lindseybots · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3 (I accidentally unfollowed you I’m so sorry)
(omg no worries. that’s happened to me in the past lol. I will admit, I was so confused when I got the alert that you followed me. I was like: I thought she already did?? Also, I’m so honored you sent this to me of all people???)
Okay here’s my five things:
My fandoms! - I feel like this is an obvious one. I mean, this is a multi-fandom account. I have way too many fandoms to list them individually. We’d be here forever. I guess in that sense, this also expands to fictional characters and the different types of media they originate from (video games, books, etc. I engage in pretty much all media types. I’m not picky lol)
Fanfics and fanart - This goes into the fandom thing, but I felt it deserved its own place on the list. I love seeing how creative people are when they are sharing their love for something. I especially love when it’s for a fandom I also love. I enjoy creating those types of things myself. I love drawing, writing and just creating in general, and I love to engage in my fandoms. So, fan content is the best of both worlds for me. (Bet you didn’t know I can crochet too. I’ve made a few fandom related things.)
My friends - My friends (both online and irl) are so wonderful! I honestly don’t know where I’d be without them. They’ve been so supportive and encouraging no matter what I try to do. I could only hope to be as good a friend to them as they are to me. (This is a fandom blog, so i’m not gonna drag this one on too long. Y’all aren’t here to see me get sentimental lol)
Baggy clothing - This is gonna sound so silly, but I love clothes that are a little too big. I love bundling up in a hoodie that’s too big and a pair of sweatpants. I have quite the collection of hoodies, and I’m quite proud of it. Most of them are fandom related, of course. I am very much a comfort over fashion type of person (and this fact drives my mom crazy lol).
Music - I don’t have a specific genre I prefer over another. I love a mix of everything. My friends like to joke that my playlist is always a surprise because you never know what will play next. They also like to joke that I never go anywhere without my earbuds. In relation to that, I love to sing. I actually received professional training for my singing for a while because I was told I was really good at it. I ended up auditioning for a program that specializes in it and got in. I did it for years, but I don’t take any lessons anymore as I have no plans to pursue a music career. Regardless, I will always love music and singing.
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how-do-u-art · 3 years
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The Founders of MoonsKeep!
(Vibez/Maggie, Sukiana , & Shrimp)
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morocosmos · 3 years
Hypothermia Part 2 - A continuation of this.
Disclaimer: My Warrior of Light/OC is a trans man, but he’s pre-transition both physically and socially in this non-WoL AU.
A strong gust of wind, followed by more, oddly rhythmic. Blinking through the snow, Seno saw a large winged creature descend before him, black as a starless night. A tall figure sat atop its back, shrouded by the swirling snow.
How strange, he thought – as the tales told it, Menphina did not come for her charges on a flying steed. Was it rude to stare? Seno bent his head down, averting his gaze.
Heavy footsteps approached him, and large hands bound in leather wrapped securely around his waist, before hoisting him upwards with ease. The cold touch of chainmail stung against his skin.
“Can you walk?” It was a man’s voice, shouting to make himself heard above the winds. Not the Moonskeeper herself then, but a man far taller than him. His black chocobo followed closely behind, shielding its head from the blizzard with one wing.
An Ishgardian soldier from Monument Tower? Chanced to see him as he’d sought shelter from the weather, perhaps. Lucky you.
If there was a chance he might live, Seno would be damned if he didn’t try. He took a shaky step forward, and then another, the man holding onto him securely all the while.
“Good, good! This way…” With agonising slowness, they made their way through the blizzard, Seno heedless as to where they were traveling. Every step was an effort, and he felt his strength fading fast.
“Where is it – there!” Seno felt his body being turned slightly, his rescuer picking up speed. Soon the blizzard’s wailing died down, replaced by an echoey ringing. Judging from his ears, the cave was a small one, barely large enough to fit them all. Though it was hardly less cold, they were out of the worst of the weather. 
Gods, but he was tired. Perhaps he could finally close his eyes now, and rest…
“My friend!” The man was calling out to him urgently and shaking Seno by the shoulders, gentle but insistent. “Pray you do not fall asleep yet – look at me, now.” Seno groaned and forced open his eyes. The whole world was shaking – or was it him? He made out the man's features as he slowly came into focus: silver hair that seemed to glow even in the low light, pointed ears, and kind blue eyes that held his gaze. The elezen sighed with relief.
“Thank the Fury!” he sighed. “But I'm afraid your trials are hardly over; we needs must get you warm and dry.” With deliberate calm, the man set Seno down onto the ground, before turning towards his chocobo to rummage through several packs.
Seno heard the rough, sputtering scrape of fire crystals. Several sparks and a frustrated curse later, the sparks came to life, and shadows jumped at the walls as warm fire aether suffused the cave. Seno shivered as he pushed himself up, trying his best to undo the fastenings on his coat. But his fingers shook, and he could move them about as well as if they were twigs.
“Here.” The man knelt at his side, deftly undoing the ties before helping Seno shrug off his coat, along with his bow and quiver. Getting him out of his shirt was far harder; the water-soaked cotton had frozen over, and it hurt to wriggle out of it; Seno whined more than once, feeling pathetic. But when they at last reached his undershirt, he tensed all over. “Wait. Let me,” he said abruptly.
“Are you sure? It would not be wise to risk injuring yourself any further,” the man cautioned.
“Please,” Seno insisted. But try as he might, he couldn't shrug off the tight garment alone. Pain and common sense be damned; his hissed in frustration. Dying in the blizzard would have been less distressing.
“My apologies. I promise it will hurt less this way.” In that moment, Seno’s Echo pulsed; the man’s heartbeat was unlike anything he’d ever heard. It was both strong and soft, washing over Seno’s ears in a steady rhythm, and he could sense no ill intentions.
To the man's credit, he kept his gaze turned away as he eased Seno out of his undershirt, and was careful to only touch him as much as necessary, letting the Keeper pull the undershirt over his head. He did the same for the rest of his clothes, before passing Seno numerous blankets, eyes still averted.
“Rest, my friend. I shall keep watch,” he said. Seno drew the blankets over himself, wrapping them tight around his body as he shivered. It was impossible to stay awake, and at last he gave in to sleep, slipping into darkness.
The crackling sputter of fire crystals greeted Seno as he awoke.
He was lying down in the cave with his back to the wall, two fulms or so from the pile of crystals. The winds were loud beyond the cave, but Seno could see that the blizzard had died down considerably. There was no telling how long had passed since he’d fallen asleep; he felt stiff and cold, but he was no longer shivering, no doubt thanks to the thick layer of blankets and the fire.
He was still undressed, he realised; propping himself up on one elbow, Seno saw his clothes drying by the fire. His bow and quiver were nearby, arrows neatly laid out next to them. The thought of being so exposed while unconscious brought him a deep pang of discomfort.
“Have you awoken? Blessed be Halone!” Seno started and tugged the blankets closer as an elezen man knelt down beside him, well into his personal space. It took him a moment more to remember he was the one who’d rescued him – indeed, the man’s eyes were the same shade of blue he’d seen earlier, bright and warm as his smile. “I feared you were in a worse condition than I’d thought.”
Seno knew he’d seen the man before – aside from being obviously Ishgardian, he was dressed in House Fortemps chainmail. Still, his head felt as though it had been stuffed with cotton bolls, and he couldn’t quite place him. He tried to speak, but only managed a dry croak.
“Here, my friend.” The man passed him a flask of water, warmed by the fire, and Seno drank, feeling better instantly. “Thank you,” he said, setting down the flask. “I beg your pardon, but you are…?”
“Oh! Lord Haurchefant Greystone, at your service.” The elezen somehow managed a deep bow from his position. “I believe your name is Seno? You are most fortunate to have sisters who care deeply for your well-being.” 
Seno blinked – once at the mention of Khaya and Deipo, and then again when he realised whom exactly he was talking to. “They had run all the way from Whitebrim, you see, fearing you were not informed of the oncoming blizzard,” the garrison commander continued as though nothing was amiss, shaking his head. “Though I commend their bravery, they may well have charged into the storm themselves had I not stopped them.”
Seno looked to the floor, processing the information. His sisters were safe – he could breathe a sigh of relief over that. But it also meant that Haurchefant had personally come all this way to search for him, braving the blizzard and putting his own life at risk in the process. It was all a bit too much; half-shocked and half-embarrassed, Seno looked to the side, unsure of what to say.
Haurchefant followed his gaze over to the fire. “Ah, your clothes. I do hope you can forgive me for earlier. Desperate as I was to ensure your survival, I may have caused you undue discomfort.” He spoke without embarrassment, but the intent behind his words was clear.
Despite the discomfort, Seno knew he was alive because of Haurchefant’s efforts. He didn’t mind that the man had helped him, not in the way that Haurchefant suspected. How was the lord to know, anyhow? Doubtless he merely thought he was being chivalrous in attempting to preserve a poor woman's decency.
“It’s alright,” Seno replied. “If anything I should be thanking you, Lord Haurchefant. I’m in your debt.”
The garrison commander waved his hand with a boisterous laugh, though he was clearly relieved as well. “There is no such debt to repay, my friend!” he assured. “Since the Calamity, Coerthas’s climes have hardly been hospitable. If House Fortemps is to hire adventurers such as yourself, ‘tis our responsibility to see that you and your fellow adventurers do not tread the lands without proper knowledge.”
Indeed, Seno had heard of how the bastard moon’s descent had irreparably changed Coerthas’s landscape, blanketing its once green meadows with endless snow. “When in the cold, stay vigilant always,” Seno found himself saying, echoing what Moro had once told him. “For the lands themselves are just as dangerous as those who roam them.”
“Sound advice,” Haurchefant agreed. “Even more so in Coerthas, where Ishgard’s war against the dragons has raged on and on. Though I’m sure you are more than aware of our harsh history by now.” Seno nodded. No adventurer would try their luck in the Western Highlands without accepting what they were getting into, lest they were complete fools.
“How long was I asleep for?” Seno asked. He could see the looks of worry on his sisters’ faces, no doubt anxiously waiting for him and Haurchefant to return.
“About two bells, by my judgment,” Haurchefant answered. “I’d wager we have a bell or so before the storm dies down completely. ‘Tis just as well,” he chuckled as he stared out into the snow. “Corentiaux might feel compelled to send an entire contingent of knights after me if we do not return soon. Will you be well enough to walk by then?”
“I should hope so,” Seno answered. He was determined to – Deipo might attempt to steal a poor adventurer’s chocobo and search for him herself, and Khaya would be too anxious to stop her. They fell silent, watching the snow for a while as it drifted in continuous waves. Safe outside the blizzard’s path, Seno conceded that there was a certain beauty to it. Coerthas was a harsh land, but not entirely hostile. 
The soft sound of talking had Seno turning his head, and he saw that Haurchefant had shuffled closer to his chocobo, scratching under the bird’s chin as he spoke. The chocobo trilled lightly in response, resting its head against the man’s shoulder. The knight didn’t seem to mind him watching, focused as he was on his bird.
Seno thought of Haurchefant’s heartbeat again, and the warmth the man seemed to exude in general. The knight seemed a good man, both capable and highly considerate for those under his leadership. Difficult as the work was, it seemed like he and his sisters would be in good hands if they were to remain working in Camp Dragonhead for a while longer.
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