saying goodbye to Akram. He was crying. Her little brother was always a crybaby but she cared about him so she came next to him.
- You wanted to hear my true name right? It’s Laila. Take care of yourself little brother and thank you for helping me and my family. (Yousra/Laila)
- I will continue to help them...Laila. I will miss you sister. (Yaser)
- I am gonna miss you all. (Yousra/Laila)
She vanished while saying goodbye one last time to everyone. It was hard but now a better future can start. Olin’s demonic powers and Yaser’s demonic powers disappeared. They were free from Dewana. The future is now available for everyone. What will be their next adventures?
So again, I wrote a fan-writing for @superyoumna and @hammie-heart ^w^ I was inspired by some super heroes movies and games qwq and I don’t know i wanted to write this fan-writing because of it. I hope you will love it qwq
Alphys, Flowey and Asriel belong to Toby Fox.
Yousra/Laila, Yaser/Ameer, Akram and Dewana belong to @superyoumna
Faris belongs to @hammie-heart
Olin and Teba belong to @superyoumna and @hammie-heart
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the-mad-hattie · 6 years
Chasriel: First Meeting
*Thwack* Chara hit the ground hard after tripping over a branch had sent them barreling into a strange cavern, followed by the hideous sound of something snapping. Judging by the pain in their arm, Chara could only assume that sound was their arm breaking. “How am I not….” Chara’s mind wandered as they looked up to see just how far they had fallen.
Chara tried to stand up, but the minute their leg tried standing on its own pain shot up the leg and they collapsed again. They screamed out in agony as their twisted ankle and broken arm made it too painful to walk on their own. Chara wanted cry out for help, but nobody would come anyway, why would they? The fallen child had fallen where surely no one would find them in this strange underground.
“What was that noise?” Asriel asked himself as he heard something crash. “I think it came from over there, but… I’m not supposed to stray too far from the house, it could dangerous.”
Asriel was always a shy reserved child. Leaving that far away from home without his parents would be unheard of. It was probably nothing anyway, just a Froggit jumping too high and hitting its head on the ceiling. Asriel was about to turn back, when he heard a scream. “Oh no, is someone hurt?” He said meekly. “I should get dad or mom to help.” Asriel went to head and get his parents, but the scream turned into what sounded like sobbing. He suddenly questioned if perhaps he should go check if someone was hurt himself.
Chara was sobbing. The pain had subsided, but it quickly dawned on them they were all alone in a hole in the ground, on the mountain that no one ever returns from. Chara was going to be another child lost on Mount Ebott.
“Hello?” A quiet voice said from a distance.
“There’s someone on the mountain with me?” Chara thought to themself. They wiped their tears before calling out. “No one likes a crybaby.” They muttered before calling out. “Over here! Please help me!”
Asriel followed the voice to a strange creature he had never seen before. “Are you okay?”
“I can’t stand up, it hurts too much.” Chara told the stranger. “Can you help me up?”
Asriel walked over to the wounded child and placed an arm on them. “I’ll help you up, then we can walk together to my house. My mom can heal you.”
“Thanks.” Chara said letting the young goat boy help them up. “He’s so warm?” Chara thought to themselves feeling his fur on their back. “Is that a fur?”
“Y-yeah, I’m happy to.” Asriel replied and began helping Chara walk to his house. “Their hair is so soft.” Asriel mentally said to himself as Chara’s hair brushed his arm. “Is hair supposed to be so smooth?”
It wouldn’t be until Chara looked up at the monster Asriel brought them to call their new friend child, that they realized they were being held up by a monster. This was a different experience than Chara expected when they fell down the hole, but it wasn’t a bad experience. It was more of a fresh start for them. ________________________________________________________________
Chasriel Week Day 4 First Meeting @chasrielweekevent
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dreeming-royalty · 6 years
🍫 "Chill bro, I don't want to see you crying again over nothing. If there's an issue, well you know I've always got a plan." Chara smiled with their glowing red eyes. "If you just want to start trouble, I've got your back too."
Asriel couldn’t help but roll his eyes slightly at the first comment. He wasn’t a crybaby anymore, and he didn’t appreciate the teasing. But, after a moment, he gave a slight sigh and shook his head. A bit of a chuckle managed to escape, too.”I’ll know who to see if I want to cause some trouble, then,” he laughed.
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robobbin · 7 years
i have a craving for my boi Asriel in pallete #15 pls :3 💙
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He always was a crybaby, wasn’t he?
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undertale-rho · 5 years
Underearth: Book 2 - Chapter 13
"Urah ha ha ha... Behold my true power!" Asriel boomed as he appeared once again.
Asriel no longer sported legs. He was simply an entity of multiple separate parts. A head, a torso, and arms. The torso section featured a massive heart-shaped structure at the base, a sphere holding immense soular energy situated just above, and two spikes coming out of the top, at two and ten o'clock. From the spikes came wings of light.
When he'd finished speaking, Asriel brought up his arms, firing multiple light-missiles at Frisk. The missiles arced away before all coming down right on top of him. Each and every single one stung like fire when they hit.
No... No...! I can't die now... Not when I'm... so... close... Frisk thought while being cremated by the missiles.
Next thing Frisk knew, he was opening his eyes, sucking in air.
"I can feel it... Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you..."
Asriel fired more missiles at Frisk, and the same events as before happened.
"Still, you're hanging on...? That's fine. In a few moments, you'll forget everything, too. That attitude will serve you well in your next life!"
Frisk was once again vaporized by the missiles that Asriel fired. Frisk then once again found himself still trapped by Asriel.
"Ura ha ha..." Asriel roared. "Still!? Come on... Show me what good your DETERMINATION is now!"
Frisk remained there, trapped by whatever magic Asriel had cast. No matter how much he struggled, he could not break free from Asriel's magic.
This is it... Frisk soon thought, closing his eyes. There is no escape...
Just as Frisk was to consign himself to oblivion, he felt something inside himself. Opening his eyes again, he felt something drawing him to Asriel. No, drawing him to something within Asriel's SOUL.
Something was pushing him to continue the fight.
What's the point? Frisk asked this something.
Joy! The something answered back, but in the voices of Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, Sans, Toriel, Asgore, but most predominantly, a feminine voice he'd never heard before.
Though he couldn't explain it, this single word filled Frisk with hope. Though he didn't know how, Frisk reached out to Asriel's SOUL and called out to his friends. They were in there; he could feel it. Then, within the depths of Asriel's SOUL, something resonated!
Next thing Frisk knew, Asriel was gone. No, he was within Asriel's SOUL. A million Monsters were gathered around, watching him.
"Sans! Papyrus!" he called out to the crowd. "Asgore! Toriel!" Frisk felt himself being pulled passed the crowd. "Undyne! Alphys!"
Soon, the pulling sensation stopped, and Frisk found himself in a clearing from the crowd. Looking around, Frisk spotted Papyrus and Sans; a strange white gaseous film obscuring their heads.
"Sans! Papyrus!" He shouted with glee.
The two skeletons weren't so keen to share his enthusiasm.
"Hey, are you guys alright?" He asked.
"I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN!" Papyrus said.
"Papyrus, what are you saying? You don't need to capture me."
"Just give up. I did." Sans said.
"Sans, nobody's giving up. Trust me, it's not as great as it sounds."
The two skeletons both raised their hands towards Frisk. Bones then began erupting from the ground, rapidly approaching him.
They... they don't remember me! Frisk thought, slipping back into despair. No! They remember me! I've just got to make them remember!
"Hey Sans, why couldn't the skeleton go to the prom." Frisk said. Pausing, Frisk then finished the joke. "Because he had no-body to go with!"
Sans seemed to love the joke; Papyrus however seemed to hate it.
"Papyrus!" Frisk then said. "Could you make me some spaghetti sometime?"
Papyrus seemed to by trying to hide his enthusiasm at preforming this task.
"Sans! I don't know about you, but I could use a break. Wanna come with?"
Sans nodded his head solemnly. He then laid down and stopped fighting. Papyrus, also, stopped fighting and turned around to chew Sans out. While they both did this, the gaseous film that obscured their heads slowly vanished. They both then stopped what they were doing and looked up at Frisk.
"H-HUMAN?!" Papyrus said.
Frisk felt himself being pulled away, being moved back through the crowd. Papyrus ran over to the edge of the clearing and shouted "WE'RE ROOTING FOR YOU, HUMAN!!!"
Speeding across the crowd, Frisk soon found himself in another clearing. Looking around this one, he saw both Asgore and Toriel. Their heads were also obscured by a gaseous film.
"Asgore! Toriel!" he shouted.
The two simply stood there. Suddenly, they both brought up their hands, which were engulfed in flames, and launched fire at Frisk.
Not you guys, too. Frisk thought, dodging the fire.
"Asgore, Toriel. I don't want to fight you. Please." he said.
Both of their determined poses wavered slightly.
"Can't we settle this over some tea and pie?" Frisk then asked.
It seemed to have worked. Though they held their flaming hands up for just a bit longer, they soon lowered them, the gaseous film obscuring their heads dissipating as well.
They both then fell to their knees as Frisk was whisked away by an unknown pull once again.
It wasn't long before Frisk came to another clearing. This one, unlike the two before, only housed one Monster. Undyne. She, too, under the veil of the film.
"Undyne!" Frisk called to her.
Undyne responded by summoning a spear and throwing it at Frisk, who moved out of the way of the trajectory.
Once the spear landed, Frisk pulled it out of the ground and charged Undyne, slamming right into her while yelling "NGAHHHHHH!!!!!"
The shock of the impact knocked Undyne right to the floor. When she looked up at Frisk, he just gave her a big smile, like the kind Undyne liked to do.
As she witnessed this, the film began to fade. Frisk threw aside the spear as he felt himself being pulled to the last person. Alphys.
Sooner than Frisk thought, he arrived at the clearing where Alphys was. She was simply sitting on the ground, her head also obscured by the film. When Frisk stopped moving, Alphys simply raised her head, then lowered it back down, perhaps lower than it was before he'd arrived.
Frisk simply looked at Alphys, trying to determine a way to remove the film.
"You hate me, don't you...?" Alphys said.
Frisk wasn't expecting to be asked a question, let alone that one.
"N—" Frisk started to say, but he stopped himself when he remembered that he'd told Alphys to tell the truth, no matter how painful. "I... I used to... But then you told me what you did down in that lab and... I realized my mistake. You were going through something so painful, and you felt that you needed to lie to help others feel better."
Alphys shifted where she sat.
"I just want you to know that I'll always be willing to help you through whatever troubles you." Frisk said, walking over to Alphys and placing a hand on her shoulder.
Alphys looked up, the film was fading. Frisk could see that her eyes were red.
Before he could say anything else, Frisk felt himself being pulled away. The world around him then faded, and the next time he opened his eyes, Frisk found himself immobilized in front of Asriel once again.
Even from here, outside Asriel's SOUL, Frisk could feel the support of his friends. Yet there was still something else that drew him to Asriel's SOUL. Someone within who still needed to be SAVED. But who...?
Suddenly, Frisk realized who it was. Though he'd only heard their name spoken so very few times, he knew they were in there. Upon realizing, he felt something within himself connect with them. As soon as he felt this connection, memories flooded into his head.
Memories of a long fall, of great pain, then of great joy. Once the memories faded, Frisk could feel Asriel. He then called out to him.
"Wh... what did you do...?" Asriel said, distraught. "What's this feeling...? What's happening to me?" Asriel then regained the fire in his eyes. "No! NO! I don't need ANYONE!"
Frisk felt the restraint set upon his body break. Seizing hold of this opportunity, Frisk approached Asriel.
"STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me!? I'll tear you apart!"
Frisk set down a hand on Asriel's great head.
"... Chara... Do you know why I'm doing this...? Why I keep fighting to keep you around...? I'm doing this... because you're special, Chara."
Frisk didn't know why, but tears began seeping from his eyes.
"... No..." Asriel then said. "That's not just it. I... I... I'm doing this because I care about you, Chara! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave. I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again..."
Frisk suddenly felt himself get forced back away from Asriel.
"So, please..." Asriel continued. "Stop doing this... AND JUST LET ME WIN!!!"
Asriel brought his hands together, forming a massive ball of light between them, then fired the energy at Frisk.
As soon as the energy hit him, his entire body felt as though it were facing the sun, slowly getting closer and closer. Each passing second, Frisk felt himself get closer and closer to death. Each passing second brought more and more pain, but Frisk pushed through. He had to.
Eventually, the energy stopped flowing, and Asriel brought his arms down. Tears began flowing from his eyes.
"Chara..." he said. "I'm so alone, Chara... I'm so afraid, Chara... Chara, I... I..."
As he spoke, Asriel's body shrunk smaller and smaller, slowly regaining the features he had before. Soon enough, Frisk found that he was looking at a Monster around his size wearing a sweater the same color as the jacket he wore, even featuring stripes of the same color as the one on his jacket. Asriel was mopping his eyes with his sleeves, as they were now flowing like rivers.
"I'm so sorry." he said through the tears. "I always was a crybaby, wasn't I, Chara?"
Asriel then went quiet for a minute, looking up at Frisk.
"... I know." he said slowly. "You're not actually Chara, are you? Chara's been gone for a long time... Um... what... What is your name?"
"It's Frisk. Frisk Anendotos."
"That's... a nice name."
Asriel went silent for a second more.
"Frisk..." he soon said. "I haven't felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was soulless. I lacked the power to love other people. However, with everyone's SOULs inside me... I not only have my own compassion back... But I can feel every other Monster's as well. They all care about each other so much. And... they care about you too, Frisk... I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. Papyrus... Sans... Undyne... Alphys... ... Toriel. Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you... It feels like they all really love you. Haha."
Asriel went silent once more. During this moment of silence, Frisk stepped a little closer.
"Frisk... I... I understand if you can't forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. Friends, family, bystanders... There's no excuse for what I've done."
Frisk didn't speak. He simply ran over and hugged Asriel.
"Wh... what?" Asriel said, surprised by the sudden Human now hugging him. "... Frisk come on. You're... You're gonna make me cry again."
Frisk continued hugging Asriel until he finally hugged back.
"Asriel... All that matters is that you realize you made a mistake. From there, all you have to do is your best." Frisk said, releasing Asriel.
"Yeah... You're right. Right now, I can feel everyone's hearts beating as one. They're all burning with the same desire. With everyone's power... With everyone's determination... It's time for Monsters... To finally go free."
Asriel began floating up into the air, massive amounts of energy emanating from him, all collecting into a single ball of energy just above him. Soon enough, the ball of energy exploded outward, engulfing everything in a blinding light.
Not long after, the light faded, and Asriel fell back down to the ground.
"Frisk..." he said, looking down at the ground. "I have to go now. Without the power of everyone's SOULs... I can't keep maintaining this form. In a little while... I'll turn back into a flower. I'll stop being 'myself'. I'll stop being able to feel love again. So... Frisk. It's best if you just forget about me, okay? Just go be with the people who love you."
Frisk approached Asriel again and gave him a hug.
Ha... ha... Frisk heard from within himself. I don't want to let go...
Like all things, however, it too came to an end.
"Frisk... You're... You're going to do a great job, okay? No matter what you do. Everyone will be there for you, okay? Well... my time's running out. Goodbye."
Asriel began walking away but stopped after taking a few steps.
"By the way... Frisk" he said, turning back to face Frisk. "... take care of mom and dad for me, okay?"
Frisk nodded. With that, Asriel finished walking away, fading away in specks of light. He himself then found that his eyes were closed.
"Frisk! This is all just a bad dream...! Please, wake up...!"
Replay : SAVE the World
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variantia · 2 years
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          “   Frisk likes spicy peppers, but I don’t ... you know why ??   ”
          ... Why, Asriel ?
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          “   Because ... heehee ... they’re ... they’re JALAPENO FACE !   Heeheehee !   ”
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a-tale-of-six · 5 years
Great. The thought of sad Rasheed was making *him* tear up... Cute crybaby baby goat. “B-but... can I still give you a hug now? J-just in case you need it?”
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"Come here. It's alright, I'm right here for you. Just like always." He ssys, bringing the small goat monster into a soft embrace. He was always the shoulder to cry on, but it wasn't like he minded it. He really did have no complaints regarding it, Asriel was family anyways, he can let it slide for him.
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thetimmandraws · 7 years
A young, white-furred Monster clothed in a green-and-yellow striped sweater stood there in the void, hands over face, trembling violently as he sobbed.
“I always was a crybaby, wasn’t I, Chara?”
Chara smiled. Not the sassy, cheeky smile they had plastered on their face whenever they pranked Asriel in an age long past. Not the creepy, menacing grin they found themselves in whenever they thought about humanity. It was a gentle smile. A sad smile.
“I know, you’re not actually Chara, are you?”
Chara stood beside Frisk. Well, not really stood, since they weren’t corporeal anymore. But they liked to think that they were standing beside the person they accompanied for so long. They looked at Frisk, who shook their head.
“Chara’s been gone for a long time.”
But I’m right here, Asriel, Chara wanted to say. They wanted to shout. They wanted to cry. They wanted so badly to make their presence known. They wanted so badly to comfort their brother.
“Frisk…,” Asriel asked after learning their name. “I haven’t felt like this for a long time.”
Chara wanted to reach out to Asriel. They wanted to touch him. They wanted to embrace him. They wanted to cry into his shoulder and tell him that everything would be alright now.
“As a flower, I was soulless,” Asriel said, head bowed in shame. “I lacked the power to love other people.”
I’m so sorry for that, Asriel, Chara sighed, their voiceless words reaching no ears. I took everything from you.
“However, with everyone’s souls inside me, I not only have my own compassion back, but I can feel every other Monster’s as well.”
I want to take it all back, Chara said. I want to tell you not to go ahead with our plan. I want to play with you in the Throne Room. I want to draw with you. I want to do so many things with you.
“They all care about each other so much.”
“And...they care about you too, Frisk.”
Frisk smiled softly. There was nothing they needed to say. Chara could feel Frisk’s thoughts flowing their way.
“I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you.”
I wish I could tell you how I miss you.
“Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you, it feels like they all really love you.”
Chara laughed with Asriel. But they didn’t share the explosive fits of chuckles and chortles that they did when they were young. It was a soft, melancholy giggle.
“Frisk, I… I understand if you can’t forgive me.”
I understand if you can’t forgive me, Asriel.
“I understand if you hate me.”
I understand if you hate me, Asriel.
“I acted so strangely and horribly. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. There’s no excuse for what I’ve done.”
Only because I hurt you first, Asriel.
“I forgive you,” Frisk said.
Chara couldn’t help but admire their companion. Frisk had such a strong but caring soul. A bright beacon of hope. A bastion of love.
“Frisk, come on…you’re gonna make me cry again.”
Chara sniffled.
“Besides, even if you do forgive me, I can’t keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them.”
No, Asriel! Chara wanted to consider saying. Don’t leave! I don’t want to lose you again. Even if no one would hear it, they didn’t want to say it anyway. They knew how selfish it was to even think about. Not when no fewer than a hundred souls were trapped within Asriel’s small body.
“But first, there’s something I have to do. Right now, I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one. They’re all burning with the same desire.
“With everyone’s power…
“With everyone’s determination…
“It’s time for Monsters to finally go free.”
The barrier was destroyed.
Chara could not be prouder of their best friend. They silently applauded his noble sacrifice. He had grown so much since they met him all those years ago, at the bottom of that cavernous maw on the summit of Mount Ebott.
He opened his eyes.
“Frisk, I have to go now.”
I know.
“Without the power of everyone’s souls, I can’t keep maintaining this form.”
I know. Chara started to tremble.
“In a little while, I’ll turn back into a flower.”
I know. Chara felt ghostly tears stream down their face.
“I’ll stop being ‘myself.’ I’ll stop being able to feel love.”
I know, Chara wanted to say. They wanted to shout. They wanted to whisper caringly and lovingly as they slowly stroked Asriel’s fur.
“So, Frisk…,” Asriel said. “It’s best if you just forget about me, okay?”
I will never forget you, Asriel, Chara sobbed. Never.
“Just go be with the people who love you.”
But you’re the person I love, Asriel.
Frisk beat Chara to the punch. In mere moments, Frisk had his arms wrapped around Asriel.
Although neither Frisk nor Asriel would have been able to feel anything they did, Chara joined the hug anyway.
I’m so sorry for everything, Asriel.
Asriel laughed again. “I don’t want to let go.”
I don’t want to let go, either.
“Frisk, you’re going to do a great job, okay?”
Chara turned to Frisk and nodded in agreement, even if Frisk couldn’t be able to see them.
“No matter what you do, everyone will be there for you, okay?”
A fresh torrent of tears began to build in Chara’s eyes. They could sense the reunion was ending.
They didn’t want it to end.
But they knew it had to.
“Well, my time’s running out.”
Asriel stopped, and turned back to Frisk one last time.
“By the way, Frisk…,” he added. “Take care of Mum and Dad for me, okay?”
“I will,” Frisk and Chara said.
Asriel walked away.
Goodbye, Asriel, Chara whispered as everything went white.
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theskelejournals · 7 years
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You feel your friends’ souls resonating within Asriel!
Strangely, as your friends remembered you…
Something else began resonating within the soul, stronger and stronger.
It seems that there’s still one last person that needs to be saved.
But who…?
Suddenly, you realize.
You reach out and call their name.
“Huh? What are you doing?”
“Wha… what did you do? What’s this feeling…? What’s happening to me?”
“No! NO! I don’t need ANYONE! STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me? I’ll tear you apart!”
“...Chara… Do you know why I’m doing this…? Why I keep fighting to keep you around…? I’m doing this because you’re special, Chara. You’re the only one that understands me. You’re the only one who’s fun to play with anymore.”
“No… That’s not JUST it. I… I… I’m doing this because I care about you, Chara! I care about you more than anyone else!”
“I’m not ready for this to end. I’m not ready for you to leave. I’m not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again…”
“So please… STOP doing this… AND JUST LET ME WIN!” “STOP IT! STOP IT NOW!”
“I’m so alone, Chara… I’m so afraid, Chara…”
“Chara, I… I…”
“I’m so sorry.”
The End
Holding their side gently, Frisk let out a small, quiet huff of fatigue. They had been going strong for so long, and now… now they could rest. At least for just a moment. Regardless, they stood frowning sadly, looking at the shape before them. No longer was it the towering godlike creature that threatened to tear the timelines apart, but instead a small monster child barely any taller than themself. The child rubbed his sleeve over his face, sniffling and crying in despair and shame at what he’d done. Able to feel again, able to be himself. With a sniff, Asriel raised his head and smiled weakly up at the human, rubbing a palm over his eye.
“I always was a crybaby, wasn’t I, Chara?” There was a pause, before Asriel sighed and let his shoulders drop, eyes turning down. The child shook his head softly. “...I know. You’re not actually Chara, are you? Chara’s been gone for a long time.” Sniffing, Asriel pulled his hand down and looked up at the child curiously, voice turning meek for a moment. “Um… what… What is your name?”
Blinking, the human gave a small smile, saying very quietly, “Frisk.”
“Frisk?” Asriel paused, then gave another smile back. This one a little stronger. “That’s… a nice name.”
The two children laughed softly, quietly together for a moment. As the sound died down, Asriel breathed in deeply and glanced away. He looked uncertain for a moment, frowning, before his eyes flicked back up to the human again. There was a tiredness all his own, but in those eyes was also grief and guilt.
“Frisk… I haven’t felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was soulless. I lacked the power to love other people,” the child admitted, rubbing his arm absently. With a huff, Asriel looked down for a moment, fighting before making himself look up again. “However, with everyone’s souls inside me… I not only have my own compassion back… But I can feel every other monsters’ as well. They all care about each other so much.”
Asriel slowly smiled widely, and for the first time, the human saw love in those eyes even as they glistened with tears. He let out a quiet huff of laughter, sniffling.
“And… they care about you too, Frisk. I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. Papyrus… Sans… Undyne… Alphys…” The monster child let out a small sigh, but his smile remained. There was sadness in his face now, but the compassion still reigned true. “...Toriel. Heh. Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you… It feels like they all really love you.”
Letting out a small laugh, Asriel stood for a moment before his eyes slowly trailed downward. Frisk tilted their head a little, watching him closely. Though they had fought him extensively a few times before, still… it felt like right now they were seeing the real Asriel for the first time. The real lost prince of monsters. Before, when they fought, he had been Flowey.
But the boy who stood in front of them now, that was Asriel Dreemurr.
“Frisk… I,” Asriel started softly, voice wavering a touch, “I understand if you can’t forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. Friends, family, bystanders… There’s no excuse for what I’ve done.”
With a small shudder, the monster prince remained silent with his head bowed. He wouldn’t look at Frisk, and it was then that the child realized they had a choice. A choice perhaps Asriel was waiting on. To forgive, or to not. The human paused, furrowing their brow softly. While his head was down, Frisk raised a hand slowly to trace a finger over the locket, feeling the gentle warmth from the trinket. And then they smiled.
It wasn’t a choice at all.
“I forgive you.” Startling, Asriel blinked tears from his eyes and looked up, lips parted.
“Wh… what?”
“I said.” Frisk cleared their throat quietly, smiling. “I forgive you.”
Huffing in surprise, a grin began to twitch on Asriel’s face. His brows arched sadly, laughing again with a touch of sadness.
“...Frisk, come on. You’re…” A sniff and another laugh as he raised a sleeve to wipe an eye. Even so, he was still smiling. “You’re gonna make me cry again.” Sighing, Asriel lowered his hand and let it hover over his chest, that smile shrinking a little as he looked down at it. “Besides, even if you do forgive me… I can’t keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them.”
Pausing, the child prince outstretched his other hand and stared at his palm.
“But first... “ His brows furrowed, looking up at Frisk with a small smirk. His face was that of determination. “There’s something I have to do. Right now, I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one. They’re all burning with the same desire.” Huffing, Asriel flipped his outstretched hand around, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the barrier. “With everyone’s power… with everyone’s determination…”
Asriel turned back to grin at Frisk.
“It’s time for monsters… to finally go free.”
Taking a step back, the monster prince drew in a deep breath. Both hands went to his chest, concentrating, as a wind from nowhere picked up around the pair. He pulled his hands forward, magical energy sparking out of his palms as his arms raised to his sides. Asriel tilted his head back, the magic intensifying as the human souls spun around him, steadily getting faster. In their wake, the energy of every monster soul flared into life, spinning in a vortex of color around the prince as their magic was channeled.
Gasping softly as they watched, Frisk raised a hand to their own chest, their soul flashing to life beneath their hand as it’s power was called upon. It wasn’t painful, but it was a small pull, practically forgotten as the human took in the sight of the prince weaving his spellwork. It was truly a sight to behold.
There was a loud snap. Frisk looked up with wide eyes, mouth opening as large sparks of magic began to pop off the barrier. The sparks stretched, flaring like electrical currents zipping over the surface of the wall. Stepping back only once, Frisk watched as the magical energy wavered. Then there was another snap as a visible crack split the middle, the sound drumming and echoing through the cavern like an iceberg trembling. The crack deepened, cutting all the way down to the ground. Shuddering, the large magical wall began to tremble, the human souls glowing brightly. And then, with a final snap…
A blinding light struck the area like a lightning strike. Frisk raised their arms to cover their eyes, gritting their teeth softly as the deafening roar slowly quieted down. The child lowered their arms slowly after a moment, gasping silently as they gaped at the clear path ahead, twilight glistening clearly beyond the mouth of the cave deeper in.
The barrier was broken.
Frisk was left staring in wonder, holding their hands to their chest as the wind calmed and the monster prince lowered his arms. Huffing, Asriel glanced up with a smile and then over his shoulder at the surface beyond. His smile softened at the sunlight stretching into the cave, before Asriel turned the look to the human.
“Frisk… I have to go now,” he said quietly, sadness creeping up to touch his expression. Frisk paused, frowning and shaking their head in objection. They had saved everyone else, surely they could save Asriel too! The monster prince only smiled more sadly, a hand lifting to rub his chest and sighing as he looked down at his feet. “Without the power of everyone’s souls, I can’t keep maintaining this form. In a little while… I’ll turn back into a flower. I’ll stop being myself. I’ll stop being able to feel love again. So… Frisk.”
Frowning more, Frisk shook their head faster, taking a step toward the other child. They had done so much to help all the monsters, there had to be a way...
“It’s best if you just forget about me, ok? Just go be with the people who love you.”
A pang of grief struck the child, swallowing as their shoulders sunk with it. Was there really nothing they could do? Taking a breath, Frisk forced themself to straighten. They couldn't let go of the thought of helping this lost prince, trying to think of something, anything to help him. Their brows arched as they realized they had no idea how to even begin helping. Their hand unconsciously went to the locket, gripping it hard. Frisk could spare and have mercy all day long, but a soul… they didn't have the means to give one. The child wasn't even sure how to go about that route.
So instead, with a deep sigh, Frisk approached. Asriel looked up when they were a step away, confused, before the human wrapped their arms around him in a tight hug. The prince paused, taking the action in for a moment as it clicked. Then with a small shudder, Asriel bowed his head to the human's shoulder and clung to them, trembling in their arms as he fought against tears. Frisk leaned their head against the prince's, rubbing his back softly as he shook in their arms. They stood like that for a few minutes, just taking in the quiet. Hoping to give Asriel just one more moment of peace. “Ha… ha… I don’t want to let go..,” Asriel mumbled into their shoulder.
“You don’t have to, Asy.”
The children pulled their heads back, staring at one another in surprise.
“Frisk… that wasn't…”
Shaking their head, Frisk looked around to try and find the source of the voice. A small flash caught their attention, and the child turned their gaze down to their chest with parted lips of surprise. The locket was glowing bright red all on its own, and when Frisk made a move to touch it, the magical energy sparked and whisked away from it like a spilling fog. Both children gasped, watching the magic take shape beside them in the form of a shadowy figure.
Another human child.
Though not identical, they resembled Frisk closely in appearance. They wore the same thing Asriel did aside from their shirt bearing a single stripe instead of three, but their most striking feature were eyes of demanding red.
“Chara!” Asriel cried, a hand going to his mouth. He stared with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Chara, is it really you? How did… how are you…”
The child blinked, lifting their hands to flip them around a few times and stare at their palms and fingers. Brows raising, a slow grin made its way onto their face before they looked up, one hand going to touch their chest and hair.
“It sure is,” they chimed. Glancing over at Frisk, their expression changed to a small, grateful smirk. Despite their otherwise pleasant appearance, something about the child looked… tired. Weathered. “You can thank Frisk for that. Without them, this never would have been possible.”
Pausing, Frisk raised a hand to their chest and gave a meek, tired smile in return. Whether they had fully realized it or not at the time, Chara had been there from the beginning of their journey. A shadow in the back of their conscious, not necessarily a dark one, but something not originally of the child’s mind. And now the presense had a name.
Chara, the second lost prince.
Asriel simply looked between them both in surprise before he gained a shaky smile, eyes settling on his adopted sibling. “I thought you were gone, I thought you…”
Chara’s expression softened and they smiled, holding their arms out. “I’m right here.”
With a cried sound of relief, Asriel broke away from Frisk and wound their arms around the other child in a tight hug. Chara returned it in kind, their eyebrows arching as they closed their eyes and bowed their head to his shoulder. The reunited siblings clung to one another, having been apart for a hundred years in their own personal miseries. Just children wanting to go home for so long, just children wanting to help free their kind and make a difference.
“Now, n-now I really don’t want… to let go…” Asriel sputtered, pressing his muzzle into his sibling's hair. Frisk watched with a soft frown, winding their arm back around their side. The monster prince didn’t have much time left. The other souls had been released when Asriel broke the barrier, so he truly lived as himself only on borrowed time.
“I told you, fuzzbrain,” Chara mumbled into his shoulder, squeezing Asriel a little tighter, “you don't have to. Not ever again.”
Sniffing, Asriel lifted his head a little bit, looking toward his siblings with softly furrowed brows of confusion.
“Chara?” He asked almost nervously. “What do you mean?”
“Well, actually, maybe just one more time,” Chara chuckled softly. Moving their hand, the child brought Asriel’s head back to their shoulder. They looked up briefly, giving Frisk a thankful smile, before bowing their head again. Frisk blinked and tilted their head. What was…
A soft light began to settle around the hugging children. White glowed peacefully around Asriel, while around the human a red glow took place. Frisk’s brows rose as they watched, lips softly parting. That was magic.
“Chara? What's going on?” Asriel asked quickly, trying to pull away to look. The monster prince looked panicked for a second, unsure what was happening. But the child refused. Chara kept their grip firm, not allowing the monster out of their arms.
“Giving you the chance you never had,” the other prince told him, “but deserve more than anyone.”
The glow intensified, leaving Frisk staring in wonder. Was Chara… saving Asriel? They hadn't been able to themselves, but it looked like maybe, just maybe... Chara could. The thought brought another frown to Frisk’s face, eyes darting between them quickly. If Chara was saving their brother, what would happen to them?
“No, no, hey,” Asriel insisted, trying to break away. He was looking more worried by the second, frantic, tears returning to his eyes quickly. “Chara please, don't do this! You could live! Don't spend your soul on me, please! I don't, no, I don't deserve this! Please, Chara…”
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Shaking their head, the glow simply intensified as Chara hugged them closer. Asriel was trying to get away, to insist he'd be fine, but the prince of determination wouldn't be swayed. Their decision was made, and they stood as sure as Mt. Ebott itself to see it through. Frisk swallowed hard, the struggle painful for them to watch.
“I knew you would not accept it willingly,” Chara mumbled into their shoulder with a soft tremble. They sighed, raising their head to frown shakily at their brother. Frisk paused at the amount of sheer fatigue on their face, and the child didn't think that was strictly from magic use. “So I had to make sure you would.”
“But your soul,” Asriel sobbed, “you can’t give up your soul for me… that's not fair to you!”
“Shhh,” they cooed, rubbing their brother's back. “I've done what I wanted to, Asy. I was the first human to fall, the first to give monsters hope. And now I've helped the last one free everyone. Just like we planned long ago.”
At those words, Chara looked up to connect their gaze with Frisk’s. The two humans stared at one another, Chara with a tired, knowing smile and the seventh human with sorrowful concern. They had saved everyone, including Asriel by the look of it. But the person they had unwittingly saved, it seemed they were slipping from Frisk’s grasp as well. And they had no idea how to stop it without ultimately losing one of them in the end.
“Don’t give me that look,” Chara chided, yet behind the words they were grinning. It was soft and worn out, but it was a grin. “You saved me too, Frisk. You saved me from an eternity of unrest. Of… heh. Well. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for what you've done. But… I figure for now, I’ll return the favor by saving someone you can’t.”
Swallowing hard again, Frisk gave a shaky smile. The expression dropped after a moment, however, and they shook their head. Taking a step forward and reaching out a hand, Frisk stared at them imploringly. Chara paused, furrowing their brow before softly laughing with a shake of their own head.
“No, Frisk. I already told you. You saved me. You’ve done enough.” A smile tugged at their tired face. “The only thing I ask of you now is to take care of them all. Take care of my family for me.”
Pressing their hand to their shirt harder, Frisk let out a shaky huff. Chara wasn't going to be swayed, and even if they tried anything, Frisk doubted they could stop this. By interrupting such delicate spell casting, they could hurt one of them, or worse. So instead, Frisk nodded. Take care of family. They would do that at least.
“Chara,” Asriel whimpered, clutching their shirt with trembling hands. He had stopped crying and struggling, having surrendered to a fate he couldn’t change. Aside from Frisk, Chara’s determination was unmatched. “Please… please let me go… You could live, please let me go.”
“No, Asy,” Chara whispered back, giving them a squeeze. The prince pressed their forehead to Asriel’s, moving their hands to cup his face. With a soft sigh from the human, the pairs gaze met. “Let me go.”
Between the siblings sparked a bright flash of light. Startled, Frisk raised their arms again to block the brightness, squinting between them to watch. Chara had let go of Asriel with one hand, and in that hand sat a red human soul much like Frisk’s. White sparks shot off of it, aiming for Asriel’s chest. With each spark that popped off and turned to magic, a little bit of the human’s soul chipped away. Frisk gasped as they watched, wanting to do anything to help. But in this situation, all they could do was simply behold the sight. The sparks flared and danced and after what felt like a lifetime of watching, the glow settled and revealed one half of a human soul. Frisk stared aghast at the half soul, slowly lowering their arms. A white light brightly glowed from Asriel’s chest, and with a shaky sniff, he lifted a hand to summon the light source forward.
In his hand rest an upside down white heart. A true, real monster soul.
“You get half of me, brother,” Chara said with a smile, eyes settling on the white soul. Huffing softly, those red eyes then turned upward to look into Asriel’s face. “With that half, you can live.”
Raising a hand, Asriel allowed himself to smile softly down at the soul as he wiped an eye with a sleeve. Despite the fight, despite not wanting to return if it meant hurting his sibling, he… existed. He was truly alive again. He could be Asriel Dreemurr again instead of Flowey. He had a soul again, he could feel love, joy, he could even appreciate the negative again.
Then he looked up.
“Not that I’m ungrateful, Chara, I'm really not. You've, you've given up so much for me, but…” Asriel lowered his hand from his face, hovering it over the partial red soul with a gentle frown. “What about you? Can you… live like that? What’s going to happen to you now?”
With a tired smile, the human pressed the soul close to their chest. Their eyes traveled over it for a moment, thoughtful. Smirking softly, Chara looked up with a chuckle.
“With half a soul? Who knows. I guess we’ll find out.” Then red eyes turned toward the group of monsters further away. The friends that Frisk has made along the way, the people that loved them, the people that had come to their aid. Ultimately, their family. Their... Chara blinked. Their brow rose, thoughts obviously spinning as something crossed their mind, before a slow grin tugged at their lips. Looking over at the two other children, the prince let their soul slip back into their chest as they took a step back. Something about them changed, their form taking on a transparency.
Furrowing his brows, Asriel stretched out a hand toward his sibling. “Chara?”
“Don't worry about me, Asriel, Frisk. Go take care of our family. I know what I want to do now.” Grinning, the prince met both of their eyes, reaching a hand up to hold the locket that had transferred to them after the prince took shape.
They stood tall. Determined.
“I know someone else's fate I can change too.”
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puppet-meister · 7 years
chara memories - masterpost
[Not in any order, I’ll add more as they come]
I don’t really remember my specific age, but I believe I fell when I was 10 and a half (?) and everything ended when I was 12
There was a no mercy and a pacifist route, not sure what order. In fact it might be possible that what I remember from the no mercy run was a dream, as my memories of it are very spotty
I was abused by my birth “parents”, which led to me running away and thus falling
I remember being an inch or so taller than Asriel, and he was a head taller than Frisk.
Oh my god I loved puns
I remember I was closer to Asgore, and Asriel was closer to Toriel
I called Asriel “Azzy”, and referred to him as my little brother. Asriel also used he/they pronouns, I don’t think he really cared
I may have pressured him a too much sometimes into doing things that seemed intimidating to him. Looking back, it probably hurt him more than I realized.
The “crybaby” thing was projection
I called Toriel and Asgore your majesty for the first few weeks I was there, but then I began calling her mama and him dad or sometimes king dad!
Asriel and I used to colour a lot together in colouring books and on paper on the floor, usually. At home we did it in front of the fireplace while dad sat in his rocking chair while mama cooked for us
I remember there being two rocking chairs on either side of the fireplace and mama usually sat in the one on the right
Gaster was the royal scientist and doctor during the whole time I was there, and mama would sometimes send Asriel and I over to his laboratory in Hotland to get lessons on things. I remember him being fairly cheerful and funny, but he got easily frustrated and frequently scolded us for coming into the lab with dirty feet.
Asriel and I were allowed to explore by ourselves around the underground
Sometimes we would go on family vacations to Snowdin, I remember staying at the hotel right after it had been built
I don’t feel like talking about that One Event™ here, but you can ask about it I guess
In-game/“canon” stuff
I was somehow bound to Frisk’s soul because of their determination, it brought me back to consciousness (not life) and I sort of “followed” them through the underground and gave my input on things (flavour text was me)
I got released at the end when they went up to the surface because I think my soul/spirit was at peace or something? 
Frisk was about 8, very short and had a darker skintone and used they/them pronouns! They almost never talked, although they could - they were selectively mute. They had a very quiet voice when they did speak.
I looked up to Undyne !
I remember coming back to the lab and being distressed Gaster wasn’t there anymore, but finding Alphys really adorable
I found Mettaton obnoxious but in a good way, like I think he’s ridiculous and full of himself and I love him and hate him
Sans was like, the coolest guy to me. Papyrus was hyper and adorable, but sometimes he was just way too fast for me to keep up with.
Longer, more specific ones
- One -
Sometimes mom would tell stories to Asriel and I in the living room before bed, and sometimes dad would bring us to our room and tell us them in there before we went to sleep. he'd stand between our beds and read dramatically, and Asriel and I would chime in with the stories we knew and we'd voice our favourite parts. 
Dad was always the protagonist, usually, even if it was a female. His villain voices were funny too. And humans were always the villains in the stories, so it was great hearing him make them sound evil. Sometimes he and Asriel would point at me and be like "Oh no, there's a human!" and I laughed and pretended to be scary. 
I guess deep inside though, I always sort of felt a little self conscious about that. I just hate being reminded sometimes.
- Two -
I remember one night, before bed, dad snuck us candy bars behind mom's back after we'd brushed our teeth and he told us a story. I love chocolate more than anything so he gave me a great big bar, and Asriel got a slightly smaller one because he can't eat much chocolate without getting sick (sensitive crybaby~), and he didn’t like it very often anyways so he's always fine with me getting more.
It does seem unfair but dad liked to spoil me, especially when it was behind mom's back. If we ever got caught he'd take the blame for it. She'd glare him down and he'd laugh, and we'd sneak off while they huffed at each other and eventually got gross and lovey dovey.
- Three -
** blood/hurting/physical distress warning **
I remember my hands against the ground, and my head spinning and hurting as I sat there on all fours, nose bleeding and scrapes and cuts all over me. I remember tears coming out of my eyes and dripping off my nose, and shaking all over before trying to stand up.
I tried to get up, and it worked for a moment, but I wobbled and fell on my rear. I was crying really hard by that point. I just kept crying and eventually just fell onto my back, trying to get my nosebleed to stop. I eventually rolled onto my stomach after being there a while and just sat there in pain, calling out for help until I heard stepping and a voice.
And then Asriel came, and it was okay...I guess. I was in too much pain to really remember much, but he helped me. I remember him first saying his name and introducing himself to me, but I was too shaken up to reply with mine for a few seconds. Then I told him and I guess he immediately liked me.
- Four - 
I don’t know what the context of this is, but I remember standing up and playing with Asriel’s ears, and pressing my face into them and feeling his fur tickle. I felt amazing and I couldn’t stop giggling. and neither could he. I just remember him holding me tight while I nuzzled him and played with his funny flop ears. He looks so goofy with them
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