#I also included Wind and Wars being brothers because I love them so much
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sunfloweraro · 3 months ago
More Pink Bunny Stuff!
Warriors learns not to touch Bunny without permission the hard way. His response catches Bunny off guard
(AKA the scene I thought I’d already shared and had promised @thatonecrazysidekick (oops!). @tiredgaytheatrekid more Bunny stuff!!)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Wind began to hum absentmindedly as Warriors towelled off his hair, cheerful despite his earlier complaints, and Warriors couldn’t help the smile that lifted the corners of his lips. He took more care with drying his young friend’s hair, pulling the damp strands out of Wind’s face, tucking a lock behind his ear.
Wind groaned. “Wars, you’re babying me again.”
“I would never.” Warriors definitely was. How could he not, when Wind was like the little brother he never got to have? When Wind reminded him of his boisterous little sister back home.
“You are. We should start calling you Ma.”
“If that would make you happy,” Warriors said, smile turning into a smirk as he finished off drying Wind’s hair. “Done. Was that so bad?”
Wind scoffed, but when he stood, he leaned into Warriors’ side, a brief moment of affection to show his appreciation. “Terrible,” he said.
“Truly terrible,” Warriors agreed. “And you are welcome.”
“Thanks, Wars.” Wind smiled at him, that toothy grin that made Warriors think so much of his little sister, and he couldn’t help but pinch Wind’s cheek. “Ah—don’t!” He shoved Warriors’ hand away, cheeks aflame.
“Alright. Go have your dinner now.”
“Yes, ma.” For that, Wind earned Warriors’ hand ruffling his hair, messing it up even more. “Ugh, Wars.”
“You need to eat too.”
“I will once you have all eaten.”
Wind, more than used to his idiosyncrasies by now, nodded, grabbing his arm and dragging him closer to the fire, where Twilight was dishing out the soup he and Time had prepared. He shared a nod with Warriors, ladling out a bowl for Wind and passing it over before moving on to the next hungry mouth. Only once they had all eaten their fill could Warriors pick up spoon and bowl and dig in himself, once he was certain they were all fed and not going hungry. They all knew that well by now, didn’t try and push him before he was ready.
While Wind had his dinner served, Warriors let him go, moving over to sit alongside Hyrule closer to the fire, where warmth pressed against his chest and legs as he sat on the log left behind by the lizalfos.
“You smell better,” Warriors commented.
“Likewise,” Hyrule said, and they shared a grin. It was then Warriors noticed the little rabbit—Bunny, as Hyrule and Twilight had taken to calling it—nestled in Hyrule’s lap, clean and fluffier than ever. And pink.
“Huh,” Warriors commented, his eyes on Bunny.
“Yeah,” Hyrule agreed. “We think it must be an era-specific thing. I’ve never seen a rabbit this colour in my era.”
“It could be dye,” Warriors offered.
“We thought that too, but I’ve checked and the colour goes right down to the roots. If he’s been out in the wild for weeks, then his natural colour would have started to grow back by now. So… pink fur it is.”
“Pink fur it is,” Warriors agreed, and when Hyrule hummed, beginning to run his hand down Bunny’s back, smoothing out the fur, that warm affection leftover from his time with Wind swelled in his chest. He reached out to pet Bunny’s fluffy pink head as Hyrule was doing. It happened fast, a blur of pink and then sharp, fiery pain along the back of his hand.
“Ow!” Warriors tore his hand back, inspecting the little bite mark, lazily weeping ruby red. “Did he bite me?”
“Oh my—Bunny!” Hyrule began to chastise the rabbit, but Bunny only had eyes for Warriors. Violet narrowed at him, watching him with suspicion, and Warriors found all frustration dissipate.
“It is okay,” he assured Hyrule. “I should not have tried to touch him without permission.”
Violet eyes widened slightly. Warriors thought back to Twilight’s comment of Bunny being a lot smarter than the average rabbit. Wondered if Bunny could understand him—perhaps not his words, but the meaning behind them, his tone of voice.
“I am sorry,” he spoke to Bunny this time and not Hyrule. “I should not have tried to touch you without permission, and I swear I will not do it again.”
Bunny watched him for a long moment, curious. He blinked slowly. Then he dipped his head, the gesture far more Hylian than Warriors anticipated from the rabbit.
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bokettochild · 7 months ago
I cannot BELIEVE no one told me we had an update!!!!!
Anyways, here's my favorite bits as always, because I need to SCREAM about this one!
The rupee acquisition!
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I love how JoJo included that traditional *item acquired* pose that all the Links do, and gave it a reason in the comic (Wind insisting he hold it up is just so fun)
Sky's comment though, "don't spend it all in one place". Isn't that a line you get in Skord when you acquire rupees? The cute little easter eggs here are so fun!
I also really love how Legend is taking an instructional role here, both with Wars and the champion!
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While also letting his veteran show
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and I love that the rest recognize that! Wild calling Legend "an expert" and actually listening to what he has to say, even if he doesn't agree with it.
I also super like the panels of Twilight's interaction with Legend here
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Very eldest and middle sibling discussing the youngest child, and I love it. It reminds us that, even for all the cuteness we got between them in the last arc, Twilight still sees Legend as too rough around the edges, enough that it borders on bullying when it comes to some of the rest, and he's trying to curb that. And Legend is LISTENING, because (as I've said a thousand times) Legend respects Twilight and values his opinion. Twilight is his big brother too now and Legend, while still being himself, genuinely seems to care about his opinion.
Twilight's just tense in general, although why, I think is mostly because of Time's sharp scolding in the last update. Even though he's snapping back at the younger ones, he's not very happy to be snapped at right now, and he's eager to get out from under Time's watchful eye.
Time and Warriors
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Because while he feels e has grounds to correct Legend for telling Wild what to do, Warriors straight up subtly scolding his protege is different. And the difference is that Legend and Wild and Twi had camaraderie (see Dawn p.3), they're brothers, but Wars is approaching this as a commander, a captain, and Twi doesn't appreciate that. Warriors isn't their leader though, but he's taking that role anyways. (Old habits die hard, I'm sure)
I mean, we all knew Wars was going to confront Wild sooner or later, but I'm glad he was so calm about it. Twilight's ruffled feathers (fur) is more from Time being overbearing, I believe, so it aggravates any slight annoyance Warriors might present.
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Even despite some of our suspicions earlier, I like this bit here. Wild was a soldier once, and the captain is very much the image of what he would have worked with before. JoJo mentioned wanting to play with that dynamic, with them bothering having military background, and I think this is that training (hundred years ago though it was) kicking in and making the champion defer to the man who outranks him (as far as they know). Granted, they all call Wars "Captain" but this felt pointed.
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I do love Four acting as the word of wisdom here, advising Time, just like he does Twilight, as to the best way to handle a team. it's a reminder that he's done this before, and he knows how teamwork can be, but also that sometimes you need space and working together means working in different areas.
Anyways, here's a couple bonus things that make me happy!
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Bunny stance!
(shh, I know he's making a point by stepping on Wild's toes, let me have this)
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Wars being so freaking pretty! Dear Hylia help me! (Is it wrong I understand Cia a bit now?)
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Wind being the youngest sibling who is Done With Your Chatter
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A competent boy being competent (and not as experienced as Ledge, but pretty darn close (if you've played both their games you know))
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Showing off items! (I can hear the little ✨da nana na✨)
And of course, I love Time being a tired, overprotective parent (he looks like my mom here, good grief!)
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infinity-or-oblivion · 2 months ago
heyyyy realm nation I have an au for y'all: arranged marriage foolhalo. now hear me out I'm thinking longgggg history of conflict between warring kingdoms (think montagues and capulets) I'm thinking fundamental moral differences that make peace nearly impossible I'm thinking innocent people caught in the crossfire and most of all I'm thinking doomed yaoi. foolish and bad hate each others guts so intensely and somehow have so much in common and I just think forced 'romance' is so fun. anyways foolish is the eldest prince of his family which includes ros and owen and clown and tango and perhaps sneeg and phil and then bad wants to strengthen their kingdoms alliance so he marries foolish except they HATE each others guts and bad’s kingdom/family of pili and pangi and hannah and baghera all keep attacking foolish and his family
okay so that was my initial idea and then I started thinking about the kingdom of fools found family dynamic (because I watch almost exclusively ros pov btw) so here's my pitch: eldest prince foolish and his siblings are Owen, clown, and ros. that’s all i really want tbh BECAUSE LIKE THE DYNAMICS ARE SO GOOD I WANT SOME FAMILY CONFLICT THAT IS ULTIMATELY ROOTED IN LOVE IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR
so like: middle child that often feels slighted owen, sometimes feels threatened by more talented clown, foolish who cares about all of them so much but he’s stretched thin and can’t do everything himself, and of course. clown and ros my beloveds, baby of the family ros, and all of her brothers love her and feel very protective of her. but sometimes she feels like she doesn’t add as much to the kingdom since she’s more of an artist than a fighter, and also others see her as a weak point, and sometimes she doesn’t get the support and validation she needs from her brothers (except clown??) and of course then there’s clown. he’s got weird eldritch shit going on, something about messing with the magical and ethereal that he becomes intertwined with it, also some ctechno-esque feelings about only being seen as a weapon/tool for others, ANYWAYS I love tr!clown wish he would FUCKING STREAM MORE. rotating them all in my mind like a rotisserie chicken
but like ive been thinking about that time foolish and ros went on a fishing trip after foolish came back from the dead and how good that was and I'm also thinking about the low-key jealous (??) vibe Owen has going on all the time and of course I'm the number one clown and ros fan so yeah. I can't stop thinking about them teehee
and tango is probably a trusted advisor to foolish or something along those lines, as well as sneeg (sneeg and clown divorce canon???? must've been the wind...)
and then on the red/green side there's bad as the king/whatever patriarch, with pangi as his nephew or something like that idk, and then pili is an assassin pangi somehow befriended that hangs around all the time and won’t leave. and also has/had some sort of insane situationship with ros?? also hannah and pac as trusted advisors and the rest of red team as other mercenaries/hired hands (architect sausage, pirate baghera, etc). and let's not forget that pangi and pili have some sort of insane doomed yaoi thing going on too, they truly are the most dysfunctional found family
and with blue, there’s tubbo, cpk, kind of phil and beky and coy and scott (??) and of course aimsey. oh my god tr!aimros is fucking insane, ros is having a Rough Time and foolish is really good at supporting her even though he doesn’t always have time or really get what the hell is going on with ros and aimsey. anyways tubbo is an old friend of foolish, gets along great with ros, and his ex-husband is ‘friends’ with pili. so that’s great. (huge fan of tr!Tommy just kind of being there and annoying tubbo from time to time very in character for him). and tubbo, aimsey and cpk are canonically brothers I don't make the rules, beky is silently recording everything and judging everyone, coy is just trying to build a cool farm and keeps getting pulled into drama
anyways. there's my concept and I keep trying to write something but I can't figure out how the fuck to go about it, so I figured someone else might like the idea. godspeed soldiers
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ghosthoard · 2 months ago
grief of reunion recap!
you guys are so fucking funny thank you so much for your tags
as always i want to show how much i appreciate your tags and comments but i didn't know how without reblogging every single person and that might be excessive so this is my solution!
first of all thank you for the people who reblogged all three and left tags it's so cool seeing which ones you saw first and the comments as you went
this is going to be a bit long since i want to include everybody in some way and also what my thoughts were as i drew this series!
"you'll see me again"
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mizaruwu said it so well! "you'll see me again" is a sweet white lie!!!
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in combination with dustmold nailing it on the money!
i was really careful with how i phrased this sweet white lie
it's not: "we'll see each other again" or "I'll see you again"
For Wild, Wars, Time, and Twilight as far as they know they will never see the one they're saying farewell to ever again. so they say farewell knowing this will be the last time they see their loved one, but they're offering them a sort of comfort that the receiver of these words will see them again, it's something they would kill for personally, they think it's a gift, a comfort
but it's never so simple. because they aren't really being reunited properly are they?
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perry's 3 reblog journey
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perry i want you to know how much i love the faces you added at the end it gave me such a clear vision of your reactions
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i like to imagine that time bonks him on the head right after this interaction and doesn't explain why
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they can never be whole!!!
war trio
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elle at it again with the amazing comments!!!
elle is right! as i was drawing wars I was thinking about how to convey that he was trying to hold it together and show the others that everybody leaving wasn't tearing him apart. he especially had to show a strong front for wind. as discussed above, elle said it perfectly, wars knows this is it for him! he'll never see his brothers again, and he it would hurt too much to hope for another chance like meeting the chain.
elle also brings up an interesting point of how wind can say the same thing to the pair of them during the war, i was thinking about that myself while i was working on this series and IT WOULD HURT SO MUCH, THE CYCLE OF SAYING FAREWELL, OF THE SWEET WHITE LIE.
but i always flip flopped on if wind would.
what do you guys think? do you think wind, twilight, or time would say something similar to their counterparts like they did to them?
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mask is full on alert, he can detect danger right away, the moment they found wind he was on defensive mode, resource guarding wars
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and isn't that just painfully loving, painfully sweet
what's that quote?
we are all made up of bits and pieces of those we love. (or something similar)
big brown devastating eyes
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my friend suggested I draw the eyes with color! everybody say thank you spooks's Zelda Authority friend
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a moment of silence for the wind stans
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chiangyorange's 3 reblog journey
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i'm glad i could do this to you :)
Wolf Trio
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mizaruwu is so correct yet again!
while i was drawing these, i thought about how all of the wolf trio ended up saying the white lie to someone. wild is the only one who doesn’t really have the experience of teaching a protege. time and twilight however are both the liar and the lied to.
voidsshadow is so right! twi especially knows what wild is implying because he’s lived through it with time. twi and time have both been through so much and they still have things to do after death but they wouldn’t trade this time with their protege for anything no matter how imperfect the reunion is
they both must have known what their protege meant and they were prepared for it. but no amount of preparation can soften the blow.
however, they’ve both lived a long time before going back to teach their protege, their age makes the white lie more bitter and they’re more tired
wind in the meantime, had no prior time travel experience with another link, he had no preparation, he took the white lie at face value, he’s still young when he joins the war of eras, and when the reunion actually happens and he realizes his brothers don’t know him anymore, he was all the more devastated for it
cherry's 3 reblog journey
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i claim all responsibility, i'm the cause, i'm the problem
violetregrets's 3 reblog journey
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i love the clear descending into emotions this conveys, art in itself
(from the bottom up in these types of screenshots!)
thanks violet XD
let's have a moment for all of the ouchies, oofs, and aughs
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and of course the screaming
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and crying
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these allegations! >:O all true :3
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and lastly
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this cracked me up. honestly same, fuck me up
Additional edit: I made it so that all of the lines under each post would apply to every one of them.
Your eyes do not know me as they once did.
Here I am, still missing you.
Alone, with the grief of reunion.
I had a hard time deciding not to put the last one for wind but I thought the 2nd one made more sense for him and the last one more sense for time. But again they all apply to every one. isnt that fun!
@mizaruwu @dustmold-n-dirtarchaeology @perereiii @perryelornitorrinco @elle-rosewater @1-renegade @rosescore245 @rosadon3 @the-au-collector @crazylittlejester @stqrmyskies @shadowlinktheshadow @chiangyorange @thevoidsshadow @givemeafuckingbreakorurgay @violetregrets1837 @tiredkiwilol @esthelle-wanders @telemna-hyelle @pelicanpig @layraket @i-dont-r3member @embarrassedauthornerd @multifr0g @turdofanerd @puffysleeveswithfloralpatterns @starwolfie @zolanort @cheatsylu @dragkbluire @thebackofourmind8 @jack-ofallfandoms @bbinkus11 @ahanarhorse @hero-of-the-wolf @triforce-of-mischief @twilightangel83 @clancycosmic @abir-111 @just-another-product-of-today
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choppersconfirmedkills · 2 months ago
transformers (2007) dr introduction
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@chasingg-stars Asked for a Transformers intro @todearme wanted any of them and @moonsdrs just wants me to talk about my DRs so here it is. This will be long-winded because I have a lot of memories from this DR, and I like talking about it.
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Jensen A.R. Grant
I was born to a single father, Dr. Alan Grant. He was my best friend and my hero. When I was young, an incident occurred, and my father saved my life. That incident solidified our unshakable bond. My childhood nickname is JarJar (it was created after my initials and my love for Star Wars).
On my "mother's" side, I have an uncle, Ron Witwicky. His wife Judy and his son Sam have been huge parts of my life.
I was born with powers. Except for my father and one other person, no one knew until I was "trained" (I am desperately trying to word things in a safer way).
I have a childhood best friend, San, with whom I spent a large portion of my life. Along with Sam, I consider him my brother.
I do in fact have two half-brothers which in itself is a whole story.
My father passed when I was 17. I was then placed in my Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy's care. So Sam and I spent every moment together from that point.
When I got my license my father got an old racecar from a junkyard (?). He brought it home, cleaned it up, and gave it pretty new paint and that became my car.
I grew up wicked smart (perks of being homeschooled by your world-renowned paleontologist father). I speak 4 languages and graduated from high school shortly before I was 17.
I decided to go to community college for the first few years so I could stay with my family, and I became EMS-certified.
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Bits of details for when the Transformers arrive:
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After my father passed, my car, Smokescreen, started communicating with me. It became my trusted confidant and knew everything about me, even the stuff I couldn't tell anyone else. I thought he was some sort of high tech AI my father had installed in the car by one of his colleagues before he passed.
Obviously I found out that he was an Autobot along with Sam's car, Bumblebee. He, like Bumblebee, was tasked as my guardian as I was part of the Witwicky family.
I got involved in the fight in Mission City, and revealed my powers to everyone there including my cousin, Sam, who promised to keep my secret.
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My S/O:
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Colonel William A. Lennox
We met on the day of the battle of Mission City. My first interaction with him was him standing up for me in front of a Sector 7 agent.
He asked me out minutes after the battle was over. I told him I wanted to know more about him, and I kinda passed out in his arms.
We went out on 5 dates before I got cold feet and ghosted him (I thought he only liked me because of my powers). He waited for me. He had a picture of me as his lockscreen the whole time and his team made so much fun of him. He got the nickname "Ted Mosby" because of it.
He is the reason I decided to pursue my true passion for animal behavior (specifically paleontological behavior).
We became official after the Battle of Egypt.
He is an absolute cheeseball. He's funny and incredibly romantic.
He is also a total badass.
While we were raised very differently we bonded over a lot of our shared experiences.
Our height difference is comical because he’s a behemoth and I’m normal.
We have 4 kids together and run a rescue farm.
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evans23 · 3 months ago
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Pairing : Snape x OC (daughter of Harry)
Summary : You are the daughter of the famous Harry Potter. But the burden of your name and your family is heavy on your shoulders. But a tenebrous potion master has noticed you.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Slight mention of depression. Ghost.
Also read on AO3 - Wattpad
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You didn't particularly like the end of year celebrations. That's why you had asked to stay at Hogwarts this year. Your parents had been disappointed and your mother and grandmother had kept begging you to come back, but you didn't want to.
Being the last born of the Potter family was your burden. James, your eldest, was a real celebrity at Hogwarts. Seeker of the quidditch team, popular with the girls and even with the teachers despite his insolence.
Albus was calmer, more serious. Everyone said that he would accomplish great things like the two wizards whose name he bore.
And then, there was your big sister, Lily. She attracted boys, was intelligent and one of the most popular Gryffindors.
You were the youngest, the little surprise-bonus as your mother called you. You hadn't been planned, but you were loved nonetheless. Except that you always felt a little bit apart, a little bit left out. You had ended up in Hufflepuff, and although your parents assured you that it meant nothing to them, you could see that not being a Gryffindor was like a small burden, but a small burden that you shared with Albus since he himself wasn't a Gryffindor but a Slytherin.
At home, your brothers and sister were always too busy to really take an interest in you. You were just a whisper among all these prestigious people who sat at your table at Christmas. The idea of ​​spending another Christmas alone while being surrounded by people, laughter and conversations in which you never found your place worried you so much that you knew you had made the right choice by staying at Hogwarts.
Only seven students, including you, had stayed at Hogwarts this year and you took advantage of a break in surveillance to wander the corridors without any specific goal. You had put on a warm coat over his pyjamas and, your eyes lost in the distance, you wondered if you would ever find his place.
You had just reached the astronomy tower when an icy wind swept the stairs, almost making it fall. It was then that a translucent silhouette appeared right in front of you.
You jumped more out of surprise than fear, it was not uncommon to come across ghosts at all hours of the day and night. Except that you did not know this ghost, and you must have been the only student at Hogwarts who could boast of knowing all the ghosts in the castle, because they were often your best company. Even Peeves could make you smile when he found you crying, hidden in the stairs leading to the dungeon.
"Who are you ?" you asked, your voice higher than you intended.
Across from her, a tall man with stern features and eyes as dark as his hair was staring at her.
"Severus Snape," he finally said.
You gaped. You knew who he was of course, a hero, the one without whom the war could never have been won, the one to whom your father owed so much.
"Severus Snape," you repeated stupidly.
"I doubt that's your name," he said sarcastically.
"I'm [Y/N] Potter," you answered.
He looked at you even more intently. You didn't really look like your father, except for the green eyes you shared, and you hadn't inherited anything from your mother except for your red hair. Your features weren't really Potter, and you weren't really Weasley. You didn't look like anyone.
"I know who you are. I've watched you many times."
"Really ?" you asked surprised.
"Really. The first time... the first time, I thought I saw a ghost."
You looked at him without understanding. He sighed heavily before inviting you to sit on one of the steps of the large stone staircase.
"I came the day you started school for the first time. I wanted to know where the last Potter offspring would end up. I was hoping that another Potter would find his place in my house. I recognized you right away," he explained.
"Because of my red hair ?" you asked with a pout.
You hated the colour of your hair that had often earned you teasing in primary school.
"No. Because you look like him."
"Who ?" you asked with curiosity evident in your voice.
"Lily. Lily Evans. Your grandmother."
"Really ?"
"Can you stop always saying really each time I tell you something ? Is it so hard to believe me ? You look exactly like her at the same age."
"Dad sometimes talks to me about her. She was perfect. Like him. Like my brothers and sister."
Snape raised his eyebrows, intrigued.
"Do you feel overshadowed, Miss Potter?"
You hesitated, biting your lip.
"I... I don't particularly aspire to be popular. I just... I wish I wasn't in the shadow of James and Lily, my sister. James is funny and charismatic, even at home it's all about him. Mum often takes care of Albus because he's more sensitive and Dad... he tries toe hide it but I can see he has a preference for Lily," you said almost in a whisper.
She looked up at Snape, expecting a hint of judgment in his expression or a sneer at her complaints, but he just watched her with quiet intensity.
"You underestimate yourself, Miss Potter."
"Easy for you to say when you're a hero," you replied with a shrug.
"I'm not a hero and I never have been. I did what I did to redeem myself, to redeem my mistakes. You carry a heavy family name and you come from a lineage that weighs heavily on your shoulders, but your talent, even if you can't see it now, is yours alone and the day you let it blossom, then your inner light will shine brighter."
"What if I can't do it ?" you asked, eyes shining with unshed tears.
"You have to believe that you can do it."
You didn't answer, but Snape's words resonated within you stronger than ever.
"Why are you never seen among the other ghosts ?" you dared to ask.
"Because I hate being surrounded by idiots. And the last thing I want is for some idiot student to come after me and ask me even stupider questions than they did."
You laughed softly, understanding that this castle was as much a sanctuary as a prison for Snape's mind.
"Do you think you're still here for a reason ?" you asked, looking at the snow that had started to fall again.
"I don't know. I think people like me never really find peace. But that's fine with me. I don't really deserve it."
"I think everyone deserves peace. Life is hard enough as it is without being tortured in the afterlife."
"Those are very wise words, Miss Potter. But you don't know anything about life yet. You are privileged, even if you can't find your place among your people. And I wish you, [Y/N], that you never have to know the harshness of existence."
He looked at you with even more intensity, his dark eyes filled with a mixture of melancholy and harshness.
Suddenly, the school clock began to chime. It was midnight.
"Merry Christmas, [Y/N]," Snape said with a slight smirk, so small that you almost thought you had imagined it.
"Merry Christmas, Professor Snape."
He turned away from you, and he left through the window before disappearing completely. You stood still for a moment, staring at the spot where he had stood a few moments earlier, your heart pounding, then, you straightened up, a slight smile on your lips, and you returned to your common room.
For the first time in a long time, you no longer felt alone. You knew even if he hadn't said anything about it, that your secret visitor tonight was watching over you like a silent guardian. And something deep inside you told you that this wouldn't be the last time you'd see him.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 4 months ago
[Fic] The Glory, the Shame
This is what happens when I try to come up with something to write at 7:00 am on Veteran's Day - you get Thomas and Peter sitting on @alex51324 's Island of the Gays philosophizing.
Not certain I'm going to include this one in the Island Sandbox, since it is now about twelve hours after I started, I am tired, and not at all certain it hits the right notes. But it's a thing and I wrote it, so here. Can be read as pre-relationship or just buddies, as you so feel moved.
Needless to say it is beta free. Also free of guppies, goldfish, loches, koi...okay, I'm going stop now before someone hurls a salmon at my head. On to the story instead.
Thomas sat on the bluff outside of town, a cigarette dangling in his fingers, watching the seagulls. A stiff wind was blowing, making his cheeks sting, but at least it wasn’t raining. Most of the village had decamped to the pub, intent on reducing Tully’s whisky supply to dregs. Thomas had thought about joining them, but his heart wasn’t quite in it.
A crunching noise alerted him to the fact he was about to have company. He looked up, half expecting it to be the herd of cattle they let roam the island south of the village, but it turned out to be Peter Fitzroy.
“Mind if I join you?” the one armed man asked.
“Sure,” Thomas replied. “The ground’s none too soft, though.”
“Probably better that way. Easier to dust off after.” Peter lowered himself to the ground with his usual easy cheer. “I take it the pub was a bit crowded for you?”
“Yeah.” Thomas took a drag off his cigarette. “Don’t get me wrong, I could use a pint or two about now. Maybe three or four, but there wasn’t even standing room in there.”
“I know what you mean.” Peter pulled out his own cigarettes and worked one out of the case. Even though he was perfectly capable of lighting it himself, Thomas lite it for him. Less hassle that way. For a minute the two of them just sat and smoked. Finally Peter said, “I thought it was a lovely service.”
“Yeah,” Thomas agreed. It touched on all of the key points without being soppy or condescending. Father Tim did a good job.” That was one problem with people who hadn’t actually been in the war. They could easily make it sound like they had been, like they knew exactly what the soldiers had been through when it was very clear they didn’t. It tended to lead to lofty proclamations about bravery and sacrifice that stank like the mud of the Somme, or sneering dismissal of the misery that had lead to missing limbs and haunting nightmares. Admittedly, Thomas had as little patience for the nightmares as the next person, but mostly because they interrupted his sleep and he did not like being woken up, thank you very much. He understood, but…well. His nightmares never disturbed anyone except himself.
“What did you think of the suggestion that we build our own war memorial, like villages are doing on the mainland?”
Thomas frowned at that one. “I’m not entirely certain. I wouldn’t fight it, of course. But I don’t know that it would help me any.”
The other man gave him a curious look at that. “Isn’t there anyone who’s gone that you want remembered?”
“Maybe.” Thomas took a slow drag and thought for a second before blowing out a long stream of smoke. There was Lord Flintshire’s valet, and a couple of other servants who had visited Downton frequently, but they’d been friends, not lovers. He didn’t know if anyone here would even know them. “I’m the one who didn’t know anyone in London, remember? Yeah, there were blokes I had it off with now and again, but never more than a couple of times. The people I’d really care about, well. They weren’t our sort. Seems a bit pointless to put them on there.”
“Hm. I suppose.” The other man allowed. “Then again, there are those of us who would want brothers on there, so I don’t know that it would have to be just our sort.”
“I still don’t know if any of my brothers made it through,” Thomas admitted. “I might be the last one standing.” He tried not to look at his gloved hand, but his eyes flickered to it involuntarily as he stretched his fingers.
Thankfully, the other man didn’t seem to notice. “Is there anyone you could write to find out? Or do you not want to?”
Thomas shrugged. “My sister, perhaps, if she’d write back to me. I don’t know that I’d bother, though. They might as well all be dead, as much as we pay attention to each other. Again, I don’t see that there’s anything to be gained by knowing.”
“That’s fair, I suppose.” The two of them lapsed into silence for a bit. Again, it was Peter who broke the silence. “What do you suppose Kit’s doing?”
“He planned on spending the day working on play bills for the theatre’s next production,” Thomas replied. “If he finishes that, he’ll probably read or something like that, I’d imagine. I’ve told him not to feel poorly about it, that he was well out of it, but. Well. No one likes to feel like they didn’t do their bit.”
“If they were clever they would.” Peter frowned, the expression out of place on his normally cheerful face. “I keep trying to tell Davy Hall that no one’s looking down on him for not serving, but you can tell he doesn’t believe it.”
“Davy?” Thomas looked askance at the other man. “You’re joking.” The other man shook his head. Thomas blinked, trying to wrap his head around it. “The man had rheumatic fever as a boy. The doctors expect him to drop dead of a hear attack or have his kidneys give out any day now, and he’s bemoaning the fact that he failed his physical and they wouldn’t let him go get shot at because his health might give out before the Germans got him?”
Peter gave a rueful sort of smile and a one sided shrug. “Apparently his brothers both died, so he really is the last one standing. And he’s here, so it’s not as if the line is going to continue. I think he feels as if, had he gone, one of his brothers might have survived.”
Thomas was aware of that sort of thinking, but he couldn’t imagine feeling that way about anything. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, even if I was expected to die young, I can not imagine feeling that suicidal.”
The comment earned him a sideways look that couldn’t decide whether to be fond or exasperated. “No, I can’t imagine you could. You’re too determined to live.”
His cigarette half way to his lips, Thomas froze. He slowly turned to look at the other man, gauging whether that comment had meant what he thought it did. When Peter lifted his eyebrows and shot a look at Thomas’s glove, that was a pretty clear answer. “Figured it out, have you?” Thomas replied, smiling tightly, trying to make a joke of it. He supposed if the other man was going to get him kicked off of the island, he’d have done it by now, and he didn’t seem like the sort for blackmail.
“Yeah.” Peter turned and crushed out his cigarette. “Several of us have. Me, Tully, Jessop, Rouse.”
“Dr R knows?” Thomas cringed. Oh, that couldn’t be good.
“He does.” The other man gave him a wan smile. “He doesn’t blame you, though. None of us do. If you get right down to it, you were the clever one, getting out of there rather than waiting for the Huns to drop a shell on your head.” He nodded to the glove and added, “Not to mention you could easily have died of infection. Difficult to call someone a coward when they’re doing something they know full well could kill them.”
“I wasn’t really thinking about that at the time,” Thomas admitted. It probably wasn’t the wisest thing he could do, but if Peter didn’t think poorly of him already, he doubted the truth would change that too much. “I just, I’d had it. I’d signed up to help save them that could be saved, not to die for a country that would just as soon kill me themselves. Or lock me away for two years and then let someone beat me to death when I got out, which is close enough.” He crushed out his own cigarette, then, after a moment’s thought, went to get another.
Peter shrugged. “You’re not wrong. And I still don’t blame you.” His eyebrows knit together and he asked, curiously, “Although, if I might ask, how did you manage it? It’s a difficult shot to manage yourself.”
“I didn’t manage it myself.” Thomas tucked his lighter away and blew smoke into the air. He would never understand how some people managed not to smoke. What did they do for their nerves? “I took myself out to a nice, quiet corner of the trench, lit m’self a cigarette, and then held my hand up over the wall. A German sniper took care of the rest for me.”
Oddly, that garnered a smile from the other man. “Well, that was nice of him. Did you send him a thank you note?”
“No,” Thomas scoffed, shaking his head. “I wasn’t exactly in any condition for it. Too much morphine. Who knows? By the time I was thinking clearly again, he was probably dead anyway.”
They were quiet again, for a stretch. This time Thomas broke it. “How long have you known?”
“Several months now. We put it together about the time Gordon ran off.”
“Blimey.” Thomas blinked at that. “And it took this long for any of you to say something?”
Peter shrugged. “It didn’t seem important, really. After all, who decided it was cowardice? And who decided that cowardice was something to die over? A bunch of men who never left England, except on holiday? The men who wished they had the guts to do something like that?” He looked down at his own shoulder. “I may not have invited a German sniper to have a shot at me, but I wasn’t exactly crying when they told me I couldn’t carry a stretcher anymore.”
“I should think not.”
“We did our bit. Then we went home. It’s what we said we’d do.”
“Too right.”
“We’re just lucky we made it.” Peter gave a salute to the clouds. “To the Glorious Dead.”
“And the Inglorious Living,” Thomas added, giving his own salute.
The other man leaned in, resting the stump of his shoulder against Thomas’s. “Glorious or not, I’m just as glad to have you hear instead of lying under poppies in France.”
“Thanks.” Thomas smiled and looped an arm around the other mans’ back to help them both stabilise. “I could say the same.”
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themculibrary · 7 months ago
BAMF!Pepper Potts Masterlist
All Is Fair In Love And War (ao3) - Winterturtle pepper/tony T, 8k
Summary: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. An engaged couple running one of the biggest companies in the world, living a normal life. Well, as normal as it can get. Both honest in their relationship except for one small detail - their secret identities as top assassins.
No questions asked. They's how they operate.
When they find each other as their next target, their quest to kill each other gets interrupted by Peter arriving for the weekend. Neither Tony nor Pepper let that stop them; they just take a more subtle approach to leave Peter out of it.
The problem? Peter thinks there's someone after both of them and keeps foiling their attempts.
Two assassins. One vigilante. Three secret identities meet.
A Long and Winding Road (ao3) - LadyDeBrief pepper/tony M, 4k
Summary: It was, much like he'd told Bruce, a terrible privilege, this power Pepper had over him. That she was aware of that and gave it the due seriousness was one of the reasons he so easily trusted her with it.
Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it (ao3) - Savana_Marlark pepper/tony T, 169k (WIP)
Summary: A snap.
A gauntlet.
A dying man's regret.
It is a dangerous thing to wish with infinity stones on your fist.
Sent back to the sands of Afghanistan, Tony Stark has a world to fix, and a Titan to stop, but he won't be doing it alone.
Can't Go On Without You (ao3) - hopecanbeyoursword pepper/tony G, 3k
Summary: They need all the help they can get to undo Thanos' actions. So Pepper Potts goes into space to bring back Tony and Nebula.
Guardian Angel (ao3) - flyingorfalling pepper/tony G, 3k
Summary: Pepper Potts is assigned to protect Tony Collins, Howard Stark's illegitimate son. Tony has become the target of Amon Stark, his older half brother, who allegedly murdered his father to get millions in inheritance.
His Other Mom (ao3) - betheflame pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: “Peter, she’s called four times. You can’t avoid this,” May said gently to Peter the day after he got back from London.
“I know,” Peter said. “I’m just…”
“Peter,” May replied. “We talked about this. She’s your last link to Tony and you shouldn’t waste that. She knew him better than anyone, even Happy, so if you have questions, she might just have answers.”
Peter rubbed his hand over his face, jet lag was a bitch even with super powers, and nodded. He went into his room and made the call.
Basically, on the second viewing of FFH, I wondered why no one gave the Owner of SI a heads up that her tech was being used by a stranger.
If You Hurt Him... (ao3) - jordieey natasha/tony N/R, 2k
Summary: It's time Pepper had a talk with one Agent Romanoff.
Like Glitter and Gold (I'll Rise Up) (ao3) - wigglyink pepper/tony G, 1k
Summary: How THAT scene should have ended. Includes Pepper Potts being awesome. Tony doesn't die because i said so.
Living with Eyes Wide Open (ao3) - paxere eventual steve/tony G, 4k
Summary: Steve is trying to get used to the 21st century. The Avengers are trying to become a team. Neither of these things are going well. Pepper has some ideas.
No Superhero (ao3) - anxiousgeek pepper/natasha, past pepper/tony T, 2k
Summary: She’s not a superhero.
But then the tower is on fire and Thor is also on fire and for once Pepper is not on fire.
Project New Hope (ao3) - goingsparebutwithprecision pepper/tony N/R, 4k
Summary: In which Pepper Potts has the worst period pains known to humankind, and deals with them via movie marathons, superheroes, and unnecessary code-names. Only some of these things are Tony's fault.
Search and Rescue (ao3) - SailorChibi pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: There is no way Pepper Potts is going to let her fiancé die alone in space.
Secret Identities and Super-dads (ao3) - Khentkawes pepper/tony T, 6k
Summary: When armed men attack an elementary school in upstate New York, attempting to kidnap eight-year-old Morgan Stark, no one expects that “Roger the chauffeur” will be the one to take out the bad guys—with some backup from Morgan Stark herself and a very pissed off Pepper Potts.
The public have believed Tony was dead for the past four years, and Tony never expected his big secret would get out like this. He didn’t mean to blow his cover as “Roger the chauffeur.” But when people try to mess with his family, they get what’s coming to them.
Sobriety Chips and Salsa (ao3) - betheflame steve/tony, bucky/natasha M, 7k
Summary: Sure, they all knew Tony was an alcoholic, but he had it basically under control, right?
Or, the story where he absolutely didn't, but eventually does, and both he and Steve remember the meaning of their vows.
Teach Me (ao3) - RobinsonsWereHere pepper/tony G, 1k
Summary: Pepper Stark has had enough of mourning. Mourning only makes it more difficult to raise a daughter or head a company or be a superhero, or any combination of the three. Ready to put Tony's last gift to her to good use, she turns to a capable friend for help.
The Other Side (ao3) - romeoandjulietyouwish pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: Thanos snaps his fingers, but Peter Parker doesn't disappear. Tony Stark does.
vigilante shit (ao3) - graveltotempo T, 5k
Summary: People tend to underestimate Virginia 'Pepper' Potts.
Watch the Queen Conquer (ao3) - sirladyknight pepper/tony G, 1k
Summary: (Tony may have been the careless Prince but Pepper was always the Queen.)
Blatant worshipping of the strawberry-blonde CEO that is our glorious Pepper Potts. Or Pepper solves a problem like a boss and is trying to make friends that don't fight evil aliens for a living. Oh, she and Jarvis are BFFs.
with resolution and without remorse (ao3) - LadyCrimsonAndBlack T, 4k
Summary: Pepper Potts is a powerful woman. People just don't really know how much.
(Or, the one in which Pepper is Hela and she does not allow her family to get hurt.)
your wild heart (ao3) - closingdoors pepper/tony G, 804
Summary: A missing scene during the big battle in Endgame. Tony finds a moment to greet Rescue!Pepper.
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violamonty · 2 years ago
putting this under a readmore because it ended up getting REALLY long-winded BUT. thoughts on tybalt vs. tank in terms of characterization. similarities, differences, yada yada yada. also some thoughts on the capp family as a whole.
(warning for discussion of internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity, but that's kind of par for the course when it comes to talking about tank in particular.)
tybalt and tank are really interesting because like. on the surface they seem really similar (like i mentioned before — gay eldest brothers of three who are deeply, deeply maladjusted from being used as a pawn in their families’ respective Problems). and i think that because of that, it’s easy to fall into the pitfall of just making them Essentially The Same Guy. (i don’t blame people for doing that! as i just said, they’re pretty similar guys.)
i know a lot of people (myself included) characterize tank as being a very repressed gay guy with a lot of internalized homophobia. that guilt compounds with his desire to make his dad happy by being, you know, A Tough Guy. buzz has already given up on ripp, and i honestly think he forgets buck exists sometimes. (the PSP game sure did.) tank is buzz’s last chance to have a “normal” son who follows in his footsteps by getting a wife and kids and idk, dying in a war or something? so there’s an immense amount of pressure for tank to be buzz 2.0 (AKA world’s straightest nuclear family having man).
except, obviously, tank isn’t built for that. he’s gay. he likes getting creative with his facepaint (or at least he did before buzz told him off for it). he wants to do ballet. he has five nice points, whereas buzz only has two.
tybalt, on the other hand, is not operating on NEARLY as many layers of internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity as tank is. what he IS operating on, however, is capp emotional repression. there’s a lot in game to suggest that most (if not all) of the capp marriages were arranged — goneril and regan aren’t in love with their respective spouses (nor are their respective spouses in love with them), and regan specifically never has been. the way the capp family is structured makes the concept of… courtship, i guess? into more of a transaction of status than anything emotional.
even if the concept of arranged marriages isn’t something that applies to tybalt specifically (and it may not be — kent is our only example of an adult male capp descendant, and he’s not married either), i feel like the concept of swallowing your true feelings for the sake of your family’s status is something that’s pretty pervasive among the capps. that’s part of what makes juliette’s relationship with romeo so scandalous. it’s not JUST because he’s a monty (although that is the primary reason) — it’s also expected that she marries someone who would bolster her own reputation, not just A Guy She’s In Love With.
anyways. tybalt is emotionally repressed, but that's less because he's gay and more because he's a capp. he isn't normal about the fact that he's gay, but that's just because he isn't normal about anything. he feels guilty about pursuing his own relationships because he feels like his whole life should be focused on his allegiance to the capp family (and, by extension, the capp-monty feud). he's invested so much time and energy into upholding his family's ideals (he maxed out his fucking body skill before even becoming an adult, for one. this guy's got problems) that it's become his whole identity.
why does tybalt care so much? memories between the three capp siblings are, as always, inconsistent, but i'm of the opinion that tybalt was the only one old enough to really Remember the fire that killed their parents. the capp siblings subsequently being taken in and raised by consort (who is arguably the most invested in the capp-monty feud) had a profoundly negative impact on tybalt's development, similarly to how the loss of lyla as a voice of reason had a profoundly negative impact on tank's. consort believed that the monty family was somehow responsible for the fire that killed cordelia and caliban, an idea he ended up passing on to his grandchildren.
juliette and hermia, being too young to fully remember the fire and therefore less blinded by a need for revenge, were able to see past that and see that it was kind of bullshit — the capp manor is an old house (so old that it doesn't even have showers), so the fire was almost certainly an accident. tybalt, on the other hand, is very reliant on authority figures to tell him what to believe (another trait he shares with tank), and all of a sudden consort is the only authority figure in his life. if cordelia (who was implied to be against the capp-monty feud by way of contessa's bio) had lived and remained a voice of reason in tybalt's life, he may have turned out differently... at least in terms of his opinion on the capp-monty feud. (i think that, unlike tank, he's kind of an angry dude no matter what. he has two nice points.)
back to tank. unlike tybalt, a lot of his guilt DOES stem specifically from the fact that he's gay — and, of course, that guilt ends up feeding into his anger and some sort of inferiority complex. he wants to be the perfect son so bad, but the fact that he's gay is (in both his eyes and his dad's) something that stands in the way of that. if he just Stops Being Gay, maybe everything else in his life will fall into place. (it won't, but he doesn't know that.) i think that in order to unlearn that internalized homophobia and self-hatred, he has to distance himself from buzz first. i'd like to think that he ends up doing that eventually, but i'm also not sure if it's realistic — he gets his camouflage facepaint tattooed sometime between the PC and DS versions, and that particular facepaint design is something buzz approved of. (i'm looping back to the "creativity with his facepaint" secret because it makes me sad.)
tank being shitty to ripp is an extension of his need for his father's approval (although that's less 'my interpretation' and more just. actually canon, i think). part of it is him mimicking what he's seen buzz do, but part of it is a subconscious jealousy that ripp is brave enough to rebel against their shitty dad. the ever-present toxic masculinity in tank's brain tells him that he has to be a brave person, but on at least some level he knows that ripp is braver than him — ripp, who paints his nails and wears smudged dollar-store eyeliner, is being a hell of a lot more courageous than tank, who is decked out in camouflage from head to toe because it makes his dad happy. and that's something that won't leave tank's mind, no matter how much he would never admit it.
anyways. tank and tybalt. if they ever met (which i think is unlikely — tybalt lives somewhere italy-adjacent and tank is in like. new mexico), i'm not sure if they would be friends. it really depends on what stage of their lives they were at (i think they'd hate each other as teenagers because they're so similar). i think there would be something else there, though. some sort of acknowledgement. a recognition of the self through the other.
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skyloftsword · 1 year ago
Ranking Zelda stories because I am bored
Happy Easter and Trans Visibility Day! I'm bored and wanted to rank the stories of the 3D Zelda games. Spoilers of course. Ranked from favorite (top) to weakest (bottom). I also won't be including WInd Waker because I never beat it (not the game's fault, I bought HD during the Switch's lifecycle and got tired of the Wii U gamepad). A lot of my problems are just personal gripes and not really criticisms.
Tears of the Kingdom: Controversial placement, I know (I have been literally harassed SEVERAL times over this take, I am disappointed in humanity). It has its issues, but like, what thing DOESN'T have flaws? Everything is flawed, it came free with your entertainment. The plot beats for Tears of the Kingdom are absolutely insane. The Imprisoning War and the events leading up to it all felt connected and relevant to each other and the events in the present. Not to mention watching stuff like the Molduga memory and the Imprisoning War itself was extremely hype. Seeing the interactions between Sonia, Rauru, Zelda and Mineru got me really attached to these characters. The events in the present also feel meaningful and urgent. Your friends from the previous game are ACTUALLY in trouble in this game and not just being stalked by a giant robot that's doing nothing. The Sages also felt more connected than the Champions ever did. The camera not being locked behind a backtracking quest this time was cool too. Overall, this game's story hit the hardest, especially with the Dragon Tears quest.
Skyward Sword: Great story with a great cast. Backtracking is a bit of a pain and could have been handled better, but I love the events of the game. Groose's character development is truly excellent. Link and Zelda having a connection also assisted in making the adventure hitting harder.
Twilight Princess: As a former Twilight Princess hater, I would like to apologize to this game. I had a biased hatred against the game because I thought it was just TP fans that were toxic when in reality its just the Zelda fanbase as a whole that has a massive toxicity problem (not all Zelda fans are toxic). The whole beginning segment with Ordon Village and the Twili Realm sets up Link's quest perfectly. The story as a whole is really great until Ganondorf. Ganondorf in this game is genuinely really weak as a character, same with Zelda. They at least have the manga to help them but still...
Majora's Mask: I love the concept for this game's story and for the most part its really well done. Its just short and a lot of the interesting stuff is in the side quests. This is totally fine because it helps get me invested in the world, but most side quests are just... meh. Anju/Kafei, the grandma stories and the Romani Ranch quest lines (including the Ranch Race with the Gorman Brothers) are really great though.
Breath of the Wild: Man... This game's backstory is SO, SO, SO GOOD. Like wow is it good. I just HATE how its told. Stuff that would be cool to see is NEVER shown. Like why not show us Zelda and Link vs Calamity Ganon? Not to mention the Camera backtracking quest... I will say, at least it made the Champion's Tunic plot relevant. TotK should've made the Leathers important. Also the Divine Beast quests just don't sit right with me (outside of the Gerudo one, that one was really great). The Divine Beast fights are incredible though, they make up for the atrocious dungeon bosses.
Ocarina of Time: Too boring and unoriginal for me. Yes, TotK takes a lot from BotW's style of story, but it at least builds upon it and has unique aspects like Crisis at Hyrule Castle and Mineru's entire questline. I do like how Ganondorf mocks Link, especially in the Forest Temple, as it makes him more relevant. Ganondorf waiting until Zelda gave Link the Light Arrows just was incompetent though.
Alright, that's my ranking of each 3D Zelda story I have an opinion on. I very much expect disagreement (especially with TotK) and that's fine, just please do not attack me over this stuff. Its just opinions. I've been harassed way too much over my takes on TotK, its tiring.
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thebiscuiteternal · 1 year ago
this new reverse au has too much sad in it. please give huaisang some friends please. 😿
I think he and Jiang Yanli have the potential to be great friends, but it wouldn't happen until the war breaks out and the Jiang parents are gone, specifically because they don't bother to include her in anything official and don't associate with him outside of anything official, and therefore the two of them probably wouldn't even meet properly until the war. But they find they understand each other very well, and he lets her have all the freedom in the kitchen tents she wants and even sometimes acts as her prep assistant when she's really stressed.
Also I think he and Mianmian would at least be friendly, if not friends (maybe they'll be friends? I haven't really sorted it out), and when the soup fight breaks out, she scoots off to grab him to come calm shit down and explain to Zixuan that he's been an idiot without punching him (though Wei Wuxian would probably get in at least one good swing before they get back). Maybe even get Zixuan to be nicer and more involved with his new brother when Jin Guangyao is legitimized? Help fix some of the social mess his parents made him into?
So he's still the cautionary tale for Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao re: their fathers, but he winds up being a good sounding board for Jiang Yanli's stress re: her brothers, and helps Jin Zixuan be a decent brother to Jin Guangyao.
And, I mean, he and Jin Guangyao are still gonna be friends. (Maybe more, because this is me building all this mess.) He makes it clear that he's someone safe to vent to and while he can't fix (waves in the direction of Jin Guangshan's general everything) because of his lack of actual political power, he'll do what he can to mitigate the emotional damage. Trauma bonding, yay!
I haven't decided what his emotional ties to the rest of the Sunshot Generation will be. His opinions of the Lans won't change much, and he's kind of wary of Wei Wuxian because of all the general Jiang Family Mess (it's complicated. like, he doesn't blame Mingjue for anything because Mingjue was a baby when he arrived, but Wei Wuxian kinda brings the rumors on himself with his general attitude and constant need to Show Off??? but also it's clear Wei Wuxian loves his shijie and shidi and doesn't seem to be entirely conscious of the effect he has on Jiang Cheng especially and wow, Huaisang is getting a huge headache just watching them). But things could change.
Also, totally unrelated, I love the idea that Mingjue had a puppy crush on Xichen the entire war and only Huaisang knew but somehow it gets out by the time Mingjue's grown and he's embarrassed as hell about it, but maybe??? The crush is still there???
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homemade-clones · 2 years ago
You probably already know why I'm here 😏 Looking for more information about my beloved Cheese 💚
For the wholesome OC asks (honestly, I would ask them all if I could): 2, 8, 9, 13, 24, 28, 30, 33, 36, 37, and 41.
Please and thank you 😘
Oh, you know I'm always glad to help you learn more about this sweetheart boi 😌💖
2) Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
I'd give him a nice cup of mulled wine, with all the honey, clove, and cinnamon! I feel he would quite enjoy all the individual flavors in it, plus comfort the beverage brings! Cheese would probably pick something easier to both make, and squeeze into his busy day. A cup of caf (the good type they smuggle sell in the 501st barracks). An easy, reliable classic.
8) What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
Maybe an unusual answer, but the GAR’s standard-issue laundry detergent. It’s something he really only gets to feel when he returns to Tipoca City. While he’s not particularly thrilled about thinking of it as home, being raised inside the smooth walls, safe from the dangers he faces every single mission, his brain came to associate it with safety. Save from when he’s being cuddled to sleep by his vode or SO, it’s when Cheese lies on his bunk and gets a whiff of the barely-there detergent that he sleeps the deepest.
9) How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
A gift? A gift of flowers?? For him??? Sweet maker, the blessing of Jango’s melanin would be the only thing keeping Cheese’s face from blending into his hair with how hard this man blushes. He would be so touched and flustered and downright giddy that someone thought of him enough to get him a gift, and associated him — a soldier bred for war — with something as pretty and soft as flowers. Can and will profusely thank with words, hugs, and kisses (depending on relationship and the person’s boundaries ofc), once he stops being a flustered bean. Knows nothing of it, but will research on how to press flowers so that he can keep at least one of the flowers in his memento box (the man’s a lover of memories, of course he’s keeping it forever!).
13) Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favorite season and why?
Oh, though question! In his opinion, both temps have their merits: cold is good for snuggling, but warm is ideal for spending time outside! Still, he’s slightly more inclined to colder weather (he is but a humble cuddle bug). And as far as standard seasons go, Cheese is very fond of Winter — in special cloudy days. One: because of the aforementioned cozy mood. Two: if it looks like it will rain, then most of his vode are less prone to wander outside (and then come back with a stray animal, or ‘mysterious’ injuries for him to treat and try justifying in the med reports.)
24) How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
While he is not averse to group activities, his favorite winding-down ones aren’t the most attractive to all of his brothers. His go-to are: - Catching up to his favorite holodramas along with Tooka. Also, to any series he started watching with his s/o. Watching things together is one of his love languages; - Writing on his ‘notebook’; really a stack of flimsy cut to size and sewn together between two pieces of worn leather — Not much, but he made and it’s his. He writes whatever comes to mind, from Situations his brothers got into, to poetry or even imaginary scenarios he’d like to live with his s/o; - On occasion, he enjoys some Floor Time™ with the massiffs (because they will always invite themselves into what they see as Puppy Pile Time), because it feels good on his back; - And Once in a blue moon, you’ll catch him at 79’s tucked in a booth, having a chat with his batchmates over a cocktail.
28) What would they do if their favorite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
Pfft, now that's one very common occurrence, considering how many massiffs they share the barracks with. While he avoids letting them get on his lap because save for Aid who is a smaller breed, they are hefty (Socks in special). But if it does happen? Then he will gladly accept his fate. If his legs growing numb is in the will of the Force, who is him to fight against it?
30) What is their love language?
Giving: Quality time (be with him!), closely followed by physical touch (be glued with him!), and then acts of service (pls let him help you with chores). Receiving: Physical touch (don't let him go), quality time (be with him! x2) and words of affirmation (please, please assure him that he’s enough for you)
33) What is their favorite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
His favorite color is salmon (#fa8072)! Whenever possible (aka outside Kamino’s walls), he likes to wear light colors, like yellow, green, and pink. But he won’t turn his nose at the familiar shades of dark gray and teal of his armor.
36) What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
If his s/o isn’t opposed to having their pictures taken, he’ll gift them both candid pics and happy moments captured on his Polaroid (‘to remember the good moments, if he doesn’t make back to them’). But he’d also gift them small things he came across during missions: a colorful pebble, a feather, a necklace with pretty colors he got from a street vendor. If he gets on his feelings, he may write them a letter.
37) Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
A body pillow (those big, horseshoe-shaped ones), a family-sized packet of the good caf Wolffe drinks, and maybe a new fidget toy for Bedbug, because the current one is about to break.
41) If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Scents: Something warm and full, like spice and honey. A sweetness that comforts and invites relaxing, but with the underlying heat that entices the senses. Colors: Warm and rich in color (think an orangish cream), streaked here and there with golden and white. Drop it in the water and watch the foam gather like clouds in the sky, and the colors swirl around each other, painting a perfect and vibrant sunset on the water. Settles in a rich golden hue, with a sheen pleasant to the eye.
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zacksfairest · 3 months ago
For the "give me a character" ask game: Lemuel, Crow, and Vaela!
How I feel about this character
Well. I'm normal about him. Completely normal. He does not consume my every thought at every moment of the day. Absolutely not.
There are so few characters that have stood the test of time and continue to mean so much to me. Lemuel's characterization has evolved so much as the story has unfolded, and yet everything we've learned has only made me love him more. He's charming, he loves his family so very much, and he lowkey (highkey) wanted to lead a revolution by killing god and then becoming him. He loves his family so very much. He loves his niece-daughter so fiercely and lets her run wild. He is wracked with guilt and a lifetime of trauma beaten into him by the army he was forced to join at 12.
What's not to love?
I love Lemuel Adelier so much, probably more than any other character I've ever loved. He just hits Every Single Button on my Favorite Character Characteristics board. And I am so very normal about him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I am so serious when I say that he and Bastion should hate-fuck. Or Bastion should fuck around with him, at least. I just want to shove them in a room together and see what happens.
There's also William Argenti/Lem, which is entirely Melody's fault. Big Fat Papa is a viable sugar daddy candidate.
Am I allowed to say I ship him with Addie? I don't know if that's allowed, but we're including that in here anyway. God, I'm so embarrassing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Lem and Leysa!!!! I can't wait to see their relationship in the present, but the glimpses we've gotten of them in the past have been charming. He respects her so much, and she seems to really love the disaster that is her brother-in-law turned husband.
I'm also going to include Lem and Miki here. I LOVE this Father-Daughter duo, and I absolutely CANNOT wait to see more of them together. They love each other so much, and truly seem to understand each other. God, I am so obsessed with them, and they warm my black heart.
My unpopular opinion about this character
God, just the fact that I love him with every fiber of my being is an unpopular opinion in itself lmao. Most people seem to fucking hate my darling Aldish captain—though that might have started to shift with the revelations from that fateful night.
It's definitely an unpopular opinion that I support him in all of his endeavors. From the war crimes to the murder. I can't help the fact that he is a fantastic character and I wouldn't change him for the world. And also that I have fantastic taste.
And also the murder is hot. What can I say?
I think the penultimate unpopular opinion I have, though, is that I genuinely love Lem and Miki as a Daddy-daughter duo—and YES I consider him her father. Were it not for Bastion's fucky lil experiments, Duane would be little more than dust in the wind from the pyre that burned his body. Lem filled that role (and he didn't actively seek to kill his brother—had intended on dying himself!!—so you can't be mad about that anymore), and he loves Mikaila so very much. More than any man that would have inevitably stepped in to marry a widowed Leysa in the aftermath.
I genuinely think that pretty much every opinion I have about Lem is an unpopular opinion, let's be real lmao.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
This is a hard one, though, because I have no idea what could be coming down the pike. Anything I could wish for would be entirely self-indulgent (show me a scene in a brothel, Ashley. Please.)
I mean. IDK. Might have to leave this at "I wish the sparring scene with Duane at the Temple had been shirtless as had been originally scripted" and also a dash of "I wish that I could see him murder a man with his clawed gauntlets and/or his throwing knives"
How I feel about this character
I love this idiot so much. I love that he is the exact character archetype that has me by the throat (a man haunted by a violent past that he cannot escape and so desperately wishes to atone for), and that he is so very EARNEST in everything he does. Almost nauseatingly so. I fucking love him. He just tries so hard (and doesn't really succeed??? I am so sorry, Crow).
And I just love how much Uldren continues to haunt him, even with him having conquered his Nightmare. I just love that his past will not let him move on, and continues to claw its way back to remind him that he has so much that he need to atone for. It's just the exact drama and angst I live for.
God. I cannot believe D2 fucking got me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I completely admit that I have absolutely no canon pairings for this man. I've come in real late, so I've missed any potential canon pairings for him that could have grabbed me.
So, unfortunately, you get my self-indulgence instead.
I love Crow/Velah so very much. I love their dynamic, I love how much he cares for her, and how completely oblivious they both kind of are to this?? Once again, his earnestness rears its ugly head again. He so wants to help her, but she is so resistant to it. I die.
I also love Crow/Saya—he is genuinely one of the few people she could possibly grow to genuinely trust in this strange world. And he's one of the few who could understand her desperation.
Which also frightens him! Because he sees too much of Uldren in her desperate desire to get home to save her clan, and he is so scared of what she might become should she give in to that desperation.
There is just so much drama potential with them. Drives me mad. No I have not written anything yet. Shut up.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Crow/Velah also falls in here! Even if you never wanted them to be an actual pairing, they work so well as the closest of friends. I just! Love their relationship and their dynamic. They play so well off of each other.
I also love him and Eido. I still crack up thinking about listening to them fight over the comms.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm glad he's Hunter Vanguard :) That might be my only unpopular opinion, if that even is one.
I haven't really engaged with enough fandom opinions to know what might be unpopular regarding him!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
[bursts through the Bungie HQ walls]
How I feel about this character
I love Vaela with my entire heart and soul. She was probably the first OC that I put genuine and detailed thought into developing, and it was a years long endeavor to do so. She is so entrenched in my soul, which is especially thanks to playing her in D&D. I can't explain it, but playing as your character in a tabletop RPG just ensures that the character forever has a place in your brain that will never again be vacated.
I just love her so much. She has been through so very much, and I watched her grow into such a strong and loving soul despite it all. She broke the chain of abuse that was started by a woman she never knew and would never know. How easy it would have been to simply let her anger and fear and anguish at everything that was taken from her consume her. But she met such lovely people, and they reminded her that the world, and everyone in it, is truly good at heart. And that she is loved, in spite of the scars carved into her soul.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Well. Vaela/Zaresh is my main ship for her, but we all know it is not really romantic in nature. He is terrible awful and she did not deserve what he did to her.
And yet :)
She also has potential post-game with the brother of one of her party members. He appeared smitten with her at the celebration they had post-saving the world, and me and the character's creator have mused on and off about how Vaela would go to visit her party member friend, and therefore also her brother in turn. And potentially things could develop. He is very sweet and handsome, and is entirely what she deserves.
Mads and I need to discuss that some more.
Outside of her Main Ships, I've played with a few self-indulences from other fandoms. Like Vaela/Percy (from Critical Role/The Legend of Vox Machina), because I just think that the revenge mission they're both on would make for a fascinating dynamic. Also Percy is so very charming and kind, and he would fucking rip Zaresh to shreds. (Also, he is famously possessed by a demon that he sold his soul to. Hot.)
I really enjoyed Vaela/Lucanis in Dragon Age: Veilguard. He is just perfect for her. So kind and gentle despite being part of a famous guild of assassins. He would be so understanding of her reluctance involving romance, considering what she'd been through. Gosh.
There's also Vaela/Solas. Which I'm fucking obsessed with. But I cannot say anything more thanks to Spoilers :)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Vaela and Riven absolutely. I love those girls. That's her sister right there! They went through so much together, and Riven was so good to her right off the bat ("Hey! Ye want me to kill 'im for ye?" "What? No!"). Riven offered her a home when she had none. Vaela crawled into the bowels of the Underdark to save the man that had spawned her tormentor, all because Riven so desperately wanted to save the man that had saved her and her dad so many years ago.
I also love Vaela and Erosen. Her dad stand-in before she was convinced to write to her family to let them know she was alive and okay. And even after that, I'm sure he still offers her a shoulder to lean on when the nights become rife with risen nightmares.
Vaela and Krelyss is also dear to my heart. They get off on the rockiest of starts ("Hey, so. Your son is dead because of me. He was a manipulative serial killer who locked me in a basement to keep as a toy. And he is dead because I ensured we hunted him down—both for my own peace of mind and to save Aeranth. Okay bye."), and yet they still develop such a quiet and gentle friendship. They both endured similar torments and horrors. Krelyss is too forgiving and understanding to let his grief poison his heart toward her, and Vaela has too much heart to hold whatever grudge he might have against her for the death of his only son.
Gosh. I love these characters so much.
My unpopular opinion about this character
There are no unpopular opinions of my girl. We are all in agreement about her, and everyone who knows about her can read <3
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish Vaela had canonically and in-game found someone that she could love. She still feels broken and unlovable, and she's afraid to trust anyone to the point that she could be that vulnerable with them ever again. But! That also wasn't really the point of her character arc. She needed closure, she needed to know that Zaresh would never hurt her or anyone else again. She needed to meet Krelyss and see that the man who brought Zaresh into the world is not touched by the evil that had blackened Zaresh's heart. She needed to reunite with her family, and see for herself that they would still love her despite her self-proclaimed "brokenness."
And, most importantly, she needed to see that the world is good, and that, in spite of it all, she found friends and a second family that would very much kill for her, and would die before they ever let anyone hurt her again.
I also wish that the meeting with Zaresh had gone how Liz had initially planned it. But we simply did too good at investigating and planning. Alas, at least she got to face him again, on her terms.
But how I yearn for that game of murder hide-and-seek she'd had planned.
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disorganizedkitten · 2 years ago
Still no luck so here's the new one anyway
Tumblr media
Breakdown? Breakdown >:D
Godfamily: I read... goshdangit y'all I have to link it but now I don't remember the title screw me
After a disastrous search on Ao3 I can inform you I don't remember the name, the author (I think) was Lullabyknell, but all but three of their HP works have been set to mystery so uh-- I'm losing my mind ^u^ Anyway they wrote a wicked good Reg Lives And Moves In By Harry Au and I wanted to write one too.
Godfamily turned into Lettersverse, then NOPC 1, which is not listed because it was really just the place in between Lettersverse and NOPC. Lettersverse gets to hold them both vaguely until I get around to writing it, but the premise was that Harry moved in with Reg and wrote letters to Nev, and then suddenly it was a twin au and they were solving the mystery of who Harry was, and Reg was still legally dead and it was Much Shenanigans and Very Chaos.
Lettersverse and NOPC 1 turned into Not (Our Parents') Children circa November 2020 (yipes) and now we have quadruple the cast size, some time travel, more kids, and Regulus is legally alive and also bullying the government. Entirely a twin au. Debatably a WBWL au.
Sometime during Not (Our Parents') Children's development I thought it would be cool to do a Reg-and-Delphi-Cy-as-teachers-au, except it wasn't specifically Delphi Cy because that was before I added Delphi Lyn. Three War Orphans In A Magic Castle is not listed because I forgot about it. ToT
Not (Our Parents') Children spawned the entirety of Adjacent, which is listed below it, but we'll start with the Mathverse. Mathverse is definitely a WBWL, and pretty much happened because of a throwaway line I came up with and a minor crisis because my PLANNED WBWL au (NOPC) was very off track so I wanted to write a version that was... a little bit closer to the usual tropes. Lettersverse is listed as an influence because of NOPC 1
War Crimes Verse is me being self-indulgent ^~^ Focuses largely on Neville and Delphi Cy, it features half of Hogwarts being victims of kidnappings ^~^ Crises all around. I love them.
Under War Crimes is Dark Magic For Dummies, which is new, and pretty much a light-hearted, chaotic webseries. Features Fay Dunbar exploring Soul Magic. It could almost be kept separate but I'm keeping a lot of the family drama from War Crimes while ignoring the implications.
There Is Magic In Every Living Thing is straight from NOPC again, just shenanigans between Slytherin students. Including Harry.
The Big Brother Brigade came from TMLT, but this time focused on Percy, Connor, and Oliver. It's summary includes "Watch out Voldemort, Oliver Wood is coming for your kneecaps." Tell me of a better premise I dare you.
TMLT also spawned Three Eldritch Abominations in a Trenchcoat which is more Theo, Blaise, and Harry being chaotic and terrifying to normal people.
Delphi Is Not Paid Enough For This BS is a series for Exploring Delphi Lyn's characterization, both in the NOPC-verse and out of it. Delphi Lyn, for those of you who don't know, is an Unspeakable, so most of these are Department of Mysteries-centric as well. Inheritance is Delphi exploring her heritage and claiming the resurrection stone, Veil Visitors is canon Harry and Sirius visiting the NOPCverse, Through the Veil is Delphi visiting canon, Death Will Prevail is some Necromancy exploration feat. Pandora Lovegood, Child of Prophecy is the au where Delphi is DADA teacher in OotP instead of Umbridge, and Soul Siblings is Delphi adopting Harry while she's trying to collect the Horcruxes and bring Voldemort back. They're all very fun.
My Name Is Timothy Riddle and You- Are A Child, aka one of my most long-winded titles ever, is supposed to be a pun/reference to The Princess Bride, it's Timothy's version of Soul Siblings; Timothy is Delphi's older brother, he's dead, but he goes to haunt his father's killer and finds an abused 5yo. He starts haunting the Dursleys instead and 'spiritually' adopts Harry ;)
Then our second flow chart starts at Cobra Lily, which is actually my first ever Potter Twins au, I've mentioned before that it's a love letter to Purplemango and their au, but I went 'what if there were a bunch of magical orphans and they banded together instead'. I also love it immensely. I gave every founder a room and it's so great.
Hyacinth originally came about because I was wondering if Cobra Lily really needed a fem harry since I wasn't doing as much with it as I could, and THEN there were old CL timetravel daydreams where Tom Riddle mistakenly assumed Iris was his granddaughter, so I said why not? It's lovely. So very lovely.
Then from Hyacinth we got A Conspiracy of Errors, which came from me having Hawthorne, Sorrel, Connor, and Hades in a room together with some other Potter twins, and Sorrel looked someone dead in the eye and said "Harry and James Potter were murdered in 1981" and then the muse went "AU WHERE THEY BOTH FAKE THEIR DEATHS!!" It's nice. CoE is listed as coming from both NOPC and Hyacinth on account of using Connor Potter again.
Haunted and Holy also came from a throwaway comment, this one in Hyacinth, about 'well MAYBE Sorrel's quirks are because he hallucinates his dead brother' and the only viable answer to that was a Ghost!Harry au.
Losing my mind bc I redid the hp flow chart but now I can't find the original to reblog it 😭
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katsettee · 2 years ago
Greetings! I love your art so dang much!! May I ask your headcanons on the LU boy’s ages?
Totally don’t feel pressured, just curious <3
Have a dandy day!
Thank you! I have been thinking really hard about this for a while but I think I have my answer.
This is all purely headcanon and how funny I think it would be for their dynamics and relationships.
The ages themselves are kind of fuzzy, but age order in my mind from oldest to youngest goes:
Time(ofc), Twi, Sky, Warriors, Hyrule, Legend, Four, Wild, and finally Wind.
In my mind, Time and Sky have experienced the most time between their last adventure and the crossover, Time obviously because he is just a whole ass adult married man now and Sky because I would like to think he has gained some responsibility and has started the establishment of Hyrule. I would put Time at mid 30s and Sky mid 20s.
I see Twi as significantly older than the others but with little desire to take charge, seeing as he has no experience in leadership to any capacity, but is the ultimate big brother in late 20s. I also see him as being much older than the others during his adventure.
Wars is also older during his adventure, like dude is a captain in the military, he’s been mature enough for long enough to get to where he is. This is where I get fuzzy with ages, but I would put Wars at 24/23.
This is where my headcanons really get the best of me, but I’m obsessed with the idea of Hyrule being older than Legend. I am all about the “Legend feels guilt for the state of Hyrule’s world” and “Hyrule looks up to The Hero of Legend” ideas but what I really love is complex emotions and Hyrule looking towards Legend, the hero that he can only hope to be, and realizing that its never been more than a broken child forced to think like a survivor. I view Legend as just barely pushing adulthood at 18/19 and Hyrule being 21/22. Their dynamic as two people who could only conjure the ideal image of the other (Legend saving his world for the ideal future and realizing it all falls to ruin anyways + Hyrule trying to do anything in order to live up to the “legendary” previous hero) and being ultimately disappointed by the other is fascinating to me, but I like to think they value each other without the title of hero eventually and are quite close because of that connection.
I’m going to be honest I know the least about Four, seeing as I have yet to really invest much time with his games and character, so I’m just going along with him being a comfy 18 for no particular reason. So sorry to all the Four fans but I would like to hear other people’s ideas.
Again here’s some very biased headcanons, but I like to think Wild quite literally JUST defeated Calamity Ganon and is still at that (1)17 age that we see in the game. I love the LU comic but the Wild I like to include in my works is very much an immature teen, not the angsty sad man. My preference of Wild portrayal is HEAVILY influenced by critbit and it will always be that way tbh. Additionally, Wild and Twi being the most “sibling” siblings in the group just appeals to me and putting them at a similar age gap to myself and my own siblings is just funny to me.
Finally you have the kid brother Wind, who I have such a hard time assigning an age to. His age gap is significant enough that he is much different from Wild, but I would also like to think that some time has passed since his adventure. I would like to put him at the 16 year old range, but if I’m being honest it should probably be more towards the 13-14 range- so I will probably change my portrayal of him a bit to reflect that in any upcoming content.
I am super on the fence about this and since these are fictional and very undefined characters I am mostly fine with sliding the ages up and down for enjoyment, but I suppose this is my personal view on what I think is in line with the content that I personally create. I probably will not even follow this super accurately if I’m being perfectly honest.
Thank you for the ask!
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Okay so I have to rant about Gronder more because it's soooo bad?? Like we have Claude "CRUSH ANYONE WHO ISN'T AN ALLY/C A L M D O W N D I M I T R I," but we also have the Alliance and Kingdom instantly turning on each other because of one incident that was clearly just the Empire fucking with them WHICH YOU THE PLAYER CAN POINT OUT AND DIMITRI WILL LITERALLY AGREE WITH but nope still can't trust the Alliance (and also Dimitri has no doubts the Empire is capable of this but still says he never expected the Alliance to help them?? EVEN THOUGH CLAUDE LITERALLY DID HELP THEM BARELY A MONTH AGO??)! Like what?? And since we don't see Claude's side of things here it literally just looks like he was held at gunpoint by the writers to fight the Kingdom even though HE CLEARLY DOESN'T WANT TO, there's just sooo much dissonance going on it's crazy.
And then it doesn't even matter in the end because this doesn't even diminish Claude's trust in Dimitri later!! And Dimitri just helps Claude anyway in return!! SO WHY EVEN BEND OVER BACKWARDS FORCING CONTRIVENCES ON THE PLOT TO MAKE THEM FIGHT IF LITERALLY NOTHING COMES FROM IT?? (other than to have Claude trust Dimitri with his life despite having just fought on opposite sides and having faith in his recovery when so few others did... someone really wanted these two to have Something goin' on lmao)
It's just. So fucking crazy to me because Gilbert's first instinct to a mutilated corpse is like "So this is how the Alliance wants to respond to our request >:["
The fact that Dimitri's probably pretty calm at this point has me laughing myself into pain. Like I think he's pretty much as mentally stable as when he's brushing off Byleth's hand during the Flame Emperor reveal; still spiralling, but single-minded and not in the mood for distractions. So for Claude to hover above him on this dramatic-ass, foreign-to-Fódlan white Wyvern and tell him to CaLM DoWn!!....it's comical. Claude my love what are you fucking talking about. You literally antagonized Imperial loyalists for him. Admitted to not wanting to fight him. What are you doingggggg
And like. As irritating as it is on Verdant Wind, it makes so much more sense; who knows what an army fighting under the Blaiddyd banner is willing to do for their murdered prince? Best not to try and work a tactic around allying with them when it could risk your army's ruination.
(Also just discovered that Hilda confirms it's actively foggy at Gronder, despite what Rodrigue said about not moving until it lifted. So. Uh. IntSys where the fuck was my fog of war? If you're gonna send Claude after my ass can you at least make it a surprise?)
It's absolutely wild to me that, in creating Dimitri to be a genuinely good guy who wants good things (and did several several bad things before realizing that), they couldn't . Uh . Naturally make Claude, also a good guy, his enemy. They had to use the miscommunication trope (my least favourite thing on planet-fucking-earth) to pit them against each other, and even then they're wondering why they're fighting while they're fighting!? They were a little more than neutral to each other when Claude helped them; when the kingdom army crossed into what was at the very least shared land with the Alliance to meet up with Rodrigue and secure troops, and nothing was done about that (the blue glow on Faerghus during FE videos does not include Ailell, so I'm tempted to say it's more Alliance land than Kingdom). Claude did the Kingdom at least one huge favour, if not two (not treating crossing into Ailell as an act of aggression and using that as a way of guaranteeing the Empire leaves them the fuck alone for the time being, because while it's ruining neutrality, it's making them even less of a threat to the Empire; enemy of my enemy is my friend type shit. THAT would have been the schemer the fandom loves to pretend exists, but antagonizing the weakest player on the board is. A shit thing to do. And Claude is not a shit guy.).
Back to the point: they were on the fast track to being iron-clad allies, WERE arguably allies (Myrddin), had an oopsie-daisy 🤭 at Gronder, and then did the whole "race across the country to save you/be saved by you" dance because....well. dimiclaude rights???? I suppose?
Like hear me out here. I would not be so fucking delirious over these two without Gronder. Because if it hadn't happened, it would have been a pretty neat "they fought a war together! They trusted each other with their lives! Allies as kings post-canon! Cool >:3" but NO they gave us "they worked together, were forced into enemies for a crucial battle, and despite (potentially) murdering all Claude's friends, he still has faith Dimitri will come back around, and banks his life on that faith." !?!??? LIKE THEY MADE IT. HIT A LITTLE HARDER? 😭 AND THEN CLAUDE IS ALL "Be nice to me when I come back, okay?" Completely serious, and a little hopeful; no jokes, no winks, just a nickname and a promise.
Like. Compare that to CF, where he's forced to either fuck off or die; SS where he's. well I don't know shit about Silver Snow Claude 😭; and Verdant Wind--HIS ROUTE--where he essentially does the same thing. What other lord is guaranteed their ending on another route? Literally none 😭 Rhea is touch and go as far as Lord status and routes go. EdeIgard and Dimitri kick the fucking can on routes not their own, but to win Azure Moon, Claude has to live, and he has to promise to come back. That is. Absolutely tomfoolery. What am I supposed to do with this IntSys? Not go stupid over it?
TL;DR: Azure Moon Gronder is fucking stupid once you strip away all it adds to the Dimiclaude dynamic. I'm not even saying that as a shipper. Without emotional conflict Gronder on Azure Moon is a fucking waste, and the fact that a mutilated messenger (when everyone on the kingdom's side is essentially like "Uh...yeah Imperial fuckery lol") was enough to make them literal enemies....insane. Out of this world crazy.
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