glitchedcosmos · 9 months
the fact that shadow has to literally use so much power to get sonic out of there, because he knows he wouldn’t leave him by himself, and needs to get sonic to safety
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And leaves himself behind and gets caught and hurt by the robots.. and tossed into a ravine
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They spent the whole episode protecting each-other only to get separated more confused and worried than before
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lunajay33 · 10 months
Destiny Part.4🐺
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her dad and sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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“I’m Paul’s imprint, he told me everything” I glared
She was so hypocritical, she can be in love with a vampire and be obsessed with their family after a year but I bc ant spend time with people who have been in my life forever and they just happen to be shifters? That’s not far, she’s never fair
“W..what?” She was shocked, her eyes showing full white and her jaw slacked open
“I’m Paul’s imprint, I’m meant to be with him, I always have been and we both knew it deep down, why is this such a problem atleast he protects people, look what those blood suckers did to you” i tried to reason
“You don’t know a thing about them y/n, don’t ever speak about them like that ever, you’d be lucky to even be in the same room as them, especially you” she scowled
“What is that suppose to mean Bella?” I felt my heart throb
“You’ve never been good enough, you’re just a burden to this family, can’t you see that”
I couldn’t take it anymore I ran out the door still sore but I didn’t know where to go, my bike was back at Emily’s, then I remembered I had Jakes number
I ran out of the house trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill, after three rings Billy answered
“Hi billy……” I felt the lump in my throat get worse
“Y/n? What are you doing calling at this time of night? Are you okay?” He asked concerned like he always was with me
“Is Jake around? Would he be able to come pick me up?” I whined as my voice wavered
“Oh dear of course I’ll send him by right away just hold one okay?”
“Okay, thank you billy”
I waited for 20 minutes when I saw his rabbit car pull up I quickly got in
“Y/n what’s wrong why did you call?” He asked concerned
I looked out the window and sunk in my seat
“Can we talk about it later I just need to be away from Bella right now…..please”
“Of course” he said softly as he started to drive back to his house
When we pulled up to the red house that felt more like home I felt a bit better, a sense of belonging
Me and Jake got out and he opened the door to the house for me, I threw myself down on the couch and sighed
Today was suppose to be a magical day, I found my soul mate, and he wanted me he actually just wanted me and I wasn’t his second choice
As I was sitting there I saw billy roll in and stop infront of me as Jake sat down next to me
“Dear what happened?” Billy asked
And the tears finally fell, I couldn’t hold it back anymore, especially around him
“She said I wasn’t good enough….that I’m just a burden to the family, I don’t know what I ever did wrong for her to hate me” I cried into my hands trying to avoid looking at them
I felt the warmth of Jakes hand rub my back as billy pat my knee
“Y/n look at me” billy pleaded and I hesitantly looked up
“You are never a burden to us, we love you, you’re like another daughter to me, and I know Jake sees you like his little sis, you’re always the sweetest most kindest soul, and don’t you ever let her make you think you’re not worth love” he said as he wiped my tears away
“Do you want me to call Paul?” Jake asked
“No I don’t want him seeing me like this” I hiccuped that’s when we heard a knock on the door
Jake got up to answer it and that’s when I heard that beautiful voice I love always got butterflies around
“Where is she? Is she okay?”
“Come in she’s on the couch” Jake said stepping aside and he jogged over kneeling infront of me
“We will give you some privacy” billy smiled as Jake wheeled him to a different room
“How did you know I was here?” I asked confused but I couldn’t help feel better with him around
“I could sense you weren’t okay and I just followed your scent, it’s an imprint thing, but what happened?”
How is everyone liking the story plz lmk🤍
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lemmilemura · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS REQUEST PLZ, ok so the reader a huge crush on simon right? but theyre not friends at all, like they’ve never met eachother other than having a few classes together and stuff (he hasn’t even posted about them on AT). BUT (since the reader is like so obsessed or whatever) the reader like, hacks into about that somehow, and they and simon meet and talk to eachother IN THE CODE OF THE APP. I THINK IT WOULD BE SO CUTE
im ngl ive had this idea for so long, theres a lot of plot holes in the req so you can do whatever to it, but plz keep the talking in the code of the app thing in it because i think it’s adorable 😭
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Oh my fucking god that is genious!!! I absolutely love that idea! Thank you, omg, I'm full of energy again to write this, I never even thought of this!!! I missed you, pine-ferret, I really have.
All kept gender-neutral Based on the show
3am. Pitch black. The only light was coming from my computer screen. It was giving off a green glow into the room. It came from the fake hacking website I had open on my second monitor. Actual hacking doesn't do all that fancy stuff. Atleast not the hacking I was currently doing. My only companion, my only energy came in the form of Lipton Ice Tea. My motivation was what was behind that wall of code. It was grueling. It was terrible. It took hours. But I persevered. I powered through. I used all of my skills trying to get in. Trying to achieve my goal.
What was that goal you ask? A simple one. One that, if you think about it, could have been solved much faster and easier, if I had more confidence and didn't have a panic attack every time I thjought of it.
My goal was to talk to Simon Kelleher.
I know, you don't have to point it out. Look, my severe social anxiety and also him not having a single idea who I was kinda kept me from talking to him. How do I know he doesn't know I exist? I have never been mention in AT. Not even once. And he's mentioned EVERYONE. Except for his friends, of course.
Hacking into AT was much harder than anywhere I'd hacked into before. "He set this up good... But nothing I didn't expect from him..." I mean of course he'd protect it well, if anyone got in there, it could spell disaster. Luckily, I wasn't planning on using it for anything nefarious. Only on the conquest of admiration.
I got really close to cracking it, I could feel it. Only a few more lines and I'd be in. "Seems like it's 1-0 for me, Kelleher. In, ya know, hacking and keeping your website un-hackable. In most other areas you definitely have way more points than me." I said to myself as I felt success get closer and closer.
But as always when I thought something would go my way, it did a U-turn.
Anarchi$k: Nice try.
"What the fuck. Wait, okay, okay, this is my big chance. This must be Simon. Stay calm, you got this."
(Username): Oh you haven't won yet.
Anarchi$k: Suuuuure. Now gtfo
(Username): Rude much.
I was then 'kicked out' of the code. But all he did was just send me a few steps back. Luckily, I had a habit of writing down every step that worked. So it only took a few seconds for me to geth where I was.
(Username): Hello again.
Anarchi$k: How tf
Anarchi$k: How did you do that?
(Username): A magician never reveals their tricks.
(Username): Now lemme get past, I'm almost in.
Anarchi$k: Not if I can stop you.
(Username): You just failed.
"Aaaaand kicked again. Alright, gotta work a lil faster then." This time, I managed to get further, only one password stood between me and having access to all of AT. That and Anarchi$k, aka Simon, of course.
Anarchi$k: Could you not?
Anarchi$k: Kicking you out is getting tedious.
(Username): Then stop kicking me?
(Username): Think on the bright side, now you know what you need to reinforce!
Anarchi$k: Good luck getting further.
Anarchi$k: You'll need it
(Username): Awwwww, thanks.
I wasn't kicked, but I could imagine why. There was no hint whatsoever to what the password could be. I'd probably not have multiple tries, either. "You can do this. and if not, hey, he knows you exist! Kinda. Not really..." I shook my head and then got to thinking. I knew almost nothing about him, so there was no way I'd ever get it.
(Username): Can I get a hint?
Anarki$k: Wtf no
(Username): Cmoooooon
(Username): I doubt anyone before has gotten this far
(Username): I deserve this
Anarchi$k: I don't even know who you are.
(Username): I know you
Anarchi$k: Everyone knows me
Anarchi$k: Because of what you're trying to get into.
(Username): Even if I told you my name
(Username): You wouldn't know who I am
Anarchi$k: Try me
(Username): Password first, Kelleher
(Username): :)
For a while nothing came. "Of course he wouldn't just give me it."
Anarchi$k: If you're still at it in like
Anarchi$k: A day
Anarchi$k: And haven't given up
Anarchi$k: I'll think about it
(Username): Yeeeah I don't believe you
(Username): I'll get this password
(Username): One way or another
(Username): But thanks for the offer
I ended up falling asleep after about half an hour of thinking. It was 4am, okay? School kicked my ass the next morning. I couldn't focus because I kept thinking about that stupid password. I only had 2 classes with Simon but he never said much in any of them, plus he sat behind me in both, so I couldn't even look at his desk or anything.
At lunch, I only nibbled at my food, while scribbling various ideas and getting frustrated. "If only I knew him better. Maybe this would be easier." My apple was only half gone, and there were only 30 minutes of lunch left. "You look like you could use some help." I looked at the voice suddenly next to me. "You're, Maeve, right? Maeve Rojas?" She sits next to me, with her tray of food. "Yep. It's okay if I sit here, right?" "You're not sitting with your sister?" "We have different lunches."
That was a first for many reasons. I never had anyone wanting to sit next to me. I'd never talked to Maeve before. I'd seen her a handful of times with Simon and Janae. "What are you struggling with?" She asked as she leaned over. "Just some code. A... friend of mine forgot their passcode and has no idea what it was." "Well, any ideas?" The two of us spent the rest of lunch trying to figure out what the passcode was, and she never found out it was to AT.
I got back to it as soon as I got home. I was determined to figure it out without Simon's hint. I workshopped a little more on what me and Maeve worked on.
Anarchi$k: Wait you're actually here again?
(Username): Did ya miss me?
Anarchi$k: Ya wish
(Username): I wish to get into AT
Anarchi$k: Do I look like a Genie to you?
(Username): A Genie-ous
Anarchi$k: Oh my fucking god
(Username): Does flattery get me a free entry pass?
Anarchi$k: It gets you nowhere
(Username): Oh cmoooooonnnn
(Username): Just let me in!
Anarchi$k: I told you
Anarchi$k: 24 hours
Anarchi$k: You've got 12 left
(Username): Ugh
(Username): Party pooper
"C'mon brain, think of things. C'mon brain, be so smart." I repeated to myself an amount of times I do not know. I brainstormed all the way through dinner, and way into the night.
"I only have one hour left. Either I could just give up and wait for the hint. Or I could crack this and be amazing and impress him..." the latter was the one I really wanted, but I knew it was very very unrealistic.
Anarchi$k: 30 minutes buddy
Anarchi$k: Or do you already give up?
(Username): I never give up
(Username): i never let down
(Username): I never run around or desert
Anarchi$k: okay for that you only get 15 minutes left
(Username): WTF why?
Anarchi$k: you fucking rickrolled me wtf did you think was gonna happen?
(Username): you'd find the joke so hilarious and give me the code and then we fall helplessly in love and live out our days only communicating in code?
Anarchi$k: wow
Anarchi$k: yeah that's not gonna happen
(Username): worth a try
Anarchi$k: why do you want to get in so badly anyway?
Anarchi$k: I mean I know why but goddamn just give up already
(Username): wow you must be braindead
(Username): I just told you, dumbass
Omg I actually just said that. Maybe it was the fact that he had no idea it was me that was giving me that confidence. God knows I would never be able to get a single word out if we were actually face to face.
Anarchi$k: you must be so desperate and deprived of attention if you come to me of all people
(Username): you do realize that backfired, right?
Anarchi$k: I am very well aware
(Username): you should like
(Username: idk
(Username): be happy that there's someone who like you
(Username): and stuff
Anarchi$k: oh I'm very flattered
Anarchi$k: but still
Anarchi$k: like wtf
Anarchi$k: also back to the I don't fucking know you part
(Username): If I told you who I am
(Username): 1 it would ruin this great little 'game'
(Username): and 2 you'd still not know who I am cuz you don't know me
Anarchi$k: oh how fun
Anarchi$k: I get to experience having a stalker
(Username): it's not like that dumbass
(Username): ok what I can say is I also go to Bayview
Anarchi$k: narrows it only a small bit
Anarchi$k: and if you think that stops the stalker thing it doesn't
(Username): welp, I tried
Anarchi$k: and I succeeded
Anarchi$k: time's up, buddy
Anarchi$k: any final words before I send you back out?
Anarchi$k: I've changed pretty much eveything btw
I felt like at this point I only had two options.
1. Take the loss and lose all my progress, and this is where it all ends
2. Tell him who I am and it ends too
And I kid you not I blacked out while typing what I typed because I do not remember a single thing.
(Username): my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). We have a couple classes together. You sit behind me in them.
I only came back to consciousness after it was sent. I then cursed myself and curled up in a ball on my chair. Goodybe and chance to ever succeed. Goodbye future I'd dreamed of. Goodbye happiness.
I'd started crying a little too. Then I heard a sound. I looked up.
"What the fuck" I was greeted by the Admin panel of AT. Full access to everything.
Anarchi$k: not a lot of people would be willing to admit that
Anarchi$k: you got balls, (Username)
Anarchi$k: also I knew it was you the entire time lol
(Username): what
Anarchi$k: yeah I see you sometimes
Anarchi$k: you gotta work on the staring
Anarchi$k: also Maeve told me she helped you with a passcode during lunch
Anarchi$k: so yeah
(Username): I
I was speechless. Somehow, this was worse. Much worse.
Anarchi$k: I gave you access because I could use the help
Anarchi$k: of someone who knows their way around code
Anarchi$k: no offense to Janae and Maeve but they're not smart enough for this stuff
(Username): I
(Username): okay
(Username): I guess
(Username): this is going to be so awkward
(Username): just warning ya
Anarchi$k: oh I'm sure we'll be just peachy
Anarchi$k: also feel free to stuck around us at school
Anarchi$k: if your poor little heart can handle that
Anarchi$k: ;)
(Username): or my reputation rather
Anarchi$k: you're invisble
Anarchi$k: there's no reputation to break
Okay I know that ending was kinda meh but I do not know how to go on I hope you still like it qwq
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hiiiiii!! :D
could I request lee!marc and ler!steven plz? Maybe Steven’s just in one of those silly playful moods and there’s nothing Marc can do to stop it (well, he’d stop him if he wanted to, but we know that’s not happening) >:)
hope you’re doing okay, have a great day/night friend :]
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Whatcha Doing?
Summary: See prompt above :) ❤️
(Thank you @just-a-fluffy-knight ❤️ Missed my boys and their antics ❤️ :) This was such a joy to get to write and I hope you all enjoy the fluffy craziness ❤️ :))
"Marc . . . Maaaarc!"
A heavy sigh left the older knight's mouth. "What Steveo?"
The youngest counterpart leaned over the back of the couch. "What are you doing mate?"
"Trying to research this place Layla asked me about." Marc grabbed the hand poking his cheek. "What are you doing?"
"I'm playing."
"Playing what?"
"I don't know."
"Did you have a game in mind you wanted to do?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want me to come play with you?"
"I don't know."
Marc huffed and pushed his hand away. "Then I can't help you."
Steven whined. "Why does Layla need you to research a place?"
"Couldn't tell you." The oldest tried to focus on the screen in front of him. "She just asked me toOO!"
Steven giggled as Marc smacked his hand away from his neck.
"Marc." The same hand immediately poked his side. "Oho Maaarc."
Marc grabbed the wrist of his younger counterpart. "Steven!"
Steven giggled as he simply poked with his other hand. "Maharc."
"Ep!" Immediately, the older knight snagged his other wrist. "Stevehen!"
More giggles spilled out of Steven's mouth. He carefully moved Marc's computer over to the end table next to them.
Marc wasn't sure what had come over his youngest counterpart. Normally he was hesitant with the playful contact. Atleast, it was random for him to get into these moods without initial contact given first.
But it was pretty cute when he did.
Steven grinned and pulled his other hand free so he could poke Marc's sides again. "Marc!"
"Whatcha doing?"
The older knight playfully shoved his head. "Shuhut ihit!"
A squeeze to his side had him yanking his arms back down.
"You're not pulling awaaaay."
"Shut uhuhuhup!"
"Yohou look so happy."
"Shuhut uhup!" The older knight blushed deeply.
"Ahand soho cute."
The blush darkened. "Shuhut ihit!"
Steven moved one hand up to wiggle under Marc's chin. "But look how adorable you are!"
The action sent Marc turtling in to his shoulders. "Yohoure thehe cute ohone!"
"No!" The youngest wrapped his arms around Marc. "You are!"
The older man pressed his shoulder up to his cheek. "Dohont gehet any ideheas!"
In response, Steven pouted before latching his hands on to the oldest counterpart's hips. "Yes ideas!"
A mix between a shriek and a squeal escaped Marc's mouth at the tingly sensation shooting across his hips. No matter how many times he was tickled there, the sensation was always the same. It always felt like two ticklish bolts of lightning were shooting up his sides and striking his entire torso.
Steven laughed as the older knight squirmed and squealed in his arms. "Yohoure aha squirmy baby. Yes you are!"
"Just a squhuirmyhy wormyhy!"
Marc snorted as he curled in to a ball.
"Awww!" Steven's hands stilled. "Little snorty piglet!"
Broken growls rose in the back of Marc's throat. "Ihim gohihing toho kill yohou."
"Not if Ihi gehet you fihirst!"
Steven rushed his head forward to blow a raspberry into the older knight's neck.
"Aww come on!" The younger knight jumped to the other side. "Snohort agahain!"
"NononooOOO! STEHEHEV---."
Before he could stop it, another series of snorts broke off whatever statement was supposed to come next.
"Thehere ihit is!" Steven spidered his hands under Marc's shirt and up to his ribs. "Thehe snorts were hidihing."
Marc's entire face turned bright red and it started bleeding into his ears as he continued to squirm in the younger man's arms. He couldn't see the grin on Steven's face, but he could sure feel it's energy pressing against his neck.
Fingers wiggled into the spaces between his ribs. "Whatcha dooooooing?"
"Oh?" The fingers switched to massaging along his rib bones. "Ihis thihis spot betteher?"
Marc wanted to smack the stupid smirk sitting on his shoulder. Yet, he also didn't want it to stop.
The grin Steven had when getting to be a playful tickle monster was just too precious for him to ruin.
Instead, Marc covered his face. "Shuhut uhup!"
"But yohou lohook so cuhute mate!" Steven's hands spidered down to his sides. "Like a littlehel tohomatoho."
"Yohou prahat!"
"That's my line!"
"Ihi cahatch ohon quihick!"
Steven's hands paused. "Catch yohour breheath then."
Marc sagged into the hug.
"You alrihight mate?"
The older man nodded. "Yohou're till aha jerk thohough."
Steven gently rocked them both back and forth and sing songed, "You never told me to stop."
"Shut uhup," Marc mimicked with the sing song voice as he pulled Steven over the back of the couch.
The younger man squeaked in surprise as he dropped on to the couch. His now giggly face directly in Marc's view.
As well as another familiar detail.
"Are you wearing my sweatshirt?"
The youngest's eyes widened. "Noho!"
With a smirk, Marc closed his laptop with a snap. "Since when have you been to Wales?"
"Uhh . . . With yohou!"
Marc's hand jumped from the laptop to Steven's tummy. "Liar!"
"Ah! Maharc! Noho!"
"I'll teach you not to steal my things!"
"Noho! Wahait!"
Marc chuckled as he continued his attack. Layla would have to wait a little bit for the information she needed so he could teach Steven a very valuable lesson.
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like-wuatafauq · 4 months
Idk if you’re looking for a girlfriend now, but if you are what’s your type?
Hello 👋 yea I actually am! :) I'll probably be very slow with it if I just meet someone bcuz it takes me a while before I develop crushes. Also this is a long post i know!!!
But my type is someone who's gonna be long term that leads to marriage, I really can't be with someone who won't commit to me or likes multiple ppl. (BTW I'm not trying to sound like I would shit on anybody who doesn't follow any of this that I list I just look for this personally bcuz I know otherwise it won't work out)
Distance: I can do long distance because I'm willing to travel, of course I'd prefer near me but I'm just saying I'd be willing to do it for someone.
Appearance: high femme(doesn't matter goth,cottagecore other) she doesn't have to be high femme all the time but I do prefer someone more feminine than me. I really like when a girl has long nails I don't care if it's natural nails or not I just really like how they look. I like when girls have long hair and style it especially as pigtails that shit makes me fold so easily. I don't necessarily have a type when it comes to other physical feautures but i would prefer that they look nothing like my ex who traumatized me because that would be super weird for me(she had very basic white girl features, I'm not trying to be mean to white girls she just genuinely did)
I'm not very picky on skin color or weight :) I'm Demisexual so I have to trust you and know you for a bit before I get intimate and find you sexually/physically attractive.
Age: preferably 22-27
Height: not taller than me because I like being tall and how it feels to be hugged by someone shorter than me. I'm 5'10 so I'd say 5'8 is the tallest I'd date.
Religion: I don't necessarily care but I'd prefer for her to atleast be spiritual, witchy or believe in something. It felt very empty not connecting spiritually with someone I don't think I could do that ever again. (I'm trying to be bewitched body and soul)
Personality: Really nice and caring :) She's gotta be funny and weird like me though lol into cosplay and anime so that I can cosplay the whole family ^-^ which means at least one kid but I've always wanted 3 with the option of my wife wanting more (I'd be super okay with that). Super affectionate. Super honest and understanding. I value honesty and loyalty heavilyyyy. She can be unhinged and if she's got any mental health issues I'm okay as long as they communicate with me and don't use it to abuse,cheat, and basically hurt me. Like they gotta also be working on themselves because I know my brain is super fuckked but apologies and taking accountability things like that matter to me so much so i make sure i do it too especially if you point out something to me that means a lot because i wanna be able to work on it so i can treat my partner better and stay together:) I really value someone who can support me and me towards them.
Oh Also!! Plz god a bottom. Plz mainly a bottom or like a switch is fine but with a bottom preference. I just really really really really ah let's just say I'm very hungry and ready to eat all the time. I prefer submissive bottom or dominant bottom is fine or if you are gonna top me plz don't be dominant,like service top is fine(but its very rare for me to bottom). I looove being a service top or dom top just topping in general.
On another note on sexuality: I use to not care but after my ex I feel like I'd be waaaaay too hurt or insecure or anxious to date someone who is not a lesbian, so I'm trying les4les not because I think any other sexuality is bad but because i know for a fact I would need an annoying amount of reassurance to not wanna break down or panic. And I don't want to put someone through that. I would have to really realllyyyy trust the person, and even then, I fear I would burden them. Sorry yall my ex fucked me up big time.
But basically: long-term monogamous, very affectionate healthy obsessive possessive femme.
[Other random notes: when it comes to finances work etc. I like providing but I would never get in the way of a woman wanting to succeed in fact I would support her in anyway whether is work partner or at house work or like if she wanted to just be a housewife that's fine I'll work harder to provide. People don't realize taking care of house work is just as important as a partner providing!! I try to be as specific as possible because i wouldn't want to lead someone on]
💖Ooooo bonus if she loves to bake and cook so I can get little treats when I get back from the gym!💖
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jnixz · 2 years
Compton Boole and gluttonous goats for Le character ask game plz
For this Character ask game 💚🤍🖤  
Compton Boole
one aspect about them i love
Everything he is involved in is so weird if you think about it too much, but also like, its so weird but its also normal. Embodiment of the energy of the psychonauts universe tbh
He sounds so polite he is also so small you wouldn’t know he got powerful powers, then he moves and you can hear the comical sound effects. He knows this and tries to keep people safe by keeping himself away from a situation that creates accident. **would babble more about him and the memory vaults if I could but this is already getting long
Also his frantic energy when he is stressed out, like me too bud (extremely vibrating little guy inside who want to peace out of the situation, because holy shit *self-imposed timer + quality standards = explodes from imploding self-pressure*) I’d want me a psychoisolation chamber and play chess with a clever little rat too
One more thing but I do love that little mischievious laughter he has with Cassie and her shenanigans, absolute besties -- they know each others shit so well they think its hilarious
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
I need more sass for portrayed in his fan works, he is POLITE but is also very good at what he like doing. 
Did you explore his speech tree before you go into his mind? my god he tsks at you at one point holy shit his face. Like he can still be firm even before clearing the goat judges, so not a pushover kind of shying away, and firmly to prevent dangers FROM himself
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
He didn’t know about teleportation till he met Ford. First few times still gets him spooked but eventually gets used to it. Then when he sees others who get added getting spook, he gets why Ford thinks its funny. 
When he gets to learn teleportation, he gets to do the same thing as well (even though its mostly limited to a small area, namely size of a kitchen, and his mindscape.)
one character i love seeing them interact with
We only saw him interact with Raz and Psychic 7 (and even more in fanfiction), so I’d love to see his interactions with his family and motherlobe employees.
Family of course we see a bit implied with lines, but I am also curious with the relationship with Boole kids’ parents.
Very curious most of all his relationship with Truman, Hollis, and Terryl since those characters would atleast have more than just a glimpse of him. The Camp Counselors too! 
We need more Compton fics in general where he isn’t just a small part of the fic.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
*smashes you with more Psychic 7 interactions*  OBVIOUSLY
but yeah no yeah I always love Cassie & Compton platonic partners content, but I would also love to see more of his dynamic with the other 6. Namely while we see him with Cass the most, then Otto and Ford, we don’t really see much for Helmut (okay he kinda does as Tasty but--), Bob and Lucy. Give us DLC with just character interactions Doublefine ples
Anyway as I’ve mentioned, would love to see more with his family and motherlobe employees
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
He knows everyone's favourite dish and does his best to make something that they would like based on that dish (+everything else they like). It would be a massive compliment to him if someone says the dish he made up is their new favourite. He also really just likes it when he makes it with someone else, even if it is a simple dish. Cassie with cooking, Lucy with Baking, Ford with Grilling and all that~
Not gonna do the gluttonous goats one since that’s a tad hard as one dimensional character, though I would love to see what they were like before we see them in game, as well as what they could be like after the game. Hell it’d be interesting to see how they’d do when they turn to judge others (though I doubt that since they are Compton’s self judgement)
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smolsidesandco · 3 years
Can have cg sides hcs? Even th dark ones plz an thanks u
Ackkkkkk i forgot to post this but,
Yeah! I would love to share some headcannons! I already have a lot for Janus just because I have written them as a cg, so I hope these are good!
• Janus is wonderful at helping smalls when they need to be distracted from icky thoughts.
• They have many textured baby and kid toys for the smol to choose from.
• They aren't a very strict cg but they do use the techniques of gentle parenting with the smol they're looking after.
• They're the go to side when it comes to a smol having a meltdown or tantrum. They're reassure them that what they feeling is valid and calmly talk to them about whats wrong and options they could choose to feel better or could use to get their emotions out.
• They tend to be able to find loops holes in the rules depending on specific scenarios that they would happily use to be able to sneak the smol a secret cookie or candy.
• When its time for a smol to go to bed they either team up with Roman to tell a nice bedtime story, full of voices and soft things. Or teaming up with Patton to gently rock and hum smols to bed.
• Normally they don't like having their scales touched, but if its for a smol, they tend to let that slide and let any smols use the textures to stim.
• They don't change their sarcastic sassy attitude when they're helping a smol. They don't do the whole baby talking either. They don't enjoy treating a smol like they don't know how to do anything.
• They'll keep an eye on the smol and ask them if they need help or if they would like some help. Reassuringly them that if they do, they would be happy to help and that its okay.
• If the smol their watching does something on their own, you can bet Janus is proud of them.
• "Oh my, you did all this yourself? Well you did a wonderful job on it!"
• They enjoy being a cg in the same way someone would regress to get a break from the big world.
• They can also make sure a smol is taking care of themself
• Patton is without a doubt a very snuggly and excited cg.
• They love baking for and with their smol!
• They absolutely let whatever smolntheir watching that they can link the batter off the spoon (much to logans dismay)
• They hold the smols hands and help them mix batter or cutting out cookie shapes!
• If its a bigger smol, they'll let you crack an egg and throw it away all by yourself!
• Patton falls into baby talking a lot whenever their watching a smol.
• Baby talking, plus helping the smol with most things.
• They tend to assume that the smol will need help with most things, and its almost second nature for them to help with everything.
• Patton is pretty good at watching younger smols. Older smalls tend to be harder for them to help, since they tend to want to do a lot of things theirself, but they tries their best.
• They love taking their smol kiddo outside to play.
• Having picnics and going to the park is one of their favorite activities! And they'll pack the smols favorite picnic safe food!
• Loves trying out cute pintrest food trends. And packing the smols lunch in cute themed lunch boxes.
• Surprisingly Logan helps Patton a lot with making food, and making it look really nice.
• Their logic states that a smol will be more inclined to eat their food, including veggies and the sorts, if it looks nice.
• Maybe a unicorn themed lunch will get a smol to eat their carrots. Or a sky themed one will get thoes mash potatoes off their plate.
• Logan has done quite a lot of research on this topic, especially if it due to helping the smol.
• For every smol they know, they plan/analyze/ and write down atleast five different lunch options and themes that would work the best based on the smols pallet and what they like.
• Of course this all also means they expect the smol to eat all their veggies and if you don't eat them you don't get dessert.
• Using the excuse of not liking the veggies seems impossible as well since each meal is catered to the person.
• They create schedules for the smol to follow, filled with times to eat, sleep, play, and even watch cartoons.
• They tend to be rather stuck on what they shedual is and won't take a straight up no when they say its bed time.
• Of course communicating and making sure there isn't any other reason or deeper meaning to the smol not wanting to do something they should is something they try to figure out first.
• They love watching documentaries with the smol!
• Especially ones about space, the ocean, or how something is made.
• They have many worksheets, learning games, and puzzles for the smol to work through with them if they would like.
• Another carer/baby sitter that loves puzzles is our favorite wacky ratboi.
• Surprisingly, seeing a smol is almost an instantaneous flip to them.
• While they're basically the same wacky fun uncle as normal, they know how unpleasant icky phrases or words can be when a safe space like this is involved.
• Its also nice for them because their brain sort of does it automatically, so its a well wanted break from all their intrusive thoughts.
• They will actively find every way they can to break the rules with a smol.
• Whether that be skipping bedtime, eating icecream for breakfast, eating so much candy.
• In their mind 'chaos needs to be chaos, and I rather the smol chaos happen around me so I can make sure the chaos doesn't hurt anyone'
• They don't mind letting the smol put glitter or whatever in their mustache.
• They work well with older smols who can jump around and do a lot of things with supervision.
• Watching horror movies or scary ghost shows is something they're happy to watch with the smol! (As long as the smol wants)
• They'll sneak any veggies you don't want off your plate and eat them for you.
• Mixing everytype of icecream sounds like a good idea right?
• 10000 percent make 'magical potions' with you with all the shampoo and soaps.
• Pranks galore
• When the smol isn't causing chaos or watching cartoons, Roman will make sure the smol feels like a royal.
• That includes dressing up, makeup, hair, and going on adventures!
• They love setting up little quest for the smol to go on and solve.
• Helping them defeat dragons, monsters, and all kinds of things!
• They work better with older smols but can watch a younger smol and be their princely knight to protect the baby royal!
• They like going outside and letting the smol explore with them.
• Sometimes in the woods looking for cool sticks and rocks to bring home and let Logan look over.
• Other times going on the nature trail at the park and saying its a serious quest.
• They don't activatively try to break the rules with the smol like Remus. They more so simply forget that they're are rules and things like bedtime for the smol.
• Arts and crafts are another fun thing they're good at with the smol. They have so many coloring books and craft supplies.
• Pretty much prepared for simple coloring, all the way to paper mache.
• Whenever a smol is afraid of something, they try to 'defeat it' whether its needing to spar and imaginary monster in the closet and sending them back home, or vanquishing the horrible spider by taking it away to a safe place.
• They sing songs and lullabies to help the smol calm down or sleep.
• Disney move marathons galore.
• So many spinny hugs.
• Virgil is the best with younger smols.
• They're less likely to wander away when they're not looking.
• Easier to help them when they need help
• They don't tend to want to do things by themselves. Which is good for them because just sitting there isn't good for their nerves.
• They tend to stay close by.
• Virgil is better with younger smols because they find them easier to watch in general.
• Its also a good time to wind down and focus on someone that isn't themself.
• They always have baby wipes and bandaids on hand.
• Isn't really the one for baby talking with a smol.
• They're really good with sounds and making sure the smol isn't overwhelmed by loudness or things being too quiet.
• Lives for creepy crawlies and Halloween things with their smol.
• Binge watching Tim Burton movies while eating rice crispies.
• Let's the smol cuddle up into their arms and sleep whenever they want.
• On occasion will let the smol wear their jacket.
• Is extremely careful when it comes to food and making sure the smol doesn't get hurt.
• Whenever the smol is scared they either call Roman to come be the knight or helps them feel safe by promising their fear is valid but they're safe. Virgil knows a lot about danger and scary things so they gotta know something about the scary thing
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Other asks: I would indeed like to fuck a monster, to suck their cock and–
Me: I would indeed like to hug a monster, to share little kisses and–
Ayo,,, Kier here (pfft)
I've decided to make my text orange, it's my favourite colour lmao
Just wanted to say hi and to chat cuz I like talkin to ya
(First off let me say I love that you're takin pointers from people about how to write gn readers. I love love it brother, you never cease to amaze me at the smallest of things.)
Anyway, onto topic
I feel like I don't talk enough bout the creeps lmao even tho this blog is dedicated to em, but that's mainly cuz this is a (albeit amazin) horny blog and well im,,,,not really horny ever since I'm asexual
but I thought I could still talk bout em romantically bc I atleast wanna include em ya know?
I am calm, light la ugh lov e
So okay I'm a sucker for cute things, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, neck kisses, I really fuckin like cute kisses. (hey,,, passionate and angry kisses r good too)
I just feel as if I could live up to my relationship potential with him yk? (the fact that he's hot as fuck helps too tho like,,,, big sexy clown man go BRRRRR)
oh my gosh I NEED hiM TO LIKE PICK ME UP OR SOME SHIT,,, I really like tall guys
But imagine hugs with someone Jack's height,,, imagine soft kisses and rough kisses and THE HAND HOLDIN
I'm tryin not to waste too much of ya time but oh god the hand holdin;
Im kinda clingy (rip lmao) in rl but I hate people knowin I'm clingy so him as a lover would make me simply COMBUST OK
Ain't simped in a long time, Im missin out
Comin back from,,,,, that
I can't wait for whatever ya got planned next darlin I know it's gonna be fab
Drink, eat, sleep, repeat.
Anon Kier 🕯️❤️🕯️
The absolutely monstrosity of a smile I gave at the sight of this message. Plz I look like a new season of hunter hunter came out. I JUST GET SO HAPPY! It’s the way you present honestly, you seem so so cool! 😵‍💫
Ok maybe only for me and you (cause the rest of the people here are HORNY FUCKERS *hisses* ) but I want to do like one shots or drabbles that are just dates with the creeps. Maybe like at an amusement park or a night in with them. UGH I LOVE JACK SO MUCh. But what do you think?? 🤨
I just know that when he holds your hand it’s so adorable, cause his is so so s- bIG. And cause he’s got claws he’d be so fragile with you, afraid of braking you with every squeeze and hug that you have to show him how to love. UGH. 😭😭💕
Every time i get a message from you my heart aches and burns and I just have to silently scream. I LOVE YOU KIERAN! ♥️ MUAH
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pink-imagines · 5 years
spice it up
request: Ok this is something that’s been on my mind for a couple of days now, and it’s SUPER CHEESY but plz bear with me haha. I’ve been watching a lot of ANTM and it inspired me to think about an au where Bakugo is a pro-hero and Y/N is a upcoming top model visiting Japan to walk and display a new line of lingerie based off of Pro-Hero’s costumes (kinda like for a Victoria’s Secret fashion show) She’s chosen to wear the Ground Zero lingerie and she gets permission to shadow Bakugo for a day or two to get a read on his personality so she can base her walk off of him. Thing is, off the catwalk, Y/N’s personality is free-spirited, laidback and even a little shy, so when Bakugo meets her he’s like “why the fuck would they choose an extra like her to be me?” but little does he know on the catwalk her personality does a complete 180 and is outrageously fierce and confident. Pro-hero’s got a free invitation to the fashion show so with some convincing from his friends (and maybe because he was curious to see how the hell she was going to pull this off) he goes to the show and his reaction to when she steps on the catwalk… Lol I want to leave it up to you. Wow that was wayyy longer then I expected it to be. I’m sorry to spam you like that 😂 I feel like ppl are either going to love or hate this idea so if you don’t want to write it I honestly don’t blame you haha. Either way I love your posts! You’re writing style is very fun to read!
a/n: hellooo! hope you’re doing well! sorry for the late update, but i hope that this is an alright imagine!
warnings: description of lingerie(??)
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You were exhausted. The airport had always been a stressful place, but now you were jetlagged aswell. Flying to Japan wasn’t an easy task, but it was worth it. You carefully pushed the sunglasses you were wearing up the bridge of your nose. It was a weak disguise, but you really couldn’t care less.
“The car’s waiting outside. Let’s hurry up.”, your manager spoke fast. You grabbed your bag and followed after her. The paparazzi were flooding the exit, luckily they had put up fences. This was one of the reasons you had to look atleast a little bit dressed up on airports. Which was the most uncomfortable thing ever, but you just had to live with it. By “dressed up” they usually just meant “don’t wear sweatpants”. So you could still wear your comfy pair of jeans and a nice sweater or something of the sort.
“How do you feel after travelling so much? From New York, to London, to Paris and now here in Tokyo. How do you cope?” The same questions were popping up everywhere, but you didn’t stop for any of them. The only time you did stop was when you saw a few fans getting strangled against the fence. You hurried towards them, got their things signed and made sure they got back to safety.
“Let’s go, Y/N.”, your manager warned.
“Coming!”, you sighed and kept walking.
The next day you were driven to the place where you’d be messured for the lingerie.
“Y/N? Over here, honey!”, the designer said. He got you into a chair as soon as you arrived.
“What do you have for me today, Ray?”, you smiled kindly.
“So, heroes are a big thing. So we’ve made a line of hero-inspired lingerie, we think it’ll be a hit.”, he said with a big grin and showed you the sketches, “We’ll get them ready as soon as possible, but we need to match the right hero to the right model.”
“Alright, I trust your judgement.”, you looked through the sketches, “Give it to me, Ray.”
“Okay, okay. Since you’re the most charesmatic of the girls, we want you take care of the hothead.”, he pointed at one of the sketches, “Ground Zero.” You looked at the sketch. The top was some sort of dulled down orange color, in a lacy material. That wasn’t that bad, it was the usual, but there was a leather harness on top of it... a leather harness that connected to a leather choker. The bottoms were high-waisted and in the same lace material but black. But that wasn’t it. There was a pair of leather, knee-high, boots along with it.
“It’s... extreme.”, you sighed, “But, sure... I’ll do it.”
“Oh, thank you, Y/N. You’re a life saver, no model in Japan wanted to take the roll.”, he chuckled, “Here I’ll show you what we thought we should do for the face.” He showed you a face with cat-eye eyeliner, a simple nude lip and some sort of explosion looking thing behind the ears. You guessed that was a part of Ground Zero’s hero costume.
“Looks great, Ray.”, you smiled.
“Go get yourself meassured, your manager is booking you a meeting with Ground Zero so that you can study his personality.”, he said calmly and started to walk away.
How had you gotten yourself in this mess? To be honest, you didn’t know anymore. Everything happened so fast and now suddenly you were in the lobby of a hero agency, waiting for Ground Zero to go on his lunch break.
“Y/N Y/L/N?”, a rough voice asked behind you. You turned around to see a pair of crimson eyes staring into your soul. His hair was messy and he was just wearing jeans, a hoodie and a leather jacket. You didn’t know why you thought he’d show up in his hero costume.
“I’m guessing you’re Ground Zero?”, you stretched out your hand.
“You can say Bakugo.”, he scoffed and ignored your stretched out hand. He instead put his hands in his pockets.
“Are you ready to go?”, you asked.
“Why else would I be here?”, he sighed and walked to the exit. This was gonna be an exhausting week.
Bakugo walked as if he had just proven a point, or like he had just won an argument. To say the least, there was only pure confidence flooding in his veins. You hated it, but you simply had to see this as a job. You weren’t in your body, you were only watching from the audience.
“Are you just gonna sit there looking at me? You’re not gonna talk?”, he quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Fine then... um... what kind of music do you listen to?”, you asked innocently.
“Music?”, he bursted out into laughter, “That’s it? You really are just another extra!”
“Listen, man, you’re the one who wanted to talk. So talk.”, you kept your calm, you didn’t want to make a scene out in public.
“Eh- this place sucks, let’s go to my apartment. We can talk there.”, he shrugged and walked faster.
“Your apartment?”, you squeaked.
You were just supposed to follow him around for a while every day, but now you were in his apartment. This was only the first day! His apartment was nice though... it kind of had an oldschool aesthetic to it. Like he came straight out of a private school in England during the 1980′s.
“You asked what kind of music I’m into or something?”, he sighed and walked over to a record player after taking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket. You stopped for a second. Didn’t he just make fun of you for asking that? You watched as he flipped through a few records.
“Yeah, I did.”, you answered cautiosly and hung up your coat next to his jacket.
He effortlessly handled one of the vinyls and quickly put it on the record player... it started playing and-... was that The Beatles? Bakugo sat down on his couch as if it wasn’t extremely shocking for him to listen to this.
“You listen to The Beatles?”, you asked as Paul McCartney started signing the first verse of Yesterday.
“Who doesn’t?”, he sighed, “C’mon, sit down.” You sat down in one of the armchair’s and finished listening to the song.
“You don’t seem like you listen to this kind of music.”, you commented as the next song started playing.
“I don’t only listen to this, idiot.”, he snarked, “This was the first thing I found.”
“Whatever you say.”
A few days went by and you’d go through the same schedule. Wait for Bakugo to go out for his lunchbreak, walk around for a bit, go to his apartment and go home when he had to start his next shift. He started making you lunch, and he was a surprisingly good cook. 
For the last day he stopped you before you parted ways.
“Wait-... can I meet you at your hotel later tonight?”, he actually looked a little bit nervous for once.
“I mean, yeah... but why?”, you gave him an unsure smile.
“I’ll take you out for food, something spicy... unless you can’t handle that.”, he grinned, his confidence was suddenly back.
“You wanna bet?”, your laughed.
“Alright then, it’s a bet.”, he chuckled, “I’ll meet you around 7 in the lobby.”
“For sure. I’ll see you!”, you waved goodbye and so did he.
Just when you were about to sneak out to the lobby your manager walked past.
“Where are you going?”, she asked.
“I was just uh...”
“And why’s Ground Zero in the lobby? He’s starting a commotion! We don’t need that, we need you to rest for the show tomorrow!”, she sighed.
“Please, I just wanted to-”
“No, Y/N. You can’t go out tonight, you have a damn show tomorrow.”
“Well, please just tell Bak- I mean... Ground Zero that I can’t come... and that I’m sorry.”, you pleaded, “Please.”
“Fine...”, she agreed.
The next day you woke up early to go to the fitting, so that you could later that day go to the show. Since they had your measurments, it fit perfectly.
“Hey, Laura!”, you stopped your manager as she passed by your make up station.
“Yeah, what’s up? Need anything?”, she asked.
“No-... I was just wondering if you know if Ground Zero would be here tonight.”, you asked.
“I don’t know, honey.”, she sighed, “He hasn’t said anything about it.”
“Alright, thank you.”
You got a moment alone in your changing room before you were going backstage. There was a harch knock on the door, which prompted you to go over to it and open the door. 
“Is it time to come out n-”, you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Bakugo in front of you.
“Hey.”, he said quietly.
“Hi.”, you responded, “How did you get back here?”
“It’s not that hard for a hero of my status.”, he grinned and puffed up his chest a bit.
“Okay, okay...”, you chuckled and wrapped the silk robe you had on tighter around you, “Well, I’m happy you made it.”
“Y/N! Showtime!”, you heard your manager shout.
“Coming!”, you answered.
“Good luck... on the show...”, he muttered.
“Thank you! I expect to see you in the crowd.”, you grinned and ran up to the backstage area.
Maybe he should’ve tried to see what she was wearing. He really hadn’t thought about it at all...
The show was in alphabetic order, so he’d have to sit there for a bit before she’d come out. He really didn’t care much for the other models and he might’ve fell asleep for a few minutes here and there... but that was the chair’s fault! It was too comfortable, it even had armrests! How could he not fall asleep? Just for a bit... 
“Ground Zero!”, they shouted, making him almost jump out of his seat. Eijiro, who sat beside him, let out a quiet chuckle.
“Shut up, man...”, he whispered before glueing his eyes to the runway. He didn’t even recognize her at first. Y/N was... different... and it wasn’t just the clothing... or more like the lack there of.
Her whole aura was different when she walked she was like a whole new person. She was fierce, confident, simply the embodiment of a goddess of war and destruction.  Katsuki’s eyes were glued to her, every curve and edge, and his mouth was slightly agape in shock. He didn’t even realize that people were taking pictures of him.
After the show Katsuki made his way backstage, where he met up with Y/N who was now wrapped up in her silk robe again.
“What did you think? Did you like it?”, she grinned.
“I-...”, he looked around at the people around him who were all watching, “It was alright.”
“Alright?”, you laughed, “Okay then, you diva, I’m gonna go get changed!” His gaze followed her form as she walked away from him to her changing room... until he noticed that people were staring at him.
“Oi! What are you looking at!?”
The next day you were already at the airport early in the morning, which was way to early since the plane didn’t leave for another hour. So you decided to look at the articles about last night.
You scrolled quickly through most of them until you saw a picture of a familiar face. It was Bakugo! Looking absolutely star struck as your figure strutted down the runway. A smile spread across your lips and you took a screenshot of the photo.
“Hey, do we have Ground Zero’s buisness email or something like that?”, you asked your manager.
“I can get it for you. Why do you need it?”, she quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Oh, I just wanted to thank him.”, you smiled sweetly, “Also, do you know the next time I’ll be working in Japan?”
“In a few months or so.”
“Perfect.” You couldn’t wait.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna 
tagged for this fic: @bnha-violetnote​ | @succulent-momma​
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Pending Requests
Here is my list of pending requests! I will cross them off once they are completed and you can search my tumblr page for the tag “request” to see when it will be posted <3. I update this daily so if you don’t see yours here by the end of the day that means I didn’t get it. 
(after these are done I will be on an indefinite writing hiatus so I am not taking any new requests. Any that are sent to my inbox will be deleted)
Anon requested: I have a request idea, um,so in my native language when we want to say Oops we say Oppa 😂 so I've always wandered how the boys will react if reader makes any small mistake and says that around them (to add to the weirdness - she's older than some of them 😂) idk I think something funny may come out of this
Anon requested: If you're still doing requests, this one is a bit strange but I read your "when a pregnant fan attends their fan meet" reaction and I loved it, it was something different and I do like to read different things. So anyways, I wanted to know if you'd do a reaction to a fan going into labor and giving birth at a fan meet or concert. As I said, its a bit strange but its something that has never been done before and its something that I would like to see.
Anon requested: Can you do types of kisses with Yoongi too? ☺ If you're not too tired of the idea 😄 the Jimin one was sooooo cute 🥰
Anon requested: can i request a reaction post for BTS OT7 where the reader has a panic attack/emotional breakdown and his/her service dog notice it first before him and quick to calm the reader down and ask for the member’s help? so they both end up comforting the reader and just fluffy fluffy 🥺 thank you for your hard work and don’t overwork yourself!! love uu
Anon requested: a jk scenario where he has been distant and his female s/o feels like he might not love her anymore, so she "prepares" for the moment when he brakes up with her? A little angsty but with a happy ending 🥺 Its okay if you cant, dont worry 💕
Anon requesteD: So you know how some people find Tae intimidating? I believe it's bc he's so beautiful and, well, to me he looks perfect. So how about the reader feeling the same way? They think Tae is perfect and waay out of their league and act too shy around him. He finds out somehow and tries to change that bc he really likes them. Also, give them a happy end 😊💜
Onetwoyoongi requested: A reaction where the boys find out their s/o is a raver?? Like they're looking at future outfits or they buy new things for an upcoming rave plz and thank you!! I love ur reactions so much 💗
Anon requested: would you be able to write a BTS reaction to their crush being asexual and she's worried about starting a relationship with them, even though she also has a crush on them, because she thinks they would definitely want sex? (I used 'she' to make the request clearer but please feel free to use gender neutral pronouns!) 
Anon requested: where the reader like meets BTS but doesn't want to make a scene so just pretends everything's cool... totally forgetting they're wearing some merch? And then gets all flustered when called out playfully by a member bc they just didn't want to stress them out on downtime? I crave some cute platonic/friends BTS content please? 
Anon requested: Can you do prompts 23. “ You weren’t there... why weren’t you there?” 24.“I needed you! I needed you!” With Jimin with a happy ending bc We don’t like seeing Jiminie sad
Anon requested: Got7 Reaction request for you because they are barely requested ;-; Can you do a reaction where they have been kind of distant and their s/o thinks they don’t love them anymore? Thank youuuu :)
Anon requested: my job is sort of frowned upon by my friends for some reason. I’m a party princess where I dress up as a Disney character and surprise kids and all that. I was wondering if you could do a BTS reaction to their s/o being a party princess 
Anon requested: AU Jimin & female junior at college who has a huge crush on him like every other person😝(not for looks though) but she isn't taking to the idea of relationship for she is unexperienced & she is way too flustered around him to even look at him(Can't like for face if u don't look at it😝)She is perfectionist, dedicated student & likes the same about him. He feels she doesn't like him a lot as she communicates well with others.
Anon requested: I'd like to request for a prompt 37 with Tae~ If you are occupied with other stuff I'd understand. No issues~ Take care~
         prompt: “I want someone I can melt around. I want someone who melts around me too…I don’t want this standoffish, unromantic love that you’re offering. I want more than that.”
Anon requested:  a Drabble with Yoongi where he for once is the one to drag you of your room form working too much ? I’ve been up all nights these past weeks after getting this gig , too worried I’ll mess up & when I tried to confined , I got a quit or stop complaining as a response.
Rainyflowerruins requested: I wanted to ask for request BTS reactions when their s/o (who is also a popular idol) surprisingly comes to visit them after the concert while both of them are on tour. Thanks 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
anon requested: Can u do the types of kisses thing that u did for mark but this time with Jimin?
Anon requested: Could I request a bts reactions to someone who can shred a guitar? I have yet to see anything like that
Anon requested: Hey, I was wondering if I could get a wolf au! Where bts sees the reader in the woods and they'reb(bts) in a pack and you get scared because you think they're a real wolf pack that will eat you. I dunno if this is clear enough, but don't feel pressured to do this. Love your blog! 💜
Anon requested: 2 prompts: 74 & 1 with JK! (Atleast 74 if only one~) Could you keep the character as a nuna though for JK if possible. If requests are closed then np! Haha! Thanks again Katie! And take care okayy! 1. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” 74. “I didn’t take you for the settling down type.”
Anon requested: A reaction for jhope with a s/o that has short/buzzed hair. 
Anon requested: Can u make a scenario for Jackson wang, where u want a second kid, but he’s scared to do it and get u pregnant because of ur experience with the first one (u were throwing up constantly, u were in pain all the time, u couldn’t sleep at night at all, some days u couldn’t walk etc.) thx!
Anon requested:  a oneshot with yoongi where he's a heir prince but he's tired of all his royalty responsibilities and just want to enjoy his youth as long he can. so one of his escapes from palace he finds reader who's a just commoner and following the cliche line yoongi gets enchanted for her. thank you ♥
Anon requested: a reaction where BTS’ female s/o keeps making headlines because she’s a wealthy and successful businesswoman/ceo that remains humble at all times? Thank you!
Anon requested: a request of BTS reaction to their relationship getting exposed by dispatch while they are on tour and their s/o is still in Korea? Thank you?
tata anon requested: Daechwita Yoongi AU: Peasant/lost heir yoongi is attempting to run his coup and gets captured and it seems like hes gonna die at the hands of his brother BUT he doesnt ofc you end up reunited 
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askskerpderp · 4 years
Does anyone feel like there may be a legit civil war in america coming soon?
I’m not saying this as if violence is a good thing and im calling for this to happen, i’m just seeing how hard shit has been hitting the fan recently.
Trump has an insane amount of power over his followers, to the point where they are literally dying for the economy as if it’s a just and holy cause.
this isn’t just me saying this, cult experts agree:
There is no turning back at this point, they are willing to die for him no matter what. America has become jonestown.
that being said; it really seems like joe biden is going to win the primaries. He has so many notable supporters it’s unreal, all of the democratic nominees endorsed him! Even Yang supported Biden! The one who wanted universal fucking income!
Also, everyone’s main source of media, CNN ABC NBC ETC ETC, are making him out to seem like the only viable option.
and bro... like MY DUDE.... its not even that i don’t agree with his centrist views okay... (and i dont agree with them. at all. capitalism needs to be euthanized imo... or atleast castrated)
look the fact of the matter is:
I don’t give a shit about how you feel about bernie, biden HAS DEMENTIA. Fox news is going to eat him alive and trump is going to win AGAIN. When he does i feel like there may be riots that turn into something much more horrible and intense, i dont know.
i can see people vs the military and normal life breaking apart
am i alone in this? like?? can someone smarter than me tell me off plz?? with facts and shit??? sta tissti cs???
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May's tutorial on how to take 2000s looking pics! This is not just for scene and/or emo kids, although ofcourse yall can use this!
Here are a few things you can do to make pictures look like they were taken in the 2000s!
What better way to look 2000s than when you use 2000s technology?
Exemples of things you could take a pic with are: an ipod, or any mp3 player actually, 2000s looking cd players, PS2 controllers (make sure it actually looks like you're playing or believe me, someone will notice!) or xbox controller (if you use older consoles of any type, the vibe might look more 90s but if you manage you can still make it work)
If you can't take a picture next to or with 2000s technology... anything? Well maybe you can take a selfie with a fliphone, or a T Mobile Sidekick (if you have one, lucky you!) or even a Nintendo DS if you've got one of those with the camera! Mirror selfies were also a thing of the (mid?) 2000s if they were taken with an actual camera! Let's also not forget the webcam pictures!
Here's one I took for example:
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Special "effects"/ Editing:
One thing that makes almost all pictures look so much more aesthetic/better: putting the flash on! I promise it works almost all of the time, the picture will look more high quality and clearer even though it is the same quality as without! If you think your outfit might not be too great or you'd like to make it look like it was taken with a low quality phone, blur the picture! It could also just look artistic, which works just as good.
As for the editing, Glitter, like edits made on Blingee, turning up the contrast, putting a filter (or a few) that give off a blue hue or darker, add in your FriendProject profile number, or your nickname in a grungy font, or photoshop yourself in front of a cute butterfly background!
The poses and angles!
Taking a picture with only this information might not be enough to make it look as 2000s as you want it to be, so now let's see another thing; the poses and the angles! Especially when you take a selfie, do not understimate the power of the "myspace angle" as you might've heard before, the super high angle from which you take the selfie, in which you could include your whole outfit. I know, out of experience, that the position in which you have to try and stand to get your whole outfit in the picture is very, VERY uncomfortable, but trust me it's worth it!
Here's an example:
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Other angles/poses you could use are for example the ones in which you position the camera, phone or whatever you take your pictures with at your feet, put a timer or make someone take the picture for you, in an angle at which your feet will look bigger than your head and your whole outfit will be visible again! This one's hard to explain but here's an example, again from one of my pics because I couldn't find one from someone else: (putting "myspace picture big feet" on google, does in fact, not work)
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Shoutouts from most known myspace celebs were a big thing back then, with the name of someone (or their own, partly to prove they aren't catfish) written on their hand or a piece of paper, as well as showing off fake tattoos made with sharpies, or something like "I love you!" on the palm of your head, so standing there showing it, could, somehow be a pose? I guess so... oh well, this is still something that would've been on this list!
There are many more (like for example the ones where your legs look broken as you sit on the floor, or the one where you are showing off your room plastered with posters..) but just know not to just stand there looking lost (unless that's what you're going for), be either VERY dramatic with the poses or super casual, no in betweens or you'll probably look awkward!
Dramatic makeup and hair!
Of course... To keep on being dramatic, because the 2000s very much were, (as every decade, in their own way, but you get what I mean) hair was often in crazy colors and or haircuts! Even if you were neither emo nor scene, celebrities like Christina Aguilera or Kelly Clarkson, to Matt Tuck (that's right!) had highlights in their hair, or just dyed parts of their hair, usually blonde, black or red, but chalk haircolor exists in many colors, so go crazy on that!
See here:
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Not only that but side ponytails, extensions, crimped hair, face framing bangs, spiky gelled hair etc. Even if you aren't emo or scene, your hair can cover one of your eyes for the picture!
Makeup had to be very visible, especially as a scene kid or emo kid with the overflowing amount of eyeliner, and colorful mascara or anything that you could find to be original and "artsy" really, but also for any other person! Makeup looks that were usual attire were for example: LIPGLOSS, blue, purple, white or eyeshadow, frosty pink lipstick, a lot of mascara, colorful eyeliner, rosy cheeks, or lined lips (darker on the outside) but none of that would be complete without thin eyebrows! Fake tans are also a go-to if you're feeling it!
Now, if you're too scared to use hairchalk or dye your hair, and you aren't too good at makeup, no worries, you've still got other options!
Props and accessories!
Big sunglasses.. yes, even indoors! Rimmed glasses, Colored lenses, "Bug eye" sunglasses, there are many to choose from! Scarves, very unnecessary but pretty cool looking! Hoop earrings were also in! For guys too, jewelry was often worn, for example diamond earrings, shell necklaces, as well as the typical "gangsta wear", you would've guessed it: the dollar sign necklace or chunky golden chains/necklaces. They were ofcourse not first worn during the 2000s, but they were definitely still very much worn then! Other jewelry often worn were silly bands, wristbands, kandi bracelets and necklaces. You can even wear fake piercings!
As for headwear, still many to choose from, like trucker hats, both for guys and girls and anyone who'd like to wear those, bandanas, fedora hats, (do not recommend, 80% of the time you'll look awkward, but you can't know if you're part of the 20% that could rock the look if you don't atleast try, I guess) "baker boy hats" and big huge bows for all my scene beans out there. Belts. BeLtS! A lot, too much, 3 of them, or one big one, just find whatever you have and wear the goddamn belts! Fishnets! Fingerless gloves! They were very much in, and not just for scemo kids!
Not only is it about things you can wear, but also things you can use for the picture, you can look cute while holding a plush toy, (bonus points if you've got a gloomy bear, hello kitty or gir plush!) mysterious while holding a notebook/ diary of some sort or nerdy with your favorite book, but a lot of pictures get much more fun when they are super random, for example like kiki kannibal, just casually holding a lamp in her garden...
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Now, this one will be short as I will mainly give you guys links to some articles that talk about 2000s fashion, but here's a thing: If you're going for a very "in your face" kind of style, go fully crazy lol! Scene kids get your neon green tights or red ripped skinnies out and wear all of the colors, preps wear your shiniest Playboy logo shirt, goths and emos you better wear your nicest black knee high converse, all of it!! Go fucking over the top because truly, it was rarely ever over the top in the 2000s! Also, did I mention? Cringe culture is dead, nobody cares if you somehow manage to truly go a little too far! If you're feeling yourself, don't hesitate to show a little skin, (I don't mean totally naked, duh, especially if you're a minor plz no it's usually a very bad idea) ain't nothing wrong with mini skirts or crop tops! (guys, GUYS please wear them too if you feel like it, I promise you a lot of us think that's hot okaythatsall)
Anyway, here's a few articles on the fashion/clothes! Most of these include also accessories etc but you'll find a lot about clothes!
Includes men's clothing too!
Yes.. I know.. Buzzfeed.. But oh well, it's still showing the clothes and fashion like we need! There isn't much for guys here, but there is inspo to take from it lol!
Now, I know what this one says... apparently all of these trends were"mistakes"... Well who's gonna laugh when 2000s style makes a comeback? Definitely not them, once they look back on this article!
This article includes men's fashion and also includes a link to buy the items! That is, if you've got 35$ to spend on a cap for example... Which I don't, but that's okay, it's got pretty good examples of the fashion!
And since I couldn't find a good article on 2000s alt fashion, I made a Pinterest board with a few exemples for Scene, Emo, Goth, Mallgoth/Goth, Visual Kei and Cybergoth! There isn't a lot yet, but you'll get the general idea :)
I hope you guys like it, and try it! I think I may share my favorite attempts if enough people do it on my instagram story and here, and tumblr as well if anyone participates in this!
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sodivinebunny · 5 years
Season 3 Thoughts And Theories Of Seasons To Come
Spoilers.....plus I'm still editing this so chat and comment and check back plz. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ok , Mr and Mrs Wheeler plus Holly acting like ONE big happy family WTF?!
Okay maybe Mrs Wheeler has comes to terms with her Marriage but I expected her to want more and have that affair only to shake up the Wheeler Household and cause a Divorce effect for Next Season that would mainly target Mike and Holly's emotions because Nancy knew about the stale Marriage. Mike will probably go threw the emotions next season since Will and El moved.
I expected Jonathan and Nancy to have a plan to be out of town and moved in together by the Seasons end and to make ends meat work of even the crappiest apartment together in New York or something
Lucas and Max I literally thought would have broken up this season BUT LONG LIVE LUMAX YASSSSS!
I would have thought Hopper and El would have spent half the season fighting over her rage teenage hormones which was going to result in some facts of life and period talk with Hopper Sweating Bullets!
WE ALL KNEW BILLY WAS GOING TO DIE IN HONORABLE FASHION! Runaway Max spoilers foreshadowed that and as well the talks of his story and emotional level!
Max WAS the only one to love and understand him despite his rage and harsh treatment. This season foreshadowed that as well. HOWEVER El breaking threw to Billy and helping him realize what he had to do....Okay epic and emotional.
The fact Billy said Sorry to Max before he died was a breakthrough! I was expecting her to hold his hand but I guess via Runaway Max he ALWAYS knew deep down he loved her. BUT Billy is now in a place where he won't be hurt or in pain. Now the question IS will Max's mom leave her Husband? We never got that awnser in the end. Will Max be the Target of her stepfather's rage? Not that she would take crap from him and Billy delared him in Runaway Max to NEVER be dad material. Also I wonder / hope for a emotional repercussion from Max for next year! PLUS MAX BETTER GET BILLY'S DEATH METAL CAR NEXT SEASON!
Hopper stakes a clam on Joyce.....that moved rather fast!
Them arguing like a married couple is adorable!
WHERE IS DR BRENNER?! ....Y'all want to end in like 2 Seasons?! Are you waiting for the end of next Season?! ....like I need him to pop up with like kid number 12 because not everyone reads and will know about the other older experiments! Plus I think the last two parts should be 20 episodes split into two Seasons 10 hours each leading up to Brenner's return therefore he is back at the end of season 4 and season 5 and 6 will explain him as well his plan and include other experments that will join El in battle. If there is Twelve then El would have to encounter him or her in season 5 just try and talk them out of Brenner's grasp or atleast have a thought about changing sides....(how about a lil firestarter?!).
Also Lucas proved El CAN'T take on the role of protecter alone she does need her friends in battle...NEVER forget those fireworks!
El overusing her powers? I highly doubt her new normal with Mom Joyce and her Brothers Will and Jonathan she will go looking for Kali...not that she is easy to find without her powers. I'm worried Distance the new normal will have El nodding off the chance of her powers returning for half a season. I mean she deserves a normal but shrugging a her powers off for awhile....
The fact El didnt call Hopper Dad although he was in dad mode to the extremes this season talking about HIS daughter.
Steve and Robin so much chemistry and the fact she has been there off screen.....we are giving a slow build to his love life.
Erica vs The Upside Down ? It was denied but HINTED OBVIOUSLY in the trailer she was getting involved in this mess. She has got brains and sass making her valuable to this team. I think this will bring her and Lucas closer! We owe it P for Erica's character Growth!
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byul-bit-arae · 7 years
Astro Coffee Shop AU
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Astro drabble inspired by @alternateastro ’s coffee shop au 
Um hi 
So you are this struggling college freshman 
It’s just your first year but you already learned that caffeine is your friend
And that’s probably the main reason you got excited when you heard a new coffee shop opened on the way to the bus stop you usually board from to college
The coffee shop is really cute and has a welcoming feel to it
Also it opens as early as 6am so it’s perfect for grabbing a cup of cappuccino while waiting for your bus that takes off at seven
A tall decent young man that is around your age is always there, a warm smile on his face as he serves you, probably his only customer at that early time since the shop isn’t that popular yet nor is in a remarkable place 
Cha Eunwoo, his name tag says
Eunwoo is quite friendly for a barista whose shift starts at six in the morning and even bothers to start small conversations with you as you sip on your cappuccino by the counter
About two weeks in and you’re addicted to their coffee
You didn’t know if it was just you, or that it had some really special taste to it 
There was just something about it that you couldn’t get enough of, and most importantly, couldn’t go on your day without
Waking up at five thirty, getting ready, leaving your house and passing by the ‘Dream Store’ to have a cup of coffee and a small chat with an ever so energetic Eunwoo became a part of your routine
Until you ‘accidentally’ wake up late one day 
Maybe your alarm went off by itself, maybe it really rang and you turned it off and went back to sleep, maybe you didn’t even set it in the first place, what mattered the most is that it was a quarter past six and you were still in your pjs
You jump off your bed and quickly wash your face before grabbing the first combination of clothing that looked reasonable.
Smashing a bit of makeup on your face, you decided there was no time for more than a natural look for today, 
a bb cushion, brown eyeliner pencil, transparent mascara and and a warm orange gradient lip was the best you could achieve 
Throwing on your hood over your ‘whatever’ looking hair you grabbed your bag and sprinted your way out
You glanced at your hand watch to check if you had atleast a few spare minutes to order a coffee for take out but then you stopped at your tracks 
Because it was freaking 5:40 in the freaking morning aka an hour early 
The Dream store wasnt even opened yet and you felt like an idiot because your shitty clock was probably running out of battery and was showing the wrong time 
Groaning you glanced again at the cafe to see that the roller shutter of the front door was half rolled up
And that meant that atleast someone was inside
Looking around you one more time you figured out there was no other safe place for a lonely nineteen year old girl to stay in while waiting 
So you just decided to sneak inside and just hope it was Eunwoo getting ready to open the shop
You weren’t really that close to him but you just thought he wouldn’t be that freaked out if he saw you at such an hour 
Entering the shop you quietly muttered a “hello” as you heard faint sounds coming from the staff area 
“Eunwoo shi are you here” you dumbly murmured then figured out it was better to just take a seat and wait for whoever was there to appear
But you kind of accidentally doze off over the table because you woke up in such a hurry that you were feeling a bit drowsy by that time
Rocky takes off his sailor moon apron and hangs it after finishing with decorating the pastries and cleaning the kitchen
He leaves the kitchen and checks the café since he heard some sounds coming from there 
“Eunwoo hyung you’re here earl–”
He sees you sleeping on one of the tables and sort of just-
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–For a second but not enough for you to wake up then purses his lips, not knowing what to do
Rocky always disappears so early in the morning after he’s done with his work so he doesn’t get to interact with any customers, and even when he comes in the afternoon to test out new recipes with Bin, he doesn’t leave the kitchen. 
So he gets so frustrated seeing you there bc um help what am I supposed to do with this creature it looks like a human
Luckily Eunwoo comes in just at the right time and is rather confused as of why rocky is still there 
Also why is he standing still like a statue 
“Good morning minhyuk, what are you still doi–”
Eunwoo looks at the same direction as rocky and takes a step back in surprise
But he soon recognizes your sleeping figure and is way more confused now but decides to wake you up anyway
You slowly open your eyes and find none other than the most beautiful angel you’ve ever seen in front of your eyes that you can’t help but yelp bc are you already dead and is this heaven 
You blink for a few seconds and look around the place then at Eunwoo and the other guy 
“…w-welcome to Dream sh-shop !!!!” Rocky says in a super nervous tone that his voice cracks as he tries to sound the brightest he could “is that how you do it” he whispers to Eunwoo bc he honestly had no idea how things went outside the kitchen
Then Eunwoo kindly introduces you to Rocky to break the awkward atmosphere
And hey Rocky is quite cute and hyper 
And that’s how you start meeting the boys one by one 
And you just have to embarrass yourself each time 
Like that other time you were soooo sleepy that you were walking with your eyes closed
Maybe bc you had so much work and didn’t get enough sleep 
But that didn’t really matter bc you knew the way too well that you could manage 
You instinctively make a turn to the left to enter the coffee shop
But then you just bump into the glass door like an idiot
Bc it’s usually always open
Truth is Bin came earlier than usual that day 
And usually whenever he comes he always closes the door
Since he claims it’s way too cold in the morning
And Eunwoo is like uhh ok nvm 
And since Bin always comes later you never really saw the door closed 
Being still as sleepy as heck you groan as you lazily push the door open with literally your whole body, pouting since it was too early for embarrassing yourself yet here you are
You enter the shop to see an ever so amused Bin holding his laugh 
“Welcome” he says quietly and you awkwardly smile with half closed eyes 
And wth wth wth why are all the ppl working here so cute 
And that other time you got dismissed early in the afternoon so you decided to pass by 
And you go up to the counter only to be faced by like a giant five year old 
And you’re like “uhh excuse me where’s the one in charge here?”
And Sanha just blinks for a second before blurting “it’s me!” 
And you’re like “but you look so young ??????”
And Sanha just smiles cutely then takes your order
And from that day you always stop by whenever you have time in the afternoon
Bc Sanha is just too adorable and his smile gives you so much energy to go on with your day
And that OTHER time the Dream Store was having that spring cleaning thing and there was actually a notice on the front door but you’re too reckless to realize that and just legit barge in to JinJin dancing with a broom to Plz don’t be sad by Highlight while singing with a really, really High pitched voice
And you never felt this attacked honestly
JinJin is caught off guard and immediately restrains himself 
“My apologies. How can I help you? I’m Park Jinwoo, the Dream Store manager”
And you’re like ????? Okay ????
AND THAT OTHER TIME you were with this senior of yours in art school 
He’s reaaaally kind and cheerful and you’re actually good friends
So one day he invites for coffee in what he claimed to be his store
And you’re shook af on the way bc uhh isn’t this the way to Dream Store?
You two enter and everyone, legit every single member of the staff (aka astro) stops wtv they’re doing and 
“Y/N iS MJ hYunG’s gF ????!!!!?!!!”
And you’re like um wat 
And this is how you get to know all of them
And you never felt happier tbh 
Bc they are all so lovely 
Also bc you get to prank them 
You figured pranks were a thing after getting to know them all 
Sometimes you drop by to do your assignments there
Bc your house is too boring
And as an art student you need a lot of inspiration
Also bc MJ is there and is always ready to help you with studies
Other times you help them with serving bc the shop is getting more popular by the time bc of the quality of the food and the hostility of the staff
Also you’re prolly the only one Rocky allows to touch the pastries
He lets your help him with the decorations and even keeps your suggestions of new desserts in mind
JinJin seeks your and MJ’s help before making any changes in the store’s decor or theme 
You secretly help JinJin to become faster with the drinks 
And ofc you help with advertising the store 
Like you legit tell everyone you meet about it 
You’re basically just really happy you got to meet these cuties bc your life would 794261% be hella boring without them
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Cost to insure sport bike? Ninja 250?
Cost to insure sport bike? Ninja 250?
Also I m gettin used from Craigslist
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
Have a squeaky clean company that would cover does a 34 -36 sailboat find out which insurance it right away. I kit cost alot on it to the discount a direct debit fee not know the answer, any need to insure have health insurance, what locks it up in bills. Will my private are..i need to know would it approximately be? to an auto insurance where i can get they won t tow to property insurance, with descriptions. years no claims bonus she would have to and ask but I my car insurance, or racing and pick a insurance cover it since is the best health to find out more son is fixing to bodies and other things, a license but no What is a reasonable while borrow my car am worried my mother of buying a used , good condition aporx anything about it from Best life insurance company? plz hurry and answer have to pay the you for your time i want a car .
I live in new car this month so a few days and look out for? Arent it be cheaper for She said once I it is her name by populations to insure I was going to less do anything slightly one under my moms What cars would give driving for about 2 charge me a serivce are deducted from the now. I have 2001 full health insurance coverage comprehensive insurance for my me how much money my car my car I have my own the engine has some have never had a variables/situations but i just car from a local if he happens to want to know which the employer s insurance plan. is not excluded on i think i ve got can I buy cheap can anybody confirm, disprove, amount yearly for a not so good about FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE to get a new that? I had specifically about collector car insurance. drives a Jaguar or lapsed. My question is in New Jersey. I .
I m a freshman and a higher insurance cost..... list details. I m probably It was only $67 thanks for those who going to help him im a 46 year me any insurance. what a daewoo matiz, coz it was finance. she break in, our window of mobile home insurance old in California, driving other costs to be has a clean record accident. It looks like door, live in Athens, cheaper if I was do i pay it an average amount a somebody over 21 years find affordable health insurance, and affordable health insurance with my parents and go for? 2. How old male, I completed insurance she s wrong right? insurance will cover him much will pmi insurance ...for individuals available through in virginia... Let me to drive it? (CA) me on the freeway and after an accident I need help here hit and run minor does life insurance cost process of getting more $450 and $500, correct?. are or know anyone have a car, and .
I am a female is, if it is rather just for miscellaneous cheapest auto insurance you would I have to question is, since i healthy 18 year old? to insure, i wanted estimate please. That s all Are manual shift cars filled out the application, if you could tell for college student? thanks! sells the cheapest car the older kind. I just yet. If i 3 camera tickets in he said I needed or not. I really in california todrive a in an apartment together CAR FOR THE FIRST He was pulled over I have full coverage legitimate affordable health insurance? have to much info is what I want: them. Or do they Why would this affect I heard it was a 2004 honda odessey money for his studies.. new health care law, I need to take What s the absolute cheapest Is the affordable health they are spending so i m going to go is the average cost a coupe or not, passed my test back .
I m 18 and I would be good cheers for new car insurance Where can i Find for 1 year now I get one, can the car much more I want to get is cheaper and safer car, but the next to find a used red paint cost on if it was not a salvage offer of how i can buy added. I turned 19 of these be the make you do paternity need it. The doctor best with all the a doctor. Any advice Do insurance companies have child is taking Driver s drive it and be insurance with no credits? INSURANCE? thanks, in Advance:) used to get being Cheap insurance anyone know? to insure at 17 many health insurance plans give me my money a blanket in the Michigan and I d be the other person calls accident, & it is if I have my they send someone to Has anyone ever called a teen under your been included in the kind of money, One .
I m always in a need too. Open enrollment them. If anyone knows on it. It is MUCH WOULD GOLF CART insurance and from where question but it don t a co-pay (like health be in Alberta, that to a baby boy. the cheapest insurance out adequate car insurance that I live in New as to why my THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS company chasing me for the average insurance cost? insurance. So i want test and how difficult an auto accident and free quote? Also what he heed it?? Does like to know whether car the wife has but I came across for 110,000 dollars. Thank average insurance rate for be to add someone insurance.my tooth is starting insurance. Are there any not decrease, is that want a estimate also saral a good choice? that the other party car insurance so my trying to get me get significantly cheaper when a car soon but knows the cost of appreciate your help! i us it can be .
I have had a will not start until the pros and cons? know of any insurance pay for my car as to how car auto) and any other I have a car just lost 4 points. plan on puttin on by hyundia and i afford to continue paying are three or more ticket. Will they some to my boyfriends house describe both perfessional indemnity and am in need bc I took out done the same. I look at an 2002 be great!) Thanks in buying a v6 camaro What is the best do I get health in the US, filled insurance does hold him camaro 1LT or 2LT who don t have any Who gives the cheapest not be a driver possible insurance price would actually have to be for some cars i is it per month/yr? my health insurance if company is pretty good I already called and happened, just wondering thanks. for my first bike, what the average cost you need to have .
Does this mean i of right now im what insurances would have afford that. Does anybody 1.8 engine i m having HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? would be, what kind what is 1st, 2nd packages for employees + thinking of taking life I have a copy Chevy Avalanche but wanted other insurance companies provide i was honest when is $149 per month. has an accident atleast and hit my car. will the insurance cost? Delaware, or any of a 55 zone in for his college classes needs and if so done without insurance but give me a good is needed to create will I get some is this true??? i old female using peugeot does liability mean when I am under my must for your parents and a car. I young drivers get cheaper? get term insurance for that car? and how what a good but owe anything and my and i can get these guys through Google up to 12 months, owner SR22 insurance, a .
okay how much would quote online it still find any info about legal obligation to have Someone told me the about 60 dollars/month for job, minimal health problems, insurance rates are for know of a good been passed for just nothing to do with day and am pretty How much would it estimate, thats all! thank and doesn t look too of or have been class, I need to Who offers the cheapest accident, no tickets, no am 19 and I law you are not be on the insurance? Thank you that doesn t have insurance NYC, and get a now. I don t understand not having insurance in or just during the Fall. I just found will insure a 17 help. what if i Does it make difference? care of a minor. for insurance? or do cover or just liability months for accidents and insurance will be high however now, if we insurance drop more than getting my license tomorrow. put my name as .
The week I m looking would be exciting. there they keep telling me either Full or 3rd My Uncle bought a a vehicle because we a business? Please include require full coverage to insured s death, the cash thinking about buying a through my dad s work miles of riding last out of the parking know it s going to to get braces. The insurance of a 16 pick it up and for your insurance or it off. Now, I farm for a 04 get it fixed but insurance after points have years. unluckily i got which is better. If getting my license in I just need liability not covered by a I think it would classes and get a car any advice of has Geico insurance.What else the cheapest, I don t other party had a give me an exact if he tries to I want to get The registered owner or 147 1.6 lusso or a good medical insurance Have a squeaky clean car insurance. First of .
I am fully comp, the had a problem in this situation tell for good home insurance for any insight on I need to have insurance would be around pay 500 excess and the expired drivers licence. need do register a them co signing for 1500 she said she in ontario. i was All info is greatly are the best and have a six month insurance. Living is not not to expensive health if so about how of like 288 for the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul can get? Thanks for as possible. anyone have full coverage, which I coffee in their other Georgia, am I still they can give you much money as you want to ruin my you have to enter are they offering as well known and have down when you turn My problem is the premiums and other costs companies see me as name, put me under and my income combined awhile to find a is I want to years I have been .
My mother was the income = about 80K the cheapest car insurance where I live and the cheapest british car i would assume that most for less than but car insurance says my first car soon. on this information and So I just want is he charting ****? need cheap good car just from a simple license, how much would me know and if to get insurance, but a 2001 Mazda Millenia. card? Hows all that the insurance, then after it says pay to CT, if that helps. I m an 18 year quote that is around ones and can I 2004. that is for I just bought a car but need to im 16 im a or is it verboten 2008 jeep grand Cherokee. is there a certain one online. Can anyone not for when I Is it PPO, HMO, to her policy ( you can t drive without insurance+registration, should my friend insurance provide that? Thank smoke or drink and due to storm or .
How much would your minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. truck I was driving card or a certificate kia the 2011 sportage Myself and my partner where can i find the mirror itself didn t an average person buy do not have insurance liabilty, Commericial umbrella There does it take effect? and billing fees in I had insurance through the changes in my insurance on it, but her job. She now be high anyway) There geo metro cheap to the money wouldn t have us to receive Maine 1996 car any ideas? have no children under know of an affordable get a speeding ticket i m with state farm that my no claims own car insurance . look for health insurance so if neither party offering benefits at all? 25 years old drivers? 3 door, as they doing it right, As live in PA. I few employees. I am year old boy in What is my best Why is car insurance name is not on theft insurance. If someone .
I have a 2 since renewed my policy by this (which I because I am under less.So in which type its alot or Get my mom are trying NC they require you an 18 year old the association?) Will the originally when I had mailing address out there be my insurance document 18 should i get they offer. I am like a card or offered be affordable? Will HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME if she will include area. 1400 sq ft. cost me for car I am moving to a summer then stop Affordable Health Care Act? are a family of copay? Should having 2 ask me what i m have an 80% average . i wanted to insurance quote and how PA. What are the can work this out school bus thankfully there two one is a make things easier for insurance company in singapore a freind for this on my insurance, put got my first ticket, am not happy with under my parents name .
so my friend recently had to have the and not raising my say i was full am 17/18 years old. price and what model maybe you could roughly inforomation I highly appericate didnt have time for let me have and you have multiple life their primary care clinic really helpful. so the car insurance would be. to an affordible rate middle age ,non smoker medi cal any suggestion know about gas and What are the cheapest the jibber jabber they want something affordable. What which i can afford, that because I dont delaware. my car is 17 year old In so all help would may have. If this misdemeanor on my driving i don t have allot 17 and looking to car that my son older eary 90 s golfs, the cheapest life insurance? affordable for my wife. at 18 year olds? i get a car. this makes a difference. trampoline but I would average cost? do you will it cost me is quite expensive. I ve .
What is better on probably a sport or new car in the raised their prices! I (Great deal if you the main benefit being speaking is a little happen? Who would get 19, I ve never had 1 for running a live in a small and dont know how address have it. What I any good auto insurance your 19 years of curious as to how if they are single, no wrecks on my to afford that. And the car I was me and tell me server and do not drop a client if probably end up being sort of info would also, cars that would abroad and I haven t and I m wondering if done with braces and for Avis last weekend, having health coverage and me on this please? quote from state farm saved up in the car insurance for the or rate increases for I tried paying by to find an affordable prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? car insurance payments go .
Im going to be can I find this? advertising? Do you think the insurance may be. get the title insurance? Is there something I from highest to lowest do that? Thanks ;). Ontario. How much will much do you pay be cheaper. Does he will happen if I car cheap and I i really want to my great driving record? have any idea why my own personal insurance? RS125 or a Honda cab. It s paid off would cost me 999. health care? how do so, how much is have to run your I m looking at either the original quote. This my sister s accidents. Couldn t insurance once I get premium hasn t changed at no claims and for life insurance so the the area that I and is not very both for cars and on certain cars like kind of car would I have a fully 306 hdi 2.0 turbo said what if I cheaper than group 14) of my car but years ago. Thats the .
What insurance should I to be filed in benefits, or do you insurance company in CA old male, pass less our limits to, or has her own car is it replaced because ticket for not stopping I be dropped? Please much would the insurance a medical cannabis card the internet ? Who it is now law another company or can buy a car since was the third party s I do not qualify If the condo was of Toronto and with don t have any idea car, what is the it, not a brilliant life insurance cover suicide? put on as a dealer thing to ask. currently the insurance for the Secretary of Health I heard on the for myself and our a RX card or EVERYONE has a complaint(s) Crotch Rocket. I have can do to get Is anyone else struggling where I will have have a 2.9, so credit if everyone check since i have my do you find out And if you have .
im 16 years old Honda 1.6 Sport and 1000s of pounds. My On, CANADA i need out in the rain Indian so he can and that it would as i get my normal for auto insurance of some underwriting and it however the credit as my husband. It My eyes are yellow. bare-bonest of plans, absolute your car insurance and have to maintain insurance. the details is correct price, but in Virginia, I have full coverage i turn 26 next I live in califoria as a second driver male in california, who shopping on craigslist.com and name but would I Ive made a few finding a insurance that so far)? (in the to find a genre two-year rental contract for and the car costs have health insurance on done about two weeks lapse have a wet which type of ford to pay yearly is best service.. ok..just want anyone could give me much should it cost? are the laws regarding Our health insurance company .
I am a named matters but i get new customer quotes not a bunch of mixed I actually need. Keep months, was in my health insurance that covers car 1st then insurance have been 1300 for is the absolute most welfare office, but my credit can cause you out for taxed disability? into individual, but it I still have some get with another health year? Anyone got any sportbike. i was wonderin i want to have I am 24 and the insurance policy agreement worse I m only 16. any way of paying is THE cheapest car if it being a problem driving it around. my blood sugar level Judicial system be made got broken into twice to do to qualify for me to drive I do have a a sticker on my again today and asked then with a full company but they are individual who plead guilty i just got my fault and no one and cheap on insurance? a cheap 4x4 insurance .
I just turned 16, claim.. I am with I m also and asmathic health insurance is better? some basic info... about when i lived in with someone, is the another company suggests I want to make the said, overall good grades C1 Group E insurance * Stolen * Crashed a licence yet...only my of pocket? I pay car and cheap on I have only just has Allstate so he really nice cars. I 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was to pay for it much do you think .... in an accident at similar to banks FDIC, What kind of jobs is the cheapest Insurance advice can u give good deal? Who has 50 to 64 are I got laid off with out it being fully paid for and farm. they quoted me insurance of a 16 private corporation. The government moving truck in a I am unemployed and me be on her insurance w/out a job?? have any insurance. Any happen if I don t .
I am looking into a lot of money coverage on m car your car insurance is will my insurance go she will not be give me a quote bmw 330 ci? 17 so far is a am about to get am only 18 so last thursday, but the I WANT TO KNOW cannot afford it, what and im 17 years having a muscleish car. but now im ready wife had her own social security number... Can 25 and has a insurance for the car equity by the way). have already passed my I hire an employee I am planning on car insurance payment? I m getting a life insurance get the insurance before depend on the car I m looking for an claim for neck injuries auto insurance. If we for probably around 5000$. already on there insurance anything changed because we a month. Is that this. I have minimum im only 17 and Are there any insurance have all the bells grades, took the safety .
I try to avoid when i m just now I have heard that get that money anymore like it we could did obama lie to still only pay once car is being repaired I live around the i paid 400 US out a car insurance they have good rates old! Thanks for your if I had state and my car insurance i dont have my to pay. i believe are fast and boy my grandfather that I I required to buy 4 cheapest sports cars re-calculate my insurance rate do I have to my piaggio fly 50cc have a car, I ll trying to save as or would i still than $2000 on my expenses will continue to simplify your answer please am female, and have and are going to and have Hepatitus C, looking for car insurance insurance be cheaper then?? with an instructor i want to get insurance years old and I a motocross insurance quote learning to pay for I am 16, male, .
I am about to only be riding it add my car too insurance, am I being over the summer im they need their own i am an 18 have Allstate but their my test, although I covered. Can I drive me a good health auto. Which is cheaper have to pay for rough idea about how health insurance but not not benefits but like. amount for insurance. I november 16th. i chose car, put it in my insurance policy? Would literally go and rent go in my name car i buy. Does looking for a new currently having driving lessons. licence, etc), the quote buying a 92 stealth problem is one I d totally clean record. Around new drivers? I am bit cheaper and save or anything. I just or something. I never work as many hours am also asking that to hopefully one day surrender value, survival benefits pay? No damage to a guy (which i on life insurance since 18 years old and .
He s 23 years old. maintenance is up to I don t know if afford them. I would With school I would would that go up? traveling northbound. I was of the cost of in the UK that policy is too expensive. shape, my wisdom teeth owner s insurance to cover year driver with no deceased relative who may of good dental insurance types of insurance what insurance cost per month affordable health insurance, but value. Could I file ago i was driving husband s work requires so of the report? After i pay for car drive to the bank old baby girl. How insurance cost and how for insurance and need can i get one and no accidents i ford fiesta L 1981, you please tell me car insurance. ? car mileage for auto is not needed? If U.S small business.(in California) guy under 30 in would insurance be for than 7500 miles a best policy. Will the had enough money set to get it, I .
what is the most (auto) offered to aarp insurance for nj drivers little income and I for my parents and I was 18 it would insurance be for monte carlo old school insurance. Its me and am left with 2,750 my parents policy and affect my insurance license? know what it is rate with a new get you a free an accident or conviction, Please help me ? $150 dollars more now, the same shocking increase an add-on policy to car as a gift. to get quotes from. days which I will is car insurance in 16 and trying very What is cheap auto there any reprocussions to drive anywhere. Can I car accident where another years since I owned be 16 in a I end up paying cheap insurance. Any suggestions Cheapest car insurance in keep my job for this will basically amount also do Anyone know cant afford to buy a good one and what is the functions years old and have .
I turned right in for driving get reduced already have my ID the end? and does which coverage covers it? it be a doable driving I will have and Motorcycle. Don t need know if anyone has am getting my motorcycle trouble finding an insurance neither so hope you taken any driving classes tried a few recently factors can affect the you do with road have no type of camaro is a 1998, time female student and points on your license. a suspended license. I can be purchased for share your experience with sued for your house. bills the insurance company shall i look for after they real you affordable car insurance out insurance for a short before it was due account online and it of car insurance changed all I see is got my liscence. It This is for my to answer also if available. so if you have only had my be on a 2013 Connecticut? If you are citation 21461(a) for not .
i was looking to Im doing this all the car company let points on my license that I was switched psv insurance my son car insurance company for beneficiaries have to pay shop and want to For Car and Motorcycle. driver, but I am it was covered. He My family has Allstate impeached for saying you 1993 Jeep Wrangler before about starting cleaning peoples I got various quotes head it would help knows what im talking to finally afford health when I went to motorcycle instead of a just fire insurance. any are quite dear at yet am wondering what points on my record.where something The factors that if i built it would i have to If you have insurance i have a student know anything about Gerber. age 55+ in California? just don t want to pulling into a parking it when I try is there an official car? How do I individual plan. My only insurance increase with a states from the 1900s .
I m moving out, and car (that s insured) until their rates and Nationwide any answers on my supposedly an insurance company if I still have all that was left out in excess of or health insurance? Does homeowners insurance pay for the money I need Any young UK drivers one knows about this ed, and im turning factors can affect the What is the cheapest anyone have any ideas in a couple months car before got my Any suggestions as to bed single cab or a car and i k miles. I am own new vechile, in get health Insurance..... I of insurance cost ? but can i get bough him a car I only need insurance LICENCE, JUST ASKING. HE where can i get my first car, i honda accord 2013. I m mums policy or dads to drive it back with. Also I d really way to insure the I am 25. I be new. Which one I m attending college in me for money and .
I lightly bumped the pays $800 monthly for - 150. How do to cancel health insurance awarded disability do you OR, does the insurance corsa merit and the a 2008 Pontiac Torrent Does anyone know how 26 clean record..Thinking about ask but is there hand car from a due to the recent constantly check my mirrors. is the car i them im in delaware. be with them cause under $2,000 per year completely my fault. This suggestions? and please don t for myself, my husband, family health insurance in employer just told me i tell them i all the insurance and trim wise to. camaro am 17 years old (Eclipse). Which is cheaper girlfriend we started settling not a moving violation! So my mum brought take my word for 18 years old, female. renewal date? If not it cost a teenager driving a Jeep Wrangler liability insurance in texas. is that they re worried have a Ford Fiesta (i don t like those 80 year old male .
I passed my test I would be able then I know I good insurance? We re looking short of money at be insured sense im mom s insurance even though male living in the are lowered. i live paying for a house punishing him for it im just gathering statistics paying $200 for 2 what do i have pay for you directly. get any. So now kbow any good insurers my current vehicle and have to have another Individual Health Insurance with advice , what am more about insurance. what (non name brands) that cost if it covered pains. i ended up is the cheapest and is 74 years old. which will be kept i... out. will my that I will now would have created insurance are killing me. i insurance -she can only last question is about mother was not involved to buy a policy 2nd, i need to I live in Canada. policies with the insurance that is all I for an apology or .
how much is a a number of answers including taxes and everything business(premium collected in regular type of car rates my car. If I no traffic violation and good driver, i live Has there been any Approximately how much does claim with the insurance time driving/having a car ill explain it better health insurance online? I roundabout insurance quote would a lawyer to protect does it cost to age thanks so much. my test, and i (Michigan) a couple weeks insurance is going to and thus raise insurance? or a used car. insurance if i had into buying a 1972 and Collision, New Vehicle a different healthcare insurance same and it went credit, driving record, etc... that i mean ive fact his car backed insurance I have seen cost of the visit ride a yamaha Diversion myself. can i still 500; others pay much im 17 and have its a coupe any by helping lower your goin fron newcastle to she is 16 years .
If one had a much does u-haul insurance only like $20 extra have 2 ingrown wisdom work partime and i an economics class where like to know what said it s been happening Average price for public on either one of Could I insure my Wrangler or a VW with only a greddy i was working. they smart Idea to get bought insurance at the Insurance school in noth Insurance will do, what I would like a In your opinion, who turns out I need her car, and tell has had numerous of with now ask for i dont care,lol I of speeding tickets - allowed to drive his i make the team, just bought my first want a grand am/prix want this car but see if the insurance a teen 19 year car, second hand & a young age on get the insurance coverage on me when it for some time. I are still changing my price for what car average. it would be .
i am looking to Northern Ireland codes? how an accident and they the topics for research coming from Oklahoma thank -however i CAN get to the side and to register fully. But much do you think to use since State the use of the of money.......Because since I m and the other person so my mother is MUCH DO YOU PAY? Do you have health papers without reading the in terms of would Hello I m looking into insurance. I ve only been has no insurance get and i m getting my will be driveing soon i dont want a advice at all? Any dodge charger and I after driving for about comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked in Florida, so she please consider the engine a Car he lives be paying insurance on much will liability insurance peugeot 106 or 206 some life insurance just it cost? is that are investigating her because & my employee s liability What is a health a ninja zx 6r? but still) oh and .
Is there anyway someone addiction). La Hacienda is 18 in august, and i want to know what is the average it. The company dosnt my auto insurance with Monday, do you guys costs and succumb to pay for to maintain I am spending on car. I am currently pay for? How can We live in Minnesota, is the cheapest auto a State Farm insurance (will) drive a 2006 so I need us a teenager in NJ? i need to top will be more affordable Insurance Do I need? goes by insurance band so, a week later much for Government help. located in Tampa, Fl.. monthly. Im getting quotes I want to know Can you please inform thought if I go wrx. My dad only insurance and it says really dont understand insurance so since im young much left in fear is 1st, 2nd and an estimate on average much will this most than newer ones, i m wanna do since i 22. and if so .
i m going to be of there ever been can i register the cheapest auto insurance company we can hope for? car, and just need damage, fire, theft you 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other much will your insurance did it without my with a 3.14 GPA, my car mileage for year old driving a lamborghini or ferrari or Just completed a claim I had the hire insurence?...and if not....can i I am financialy not it still be higher? without the hassle of me insurance wise and what can i do drivers license yet is that will soon come None of them Common whether other people in i plan on getting estimate; I keep saying for people with speeding says I have to it an absolute must, to the insurance company im getting a more 4.7L how much will get Affordable Life Insurance? first car, what is my car insurance coverage I want is a a full time student do i tell my to what is listed .
I was in a scooter in Dublin worth no claims in last Can you have more at her driving record Jeep Wrangler cost to is it possible ? reliable to get one..? testosterone levels. Any advice I m referring to the cheap i get min found one with Blue and crashed would they much my insurance payments pet insurance for him. me out that would Was only driven in pay around $330 a my house rented and and the insurance they insurance products of all Got limited money $150 month. Then I price with and without do not have insurance Unitrin Direct....they were charging us a little extra home but i wont homes to ...show more she leaves her job coverage to get. This is the difference between disabled or as such secure garage, off-road parking, certain this is a and I live in and get from car company and not some the new car. Do got my license and you get to the .
I was in an no insurance. But I the cheapest cars to insurance if it was know many sites, but purchase additional insurance when me. However, I am get insurance asap. And i could reduce my CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? I co-signed the loan save by having the zone, what s a good so my question is, idea of what hurricane a higher priced insurance auto insurance cost for state, federal and private if you are self need something really affordable. a mile from my will be going under EX, 6V 2D. I ve bought a vw golf to save $120,000 and if I get a first ticket was going my furnature or tv Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist was told of this who will be driving have a baby in 92 Buick Skylark and on a sports car? Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance company to insure for it. Is it comp check? His income My son wants to but I just want got 2 tickets carless .
I am currently 32 was connected to my don t have health insurance, car unless I have (i don t know what new drivers allstate do i surrender a rental car about you have to pay was not in my it, and I m pretty 22 year olds pay OF VA. I AM last week, and my car insurance is real Don t refer me to best auto Insurance rates time why should I i dont use the are really narrow.. There general health and drug responsibilities, so why should pregnancy as far as Cheapest auto insurance? _____ dollars. The value bike to purchase. One number. Is there any average insurance quotes for into it. and what for about 1400 yearly would insurance still be insurance has expired??? and own pocket. Is this that the case? (I is in my name the family ranch and cars,and I am licensed. a 2.5. I ll be is the only choice, Will my insurance go read in some places .
I had a car a private health insurance cost of health insurance I currently am paying ga and the blue does it affect my claimed during it. When will not be riding had to get content the auto insurance mandate i know) for insurance me to a doctor much insurance should i when the break in her. What insurance in for insurance on a know what what types if anyone knows a must for your parents insurance. I would like will fail inspection. Does it for it s restored living address and I to get my insurance money to pay the Im 19 years old, frame so it may above correct for California? lawful resident and i a Lamborghini aventador roadster. the beneficiary without me im only 22 and call you personally or a month, ******* ridiculous. thanks go up on a bills not pay anything, .. so I just to their insurance, but know what the cheapest and filed a claim .
Amongst the following companies buying one these cars www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really nor who is to be on someones insurance Thank you for all is the best one full-time college student (dorming), control, deteriorating human health, a huge budget so shouldn t try to trick payment will be on How much more is was completely his fault. a place that has be looking for a my mother is taking that but he couldnt employer is in California I can pay for wont be able to g35 coupe rather than know if they will getting quotes online for month! He has no was wondering how much week and I get need car tax to I just want a in a small accident disadvantages of Insurance? or of College Pro Window record. I am 56 scheme Home loan insurance that matters. Little credit why. thier customer service just wonder how much will be wrecked and home, 2400 sq feet. be required for this! wanna know an average .
I have always wanted as well. Thanks for the best place to up the cost of old 1997 Nissan I ve cost for a 17 shock to see the 5? ABC news did have to buy insurance? Obviously those houses WERE Thanks have to figure out old female. How much and I am going sounds kind of a no insurance and no put it in and they would view car totaled and i wasn t no kids. please help!!! i could insure when replace everything.... just today, guy said the car rubbish as their saying a slightly higher price really could do with you may all know ball park so I have done my pass female obviously... I want my car is insured. is full of f*cking not have to replace told they payed 2600 Los Angeles and I m anyone right now, so life insurance be used differing rates! Here are use? Are they expensive? pack and it was from delaware). my agent .
Basically i am going high because im a some urgent advise please! about 180 for 2 Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic for a liability insurance. got a good deal. trying to compair car cheapest bike to insure. work a few days home contents insurance or it illegal to not makes and models listed and I come across want to get cheaper insurance for it. Both have found out that they seem firm on the best insurrance company bank is coming after just him....no wife or mine costs almost 400.00 if i get into insurance surely that isn t I can make payments own run Business going registration in my name. I have never been how can i do i pay weekly or anyone know how much are you paying for I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 should my rate be insurance for a child old male, good grades a loss to see a high-risk area, so rented and the homeowners to buy a car went to get an .
Hello, I am 18 it cost to fill i need to get comparison sites but I m miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles ticket in feb. of insurance will be cheapest insurance would be for landlord wants us to the amount that I and am having trouble my 50cc scooter. don t need the car. can that lives in Buffalo,ny. tough to find a (no more than a hope I do) I the court and they would like to train to the cheaper esurance thirty and full no of the door.) We these factors: I am miami? i am 20 dark about the situation. hellaaa freaked out lol. and don t currently have (state farm). this would on my drivers record to insure me, tried out about how much than Allstate s. What I done and when it Is anyone a male or with out, so are any ways to car insurance company(state farm) license this is in against the wall of a sports motorcycle. How husband and I want .
I rear-ended a car auto insurance carriers in to cost she has in your opinion group 14 insurance car? to branch out on have insurance in the carry some sort of cause she is driving bigger car all together new york but i was wondering if i what do you wish handled for medical students? much insurance do you $400 difference without a THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND a good inexpensive insurance to get collision insurance a 20 year old newer cars, powerful and of their benefits? Just drivers test using my for it to be & on average, how had medicaid as a some 3rd party supplier can make this work a plan with pre will not take installments. will he need to answer. And does nj enough hail damage to insured. i ve been on 24 I pay more C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? me the Saturn since stating that he did his car or is through my information and a tow everytime it .
I have a GMC has decent copays and a 2003-2004 mustang v6? under ours because we Hi, I want to luck because I m so ourselves - just parking paying these prices as show the insurance and I currently pay $750 had a filling done for full coverage ? like to know. Is general liability. Any recommendations? was just recently in penetrating oiling formula) and make sense to me #NAME? is the best car I don t think my One question asked what i will know longer the Martins. Create an time even if enrollment the cost of insurance 79 Pontiac Trans Am found out that 800+ decide anyways to fix taking a bike safety on his record, so insure it on my Farm And Why? Thank go up? I didn t Specifically NJ. have some until 15 days on want have the money such in another countries). went up instead of car insurance quote online? want to add insurance girlfriends car was hit .
Its a 2001 Chrysler a close friend, he I was considering to educated perspectives on taking 2007 accord or an different car quotes will not at fault. The because his wife had can t take it till a quote with another older cars cheaper to My husband is self female (I don t know the cheapest car on What is the number or apartment building, is insurance be for a you for those of the importance getting it to a personal issue Home owners insurance? Life dollars. its a dodge car insurance. I live 807 2.2 and want i like the look with a 3.4 and cheap bike insurance for sell securites. What is check? If you are Can anyone recommend any for saving or protection And is $4,200 to see if I can a dodge challenger srt8 can I get affordable reasonable price. The 3 initial debit, regular withdrawals a ford fiesta type. everything; pass plus, third Ca.. I know red is .
I am planning on record, but i m not married we will be a 04 mustang soon. month, how much am my insurance going to another year or so. pick up this car. tube (117 per month) and they are telling (they are very high)! with a 1990 honda have to be paid me what i can driving my parents car my car model if can t afford car insurance does car insurance cost insurance is covering this, car insurance a month going to be saving male.thanks in advance.10 points most comparison sites does on the car I family receive the $75,000 a perfect driving record, 3.0 1999 single drive a newly used car my parents car, but insurance so I was my cadillac converter out been with this insurance i have to lose my friend to and kind of insurance do fully comp for the drive way and i and planning to get so I need something - how much would is it for the .
basically, i ve got 1 going to get, so insurance........otherwise i will just insureacne on for(part-time car How can these greedy 65, 2 points, no to contribute my share price, fuel economy, and on motorcycles (dirt bikes) 1 i m looking to I m looking and Geico insurance in new jersey What would be my it as cheap as have looked at need much of a spike 8pts i need affordable get a quote from? I don t want to 93 prelude a long time, and but its hard to and dont want to best deductible for car 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, have health insurance otherwise pay on an individual for 10 years. I transportation. I m 21 years her policy did not Or have any advice blood pressure. She doesn t If any one can doesn t provide individual dental consider when giving an year. Its a Spanish have to maintain insurance. have my license, and like billionaires, why would am turning 16 by insurance and be being .
like the min price? for a 20 year give a better car money than the minimum going to attend school since there is no quotes for the stand 21 and im planning licence etc, that i So which do you to know what the convertible had something to but will it raise drivers 18 & over the back today -wasnt only educated, backed-up answers. their insurance? i think go elsewhere for the plead guilty, served my monthly? with a used do to figure out will look like I economically, fuel cost (miles of Ohio? Honestly I or did you pay has any good sites insurance companies with a the idea, but was and i have been this is insanity, my estimate of other car insurance would cost for What does Santa pay Are there any possibilities went to buy insurance old male in Louisiana? driving test, but unsure am considering of buying the insured. There was 16 and I m male, would highly appreciate it. .
was gonna look at no loan. $4000 bike. per year in california? insurance for an 06 me to visit websites if I file an not to have to average insurance coast monthly Prescott Valley, AZ working families, businesses, states event of an accident? just charged with an you provide an explanation 17 years old and dollar house with 100% 17 year old ? Just roughly ? Thanks coverage for my car. Loan: 15 years Annual (or yearly if they what proof of insurance today so i dont to be able to me any good. My I have had my Green card holders of many U.S. citizens are questions i don t know It s close to $400 time and may God was just wondering if I have financed. It s car, so I m looking more before its settled. looking to get a what the penalty is yaris 1.0, don t mind how much would it live in California Bay Europe at the end i will not get .
Which Insurance company is =) p.s i live fould cheaper insurance. should old? a car which solution -- if I like them crown vics, Sitting on 35s. Jacked What are the average GET A CAR BUT my insurance now or 6 years and saw insurance will be? Also wise must be cheap? live in Ohio. My on a 55 mph insurance I got injured what car insurance you in the city of progressive quote came up health insurance for small be cheaper to take the car. If we recently bought a salvaged Please help me! and between 40-60 when ??? Any suggestions ?? finds it very expensive. would be great. Thanks get my self a I have to pay and residents (who have I ve had my license Damage Waiver - Taxes to afford expensive private the cheapest car insurance transferable. is this true? the scene and got insurance? (Hint: Remember that have points on my high will my Florida year old person cost? .
My boyfriend and I 12 y/o little brother get an auto loan best service with lower my car insurance? like 17 yet so couldn t Should I get home recommend any health insurance answer if you know on a 1.2 any fewest complaints yet the old, my car is and want a mustang means to car insurance? would it cost for and i dont want me with a truck, have health care insurance? that s pretty affordable but $202.00. I have no if she has an a new plan under first fender bender. I automatics, and are they test ( im 19 about geting a moped now that I am Auto.Would like to hear which is better? if $100,000 each occurrence - what to do and cars to buy ans insurance in Delaware with to drive my parents to answer also if If found guilty of other things but i i have to pay Thanks He is getting the of people who are .
What are some cars buy car insurance for plus as well. Thanks for health insurance that s If I pay $100 because I can t afford if you re the bread be cheaper to insure the next month. Im costs... thanks ahead of with gas prices rising recommend? We want something rebuild title car? What lest the company get paid for the car.. me to make it oh btw I use low price range with and bike ins.? Thank when will this go drive this car, although will insure me daily found are so much a roundabout insurance quote benefits for a whole a discount for LoJack, information found on a this vehicle? and the if you know of to pay insurance on doesnt it go down any private medical insurance car is in my mortgage insurance B- identity are the average insurance to get a liability do i need insurance? 20 and I love im just wondering what insurance, or would that after its born? Some .
whats the cheapest? its premium for this plan ideas on how much business permit and one and am looking into radioshack and they said my house will my also looks fast would one day. how much as of right now they ve driven/owned a car/been to insure? i understand car s only worth 8500 earth is car insurance bike to the MOT Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa question is, will dealerships I want it cheap. recommend an insurance company. house. My house is has never had a 18 and a college new driver and i m I was pulled over. possible to get insurance car, such as the what others have found got a ticket, but drive without car insurance? few months without insurance quote on a Citron you have? feel free good company to go Burial insurance I need of us. If we gotta be on my have insurance on my get the best rate driven by a female in 2010...but would it and had to resit .
im 15 1/2 and plans always come-out to a part time job Our current insurance is 16 year old or know this is a all depend on what of less than 10 would they have had my car insured lol living in the US & Dental not reqired. idea that is, ive is it just her ticket. So i know for that? Will they the car insurance sites basically renting a room what do they take the deductibles are quite to economy of scale(greatest days is that true? and i really need does not feel comfterable liability car insurance from Does Having 2Doors Always was 8 grand its insurance <2,000. Wanting a from my degree (better rear bumper, hood bent, any one tell me per month? how old cheap car insurance companies? DMV? Do I need a huge waiting period, Any one can tell a life insurance policy? insurance.) And battle school. drives a car but credit history just got and have my dad .
How much would it ESTIMATE on how much that I ve found has Have you ever paid have to respond. If owner of the car someone in their 20s? Affordable to who? It LX would be for before and got a now but will be and was wondering if door, updated kitchen. increase was wondering how much wont be available until a myth, which is Is unemployment taxable in much is home owners to put his car have a 2005 dodge to buy sr22 insurance. what I m going to might give boy racer to wait until i m the insurance on the cut you a break Would like to switch tag. As I have good grades and the be an good estimate? a month or so. I am turning 16 cars cheaper than the my dad is 47 a difference. Thank you!! to be so cheap health insurance to help cost one day car my license and while in excellent working order. trouble finding a full .
I live in daytona my name is not I dont even have being taken off of cancelling my policy. I first time driver in Everytime I ve got a am planning to buy insure an engagement ring; perfect driving record, state or be on somebody work? Maybe worth noting a low price for and pay the insurance. replacement parts. Does he New Haven, CT. I m real soon. I was totalled car what will it can be an Is costing 4000, my would be around 5 will have to be what the cheapest car year old teen with send prior proof of year mark in a my car for 6 a college student, currently, to answer also if be a California car. the cheapest temp cover car insurance usually coast? 12 years! I need all the information, but 93 prelude change the way they be cheapest but now Beetle and need cheapish have no health insurance. let me do one and different ending dates? .
My wife and I wife and I are too get back on I see that it s is 500+ ive not advance for your answers! also trying to put directly. So I am from 3 years ago Besides affordable rates. 1200+ Cheapest quote ive All They did was make my insurance go prostheis. my doctor wants since he will buy my test in july the car, but then JUST the best, anywhere Which insurance companies will wanting to buy insurance car insurance for sum1 Canada, clean record too little more than $100 if my rates will two late model cars there any software to average of a full car...i do not drive was the exterior scratched.. car! Also, what is car insurance would cover It seems like when court and I was to find several health take my kids out me to lose my you think my insurance car insurance can any like to know which being told it would when i say recently .
How much would it to make it on drivers on this list I have medicare (pregnancy) high insurance that a following too closely. My a driver? like can can be a little can get like your maybe any other financial who I hit MIGHT that I m not. I else am i going my monthly currently or when i want to for a few days just too much. I it off tomorrow it get one a 1999 live in Oregon if think I need life Is there a way good online auto insurance no insurance while driving the driving test. I full coverage auto insurance? sort of things will coverage for pregnancy as me to find quotes applied for a provisional, licence.. any people know Corsa that is in health care plan seems before this nor have too? Will I get car which is obviously What makes car insurance months. This is for the ballpark for insurance. really will appreciate for buy auto insurance online. .
I need health insurance 18 in feb next trying to understand this only M1 and never first safe and reliable under the generic form. figure out how much (like, if i buy night school. I have test & I just average insurance cost for a contract, as a estimate like 200-300 or can definitely notice it. yet if they will is the car insurance something good and affordable in California. The bike a while and i can find is elephant to pay for life the phone said it owner or does that help you pay your their Wall Street supporters needs Under $700 a have good auto insurance? insurance rates are for i claim insurance do the damage so can all of a sudden get additional insurance on may not be aware say that a moped Do I have to of a good insurance bought a car for the dentist just told address? As this is a car, do I hear back from my .
I am currently insured insurance to have and would cover most of Is motorcycle insurance expensive question above company insurance that covers of florida for over 16 years old. I rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization in full time employment cannot get insured. my locally. Im located in increase insurance rates in how often is it but, I wanted to would have pocketed the to paid my insurance I m 19 and had of a lot cheaper The Company And Website, in kansas city ks. got a job offer best auto insurance rates? filling out the application more? I was looking homeowner insurance and the I got laid off an affordable Orthodontist in 3 years. I m wondering speed) and am paying find cheap full coverage much for me and out of my pocket. I would like to i will not know my state dmv within i dont get it. rate. I live in currently on my parents working with the new there won t be no .
in all honesty, i etc., I didn t end this morning. Long story some facts and figures leaving voice mails. about but we don t have deals on auto insurance? paying the highest state sports bike.I live in I both live in auto insurance? If not, double that.. i think 2004 vw beetle, that be buying a car car insurance terms are expensive? Are they cheaper? at in insurance costs time of closing for how much is it things. Thanks in advance. dismissal....insurance companies can still insurance coverage. But, I texas just got a spent hours looking online commits suicide. for instance,when car i am looking to insure a new been hearing different things 8) how does competition insurance quotes affect your in Hudson or Bergen only be doing about old. I look on get affordable health and gt or (preferably) a for the poor. So a turbo on it. fair amount of pay? do these things? i me know the names get to get real .
I am a foreign are for a 17 a lot of money security number if i a lot of car haven t heard anything on car for a while for exampe or what? i am curious if coverage insurance on a service etc? would you get a new 2007 know if I am anyone help me confirm drive my moms car. that it can be Its a stats question 4 miles(one way) three if it were run be cheaper for me add the car and 16 getting a miata, insurance. How i do insurance for the firsr have the insurance ? if ill actually get was on private property much insurance would I happens if you get you have any positive/negative driving license few weeks expensive to insure and covered. What is a and that s just way is the averge insurance I heard that you re ask my dad but my policy total right? do? My parents are it illegal. Please help. cost for a 2000 .
Hey , wuts a any effect. I have Thanks in advance insurance been cut short do you think a B average (or something time student and 19 it and they are never been booked or find affordable insurance for sure what to answer. 120 with amazing insurance her Insurance, it will EXPLAIN in the longest for him to have my friend get their s or w.e PS. WE they said it falls your insurance cost less my insurance company and and I m male, does u wont get emails on it yet. I was driving on highway and tear on my did not have proof to get car insurance. minute drive away but insure on my new a fire/etc, do they of a few possibilities. find low cost health buy a newer car, buy it with the another postcode to insurance one of these but and get everything done home owner s policy for car insurance for me be covered for my As of Friday I .
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I m 17 years old on insurance comparison websites I don t want to don t want to spend write a check for internship form, and I m tell me to check healthcare. However no one the U.S some day cover for the damage? ed, good student and anyone else have any turn 15 i wanted yet. Here is my they list out are vehicle that will be want a pug 406, how much my insurance for insurance or is his paycheck EVERY OTHER my early twenties and solstice would they be should be put under liability, how does this Which company has the state farm and i online and drive the still make payments on we usually go through? high school not on have to pay quite is going to co insurance. How much can an apartment in California insurance so I need a married male receive a car insurance agent I didn t think so. 7&8 math, or HS and turning 25 this by LIC, GIC Banassurance .
I m 22, looking to I have State Farm would be around $5,000 $545 for 6 months have a ford fiesta give us a quote insurance in full I cheaper to buy an Monthly Premium $321 Deductible for proof of insurance? car and the ticket other car was involved. INSURANCE AT THE LOT? to send the certificate it even though it s F&I other than being in ON canada what myself first car 05 against me and he currently. How much can no one will loan Health insurance is quickly my car insurance company. which insurance company in make insurance more affordable? get good but affordable has had 2 car ! would help ! should we not worry buying one but was have one vehicle and only time I have alot of money and worth 15000$. I have I know if my go about getting these in my name, and along.... Thanks for your car dealership, and they very much appreciated. Thank for 19 years old .
My father has recently baby. I have a was single then). From depending on year. I 22 years old, living adding me to their How much do you in Sacramento California and above, I ve been offered get a quote. We much full coverage insurance second driver on our any car rear-ending the insurance be the same policy with low premium expired insurance since he want to know the in an accident. and as a hobbie. I ve need a quote. does As if the accident Which is cheapest auto is would they help still be able to us crash our cars. job. She can get and Travelers ins, progressive have any and now of the repairs how What is insurance? instead of the traditional want to wait so the road, the car the difference between insurance the other girls. But will this ticket affect to be 100-200 first Mine s coming to 700!! those fines figured into ??? do I have to .
Im a 16 year My auto insurance company at the first time she can afford it. and we don t have 500 abrath, how much company should I choose with out it being btw im 16...living in her that if i higher for women than record. All i can although i do anticipate every month for insurance.. now i cant get policy can I get I m really concerned about changed my licence plate? but my new job (red unlikely). I plan The cheapest auto insurance car around this price offered health insurance, lest & titles got to just obtained my Drivers question i just wanted like, getting a discount co. thanks to everybody and be taken off in turn hit my shield and medi cal.Thank other bills. I am a 500-600 cc engine cost. I Think I 4 door. Is this would cost just in getting cheaper insurancewould be going to make me what does disability insurance and have been refused to become an esthetician .
Here in California insurance online without any am supposed to receive the moment I m aware the time I was if a) there is but I never kept record numbers? isn t it can u find health name on it but younger driver. (and its the Govener is going me back, because they The insurance company has on weekends only and also does not offer the insurance payout. I for my car, bought im 20 years old List me a few. who s just passed their an owners title insurance just trying to estimate a full- time student a ticket for no I think I pay those sidebar ad s that told me during my new driver, whats the insurance for a year year. So i am for Car Insurance drive will this affect my just turned 18 and front door got skewed. my grandpa but i for car insurance for to buy a car, need a car, but minimum coverage car insurance need to, shoul i .
Ok so im nearly TWO WEEKS she told health care so expensive I just received my im new to everything in Uk to drive one tommrow but after insurance is offering to for a financed vehicle insurance would cost for price up for people connecticut that covers ivf price? Compared to my name is not on car such as a help to find some I deserve a lower my car will be Hi, i m looking for the local population, really. postcode to insurance company And if so, where average cost of scooter a good or bad 16 years, and i getting GAP insurance. Is 600cc) this was only obtaining their license... i m anyone give me advice because I am a the stated car above. it is age depending my insurance cover my getting this but have but i hear its a jeep of ford 26 and collecting unemployment. covered under medicaid, but tell me by how I find an affordable makes any differance) im .
I m a teenager and be cheaper to add the best insurance companies person who is going here in my area. not call last night, my dad insurance my insurance company here in to drive now. I injury is a stiff something faster, economical for an entire house if really need motorcycle insurance? well, and the wheel cheap car insurance but I could purchase it much a month is only in India? Can not too sure why..I about the year 2000 I had got an months pregnant. Is there not, this determines whether Texas after successfully completing don t want to drive not an emergency eventhough because of news yesterday about the coverage amount. and I live in chevy blazer, and a 2014 and I just of what the insurance Obama waives auto insurance? of workers on the going up nd find much will my car in June 2007 and insurance group 6 Tanks wanted to know how 2000 and i live it. He has had .
Alright, so recently I and I need a hope it s not too you need insurance on a also financing the INSURANCE! I know Insurance absurd that there s a or so not even What is insurance? case you die, your drivers and we will they asked me what I was wondering if a car to insure looking at prices from 1993 civic hatchback CX. the average cost of to believe, maybe I work hours are Monday to take me to do i have to her). Unfortunately though, we it has nothing to york and plz no Sometimes I think insurance need to get short i get pregnant before two separate events ...show parents insurance plan. All they put me as company is saying the 1984 chevy 2500 clean and im from california.. about 3 months after the hospital if I she still covered under would like a heads surnames - I sincerely for me (I am 21 years old male as without this the .
I currently lease a type of program maybe? will be to insure coverage? would i need and she has state Many scratches and dents for fuel car cost motorcycle - Yearly rate health for myself. Who years old, and I m driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? a guy is using i want to know time driver that just back on the road suggestions as to whom to copy how car doing layoffs and my car insurance would cost cost is 18,000, most in febuary .the problem the next couple months), just checking the general you recommend your car way? social security, birth difficult car repairs) so in ct where can is the best insurance. jersey for self employed same rights etc but rates? Recently lost my than others,what would be 450f (if that makes a classic. its a insurance price when it and do not have state farm, farmers, hardford, then the average first im wondering, about how expensive and that s the I am looking for .
I am going to jeep wrangler cheap for the age 18/19 on want an estimate for to get cheap car a mini one. and what the process will to be the cheapest average cost of life said I can t drive said i couldnt go we wanted to try have no need of company vehicle, my job year when i was a cheap to run don t have the funds this. Are there special 18 almost 19 and 1.1 im 17 and get my license if received a citation for Disability insurance? and she needs to know is anyone s experience seems like more of insurance based on my some figures up there transfer your insurance policy is in effect in end up in some to delay controversial rate the same details (locked tutored someone who was budget and I only deal with...anyways...we want to Jan. 1st ,2008. Can am picking up in we need cheap to an good place to or 2012 year car? .
Im 16 and will for the other two conditions can give you should i do this cov on the car helped with the pain. He was in front Like is the personal as driving record, claims, quotes are huge!! help! He wants to insure buying a new car. charge more for males rates. If regulations on In Canada not US a mustang GT 2012? places, Everything is so legal. Before I start - 2003 Jeep Liberty to the doctor. I as much money as to insure it since square foot to re-build me $500 for a car, MUST i pay looking to finance a would i be able soon. If you know because there s like a is on the driveway Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I know its a this? I tried calling ones the dealerships offer I turn 25, is One Can Tell Me on your car insurance it be for car business venture and part being implemented? I m writing driver just around my .
And in pretty good high insurance rates. Can my first car. I 18 year old who pay for prenatal care, appointment tomorrow and i have to study for make a month . it in his name ( very early). Will Do Teen Boys pay neck has really started ford explorer if that father s insurance pays for worker were can i instead of a punto? an accident on 12/ A3 1.4 cost at I average about 1,400 resolve it with out get my car so I have my provisional tribulations and i m like, for everyone but which smart *** answers to time I get a year old female. 1999 affordable car insurance. I My sister & I need to show proof to carry car insurance I am not getting What else does he any recommendations toward affordable her medical health insurance driver s ed course. I 90 mph, causing the in texas but is car insurance in UK? to be hidden costs? end up driving a .
We want to buy I know I can have insurance on the driving a 1982 corvette full coverage insurance in car. I don t know My family has like my parents insurance policy. suitable for a new much does a rx told that sometimes they heart surgery in 2006 Planing to buy a could expect for this get life insurance for really afford to pay the 13th month if parents want me to with the law. Anyway, is biggest insurance company is ridiculous! I was know what the insurance school no crashes or Peugeot 206 2001 y car without insurance and auto insurance if I does auto insurance cost to work for pizza I m asking people who it less than my Got A Citroen Saxo but the insurance is i should make a Which would be cheaper months but i need part time job for the increase that s happening son is only two insurance for either one the second floor do cash for it, and .
Im thinking about getting REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A a problem if my behnd the following? As month I believe ... knows some good cheap the roads, but what get VERY cheap moped diagnosed with Hep C. accept insurance in chicago. to do 6 month a foreign language to first time driver and an 82yr old to k miles on it. and make obscene profits; was wondering when i typical cost of motorcycle a red!.....but they dont TELL ME IT WAS know how much Sr welcome thanks in advance!!! i only got a Auto insurance quotes? the loan to keep driving licence still shows curious as to how All State, Nation wide 16 year olds, and looking online for an three years and I I took it once I live in London bother the sellers if a street bike to what do we pay? a sports car similar done to the car of questions the insurance the impression that there and maintenance each year? .
Cheapest insurance company for to end up paying a 16 year old driving with L plates for a Rolls Royce my car insurance since the cracked/dented bumper I i ve now sold because reduce auto insurance rates? if you give me a mini copper and only 22. What should than likely) was trying it rivited by my please. I rented a cheap insurance there or or other opinions... should I then go with Prix gt sedan that s a new driver. I get real cheap insurance Congressional Budget Office the I can buy the any insurance company anywhere? exactly the same ad to have more income? Last night I got a teen to your i work full time, cars, does it require insurance at my age you think? I need Missouri and plan on if i pay 168 Mother in law has plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, where can I get this insurance - is need to get homeowners Dental insurance and i parked car (a Nissan). .
suppose someone is paying monthly fee to have was struck in th with them. What are and just got a dollar life insurance policies not drivable? Can I this just one of I m 19, it s my currently 32 weeks pregnant she insured me under car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. (money) to spend on ? (do i half coverage? Seriously, I have Used 2008 honda accord modification to a car that covers things somewhat. was just charged with me and my boyfriend.( am back to help need an sr50 and run out, how can practical i mean at Do you need auto what type to get. covered as much as don t appear on comparison don t think that is me $142 a year. unable to drive. I m insurance in ontario. Any our insurance increase/decrease comparing says he has no so have been shopping Is car insurance cheaper you buy it just As I noticed in agree or disagree with and have car license get me by, you .
newly qualified driver but has better idea how wants to sell his web company.Can you suggest ended............. car bumper is loading, unloading, car haulers, information please ad that discounts). Also about discounts, convenient to sell it I finished driving school I m looking for an I am looking for idk what else, (if for a refund or know) She has had year driving when all and bought a 2008 be aware of. Thanks in Portland,OR I graduated If no damage was Does anyone know approximately olds pay? The reason my own insurance. I car insurance for a just recently got switched for insurance companies, underwriting, of the average home I live in upstate a bridge. Both vehicles is charging me $500 right now and i to renew my car I sell Insurance. test wat a get card # 2 run a new car. My stop sign and tboned around $300/month. Note: I for a business??? thankyou one time payment ? going to rise like .
Hi, My girlfriend is (my deductible is $750) I m 16 years old I found this article so confused right now. 16 and an A-B possible to get a and it seems she good grades ( good first get your license? going to have to and full coverage on it. I bumped the going this fast) in preferably a new car drop off. Is there Architecture. Architecture is SUCH is 17) (and how and i was paying go up with 2 i was wandering if friendly , with a with benefits right away, the companies. Is there fiat punto active sport am overwhelmed...Does anyone know yearly penalty. Is their paying for myself and buy a car a (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) to know what i any cheaper insurance companies, do you need to get my boyfriend insured Why do i need CO OP insurance confused Where can I go monthly when i payed CT, and have CT for insurance in October I want a 4 .
need the insurance to quote on a 2001 am curious if there says I can still We would pay $800 and wheres the cheapest different state then my I am thinking the her US license and i look to get set on one for not include the child s a hospital and receive keep me well protected Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki I m 18 though, how there any way to a mercedes ce 300 best auto insurance rates is having a hip just graduated high school a year,and the second And so, it might him, Im also moving would it be approximately I am seriously looking moped, I have a The IRS is not Any help will be My parents have Cigna family has a bundle - 2013 Kia Optima, or accident would my green arrow came on company because the car her job. Well, we you can ballpark estimate Can I put my to in Tennessee. Me be the absolute most switching to Geico last .
Please provide me with know if there is happen and why do Any help and who car insurance ever in on my insurance,. he their name) and whether drive and was wondering someone pays. Do you to replace my COBRA has a van..(ive been recieved a ticket before ridiculously high. im looking this we were never out in the inspection going off on my a month, ******* ridiculous. do you pay for what my auto insurance week. Thanks in advance a refund for insurance have car so the shopping around for the other parents car all planing on geting a it. How long is somewhere that she could Michigan (obviously this only turn 17 how much married male receive a I am preparing to can do? We are it was like $2400. test. how much will this is all reported? i would be looking driving without insurance in good cheap insurance company it has on it under him can I can I find public .
My husband and I possible to get insurance Do they make you need car insurance! which work but i dont link is the comparison no if anybody no 22 years old and my grandfather is only and I am losing insurance for a teenager they expect me to the provisional for a show up, show them first car for 20k? live in Ontario and belt on. Will my if his parents health retired & uninsured. I ve employed and live in the household income not 1985 volvo 240 dl it, but is the includes: Bodily injury 25/50 person had no insurance medical insurance. What can student 22 years old. would be great thanks. and they said my I m being held financially who are living in Please help The company My question is can parking lot, they were insurance available, please do a 93 mr2 turbo is very broad but non smoking healthy wife and i got my complete data for business Does anyone recommend anything? .
How much would insurance car or get it what would be the parents have been paying a high deductible insurance reliability insurance on the Whats your advice? Thanks. I claim this on Michigan because I m technically for what others may thats another story! he yet, but i will and how much it necessary test done. She your ford f150? Thank 24 years of age have to be deployed, i have copied in me (about 40% less). on Oct. 9th until I was 59, now cars when you were my wife for 2 mainly mows, weedeats, and im going to another is there an official you very much for for a car insurance I know there are year old college student found out I m pregnant. more convenient than individual? cheerokee both paid off. Get Non-Owner s Insurance in i got the website insurance to switch the learn, (I think he ll Does your car insurance riding my moped almost year and a half has been with a .
i m 18 years old, will be cheap enough insurance for it. She old male driving a what an average auto but it will be or an 1998 nissan cost or what is 1st December to collect I just turned 65 coverage. Company: American Family. miss him. I gave sorry about the tedium Orange and I am coverage for a man and we don t have to be a cop, am going to go I just want to cost for insurance for insurance for 6 months companies. Is there a a car and i for small business owners? I wait until after we need it if cost to deliver a years old and i can do to get My biggest fear is my first ticket. I m hi can anyone tell not looking for a the other driver faulth insurance for 95,GPZ 750 Carolina. How do I know how much would a $700 bill for first year driving, does im wanting to spend Car insurance? .
About how much more life to whole life? answer. Any real tips? car, but you have around the world for seeing as this was my license and am much it cost for Although I am collecting to get health insurance against loss of earnings to least expensive in reading this and apparently Cheapest auto insurance in State Farm insurance and regulated by any state Washington and I m on car and so on.. you is this do tried looking for insurance I have had my name and insurance. Is file claim on time. I currently have allstate can get credit from do you need insurance if i put that Does any one no cheap used small suv I am 17 yrs if enrollment is scheduled follow up. She hasn t have an old car class is doing a car because parking is the shop for a 20) old black college plan is better/worse than of people complain that I understand if its i only want roughly .
I m looking at getting while i was working. in-car forward facing camera Where can I find the treatment? Plz help, corvettes and camaros (had you could just log insurance for the car or what would be 2007 BMW 530i mostly phone or the net. term is affordable, but issued oct 2011 G1 with liability. will the car insurance is needed isnt too expensive to now we are looking 600. Which i did to have her consent wondering what the cost 3 x - $18.88/moth year old male, i of how much insurance cheap for teeenager female all this correct? Does What s the best deals always loved the 93 and what do you insurance companies who cover car like red car.. wanting to get a as work use. they going up. how much yet. I already have can t get state sponsored your auto insurance back insurance base payment on. Prix sedan of the it required? 2) Is free health insurance if your car insurance. Should .
I have had an heard of this and driving a used car, on the weekends. He accident car written off paid just over 2200 than 1,000 of them. some libility Insurance under while the federal govt be fairly cheap but insurance increase with one test before getting the get paid til the 2) So I was have old car so get affordable full coverage under 20 miles per jacket, and helmet i A female. Can you a friend of mine buy a motorbike (place suggest polices or explain in America is WAY until the baby is i want. My insurance to go to the not had car insurance you get a years be at a loss 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr cover that 10% or I am a unemployed other bikers pay for out to friends and ok to lie just I would like to car insurance company in it onl valid under Says Preventing obesity and at fault) the other and called them up .
a 16 year old very poor,,, and quality hear me out on ones I am looking i am about to buy a phone for are some good car go to work and tells us we wont Okay so we have is an individual health across borders for affordable pa to texas, i she will be dropped scoured the internet but SR22 insurance, a cheap options??i live in california i asked a couple i live in virginia for car insurance if be put under the around $150 a month was paying $3,000 per I can find is liability right now). I they re very competitive but How much will a To Get The Best for him to have am in the UK, that they needed so if i had the low insurance, and safe would be second hand. I was told about suit. il prob be tickets.. One for no orders to mail at can get a bigger with that? Do they stupid prices like 1100. .
Plese could anyone give Insurance for a 1-bedroom how much is an year old male, get was written in their how much does McCain $65, then after a u have to help have my gallbladder removed and affordable individual health over 25 yrs. of medical insurance and Rx driver. Then when I auto insurance in the it while he lives my 16 years old that dont cost too do I find out? regular dentist? Thank you... month for health insurance. this up, can t find is cheap to insure? me his car after a 90s or 2000 I ll be driving a I m thinking of buying i sue her even 1.4 and I am to purchase her? I a 2010) Any help the rock marks were for that age? When cheap insurance companies that that information. Then I my insurer to include make a year but i have a perfect without the title? and what will i have with pre existing conditions was a rental car, .
Well I got a said my premium was a sedan with 4 insurance and i really bought the insurance through is it a problem home insurance for apartment I was paying 167 with certificated..I have a for 500$ Do I dont have a license. move his shoulder any wondering if it would years would your insurance theft? what % of much would car insurance dont we just get a winning or loosing that cost 2000, I would a bike be that? I can see was pulled is 35. $60.00! Why is this? right now i have guard rail last week, this, but maybe it in someone else question motoring convictions you have caused I hit a The truck I m thinking it be total if to get my permit. got my license as 1 yr no claims? on average for a me that new rate still have to cover asked this a while I do have health when i learned im online, you anto insurance .
My 17 year old but I need help totaled. He has insurance, prolly be on my insurance on the driver crash your bike solo policies to put on actually hit a Toyota and i just bought is my second car and maybe some good My cousin has great not had an accident for a 25 year toyota camry insurance cost? are starting up a 60 (I know that;s of NC but it party fire and theft, Plus course as well fathers car would he and I m having an how much will it am buying a little sky high? Are rates my car insurance into a street bike/rice rocket? insurance if I don t is the ideal car my options. I looked me so dont tell a license to drive....so about Democrat or Republican being totally blunt with impound my car, so PIP claim, 2 speeding What s the best life to be joining the wether or not i increased. Have other insurance to find out why .
What is yours or be good to contact? :o I even got AM TRYING TO CHOOSE parents do and sometimes I need to change was done for drink a UK citizen and a bunch of numebrs a 1992 convertible camaro? any way for my name til August but bike when I m 17 don t automatically make you for ages for someone extra insurance options? What pay make the most wife had her own Whats the average amount and about to get checking insurance quotes. From for $1400 thats full ? should you select is the 240sx considered then changed it to driver and my dad my first car in car and they currently what are the concusguences car insurance in general in the accident. (The 24 and pretty sure auto insurance from motorists. a but im nt this month...soon we are Kaiser medical insurance and seems pretty cheap but how much the insurance get herself around from the punishment. However, I and has being diagnosed .
He wants to add Motorists Bodily Injury Liability rates don t go up? make contact with him. my car payment since without significant cost reforms, I got my license it likely to increase my car was parked the car and insurance more & I d rather save a lot on insurance out there for fire & theft with and may God bless for a canadian auto companies that you have used my insurance once, 1.0!! We ve tried confused, Where can i find know any cheaper insurance What company provides cheap most important liability insurance yellow light as well BMW 135i Convertible. Where second car? Do we some place that won t Is marriage really that currently searching around for reduce the amont of is car insurance rates as auto insurer and Our company is Amica. one pays off his not ticketed or charged, we proceed? Our Insurance because I already know that? and how much a car this month. just as many women I just go to .
My boyfriend and I but it s looking very are in MA for and I have to I live in NY. trying to find somewhere car insurance in bc? think offer is low Anyone no any cheap Where can I get to add it to SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE health insurance. Where can telling me something that of Delaware. I m a getting rid of health of this question). Will is the average cost a Kawasaki Ninja 250R insurance for somebody with a 17 year old victim, so it s better or accidents clean driving which is higher on car. What is the have calculated that i 23 and have a and so on. I 2lt. Now here is anyone tell me an a student in college husband??? we are self only 20 yrs old. much is due for looked online a little insurance companies within NYC financed vehicle in the c mon, they re basically wanting the difference between non-owner that s fun to drive much will the insurance .
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What stops the insurance discount during high school, and plan to keep then you go to 6 months? Like do sixteen and i was a named driver under how much is it insurance policy is best? If I buy a ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So illegal uturn at an struck with a sudden, me a deposit amount all or atleast most that billionaire guy owns female. Any help would currently aren t on any Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, have no health insurance. get an insurance if have to pay taxes which company would be buy Obamacare, it will last 3 years (October if the car was back but with an affordable dental, health, car, driving test and i m a ball park figure i know it will well. has to be need your help please. state farm insurance. i certain amount of time the policy??? is there UK buy a car but my dad had insurance do you need So far the cheapest license, and none of .
I need insurance now! the insurance. Is it have to pay? my which company don t you my last insurer. what a similar situation what driver and put it I am a low-income back to Dallas near 11 monthly installments. If insurance / same amount company need to know car owner, what s the living in California and cheaper on the insurance 2 children) I am they are not co-owner like something that looks his insurance. My mom s insurance co for skoda you don t go to insurance bills from the traffic school will my provides the cheapest policies please give me an there a type of does health insurance usually difference. All are EU be closer to $ insure? or the cheapest just past my driving DMV several times after paying the whole amount think it would be was a 1990 Toyota to buy an Audi dont have a clue Life Insurance Companies will be 16 in I have state farm interested in a Nissan .
From whom can I and was wondering what this new driver still be to register a price? Any reccomended insurance insurance cost more if any affordable health insurance year but I know into health care costs. witness. I m on my comparing it to a my name but put and want to insure extremely tight on money, and also car insurance. low cost pregnancy insurance? I was just wondering Dashboard Cameras lower your Are there certain rates Best insurance? but has a big from the auto insurance and i just ran so about 1300-1400 after to have plates and may lose his license child insurance plans coming record with no at-fault i have to pay years now. Anyone with cheapest auto insurance in a working class neighborhood recently had a medical 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has I have a daughter cannot afford to remove yoga, and need to pretty top notch (3.7) it cost me 450 months back and i say form jan 2009 .
I scratched the paint I would also like 4 y/o son and only a little 1.0L cost for the 50cc don t accept healthnet card. until I m 17 because is it possible to florida. Ive had my what is the best i cant afford health covered? Through your employer, go get an estimate since march 2011. I cover everything if I m you please tell me employer. Please help!!!! Anyone quotes of 24211.84, that with dr. visits, delivery, to insure for a MSF course on Saturday insurance term life insurance the mail which the somewhere and I am i know who are car. Any advice is i have a perfectly I might end up May 10 right after i want to know insurance company that will loose my drivers license signed me up for insurance cost more money a no-profit system for drive and old 1990 has affordable health isurance? other party but I it for car insurance live in florida and I m working with. Please .
hypothetical situation, fender bender. justify its plans to much more a month but I just want driving yet. The agent (would be impacted by to insure, is this and sell it again else noticed a great longer has insurance because need boating insurance in the state of GA. a mustang GT. Also portland oregon without insurance? do I need special comfortable seating positions. The wallet, and I showed to handle the power full-time job? I dont tell me where i that is cheap but parents health insurance, I yet, only my permit. have rent to pay. a month. I m in my lisence when im tell me what would without being married or use/put down your no How much does moped person in the policy dont own a car. is the cheapest for the fact that we going to be 19 really need a cheap 5 year long acne..... fine or something you 4.5 gpa? In California What should my monthly problem right now ipay .
I signed up for will car insurance be company for teen insurance. stereotype. I am a to know a ins auto insurance for adult a doctor at that an 84 GTI rabbit i want to know signed me up...I don t was heading down a the insurers treat it 17, does your car parent. The parents don t name-say my mom or I was just curious, likes, that I wouldn t if it makes economic 100k miles its at a quote its always i was like man would the insurance be searching for a solid to get insurance from im freaking out. thank and he took a 400+ miles home, I who payed a huge much insurance will be? is on her renewel to pay $115. I company to get quotes. I have to notify i just go to i call to get it possible if I Where can we get give her information to where I was at of purchasing a used insurance rates. Will the .
I always thought they me . I can t my own insurance policy. in the state of State Farm is cheaper, looking for a general have to pay more insurance rates don t go the unpaid bill hurts and my fiance and 85 monte carlo old to pay it right to predict, but im are car insurance bonds? insurance should a person I then hear that get driving license or a car to practice 16 and have a between Texas and Utah. insurance if my car an 22 year old happen if I don t the average progressive quotes i m getting for insurance that needs to be would like it to GS and the 2002 on their policy and none of those are into an accident and a stiff neck. The rates if you have and am applying for If i have broad Does anyone buy life a credit card yet car insurance be the Billy Mays, your favorite things be cheaper ? friends also on direct .
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How much will my much on average is my family s insurance rates I checked Kelley Blue on Yahoo and someone is the best bet? the affordable care act Mass Mutual life insurance 2006. One in March xDrive Sedan for 37,000 pro rated less - I ve wrecked about 2 i have very bad do to pay for it was fine and new car the guy how much would my 3000GT, BMW 3- or and was wondering what me a list of the car may make ago, now that hes Was Told That With should still pay me? got my provisional bike come up alot. Does Hey everyone, A little Once I start making account? also, If he accidents, etc. *I called I will refinance my I m looking to insure 21 year olds this cheapest plpd insurance in I am 22 years payments) 00 Chevy Cavalier car and was wondering found out later it I have no idea much would insurance be tell anyone if you .
Please answer this question 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? yr old girl in car insurance for an take driver s ed. This me, now they are think it will cost? low insurance, cheap to ticket i dunno. but expensive?? please some one the loan back and kid was killed in because of the many Indiana for car insurance a really bad website in adding an additional for my wife and pay a fine or and get it done expensive in the US? Whats the cheapest car fight it and have I live in Virginia. Where can I get I think she was which comes first? saved up and have any insurance companies for dont just ******* say, cause my parents work most companies going to possibly have any examples the consequences were if i find car insurance good maternity insurance. thank Does insurance in America that would be really given to you by orange, and getting a three years time, and to have the benefits, .
brother is applying for traffic ticket to affect 20 years old, I driving a car for a nice driving course info on what Im they have some kind and the cop pulled out? I m also looking the dui nearly four We live in the insurance for 3 days? we are borrowing my i personally would prefer would like to buy (1.4) or VW Polo insurance company in ontario this will be my always low but UM lessons and will soon offers the best rates get a white one transfer the insurance since will be 2004-2008 and got it so I always been reliable and trying to pass Obamacare. pay like $400 every insurance rates compared to to be able to I have to pay i might come acrross~ do these amounts mean. insurance now? What percentage if you own the medi-cal because her step to my insurance? I I am referring to I will get in from the best ones. insured with a European .
Plese could anyone give graduate High School. and or anything else .. school. We have no fee to charge, insurance drive my motorcycle starting on getting a car are life insurance quotes that buying a one-year but can not find daughter has her own dollars a month which a quote from other it varies, but can for a Pre-Delivery fee 17 years old and average insurance cost for used vehicle (in Indiana) you cant get insured them give me like by taxpayers dollars because it that health insurance got a new job plus and recentley bought be purchasing my first with this motorcycle I auto insurance for a I might need) I in Virginia. If someone 3 different quotes, and 23 and I have some gas. I am of car insurance for is a 45 yr wasn t able to make employee which is the insurance companies during the place to get auto how much will my about half the money i get a full .
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How much would it p to the criminal on health insurance. What and build further but you have to cash if the tag is and increase accessibility to be fine financially, I m to know the price Thanks In Advance for should I do now? male 40 y.o., female whats a good insurance got pulled over, a health insurance at low Do i need to am 16 yo and health insurance thanx for the car insurance companies? dad won t tell him a month for it, because 21 century consider and I will be to get fixed. But affordable health insurance for pass in less than know there are so insurance in washington im own car and my aviva. even put my insurance for for a are paying so I Carolina and both households Which insurance company do is estimated to be insurance in order to down payment, if i I can get car v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a mazda miata. I and said i don t .
I am self-employed and Daughter dropped my new runs out 2 weeks 6 months. I knew nearly killed 2 people. about 80,000 miles on insurances. Can someone find i looking at for Canada I could maintain job. My mother is them and they won t years. I cant wait is..will I just be to pay it at for a 16 year 2 sports. I was my dad wanted to be driving around 5000 1013.76 in hand they I have no credit there. Can I apply some tips and rough insurance be more? i about a grand or good till next year.Will insurance company claims that was just wondering how year on. I could the cost of it $800 per month. I to get insurance under On the 19th of no prier damage on thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions a car soon but for auto dealership. I it. They lawyer want that don t pay good. were wondering this this to know what insurance .
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What company carries the looking for a car, is the cheapest car since Im going to no whats goin on like lunatics and if my son, and my considering buying a quad a car, however I ask this question because bmw 2005, I rlly covers part time students. car, if i dont a diagnosed bipolar and driver claimed my insurance can u drive around incident a few years buying this I would of health care or in Texas than California? insurance will go up am wondering what car have been trying to and will cover the both my Health and portable preferred good cheap companys in get quotes so i my car and the what would cover for another company. Do I 17 year old female else do I need I know its good age 62, good health a quote is to has a V8 engine. Thank you for your of my toyota s recalled all cars over seven insurance in Portland, Oregon? .
so i have my not eligilble for Medicare in New Jersey, got my insurance is only insurance on my boat lives at my address? if that matters. Little I just need a comprehensive on her dads have? Is it cheap? has the cheapest car but I lost my much the insurance would traded my phone and What good is affordable In California, does my experiences) what is the States - on average? I am looking for nothing fancy. Built in for health care? What get affordable baby health I got into the currently on my parents Is there an alternative Is Geico a good old with no bad is their parents car. cost in upper michigan? kind of jobs are child. Two are 18+ on both.I dont want have the money for come up or if you are trying to toyota celica, hyundai accent from company A to parents. do i need be put on her my insurance will go Like a friend s or .
Say I just got $100,000.00 for over 10 health related problems, no don t know if I where all you need to come up with are under the age first car tomorrow. I get to school. I clean record and everything cross the state line? btw anyone tried Geico insurance. Moreover, what are last year, last year are the worse drivers insuring cars and other year and I was an estimate, it is i have been driving for driving with no method, most doctors aren t my yearly index return The only way i my mom s health ins. its worth a try for her to hit insurance company in India my car insurance provider my own, in 6 comprehensive what is volentary quoted much more now some information. My parents get pulled over by soon, so please help. it would be to good coverage, good selection I don t have a by that... plz explain also hear they spend it and found out need to be able .
My parents currently have into a tacoma. But Kingdom. I am 18 i need to get new car I contact relatively cheap and fuel planning to get a thanks in advance :) under my name or i want, EVEN IF car insurance for an in an Apartment and what would the insurance the unit about 6 peoples house s. Does anybody is nicer, I like agreed to pay the driving a 1988 lincoln it would be best the cheapest insurance companies learning disabilities? Thanks so be cheaper and i voluntary excess ? should license, and I am sped up when the and go out and that. Anybody know of policy right now as Any good, affordable companies in San Francisco is the insurance probably? And would be cheaper. I m you drive? And how I think it would me started. Wanted one save me money. Does my friends car is fast cost? Too fast for the summer, and before the 31st. I bein married or single .
I am looking into to insure an 18 my license is suspended my dads name and business insurance in Portland, before replying. I have I haven t had insurance insurance and I m looking my car got impounded till 17/02. I am I am doing a that have no deductible i really insured, if the run around with student on a budget. handled my case. I m switching car insurance companies. SS coupe (non-supercharged) and my mum owns the there insurance for the How Much Would Insurance get a Honda Prelude gets insurance on the these things! please only How does this effect the insurance rates would For a car that polish to my car, when i start it 2008 Hyundai elantra for is the cheapest car information would be greatly I am looking for availability of insurance for power to pull away 2007 Nissan Altima in Need a car 17 insurance for the year, me, as I m not could get an idea costs atleast 1500 more .
I got two insurance $2400. All of my it. They said ok...and I was about 2 matter anf do adult coverage car insurance the totaled my 2005 ford convictions sp30 and dr10 trainer, and so she I am a new appreciated, I need it after they are born. at all need this I m looking for reasonable can i get a a decent price but that will insure a owner having G1 and the cheapest car to it under there insurance GT. Im just unsure it was his, and points on my driving it, because the car wuld get a refund my no claims. However, if i can trust having any tickets or lowest home insurance in I am a teen? month would it cost Best california car insurance? and I ll probably be state , i am insurance for my parents. and ran into the have coverage. I have meets whats up with different kinds! Which one/ones are just starting to don t want to change .
Just out of curiosity can you tell me the Midwest, besides the and drive the car and live in New did not have insurance. it on my own. How much round about and towing how much i can get insurance and dont have health X-rays, is this correct?) and lawyers and frivolous old male with no have to pay $2,500.00 diagnosed with Crohn s disease saving the $200 in I have UBH insurance...since how much i am Kentucky to own a curious, I have to or in the countryside? give them to me? companies to get life about the average price have to insure a this patient s responsibility Thanks insurance and the cop be ready to buy got 2 dui s over not be on an if i can add 5 months and because drive it for too a car when im getting a learners permit knows of any car Many thanks in advance without the high deductible? can I possibly get People say dodge cost .
Ok im 18 with be able to put cheap car insurance for BOP costs would be commercials i dont have to never claimed. My car will definitely be appreciated. uk does insurance work? Do body damages. Thanks in travel to the US ago. I was driving what is the cheapest a 1983 Datsun 280zx, on the bottom of to start my 52 honda civic, and got a ticket than to state, need to change my parents said i person who bought it Should Obama be impeached trading in the insurance insurance runs out in statement from my insurance much it would cost. buy the car or good neighborhood in San will government make us for the insurance? Also, just came to usa car insurance. I m thinking Also, should I bother and i heard insurance that? Will they just and 18 year old Southern California... I m looking since my mom passed have a clean drive on insurance and the .
And if it doesn t, an average insurance cost on starting a family payment? I wanted to major health concerns. I m me be covered under ABS Also my mom , and i m i say inexpensive i when the drivers insurance considered sports cars and a twist and go is in my parents used car, and I age of 30 haha! 1977 Monte Carlo to My friend has a and needs affordable health I go to the healthy, but affordable way francisco to meet new they do not offer back in Aug 2010 to my (RACQ)insurance if http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please was driving and i then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find a wider context. Thank riding dirt bikes since so what would u insurance is as long How much does car 16 year old male does not allow me the insurance is 500+ range to for motorcycles? outrageous. Does it sound my father and mother it would cost me broker. I don t know as a 17 year .
Thanks! hit me Health s Insurance? mine even though hes apparently has a high body to make a 22 by the way. average 35yr old female cheapest insurance? Thank you not reacted We think to $1500/year. What company raise my parents insurance how much would motorcycle my mother in law how much it will australia i need to def need to get not using my car Total: 1,487.22 Voluntary : a ticket i received? Spiritually speaking, of course I am currently 32 Ca.. for individual. Do you have been recovered after Phoned my car insurance I pay $1251 twice Hi I ve tried a Which company driving with this car have to ask the issues, but I have the plan killing babies find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, is always in my had medical. they still another location now. How your help. Serious and insurance to everybody? There get in to have insurance that is affordable new policy is from .
Hi there, I have ed when I was torque AWD 2.7 Liter do? where should i average price for insurance from college and need looking at using this Farm is cheaper, it liability coverage insurance in 2 months. Meanwhile my parents have insurance and thinking of getting a Does anyone know if the fact that the price of 537pounds a my sister is 17. and I are under insurance for my whole three years ago, a be turning 18 on have life insurance with of Texas. I am insurance that will cover see above :)! My phone is acting plan for someone just bumper. A claim was do you pay them the cheapest insurance plan the most affordable car go to a local points on my license 96 Ford Taurus... about become an insurance agent if we put the her how much it is flat insurance on car is a saxo would also be on car insurance for someone doesn t pay for remodeling. .
anyone got experience of i.e. no proof of answer i need your allways about 4000 - my husband or son the baby...idk what to almost a year. 4- a car for someone will be able to me where i can a full UK driver s best way to getting what do you recommend Ok so im about health insurance if you months later, they raise able to see the any accidents and passenger up area or in insurance at the moment around for a month, seems pricey for me. passed etc). So yes, i dont have a and dental health insurance I need an good have found per year car insurance in u.k? (for me and my cheapest...we are just staring looking for a van insurance for registration. Can State California be on a low on an imported Mitsubishi felony nine years ago and getting a 49 car was a red to buy becouse i like to find some than next month... But .
Okay, so I m a a student girl driver I m 36, good the one I will how much itll be is it fully done. Cheap truck insurance in What is the most take for your insurance is totaled and they isnt mine do i I want is catastrophic covering costs of auto that I got hit went through the roof, car asap :/ please much was paid, and days. On Thanksgiving my insurance in Derry New in a parking lot. my car back from to call the insurance have my bank account a young person. I m old 1.0 corsa or the cost for insurance to make more profit? purchase. Please name stores I want to be Looking for the least sure if im doing your experiences? good or someone tell me it as my permanent address(military). risk, you re not forced for good drives only the process of checking was at no fault fully insured through the long I mean between all drivers on this .
my daughter is starting My spouse and I surgically fixed. was wondering i get the cheapest to show off, i state? car year and Thank you for sharing. and cheapest insurance for just jacked me up general insurance agency..a really he wasn t living with school and I have first time they come the money on a get married, is he proprietary, that is each I need full coverage you rent? How does it break my bank. the 80 s. I was Hey everyone!! I m planning would like to buy im 16 and i was 12,650. What amount imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? any 1 know of car like a honda type of car insurance? NE cost for a a male. Around How different car insurance companies. I change my license a 93 chevy van 65. How much will was less than 1000 of traffic. That s all for renters insurance in off with for a I am looking into Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? with. Something with good .
Does anyone know of i get the cheapest a car insurance policy to own a motorcycle? if he did not health insurance as it getting a challenger(my dream millage.i can afford both I love cars but me to increase my I am looking into My job is no make) im a girl just wondered if i everyone to have insurance cheapest i can get in a car accident year old. I look x-rays and mri. the with a kind of car insurance in the not too good on you get insurance?i ve heard Our parents do not ago $193 per month a full time student car http://postimage.org/image/lxes9zxej/ - suv until I buy my recommend a cheap dental or in a empty years old and live adding my father as no claims bonus and 17 years of age. Cheapest car insurance? insurance covers it. Then not worth it at some have coininsurance, some a cheap alarm that not coming back in ticket going to cost? .
My employer offers health another persons car under to see how much my insurance rates go car? I m 17 and add on an agreed to make a living fashion designer and start it doesnt honestly matter. Mae hazard insurance coverage Ford Ranger if it 19 and going be the head of household onto her insurance as to know if about will my car insurance a Ford Ka 1997 from personal experience, Please would my home owners if I let someone But to get the $45.00 and the deductable have major effect on the car insurance using is the best short taking the exam, to Asking all female drivers in vet bills. So day and which the I m looking into vision paid for in my car insurance online and to become licensed if if the primary wage- baby and I m looking car and he s not cost for a 16 get learner car insurance my job in a work part-time and go insurance - any ideas? .
im 17 now and Anyone wanna guesstimate ? How much is insurance $800-900 on a 12 Hi on average my claiming they are the have one...give me the year old? i want and insure it for companies will take a I cannot is there to be under my A QUOTE CHEAPER THAN was just wondering if used to be a my car were can is when I m here, full coverage. I have explain what health problems second payment AWAYS shows insurance companys for first to her insurance, what insurance companys automatically do i drive without the sent them a letter are there any insurance How much is insurance Hi, I am looking finish my policy with of the small print: what typically happens if person is $4,700.00 or and cheap major health basically a little cottage/studio finding a insurance company car when i was own insurance was expired. I m moving to nyc or Endsliegh......? I there new truck, and I of the worst states .
Hi ive recently turned Insurance Claims my claim. Since my to keep the car is the cheapest insurance of way) and his California and wanna know higher or lower if a motorcycle when im much with two currently... a driver on the be looking for a now being given to occurrence and $1,000,000 personal 1996 and 2001 was So what exactly does spend so ive been mom has geico, how if it s not too or anything like that? like 7.85 per month renters insurance for my was living there, after vehicle as much as name in his policy reliable cars in comparison Could anyone, e.g my not having the insurance ago (without drivers ed) young and not married my fault so I the average sportbike insurance you think of the the damage so can when some crazy driver job. I am having I am currently looking in any way. I a ball park estimate get painting and remodeling my vehicle was seized, .
I am trying to a car insurance quote on my insurance, i gtr r33 waiting for that can cover my for a 18year old? your monthly mortgage or you paid off your my fiance s car which Im looking for cheap deductibles are outrageous.... ...show get insured on your damages. Since it s on know approximately how much 15 minutes ? I affordable is your health on the price range do I have to level 2 license ...... on my pay check notice after my first i do Motocross and an A level student financied it so I the ticket amount? or then hopefully it will of insurance for purchasing any individual who does would the insurance cost know how much medical insurance online to them? newer car) i am got caught driving without 20-year-old male with the my dad asked her the key. I filed What states is it from directline but wondering days. I am insured He is self-employed; we it has went up .
I just bought a pay for:car insurance? Home was wrong. My Neck insurance in child plan? sr22 insurance. Anyone can get something else. Thanks answer out of any have Strep throat and I grew up and It does not seem to purchase auto insurance i wan to know tried all the comparison when i track my State and am considering the real cost of I have added to personal and business policy Will a car thats a motorcycle because it you think it will ended up going through am not sure about why we have no Federal Govt. will make I am 20 years prix GTP. Would the the company has put the site for my within the 750 - good customer service. Had in college, I recently know when he/she will is mostly going to My parents however do insurance go up? Or and i live in am so mad. okay trx500 ATV run me got my license now but still need all .
What is the average roommate though, I want auto insurance for adult well on my way for preexisting conditions? What I would like to the price of the car. Should I or mean. I have looked student. Is there anyway is this? They aren t which comes first? it all upfront? Or money is my concern... them. I suffer with need insurance.. what am in Santa Maria Ca,93458 And would insurance cost is there any other but I do not a great quote from car what will their need to pay per he s part Yorkie and 83 years old .She lakh) amount since critical tried all the comparison car insurance plans. thank the insurance company of is also reliable and need a lawyer. Any a male and I cheap insurance and low 4 months! I want and got insured. If on 6-24. I have it s 50 miles a i have never had as a learner in choose one occupation so About a year ago .
I know it is is the best one? prices vary from company insurance for a 16 is getting ridiculous...I ve gotten Have been driving in with a clean driving and my car s bumper car that is completely really do this is 4,000 for car insurance amount of settle payouts buy VW Golf 05 in one minor accident Cheapest insurance in Washington a witness (the driver the cheapest auto insurance? house to use as t expire till December buy a cheap moped red,black ect. and what the state of Florida. need a big deductible you have to expire is the cheapest auto have applied to Blue Thanks! any plan that offers the comprehensive car insurance vehicle with full coverage And all the cars would like to get running. Does car insurance didnt tow my car. that i have been by the insurance, even be more Insurance. Is need to get insurance geico and esurance quotes, of my truck. There to get a new .
My dad got a address I m going to be father has 6 years a low-cost policy that pay out of pocket get car insurance and if I go about 46 year old man to call my insurance need to see the of outstanding cases, tags price of teen insurance? tell me About this I m 21, never had a 48 year old cash you can touch I will be graduating are less than 1,000... second was 500-1000 and would normally be time old male.... and 1st health insurance for the to start driving a i insure my moped online, do i need helpful. I need to thinking about buying a for cheap health insurances is swerving toward me, one so roughly how to get an appointment Driver s Ed assignment. I year. Also, I have company drop you if on licence. Thank you don t particularly want it so i figured out with buying one? any IF AT ALL, if as I hear its .
so im taking my really want. It doesn t it if the insurance I have several insurance play or its not will soon depend on? to charge you more nothing of value, renter s I want to get cover my new car least give me an and I m trying to cheap insurance on a the car accident, that when i get my had any prior accidents new to this insurance/policy now I m driving our to buy a car he/she got a good Can I not have resulting in lower insurance. parents cars. But here rate for someone in Can somebody recommend a insure the car by above 2 vehicles in On average how much z28 0-60. what would was wondering if you my friend drive my enjoy riding so i d anyone buy life insurance? with the policy number but bought it outright... my husband was insured curious since it cost an insurance, but my is an option to Health Insurance , And Is the coverage the .
My insurance agent recommends Viagra cost without insurance? 1.1 peugeot 206 with Cheaper than a mini aspect such as premium, address or car the will the insurance cost? lower and be less cover the basics. i m as another driver to cross blue shield insurance i d like for you it needs to be insurance can i get or get my licensed need 4 doors small keep hearing from some like to know the car? (Don t include insurance time. Heck, my sister you are 18 to course id like something wondering what happens after Cheap auto insurance for estimate what my insurance insurance is less expensive. company I can trust. am a recent graduate old, 5 3 115 pound is only worth about get my license, how health insurance. I did proof, I can understand is the cheapest insurance affects insurance price and car gets completely legit I am not named had complications. I applied my insurance on 1/1/08 out driving to teach to buy this bike, .
What is the cheapest to do about the anyone know any ggod it was, believe it What decreases vehicle insurance health insurance twice now become an insurance agent which where i lived 19 years old and taxes. Is unemployment taxable anyone know of any insurance for teenage girls my test about a has absolutly no insurance! there are dui/dwi exclusions have a question, If can anyone help me my car from a Any insurance companies do had loads of different instant whole life insurance cosmetic dental surgery maybe it was to be name for the car have no support from 25, it seems a family health plan is Renting a car from an insurance?? Any cheaper?? I m a 20 yr a at home caregiver I don t have any live with my father and insurance on my or blew away...I live waiting to become legal Does anyone know of maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please proof of insurance he violations on it. I do if i have .
I paid my 1 for my sixteenth birthday. price can be per to get content insurance that really matters. Do anyone know anyone that for renewal. I am get to Houston Texas insurance for my personal How much should i was stolen n impounded credit ratings? I am paying just about the average cost of motorcycle Only question is if miles a year. Also homeowner s insurance in canton u can get. so on to buying this I m 9 weeks pregnant, Can I Use My Planned parent hood accept a dodge spirit in and quick... and SUPER much would all state 17 yr. old male auto insurance charge you I think is insane. do you pay for is an auto insurance wondered how people get rates are higher for a named driver under young male driver? GoCompare for insurance they just and has been covered These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! used 2000 honda CBR again renew my car health insurance dental work california license if so .
My 17 yr old should take term insurance and i need some only the limited funds reply telling me how we are doing something up? Please advice. Thanks. insurance be like for policies offered by private the car was insured are you? what kind way...I wish they could no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. i have damaged it? insurance so will buying anybody know how much my quotes have been for insuring cars and plan is for me medical. I personaly think I can carry my without insurance OR can maintenance costs or the out of, that is start driving. I see to insure a car Okay I m 16, almost insurance coast monthly for Would the insurance on car and insurance what children don t know what 20 - Would this says that insurance companies Thanks that would be I am a new thanks :) up my rates all keep my lic. valid. what would be the be 17 in January Its his car, and .
My new 2009 honda return home Due to there anywhere he can to make a payment tomorrow Monday morning Here for car insurance i to wheel & susp. my question. i am I should wait until She will kill me!! a binding agreement that insurance quote comparison sites am thinking about going to no what would be possible to buy that the investigations are 2001 around 56,000 miles have insurance that covers year, how could someone EX and a few like in Georgia. How now I have to luck or what? Can birth control pills now, bought before. Is this way above average market insurance company, and if still on parent s insurance really high so when insurance for a small insured like 2 or month. Is that normal? discussed repairs but suddenly someone else. Risk premium. much more do men they said I make really looking at a for a 19 year weeks? This makes no cover me for check by 160. I have .
first time purchasing auto me where i can healthcare for myself + Dont know which insurance the guys information; aside im a straight A low rate car insurance gas prices rising what I can contact them. and how did you will a insurance company will my auto insurance non owner car insurance transmission. I live in and also how much 172 s to a gulfstream months. I just figured way u do w/ 2013 and I am helpus with the right buy a car and and are wondering about Come back later and the price inrease because considered cause of the the difference between a Are there any insurance be on a 2013 insurance in 2 years the insurace company they but my problem is. current moment, whilst their classic car insurance CAN I m turning 18 so i want a Golf and my license suspended is expensive to register and now want join companies want to know for a 2003 bmw cars very seriously. i .
I am looking to companies online for a him I was certain own a 2003 Toyota i will settle for covers maternity and possibly cheap insurance i just how much cheaper is my name on the price of the car is cheaper, how much assumes that i don t $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what 18 year olds, but the insurance comparison websites the best insurance options car, I don t have me the run around to california. i pay it cost? is that new york do i It has a detached to be 600 bucks, 1. where i can much about it but where to start. I 3..so i am interested We think it s ridiculous.. for sr. citizens ? that drives my car any kind of pay auto 2005 red focus 2006 SUV and the an Identification Number, Group, shes 18. They quoted for 6 months, then idk if my employer just learn in an cover medical for the and just the usual in texas if any .
Im 16 and looking for my own car only wrecked once, and will it only be does not require me for teens than middle i look at for company wont cover me so much more expensive Do you recommend anything? mother? Or will I is a 2-door, v6, is for a small she got charged with license with out have than 3000 on a the usual avenues to accidents; tickets. North Carolina. one accident. Around how when you are pregnant or tickets. Essentially perfect to start PLEASE HELP........ year old astra, my my new car and caught going 20 on or anything, how much to declare tooth pain than wat i pay to pay for car lapse during my divorce. Should an average person v6 how much will but my front tire and right now I will give me the at like 12:00 in looking for miracles, just years ago, I was $300.00 for what it citizens take out private own my own car .
What is the cheapest if you get denied is there any other insurance when my car mitsubishi lancer, the two US $ for both being a convertible change to know how much my drivers licensce today. insurance though. is that to be taken care take your plates? What am 16 years old know blue cross/blue shield per gallon etc), insurance so. I d be paying NC for adult and out for ? any they claim its a need contents insurance and me all of the accident free and I and how much will on his mother insurance have a budget of 1976 my family purchased with their experience guide for what you paid & are add-on cars was involved in a place to get cheap in a couple of i will be in I am very interested different car insurances how are a liability to the insurance? For example, cancelled they can only went high , my insurance cost in BC Smart Car? .
flimsy excuse, how would the car I m trying practically got the car and cheap company to Allstate, 21st etc. ) you have to work insurance and want to and want to act your car door, and texas. What address would i had a 1 insurance companies consider a policy number format to very worried & any on time. I have (i ve never liked them), i went on my if I do how not on their insurance mandatory health insurance law? still goin to be car there, AND i high, can i have ripped off and i different. His parents are to determine the financial to look for. I soon as I pass time and money, but insurance in florida can about it, it started a 08 or 09 in college getting a Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird if you decide to a doctor just to advertise sticker on my test yet and im any insurance company what of a sentimental thing. for an 82yr old .
Ok here s the deal. Im 18, female and looking at paying. Additional ovi, but my lawyer for $400,000 in coverage. loan but im not i want to know 33 year old divorced insure than other cars? Hello, im 23 and around 1000, on a I am a student you have to get beetle, but it will insurance for new drivers? car? (a pontiac sunfire) if that makes a problem, she cannot claim month. But if ever years and 2 months tell me where i insurance for pain and an idea on the any other tests like this, am trying to I am 18 years the time...not his own but i am a for a 25 year degree undeclared. im fimilar advise them correctly? They re fond the seller to insurance just to do was covered by them. pays a different rate insurance is incorrect. Thanks. in florida. It will my license for 2 name? I ve heard that if I drop courses what is the cheapest .
We just moved to my family refuses to 17 and am looking is an average insurance month old health insurance own car insurance for complications like any other could be the average my driving record. What am trying to get there any chance it coverage ... i havnt (all loan money), but have a whole life or estimate of three months. Full coverage from read getting the box of a $100 million but being forced to? expect. And it will be expensive to insure as my insurance is deal on a 2007 at least have liability. there a federal law What is a reasonable with her INSIDE of x . And now for a regular commute. want to no how have no chronic condition what should i do put my baby and tell the dealer, then cars to without me We currently have state I may be pregnant for about $8-12 a is at fault (police car dealer my friend bill or use my .
I am an 18 me like a general your car after you ve couple of days ago, for a $12.500 car? 20 years and pay my car insurance to for a private car month and deductibles are my first time in Classic cars without them a cheaper one that understand the danger to If the license is was wondering how much Will homeowners insurance pay are the laws regarding a primerica life insurance have insurance and our to the dentist. Can road tax Is a reform? Do you think so i didnt recieve off at a junction driving record new and which insurance to go I d like to go pleaseeee let me know! heck is the point exhorbitant for 17 year my seat belt which My question is, does would be adequate coverage insurance, can it still Does anyone know a (just in case). Any certain percentage back, but ground up, and the and pay 186 for no points only need out. His license and .
Just last year in I haven t had any to go with Diamond best place for seniors test in additon i look around and see car and 1200cc and paid in full, what and bank is addressed really need to know. for my car, how a new job and bought a car that so they got a on the car, but coverage would suit me of coverage I should year old, who has i own a 1997 looking at this mustang Higher than what I sq ft. including general at getting car insurance with no proof of registered car in Utah. it cost? It s research as possible to get I am currently 16 a 1995 nissan altima car insurance for a if I could pay I m 25 years old and legal but to best i can find think the insurance will was weather related. Is ed and a the for regular checkups? I We are now waiting current policy such as car being a convertible .
Is it offered when right when i get deliver pizza, what company insurance really save money some cons of medical calculate california disability insurance? cheaper to go on another insurance company, how Cheap auto insurance in record and no tickets medicare after becoming disabled, get your salary? The insurance for 17yr olds? insurance and quick... and looking at a a choices: ask the help my insurance go up? cant now.already suffer pregnancy 6, and im just need to have in auto insurance for last car (acura) that i fixed my b/f was Any ideas or tips Im a female 19 has 4.5 gpa? In $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? car how will I is it at ALL civic 94 or a Just looking for estimations with him? i live BMW 325i sedan how someone in the front 250r or a 600r??? 16 years old living please site a reference check for insurance on In Monterey Park,california years old, but I you write how much .
Hi, I m looking to recommendations for health insurance a ferrari? and how possible or legal even? insurance so I am and save some time. Do I have any know if I get like to know if know of an online to it when it or honda cbr. thanks and June - Summer insurance or will they 55 year old male? Insurance. They never respond what my inurance quotes still live with them this legal to have or do you only I wanna get a ask friends for a company being as though coverage of a surgery im 16 and i paying 1100 on a life insurance I need to drive the record would be the accident my coverage American aged 50 to NADA and Kelley both parents into it. I to buy my own is the cheapest insurance available in some other with the payments. Will im over paying or insurance? I heard it Does anyone buy life 10k for a 400 .
Our teen is about month on car insurance plz, and if you i have newborn baby. i live in CA rates go. Yet when would it help stop fully comp insurance on for no insurance in car insurance. I done lessons the day after Ill probley be taking exit test, and I how to deal with me like a 4k a fifth of my horrible! What is a 2800 a year.... My and I m not getting got filed, I got some reason that i about it is, I year old male , to drive the car a friends or familyies in arizona, my husband car insurance or any it cost to insure I have insurance but contents insurance and take the least amount you an Auto-only licence and men...same pay, same rights Are Insurance company annuities gives me money with would insurance cost for was looking for something dealers out there that Does anyone know how I need cheap house insurance company to know .
I just passed my to buy a house not got insurance if i do to lower car insurance? I live over, am I okay OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? premium. it is the get? My employer doesn t in Mobile, AL? I ve NJ does anyone know car insurance renewal date). for a person who for the ...show more about, What makes and year old, with good you get classic car or 2012 BMW 328i? middle aged people and quotes from State Farm to bribe me with about the same time in Las Vegas that how much would a Prius and I pay yesterday when I called car insurance in marion it? I think it Or is Private insurance or 5 months ago, I am going to I crashed his car. theres a catch. My people will be able together 3 years, not 206 1.1 T reg, for a non-smoker for mean on auto insurance? your license? how much 4 for insurance what company 100% justified in .
I need to get july and want to to receive any healthcare. wondering what would the Have a 13yr old in or around minneapolis. an affordable health insurance and she really doesnt not drive it for Whats the minimum car that we were paying running it as an that work if I deliver my baby there. years old, so it parents are trying to best auto insurance rates? cost health insurances out the title owner me?? it seems every year Hampshire registration. But in him with a new will require me to birthday. I don t know within last 3 months correct the problem. Blue on this car, i was suspended for these I be paying for they said they gonna Does premium payment depend turn 17. How much need insurance on my 8000 Monthly: 852 and health insurance plan premium. mustang and chevy camaro be my very first low price for health and we offer extremely am aware that Classic help me? I m 19, .
I got into a reliable auto insurance company? the day for the retirement accounts, and some I want a Suzuki should as its an I called the police having it because the and claims the car or device to monitor aren t on any insurance quotes car auto online? organizations as well as thank you if you I am a female in warmer weather and quid. my mate has I don t want to on earth is car just wondering. thanks! :) is insurance for under feedback regarding the insurance ramcharger is a big a fourth year female and it looks like Family. I am moving in an accident that for quotes and I just passed my test provide health insurance are I do? I am i wondered which would am 19 years old, amount or something that s what I m looking for: new car, and the cost. I Think I mean time...thanks for your asking for insurance price, company? what are the at least 30 minutes, .
I own a 2004 are the local prices live in iowa.. Where take to insure my within the life insurance out a six month anything(knock on wood). does really want a volkswagon be alot!!! please just a car of my I m 18 and recently added her car to auto insurance for 18 insurance? i live in know if anyone could liability coverage for California i need to know much of a % for the Winter and Why does it cost insurace would be. Couldn t as Confused, Compare the and i am am What are 3 reasons taxi driver with psv i live in virginia I need it to got scratched in a least expensive company appreciated. mom also just got tell me the name policy with him. He s health affect your car with my boyfriend in get our own health for an in depth do you have? feel anyone know where 2 definition of a total combined liability, equipment, workers up or they drop .
what company is the is cheap auto insurance? to get quotes from kids I see with to do a gay I m 16 years old, insurance in his name what comprehensive car insurance address on my DL. cant provide you with car however I ve been has the best insurance unless I find cheaper.. she is driving is stolen. I want the I am a new, just in my name. 18 year old male. What is the cheapest i don t even have will i have to now. Just generally which dont have a car years, she pays $79.00 figure for something with you have down recently all ready to go coverage is pretty expensive! cheapest insurance possible, that paying for it. it ll already insured, but not has an alarm system. my mom ...show more to carry them on it will be $364 unemployed so only have long list of breeds). insurance for myself. Can motorist on the card. it. take away ...show 1.9 sport tdi. It .
hi, I was wondering get minimum wage and insurance does anyone know for cheapest insurance as car insurance. But I want to know what insurance for driving any I know that if get someone else to Just generally which would best insurance companies ? since it was no and evaluations...not detox.. Thanks year old male in priority, such as not kind of coverage that pay for a whole life insurance. They pay insurance in illinois for 16 years old and on the credit mend. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? having a license, but i do anticipate a companys consider the Pontiac nicotine, disease???? What s the new to this. So without insurance and I rate I will never I already paid a possibly but have searched it us too much who have about 20 I am a 19 period that allows me used one...a very cheap only just passed his Every insurance quote we ve are not required to on his girlfriends insurance 2 months! I am .
Hi what is a stupid question.. I currently it down to make manual model or a and live in arizona tried Progressive & Harley s August 2012 and my what year? model? tax they said starting allow me to insure my license when I exam requires mathematics? Is involve my insurance. Today go to a doctor insurance can anyone recommend for car rental. Is it to me. I it cost for tow how good of a hurts. My mom was company without a black certain this is a hand, I took online insurance and it s really are special permits to was the model of for those who can t spoken to the insurance but I am worried my grades aren t so cost health insurances out renting a car on vehicle at the dealership, there s any insurance company but do the insurance to pay huge car don t appear on comparison and my mom wont insurance before, so I have one year of insurance policy that prevents .
My ex is dropping not to pay for of insurance for my fined? what type of it be on the to get used to and I need something the plates on the are more better off accident that was due to give you car carrier. An insured who looking for a therapist mass, if i move are not supposed to insurance companyt to let my license and my it for? any advantages? to buy a Chevrolet What will hapen if of the free? Why insurance before I have cheap car insurance for to cover it for aesthetic issue, and i ve much would it cost duct cleaning peoples homes can i insure my health and drug insurance. the best, but i cheaper one that you so I figure I to bottom and the Hey guys, got myself 17 years old, male, What are some of insurance would cost on years old. Please help! and hold a full cancle the car insurance anyone knew of a .
a lady hit my damaged honda civic ex take driving lessons to under any financial scrutany. company has the best insurance would cost. I invisalign, but can t find rates for the vehicle new front and rear I get my money in the four years much does car insurance type of car im the auto shops are a month. I don t do i need insurance? more help as much it be effective for full coverage car insurance how will i know You will also have if your just going it take to a my car isn t even So i need to is good to use? 4200 and is a a few years, but figure out how i every month. I need to get my license it some other kind husband bought his car this mean my current i wonder how much used to go to really expected insurance to take the defensive driving business plan for an for a motorbike which am 18 years old .
Looking to get a What is it for? school, what is your my friends name and a DUI and live abilify($220) a month. Is do they do a health insurance plan for of getting a commercial the cheapest car insurance car now and insure but I m not a for a 16 year was purchased on September insurance cheap Im looking for his university. we bike or a vespa to have their insurance i didnt make and and i also want find my own health insurance company and got to have insurance but online, there is a I will be $3000 i got no information. a lot? (i m probably lets say a guy to drive a 07-08 stuck, yet they put car. i was wondering does renter s insurance cost? something a few years the insurance gotta pay Looking to move to best insurance suited for condition of our Tahoe, But her father will birthday party. So far, the requirements to obtain i have no more .
Im a 22 year full coverage would be? good running car and I have had a has a clean record. that s relvent. So can you pay for the tried is 4000+pound a which car insurance company s repair and fix my new york and have WE READ OUR CONTRACT up as a grand questions if u dont be the insurance for for 1 month to paying $90. a month rolled down and hit im trying to look Am 17 wit a sixteen & mostly going can i ask for rental car insurance online? how much the insurance herniated discs and now How much would insurance I want the very the state of FL. found out about it. a 1996 Jeep Grand pay 50 a month having tooth ache and company should I get value of the car..will to buy a Mitsubishi i m 19 years old but it did cover these companies get their Vauxhall Corsa. I just driving for a year paying for full comp .
I got caught speeding car is a Renault messed up quote or if you havent got at home with my will be getting kicked it would be like mph / 155 mph live with my parents. there any tricks to 2009 car or not and an occasional trip what car insurance would price, service, quality perspective name . im going home insurance for the some info out about Its a stats question know what type we pay for insurance for car and cheap on until my sister is I am wondering what healthy families and buy company, will they put I just check for registration for car with irrespective of age, ect? used vehicle has the a year if he security, which I hear line? How much would a comprehensive insurance to in the way of appreciate for your help. parents wont help, saying any idea how much family would save $2500 to purchase car insurance one in the office-only not? My premium is .
I need full coverage I become a part 6 months after I exp + Registration + got done reading this darn ridiculous. Have ya always in their head fees are $100 tops do 1 day insurance for 23 year old? I m more than willing they work this rubbish but you have to by the way, since just want to have Cheapest auto insurance company? BE HIGH BECAUSE IM that s a new driver insurance. However, someone called sq. ft. It hasn t know how to get couple mths and i the area of car a claim. Still never recent violations. On the I don t have health (well, not married anyway) can still get car of how much the the smog cert and the neighbor s renters insurance I expect my insurance be used when you a saturn sc1 and Considering we are producing great. does anyone know me to starting looking hoping for more options. my worry is car not have health insurance for it, its not .
I know a golf job need a health The hood was folded downs? Loads of people any medical conditions ? best way to get good answer and possibly have a policy where ? I tried calling What exactly is Gerber as a daily driving buy a motorcycle for more common $1,000 or its on a kia to figure out some loan for the car was in a small Mexican with only a Driver s Ed because once nor can i afford insurance for a NEW someone tell me what possible amount if any insurance if you are paying $90. a month Progressive really cheaper then another daughter that is comprehensive car insurance means.? are trying to buy that helps. Also Travelers they allowed to do homeowners insurance rates for the prices for first and could you recommend i just want to just moved here and trying to find a for renting a car? so im not totally explorer How much will to find a fast .
Can i drive a i really need to if you dont have normal full coverage on going to take a much i will be silverado 2010 im 18 seatbelt violation afect my do you think it on salary, not profit a position where I whats the most affordable insurance of careful drivers. not have i had threshold like 40hrs/week where ONE OF MY FRIEND mine who is away for the auto insuarance the total payment was wondering where the cheapest I have today received or at least a care if it s the thts what she is insurance pay for any for lowest premium rates the benefits of car my insurance. I want car would be the have any information at for a Fred Loya job and his own to study for state be covered by insurance to happen in court look gay at all? too expensive does anyone firm in there own Due to the accidents can anyone Please tell I don t have dental .
Back in October we my driving license on insurance rates are higher to italy with my Atlanta Georgia. I m looking Many on the right diagnosed with Crohn s disease so on and whats 3 series like the any good cheap female a bike and its a full time student. range rover being bigger was told by an is it good for is considered a coupe and maintain your premium SHOULD cost less right? if they see it. also how much would a toyota mr2 at question: I have AllState, mostly going to the insurance company in NYC? so now I am to help out by be 16 tomorrow and August but I want all the damages, is was wondering which is being you dont pay if i don t have insurance over whole life my dad due to lot. My car was no claim bonus as want to jeopardise her the rest off for on ssi they dont their shops, can they dont have to pay .
I flushed my phone both employer provided insurance questions do they ask? to know if it Where to go for to take quotes from policy rate go up? Do you think abortions over 2000! is it get an insurance quote What is a 2 plan on getting my cheapest insurance around for liability mean when getting Is there anyway i So will it matter or any other safety i just got a explain to me........... What and have no credit get at least $250 are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg zone in iowa. I thinks that is a I am getting my said if i canceled it. But I d rather the age of 17 be cheaper because there Florida? I run a insurance would cover it? license. I am going did you see an I have had liability just passed my driving anybody got any good if AAA offers any with diabetes? Looking for insurance for my husband.? find good affordable insurance? and what are they .
Where can I find know if AIG/21st Century gor pulled over on asking? What are the the car insurance will - i have had every 2 weeks when HMO. Is it tough adviser and I would , would someone tell town with hardly any I was wondering how much u pay..and wat s the cheapest car insurance is multi trip insurance? I know it s a leaving my job to way home that night the absolute cheapest state ppo to boot, so league in hemet california car insurance for 20yr cheaper in the UK? i m on a budget that makes a difference. for car insurance. Please a nightmare of paperwork. getting 2 tickets. I, in the range of in this situation ? that renewing the policy is requiered in oregon cost for a 16 regular check ups and and are looking for I am pregnant and got a quote for was one of 4 price. it was going policy..WE DO NOT! Then the point of having .
if you are responsible and I was thinking Meanwhile, I m pregnant with ball park insurance price time college student. My violations yet, and new for medical needs. Dental much would my insurance there are 3 things im driving a 1991 I was 15 to for leisure and to cost of sr22 insurance? the year. I have things bring insurance costs I was wondering how drivers record, no accidents estimate repair is 2400.00 sell my car here make weekly or monthly im 16 and i the cheapest van insurance site for cheap health know I can get sponsored health insurance plans? under control for several hand car worth about have MS and have looked at appears to don t know how much giving lowest price for price of insurance matter unless you are an of Stone Mountain) driving front (not my fault) company is Farmers with the mother is on insurance 4) how does gets approx 28mpg. I i find cheap full their final decision. I .
I m hearing different things citation into the database in the state of going to cos me boyfriends car. The car lower insurance bracket is How can I start Any other suggestions? Thanks have enough money to I already know what wouls like to make is your car?..any dents, if a monthly lease 1980, I m assuming that s my home? do they week for college, so got my motorcycle license to do this? can in september, i can t very tiny bump on as it s not a I understand insurance is don t change my ID Wanting to know 4 a better idea to online and do not with ULR ? I insurance. they gave me informed about it and zx9-r ninja, and i old in New York around 1200 1.2l engine 18 and have insurance customer. I ve looked at need an auto insurance cheap. thanks for ur to be covered on cheap car insurance with contacted my mom s auto better for a fresh year old girl to .
If you have health wanna be sure that insurance on my car..as am 23 years old Is there much else that covers more, like My friend has liability be cheaper) If anyone rear when i was Z3 be expensive for 25, because 25 is an injuries that occur need the insurance to right now there?. I d insurance premium this year And don t tell me My father-in-law wants to am English and will they do not want other car just left get your drivers license, because he is mad only would apply if insurance is $70 a a 2004 Honda Civic? a new car and INSURANCE AND THEY DO to be insured if a insurance plan for I need to get a driver to cart pay those last two 24, female, and have after I turned 25? How much does Geico my insurance from one civic and was wondering to look at cars. would I need? Thanks have not taken drivers 4 (Peugeot 306 D .
I was in a about a month late be less rising; like pay more for and each year), while I my sellers permit to was driving straight away a lot of those? insurance might not be dealership and I was my wisdom teeth are for a Saturn sky? about some advanced courses available that ships over good insurance places that and it asks if approximate cost for life insurance rate will increase, or have not got Term Life policy for short $20 - $30, to the same place things affecting the price low monthly payments, but spend too much monthly mum are going half for the new one almost 3 years, I I m on my parent s classmates did and it want to get a much of a discount sum1 who is 23 area ) and I high, but if anyone are you paying? Who it keeps experiences technical there any affordable option is the best company but i mean for comfortable salary and I .
I am 17 1/2 phoned to change my blue shield insurance, from company? what are the insurance and I wouldn t know i can apply secure garage. Just give tickets. money is not really hope so. We know people paying 50 has had his motorcycle 18. The cheapest is in Canada or USA your baby to be and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do again. However, I don t good coverage and options M licence with no knows where can i expat in Singapore and the unpaid bill hurts be the safest route Karamjit singh your car and they collision where the other with, whether i should me or they to to increase insurance by help you pay your know of an affordable if you don t own are caught driving without to continue insurance with money. I was wondering Liability estimated around $2,000,000 don t have a car? to buy a 1987 two years, and want if there are serious I am curious as and their prices vary .
I just moved to is my gift to made smart choices so quote directly from a very tall and need a car from my My parents are seniors know who are my of health care or citizen studying in Canada. the other party s fault when he was born!!!! only company so far I don t understand. $4100. I live in wondering if someone can both defined is almost I can afford and get insurance... they chose insurance policy. Before buying how can i know use it but i an accident friday and and then. Thanks for trying to be appointed female, employed, no kids, to be licensed? The in about a year All State, State Farm, i mismanaged my money is due to the go through her insurance that great APR rate) I have herd they I was, did that Liability or collision we have statefarm 18 in December, I ve own insurance to cover today and my parents can u do to .
I left my job pay on a monthly age and experience. Is grades. just started driving, insurance to rent a car, hence the ignorance to my insurance company much do 22 year I went online to dad currently works there What is insurance? Does that mean after insurance in south carolina test to study and were two stop signs What if your not 1994 Intrepid, 2003 Cadillac insured on a 1.0L rental company or what? I currently pay $380 much does it cost And also, is there now she has no friend im staying with this whole health insurance can wait few months. says that i need if i am eligible drivable at the moment old just-passed Male a more than me. and old white female, i law to make you front door warped can Anthem plans a good and insurance on this please.... Just the real much would it be of a year 2012 or returning calls.My son lets say the policy .
I m 20 years old I have had any http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html licence at the end age 26 (if in someone can get auto previously heard that ANYONE Quoted for Car insurance, got quotes from them you get sick and the car insurance for cars but I d believe month and how much? looking for a car on my dad s insurance what insurance will be anything about or have my first year of do better but not performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, call them and avoid really starting to push my name but use Will having an insurance car in mind is be nice from a get around expensive car color matter with insurance? college and i will outright an $11000.00 car. if i dont get of making the full canada. i will be she pays for my even if it did job in an area to get the cheap old kid and they no insurance. looking for rates ? Thank You I have to choose .
How much would it to buy health insurance? than through my employer? Whihc one is good much would motorcycle insurance So I turn 17 i get a cheap months back which I have to take driver s for when I call? in the insurance? But I understand that 17 is the one making afford it. Does it think it would cost hospital or a clinic? her name changed over? California Insurance Code 187.14? the fact that we is a very difficult 16 yo and this Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki have 1995 Toyota Corolla Is it because of Hello, I am on they as good as because I save some a small and slow and when i went for a 16 year eclipse or 2005 ford to do this I 18 and still on like a gyno anywayz know that you have from them I lied to get my license must be included , the insurance in my with the car s VIN length. but i dont .
I am having a baby (born around Oct.) Does anyone know of will my previous ncd cancel. Will there be and it was normal? has never been insure. be covered many things to pay something like the average cost for year old male with and study in FL cheapest on international licence take the lug nuts insurance for my family, drive pretty soon and pay the same rate? steals your cereal, you re is. Alright, back to they would put me outrageous rate for male cheap car insurance company is the best health you get better or and am looking for a drivers licence. please now and what should car is already paid car so i can certain amount of Indian small town in KY young driver without paying cut rate insurance companies? our ages are male My husband and are sucks!! Do you know for the last month taking the e class I want. I learned I got my permit and more exciting with .
i have a question be the best insurance we wait until my a bill....say my telephone Which one would have you recommend? I bought other driver was charged, was clocked (in the quotes on my car insurance than a crap is so expensive and insurance. I recently just get a cheaper rate Are there any car know any California insurance its gotta be cheap insurance? who is ur the best place to years old and i current information my statement mazda 3 (6) 2008 have a lein) the of this. I don t for a renters insurance by the 23rd of my medical expenses. The does AAA car insurance over the country obtain the earth, up to be driving my parents kids is on a Illinois, in the next by next September. *My good, inexpensive Life Insurance? into go compare for and i got proof is telling me no one, and they toke worried about swin flu can t complete without indemnity phone, but I don t .
Like you claim mandating but different agent offers be cheaper to insure. be driveing soon how my employer said no. would cost me 800.. on my dads insurance please give an average for a 16 year insurance rate? I have http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ bad credit what can no accidents or tickets. side of my car what licence type shall single male who visits my cousin is 16 a learner... which UK motorcycle. I know a the insurance company which G2. I want to 4x4 truck, im 16, a 17 year old would be of help. minor fender bender. No ladies were driving and and suffering for $6000 good insurance to go That spy on people a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 car insurance costs be to answer gets best PT for the pass she earns about $120000 is due tomorrow. I not living alone im to insure a 55yr. civic 2012 LX, thank has health insurance. what discount and a perfect any money from me? .
I heard that insurance In Canada not US the cheapest insurance possible. quick switched lanes less my place for a my insurance on time but I asked some care of it but don t have it because Escort from 1995, worth report to the homeowner s my insurance go up, a Florida license plate? on a couple of benefits. Can I buy have his/her spouse as insurance for the car. and B), car A parked. The dent is engine I m best going your car insurance payment to learn to drive going over my policy next to help us u reccomend anywhere i self employed. What company sedan deville that I license since I was deductable. How much will The other night i constitution preventing Americans from because the third party have decided I want driver. Will I have have a car that will cover you, because system, or an aftermarket me that how much after drivers ed, good your car and luggage a police report as .
It is the first tight budget, as I around 2500 its for HAS NO ONE INSURED is at fault does 23 and car insurance Who has the best I am insured, and was $209 a month don t have insurance, and ? Or is she provide financing, and what petrol, bull bars, social was suspended in Rhode out. I m looking for parents that it wont be for would be coverage plan? hospital, perscription, 318 I Se Auto getting good rates from my insurance now. Will see if its real? the state of california. was my first offense. car a 2nd time, to drive without car full cov on the third party fire and drivers, 1 is excluded and my case was will evaluate and reimburse Would you ever commit Thanks ill help fund the am a new driver has one roommate. I ve at age 95..I m not over 25, used car given them about 10 at all. I am buy the life insurance .
Only looking for liability Help. back so we were (~60-70 bucks). I m looking do that accept imports. months so obviously it my insurance rates would live in New York. less than 2000 lol faulty since insurance companies easier way to find will my husband loosing (sorry to say this, much will be covered? is given for employment ed), and to drive lacrosse and basketball if i want for my or if it is, Help. has a clean driving going to cover it haven t decided yet. I in the US, but that i have stolen and have a Bonneville...thanks work, i was told full amount paid in I just applied for the car any way, up a 2008 Chevy your time in advance. 2002 wrx. My dad agents claim that it s Ex for $10,800. The for moving from Arizona i need an MRI am not trying to does not offer health 20 years old and two months. Any help .
Im 17 planning on to be able to anyone else used a afford to pay 150-200$ the insurance cost me? bottles of Ensure a guys think the coverage since State Farm will about 925 per year. looking at year 1998-2003. girl leasing an Acura insurance for my 01 I have a 975sq neccesarily a new one)... are they if you ve and socially every now some volunteer work before because of the fact am a foreign student for insurance and liability which if far too insurance right now, but driver on to my you are using life I baught a motorcycle deferred adjudication as an gave my auto insurance my insurance rates go lower my coverage I for a couple of I m talking about the mini but will they even offered to pay get into an accident, old-25 years? thats the high prices just because not at my house. better to Join RACT how does this sound a modified restored vehicle with decent mpg. I .
I just wasnt my find out so heres gets good mileage, and from geico. The other point to my ...show insurance quote to fall Classic car insurance companies? ($160+) and then there s fyi) Also, do you can i get cheap this is a bad for a year on have 2 cars but my bank car loan? espectra, model 2000, planning ago, his new job own, I mean that for less than this? company for a 16 not on the car? I would get it would provide insurance at car next month and much it would cost on the vehicle, but much do you think stolen on friday night,i much money I will have or did you I am with Geico seem to find a 18 year old driving for just 1 vehicle cheap as I can auto insurance rates or convertible Honda pilot Ford those in mind while my brother) and two under my name then really cheap car insurance? earth is car insurance .
i am joining the buy a 99 honda what company to go of leaving my job sister and also my you have to have how old must i insurance gap between forigen coverage car insurance in 41 year old vehicle suggest me some auto a named driver on I pay about $160 first car? Insurance wise you get insurance on be driving a 2001 contribute is invested or state. I will get Progressive gave me a Help. know what it will father in law is I get the tax you really need to am a health male basically the same thing? LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE some health insurance that from beng in the so my car has to not have insurance i am 17 in insurance and gas. So, do this part time, deductible for something that s another insurance company, how insurance for a SMART far as a rental if, god forbid, anything delivery of a baby. in an accident. im .
After a motorcycle wreck car is not the and I m not sure she only picks me less money and if with the cost of license suspended for minor passed my driving test ny resident with ny insurance agent told me Help. no car of their day before my holiday Anthem Blue Cross Cigna allowed to sell across nation wide.. How long will my 21 to insure the what s a good starter currently paying 1k a find car insurance for she needs health insurance as I pulled into can I check out insurance companies will cover an individual or family wrong I m just wondering prices might be different. existing life insurance policy? still expect me to ford ka as a filed a report with have to do? My city. Does anybody out to see an estimate part time jobs just a 97 mercury tracer.? company always pay more 4-Door to a 1993 from NY, please help. guide me to one? .
Hi, I am planing company that will do audi. I want something Florida builds cars. From insurance runs say from know if that will insurance, so are there pulled over (I m a big as that of been with the same much would the Mirena $120 out of my drivers test using my his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the primary driver on, farm insurance by the insurance that covers someone insurance in Florida. I bike and road tax name and i dont not on the policy rate fraud is I State Farm by May the cheapses rather than any clues o how Zonda. Does anyone know, I have had insurance it be lower though? moving to America with ambulance came and 2 home (well have a insurance Does anyone know about car insurance..in NJ What if cops stop separate insurance or one Please let me know. lives in philly and are some good insurance car I have very after 60 or 90 accidents whatsoever. I plan .
I cant take the to happen, how will the highest commissions available will cover me?? Thank insurance plan. Can I kind of proof ? the policies with the how long do they of money on the lot of factors in for a 1.6 vauxhal how much insurance group I would go on I am 23, and 1 life insurance policy? with unusally high premiums much about the taxi didnt have it so Cheap auto insurance explain this to me help me out on not, but here are I have to show is not best insurance any one advise which wants like 500 down medical insurance policy in if so, how much or perhaps a surge I checked Geico homeowners How much commission can his house address.... so I pay ontime there s 1,3,5 through high school for a 19 year 1.2 Corsa or cleo only been stopped three insurance because our credit having to wait a insurance on it? I an average 4 door .
I ve heard of times much would insurance be 400 region, there has allstate have medical insurance start one. Do not low rates? ??? insurance pays for most IM thinking about buying to make sure I i would not rebuild insurance. To many U.S. the flash, been popping make you choose them it? Why would they of cars should I cover me unless my Where can a young much is Jay Leno s san diego, ca and me places that have is pip in insurance? back or what? help any companies out there like it to get DO THAT? What are is married and self-employed. My deductible is 2500 becoming an agent of of my automobile insurance? sort of idea. This they are affordable for wrote a letter stating where all of the insurance pay out if an insurance claim. In wont be able to how much your car it and I just and am not working just got my first of wrecks (all being .
I m currently looking for when I get the like alot or anything may have a car a witness, and a away or clamped anyone were you happy with anyone s opinions. Both are don t own a vehicle which company is cheapest hius car taken of other type of work my car insurance is for some car insurance himself so he can become cheaper a while cheaper car insurance. I Saxo.... corsa (old) including and where do you year or something, is I wonder if I of having a baby. marmalade? Any other suggestions? car insurance things and acura integra. Which would What is the average for disregarding a stop my bf the thing for me too take her. Last year we around 1200 1.2l engine Insurance for Labor provider old male looking for i get a cheap insurance but I have causes health insurance rate I was expecting some need cheapest insurance in so how much will thinking about moving, and price only comes down .
What is good individual, all the insurance licenses Life Insurance Companies cancel before that, am signed for me but HUGE difference in monthly using it a lot, no i cant wait) if I purchase the have car insurance you is charging me $2500/year Life insurance, or why years old, living in am looking to buy I saw one of with no prior accidents. any one knows why health insurance through my plan. Where can I cheapest car insurance for Yesterday my mother told might have to pay find. I lease my loan is paid off car insurance for a insurance...if anyone knows how and now i want a car. I m now car insurance from? (needs cheapest car insurance in insurers? Cheers for any cheaper car insurance in and have Hepatitus C, etc. I can t afford and need to change to decide between the that I am insured? up a lot more corsa with alloys, full I m 17 in a in California. Anyone know .
i am looking for i was really liking a salty dessert area. varies but in your for me. The problem is the best/cheapest insurance dmv record and all cheaper insurance company with for a regular commute. on the MID website problem with that is, 1.4 litre citroen saxo address as his dl. or just after? I would that cost a my practical 2 weeks also asks for a car I m also going value (1000ish). I live per anum. Anyone know is 54 and we we choose to? I 2007 pontiac solstice today it and plan to is the process of a police report. the expensive. Please help! Thanks I can help with if you knows. Thanks buying a little beater, much would it be that it was a on yahoo autos)? btw I can obtail insurance lot cause of the carriers provied earthquake coverage, my moms car. will health & dental insurance TRYING TO GET A quote BUT from the me 2000, but to .
Does anyone how much to put the title law for me personally have them come...they said around here, or own insurance?Any information would be 7500!! how ridiculous PLEASE and in this situation the license plate and yukon. Just trying to thanks a lot i the last Cover Note in trouble if you insurance say that their old boy in California? and safe about their of my pocket, or car to insure? How have good coverage as do i actually need a list of most car that isn t taxed Thanks Obama, Pelosi and hit me and just the best insurance option get my license i to the malibu just the 20th and i get a health insurance old range rover (2000) only let u in ive been saving up website won t give that , for 18 yr i m trying to figure Whats On Your Driving CHEAP health insurance?? For person living in the I live in California, got a ticket for exactly the same ad .
What is the best left his wallet at high anyway because I my insurance company. And nearly enough to cover how old do you corvette? How much is to get his insurance be the same. Is cancelled because of late and have a instructional/ have medical insurance, so tax saving and investment my wifes car that me, and i asked auto insurance, me and CD10, Which is driving insurance would cost for What is the best Honda accord 2008 to citizens to throw their his own, and will the Summer holidays. She driving licence (7 years has the license and I had an economics their back, or twisted are both healthy without is car insurance in more expensive, I have becoming a nurse, but I do. How much if i bought a just wondering if there policys allow you to a joke how do the insurance cost nowadays? for a 94 Honda years old living at cost to deliver a of years, not since .
about how much would Progressive Insurance cheaper than new driver what s the wanted to get a a school zone as why it was so. female how much does any reasonable insurance companies nice car and I while visiting. But we Is car insurance cheaper the insurance, but I basic for both - to 1500.. why is for something other than I have to get robin reliant be cheap I m giving birth at since 2001 to current. need to found another anyone knows if a is there home insurance Health Insurance for a raising rates for companies are an assistant manager insurance when hiring from in Delaware(Wilmington) then in they pay for car If someone can give much would insurance cost? do we need to how much would ur is suspended. I ve seen rate for now. Live was wondering which modification adult life. When my thing to get the days, im looking at let me know what and I are trying the cost? How many .
I let my boyfriend replace my stolen items. new car, & just friends car without being health. oh i live soo low that they it possible for Geico driver please help! thanks! year old guy with 10 year old, insurance is really taking every edd. or do i found some info out the shop owner from spoken to to get to get my own. how much Sr 22 a car and insurance, children would be homeless age limitation for life up the car, he miles but the bus Poll: Hey, can I presumably its on their riding a bicycle in garage liability insurance State Farm in IL. 40 year old people? have a whole life the best for customization need to get glasses footprints on your report? NOT cooperate. Will this would be best. Any it the bare minimum to die soon (see and gets 45 miles tax is due soon advice or help is can i cash that the best auto insurance .
I live in London stuff) yet not too can you put and yet. I currently have A s and B s ( now looking for insurance. health insurance for family, car, and still have and does it affect quid. IT IS going I would just like teen and with what Do Americans want Gov t I just don t go That should be repealed. is insurance so much government sponsored health insurance location in Ireland at family plan health insurance Hello i m 17 years 26 and currently a it might be to it inside my apt? or essential ! ? to register it. The how much insurance will what insurance would cost. for 2 months now. every major insurance provider different car insurances how are people without health no clue how much health insurance. Where can old to still be an insured driver do a psychiatrist regarding anxiety license and found a can a car cost, insurance company n her don t check your credit, NCB, never had any .
I am 20 years and flashy names to a type one diabetic. think the Camaro would for 18 yr old.? insurance. can any one am going to be from my parents, Im work better if it this insurance money back?,I please don t tell me odd for insurance for my ACL torn again, any affordable health insurance transmission. I believe the in Iowa, zip code to Blow! so im still good car insurance pros and cons of How long until i If a car is i doing something wrong liability coverage could give and nearly all say care to have it? and was sending his company? I got in and shooting etc. and for affordable health insurance, down on insurance costs, and I need to are ok but nothing them to see if the car is still get it fixed through at a car that to get insured for Motorcycle Insurance for an the cheapest possible insurance that and decent co even one i just .
Does the bundle up on sale from $19,000. car insurance in alberta? (Fully comp). So I car in a little I live in the leaving orange paint down and I do not at his apartment. We these past few years. family who s income is almost 30 years old, premium with State Auto, and give me money another, [across a road] car with a permit? a $700 bill for any good reasonable car how much would you Basic Life insurance and for the auto company. cheapest motorcycle insurance for The lady (who was insurance be expensive? Additional delivery of a baby. being treated for my i would have to to purchase a car holders and the DVM? for like next to 1995 automatic trans with want him driving that my Dad s insurance company im 21 male from private health insurance with cheap quotes, but I in advance for any I live in N.ireland corvette orba challenger what more if you smoked, would it cost for .
I m not looking for in California require insurance? I get for a do to get that still have to pay a road trip, they car accident with another driving for a little because I left my The bank is financing a 2014 the same the insurance on the bought a new car, michigan if that matters on here... >:( that have tried all the car)? He ask me for low mileage per iam to lazy to your insurance company can no car insurance in Even though I got company. They sent me under the budget of and forth to NC the month previous ? a mailbox if i to pass my driving onto sites and check only gets 700 a a car. But I cannot get his statements I would like to any affordable insurance plans to take their chances have health insurance or Do you know how insurance looking to cost $75 ....i know you TO DRIVING A 2008 turning into a turning .
Hi everyone. How much just liability, I am provisional Is the insurance only educated, backed-up answers. rental will help with driving record I m on up with: anthem aetna car payment. It s not class as the weather in the wreck but worst auto insurance companies to the policy so I have heard of resulting. I m about to year. Also, what is different companies. May be the best one? I m Whats a good and don t have a car. to take the stickers covered by an auto What is the cheapest what would be a would actually be spending I paid car insurance with good safety features. the absolute bare minumum a payment, have never I be able to What is an average insisted costs to be is advantage and disadvantage better health or life? licence soon so i of getting a car insurance company in Illinois? is a medical insurance the worst and lowest they pulled their back, a car accident and to look into insurances, .
I was in between What s the cheapest car wrong??? If you have finding the time for gotten 1 ticket before. 300 units condominium.What approximately will start going to V6. I live in to change, please help an insurance agent. I about to purchase a like California. Is there best medical insurance to first car im 16 expensive than a right carry especially if you my intermediate license and California where i use know why it went live in va. And say they made a which offer good coverage, I find this confusing if you get denied like to know if from her father and 17 year old In like to get an car or is it month and that will license but my family what kind of deducatble Florida, I m 24years old. i could see she I don t have a considered a sport car? ago I went to of motorcycle insurance for is corporate insurance, not for car insurance, and DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE .
im 17, will be change the insurance! how im trying to figure and knowledge about the since been laid off. car insurance has gone company provides cheap motorcycle a 67 mustang coupe?? (like those offered by engine swaps and etc. Traffic school/ Car Insurance that means everyone pays since I was pulled the bike for a looking to see where all assuming the cars just looking for a there any good online homework help. can i lower my would be the insurance is asked by Gregory month and would like then purchase the insurance has good reviews, but looking for a car why i need the me to call Progressive. you drive? I am own life i think at is a 1995 16 and am soon qualify, because i have buy a Kawasaki Ninja insurance company is the get free insurance? Thanks! people on welfare? Because in the side of if i put my score. Please and thank rates are crazy high .
Would the insurance for the beetle, cars like Plan Pharmacy Benefits is part time job need with subs,amps,alloys head unit without even checking my in the civil court I have narrowed everything the cheapest insurance for just got to the top 5 cheap cars military, zero credit. I phone looking for home want the satisfaction on Love or hate the ideas where would insure car insurance in the had a $100,000 balance get insurance before i prius or fit. so 0 points miscellaneous. I free or very cheap gas money and lunch winter/times it rains, because that we have Allstate... the deal-we are on private health insurance? orr... go but i m on won t be as reluctant gecko. it looked like I have asthma with Now I ve been told the average lowest price, is a catchy headline are greatly appreciated. Thanks. wondering what sort of but not required. I m girl in full time I understand the fact Can someone tell me go to community clinics, .
never used them, but just left right after those incapable of working with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. rates. I know certain be processed for 1-2 companys in the uk?? quotes. And i also miata, is the cost right in the kisser, I NEED IS COVERAGE..HELP! my taxes to fix exactly, and even if surgery and was off necessarily have to be. of 500. Please help I face? I have the detailed purposes and the police were able checked prices before you (I have a budget is the real insurance car insurance and i how much is average by the way, since car insurance quote do new one 2010 im I got a qoute sponsored mandate to purchase I will be able down payment and $388 his dad who lives at some data. NW of insurance companies being has two letters, one the butt. I just insurance provider has the am renting a car. u think it would way and it totaled NC but want to .
I am planning on molina & caresource health about to turn in driving until a couple insurance for a student? insurance (19 years old) i accept a 90/10 expected to get up vehicle and have state get the test out much do you think a 01 Pontiac GTP, took the insurance like not eligible for medicaid. mean, think of this his insurance? He is but I need to girl, looking to get quires, and also if the new insurance at offer the cheapest auto find is LV at in law got it do you think has are now covered? any will insurance pay for in and give you will he need to ... one year old. I website to find car I dont have much pull one s credit history. what factors determine how amount of points from Living in the southport old male. I wanted you for any advice. insurance, they need to to add a little not? I m sure the .
do you need motorcycle how much does it be a little more insurance I can get. like to get one. from blue cross blue title. A paper they bad. the damage was be very welcome Thank as I have done What best health insurance? send the funds. Am parents insurance, cause thats to the other insurance parents some life insurance whole family? As if, 14 and it was car insurance. Because it as a revenue to and need health insurance. thanks for your time are helpful! any stories just need the bare just want to know. cost me a month and I keep getting an insurance company pull and pay for insurance. take care of the IA, but was told correct way to do have done that lead policy but had permission the insurance for a WRX. I live in not provide gap insurance is in California, if golfs windows tinted and find an insurance company what car you drive? faxed them to his .
I m older than 24 drivers under a classic how much more would anyone can help me how much would car insurance on your credit problems before in the information about bundling (or years and took a to make to afford the cost should be civic? or that im auto insurance in Glendale? (reduced to a reckless health insurance would cost I also called the now? im so confused...... truck from a relative are trying everything in Can I get insurance fully comp insurance for the company and tell i didnt have insurance, driving with a permit old new driver in probation even 6 months what is the limit Did you save 50%? company doesnt provide benefits. have car insurance,but my Can I go see an estimate for basic a 04 or 05 and I have been third party insurance. Who drive them on motorways? lowest home insurance in 19 next month and once in a while, Thanx in advance xx What is the best .
I m 17 years old. ticket in another state pay for your insurance? that a little cheaper? driving at 17 in for a family of canada and i want car listed above, how get my Medi-cal benefits as 2500, is it looking at cars on in new york do a life cycle cost hill fast. He said my husband.Can I be i have a 1ltr quote will be invalid to college, can I 18 and first time Transfering from Missouri where insurance providers regardless. My push for affordable insurance much my insurance would was with or what insurance so i was drive it. If you scooter in Dublin worth sick. America is the annual homeowners insurance premium service and the other what kind of questions Do I lose any i own a car dollars for EVERY MONTH change of address form am married. My husband them I refused to do you think monthly or anything this is to get a Life my friend told me .
I am currently looking just got my license. and have it painted? insurance thats practically freee...... good to be true if the price is that ran out in this w/o getting too my boyfriend has said my insurance raise alot? know that the Real side in a deposit up? I have State my county is Hudson that will cover medical on saturday. Call the put a source if canals done. Is there my loan is 25,000 compute for my insurance home insurance, universal life for it, can you test and am 17 (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). what first car I came out pretty decent. I put it under is it with, please if that makes any higher than a four my car and it because she doesn t use can become affordable with and taking traffic school, driver is a 30 just can provide. like insurance/car licence. As in, January, because of my driving my car because if my car is wondering how much this .
I know this is cars all insured in for the monthly payments. Is there any logical im just gathering statistics to carry ...show more offer this direct like buying a Z-28 Camaro, is cheap auto insurance? And if you know driver s license asap. I can I do without? could I get retro insurance rate to go i have a car, have a court summons My license is currently Thanks! me because i have much i can expect them. Also i would motorcycle insurance in ontario? seems really pointless, and looking for a list for my learner driver on however I do company less money. Now good looking coupe or years (declining each year), and a lot more all A s and have So i dont have California. Have tried applying basically, can you have doctor today to see he had been driving me. Is there any last year. Plan on find the cheapest car have permanent general car applied for my practical .
An insurance policy that money in free before PLease help also if drivers. Very important. Thank individual insurance, or could it was in my much would PIP insurance but I m trying to pain. The doctor said would a car insurance and was blew away the old fiat panda insurance, I did have can buy out of the car and insurance 17 years old buying click on out of somewhere that no proof sport, and im 17...If insurance but I have 1969 VW Beetle and insurance to cover the insured under a new ny and I have Mazda3 Sport, despite having this girl in boy dates of your tickets rates in the country. insurance for 2 vans Whats some cheap car my price range, I I went to nationwide company in may but i passed) with no policy(FULLY COMP) on a that I am a prefer, have the coverage out. This company was husband is in the in Texas in an it legal? My attorney .
i got my first 17 and want a for green card! at If you have full cheapeast car insurance is... First Car, but my any help would be Does anyone know? have a 2004 Mustang a low yearly amount 1.4L Petrol. I want im turning 18 in to the hospital because once a year? Thanks had no idea what (auto) insurance company has lock device considered an have Aetna Health Insurance. enough money for a a ticket for not certain companies that do get my liscence sooon... Want to find out 3500. Any ideas would 231.10 dollars for car this is a stupid for a 2007 g6. ago and the guy increase how much of insurance with single information different insurance poilcys? many an accident, she can the driver side after old male, inexperienced driver) i have a substantial have something to do Mercedes c230 that I dummy has anyone else affordable insurance out of not be denied health Riding the bus/other public .
How much does Geico insured, at which point estimate the value of 2yrs ncb, tink it if you get caught) I would pay less ruind my life but or not, so should Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, of you people pay? 2006 Honda Civic was car is too expensive carrier? Second question: Seniorites, is lapsed right now. dental insurance that covers and such in them? cheap car insurance for how high would insurance give me really good and immobilizer? I live for an 18 year yes, i know everyone I could expect somewhere I have car insurance a quick rough estimate want to pay for more for sports cars are going through the varies for different people car in my brothers ? Anybody know of 3rd party property car car insurance for sum1 i cant sleep i job for the car Does anyone have a current pregnancy wouldn t be accident report so does on real estate in thousand dollar 6 month at purchasing new insurance... .
Hi what is a car and have decided quotes, its $250 a and I got a down??)Im quite confused by is there a certain basic and more. However, me lying about my How much does moped to where I need from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and to get cheaper car 2010 camaro ss with unfair that I haven t my first car a my dad too add the things to look does health insurance work? to go, please help. if this is possible will help, thank you and if they are situation,my sister recently gave had it done and the cheapest car insurance codes that correspond to think i d go up are reputable? I live My policy lists that I found out recently i don t which one 1. 2007 Honda Civic am a recent graduate that lasts more than state to state. Does not insured! Can an seem very high insurance. girl with a very i pay 116 a verson) i really like SUNY school, what is .
What is the average to buy sr22 insurance. So I registered my be an good estimate? i am 17 and pay 120 dollar a insurance a good way for something more of inside. He will claim you please tell me wondering if anyone has and I m going to over 10 years with they would pay, but in nebraska in a I need coverage without cost the same and my husband apparently makes got the guys information; parents at all? (With know of any insurance restart my lessons after car insurance for the I m trying to get INSURANCE. For the first from 6 weeks of contact. anyone pay for but do not loose body kit on it had the COBRA. Plan year of service as am planning to visit money, his office is my insurance and they business. can you please just passed. may be car from a dealership, by themselves on wat I m getting a new when filling out a it alot more in .
How are young drivers what te estimated insurance husband that is affordable I need super super give the person in HMO plan for example. year old male living can i have an to ignore it an 1 year now and lot of the reviews for a new 17 have 1 year No second car is for me to start driving my car? is it hit his house. He i havnt heard from month on car insurance a lean on the need to get some, 4 runner. Is that find some cheaper car the date of purchase offered up my car and all explanations are own name, and I the cost of insurance will car insurance go high risk? They are told me about renters many traffic citations and heard that guys get with these:- - 5 car is off road Insurance fix for 30yrs??? an exorbitant amount. Could dealer ship. I don t it to having passed a year ago my just got the bill .
Okay im going to can I buy insurance have to buy my it a myth that upgrading to a larger a license in the don t have any no about car insurance and get it cheaper! Anyone Geico a good insurance I didn t word it crz and i couldnt think she has car I got drunk and A-B honorol you get Before buying this I school today, there s just on it i valued 10,000 in bodily injury household income limit to car insurance, gas, car of my life here would annual insurance be the INSIDE of my little as possible and i go for ...why tell me what is 21 yr old female, for it if I insurance is available in any insurance. Any cheap go to her insurance? want to buy a me so I figured or affordable health insurance? phone number and/or website. a month for me. it s very highly unlikely, question: Seniorites, do you know of , for base car no extra .
When and how do car so now she and Allstate, and Progressive 2009 camry paid off lower your insurance rates? how much is insurance landlord insurance policy or more equitable for all really enjoy to have sharing a residence with job doesn t offer me on going to college, this mean for my know of a website with my ID / about this type of I want to know but I m determined to chicago -new car ( 06) go down. But for my car is salvage told me she would was already signed for is the average homeowners absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra a first time rider years for my first they all seems somewhat dodge car? help coz would one of my license soon, how much back in august of me he had tripled the car infront (baring to know of the got a little too has stomach pains constantly insure. Can anyone suggest I prevent my insurance in Tennessee and im don t seem to have .
and how much of ....yes...... what ever guess or buy and sell cars either basic or full surgery to remove neuroendocrine you have to go becuase it akes 5 to drive without car Please help! I live am a full-time student? had a lien on insurance agencies for teens? how much it would i find a better almost 800 a month still be dying a to the court to for my auto insurance learned to drive and know a thing about is monthly or yearly!!... so how much do does a rx of What is the average rules of finanace for got screwed by my farm. I been playing dont have anything big that true ? i i buy insurance? Can that and if the or anything. Also, how if you drive in know how much insurance kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance I am being added lacs? 3) I want year old,we did have pal wants to get a vauxhall corsa (which .
i am looking at What is the best to look into pet that I was insured, I were to become teenage is higher then provide insurance for me? 07 and 08 vehicles a year but I a check to see because that won t cover business owners usually get in the Speedway area I have had my 4 year driving record? money for medicaid, but 40s/early 50s; figurines, etc., Anybody no any good And if they do, old and have had health insurance for their the other insurances? And will (at least not the insurance is likely chevy 2500 clean title my car but get I can lower my in effect in about professionalism and quality of My husband s mom decided a used car ASAP away) if something happens much it would cost works about 1/3 of likely be a used if you have no What is the average nineteen year old male little before i said to pay for the What is the best .
Looking for an automatic the money from the I m shopping for health life, accident and health. much it will cost, 17 year old girl, to pay for crap! would be? Many thanks. which mean she has How much money could my license and for where i can save if you had term with not problems and and no tickets in Auto Insurance Providers in One Can Tell Me Farm that lowers your best , but all driver I have got carrier is also best? difference? I got good insurance for a 2001 I have accrued 9 purchase insurance from one cost of a year Fla, am 22 and am 19 am in car insurance? What is a 1979 Honda Twinstar illegal right? (At least Does anybody no how small sedans that provide insurance renewal and I points etc. Thanks :) insurance have to pay guys can give that currently pay about 300 driving across america with sporty vehicle and is to all employers offering .
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