spielzeugkaiser · 9 months
Right when I was slowly getting back to a drawing routine life happened (exam week, blurgh). So before I vanish again, have a little snek boi. plant man. babygirl-
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gunsatthaphan · 9 months
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"wake up!"
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shabbytigers · 20 days
random hill I feel like dying on today: ice cream requires a metal spoon
if the ice cream is properly frozen a plastic spoon is obviously inferior and likely to break. plastic spoons only work for ice cream you buy at an ice cream shop to eat immediately because those places keep the ice cream right on the edge of too soft, so the servers can scoop reasonably quickly and don’t hurt themselves. the upshot is you have to eat the ice cream very quickly to avoid ending up with a nasty runny mess; it’s a bit stressful, especially if it’s a cone and/or there are multiple flavors
anyway, casual ice cream places will always give you some kind of spoon solution so you will only ever have to provide, and thus to decide on, your own spoon, for ice cream that’s sold in >1 portion sizes (I don’t want to argue about pint tubs; I will say you pint-at-a-sitting eaters are very probably getting diminishing returns) and kept in a cold freezer, eg at supermarkets, where the goal is for people to be able to get it home, so it needs to have more than a five-minute half-life.
look, idk, i think ice cream should be hard enough that you might need a little muscle to dig into it the first minute or two, but you get to take your time over it and enjoy it? eating ice cream shouldn’t be a race against time! sure it makes scooping a bit more difficult but there are solutions. maybe they don’t work at scale for multi-hour shifts. or maybe shop owners save enough money setting the freezer at barely fucking cold that they don’t care
probably michelin chefs will disagree with my whole premise here and prefer to serve ice cream barely cold enough to retain its shape. but they also are probably giving you one tiny tear-shaped scoop of it on a plate of something else, basically as a condiment. that is not my central use case for ice cream. i want it separate from other things (which it will just make soggy as it melts. no! bad! retvrn to chantilly) and i want to graze meditatively on it whilst comfortably seated
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moondustinfj · 9 months
As the new season is coming out soon, i want to establish something.
Louis and Armand love each other.
That's it and that's the truth. I have read the books and yes. Every relationship is very complex and most of them run very deep. But no one in both louis and armand's lives can lessen the fact that they love each other. Just look at how obvious their love is in the books:
And it's something else, which is irrational and unexplainable and satisfies only me.
Which is?
That i love him.
You have me. I love you
Who else, knowing us as we know each other, could do anything but destroy us? Yet we can love each other
Armand went wild. He turned and began driving his fists into marble with fury, cracking the marble tiles, the blood splattering everywhere. Until Marius gripped him and drew him back away from the wall. A long low moan came from Armand. Armand was like something broken as he lay aganist Marius. Again I was not thinking, I was merely knowing that Louis, the most vulnerable of us all was in the grip of that monster. Or already dead.
It seemed alltogether impossible that the pain would stop, and alltogether impossible that it could go on.
'You never loved him. ' Armand said bitterly. 'You were cruel to him. I protected him from you. '
I want you. I want you more than anything in the world.
I felt a longing for him so strong that it took all of my strength to contain it.
And it occured to me, if louis does end his life, if he does bring his supernatural journey to conclusion, how will I ever answer for it to Lestat or Armand, or myself?
It was the love of Louis which had at times crippled Lestat, and enslaved Armand.
Do you see how ruthless I am in love?
I fell in love with him hopelessly
He loves you. He loves you. He would have you. And he would not have me standing in the way
I see his power in your eyes, I see your misery, your distress, the love for him you can't hide
You don't need my forgiveness
You need it. Therefore, I need it
They have different kinds of relationships with many people. It doesn't change what they feel for each other. It doesn't take away from it.
The reason i wanted to say this is because i think people don't always understand the significant role they play in each other's lives. I know it's seen as a threat to most popular ships in this fandom but it's the truth.
Of course it is somewhat toxic and it has its highs and lows. But so does every other relationship in the series
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meerawrites · 4 months
Not to be weird or overly judgmental of other historical fiction media and media that’s target audience is children, but, I really like the way Liberty’s Kids (and TURN ~ obviously though TURN is a historical Amrev drama first and factually correct second, I do seriously recommend the factual book it’s based on of the same name…) but I really like the nuance and ambiguity of the 18th-century and American Revolution in all its aspects without being overly coarse or cynical of the subject matter, each of them give, you can tell it’s written by competent people.
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galacticgraffiti · 3 months
for my own peace of mind i have a question
reblog for bigger sample size pls
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eustacegavinner · 16 days
I think if Kristoph only killed Zak he would have been 100% justified and should be released from jail
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eeveearoace · 5 months
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tracing-rivers · 3 months
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"Darius is such a cat perso-"
LOOK AT THE COMPANY HE KEEPS. His best friend is LITERALLY a feral dog-like creature. His adopted son is a weird little traumatised teenager with a WOLF obsession. HE REGULARLY DISPLAYED HIS HATRED FOR THE FELINE THEMED NAME RAINE PICKED FOR THE REBELLION.
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skibasyndrome · 4 months
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found on pinterest (and suffered because of it)
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kermitthesog · 2 months
Okay, actually idk if I needed a whole part two for this but here we go.
(<< part 1)
Now for the last uh thing.
Someone said that their relationship is codependent. obviously, it’s okay to think this, yk, whatever. but their reasons? let’s get into it.
They say that it’s because, especially during heroes of olympus, their focus is mainly on each other. They also say because Nico and Piper describe their relationship as them being two halves. I just want to say that being deeply in love with somebody and focusing on them no matter what. remembering them through amnesia is not codependency. sure, you might say, “well they can’t live without each other,” that’s love. right there. that’s being so close to someone that you need to be with them. I’m just saying.
so yeah, i mean, think the things you want but this honestly was a learning experience for me because I always heard people saying that percabeth was toxic but some of the reasons are seriously questionable.
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woodlaflababab · 4 months
Hot Take: The Lion Turtle wasn't that out of left field.
Was it a deus ex machina? Yes. Technically. But it wasn't like some sudden dip in writing or like this was unprecedented and had no basis or reasoning in universe. Hear me out. This is Long.
Let's go back to book 1, specifically the book 1 finale. At what point prior to that are we told that there's a spirit that can turn into a giant koi monster and wipe out everyone? We didn't even know about the whole Tui and La thing until we are in the midst of the battle and there is no viable solution. Aang as he is, does not have the ability to solve this problem.
However, Aang is the avatar.
50% of that is having all four elements. It means mastering diciplines, practice, it's skill that you gradually improve on, it's being clever with the tools avalible to you.
But the other 50%, that I feel is too often forgotten, is spirithood, or being the bridge to the spirits. Spirits are not tools. They're explicitly shown to be things that just kinda Do Shit, and Are There. They don't care about the human world for humans' sake, that's the Avatar's job. The spirits are unexplainable. (I am ignoring Korra) Dealing with the spirits isn't something you can learn. There's not really a special technique Aang learns on How To Spirit 101.
But as the Avatar, Aang has the ability to comune with spirits, to seek them out, call to them, ask them for help, and give them help in return. Part of being the Avatar is doing things no one else can, and again, 50% of that comes from having four bending abilities, and the other 50% is his connection to spirits.
The Lion Turtle is the earned pay off of Aang's actions. Aang, like in the Northern Water Tribe, faces a problem in which neither he, nor anyone around him, knows what to do, and just like in the NWT at the twelfth hour, he turns to the spirits. He chooses to find a place where he feels connected, and calls out. He opens himself to a world outside of human control knowing that, as merely human, he is not capable.
It's the same set up.
Aang faces a problem: Giant Invasion/Having to defeat the fire lord
He does everything he physically can: Takes down a dozen ships/Masters three extra elements
But pulls back when he realizes continuing this way will destroy him: Retreats and admits hes in over his head/Refuses to commit violence with the intent to kill because that means sacrificing his values and the last remaining shreds of his people's values.
(PSA: Taking care of your mental/emotional health is just as important as taking care of your physical health)
He opens himself up to other people for solutions: Yue is just like 'you gotta dude :|'/His friends mock him
He chooses to turn to the spirits: Brings it up with Yue and Katara and Yue brings him to the spirit oasis/ Leaves the others to meditate
[Enter Magic Meditation Here]
He Goes To A Weird Spirit Place: Spirit World/Lion Turtle Forest
Fucks Around for a while as he tries to figure out wtf hes supposed to do: talks to spirits and Roku/talks to the avatars and momo (best place of advice obvs)
Finds the spirit he needs to help give him info: Koh+Ocean Spirit/Lion Turtle
Is granted sudden new powers that can solve his impossible situation: Giant Koi/ Energybending
Uses that shit
Saves the day
The end.
And I don't think this is really a cheat for him either. Aang still gives his everything to trying to fight those ships, even after seeing how many there are. He still has to go through all the hassle of the spirits fucking with him.
With the finale, he still admits to Momo that he may have to kill Ozai. He still accepts that, if literally no other solution is avalible, he'll do it even if it means sacrificing himself and his nation. He still has to do the battle to subdue Ozai and still has to risk being internally fucked by bad mojo from Ozai.
He still has to prove himself. In my opinion, he has to prove himself far more in the book three finale than book one. Book one he just kinda takes out some ships and then chats with some spirits and then the Ocean spirit does everything for him.
In the fight with Ozai, AANG had to learn all four elements, HE had to learn the avatar state (even if it conveniently got taken as soon as he did and then given back at dramatic moments), HE had to face Ozai even without the avatar state, HE still tried to reason with Ozai to the end, HE still used the avatar state (apon being gifted with a poke in the back) to fight back, HE still decided to not take the easy way out, HE still commited to and accomplished taking Ozai's bending.
He earned his use of the elements
He earned his use of the Avatar state (prior to lightning bc they couldn't have Aang be op too soon jebdjsbdn)
He continuously believed there has to be another way
He sought out solutions.
And he still had to get ragdolled some to top it off.
And as to the other Avatars' advice, and the idea that he was selfish.
He followed the wisdom of all the Avatars he spoke to.
He was decisive: "No, I'm not going to end like this."
Justice brought Peace: the firelord being rendered powerless and stuck to suffer jail the rest of his life weak and helpless is justice
He actively shaped his own Destiny: he decided how he was going to end things and shaped his destiny and the destiny of the whole world
"Selfless duty calles you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world": to which Aang says "I guess I don't have a choice Momo, I have to kill the firelord."
The Lion Turtle did not come out of left field and Aang earned/deserved his ending.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
I feel like this might be a hot take, but I feel like people’s first instinct is to make Bradley Tony Stark and Jake Steve Rodgers, but I feel like the opposite is more true.
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fernsproutxx · 8 months
just walked out of the fnaf movie while eating a golden chocolate bunny.
life is good.
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nemo-me-impune · 6 months
I'm tipsy would anyone like my interpretation of the class dynamics at play in BBC Ghosts for the benefit of a US audience?
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