Contribution of various web applications which helped us in our startup cannot be over emphasized. Here we give you an insight into those five applications which assisted us in our journey to the start-up of our company.
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Flagship Product :
We are live on our new product 'SoftwareSuggest'. We're very excited about this product. What is Software Suggest?
Software Suggest is a free service that helps Indian business, companies, organization, professionals and individuals find the best software solution for their business. What can Software Suggest do for me?
In its Browse Software segment, Software Suggest provides a wide list of option for various business function like Accounting, Human Resource Management etc, and for various industry starting from Agriculture to Pharmaceuticals, so Indian business owner can select the best software fit for their business.
You can start browsing the available software options by clicking here.
However, if the user is still not sure as to which software shall be fitting his requirement best, he/she can contact our software expert who will help him/her come down to 1-3 best matches. To connect to our expert click here.
Visit :
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Nitrobator - an incubator for non tech Entrepreneurs
We are proud to announce the launch of Nitrobator, an incubator for Non-tech entrepreneurs .
**** What is front end, what is back end of a website, website toh website hai?
Website toh programmer ka kaam hai, designer kya karega isme?
I want to build a web application, how does PHP or or JAVA matter?
Search, Search, Search. Search a Tech founder!!! And search, search, search.
And has't the software vendor given me absurd and super high quotations? ****
We battled with these questions for more than a year,before building our development team. And these are the questions most non-techies face.
They might have a brilliant problem solving solution - the idea, but limitations in development capabilities leads to delayed execution and at times no execution.
Hence, we have launched Nitrobator with the aim of speeding developments for Non- techies.
Hoping to make a difference in the ecosystem.
Do check our website for other details. -
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Building a mobile Startup
Building a mobile startup is about solving problems, not chasing ideas.
What you really need is a problem, and they’re everywhere! Chase problems and not ideas.
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“But facebook was built by someone who did not have any professional experience and no benchmark salary”
We started APPITSIMPLE about two weeks back. (WE= Piyush & Me, CITY= Ahmedabad, IN= products that solve Indian problems) (We meet through the Rodinhoods and via another rodinhooder Anil)
All the way we talked about ideas but just 5 days after starting APPITSIMPLE, we realized it’s much more about the execution team than the idea. Why team, because a team can make an idea superb by doing an excellent execution.
So, we decided that in the first few days we will concentrate on building one of the best products team in Ahmedabad. BEST MEANS SUPER BEST. A team of only 7-8 people who are entrepreneur in themselves, super smart, super intelligent, thinkers and just out of this world. (As Alok would have said-Awesome people)
Another 5 days and we could understand why building a team (recruitment as armies around the world have named it) is one of the most difficult task in a start-up.
So, while meeting a few people to build our team, we meet Viral Thakar (another rodinhooder and co-founder of Viral fitted the criteria, but asked us for an increment of almost 50% on his reimbursement. He really felt he was worth that. Now we do too, but at first we were a little taken a back.
“He is good, but how can he ask for a 50% increment on his current reimbursement.” “He is good, but this is absurd.”
We had to fight ourselves. And then Dhruv said something which helped us find consensus. (Dhruv= our 3rdteam mate, our advisor, designer, friend ,a 21 yr old boy who is much ahead of where we were at that age.)
“But facebook was made by someone who did not have any professional experience and no benchmark salary. How can we benchmark these excellent people on what other companies have been reimbursing them? If we do so, we will become like many other companies in India without a soul.”
The issue we faced now was how to judge people if not by previous salaries, their education institute, etc etc.
We now have the solution. It’s a structured questionnaire kind of a thing. We now get it answered from people who want to help us make our team better by working with us. Their score in the questionnaire helps us decided their reimbursement (range). (We also have a discussion over coffee where we tell more about us then ask, so that our next team mate can take a more informed decision.)
We write this article –
To know from fellow Rodinhooders if our approach sounds right
And also to find other better methods of evaluating a future team mate, now that we have decided not to depend on the traditional resume
Also, if you think you are a misfit in your team, or know a friend who can get a perfect score in the questionnaire (there is no perfect score though), then do get in touch with us or forward his contacts to us. We work from Ahmedabad.
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We are looking for an awesome person with experience in PHP/Ajax/JQuery as a founding member.
Professional Experience is no criteria at all, after all even facebook was built by a person with no professional experience.
Contact us only if you want to live a life around problem solving...
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We believe in
The potential of smart phones are still to be unleashed. They have become social networking devices with additional functionality of calls and messages.
We aim at unleashing this potential and making the smart phone really smart. We are building consumer products to solve real world problems.
We believe in products.
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Hello World!
First post on our blog, it all begins with 'Hello World'.
Keep coming back to this space for exciting blog post on technology, mobile apps, entrepreneurship , ideas, opportunities and news/updates from AppItSimple Team.
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