angelfoodscake · 2 years
i am SO SICK of this . im tired all day then i cant sleep during the night . i cant sleep in my living room because its open and scary and i keep hearing sounds . i cant sleep in my bedroom because its too quiet and too hot and too bright and my cat will come disturb me at 2 am
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lesbiten · 1 year
me getting up to go take a nap in the living room (sleeping in my room with the birds out is like sleeping in a room with two toddlers with no concept of being annoying) and instead found a massive leak spreading on the ceiling 🙂
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4byun · 2 years
(´ε` )
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squerlly · 8 months
oh my goshhh I would love to do this request *cough* *cough* not because I'm a simp for alastors or whatever... but I do love some good alastor angst so enjoy!!!!
-SFW- -ANGST- Alastor x (f!wife reader) TW: slight spoilers to the show!!!
Alastor, y/n
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After the battle with Adam and the exorcists, and rebuilding the hotel you head up you and your husbands new room, helping him to the bathroom to set up a bath for Alastor to get cleaned and tend to the wounds on his body. helping him get settled in the warm water you begin to squirt strawberry scented shampoo, washing his hair to help him relax and get clean. using your magic to help him heal you think back on the fight hearing Alastor wince in pain "you should have been more carful!!!" "I know dear, I just- argg!" "sorry love, its gonna sting a little just stay still....". hearing your husband in pain hurts you more than anything in the world, you don't know what you could do without him...tears form in your eyes threatening to fall, what if...what if he couldn't get away what if he died. feeling hot tears fall down your cheeks there quickly wiped away. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you..." "don't be sorry my dear it wasn't your fault, it was my recklessness", he says as he wiped away your tears "I never want to loose you ever-" "and you never will, ill always be here..." it hurt alastor more to see you cry rather than him getting hurt, to him nothing mattered more than your happiness and whoever try's to lay a hand on his wife will never see that hand again. "don't cry mon amour, after all your never fully dresses without a smile" giggling as he pinches your cheeks making you smile setting a wave of pride to wash over him. "thank you love, I feel much better now...BUT don't you ever scare me like that again!!!" "I wont I promise" he says as he gives you a gentle kiss "I love you mon amour" "I love you to alastor"
WOOO 2 requests in one night!!!, I hope you guys enjoyed this I tried to make it longer without rambling on but please enjoy and now I'm going to sleeeepppp
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05velvet · 1 year
Have plans tonight but I just want to sleeeepppp
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lochnessbian · 4 years
i literally have to do laundry and go to cvs and complete tasks. i’m sick of it all just so sick of it all
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i-merani · 3 years
Do you ever dream of someone and you wake up with seething rage
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
i’m really vibing tonight just alone and screeching along with my playlist blasting in my headphones slkjgdhkfjf
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taeyungie · 4 years
This is gonna be my first new year's eve i will spend without my parents :// covid sucks
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
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3 am flights mean looking like you've cried for the past thirty minutes.
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a-wayofthinking · 6 years
clearly last night and morning were just too much for me because even people breathing too loudly annoys me
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angel-biter · 3 years
If ur a younger high school student reading this, don’t take ap English. I’m crying over Shakespeare and how much fucking work I have to do rn
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
lil thirst to weed out the niichan deniers bc there’s a lot of newbies since I last posted about this kinda bullshit so if this isn’t your thing kindly block the tags ty
tw incest, somno-ish, voyeurism
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You’re laying on your belly and half asleep in that thing where you’re kinda awake but not really bc your eyes keep rolling back and your body is like sleeeepppp now when Hajime nii comes back into your room to check on you after our drinking with his friends and they are probably the reason you woke up. So he comes in and kinda tiptoes in trying not to make any noise, sits down on your bed and pets your hair, talking softly to himself about how much he loves you and never wants to lose you and you mumble something back in the same vein.
And he pets your shoulders and rubs down the small of your back and pushes the blanket lower and lower while still slurring about how grateful he is and how pretty you are and that you should’ve slept in his bed instead but that it’s okay. And you would’ve fallen asleep if not for the light coming from the creek of the door and the movement in the other rooms of the house. And then niichan lets his hand rest on the side of your hip and pushes the blanket under your ass and you’re only wearing these tiny little panties.
And he kinda lets his hand linger for a while as you’re falling back asleep. But then you feel his fingertips on your center, his body moving down the mattress and hips pressing kisses on the small of your back and over your panties and you kinda try to wake up to tell him off, that he has you confused with someone else but your body is so sluggish. And niichan keeps rubbing and touching and you kinda manage to circle his wrist but he still doesn’t stop, just pulling your panties down and spreading your legs and licking and sucking.
Meanwhile the house has quieted down a little so you think they’ve all gone to sleep but you also slowly start to wake up more when he stuffs his fingers in you and starts scissoring them in you and rubbing over your clit and telling you how good you are to him and that big brother wants to reward you.
And then he sits up and pulls your tired body up by the waist so you’re matched up to him and rubs his hard cock through his boxers in between your cheeks and gets it all wet and you whine for him but you’re not sure if you want him to stop bc his friends are here or if you want him to hurry up and fill you already. And his fingers are playing with your other hole as he lines himself up bc ‘he wants all your holes to himself’ and pushes in so well that you can’t even keep down your noises in the pillow.
And his fingers stuff your other hole as he leans over you and you turn your head to breathe which he uses to kiss you too while kinda just keeping his fat cock in rocking it back and forth not even really pulling out bc you feel so good for him. But then when he pulls back you can see the guys at the door stroking their cocks or hard and you don’t even know if Hajime nii knows but you don’t want him to stop. So when he promises to fill you up with his cum you let your orgasm crash down on you, and he gives you another two for making that promise reality.
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Scenario: Satan & Lucifer cheating on MC
Request: Your beezlebub and asmo cheating angst was so good oml if it's okay with you can I request the same but with satan and lucifer??
Satan and Lucifer…. My heart is about to be crushed and I hope yours too :). I thought I went overboard with Staan when I wrote his part, but Lucifer too,,,,, damn,,,, hope you enjoy? I didn’t really proofread sorry, it’s like 2Am right now and imma sleeeepppp. Hope you like it, remember to leave a like, reblog or comment if you do ^^ I’d love to read feedback!
xxx Rainbow
Warnings: Mild swearing and slight nsfw suggestion at Lucifer’s part??
3032 words
If you enjoy what I write, feel free to tip me by buying me a coffee here! ^^
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On one hand, Y/n should’ve seen it coming. It was not an everyday thing that Satan just randomly made friends, nor was he the type to just go out to clubs and see people. But one of his teachers had asked him to help some demon with the homework they’ve had for the past few weeks. Apparently she had been struggling with literature a lot and since Satan was basically a bookworm, it was only natural that he would be chosen to help out.
At first Y/n wasn’t worried at all. They trusted Satan almost blindly and knew him well. He wouldn’t just mess around with someone. He still kept seeing them regularly and they hung out as often as always.
It was when they started seeing Satan less often that Y/n began to grow slightly concerned. They didn’t have as many dates as before anymore, and sometimes when they would go to his room he wouldn’t even be there. The brothers would tell them that he was tutoring that demon again. Here they felt an uneasy feeling in their stomach. Satan would usually tell them if he went somewhere because he knew Y/n often visited him in his room. But still, Y/n didn’t want to discuss it with him because they didn’t want to cause an unnecessary argument. Satan wouldn’t cheat on them.
However, when even during lunch at RAD Satan didn’t visit Y/n, their discomfort grew. This was really unusual. Was he having lunch with that demon? Were they talking so much that he completely forgot about them? Was he not interested in Y/n anymore? No, that couldn’t be true. If that were the case Satan would tell them, he would never cheat. Maybe he wasn’t even with that demon, maybe he was with one of the brothers! Or maybe Simeon and Luke, or Solomon… Maybe he had to ask Diavolo something?
Y/n bit their lip as they thought about what to do. Maybe they should look for them, just so that this uneasy feeling could finally go away and they could see with their own eyes absolutely nothing was wrong. Now…. The first place where Y/n should look was the library, right? It was open at lunch time too, so he could be there, maybe reading a new book that he found.
So, Y/n finally got up, put their lunch back in their bag to eat later and made their way to the library. Each step closer made their heart pound louder and louder. It was only when Y/n finally got there and wanted to open the door that they realised their hands were shaking and sweaty. So, before entering they took a deep breath to calm themselves down.
“Come on, Y/n. It’s no big deal. Everything is completely fine.” They softly said to themselves, hoping that this tiny pep talk would calm down the raging adrenaline going through their body. When they felt like they were ready, Y/n finally opened the door slowly. The only people that she saw in clear sight were a few demons studying and Solomon, who seemed to be reading through a book about spells. So Satan wasn’t here? That was odd…
Y/n was about to leave when they heard a female laugh along with a male chuckle that was way too familiar to them. They stopped breathing for a second and looked around the room, finally seeing their boyfriend, laughing with someone else who was way too close for their liking, resting her hand on his arm. There were a few open books, but Y/n could tell the two were not concentrated at all, and before they could even call out Satan’s name, they witnessed the girl pulling him closer and pressing their lips against his.
“S-Satan?!” Y/n said in surprise. It seemed that there was no person of authority present right now, as nobody commented on their voice. Still, other people heard them. Satan turned his head and as soon as he saw his actual partner, the one he was supposed to be affectionate with, his breath hitched in his throat. Without even waiting for him to say anything, Y/n left the library. Satan immediately stood up and left too, ignoring the girl completely.
He had no idea where they went, but he could only assume it was probably outside, where it was quiet. So he did the first thing that came to mind which was running to the garden of the school to find them.
Satan’s mind was foggy. It was only when he saw the heart wrenching look on his partner’s face that he realised what he had been doing. And Y/n never said a word about it because they trusted him. Instead of appreciating that and showing that he is worthy of their faith in him, he messed around with her heart and put himself into this incredibly awful situation. Why? Why didn’t he stop her, why did he continue hanging out when he knew damn well that her intentions were beyond him tutoring her?
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard quiet, muffled sobs. Part of Satan wanted to run away, because he couldn’t believe he would ever hurt the person he loved and hearing them like this already tore him apart, but he had to own up to his mistake, so he kept walking. What he didn’t expect however, was that they weren't’t alone. Solomon sat next to Y/n on a bench and just hugged her without saying a word. When he saw Satan, his expression hardened. He didn’t  say anything as a sign for Satan to start talking.
“Y/n, my love…” the sobs stopped. Y/n looked at Satan with an unreadable expression on their face. They were deep in thought. Should they talk to him? Or leave and talk it out later? No, this had to be done now. Y/n was done being toyed with like this.
“Solomon,” Y/n said, their voice shaky. “C-could you leave me and Satan alone, please?” he gave them a kind smile and nodded before leaving, shortly glaring at him without Y/n noticing. When he left, Satan carefully sat down next to Y/n and spoke up.
“My dear-”
“Quit the petnames, Satan.” Y/n shot at him, their voice now sharp and angry. His eyes slightly widened at the change of tone, but he couldn’t blame them. And he had the feeling that this wasn’t going to end the way he wanted to.
“I trusted you. I kept telling myself you weren’t messing around with her because I believed you would never do that to me! I wanted to believe that you were only tutoring her, I wanted to believe that so badly!”
“Kitte-Y/n, please believe me, the only time we did anything physical was what you just saw. I never-”
“That’s one time too many Satan! It should’ve never happened! Even if it wasn’t always physical, the fact that you started hanging out with her more than me at one point, broke my heart. Do you think that that doesn’t hurt because I didn’t see you two making out? How would you react if I suddenly became friendly with someone and started ditching you completely for them?” To that, Satan had no reply. He knew they were right.
“I’m done, I don’t want to talk about this.” Y/n said and stood up. “I hope you two had a nice time together, because you can spend all of your days with her now that we are over.”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry, please let me make it up to you. I promise I won’t talk to her again, I’ll prove to you that you can trust me.” Y/n chuckled softly as they shook their head.
“Satan, you don’t know what they tell us about demons in the Human world?” y/n sighed.
“They do nothing but lie and make empty promises.”
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Of course, he was just an assistant. Diavolo had hired him to help Lucifer, nothing more. Really, at first Y/n even believed that Diavolo was an angel - how ironic, for finally finding someone who could help their boyfriend with the ton of work he always had to do. This way They could spend more time with their boyfriend, right?
It was still a lot of work that still took Lucifer a lot of time, he was just less stressed because of it now. But still, the amount of time the two got to spend together wasn’t more than before, which made Y/n a little sad, but they didn’t want to start an argument, so they decided to not mention it.
After a little while, things slowly started to change though. It seemed that Lucifer actually had to work more now, to the point where he was overworking even. It made them worried about him but whenever they’d mention it, Lucifer would just brush it off. And again, because Y/n didn’t want to start an unnecessary argument, they kept quiet about this as well.
However, when Y/n heard Asmodeus talking during breakfast at the house of Lamentation, they got worried. He was talking about Lucifer.
“He really seems to get close to that assistant of his. Oh my, I dare even say that new guy has taken an interest in him!~” Asmodeus giggled. Y/n’s expression fell, which didn’t go unnoticed by the other brothers.
“Y/n, you know how Asmo is,” Satan reassured them. “he’s just exaggerating, don’t sweat it. Despite the fact that I cannot stand him, I know Lucifer wouldn’t  do something like that.” Though Y/n’s worries hadn’t completely disappeared, they did feel a little better because of their friend’s words.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you, Satan.” Y/n said and smiled at Satan, who nodded and sent a kind smile back. Of course Satan wasn’t completely wrong, but Y/n was still scared that for some reason things were going to take an unexpected turn. And people often said to trust your gut right? No, Lucifer wouldn’t do that…
During the days that followed, Y/n was constantly having an inner debate on whether or not to voice their concerns to their lover. On one hand, it could turn out to be nothing and Y/n would immediately be reassured that everything was completely fine. On the other hand however, maybe this would only stress out Lucifer. If that happened, Diavolo’s attempt of lessening the stress of Lucifer would be for nothing, so perhaps staying quiet was the better option.
“You can always visit him if you’re that worried.” Belphegor said after he listened to Y/n’s rambling about her concerns. “The worst thing that can happen is that Lucifer gets annoyed and sends you back, but knowing him and his weakness for you, that’s unlikely.” It was a good suggestion… But then again, was it really necessary?
“If you’re worried about being too obvious, just bring him a meal or something.” Oh, that was a good idea! Y/n was on cooking duty today anyway, and he never turned down their meals.
Keeping something for Lucifer, so, making sure Beel didn’t eat it was a whole task, but Y/n managed to do it successfully. With a small smile they packed his dinner in a lunch box along with something to drink. After they were done, Y/n left the kitchen and let the others know that they were leaving. Within a second Mammon was in the hallway, wanting to come along.
“Hey, I don’t want ya to get eaten by a demon or somethin’, okay? It’s dangerous for a weak little human to be here out alone.” He said, looking away to hide the small blush that was forming on his cheek. “Lucifer would kill me if somethin’ happened to you, so that’s why I’m here.” he mumbled, causing Y/n to giggle.
“Alright, let’s go then.” They said before the two them left together. Luckily the walk wasn’t too far, and the fact that Y/n wasn’t on their own was probably one of the reasons that it was peaceful too.
When they finally arrived at RAD, Mammon and Y/n were greeted by Diavolo, who seemed more than happy to see them.
“Y/n! Mammon! What brings you two here?” he asked curiously, before noticing the box in Y/n’s hands. A small smile was on his face and he looked back at the human. “Nevermind, I see. Lucifer is in his office.” Y/n nodded, thanking Diavolo before leaving on their own. Mammon decided to wait, wanting to give the two some alone time.
As Y/n got closer to their boyfriend’s office, a feeling of discomfort came over them for a moment. No, this was so silly, they just had to go, give this to him and then leave.
When they got to his office, Y/n knocked on the door softly, but they received no reply. Strange… Didn’t Diavolo say he was supposed to be here? Y/n decided to knock again, just in case he hadn’t heard it and oftly called out his name too, but to no avail. Y/n bit their lip softly. Maybe he was really busy. But then again, a tiny break wouldn’t hurt anyone, Diavolo didn’t tell Y/n to hurry up or something. So finally, Y/n decided to just open the door.
But now they really wish they hadn’t done that. Indeed, Lucifer was here. But on his lap was whom Y/n assumed to be his assistant, both half naked as they were making out. In shock, Y/n dropped everything they were holding which caused the two to stop and look. Lucifer’s eyes became the size of dinner plates when he realised who was standing there. The other male could probably tell who this human was, and was flustered as well.
“Fuck you, Lucifer.” Was all Y/n could say before they left. Y/n was almost running, wanting to do nothing but go to their room and cry. When Mammon spotted them coming in his direction, he was confused to say the least. That was quick? But soon his confusion grew into concern when he saw the tears rolling down their cheeks.
“What happened?” Was all he managed to ask. Y/n shook their head and looked at him.
“Can we just go back? Please, Mammon?” Their voice was soft and wavering, as if they could burst into tears at any moment. Without even thinking he nodded. On their way, both were silent. Y/n couldn’t stop replaying what just happened. Why did he do that? For how long has this been going on? Had they been like that before, or even more intimate? Why didn’t he just break up with them if he was interested in somebody else?
When they got home, Y/n ran to their room without saying a word to anyone. Right when Mammon was about to close the door, Lucifer’s hand pushed it open, surprising the younger brother. He was panting because he had been running and his face looked distraught, but really Mammon wanted to do nothing but punch him. However, he knew that was a bad idea so he kept silent.
Lucifer immediately ran to Y/n’s room, knowing that that would be where they’d go. As he got closer, he felt a sense of guilt, which as the Avatar of Pride, he absolutely despised. How could he have done something so horrible to the love of his life? He decided not to knock, but slowly opened the door of Y/n’s room, and when he saw them laying on their bed crying into a pillow, he only felt more remorse.
“Y/n..” he began. “I-I’m-”
“Get out.” Y/n said, their voice low as they lifted their head up to look at him. Lucifer was surprised at this attitude since Y/n never acted like this, but he knew he deserved it. However, he couldn’t leave. He couldn’t lose them.
“Dear, if you would just listen-”
“Lucifer, I said get out!” Y/n repeated, their voice louder this time as they stood up. “You have no right to just come into my room and do the talking now after you betrayed me! Here I was thinking you were overworking, but you were just fucking someone else!” For the first time in his life, Lucifer was speechless. He had no excuse for this. Nothing made this okay.
“I see you don’t have anything to say either. I have one question, Lucifer: Do you love him, or me?” They asked, their voice a lot softer now. Normally Lucifer was able to answer this within a heartbeat, but his mind was all over the place. Why was he even kissing that demon like that?
“I see…” Y/n said with a defeated smile. “I expected this. Now, can you just go?” Their eyes were practically begging him to leave, their voice thick and laced with hurt. And Lucifer knew that this was the best option for the both of them. He truly hoped that they would be able to solve this. He didn’t say a word as he turned around to leave the room.
“And I know what you’re thinking right now.” Lucifer stopped in his tracks. “And no, I don’t want to give you another change. I’m so done with you, Lucifer.” They said, their voice becoming rougher again. The demon tried keeping his head up, not wanting to give in where anyone could see and left, closing the door behind him. When he finally got to his own room, Lucifer’s tears started spilling too. He made a huge mistake, and he just knew he had lost them, he really had. And this reminded him exactly why he deserved to be here, in Hell, where he had to pay for his horrible actions. He swore to himself to never hurt them, yet he just crumbled their heart like it was nothing. He was a monster.
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malepassing · 3 years
I have a quiz but i just want to sleep my back hurts so much :( IT'S 6:40 AM I WANT TO SLEEEEPPPP
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persephinae · 3 years
I'm so tried I don't want to do jack shit today I just want to sleeeepppp
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