#Kid named Ear
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erandraws · 1 month ago
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The world is frightening.
But you’ve seen it now.
And it’s filled with so much beauty.
And you’re part of that now.
You’re part of what makes it beautiful.
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sleepytimesallday · 7 months ago
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Close enough, welcome back, Liu’er Mihou!
Jinx fits Mac so well 😭😭.
Especially since he really doesn’t give off the vibe that he likes his younger self at all. Finding himself too naive and trusting back then. Too weak.
Anyway, I’m gonna say it takes place in the Minecraft shitposts I do of them lol. Wukong is trying to placate Macaque after doing something dumb in the game by using his given name and Macaque’s not having it.
Sorry for the shitty shitpost (lol), my hands aren’t doing great, but I wanted to get something out. To make up for it, here’s a doodle I might turn into a full drawing at some point
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zivazivc · 1 year ago
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this came to me in a dream
Floyd's emo ass and a techno troll could make scene kids...! Do you see my vision??? . . . Ravin is Happy Hardcore and Eddy M is Synth-Pop, that's how troll genetics work, right?
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i don't think floyd leads a proud life
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muffinsouffle · 1 year ago
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"Where you go, I go..."
Hope you liked this post and have a nice day 💖
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bismuthfool · 8 months ago
Does hunter macque stream his adventures and hunts in the wild online ?
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like my bro @qwelenty said, ✧he doesn't need the attention because he knows he's good at what he does✧ (being sexy in the woods)
(he's a hermit) (people don't even know he exists)
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litt1e-prince · 2 years ago
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"Who's your friend, MK?"
INSPIRED BY THE FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46162438/chapters/116212117
Which, if you 'haven't read yet- why not?? go read it now!! It's literally so good, its so good- had me crying- LIKE. I WANNA FIGHT WUKONG FROM THIS FIC SOOOO BAD but at the same time,,, i wanna hug him and bring him nice things and make sure he's safe and happy! The author writes so amazingly and aaaah! the pain!!!!
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prettybluebro · 1 month ago
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self love!!!
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izuke-the-zombie · 2 years ago
I noticed its been quite a while since you did anything with the healing spring AU (island AU), if you don't mind me asking, are you going to continue it or is it cancelled?
🌸No, it's not canceled I'm still trying to figure out how to explain this world in this Au a little better
I'm still new to Aus cuz I just keep creating more or at least just scenarios or head cannons(I've been making too many of those) and I get sidetracked a lot! I have SoooOooOoo many other new Doodles that don't involve the healing spring Au
I mean, I'm not even sure how to plan an Au properly. I know I have to make a story and follow it and a couple of times I thought why do I just try to make a fanfic (keyword try) explain it better( I REALLY suck at making fanfics).
I sometimes can't figure out how to keep an au going. I think that's the problem (and you know personal life stuff that junk to).
I mean I draw new everything's and I still have the healing spring AU Doodles that are kind of like notes to me, right now I'm trying to figure out how to make this AU deep and with angst and stuff I'm trying not to be too cutesy I'm trying to put these characters through hell, face their past and cry/hurt/awkwardness/ worry/ survive/ secrets/ mystery/ angst/ talking/ healing /bonding /pining, kind of thing I'm not sure how to make that happen
How do you put that in an Au? I sure as hell don't know! And the worst part about this is this is my favorite of all of my AUs too!!!
Sorry I don't want to make this too long I just want to figure out how you guys make these Aus and hurt these characters the right way what's your guys Secret I'm probably going to have to ask someone to help me make this AU a thing know brainstorm and all that
🌸Anyways I hope this answers your question
🌸Here's a little comic I made I just thought it was a funny scenario that would happen in the island😚✨
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Wish me luck guys.... I'm going to need it😩
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ask-artsy-oncie · 7 months ago
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thinking about Laios nurturing autistic traits in his kids... getting a little emotional about it. Like, he does not know what his deal is, just that he's different and his kids are different too. He's gonna see them act in ways he remembers acting as a kid, and instead of reprimanding them, encouraging them... God, I can't, I can't.
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canisalbus · 1 month ago
seeing ear again and thinking to myself oh what a darling little thing. i hope poor machete doesn't die in childbirth like the tragic creature he is. wouldnt put it past him u_u
I genuinely can't get over just how long it took for my brain to adequately process that.
“Oh yeah with his weak constitution, especially if you consider the high maternal mortality rates of the 1500's, it would be- hold on wait a minute.”
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isawthetamagotchiglow · 24 days ago
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My cancelled wife dressed as my cancelled wife
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vignirek · 28 days ago
Wukong + Macaque headcanons (part 3)
(part one & part two of previous hcs)
- optional headcanon 1: in JTTW the monkeys all adopt Wukong's surname "Sun" (if I remember that part correctly), so perhaps in the Monkie Kid universe the monkeys still share Wukong's surname like they're all one family in a sense (and maybe it also applied to Macaque while he still lived on the mountain)
- has less scars than Macaque, but the ones he does have are from pretty severe injuries that his immortality was unable to heal for various reasons (and maybe he got some of them from before he became immortal and didn't have op regeneration abilities yet) - his favorite flavor is sweet and he dislikes spicy + bitter foods (while Macaque is the opposite, though he does eat moderately sweet things) - Wukong's fur is short and soft, while Macaque's fur is long and smooth - he and Macaque were the troop's go-to babysitters when the monkey parents wanted some rest from taking care of their babies (after their fallout, Wukong had to be the babysitter all by himself, but then Macaque started picking up his babysitter duties again since his return to the mountain after S4) - likes to play videogames in his spare time, his favorite types are tower defense and fighting games (while Macaque's favorites are fighting games and story-driven games) bonus: they're mutually afraid of horror/scary games (partially inspired by Monarch and Cyyu playing Mortuary Assistant) - optional headcanon 2: Wukong became depressed sometime after the journey, but he's been isolated on his mountain for so long that he doesn't even see it as a problem (and even if he did, he'd just deploy his good ol' "ignore the problem until it's not a problem" tactic) (it definitely wouldn't work all the time though) bonus thought: at some point Macaque realizes that his ex-best friend is depressed and starts secretly helping him out by making him proper meals and making sure he always has a set of clean clothes available (and just doing the house chores in general) (he feels like a jerk for always clowning on Wukong for being smelly after realizing this, so perhaps he does the chores as a way of making it up to Wukong) - he and Macaque used to have a very intertwined/synced fighting style; now they're grown used to fighting separately after their fallout, but they can still subconsciously slip into the familiar pattern sometimes - headcanon for funsies: he/she genderfluid
- continuation & sorta update of my headcanon where Macaque has another name besides "Six Eared Macaque" - still kinda stuck on which one would be most fitting for him, but I've narrowed it down to my three favorite options after a lot of digging:
1) "Fēng Wǔ" (风舞/"wind dance"; my main interpretation is that it's a nod to his manner of dancing being light and carefree like the wind (in my headcanon at least))
2) "Yǐng Wǔ" (影舞/"shadow dance"; somewhat similar to "wind dance", but with his shadow powers, could be interpreted as him guiding his shadows in a dance of sorts)
3) "Jiāo Yè" (姣夜/"charming night"; mostly a nod to his black fur and maybe his appearance in general- perhaps the backstory behind this name is that Wukong gave Macaque a nickname in an attempt to help him feel less self-conscious about his own appearance, and the nickname eventually grew into an actual name that Macaque started using)
(note: I'm absolutely not an expert on chinese names and these options are mostly results of me slapping together chinese characters and seeing which ones sound good together in theory- so don't expect them to be 100% accurate to how chinese names actually work)
- has a big amount of scars from various past scuffles that happened before and after his resurrection (mostly because he doesn't heal quickly like Wukong does, so Macaque is not as "untouchable" as him)
- very good at vocal mimicry (basically he copies people's voices really well) and can adjust his voice to copy anyone he hears (his ears help him a lot with that, bc he can easily copy the voice just by listening closely)
- optional headcanon 1: Macaque gets a pair of headphones at some point and spends at least a couple hours a day listening to music; one of his favorite genres is metal (though overall his music tastes range from gentle tunes to something more like rock or metal) and he sometimes sings along (he typically goes into a room covered in noise-cancelling spells to do it) (maybe he takes those precautions because one time he got too into it and received multiple noise complaints the next day /j)
- the vision in his right eye (from his point of view) is pretty bad because of the injury, he's pretty much considered legally half-blind in that regard; the most he can see is blurry moving shapes, but he tries to make up for it with his hearing, so usually the blind right eye is not much of a hindrance to him, though he refuses to get glasses or lenses of any kind for vague reasons - prone to losing his appetite when he's really sick or stressed (he struggles maintaining a healthy weight because of that) - optional headcanon 2: Macaque had already been living on FFM for some time, but then one day he witnessed Wukong hatching from his egg and basically went "oh cool, new friend c:" and brought him along, and afterwards they became friends (basically he's older in this backstory interpretation) - in terms of shapeshifting, Macaque's strengths are in disguising himself as other people, while Wukong is more proficient with the 72 transformations (they can do both, but Macaque only has a few animal forms and hides his tail, while Wukong has his tail at all times when he's transformed into an animal or is using a disguise) - used to be fond of peaches, but after so much baggage involving Wukong, they taste almost bittersweet to him and he rarely eats them nowadays - a decent teacher when he puts his mind to it (he's typically the more organized one when it comes to teaching, though he isn't afraid to push limitations when he feels it's necessary) - headcanon for funsies: he/they nonbinary
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iheartmagicians · 7 months ago
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Hi MoonDuo Fans !!! HRU ? ... 💙💜💙💜
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givesmebrainrot · 4 days ago
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I don't understand why everything appears darker on my computer then when transferred to my phone, everything is so bright.
Anyway little rumble with her mama. I definitely don't have favorites... 🤥
Also I changed macaque scar, the other one was too difficult when he's drawn at this angle
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monkiekidtwt · 2 years ago
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(Peng having an “angry crush” on Macaque is something suggested by Peng’s VA)
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marisol-000 · 2 months ago
Speaking to you from inside your mind
Alrighty!!! I promised and now I'm delivering! The oneshot for the Tgs Hearing Aid au! This'll be a bit odd since I have no idea how to write people with hearing aids but if I don't try I never will so here goes
Shoutout to @lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd, @basilthesnakingthing, @mistakes-have-been-made, and @littletownman who helped make this au with me!!!!
It was an ordinary day like any other when Jekyll heard something. Which wasn't too unusual, he often heard things. Most everyday in fact, big fan of it that man. But today he heard something odd.
A small shifting, like fabric or long hair, something soft. He doesn't think much of it, almost tuning it out entirely. On a busy campus like this there could be a marching band made entirely of trumpets and it wouldn't be worth looking up for. So he didn't even consider looking around the classroom when all the notes and textbooks he could ever need were right in front of him.
Until it happened again. More shifting, someone shuffling around. It sounded louder, like they were getting closer to him. But that doesn't make sense, there was no one near him.
In fact, there was no one in the room with him at all.
Jekyll had stayed after class to finish up his notes and was clearly the only person there. Finally peeking his head out of his book he eyed the room with confusion…yup. Just him. The classroom was large but it was no auditorium, just a few rows of chairs with hardwood tables, nowhere for anyone to hide. He was sitting in the front row, as close to the teachers desk as he could, with the door across from him. He was probably just hearing someone in the hall or next room over. Sure it was late and most everyone had left campus already, but he was still there. Though he'd probably have to hurry to avoid getting locked in, again.
He had almost managed to convince himself it was nothing when he heard a new noise. Clinking, like small bells or bracelets. Jekyll looked again, bewildered. Okay there was nothing in here that would make those noises, there's nothing even moving near him. What was going on?
“Alright try it again.”
He jumped. The voice was right. in. his. ear.
A low mumbling.
“You're going to parr-e later?”
For a moment he sat shocked, looking around with wide eyes. There's no one around him, certainly not close enough to be speaking right in his ears. Feeling a bit silly, he tentatively called out.
“Er, hello?”
He heard a yelp and startled curses. This wasn't making sense he could hear the voice right in his ears. Was he over the speaker system maybe? Or- or-
“Who said that?! I'll fuck you up you fucking…fucker!”
There it was, a voice as clear and loud as his own. It was a man's voice, he couldn't tell the age. And scratchy. He spoke with an exaggerated cockney accent, though Jekyll couldn't tell what was under it.
“Not you i'm talking to whoever's prankin me right now. Where are you you prick!?”
Oh right, that's him.
“I'm right here.” Jekyll said, pushing his chair back and standing, “Where are you?”
He could hear the shuffling of footsteps near him, like the person was wandering around looking for him.
“Well? Come out then!”
Jekyll tried to get over his surprise and think logically about this. How do you hear someone who's not in the same room as you? You call them. And if you want to hear them directly in your ears? You connect to your headphones.
As a child Henry Jekyll had a… certain hobby that led to a series of infections. He was fine for the most part but a particularly bad ear infection resulted in loss of hearing; and he'd eventually had to get hearing aids. He'd had them for so long he didn't even think about them when he heard the man's voice. Most days he forgot about them entirely after putting them on in the morning. The man must have connected to them somehow and was ‘on call’ with Jekyll.
“Excuse me. Er, hello?” “Man I cannot be hallucinating again last time it was- yeah you remember- with the eyes and junk-”
The other man was still talking, rambling really, with the occasional swear thrown in for good measure. Whoever this was was getting old quick. Jekyll cleared his throat impatiently.
“A-hem! Right, so I believe l know what's going on here. Our headphones got connected.”
There was quiet on the other end, whatever gesture or expression the other man was making was lost on Jekyll, who continued.
“I think when you turned your headphones on they accidentally connected to mine instead of your laptop or phone or whatever. So if you could just… disconnect your bluetooth device for a moment?”
“Hey!” he snapped, “My 'bluetooth device’ is my fucking hearing aids asshole!”
Jekyll blinked. Wait. This man also had hearing aids? What were the odds? Probably pretty high actually they must be on the same system.
That didn't explain why they were hearing each other now though. He certainly hadn't paired them together, maybe the man's headset had linked to the nearest thing like it? Or a bug from a new update he hadn't checked?
“Huh…my bluetooth device are my aids. They must have connected somehow…”
There was a moment of silence on the other end, “Wait really? Huh… What kind do you have?”
Well that increased the odds of a system error rather than blind luck(deaf luck?). Jekyll didn't exactly run into people like himself all that often, it was likely he simply hadn't been close enough to someone else's aids to run into a problem like this before.
“Right well, I'm in room 208 right now so if you come here we can try to figure this out.”
“What? Room 20- where the hell are you i'm not even in a building right now you git!”
Jekyll grit his teeth, god he just wanted to finish his notes and go home already. The man's voice was starting to give him a headache.
“I'm in the Rose building, room 208. If you use the front door and take the stairs on the left it's on the right side of the hallway.
“…wait. The Rose building? You're at that fancy ass college? Right now?”
“Yes. Upstairs on the right so if you could just come upstairs then we can sort this all out.”
“Well I can't fucking do that can I! I'm at The Copper Cog!”
Jekyll paused. The copper cog? The penny university next to that courtyard? That was all the way across town! What was going on?
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