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Happy 2025!! (Please be happy please be happy please be-)
#the moon has spoken#the moon has drawn#I STARTED ANIMATING THIS ON AN IMPULSE 2 HOURS AGO HOW????#happy new year#this post is scheduled for midnight my time since i have family to spend time with sorry im not that Tumblr addicted#my oc#-well persona#dont judge me for funky frames i litterally dont animate ever :D
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「Family Portrait | Mission 2」
Turns out that this is a Yuri centric chapter, and it sounds like the guy might actually get less sleep than Loid. This was hinted at before, but at the time, I thought it might just be because of the mission he was on.
Yuri really told his captain that he "...took a nap three days ago in the break room," when asked about the last time he slept. I'm going to go ahead and assume that nap lasted less than 6 hours. I'm pretty sure the Eyes Only fan book said that Loid gets two hours of sleep a night on average.
It also seems that this chapter took place during some sort of federal holiday as Yor also had the day off initially, and so my fears about Ostania not having any holidays have been somewhat put to rest. The only thing giving me pause here is I'm not sure if this novel is considered canon. In theory, they could have animated it as part of season two, but obviously opted not to do that. That being said, I do hope that this book is canonical as there as there are some cute moments and interesting tidbits in it.
I think this chapter also did a good job of showing that Yuri likes Anya at least a little bit more than he realizes as he did start to take her hand without thinking about it partway through their outing together. Then again, Anya did have to threaten Yuri to get him to take her out while he was watching her for Yor, so it's safe to say he's got a long ways to go.
(There's some manga spoilers below, fyi)
I found the part at Kid Street Workplace where he's pretending to be a police officer and gets way too into the fake interrogation to be kind of interesting as well. It was almost like he couldn't stop himself from going into full SSS mode, and in the end he questioned why he put so much effort into the fake interrogation. Ultimately, he decides that it's because the man he was interrogating reminded him of Loid. The fact that he didn't even take the time to listen to the whole briefing before starting the interrogation, and his willingness to kill the man accused of abusing his wife with his own hands, really puts his impulsive and ruthless bature on full display.
It also brings to mind something that Franky said during the war arc

I just think this could have some interesting implications for how things could go down if and when Yuri learns that Loid is Twilight.
At least this chapter ends on a high note with Yuri and Anya heading home to give Yor the accessories they made for her, and Yor noting that Yuri spending time with Anya seemed to bring out his inner child.
#spy x family#spy x family spoilers#sxf spoilers#spy x family family portrait#spy x family family portrait spoilers#spy x family family portrait mission 2#anya forger#yuri briar#spy x family manga spoilers#spy x family ramblings#maybe loid should knock yuri out more often so he can get some sleep#or Yor can just knock them both out#seriously what it with these two and not getting enough sleep#yuri may think of Anya as his step niece but I see him as her uncle-brother#long post
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hey do y’all remember when i said i might post that crimeboys & bedrock bros avatar fusion AU i’d written like 2 yrs ago? because. i might have just impulsively decided to clean up the first of two chapters and. yeah.
short disclaimer: i’m not in the dsmp fandom anymore, i don’t fully remember how to write these characters or even entirely where i was going with this fic, so don’t expect a continuation. sorry!! i'm just posting this for the sillies and for the couple of people who said they were interested. also, obligatory apology for referencing the gene yang comics in even the vaguest of senses…. i like the general conceit of the promise way more than uh... what they actually did with it.
Safe Return (11,240 words) sorry about the length but y'all know me :|
Characters: Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Captain Puffy
Tags: Avatar: the Last Airbender fusion, Tommyinnit-centric, angst and fluff, alternate universe, Wilbur and Tommy are brothers, found family, unhealthy relationships, no beta
CW: fucked up immigration policy and a few stomach/gut-based analogies that may trigger emetophobia. also be aware of very lightly implied exile arc and briefly referenced suicidal tendencies.
Summary: Wilbur enlists the help of a stranger in the hopes of getting safely into Ba Sing Se. Tommy is not very pleased with this development, but they both know he'll follow Wilbur anyway.
“Wilbur, ma’am. And he’s Tommy.”
Tommy flinched a little as Wilbur placed a hand on his shoulder. It was loud. They’d been standing underground for a few hours now, and before that they’d been waiting in the line trailing outside of Full Moon Bay since the early, early morning. The air was unpleasant in the same way it feels gross to hold a raw egg in your hands, bloated with sweat and the quiet shuffle of feet. The sooner Tommy was out of here, the better.
The woman before them had a perpetual pucker to her lips, as if she were holding something sour between her teeth. She raised a thin eyebrow.
“Hm… those are some unusual names,” she said, neutrally. “Where are you from, Wilbur and Tommy?”
Wilbur’s grip tightened slightly, and Tommy shuddered, worming two fingers into his pocket to fiddle with a loose thread. A completely predictable question, one that already had Wilbur in knots because he spent too long rehearsing.
“Well —” Wilbur started, but he could barely be heard over the hustle and bustle. He cleared his throat. “Well, we hail from Yu Dao, but we’ve been traveling north longer than we can remember, so we…”
Wilbur trailed off. Despite having asked, the woman looked uninterested in their story. Tommy could practically hear the social-interaction-cogs turning in Wilbur’s head. Distantly, he recalled a few minutes ago when Wilbur had begged him to “be civil” when they talked to the immigration officer.
Well, Wil had been too distracted to notice he never actually agreed to that, so he didn’t feel that bad for glaring daggers into the woman’s eyes. It was the least he could do, really.
“I see,” she drawled. “Passports?”
“We’re just humble refugees seeking asylum and work in the great walls of Ba Sing Se, ma’am,” Wilbur said.
“Either of you boys have an education? Or any in-demand skills?”
Wilbur sucked in a breath and his hand left Tommy’s shoulder. His words were familiar, a few short sentences having been practiced a hundred times over. “Both Tommy and I have a unique skillset from working a variety of jobs. I have political experience and he’s well-versed in agriculture and animal care. And we—we’re both young and can pick things up quickly. I’m confident we can—”
The woman raised her hand and Wilbur’s mouth clamped shut. The sight of it made Tommy want to strangle both of them. He wove the thread in his pocket so tight that it threatened to cut off the circulation in his fingers.
After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Wilbur attempted to continue. “…We can be of value to this great city’s community if… if you would lend us the opportunity…”
Oh my god, shut up! Tommy thought. This was it, wasn’t it? Their entire lives basically ruined in thirty seconds. Wilbur was bungling it, wasn’t he? Tommy should… Wil just needed a bit of inspiration. Right. Tommy gave him a gentle and motivational stomp on the foot.
Calm down, idiot, Tommy attempted to communicate to him through eye contact alone. He wasn’t sure if it worked. Wilbur only responded with a series of difficult expressions, all layered thinly under his best imitation of a more pleasant kind of human being, which made it hard to tell.
The woman sighed, sounding sort of dissatisfied, and then her eyes turned sharply to inspect Tommy.
“Show me your hands, little boy,” she said, her voice pitching somewhat as if she was trying to sound more approachable. Tommy felt butterflies rear in his stomach, anyways. He swallowed back the instinctual “I’m not a little boy, I’m fifteen!” retort and slowly presented his hands.
They were bony, nimble, fingers sprinkled lightly with scrapes and small moles. On the back of his left hand, a burn scar trailed from just under his sleeve and all the way down to his elbow. His nails left four angry, crescent-shaped indents in each palm as he unclenched his fists.
She reached out and snatched one of his hands.
Tommy hissed, immediately trying to yank it back to no avail as she ran a scrutinizing thumb over the tips of his fingers.
“What the fuck?” He shouted, the crude words slipping out of his mouth before he could stop them. “Don’t touch me!”
Her fingers felt soggy, like when a grandma kisses you on the cheek but without any of the affection. After a moment of tug o’ war, the woman, seemingly mollified, let go. Tommy stumbled backwards into Wilbur. Two warm, steadying hands met both his shoulders, and this time, Tommy wasn’t even sure if it felt comforting or restricting.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am, he didn’t—” Wilbur started, attempting some damage control. Tommy would normally have been offended that Wilbur wasn’t taking his side, but the protective grip on his shoulders told him that Wilbur was just as upset as he was.
“Save your breath, young man,” the woman interrupted, then gave them a little lopsided smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I can’t admit you. Look at all these people behind you, they’re hard workers, and they have nowhere else to go. You tell me this kid’s a rancher of sorts, but look at his hands; he hasn’t worked a day in his life. We simply don’t have room for everyone.”
“Please, you need to understand—”
“I’ve worked! I’ve worked fucking plenty, bitch!”
“Denied. Next!” the woman called, waving a hand at them as if dismissing servants from her court. Tommy thought, optimistically, maybe she was just tired. Maybe he was just tired and none of this was actually happening. But then he blinked, and when he opened her eyes, her face was painted with cruelty instead. Maybe.
His stomach ignited with anger, but Wilbur reigned him in. “Tommy, we can’t—look, there are guards all around. Let’s go.”
It was true. Tommy glanced up to see that a group of women in guard uniform were standing in a group near the wall. One of them met Tommy’s eyes, but she didn’t seem like she was gearing up to drag them out or kill them or anything. For a moment, Tommy was distracted—they all looked extremely cool—but another tug on his arm reminded him of the situation.
“Ugh, but Wil—”
“I’m afraid we have no more business here.” The finality in Wilbur’s voice shut Tommy up long enough for him to twist around, practically dragging Tommy with him as he began to powerwalk to the exit.
Well, it was more like he was confidently squirming through the gaps in the crowd. Tommy pressed closer, growing ever more conscious of the mass of people in the huge station. The rumble of chatter soaked through his ears and into his brain. He could barely think. He was gonna—it was ruined. Everything had gone wrong.
Tommy made an effort to step on Wilbur’s heels as they walked, trying to distract himself from the fact that he wanted to spew his guts all over the floor or something.
But Wilbur just ignored him. His entire body felt too light, like butterflies but worse. Like if all the butterflies had turned to worms and they were eating him from the inside out now.
Still staring straight ahead, Wilbur’s grip slid from Tommy’s forearm down to lace with his fingers. Tommy tried not to rip his hand away.
They eventually made their way out of the cove. It was bordering on late afternoon, the sun low enough to cast long, dark shadows but not quite tired enough to set. Outside, something of a town had formed, though still innocuous as to avoid raising suspicion from the Fire Nation. The trailing line was shorter than it had been when they’d arrived, and Tommy reveled a little in the fact that he was right that they hadn’t needed to wake up in the asscrack of dawn and stupid Wilbur was wrong.
The two went to sit, finally, against the side wall of a small shack. As soon as Tommy felt like he could breathe right again, he yanked his hand away from Wilbur’s and stuffed it back into his pocket.
He could tell Wil was looking at him, probably something very interesting and complicated happening on his face. Eventually, he turned away to face the rocky shore, murmuring, “That was it, then.”
Tommy felt his throat do a laugh-so-you-don’t-cry thing and he kicked his heel against the wall, which was only a little better than just stamping his foot like a child.
“I don’t know what the fuck they’re looking for in refugees if not—if—I don’t know how we didn’t—!” he started to ramble.
He looked back at the lines of families, waiting so patiently, only to be turned down like them. Some were injured or ill. There had been women holding their children close to them, people from all over the Earth Kingdom come to escape the war.
“Yeah,” Wilbur said, morosely shoving his stupid beanie back over his stupid hair.
Tommy felt warm tears building in his vision, so he wiped his eyes roughly with his sleeve. “Haven’t worked a day in my life—like you—like she can tell my whole fuckin’—a guy’s life story just ‘cause he likes to stay moisturized! Seriously, it’s such bullshit, it’s—it’s—but it’s fine, ‘cause we can just—we’ll just—we—I can, like, I can pretend to be sick and we’ll go back. And they’ll say oohh, we’re so sorry for doubting you Tommy, you’re so sad and destitute and Wilbur is so bitchless, I’ll be a little soggy, they wouldn’t dare—I reckon they’d let in a soggy little man like me.”
“There’s no need for that, Tommy,” Wilbur sighed. “I don’t think having any transmissible diseases is going to help our case anyway. Look, the ferry was our best bet, but it was never our only bet, okay?”
Tommy scoffed. “Oh! I guess now you wanna go with old Tommy Scammy’s plan of forging our passports, great time to get on board, Wil. We already—they already fuckin’ turned us down, alright?”
“No, dude, I mean my plan. The back-up plan.”
Ugh. The backup plan again. Sometimes Wilbur could be so fucking vague with things, always thinking he was the boss and Tommy was just a little kid following along. Making decisions without him and not telling him like he was doing Tommy some big favor. Every time Tommy asked, he was met with a dismissive “don’t worry about it” or an “it won’t even come up”. Clearly, it fucking did, and now Tommy had no say in their next move even though Wilbur was barely older than him. Probably. Well—five years wasn’t that big a gap, was it?
“Well apparently, it’s our plan now,” Tommy corrected. “It’s not the fuckin’ Wilbur Soot show. It’s not—it’s not all about you, you prick bastard.”
Wilbur’s hand juttered between five different motions, like he was trying to exhasperatedly rub his temples and fidget with the hem of his coat at the same time. “I—Tommy, would you say I’ve been self-centered in all this?”
Tommy pressed his lips together. “Fuckin’ trick question.”
He’d meant the whole thing to come off as a joke, or like, one of those things you can take seriously if you agree with it or take it as a joke if you don’t. But he could tell by Wilbur’s wince that maybe he hadn’t gone with the joke interpretation.
“You’re right,” Wilbur said, turning away.
That made Tommy feel kind of bad, but… it’s not like he was wrong, really, and he wasn’t in the habit of enabling Wilbur’s chronic flirtations with his impending emo arc anyway, so he swallowed the vague apology that had begun to form in his mouth. It went down like chalk.
“You’re right about that,” Wil repeated. “Look, I’m just thinking… I know someone willing to guide us. An old friend.”
“Who? Where?” Tommy asked.
Wilbur chewed idly on the broken upper clasp of his coat before muttering, almost as if he was ashamed of the words, “through the Serpent’s Pass.”
Tommy’s breath caught in his throat.
“You want to—the—Wilbur, we—The Serpent’s Pass? What do you mean? We can’t—Wil, we’ll fucking die, Wil.”
“No, we won’t,” Wilbur responded, obviously trying to be firm, but his voice teetered off at the end like he wasn’t so sure.
A flame of frustration bloomed in Tommy’s stomach. “Oh, fuck off, bitch, you—ohh, are you fucking kidding me?! Now, I don’t—I don’t know about you, Wil, but I—I remember what happened last time you wanted to meet up with an old friend. What, you’re risking everything—risking it again because you think—you fuckin’ think some stranger will save us? Yeah, that’s great Wilbur, real great. The fact that it’s called the fuckin’ Serpent’s Pass isn’t springing any red fuckin’ flags in your head, man? Y’know, serpents?! Does that seriously sound like a nice friendly little creature to you?”
“Tommy!” Wilbur hissed, shoving a palm over Tommy’s lips.
“Fucking what?!” Tommy snapped back, though he instinctively lowered his volume to a whisper, following Wilbur’s lead.
Wilbur pressed his hand closer over Tommy’s mouth. “You’re smoking, you brat, that’s fucking what!”
Tommy’s eyes widened as he caught a dark trail of clouds puffing through the gaps of Wilbur’s fingers.
Immediately, Tommy glanced out towards the sparse group of people exiting the cove, probably having been rejected just like them. None of them looked all that interested in the two, nor did anybody seem to notice the tiny plume of smoke wafting out from the top of the small alley they’d settled in.
He had to admit, breathing smoke whenever he got pissy was damningly quirky. And a little inconvenient to the whole secrecy thing.
“Sorry,” Tommy said insincerely, his voice muffled. He reveled in the halfhearted glare that Wilbur sent in return. Tommy licked his hand for good measure.
“Tommy!” Wilbur cried, yanking his hand back.
Hah. Loser.
Wilbur heaved the world-weary sigh of a man who’d been forced to tow around an Innit child for the past three years. Tommy folded his arms and leaned back, satisfied with the amount of annoyance he’d caused within the past thirty seconds. (And maybe feeling a little better now that he’d gone and screamed his frustrations out. Just a bit.)
“I know you and I don’t have the best track record with this kind of thing, but I—I promise this person isn’t like—like. Y’know.”
“Okay, Wil,” Tommy said, really genuinely trying to sound like he believed it even though he didn’t.
It wasn’t like they had much of a choice now. Beggars can’t be choosers and all.
Wilbur studied him for a moment before pointedly turning on his heel, focusing his attention on forming a plan. “This alley might be a good place to settle for the night.”
He wasn’t stupid enough not to notice the transparency of that subject change, but maybe Wilbur was stupid enough not to notice that Tommy noticed? He frowned, picking at the edge of his sleeve. “This is a transport hub. Surely there’s—I reckon there’s somewhere that refugees gather and like, set up little tents, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Wilbur said absently, then turned back around. “Oh. Yeah, you’re right.”
Tommy snorted. Wilbur rolled his eyes.
It felt so achingly close to normal.
Still, they needed to find some food for the night and see if they could find some other folk to sleep near. They still had a few copper pieces and a silver split between them, and food would likely be cheaper at Full Moon Bay to accommodate for the constant influx of poor customers.
In Tommy’s mature, humble opinion, most Earth Kingdom food couldn’t hold a candle to Yu Dao cuisine. Wilbur was lucky—his favorite food had always been crab puffs, which, while not common, could still be found in other parts of the Earth Kingdom. But no amount of squeezing lemons and sprinkling chili flakes into a bowl of soup would ever come close to the suan cai yu back at home.
They eventually found a cheap place and brought a bowl of possum chicken noodles along with them as they perused the barely-existent streets, pretending to be tourists. As was routine, Wilbur took the bowl first, adding some chili flakes from the jar they always kept in their bags, then picking out most of the vegetables Tommy didn’t like. Once he’d eaten half, he handed it off to Tommy, who snatched up the chili flake jar and shook it violently over the leftovers until red became the dominant color in the bowl.
They came across a small encampment of people who hadn’t had time to depart from the harbor before nightfall, or who had arrived in advance and would be trying their luck the next day. And everyone was nice, too. Tommy didn’t even have to watch Wilbur grovel too much trying to get in. He saw one of the cool guard ladies there, but it didn’t seem like she was there for work; she’d shed the outer layer of her uniform to offer as a makeshift dinner plate for some other refugees.
They settled down in a corner against the earthen wall of a tiny house. A few struggling bushes kept them out of sight from most of the other folks, but it wasn’t solitary enough to be rude about it. As soon as they set their packs on the ground, Wilbur was already on his hands and knees, examining the stony slab.
“I think this was earthbent,” he beamed. “Look, you can even see where these pieces of limestone were split.”
Tommy was temped to do his due diligence and call Wilbur a nerd or something, but it was kind of cool, so he figured it wouldn’t be so bad to indulge the guy every once in a while. He still managed to slip in a few insults between Wilbur’s interesting bending facts.
It didn’t take long for most everyone to settle in for the night. Tommy could hear low murmurs drifting from various groups, but didn’t bother to parse what they were saying. It was getting too dark to tell who was who, anyway.
“Y'know, I wanted to ride the ferry,” he remarked, pulling a thin blanket from their pack. "It seemed nice, right?"
Wilbur, who had been scribbling something into a journal, dropped his quill and looked at Tommy. His face twisted into something unidentifiable.
Right—of course—that was childish. The fucking ferry ride to Ba Sing Se, yeah, that was the biggest blow to their plans by far.
Tommy glanced away, worrying the blanket with his thumb.
Obviously he liked acting like a brat, otherwise he wouldn’t do it so much, but he wasn’t an idiot, either. He knew tagging along made things harder for Wilbur and that’s probably the reason he hasn’t gone off to, like, study something awesome or enact political change and stuff. Whatever he wanted to put his big fucking head to. He knew if they’d stayed in Yu Dao, Tommy’d have been drafted a year ago. He was old enough to fight, but all Tommy could think about was boat rides, really? He was…
“Tommy,” Wilbur said, in that way he does when he’s trying to be embarrassing, but there wasn’t anything playful in his voice.
He frowned. “What's up, Wil?”
Then Wilbur was reaching out, his hand hovering over Tommy’s shoulder. “Can I—?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tommy said, quickly ducking his head and pulling his friend into a hug. His ratty wool coat was rough against his cheek. It smelled bad, too. Sweaty and kind of like smoke (ugh).
“I’m sorry,” Wilbur sighed.
“Wha—Wil, it—it’s okay, it’s just a boat ride,” Tommy replied, brows furrowing.
“I…” Wilbur paused and sniffed quietly. “Can I be real with you?”
“Yeah, ‘course.”
Wilbur was silent for a moment, and when he spoke, his voice came out a little less watery. “That… you said that, and I… it’s like a switch just flicked in my brain. Y’know, I fuckin’ wish we could’ve. You deserved to get to take the ferry and have something fun for once. And yet, I…”
Tommy heard the note of frustration building in his voice, and his body went cold. He wanted to break free from the hug, but before he do anything about it, Wil pulled away first. Worst part was, it didn’t make him feel any less cold.
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal,” Tommy mumbled, but as soon as he got done saying it, he realized that wasn’t even the point.
Wilbur chuckled weakly. “Believe me, I know you don’t like to be coddled, Tommy. I like to think that, y’know, you don’t feel like I’m ever looking down on you. But you know you’re still… I think of you as—”
“I know, Wil.” Tommy said, then glanced over with a wry smile. “You don’t have to say it. I know you’ll cry.”
He knew Wilbur was blaming himself over their encounter with the border lady, how it ruined everything they’d been working towards. Really, it was Tommy’s fault for freaking out—but, well, that wasn’t all that unreasonable of him, was it? It was that they hadn’t been good enough. Not needy enough. Wilbur could have—why didn’t he plan this out more? Why—?
No, that wasn’t fair. That lady was just an asshole.
“It wasn���t your fault. Dickhead,” Tommy said, an edge of finality in his voice.
Wilbur sighed, in that annoying way when it was clear he was doubting Tommy Trusty’s words of wisdom.
“Alright, brat,” he finally said. After a moment of what looked like calculating hesitation, he reached out and mussed up Tommy’s hair.
“Fuck you!” Tommy cried, shoving Wilbur away (and then immediately felt bad for yelling when people were trying to get some shut-eye).
They settled down the way they always did: doing their best to share a blanket between them, with their pack of supplies kind of smooshed between their heads like the world’s most ineffectual privacy partition.
Tommy was often the first one to fall asleep, but not tonight. It was only the turn of spring, so there were still some vestiges of the winter chill clinging to the darkness like a spider to her web. Tommy tried to salvage some warmth by tugging over a little more than his allotted 50% of the blanket, but even then he could still feel himself shivering.
Every time he looked back out into the dilapidated streets of Full Moon Bay (Shit name, by the way, it was clearly a waxing crescent tonight), his heart jumped a little. Like they were being watched or something. Flashes of light disappeared and reappeared in the distance like fireflies. Every time he caught one, Tommy shut his eyes tight and prayed they would disappear for good when he opened them.
He tossed and turned—well, as much as one could when sleeping next to somebody and still not be a dick. He considered waking Wilbur up for about two seconds before deciding that was baby behavior and it’d probably be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him.
He didn’t know how long he laid there, but at some point he realized he could still hear a little conversation from the other refugees.
“I just… don’t know where we’re supposed to go from here, dad.”
A pause, then a second voice answered quietly.
“Listen, dear, if you really think we’ll be safe in Ba Sing Se, we could try the other way.”
“Do you mean the Serpent’s Pass?”
Tommy’s toes curled at the mention of that name. The place Wilbur wanted to take them. Because he was a fucking wrong’un and an idiot.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, guys,” someone new whispered. Tommy realized it was that guard lady, which meant the other two were probably the woman and her elderly father he’d seen earlier. “It’s one of the most dangerous passages in the world. On foot, at least.”
“But, haven’t you heard, young lady? They say there’s a half-spirit who guides people along the pass.”
“A half-spirit? What, like the Avatar?” The woman scoffed.
“Who’s to say?”
Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed at that. Wilbur had been talking about an old friend who might help them on their own journey, but Wilbur definitely wasn’t cool enough to know any half-spirits, let alone the Avatar.
Another pause. “Oh, you’re too serious sometimes.”
“I’m really not trying to lower your mood,” the woman sighed, some bitterness in her voice. “I just don’t think it’s worth putting all our hope into any spiritual business.”
“Oh alright, I understand…”
“Actually,” the guard lady cut in, “I’m kind of curious. Seems like you know your spirits, sir.”
The old man laughed. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’ve heard many different rumors. That he was once an assistant in the Spirit Library, or that he’s from another world entirely…”
The guard hummed. “You’re talking about The Blade, aren’t you?”
In the dark, Tommy’s eyes widened. It’s not like he really thought they were the same person-spirit-thing, but if this somehow turned out to be Wil’s guy, Tommy was gonna fucking strangle him. As if accentuating this thought, Wilbur did a stupid little snort in his sleep.
“Oh, yes, that was his name.”
The daughter chuckled a little. “Sounds friendly.”
“I don’t know a lot about him either, but I think he was around when Avatar Kyoshi was alive,” the guard remarked. “But I’ve also heard he doesn’t show up for just anybody, so… I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t bank on it, either.”
“Don’t apologize, dear,” the old man said. “Jia Li and I will be alright, one way or another.”
The rest, Tommy supposed, was too private for words, because after another moment of listening, he didn’t hear anything else after that.
Well, it sounded like he and Wilbur didn’t need to worry about any “The Blade”s trying to come and murder them or anything like that. Not like Big Man Tommy Innit was gonna be scared off by a spirit who probably didn’t even want to help out perfectly nice people like Jia Li and her father. He scrunched his eyes shut once again, trying to calm down.
But his thoughts wouldn’t stop racing. The Serpent’s Pass kept jumping to the forefront of his mind—what it was like, whether Wilbur really seriously wanted to go, all the potential ways they might die there without anyone finding their bodies. That kind of thing.
And it was so. Fucking. Cold.
As slowly as he could, Tommy tilted his head up to see if Wilbur was asleep yet. In the faint light, he could tell his brother’s face was slack, peaceful. But the lines of stress and deep bags under his eyes were still there. They could almost make Tommy forget that the man before him was only twenty years old.
But he was asleep.
Quietly, Tommy took a deep breath. It was shaky at first, so he curled tighter around the feeling in his gut, willing his fears to melt away. Buzzing energy gathered inside him.
He breathed out.
It was as if he was holding a pile of kindling. It started with with a speck of red, barely even hot against his palm.
A little fire grew, swaddled in Tommy’s hands. It was warm. Not as big and burning as he would’ve liked, but still warm. He held it close to his chest so none of the light would flutter out from behind him.
He breathed deeply, in and out, until he, too, finally managed to fade into the restless night.
Wilbur did, in fact, really seriously want to go.
“So. What’s this—this old friend, what’s he like?” Tommy asked, trying to suss out Wilbur’s real feelings towards their new… route. If you could even call it a route. To Tommy, it obviously seemed more like a suicide wish. He didn’t want to wonder if that’s why Wilbur liked it so much (he really, really didn’t want to think about that).
Wilbur sighed a little and shifted his pack. “I always knew him as Techno.”
Tommy raised his eyebrows. “Real shit name, innit? How do you even know he’ll help us? Or even fucking be there?”
“I mean…” he trailed off.
“Wilbur, you—are you—!” Tommy groaned. “You have got to be fucking kidding me, man!”
“Oi, he is gonna be there, alright? He will. He just—he’s always where he needs to be. That’s what he does.”
“Oh, so what, the little birdies whispered it in your dumb oversized fuckin’ ear. You want to go on—” he recalled what the people from last night had said—“one of the most dangerous passages in the fucking world, because that’s the vibe?”
“My ears aren’t oversized,” Wil protested.
He looked vaguely unhappy with the direction of the conversation, so Tommy broke eye contact and began to focus on the path ahead of them: a long stretch of rocky earth, speckled with sleepy anthills and crusted with slabs of limestone emerging from the dirt. The Serpent’s Pass couldn’t have been more than two day’s determined travel from Full Moon Bay, but he still wasn’t excited for the short journey.
Especially since they’d be meeting with this “Techno” at some point. Allegedly.
Tommy just wanted to get to Ba Sing Se, where the war couldn’t touch them, where—where that tyrant freak couldn’t touch him, where he could go on pretending there wasn’t any Fire Nation in his veins, and where Wilbur could do… well, whatever he wanted to.
Tommy also wanted to not fucking die. And, if he was being honest, he wasn’t exactly keen on some random stranger barging in on his and Wilbur’s dynamic, either. Didn’t he know that an extra party member always ruins the vibe? Obviously not, the bastard.
So. If Wilbur didn’t like Tommy being a bitch about the whole thing, then he would just have to fucking deal.
“Look, Tommy, I know you don’t like this,” Wilbur started, a little undiplomatically. “But you need to—I need you to give him a chance. He’s done this before. You can trust him. I’m afraid we don’t have many other options.”
Tommy pointedly kept his gaze to the ground, dodging another anthill as they trudged along.
“Fine. What’s he like?” Tommy asked again.
Wilbur told him. Apparently, Techno had been close to Wilbur’s father, but eventually grew to care for him as well. Tommy thought it was stupid that Wilbur refused to call him dad anymore, but he also kind of got it.
“So they were friends?” he asked.
Wilbur’s nose scrunched up a little and his glasses bobbed stupidly with the motion. “I guess. I—I mean, it was perhaps more than just being friends, I would say.”
Tommy snorted. “So they were—they were in love? They made out and stood on furnaces ‘n’ all that shit?”
Wil briefly made a face like he was going to throw up, but less in a grossed-out way and more in a I-hate-my-life-way. “No, I… don’t think so.”
According to Wilbur, the guy was quite easygoing, preferred things to go his way, awfully stubborn, and criminally funny. Tommy scowled at the description.
“What? What’s that face for?”
“Nothing. I trust him,” Tommy lied.
Tommy had some trouble reading the tone of that one. It was a little drawn out, but exasperated didn’t seem quite right. He somewhat prided himself on being able to read Wilbur when others couldn’t, but sometimes he was too much of a closed book even for Tommy’s magnificent, gargantuan mind.
Suddenly, Wilbur gasped.
“Awwe, Tommy…”
Oh, he knew that one well enough.
Wilbur grinned. “Are you fucking jealous?”
Immediately, a flame of embarrassment licked at Tommy’s cheeks and he halfheartedly shoved Wilbur away. “I’m not — I’m not jealous, dickhead.”
“You’re jealous! You’re fucking jealous!”
“No, no, I’m not! I’m not! I’d never be—I’d never be jealous of—of—I’m not jealous!”
“It’s okay, Tommy, it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed!”
“Mmm! Mmm! Mmmm… Can’t hear you, can’t—shut up! Humina humina humina humina…”
“Look, you’ll like him, it’ll be fine! Don’t worry, Tommy, I’ll still pay the most attention to you,” Wilbur crooned.
“Dickhead prick bastard, you’re unpleasant to be around, you—you’re the worst person to be born, Wilbur, ever. Fuck you.”
The two walked on until night returned, taking little breaks to rest. They hadn’t fully restocked their waterskin—for the billionth time, Wilbur passionately expressed how much he wished he was a waterbender so he could pull water out of thin air for the both of them. Tommy figured if it was that easy then every waterbender would fucking be doing it. But go off, he supposed.
This part of the Earth Kingdom was a different type of cold than they were used to, a thick humidity permeating the air. It was the worst kind of weather ever. Now that they were back on the road, they could at least set up a real camp. The sun’s last dredges were about ready to fade behind the horizon. Instead of forcing him to help like usual, Wilbur got busy pitching the tent, letting Tommy watch the sunset bleed out.
“Wil,” Tommy said.
Wilbur’s finally glanced at Tommy.
“Wil, I heard some of the other people talking last night.”
His mouth popped in an “oh” shape. “What did they say?”
“They said—well, there was that really pretty guard lady and they were talking and all, and they were talking about—they said that on The Serpent’s Pass, there was some kind of spirit.”
“A spirit?” Wilbur perked up.
“Or like, a half-spirit, I don’t know,” Tommy amended, “like the Avatar ‘n’ shit.”
Wilbur frowned. “The Avatar isn’t a half-spirit.”
“Oh my—whatever, you fucking nerd.”
That made Wilbur laugh, which made Tommy feel about 2% better than he did before.
“So, who’s this half-spirit?”
“Well,” Tommy started, trying to remember. “They said it, like, helps people across the pass, but I guess only certain people, like some kind of fuckin’ capitalist or something. It’s called The Blade or something stupid like that.”
“Oh,” Wil said, “That’s Techno.”
“What the fuck?!”
Tommy gaped as Wilbur started laughing again.
“Your friend is a fuckin’ spirit?!”
“No, no,” Wilbur attempted through his stupid fucking giggle fit. “He’s just a guy. Like, he’s just a dude. That must be some kind of rumor.”
“Oh my god.” Tommy put his face in his hands.
“I bet he’ll be pleased to hear he’s got a reputation, though.”
“Oh yeah, he sounds like a right fuckin’ egotist��I mean, like, a fuckin’ bastard.”
Wilbur made a little "pffft" sound like he kind of agreed, but didn’t say anything more, so Tommy turned back to the sunset and hummed to himself for a bit.
“Wil,” Tommy asked approximately two minutes later. “There’s nobody around here, right?”
A short silence followed before he heard Wilbur call back, “No.”
“Let me set up a fire?”
Tommy’s heart stood still as he waited for the reply with bated breath. Wilbur must have been expecting the question, though, because he just smiled. “Sure, king.”
“WOO! Fuck yeah!” Tommy cheered, bouncing up immediately. No sleeping cold tonight!
He was able to gather some firewood fairly easily. Some of the twigs and branches Tommy found didn’t feel quite as dry as he would’ve preferred, but he’d been getting better with his control, so… At the very least, he was just quick enough that by the time he’d wandered back to the camp, some residual heat from the sun was still lingering in the sky.
Wilbur was sitting outside the tent on their ratty blanket. He watched silently, seemingly absentmindedly, as Tommy began to make a small firepit.
“Now,” Tommy boasted, “the moment you’ve been dying to see! Gentlemen…”
He looked to Wilbur, then all around the desert, then back to Wilbur. “Wilbur.”
He snorted. “Child.”
“Fuck you,” Tommy dismissed, then continued on with his exciting performance. “Please pay attention now, keep your eyes peeled all the way open like an orange. The Great Big Tommy Danger Hands, sleightest of fingers, Breaker of Chains, will demonstrate his finest and most manliest trick, which all the women love and they drool over him and try to marry him constantly… as he now delicately starts… a fire!”
He plopped down into a low squat, like he’d seen in the picture books Wilbur used to show him before they got banned from the Yu Dao library (Admittedly, that was Tommy’s fault). It was technically an earthbending form, but Tommy figured it didn’t matter that much. It wasn’t like he had any other old masters to teach him.
He could do this.
Breathe in.
Tommy felt the air hum and pulse with warmth. Something buzzed alive inside his stomach.
Breathe out.
Energy flowed through his breath and a wave of heat curled from the firewood.
Breathe in.
A few bright sparks whistled around the sticks, and Tommy had to quickly calm the rush of excitement he felt so he wouldn’t lose control. He was going to do this like a real master.
Breathe out.
A little flame sprouted and affirmed itself like mushrooms rooting into a tree stump, stretching its tendrils into the clouds above.
Breathe in.
He opened his eyes, and the light caught on the edge of the scar on his hand.
(“I thought we were friends, Tommy,” the bastard said.
Tommy said… Tommy said—
Everything was really hot suddenly. He looked down, and he saw red, and he wasn’t scared. He wasn’t…)
Stop, stop, stop! Tommy gasped as his little fire crackled burst into a roaring blaze.
“YOO!” Wilbur cheered from the other side of the firepit.
He blinked, suddenly aware of the tension in his knees as he held his squat. He was…
Breathe out.
The fire shrank down from its outburst, fluttering pleasantly in the air like a lovely dancer. The tinder and logs shifted a little as smoldering chunks fell to the bottom. Right. He was…
He watched Wilbur lean in, excited. Flecks of light danced in the reflection of his shitty stolen glasses like confetti. Tommy could feel the heat pulse through his arms, both from the fire and from his own energy, but it was a pleasant sunbathing warmth instead of the cold, mango-sticky feeling they’d been trudging through all day.
Breathe in. What was he so freaked out about, anyway?
With the final bit of air in his lungs, Tommy slowly pushed out the rest of his energy into the fire.
Breathe out.
A golden glow lit up Wilbur’s face like a firefly hovering in the night. It caught against every early wrinkle and stray hair on his cheeks and cast long, somber shadows on his face. His smile brightened as he watched the flame bloom.
Tommy bit his lip, feeling ashamed for some stupid fucking reason.
“Dude!” Wilbur cried. “That was fucking amazing!”
Tommy glanced down at the fire, popping gently, a product of his own soul and practice and care. He sank into the dirt, watching it for a second and muttering a string of astounded curses under his breath.
A tiny laugh radiated from Tommy’s chest. It was beautiful, this thing that he made all on his own, and a lightness rose in his throat like a bubble of mucus, but in a good way. It was alive.
“Yeah—yeah—I fuckin’—that was so fucking cool!”
They both cheered, Wilbur bestowing Tommy with a searing high-five, a communication of only the utmost respect. Even though it was nearly too dark to see past their little circle of light, everything somehow felt brighter than it had in days.
All the times Wilbur had to shove a blanket over Tommy’s emotionally reactive firebending in public felt so worth it just for this moment. Tonight, they would fall asleep with warmth and light in front of them, backs unguarded in the open field. The boiling weight in Tommy’s lungs would be forgotten.
The Blade was late to their rendezvous. You know, the one that only existed in Wilbur’s head.
Wilbur seemed to know Techno lived somewhere around this little port down near the start of the Pass, but nothing more than that. He’d seemed confident that they would just… run into him, or something like that. Apparently Wilbur has sent the guy letters before, but never got a message back, which meant either Wilbur was fucking wrong, or Techno was fucking rude.
Tommy, the self proclaimed “polite one” of the two brothers, bit back about six “I told you so”s throughout the morning. It wasn’t much, but it was honest work.
At first, Wilbur didn’t seem too stressed about it, explaining that Techno was just trying to maintain a cool and fashionable facade, but after about an hour of walking around doing nothing, he’d started to pick up on Tommy’s antsiness.
“Technolate,” Wilbur said.
“Technolate,” Tommy agreed, not feeling the least bit smug about it, as was the kind and brotherly thing to do.
After another hour of wandering and playing various word games—that devolved not once, not twice, but three times into promises of future violence—the two decided to wander off in search of cheap food. Considering this was a fishing port, it didn’t take them long to find somewhere near a dock on the shore.
A slightly older looking woman with a mane of thick, curly hair was unloading a small fishing ship. Tommy made eye contact with Wilbur for a second before bounding over the sloped ground towards the boat.
“Hello? Hello?” Tommy asked, fingering their remaining coins in his pocket.
“Oh! Uh, hello, friend.” The woman startled a little, nearly dropping a crate she’d been heaving onto the dock. Tommy heard Wilbur walk up behind him at a leisurely pace, and the woman smiled. “…Friends.”
Tommy opened his pitch with a dazzling smile. “Well, miss—?”
“Puffy,” the woman supplied.
“Miss Puffy—you are incredibly beautiful, by the way—”
“Tommy,” Wilbur groaned. He went on, probably needlessly apologizing to Puffy like he always did when Tommy started talking to strangers, but Tommy decided not to comprehend it.
“My brother—my big brother Wilbur and I, we—we’re very poor and sad. We—we’re impoverished, we scramble around on the floors and we—and we eat up all we can like little mice. We came down to the lovely town of—?”
Puffy laughed. “Well, it’s really more of a club than it is a town, but—”
Wilbur straightened up, trying to dominate Tommy in the conversation, and cried, “well, we love your fishing club!”
“Yes!” Tommy agreed, doing everything in his power to resist the urge to jab his thumb into Wilbur’s belly button. Instead, he gestured out into the barren land of the cliffside. “It’s like—it’s like a fancy little forest! With little fish just—little fish swimming around and being… delicious.”
“Goods! Fish! Your wares are available for purchasing?” Wilbur added, sounding more embarrassed with himself with each new syllable.
This seemed to break Puffy, as she immediately sputtered into a round of buoyant laughter and pressed her face into her hands. “I’m—I’m so sorry you two, but I—”
“Look, look, Wil—now’s the—now’s our chance. Let’s steal her wares. She won’t see a thing,” Tommy conspired unsubtly.
“What?” Puffy asked. It sounded more like a wha-ha-haaat? because she was laughing still.
“Tommy!” Wilbur groaned. “You are the worst salesman I’ve ever seen, and every time you open your mouth your ineptitude fucking spreads to me like a disease.”
Tommy sighed. “But I’m not selling anything, Wil, except—except for my winning smile and my vivacious abs-sculature. I’m a Crime Boy, I’m a Dirty Crime Boy!”
“I regret passing that title to you every fucking day.”
Puffy, with a lingering grin on her face, cleared her throat. Tommy and Wilbur’s mouths snapped shut. She was not laughing anymore and the jig was up because Wilbur was afraid to take action in the moment of truth.
“Look, I’m really sorry you two, but I’ve honestly been struggling to get by with the whole, uh, fishing thing myself. Serpent and all,” Puffy admitted. “I’m actually trying to set up shop somewhere else right now, and I’ve already sold all the good fish.”
“Right. The Serpent.” Tommy shot a glare towards Wilbur.
Wilbur ignored him. “We’re okay with the bad fish, too,” he negotiated, overeager.
Puffy smiled apologetically. “I hate to break it to you, but this lil’ shack is fresh out of fish. But, I mean, if you two need money, I wouldn’t mind having some helpers on the boat. In fact, uh, I picked up someone like you a few hours ago for the same reason.”
“Oh, sorry, we’re looking for someone today”, Wilbur replied, raising his arms purposelessly then letting them awkwardly fall back down. “We appreciate the offer, though.”
“Wil,” Tommy protested, “You don’t even fucking know where he is.”
“I know he sticks around these parts,” Wilbur spat back, but he sounded unsure.
Suddenly, a heavy clank rang from the back of the fishing boat. Puffy didn’t seem too alarmed.
“Hey Captain, remind me exactly how much of this ya need me to carry out?” A voice called from inside the cabin.
From the corner of his vision, Tommy caught Wilbur’s eyes widening. “What? What?” He asked, ramming his elbow into Wilbur’s side.
“Uh, just one or two boxes,” Puffy replied, then turned back to the two. “That’s the guy who’s been helping me today.”
On cue, a hulking figure stepped out of the cabin, carrying a large crate with a line of slime dribbling from one of the bottom corners. Peering over the top, Tommy saw what he was pretty sure was maggots squirming around inside. Cute.
The man was wrapped in a thick, woolly cloak that looked like it could have cost more than twice Tommy’s lifetime earnings, but it was so worse for wear that he wasn’t entirely sure how the man could even touch the thing without it dissolving into a pile of thread. Like Puffy, he had a mane of brown hair, but his was streaked with pink, like how middle-aged ladies sometimes have a salt-and-pepper greying thing going on.
Most interestingly, he wore what looked like a thoroughly cleaned moo-sow skull over his face, obscuring most of his features and making him look both batshit crazy and indescribably awesome.
“Holy shit!” Wilbur said, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“Uh…” The man set his box down—yep, definitely maggots— onto solid ground. “Wilbur?”
Wilbur’s shock quickly transformed into a bright grin. “Techno, my man, it’s good to see you again!”
Oh, Tommy thought. Great. Wilbur's mysterious friend actually did appear.
“Ha, you still have those old glasses! Nerd,” Techno said, stepping over and immediately wrapping Wilbur in what looked like a warm, crushing hug. Tommy grimaced and looked away.
It was kind of funny how Wilbur clung back to him though, like a weird little stick. “We were looking for you, actually.”
“Oh, right, ‘cuz—”
“Did you get any of my letters?” Wilbur asked.
“I got, like… three.”
He frowned. “I've sent more than that. Which ones got through?”
Techno freed Wil from the massive hug, patting him hard on the back and causing him to let out a sharp oof. “Well, there was the one about that girl who dumped you, or you dumped her, I didn’t really get it, honestly.”
Wilbur’s frown deepened. “Other than that one.”
“Well, I got the one where you adopted, like, a raccoon child? That was cool.”
Tommy decided enough was enough.
“Oh, Techno—” Wilbur, presumably, began to introduce him, thank god.
“Oh, riiight,” Techno cut him off, “and I got the one from a month ago saying you might want some help up The Serpent’s Pass. I don’t have anythin’ to do right now, really, so that’s fine.”
Tommy clenched the edge of his shirt. “Excuse me. Excuse me.”
“Oh,” Techno said. “Hullo.”
“Wilbur, you—” Tommy said, feeling kind of ill in a flippy way, like when you spin around in circles for too long. “You’d already told him to come?”
Wilbur sighed. “Tommy, listen, I was just letting him know it was a possibility.”
Techno tiled his head curiously, but that ridiculous skull mask made the gesture look predatory instead. “Oh yeah, Tommy, that’s right. The raccoon child.”
Tommy tried to stab him with his eyeballs. “And you’re Techno. The Blade.”
“Yep,” he said, unbothered.
Wilbur straightened up, obviously trying to take control of the conversation from there. “Now, there’s no need for hostility, you two.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna be honest, I’m feelin’ kinda attacked right now, don’t know why though. Definitely some sort of wave of antagonism coming from… about this direction,” Techno said, gesturing towards Tommy.
Tommy bristled. Before he could say anything, though, Wilbur pushed forward. “I’m sorry it’s sudden, Techno, but we’re just trying to get to The Impenetrable City. It’s important.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I was kinda prepared for you to be here, like I said. And I owe ya one, anyway.”
Wil shot him a little smile. “Planning on putting us through Serpent’s Pass boot camp or something like that?”
“Eh. Sounds like a lotta work.” Techno said. “I mean, you guys’ll be fine if you just listen to what I tell you out there. Not to brag or anything, but like, I kinda know my way around.”
“I know it might not be a big deal to you, but this really means a lot to us,” stupid Wilbur said, speaking for Tommy like he knew what he was thinking. “I failed to get us a ferry in, so now I’m afraid we have to take the next-best option.”
Tommy was… he was pissed. Actually pissed. Not fake-pissed or funny-pissed. Miffed, one could say. Fuming, even.
First off, he told the dipshit it wasn’t his fault, but there Wilbur went putting it all on himself like it was nothing again, like he was just that used to covering for Tommy’s fuck-ups. It was humiliating. It was wrong. And then he decides to pull some stupid stunt and pretend that’s what he meant from the very fucking beginning? And he wanted Tommy to just go along with it, his stupid Tommy, his Right-Hand Tommy. His—whatever.
“Well, I think it’s a fuckin’ horrible idea, if either of you give a shit,” he declared. Just because he was still gonna stick with Wilbur didn’t mean he couldn’t be a bit of a dick about it. Had to keep his brand image and all.
“Tommy,” Wilbur said, frustrated.
At that, Puffy stepped forward with an air of authority. “Okay, I guess today’s been a weird day for everyone, and I don’t exactly know what’s going on, but I’d like to remind everyone that this is my dock. So I think we can all be chill, right?”
Tommy leaned back against the shack and crossed his arms. “‘M not trying to start shit,” he muttered. Honestly.
“I’m very sorry about all this, ma’am,” Wilbur said.
Puffy waved him off. “Hey, no need for the formality. I appreciate it, it’s just that Techno’s been helping out on the boat all morning. And when I’ve got someone working with me, I don’t let anyone bother them, you get me?”
“Yeah,” Techno said. His voice was lighthearted, but the animalistic appearance to his mask made it feel shallow. “I didn’t expect to get all caught up with this, but it turns out Captain Puffy here is kinda based. Makin’ a real connection out here.”
“Oh, well, that’s good,” Wilbur said.
“Yeah, turns out we have a lot in common,” Puffy smiled, “like having surprisingly compatible political beliefs.”
“And havin’ similar hair problems,” Techno supplied.
“And we both think eggs are only okay.”
“We’re basically besties now, is what I’m sayin’.”
Tommy huffed to himself, thinking that was kind of funny but not wanting to show it.
Techno’s gaze fell on him.
“Uh, so I’m kinda feelin’ like we got off on the wrong foot. Maybe a bit of a misunderstandin’ between you two, I dunno.”
“Well—I think this has been just lovely, Techno-Blade,” Tommy said, making sure to emphasize how stupid the man’s name sounded.
“Uh, that’s not—” Techno started, then interrupted himself with a huff. “So… I’ve heard a bit about you.”
“I most certainly—well, I certainly do not fuckin’ want to know what you’ve heard,” he lied.
“Nothing good, don’t worry,” Wilbur rolled his eyes.
Techno looked somewhat uncomfortable as he wiped his hands against the front of his pants, leaving a subtle stain of sweat in their wake. He reached up to twist a strand of hair between his fingers, but he’d already dropped his hands again by the time Tommy had the brilliant idea of making fun of him for it.
“Okay, cool, ‘cause this is like, really awkward,” Techno said, and despite looking mildly weirded out by the whole thing, he somehow seemed above it all at the same time.
Something bubbled inside Tommy’s gut, and he didn’t feel like examining it. This Techno guy was obviously fucking with him, and Wil wasn’t even saying anything!
“I do not—okay—I do not fuckin’—Techno-Blade, I’d like to have—I would like to have a talk with you. A private audience. With you.”
Techno simply stared for a second, then shrugged before shambling off to a nearby tree. He glanced expectantly at Tommy to follow.
“Tommy…” Wilbur said.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Puffy. Mr—Mr. Soot. I’ll be—I’ll be right back,” Tommy said, straightening his back in mock politeness. Wilbur looked—well, not upset. Tommy couldn’t tell. He hated it when he couldn’t tell.
Tommy stomped towards Techno.
“Alright, listen here, The Blade. Real shit name, by the way.”
“Hey, man,” Techno protested. “I’m literally just vibin’ here, I—”
“You—you think—you think…” Tommy trailed off.
He couldn’t identify the feeling burning inside him. It wasn’t quite anger, since he really was just trying to annoy Wilbur’s friend. Make a good impression. Nothing personal, right? And Techno was obviously trying to troll him back. Nothing personal. Tommy didn’t know what he was planning on saying.
“…Wilbur likes me more??” was what Tommy decided on.
Techno did something of a half-laugh. “I’m not tryin’ to, like, imply anything here, but you honestly don’t seem sure about that.”
“Fuck off!” Tommy hissed. “That’s not what I fucking meant. You’re like a little snap pea to me. You’re a little ant. And there’s like, a fuckin’ million of those per anthill, so you’re not even, like, a special ant.”
Techno leaned back against the tree, contemplating that mind-shattering insult—the whole thing bent a little under his weight, and it pissed Tommy off so bad because he couldn’t even tell if it was an intimidation tactic or the guy wasn’t even aware of how fucking massive he was.
“Alright, we got a firecracker here,” Techno said slowly.
“Don’t condescend to me, bitch—!” he started, but Techno cut him off and Tommy snapped his mouth shut without meaning to.
“I’m gonna talk to you the way you want to be talked to,” he rumbled easily. “So if you’re gonna act like a brat, then that’s how I’m gonna treat you. Uh, no offense.”
Sore luck for you, then, Tommy thought bitterly. Because I’m always a fuckin’ brat.
“So here’s the deal. I don’t—” Techno’s mountainous shoulders raised in what Tommy guessed was some facsimile of a shrug— “I don’t really get why you’re beefing with me so hard, it’s honestly kind of sad? Again, not to imply anything…”
“Oh my god, you are actually a fucking asshole,” Tommy blurted.
“Oh, but I’m an asshole for a really good reason, Tommy.”
Something cold ran swiftly through Tommy’s veins, and for the second time in just a few minutes, he was embarrassingly shut up without Techno even having to raise his voice.
“You’re tryin’ to go down the Serpent’s Pass?”
He glanced away. “I don’t fuckin’—I dunno, I don’t fucking want to.”
“Sure,” Techno agreed, “But are you gonna?”
Fighting the urge to make myself smaller, Tommy nodded ever so slightly. “Yeah. What of it?”
“The Serpent’s Pass is a dangerous place. People die here, kid. Sometimes people die even when I’m supposed to be there, protectin’ them and guidin’ them along the way. And ya know why that is?”
Tommy clenched his teeth, raising his head to look at The Blade through the eye socket of his moo-sow skull. “Why?”
“Because they thought they knew better. They didn’t listen to me when they needed to.”
“…Prolly ‘cause you’re a fuckin’ asshole,” Tommy said, raising an eyebrow.
To be honest, Tommy didn’t know what he was expecting when he said that. He thinks he maybe wasn’t expecting anything, like a dumbass little kid who doesn't know how to think ahead. But he was still surprised when Techno planted a goodnatured hand on his shoulder.
“Pffft. Nah,” Techno said flippantly. That light tone carried into his next words, foreboding as they were: “‘S ‘cause they just saw me as a tool. Y’know, like a carriage or somethin’, just a way for them to get from one place to another. They never really trusted me. Tommy, you know the story of Orpheus?”
“Fuck is an Orpheus?” Tommy scoffed.
“Dude…” Techno muttered to himself, scratching his neck. “I keep forgettin’ people in this world don’t have Greek mythology.”
“What? What’s that mean?” Tommy asked. He remembered what that lady and her dad were saying about The Blade—he was some kind of half-spirit, or maybe not even from this plane of existence. But there was no way that could be true, because he was friends with Wilbur. Cringe…
Techno folded his arms. “Well, the story goes somethin’ like this. So there was this guy named Orpheus who lived a long time ago. He had a wife, Eurydice, she went off to dance with nymphs one day, but while she was doin’ that, she got bitten by a snake and died. And now, Orpheus was a bard, so all he could do to cope with how much he missed her was to sing, and sing, and sing for days straight.
“And he was so upset that he went all the way to the god of the underworld to ask for her back. His song of grief was so moving, so rich with the deepest feelings of love and loss, that even the god of the underworld decided to humor his foolish request. He said that he could lead Eurydice all the way back home, and she’d get to stay alive—as long as he could manage one little thing. Orpheus couldn’t turn around to look at her until they made it out of the underworld. Not even once.”
“But then he wouldn’t be able to tell if she was following,” Tommy argued. “That’s a shitty thing to make him do.”
“That’s true. But that’s how it goes when you’re dealing with the gods,” Techno tilted his head back to rest against the tree. “So Orpheus leads his wife all the way out of the underworld. They climb up together for hours and hours, passing by all sorts of dangerous things, but Orpheus managed to hold on to his faith that his true love was still following. But just when they got to the exit, Orpheus realized he couldn’t hear her footsteps anymore. And so—”
“Shut up, man!” Tommy interrupts, his heart racing. “I—this is fuckin’ stupid, I get it, alright? You’re a real bastard, y’know that, Techno-Blade? That’s—shit name, by the way.”
Infuriatingly, Techno chuckled. “There ya go. Guess you can figure out what happened yourself, huh. You’re obviously a smart kid, Tommy—”
“Stop fuckin’ patronizing me, bitch!”
“—So,” Techno emphasized. “I think ya know what I’m tryin’ to say. Those guys who died out there on the Serpent’s Pass died because they didn’t trust me, they trusted their instincts. Or maybe they just took one millisecond too long mulling it over… guess it ends the same both ways. Anyway, I’ve been doin’ this for a while, so you’re gonna have to listen to what I tell you when we get out there, Tommy. You’re gonna need to trust me over yourself, and over Wilbur. ‘Cause I have the skills to get through this place and you don’t. That’s all I’m sayin’, alright?”
This guy was a real piece of shit, Tommy decided.
“Are you fuckin’...” He hissed under his breath. Down at the dock, Wilbur was talking with Puffy about who-knows-what, doing that thing where he just kept kind of walking between a few points as he talked, which he only does when he’s nervous. Tommy watched out of the corner of his eye for a moment, but twisted back to Techno just as Wil was about to look up.
“This is stupid. I can’t believe I’m about to go on a fucking field trip with you,” Tommy told him.
“I think it could be kinda fun,” he replied, right back to being weirdly laid back.
“I tell you what, big man. Here’s the thing, I don’t—I don’t know why you think I’m gonna trust you when I don’t even fuckin’ know you. I look at you, and I—do you know what I see? I see some fucking weirdo who thinks he can never be in the wrong. If you ask me, kinda seems like—sounds to me like maybe you’re more like that Orpheus fellow, and those guys only died because you weren’t paying attention, and listen, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but that does not inspire confidence, man.”
At that, Techno just stilled, but Tommy just kept going. “But I trust Wilbur, I fuckin’—I fuckin’ guess, and he trusts you for some reason, so—listen, that means you get a little baby shred of my trust, but not a lot. It’s gonna, like—it’s like secondhand trust. And secondhand trust isn’t good for you, it—like, it wiggles all up in there, Mr. The Fuckin’ The Blade, but it’s what you fuckin’ get, alright? So my suggestion is, you make it work.”
Silence. The moo-sow skull hanging from his face went very suddenly from vaguely creepy to… Actually Really Threatening.
“Fuckin’. Uh…” Tommy said awkwardly, not sure if he should attempt to retract what he’d just said, but Techno was still chewing on it so he just kept insulting him. “Dick bastard son-of-a-bitch. You fucking wrong’un. Shit.”
Why did he say any of that again? He kind of thought it would be funny, but maybe it… wasn’t.
“Maaan…” Techno sighed, and his whole stature kind of drooped like a deflating balloon. “You sure are Wilbur’s little brother.”
A few questions flickered through Tommy’s mind. The first ones to rise to the surface were what the hell does THAT mean? and why is Wilbur friends with him again? But in the end, the thought that won out was great, so he isn’t going to murder me?
“So you’re not going to murder me?”
“Wha—no,” Techno said. It was offputting. He spoke with a janky, dispassionate intonation, like he was reading lines from a script. “Did ya think I was going to—dang. I was kinda trying to stay light here, like, keep it PG ‘n’ all, ‘cause, y’know.”
“…Oh my god, you are fuckin’—you are being for real right now,” Tommy laughed. “Techno-Blade, you are fuckin’ nuts, man, you’re worse than Wilbur and he’s like—well, he’s not crazy, y’know, like he’s—but it’s—listen, look, it’s like—fuck you even mean I’m his little brother, anyway? What’s that supposed to mean?”
Techno raised a hand to his neck again. “Nothin’, you just… he made you out to be so nice and all, and then.”
Tommy made a face. “No he didn’t.”
“Heh. Nah, he didn’t, really…” With a grunt, Techno lifted his weight off the tree (the leaves rustled a little from the weight of the movement). “But what he did write makes ya seem like an angel now that I’ve actually met you. Anyways, uh.”
Tommy took the smallest step back as Techno stepped forward. Not because he was scared, honest, but the guy was just so big it just felt right to give him some space. Techno stretched a hand towards him and his heart jumped a little. But it just stayed there, hanging between them, not doing anything.
“Hope we can work well together, Tommy.”
Tommy shook his hand like an idiot.
Fucking prick.
“Hope you didn’t scare him too bad, Tech,” Wilbur remarked as the two of them returned, Tommy trailing quietly behind Techno, whose cape he could now see in all of its disheveled glory. The fur lining that poked from the edge was so caked with grime it was hard to tell what color it was originally. Against the rail, Wilbur was tapping out a nervous rhythm with his fingers.
Tommy clenched a fist in his pocket. “I’m not fuckin’ scared.”
Tommy could feel Wilbur watch him for a second, but when he looked up, his brother was narrowing his eyes at Techno instead.
“What’d you say to him?”
Techno didn’t look like he noticed anything out of the ordinary, or maybe he just didn’t care. “Nothin’ special. Just levelin’ expectations, y’know how it is.”
“Cut it out, Wil, I’m not a baby,” Tommy said, walking past Techno to join Wilbur at the railing, turning his back towards the sea. It was strange, because for the one second he stood between the two of them, he’d almost felt like he was defending Techno.
“Child,” Wilbur retorted.
Near the entrance to the boat, Puffy cleared her throat. “Sorry, whatever you guys are talking about… this something I need to know about?”
Techno turned to her, and from a profile view, Tommy could spot the faintest curve of some kind of huge tooth peeking from behind his moo-sow skull. “Aww, nah, Captain, I’m just takin’ these guys up the Serpent’s Pass tomorrow. Didn’t mean for you to feel left outta the conversation.”
“Oh. So you guys are really serious about that, huh…?” She put her hands on her hips. “Not that you don’t look capable, but like, that seems… misguided. Y’know, the Serpent herself has been kinda aggressive lately, from what I’ve heard.”
Wilbur stood up, clearly trying to be polite (Tommy, of course, knew such a thing wasn’t possible). “Please don’t worry about us, Captain Puffy. It’s the best option we’ve got. Right, Tommy?”
It’s the ONLY option we’ve got, fucking apparently, Tommy thought sardonically. Not like his own ideas were any good.
“Yeah. We’re sure,” he agreed, standing up next to Wil.
“Well, alright,” Puffy said, shrugging a little. “I get it if you guys need to head off soon, but if you’re planning to stay a little longer, I’m still happy to throw some compensation your way if you still wanna help out on the ship.”
Tommy glanced towards Wilbur, who glanced towards Techno.
“Uh…” Techno seemed to wilt a little under the attention. As much as someone built like a rock could wilt, anyway, which wasn’t very much at all. “I was kinda planning to stick around a little longer and finish up with ya, but I mean, I can’t speak for these two nerds, so.”
“We’ll join you,” Wilbur decided, placing a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “Thank you for the opportunity, Captain.”
“Hey, I like the extra company,” Puffy smiled before turning to lead them inside.
Wilbur’s hand was only lightly resting on top of Tommy’s shoulder, never wanting to touch too much without permission, but Tommy shook it off like it was burning him anyway.
This was gonna be a rough few days, he thought, but Tommy Trusty’s made it through worse before.
since this is already so self indulgent, i thought it’d be fun to leave a more in-depth AN here. i’d set up a lot of backstory details to be explored in chapter 2, but that’s ofc not happening, soo… yeah! no need to read all this. hope you liked the fic! :)
chapter 2 was going to be about our boys’ journey along the serpent’s pass. techno would reveal himself to be an earthbender and offer to teach tommy some bending basics. you see in this chapter that tommy has a complicated view on firebending due to his trauma, but he still obv thinks it’s cool and wants to learn. learning from techno lets him get in touch with his earth nation roots and maybe even start to get through his firebending block. they would eventually make it to ba sing se and part ways with techno, with tommy and him having become friends. we also would have seen more of wilbur’s motivations, how everything he does is for tommy and how he struggles with the aftermath of his own traumatic event in which he feels he “should have died”. but most of those feelings would remain unsaid, only gleaned from his actions and loyalty to tommy.
on to some fun commentary:
wilbur lies to the immigration officer quite a bit. he says they’ve been traveling for as long as they remember, but him and tommy only left yu dao 2-3 years ago. his “political experience” also comes exclusively from reading history books, and tommy’s skill with “agriculture and animal care” is derived from the fact that he loves animals and was a fire nation soldier’s gardener back in yu dao. but we’ll get to that more in a bit.
the reason tommy and wilbur want to get to ba sing se so badly is because tommy dodged the draft lol. yu dao is a fn colony, so there’s a lot of cultural mixing—tommy and wilbur both feel more earth nation and are treated as such (ie. extremely poorly), but tommy is also a firebender. he feels a lot of guilt for dragging wilbur along to escape his own problems, but he also kinda feels like wilbur’s dragging him along, too.
if you’re thinking ba sing se probably isn’t a good place for either of them, you’d be right. wil’s interest in politics, tommy’s trouble-magnetism, and their combined tendency to start drug empires would have the dai li on their tails eventually. it’s almost lucky, then, that i see this story taking place during the very beginning of avatar’s season 2, only a few weeks to a month before the drill and the following fn takeover. tommy and wilbur still have a while to go before they’ll be truly safe.
a few times, tommy and wilbur mention another “old friend” with whom things didn’t go down too well. this friend is eret, of course! up to interpretation whether she is connected to wilbur’s above-mentioned traumatic event.
i decided it wasn’t unreasonable that tobacco might exist in the avatar world, so wilbur’s canonical smoking habit gets to stay.
yes, the guard lady tommy thinks is cool is a kyoshi warrior! she knows “the blade” was around during kyoshi’s era because he shows up in some of the historical texts she’s read about kyoshi. that means the blade was around at least 200 years ago, probably longer.
wilbur is very insistent that techno is just “there” whenever he needs to be. it’s completely up to interpretation whether techno is a god, a spirit, a human, etc… it’s not even clear who the blade is or whether it’s really techno. so do with wilbur’s claims as you will.
so, tommy mentions he wants to get away from a certain “tyrant freak”, and later has a flashback to something burning and a man calling tommy his friend. this is a reference to the exile arc equivalent in this AU. dream was an accomplished fn soldier who’d been released from duty due to an injury that prevented him from bending for a long time. he lived in yu dao and hired tommy as his gardener. eventually he found out that tommy was a firebender and threatened to send him to the fn army if he didn’t cooperate. the rest, i think, can be extrapolated.
the bit where tommy is upset about wilbur having sent letters to techno about the serpent’s pass was going to be a whole thing in the second chapter, but i don’t really remember where i was going with it.
wrt wilbur: techno does not, in fact, owe him one. he thinks phil would want him to help, though, so that’s basically the same thing.
techno telling the story of orpheus is where i picked up on this draft after like, two years of not touching it. so if it feels a little janky from there, it’s because i don’t really remember how to write these characters, lol.
thanks for reading all this way!
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I didn't want to clog my post caption longer but I wanted to put additional notes about my process etc
also: [youtube mirror]
So yeah exactly 2 weeks ago, I was on a drive back home from a camping trip and while I was offline I couldnt stream any music, I decided to give some old songs a listen by Ling tosite sigure, my favorite band of all time. It's been a while, I wasn't too fond of their recent releases so I haven't listened to my favorites songs by them for a while.
My favorite LTS tracks btw...
Of course then make up syndrome song came on. I'mperfect album by LTS is how I discovered them (through Psycho Pass OP song Abnormalize) and I love that album a lot, then I started thinking about animating a music video - as one does when listening to something and imagining your favorite characters to the song. Happens often, BUT I usually never act upon it.
I know animation is a lot of work, I didn't study animation at all - I have some random animation experiences but they're not a lot. I know how use Premiere Pro and After Effects, but thats it. I didn't know how to use the Clip Studio Paint animation feature. But I had just recently finished reading ORV... and was obsessed. The themes, the characters, Kim Dokja. I couldn't stop thinking about how good the song is, and how much I wanted to animate some parts of the song (particularly main chorus and some parts towards the end).
I began thinking of a storyboard. Didn't actually end up drawing out, I kept the whole idea in my head (I did write out some text details into my notes but that's it). Next 2 hours in the car I've spent obsessively replaying the song and imagining animation parts. I wanted... a lot of details and animation on that lol. More TV anime style, like an anime opening, looking legit 😅 But as I edited the song into short version (no way I would have finished this if I had done the full song) I opened after effects and started setting up my timeline. I broke it down into 13 segments and realized... oh boy. That's a lot 😅 Maybe I would just stick my own artstyle and do my best.
Through week 1 I began working on scenes I had more clear in my head and knew what specific effects I need. But still a lot of "after effects [effect i was thinking of]" in my google search bar, I havent used AE in quite some time... I downloaded few free plugins and templates but it was mostly a boil effect and chromatic aberration... some AE plugins are so expensive!!
Work week was busy but I utilized my time well. Then by the weekend I went crazy and got sooo many drawings done. They're all quite quick, I tried spending less than an hour on each, but still had to do like 5 redraws on some of them because I was not happy with some cuts. Running animation cycle at the end was most insane work I did because at first I was like "surely this cant be hard" spoiler alert: it was hard. I drew 8 frames for running and realized it was very... slow running effect. So I cut it into 4 frames, reducing my workload since I had to detail the running silhouette into HSY and YJH. yay?
anyway..... this was a lot of work. Week 2 I finally started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew my limits, I hibernate A LOT on drawing regular illustrations throughout the year, how am I supposed to animate a whole video. So I knew I had to push myself to finish by end of the week otherwise I will be too tired to ever finish it. I did become a bit frustrated with my work, I had left the most difficult parts for last, and I was worried I am not doing my best work. But I really wanted to finish this, actually finish impulsive desire to make animated music video to media I'm obsessed about. It's hard for me to put into words how well ORV did what it did, so I can only hope to convey my emotions thru my art.
Uhmmm that's it!! Hope you enjoyed. I struggle with confidence about my work so I was very surprised when my KDJ drawings popped off on here. I wasn't even done with the novel but somehow I hit a nail on the head I guess. I dont expect this to pop off at all tbh, im not good fighting the online algorithm. This was a passion project through and through, but I also feel mega cringe about it 🙈 This project ended up being a lot of drawings.. so many assets. My project file was messy, and my laptop was struggling with some effects. So when I rendered video last night for over an hour, I could finally view the video in proper HD definition (my AE viewport is Quarter quality) I noticed bunch of timing mistakes and had to fix it... then set to render the video while I sleep 🙈 thankfully when I woke up in the morning I havent spotted mistakes and decided yipeee im freeeeee!!!
(free me from orv brainrot)
song: make up syndrome - Ling tosite sigure (edited into shorter version)
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Hello! I’m here to participate in the Peaceful Team Fortress 2 Bot Protest! If you don’t already know, there’s a serious bot problem within the game! Due to years of neglect, the game isn’t incredibly friendly for new players! Many people still play the game, as it’s such a beautiful peace of work! I’m here to stand by those people today! However, my love for this franchise doesn’t revolve around the game entirely.. No, I’m here to represent a very specific side of this fandom! The ones who focus on the beautiful characters of this franchise! The people who make up headcanons, theorize about lore, and create their own fan characters for this game! I’m more connected to that side of the fandom.
Team Fortress 2 means so much to me. I was in an incredibly toxic mental state about 2 years ago. I was incredibly sad, scared, and various other things under the sun. I was becoming a shell of myself, almost to a point I couldn’t recognize who I was. Somehow, I remembered these animated clips I saw years prior. I don’t recall why I watched them all those years ago, or why I even remembered them at that moment. Though, I searched them up and found them. The “Meet the Team” videos. Curiously, I rewatched them and my life shifted completely.
Immediately, I began reading fanfiction out of complete curiosity. I consumed animated content hesitantly. I was slowly easing myself into this new—yet rather old—fandom I’ve never truly witnessed before. Per usual, I broke the news to my best friend of 8 years. I was expecting them not to share my interests, as we have that problem a lot. It’s always made me sad we never had one fandom in common… Until, they excitedly said they like TF2 as well! I was ecstatic, and immediately consumed all the content I could of this game! I impulsively downloaded the game, watched 2-hour long videos about the game, laughed at shitposts, and read every comic I could. I never felt this good in ages!
Team Fortress 2 unlocked my creativity, after it’s been stifled for so long. I have written words upon words of roleplays. I have thought up so many headcanons, these characters have started to feel like my own. I’ve made too many Spy fan characters, I really need to stop— I’ve written an essay about how this game saved me. I’ve told everyone in my life about it, because I love it so much! I’m closer to my best friend because of it. This game means a lot to me. These characters mean a lot to me!
I’ve tried to take breaks from TF2, but every time I do… I miss it immensely. I love these silly, weird, older men. I love them so much. They make me unbelievably happy. Especially Spy. I cannot tell you exactly why he clicks so well for me, but he does. Anytime I see Spy in anything, I get so stupidly happy. Every Spy meme makes me laugh, and I could watch him move for hours. I love this character a lot. He’s the closest I’ll ever get to a comfort character, I think. He’s my baby, my son. My little man. I love him. He’s wonderful.
These characters are wonderful! They’re so complex and interesting! They’re so filled to the brim with life! The writers put so much love into them! Not to mention, the animation and comic art is beautiful! TF2 just drips with personality!! It’s amazing!
My favorite part is the fandom. The TF2 fandom is one of the more wholesome fandoms I’ve ever seen. I’ve never really seen a controversy within this fandom (maybe it’s because I’m a very recent fan). Everyone is incredibly welcoming, and sorta treat you like you were always there. As soon as I started this blog, and posted my little silly posts, people much more known in this space replied like they’ve always known me. So many people reply with enthusiasm, and show the same exact passion I have for these characters!
Not only that, the SFM community is amazing! They make beautiful animations whenever they can! They’re dedicated, talented people! SFMs are always a blast to watch! They’re very lovely! Not to mention all the fanart people make! It’s incredible! Each piece of art is made with love, passion, and dedication! It’s so exciting to see people express themselves with something they love so much!! We cannot forget those who spend so much time on fanfictions! Or Headcanons! Those who take time to write out requests solely to make others happy! They’re very inspiring people!
I also want to stress how funny this community is. God, these guys are hilarious! Every joke lands and gets a very ugly laugh outta me! You guys are super funny, remember that!!
Finally, I want to address how this community is very strong. Like today! They’re standing together to save a game they love so much. That is dedication! It’s incredibly inspiring.
Team Fortress 2 means a lot to me. It gave me my creativity back. It strengthened my friendship of over 8 years. It introduced me to such a loving, hilarious, talented community. It gave me a small platform to express myself. I’m very thankful for having this silly, little blog. I’m thankful for every follower I have. I’m thankful TF2 exists, frankly. It’s given me so much I adore. I want to see it prosper for years to come.
#save team fortress 2#save tf2#savetf2#saveTF2#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 spy#tf2 medic#tf2 sniper#tf2 demo#tf2 demoman#tf2 scout#tf2 pyro#tf2 solly#tf2 soldier#tf2 engineer#tf2 heavy#tf2 merasmus#vin talks
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𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼.
𝔹 𝕒 𝕜 𝕦 𝕘 𝕠 𝕦 𝕂 𝕒 𝕥 𝕤 𝕦 𝕜 𝕚
⇴ male reader [24, pro-hero, alpha, quirk: ice-phoenix] ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ summary: Bakugou and [Your.name] were dating, about to get married. Though one morning, everything that was dear to [Your.name] was brutally ripped away when he found a letter from his fiancé. Katsuki was gone, no traces left behind. And now, after three years [Your.name] was suddenly confronted with the reason when he meets his ex-fiancé again in a small town in Hokkaido.
↣ rating: mature ↣ warnings: abo universe, male pregnancy, bonding (biting for the bond mark to appear), drama / angst that turns into a happy end though; angst ending version read here.
AN: This was inspired by @amgjiks ’ request they sent in a few months ago! posting this story under your original request feels kinda “wrong” since I’d be ignoring half of what you requested basically so imma keep the original for when inspiration kicks in, in the future :)
part 2.
Walking along the streets, you didn’t have a destination in mind. Just walking around and letting fresh air clear your fogged up brain. You had been overthinking – again. It was one of those days were you couldn’t help but think back to three years ago. Tomorrow three years ago would have been the date were you and Katsuki would have said “Yes”, but alas… it all came differently.
Running your hand through your hair, you sighed deeply.
“I need to stop thinking about this. It’s been so long! Like this, I will never be able to forget him.”
But how were you supposed to forget the love of your life? Especially when it all came so quickly and out of nowhere? One day everything was fine, the next, he was gone. And as much as you tried to find him, despite him stating in the letter you shouldn’t try, it was all in vain anyways. It’s as if Bakugou Katsuki had never existed. Even his parents, that were always very much in love with you as their son-in-law, completely ignored you and cut you off.
It was such a deep cut, even time wasn’t able to heal anything. The last three years were rough. Sleepless nights were a normal thing by now. And while media praised you for working so hard on your hero career, you just pushed yourself like that so you wouldn’t need to think about the past. Because when you were working, it all just faded away.
However, after collapsing one day, the agency forced you to take time off and so you landed in Hokkaido. Far away from the bustling streets of Tokyo, your gloomy small apartment and your work place. With nothing to do, you found yourself overthinking day and night. If you just could ask him one question.
Putting on his scent-blocking collar, Bakugou suddenly felt a little tugging on his t-shirt, hence he looked down. [Eye.color], big eyes stared at him and the toothy smile immediately had him smiling as well.
“Are you ready to go outside, Hiroto?”, he asked his son who looked so much like you, reminding him every day what he had done.
“MH! Can I bring Popo?”, Hiroto’s big eyes sparkled a little, making it very difficult for Katsuki to say no, hence he nodded a little.
Watching his son, it only took a few moments before he came back with his stuffed animal, it was a phoenix. Rather, it was your merchandise. It… was complicated.
“Ready to go?”
And so, Katsuki locked the door behind him, leaving to go for a walk around the block and a quick park visit.
Leaning against a bridge, you stared down, still pondering. If you had just acted differently, maybe you could have saved your relationship. Whatever it was you had done, it pushed him away from you and it was eating you inside to not know what the reason was.
You didn’t know how many hours you had been wandering around town, trying to stop thinking, but as always, you only thought harder the less you had to do. Hence why you decided to go back to the inn you were staying at.
After hours outside, Hiroto was tired, his plushy Popo hugged tightly against his chest as he silently walked besides Bakugou along the streets. One more time, Katsuki tried to pick his son up, “Hiro? Want me to carry you home? Aren’t you tired?”
“NHN!”, he shook his head, “Daddy is never tired when he fights the bad guys! So I am also not tired.”
Hiroto was stubborn as he kept walking besides Bakugou who was just sighing a little. It was his own fault, but he couldn’t lie to his son. Without even thinking about it, Katsuki talked about you whenever you were on TV. He didn’t know why he just couldn’t keep quiet about you being Hiroto’s father. So now, whenever you were on TV, Bakugou had to lie and say you were in another country fighting the bad guys, even though you were still in Tokyo, mere 4 hours away with the train. But Katsuki couldn’t come back. Not after he had hurt you so much. It was his decision to raise Hiroto alone. You deserved to be successful, it had been your dream. Kids just weren’t a thing you had planned for, at least not with 21.
Being caught up in his own thoughts, Bakugou didn’t see you on the other side of the street. Neither did you see him. Both of you staring ahead, thinking back to three years ago, what had been and what it could have become. However, something connected you both. You never had a chance to bond with him, was it a tradition in your alpha family to bond during the wedding night, but your connection was different. Said connection was looking up and across the street.
Hiroto just looked around tiredly when he saw someone. Someone he had seen on TV multiple times. The little boy didn’t know how many times he had wanted Katsuki to show him YouTube videos of you fighting.
“HAAAHHH!? DADDY!?”, a piercing cry came from the little one, shaking you and Katsuki awake. The latter immediately grabbing Hiroto, but.. it was too late.
“HIRO?!”, he yelled, though his son ran across the streets.
You, on the other hand, were so incredibly confused. There he was, standing literally on the other side and then there was a little child, running towards you and calling for you. Was this the “Why?” you had searched for, for so long? You couldn’t think about it when your legs moved on their own to get the kid out of a potential dangerous situation.
It was a blessing that the small town didn’t have much traffic, hence why you could easily run towards him, scoop him up and get back to the safe sidewalks in mere seconds. You didn’t want to imagine what could have happened in a busy city like Tokyo.
Then you stood there, awkwardly holding Hiroto who was crying and sobbing into your t-shirt while Katsuki’s own emotions were all over the place. The Omega had never imagined the possible chance of meeting you again. After three years, all he had built up from scratch to have a comfortable life far, far away from you, as to not disturb your career, it all broke apart.
However, Bakugou wasn’t the only one hearing something shattering, your own heart dropped into your stomach. The already broken pieces shattering more when you saw the pure horror displayed on his face. This was not how you imagined meeting him again. He hated you. You were certain of that. Whatever you had done to him, he never wanted to see you again. It all was so clear to you now it almost brought you to tears then and there.
Your inner Alpha was strongly urging you to just grab him, Katsuki was your Omega, even if you never had a chance to mark him, that’s just how it was. He was yours. But…
Slowly pushing your son away you put him into Bakugou’s arms. There were no words said, the only thing disturbing the silence was Hiroto’s sobbing. Especially when you loosened his tight grip on your t-shirt, he started squirming and screaming, trying to grab onto you more. He had seen you on TV so many times and now you were right in front of him. Yet, Hiroto had to watch when you turned around and left him behind.
You had so many questions rushing through your head, but at the same time, you couldn’t bring yourself to utter them out loud. Not after seeing Bakugou’s expression. This was never supposed to happen. Even if your heart yearned for answers, especially regarding his son… your son?
Without thinking about it, Katsuki put Hiroto down to let him run after you once again. It was such an impulse thing to do, he truly didn’t know why he had done it. Though after three years, why should he hide anymore when you had seen everything now? Also… after so long, he might have not been able to ignore his heart’s desire and yearning any longer.
It was so incredibly hard to ignore Hiroto’s crying and just walk away as if it had never happened, but for the sake of Katsuki’s happiness, you chose to go. However, a sudden tug made you stop. Looking down you saw ice around your ankles. It was weak and thin, easily breakable really. Hiroto’s? When you turned around, he had already clutched your leg tightly. Why?
When you looked back up, Bakugou also stood in front of you, his ruby eyes shimmering a little.
“Do you … want to talk?”, he finally asked, his voice breaking at the end though as he tried his hardest not to cry. What was he doing? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you in like three weeks, it had been YEARS since he left without any other word. Why would you even want to have anything to do with him or Hiroto?
“Yes!”, you said and it truly caught the Omega off-guard. After everything he put you through… If he was in your position he probably would have been so angry and furious, but you just seemed exhausted and tired.
But finally, you would be getting some answers.
All night long, you couldn’t sleep. After you had calmed down Hiroto enough, Bakugou gave you a little piece of paper with his address on it. “I work until 7. So we can talk without any disturbance.”, he said when he gave you the information. It was probably for the best. You didn’t want to imagine what would happen when your feelings would overcome you out in a café. [Your.hero.name] seen screaming in Hokkaido – you could see the news all over the internet already. So, it was probably for the best to meet him at home.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t nervous. How had your ex-fiancé been living his life the past three years? It was all exciting and scary at the same time to find out those things.
When you knocked on his door, your inner Alpha was impatiently pacing up and down. It was as nervous as you. But when the door opened and Katsuki stood there, you were sure for the first time in the last 12 hours, that it wasn’t a dream. Walking inside was heaven and hell at the same time. Everything smelled like him. The Omega’s scent was so familiar, but another one was mixed in – probably Hiroto’s.
“A friend of mine is looking after Hiroto tonight so he won’t be dragged into this.”, he said, nervously fumbling with his scent-blocking collar.
It was weird wearing it at home, but for you and himself, he had to wear it. His Omega had been going in circles ever since he met you again yesterday. It wanted to be taken and to be honest, Bakugou was also close to surrender to you. But it wasn’t that easy. You probably had so many questions.
“Oh… Yeah that’s for the best. Katsuki.”, you suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallways.
“I’m sorry I can't wait, but you need to tell me now. Hiroto, he… called me Daddy and he has an ice quirk… so I am not wrong to assume that he is… our son?”
Katsuki could vividly feel your emotions, the Omega was shuddering, his throat dry and hands sweatier than usual.
“Yeah…”, was all he could choke out.
“Oh.. my God.”, you just mumbled to yourself. Hearing it out loud was like another punch in your stomach.
“Did you… leave me when you were pregnant?”, was your next question, still standing in the middle of the hallway.
However, Katsuki couldn’t even blame you. There were so many questions left unanswered.
“We were too young…”, his ruby eyes were shimmering again with tears, but he tried his best to keep them at bay.
“Too young?”, you were speechless for a moment, before looking back, “Why didn’t you tell me?! Why did you just… leave? Why… did you do everything yourself?!”
Now you were finally angry. After so long, you just couldn’t understand why he would leave you without saying anything. It could have all come differently if Katsuki would have just been honest!
“You had your career?! A baby didn’t just… fucking fit into our lifestyle! What else could I have done?!”, Bakugou yelled back. He knew it would come to this.
“SO?! You also had your career, we were both working hard to become well-known heroes so that’s not a fucking excuse. What else?? You seriously ask me?!”, you gestured wildly.
“You wouldn’t have wanted to raise a child, it was too soon!”
“It was NOT your right to decide that for me!”, you yelled, your voice breaking as tears welled up.
Bakugou once again being a little taken aback. His heart was racing and his tears so close to falling.
“You could have asked me, we could have worked it out.”, the first tears successfully fought their way out as they rolled over your cheeks.
“I loved you SO MUCH. If it was possible I would have literally brought you the stars from the sky. I would have done anything. And you? You just leave. Without anything but a letter telling me you cannot marry me. Do you have the slightest idea how I felt?”, your voice was shaking and breaking here and there, but it was freeing to finally let it all out.
“I thought it was for the best. I didn’t know what to do.“, Bakugou’s voice was so uncharacteristically weak and small.
“You didn’t know?? Did you never trust me, Katsuki? Was I just- such a horrible Alpha to you? Did you think I’d force you to an abortion? Was I not good enough to be a father?!”, you asked trying so hard not to scream, but all these pent up feelings, it all just gushed out without any sort of valve to stop yourself.
“That’s not it! I knew you wouldn’t do that, I just-“
“WHAT? Please tell me why! Why?! Why was I not worthy to be your mate? Why did you refuse to tell me and just leave?! Why did you chose raising OUR baby alone, I-“
“I DON’T KNOW, OKAY?! I don’t know! It was a fucking stupid decision out of nowhere!”, he finally screamed back, tears cascading down his face.
“Don’t you think I have regretted it? Do you think I LIKE being a single parent?! I know I fucked up. I know I threw it all away because I panicked, okay?! I just panicked and before I knew it I was on the train.”, Katsuki sobbed, desperately wiping away his tears.
“We were so fucking young! We had planned to marry, we were talking about saving up for the future to build a house, to have a family in like 10 years or more. But… But I just messed up! I forgot to take my medication before going into Heat, it was my fault I got pregnant- I… I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. Throw everything we planned out the window because I was too fucking stupid to remember.”, his voice broke horribly, being squeaky from time to time as Bakugou’s guilt just overflowed.
The Omega was shaking and instinctively, you and your inner Alpha wanted to protect him. Hence why you wiped away your tears and took a deep breath to calm yourself.
“I know I messed up. Fuck.”, he cried and yet laughed at himself. Hands buried in his hair, Bakugou just wanted to cease to exist in that moment. He had done so many things wrong in his life. The only good thing that had ever happened was meeting you and falling in love with you and even that he destroyed.
He was gasping for air due to talking nonstop while gesturing with his hands wildly. And then, you just hugged him. Your Alpha scent surrounding him and soothing him. Your arms strong and warm, just perfect to melt into them and let everything loose. Oh, how he had missed that.
“I just… wish you had given me a choice. I wish you would have trusted me more. I would have done anything for you and our baby. It would have been hard, I know, but I am sure we would have been able to make it work.”, you quietly said while soothingly caressing his back and letting a quiet, calming purr erupt from your throat. A sign how close you truly were as you would never purr for anyone else than Bakugou.
“I’m sorry.”, Bakugou sobbed and clawed at your clothes, “I love you and I missed you and.. it was so hard alone, but I know I don’t have any fucking right to complain about it because it’s all my fault and I hurt you so much and-“
You hugged him a little tighter.
“I regret everything, I… I… can you forgive me? Can you give me a second chance? I know I don’t deserve it. I know…”
Had you ever seen him so weak before? No. And it truly tugged on your heart strings. There is nothing you wanted more. Get back together. Be happy again. But-
“Katsuki… have you ever thought of coming back to me? Like, if I had never shown up, if I had never found out… wouldn’t you keep on living without me just fine? Don’t you think this is your guilty conscious speaking? You don’t want me. You don’t need me.”
That was the last thing you said before you pulled back from him at last. Bakugou was quite speechless, just staring at you, red, swollen eyes and a tear-stained face made it hard to just go. But it was for the better. Even if he had regretted it, he was never pushed so far as to come back to you. Like that, maybe it was for the best.
Though before you could turn away, he grabbed your hand.
“I wanted… during the pregnancy, after Hiroto was born and every time I saw you on TV, I was so close to leaving all of this. But at that point, I was too fucking scared. I had no right to go back… There are so many letters I’ve written and never sent. [Your.name], I… I literally have a suitcase ready to go. I’ve been waiting for some sort of sign or I don’t know and now? You’re here. Right here in front of me. I know it’s foolish and I’m stupid and have no fucking right to demand this from you, but please… Let me come back. Please forgive me. Please… be Hiroto’s father.”
He had never in his life begged. His superiority complex definitely wouldn’t allow for any of that, but right now was different. He realized the hurt he had caused. How wrong he was. Bakugou had regretted running away in the first week of living in Hokkaido. He always told himself it was “the right thing”. So maybe it was pathetic that he came crawling back, but if there was a slight chance you would take him back, he just had to take it.
You just sighed. Your heart was confused. While your heart screamed yes over and over again, your brain was telling you no. What if it was just a spur of the moment thing? What if he would leave you again when things would get tough?
But then, you looked down and onto his hand. The gold engagement ring you had gotten him around four years ago was still on his ring finger.
“You still… wear it?”, you asked as you reached for the hand that gripped your wrist tightly. His hands were shaking still – you have never seen him like that.
“It’s the only thing that kept me connected to you…”
Reaching out, you cupped his face with your big hand, the Omega instinctively leaning against it. It was okay. Even if you were to get hurt again. Even if you forgave too quickly. Everything was okay now as you leaned in to connect your lips.
Holding onto you immediately, Bakugou’s fingers clawed at your t-shirt not wanting to let go ever again. Your lips melting together, emotions overwhelming you both as you pressed him into the wall. One hand reaching up to his collar. It took mere seconds for it to snap open. Then it fell to the floor, unleashing all of Bakugou’s Omega scent.
It being overwhelming was quite the understatement. Your knees were weak and legs shaking. You couldn’t resist the urge to bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“Oh my God…”, you moaned as you slowly slid down onto the ground with him, Katsuki just whimpering as he hugged your body as close as possible.
He would never let go again – never!
With your teeth gracing along his neck, your sweaty bodies collided over and over again. Bakugou only able to sob as he held on to your hands tightly, nails digging into your skin and almost drawing blood.
You were hovering above him, hearing his cries and sobs. The sweet scent from his neck being so irresistible. You just wanted to bite. Mark him. It had been a tradition in your household to do so on your wedding night, but…
“Do it…”, you suddenly heard.
Bakugou could barely choke it out, ruby eyes filled with tears of pleasure as he whispered one more time, “Do it… It’s overdue…”
And then, without thinking twice about it anymore, you grabbed him tightly while your teeth sank into his skin.
A marvelous burning pain rushing through his body almost made Katsuki pass out. The sweet torture of being bonded to his mate was almost too much. That was all he had longed for, for so long. He didn’t know why you would take such a coward like him back, but he was so grateful and plain… happy.
Once you opened your eyes the next morning, it all felt like a dream. Especially when you reached to your side and it was empty.
Sitting up abruptly, you looked around – definitely not your room. So what happened last night was not a dream. However…
Without putting anything on, your heart was beating so fast when you rushed outside the bedroom door. Flashbacks to three years ago were haunting your mind.
“Katsuki?”, you tore open the next door, prepared to just see another letter on one of the tables.
Though it, thankfully, wasn’t the case. There he was, standing in the kitchen, your flannel from yesterday the only thing covering his body while he was talking to someone on the phone. Unintentionally, tears had formed in your eyes, but now, you just sighed shakily and wiped over your eyes quickly.
Bakugou, who had turned around once he heard you calling for him, certainly had his heart sinking in the pit of his stomach.
That was his fault.
“Okay… okay, thank you.”, then he ended the call and turned to you, “Sorry, it was about Hiro. Akitoshi will bring him over before lunch.”
“Ah? Mh, okay.”
“Hey…”, putting his phone onto the table, he walked towards you. The Omega’s strong arms wrapped around your waist as he cuddled against your chest.
“I am not running away again. I promise.”, Katsuki barely whispered.
Hugging him tightly with your hand buried in his hair, you just quietly sighed and then kissed his forehead before leaning your head against his.
“I know. I just need some time.”, you also said quietly and Bakugou understood.
Hence why he reached out to cup your face, smiling softly.
“I love you.”
A small smile also flitted across your lips. Your hands cupping his own as you leaned down to kiss him.
“I love you, too.”
Walking back into the bedroom, Bakugou soon lost the flannel again as he slipped into bed, snuggling against you; legs tangled and naked bodies melting together. Unintentionally your hand had slipped down to his belly. That’s when you felt uneven skin and a scar underneath your fingertips. Yesterday, you were caught up in all your pent up emotions too much, so you didn’t notice.
It was his C-Section scar.
“Tell me about Hiroto.”
Subconsciously, his lips curved into a smile. That you wanted to know more about your son melted his heart but also made him feel more guilty. If only he could turn back time.
“Yeah.”, and then, he started talking and you just listened to the soothing voice of your Omega.
There were three years to catch up on, but due to Katsuki telling your son about you all the time, at least it was easier for Hiroto. With how he was clinging to you yesterday, it was obvious he loved you even though he had never met you in person. And you wanted to be there for him at last. You had only met him yesterday for a brief moment but your heart was already filled with so much love that you wanted to give to him.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I’d love to know what y’all thought of this story? :) once again I took inspiration from the request and I am pretty happy with the outcome!
#salemswriting.#bakugou katsuki#bakugou x male reader#bakugou x reader#bottom bakugou#bnha x male reader#bnha x reader#abo#mpreg#omega bakugou#bakugou
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Demon brother's reaction to Teenage! MC being effected by their sin
Slight angst but not really, just stressed guilty demons not wanting to be a bad influence on you
Normally you weren't too bad with asking for help
Hesitant but never this avoident
He leaned on your doorway, watching as you hunched over your desk
Trying hard to continue your work despite your growing frustration
He decided to step in, gently knocking on your door
"what is it? I'm busy."
"You look like you need help, what class are you struggling in?"
There seemed to be a snap within you
You turned to him with a furious look; eyes filled with shame and anger
"Are you implying I'm stupid?! I don't need your help! Don't look down on me!"
He recognized this; it was similar to his thought process
You were suffering with your pride
But he insisted, his own pride flaring up and not wanting to accept that he's rubbed off on you in any way
The two of you argued until it got to the point you were crying
He pushed himself through his own wounded ego and pulled you into a hug
Apologizing for not noticing his sin was effecting you sooner
He was always dragging you along with his terrible plans
It was no wonder that his sin started to affect you
You become possessive of anything you owned and refused to spend money
No matter how much you needed something you refused to spend a penny
Not wanting to see the decrease of money in your piggy bank
Mammon only noticed when you became more impulsive
Whilst you were a trouble maker yourself, you were also his impulse control and voice of reason
It shocked him when you completely agreed to heist some witches
"Oi, aren't you supposed to be the voice of reason here?! Why are you agreeing to do something like that, huh?!"
You didn't understand why he was trying to be the mature one
He bickered with you about your recent behaviour; not liking the change
"why can't I be greedy?! You're the avatar of greed, you should be encouraging this behaviour!"
"Because you're better than that! You know I want you to spoil yourself and of course, me, but you can't be trying to rob people with me."
"but you wanted me to!"
It went on like that for awhile until Lucifer came and found you two
You were both put in time out for being stupid
You had to be away from mammon until his Sins effect worn off
He was freaking out you were envious of HIM
some shut in who does nothing with his life but game and obsess over anime
When you expressed jealously over the fact he got to stay at home all the time and do whatever he wanted
He was starting to think something was wrong with you
There's no way you could be as envious as him!
"Who are you and what did you do to my player 2?! Are you a little D in disguise?!"
"I wish I was a little D, they look so cute and have cool little horns-"
He tries to exorcise you
Locked you out his room when he realized your behaviour was because of his sin
He feels terrible
But don't worry, when you're back to normal he lets you play whatever you want and sneaks you out of school to stay at home
At first he thought it was hormones but as soon as he brought it up
He was yelled at for being insensitive and made you upset
At first, he took it as you were just having a bad week and tried be mindful of his words
But when he saw you throw a book because you could do your homework without struggling
He pieced together that there was something wrong
He didn't want to release his wrath on a teenager
He wasn't going to throw hands- maybe he will if you keep snapping at him like that
Definitely an argument that shakes the whole house
Just for both of your safety the brothers split you two
You were grounded for a week for destroying the library along with Satan
The break let him figure out his sin was effecting you
When you weren't grounded anymore he came to your room to apologize
He noticed your influx in sexuality
Coming to him more about advice and becoming open about what you're interested in
He found it adorable, happy you're discovering yourself
It only became an issue when he found out Mammon was in a fight with a lower demon over you
Even asmo has challenged a few demons to stay away from you as you kept trying to force yourself in adult situations
The more reckless you got the more worried he got
"I love your spirit but you have to be careful, you're still young and shouldn't be apart of that crowd."
"I'll be safe if I'm with you, right? So why does it matter-"
"Wait until your older to go to the type of parties they're going to, it's too extreme."
You didn't enjoy the brothers stopping you from doing what you wanted
Lucifer kept dress coding you
Asmo ended up helping you be able to express yourself and feel mature but without sexualizing yourself
Though, it was a shame he had to take a break from spending time with you
Seeing as it was his sin that was effecting you
Definitely, the most supportive but wants you to be safe
An eating buddy? He was overjoyed!
He felt proud when he noticed you were eating more than usual
Even offering you food more often when he noticed you looked peckish
You were always helping him with his hunger so he wanted to return the favour
Did get confused when you kept insisting you were still hungry after sharing a buffet with him
"Are you sure? I don't know if humans can eat that much, you seem full-"
"But I'm hungry!"
"Lack of water can make you feel hungry, let's go get some drinks."
He had a hard time saying no to you
He was sucker for your puppy eyes, always falling for your tricks
When he saw your hunger expressed itself in more ways than hunger
He put two and two together; you were becoming overwhelmed with gluttony
He wasn't always the sharpest but when it came to knowing himself and his loved ones?
He's got it
Has the other brother's distract you and keep you away from him
He was really guilting he was effecting you, he didn't mean to but now you're in pain and never satisfied
He couldn't stand to see it
He often got you to sleep besides him so when you started sleeping more; he didn't think much of it
He was enjoying the company
Having someone sleep as much as him was rare and wasn't natural for a human
But life was stressful and he didn't want to get in your bussiness
That was until it became his business
Your lack of motivation was conflicting his lack of motivation
He'd ask you to do something for him but you'd be too tired to do it
"You're still in bed? I asked you for your hair brush hours ago."
"just give me a minute, I'm not feeling it today."
You were getting in trouble at school due to your depressive like state
All the brothers got worried when they noticed you didn't leave your room all day
Luckily, you staying in your room all the time gave you the break you needed
Everyone was relieved when you bounced back
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me shitpost#gamingclubpresident#obey me mammon#aracadejohn217 9#obey me mc#obey me asmodeus#obey me beezlebub#obey me satan#obey me levithan#obey me luficer#obey me belphegor#obey me imagine#obey me platonic imagine#obey me & reader#obey me teenage Mc#teenager mc#obey me swd
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Welcome To The Family (5/???)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / here
Had no idea how to connect with Aizawa. Hopefully, this works. Sorry about my hyperfixation on this.
Warnings- some swearing
I get ready for yet another day of babysitting Eri. Thinking back on the festival yesterday, the uncomfortable feeling between the two men is something I’d rather not experience again if possible. They’re together as well, so why did Hizashi put me between them? I could have sat on the other side of him if he wanted me beside him so bad. Don’t think Aizawa was too happy about it either with the narrow look he gave me, now that I think about it. It’s best to try to avoid those situations in the future.
While in my mind, I didn’t notice my friend in front of me and bumped into them. Ryo doesn’t look too good. They have bigger eyebags than I’ve ever seen and are frowning with their arms crossed. “Glad to catch you. I stayed up all night waiting for you.”
“Ryo, whatever it is, you could have just texted or called me.”
They frown deeper. “I’ve been trying to stay happy for you, I really have. I and a few of the others really miss you hanging out with us. We’ll even blast your favorite song the whole day and night. Just… Please join us for a whole day once again.”
I knew what they were getting at. Damn it, guilt is really starting to rise in me. I desperately want to hang out with them, but that stupid dinner I’m pretty much forced to go to this Sunday… Ugh, why couldn’t they wait until next Sunday!? “I’m sorry, Ryo, but they want me to babysit the kids again this Sunday. I told them I’m not available next Sunday though! We can hang out then!”
Their frown goes deeper than ever seen by me. “Come on, Y/N! We haven’t had a day to hang out properly in like, what? Months? Every time you return you’re too tired to join us. Those damn kids can go ONE. DAY. without you taking care of them. Don’t you think you’ve done enough for them yet!? The only day we had was Sunday, but for the last few you’ve been stuck with them AGAIN. For how much you take care of them, the adults shouldn’t even HAVE them!”
I nearly snapped at them for the last thing they said. They seem angry though, so I try to not let it get to me too much, or it could end badly for both of us.
It’s easy to tell they all care for each other, and taking one of them away from their little family would be greatly unethical. What also holds me back is remembering Ryo doesn’t know the story of the kids, or that the adults are heroes and teachers. Man, I wish I could tell them. Surprised they haven’t made the connection themselves yet of at least figuring out they’re teachers. “Their jobs are highly demanding. Trust me, they’d much rather be with their kids if they could. I’ve seen how they act towards them.”
“That doesn’t mean shit. For all you know, it could just be a front!”
I shake my head. “Don’t think so. Pretty sure one of them would be incredibly bad at acting.”
They glare at me. “Whatever you think.” They then storm off, leaving more guilt to eat away at me. Ugh, I feel like crying out of frustration.
The mold-quirked male comes up to me when Ryo leaves. “Sorry about them. They’re kinda in a bad spot with the police right now. They got a little too drunk and spat at an officer yesterday.”
“Again? I thought they learned their lesson last time from me scolding them.”
“Sadly, no. I think they’re losing control since their impulse control is gone.”
Now I’m more annoyed than guilt-ridden. Ryo is a few years older than me. They shouldn’t be such a child about it and need my help when they decide to drink too much. “Thanks for informing me, uh… sorry, I don’t think you ever told me your name.”
His eyes widened in realization. “Oh! Right! Just call me by my first name, Tadao.”
First name basis off the bat is a little weird, but he says it, so sure. “Right! Tadao, Can you keep an eye on them for me still? I’m still rather busy as you might have noticed.”
He nods. “I can do that. Just do me a favor, and try to take it easy for yourself one of these days. You seem a little worn out yourself recently.”
I shrug. “It’s more of what’s happened lately, and what’s on my mind I think.”
He seems unsure about my answer if anything about his dark brown eyes is to go by. He just nods again though and goes to follow Ryo.
I push what just happened to the back of my mind and head towards their home again. After the Ferris Wheel yesterday, Hizashi gave me a key and told me to use it to enter their house from now on since they might be too busy to answer the door. They haven’t had trouble answering the door before, but I’ve learned by now to not question Hizashi’s sporadic way of mind. It doesn’t ease the discomfort that I feel like I’m intruding by randomly entering their house though.
I unlock the door and enter to see a rather concerned Eri hugging the new stuffed animal with the dog and the bunny. “Hey, Eri. What’s wrong?”
It looks like she’s torn from being happy to see me, to having great worry. “Dad’s sick.”
Aizawa’s sick? He was just fine yesterday. I think she calls Aizawa “dad” and Hizashi “daddy” if I’ve noticed correctly. Sometimes it’s really confusing having same-sex parents and trying to know which they’re referring to. “Is Aizawa okay?” I ask, just to be sure it’s the right one.
She nods.
Hitoshi comes into the living room. “He’ll be fine. It was a quirked villain from the ambush yesterday. It’s not contagious, but he’s not allowed to go to the school for twenty-four hours. The principal said he’d have the other teachers kick him out if he enters the school. Even Recovery Girl and no one wants to deal with her wrath.”
“Recovery… Girl?”
He looks like he wants to slap himself. “Right. Uh… She’s the healer after our fights basically.”
“The name makes sense then.”
He nods. “In his shape, he can’t take care of Eri though, so we didn’t tell you to not come.”
“Sounds good,” I smirk, though internally I’m cringing at the thought of being alone with the quiet man. “So, you guys want me to check in on him a few times today as well I’m guessing?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “If you wouldn’t mind, that is. It’s obviously not something you’re hired for.”
I shrug. “It should be fine. I don’t think he’ll be very demanding of me doing things for him if I know him well enough by now.”
Hitoshi smirks in reply to me. “He’s too stubborn to even take cough medicine.”
“I didn’t expect anything different.” Seems rather childish though for a full-grown man. Not like I’d ever say that to his face though.
Hizashi comes out of what must be their bedroom and sees me. “Heya, little lovesong! Did these two fill ya in already?”
Love… song? What’s with the sudden nickname? He always seems to call people “listeners” or whatever, so maybe it’s just a more friendly type of thing?
He also makes his arms go outstretched and looks at me expectantly. He wants me to hug him? Again, this is really sudden.
Screw it, it won’t hurt anything, right? It’s just a hug. I hug him.
He squeezes a little too tightly and wouldn’t let me go for an almost awkward amount of time, even when I try to pull away.
I pat his back to try to get him to let go. “That’s long enough I think. You might want to go before you and Hitoshi are late for school.”
He lets go. “Right! C’mon, little Hypno-man!”
“Little? I’m almost as tall as you.”
“But you’re not yet!” He shouts as he bolts out the door. Hitoshi quickly goes after him. It just leaves a silence between Eri and me. I shake my head at their antics and look at Eri. “Do you think they even left him a glass of water or something before taking off?”
“Daddy gave him water before. A long time ago.”
A long time ago probably means a few hours at most. I sigh. Better check on him then. I go towards the door of their bedroom and knock on it. He doesn’t answer. Oh well, he must not need anything that badly. No, I’m not just trying to stay away from him as much as possible.
I go to walk away, but Eri gently grabs my hand and leads me back to the bedroom door.
“Why do you keep staying away from dad?” she asks.
“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to play dumb. She doesn’t need to know about adult things yet, such as not everyone will like someone. That should be their job to teach her. “Toshi and daddy notice you avoid him. He’s not mean though!”
Do I really have to tell her? Her questioning eyes are begging me to answer.
“It’s just… I don’t think your dad likes me very much. There will always be people who don’t like a person for one reason or another. I don’t know why your dad doesn’t like me, but I respect his decision and want to let him keep his space.”
“But dad doesn’t hate you!” She huffs.
That's a surprise to me. “Unless he tells me otherwise, I’m going to keep believing he does. And honestly, your dad kinda scares me.”
She looks away. “He can be kinda mean sometimes,” she looks back at me. “But he really cares for people!”
A part of me doubts it, but another part can kind of see it, especially with how he acts with Eri and Hitoshi.
I decided to try changing the topic. “I’ll check him in a bit. He probably doesn’t want to be bothered right now. Let’s go play with your stuffed animals for now.” I try to walk away again.
Yet again, she grabs my hand and drags me to the door. She opens it without knocking and makes me enter as well. I noticed the rather large bed before anything. It couldn’t have been a king. Definitely something bigger than that. It has a light red and black blanket covering the whole bed, including the paler-than-usual man under it. His eyes are open and looking at us, but surprisingly, he’s not glaring. I thought he would be from an interrupted entry…
I notice the empty glass on the nightstand next to him. “I’ll get you more water.” I then grab the glass and go to the kitchen. Eri stayed in the bedroom. While filling the glass, one of the cats rubs their head against my leg. The white eyebrows make me know who it is instantly. “Hey, Oreo! Why don’t you come to help your dad?” I ask him and shut off the sink after the glass is nearly full.
I pick him up with my free arm and carry them back into the bedroom. He immediately jumps out of my arms and goes onto the bed. Aizawa almost seems to grow a weak smile at the sight of the cat. I set the glass down back on the nightstand.
“Thanks.” He rasps, catching my surprise. I really wasn’t expecting him to thank me for it. He didn’t strike me as the type. He drinks some of it.
It’s quiet between us, and I want to do nothing but leave him be before the awkwardness gets worse. Plus, he needs all the rest he can get to heal faster. Or is the quirk he was struck with a time-based thing regardless?
Eri suddenly gets up from sitting on the floor and tugs me so she could whisper in my ear. “Talk to him!”
“I don’t think he…” I lock eyes with Aizawa who is surprisingly still not asleep and sigh. I have no idea what to talk to him about. What do you talk about to someone who has hardly ever said a word to you?
I then remember the explosive kid and nearly being hit. It’s worth a shot bringing him up I guess. “Had a close call with one of your students yesterday. Don’t know his name, but he nearly blew up my face if Midoriya wasn’t there.”
Despite his state, his eyes widen a sufficient amount.
“Toshi isn’t happy with him.” Eri pipes up with her arms crossed.
“No harm was done though, right? At least he didn’t hit me,” I shiver remembering his expression. “I’d rather not be in the line of his wrath again though. It’s terrifying to the point I almost feel bad for anything he goes against.”
“Bakugou.” He’s able to hiss it with annoyance. Okay, glad he doesn’t seem annoyed with me the same way he is with that kid.
Bakugou? Isn’t that one of the kids Midoriya told me causes the most problems in his class? “So he must be one of the kids you like to call “problem children”. Midoriya told me you call him that as well. Don’t know how he’s one, but I know if you call him that, you have a really good reason, so I’m not going to comment on it.”
“You seem rather… connected with Midoriya.” He says “connected” like it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
“Oh yeah! He’s a good kid. He comes around frequently with Togata,” His eyes narrow and my fond mention of Togata. He better not be getting the wrong idea, I don’t see either of them that way for obvious reasons. “It’s so great they’re able to wear dresses so comfortably. Well, Midoriya is still a bit uncomfortable, but we’ve been working on his self-esteem with Togata. I also still have to thank him for saving me from the Bakugou kid. I don’t think that could be fixed with him though from the feral energy he gives off.”
“Still have to-” he coughs. “Work on that then. He won’t be able to get anywhere if he keeps nearly injuring innocents.”
I smile at him. “I wish you the most luck with him then. You’re definitely going to need it.”
He replies with a slight nod and closes his eyes. Oreo climbs onto Aizawa’s chest and starts purring. He brings one of his arms out of the covers and pets Oreo. The cat’s purring gets louder in appreciation.
Eri lights up. “I’ll go get Mochi and Sundae!” She bolts out of the room. No! Come ba- and she’s gone.
For one stupid reason or another, I feel like confiding with him right now.
“You know, I hate to admit it, but I’m rather envious of you,” He quirks an eye open to look at me. “You have such a lovely family and a significant other that greatly cares about you. I can only hope to have a relationship like you and Hizashi in the future. It’s going to be so strange when I leave your family.”
His other eye opens to fully look at me. His eyes flash some sort of emotion I can’t read. Maybe I overstepped a boundary or said too much about myself? Shit…
“Uh… Sorry about that, Aizawa. That’s probably something stupid to go off about or to bother you with...”
“Huh?” I question, just to be sure I was correct in hearing him.
“Shouta. It’s-” he coughs again. “illogical for me to be the only one not called by my first name,” He looks at Oreo, then back at me. “You’re a part of our family. Even Oreo likes you. Sometimes not even I can pick him up.”
“A part of?... No, you’re thinking too much into it. I’m just a sitter that likes taking care of Hitoshi and Eri.”
He slightly shakes his head. “Same thing with Hitoshi. He’s never let anyone but us call him his first name. You’re different.”
I’m having a hard time accepting I’m special in any way. They must just be slightly delusional or something from having multiple bad sitters before. “I’m sure if you got a sitter similar to me, he’d have done the same thing with them.”
“Doubtful. For one, you’re the first that’s not us to not fear Hitoshi for his-” he coughs yet again. “quirk.”
Maybe I should make him stop talking so he can rest before more damage can possibly be done to his throat.
“I found Mochi!” Eri yells from somewhere outside of the room. She enters the bedroom, waddling like she did before with Mochi in her arms. He’s nearly being dragged on the floor, but only seems uninterested in helping her move. She seems to be having a slightly easier time than before carrying him. Not sure if he’s lost some weight, or if she’s gotten stronger. Maybe even both.
I laugh and go over to her to help her carry him. He’s still rather heavy. Heavy enough to cause a rather large dip in the bed when we place him on it. We place him down by Shouta’s feet. He doesn’t even move. Just flops onto his belly where he’s placed. I go over back by Shouta’s side, since that’s closer to the exit of the bedroom. I still feel like I’m intruding in their bedroom.
She immediately takes off again out of the room.
“Eri! I don’t think-” I’m interrupted by Shouta gently grabbing my hand. His hand is rather rough- probably calloused- and rather clammy. Most likely from him being ill. Uh… This is weird.
“It’s fine. The cats are a good distraction,” He lets it go before I can try to pull away. “That’s another thing. Even Eri bonded with you rather quickly. I’ve never seen her so happy to see someone besides us or Midoriya and Togata.”
I shrug. “It’s the previous sitters’ faults for not caring for her. She’s beyond adorable, and I honestly had the thought if something were to happen to her, I’d kill everyone in the room, then myself on my first day.”
He exhales his breath, almost like a chuckle. “Zashi says the same about you.”
I have no idea what to say to that. Oh! He must mean Hizashi would do the same thing for Eri, his mind is just mixed up on his words from his illness. Sounds a lot more logical than someone admitting they really like an adult they just met back then.
Eri comes in with the last and final cat, Sundae. He seems a little more uninterested in being in here than the other two. At least until Eri places him on the bed, and he sees the other two. He jumps onto Shouta’s stomach and tries to push Oreo off to take his spot on Shouta’s chest.
I can’t help but laugh. “You need a little help there?”
He grows the tiniest smile again. “No.” He pulls out his other arm from under the blanket and uses it to pet the other cat as well. That seems to do the trick as he stops trying to push Oreo off.
He coughs yet again. I feel rather bad he has to deal with it. “Would you like some tea maybe? It’s not cough medicine, but it might help your cough a bit more than the water is.”
He turns his head back towards us. His eyes again showing that unreadable emotion. “That's another thing. You’re caring. You’ve respected us the most. You didn’t even try pushing me to tolerate your presence, just accepted it.” Okay, that’s enough talking from you, you need to rest more. I swear, if he’s the type that suddenly has the urge to clean the house when sick… I’d do absolutely nothing. I obviously can’t do much against a man with years of grueling training, even when he’s sick. Might have Eri help me scold him though.
“I’ll get the tea. And do us both a favor, stop talking for now. It’s honestly great hearing you talk more for once, but now is really not the best time.”
“No promises.”
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, other than checking up on him a few other times. With how frequently he talked, I started to wonder if he and Hizashi somehow swapped minds. He must be one of those odd people who seem to be more talkative when sick, as clearly found out.
Leaving their house, my body freezes at the familiar feeling of being watched. For a moment, I wonder about going back into their house and asking them to bring me to my home. No, I can’t do that to them. They've already had a long day.
… At least, that’s how I felt at first. But the farther I walked, the more I wished I did. Fuck, the feeling won’t. Leave. Taking out my phone, Hitoshi is the first one to come up in my contacts.
“Hey, Y/N! Fancy seeing you around here. Heading home, huh?” Asked a familiar voice behind me. That feeling was still around, but just knowing Tadao was with me helped. I turn to face him. His hair was… Glowing green? It made him look like a glowstick, and made me wonder how I’ve never seen his hair do this before. Never met him in the dark though.
He laughs at my expression. “Mold isn’t the only thing my body can absorb. It can also do the same with fungus. Found out years ago I can make my hair glow from the bioluminescent fungus. Cool, huh?”
I smile at him. “Definitely! But you know I now have to call you glowstick, right?”
He groans. “Man, was really hoping to escape that, but I guess it’s deserved, huh?”
“It really is your fault if you don’t naturally have it.”
Because of his glowing hair, it was easy to tell he rolls his eyes. “Anyway, wanna walk with me back to the apartments? Just got off of work myself today.”
“Well, it would make sense, wouldn’t it?”
We start walking.
“How’s Ryo holding up?”
He sighs. “Not well. Really starting to question their mental state. They told me this morning they don’t even want to talk to you for a few days.”
My face quickly becomes a frown. “Seriously? They’re going to act like this now?”
He shrugs. “Try not to let it get to you. We both know they can be overdramatic at times.”
I sigh. “I hate that you’re right.”
Tag list-
here ya go. hopefully it works!
#Yandere EraserMic household#x reader#yandere x reader#platonic yandere shinsou x reader#yandere erasermic x reader#yandere shouta aizawa#yandere hizashi yamada#yandere present mic#yandere eraserhead
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Hi! First and foremost, I really like your writing! Second, maybe 4 with G! Techno and H! Tommy? Thanks :D
Hello!!! Thank you so much!!!! :DD
And terribly sorry for the very long delay— I lost my original thought and was being petty to myself. But thank you for the prompt! I appreciate it! :D
"I would never hurt you"
Giant Techno and Human Tommy
Content warning: Language, mentions of blood, mentions of killing.
They say giants are vicious, they say giants are evil.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Techno, he's not evil nor vicious— In fact, Tommy will say that Techno is kind of a pussy. Techno absolutely refuses to go to the human villages, because "That'll be incredibly awkward", according to Techno. So he would just hunt for foods in the forest.
Tommy met Techno for quite a while now— after being exiled from his original village, he stumbled upon Techno's cabin, and got caught by Techno there.
It was not a fun time for Tommy, it took a while for Techno to let him go from a jar— he still don't know the reason why did Techno fucking lock him in a jar—before eventually releasing him to go off on his own. Techno made Tommy promise to not tell anyone about him, though, which Tommy agreed, and quickly ran away from the place.
But before long, Tommy came back to Techno. Tommy remembers, it was honestly an impulse decision of him.
It was nighttime when Techno let Tommy go. And it was nighttime when Tommy saw a mob of people from his village, holding pitchforks and torches, ready to go to where he was coming from. Techno's house.
Tommy smiled at the memory. Sure, he was exhausted trying to sprint as fast as he can, going towards Techno's cabin, trying to find Techno. It was a scary time for Tommy in the jar, sure, but not once did Techno tried to hurt Tommy, no matter how annoying Tommy was trying to be.
"HEEY!" Tommy shouted to the giant, who is in the middle of cooking food.
With a "Huh?", Techno turned around to meet a human he just released an hour ago, confused about his return.
"GIAN— TECHNO!" Tommy shouted again, panting between words "HUMANS!" He shouted, pointing towards the giant's door, trying to get his point across "HUMANS ARE HUNTING YOU—!"
Of course, Techno didn't believe the human. But still, he took precautions and peeked at the window, seeing torchlight and hearing hushed chatters and footsteps. A quick look at that, and Tommy saw Techno tremble— not because of fear, Tommy didn't sense any fear coming from the giant— while holding his head, pulling his long, pink hair. An unseen expression reflected in Techno's face before he once again trapped Tommy in a jar and ran away to their current location.
It has been two months since that incident, Tommy thinks. He still hasn't known much about Techno or his intention— like why did Techno brought Tommy with him when he ran away— but Tommy is currently living with Techno in a cave.
They say giants are evil, they say giants are vicious.
But Tommy hasn't felt like that ever since he moved in with Techno. It was a move with a lot of arguments, but after a quick explanation about how Tommy is afraid of villages after being exiled, Techno gave in and let Tommy stay with him.
"Techno!" Tommy called out to Techno, returning from his trip from the river— a basket full of fish on his back. "I'm home!"
Techno spared Tommy a glance from where he's standing— still focusing on cooking his food. "M-hm, give me the fish, I'll cook it" Techno nodded to himself, knowing Tommy is heading towards his direction.
With a "bitch, next time take the fish yourself" grumbled beneath his breath, Tommy gave the basket of fish to Techno— Who only gave a small scoff at the comment— and sat down not too near the fire.
"So." Tommy started, taking the plate of cooked fish from Techno. "Did you remember two months ago?" he continued, not yet eating his fish, instead staring at Techno.
The first week after moving in with Techno, Tommy asked Techno about his intention so many times— why did Techno take him with him, why did Techno avoid humans so much, especially since Tommy knew Techno is so skilled at fighting— and Techno always avoided the question. Without fail.
"Tommy." Techno sighed. Putting down his half-eaten plate of deer meat. "I told you not to talk about that"
"Why not?!— you fucking trapped me that one time, and you still haven't told me why" Tommy retaliated, But Techno ignored Tommy's protest, instead went back to avoiding the question by going to the cave entrance. Tommy took a bite out of his food before continuing "You're so fumkign skilled at fighting— I know! I saw you that one time when you were sword practicing—"
"Wait. Tommy." Techno's voice rang in a hushed tone— but Tommy was too focused in letting out his thoughts to realize it.
"— and then you have these times when you're so fucking creepy— chanting or some shit—"
"— and why the fuck do you live alone anyway? There's no way each giants live alon—"
"Tommy— shut up!—" Techno half-shouted, his voice being held back. Tommy only stared at Techno, the usually-calm giant raised his voice at him, and suddenly Tommy remembered the whispers about giants.
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Those words reverberated in Tommy's head, and when he came to himself, he was trapped inside Techno's palm. Giant fingers wrapped around him a little too tight as he felt the vibrations of the ground shaking far below him and the sound of Techno panting. It reminded him on that night two months ago, when Techno trapped him in a jar, and those words reverberated inside Tommy's head
Giants are vicious, giants are evil
Are they really?
Minutes felt like hours to Tommy, and Techno finally stopped.
"Let- let me fucking go!" Tommy shouted from Techno's palm— much like when he shouted to be let go from a jar 2 months ago.
"Shh." Techno said. Voice low and halted. He's not even looking anywhere near Tommy's direction.
"No, fuck you— Let me fucking go—"
"Shut. up."
Giants are vicious. Giants are evil
No, no, no. Fuck no, Why does that thought has to come up now?
Tommy looked at Techno. Long, pink hair obscuring his face, a dark and heavy atmosphere covered both of them as the only voice Tommy can focus on is Techno's panting. His body now feels numb.
Just after Tommy felt like he's about to lose consciousness, he felt a sharp turn in his surroundings. The world turns into a blur as Tommy finds himself nauseous—
Before he felt a sharp pain on his head, knocking his consciousness out of him.
It's loud.
The voices inside his head all screamed the same thing. All screamed the thick, red substance the flows throughout living beings body. The voices inside his head screamed for blood
But Techno doesn't want that. He's changed. He's changed and he have tried to prove that. Not hurting the human child that came over to his cabin two months ago, not killing the hoard of tiny humans hunting him right now, trying so hard not to just take one of the tiny being flailing a pitchfork around and just... squishing them for a tiny trickle of the glorious blood—
For blood he already gave Chat animal blood. No human blood. He's changed. He's changed. He's no more the giant who drove his friend away, no longer the giant from the legend— having no mercy to humans. No.
But if he's changed then...
Why did he not protect the human he's sheltering...?
Tommy is a human that came across Techno two months ago. A human he trapped in fear of letting a hoard of human knowing where he lived. A human he used as a tool to remind hinself he's changed.
But overtime, the human had grown on him. Tommy is a... decent guy when you get to know him. Sure, he's loud, he's annoying, but he's... endearing. In some times Tommy talks to Techno about things he did at his previous village— how he saw a rabbit eating one of the villagers carrots, how he stole one of the villagers things, ....how he was exiled from his village...
It didn't broke Techno's heart, no. It was just.. sad. The kid had been exiled from his village and he ended up inside a jar in a giants house.
It was a day after that Techno let Tommy out of the jar— with a promise that the human won't tell anybody about his whereabouts, of course— while hoping the human will get somewhere to live.
To say Techno was surprised to see the human back in his house again, with a warning that a mob of humans going out for him was an understatement.
It was an impulse action from Techno to grab Tommy in a jar, really. But Techno saw the face of a horrified man and it reminded him of the faces of humans he'd killed— maybe, he can still save faces like these.
Maybe it's going to stay as a mere maybe afterall.
It's currently sunrise, Techno had found a cave hiding behind a waterfall— a secure place for him to hide— but Tommy have not yet to wake up. A small droplet of red stained his finger, but Chat seemed to not at all focusing on that — maybe a small part of Chat, really— but the majority of them are asking if Tommy is okay, if he's badly hurt or not. And with the constant ring inside his head, Techno can't help but feel very anxious about it.
The anxiousness was quickly dissipated, though. As Tommy let out a small groan and a small tremor in his figure, struggling to wake up.
"Tommy?" Techno whispered, finally relaxing his shoulder he didn't know were tense the whole time.
Tommy stood up— or at least tried to stand up— slowly, his arm trembling when a force is applied on it. But eventually, when Tommy managed to stand properly, he let out a shrilling screech at the sight of Techno.
"AAAH WHAT THE FUCK—" Tommy screeched, no longer standing up as he fell down into a sitting position. Trying to scoot away as far as possible from Techno— as far as the rock he's on lets him, at least.
A strange uneasiness tugged at Techno's heart. "T-Tommy...?" Techno repeated, slowly trying to reach out his hand to the small human— which the human respoded with an absolutely terrified look and a small shake. Techno stopped reaching out after that.
"H-How did you know my name?!" Tommy shouted out. The uneasiness tugs harder. "Where am I?!" He shouted again. and... "Who are you?!"
Techno felt like his heart is shattering. Tommy forgot about him. Each word feels like is hurting him.
"I..." Techno started, watching intently to Tommy's face full of fear and anticipation. "I'm Techno," He continued, very slowly in picking his words "and You're in a cave I found yesterday— after we escaped from a group of humans"
"Wait— why're humans hunting... us?" Tommy cuts off, "Did you— did you fucking kidnapped me?"
"No!" Techno said, refuting Tommy's accusation too quickly. But a small pause after his word made him realize that... he did initially kidnap Tommy. "...yes" Techno nodded, watching Tommy's expression pale. No— "The humans didn't hunt us because of that, though—"
"You... you kidnapped me." Tommy whispered, barely enough to be audible to Techno.
"Tommy— no—"
"YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME, GIANT!" He shouted out, the pure emotion seething from him made him stand up. Techno's heart feels like it has been stabbed. "I— You—" Tommy took a step back, not registering how he's at the edge of the surface. Tommy let out a shriek as gravity pulled him down the fortunately not high surface.
Techno was about to reach out and help Tommy, but then he heard a quiet sob and saw the curled up form of Tommy.
"You... you kidnapped me.." Tommy said through his sobs. "What are you going to do to me now...?"
"Tommy." Techno called, a finger held out for helping Tommy to get up. "I would never hurt you"
° ° °
"Tommy." the giant called, a massive finger held out for helping him to get up. "I would never hurt you"
Tommy stood up with help from the giant— What was his name? Was it Tech...?— while looking up towards the giant figure.
A long flowy pink hair, two long pointed ears, two tusks poking from his mouth... Tommy remembered it was scary from when he first saw the giant, but for some reason, the assurance from him reverberated inside Tommy's heart. The nagging feeling of familiarity and "home" radiating from the giant to Tommy doesn't help either.
Tommy stared at the giant. He's kneeling, making his form a lot smaller than it should be. Tommy's glad for that. The giant already looks so much bigger kneeling, Tommy doesn't want to imagine his full height. At least, not right now. "are you sure..?"
The giant nods, repeating his words. "Yeah. I would never hurt you, Tommy."
Tommy stared at the giant. Looking at the concerned expression of the giant. Tommy felt reassurance bubbling more inside his heart. Tommy knows the giant is telling the truth.
Eventually, Tommy stepped out from his thoughts, realizing that he's still on the ground— he should go back to the top of the rock.
With very much difficulty, Tommy tried climbing the rock. The first attempt was very much a fail— as soon as he tried climbing, his arm gave up. Tommy guesses it's the numbness. The second attempt, though, Tommy got help from the giant. The giant gave him his palm as a platform.
"Thank you" Tommy mumbled, still feeling awkward— he guesses the giant also felt awkward— judging by the thick tension in the air. "Can- do you- If you said you didn't- didn't kidnap me," Tommy started, trying to break the tension, "then... can you tell me what really happened?"
The giant stopped for a moment, only watching Tommy. His eyes looked like it widened a little. But eventually, he let out a small huff and start telling Tommy a story. How they first met— the giant really did kidnap Tommy— but after a bit of explanation, Tommy understood the situation. The giant then continued telling about how Tommy warned the giant about oncoming group of humans
He then explained about them running away from the humans together— with the giant trapping Tommy again— and when Tommy asked why, the giant hesitated to answer,
"You.. you reminded me of my friend" the giant answered before continuing again. At the back of his mind, Tommy relaxed. Like it was something he needed to know.
The giant continued to tell the story. telling how Tommy asked to live with him. When Tommy asked why, the Giant said "You said you're scared of villages" and Tommy nodded after that. That kind of make sense— an eerie feeling rose at the thought of a distant, but familiar scenery of a village.
At the end of the story, the giant told the story of last night— about how they were chased by humans. The giant said they were bickering when the giant saw a hoard of humans marching towards them, so the giant quickly grabbed Tommy— forgetting to tell him about the current situation— and the giant apologized after that.
"so that's what happened" Tommy mumbled out, looking towards the giant— who looks slightly exhausted from all the storytelling. "Thank you, T- Tech- Tech- Techie..?"
Tommy can only watch as the giant's face changes into an expression similar to shock. "....what" a low— but not menacing— voice said.
"I- fumk- I forgot your name" Tommy meekly said— he's sure that the giant's not angry, but a giant is still making him nervous.
"Techno. Technoblade" The giant — Techno— huffed out.
"That's a fumkign dumb name" Tommy blurted out, but quickly slapped his hand to cover his mouth.
"It's okay. You said that the first time you knew my name too" Techno deadpanned. Tommy let out a very loud laugh at that.
"So uh— Nice.. Nice to meet you?" Tommy said after a moment of waiting his laugh to stop.
"Nice to meet you too, Tommy." Techno smiled
Giants are vicious, giants are evil.
A distant telling of a village rang inside Tommy's head.
Well, to those people, Tommy will give them a middle finger. Because he met one. A giant.
His name is Technoblade, and Tommy knows he's not evil nor vicious.
Thank you so much for the prompt!! I appreciate it!! :DD
The prompt is from here (I don't think I'll be taking more prompts though)
And.. Masterlist ! If you're interested in my other writings! :D
#ask#Reaper ask#mcyt g/t#mcyt gt#g!techno#t!tommy#amacawrites#Also I have very much appreciation for the last paragraphs#I do think they're pretty#thank you very much#but again Sorry for the delay
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puppy love!
🌸💌 usui masumi
summary: masumi adopts a dog at the end
dedication: kmf anon 💍 — masumi loves you so much!
warnings: enemies to lovers (very light mention), falling, swearing
author’s note: i decided to write this adorable fluffy piece for my friend about masumi & reader volunteering at an animal shelter together~ (꒪ω꒪υ) please enjoy this puppy love ft. a very cute dog who plays matchmaker between you two!
word count: 3,859
music: this side of paradise – coyote theory
let’s make one thing clear: masumi didn’t like dogs
they were too loud, they ran around all the time, and they were way more trouble than they were worth. masumi didn’t like dogs, dogs didn’t like masumi, it was a mutual understanding
so how did masumi end up adopting a dog? well, it involved a park, a dog gone wild, and one veterinarian-to-be at an animal shelter
like every day after school, masumi took the shortest route to the mankai dorms: straight through veludo way’s park during its busiest hour
unfortunately, it was crowded nearly every time his acting sessions were finished. kids played silly childhood games before eventually crying about a boo-boo only a mother’s kiss could fix. teens masumi couldn’t relate to held picnics with their friends to savor the last fleeting memories of their youth. even grown elderly were practicing their afternoon yoga on decade-old mats. overall, every single age group was present right when masumi needed to head home
it was nothing soundproof headphones couldn’t fix with his volume turned up (it was no longer at maximum, he winced at the memory of how loud his music was as a moody teenager) (now, he was a moody young adult, but still)
but, maybe if he didn’t have such high quality headphones, he’d be able to hear a very alarmed voice call out to him and the sound of four paws running
“sir! watch out for—”
masumi quickly was knocked off-balance, his headphones flew off his ears and were replaced by the texture of a wet tongue. gross... masumi cringed as he tried to keep hold of a wriggling, fluffy mess and its wagging tail slapping his face
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry for chocolate!” masumi tried to keep his eyes open as two black eyes and a happy grin greeted him. this... was chocolate?
“chocolate?” masumi murmured, to which the rather large chihuahua barked back a reply as if it understood. a figure blocked the sunlight streaming down upon the duo, a flash of a white coat momentarily distracting him from the constant panting from the dog in his arms
“ah... i’m sorry once again. she’s usually never like this, i promise.” you promised, bending down to reach for chocolate. yet, when you attempted to gather her entire being, you struggled as chocolate seemingly clung to masumi with a whine
masumi couldn’t even complain as he stared at you with wide eyes. who were you and how did he not know you yet? he was so distracted by your presence that he almost forgot there was a dog desperately attempting to lick his face all over
you were about to call for chocolate before you met masumi’s eyes, pausing before a light blush settled across your face. why was he looking at you like that?
“a-are you okay, sir? did you hit your head on the way down?” you waved your hand in front of masumi’s face before he snapped back to reality, blinking as he held out chocolate to you
“no, i’m fine. but... uh, your dog won’t let go of me.”
you held onto chocolate’s stubby legs and pulled. she didn’t even budge as she started growling at the mere threat of being removed from this stranger. you raised both of your hands defensively, trying to appear like you were totally okay with chocolate practically being attached at the hip with a random person in the park
“i... honestly don’t know why she’s doing this. she hates people, well, except me.”
masumi didn’t find that hard to believe. who wouldn’t like you? barely a few minutes into meeting you and he wanted to know everything about you
“she’s not my dog, by the way. i volunteer at the local animal shelter nearby.” when you introduced yourself, masumi barely registered he was suddenly holding your hand and hoisting himself off the ground (it seemed impossible, but chocolate cuddled into him even more)
“are you interested in adoption?” masumi was thinking anything but that
“it’s—” “she.” masumi blinked again, looking back down at chocolate then you. “uh... no but she, she’s... nice?”
you couldn’t help but laugh, successfully prying chocolate off in the meantime as you didn’t have it in you to be upset with his half-assed attempt. “you don’t like dogs, i assume?”
“they don’t usually like me, that’s all.” masumi lied smoothly, forgetting he just had an anti-social dog attack him like they were family. you raised an eyebrow at that obvious fib, but didn’t press anymore after getting a secure hold on the dog’s leash
“of course. well, i’m sorry again for chocolate, mr...?” you trailed off, half paying attention and half struggling to keep the dog from running towards masumi
“it’s masumi, usui masumi.” he said, subconsciously stepping away whenever chocolate lunged towards his ankles. you frowned at this but didn’t mention it, apologizing again before taking your leave
was this it? was this the last time he was going to see you?
masumi watched as chocolate kept looking back at him with her pleading eyes. why did that little dog like him so much? he didn’t even have any food on him...
maybe, dogs weren’t so bad after all... especially if you were there
“wait!” masumi called out this time, jogging up to the bench where you were gathering all the daily necessities when walking a dog. you almost let out a sigh of relief when chocolate became masumi’s issue to handle
masumi didn’t know what exactly made him detour his normal schedule even more, but here he was, taking up every excuse to talk to you. you, with the large chihuahua
“do you need any more volunteers at the shelter?”
you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, you almost let go of chocolate’s leash again! trying to figure out whether this was a revenge prank or not, you couldn’t tell based off masumi’s serious expression
“what? i thought you didn’t like dogs?”
“no. i love animals!”
masumi didn’t love animals, especially dogs
but, of course, an animal shelter always needed more volunteers. after getting a very hesitant reference from you, they didn’t even do a background check on masumi before taking him in. apparently, “corg-key to your heart!” had been understaffed. lucky him!
conveniently you and masumi were scheduled around the same times for training, meaning his impulsive commitment wasn’t a huge waste of time. except, there was one thing
chocolate wouldn’t leave his side ever since his first day of volunteering
it’s like masumi was made of every food possible and chocolate was a hungry person looking for a buffet. it was impossible to separate the two, even when you were there!
(you pretended it didn’t hurt when you were no longer chocolate’s favorite, but it was very obvious)
apparently, ever since you started volunteering years ago, chocolate had already been there. she was practically ancient now and was still looking for her forever home
but she had never grown to like anyone, making it hard for people to adopt her. she only liked you (and now masumi)
so volunteering at veludo way’s animal shelter, “corg-key to your heart”, wasn’t on his to-do list, but here he was. all because of you who he wanted to get to know more
but... that was becoming hard when you were suddenly competing against him for chocolate’s love & devotion
but, not only did he adopt a dog, but he had won the key to your heart as well. all it took was four simple steps!
#1 — clean the cages
masumi had never smelt anything worse in his entire life. walking into the back of an animal shelter made him stumble back from how awful the stench was. you strolled in, apron on, as if it was nothing, greeting the animals by name at the beginning of the day
“what are you doing?” masumi pinched his nose closed, narrowing his eyes at the sudden barking when they sensed there was a new person in the room. you rolled your eyes at how wimpish he was being, ruffling a dog’s fur as you gestured towards the cleaning gear in the back
“these cages won’t clean themselves, you know.” you tossed a sponge and bucket at masumi, who caught it easily, much to your dismay. when he glanced at both of them, you tilted your head as he seemed confused
“have you never scrubbed the floor before?” — “wh-of course i have!” — “doubt.”
masumi pressed himself to the wall as you let all the dogs out, letting them run out into the field so they could get their morning meal time in. he huffed as you laughed, knowing you didn’t warn him on purpose
“get to cleaning or we’ll have to smell this forever.” you didn’t have to tell masumi twice before he started scrubbing, holding his breath for a minute at a time
after making the beds, sweeping, and cleaning up any other messes, you turned around to ask about the floors before seeing masumi nudge chocolate away. she had somehow escaped from her pack to sit by his side, to which he ignored
this was so unfair! you love chocolate! she was your favorite but she was completely ignoring you for someone who didn’t even like dogs!
when masumi looked up, he tried to smile but you looked away, suddenly very annoyed. masumi frowned, glaring at chocolate and her giant eyes
damn it! he was almost going to have a moment with you, but chocolate blew it! why did she keep getting in between you two...
masumi quickly became the only person capable of floor duty since chocolate would trail after him obediently
you mumbled about how masumi didn’t even deserve that love! how could anyone even love him like that anyways?
#2 — dog walks
masumi by no means was inactive. he was the typical athlete; he could throw a ball, run a mile, swim laps, anything under the sun. but, walking multiple dogs at once was a whole different league of its own
no one told him he’d have to make sure ten different leashes didn’t wrap around his legs and cause him to fall over. nor did he think all these dogs had this much strength to drag him over every square inch of the park he frequented on the way home. unfortunately, he was beginning to spend way too much time outside
masumi didn’t know how, but he’s been getting better at remembering everyone’s names. the dogs had their own distinct personalities and appearances, with a coordinating rainbow of leashes
apparently, you found this very amusing. at first, masumi only walked chocolate to get practice in, but he’s unfortunately leveled up to even more dogs. you got back chocolate, but you began to understand why her attention always went back to masumi
even if he wouldn’t admit it, masumi was a natural with dogs. he remembered their favorite treats like it was nothing and had a guiding presence, making even the most hyperactive breeds calm down every now and then. masumi was fast enough to catch any rogue dog and threw every frisbee far enough to catch their breath
masumi figured out you weren’t as annoyed at him when you had chocolate, so he was 100% willing to manhandle hundred-pound dogs to get your satisfaction
even if it meant falling over in the middle of the field when the dogs decided to merry-go-round his legs
when you looked up from your spot underneath the tree, you tried your best to stifle your laughter seeing masumi fall for the second time in this lifetime
when masumi dug himself out of the pile of dogs happy to be with him, he was faced with an open hand and a teasing smile on your face
“having fun down there?” you joked, before masumi took your hand, about to pull himself up before freezing. you wish you weren’t so obvious with how much you stared at him right then and there
both of you caught each other’s gaze, seemingly lost in each other’s eyes before you realized there was one less leash in your possession
“wait... where’s chocolate?!” (after a moment of panic on your end, all masumi had to do was call her name and she ran over. it’s like she planned this whole thing on purpose...)
you two made sure not to touch again to avoid another distraction, even if your shoulders and hands kept brushing on the way back to the shelter. whenever you two exchanged leashes, all you two could remember was the accidental hand hold
walking the dogs with masumi became much more difficult all of a sudden. if you looked at him, you wouldn’t be able to look away. masumi didn’t question why you stopped meeting his eye
#3 — welcoming homes
chocolate had been at the “corg-key to your heart!” shelter for the past decade or so
but, you were allowed to take her home every weekend so she could get a break from everything. when it was your daily time with chocolate, you exited the break room only to find masumi already with her
masumi, who was always reluctant to get too close to any of the animals, seemed to throw caution to the wind as he slowly patted chocolate. she laid in his lap, her head propped up on his thigh as she sighed contentedly
you knew you were always jealous of masumi and chocolate’s instant connection but this time, you felt an indescribable amount of feelings seeing your best girl with your favorite co-volunteer (did you just think that? when did that happen?!)
masumi looked up from his seat on the floor, a red hue tinting his cheeks as he looked away, unsure of what to do next. “sorry, seems like she doesn’t want to move.” masumi looked anything but sorry but you let it slide
you sat next to the pair, reaching over to fondly massage chocolate’s ears. she leaned into your touch and your heart practically melted at the sight. you were so consumed by love you didn’t notice masumi’s small smile at your affection
“today’s my day to take her home. though, i don’t know how she’ll react without you.” you laughed, knowing it was going to be hell to separate these two
somehow, someway, masumi and chocolate had become the ultimate duo. after chocolate laying on masumi scrubbing all those floors, the park playtimes (which were the only time she moved more than a few feet ever), and everything in between, they began to become friends
(yes, it was cute. yes, you were still envious. though, this time, you didn’t know of who)
“then you should let me visit tomorrow.” masumi suddenly said, his words rushed as if he didn’t mean to say them. you paused, unable to comprehend the fact masumi wanted to come to your house
“u-uh... why?” you watched as masumi ducked his head, fiddling with chocolate’s collar as if embarrassed. you had never seen him react so physically, you wondered if you were reading too much into things
“chocolate will miss me. plus, i... i want to see you outside of work, too.”
ba-dump! your heart swelled up with love again, this time a very childish and innocent type that came with crushes. did you like masumi? was this okay to feel when you two were technically not even official friends?
“fine. but, make sure to bring something as a gift for chocolate or i’ll kick you out.”
“i’ll bring her favorite treat, promise.”
when you brought chocolate home, you stared at her as she lounged around
“i don’t like him... right?”
even chocolate seemed unconvinced, and she was a dog
masumi somehow knew chocolate’s favorite treat, believe it or not
when he showed up with that premium type of ham, it made you feel some type of way. how much did he know about chocolate? about you? just how perceptive was masumi actually?
“i know we weren’t apart long, but... here, take this.” when masumi gave you a box of your own favorite food as well, you felt everything in your system shut down as you tried to comprehend how he knew this. when you thought about it some more and realized you also knew masumi’s favorites, you blanked
did you two just skip the friends part completely? how did you already know this much about a total stranger?
“t-thank you, come in!” when you invited masumi in, he seemed to fit right in. it didn’t take long before chocolate was all over him, immediately leaping into his arms and ignoring the ham completely (until she came face to face with it, then she couldn’t resist)
you two spent the majority of saturday’s afternoon together, retelling horror stories and all the craziness that came with the week’s volunteer work. unlike before when masumi was disinterested, his eyes lit up as he recounted his encounters with the animals
you leaned forward, eager to see him talk so enthusiastically about a subject you loved. when masumi finished questioning how active the dogs were, he did a double take when he noticed your stare
were you looking at him the same way he looked at you? masumi held in his breath, eyes flickering down to your lips then back up. before you two could move, chocolate barked, demanding more attention from both her closest workers
you two quickly snapped out of it, going back to coddling chocolate and making sure she was taken care of
next, you two decided it was time for her walk. as you held the leash, masumi walked ahead to make sure there were no sticks or stones in her path. chocolate trotted happily, enjoying the views of the quieter parts of veludo way
you two held easy conversation, the words flowing naturally and the tension that came with work faded away. you almost forgot why you were always irritated with one another at the beginning. as you were about to say something, chocolate stopped
you lost your footing and tripped over chocolate, about to crash land before a pair of strong arms caught you. you understood how all those dogs didn’t get away as masumi made sure you were okay, holding you up as you stared up at him
(chocolate sat there satisfied, looking at her two favorites and making sure to hide her smug face)
“be careful next time, i don’t want to see you hurt.” masumi revealed almost in a whisper, his voice soft as you nodded meekly. unlike before, you two didn’t separate in a flustered rush. instead, when you forced yourself off his chest, masumi took your free hand like it was second nature
“i’ll make sure you don’t fall again so don’t let go.”
when you looked down at your conjoined hands, you were certain you had fallen without him noticing
if only you knew masumi had fallen for you the moment chocolate knocked him over
#4 — fundraiser
you and masumi were workers at the animal shelter’s fundraiser of the month. each month, “corg-key to your heart!” promoted their animals to the public in order to raise adoption rates
you two arrived to find yourselves where it all started: the park. at the center of it all were colorful posters advertising the pets and a pristine white booth guaranteed to be stained by grass in a few hours
for the past few weeks, you both have been passing out flyers and posting news on social media to attract potential adopters. not only did that, but the funds would be helpful for the electricity and food bill coming up
turning up to a forming crowd was nothing short of excitement. you both sat down at the booth, clipboards ready and energy buzzing in the air over the possibility of the pets finding their forever homes
as the blue sky passed by and the conversation in veludo way’s park grew, you and masumi worked together to make sure this fundraiser would be better than the last
“come meet our furry friends! you’ll find your best friend here at ‘corg-key to your heart!’” — “you’ll love these dogs and cats! come meet them today!”
although both of you were typically more on the quiet side, you and masumi made sure to attract as much attention as possible for the animals. slowly but surely, people began stepping up and asking questions about the pets
everything was going smoothly. you and masumi went on & on about all the traits about each animal you both have grown to know and love, donations were coming in at a consistent rate, and the staff were managing the excited dogs well. everything was great, until...
“how about this one?” a man had come up to the pair, gesturing towards one of the few dogs who wasn’t receiving that much attention. chocolate pouted in her cage, eagerly looking for someone to play with as she wagged her tail
masumi stopped himself from frowning, instead crossing his arms and forcing his voice to remain neutral. he couldn’t let down the animal shelter like this
“her name is chocolate. she’s a 13-year-old chihuahua who loves food and sleeping more than anything.” after going into a whole spiel about how wonderful chocolate was, the man seemed even more convinced that she was the one
“well, is she up for adoption?” you were about to respond with an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ before masumi shook his head, putting on fake sympathy as he shrugged
“no, she’s not. you just missed her, sorry.”
when the man went away, you dropped your customer service smile and slapped masumi’s arm. “hey!” masumi quickly lowered his tone, looking around to make sure no one was disturbed
“why did you say that?! chocolate has been looking for a home for so long now. she could’ve had an owner!”
“but, i want to be her owner.”
you couldn’t believe it, you were unsure of how to respond. was this real life? did masumi actually just say he wanted to adopt chocolate—
“yes, i am interested in adoption. i know if she went away with him, we’d never see her again. i always want to be with her, i’ll adopt her.”
you threw your arms around him, pulling masumi into a tight hug. a part of you was sad you’d see chocolate off, but now this meant you two would be able to see one another even more! this was the best-case scenario!
“masumi, thank you so much! i’m so happy, i could kiss you right now!”
silence (even if the park was crowded). then, masumi leaned back just like that saturday walk back then
“then, kiss me.”
when you met him halfway, masumi realized maybe he didn’t dislike dogs as much as he thought
you were too loud, you ran around with the dogs all the time, and you were way more trouble than you were worth. but, masumi likes you, you like him, it was a mutual understanding now
dogs weren’t so bad. after all, masumi had to thank a certain dog for making him fall for you at the park
#usui masumi#masumi usui#a3! act! addict! actors!#a3!#act! addict! actors!#a3! actor training game#a3! headcanons#act! addict! actors! headcanons#mankai a3!#mankai company#a3! x reader#a3 x reader#masumi x reader#a3! masumi#a3 masumi
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Chapter 1
Description: Chris Evans becomes obsessed with you when he realises he can't have you. Eager to be with you in some form or the other, he starts writing fanfiction, where both of you are passionately in love with each other. But what happens when his imagination starts to merge with his reality in his subconsciousness?
Warnings: This entire mini-series will contain smut, bad language and angst. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU ARE 18+
This first chapter is inspired by the GIF below from @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18 's ShamelessHoesForChris writing challenge. Click here to know more
A/N: I do not know Chris Evans personally. This fic is a work of imagination and should only be used as such. It doesn't comment on Chris or anybody else personally. It is also not meant to destroy his reputation or paint him in a bad light. I admire the guy and he really seems like a genuinely nice person. Again, I repeat, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION SO TREAT IT AS SUCH!
A/N 2: I did search quite a lot on the internet and didn't come across a fic like this. Which makes me nervous and also kind of excited that I get to do something unique? Please please give me your criticism and feedback on this! Would love to hear your thoughts.
A/N 3: I have used a few big words throughout the series because this fic is from Chris' POV and we all know that he's a bit of a wordsmith 😅 I had never even heard these words before in my life. So please let me know if I have used them in an incorrect manner.
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.

The best thing about shooting Defending Jacob? Chris got to stay in his house in Boston. The worst part about working on the set? He was currently stuck in a room engulfed in hot, angry flames of fire. The fire had abruptly started due to a short circuit and spread across the set in the blink of an eye. Coughing, Chris doubled down on the floor, his breathing becoming more laboured with each second.
The smoke stung his eyes as he looked around for a fire extinguisher. He tried calling for help, but only small grunts managed to escape his lips. Just as he was on the verge of losing consciousness, he heard a voice. Your voice.
"Is anyone here?" you called out, your voice faint in his ears. "Hello?"
Chris tried to shout again, but only sank further towards the floor.
Luckily, you opened the door of his room and found his almost crumpled body on the ground. Using the fire extinguisher, you managed to douse as many flames as you could, while also covering Chris with a thick blanket. As the room was still filled with smoke, you pressed a wet towel on his face, asking him to breathe through his nose.
Slowly, you managed to drag him out of the room and into the corridor, the fire reduced to embers in most places thanks to your fire extinguisher. Chris being a heavy man, you tried your best to support his weight as much as you could, your body almost stooping to form a right angle.
Just as you thought you might be in the clear, you heard a crack from above. Looking up, you realised that the ceiling was about to cave in and so, on impulse, you pushed Chris out of the way, as portions of the false ceiling fell on you, knocking you unconscious.
Chris, in his state, vaguely realised what happened, before he lost his balance and fell to the ground a few feet away from you, his left arm stretched towards your limp body, as if reaching out.
Sirens of the firetruck and the ambulance filled the heavy air. A deep groan escaped his lips as he attempted to crawl towards you, a failed effort. Where did it all go so wrong? he thought. I was supposed to be the one to save you angel! You should be falling in love with me!! And break-up with your good for nothing fiancé!
Overwhelmed with emotions, Chris started drifting off to sleep, your name leaving his lips in the form of a desperate whisper.
Chris met you for the first time at the table read for Defending Jacob. You didn't strike him as anyone special. Being the Junior Assistant Scriptwriter for the series, you were just in the room as a formality. It was your job to jot down the minutes of the meeting, and have the parts of the script marked which were supposed to be changed slightly.
You managed to stay invisible for more such meetings. An introvert by nature, you kept to yourself even when the shooting started.
It was in the Week 4 of the shooting when Chris actually started to notice you. He realised you were always absent from his house parties, never stayed around on the set for after-work shenanigans and, you never hung out with any of your crew-mates for a drink.
What really drove his attention towards you were your random acts of kindness. He once saw you feeding a homeless man in the alley behind the set. Unknown to you, it was where Chris often hid from his cast and crew to smoke.
Then there was the bit with setting up of a mobile blood donation camp on the set, which was completely your idea. He had also seen you distribute fliers for animal adoption centres and NGOs who fought for climate preservation.
You always made sure everyone on the set ate before you did, and the ones who couldn't due to work, you were sure to help them and share their load so they could have lunch.
But one particular incident made him see that you were no ordinary woman.
It was a particularly tough day on the set. They were shooting the 35-second sex scene between him and Michelle. While these scenes looked easy on the screen, they always made Chris feel uneasy about himself. "What if my body is not upto the mark?" , "I don't want to hurt Michelle in any way" , "God I hope I don't touch her inappropriately by mistake" and more such troubling thoughts clawed at his mind. After the scene finally ended, he felt the lustful eyes of the crew feasting on him, admiring his body on display.
He hurried towards his van, avoiding to look at anyone, until his eyes met yours for a total of 5 seconds. He expected to see the same smirk to be reflected in your eyes as everyone else's. Instead, he saw a completely different emotion. He saw sadness, sympathy, and most importantly, recognition of his discomfort etched on your face.
After that, Chris started to keep a close eye on you. You always wore comfortable clothes, with loads of pockets. Yet somehow, they always fit you well. He also noticed that you always got your own lunch, refusing to eat the food available on the set.
A few days after filming the sex scene, he decided to try to speak with you. Palms sweaty, he headed towards you and gently said your name.
"Hi," he said, and stopped.
"Hello Mr Evans," you greeted him back, a little surprised that he knew your name.
He continued to look at you, bright cerulean eyes bearing into yours, apparently lost. You blinked twice, unfazed, and a little uncomfortable, "Can I help you sir?"
Chris shook his head slightly. He was so used to women fawning all over him, that your utter lack of excitement on seeing him deterred him a bit.
He cleared his throat, a little flustered, *Ahem yeah… I wanted to ask… something… karaoke!" he managed to mumble, "It's karaoke night at my house. Tomorrow. Will you come? At night?"
"Umm… No Mr Evans. I am sorry I will not be able to make it," you politely declined while taking a small step back.
"Oh. Uhh… well we can have it any other night if you want," he cleared his throat again, sweat starting to gather on his forehead as he noticed your movement, "You never visit any of my house-parties."
You smiled a bit, "I like to go home early. I want to spend as much time as I can with my fiancé and my cat."
Chris raised his eyebrows at that revelation, "Fiancé? I… I don't see a ring."
"That's because there isn't one," your smile widened as you pulled the chain around your neck and revealed a locket. It was an intricately carved sunflower locket, with small, delicate curls nestled inside the petals.
Chris glanced at it with disdain. It looked hand-made, cheap, "Is that… is it made from clay?"
"Yes Mr Evans," you beamed at the locket, admiring it with love and pride, "My fiancé is a potter and he made this himself. It took him over 6 hours just to carve all the petals. But he still made it because he knows how much I love sunflowers."
"So he's too poor to give you an appropriate ring?" Chris snapped at you.
Offended, you looked at him in shock and anger as he continued. "You deserve someone who can afford to give you an expensive engagement ring. Not some cheap craft project."
You grit your teeth at his comment, "Unlike some people, I don't look at the price of the gifts, I look at their value. While this," you held the locket in front of his eyes, "is worthless for you, it is priceless for me."
You placed the locket back inside your shirt and walked away. Chris stood rooted at the spot, biting his cheek hollow. He hadn't meant to drive you away. He had just wanted you to see him as a prospective partner.
As he turned towards his trailer, an idea popped into his head.
Next Friday saw you and your fiancé walk into the bowling alley. The production house had organised a "Bring Your Partner to Work Day" and you both were excited to step out of your routine lives.
A few people on the set recognised your fiancé Aiden from his YouTube channel. Kenneth, an Assistant Set Designer, drooled over him, "Maaahhnnn! I love your pottery videos! They are so calming dude. How do you make them so relaxing?"
The ever shy and soft-spoken Aiden gushed at the compliment, turning a shade of red which you always found adorable. Aiden was almost the same height as you, with a lean figure and a kind, freckled face. Your friends always told you that Aiden's looks were nothing to brag about, but you disagreed. Because for you, this man was the most handsomest, cutest and sexiest person in the world.
And you knew he felt the same way about you. That's why, even after being together for almost 5 years now, you two still looked at each other with heart eyes.
As the party progressed, you made sure to avoid Chris, and so far, you were successful. That was until he softly said your name.
With dread in your stomach, you and Aiden turned around to face the man. Aiden knew of your previous encounter with Chris, and tried to square his shoulders as much as possible, but Chris' towering physique and personality literally made it impossible for Aiden to appear tough.
You gave Chris a curt nod and received a sweet smile in response.
"I believe I owe you an apology," he confessed, "I am sorry. My behavior that day was inexcusable." He paused for reaction, but looking at your hesitant faces, he continued, "It was quite a hectic day on the set and I guess I took it all out on you," he looked towards you, "You know I am capricious by nature. It takes me some time to become gregarious. But," he raised his hands in the air, "I repeat, the way I acted was inexcusable. I am sorry."
He extended his arm towards Aiden, "You are a porter I believe."
"Potter, sir," Aiden corrected while shaking his hand and introducing himself.
You bit your tongue, knowing that Chris was mocking you with his false apology.
He invited Megan to join the conversation, "Megan loves handmade ceramics. Maybe she would be interested in your work."
Introductions were made again, and as the conversation pursued, it arrived at the topic of your marriage.
"Have you guys decided on a date yet?" asked Megan as Chris looked at you.
"We are planning to get married as soon as the shooting ends for DJ," you smiled.
"Oh really? Wow that's… unusual," Megan tried her best to hide her surprise.
"We don't know exactly when will the shooting end," Chris said with a frown on his face.
"That's not an issue Mr Evans. We are actually planning to get married at the courthouse," revealed Aiden.
"You know if money is an issue then we would be more than happy to help you guys out," Chris offered in a sincere tone.
"Oh no no Mr Evans. Money isn't an issue," you clarified, "We have decided to donate the money we had intended to spend on the wedding."
"But thank you so much for the generous offer, we really appreciate it," Aiden added with a sincere smile.
"You know a lot of couples are doing that nowadays. It's a trend I believe," Megan commented, "Where are you going to make the donation?"
"The local orphanage where I grew up. We both love kids and, it just seemed to be the perfect choice," Aiden beamed at you.
You mirrored his expression while Chris scowled. "I think everybody should get the wedding of their dreams, and you" he stated, pointing towards you, "deserve much more than a courthouse wedding. Don't you want to get married in a beautiful church? Walk down the aisle in a gorgeous white gown? And get married to a man who can actually fulfill your wishes and desires?"
Squaring your shoulders, you looked at Chris dead in the eye, "I am marrying the man of my dreams Mr Evans. The wedding ceremony doesn't matter to me. What does matter is the beautiful life we will begin together. Now if you will excuse us," you linked your arm with Aiden's, "we need to leave."
Chris watched you leave as Megan tried to distract him with something else. Tonight did not go the way he had anticipated.
He left the party shortly after you, directly heading for his home. Standing under the cold shower, he tried to reason with himself. He was acting out of character. There was no reason for his behavior. You had made it ample clear that you loved your fiancé and that nobody in the world could sway you.
Then why was he so hell-bent on claiming you as his?
Because she's perfect for you, a voice answered him.
Yeah, but she belongs to someone else, he argued.
So what?, the voice urged, Fight for her. You saw her wimp of a fiancé. You can break him into two pieces without breaking a sweat. She is made for you. Just you, and nobody else.
"I… Just… No," Chris stammered loudly as he shook his head, trying to get rid of the voice in his mind.
He tried to meditate, but it didn't work. Dodger too, was unable to distract him. Even his books on self-help and mental health were of no use.
As a last resort, he opened his laptop, but his fingers halted at the search bar, the cursor blinking back at him.
He was too tempted to search for you again. The last time he had Googled you, he had been satisfied with the results. You often volunteered with a few NGOs, coordinated multiple donation drives, visited orphanages and taught underprivileged children. His heart had melted at a particular photograph- you were holding an 8-month-old girl in your arms, while looking over a painting drawn by a 4-year-old boy as the child looked up at you with a toothy smile.
It reminded him of everything he wanted to have, but still couldn't.
He closed his eyes and started kneading his forehead with his palms. Everybody he knew always only had the best things about him. Right from Scarlett to Mark to Olivia to every fucking person he had ever worked with, everybody said he deserved to have a loving wife, a stable family.
And yet, here he was, on a Friday night, home alone with a beer bottle, on the verge of anxiety.
Was it just anxiety though?
Who the fuck is Aiden and why does he deserve to be with her? the voice in his head was back.
They love each other, they want to get married, Chris reasoned.
He doesn't hold a candle next to you, the voice persisted, People love money more than they love others. She will come to you. But you need to let her know you are available. You need to take her to-
"No," Chris interrupted the voice loudly, "No. This is unhealthy. No."
Reaching for his phone, he searched for his therapist's number, when the voice chuckled, You really think a shrink is going to help you with this? Eh? They are only going to ask you to fuck another pussy, or read more books. And I will be damned before you touch another book about trees.
Chris shook his head again, but in vain. Unable to find the number in his contacts, he turned to Google for the second time that night and started searching for therapists in his area. The voice tut-ted, Yeah, as if the psycho doctor is going to shut their trap about Chris Evans crying over a girl.
Chris almost crushed his bottle in frustration. He couldn't let the voice take over. Not now. Not after working his ass off to get where wanted in his career. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the screen again and came across the headline- "Why Do People Write Fanfiction?" The word fanfiction seemed vaguely familiar to him. He was going to ignore the article and scroll downwards, but the brief underneath the headline made him stop- …mostly, people write fanfiction to stay in touch with the characters they love," says leading Psychologist Andrea Williams.
Intrigued, he opened the article and started reading. Then he opened another, and another and by the time he was done, he had read 6-7 articles on the concept of fanfiction and what it entailed.
Sighing, he opened a new word document. He was reluctant to type a letter, let alone a whole fictional story. He had tried everything and yet, you chose to occupy a rent-free space in his mind.
Now all he needed was a reference.
He minimised the document, and opened a new tab on his browser. His hesitant fingers typed the words - Chris Evans Fanfiction - into the search bar, and he instantly winced.
Millions of search results were displayed before him, and as he read the descriptions of each one of them, he realised that 99% of these stories were porn. There was no sugar-coating it. On the 5th page of the search results, he luckily found a story sans the erotica. It was a cute one-shot about him going on a first date with the reader. He read it with squinted eyes, afraid that a sex scene might jump out of the blue, but luckily, nothing of the sort happened.
Chris liked reading it. It was an innocent story filled with romance.
But the only problem? It was written from the reader's point of view. He checked a few others, and realised they were all written from the women's perspective, not his.
He sat back in his chair, turning his head such that he was looking at the ceiling, contemplating his options.
You want her, the voice whispered.
Reluctantly, he typed the first word that came to his mind. Your name.
Chris rested his chin on his palm, wondering where to start. If this were fiction, would tonight have gone different? Would you have visited his house for karaoke that night?
Tapping his fingers on the desk, he bit his tongue in thought. Thinking it was better to start at the beginning, he started typing from his POV-
The first time I saw her I thought she was pretty. I saw her during meetings and the shooting. Then one day I saw her giving food to a homeless man-
Deleting his words, Chris shook his head. This was insane! Right? You were a real human being and it was unethical of him to write this! He needed to learn to handle his feelings.
If you don't have the balls to fight for her, then be with her in the stories you write. Grow a spine Evans, whispered the insulting voice.
Hesitating, he tried to write another paragraph, which ended up getting deleted.
Try again, the voice coaxed him. Pour your heart into this. Write better.
Taking a sip of the beer, Chris started typing again-
It was lunchtime when I saw her arranging some equipment on the table. Her back was facing me as I carefully approached her, afraid to startle her. I breathed in her scent, light, floral and fresh, before whispering her name.
She turned around, a bit surprised to see me, but she smiled nevertheless. Oh gosh her smile. I had seen her smile a few times on the set, but in person, it took my breath away.
"Hi," I managed to greet her shyly. She matched my response.
"I was wondering if you would like to sing karaoke with me? There's a karaoke party tonight at my house if you would like to come," I asked her hopefully.
Her expression turned remorseful as she apologised, "I cannot come Mr Evans. My fiancé won't let me."
Imagine my surprise when I found out about her fiancé. "I didn't know about your fiancé. Why won't he let you come?" I asked her, concerned as she started sniffing a bit.
"He's… he's very strict Mr Evans. He doesn't like it when I go out with my fri-friends or co-workers," she shared between her light sobs.
My heart broke into pieces on hearing her confession. I had often noticed her taciturn behaviour on the set, but I had no idea about the reason behind it.
I raised my hands to cup her face. I was itching to wipe her tears with my lips, but instead, I used my thumbs.
"I want to help you. Please let me," I requested.
"Nobody can help me Mr Evans. I am stuck with a monster." She pulled a chain from underneath her shirt and I got a glimpse at the marks on her neck. "Aiden gave me this chain and locket instead of an engagement ring. He said it will be better than a ring. And now he-" she started sobbing harder. I pulled her into my chest, running my right hand through her hair as my left hand soothed her back.
"And now he uses it as a leash," my angel whispered, horrified, "he says I do not deserve a ring."
I hugged her tighter and thankfully, she buried her face in my chest, "You are no longer stuck with him. Are you listening to me?" I bent my face to bring my lips near her ears, "I will make sure that you are free of him."
She shook her head, reluctantly pulling away from me, "No Mr Evans. I cannot-"
"Yes you can," I interrupted her. "You are going to come to my house for karaoke tonight. Message Aiden right now, and tell him that I will be dropping you home. Okay?"
After some coaxing, she agreed. I held her close as she typed out the message, her hands shaking around her mobile phone. Finally she clicked on the SEND button.
I brushed a kiss on her forehead, "Wait for me in the back alley after the shoot, okay? I will pick you up from there."
She nodded gratefully in response.
I couldn't wait for the shoot to be over that day. In my eagerness, I even messed up a few takes, mumbling over my lines like an idiot. But eventually, I got through the day.
I was excited when I picked her up after the shoot. I could see she was nervous and maybe a little bit scared, but she still entered my car anyway. So I made small talk with her and tried to put her mind at ease.
Finally, when we reached my house, she was in awe.
"This is the most beautiful house I have ever seen Mr Evans," she gasped as I led her inside, "I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before!"
I chuckled, "I am happy you like it. It… it just feels empty sometimes, you know? I find loneliness ubiquitous in this house."
You looked at her puzzled expression and smiled. "Ubi-what was that word Mr Evans?"
"Ubiquitous," I replied, "it means something that is present and is found everywhere."
"Ahh okay," she nodded, "thank you for teaching me."
"I will accept your gratitude only on one condition."
She tilted her head ever so slightly, "And what would that be Mr Evans?"
I smiled as I slightly bent down and held her hand, "You need to start calling me Christopher."
Visibly flustered, my angel looked down at her feet. "I-I can't Mr Evans," she said in a low voice.
"Why can't you?"
"I respect you too much sir," she confessed.
"Hey," I gently nudged her forehead with mine, "I want you to say my name. Please?"
I stared into her eyes as she met mine. God.
There was something about her eyes that was absolutely riveting. The depth of her eyes pulled me in towards her as I read the plethora of emotions hidden within them. Her gaze searched my face for malice, deceit, but only found love and trust in return.
I slowly cupped her face as her breath hitched in her chest. I could feel my own heart race. Bringing my face as close as I could to hers, I whispered, the distance between our lips fast closing, "Please."
She parted her lips ever so slightly. I felt her warm breath on mine as she obliged, "Christopher."
I closed my eyes as I heard the most melodious symphony, my name draped in her sweet voice.
I dipped my head to kiss her, feel the shape of her lips, but she stepped back.
"I-I am st-still engaged Chris-Christopher," she stammered.
I straightened myself, my hands no longer cupping her face, "I understand. I am sorry. Would you like-"
Before I could finish, a car honked outside. While I was curious at the intrusion, her eyes widened with fear.
"That's him," she gasped, "Aiden is here. He found me."
"How is that possible?"
"He has a location app installed on my phone through which he tracks my location," she revealed, visibly shaking at the thought of greeting her fiancé.
"Stay here. You will be safe inside. Let me handle him," I said, squeezing her shoulders.
I walked out of the house and towards the car. The vehicle didn't look in good shape, it's owner even more so.
Aiden manually rolled down his window and spat on the ground. Fumes of cheep alcohol and stale cigarette smoke escaped through the window. "Where is she?" he hollered.
"That's not your concern anymore. She's breaking up with you," I crossed my arms and stood facing him. "If you know what's good for you, you will leave her alone and stay out of her life."
Aiden exited the car at that threat, the door of the vehicle rattled as he opened it. "She said that?" he scoffed, "Color me surprised, I thought the little mouse had no fight left in her. Bring her out here. I want to hear," he wriggled a finger at me, "whatever the fuck you are saying from her own fucking mouth."
"Not going to happen Aiden. You followed her here against her own wishes. Now scoot off before I call the cops," I warned.
"You think I will be scared of some Hollywood prick who shits diamonds?" he sneered.
"No. But you should be scared of the law. You are currently harassing the owner of this private property, not to mention you have clearly abused your girlfriend mentally, emotionally and physically. So be sensible," I took a step towards him, "and fuck off."
"STOP," she shouted as she trusted towards us. She stood in front of me, as if to guard me from her monster of a fiancé, "Please don't hurt him. I will come with you. Just let him be," she pleaded with him as he smirked.
Before he could react, I pulled her behind me, making sure my body was shielding her from Aiden.
"She's a gold-digging bitch. You stay away from her," he pointed at me as he tried to reach her.
I pushed him away once and kept my hand on his weak, thin torso. Turning my head, I asked her for the last time, "Are you sure you want to go with him? I can save you. I will protect you, provide for you and keep you happy!" I urged her.
She looked at me with hope and helplessness. Slowly, she glanced at Aiden who looked like he was ready to commit murder. Sobbing uncontrollably, she removed the chain with the sunflower locket and threw it at his feet.
"Leave me alone," she managed to mumble at him.
Furious, Aiden growled and tried to pounce at her. Fortunately, I intervened on time and punched his sorry excuse of a face into the ground.
She gasped as Aiden fell with a thud. Embarrassed, he slowly got up and dusted himself, muttering under his breath as he sat inside his wreck of a car.
"Don't bother coming back to gather your stuff! I am burning it all tonight you cock-sucking bitch!" and with that outburst, Aiden was finally gone.
She was sobbing and shaking uncontrollably at what had just transpired. I wrapped her in my arms to let her know she was safe. Within moments, I felt her ease into my body.
I closed my eyes and smiled, my nose buried into her hair. My angel was safe. My angel was mine.
Chris blinked his eyes as he re-read his story. He already felt a whole lot lighter, his anxiety at ease, and mind exhausted. Clicking on SAVE, he finished the last of his beer and went to sleep, hoping that this was the end to his problems. Little did he know about the horrors that awaited him, behind the door he had just opened by writing that fictional story.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
Chris Evans and his characters taglist: @onetwo3000
This story: @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @carpediemm-18
(If you guys don't want to be tagged in this, just let me know. No hard feelings 😊)
Taglists are open! Just comment, send an ask or a message!
#ShamelessHoesForChris#chris evans fanfic#chris evans fanfiction#chrisevans#chris evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans x y/n#chris evans x you#dark!chris evans#chris evans rpf
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Coming Soon - Absence of Words
Great news! The new Sawdust of Words fic is finally ready! I’ll be posting it some time this week (likely Friday, but I might manage to swing it sooner if I have a day where I’m not too exhausted after work).
“Absence of Words” will pick up shortly after the ending of “Finding the Words” - with Aziraphale and Crowley having freshly established that yes, they love each other, that can definitely be a thing going forward.
However, Crowley’s difficulties communicating (as discussed in “Finding the Words” and demonstrated in “Three Little Words”) quickly land them in trouble, as the miscommunication rapidly goes from “kind of amusing” to “annnnngst.”
I mean, it’s me. Was it ever going to be not angst?
The full fic will be a little over 13k. Excerpt below (2 scenes, one of which I posted an early version of...dang...more than a year ago?!)! Feel free to leave a comment/ask/private message with your thoughts!
(Note: because some people prefer to know what kind of ending to prepare themselves for, I’ll give a brief description after the excerpt, as well as CWs for the fic as a whole).
They walked for more than half an hour, hands still twined together.
Aziraphale spoke the whole time, more animated with every step, and Crowley drank it all in. He paid no attention to where they were, how far they walked, how late it was getting. All that mattered was they were here, they were together, really together.
They’d done it. They’d done everything.
Stopped the Apocalypse.
Fooled their sides.
Won their freedom.
And then, in the garden…Crowley’s lips still tingled, recalling the brush of Aziraphale’s. He almost couldn’t believe it had happened, couldn’t believe he’d dared. His breath caught in his throat every time he remembered that he now lived in a world where he had kissed Aziraphale. A world where nothing would come between them ever again. Each time Aziraphale’s eyes drifted over to him, Crowley was certain he’d discorporate on the spot.
The angel waved his arms as he talked. He pulled Crowley’s hand along with each gesture – sudden jerks ahead of them, tugs across his chest, complicated circles as if trying to draw what he described. More than once he nearly pulled Crowley off balance; Aziraphale didn’t know his own strength.
It would have been easier to let go.
He probably should let go – his palm was warm where it had been pressed against Aziraphale’s for half an hour, his fingers stiff and itching, longing to move again. The chills running up his arm, almost more than he could bear, were the most exquisite torture he’d ever suffered. Every time their palms shifted, finding a new position against each other, it pierced him like an arrow, tore through his heart, leaving it fluttering and juddering and palpitating like nothing else ever had. Crowley really, really needed to let go.
“Are you all right, my dear?” Aziraphale asked, glancing over.
“M’fine.” He gently squeezed the soft fingers locked through his, starting another wave of bliss that threatened to overwhelm him even before Aziraphale graced him with that smile…
Yeah. He wasn’t letting go any time soon.
Crowley’s hand was in his.
Aziraphale could hardly believe it had happened, hardly believe he’d dared. This seemed, somehow, the most momentous thing to have happened all weekend, though an outside observer would probably disagree. Well. That observer didn’t understand.
They’d started walking, the impulsiveness had come over him again and he – Aziraphale – the angel who dithered over every choice, every action – the angel who likely hadn’t taken the initiative on anything within living memory – he’d run his hand down Crowley’s arm and…
Well. Here they were.
They hadn’t spoken about it. Hadn’t really acknowledged it. But neither had let go.
Once he had his bearings, it shouldn’t have taken long to get back to his shop. But Aziraphale put it off as long as he could. They paused in front of dozens of shop windows, remarking on the pastries or clothing or sports equipment on display, but in truth Aziraphale was just looking at his own reflection, a fussy old angel, anxious and overeager, standing beside an exquisite demon radiating suave confidence. Quite the mismatched pair and yet, that’s what they were: a pair.
Perhaps even a couple.
Oh, dear, that seemed far too bold.
Aziraphale stumbled over whatever nonsense he’d been saying, and quickly turned away from the window. He glanced up to see if Crowley had noticed his distress, and oh, through those black lenses he could just catch a glimpse of golden slit-pupil eyes watching him directly, not just a glance from the corner of an eye. He’d been nodding along to everything Aziraphale said, that smirk hovering on his lips, threatening to turn into an actual smile. Crowley squeezed his hand, gently, as if to make sure it was still there, and it sent Aziraphale’s heart racing again.
Finally, after forty-five minutes, they ran out of detours and excuses and reached the last intersection: Soho to the left, Mayfair to the right.
His footsteps slowed as they approached. Aziraphale didn’t want to let go, not yet, didn’t want to relinquish the warmth, the feeling of the uneven heartbeat against his palm, the tiny shiver he felt whenever Crowley’s thumb brushed the back of his hand.
They paused at the corner, Aziraphale looking left, Crowley glaring straight ahead.
“Well.” Aziraphale cleared his throat. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He glanced down at their hands. Oh, dear. He didn’t seem to know how to let go.
“Nh,” Crowley said.
“Come now, dear fellow, you know this is the quickest way home for both of us. Twenty minutes. Fifteen, if you drive like you always do.”
“Nnnnnnh,” Crowley elaborated.
Aziraphale ordered his fingers to let go. Traitorous things, they only held on tighter.
“I could walk you back to the shop,” Crowley pointed out. “Or we could pick up the Bentley together, then drive over. Quicker that way. We can grab whatever you need…”
“What part of it’s a surprise are you having trouble with?” He meant it to be teasing, but Crowley’s lips went tight anyway. Aziraphale put a bit of extra cheer into his voice. “Look, as I understand, it’s proper etiquette for the individual with the car to pick up the other, when two people are…” He trailed off, considering in fascination all the words he could use to complete that sentence. “And…it wouldn’t hurt to have a moment to, I don’t know…”
He honestly didn’t know.
But the longer he stood in Crowley’s gaze, the more certain he was that he needed to step away. A thousand emotions were bubbling up inside him, and he needed space to process them, privately, before they burst out in the most unseemly—
“Aziraphale.” Crowley turned, and his fingers hovered by the angel’s face, as if not sure where to touch. “Do you…want to be alone right now?”
“That’s not…” He swallowed, finding he couldn’t look away from Crowley’s mouth. His lips. Did he want to kiss them again? Or be kissed? Both were terrifying. Both were tempting.
Crowley took his other hand, leaning closer.
“Yes. I do.”
Crowley went very still.
He thought his heart might burst; Aziraphale couldn’t tell one beat from the next. His hands started to tremble, and he stepped back, wiping them anxiously on his waistcoat, tugging it straight. “Don’t be – this isn’t about – it’s nothing like that.” He straightened his tie. “I just – perhaps I could use a few minutes, yes, and there’s nothing – nothing of note about that, I’m sure you could too, but all in all this is the simplest solution, that’s – that’s all there is to it.”
It could be very hard to read Crowley’s expression, but just now his lips twisted, his jaw went tight, and Aziraphale felt his heart begin to ache. The demon circled him, fingers jammed in his pockets, and started towards Mayfair as fast as his long legs would carry him.
“Wait! Crowley, don’t—”
“Fifteen minutes, Angel. Be ready.”
He watched the dark figure until it disappeared around a corner. And only then did Aziraphale realize he’d let go of Crowley’s hand
CWs: Mentions of past abuse (physical and emotional, very brief/implied); emotional manipulation/gaslighting (from the POV of Aziraphale, still believing what he’d been told); anxiety (low-level but constant, and building across the fic); miscommunication, accidentally hitting another’s triggers. Very brief G-rated discussion of attraction. Swearing.
Ending: This will have a happy ending. Not all communication issues will be resolved in this story, but groundwork will be laid. Future stories will deal with developing healthy communication/trauma coping strategies.
#good omens#good omens fanfiction#ineffable husbands#asexual crowley and aziraphale#aziraphale and crowley#aziraphale#crowley#emotional hurt/comfort#My writing#my wip#coming soon#sawdust of words
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( zoey deutch. 25. she/her. ) i think i just saw ROSEMARIE JANE HARMON ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was them . after all , I MISS THE MISERY BY HALESTORM was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe they were on their way to work , i hear they’re a BARTENDER AT THE WATERING HOLE . but they totally could have been on their way to PLAY PRANKS ON THE MEMBERS. guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its them when you see RIPPED BLACK JEANS, SOUND OF 90'S ROCK AND DILATED PUPILS around the country club . let’s just hope they stay off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get them ! ( marie. 26. est. she/her. none. )
tw: child neglect, tw: drugs, tw: suicide
I couldn’t help myself and brought my old rebel child back. I just love my messy and broken girl.!
Matthew and Stacey Harmon where the epitome of what success should look like. They were a young couple who had come from nothing and mounted to be the most sought-after criminal defense lawyers in the United States. They were known for their poise and ability to handle high profile cases with dignity and discretion. Their clients ranged from high-grossing actors and celebrities to politicians and other government officials. And in the years since their jump into high profile, they had built up an image that both always strived to be. They had to be picture perfect. Perfectly put together. Fit the part of success. So naturally, when they became pregnant, it wasn’t something they had planned or particularly wanted. They tried to keep the pregnancy as quiet as possible, and while they had always had the option of abortion or adoption, for some reason the Harmons had allowed the pregnancy to go full term.
Rosemarie Jane Harmon was born on August 5th, 1992 and unlike most babies, Rose was not held by her mother immediately after birth. In fact, she had been refused and sent immediately to the hospital nursery. The rest of her life followed in similar fashion. Rose had come into her parents’ life as unwanted and unloved. A child ruined the image the stoic lawyers had tried to build for themselves and their practice, especially as child as lively and rambunctious as Rose had been from the start. Rose had probably been embraced by her parents only a handful of times, most of the love she received growing up coming from the Nanny – Elizabeth Green – that had been hired to raise her. But even Elizabeth – the only mother figure she had truly grown to know – was taken from her once Stacy deemed Rose old enough to take care of herself.
Growing up without any love or affection had Rose searching for it in all the wrong places from a very young age. It started off innocently enough – mostly confined to causing trouble at home, just so she could get a flicker of attention from her father or mother but that stopped working, her cries become louder. Living in Atlanta, it wasn’t hard to find trouble. In school, Rose started to hang out with the wrong crowd. Though, the more trouble she found, the less it seemed her parents cared, almost slowly fazing her out of their image.
She was 17 when she first fell from grace. At a rave, Rose stuck her tongue out, letting a tablet be pressed to her tongue for the first time. She’s been after that high ever since. It was the closest thing that she could imagine love felt like. It took her away from the feeling of worthlessness that plagued her because of her parents’ incapability of loving her as parents should love their children. It took her away from the pain of missing her only mother figure who never tried to reach out to her despite promising a young rose she would on the day she was let go. It took her away from the depression that ran through her body despite her refusal to acknowledge it.
From that moment on, Rose lived searching for the occasional high to get her feeling alive again but for the most part, she had it under control, still having a firm grip on reality. But everything began to take a different path when she met Andrew. He was older than her, a good five years. But despite their age difference, they had immediately hit things off and it wasn’t long before Rose had fallen completely head over heels for him. He was the first person she opened up to him about her home life and when Andrew heard of her misery, he had given her the option to follow him to his next destination.
With no family or real friends to hold her back, Rose didn’t hesitate to pack what she could when her boyfriend at the time asked her to run away with him. They hit the road then and Rose hasn’t been back to Atlanta since. When her and Andrew landed in Chicago, Rose’s eyes were opened to a new world – mostly for the worse. He introduced her to a world of endless fun and chemically induced euphoria. It was with him that the dependency for drugs began to really grow. It started off her a tablet of molly here or there, like she had been doing in Atlanta, and before she knew it, she was doing a line in the bathroom of a club.
About a year or so after being together, Rose’s world would soon fall apart. One morning, after a typical night of partying, she woke up to find that Andrew was dead. He had overdosed and she’d been too high too notice. By the time she had woken up, it had been too late. So, Rose got up, called the cops and ran before they got there.
Rose’s already fragile heart was shattered at losing the one person that had loved her in this cruel world. The one person she had loved unconditionally. And the grief fueled her addiction even further.
From that day forward, Rose lived most of her minutes high or searching for the next dose. It didn’t really matter where the high came from, she just craved that feeling of euphoria, of being alive, of numbness. If it came from a tablet of molly, fine. If it was from a shot of heroin, cool. A mixture of opioids, why not? A smoke of meth- what was the harm? But her favorite way to lose herself was from a line of cocaine. Rose began to live a very nomadic life, travelling where she wanted, making connections as she went, crashing on their couches and starting all over again. There were times when she became so drugged, she would party for days, unable to settle down enough to stop and sleep. She got into fights. Spent many days in stupors, a haze. She wouldn’t have a clue of the reality around her.
Rose was twenty, when she OD’d for the first time and was admitted into rehab for her addiction. After a few months of rehab, Rose was released, and she wasted no time in falling back into her vices. She continued to jump from place to place, never staying no longer than a few weeks at a time. In her travels, she had several relapses, a couple of times causing her to be readmitted into rehab. But sadly, her addiction was stronger than her will live.
That was until she met Finely but Finley is someone Rose never talks about.
If Rose lived in shadowed lands, then Finley lived in other darkness. There was fragility around this woman that had drawn Rose to her immediately. Their initial time was spent mostly just hooking up but it was in the quiet moments that Rose fell. Finley was the other half of her, her true and tragic soulmate. Her star crossed lover.
There was a part of her that always knew Finley wouldn’t exist on this Earth forever. There was a sadness and exhaustion that clung so tightly to her love and even when there seemed to be a little light that shined through, it wasn’t enough.
The day Rose walked into their apartment and found that Finley had taken her life, was as expected as it was a shock. She still doesn’t know how long she clung to Fin’s body, sobbing for her to come back before she finally called for help.
Rose has never been the same.
The loss completely eviscerated her. There was a gaping hole left in her chest and Rose went down a spiral to rock bottom, trying to fill or numb that hole.
Rose has never been truly sober since that day 2 years ago and while she has gotten her vices under somewhat of control, she still very much relies on them on a day to day basis. Just enough to numb the hurt that never seems to go away.
When she arrived in Highland at 1 year ago, Rose was probably at the lowest she had ever been. But trying to keep her promise to Finley, Rose has tried to make the best of things. She landed a job at the Watering Hole and has found a apartment to live in with a roommate.
And though every day is a struggle for her, Rose feels that she’s on the right track to turn her life around. Or at least, pretend to.
Important Facts: - Rose has a lot of emotional and mental issues due to her past. Mostly, she has this abandonment complex and she struggles every day with a heavy sense of worthless. - Has been clean for two and a half years. - She still clings to the party scene, though she now stays away from illicit substances, she has no issue with throwing back a few shots. - Rose hasn’t been in a relationship with anyone in about 2 years and is very happy that way. She doesn’t want to get hurt again. And she isn’t sure she can love again. - Loves animals and often volunteers at the shelter - LOVES cats and wants one but considers herself too unstable to own a pet. - Hasn’t spoken to her parents since she left Atlanta and pretends it doesn’t bother her, but it does. - On her left side, Rose has a tattoo. It’s the quote “without struggle, there is no progress” in cursive writing. - Has lived in Atlanta, Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, a few other places until she came back to Georgia and settled in Peaches Hollow.
Personality - Rose lives impulsively, acting first and thinking later. - She doesn’t hold back and certainly doesn’t censor herself. Rose is the most straightforward person around and she will tell you how it is, whether it hurts your feelings or not. - Fun is priority in her life. Having grown up so unloved and hidden away in her youth, she is desperately trying to fill that gap in her life. She will jump from club to club, party to party, a shot of tequila in her hands always. Mostly, she is afraid that if she stops, allows herself to feel, every heartache she has ever felt will coming rushing at her. - Attachments are a no go for her, especially romantic ones. She’s fine with hook-ups, in fact she rather enjoys them, but once she or her partner start to develop feelings, she flees. If you don’t let anyone close, you can never be hurt. - Losing Finley broke something inside of Rose and she’s very keen on not giving that part of herself way. She doesn’t know if she can love again or if she has any to give. Most of the time, however, Rose tends to develop friendships with her partners. She’s pretty laid back and goes with the flow which makes everything easier. - Rose is super protective of those she considers close to her and will do almost anything for them. - Once you get past her wit and sass, Rose is the sweetest person you would ever meet, even if she’s rough around the edges. But good luck getting her to open emotionally.
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Part 2
At least, on Richie’s end, it’s somber.
He knows that’s a weird word for it. This morning, he hadn’t even thought it was really going to happen, but alas, Eddie showed up way too goddamn early like he said he would the night before. He tapped against the window pane until Richie peeled his eyes awake to see Eddie’s face against the glass right where the sun was supposed to rise and isn’t that just the loud poetically blatant joke of his entire fucking life.
Ever since the demonic clown fiasco, he’s finally starting to fully understand that his life is a fucking joke. He’s young—only thirteen, and he knows he’s seen things now that no one else will ever see, faced fears that no one else will ever face, and it makes him feel cracked like glass. Like Bill’s heart about Georgie, like his understanding of the world, like Eddie’s fucking arm—
But Eddie—
—determined, brave, strong, resilient little Eddie Kasprak who glows these days, loudly, poetically, blatantly like the sun, in fact, oh-so-coincidentally enough—
Eddie wants to do this.
So Richie gets up. Eddie’s sunshine eyes say it’s time to get up.
He follows behind Eddie like a duckling as deep dark night starts to wash grey. The entire world is blurry, but Eddie is all hard lines and angles, walking briskly ahead with one hand balled up at his side and Richie knows that’s where the seed is.
He’s only thought very lightly on it since Eddie talked to him about it the night before. The seed, that is. He thinks he’d been preoccupied by other things at the time, like Eddie’s tiny warm hands on his shoulders down in the clubhouse after the others left, or Eddie’s stupid long lashes lit silver in the moonlight as he looked up at Richie and said, like Richie had a chance of hearing a word under these conditions: “I need you to do something with me tomorrow…”
And Richie did hear a couple of words, of course. Here and there, between the slow blinks of Eddie’s chocolate eyes as he explained. As he looked Richie in his four-eyes and silently begged him not to laugh for once at his vulnerability.
“Okay, Eds,” Richie said helplessly, as if automated, because somehow in that moment, he couldn’t laugh at Eddie’s vulnerability. And he told himself last night that that was because he only half knew what Eddie had even been saying. But here he is now in the wee hours of morning almost freezing, and fully aware, as he watches Eddie walk in front of him, that Eddie had simply looked too soft the night before to laugh at.
He’s still a little soft like that now, as they stumble into the Barrens, trekking through the tall weeds streaking their legs wet with morning dew. He leads Richie closer and closer to the stream that cuts through the middle—that leads to the sewers—where the grass is shorter, then he kneels.
“Hold this,” Eddie tells him, then stretches his casted arm out between them, fist closed. Richie drops to his knees, sticks his hand out under Eddie’s, palm face-up, and Eddie drops the seed into it. Richie holds it, looks at it, stares at it.
It’s not so much a seed as it’s just a fucking acorn. Functionally a seed, he supposes.
It’s warm against his skin—the residual heat from Eddie’s skin, Richie can’t stop himself from noting. He also can’t help but notice how symmetrical it is. How perfect. How almost weirdly so.
Between them, Eddie is digging a small hole into the dirt with a mini shovel Richie assumes he pulled from his unzipped fanny pack, and Richie finally starts to get what’s happening here, ideas falling slow and gooey over his brain like molasses.
Eddie leans over the hole, which is almost perfectly round, and nods. He holds out his hand to Richie who wordlessly drops the seed into it, watches Eddie just as silently drop the seed into the ground and start to bury it.
He shovels the dirt back in over the seed as Richie stares. At Eddie, then the dirt, then Eddie again, locks his eyes there because it never hurts to look at Eddie. Because he’s starting to think, with his slow molasses thoughts, that maybe it hurts him now to watch something be buried.
He knows he’s not the only one of them who’s got this… relationship now with putting things in the ground.
A year ago, it was Georgie.
Or rather, a casket they all pretended had Georgie in it, and that didn’t compute at the time to any of them but Bill, who stood crying between his parents as the casket sank into the earth.
Just weeks ago, it’d been all seven of them in a more metaphorical type of casket. The Derry sewers are, in short, a giant child casket you walked down into by choice—a shitty, watery grave you bury yourself in.
It’s all death down there. Because the ground is where dead things go.
“There. So, now all it has to do is grow,” Eddie murmurs, and it startles Richie. He uses the back of his shovel to smooth out the dirt he just packed back into the hole, then lifts his heavy gaze from the ground to meet Richie’s.
There’s nothing exciting about this, but tell that to Eddie’s eager, animated eyes. On Richie’s end, it’s somber, but for Eddie, Richie is starting to think it’s all rather big. And expansive and more meaningful than he’ll ever truly understand.
“It’ll be super fucking tall and really shady,” Eddie continues, eyes back on the dirt like this is a spell he’s casting. “And the squirrels will really like it and maybe Stan’s birds. In twenty years, other kids’ll climb in it and stuff and carve their names. We’ll see it when we come back.”
Reflexively, Richie looks down to his hand—the scar still healing from Bill cutting into it with a glass shard just yards away. It’s only been days since they all swore in fresh blood and pain to come back, but how soon is too soon to call yourself a fucking liar?
“You’ll still be too short to climb it then, too,” Richie says impulsively. He is fantastic at uncontrollably talking from his ass when his mouth is uncertain.
“Yeah, well I’ll carve my name at the very fucking top with your buckteeth, dickhead,” Eddie says, fixes Richie with that look. With those furrowed brows over his dark eyes, and his determined little smile.
Determined like the promise of a blood oath, or the sun rising every morning to start the world anew. Determined like Eddie’s desperate and admittedly hysterical expectations on this simple stupid seed to eventually sprout up from the ground the way the seven of them climbed back up from the sewers.
The sun starts to rise, bright and blinding over the horizon, just to outline Richie’s fiery, freckled motormouth in gold. Eddie rests his sunlit golden eyes on their freshly packed dirt. He’s all hope and fear, excitement teeming with apprehension. He looks expectantly to Richie like he’s the hinge of it all—like Richie is just as invested in this, just as nervous. He looks at Richie with his sunny honey eyes and hopes that this stupid seed will grow here, hopes so loudly that Richie swears he feels it, himself.
So, despite himself, Richie smiles and hopes it’s reassuring. Despite himself, he looks at Eddie and hopes it will, too.
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In My Reality | Chapter 1: Dreams & Wishes
Yo, I finally finished the actual first chapter of this new series! I originally wanted to get this out within a week of the prologue’s release but this turned out to be longer than I imagined. All of my TLC went into this for the past three weeks, I haven’t felt this passionate for a project in a long time. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do! ^-^
(This is a Tatsumi brothers x Reader)
(To read the first part, click -> Prologue)
(To read the next part, click → Chapter 2)
(Click “Keep reading” to read the story)

"Geez [n/n], you look so tired," Kamida pointed out. "Did you get any sleep last night?"
"Yeah, I did," I told them before a yawn escaped my mouth. "Just not as much as I wanted."
The three of us were standing at one of the local bus stops that took us downtown. It was our usual meeting spot since it crossed paths with the sidewalks that led us to our houses. We were heading to the arcade, our pockets filled with coins and our phones. The two artists were awake and ready but I on the other hand wished I stayed in bed.
"Oh?" Kamida quirked a brow.
"Did you go to sleep when we ended the call?" Meri-chan questioned, narrowing her eyes at me. 'Course in my sleepy state, I wasn't bothered by her laser stare.
"Look, I wasn't ready to fall asleep at the time. Can you blame me?" I asked only to receive a sigh for an answer. "I didn't stay up too late anyway-"
"When what?"
"When do you go to sleep?" Meri-chan inquired, placing her hands on her hips.
'Playing the mom friend, are we now?' I thought to myself. 'At least I don't have to deal with the teasing wingman.'
"Around 2 in the morning," I mumbled.
"What did you even do during that time?" Kamida asked, saving me from Meri-chan's lecture.
"I just watched the twins' episodes from Juuni Taisen." I noticed Meri-chan was about to go on again so I added, "Hey, at least I didn't watch the entire series."
"That's not the point," Meri-chan stated. I just shrugged in response.
"You really love those two, don't you," Kamida asked me.
I lost track of how many times I rewatched their episodes long ago. While rewatching the entire Anime is great, I didn't have the patience to go through six other episodes before seeing my favourite twins. I then just kept replaying the twins' episodes, eventually losing track of how many times I did. It's just that every time I watch the two episodes, the more I felt I could understand them. It made them seem as if they were real, but the reality is that they're not and I have to remember that. That doesn't stop my dreams though, speaking of my dreams...
"You know, I had an unusual dream last night," I told my friends. "It wasn't like the rest of my dreams that were strange and went all over the place. This dream it... it was of the Tatsumi Brothers but- but it was alternate ending with them." I left out the description of what happened because it'd spoil the Anime for Kamida, and I didn't want to do that.
"What do you mean by 'alternate ending'?" Meri-chan inquired, raising a brow.
"Like it was the ending of Juuni Taisen but different," I answered. "It just- it looked so real! It felt like I was actually watching the Anime until I woke up. You get what I'm saying?"
"Ummm, no," Meri-chan responded, sounding puzzled.
"Really?" I deadpanned.
"I get what you're saying," Kamida piped, pushing his glasses up for the Anime effect. My brow raised in question as to what his next words would be. "You're saying you're obsessed with the two to the point you dream of them!" He stated, pointing an index finger at me.
"Ack-! No!"
"Relax [n/n]," Kamida laughed. "I'm just messing with ya."
"Ha ha..." I let out before another yawn escapes.
"Man, you really are tired."
"I think the dream took my energy," I theorized, rubbing my eyes to stay open. Just as the words left my mouth, we all caught a glimpse of the approaching city bus. I don't know if it was just me but the thing seemed to be taking its sweet time to get to the bus stop.
"It's okay, [Name]. You can take a nap on the bus," Meri-chan told me as the bus came to a stop. "We'll wake you up when we're at the stop near the arcade."
Following my friends, I stepped onto the bus. It wasn't crowded, which made sense considering most people were still working at 2 in the afternoon. Kamida found a set of seats for all of us and sat down, Meri-chan sat next to him, then I plopped down in the seat next to her. Adjusting my position to try and get comfortable enough to fall asleep, I tilted my head to the side and let my eyes fall shut. Soon enough, I had drifted into sleep.
"Is that thing any good?" Nagayuki asked his younger brother, watching him eat the deceased, cooked lizard.
"Yeah, it's awesome!" Takeyasu's sarcasm dripped with venom as his teeth tried to tear the scaled arm. "What do you think?"
The elder twin just blankly stared at his brother. Silence filled the air around them, but the sound of the younger twin eating his dead pet prevented the silence from taking over the scene. That was until the echo of a knock on their door emitted into their ears.
In sync, they both turned their attention to the door wondering who'd come to the door at this hour aside from a delivery man, but it wouldn't make sense for it to be a delivery man. Neither of them had ordered anything. The two gave each other a glance of uncertainty before Nagayuki let out a sigh, pinching the tip of his nose.
"I'll answer it," he stated as he approached the front door.
"Alright." Takeyasu reached over and grabbed his weapon, pulling it close for easy access, just in case.
The feeling around them pulled the twins towards the edge as eerie vines grew in the room. Masking his expression, Nagayuki slowly twisted the knob and partially opened the door. He briefly eyes the person standing on the other side.
It was a man with a top hat, grey hair tied back into a ponytail, facial hair, and the structure of his face made him seem elderly. He wore a black long coat with a grey scarf and white gloves. By this alone, the elder Tatsumi brother was able to tell this man dressed to blend into the shadows and meant business. Something else emitted from the man, it seemed to be supernatural. If it had been a normal person answering the door, they would've brushed the feeling off as if it was nothing because they don't believe in it, but Nagayuki knew the supernatural existed because he was living proof. That said, he grew cautious, thinking carefully of his next actions.
"Can I help you?" Nagayuki asked the man with a stoic face.
"I do believe this is the household of the Tatsumi brothers, Nagayuki and Takeyasu, if my sources are correct," the man spoke with an unreadable smile.
"So what if it is?"
"My name is Duodecuple," the man introduced himself. "I am from the Juuni Taisen organization."
Nagayuki raised a brow, suspicious of this mysterious person. When the head of the dragon and snake household explained how the Juuni Taisen contacted you the instructions of how to get to the location, they sent a letter in a red envelope with gold wax as its seal, and it was delivered through the mail. Why was this man here?
"Are you?" Nagayuki questioned. "Do you have any proof to back up that claim of yours?"
"I figured you would say something like that," Duodecuple said, his gloved-hand reached into his coat and pulled out a red envelope with a golden seal, handing it to Nagayuki.
Taking it from the man, the elder Tsumita twin opened the letter and thoroughly read the message written. Sure enough, this was legit. Glancing back at the man, still with a hint of suspicion, Nagayuki folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope before handing it back to him.
"Alright, so why are you here exactly? Last time I checked, you don't escort the warriors to the Juuni Taisen."
"While that is indeed true, I am here on the behave of a wish someone made. A wish that you and your brother wouldn't partake in the Juuni Taisen."
Takeyasu, who was listening to the conversation nearby, swung the door open and fired his weapon at the man. In his mind, that statement is something said before another person is killed. Not necessarily a threat, but even so it wasn't something to take lightly. He wasn't taking the risk of his brother being killed.
Nagayuki hardly had any time to react before his brother started burning the person in front of them. Part of him wanted to scold his brother for acting impulsively, but gratitude is the feeling that stirred inside him. He became unsettled after what the man said, and if it wasn't for Takeyasu, there was a chance the walls would've been stained with blood. However, he should stop his brother before they burn down the apartment building, he doesn't want to have to move again.
"Alright, that's enough, Takeyasu," Nagayuki told his twin, putting a hand on the younger one's shoulder. As the final remains of ember faded away after Takeyasu had stopped, both twins saw that no evidence was left behind of the man. "You really got him good..." Nagayuki stated, almost in disbelief.
"I do believe it is considered rude to try to kill someone before they finish what they are saying." Duodecuple's voice lurked behind them. The two flinched and spun around to discover the man standing there with no trail of smoke or ash on him as if he never had made contact with the fire. "But since you are warriors, I suppose that is an exception."
"I'd like to see you try and avoid this!"
"Wait-" Nagayuki tried to stop his brother from making any haste moves but his brother slithered quickly and tried to attack the old man with physical combat.
From the way the man never flinched and stood his ground, Nagayuki knew something was up. Sure enough, when Takeyasu struck he phased right through. Surprised by this, Takeyasu barely had time to recover and stumbled to catch himself. Once he steadied himself, he looked back to the elder man with narrowed eyes, growling.
"Now, now, I don't mean to bring any harm," Duodecuple reassured the two, holding up one of his gloved hands to gesture he meant no harm. "I am just here to fulfill a wish..." he paused for a brief moment to lower his hand. "Three wishes actually."
"Huh?" Both Tatsumi brothers spoke in sync, confused. Why would there be three wishes that involved them?
"By your tone, I am sure you are confused. I do not blame you however, even if you remembered your own wish you still would not know where the third one came from."
The twins' eyes glanced at each other before going back to the man. If they had made their wish and Duodecuple was here to grant it then that means they were already in the Juuni Taisen and won. What didn't make sense was how did they both win? Did something change where they could both win? If that was the case, why was Duodecuple here before the Juuni Taisen even started? Then there was still the third wish that didn't fit in the picture.
"Since it is not possible for the two of you to avoid the Juuni Taisen while in this plane of existence, our organizers thought it would be best to move you to another. And since the organizers are generous, they thought to grant another wish that would benefit both you and the wisher."
Once again, the Tatsumi brothers shared a look. Both unsure if there was a catch, and both having a lot of questions running through their minds. This entire situation seemed to be too good to be true then again, it was the Juuni Taisen. From what the twins heard, they made anything possible, the power they have is unimaginable. Still, better to find out now.
"Is there anything else we should know about?" Nagayuki inquired.
"You will be living with the wisher," Duodecuple informed them. "As I said, it is a win-win situation. You will be informed of the new plane and you will have a new place to stay, it makes things more convenient."
"Alright, so we get our wish granted and a new roommate." Takeyasu turned his gaze to his brother, a smirk on his face. "It doesn't seem all that bad."
"I am glad to hear that. That being said, you have seven hours to pack everything you need before you are escorted to your new home," Duodecuple told them, taking off his hat and bowing. His form began to pixelate away until the air was the only thing that remained where the mysterious hologram once stood.
"[Name], wake up," Meri-chan whispered, nudging me awake. "We're here."
"Huh? Oh, right," I mumbled before a yawn escaped my mouth as I rose to my feet.
Once the three of us had walked off the bus, I stretched my stiff limbs. Satisfaction filled me as the musical sound of my bones cracking played through my ears. I was on that bus for too long, but if that meant I got more sleep, I didn't mind. However, I still wished I had been sleeping, for one I still felt like I needed more rest, and two, I wanted to continue the dream I had. It felt real like the one I dreamt the night before, just as if I was watching Juuni Taisen. I found it rather strange that twice in a row I had a dream like that.
"Feeling more awake now, [n/n]?" Kamida asked me.
"Kinda," I answered honestly before I drew a smirk on my face. "Awake enough to be able to beat you at Street Fighter!" I told him, poking his arm then picked up my feet and dashed towards the building.
"Oh no, you don't!" Kamida shouted, sprinting after me.
"Hey, no fair! You guys got a head start!" Meri-chan complained, following behind, trying to keep up.
'Course, it didn't take long before Kamida was running ahead of me, he had the height advance. Kamida is taller than both me and Meri-chan, and I am taller than Meri-chan which leaves her as the shortest out of our trio. That said, it was the order in which we all arrived at the arcade's main doors. Laughter emerged from us as we stumble at the front entrance.
"You guys are so slow," Kamida jeered.
"Yeah, yeah." I waved it off with a hand before strolling over and opening the door. "After you."
"As the wingman, I insist you go first," he stated holding the door open.
"Fine." I stepped into the world of entertainment and scanned the dark place where black and neon lights hung from. Only a few kids were here today, which means more gameplay for us! "Alright!" I thought out loud.
"Hey [n/n]-chan," Meri-chan addressed me, catching my attention. "Let's play a round of air hockey."
"Yeah- we can do our match later Kamida," I told him, still wanting to do that duel.
"Cool, I'll just be playing Space Invaders over here," he said before walking away.
"Alright, Meri-chan." My hand fished out a dollar from my pocket and inserted it in the coin slot, activating the machine. Taking the puck from the goal and placing it on the table, I put on my game face. "First to ten wins."
"Aw man," I groaned, seeing my Pac-man die for 4th time playing this multiplayer game.
"You're off your game today," Kamida commented as his eyes focus on the screen, trying not to get eaten by Meri-chan's red Pac-man.
"Gee, I wonder what makes you think that." I playfully rolled my eyes, chuckling as I saw Kamida's blue Pac-man get eaten.
"Dang it!"
"Haha!" Meri-chan cheered in victory, throwing her hands in the air.
I felt a smile form on my face seeing my friends act the way they did, but my mind couldn't help but focus on the dreams I had earlier. They were stuck bouncing around my loop of thoughts, perhaps that's why I was off my game. Who can blame me though? It's not like I get these dreams every day so the fact they happen was a puzzle itself, maybe if they happened more often I wouldn't be so distracted.
"Well darn, it's 5:10." Meri-chan's statement caused me to get off my train of thought.
"Shoot, I'm supposed to be home by 6," I told them.
"And I'm supposed to be cooking dinner tonight for me and my little brother," Kamida grumbled as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
"Should we leave now and catch the next bus?" Meri-chan asked, her eyes looking at us after her phone was put back in her pocket.
"Yeah, the next bus arrives in 15 minutes," Kamida informed us, checking the bus schedule.
"Let's get going then," I said leading the way out of the arcade. Stepping outside after being inside that dim-lit building burned my eyes. My hands shot up to block the setting sun as I let out a snake-like hiss, taking a few steps back.
"Hhhhh, why couldn't it be night when we left?" Meri-chan complained, getting the same effect.
"I don't know, I don't control time," Kamida replied to her squinting his eyes to try and adjust back to the normal lighting. "Come on guys, we don't have much time before the bus gets to the stop."
"Right," I nodded, setting my hands in my jacket pockets after my eyes were used to the lighting, following the others.
"You guys wanna do this again tomorrow?" Meri-chan asked, starting conversation as we strolled to the bus stop.
"I already have stuff going on tomorrow," I lied. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with them, I just didn't want to go outside until I have to go back to school.
"And I'm going to be at my grandparents for the next three days. That's why I said we should hang out today," Kamida explained.
"Oh, that's alright. We can always voice chat at night," Meri-chan optimized.
"Yeah." A yawn escaped from my mouth once again. 'Man, I really do need sleep.'
"[n/n], you should take a nap when you get home."
"I will, I will," I grumbled. 'After I take a shower.'
I probably won't remember to take a nap when I get home, cause with showering and then dinner practically ready when I'm finished, the thought will be lost in my head. Not to mention my dreams are what have been occupying my mind. Usually, they don't, but I believe I'm still grasping onto them since I don't want them to slip away.
'What do the dreams mean?' It appeared too real to be just a normal dream but to call it a vision would absurd. Visions are stuff that happened, will happen, or a sort of warning, at least that's how it is in movies. The closest thing I ever get to a vision is the random flashes of deja vu I receive. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, maybe I'm just having proper dreams for once. Yeah, that's probably it, I-
"Whoa there, [n/n]!" Kamida grasped my hood to prevent me from walking any further.
"Huh?" I voiced, confused by his actions, I turned my head to him and gave him a "Why did you do that?" expression.
"We're at the bus stop, dummy," Meri-chan informed me.
"Oh, oops." I sweatdropped as I stood beside them.
"We're just in time too," Kamida pointed out as he watched the bus drive towards the stop.
One by one, we stepped onto the bus. I noticed the number of people taking this transportation has grown since it's at an hour where most people get off work, luckily there was still a three-seat row open for us. My legs took haste to snatch the spot before it could be in someone's possession, then I plopped down onto the window seat. By the time I had shifted into a comfortable yet civil sitting position, my friends had joined me. Kamida next to me and Meri-chan sitting on his other side.
Vines of silence grew around us so we didn't disturb anyone lurking in our surroundings. I wasn't phased by the lack of conversation, taking the opportunity to gaze at the modern buildings the bus drove by and dive further into the waters of my mind. Going through the catalogue of my memory, I searched for the recent dream I had and play it once I had found it. Something felt out of place in that dream, and it wasn't just because the scenario differed from the canon result of the flashback in episode 8 of Juuni Taisen. The fact Duodecuple stated he came to fulfill three wishes and not two didn't make sense.
If I connected the dots correctly, the first two wishes were Nagayuki and Takeyasu's wish to not partake in the Juuni Taisen, but then where did the third wish come from? Why would there be a third wish? Did I miss something in my first dream? Is it possible that if I slept a bit longer this morning I would've found out who made the third wish?
Multiple questions danced in my mind but they couldn't find any answers for them to waltz around with. After all, they were left in the mystic unknown, the only way they could return to the known land and find answers is if I returned to the dream realm, but there's no guarantee that it'll give me what I'm looking for. I highly doubt I'd be able to get another dream of the Tatsumi brothers again, my dreams have been generous enough to grant me two normal dreams in a row, I don't think they're going to give me a third. Still, it would be nice-
"[n/n], we're at our stop," Kamida informed me while waving a hand in front of my face.
"Uh-right... right," I responded and arose to my feet, following them out of the bus. Once outside, I brushed myself off, watching the bus drive out of view. Turning my attention to my friends, my hands set themselves in my jacket pockets. "So I guess I'll see you guys at school."
"{Yup|Yeah}," they answered at the same time.
"Alright, see ya then guys." I waved, beginning to stroll backwards in the direction of my house.
"Bye!" Meri-chan exclaimed, waving.
"See ya." Kamida gave a small wave before turning and heading home.
I faced forward once we had disappeared in our path home, eyeing the slim light that emerged from the sun that is ready to be engulfed by the black night. My hand dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone, I needed to text my mom I was almost home. Turning on the device, I noticed I had two text messages, one from my mom and the other from my brother. I tapped on the notification and bypassed the lock screen to read the message my bro sent me.
"Hey, I'm going to a hangout at my friend's house.
Won't be back till morning"
"Looks like he made plans of his own," I thought out loud. "Guess that means no Code Geass tonight, but that also means I can rewatch Juuni Taisen." Drawing a smirk on my face, I chuckled before sending a response to my brother.
"Aight, cya tomorrow bro"
I waited for the message to load and confirm it was sent before tapping onto the text my mom sent.
"Just wanted to let you know your brother
is going over to his friend's place."
"Good to know."
"I'm almost home"
I turned off my phone once I had replied to her message, storing the device in my pocket. Mom always made sure to inform us whenever something came up, which I am grateful for. It helped me remember and keep track of things, they say "two heads are better than one" for a reason.
"Two heads..." I chuckled to myself when the Tsumita twins popped into my head once more. "Two heads that's been stuck in my mind all day."
I sat down in my office chair once I had finished drying my hair, dressed in a simple t-shirt and cargo pants. Opening my laptop I hopped onto docs and clicked the option open a new document. It had been a while since I had written anything, my search for inspiration had been harder than trying to find water in a desert, but with the two dreams I had, I thought I could use it for the idea of a plot. Fidgeting with my bracelet, I tried to construct a starter for the story in my mind, but I found myself unable to find my way around writer's block.
Glancing down at the accessory hugging my wrist as if I asked for ideas, I didn't have any other options since no one was here beside me. I would call or text Meri-chan or Kamida but I knew I'd be heading down soon for dinner. I found no point in inquiring if they could talk if I had to disappear. Funny enough, the bracelet only reminded me of the Tatsumi brothers. I laughed to myself, wondering what the twins would say if they were here, I found the idea amusing. I became tempted to tear the material on my wrist to make my greatest wish a reality, to see if they could become real once I did, but common sense popped my fantasy bubble. This wasn't some Anime where a game master could grant my wish, such fictional desires weren't possible for me to achieve, but I wish it was.
Something in my gut kicked me, flying my head out of that sad mindset I didn't know I fell into. My eyes went back to the blank doc I had open on my laptop. I felt a spark begin to flicker, attempting to get the fire of creativity going. My hands hovered over the keys, words on the tip of my fingers-
"[Name], dinner is ready," mom told me on the other side of my closed door she knocked on.
"Dah!" Frustrated, my arms flew up and mimicked the action of flipping a table before they slammed down on the edge of my desk. "Just when I had something..." I groaned and hung my head back. My mood shifted quickly, realizing some brain food would be good. "Coming mom."
As I arose from my chair, my bracelet seemed off, but when I checked it, everything appeared to be fine. I shrugged off my instinct, believing I was imagining things.
A yawn escaped my mouth after I heard the door to mom's room close, she went to bed since she had to work early. I was just chilling on the couch, my feet reclined up and any plans of writing had gone out the window once I had become one with the couch. I had the house somewhat to myself, considering my mom was now upstairs sleeping I couldn't do much.
I don't do things too exciting anyway, most times I just continued writing, or watch something on the tv which is what I'm doing now. Other times if my friends are available, I'd call them up and we'd discuss the fictional world. Then there was the rare occasion where I'd put on music and dance or vibe. It's relaxing me time.
Currently, Juuni Taisen played on the widescreen tv, already on the 11th episode. I don't know why, but it felt strange to watch it. I've seen these courses of events multiple times, each time understanding it more, why now do I receive this feeling? Perhaps the reason had to do with the dreams I had previously, with them appearing so real I guess coming back to what actually happened felt off to me. At least that was my thought process as I let out another yawn.
The 11th episode now halfway through and my eyes had begun to droop, feeling drowsy like Nezumi. The tv slowly turned into background noise when my tired mind began to pull me into the dream realm, my arms going limp to my sides as my eyes closed. The last audible thing I heard was Nezumi mentioning his 100 paths.
"Too bad my lizard died, I think he would've liked meeting a new face," Takeyasu remarked gazing at the empty reptile tank sitting on his shelf, taking a break from packing his duffle bags.
This all seemed surreal for Takeyasu, for months he was on edge and trying to distance himself from his brother so when they were in the Taisen it wouldn't be as painful to see him die, at least that was his thought process. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway, not when Nagayuki started to take the big brother role more seriously ever since they both found out one of them was going to die in the Juuni Taisen if the other were to win. Then this wish thing came along and now they're packing for their new life, it was a miracle this was happening. Part of Takeyasu imagined this is some cruel dream that he's in and reality is about to wake him up to see those red letters for him and his brother. He sure wished it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.
"Hey, are you done packing?" Nagayuki questioned checking in, changed into his signature blue outfit.
"Almost, just gotta stash the rest of the money in there," the younger Tatsumi brother answered, going back to his task. "Do you think we can bring Hitokage and Yuki-onna?"
"I don't think that's the best idea, we don't know who our new roommate is going to be and what exactly they'll be okay with," Nagayuki stated, his hand grasping his chin as he began thinking out loud. "Normal people would probably freak out upon seeing two guys with a flamethrower and an icethrower. Still, if we have something to do with the third wish they must know who we are."
"Heh, I was just going to bring Hitokage anyway, regardless of your answer. You never know if we may need them."
Nagayuki rolled his eyes, knowing his brother would do something like that. His little bro had a point, however. They might need their weapons in this new place they're going, it'd probably give more use than the currency they were bringing with them. Both were unaware of where they were heading. Walking over, he looked inside one of Takeyasu's bags, small red rectangle boxes caught his eye and he picked one up.
"Really? You're taking your poker cards?"
"You say that like it's a question."
"Do you really need all of them?"
"Yeah, they're collector." Takeyasu stated his reason like it was obvious. The snake then cracked a smile. "At least I can reuse them unlike the bags of snacks you packed."
"Shut up." A faint blush appeared on Nagayuki's albino cheeks. "The flavours might not be available where we go, it's not like I'm going to eat them all in one go."
The little brother playfully snickered until the brief moment died down. A gentle silence sat between them, the only thing heard was Takeyasu stuffing items into the duffle bag. The elder Tatsumi brother glanced outside the room, considering if he should go check to see he had everything he needed and wasn't forgetting anything, but his bro caught his attention before he could decide.
"Hey..." Takeyasu started with a monotone, the mood in the room becoming heavy. That was a rare thing to happen among them, so he had his elder twin's full attention. "Did you ever think this would happen; Us not having to be apart of the Juuni Taisen?"
"I'm going to be honest with you, Takeyasu."
That was a phrase the younger Tsumita twin hadn't heard in a long time.
"I thought the Juuni Taisen was what our whole lives were leading up to, but I also thought the day would never come," Nagayuki spoke truthfully, his eyes gazed down at the floor. "I... just can't believe that it's not actually going to come, and how it never will..."
It grew quiet, the reality of what was happening finally settling in their minds. The reality neither of them was going to die. The reality neither of them had to kill the other. It was gone, the dark road was gone. They were free.
A laugh broke the silence, Nagayuki glance at his brother who had made the joyful sound.
"We don't have to play those bastards' game!" Takeyasu exclaimed, tackling his bro into a hug.
"Oof-" Nagayuki stumbled, not expecting the sudden embrace, but when he steadied himself he wrapped his arms around his baby brother. The burden of death has been lifted from their shoulders and they never felt more relieved. Tears of joy threatened to fall as the two hugged, knowing they wouldn't lose the other.
Before either could cry, an outsider cleared their throat. The moment now passed, the twins pulled away from the sibling hug to see Duodecuple there holding his hands behind his back.
"Are you both ready?" the man asked.
"Yeah, let me just get my bags," Nagayuki responded, moving past the elder man to get to his room.
Entering, the dragon went straight to retrieve the two duffle bags he packed. However, he ceased in his tracks when he turned to exit, spying the icethrower from the corner of his eye. He had originally planned to leave it, thinking it wasn't needed in his new life and unsure how their new roommate would feel about it, but since his little bro was taking his flamethrower what could it hurt to bring his weapon along?
"Besides, I don't I could get something like you out there, Yuki-onna," Nagayuki said, a smirk plastered on his face as he picked up the icethrower and put it on his back. He then grabbed his bags and left his now old room. Joining his brother's side in the main room, both face the mysterious man, holding their belongings.
"I hope you both are aware you are not heading to any warzones," Duodecuple told them, seeing how both Tatsumi brothers were carrying their weapons with them.
"Yeah, we know," Nagayuki stated blankly.
"But there's no way we're leaving these," Takeyasu added with a smug expression.
"I see." Duodecuple nodded, grabbing the rim of his top hat.
"So where are heading?" the elder Tatsumi brother asked.
"And how are we getting-"
Before the younger Tsumita twin could finish his question, Duodecuple had taken off his hat to bow, while doing so the brothers faded out of their reality.
"No!" I cried, reaching out to the two, only to face the actual screen in front of me. "Oh... it was just another dream," I muttered to myself, grasping my forehead with my right hand.
I'm surprised I actually was granted a third dream of the Tatsumi brothers. I expected my brain not to be so generous, not that I'm complaining, I'm grateful for it. I wished I knew what happened to them though, maybe I'll find out in the next dream. I could get used to having them on my mind as I sleep.
Returning to the reality before me, I saw the episode had finished a while ago. My hand went to pick up the phone that laid on the couch beside me to check the time, but when I did I noticed my bracelet had broken beyond repair. I quickly sat up, picking up the remains of the lime bracelet and the few beads that were once on it.
"Shit, how'd it break?" I questioned, examing the pieces. "It was fine an hour ago, wasn't it?" Shaking my head, I knew it had to throw it in the trash, it was useless now.
I reclined my spot on the couch back down and stuffed my phone in my pocket. Holding the bits of my broken bracelet, I strolled over to the trashcan in the kitchen and dropped them in there. I felt disappointed, I actually enjoyed wearing that bracelet. Not only was it a gift from one of my best friends but it was something that reminded me of the Tatsumi brothers.
"Oh well, objects can't last forever," I mumbled to myself, recalling the day our Wii console stopped reading discs, on New Year's Day too no less.
Catching a glimpse of the time set on the oven, I figured I should head upstairs to my room. If I stayed downstairs for too long and went up late in the night, I'd give mom broken sleep. Probably best I'd head there now anyway if I wanted to get any writing done.
Going up the steps silently so I wouldn't disturb mom, headed to the next floor. My mind was in a whirlwind of different thoughts, but they were put to a pause when I heard voices. At first, I concluded it was just mom talking in her sleep again, however, I crossed it off since they sounded male. My next assumption was my brother but that wouldn't make sense since he wasn't home. Before the scary sensation of the situation settled into my mindset, I had reached the floor and the semi-audio voices sounded familiar to me. With that in mind, I crept down the hallway towards the sound and I realized it was coming from my room.
'Why would it be my room of all places?' I questioned in my head. 'I don't have anything worth stealing!' I turned around to go and find something to use to defend myself but I never took another step because that's when their sentences became audible.
"Too bad we didn't have more time to pack, I would've liked to bring my desktop set up with me."
'No way...' I thought to myself, slowly twisting my head towards my door with wide eyes.
"Don't sweat it, bro. You got the USB, that's all that matters."
'No fucking way!'
I didn't even realize I moved down the hall until my hand felt the cool metal of the doorknob that opened the door to my room. My brain hardly processing my actions, I twisted the handle and pushed open the door. The sight before me I could barely believe.
There standing in my room, in their full warrior gear, were the Tatsumi brothers.
In the moment of me just staring at their backs, I forgot how to fucking breathe. Then Takeyasu was the first to turn to me.
"Hey bro, I think our roommate is here," he told his brother, his signature smirk on his face.
"Huh?" Nagayuki turning attention to me, his icy gaze settling on my skin. "I think you're right."
The expression of the younger twin changed to a semi-worried one. "Hey, are you okay?-"
I wasn't able to hear the rest of his words because all the weight that once was in my head disappeared. I saw my surroundings grow taller and tilt horizontally, but then I felt something solid collide with my back and my vision dissolved to black. I realized that I fainted from disbelief.
I mean, this couldn't have been real right? I was sleeping only moments ago and I woke up to this? No, no, this couldn't be real. I'm probably just dreaming, right? Yeah, that's what I'm doing, dreaming. I'm just dreaming. I'll wake up on the couch and see that it was only a dream.
#Tatsumi brothers#tatsumi kyoudai#Tatsumi Kyoudai Ani#tatsumi kyoudai otouto#tatsumi brothers x reader#Takeyasu#takeyasu tsumita#nagayuki tsumita#nagayuki#Juuni Taisen#juuni taisen zodiac war#juuni taisen snake#juuni taisen dragon#juuni taisen: zodiac war#juni taisen#juni taisen x reader#juuni taisen au#in my reality (tatsumi brothers x reader)
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Fake Relationship
Updated 20 October 2021 Rest of the Masterlist.
A Christmas When You Were Mine by TazWren (AO3 2018 Rated M Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey harbours a seemingly hopeless crush on her neighbour, until the day she lands him in the hospital and has to deal with what comes next.) A Fluff Piece by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is a late night TV producer. Ben is a zoologist who every once in a while is invited to bring his animals to the show. This week's theme is fur balls and he brings all his cutest babies. Rey doesn't know who is cuter: the animals or their handler.) All Bets Are Off by crossingwinter (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “Fake girlfriend. What does that even mean?” Ben asks her. Rey rests a hand on his arm, feeling the muscles underneath his sleeve. “Babe,” she says, leaning close to him. “It means we pretend we’re madly in love. Think you can pull that off for your office pool?” Ben’s eyes flicker softly between each of hers and he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.) and all i need is to be struck by your electric love by radioactivesaltghoul (AO3 2019 Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey’s supposed to fake-break-up with her fake-boyfriend, but Ben’s been pissing her off more and more lately. What better way to irritate him by showering him in a public proposal that he has to say no to?) Anything You Need by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben knows women don’t come to him for his lacking social skills and awkward nature; they want to see if he's big all over. He figures why not finally use his assets to his advantage and (try to) flirt with and impress trainer Rey by working out in only biking shorts?) as luck would have it by prncesselene (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When a case of violent food poisoning ruins Rose and Hux’s honeymoon plans, who better to take their place at a pre-paid Hawaiian beach resort than the Maid of Honor and Best Man? Sure, it’ll take some maneuvering, but a free vacation is a free vacation. They just have to pretend to be devoted newlyweds for a bit to enjoy it. There’s only one glaring issue, really: they can’t stand each other.) Be My (Fake) Wife by paynesgrey (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is in a bad predicament because of his father. He must produce a wife in order to impress the retiring President so he can take over his family's company. The problem is, he doesn't think he knows anyone who can help him...until Rey, his kendo student, offers to fake marry him for compensation. The only problem is... their marriage and feelings may not seem so fake as they get to know each other.) Christmas Eve Will Find Me (Where the Lovelight Gleams) by Love_andbalance (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Christmas Eve. Ben stares at the train that he and his now ex were supposed to be departing on. A noise behind him turns his head, a beautiful girl yelling at the SOLD OUT ticket booth. He looks at the 2 tickets in his hand and back at the girl. "Fuck it," he says, walking up to her.) Conscience and Unconsciousness by pontmercy44 (AO3 2017 Rated E Complete, 20 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's in love with the man who comes to the diner, after he gets hurt and she follows him to the hospital. A While You Were Sleeping AU, what happens when Ben wakes up with amnesia and can't remember his "fiance" Rey. TW: Immigration Officer and threats of deportation.) Crisis: Girlfriend by perperuna (AO3 2018 Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben had been in love with Rey for over a year when he asked her to go with him to his ex’s wedding as his date and ‘girlfriend’.) dancing in a swirl of golden memories by hi_raeth (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A long time ago, in a desert far away, Rey and Ben met each other and fell in love. But that was years ago, before they went their separate ways and grew as people and ran into each other in college a while later. Now all they have is a close friendship, fond memories, and… oh, what’s this? An opportunity to fake date in order to appease Ben’s parents for the holiday season?) daylight by sparklylulz (sparklyulz) (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Coffee shop employee Rey has a run in with one of the difficult professors. Thus starts a very turbulent friendship until Ben needs a fake date to go with him to see his parents, the first time he's seen his parents in a while.) Deceit, Delusion, and Desire by AttackoftheDarkCurses, thebuildingsnotonfire (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey realizes her student visa is about to expire, she struggles to find a way to stay in the country legally. Her roommate has a terrible idea, and it's just risky enough to work.) Dreaming of a December Wedding by greywilde (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, 11 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A Reylo modern AU based on the Hallmark Christmas Movie, "A December Bride" Rey Jackson was supposed to marry Poe Dameron and have her dream December wedding - until he fell in love with her foster sister Kaydel. And it's all Ben Solo's fault. Now it's payback and he's her fake date to the wedding, but when Ben makes an impulsive announcement, it sets the stage for an elaborate holiday arrangement.) Fleeced by Blueyedgurl (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: AU where Rey is a mechanic and Ben is her grumpy client. Ben is car shopping and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend so the dealer won't screw him over.) Force du Couer by Stargazer1116 (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, 24 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren is the CEO of a successful corporation in NYC. In a power play, his board, led by his uncle, demand that he marry to makeover his dismal public image. Rey is an art therapist working with foster kids in Harlem. When she contacts Kylo for possible support, he proposes a business deal that can benefit them both. He has no idea how much this woman with a fierce heart will turn his world upside down.) Get Rekt by Thelittlescrimshaw (AO3 2016 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: He was drunk, they all were, but slinging an arm around her shoulders and declaring Rey his wife was not how she imagined the first party of the semester going.) Happy to Help by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020 Rated E Incomplete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Sometimes you just need your neighbor to pretend to be in a relationship with you. Repeatedly.) heaven in hiding by blessedreylo (AO3 2021 Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: They say it's impossible for a guy and girl to be "just friends", but Rey and Ben had managed to discredit that throughout their decade long friendship. What they both have is special, that people would often arrive at the conclusion the two were made for each other. He's her safe haven, her rock. She gives him a sense of clarity and direction. Ben and Rey know each other more than anyone ever possibly could. Therefore on Valentine's Day, their friends decided to secretly set them up together on a blind dinner date.) Hey Sweetheart by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Anytime a guy flirts with Rey, her flatmate Ben swoops in and pretends to be her possessive boyfriend. She was never going to get laid. Six months since moving in with him, and he scared away all her potential ‘suitors’.) His New Girl by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has a problem...he is completely unprepared to run into his polished princess ex-girlfriend Bazine. Now he is standing in front of her without an answer to her question regarding if he is seeing anyone because of course he isn’t but he doesn’t want to tell her that. Then he hears a familiar voice. Rey. Would she be willing to help in his hour of need?) Home for the Holidays by LarirenShadow (AO3 2016 Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren, in a moment of weakness, tells his mother he'll be home for Christmas and will bring his girlfriend. Problem is he doesn't have one. Enter Rey, his grad assistant. He makes a deal with her so she'll be his girlfriend for the trip home.) home is where the start is by sunshineflying (AO3 2019 Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben desperately needs a good grade on his philosophy exam in order to keep his GPA up enough to get into the master's program of his dreams. Thankfully, his friend Rose knows a girl who is a paid tutor on campus who can help him. But with Thanksgiving holiday just a few days away, and the exam looming on the following Monday, less than conventional tutoring methods must be taken.) How Much Can Kylo Ren Endure This Christmas by reylology (AO3 2017 Rated M Complete, 10 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: As the CEO of the number one commercial enterprise in New York City, Kylo Ren would think that bringing home a girl for his parents to meet should be the least of his concerns. But when a phone call with his mother takes an absurd, aggravating turn, he finds himself shoved headfirst into a lie. Desperate to prove his parents wrong, Kylo would do anything in order to see the shocked looks on their faces. Even if it means seeking help from the random girl that had just walked into his office for a job interview.) How to Keep Christmas by JaneNightwork (AO3 2018 Rated M Complete, 26 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben have had feelings for each other since she began teaching at Chandrila Elementary School earlier that year, but neither knows their affection is mutual. Rey plans to use the the Christmas season––her favorite time of year––as an excuse to spend more time with Ben, and to find a way to tell him how she feels. But can she convince the Grinch-ish Ben to enjoy Christmas with her? Equally important: will her friends Finn, Poe, and Rose be able to stop themselves from matchmaking and meddling and general mischief?) I don't want a lot for Christmas by Rebeccaseal (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey helps Ben find presents for his mother and somehow ends up going to Christmas dinner with him as his fake girlfriend. Or at least, it's fake at first.) I don't want a lot for Christmas by Rebeccaseal (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey helps Ben find presents for his mother and somehow ends up going to Christmas dinner with him as his fake girlfriend. Or at least, it's fake at first.) I Need You to Kiss Me by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “My cheating arse of an ex has just walked in with my ex-roomie who he cheated on me with, so if you can pretend that we are happy, and that you are madly in love with me - that would be grand.” She paused taking a breath before giving him a light airy smile. “Any objections?”) In Sickness And In Health by Theyna_Shipper (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey knows it's not an ideal situation, but it's a situation thousands of people are in. It's not like there's much she can do about it right now, anyways. She can go a little while without health insurance. Until she gets breast cancer. The treatment will be simple if she can get it. But she's worried she can't, until her old co-worker Ben offers a solution: "We could get married.") In the Woods Somewhere by Verdantsolstice (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Hikers Ben & Rey meet on the trail when they’re both lost. Hours of walking lead them to a convent in the woods. The sisters are very friendly, but refuse to let them both stay unless they’re married. TW: Mentions of ICE and immigration.) Just Kiss Me by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: At a party in Poe's house, a guy won't stop asking Rey to go out with him. Rey decides to silence him by pulling Poe's roommate Ben into a kiss.) Laid Between Words by jeeno2 (AO3 2019 Rated E Complete, 15 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is nearing the end of her temporary work Visa. Her friend Ben offers to marry her so she can stay in the U.S. She says yes.) Let me Dream, Let me Stay by Melusine11 (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has kept up a charade of a non-existant boyfriend for two years and now that Rose and Finn are getting married, she needs someone to pretend to be said boyfriend, enter her coworker Ben.) Look No Further by thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily) (AO3 2019 Rated T Complete, 9 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is spending Thanksgiving alone but a late-night Craigslist ad ends up with her agreeing to crash some asshole's family dinner. At the very least, she's curious what kind of people name their son "Kylo Ren" anyway.) Love is Strange by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Or the one where Rey lies and tells her coworkers she has a loving husband and a son. Now the annual picnic is coming up and she needs a fake picture-perfect family. Fortunately, her friend Ben fits all the requirements.) Love's a Game by darthswift13 (AO3 2021 Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Complete strangers Rey and Ben enroll in couples therapy as an academic experiment. How long before the therapist realizes it’s all a ruse?) maybe the night (holds a little hope for us, dear) by notkellymarie (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The inhabitants of The Loft have been invited to a college friend's wedding and Rey's ex-boyfriend will be in attendance. Wanting to avoid an interaction with him due to a messy break-up, she hopes bringing along a plus one will do the trick. Luckily, her friend Ben Solo from 4C is a trooper.) Merry (Fuzzy) and Bright by JaneNightwork (AO3 2019 Rated M Complete, 25 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: One night Ben finds a dog abandoned on his doorstep. She's cold, scared, and pregnant. Ben takes her to a nearby vet clinic and meets the beautiful veterinarian Rey, who promises to help him be the best caregiver the dog and her puppies could ask for. Throughout the holiday season Ben and Rey fall in love with the puppies and, of course, each other.) More Than a One-Night Stand by Eskayrobot, Poaxath (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's having a pretty shitty night, to be honest. From the creep at the bar to the...oh, this rescuer of hers is pretty nice. And very attractive. And maybe he smelled really good, too.) My Heart Like a Kick Drum by Zoa (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In need of a date to his parents destination vow renewal but not interested in a real relationship, Ben Solo turns to an acting service specializing in fake relationships for a temporary girlfriend. But as he gets to know Rey Niima over the course of the vacation, Ben finds himself reconsidering his outlook on love...) My Whole Life by AttackoftheDarkCurses, thebuildingsnotonfire (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The "Without a Hitch" high school sweethearts, fake-dating rom-com AU.) Nevertheless, She Persisted by dawninthemtn (AO3 2019 Rated T Complete, 24 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Junior campaign staffer Rey works for US presidential candidate Leia Organa and ends up with the job of babysitting her aloof and entitled adult son Ben.) Only Make-Believe by Hartmannclan (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is in a car accident, so best friend Ben races to the hospital to be with her. What happens when she wakes up with amnesia and believes they are married?) Overboard by Biekewieke (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, 10 Chapters, Overboard AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Organa-Skywalker is a rich snob who hires her to clean his party barge, making her life difficult and fouls her mood. After a freak accident throws him overboard and Rey ends up saving his life. When he wakes up, it turns out he has amnesia. Rey sees it as the ultimate answer to all her prayers. She gets to take his arrogant ass down a peg or two AND she has someone to help around the house and with the kids for a while.) Overstimulated by adamsnackler (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben avoids going to parties because he doesn't like to get touched. Rey is intrigued by the mysterious man in the corner and swoops in to save him from a handsy flirt by pretending to be his date.) Peacock by AttackoftheDarkCurses (AO3 2019 Rated E Complete, 22 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Thanks to a series of misunderstandings, failed attempts at flirting, and loud Katy Perry music, Ben grows to hate his new neighbor. Proposing to her wasn't the best solution to his problems.) Plus Won by AmberDread, DarkMage13, Erulisse17, Trish47, venetum (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After a drunken night of complaining at a bar, Rey and Ben agree to be each other's plus-ones for a variety of events. As friends and family continue to invite them to things, they discover that they really enjoy spending time together. And holding hands. And... kissing. What happens when their relationship starts to feel a lot more real than fake?) Practice Makes Perfect by violethoure666 (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Grumpy Ben Solo gets asked out by Jessica Pava, the hottest girl in the office. The only problem is that he's a 29 year old virgin who doesn't wanna make an ass of himself with the aforementioned hottest girl in the office. Rey offers to help him get all the awkward and embarrassing stuff out of the way before his big date. Everyone can definitely stay cool and not catch feelings. No big deal.) Rey is Tired by mcloveproductions (AO3 2020 Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Niima is tired. Tired of college. Of her shitty interning job at Plutt's garage. Ben is also tired of the job he just quit. When he meets and pretends to be Rey's boyfriend, maybe that'll be the answer to their problems.) Solstice Songs by Erulisse17 (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A version of A Christmas Carol, with Kylo being haunted with his own ghosts; Past, Present, and Future.) Strictly Business by WinglessOne (AO3 2019 Rated E Complete, 11 Chapters, The Proposal Film AU, Quick Synopsis: Working for a nationally recognizable magazine is a huge honor, one that Ben Solo doesn't take lightly. His boss, Rey Erso, would be the first to agree and is thoroughly comfortable with her status as editor-in-chief. When her visa status is denied, she'll do anything to stay in the United States and avoid being deported back to England. Even if that means forcing her assistant to marry her.) Sugar and Spice by Rebel_Scum1221 (AO3 2019 Rated E Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey bakes when she's stressed, but unfortunately never has enough room to finish all of her baked goods. Thus leading her to give her neighbor- who she may or may not have the hots for- her leftovers. Shenanigans ensue.) The Fake Boyfriend Problem by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rose accidently tells her parents her roommate Rey was bringing her boyfriend for Christmas, instead of telling them she was bringing her own boyfriend Finn, the girls run into an interesting problem.) To Play Pretend by SuchaPrettyPoison (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Single dad Ben Solo is tired of being hit on by some of the mums from his daughter's kindergarten class. He asks his friend Rey to come with him to pick up his daughter as his pretend fiancée.) Trouble for Thanksgiving by Biekewieke (AO3 2019 Rated E Complete, 40 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Kenobi's temporary work visa is about to expire. She needs her boss' signature on her renewal application to get the extension she desperately wants and needs. Only her boss, the infamous Ben Solo, is an asshole. He's notoriously difficult and she knows this firsthand. Nevertheless, she needs his signature on those papers if she wants to avoid being deported by the end of the year... So when Rey tells her about her looming deportation, he finds a way to bend the situation to suit his own needs. Except, for the first time in his adult life, things don't go exactly as planned when he takes her home for the holidays...) Unexpected by incognitajones (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey doesn’t want anything from her one-night stand Ben Solo, not even now that she’s broke, jobless, and pregnant. But he’s desperate to avoid a scandal that could derail his election campaign, so they agree to a cold-blooded business deal: she’ll marry him and be the perfect political wife—for a price, and a limited term.) Us or Them by MandyCandy (AO3 2020 Rated M Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Finn accidentally witness the Final Order clearing up a distribution issue at Plutt’s Automotive. To make matters worse, Finn is recognized, Rey got it on video, and Kylo Ren is out for blood. Now they have to go into witness protection. Separately. Thankfully, due to the high value of Rey’s testimony against the Final Order, a highly decorated FBI Agent, Ben Solo, is going to be taking care of her by playing house and pretending to be newly weds. Or is Kylo Ren going to *take care of her* first?) Variance by Stargazer1116 (AO3 2018 Rated T Complete, 23 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is heartbroken when she learns her temporary visa is expiring...and is mortified when her office crush. Kylo Ren, catches her crying about it. He is a partner in Skywalker & Associates law firm where she is an assistant. One thing leads to another...and what started as a simple solution for each of their problems turns into something much...much more. Together they wade through their deep scars to love.) We Stand Just a Little Too Close by walkingsaladshooter (AO3 2020 Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Benjamin Chewbacca Solo are you asking me to fake date you as revenge?) your name (twine it with mine) by lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora) (AO3 2018 Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Alone at Christmas? Mad at your dad? I’m a thirty-year old alpha with years of experience in dealing with difficult family dynamics. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Christmas, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship with you to torment your family, I’m game." Beggars, Rey decided, grasping for any lifeline, can’t be choosers.)
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