#I actually love rae more but yk
big-fat-l0ser · 3 months
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grumpybunny-edith · 4 months
Gwen's Bunny HRT - Month 1 (Part 1)
I look at my reflection for what feels like the hundredth time today, waffling on how to do it. All the other girls have already gone through all this, and compared to their one-month photos, I feel... Behind. Delilah had already started growing fur in some places, and Edith already had a little bit of tail growing in. Sure, it looked a little weird without any fur on it, but... I’ve got nothing there but soreness. Is it even worth celebrating? Like, “oh yay, my ears look longer if you squint and my teeth look a little sillier”.  
I take a deep breath and dig my toes into my carpet, feeling pain flare up in them. It just started a couple days ago — maybe it would be better to wait until something came of it? Until walking on my toes didn’t hurt so bad, or even felt better than walking on my heels? 
I feel a tiny impulse at the small of my back, my spine apparently doing its best to wiggle at its base. Am I... unconsciously wagging my tail? The soreness that comes with it matches what the other girls had talked about. I smile, showing my reflection my weird teeth and the pain subsides a little. 
“Bunnies wag their tails when they’re upset,” Edith had told me once. It’s warming to feel how right she is, to feel like I actually belong, even for a second. It’s not that the other girls haven’t done a good job of making me think so; it’s just hard to see all of them so far along and then to look at myself. 
I set my phone down and stare at myself for a while. I imagine the fur suddenly sprouting up all across my body, shiny and soft. I imagine my ears getting so tall they graze the doorway. I imagine my tail, tiny and fluffy, poking out just about the hem of my sweatpants. It makes me smile and laugh at myself, and I feel a bit of pride in my teeth. They’ll look better coupled with everything else, I think. 
I hear my phone buzz, trying to avoid convincing myself it’s because my hearing has spontaneously improved. I laugh it off and check what it was. 
raeraebun: Hey girl!! Today’s one month, right?? Where’s the update??
I smile and blush instinctively. Rae and I don’t chat that much, but every time we do it lifts my whole mood. She’s also dropped by my place a couple times because she “made too many brownies and just had to make a delivery”. 
wen-kutesuli: Hey! Idk if I’m gonna do it today honestly lol 
raeraebun: Aww, why not? i mean like do whatever you want obvi but. you okay?
I sigh. I know I can probably tell her, it’ll almost definitely be fine, and she probably has something great to say. But it doesn’t make it any easier to say it. I’m almost embarrassed to still feel the way that I do even after her and Edith’s constant preaching of “loving yourself wherever you are”. 
wen-kutesuli: Yeah I’m okay lol. Just kinda 
wen-kutesuli: Wish I had more to show, I guess? 
Rae’s response comes quite literally instantly. 
raeraebun: okay 
raeraebun: lemme show you something 
When Rae comes back after a couple minutes of digging, she sends me a picture of some random girl with hair like her own, followed by five closeups of a pretty standard human ear. 
raeraebun: so like
raeraebun: this was from january last year 
raeraebun: Id been on hrt for like. a month and a half to the day
raeraebun: I had taken a picture of myself every day since starting my regimen
raeraebun: and didnt see anything until that picture when FINALLY 
raeraebun: my ears had grown the tiniest little bit. 
raeraebun: I didnt stop screaming about it all day lol ashley got so sick of it 
raeraebun: and yk what happened next?
raeraebun: they stayed just like that for three more weeks LMAO
Rae has this way of making people smile and cry their eyes out at the same time. 
raeraebun: so... be nice to yourself? its not gonna happen all at once, and thats ok. every little bit is worth, like
raeraebun: I dunno 
raeraebun: a thousand parties
wen-kutesuli: That’s a lot of parties 
raeraebun: and you earn every single one of them :) 
I sit in stunned silence so pleased I don’t know what to do with myself. My body wants some kind of release, and I let it have one, laying face down and kicking my feet so quickly and so hard into the floor it probably upset the people below me. 
raeraebun: you dont have to, but we all wanna celebrate with you :D 
wen-kutesuli: Thank you 🩵 Maybe I’ll do it 
Thank you to @flightlessbirdgirl for helping me decide on Gwen's username and for letting me bounce ideas off it!
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey rae, i’m experiencing a bit of a moral dilemma (ish) bc like… i’ve always more or less had this view that its wrong on some level to like “police” people on the kind of media they are creating, even mainstream tbh and now… well… let’s just say a little bee flew in rather aggressively into my eardrums and it won’t stop buzzing about the moral implications and suddenly the pretty stable ground that i was standing on is slowing crumbling beneath my feet but like… that’s okay??? i’m accepting the fall bc i’m actually always thrilled to free fall. that is to say, i love the way things around me can make me question my own ideas of what i believe to be true sometimes like i love love love it. i love looking at smth ekth a new lens and more information and then yk, rebuilding thag ground with more stable material. anyways, sry i’m rambling, but you see, everything this bee was buzzing abt started to increasingly make more sense and like, i started to rly think about it in the way of like… evaluating the consequences right? like if a specific media trope has very real contributions to a stigma abt a certain group and manifests in the society in multiple ways, then rly, why can’t i condemn it? bc the way i used to look at it was like “well yes, the media is harmful, but like, i also don’t think we have the right to dictate other people’s liberties when it come to art”. but now… especially considering that this “art” is mainstream and like reaches millions of people, why tf not? bc when you rly put it on the scale, what has more weight, ppl being mad/annoyed that engaging with this is “bad” and they shouldn’t/ being limited in creating it or ppl suffering the real life implications of this. and to make myself a little clearer, the specific thing thag kinda made me realize this more was how media a lot of the times portrays certain mental illness in an overly negative and harmful way, and how in thrn, society discriminates against those individuals in part bc of the skewed perception thag media has portrayed about them. and i feel like this kinda of made me like… think more about this view that i used to defend strongly, and kinda of go, wait, hold up… and i’m still a little like… conflicted bc as much as like i say this, i don’t think there are any viable means of like combatting this issue bc at the end of the day, what creators for mainstream media want is money and these things get them money and so it’s never rly gonna stop, and i still am a little iffy on the idea thag it’s essentially like… an objective moral no no, but like i can see the other side more clearly and it’s just… man it’s so frustrating in a way. and like as much as some ppl may engage with their media critically and liek recognize these stereotypes and shit, a majority of ppl don’t and it’s so frustrating to see itttt. but yeah, idk im still like… gathering materials before fully building this floor, but like, what are your thoughts on this if any? (i’m literally going to everyone with this i an truly a menace, i need to talkkkk abt it like the way this brings me so much joy) (unfortunately i don’t have many ppl in my life that care or are willing to talk to me abt these things) (enter: rae)
hello!! interesting questions!! love that u are embracing the freefall of having a core belief challenged + opening urself to new ways of thinking rather than growing defensive + closing urself off!!
so, what i wanna start off by saying here is this: there is a very broad middle ground between "this art is bad and shouldn't exist/shouldn't be interacted with at all" versus "everyone should just create whatever they want with disregard for the consequences."
because different forms of art are going to be doing different things, reaching different audiences, and sending different messages. and there are plenty of ways that art/literature/media/etc can be harmful. for example, this recent open letter to the new york times is a great example of a critique on the way in which the nytimes' coverage of trans "issues" causes real-life harm to trans people. in this sort of instance, it's not okay for the nytimes to just continue writing as they have, however they want, because they have certain journalistic responsibilites which include not promoting/perpetuating harm against marginalized groups (not that they have an especially great track record in that regard, but i digress). part of critically evaluating media is evaluating whether that media has harmful real-life implications, and, if it does, figuring out whether/how to engage with that media in a way that does not perpetuate that harm.
so like--with the example you're talking about, portrayals of mental illness that contribute to stigma. part of evaluating those portrayals is going to start with asking what kind of media you're looking at, who it's reaching, and what it's trying to do. for example--a movie made by a large hollywood studio that's profiting off a stigmatizing portrayal of mental illness, reaching a broad audience, and contributing to widespread misconceptions is tangibly harmful, and it makes sense to vocally critique that portrayal or perhaps even encourage people not to engage with the movie at all, as it is profiting off something harmful. additionally, hollywood movies are invested in perpetuating a capitalist system such that they will often have an underlying goal of spreading messages/ideas that support that capitalist system, so there is much more to be wary of there in the intent of the media.
a fanfiction on the internet written by an individual that contains a stigmatizing portrayal of mental illness is something that is not accruing profit, not reaching a broad audience, and not harmful in the same way. an individual writing fanfiction on the internet is also not invested in perpetuating broader systems of capitalistic power in the same way a hollywood movie studio is, so the intent of their art is likely different. a better route here is probably to reach out to the individual, who probably wrote this portrayal out of ignorance and would most likely be open to educating themself and avoiding such portrayals in the future. this is a better response than trying to "cancel" the person completely, because it works to build community and has a much more direct impact in breaking the stigma around mental illness by educating an individual who previously internalized those stigmatized views.
when you're trying to critically evaluate a piece of media that contains something you view as potentially harmful, here are some important questions to ask:
who is making this? why are they making it? what is the stated goal of the creator(s) in creating this specific piece of media? are there any other goals that the creator is leaving unsaid?
who is the intended audience of this media? how large is that audience? in what ways is this media catered to appeal to that audience? what responsibilities does the creator hold towards that audience? will the audience response be monolithic, or is there room for varied impact amongst members of the same audience?
is this media a lecture or a conversation? is this media presenting a moral truth that i am expected to accept? or is it presenting moral questions and encouraging me to draw my own conclusions?
what role does profit play in the creation + distribution of this media? what systems of power is this media invested in upholding, if any? what institutions is this media invested in upholding, if any?
these are all questions which, depending on the answers, are going to change your evaluation on the media. this post kind of sums up what i mean, and i talk more here about when art becomes truly harmful. but also, i want to emphasize--engaging with media critically and coming to the conclusion that something is harmful is not the same thing as policing media, at least in my opinion. policing implies reinforcing set rules for how someone can or cannot create/engage with media, which doesn't allow for the necessary flexibility needed for actual critical thought. i think it's also important to note that policing typically says "if this media is Bad, you must destroy it/ignore it completely." but critically engaging with media means acknowledging harmful media when it exists, and analyzing why it exists + what it's trying to do. it also means acknowledging that not all media is going to fit cleanly into the harmful/harmless dichotomy. sometimes media will contain harmful stereotypes or stigmatizing portrayals in one sense, and really important representation or progressive ideas in another sense. other times, a portrayal that feels stigmatizing to one person will feel like representation to another. part of engaging critically with media means evaluating what it's doing as a whole and accounting for both the good and the bad. at the end of the day, we can't solve problems by refusing to engage with them at all, y'know?
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am3ricanj3sus · 5 months
song of the day:
today wasn’t so bad y’all. I actually found it pretty nice. I talked to js about all my friends and found out so many things.
today there was like a fight in the locker room and I was like omg…. I didn’t know the girls involved personally but there was like pepper spray and stuff involved. it was crazy. anyways. I learned how to officially use a sewing machine!!!! I tend to forget about the presser foot sometimes and I think that’s what messes me up the most. in second period we had a sub and he was kinda mean. he was chill mostly but like js another white man. he kinda looks like the guy for terminator. but the best was lunch tbh. my dad brought me chinese food from one of my fav places and I was so happy. I shared with my friends and we talked shit. in third it was basically the same thing. talking shit and eating. and I love my friends in that class and we feel really close at times but then their other friends come in and they up and leave and i’m js there like :( I don’t really care ik that there closer with them but they js leave. it’s whatever though. this time they included me in the convo!!! in fourth we had a sub too and she’s pretty chill cause she’s older. I only made like 4 plates this week when I was supposed to make 6 sooo erm. i’m js so tired of that class. like I love it it’s fun but I don’t have friends so it’s boring. anyways me and my mom were supposed to go to the school musical tonight but she got sick so we couldn’t. it’s whatever though cause we’re going tmrw night.
anyways. I watched millers girl and it really got me thinking. like ofc it’s bad if an older man takes advantage of a young girl. but I would never actually get with my tc. like that’s all pure fantasy. and I think people misunderstand that about having tcs. like most will never do anything about it since their tcs have like family’s and wife’s. mines pretty young so he hasn’t settled down and there’s that little hope of “oh i have a chance” but also like… girl wtf. like I said. it’s all a fantasy. but speaking of mr c. I only saw him once today wtf. and I didn’t even see him fully!!! he was coming out of the staff bathroom and looked my way (I was being loud asf) and I was talking to my friend about it like. i’m almost done with school. I graduate in a year. it’s whatever if I have a crush on him. it’s not like i’m gonna act on it. there’s times I wish I would but ik I shouldn’t and won’t.
anyways that other guy I had a crush on. man he’s being a bitch. he’s my friend and I love him. but he got a gf YESTERDAY and he’s like ignoring our friends. he’s been acting weird all day but jeez. and the girl he’s dating is nice. like i’ve had classes with her she’s chill. but he’s being like weird. I miss him. ik that he’s better mentally now more than ever. but I miss who he was before he lost his old friends and started dating her. but alas, there’s not much I can do.
now, i’ve had a crush on this guy, i’ll call him coco, since october. I don’t even know how it happened. I had 2 classes with him last semester and I didn’t even notice him till after fall break. he came to school with this hair cut and I was like omg… and I started to develop a crush on him before break. like the week leading up to it. I remember during a kahoot for history he took my spot at the top of the board and I went “who tf is coco?!?” (like the one tiktok but his real name yk) and my friend was like “that one in the corner” and I was like oh okay…;). and it kinda js took off from there. I spent 3 months like just crushing on him like crazy. I would answer questions and try and be funny out loud so that he would see me. but it has not worked. and i’m scared to talk to him. he’s like kinda weird tbh. but that’s for another time. I was scared since I didn’t have any classes with him for second semester but also glad since i could get over my crush. then the first day of the semester came. and I didn’t have a second period. so I talked to my councilor and she’s like oh let’s put u in second period english. i’m like yayaya cause it’s with a teacher I love. so I walk into class and i’m smiling and then boom. he’s right there. wtf bro bro. it was cool though cause all my friends are in that class too. my crush for him is still there but it’s slowing going away. I think everything he’s said about anything has just made me want to throw up. but he’s so pretty. like ugh. he doesn’t smile all the often and ugh. he’s so cute when he does. there’s this pic of his freshman year where he is trying to smile with his teeth but he’s like forcing it so he js looks goofy. I love it though he’s so cute like:(((((( but im never gonna tell him. i’d rather die actually. which it why i’m gonna go to bed.
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fallenraffe · 8 months
20. Season of Secrets by Q.B. Tyler (3*)
<b>3 stars</b>
<b>MCs:</b> Raegan + Wes
× age gap | Raegan (21, almost 22) + Wes (41) (2 years younger than her dad) | 20 years
× office romance
× boss x assistant
× he falls first
× smutty holiday novella
× pierced MMC
× MMC has dimples🥺
<i><b>“You know, I’ve been thinking about something you said a month ago.” </b>I narrow my eyes wanting him to go on. <b>“About why I’m not married.”</b> I nod, remembering. <b>“I figured out why.”</b> I run my fingers through his hair as I wait for his response. <b>“So, I’d be available when you were ready for a husband.”</b></i>
a fun smutty lil holiday novella, personally the daddy kink didn't feel that organic to me, and things definitely happened in a v short amount of time, the insta lust - insta love was strong with this one, and it was 60/40 on the smut/story, but I ain't gonna be mad at the smutty novel for being smutty yk
I liked Wes, I liked Raegan, I liked Raegan's dad👀 and I liked how much Wes loved Rae
I made it to 78% - at which point I started skimming the smut tbqh, it wasn't the book, it was me, I've had enough smut, I was more interested in the actual story, how they made it work at work and with Rae's fam yk
overall a fun lil smutty holiday novella, (perfect for me to read in between nfl plays) would recommend
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aajjks · 1 year
it make sense addison might be in the mv, like idk the relation bcs for me 3D is all about him being an idol? but it doesn’t make any sense suddenly addison rae aware about jk? like? haha it’s so funny. i mean why addison? suddenly like? being there? is she one of the close friend with jack harlow? or something? no? or maybe grrrrr idk why she just so suddenly pop it out, maybe shes just one of the cameo skkskskdjs idk and immmm just so exciteddddd for 3D so cannot waitititjtn like jack harlow music is justttt cool and pop and cannot wait for jk like i could feel 3D would be the big hit in spotify tiktok and everywhere and the dance challenge is just so cool yk abdbsbbdbss
Of course, 3D is going to be a huge hit. I cannot wait to hear the song, but 3-D is actually about him singing about loving a person that is unattainable. And they said we will see more mature side of him in the music video I think. He could have any model in the music video so let’s just see
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harrylights · 1 year
1, 3, 20 and 30? <3
ty love ❤️
1: what songs would I play at my wedding? hmm. idk probably la vie en rose by louis armstrong, but i think it would depend on like. what Our Songs are yk? would have to feel it out w whoever i’d be marrying in this situation lol
3: do I collect or hoard anything? do art supplies that I actually use count? lol. idk i have a decent amount of rocks/crystals but just bc i think they’re cool lookin. i wanna collect more mushroom and bird decor tho
20: what fandom was I invested in before my current one? so…… larry/1d was my first ever fandom and I’ve never rly dove into the fandom of anything else so…. still just Here
30: what’s my favourite pinterest board I’ve ever created? if I don’t use pinterest WHY? and second give my favourite playlist I’ve created? LMAO ok so i don’t rly use pinterest just bc i think it’s lame that ppl repost things without credit and that so many artist rip things off from there but the mood board i made for my url was p cute. and my fave playlist???? idk man i mostly make them for myself or specific friends on rare occasions but i have a dance playlist that goes p hard that i work out to. i made one for rae tho that is extremely gay and beloved by at the very least myself so 🤷
ask game ☾ ⋆*⋆☆。*。☆。⋆*・⋆
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allensimpsforcorpse · 3 years
𝙹𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚘𝚕𝚍 | c.h
Pairing :: Corpse Husband x GN! Reader
Requested :: Anon
Summary :: Corpse just wanted someone to be with this lonely summer night, he didn't expect that someone to be a mermaid but he's not complaining
Warning/s :: Swearing, hand injury, blood, angst in the end
A/N :: I hope you guys like this, especially to the Anon that requested this! This honestly turned into more like a short one shot rather than a drabble and it's a little rushed so I hope that's okay! Taglist (for all my future Corpse fics and my one multi-chaptered fic) and Requests are open
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Corpse sighed as he lays on the cold and wet floor of the cave he found earlier that day while looking for a place to stay out of the birthday beach party. It was getting too crowdy for his taste.
Don't get him wrong, he'd love nothing more than to celebrate Poki's birthday along with the others, his friend deserved a fun and happy time but with his phobia? He doesn't do well with parties. Especially one that has a lot of people invited. The thought of being around so many people at once makes his skin crawl, so after a quick excuse, he left the party and walked around the beach, eventually finding the cave in which he is currently laying in.
A growl of frustration left his mouth as the sinking feeling won't leave his chest. He usually loves being alone, just him and his sometimes not so nice thoughts. But right now?
He feels so fucking lonely.
It feels like he can't stand being alone now but at the same time, the thought of going back to the party full of too many people partying scares the shit out of him.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
A sudden soothing voice echoed from further into the cave, passing into his ears and swirling in his head, calming the previous tormenting feeling in his chest.
Who was that?
With his silent desperation for company, Corpse couldn't resist the temptation and curiosity to find out where that voice comes from. Standing up from his place, he ventured into the dark cave, the echoes of the voice and the small moon light from outside as his only guide. He hopes he wouldn't misstep and fall into the pool at the end of the cave, it looked pretty deep when he found it earlier that day.
The echoes of the voice stopped but even with the deafening silence, he marched on, determined to see who was blessed with such an angelic voice. He felt his hand slip on the sharp rock that he was gripping but he felt no pain, the sting wasn't there even as he can barely see the shine of the blood dripping from the wound on his palm. He decided to ignore the injury for now, he can just treat it once he gets back to the beach house later.
Steadying his feet on the rocky and slippery ground, he looked up and couldn't stop the gasp that left his mouth. Was this real? Or did he actually slip earlier and hit his head hard enough that he's hallucinating? To be honest, the latter seems more logical and believable for him because there is no way this could be real.
Lounging on the raised platform in the middle of the pool was the most gorgeous person (creature?) he has ever seen. Silky short/long (hair color) locks, piercing (eye color) eyes that seems to glow brightly in the dimly lit cave, smooth (skin color) skin that are devoid of scars, and a glistening (tail color) tail, half of it still submerged in the dark waters, gently swaying as the merfolk was completely relaxed.
Corpse has heard of the legends of the beach, hell, he even narrated a story all about it once in his channel! He didn't expect it to be true-
"Oh? What brings you to my little nest? It has been many moons since I've seen a human venture in here."
The same soothing voice came from the creature, yet their mouth didn't move. Their lips still in the same inviting soft smile, eyes watching his every move. Their voice seems to echo in his head and that should have triggered something in him! His anxiety, his flight/fight response, anything! But for once, they're quiet. And Corpse honestly doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing.
"Would you continue your song?" he's surprised at how steady his voice sounded, with how dazed he feels at the moment, he was pretty sure he would've slurred his words. A gentle laugh left the creature's mouth, their eyes glinting with amusement. They like this human.
"For you, little one, I will. If you'll take off your mask"
Corpse did so immediately, practically ripping the mask off his face and throwing it in the pool. The merfolk let out another melodic laugh, pleased at how eager the human was at hearing their voice.
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold
At the last note, they reached out their hand towards the awe-struck humans. Corpse observed the hand, it was smooth and fragile looking. Their nails were sharp and dark. It didn't scare him, like nothing about this whole scenario was scaring him.
Without any further hesitation, he reached out and-
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"Where's Corpse? Has he been found yet?" Valkyrae, or Rae for short, read out loud. She was streaming at the moment, playing Valorant alongside her friends and having a good time.
Well, trying to have a good time.
"No, he still hasn't been found yet. It was a hard search, we have no clue on where he could be other than his mask that we found in the cave somewhere on the beach." She sadly explained, her heart breaking as some of her missing friend's fans showed their despair in her chat.
She understood how they feel. Of course she does, the man was her best friend for goodness' sake!
She can still the moment they realized he was missing so vividly, it's been months since then but it feels like it just happened yesterday. She remembered Sykkuno desperately asking her for confirmation that Corpse has just fallen asleep in the beach but her silence answered him. She remembered how Toast never stopped trying to call his cellphone that day, only to find his phone dead inside his bag that was left in their room.
Randomuser: there is a legend in that beach yk, that a mermaid lives in that same cave and if it likes you, itll take you with it
Rae sighed as she silently read that comment, she and her friends has been getting those comments a lot ever since the announcement of Corpse going missing was posted. She didn't believe it, it sounded absurd! A mermaid, really? It's just a stupid urban legend that in no logical way can be true!
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A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this! I actually got invested to this request and I'm wondering, would you guys like to see this as a fic? Just a 3-5 chapters long fic?
Vote your decisions here! (Ends at the start of June EST)
Taglist: @apple-slice-of-your-laifu-blog
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sonybees · 4 years
mutuals appreciation post!
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i seriously CANNOT at all process this
literally i do not know how this even happened but i am so inexplicably grateful for every single one of you! i love all of you so so much!
i was maybe thinking about making a sleepover but school has been kicking my ass lately so i just decided on making a little mutuals appreciation post! to all my other mutuals, i love all of you so much and i literally want to smother all of you with hugs and kisses. i am so grateful for all of you. thank you.
this might be a little long so it’s under the cut! there might be a lot of mistakes snsjd
@lunaleonorah leo!!! you are an absolute blessing. i love your kindness and the amount of affection you give me literally makes me wanna break down and scream. in a good way of course sjjs. i love our conversations where we just talk about our days and all that. i wish we could always be friends and you can tell me anything you’d like. i love our friendship because we can talk to each other whenever we’d like and will always bring comfort to each other. i always look forward to having conversations with you everyday. ilysm and you deserve the world <3 all the love, pluto.
@gredmforge rory, my wife! i love talking to you about nonsense, it always makes my day and your fun and carefree personality always makes me smile. no doubt that we will be great friends in real life. the little asks you send in my inbox always make me laugh and i’m very excited for whatever future works you have. you always seemed so nice and sweet ever since i first interacted with you and i am so happy that i asked you where you got your memes because look what that got us to! shsjdjd. no but seriously, i love talking to you about our obsessions and just saying hello to each other. ilysm and i hope you always remember that! :) <3
@crookedhag my lovely eliz, i’m too lazy to make another one of those fancy scrolls that i did earlier but that doesn’t stop me from showin gmy appreciation for you. you are such a sweet and amazing person. you are also so talented and i am always so happy to see your name pop up on my notifications. you were always the first one to send me an ask for ask games and you always check in on me and i love you for that. i wish the very best in everything you do. you have great taste in music and i’m starting to think that you’re in every single fandom i don’t know jsjsj. but i love talking to you and ily! mwah! ◡̈
@oldschoolkiddo hero! the first time you ever interacted with me, i already knew that i would love having you around. you are such a fun person and all the tag games that you make and tag me in are always so fun! you are an independent person and i love that so much. you speak your mind and that is so powerful. you are so very sweet and your personality is so fun. i hope that you have many great days in the future and you can always talk to me whenever you need to. let me know if you want a distraction from anything or if you just want to rant, i will be here. ily!
@krasivayadarling my lovely ant! i am so very glad that i built up the courage to say hi to you when you made that post saying you wanted to be friends with new people. you are one of the best people i’ve ever met and you are so sweet, kind, talented, funny, and supportive. i am also so grateful for your support in my fics. you were my first ever supporter and i was really nervous for someone to read my works but you were so nice about it and i love that. i wish you all the best. ily, ant! sincerely, soap.
@whatthefuckimbisexual the loveliest persephone, you are such a bad bitch. JSJS NO BUT SRSLY ILYSM. you are such a fun person and i love how we can relate to each other a lot. i mean, staying up til 3 am and fuck aral pan yk? ejekdj. i really wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can interact more! you are truly one of the most fun and energetic people i’ve ever met and you are so very sweet and funny. thank you for being a great person! all the love <3
@falconxbarnes maddie! you add such a sweet and great person and when you reblog and like my posts, my heart fills with joy! your blog brings me so much comfort and i love our short little conversations. you remind me of going out at 5 am when the sun is almost out. the joy is always evident when that happens just like how i feel when i talk to you! i wish to eat pancit canton with you one day! i really wish you the best in everything and you deserve so many good things. mwah!
@amourtentiaa liane! you are literally so talented and it amazes me every time i read your works. you are so fun and chill and seeing your name always makes me happy! your blog page is filled with so much comfort in my opinion and our first conversation ever was so fun and you are so polite. you also really remind me of the night. i can’t explain why but like i said, you are chill and brings me a lot of comfort! i really love the way you interact with others as you are so kind. i hope you are doing well and always will feel well. ily, yannie!
@puntuations oh my gosh, ysa! you followed me first and i didn’t exactly understand why because you seemed too cool and mature for me djdj. but i am so glad you did and i am so grateful that you’re my friend. thank you for tagging me in dps related things! i really love that and it brings me so much joy. you were always so kind to me no matter what and you are so respectful. i appreciate you and your blog always makes me smile. thank you for being an amazing friend. ilysm, ysa. mwah!
@tofeeltaller joy! you bring me so much joy! sjdndjdn sorry, i had to. you are so so sweet and kind. i was always so scared to interact with dps blogs because they seemed intimidating but so nice at the same time (idk why i’m sorrydhjd), i thought y’all were too cool for me and i didn’t know how to approach you guys but after i got the courage to talk to you, i felt a lot more comfortable. you are so sweet and kind and you deserve so much more blessings. you truly are an amazing person and i hope that your days will get better and better. giving you so many warm hugs and kisses, mwah!
@lolremuslupin dkndkx omg you are so sweet! i don’t interact with you much but we do talk sometimes. i am also very glad that i decided to pm you to try and make new friends and you were so kind about it. you are such an amazing person and i love staying up at 3 am talking to you about random crap. i wish that your life will go well and that you are always safe! warm hugs!
@punkrific soaf, my twin! i really love talking to you and your energy is always so great. you are an amazing and fun person and having a twin like you always makes me feel like the luckiest ever. i am so so grateful to have you as a friend and your dashing personality always gets me. ilysm and i wish you the best! love, the ugly sofia <3
@freddieweasleyswife sweets! i’ve never met someone as sweet and kind as you are. you’re an amazing person and you deserve so much and you are so talented. i wish to write like you one day. my day is always better when I see your name in my notifications being friends with someone as amazing as you are is so great and i wosh to interact with you more. i miss talking to you and you’re always so kind and ready to comfort anyone. ilysm and you deserve the world. sincerely, sweetpea. <3
@sam-winchester-is-my-bitch rae! i love talking to you and seeing your pets! you are so kind, sweet and understanding and you really know how to make me smile. whenever i talk to you, it’s always so wholesome and nice and you give off so much good vibes. you really are like the color yellow to me, sunny, nice, but can be serious at times. but is always ready to cheer someone up. i wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can talk more! all the love <3
@daltonacademia kendi! i know you’re on a short hiatus at the moment but i just had to add you in here. i really hope that you are doing well and i hope you know that your writing is literally one of the best that i’ve ever read. you are so sweet and kind and you always have that little fun and sunny personality and i love talking to you so much. you are so respectful and you deserve so much. i’m sending you all the love and comfort. you are amazing and i hope you know that. stay safe, kendi! i really love that nicknamejsjs
@thatswhywilliamagedlikesourmilk dear! i am so glad that you followed my page and i am so so grateful that i’m friends with you. you are one of the best people ever and you are so so sweet. the most adorable person ever! talking to you feels like hugging a teddy bear and i am aware that that doesn’t make much sense but it just feels so comfy and brings me joy. i really hope that you’re doing well because you also deserve everything! sending you so many hugs <3 mwah!
@fredweasleyismyloverman alex, my dear! you are so kind and nice! i’m really glad i followed you. just a little fun fact, i actually found you through ant or @krasivayadarling . i was reading through some people who she gave ships to and i saw yours and i was like “oh my gosh, this person and i are literally the same.” and i went crazy because it looked almost exactly the same as my description hdjdjd. i’m actually not that sure if it went like that but that’s how i recalled it so i just always remember thatsbns. i literally relate to you so much and your shitposts give me life. you are so wise and amazing and i would love to talk to you more! ily, dear! mwah <3
@daisyyy2516 daze, dear! i am so happy that sab led ke to your page! literally, you are so damn talented and i just cannot i am always so amazed every time you show your works. you are so kind and sweet and such an icon. you bring me so much joy and everything you’ve ever said to me has always been something sweet and funny. ilysm and you deserve the world. i’d like if you dm’ed me once you’ve gotten your work displayed at some huge art exhibition. you are so amazing and i want you to know that. everything will be better. i appreciate you and i am so glad that you are in this world. i love you sm, daze. frd weasley loves you too. all the love and joy, soaf.
@sirlorelai lorie!! you are so nice and kind and sweet. i’m very glad that you weren’t angry at me spam reblogging your postsjsjd. i love our conversations and i wish we could talk more! you are such a kind and funny person and everything you’ve ever done has put a smile to my face. you are so fun and energetic and i love that. i hope that life is going well over there and that everything will be better if it isn’t at the moment. you deserve so much and ilysm, mwah!
@quadrupledeckertaco lorelei, dear! i miss talking to you! i really love our conversations and your soft but fierce personality is so great and it brings me so much joy. your writing is literally so amazing and like i said, i aspire to write like you one day. i miss you so much and i really hope that everything’s well. i wish you the best and sending you so much love, sofia. <3
and to all my other mutuals! thank you! i love all of you so much and interacting with all of you brings me so much joy. thank you for everything. have a great day everyone!
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vilevvords · 2 years
as promised, continuation of ushi vs cat! ☺️
rae that's so cute!!! i def see wakatoshi as a cat person even if he probably wouldn't say so himself! he's the type of calm and collected person cats usually like because he won't chase after them or demands their affection, he usually just leaves them alone and yk the way cats are.... they always choose to stay around the people who don't actually want them around, leaving the catlovers crying in a corner because why don't you want my love
cat probably joins ushi on his morning run sometimes because they're funky like that. it takes him no more than two weeks to get closer to your cat than you ever could because we all know cats are assholes and immune to logic and they would laugh at your misery if they could (maybe they do when no ones looking)
oh god, rae.. this isn't leaving my mind for another couple of days, i can feel it.....
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
hiiii I’ve been a lurker for a bit but ig it’s kind of my thing to leave long fic reactions in ask boxes in the fandoms I’m in soooo now it’s your turn (and this probably won’t be the last time you see me unless it’s too much and I will absolutely back off)
You loved the complete picture it painted, this one side of Peter's body telling the story of this intrepid little creature who journeyed from one end of his world to the other, departing his home to explore something beautiful and unique – the flower. I adore this, if peter had a tattoo I promise you this would be it. Stan Lee would approve I know he would
You just… you look like a muse right now. LADIES AND GENTS IF HE DOESNT CALL YOU A MUSE THEN WHAT IS IT ALL FOR
It was pure, the way poetry spilled from him as though the words were his, made to be repeated on the majesty of his lips. I would give both my kidneys to hear Peter Benjamin Parker recite poetry to me holy fuck
“I can’t hold it forever. I won’t. And you don’t want me to hold it tonight.”  I AM IN PAINNNNN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME IT WAS ALL GOING SO WELL no but fr Peter’s not Peter without the weight of Gwen’s death yk? And when fics gloss over her loss it makes me grrrr because it sounds horrible Peter needs that grief, it’s what makes TASM Peter Peter. And watching him deal with her death and try to cope with new feelings and the guilt of losing her is spectacular and I really love how you portrayed it here (even if I cried a little)
You were a giver by nature. But when it came time for any hint at reciprocation, the energy was just … never there.  Did someone say oldest sibling syndrome because i felt this in my bones
“Yeah, you know it’s bad when May swears. In Yiddish.” If nothing else, I am a slut for Jewish peter
THIS BOX OF BOOKS IS KILLING ME AAAHHHHHHHH no like I actually think I might cry because *this* is intimacy so yeah just a note for all my future s/os: I won’t be accepting flowers unless they come in book form please and thank you
“But, Peter,” you sighed. And there it was.  “It doesn’t fix everything, you know? You were… the other night… you were cruel. YES WE STAN INDEPENDENT WOMEN IN THIS HOUSEHOLD I AM SO GLAD SHES NOT JUST TAKING HIM BACK WITH WIDE OPEN ARMS
Peter took you in, his forever girl. HE DOES FOREVER NOW AUSJSUSJUSKSHS AAAHHHH
I LOVED THIS SO FREAKING MUCH. It’s got fluff, it’s got angst, it’s got smut, it’s got literary references. everything you could possibly want is right here.
okay so this is like one of my favorites now-
also your smut is *chef’s kiss* fantastic. i want to be buried with it.
My love, my darling, my sweet kind stranger -- I've been hanging onto this ask since you've sent it -- I selfishly want to keep it in my asks forever so I can look at it in my inbox whenever I need. But I'm going to post it because I want to make sure to reply to your extremely kind, thoughtful, unexpected, beautiful message you've left me.
First of all -- THANK YOU FOR READING. You are MORE than welcome to lurk, to comment, to send anons, whatever you'd like here -- you're always welcome. I TOTALLY love the idea of sending reviews via anon. So please feel free to send asks whenever you'd like (and if you'd ever like an emoji here, please let me know. But there's no pressure to do that.) I'm just so FLOORED to have received this at all. So all that is to say, it is NOT too much and there's no need to "back off." Lol. I just am sending you the BIGGEST HUG imaginable right now.
To say that STAN LEE would approve of Peter's spider/flower tattoo???? What an INSANE compliment. You are INSANE for this!! Thank you with my entire heart FOR THAT. I had so many tattoos I envisioned for Peter that I didn't get a chance to really mention or work into the story, and I didn't want to just LIST them. I wanted them to sort of unfurl. But if anyone is ever interested in the masterpost of all of Peter's ink for this AU, I am HAPPY to oblige.
I'm so glad you loved Jewish Peter! To me, Peter B. Parker is bi, Jewish, and a disaster. And I love him with all of my heart.
And GWEN -- the loss of Gwen! I wanted to be as vague about it as possible because we as the reader don't know whatever Peter isn't willing to share, and it's clear he's still in pain about the whole thing. Did Gwen die here? Or did they just break up? I leaned toward the former, but either way, Eden knew it was a sensitive subject.
And when they reunited, it was important to me that she at least STAND UP FOR HERSELF. No female character of mine is going to accept anything less than the best. And a man who takes artsy photos of you, brings you postcards inspired by your tattoo, and plans a picnic date is a pretty good man.
ALSO -- thank you for saying nice things about my smut????? I hate writing it because I think I sound awkward and stupid and like I've never known the touch of another?????? So, gracias por todo. Maybe one day I wont feel like such an awkward weirdo about it. (But I also firmly believe that Peter Parker would be chatty and vocal as hell.)
I think I would write more of Peter and Eden in this 'verse. I think I would just need to have the right prompt/idea. But I'm SO glad you read this. I'm so glad you loved this. You made my entire day! Reading things like this, receiving feedback like this, only makes me want to write more. You made this worth it for me. So, thank you for that gift.
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speuradair · 3 years
hi rae! how are you doing love? i hope you’ve been hydrating and eating well, please tell me everything that you’ve been up to as of late :D
Hey lulu!! Eh I've been better, but I'm sure I'll get through it, yk?
I'm in the process of moving right now too, so that's taking up a lot of my time
I've been doing more art again recently though! I'm actually working on a drawing of one of my BnHA ocs and I'm pretty proud of how it's coming out so far. I even did a physical painting the other day which I haven't done in almost a year since I started doing digital art
I've also been hyperfixating on animal crossing again lol I restarted my island a month or so ago and I'm working on a new aesthetic for it
How about you? How have you been?
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missmadxson · 3 years
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hailee steinfeld, cis female, she/her  hey have you seen MADISON “MADDIE” BAKER ? SHE let me borrow HER GLITTER GLUE GUN. oh, you know them! they’re TWENTY-TWO YEARS OLD and they’ve been at Roy G. for FOUR YEARS. They are known to be a total ARIES. no wonder they’ve picked up the nickname THE ROSE COLORED GLASSES! i’m surprised you haven’t heard them blaring RUN AWAY WITH ME BY CARLY RAE JEPSEN all night. they remind me of FALLING GLITTER,  SINGING ALONG TO KARAOKE AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS & BRIGHT STICKERS . anyway, let me know if you see them ! (rachell, 23, she/her, mt, n/a).
ok wow hello here i am, with absolutely no impulse control to give you all my chaotic good baby who’s kind of a bimbo who just wants to love everyone (gotta balance the kids out, yk?) love us pls
tw: mention of teen pregnancy  tw: mention of abortion
maddie was born march 21st, 1999 as an only child to a single mom that was left to raise her alone when her birth dad decided not to bare the responsibility of having a family at such a young age, also being kicked out by her family for having a baby out of wedlock once she decided that she was going to keep it...her mom was 17 at the time
before she was officially kicked out of the house, madison’s mom got into an argument with her grandma about putting the baby up for adoption, but it went as well as when she had tried to convince her to get an abortion when maddie was announced in the first place
maddie’s mom loved her little girl more than anything else in this world and she was gonna raise it, with or without her family’s support
to this day, maddie and her mom still have a strained relationship to her grandparents and the girl grew up never actually meeting her dad but if you ask her, she has no problem with this at all
tho the happy, bubbly, dramatic little girl didn’t have grandparents or a father figure to help look after her, she had her mom and her aunt who stuck by her mother’s side despite their parents wishes, and her mom’s best friends and even their neighbors that instantly fell in love with the little girl the instant they moved into their new apartment (so like pretty much a mama mia situation lol); her mother and best friends were always there to support madison’s endeavors, letting her dress how she wanted to school, showing up in a too-too and cowboy boots and being the shining star at every school play that there was 
i'll write more on this backstoroy when i think of anything else but god do i love them, and god do they love EACH OTHER. maddie still facetimes with her mom and “aunts” every chance she gets, each one having a reason to be her role models
idk where she lived before lets say cali but basically this lil babe moved out to florida for college, wanting a new adventure to embark on and she has loved it here ever since. she kinda loves the communal way of living?? it kinda just feels like a new little clunk of a found family opportunity like the one she has back home
about her
incredibly friendly and excitable, it doesn’t really matter if you’ve known her all your life, or just met her a second ago, she will just start a conversation out of the blue over the most random thing and could just go on for hours if you don’t stop her sa;dkfjs
the energy of a toddler hopped up on sugar and the attention span of a gold fish. she’s a senior in college and is one of those students that drifts off to her own little world, doodling over her papers yet somehow pulls decent enough grades out of her ass somehow and everyone’s kinda shook af by this, over all she does love to learn and is incredibly curious by the world around her, she just prefers the social aspect of it all, really
stubbornly optimistic and is pretty good at picking herself back up again if something happens to go wrong but that doesn’t mean she won’t be incredibly dramatic about it first and probably a lil petty and childish, has the puppy dog eyes and pout down pat....she can be a LOT, you’ve been warned ;asdkfsdvd
a theater baby through and through, one of her aunts was really into broadway and got her very into it growing up, her performing is over all alright at best but it doesn’t stop her from giving it all she has when given the opportunity (will blast you with showtunes if you give her the aux cord) . she absolutely ADORES art in every single one of it’s forms. you have an open mic night? a show casing? she’s there and she’s baked you brownies and brought you flowers! 
never really grew out of her love for arts and crafts, in fact her glitter glue gun is her most valuable possession and she’s always making something cute as a pick-me-up for one of her friends
 has a crafting channel on youtube with a decent enough amount of followers (think LaurDIY) whom she lovingly calls “glitter heads” and she also does other things on it such as little vlogs here and there, as well as cosplays
also has an etsy shop she sells custom hair accessories and wlw earrings on 
a strong activist for blm, womens right’s lgbtqia+ etc. she always makes sure to keep herself informed in every way she possibly can 
is pan af
expresses herself a lot through her clothes and make up!! doesn’t matter if it doesn’t match, if its bright, a cute pattern, or sparkly, she is making that shit WORK, rainboots, cat ear headbands and overalls are her favorites, loves LOVES glitter and will always try to have it on be it through her eyeshadow or highlight for some examples, it doesn’t matter, she just NEEDS it
the leslie knope of gift giving, she’s so good at it and has a talent for knowing exactly what to get someone, having the most fun picking it out. to her, there’s nothing more exciting than finding the perfect thing that will show her friends how much she loves and appreciates them
the BIGGEST party girl you’ve EVER SEEN. she doesn’t really need alcohol or weed to have a good time, she’s just always ready regardless but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun, would party every single night if she could, drunkenly singing a karaoke version of god is a woman
drunk girl in the bathroom vibes but like...all the time s;kdfsdaf
happens to flirt a lot, sometimes completely unaware of it, but she can also be pretty bad at it so skdfsdf;sf if anyone ever tries to flirt with HER THO....it’s like her brain short circuits and she’s a babbling MESS, she crushes on ppl way too fast too so...theres that
absolutely tries to play matchmaker if she happens to see someone deeply crushing or two souls just too shy to admit their feelings, she is here to HELP EVERYONE FIND LOVE
can be very comforting and a pretty good listener, she just really wants to be there for others, you know? if they’ll let her
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gaeilgelupin · 4 years
9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24, 37, 51, 61, 62, 68, 69 HAVE FUN HAHAHA
9: do you bite your nails: YES YES YES I need to stop! They’re honestly awful. So disgusting. But it’s an anxiety thing Ive tried so hard to stop but nothing’s working. I went to my dentist and they actually told me that I was wearing my teeth away because of biting my nails. But stopping is harder than it sounds oh god. It’s a bit embarrassing actually but I just need to find a way that will make me stop AAAA
10: when was your last physical fight: I’ve never gotten into an actual serious physical fight. So I guess I was boxing w my brother (it wasn’t actual boxing we were just punching each other HAHAHAHA) about a week ago???? LMFAO
11: do you like someone: I DO AND I DONT WANT TO LIKE THIS PERSON BECAUSE THEYRE AN ARSEHOLE. Well I say I do. I sort of do. I’m getting over this crush. They’re nice sometimes and then other times they’re not :( SAD TIMES
22: do you want to have kids? How many?: I always said no to having kids when I was younger because I just don’t like babies crying. They’re so ANNOYING OH MY GOD. And the vomit and the shit and the piss and the crying and pregnancy etc. But I suppose it’s a small price to pay to have kids. I do want kids yes. I never used to want them because #responsibility but the more I think about it the more I want them. If I were to have kids, I’d have 3. It’s tradition throughout my fam (except for me and my brother, we’re only 2) hehehhee
23: do you have piercings? How many?: I DO! I have one piercing in each ear, and I’m getting my second done soon. I also want to get my nose and my lip pierced too hehehehe
24: what are/were your best subjects: hmmmmm art was always my best and my fav subject. I did quite well in English and it’s one of my favs. And I did surprisingly well in physics and got an A*! I don’t know how I managed that but YAS!
37: is it easier to forgive or forget: I genuinely don’t know. I’m the kind of person that holds grudges. It’s really bad but I do. So I’d say forgive, if they actually show me they’re sorry. In a way, to forget is good because everyone makes mistakes, but if it’s something really bad, they’d have to show me that they are genuinely sorry, and that they’re a good person if you know what I mean. I’m not a good explainer ahahahahha
51: favourite food: CHOCOLATE. And ice cream. Are they considered foods? Well I Jenna the ya re but food foods like meals yk? I also like eggs and noodles and rice a lot. AND PASTA OMG! I’ll literally eat any pasta dish I love pasta so I have to say pasta.
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby: YES! But in an English accent it sounds so weird sometimes and it’s really cringe sometimes HAHAHAHA. But if someone calls me baby I’m all yours pls and thank you.
62: what makes you happy: SO MANY THINGS. Chocolate, WOLFSTAR, friends (irl and ibfs), food, thrift stores and vintage markets, we have these parties sometimes out the front of the house w the neighbours and they’re always really fun && make me happy, fanfic, art, THIS BLOG ESP and so many other things. I could co t’unir but I think I’ve got enough cringe in here for now HAHAHAHA
68: who’s the last person you had a deep convo with: probably you @wxlfstxrx idk if it counts as deep since we were just ranting about how shit things are sometimes & ABT parents and all sorts of shit but it got pretty deep. Other than that I guess it was w my friend on the bus & we were talking about this girl who’s having a really rough time of things atm, and we kinda just spiralled for like an hour.
69 (hehe😏😏😏😏😏) : do you believe in soulmates: or like to think that there’s someone for everyone, so yes I do. I love the idea of it. But I also think that just because you found the right person for you doesn’t mean that you can’t fall out of love and fall in love w another person, too. I don’t think people are restricted to one person. And I think that if you fall o of love with your soulmate, perhaps they weren’t mean to be your romantic soulmate, and if they stay best friends, they become platonic soulmates instead ehich i think is a really lovely concept.
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shoshie · 3 years
heeeeyyy ive got song recs 😳 idk how similar my music taste is to urs so ill give u a wide variety of genres
alterlife (rina sawayama)
puppy princess (hot freaks)
still into you (paramore)
wont bite (doja cat ft smino)
at your best (aaliyah)
do it (chloe x halle)
no air (jordin sparks & chris brown)
american boy (estelle & kanye west)
good days (sza)
meadows in japan (serena isioma)
wuthering heights (kate bush)
rhiannon (fleetwood mac)
i wish (stevie wonder)
cranes in the sky (solange)
need u bad (jazmine sullivan)
shut up kiss me (angel olsen)
teenage fantasy (jorja smith)
the adults are talking (the strokes)
truth is (sabrina claudio)
rain (swv)
stay with me (miki matsubara)
ok (wallows)
damage (h.e.r.)
put your records on (corinne bailey rae)
single af (foushee)
spotlight (jennifer hudson)
ohfr (rico nasty)
love (keyshia cole)
on & on (erykah badu)
pynk (grimes & janelle monae)
oh thats a lot ummm. ok well i hope u like some of it, & i tried not to repeat artists so yiud get a better variety of style. ok rock on!! byebye
thank u <3333
alterlife: rina is rly talented isnt she. this is a headbanger for sure, the drums are really nice & she sounds so good !! the production on the vocals & guitar was a bit strange but i loved the lyrics so that made up for it i think. LOVE the key change too
puppy princess: interesting.. i like the instrumentals & the chorus was rly cute!! i was a little distracted through the whole song bc it felt like the singer was a bit pitchy?? like they weren't hitting every note perfectly, idk if thats their style or not aknfsdvjk this was sweet though
still into you: I SHOULD B OVER ALL THE BUTTERFLIIIIEEES!!!!! i have heard this one :D always a fave this is such a good song. hayley williams is such a good singers BANGERRR
wont bite: i think ive heard this bc its a tiktok song :// sucks that that app has ruined so many songs bc i have negative feelings abt all songs that tiktok has popularized even if they're good ksjbfvjk,,,, this song is def very catchy but not my thing
at your best: VOCALS??? this is beautiful i love her voice omg its so soothing nd soft!! the instrumentals were lovely esp the keyboard (maybe? i think thats what it is) & the harmonies OMG the harmonies all around 3:30 are so nice :))
do it: ive heard this but not in a while so i listened to it again to see if my feelings abt it had changed & i like it more than i did before!! theyre so talented like both of their voices are so gorgeous <3 the production is so smooth
no air: i skipped this one bc of chris brown
american boy: this is a good song like idk what else to say about it. it feels like smth u could listen to while walking through the city sort of? it might be bc of the mentions of london & nyc but i digress <3 bop indeed
good days: ive never heard this whole song but its nice! she's a great singer & ik i keep saying this but the instrumentals >>>> very calming feels like sitting by a running stream in the woods :)
meadows in japan: ohhh invented romance i see. beautiful imagery AND THE SWITCH UP A MINUTE IN???? YESSS!!!! so pretty i LOVED the second half of the song so much oh my goodness
wuthering heights: PIANO & SPARKLY CHIMES!! fantasy magical yeeeeeeas omgg. her voice is not what i expected? but it works rly well with the song !!
rhiannon: this is certainly a vibey song yup yup! i like it more than i was expected to i think. love the background vocals & the guitar line is so nice!! fleetwood mac make good music i havent heard more than like. 3 or 4 of their songs but theyre good
i wish: BOP? the horns at the end are so good omg wait this is such a bop hello??? u cant see me but i am doing a little shoulder dance bc of this song. 10/10 would recommend this went in the playlist
cranes in the sky: this is such an atmospheric song omggg i could get lost in this!! fluffy white clouds in summer time!!!!! her voice is BEAUTIFUl & its such a relaxing pretty song wowowow !! love it yes yes
need u bad: why r all these people such good singers ??? this one is stunning too its just bop after bop now ig. this slaps in the best way possible it just has the best vibes. esp w the background vocals & the pretty harmonies i love harmonies so much
shut up kiss me: musically not rly my thing but i like the melody nd the guitar!! i sound like a broken record ik im saying the same thing over & over nd like. not to repeat myself AGAIN but i like the instrumentals :)
teenage fantasy: vibey!!!! love the atmosphere of this one omg its so lovely.. nd i love the little sing-talking at the end & the giggle it was so!! v cute i enjoyed this thoroughly
the adults are talking: GOOD guitar ok?? vocals were a lil repetitive but still a chill bop. it was kinda. upbeat in a chill way yk? like it was fast paced & had energetic drums nd stuff but still not a super AAAHHH sounding song if that makes sense
truth is: the INTRO>>>>>>>> HELLO!! that was so pretty omg the falsetto in the chorus...... this one hits so hard HI its not usually smth id like but i LOVED THIS ACTUALLY!!!
rain: OH THE SOUND EFFECTS... the raindrops on every beat pls the imagery this sounds like. sitting in a rainforest w a ton of fog nd listening to the nature sounds around u.... its beautiful omg the background vocals!!!
stay with me: BOP AND A HALF ok im LISTENING to this one. my ears r wide open this is so good omg the movie vibes... neon lights & food trucks i think! love the horns too omg nd her voice is so good
ok: the intro fucked so hard um. yes & the like. accented beats in the background... love the chorus as well i liked this one :) its a pretty simple song but it works
damage: ok this one is so good i LOVE the sound effects like there was a little twinkly sound nd it adds so much to the song honestly. i love her voice as well, deep voiced women who sing >>>
put your records on: this song has such good memories for me bc i first heard it at my home away from home which is my summer camp so it reminds me of my favorite place & people :) its also such an amazing song and i hate that tiktok guy for ruining it
single af: u rly love good vocalists i see like everyone u have recommended has had an amazing voice. harmonizing on the high notes was awesome! the song just has such a like. confident air "i can proudly say that im single as fuck" like that is the energy im going for
spotlight: oh i didnt expect the song to be about that but i actually really like it! the way she uses the title is super clever :0 the lyrics are awesome & ofc jennifer hudson's voice is so beautiful <3 i liked this!
ohfr: musically this wasnt rly my style but i can def appreciate it as a song! her voice is so unique too the like. raspiness worked rly well i think. i also did like the lyrics
love: cheesy love songs r great. as usual her voice is gorjus nd shes super talented. the song itself was a little bit repetitive for my taste but still super cute :D
on & on: LOVE the wah wah guitar in the background this song is one of those that u could just put on loop forever its so vibey & just timeless sounding almost? it sounds like purple!!
pynk: ive heard this one but thats ok bc its a great song :) their voices work rly well together. the chorus is so funky & fun and the harmonies!! love it
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