#for now u can have something less angsty dhsjdh
meteodrives · 10 months
   𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙸𝚂   :      ❛  would you believe me if i said i got all these injuries by slipping in the rain ?  ❜
he looked to be the equivalent of ruination — even after the initial shock had worn off. bruises were attempting to set, blood dripping from a gash on his forehead. had he been anyone else, she might've found his quip funny — but this was a crimson soldier ;  the best shinra had to offer. he didn't strike her as the type to back down from a fight, let alone go easy on his opponents. a soft sigh escaped her.  ( did every war torn hero have a penchant for violence ?  did he hold no grievances in regards to resorting to brutality ?  was there no line between man & monster ? )  questions pondered as he sauntered closer to the bar, likely expecting to be greeted with anything to keep from tolerating such pain sober. her head tilted, mentally scolding him for believing she'd hand over that luxury without first ensuring he was alright. 
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          ❛  you know ,  ❜   with a back straightened & a jesting grin, she spoke.   ❛  if you weren't such a brawler ,  maybe i would've .  ❜   still, had their positions been switched, she knows it would be the words of a hypocrite.  ( if a single punch were a deal with the devil ,  her soul had long since been sold . )  the tone of her voice made it clear :  this was her effort in lightening the mood. undoubtedly, he wouldn't be quite so keen to reciprocate — not after sustaining a blow as clear as day.   ❛  let's get you fixed up .  ❜   a smile of reassurance ;  as if telling him it isn't as bad as it looks. the mako that coursed through his body might have been safeguarding him from any pain at all. was that how it worked? she felt silly, any confidence from moments ago stretching away from her — uncertainty of how to go about helping him taking its place. cleaning off the blood would be a good place to start. 
a hand reached for the damp rag next to her, having been used to wipe excess water off a few dishes. she made her way to his side of the bar, taking up the seat next to him with ease. it wasn't long ago she felt wary to stand near one another. the thought is pushed aside.   ❛  how about this ?  ❜   a gentle pressure is applied, so not to incidentally worsen anything.   ❛  you tell me what really happened & i just might give you a discount on a drink of your choosing .  ❜
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*      ◞      @poeticphoenix            |​            prompted !
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