gryffonthepandaman · 3 months
I don’t know if Igneous showed you .or not but there were some pretty fish that swam by the ship last , night and he caught one if you’d want t’ see
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homolobotomized · 9 months
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such a big fan of this page. nagumo's text emboldened, yotsumura's expression,, "shaddup ab why im keeping this dude who has no chance of recovery (barely) alive. let's talk ab the reason im keeping this dude who has no chance of recovery (barely) alive",,, good shit
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britomart · 11 months
VICKYYYYY I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3 wah it's so good to see you here again and congrats on your exams!!!! i always knew you'd do amazing 😁😁 also i hope this means you'll have a little time to relax now and recover from the exhaustion of all the studying and get some much deserved rest <3 i love you!!!
HI ANGLE I'VE MISSED YOU SM TOO 😭😭😭😭💗💌💗💗💖💖🌷🩷🧡💕❣️💝💘💗💛🩵💕❣️💝💘💗🤍💙💕❣️💝💘💗💚🩷🤎🧡❤️❤️💖💖 how have u been!!! i hope you've been well!!!!! and thank you ahhhhhhhhh
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omegamoo · 4 months
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frame redraw of that one boatem part in @chrisrin's hermitcraft season eight finale animation. this animation has lived rent free in my head since i saw it like two years ago :]
annnnd this was for the mcytblr art house discord server theme month prompt "void" :D
original frame under the cut!
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heres the og frame and if you havent seen this animatic WHAT ARE YOU DOING drop everything and go watch it right now
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wickjump · 2 months
do u havea pic of ur blueberry inspired oc,,,/nf
AW MAN unfortunately none i feel comfortable sharing as the oc of him i have is a vent oc and i keep those works locked away in a vault. i have old drawings of my blueberry interpretation, which is more of a projection character who i adore to death.
blueberry is super important 2 me n i love him SOSOSO much!!!!!! he acts just like i did as a child bcuz i was a huge stereotype—and still am in a lot of my disorders, which is lowk kind of isolating because yes not all of us are like those examples but some of us ARE!!!!!!! anywy blueberry reminds me of me as a kid; i was overeager and innocent (i gen didnt process anything ‘impure’ none of that registered in my mind till i was like 12) and things flew over my head a lot. i was blindly trusting and i looked up to people for affection and would cry all the time—generally i was (and still am!) very emotive and empathetic.
blueberry means a lot to me because he feels like me. and the hate he started to get was understandable but it’s been eight years since his creator left (and i doubt they give a shit anymore) and nobody confuses the two. it’s been years since anyone did that—the fact he’s still getting hate is understandable but it lowk hurts in a way. cause he means a lot to me!!!! he’s a character that i want to give a happy family and to see him thrive and his “”innocence to be preserved”” or whatever because i didnt get that!!!!! i want swap to be his adoptive father because i didn’t have a dad!!!!!! i want him to be included and loved and not outcasted for being “annoying”, because i was, and he doesn’t have to be!!!!!
he’s me as a kid. that’s why he’s so important to me,, id defend my younger self against the world but because time travel doesn’t exist he’s my next best option and i love him. i love art where swap is kind and caring towards him—because he would be in canon! swap doesn’t hate kids for idolizing him, goddammit! his entire character is that he himself is ostracized for being “annoying”! why in the fucking world would he do that to a child when he himself knows how it feels to be isolated and to crave friends yet have none?? papyrus wouldn’t, so neither would swap.
i havent seen any fics where this is the case (swap being nice to/taking care of berry) but ive written some snippets of them b4….. i just wish they were more popular as a father-son duo lmao 😭 most fatherless thing ive ever said
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
I've decided that i want to disrupt the strightsized/midsized thriftblogger industrial complex for my fellow actually fat people. I havent been as small as a size 18 since senior year of highschool and my waistline is sitting comfortably at around 50 inches these days and i thrift but it's frequently humiliating. Here are my tips.
one: there isn't nothing. It might be slim pickings. It might be a single rack in a 2 story shop. It might be only 2 pairs of pants in the whole place. But you've been on the street and in the grocery store. You know there are other people your size in the world and their stuff ends up a thrift store too.
two: avoid trendy areas like the plague. do you live in a smaller town? do you have reason to go to one? go to a thrift store there. if you know there are more people your size in an area, then that's a good sign for your chances. you aren't looking for designer pieces at a steal; you are looking for some gently used lane bryant and this is where it lives.
three: it isnt all or nothing. you can get some things thrifted and some things you're probably going to have to buy at a plus sized store. Getting a few nice blouses for cheap can free up your budget for a pair of new pants from a plus sized retailer. For instance, I really cant thrift a pair of shoes for shit because i have extra wide feet and cankles for days, but my partner who is a similar weight has regular sized feet and could thrift shoes easily, and that's a lot of money that could be saved there.
four: if it only almost fits, put it back. if you're anything like me, the fact that you can button or zip it is going to feel like a miracle, but if it hurts or digs in any way, it'll sit in your closet for weeks while the things that don't hurt get worn many times in a row. we don't always have the luxury of everything in our wardrobes sparking joy but it can at least not spark pain.
five: be honest. if you aren't going to fix it or take it out, don't waste your money on a project piece that's going to sit around for the next 2 years and go back to the thrift store from whence it came.
five point five: be a little adventurous though. especially with shirts and dresses. maybe you've never tried that color before but it looks good in the store. this is a low stakes way to expand your style. you can always get rid of it if you decide against it, either within a return window, or donating it back. If your thrift store gives coupons for donating, taking a small grocery bag with a few pieces will get you the same discount as a car full of old furniture, so donate small amounts and often.
six: if you're thrifting online, thrift the brand you trust. like i hinted above, i trust lane bryant. i also trust torrid because i'm tall and torrid is for me and the transfems. search on shopgoodwill or depop or whatever by the brand you know the sizing of. hell, you can also seach the box store brand like time and tru or ava viv on there if you miss that one piece from a year or two ago that was cute and fit you perfectly. Speaking of...
seven: goodwill gets target overstock. you can find new overstock stuff from last season on the racks. i've seen many a thing go from clearance at my local target to on the shelves at the goodwill. keep it in mind if you're broke but used clothes yuck you out. you can find new with tag stuff in plus sizes, either from stores directly or people who just aren't fussed about money.
eight: you have to go a lot to find stuff. that's how the bloggers do it; they made it their side hustle in some way. i don't suggest doing it if you have no interest in it, but if you can put aside a half hour once a week or twice a month to check while you're running your errands, you can start finding stuff. Keep your trips and your budget small, and start looking for stuff for the next season months ahead of time to keep the pressure down.
nine: save a treat. either literally go for a treat afterward for being a big brave bestie and confronting the fact that you have a corporeal form and it needs clothes, or look through the fun thing that relaxes you. Looking for silly mugs? trying to find fine leather purses? want to look at ugly figurines and take pictures of them to text your friend and say "it's you'? Do that. Every time you go to the thrift store, add in the fun thing. If looking for work clothes can't motivate you, maybe looking through the children's paperbacks to try to rebuild your collection of animorphs books that you got rid of in 2005 will.
lastly: cut out the middle man. if you have a friend or relative of similar size to you: TRADE the pieces you're pruning from your wardrobe with each other before you donate them. It will give you the spark of newness that you both are looking for. Also you can reference the "those shoes... look familiar..." vine when you see them wearing something you gave them.
tl;dr: thrift often and in small doses, make it fun for yourself if you can, and also i just heard a tip where if you want to check a waistband size without trying it on, have the waistband fully closed and hold it to your hip. if the ends of the waistband reach your spine and bellybutton, it'll probably fit. So that's pretty handy.
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 4 months
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky x Y/N - Part Eight - Unfaithful.
Just a short chapter to get me back into the swing of writing. I'm sorry this took so long. Between life and feeling somewhat uninspired, I struggled with this. But i think I know where this story is going now. I'll probably wrap it up in two or three chapters. Feedback is always welcome! Inspired by Rihanna's Unfaithful.
It had been two weeks since their magical weekend in London, where they had both confessed their love in the throws of passion. Since then they hadn't been able to spend much time together. It was quick hellos while passing eachother or the odd two minute conversation in the mess hall. Bucky missed those moments in London where he could hold her. Where he could openly kiss her cheek, wrap his arm around her while walking through the streets. He missed being able to unabashedly stare at her in all her beauty.
Seeing her with Colonel Clarke made his mind angry and his heart ache. Seeing them walk hand in hand to the officers club and watching as the Colonel kissed her made his blood boil and his eyes sting with unshed tears. It should be me. He thought. Its supposed to be me.
It was a Friday night and the party in the officers club was in full swing. Bucky sat in the corner with Buck and DeMarco, printing his whiskey and brooding.
'Whats wrong with you?' Buck questioned.
'Nothing.' he replied without looking up from his glass.
'Bull. You're in a sour mood and have been for days.' Buck looked around to make sure nobody was listening before whispering 'Has something happened with Y/N?'
'No nothings happened. Thats the problem. I havent seen her properly since we came back from London.' Bucky said. He looked like a pouty child, not a grown man. Buck would have laughed if he wasnt worried about his friend.
'Well her and the Colonel just arrived. Why don't you ask her to dance again?'
'Are you really encouraging me?' Bucky questioned. He knew Buck was disapproving of his affair.
'I'm not happy about any of this. But if a dance, just a dance, puts a smile on your beak then go for it.' Buck said, the sterness of his voice clear.
Bucky approached the table where Y/N and the Colonel sat, noticing how close the two sat together with the Colonel's hand on Y/N's lap made him want to punch him.
'Ah Major Egan!' the Colonel said upon noticing him, 'You just cant get enough of dancing with my wife?' he said. Before Bucky could answer he continued 'Well you're just in time, my lovely wife was just starting to get restless, can't have her sitting down too long, she demands to dance!' he laughed.
'Well I am always there for a lady in need.' Bucky held out his hand. 'May I have this dance?'
Y/N looked nervous, she looked between Bucky and the Colonel, before taking Bucky's hand. They walked to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance to the music. Bucky spun Y/N around until her back was against his chest. He took the moment to question her.
'I've barely seen you lately. Whats up?'
Y/N spun back out to face him before he pulled her closer. 'Nothing's up. I just don't want anyone getting suspicious.' She spun back out in a twirl.
'You could at least say you've missed me doll.' Bucky said as she twirled in the opposite direction, once again having her back to his chest.
'Of course I've missed you.' she said. She was looking around making sure nobody was paying too much attention to them. Bertie was talking with some other men, his back to the dancefloor. She tried to twirl herself away from him again, but he held on to her tightly.
'I told you I loved you, and you said it back. And then we get back here and its like it never happened.' Bucky wished he could wisk her off to a quiet corner somewhere to have this conversation, but this was his only opportunity.
Y/N finally broke free of his strong arms. She spun herself out away from him, he quickly pulled her back in. 'Albert knows.' she said in a hushed and panicked tone.
'What?!' Bucky almost gasped. 'How? What did he say? Why hasnt he shot me yet?' Bucky looked in the direction of the Colonel, he looked very calm for someone who's wife was having an affair.
'He hasnt said anything, but he's acting strange. I'm sure he knows.' Y/N replied. She did her best to keep it look like they were dancing and having fun.
'So you're not actually sure he knows?' he breathed a sigh of relief. 'Y/N its fine, he doesnt know. You think he'd let me dance with you? Let me live if he knew?'
'You don't know Albert. He plays the long game. I'm scared he's planning something.' she said, he bottom lip between her teeth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Colonel Albert Clarke was not a stupid man. Dull, possibly. Maybe a bit old fashioned. But he wasnt stupid. He noticed the difference in Mrs. Y/N Clarke fairly quickly. It wasn't an obvious change, only someone who knew Y/N extremely well, someone who had been married to her for the past five years, would notice. It was the way she was wearing extra perfume these days. The way she seemed to be quickly running out of lipstick. The way she suddenly became so excited to go to the officers club, a place she previously had no real draw to. But mostly, it was her smile. The smile she used to give to him in the early days of their relationship. The smile that showed all of her beautiful sparkly white teeth. The smile that reached all the way to her eyes which made them crease in the corners. She had the ability to bewitch anyone with that beautiful, heart warming smile. He hadn't seen it in a while, perhaps in over a year. But he was seeing it again, pointed at Major John 'Bucky' Egan.
The Major was a nice man, a bit cocky perhaps. But he was a good soldier dedicated to his Country and his men. Even the Colonel could admit he was also handsome. Albert understood while Y/N would be attracted to him. But there was something else to it. He was certain that Y/N had come across many attractive men since their marraige, but he was certain this was the first time she had been unfaithful.
Whatever spell Major Egan had his wife under, Albert was certain he could not compete with it. He was older, not half as attractive, and he didn't have that secret ingreedient that made his wife fall in love with the Major in the first place.
She was definitely in love. She wouldn't have an affair with just anyone. Because despite it all, Albert knew that Y/N was a good woman. Respectible. Kind. She would only do this to him if there was really no other option. He loved his wife. He loved her faults and all. He was and always would be greatful for the love and support she gave to him over the last five years. Which is why when she and Egan went to dance at the club, he looked away. Moved his chair so his back was to the dancefloor. He did his best to engage in ocnversation with the men sitting near him, pretending what was happening behind him wasn't happening at all.
The following morning at the mess hall, Y/N was placing some breakfast muffins on a tray when Bucky came up to her. 'I think you dropped this Mrs. Clarke.'
Y/N spun round and was about to tell him she didnt drop anything. Then she saw the note in his hand. 'Thank you Major.'
It wasn't until she was back in the kitchen that she unfolded the note.
Meet me at our spot. Where we first started marching. 2pm. I'll be waiting. -B
Marching? Keep marching on. Their first conversation. After Curt died, where she encouraged him to keep going. She smiled at the memory, suprised he had remembered. He must know that Albert had a meeting at 2pm. She tucked the note into her bra and carried on serving breakfast. She smiled the who way through the breakfast rush, thinking of Bucky.
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i-am-thornqueen · 27 days
Hello im back can you tell me about festivals or celebrations or any other special times the magic folk in your au have? Maybe some we havent seen yet or some that are specific to certain folks? Are there any favorites the main characters may have? Ive been thinking about this for months, your world feels so alive that whenever I have a holiday I wonder if your magic folk have something like it too.
You know just how to get me going on a tangent, don't you? I could write a dissertation, but I'll try to contain myself.
Below the cut, if you please.
Not to make things too complicated, but depending on your species and where you are in the world, magical folks can have hundreds of different practices.
For example, werebeasts. Since they're all post-human, their yearly holiday celebrations tend to continue to follow the human holidays of the place they are from. If they are trying to fit in with their local magical community, they'll try assimilating with local practices. They do have to play a bit of a balancing act with assimilating, though. If too many werebeasts gather in the same place when ambient magic is at its peak, it can drive them out of their skins. Post-humans can get weird around too much magic. They can end up aggressive, fighting each other until they manage to burn the energy out.
Werebeasts only have two... "holidays" (if you could call them that) which are uniquely their own, although its debatable if they actually "celebrate" these times or if they are driven by instinct to participate against their will. Spring Madness is when the the animal spirit of a werebeast comes out of its winter torpor and drives its host mad with fresh energy that unfortunately tends to boil over into animal lust. The height of the madness generally falls around the same time as Beltane in the Spring, and is usually exacerbated by magical creatures around them going into various forms of heat. Their second "holiday", so to speak, is more of a drawn-out affair through the weeks that make up the autumn harvest. It's a werebeast's true rut, when they're instinctively driven to find and impress a partner to spend the winter with them (and hopefully partner for longer than that). You could loosely call it a gift-giving holiday, sort of. Whoever their chosen partner is will be receiving all manner of gifts and attention until they either accept or reject the werebeast's efforts.
Witches celebrate on a seasonal calendar reflective of where they're from. Witches from Europe and certain populations of the witch diaspora in the Americas follow the Wheel of the Year, with roughly eight sabbaths. Some regional variation happens, as one does not expect a German witch to celebrate with the same traditions as a Spanish witch. Fae and many magical creatures of European descent also follow the Wheel of the Year. Witches from other populations, such as those native to the Americas or from the African continent and other such regions of the world practice their own seasonal holidays.
There are also unofficial holidays, similarly in the vein of Tumblr celebrating the Ides of March every year as a joke that's slowly turning sincere. At the midpoint of summer, many young fairies like to celebrate Puck and Bottom night as a way of paying tribute to William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. They'll gather in the woods with anyone else whose game and collectively lure humans into the dark to drink and party with them. By dawn, most participants are too drunk to say 'happy puck and bottom night' so it generally comes out as 'happy fuck the bottom night'... which is not not an inaccurate description of the night's debacles.
The magical world is endless in its variations. They're all sorts of holidays and festivals to be had when you have people as unique and diverse as magical folk. :P
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sick-ada · 3 months
2,4,20,21,23 for anyone you like! (havent seen if youve answered all of these but if u have.. pick another question youd like to answer instead!!)
askdjalsk no youre good i havent gotten any asks yet lmao. im gonna answer these for bubbles because i dont talk about him nearly enough
2 - what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
while he does like the sort of music the Leftovers make (loud, angry punk music), i think he appreciates soft and quiet music a lot. maybe it's cause his sister, CB, is very quiet so that's what he's used to, or maybe it's cause he was left alone a lot as a kid so liked to just sit and chill with some calming tunes. idk, it's not like he really remembers that
4 - how crafty/resourceful are they?
very extremely resourceful. it doesn't show as much as it does with bola, since they're more used to inkopolis and are generally the group's leader, but bubbles is damn fucking smart. he picks up on new info/skills super quickly, keeps them secret from anyone else so people will underestimate him, and absolutely does not hesitate to use them to further his goals. he'd be a force to reckon with if he had, you know, goals to further
20 - if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
do they, like, have cars in splatoon??? i have no idea i cant remember seeing any except in that level in octo expansion where you're riding on top of one. i dont think anyone in leftovers squad could drive if cars were in splatoon, the eights forgot how/never learned and bola/flora would be too broke to get a car anyway. i think bubbles could learn if he tried tho
21 - their favorite place to be?
i feel like CB and Bubbles never really settle down permanently so i'm not sure they'd have a favourite place/permanent home. it's gonna sound cheesy but his favourite place would just be wherever CB is. separation anxiety ass. failing that, somewhere high up where he can See Everyone And Everything
23 - how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
bubbles' voice isn't super quiet, I don't think, but he never yells. he's exceedingly clear and concise and just kind of says everything like there's this authoriative weight behind it. i think he learned it from one of his superiors in the army.
i think he sings really well. his technical skills are probably better than flora, who does the actual singing in their band, but he can't really manage the style needed for the leftovers' songs. he prefers to do backup vocals, does a few for OTH during their world tour
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conanssummerchild · 6 months
okay so id initially put this in the tags of your ask but i thought id put it in your askbox so you don't feel obligated to answer it or you wanna answer privately instead cause it's very rambly and kinda personal
#also im curious. what do you do after you get an autism dx?#because like back when my psychiatrist evaluated me for a bunch of things. i was curious if i was somewhere on the autism spectrum too#cause i did check a lot of boxes#and she essentially told me i have a lot of the overlapping stuff because of other conditions and i could do the autism evaluation#but it would be a waste of time for me because it wasnt my main dx and doesn't make my life unbearable#because im already taking meds and shit for other stuff but you dont take meds or really do anything about having autism#so she basically told me you might be on the spectrum but there's no point in getting a dx cause it doesnt change anything#but also cuz for me it's probably mild and doesnt affect my every day life that much#so yeah i guess i was curious. im so sorry if this comes off as rude btw#because i know getting dxed changed my life and its so much better now. and im so proud of you for that finally happening#and my situation is very different from yours like even if i am on the spectrum it probably doesn't affect me to an extent where it fucks#with my every day life to an unbearable degree yk#but im definitely curious about how you go forward once you get an autism diagnosis when it does significantly affect your life. like do you do anything about it?#i do know it's validating as hell and your parents will finally take you seriously. cause you've obviously known for a while#and again i know its gonna get so much better hereon. getting dxed literally changes your life and im so so happy for you#how did your family and everyone take it?#like i had the worst relationship with my parents i was gonna cut them off after school but it got so much better after my dx#like they became so much more understanding and like put in the effort to change and be better and its still a long road but yeah#it's kind of fucking awesome and life changing and i really hope it is for you too#im so so so happy for you
well i guess i dont really know yet, i had an appointment yesterday at school hours and i went alone and then i went straight back to school and now im at my friends house so i havent seen my parents yet. i have my last appointment with my psycologist in 2 weeks and that one is with my parents so its basically when shes going to tell them, i dont plan on telling my dad about it before then bcs he can go fuck himself but i am going to tell my mum as soon as she gets home from barcelona. so i cant really say anything parents-wise yet. as for like outside that at the moment theres really nothing at all i can do until my parents are in on it, since im a minor my parents are the ones who choose if the school knows and i can get accomodations but if they choose not to tell them theres really not much i can do, so for me a diagnosis doesnt change much (apart from FINALLY after more than EIGHT years knowing whats different abt me) unless my parents let it change stuff, and at the moment i font know if they will :/, so to answer "what do you do after a diagnosis?" i really dont know. if u want to get diagnosed though and u think you could i would probably go for it, you can keep it to urself since ur over 18 so u dont have to tell anyone else if u dont want to and idk it might come in handy even if it doesnt it is nice to feel validated but anyway its up to you <3
ps: you can literally ask me anything u want to know i dont mind and dont worry abt coming off as rude i dont think u r <33 love u
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zelphin124 · 1 year
I hope nobody else sent this yet- But here, for you~
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
Aww! Thank you skele-things! I appreciate it! And no one has asked me this yet (:
DISCLAIMER: I have many many many many many many OC's... especially outside the Undertale fandom. BUT- I'll try to center around Undertale as those are known best! Questions below!
I mean, I love all my boys equally what do you mean- Winter Sans. Outside of UTMV? Garrison, a character in my novel.
For the UTMV - Iro!Sans. My girl has been with me for... six months now.
Too many. UTMV-wise, eight 6. I have six, for now.
For the UTMV yeah! I've kept all of them!
I got inspiration for SeasonTale based off one Game of Thrones clip I saw with a dragon, a man, and a woman, and the bad sanses. It was literally only one scene, and it sparked a story!
Heh, Sanses... Outside of UTMV? I love writing elves, creatures I make myself, or humans! Humans are so interesting when they're powerless in a powerful world.
Unless you count a girl Sans original... nope! As for my other books, I've made a TON of fantasy species! The main character in my novel, The Fergen, is a Fergen! Which is an elf with dragon wings and can breathe fire! Lmk if you wanna hear more.
aaaaaa sadly I am not confident in my art enough to draw my characters... I will learn someday, I hope!
Winter: "Must you cause yourself pain to get revenge? It isn't worth it! This is only hurting you!"
Oh yeah! SeasonTale and IroTale have very complex and intricate stories that I am in process of writing! You can find more info on their masterposts!
Oh, good question! Although some come close, nope!
Yep! Winter Sans and Summer Sans are brothers! That's why Summer's eyes can sometimes be seen as snowflakes!
Male. I make a lot of females outside the UTMV though; it's been really interesting to learn about how the male mind works when writing them!
Crap ya didn't give me any concept to go off of! Haha! I am a creative dumpster, if you give me some concepts, I can definitely spit out some ideas!
Yes, I have given a ton up outside the UTMV, so I am sure it could happen with my Sanses, unfortunately. But I don't plan to anytime soon (:
If Cocoa!Sans doesn't count, as I made it with a community, then probably Iro!Gaster, who is timeless. W!Gaster is like... 250 years old too.
Oh yeah! All the time! It's how I flush out some of the lore! Usually, it's on discord.
I was about to say none but then I remembered Reformed!Error, haha! So I guess 1?
Like I said I love all my boys equally- there's Chester from my novel... as for my UTMV? Hmmm... Maybe F!Gaster (Fall!Gaster). He's very cowardly and I don't like his character, but it serves a purpose.
Definitely Iro!Sans. She went from a maintenance Undye to who she is today. She's developed a LOT.
I created all my Season Sanses together... probably Solstice!Asgore. He's a new edition to the story!
Nope! I don't have the money to cosplay ;'/
Iro!Sans probably, mainly because of how her villainhood is from her brokenness, and honestly... she just needs a big hug. I relate to some of her brokenness and needing a hug so she's always been a character that in every scene I write with her, it hits deep.
Nope! None that I know of! If you have please let me see!
Probably Cocoa!Sans! I don't get to talk about my jolly old pal and his cafe a lot! He's super sweet and loves serving coffee from CoffeeTale, and his cafe is a universal hotspot! I've heard there's a lot of similarities between him and Ccino, though I've never read Ccino!Sans' story before.
WOW! What good questions! Thank you for allowing me to answer them!
Always feel free to ask whatever questions you have! (: Have a splendid day!
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glemmerdash-piecesof8 · 4 months
buy a packet of pueblo!free book!
Copyright © 2024 Caragh Iles All rights reserved.
Pieces of Eight
Caragh Suibhne
In memory of my grandparents and parents, and in celebration of the lovely Eve Carey for the house beats
        Two-step   5
        Something like telepathy  23
        Househunting  38
        Because every man is an island   48
        I don’t want your revolution if I can’t dance 66
        Half a pint of moonshine for breakfast     79
        Broken bones can mend      90
        I believe in miracles   109
        Never did I see so many faces   118
       A room with many rooms but no chairs   126
       Nature   137
There was the clutter of the kitchen and the sounds of people eating and talking as they sat in the restaurant.
‘I have been thinking’
‘I don’t want to freak you out but I really want you to consider it’
Roo felt a sudden surge of blood flow through her body. Please don’t, she thought.
‘I want you to move in with Robert and me.’
Luke wasn’t looking at her anymore, he was playing with his knife. His eyes darted up and Roo relaxed a little. He smiled, a little wobbly. The waiter arrived with the wine and Roo found herself smiling and tasting the wine and then smiling and saying thank you.
The waiter left and there was silence for a while except for the whirlwind around them. Roo found herself smiling wryly and then saying,
 ‘ You had me worried for a second there. I thought you were going to ask the big question and you know I feel weird about that, especially because your bi. But it’s still a big question.’ She paused. ‘What does Robert think about it?’
‘He really likes you. If he wasn’t asexual he would probably have a crush on you. He wants to cook meals together and he knows I am paranoid about the mortgage and the interest rates going up. You wouldn’t have to pay what you pay now. I am quite happy to carry on paying what I am paying but if you can handle the bills that would be great.’
‘Just the bills?’
She laughed.
‘That’s as close to being a kept woman as I could manage.’
She twisted her wine glass and frowned.
’I suppose I could buy us expensive food and you are closer to my school.’
She sipped her wine and then winced.
‘The wine’s not that great. But I never know how to turn down an open bottle.’
Luke smiled and shook his head.
‘ Its fine for the price . You know you can’t expect much here. We’d be better off bringing our own but then you have to remember. But you will think about it? I know you would have to give notice and I would have to use some of the storage in the passage but you don’t have that much stuff.’
His phone buzzed on the table. He ignored it. The ringtone wasn’t from work.
Roo shifted on her chair and then ran her hand through her long strawberry blonde hair.
‘We have only known each other less than 6 months.’ Roo said slowly.
‘Are you worried about the fact that I haven’t met your parents?’
‘No, you know I have never properly told you but I have nothing to say to my parents .’
‘Do you mind me asking why?’
Roo licked her lips and took another sip of wine before putting her elbows on the table, then taking them off until eventually saying with her eyes gazing intently at the flowers on the table.
 ‘They are both very unhappy people. My father is a bit of a nazi. Well let me be honest. He is a nazi. And my mother – well she puts up with him. I left home as soon as I had could, and I havent seen them since. They want me to be like them. Racist and judgemental.  I have nothing to say to them.’
Luke was quiet for a moment. She is only 27 , he thought.
‘ Have you lived with anyone before?’ he said carefully.
Roo bit her lip and shook her head.
‘I have been too busy sorting myself out and then doing school and then getting used  to teaching and well, its a big step.’
‘I didn’t realise. We should probably have talked about ex’s before I asked.’
He paused and took a slug of wine.
‘Think about it and take your time. Its the 15th today so its probably too late in the day to give your notice without forfeiting your deposit. So tell me what you think in 2 weeks time. Its London so you won’t have to worry too much about finding someone to replace you.’
He cupped his glass between his hands.
‘I just want to spend time with you. My hours are all over the place, as you well know, and with all these cuts going on its going to just keep getting more stressful. Robert is great. You can eat dinner with him most nights, and we can all take turns cooking- which always makes food tastier.  I worry a bit about you. You don’t even like your housemates.’
Roo looked at him, with her eyes a bit blurry and smiled weakly before her eyes started staring intently at her glass.
‘’Luke,’ she said slowly,’ I would love to move in with you, but I don’t know. I think you are making me feel so stable so I might change.’
Luke laughed delightedly.
‘Change! I should hope so! That’s what makes us people!’
Roo smiled and then noticed herself laughing and she was amazed at the wonderousness of being in love.’
Luke was in the ambulance driving through heavy sleety rain. He was being very careful as the old lady they had picked up seemed very weak and he hoped she would be rehydrated by the time they reached the hospital. He smiled at how bizarre it was that someone could get dehydrated in the middle of winter and then he frowned. It always made him feel uneasy when they went to find an old person alone. She had stopped drinking water because the abscess on her leg made it impossible to get to the bathroom. She was so afraid of the hospital, Philip had given her a tranquilizer. Luke turned a corner and then turned the emergency light on. The roaring began and he started moving past cars, his mind disengaging from the strange things people do and believe. The radio crackled and he answered, wondering where they would go next. His shift was almost over.
Roo was cooking. She has started making enough so there would be a lunch box for all three of them twice a week at least. The others did it too, especially since she had moved in in last September and it was getting colder.
She was thinking about the dream she had last night. It was more of a waking dream to be honest, but Robert going on about being bored filming the news must have gotten to her. She was thinking of creating a spectacle. Since moving in with Luke,
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Third: omg us in july is truly a miracle because turns out that you posted your fic in july 2016
Fifth- that friend from whose fic you found me is one of my besties and I've known her for 8 years minus ONE DAY 🥺🥺🥺 tomorrow (based on timezones) is our anniversary and AHHHHHH GOD THATS MY LONGEST FRIENDSHIP THAT I STILL KEEP UP WITH. to think that I've known YOU for seven... omg?
Sixth! You detective! You are so cool
Seven !! Dw about finding my old tumblr LOOOOLLL I did mean to delete it but am just lazy and avoidant,,, but it's okay really! Not an invasion of privacy considering /my/ behaviour with your blogs JDAJDJSJDJSKSKDKA your "invasion" of my privacy is warranted LMAO let's catch each other up on our misadventures 🥳 jkjk
Eight- although yes I dont use that account anymore and have had four more since then 💀💀💀💀 I planned to contact you through the fourth, you see 🤡 (god this clown emoji looks terrifying on my phone I hate it suddenly, it's NIGHTTIME i dont want clown nightmares even if I'm not scared of them 😭 hard to be scared of something you've never seen before except in a mirror shdhfjdndnjsksa)
Ten- "HAHA DW YOU DONT HAVE TO TALK TO ME IF YOU DONT WANT TO HAHA" these haha's killed my soul a little OF COURSE I want to talk to you I'm just SHIT at having energy for conversations lately (for like 3 years now LMFAOOOO) BUT THATS NO EXCUSE !!!!!!!!!!!
omg i didn't know you hurt your foot 😭 is that why you're bedridden?? SENDING YOU GOOD HEALING VIBES SJDJDJSJS I hurt my feet too because i got overenthusiastic with exercise 💀💀 and then just skipped a day like no MY STREAK! But they're fine rn I guess, maybe the rest was good ehrjejdjsjsa
omg I'm a proper carat 🥺🥺🥺 am I a proper carat if I barely know their songs because I'm fond of them but I probably don't know more than ten songs DHEJEHSHDNSKS??? Help. I must be an improper carat (can you tell I have dumb jokes)
THIRTEEN! I realised after seven entire years that your name basically translates to cheese on toast. That was a revelation. I hope you've brien well. Yes. I actually just did that.
Fourteen- caratumblr abo verse.... I havent written smut for two years and I havent even been writing but this was such a tempting offer JRJERJSJDJ LMAOOOO I'll support you in your endeavours 😌🥳🤩🥰
Ok this was a long ask hehe whoops <3 enjoy your day! I hope you have a good one!!! I think our timezones are far apart so I must zzz now ❤ I think I covered everything I wanted to say rn!!
--- spn anon (oh look! This can double as point number seventeen 🤩)
YOU KNOW IM KINDA ANNOYED I DIDNT FIGURE THIS PUT A YEAR AGO LIKE…. What the fuck was a doing all those other times i tried it wasn’t THAT difficult to find… this is ridiculous i’m so dumb sigh
A FULL YEAR OH MY GOD…. THATS INSANE…. But SEVEN YEARS FOR US?! THAT WOULD BE MY LONGEST ONLINE RELATIONSHIP. I would never EVER imagine that any online relationship I would find would transcend fandoms ESPECIALLY NOT SO DRASTICALLY as going from supernatural to kpop and ao3 to tumblr… what a migration… seven YEARS… damn that means we only just missed our anniversary haha
I think that if seventeen brings you any type of comfort you’re a carat, no matter if you listen to one song or all of them. You know their names, that’s MUCH more than i knew when i knew that amount of songs. So i think you qualify as one, even if you don’t go further into liking them or listening to their music
YES CAPTAINBRIEONTOAST IS LIKE THE MOST CLEVER THING I’VE EVER COME UP WITH LIKE IT’S DEVASTATING TO ME THAT I AM NOW SOMETHING ELSE… people on this blog don’t even know my roots… WHO I WAS BEFORE (that’s probably a good thing) I actually only started going by brie even offline when i gave myself the captainbrieontoast name for writing. I HAVE BRIEN WELL 🤣
Come on sam… dad’s on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home in a few days…. DUST OFF YOUR SMUT WRITING SKILLS I can’t do this without you 😫 (just kidding don’t feel pressured) what if i actually did do a caratumblr abo verse collab that would be crazy i don’t think i have the confidence or influence to start that alone
I HOPE YOU SLEEP WELL!!! I’LL TALK TO YOU LATER!! I just woke up (but it’s almost 4pm where i am and i should’ve woken up sooner)
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oflgtfol · 2 years
literally my main complaints with thor 4 and the main complaints im seeing elsewhere (but maybe i just follow sane people. idk) is that valkyrie was fucking sidelined . for some girl who literally has not appeared in the franchise for EIGHT YEARS !!!!! add on the fact that valkyrie is black and the woman she was sidelined over is white its like. its bad dude ! its fucking bad. it fucking sucks. i dont understand how thor ragnarok set everything up so great and then thor 4 just went down the dumpster
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readingwriter92 · 3 years
That sigh of relief when you watch a new show and are super hooked and there are fics
#I’m starting to watch demon slayer#it’s been a whole ass moment since I’ve watched anime period#I think last year I once again tried to finish watching Fmab but never did#anyways so I did a quick ao3 check for fic#and there are 8000~ so it’s hopeful#I havent finished a whole show this like whole year#I started off watching arrow but I was sorta disappointed by the fic spread and so#I mean I’m almost done the show I’ve got like two seasons#but it shouldn’t take me six months to finish an eight season show#I can watch shot fast when I’m determined#I keep just giving up on shows and slowly getting thru them#my binging abilities have kinda disappeared rn and it’s strange#anyways so Im gunna try to hold off reading anything until I’ve watched more than two eps but#am glad to see more than the lowest#like sure most things aren’t mcu / SPN level fic options#but the worst I’ve seen is like. the 2015 minority report show having 45 fics#like I don’t blame you it’s an old not that good show that got canned at its mid season. after like ten eps#(but fight me the ep where dash gets kidnapped is phenomenal and I will fight that)#it’s an old ish Philip k dick story I don’t even remember how good the 2002 movie was cause it’s been awhile#it’s only bc it’s an arguably bad show that I want so much fic#bc I’m attached to those characters#but the actual number based worst is passager list a really good pod#which I believe last I checked a month or so ago had. two fics.#look fic is the thing that will keep me watching shows half the time so I need lots XDDD#I don’t know how I got on this huge rant but nobody will read down this far so whatever
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heesgf · 5 years
#im at work rn and im having an identity crisis LOL#like im not sad or mad or anything but today i saw an old teacher of mine :’-) and i literally havent seen her since eight grade#so i seriously doubted if she would recognize me.. but she did :’-))) and i was so happy!!! and omg it was super nostalgic#but we talked for a little bit and she was telling me how she always remembered me bc i looked so interested in social issues#and humanitarianism#and she asked me what im going into for university#and when i said science.. we both kinda paused and did that pikachu meme thing LMAO#she was like. hmm why science?#and like. thats literally the question ive been contemplating forever.. like .. WHY science#sure im good at in school and i like health science but .. is that enough? i know i dont enjoy it as much as i wish i do#but idk somewhere along my hs journey things got VERY science and math based and now that’s the route im headed on#and she just kinda looked at me so dumbfounded ....#she said she always thought id pursue liberal arts#and like. she’s right isnt she? thats kinda what i love.. what im best at..#communication.. writing.. social work..#but also!! i think i LIKE science and health.. so idk i guess im just conflicted right now#i means its too late to change my first yr program and ik i could always switch later if i dont like it but..#hmmm#she also said she could see my as a writer and thats when she rlly hit my weak spot KSKSSK#i was really speechless#she said she thought i was meant to be a leader and make a change.. esp for women of colour#like first of all: the level of flattery omygod#but i mean. i guess that really used to be who i was and idk .. i lost some of that fervor bc of some hard times#so weird actually thinking abt careers and futures😵😵😵 anyways!!!! i hope ur all having fabulous days!!! and i LOVE U BOAT LOADS UWU🥰🥰🥰#zip it zeen🤐
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