#I LOVE Sicilia
daimonios · 9 months
i love gay people so much its crazy
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toughcookie01 · 2 years
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- Amy and Lino (from scratch - 2022)
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I will not lie, I had a whole conversation about Sicily yesterday and every time Matt says "caecilian" I keep doing a double take.
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diariodiunaemo · 7 months
ci allontaniamo per riavvicinarci
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duke-of-hellsite · 1 year
Sicily is now going through an Apocalypse
I hope y’all are safe and stable
Things will get better ❤️‍🩹
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ms-pbunny · 1 year
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Hello Dears, I hope all of you are doing just fine in life. I brought today a very tasty topic. What could be better than a well prepared italian pizza in Italy?
I always feel that pizza is for the weekends, mostly for dinner. You can out to eat in a pizzeria with your friends around or if you don't feel like going out you just want to be cosy for the night, you can always order in. What do you think? Do you eat pizza in any day or do you keep this circle of joy only for special occasion?
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Innamorata di Miriam da sempre 😍
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
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Happy New Year! I spent all day making a Yule Log!
I accidentally rolled it short-ways instead of long ways, but I think it was okay.
Some modifications I made: - A lot of the comments said that it didn't have much flavor punch, and the King Arthur people recommended brushing it with simple syrup, so I mixed up this recipe for coffee simple syrup, altho I only used 1T of Kahlua, because this was mostly for my kids. It made the cake very moist, and a little ugly when I unrolled it, but since everything gets covered with icing, it wasn't that big a deal and it was quite moist and tasty (a lot of people in the comments felt it was dry or rubbery) - The filling calls for 2t of vanilla, but I subbed out 1 of them for Fiori di Sicilia, because I thought a hint of orange flavor would be nice with the chocolate. It was probably too much-- 1/2t would have been better, or maybe just some orange zest.
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thedavinoparadox · 1 year
🏖 August Reading Wrap-Up (Part 2) 📚
Selenio, 14th September 2023
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As announced, here now the second part of everything I read in August…
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Terra di Sicilia by Mario Giordano (2022)
The generational drama surrounding Barnaba Carbonaro, a boy from Sicily whose affinity with numbers helps him grow an empire and eventually bring his family to Germany, his place of longing. I have to admit, I mainly bought this book because of it’s beautiful cover and after having read the blurb (after the purchase, mind you) regretted it ever since. After finishing school in Germany I did not want to be reminded of this rather depressing country where I had lived for the majority of my school career (at least for the summer following my A-levels). This summer, I finally decided to overcome this negative first impression and now regret having not decided to do so earlier. Giordano’s writing style and pacing is absolutely superb, the emotions he depicts are realistic, heartfelt and not a single line or scene in this book feels out of place. From the ancestral Sicilian superstitions to the rigid German customs, the sprinkled in historical facts and emotional conversations: everything seems like a carefully woven net, which captures the reader from the first line. I also adored the recurring theme of nymphs and faunlets.
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Love, crazy love by Zara Kavka (2016)
After failing her A-levels, Clara visits her father at his place of work – a clinic for the mentally unstable – and falls head over heels for a boy, who’s being treated there. Wanting to be near him (and not be shunned as ‘the doctor’s daughter’), she fakes an eating disorder and lies her way into treatment. I will not say a lot about this book, as it is my first DNF of the year and perhaps I will revisit it in the future and give a more well-rounded opinion. My sister was gifted this book by a probably well-meaning, but ultimately wrong-doing friend. I could not even reach the 100 page mark without having to put it down and have not picked it up since (which I’m certainly not planning to do). The protagonist is just a complete and utter annoyance who has no perception of taste, empathy and consideration.
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Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (2019)
What if the son of the American president and the Prince of England have to pretend to be best friends and slowly start to discover deeper feelings in the process? I certainly did not see myself reading a fluffy ‘enemies to lovers’/alternate universe romance this summer, but I’m also certainly not mad about it. After returning from Italy I was freezing, melancholic and longing for the warmth I had felt when looking at the ocean. So as I was sitting there, cuddled up in a bunch of blankets in front of the tv, I stumbled across the movie, which seemed to have come out while I had been on vacation. And to be frank, it was just what I needed to pick me out of my slump. Some of the scenes, quotes and just overall feel of the movie were magnificent and as you will, the next day I had already ordered the book. Which… was equally as comforting and cozy. Although some of the descriptions of the more technical political parts were not completely up my alley – as my knowledge of American politics is a little limited – I stayed for the amazingly fleshed out characters and their dynamics and humorous conversations. And I will unashamedly admit: I devoured every single page.
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The Magic of Reading by Annemarie Stoltenberg (2021)
An anthology of different writers’ relationships with books and reading in general. My grandmother was so kind to gift me this delightful little book for my last birthday and at the end of last month, I finally felt in the perfect mood to indulge myself in it. Naturally, as is the case with most anthologies, some texts stuck more with me than others, but overall it was just the thing to give me reading energy for the upcoming September and my time at university. Some of the revelations I had while reading were: I have to read Proust, I will probably not start reading Tucholsky before I turn 50 and I probably am the male embodiment of Madame Bovary.
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The Conspirators by Ursula Poznanski (2013)
The second book of the dystopian ‘Eleria’-trilogy by Ursula Poznanski. After finishing the second installment of this very intriguing sci-fi series, I have realized how much I missed reading science fiction (and especially dystopian) fiction. The author has managed to once again pull me into a new genre and I will definitely explore this new found love in the following months. As per usual: wonderful narrator, believable characters and great pacing.
I would entitle this August as one of my more successful reading months thus far and hope, that I will be able to retain this energy for the last months of the year to come. I am excited for anything September might hold in store for me and can’t wait to see what next month’s Reading Wrap-Up will look like. (Probably filled to the brim with university text books, or so I hope.)
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lenoraah · 1 year
𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘭𝘺
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pairing - dad!charles leclerc x wife!reader
summary - in which Charles becomes part of a princess gossip circle with his three daughters
a/n - the oldest daughter is six and the twins are three and i did name them
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The moment Y/n walks into the house she hears a bunch of low whispers and murmuring. She raises an eyebrow as she takes off her shoes and sets her bag on an armchair.
She can’t help but let out a small laugh when she sees her husband and three daughters crammed at a small pale pink plastic table.
Juliette, the oldest at six, is in a baby blue poofy dress with a tiny tiara on her head. Sicilia and Angeline, the twin three year olds, wear matching purple dresses with tiaras too big for their heads.
Charles is suffocating in a too tight tutu with the most coveted plastic jade tiara in the toy chest which is sitting on his head as he sips ‘tea’ from the tiny tea cup.
The four of them are hunched over, gossiping about whatever. It’s funny and you can’t help but imagine what they could possibly be talking about.
Y/n quietly walks over to be husband but gets interrupted by Angeline.
“Mommy!” The toddler runs towards her mother and bumps straight into her leg.
“Hi Angie,” Y/n scoops up her daughter and pecks her cheek and rubs her nose against the toddlers.
Y/n sways to the side when she feels a tug on her calf. Sicilia reaches out for her mother with a pout on her face.
Y/n picks both the girls and cuddles up on the couch with them, equally giving them as much love as they need. Juliette squeals as she climbs onto the couch and wraps herself around her mother.
Charles glances at the four of them with a smile. Y/n waves for him to come over and he nods, standing up but deciding to take off his tutu first.
Charles struggle making Y/n laugh and the kids look up at their father and giggle. Charles scowls before making a funny face at his kids and wife as he walks over towards them.
“You like the tiara Cha?” Y/n lazily smiles at her husband. Charles sits on her right, next to Juliette. The six year old smiles as cuddles into her father’s side.
“I am a princess, am I not?” Charles grins as he touches the tiara. The three girls laugh again and get comfortable in their parents’ touch.
Y/n glances around the living room. The small plastic furniture, the tea cups embroidered with tiny painted pansies and the glittery dresses.
“What happened?”
“Tea time with sparkly,” Sicilia mumbles into her mother’s belly as she closes her eyes.
“Daddy’s so fun and he’s a princess like us.” Juliette smiles as she hugs her father.
Angeline yawns as she mumbles something while burying her face into her mother’s chest.
Y/n and Charles share a look and a smile before looking at their three daughters once again.
“How about we all get changed and then cuddle for a bit?”
The chorus of yes and okay is enough for Charles and Y/n to pick up their kids and carry them to their rooms whiling imitating the sounds of an airplane and laughing along with their three little princesses.
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viktuurishipper96 · 3 months
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Oliver The little western engine.
💚he’s about 6’0 and has dark green eyes and is 29 years old.
💚He and toad was saved from scrap by Douglas (his love of his life).
💚He’s Bisexual.
💚He has a Brooklyn accent then a southern accent and now has a Cornish accent.
💚He’s part British and Latin.
💚He can be cocky at times but is very tenacious and obedient.
💚He’s resourceful, Sagacious( very clever) and respectful.
💚Oliver was the one to confess his feelings and his love for Douglas and now the two are soulmates and are in love.
💚He’s a softie about turtles.
💚He’s a hard worker.
💚He likes to cuddle up next to Douglas especially at night.
💚Other than his lover/partner/boyfriend/soulmate Douglas, he’s close friends to Donald, Duck, Sicilia (my oc), Boco, and Edward.
I’m happy with the results of Oliver and hope you’ll like it. I was inspired by @dilemmaverse @asktrio516 that I though what if my own design of Oliver so I’ve now drew my own design of Oliver. 🥰
here’s the ref below
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her-reidiance · 1 year
A Kindred Spirit's Revelations, or: How This Arknights Player only came to love Lappland infinitely more — a Treatise by Her-Reidiance
I have had so many thoughts about Lappland in Il Siracusano it's insane. She afflicts my brain like Oripathy. Please bear with me, below is a long post and contains spoilers for the event.
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EDIT: This part is misremembered, I apologize. The Saluzzos took in Cellinia Texas 7 years ago, after the Texas famiglia was "liquidated" for rebelling against Signora Sicilia. Yet Salvadore also sent Cellinia to live with them before the purge.
Lappland and Texas have been through how much together... was Lappland infected after Cellinia was taken in? How did those changes start to show... slowly or rapidly? Did Lappland's obsession begin with Cellinia first leaving Siracusa, or was it prior to that? Despite what we do gain knowledge of in the event, there's still some open doors.
We do know that they know each other quite well, and there's still some vestige of trust before the event's conclusion, this being my favorite representation:
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The fact that Cellinia doesn't even bat an eye at the fact that Lappland broke into a supposedly well secured prison, but also the fact that she accepts the treat that Lappland brought, only to then realize it's her least favorite flavor — a fact Lappland had to have known going into this — sets my heart on fire. They know each other so well! They're complementary, contrasting, they have intimate knowledge of each other (take this phrase as you will, I already know how I do) and they regularly stay in some sort of off-balance with each other.
But the fact is, Lappland's obsession with Cellinia isn't just some textbook stalker with a crush, like what most would initially think given what had been presented prior to Il Siracusano. As Lappland says herself:
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Lappland grew up the perfect Siracusan, the perfect Donna in training, the perfect killer. She was everything that could be expected of a woman in her station. She didn't see any way out of that life. It's what she was born in, it's what she will die in. But then along comes Cellinia Texas, doing nothing to save her family's life when the time comes to exterminate them, simply walking away from it all, and then walking away from her years later to go to Lungmen. Whatever condition Lappland was in by then, a switch was flicked on nonetheless, and she realized: "Oh... if it sucks... I can hit the bricks!"
But could she, really? What if Texas came back to Siracusa, and found that she could not truly escape her destined life after all, that she was just as bound to this place as Lappland was and would die here? That was the real test, and thus the events of Il Siracusano take place. But, when all is said and done, and it's just the two of them alone in the park...
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I love this so much because it illustrates that our favorite insanity wolf has evolved! There is progress in her character arc! It's in an absolutely unhinged direction but it is no less in character for it. Her obsession has left from focusing solely on Texas as the Ideal, and now focused on destroyed Siracusa as a sort of Anti Ideal. Lappland now knows she is not bound by fate or blood or destiny to the place she was born. She too can simply watch the flames consume her family, her life, and walk away. And unlike Cellinia, she intends to be the one to light the match. The narrative gestures to this as well:
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Lappland is now able to face the world, the wide world around her, not just as backdrops to her pursuit of Cellinia, but as hers to explore, to enjoy, to destroy as she wishes!
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This moment is so much to me. It's the sudden clarity in her vision that demonstrates that she finally sees Cellinia as her own person, as just Texas the woman. Texas the Penguin Logistics courier. Texas, the woman who left. And she's no longer Lappland Saluzzo, shackled to her family name or a predestined future as its leader. She's... just Lappland.
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Part time soulmates, Full time problem. No other dynamic can sum them up. Texas still cares for Lappland, just as she does Giovanna, as a part of her past that she did not altogether dislike. But she also sees more clearly than either of them. Giovanna, stuck in the past when she was Cellinia's best friend. Lappland, presently stuck on destroying the city around her as a final show of independence.
Finally, Lappland leaves the city, after a couple of loose ends are wrapped up. She wanders the wasteland, where the freshly defeated Zaaro happens upon her.
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She fights Zaaro for THREE MONTHS in the middle of desolate wastelands. In all of that time, Zaaro didn't kill her, because he came to realize that there was no point in it. There was no satiation to be found for doing so, and that her fractured mind makes her a perfect candidate to be his next Fang. She is an empty husk, a woman who has nothing to live for by herself, but she is full. Full of training, full of potential, full of a singular goal; she is perfect to serve as the vengeance that Zaaro wishes to exact on Siracusa for his failure. And so, they team up, forming a bond forged in mutual hate. Not unlike the original appearance of Eddie Brock and Venom, truly.
The timing of the Azione Solo stories seems ambiguous to me, but some of them definitely take place after the main events of Il Siracusano. Of course, while I'm on the subject, let's discuss Lappland's solo story. I believe I have space left for more pictures so I'll share a few.
The summation is that Lappland makes a minor cameo in Cellinia's, in which she leaves a radio for the Texas to find, and she also goes about rooting through her family's estate one more time. She finds a photo of her younger self, and reminisces slightly on it. In between there was also a musbeast that she found and decided to keep, until it was taken and slain by the Saluzzo mafiosos.
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After reminiscing about her father, and how doomed he — and as a result, she — are by being born as Saluzzos, as part of the mafia famiglie system... she destroys the image, while lamenting briefly that once again, the beloved pet of hers was killed by her father, laughing maniacally. To her, there still is no escape, or at least that's one way her mind leans. She knows Cellinia left, but maybe... maybe she cannot. All she can do is burn it down so there is nothing left to trap her. Nothing left to come back to. Scorched earth.
Finally, she dismisses Capone from her tentative services, having recruited him and Gambino at the end of Code of Brawl. Capone at this point realizes a bit just how absolutely feral and insane his "boss" is, and he is ready to die trying to kill her to be rid of her, by holding a knife in his sleeve. Of course, this is Lappland we're talking about. She sees through it right away and expresses probably one of her more genuine selves by stating that he's making a choice, and that's enough for her. He's free to go. The duplicitous Lappland, who prior might just have killed him for the sake of... sport? Insurance? On a whim? Lets him go instead, because she respects that he is making a choice for himself, rather than what he had been doing all event, which is walking on eggshells around her and trying not to be killed by her. We leave Lappland's story for now with this:
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This implies that she returns to the city at some point after contracting with Zaaro. This to me shows promise of a continuance of her character. Lappland, The Fang of Zaaro, 6-star Operator coming sometime. Maybe during the Laterano event? After all, there's much more questions left to be answered... like why Lappland, a Lupo from Siracusa, can use Arts so well; and implied to be a skill of hers before her infection... but that's a ramble for another post.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you all understand my kinship with Lappland a little better, or at least have a bit more appreciation for this wonderful, horrible, terrifying, beautiful creature.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 year
got tagged by @f1-stuff to share a snippet of a WIP ❤️ you guys are in luck because i have way too many unfinished things right now...
this is part of a fic im currently calling dinner party, which is playing around with some seb/charles/carlos love triangle, charles and seb are divorced, and charles has recently married carlos, comedy ensues as charlos invites seb to a housewarming dinner. fingers crossed i actually finish it one day because i love it so far lmfao. writing and tags below the cut 👼👍 enjoy
"I brought wine." He announces, holding it up as an excuse to shrug Charles off of him.
"Oh, you are such a gentleman! Thank you!" Charles scoops the bottle up from Seb's hand, examining the label.
"Bartolo Mascarello, oh, your friend is very generous." Carlos smiles, bringing his hand across Charles back, curling it around his waist. Charles leans into the touch,
"I have good taste." Seb smiles tightly. "And evidently so do you."
Charles' face twitches, almost imperceptibly.
"I have been very into it recently, wine. Charles' doing! He buys me a bottle of 2010 Vega Sicilia when we are doing lunch at Berria, and all of a sudden I am searching on google "how to start vineyard"" Carlos laughs, mimicking typing on his phone. It's genuine, it's insane sounding.
"It's good to have hobbies." Seb nods. "So I can expect that next party you'll be bringing me a bottle of your own then? Yes?"
The elation on Carlos' face is almost childlike, and it makes Seb want to roll his eyes. Pat him on the head like a puppy-dog.
"I like the way he thinks, Charles!" He pinches the meat of Charles' side. "See, it is not so crazy as it sounds."
Charles wiggles and folds at the prodding, making an offended sound.
"I did not say it was crazy, chéri, I said we need to be realistic because we just bought a house and-"
"And I would buy you six more houses if that is what you wanted." Carlos dips Charles back quickly into a kiss to shut him up.
Seb huffs a laugh through his nose. Good to know that still worked.
"So a vineyard is nothing. Now, I must go save your coq a vin, I think it is on fire." Carlos presses another quick kiss to Charles' temple, as he disappears down the hall. It ekes a smile out of Charles.
It's cute, Seb thinks. They suit each other well.
He and Charles stand alone in the foyer.
aaaaand i will tag @wewentcarracing @pressurizer @fractalkiss IF YOU WANT TO no pressure lmao..... have fun
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 1
I have no patience whatsoever! So here, have part 1:
Vin was not the type to make a big fuss out of his birthday. Most years he only went out with Leo, Luke and Bell and they got drunk and smoked weed, maybe sung in the karaoke.
But that was before. Before he got a super extra girlfriend who loved to party and didn't understand what "no" meant. Before he nearly broke his neck in a car crash and worried his parents half to death. Before his birthday incidentally lined up with a long state holiday.
So this year they were celebrating his birthday in "style" as Wendy had called it. She had been incredibly secretive about everything for a month now and Vince couldn't say he wasn't amused and enthralled by it. It was heartwarming to know how much he was loved.
He had, so far, walked on Wendy talking on the phone with his mother twice, in a zoom call with Lucas, with Jonah too, and hiding packages in the closet, giggling with Bella. So Vince couldn't say he was surprised when she straddled him in bed, a week before his birthday and held up a deep red box before his eyes.
"What is this?" he asked, lying against the pillows. She had a large, manic smile on.
"Open it up."
He rolled his eyes, putting away his book, marking the page and taking the box.
"You're a bit early for my birthday, honey, it's only in week..." Vince said, voice trailing off as he found a simple cardboard box, long and skinny under the paper wrap. By the package he had judged it was a watch, but no watch would come in a little paper box. A pen?
"Open it, open it, open it," Wendy said, almost bouncing with how happy she was. Vince smiled, pulling the lid off and then removing the box contents: a handmade long ticket, in Wendy's handwriting.
"I don't understand this, Wen," Vince said, picking up the paper and reading it. You're invited to the best birthday trip ever. Dress code: your birthday suit and that speedo I love. Turn it around- "what...?" he turned the sturdy cardstock around and then raised his eyebrows. Clipped to the back there was another ticket, this one not so handmade, "Wendy, no. This is too much."
"It's not," she rolled her eyes, leaning in and smashing her lips against his, "I wanna make love to you in a beach. I want to see if you get tanned or red like a lobster," she said against his mouth, "I want you to have the best birthday ever."
"Wendy, amore mio," Vince's voice was strained as he pushed her back, holding the ticket before her eyes, "this is a ticket to Tonnara. È in Sicilia, Wendy! Sicilia, Italia!"
She jumped when he switched from English to Italian and Wendy rolled her eyes, sitting back on her heels and cupping his face, "Vincenzo," she said in a stern voice, "we almost lost you this year, you understand that, honey? Please let us celebrate you?"
"Not in Italy!"
"No one else thinks it's that big of a deal," she smiled, hitting his nose with hers, "your parents wanted to go to Sicily anyway-"
"My parENTS!?" Vince exclaimed, pushing her off his lap and pacing the room, "Wendy Marshall, what did you do?!"
"Lucas has a house there! It's not the end of the world-"
"Lucas doesn't have houses, his father does!"
"We're going!" Wendy got up on the bed in order to be able to see eye to eye with him, "all tickets are bought, your mom is over the fucking roof. Bella and I already shopped for it. Jonah switched all his hospital shifts! It's in four days, Vince. We're going and you're going to love it and you'll let me and all our friends spoil you rotten because we love you and this was not just my idea, it was everyone else's too! Capiche cábron?"
"Cábron is Spanish," Vince scoffed, then his shoulders dropped as he took in a deep breath. A smiled sprouted up in the corner of his lips, "fine, but ask for it in italian."
"You want me to beg?" Wendy rolled her eyes, but she was smiling again, "you're out of your mind-"
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him and grinning, "say per favore, amore mio."
"No," Wendy looped her arms around his neck, "let me go."
He chuckled, squeezing her and letting his hand wander down, pining her to the bed, "can't believe I'm going back to Sicilia, I haven't been there in years..."
"Yeah," Wendy smiled, squirming under him and kissing him, "you're going with me. With all of us."
Wendy wasn't kidding about everything being decided already. Even his boss had been talked with, seeming entirely too smug as he cornered Vince in the museum after a tour.
"Your pretty little girlfriend said you two are going to Italy," Troy said, big smile on. He was a tiny man with striking blue eyes and a bowl hair cut, "sounds like a proposal sort of trip, Vince. Do you wanna tell me anything?"
"I'm not proposing," Vince rolled his eyes, "it's far too early for that, we've only been together for a year."
"Uhm," Troy shrugged, "well, you know how these college girls are. Ring before spring, Vince."
"Wendy isn't like that," he insisted, "it's not about some ring, it's because of the accident I had at the start of the year. Scared them all half to death."
The older man nodded in understanding, "scared us too, Vince. Either way, enjoy your trip. You don't have to come next Friday."
Vince raised his eyebrows, "you're giving me the day off...? Our busiest day?"
"Your little Tinkerbell is very convincing," Troy shrugged and moved away, leaving Vince stunned into silence.
"Did you bribe my boss?" Vince asked later that day, as he sat on the bed and neatly folded the clothes Wendy was throwing his way.
"Troy?" Wendy asked, crouching before a drawer and digging through her swimming suits, "no, I just asked."
"And he agreed? Easy like that?" Vince frowned, stopping folding a minty green dress, "are you a witch?"
"Yes," Wendy teased, looking over her shoulder and blinking innocently, "I'm an angel, amore mio."
"Well, clearly..." Vince shook his head, surprised, "you even convinced Leo to join."
"Can't take the credit for that one, it was more of a group effort between Jon and Luke," Wendy straightened up, stretching her back, "I talked with your mom and Sophia is sooo excited that Luke is going too."
"Oh no," Vince chuckled, "wait until she finds out Lucas is basically married and Bells is tagging along."
"Poor thing," Wendy laughed, "can't blame her, he's dreamy."
"Marshall, shut up," Vince rolled his eyes, "come to bed, you fold, let me pick my own clothes."
"We're going to carpool tomorrow," Wendy said, a handful of minutes later as Vince threw her the clothes he wanted to take, "you, me, Luke and Bell in Lucas' car. Leo and Jonah are going in Leo's car, the trunk is bigger for all the bags."
"Where are we meeting Luke and Bell?" Vince asked absently minded, "Jon's?"
"Yep, my car is staying in his building."
"Alright, honey," Vince couldn't help but feel a wash of anxiety dawn on him. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been on a plane, to Sicilia no less... Home.
They left terribly early that morning. Wendy muffling yawns against his bicep and Vince himself blinking against sleep. Jonah was already downstairs, in the parking lot of his building, but Leo wasn't nor was Jon's red car.
"He should be back in twenty," Jon explained, helping Vince get the bags out of the car and loading them in Leo's car, "he's taking the kitten to his work friend who's cat sitting for us."
"Bet you already miss her," Wendy chuckled, still sleepy, "Lucas texted ten minutes ago, said they were leaving too."
Vince made small talk, since Wendy left him to his own devices, face pressed to his arm as she napped standing. He had chuckled at her for opting to come still dressed in her pjs, but Wendy had simply rolled her eyes and said "it's a fifteen hours long flight, Vince. I wanna be comfy, I don't care what people say."
"You guys are already late," Leo said when Luke and Bell finally arrived, ten minutes later than they should be.
Lucas cringed, "sorry guys, my fault," he owed up, so Vince immediately knew it was actually on Bell. He looked at the ginger and frowned.
"Everything okay, Bella?"
She nodded, although she looked a little pale, "just not used to waking up so early," Bell yawned, rubbing her eyes, "let's go?"
Leo and Jonah waved goodbye, entering Leo's car with Leo in the driver's side and Lucas threw his keys to Vince.
"You drive, I'm gonna go in the back with Bell," he said, all smiley, although he looked a little tired too.
Wendy frowned, "guys? Everything ok?"
"It's alright," Bella sighed, sounding frustrated, "I just woke up queasy, that's all. Lucas is making a fuss."
"Aw sucks," Wendy sighed, "don't you wanna go shotgun then? Avoid carsickness?"
Bella shook her head, "no, I'm just going to try and nap. Don't worry about me."
It was an hour and a half to the nearest metropolis, where they were getting the plane. Wendy's type A personality, mixed with Lucas and Jon's control freak behavior meant that their flight only left at midday, but they were leaving town at 7 AM.
"You never know what could happen," Wendy shrugged when Vince voiced it, keeping her voice a whisper, "we could have a flat tire or there might be a traffic jam... If you ask me, we're leaving too late already."
"You're an insane woman, sweetheart," Vince shrugged, glancing at the rearview mirror. Lucas was resting his head on the window petting Bell's hair as she lied across his lap, "alright, buckle up. Folks."
They drove the first forty minutes quietly, Wendy napping against her window, Lucas far away and singing under his breath to soothe Bella. Vince couldn't remember if he had ever heard Luke sing, but he wasn't surprised his best friend had a beautiful voice, it was a pity he never ever sang.
As they neared the one hour mark of the trip, suddenly Bella sat up straight and rolled down the window, groaning loudly, "ugh," she moaned, poking her head out.
Vince glanced back to the rearview, "Bells? Do I have to pull over?"
A sick, airy burp answered him and then a groan as she kept her head out of the window, "uhm... I think so, sorry."
"It's alright beautiful, morning sicknESs is liKE ThAT!" he laughed the rest of his joke as Bella kicked his seat.
"I'm not pregnant you ass!" she groaned, clutching the door handle as Vince switched on the lights.
"Of course-ow?!" Vince whined when Lucas flicked his ear hard, moving on the seat to rub his girlfriend's back.
"Shut up, Vince," he scoffed, gently pulling Bella's hair away from her mouth with one hand, rubbing her back with the other, "we're stopping, baby, just take a deep breath."
"I'm trying," Bella groaned, another wet burp punctuating the end of her sentence, "Vince, pull over!"
"Just a second!" he exclaimed, keeping his voice low, although he doubted Wendy could actually sleep through the commotion. He pulled the car to the dust shoulder, near a gas station and no sooner the car had come to a stop, Bella pushed the door open and almost fell off with a harsh gag.
Lucas scrambling to grab her by the shoulder was the only thing that stopped her from taking a dive in the asphalt. Vin cringed in sympathy, reaching in the glove compartment where he knew Lucas kept napkins and a water bottle.
Only then did Wendy open her eyes, seeming out of it, "what's happening? We're here?" she yawned and Vin shook his head.
"Bella's redecorating the road," he said and Wendy took a second to understand. She let out a sigh.
"Aw, honey, switch places with me," Wen turned on her seat, already opening her door, "the backseat is no good."
He heard another wet, gurgly burp and more vomit hitting the side of the road. Vince glanced at the rearview, Lucas was rubbing Bella's back, seeming terribly worried.
"She's fine, Luke. Carsickness happens to us all once in a while..." Vin frowned as he saw a car slow down and stop a couple feet ahead of him. Leo jumped out, seeming confused.
Out of everyone, Leo was probably the most excited. He had never taken an international trip... Or any trip, so he was basically vibrating with happiness.
"Here," Vince handed Lucas the napkins and water bottle, "be right back."
He jumped out of the car and met Leo halfway through, "everything is fine, Bella just a little carsick," Vince said before the blonde could even question him, "you guys can go ahead, we'll catch up in a second."
"Are you sure?" Leo frowned, glancing past Vince's shoulder to where Bella was still hanging out of the door. Vin had left his own door open, so only the puddle of sick on the ground could be seen.
"Yeah, she's fine. Bells is tough as nails, don't worry," Vince smiled brightly, patting his friend's shoulder, "go on, we'll catch up at the airport."
"Alright... My phone is with Jonah, so just call if you need us to stop ahead," Leo nodded, "poor Bells, it's gonna be a long trip."
"Fifteen hours, kiddo, I thought you were excited" Vince rattled him, causing Leo to laugh and swat him away, walking back to the car.
By the time Vince was back in the driver's seat, Wendy had switched places with Bella and the poor ginger was pressed up against the door, her eyes closed.
"I'm gonna take this as a sign of good luck," Vince teased, while Lucas fished out a plastic bag from his carry-on bag and planted it on Bella's lap.
"Thanks," she said in a small, tired voice, "it better be good luck."
Vince smiled, slamming the door shut and squeezing her knee, "or pregnancy."
"I'll make sure to aim at your lap, you idiot," she rolled her eyes, slapping his hand sharply, while Wendy let out a scoff and Lucas groaned loudly, pushing his shoulder from the backseat.
"Just drive already, Vince."
He smiled, pulling the car back on the road. It was going to be a good trip, he could feel it.
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sciatu · 10 months
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Chi jè l’amuri, s’amuri nun è? Picchi l’amuri è vuliri dari pi du santu beni chi tra dui c’è ma c’addiventa quannu poi scumpari?
Quannu l’amuri nostru sinni mori cu iddu si potta u to passatu tu votiti, sduvaculu du cori a vita nun è sulu u lassatu.
a idda ommai, lassala stari u beni i ieri, no fari raggia nun vuliri cuntu, nun ci spiari non fari du passatu na jaggia.
Spiati si ci dasti u giustu si ci dasti u dovutu rispettu: l’amuri non è piaciri o gustu è impegnu, sacrificiu, affettu
Picchì si sulu pigghi ma non dai si ogni cuppa è sulu a soi si a ragiuni sulu tu l’ hai nun è l’amuri chi d’idda tu voi
Voi na criata, chi mai si lagna chi sempri t’avi diri sulu si muta e mansa tu voi na cagna chi mai spia, mai voli un picchì
Voi sulu na fimmina i pezza fatta i rasta e tutta pittata chi mai ridi mai parra o schezza fossi bedda, cu anima stutata
Nuddu ni zigna ad amari nuddu sapi vuliri beni ma na cosa tu t’ha nzignari nun ama cu dugna peni
nun ama cu si fa patruni cu giusta tuttu nzuttannu cu voli sempre ragiuni cu voli fari sulu dannu
L’amuri è semi da giustizzia in nomi soi nun si po' mazzari non si dugna lacrimi e malizia quannu poi ni veni a mancari
Lassa a sciarra o a to ragiuni non ti luddari i mani du so sangu l’amuri mossi? finiu na stagiuni u mali chi senti ti fa liuni.
Cos’è l’amore se amore non è? Perché l’amore è volere dare, per quel santo bene che tra due c’è, ma cosa diventa quando scompare? Quando l’amore nostro se ne muore, con lui si porta il nostro passato, tu voltati, svuotalo dal tuo cuore, la vita non è quello che hai lasciato. A lei ormai lasciala stare, non far diventare il bene di ieri rabbia, non volere spiegazioni, non chiedere, non far diventare il tuo passato una gabbia. Chiediti se le hai dato il giusto, se le hai dato il dovuto rispetto, l’amore non è piacere o gusto, è impegno, sacrificio, affetto. Perché se prendi solo senza dare, se ogni colpa è solo sua, se la ragione ce l’hai solo tu, non è l’amore che vuoi da lei Vuoi una serva che non si lamenta mai, che ti deve dire solo di si, muta e mansueta vuoi una cagna, che non chiede mai, che non vuole mai un perché. Vuoi solo una donna di pezza, fatta di coccio e tutta dipinta, che non ride mai, mai parla o scherza, forse bella, ma con l’anima spenta. Nessuno ci insegna ad amare, nessuno sa voler bene, ma una cosa devi imparare, non ama che dona sole pene. non ama chi si fa padrone, chi aggiusta tutto insultando, chi vole sempre ragione, chi vuol fare solo danno. L’amore è il seme della giustizia, in suo nome non si può ammazzare, non si da lacrime e cattiveria, quando poi ci viene a mancare. Lascia la guerra o la tua ragione, non ti sporcare le mani di sangue: l’amore è morto? È finita una stagione, il male che senti, ti renderà un leone.
What is love if it isn't love? Because love is wanting to give, for that holy good that exists between two, but what does it become when it disappears? When our love dies, it takes our past with it, turn around, empty it from your heart, life is not what you left. Leave her alone now, don't let yesterday's love become anger, don't want explanations, don't ask, don't let your past become a cage. Ask yourself if you gave her the right love, if you gave her due respect, love is not pleasure or taste, it is commitment, sacrifice, affection. Because if you only take without giving, if everything is to blame only her, if only you have the reason, it's not the love you want from her. You want a servant who never complains, who only has to say yes, silent and meek, you want a bitch, who never asks, who never wants a why. You just want a rag woman, made of earthenware and all painted, who never laughs, never speaks or jokes, perhaps beautiful, but with a dull soul. Nobody teaches us to love, nobody knows how to love, but you have to learn one thing, it's not love if you gives only pain. you doesn't love if you make yourselves masters, if you fix everything by insulting, if you always want to be right, if you only want to cause damage. Love is the seed of justice, in its name one cannot kill oneself, one cannot give tears and malice when it then fails in us. Leave the war or your reason, don't get your hands dirty with her blood: is love dead? A season is over, the evil you feel will make you a lion.
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besiegedhunter · 5 months
Lappland Event
Theorycrafting a Lappland event from information from Terra: A Journey and information found in game. Also to further the Siracusa and Red agenda.
Continuing below:
To be more upfront about what this is, it's of course discussing this from the 4th PV trailer shown in the 5th anniversary livestream:
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I think that there's opportunities that only work with 5.5 that could lead into the setting and plot points of Lappland's event that I want to discuss.
I suggest cherry picking what you think are applicable because I naturally don't work at HG, I'm just saying what I think works. I also don't know the direction that Lappland's story is going in, I have thoughts where it'll be set and some characters and things involved but her motivations I'm not entirely sure on. Il Siracusano was rather vague on it but if you have thoughts, I'd love to hear them!
Also I'm not as knowledgable on Zwillingstürme im Herbst as I'd like to be for this post. Which is to say this will spoil that event.
Now I'll be breaking them down into chapters:
Setting and Signora Sicilia
Relevant events and history
Signore dei Lupi and Projekt Red
The Bocca al Lupo
There'll be some other things placed here and there, with the first certainly getting into the lorebook the most and if you want to skip to any of these that's all good.
With that stated, let's get into it.
Setting and Signora Sicily.
So I'll be delving into the lorebook for this part however I don't have access to it right now and so only have so many screenshots I can use, which will be machine translated.
But for the setting of the event and the crux of my theorycrafting, I believe that it will take place in the capital of Siracusa: Montelupe.
I've got several reasons but the first one is that, as it's the capital of Siracusa, it's very probable that it's where Signora Sicily operates out of and Signora Sicily aught to be very important to Lappland's story ever since "To Be Continued" but throughout Il Siracusano we were purposefully left in the dark in regards to the scope of their history.
To be more specific:
When the Texas family declared independence from Signora Sicily, she ordered a purge of the family. Lappland led the Saluzzo forces in this event but her obsession with Texas and failing to kill her got her exiled from her family.
However next we hear, she's the one sent to deal with Gambino and Capone for Signora Sicily and in Il Siracusano, Signora Sicily offers her the chance of joining her Bocca al Lupo.
Since the Texas family purge Lappland has been working with Signora Sicily and was trusted enough by her to be offered to join her elite group. On top of that, Lappland's goal after Il Siracusano is destroying Siracusa which is an impossible task but the most easiest way to go about that would be by killing Sicily who acts as Siracusa.
That's an unfounded claim however and Il Siracusano really downplays the Lappland and Sicily stuff if she's planning on killing her. Just the point stands that Sicily is important and likely acting out of Montelupe. (You could also say Lappland as business with the Bocca al Lupo which I'll get back to.)
Relevant Events and History
The next reason is the meat of this, why it being 5.5 is important and what Montelupe really entails. So to begin, this is what we hear about Montelupe in the lorebook's section for Siracusa, in it's intro:
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So from this alone we learn that Montelupe was at the head of Siracusa's drive for Independence from Leithania, a thing that we don't really learn much about from Il Siracusano. The only thing we really learn connects the two points:
In the chaos caused by the mafia following Siracusa's independence, Signora Sicily installed "Pistole e Ordine“ and the "Grey Hall" to establish order in the country.
We actually learn more about in the 4.5 event: Zwillingstürme im Herbst, set in Leithania.
As it explains: Siracusa was one of the ten founding tribes of Leithania, bound together by the magical pact of the Golden Rhythm. In breaking the Golden Rhythm, as seen in the lorebook passage, Siracusa gained it's independence and the Witch King did the impossible by fixing it and restoring order to Leithania.
The purpose of this is that we learn Leithania's side in 4.5 and in 3.5 the extent of it is Sicily dealing with the repercussions.
What if Lappland's event touches on this?
Perhaps her plan is to destroy Sicily or the Bocca al Lupo, returning Siracusa to the time just after it's Independence, contextualizing it and taking place in Montelupe which drove Siracusa's independence?
5.5 is the only time that can most accurately capitalize on the theme of Siracusa's Independence because of 4.5 depicting Leithania's side of the story.
But there's more to 5.5 being perfect.
See, the lorebook actually tells us why Siracusa joined Leithania and what the catalyst for it's Independence was.
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Before there was a Leithania, the tribes that would found it were threatened by Sarkaz invasions. Siracusa particularly compared to the other nine tribes were in danger because of their harsh environment impeding their civilization from developing.
So Siracusa joined the other nine tribes to create an alliance against the Sarkaz invasion, which this being thousands of years ago likely meant that Kazdel was much larger, right on the edge of Siracusa and Leithania.
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It was the Crusade led by Kal'tsit against Kazdel that all but destroyed Kazdel, did Siracusa feel it was safe enough to seek their independence.
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Which not only connects it to the main story which of course focuses on the Sarkaz's story but more personally to IS5 where one ending appears to depict the crusade that would facilitate Siracusa's independence:
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Since Chapter 14 and IS5 will come out before 5.5, we'll learn more about the Crusade and then 5.5 can show us how Siracusa was affected and Siracusa's Independence from Leithania that is rooted in these events and 4.5.
5.5 is the only time that can capitalize on the timing of 4.5 and IS5 to fully contextualize Siracusa's Independence, with Montelupe and Signora Sicily being ideal to do so.
As for looking towards the future, I think that the 4th pv trailer might provide us an idea for another event that it might tie into afterwards:
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As stated before: Lappland and especially Sicily are connected to Laterano. And we don't know yet what Lappland's BoC skin is referring to:
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Maybe we'll learn the full context inside her event and it'll tie into the Laterano plans that are coming up. If I'm right on her event delving into Siracusa's Independence and the Sarkaz, we might see whether Siracusa has any plans with Laterano in regards to the Sarkaz in her event also.
Signore dei Lupi and Projekt Red
Next is what I believe to be a subplot to the event akin to Lappland or Lunacub's plot in Il Siracusano but first I need to clear something up:
Lappland is not a Fang of a Signore dei Lupi and is not participating in their game. When Bernado took his own life in IS-9, Zaaro lost that round:
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Red, Lunacub and an unnamed Fang are the only Fangs left in this round per what Bernado said and until only one of them is left, the next round won't begin:
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I also believe that Lappland has her own idea of how she'll destroy Siracusa than using the Signore dei Lupi and doesn't really know or care what they are:
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Which I don't think is to say that the Signore dei Lupi and the other Fangs won't play a role and interact with Lappland and be in her event. I actually think that this offers a unique circumstance to give us a fun scenario and insight into Red's story at the same time.
It's established early on in Il Siracusano that, go figure, Lappland works and stays at Rhodes Island:
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It's obvious but I just wanted to establish that Lappland's time at Rhodes Island has been established and referenced which is important for this voiceline of hers:
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Unless it's changed, I believe that Red and Lappland are the only 5*s with an Outstanding Combat Skill and this is a very interesting voiceline because you don't really see Lappland afraid and her saying she'd lose is nigh unheard of.
Il Siracusano depicted her playing everyone else like a chessmaster and scaring seasoned mafioso like Demetri just by her presence. Signora Sicily also personally invited her to join her Bocca al Lupo and she stalemated against Zaaro.
Saying she'd lose to Red coming from her isn't without cause but perhaps more importantly: this sets up them fighting and Lappland knowing of Red ahead of time.
There's also an OPERATORS page focusing on Lappland where she steals Pozy's coat thinking it was Red's probably, which sets it up as well.
I'd provide Red's comment about her but it doesn't exist, which arguably is more interesting than anything that could've been said because there is an official image that confirms that Red knows Lappland.
But it goes further than this because as interesting as it is for them to fight, it might be just as interesting for Red and Zaaro to meet. The reason being this, just before the Zaaro bossfight in IS-10:
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Later on when Crownslayer discovers Red it's described in a very similar way and Red's skill is called Chill. It's also not something that Fangs do normally as Lunacub nor Bernado at any point are shown to exhibit the same effect.
Only Zaaro and Red. So if Red and Lappland fight, Zaaro could probably point out something about it that we otherwise wouldn't learn about. It'd also be an excuse for Zaaro to develop and be explored as a character, faced with another Fang or even another Signore dei Lupi if Grandma gets introduced.
Also it'd be really cool to see Lappland and Red fight as the 3D PV for the event.
But also I think it's possible that the "Unnamed Fang" could get involved as well. Either Red and them are drawn to Lappland, mistaking her for a Fang because they work off of smell or are both in the area and mistake Lappland as one and both fight her at separate times.
Either could serve as a miniboss before the main one and Red's subplot could end with her killing this Fang.
It could also tie into Montelupe's history and a theme of Siracusa's Independence as the "wild man" who tore apart Siracusa's "Golden Rhythm" was compared to what I'm pretty sure are the Fangs and maybe even one himself.
It could also further the themes of the wilderness and it's violence that Lappland's playing into and serve as a direct comparison to her, her beliefs and her methods.
The Bocca al Lupo
Another character who I'm even more sure will appear is Ben. I'm so confident I might even go as far as to say that he could be the main boss.
So firstly, he's already quite connected to Lappland. Firstly because of his monologue about her after she crashed into Texas's court case:
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But also because this monologue of his effectively prophesizes where Lappland's story is going and the themes playing into it as well as how similar he is.
This is through how he is the one primarily driving the wilderness/violence vs civilization theme, which you could see Zaaro and Sicily being two ends of. Or Lappland and Texas. Which of course, the event ends off on:
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Which contrasts Vigil and Penance's in the scene earlier that ends on: Civilization. In the same manner.
I also think that he holds similar views to Lappland but that he's come to accept Siracusa's current state as opposed to destroying it. He perceives himself as an outsider and Siracusa just being a wilderness where the people dress in civility but are no better than the wolves in the wilderness.
He despises it but where Lappland deems that she will destroy it, the wilderness and violence that stole her childhood, family, happiness away, he accepts that that's Siracusa.
And the thing about him as well as a parallel may be being drawn between them even further. As I've gone into before, Lappland was invited to become an Bocca al Lupo and Ben is the only other character who's been name dropped as being one:
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And Il Siracusano really liked it's parallels with how Vigil and Penance mirror Sicily and Agenir. There's a possibility that Lappland and Ben are set up in a similar way but that's yet to be seen.
Either way, as one of the Bocca al Lupo, Sicily's wolves, if Lappland goes against her then they'll likely come for her and Ben would be one of them. And with his closeness to Sicily and his connections to Lappland, it's possible that he'll be an important adversary.
He also has an important talk with Lunacub in his Azione Solo so I wouldn't be surprised if he interacts with like, Red or the other Fang if they are in this event.
Wrapping it up
Those are my ideas for things that could feature in Lappland's event. I also think it's possible that this could be Suzuran's Mum or Dad:
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We'll have to wait and see.
Also with W Alter being a Flinger Sniper, it's very possible that Lappland Alter will be a 6* Guard for anyone theory crafting what she could be.
Also y'know... Texas and Yato Alters being so close and Executors, Logos being the 4th Core Caster and 4th and 5th anniv non-limiteds being Core Casters, there's nothing to say Lappland won't be an Arts Guard or something.
Have fun. I hope this at least fuels ideas and uh, join me in hoping Red makes an appearance because if it's anything like 3.5 > 5.5 I could be waiting till 7.5 for her to get something if she doesn't feature in 5.5.
Please, she's been in Siracusa for two years already. Let her throw Lappland around a bit so Lappland can tell Kal'tsit back at Rhodes that she's fine, to make the next two years wait bearable.
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