sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Hello!! I love your writing 😍 Would it be okay if you wrote Karlach, Lae'zel and whomever you wish with a tiefling!Tav that loses both a horn and an eye during a battle and can't quite find balance in their fighting afterwards bc of it?
Reacting to Tav losing a horn/eye
[Hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, nb!reader, Tiefling!reader]
[Karlach, Laezel, Wyll, Halsin]
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She swears she can still hear it, your agonised scream, the splatter of blood, the crunch of bone being torn apart.
As if the world slowed down for a moment, an eerie quietness surrounding the battlefield for the uncomfortable stretched out seconds. Your companions turning to look at you, clutching your eye with your back hunched.
Dread filled her stomach, one of your horns laid on the bloody floor next to your feet.
She doesn't remember the rest. Only when she stood atop the burnt rubble of what used to be the battlefield, did the all-consuming rage fade away from her mind.
Karlach is immediately at your side after, apologising for not being there sooner.
She's by your side as you heal, making sure to bring you anything you might need. As your struggles to adjust to combat again in the aftermath become more and more evadint, she is one of the first people to suggest fully leaving combat to her.
Yes, you are capable. Yes, she has seen how strong you are. But sometimes life just doesn't go the way we plan it. You can relay on her instead.
You don't have to go back to the cruel world. You can let her take care of it. Karlach really can't afford losing you. She'd claw her way up the heavens and steal you away if your fate took a turn to the worse.
She completely disagrees with Karlach. This is nothing but a minor setback if anything. Laezel completely has faith in you to relearn how to find your balance, and she'll teach you if she has to.
As long as you can still stand on your feet and carry a sword, then you can fight in her eyes. She will give her sincere apologies for letting you down in battle and not doing something before enemeis got the chance to best you, but besides it, you'll get no pity from her.
Why is everyone acting as if you died? You're clearly still the same strong and capable person she knows. If anything, each scar is evidence of how your enemies' failure to put you down, you should show your broken horn with pride.
She has enough self awareness not to impose her views on you, no matter how much she thinks her companions are being dramatic and oversensitive, is she noticed you being fully uncomfortable with her approach she will take her leave from your bedside.
But you got fed up with people infantlising you, then she will be the first to 6pull you back into an intense daily training routine until you regain your footing.
While Karlach and Laezel were too busy arguing about your own fate, Wyll was there for you throughout every stage of healing. He knows what it's it like losing an eye. He can relate to the horror and dissociation that happens whenever you look at the mirror to see a piece of yourself missing.
He still hasn't gotten used to his own horns himself, and losing one of yours must have been painful to bear. He will stay by your side until you feel better, no pressure to discuss the future or your fighting abilities or anything.
Wyll will make sure you don't feel alone, that the dark thoughts don't consume you too much. Share you worries with him, let him help carry your burdens, please. It kills him seeing someone so dear to him suffer when he can't do anything or help.
His heart breaks, seeing you coming back to camp limbing and bloodied that day. He prays to Silvanus to ease your pain as he takes shift with Shadowheart to nurse you back to health with healing spells.
Nature can be so unforgiving sometimes, to some animals, losing an eye or horn can be a death sentence.
But he has seen even the most withered of plants suddenly flourish and regain their strength, he has personally stayed up countless nights to care for the weak kittens that their mother refused to even acknowledge.
He has seen them grow, nurtured them into a strong healthy state.
Don't surrendered to the darkness, when the abyss starts whispering about how this is your end and how your potential was wasted you yell at the abyss, bite, claw and fight your way out of this rut.
True strength lies in the heart, give yourself time to rest, and don't rush your healing. Eventually, you'll be back on your own two feet with a new view on the world before you can realise it.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
after reading your izuna tobi time travel rambles I can't help but think about them just crashing the middle of a council meeting 😭 everyone is shook, and absolutely flabbergasted and ngl they kind of just.. Want the two to stay? (Well, mostly Tobi's old subordinates/students because they feel partially sad and sentimental and OH MY GOD IS THAT FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TOBIRAMA?!?) And then the psycho Hashirama timeline is just amazinggg I can't stop thinking about it you're actually infecting my brain bro
(Cont. From this post for those without context)
Every other time Tobirama and Izuna enter a world where it's modern Konoha, they start taking bets about which one of them died there. Funny bit where Izuna says smthn about how there quote, "aren't nearly enough crazy nightmare trees and brainwashed people for you to have died here" (bc 9 times out of 10 in worlds where Tobirama dies Hashirama loses it to a spectacular degree that leaves a VERY visable mark on Konoha)
Actually, taking that thought, it could be fun if they got dropped into a seemingly normal Konoha only to find out that hey Tobirama did die in this one, but it seems to be the 1 out of 10 that Hashi was able to stay sane
Only nope!! Surprise attack!! He's just really really good at pretending to be normal and when they try to leave he plays his hand, lots of fire and explosions ensue and they just barley escape
Izuna and Tobirama are SO tired of people trying to force them to stay in places, theyve had Madara do it they've had Hashirama do it, maybe they even had alternate versions of eachother do it. They !! Want !! To go !! Home !!!!
Also you can't tell me that seeing a young version of them specifically would hit Madara/Hashi harder than any revived adult version could. They're lowkey the "idealized" versions of their brothers, still small and in need of being protected, not consumed with anger and burdened by the things they've done and seen in the war. They're silly little guys!! And they're slamming on ALL the "Oh god I need to protect my little brother" buttons, it's sooo bad
Anyways, them crashing into a council meeting after quite a few different rounds of dimension hopping. Meaning they really don't give a shit ab destroying anything bc they've already come to the conclusion that it's too late to be worrying ab any potential side effects of fucking with possible time lines.
They're immediatley diving across the table making grabby hands at their friendly ball of interdimensional light as it floats off, trying to go for it as soon as they land before it wanders off and they're left having to hunt for it.
I need you to picture these 2 kids just DIVING across a table of important clan people shouting smthn ab DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING LIGHT
They miss it and it dissapears through a wall rip
Maybe they end up slamming into it trying to catch it for comedy effect actually
Other than just sentimentality there's also definatley a tactical standpoint of trying to get them to stay
That's THE Senju Tobirama, second Hokage, white demon and inventor of a fuck ton of jutsus. And also Izuna, who is much less known here to his (by now used to it in these kinds of world) displeasure
All young and untrained and perfect for grooming into a loyal konoha shinobi, ready to grow into his prime by careful hands who knows exactly what he could become
How much more terrifying could he be, if trained specifically by someone who knows his talents, shown his own research to build off of and given all sorts of modern tools he never had before
And also Izuna is still there and he's so fucking sick of being underestimated rn guys what the fuck he's cool too
Anyways the second Tobirama and Izuna hear "hahaha maybe you should stay a little longer..." they're BOLTING
They've heard that song and dance like 20 times now they know the warning signs and you seem nice but they are NOT risking another 'secret yandere' situation again, goodbye.
Their only saving grace is that respect and sentimentality does win out here in letting them go without too much arguing, no matter how valuable they might be. Got lucky this time around, might not be so lucky the next
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
Hi, can I request averyjameson while avery is pregnant or when she gives birth? x
avery and jameson while avery is pregnant/giving birth head canons
of course! sorry this took so long. averyjameson are my everything. @xo-zozo did this too so i apologize if some hcs are similar to hers in any way. i apologize for any spelling mistakes, i'm too lazy to proof read this. hope you enjoy.
jameson would have an obsession with putting his hands on her belly to try to feel the baby kick. he'd come up behind avery, wrap his arms around her, and put his hands on her belly.
they wouldn't find out the gender of the baby until it's born. they wanted it to be a surprise.
although jameson and avery both decorated the nursery, jameson insisted on painting the walls himself even though he had no prior experience with painting. he was messing up so bad they had to get grayson to help (cause he paints)
avery's secretly afraid that she won't be a good mother bc of all of the work she has. she's afraid her child will start resenting her for not being more present. jameson reminds her that she's the boss and she can make her own schedule.
they end up having an at home birth bc of how famous avery is. bc they're rich though, they pretty much bring the hospital to hawthorne house.
avery squeezed jameson's hand so hard when she was giving birth that she sprained his thumb (if that's even possible). avery felt horrible for hurting him and jameson told her that she literally had to push their child out of her, a sprained thumb is nothing in comparison.
avery becomes very insecure of her weight during the pregnancy. she knows that it's normal, but she can't help but feel like it makes her ugly. jameson will sometimes find her judging herself in front of a mirror, and he walks up to her, wraps his arms around her, and tickles her while telling her that she's beautiful and he won't stop until she believes him.
when jameson would have to leave the house and didn't see avery for a while, he would constantly be calling her to make sure she wasn't hurt and that she was ok. avery sometimes ended up getting annoyed (but she was also touched) so she would stop answering his calls which just made jameson even more worried.
bc they only find out the baby's gender when it's born, the nursery is quite plain color wise. but, bc they're rich, as soon as the baby's born, they get someone who works for them to order some personalized decorations for the room and make it so that they receive next day (or same day) delivery.
jameson would insist on taking those birthing classes bc he wants to be extra prepared for anything. avery only agreed to make jamie feel better but she honestly found those classes to be embarrassing and uncomfortable.
avery's (first) birth would go horribly wrong. they'd end up having to take her to the hospital for a c-section. jamie would freak out obviously and would fight the paramedics when they tell him he can't go in the ambulance. he would cry thinking he was going to lose avery. his brothers were also freaking out 1. bc of avery and 2. bc they didn't know what to do about jameson.
during appointments, jameson would constantly be asking the doctor questions about the baby and avery's condition. enough that avery would start slapping his arm telling him he was bothering the doctor (which is obviously not true, but avery hates 'burdening' people).
avery would give birth a few weeks before her due date. when she went into labour, jameson wasn't in the country (cause they thought they still had a few weeks) cause he had to take care of smth at vantage. avery called him and he flew back to texas, panicked, thinking he was going to miss the birth (he had to leave some important people at vantage which pissed them off).
avery would have braxton hicks contractions near the end of her pregnancy (they're like 'fake' contractions that don't mean she's giving birth, they're more uncomfortable than painful). when she first started having those contractions, it was quite early and jameson thought she was going to give birth to an extremely premature baby which might but them both at risk. this guy would literally not leave her side (even after they found out what they were) bc he feared that she might end up having those contractions alone somewhere (which isn't even true cause she has oren)
avery would constantly overwork herself during her pregnancy. as the heiress, she thought everything was her duty. grayson tried to take some stuff off her hands but she was adamant that she had to be the one to do it (she thought she was useless if she didnt). jameson had a serious talk about it with her after her braxon hicks contractions started. he was extremely worried and couldn't sleep at night bc of it. he told her she could keep working but she had to slow down a bit (he also told her that she wasn't useless and that she was perfect just the way she is)
they have a lot of ideas for boy names that they can't choose from, but, if the kid is a girl, they've already decided that her name is gonna be hannah (bc of avery's mother obviously)
jameson would miss the first time the baby kicked in her stomach. he got so upset he literally stayed by her side all day everyday until he felt it himself. he cried and avery had to hold him for an hour while he did.
jameson would surprise her with flowers every single morning bc she had horrible morning sickness and he wanted to cheer her up.
they wanted to wait before telling the world that avery was pregnant bc they didn't want to be bombarded with questions so soon after they found out, but people started making rude comments about her weight and rumours started going around so they decided they would tell everyone sooner than they anticipated. avery was really affected by the comments and cried herself to sleep every night. jameson made a public statement about how commenting on people's bodies is horrible and people should stop doing it.
avery was scared to tell jameson she was pregnant at first bc they hadn't really talked about having kids beforehand and she thought he'd be disappointed. when she did tell him though, he was crying tears of joy, spinning her around.
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onlyswan · 11 months
hi art 💓 so im rereading iw couples breakup drabble as one would do everytime shes on her period (its a canon event i think ppl would relate) and i have a few questions!!! 🥹🦋
1. what were the iw couple doing before they were in the car? like did they spend the day only to then break up? i rmb reading that jk was on tour, did he came back and break up w them right away? did he at least get them a present???!
2. what events led him to the decision? we know that prob he’s overwhelmed, the uncertainty of his career and the drabble from where he saw how draining it is on oc. but is there a bigger thing that happened?
3. u wrote that he “practiced” breaking up with oc. like is this true? how long has he thought of breaking up w oc before he actually did it? and how did oc not expect anything??? ☹️☹️
4. who is this “not married yet” girl that jk was teasing tae about? that sounds so saucYY a drabble for that would be super fun!! its gonna be super angsty too!!! hahahahhaha
5. we know jk regretted it right away after breaking up w oc, but why didn’t he backtrack and take it back? i know oc must’ve thought hes crazy but he didnt even call or text first? us reading is comforted by knowing that jk is also having the worst time, but oc doesn’t. yet theyre brave enough to be the one who reached out first, bc for all they know, jk could be with some other people right now, alr over them. did oc know that he’s not that kind of person or deep down they’re just being as brave as they can asking for what they wants which is him?
6. can we pleaseeeee have more drabbles where we can see how much the boys adore oc? or just their dynamic i would say. also do they have a special connection with each of the boys on different things? like maybe a drabble where jk & oc pack a homemade lunch to bring when visiting jin hobi or yoongi 🥹🥹
7. after the initial breakup, were things ever awkward? were there times when oc had to get used to him being in their life again or something less dramatic? did he ever see doubts or worry in oc’s eyes and is the even when he gave u reasons to drabble, the first time they had to address the traumatic event in their relationship? do they ever talk about it now? or laugh about it?
8. what happened with the “someone else i met in a bar turned out to be a jerk”??? when was this?! HAHAHHA jk must’ve lost his fucking mind after learning about this
9. kinda curious has there been a time when jk really needs quality time w oc and just brings her on tour? my dream is becoming a tour wifey so this would hit all the right spot:( esp w how easy he handled the situation from the last drabble of just inviting her to come w him. cutest ☹️
thank you so much for providing one of my comfort fics!! i hope ure having a great day🌷🥹
oh!! also!! i think we’ve never seen iw couple be on a date date, like fancy super dressed up date. is that just not them? can we see more of their date nights??
heyyy beloved i missed you 🥺🥺🥺 omg???
there are two types of onlyswan readers: one - those who reread the period drabbles then they’re on their period / two - those who reread the breakup drabble when they’re on their period 😭😭😭
ALRIGHT [cracks knuckles]
1. he broke up with oc as soon as he arrived back from tour 🥲 like literally. our guy was still jetlagged. he just wasn’t in his right mind at the time honestly. oc hopped in the car thinking they were going to spend time together someplace else but… yk what happened… ofc he got oc lotssss of presents though </3 including those gifts he talked about in the video oc watched before they called him :(
2. at the time they were already making plans about what will happen in the next few years of their career including the m word ehem ehem so. yeah he was overwhelmed and tired and he felt guilty of having to always leave oc + we know how oc is so empathetic so he also felt guilty that they have to carry his burdens as well ☹️
3. probably a month 🤨 but he didn’t actually want to break up with oc yk? it felt more like a thing that he had to do </3 so oc never suspected anything because the way he was acting towards them never changed. he wanted to hold on.
4. LMAOOOOO maybe in the future i’ll get around to that 🤞🏼 but tae was going through it for reaaaaal
5. he didn’t jump out the car to chase oc because him immediately changing his mind would’ve pissed oc off thinking that he was just playing a joke on their feelings and that would earn him a slap on the face 😭 he thought of that. and oc said they wanted to decide for theirself too :( so he wanted to respect that but he ended up becoming too much of a coward to reach out first after that bcs what if oc already decided that the breakup was for the best too 🥲 what if they hate him now 🥲 but he should’ve thought about it more from oc’s pov bcs they were suffering thinking that he alr gave up frfr </3
hmmm joon did talk to them about jk having a hard time, but during the breakup they did ask if he cheated so we know that they have this anxiety :( oc is just our bravest soldier who knows what they want and always tries their best to get it (him) 🫡
6. omg yessss more soon i’ve been thinking about one with jimin too specifically !! oc definitely bonds with each of the tannies about different things 🥺
7. yea, the even when he gave u reasons to drabble was the first time they brought it up again :( after they got back together jk really made efforts to reassure oc and that’s partly because he did see how they became kind of timid when he expresses affection. (i.e., jk saying “i didn’t love you any less and you know that.” and oc not saying anything and walking away instead) (this shit still kills me today sorry)
8. this was oc’s bf before jungkook aka guy with the dirty nails aka the ex who cursed them out like crazy when oc broke up with him (called them a slut) AND ALMOST made oc delete jungkook’s first ever texts to them bcs they lowkey started believing him. (he makes me mad sorry)
9. heeee wanted to but oc has only tried flying out for the ptd la and vegas shows bc the circumstances before then were different :( they were balancing school and multiple jobs. and we know how hard oc studied. they were so committed 😭 but now they live together and oc has a stable job and everything’s just more flexible overall so going with him overseas when he has work there is easy and not a problem at all 🥺
oh ofccc they’ve been on fancy dates esp that oc loves feeling pretty <3 but someone take me on a fancy date first so i can write about it 🤧
this is the first time someone called the giving up drabble a comfort fic lmaoooo this made my day i love you 😭 i hope i answered your questions and thank you soooo much for reading my works 🥺💕
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mojaves · 7 months
💭 + 🚫 + 🍎 + 💔 + 🍛 + 🧐 [one of each category for seb!! 🤭]
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
i did this once for him a loooonnng time ago and it was. estj i think??? and i did it again just now and he got infp,,, very. very big difference WHJSDHGSHJEDG infp definitely feels more right for him at the current point in the story,,,, he is much more reserved than he used to be, but also much more Himself. whereas earlier on he tried soooo hard to force himself to be extraverted,,, to appear much more cocky and confident than he really is. also just a fun result to show how much he has developed as a character since i first made him [:
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
oh of course. he's never been like. Bad with smoking. doesnt do it all too often. he has made a pack last for well over a month a few times. as for drinking!!! well. he's getting better. he has slipped into old habits when things have gotten particularly stressful [especially before he left arasaka]. the important thing here is that he is a huge guy who has been pumped full of different medications and steroids and fun new cyberware for many years. it is VERY difficult for him to get drunk. so if you ever see him flat out wasted. well!!!!! it's safe to assume he's not having a very good time!!!!
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
he was born in night city, and will live AND die there given the opportunity. grew up in heywood, and still passes through there from time to time for jobs. he loved it there growing up, and used to miss it a LOT after he got kicked out and had to move elsewhere, but as he got older and the nostalgia faded, he realised he really wouldnt want to live there ever again. the connection it has with his family is Too strong and difficult to ignore for him. so it would just make him Insane if he had to stay there for too long now
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
entirely too stubborn for his own good which has almost lead to his death on Multiple occasions. he has FINALLY!!!!! started accepting help from others, but that took well over 30 years and one hell of a lot of convincing. he doesnt like feeling like he's a burden on others [he isnt!!! he's allowed to ask for help!!!!] and he's finally realising that is Not the case
that goes hand in hand with his hostility and tendency to be VERY quick to judge people on some occasions. he will get a hint of a rancid vibe from someone and thats IT!!!! he doesnt want to talk to you anymore. he will spend the rest of the conversation trying to stop himself from throwing you off of a cliff. while that Is a side effect of the damage the arasaka chip did to his brain, it's also something that he has to learn to keep under control. it is VERY difficult sometimes, but he'd rather exhaust himself with trying to keep that at bay than end up killing a guy who stared at him for a second longer than necessary.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
he used to looooove cooking. so much. but bc of all his time at arasaka and the work he does now, he kind of. lost interest in it, so he usually makes something very very simple. it's generally chicken with a bunch of veggies, and either noodles or rice, depending on the day. he Does start being more adventurous again with cooking, and generally just better with eating, as he gets closer to a guy who he is definitely not hopelessly in love with for many years. its fine. hes fine. dont even worry about it [theyre married now]
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
it entirely depends on how he is that day, but generally he tends to be much more logical about stuff, because thats the best way to get through problems. but sometimes, if he's having a particularly bad day, or week, the negative emotions WILL cloud his judgement about literally everything and make him completely shut down. basically dont let him make very important decisions on a bad day. someone will end up dead probably.
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hurglewurm · 2 years
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g et. steaemd
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
hmmmm thinking about Names
tbh i rly love interpretations of fae True Name lore that focus less on “this is the name you were given so it’s yours” and more on “this name represents the person you truly are inside and that’s why it’s your True Name” bc like. those can change, yk? you can have a different True Name at different stages of life, as you grow and learn and change. and also it means you can have a name and a life that you love and embrace, and make that your True Name, or not. you can hold a piece of yourself close and never show it to anyone and keep your Name hidden, it’s up to you.
and i’m thinking abt a fae!jaskier who was given the name julian by parents who never understood shit about him, and who called him that based on the expectation of who he should be and not on who he actually was.
and you know he was a distractable kid, always running off and getting lost in the woods or falling behind bc did you see that cool bug? it was such a pretty color! he didn’t mean to miss supper he swears but he was trying to figure out what the birds were singing about so he could sing along. just endlessly curious and energetic and enthusiastic about life, absolutely unpretentiously in love with everything and everyone around him, and so very unbecoming of a noble child.
maybe he had an older sister, who was the only person who never expected him to be someone he wasn’t. she was the only one who loved him and understood him for who he actually was. maybe she called him julek.
when he left home he chose a name (not a Name) and a skin and a persona to go with it, and over the years he fell in love with being jaskier, and found a deep joy in it, but it was still a performance. still a face he put on every morning on purpose. because deep down he was still that curious little boy who just wanted to learn everything he could and see everything there was to see and be part of all the beauty he found everywhere. and there are similarities to that little boy in jaskier, in his enthusiasm and his gregariousness and his overflowing lust for life, but he isn’t quite the same person. jaskier’s focus is never on himself, always on others. making them smile, making them laugh, making them sing, making them come, making them give up their coin or their inn rooms or their goodwill to a witcher who they’d otherwise have cheated and stoned.
and when he travels with geralt, at first he keeps jaskier’s face on all the time. not out of fear necessarily, but just because people like jaskier, and only one person ever really liked julek. so he keeps up the performance, and it’s not much of a burden, because he does enjoy being jaskier, he loves bringing joy to those around him, and he especially loves making his witcher smile (not that he ever smiles with his face, per se, but he can see it in the way his shoulders sit a little looser when they sit by the fire together, in the way his eyes are a little clearer with every child who doesn’t run in fear from him and every alderman who pays him his due without a fuss. that’s as good as a smile, really).
but the longer they’re together, the more jaskier lets his guard down, until he’s no longer worried about keeping the jokes and the songs and the constant teasing chatter up even when he’s tired. until he doesn’t stop himself from pointing out the cool rock he found or asking geralt the name of a strange flower or singing along with the birds on the road, and he realizes he’s not afraid of geralt leaving him behind if he slows them down anymore, because he knows he never will. until he doesn’t have to think constantly about how to make his witcher happy, because he can do it just by being there. just by sitting quietly together in their camp, geralt tending his gear and jaskier composing, both totally focused on their tasks and comfortable in the other’s presence.
and that’s when jaskier realizes he isn’t jaskier with geralt anymore, and maybe it’s time for more than one living soul on the continent to call him by his Name.
and when he tells geralt he can call him julek when they’re alone, if he likes, he isn’t sure if geralt fully understands the gravity of it (they’ve never had an actual conversation about exactly what flavor of Not A Human jaskier is, after all. it just never seemed necessary), but he smiles slow like sunrise anyway, sharp teeth peeking out, and thanks him, and maybe that’s all he needs.
(hey hello hi i may have. accidentally written this? so consider checking that out before you reblog this version? and enjoy ig lol)
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adorerdraco · 4 years
I’m Here ✧ Draco x Reader
Request: Hi, so I’m not sure if you’re taking these kinds of fics for Draco, but I’ve been feeling really down lately, and I was wondering if you could write a one shot or a scenario where the reader has been having a really bad day/week and Draco comforts them? And maybe Draco lays the reader on his chest and he hums a small tune to make the reader feel better? You can ignore this if it’s an issue, but I’d really appreciate it. I love all of your fics btw! They make me really happy <3
Warnings: none bc mostly fluff, some tears, super soft!draco
Words: 1.9K
A/N: i saw this and had to do it effective immediately bc i am feeling the exact same wayyy so this was really nice to think about ;( thank you so much for requesting this and for reading my stuff and i’m so glad i can help in a way <3 i’m sending you nothing but peace, love, and light !!! but i really hope this is gooood <3 do not own gif
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Life was punishing you, you thought. It had to be. Because there was no way how in the span of a week everything in your day-to-day life had gone from okay to borderline catastrophic. It was as if every situation you were in was taking its form in the worst case possible scenario and all you could do was watch hopelessly as things continuously got worse sprinkled with small misfortunes in between.
It started on a regular Monday morning, sitting down for breakfast in the Great Hall with blissful ignorance. Halfway through eating your toast, your owl had come in through the open large glass windows and dropped a letter onto your plate from home that left you some very unfortunate news and had set forth a ripple effect that began making everything else go downhill as your days progressed. By the end of the school week, you had managed to blow up a potion, lose house points because of said potion when it splashed onto some people and had some physically altering effects, tripped over your footing and fell in the middle of a crowded corridor, failed a surprise quiz, forgot to turn in an essay, got into an argument with a friend, accidentally slept in and missed a morning class, and took a trip to the hospital wing for a migraine that didn’t want to leave you alone. You could’ve sworn you had somehow been thrown into purgatory, or limbo, or something outer-worldly. 
“Are you alright?” Draco had asked you right after breakfast that Monday morning as he was walking you to your first class. “What was in the letter your owl gave you? You look worried.”
“It was nothing,” you dismissed quickly, trying to put on a half-hearted smile while you spoke to make it more convincing. “I’m fine, just tired.”
It was the beginning of the week, and he did keep you up late the night before when you were sneaking around together, so he just shook his head up and down and took your excuse even though he felt like there was more to it than you were letting on. But as the days went on, he was becoming more observant of the way you were acting and even looking. He didn’t like that every morning he saw the shadows under your eyes get deeper and darker, and he didn’t like how you would close your eyes in pain when you would groan about your headache. He also didn’t like the way he hadn’t seen you truly smile or laugh all week even when he tried countless times to amuse you or cheer you up. But what he didn’t like most of all was that he felt like there was nothing he could do. 
On Wednesday afternoon, he tried asking you again. You were sitting in the Quad with him on a bench and he was telling you a story from earlier in the day about how he had ‘accidentally’ tripped this Gryffindor boy and got Snape to take away house points from him that he thought for sure would you make laugh or perhaps give him a disapproving redirection, but when he glanced up to see your reaction, he noticed you weren’t even listening, to begin with. You had been staring down at your shoes and the way they lined up against the cracks in the pavement, kicking around some gravel as your mind was running a million thoughts per second.
“Love?” He said to you softly. You looked up at him swiftly with a quiet questioning hum, e/c eyes widened slightly from being ripped away from your thoughts suddenly. “You know if something’s bothering you, you can talk to me.”
“I know,” you nodded warmly. “I’m okay, Dray. I’m honestly just tired.”
And you were telling the truth, in a sense. You really were tired; physically, mentally, emotionally.
He frowned, dissatisfied with your answer. “Right, well if anything at all comes up, I’m here.”
From then on, Draco took it upon himself to try and increase his affections and compliments. He would hug you a little tighter, kiss you a little longer, whisper sweet little nothings into your ear before he left you for class. You felt a little bad lying to him, withholding the truth from him, and you saw the concern in his light gray’s when you’d meet him in the mornings and for the rest of the day, but it only made you feel a tad bit worse. You were starting to feel guilty for the way he was worrying, feeling like you were dragging him down into the dumps with you and raining on his usual carefree parades.
On Friday morning, you didn’t meet him for breakfast and you were out of the Great Hall faster than he could catch you. He felt like a stalker when he walked by your class, peeking his head in to see if you were there and well. He spotted you sitting at your desk, hunched over your unopened books with a grimace on your face and your head in your hands. He wanted to go in and whisk you away to somewhere far and quiet, but the Professor had caught him by the door and sent him on his way before he could even think of doing anything of the sort.
You felt the day had gone by extremely slow, relative to how the week was moving and also impossibly dismal. You were counting down the minutes until the end of the school day, ready to run to your dorm right after your last class and bury yourself deep into your duvet and pillows for the rest of the weekend.
Head still pounding, you trudged over to your final class, stopping outside the doors when you saw a small group of your housemates standing around with unnerved expressions as they passed each other papers and spoke in hushed tensed tones.
“I studied all night but my friend took the test earlier and she told me during lunch that it had stuff on it that wasn’t even in the reading!” You heard one exclaim in distress.
“We have a test?” You accidentally said aloud and a pair of eyes turned to look at you confusingly.
“Yeah? Professor’s been telling us all week.”
A scoff of disbelief escaped your lips, an overwhelming sense of defeat washing over you as you turned briskly on your heel and in the opposite direction of your classroom. Tears started pricking at your eyes, you felt the stinging of them wanting to be released but you refused to let them all out in the open and especially in front of people who were still taking their time to head to their classes. 
You were making a beeline towards your common room, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision that was quickly pooling with unshed tears while trying to steady your breathing in another failed attempt to calm yourself. You were nearly there, you could tell by the paintings and doors that you passed by and the black stain splattered on the floor you saw every day on your way to the dorms from someone’s dropped ink bottle that Filch hasn’t been able to get rid of. 
Almost there, you kept repeatedly reminding yourself.
All hope of solace was gone when you didn’t notice the body you had unknowingly crashed into. All you felt were strong hands around your biceps, holding you in place from toppling backward and the very familiar scent of expensive cologne and mint.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you in class?” You looked up at the platinum blond sadly, his worried eyes searching yours with such care that it pushed you over the edge.
You didn’t answer him and instead wrapped your arms tightly around Draco’s middle, burying your face deep into his robes and letting out quiet and frail weeps that broke his heart. He held you tightly, pressing kisses to the top of your head and muttering soft “I’m here’s” into your hair. You stayed in his embrace for a few minutes, letting your tears freely fall into his vest with a sense of relief that only he was able to give you at this point in time.
“I’m sorry I cried on you,” you choked out when you pulled away from him, desperately wiping away at your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for that,” he said quickly. He brought his hand up to your face, his thumb swiping delicately over a stray tear that was sitting on your jaw while you closed your eyes in comfort. “Do you want to go back to my room? I can set you up really nicely and we can talk if you’d like?”
“Yes please, I’d like that a lot.”
Draco interlocked your fingers with his, bringing the pair up to his lips with a warm kiss on the back of your hand before walking the two of you over to the entrance of the Slytherin common room. It was empty when you walked in, not a soul in sight since everyone was still in class and it made it much easier for him to sneak you into his singular Prefect room you were now extremely grateful he had. He watched contently when you shed off your robes and kicked off your shoes and immediately slipped into one of his dark green jumpers that fit you big. 
You were perched on the edge of his bed, his scent from his sweater engulfing you and doing a much better job of calming you down than you wanted to admit. He followed in your footsteps and changed into something comfier and when he finally sat beside you with his hand falling over yours as an encouragement to talk - you did. You vented to him all about the letter from home, the migraine, your classes, the argument between you and your friend, and everything else that came to mind.
“And I feel bad for ignoring you and not telling you all this before but I didn’t want to burden you,” you finished with sniffles, gazing up at him with a gloomy expression. 
“Y/N, I love you, and nothing you say to me is a burden,” he frowned slightly, “when I tell you I’m here, I mean it, for anything. You’re so important to me and it kills me to see you upset.”
In a careful movement, he had scooted towards you and affectionately cupped your face before placing a loving kiss on your forehead and murmured to you, “don’t ever hesitate to come to me.”
You let him pull you under his covers, draping his large duvet over your entangled bodies with your head resting right above his chest, the steady beatings of his heart instantly sending you into a much-needed peace. His chin was rested right atop your head and you felt his fingers run up and down your arm soothingly while he thought.
“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” He asked quietly.
“Can you help me fall asleep?” you muttered, closing your eyes gently when his hand smoothed over the back of your hair. You felt him nod against your head and after a small moment silence, you heard him begin to hum the faint tune of your favorite song.
You lied there in bliss, enjoying the way his chest was vibrating against your ear and the way his fingers were playing with the ends of your hair, curling the strands around his fingers and then moving upwards to massage your scalp. And for a minute, everything was finally okay again as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, a full heart and with your love calmly lulling you away with a soft and now distant humming.
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mikrowrites · 3 years
(vignettes cut from cottages of constellations; can be read as a one-shot)
c!wilbur x reader
summary: a series of memories from y/n’s perspective; the war, the death, the stars, the secret, and the meeting.
warnings: fluff, angst, violence, war themes, bad mental health situations, death, language, manipulation
a/n: this is basically a bunch of scrapped ideas from cottages of constellations that i shoved together bc i already had them written and have been hitting a writer’s block with pt 3. the only part of this you should regard as “canon” is the syndicate vignette, that will be in pt 3. enjoy!!
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Y/n and Wilbur kept many secrets.
That was not something unknown by any, not a surprise to some. The two seemed to have words unspoken, existing between the glance of an eye or a brush of a hand, a nod of a head and a ever so soft sigh. Y/n and Wilbur kept many secrets to themselves and themselves only.
The cottage was one. A secret kept along a peaceful riverbank, until the price of TNT seemed higher than that forgotten paradise. There were some other secrets too. Some inconsequential, some almost burdening.
Y/n and Wilbur kept a secret they chose to not share with anyone. A secret that would be for the best if left unsaid.
But the price of freedom would prove higher and more demanding. The price for a tall brunette man to whisper the words into an enemy’s ear, for the enemy to relay it to someone who was once deemed an old friend.
The moment Schlatt spoke the secret out loud to Y/n with threatening intent, everything came crashing to the ground.
It was a secret Schlatt would die with.
The War…
Y/n arrived as the sun rose at dawn.
Wilbur was there to meet her, his uniform jacket unbuttoned messily and his cravat askew. As she approached him closer he smiled softly, but the smile was tired, aching, the light in his eyes dimmed by the bags beneath them.
What was the saying, “winning is easy, governing is harder”?
Y/n feared both feats were insurmountably difficult.
“Hello, love.” Wilbur sighed, striding the distance of Y/n’s approach and pulling her into his arms, holding her like a lifeline.
“Hey Wil, it’s okay, I’m here.” Y/n reassured.
He pulled away with a less tight smile, wrapping his fingers around her own, pulling her towards the majestic walls.
“Y/n L/n, welcome to L’manburg.”
And L’manburg was small, and undeveloped, and nothing quite impressive really. But it was her lover’s nation, and to Y/n it looked like a spectacle of heaven. “It’s wonderful.”
Wilbur led her into the camaravan, where battle plans and declarations had been hung and placed about, with an occasional empty bottle or a misplaced piece of weaponry.
Y/n had fought in wars before, in another life, far from this server. She had played the part of diplomat, of ally, of enemy. It was all a language familiar to her like breathing, and she suspected Wilbur was well aware, why else would he write begging her to join the front lines?
She hummed in thought, running her hands over a tabletop. “When’s the next battle, then?”
“Tomorrow.” Wilbur replied simply.
Y/n nodded. “Okay. Where do we start?”
Wilbur smiled once more.
The Death…
Y/n struggled against Quackity’s hold, screaming her throat raw. “YOU KILLED HIM!”
Smoke from the firework barrage still lingered on the execution box, Schlatt turning from his podium to Y/n. He smirked. “Y/n, my dear, he was a traitor. You know what happens to traitors.”
Y/n spat at his feet, the man laughing. “That’s cute. Remember Y/n, I hold all the cards in my hands. You don’t want to step out of line, remember? Who knows what secrets could get spilled.”
“I don’t give a fuck.” Y/n glared, her eyes like fire as the two stood off against each other on the podium under Manberg’s watching eyes. “Because I am going to fucking kill you before you even think about it.”
Schlatt laughed loudly again, facing the crowd. “Do you hear that, folks? Miss Y/n is going to kill me!” He lowered his voice, leaning so he was face to face with her. “That’s treason, my friends.”
Y/n hardened her eyes, as Quackity let her arms go. She stepped forwards, her hand on the hilt of her sheathed sword. Everything was quiet, not the crowd’s jabs or cries were heard by her, not even Niki’s protests to spare her best friend.
Schlatt smiled, unsheathing his own sword as Y/n stood her ground, preparing to produce her own in hopes of taking down the tyrannical man once and for all.
“These were not the ideals of L’manberg.” Y/n shouted so the audience could hear her. “And Manberg should be no different. And I’m getting really fucking tired of you hurting everyone and everything I love. So yeah, I’m a traitor, because I value people over a country.”
“People you’d be willing to lose a life for?” Schlatt jeered.
“Time and time again, yes.” She verified.
Schlatt shook his head in amusement. “Y/n, the patron saint of L’manberg. You’ll fall as easily as any man.”
Y/n smirked, drawing her own sword. “Good thing I’m not a man then, yes?”
“STOP! Stop!”
The two adversaries’ heads whipped over, catching the glimpse of a tall brunette in a brown trench coat walking down the aisle of seats, hands out in a preventative gesture. “Stop.”
“Wil…?” The man who left her behind. The man who promised safety. The man who most importantly, loves her. The former President, to protect his former First Lady.
Schlatt’s sword ran through Y/n’s body. Wilbur screamed.
The girl gasped, grasping Schlatt’s shoulder’s with tight fingers, looking at him in shock. He had gotten the upper hand. Y/n had never lost a duel, yet this one was over before it had even started because she did the one thing she had been trained to never do in battle.
Y/n found distraction in a lover.
Wilbur would always be her hubris.
Schlatt leaned over with booze-tainted breath to whisper in her ear. “Your secret is safe with me.”
He then ripped the sword out of her, and everything went black. The last thing Y/n heard before waking up laying in the soft grass of a forest was the sound of Wilbur shouting her name.
Y/n was killed by JSchlatt
The Stars…
Long ago, in a world different from where she was now, Y/n’s mother had taught her every constellation strewn across the night sky. The young girl would marvel at her mother, eyes shining with curiosity and awe as the soft-spoken woman would point to each cluster of stars.
Life was simple then, before war after war Y/n was forced to fight and win. Before aching loss and hurt.
Y/n laid on the angled roof of Philza’s house, her lips parted slightly as her eyes traced designs of warriors and beasts and lovers. Her breath fogged into the night sky, the girl indifferent to the cold surrounding her.
“Kid, what’re ya doin’?”
She flicked her eyes down to where Technoblade stood beneath her, staring up at her form with disinterest but yet a glint of confusion or curiosity.
Y/n smirked, her eyes traveling back up to the sky. “Chasing constellations.”
Technoblade definitely had the right idea to be a tint worried at the sight of Y/n on a roof, staring off into nothing. It had been a week and a half since they had both blown up New L’manberg, and her mind was undoubtedly conflicted. Techno supposed if he were in the same situation, he’d feel the same perhaps. But now (though he’d never show it) he was just concerned of the well-being of his old friend.
So Technoblade was immensely surprised when Y/n patted a spot on the roof next to her and said: “cmon”.
The blood god was silent and still for a moment before pulling out his trident, using it to launch himself up and land gracefully onto the roof next to her. The girl didn’t flinch a bit, just turned back to the night sky.
Y/n looked tired, Techno noticed, but yet relieved. He hadn’t seen her this relaxed since their last war fought together away from this server, where she had spoken of a kindhearted brunette she was running away with after the battle’s conclusion.
Technoblade sat next to her, the girl sighing. “No more wars, Techno. I’ve fought my last one. I’m tired of being a pawn in someone’s game, of breaking myself for others.” Y/n huffed out a laugh. “I think I might try that retirement plan.”
“Retirement is overrated.” Technoblade groaned. “So if I made you an offer, you’d refuse?”
Y/n shrugged, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs, resting her chin on her kneecaps. “Depends on the offer. I’m pretty done being taken advantage of.”
Techno turned to look at her. “All these years and you don’t trust the proof I wouldn’t.”
“Can’t blame a girl for having trust issues.” She grumbled. “What’s the offer?”
“I’m putting together a group of people with common ideals. Anarchy, we’d be there to abolish these kingdoms’ governments before they can cause more death and destruction, cause more Wilburs.” Techno explained, the girl turning to him at the sound of her ex-lover’s name. “We’re called the Syndicate.”
Y/n murmured the name to herself, furrowing her eyebrows. “Who’s we?”
“Philza and I. Zephyrus and Prostileus. And, potentially, you.” He stated. “Codenames.”
She turned back to the stars, silent for a few minutes. Technoblade patiently sat in the quiet, letting the girl mull over her thoughts. It had been about five minutes when he spoke up. “So? What’ll it be?”
Y/n pursed her lips, before parting them with a soft exhale. “Andromeda… call me Andromeda.”
Technoblade smiled at his old comrade in battle, now considered an ally and friend.
“Welcome to the Syndicate, Andromeda.”
The Secret…
Y/n wasn’t sure how long she had sat in the makeshift cell. Had it been days? Weeks? She didn’t know. All she knew was locked away to stand trial for “aiding fugitives in escaping”.
Her thoughts drifted to Wilbur, as they usually did in moments like these, where she fought desperately to remember the sound of his laughter or his loving assurances. Y/n hoped he and Tommy were safe, and she knew they were smart so they would be.
But she feared for Fundy as well. They had spoken on the night he announced his campaign for president, their hushed voices behind the podium as the rest of the server were asleep.
Y/n met the boy in the shadows of the podium, Fundy looking at her for some kind of reaction. Would she shout in anger? Cry in sadness? Running against his father was a betrayal, he should be reprimanded by the closest thing to a mother he had.
Instead, she smiled, and hugged him.
Fundy tensed in surprise before wrapping his arms around her, burying his face in her shoulder as his hands clutched the back of her jacket.
“You know I have to support and stand by your father,” she started, softly rubbing small circles into Fundy’s back. “but it will never overshadow how proud I am of you.”
“Thank you, mama.” He sighed out, Y/n smiling kindly.
“You are my pride and you are my joy, Fundy. There’s nothing you could do that could make me love you less. Don’t forget that, okay?” Y/n asked.
Fundy nodded his head against his mother figure’s shoulder, still embracing her.
He missed the tears in her eyes as she bit her lip to keep her walls up. Indulging in this moment wasn’t something she was deserving of, and she knew that.
She had chosen to forego this path, it would be unfair of her to try and act as though she hadn’t changed everything.
The door to empty room creaked open, Y/n looking up to meet the eyes of a man she had once thought of as an old friend, but now some who repulsed her more than anything on this server. The man smirked, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Y/n. Long time, no see.”
“Schlatt.” The name sounded like venom on her tongue, Y/n glaring at the man with dark eyes.
“How are you, hm?” Schlatt pulled a chair over for him to sit on, Y/n scoffing in disbelief.
“I don’t know Schlatt, you tell me. What the fuck is wrong with you, you were our friend!” She shouted.
Schlatt sat back in his hair. “I’m no one’s friend here. I’m a president here to run this country.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall, the man smirking.
“I want you to join me.”
That made the girl start to laugh, shaking her head. “You are something else, Schlatt.”
“I’m serious, I want you to join me and Manberg.” Schlatt deadpanned.
“Fuck off.” was Y/n’s reply.
Schlatt sighed, standing from where he sat, and paced to another side of the room. “Tell me, does your little lover boy have an infatuation with TNT?”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. “Not that I’m aware, and if I was I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Fair enough.” Schlatt said, his footsteps clacking against stone as he further paced. “Well, he recently made some deals with the devil and came into possession of a lot of fucking TNT. You wanna know what he traded for that much power? Secrets.”
She stiffened, eyeing Schlatt warily, her voice barely above a whisper. “Secrets?”
Schlatt hummed, grinning. “Oh yeah. Loads of ‘em. I’m a chronic eavesdropper, so I had to get the scoop. And you’ll never guess what I heard.”
Y/n stood slowly, like an animal bracing for a fight, her fists shaking. She uttered the man’s name in warning, Schlatt stopping and turning to her with a wicked grin.
“You have a child.”
It felt as though all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room, Y/n momentarily forgetting how to breathe. Her mouth felt dry, her body numb. Schlatt laughed, knowing he had her right where he wanted her.
“Fundy’s actually your son! Biologically and everything! And you never told him, you just left!” Schlatt exclaimed.
Y/n burst forwards, slamming Schlatt against the wall and lodging her forearm across his throat. She spoke with a low, dangerous voice. “I was young. I was stupid. And I wasn’t ready to be a mother. I couldn’t be the mother he needed.”
“So you left. And then you come back and you play the part of his mother, while the poor boy thinks your lover fucked a fish? That’s fucked up, Y/n.” He chuckled lowly.
Y/n pursed her lips, glaring into Schlatt’s eyes. “What do you want?”
Schlatt slowly removed Y/n’s forearm from his throat. “I want you to join me as one of my officials. I want you to betray Wilbur and Tommy. And if you don’t…”
“… I tell Fundy your big secret… and then I personally kill him until he’s dead.”
Y/n felt completely and absolutely defeated. She had never let someone have the upper hand on her. Not like this. She remained distraughtly silent, Schlatt nodding Ashe received his answer.
He reached into his pocket, throwing her comm device onto the floor. “Lover boy’s been trying to call you for weeks. You should call him back one last time and tell him to never call again. You know what’s at stake.” Schlatt then turned and walked towards the door. “I’ll have a fine pressed suit for you tomorrow morning and a more comfortable room, then the real work begins. Goodnight, Y/n.”
And he was gone.
Y/n fell to her knees, her body shaking with fear and guilt. Why did she have to be so stupid why did she have to create such deep-sewn weaknesses, why did she leave her son?
She reached for the comms device, her trembling fingers clicking a button as she spoke out in a terrified whisper. “Wilbur?”
The meeting…
Y/n hated parties with a passion she could not fathom. The celebration of another war won, a country saved. She was just a wandering soldier, moving from one battle to the next, finding celebration a little tone-deaf.
But nonetheless she stood in the banquet hall, her sash of medals and patches detailing her great accomplishments hung on her frame, with the world’s most uncomfortable dress covering her. Technoblade had told Y/n to liven up, drink and dance a little, though what a fucking hypocrite because he didn’t show up.
Y/n sipped her champagne, leaning against the bar top, a bored expression laid across her face as she traced circles into the wood with her finger. She didn’t register the boy standing next to her, eying her with curiosity before he spoke up. “One vodka neat, please.”
She finally indulged to meet his gaze, the tall brunette smiling and offering his hand. “Wilbur Soot.”
Y/n knocked back the rest of her champagne, before shaking his hand. “Y/n L/n.”
“You seem bored, Y/n L/n.” Wilbur observed.
She scoffed. “Parties aren’t really my thing.”
“So I can tell.” He quipped, Y/n beginning to question the audacity of this kid. But he just smiled widely, pulling a stool and sitting next to her.
“Look, I don’t know what you want, but if it’s getting in my pants tonight it’s definitely not happening.” Y/n bluntly responded.
“Woah there! Take me out to dinner before we discuss that.” Wilbur defended, retrieving his drink from the bartender.
Y/n couldn’t even tell if the man was joking, but she rolled her eyes anyways. He was silent, she could tell he was trying to size her up. Figure out what made her brain tick, how to read her.
Must be frustrating for him to know he can’t.
She sighed, pulling away from the bar top, smoothing out her despised dress. “Well, thanks for the chat Wilbur, but I’d best be going.”
“Of course. Have a good night, Y/n.” Wilbur raised his drink and tipped it towards her in a kind of toasting or saluting gesture. She was a high ranked militia official anyways.
Y/n nodded and walked away, Wilbur watching her as she left. What she didn’t know, was he could read her like an open book. He saw her pain, her guilt, her stone disposition. But he saw her kindness, her generosity, her beauty. Wilbur was intoxicated by the mere presence of her, and her mystery.
Wilbur just had a gut feeling they’d cross paths again. And when they did, maybe in a space she was more comfortable than the loud and cheering party, maybe he’d offer her a drink, or even a dance. The boy slammed his drink on the table before standing, and rushing across the room.
Why wait when you know?
Y/n felt a gentle hand on her wrist, the girl turning to see Wilbur. She raised an eyebrow in question as he released his soft grip, and held his palm flat out in front of her. “May I have this dance.”
She had seen years of pretty boys offering her drinks and dances and the world. Each disappointed, each never following through. But Y/n looked up at Wilbur, and she could see the world in his brown eyes, she could see hope and chivalry and mirth. She pursed her lips, the boy seeming to deflate at her monotone and silent response.
Y/n took his hand, to the boy’s surprise. “One dance. That’s all.”
They danced all night. And laughed all night, more than Y/n had in years.
Y/n had never felt more alive than the night she met Wilbur Soot.
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billiedeanhwrd · 4 years
i only want you
ally mayfair-richards x fem!reader
summary: after being distant for a while, ally finally opens up to you about what's going on at an emotional breakfast.
warnings: age difference (legal), lowkey a vent
word count: 1272
a/n: i haven't had the chance to write bc of school stress and personal issues lately, so enjoy this older piece. it's been sitting in my drafts for a while now. i wrote it when i was really sad and heavily sleep deprived so pls excuse how bad it is, but i wanted to post something at least :)
gif credits to @thatsmypeach
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"do i hold you back?"
ally's question cut through the uncomfortable tension that had settled between the two of you since you've left the office party last night. she's been acting a bit more distant lately, but you weren't sure how to approach the subject, so you didn't, instead you waited for her to come to you with what was weighing her down.
she had barely shown you any affection in the past 2 weeks and every time you tried to have a romantic moment with her, she blew you off. you assumed it was stress, but there was a heartbreaking fear creeping up on you that maybe she acted like this because she didn't love you anymore, maybe you weren't good enough for her anymore.
your lack of knowledge on how to handle this and your insecurities held you back from pointing out the elephant in the room, little did you know, the same thing was happening to your girlfriend.
last night was the essentially very similar to other nights you went out, you came together and you left together, but something in ally's behavior was alarmingly different yesterday. ally detached herself from your grip on her hand as soon as she saw a potential conversing partner and left you standing alone at the bar, she wouldn't normally do that, always so eager to show you off and publicly announce you as hers.
you were trying your best not to think of the worst case scenario, unsuccessfully sadly, until a group of young interns settled down close to you at the bar and you decided to join in on their drinking games, thinking fuck it, might as well enjoy myself as you sauntered towards them.
you ended up having more fun (& drinks) than you expected, drawing attention to you and your group of new found friends multiple times when your laugh echoed through the building. you didn't notice how ally was watching you from afar, jealousy, but mostly fear bubbling up inside her.
she was always watching you, the sight of you making her heart ache, she loved you after all... and that scared her, so she put some distance between you two, which was quite the challenge given that you were ozzy's babysitter and lived with your girlfriend and her son.
she longed to be close to you, missed you so much, it hurt her physically. she needed to be close to you so desperately, but her insecurities and late night worries held her back, her trust and abandonment issues that resulted from her last relationship impacting her more than she'd like to admit.
from the get-go she had been slightly insecure about the age difference between you two, i mean for god's sake she was a mother and an accomplished politician and you were college student. It took her a while to confess her feelings for you and even after months of dating now, the insecurities didn't leave.
her question almost caused you to spit out your cereal, visibly confused you narrowed your eyes at her, practically begging for an explanation to such an absurd question.
ally put down the coffee she had been nursing for a while now, too lost in her thoughts to notice her morning beverage getting cold.
she tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and shifted around slightly on her chair, her eyes darting up and down between yours and the kitchen table.
"i realized recently that you spend so much time with me and ozzy and the people i get along with, that you barely get to go out and do all the typical college stuff, wild parties and interacting with people your age... you know, that kind of stuff"
her hands now folded on the table, she started picking at the skin around her nails, one of the many nervous habits she still had that you picked up on.
you sat across from her, confusion still written over your face with a dash of hurt. you crossed your legs and took a deep breath, trying to calm your heavily pounding heart.
"please, continue", you said in the most unaffeted tone you could muster, nodding your head in her direction to encourage her to keep going.
"would you rather be with someone your age?", her voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, just the thought of losing you and confirming what she feared breaking her heart.
another question that sent your heart rate up, how could she even think that?
"is that why you've been so distant lately... because you're scared i'm planning on leaving you for someone younger?"
ally nodded and wiped the tears away that were now flowing freely down her cheeks.
you jumped up from your seat at the table and kneeled down in front of your girlfriend, taking her hands into yours after she turned towards you.
"ally, i love you", you reassured her, your voice coming out staggered due to the lump in your throat while you were fighting back tears. "i would never want to be with anybody else", you soothed her while wiping away her tears. "you're not holding me back—", you continued, stroking the palm of her hand with your thumb, "—i'm not missing out on anything by being with you."
"but you were having so much fun with those interns last night...", she said sniffling, letting her head fall to hide her incoming tears.
"i was—", you gently tilted her head back up, "—and if i feel like partying or hanging out with other college students i will... but i'd much rather spend time with you."
you pressed a kiss to the back of her hand and waited a little for her to calm down. when her breathing returned to normal and the crying stopped you spoke up again, "i missed you a lot lately"
"i missed you too", she sheepishly admitted.
"i'm sorry for not telling you how i was feeling, i didn't want to be a burden", ally continued, justifying her lack of communication in a way that made your heart ache.
"babe, you're never a burden to me", your eyes welling up with tears again and anger forming in your head at ivy for making her feel this way.
"you don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable with, but i want you to know you can share anything that goes on in your mind with me, because i care, so so much", you emphasized, starring into her eyes.
"i care about anything and everything concerning you and i never want you to keep thoughts like these from me because you think you'd be a burden, i love you more than anything, ally", tears were flowing down your cheeks, this moment making you too emotional to hold them back.
ally patted her lap for you to sit and you flung your arms around her neck as you settled in her lap. ally held onto you as if she never wanted to let you go again as you both cried in each other's embrace.
after a few minutes of just holding each other and relishing the feeling of that emotional safety you both offered each other, you removed your head from her shoulder and stared into her eyes.
"do you promise to not hide this kinda stuff from me again?"
"i promise", she nodded.
and with that your lips collided and she kissed you so deeply, so passionately and with so much emotion you thought your heart would explode at the love you felt for the woman beneath you.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: never written male reader before but this was a funny request and i really do see the irony in this
anon request:  
absolutely LOVED your seijoh hcs! you said you wanted to do the other schools so i thought, how about nekoma but with a MALE manager bc it would be so ironic to have a male god as their manager rather than a goddess that they always talked about!! thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!
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yall the nekoma fanchant is literally stuck in my head
hehe uwu lets step on the pedal
ong jesus take the wheel pls
so basically,,,
being the nekoma manager is a MESS
lets say youre a second year and was only the manager bc you were begged into taking the job
like wouldnt leave you alone and pestered you 25/8, screaming about needing their own god manager
also just because, you are fairly popular and you have your own fanclub of girls in nekoma and they thought it would give them more exposure and more chances w girls :’)
tora was actually the first who came up to you and begged you to be their manager during class one day bc they are in need of one but they arent allowed to have a girl manager so he turned to having a handsome male
‘so you wont be all over him abd be distracted w showing off’
‘tora, please’
initially, you refused bc you just couldnt be bothered to be part of a club where you basically babysit a bunch of overgrown children
but kenma, your childhood friend, was the team’s last attempt to get you in since kuroo mentioned that he was the only one you listened to
‘kenma, babie, i love you, but i am your friend, not your nanny. so unless i am paid, i will not waste my time taking care of of all of you. especially that chicken head’
‘y/n, yaku is on his last leg here. we really need a manager and we need it fast’
‘you went for years without one so why do you need it?’
‘we’re scared that nekomata would just drop dead any minute now’
‘yanno? im surprised hes even still alive with yall’
‘....... ill show your fangirls that picture of you when we were 5 when-’
‘okay, kenma. rude about the blackmail but okay. dont expect me to be the maid or anything’
nope, you were actually the maid
and the cook
and the nanny
and the laundry person
the everything
it baffles you that kuroo is about to graduate next year yet he still doesnt know the difference between fabric softener and detergent
the amount of times you sent him to pick up more and only to send him back when he ended up buying 2 softeners or 2 detergents
‘they all look the same!’
‘kuroo tetsuro cAN yOu NoT rEAd?!’
ngl i still mix them up sometimes
during matches, youre basically their mother, their nanny, and nekomata’s notetaker, and their personal cheerleader
naoi, the other coach guy, and coach nekomata has adopted you as a son bc of how hard you work and the less the burden is on them
like your notes about their playing percentages really works and helps them and added with the chores you do for the team?
also, lets put your popularity in here
you dress with a white shirt and zip up your red nekoma jacket with your red sweatpants so you look like one of the players, right?
but how come every time they have practice, youre the only one with the fangirls in the bleachers?
youre literally wearing the same thing as them yet youre the only one who gets looked at?!
even kuroo, who was quite good looking, doesnt have that many girls pining after him yet you, resident anti-tryhard, seems to get the female population to fall for you just by doing the simplest things like breathing
youd be doing normal things like using your whistle as you hold a clipboard and girls would be screeching at you 
‘omg m/n is so hot!’
‘hes just !!!! uuggghhhh’
‘siri how to be a whistle?’
i am uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the gym today
tora complains about it all the time bc first, they cant have a beautiful manager, two, they have a pretty boy who’s taking the attention away
you bonk him on the head in anger and threaten to quit all the time
‘say that again and you’ll be filling your own water bottles tomorrow’
but in truth though, the guys really do appreciate you and everything you do
they know that you balance them with your personal life and classes and still make time to do their laundry and make them food
so they have started easing off the burden and weight off of your shoulders
at first, you were very suspicious when they told you that they already filled their water bottles
‘huh? i didnt think you even knew where the water fountain was’
‘wym weve been doing this for years’
then, you heard kuroo tell the others to put their sweaty jerseys in the basket in the corner of the room and for the last person to carry it to the laundromat
‘um, sir, we dont want to have another pink jersey disaster again’
you stopped inuoka from lugging the basket but he shook his head and gave you a wide grin
‘nope, m/n-senpai! i’ll carry it for you! i’m strong, see?’
he flexed his right arm muscle while holding the basket with one hand but it was too heavy so it fell to the ground, spilling out all the practice jerseys
you sighed before bending down to pick them up and babie inuoka’s eyes watered, thinking you were mad at him
‘gomen, senpai’
he whispered but you looked up at him from your position
his watery eyes made you frantically stand up and wipe his tears with the pads of your thumbs
‘inu-kun, why are you crying? you said you were strong right? dont cry over silly things, okay?’
he nodded and you were still confused as to why he was so emotional but you patted his fluffy hair 
‘now cmon, lets go take these to the shop’
unbeknownst to you, the team was actually seething from behind the wall
naturally, as a,,, manager,, you became their,,, energy?? 
like the slightest affections from you made their health bar increase tenfold and they didnt necessarily have any intentions towards you
you were like,,, their own,,,, happy drug?? like a human seratonin??
just the fact that they had someone like you to fall back on and give them love when they lost or something
it was comforting
usually it was just the team’s responsibility to throw away their own sadness and comfort each other
but with you,,,
they could easily cry with no fear and you would comfort them until they didnt need to be comforted anymore
eventually, they ended up straight out competing against each other on who would get the most affection
clearly, inuoka used his first year card and everyone knew you were soft for your kouhais
like you would just grab them and hug them because of how cute they were
uwu especially lev?! 
he may be a giant but hes just a really REALLY REALLY BIG CAT
like the mans is beanstalk level of height and despite the age difference, he just picks you up and cuddles you and youre just like ‘okay, let it out babie’
you are always a hot topic w all the students in nekoma and even some in other schools
like during training camp, bro you making everyone question their sexuality
omg akaashi and you are probably the prettiest people there and can i just say how everyone cant focus on a practice match bc youd be laughing together or something and they havent heard anything so beautiful??
and the kitties get really defensive over you and hiss at anyone who even tries to approach you
hiss hiss
like the little touches from you make them so red and confident gays like kuroo and bokuto call you out on them and tease you 
while the quiet ones like akaashi and kenma are just blushing and stutter and you tease them instead?
*inhale* BOI *exhale*
the uke and seme dynamic is real on this one
however, there are times when the turned tables
there was that one day that you were seriously questioning if bokuto wore leggings or just really high knee pads and you cornered him after baths to just figure it out
like our poor confident boi turned to a shy babie and shrunk against the wall, covering his red face
‘bo-san, i just want to know’
after seeing the smidge of skin at the top of the kneepad, you nodded and brushed your fingertips over the flesh
‘hmm~ so i was right~’
it worried everyone so much when bokuto would glance at you in the sidelines and he would competely miss akaashi’s set bc his eyes would focus on you rather than the ball
like he absolutely couldnt take his eyes off of you and when you do turn to meet his eyes, he shrinks back and looks away, completely missing your amused smirk
now, your kitties werent happy about that
theyre very protective of you and they felt that this owl could snatch you right up and fly away
and kuroo, being the captain and the head of the familia, took it upon himself and dragged you to the back of the gym while the others were practicing
kurat pushed you against the wall and basically kabedonned you
‘you seem close with bokuto, l/n. almost, too,, close’
an amused smirk etched itself on your lips and you pressed a hand on his chest
‘oya~? captain-san, am i being punished?’
ofc he was taken aback by your flirty attitude but he smirked and softly brushed away your bangs that slightly covered your eyes
‘hmm~~ depends, y/n-kun. are you going to be a good kitty and stay with the clowder? or are you going to stay with those pesky chickens~?’
you chuckled and gently wrapped your arms around his shoulders
but your hand grabbed the hair at the back of his head and harshly pulled him to be closer to you
your eyes blinked innocently but your sharp teeth were shown from your malicious grin
‘ive always been a bad kitty, captain. so i dont care what you say because you cant tell me what to do~’
imagine what happens next bc i cant write something unholy
so you learned that tetsu CAN in fact tell you what to do and you avoided everyone else which caused them to wonder but one look at your neck
you got attacked by a cat 
a cat named tetsu
but you toned it down to not be attacked again
ngl the whole team was all jealous and they even whined to kuroo about it
‘thats not fair!!!!’
‘stop abusing your role as captain!!!!’
they hated the fact that kuroo got you first so they all rally over to keep you away from him
like baby kenma would nudge you over and bring him to sit next to you, saying he needs you to help him with a certain level
‘kenny, im not sure how to play this game’
‘hmm,,,, youre a quick learner, y/n, and youre really quick with your fingers so you could pass to the next level’
*insert lenny face*
‘oya? and you would know how, kenny?’
and baby kenny would fluster a little before glomping to your side and burying his face into your shoulder to hide away
the first years would absolutely use their kouhai priviledges and bring you over to help them with ‘homework’
‘you guys realize i passed because kuroo would beat me into studying right?’
‘but senpai! you mustve learned a thing or two in your classes!’
‘bold of you to assume i was even awake in my classes’
but they still make you spend hours trying to help them which turn into just messing around 
there isnt really a single calm moment in your guys’ practice
poor you have already started seeing lot of gray hairs
you literally decline every single confession just because youre too busy for a date and you cant handle having to take care of another person
its like youre dating the whole team!!
soon the entire school have just accepted the fact that you are just simply not in the market anymore just because you joined the club
not because youre actually taken by a girlfriend but youre taken by a bunch of teenage males
imagine how that works out
youre not really the best volleyball player out there but you know a thing or two
well,,, its more like your stamina doesnt allow you to play long bc a single lap literally destroys your lungs
but you still know when yaku complains about having a shaky receive
‘oh, momo-senpai, youre bending your knees too low so gravity is pushing down on your-’
ugh chemistry i hate it
despite your lack of athletic or physical skills, they still appreciate you for your keen eyes, your caring nature, and your overall looks that give them motivation to play harder to impress you personality :)
all the boys love you
and tbh
you love your boys too
even though it was a blackmail caused event,
you still would’ve joined otherwise
this is kinda short but its going to be longer if i find some plots or somebody asks for a plotline that i can write about for a long time
byeeeee :)))))
a/n: this isnt exactly the best manager one ive written but ill probably find a good prompt for this or again as stated ^^ someone sends in an ask for it and ill write a story for our favorite male manager :’D
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cinnamonest · 4 years
I'm doing ganyu character quest and her description as a child makes me go ❤️, she loved when someone patted her horns, she was a chubby kid and was scared of humans.
Now imagine rex lapis figuring out her fear and wanted to get rid of it, and the only way he can think of is getting watched over and bonding with a human. He decides to take a human bride, the last young adults from the qingce village, surrounded by children and elderly people. your temperament tends to be very calm and patient.
Here I'm imagining the same bride stealing thing, he opens your window and simply scoops you in his arms and starts traveling to mountain aozang where the adepti would met you for the first time. He fears you will act up as soon as you wake up so he send ganyu to bring him some violetgrass and qingxin.
If you don't freak out immediately after waking up somewhere unknown and around two men two cranes and a deer (?) Zhongli will explain the situation, of you do freak out he will grab your arms and try and keep you still so you don't hurt yourself, after that he will explain. If after all is said you don't want to babysit ganyu forever he will make you understand it wasn't an option, maybe he will give you to xiao for a day or so or maybe traping you on cloud retainer place for as load your human body can last without food or water.
If you do agree or you are tamed enough you will meet little ganyu, she will be made take seat in that stone table together with Zhongli and he will start talking to her about how he heard that human children need a mother to grow good and given that ganyu is half human too she might need a mother, then is when you sit down next to Zhongli.
You see ganyu's purple eyes grow big and turning around to hide away from you in her rock, but cloud retainer stops her
" why don't you give her a chance dearie, morax chose this one specially for you" cloud retainer grazes her wing over ganyu's hair lightly prompting her to approach you
" well, she doesn't have to of she doesn't want to" you speak sweetly " i will not force her to be near me if she fears me but I will either shoo her away if she wants to talk with me" your eyes now set on her " you can approach me whenever you feel like it, honey"
At first, ganyu doesn't want to be near you, standing far away, but as time goes on she starts warming up to you, maybe it's the occasional food you make for her even if she insists on not needing it you always shoot back with your " you are still half human" logic or how you cheer for her when she trains her bow skills. You notice those changes too, some flower crowns made with violetgrass and qingxin flowers , she bringing things humans dropped near by or some Cargo a merchant left behind after being attack by monsters. You grow so much into her that she never wants to be away from you for long!
Its hard to make Ganyu jealous, bit she can't help but want to follow morax when he whisks you away for a few days, those occasions don't last long and are far between but they make her very lonely, even with cloud retainer, mountain shaper and the others she misses her mama. She is happy that you are next to her again but what she doesn't like is when some months after ganyu notices, while you bath her, that your stomach starts to swell and approaches zhongli accusing him of making you sick bc of the morning sickness. Xiao was the one to cut her bluntly and say out loud what the rest was thinking " she most surely is pregnant. What a burden" he is also the one to explain the birds and the bees even if his ways are a bit too straight forward
"the male inserts himself inside the female and after some time the male has an orgasm and a baby is made"
Zhongli was more worried about checking if you were pregnant or sick so the only person to shut xiao up before he went into details of the sex and birth was cloud retainer
I appreciate that "give her to Xiao for one day" is a valid behavioral correction method that would cause darling to immediately accept a set permanent future of adepti mothering
Also now I'm thinking of like... How would our boys give kids the talk... Like fuck I can't think of a single one that would do a good job they'd all either be way too blunt, go way over the kids head, or just be like "fuck if I know"
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Someone - Ghost Ben Hargreeves x Ghost!Reader
Request: Ben hargreeves x reader who is also a ghost??? And klaus ships the hell out of em & Ghost ben x ghost reader with klaus third wheeling hehehehe i need more platonic klaus and reader stuffss
Warnings: mentions of drugs (well.. it’s Klaus) and death (uhm bc ghosts?)
Word count: 2 045
Klaus jumped up so quickly that he almost fell out of his bed. The bright sunlight that was shining into his room was blinding and hurt his eyes, mostly, but not only, due to the terrible hangover he was suffering from.
He blinked and noticed two figures standing at the end of the bed. One was Klaus’s deceaced, adopted brother Ben, and the other was you, the also deceased neighbor, who the Hargreaves kids had been friends with for as long as they could think. Now both ghosts stood in Klaus’ room, staring down at him in worry. Klaus usually loved his sleep but today your obnoxiously loud and off-key singing had woken him up for good; saved him from the lost souls that chased him in his nightmares.
“You were screaming,” Ben explained, crouching down to his brother. “Did you hurt yourself?”
Klaus shook his head no and slowly untangled himself from his blanket, earning an unnerved screech from you.
“Seriously, you sleep in a shirt but without pants?”
You turned away, deciding that it was too early in the day to be faced with Klaus’ bare legs in all their pale beauty.
Ben just chuckled.
“You hang around all the time anyway,” Klaus answered, reaching for the hand Ben had offered him, but was only met with thin air, causing him to sigh and get up by himself. “I bet you peek when I take a bath!”
“Oh, he’s fine,” you answered Ben’s question that had originally been directed at Klaus. “If he can hit on a dead person this early in the morning, he’s fine.”
And with these words you left the room. Through the wall.
Ben watched as Klaus wandered over to the chair by his desk and grabbed a flower skirt which he put on.
“Oh man, seriously?”
“What? Flowers match my aesthetics!”
“I meant the stupid lines you throw at (y/n) all the time. You know they don’t like it! You’re just gonna chase them away eventually,” Ben complained.
“Oh, they know it’s just banter,” Klaus disagreed, “and you’re just jealous that you don’t have the courage to be so open.”
Ben’s eyes widened, and he almost would have jumped forward to cover Klaus’ mouth with his hands to make him be quiet, but it would not have made a difference anyway since he was not made of matter.
“Shh,” he hissed instead, “They might hear you!”
“Oh come on,” Klaus threw his hands in the air, “did you still not tell them you like them? I didn’t raise you to be such a coward!”
“Yeah, you didn’t raise me at all,” Ben spit back, “and it doesn’t have to do anything with cowardice, just so you know.”
“Oh really, then why didn’t you tell them yet?”
Ben sighed, not sure what to answer. He did like you, very much in fact. But you were friends, and if he confessed that he liked you… the usual problems anyone who had ever been in love with their friend. But with the little additional problem that both of you were dead. For all eternity. You would both be stuck together in this weird situation until the end of time.
In the meantime, oblivious to the conversation that was going on in Klaus’ room, you were wandering around the Hargreaves mansion. Sometimes it upset you that you had no possibility to talk to anyone, other times you had fun commenting on the inhabitants’ routines the same way a sports reporter would, but today you were content just strolling around the house.
Grace was sitting in the gallery, embroidering flowers onto a white piece of cloth. For a while you watched her precise movements, then you walked over to the edge of the balustrade and watched Diego practicing his knife throwing. He was standing at the bottom of the stairs, and was throwing his knives against the door while turning to change the angle as often as possible. With slight amusement you watched the cold metal blades boring themselves into the massive wood where they stayed stuck, vibrating from the impact.
After you had watched Diego for a while you walked downstairs into the kitchen, where you found Luther brooding over his oatmeal.
“Knock, knock, anyone home?”
You pretended to knock your knuckles against Luther’s head.
“Sorry, that wasn’t very nice,” you mumbled, and flopped down on the chair opposite him. “sooo, what’s going on inside that head of yours, hm?”
Since, unlike Klaus, Luther could neither see nor hear you, he did not respond or even move, he just kept staring at his half eaten breakfast.
“How do you do that, dealing with your feelings for Allison,” you wondered, still not receiving an answer, but not expecting one either, “everyone knows you guys have a thing for each other, and you are always around each other. How does that not totally destroy you?”
Luther sighed and picked up his spoon, twirling it between his fingers.
“I mean… do you feel remotely as lonely as I do? Every time I see Ben, or even think of him, I… I see what I could have, how perfect he is, how kind, how… broken. He never wanted his power, yet he was the one burdened with it, and it’s so hard for him. And I just want to help, but I also want so much more! I want to hug him, and kiss him, and tell him everything will be alright! I want to make sure he’ll always be safe and welcome with me, and… then I remember that he just does not feel the same affection for me as I feel for him… and it just sucks.”
Luther dipped the spoon into the oatmeal, and pulled it back out, but instead of eating it, he turned the spoon so the oatmeal dripped of the spoon and back into the bowl, making a strange, wet sound.
“Yeah, something like that.”
No matter how much you adored Klaus and the stupid jokes he was making, you could not always hang around him. It was not so much his character, or Ben’s constant presence that made things hard as much as it was what he poor bastard did to himself. You were pretty certain Klaus had tried out every single drug nature and mankind had ever developed, and he spent most of his waking time getting high on them. You just could not watch it. You and Ben were the only two ghosts who got through to him once he was all drugged up, and you had lost count on how many times you had tried to stop Klaus from taking whatever he was about to take, but to no avail. He never listened. And while Ben hung out with Klaus for whatever reason, you just could not. Klaus was not your responsibility, and he had made it pretty clear that he did not want your concern either. And so you tried to stay away from him most of the time he was not clear.
The sun already began to set over the city when you made your way up to the roof. You loved sitting out here, watching the last light fade in the distance and the stars creep out of their hiding. You missed the feeling of the sunbeams on your skin and the wind in your hair, but at least you still got to watch these perfectly rich colours on the horizon and on the roofs.
You wondered whether in ten, twenty, a hundred or even a thousand years you would still be able to enjoy these images as much as you enjoyed them now. Would you stop caring eventually, when everybody who had ever bound your soul to this world had died? Would you turn bitter and angry, like a poltergeist? You could not remember ever having met such a ghost. Most of the time the other dead people were just shadows of their former selves, and hardly any were as conscious and active as Ben and you. Would you lose this energy eventually? Would you too just turn into some dead shadow of your former self?
While you were still thinking about these topics, Ben had slowly approached you, and sat down next to you. Only then you noticed him.
Turning your gaze away from the skyline, you looked over at him. Ben’s eyes were closed and his head was dropped back into his neck as if he was trying to feel the wind and sun on his face. But you knew he could not. Some people might think it to be romantic to be a ghost, but really it just felt like you had been robbed of some of the best things in life, like the feeling of wind and sun and water, your favourite foods and long Sunday naps.
“How was your day,” you asked, looking back at the horizon.
“Ah, you know,” Ben shrugged, “the usual. Klaus being a dick, Klaus being annoying, Klaus sleeping, Klaus listening to music …” You laughed, and Ben could not help but feel a little proud for having made you laugh. “And yours?”
“Watched Grace, watched Diego, had a very one-sided conversation with Luther and some of the portraits in the gallery, and I am currently enjoying this wonderful sunset,” you summarized.
“What did you talk to Luther about,” Ben wondered, and for a moment you wondered if he was jealous. But of course he was not. Why should he be? Luther did not even know you existed in this afterlife.
“Allison, loneliness, as you said, the usual,” you answered.
“You’re lonely,” Ben wondered, and turned to look at you.
“Sometimes,” you admitted, “I mean… I can see my family every day, but I can’t change anything about how their lives have changed without me. I never thought my dad would be one to drink, but here we are! And my siblings are all grown up now, moving away, living… and I’m just here like… maybe I should attend college, just out of curiosity. Or go to some workshop for knitting, even if I can’t do it myself.” You hesitated for a moment, before continuing more quietly. “I just feel like I’m lacking sense. Like… something’s missing.”
“Or someone,” Ben added, more to himself, but when he looked up from where he had been staring at his hands, he saw you were looking at him.
“Someone,” you asked, not sure if you wanted an explanation.
He did not answer. He just stared at you. At the sunbeams that caught in your lashes and made them glow, but left no shadows on your cheeks, at the way your eyes skipped over his face, trying to read his expression, but failing. Over the years he had learned that the only thing that felt real in this strange state of being a ghost was the touch of another ghost, and it felt weird and foreign since it happened so rarely. Ben did not know why exactly, or whether there was any reason at all, when he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours. Maybe it was just to stop that look on your face that tried to hide disappointment. Maybe it was because he had wanted to do this since he had been a teenager. Much to his relief you did not pull away, instead you leant in, gently kissing him back and driving his heart crazy, especially when you decided to place your hand at the side of his face to pull him closer. Your skin was warm and soft and real, so different from the strange world of the living all around the two of you. Ben did not quite realise it until he had pulled away again, cheeks blushed and lips swollen, but something felt different. It was not just the ecstatic feeling of knowing you liked him just as much as he liked you, but something more. What had you said about this feeling of loneliness earlier? As if something, someone, was missing? Ben leant his forehead against you and felt your eyelashes flatter against his skin. That feeling of something missing was gone now. He had found the Someone he had been missing. You.
Taglist (if you want to be added or taken off, please let me know):
General: @robinruns @marty-delorean05 @lookalivefrosty @jayloverthe3rd @butterflycore @vamp-void @angelevansfalls @starduststyx
UA: @myrandom-fandomlife
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shenzuns · 2 years
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@junshang​​​​  sought:  how's  their  relationship  with  their  immediate  family  ?  how's  the  sound  of  their  laugh  ?  (  if  they  laugh,  that  is  !  )  for  shen  yuan  !!  //  how  do  they  act  when  they  cry  ?  (  if  they  ever  do  it  )  for  sqq  !!
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𝚑𝚘𝚠'𝚜  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍  𝚘𝚏  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛  𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑  ?
mmm  i  think  he’s  very  restrained  when  he  laughs,  like  he’s  always  nervous  about  Something  he  can’t  quite  name  ?  it’s  anxious  and  quiet  most  of  the  time.  usually  something  brief  and  as  a  distraction  method.  but  !
when  he’s  in  a  comfortable  place,  or  something  is  Really  funny,  just  That  funny,  he’s  definitely  someone  that  goes  from  quiet  to  loud  !  not  super  loud,  but  it’s  really  pleasant,  like  when  you  can’t  help  yourself  and  it  just  keeps  coming  ?  like  a  kid  who  can’t  stop  !
he’s  very  physical  in  a  lot  of  how  he  portrays  himself,  super  show  don’t  tell,  and  when  something’s  really  funny  he  does  tend  to  throw  his  head  back  a  lot  !  he’ll  hunch  over  or  grab  whoever’s  nearest  (  or  shove  their  arm  lightly  LMFAO  he’s  a  brat  ),  or  knock  his  glasses  around  in  the  process.  it’s  pretty  silly  and  Definitely  leads  him  to  get  super  embarrassed  but  there’s  varying  degrees  and  it’s  entirely  dependent  on  who  he’s  with  !
very  mellow,  he’ll  often  ‘  hum  laugh  ’  to  muffle  the  sound.  it  comes  in  bursts,  and  sometimes  he’ll  snort  but  he  really  tries  not  to  bc  that’s  So  mortifying,  if  u  manage  to  get  him  to  do  that  though  ?  well  done  !  now  you’ve  got  an  embarrassed  shen  yuan  on  your  hands  !  
he’s  also  a  giggler  ?  which  like.  idk  what  it  is  i  hate  that  word  BUT.  LMAO  he  is,  definitely  the  type  to  hide  his  laugh  and  smile  behind  his  hand.  but  again,  he  doesn’t  laugh  much  around  people  he’s  not  close  with  and  if  he  does  it’s  quiet  and  kind  of  muted  unless  you  manage  to  catch  him  off  guard.
𝚑𝚘𝚠'𝚜  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛  𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙  𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛  𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎  𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢  ?
ooo  this  is  something  i  turn  over  in  my  head  a  lot,  bc  i  imagine  he’s....  fairly  close  to  them  ?  but  also  quite  distant  !  there’s  a  way  he  handles  himself  post  transmigration  esp  w/  regards  to  his  family  that  makes  me  wonder  a  lot,  and  i  think  he’s  always  believed  himself  to  be  quite  a  burden  on  their  shoulders,  so  while  i  don’t  think  they’re  not  loving  !  i  think  there’s  some  strain  on  his  relationship  with  his  parents  and  siblings,  a  distance  that  while  unintentional  and  definitely  also  on  his  part  too,  which  contributes  a  lot  in  how  he  interacts  with  other  people  around  him.  HOWEVER,  HOWEVER  !  i  do  think  he  is  pretty  close  to  them,  just  very  distant,  and  with  a  lot  of  his  own  issues.
i  think  there’s  definitely  a  gap  between  the  relationship  with  his  parents,  and  older  brothers,  that  comes  from  a  feeling  of  not  quite  being  what  his  parents  want,  or  wanted,  him  to  be  ?  and  he’s  lucky  in  a  way,  bc  if  i  remember  correctly  he  has  two  older  brothers,  so  they  take  care  of  things  that  he  doesn’t  inherently  have  to  worry  about  !  but  there’s  definitely  a  strain  there  from  pressure,  his  own  feelings  of  inadequacy,  to  being  a  very  indoorsy  person  (  not  always  his  own  choice  )  which  means  meeting  up  with  them  doesn’t  happen  very  often  in  conjunction  with  them  being  very  busy,  presumably  business,  orientated  people.  i  also  think  he  isolates  himself  out  of  a  feeling  of  care  bc  he  knows  they  don’t  like  seeing  him  ill,  and  he’s  like  that  so  often,  so  he  hates  to  see  them  worry. 
the  closest  he’s  with  imo  out  of  everyone  in  his  immediate  family  is  absolutely  his  younger  sister  !  i  have  so  many  cute  li’l  hcs  about  how  he  used  to  dote  on  her  as  much  as  he  could  when  they  were  younger,  and  i  love  when  ppl  come  up  with  their  own  versions  of  who  she  is  as  a  character  bc  i  absolutely  know  that  she’s  someone  he  misses  dearly.  
he  doesn’t  rly  talk  about  his  family  in  canon,  and  i  do  think  that’s  bc  there’s  a  grief  to  be  had  there  which  means  he  doesn’t  Want  to  think  about  them  &  what  he’s  lost  or  what  it  all  means  more  than  necessary,  BUT.  HE  DOES  MENTION  HER  LMAOOO  AND  SO  YEAH  she  is  the  one  he’s  closest  to  given  how  distant  of  a  person  he  can  be,  which  isn’t  Always  his  fault  but  yeah  !!!!  i  think  he  misses  having  that  younger  figure  to  dote  over,  i  think  he  misses  her  more  than  he’ll  ever  say.
TLDR;  it’s.  u  know,  it’s  going.  he’s  pretty  distant  from  them  but  he  does  love  them  dearly  and  to  some  degree  knows  they  love  him  back,  but  it’s  distant  for  sure  !
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𝚑𝚘𝚠  𝚍𝚘  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢  𝚊𝚌𝚝  𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢  𝚌𝚛𝚢  ?
soooo  claps  my  hands  together  !  as  we  Know  he’s  not  someone  that  cries  often,  and  he’s  rarely  ever  conscious  of  it  because  it’s  just  not  something...  he  does  ?  it’s  always  been  associated  with  physical  pain  for  him,  he’s  very  withdrawn  about  his  own  emotions  and  with  that  comes  him  being  a  very  quiet  crier.  he  doesn’t  want  people  to  know  that  he’s  crying,  he  doesn’t  like  the  vulnerability  or  the  fuss  that  comes  with  it  and  if  he’s  questioned  too  much  he  does  lock  up  and  get  very  indignant  or  at  times  cold.  being  open  isn’t  an  easy  thing  for  him  !  he’s  more  likely  to  cry  alone  and  silent,  pretending  as  if  he’d  never  cried  to  begin  with,  than  to  actually  tell  anyone  or  to  let  people  see  that  he’s  crying.
i  think  about  the  mauso  arc  a  lot  because  that’s  the  first  time  that  he’s  ever  openly  cried  in  canon,  and  even  then  it  was  something  he  tried  hiding  !  few  people  will  ever  get  him  to  the  brink  of  tears,  and  granted  he  DID  have  to  tear  fungi  from  his  skin  which,  reverting  back  to  my  point  on  physical  pain,  was  the  initial  cause  for  his  tears  but  i  also  think  lbh  yelling  at  him  (  which  wasn’t  bomgy’s  fault  bc  sqq  didn’t  listen  )  was  definitely  something  that  furthered  it.  honestly  if  the  candles  didn’t  light  up,  i’m  not  sure  if  bomgy  would’ve  ever  seen  him  cry  (  unless  he  noticed  tear  marks  or  smth  )  because  sqq  would  rather  die  than  openly  admit  to  it.
it  also  swings  ‘round  to  his  many  issues  with  being  seen  as  a  burden,  which  is  funny  considering  his  actions  y’know  but  i  do  think  that  he  has  this...  idea  of  being  a  burden,  being  frail,  and  he  hates  that  bc  he’s  had  to  deal  with  it  enough  once  before,  so  he’d  really  rather  Not  share  that  handful  onto  other  people.  but  yeah,  when  he  cries,  he’ll  do  it  in  his  own  space  privately  if  he’s  conscious  of  it  because  a  lot  of  the  time  he  isn’t  very  keyed  in  to  his  own  feelings  as  a  result  of  just  not...  wanting  to  be  ?  if  something  is  foreign  to  him  or  there’s  a  revelation  he’s  not  comfortable  having,  then  he’ll  just  completely  close  himself  off  to  the  idea  of  it  (  even  if  it’s  still  in  the  back  of  his  mind  circulating  ).
but  yeah,  he’s  just  very  quiet,  very  distant,  very  solitary  when  he  cries.  it’s  a  really  big  act  of  trust  on  his  part  if  he  cries  in  front  of  someone  Knowingly  (  on  account  of  him  not  necessarily  being  aware  of  it,  he’ll  definitely  shield  himself  off  though  unless  you’re  someone  he  Wants  to  trust  but  even  then  he  might  be  a  li’l.  stiff  at  first,  unsure  of  How  to  act  )  bc  he’s  just  not  someone  that  will  reach  out  for  comfort  and  he’s  absolutely  the  type  to  pretend  as  if  the  situation  never  happened  even  if  his  face  and  the  other  person’s  shirt  (  if  he  chooses  to  cry  into  someone’s  shoulder  but  i  think  he  might  bc  he  wouldnt  want  them  to  See  him  cry,  he  can  be  kind  of  sensitive  about  his  image  and  how  he’s  perceived  at  times  ).
BUT  YA  TLDR;  all  this  to  say  he  doesn’t  cry  in  front  of  people,  he’s  very  quiet,  usually  by  himself,  and  prefers  to  pretend  as  if  it  never  happened  !
he  also  definitely  cried  after  he  pushed  binghe  into  the  abyss  imo.  just  bc  canon  doesn’t  outright  state  it  doesn’t  mean  it  Never  happened  and  it’s  likely  ning  yingying  or  ming  fan  have  come  into  his  room  after  he’s  hastily  put  himself  together,  and  they  KNOW  he’s  been  crying  but  they  can’t  exactly  say  anything.  he’ll  literally  pretend  like  nothing’s  happened,  and  often  times  doesn’t  even  register  that  he  has  been  crying  bc  his  mind  is  likely  far  off  thinking  about  bomgy  and  trying  to  come  to  terms  with  EVERYTHING  that’s  happened  (  including  transmigrating  bc  dying  and  losing  ur  whole  family  is  Not  an  easy  thing  to  deal  with  despite  what  he  thinks  and  how  he  comes  off,  i  Know  he’s  not  coping  )
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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seancekitsch · 4 years
Not to Touch the Earth
this is a prize buck 60s au bc apparently i have enough of an ego to do that
a/n & warnings: drug reference, alcohol references, no actual drug use, unprotected car sex, use of the word daddy, roughness, cult references, orgy references, none of this is even really prize buck canon but yknow we might reference it again for a joke or two. natural born killers reference also
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“Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake, The minister's daughter's in love with the snake,” you sing off-key, “Who lives in a well by the side of the road. Wake up, girl, we're almost home!”
You punctuate the end of the verse by howling out the window of the car Klaus was using, voice being swallowed by the vastness of the desert somewhere on the California border. Klaus drove on, trying to remember a time you were ever so free. He figures you probably never were, not sober. Not totally sober like now. He was coming up on three years, you on six months, and your new favorite activity was definitely driving out into the desert, as far away from Klaus’ little commune as possible, and singing songs that hadn’t been written yet and making love on the hood of the car. 
He smiles and looks over, watching you lean out the window bathing in the golden light of the sunset and he has to laugh. Is this just what you’re like in a car? Or is it being trapped in time? Your first week here was spent avoiding any of his followers and trying to talk to any of the universities in San Francisco, but none of them would hire you because a woman with a doctorate was rare, and a woman professor was even rarer. You stopped trying in a fit of anger after one Dean told you your ‘husband was a brave man for letting his wife become so educated’ before offering to let you take undergraduate classes because those were available to women. So you leaned into helping him hide from the Destiny’s Children. You had fun here. You kept each other in check being sober, you kept him from being fully engulfed by the group. You like these people, you just wish they didn’t like you and your partner as much as they do.
But the times when the two of were alone were the best. Klaus loves stealing you away from everyone else and being with you like everything’s normal. He loves you without that twinge of shame you carry with you, without waking up with tears in your eyes and thinking he doesn’t notice them. You haven’t been crying or hiding it from him here. He loves how goofy you allow yourself to be, the way you don’t constantly hold yourself back.  He remembers back on earlier today, when you’d snuck up on him, licked a warm stripe up his neck and sang lyrics from the very song you were piecing together now.
“Not to touch the earth, not to see the sun. Nothin left to do but run run run,” you sang, only for him.
“Let’s run.”
You didn’t have to say it again before he grabbed the nearest set of car keys and was swatting at your ass to get you running for the passenger seat. 
You feel the hot air hit your skin, and you can’t remember a time you ever actually liked the heat. You never saw yourself even visiting southern California. Sobriety re-introduced you to the cold and you greeted her like an old lover. You like your cold weather and your jackets and your fucking hospital socks you stole and stockpiled which now didn’t even exist yet. But the heat here is different, it kisses your skin like Klaus does, frees you from the burdens of life fifty years from now. The heat is a reminder that you don’t have the struggles you had in 2019, the heat is a reminder you can rebuild yourself. You know you have to go back sometime, but you can be selfish and steal this time with Klaus. You squint into the setting sun on the horizon as Klaus makes the car slow, then veers off the empty road to park. You’d have the moonlight soon, which meant a cool night with him all to yourself. By the time he walks around to your side of the car, he blocks the sun from your view. Your eyes trail up from the tip of that ugly fucking beard he’s got growing to his chin, to his lips. To the grin he sports, saves only for you.
“Do you think they’ve noticed were gone?”
“Why? Worried Keechie’s missing you?” you snort.
“Keechie? God, no. Although, if I were you I’d be worried Madelaine was getting lonely by now”
Right; you were hiding from two members of the group in particular. Your first mistake was attempting to have sex in a five mile radius of the group. You didn’t think they’d barge into your tent and invite themselves to join. But, ever the adventurous and slightly stupid, you let them. Now two of the four that had been in your tent  were trying to recreate that moment again.
“Not my fault I rocked her world. You jealous, Prophet?”
“At first I was impressed because I didn’t think you swung that way, but yes. Yes, terribly.”
That probably isn’t much of a joke. Sobriety put a bit of a possessive streak in Klaus, and as much free love is flowing, it’s nice to feel like you belong to someone. And you do belong to Klaus, in every way that counts for your group. But you’d struck a chord with Madelaine and now shes creeping in on Klaus’ territory.  
He pulls you from the car, literally pulls you. His hands come up under your armpits and lift you from the car window until you can step out of the window and he can lower you down onto the sand. He’s thankful you’ve learned your lesson, as the last time he did this you weren’t wearing sandals and burned your feet on the sand. He bends to let you pluck the wide brimmed hat from his head and you place it on your own as you walk to the trunk to fetch a blanket. Dancing, not walking, he thinks. The way you walk is more like dancing. You grab a blanket from the trunk and sit with him until it’s night. You sit with him close enough to reach out and touch, but not quite. It’s in these moments you can close your eyes and perfectly imagine you’re back in your studio apartment with him, listening to the record player and sharing a bottle of wine, thinking about the narrowly avoided apocalypse and job hunting for him. You can close your eyes and imagine inviting his siblings over to crowd your apartment for a loud night of laughing and take out. You can hold his hand and think of how very little space the two of you took up in the world and how comforting it felt. 
When you open your eyes again it’s dark. Perfect. Night falls quickly in the desert. You look over to see Klaus equally as relaxed, an easy smile painted across his entire face, worry lines smoothed away.  He hums a song you recognize.
“Sweet Jane? Don’t you think that’s a little too ‘Mickey and Mallory’ for us?”
He hums a little more of the song before he answers.
“I was just thinking if we mixed blood in a wedding ceremony our paramours would leave us alone,” there’s a hint of something dark in his eyes, “Now get on the hood.”
It’s the way that he says it, low and commanding, that has you jumping up onto the hood of the car and eagerly arranging yourself in a provocative pose, legs splayed and leaning on your arms to arch you back a little, just to entice him even more. That’s all part of the dance, and here more often than not he leads. He commands and positions you the way he likes it and rewards you in kind. He actually looks a bit like a god figure or a superhero the way he saunters over to you in the dark and crawls above you onto the hood, sandal clad feet standing on the grill so he has more leverage for what he has in mind. 
“Now, are you ready for Daddy?
You have to snort at that.
“Daddy? If anyone is daddy here, it’s me babe.”
He grips your bare thigh, just above the knee, then gives it a little warning slap. Not hard, just a little more than nothing.
“I don’t think you’re in the position to call yourself anything besides what I feel like calling you, doctor.”
Any retort to that comment, which honestly stung a little, died on your tongue when a low growl rumbles from his throat and his mouth connects with your stomach, biting at the cloth of your tank top and the skin underneath. You sink back down and stare at the stars, whimpering as you count them and let Klaus tease you as he undresses you. 
“If you were the prophet I’d be entirely devoted to you,” He says as he pulls your shorts down your legs, “I’d follow you everywhere on Earth, I’d do anything you asked of me.”
“Don’t you already?” you laugh.
“I do,” He confirms, “I do, I do, I do” and punctuates each confirmation with a little nip at the inside of your thigh, the same one he had just slapped. The beard he’s been growing out tickles as you squirm beneath him, hands roaming wherever they wish but solidly keeping you in place for him. You think back on your first time with him, how eager he’d been to please, how you wanted to be the one he was pleasing, and how far you’ve come together. His fingers wind up your legs like ivy on an old statue and pause at your underwear, teasing for a moment, before pulling them aside and plunging two fingers into you without warning. He pushes them in deep, scissoring them back and forth a few times, before pulling them back out, and sucking on them. If youre moaning or swearing, you can't hear yourself. An appetizer for a meal, or something equivalent of that. The delighted moan that echoes from his throat as he sucks you from his fingers sends shivers up your spine, just knowing you're in for it tonight. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you dare to meet his eyes, dark and stormy and hungry for you. He has the audacity to give you his sweetest smile before roughly pulling your underwear away from your body and heavily dropping his knee onto the car hood between your own. Klaus himself is intoxicating, you didn't need drugs or alcohol. It was so easy for him to consume your senses, and you readily let him. And when he finally kisses you, you feel yourself drowning. Really truly drowning. The way his tongue dances with your own has you gripping his shoulders like hes the last rock before a riptide pulling you under. It takes him no time at all to have his pants undone and to be grinding himself against you. This is a glimpse of the Klaus of 2019, humping against you and gently whimpering into your mouth. But quickly he pushes that away, lining himself up with you and pulling back enough from you to make eye contact as he pushes himself in. No matter how domineering he could be in the 60s with you, he makes sure to look at you, to ask those silent questions, to be granted that permission to absolutely take over you.With each thrust, long and deep, punctuated with a needy moan, he takes a little more of you. And you willingly let him, and give him everything you can. 
You probably look like one of those renaissance paintings beneath him, as he thrusts hard deep fast, your breasts exposed like all of the biblical women, your body contorted on the hood of the car, like one of those angels in anguish. There was no where for your hands to find purchase that wasn't Klaus, so your hands are far up behind you, palms planted on the windshield to give yourself a better angle, a better arch of your back for Klaus to wrap his arms firmly around you, so he could kiss your chest and the long expanse of your neck and shoulders while he kept his pace. He held you as lose as possible, and for a moment you imagine its just him. You as nothing but an extension of himself, your pleasure mixing and becoming his pleasure. When he got like this, its easy to imagine he didn't have many lovers before you that cared that much about his pleasure. Sure they probably thought he was a fun time, as that was a given, but it was probably rare someone actually cared about what he was feeling. You like that he trusts you with this bare part of himself. No, you love it. You love-
A deep moan from his mouth vibrates against your breast, you feel it even more than you hear it, and it brings you back to where you are now, looking down at his lust filled, indulgent expression. 
“Keep looking at me,” he commands, thrusting harder, making you almost squeak at the angel he's hitting, “It's just me, and you, and the coyotes out here.”
Your hands scramble to grab the sides of his face as you start to move your hips to fuck back against his thrusts, eager to come for him while hes watching you. Any attempt to praise him comes out as stuttered moans and fragments of words, but there's a devilish smile on his face that tells you he knows what you're saying. 
He pulls one arm from under you, slams it on the car below right next to your head, and goes in for the kill. He’s merciless in his thrusts as he kisses and nips at your fingers that he can reach. He doesnt guide you but throws you off of the cliff into bliss, a scream parting from your lips as he refuses to slow his pace. This more dominant and possessive Klaus is wild, selfish in a beautiful way. In his face you see indulgence personified, a modern Dionysus filling each urge that swept over you. He doesn't let you calm down, doesn't let you catch your breath, overstimulating you as he reaches his own release. He comes equally as loudly, with a shout of your name and “oh, lover” tumbling from his lips before he stills, and captures your lips on his own. 
He kisses you slowly, like he's drinking in the taste of you, holding you still, feeling your skin melt with his. It's hard to tell where he ends and you begin, but you prefer it this way. It's just the two of you in the desert. Just the two of you in the world. There's plenty of water in the canteen, and after a drink to refresh you, you'll be tearing at each other again, just far enough off the road no one will see you. He pulls out of you with a hiss, like it hurts him not to be inside of you, and you find yourself involuntarily whining at the loss as well. He grabs the canteen and returns to put it to your lips, then his own, then you sit and talk of nothing and everything sweet, needlessly flirting and preening each others egos with loving words until you're both ready to go again. It continues like this until one of you falls asleep on the other. This is the desert routine. 
When you wake around sunrise, covered in bruises and hickies, hair tangled to hell, you're wrapped in the blanket from the trunk, Klaus’ shirt used as your pillow. He’s just outside, naked as you are, greeting the dawn. Something about his posture beckons you to join him, and on shaking legs you pull yourself from the car, unsteadily stepping until you can wrap your arms around his torso, his hand reaching to grab for you and sliding over your shoulders. He repositions you so you stand together, not with you behind him. The way its supposed to be. And then the moment the sun is fully in the sky, he greets it by crowing like a rooster. Loudly, freely. You join in.
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