#((  come here let the tiny goat prince make u laugh
variantia · 2 years
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          “   Frisk likes spicy peppers, but I don’t ... you know why ??   ”
          ... Why, Asriel ?
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          “   Because ... heehee ... they’re ... they’re JALAPENO FACE !   Heeheehee !   ”
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tinytaehyun · 7 years
an introduction to ikon (pt 1) for my bitch anna aka hyungnu
- --8) here we fuckin go @hyungnu
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- used to be Team B but lost to Team A which is now known as Winner (#WINKON)
- they’ve been in two survival shows bc YG is an asshole (WIN: Who is Next and then Mix & Match)
- Team B consisted of: Hanbin / B.I, Bobby, Junhoe / Junhwe / June (i know wtf), Jinhwan, Donghyuk and Yunhyeong
- since they lost WIN, they were either going to 1) split up or 2) be rearranged(?)
- three trainees were added during Mix & Match (NO.MERCY FLASHBACKS ANYONE??? M&M WAS FIRST THO) the three trainees were Jinhyeong (we have no idea where he is now he is debuting soon!), Hongseok (now in Pentagon) and Chanwoo (he played child Gu Jun Pyo in Boys Over Flowers + was in a few other dramas, now a member of iKon)
- debuted as 7 obviously, Chanwoo being the evil maknae
- K in iKon stands for Korea
- iJon is a running joke in the fandom bc these fuckers were in japan forever
- they say they have no friends because they’re boring (they’re also very shy w new people but iKonsta X is now a thing hehehehehhe)
- fandom is called iKonics bc we are one w ikon (so cute i love them sm)
- kings of fanservice 
- they’re really weird and loud and don’t give a fuck about who thinks they’re strange (think like, minhyuk x 7)
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- kim hanbin aka b.i 
- 96 line
- has been single his whole life “even if i love someone, no one loves me” (harhar i told u that yesterday)
- leader, rapper, lyricist, composer, choreographer aka an actual genius
- joined YG when he was 15 (basically his dad met a composer dude and then he rapped for him over facetime etc etc)
- dumbin, tigerbin, geniusbin
- don’t let the gif fool u bc one time ikon were asked “whats scarier? b.i in a recording studio or a ghost in a deserted house?” and they all chose b.i in a recording studio help them
- he is known to be v strict during practice which is where tigerbin came from, this lil shit doesn’t fuck around
- sleeps during the day and stays up all night writing and recording, lives in the studio (eats and sleeps there 90% of the time) the members say during comeback time they almost don’t see him at all, works v hard
- but on the other hand, he’s a giant idiot. e.g “aren’t mice reptiles?” “whale isn’t a mammal, it’s a fish” “i don’t know the goats iq cos i don’t even know my own” he wrote a song w/ Psy called Auto Reverse and sent him a text asking what auto reverse meant so psy replied with the meaning of it (the cassette thing where it automatically flips it around so u can listen to the other side)
- was in SMTM3, when he auditioned he forgot his lyrics but then freestyled his way through it like a motherfuckin boss
- didn’t win but this song is iconic (u mean ikonic HA)
- is fucking obsessed with Mickey Mouse (he got jealous bc one time Bobby got a mickey mouse pen as a present, ALTHOUGH literally a few weeks ago he told a fan a “secret” and the “secret” was that he actually doesnt like mickey mouse OK LIAR)
- has a little sister called Hanbyul who he protects with his life, i don’t think she will ever get a bf when she grows up bc he’ll be like NO, I AM YOUR ONLY LOVE (june x hanbyul = angry hanbin)
- loves animals, the members ask him why can’t he treat them like he treats animals (wow he’s my soulmate sry anna)
- Double B is the best ship on the planet (Bobby X B.I) when bobby isn’t around he gets touchy with the other members cos he misses him
- an actual 2 year old
- can’t take a selca to save his life 
- wrote Empty for Winner as a present for debut
- scared of bugs and is bad at foot volleyball (what even is that)
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- kim jiwon aka bobby
- 95 line 
- hanbins boyfriend
- writes his own raps a DUHHH
- kimbap, bunny
- thinks hes ugly but BITCH HE AINT
- has a Pooh plush that he has had since he was a little kid and it looks like it has been through some shit
- v sharp jawline ouch my finger 
- takes care of his members very well, he’s like an idiot big brother
- was in SMTM3 with hanbin, and he won that shit. iKing
- him and June are the most awkward couple on the planet it makes me wanna kms but it’s so funny  e.g during M&M June: if Jinhyeong gets into our team, I can get close to him in a day if I open up my heart Bobby: what about me? i’ve been with you for two years! open up your heart to me
- derp of the group
- has sexy ass abs /slips on drool
- can speak english v well bc he moved to Virginia (but he says he can’t speak english im so confused)
- he’s super friendly and really fucking weird 
- this video explains him perfectly im crying mx in the bg LMAO (THE DANCE MOVE AT THE VERY END IS HIS SIGNATURE MOVE)
- he was actually my first bias in ikon but Hanbin ruined my fuckin life
- he styles his own hair....he has had really questionable hair styles, right now he looks like cruella de ville (?) (HE CHANGED IT)
- bitch he has so much fucking energy i honestly don’t understand it 
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- kim jinhwan / 13cm fairy 
- jinani, “more famous than tangerines in Jeju”, Jay
- 94 line, oldest in the group but he looks 5, plus his tiny-ness doesn’t help
- is an actual wine mum (like seriously. he likes to drink wine now)
- :23 seconds is still a mystery to everyone in the fandom, where the fuck did he come from
- june is soft for him (and june is a giant bitch so)
- he has a heart shaped beauty mark on his face 
- he makes a really pretty girl 1:11 is him 
- is good friends with Kihyun 8)))) tiny x tiny 
- always gives advice to the members 
- a sweet emotional soul that needs to be protected at all times
- is the reason Yunhyeong became a singer, my hearT
- first person to catch my eye bc he’s so fuckin cute 
- Suhyun from AKMU really likes his voice (and probably him too)
- cries a lot
- his parents have an air BNB kind of thing dedicated to him in Jeju, called Stay At Home for Jinhwan
- his smile makes me want to die 
- he sweats a lot and doesn’t really like to work out
- like’s playing games (like games on variety shows and stuff, not computer ones)
- the best at japanese !!! and chinese, king of languages honestly
- all clothes look good on him like hOW
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- goo junhoe / goo junhwe / gu junhoe / ku junhoe / koo junhwe WHY ARE THERE SO MANY VARIATIONS
- let’s just go with June since that’s what he goes by
- 97 line
- "shut up you handsome bastard” - Bobby
- always checking himself out
- not soft for anyone except for Jinhwan
- will he ever love bobby back???
- is handsome, but equally fucking awkward
- best singer in ikon / kpop / the world  
- says he would love to hang out with friends except he doesn’t have any
- instead of a gf, he wants a car
- originally joined YG to be a dancer (mini Michael Jackson)
- selca king (needs to teach hanbin)
- u know how i said he was only soft for jinhwan? i take it back, he’s also soft for konics (when he isn’t being a sassy bitch)
- never shuts up (remember when i linked u to noise pollution???)
-  writes his own songs (in his diary tho)
- one time he dropped his phone in the toilet and washed it with soap
- another time he wanted to take a picture in the water so he took the waterproof case off because it was a hassle until the members were like ??? thats..the case...and he’s like...oh...i thought it was the phone that was waterproof
- attention whore
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- kim donghyuk
- 97 line
- dongdong, candy-chan, DK
- a sweet, sweet soul
- main dancer !!! he’s sO GOOD (choreo’d Airplane)
- taeyang said his voice perfectly suits Eyes, Nose, Lips
- he was on a ridiculous diet and we’re all v worried about him T_T he used to stress eat so he was insecure about it but HE IS PERFECT 
- english name is Ezra...idk
- has the best lauGH EVER
- underrated and i don’t know why
- he did a whole “day in the life” on V Live where it was LEGIT SHOWING U EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. IT WAS LIKE 6 VIDEOS OF HIS DAY
- he just really loves konics
- gasses up Bobby every chance he gets (sigh hes so sweet)
- he can play the piano and drums
- and guitar woops
- he prays before shows and before he eats
- idk man he’s like the sun
- he shines so bright i cry 
- best AT AEGYO 
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- song yunhyeong 
- 95 line
- song chef, yoyo, prince, song
- originally wanted to be an actor but thank the lord he changed his mind (YG told him to be a singer)
- used to be hopeless at dancing and singing but look at him now bitch
- back in M&M days, he revealed how much he loves Nivea Cherry lip balm so for the christmas game, hanbin bought him like 100284347398 and he nearly cried
- next minute: he is the nivea ambassador, LEGENDS ONLY
- has his own cooking show on V App
- him and Chanwoo are twins (he hates being called Chanwoo tho watch out)
- tells dad jokes (wow is he Anna)
- a positive ray of sunshine 
- you can probs take him home to mama cos he’s so perfect (like hello he’s sweet, moisturises his lips AND he cooks?)
- usually coupled with Donghyuk
- is also kind of underrated and im mad about it
- mum thinks he is handsome (he is, i just needed to throw that in there)
- his smile is beautiful
- beautiful tan skin!!!
- good @ english 
- stylists dress him the best idk why but he always looks good 
- imagine a kihyun x yunhyeong cooking show wow sign me tf up 
- A+ at comic dancing (bobby gets embarrassed about it)
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- jung chanwoo
- 98 line
- chanu, chocoball, evil maknae, #MAKNAEONTOP, chan
- 1/2 of the evil twins w yunhyeong, he loves it tho
- hanbin calls him the nicest boy in the world 
- tests his hyungs patience on a daily basis
- sassy little bitch 
- one time he cried cos bobby scolded him (bobby said sorry later)
- was a child actor (gu jun pyo anyone ??)
- he’s a little slow sometimes but the members forgive him cos hes cute LMAO 
- members did a hidden camera on him once and he passed with flying colours  Hanbin: why did you do everything I asked you to anyway? Chanwoo: because if i didnt, you’d kick my ass
- v tall, stop growing
- good at chinese
- sometimes i feel like he doesn’t know he’s famous 
- looks lost 90% of the time 
- he’s cute but he’s a sassy brat so watch out
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