#I also don't know if he's officially adopted or if they're fostering
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canisalbus · 9 days ago
the idea of making Ludovica die for Ear to be adopted is really heartbreakingly sad to me, I suppose because I'm just really tired of seeing women (and especially lesbian) characters killed for the sake of men character's development or happy endings :( but Ear is a sweet little kid... agh I'm so torn. I love Ludovica so much I really hope we can see more of her sometime!
Oh, I think you might've misunderstood something somewhere, or maybe I'm misunderstanding your ask, but Ludovica wouldn't be Ear's mom! They aren't related at all.
Ludovica has her own family and children in the modern au. She's a close friend of Vasco's so if Vasco eventually became a parent she'd be thrilled and eager to offer support.
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xagave · 1 year ago
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Absolutely, get ready for BABIES. The oldest foster we have right now is Lazarus who we got when he was 3 months old from a hoarding case. He had an extremely bad case of herpes that almost killed him and it turns out he has a really bad immune system so he's always getting sick. He's about 8 months old now and he's sort of a long term foster because he currently has FIP and treatment requires one shot every day for 80 days minimum. The meds are a bit expensive so shameless plug but if anyone wants to help us pay for the meds my wife's ko-fi is here
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Here he is the day we brought Lazarus home ^
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And here he is now! His FIP treatment is going very well so far ^ Our second oldest are Penny and Kazoo. We got Penny when she was 5 weeks old from a guy whose dog brought her home in his mouth (she was fine the dog was gentle.) We got Kazoo when he was 10 days old from some dudes in the next town over who didn't have time to bottlefeed a newborn. Kazoo is 2 weeks older than Penny and they became best friends!!
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10 day old Kazoo and 5 week old Penny ^
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Kazoo and Penny now ^
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Kazoo and Penny at an adoption event ^ We're having a hard time finding them a home because we refuse to split up bonded pairs
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Penny playing in the tub lol ^ Next are a batch of kittens we got from an irresponsible breeder who was fine with letting kittens get sick and starve to death. We originally only got 2 of them when they were 3 days old (breeder let mom cat get sick and die because she didn't want to pay for vet care and tried to pawn the babies off on the other nursing moms and it didn't work out) and they were born premature so they had a lot of health problems. They had rhinovirus and coccidia and the little brown kitten had an umbilical hernia that then became septic and THEN she started getting big pockets of infection in random places like under her chin and in her toes? But we managed to get them healthy and fat and thriving. My wife was able to convince the breeder to give us the remaining kittens 3 days ago and they're half the size of our first two because they've been sick and slowly starving this entire time (they're now 5 weeks old). They're still really sick and have Poop Liquid Until You Die disease so it's not fun on our end but we're working hard on getting them fat and healthy. They don't really have official names but we've been calling them Zoosmell Pooplord, Insufferable Prick, Flighty Broad, Farmstink Butlass, and Huss lol
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The first two nuggets ^
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They were sooooooo small ^
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Finally fat and healthy at 3 weeks old! ^
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The full litter now at 5 and a half weeks old ^
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Comparison pic ^. Right kitten is the nugget we've had since he was 3 days old and left kitten is his brother who the breeder just now let us take. It's hard to tell with the fluff but he's borderline skeletal :( Next is a 3 month old kitten that a foster brought to an adoption event who was very clearly sick. Skinny and lethargic with a bad coccidia infection so we took him home that day 1.5 weeks ago and also sent the foster person home with some medicine to fix the coccidia in their other kittens. We've been calling him Christmas Tree Boy cause he's always got a poofy tail or Poop Boy because he hates sharing litter boxes and keeps pooping in random corners 😒 Didn't take long to get him healthy so this weekend he's getting yeeted into another adoption event and whoever adopts him needs to give special attention to his Litter Box Needs
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^ He's very cute and loves playing with our other fosters but for the love of god we are TIRED of his Poop Surprises Someone who adopted a bonded trio from us a few months ago is returning them to us tomorrow because their fiance is allergic, so as of tomorrow we will have 12 fosters in our house. Sounds like a lot but we've had 30+ foster kittens crammed in here at the same time so it's a breath of fresh air in comparison💀
Edit: Not a foster kitten but honorable mention to my new betta who I named Gemini because You Know Why
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He has a 5 gallon tank all to himself but I don't have a pic of him in it cause he's shy and he hides lol but it's the one behind the cup. Aiming to give him live plants soon
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rocksandrobots · 8 months ago
Hey! It's been a bit! But for that send a passage and get commentary ask game thing! I wanted to send you one but it's been so long that I don't remember what any of the chapters are ha 😅 But! I do have this scene screenshotted because it was genuinely one of my favorite from the entire fic! I used to have more of it but I think they got lost when I changed phones.
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But just Aunt Cass' emotions in this scene. I loved them so much. So if you've got anything to say about these scene, I'd love to hear!
I'm so glad someone responded to that and yeah it took me a bit to respond back just cause it's the weekend.
So I've had Aunt Cass adopting Varian planed out for awhile. Before even thinking up this scene.
My goal is for her to present the papers to Varian on his birthday during S3. Not only does this give him more reason to stay, upping the tension on his internal conflict, but it's also just a natural progression of the characters and their dynamic.
Of course Aunt Cass would want to officially adopt him. She's been foster parenting him for over six months now and knows that him returning home or his dad coming back is not really feasible, given what she thinks is a war going on. (and she's not really wrong about that assumption)
Adopting him just gives Varian legal protection, citizenship, and a safe place to always stay no matter what. He's already family, so it makes sense to formalize that.
As for this particular scene, I decided to reveal the adoption plans early rather than having the audience finding out with Varian later, is because I wanted to give Eugene a moment of realization.
In the show, Eugene's background as an orphan isn't really utilized well. He follows along too much with Frederic's, and later Rapunzel's, bullshit when he should naturally have a different and more nuance perspective than either of them due to his experience.
I'll always insist that his animosity towards Varian in season one, especially during The Alchemist's Return was completely OOC, and the only way to justify it is for his fear of Rapunzel's safety over riding his usual empathy.
But here, Rapunzel is not in danger.
Heck, even Corona isn't in any immediate trouble as far he knows. The rocks exist, sure, but they've always manged to stop them in some way thus far and they're more of a looming existential threat rather than something he has to face in a fight.
Which means, Eugene has the the time to think. To re-evaluate.
Varian is Corona's most dangerous criminal. That is a fact. But it's also fact that he's just a poor orphan who turned to crime to survive. Same as Eugene.
And now, unlike Eugene, he's been given an opportunity to have a home and a parent who loves him. Who is he to rob a child of that opportunity? Who is he to tell this woman that the son she loves needs to be arrested again for 'the greater good'? What right does he have to exercise judgment over someone for doing what he had to do as a kid?
This entire scene is meant to be a wake up call to him. Even if it's not enough to get him to change his mind completely, it will plant the seeds for later.
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caitlynnrosespn · 1 year ago
My Brezziana backstory, written specifically for @thxrnking !! I'll try to keep it brief but uhhhh... it's a lot!:D
So in 2019 we were introduced to an interesting couple- these two.
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If you are unfamiliar with these characters:
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This is Rita Piña. First introduced in JD 2016 as the first Just Dance drag queen, she was the coach for Drop The Mambo.
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And this is the coach for Love Me Again, from 2015. We have no canon name for him, so I named him Mateo.
Mateo and Leon (who I hc to be Rita out of drag) are the adoptive parents of Brezziana. I saw this because I totally see Brezz's love for orange and her iconic blue jacket being inspired by them.
Also should mention that most of this past this point is just my headcanons, so stick with me.
Brezziana was originally born to two young influencers, both of whom were severely under qualified to raise a child, especially one they found out was hard of hearing (this actually has some canonical value, there was a post on the French page with official art that gave Brezziana hearing aids), so they decided to put her in foster care in hopes she'll end up with more qualified parents. Leon and Mateo adopted her, and were big influences to her love of dance and inspiring others.
Her bio parents ended up having another child though.
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Gabriela, P1 from Wasabi Alt from 2024.
I will DIE on the hill that Gabi is Brezz's little sister. Sane hair, similar color palette, both Dancity maps. That's enough for me.
Gabi was also given to Mateo and Leon, since theor parents decided that Gabi should be with her older sister.
Then, tragedy struck:3
Leon was taken away from them in an accident (she is the only drag queen not to make another appearance since 2019 in game) leaving Mateo heartbroken. Gabi was still very young, so Brezziana took it upon herself to pick up the broken pieces. She was going to be the strong one.
She spent her entire life being stronger, being the one to motivate others. She as an adult became an influencer, partially because it was the best job for her personality and partly because she kind of wanted to meet her bio parents (she never did).
That's why Nightswan targeted her giving spirit, knowing that no one had poured into her for years. All these people she was so strong for... yet who was strong for her?
Now. It's kind of odd, but no unwarranted judgement.
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This is the Bad Habits coach from 2022 (also my personal favorite map). My friend @iconafvckinshard has given him the name Kam, short for Kameron, along with the coolest lore ever but that's for him to share not me. Don't want to steal his ideas or make them seem as my own. Just know I see it all as canon.
There's a few reasons I ship these two. Number one, both from Dancity. Number two, they're flow has a similar neon look to each other. And Number three.
All of their maps are choreographed by the same person, Jerky Jessy. But there's a difference between the two.
Brezzianas maps require so much strength, making you dig deep and give everything until by the end there's nothing left to give. Kams is also tiring, but more controlled. You need strength in your core, and you still have energy left after his dance.
While Brezziana gives until she litteraly can not, Kam knows when to give a little and when to give a lot. He's someone she can fall back on... when she learns to let someone else be strong for her.
Hope this made sense, hope yall like it, please ask for permission before using as your own!!!
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waterfire1848 · 2 years ago
If you’re looking for prompts, I’d love to see more imagines where Hakoda adopts Azula and Zuko. If not, that’s alright. Just wanted to say I love your content(I’m new to tumblr and you were the first person I followed- a decision I do not regret in the slightest).
Thanks for the ask!!
Thank you so much for this! For the ask, for loving my content and for following me. Welcome to Tumblr! I hope you'll like it here. I don't have any incorrect quotes but here are some Hakoda adopting Azula and Zuko headcanons.
Hakoda would know about the Agni Kai with Zuko and his father when it happens but he thinks it's just propaganda. Of course people would say that the Fire Nation is so horrible their own leader burned and banished his son. He only believes it when his son tells him about Zuko and the giant scar on his face. After the Boiling Rock, Hakoda does ask Zuko about his scar and tells him what happened.
Hakoda doesn't get to adopt Zuko officially because of Iroh, but he's okay with Zuko thinking of him as secondary paternal figure.
A few months after the war, Zuko got sick and Hakoda, being the only one in the Fire Nation, took care of him. It was the first time Zuko called him dad.
Azula would be a little more complicated. It's only after months of therapy that she finally accepts Ozai's abuse and starts to heal. She returns to the palace about a year after the war ends and that's when she meets Hakoda again. Similar to Zuko, she has no clue how to act around father figures. Because of this she often flinches when she thinks Hakoda is angry at her which makes him more careful not to raise his voice.
A few months after she returns to the palace, Azula continuously has nightmares because, while being her home, this place would still be a constant reminder of her abusive father, neglectful mother and her biggest failure. One day, when Hakoda is returning to the South Pole, he finds out that Azula snuck aboard and she asks him if she can come with him to the South Pole.
Of course, Hakoda can't turn her away so he invites her to the Southern Water Tribe. She learns to love the village, despite the cold, very quickly. Katara and Sokka are a little uneasy around her, but Hakoda asks them to give her a chance. Hakoda does send a letter to Zuko telling him his sister is in the South Pole so he can call off the search part. Zuko comes down and spends a week there to make sure Azula is comfortable. Not only do Azula and Zuko spend time with Katara and Sokka, eating Water Tribe food, getting into snowball fights and helping them rebuild the village but they also get to spend time with Hakoda and find out how a real father treats his children. When Zuko leaves to return to the Fire Nation, Azula thanks Hakoda for letting her stay and calls him her dad.
It's important to note that @ilikepjo24 came up with this AU which is that Hakoda finds out about Azula taking ADHD pills to help her study and takes them away. I'm just helping them expand it. Ask if you want to know any more.
Azula and Zuko are in foster care when they turn 11 and 13 (for obvious reasons) and are tossed around from family to family (some good and some bad). Ursa is out of the picture so she can't take them and Iroh wasn't granted custody by the courts so he can't take them. When Azula and Zuko are 14 and 16 they're placed with Hakoda and Kya.
Hakoda and Kya love them both but Azula and Zuko are hesitate about trusting them because of so many bad foster parents and they start betting on how long they'll last.
Slowly, Hakoda and Kya prove themselves to be good foster parents. They take the two on vacation, buy stuff for them, let Iroh come see them, and comfort them. Sokka and Katara also act as good foster siblings who try to help Zuko and Azula meet more people and get situated in their home.
However, Hakoda finds out Azula starts taking ADHD pills to help her study. He takes them away and Azula fails one of her finals. Terrified of how he'll react, Azula hides away at Ty Lee's house while sends Hakoda and Kya into a panic because they have no idea where their daughter is. Finally, Ty Lee tells Zuko she has her and Zuko tells Hakoda and Kya where she is. Kya goes to pick her up and takes her back to the house. Azula expects to be kicked out, for Hakoda to hit her or Kya to say she doesn't love her anymore, but her only punishment is no phone for a month and she had to come home right after school everyday.
Zuko and Azula both still worry that Hakoda and Kya will one day get sick of them and send them back to foster care so the parents decide to adopt them and officially make them their son and daughter.
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rosetintedjello · 9 months ago
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time to post about some of my fankids for the first time since 2019 <3
I haven't drawn them since my deviantart days, but the recent fankid uprising inspired me (ty fankid creators for giving me confidence!!). I have a few more, but thought I'd start with these four! Too bad this is old ass art and some of their designs have already changed a bit lmao
info about them under the cut :)
Saturn the Hedgehog - she/her, 15
-speed and strength type (strength is secondary). Slightly slower than Sonic, but has more endurance.
-Shadow x Sonic kid
-abilities include weapon summoning (bow and arrow), time manipulation (chaos control), and teleportation (also chaos control)
Saturn was created using Sonic and Shadow's DNA- they don't know who made her (yet), but they were able to rule out G.U.N. and Eggman. She was found by Tails, Cream, and Charmy. She was grown in a tube, and they safely removed her from said tube. In the lab they found her in, they discovered copies of Gerald Robotnik's research papers. She was made to be a weapon, but they don't know what exactly her creator wanted her for.
Sonic and Shadow had already been planning on adopting a kid, so they quickly took her in. They knew she would likely inherit powers that most parents wouldn't be able to help her control, and they couldn't stand the thought of anyone else raising her- even their friends. They were pretty upset that someone would experiment with life like that (and use their DNA to do it), so they have been trying to find Saturn's creator to hold them accountable.
They told Saturn that she was adopted when she was 12, but they waited to explain some details until she was 15 (like how and why she was created, and how her and Shadow were both experiments.)
With that out of the way, info about Saturn herself (finally lol)~
Saturn takes after Sonic personality-wise. She's free spirited and pretty silly, but she's serious where it counts! However, Saturn wants to be surrounded by her friends almost 24/7, while Sonic sometimes wanted to run off and explore alone when he was younger.
Saturn often (usually unintentionally) gets the group into trouble- messing around in the wrong place, pulling a small prank against the wrong person, etc.
Saturn's hobbies include skateboarding, archery, cooking, pottery, and surfing. She's been skateboarding since she was 9- she goes to a skatepark with Umiko, Malachite, Topaz (Malachite's sister), and Gloom (Umiko's sister.) Shadow is teaching her how to cook. She goes surfing with Umiko and May (Blaze and Amy kid, I'll post about her soon <3)
Jupiter (Jay) the Fox - she/they/he, ~15
-speed type. Speed and endurance are similar to Sonic.
-Shadow x Sonic kid
-has electrokinesis (electricity manipulation and creation)
If Sonic had a nickel for every time he adopted a baby fox he found in the woods...
Sonic found Jay in the woods when they were a toddler (they're guessing they were about 3 at the time.) Jay's bio family abandoned them, leaving them with a note asking whoever found them to take care of them. Luckily, it doesn't seem like they were left alone for too long. Sonic immediately became attached and brought them home (this guy and baby foxes..)
Sonic and Shadow hadn't discussed having another kid, but Shadow reluctantly agreed to look after the kid until they found someone to care for them or found a trustworthy orphanage (Sonic doesn't trust the adoption/foster care system). So they had Jay officially put in their care, and they then proceeded to never even try to find someone else to adopt the kid.
Yes, I did need to have Sonic and Shadow acquire both kids in very abnormal ways.
Jupiter is pretty introverted. They will avoid speaking to strangers at all costs, but they pretty much won't shut up around their friends (their friends certainly don't mind~)
They're in their school's orchestra (they play the cello), they love bugs (the atlas beetle is their favorite), they read, and they're a photographer.
Malachite the Bat - he/him, 16
-flight and speed type (speed is secondary- he is faster than most people, but not nearly as fast as Sonic)
-Knuckles x Rouge kid
-he can heal people using the master emerald or the chaos emeralds
Saturn and Jupiter are the only kids who were adopted- the rest of the kids were grown in tubes in Tail's lab.
Malachite has two siblings- a twin sister named Topaz and a younger sister named Spinel (8).
He's a bit of a mama's boy- not in a bad way! He's just closer to Rouge.
Malachite is pretty outgoing, but he prefers to stick with his friends. He's very kind and pretty silly. He tries to set a good example for the younger members of the group, but he's also one of the first to go along with Saturn's shenanigans.
He's a bit of a mom friend, and he's one of the younger kid's favorite big siblings.
Malachite is into acting- he's in his school's improv class, and he's a stage actor (he does after-school plays and community productions.) He usually ends up with leading roles.
He rollerblades, he's into mountain biking, he plays the ukulele, he's a great singer, and he likes hosting picnics for his friends and family!
Umiko the Chameleon - she/her, 16
-speed type. A little bit faster than Sonic, but she has significantly less endurance.
-Espio x Silver kid
-she has hydrokinesis (water manipulation.) She can carry herself/hold herself up using water, so I'd almost count her as a flight type character. She's one of the few kids who uses a weapon- she has a scythe.
Umiko is a triplet! She has a Sister named Gloom and a sibling named Rowan. While Knuckles and Rouge had twins on purpose, Espio and Silver did *not* mean to have triplets lol. Tails just went into their lab one morning and there were three kids in the tube instead of one. On the bright side, it warned the others that if they wanted lab-grown kids, they couldn't *completely* control how it went. (Yes, this is the excuse I chose for the fact that I designed more kids than the characters would realistically have <3). Their friends wound up babysitting a lot in the beginning- especially Blaze, Amy, Vector, and Vanilla.
She slowly became a bit more social as she grew up, but she was very quiet and stoic as a kid. She still avoids talking to people unless she has to or she knows them. She is way different around her friends, though! She's still pretty quiet, but she's a lot more comfortable and expressive!
She's a very good listener. Her friends typically go to her if they need to vent or need a shoulder to cry on, and they're always there to return the favor! She usually goes to Saturn and Malachite :)
The younger kids in the group also really look up to Umiko! She's their favorite big sister, and she always makes time for them.
Umiko lost her arm, leg, and tail after being attacked by a rogue badnik when she was 11. Her tail grew back eventually, and she uses prosthetics for her arm and leg (made by Tails.) She has chronic pain and problems with balancing, so some days she needs a cane or a wheelchair to get around (Tails also made her wheelchair.)
She skateboards and surfs! She's a part of her highschool theater's stage crew- she mostly does set design and lighting, but she's done a bit of everything! She is one of the only crew members who actually memorizes show scripts, so she got dragged into being a sort of honorary understudy lol. She's had to go on stage twice because no real understudies were available.
She's an artist, a singer, and she plays guitar. She also loves baking.
WOW this was a lot longer than I thought it would be. I haven't talked about them in ages.
If anyone read this far; thank you so much!! It really means a lot <3
I have some more recent art to post of them soon! and I'm working on art of my other fankids :)
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the-nexverse · 4 months ago
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Agnes: now her being here may surprise you, but during arc 3 she wasn't doing too well. roaming around the country looking for any clues about Ryan's whereabouts means she spent a lot of time without a house or a steady income. she had to sleep outside lots of times, and also steal food another bunch of times. for her, Ryan was priority number one, and anything else was an obstacle between her and him. she kept going on until she completely burnt herself out both physically and mentally, and gave up. then the process of settling into a normal life was another big challenge she had to overcome. it was her personal punishment for failing her mission. for failing him. she firmly believed she deserved every single second of misery she went through
Rask'r: he had some stability during his childhood, then the werewolf pack that adopted him taught him to survive in the wild, so when circumstances separated him from the pack, he was ready to continue on his own. to him, being a vagabond is just how life is. he hunts for himself, he seeks shelter for himself, he travels wherever he pleases for himself. being homeless is freedom to him. having to get in cities to trade, get and fix gear and find mercenary jobs is what he actually dislikes. walled cities make him feel caged in, and they're constantly buzzing with activity. how noisy!
Raz: started off kind of like Rask'r, but things went very wrong for him too soon. his foster father disappeared when he was just a toddler, not having enough time to teach him about lycanthropy or survival. he ended up being unofficially adopted by an elderly couple once he appeared all bloodied inside their chicken coup, shaking in fear. things went fine for a while with them, until a specially bad full moon. he accidentally hurt one of them during it. when he saw what he did the next day, he realised that despite how the grandparents were doing their best to care for him, they were too frail to handle him. he was too dangerous for them. so he ran away. he kept himself fed by hunting while transformed, he didn't have any other means to get food. now i'm doubting if he gets "captured" and put in an orphanage during his late teenage years because being a monster while being confined to a building inside a city is a very bad situation and i really doubt he could manage to survive that without outing himself as a werewolf and not hurting anyone. either way, he escapes and ends up officially homeless by the time he reaches his 20s. there's a portion of his life where he lives with a colony of ratfolk in a city's sewers; it's also when he meets Eva and she offers him to stay at her place for a while while he tries to save money for moving out of the city, since the city monster hunters are tracking him. then the science facility fiasco happens and then he's forced to go full homeless, escaping the law. as for coping, it changed over the years. during his childhood it was very rough since he didn't really have anyone to teach him how to take care of himself. as he grew up, life itself was his teacher. tough love, as they call it, although the ratfolk were very kind to him. the Big Thing that keeps him from being happy is not being able to find balance between him and his beast form. he doesn't know what to do with it. he copes by separating it from himself, he gives it a name, a personality of its own, ANYTHING to refuse to believe it's just another part of himself. it takes him a very long time to realise his wrong approach to his situation, but he eventually does it, thankfully
Donovan: after being revived, he had no problem with having a roof atop his head and food on the plate. quite the opposite: that was his pirating prime era. it was much, much later when things got tough for him. luckily he was at a point where he didn't need to eat anymore and sleeping was optional, but it still opposed a problem to him. the solution to his problems? a van. he got one (don't ask how, he's a pirate, take a guess) and turned it into his portable house. quite the upgrade, since now travelling by sea is unviable given the technological advances. as for coping, his apathy gives him an easy way to deal with it. he's just drifting around, with no real aim or purpose. he stays comatose for most of his time, and when he's awake he's mostly dissociating
Lee: technically being a stray is being homeless, right? regular stray animal struggles for him: finding food and shelter is his daily life. as an anim, he doesn't really need to cope because of it, but it does cause him stress and makes him skittish
Vreytus: he was technically homeless before he became sapient, but the same way a stray dog is. living driven by instinct until a wizard "adopted" him and unlocked his sapience. after that, not much changed. chimeralmas don't need to sleep or eat (doesn't mean that they can't tho), so not having access to food or shelter doesn't really matter to him
Bug: same as Vreytus, it was living its own life as a wild animal until it got captured by shady researchers. having to deal with being experimented on and being exposed to humans and other sapient creatures unlocked its own sapience, eventually leading to its escape. since it doesn't really have a place to go back to, it just roams around, going wherever its curiosity takes it. no food/shelter still ain't a problem to it, but it still makes it look shoddy when it disguises itself as human to enter villages. they legit look like an escaped prisoner/slave with their ragged clothes, buzzcut and being short and underweight. not that it bothers them, of course. they couldn't care less about their appearence
Chad & Lewis: they have to survive all the way from HL1 to HL2 on their own, in a country that's being ransacked, polluted and ultimately destroyed by aliens. being together makes things easier, but they still have a hard time finding shelter and food. Chad is smart enough to successfully hunt and Lewis knows enough about flora to make sure they don't eat anything poisonous. during the first years after the Seven Hour War, their focus and one motive to keep them going is to not be captured by the Combine and simply to survive until they eventually learn about a resistance forming in Europe, but there's an entire ocean between them... still, the thought of humans actually fighting back against the Combine encourages them enough to travel to the east coast and find a way to cross the ocean to the other continent. which they luckily do! bless Aperture Science and their nonsensical inventions. once in Europe, it's true that there's more Combine to hide from, but also there's more rebel outposts to take shelter in. they jump from one another until they arrive at White Forest, and then they make themselves useful there
thanks for the ask!! :3
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legionaberrations · 1 year ago
Hello! Same anon that asked about your Julie headcanons. Firstly I adore your take on her, it's so unique and well thought out, it's just so cool!
Got another question for you mun too. What are the main differences between your legion and canon legion? From the general stuff to the angsty stuff (I didn't ask for angsty headcanons before... So I'm changing that lol).
((The main Main difference is probably that my cast of them is pretty young. Dbd Legion's ages are incredibly inconsistent and in various forms of lore they're all 18, or they're all in their 20s, or they're all still in high school... So casting them as ranging from 16-19 instead of all being closely the same age/in the same grade is pretty unique from the other canons.
On an individual level, going in FJSJ order:
Frank - I don't think he's actually very different from canon, I just think I've thought through the... implications of his life a lot more than BHVR themselves have. Like when it comes to the foster/adoption system it can take quite a bit for a kid to be Permanently taken from their family with no visitation given - when that happens there's often a very good reason for it, like extreme neglect and abuse. The fact that he was removed from his parents at such a young age has some pretty dire implications on the level of abuse he was subjected to at a young age. Going from foster home to foster home itself can also be fairly traumatizing. I have a lot of thoughts about his fear that he's unlovable, that there's something so fundamentally wrong with him that everyone wants to leave him or force him to go eventually, and how that probably influences his interactions with his friends. Like an impulse that if he doesn't "drag them down" to his level and make them as "bad" as him that they'll eventually realize he's bad and leave him, too. It's kind of canon to the comics but I do think he sneaks out a lot and rarely sleeps at home just because his adoptive father is such a dick. If he hadn't gone to the Entity I think he could've been a librarian. :)
Julie - (Shorter since I already did a whole post on her). My version of her has a slightly more strained relationship with her parents than the one we see in the official comic, though we know little about her relationship with her parents in the "mainline" canon. We know Julie has a lot of friends and is probably the most "social" of the Legion - I think it's very interesting to think about how that conflicts with her very antisocial nature and how she probably parties to drown out the boredom/misery she feels in suburbia. I think that if Julie Hadn't gone to the Entity she probably would've excelled as a journalist or a horror writer.
Susie - The comics haven't quite touched on Susie's relationship with her parents very much yet but I do have the thought that she's got a Very bad relationship with her parents. There's the Christmas sweater skin that talks about them fighting a lot - I think her parents have a very volatile relationship themselves and I think that they take it out on Susie quite a bit. I think that Susie is probably on the lower end of the economic bracket along with Joey or at the very least that her parents are pretty financially controlling. My Susie of course also has a big crush on Laurie. I think the comic accidentally implies she has a crush on Julie too. Legion's going to become a mess of feelings... And is fat, which I think she would be if BHVR weren't cowards. My headcanon is that Susie and Jeff were kinda-sorta friends, which is a little bit canon to the comics, though they try to play up the crush angle. There are a couple skins that imply/talk about her being bullied and I think that's something she probably dealt with a fair amount growing up and is part of why she feels a like very strong urge to lash back at the world. I think if she hadn't gone to the Entity she would've been a comic artist or animator.
Joey - Joey is a really interesting character to me because I think he's probably the most "well adjusted" of the group. Without the influence of peer pressure he probably never would've fallen into any of this stuff but it's sad that he's treated as a criminal anyways because of racial biases. He has to deal with the isolation of working a lot and never getting the acknowledgement for it. I think there's a lot of dissatisfaction he feels with life in general and that's part of why he's so susceptible to like being able to exert any kind of will/power on the world by helping create Legion. He has a theoretically good relationship with his mom but also feels a lot of pressure not to let her down and feels like he can't share his feelings with her without disappointing her. I think it's very interesting that he's kind of the functional/practical brain of the group and thinks of how to keep them all safe - like in the comics where he suggests covering their faces to avoid being identified. And I think it's really notable that he's the only member of Legion who wears proper gloves and paints around his eyes. He's very conscious of the danger of being identified... The biggest difference in my Joey with other canons is probably that he isn't involved in sports/being a mascot at all, and also instead of the implicit crush on Susie I have him crushing on both Frank and Julie lol. If he didn't go to the Entity I think Joey would've been a fashion or costume designer. He has a lot of interesting skins related to making outfits or dressing up, so I think it's fun to explore that side of his interests and personality. I wonder if that's why the comic artist decided to make him a mascot...))
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stigmvtas · 2 years ago
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welcome to marina, KIRAN EKANSH SHETH ( nonbinary, he/they ) ! they are a THIRTY FOUR year old who has lived over on HYLAND PARK for MOST OF THEIR LIFE and works as a PSYCHOLOGY/LITERATURE PROFESSOR. everyone says they look a lot like DEV PATEL. what do you think? — JAMES, 24, THEY/THEM, EST.
full name: kiran ekansh sheth.
birthday: june 9th, 1989.
astrology: gemini sun, virgo moon, libra ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: i wanna be your dog by the stooges.
last known location: [[[cannot be found]]]
brief history.
born somewhere in connecticut, but their memories of the state are clouded and dense. born to parents who were happy, always smiling - an older brother, if kes can remember right, if they can still remember their little sister.
arson / fire / death; around the age of five, or maybe six - a mysterious fire took over their house, consuming everything in sight. and by some sort of sick miracle, he was the only one to make it out.
from there on - kes was a product of the foster system. for the next few years, it was them in group home to group home, never fully wanted, never fully belonging to anyone.
they're fostered out to a family in marina when they're ten, and the sheth household was the only household that stuck by kiran. he put up a fight for a while - never made it too easy on them, but they never gave up. by twelve, they officially adopted kes.
an angry kid whose fire barely extinguished - for a long time, even into teenhood, even when they drew into themselves and their endless amount of books.
eventually kes learned to turn the anger into passion, to do something better than mope around, or get into useless fights; started studying seriously, obsessively absorbing information.
after high school, they left to study at columbia, english and psychology; a waste of time for most people, maybe, but not kiran.
stayed in the city for a long while, moving tiny apartment to tiny apartment and surviving on the bare essentials - a mountain of both student and medical debt threatening to avalanche over them.
eventually moved back to marina after their masters, did a few research programs and their own independent studies before going for their doctorate at the local university. and after that - kes settled on becoming a professor. had bigger dreams, but life got in the way of it. and that's currently what they're doing now!
facts & temperaments.
regularly goes by kes, it's just their initials put together but it's almost preferred at this point.
fire / injury; was left with substantial burn scars from the house fire all those years ago, mostly hidden away by their clothes. they can be, at times, insecure about them. they prefer the lights off.
chronic pain / chronic illness / invisible illness; also a sufferer of the double whammy that is fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. their flare-ups for fibromyalgia began when they were a late teenager, while their CFS started manifesting during their later college years. a lot of days are tolerable, but a lot are also unbearable. is at the point where they rely on a cane more often than not, even as a precaution.
a lot less angry than they were as a teenager - is too tired for it, maybe - but they still have a tendency to fixate on their chosen fields of study. is always learning, even after receiving their doctorate.
tends to be wary of strangers, or just people they don't know very well. will still be cordial, or even strike up a conversation if it suits them - but the wariness remains.
on the other hand - endlessly loyal to those who've stuck by them since childhood. treasures their friends deeply, would probably die for them even though half the time they make him want to rip his hair out.
tends to run more neutral - doesn't care for taking sides, though is naturally biased towards his friends and generally tolerates their shit more than anyone else. patience can wane a little thin towards others. tries to end arguments, not start them.
a little oblivious when others flirt with them - kes has spent so long focused on their schooling and then their career, that the idea of settling down has completely slipped their mind.
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lucem-stellarum · 2 years ago
I've been having thoughts about "empowered parents give birth to unempowered children". I like the idea and angst potential, so I wanted to go through and see what justification I had to fit in with canon. It's going to be a mix of Doylist and Watsonian justifications since there isn't an official canon explanation as of yet. Also, I get to ramble about genetics AND statistics, which is always fun. Under the cut due to excessive length.
In fact, I'm kind of surprised that Mr Redacted hasn't tackled that storyline yet himself, there's a lot of potential for drama there. So unempowered children from an empowered parent is clearly a rare phenomenon; we've met a wide swathe of the magical community and this scenario hasn't popped up. It's clearly not just a plain dominant/recessive trait. I recall some character mentioning that the inheritance pattern of how magical ability is determined is still unknown but I'm blanking on who said it or in which video. If anyone recalls, lmk!
We know that magical strength isn't 100% genetically determined; otherwise, why would Lovely as a latent be as strong as they are, or how did Damien's human-borne mother become one of the strongest fire elementals out there? Because of comments from children born to empowered families, it's pretty well established that if you have empowered parents you'll have empowered children. There's a strong genetic component; so let's consider Elliott.
In Elliot's road trip audio he mentions how shitty it is for his empowered parent to give him up for adoption through the unempowered system knowing they're going to develop powers and have no one around them who understands. His department representative was said to have been pretty upset about it, too, though they could have just been sympathizing with him on that unfair point. He doesn't remember his birth parents, so he must have been given up at a very young age; which means we get to look into all the possibilities. As far as I know (to be fair, I haven't watched all the live streams yet, but I am up to date on his canon videos) we don't know for sure who his parents are or what their empowered status is, but he himself sounds pretty convinced that at least one of them are magical and that he was voluntarily surrendered rather than taken/lost his parents (with the caveat that we don't know how he determines either of those facts). So, we have a few options on what happened.
1) Elliott is just a regular human born, random chance with no magical family. While this would make the most sense, he makes multiple comments that imply this isn't the case. He says that he's "human born in all the ways that matter". This scenario is not likely to be the case due to comments of that nature.
2) Elliott's father was empowered, and his mother was not. I, personally, think this is the most likely scenario, in which a one-night stand left his birth mother with more than she bargained for. Because she was unempowered and ignorant about the magical community, she had no reason to know about any of those potential issues. Speaking of single parents...
3) Elliott's mother was empowered. It's likely that she would have been the one to decide to put him up for adoption, just by the mechanics of pregnancy. As previously stated, this is a pretty messed up thing to do to the kid. Was she just super young or career-driven, and unable to deal with raising a child? On the other hand, if it wasn't her choice, what sort of situation would lead to Elliott being voluntarily surrendered to the foster system by whoever his guardian is at that point? For example, his mother tragically passed away and his father couldn't handle a newborn? Was he a product of infidelity? There could be lots of juicy drama there, if anyone wants to get into it.
4) Both of his parents were empowered. Which is a similar situation as when just the mother is empowered; why specifically give Elliott up to the unempowered foster system? But this time we get to blame both parents for how fucked up that is. Maybe they are just both terrible people, which is unfortunately a possibility.
Considering the 3 legitimate options here, ~2/3 of them involve an empowered/unempowered parent and Elliott definitely has powers. It again reinforces the idea that magic is a dominant trait. "But Lucem, magic is rare!" I hear you. I understand. But the dominance of a trait doesn't necessarily mean it's common. Polydactyl, the condition of having extra fingers/toes, is a dominant genetic disorder, but it's still pretty rare. ~1/1000 people get it. (My cat is polydactyl. Hemingway cats are adorable!) I have no idea what the statistics of empowered vs unempowered is supposed to be in this universe, but the point is that dominant allelic inheritance can be rare too.
An aside, to summarize the biology of genetics that I'll be getting into. A gene is a sequence of DNA that controls how your body is built. The human genome (a library of all of the genes that make a human) is organized into 64 individual chromosomes, long bundles of DNA; we get 23 chromosomes from each parent. 22 of those chromosomes are autosomal, and 1 chromosome is allosomal (also called sex chromosomes). An allele is a variant of a particular gene; the gene for eye color has an allele for blue, green, and brown. Inheritance means you get one allele from your mother and one allele from your father. Your phenotype is the physical result of what allele you have; your genotype is what the genes actually are. A dominant allele is one that will display that particular trait regardless of what the other allele is; if a father has brown eyes, their children will have brown eyes regardless of what color eyes the mother has. A recessive allele is one that is overwritten by a more dominant allele; if the mother has blue eyes, her children may not have blue eyes but they will carry the trait for blue eyes. So, if the blue-eyed mother has children with a brown eyed father the offspring are going to be phenotypically brown eyed but genotypically carry the alleles for both eye colors. As you can imagine, though, it gets a bit more complicated. I'll do my best to explain along the way, but if anything is confusing please let me know!
So, magic is a dominant trait. If the parents have magic, the child should have magic as well. But this post is about circumstances where that doesn't happen. We have a couple of different possible scenarios here. Starting off with mono-genetic inheritance (where there is only one gene that controls whether the person has magic or not).
The first possibility is that the "magical" gene is X-linked dominant. This means that the physical location of the allele that determines a person's magical ability is located on the 23rd chromosome that determines your physical sex (This is your reminder that sex and gender are different things, and sexual determination in people is more complicated and reliant on a lot more factors than chromosomal determination). Females have 2 different X chromosomes and males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome. The mother always passes down an X chromosome (50/50 on which version) and the father had a 50/50 of passing down an X or Y. In humans, the father's chromosomal contribution determines the sex of the offspring. So, in this example, if the father has magic all of his female children will have magic regardless if the mother is empowered, but the male children can only have magic if they get a magical copy of the X chromosome from the mother. If the mother has magic there's a 50% chance that her children will have magic, assuming the father is unempowered. This does mean that females are more likely to have magic because they had twice as many opportunities to with that chromosomal lottery.
Another aside, there are such things as Y-linked traits; color blindness is an RL example, where the allele for that particular gene is located on the Y chromosome. This isn't the case for magic because we see women (such as Cutie, also depending on your preferred listener) with magic, but for completeness' sake I'll mention it.
The second possibility is that magic is linked to your mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but they're also special because they have their own DNA (rather than being a thing in the cell that is built using the instructions in your human DNA). You got all the same mitochondria from your mom that her mom gave her; males had nothing to do with mitochondrial DNA. This is because the egg that eventually became you contained your mitochondria; sperm are just physically too small to carry any into the cell that eventually develops into a person. So, if the mother had magic all her offspring are magical, regardless of the father's status. Even if a man has magic, if his partner is unempowered none of the kids have magic. I don't like this theory because it invalidates my Elliott #2, which I think is most likely due to societal pressures, but it deserves mentioning because it is technically a possibility.
The third option is that not having magic is a type of aneuploidy; when a human has an abnormal number of chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes, 23 from mom and 23 from dad, but sometimes something in meiosis (the type of cellular division that happens to make reproductive cells, aka eggs and sperm) doesn't go right so the offspring either has an extra chromosome somewhere or is missing a copy. IRL examples are Downs Syndrome (having an extra copy of chromosome #21) or Kleinfelter syndrome (having an XXY sex chromosomal triad, instead of an XX/XY pair). Aneuploidy is generally not hereditary, it's something that happens on accident (generally due to environmental factors like the age of the parent, radiation exposure, things like that) so even if magic is genetically dominant the loss of that ability could rarely occur of the aneuploidy meant that the copy of the magic gene that should have been passed down wasn't. But it doesn't explain how human borns happen.
A fourth option is that the "magic" gene is controlled by more than one gene in your DNA, which is called epistasis. IRL most genes are epistatic, and once you start looking at this point you move from a basic Punnet Square into 3D graphs, so I won't go into too much detail. If being empowered means that you have enough "magic" genes pointed in the right direction so that you cross over a threshold, even if the particular alleles are dominantly inherited an unempowered person in an empowered family might just not have received enough copies to hit that minimum required to be empowered. Imagine you roll a D6 10 times; if the sum of all the rolls is above 25 then you have magic. If one of your parents have magic you get to exchange that D6 for a D8. You'll almost certainly be able to hit that mark but if you're really, really unlucky, no magic for you. This could also explain why unempowered parents have empowered children; they got a nat20 somewhere. Latent magic users hit 25 right on the nose and the stressful situation that made them unleash their magic was a type of epigenetic modification (which is a change in the result of what a gene does without changing the gene sequence). Those numbers are arbitrary since we don't have any actual statistics for how often there are human-borne empowered people or unempowered children of empowered families, you can adjust for your headcanon as needed.
So... thoughts? Questions? Comments? Thrown stones? Like I said, genetics gets a lot more complicated so you can justify your thoughts basically however you want to. Or just handwave it all and say "It's just magic" and not even worry about any of this. I'm not gonna be the fandom police and demand you justify your authorial choices to me, but I wanted to put this together to organize my own thoughts on the topic. If it helps someone else, great! If it doesn't, I can either try explaining it a different way or you can fight me. Dealer's choice :)
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sil-situation-aita · 1 year ago
OP here. I'll answer some questions and give some updates from what happened since I sent the ask:
For everyone criticizing MIL, I just wanted to say that perhaps the way I told the story shows her in a bad light, but she is very loyal to her family and a nurturing force for all of us. I lost my mother when I was a teenager and she was the first person who actually made me feel like I had a mother again. She is strict, yes, and very traditional, but she is an amazing woman.
For people who criticized F for not defending me from SIL... I never said he didn't? He always defended me from her, that never made her stop.
Also for the ones criticizing me for believing everything MIL said about SIL, I think you read my ask wrong, because it was F who told me the whole story, not MIL, and I'll always believe F over SIL.
For the people defending SIL over not accepting her nephew saying that staying with someone who doesn't want him is worse than going to the system and to a "loving family", I don't know how things are in the US, but in my country adoption is heavily stigmatized. Family is considered the ones formed by blood and marriage only, so the chances of him getting adopted into a loving family are, honestly, very low. The orphanages are also underfunded and we don't have the foster family system you guys have, so this kid is probably in a very bad place right now and will receive little to no support once he becomes a legal adult. This is why MIL never forgave her for making this decision: because she condemned her own blood (something, as I said, very important in my culture), someone who was just a little boy, to a future of instability and abandonment. I'm sorry, but when it comes to this, there's nothing any of you can say that will make me think SIL was right in what she did.
And finally, for the one person who accused me of rage bait because I mentioned they're of Japanese descent and that was important for them: ???
Now for the updates:
I apologized to F and BIL for exposing the secret. F forgave me, but he said his trust in me is shaken, which is completely understandable. With time, I will regain his trust back. I will fight for it. Now BIL is still upset with me, but he's talking to F again and that's enough for me for now.
SIL asked for a family reunion with MIL, BIL and F, in which she basically said I am completely untrustworthy and a liability to the family, since I am, according to her, completely capable of spilling other family secrets. She also said that I should be uninvited to Christmas and New Years, otherwise BIL and her wouldn't show up. That didn't go well since MIL is on my side in this situation. I don't know the details because F didn't tell me, but she basically shut down SIL's allegations about me and also said that I wouldn't be uninvited and BIL would never spend one Christmas away from her as long as she's alive so SIL was free to spend Christmas alone if she so wishes. Needless to say, I'm seeing her tomorrow.
No, I won't apologize to her. I already apologized for the people who deserve it. I've had enough from her.
AITA for exposing my sister-in-law's secret during a fight?
Ok, this one is going to need a bunch of context.
I (29F) started to date my fiance F (31M) when I was 26. While he is the sweetest person ever, his family is a bit difficult and it was hard for me to fit in. They are a very traditional family of Japanese descent, very rich too, and his mother MIL (60sF) had a dream of seeing all of her three sons married to other rich girls of Japanese descent. I am white and from very humble origins, so I was not very well accepted at first. The thing that bothered me the most was the constant comparisons to my brother in law BIL's (34M) wife SIL (33F), who is rich and of Japanese descent. I was deeply in love with F and decided to fight for my place in his family; I started to take Japanese classes and ended up really good at it, and I was also the one who took care of MIL after her appendicitis' surgery. She recognized my hard work and we became closer and closer, at the same time she realized SIL didn't make the same effort for her and the family as I do, and she started to be very vocal about how I was her favorite daughter in law and how SIL should do better and try to be more like me. Suddenly, the tables have turned and SIL was the one being compared to me, no the other way around.
Of course she didn't like that at all and started to antagonize me and criticize every small thing about me. She would complain my dog would bark too much (which she did, but SIL was a little mean about it), and when my dog died, she made a comment about how finally she wouldn't have to hear her barking anymore (that stung a lot since I loved my dog with all my heart and she was like a baby to me), she would also complain about my apartment every time she visited me, saying it was too cheap (as I said, I come from humble origins) and her newest topic of complaining are my earrings: I like to wear cute and funny earrings (only at work and family gatherings, I don't wear them at social events or anything like that) and she always talks about how I'm too old to wear them and how tacky it looks. F and I noticed she's been progressively meaner the closer we get to our wedding (three months from now) and think she's trying to scare me away before I become an official part of the family.
One last piece of context: some months ago, F told me in confidence about how 6 years ago SIL's brother and sister in law died in a car accident and left an orphaned boy of 4 years old. SIL was the little boy's only family, but she refused to take him in saying she already had too much work with her own son (who was also 4 at the time). That didn't go well with the family; MIL and my father in law (who was alive at the time) assured her they would help with the kid and she would have all the support, but she simply didn't want the boy, so he was sent to the system. That was something MIL never forgave her for, since family is everything to her, and it was something only MIL, BIL, SIL, F and his younger brother knew. He told me that in confidence and asked me to not tell anyone. I promised I wouldn't.
Now for the actual situation.
Our last family dinner was one of F's cousins' birthday, so all the extended family was around. No kidding, I think there were around 60 people there or more. SIL, once again, decided to mock me about my earrings (little cherry earrings, very cute) and talked again how I was to old to wear them, how they were kid earrings etc. I've been tolerating her bullshit for so long now and after her comments about my dog's death, I was more sensitive than usual, so I snapped back and said that it's not because she dresses herself like an old lady that I have to do the same. She got angry at that and a proper fight started; we saying worse and worse stuff to each other while everyone stopped to watch. It ended up with her mocking my upbringing and calling me a gold digger, accusing my of only being with F for his money. That really struck a nerve because I heard that before at the beginning of our relationship and it always hurt my feelings, since I genuinely love F. Before I could even think about it, I said: "At least I'm not a heartless bitch like you. How's your nephew doing, by the way? Oh, you have no idea, right? Since you put him in a fucking orphanage!"
She got speechless after that and left the place, went straight to her car with BIL and went home. I didn't hear from her or him since them. F is furious with me since he told me that in confidence and now all the extended family knows SIL's secret. MIL doesn't care at all; she never got over what SIL did to that little boy and it's been a while since SIL isn't in her best graces.
Now that I'm calmer I feel a little guilty for exposing SIL like that, but she was always so awful to me that I can't really feel that bad. Mostly, I feel bad for BIL, with who I always had a good relationship and even defended me back in the day when the family didn't accept me very well. Now he's not talking to me either and, as far as I know, he's also not talking to F.
What are these acronyms?
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Modern Au Athelstan headcanons
Back on my bullshit
Wears glasses and has horrible eyesight
And Ragnar teases him about it
Probably got them as a kid too
Wasn't full on bullied as a kid (I feel like other kids tried but he just gave zero reaction because he's a litttttle bit oblivious) but did get teased a bit for being really really short for his age and also the huge glasses
I swear I didn't steal this from @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics it's been in my head a while and believe me I was Shook when it turned out to be their headcanon too but anyway Athelstan was a foster kid
Never knew his birth family, just knows he had a lot of siblings
Was never officially adopted by anyone, I like to think that the last family he lived with was really good to him though and helped him learn to navigate the world as a young adult
Still sees that family occasionally after he goes to school, they were the people he was closest to out of all his childhood
Ok I actually have a highly specific au in my head where OF COURSE years later he meets Ragnar and Lagertha and their kids but it turns out THEY were former foster parents who he'd lived with when he was really young before their own kids were born and for whatever reason he had to be given to another family and they were heartbroken about it but then they recognize each other and I cry
Got a scholarship to go to a decent university (was always a straight A student let's be real this boy's a massive nerd) and ended up studying something history related but I can't decide what
It's gonna be like either religious history or ancient languages or something (or maybe just Medieval art idk I didn't go to uni I don't know what they get up to in there)
Is a little embarrassed by his name. Most people call him Stan or Ath - if the full name comes out Something Is Wrong
(But Ragnar and Lagertha both call him by his full name whenever, they've earned that privilege)
I love love love the thought of him meeting them via babysitting/tutoring their kids
I know I know I know romance is popular but in this au I always liked the idea of them kind of pseudo adopting him. Even before they've recognized him they're like "this one needs a family we're taking him home"
Lagertha especially her mom instincts kick in the second she sees his little face. This one belongs to her now.
Ragnar calls Athelstan "kid"
(It turns out he didn't properly remember his name until several months after they'd met)
Their family is Norwegian/Danish but live in England which is where Athelstan meets them
When he starts going to their house (because they invite him for dinner almost right away after he's started looking after the kids) and realizes all 3 languages get spoken sort of haphazardly around the house he makes a determined effort to learn them on his own because he wants to communicate with them in more ways than one
They aren't *rich* but definitely have a lot more money than what Athelstan grew up with and he's more than a little surprised to say the least when he finds out
They have a cabin somewhere in Norway up in the mountains that was Ragnar's dad's or whatever and one winter they take him along with them and I really want to write a fic about this so bad guys you have no idea
Ragnar teaches him to drive and it's about as chaotic as you'd expect
Bjorn plays *all* the sports and tries to get Athelstan to practice with him (this is mostly an excuse for him to kick soccer balls and the like at him)
He probably has like every social media account you can have but he either never uses them (or just logs on to observe everyone else and never says anything himself) or uses it to argue with assholes
Listen you cannot tell me that if someone is being a jerk on twitter or whatever he wouldn't absolutely go after them in the calmest yet most smug fact-checking way and just obliterate them only to fade into 100% obscurity once again
Hates conflict in theory but can't resist calling out people being mean online lol
Has a lot of house plants
Bakes the best breads and cookies ever I swear
Awkward about having people over but loves to make food for his friends and generally just take care of them
Photographs literally everything. Phone storage: full after like a month. Gets a digital camera. Fills up storage on that too.
Has an energy that just inexplicably draws others towards him. Any rando who comes up to him on the street he'll just have a full conversation with too, he takes everyone fully seriously even if he can't quite understand why they're talking to him
Loves museums. Will sit quietly and look at Art and do nothing else for hours at a time.
Probably plays D&D
(as a monk, of course. Or maybe a cleric.)
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partywithponies · 3 years ago
Jem Cotton apologists want to be like "but they're not REALLY siblings, Hetty and Eliza aren't officially adopted and they're not blood related to the Cottons, it was normal for the time"
FIRST OF ALL, the very fact Jem has to keep bringing up "but we're not blood related so it's technically okay" and had to double check with the vicar that it WAS legal proves that, while legal, even at the time it was seen as a bit weird.
SECOND OF ALL, I don't know how you imagine "official adoption" worked in those days, but the very fact Hetty calls Peg "mother", Peg calls Hetty "my little girl", and Hetty lives there is enough for Hetty to be considered officially adopted by most people in those days.
THIRD OF ALL, Hetty herself calls Jem, Saul, and Gideon "my brother" and Martha and Eliza "my sister". Not "foster sister" or "foster brother", even though that's in her vocabulary and that's what staff at the hospital call them, Hetty always just refers to them as "my brother" or "my sister". Literally Hetty and Eliza consider each other sisters despite not even living with Peg at the same time just on virtue of both considering Peg their mother and Jem their big brother. Eliza considers Martha one of her siblings even though they never even met. Even after Hetty discovers her bio family she still repeatedly refers to Jem and Gideon as "my brothers" and Eliza as "my little sister" even to people who never met them and even TO her bio family, and in fact refers to Eliza as "my little sister" and thinks protectively or fondly of her far more often than she does her actual biological younger siblings! When Clover mentions she lost a sister, a biological full sibling she grew up with, Hetty says she can sympathise because "my brother died too", referring to Saul! Literally if Hetty didn't consider her foster brothers to be her real siblings then a romance between Hetty and one of them wouldn't be quite so bad, even despite points one and two (if Hetty and Gideon weren't so devoted to each other as brother and sister and only saw each other as close good friends then maybe a romance between them would be kinda cute), the crux of the issue is that as far as Hetty is concerned, they are siblings, Jem knows this, and Jem continues to persue her anyway in the hopes he can change her mind. After also promising all the same things to Eliza.
Finally, and most importantly, JEM IS 20. HETTY IS 15. ELIZA IS 10.
(I swear to god people on the internet will be like "you can't ship these two unrelated adults because they have a found family relationship" then turn around and say "it's fine for this adult to romantically persue his teenage adopted sister despite her discomfort with it actually because they're not REAL siblings and also it was the olden days")
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an-android-child · 11 months ago
Ok so in favour of this being an honest and fair comparison, I'm only gonna talk about real children (so no hallucinations or dreams or Alfred fanfics) who have interacted with the main universe, be it because Bruce or someone from the main earths has met them in their universe or because they went to our main universe (so no elseworlds or imaginary stories), AND who have been legally adopted or are bio children (so no mentees or emotionally adopted children). I'll also mention foster children.
Let's get this started!!!
Dick Grayson (adopted)
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First appearance: Detective Comics (1937) #38
Date of first appearance: April, 1940
No need for presentations I'm sure! The one and only first boy wonder! The mold where all child sidekicks came out from, and the first canonical (depends so much on the author lol, I have a whole meta here) son of Bruce Wayne.
Lance Bruner (adopted)
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First appearance: The Brave and the Bold (1955) #83
Date of first appearance: May, 1969
Another child officially adopted I wished we'd seen more of. His personality is super interesting to me, from bad boy badly grieving to someone full of regret and self-sacrifice. I wished we could see more of the official first dead Robin lmao.
Enoch and Roger Jr. Birnam (adopted as godsons)
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First appearance: The Brave and the Bold (1955) #98
Date of first appearance: November, 1971
This comic run really liked the idea of Bruce adopting children. Such a shame they're mostly one-shot kids. In this story, Batman (not Bruce, Batman) is the godfather of both children of the late Roger Birnam, who he promised to protect along with their beautiful mother after the man died. The thing is, Batman doesn't know there are two kids, because one has been hidden since birth by their evil witch mother, and that's because Enoch is a satanic cult leader. He's also six or less. It doesn't matter anyway because the wife and evil son die, so Batman is left to take care of the good son, Roger Jr., because that's how morality works! You're born good or you're born evil and we don't need to think about that anymore because Roger Jr. vanishes forever either way! Aren't comics great.
But now fr, I wouldn't mind a modern re-telling of this story that is a little bit deeper and complicated. And also wouldn't mind seeing Roger Jr. back.
Bruce Wayne Jr. (biological)
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First appearance: World's Finest (1941) #215
Date of appearance: January, 1973
Okay, seeing as there are a bajillion Bruce Wayne Jr., I'm gonna count the Super-Sons computer shenanigans one as its own character, because the other one, whose mother was Kathy Kane, was very clearly an imaginary story. The computer one with no mother is a simulation that becomes alive and almost destroys the world before sacrificing himself (and also Clark Jr., who is also there, does the same of course). Some of the stories haven't aged really that well, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find enjoyment in some of them.... When the time period allows it (you have to read this comics with a detached mindset, or else the racism and rampant misogyny can get... Way too much). The first story is still my favourite, and so is the forsaken son one. Wouldn't mind seeing more of him and Clark, baby, in the future. Also look at his cute bathrobe.
Helena Wayne (biological)
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First appearance: All-Star Comics (1940) #69
Date of first appearance: December, 1977
Just like Bruce Jr., there's a bunch of Helenas who have interacted with the main universe. The first iteration ever created was named Helena Wayne, daughter of Bruce Wayne and a reformed Selina Kyle. A lawyer by day and a vigilante by night, she's a full-time resident of Earth Two, where the Golden Age stories took place. Thanks to her, we have the vigilante mantle Huntress. Sadly, the multiverse as we knew it would eventually be destroyed during the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, and within it so was Earth Two. And so, this lovely Helena would meet an untimely demise later on, even though she was able to escape to Earth One and not be destroyed with her original universe. Also, she used to call younger Earth One Bruce "uncle Bruce", and I think that was super cute of her.
Jason Todd (adopted)
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First appearance: Batman (1940) #357
Date of first appearance: March, 1983
Once again, just like Dick, depending on the source he would be adopted or a legal ward or whatever. Who knows! (In the Dick meta I mentioned before there's a great reblog that expands on Jason's place in Bruce's life, here's a link to that) But I'm weak so I'm gonna go with adopted (I love the child custody battle with Natalia Knight, one of my favorite Batman arcs just because of how bonkers of a premise it is). I love his pre-crisis Robin run, and combined with his post-crisis origin it makes for a very solid character. I love him as the cautionary tale and then, once back from the dead, as the self-made tragedy. He's fascinating I'm gonna eat him alive.
Damian Wayne (biological)
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First appearance: Batman: Son of the Demon
Date of first appearance: December, 1987
Another child that doesn't need an introduction! He has a very convoluted origin story with some misses down the way, but he has gone through major character development and I really do enjoy him a lot. He's fun, he's great, he deserved his own spotlight. Tomasi's run is my favourite no doubt.
Talking about spotlight, this guy has.... a lot of clones. Be it "defective" ones living on a paradise island or fetuses in glass bubbles, this kid has clones for days. Well, more accurately, test tube siblings with similar genetic makeup. Hell, he's a test tube baby himself I believe. Depending on how you want to count the NUMEROUS clones/siblings of Damian made with Bruce's and Talia's DNA, the number of Bruce's children can get exponentially huge fast. But just in case, I'll refrain from counting all of them and just focus on the one that most people remember.
Hank and Jenny Watkins (fostered)
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First appearance: Batman (1940) #423
Date of first appearance: September, 1988
One of my favorite Batman stories! The way his humanity is shown, his soft spot for children, aughhh it's so beautiful. I wished this children would have stayed a little longer lol. Also hilarious story in hindsight when taken into consideration what issue comes next.
Tim Drake (adopted)
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First appearance: Batman (1940) #436
Date of first appearance: August, 1989
Another child that I believe requires no presentation. Temporarily as a foster while his bio dad was in a coma, tried desperately at first to avoid adoption after a traumatic experience turned him into an orphan, even getting to the point of falsifying an uncle. But he ended up giving in and becoming a Wayne with pride. He's a fascinating character, and his relationship with Bruce is way more interesting than fandom seems to make it out to be, but that's for another post lmao.
Cassandra Cain (adopted)
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First appearance: Batman #567
Date of first appearance: July, 1999
Cass my favourite Batgirl my favourite character, she's so amazing she's a tragedy she's hilarious she's so like Bruce she's so different from him, she's a weapon she's a hero, her father loved her he never showed her real love she doesn't know what's wrong with shooting at your own daughter, Cassandra Cain-Wayne i love you so fucking much, I would kill for you and you would hate me for it. No flanderization or bad fanon take will eever take away the experience of reading Batgirl 2000 for the first time and seeing shrimp emotions. I literally cannot recommend it enough.
Heretic (biological)
First appearance: Batman and Robin (2009) #12
Date of first appearance: July, 2010
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The most well known clone of Damian Wayne, an adult body with a baby face version of Damian with mommy issues to boot. Oh, and also brutally murdered Damian. How could I forget. Not to worry though, death never sticks in comics.
Helena Wayne (biological)
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First appearance: Huntress (2011) #1
Date of first appearance: December, 2011
Enter Earth 2! Not to be confused with Earth Two, of course.
Following the events of Flashpoint, for the first time since Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new multiverse was created, resulting in the creation of a new new Earth 2. She would be, once again, Batman's and Catwoman's daughter, and was even Robin for a little in her childhood. Instead of seeing her mom die, this Helena sees her father die instead. She and her best friend Supergirl (more well known later on as Power Girl) entered a Boom Tube (don't question it) in pursuit of someone they thought was Darkseid, and ended up in another universe. You won't guess which one.
Stranded on Prime Earth, Helena and Kara adapted to the new world remarkably well. Helena, leveraging her knowledge of Wayne Enterprises, siphoned funds to help them settle. Initially, they sought a way back to their Earth, but with no success, Helena pivoted to crime-fighting. She stayed covert, frequently changing identities, notably as (you won't fucking guess) Helena Bertinelli. And you'd ask, what happened to our Helena Bertinelli, while all this shit was happening. Well... She was presumed dead for unknown reasons. And got her identity stolen in the meantime. Fun!
Funded by discreet withdrawals from Wayne Enterprises, she became the vigilante, Huntress, going after global crime syndicates for five fucking years. Without our Batman noticing a thing. She would eventually meet him, of course, and even her brother Damian (before meeting her own father she met her brother, which is fascinating to me) and also she ended up returning to her original Earth, even becoming Batman there with her own Robin (Dick's son, John Grayson).
Duke Thomas (fostered)
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First appearance: Batman (2011) #21
Date of first appearance: August, 2013
Following a plot of the Joker to recreate Bruce's most traumatic night, Elaine and Doug (Duke's parents) were permanently jokerized and moved into a facility on the Wayne estate. Head of the We are Robin movement (run I super recommend) and later known as the meta hero Signal, whose powerset is as confusing to the reader as it is to the writer apparently, because no one seems to agree on what his powers are. What is well-known though is the fact that Duke moved into Wayne Manor to begin his Batman training and was temporarily fostered. Depending on the author the relationship with Bruce changes dramatically: from mentor-student, to colleagues, to father-son like, to friends, etc. (where have I seen this phenomenon before I wonder....) Even so, before his mother got cured he did live at the manor and was officially fostered, so I'm counting him. I love him dearly btw, he's such a fun chatacter, with a strong personality that I wished writers played more with. His run with the outsiders was very fun, if a bit cliche, and his "Robin" run is amazing.
Thomas Wayne The Second (biological)
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First appearance: Detective Comics (2011) #27
Date of first appearance: March, 2014
On the anniversary of his parents' deaths, Bruce is visited by the Phantom Stranger, who teleports him into an alternative reality where, instead of being killed, Thomas Wayne gets shot in the arm and punches the wannabe mugger in the face. He is shown later on to have lost the arm, but he's alive and happy, and so is Bruce. With living parents, a beautiful wife (Natalya Trusevich, that ukranian main continuity gf that didn't last long), and their son, Thomas Wayne, they're the perfect family. Of course, without Batman, Gotham is overrun by crime, Gordon is quadriplegic, Ra's al Ghul is in the process of conquering Europe, and Dick has been put on death row after murdering Tony Zucco. So, all in all, not the best of times to not be Batman.
Bruce says goodbye to his nine year old son (pictured above) and begs the Phantom Stranger to send him back to his own reality, with the knowledge that sometimes sacrifice is a necessity. A grim reminder, if I've ever seen any. Also kind of a dick move for Phantom Stranger.
Jarro (adopted)
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First appearance: Justice League (2018) #10
Date of first appearance: December, 2018
Jarro my beloved Starro cloned in a Jar. I love him so much, he has such a cute and vibrant personality. I unironically miss him and want to see more of him. He calls Bruce dad that's his BABY!!!!! Bruce told him he was proud of him!!!! He's so damn cute and small I'm gonna eat him alive
Kull (biological)
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First appearance: Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis (2020) #1
Date of first appearance: November, 2020
Kull was the daughter of a Batman and Wonder Woman from a world of the Dark Multiverse. Her mother trained her in the art of Amazonian combat and she was also trained by her father. A bunch of Earth 0's heroes, including our Wonder Woman and Batman, tried to sneak into Castle Bat (who was a giant Bruce Wayne who had been fused with Gotham City or something??? I don't really remember but whatever). Kull and some others were ready for them, and as Wonder Woman struggled against her, Jarro separated the bad guys from the heroes by controlling the mind of Castle Bat (don't question it). I don't think she survived, but it's always fun to see wonderbat children in the wild.
Saif, Taj and Janan Al Ghul (biological)
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First appearance: Batman/Superman (2019) Authority Special #1
Date of first appearance: January, 2022
Children of Bruce and Talia al Ghul from a reality in the Dark Multiverse where the Empire of Shadows has taken over the world and some alternative universes. And Bruce is evil, because of course he is. They were able to open a portal that allowed Janan and Saif to go to our main earth so they could conquer it, and that's when they met our Batman and Midnighter. Meanwhile, our Superman and the authority went to the other evil dimension to fight the third brother, Taj, which is great for me because it means all three siblings have interacted one way or another with our Earth 0, so I can count them all for this list lmao.
Janan would later cross over to our main earth once again and become a Superman villain, so you may know her from that. She underwent an extreme makeover though (pictured below).
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Helena Wayne (biological)
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First appearance: The New Golden Age (2023) #1
Date of first appearance: January, 2023
Infinite Frontier confirmed that all of Pre-Crisis Earth 2 history is now part of Earth 0's canon after the events of Dark Knights: Death Metal. It's unclear whether this applies to Helena's story or not, but everything we've seen of her indicates this is a brand-new version of Helena, so I'm counting her as a separate character.
Helena Wayne is once again the daughter of Batman and Catwoman from an averted future where her father once again was murdered, this time as a result of the schemes of the time-traveling Per Degaton (don't question it). She would never become Robin, because the moment she discovered her father was Batman (after stabbing him in the kitchen) Selina forced Bruce to retire. Also, unrelated but in this averted future the JOKER'S SON WAS A ROBIN?? Nothing is explained about that, but it's such an interesting idea and I'm so mad we're never gonna expand on that (pictured below the only moment this is ever mentioned, in this Helena's debut issue. I'm so mad).
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Moving on, she then joined the Infinity Inc. and the JSA as the heroine known as the Huntress. As a temporal remnant of a future that is no longer possible, she exists as a living paradox. Or something along those lines.
This future would have been main continuity if she hadn't gone off and told Bruce about his untimely demise. Right now, she's lost in time in our main dimension. She also hasn't met Bertinelli, nor given a reason for her chosen vigilante name, nor done anything worth mentioning aside from that time she hugged our main continuity Bruce. Our Buce has decided to keep Helena at arm's length, setting her up in a penthouse he owned up in New York City, rather than allowing her to stay in Gotham, and also giving her the cover story of being his cousin rather than daughter. He did offer to revise the arrangement and have her come to Gotham, but after all the ordeal had been done. She rejected the offer, knowing that, if the current iteration of the timeline was anything like her own, Bruce and Selina were about to have something of a a major disagreement. But who cares abour Gotham War any of this am I right.
All of this happened in November of 2023. And yet, nothing of worth has been done with her. I guess we'll still have to wait and see what will become of her.
Terry McGinnis (biological)
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First appearance (in main universe comics): The New 52: Futures End FCBD Special Edition (2024) #1
Date of first appearance (in main universe comics): June, 2014
I owe my life to @momachan for helping me find the comic where this two meet in main continuity, making it possible for me to count him. I don't think he needs any presentation. Like Damian, he's a test-tube baby but. Even more complicated because Timm. I adore him I love him he's the only one who can inherit the Batman mantle. Love him to bits
Bruce (Zur-En-Arrh's clone)
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First appearance: Batman (2016) #147
Date of first appearance: July, 2024
Okay this one is complicated. Buckle up, this is a wild ride.
Bruce's stereotypical evil alter created this clone to be the first in a long line of expendable robins. He gave him all of the original Bruce's memories but partitioned away any that could cause him to develop a conscience or question him and also deliberately engineered him to rapidly age and have a short lifespan. Also he programmed him to see Zur as his father. And because Zur is basically Bruce with another personality... yeah. I'm counting him tentatively.
He died of old age almost immediately because this is DC and Gd forbid we do interesting things with new characters.
Ok, so in total we could say that our Bruce from main continuity has a whopping of 21 children who have interacted with him, between adoptive and biological. If we count the temporarily fostered ones, the number rises to 24 children that Bruce has had custody over throughout the years. AND if we wanna count only the children that come from our main universe, we have 15 children he has had custody over, 13 of them officially adopted or biological. Damn, indeed.
Okay so if I've missed anyone please let me know!!!! I love learning stuff!!!!
Danny Benson (Statue Father?)
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First appearance: Batman (1940) #107
Date of first appearance: April, 1957
Ok, so, I know I just said I'd only talk about official children.... but man, some of this kids deserve a bonus mention, not because I'm gonna count them for the list or anything, but because how crazy fascinating their stories are.
Okay so in this case, in true Golden Age fashion, this premise is bonkers: basically this kid is lonely cause his dad died and his mom works all day so... he has decided to adopt himself a father. A statue father. A statue father of Batman (this is literally the premise, btw. The story is called The Boy who Adopted Batman and like, what a title). Batman gifts the boy a bike and everything, and the kid helps solve a case with it. Just... what a fascinating idea, man.
Allie (Maybe? Let me explain)
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First appearance: Batman (1940) #577
Date of first appearance: May, 2000
Here's the thing: this little girl only appears in one story. She's a blind girl who ran away from an abusive foster home at the age of seven and also has a psychic link to crocodiles. She lives in the Batcave's rain gutters. Bruce never takes her to CPS, but makes sure her abusive foster parents are put in jail, and also gives her and her crocodile "siblings" free reign to be in the Batcave. She protects the cave from intruders trying to get in through the sewers in the only issue she appears in, and Bruce is very clearly adamant on wanting her living a normal life outside of dirty sewers. But also, we never see her again. At all. I'm putting her as a maybe because Bruce doesn't deny the "adopt all of us" request, and also doesn't try to make her go away from the sewers. But also, I wanna see more of her cause. What the fuck? What a fucking interesting chatacter? Lmao?
Once again, I'm not gonna count her as an official child or anything, but I still wanted to mention her because I love her and I miss her and she deserves a good home and more people need to know about her. DC let me write the comics I'm begging you
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First appearance: Justice League (1987) #1
Date of first appearance: May, 1987
The JLI lineup with Batman is one of my favorites, even if it's short-lived, and when I tell you all of this grown ass people are children. Bruce needs to come back to help J'onn coparent because that martian's SUFFERING. The way he literally quits because he can't "babysit them anymore" is so funny to me. This beautiful post made by @apopcornkernel shows a compilation of out of context images dnsjcknjd enjoy
superman has like 13 kids compared to Bruce's like 6
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winepresswrath · 4 years ago
What are your thoughts on Zhuiling? I love the ship dynamic (the grumpy, short-tempered one, always making a fuss × the calm, matured one, sweetest boi alive™ - very much like Xicheng lol) but....they're cousins.... And I know some might argue saying they're not actually related by blood but like. Neither are Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. If you consider those two as brothers then you have to acknowledge that they are cousins. You can't just pick one.
I don't really ship the juniors, and if I was going to ship the juniors I wouldn't be into Zhuiling, but why should that stop me from inflicting my thoughts on the internet at large when I have an opinion that will probably annoy everyone?
Jin Ling and Sizhui are children who were born into mess and then raised in a broader context of yet more mess. It's not that they're not biologically related, it's that they're not biologically related and also were raised apart from each other in ignorance of the multiple layers of unofficial adoption and secretly fake disownment that potentially tied them together. If you meet a cute boy as a teenager, develop a crush on him, and then find out that for about a year of his early childhood he was being raised by your dead mother's estranged foster brother (who she and your uncle loved very much and she explicitly considered to be her brother, but you were raised to think of primarily as your father's murderer), the cute boy in question has no memory of this because of fever induced early childhood amnesia, and then it turns out that said estranged maybe-uncle is dating a man who "acted as father and older brother" to the cute boy, that is simply not your problem. That is your uncle's problem, your other uncle's problem, and your prospective uncle-in-law's problem. If you and the cute boy feel it would be appropriate, under the circumstances, to consider each other cousins that's awesome and adorable. If you decide that doesn't feel right to you and you'd rather suck face, that's also fine. If you're living in some fantasy version of ancient China where (please correct me if I'm wrong, I am not an expert) it was in many times and places considered totally fine to date your mom's brother's kids, you can presumably do both if you really want to! But seriously Jin Ling and Sizhui have no obligation to live their lives in accordance with feelings a bunch of messy adults are barely capable of articulating to themselves. As far as we know Wei Wuxian has never told Sizhui out loud with his words he considers him a son! Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian have not officially conveyed to each other that they consider each other brothers! If they were too cousinish for you personally to enjoy the relationship that would be very valid and I would certainly not say you should engage with a ship that grosses you out, but as that is not the case... why wouldn't you just enjoy your ship?
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rubykgrant · 3 years ago
Do you have any Headcanons to your human versions of the Digimon in your head? -The Anon with No Name
Oh, hmmm... If I was gonna switch it around, make an AU where the Digimon-gijinka were the humans who get Digivices (and the kids who were originally human are now their Digimon partners)-
-GuilMon would be the kid who is always hanging out at the local bakery, he buys the fresh-made goodies in the morning, and he has first dibs on the stuff that is almost ready to be thrown out. He's autistic, and enjoys making various sounds (auditory stimming) that include popping noises/hums/squeaks (as well as lots of finger tapping and snapping)
-RenaMon is the opposite of Rika in a sense, because she has leaned into being a young fashion model (her parents are a rockstar and actor, they're divorced and a little absent in her life, but still have a decent relationship). Uses she/her pronouns, and is nonbinary. She kinda had a phase where she was too quiet and did as she was told, followed by some hard-core rebellion... now she's kinda mellowed out
-TerrierMon seems to be very likable and chill, but he's actually very awkward. He was previously a bit of an obnoxious jerk at his old school, not realizing how mean his teasing was until he was already moving away. He's trying to be a lot nicer now, but can also seem too aloof. He's a trans boy, with a pretty supportive family
-LopMon isa distant cousin to TerrierMon (the ones from the Movie with Willis/Wallace are the sibling twins), and they didn't grow up knowing each other, but once they finally meet they ironically look very similar. She's had a pretty sheltered life, a little bit more of a country kid who's spent a long time being independent and needs to figure out how to interact with the others
-LeoMon previously had a job in wilderness rescue, as somebody who would help locate people who got lost or were caught in natural disasters (fires/floods/ect). He's taking some time off to relax, and winds up meeting a handful of kids who need a guardian, a winds up going through the process to be a foster parent. His background is a mix of Irish/African/Japanese (he's come back to Japan because he lived here as a child)
-ImpMon is a little homeless child. After dealing with abusive parents, he was passed around to other relatives that didn't treat him much better. He's worked out a system in which he steals pricey stuff he doesn't really need, sells it to other kids, and then buys food. He's also known for graffiti and being a bit of a fire-starter. Although he grumbles about it at first, LeoMon officially adopts him, and they really care about each other
-GaudroMon is a foreign exchange student from Europe... eventually they figure out he's from Norway. There's a bit of a language barrier, but he's pretty smart and intuitive, so even though the other kids don't always get what he means in words, he understands them, and figures out how to get his point across. He's usually very calm, and the tech-savvy one
-MarineAngeMon is a from a very rich family, and is more than happy to share what he has with his friends (not in a show-off way, just a genuinely generous way). He was born unable to vocalize, and is slowly going through some medical procedures to help his speech. In the mean time, he knows various forms of sign language, so he is easily able to communicate with GuardroMon (the two can speak with their hands together)
-MonodraMon is the kid who has WAY too much energy, and is really into sports. He initially isn't close friends with the other kids, but because he's a busy-body, he winds up always being right there when something is happening, and he just becomes part of the group. He's kinda of oblivious about social situations, but isn't afraid to jump right into danger
-KaluMon another homeless child, who was accidentally abandoned. He's only been on his own for a short time, and he quickly latches on to the other kids. He's also autistic, and in stressful situations he stops speaking (the others quickly learn how to help him calm down and communicate without speaking). They find out he's actually the child of a rather rich individual who has passed away, with a whole kid-napping conspiracy involved (evidently, the little guy was going to inherit a fortune, and other people were trying to get him out of the way). After all that shady business gets resolved, LeoMon also adopts him. ImpMon comes to see him as a little bro, and he vibes with GuilMon
thanks for asking~
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