#I always get confused when big accounts follow me on there lol
breezycheezyart · 2 months
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Miraculously, nope! And even when I did get a rare hate ask, I just delete it. I tag my art/posts specifically so folks who do not want to see that content can blacklist it (or they can just block me 🤷🏾‍♀️. It won’t hurt my feelings, trust me.)
And I’ve always headcanoned him as mlm (bi specifically), so not much really changed imo. I run by “If it’s not explicitly stated in the canon show, it’s free to interpretation.”
Again, folks can disagree with me, I don’t mind. Make the content you wanna see (nothing I make can nor will ever affect canon). But if you’re willing to pick a fight with me after all these years, you’re literally looking for something to piss you off. And that’s loser behavior 🤷🏾‍♀️
I’ll just mind my business in this corner with my blorbos lol 🩷🖤
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Random Astrology Observation
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Hi guys! Thank you so much for liking my recent post about Midheaven. I was absolutely shocked and blown away when I see the number of notes in the first 12 hours (more than 100 notes). This time, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to make an astrology observation about random placements from any natal chart. I didn't prepare anything, I'm just going to describe those placements that will come to my mind first, haha lol. This observation may apply to the western astrology only. Also, this will be a general observation, so take only what resonates with you. Hope it's going to makes sense, at least.
Natives who have multiple planets in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are meant to be leaders at some point. They might have such a strong presence and naturally attract other people because of their strong and natural charisma. Every angular house describes the most important things and events in our life.
1st house represents someone's personality, body and overall life.
4th house represents home, childhood and someone's private life.
7th house represents marriage, other people and our partner's life.
10th house represents career path and someone's professional life.
For a couple of months, I have realized that I eat very poorly and less than I have ever eaten for years. Sometimes I basically skip breakfast. It's become clear to me why this happens to me when I did look at the transits and saw that transit Saturn is currently in Pisces sign and it's sitting in my natal 2nd house of food, eating and throat. Saturn is all about restrictions and struggles and I don't have that capacity to eat the huge amount of food like I used to do. And it's not that I'm big, I'm naturally skinny actually.
South Node is related to spirituality, detachment and our comfort zone. When someone's personal planet or point, especially Sun, Moon or Rising, conjuncts your natal South Node, this may be a person who you naturally hang out with. You might feel comfortable with this type of person, but you may suddenly lose or break contact with this person like that is meant to happen. That is because South Node is a karmic planet and you should learn some lessons from your past life while interacting with person whose natal Sun/Moon/Rising conjuncts your natal South Node.
I could be called out for this statement, but I find Lilith a little bit overrated here on Tumblr and on every other social platforms (especially on Instagram and Twitter/X). Since I started following some astrology accounts here, I've been hearing about Lilith and other asteroids like they're something special. Don't get me wrong, I do think that Lilith does represent the sexual and dark side of us and that it can be accurate, but I also think that we already have Pluto for this (and Mars and Saturn too, 'cause they're all dark planets). My opinion is that people rely a little bit too much on asteroids here. When I look at someone's natal chart, I usually look the positions of the planets and I get enough clarity on someone's life and behavior. I use asteroids too, but that's the last thing I look on someone's natal chart.
Since I switched a house system from a Placidus to a Whole Sign, I have understood my own natal chart with the Whole Sign system clearer than before I used Placidus system. I'm not saying that the Placidus is bad and less accurate, but from my experience, that house system has always been confusing to me. When I switched to the Whole Sign system, I could understand my natal chart better and everything just 'clicked' to me. Whole Sign just makes more sense to me, I don't know about you and others.
I used to use both traditional and modern planetary rulers for each sign and house, but now I'm starting to realize that is enough to use only the traditional ones. I'll still use planets from Sun to Pluto while analyzing someone's natal chart, but when it comes to the rulers of the signs and houses, I'll use only planets from Sun to Saturn. The reason why is because I've concluded that the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) move too slow and it takes several years to change their signs. But regardless, I'll still say that these outer planets are co-rulers in modern tropical/western astrology, but I won't use them in practice anymore until I change my mind, which happens quite often, hahaha.
In traditional tropical astrology, Saturn rules over the Capricorn and Aquarius, Jupiter rules over the Sagittarius and Pisces and Mars rules over the Aries and Scorpio. But in modern tropical astrology, Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune and Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto. Use whatever it resonates more to you. I don't force you to think like me, that's not my goal at all.
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Thank you for reading this observation and supporting my work. You can ask me what do you want me to do next if you have any ideas. Wish you all had a wonderful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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gilmore-angel · 10 months
you belong with me || steve harrington x reader
swiftmas ♱ second fic for my swiftmas!!! important note is that I'm not following the shows canon, so that's why the timeliness is off. I hope you enjoy this fic. im not the biggest fan of how it turned out, but i still am okay with it lol! if you'd like to see the December 1st fic you can click the first link below!! also SO SORRY this is late!!
summary ♱ you love Steve, but he must be stupid if he doesn't realize you two are meant to be together.
warnings/contains ♱ bit of jealousy, friends to lovers, breakup.
swiftmas ♱ navigation ♱ follow my library account @baysfics !!
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it was a tuesday night, you sat in your room on your bed, listening to AC/DC. your pajamas were loose and comfortable as you wrote in your diary.
you suddenly hear a tap, tap, tap coming from your window. you furrow your brows, standing up to investigate. any vit of panic settles down when you see it's just your best friend, steve. but as soo. as panic left you worry took its place. why did steve come here so late while it was snowing?!
he gives a bashful smile as he continues to knock on your cold window. he was thankfully wearing a big jacket, covered with melting snow. you quickly rush over and open the window. he ungracfully climbs through and lands on your floor, getting everything around him wet in the process.
you scoff, shaking your head. "are you insane? like actually? what are you doing here so late?" you grab a random dirty tee you had laying on your floor to wipe some of the water now on your windowsill and floor.
he closes the window and takes off his wet coat. he sighs, tossing it on the ground and flopping onto your bed. "just felt like it."
you sigh, shaking your head. you toss the shirt next to his jacket and sit next to him. you can't help but feel your cheeks warm at his appearance. he's all messy hair, flushed cheeks and pretty smiles. you hate your heart for fluttering.
"I thought you were spending the night with nancy?" you liked nancy, you really did. but she didn't come off as the right girl for steve. he needed someone who fully understood him. his personality, his story, his everything. someone like you.
his smile wavers at the mention of his girlfriend. he shrugs, letting out a forced chuckle. "yea well, I pissed her off again so that didn't happen."
you furrow your brows. it seems like she's always upset with him. "what did you do now?"
he adverts his eyes down, shrugging. "you tell me... but it's fine. we'll move past it, we always do."
"a relationship shouldn't feel like a constant battle, you know." you hate seeing how stressed steve had become. their relationship clearly wasn't working.
"yea, whatever. can i sleep here tonight?" he huffs out a bit of air, his voice low. he looks back at you, effortlessly giving the best puppy dog eyes.
you nod, tossing your diary on your bedside table and pulling back the covers. he wordlessly climbs in, laying his head comfortably against your pillow. you lay down next to him, keeping a good distance still. you turn off your lamp, the room devoid of any light except from the moon.
steve closes his eyes, squirming around until he was comfortable. you turn your head to stare at him. his pouty lips, his long eye lashes, his perfect nose. you can hear his soft breath and feel his warmth. you can't help thinking this is how ought to be. always.
you and steve arrive at school together, but he soon gets swept away by nancy, who had apparently needed only one night to once again forgive him. she looked pretty and put together as always. her white button up, her red short skirt, her white stocking and heeled mary janes. seeing her made you notice your lackluster outfit. a tee shirt, jeans and sneakers.
you barely saw steve until it was time to leave, since he was your ride. you got to his car before him, so you leaned against it waiting for him. finally you saw him walking up to the car, a almost confused expression on his face. he doesn't look at you as he gets in the car and turns it on. you get into the passenger seat. you place your hand on his shoulder.
"hey, are you feeling okay?" you furrow your brows. he stares at the wheel, nodding absent-mindedly.
"me and nancy broke up." your eyes widened, looking down.
"shit, I'm sorry... are you okay?" he nods again, turning to look at you. you were surprised at the lack of sadness in his eyes, only seeing realization.
"she never liked my jokes, or my music, or my anything... but you do." you notice him getting closer. your heart rate picks up, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"steve..." he finally makes the big move, pressing his soft lips against yours. you gasp softly but respond by kissing him back, gently cupping his cheeks.
you didn't know what this would mean for your relationship long term, but you hoped he finally understands he belongs with you.
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ellieslittleburrow · 8 months
Summary : your dad, Hannibal. And your brother Sherlock sense something different about you. They bug you about it and later find out that you're being bullied. Needless to say, each one reacts differently. But both are comforting enough to get you to smile again.
Pairings : Alternate Universe : Hannibal Lecter x daughter, Sherlock holmes x sister.
Warnings : Hannibal being a cutie pie dad, mentions of bullying, a punch scene, mentions of wanting to off somebody.
A/N: yall know how much we love big boiz and these two are the perfect definition of that!!! Also let's ignore the fact that they're both somehow hoe at the same time like- don't they have no life??? Also i'm sorry if any of yall suffer from bullying ❤️. I really hope this doesn't trigger you. And i hope it comforts yall. I decided to delete it from the other account because i'm trying to get used to this one. Sorry if that confuses anybody lol
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Home sweet home.
Opening the door to your house, a very distinctive smell of rosemary oil slaps your nose as your pupils suddenly dilate, adjusting to the dim blueish feel of the house. That's what you've always loved about home. It wasn't just a safe space you thought about whenever you were outside, it was a smell, a look, a feel, warmth no matter how cold it was. Inner warmth.
"Little one."
You emerged back to real life.
"Oh" Spinning your head to the side, you catch your brother in act, pinning his head backwards as he sighs dramatically. "I caught her. Finally, i can have her now. She has awoken from her daydreams and she finally has time for us."
Your shoulders slouch as you roll your eyes at him. You're annoyed. And fucking pressured.
Your father and brother have been bugging you about what's been going on. A genius detective and a genius psychiatrist are two of the things you DO NOT want to be surrounded with.
But here you are, living with both-
"There she goes again."
Snapped out, again, of your little world, you huff, even more annoyed now.
"Would you both leave me alone."
The words come out harsher than you expected. You brush past them, taking off your coat before tossing it on the sofa. That upsets your dad. Sherlock too. But one's dangerous. The other one is too. Just..less dangerous.
"Something's different about you...I just can't seem to find what it is."
You smile when they're facing your back. You're honored to know that you're a difficult person to read, as reading is all they do.
As you walk upstairs, Sherlock follows behind. "What's been bugging you?"
"Nothing, Sherlock. Leave it." You mumble, entering your room, not bothering to look back because you know Sherlock to be respectful enough not to force things out of you. He can tell when you're really not in the mood to talk.
On your way home, you like to walk past the forest entrance. The forest that's been known, your whole life, for it's eerie feels. The forest that only those YOLO people dare go into. Walking past it always made your blood pump, filled it with such adrenaline that- it made you feel al-
"Hey there, Lecter."
The voice is too close behind. How did you not realize somebody was behind you? If your dad were to hear he'd be so mad.
You slowly pivot around, only to find more than the one girl you expected.
"Miller, let's not do this, okay? It's been a very long week and I'm t-"
You're interrupted by a fist that flies towards your face. And it's too quick so all you manage to do is lean back, making contact less painful. You stagger backwards, reaching up for your nose.
This bitch.
"Don't tell me what to do, Lecter. I choose when and what to do."
Miller and her rats walk away, leaving you frozen in place.
When did this become such a normal thing? You achingly take a deep breath in. You'd fight back, but you'd kill her. And that's not something you really want..
As you start walking home again, you think about how you're going to hide your bloody nose from your family...Or maybe..You won't. Too tired to do anything....You just didn't care anymore.
Opening the door, you're welcomed with that sweet sweet smell but...Fuck that and fuck everyth-
"What's that?"
You look up to find your dad hurrying towards you. He hols his hands out, ready to grab your cheeks but you flinch. The shock from earlier not having worn off.
"It's okay. It's just me." He reassures you, examining your nose as he rotates your head up and down. "Who did this to you?"
"It....It doesn't matter." You mutter, pulling away from him before heading for the living room.
"What's g-What's that?" Sherlock almost copies Hannibal but you lean back, holding an arm out to stop him. But he ignores it, grabbing your face to take a better look at your dried up bloody nose.
"Who did th-"
"It doesn't mattteeeeeeer." You groan this time, rolling your eyes as you once again pull yourself away. "It's just somebody from school that dislike me for no fucking reason." Your voice gets lower at the end of your sentence.
There really no reas-
"I'm sorry?" Sherlock frowns. "And you didn't think about telling us about this earlier? We would've hel-"
"How?" You cut Sherlock off, bitterness lacing your voice. You violently swing your coat and toss it on the sofa. "How the fuck would you have been able to help?"
"I know a way." Your dad joins in. You can sense the smirk creeping up on his lips. You can hear it in his voice.
"Is it a boy, or a girl?" Sherlock asks and before you get to reply, your dad does.
"It doesn't matter to me." Your dad jerks his knife playfully.. Although...the darkness in his eyes doesn't look so playful.
"What are their names, honey?" The doctor's voice is hauntingly blank. Just filled with nothingness. Like the person inside of him suddenly disappeared. And Sherlock senses it too.
"Father...Calm down...Please. I'll...." Sherlock's fatigued sigh stabs you in the heart. "I'll take care of it." He shoots his father a glare before grabbing your hand, gently. "I'll show you how to defend yourself."
You follow behind, turning when your dad speaks from a distance.
"I don't care what moves you're going to teach her, Sherlock. I'll make sure those kids never touch her again."
Your heart skips a beat. You don't want to ask. Don't want to know. You'd really rather not. But you ignore that...fear anyways. Why would you care. At least you had them to take care of you.
wtf was this, am i right? I don't even how i managed to write it. Anyways, i hope yall enjoyed it. ❤❤❤🥀🥀🥀
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thvkei · 2 years
hi kira! me again lol
I got this idea while trying to sleep last night but what if the haitani brothers had a sister (maybe their twin? like rindou or ran's twin since they're different ages) who's deaf? and if tenjiku meets her, how will they react?
- love Ria ✨
ft. rindou, ran, izana, kakucho, shion, hanma, kokonoi x fem!reader
genre. sprinkle of angst, fluff, headcanons
notes. HI RIAAA<3 this was so cute my heart hurts :,)) + this post is sfw, but this account contains nsfw content. please do not follow if you're a minor.
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growing up with a disability with your two brothers took not only great hardships, but also a huge amount love.
in your case, you were born hard-of-hearing and was completely deaf by the time you were three.
being rindou's twin sister was something you'd always known. you'd never known a life outside him, and your older brother, ran.
you and the boys had a rough childhood. your parents were bums, resulting in the three of you deciding to make a life for yourself at the measly ages of 12 and 11.
ran was only 1 when you two were born, but he quickly began to grasp that you didn't respond to his voice like rindou did. it hurt him deeply, especially more so when your mother refused to attend any type of therapy or sign language lessons.
so, as soon as he was able to, he took it upon himself to learn how to attend to yours and rindou's needs. it was hard. extremely. but he couldn't let you be treated the way he was. neglected and alone, ran fought to keep the two of you safe under the so called 'guidance' of your two useless parents.
by the time he was 10 and you and rin were 9, you developed your own methods of conversation.
as most kids make fun of things they don't understand, such as disabilities, you were teased for your voice from a young age - which caused you to shy away from speaking and only rely on writing and sign for communication.
meeting new people was hard, but, under the protection of your two big brothers, no one dared question you or your lack of speech. any one who did or had previously was left with a broken nose - at least.
due to growing up with them, it was almost a given that you would adopt their attitude. how someone could convey so much sass through their expressions alone, the brothers weren't sure. but they loved it; they loved how you expressed yourself regardless of other people's opinions, even if sometimes it was at their expense.
you'd also, thanks to years of practice and close observation, taught yourself how to lip read. it's always funny when you would appear out of nowhere during, well, what they assumed was a private conversation, and easily answer any inquires or issues they were facing despite not asking you directly.
of course, you knew they were delinquents. and good ones, at that. even though their lifestyle was dangerous, you were drawn to it, naturally. seeing how much fun they had always enticed you, especially since you'd spent so many years of your life living under the armor they forged themselves.
the boys knew you were strong. they'd taught you everything they knew over the years. so when you asked them if you could join tenjiku and fight by their side and they refused, you responded by wrapping your legs around your older brothers head and slamming him against the ground.
yeah, they changed their minds pretty quickly.
tenjiku wasn't aware of the haitanis' little sister until they were face to face with her, staring in confusion at the little girl who closely resembled their cogent executive, rindou.
izana tilted his head at you, staring in confusion. this was the powerful up-coming new member of his gang? a girl?
"she may be deaf, but trust me-" ran smirked, standing at your side with his arms folded. "she gets what she wants."
it was ironic, really, how good you were at convincing people. it had been a skill you'd never lacked in. when you wanted something, you got it. and you prided yourself in that fact.
kakucho is immediately drawn to your ambitious and fearless demeanor, the way you handle yourself - the way you handle others. he admires it. you almost make a weakness look like a strength.
izana is familiar with the basics of sign language, he'd learned it back in the orphanage he stayed in out of boredom and curiosity.
kokonoi isn't familiar with the language nor does he care. sure, you may be useful, but your weakness is so great that he assumes that you will only drag tenjiku down. however he doesn't object.
shion finds it rather amusing, a deaf girl trying to interfere with hardcore gang shit, deciding not to conceal a short laugh. that mistake immediately earned him an almost lethal punch from rindou. sending him towards the ground with a crack.
kisaki thinks it's stupid to get someone like you involved in a gang war. you will only be a liability to them, he thinks. my, how wrong he is.
hanma is, like izana, curious. it's clear to everyone here that you have rin and ran wrapped around your little finger. which consequently meant that you basically had an army of men at the of every whisper, weep or cry. you're powerful. he likes that.
as the days passed by, you continued to prove yourself to them, rounding up new members, strong ones, and leaving them at your disposal. the tenjiku members, apart from ran and rindou, of course, who already knew how you operated, were left speechless.
they found themselves learning sign language on their own will, wanting to understand more about you and how your brain worked. even shion picked up a goddamn picture book.
kokonoi finds himself reluctantly interested, refusing to admit to any one else that your abilities really did outshine your drawback.
however, while you're good at fighting, you aren't the best.
this becomes apparent when a deranged and practically nuts member of a rival gang lunges for you and you barely dodge him, scarcely avoiding a knife in your side.
kokonoi grabs you quickly, shoving you behind him without even thinking. his own actions leave him completely shocked and confused.
tenjiku in turn leaves him permanently paralyzed, discovering that over time you had also swooned them. they weren't sure how, or why, but it just happened.
even though he would never admit it directly, kakucho enjoyed your company and respected you as a fellow member.
the first time hanma made an effort was when he learned a pun in JSL, which came as a huge surprise to you.
that was also the first time he heard your voice - when you tried to hide your laughter from him by covering your mouth with your hand.
he was immediately smitten.
over time, tenjiku progressively become more protective. it's like an instinct. one bad word of you, and their opposition is dead. that's just how it works.
ran and rindou continue to be your number one boys, the brothers you can rely on above all else.
izana trusts you with plans and keeping everyone in order and respects you as his underling. but on a personal level, he thinks even more of you.
even kisaki learns some of the basic cues, giving you at least a little respect even though you often make it known that you don't enjoy his company.
overall, being the haitani's underestimated little sis had its perks. having a disability didn't change how much they loved you in the slightest. it just made you stronger.
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please do not repost or steal my work ─ i don't allow translations or resposts on any other platforms.
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yoinkschief · 4 months
hello!!! idk if u ever got asked this before but what jobs do u think the main 4 would have? :0c
EHHEHE I haven't been asked this I don't think - but it is something I think about a lot !!
I think Edd does a lot of freelance gigs with art, like he's a proper animator and has a degree, but that job really only works if people hire you, and they only hire for as long as the animation runs, yk ? So I think he does a lot of freelance on the side when he's not doing that, but his main source of income is that animation
Tom usually in personal headcanons works at a diner that's an inside joke between me and my partner, but I think he'd probably work a lot of waitering jobs either way, mostly because they're usually always hiring waiters, but in his free time he'd make music and probably has a Spotify account that he's trying to get passive income from lol
Matt works for a modeling agency definitely, I like to think so anyway, but mostly that's just cause I think he comes from money so a job like that wouldn't be too hard to get for a guy like him, but he's the type of model that also has a big social media following, too, like he takes his "job" as a "social media influencer" VERY seriously, to the point where the only private account he has never shows his face cause he doesn't want people to confuse all the branding he does with his own private affairs (which is so hard for him to do because ohhh he just took a really great selfie that he'd love to show people but it's promoting a competitor's branndd :((( )
Tord has no job.
Well he's got no STABLE job. He takes a lot of odd jobs to try and keep up his part of the rent of course, but truly it is like an odd job here and there, like he'll be a handy man one day and the next day some guy he knows offered him half his week's pay if he stood in for him as some mascot while he was out of town cause he can't lose this job, etc. the only "stable" thing he really has is some porn comic he's been making and publishing but that's not even commissioned work,,, it's more like "go support my patreon" work
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Hiiiiiiii, I'm so happy that you're active here again, you're one of my favorite accounts and the one I like to follow the most 😭☺️🫵🏻
What are your favorite headcanon or non canon (sorry if I wrote it wrong) from the plot? In fact, I read those posts you made about the canon of the novel, and you forgot to mention one. In the following episode or in a few episodes after Betty presents the real balance, Mario greets Marcela in the Ecomoda, she makes a joke about him being a great writer (because of the story of the letter with instructions), and says that he would be the best man at her wedding to Armando.
I'm practically 100% sure that this scene really happened and that I saw it, I'm not crazy lol but if it was another dialogue or I'm wrong, someone please let me know.
Hiiii!! I'm so glad you like my little blog🥰🥰🥰
I think I got slightly confused with your question, but I'll give you both my fav canon details (things that actually happened in the show) and my fav headcanons (things that aren't in the show but I totally wish they were!):
For the actual canon:
Patty trying to burn her ex's car. As if we needed any more proof that she's wrong in the head lmao
Betty and Armando both loving jazz and canonically quoting poems to each other!
Armando and Mario have been friends since they were in school!
Mario has such a phobia of kids that he straight up refused to meet family members until they were at least like 10 years old lmaoooo
Armando, a guy obsessed with order or cleanliness, nibbles on objects when anxious or stressed
Daniel does this too, and also bites his nails, btw
Daniel gives candy to Marcela everytime he sees her!
Armando's glasses and tie represent him. When he takes the glasses off, he's being vulnerable. When he takes the tie off, he's in a pretty bad mental state
Somewhere in Ecomoda's digit archives is a 9 pages word document detailing everything that happened between Daniel and Patricia and how Olarte and her caused damage to Betty's computer. The fact that it exists to this day and no one ever found the truth tortures me lmao
As for my favorite headcanons! They're just little things I kinda think could be true about the characters but nothing was ever said or full states about it:
Nicolás can't cook at all, not even a simple scrambled egg, but he makes the best bread ever. Literally the only reason I think this is because his mom has a bakery
Margarita and Roberto were a little similar to Marcela and Armando when young (much younger than Marcela and Armando were during the show, which is why they're frustrated that they haven't outgrown that reckless "phase"). My only reason to like this idea is that Margarita insists that Marcela needs to be patient and wait and that men will always need a refuge and get tired eventually, like she knows what she's talking about; like she knows what that's like. Roberto also seems to cough a little uncomfortable when Margarita and him are talking to Armando and she says something about how she would have left Roberto if he had hired a hot secretary or something along those lines lmao and Ik thinking that Roberto was a womanizer in his youth is so weird because he seems such a down to earth mature man, but believe me, you'd be surprised how much a former womanizer can change with age lmao
Armando was very good with sports, and he specially liked contact ones like boxing
Marcela was definitely the type of little girl who waited besides the front door and jumped excitedly when she saw her dad come home. We know she was her dad's favorite, that's canon
Margarita and Susana were away for a big part of their children's childhood. I think this because Roberto says that during the early days of Ecomoda, Margarita and Susana were in charge of the interior design and the design of the collections, and also that they traveled a lot
Armando was a very troubled teenager. My reason to think this is that, well, just look at how he is in the novela, and now imagine him with all the raging hormones of a teen, probably slightly absent parents, and an underdeveloped frontal lobe lmaoooo
The Valencias' parents died when Marcela, Daniel, ans Beata were kids. I like this better than them dying when the Valencia's are adults. This is technically canon but also not because the novela literally onlh mentions their deaths in relation to their kids' age TWICE and ysblf still managed to contradict itselfffffff. But I like to think that Julio qnd Susana died when their kids were little because it would explain a lot of their kids' behavior: Daniel, after losing his parents at a young age and being the oldest and only male in the family, he tried to grow up too quickly which is why even when he actually became an adult he's pretty much a charicature of what a 13 yo would think as mature: very serios, snarky, sarcastic, apparently stoic, rude, overly sexual, etc. He pretty much got stuck as a teen. Marcela, being a daddy's girl and losing him so young, she became unheathily attached to Armando. Maria Beatriz, being so young when her parents died, just ignores the whole thing and has no big sentimental attachment to Ecomoda or the family in general like Marcela does.
Armando was a big source of comfort when Marcela's parents died. I like to think this because a) we know they've known each other their whole lives, b) Armando can actually be affectionate and tender with Marcela, as we see only like once at the very beginning of the show, and c) strictly related to my hc above, I think it could be in part how she found refuge in Armando when kids after her parents died that she became so obsessily attached
Armando and Marcela were an on-and-off/ situationship thing for years. Not like actual bf/gf, but more like that awkward tension and perhaps a few kisses here and there, some hand holding, all of that. Armando probably also wasn't sure about formalizing the relationship for a long, long time, and it also probably took a lot of convincing from Roberto and Margarita to finally take that step
So yeah! Those are a few canon and headcanons that I like a lot hahaha! Thank you for this lovely question!
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
fandom stories that have been on my mind recently…. 📑
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as what the title says, cpn things that have been living in my head rent-free for the past days/ weeks. i just need a place to write them down and let them shine on their own ✨
same disclaimer applies. for cpn-loving turtles only. please don’t ask me to elaborate cause as i said, i have very minimal information on hand.
• The one thing that inspired me to make this post, a bit about WYB’s side account. It’s not a secret that he has one, probably even multiples but for some reason this one got leaked. especially back in 2019 when his phone number got leaked and some people allegedly verified that this same number was used to register the account. they noticed it followed a couple of motorcycle related accounts, bobo’s true love at the time lol and well the most juicy thing here is that he was visiting the bjyx supertopic.
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Then by the end of 2019, it gained followers. WYB might have noticed that he was somehow discovered so the account cleared all it’s watch list and never moved again. Everything is gone. That freakin moon profile picture does not help at all cause we all know his fondness for it and how it’s one of the fandom’s symbolism. The way it was created on 3/14 is also very sus.
We have all CPN’d that he visited the ST and why not tbh. Even if you don’t believe in BJYX, i think you can say that he has visited it and at the very least knows of it’s existence. I wonder what he saw tho. LOL. I would love to get more information on this account’s watch list and it’s just so funny to have some confirmation about one of his side accounts.
no i’m lying, there is another alleged side account from 2018. A weifen gave the tip ( allegedly lol i’m gonna use this word a lot ). It is also cleared but people did capture that he kept an eye out on XZ and XZS, and also liked a motorcycle video that was not really popular. So maybe someone who knows about the moto world would recognize. I just noticed the times both accounts were created. I don’t think WYB has the time to maintain his side accounts anymore with how busy he is but i imagine this gremlin having all the accounts and just looking at everything out there.
maybe i can make a post about all his alleged side accounts one day. 😂😂😂😂
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• I have always loved personal stories from turtles and while I am wary of some, there are ones that particularly make me soft. this one for example:
My uncle is the kind of staff who works with the crew, he is ten years into the circle. I usually ask him about gossip in the circle. This year (2019 ) I carefully asked Bojun Yixiao if it was real. Uncle said he didn't know them that well, but he knew that the relationship between the two is very good. It is said that WYB & XZ are modest and polite. They have no personality problem and have always been real and not fancy.
He also said (emphasis!) he will help me get Xiao Zhan’s autographed photo in October. The time was right to take advantage of the work appointment, and after the end of XZ’s work, he signed one, my uncle said that “my niece likes you two very much”. Xiao Zhan raised his head in a daze, and said, “huh” My Uncle was about to explain, Xiao Zhan laughed a bit and said, "Is it Wang Yibo?" Uncle also laughed.
What gets me in this is how XZ is confused then it immediately clicks for him — is it WYB? ☺️ I mean, granted that 2019 was such a big year for them as a pair and who could someone be referring to when talking about “you two..” This exchange ( true or not ) lives in my head rent free. and the fact that people in the industry have nothing to say but good things about them really says a lot.
• The COVID test schedules that were leaked actually showed it was the same date and time. down to the second 02:23:38. I know this is bad, people shouldn’t actively seek out things like this but my brain won’t let this piece of information go. 💀💀💀
• WYB’s “Changsha” residence when he was still actively working in TTXS was provided by Hunan TV network. It’s not his, it is located very close to the station to make it easier for him. Other staff also stayed in that same area. The candy is, XZ allegedly sends things to that address.
• This video and fake rumor that is going around recently. People are speculating that WYB’s reaction in this routine was because of something that happened and that the dancers are actually teasing him. The rumor is XZ visited the set of SDC and he was just lounging, WYB was there and was about to kiss him but some dancers saw them, and our boys ended up being embarrassed.
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you can definitely give a more plausible explanation of why he reacted like this but that’s not the point of this whole post. it’s the cpn that could be connected to it. and i mean if had someone like XZ, the love of my life just lounging, looking all gorgeous — how can you blame WYB for wanting to kiss him 🥺
• I’m not really a kadian enthusiast like all the other BXGs but the recent 232323 timing is making me 👀. Yes we know you Love Zhan.
Time is 14:30, but it can be 2:30 so it keeps up with the 23. I think the reason why i’m drawn to this CPN is it was posted a day after the whole yibo relationship rumor. If you look at YBO’s page, after the post saying the rumor is fake, the next one is this. So it’s like saying, those rumors are false and I only love XZ. 23. 🤍
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• the emoji similarities between xzs and ybo used in their douyin posts. not only that, it’s a match for ones during OOL ( Gu Wei ) and BAH ( Chen Wei ). I mean, do they ship them too?
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• I don’t really believe in �� unless they are about upcoming product endorsements cause I think those can be leaked by the brands themselves. but during HB’s initial run, there was one with 2m followers who shared that XZ bought multiple screening slots for the movie.
The melon didn’t say he bought it because of WYB, it only mentioned WYB because let’s face it— his name is associated with it and he is actively promoting. What’s so entertaining to me and makes me grin when i think of it are the people’s comments. HAHAHAHAHA! They know what is being implied. You all know deep down there is some truth it but you refuse and say all kinds of things.
- END.
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therentyoupay · 10 days
Hey kris! I’ve followed you for a long long time now and am so happy to see you doing your thing and active on tumblr rn. I was really really active a couple months ago and am now on here when time permits. Seeing you pop up on my dash again made me realize I don’t think you’ve ever changed your profile pic since like idk 2012 when I started following you. is there any significance behind the and symbol? I hope you’re enjoying the beginnings of fall ☺️☺️
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HELLO, NONNY. 😭🙏💕💕 thank you so much for your lovely lovely message!!! i'm also so sorry that you sent this three days ago when i have actually been super absent from tumblr for the past week or so due to ✨life obligations✨🤣😭🤣!! you and i are in the same boat! super active on tumblr when we can be; otherwise.... we swing by, when life allows. 🤣
thank you so much for your question! you are correct!! 🤣 i started writing fic at age 11 on FFNET through another penname (bonus points if anyone here actually remembers what it used to be, 2001–2011 ��?) and it was a really big deal when i decided to ✨rebrand✨ after ten years! the rebrand to therentyoupay started in december 2011 (long story short: a reviewer left such a nice comment on my FFNET dramione story that it kickstarted me into actually continuing it! comments matter!!) and at the time, ampersands (&) were all the rage, and i was definitely one of the basic bitches obsessed with them. 🤣 (no millennial-"&" tattoo but i did consider it lmao. maybe I'll still get one, one day, so y'all can try to identify me in The Wild lmao.) therentyoupay is from one of my favorite quotes. 🥹🥹🥹💕💕 (does anyone know? 🤣)
so, that following summer in 2012, lok came out and i was lured into making a tumblr! unsurprisingly, my avatar/icon slid over from FFNET/ao3 into tumblr, as did my penname, and i will likely keep it for the rest of my life 🤣 therentyoupay/kris(which isn't my real name👀)/TRYP have now all been associated with this account and my fics for so long that it would cause great confusion and, quite probably, losses in the community i've built over the years!! so TRYP i shall remain forever 🤣
i also personally get so confused when long-term friends on tumblr change their icons and URLs... it's like i no longer recognize them! i have a spreadsheet with everyone's URLs over the years, their names, etc., so i can keep track... but i was also off tumblr for three years during the pandemic 😅😅😅 so i have lost track of a lot of people 🥹 that's why i always really appreciate when people leave a note in their profiles/pinned posts about their previous URLs and a name to call them by! (whether it's a fake name or not lol) otherwise i don't have a name for them–they're just their URL lol, and their "face" is just their icon. 🤣
and yes, i totally am!! 🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃 i'm feeling so lucky and so grateful for all the amazing things happening in my life right now 😭🙏 if only 2012!kris had any idea what was in store for her.... 🤣💕💕💕
LOVE YOU, NONNY. TAKE CARE AND HAVE AN AMAZING REST OF YOUR WEEK. 💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕 thank you so much for this beautiful ask!
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bkblaise · 5 months
I'm dumb as hell, so can you explain me why JPtwt is so pressed about Manga leaks?
I mean, I have heard that those who leak spoilers earn some money out of it, so does this money come out of the Mangaka's pocket? If yes, then I'm against it. If not, then what's the big deal? I think there are many bigger issues than this to focus on.
Further, spoilers come weekly, I guess? That too, in Japanese language, so it's the same amount of time as the official release of a chapter—you getting me?
Hi there! Sorry the response is so long. Basically, JPtwt considers leaks ("hayabare") as a crime (it is), engaging with them is something they find extremely distasteful. Not sure why the reaction is so strong, but it is. Maybe it's being protective over manga bcs it's a big industry nationally. However me being Korean, a LOT of people pirate manhwa... so... (though manhwa is generally not as big so the gripe is spoilers & not leaks.) It's upsetting in my opinion specifically because of the fact that the spoilers themselves only come out like 2 days earlier, but, this time it came out on a Friday when they were originally on Mondays (officials come out on Wednesday. But a long time ago, I heard these came out on Fridays and in Korean? Lol. I wasn't there.) Most of the people who were targeted including myself are artists. This is the source of my gripe with this callout/block list, because we never reposted the official copyrighted material in the first place, so bombarding us with blocks and possibly getting our accounts locked when there are people who rely on commissions and a platform to gain said commissions/communicate with commissioners, for instance, is a bit... odd? They could mute us instead... Yes, there are also plenty of people posting the official panels as well, and I get their frustration. But a Japanese twitter user put it well, saying something along the lines of "these users were all also forced to see leaks just like you, except they're not being [immature] about it". In my opinion if I could disengage with leaks regarding manga I would, since this was my policy up until me getting super excited about Kaiser's backstory specifically. I previously did not post about leaks on twitter. The issue is the people posting the original leaks, but they didn't even put them front and center, which I just found confusing. I think technically since English has (online?) simurelease with Japan, it can affect sales. By how much, I'm not sure, because Twitter isn't a real good gauge of just HOW many people see the leaks (a user called Rayuga is the main one as far as I know, and their main has like 90k+ followers, so I'd imagine their reach is still above that follow count... but it also can be less, because twitter is twitter.) I apologize if this is already common knowledge because before joining twitter, I mainly got my leaks from Reddit without considering the source. Scanlations (A group called PO2? is currently scanlating Blue Lock) also probably has the same effect, which when I was in Scans, in my group we had a hard rule that an English official copy being released would warrant us to drop a series so that the author would receive fair support. So not doing that when there is an english copy, is probably damaging. I never checked if PO2 takes donations or have a Patreon or anything like that, which from my time in scans is GENERALLY looked down upon internally within the community. If they do, this is something that I wouldn't really condone openly, specifically because it's still unauthorized redistribution. Attempting to profit off of that usually is because sometimes scan groups will pay their staff. Me, personally, I always worked for free. But if they don't, then I have nothing to say. I don't think people who would have not bought the chapter even if that was their only option would've ever contributed to sales in the first place, right? So it depends. In conclusion, I'm sure there are losses. But it's hard to gauge by how much, so I simply listed all the possible factors for you to judge by yourself.
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chanstopher · 9 months
(for some reason I can ask via my fan account(
But I just want to say I feel you with the stay and KPop fandom comments. I see so many taking it too far and can't seem to recognise that they are creating parasocial relationships in their heads and narrative around situations they had a 2% outsider view of what's happened - and yet they act like they are coming from facts and reading the minds of others. I find it baffling.
I'm a LOT older, but it's always been nice connecting to those from different age groups via fandoms before. However, KPop ones really push me away from engaging. I try and recall back to my younger days with being in fandoms of pop groups and whilst there may have been issues between people from time to time, I don't recall anything to the level I see in Kpop where people get lynched and fans seemed to have had a firm grasp of reality and their place in terms of being a fan and crossing a celebrities boundaries. I don't think KPop stan's behaviour to be new, but in the age of social media and information being so easily accessible, it seems to have amplified certain types of behaviours and attitudes or, probably more likely, groomed and encouraged certain fan attitudes. I dunno.
someday tumblr will work fully. idk if its a sideblog or just tumblr being insane lol
I do feel like in the 2010"s it was a lot easier to find a corner of any fandom you could just be happy in, but with how many (negative) opinions ppl project constantly now its a lot harder, and then we all get sad about lack of engagement without thinking that maybe its the vobes we give off. like if ur rude or closed off or wont take someone elses opinion ppl are going to be afraid to engage and its sad. when i have a 1d blog i had maybe 4k followers at its peak and i would have dozens of asks a day because ppl were so engaged with everything all the time. now if someone dislikes a song they get death threats lmao. i think its why i make sure to answer asks and talk to anyone who tries to talk to me, i dont want ppl to have such a sad fandom experience. I remember being so excited when big accounts talked to me and were kind and helpful that i always felt like it was part of the experience. like the bigger my blog is the more i feel responsible for being accessible and welcoming because i want that so much for other ppl. i just dont get the amount of hostility and bitchiness that comes alnog with social media now. not that i dont get pissed off or dislike things or even ppl, i just try not to focus on it beyond the necessity (like ppl stealing content or stories)
i will say i find it to be such a weird thing that when i was a teen liking 1d i was so excited they had adult fans (as long as it wasnt weird ppl iykyk) but now a 15 year old will be like you who are the same age as that idol how weird for you to like them?! and im like...... what? i hated ppl thinking the things i liked were a teen or childhood phase when i was young and now ppl get so aggressive about it in the opposite way i get so confused lol in the end im just happy to have my happy little corner where i can ignore all of the weird ass behavior the rest of the internet seems so happy to engage in lol
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cryptidcodex · 2 months
I'm explaining the name change whether y'all care or not lol
When we first made our Facebook page, we were only just becoming comfortable with expressing our system hood and gender identity. We also had no idea there was a whole community of systems on here and tik tok.
We chose the name Nonbinary Vampire Friend, because left book pages usually go with a really long string of adjectives as their page name. It's sort of a core part of the community over there.
I think the nonbinary part was pretty self explanatory.
Vampire was because my partner at the time had a huge vampire kink, and it had been an inside joke amongst my friends for a long time that I was a vampire, because I was porcelain shade, because I burn easy, because I hate bright light and had a delayed sleep cycle, because I was goth, and because I've never been particularly fond of garlic.
Also, because being the pet pick me meant all the guys projected their fantasies on us, which included a lot of people insisting we had to be dominant because of how confrontational we are. That actually just means I'm a brat, but that's not related to this post lol. We've discussed the relation between being a pick me in high school, our trauma, and our gender crisis as an adult on our page a bit, and I'm happy to talk more about that over here too.
Friend, because while we had agreed to make a gradual transition to polyamory, as we'd agreed on when we first got together, my relationship at the time was still monogamous. And we're Demi. So while a lot of pages in the Facebook community format their name with "gf" or "partner" or something related on the end, I originally made my page just to make more friends.
A lot of the things both inside and out of us have changed since then. Two months after I made my page, my partner outed himself as a transphobe and a one penis policy type, despite me being very clear that was not ok. So we broke up.
We've also become more comfortable with our system hood, and our identity as a whole. We've always been big book wyrms, and had a special interest in fairy tales, folk lore, spirituality, and sociology. Vampire, though still enjoyable for us, is not the only type of cryptid in our system.
Not to mention, I've since attempted to reconnect with some of those friends from high school, and was very much reminded of why I stopped being friends with them. We've been met with the same transphobia, homophobia, ableism, avoiding accountability, and avoidance in general that I had hoped my friends would have grown out of going into adult life. They're on their own journeys, but I think it's time for us to move on.
A lot of the previously dormant systems have re-opened, and no matter who or what comes our way, we're going to continue to be whatever we wanna be, instead of what others tell us to be.
And lastly, why did we wait so long to change it? Like, it's been the same for almost two years now, and we'd even carried it over when we started exploring other platforms.
Honestly this just has a lot to do with the concept of "branding". By the time we first felt we wanted to change it, we'd already reached like 3k on our page I think? We were worried a name change would confuse people and we'd lose followers and have to work to get back. We want our platforms to reach as far as possible to share mutual aid and important info, and build this community, and we can't do that if no one even knows what or who they're looking at.
Honestly this is something that was taught to us by a lot of the programs grooming us to be a politician. "Keep the branding consistent". We recently decided to say fuck that, my page, my rules.
We have spent the last several months agonizing over picking the perfect name in the hopes we don't have to change it again, and hopefully we won't have to lol.
Love y'all ❤️‍🔥
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey Stormy! Random question incoming: I have always wondered about the back end of Tumblr since I don’t post or accept asks. 1.)When you block an anon, are you blocking their account, their device or their IP address? If it’s the IP address you’re blocking then wouldn’t they be able to just change locations (like leave their home) and be able to see your posts again? 2.)Do you have stats like Twitter where you can see the impressions of your posts? 3.)Do you get more options unlocked when you reach a certain number of followers kinda like instagram influencer accounts? 4.)How are some seemingly big accounts limited to a certain number of images per post while for others it seems like they can post unlimited images/videos on one post? 5.)What’s a feature(s) that you would love tumblr to implement to make your experience 10 times better? What’s an existing tumblr feature(s) that you want abolished for better user experience? Just breaking up the recent annoying jkkr anon asks with some random tumblr questions lol.
Hi! 1) Blocking a tumblr regularly means you block their account. Blocking from anon in your inbox means you block their IP address. So yes, in BOTH cases, the person blocked could get around the blocking by going somewhere else. Logging into a different account or see my posts simply by googling me and not logging in at all. Lol but it adds a major level of inconvenience for them to do so and then I can just block again if they send anything else. This is what the anon options look like in my inbox other than just "answer."
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2) Nope!
3) also no
4) I think @wingzie or someone tried to explain this to me a while ago. But I got confused. It has something to do with settings somewhere I think? Idk lol tumblr still confuses me sometimes and I work mostly off the mobile app which probably makes it harder lol
5) Let me embed more links, images and videos. Give me more color font options. Formatting things easier would be nice. Give me a better search function and a way to search through my posts to find things easier PLEASE
6) I have no idea! The limits put on posts would be nice going away i guess, similar to my answer for 5. Lol
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Thanks for the asks!! ❤️❤️❤️
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lindseybots · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3 (I accidentally unfollowed you I’m so sorry)
(omg no worries. that’s happened to me in the past lol. I will admit, I was so confused when I got the alert that you followed me. I was like: I thought she already did?? Also, I’m so honored you sent this to me of all people???)
Okay here’s my five things:
My fandoms! - I feel like this is an obvious one. I mean, this is a multi-fandom account. I have way too many fandoms to list them individually. We’d be here forever. I guess in that sense, this also expands to fictional characters and the different types of media they originate from (video games, books, etc. I engage in pretty much all media types. I’m not picky lol)
Fanfics and fanart - This goes into the fandom thing, but I felt it deserved its own place on the list. I love seeing how creative people are when they are sharing their love for something. I especially love when it’s for a fandom I also love. I enjoy creating those types of things myself. I love drawing, writing and just creating in general, and I love to engage in my fandoms. So, fan content is the best of both worlds for me. (Bet you didn’t know I can crochet too. I’ve made a few fandom related things.)
My friends - My friends (both online and irl) are so wonderful! I honestly don’t know where I’d be without them. They’ve been so supportive and encouraging no matter what I try to do. I could only hope to be as good a friend to them as they are to me. (This is a fandom blog, so i’m not gonna drag this one on too long. Y’all aren’t here to see me get sentimental lol)
Baggy clothing - This is gonna sound so silly, but I love clothes that are a little too big. I love bundling up in a hoodie that’s too big and a pair of sweatpants. I have quite the collection of hoodies, and I’m quite proud of it. Most of them are fandom related, of course. I am very much a comfort over fashion type of person (and this fact drives my mom crazy lol).
Music - I don’t have a specific genre I prefer over another. I love a mix of everything. My friends like to joke that my playlist is always a surprise because you never know what will play next. They also like to joke that I never go anywhere without my earbuds. In relation to that, I love to sing. I actually received professional training for my singing for a while because I was told I was really good at it. I ended up auditioning for a program that specializes in it and got in. I did it for years, but I don’t take any lessons anymore as I have no plans to pursue a music career. Regardless, I will always love music and singing.
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scmg11 · 3 years
hi!! love your writing, been following u on wattpad for a while! can u please write a florence x reader fic where reader is a singer and just released a love song and when asked in an interview if reader was in a relationship she was just like “lol no i wrote this about my celebrity crush” (florence) and then it blows up and florence finds out? idk what else you can take it from here hehe thanks :)
Florence Pugh x Reader
Mystery girl
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A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope I succeeded in satisfying what you asked! My requests are open so ask away! Don’t forget to tell me what you guys think about this story! Feedback is always nice! 🤓
Warnings: none, just pure fluff.
Word count: 4356 words.
Y/N was on her way to The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon’s theater to perform her new song and for her interview with Jimmy, smiling up while shaking her head when she heard the familiar melody on the radio. Her brand new love song became an hit in almost a week, gaining millions of streams in less than 24 hours. It’s been three weeks since the singer published the song and everyone on Instagram, Twitter and so on was trying to figure out who the brunette wrote the song to. Everyone knew the brown eyed girl was single, she told them on an Instagram live when a fan account asked if she was in a relationship with someone. So the world was curious to know who the current best love song in the industry was about.
The car stopped in front of the theater and the driver let Y/N out, who stopped in front of the awaiting fans, took a couple photos with them and signed a few photos they had with them. She loved her fans dearly, they were the reason she was there after all, so the girl did everything she could to make them feel important. Once inside, the singer was escorted in the changing room to get her ready for makeup and to her dress up. A crew guy told her her performance was scheduled in about 40 minutes so she warmed her voice while her team got her ready.
35 minutes later the brunette came out of the changing room, sporting a fancy suit with really high heels, her hair down in perfect waves and makeup highlighting her brown eyes, just in time for a crew member to put her earbuds in before she got called on stage to perform her song.
During the commercial break she got rid of the earbuds and her makeup artist touched up her lips gloss. She waited patiently her signal to walk out of the back stage, hearing Jimmy present her and then she walked through the red curtain with a big toothy smile on her face and waved at the eager audience standing up and clapping and screaming her name.
"Y/N Y/L/N EVERYBODY! Come sit! How are you?"
"I’m good! I was a bit anxious for my performance to be honest! But it went well, so I’m okay now."
"It went well? It was AMAZING, am I right?" Jimmy asked the crowd and they erupted in a mess of enthusiastic screams and fervent whistles that put a grateful smile on the girl’s face, thanking the people warmly. "See? So your new single, it’s a bop! Everyone loves it!"
"I have to admit I thought it would flop." Y/N told Jimmy earnestly with a grimace on her face and Jimmy fixed her with an incredulous look.
"What? Really?"
"Well yeah, I thought ‘no one is gonna like me gushing about my crush’, but here we are."
"The most streamed song in three weeks, Rolling Stone defined it one of the best love songs of all time and it already went two-times platinum! Only in three weeks!"
"Wait no, only one platinum, my agent told me the news last week, and I still can’t believe it!" Y/N clarified confused at Jimmy’s slip up, but when Jimmy didn’t say anything else and just smiled at her with his signature smile, Y/N gasped loudly and covered her mouth, her eyes watering when a man with her song’s cover framed with a sign reading her song went two-times platinum walked up to her and gave it to her, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
"Surprise!" Jimmy told her enthusiastically meanwhile the audience erupted in loud claps and whistles, congratulating her, spreading a warmth throughout the singer’s body.
"This is amazing, oh my god!" She used her pointer finger to wipe away a tear that escaped her left eye, "oh no! I promised to myself not to cry in television!" She quipped causing a laugh to bounce around the room.
"Not bad for thinking it would flop eh?" Jimmy teased her good-naturedly.
"Not bad at all." The singer replied incredulously, still staring at the gift, "I still can’t believe it!"
"We can’t believe you wrote the lyrics and the music all by yourself!"
"Yep! I… I was thinking about this song for a while and at one point I told myself to just let it all out, set my mind free and that’s what came out." She pointed to her song’s cover and smiled brightly.
"Let’s not forget about your perfect voice!" The audience cheered at that and Y/N faintly blushed at the warmth her fans were conveying.
"On a serious note tho, you said you didn’t think about people liking your song…" He trailed off tentatively.
"I did." Y/N answered with a nod.
"And you also said that the song is practically you gushing about your crush."
Y/N groaned covering her face embarrassed and leaning her head back on the couch, hearing Jimmy and the crowd laugh at her reaction, "I did!" She mumbled in her hands, pulling them away when she felt her face was blush free.
"So I have one more question for you… is it true that you wrote a love song about someone?"
"Yes… I mean aren’t the majority of the songs in the music industry about someone?" She tried to deflect the subject, already feeling her face getting warm all over again.
"So who is it about?"
"That wasn’t your question!" She smiled at him and attempted at cracking a joke to distract Jimmy from his probing, effectively making him laugh but he wasn’t relenting.
"Oh c’mon! Tell us!"
"I can’t! She’s probably watching our interview!"
"Oh yeah? Interesting!” Jimmy hummed while rubbing his chin conspiratorially with a small grin and Y/N groaned softly causing the host and the audience to laugh again, “just give us some hints! We want to know the lucky girl who has the privilege to have one of the best love songs talking about her!"
"That’s what I’m trying to avoid honestly." Y/N grimaced awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
"Why?! You’re a real catch! Anyone would give everything they have to be that girl!" A ton of yelled yes and approving screams came from the crowd, Jimmy pointing at them with a wide smile to prove his point. "Is she someone I had on the show?"
Y/N contemplated her answer, not wanting to say too much about her big fat crush on Florence Pugh, fearing she would read about it and she would hate her. But a couple of innocent hints wouldn’t hurt right? "Yes, once."
"Mh, so I’m assuming you’re friends with her?"
Y/N let out a strained laugh, "I wish! I met her only once! I already considered her my celebrity crush before, but once I met her it became a real big crush!"
"Oh that’s a twist! If you don’t want to tell us who is it, then tell us a little bit about her. What does she look like? Is she in the music industry too? Is she younger or older than you?"
"I’m just sticking to the basics, I don’t want her to find out and hate me for writing a song about her." The crowd let out a loud ‘ow’, "anyway, we’re the same age, she sings but it’s not a singer, and the only thing about I’m gonna say on her looks is that she changed her hair color a few times but now she is blonde and that she has the most mesmerizing green eyes I’ve ever had the privilege to stare into abs the cutest accent." While she talked Y/N had a dreamy look in her eyes and a dumb smile on her lips and Jimmy and the audience stared at her in awe.
"Damn, she’s whipped! Mystery girl, if you’re watching this interview let me tell you, you’re so lucky, she’s a real catch!" Y/N blushed at his words and smiled down at her hands in her lap, playing around with her rings, then Jimmy focused on the next question.
The next day Y/N woke up to her phone buzzing frenetically on her nightstand, groaning at the annoying sound her device was emitting, before deciding to see who was interrupting her sleep. She squinted at the brightness of her display, letting her eyes adjust to the light before focusing on the thousands notifications from Twitter and Instagram. It seemed like her fans watched her interview on Jimmy Fallon and were trying to guess who her celebrity crush was. She chuckled and shook her head at her phone. Damn they’re wild!
She scrolled a bit on Instagram, the majority of the posts were clips of her talking about Florence and her fans guessing who the mystery girl is.
She opened Twitter and gasped, "holy shit! I’m trending!" She snickered while scrolling through her fans’ tweets making their guesses, when breath left her lungs completely at the tweet her eyes laid on, "fuck."
@florencepughswife: guys, it may be Florence! Think about it, everything she said screams Florence! @Florence_Pugh @Y/N.Y/L/N.
The tweet was 20 minutes ago and it already had 20k likes and 10k replies. Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit. She hastily locked her phone and threw the device on her bed like it burned her hands, collapsing on the mattress with a soft thud and groaning in her hands covering her face. If Florence finds out and hates me, I’m going to change my name and escape to Europe.
The day went by pretty quickly, she went in the studio to record a couple of songs for her upcoming album, satisfied with how it was going.
She collapsed on her couch with a contented hum and slid her phone from her back pocket, wanting to control her emails and notifications. She stayed holed up in the studio for hours, forgetting the world outside, so she neglected her phone and forgot all about the ‘guessing who the mystery girl is’ on Twitter, but the reality came crushing down on Y/N when she saw she had thousands of new notification, one of them standing out amongst the others, leaving out of breath and with her heart beating fast in her chest.
@Florence_Pugh: I had my phone buzzing with notifications all day. @Y/N.Y/L/N your fans are saying that I’m the mystery girl you wrote your song about. If it’s true I’m flattered. Hmu for a private show xx.
Y/N stared at her phone bewildered, blinking up at the device but not moving a muscle, afraid that if she moved she would wake up from this dream. Then her phone ringed with an incoming call, making her jump in fear and swear under her breath, then answering the call with a quiet voice, "hello?"
"Shhhh! Mila you just bursted my eardrum!"
"Sorry!" The latina grimaced in regret, "but still!!!! She tweeted you!"
"I was just reading about it. So it wasn’t a dream?"
"It’s all real dumbass! It’s your moment! You have to reply to her!"
"Are you out of your mind?!?! No!" Y/N widened her eyes in fear, "I’m not going to tell the world I wrote that song for her and I’m not going to come clean to her!"
"Why not?! I mean I understand you don’t want to expose yourself to the world, but I think you should tell her. She may like you back."
Y/N snorted at that, "oh yeah, sure."
"I’m not joking. Besides… She asked you for a private show…" Camila trailed off with a mischievous tone, wiggling her eyebrows and even if the brunette couldn’t see her she could picture her doing just that.
"Don’t even start Mila."
"C’mon you’ve been pining for her for a year now! And now you have the opportunity to take her on a date!"
"Who said anything about a date?" Y/N asked making it look like she was still opposing to Camila’s idea, when in fact she was already relenting.
"I did, just now. Reply to her, for me." Y/N could see Camila jut her lip out in her infamous pout at her and rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
"Yess! I want to be your bridesmaid at your wedding!"
"Camila, you’re traveling with your imagination a little bit too far."
"You’ll see and you’ll thank me.” Camila stated confidently, making her friend laugh, “I want to know what she replies to you."
"Okay, bye Mila."
"Bye dummy."
Y/N sighed and opened Twitter, "okay, let’s do this." She clicked on the screen to reply to Florence’s tweet.
@Y/N.Y/L/N: @Florence_Pugh I’m sorry for the amount of notifications! I like being mysterious so I’m not going to anything else, but I’m totally okay for that private show 😉.
Y/N pressed the ‘tweet’ button before she could think about it too much, letting a breath she didn’t know she was holding when the tweet was published.
The tweet was liked, retweeted and replied to by thousands of people in mere seconds and she smirked at her fans freaking out at her replying to Florence.
Her smile dropped when she got a new notification, "holy shit!" She sat up from the bed and started pacing back and forth.
Florence DMed me! Y/N slapped herself to let out of her daze when she stopped her pacing to stare at the opened chat. You dumbass! Do not leave her on read, answer her!
Florence Pugh: Hey cryptic songwriter 😜
Y/N Y/L/N: Hi 🙃
Florence Pugh: Now it’s only the two of us, tell me who is the mystery girl you wrote the song about 😉
Y/N Y/L/N: Straight to the point I see!
Florence Pugh: Well you’ve piqued my curiosity, I want to know if I’m the mystery girl!
Y/N bit her lower lip and contemplated on telling her. I mean, I can tell her. What do I have to lose? If she hates me, we will never talk again and we will go on with our lives forgetting about it. But if she likes me too… no I will not go there and get my hopes up.
"Fuck it, I’m telling her." Y/N said out loud resolutely and started typing a new text.
Y/N Y/L/N: I’ll consider telling you who the mystery girl is after my private show that you so eagerly requested 🤓
Florence Pugh: Really?!?!
Y/N Y/L/N: Yes. If you want to, we can arrange something here in my house. I have a music studio where I can perform my song to you.
Florence Pugh: Like right now?!?!
Y/N Y/L/N: Eager are we?
Florence Pugh: Stop mocking me and answer me Y/L/N!
Y/N smirked and snickered while shaking her head amused, her butterflies going crazy in her stomach and her brain freaking out about the fact that she was texting with her crush.
Y/N Y/L/N: You’re so bossy!
Florence Pugh: I am not!!!
Y/N Y/L/N: You are!!! But I swear I’m not mocking you! Anyway, I just got home from the studio, you can come over whenever you want. Here’s my address, *insert address* 🤓
Florence Pugh: I’ll be there in 20 mins!
Y/N decided to not reply at the text and nodded at the phone, smiling brightly while rereading their convo for a few seconds before reality came crushing down on her. FLORENCE IS COMING HERE! Oh fuck!
Y/N put her nose under her armpit and smelled it, grimacing and running into the bathroom to take a quick shower, discarding clothes on her way to her ensuite. She came out of it 10 minutes later, running into her walk-in closet to choose what to wear. She opted for a pair of black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a plaid shirt, her hair down in soft waves and wearing light makeup.
She tied her place up a bit and just when she threw her last underwear discarded on the floor in the laundry basket, she heard the doorbell ring, the sound echoing around the silent house.
She turned her head around to fix the door for a few seconds with her heartbeat pounding hard in her ribcage and echoing in her ears. Calm down, act cool and don’t make a fool out of yourself.
She gave herself a pep talk before walking towards the door and opening it, wanting to faint in front of the stunning beauty that was Florence Pugh. She was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a yellow hoodie, her blonde hair down in perfect curled waves and light makeup. She had a smile that reached her mesmerizing green eyes that Y/N couldn’t help but mirror, "hi Y/N." Her deep voice caused chills to run down Y/N’s spine and she suppressed the shiver that was dangerously ready to come out and spread throughout her body, not wanting to act like a puppy in love. But you are.
"Hi Florence, come in." She stepped aside to let the girl walk in and closed the door, locking it. Y/N swallowed thickly before speaking up once again, "c’mon, my studio is upstairs."
She let Florence sit on the comfy couch in her music studio and started singing. During her performance she didn’t know where else fixing her eyes onto, so she opted on being a little courageous and stared directly into Florence’s eyes, who never let her eyes leave Y/N’s ones and listened intently with a small smile on her lips, tapping her index finger on her thigh to the beat of the song.
When she finished, she turned the speakers off and sat on the chair close to the mixing console.
“You sing really, really good. And your song is beautiful, it became one of my favorites.”
Y/N smiled shyly and thanked her. Y/N wanted to tell Florence so many things but she stayed quiet, not really knowing where to start, so silence engulfed them, but it wasn’t awkward.
“So, you wanna tell me who the mystery girl is now?”
“Mh…” Y/N pretended to think about it, before throwing a smug smirk at the blonde, “nope.”
The actress dropped her mouth open in disbelief, “what?! You promised you would have told me after your private show!”
“I never promised anything and in my text I said that I would have considered it.” Florence jutted her bottom lip out in her distinctive pout and Y/N just right about melted while freaking out at the cute sight she had in front of her.
“Please.” Florence pleaded with a baby voice and Y/N was sure her body combusted and re-assembled together at the same time.
That pout was quickly replaced by Florence Pugh’s million dollars smile and the actress waited patiently for the girl to tell her, hope settling at the base of her stomach. When Y/N just wrung her fingers without speaking up, Florence told her softly, “tell me, just rip it out.” This painful anticipation and the nervous state the brunette was in was giving her so much hope that the actress wanted to walk up to her and kiss her before she could tell her the truth.
“How about I show you?” Florence stared confused at the singer who got up and opened a drawer and pulled out a what the blonde deemed her songs journal, watched her taking a deep breath and walking towards her, then stretching her arm with the hand holding the journal out to her.
“What is this?”
“This is were I write down ideas for potential songs, some lyrics and what I want the song to be about or the melody I imagined in my mind. Go to the last 10 pages and they will satisfy your curiosity.”
With eagerness Florence opened the journal while she felt the girl sit beside her on the couch, their knees touching. With bated breath she flipped through the journal and skimmed her eyes through Y/N’s notes. In the first pages there was a list of her looks, eyes, hair, her dimples and so on, then her personality traits, some of the lyrics that made in the song, some that were new to her and her name scribbled everywhere in the pages with hearts draw beside it. She looked up from the pages and met the brunette’s anxious brown orbs, with their proximity she noticed she had some amber threads in them, making her glued to them.
“So…” Y/N let Florence out of her daze, the blonde’s eyes flicking to her lips briefly before refocusing on those mesmerizing brown hues. Did she just looked at my lips?
“So, I’m the mystery girl. I’m your crush you gushed about in your love song.” Florence spoke out, her voice lower than usual, wrapping her head around this new information while her stomach did somersaults at the implications of this news.
“Oh, you watched my interview.” Y/N looked down shyly, a hand on her chin tore her eyes from her hands playing on her lap and made her meet the actress deep green hues, full of determination.
“I pretty much watch, read and listen to everything you do.” Florence told Y/N earnestly and the singer felt her cheeks warm up at the words.
“Oh, so are you a fan?” Y/N quipped with a soft laugh, that died down in her throat when Florence leaned in just an inch, their faces just a breath apart.
“More like someone who has a crush on you.” Y/N gasped loud enough to be heard from Florence due to their proximity, who chuckled deeply at the reaction. “You don’t even know how over the moon I was when I watched your interview and received a bunch of notifications with your fans and my fans saying it was probably me you were talking about. It was like I was dreaming.”
“I felt the same when you mentioned me in your tweet. I couldn’t believe you didn’t hate at the thought of me writing a song about you. I was ready to change my name and fly out in Europe.”
“Well I don’t hate you, so you don’t need to do that.” Florence chuckled alongside Y/N, their noses touching just a second with the movements their head made while laughing, both hearing the other’s intake of breath at the sensations the touch triggered in their bodies, butterflies flying around their stomaches, shivers running down their spines, skin tingling with anticipation.
“We’re very close.”
“Great use of words darling!” Florence laughed hard and Y/N snorted at her poor use of words and delighting at the wonderful sound coming out of the blonde’s lips. “You seem just fine writing one of the best love songs in the music industry, but now it seems you don’t know how to talk anymore.”
“Well excuse me smarty pants but you being so close to me it’s making me feel my brain mushy and I pretty much think I forgot every word I know. I’m surprised I’m not essentially just mumbling a bunch of incomprensibile words.” Y/N told Florence seriously but the blonde chuckled at the singer freaking out in front of her.
“Just because I act so cool it doesn’t mean I’m not panicking inside my head.”
“Damn you and your acting skills.” Y/N quipped with an angry face, her eyebrows furrowed together and her nose scrunched up and Florence couldn’t resist herself, she kissed the tip of the singer’s nose, the brunette face falling instantly. “I-I-“
“Relax, darling. Breathe.”
“You can’t do that Pugh!”
“Why not?” Florence asked amused at the singer, repeating the gesture and hearing the girl gasp at the contact.
“Because my brain is short-circuiting!”
“So is mine, but I’m trying to act cool.”
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned and leaned their foreheads together.
“So are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait longer?” Florence asked boldly, covering up her blush with nuzzling their noses together to distract the singer.
Y/N perked up at that and smirked mischievously, “well miss Pugh, here’s the deal. I’ll kiss you, if you accept to go out with me on a date, like right now.”
Florence mirrored Y/N’s sly smirk and sneaked her hand on the singer’s nape, massaging her hair softly, hearing the singer humming in satisfaction, “I’ll say yes only if you kiss me.”
Y/N gasped at the brave request but she would punch herself if she denied her crush, especially after what she asked her to do, so with the last sliver of courage, she leaned in and kissed Florence, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss, mouths moving slowly and softly, savoring the other’s taste, both humming happily into the kiss.
They separated a while later to take a needed breath before diving in in a more passionate kiss, changing angle to let their lips touch more deeply, Y/N’s tongue tracing Florence’s lips to ask her to deepen the kiss, the blonde granting it immediately, both moaning softly into the other’s mouths when their tongues met halfway and sliding over each other in a passionate kiss and setting electric sparks throughout their bodies. Florence’s hand in Y/N’s hair gripped her scalp harder to pull the brunette impossibly closer, the other one caressing her cheeks gently - a stark contrast to what was happening in their mouths - while Y/N’s left hand caressed the blonde’s back up and down, the right one stoking slowly the back of her neck, feeling goosebumps appear at the touch and smiling at the feeling, their stomaches full of crazy butterflies flying around and their brains focusing only on the sensations the kiss was triggering within them.
They separated after what felt an eternity to catch their breaths, smiling shyly at the other, noticing their cheeks were flushing red due to the intensity of their kisses. “So it’s a yes? Are we going out on a date?”
“Yes, but it can wait a little bit longer.” Florence plainly said in a low and aroused voice before using her hand that was still in Y/N’s hair to pull her in and kiss her deeply again, Y/N not objecting Florence and meeting the actress halfway to interlock their lips once more.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
Can I go Live?
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Summary: Auston got his fifth hat trick so Amelia goes live. 
A.N:Hey it’s been a minute and for that I apologize. I was inspired to write because Auston scored a hat trick. I was high when I wrote this which is why Amelia gets high. It’s short because I’m high and this took forever to write lol
Warning: Amelia gets high. The story is also kinda dumb lol? Just a glimpse into the everyday life of Auston and Amelia. 
Word count: 1,239
“Can I go live?” I asked Auston. I was standing in the room at his dresser. He was laying in his bed fucking around on his phone.
“Huh?” He asked, looking up confused. To be fair he had just played a game against the flyers and gotten his 5th hat trick. I knew he was pretty engrossed in his phone since it was blowing up from messages.
“Instagram live,” I told him as I opened the drawer and pulled out a container that had my weed. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I want to get high on instagram live,”
“Is that a good idea?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah it's to celebrate you,” I responded, grinding it up.
“I also want people, your fans I guess, to know that I smoke weed. It’s not a bad thing. Weed can help with so many things and it’s not like it's recreational. Mine is medical.”
He looked surprised. “It is?” I nodded my head as I put together a quick bowl for me to smoke.
“Yeah PTSD, and anxiety,” I said, turning around to face him. I made my way over to the bed and held out my hand.
“Y’know from my ex and shit,” I said. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before standing up and pulling me into a hug. I instantly felt myself calm down in his hold.
“I didn’t know that.”
“Now you do,” I responded, pulling away and pecking his cheek. I then turned around and made my way out of the room.
“C’mon I’m going to smoke outside.”
I pushed the door open and walked out. I instantly felt cold as I took a seat on the couch. I pulled up my phone and turned on the live. I set the phone down on the table and curled up on the chair. Auston sat down next to me.
“I can just hold the phone for you,” he said, grabbing it. I smiled as I nodded my head.
“Okay let me see it,” I said after I had taken a puff. I wasn’t planning on offering Auston any of the weed knowing he would say no due to hockey. And the part where I was live with over 20k people already watching. When Auston and I had first started dating my Instagram account wasn't private so I unfortunately gained a crap ton of followers overnight and wasn’t able to make it private in time. So I just left it.
“A lot of people are writing,” I told Auston before taking another hit.
“This one says what are we doing,” I said.
“Now that is a great question.” I took another hit and Auston snorted at me. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me into his side so that I was leaning into his chest. It caused both of our heads to be in the frame.
“Auston scored his 5th hat trick today!” I said happily, turning my face to try to look up at him. His eyes caught mine and he gave me a gorgeous smile.
“So I figured we could celebrate, meaning me with weed and Auston with the joy of watching me get high,” I finished letting out a laugh. The comments filled the screen quickly with multiple different messages. Many judgy but also many that weren’t. Auston let out a laugh of his own but squeezed his arm that was around me.
“It’s freezing. We should go inside,” he told me.
“Yeah,” I said, really liking that idea. I stood up and quickly made my way to the door.
“A lot of people are saying congratulations,” I told Auston as I crawled onto Auston’s bed.
“That’s great,” Auston said, crawling onto the bed as well. Felix hopped onto the bed next in between the two of us. I excitedly flipped the camera.
“Guy’s look it’s Felix.” I reached out to rub his belly and he immediately started purring and making noises.
“You're such a big baby,” I said laughing loudly.
“Felix always acts like he never gets attention,” I said.
“Aus can we watch The Amazing Spider man?” I asked. Auston nodded his head as he reached down to rub Felix.
“Yeah I’ll set it up.” I could immediately tell he was happy with the movie choice.
“Someone wants to know what nicknames are for each other,” I said, raising my eyebrow.
“We're pretty normal,” I said.
“Felix move over.” I pulled him over so that I could cuddle closer to Auston.
“Someone wants to know why you aren't out celebrating,” I told Auston.
“I am celebrating. With you baby,” Auston answered looking down at me. I smiled leaning up to give him a quick peck before laying back down. I answered a few more questions before my phone started ringing.
“Hey Freddie is trying to facetime me,” I said.
“What?” He asked, looking over at my phone.
“The fucker calls you but not me.”
“He probably knows that I’ll answer over you,”
“I should tell him to go live with me,” I said.
“Yeah right,” he said.
I let out a laugh as I shook my head. Freddie would never in a million years.
“Alright I’ll get off live and call him back.”
“Say bye to all your fans Felix,” I said pointing the camera at him. He started barking, causing me to let out a laugh. I hit end and switched to facetime.
“Hey,” Freddie said, answering his phone. He was laying in his bed with his lamp lighting up the room.
“What's up,” Auston said, leaning into the camera and blocking my face. I giggled as I pushed Auston’s face.
“You just had to get another,” Freddie jokes. Auston let out a laugh as he pressed his face to mine.
“I did it for this beauty,” Auston said. I blushed, pushing him away.
“Oh, is this one dedicated to me? Who was the last one dedicated to? Freddie,” I joked. Auston let out a gasp turning to face the camera.
“You said you wouldn’t tell her bro,” he joked.
“I can see your very obvious love for eachother without being told,” I huffed crawling under the blanket. I once again curled up to Auston so that I was laying against his chest.
“Thanks for calling Fredex but we're going to watch The Amazing Spider-Man,” Auston said.
“Alright. Talk to you later. See you at the All-Stars. You coming Amelia?”
“Yes!” I said happily.  I was excited to see some of the people I had met in the previous years as well as Auston’s family.
We said our goodbyes and then hung up the phone. I dropped my phone on the bed and leaned up so I was hovering over Auston. He hit play on the movie.
“I’m so proud of you,” I said. Auston gave me a soft smile.
“Thank you baby,” he said.
“I love you and I’m so happy that you're happy.”
Auston wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me down so that I was laying on top of him.
“I love you back,” he smiled.
“Thanks for scoring a hat trick at the game I decided to go to.” Auston let out a chuckle as he ran his hand through my hair.
“Wanted to get my 400th point in front of you.”
I captured his lips in mine and we shared a deep kiss before finally turning out attention to the movie.
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