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mrghostrat · 1 year ago
im gonna be completely honest, the streamer au reminds me exactly of my streamer rpf days... how people talk about streamer aziracrow is 1:1 how people would talk and write about their streamer ships. so while i am in love w/ your au its giving me Flashbacks to Times..brr
thfhtf UNDERSTANDABLE the rpf days were dark and i have Been There. nobody understands better than me TRUST ME
(and also make sure u remember you can blacklist tags if you need a break bc theres no reason you should suffer if youre feelin squicked out by something, even if it's temporary)
idk why im such a sucker for famous AUs and the idea of being Perceived. (i've been honestly trying to figure this out lately, and i think it's the appeal of writing Ideal Rolemodels that i didn't have, or that i wished we all had more of. so whether it's outsider POV of teachers or celebs or aziraphale being a weird bookseller who gives queer kids a safe space to read, orrrrrrr a chaotic evil twitch streamer who is actually a good person turns out to be secretly married to his roommate, which means safe queer relationships do indeed exist so one day you might find one too, but it's so exciting to see something like that presented on your screen, especially when it's a real person, because you suddenly feel validated for merely existing)
so yea it's just nice being able to go ham on this kind of setting with two extremely fictional characters that suffer nothing for it.
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deepperplexity · 1 year ago
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Prompt: 10. Snow Prints
Pairing: Colonel Brandon x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Christmas Market in Town -> The Lake -> Dashwood Home (Not exactly following cannon, moving the time to winter and the manner Brandon visits the Dashwoods for the first time.)
A/N: I thought we’d take a little tiny break from the serial fics - I do feel I need a breath as it takes way more to write several serials at the same time than one shots (for me) 😂 Also, Brandon seems to be very loved this year, so thought I’d give him some more screen time so to say 🥰
I have perhaps spent too much time on this fic but it ended up flowing and turning into this 5k piece - anyway, I really hope you’ll have a splendid time reading this! We are nearing the middle of Rickmas2023 and I feel good about having been able to post at a decent time every day so far 😍👏 (Let’s hope I can keep it up all the way through 👀😂)
Tags/TW’s: Instant Infatuation, Forehead Kisses, Hand Holding, Accidental Meeting, Unintentional Invasion Of Emotional Privacy, Self Derogatory Thoughts, Classicism, Nicknames, Mutual Pining, Confessions Of Adoration/Love, Implied Future Marriage, Slighty Sassy OC, Chivalry, Poverty Hints,
Word Count: 5k+
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Mrs Jennings laughed by a market stand down the busy street, Margaret squeezed my hand and I could not quite keep a smile from spreading across my lips as she giggled up at me. “She never stops, does she?” Margaret asked with that childlike twinkle in her eye. “I’m afraid not, Maggie,” I chuckled. “She means well, but I do think Miss Markle is quite over her matchmaking attempts, as most of us are.” “Well, you are free of it,” Margaret said with happiness, not knowing the knife it twisted within me. “Indeed, lucky me,” I said as happily as I could. Knowing full well she held little interest of pairing lowly me with anyone at all.
I was an orphan, a mere child-tender for the Dashwoods before Mr Dashwood passed and left the family in ruin - in every manner. Now I was a burden on the kind family, allowed to live with them and dine after them in exchange for not only taking care of Margaret but cleaning and tending to every manner of household chore whenever needed, teaching the child to read and write, to interpret texts as well. No pay given, but a roof over my head and food in my stomach. It was more than I could ask for given the circumstances.
“Mellie,” Mrs Dashwood called, “go buy us some mistletoes and meet us at home!” “Right away, ma’am!” I called back, squeezing Margaret’s hand before ushering her toward one of her older sisters. I trodded off, heading down the market street with vendors filling the space and air with shouts of prices and smells of Christmas. I weaved through the crowd, well-versed in not being in the way.
I found the right vendor and purchased the holly for the Dashwoods, laying them atop the bread and carrots in my basket before turning about. My eyes caught sight of a brilliantly red coat with black and golden details. It stood out in the throng of greys, browns, whites and beige clothes, none as brightly coloured — not even the greens and blues, all in muted saturation. A man of the military? My eyes slid upward only for my breath to catch. He was stunning in profile. Older, with slightly peculiar features — like his hooked nose and thin lips — but more handsome than any other man I had ever laid eyes upon. His grave features and remote manner of looking only made his features shine brighter in the afternoon sun which made the snow glisten on the rooftops.
I stood stock still in the middle of the street, a messenger boy ran right into me, knocking my basket out of my hand — breaking the spell I had been under by the man. I hurried to pick up the greenery, the cloth-wrapped bread, and frost-bit carrots, before scurrying away, throwing one final glance back before entering one of many narrow alleys. His eyes appeared to see me for a second before I turned and hurried away from the market. No matter how handsome the man was, or how my heart had stuttered at his appearance, he was no man for me. I was all too aware of it.
I held on tightly to the basket, the day was beautiful and with the bright sun and lack of wind I managed to keep warm. I sped up my steps as I cleared the town’s border, crossing over a field to take a shortcut through the woods beyond; then it would only be a matter of two more fields to cross, a small hill to hike up, and I would be home once more. I didn’t mind walking through the snow, the boots Mrs Jennings had given me upon winters arrival were far too big but allowed for three pairs of socks which kept me plenty warm as long as I moved about. I was thankful for her gift, even if it were only for them being too small for her but too big for anyone else to wear, and with their shafts reaching nearly to my knees no snow slunk within them even if I pulsed through it at the moment.
I reached the woods, feeling a need to look back toward the town where I had seen the handsome man I was sure to never see again. Even if no man ever finds me to his liking I can at the very least allow the oddity of daydreaming of it to keep me happy, should I not have at least that? I squinted against the direct sunlight as it sank, bathing the sky in orange and pink only making the glittering snow look further magical with the twinkling light of lanterns and candles coming from the town. “A military man, perhaps that would be a grand life.” Not that I shall ever know it for real.
I half giggled to myself, enjoying my little daydream where the man in red would smile sweetly at me and marvelled at the quietly spectacular view. It was interrupted when something came barrelling across the field, someone atop a horse riding at the utmost speed with snow spraying about them yet I could not see any details with the last bit of sun glaring me in the eye and turning them into nothing but a shadow.
I thought little of it, many cut across the field to return home, so I turned and kept walking while wondering what voice would belong to the man in red — a commanding one, an assured one, a powerful one. I could not imagine a man who looked like he had to speak in any meek or bright fashion. No, no a most strong voice ought to belong to such a gentleman.
“Miss!” I spun around in haste at the dark rumble of a call that was somehow heard so clearly. “Miss!” the man called again and I raised a hand to cover my eyes from the sun. My heart stuttered as the man in red came barrelling towards me, his giant black steed’s hooves made the snow spray in magical waves of sparkles all around him.
He halted the horse with great skill, going from a gallop to a near-complete halt in a mere two steps. “Miss,” he said again, his voice a rumble which seemed to shake my insides. “Y-yes?” I asked, bowing my head while curtsying deeply. The thud of feet hitting the snow-covered ground rang out and I looked up. He was a head taller than me, his shoulders stiffly held and his back utterly straight. He looked every bit a stoic gentleman as he inclined his head before reaching out his hand, holding a mistletoe.
“Sir, I— What is this?” I asked while looking between the man who made my heart run rampant and the greenery in his glove-clad hand. “You left this behind, miss.” “Oh… oh!” I rummaged around my basket and indeed, there were only seven when there ought to have been eight of them. “Thank you, sir. I apologize for the trouble you went through for such a small thing.” My cheeks nearly seemed to burn as he handed it over while I spoke and then secured the mistletoe under the towel covering the basket.
The man looked at me, his eyes sweet but his features stoic. “It was no bother, miss. I merely followed the snow prints.” But, I left none behind until I reached the field? “I’m grateful for your kindness and effort, sir.” “Colonel Brandon, miss. At your service,” he said and placed his closed fist atop his chest before bowing slightly. “Melinda Merryweather,” I replied, endeavouring to keep my cheeks from burning up under his stare. “Beautiful Honeybee,” he said in a quiet drone and my eyes widened. “Excuse me, sir?” “Oh, no, miss, your name. Melinda, of Latin origin, meaning sweet. Constructed of mel, meaning honeybee, and Linda, meaning beautiful.”
I was not proud of it, but I gawked at the man. He knew more about my name than me myself. I had been aware of the Latin origin but the meaning of it had never been told to me. “My mother did have a fondness for the buzzing creatures, they fill an important role after all.” “Indeed,” the man said, “there would be little in terms of flowers without them.” “Oh, I was referring to food, Colonel Brandon. Flowers are pretty though.” “Their honey?” “No, they pollinate far more than flowers,” I continued, the education I had been given as a child tender to the Dashwoods far beyond any I would have had in another situation. “You are a woman of education.” “Oh, no, sir. I have merely been most lucky as a tender of children for the lovely Dashwood family.”
I did my utmost to speak calmly, but my entire body seemed caught on fire, the flames growing stronger with each second in his company. Talking is not my issue, remaining silent is. I’m certain he sees me as a know-it-all by now. “Luck plays a grand part in life. I admit, it has not been so graceful to me until now.” “Oh? You appear a most lucky man, sir.” “I shall not ruin said image of me for you, Miss Melinda Merryweather.” What to say to such a statement?
I had no need to think of it though, the man bowed and mounted his steed once more. My heart skipped a beat as he turned the horse about. “Thank you again, Colonel Brandon,” I said and he smiled at me, my skin burned and my breath caught as the last sunlight left the world but it seemed all the brighter when he smiled. “I wish you the best, beautiful honeybee,” he said with a sudden softness to his features and put his horse into motion, setting off in a rushed gallop without looking back once while my heart seemed to race at the same pace as the black horse.
Never had I met a man such as him. He was different, in the most sweet and good manner. I ended up watching him gallop back to town, I simply couldn’t make myself leave before he was gone. Strange sensations filled my chest and the heavy basket in my hand suddenly felt light in comparison to the weight of the newness, or, perhaps it was the knowledge a man such as him were not meant for me. For someone like me. A colonel had little business with a child tender turned into some form of a maid and teacher of reading and writing out of the goodness of my employer of many years. As much as warmth for the man bloomed within me, a sense of hopeless longing grew as well.
“I’ll only be an hour!” I called toward the little sitting room where Marianne and Elinor sat, one embroidering and one playing on the forte, while I slipped my boots over the many layers of socks I had adorned. I loved Marianne’s music, and voice, not blessed with either skill myself. Books, poetry, and stories lay me far closer to the heart though.
Reading, writing, and weaving stories of my own were my pleasures. My loves. And the past week my poetry had turned longing and somewhat sappy, to be truthful. I needed a moment with nature, to take a breath and rid my heart and mind of the grand colonel who called me a beautiful honeybee before riding off in a swirl of snow.
I wrapped a second scarf over my shoulders and headed out, the weather was splendid but cold. The midday sun had the world in a sparkle, a winter wonderland to adore and enjoy. I took a deep breath of fresh air and set off down the hidden road few carriages traversed. I followed it down the hill and then began my trodding across the field to reach the ice-covered lake where I was sure the most wonderful view where to be seen.
I had no idea how right I was…
As I came over the little hill, a wonderful view indeed sprawled out before me. But nothing could compare to the man standing right by the edge of the snow-covered beach, holding the reins of his large steed in a loose grip. With the sun shining high I could see him most perfectly, even if he wore no red coat I would have known his posture anywhere. The air about him was that of a single kind. I had spent so many words on the man, writing poetry to expel the feelings I had endeavoured to suppress ever since I had managed to tear myself away from the edge of the forest where I had last seen him galloping away in haste.
I stood still, once more stuck looking at the man from a distance without him being aware, and I felt as if all the feelings I had sought to tamper down and rid myself of through poetry took over completely. Let loose by his appearance where I least expected him. Oh, this is not proper! This is lunacy of the acutest kind. The man is a colonel, for goodness sake. I was about to turn around, play the coward, and run away while my heart ran rampant. “Honeybee!” came the loud rumble of the colonel, stopping me in my tracks (not that I’d begun to actually move).
The sound of boots and hooves walking through snow filled the air as he neared. My mind blanked when his soft gaze landed on me and a small smile spread his lips most sweetly. “Colonel Brandon,” I said and curtsied while hiding my bare hands behind my back. A bit embarrassed I had no gloves to speak of when he wore such fine ones of leather. “What a wonderful surprise,” he said. “What brings you to the lake, miss?” “Oh, umh, well, I was merely out for a walk to— To clear my head a bit, colonel.” “Perhaps a coincidence, I am here for that exact reason. What troubles you, if I may enquire?” You . Not that I could ever admit to such a thing.
“My troubles could not possibly be of any importance to a colonel, sir Brandon.” “I would take great pride in absolving you of any trouble, honeybee.” His voice was honest, his gaze a bit harsher and his voice once more a line rather than a smile, and that nickname set my stomach into an absolute flutter. “Do not tease me, sir.” “Never,” he said while taking a step closer. “I am not a man who would trifle with a beautiful woman,” he continued, taking another step. He was almost too close, yet not close enough.
My fingers fidgeted behind my back, the ends of my scarf swaying lightly in the soft breeze. A gust of wind blew by and my scarf flew off, tumbling along the snow in soft waves. He was off after it before I had a chance to even react. “Colonel!” I called, feeling like a nuisance to the man. “Colonel! Stop! It’s my—” He bent and snagged the thin fabric, holding it up with the sweetest of triumphant smiles before he jogged back. My icy fingers covered my mouth to hide the giggle, or perhaps to cool the heat flushing my face.
“My lady,” he said with a slight bow while holding out my scarf for me. I suffocated the laughter bubbling within me at his theatrics and reached for it. He jolted and grabbed my hand before I could pull away. “No gloves? In this chill?” he asked, concern written all over his handsome face while mine contorted with shame and embarrassment. “Thank you,” I said and wrung my hand free. “For catching it, sir.” I draped it over my shoulders once more but he only tilted his head to study me closer.
“I ought to return,” I said after a moment of silence, a silence far too intense. “They are expecting me at home,” I continued and curtsied swiftly before turning on my heel. “Miss Melinda,” he called, “stay safe!” “I shall, Colonel. I’m quite capable!” I called over my shoulder before waving at him, picking up my pace while leaving deep prints behind which I knew he would not follow this time.
It was the tenth of December, another week had passed since I saw the colonel and my little notebook was by now full of poems all revolving around him, around what he made me feel and wished to expel. My silly little heart had no wits about her, my mind just as snagged on his handsomeness — his kindness a lingering torment when there was no world in which I could be anything to such a fine gentleman.
“Mellie,” Margaret whined, “you’ve been writing for hours!” “Huh? Oh, have I really?” “Yes!” she said with a certain oomph to her voice. I merely smiled at her, mustering up the courage to not show her anything at all. “Is there a reason I ought to stop for the moment?” I asked as she leaned on the desk where I had, indeed, been sitting for several hours as lunchtime had arrived. “Mama asked you to fetch a bird for dinner, it’ll be dark if you don’t go soon.” “Oh, oh right! Yes, of course,” I said while shutting my little notebook and standing. “I’ll head out right away.” “But it’s lunchtime, silly goose.” “Well, there will be no goose of any kind, or other bird, if I don’t get a move on, will there?” “I’ll make a sandwich for you,” she said and scurried off with the usual happy spring to her steps. “With cheese and peppers, how you like it!” she called over her shoulder and I smiled at her sweetness.
I was out of the house a few moments later, hurrying towards town once again to get a bird for the family for the evening. Given how cold it was, one could have bought several and just had them in a box outside - they’d keep for weeks if the weather remained. But, again, I was not one to complain about some walking. I was rather fond of being out like that, truth be told. Truth be told, huh? More like give me something to take my mind of the man in a red coat, with a sweet smile, and soft eyes, and— Stop. Just, do not think of him. Simple as that. It was not , however, simple as that.
All the way to town, then through it, and back home again, I thought of the man. When I went down the hill to the house he was really the only thing I thought of at all. The fact I managed to keep my wits about me enough to see snow prints of male shoes unlike any other prints was a miracle. As the Dashwoods had company, obviously of the male kind, I walked around back and took the small servant entrance almost straight into the kitchen.
“Cook, here, I found a fantastic goose for dinner. It’s missing half a wing but the butcher gave me a great price for it.” “My, my, my, that is a good bird,” Cook replied as I held the naked goose up. Plucked and ready for cooking. She grabbed it and my cold fingers flexed with an ache to them. The thing was heavy and with the evening chill I struggled to get my blood flowing again for a moment while undressing my outside clothes only to put on a new scarf over my shoulders and thicker slippers on my feet rather than the boots and tripple socks.
“Here,” Cook said and handed me a tray of tee with some biscuits on a plate. Four cups on it, but it was the pretty china so the fourth one certainly wasn’t for me and Margaret didn’t drink tea. “Who’s visiting?” I asked. “Oh, some upstanding man, the boring type if you ask me. Tense looking. Too old for any of the Dashwoods too, no idea why the lady entertains him for so long.” “Long?” “He’s been ‘ere since one, came right after lunchtime.” “Well, perhaps he fancies one of them, or one of them fancies him. Is he rich?” “Very much so, Mellie.” “Well, there you have it then, Mrs Dashwood couldn’t send a rich man away — no matter his looks or age when she has two daughters she needs to wed.” “Indeed, but we both know the lady cares too much about what her daughters want to ever force a marriage.” “True, maybe she can force a marriage with a rich man upon me?” I laughed, both cook and I perfectly aware I wished for no such thing and nor would it ever happen either. No, love would be my biggest reason for marriage — riches were good, but love far outweighed it in every way.
As I came closer to the parlour I heard Marianne speak, asking whoever was visiting to read another. I didn’t know what she referred to but I gently pushed open the door, not making a sound as I backed in to not wobble the tray. “Snow prints—” My heart stopped in my chest. “—were followed, a path—” My fingers trembled. “—he ought not have taken. She was below—” The tray clattered to the floor, the china breaking and shards scattering all over the floor as I heard Colonel Brandon read my poetry, about him !
“Mellie, goodness me, are you alright?” said Mrs Dashwood with a shriek. I slowly turned, seeing the man who I had written those words for staring at me with wide eyes and slightly parted lips, Marianne sat far too close to him. He was a captivating reader, I could not fault her for her investment, yet my heart ached at the sight of the two.
“I— That’s—” “I gave it to him,” Margaret said with a beaming smile. “You write so well, Mellie!” she kept going and Colonel Brandon looked between me and the notebook containing my most inner thoughts in his hands. His eyes turned wider, his face paled and I felt my insides twist as he stared at me again.
Tears stung my eyes, the shame and embarrassment, the hurt and fear, the ache in my chest at the betrayal of the child I thought so highly of. “Excuse me,” I blurted out before bolting out the door, not staying to clean up the mess. “Mellie!” called Mrs Dashwood. “Mellie, what—” called Marianne with confusion in her tone but I was out of earshot for her sweet, clear voice. Such a contrast to the Colonel’s, so perfectly matched.
I ran out through the kitchen entrance, past Cook who prepared the infernal bird, and out into the snow lit up by the climbing moon as early evening had arrived. “Honeybee!” came the voice I dreaded to hear. “Stop, please!” he called and I stopped, my hand on the gate at the end of the backyard and my slipper-clad feet deeply buried in the white coldness below.
His running steps reached me, and the crunching of snow and slightly panted breaths filled my ears. Warmth wrapped around my shoulders as he hung his coat over me and I spun around in shock at the action. He was stood in only his vest and shirt, the biting wind tossed about his beautiful hair but all I really saw were the sweet, kind eyes staring at me.
“I never knew,” he said quietly while taking a step back. “Knew what?” I asked, attempting to not inhale deeply as his scent wafted up my nose. The perfect scent, the warmest and most comforting of scents. “That is was your beautiful poetry I was reading, the child gave it to me, asked for me to read something out of it. I thought it belonged to one of the ladies present in the room — and they did not object,” he said while looking most forlorn, nearly distressed. “I was not even aware you resided with the Dashwood household.” “I have for many years,” I said. “Marianne will be a perfect match for you,” I continued while thinking of their voices, the way she sat right beside him on the sofa.
Colonel Brandon stepped closer. “I have already found my match,” he said. “I asked you not to tease me, sir. And you said not to be a gentlemen who trifled with women.” “And I have not,” he said, his eyes hardening while coming far too close, forcing me to look up at him. It was all in my head… Only in my heart, not his. Perhaps, perhaps he is merely a most kind man? I have little experience with those.
“Honeybee,” he said, snagging my attention anew. “I have not, and will not, trifle with you, tease you. I am too old for games and life far too dark as is for me to make it any worse.” “Sir!” “I speak true,” he declared. “A gentleman such as you ought to be more aware of your own handsomeness.” He blanched at that, blinking at me before a timid smile stretched his lips in a manner that looked as if he were unable to control it.
“You find me handsome?” “What woman in their right mind would not?” “Oh, I do believe you may be a woman of singular taste, honeybee.” I gasped, gaping at him. “I beg your pardon? Are you accusing me of something?” “I am not a favourable option for most beautiful women, such as yourself. I am well aware of it. My riches perhaps an aid in seeing past it, or my standing in society.” I gasped anew, a mixture of an exhale and a laugh of disbelief.
“You are terrible, sir. You may wish to know I had no idea who you were until you introduced yourself, even then, I am new to this part of the county and have had little to do with the upstanding citize n so I am not aware of your riches. I do recognize the bravery and skill you possess to climb up the ranks, but any silly nilly knows such things,” I said with both hurt and irritation at the man who twisted my insides with warmth and want. “I apologize, miss,” he said, his face held in some sort of shame at the assumption he’d held of me perhaps. “No need, I am but a servant of no importance or value.” “What a foul thing to say…” “Truth is sometimes.”
Time stretched on while we stood in silence, simply looking at each other. “Miss Melinda, your poetry,” he began while looking at me with something I could only describe as respect, perhaps even admiration, “it is most beautiful, passionate, deep .” The change of subject threw me for a loop, a man such as him ought to hold no admiration of any kind for a woman such as I. “Like your voice,” I whispered before I could stop myself. I had thought of hearing my words in his voice, there was no way not to when his voice was such perfection. He chuckled. “My voice is to your liking?” “Everything about you is to my liking, as far as I’m aware. Sir .” I couldn’t help the sass, or the way my face had hardened while my insides were in an uproar over the man. I had to protect myself from the rejection that was sure to come despite his sweet words. It was only a matter of time, surely.
Yet, it did not.
His hands cupped my face, the gesture most intimate and highly improper. “If you are ever made aware of a trait of mine that is not to your liking, I will be very much obliged to correct it, to your liking, honeybee.” “W-What do you mean?” I asked, my breath tumbling out in a shuttering way. “Would you object to me?” My eyes widened while his finger stroked my cheek. “Object to you? Sir?” “I am beyond happy I caught a glimpse of you, heard the vendor call for you about the holly, and found your prints at the edge of town. I rode around quite manically to find you, you know. Following those snow prints, it was the best decision I have ever made.” “Colonel… Stop, we cannot, it’s not proper.” “Propriety can take flight and be on its merry way, honeybee. I have my heart set on you, my beautiful honeybee who writes the most captivating of poetry and smiles with nothing but honesty in her eyes. I have my heart set on you, Melinda Merryweather.” “It was about you…” I whispered while my skin burned under his touch. “Me?” “Yes… For weeks now, I’ve tried all I can to rid myself of these feelings and thoughts…”
Brandon viewed me with a mixture of torment and joy, I chuckled nervously while he released my face and grasped my hands. His coat slid off my shoulders as he tugged me closer — gently — and the cold December air wrapped itself around me. “Would you allow said feelings to grow? Fester? Become an irrevocable part of you?” “Colonel…” “I am already lost to you, honeybee. Allow me the chance to make you happy,” he asked kindly, his hummingly dark voice nothing but an endless promise of said happiness. “Yes. Yes, please,” I whispered as tears of relief and joy wetted my cheeks. “Honeybee… Beautiful Melinda… My Melinda,” he said before he leaned in and kissed my forehead with force, his thin lips perfectly warm against my chilled skin. “You shall not regret this, I promise you my all.”
We leaned back, my heart was aflutter and my stomach a warm ball of knots, and I could not help but smile at the sweet gentleman who had captivated my heart so easily. “I fear any regret I may have will be only a reflection of your own, Colonel.” “Christopher,” he corrected. “My name, is Christopher, honeybee.” “Christopher.” “How sweet a sound you make it. I shall wish to hear it every day for the rest of my life.” I only nodded at that, too stunned to speak when he so brazenly declared I was to be his for all time to come. I held no objections to that as his hands squeezed mine with warmth, his kind eyes a balm to my soul and his smile a thing of beauty far beyond the sparkling snow all around us…
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A/N: Oh how I hope you enjoyed this One Shot with our dear Brandon 🥰 I had so much fun writing this, and it did indeed turn out to be far longer than I had planned but I enjoyed each word I wrote of this 😍👏
IMPORTANT: Tomorrow I’ll be picking up a story from Rickmas2022! You do not have to read it before reading this years parts, but I do recommend it to get the full story. I will do a small recap before diving into the new parts too. The fics I will be continuing is 14. Icy Roads & 15. Frosty Glass (yes, it’s Hans and Anna-Louisa who are making a comback by super popular demand 😂👏). I've yet to start writing it but, well, guess it'll be a late night today 👀👍
Q: You can only choose one hot drink to consume during December: Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate? A: COFFEEEEEEEE all the way for me 😂☕
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
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trutrustories · 1 year ago
Just some thoughts I have, immediately after viewing ep 6.
spoilers! oh my god, oh my god! I´m honestly relieved! Can you believe it??? I´m SO GLAD endindg didn´t ruin the show! Quite the opposite, actually! I think that with the context of this ending, they actually made season 1 much BETTER. which is like... complete surprise for me! What the hell???? I seriously didn´t expect that! AT ALL! 🤯 It was funny, It was clever, it was epic, and absolutely heartbreaking 🥺😭 Ouroboros, Casey, Timely, and Sylvie... they all survived, and can live they lives however they choose! O. B. making the sequel of his bestseller is the best thing ever! And he has friends now!!! My precious boy!!! Good for him! He deserves it! And Loki and Mobius both survived as well THANK GOD!!!! And they still remember each other! (I was prepared for much worse scenarios, to be honest.)
Anyway, I´m sucker, for bitter sweet endings. So I´m FINE. ....except I´m not.
Because It´s so fucking tragic at the same time!!! God, what a love story! (what isn´t denied is allowed, so... ) they ended it with two of them, alone. Mobius isn´t actually getting back to his boys, because they already have Don. But he didn´t want to stay at TVA because Loki is not there anymore.
Last few shots are Mobius, just standing there, watching life he can´t have and for the first time he is free to wonder around the world on his own. he´s able to WASTE HIS TIME now. And then we see right after Loki, stuck on his throne, alone. And it is implied that he was able to hear Mobius (or see him, even!) And he looks lonely, but also happy for his man!!! GOSH. I was crying like a baby. whole sequence from that scene in a theatre room right until the end! And that freaking music!!! I only have one complaint, and that being: we should see Mobius actually enjoy some JETSKI! Or even better: last shots should have been Mobius happily steering a jet ski on the open sea (wind in the hair and all) AND then Loki on his throne with a smile on his face (because he´s watching him). Last thing: there is actually so much potential, after this finale. If not for actual Marvel project, then for fanfiction writers and for imagination. They left so much room for the good stuff! 😍 For example:
Mobius struggling to addapt to normal life on a timeline. And then he somehow finds out, Loki can see him/ hear him. And he will starts talking to him. And because Loki is so alone and unable to go anywhere, this starts to be his source of fun. Something that makes him happy. And he finds way, to talk to Mobius back somehow... or
Loki will find out that he can travel to his past selfs without having to leave his throne. He stays there, but his mind can travel to his body at any point before.
I am actually mad, I have no time to write fanfics right know (but hey, my english is totally tragic and terrible, so it´s probably a good thing 😅)
Anyway. I feel sad, and also happy. And inspired and satisfied. And I´m still sobbing. All at once! It was beautiful, and I enjoyed every second of it! Can´t remember last time marvel actually managed to do that to me.
*standing ovation* I applaud to creators, actors and everyone involved. You guys did a fenomenal job! (at least that is how I see it)
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lipglossanon · 1 year ago
I’m just thinking of dark Step-dad Leon’s wife (your mom) cracking. He was supposed to be /her/ happy ending after the divorce. Yea, she might’ve moved to quickly, but he was so handsome and fucked her right and treated her well, so who cares? But then you came back from your fathers and things started to slip. Suddenly she’s traveling for work more and Leon isn’t calling her as often as he did before you came around, he isn’t fucking her as much or as passionately, he is encouraging “family” time over alone time with her, he’s sending you more looks and love than he is her, and she is pissed that her own daughter is taking her happily ever after away from her. The bitterness builds and builds until one day she gets drunk, and starts to fight with you. She is belligerent, cursing at you, and swaying while you look so surprised and scared and then the unthinkable happens: she hits you. Dark step-dad Leon had been letting her scream because he wanted the last of that relationship dead so you would stop feeling guilty for giving into him (he was going to do something to get back at her for insuring what is his) but laying on hand on you? Leon, composed Leon, sees red. Let’s hope he has enough wherewithal to send you out of the room before he paints it the same shade. The way he fucks you that night is both desperate and gentle, he’s so upset that he let you get physically hurt and he is trying to deal with feeling guilt for the first time in… a long time by fucking you until you feel better again
🐶 anon!!! 🤩 🤩
I hope you’re doing well!! I’ve missed seeing you (but totally get how Life™️ happens 😝).
Tumblr media
Yessss 👏 👏
She’s so mad at you (and Leon) but just represses it until finally it comes to a head after she’s been drinking. She snaps and just goes off on you.
And you’re just so shocked that you’re sitting there like 😳 what?? And she’s just shouting and cussing and you get up to leave and she’s yanking you back cause she’s not finished and don’t you walk away from me young lady, not while you live under my roof, young lady
And you’re just like “I’ll pack my stuff then. I don’t have to put up with this.”
And she slaps you
It’s dead quiet after that until Leon appears out of nowhere and tells you to go to your room.
You have no idea what happens next but after a while Leon comes up to your room and brings you out into the master saying your mom got an Uber/taxi to a hotel to cool off (maybe she did, maybe she didn’t 👀 🤭)
And he’s soft for once. Dotes on you, tells you it’ll never happen again; puts your collar on you, calling you his pretty girl. Definitely fucks you dumb so you forget all about what happened 😌
🐶 anon!! 😘 😘 thank you for the brain rot 😌
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year ago
honestly like going through your asks i agree sm how underwhelming heroes of olympus was. like in the og series there was so much death, betrayal, and character development and in hoo we see percy and annabeth in tartarus (which i felt like their disappearance should have had waayy more of an affect on the rest of crew but without annbeth as their leader and percy as their glue how are they serving) and Nico's forced coming out ceremony (poor boy was tamazatized by cupid and ric didn't even delve into much more after that?).
gaea was so underwhleming and i don't belive at all that she could have been beaten after she was fully formed. like there was no actual counter against a primordial and percy and annabeth only defeated luke bcuz he killed himselves. like i don't think celestial bronze can actually do enough damage to kill a god, yet alone the earth! (divine weapons be looking a little enticing here) and at least with kronos their was a personal connection. like i get that she tried to kill the people in the prophecy like with leo but i felt like it was so long ago leo had already comes terms with his mom's death. there was no emotional charge that should have been there and the romans vs greeks was so disappointing. i didn;t like at all that the greeks were good and the romans were evil and i felt like jason was to easily accepting within greek ranks. like yeah i get it, greep camp is more chill but their was no promised internal hostility and it just felt like their big battle wasn;t that big of a mutal battle, just greeks tryan stop another invasion. and don;t get me started on the athena statue. that was written SO weird and it definitely should have been established way earlier in the series. and poor nico and reyna tryna haul it across the world when they could have contributed much more. their perspectives was such a snooze-fest and i was just like what the hell is this side-quest?
like the second series was more mature and professional writing wise so i expected much more blood and gore. every demigod was a tragedy is the og series so it was so weird to see everyone live happily ever after after. and like i felt like he forgot how to create chemistry after percbeth. like japer??? was lacking like any flavor and hazel and leo had more chemistry than frank. like frank and hazel could have been such a good sable couple if they were written better. and the foced interactions with the mini-quests in the books were so awkward. rick should have created so much more interactions with each other or killed them off if he couldn't manage that many characters.
heroes of olympus honestly seemed so... poorly planned to me? like with pjo, a lot of plot points connected so well together whereas hoo was a mess and i genuinely think the amount of main characters was what rick had a lot of trouble with.
the first two books, the lost hero and the son of neptune were actually pretty good and that's because both books strictly focused on just three characters and three povs each. but then when the seven finally joined, things went downhill 😭
the last book was super disappointing. the seven + gods vs the gigantes went by really quickly and most of the "fighting" was just a paragraph or two of each battle. as for the gaea battle.... yeah 💀 i think it would've been cooler if the demigods (roman and greek) worked alongside the gods to take gaea down since, like it was mentioned many times before, that gaea would've been hard af to beat once she formed 💀
A DETAILED TEAM UP OF THE DEMIGODS FIGHTING ALONGSIDE THEIR GODLY PARENT??? POSEIDON AND PERCY SQUARING UP??? ZEUS AND JASON????? ANNABETH AND ATHENA???? I WOULD'VE LOVED THAT!!! 😩 (i definitely believe athena would be nagging her daughter throughout the whole fight about how she still doesn't approve of her boyfriend and annabeth is just "omg moooom 🙄 focus on the battle!!!)
octavian could've been better written too! it was clear that he was supposed to be the "luke" of the second series with gaea as "kronos", but his death was meh to me unlike with luke who i genuinely felt bad for especially since his reasons made sense. octavian... i didn't feel any sympathy for.
rick's favoritism for piper was also an issue for me too, especially as i grew older and out of my 'not like other girls' phase 😭
pls im just hoping that if hoo gets made into a tv show too, that there's MAJOR changes to it 🙏
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m-jelly · 3 years ago
Hey Jelly! Firstly, I wanna say congratulations for the 500! 👏🎉
Secondly, may I a request for an angst fic? In canon-verse au wherein the reader has a huge crush on her captain Levi but Levi doesn't feel the same way cause just he thought? He gets annoyed at the reader's presence, he knows about the reader's feelings for him yet he always shut her out, he would tell her painful words. Amidst all that, the reader still loves and devotes to him. Then on the return to shiganshina arc, reader is one of those soldiers who was fallen, back at the ocean scene that's when Levi realizes he had a feelings for her and he plans on telling her but when he returned back he cannot find her and when he works on his papers, he reads the reader's name as KIA soldier. Levi was heartbroken that he cannot move on, he slowly regrets everything and started missing her presence (he would sometimes found himself to her old room hoping to feel her there, or he would keep her old things that reminds him of her).
However, since I'm always rooting for your happy endings Jelly, can you end it where the reader is not dead all those years, she escaped as injured with her horse and lived by herself in the mountains. One day, they reunited when Levi got the news that she was alive all along and he immediately goes to her leaving then with a reunion of cries and surprise. They lived happily ever after being married and wonderful lots of babies! 💚💚
Thank you Jelly and sorry for the long request!
Thank you! I don't deserve it, but I'm so honoured to have so many lovely people here reaching out to me. Also, dis a chonky boy, but I go you ;)
Regrets I can't let go.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: angst, feelings of loss, heartache, hidden feelings, secret love, injured reader, cannon-verse, emotional hurt, time jumps in story, happy ending.
Concept: You joined the scouts with hopes of using your great tracking skills for a good reason, but when you did you encountered Levi and his impressive squad. You hoped to be with him on his team because of how skilled you are, but it wasn't the right place for you. Swept up by Hange, you are her prized tracker. As the years go by, you encounter the strange Captain and find yourself falling in love. You try to act on it, but Levi loses his squad while they protected Eren. You try to support him, but he shuts you out over and over. When you all try to retake Shiganshina, you stay with Hange and her team. After the chaos, Levi decides to admit he loves you now they are free. However, you are assumed to be KIA. Levi longs for you, but you never return. News reaches Levi that you are alive and well, so he hunts you down to fix his regrets.
You ran down the hall as the scouts gathered to see if they'd been selected for a specialist team. There were three possibilities and you were hungry to be in one. You were the best tracker the scouts has seen, so you were hoping to be selected for Levi's squad. You had always faded into the background and felt like a side character, so this was your chance to make a difference.
Hange grabbed your shoulders and pulled you away as she sang your name. "Come with me."
You looked over at the wall to see the scouts were staring at you and whispering. "Wait, I need to know if I was successful."
She pulled you close. "You were. You were top of the list for me."
You blushed. "That explains the whispers."
"Ignore them, okay? You made it because you're amazing."
You walked with Hange as she gave you a rundown of your job with her. You ran around with her and Moblit for weeks, so you never got your chance to talk to Captain Levi and find out why he didn't pick you. You'd worked so hard and did so much training and even overtime just for him to pick you. You were even noticed by Commander Erwin, but Levi didn't seem to care about you at all.
You helped him out on missions and made sure you were there for him, but the more you were there the more you seemed to irritate him. You just wanted him to talk to you about something, anything and be kind. Your want for him to acknowledge you soon turned to more feelings. You'd often take things to him from Hange, but you were still this annoying spec of dirt that he couldn't get rid of.
You wanted to do something for Levi to show you liked him and how you appreciate him. You were always running around the base for him, but he didn't seem to notice. You were desperate, so you talked to your dear friend Hange for advice. You wanted to know how to reach out to the Captain. Hange was the perfect guide and she was your cheerleader as well.
You stood in Hange's lab writing notes for her, then you paused. "Hange? Can I ask you something? I'm at the end of my tether and I don't know what to do. I trust you and you're my best friend."
Hange grinned at you and put everything down. "I'm all ears."
You let out a long sigh. "I think you and everyone know I'm in love with the Captain."
She pointed at you. "Not everyone knows about your feelings. I know, Moblit, Erwin and Mike."
You smiled a little. "Sure, but I think a lot more know."
"You keep it under control. It's a very sweet love. So, what can I do for you?"
You leaned on the counter and let out a long sigh. "I want to let him know how I feel. I want to do something for him. He's just lost his squad to the female titan and he's hurting."
Hange laughed. "Do something for him? You're always doing things for him. He's always ordering you around and looking for you to do shit for him. He's an idiot if you ask me."
You pulled a little face as your shoulders drooped. "So, you're saying he's just using me and I should give up?"
She shook her head. "No, no. I think you should keep going. That man is so deprived of love, that he's a little confused now he's facing it head-on. His birthday is the twenty-fifth of December, so you should get him something nice."
You cheered up a little. "You think he'd like a present?"
She nodded. "Yeah. So, get him something."
You hummed in thought. "Well, it's a few weeks away. I know what to do."
"Good luck kiddo. I'm rooting for you."
You smiled as you felt hopeful. "I'll get to work on the gifts."
She winked at you. "Good luck!"
You finished work with her, then you ran into town and gathered all the materials you needed. You started working on a personalised teacup and saucer for Levi, as well as a scarf. Any spare minute you had, you were working on one or the other. You were having so much fun as you made them because you poured your heart into both. You hoped Levi would like it, but you weren't sure.
You wrapped everything up, then wore a nice outfit on the day. You picked it up, then walked through the empty halls. Everyone had gone to spend time with their family for the holidays, but you always stayed because Hange never stopped working. You were excited to see Levi and wish him a happy birthday. Even though you were excited, you were stood outside his door for a while a little scared of what was going to happen.
Levi threw open his door and slammed his arm against the doorframe. "Tch, oi brat?" He was impressed that you didn't jump. "You've been out here acting like you can't shit. What do you want?"
You blushed, then held out a box to him. "I ah." You sighed and remembered Hange's encouraging words. "Happy Birthday, Levi. I got you a little something, well, I actually made it."
He stared at the box you were offering. "Tch, why the fuck would I want something from you?"
You pulled back the box a little. "I just thought you'd like something. You're always so alone and I know what that's like."
"You don't know shit about me or what I've been through."
You clenched your jaw. "Then talk to me so I can know."
He gripped his door and leaned closer. "I wouldn't tell you anything, even if you were the last scout alive."
You stood there as he slammed the door in your face. You lowered your gaze, then placed the box in front of his door. "Happy Birthday, Levi."
Levi winced a little when he realised what he'd just said and done to you. He'd never liked his birthdays and no one did anything for him, but you were the first. He didn't mean to snap at you, but you made him act in ways he didn't understand. He'd want you around all the time, but when you'd speak to him or pay attention to him his heart would race. You messed up his body. The worst feeling he felt was at night when he was alone, you stirred things in his body that he didn't think was possible.
He opened his door and saw the box still there, but you were gone. He picked the box up, then closed his door. He unwrapped the box to reveal a lovely teacup and saucer, along with a handmade scarf. He lifted up the scarf and inhaled a little. He smiled at the wonderful scent on it, which meant you'd been working on it for a long time and it was hidden in your room, so it was drowning in your scent. Levi felt that feeling he got at night alone in bed stir in him. He packed everything in the box as he panicked, then shoved it all in a draw.
Levi knew you had feelings for him, it was made clear to him by Hange. However, he didn't do anything about it because this was no place for romance and he wasn't even sure what love or romance was. He was aware of you, very aware to the point that he always find himself looking for you and watching you more than anyone else. He didn't understand why and it annoyed him.
He was more aware of you now and watched you around the halls. He saw you were still blushing around him even though he'd been so nasty. He got pissed off one day when he saw you working out with shorts and a sports bra due to the warm weather. Levi admired you, especially how flexible you were and agile. You were covered in muscles like Mikasa, but you were strong. Your muscles didn't stand out like hers, but he saw them when you lifted things, or when you squatted and your thick thighs drew in Levi's gaze.
Levi's wrath came when he saw you stop working out and talking to some male scouts. He stormed over, ordered the scouts around and gave you the biggest punishment. He made you scrub the floors in the bathroom. He would come back and check, then make you scrub more even though your hands were red raw from scrubbing so much. He was pushing you too much.
You sighed as you moved things with Mobilt and Hange. You'd returned to Shiganshina and were ready to take it back. You were preparing things with Hange's group, but your heart had a weight in it. You knew you needed to focus, but you just couldn't because Levi was on your mind. You'd tried so hard to get close to him, but he just pushed you away.
Hange called your name, then smiled at you. "You okay?"
You nodded. "Yes! Sorry, I'll focus more."
Moblit bumped against you and smiled. "You're a wonderful person and a great scout. You don't need some oblivious Captain to care for you. Someone better will come along, someone who will love you and you really deserve."
You hummed a laugh. "Thanks. We'll get this misson over with and I'll start looking for a new love, maybe."
You followed your orders, then you flew about Shiganshina as trouble increased. You felt something wasn't right, then warned the scouts around you. You flew around looking for Hange, but couldn't find her anywhere. You moved as fast as your body and gear would allow you with your heart in your throat. You felt the burn from the steam from an explosion of a transformation. It surged towards you and consumed you. You cried out in pain, but you kept moving through it. You felt things rip through your right leg, then you slammed into something. Finally, it was quiet.
As the fighting died down, Levi said his last goodbyes to Erwin. With a heavy heart, he rode his horse with the others across the land towards this so-called ocean. He stopped his horse and looked out and realised the all this fuss was for something truly beautiful. He couldn't help but enjoy what it was. He watched the scouts running around and having fun, then he noticed Hange having fun as well.
Levi said your name softly. "She'd love this." He blushed a little, then looked to the way Mikasa was looking at Eren. He frowned a little, then thought about you and looked out at the ocean. "It's not possible..." He walked over to Hange. "Tch, oi four eyes?"
Hange turned ot him. "Yeah?"
"Explain love to me."
She hummed. "Well, it's when you think about someone, you want to make them happy, you want to keep them close, you can imagine yourself growing old with them. Why?"
Levi thought about you, then smiled. "I." He looked to Hange. "I think I'm in love."
Hange said your name. "It's her, right?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
"Took you long enough. I knew you loved her, but you just could not understand love." She smirked. "You get hard thinking about her at night."
Levi flushed bright red. "Tch, shut up!"
She snorted a laugh. "I knew it. There's nothing wrong with getting horny when you think of someone you care about." She looked around. "I think she's with the clean up crew. She's a great soldier and works hard, so she's probably working her ass off right now." She hummed a laugh. "I love that woman. You better tell her how you feel."
Levi nodded. "I will, promise."
Levi rode back with the others to Shiganshina and asked around for you, but no one seemed to know where you were. He went back to the base hoping he'd meet you there around the base. He visited your usual spots, but you weren't in them. He began to worry that maybe you were in the hospital. He knew his answer about you would be in the paperwork.
Levi sat at his desk and sifted through and signed off on the alive scouts, the injured, those in hospital and finally he found the KIA. He went through each one slowly as his heart sank at seeing Moblit and Erwin on the list. His hand shook when he got to the second to last page and saw your name written on it. He read the report to say you were MIA presumed KIA, but there was no body recovered. A lot of bodies hadn't been recovered or identified.
He dropped your paper, then stood up on weak legs. He wobbled a little as he took three steps, then he collapsed to his knees and felt like his heart was breaking. He clutched his chest tightly and cried for the first time in a long time. He tried to make choices he regretted the least, but he regretted all the things he said to you and how he treated you.
He shed all his tears, then sat there for hours in a daze like state. His head clicked when he remembered your gift. He opened his draw, then pulled out the teacup and saucer, as well as the scarf. He held them close for a while, then moved his way down the hall past what little scouts were left and entered your room. You had your own room because you worked so close with Hange. He saw how beautiful and comfy your room was. You had cushions, blankets and plants.
As time went on, Levi had moved into your room and taken care of it and your plants in hopes you'd come back. He held out hope that you were MIA and not KIA. He stayed there and never let the scouts bother him when he was in your room. The only person he let in there was Hange, because she too was hurting. They stayed together as they healed, but their wound was opened when they got news.
Jean walked into the mess hall with a frowned. "Hey, I think I just met a ghost or something."
Sasha frowned. "Huh? Really?"
He nodded. "You know umm..." He said your name making Levi and Hange perk up. "Well, I swear down I saw her in town shopping, but she was covered up a little and had this limp. I was in such shock seeing her. I thought she was dead."
Levi shot up from his seat. "Where? Where the hell did you see her."
Jean gave Levi directions. "I don't think she'll be there now."
Levi ran out of the base into the stables. He rode his horse through the town to the spot. He asked around about you and showed your military picture to people until someone gave him an answer. You were living in the mountains in a nice little farm growing herbs, spices and tea that you sold to the town. He followed the directions and found himself at a sweet cottage with a garden full of life and a dog trotting around.
Levi hitched his horse, then walked through the front gate and over to the dog who was clearly next to someone bent over dealing with something. "Excuse me?"
You groaned. "Sorry! Give me a moment I've had an accident." You looked up and smiled. "Damn..." Your smile faded. "Levi?"
He smiled and welled up as he said your name. "I thought you were dead."
You blushed, then smiled. "I'm not."
He frowned. "I...why?"
You sighed. "Help me and I'll tell you everything."
He nodded and looked to the ground to see what looked like a wooden leg like shape sticking out the dirt. He pulled it out, and saw it was a wooden leg up to the knee. "This..."
You reached over. "Help me up please. I think my strap on it broke somewhere."
Levi pulled you to your feet and saw you had a leg and a half. He looked at your face and saw little patches of burned skin now healed. He helped you inside the house with the dog leading him. He helped you to sit down, then he knelt in front of you and pushed up your dress to help.
You stopped his instantly as you blushed. "Don't." You welled up as he looked at you. "I don't want you to see what I am now."
Levi smiled at you. "One hell of a soldier." He pushed your dress up and saw just above where your knee should be was where you leg ended. He studied the cover you hand on it, then he strapped your wooden leg back on and checked the buckles. "Done."
"Thank you." You stood up and walked to the kitchen like nothing was wrong, not even a limp. "I'll make some tea."
Levi watched you closely. "Jean said you were limping."
You hummed. "Well, that's because my leg was coming apart." You carried the tray over and put it down on the coffee table. You let out a long sigh. "I guess I owe you an explanation."
Levi picked up a cup. "Please. I need to know."
You gulped hard, then petted your dog's head. "Well, I got hit by the blast when Bertholdt transformed. I was just far away that it didn't kill me, but it did irreversible damage. I hit my head in the blast and when I woke up, I was confused. I climbed onto my horse and rode off with barely any memory. I checked into the hospital, but I was unsure who the hell I was, I just knew I was a scout because of my uniform. I suffered burned on my right side and some on my back. It's patchy burns, almost like moles or freckles." You sighed and frowned. "They tried saving my leg, but it was ripped up by the blast and shrapnel. I told them to take it off. So, it's gone and they made me a wooden leg. I had to learn how to walk again with it and to help me they got me a dog." You smiled at your dog and fussed him. "They had already named him Sammy."
Levi shook his head. "So, you've been alone all this time? How come you remember me then?"
You played with your dress. "Well, my memory slowly came back as I was healing. When I realised who I was and where I'd come from, I read up on what had happened and well." You shrugged. "I am useless to you all the way I am. You were all better off without me. So, I kept quiet."
Levi fought tears. "Doing that hurt me and Hange."
You sat back. "I regret hurting Hange, but why would it hurt you? You never cared about me."
"I love you!" He shouted your name and stood up surprising you. "I fucking love you, okay? I didn't know I did until I saw the ocean with the others." He dropped to his knees in front of you. "I lost so many people. Erwin hurt, but you crippled me. I lived in your room, I took care of your plants and I slept in your bed. I missed you so much and regretted everything. I was in love with you the whole time, but I was scared of that love and confused. You're the first person I've ever loved, so I didn't know what to do with these feelings. I'm sorry."
You stared at the back of Levi's head, then you smiled. "Well, I've always needed a spare hand in my garden." You hummed a laugh when Levi looked at you and perked up. "Levi, I never stopped loving you. You were everything to me and still are. Stop living in my room at the base please and live here instead. My home isn't too far, it's an hour or two horse ride."
Levi leaned close and kissed you roughly making you hum in delight. "I'll move in. I'll look after you. I'll take care of you and love you."
Life with Levi was perfect and sweet. He was learning so much and you had to teach him a lot about you new world of living. You felt a spark of life in you again and Levi was far more romantic than you thought. You were always cuddled and kissed by him. You were showered in affection and he was so gentle with you in the bedroom.
It didn't take long before you and Levi were getting married. You were dating for eight months before he asked. Levi had told you that he'd wasted enough time with waiting and pushing things in the scouts, so he wanted to make up for lost time. Hange was your maid of honour and the perfect person to be at your side. The scouts had been wonderful and helpful on your farm.
Levi was shocked when told him you were pregnant, but he was overjoyed when he watched you grow and then bring a little girl into the world. Levi's heart broke saying bye to you and his baby girl Kuchel, but he had to go after Eren. You stayed at home with your little girl not knowing the chaos going on. After the rumbling was over, you prayed that Levi was not KIA. You hoped Levi would return to you, but you recieved a letter from Onyankopon that Levi was in Marley.
You packed your bags and travelled by boat with the help of the scouts over with your baby girl and dog Sammy. When you arrived, Levi was beaten and brusied, missing fingers and his face cut up. He worried about how he looked, but you didn't love him any less. You looked after Levi in a temporary house in Marley until he was well enough to fly back to Paradis with you and back home.
Onyankopon helped you and Levi move back and into your cottage. Thankfully, the local town friends had looked after your garden while you were gone. So, there was not much to repair or fix. You made your house a home with Levi. You were happy together and felt like all the troubles were worth it.
You looked behind you as Kuchel ran after her brother Erwin and little sister Hange. You hummed a laugh. "Slow down you three."
Levi limped down the hall, then caught his two year old Hange from running around with her older brother and sister. "Where do you think you're going?"
She pouted at him. "Daddy."
He shook his head. "Don't daddy me. You're sick right now." He sat her on the sofa and put her blanket over her legs. "Rest now, my little one."
"Okay daddy."
He kissed her forehead, then stood up and stopped his other two. "Erwin? Kuchel? What did your mummy say?"
Kuchel ran over to you and hugged your hips. "Sorry mummy. Are you okay?"
You ruffled her hair. "I'm alright sweetheart. Why don't you and Erwin play outside with Sammy?" You looked to your loyal support dog at your side. "Out you go Sammy."
Erwin walked over to you and pulled on your dress. "Mummy?"
You looked down at him. "Hmm?"
He smiled at you. "You're really pretty."
You hummed a laugh. "Thank you. I can tell your daddy has been talking about me to you."
He nodded. "A lot. Love you mummy."
You laughed as he ran off and played outside with his sister and Sammy. "What a wild bunch we have."
Levi sighed. "It's like having the scouts around us." He pulled you close and kissed you. "We have honoured a lot of our fallen friends."
You hummed as you huggled him and swayed together. "Oh, but we're missing some. "Mike, Isabel and Furlan."
Levi perked up a little. "You're right."
"I wonderful what name I'll baby will get."
Levi looked at your face. "Baby? Wait, are you?"
You nodded and giggled. "I am."
He picked you up and twirled around with you making little Hange on the sofa giggle. "Wonderful news!" He put you down and kissed you. "Such a perfect big family full of love."
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okmcintyre · 4 years ago
Link to the character ask game!
Thanks for sending this one in, @amnestyaubrey! Raven is a fave and I never get asks for her, so this is exciting! 🔧❤️
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• favorite thing about them: How SMART she is! She's been our unapologetically genius queen (since her first episode?!) and I'm a big fan of that energy! 👏
• least favorite thing about them: She was a little judgey back in S6, lol... so I'm honestly glad that was resolved quickly.
• favorite line: "Touching a pulsar. What could go wrong?" from 7x16 immediately came to mind lol. Classic Raven.
• brOTP: murven, braven, SPACEKRU!
• OTP: zaven, braven, murven, remori, sea mechanic (Raven would be an excellent partner for anyone ok!?)
• nOTP: I think she would have eaten Jasper alive? 😂
• random headcanon: After the finale, Raven finds happiness with Emori and Murphy as the otp3 that we didn't realize we needed. Years later, having nothing better to do, she finds a way to use the stones to go back in time and save Bellamy (& they all live happily ever after!)
• unpopular opinion: Unsure of where fandom actually falls on this, but Raven's story with Abby was always way more compelling to me than Abby's story with Clarke?
• song i associate with them: Woman by Kesha
• favorite picture of them: just one? Jeepers that's tough the woman is basically an angel but here we go: Happy!Raven is my jam.
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estellaestella · 2 years ago
[Spoilers for BONES AND ALL below]
I think it helps to bear in mind, that being an outsider is one thing and feeling like an outsider is another thing. You can have a middle class, middle aged white man in middle America feel like an outsider, feel as though the job market doesnt want him, the country's mainstream culture doesnt reflect his tastes, etc, nevertheless his feelings of alienation dont change that he's a part of society that is most catered to in his country.
When Tim says Lee and Maren are outsiders that's actually pretty accurate, because their dietary needs make it necessary for them to keep moving, not put down roots, etc. In a law abiding society they are outsiders, it isnt so much about their perception.
But the bit that Timmy's talking about, about moviegoers feeling like they're outsiders, too...ummm, that's more about individual perception. Feeling like an outsider is a widely-shared feeling. A lot of us feel like outsiders in certain situations, but that doesnt make us feel any closer to one another. Mostly because different people's feeling of being an outsider are rooted in different things. And even when theyre rooted in the same things, they arent experiencing it in the same way*. It's rare for people to come together based on their feelings of alienation but it can be a catalyst for both good things (e.g. women's lib) and bad things (e.g. militia groups).
I actually felt the movie did a poor job of making us see Lee and Maren as outsiders. They didnt show them in contrast to enough normies imho. Frankly, there were too many eaters to make it feel like there was anything 'alternative' about them: they made up most of the cast list. M&L were even presented with the chance to band together/ socialise with other eaters, which was quite strange for a story about so-called monsters. They were wanted by their own kind but M&L chose to reject them.
Moreover, towards the end the film we see how M& L can hold down jobs and live regular lives. They're normies with no more than an addiction problem. Their enemy isnt cops or other people, M&L see more experienced eaters as their enemy. Maybe because along with being more knowledgeable about tracking and hunting, all 3 (4, if the cop counts) of them seem a bit unhinged 🤷. At this point, M&L arent even outsiders to normies - they've adapted enough to blend in. But their rejection of their own community disrupts their normie life, in the shape of Sully**. I think we're meant to feel the ending is tragic because their efforts to be normies doesnt get rewarded but I see Maren more at fault for botching up their happily-ever-after than Sully. So i didnt get to feel that tragic loss. The ending had so many holes in it that, for me, the film comes undone a bit at that point***.
*For example, a young disabled person who has to plan their days around the limited number of places and modes of transport that have disability access, isnt necessarily gonna bond over these limitations with an older person who faces similar issues with restricted mobility. (Btw people with mobility issues are truly marginalised, this isnt a matter of only perceived 'otherness'. Felt the need to point that out.)
**Book-Sully's need to pursue Maren kinda made sense but film-Sully's obsession with Maren felt forced and his appearance at the end was almost plot-convenience. If he felt threatened by her enough to track her for all that time then he should hv killed her the moment she started to live alone.
***like M or L having a hard time taking down S, given that L has taken out younger men and he had time to prepare before pouncing on S, and when we've been shown M has lethal biting powers. L being collateral damage doesnt fit with what else happens in the film. These are pre👏da👏tors who have taken down grown ups when they were tiny children.
"They're both outsiders and I think that's relevant to all of us..."
(It’s a Timmy quote talking about Maren and Lee.)
I’d be interested to hear some thoughts about this, if anyone is willing to share 🙏
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ariscreams · 6 years ago
WOOHOO,,,listen, it felt like this was MY birthday present, and like my birthday is so far away, anyway besides the point. This was so well done and you can tell that Steph put a lot of work into this and I'd like to say thank you before I start screaming. *bows*
NOW, wow, where do I even start? Okay, I'll start with this, Hoseok's relationship with Taehyung is like the perfect friendship. Also, I saw you you sneaky little snake putting namkook in there, and I'm not even 0.1% mad. We need more flustered Jungkook in this world. Back to the knight in shining armor, it had me smiling honestly, how they interacted, all hugs and stuff. And Taehyung is so kinddddd, I cannot believe.
And Hoseok is a gentleman as well, back in the days where they took the title Sir seriously and didn't just give it out like napkins, with perfect timing. Because idk if he would advance so quickly on her if he hadn't heard that conversation with her friend. Because he's dreamy and he's actually a gentleman. *hearteyes*
The dialogue, well shit, I have no idea how you did that Steph, but you did and like wow. Ur faves would never. I felt like I actually travelled back in time and was talking to a knight. And you went all the way, like even in the smallest of things "Will you lie with me?" that could easily have been written in a more modern way and I applaud your resolve and patience to do all that. It's not easy folks, and I appreciate it very much that you did that so it would come out better in the end. 👏👏👏
Also the whole vibe of being in the past and in another era was carried out in the whole fic. Like it wasn't just dialogue but the whole thing like she took a narrator from that time and get him here to tell the story. She's amazing guys.
The sex vanilla she says, I mean it kinda is but also at same time he's a gentleman and if he didn't have her there all naked for him he would probably go out and kill the bastard that took her virginity. But the man only wants to make her feel good :'). I adore. It was just as hot and very romantic if I say so myself.
AND AT THE END HE BASICALLY PROPOSED. All this buildup had my heart jumping out of my chest when he asked her to go with him. I can't, I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. And it was very sneaky to leave it at that in the end but I have faith in Taehyung and he will for sure give his permission so they can go live happily ever after and make a lot of babies.
In conclusion this is me throughout this fic:
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Of Chivalry and Seduction
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x reader
Word count: 10K
Warnings: Vaginal fingering, unprotected sex.  It’s fairly vanilla for me, really…
“I took a vow when I became a Knight.”  Your eyes open, sincere interest easily read on all your features.  “An oath… to obey a code of chivalry.   To keep faith and speak the truth…  To protect and to serve.”  ….  “Will you let me serve you, sweet dove?  Let me worship you as you deserve?”  
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An ever-so-slightly early Happy Birthday to @readyplayerhobi ! I hope you love it ^^ 
“Sir Hoseok, how long is it you intend for us to stay?”  
A smile tugging at his lips, Hoseok looks down to his Squire from atop his horse.  
“For as long as Lord Kim is willing to tolerate us, I expect,” the knight replies in good humour and Jungkook smiles happily from where he walks on a few paces ahead, reins in hand.  This is by no means their first visit, and Jungkook knows as well as anyone that Kim Taehyung would likely never let them leave if he had his way.
The journey from Hoseok’s homeland to that of his noble friend’s is by no means arduous but it is long, and after three days worth of riding he can think of nothing better than sitting in front of a nice warm fire, a stomach full of mead and a bed that consists of more than a pile of woollen blankets on cold and sodden ground.   
“They’re expecting us,” Jungkook observes, pointing ahead to the plume of smoke rising on the horizon from one of the houses many fireplaces.  “I can’t wait to get into the warm; I swore last night my very blood had frozen stiff.” Hoseok makes agreeable humming noises as Jungkook continues to chatter idly, his steps echoing those of his horse’s hooves, and it’s only as they gradually emerge from the forest’s treeline that his Squire falls silent, the clay and timber walls of their destination such a welcome sight that Hoseok can already feel his spirits lifting with anticipation.
“Kim Namjoon!”  The stablemaster’s head shoots up at the sound of Hoseok’s shout and when he sees them approaching his left hand rises to wave a greeting from where he’s stood in the centre of the courtyard, the reins of a young chestnut filly clenched in his right.  
“Sir Hoseok!” he hails as he walks towards them.  He smiles broadly and bows from the waist once they meet, addressing Hoseok first and then Jungkook second, nodding his head.  Jungkook bows in turn to his elder.  “We worried you’d come upon some misfortune along the way.”
“Nothing more than we could handle.” Namjoon nods at Hoseok’s dismissal of their concerns, his gaze falling on Jungkook.  
“I’ve no doubt.”  His tone is warm - his look fond - and Hoseok has to hold back a laugh at the sight of his Squire’s cheeks turning pink and his eyes lowering to the floor.  
If there’s anyone or anything that can make Jungkook blush, it’s Kim Namjoon and his illustrious dimples.  He does so at least ten times every time they visit, and for weeks after they leave all his Squire can ever talk about is the things the older boy has have taught him - not that Jungkook will acknowledge it whenever Hoseok might point it out, mind you.  
Keep reading
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