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bluesey-182 · 5 months ago
i was in a place where i was really happy with how i was eating: i was trying new things, i was eating sooo many vegetables, i was eating actual meals instead of just snacking throughout the day.... and then i had to go and get a fucking ulcer and now i'm on a bland food diet for the next 8 weeks and i can barely eat anything without getting sick and feeling insane amounts of pain and i miss so many foods. god i miss so many foods
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distinguishedgoatdragon · 4 months ago
My stomach is my biggest opp rn
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dream-satsuma · 2 years ago
Guys, I just found the plant based Boursin in Asda and I'm in love. It might become the only thing I eat from now on.
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thefrsers · 2 months ago
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#JamieClaire softness is my weakness🥹😭
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 4 months ago
The Aftermath - Aegon II Targaryen
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Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x sister!reader
Warnings: Murder, crying, mentions of a child's remains, violence, shouting
Wordcount: 1772
Summary: You're the youngest daughter of Viserys Targaryen and after the events of blood and cheese, you comfort your oldest brother Aegon through his pain and despair.
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Sorrow and pain flooded through your veins as you walked across the Red keep, frantically pushing through the masses of guards and servants being pushed around to be searched.��
Jaehaerys had been killed. The little boy you called nephew that ran laps around you just earlier today had been murdered in cold blood in his own bed. And your poor sister Helaena had been the one to point him out, held at knifepoint and made to choose between her own children and her life. You’d heard it from your mother Alicent and you’d been quick to pull your sister into a hug, holding both her and Jaehaera in a tight embrace. 
Now you were on your way to find Aegon, you older brother, and father of your late nephew. On your way you bumped into Aemond and through the tears in your eyes you’d made a hasty apology and hurried off after he gave you a reassuring nod and a low hum. 
The doors to Aegon’s chambers were halfway open and you heard him long before you saw him. He was shouting and screaming, and when you turned the corner and froze in the door you saw him standing with the firefork in his hands grasped like a sword. Your father’s work of Kinglanding in miniature was halfway smashed to bits and Aegon’s wild, red rimmed eyes were glossed over. 
“This is war!” He shouted, hitting the stone statues Viserys had built, making pieces of it fly in the air. 
“I declare war!” More pieces flew and one of the guards turned to the door, intending to shut it close, and he met your gaze. A mix between relief and chock washed over his face and you gestured for both of them to leave, stepping aside in the doorway. They met each other’s gaze and then nodded to you and to Aegon, then walked out. 
The broken boy in front of you had gone quiet when he noticed the guards leaving and his gaze trailed after them as they left and when they passed you, his focus shifted. The tears welled up in his eyes and he heaved a heavy breath as you shut the doors and stepped closer to him. 
“My- my little son-“ he cried, tears welling over and falling down his cheeks and you crossed the floor and wrapped him up in your arms, holding him close and pressing his head to your shoulder. And Aegon sobbed. He wrapped his arms around your waist, the firefork falling to the floor with an echoing clatter, and surrendered to the pain that was ripping his chest open. You buried one hand in his hair and the other held him across the back, pressing him into you with such vigor that Aegon could almost imagine he was standing upright again, the strength and comfort you radiated keeping him together a bit. 
“I know,” you gasped, sobbing as well. The tears fell from your eyes and down into Aegon’s hair but neither of you cared. “I’m so sorry, Aegon, I’m so, so sorry.” 
“He- I should’ve- I-,” his own sobs and hiccups cut him off and he trembled in your arms. The sounds of his cries tore your heart into pieces but all you could do was hold him. 
Jaehaerys was Aegon’s pride and happiness. He hadn’t found it in his marriage to your sister, neither had he found it in his duty as king. Not even the brothels and the filled cups of wine could ever grant him happiness. Numbness, yes. Happiness? No. 
But Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, that was something clean and pure. Something innocent that came from Aegon. He was proud to be their father. His son was his legacy, and he’d been taken away from him. Ripped out of his arms never to return. 
His children, even if he didn’t get to spend a lot of time with them, had always been the best part of his days. He’d sit down on the floor or in the gardens, indulging in their little games and plays. Helaena often sat a few feet away embroidering and more often than not, you’d join in too, hanging out with your niece and nephew. Sometimes, even Aemond would join you, were you in the gardens. He’d sit down on a bench or beneath the white tree of the godswood to read, but every time he always ended up playing with the children. 
It was some of the most treasured moments of your life and no doubt Aegon’s too. 
Jaehaerys had been all the good Aegon wasn’t. Pure as the driven snow, innocent and beautiful. A living spectacle, and for the first time in Aegon’s life he felt true, complete and utter devotion and love. 
His knees buckled under him but you just pressed him closer, holding him to you and gently rocking back and forth, both of you crying. 
“I- what did- what did I do to deserve this?” He questioned quietly through the sobs. He pulled away slightly to wipe his tears and nose. You met his eyes, deep blue, almost colored purple by his sorrow. 
With gentle hands you cup his face in your palms, his hands still holding you tight around your middle, pressing your bodies close. 
“You didn’t,” you shake your head, sniffling and wiping away his tears with your thumbs. “You did not deserve this, Aegon.” His lower lip trembles and he pulls it between his teeth, biting down on it for a second and then he buries his face against your shoulder again, crying until he can’t anymore. 
A heavy knock comes from the door but when Aegon mumbles a quiet “come”, still bundled up in your arms, no one enters. Instead a voice tells him his council requests his attendance through the closed doors and then footsteps that are leaving. Aegon looks at you, eyes swollen and red rimmed. He starts shaking his head but you shush him and give him a nod, quietly telling him he needs to go. 
He knows you’re right but it takes him a few minutes and a whole lot of willpower to pull himself away from you. He manages two steps away from you before he turns around again, quietly reaching out for you with trembling hands and pulling you with him. 
His guards walk both of you to the council chamber and you stop outside the doors but he quickly pulls you with him again, up the short set of stairs to the grand table in the middle. Your mother and grandsire are already there, as well as Ser Criston, Lord Tyland Lannister, Lord Jasper Wylde and Grand Maester Orwyle. The only one missing is Lord Larys Strong, but you assume he’s been tasked with finding the culprit as the master of whisperers. 
Aegon finally lets you go as you sit down on the seat assigned to the master of ships. Your mother gives you a questioning look with her red rimmed doe eyes but you only give her an affirmative nod. 
“And where were the members of this council when the murderers threatened their king?” He questions as he walks the long side of the table to get to his seat. 
“Were you also threatened, my king?” Someone asks. You’re not familiar enough with the members of the council to know who, and your eyes are locked sorely on Aegon. 
“I could have been!” He snaps, grabbing a chalice and throwing it on the floor, a million tiny pieces of glass shatter at your feet. Aegon’s eyes meet yours as he looks up from the mess he’s made but you hold no judgment for him. You understand his anger and his acts of violence. They’re not aimed at anyone, maybe himself. He takes a shout at Ser Criston as well, throwing another cup across the room. 
You sit quietly, watching the chaos unfold, but never once can you take your eyes from the broken boy in front of you who, in his desperation and grief, has to handle matters no parent should ever have to deal with after losing a child. Especially not in the way your siblings lost theirs. 
The telltale sound of Lord Larys with his cast on his foot and his cane has you turning around, averting your gaze from Aegon for the first time since you entered the council room. He gives you a nod, and you acknowledge it with a slight smile despite your wet cheeks and tearfilled eyes. 
“Your grace, if I may,” he begins and it gets impossibly quiet as everyone turns to him. At his words that they’ve found the man who’s done it with the child’s head in a sack, you’re almost gagging and you turn away from him, meeting Alicent’s eyes and she looks just as torn apart as you feel. 
After that, you zone out. Your eyes are locked on Aegon but your mind isn’t with you. You can only hear the astounding suggestions your grandsire, the hand, makes and your heart is tearing at the seams when you think about it. Your gaze flickers to Alicent again and she has to stand from her stool, turning her back to the table for a second. When you look back to Aegon he meets your eyes with a burning desperation and despair, and all you want to do is grab him and get him out of there. You can see how suffocating the room is for him as he claws at the armrests of his chair. 
“Mother?” Is his only reply to the suggestions, a desperate attempt to get some kind of council and comfort from the one he needs it the most. But your mother’s only response is the one he doesn’t want to hear. 
At that you order everyone out. Otto begins to object but Aegon snaps at him, telling him to leave at once and he only bows and strides out. Alicent gives you both one last look over her shoulder before she exits and the guards shut the doors. 
“I’m so sorry,” is the first thing that tumbles out of your mouth. He’s sitting slumped back into his chair and you slowly raise from yours and walk to him. 
“Aegon, I- I’m so incredibly sorry,” you tell him gently, placing yourself in front of him, half sitting on the table. He doesn’t respond, he only falls forward into you, resting his head in your lap, and as he only does with you, he lets go, giving into it all; the pain, the sorrow, the burdens and the duties, leaving behind the heavy crown, and he cries.
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aquanutart · 4 months ago
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"little miss prairie faerie" is a cute name actually... (but I won't use it if she doesn't like it)
#neopets#illusen#aquanutart#thank you faerie festival for letting me support my childhood fave#even though i stumbled into the festival five days in and was randomly assigned a team because i was too late to choose#i was like yesss i can get rid of all my junk from the plot--wait i can get a faerie doll??#nevermind. i have to do this RIGHT#okay! time to rediscover my addiction to cheat!#...okay! time to restrain myself from spending all my free time on cheat!#i used to sit there obsessively playing cheat! on dial-up back in the day#also due to the festival i won at cheeseroller for the first time in my entire life. then i was too happy with my honey cheese to donate it#as a kid i didn't know how to play cheeseroller because i didn't know what cheese name to enter#i just sat there staring at the empty input box trying to think of a name of a cheese out of my head. it was very frustrating#i kept playing cheeseroller after i won because i was so happy i finally figured out how to play but i haven't won again since then#my one honey cheese remains my treasured prize. no i did not donate it#anyway my determination to farm 8-point items ended after one day when i realized how much time it takes to play cheat!#and i switched to 6-point but then missed a day and wound up with not enough points to get the staff#but i had actually been agonizing anyway over how i wouldn't end up with enough points to get the staff AND the faerie doll#simple choice now. i can have faerie dolls guilt-free
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mac-n-cheese-art · 4 months ago
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nearly 20 years late to the lost fandom have some disorganized ana lucia doodles bcus shes my favorite character
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fraudulent-cheese · 7 months ago
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swagyatta · 29 days ago
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it's provolone hours
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limbcom · 23 days ago
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look, theyre twinning
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showersthoughts · 2 months ago
did I know ao3 was going to be down for maintenance?
no, no not really.
am I now in slight distress?
yes maybe
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kgthesillyclown · 5 months ago
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He is so iconic btw
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teacolouredink · 4 months ago
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He's just a lil cheese fella!! 🖤🪨🧀
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rikoandtako · 4 months ago
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Sonic Sketch Page - Gettin loose with it Just some 2am sketches! I added some color too cause why not lol Cream is having a mood for sure
Links: https://rikoandtako.carrd.co Support my work: https://patreon.com/RikoandTako
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burningcheese-merchant · 4 months ago
BurningCheese/GoldenSpice Playlist
Ok, time to stop being a bitch and post the ship playlist I keep harping on about already.
Gonna mark each song with an emoji to signify if it's meant to either be Burning Spice's POV (🔺) or Golden Cheese's (🧀). It's also going to be band/singer name first, song name second, for ease of understanding
Thank you to everyone who's reached out to me, both on here and on AO3, with song suggestions! A good chunk of these came from me myself, but a lot of people introduced me to plenty more songs that I loved and agreed suited these two perfectly. It's been fun putting a playlist together with this help, it feels like a fun group project now lol. (Hell, you guys are actually helping me think of new writing material. Music is a huge source of inspiration and creativity for me, as I'm sure you've noticed. In a way, you're all indirectly making fic requests lol)
You're all still more than welcome to keep shooting me song ideas to add, the playlist is ever-expanding! I'll just come back to this post and edit any new additions in. (This playlist is 3x longer than my PitayaFire one. I need you all to understand how big of a deal that is for me personally. I never thought I'd be this down bad for a ship besides that one. It's fucking surreal)
Some of it is meant to sound one-sided, others like it's a mutual love/relationship. I'll let you guess which is which lol. Now rock out to Evil Spice Man x Pretty Cheese Lady with me 🤘🤘🤘
Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up🔺
Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care🔺(with the Wild Spice crew as the backup singers!!!)
Mariah Carey - Obsessed 🧀
Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You🔺🧀
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance🔺🧀
Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)🔺
Mindless Self Indulgence - What Do They Know?🔺
Britney Spears - Toxic 🧀
Fish in a Birdcage - Rule #34🔺(this is also a great PureShadow song ngl. It's how it was first introduced to me, even lol)
Shayfer James - Filthy Habit🔺
King Gnu - SPECIALZ🔺🧀 (look up the English version of the lyrics. Very BurningCheese-core imo)
Mindless Self Indulgence - This Hurts🔺
Jack Black - Peaches🔺(shout out to the anon in my inbox who suggested this. Joke's on them, I had this on the playlist right from the start lolololololol)
Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?🔺
Lady Gaga - Poker Face 🧀
Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) - Troublemaker 🧀
Rihanna - Where Have You Been🔺(fun fact: I had this playing on a loop as I wrote "Our Little Dance" to get into the Yandere Spice mindset lol)
Lady Gaga - Judas 🧀
Miike Snow - Genghis Khan🔺
The Orion Experience - Obsessed With You🔺(this song is just really funny. You can probably apply it to all Beast x Ancient ships tbh)
Nine Inch Nails - Closer🔺
Mindless Self Indulgence - 5TR82HE11🔺
Air Traffic Controller - This Is Love🔺
Isabel LaRosa - favorite 🧀
Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch🔺(listen I imagined Spice singing this to Golden and just started howling with laughter, it's fucking hysterical ok)
ENHYPEN - Bite Me🔺
Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide🔺(GC would sing a few parts tho)
5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth🔺🧀 (mostly Spice though)
Buerak - Культ Тела 🔺(look up English lyrics, very Yandere Spice coded. Thank you to the anon who suggested it)
Tom Lehrer - The Masochism Tango🔺
Lady Gaga - Disease 🧀
G-Eazy (with Halsey) - Him & I🔺🧀
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time🔺(imagine Spice singing this while stuck in prison. Please. He's singing and the other Beasts want to off themselves because it's so annoying and he won't stop. Please it is so funny. I have so much fun imagining this freak acting stupid-)
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t00thpasteface · 10 months ago
this is going to sound soooo stupid but i really am glad they made charlie a lot nicer especially to pim in this new season. it's great that he actually DID learn from the cool experience in "charlie dies and doesn't come back" (bc i fucking hate it when shows don't commit to their own big season-finale setpieces) but also it's just way more believable that a big lovable oaf like this would volunteer at a charity that helps people smile, and go to work every day in a building shaped like a smiley face, and "never give up on a job". and i'm glad that he was allowed to be kind of a jackass and phone it in at first bc now it feels earned and not like he just rolled out of an assembly line of friends who are smiling. sorry i just really like charlie
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