orionis13 · 11 months
Chipping away at this albatrio drawing tempted to post the base layers as like a body type ref for how i draw them but I’m scared people will be weeeeird about it (memories of the “why are they naked” question from drawing at school)
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cherrymoonxx · 2 months
Hi cherry❣ I would love to participate in ur muse part 2 game. That idea for the game sounds rlly creative and caught my eyes ngl. A hobby of mine is that I like to play games in my free time. U could say I am a gamer since I've been playing games ever since my childhood. Also, I love to listen to music. It's def a part of me tbh. I grew up with music and sing occasionally when I feel like it. I don't think I can live without listening to music esp kpop😂 I've been into kpop ever since I was a kid and till now😆 I used to write stories and read a lot and also draw a lot. But sadly due to my depression, it has affected my passion for those so my passion for them have died out. Its like my flames have been extinguished lol. Now my hobbies are just listening to music, singing and playing games. How abt u? What are ur hobbies?😊
My initial: A, fav emoji: 😂
Hey there! I actually have some similar hobbies as you! I like cozy games, so like animal crossing and stardew valley. What kinda of games do you play? I also like kpop as well! What groups are you into? Im sorry to hear you’ve lost your passion for writing and drawing. Maybe one day you’ll pick them back up.
Alrighty, let’s get to your reading:
So, first off, when I was connecting to your energy, I got the image of a small boat/rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Only I was on this boat and I felt that it was really unstable. The waves were moving fast and rocking the boat. I tried to hold on to the sides, but that didn’t help much. One particular strong current knocked the boat, sending me straight into the water. It all happened so quickly. One minute I was holding on for dear life and the next, I was completely submerged in the water. I wasn’t scared tho. It was like I just accepted it, accepted that I was drowning. I didn’t try to move or swim up. It was a state of acceptance and exhaustion.
So that was what popped into my mind while connecting to your energy. For the reading tho, I’m thinking your artist will be a painter.
Ok so let me paint a picture for you (pun intended 😉). In this scenario, I see you going for a swim in the ocean to clear your mind. It’s not an ideal day, it’s kinda windy and the clouds were slowly covering the sun. The waves are a little rough too but it’s ok you don’t mind, you just needed an escape. So you’re doing your little thing, swimming and just letting your body move along with the ocean. You spend some time like this, completely lost in thought that you don’t even notice how far the water has carried you. You look and see that you’re a little too far away from the shore, so you start to swim back. But by this time, the waves are coming in strong and you’re kinda struggling. You’re getting tired from being thrown around in the waves, so at this point you start panicking. At this point you’re getting desperate because you’ve lost control and your arms are getting tired, so you start yelling for help. Not too far off on the shore, there’s this person with a canvas and some paint silently painting the ocean. They look up for a moment and notice a figure they hadn’t noticed before. So they just stare for a bit trynna figure out what that is until they hear your cry for help. They look around to see if there was anyone else but since there was not many people around, they start running to help. Looong story short, they end up rescuing you and bringing you back to shore. Not you having a little mermaid moment👀
Your artist will find you very charming and intriguing. They find you to be very fun and they just love hearing you talk. Your voice is quite literally enchanting. They think you’re absolutely hilarious. You don’t even have to say much, but you’ll always have them smiling from ear to ear. Your energy is inviting and magnetic. People can’t help but be drawn to you because you radiate such a positive energy. Your artist will be enamored with you. Completely smitten. They’d typically paint only landscape and elements of nature, but after meeting you, they’d find themselves incorporating you into their paintings. They’d still paint nature, but you’d make an appearance in these pictures. Maybe they’d paint you lying down on the beach or they’d paint you in a field of beautiful flowers. Either way, they’d find a way to incorporate you into these paintings. And it’s just a testament to how you have the ability to brighten someone’s life with your presence.
Okay that’s all I’m seeing for you! I promise I tried to keep it short but I always get carried away 😓 but thank you for participation and thank you for your patience!
Take care 💖
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lasquadrashusband · 2 years
may we,, get some pesci content,, please? 🥺 he's very underrated poor baby
guess who’s back.
Pesci is in his early 20’s, around 22-24
I feel like he dyes his hair, its originally a light auburn or brown
but i do also like the idea he has green body hair, its just kinda goofy to me
I hc him as a trans male!! He does T-shots and a little ship indulgent; Ghiaccio loves to help him do his shots since he’s afraid of needles
He is chubby,, <33 he does work out a lot too (cough cough lifting fishing gear) so he does have muscle too!! He’s super strong
I think he would really like to doodle too, he’s actually pretty good at it and has a sketch book filled with doodles/drawings of his team members, he gets super flattered that his team members like his drawings, and gives them out if he’s confident enough
Somewhere deep inside me feels like he would listen to rap music, not like Sigil raps, but like those silly rap songs where they just rap about how much they love to rap and dance
He also listens to Rock and a bit of Pop, he is a Britney Spears fan and has been to one of her concerts
He does like to swim a lot, in my backstory for him he really loves swimming and the water in general
He’s also super into sea life and things like that, his favorite sea animals are sea slugs (Totally not based off one of my super good friends/sarc), and has a lot of plushies of them and squid
I hc him and Prosciutto are half brothers, and loves being around him because he’s super happy he has someone to look up to and is finally not an only child like he thought he was all his life
He probably drives super well ngl, he hates driving with Ghiaccio and will force him to sit in the backseat so he can’t yell at anyone out the window and make sure that he follows every rule (apart from the occasional speeding)
I feel like he really loves to watch documentaries with Prosciutto/Risotto, he finds them super interesting but hates to listen to them in the car because he needs to actually watch footage with it to focus
Ngl,, I feel like he can be really sociable, he just needs a few minutes to prepare himself to talk to anyone. He gives himself pep talks before he goes to order food, and plans out his order
He does like to dye his hair different colors, he does it especially during April Fools to see if other members notice (they do sometimes, espically Ghiaccio)
He’s super good at baking and cooking, whenever he makes any type of sweet Formaggio and Melone are always behind him waiting for the cookies/cake to cool down enough before they eat all of it
He really does like to hang out with Ghiaccio (and make o-), he loves hearing him rant and if he hangs out with him for a long time he even starts to pick up slang and mannerisms from him (Much to La Squadra’s horror)
I hc him as mlm/pansexual, he kinda goes between the two sometimes, he’s still kinda figuring out what/who he wants
mwah mwah im gonna write about ghiaccio next probably….i love my little meow meows
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kth1 · 4 years
Hii I just read the imminent and can I just say your writing is beautiful I love Royal aus because the dialogue is just so posh ams sophisticated and you delivered that perfectly I'm also an absolute sucker for anything and everything supernatural and this was so perfectly indulgent and sinful that I was hooked since the beginning this seokjin that you wrote up is one of my favorites that I've ever read
I do have a few questions if you don't mind 😅😅
Firstly, Was there any significance to the portrait and the finishing touch jin added because well he's demon why does he care what happens to oc after he's got what he's wanted so why go the extra mile of the portrait.
And secondly, doesn't demons usually take what they want and then banish the souls to hell or consume the souls and don't care about the body so why did jin not only take her soul but also her heart and the ending tells me that she's not banished to hell but is going to be near seokjin???
I'm sorry if it sounds interrogative it's a wonderful fic and I can't stop wondering about the world and the characters you created in this fic😅😅😅
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Hello! Ah thank you so much! I’m so very happy that people are enjoying the fic! Ajklsdhjytj, I don’t know too much about “where” I wanted to place the royalty (like timeframe - where dialog may be vastly be different) but I do like the “high-class” speech patterns, the respectful sentence patterns, etc. :D Also the taboos of royalty always peeks my interests ;)
I feel you on the supernatural things, I love supernatural so much! top tier au’s hehe! oh, im happy you love this demon!jin :D i’m glad he left a great impression!!
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I don’t mind questions at all! I tend to leave out plot points and clarification through fics sometimes hehe; but that gives the readers more time to ponder and question things! such as yourself, muhaha!
Question 1: The significance of Jin’s portrait? Or OC’s? I wanted OC to show her fascination of figuring out Jin’s true form, so she doodles/paints/draws several pieces of “demonic” creatures that may or may not be in reference of Jin. Jin’s portrait of OC is initially the portrait he was creating in passage one, and he leaves it there among her sketches because well... it’s her beautiful face among scattered creatures - representing her being surrounded by them as if she was Hell already. The finishing touch (the blood transfer in the canvas) was more of sealing a piece of herself in Earth for her family. He is a demon, but with some class. After all, the family had no clue that the Princess would evidently go missing so what is left of her as she is gone? Not much besides her works of art - which none were of her. So Jin created it as part of his hobby, to have the most recent version of her left (for the family), and to capture the image of her surrounded by demons within the room. 
Question 2: Well, demons and au’s fluctuate and it all depends on the worlds in which writers make up. Not all “rules” apply in each fic. For example, a werewolf fic could be written as if a bite/mark is trademark to their mate. But also, other bites in other werewolf!aus indicate transitioning, turning one into the creature. So as for my demon, I didn’t really have too many set of rules dedicated to him. As a writer, I can craft whatever elements I want. (Not trying to sound rude! I’m just discussing, hehe!) So with the whole soul banishing, heart snagging thing; I don’t have an answer directly towards that because my demon wasn’t revolving around those indicators. I attempted to try and create a selfish, greedy, possessive aura of this demon prince. where he does as he pleases, takes what he wants with no questions but also he is gentlemanly in his ways. kind of clean cut, precise with his stuff. OC’s soul already was signed over to him over to him from the deal, he just had to wait the seven lovely years to officially snag it from her. He bids her farewell, and says that he’ll see her in hell because that’s exactly where she is going. (As her body is kinda sending off in the way of particles of her started vanishing, the room around her already cracking) Hopefully to show that she was already leaving the Earth realm as she was fully giving herself away. Her body doesn’t get left in the Earth realm, it disappears basically, like how Jin weaves in and out of the veil between the worlds. So like, to her family she will just be completely gone, another reason why i thought leaving a portrait of her would be nice. 100% OC is going to hell, Jin’s hell, and as his first and only princess (as he is a prince), he basically is building up his kingdom.  Now coming to the heart part, i had envisioned this death for SO MANY MONTHS that there was no way I was going to not write it hehe. I had to. I wanted this moment! (First death of a main character I have written) The way I see it is that OC is still mortal, cannot go into the other realm until she is dead. Hence why he kills her in a blissful orgasm. The soul of her that theoretically would release from her body at that point... already belongs to him. That’s how he collects his souls; he murders you. So killing her was the way he obtains the soul, in which he will bring down to Hell with him and have all the fun with OC down there. 
I hope these answer your questions! And shine light on some blurry areas of the fic! Sometimes hidden meanings pop up outta no where and I don’t even realize them hehe!!
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kpopblurbs · 5 years
alright some salt to the wound,, imagine you just started dating jae not long ago, probs a few months bcs y'all never actually got FREAKY freaky u feel? so u thought he'd be goofy or sum shit right bc of how he acts and he just doesnt look that intimidatingly strong,, until one day he's just frustrated from sth at work, comes home to you (in that outfit in the pic u gave me the link to) n u never rlly realized how fixated you were on his hands until you see them (1/?) - hand kink anon comin thru
(2/?) okay at that point you see your boyfriend all very frustrated which was unlikely of him and u gotta admit, he's sizzling hot), and u realize his hands were damn attractive. his pale complexion was contrasted by the red in his knuckes and fingers, veins bulging as they were on his neck and forehead. n ur like lowkey highkey worried so ur like "bby is everything okay?" n he's like fuck no,,, he's stressed frm work and all tht shit - hand kink anon
(3/?) but to add salt to HIS wound, not only the stress from work but also you. usually seeing you made him relaxed and at home, but when he came home that night and saw you in a very cute but inviting nightgown, he was far from being relaxed. it fuels to his fiery emotions and he's like no, he sits on a couch and motions u to come over n u do, u sit on one of his thighs as he brings his grip over to your throat, barely ghosting over it as he tells u to ride his thigh - hand kink anon
(4/?) and so you do exactly that, with his very delicious looking fingers holding your throat with just enough strength to showcase his dominance. you start off slow and teasing and it did not amuse jae, and he tightened his grip by a little bit as a warning and you completely ignored said warning n continued to tease the man. he wasn't having it. he g r o w l e d,,, "so you wanna be a brat? think that's really a wise decision, whore?" and just grabs u by the throat,,, - hand kink anon
(5/?) n sort of gets u up n kinda maneuvers to "throw" you to the bed n u were like holy fucking shit this man is kinky wtf,, ur skin burned by the lingering feeling of jae's fingers n the rings that adorned them but u burned even more by the sight of ur bf hastily undressing his navy button up, throwing it elsewhere, leaving his jeans (that had deliciously provided you some sweet pleasure earlier) on. "all fours, sweetheart. now.", the loving petname contradictory to what he'd called u earlier
aight yk what imma send it off anon (6/?) his tone was nothing like your usual sweet loving goofball of a lover, and u were honestly scared (though also excited n curious) of what would happen if u disobeyed him. so u get on all fours, bending your back slightly to give a nice pop of your ass which didnt go unnoticed by jae obviously. another growl could be heard, "guess u rlly do wanna test my patience huh, baby?", before a long silence ensued n u were confused bcs why the fuck is he so quiet??
(7/?) n u were confused bc wht the fuck did u do? some booty poppin aint gonna hurt no one, but OHOHO was mans pissed. the silence was starting to get weird before a loud thwack was heard booming through the air before you could register the impact on your ass, immediately realizing it was from jae's hand. holy fucking shit. that was rhe harsest ass slap you've ever received, and you fuckin screames at that shit bcs of the shock n the overwhelmingly pleasurable pain,,,
(8/?) and the smacks carried on for a bit and if u were to say u didnt enjoy it would be a fucking lie. after he was done, u knew ur ass would be red and purple. and just as u were about to let your figure slump against the soft bed, you felt his fingers weave their way through your hair and tugged, with moderate force to keep your stance upright like it was before the whole process but not too hard to bald you. goddamn did that turn u on.
(9/?) then he finally takes his pants off and you sneaked a lil peek n holy fucking shit u saw a long boi in that shit. he wasn't rlly on the girthy side but god damn he was as long as a fucking flagpole ngl,, it was so red and hard and angry ngghhhh,,,, "your little cunt right here is alrdy dripping, it better be a good vice for my cock, hm?", he'd lowly groan before sliding in oh-so-graciously. it actually was perfectly fitted like a vice, it felt heavenly in u. he started to pick up his pace,
(10/?) his pace soon became one that was animalistic and brutal, hips snapping back into you with such force that could ram your head to the wall tbh. so he snakes his hand to your neck, grabbing it again as he pressed his thumb and index fingers against the sides of your throat to cut off blood flow, making you feel lightheaded, adding to the overwhelming pleasure of the good dicking from jae. it certainly didnt take u long to cum, but it did for him as he finally came,
(11/?) he finally came after drawing out two orgasms from you, still with his hands wrapped around your neck. you were completely exhausted but you were worried-ish bcs fuck ur bf never did this,, not even close,,, so u were like "babe r u ok???" n he was like "yeah just tired, did i go too rough on you? i'm sorry" n ur like "no don't be, i like this side of you anyways ;)" and whoops there we go,,, IM SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO LONG AKSNKSK even tumblr disapproved im so so sorry :((
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