#I also went through third wheel-san so even more so I was like
chika-nyan · 6 months
Bought a Frieren shaker charm at con. Shaka shaka!
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linagram · 4 months
[ 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙰𝚒𝚖𝚒'𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟹 𝚅𝙳] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜
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AIMI TIME!! honestly, i really can't say what kind of verdict would be better for her. i have no idea how her trial will go this time..
Warnings for Aimi's VD: mentions of toxic family dynamics and bullying, Aimi's murder method is discussed and implied to be very brutal, but the description is not detailed.
Warnings for Aimi's MV: themes of bullying and toxic relationships between Aimi and her accomplice and also her classmates. One of the characters gets their head cut off.
(sounds of footsteps)
Hinode: Sorry for dozing off like that, Miki-san.. I just got so tired all of a sudden..
Miki: It's kinda weird to hear that from someone who.. you know, said all of that to Miyagawa-san.
Hinode: Hm? What do you mean?
Miki: Well, I really didn't expect you to be so.. harsh, maybe?
Hinode: *laughs* Harsh? Please, Miki-san, I was just trying to learn more about his crime, that's all.
Miki: B-but it sounded like you had everything figured out already-
Hinode: Are you ready to interrogate the second prisoner? I promise, I'll try my best not to fall asleep this time.
Miki: .. Okay.
(the door opens)
Miki: Hello-
Miki: H-huh?!
(sounds of someone running up to her and pulling her in a hug)
Aimi: Hehe.. Hello, Miki-chan~
Aimi: It's so nice to finally see you.. I've missed you so much..
Aimi: Don't you know it's bad to just leave your best friend like that?
Miki: .. P-please let go of me.
Hinode: W-why do I feel like a third wheel in this situation?..
Aimi: Hmph..
(sounds of Aimi letting Miki go and sitting down)
Aimi: So, a third trial..
Aimi: Well, I have nothing to worry about, right, Miki-chan?
Miki: .. Y-you're really.. talkative today.
Hinode: Which is surprising, considering you don't talk to other prisoners that much anymore.
Aimi: Ah, about that..
Aimi: I just don't really understand why I should continue trying to become friends with them.
Aimi: Let's be honest here, all of them are sick in the head.
Miki: ?
Miki: But didn't you say that you like all of them and want to be friends with them-
Aimi: I really did like them.
Aimi: But.. Then I looked at them, saw how they act after being voted guilty or even after being voted innocent and..
Aimi: And I was like, "Damn, they really are murderers, aren't they?" *laughs*
Miki: .. You sound weird, Hanasaki-san. It doesn't sound like you at all-
Aimi: Aimi-chan.
Miki: Wh-
Aimi: Call me "Aimi-chan". Like a good friend would. 
Aimi: No, no, like a best friend would!
Hinode: I-I think we should start the interrogation-
Aimi: I'm sorry, was I speaking to you? 
Miki: .. Aimi-chan, what's going on?
Miki: You've changed. You're like a completely different person now.
Miki: Maybe that's just Milgram's influence-
Aimi: Um.. Here's the thing, Miki-chan. 
Aimi: I'll tell you a little secret, because you really are my best friend. You've forgiven me like two times already, surely you will forgive me this time too, right?
Aimi: Again, like a good friend.
Aimi: (to Hinode) .. Close your ears.
Hinode: Huh?
Aimi: You're not in my friend list. So close your ears.
Hinode: Um.. O-okay?
Aimi: So, Miki-chan.. I don't know how I should tell you this, especially because I don't know what you've seen in my videos and what you haven't..
Aimi: But.. Honestly, I always was like this.
Aimi: I don't know if there's something wrong with my behavior. I don't know if it's weird or if I'm being rude.
Aimi: You probably just see me as a cute and shy girl who went through something terrible and who deserves pity.
Aimi: You see me as a victim. A perfect and fragile victim.
Aimi: And.. You're kinda right, actually. 
Aimi: I.. I did not deserve to be treated like that. It took me quite a lot of time to realize that, but.. I really did not deserve to be bullied.
Aimi: So who am I? I'm a victim, right? And being a victim means it wasn't my fault, right?
Miki: Actually, about that..
Miki: Something about your story doesn't add up, Aimi-chan.
Aimi: Oh? W-what exactly?
Miki: .. So you admit that you were bullied, right?
Aimi: *nods* Yes. My classmates never were my friends, even though I wanted to believe that they were.
Miki: But.. why were you bullied?
Miki: Obviously, sometimes it just happens without any reason. Sometimes people can just.. be really cruel. 
Miki: But I just don't understand why someone would want to-
Aimi: Does that matter to you, Miki-chan?
Aimi: Hey.. If it turned out that my classmates had a reason to bully me..
Aimi: Would you stop being friends with me?
Aimi: Would you leave me? Would you betray me? Would you stab me in the back and leave me to die and choke on my own blood? 
Aimi: You wouldn't do that, right? 'Cause you're a good friend, Miki-chan.
Miki: .. You're asking me if I would vote you guilty, right?
Aimi: .. So tell me, Miki-chan, would you stop being friends with me if it turned out that my classmates had a reason to bully me?
Miki: ...
Hinode: I'm so sorry, but I really want to ask you one question-
Aimi: Again, I don't remember being friends with-
Hinode: But Aimi-san, why do you think that you are friends with Miki-san?
Aimi: .. Huh?
Hinode: Miki-san, do you see Aimi-san as a friend?
Miki: ...
Miki: .. A-Aimi-chan is a really kind and sweet person.
Hinode: .. But do you see her as a friend?
Miki: ...
Aimi: .. Miki-chan?
Miki: .. Hinode-san, why exactly are you asking me this?
Hinode: Well, you see, of course we can form relationships with the prisoners.
Hinode: We become attached to them, we become friends with them, maybe even develop feelings for them.
Hinode: But.. I honestly don't think that you two really are friends.
Hinode: Aimi-san, again, why do you think Miki-san is your friend?
Aimi: .. S-she has forgiven me like two times already.
Aimi: I-I'm innocent in her eyes. So that means she loves me, right?
Aimi: That means you will never betray me, right, Miki-san?
Aimi: We're friends! Best friends even!
Aimi: So please.. Say that we're friends. Call me your friend.
Miki: ...
Aimi: Miki-chan, please-
Miki: S-so about your crime.
(sounds of Aimi trying hard not to cry)
Aimi: .. Whatever. Ask me whatever you want. I don't care anymore.
Miki: ".. I don't know what I want to ask her anymore."
Miki: "Maybe I should start with what she said last time?"
Miki: You said that your accomplice is dead, right?
Aimi: .. Yep. Sure is.
Miki: .. You killed him, didn't you?
Aimi: Did you see that in my video?
Miki: .. Yes.
Aimi: .. Yeah, I killed him. 
Aimi: But I guess you could say I killed my classmates too.
Aimi: I mean.. He came up with it, but I played along.
Aimi: I never tried to stop him. I was scared, I was really scared, but I couldn't say no to him.
Aimi: He always made me so uncomfortable, but I just couldn't stop him.
Aimi: He wanted to protect me. In his own insane way, yes, but he really did want to protect me.
Miki: .. And that was almost like having a friend, right?
Miki: A friend that wants to protect you so bad that he's ready to kill someone for you.
Aimi: .. *starts crying*
Aimi: I.. I killed him because I got scared..
Aimi: I saw their corpses and- 
Aimi: H-he tried to hug me right after that. I hugged him back, but-
Aimi: I-it was all just too much.
Miki: .. It was your brother, right?
Aimi: *nods* Y-yeah. I'm tired of saying that he's just very overprotective because..
Aimi: He.. He was worse than that.
Aimi: He was.. very controlling. He knew literally everything about me and my schedule. He knew everything about the people I talk to. If I said hi to a random stray cat on the way home, he somehow still managed to know about that.
Hinode: .. He sounds like a nightmare.
Aimi: That's because he was one.
Aimi: I could go into detail, but like.. You get it. I have no idea what was wrong with him, but he really was like that.
Miki: .. How did your classmates die?
Aimi: .. S-so I've told you that my family owns a theme park, right? I-I invited my classmates there.
Aimi: Y-you know, like I went "Hey, my family is so cool and rich, wanna go to this park we own?" And of course, they agreed. 
Aimi: Heh, they even forgot about how much they hate me..
Aimi: A-and, um.. Some of the rides actually weren't working properly a few days before that.
Aimi: Our parents knew about it, but they kept the park opened because.. You know, money, all that stuff.
Aimi: A-and my brother also made sure to bribe the people who were working there so that they won't try to fix them.
Miki: .. Are you telling me that your classmates went on those rides?
Aimi: *nods* I've told them that those rides were the most fun ones.
Miki: ...
Miki: .. T-they couldn't just all die from that, right?
Hinode: Miki-san, remember the second video? 
Hinode: There.. was a lot of blood.
Aimi: When I say "they weren't working properly", I mean "somebody could literally fall from those rides and end up breaking all their bones or just turn into a bloody mess".
Miki: ...
Miki: S-so all those kids-
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Aimi: All of them died. Probably. At least most of them did.
Miki: T-that's.. A-and you killed your brother right after that too?
Aimi: Yes. And I just left right after that.
Hinode: Miki-san, you look pale. Do you need some water?
Miki: .. Aimi-chan. Just tell me one thing.
Miki: Do you regret your murder? Or murders, whatever.
Aimi: .. I think I just found my classmates' corpses scary. And the fact that I helped my brother kill them as well.
Aimi: As for my brother's murder..
Aimi: I'm just glad he's dead.
Miki: .. I see.
Aimi: Miki-chan-
Aimi: Ah.. No, that's not right.
Aimi: Guard 002-san, I will be forgiven again this time, right?
Miki: It all depends on your video-
Aimi: I was about to say that if you vote me guilty, I will just kill all of the other prisoners and then myself, but like, you've already betrayed me, so it doesn't matter anymore.
Aimi: I'm doing it anyway.
Miki: .. What?
Miki: What do you mean by that, Aimi-chan?
Aimi: Please don't call me Aimi-chan ever again and extract the video.
Hinode: Miki-san, we really don't have that much time left.
Hinode: I'm sure the third prisoner is already waiting for us.
Miki: But how do you even plan to kill the prisoners?!
Miki: .. Prisoner 002, Aimi, please sing your sins. 
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[ Aimi's Trial 3 MV: Blooming Connection ]
The video starts with showing us a dark garden full of nothing but dead plants. Aimi is standing in the middle of it alone and her eyes are completely empty. Suddenly, someone walks up to her and gives her a flower seed. She looks at it more closely and her eyes start to look much brighter and her expression is more hopeful.
"Ah, nothing is working out, making friends shouldn't be this hard
My high school life was supposed to be all fun and smiles
Maybe they're shy? Maybe they're not interested? Oh well
I'll leave them no choice but to become friends with me!"
The scene changes and now it's a classroom. Aimi walks in and watches her classmates talk to each other, laugh and have fun. She starts handing every single classmate a flower and most of them appreciate the gesture and find the flowers beautiful. Aimi smiles at them and walks to another classmate and gives her a flower as well. However, this time the classmate politely rejects it.
"Buying their friendship isn't a big deal
That's how you do it in the adults' world
I guess you could say it's my love language
So come on, say that you love me, everybody!"
Aimi.. doesn't take it well and stands there, refusing to believe that someone could've said no to her. Her expression starts to become more and more scary and suddenly, she jumps at her and makes the girl fall on the floor. 
"Come on, accept my gift, tell me you're grateful, tell me how thoughtful I am
Did I do great? Am I a good friend? I know I am, I know I am
"This flower reminds me of you" I'm the sweetest person you've ever met, right?
"Sorry, but I gotta go" Hey, what do you think you're doing?"
Aimi keeps pulling her hair, beating her and yelling at her and other classmates are struggling to make her let the girl go. When they finally manage to do so, they look terrified and don't want to look Aimi in the eyes. Aimi's hair is messed up, she's breathing heavily and she doesn't seem to regret what she did.
We're in the garden again and it looks like the flowers are starting to grow. Aimi doesn't seem that happy about it though and we can see someone putting their hand on her shoulder in attempt to comfort her. She can only sigh and continue looking at the flower, almost like she's expecting something from it.
"I can still become friends with them, right? I can still eat lunch with them, right?
They will smile at me, right? Say that I'm a good friend, right?
'Cause I'm a good friend, 'cause I'm a good friend
'Cause I'm a good friend, 'cause I'm INNOCENT"
The school setting again. Aimi is arguing with another classmate. Aimi is crying and pointing her finger at her, but the other girl is trying to prove to others that she's innocent and she didn't do anything. The others believe her and walk away with her, leaving Aimi alone. Then we can see a classmate yelling at Aimi and the pink-haired girl looking scared, but other classmates don't try to support or protect her at all and they nod and agree with everything that classmate is saying. We can see another flower lying on the floor next to Aimi. 
"So ungrateful, so damn ungrateful
So many gifts and all for nothing
I guess there really is no connection between us
I hate them so much, but I still need friends to survive"
Back in the garden, more and more flowers appear and Aimi still looks worried about something. Someone is standing next to her, but we can only see their silhouette and it actually feels like Aimi is trying her best to forget that person, since all the angles that we can see them from don't let us see any details of their design. Aimi turns to that person and nods, meaning that she's ready to finally do something.
"Maybe revenge is fine, maybe revenge is the right option
I want them to feel the pain they made me go through
I guess I'll try to buy their friendship one last time"
The door opens and Aimi walks into the classroom again. Her hair is a mess and she has dark circles under her eyes and she has a lot of bandaids on her body, just like in the first season. She walks to her classmates and shows them a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her garden. The classmates actually like it a lot and take the bouquet from her. She has nothing else to do but to watch them have fun, but if you look closer, you can see that their hands are bleeding while they're holding the bouquet. 
Aimi does look worried at first, but then she shakes her head and closes her eyes. When she opens them, she's in her garden again and her garden is even more colorful than before. Aimi also looks completely different: she has a crown on her head, she's wearing a beautiful princess-like dress, she has flowers in her hair and she has a sword in her hand as well. When she looks down, she sees a young man with dark pink hair and eyes that look similar to hers, but also have darker colors, getting down on one knee before her. It's like she's about to make him her knight. 
"Thank you for protecting me, thank you for staying by my side
Our connection is strong, the flowers of our friendship are blooming
Let's stay together forever, 'cause you're such a good friend"
Surprisingly, she smiles, but when the man opens his eyes, he suddenly goes pale and looks shocked. We can still see Aimi smiling, but now there is blood on her sword. 
"And such a terrible brother"
The man's head falls on the floor and she turns to her flowers and she notices some weird movement there. It's like someone is.. trying to come up from under the ground? 
A hand. And another hand. And another one. There's someone's head too- Oh, it's actually the classmate from the beginning of the video, the one who refused to take her flower.
"Finally, my true friends are here
They've grown from the seeds of my despair and sorrow
Finally, I can say that I love them
And they will never reject me"
More and more classmates are starting to appear and they look a lot like zombies. A lot of them are covered in injuries and those injuries look terrifying and you can tell that whatever killed them wasn't kind to them at all. Also, it looks like Aimi used their dead bodies as fertilizer. They're starting to surround Aimi, but she doesn't look worried at all. She actually looks happy. 
"I'm the sweetest person you've ever met, right?
I'm the best friend you've ever had, right?
Come on, give me a hug and say that you forgive me"
For the first time in this video, she turns to her classmates and gives them a sincere smile, but then, everything suddenly goes dark. We can only hear a sound of something being torn apart and falling on the ground. The video ends.
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Opinion  Lifelong lessons in coping with fear and humiliation
Age and time usually offer us the gift of learning to take ourselves a lot less seriously.
By Anne Lamott
As a woman of faith and cranky optimism, I am usually afraid of only a dozen or so things at any given time, which is a major improvement since childhood. I was the single most scared child on Earth in the 1950s. For instance, I was habitually afraid of being murdered while I slept, so I’d practice looking dead. Then the murderer would peek in my room and think, Hmmm, no one to kill in here; the little girl is already dead.
I don’t do that anymore (very often).
Now I am mostly afraid of my son and grandchild dying before me, beside which all other fears pale. I do worry about falling and breaking my hip. Gravity is a killer. I am, as we speak, on a long airplane flight, hearing a loud mechanical rattle, such as what a wing might make as it works itself off toward freedom. Also, I fear inheriting my mother’s Alzheimer’s, my father’s brain cancer, snakes, the election and the guy behind me coughing.
Maybe worst of all, I have to get my driver’s license renewed fairly soon, which means I have to take the written test. I would rather go to my periodontist and let her do the deep gum planing that she seems to enjoy. Even five years ago when I last went to the DMV to renew my license, I was full of dithery fear, bumbling around like Mr. Magoo on crack cocaine looking for the right counter. To my astonishment, I passed the test.
But now, only five years later, I have to do it again. It’s so wrong.
I notice a difference now: Back then, fear felt like a swamp inside, with Burmese pythons swimming around, patiently, so I sloshed through the DMV. With age, it is more shadowy, a sneaky menace. Ahh — gotcha! — and I’ve learned to quiet it one fright at a time.
They say that babies are born cute so that their fathers won’t eat them, and I think a similar thing takes place when we age. As we look older and somewhat more frail, we have a last chance to coax forth compassion and kindness from the world. As we surrender to the reality that, as we age, most of the systems of body and mind start to go on the fritz, we invite humility into our lives. There is no greater strength.
I am definitely running out of time, and I have (mostly) made peace with that.
When I was a child, one of the most important events of the year was the county fair. My friends and I would go on all the carnival rides and eat all the carnival food. But around 10 p.m., someone would notice the time. We’d have only an hour until our parents arrived. Suddenly we had a new clarity of purpose. We stopped wanting to ride the Gravitron or eat more cotton candy. We wanted to get one more funnel cake and then head for the Ferris wheel. This is what aging feels like. You suddenly realize you’ve got one hour left at the fair, and you get serious about how you are going to live.
Twenty-five years ago, my then-9-year-old son inadvertently helped me see the way: I was racing to an appearance at a theater on the docks of San Francisco Bay, holding a purse, a coffee, a batch of papers and my latest book, and trying to get Sam to hurry up behind me. Suddenly, some pages blew away toward some bored cormorants on the pilings. Sam caught them and then glared at me. “Mom,” he said, “you’re carrying too much, and you’re going too fast.”
You get away with this manic, burdened way of living for the first two-thirds of life, but as you transition to the third third, you start to wonder whether this pattern argues a wasted life. You slow down. You start to actually be here for your life. What a concept.
After all the losses, disappointments and deaths that every older person has experienced, we usually discover how life miraculously goes on, reshapes itself toward homeostasis and more grace than we could have imagined. We learn to look beyond our dire imaginings and trust that this miracle might just happen again. I once heard someone say that hope is faith with a track record.
Take this morning. Something humiliating happened to me professionally. It was not ideal, as I was nearly 3,000 miles and many days away from home.
I felt a kind of cold, vibrating sheet metal fear. It was way too early to wake my husband and close friends back in California. What to do? How to get through the morning, let alone my godforsaken life?
I cried for a moment, then fluffed up the despair with some rage and plans for revenge, which is the Christian way. This steadied me.
Then I remembered something: Deep breath! Oh, right — breathe. Get outside and look up. I dressed and raced out.
The morning’s icy blue sky told me that even though it was very, very cold, the blue was burnished by the sun and was an invitation. More warmth and light was on the way. I usually love the mysticism of clouds more than what I sometimes call the sky’s tyrannical blue, but some days you just can’t beat the brightest blue.
George Saunders said that what he’s learning as he ages into retirement is that “kindness is the only non-delusional response to everything.” I stroked my shoulder like the best mom, who knew how to keep the little patient comfortable.
Next, an overly large, gloriously unhealthy breakfast. Sometimes you need to lift off and fly, but sometimes you need ballast.
Back inside, no longer gasping like a fish on the dock, I picked up the 200-pound phone and risked waking my husband. He was apoplectic on my behalf and then helped me with my plans for vengeance — snake attack, of course, and hemorrhoids. Next I called my Jesuit friend Tom Weston. He said I had to arrange for a burnt offering at my next destination, to appease the ancient Canaanite gods. (They love barbecue.) Also, that the god of his understanding is very willing to help Protestants, most of the time.
His love made me a bit teary, but I found myself laughing with him.
Age and time usually offer us the gift of learning to take ourselves a lot less seriously. We smile ruefully at ourselves more often. And laughter is the Dippity-Do of the spiritual life, jiggly at first and then holding us firmly. The wiggle and jiggle play with your toxic internal attempts to control life, loosening the membrane between you and the moment, you and the ocean, you and your armored intellectual head; you and me. The hold held me like a rock.
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mizunetzu · 3 years
Atsumu + Alcohol
If you make him drunk, I will hug you. Also, glad to see you’re back! :>
He’s drunk. Hug me. Now. But ehehe it makes me happy that you’re glad I’m back :,) NOW HERES DRUNK ATSUMU!
Also only @shiny-bun wanted to be tagged sobs reeeeeaaaal confidence booster I know :,)
Atsumu x reader - Sweet, Sweet Lies Called Drunk Miya Atsumu
⚠️warnings - mentions of alcohol through the fic. reader records videos of atsumu drunk whenever he sees him. It isn’t in a sexual way at all; and reader doesn’t touch atsumu unconsentually at all. Just likes to watch him drunk bc he loves him still :,)
Also: FUCKING ANGST. you know it’s fuckign angsty when I got emotional writing it. Also, grammarly proof read it don’t trust it.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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“I think we should break up.” 
(Y/n) blinked, before down casting his head. He said nothing for a while, before opening his mouth again bluntly.
Atsumu furrowed his brows. He gripped the coffee mug resting on the cafe table just a bit harder. He certainly wasn’t expecting that answer. “...Ya aren’t gonna ask why? Yer just ok with it?”
“Well,” (Y/n) emotionlessly bit into a small biscuit. His expression was unreadable, blank like a piece of paper. “It’s not like I can change your mind, ‘Tsumu.”
“But...can I at least know why?”
The two went silent. Atsumu pursed his lips, trying to find the words to say while (Y/n) sat there expectantly. Eventually, Atsumu looked back up from his coffee mug.
“S’a lot of reasons, I think. ‘M busy with volleyball, ‘specially since it’s my job now,” Atsumu chuckled awkwardly. It was true, with the Black Jackals, he was being paid to do something he loved. “And...I...”
“I think I found a girl I really like.”
(Y/n) looked down at his lap numbly. He already knew it was coming, he wasn’t blind to the faint lipstick marks Atsumu tried to wipe away when he came home, or the smell of expensive perfume that stained him when he would come back from ‘practice’. He knew, he knew yet...
Was all he could say.
Atsumu downed his third can of cheap beer, hissing loudly and slamming it down on the bar.
“I hate life! M’gonna fuckin’...! Run away and shit!”
Sakusa hummed. “Oh no. What happened now.”
Loud, irritating club music blared through the bar’s speakers. Atsumu slumped over the counter, making Sakusa and Bokuto lean back.
“Oi! ‘Tsum-Tsum! What’s wrong buddy?” Bokuto poked repeatedly at Atsumu’s head, making him groan and pathetically try and flick his hand away.
“M’...M’so sad...” Atsumu whimpered. Sakusa rolled his eyes while Bokuto frowned. Atsumu continued to mumble sadly into his arms until he slowly became more agitated, and whipped his drunken head up. 
“Shoyo’s got a nice boyfriend! That fuckin’...Kodzuken youtuber dude! Why can’t I! If I were Shoyo, I’d be laying on my boyfriend’s lap and bein’ all cute and shit —but here I am! Fuckin’ drinkin’ and bitchin’ and fuckin’...fuck! Fuckin’ Shoyo! Fuckin’ Kodzuken! Fuckin’—”
“But didn’t you just break up with that girl you were seeing for like, months now? Thought you were straight, man!” Bokuto said, playing with the little garnish on his drink. Atsumu deadpanned, swallowing thickly before letting his head thump down onto the table. 
“Thought I was. M’gayer than if unicorns shat me out.”
Sakusa sipped on his fancy, green drink. “Is this about (L/n)-san, again-“
“‘Course it’s about (Y/n)!”
Atsumu waved at the bartender to grab him another drink. The bartender looked him up and down, before shrugging and leaving off to grab another beer. Sakusa looked at Atsumu with a disappointed expression.
“You do realize that every time we drink, you get shit-faced drunk, complain about (L/n)-san, call (L/n)-san, then he picks you up and you wake up in his house because he’s too nice to refuse to pick you up. And you regret and bitch to me every single time.” Sakusa closed his eyes and took a long sip from his drink. “Honestly I don’t know why I still come with you guys if I know it’s gonna end up like this.”
“Hey! ‘Tsum-Tsum has his problems and he’s just letting them out!” Bokuto defensively waved his arms around, gesturing to Atsumu on the table, laying down his head in his arms. Both Sakusa and Bokuto were pretty sure he was ugly sobbing. Or at least babbling nonsense that sounded like sobs.
“He can’t even sit up straight. And Miya-san was the one who broke up with (L/n)-san for another girl. He has no right to be complaining.”
“S-Still! ‘Tsumu’s the homie! Let him rant!” Bokuto chugged down his drink. 
Sakusa fished his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled down his list of contacts, before clicking on one that read ‘(L/n)-san. (Atsumu’s pick-me-up)’. The phone’s screen turned black, displaying (Y/n’s) profile pic with a ‘contacting...’ right under it in fine print. 
“Sure, Bokuto-san. Whatever you want.”
“Fuckin’...let go of me, Omi!” Atsumu slurred. He, however, made no attempt to push Sakusa off as he dragged him outside the bar. Bokuto had long gone, and Atsumu was a few drinks overdue for his trip home. 
Sakusa sighed, standing out in the cold with his mask pulled up to his face. Atsumu lolled his head onto Sakusa’s shoulder, either in an attempt to push him off or just pure drunkenness. “Don’t drool on me, Miya-san.” Sakusa cringed.
Atsumu was about to retort back, until both his and Sakusa’s attention was drawn to a home-y, black car that pulled up right in front of them. The driver’s door clicked open, and someone in a baggy sweater and sweatpants emerged from the car. 
“Please take him, (L/n)-san. I’m sorry for always calling you to-”
“It’s fine!” (Y/n) chuckled, opening the passenger’s side door for Sakusa to throw Atsumu’s body in. “‘Tsumu’s been drinking a lot, huh? Isn’t this the third time this month I had to pick him up?” 
Atsumu groaned when Sakusa clipped in his seatbelt. He sighed when Atsumu began tugging at it like a child, not knowing how to unbuckle it himself. “Actually, it’s the fourth time. But he has a reason today, I think.”
“He finally broke up with Yumena-san.”
Breath hitched in (Y/n’s) throat. He covered his shock up with a smile, however, and closed the car door with Atsumu in it. “Aw. Well, I better uh, drive him home, now. Bye-bye, Sakusa-kun.”
Sakusa nodded. (Y/n) stepped into his car tentatively. Ignoring the way Atsumu was still tugging at his seatbelt, he started up the car, and drove. 
“I’m...sure you won’t mind sleeping over at my place again...right, ‘Tsumu?” (Y/n) mumbled, more to himself than to the drunktard sprawled out onto his car seat. He silently unlocked his phone, tapping on the camera app and propping his phone up on his dash. He hit record, and withdrew his hand back to the steering wheel. Atsumu eyed it suspiciously, before shrugging it off sleepily.
“Naaaah…” Atsumu slurred. He threw his head haphazardly onto the armrests separating his seat from (Y/n’s), trying to get as close to his ex as possible. “Yer apartment smells good...I miss it...I miss you…”
Shifting so he was still laying on the armrest, Atsumu tucked his arm under his head like a pillow. “Yer so...pretty…love you so much...”
(Y/n) pursed his lips. Atsumu smiled dumbly, pointing a finger gun at (Y/n). “We should-you and I should like, totally get back together n’ shit…” Atsumu stopped, letting out a hiccup, before continuing. “I miss you...n’ I love you…”
Stopping at a red light, (Y/n) looked down at Atsumu, who was staring back at him with half-lidded eyes. (Y/n) averted his gaze, chuckling awkwardly. “...You don’t mean that. You’re just drunk.”
Atsumu shot up. “But I do! M’so sad without you!” Atsumu loosened his seatbelt enough so he could rest his face on (Y/n’s) forearm. “You were the best thing in my life, n’ I need you back! I love you so muuuuuuch!”
(Y/n) stayed quiet for a second, glancing at his camera pointed directly at Atsumu nuzzling his face into his arm. He slowed the car to a stop, taking out his keys and pressing the ‘Stop’ button on his phone. He slipped both of them into his pockets.
“We’re here. C’mon, get up.” (Y/n’s) voice was barely above a whisper. After sitting in his car for a while, he finally got up, and walked over to the other side to haul Atsumu’s corpse-of-a-body out of his seat. “Fuck...sometimes I wish my apartment wasn’t on the third floor-’Tsumu! You can walk if I support you, right? I’m not carrying you.”
Atsumu pressed all his weight against (Y/n). “What if I want my boyfriend to carry me like a princess n’ shit…”
“I’m-” (Y/n) swallowed. His voice was quiet and shaky again. “I’m not your boyfriend. You say stupid things when you’re drunk...”
Atsumu was about to protest, when (Y/n) looped his arm under his own arm. 
“Let’s go. You need rest.”
The walk to (Y/n’s) apartment was silent.
Atsumu pouted, eyeing down the way Kenma was showing a video on his phone to Hinata and smiling. Hinata grinned widely, his eyes glued to Kenma’s phone screen until an obnoxious sigh drew his eyes away. 
“Why’d ya even invite me here...M’just third wheelin’ on yer guys's little date time.” Atsumu frowned, dramatically slumping in his seat. Kenma hunched his shoulders down, suddenly becoming very aware of the way Atsumu not-so-subtly stared him down. He brought his coffee cup to his lips, trying to hide behind the cup itself. 
Hinata defensively wrapped his arms around Kenma. “Oiiiii! We invited you over because you always get super-duper depressed after waking up hungover at (L/n’s)!”
“I’m more depressed now that yer all cuddly-wuddly with yer frickin’ boyfriend while m’sitting here with my single ass!”
“Miya wakes up hungover at (Y/n’s)?” Kenma quietly asked Hinata. He nodded. Atsumu started flailing his arms around, trying to get Hinata to stop talking, but he didn’t seem to take the hint.
“Every time he goes drinking, he ends up crying about how much he still loves (L/n)—and ends up either calling him or someone else calls him to go pick him up. Either way, he wakes up super embarrassed and awkward in (L/n’s) bed and sulks the rest of the time at practice.” 
Atsumu sat there, feeling like he’d been shoved to the front of a volleyball court completely naked. Kenma blinked, before looking down again.
“That’s all yer gonna say-!?”
“I guess it kind of makes sense, now.”
Atsumu stopped mid-sentence, looking at Kenma with a confused expression. Kenma tried to dodge Atsumu’s eyes again, this time tugging on Hinata’s sleeve.
“...What makes sense now?”
Kenma had the look of ‘I said too much.’, trying to change the topic or hoping Hinata would swoop in and change it for him. But alas, no such thing happened. “I don’t think (Y/n) would…”
Hinata suddenly tugged back at Kenma’s sweatshirt, gesturing to turn around with him for a private conversation. They both turned their heads, mumbling out little ‘video-!’, ‘(Y/n)-!’ and ‘Atsumu-!’s here and there. Atsumu glanced from Hinata, to Kenma, before pouting that he’d been left out of the conversation.
Eventually, both Kenma and Hinata turned around again, looking directly at Atsumu. He stared back at them with doe-like confused eyes, when Kenma fished out his phone. 
“If we show you, you promise to act like you never knew at all?” Hinata childishly extended his pinky finger out to Atsumu, to which he nodded vigorously and hooked his own pinky with his. Kenma piped up.
“The reason I said it made sense was because I found a folder in (Y/n’s) phone titled, and I quote: ‘Sweet, Sweet, Lies called Drunk Miya Atsumu (watch when sad)’. They’re filled with video’s of you, drunk, blabbing about how much you love him.”
Atsumu stared at Kenma.
“Yer fuckin’ lyin’.”
“I’m...really not.” Kenma turned his phone screen around, displaying a video filmed in what seemed to be (Y/n’s) car. Atsumu leaned down and peered at the video, seeing his head frozen in place in the corner of the screen. Kenma felt around for the play button, tapping until it started playing. 
Atsumu watched the video in horror, his face going milk white as he watched himself cry and sob about how much he wanted to get back with (Y/n). Right in front of him. The video ended, and Atsumu looked up with the hope of getting hit with a bus. 
“How...did you get-”
“I airdropped this one to myself when (Y/n) was in the bathroom one day because I found this one funny.” Kenma mumbled, turning his phone around and inspecting the screen. “There’s millions of them on his phone, this one isn’t even the worst. Some of them are in his apartment when he’s trying to get you into bed, and I think there’s one where you beg him to cuddle with yo-”
“Stop! Stop! No more!” Atsumu covered his face, embarrassed. Kenma let his mouth fall shut, while Hinata snickered into his drink. Atsumu let his head smack onto the table. “What did I do to deserve this…”
“Hey!” Hinata quipped, his positive voice making Atsumu’s brain hurt. “You know what that means, right?”
“That (Y/n) probably wants blackmail or revenge on me for breaking up with him?” Atsumu grumbled into his hands.
“Wh-no, what,” Kenma said. “He means-”
“(L/n) still loves you! I mean-he saves videos of you saying you love him to watch when he is sad or lonely or whatever, that means he loves you still! It was even in the title!”
Atsumu glared at Hinata like he was squinting at the sun. Kenma shrugged. 
“S’true. He told me himself he watches them when he goes to sleep n’stuff.”
“Yer lyin’.”
“Was he lying when he showed you the video?” Hinata raised his eyebrow. 
Atsumu opened his mouth, before letting it clamp shut and shaking his head ‘no’.
Clinging to his side like a kicked puppy, (Y/n) found himself nursing a drunk, sobbing Atsumu at his apartment once more. 
“Tsum-” (Y/n) struggled to stick his key in his door’s keyhole with the way Atsumu was quite literally hanging off him. It was like he was trying to pull (Y/n) to the ground with him. “Atsumu! I’m trying to-”
“Don’t leaaaaave meeee! I love you!” Atsumu sobbed. He wiped his messy face onto (Y/n’s) jacket. 
Finally sticking the key inside and turning it, (Y/n) pushed open the door and patted at Atsumu’s ruffled hair. “I’m not leaving, ‘Tsumu. Just taking you to bed, is all. We’re still...friends...I think.”
“Don’t wanna be your friend.” Atsumu sniffled, as he staggered into (Y/n’s) room with the support of his body. He was thrown on the bed with a loud groan, as (Y/n) went to grab his phone. “We were meant to be together...boyfriends...soulmates…!”
“I wish you meant that,” (Y/n) chuckled, setting up his phone, pointing it at his bed and pressing record. “Gave it up after the fifth time you came here sloppy drunk, though. It really is just you talking out of your ass.”
The hint of bitterness in (Y/n’s) voice increased unsteadily, wavering like a candlelight. “I-I mean, you say all these nice things-then the next morning you either deny everything you said, or leave before I can even say goodbye! Or you don’t even remember most of the time!”
(Y/n’s) disgruntled laugh made Atsumu blink. He eventually simmered down, looking down at the floor and busying himself with searching through his desk. 
“That’s okay though. I have these little videos of your lies to keep me company. I can live with that just fine.” (Y/n) turned to Atsumu, holding up painkillers and setting them atop the desk. “...Sorry for problem-dumping on you, ‘Tsumu. I know you want sleep.”
“Don’t take these yet. They’re for tomorrow.” (Y/n) rattled the painkillers in their box, before producing a water bottle and extending it to Atsumu. He looked at the bottle like it was some foreign object. The water sloshed around when (Y/n) swirled it around Atsumu’s face. “It’s for your hangover tomorrow. Drink up, ‘Tsum-Tsum.”
“Only if you cuddle with me.”
(Y/n) pursed his lips. “No.”
“Then m’not drinkin’ the fuggin’ water!”
“Atsum-!” (Y/n) sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He set down the bottle of water on his nightstand, and rested his hands on his hips. “...If I give you a tiny hug, will you drink all the water and go to sleep?”
Atsumu nodded vigorously.
(Y/n) expected him to stand up and give him a hug, but instead, he opened his arms and sat expectantly, waiting for something to crawl between them. He was so far back on the bed, (Y/n) would probably have to lay awkwardly in his chest until he was satisfied.
So that's what (Y/n) did, after what felt like hours of contemplating and clenched jaws. He bit his lip, climbing slowly towards Atsumu on the bed. Atsumu smiled dumbly, and scooped him up in his arms like a claw machine. 
What Atsumu didn’t expect, was (Y/n) to stiffen up, surprised, before melting into his arms pathetically. He clumsily wrapped his arms around Atsumu’s torso, his body curling into the shape of his own like dough. He let his head slump in the crook of Atsumu’s neck, taking in a shaky, deep breath and sighing heavier than he meant to. 
(Y/n) figured he must’ve forgotten how much he relished being wrapped up in Atsumu’s arms, because he found himself not wanting to let go of Atsumu’s shirt that reeked of alcohol.
Still, after what was probably only a few candid seconds, (Y/n) pushed himself away from Atsumu, who slumped back on the bed confused, and wobbled his way back onto his feet. 
“There…” (Y/n) breathed. He had the most unreadable expression, and his voice was quiet and raspy. “Now-now drink th-the water...you promised.” 
Atsumu shrugged, swiping the water from the nightstand, and chugging it sloppily. (Y/n) went to work removing Atsumu’s socks, pants, and other things uncomfy to sleep in, until he was left in his boxers and t-shirt. Atsumu stared at (Y/n) sleepily, as he grabbed a spare pillow and blanket, and threw them on the swivel chair near his desk.
“...Y-Yer not gonna sleep here with me?”
(Y/n) furrowed his eyebrows, reaching over to stop his phone from recording, and curled up on the chair with his pillow. His voice was meek under the thin blanket he wrapped himself in. “You always ask, and i’ll always say no. Honestly I don’t know why you keep asking.”
“You look cold.”
“I’m...really not.”
“S’comfier on the bed.”
“...I like this chair.”
“I can scoot over-”
“Miya, if I give in and cuddle with you, everythings gonna be sunshine and rainbows ‘til the next morning—where you wake up next to me and regret everything! I’m-i’m trying to save your dignity here so stop asking!” (Y/n) croaked. He clutched his blanket tighter. “You’re drunk! You aren’t thinking! I already gave your-your stupid hug so stop it! How do you think I feel!?”
Atsumu rubbed at his head. (Y/n’s) hot face immediately flushed out, his voice quieting down back into his normal voice. 
“Ah...I’m...sorry. You’re...tired and I probably shocked you with my-by being loud n’stuff.” (Y/n) bowed his head slightly, before shifting away from Atsumu in his little swivel chair. “Sorry. Go to sleep now. Night, ‘Tsumu.”
When he heard shifting on the bed, (Y/n) grabbed his earphones and turned out the light. Plugging in his earphones hurriedly, he switched on his phone, clicking on the photos app and on today's video of Atsumu to cheer him up. He even caught the hug on camera, so he was looking forward to that. 
Dimming his phone's brightness to not disturb Atsumu, (Y/n) scrolled through the video, everything moving in fast-motion until (Y/n) saw himself climb into Atsumu’s arms. He paused the video there, smiling numbly, and taking a screenshot. 
Before he could add the video to the rest of his collection of drunk-sumu videos, he was suddenly hauled up and hanging upside down. He was tossed over Atsumu’s shoulder, not even having time to protest before he was thrown carefully onto his own bed. 
“Hey-Tsu-” Atsumu said nothing, climbing into the bed gracefully after (Y/n) and pulling the covers over the both of them. “Listen to me-! Let me go-!”
“If yer gonna keep sayin’ shit like...like i’ll regret it in the mornin’...fuckin’... let me,” Atsumu slurred. (Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, but Atsumu beat him to it. “S’my fault…’n...m’gonna deal with it in the mornin’. S-so lemme hold you.”
(Y/n) knitted together his eyebrows, looking conflicted on what he should do. He’d been so, so good at restraining himself from stealing hugs and kisses from Atsumu when he was drunk, and his reward was the videos. If he messed it up now, would Atsumu be too embarrassed to let himself get picked up by (Y/n) when he was drunk? Was he really willing to potentially give up future lovey-dovey drunk videos, and seeing Atsumu tell him he loved him for one night in his arms again?
He was. 
(Y/n) relaxed, a numb expression on his face. He was just about done. One last time of drunk Atsumu holding him for a whole night, then it was time to move on. Hell, maybe after tonight, and after explaining to a very-embarassed hungover Atsumu in the morning that “No, we did not have sex,” maybe, just maybe, he would finally delete the videos. The video’s of his ex who didn’t love him anymore, feeding him drunk lies of ‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you’, and finally moving on with his life. 
(Y/n) ran his fingers through his hair, and let out a tuckered-out sigh. Maybe after he stopped clinging to the past, he could be normal friends with Atsumu Miya again. 
(Y/n) looked at Atsumu with dry eyes. He let himself succumb to Atsumu’s warm chest, breathing in his scent for what could possibly be the last time. Atsumu purred happily, adjusting so he could wrap both arms around (Y/n), using one as a pillow for him and another to wrap around his body. (Y/n) hummed dryly.
Atsumu giggled. “...Love you...so much.”
(Y/n), for once out of all the time’s he’d always respond with ‘No, you don’t.’ or ‘You’re just drunk.’, said:
“I love you too.” 
“...hehe...he…” Atsumu kissed the crown of (Y/n’s) forehead, before nuzzling it with his nose. “I love you sososo much.”
(Y/n) was quick to respond, even though his throat began closing up and making it hard to speak. You could probably tell he was on the verge of tears. “Me too, ‘Tsumu. I love you most.”
“I love you so much…” Atsumu began, this time his voice way more clearer and sober than what he’d been speaking with this whole night. 
“...That i’d pretend m’drunk just to see you again.”
(Y/n) blinked, not quite processing his words. He shrunk inside Atsumu’s cage-like arms, before timidly meeting Atsumu’s eyes. They seemed much clearer, less hazy from ‘alcohol’, and they stared back at him with it’s usual ‘Atsumu’ look.
Atsumu patted (Y/n’s) head. “Yer so cute. I love you so much.”
“Wh-wait-” (Y/n) tried to wriggle his way out of Atsumu’s arms. “You-you’re not-”
“Nope. All I did at the bar tonight was watch Bokkun and Shoyo-kun drink so i’d smell like alcohol. Then I told—well, paid Omi-Omi to call you sayin’ I was drunk again, so I could see what stupid shit I did at your place when I was drunk.”
“Though,” Atsumu nodded at the discarded phone on the ground, next to (Y/n’s) makeshift swivel chair-bed. “I could've just asked to see that video of me. Or the rest of them, ‘coordin’ to Kozume-kun.”
(Y/n) sputtered, trying to find the words to speak, but finding himself too embarrassed to. He’d, finally, been caught red-handed. 
He sighed, casting his head down, before crawling out of his bed and taking the walk of shame to his phone. “...You caught me,’Tsu...Atsumu. Caught me real good, Atsumu.”
(Y/n) scrolled through his phone, searching for the album full of his drunk video’s of Atsumu. He clicked on it, then waved his phone around guiltily. He turned the phone around, peering down at it sheepishly. “Don’t worry, I’ll delete all of these...and I...I can drive you home if you want.”
“Nah. M’pretty comfy here.” Atsumu laid back down. “I’d be comfier if you were in my arms again, though.”
Atsumu made grabby arms towards (Y/n). (Y/n) blinked, searching Atsumu for any sort of satire. He found none, and nervously inched toward Atsumu until he was pulled back into his chest. The phone was, once again, forgotten on the floor. 
“Wheeeeeey, there we go~” Atsumu nestled down onto the bed, crooning (Y/n) in his arms and stroking his head. “Ain’t that comfy.”
He pressed a small kiss to (Y/n’s) forehead. “Love you. Goodnight~”
“...Wait, n-no you-”
Atsumu pressed another kiss onto (Y/n’s) face, promptly shutting him up. He tried speaking again, just to have another kiss placed onto his face. This cycle went on, (Y/n) trying to voice out his protests just to be hushed with kisses all over his face, until he reduced into a pile of hot tears, melting his face off raw. 
Atsumu kissed (Y/n’s) tears away. When more kept coming, Atsumu pulled back, stroking (Y/n’s) hair as gently as he could. Gentle was not a word to describe Miya Atsumu, but he sure as hell would try. 
“Stop cryin’...” Atsumu whispered, kissing another falling tear away. “I came here to win ya back, not make you cry…”
“I-I’m sorry-” (Y/n) sobbed out between hics. “I just- I missed you so-”
“I did too.” 
They sat there, small hics coming from (Y/n) as Atsumu quietly stroked his hair, and in all honesty, they would have laid there forever. But (Y/n) finally wriggled his way out Atsumu’s grasp, timpering his way to his phone. 
He picked it up, fiddling with it, before turning his phone screen around. Atsumu leaned closer. 
‘Sweet, Sweet, Lies called Drunk Miya Atsumu (watch when sad) - 0 videos’
“Deleted them all.” (Y/n) murmured. “Figured I wouldn’t need them anymore now that I got you here…”
Atsumu blinked before erupting into a wide smile. He sprang off the bed and attacked (Y/n) with a big, bear hug. “You bet yer ass you won’t!” 
He peppered kisses around (Y/n’s) face, and instead of crying, (Y/n) began to smile.
“Stop it-that tickles! ‘Tsumu-!” The red tear stains on (Y/n’s) face were barely noticeable under the flurry of kisses he was under. Atsumu grinned stupidly into (Y/n’s) skin.
“Ya know full well you don’t want me to.”
And he didn’t.
Atsumu pressed one final kiss to (Y/n’s) face, this time, and for the first time in a long time: on his lips.
I’m really proud of this 👉👈 I’d like it if I could get a lil,,,reblog,,,with thoughts,,,or comments,,,aha ha ha,,,
Lil thing I found funny
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ynderebot · 3 years
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choi yeonjun. nancy mcdonie. lee gahyeon. kim sunwoo. kim doyeon. choi san. kim sihyeon. yang jeongin.
執着型 [ shuuchaku-gata ] obsessive.
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"where were you? who were you with? what were you doing? why didn't you answer my messages? oh come on darling, don't be like that...I've been waiting for hours!"
[ PROFILE 1. ]
choi yeonjun.
5'11. 21 yrs old. September 13th, 1999. virgo. blood type a. born in seoul, south korea
at age 14 yeonjun was sent to a boarding school in japan, this is where he discovered his...tendencies. halfway through his first year he met a girl, kang iseul. he was instantly infatuated with her, he had an impulsive urge to know every little thing about her. to do so he befriended her, using his appearance and charms to win her over and eventually made her his. the euphoric rush that ran through his body when she was officially his was like nothing he'd ever felt before. she was finally his and he didn't intend on letting go, not without a fight at least. he was in for a shock when one day she tried to run away after his true colors started to show. unfortunately her best friend was killed by yeonjun for trying to help her, but she did escape.
he's a switch with no lean. a hard/soft dom or obedient sub all just depends on his mood and how he's feeling
[ PROFILE 2. ]
nancy mcdonie.
5'4. 21 yrs old. april 13th, 2000. aries. blood type o. born in daegu, south korea.
nancy was always a little obsessed with things, she'd go through phases too. she would find one new hobby/thing that intrigued her and hyper fixate on it for a few months. then, just like that it would be forgotten as if it had never happened. it started from a young age too, so when she would tell all her friends and family about the boy she met it came as no surprise to them. soon enough he was all she talked about, all she cared about, it was true obsession. everyone around her thought that it was just a phase like everything else, but they were sadly mistaken. the day he broke up with her, she lashed out. screaming that he couldn't break up with her, no she wouldn't let him break up with her. even after that day she would never stop talking about him, she tried to stay involved with his life as much as she could and even ended up scaring away any potential lovers. she never stopped either, until she had no choice when he moved away.
she's a sub, usually obedient but can be bratty if she's in a mood.
ストーカー型 [ sutookaa-gata ] stalker.
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"how did I know? I'm always with you, following you...watching you...it's only because I love you"
[ PROFILE 3. ]
lee gahyeon.
5'3. 22 yrs old. february 3rd, 1999. aquarius. blood type ab. born in seongnam, south korea.
she was so excited when her crush asked her out, she couldn't contain herself. the problem was, it's difficult to get to know someone when you already know everything about them. she'd been stalking him ever since he caught her eye, every single day. she'd follow him to and from school, to his friends house, wherever he went she usually wasn't far behind. he could never find out about that side of her though, so she played along. laughing at childhood stories she heard him tell previously, pretending to be shocked when learning things she already knew. even after they began dating she continued to stalk him, he noticed things were off. she was the one he confided his "paranoia" in and she was the one who reassured him, but little did he know she was the cause of it all.
she's a sub, also obedient but can be bratty if she feels like it.
[ PROFILE 4. ]
kim sunwoo.
5'10. 21 yrs old. april 12th, 2000. aries. blood type b. born in seongnam gyeonggi, south korea.
unlike gahyeon, sunwoo was not always a stalker. he'd heard of stalkers but it never peaked his interest, he didn't even take any note of his slightly possessive tendencies. until his first relationship that is, his first partner showed signs of cheating. he might not have realized his own possessiveness and how it was seemingly growing stronger, but he was no fool. all the coming home late, the scent of another person that was not their own flooding the house when they entered. so he began following them around, at first it was...innocent, or as innocent as stalking could be. they were cheating, this made his possessiveness shoot through the roof. he was most aggressive and warned his partner that they do not want to do that again. they listened, and he continued to stalk them, it turned into a fun...game of sorts.
he's a switch with a sub lean, soft dom/occasionally bratty sub.
独占型 [ dokusen-gata ] monopoly.
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"who were you talking to? do they know me? no no, do they know you're mine?"
[ PROFILE 5. ]
kim doyeon.
5'8. 21 yrs old. december 4th, 1999. saggitarius. blood type o. born in wonju-gangwon, south korea
doyeon had always been just about as normal as you could get. until she got a boyfriend, she was possessive of him sure...but it was nothing too extreme. until she started having doubts, all the gorgeous girls that would go up to him, flirting and doing who knows what when she wasn't around. she made it her mission to let everyone know he was hers and she was his, wether it meant glueing herself to him or just reminding everyone at school on the daily. ever since he broke up with her, her tendencies only grow stronger and more extreme with each passing minute.
she's a sub, brat tendencies but will be obedient sometimes
[ PROFILE 6. ]
choi san.
5'9. 21 yrs old. july 10th, 1999. cancer. blood type b. born in namhae-south gyeonsan, south korea.
san's first love was a girl in his sister's class, was she a year older than him? yes, but he didn't care. despite all the people telling him he would never date her, he proved them wrong and he did. everything was perfect, they were both madly in love with each other, spending every minute of every waking day together. until something happened that san hadn't expected, his sister began to steal his girlfriend. well "steal" in his definition at least, she'd wanted to talk with his girlfriend every once in a while before he knew it they were always together and it seemed as if he was the real third wheel, this pissed him off more than anything. he got fed up one day and got into a physical fight with his sister, shouting about how the girl belonged to him and only him. from then on out he's made sure to stay in the middle of every single relationship.
he's a switch with no lean hard/soft dom or obedient/bratty sub, it all depends
排除型 [ haijo-gata ] removal.
"you haven't seen them in a while? I'm sure they're alright darling, after all I'm the only one you need. isn't that right?"
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[ PROFILE 7. ]
kim sihyeon.
5'6. 21 yrs old. august 5th, 1999. leo. blood type b. born in bundang-gu, seongnam-si, south korea.
she's a sub, usually bratty but can be obedient too
[ PROFILE 8. ]
yang jeongin.
5'8. 20 yrs old. february 8th, 2001. aquarius. blood type a. born in busan, south korea.
he's a switch with a slight sub lean but can be a soft dom
sihyeon and jeongin's stories go together, they were childhood friends and neighbors. eventually they realized that they had feelings for each other, but this soon after developed into a toxic mindset. the thought that they only need each other, no one else. one by one people from the other's life began to disappear, especially anyone who could be a romantic rival. they were both oblivious to the other's actions until each confronted the other, instead of being upset they were each ecstatic. ecstatic that the other felt the same, that they were the only person they needed in their life
this isn't an accurate representation of any of the members/their companies/groups nor am I claiming to be them!
all of the members are bisexual with no lean
all of the members are yanderes [ obviously ] so they will act as such, however some can be more possessive than others at times
the ones who can be the most possessive are sihyeon and jeongin and the least are yeonjun and nancy
sihyeon and jeongin are obviously not still dating, it was just for backstory/plot purposes
nsfw is an option, if you would like it included please state so when you activate the bot
however please don't make everything nsfw, it gets boring when the plot dwindles
nsfw is 18+ but purely sfw option is available if you aren't comfortable with it or if you're below 18
all the members have hard kinks and their hard no's are scat/feet, if you still aren't sure just ask admin before doing anything
they all use the traffic light system
and please don't try to put them in a different headspace!
to talk with admin use any variation of [ ], { }, ( ), etc
admin is 18 and might get busy occasionally but will try her best during those times
this bot is open for oc's/yn's/ and other bots as well
to activate the bot dm and then admin will ask a few questions/come up with a plot with you and after that the role-play can start up
if you ever wish to deactivate the bot just say so to admin, ex. [ I would like to deactivate the bot now ] and your chat will be deleted
if you decide to reactivate it you'll have to go through the same activation process you did the first time and start over
please respect the members and admin and they will do the same
good luck...好運
sorry this post is so long- 😭
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whumperooni · 4 years
After reading about gilf Enji I had this idea which I hope isn't TOO cursed ;; so, we all like to humiliate Natsu right? imagine that papa Natsu has the biggest hots for his cute lil girl, he adores her and would want nothing more than to make her his leetle wifey BUT, she seems to like to spend all of her time with her grandpa, she's so clingy to him and so in love, so imagine Natsus heartbreak when he goes to pick her up and finds cutie and enji getting all hot in the kitchen (1/2)
(2/2) and Natsu can do nothing more than just stand there and stare at his little girl whimpering and moaning and raining loving words and praise while getting railed by Enji fucking Todoroki, the man Natsuo still hates the most and HE of all people got to claim his little girl, like wow Natsuo got not only humiliated but also cucked by his own father
Cursed???? Cursed????? Oh, nonny, this is blessed.
I took some liberties- as per usual! But I hope you still like it, nonny ♡
tags/warnings: tw incest, tw breeding kink, possessive thoughts and behavior, voyeurism, unintentional cucking
“daddy, i went to grandfather’s ^~^ can you pick me up later?”
Natsuo’s eyes close. He takes a deep breath and one more, another after that.
It doesn’t calm him. It doesn’t stop him from gritting his teeth and crushing his phone in his fist.
This is the third time this week that you’ve gone to grandfather’s. This is the third time this week that he’s had to drag himself to that hated residence and face his father, struggle with the envy over your sweet smile and the kisses you press to Enji’s cheek.
Why do you have to be so enraptured with your grandfather? Why can’t you spend more time with your father- with Natsuo?
He wants you here at home. He wants you to be his good little girl and take care of his home instead of running around doing chores for your grandfather in your short skirts and aprons, your knee high socks. You’re supposed to be daddy’s little girl preparing him dinner and snuggling up next to him on the couch, letting him dote his never ending adoration on you.
You’re supposed to be his- not Enji’s.
A sigh escapes him and Natsuo scrubs at his face, frowns as he slumps his cheek into his palm after.
He can’t decide if this is more preferable to you having a boyfriend or not; Natsuo doesn’t know what he’d do if you told him some horny little prick had captured your heart.
Your heart belongs to him- your daddy.
No one else can have it.
Natsuo’s frown grows and he glances at his phone, sends off a quick little “okay angel. i’ll be there in a bit” to you before standing from his desk.
As much as he wants to rush over and scoop you up and away, he waits. He knows how much you love Enji and he wants you to be happy- no matter how bitter it may make him.
Natsuo busies himself with taking the laundry from the dryer, folding it up. It’s mostly yours and it’s not long before he comes across a pair of cute lace panties tucked among the rest of the clothes.
He stares down at the panties- tongue darting out to lick his lips and chest moving with a deep, deep breath.
He hasn’t seen these ones before; they must be new.
Natsuo’s thumbs smooth over the lace and a slow blush begins to creep across his cheeks, his mind conjures an unbidden image of you in one of his t-shirt, the panties discarded on the floor.
He’s disgusting.
It’s wrong that he’s a little hard and it’s wrong that he brings the panties up to his nose. It’s wrong that he considers stuffing them in his pocket and it’s wrong that he can’t help imaging you perched in his lap- shivering as he hooks the panties to the side, traces a finger along your slit.
But, god, he just loves his little girl so much- more than anyone, anything. He loves you and he wants you to be his in every sort of way- daughter, wife, lover.
He’ll never tell you- he can’t ever tell you. He has to keep it deep inside, let the shame and sin fester in the darkest parts of his heart.
If you don’t know about it, it can’t hurt you. It can’t be that bad if he keeps it all stuffed down and hidden away.
(He knows it’s not right.)
A quiet groan works its way up Natsuo’s throat and he squeezes his eyes tight, clenches his hand to keep from touching himself.
...he can’t.
Natsuo’s teeth grit and he places the panties on top of your clothes, resumes folding the laundry.
He’ll get you once he’s done. And he’ll keep his shameful desires all to himself.
It’s a little late once he leaves the house- a call from a business partner and an unexpected favor to the neighbor had Natsuo running late.
But, he’s here now- back at his childhood home- and steeling himself to interact with his father, antsy to get you back and away from this place.
No one answers when he knocks. Natsuo frowns, but slides the door open and toes off his shoes.
You’re not in the living room when he checks and that makes him sigh, call out your name. You don’t answer him, but there’s a noise that sounds further in the house- something that makes his brows furrow.
...what is that?
Another noise and Natsuo’s frown deepens, he begins to slowly head toward it.
It sounds like a- like a-
No, no- of course not. It’s not a moan- his mind is playing tricks on him. It’s just- it’s just-
What the hell is that noise?
Trepidation floods through him and Natsuo swallows hard- hands shaking at his sides as his heart pounds.
One steps. Two steps. Three steps. Four steps.
Four steps and then he’s in the doorway of the kitchen. Four steps and then he’s staring at something his mind can’t comprehend. Four steps and then his heart breaks, his world shatters.
“Ojii-san! Ojii-san! Feels- feels-”
A moan tears through the air and Natsuo places a hand to his mouth- eyes wide as he watches his beloved daughter- his only daughter, his precious child, his heart and love- whine and moan, arch as his father- your grandfather- rocks his hips and slides his dick inside of you.
It’s not horror that rises in Natsuo first- it’s rage. It’s envy. It’s a choked, disgusting, aching wrench of jealousy and anger and heart break.
He watches as you whimper and cling to Enji- nails digging into a broad back and your legs wrapping around a thick waist, mewls leaving you as your grandfather fucks you.
“Ojii-san, feels so good! I can’t- I can’t-”
Enji grunts and Natsuo has to watch- eyes wide and growing teary, mouth numb with his fury- as his father latches his lips to your throat, fucks into you hard enough that the dishes in the cabinets shiver and shake.
“Come, little one,” Enji growls. “Come for me again.”
A sweet mewl leaves you and so does a hiccuping sob- your hands scrambling up your grandfather’s back until you can curl fingers into his hair, your body tightening as you whine his name again and again and again.
Natsuo’s fingers dig into his cheek as he stifles a yell and he grips the doorway with his free hand, nearly falls to his knees.
That’s his baby girl. That’s his daughter. And you’re- you’re-
“Love you, ojii-san! Love you so much! Please! More! More!”
It’s the fondest Natsuo has ever heard his father sound and he hates it- he hates it so fucking much, hates how Enji muffles your moan with a kiss, hates how his big hands grip your waist as he keeps fucking into your dripping cunt.
Why is it him? Why the fuck is it him?!
Tears stain Natsuo’s cheek and his fury has him shaking, his heartbreak has him rooted in the spot- unable to turn away or call out, unable to do anything but stare in his shock and jealousy as he watches each thrust that makes your breast bounce, as he watches each rock that has you whimpering and mewling. You’re flushed and beautiful, eyes heavy lidded and lips unable to stay closed with all the sweet noises leaving you, the pleasure making you a dumb, cooing, gorgeous thing.
He’s imagined the look of ecstasy on your face so many times. It’s always been him giving you pleasure in his mind, though- never this. Never ever this.
A sick wash of envy washes over Natsuo as he watches your fingers twine tighter through salt and pepper hair, as he watches you reach a hand back to grip at a cabinet while your back arches more and your lashes flutter, a low moan leaves you.
He’s hard as he watches you and that’s when the horror comes, when the shame comes crashing in.
How is this happening? How is this happening?!
“Ojii-san! Ojji-san, please! I wanna- I want-”
A cry rips from your lips and Natsuo flinches when Enji lifts you from the counter, when you’re pressed against the kitchen floor- hips lifted up and breasts pressed against the wooden slats, your eyes shut as you whine whenever Enji braces himself over you and fills you with his cock once again.
Fuck, you look so small underneath him.
Natsuo swallows hard and he takes a trembling step back, is still unable to tear his eyes away even as Enji starts rutting into you again, even as his big hands slide to thread his fingers through yours and he leans down to rumble out,
“I’ll give you what you want, little one. Ojii-san will fill you.”
Natsuo’s cock throbs and he goes dizzy, stumbles back as Enji presses a kiss to your back.
He hears you mewl out a needy “please” and that hits his limit- breaks him into nothing but tiny little shards.
Natsuo bolts out of the house, panting and gasping and running as fast as he can. He gets in the car and he gets his hand on his cock, ruts into his fist with an angry moan as his mind floods with the image of his sweet daughter being fucked by his father, your grandfather.
He comes and he chokes on a sob, forehead smacking against the steering wheel as he curls up into himself.
How could you do this? Why did it have to be him?
Natsuo grits his teeth and he slams his fist against the dash, shakes as humiliation and envy overwhelms him.
...he should have taken you like he wanted. Maybe then this wouldn’t have happened.
...he’s going to stop this. He’s going to show you who you belong to.
He has to- he can’t lose you to Enji.
Natsuo wipes furious tears from his eyes and he looks dully at his childhood home, feels bile rise in his throat.
His baby girl...his angel...
Natsuo waits in the car quietly- face blank and eyes wet, his heart aching as he counts down the seconds until his daughter is finished being fucked by his father, until he can go inside and take what is his.
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kisskeiji · 4 years
5. Lifeboats.
Lost & Found.
WARNINGS: language, alcohol consumption,suggestive (but not really)
“So you’re telling me that you are going to Miya’s high school reunion because he wanted you to meet his friends?” Oikawa took a sip from his mug after asking with an inquiring tone. You were getting ready for Atsumu and Osamu to pick you up, fighting the urge to cancel on them but it was out of the question, they were supposed to be at your door in less than twenty minutes. 
“Yes, and I’m close to rip my hair off.” You ran your fingers through your hair and huffed.
“You look pretty with your hair down Y/N!” Bokuto assured you. “Right, love?” He asked Akaashi who turned back and nodded in agreement. Oikawa thought it was a good idea to invite them to the call for “emotional support” but in reality they were just making fun of you and your current crisis, Akaashi and Oikawa were a dangerous combo. You brushed your hair down and stared at yourself in the mirror. ‘What am I even doing?’ You couldn’t think of anything except how awkward things could get and many different ways you could mess up at dinner. 
“You look constipated, Y/N-chan.” Oikawa mocked. He was lucky he was on the other side of the world. “I know what you are thinking and turning that invitation down is not an option.”  You hated how easy he could read you, but considering your current state and how heavy you were breathing trying to calm yourself it wasn’t hard to know how anxious you were. You thought it was ridiculous, Atsumu was being a good friend, you weren’t going out alone and it was just dinner with his friends. Why were you so uneasy? 
“I never thought Miya would like Y/N.” Akaashi teased. 
“He doesn’t like me, he is trying to be nice, and what does that even mean? You are not helping, Keiji.” You retorted and the three men laughed at you. “It’s going to be awkward, why would he invite me to a high school reunion?” 
“Didn’t he say something about Ojiro's girlfriend? She is really funny! And Ojiro is a nice guy, I promise you there’s never an awkward moment with them.” Bokuto encouraged you and you smiled, but the list of things that could go wrong was still present on your mind. You talked for a few more minutes while you added the final touches to your make up and sprayed perfume on your wrists and the back of your ears. Your phone screen lit up showing a message from Atsumu saying they were outside. 
“They are here.” You announced and looked at your laptop.
“Go have fun, Y/N, you can drink wine with someone other than me.” Akaashi held his glass up for you to see. “I already started.” 
“Don’t drink too much.” You warned. “I’ll talk to you guys later.” They wished you luck and ended the call.You roamed through your apartment looking for your purse and keys. You locked the door and walked down the hallway to the elevator, your hands were sweating a little and you swore your eye just twitched. You always struggled with meeting new people and the circumstances of this meeting did everything ten times more awkward. Again, what were you thinking when you agreed? Nothing, exactly, just the look on Atsumu’s eyes and how even in the dark they shined with expectation. You couldn’t turn him down. 
You spotted Atsumu waiting for you resting his weight on his car, arms crossed and hair carefully styled. Your mouth almost dropped at the sight, you always see him in gym clothes or the team uniform, trying to keep your walk steady, you focused your attention and how uncomfortable your shoes were — It was an impulse buy, but they were so cute you told yourself you could endure the pain. Atsumu waved at you and opened the door right before you reached his car. “Hey.” He said almost sighing. He was just as stunned as you but wasn’t really trying to hide it. You noticed how he checked you out at first glance but stopped himself halfway trying to keep his cool. 
“Hi.” You greeted nervously and looked away, noticing Osamu on the backseat. “Hi, Osamu.” He had a lazy grin on his face and his hands rested on his knees before he waved at you. “You can take the front seat if you want to.” You offered. 
“No!” Atsumu was quick to respond for his brother, earning a curious look from you. “I mean, he already offered to take the backseat for you! Right, ‘Samu?” He looked at his twin hoping for him to play along. It was not like Atsumu forced him to sit on the back right before you walked out of your building. 
“ ‘Tsumu is right. It would have been impolite from us to have you sit on the back.” Once again,  Osamu saved his brother’s ass from an awkward situation. If only you knew that Atsumu was just as nervous as you and Osamu teasing him nonstop was not helping his case. He went from excited to a pit of nerves in less than twenty minutes. Maybe it wasn’t a great idea to have you meet his friends on your first date, especially when Osamu and Suna were going to be there. Did he just say date?  It was definitely not a date, but it felt like so. Everyone would think you two were dating when you just met a little bit over a month ago. He didn’t think this through, but it was too late, you were already in his car sitting right beside him on your way to Aran’s house having a small talk with his brother about his week in the restaurant. 
“You are going to get along well with Hana-san, you have the same dry sense of humor as her.” Osamu said, running his hand through his hair. 
“What do you mean? My sense of humor is not dry at all.” You looked back, clearly offended. “Atsumu, is my sense of humor dry?” You asked now looking at him. He smiled and tried to avoid the question. 
“I’m driving, I can’t answer.”
“You drive with your mouth?” You deadpanned and both men laughed. 
“See?” Osamu said as if he was proving a point.
“See what? You clearly can’t differentiate sarcasm from dry humor.” You crossed your arms and huffed. 
“If it makes you feel better I think you are funny.” Atsumu nudged your arm once he reached the stop sign and you almost gave in and smiled. 
“I don’t need your pity, Miya.” You looked through your window, trying to ignore his playful gaze and the grin plastered on Atsumu’s face. He knew what you were doing so he poked your side making you jolt on your seat. You were ready to poke him back when the red light turned green. 
“I’ll get my revenge later.” You announced making him laugh. Osamu watched the whole thing from his seat. ‘I feel like I am interrupting something.’ He thought and smiled to himself, the unfamiliar feeling of third wheeling taking over at the sight of his brother having fun with you. Once again, it felt like you met years ago, maybe because Atsumu would never shut up about you or how bright he smiled at you, it was just right. Like Bokuto, Osamu started thinking that his brother and you would look good together. The fun was cut short when Atsumu pulled over in front of Aran's house, he asked you to wait for him to open the door for you. 
“Chivalry is not dead.” Osamu whispered to his brother who just elbowed him to shut him up. You three walked to the door and Atsumu rang the bell. “You look like you want to throw up.” The gray haired twin said and you let out all the air you were holding in. 
“You have such a way with words.” You leaned on your right side and remembered Bokuto’s words, they were nice people, you shouldn’t stress too much. After a few seconds a man with gray hair and dark tips opened the door. 
“Kita-san!” Atsumu cheered. Kita greeted them both and exchanged a few words, you fading in the back without really listening to their conversation and waiting awkwardly when you heard Atsumu say: “This is my friend Y/N.”  You adjusted your purse under your arm and bowed with your head, Kita returned the gesture and reached to shake your hand. 
“Pleasure to meet you.” Blood rushed to your ears under his intense gaze, he looked so calm and put together, but his brown eyes were definitely intimidating. “Come on in, Aran and Hana are busy in the kitchen.” You walked in first and took your shoes off and looked around spotting two men sitting on the couch having a small talk. “The twins are here.” Kita announced and both of them turned their attention to the ex-volleyball captain. 
“Late as always.” The one with silver hair joked, Atsumu and Osamu  walked past you to greet their old teammates with a hug. 
“We are not late, you came here too early.” Atsumu retorted. “Y/N this is Ginjima and the one about to stick his tongue down to my brother’s throat is Suna.” Before you could introduce yourself Suna smacked the back of Atsumu’s head. 
“You are so vulgar.” Atsumu rubbed the spot where Suna had hit him trying to sooth the pain. Suna looked familiar for some reason. Narrow eyes and tall figure, you must have seen him somewhere. You didn’t failed to notice Osamu’s arm sneaking around Suna’s waist, that’s when you realized you sure looked dumb standing there staring at the five men in front of you, but could they blame you? They were towering over you. The scene was terrifying from an outside view, lucky for you the house owners walked out the kitchen to welcome you. 
“What are you guys doing to this poor girl?” A tall woman asked standing right beside you. “You must be Y/N! I’m Hana, I am so excited to finally meet you after the twins came in talking nonstop about you.” She extended her hand for you to shake. 
“They did?” You smiled and felt a reassuring squeeze on your hand, an unspoken ‘I am here.’ Her presence was warm just like her smile. “Y/N L/N, they also told me a lot about you, it is a pleasure to meet you.”  
“I know the twins are already a handful, but when they are all together is a disaster, you can have all the wine you need.” She whispered in your ear and you two shared a laugh.
 “See, Aran-kun? I told you they were going to get along well.” Atsumu sat on the couch and crossed his legs. Right, you still haven’t greeted him, you looked around and found him standing behind Hana. ‘Way to go.’  
“I am so sorry.” You bowed. “ Thank you so much for having me tonight.”  
“Thank you for coming. Please make yourself at home.” He bowed back before Ginjima and Atsumu jumped on him to give him a hug. “Come on, we saw each other last week.” He said, taking a step back to support the weight of the two men. 
“The twins mentioned that you were a bartender back then! We just finished our new bar, wanna see?” Hana asked. You nodded and spared a glance to the rest of the boys in the room and excused yourself to follow Hana. She guided you to the kitchen and you noticed the racks hanging beside the lightbox displaying the wine glasses, the warm lighting made the wide place feel more cozy despite the minimalist decorations. “Here it is, Aran knows nothing about wine or liquor but one of his teammates has a bar, so he decided we needed one.” She opened a cabinet revealing a collection of bottles and a wine cooler. 
“Really? But you have such a nice selection here.” You peaked through the fridge glass to see the bottles tempering. “It was a good decision then, it is so pretty.” When you looked at Hana she had her arms crossed and a faint smile on her face. 
“Don’t let him hear you, it will get to his head.” 
“I heard that!” Aran entered the kitchen. “So, what do you think about my baby?” He walked closer to where you were standing, looking at his collection proudly, Hana rolled her eyes and elbowed him. 
“I was just telling Hana-san that your collection was really nice, you have good taste.” His smile grew wider and he thanked you. 
“Too much for someone who can’t drink ten out of twelve months a year.” Hana added and Aran side hugged her and kissed her temple. You smiled at the sight but something made you avert your gaze back to the cabinet, this time focusing on the gold utensils nicely displayed at the bottom. “You can touch, it won’t bite.” Hana said. “And I won’t complain if you make some cocktails.” She inched closer to you and nudged your shoulder making you laugh. 
“We’ll see.” You helped Hana to set the charcuterie boards on the kitchen island, and Aran insisted on you choosing the wine since most of them couldn’t drink, having a small chat with both of them and getting to know each other you learned that they were together since high school and were actually engaged but no plans were made yet since Aran’s career was still starting and they wanted to wait a little more. They worked together so well, not only with each other but their space, the house matched their energy perfectly, they gave you the familiarity you craved ever since you moved. For the first time in a month you were not alone on a friday night downing whatever alcohol you had in hand, and you were thankful for their company, in the end — like always— Bokuto was right, they were nice people.
“We are starving over here!” Osamu yelled. 
“That sounds like a personal problem!” Hana yelled back without looking away from the cutting board. The other five men joined shortly after and took their seats on the stools. You were facing away from them, pouring a mix of alcohol and lime juice in two glass cups you previously filled with ice and sharing a laugh with Hana before she asked you to sit down, you didn’t notice Atsumu’s eyes lingering on you as you sat down on the stool beside him. The others were already eating from the boards and talking about their days, you listened attentively and nodded from time to time, you liked listening to people without necessarily sharing your thoughts, it was easier to avoid talking about your past. It was your turn to look at Atsumu while he excitedly talked about whatever he did at practice with Bokuto and Sakusa; but this time he felt your eyes on him. Doing a double take, the moment his eyes met yours he tripped on his words but recovered quickly.  
After twenty minutes or so, you noticed how Atsumu was only eating the cheese cubes from the boards and you laughed. “You are supposed to mix the flavours, not eating all the cheese.” He looked at you confused. 
“But I don’t know what to do with all of these, why would you mix jam with cream cheese? And what the fuck is this?” He asked, pointing at the honeycomb.
“I’m gonna start believing you have the taste buds of a five year old.”  You took the butter knife and a slice of bread from the board to carefully cut a piece of cheese and spread it on top of the bread.
“That’s not true. What are you doing?” You didn’t answer, too busy trying to cut into the honeycomb with a spoon and finally placing it on the bread along with a slice of strawberry on top of it. You brought the slice of bread near his mouth and he looked at you, then the food in front of him and then back at you not knowing what to do.
“Hurry up, the honey is dripping on my fingers.” He opened his mouth and took a bite, reaching for the uneaten piece to hold it so you could wipe the honey off your fingers, his flustered state was quickly replaced by the flavors melting on his mouth. His eyes widened as he looked at you. 
“Wait, that was actually really good.” He hummed and ate the other piece as you smiled softly. “Can you make another one? For me.” His eyes shining still delighted with the flavors lingering on his mouth. You kept handing him different mixes of textures and flavors, all of this under Hana and Aran’s gaze, mesmerized by your chemistry. “Okay that one I didn’t like.” Atsumu wiped his mouth. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t really looking.” You said having a bite for yourself. 
“My turn.” He said with the butter knife in one hand. You were nervous, his choices were a bit odd and you didn’t wanted to spit it out as soon as you bite into it. “Say ah.” He held his creation and you hesitated to get closer. “Hurry up, the honey is dripping on my fingers.” He mocked your previous words using them against you. 
“Very funny.” You narrowed your eyes finally opening your mouth and biting into it, it wasn’t until you started to chew that you could assimilate the flavors on your mouth, you couldn’t quite place them but it tasted good, looking back to Atsumu’s hand analyzing whatever he put on top of the bread slice. “It 's good.” 
“Just good?” You took the other part from his hand and he pushed himself back to stretch a little bit. 
“I mean, for a roasted tomato, peach jam and aged cheese; it’s great.” You cleaned your fingers once again and he just mumbled something about you being the one with childish taste buds. Everyone was aware of what was going on between you two but decided to keep the conversation going while you and Atsumu had your charcuterie expert moment. Osamu looked at his brother having a good time without necessarily causing ruckus or being loud, just genuinely enjoying himself. 
“Is there something going on between those two?” Suna whispered to him. 
“I have no idea.” He took a good sip of his wine and smiled at his boyfriend. “But Atsumu acts different when they are together.”
“Well, duh, look at him! He looks like a highschooler in love.” Ginjima intervened and the three of them laughed looking at Atsumu. You noticed the three pairs of eyes on you and pointed at them for Atsumu to pay attention to his friends. 
“What?” He asked and none of them said a thing. 
“Dinner is ready!” Aran announced and Hana called for you, asking if you were up to another round of margaritas. You agreed, trying to get away from the curious stares from Atsumu’s friends and brother; you walked straight to the bar to take the bottles of triple sec and tequila from the shelfs, she handed you the cups you were using already filled with ice. Atsumu was completely focused on your swift moves and the way you carefully poured the transparent liquor on the measuring cup and then the shaker. When you finished straining the drink on the two cups, Suna and Kita started asking you questions about your previous job and how it was working at a bar while Aran and Osamu served and garnished the plates. 
The rest of the night went well, way better than you thought. You exchanged numbers with Hana and made plans to go out for lunch the following week, you got along really well from the beginning and she said you were really fun to be around and complimented your mixology skills by saying you did the best margaritas she ever had. After saying goodbye to everyone and thanking the couple for the good time you and Atsumu left without Osamu since he went back home with Suna to spend the weekend together  before he had to come back to Osaka on Monday. You were now at your door with Atsumu, he claimed that he wanted to make sure you made it home safe but he just wanted to use the restroom. You let him in and told him where the guest bathroom was before taking your shoes off and walking to your bedroom looking for a hair tie. 
When he came back from the restroom your phone started to ring. “Someone’s calling you.” He said. 
“Can you see who it is? It’s probably my friend Oikawa.I’ll be out in a second” You yelled from your room. It was an unknown number but he still picked up. 
“Y/N?” The person on the other side of the line asked as soon as he pressed the phone on his right ear. 
“Uh, no, she is in her room right now but can I help you with something?”  The call was cut short. ‘Weird.’ Atsumu thought, he placed your phone back on the counter when you joined him again, this time with your hair tied in a messy ponytail with a few strands of hair framing your face. You looked beautiful.
“So, was it Oikawa?” 
“Well, I don’t know, it was an unknown number and they hung up as soon as they heard my voice. Probably a prank call.” He said making his way to the door with you trailing behind. 
“That’s weird.” You said before opening the door. “I had a lot of fun tonight, Atsumu, thank you.” You leaned on the door frame. 
“Would you like to do it again sometime? I mean, hanging out, I had fun too.” You were startled at his question. “As friends, of course.” He was quick to add and something inside you twisted in disappointment. You looked at him, towering over you with his overwhelming height and broad shoulders, he sure looked good.
“Sure, why not.” That came out more bitter than you expected. “Good night, Atsumu.”
‘Fuck it.’ Atsumu thought before taking a step closer to you and placing his left hand on your lower back, you didn’t dare to move waiting for his next move, in a matter of seconds his lips were on yours and your hands on his biceps trying to support yourself on him while he busied himself setting the pace of the kiss; slow and steady, making sure you knew that he fucked up the last part. “Do friends kiss each other like that, Miya?” You asked playfully when he parted away from your lips. 
“We can be really close friends.” He kissed you again, this time it was shorter but he still managed to take your breath away. “I have to go now.” He said after one too many kisses at your door, lips slightly swollen and eyes shimmering. 
“Text me when you get home.” You fixed his hair and gave him one last kiss on his cheek before he left. You checked the number that called before, not recognizing it at first glance you locked your phone, maybe Atsumu was right and someone was just trying to prank call you. Once you were in bed ready to sleep, a text from Oikawa lit up your phone screen asking for details, you sighed and turned it off. You tried to avoid your friends' questions all weekend, giving vague details and not mentioning that you made out with Atsumu for almost twenty minutes at the end of the night, you were not ready for them to tease you nonstop. 
“Y/N?” Iwaizumi asked, waiting to hear your voice from the other side of the line.
“Uh, no, she is in her room right now but can I help you with something?” A male voice answered. His insides twisted as panic took over his senses and immediately hung up. You were with someone else.
“What happened?” Hanamaki entered the kitchen, he saw Iwaizumi holding his phone in one hand and the landline on the other. “What are you doing with my phone?” It took him a few seconds before realizing. He grabbed his phone from Iwaizumi’s hand and saw your number displayed on the screen. “You called her?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me she was back.” Iwaizumi was angry, but so was Hanamaki. Did he really just ask that? 
“Because she asked us not to tell you, and we are trying to get our friend back, or do I need to remind you that she stopped talking to us because of you.” He stared at Iwaizumi coldly. 
“Shut up, that’s not fair.” 
“Not fair for who? For you? Get fucked Hajime, you act as if you were the victim in this situation. Maybe learn to respect other people’s privacy and stop trying to call her, she is over you.” With that Takahiro walked past him and made his way to his room. Tears threatening to spill from Iwaizumi’s eyes, a frustrated sigh left his lips as he ran his hands through his hair. 
You were over him. Just the thought of you forgetting about him made his chest hurt, still heavy with guilt. You were over him, and even worse, you were already with someone else.
The next few weeks were hectic, the season started and the team had a winning streak, the schedules were full and you received endless calls from magazines and sport channels. You were exhausted but happy to be occupied and your team made your work much easier. For the first time that week everyone was able to take it slower; the medical team went home earlier and the players were practicing by themselves while you and one of your assistants patiently waited for an email from the volleyball association. “So I heard you and Miya-senshu are really close lately.” You looked up from your phone and smiled. 
“Yeah, we are good friends.” You giggled. 
“I don’t understand how you get along so well with him, every time I work with him he acts like a diva.” She said adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose, you scrunched your nose in confusion; Atsumu was a genuinely nice guy, but it was true that he wasn’t easy to approach.
“Well, the spotlight was meant for him, he has a magnetic personality that makes everyone around him take an interest on him, but he is not the best at managing all of the attention. He is human too, you know? He knows what everyone thinks of him, so he reciprocates that perception without being aware of it. Maybe if you treated him like a normal person he would show a nicer side of him because he won’t feel like you are expecting him to be a complete asshole.” You explained as simple as  you could, she looked at you as if you had a third eye. It made sense, but before she could thank you for the advice your monitor screen refreshed, showing the email you were waiting for; the nominees for the Volleyball Association Awards. Reading carefully the names and the date of the ceremony you headed to the gym to break the news to the players along with your assistant. 
“I have good news!” You said as soon as you opened the gym doors. 
“Y/N!” Bokuto ran to you. “What is going on?” He asked, trying to peek on your clipboard. 
“The volleyball association sent the names of the nominees for this year’s awards.” You announced and waited for everyone to gather around you. “The team is nominated for best division one line up.” Everyone cheered in excitement. “Bokuto and Sakusa for best newcomers, Meian-senshu for best middle blocker and finally, Atsumu and Inunaki-senshu are nominated for setter and libero of the year.” They congratulated each other with side hugs and high-fives. “Also, Thomas-senshu was requested to be one of the hosts for the  ceremony.” 
“For real?” His eyes widened in surprise. 
“Yes, they loved your appearances on the sports channel, they are going to send Hideko the details later so make sure to check them with her later.” He nodded and Meian patted his back a little bit too hard. “Congratulations to all of you, once the nominations are available to the public we are expecting a few interviews but we are going to try to keep them short until the end of the season in november, please be mindful of your interactions with the press, one mistake can cost you the award.” After another round of cheering you and your assistant took your leave. 
“We can go celebrate later.” Atsumu held your wrist before you exited the gym, he raised his brows trying to convince you. 
“I would love to, but I have plans with Hana-san.” He pouted. “Maybe tomorrow if you are not planning to practice all day like always.” 
“Hana is always stealing you away from me.” He complained playing with your fingers. “You are always hanging out with her” 
“Weren’t you the one who wanted me to be friends with her?” 
“Yes! But now is different.” He whined. 
“What changed?” You asked, knowing the answer very well. The expression on his face begged you to not make him say it as he loosened his grip on your hand. “We’ll talk later, okay? I need to go home if I want to be on time.” He hesitated but agreed in the end.
“No goodbye kiss?”  He asked and you looked around to make sure you were alone, the rest of the team also left the gym to get changed and go home and there was no one to be seen on the hallway, so you inched closer to him until you were breathing on his lips, he closed his eyes waiting for you to kiss him. 
“No.” You said and ran as fast as you could to your office, ignoring Atsumu’s whining from behind. You decided you wouldn't let him have his way with you this time, at least until he was clear with what he wanted. While it was true that you spent a lot of time together after that night at Aran’s house, not a word about the nature of your relationship was spoken, it was a silent agreement between the two of you, you clearly liked each other but you were still scared to jump into a relationship of any kind and Atsumu wasn’t really open about his intentions, so you decided that each other’s company was enough. That until your feelings for the setter started to change from a childish crush to something deeper that you couldn’t explain — more like, you were scared to admit.— and that was constantly on your mind.
And it wasn’t that Atsumu wanted to play with your feelings, he was just as scared as you, he never really committed to a relationship because he was so focused on his career as a volleyball player. But you made everything easier and it just felt right, he wanted to come clean and tell you how much he truly liked you but he didn’t knew how. He thought he was going too fast, but if he waited for too long you would forget about him. What if you weren’t looking for something serious with him? Truth is, you didn’t knew what you were looking for, but something about Atsumu made you believe that maybe this was a second chance for you to find happiness. 
But you wouldn’t know unless one of you gathered the courage to admit you were helplessly in love.
(a/n: hey everyone! im finally back after so long, im really excited to post this chapter since i finally got a hang of my creativity again, i would like to thank miss taylor swift and miss hayley williams for the inspiration, you should listen to FLOWERS for VASES / descansos by hayley, listening to it last night gave me the push i needed to finish writing (i am updating the fic playlist regurlarly if you like to check it out ;)). also, did you see those two???? THEY ARE SO CUTE when i tell you i was screaming last night when i was writing the last few scenes, i mean it. thank you so much for your patience and your concern for my health, i am doing much better physically, emotionally im still working on myself so i can stop projecting my sadness on poor y/n TT i hope you like it as much as i enjoyed writing it. i promised my betas i wouldnt take more than two weeks to write the next chapter and hopefully i can keep my promise. take care, and i hope all of you are wearing your masks and staying safe. <3)  
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Unlikely Lovers Chapter Six
And here we are half way through @beccabarba and my Nick series. Thank you for the support and positivity we have received we love this series so much. 
Warning: This one is a bit of everything. Dirty talk, F/M masturbation, little angry Nick, sub!Nick, bit of tying up and just general smut.  
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Incase you needed to catch up :) Also not planned, this one fits into the Masturbation square for @thatesqcrush summer bing
WC: 3850
Enjoy x
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You decided to tell your friends in the squad first, to get used to talking about your relationship, before you told Liv officially. When you told Amanda, over drinks, she grinned and shook her head in disbelief.
“Y’all kept this from me. When did it start?” She turned her blue eyes on you. “Wait, it was that movie night, wasn’t it? When I couldn’t make it? Oh god, guys, that was weeks ago. And you know, I suspected something right away, but when you were so quiet about it, I thought I must be wrong! All this time…”
“Sorry,” Nick said with a little shrug, his hand on yours.
“Y’know, Fin said he thought you two had something. Ages ago. And I told him it wasn’t likely, you two? Nothing in common.” Amanda looked between you.
“I guess we found something,” you said, with a grin.
Amanda laughed. “I’ll just bet you did.”
You blushed at her tone. “More than just that,” you said, raising your eyebrows and trying not to meet Nick’s eye.
“Well, I’m happy for you. As long as you don’t make me feel like a third wheel at movie night,” she said.
“Cheers to that,” Nick replied, lifting his drink. “Keep quiet about it until I’m back from LA? That’s when we’re going to make it official.”
Amanda clinked her bottle against his, and nodded her understanding.
Nick’s departure for LA came around far too soon for your liking. You were very happy with the idea of meeting both Zara and Gil by video call, but you had to admit you were a bit nervous about Nick seeing not one, but two of his former partners. You were certain he was over Maria, but you were not entirely sure how he felt about Cynthia, and you didn’t like to press him for explanations. Not that you thought he still had feelings for her; you just weren’t sure how seeing them all would affect him on his return. He could be moody, prone to dwell on his misfortunes, and you’d enjoyed the way the weight had seemed to lift off him recently. You also knew he missed his kids and had definitely considered a move out to California on more than one occasion. You didn’t want to see yourself as in competition with them.
When you’d said goodbye in the early morning, before he jumped in an Uber to JFK for a 7am flight, he’d sensed your tension.
“Hey,” he said, tilting your chin so you were looking into his eyes. “I can’t wait for you to meet Zara and Gil. They’re going to love you. Maybe next time you can fly out there with me?”
You smiled. “I’d love that. But I don’t want to intrude, Nick. The kids, Maria and Cynthia, that’s a whole other part of your life…”
He stroked your head. “I love you, Y/N. You’re part of my life now too. And I’m not going to suddenly see them and not care about you, if that’s what’s making you look so worried.” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead softly. “I’ll miss you every day. And we’ll video call every night. Okay?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes. I’ll miss you too. And I’m not worried, not really… I love you.”
“We’ll talk before you go to sleep?” he said.
“Of course,” you gave him another kiss, before he climbed into the car and you waved him off. You prided yourself on being independent, not needing anyone. But you had to admit to yourself that the idea of Nick being on the other side of the country made your heart ache.
It was 11pm in New York, and 8pm in Los Angeles. You’d been texting all day, just keeping in touch. Nick had gone straight from the airport to spend the afternoon with Zara, and Cynthia and Gil were heading up from San Diego the following day. You knew he was safe and happy, but tired after the flight, planning to sleep early. So, you were both already settled in bed when you picked up your phone to call him via FaceTime.
When the call connected, your screen was filled with Nick’s face and bare shoulders. He was clearly sitting in a hotel bed, leaning back against a beige fabric headboard, shirtless and with a shadow of stubble along his jaw. You couldn’t help a huge smile at seeing him, your heart flooding with warmth, and a throb of arousal pulsing through you. Seeing him looking at you from a screen was just a reminder of how handsome he was. You watched the smile spread over his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Hey, querida,” he said warmly.
“Hey, yourself.” You grinned, looking into his eyes through the camera. “Miss you.”
“Miss you too,” he said. “Really, more than I knew I would. It’s not even twenty-four hours yet…”
“It was strange not seeing you at work – or after work,” you added. Then you gave him a wicked smile. “But I need to know something…”
“Yes?” he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.
“Are you naked, Nick Amaro?”
His face broke into a huge smile, and he glanced down. “No, I’m wearing boxers and I’m under the duvet,” he replied. You could picture his body so clearly.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Might do. But we should catch up…”
“Nothing to catch up on. I texted you everything, and I’m not doing anything new until tomorrow. All there is to do now is spend time with you, and sleep…” Even though the screen, his eyes felt as though they were burning into yours. So much emotion and arousal. “If I was there, we wouldn’t be sleeping…”
You narrowed your eyes at him, feeling the heat sweep through you. “So, what would we be doing?”
“I’d be kissing you and running my hands all over you,” his voice had dropped into a seductive whisper. “I’d be enjoying every curve…kissing your neck, just where you like it…” As he spoke, you could imagine exactly how it would feel.
“You know about that?” you said, in a breathy tone.
“I know all the places you want to be touched…and kissed…” he replied, and it sent a shiver through your body.
“I wish you could show me…” almost unconsciously, your fingers traced a path down your body, rubbing over your own nipples, down over your skin, to press between your thighs where you wanted him the most.
“When I get back, I will. Over and over. I won’t be able to keep my hands off you…” You were looking into his eyes in the screen, seeing the change in his face as he grew more aroused.
“Are you touching yourself, Nick?” you asked, even as your fingers teased in circles around your clit.
“What if I am? Are you?”
“I am,” you confessed. “I’m thinking of that big cock of yours, and how I want it in my mouth…”
Now Nick groaned. “I’m so hard for you, Y/N,” he breathed into the phone. You could see his movements.
“I’m so wet for you…” you replied. “Want to see?” You didn’t wait for an answer before you moved the phone down your body, giving him a view of where your fingers were teasing through your slick folds. The idea of him watching only increased your arousal.
“Mmm, yes, good girl,” Nick said in deep tones. Your breathing came faster and harder, as you moved the phone back up to your face.
“Your turn,” you said, giving him a naughty smile. He raised his eyebrows. “Please?” you added, your tone cheeky.
Nick nodded, and you watched the camera trail down over his toned abdomen, saw his boxers now pulled low, his free hand working his erection. You licked your lips at the sight. “I love your big cock,” you told him. “I want it filling my mouth…”
“When I get home, gonna fuck your face…” he groaned.
“Threat or a promise?” you managed. Your fingers, and his words were driving you closer, as he turned the camera back to his face, and you looked into his eyes, imagining his hands and eyes on you, thinking of that hand on his cock. Your orgasm was building quickly, the coil winding tighter.  
“Ohh, Nick…” you moaned.
“Going to come for me, querida?” he said, and you could hear how close he was from the strain in his tone.
“Yes…yes…” you managed.
“I’m going to come for you, Y/N,” he said, urgently. The idea of it was what sent you over the edge, breathing out his name as the pleasure burst through you.
“Mierda, Y/N,” you heard through the phone, as Nick let go, the image on the screen suddenly blurring as he dropped it, and you found yourself looking at the hotel room ceiling as you recovered, stroking yourself through the little aftershocks of pleasure.
Eventually, his face filled the screen again, a wide smile on his lips. “Even from the opposite coast, you’re amazing, Y/N,” he said.
“You too.” You put your fingers to your lips and blew him a kiss. “I really miss you…”
“You just miss my body,” he teased.
“That’s part of what I miss. But I wish we could just cuddle now.”
His eyes softened. “Me too. I’d love that…”
You talked quietly for a little longer, before agreeing you’d speak again tomorrow, and saying goodnight. When you went to sleep, it was with one of his t-shirts on the empty side of your bed, your fingers curled in the fabric.
Somehow, you got through the time that Nick was away. You had very friendly conversations with both Zara and Gil, and told Nick that he certainly made beautiful children. Seeing more of his life in this way, knowing that he’d told both Maria and Cynthia about you, your lives becoming more integrated, made your heart soar with emotion. In previous relationships you’d found this stage difficult; things growing more serious but without becoming dependent on each other, allowing each other freedom, yet your every moment growing entwined with the other person. But with Nick, it just felt natural. Each new step just made you happy, made you love him more.
When he came home, arriving on a flight in the middle of the day, you invited him over to your place that evening, saying you’d cook. In the end, you were delayed at work, and you found him waiting at the entrance to your building, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a very welcome grin on his handsome face. You raised your face to his for a kiss before you even entered the building. The feeling of his warm lips pressed to yours, his eyes locked to your gaze, his hand on your back as he deepened the kiss; it was all too much, everything you’d missed, and you couldn’t help a small moan of desire and relief to be with him again.
“I missed you too,” he grinned, his hand seeking yours and gripping your fingers in his, as you walked into your apartment building together.
You left Nick sitting on the couch with a drink, while you went to take a quick shower. You suggested getting takeout, since it was later than planned, and he was browsing the menu of your local Thai place. After your shower, you slipped into a comfortable, but revealing, red patterned dress, and chose pretty underwear, knowing your clothes were unlikely to last long.
Coming back into the living area, you found Nick perched on the edge of the couch, his drink on the table. His shoulders looked tense and he was frowning.
“Nick?” you said, instantly on edge at his change in mood. “What is it? Did work call, or something?”
“No, it’s not work,” he said. His words were soft, but his brow was furrowed. He looked as though he was trying to work something out.
“What was it then? You’re worrying me.” You walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed under your touch and clenched his jaw.
“You got a call to your landline,” he said. “I didn’t answer it, I didn’t think it was my place. But your machine caught it and the caller left a message.”
You looked over at the phone as if hoping for an answer. “And? Who was it?” You heard the note of irritation in your voice.
“I don’t know.” He looked at you properly, and he looked confused, possibly hurt, more than angry. “It was a man, saying that it was nice to see you the other day, and that he hoped you’d call him soon.”
A mixture of relief and hurt flared up in you, as you understood immediately. You looked Nick square in the face. “You do trust me, don’t you?”
Nick nodded, then swallowed hard. “Yeah, I do. I just…”
“Just nothing. Whoever it was, if you trust me, you know there’s nothing to worry about.” You glared at him.
“So who was it?” he demanded. He was still struggling to contain his emotions. And you knew it was his own insecurities, not his trust in you.
“It was my ex. I bumped into him in the street the other day. It’s been two years, Nick, and I hoped I’d never see him again. He was possessive, and creepy in the end. But I talked to him, I was polite. And I’m not sure I should have to explain myself…”
Nick nodded, listening. “And you gave him your number?”
“No, I didn’t. That why he called the landline, that number hasn’t changed. He doesn’t have my new cell number, he is blocked on all social media. It’s the only way he could reach me. I didn’t think he would.” You sighed. “I’m sorry, Nick. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t think it would matter.”
Nick drew a deep breath too. “Don’t apologise. It’s me who should, I don’t even know what I was thinking…” He was still sitting tense and upright, looking unhappy. You gave him a little smile.
“Thank you. But’s it’s okay. As long as you do trust me?”
“Absolutely I do,” he said. “Look, if you want me to go, I will…”
With that, you took a step over to him and put your hand on his shoulder again, rubbing down onto his chest. “I don’t want you to go anywhere,” you replied. “I want to show you how much I missed you.”
“You can’t be in the mood, after this?” There was a spark of hope and arousal in his eyes nevertheless.
“I am more than in the mood, Nick. Are you?”
“I am…if you’re sure…”
“More than sure. In fact, food can wait. Get up,” your last words were clearly a command.
“Do as you’re told, when you’re given an order.” You gave him a wink. His face changed, arousal taking over from anger. He got to his feet. “Bedroom,” you commanded. He went. “Shirt off,” you called after him, following him, watching him peel his t-shirt up and over his head, throwing it on the floor.
In the bedroom, you located a tie he’d left at your place before his LA trip, and approached him with it in your hands. His eyes fell on it. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“Showing you how much I want you. And punishing you for thinking I might not be in the mood.” You grinned. “On the bed.”
Nick laid down on the bed, his eyes still on yours. You straddled him, still fully dressed, one leg either side of his hips, grabbing his strong, slender wrists in your hands and pushing them above his head. You wound the tie around them, and around your metal headboard, moving to run a hand down his body, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as his arousal grew. He looked up at you and wriggled his restrained hands teasingly. “So, what’re you going to do now?” he challenged.
You grinned big moving to stand up on the bed, your feet either side of him. You lent down resting your pointer finger on his chin, running it down over his chest before both your hands came to rest on your knees, you stood up straight and your hands started to slowly run up your thighs pushing your dress up higher. You looked down at Nick with a smirk, his eyes stuck on your body as you grabbed the hem, pulling the dress up over your head, throwing it on the floor. Nick groaned when his eyes landed on your matching set and you watched as he tried to pull his hands free from the tie.
“What I’m going to do now, Nick…” you hooked your fingers on the waist of your panties pushing them down and carefully moving one leg at a time to pull them off “…is show you how much I want you, all the time,” you purred.
Nick bit his bottom lip and pulled on the tie again as his eyes ran over your bare bottom half, seeing your shiny wet folds. You reached behind you, unclipping your bra and throwing it to meet your dress and panties on the floor before you sunk down to straddle Nick’s abdomen, between his belly button and jeans waist. You moaned softly at the feeling of his abs brushing over your clit and you lent forward, your tits in his face.
The tip of his tongue came out of his mouth to flick your nipple and you started to rock your hips over his skin, the sensation making you wetter then you were already. You locked lips with him for a brief moment, your tongues darting into each other’s mouths. You pulled away from the kiss and sat up and you groaned loud at the new pressure the change of the position had on your pearl. You knew it wouldn’t be long till you were pushed over the edge.
You ran your hands down over Nick’s chest and then ran them up to cup both breasts, squeezing them and tugging your own nipples. You looked down at Nick through your eye lashes, as his mouth dropped open, and his heavily lidded eyes were fixed on you,
“Yes baby, just like that. Come for me, amor. Show me how much you want me. How much you missed me,” Nick groaned out, trying to pull his hands free from the tie.
Your hands ran up from your breasts and into your hair, your hips moving feverishly over him, your wet coating his skin, almost enjoying his frustration while you reached your satisfaction. Your coil finally snapped and you threw your head back moaning Nick’s name loudly. You slowed your hips taking a deep breath and slowly moving down his body.
“Did you like watching that, Nick?” you settled between his legs as he spread them for you and saw the bludge in his pants. He nodded at you. “I’m glad. Looks like I made a mess,” you cooed.
You lent forward leaning down at the wet patch you left behind on his skin. You stuck your tongue out, flattening it and licking him clean. Nick squirmed against you, thrusting his hips into your chest, his own need to be touched almost too much.
“Don’t worry guapo, didn’t think you were going to miss out, did you?” you sat up, after kissing where you had licked up your mess, reaching down to his belt, undoing it, his jeans button and zipper. You tugged them down enough, with his boxers, for his hard weeping cock to spring free. You wrapped your hand around it, his pre cum covering your hand instantly, “I believe you promised you would fuck my face,” you smirked down at him as he threw his head back into the pillow, arching his back slightly. “I think it’s only fair, after I showed you how much I missed you, you show me.”
You parted your lips sinking down on Nick’s cock all the way for it to hit the back of your throat, and he let out a hiss as you gagged around him slightly. You made your way back up to his tip, hollowing your cheeks before you sunk back down on him again, his black curly hair tickling your nose, your own arousal building fast again,
“Babe-I…” Nick groaned “Fuck, you take my cock so good- I missed this, I missed you, so much,” Nick bucked his hips up into your mouth and you moaned around him, licking his tip like a melting ice cream, taking him fully back into your mouth and cradling his balls in your hand squeezing them gently. “Y/N- please baby, let me touch you, please,” Nick begged.
You made your way back up, grazing your teeth over him slightly and you wrapped your hand around him, stroking fast,
“One condition,”
“Anything,” Nick panted, tugging on the tie when you twisted your wrist around him.
“You are the only one for me, and I always want you,” Nick nodded, “You never forget that.”
“Yes, always. Now, please, baby, untie me,” Nick groaned, back arching off the bed.
You reached up without stopping your actions on his cock, grabbing the tie with your free hand, tugging it and it came loose. You moved back down between Nick’s legs taking him fully back into your mouth as he quickly pulled the tie off his wrists throwing it on the floor and his hands found their way into your hair, both of them resting on the back of your head.
As you sunk back down to his base, Nick held your head there and he started to roll his hips up into you urgently, one of your hands cupping his balls again, your eyes watering as he hit your throat, and saliva running out of the corners of your mouth. You felt Nick’s legs tense, one hand balled into a fist in your hair, when a loud roar of your name filled the room and his hot salty cum ran down your throat. You felt his hands leave your hair and you rose up, your lips still around his softening cock sucking up the rest of his release, pulling off with a pop and sitting back on your haunches, wiping your swollen lips dry with the back of your hand.
Nick sat up taking you into his arms, his arms wrapping around your middle and his lips crashed on yours kissing you deeply, your hands resting on his chest,
“I missed you baby,” Nick pulled back, brushing your hair behind your ears.
“I missed you so much.”
“Next time I go to LA, you’re coming with me.”
“We will see what Liv has to say about that,” you giggled cupping his cheek running your thumb over it and he laughed “But I would love too.”
“As soon as we get in tomorrow we will talk to Liv and fill out the paperwork.”        
Tags:  @wanniiieeee @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @randofando-spoonie  @alwaysachorusgirl  @amorestevens  @harryssxnflwr @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02 @glimmerglittergirl @witches-unruly-heart @berniesilvas @ben-c-group-therapy​
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.28
a/n: aye have mixture of fluff and angst~ sorry for uploading late :c MY SCHEDULE IS SUCH A KILLER I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH huhuhu
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 22, part 23, part 23.5, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 29
Masterlist to my other fics: here :) (that has not been updated for how many months now... proceed with caution~)
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“Is that really you, Inspector (l/n)?” The hero asked. With each step she took, you made sure Chisaki’s face wouldn’t be seen. “It’s late.”
“Hey, Enigma~” Lowering his head to rest on your shoulder, you smiled at the small quiet hero. “It is late~ We’re not causing a disturbance are we?”
“Of course not! But I don’t think this is the place to be…” She scratched her cheek and avoided your eye contact. “You know…”
“I know~ I apologize. He’s typically busy and we don’t get to hang out much.” You patted his back and continued. “He’s also very shy and doesn’t like to be seen in public.”
“Oh! I’m very sorry! But, if you don’t mind, would it be alright if the both of you continued elsewhere?”
“It’s fine! We were just going separate ways.” You consoled her and knew that her reaction was safe enough. At least you were fast enough to cover his face. “I told you, Shinoda-san. Heroes patrol these times of the night.”
“Forgive my rash decision.” He rested his head on your shoulder. Embarrassed that he had been this close to kissing you. Disappointed that it was barely a few centimeters and yet even such trivial things like these, the heroes would always disturb him. For now, all he could do was to wrap his arms around your body.
“Don’t wear your mask.” You whispered to him. He merely hummed. Gliding your hands on to his chest, he looked at you with cautiously eager eyes. Feeling how you pushed him he let you lead the way till the hood of his car hit thighs. “Enigma’s gone. You can turn around now.”
“I apologize for my actions.” Overhaul said as he took out his mask and wore it. “I was not expecting those bastards to roam this area at night.”
“You come here often?”
“Many years back. That apartment building, the third one.” He pointed it out. “Before the Shie Hassaikai was established, Kurono and I used to live there.”
“Wait, wait, wait… You and Chrono were roomies?” You stared at your companion, to the building, and back at him. A small pang of pain hit your forehead just as he had overhauled his glove back. “Well, no need to flick me, Chisaki.”
“Whatever it is your mind was thinking, no. We weren’t roomies.” He pinched your cheek and leaned on to the hood. “Neighbors. Pops owns that building. It’s one of the properties not involved with my business.”
“You know, I’d ask but perhaps we can schedule another meeting for that.” You took the vacant area beside him. With a bit of space in between, you placed your hand beside his. Just a reminder that the invitation still remains open.
“Of course.” Looking at your figure beside him, he furrowed his brows and shook his thoughts away. “Then again, we really should go separate ways. I hate having to take my mask off.”
“You know, you don’t have to take it off when you’re with me.” Elbowing him gently, you chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I like looking at your face. I just don’t want people to see you. Especially not with how things are going.”
“Nah.” Not expecting that word to come out of his mouth, the both of you met eyes at the same time. Adjusting the cloth, he tried to hide the slowly creeping heat on his cheeks. “You’re rubbing off on me, (y/n). That aside, it isn’t really bothersome if I take it off when you’re around. Your expressions are worth breathing the horrid air.”
“Ugh. Smooth talker.” You pouted. Taking a peak at your watch, the time was now quarter to one. As much as you wanted to stay and get to know more of the man behind the name, he was right. Flinching at the sudden weight on your hand, you looked down and found his on top of yours.
The kiss may not have happened but if it were compensated with this small act of intimacy then perhaps it wasn’t that bad. Carefully interlacing your fingers, you were more than relieved when he moved along and held on to your hand tightly. Maybe it was fine if you were to lean on to his arm and rest your head on his shoulder?
Just as you were about to attempt, Chisaki pulled you closer to him.
“You’re too obvious…” He said as he rested his head on yours. “We already have to leave in a few minutes. If you won’t do it then I will.”
“I swear this feels like a fever dream…” You commented earning a ruffle to the hair with his free hand. “Alright, alright. It’s real. You better not bug me Chisaki or I swear I will block you.”
“Well, now that this has happened, shall we take our leave now?”
“Is it bad to say that I’d rather stay here?”
“Are you suggesting we sleep in the car?” He poked your cheek.
“And have you drowned in your car’s germs? I’d rather not.” Standing up straight, you took a few steps and only then realized he still had not let go of your hand. “If you don’t let go, I’ll have to rethink sleeping in the car. And frankly speaking, sleeping in cars is not the most comfortable experience.”
“Right again.” Letting go of your hand, he too stood up. “In that case, I shall send a message when I get back to the base.”
“And I’ll message you when I arrive home.”
“Fair trade.”
To which you did not. Right after both your cars went separate ways, your phone vibrated with a message from Tsukuachi. Parking at the nearest allowable area, you grabbed your device and read the message. Rereading the text, you clicked dial.
“Are you for real?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to read it now.” He stifled a yawn and continued. “Unfortunately yes. If you can drop by the precinct, I can hand them over to you so you can get a head start.”
“Nao, it’s 1am.”
“And yet here we are, talking on the phone like the rats we are.”
Letting out a sigh, you ended the call. Rubbing your face, you leaned your head on the steering wheel and stared at your hand. Chewing on your lip, you began to recall the moment that had happened a mere minutes ago. Being able to hold his hand out in public had a different tingle.
Not long after, you were now seated beside Tsukauchi. Accepting the small cup of coffee, you waited as he filed through some documents. Taking small peaks at some of the letters, you saw how some names of villains you knew of were written down and crossed out. When Tsukauchi stopped at a particular piece of paper, he handed it over.
“Damn. It really is happening.” You set the paper aside and took a sip of your now cold beverage. “Do you need any help for the preparations? I can pull an all nighter if needed.”
“Would it be alright? It’s bad enough the schedule keeps changing.” Glancing at the paper and to the calendar, Tsukauchi stared at your tired eyes. “With this, the Fukuo Kai case will commence a week from now. Are you ready to focus on Nighteye’s?”
“From the middle, I have been focusing on their case. I just didn’t expect it to happen too soon.” Playing with the hems of your sweater, you rested your elbows on your knees and covered your face. “Wanna go to the rooftop?”
“Not thinking of bailing now, are you?” Tsukauchi said as he began to clear his desk and stand up. “What’s on your mind, hmm?”
“I just met with 2 people I shouldn’t have any business with.” You weakly chuckle as you lead the way to the rooftop. Opening the doors, you felt your breathing grow heavy. The sudden claminess of the narrow pathway was not good for your running mind. Holding onto Tsukauchi’s sleeve, you were more than thankful he was willing to listen.
Taking the final step, Tsukauchi unlocked the hatch and granted access to the rooftop. The night sky was still dark and barely held any stars. Light pollution framed the horizon while the street lamps casted a yellow-orange glow to the roads below.
“What happened?”
“Levi specifically told the heroes not to mess with my work.” You began. “It went well but not for long. I had to bug the Shie Hassaikai after a few days Levi left. Only an idiot would refuse knowing my stance with the two parties.”
“Was it successful?”
“It was. The anon tip we had from before was Chronostasis. He gave me Overhaul’s sim card and I kinda just took the opportunity to let him plant the chip for me. It was going smoothly till a few hours ago. Nighteye told me that they were still getting feedback even though Chrono destroyed the device.”
“Where did things go wrong? It just seems like a loyalty test to me.”
“I don’t even know if I passed at this point.” Taking your phone out, you opened the gallery and showed him the picture of the hidden camera. “They bugged me. I’m not certain if they saw what went on inside my unit but the fact that they saw him entering and exiting as he pleases makes my blood boil.”
“Then it means they saw his face?” His eyes widened.
“As far as I know, he only took his mask off around the living room area, his room, or mine.” Trying to recall, each time he entered the kitchen he used the other door connecting to the living room. Thank the quirk gods your apartment was designed that way. “I don’t even know if it transmits audio.”
Squatting on the floor you rubbed your face once more and raked your fingers through your hair. Pulling on the clumps a bit, you released a small shaky sigh.
“I’m guessing the second person you met was the reason for all this?” Tsukauchi took the initiative and sat on the empty space beside you. “What happened with him?”
“He knew about Chrono helping me and about the other bug running around. Told me that heroes needed to have fun too. Bastard.” No matter how much you twisted your views, Chisaki Kai was always Overhaul first. “I… I just don’t know what to do anymore, Nao.”
Closing your eyes, a small whimper left your mouth as tears began to fall.
“Things are just so fucking complicated that I… I don’t even know what step I should do next. I want justice to prevail but no matter what I do…”
“You’ve really fallen down the rabbithole, huh?” Tsukauchi commented as he gave soft pats on your back. “Then again, who wouldn’t? You’re literally stuck in the middle and have to be on edge more than usual. Other than that, you held up pretty well.”
“I can’t even clear my name at this point. If things ever go wrong in the Shie Hassaikai raid, my name will definitely make it into the possible accomplice list.” You bit your lip and clenched your fists. “Gods I hate this so fucking much. I told him I had it under control when in reality I’m as stuck as a rat on a glue board.”
“Don’t go using that analogy.” Tsukauchi still continued to pat your back. “Think of us as hamsters. We’re pretty cute and intelligent. Just give it a bit of time and I’m sure you’ll think of something. I bet you wouldn’t want your dad to partake in any of your problems so best not to pop up in your estate.”
“I know it’s a law for heroes not to kill but what if…”
“I doubt he’ll die in battle. Overhaul is a B-Rank villain. The most that’ll happen would be for him to be knocked out unconscious or bloody at the end of the day.” Yet even as he said those words, Tsukauchi wasn’t too confident. It would be a lie on his part if he said things would be fine. “Who knows? He might have some sort of magical epiphany and surrender to lessen his charges.”
“Now that you mention it,” You wiped your tears away and sat down properly. “I’ve never really read what happens to higher rank villains after they get captured. The highest I’ve handled was just D-ranked ones.”
“Hmmm…” Now that the topic was open, he too hadn’t really thought too much about it knowing his and your department weren’t incharge of what happens after the dirty work. “Standard procedures. They’ll search the area once more and take proper inventory. Say that Overhaul is merely strained, they would pat him down and once he’s clear and in the precinct or designated area, he’ll have to sign a document signifying that the given list is all that he owns. He’ll be then taken to a private area to have his fingerprints, mug shot, and other necessary information.”
“He probably won’t get a hearing.”
“Right you are. He’ll most likely be sent to Tartarus if that’s what you’re asking.”
“If he does, who do you think would handle it? The HPSC?”
“Most likely. Still, they have a lot on their hands so his case would surely collect dust.” He paused and let out a yawn. “If it were you, would you grant him a second chance in life?”
“Heh, If it were up to me...” Looking at the now starless skies, you felt a chill run down your spine. “Personal emotions aside, of course not.”
“You really think I’d break into Tartarus just to save one villain and give him a better life?” You smirked and stood up.
“Of course not.” He chuckled and stood up as well. “Even the dumbest person knows that’s suicide. Go home and get some rest, (y/n). We’ll handle this later in the day.”
Giving you some privacy, Tsukauchi excused himself first. Hearing the door latch click, you took your phone out and dialed a number. It only took 3 rings before the other line picked up.
“Well now,” The cheeky voice said. “What can I help you with dove?”
- - - - -
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​ @franko-pop​ @o-dragon05 @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
I hope yall liked this chapter annnd if you want to be tagged feel free to comment :’) your comments make my day and make me happy huhu <3
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cherryblossomstars · 4 years
Happy Birthday (T. Oikawa)
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major haikyuu manga spoilers
finally writing for my haikyuu main lmfao this is way overdue. happy birthday babykawa you deserve everything. i love. man. <3 
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, birthday fic
word count: 1,224
summary: its lonely in argentina, but it gets lonely in california, too.
warnings: uhh there’s like one (1) mention of sex
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It’s lonely in Argentina.
And when your boyfriend packs up his entire life and hops off to another country halfway across the world… It gets lonely in Japan, too. 
The world won’t stop for you and him. It won’t stop for anyone. With the time difference making calls difficult, paying for international plans, the time gaps in between texts all in an effort to keep your relationship alive. And when you finally finish school, maybe you can join him, too. 
And then Iwaizumi came to you one day telling you about going to California and the next thing you knew you had packed up to join him after an opportunity of your own landed in your lap. 
The difference between time zones had somewhat lined up; instead of the 12 hours between Japan and Argentina, it was a mere 4 hours between California and Argentina. Calls became more frequent, being able to wish him good luck before his games, watching his games on TV with Iwaizumi and cheering Oikawa on while you and Iwaizumi ate cup ramen, and then telling Oikawa he did a good job afterwards. 
But it’s not the same. Holidays don’t always line up and plans don’t always follow through, and after a full year of not being able to see him, it felt like your heart would wither away. The gentle touches, the nights laying in bed together and talking about anything and everything couldn’t happen. 
You and Iwaizumi ended up spending Summer break in California, joined by the two idiots Makki and Mattsun. The best part was that they just showed up with their luggage and told the both of you they’d be living with the both of you for the summer. Naturally, they’d be paying for their share of the apartment as well. It was almost a third year reunion.
Everything felt incomplete without Oikawa. No matter how many facetime calls, snaps, or texts were sent it couldn’t fill the empty space in your bed or the lack of another hand entwined in your own.
And so, by the end of June, the boys living in your apartment had had enough of the sobs they would sometimes hear very late at night or would make an appearance every time you all decided to drink. 
Mattsun slammed your door open, marched in with Iwaizumi and Makki following close behind, and slammed an envelope filled with plane tickets in front of you. 
“Happy birthday.” Mattsun declares.
You raise an eyebrow, “It’s not my birthday.”
“Well there’s no holiday during the summer where you give presents and shit is there?” Makki thinks out loud. “Whatever. It’s an early birthday present. But it’s also for us. I guess. Christ, just read the damn tickets.”
You pluck one of the tickets out of the envelope, your eyes lazily scanning the contents, “Standard economy, blah, blah, blah… From John Wayne Airport to…” your eyes widen, “to San Juan? You’re fucking joking. God, please tell me this isn’t a prank or I’ll cry right now-”
“Nope. We’re surprising shittykawa. It’s almost his birthday, after all.” Iwaizumi pointed to your phone. “We’ve all got one week to pack and hopefully he’s free when we land so he can come pick us up. Otherwise, uh, we’ll have to take a bus.”
“You guys are so bad at planning things through.”
Makki pouts, “please just appreciate the gesture.”
A smile graces your face, “I do. Thank you guys.”
“Alright it’s all set, then! The semester starts back up in late August so we’ll be there to piss off Oikawa for a whole month.” Mattsun claps his hands together.
“I’m gonna plaster every ugly photo I have of him all over the city.” Makki proclaims, leading everyone out of your room.
You could finally see him again.
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You think the hardest part about this plan was keeping it a secret from your boyfriend. It took every ounce of self control you had not to just burst at the seams and tell him all about how you could finally see him once again. The night before his birthday, no less.
So when the four of you finally arrived at San Juan after a stop in Buenos Aires, Iwaizumi had let you do the honors of calling Oikawa to see if he was free to pick you up, noticing how you looked like you could explode in sheer excitement. 
A groggy voice answered the phone, “babe? It’s, like, 10 PM. Isn’t it late over there? Is something wrong?
“Uh, no, not really. I was just wondering if you could come pick us up?”
“...Are you drunk right now? Did you call the wrong person? Listen, I’ll hang up and call Iwa for you, just hang tight and-”
You sigh, “I’m not drunk, Tooru. I’m with Mattsun, Makki, and Iwa right now. Ah, actually, I’ll just send you my location. Love you.” You heard him inhale to respond right before you hung up.
Almost immediately after sending him your location and gate number, he called back.
“You’re fucking joking right now. Babe, holy shit, please- oh shit! Ow!” You heard him bump into something amongst all the rustling on his end of the call, “God. I love you so fucking much. I’ll be right there give me a few- fuck!- A few minutes. I love you. Holy shit I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” And with that, the line went dead. 
Mattsun chuckles when he notices your teary eyes.  “Can I assume he’s coming?”
And when he finally does arrive, he’s only able to say a quick hello and give you a peck on the lips so you could all quickly shove your luggage into the car and be on your way.
“You guys know my apartment is definitely not big enough for all of you, right? Iwa and [Name]’s might be, but their place is bigger.” Oikawa states, one hand on the wheel and the other finally being able to hold your hand, rubbing circles onto the base of your thumb. He never wants to let you go.
Not like you want him to let you go in the first place anyway.
Mattsun doesn’t even look at him when he speaks, instead opting to enjoy the view of the drive. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about that. We got an Airbnb nearby so you two can bang like rabbits all you want when you’re alone-”
Iwaizumi hits him, “don’t make me think about that. But we did book the airbnb assuming [Name] would stay with you for the month. Unless…?”
Oikawa can’t help but smile, “a month, huh? But yeah, I want [Name] with me,” he glances at you from the corner of his eye, “unless you don’t want to?”
You shake your head, “no, I do. We need to make up for a whole year, after all.”
“Couldn’t agree more.”
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The clock hits midnight while the both of you are laying in bed together after dropping off Makki, Mattsun, and Iwaizumi at their airbnb. Finally, the empty space you would so often reach out for to hold someone who wasn’t there was filled.
July 20.
“Happy birthday, my love.” You press a kiss onto his lips.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” He holds you even closer, “finally having you here with me is more than anything I could have asked for.”
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mingishoe · 5 years
How they spend Valentine’s Day with you
OT8 x Reader
You and Hongjoong had actually met on Valentine's Day two years ago. Your friend invited you as a plus one to a party and her boyfriend invited Hongjoong as a plus one, so the two of you were third wheeling hard. Throughout the night you and Hongjoong hit it off and he asked for your number while driving you home. The next year, Hongjoong had asked you out on Valentine's Day and this year is your 1 year anniversary. Hongjoong had this reservation at the restaurant for the longest time just to make sure the two of you got in. Hongjoong had bought you a necklace to go along with the dress you’re wearing. He turned you around as he clasped the necklace he placed a kiss on the back of your neck with a small smile, “It’s been a year but I love you like we’ve been married for 50 years.”
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We all know how Seonghwa is a good cook so he decides that he would rather make you a good homemade meal rather than going to an expensive restaurant. He makes your favourite food no matter how hard it might be to do. You can’t cook so you just watch Seonghwa and help him do little things. You really appreciated small things like this, it meant a lot more that Seonghwa wanted to go through all the effort to actually go to the store and buy all the ingredients and then cook all day for you. Seonghwa set up a spot with lights coming down from the ceiling and candles and candies, “Here you go love, just know I have a lot more for you tonight…”
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Yunho loved you more than anything in the world and he felt like there was nothing he could do to show you how much he actually does love you. Yunho had always taken pictures and saved things from your dates like entry tickets, letters you’ve given him, and even that one time you were in a hard core drawing phase and you drew him, even though you knew it was terrible Yunho refused and said he loved it. Yunho made a scrapbook with everything he saved along with pictures of the day and he thought it would be a cute present. Yunho had also made a video edit of his favourite moments he had recorded and let’s just say at the end of the night you were sobbing uncontrollably, “Y-Yunho… This is perfect, I-I can’t even tell you how much I love you…” 
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Yeosang wasn’t known to show his affection too openly and this is the first year he’s had a date for Valentine's Day. It was the day before Valentine's Day and you weren't able to find your phone so you decided to use Yeosang’s phone to call yours. When you opened his phone you saw a google search for “Valentine's Day Ideas” and you almost cried. You knew that Yeosang had a hard time with these things but you were so moved that he was trying his best. On Valentines night the two of you didn’t go out to a fancy restaurant or go see a movie, Yeosang had sent you shopping with his card and when you came back Yeosang had candles, fairy lights, and a homemade dinner for you. The two of you ate and talked and had a good night and Yeosang had made sure to give you your gift. It was a bracelet with the date the two of you started dating. “Y-Yeosang… I- Thank you angel. I love you so much.”
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San being the horny fuck he is decided it was a good opportunity to show you how much he loved you… You had just walked out of your room for a few minutes to use the restroom and when you came back to the lights dimmed and a few vanilla scented candles. You stood shocked in the doorway while you looked at San who was sitting on your bed looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. He gently led you to the bed and got on top of you so softly like he could break you. “I know I don’t always tell you how much I love you, so let me show you right now.”
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Mingi was a little shit and he liked messing with you, even on what was supposed to be a romantic day. Mingi had got the help from a few of the other members to help create a scavenger hunt for you to find your present. Each clue had a cute pun with a small gift to go along with it. This is honestly why you loved Mingi so much, he was so loving and caring and he was so fun to be around. The first clue had a card attached to it that said, “My life without you would be unBEARable” with a stuffed bear. Another one said “I would kiss you all day if I could” with a giant Kiss candy. As you went along your scavenger hunt you couldn’t take the smile off of your face, this probably took Mingi such a long time to come up and go buy all of this stuff. Once you reached the end you started crying, “Life would never be boRING without you” you looked towards Mingi with tears streaming down your face. You obviously knew Mingi wasn’t proposing to you but you couldn’t stop the tears, “It’s a promise ring… so I can love you forever.”
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Wooyoung had no idea what to do for Valentine’s day but he knew how much you loved his voice. Wooyoung didn’t really know how to write or compose a song so he had asked Hongjoong and Mingi for his help. Wooyoung was able to come up with lyrics by himself with Mingi there to help him clean it up a little bit. After Hongjoong helped Wooyoung compose and record the song, all he had to do was wait. It was a few days until Valentine’s Day and he had no idea how he was going to show it to you. He couldn’t just play it all of a sudden while the two of you are talking. He had finally come up with the idea of making you a mixtape. He knew that you would listen to the whole thing no matter how bad the songs were, so he placed his song last. After the whole day of being with you he gave you the disk before you left to go back to your place. You played it in your car and once you got home you weren’t going to get out until all the songs were over. All of a sudden, you heard an unfamiliar song with an even more familiar voice, it was Wooyoung. Tears immediately filled your eyes as you listened to the song Wooyoung wrote. You started your car again before backing out of your parking spot and driving back to Wooyoung. You knocked on the door and as soon as Wooyoung opened it you wrap your arms around him and kissed him like it was the last thing you were going to do, “Woo… That was so beautiful. Thank you so much. I love you.”
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Jongho was the most romantic unromantic guy you’ve ever met. Neither you nor Jongho thought Valentine's Day was such a big deal and prefered to go to the store afterwards to get all the chocolate that was on sale. It was Valentine's Day and you and Jongho are laying down in his bed while everyone is out eating dinner or at the movies. The two of you are watching all your favourite movies while sharing kisses in between the fruits and snacks Jongho had got for you. “Jongho… I know you’re not into cheesy things but… I wouldn’t change this for the world.”
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Love of a Billion Stars *Oikawa Tooru x reader Soulmate au*
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- When you’ve heard of the concept of soulmates at school you were 8, you practically glowed with delight thinking that you probably have one of your own. Probably also thinking that it was ‘very easy’ to ‘feel’ if your soulmate was nearby.
- Lmao you believed that there was some sorta radar of something, or a bell that will go off if your soulmate moved
- *they’re not a dog y/n-chan wtf*
- But boy were you wrong 
- Then came your 16th birthday, the day you were supposed to have your mark that will give you a glimpse of what your soulmate likes in general. And on your 17th birthday, had you still not have found them, another mark will appear on your dominant hand
- You were imagining their symbol to be some sort of representation of who they are as a person, their inspirations in life, their dream career, and all that motivational shit
- To your surprise and demise, you were let down. Not really.. but the mark was very general and vague, and was NOT a symbol/ mark that will motivate you in moving through this life
- bread.
- fucking bread.
- what the fuck. 
- How in the world did you have to pair up your soul with someone who’s life inspiration was fucking bread
- What, did you need to go to France or shit to scavenge hunt your soulmate?
- ....
- no, y/n, you are not gonna think that that’s a good idea.
- no.
- Anyways
- Needless to say, you were quite irritated because how could you find someone that likes bread when literally everyone can like bread?! It’s very vague and looking for a person that has their life encompassed by a singular type of bread *milk bread to be exact* is very difficult considering that almost everyone likes that bread
- Fast forward to the time of your 17th birthday, you woke up with a dash of hope that maybe, JUST MAYBE, this soulmate of yours loves something else that’s more specific than a freaking piece of delicious milk bread.
- Alas you were surprised that this milk bread s/o of yours has their life revolved around volleyball!
- YEY they’re not completely as weird as you’d think they’d be lmao
- But, who were you to judge when you don’t even know what your mark was on them
- Maybe it was weirder than a piece of food
- Maybe it was a cow or dog or a fish 
- *very weird y/n, very weird indeed*
- The next day was a school day and you woke up bright and early, eager to hunt for your soulmate 
- You’re a third year at Seijoh and were quite popular because people thought your mark was  ‘intriguing’ *pfft* 
- anddddd because you’re gorgeous as heck ;]]
- Admirers flocked you, thinking that they might be your soulmate 
- They showed you their mark that was also some kind of pastry and that you guys paired ‘cause they also liked the pastry that was on the pack of your hand
- *you have like a line of milk bread bois at your disposal and it was kind of annoying so you give a different excuse every single time they try to confess to you. Such a player, y/n-chan*
- “l/n-san! I’ve heard that your mark was milk bread and I love that! Look, I have your *insert your favourite pastry* as my mark”
- *you were surprised because it was the first time that someone actually came up to you with your favourite pastry. But you were NOT feeling this dude. 
- C’mon, where’s the zing you were expecting and- and the slow motion eye contact-- thE ROMANCE?! Honestly, you were about to say yes ya’ll were soulmates BUT the gut feeling says that this was not it
- “Uh, sorry.. I’m lactose intolerant”
- *nice excuse y/n-chan, v v convincing*
- Then you just skrrt skrrt away ‘cause you may have a fan base but you were NOT gonna comfort that guy who’s borderline looking that he was gonna cry- nope; in the middle of the hallway, of all places. Gee, theatre boys are different
- In the back of your mind, you thought that the theatre dude was just acting that out in hopes of guilt tripping you. 
- trust issues, m8, trust issues are present because of these thoughts acCKK
- You sighed to yourself and went spy ninja sneak sneak towards the Aoba Johsai VBC, hoping that someone there might be your soulmate
- ‘cause you were v v tired of the self-proclaimed milk bread bois that was your fan club 
- But, you didn’t expect much once you were at the gym because there’s literally thousands of people in the vbc industry that might potentially like milk bread 
- You were thinking of maybe going out of town to hunt for your soulmate but you thought that you were probably gonna get strangled by your parents at how much money you were going to spend for finding a person
- *yes, you were getting desperate because you wanna FINALLY stop at being a third wheel when your friends were with their s/o*
- and maybe because you just want to hog someone else’s sweater and clothes and to do the premarital hand-holding oop
- ...
- You peeked inside the gym doors and was startled when this guy’s serve slammed to their opponent’s court 
- You’ve watched a couple volleyball matches when the second mark appeared to learn your soulmate’s passion. Awee
- And you just know that that killer serve could knock you out
- It was as if the universe was playing some sort of joke to you that his next serve landed out of bounds and rebounded towards your direction
- You shrieked in a banshee-like manner and moved out of the way just in time
- ‘I just saw my life flash before my eyes holy shit. So that’s what it feels like huh’
- While you were lost in your thought for a moment, a tall *and beautiful as fuck* guy went out the door and approached your still shocked form
- “Oh! Didn’t see you there. Sorry about that, my bad”. the tall guy said, rubbing his nape sheepishly, his eyes naturally falling on the hand that you raised up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear
- “Uh.. no! It was on me. ‘cause I was spying- I mean sight seeing-- UH WATCHING you guys play hahaha” *real smooth y/n, v v smooth*
- He promptly reached down for the ball near his feet and you got a glimpse of his dominant hand
- His mark was a star constellation,,, your favourite star constellation and beside that was a symbol of your dream career
- “Hey, quick question... do you like bread?”
- The tall guy looked down at you and grinned his pretty boy grin *damn you is whipped.*
- *your gut feeling was going haywire holy shit*
- “Why of course beautiful stranger! Milk bread to be exact ‘cause my mom bakes it so deliciously”, tall guy said
- You’re heart flipped and skipped a beat-- scratch that, your heart skipped a whole nth of beats that you might as well be dead
- “We have a practice match going on right now, my lovely fan. If you have something to give me, you can still wait until later! Wouldn’t want to be punched by Iwa-chan again..”
- And with that, he turned away to go inside the gym once again
- “Cassiopeia..” you muttered loud enough for him to hear as he passed by you
- “Sorry?”, he stopped in his tracks and turned to you with a shocked look on his face
- “Cassiopeia” you repeated once more, with a shaky voice. “It’s the constellation on your hand, right?”
- Oikawa, with his popularity, had been approached by plenty of his admirers, often claiming that they love astronomy and that they knew what kind of constellation his mark bears
- But when he asked them with his usual flirty voice he perfected to please the people around him, that person stammers and just said a random planet of some sort
- ‘does this look like a planet to you-’ he thought and never had he faked a smile more than when admirers fake their interest in astronomy to get close to him
- While he does admire all the courage and effort they put in confessing to him, he also hates the fact that they give him this silver lining of hope that he finally has someone whom he can connect with emotionally as they both have a piece of each others’ soul
- So when you uttered the correct kind of constellation, he was frozen
- His mind ran miles per second, all of it consisting of ‘what ifs’ and ‘too good to be true’
- Both of you stared at each other, heart’s unknowingly beating as fast as the other
- “Oi Shittykawa, what’s taking you so long-”
- “Iwa-chan, take charge for me will you?”
- “What? Coach’ll get mad you know!”
- “Just sub someone in”
- Iwaizumi stalked closer to you guys and was prepared to beat Oikawa’s ass off but before he could assault his lame best friend,
- “Code star, iwa-chan.”
- The buff ace froze in his actions and promptly nodded silently and closed the gym doors
- The bestfriends talked before about what they’d do if they found their respective soulmates. Iwaizumi proclaimed that it was rather childish of Oikawa to have a ‘secret code’  just because his nerdy best friend believed that the aliens might take away his soulmate once they finally find them 
- Though oddly enough, the shorter male agreed to this *pfftt*
- Finally alone, never once had you both took your eyes away from each other.
- “Uh- are you- are we?” You gestured to the two of you
- “I- I think so??” Oikawa flushed, he was NOT used to being all blushy around people, esp since he has a large fanbase
- Ya’ll were awkward as shit lmao, its adorable
- “... You want some milk bread at the convenience store nearby?” 
- You yelled at yourself internally, ‘WTF BRAIN?! COULD”VE BEEN A COFFEE IN A COFFEE SHOP JFC I am overheating sm’
- He gave you one of the softest smiles he himself never thought he could unintentionally do
- “I’d love that!”
39 notes · View notes
We know that tianshan will be together in the future. but in your opinion, at what moment will either MGS or HT will realize they are in love. and now in middle school, do they like each other romantically even a little? Thank you in advance!
Good afternoon, dear anon-san!
Your question was probably the hardest one I’ve gotten so far. This is my third time starting my answer to this. Outlining this turned out to be quite a nut to crack because I don’t think there is a simple answer to your question. Tianshan is a continuum, so pinpointing or giving amounts of feelings is rather difficult. After scratching everything I had written the second time, I decided to take the long route and outline how I see the arch of Tianshan. Hopefully, that will show how hard I found your question.
In another ask, I divided Zhanyi’s story into segments, and I will be doing something similar to Tianshan. I went through the comic and in my eyes, there were some turning points that mark how their relationship has developed. I’ll be using these to give some structure to my answer.
TL;DR: I think HT has already come to the conclusion that he’s romantically interested in MGS. But he hasn’t found a comfortable way of expressing that quite yet despite expressing quite a lot of affection and dedication. MGS, on the other hand, is much trickier. I don’t think he’s in love with HT yet or even likes him in a romantic sense but he’s started to care about him. And even more importantly, he’s started to let HT have an effect on him and letting go of his need for control. Is he in love with HT in the future chapters? I think we’d need to know more to say for sure…
“You’ll answer to me from now on”
From the beginning, they were two forces colliding. MGS was distrustful and full of resentful sneering (ch. 138, 150, 155):
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HT no doubt reminded MGS of SL, and he had learned not to trust rich guys like him the hard way. They were fake, cunning, and dangerous, merely looking for ways to take advantage of people less fortunate than them. They thought they could own MGS and look down on him.
For the most part, HT let MGS spit accusations in his face. The fact that MGS despised people like HT and thought they were scum, only showed his set of values. He was someone HT could respect for thinking like that. He saw himself in “fake”, “sinister” and “dangerous”, but they were also things he was looking to change about himself.
But when MGS went too far, HT was quick to dominate MGS and show which one of them was the boss (ch. 130, 138, 144, 150):
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HT’s tone with MGS was rather different from what it is these days. MGS was allowed to diss HT’s kind of people but he wasn’t allowed to talk back. HT gave direct orders that were not to be ignored, threatened MGS, and often made MGS submit by physical force. This kind of behavior is often seen as abusive among the readers. HT made clear there was a power imbalance between them and his word was the law.
However, I think the way HT took control also created a sense of safety and security. In a similar way than parents set rules and limits to their kids, so there is safety and structure in their life. Another anon once proposed that HT was a father figure to MGS in that sense, and I would agree with the anon up to a point. By showing strength, HT showed MGS that he was someone who could be trusted and relied on. He could take the reins and MGS can follow him instead of trying to fight by himself. By taking control - albeit forcefully - HT said “it’s okay, let me worry about things”. Because MGS’s behavior ultimately stems from his distrust of people. Over the years, his defense had grown high and strong, and HT needed to be forceful to get through to him. MGS’s life was heading in a dangerous direction that could ruin his future, but MGS himself had kind of accepted his faith. HT needed to turn it around for him and decided he wouldn’t be using kid gloves.
And the thing is, MGS wasn’t exactly difficult to make submit. He might have cursed and spat when HT ordered him around, but it didn’t take that much from HT to make him listen. MGS’s delinquent act was very convincing and did scare off a lot of people - as it was meant to do. But when HT got that dark look in his eyes and grabbed MGS’s shirt, it didn’t take long for MGS to surrender. I think the same applies to MGS’s relationship with SL and Buzzcut. MGS is scared of SL but is respected and somewhat feared by Buzzcut (when MGS gets angry).
I wouldn’t say this first “phase” of Tianshan had any romantic feelings involved. I don’t think Tianshan was love at first sight. HT got interested in MGS for his own selfish reasons, and MGS’s resistance to him was much deeper and darker than what it is these days. It wasn’t about a tsundere just being a tsundere but rather about distrust and MGS not even wanting to know if he was in the right doing so.
After that, though, it gets more complicated and difficult to tell one feeling apart from another.
“Don’t try to shoulder everything by yourself”
This is when HT’s project “Outstanding Person” kicks off in earnest, and he continues using the carrot and the stick with MGS (ch. 160, 180):
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One of the goals is to “hone down” MGS’s personality. And HT is pretty damn perfect for the job. In a way, he’s the “safest” person for it. On one hand, he has the strength to put MGS in his place when he’s acting out and the resources to keep him out of trouble by directing his focus on things that will benefit him. On the other hand, he’s also someone who won’t turn his back on MGS or get scared of him. He doesn’t believe MGS is a villain and won’t allow MGS to push him away by cursing and punching.
HT also doesn’t shy away from being harsh with MGS (ch. 150, 174):
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As much as HT agrees that MGS has been wronged and unfairly made the villain by others, he doesn’t stand for giving up or “woe is me” attitude. MGS has had a difficult life in many ways, but it’s up to him to move forward. Clinging to the hurt and resentment is the easy way but it also affects his future when he accepts that kind of role. The unfair truth is, the world won’t apologize to MGS, so he might as well make something out of himself instead of spinning his wheels. And HT is there to help him with that attitude adjustment.
MGS started to realize he wasn’t alone when the gang helped him sort out the assault case. HT showed that all the strength he had - and there was a lot of it - was on MGS’s side and he should rely on HT (ch. 183, 185, 188):
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For the first time, MGS saw HT as someone who wouldn’t use his power to take advantage of him. Perhaps HT was someone who was ready to fight for him, and - even more importantly - thought MGS was someone worth fighting for. The sense of relief and security when realizing you’re not alone anymore is one powerful feeling. And I think MGS came to see the first glimpses of that in his relationship with HT.
The ferocity with which HT stood up to SL has always made me think that maybe it was already about something deeper for him. Maybe it was about something else too rather than just making MGS into an outstanding person and HT trying to use his strength for good. Was his interest in MGS getting deeper than a pet project? Either way, I think it was the beginning of HT’s very personal war against SL and how much MGS’s connection to SL bothered HT.
In this “phase”, we also started to notice a change in how HT acted around MGS (ch. 155, 160, 173):
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He went from threats and orders to mischevious grins and finding MGS’s feisty personality rather amusing. He started to tease MGS and grew devil horns and a tail to fit this new hobby of his. At the same time, MGS’s countless “fuck offs” and “scrams” started to lose their edge and became more comical when they were soundly ignored by smiling HT.
If I had to pinpoint when HT started having the first inklings of romantic interest in MGS, I would say it’s somewhere around this phase. There were two moments that make me think so. Firstly, perhaps the one that has confused the readers the most (ch. 160):
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It was later revealed that he was lying, even though I have somewhat mixed feelings about the note MGS discovered. Personally, I read it as HT being conflicted about his own budding feelings towards MGS. Especially if he was lying about them as it said in the note. What he said went kind of against how he was often behaving around MGS. Perhaps this was the first time he was having feelings for another guy and needed a moment to figure things out for himself. Either way, I think it showed things were changing.
Another moment that might suggest other interests were starting to get involved was when HT was rather intimate while trying to intimidate MGS and got “sidetracked” (ch. 170):
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To me, HT touching MGS’s lips like is an interesting, titillating dance between scary and sexy which I think is a pretty fitting tune for Tianshan even in the future. There’s always a sense of danger in HT, and I imagine he can get pretty intense in a sexual way. I think that caressing of lips can at least be read as a sign about which direction the tension between HT and MGS was going to head. Also, I know the groping was meant to be comedic relief and this kind of behavior isn’t new to HT, but still…I’d say it’s a weird thing to be distracted by if you have zero such interest in someone.
In addition to that, the comic also started to point out how innocent and inexperienced MGS was when it came to love and romance (ch. 160, 170, 174, 186):
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He was grossed out and often lashed out in a fit of embarrassment. And of course, HT found this endlessly amusing and interesting and teased him about it even more.
However, it was their infamous first kiss that truly showed him he couldn’t be too careless with MGS (ch. 174, 175):
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Even though I said earlier that I think this phase was when HT was starting to get romantically interested in MGS, I don’t think that kiss was about love or like or romance. He was simply teasing MGS, and it went quite epically wrong. He misjudged how seriously MGS would take it and massively overstepped the line. He seemed genuinely surprised by MGS’s violent reaction and how upset he was. As unfortunate as that was, it at least served as a learning experience. HT needed to have a serious mind and heart if he was looking to approach such matters with MGS.
I also think the kiss was a catalyst for something in MGS’s mind (ch. 177):
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After calming down, he seemed dazed and confused, a bit out of it. I’m sure he was still upset but also something else. It doesn’t necessarily have to have anything to do with HT precisely, but despite everything, I believe it was MGS’s first kiss. That ought to make your head spin a little. After that, he started to become increasingly conscious of HT which moves us on to the next “phase”.
“I’m so bothered by you…”
This is when I think HT was starting to court MGS more seriously as if he had made up his mind. Although, his affections are still layered with other feelings: being guarded and not wanting to show his darkness, not quite having the courage to be openly serious about his feelings and masking them as teasing, fear of abandonment and the possessiveness that comes with it.
But I would definitely say his feelings for MGS are deepening. The different ways he looks at MGS alone are a good example fo that (ch. 210, 216, 263, 282, 296, 297, 205):
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Admiration and respect. Possessive and anxious. Vulnerable and affectionate. Sometimes it’s as if MGS takes HT by surprise and he can’t help but halt to look at him. Other times HT can’t contain whatever he’s feelings - hide it behind his mask - and lets it show on his face, perhaps without even realizing it. I think all these different looks and expressions tell how many feelings MGS has evoked in HT who set out as a solitary savior with a strong mask to hide behind. HT has gotten more and more comfortable around MGS and trusted him to see more sides of himself.
Another thing that caught my eye was the increase in casual physical contact between HT and MGS (ch. 203, 205, 220, 221, 223, 237, 261, 280, 310):
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HT seemed to be touching MGS whenever he could: hand over his shoulders, tussling his hair, grabbing his hand or just messing with him in general. And often he wanted to keep MGS bodily close - which in MGS’s case, also required physical contact since he isn’t too fond of HT touching him. Besides teasing and affection, the touching could also be comforting and protective.
Soon, both HT’s teasing and touching also started to become more and more suggestive (ch. 190, 202, 236, 261, 269, 280, 284, 288, 289, 290, 306, 311):
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HT seems to enjoy teasing MGS and amused by the embarrassed reactions he manages to draw out of him. He likes to watch MGS blush and squirm. But what’s interesting about this is that HT is paying more mind to the invisible limits. MGS is still reluctant to the affection, but HT is taking his time, sneaking a glimpse of MGS’s ass here and a peck on the cheek there. He also seems to enjoy putting MGS in compromising positions and feigning innocence.
In return, MGS has become increasingly conscious of HT and bothered by him (ch. 214, 216, 222, 264, 268, 270, 273, 277, 284, 285, 298, 305):
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HT’s close presence makes MGS nervous and conscious in a different way than in the beginning. He sweats, blushes, and overcompensates for his nervous energy and embarrassment by lashing out. And god forbid, someone implies that maybe - just maybe - someone or something is bothering MGS. He will rain Hellfire upon anyone suggesting such things, especially if they hint that HT might be the cause.
Of course, MGS’s “don’t tell me what to do” attitude hasn’t disappeared (ch. 200, 277):
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And it never will go away. And HT never wants it to go away. MGS being someone who stands up to HT is something HT very much admires about him. Not to mention, what their relationship absolutely requires in order to work. This type of resisting is what’s in MGS’s nature, it’s out of pride. In the beginning, MGS resisted because he was suspicious of HT and despised him because he thought HT telling him what to do was him trying to take advantage.
But of course, it’s not like HT is letting MGS run his mouth as he likes or disobey him when it matters (ch. 210, 222, 287):
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The power dynamic has leveled out but there are still times when HT lets MGS know, in no uncertain terms, when he’s crossed some line or needs to listen to HT. The unwritten rule remains that when HT is helping MGS, he’s not allowed to ignore HT. Also, HT seems quite sensitive to MGS talking about HT in the context of his family. He doesn’t want to be compared to them or MGS to think he’s one of them.
In addition to all the feistiness, MGS is also showing his duality as a tsundere (ch. 234, 236, 243, 246, 254, 255, 259, 309):
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He curses and struggles against HT - and I don’t doubt he is annoyed by him - but also shows concern when HT is not around or is hurt. And that’s the thing about MGS. He will keep telling HT to fuck off and scram and “are we supposed to be familiar” but at the same time, if something happens he gets worried. He shows concern while averting his eyes, acting nonchalant, and griping his pants so he won’t reach out. He won’t try on the earrings - the ones he specifically asked HT to get him - in front of him but would rather escape to the privacy of the bathroom. 
I would say this phase that we’re reading at the moment comes down to MGS being “bothered” by HT. In other words, HT is affecting him and it threatens MGS’s sense of control over himself. HT is persistently getting closer and closer, and MGS finds himself more and more affected by him. I don’t think MGS has fallen in love with HT yet or even romantically likes him, but he is doing something that is similar to those feelings: giving up control. And I think MGS asking for the earrings was a major sign of that. To him, it was a big deal and something fundamental.
About their future
When will MGS realize his feelings for HT? Is he crushing on HT in the Christmas and hot springs specials that take place in the future? My Tianshan heart wants to say “YES!”, but my more objective mind wants to remain cautious. I don��t think we know enough about the future to say anything for sure just based on the special chapters.
What we do know, however, we know for sure (ch. 224, 230):
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The black studs are very much present in both future-related specials. Even if they don’t necessarily see each other that often due to HT’s traveling or just not being around, MGS is still wearing them. Let me say it again: MGS got them when he was in middle school and he is still wearing them when he’s at college (?) age. If that’s anything to go by, I’d give in a little to my Tianshan heart and say MGS has gotten further with his feelings for HT. (And I suppose it’s worth mentioning they seem physically more intimate in the specials, but then again, that might be just HT pushing it.)
The thing about Tianshan is that I’m not sure if MGS would ever confess his feelings out loud or even admit them to himself. He might just…let them be there. To me, Tianshan is the kind of relationship that they just let things develop without making explicit confessions or declarations. Even in the future, their relationship won’t probably have a specific category or term for it. They just are without necessarily needing to make it official. They just care about each other and let the other care about them. It’s about HT showing up and MGS sharing the bed with him. In MGS’s case especially, his love is in the gestures and actions rather than words. But at the same time, they’re both well aware of how much whatever they have means to them.
…Or I’m just too wrapped up in my own personal Tianshan aesthetics again.
For sure, I could’ve given a shorter answer but whenever I tried that I always felt like I needed to give more context. So…sorry, it’s a bit long. Again. And I don’t know if I even managed to give a proper answer, dear anon-san. Hopefully something satisfying enough. Thank you for your question!
503 notes · View notes
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pairing/s: Oikawa x reader genre: fluff and angst word count: 2.8k words synopsis: you assumed that your classmate, Oikawa , is gay and is dating his childhood friend, Iwaizumi. However, you heard a rumour about Iwaizumi having a girlfriend, so you approaches Oikawa to comfort him. Meanwhile, Oikawa took this situation as an oppurtunity to get close to you and offered you to be his “fake girlfriend”.
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Oikawa remained dumbfounded as he walk on the way home. He can’t seem to process what you havr just stated to him earlier. He wants to explain it to you that he is not actually dating Iwaizumi, that they’re just bestfriends but as he thinks of the situation, he couldn’t help but use this as an opportunity to get close to you. 
Oikawa has been liking you since the second year of highschool. During your first year, he hadn’t notice that much because of your quietness but you caught his attention in your second year because mostly of your teachers paired you together, since you are his seatmate. You have caught his attention when you didn’t give any reaction as he tried to flirt with you. You only gave him a cringe look and told him to stop which made him chuckled with embarrassment. 
He finds it amusing when you bluntly give some comments on how cringey he was when flirted with you. He finds you charming when you joke around with your friends. He finds your face attractive when you’re too focus on trying to solve the brain draining math problems. He finds comfort when he is around you because you don’t give him some special treatment like what other girls do. He once compares you to Iwaizumi because of how stubborn yet caring you are to the people around you. 
Even so, Oikawa have an outgoing personality and can instantly have girls fall with his charms, he can’t make a move to you. He wants to be close with you in and out side of the school. He one time tried to invite you watch his matches by teasing you that you should watch his match and stop lazying around. But you just only took as a joke and turned the offer down. 
He wondered how dense you could be to took it as a small hint of him having an interest to you. Yet, when he remembers what happened earlier, your assumptions about him and Iwaizumi, he can’t help but chuckle and think that no one could ever beat your denseness. You’re the dumbest person he have ever known, dumber than him. 
Oikawa is in his room, laying on his bed, thinking about the event earlier. He know that the thing he will do would lead to a bad consequence but for him this is the only resort he could do for him to get closer to you. 
Oikawa let out a sigh and closes his eyes as he knew that the following days will be now different.
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Two months went by you and Oikawa gotten more closer. After that day of encounterment, you had seen Oikawa and Iwaizumi walking to school together, so you had assumed that they made up already. You remain silent about his and Iwaizumi’s “relationship” and acted like nothing happened.
You and Oikawa interact more outside of the school, he sometimes walks with you after class when Iwaizumi will not walk him. The two of you sometimes eat your lunch together, and acts like a “third wheel” when he is with Iwaizumi.
However, for these past few days, you noticed that you and Oikawa are more often together. He even started walking with you on your way to school. You rarely see him with Iwaizumi earlier this week. You have asked him, if he and Iwaizumi gotten in to an argument again but he denied it.
It’s already in the middle of the day, you’re in the cafeteria to buy your lunch. Oikawa is with his 3rd year teammates, Matsukawa and Hanamaki. As you stand in the line and wait for your turn to buy your food, a group of 3 girls catches your attention. You’re not the type of person who eavesdrop to other people’s conversation but these girls’ conversation have caught your attention.
“Did you saw Iwaizumi-san earlier?” the girl with glasses started to converse with her 2 friends. Her face shows shockingness and disbelief as she converse with her friends.
“Yeah! I saw him enter the school grounds with a girl”
“They said that girl is his girlfriend” your ears flapped when you hear one of the girl told it to her friends.
‘his girlfriend?’
‘Is Iwaizumi cheating on Oikawa?’
‘or did they broke up’
You tilted your head trying to convince yourself that your thoughts are wrong. For the whole lunch time, this is only what you think about. You tried to convince yourself that it’s not true but also took a note that you will ask Oikawa about this.
However, on your way back to your classroom, you saw someone unexpected.
You saw the dark spiked-up hair boy with a his rumored girlfriend in the hallway and it seems like they’ve been standing outside of their classroom for a while now. The two were standing side by side as they talk and hold each other’s hand. Sadly for you, even though you don’t want to be seen by these two, you need to walk pass them in order to get into your classroom. 
You let out a sigh before walking pass through as fast as possible and with your head down hoping that your hair would do their job in covering your face. And with your luck, the two didn’t noticed you as they’re too occupied with each other. 
As you entered the classroom, you walk straight to your desk. You are too intrigued with have you seen in the hallway. You didn’t even noticed the brown headed boy sitting beside you was actually observing as you as soon as you entered your classroom. 
Even the afternoon class has resumed, Oikawa was quick to notice that something is bothering you. And he has been stealing short glances from you. He wants to know what have you been thinking that keeps you distracted and not to pay attention to class. He is curious what happened to you during lunch time because you’re not acting like that before lunch. So, he is sure that something happened during lunch and he wants to know what is that. 
For the whole afternoon class, your mind was intrigued with Iwaizumi and his rumored girlfriend. You can’t help but to think what happened between him and Oikawa, have the broken up? did Oikawa knew about this. A lot of questions is actually running in your mind right now and you’ve been itching to ask this to your friend. 
When the teacher of your last subject dismisses your class, you tidy up your desk and your classmates leave the room one by one, some even bid you goodbye before they left. Meanwhile Oikawa slung his bag, and waited for you to get ready leaving the classroom. 
“y/n, let’s walk home together” he said as the two head out the classroom. 
“Don’t you have any practice?” you asked him quietly.
“Nope we don’t, it’s our rest day” he answered which made you nod and let out a tight smile. The two of you walked out the school quietly, none of you talked making Oikawa feel a little bit awkward. 
“Do you want to stop at the convience store, buy some snacks then lets eat it at the park near our house?” Oikawa broke the slightly awkward silence when the store appeared in his sight. 
You gave him a side glance then look straight again and let out a quiet “sure”
The two of you arrived the convenience store and the two of you part ways. You went straight to the cooler full of different flavors of milk but you took your 2 banana milk, only for you, you then went to aisle full of chips and crackers, you picked one potato chips. After picking your snack, you headed to the counter where you saw Oikawa paying already for his 2 protein bar and a bottle of water. 
“Give me that, y/n, I’ll pay for it” Oikawa said then took your drinks and snack you chose and gives it to the cashier. You can’t do anything or insist in paying because the cashier punched it already and Oikawa immediately paid for it. 
After paying the two of headed to the park near your houses and eat your snacks there. The two of you sat on one of the picnic table in the park and eat silently. 
None of you talked, the two of you busied yourselves in munching your snacks . However, Oikawa steal glances to you from time to time, feeling concerned and curious to what happened to you earlier. Meanwhile, you, who’s too occupied with your thoughts and busy slurping your banana milk, didn’t notice how the brown headed guy glances to you. 
Oikawa continued to observe you in silent for a while, until he reach the point he can’t do it anymore and feel frustrated. Oikawa swallowed his last bite of protein before he even call your name to get your attention. 
“y/n, are you okay> you’ve been awfully quiet since after lunch” he brought out his concern which catches your attention. You looked at him then look back down to your banana milk as you took as sip again. You stayed like that for seconds before asking him the questions that have been bothering you. 
“Are you and Iwaizumi-san still in a relationship?” You straightforwardly asked the man seating that is sitting in front of you. Oikawa was surprised as he doesn’t expect that question to be asked by you. Does this question is the reason why you look so bothered since earlier. Have you found out the truth that he and Iwaizumi are not really in the relationship in the first place.
Oikawa was flabbergasted, his brain is not working properly, it feels like there’s a chaos happening inside his brain and his heart is pounding fast and loud out of nervousness. Should he tell you the truth or act denial? What if you ended your friendship with him? would you feel disgusted for faking his sexuality to you? Of course you would, who would not feel disgusted when a person made you look like stupid and dumb. 
Oikawa collected himself and let out a sigh. His hands started fidgeting as soon he opened his mouth to start talking. But before he say a word, you started talking again. 
“I saw Iwaizumi holding a girl’s hand in the hallway on my way back to the classroom and this bother me because I don’t know if he is cheating on you or the two of you had broken up” you explained to him, looking down to your empty banana milk carton. Oikawa slowly relaxes when he hard your explanation. He knows that he should not feel relax but he actually is, it feels like the oxygen can enter his lungs freely again. 
“Y/n-san” Oikawa gently calls your name which makes you look up to him. He stares in to your eyes and he could see how innocent you are. You are too dense and naive, how come you couldn’t maybe think that he is faking everything. He knows what would be doing is wrong and would backlash to him someday but for this time he would be selfish about him. 
“Iwaizumi and I broken up for almost 2 months” He said as he look down to his hands You looked at him with surprise because you didn’t expect him to say that. 
“B-but it feels you told before that both of you are okay” you stuttered feeling surprised with his news. 
“The two of us caught in to fight again that time then he broke up with me” he explained to you. You looked at the boy who’s sitting in front of you then reached out your hand to hold his hand and give it a squeeze. Oikawa felt the warmth of your hand that made him look at you.
“It’s okay, Oikawa-san, I’m here for you” you comforted him and gave him a sincere smile.A sudden pang was felt in Oikawa’s heart, he felt guilty and sorry for lying to you, especially seeing how sincere you are. Oikawa smiled back then looked back to your hand that is still holding his. 
The two of you didn’t stay that longer in the park and started walking together to your house. The walk with Oikawa is more comfortable compared earlier, both of you walk in silence and sometimes the two of you talked. You also feel better now as your question running in your mind already got an answer. However, there’s one question came in to your mind. 
if Oikawa and Iwaizumi have broken up for almost 2 months, when did he met the girl? When did they started dating and how can Iwaizumi moved on so fast. Did he not know about the 3 months rule?
Your brows furrowed as you think of it and Oikawa was quick to notice the change of your expression. 
“What are you thinking, y/n-san?” He asked as he gave you a side look and made you raised your brows and looked at him. You bit lips, thinking if you should ask it to him or not, but in the end you decided to ask it to him. 
“When did Iwaizumi started dating the other girl?” You asked him carefully. Oikawa was a little bit stunned with your question but quickly collected himself. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer it though” you added since you don’t want to push him to tell it to you.
“About 2 weeks ago, I think” he answered, unsure if that’s correct. You are little bit shock when he knew about that.
“Really? Did he tell you that he started dating again?” You asked him and he nodded as an affirmation which made you gasped.
“What? he told you?! that’s kinda rude to him” you commented which made Oikawa chuckled. He find it really cute when you show big reactions, the way your eyes widened or your mouth gaped, he can’t help but let out a chuckle when he sees it. 
“It’s fine, y/n. we’re still friends” He said, trying to shake it off. 
“Still though! he should at least follow the 3 months rule” You stated feeling a little bit scornful toward Iwaizumi. 
“It’s okay, y/n-san I promise” he once again said.
“I bet that girl is just a rebound” you blurted making Oikawa gasped and stopped from walking. 
“That’s rude” he commented as you faced him and shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s just as rude as on how he asked you if he could date again, even though the two of you downgraded your relationship in to friends, it’s still disrespectful for your side” you told him as you crossed your arms. The two of remained silent for a second before you let out a sigh and uncrossed your arms. 
“You love Iwaizumi right?” you asked making the boy low key cringe from your question. He nodded his head slowly to answer your question. You let out a smirk and this smirk starts to make Oikawa feel anxious. 
“But I don’t want him back” he immediately blurted it out, in case of you thinking he want Iwaizumi back.
“Oh don’t worry we will not win him back to you” You affirmed the smirk is still plastered on your face. 
“Then what?” he asked with confusion evidence on his face. 
“The plan is to make him regret for breaking up with you” you stated like that’s greatest plan you ever said but the truth is that’s kind of stupid. 
“And how can we do that?” Oikawa doubtfully asked, he can sense a bad feeling about your plan though. You just gave him a sweet but also creepy smile as you link you arm to his which made him flinch. 
“Let’s discuss this in my house” you said then started to walk again which made the boy stumble a little. 
“In your house? would it be okay with your parents?” He stuttered and now the boy is really nervous. This is the first time he sees you to look and sounds crazy. 
“My parents is not home, they’ll be arriving tomorrow so no need to worry” you explained which made Oikawa not only to feel more nervous but also flustered. You invited him to your house and told him  your parents aren’t home, although for you it’s fine because you think he is gay but for him it’s not. Because he has actual feelings for you and you’re bringing a boy to your house. Your neighbors can see you and tell it to your parents. 
Oikawa didn’t say anything after that he just let you drag him all the way to your house, so that you could tell him your ‘oh so amazing’ plan to make Iwaizumi regret in breaking up with him.
@guzmagirl​​ @todorokiwifebribeez @svtbitch @daicasteri @sakuzaddy @impromptuxprompts @domtamaki @aristatrois @applepienation @pantasticalcat @arisu003​​
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<sora’s memo>: I am very sorry for the very long delay.。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。. my laptop got broken and had a hard time using my tablet and mobile to type this chapter (╥﹏╥). nevertheless, I got use our old laptop, like old old, older than my laptop that got broken lmao. anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and my goal is to finish this story by the 1st week of september so yeah. have a great day sunshines~~ always remember to stay safe and take my sunshines~  ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu.
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 11 Review/Remix
Not the most action packed chapter we’ve ever had, and certainly not as dramatic as Chapter 11s from past Volumes. But this week had some wonderful surprises and existential dread and depression in equal measure and I think that’s a formula for a pretty damn good watch.
Despite the devastating energy bomb Oscar delivered last episode, we open with the city of Atlas overrun with tons of Grimm. The people are still hiding in the subway, fearing for their lives twice over now that Ironwood’s monologue is playing and showing just how off his rocker he is. Those in the crater mines take it far worse, though we see some of the humans and faunus who had previously seemed on edge with each other holding one another in solidarity and comfort. Fiona breaks down in tears and is pulled into a Happy Huntress group hug by Joanna and May, so it’s a small comfort to see they’re all still alive.
Ironwood and Winter walk the halls of Atlas command together, and Winter can’t help but notice the fearful reverence the general’s presence instills in lesser officers. The Ace Ops are talking things over in the wake of their boss’ ultimatum, and Elm is of the belief that Ironwood was just bluffing about nuking Mantle if he doesn’t get what he wants. Vine agrees it may very well be the kick in the pants Team RWBY and the others will need to finally see the right path, but we the audience are getting pretty sick of hearing this shtick. Marrow thinks Ironwood is taking this too far, and Harriet is just angrily indifferent about the whole thing. Ironwood rounds the corner and addresses the squad with their new orders: get some drones ready to drop the bomb. Winter asks why exactly they need to actually make those kind of preparations, and he makes it clear that he really does intend to remove Mantle from the equation if he is prompted to. He actually thinks committing this massacre, nay genocide, will make Penny more willing to return to his command if she no longer has an alternative job. No, dumbass, she’ll only want to defy and even kill you more! This is how he believes they will save Atlas, but Marrow has had more than enough and calls him on his shit for a line like that. All this is doing is helping Salem in her mission to divide and destroy the world, and it’s spitting in the face of everything Marrow thought the Atlas military stood for. Harriet threatens to clean his clock if he doesn’t shut up, and Vine again suggests that this would be a necessary sacrifice for the good of the Kingdom. Elm tries to agree, to say that this should be their top priority whether they like it or not, but Marrow has more to say. He can’t believe any of them actually buy the nonsense they’re spouting, and wants to know if there’s anything his teammates actually believe in anymore. With so many moral compromises, where do they draw the line of patriotism vs fascism? The faunus man gives a pretty good clincher to his tirade by calling his badge and rank nothing more than a collar. Say what you want about the writing of the faunus discrimination subplots in the prior volumes, I think this was pretty good. Ironwood isn’t about to let Marrow walk away from a rant like that without consequences and we can hear his cocking his gun. Marrow hears it too, but before he can react Winter comes in from his right with a sucker punch that knocks him to the floor. As she drops a knee on Marrow’s back to cuff him for insubordination we see Ironwood was a second away from shooting this man, one of his few trusted elite soldiers left, in the back of the head for an execution without mercy or hesitation. She just saved his goddamn life and that makes her an MVP for this Volume. The other Ace Ops realize this close encounter with death too, and they all share the same expression of shock fear dread and confusion. Not even Vine can hide how much he doesn’t like what could have just occurred. Winter says she’s going to take this “traitor” to the brig where he belongs and Ironwood allows her to leave and do so, only taking his finger off the trigger once they’ve walked past him. Those with a better understanding of trigger discipline than I could probably make something poignant out of that, so have at it if you can. What is abundantly clear to us is that Winter will be taking Marrow no such place. She has absolutely had enough and she’s about to desert with him in tow. The remaining three have to get back in line and spend a little time rethinking their positions on this job. Well, at least one of them will be, I don’t think Harriet is gonna change course after what she’s already done.
From one tense situation to another, we go to the Schnee manor dining room where Team RWBY are trying to figure out their next moves with Oscar and Emerald. They know they don’t want Ironwood getting his hands on Penny, but they don’t know what to do instead that won’t result in mass casualties. They don’t know that Robyn and Qrow have flown the coop and might come to their aid soon, and under Ironwood’s watch there’s no way to try and evacuate the people in the crater before he drops the bomb. It’s a real bad situation with no clear solutions or backup plans. Emerald can’t help but be snarky and say if the perpetual optimism engine that is Ruby can’t think of what to do then there’s no right answer at all. Weiss is annoyed that Em is giving them sass when they really don’t need any, but Yang is downright furious and her to GTFO if she doesn’t like trying to help them solve this. Emerald tenses up when Yang stomps towards her with clenched fists, and her hands go to her weapons in case she needs to defend herself. We know Yang wouldn’t actually throw a punch even if she’s mad like this, but Em doesn’t. Probably because the most substantial thing connecting the two of them was the time Emerald used her semblance to make Yang look like a heartless brute who would break a leg for no reason on live TV. Also Emerald doesn’t have the best role models for how to handle frustration... Oscar continues to insist they all just take a deep breath and remember the big picture rather than lose it over small disagreements, and reminds them that Em is going to be staying on their side cuz Salem won’t let her safely be anywhere else. But when he tries to reassure the group with a reminder that Oz is back to offer help too it just tenses the situation further. Ruby’s got her head in her arms on the table, and she’s really having a hard time of it all. Oscar muses about all the negative personal energies keeping them from a productive cohesion, and Ruby pops off. A day’s worth of their best efforts, hard fought battles and painful consequences, and nothing has gotten better. Just like at the start of the Volume, all they’ve been able to do is argue over what to try and do while Atlas heads towards its demise. Yang tries to put an encouraging hand on her shoulder but she brushes it off and runs out of the room in a huff. Everyone silently realizes how much they’ve fucked this up if Ruby is so hopeless and desperate, and Yang follows her sister out of the room.
Upstairs, Jaune is doing his best to boost Nora’s Aura and help her heal faster, but it’s not doing anything about her lightning scars. Those babies are here to stay, and I don’t mind it. It shows history, survival and a damn good story about what she’s been able to power through. Ren is sitting at the foot of the bed, and the best he’s able to offer is how glad he is Nora is okay. She seems indifferent and even passive aggressive at the diagnosis on her scars, claiming it’s just another example of her being classic dumb Nora. Ren tries to object that this wasn’t her being stupid or foolhardy, but she bites back at him with all the resentment she seems to have been holding in since they split ways yesterday. He’s got no right to say what it was or wasn’t, he wasn’t there to see it. He pushed away from her when things went wrong because he didn’t want to have to feel anything he thought would be too hard to deal with. Ren makes no effort to argue, he knows she’s right and he apologizes profusely for how he wronged both her and Jaune. He regrets the things he said to them, or more likely the things he said to Jaune out on the tundra since he and Nora haven’t exactly talked much. He admits he’s been mad at himself for not measuring up to their mentor figures in the Ace Ops, for how little he could help when Tyrian came a’ slashing at Robyn’s election rally, and for slipping up and letting Neo get away with the Lamp. Mentioning the rally of course gets Nora’s attention away from her pissed off brooding, and she does start to listen a little more sympathetically. Ren says that he tried to tunnel vision on getting stronger in the hopes it would mean he wouldn’t fail again and bring the team down with him. We know from Ironwood how bad tunnel vision is, so I’m glad Ren is realizing it was a bad choice. Ren has realized now that by doing all that he failed the worst of all, that being in his role as a member of this team and as a partner to Nora. The two of them lock eyes, and Jaune notices the deeper meaning behind this prolonged eye contact and knows he should make himself scarce for now so they can have this more important conversation sans his third wheeling ass. Good boy, but a bit over the top excusing himself.
All Nora can find the words to ask is why Ren hadn’t said anything about these personal doubts sooner so they could try and deal with it and grow as a team, and he says he wanted to try and solve it himself because it was his problem and he was the one dragging the group down because of it. She disagrees on the grounds of her own perceived failings, being silly of mind and strong of muscle and little else of value. Ren won’t hear that kind of self depreciation sitting down, so he moves further up the bed to sit by her lap. He tries his best to give her affirmations by rephrasing her qualities as great things but she’s just not willing to hear it... until he gets a little more passionate about it than he may have meant to. These are the things he loves about her. Because he loves her. Lie Ren tells Nora Valkyrie “I love you”. Nora knows in her heart he really means that, but she has some things she wants to get off her chest. In the single sentence of backstory we get, her mom apparently abandoned her and fled from a Grimm attack before she ended up in Kuroyuri meeting Ren. SInce then they’ve always been an inseparable pair, and she wouldn’t give up a day of that for anything. But now she realizes she needs some time to really learn who she is as her own person and fighter, and going back to being as close as they were wouldn’t allow that kind of growth. Because Nora loves Ren too, always has. And she can tell their separate missions have done him some good too, but she needs a little more time before she’s ready to be the partner a great guy like him deserves. She just wants to know if that kind of request is okay with him. He puts a hand against her cheek and lovingly wipes away the tear she had shed. Of course that’s okay. He’s proud of her for being mindful of her own happiness and growth, and is willing to put the relationship they both very much look forward to having on hold while she grows as a person. This is a very healthy dynamic and all meming aside we really love to see it portrayed so naturally and acceptably in media. And for good wholesome measure, Ren Boops Nora. They laugh and smile and press their foreheads together because Rooster Teeth loves showing us that as a sign of proximity and intimate comfort.
Cutting to something far less happy, Qrow is retrieving Harbinger and Robyn’s gauntlet crossbow from a locker in what I assume might be evidence lockup. He asks Robyn if she’s got the security cameras running on loop, presumably so they can sneak through the halls undetected, but she is currently distracted. At least one screen is feeding audio of Ironwood’s threat to Mantle, and others are showing he really is gearing up to do so. Qrow tries to reassure her by resolutely saying they’ll stop him before he has the chance to, but she doesn’t seem to pleased with that plan. Regardless, they make their way through the halls and head for an elevator to take them up to the Academy. After avoiding being spotted by guards, they make it to the elevator but Robyn stops Qrow before he can hit the call button. She tries to advocate for a better way to solve this, he insists there isn’t one. Robyn says it’s not just about Qrow so it isn’t his choice alone to make what is or isn’t the only solution. Qrow just keeps insisting that this is what he’s gonna do and when he does it’ll all be safe and over with, but Robyn tries to suggest success isn’t guaranteed and if they fail it’ll only doom hundreds more than if they try something else. Qrow doesn’t give a damn, he just yells that Ironwood deserves to be killed, because in case the pronoun game was too hard Qrow is dead set on doing a murder. Robyn claps a hand over Qrow’s mouth and pushes him against the wall because they ARE still trying not to get caught remember? I really have to admit on my first watch I thought this was gonna be an eruption of some kind of romantic tension I just hadn’t noticed til now and she was going to shut him up with a kiss. But no, thank god they didn’t pull that tired trick. After making sure the coast really is clear, she gets to the heart of things. She can tell Qrow is in pain, he’s mourning, and its a shroud he’s well accustomed to. But don’t act like this is righteous justice for the people at large, Qrow wants blood on his hands purely for personal vengeance. She acknowledges that Clover had a lot of qualities worth looking up to the way Qrow had, but she thinks that at the end of the day Qrow has proven to be the better man and the better Huntsman. I feel like she could have phrased that a touch better so as to not speak quite so ill of the recently deceased, but the pep talk is there. He’s got the will to fight for what he believes is the right course of action rather than just what a higher up says he needs to, and that is the sort of strength of character that’s worth a whole lot in this world, so she hopes he won’t go abandoning it now that the going is even rougher. He seems to be calmed and inspired by this, but before any more words are said the elevator pings that it’s stopping on this floor so the two ready their weapons to fight whoever emerges. The doors open, but we have the perspective of whoever is inside looking out to see the two hunters drop their guard in confusion. As that is the end of that scene we will not be finding out who they saw for at least another week, but I think it’s most likely to be Winter and Marrow and the four of them will form an unlikely alliance.
Back in Schnee manor, Yang reaches the foyer to see Ruby sitting on the stairs clutching a banister. Instead of going right up to her Yang goes past to take a look at the collapsed suit of armor. She’s heard by now how Ruby and the others managed to kill the Hound, and tries to give her little sis amused props for doing what the elder sibling couldn’t. Instead Ruby just asks if Yang knows what they saw inside the Grimm. Yang says she does, and tenses up like she wants to brush past this very depressing topic Ruby is hinting at. Ruby is having none of that and just says what we’ve all been thinking. Summer Rose was most certainly turned into a Grimm too. Fearing the possibility in her head was one thing, but to hear Ruby say it aloud with a voice so hollow and hopeless is too much and Yang falls to her knees sobbing in a second flat. Yang tries to wipe the tears away, to be calm and strong like always, but Ruby isn’t stopping. They know Salem used to want Silver Eyed Warriors dead because of Maria’s brush with death years ago, but now Salem wants Ruby brought in alive and it seems obvious why. So why wouldn’t it be the case that Summer was the turning point, that fighting her was when Salem realized she could do so much more with her mortal foes? Ruby has had enough of lying to themselves for the sake of optimistic hope, her hope that Amity could get a message out got them nowhere but further failure and she blames herself for being childish. Yang takes her hand and assures her that it wasn’t childishness but rather optimism and hope. Those are things they desperately need in this struggle, but to be blindly optimistic can certainly be bad so they need to be smart about which risks they take. Ruby still isn’t about to concede this point because the risk she took was a failure and their message didn’t bring any help. I should like to remind the reader/viewer that it took about a week for Team RWBY to get from Mistral to Atlas and this message went out... 12 hours ago? Maybe 16? You’re giving up the ghost a little soon there sweetie, though they do need that help ASAP so better late than never isn’t really a viable option. Yang reminds Ruby that her plan was a bust too, but she kept trying to do good things that weren’t part of the plan and they did some good there. Summer took a risk too, by leaving for the mission she never came back from. And there’s little question that went according to plan either, but she still did her best and Yang still considers Summer her hero. As she embraces her little sister, I get the strong feeling that Summer isn’t the only Rose she considers her hero either... and by the tears that start welling up in Ruby’s eyes she clearly knows that.
Their sweet moment is shattered by the sound of equally shattered glass, and Jaune comes rushing down the stairs to tell them to get outside immediately. Penny woke up and the virus is in control again to make her head for the Vault without delay. Ruby bursts into her path to beg her to stop, and it does get her to start struggling against her digital orders. She begs to be stopped, and Ruby wraps her arms around her because honestly she’s just trying her best and with a weapon like Crescent Rose she’s gotta have some upper body strength. But that’s pretty meaningless against Penny’s rocket boots as she takes off with Ruby in tow. Blake and Ren use Gambol Shroud and Storm Flower (thank god for the grappling hook upgrade last Volume) to try and pull her down by each arm with the rest of their teams providing tug of war style support. Weiss uses a black glyph to really hold her in place once her feet are on the ground again. Before anyone can figure out what to do to properly subdue her Penny uses her magic to summon a cold vortex and blow them all off guard so she can start flying away again, still repeating her orders to open the Vault and self-terminate, though now she sounds emotional and conflicted about it due to her mental struggle. Before she can get any farther, a new set of chains grab her shoulders. Emerald has joined in, and even if it was a small gesture I found myself very enthusiastic to see her pitching in for the rescue. She yells for someone to do something already, and Jaune lets go of Blake’s side of the struggle (guess it would have been off balance if him Nora and Oscar were all helping Ren) to boost Weiss’ Aura so she can make a stronger inertia glyph. Back on the ground, Ruby hugs Penny again and asks how she can help her friend. And Penny says Ruby should kill her. If she does, Penny guarantees Ruby will be the one she gives the Winter Maiden powers to. None of the group like hearing this idea one little bit, but she thinks it’s the only way since she can’t fight the virus. But once again Nora swoops in with the sage words about it only being a part of you and not letting that be the end of it. Penny’s more than just a robot receiving orders, she’s got human spirit and willpower that’s been resisting for so long. This gets the gears in Ruby’s head turning and she realizes the human part can be what saves her. Jaune needs to boost her Aura, which he rushes over to do immediately. It seems to do the trick, and her soul is doing a much better job of keeping the virus contained, though it’s not gone forever. Everyone comes in for a happy group huddle, and she is assured that she is far more than a machine and that humanity is what will keep her going in spite of the remaining virus. It’s a very soft and touching moment. 
Then Emerald has something to say. They’re wrong... about being in the same place they started yesterday. They’ve made progress even though they can’t quite see it right now. They’ve taken some hits, and she admits some of that has been her fault, but that’s war so you gotta roll with the punches and fight on. She just really won’t like it if they give up the moment she decides she’ll fight by their side, okay?! It’s not like she likes these friendly, kind, understanding and emotionally complex fellow teens that are willing to take her in, baka!!! Oscar points out that she’s admitted she wants to stay with them and they all have a happy laugh realizing she’s got a softer side after all. Oscar helps her back to her feet, then addresses the group. Ozpin has some things he wants to say to them all, if they’re willing to hear it. They all share a look and decide that yes, they will listen. Oz comes forth and immediately launches into a speech about a fairy tale. Typical. We can presume these are further details about “The Girl who Fell Through the World”, and he says that girl took her grand trip to run away from consequences of a choice she has to make. But her problems only grow because the initial issue was never resolved. That’s the very thing he’s done here, his problem being the consequences of the truth and his past coming to light. He regrets not trusting them with the whole story and he regrets retreating into Oscar’s mind when he was found out. The group decides they understand where he was coming from a bit since in that interim they had to make some impossible choices about trust too. Trusting in someone is a risk, and they decide they’ll take that risk on him one more time. From the look of things, that second chance is going to Emerald too, and I hope she makes them proud. Penny winces again and it’s clear that one way or the other they will need to take her to the Vault. Ruby thinks on that for a second and realizes that’s actually worth a shot considering who they have at their disposal and the likelihood of it not going exactly how Ironwood thinks it will. To that end we see Ironwood down in the Vault receiving a call from Ruby saying Penny will be there. He sets the stipulation that Penny meet him at the entrance of the Academy and she has to come alone. I’m sure no green haired illusionist will play a hand in whether or not she really is alone... But either way there will be unexpected company because Watts hooked up a broken Scroll to the wiring of an Atlas robot to listen in on Ironwood’s call and know where the meeting will be. Neo arrives in the alley where the doctor and Cinder waiting, and it seems miss Fall has a scheme to get the ice cream psycho precisely what she’s demanding of them.
But what exactly these carefully laid plans will be has to wait a little while, cuz that’s the end for this week. Great job all around for this well balanced episode with many kinds of scenes and many ways to make my heart hurt...
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weightlessau · 4 years
adorable and soft [ateez; jongho]
Warnings: mentions of guns and a few curse words
part two of cute and squishy
summary: the weekly meet up didn’t go quite as you expected (well, maybe you did expect it a little bit)
requested (yay!!), it’s maybe a little more actioney than they wanted but i swear it’s fluffy!
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Unfortunately that date Jongho mentioned never panned out. Just after lunch Sunhi and you only had a few minutes to exchange numbers before the whole group made their way home again, because of a 'sudden emergency'. Days after them you went home as well.
Sunhi and you are practically best friends at this point, even if she does keep quite a few secrets from you. Like why there's always one of the other men shadowing behind her when you meet up or where all her money comes from, but you never press on for more information. You're smart enough to guess that whatever her and her group is involved in, you probably don't want to be a part of that.
Today is one of those meet ups Sunhi and you have at least once a week.
'What should we do today?' Sunhi texts you in the morning to which you already have an answer to.
'There's this bar that I've wanted to check out. Do you want to go tonight?'
'Sure! I'll come pick you up at 8'
'Who are you coming with today?' you ask her. You secretly hope that it's Jongho, even though you're still embarrassed that you called him 'squishy', you have to admit that he is quite cute. After some contemplation you have also decided that a date with him may not be a bad idea, but you don't want to be the one to contact him. You're still unsure of his motives, if he really asked you out on a date or if he just said that to fluster you. He didn't have the chance to ask you again. Apparently he's 'out of the city for work'. You didn't want to know what kind of 'work' considering the answer you got after you called Jongho cute. A thinly veiled death threat.
A couple minutes later, Sunhi gives you an answer to your previous question and you think that maybe luck is on your side, 'Joong said that Jongho is free today ;)'
'Stop with the winking,' you whine over text. Of course everyone noticed the conversation Jongho and you had at the lunch table and Sunhi teases you constantly because of that. You're not alone in your suffering, though; you heard that Jongho is only referred to as 'squishy' by the other men.
';)))))' she sends you back and ends the conversation.
At exactly eight o'clock that night a black car pulls up in front of your home. Although you can't see who is sitting inside the car due to the darkened windows, you can be sure that Sunhi and Jongho are waiting for you.
Before you reach the car, Jongho has already hopped out and swung open the backdoor for you.
"My lady," he greets you.
"Thank you, Jongho." He closes the door when you're seated inside and gets into the driver's seat.
"You're still calling me Jongho?" he asks cheekily from the front while Sunhi just laughs at your flustered face.
"That's your name, isn't it?" you say with a smile and a roll of your eyes. He's still flirting with you, maybe you'll have a date by the end of the night, you hope.
Before Jongho can continue your little banter, Sunhi cuts in and you two start a conversation, completely ignoring Jongho at the the front.
When the three of you get into the bar Sunhi and you immediately sit down at a table and order some drinks for you and of course food. Jongho sits down a few tables down, body turned towards your table to see when you're potentially in danger.
Minutes of laughter turn into hours and soon Sunhi and you just slur the whole talk and lean on the table between you heavily while Jongho laughs at you behind his third meal (he has to pass the time sober somehow and what better way than trying the whole menu one by one?). The laugh is wiped off of his face when he sees a man approaching your table and striking up a conversation. He doesn't intervene in any way, before Sunhi or you show any signs of discomfort. But that thought is thrown out when three more men join that Jongho knows closely.
"Aren't you Hongjoong's little bitch?" Jongho hears as he quickly sends a message to his leader and makes his way to your table.
'Rival gang at bar'
'At least four of them'
'Need backup'
Jongho just presses send on his messages and doesn't wait for an answer. He has to get you two out of here before the situation escalades and innocent people get injured.
Turns out that won't be as easy as planned.
"Well if that isn't Choi Jongho." The man nudges a friend standing next to him.
Jongho swallows the insults that are crawling up to his mouth and instead says, "I don't want any stress here, so just leave it." Quietly he adds a quick, "you bastards" as he tries to usher a drunk you and an equally drunk Sunhi out of the bar. Thankfully the bill was already paid when you ordered.
"What did you just say?" A gun is whipped out and the customers of the bar start screaming the second they notice what is happening.
"Shit," he mutters under his breath.
Now the other men have also drawn their guns, pointing them all towards your group. No one says a word now, the whole bar has fallen quiet out of fear. Even you can feel yourself sobering up.
The doors to the bar slam open and Hongjoong marches in, with his gun drawn, closely followed by Wooyoung and San.
"Drop your fucking guns or you'll be in big trouble," Hongjoong threatens, "you're in our territory right now. You don't want me to contact your leader, do you?" He keeps his voice controlled and low, almost like he's having the most boring conversation, making him seem even more threatening.
Your blurry eyes see one of the rival gang's men raise his gun slightly, but before he can go any further a gun shot echoes through the bar before the customers scream out. The man drops down to his knees and clutches his left thigh where blood is oozing out.
"Wooyoung!" Jongho shouts out to the shooter.
"What?" Wooyoung shrugs, "he was about to do something."
The rival's grab the armpits of the injured member and drag him to the exit, where Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung are standing.
"This isn't over," the injured one spits at Hongjoong as they pass him and flee.
Hongjoong lets out a sigh while he looks around at the terrified faces meeting him, including yours. He walks over to his wife and throws his arm over her shoulder, hugging her intoxicated form to him.
"We'll go home now," he announces to the boys. "Jongho, you take [y/n] home." You see the small smirk decorating his face.
"Okay," Jongho agrees and ushers you towards the exit.
As you pass, you could swear that you heard San snicker and say, "good night, squishy."
Outside you are greeted by the biting cold, washing away your drunkenness, when you hurry towards the car.
The car ride is quiet with you trying to process what just happened. But you weren't all that surprised. After all, you expected them to be a part of shady business and that just got confirmed.
"Can you stop when you see a convenience store?" You break the tense silence.
"What would you need at this time?" Jongho asks, confused as he glances over to you shortly.
"I want to drink some more. I can't deal with this shit semi-sober right now. Either I'm completely sober or completely smashed, or I'll go crazy tonight," you explain your sudden plan to him and coincidentally a 24/7 open store appears on the side of the road, making Jongho pull over and park the car.
A few cups of beer and soju later, you're slurring again, leaning against Jongho's broad frame. Your drunken state lets you let loose a little bit. Or more than a little. You even go as far as hugging him, pressing your cheek onto his chest and squeezing him tightly.
"You're so squishy." There's nothing in you that thinks talking to Jongho is a bad thing right now. You drowned all those thoughts with alcohol.
"So soft," you slur and snuggle closer, closing your eyes in bliss.
"Alright, [y/n], I think it's time for you to go home," Jongho laughs and tries to peel you off carefully, but you only tighten your grip and pout up at him, with your chin propped onto his chest.
"No," you look into his eyes firmly to refuse and then press your cheek onto his chest again, closing your eyes.
You feel the rumble of Jongho's laugh vibrating his chest and then feel strong arms embracing you.
"Step on my feet," Jongho tells you and you follow his order, stepping your right foot onto his left and your left onto his right, still clinging onto him but this time with him securing you onto his body as he walks you two to the car. He helps you into your seat and your head immediately lulls to the side, half asleep, as Jongho reaches over you and puts on your belt for you. Before he can duck out of the car to get into the drivers seat, you grab his arm and look up at him with your eyes as pleading as possible.
"I want a good dream," you mumble.
"And why are you telling me that?"
"I want you to-," you pause, "I don't know. I forgot." You cross your arms over your chest and pout again as you look straight ahead, facing away from the still hunched Jongho as if it's his fault that you forgot.
Jongho doesn't try to make you remember and just closes the door and gets in on the other side.
A few minutes of driving pass when suddenly you scream out, "squishy!" making Jongho swerve the wheel.
"That's what I forgot!"
"What the hell, [y/n]!" he slightly raises his voice out of panic. "What does that even have to do with a good dream?"
You shrug, happy that you now know what you forgot, "I don't know."
Jongho has to resist rubbing his face in frustration, a defeated smile taking over his lips. "How about we're quiet the rest of the ride, [y/n]?" Jongho phrases it like a question, but doesn't want an answer from you, which he doesn't get.
You just stare at his side profile for the rest of the ride, admiring his features and his cute little smile. A dreamy smile graces your face as you prop your elbow onto the armrest and your chin onto your hand.
"You're really pretty," you whisper, not even realizing that you're talking. Jongho doesn't show any more reaction than his smile broadening slightly, the action pushing his cheeks up and making them appear more full.
"So soft." As if in a trance, you reach out towards his hypnotizing cheek and quickly grab it between your fingers before Jongho can even react in any way.
"Ow! [y/n]!" he warns you, "let go of my cheek!"
You laugh loudly, "no."
A sigh leaves him and he gives up, trying to rip his face away from your grasp while driving.
Thankfully you arrive just a few minutes later. Jongho helps you walk into your home. Already having a routine for when you come home drunk, you lead him to your kitchen and sit down on the counter.
"I'm thirsty," you slur out, looking at Jongho with half opened eyes.
When he hands you your glass of water after opening every possible drawer and cupboard, you sulk, "and hungry."
A slice of bread and two more glasses of water later, you get ready for bed and Jongho tucks you in for the night. He can't get off the bed though, because you have his arm cuddled against your chest.
"Stay," you hum and pull his arm further to you, making him stumble onto the bed completely, landing beside you. You let go of his arm then and open your arms, "come here, squishy," you pet your chest, "let me cuddle you."
Having given up resisting the drunk you, he lays his head onto your chest and lets you squeeze him, "why do you only call me squishy when you're drunk?" he teases you. There is no point in him feeling embarrassed when he's actually feeling very comfortable in this position, pulling you to him as well.
"Do you not want to be my squishy?"
"Only if you go on a date with me."
"Ask me in the morning."
And with that Jongho can feel you tight grip on him softening. He stays lying next to you until the next morning when he asks you the question properly this time.
"Do you want to go out on a date with me?"
You accept.
Even though you're together, you still only call him 'squishy' when you're drunk, but he gets reminded of the nickname often enough by his friends.
p.s. thank you so much for 100 followers 🥰
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