meteodrives · 10 months
   𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙸𝚂   :      ❛  would you believe me if i said i got all these injuries by slipping in the rain ?  ❜
he looked to be the equivalent of ruination — even after the initial shock had worn off. bruises were attempting to set, blood dripping from a gash on his forehead. had he been anyone else, she might've found his quip funny — but this was a crimson soldier ;  the best shinra had to offer. he didn't strike her as the type to back down from a fight, let alone go easy on his opponents. a soft sigh escaped her.  ( did every war torn hero have a penchant for violence ?  did he hold no grievances in regards to resorting to brutality ?  was there no line between man & monster ? )  questions pondered as he sauntered closer to the bar, likely expecting to be greeted with anything to keep from tolerating such pain sober. her head tilted, mentally scolding him for believing she'd hand over that luxury without first ensuring he was alright. 
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          ❛  you know ,  ❜   with a back straightened & a jesting grin, she spoke.   ❛  if you weren't such a brawler ,  maybe i would've .  ❜   still, had their positions been switched, she knows it would be the words of a hypocrite.  ( if a single punch were a deal with the devil ,  her soul had long since been sold . )  the tone of her voice made it clear :  this was her effort in lightening the mood. undoubtedly, he wouldn't be quite so keen to reciprocate — not after sustaining a blow as clear as day.   ❛  let's get you fixed up .  ❜   a smile of reassurance ;  as if telling him it isn't as bad as it looks. the mako that coursed through his body might have been safeguarding him from any pain at all. was that how it worked? she felt silly, any confidence from moments ago stretching away from her — uncertainty of how to go about helping him taking its place. cleaning off the blood would be a good place to start. 
a hand reached for the damp rag next to her, having been used to wipe excess water off a few dishes. she made her way to his side of the bar, taking up the seat next to him with ease. it wasn't long ago she felt wary to stand near one another. the thought is pushed aside.   ❛  how about this ?  ❜   a gentle pressure is applied, so not to incidentally worsen anything.   ❛  you tell me what really happened & i just might give you a discount on a drink of your choosing .  ❜
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*      ◞      @poeticphoenix            |​            prompted !
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ilwonuu · 3 months
it’s ur 🍒 anon and i would like to request a hao brothers best friend trope type fic?? tysm!!
my lovey 🍒 anon<3 HIII i would love to!!! thank u for requesting babes,,,i hope you enjoy ml💖💖
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: ̗̀➛ xu minghao
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ᯤ paring- jun is readers brother, brothers best friend, friends to lovers<3 softdom!minghao x sub!reader
ᯤ warnings- smut with plot, they make out in a car, dry humping?? (just a lil), lots and lots of kissing, praise kinda??, unprotected sex(he pulls out tho💪), fingering (f receiving), dirty talk, after care, they’re very in love (yuck!!!), jun catches them cuddling (he lowkey loves them ok), affection, fluff, they stargaze together<3 MDNI
ᯤ a/n- not proofread OOPS PLS I WILL,,,,I MADE RHIS TOO LOMGSHAGSGS,,, im not regretting it tho because i LOVE it. minghao is rotting my brain anon thank u for sharing ur idea💖💖
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he is going to be the death of you. “he” being xu minghao of course. the most gorgeous man you set eyes on. he’s also jun’s best friend, your brother. isn’t that just great for you? you’re around him constantly, he’s kind, caring, and very hot. why wouldn’t you have the biggest crush on him? he’s also coming over right now. you, him, and jun planned a hangout. you loved hanging out with them,,,especially minghao.
you guys had planned a game night with every board game imaginable. you three in you & juns living room. you were obviously winning in every game. but that was quickly cut short when a call interrupted your round of uno. jun looks around for his phone quickly. he grabs it,, answering his phone.
“hey! yea im free- okay cool i’ll leave soon!” he replies to the other person on the line. “i got myself a date!” he says after hanging up the phone. “they want to hangout! i’m so excited- surely you guys would be fine here by yourself.” he smiles at you two. “well of course we will. right y/n? go get that date.” he looks at you with a soft smile. you nod looking back at your brother. he is gone in an instant to go to his room.
“do you want to keep playing?” minghao breaks the small silence. you shrug a little shaking your head. “not really- i’m tired now.” you laugh at yourself feeling defeated. he nods his head agreeing with you. “i’m gonna lay down for a little bit. if that’s okay? i promise i won’t let you be alone for the night!” he nods and lays back against the couch.
“lay down all you need. im gonna do the same!” he smiles at you as you make your way to your bedroom. you smothered your self in your covers as soon as you get onto your bed. you try to find something to watch but there’s simply nothing good. so you think why not do something you literally always do. stargazing!!! maybe you can invite minghao? if he would even want to come- your brain can’t help but to bring him into everything.
you make your way down to the living room to see minghao laying on the couch scrolling on his phone. you have your keys in hand as you grab you fill up your water bottle. “where are you going?” minghao turns to look at you.
“oh- i’m gonna go stargazing. you can come if you want.” you say looking at him with a soft smile. he jumps off the couch with a nod. “can i? that’s like my favorite thing ever.” he makes his way over to you leaving you awfully close. you blush at the closeness and look away from him. “okay let’s go.”
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the stars and minghao had easily become one of your favorite things. you two are laying on a blanket at your favorite look out spot. the temperature is perfect and so is minghao. you try to focus on the stars you really do but you just keep getting distracted. “what are you thinking about in that pretty head?” his words catch you completely off guard. you try not to show how flustered he makes you as you reply.
“nothing- just staring into space.” you smile as you turn to him. you regret that very quickly. he’s just so pretty. “you think jun is having a good time on his date?” he asks looking at you softly. you nod. “i’m sure of it! juns really great. and he really likes them. he’s always telling me.” you laugh as you think of the memories of your brother.
“yea me too. they seem great for him.” he nods at your words turning back to look at the stars,, you doing the same. “you want to go on a date with someone? you got a crush?” he blurts out as he smiles at the stars. “oh- well not really. i don’t know i guess?” he turns to look at you. “that was an unsure answer.” he giggles a little and you blush at that. the sound of his laugh filling your ears is something you could listen to forever.
“well i do like someone but they don’t like me back so it’s stupid.” he shakes his head. “not stupid at all. i-well i’m kinda in the same situation. i get you.” he smiles at you. “what do you think i should do?” you say looking away from him. “i don’t know- i would say go for it. you never know what will happen.” his words are comforting but you obviously don’t think you’ll be able to go through with his advice. you’re very afraid of rejection and making it weird for jun. you never want to put him in that situation.
“why haven’t you taken your own advice? i know it’s easier said than done.” he sighs a little at your words. “the girl i like is kinda off limits. well i don’t if i would say off limits but it’s just complicated.” you nod at him. “y/n- i don’t know if i should say this. but the girl is you- it’s fine if you don’t feel the same i understand. i just can’t lie to you.” he says looking at you waiting for you to say something. you are beyond shocked by his confession. you never thought that he would feel the same.
“look i’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable. that’s the last thing i wanted to do.” his expression softens as he sits up. “no minghao! i’m not uncomfortable i swear. i just am shocked because i feel the same.” you sitting up as well to look at him fully. “really? are you messing with me?” he laughs nervously.
“no no- i would never do that. minghao i like you too. i have for awhile i just could never tell you. i was too scared and i know it’s stupid because you’re jun’s best friend and i know how easy you are to talk to- i’m just rambling now i’m sorry im nervous!” you laugh looking away from him. “don’t be sorry. i’m nervous too. you make me very nervous,,in the best way!” he says not taking his eyes off you.
“can i kiss you?” he asks grabbing your hand. “yes-“ his lips are quick to meet yours. the kiss is sweet and filled with love. you let a moan slip as he deepens the kiss. his hand cups your face as slowly melt more into the kiss.
you’re the first to pull away with a light pant. “i wanted to do that for a really long time.” you say with a smile. he nods his head pulling you into a hug. “me too- also you look really pretty tonight,,you always do.” his words always make you blush but him calling you pretty has you bright red. you laugh looking away from him.
“no- i meant it you look beautiful.” you smile as he rubs your cheek a little having you look at him. “thank you minghao. you’re sweet.” he smiles before looking around. “it’s getting pretty late do you think we should go back?” you nod getting up from your spot grabbing your blanket heading back to the car. “do you want to drive?” you ask waving the keys at him. “sure.” he smiles as you throw the keys to him. you both getting into the warmth of the car.
“minghao- can i kiss you again?” you turn touching his arm gently. “of course sweetheart. come here.” you literally think you might die right then and there. sweetheart????? you could die happy now of course. he leans in to kiss you, his hand coming up to grab your face again. this kiss is more desperate on his end and you love it. it’s hungry but he’s still being gentle.
“you’re so fucking pretty.” he says in between kisses. you have butterflies in your stomach. you are dying in front of him and you don’t even care. you moan quietly as you slowly climb over his lap. he helps you onto his lap as you get comfortable. you grind down mindlessly against him causing him to pull away from the kiss.
“shit- are you- do you want to do this?” you nod pecking his lips. “maybe a little here and more at home? if you want to- hao i really want you.” he laughs in disbelief. “you’re gonna kill me. i want you more than anything pretty.” he pulls you into another kiss as you start to grind down onto him again. he groans into the kiss moving his hands to your hips helping you move against him.
“fuck- let’s go now.” you pull away from the kiss and climb off of him. he laughs straightening out himself as he starts the car. “wait- what if jun is there?” you look at him as he starts to drive to your house. “i don’t think he’s back yet. i think he would’ve texted or something.” he smiles at you quickly looking back at the road.
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as soon as you guys make sure no one is home. you are quick to run to your bedroom. you guys are stripping each other like its a race. he is on top of you kissing your neck slowly. “can i touch you?” he asks as he kisses against your chest and down your stomach. “please hao-“ he kisses against your thighs. he comes back up to face you to kiss your lips. you feel his fingers rub against your thighs. he plants soft whispers and praises into your neck as feel his fingers rubbing against your slit.
“hao-“ he shuts you up by kissing you as you feel one of his fingers enter you. he’s kissing you sloppily as he works his finger slowly. he pulls away to look at you fully spread for him. “look at you. so so pretty i can’t-“ he kissing against your skin gently as he cups one of your breasts rubbing it gently. you moan out quickly putting your hand over your mouth.
“don’t hide yourself. you sound so pretty.” his finger curls inside you as he rubs your clit with his thumb. “b-but what if jun comes h-home.” you throw your head back at the pleasure quickly forgetting about your words. your moan is loud as minghao licks a small stripe against your neck, kissing it very carefully.
“h-hao? can you fuck me? please i n-need you.” you pull his face closer to you by his chain, careful not to break it. “shit- are you sure?” he asks as he kisses your cheek. “yes! i’m- so sure please-“ he nods quickly moving to spread your legs for him. he gives his dick a couple strokes as he lines up with you. you watch him with intense eyes as you feel yourself get wetter. his brown hair messy and the dark light is making you lose your mind. how could someone be so perfect? he wants you? you are beyond lucky.
“you are completely sure?” he looks up at you. you nod pulling him down to peck his lips. “i need you- please hao.” you sigh as you feel him rub his tip against your clit. “why are you teasing?” you pout at him as he chuckles at you a little. “okay- i won’t tease you anymore.” you feel him push into you gently as he leaves kisses against your neck and shoulders.
“oh- oh my gosh hao-“ you wince at the pain but it was quickly replaced with pleasure. he slowly bottoms out watching your face. “are you okay?” you rubs your side lovingly as he watches your expression. “yes- keep going. you can move-“ he cuts you off as he starts to move his hips shallowly.
“shit- i didn’t ask about protection-“ he looks around as he draws his hips from you. “no- you can just pull out! if you’re okay with that?” you grab his arm gently. he looks at you with a half smirk. “yea- fuck okay.” he is quick to return to movements. you cry out loudly, moaning his name.
he groans when he hears his name leave your lips. “fuck- keep moaning my name sweetheart.” okay did you just come? well no but you could’ve from how sexy he sounded. you throw your head back as his hips speed against you. his hands are gripping your hips helping you move with his thrusts. “this okay?” you nod moaning out.
“so g-good.” you are almost to tears he’s moving at the perfect pace and being so gentle. he leaves soft kisses against your body. the praises sending you into heaven. “you’re so pretty- fuck aren’t you?” “you look so perfect for me, all for me.” you blushing at each of his statements as your cunt agrees with the loving praises he’s giving you. “shit- i might come.” he looks at you before groaning as his hips start to slow just slightly.
“me- too. don’t s-stop.” you grip his shoulder as you moan his name loudly. his hips start to move at the perfect angle causing both of you to cry out for each other. “i’m coming-“ he kisses your neck as his hips stuttering. you clench around him as you to warn him, coming undone. he groans as he pulls out of you. his warm seed painting your stomach. you both moan out as he throws his head back.
“you were so perfect. took it so well for me.” he kisses your head. “look at you gorgeous as ever sweetheart.” he rubs your cheek as he grabs a rag to clean you up. he’s very gentle as he cleans you up. he’s looking at you giving you cute smiles as you feel some spots tickle. he gives your face soft kisses as he finishes cleaning you off.
“all clean now- well kinda.” he smiles pulling your fave in to kiss you as he crawls into the bed with you. just a few hours ago you were thinking of the boy in that same bed. you look over as him as you hand him his shorts and grab your discarded clothes both of you getting dressed. minghao staying shirtless with just his shorts. you guys crawl back into bed together. he pulls you close to him almost instantly. “i think i’m in love with you.” he says as he looks at you. your smile quickly turns into an even bigger one.
“hao i think i am too.” you kisses his lips snuggling back into him. “you’re so beautiful. how am i so lucky?” he kisses your cheek. “will you be my girlfriend?” he asks you as he lays his head against yours. “of course i will hao.” you smile kissing his head. you two stay cuddled up for another hour as you hear the front door open. jun came in to no one in the living room, which he thought was weird. maybe minghao is in his room and you are in yours? of course he’s gonna check on you first. he opens your door without knocking giving you and minghao to separate from each others arms.
“i’m home. how was ur nig-“ he looks at you guys blankly for a second almost speechless. “did you guys- have sex?” he looks at minghao’s boxers and shirt with your bra against the floor. “uh-“ he shakes his head. “fucking finally. well first of all gross. but finally you guys can stop annoying me with the awkward flirting!” he laughs quietly.
“glad your night was eventful.” you hide your face in embarrassment. “okay enough about that! how was your date jun?” you ask him, you smile as minghao nods along with your words. “it was great! we’re going to breakfast so on that note i’m going to bed. i also need to wash this image out of my mind.” he turns away from your door closing. “we weren’t even doing anything!” you shout through the door. he ignores you but you quickly get a text.
jun😾- goodnight love u guys 🤮
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hanrinz · 1 year
rosie u have the biggest most sexiest brain ever im waiting for best friend rin rn ok
content. fluff, 1.1k words, failed attempt at angst, ooc rin !!! not proofread / notes. my dear amora <33 no bc i have so many thoughts about best friend! rin 😮‍💨 how did this get so long T-T
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his name on your contacts is literally 'bf rin<3' and it literally stands for best friend, he doesn't know that but let him dream, okay?
kidding it's just 'teal bitch' (i can't think of names tbh), unless...
no cause i firmly believe he walks with you to school or rides the bus with u everyday, he'll always be at your home by 6 am and your mom always prepares breakfast always urging him to eat with the two of you. she would always scold you for not waking up early like rin.
always with the comparing.
but, hey at least your mom absolutely supports the both of you if ever did end up together. may or may not have already planned your wedding or anything (maybe even had a bet between the both of your parents) but you didn't hear that from me.
and he would judge you for every guy you have a crush on PLS, you'll be like: "that guy is kinda cute," and he would glance at the guy you were pertaining to, brows furrowing and giving you a side eye,
"tf your taste in men is lukewarm," excuse me?????!!!?? he thinks he looks sm better.
he would always hangout with you on the weekends always down to watch movies with you, horror of course bc what else could he possibly watch.
"hey, wanna watch a movie? i got a new horror one," sending him up a text as you ready your room for your movie date night.
"be there by 10," he would always reply, following up with a question. "chips or ice cream?"
you'll always pick the ice cream anyways, yk he likes it very much and he just buys both of it no matter what.
always with the bickering and you hitting him of some sorts.
"at least I wasn't dumb enough to get back to my ex, twice!"
"at least your brother follows me on my social media account!"
"fuck you??????!!!????" *he was crying*
sae would be so fucking done with rin, he doesn't care anymore. you and his brother hiding feelings for each other is so painful to watch anyway. probably the reason why he left for spain. (omg what is he doing here)
okay so your friends- scratch that everyone in your town practically wondering why the two of you haven't got together yet and like please they are all literally waiting for THAT day. best believe that everyone was so willing to help rin to confess to you. how did everyone know? a little birdie or a demon (shidou provoked him obv) which is more accurate may have possibly babbled it about to a person who's a chitty chatter and soon enough everyone knows.
and you might not notice it whenever you look away from him or when you're distracted, his eyes couldn't help but to look at every inch of your face or admire it. you don't know how he looks at your pictures every night, you don't know that all he needs is you beside him, you don't know how much he wants to just take you in his arms and tell you he can treat you sm better than that lukewarm piece of shit person you call your ex.
and you don't know that he had beaten your ex right on the face 11 months after your break up. he came into your home at 1:43 am with a cut lip and bleeding knuckles, you didn't suspect that it was your ex who had the honor to be met with his fist. you only scolded him, not to get hurt again, to stop losing his temper and picking fights.
he was sitting on the counter of your kitchen, laying his head on your shoulders, you in between his legs, as you caress his hair. and he likes to say something, to say so much more than a promise. and holds off for awhile, snuggling deeper into your neck, feeling his breath that has your skin tickling. your afraid he might hear the pounding of your heart right into your ribcage. taking a deep breath, shakily.
"rin, you need to go home," you whisper.
you were only met with silence, as you felt his hand intertwining with your free one.
"don't make me go," he says right into your ear. "just- just stay.."
and you couldn't really resist him, can you?
"okay. 'm not going anywhere," you stood still, your thumb drawing circles on his hands. "i'll stay... i'll stay, rin" you reassure.
something changed after that night, and you finally noticed all the signs. how rin was more of a different person to you and not just because he was your best friend. but because he had a feeling. now, his eyes would hold more meaning than his words would.
and it scared you.
how much all this time, you were pretty much blind and oblivious. because this was your best friend, the man who you had almost spent your whole life with. and he looks at you like a precious thing he doesn't deserve.
because finally all the love songs have meaning to it now. all the things around him remind him of you. and as much as he tries his best to mask everything he was feeling, it kept slipping down on his face whenever he was with you.
and confessing to you wasn't the perfect scenario he had imagined so many times, it was awful, he thinks. the rain was pouring hard and loud on the pavement. you were on the road, the same road you would always walk on the way home. all wet and soaked from the rain, you still look pretty. you were pretty.
"i like you," he said, it was almost like a whisper from all the noises. he's pretty sure you didn't hear him, but the way you were walking towards him with a smile adorning your beautiful face, he can't help to think.
did you hear it? is this really happening? he finally did it.
and it didn't occur to him immediately how your lips were pressing against his, all under the rain your hands caressing the side of his face. and he didn't waste anymore time, kissing you back with the same intensity. he can feel you grinning against his lips.
you pulled away, arms wrapping round his neck, "i like you too, rin itoshi," you said with elation, eyes brimming with tears.
"i like you a whole lot," you repeated.
he could only take your lips once again as if he would die if he wouldn't. fuck, he thinks he needs to hear you say it, again and again.
and just like that the mask he's been wearing all this time was gone.
"what took you so long, idiot?"
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◞♡ something took over me while writing this, it's monday again i hope everyone has a great week ahead!
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simp4konig · 9 months
My personal thing, if you don’t mind me sharing <3, about König, while I know he has the potential to literally kill you without a second thought, I feel like he has a soft spot of children. Parents not so much, but he always spares the children. Now, for the bad behaved children I feel like he would give a scary talking to 👀
Because König feels very strongly about bullying, so if he heard a kid was bullying the other kid? Would come to their immediate rescue and shut the bully down harshly. For him, that’s a mercy, but he promises that if he ever hears word or sees them acting like that again he won’t be as “merciful”. But to the Victims he would console them, but also give them his harsh reality of “you have to be stronger than your enemies” and as much as he wants them to keep their innocence, he doesn’t want them to be weak either. Or worse killed.
But that’s just my little HC 😌
Anon rhis is such a good headcannon???? 🥹🥹 lemme just..,🤏🤌
No i don't mind qt all!!! 😊 If anuthing, im so glad you shqred this with me 🥰💖 bc I felt IMMEDIATELY inspired by this headcannon !!😽✨💖...
... so jere are MY headcannons for YOUR headcannon 🙈🙈⛅🌻💞💕💓✨🌼 Took me a short while to formulate my answer, so srry for the delayed reply 😿 I saw this as soon as you sent me this an i dont want u to tjink i ignored you at all:(</33
König with a soft spot for children headcannons🥺🥺
+ father König drabbles🤭
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Word count: ~2022
*If you ignore my VERY angsty depiction of König's childhood, then it's totally pure fluff all around 💖✨🤗
*General headcannons for König
Writinf block is fuckinf AGONY and im in PAIN 😭😭💔💔 give me time to recover and ill powt two fully-fleshed out fanfics sometime soon 🙏🥺
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee
König, having been bullied all of his childhood, is FIRMLY against bullying.
To see a little girl/boy being labelled an outcast is oh too familiar to him, and hits far too close to home than it should. Brings back the insecurities, the feeling of being utterly humilated, a permanent reminder of his not fitting in. Literally.
Primary school: bullied for being a beanstalk, for head hitting the door frame, for being abnormally large, a "mutant"; balls hurtled at him in dodgeball, all competing in finding out who can knock out the "freak"; knees kicked from behind and legs buckling from the attack, a stampede of legs stamping on him as he cowered on the floor, helpless, and no one caring to help, teachers observing idly nearby.
Secondary school: nose broken to "fix" his crooked features, his "ugly" face; cast aside in class photos for "ruining the picture"; people of his own age turning their heads in the other way in disgust, avoiding him like the plague.
As if his "ugliness" was contagious, and if anyone was to touch him they'd catch the disease.
Power surpassing his tormentors, yet too powerless to fight back, he endured, yet didn't overcome.
Lasting trauma changed König's own perception of self completely.
It took a long time becoming the cocky and confident commander he presents himself as. To stand up to his full height and embrace himself for who he was and is, to be self-assured, domineering, and boisterous with others irrespective of their rank. The Colonel; a hardened soldier; a strict man of discipline exerting his authority over all, not at all sympathetic towards anyone.
Deep down, he is still that young boy, vulnerable in the center of a circle of so many pointing fingers and sneering faces. All became a collective body of ridiculing smiles, of sing-song laughter, so many that he lost count.
So, personally vowing to NEVER let his future children (or any children) go through the same turmoil, he would intervene whenever he had the chance to.
For instance, perhaps König was speed-walking home one day, dufflebag slung over his shoulder as he rushed to get back to you as soon as possible after being deployed these past weeks, and maybe he was passing by a playground.
Initially focused on the goal at hand, he couldn't help but turn his head, a small smile under his mask as he felt a wave of nostalgia crash over him. Nostalgic of times before he was forced to integrate with callous society.
Smiling at the oblivious children playing together, kicking their chubby little legs on the swings, sliding down a slide and falling, squealing. All giggling with glee, so innocent.
All except one. His eyes would land on a small girl, bawling on the ground, no older than five years old.
Surrounded by three others, all pointing fingers and laughing, the ringleader making fun of the poor thing as his henchmen stomped the remainder of her sandcastle, kicking sand at her. Hands on hip, chest puffed out triumphantly.
Rubbing her puffy eyes, thick pouting lips drooping in an open-mouthed frown, chin quivering as she struggled to contain her broken sobs, she kneeled on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest.
Usually, in these types of situations, people tend to behave in two very different ways when they see something that happened to them happening before their eyes:
"Why should I help them? I went through the same thing, so it's not my problem" or "I should help! They shouldn't have to go through the same thing".
You can probably already guess under which category König falls into.
He was NOT about to actively play a passive role in ignoring the poor blubbering child, to be downright apathetic like the other adults were in their radius. No way.
Still carrying his dufflebag, imagine the horror of the little shitlings*: seeing an imposing giant 2ft+ taller than them, huge body trudging towards their little troupe; cold, icy-blue eyes half-lidded staring into their bulging ones. Glaring.
Little band of clowns would probably actually shitting themselves fr 💀
Not only does König give the brats a stern talking to (all the while they are nodding their heads with jaws on the floor, knees trembling and nearly caving in on themselves), he later makes it his due diligence to track down the parent(s) and scold them too.
"Was wird deinem Gören zu Hause beigebracht? What do you teach your brat? This behaviour is unacceptable. You have set a terrible example, Du verdammter Idiot. How dare you allow this? Bulling is wrong. Scheiße, are you listening to me? Because you should, Dummkopf. You should be ashamed. I am sure ashamed of you. I swear to Gott—"
Cue 1 hours later, he personally grounds them (the child and parents)... 🤐
...And the child goes with it? Even the adults? 😭
I mean, to be honest, I would too, if a 6'10, body-so-broad-that-it-blocked-all-sunlight-and-did-not-fit-in-the-door-frame Colonel, gesticulating wildly, projecting strongly his German-accented voice, cursing in an aggravated amalgamation of furious English and a spiteful spit of German... Yeah, I'd be pissing my pants not even gonna lie 😭
I'd imagine that the parents would be immediately saluting, images of stupidity on their faces, completely dumbfounded to have their parenting challenged and to learn that their "precious little angel(s) that can do no wrong" actually can do wrong. (sorry guys i hate toddlers with a RAGING PASSION... rant over fyi no more of me insulting shitheads🥰)
As for the sweet, weeping girl, he would crouch down to her height, gentle eyes genuine behind his menacing mask. Slowly lifting the fabric, wary of his facial deformities, his scars, he'd do his best to give her a comforting smile, wanting to make her at ease.
She was not put off by his appearance at all. If anything, she maintained eye contact — was curious yes, so with no filter whispered, "You... you have a nice smile, sir. I like your eyes.
"They're—" a loud sniff, wiping her nose with her sleeve "—they're pretty. "
Taken aback, König's eyes widened. Then, in soft whisper:
"Meine Süße, I'm so very sorry about those— those idiots..."
The girl giggled a little, dimples appearing on her tear-stained cheeks.
"And I'm so very sorry, but there will others. Other idiots," he allowed himself to smile, letting out a dry chuckle.
A tentative hand dropping to her round shoulder, squeezing it every so slightly to emphasise his words. "And you have to be strong, Mädchen. You must be strong. This world isn't a good place for angels like you."
Obviously, he didn't sugarcoat the truth. Situations like this would be unavoidable. He would make that clear.
"I do not condone violence, but—" a wink, acknowledging the irony behind his words. "—if you stick your foot out when one of those brats are walking down the corridors, surely nothing will happen, ja?"
Seeing the girl lighten up, smiling brightly, no signs anymore of crying, he ruffled her hair with a toothy grin.
Letting the veil drop down his face, he suddenly fixed his posture and gave an exaggeratedly goofy salute as he turned to head home, satisfied. All the while the girl waved at him energetically, eyes crinkling up in an adolescent's adorable smile.
On another note: I never really gave it much thought before, but... König as a father? 🥺🥺
Your headcannons unlocked a part of my brain that had been locked. 🤭✨ Needed to upgrade my König skill tree before I got to this poin. 🦸🏼‍♀️ Sure has been worth it, though. 🤩
Ever since he was past his teenage years, the thought of a family was something he longed for. Desired.
Maybe it's because he was taught traditional house roles in his European household, or was longing for something that was out of reach, he couldn't tell.
What he was certain about was that it was his biggest wish. His dream.
Deployed in a foreign country, his favourite past-time was fantasizing about his future with a special someone, to have a big family, and to raise his children, giving them everything good he never had, and to shield them from everything bad he had experienced.
Something in being the breadwinner of the house was so masculine to him, and coming home to so many short, out-stretched arms, so excited to be reunited with their papa clinging on to his long legs brought a tear to his eye.
And, once you two officially became a couple, he knew that he wanted to start a family with you at some point. From the moment he met your eyes, intuition assured him that you would be the right one for him.
If you're a [fertile] female, he wants nothing more than to see miniature you and him running around, sweet cherub faces and their chubby cheeks smiling at him, calling him papa, calling you mama.
Seeing your belly swell up with his baby would strangely give him a sense of pride, proud that you would both bring sacred life into the world together, and would practically worship the ground you walk on. He would want to get this right, for everything to be perfect.
He wouldn't allow you to lift a finger despite your protests, catering to your every need, caring for you in any and all ways he could:
Carrying the groceries, 3 carrier bags in each hand, serving you while simultaneously subtly making you swoon, not missing the googly eyes you made at his strength from his peripheral vision;
Doing the bed, making sure to stock up on additional soft pillows and fluffy blankets so you would rest well, removing all stress from your morning routine, and the discomfort of finding a comfortable sleeping position at night;
Insisting you eat balanced meals, preparing nutritious food that had all the nutrients you would need, the sustenance to feed you and develop a healthy baby.
The gore and guts he had witnessed in the battlefield did not compare at all to the sight of blood staining the hospital bed sheet. The look of horror in his eyes as you went into labour, death grip on his hand, knuckles turning white. He'd be hyperventilating, almost feeling the same pain you were going through 😢💔
Not to say that your agony was worth it, but seeing the beautiful blanketed bundle in your arms, you cooing at the little one, made every single horrific moment combined in his life worthwhile.
All the struggles, the hardships, the troubles; all worth it if it meant seeing you with his child.
If you're anything other ([infertile] female, male, non-binary, etc), König would get so emotional when adopting a newborn with you.
He'd be teary-eyed, unable to hide the emotions.
To think that he'd be rescuing a child, giving them a second chance and making it feel so wanted, so loved. To give it all the love he was missing, the feeling forgotten through years of bullying, abuse, and violence, and war.
He would waste no time building the nursery. Painting the walls, building the crib, buying plush blankets, stuffed teddy bears, toys that would be in no way a choking hazard.
His helicopter parent preparations aside, his dream would be to grow old with you, and be surrounded by children, grand-children, and even great-grand-children, sharing stories as the lively atmosphere was bubbling with life, with a family.
Piggy back rides would be a MUST!! 😡 Or, better yet, his infants (taking turns — dunno if three kids at once is very practical 😭) sitting on his shoulders, seeing the world from so high up. Reaching out, and their head in the clouds.
Bouncing them on his knee, like a train conductor going through heavy turbulence, all the while the little ones would be laughing happily, telling him to go faster.
Every single one of his children cuddled up to him; in his lap, over his shoulders, splayed over his legs, clinging to him like a pack of koalas. 🐨
Reading bed time stories, stroking their head, stood in the door way minutes after his children had fallen asleep. Keeping them safe.
A family of his own. To eventually embarrass endearingly, to squish their cheeks, and tickle their sides, play-wrestle and tease by keeping objects out of reach. His extensive research also included horrible dad jokes, which were made hilarious by their poor translations into English.
Wanting to raise his children the way his mother had raised him while she was still around, to give his children the happy childhood he hadn't had, to make school a positive journey into adulthood. He'd teach them to deal with bullies, to stand up for themselves when he never could...
...And, athough he has good intentions, the truth is that with a father like him no snot-nosed brat would ever dare to mess with the Colonel's children ☠️
Note: Omg you. csn tell that i got so carried away w/ this😭😭 you know rhat line where König "fantasized" about a family ?yea that was me the entire time wiritng this...💔 God i need to stop daydreamimg excessively ajd return to reality 🥲 ...
...,,jk i wont 🥰💅✨💫 good mental health??😰😰 guurrl we don't know her 💆🏼‍♀️💫✨🧚‍♀️💓
Functioning like a normal human being💔🤮🤮🤮<<<<< Making up vivid scenarios in my head💓💓 😍😍😍
*fyi, shitlings is a loose translation for "gówniaki/gówniarze", an insult you have for children in Polish (similar to the English "shithead"). Do what you will with that new knowledge. The world is your oyster with that one ig 👍
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garoujo · 2 years
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・✶ 。゚ you know that nagi can never deny you of another goodnight kiss.
♱ warnings — f!reader, slight dry humping at first then more, making out, nagi is needy [im so in love], all characters written 18+ / note. it’s been a few days so i had 2 make sure u guys know i’m still crazy bout him anhajaja <3
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“sei.. pssst, u awake?” you whisper from where you’re pressed into the sheets, your back resting tight against nagi’s chest as he keeps you held close to him. it’s late, and as much as your boyfriend always seemed to instantly pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow and he had you held against him — something told you he wasn’t there yet.
“hm? nah.. ‘m asleep, sorry.” his voice is thick with sleep and you’re pretty sure he must’ve been close enough to actually being asleep with how rough his tone is, ragged and low as you hear it sound out from the crook of your neck.
“are not.. can i get a goodnight kiss?” you reply quickly before you turn in his hold to face him, feeling nagi’s arms around you tighten when one of your thighs hook over his hips and he nuzzles back into the crook of your neck with a barely audible, sleepy whine.
his hair is still a little damp from his shower and you can still smell his shower gel when his bigger body blankets you, feeling his soft breathing fan along your skin before he gives your figure another affectionate squeeze and he replies.
“i gave you one already, angel.” nagi drawls as his lips move against your neck, his eyes still resting closed despite the way you feel his fingers smooth under your shirt (his shirt) to draw affectionate, soothing little shapes along your waist.
“want another one.” your voice is a whispery, sweet little plea that’s probably unfair for your boyfriend considering you know he was always so weak for it, for you. but he tries. “‘m sleepy.” he mumbles against your skin as the cold press of his fingertips trace along your spine, and the subtle touch has you arching even deeper into him before you speak once more.
“it’ll be quick, promise.” and you know you’ve won when you feel him pull back from his place over you to send you a drowsy, lidded glance from underneath his snowy bangs. “kay.. sleep with me after, though.”
but you know nagi, and you know what’s coming after when you feel the first deep press of his lips against yours in the dimly lit room, you know what he likes and what he doesn’t and you know he’s already yours when you wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him deeper, urging him to melt into you.
“fuck.. told you ‘m sleepy, angel.“ he grumbles against your lips when he feels you deepens the kiss, but he drinks up everything you give him so eagerly — not sure if it’s the sleepy haze in his mind that’s made him forget just how sensitive he is to your kisses as he’s suddenly made so aware of the way his cock is twitching against his thigh.
you feel one of nagi’s palms rest against your cheek as the other keeps its place on your back — pressing down on your spine to push you even closer to his chest as his tongue pushes past your lips to finally graze against your own, fingertips moving to grip your thigh around his waist to keep you there.
he’s already breathless when he presses into you, eyes fluttering closed as he rolls his hips into yours just enough for you to feel the way his already semi-hard cock grazes between your thighs — whimpering when he feels your hands smooth through his hair to grab and tug lightly at the roots. “sei..”
“don’t pull away, y’ wanted a goodnight kiss.. ‘m givin’ it.” nagi’s words are breathless and thick with need as he basically drags you along his clothed, throbbing cock — letting you hump yourself along his bulge as you exhale in reverence against his lips.
it’s almost urgent the way his fingertips twitch in your skin, the other hooking around the back of your neck to keep your lips moving with his as he meets your humps with slow grinds of his own. he can already feel the heat of your cunt along his cock — even through his sweats, and suddenly desire replaces the drowsiness that had settled into his joints as he moves with you.
but his movements only become needier, messier as his body moves seamlessly with yours — grinding his bulge into your clothed pussy like he’s trying to dig the pleasure out of you.
you’re both breathing heavy when you feel nagi’s fingers trace between your thighs, grunting when he’s helping you shove your panties to the side before you’re helping him out of his sweats, and the first swipe of his cock through your folds feels like fucking heaven.
“thought you were asleep.” you drawl, amused when you feel his cock catch under the hood of your clit to pull a short moan from your lips before he’s swallowing it with a kiss, licking into your mouth just as he finally begins to sink into you with a low whine at the way you’re pussy is sucking him right in. “nah, ‘m awake now… unless ‘m still dreaming, i dunno..”
“..uh fuck, feels like it though.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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tasteleeknow-remade · 2 years
— addicted to you: one week
pairing: minho x fem!reader genre: smut, angst, established relationship. content: 18+ minors dni. warnings below cut. word count: 1.2k
summary: minho has been on tour for weeks, he can't sleep, so you send him an audio message to help him relax aka minho humps a pillow.
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profanity. afab!reader. frottage. obsessiveness. hints of possessiveness. pet names. dirty talk. grinding. dry humping. breeding kink. size kink. mutual masturbation.
Minho had never been away from you for this long. Three weeks so far, another week to go. He called you each night before he went to sleep but often it was the middle of the work day for you and you couldn’t talk. He missed you more than he ever knew he could. You’d cried the morning he left and he’d promised it would go faster than you thought; he’d be home before you knew it. He’d been the comforting, calm one and now he felt like you were coping fine and he was the one on the brink of a meltdown. He’d considered many times missing a concert and coming home to see you, but he knew he’d be letting a lot of people down. If he was honest the main reason he’d held back was because when he’d mentioned the idea to you, you’d insisted he stayed. Made him promise he would. 
He was attempting to sleep now, tossing back and forth in the bed that was far too big and empty. He was used to wrapping himself around you, smelling your hair, cupping one of your tits with his hand as he spooned you. The body pillow he brought with him couldn’t compare. The clock on the nightstand flashed 3:30am, you should be off work. He reached over to grab his phone. 
    2 new messages 
    im guessing you are probably sleeping now but just letting you know i love you and i miss you
    can’t wait to see you
He quickly typed a reply. 
    can i call you
After what felt like 20 minutes of staring at the ceiling, phone grasped in his hand, it started vibrating. 
“Why are you still awake? Isn’t it really late over there? I didn’t wake you did I?” The sounds of traffic in the background sounded so foreign after lying in silence for so many hours. 
“I couldn’t sleep, I miss you.” 
“I miss you too but you have to get some sleep; you’re so busy everyday.” You sounded slightly out of breath. 
“I can’t do this again.” 
“Do what? The tour? Aren’t you having fun? You were so excited- Sorry can I just get past you..” You were talking to someone else now. He assumed you were rushing for your train. 
“Being away from you.” 
“What happened to time would pass fast, huh? It’s only a week now, I'll see you soon.” 
“I- I know… one week… I'll see you soon…” 
“I love you, very much. Get some sleep.”
“Me, too. Yeah, yeah I will. Don’t worry.”
“Goodnight, love.”
Minho threw his phone over the side of the bed. He couldn’t do this. He felt like he could cry. 
Just as he was getting ready to submit to the tears his phone buzzed from the floor. He crawled the edge and leaned over, reaching to grab it and then pushing himself back up onto the bed, nearly falling off in the process. 
    4 new messages
    i recorded this the other night when i was missing you very much
    i was too embarrassed to send it at the time but i think maybe you might need it now
    love u
He hit play right away and within a few seconds it was clear what you’d sent him. Your quiet whimpers filled the hotel room. Oh god, you were perfect. “Minho…. baby… I need you.” Your breathy voice reminded him of the way you’d sounded in the call; winded from rushing for your train. Fuck. “Miss you so much….” He could hear you shifting in your bed. “Been touching myself every night to the thought of you… wish you were here… so bad..” 
Minho rolled over and grabbed the body pillow, throwing one leg over it and putting the phone on one of the other pillows so he could listen to your pretty sounds. He often slept naked but tonight he was wearing his boxers. Most nights he would stroke himself to the thought of you, picturing your thighs wrapped around him, holding you up against the wall as he fucked you full.  
“I miss feeling you inside me,” you sounded so needy. “filling me up.” Minho’s hips started rolling against the pillow, holding it against him tightly. He loved having you against him like this. Sometimes in the middle of the night he’d wake up pressed up against you, your ass pressed into his crotch. When he’d grab you and pull you even tighter against his chest sometimes you’d wake up and sleepily murmer his name. How the fuck was he supposed to sleep in an empty hotel bed when he’d gotten used to that. 
“Feel so empty without you.” Fuck he wished you were under him instead of the pillow. You’d be so warm… soft. He rolled completely on top of it. Palms on the bed, giving himself enough leverage to fuck himself into the pillow like it was you, begging him to keep you nice and full. You always felt so small under him. He loved holding himself up on his forearms, each one on either side of your head, caging you in under his body. He was obsessed with you, he knew it wasn’t healthy. The way he wanted to keep you with him all the time. But fuck he loved it; feeling you under him like that, all his. Made him feel like you were all for him. His sweet little angel. 
He was muttering to himself now, “Need you too, baby…so soft for me….pretty baby… yeah….”. Your moans were getting louder and he could hear the sound of your wet pussy as you touched yourself. God he was gonna keep you locked up for days when he got back. Just keep you sitting on his cock, feeling that wet little pussy around him for hours. How the fuck had he gone without you for so long. He couldn’t do this again, he wouldn’t. He needed you. He groaned into the pillow. Precum was probably leaking through his boxers, he was making a mess. Just like you. He needed to slow down, make it last. He could only hear this audio for the first time once. By the end of the week he’d memorise it, each word you whimper, every pretty sound. 
You were chanting his name. “Minho… baby…. please…. Minho…” He started rutting faster into the pillow, panting as he struggled to hold himself back. You’d come any second, then he could follow you. You were so good for him, touching yourself while he was gone. Needy little thing. So sweet. He couldn’t stop himself, his cock throbbing as his thrusts became erratic. “Oh.. fuck,” He groaned as he felt the first pulse of cum wet his boxers. He heard you make the prettiest sound, finishing along with him. Grinding himself into the pillow as he rode out his orgasm he imagined your pretty face as you came. One week and he’d be seeing it again. He listened to your small giggle as he caught his breath, “I hope-I hope you liked it, baby. Miss you.” The audio ended. Minho rolled onto his back. He needed a shower. 
One week. 
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please reblog and share your thoughts. caption, tags, replies, or ask box, i read it all. feedback is what motivates me to write more!
↳ masterlist
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
fang,, don't feel pressured to answer this!! but how do you think th e blue lock men would react if u bought a mini plushie of them and referred to the plushie as ur guys son 😭😭 like
snapping isagi and rin the plushie posing to looking out the window and captioning it "he misses u. come home"
this is so cute im weeping
i think bachisagi are the most excited about it. kurona is on this list too actually. the sillies fr. they snap you back with their face blurry and a bunch of crying emojis like "NOO I MISS OUR SON. PAPA WILL BE HOME SOON" and it's very ridiculous of them. . bachira calls himself mama instead tho. dont ask.
itoshi bros have similar reactions. rin is SO lovestruck about it but it will not show thru text. he looks very bored when looking at it but he literally thinks he's going to have a heart attack. the one of the plush sitting on ur bed is fine but the one where it looks like ur holding the plush like a baby..INSTANT K.O. he texts back like "ur an idiot. go to sleep." then another text 3 minutes later. "be home soon."
sae is endeared openly and smiles at it for a bit before playing into ur silly little bit and going "kids shouldn't be up past 11. you and baby go to sleep." and ur on the other side simply Losing it.
chigiri is sooo giggly about it skjsds. he's so in love he thinks it's so cute. he also leans into the bit a little but he calls himself dad in the texts and its kind of. Sexy. sends a voice note of himself like chuckling and goes "dad will be home soon enough, promise. get some rest baby." to YOU. and it's like. instant k.o.
kunigami + barou are both very -_- about it. kunigamis only reply is "i'd want our son to look like you more than me." and barous bc he is a spoil sport is "why the fuck do you have that. and why is it so ugly. also brats shouldn't be up past 10 so both of you go to sleep."
nagis response is SO cute jhfsdhs, he sends a bunch of kaomojis and then goes "hows our other son? (choki)" and when you send a pic together he saves it in his phone and smiles looking at it. smiles mostly bc ur hand is in the background holding the plush up and he thinks its sooo lovely.
reos response is also v dramatic and over the top. just a bunch of crying emojis and going "we should buy our son some nice outfits and have a photoshoot" and being absolutely delighted by how much that makes u laugh. he is dead serious tho and is thinking about getting one of u for his travels.
karasu + oliver have very similar sarcastic ish replies about not knowing they were fathers but the play along with you anyways because it's cute. oliver specifically goes "don't need use our kid as excuse to wanna see me baby" and its soo annoying bc he's right.
otoya has a similar response about being a father but the sends u a semi-endearing paragraph about stepping up before saying its under the conditions he's still allowed to hit.
yukimiya is blushing up a STORM and saying it's important you get married if there's babies involved. hiori says something similar and says he should go and buy a house with his check.
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nekkodiaries · 1 year
⌖ the 5th shot. ┆what can go wrong? [ 1.1k words ]
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"what are you doing frowning like that so early in the morning, princess?"
heeseung's voice disrupts the quietness of the house as he sips on his coffee and reads the news on his phone. "shut up, man." jay groans as he throws off his phone to the side of the couch after losing yet another solo game, two fingers coming up to massage the bridge of his nose. that, add to that the fact that she has been radio silent for the past week. again.
he didn't know why notursniper was stressing him out so much. he didn't even know her.
well, he kind of did. he knew that she preferred having one assault rifle and one sniper on hand, specifically the awm. that was her favorite sniper. but if that wasn't available, she'd settle for a kar98 even though she thinks it "recoils like a motherfucker." her words, not his. from the several matches they've had since the day they made up, he also observed that she hated the laser attachment the most, and that her—
"dear lord, he's gone insane." he hears his other best friend mumble. he doesn't even realize that he's already smiling, but if he were to go by the looks that heeseung and ni-ki gave him, he knows he HAS gone insane.
he'd justify that he had good reasons of going insane. she just has her way with words.
"you know, if you're so bothered by her absence, just ask her for her number.. or twitter. or something. instead of logging in just to check if your little pubg girlfriend messaged you. god, you're so unbelievably bitchless." heeseung snorts as he leaves off all their dishes in the sink.
jay mulls over heeseung's words before he reaches for his phone anxiously typing up another casual "hey, wanna game?" after his last message to see if notursniper would reply any time soon.
ding. his phone ringed and jay couldn't be any quicker to check if it was her.
notursniper: hey loser. missed me?
god was he flustered. he must've looked like a complete desperate idiot to her but of course, he wasn't going to let her know. he wasn't going to let her know that he's been anxious for about a week, worried that she might have thought he still hated her when he was just absorbed in the game. he wasn't going to let her know that every time he'd play, he'd give her cute little icon a stare first, and that her message was the first thing he'd look for each time he'd log in to pubg. he's not letting her know any of that.
killstrike: shut up
notursniper: ? you're the one that's been messaging me non-stop since last week
killstrike: i was just looking for a partner to help me rank up that's all haha
notursniper: didn't you tell me i'm shit at sniping 🤨
killstrike: ok fine SORRY
did i just... apologize? again? that was not like him. in fact, that was the exact opposite of how jay is. his best friends could be his witness to his stubbornness and inability to back down from a fight. but something about the way she talked to him was so different. she matched his energy and for once, he thinks he's finally met his match.
notursniper: apology accepted < 3 im sorry too for not being here ! i was down with fever.
killstrike: oh are you okay?
notursniper: nah its fine im up and running again. nothing can keep me away from playing pubg 😎
killstrike: ok, u stubborn dork killstrike: u wanna play again? i’m free the whole day
notursniper: only if u promise to get ur fuckass head out of the way when i snipe lmfao
killstrike: shut up brat 🤬🤬🤬
after a few days of gaming together, jay eventually managed to ask for a daily schedule where she'd be available so they could meet so he could "rank up" when in reality he just really wanted to talk to her as often as possible. more and more, he'd be enamored by how good she was at the game and how she's so attentive to what he needs. aside from the constant insults and teasing that would admittedly get him irked, he thinks he's grown attached to her. and that was the start of his summer-long pubg adventure with notursniper.
scrolling past his twitter feed, he realized it's been a few days since he checked up on you. he checked your profile to see nothing updated there but after checking the mentions tab, he saw a tweet from jake. "ah, she was sick too.. is it fever season?" he mutters to himself, brows slightly meeting together as he stares at your picture.
you were sat on the bed, looking at your phone while your hand covered your nose with tissue. even with your back turned to the camera, you're still beautiful. it must be fun to be your friend. jay wonders how nice your personality must be. were you actually as shy as the rumors say? or did you only reserve your humor and brightness for your close friends?
"dude, you better stop staring and start texting. at this rate, you really won't get to y/n before we all graduate." sunghoon says after peeking at jay's phone, plopping himself down the couch, turning on the tv.
sunghoon's remark returns the frown back on jay's face, earning the younger a throwpillow to the face. "you better shut up if you don't want him kicking you out his condo." heeseung butts in as usual and grabs the pillow before softly swinging it back to the couch. the tv quickly becomes white noise along with his bestfriends' voices as he glosses over sunghoon's words.
senior year's starting in a week and he hasn't made a single progress with the quiet girl of his class. he's known you since the start of the second semester of sophomore year. he remembers it all vividly. he was late to the first day of class after holiday break and you were staring at the bulletin board, fingers gently tracing on the paper. you were wearing a cream-colored cardigan and you had ribbons tied to your ponytail. since then, he nicknamed you as "ribbon girl."
it was to his surprise that you guys ended up in the same class. seated a couple rows behind you, he watched as you raised your hand during the class roll call. "y/n.. what a pretty name." he mumbled to himself, smiling as he wrote your name down in his notebook.
it's been one and a half years and yet he couldn't manage to greet you even once. he wonders if he can muster up the courage to finally ask you out this year. if not, then maybe he can still cling on to his little pubg crush. what can go wrong, right?
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masterlist. ┆ previous. — next.
summary: park jay lives life as a hot-headed gamer by day and.. well.. still a hot-headed gamer by night— except he secretly goes by the name killstrike. after losing a match, he finds himself trash-talking, his teammate notursniper, who happens to be the mysterious classmate he's been admiring for over a year and more.
taglist [open]: @yvnjin-s @wondering-out-loud @rikisly @babystrlla @shinrjjj @homelycat @annoyingbitch83 @fadedluvv
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yanfeiimain · 18 days
hey rin <3 ive never asked for something before so im not sure how to format it, but can i ask you to write a Kafka x Stelle where they meet regularly on the express in secret ??
Eeeek hello anon!! Ofc you can :D sorry it took me a while, hope u like it!
c/w: none <3 fluffy <3
words: 740
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Stelle hurried through the parlor cars of the Astral Express, she wanted to reach a certain one at the far back.
Her face was flushed, partly due to the running and partly because she couldn't wait to see Kafka again. She started meeting with the Stellaron Hunter just a few weeks ago.
After the occurrences on the Xianzhou Loufu, they got closer and Kafka admitted that Stelle caught her eye. Stelle wasn't opposed to the confession and suggested that they could spend time on the Express in secret.
So that was what she was doing now, heading to their hidden hangout. Stelle arrived in the car and silently opened the sliding door to the middle room. She was excited to see Kafka again.
The slightly taller woman was sitting on a pillow on the floor, her legs crossed and her usually suggestive smile was soft and so was her expression.
"Kafka!" Stelle exclaimed happily, her chest was heaving and her heart was racing. "Stelle my dear" Kafka greeted her, not as cheery but equally as happy. Stelle swiftly entered the room, carefully sliding the door shut.
She approached the purple-haired woman and proceeded to sit down and laid her head onto Kafka's lap. "I missed you" Stelle mumbled and turned her head to face Kafka. "Sweet thing, it has only been a few days since I last visited." She chuckled and gently caressed Stelle's cheek.
Her gaze was soft, cherishing the time with her lover. "But still…" Stelle pouted and then smiled, "I'm glad you're here Kafka".
They stayed like that until Kafka complained about her legs falling asleep. Unwilling to stand up, Stelle groaned as she tried to shift her legs. "Stelle, could you please move? I'm afraid my legs fell asleep…" she tried to convince the younger woman gently. "While we're at it, we could put a record on… Oh! And I brought some pastries for us to enjoy."
Stelle sighed, hiding her smile, and sat down properly beside Kafka. Of course that did the trick. Kafka knew her too well by now. She got up and placed the box with the pastries on a low table next to their pillows.
She proceeded to put on one of the classical music records 'borrowed' from the parlor car on a spare gramophone they found while cleaning up the room. The two went on to spend the afternoon chatting, cuddling, and eating the pastries Kafka brought. They were lovingly decorated with pink and white candy hearts. (Kafka denied that she actually made them but Stelle knew.)
Before they knew it, it got late. Stelle didn't want Kafka to leave, who knew when they could meet again after all? So she just tightly hugged her, hoping she would stay a little longer. Kafka patted Stelle's head, her other arm wrapped around her waist. She didn't want to leave either, however, she also didn't want to cross the Astral Express crew or mess up Elio's script (if that was even possible).
"I would love to stay, you know how much I love to be with you, right? But you also know that I have a responsibility to get back to." Kafka spoke gently, not wanting to upset her girlfriend by leaving again so soon.
"I know… I know, but just a little longer? Two minutes…" Stelle mumbled, her face pressed against the nape of Kafka's neck. And so they stayed like that for two more minutes. two became five and soon five turned into ten.
"I have to go sweet thing," Kafka whispered against Stelled hair. "Right…"
So they bid goodbye once more, hoping the wait wouldn't be too long. "I love you Kafka, be safe," Stelle said, a soft smile on her face. She cupped Kafka's face and kissed her gently and the taller woman kissed her back, hands at the back of her neck and her waist.
Kafka pulled back first and replied, "I love you too, Stelle. See you soon." It was a promise.
With that, Kafka departed and Stelle turned off the lights and went back to her room. She stopped when she entered the room with a surprised and nervous look on her face.
March 7th was waiting there for her.
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lovetique · 2 months
henlo<3 i promise im still getting to long overdue replies i owe. 😭 pls dont hate me. blame it mostly on elena ok, she hogs all of my attention. </3 dfjknfdjk. but yes yes im v aware my other angels do exist, i owe replies w/ hanna threads, lainey and rosanna. i havent forgotten i promiseee, just got v busy and then i always have elena brainrot whenever my schedule does break up. ill be working on those soon ily ily n thank u for being patient. 💓😭
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lovebvni · 3 months
HEEEY ! Amora again , Roaaar 😭 ( I am tired 😔)
KDKFKF thank you ! That’s actually too sweet of you :333 AND I GIVE THE COMPLIMENT BACK BY PULLING AN UNO REVERSE CARD ( I can’t add pictures when anonym :// )
Ngl this reading is very accurate 🤺 ( cuz one of fav colors are Red , PINK & black [ shuush ik it’s not really a color 😭😔 /pf {playful} ]
and I also like to think I am more of an optimist! And like to spread h o p e even tho I may not believe in the situation to 100% <//3 😔
Roses >>>> they‘re my favs ! They‘re so bright , meaningful , and they really embody many different aspects of love , friendship and happiness in my eyes (≧ᗜ≦)
Yes !!! I am trying my best and I am 100% sure that my life will get better soon 🩷 !! My guides promised me but it’s also in my guts and all that good stuff
Water fountain is such a cute , also a bit sad but deep song :(( <3 I MEAN I GOT KINDA THE MESSAGE ?? BUT THEN I HEADED TO GOOGLE TO GET THE SONG MEANING AND THEN I WAS LIKE : oh :(
BUT DWW ! IK IT‘S POSITIVE ⭐️ and it made me really happy to see the song and overall when I say you replied to me , I smiled and was excited 🤍 ( the white heart is btw SOOO PRETTY ?! )
<3333 THANK YOU A LOT BTW !! And I think the second advise is target at me being a bit of a procrastinator at times !! So I think I 'have' to pull myself today pretty much together and just DO IT ✨
" I stay up too late
I am everything I hate
Play video games
Until I melt away "
(— sleep paralysis by Elita )
( never heard of the song before :00 )
😭… fun fact : my sleep schedule is a mess rn.. LIKE A TOTAL MESS ( staying awake till 6-9 am , sleeping till 2-4 pm 😔🙌 , and sometimes taking naps at 8 pm ) and I’ve been playing pretty late games ( today it was 3:30 am <///3 )
So I am guessing it was targeted at me doing it and that I maybe should k e e p going ( lolol ) aka kinda as you said , maybe a state of being too tired !! I was planning on staying awake for aaaa long time but then I get weak again cuz I love to sleep 😮‍💨 SO AHHH🙏
( btw writing this texts makes me nervous /pos , cuz ahhhh i know i will shift very soon and it‘s great <333 )
thank you again for all of your help and your interpretations and time <33 it really helped me c: , especially getting called out </3 😭 ( also : you have a very impressive gift ! And I am sure you‘ll help many others with it , but don’t forget yourself on the way :((<33 !! )
It really resonated with me 🤍! I hope you’re doing well and that you also take care of yourself, cuz I can imagine that it can get pretty draining working with much and different energies and all :(( cleansing and recharging!!!<33
The song : Where do we go ? — Weston Estate , is so pretty :(( one of my fav songs btw :3 if you‘d like to take a listen 🤍 ( it also reminds me of one of drs )
i also added the song to shufflemancy!! :D i’ll listen to it soon
(also the shufflemancy playlist if u want it)
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lovedazai-archived · 8 months
Hello Hun! Just passing by your account and reading through just about every you write, it's such a beautiful experience seeing and reading your writing. You have such a beautiful and kind light to you I hope you never lose that because it's the kind the world needs💖💖 I'm so sorry about whatever bad news you got, I hope everything is well and gets better soon Hun💗
You seem like such a wonderful person, I couldn't help but adore everything you write and the way you always seem to engage in conversations with anons, you really do care about making people feel comfortable and you enjoy talking to others about their and your own interests and I absolutely adore that about you. You're such a comfort on here and I will always wish you all the love and happiness in the world💖💖
-🥺💖(for now in case I send other messages knowing how I always do anonymously because I'm shy🙃).
omg nonnie i dont even know how to reply to this but i mustve read it like ten times now trying to come up w something that can explain how much this means to me….this isnt just the sweetest ask ive ever gotten this is like one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me in my whole life. idk how to put this into words but this truly means so so much to me & i’ll hold onto it forever <3 <3 ty so much for coming by my inbox just to be so kind, even tho ur on anon i can tell u have such a big heart. i rlly hope u know this touched me so deeply i actually cried the first time i read it (in a good way i promise !!) my inbox will always be open for u, pls dont be shy to come back :< ty so so so so much again im sending u every ounce of love i have !!!!!!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
i hope u can figure out one for it;-; but like that is mind blowing cuz he is just so aesthetically pleasing but now that im trying to come up with a url with his name nothing comes to mind so actually hoping u will figure out something;-; i'm praying it will go away soon!!!
i love thrill ride im very happy u liked it!! and i hope that u will find some that u will like out of the recommendations cuz they have very good songs out there:o YESSS it's just too goddamn hard too recommend songs;-; (i actually struggle so much with it it suckswhbejdnf ;-;)
i didn't know any of them!! but i really liked movie star cinema and without you!!! and the other ones were great as well but those were the songs that stood out for me:o but WITHOUT YOU!!?!?! i'm glad u told me about this song cuz i would be heartbroken if i wouldn't have known about this amazing song
thank u🥲 it won't prepare us in hungary as well all of the people who i talked with and go to uni said that it is going to be very different and much harder in some ways;-; goddamn then i will try to get myself ready for that but i'm probably half way there cuz i'm already praying to just pass my maths exam🥲🥲
so very sorry about being gone again!! i had my exams this week so i barely looked at my phone cuz of preparing and since i fucked up my most important one i have just been staring at my walls and contemplating life🤭 so yeah sorry to be gone🫡 and hope u are good and well!!!!!🥳💕💞 (liebestraum anon)
update: i didnt come up with anything better than what i already had so if the spirit of god himself doesnt magically give me a better idea im just gonna be stuck w a shitty url bc i refuse to not have a jihoon url ig AHAHA
i am afraid to say that i havent listened to much more yet bc ive been studying a lot and havent had the time 😭😭😭 i once again promise to listen to more after exams are over!! i'll give you a full review and everything dw >:(( i'm sure i'll find some i like!!
YOU LIKED MY MOST FAV SONGS !!!!!!!! without you is such a beautiful song its so refreshing i think. like they dont have the usual boygroup noise music concept we see (and love, come on i stan nct) and its so nice to listen to. their vocals also!!! more in love w cix each day. please watch this perf of without you if you have time and energy to its what made me stan actually
uni is always harder but when youre a high schooler its hard to admit that to yourself ;-; (speaking from personal experience LMAO) but i truly hope u get adjusted fine and quick!! i didnt have to study as hard in hs so i think the workload was the most shocking thing for me that i had to get used to, so if you are used to studying a lot and having a lot of assignments maybe it wont be that different after all! praying for your maths exam im sure you'll rock it!!!
its okay!! im taking ages to reply too and im barely on this blog bc of exams >:(( hope your exam didnt go as badly as you think it did, sometimes we are just too pessimistic. how did your other exams go?? im manifesting good grades for you mwah!!! hope you are taking care of yourself and relaxing after all the studies. im looking forward to hearing from u when things get easier on your end (and mine too, 3 most difficult exams left so im honestly manifesting i pass LMAO)
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tendouluvr · 3 years
aizawa calling you clingy - gn reader
- [attempt at] angst to fluff
- warnings: being called clingy, aizawa gets annoyed with reader and berates them, one use of the word ‘shit’
- wc: 1.9k
a/n: this wasnt......as sad as i wanted... i cant tell if im just not so good at writing angst or immune to it T_T
once again, not edited!
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#! aizawa!!!! eee
#! hes a levelheaded man so arguments are rare
#! u both trust one another so theres no reason to have doubts in ur relationship
#! being his s/o, he tells u things thats not so easy to tell others over time, and you’re patient enough to let him take however much time he needs to let u in
#! however, years of keeping to himself most of the time doesnt just disappear even if you’re his s/o
#! so aizawa does have this tendency to close off and distance himself from u bc of his stress and insecurities
walking through the spacious halls of ua, you were headed towards your lovely boyfriend. aizawas been pretty busy lately with teaching his class, making sure no one is being left behind progress wise, doing his job as a pro-hero, and then spending his free time training with shinsou.
you knew showing up at school unexpectedly was something aizawa found irky, that’s why you made sure to tell him the night before that you would be coming during lunch time to bring him some yummy homemade food.
humming softly to yourself, you finally reached the door opening to class 1-A and walked in. the classroom was empty, but there at the front was no one other than mr. aizawa shouta. you quickly greeted him with a smile and he turned to look at you.
“what are you doing here?” he slowly asked with a look of confusion.
“i brought you some food! did you eat yet? i hope not, i made-,” you quickly stopped talking once you noticed the look he was giving you.
“why are you here? i already told you, you shouldnt be showing up without letting me know first. our relationship is quiet, if the students see they’ll get noisy and ask questions, i’ll get bombarded by my colleagues, and it’ll put you in danger if words get out. did anyone see you coming here? can you listen to me for once instead of continuing to always be near me? you’re so damn clingy and need to start thinking about the consequences your action will bring. i already ate, just go home before anything happens.”
your jaw dropped a little after hearing what he just said to you. did he not remember what you told him last night?
worst of all, you couldnt believe he just called you clingy. you just wanted to do something nice for him by making his favorite food hoping that it’ll relieve some of the stress thats been building up, but he just thought of you as clingy.
fine, if clingy is what you are then you’ll stop bothering him. you quickly whispered an apology, not sure if he could hear or not, and began making your way back home as fast as possible. the food you made for him was still tightly grasped in your hand.
due to the new dormitories, aizawa stays at ua majority of the time. he comes home to your shared apartment whenever he can to spend time with you. unfortunately, those time aren’t usually much because as soon as he’s free, he’s quick to do something else.
once you’ve made it home, you packed the food away and put it in the fridge. you felt your phone buzzing repeatedly, already guessing who it could possibly be, you took it out to see it was your boyfriend.
shou <3: im sorry
shou <3: honey, im so sorry. pls text me back when u can
shou <3: i know what i said hurted u, but i promise u i dont mean it. pls just call me or text me so we can talk about this
shou <3: i have to go back now. but i love u. so much.
staring at your screen, you contemplated texting him back.
letting out a sigh, you decided not to.
putting your phone to the side, you walked to the bedroom and changed out of your clothes into the comfy pjs you were wearing right before you left.
seeing that there was nothing for you to do other than wallow in your insecurities and let out a few tears, you got into bed and made yourself comfortable for an afternoon nap.
aizawa on the other hand was at school and distracted. his own words kept replaying over and over in his head and all he wants to do is smack himself a few times (after comforting u ofc).
his students could tell he was in a badder mood than usual so they collectively agreed to not worsen it (one particular student does not care. can u guess?). aizawa just wanted the day to pass so he can apologize to you directly and make it up with some cuddling.
despite being distracted with planning his apology and thinking about you, he was still teaching as he should and constantly telling his students to be quiet because he’s intimidating like that.
a few hours passed, the students are back in their dorms and some of the teachers are still in school finishing up some work. the hallways were empty and silent, and the weather outside was nice and calm - not too sunny with just the right amount of wind.
however, if you were to peek your head inside of class 1-A at the moment, the environment is an exact 180. aizawa is quickly trying to grade the remaining stack of papers he has on his desk so he can leave as soon as he can. there’s papers everywhere, he’s not so sure where the answer key went off to but to hell with the answer key. he just needs to go home.
his hair is messily tied up and his lips have probably been gnawed off by now. as soon as school ended, he got out his phone to see if you replied and sadly you didn’t. he doesn’t blame you though, considering all of the shit he said to you earlier. 
finally writing down the fat score in red pen onto the final paper, he gathers everything and put to the side of his desk and packed up his stuff. his stuff being his yellow sleeping bag and that’s it.
he went to his room first to clean himself up a bit, and then grabbed a taxi to go to your shared apartment. arriving at the front door, he takes out his copy of the key and entered.
first thing he noticed while entering and taking off his shoes was that the apartment was dark and quiet. he made his way to the kitchen first and turned on its lights to check the fridge. in the fridge laid the food you made for him earlier today. he took it out to start heating it up in the microwave then he walks away from the food and to your bedroom.
quietly opening the door, he poked his head in to see you laying on your side with your back facing the door. he assumed you were asleep and gently closed the door to not wake you up. he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. 
you, feeling the bed dip, slowly opened your eyes to be greeted with the sight of your boyfriend gingerly brushing his fingertips across your cheekbones. he notices that you’re awake and looks up to meet your eyes.
making eye contact with him, you quietly grunted and brought the blanket up to cover your face while turning your entire body to the other side to ignore him. aizawa sighed and brought his hand down to rest on your waist as he begins talking.
“yn... i know you’re.. mad at me for the things i said to you earlier, but i’m truly sorry. i know saying i didn’t mean it isn’t good enough for you to forgive me, but i want you to know i’m really really sorry. i’ve been so busy for the past few days, my head is all over the place, seeing you at school just got me overthinking and worried that i ended up saying things about you that’s not true at all. i love you so much, hun. you’re the best thing to happen to me. you don’t have to forgive me now, i understand if you want some space.”
it was silent for some time after he finished his apology. the echoing silence was slowly making aizawa worried that you’ll leave him, but he won’t tell you that. thinking that you wanted space, he lifted his shaky hand off of your waist and moved to get off of the bed when you suddenly grabbed onto his hand to keep him there.
“i...i told you the day before that i was going to be visiting you during lunch time. did you not remember? or even hear me tell you?”
aizawa situated himself back down onto the bed before replying. “if i’m being honest, i don’t really remember much of that day at all. my brain was occupied with work and rest, so i was practically drained by the end of the night. i’m sorry i took it out on you, it’s my fault for overworking when i know you’ve been trying to help.”
letting out a soft sigh, you turned your body back towards him. still holding onto his hand, you carefully slotted your fingers in between his and pulled him down to lay with you. he immediately found comfort in this and placed his head into your neck. you could feel his facial hair against your skin making you let out a quiet giggle.
“i love you. i know you have a habit to overwork since that’s all you did before we dated, but please shou, take care of yourself. im not talking physically, cuz you’re already so damn fine, but mentally. i hate seeing you bury yourself in work and training that it even makes me tired just watching you.”
he grumbled something against your neck - his usual reaction to you complimenting him - and held onto you tighter while putting light kisses on your collarbone.
“i know. i will. please bear with me, i know i’m a pain but i’ll always try to be my best for you. i’m never letting you go, love you too much for that.”
“hmm? who said i’m going? you’re stuck with me forever just so you know,” you laughed and patted his head before rising from the bed.
“i heard you heating up the food earlier. get up and come eat,” you tugged aizawa to get him off the bed.
he grumbled once again because he was being forced to leave the warm comfort of your shared bed, but followed you out anyway holding onto your hand.
“wait. you heard me entering? so you were pretending to sleep when i got here?! not funny, babe. not funny. -also don’t take sleep for granted. i did and look where that got me. stop laughing!”
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it was the next day and aizawa just finished passing out the grades he rushed grading yesterday. even though it was rushed, he was confident that there wasn’t any mistakes-
“aizawa sensei, you marked this question wrong when it’s right. this one too. and this other one on the last page. are you trying to fail me?!” denki dramatically wailed as he showed aizawa his papers.
guess he did make mistakes after all.
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4dtk · 3 years
hello!! Hope you're having a marvelous day/night (◕ᴗ◕✿)
May I request from ur prompts list, Hugs no. 31 and kisses no.44 with Johnny, Jaehyun or Mark?
Love youuuu, bye bye (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
(i hope you’re having a good day too anon! love u too <3) i decided to just do all of them LOL im feeling generous tonight, it explains why mark’s and johnny’s is shorter — i originally only wanted to write jaehyun! also why do all of these end with sleeping... i think i’m too sleepy
hugging, 31: hugging while straddling the partner
kisses, 44: kissing each finger
(idk. forbidden love au? hints to reincarnation? even idk 💀)
“do you think we’ll ever escape?” you frown, swallowing nervously under the dark night. it’s quiet apart from the usual white noise of the outside world, from rowdy teenagers to drunken footsteps of adults. and soon, you can hear their shrieks and excited voices as raindrops start out slow. they hit the metal covering of your floor until it becomes heavier and heavier, just like your heart.
the laughter from below, feet spinning in the rain was what you wanted to do. out there with jaehyun, with no care in the world until you’re panting for air and shivering from the cold. when you sniffle your snot and struggle to speak, he’ll just tell you that it’s all worth it to see your smile under the weepy weather.
“hey,” the other softly calls out to you. it’s so quiet, but it still startles you just a bit, jerking his hold that you’ve managed to slip into a trance in. your legs unclench, your body sags once he brings you out of the embrace to look at you. sat on top of him, you’re successfully taller than him by a little, and jaehyun’s sure they can make the comparison of you being literal royalty.
“we will. one day. one day we’ll leave this place. we wouldn’t need to dress up in incognito in public and we can dance in the rain.” it sounds like a promise the you want to hold on, but the stern faces of your family, of your conservative grandmother sends a bad memory to all the times you’ve decided to bring him up.
a warm hand engulfs yours. wordlessly, he traces over each finger, each joint, bringing it to his lips while he stares at you through his bangs. it makes your heart swell when he stares at you like that, and it races twice its speed when his presses one kiss, two, three, more than that onto each finger.
you notice he lingers on your ring finger more.
“i will marry you. i will make mine, darling, i mean it.” jaehyun says it with his whole chest and this promise definitely solidifies your love for him. with his firm tone and lovestruck eyes, jaehyun could take on anyone, the world, your family.
“i would do it over a million lifetimes even if i can’t have you.”
jaehyun smiles, coaxing your shocked state into a kiss that you return haphazardly, too eagerly until he falls back onto the bed. there’s a hearty laugh coming from his throat, lips too close like routine and the smile that you want to engrave in your mind.
you notice the rain stays heavy, but your heart does not, and as he lulls you to sleep with a chat about his day, his heartbeat is the last thing you hear, a reminder of his morality and fragility as a human.
because if jaehyun would make you his in every universe possible, you would travel through every lifetime—hell, even eternity—to find him in your next life, just as you did in the past.
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“any chance that you can maybe not snore when you sleep?” you mumble to no one at dawn, interrupted by the very source of your lack of sleep. johnny was a deep sleeper, but you’ve never actually seen it in action until now, where you’re literally trapped in between his arms. the laying on your chest was starting to get uncomfortable, and you needed to pee so bad.
“johnny? honey? you’re gonna need to—“ your husband only replies in the form of a groan, scrunching together his features when he finds that the morning light is too bright and not when he literally has you caged in his arms. “oi!”
you whack the toned sides of his body, and he stirs, barely, but he manages to wake up after a few seconds, squinting through his eyes. “what do you want?” he mumbles quietly, through the sleepy, raspy voice that you have to contain yourself against. the fact that you need to pee, too, is not helping one bit. “i need to pee, babe.”
“‘kay… just do it here, then?”
your brows knit together, an incredulous expression stretching your features until you’re sure you couldn’t make a more surprised face, “what?!”
there’s a string of grumbles from johnny’s mouth when his arms finally let go of you, but he stubbornly follows behind with a hand twined with yours, leaving you to remove your bottoms with one hand. right. the boys mentioned that he was also a very clingy sleeper.
even with the uncomfortable noise of you releasing the contents of last night’s alcohol, johnny doesn’t bat an eye, catching up on sleep still standing up and he obediently waits until you’re done, hands and all with the excuse that you didn’t use the hand i’m holding on to, so you don’t need to wash it!
cue another round of convincing him and soon you’re back in bed, bodies facing each other and your hand in his once again. with each surge of love for you on your body, to each finger (he’s turned the ring on your finger five times now), to your cheeks, shoulders and neck. to your hair and forehead (you lost count), and while the sky lightens, the two of you are content with sleeping in, snug in the other’s warm embrace.
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(brief makeout scene)
your laughter is evident in his studio where the trainees are long gone and the computer is shut down — a product of his hard work done when you aren’t in the room. because if you were, mark was only going to look at you. sat in his lap, mark continues to pepper kisses onto your fingers, the previous activity of comparing hand sizes lost to your lover showing affection instead. all because you said “your hand isn’t that much bigger than mine, mark,”, which brought on the pecks onto your frozen skin.
with each minute that passed before this, you’re left to curl in more and more into the male as he brings miscellaneous items around his computer screen before you prompt him to shut it down. it happens all the same now when the room is silent from the click-clacking of his keyboard and the occasional grunts when he had to undo the layering of his instrumentation; you’re still seeking comfort from the air-condition in his warm hug.
mark sports a huge grin, hoisting you up by the butt before plopping down onto the sofa in his recording studio. he was familiar with the space, having had spent countless nights in here. he just wished you were there to see him work.
“whatcha thinking about?”
bashfully, you shake your head, opting to nuzzle deeper into the other’s chest as his hand brushes through your locks. it’s a different kind of heaven, every part of mark, that is. you feel your heart soar when he runs his fingers through your hair. there’s a fluster to your movements when he compliments you. your heart beats faster when he dedicates a song to you.
but in all, it’s always heaven, combined with a dangerous combo that when mark presses his lips against yours, you feel giddy and high and delirious. you return his fervour with a tilt of your head, moving a leg over his waist and the whine he lets out only makes you hold him closer to you. bruised and swollen and tempting are always the traits of mark’s lips. when you pull away for oxygen, you don’t waste time to kiss him breathless again, pushing him gently onto the sofa below him.
a second and third time is normal for you, it’s the four time that mark’s fatigue starts to catch up with him and your earlier eagerness is replaced with love when he seals the deal with the fifth. it’s soft and slow unlike yours, but it isn’t that he didn’t like yours, but he would very much reciprocate it only when he had more energy.
for now, mark was content to have your figure on him who traces incoherent shapes on his chest while the low hum of the AC tempts you into sleep.
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hajimescutie · 3 years
# — haikyuu boys snapping at their s/o
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includes: k. tsukishima x gn!reader & h. iwaizumi x gn!reader
genre: angst to fluff (also in timeskip! obvi)
warnings: cursing, they kinda mean in this one but it ends up being okay!
a/n: APSKQNSJQQ 💘 ANON IVE MISSED YOU SM😭😭 I HOPE YOURE DOING OKAY ILYSM KISSES 😘 i only did tsukki and iwa i hope that's okay :(( whenever my schedules starts to clear up i'll do sakusa and bokuto i pinky promise! i love u and i hope this makes you feel better <3
main masterlist 
karasuno masterlist aoba johsai masterlist
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today was not your day at all.
it felt like the whole universe decided today was the day to make your life absolutely miserable. it all began when you overslept for work, tsukki had already left for his job, and you forgot to put your work clothes in the dryer. then, showing up to work in damp, uncomfortable clothing 15 minutes late, your boss was not happy. the whole rest of the day they were nitpicky about anything you did. you were getting sick of it, you rarely were ever late and this is how they decided to treat you?
when your shift was finally over and your boss didn't have anything else for you to do, you bolted out of there. the only thing on your mind was going back home, cuddling with tsukki, and telling about each other's day. on the way back you had a raging headache, silently hoping it'll go away by the time you get back home.
when you did get home, you were met with silence. you took your shoes off with your head tilted slightly. shouldn't he be home by now?
speaking of the devil, you heard your phone ping with a notification.
tsukki <3: gonna be home late. don't wait up for me.
you rolled your eyes at the text, your frustration built up from earlier beginning to grow and grow. you just wanted this day to be over with, you just wanted to be held and told that everything was going to be okay.
not even bothering to begin making dinner or replying to your boyfriend's text, you headed to the bedroom and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
you were startled awake a couple hours later to the front door slamming shut. you sat up, rubbing the tiredness from your eyes. you grumbled a bit to yourself when you saw you were still in your work clothes. when your vision became clear, you saw a very disturbed tsukishima standing at the bedroom door suddenly, frustration clear in his eyes.
"hi baby, how was your da-"
"why isn't dinner ready yet?"
you blinked at him, "i'm...i'm sorry?"
he crossed his arms while shooting you a glare, "i've had a pretty shit day today, and for you to not even prepare dinner or do anything except sleep for the rest of the day really shows how responsible you are."
all you could do was gape at him. you couldn't even process words in your brain from what he just said to you. he doesn't even know how your day went, so that gives him the right to act selfish?
"i'm sorry, your majesty, but i've had a pretty shit day, too. i was hoping to come home to you but you said you stayed late. i was exhausted from today so i took a nap," you scoffed at him.
"wow! must be nice to act like you can just push aside your priorities while others are out there working their asses off," he said sarcastically. you were beginning to get pretty fed up with his attitude, him not even giving you the benefit of the doubt.
you got up out of bed and stormed over to where he was, almost coming nose to nose with the blonde. "i don't know what crawled up your ass while you were at work, but i don't need this right now. you better get your fucking act together before-"
you let out a choked sob you'd been attempting to hold back. you closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath through your nose, "i'll go make dinner, since your head's too far up your ass to see how i'm on the brink of having a mental breakdown. now if you'll excuse me..."
tsukki's eyes widened at your statement. usually you'd be going back and forth with venomous remarks, trying your best to get under each other's skin. but you were almost quiet, and that scared him a tad bit more. he saw how you were still in your work clothes, most likely too tired to change out of them.
when he said nothing, you took that as your cue to drag yourself to the kitchen, but not before you felt a large hand grip your bicep gently. tsukki pulled you back in front of him, pulling you into a much needed hug. as soon as your head hit his chest, the tears fell free. you gripped the back of his shirt tightly, the pent up emotions from today soaking the former middle blocker's shirt.
tsukki rubbed his hands up and down your back while letting out a sigh, "i'm sorry, i should've realized instead of snapping at you. i love you and if you'd let me, i'd love to hear you tell me what happened. as long as i can tell you about mine?"
you pulled away from his chest, sniffling while tsukki brushed a couple stray tears from your precious face. he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, hands playing with the ends of your hair.
"that'd be nice."
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exams were the worst.
you were pretty sure your hair was going to start falling out from how stressed out you were. you had an insane amount of deadlines, too many assignments and essays to submit, so many damn email notifications popping up on your phone and your computer. it was safe to say that you weren't doing too hot.
you had been running around campus all day today, talking to professors and students in your class about anything and everything. some even gave you worried glances, but you chose to ignore them because you had so much shit to get done.
when you finally got home, you immediately sat down at the dining table and pulled out your school supplies, already expecting to pull another all-nighter.
your olive-eyed boyfriend, on the other hand, wasn't doing all that great either. team japan was not on their game today during practice, especially since one of them was injured and couldn't perform at their best. he wanted to rip his hair out, his frustration starting to get the best of him.
when work was finally done and over with for the day, his anger was at his peak. he just wanted to go home, eat dinner, and then head straight to bed. but, when he finally walked through the door and saw that not only was dinner not made, but that the whole place was a mess. you had gotten home before him, so why weren't any of the chores done?
he looked towards the dining table and saw you with your headphones in, too engrossed with your computer to even notice that he was home. he rolled his eyes, grumbling as he stomped over to your hunched over figure, aggressively tapping your shoulder to get your attention.
you jumped when you felt his touch, ripping your earbuds out to turn to hajime, who did not look happy. your eyes softened at him, giving him a soft smile, "oh, hi haji. did you just get home?"
you attempted to reach out to touch him but he quickly swatted your hand away. "yeah, i did just get home. care to explain to me why our home looks like a mess?"
you gave him a confused look before finally taking in your surroundings. blankets were strewn across the living room floor, the kitchen sink was filled with dirty dishes while the dishwasher held the clean ones, and some of your assignments were flung on the coffee table in front of the couch.
you shrank back in your seat, avoiding the ravenette's harsh gaze, "'m sorry haji, i've just been stressed with school and-"
"i don't want to hear your sorry excuses, y/n. i want this done now," he stated, teeth gritting together.
"and it will get done! i just have to finish this assignment..." you were turning back to your laptop before it was slapped shut, a gasp emitting from your lips.
you gaped at your boyfriend, "what the fuck hajime?! i hadn't even saved it yet!!"
"stop making excuses for not taking responsibility around the house, you're not the only one that's stressed. god, it's like i'm the only one that does anything around here," he mumbled out the last part, but you heard him loud and clear.
the tears were already flowing down your cheeks before you could stop them, some of them staining the papers you had organized on the dining table.
"oh what now you're crying? this is ridicu-"
"shut your fucking mouth hajime."
your boyfriend's eyes widened at your tone, hearing nothing but venom come from your trembling figure.
"y-you have absolutely no idea the amount of stress i'm going t-through. i have deadline after deadline, project after project, i've been glued to a s-seat all fucking day. and for you to blatantly disregard my feeling right n-now," you choked out another sob, "i'm sorry that the house is a mess. i guess i'll push aside my "excuses" for once."
you pushed past him into the living room, beginning with organizing the school papers that were on the coffee table. your tears hadn't stopped flowing, staining these papers as well.
hajime felt like an absolute piece of shit. with your back turned, he eyed the amount of papers on the table, diligently opening your laptop again. the assignment you were working on was still there, thank god, but he saw your calendar pop up in the bottom right hand corner. his eyes widened at the amount of dates that were listed, feeling even worse that he added more to your stress.
when he turned back toward your weeping figure, he walked over and stopped your hand from picking up anything else.
you immediately looked up at him with fear in your eyes, afraid that he was going to berate you again, "what- what are you doing?"
he pulled you against his broad chest, large arms wrapping around your waist. you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in, soft sobs racking through your body.
"baby, i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have made you feel like you don't do enough around here, especially while you're still in school. i'm grateful for everything you do for us, can you forgive me?"
you nuzzled your face deeper into his chest, his hands now massaging your scalp to relieve any tension. you nodded your head slightly, pulling away to give him a teary smile.
he leaned forward and pecked you on the lips, mumbling something about cleaning tomorrow before he pampered you with affection in order for you to relax.
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