#I always get disney and rock in the first 5
veninorchid · 1 year
Music Meme
🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool ppl✨🎶 
Otayyy. Thank you @gphoenixsims <3 for the tag. I don’t have my full music library in yet (reinstalling my computer), but I’ll use my phone’s library for this. I listen to it everyday. Drumroll please! Shuffle gives me:
Caledonia - Celtic Woman Yoga - Janelle Monae It's tough to be a god - but the Elton John version! The council of Elrond (Theme for Arwen & Aragorn) - LOTR Jivaeri - Yanni If you want to, consider yourself tagged as well. I’ll tag 5 @jennicortricousviolin, @gryning, @amybabyssims2, @kestrelteens, @emperorofthedark. I’ve seen the music meme on everyone’s tumblr at least once, so do or don’t. :)
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gabzilla-z · 1 year
ok quick thoughts, spoilers behind the cut.
Halle. HALLE. H a l l e. Her voice, her face, her mannerisms. They took what made Ariel special in the animated movie and built on it and she was the perfect person to pull it off.
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Her beauty was distracting.
So glad they finally got a singer for a live action, I couldn’t take another B&B autotuned disaster.
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Made me want to get to the nearest rock and play mermaid ngl.
I had my doubts with Jonah but he did a great job with Eric, played the shy, kinda awkward potato prince charming to perfection. Loved that they expanded his backstory and his interest in adventure and the sea. Also A+ for the movie knowing he had a white shirt on while surrounded by water and using every chance it had to drench him.
Eric still being caring and worried about Ariel even under Ursula’s spell? 10/10 no notes.
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He came to chew bubblegum and be dreamy and he was all out of bubblegum.
Halle and Jonah’s chemistry was insane, I need them to do ten movies making eyes at each other.
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Seriously the movie could have been 2 hours of them interacting in that library and it would have been money well spent.
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or just two hours of them being cute smol and tol in a boat idc
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Can’t wait for this movie to be out in D+ so I can reblog all the gifs.
Part of Your World and all reprises were ofc gorgeous. Vanessa’s Trick is haunting and exactly what one would want for a siren song. For the First Time is gorgeous and underrated, felt very Broadway-esque. Eric’s song was corny but in a good way.
The rest of the songs are adequate but are not as good as the original ones.
Gotta said, song aside, the Kiss the Girl scene was more endearing in this version. When she helps him figure out her name?
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Melissa was good as Ursula and made the character her own, though I think she was not as scary as she could have been. Better than I expected, though.
The actress that plays Vanessa knew she had 5 minutes to make an impression and used them to the fullest. Delightful.
The CGI felt unfinished and so did the color grading/lighting. I edited all the movie images in this post (just played with the saturation and the contrast) and I’m mediocre at best. HIRE TUMBLR EDITORS, DISNEY.
Halle deserved to wear more outfits, I can't believe Disney missed an opportunity to sell more dolls. Would have given her a dress for each day on land and the water dress. Mouse, I thought you liked money.
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we could have had it all
Wanted more of her sisters tbh. And less Triton, Javier phoned it in imo. I know Triton and Ariel’s relationship is an important part of the original movie but idk if it was his half assed acting or me wanting more of the sisters, but I wasn’t moved.
Flounder's weird character design was saved by his stellar voice actor and Sebastian grew on me, he was hilarious. Scuttlefina was tolerable but gosh she’s always playing the same character, stop casting her in everything.
Less I say about Scuttlebutt the better. Kids are probably gonna love it, though.
The ending was kinda weird? It felt rushed and the battle with Ursula was disappointing. Which is a surprise because the OTHER stormy scene at night was wonderfully done. 
Up to Ursula taking Ariel back to the ocean it felt really cohesive but the second Triton appears to save her it was like they were trying to speed things up and it got... weird.
Didn’t mind Ariel being the one that killed Ursula, after everything she put her through.
Cannot believe the movie robbed us of Jonah screaming “I lost her once, I’m not gonna lose her again!”
Overall it was a well paced (up to the finale), entertaining, charming movie. Despite its faults, the only Disney live action I want to rewatch (outside MAYBE Cinderella).
8/10 Justice for the foam dress.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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He's wacky and cray-cray (not to mention kinda has a rock for a brain and is possessive ASF) and tries EVERYTHING to make you smile and be happy. He'd be sad when you're sad and cries when you do. It honestly breaks his heart to see you cry since he'll remember his depressing past and he'll try his best to put a smile on your face again 
On a scale from 1-10, I'd rate him a 0.5 since there is no WAY daddy shark would hurt his precious pebble, but if you drive him over the edge, he might 'accidentally' use his quirk on you and let his waterworks loose by crying and sobbing all over you how sorry he is for hurting you 
He baby proofs the place when he kidnaps you and you won't even see a plastic butter knife out 
When it comes to other people though, I'd rate him a 5/10 since he's Red Riot for F sake! He's viewed to be a chivalrous doofus to the world, a Crimson Riot admirer that too and he has a reputation to maintain, just like Deku, however this boi has a dark sadistic side that you do NOT want to see AT ALL
He might hurt someone really badly but I can't really see him actually killing someone. If they get under his nerves though, well.... Sayonara to them 
He LOVES to dress you up, be it frilly gowns or lacy gowns or an oversized hoodie of his whatever. But he won't make you wear anything that you don't feel comfortable in. He wants you to comfortable around him and his presence and how is he going to make that happen if you're unhappy with what you're wearing? After all, he's a man and he NEEDS to take care of his pebble's needs
He's a restraint yandere. He loves you so much and is so infatuated with you that he NEVER wants to let you go, EVER. He's scared you might leave him so he does the first thing that pops into his head and takes you in his care *Cough, legal kidnapping, cough*
Like all bad guys, he has a partner he works with. And if you guessed that Bakugou is his right hand man, YAY YOU! You win a free cookie...
Kirishima wants to prove to you that he's YOUR hero, your savior. So, he'll order some villains to make you feel as uncomfortable and miserable as possible and suddenly, WHOOSH, he's gonna swoop down and save you asking if you're all right. Yes, don't be surprised if he's in contact with the LOV
He loves to spoil you, HECK, he'll even buy you a large MANSION like from those Disney movies if it'll make you happy and smile since it's obvious that rock boi here is a SUCKER for your dazzling smile. It just makes him see stars :)
He's best described as a puppy always looing for affection from you. If you're reading a book, he'll just place you onto his lap and nuzzle in your neck. If you're playing a game, he'll cuddle you and see how good you are at it. And if you both are watching a movie, he'll hug you and not let go. Basically speaking, he's a cuddle monster. And when you refuse to show him some love and affection, he'll give you the look of a kicked puppy which may tug a few of your heartstrings and finally cave into his desires
If you try escaping or drive him over the edge, he'll just punish you with the restriction of your luxuries and YES, that ALSO includes no doing your favorite thing till you behave like a good girl and earn his trust back (Which won't take less than 5 days btw) He just can't bring himself to hurt you even though Bakugou always tells him to
He's a yandere who's easy to manipulate, like easy peasy lemon squeazy type of easy to manipulate. Want something? It'll be there in no time. He'll give you anything you ask for except for your freedom of course 
When you finally develop Stockholm Syndrome and admit that you finally love him, he'll be over the moon with joy and act like he conquered the world. That cheesy grin of his won't go away for days together. It'll be a win-win for everyone and you can even expect a little gift wrapped neatly for you by a loud explosive hyperactive blonde who's also equally happy for you both 
''Pebble, I love you so much, I would never dream of hurting you. Not even in my worst nightmares...~"
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atlantis-archive · 9 months
Vinny Has a Blast!
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Written and lettered by: Michael Stewart Pencils by: Steven Butler Inks by: Jim Amash Colors: John Green Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.80-83). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
Page 1: Rourke: [To reach Atlantis, we must get the Ulysses through that narrow opening in the rocks up ahead.] [Vinny, you'll have to blast a hole big enough for the ship to pass through.] [Moliere will handle any digging for you.] Vinny: [You want your standard round opening, or maybe something interesting--] [--a diamond... or a figure eight? Perhaps an "A" for Atlantis?] [I've got enough nitro to get creative here...] narrator: [Red alert! The crew of the submarine Ulysses faces the first major obstacle in their quest to find the lost continent of Atlantis!] Mole: [-:Sigh:- I have just escaped the bath and now we go into the ocean?]
Page 2, Panel 1: Rourke: [You're sure there's no other way, Milo?] Panel 2: Milo: [The Shepherd's Journal says we have to go through, Commander Rourke.] Panel 3: Milo: [It also says the seas around Atlantis contain unknown dangers...] Panel 4: narrator: [Minutes later, Vinny and Moliere eagerly strike out into the unknown...] Vinny: [We'll bury two charges--one on each side of the opening.] [Like I always say, two explosions are better than one!] Mole: [I cannot wait to sink my pickax into the unknown delights of this exotic undersea rock!] Panel 5: Vinny: [Remember, the depth of the holes must be very precise!] Mole: [Please! Am I not the famous Moliere?] Panel 6: Vinny: [This explosion will be a true work of art!] Panel 7: Vinny: [Did Michelangelo ever sculpt rock on such a massive scale? No!] Mole: [Something's moving over there...]
Page 3, Panel 1: Mole: [Fish! Big fish!] [Scary fish!] [Vinny!] Panel 2: sfx: THWACK! Panel 3: Vinny: [You got that second hole ready?] Mole: [Sacre bleu!] Panel 4: Mole: [Please--it looks hungry!] Vinny: [Let you're little fishy nibble on this flare.] Panel 5: sfx: FLASH! Panel 6: Mole: [We go now!] Vinny: [If that hole isn't just right, this explosion could be very... messy!] Panel 7: Mole: [Uh... sure. The hole is fine. Let's go!]
Page 4, Panel 1: Vinny: [OK, time for the first big boom! Mole: [Are we fare enough away?] Panel 2: Vinny: [The view is much better up close!] [On the count of three!] [One... ah skip it--boom.] sfx: KA-BOOOOM! Panel 3: Vinny: [Let me guess--you didn't finish digging the hole...] Mole: [Not exactly, no.] Panel 4: Vinny: [My foot is trapped! And your helmet is cracked! Get help from the Ulysses!] Mole: [Yes! I'll go back to the ship!] Panel 5: Vinny: [Might as well finish the job...] sfx: BA-BOOOOM! Vinny: [Ahh! Is there anything more beautiful than a very large explosion?] [No, I think not!] Panel 6: Vinny: [Hey! Look who's back!] [That explains my sudden craving for fish sticks!] narrator: [Turn to page 84 for the exciting conclusion!]
This post is passed the weekly deadline! That's 1 demerit for me. I'll need to figure out something to do with those to make them effective. This still counts as last week's post so I owe another this week, which I have decided will be the last comic in the Disney Adventures issue.
The story here takes place prior to the battle against the leviathan, seemingly before Milo's presentation on the bridge in the film.
We see that the Ulysses, unsurprisingly, carries diving equipment. However, these are ambient pressure diving suits, good for protection against tearing and cold but useless against the pressure at deeper levels. Humans can't really survive more than 60 meters (196.85 feet) below, which is why Atmospheric Diving Suits were invented! Imagine them in steampunk-esque, underwater robot suits instead!
The "scary fish" (the nayap according to Sweet's Fish Story!) is the first fantastical creature encountered by the expedition. It doesn't seem particularly interesting, though. A weird shark with a feathery tail and long snout?
Vinny's dialogue really shows how much Don Novello brought to the performance. Without his adlibbing and weird energy the character just doesn't hit the same.
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elvenwhovian · 2 years
Thoughts on the criticisms for The Rings of Power
The negativity around ROP has been so disheartening and I need to rant/have my say. Below are the most common criticisms I've seen and my responses to them. 
1. "They butchered/desecrated Tolkien's story! They changed the story too much so I won't watch/ will only hate-watch." 
Some of you are too young to remember, but I was there 3000 20 years ago when PJ's films came out. He changed A LOT. And I was surrounded by homeschooler book purists who had a lot to say, both good and bad. Here's my thing ... if you don't like ROP because they changed things, fine. You do you.  But don't tell me that PJ's films are perfection if you say you can't handle major changes to Tolkien’s works. 
Arwen didn't rescue Frodo. The elves never came to Helms Deep. Faramir didn't take Frodo and Sam captive. And Frodo never sent Sam away before Cirith Ungol, just to name a few. These were SIGNIFICANT changes that PJ made. But they didn't ruin the story ... dare I say, they made things more interesting. 
2. "The story moves too slowly." 
Bro ... have you read LOTR? Its a slow burn at the start. And then half of TTT is just Frodo and Sam simply walking into Mordor. Just like Tolkien, I feel like the show runners are laying a foundation and then in season 2 things will pick up. Also they have 5 seasons planned. Also its television. Its meant to be in installments to keep you coming back. Honestly, compared to some modern TV, it is refreshing to have a show that is taking its time and not beating you over the head with info dumping and action set pieces every single week. We are back in Middle-earth. Enjoy the ride, my dudes. 
3. "The Harfoots are annoying/cheesy/unnecessary." 
I'll admit that I was leery about them including proto-hobbits in the show, but I think they are delightful. They have their flaws, but Hobbits always have. They are quirky; the refreshing contrast to the darkness of war just beyond their borders. Yeah, Nori royally screws up A LOT. Reminds me of another hobbit who Gandalf used to berate for his stupidity. 
I also saw one comment complaining about "Wandering Day" and that the montage/song was too much like a Disney movie. First of all, how dare you? Do you even Tolkien, good sir? His books were full of songs. The hobbits had walking songs in the book. Tolkien loved songs and poetry. It is very VERY in character for Hobbits to have a song with their storyline. And honestly, that song is perfection. I've been singing it as a lullaby to my 6 month old son and he loves it. 
4. "Galadriel is too manly/angry/vengeful ... Also the men are weak." 
Perfect people are not interesting. Flaws make characters realistic, engaging, and worth watching. Galadriel is a flawed character in ROP and I LOVE IT. She is prideful, ambitious, and strong-willed ... all stuff Tolkien wrote about her. She is also very athletic/physically skilled. Tolkien also wrote this ... I have references. And yeah ... if you believed the evil who killed your brother was out there and no one believed you, you would be miffed too. 
And as I predicted, she is undergoing character development that is helping to temper her vengeance. She literally gives up her sword. 
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The symbolism is spot on. 
Also, those saying she is too manly... bro, what the heck? Her costumes and armor are so beautiful and well done! My two favorite looks are the dress she wears in Numenor and her armor design.
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I think they did a fantastic job making her a strong yet flawed female character. 
And the men are weak? Elrond and Durin have a rock breaking contest. Arondir fights for his girl ... doesn't get more manly than that. Also, Elendil is just fantastically done and oozes that stable yet compassionate masculine energy Tolkien's male characters are known for. 
5."I don’t like that they cast people of color." 
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Don't be racist. Its 2022.
6. "The elves aren't done right/have short hair/ aren't like PJ's elves." 
Ok first of all, while many of the elves in the legendarium are described with long hair, its never defined as a standard for elvish culture. Second, if you are going to expect any and all Tolkien adaptations to conform to PJ's films, then I guess we can toss out all the cartoons that are beloved by so many people. Also, I don't see anyone beating up the legendary painter and Tolkien illustrator Ted Nasmith for his depictions of elves with shorter hair. 
Also, let's be real ... Elrond was described as "kind as summer" in The Hobbit. I love Hugo Weaving's portrayal, but he's never seemed particularly warm or kind to me. I adore Elrond's portrayal in ROP! I even like his floppy hair. He's a young whipper-snapper of an elf and he seems like the kind of person who would create a place like Rivendell. I mean ... look at this precious cinnamon roll:
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Also Celebrimbor has that wise old British dude energy that reminds me of Bilbo or even the professor himself. Tolkien's elves were complex people with varying personalities and passions. They weren't the stoic, almost vulcan-ish, people PJ made them out to be. I love the PJ films, but if we are going to make them the standard, then I guess the room for creativity is gone(?) 
7. "The writing sucks/ is fan fiction." 
I'll admit, the writing is rough in a few places. Galadriel jumping ship was kinda dumb. But its not Rise of Skywalker level dumb. And I'll fully admit that this is fan fiction. All television writing based on an IP is fan fiction. Its fiction written by fans/writers based on already established characters/worlds. 
And frankly, the term "its fan fiction" is not an insult to me, because I've read some darn good fan fiction.  Next argument please. 
8. "Its a cash grab from Amazon so we should hate it." 
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It’s not. Read the article by The Hollywood Reporter. Also, let's remember that lots of passionate people worked on this series and it shows. Punishing them because Amazon's name is on it is unfair. I know, I know ... Amazon is not squeaky clean. But if we boycotted every company who had stains on their record, we would be living in cabins in the woods eating squirrels. 
7. “Galadriel couldn’t have survived the volcano/ she does dumb over the top stuff ... this show is not realistic.”
You guys do realize this is a fantasy series, right? Also the way she stood their was so bad@$$. 
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And yeah, she did this:
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You do know that horse acrobatics is a real thing right? 
Also, need I remind you this over the top elf:
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He did dumber stuff and we loved it. It was cool. If we are going to take the time to pick apart the “unrealistic” story full of wizards, elves, and magic, then we are gonna be here awhile.
In conclusion, there is only one episode left and I can’t wait! Even if the finale is “just ok”, it’s been a blast to be back in Middle-earth and that means a lot to me. If you are not a fan of ROP, that’s fine. You don’t have to watch it. But some of us are really enjoying it and I can’t wait for the next 4 seasons. Be nice.
Rant over :P Thank you for listening.
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cosmoseinfeld · 5 months
get to know me game!
thanks for the tag @pepsi-maxwell 💖
do you make your bed? yep, i find that tidiness helps my adhd
what's your favourite number? 3 and 5
what is your job? graphic design is my passion (but the very boring graphic/layout design where you don't have creative freedom but corporate designs)
if you could go back to school would you? hm, i did have a good time tbh but i do not want to go through puberty again.
can you parallel park? yes, i love doing it
a job you had that would surprise people? worked at a small tv production company and once assisted a shoot that included d-list celebs (famous in my country at least and also only famous to a certain generation)
do you think aliens are real? who knows what's out there!
can you drive a manual car? hell yeah, here we still mostly have stick shift, and even if automatic is getting more and more popular, you still learn stick first. i think it's more fun tbh
what's your guilty pleasure? daily soaps
tattoos? a lot of them, yeah (1 piercing)
favourite colour? black?
favourite type of music? it so depends on my mood... but i can always go for 80s. i also love surf rock (i saw messer chups live once!)
do you like puzzles? hate it. what's the point.
any phobias? hmm i have a lot of anxieties and dislikes but phobias? i don't think so tbh.
favourite childhood sport? equestrian riding - still is :) i also tried soccer, karate (my dad used to do it), badminton and basketball (my brother used to do it)
do you talk to yourself? often.... and in public as well.
what movie(s) do you adore? I think I adore good movies? haha. genre is secondary. i love camp movies (the birdcage), i love movies that are character driven, you know - things are happening but it's not a 3 act structure (think: my own private idaho, all of us strangers, weekend), i LOVE a good action movie (I honestly think the John Wick movies are the sexiest things i have ever seen). I love a good mafia movie (goodfellas, duh). I love an old school buddy comedy with gay undertones (midnight run) or classic action movies with gay undertones (Heat), and yes i also love a good superhero movie (winter soldier). and yes, i also love a good romcom (basically any romcom hugh grant has done. almost all of them have aged pretty good). i love good trash (psycho goreman), i love sad movies (banshees of inisherin), i love old disney movies (lion king)....
coffee or tea? total coffee girl but i do drink a lot of tea for hydration. roiboos, masala chai, peppermint... anything that isn't fruity
first thing you wanted to be growing up? writer ;_; ... let's move on
tags without pressure: @scopophil @realworldchamp @thlayli-ra @purplehairsecretlair @heelhausen @emeritusterzo @godspouse @yu-tap
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momimf1ne · 3 months
got tagged by the wonderful @jusst-you-race! thank you sm 🧡
1. do you make your bed?
not really... my bed is on a plateau (?) so i have to climb a ladder to get into it and you don't see it from down below
2. favourite number?
has always been 13!! fun fact: friday the 13th is (against all odds) the safest day in the year because most people are extra careful
3. what's your job?
i'm a university student and work part-time as a social media manager for a music festival
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
no way in hell!!! i was absolutely miserable in high school
5. can you parallel park?
i think i can? i was really good at it in driving school but i barely do it now
6. do you think aliens are real?
most likely
7. can you drive a manual car?
yepp, my car's a manual too
8. guilty pleasure?
kpop era 2014-2018
9. tattoos?
12! but i'll get two more in july and i am SO excited!
10. favourite colour?
i fear i am the annoying green-person
11. favourite type of music?
mid-western emo, post-hardcore, indie rock... stuff that makes me feel something
12. do you like puzzles?
i do!! been way too long since i did one though
13. favourite childhood sport?
football and swimming i think
14. do you talk to yourself?
loads! i be having full on red carpet interviews with myself
15. tea or coffee?
coffee! i would die without coffee
16. first thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a singer i think, loved singing and performing before the social anxiety hit
17. what movies do you adore?
i suck at movies i fear... i'm a series person through and through! however i love disney movies, especially brother bear and merida!
not sure who's been tagged already but @wisteriagoesvroom and @piastrisms if you'd like <3
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
📁 for Micheal tlb!!
A/N: I’m in a Michael mood rn so I figured I’d do this request first, but to the person who requested it, I will do the Jervis fic soon I promise
My boy has perfect pitch
Sam just walks up to him and hits random things together and is like “what note was that”
Michael put a lock on his door bc one night sam did rt his at 4:00am
He loves Disney movies
I’ve said this so many times but he LOVES cooking
Especially for ppl he cares about
His favorite season is summer
It would be spring but he’s allergic to flowers
Still buys Star flowers every week
His favorite fruit is cantaloupe
Likes the look of button up shirts but cant stand actually wearing them
Solid B+ student
Does well in math tho
Has 5 pairs of shoes: 1 set of foot flops, 1 set of dress shoes, 1 pair of boots, 2 sets of tennis shoes
Looks identical to his grandpa on his dads side
Prefers quilts over blankets
Decent singing voice but thinks it’s awful
Mamas boy, but in the good way
Normally his room is pretty neat, but around important tests it gets messy
Always wanted brown eyes
Used to help grandpa Emerson with his taxidermy when little until he realized it was actual animals
Nanook was originally his dog, but gave her to Sam after realizing he didn’t want the responsibility
Still lays on the floor with Nanook’s head on his chest like they did when she was a puppy occasionally
Learned piano for a couple years but dropped it for guitar
Has a tiny scar just below his hairline on the back of his neck bc Sam threw a pencil at him in elementary school
Collects quarters
Favorite candy is pop rocks
When he was a toddler he was a dance machine and Lucy constantly brings it up and accidentally embarrassed him
Michael and Lucy have had special nights just for them since he was 2 where they watch their favorite kids movies together curled up on the couch
He saved up money from his first job in Santa Carla and bought a tv so they could continue this
At some point in life he gets a chicken named Julian
I Like @persephone-s-moon ‘s Rat Series so even though they aren’t they boys, laddie, and Star, he gets 6 rats to help with anxiety after the night in the house
Names are Joey, Bobby, Danny, Chloe, Rosie, & Frankie
Yes all their names had to end with an “e” sound on purpose
He and Star end up dating for a couple years, but decided to be friends after a while
Michael ends up dating a bleach blonde guy who he just can’t figure out why he looks so familiar no it’s not actually david
Kinda regrets not turning when he reaches his 30s
Would never tell anyone that tho
His favorite Disney movie as of 1987 was The Fox and The Hound
But adored the Little Mermaid when it came out and took Laddie to see it all the time
Also was the one who went with Star to return laddie to his parents after everything, and the pair became his official babysitters
He gets a little creeped out whenever laddie acts like the boys tho
Still bought laddie a new jacket when he outgrew his old one, and it looked a lot like Dwayne’s
Becomes a music teacher in 50s, but was a producer before that
Ends up married to a girl named Susan, and has a son- Gabriel David Emerson
Yes Sam and everyone besides Laddie gave him hell for the middle name
Ends up being a great dad
Favorite shape is a trapezoid
Listens to Queen a ton
He and Star end up life long besties
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brian-mays-hair · 3 months
How did you get into Queen/classic rock?
whew, this is going to be a long one
i’ve always been familiar with classic rock, when i was like 4 or 5 my dad was in a band and their gigs were at this run down house that he inherited (i promise we weren’t rich like it didn’t even have working plumbing)
around the same time, my mom owned her own business so i would go to work with her and we would listen to the classic rock station we could pick up so i knew a lot of the songs that would play
my dad and i pretty much exclusively listened to 70s/80s music (mainly ELO, Hall and Oates, Eagles, Ozzy, and Kiss) with occasional 90s pop and grunge sprinkled in there
i grew up in a very small rural community, population of a little over 2,000 people, and in small towns you’re seen as an outsider if you don’t fit this certain image, at least that’s how it was when i was growing up
the school that i went to was a segregation academy unfortunately so there were only about 300 kids Pre-K-12th grade, there were about 12 kids including me in the class and 10 of them were girls. I was usually the one that got picked on because I was different, I didn’t wear the trendy clothes that everyone else wore (mainly because we were poor but i didn’t want to wear them anyway), i didn’t listen to the same music, i didn’t watch the same movies or tv shows so naturally i was made an easy target.
i wanted to be liked because my mom was a people pleaser and it took me forever to get over that mindset i inherited from her, i was always so worried what people would say about me so i started assimilating, i started listening to the disney channel and Nickelodeon music, i watched the shows and started dressing trendier so i left all of the stuff that really made me happy behind so i could fit in
flash forward a few years to about 2012, we moved to a bigger city because my dad got a new job and i went to public school for the first time where obviously you meet a lot of different people from a lot of different backgrounds, i had friends for the first time that grew up similar to i did, they didn’t live in the nicer houses in town either and they didn’t all have the same personalities or interests so i learned that it was okay to be different.
the summer before 7th grade, i started listening to older music again. I got my ‘1’ album out by the beatles and listened to it non stop, i was also super into youtube at the time and watching music videos, somehow i stumbled upon the killer queen top of the pops video and that literally changed my life. i started reading their wikipedia page and realized they wrote all of these songs that i knew and loved. i started listening to their albums in full and knew this is what music was supposed to sound like.
This was also during the height of Pandora radio so i used to play ‘Queen’ stations and that’s how I discovered Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Clapton mainly.
Alright this is a little side story, my freshman year of high school I had a part time job as a hostess at a mexican restaurant and one of my neighbors was having a yard sale, they were selling one of those big cabinet record players with an 8 track player and a radio. The record player actually didn’t work, the belt was stretched out so i found a station i liked and kept it on 24/7 the entire time i was in high school, that exposed me to more 70s/80s artists and my most beloved bands like the Police, Billy Joel, Phil Collins, and Steely Dan
Hope that answered your question and other ones you didn’t ask, thanks for the ask! 🤍
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laresearchette · 7 months
Saturday, February 24, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
ROCK PAPER SCISSORS (YTV) 10:00am (SERIES PREMIERE): When Scissors runs out of money, he tries to become a janitor but discovers that the job involves way more skill than he initially thought; Rock and Paper try to motivate Scissors in an unusual way.
NHL HOCKEY (SN360) 12:00pm: Blues vs. Red Wings (TSN2) 2:00pm: Habs vs. Devils (SN360) 3:00pm: Rangers vs. Flyers (City TV/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Bruins vs. Canucks (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Avalanche (SN1) 7:00pm: Knights vs. Sens (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Oilers
MLB SPRING TRAINING (SN) 1:00pm: Phillies vs. Jays
CURLING (TSN) 2:00pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff (TSN) 5:00pm: Curling Day in Canada (TSN/TSN3) 8:00pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff (TSN4/TSN5) 9:30pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff
PWHL HOCKEY (SN1) 2:30pm: Ottawa vs. Montreal
MLS SOCCER (TSN4/TSN5) 7:00pm: Orlando vs. CF Montreal
W5 (CTV) 7:00pm: Who's at Your Door?; Who Is Dillon Brooks?: "W5" investigates companies that allegedly trick homeowners into signing long-term contracts for items they don't need; why a Canadian is the most-hated man in the NBA.
UFC MMA (SN360) 8:00pm: Moreno vs. Royval 2 - Prelims (SN1/SN360) 10:00pm: Moreno vs. Royval 2
AURORA TEAGARDEN MYSTERIES: SOMETHING NEW (CTV) 8:00pm: Young Aurora Teagarden returns home to Lawrenceton to pursue her post-graduate degree but soon finds herself embroiled in a mystery involving her friend's fiance.
LOVE AT FIRST LIE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Kate is looking for the perfect match online when she swipes and meets Walker, a jet-setting art dealer. After Kate falls for the dashing dealer, she learns that he is a hustler who cons women out of their money.
SNOW SCHOOL (Nat Geo Wild) 8:00pm: When every day is a snow day, school is always in session; a baby walrus gets a swim lesson from Mom; young stoats' playtime teaches them how to hunt; otter pups take a slide and learn to avoid predators; owlets practice leaving the nest.
THE HAPPINESS PLAYBOOK (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Journalist Amy goes under cover at a happiness retreat run by the handsome Paul. Sparks fly between the two, but when Amy learns Paul is the secret son of a wealthy investor, she must choose between a career-making story and her growing feelings.
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN2) 8:30pm: Celtics vs. Knicks
THANKSGIVING (Crave) 9:00pm: An axe-wielding maniac terrorizes residents of Plymouth, Mass., after a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy. Picking off victims one by one, the seemingly random revenge killings soon become part of a larger, sinister plan.
DEAD MAN'S HAND (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: A gunslinger teams up with a marshal to save his kidnapped wife from a ruthless mayor and his private army.
WOLVES OF WAR (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: During World War II, a decorated British officer leads Allied commandos across enemy lines to rescue an American scientist held hostage by the Nazis.
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH (CTV) 12:35am: Offered a plea deal by the FBI, William O'Neal infiltrates the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party to gather intelligence on Chairman Fred Hampton.
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jules-has-notes · 8 months
New Bern, NC — VoicePlay live performances
Even as they were swiftly approaching the completion of nearly 100 shows at Disney World for the season, VoicePlay popped up to North Carolina for a full holiday concert on the weekend before Christmas.
With the amount of travel Americans tend to do between Thanksgiving and Christmas, this comedic medley is extra relatable during the holiday season. If only all of our family sing-a-longs sounded this good.
title: Road Trip
original songs / performers: [1:27] "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim; [1:45] "Orinoco Flow" by Enya; [2:03] "Cum On Feel the Noize" by Quiet Riot; [3:12] "Big Shot" by Billy Joel; [3:25] "I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister; [3:34] "Voices Carry" by ’Til Tuesday; [3:52] "Shout" by Tears For Fears; [4:07] "Why Can't We Be Friends?" by War; [4:17] "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd; [5:00] "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" by Chicago; [6:25] "We Just Disagree" by Dave Mason; [6:45] "Hello" by Adelle
written by: "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Al Dubin & Joe Burke; "Orinoco Flow" by Eithne "Enya" Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin & Roma Ryan; "Cum On Feel the Noize" by Noddy Holder & Jim Lea; "Big Shot" by Billy Joel; "I Wanna Rock" by Dee Snider; "Voices Carry" by Robert Holmes, Aimee Mann, Michael Hausman, & Joey Pesce; "Shout" by Roland Orzabal & Ian Stanley; "Why Can't We Be Friends?" by Papa Dee Allen, Harold Ray Brown, B.B. Dickerson, Lonnie Jordan, Charles Miller, Lee Oskar, Howard E. Scott, & Jerry Goldstein; "That Smell" by Allen Collins & Ronnie Van Zant; "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" by Peter Cetera & David Foster; "Hello" by Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
Eli starting to doze off and tip over until he's startled awake by Earl's yelp
Tony using his flowy jacket as a blanket
sleepy Geoff rubbing his eyes as he's rudely awakened by the bickering
Earl's little bunny nose sniffing
the exchange of annoyed watch tapping
Layne almost getting Eli to break with the different interruption
VoicePlay made a professionally filmed version of this medley / skit during the 2014 Sing-Off tour.
Layne usually interrupts with "Royals" by Lorde, but sometimes changes it up, as he does here, to try to make the other guys laugh.
These guys love The Nightmare Before Christmas, and have recorded several songs from its fantastic soundtrack. But this was the first one to join their live show repertoire.
title: What's This?
original performers: Danny Elfman as Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
written by: Danny Elfman
arranged by: Layne Stein
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
those lovely opening harmonies
Tony excitedly getting in everybody's personal space
the alternating pliés and relevés to emulate the carolers' vehicle in the movie
♫ "I might possibly go daffy…" ♫ followed by Layne putting a quack in his percussion line
slo-mo snowball fight!
♫ "cozy in their dre-eam ⇓ laaand ⇓" ♫ "That was weird." "Sorry."
their monster walks as they regroup
that sharp, clean final chord
This song was a staple of their holiday shows for many years, particularly during their Disney World residencies for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party.
They finally recorded it with J.None for their 2017 holiday EP "Warm Up", and filmed a video to go with it that they released at Halloween of that year.
This bouncy tune is a great way to get an audience dancing in their seats, and VoicePlay alway performs it with gusto. Meet the guys, and hear a little of what they can do.
title: For Once In My Life
original performer: Stevie Wonder
written by: Ron Miller & Orlando Murden
arranged by: VoicePlay
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
Earl and Tony starting to step-touch together, then just giving in to the groove
everyone else cutting out for Eli's ♫ "won't desert me-e-e" ♫ riff then coming back in behind ♫ "I'm not alone anymore" ♫
everyone getting a moment in the spotlight for an introduction
those jazzy scatting lines leading into the key change
and a lovely ending chord
This song had been part of their live shows since their 4:2:Five days. The earliest clip I've found is from a performance in 2011 when their friend Jarrett Johnson subbed for Ryan.
Listening to this song is certainly a treat, but watching them perform it is at least half the fun. Sometimes friends being a little competitive makes them all better.
title: Elvira
original performers: The Oak Ridge Boys
written by: Dallas Frazier
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
Tony startling Earl by skittering his fingertips down the back of his head
troublemaker Eli encouraging Earl to take center stage
that glorious pop timbre in Tony's solo
Geoff reclaiming the spotlight with that extra deep ♫ "mow mow" ♫
the "Earl can go low, too" gag is never not funny
the other guys' expectant expressions in the back during the tense final confrontation
and that big ending is always fantastic
This number was a longtime fan favorite staple in their live shows, including the 2015 Sing-Off tour.
Because the visual component of this performance is such an interaction with the audience, they have never filmed a video for it, but there is an audio recording available through their Patreon.
Geoff also helped arrange the version that their pals in Home Free recorded with The Oak Ridge Boys earlier in the year.
Anyone who grew up watching the Rankin-Bass stop-motion animated holiday specials knows these songs. But most people have never heard them quite like this.
title: Frosty the Snowman & Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
original songs / performers: "Frosty the Snowman" by Gene Autry; "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Eddie Cantor
written by: "Frosty the Snowman" by Walter "Jack" Rollins & Steve Nelson; "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by J. Fred Coots & Haven Gillespie
arranged by: VoicePlay
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
Layne letting his inner kid out during the intro banter
Eli's smooth delivery on the opening lines
the harmonic stacking in ♫ "when they placed it on his head" ♫
those syncopated backing vocals during Earl's "Santa Claus" verse
Eli flailing in the back when the other guys start rapping
that crunchy ending section
The boys started performing this mashup during their 4:2:Five days. The earliest recording I've found is from their stint as castmembers in the Polar Express Conductors holiday show at SeaWorld in 2011. (Go hear Layne sing bass!)
It was a staple of VoicePlay's holiday shows for many years, particularly during their Disney World residencies for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party.
They recorded a swingier version of "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" with their friend Michael Andrew for their 2012 holiday album "Peppermint Winter".
It can be easy to overlook even the most talented vocal percussionist in an audio mix. Your ears forget that all those beats are coming out of a human body. But those skills are undeniable when he's the only one on stage.
title: Layne's drum solo
written & arranged by: Layne Stein
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
that initial deep kick
the random squawk
dropping into a half-time groove before transitioning into a more electronic section
♫ "Ding!" ♫
and the big finish
Percussion solos are a time honored tradition among modern a cappella groups. It can also be fun to hear beatboxers' differing styles when they team up as they did during the 2014 and 2015 Sing-Off tours.
When Layne started up again at the end, he was transitioning them into the start of "A Crimpella".
VoicePlay don't just have one crowd-pleasing medley of phonations. They've also got a holiday version. There really are a lot of unusual lyrics in Christmas carols, and these guys make them incredibly fun.
(I think I caught everything, but if I missed a song, please let me know so I can track it down and add it to the list.)
title: "Most of the Songs" holiday medley
original songs / performers: "Mele Kalikimaka" by Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters; [0:06] "Pat-a-pan", French / English carol; [0:08] "Deck the Halls", English carol; [0:14] "Frosty the Snowman" by Gene Autry; [0:18] "Carol of the Bells", English carol; [0:27] "Coventry Carol", English carol; [0:41] "Welcome Christmas" from How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966); [0:55] "Hava Nagila", Jewish folk song; [1:03] "I Have a Little Dreidel", children's Hannukah song; [1:08] "Angels We Have Heard on High", French / English carol; [1:31] "Up on the Housetop" by Gene Autry; [1:38] "Dominick the Donkey" by Lou Monte; [2:00] "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" by Gene Autry; [2:03] "Jingle Bells", American carol; [2:06] "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from The Nutcracker; [2:38] "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", English carol
written by: "Mele Kalikimaka" by R. Alex Anderson; "Pat-a-pan" by Bernard de La Monnoye; "Deck the Halls" English lyrics by Thomas Oliphant, set to 16th century melody from Welsh carol "Nos Galan"; "Frosty the Snowman" by Walter "Jack" Rollins & Steve Nelson; "Carol of the Bells" English lyrics by Peter Wilhousky, melody from Ukranian New Year's song "Shchedryk" by Mykola Leontovych; "Coventry Carol" 16th century English Christmas carol; "Welcome Christmas" by Albert Hague; "Hava Nagila" by Moshe Nathanson & Abraham Zevi Idelsohn; "I Have a Little Dreidel" English lyrics by Samuel S. Grossman, melody by Samuel E. Goldfarb; "Angels We Have Heard on High" English lyrics by James Chadwick, to the traditional French tune "Gloria" as arranged by Edward Shippen Barnes; "Up on the Housetop" by Benjamin Hanby; "Dominick the Donkey" by Ray Allen, Sam Saltzberg, & Wandra Merrell; "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" by Johnny Marks; "Jingle Bells" by James Lord Pierpont; "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky; "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" modern arrangement by Arthur Warrell
arranged by: VoicePlay
performance date: 20 December 2015
My favorite bits:
Tony's little salsa groove as the beat kicks in
the adorable swaying choreography during "Welcome Christmas"
some Hannukah representation for the two Jewish band members
Geoff's robust "ho ho ho" 🎅
Earl's wonderful braying for "Dominick the Donkey"
Eli's exaggerated air bass at the start of "Sugar Plum"
that final descending drum fill from Layne
This medley also dates back to their 4:2:Five era and the SeaWorld Polar Express Conductors show. (Go hear Geoff beatbox!)
It was a staple of VoicePlay's holiday shows for many years, particularly during their Disney World residencies for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party.
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chronicas · 9 months
GAMES (And DLCs) PLAYED 2023!!
10. The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. I am NOT! The Visual Novel enjoyer. BUT MAN!! WHAT A DELIGHT!! It honestly brought be around in the genre again after DR3 muddied my enjoyment of it. Totally unexpected and so so SO enjoyable. Which is why I’m giving it a spot on the top 10! Play this game!! It’s free and awesome! I’ve even had people with know knowledge of Sonic tell me they liked this game! I’m serious! Go play it!!!
9. Bastion! LOVED this one! A beautiful game! I honestly don’t have much more to say on it though because it’s kinda just another really good game from Supergiant. I love how many styles of combat exist as options in this game, like, more than Hades had which felt like a lot compared to Transistor (which also had a lot of cool options but you can only use a sword so many ways). Good game! 8/10! Definitely recommend!
8. Frospoken. I’m being generous to this one because despite the super lackluster story. THIS WAS SO FUCKING FUN TO PLAY!!! I literally had such a blast with this one!! The abilities made running around the world so so so fun!! Of course I am disappointed that it didn’t live up to my expectations after following its development through the years, but honestly, they can’t all be bangers and I’m fine with that. Some games are just fun and have sick as fuck boss fights, and sometimes that’s all I need. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it though.
7. Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon. Okay I didn’t think they were gonna fully redo an entire level of the game. When they said “new story content” I thought that was gonna be like four new basically Cyber Space levels and that’s it. ALSO IM SORRY!! I’M SORRY FOR COMPLAINING ABOUT THE DIFFICULTY I’LL BE DIFFERENT NEXT TIME. All in all it was solid as hell. Like I’ve always said with Frontiers, this one GETS Sonic. This is what it’s all about. But Christ this was hard to beat….
6. Kingdom Hearts. The first one. BANGER!!! SUPER FUCKING CUTE. Also Cloud and Yuffie are there :]]]!!! The whole concept of Final Fantasy meets Disney still feels like an absolute buck wild concept to turn into such a well beloved franchise but hey! It’s good shit!! My favorite level overall was probably the Little Mermaid one! I love unique level mechanics!! Excited to play more of these games next year!
5. Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Cannot believe I delayed playing this one for so long! IT WAS SO GOOD!! These games are doing so right by my boys Miles and Ganke. The Spider-Verse movies could never (Taking shots at my own favorite movies). I’m REALLY glad I didn’t skip this before 2 came out. I loved the side quests on this one most of all! Really made you feel like a Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man instead of just Spider-Man. Also Haley I love you so much my sweet girl Haley :]
4. Destiny 2: Lightfall. This might be the lowest a D2 expansion has scored on this list in years. But that’s entirely because the other games this year were FUCKING SWEEET! But GOD. UAGH. I LOVED THIS ONE!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!! WHAT THE HELL… Nimbus my best friend Nimbus. AND GRAPPLING HOOK??? YEAHHHHH!!! God Strand is a fun subclass. It definitely doesn’t beat Stasis for me right now but it is SOOOOOOO FUNNNNNN. I loveee itttt. It was so exciting to start unraveling more about the Witness. Also the seasons this year? Mostly bangers!! We got a Pirate Season AND a Dragon Season?!?! WOOOOO!!!!!
2. Lethal Company! God this game rules. Enough to surpass the other games on this list purely because it’s gotten me through this whole month. It’s designed in a way that it’s always fun to come back to and it’s just been hours of fun with my besties! Plus it looks fucking stellar. Literally peak. 10/10, cannot recommend this one enough.
1. SPIDA-MAN!!!!!! 2!!!!!!!!!!!! Was so fucking good HOOOLLLYYYYY SHIT! I literally have raved on and on about this game and honestly I could just keep going. The gameplay was PHENOMENAL!!! The characters were so good. It was SUCH a good take on the Black Suit and Venom AND a really cool take on Kraven’s Last Hunt!!!!!!!!! Literally I couldn’t have asked for more from this game! It’s earned a spot as one of my all time favorites!!! :D
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Me? "SOUR"? As if...
Starting as a "SOUR" teenage girl crying over her ex Olivia Rodrigo is now spilling her "Guts" with her new album. Back in 2021 the Disney Channel actor Oliva Rodrigo released her first hit song outside of Disney “Drivers License” recently after her break up with co-star Joshua Bennet (fans believe). The song was a complete success and reached teens all over the world with over 1.1 billion streams. Just 5 months after the release of “Drivers License” Olivia dropped her first album “Sour”. Olivia’s songs are a bit too relatable for anyone who has dealt with heartbreak and she is very vocal about her pain, feelings of betrayal, and all the feelings one should feel while healing from a breakup.
 In the “SOUR” album one would get more of a pop vibe to it whereas in “Guts” it leans more into rock and this was a bit of a different vibe from Oliva. In her first album “SOUR” she had one song “Brutal” that had more of a rock vibe to it but a whole rock album is different for Olivia and fans seem to be loving it. To see the pop star express herself in rock is amazing. She is still singing about a past lover but bringing a new dynamic to her previous heartbreak music. You can even tell that there's a big difference in the album covers.
Over the past two years, we assume Rodrigo did a lot of healing and soul-searching to find a new version of herself and we can not only hear it in her change of genres but she is very vocal about it in her twelve new songs. In the “Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl,” she expresses that she “hate all my clothes and feels like my skin doesn’t feel right over my bones” The New York Times stated, “Olivia Rodrigo has seen the world and now she’s livid.” The songs in “Guts' ' compared to “SOUR” really show her growth and proves The New York Times right. She seemed to have a point of realization in this album whereas she was seemingly to be a bit delusional in her previous album. In her song “Vampire” she makes a few statements that show the growth she went through. Admitting that she “has made some real dumb mistakes” and how she admits that “she used to believe she was smart but you made me look so naïve' '. “Rodrigo is at her best, perhaps owing to her acting background, when delivering screeds in a kind of hyper-self-aware, spoken-word register. “Yes, I know that he’s my ex, / But can’t two people reconnect?” she poses with an almost audible wink on “Bad Idea Right?” a song on which she contemplates the self-destruction of rekindling an old romance. “I only see him as a friend / The biggest lie I ever said,” she adds, always shrewdly one step ahead of herself.”
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“Overall, I see “GUTS” as the bi-curious and grungy older sister to “SOUR” and recommend it to any teenager with growing pains.” Olivia’s music is very popular and the numbers show its success and I’m positive that we will be getting more from Olivia in time. I wonder what other surprises she has in store for us…
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marinerainbow · 2 years
Alright, I need to make a post that isn't Disney... So let's talk about horror! Specifically one of my favorite genres:
Two Sentence Horror Stories.
Writing a story, any story, is exceedingly difficult for many ways. But to make a whole story with just two sentences? A story that enraptured the reader and makes them shake but also want to know more? Now that is talent. And I never get tired of reading them.
So, even though nobody asked, here is my top 10 favorite two sentence horror stories and why I like them so much.
TW: Horror and creepy gifs, along with very unsettling topics. You have been warned. All credit goes to the original authors.
Number 10:
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I never go to sleep.
But I always wake up.
It doesn't seem like much honestly. But when you really think about it, that's when it starts to get more creepy. Why is this person constantly awake? Why do they keep waking up? What do they awaken to?
But at the same time, to me, this feels like one of those horror stories where it's more unsettling with imagery rather than on its own. I first heard it in an animated top 10 list and the imagery with it is definitely freaky, but when you take that away I don't feel so scared anymore. Chilled yes, but not scared.
Number 9:
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"Now be careful, that line of rock salt is the only thing keeping them out," the man said, welcoming my group into his refuge.
"Sea salt," I clarified, "sea salt keeps us out."
I do believe in the supernatural. I'm not the kind of person who will cover my whole house in salt cause I'm so paranoid about evil spirits, but I do believe that there are some creatures out there.
I am also anxious about the thought that if I ever do encounter a dangerous spirit or creature, I will not be prepared to face it or have the wrong information, just like the poor man in this story.
Number 8:
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A girl heard her mother call her by name, and started to head downstairs.
Just before she did, her mother pulled her into her room and said, "I heard it too."
If you're a fan of two sentence horror stories, you've no doubt heard this one, or a variation of it.
Like the one above, it's probably been heard a dozen times. Though it's still one of my favorites. It didn't quite help that the video I first heard this story used the name Sarah for the girl, which just so happens to be my own name. So it kinda spooked me on a personal level too.
Number 7:
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I always thought my cat had a staring problem, since she always seemed to be transfixed on my face.
I never realized until now, that she was always staring right behind me.
I've lived with cats for nearly my whole life. Literally. And I believe that animals can sense things that we can't, whether it be supernatural or otherwise.
So this story makes me shiver to think about, imagining this scenario with me and my own cat. And with my own fear, the thought of anything- or anyone- being behind me without my knowledge, it just makes it even worse for me.
Number 6:
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I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, "Daddy, check for monsters under my bed."
I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me, quivering and whispering, "Daddy, there's somebody on my bed."
Every child's worst fear comes to life in the most terrifying way possible. Now the father has to make the decision, which one is his real son? And if he makes the wrong choice, or doesn't act fast enough, who knows what the consequences will be?
Number 5:
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I told her there was no monster in her closet as I picked her up, and told her she could sleep with us tonight.
I figured that was the safest way off getting her out of the house without him realizing I saw him.
One of the many fears a parent would have. This is just so bone-chilling to read, I can only imagine how the narrator must have felt seeing a stranger in his daughter's closet.
Not to mention that, from the looks of things, it was a normal human intruder, nothing supernatural. To me, that just makes it even scarier. If it was a ghost or a demon, that would have been easier to deduce that the daughter is simply haunted. But a more real horror? Why was the man hiding in the girl's closet? What was he planning?
It's questions like that that are best left remained unanswered.
Number 4:
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You get home, tired after a long days work and ready for a relaxing night alone.
You reach for the light switch, but another hand is already there.
I grew up in a household where at least one person was awake no matter what. And it wasn't like they had different schedules, my parents expressly told me and my siblings that it was to make sure that no one broke into the house or anything.
They relaxed on that over the years, I think, but it still stuck with me. I'm genuinely terrified of the thought of living alone now, and this story is one of the ways that perfectly captures my fear. I know someday I'll have to live by myself for some time until I start a family of my own. And this story always comes to mind when I think that.
Number 3:
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The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long, rotting finger nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams.
I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as my clock read 12:06, I could hear my closet door creaking open.
I have lost count of how many times I've woken up in the middle of the night and thought I saw something creeping toward me. But then I would turn on the light, and nothing was there. I even have a memory from my childhood that I'm 65% sure is a genuine sleep paralysis story. Not to mention the kind of crazy or fucked up dreams I'll sometimes get before I wake up.
So when I read this story, it got to me on a personal level as well. Let me just say I'm grateful that my closet has no doors or else I'd probably try to barricade the doors every night just to reassure my subconscious.
Yeah, any supernatural creature in there may easily break through it, but at least I'll be able to get a few more minutes of peaceful sleep before I die.
Number 2:
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When the kidnapper made me guess where he kept my daughter, I pointed to the basement and he said, "Correct!" And allowed me to see her.
But when I found her severed head in there, I realized every other choice would have been correct too.
Holy shit, do I even need to explain this one? A parent who was clinging onto the hope that they finally found their child, and their hope is squashed in the worst way imaginable.
It's mental, emotional, and in a way physical torture. And you can practically feel the sick, twisted smile on the kidnapper's face as you read this horror story.
And the worst part? This isn't even number one on this list.
Number 1:
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After working a hard day I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child.
I didn't know which was more frightening; seeing my dead girlfriend and stillborn child, or knowing that someone broke into my apartment to place them there.
This... Holy shit I actually had to reread this a couple of times when I first found it.
Someone breaks into my girlfriend and child's graves, takes them all the way from their burial sites to my home, breaks into my home, proceeds to purposefully place them in such a way that would have looked heartwarming if they were alive, and then (supposedly) leaves for me to find the scene all on my own with no explanation. It's like #2 but on steroids.
This isn't just a simple hatred for the victim. It's an obsession. Whether it be a love for this twisted game, or a crazy ex-lover who decides to torture their victim for leaving them, this is an obsession with mentally breaking the narrator of this story.
And that's my list. Do you guys agree? What would you pick for your own list?
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Top Thirteen Thursday
It's spooky season and while it has been some time since my last post. So let's make a change about that! Have some of my Top Thirteen movies, more or less ;) to watch for Halloween in no particular order. As always feel free to buy me a coffee and to leave your favorite Halloween movies in the comments!
The Canterville Ghost (1996) staring Sir Patrick Stewart. This is an easy and mild movie for Halloween but a classic non the less.
2. Winchester (2018). This another fairly mild movie with a rating of PG-13 that has some well placed jump scares and tense moments, overall a more story driven movie with supernatural/ghost elements.
3. Tower of Terror (1997). This is a Disney movie and honestly just a lot of good fun, it is not rated oddly enough though I can't really see it being rated more than PG-13 at most.
4. What Lies Beneath (2000). Rated PG-13 and staring Harrison Ford. This is more of a psychological supernatural story. Fun fact is that it's screenplay was written by Clark Gregg so that's cool!
5. When A Stranger Call (1979 rated R & 2006 rated PG-13). So speaking of Clark Gregg, he shows up momentarily in the 2006 version of this movie. Both of these versions are a good suspense thriller as the protagonist tries to stay alive with killer playing cat and mouse with them. Also When a Stranger Calls Back (1993 rated R) is worth a look if you like the 1979 movie.
6. Dream House (2011). Rated PG-13 staring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, and Naomi Watts. A simple plot with a mystery. The actors do a good job of carrying the story, which yes isn't very deed but it is well executed.
7. Sleepy Hollow (1999). Rated R and staring Johnny Depp. It's a ride wild on Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow and slightly odd at times but a good watch and an interesting take on the characters involved.
8. House on Haunted Hill (1959). Not Rated and staring Vincent Price. Five guests in a maybe haunted mansion and murder afoot. Honestly just about anything staring Vincent Price will more than likely fit right on in with the spooky season!
9. A Quiet Place (2018). Rated PG-13 and more of a science fiction suspense than a horror, but let me tell you that had to be the quietest theater full of people ever when I went and saw it with family.
10. The Sixth Sense (1999). Rated PG-13 this movie is a classic with it's famous line of "I see dead people" and if you don't know the twist I most certainly am not going to spoil it.
11. Shutter Island (2010). Rated R and staring Mark Ruffalo, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ben Kingsley. This is categorized as a Thriller/Mystery and the story that is told has re-watch value to notice all the details that the makers made sure to put in there. I'm not saying a lot here cause I don't want to spoil it but my family when we first watched went right back and watched it immediately again, not because we were confused but because you can get a new experience with knowing eyes the second time around.
12. Stonehearst Asylum (2014). Rated PG-13 and staring Ben Kingsley, Micheal Caine, and David Thewlis. This is a Thriller/Mystery/Horror mix that keeps you on your toes trying to guess what is really going on and who the main character can actually trust.
13. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (1966). A classic and only 25 minutes long, I got a rock.
And there you have my Top Thirteen Halloween movies! There is certainly a list I could make of Honorable Mentions, but maybe I'll do that next year... Stay Spooky!
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thebellenouvelle · 1 year
5 favourite songs (if you don't write Cha Cha Cha at least three times, I am disowning you)
ohhhh BESTIE...I'm gonna do my favourite songs of ALL TIME! (they're in no particular order):
Candy - Paolo Nutini This song holds so many sweet memories and when I got to hear it live for the first time last year I cried :'D
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins Tarzan is my favourite Disney film and let's be honest here. Phil Collins didn't have to go this hard on the soundtrack but he did and gave, at least me, one of my favourite songs ever
Brompton Cocktail - Avenged Sevenfold I listened to this song a lot when my granddaddy was dying from cancer. I wished daily that he could just get his brompton cocktail to take the pain away. And this song just stuck with me...heh. (wow, this turned real dark, real quick)
If You Want Blood (You've Got It) - AC/DC I was a very angry kid and grew up mainly on all sorts of rock music (still my fave genre to this day) and this was sort of my anthem...because life always seemed unfair as a kid/teen, you know
Chiquitita - ABBA My mum's the biggest ABBA fan I know. She discovered them on Eurovision in 1974 (hence my obsession with Eurovision) and used to sing parts of this song to me as a child when I was sad and it always helped me feel better
Honourable mention: CHA CHA CHA - Käärijä Because I don't want to be disowned by you :( hahahah
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