#I HATE the formatting on Google docs.
rapono-writes-stuff · 5 months
Almost had a mental breakdown because my Microsoft word app logged me out and then proceeded to crash anytime I tried to edit or make a new document.
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// I stg some of you are allergic to clearly presented info
I promise you that you do not need to have a list of muses that is 90% giant images that takes up a thousand scrolls
if you must have images, 100x100 is perfectly acceptable size! Maybe, idk, organize them by fandom using basic formatting? Use bold and italics as needed on easily readable white background with easily readable colored text?
Fandom Muse Name | Canon/OC | FC
See how readable that is? How it would be organized and easy for someone to find what they need???
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jonnymarzetti · 2 months
how it feels to write on microsoft word
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provincial-charmer · 10 months
As Boundless As The Sea
We'll be posting this in order directly from my AO3, so the first two chapters, then updating as more is added, so...
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
When This Takes Place: After On Stranger Tides, but in the year 1742, due to the fact I really just couldn't stand how many time skips there were and wanted to just keep At World's End 10 year time-skip. There's another reason, but shh...
Rated: This chapter is E for Everyone, as it mostly sets the scene, but later chapters might not be! No warnings for this chapter, either!
Fic Summary: Marco Montero has, for the most part, lived a quiet life. Raised on a family fortune built by academia, he was sent many years ago to Venice, Italy in order to pursue the career of his dreams. However, these dreams would never come to fruition, as the death of his father would suddenly send him back home to Cádiz, Spain, in order to claim what remained of his family inheritance.
What a pity that inheritance also included a steep debt to the Spanish Royal Navy. Eighteen years later, it seemed to get no smaller, and Marco’s threadbare patience only grew thinner with time. That is, until one fateful day, when the work that nearly killed him brought him a strange map...
Chapter One: The Sun Rises Regardless
In which we are introduced to our protagonist, his daughter, his neighbors, and his schedule on his days off.
30th of November of 1742  Today, I dreamt of a storm. A storm too terrible to be natural, one that tossed rugged waves over the deck of the ship as sailors struggled to keep her afloat. The wind threatened to rip her sails apart. The water threatened to sweep her crew away. The only light that reached us came with the clash of lightning, which danced around us in flashes of blue and white.  I know not what I was doing aboard. Was I part of the crew, or an unwitting passenger? Was I a body, there to withstand punishment, or merely a ghost, only there to bear witness?  It didn’t matter. Whatever I was, I wasn’t staying there. With another crashing wave, a young man near me was swept off of his feet and over the side of the ship. The lightning showed me his face for only a moment.  He wasn’t much older than my daughter. His eyes were full of fear. I briefly imagined the grief of his mother, learning she would never see her little one again, his body lost to the unforgiving sea. To lose a man’s body at sea is to be expected, but to lose a child…  I couldn’t bear the thought. I dove after him.   It was strange, I thought, that I could see the storm better in the water than on the ship. However, I had neither the time nor the mind to question the reason behind it. My focus was on saving my fellow sailor. Luckily for me, he had not drifted far. His body, so light and so fragile, had been swept below the waves.  He lingered there, motionless. It wouldn’t be long before he drowned.  Quickly I swam down to him. I did my best to wrestle against the ocean’s conflicting currents, but she was a relentless beast, refusing to give way. However, I was equally stubborn, and so with unending determination, I made my way down.   But then, I saw something else. As I took hold of him, as I drew him under my arm, the lightning flashed again. And in the light that flashed through the dark ocean, I saw another face, looking up to me from deeper down. It was the face of a young man. One that was younger than me by many years, with long, dark hair tucked under a bandana, and sweet, sorrowful eyes.  Eyes that were open. Eyes that watched me. Eyes that were accompanied by other eyes, belonging to other faces in the deep.  I was staring at another crew, at another captain, on another ship. A ship that looked as if it sailed under the sea itself.  And then I woke up.
 As I laid my pen down, I turned to look out the window. Had the weather been warmer, I would have blamed the sun for my nightmare. I had forgotten to draw the curtains shut before retiring the previous evening, so it would not have been difficult for the radiant sunlight to disturb my slumber. Unfortunately, that was not the case, as the sunlight this morning had been far more welcoming against the cold.
 I was certain that whatever had troubled my sleep, I only had myself to blame. I couldn’t cast ill blame on the sun. I usually loved waking up to the sun on my face, whether I was watching it through my window or basking in it on my morning walks.
 Of course, that was on the days when I awoke at such hours by choice. This was not one of those days.
 But then there came a knock at my door. One that I knew by heart. As soon as I heard it, all ill thoughts fell away from my mind.
 “Papá?” That darling little voice called to me, “Papá, are you awake yet? I have breakfast!”
 I smiled. “I am now! Come in!”
 The door carefully creaked open, and in walked Perlita. Perlita was my daughter. Oh, she was just the sweetest little thing, with her strawberry blonde hair cut in short waves, her dark brown eyes shining, and her little blue dress bouncing with each happy step. She was planted on my doorstep around sixteen years ago by a late friend of mine, with only a note with her birth name - Toireasa - and a plea to care for her. How could I refuse?
 “Took you long enough!” She teased. “I was afraid you would sleep through the entire morning!”
 “Part of me wishes that I did!” I responded in earnest. Certainly, it would have taken precious time out of my day. But my sleep might have been more peaceful. “But the sun seemed to think that I had slept for long enough. I had a nightmare.”
 She paused as she was setting down the tray. “Oh, you did? What was it about?”
 “The ship in the storm.”
 “… Again?”
 Perlita sighed. We were quite used to this. The same subject would repeat for some days, if not weeks, and then stop. Then I would have new, unique dreams until another recurrence happened. She was always very sympathetic. I was just glad that she never had to deal with them, for they sometimes granted me some truly cursed visions.
 “That’s the second time you’ve dreamt of that.” She went on to say. “I hope it doesn’t happen again. I can’t imagine what it could mean.”
 “I think it means I need to stop drinking cocoa before bed.” I set one hand on her shoulder to reassure her, “I'm certain it won’t happen again.”
 She frowned in a way that left me uncertain as to whether I had truly convinced her, but regardless, she dropped the subject, instead focusing on serving breakfast. She had always been like this. Worrying over her old man day and night. I was often endeared by it, in spite of how silly it felt at times. I was supposed to be taking care of her, after all!
 But then, some part of me couldn’t help but feel bad. Would she worry over me nearly as much if I could take better care of us? If I didn’t have to worry about paying off the Navy, what kind of life would we have? I thought I knew what hers might have been like – all the time in the world to talk to her friends, to learn medicine, to enjoy herself without judgement for who she was.
 So what would my life be like? If my father hadn’t fallen on that expedition, if I hadn’t been saddled with this debt, what would I be doing with my time?
 I didn’t know. All I knew was that the more I thought about it, the worse it would make me feel. So I pushed it aside. I had to focus on the life we had. Where we were, there and then.
 And I had places to be.
 Before I continue, allow me the courtesy of an introduction. I am Marco Montero, the last son of Lazzaro and Diamante Montero. At the time, I had spent eighteen long, loathsome years as a translator for the Spanish Royal Navy, with only occasional commission work for other customers. What free time I had was spent helping Perlita read, translating personal subjects in my study, or sitting at one of the local taverns at the docks to watch the world go by. Outside of that, I had very little else on my schedule.
 Now, my usual morning routine went as follows: I would wake up, grab a cup of coffee or cocoa, then head out on an early morning stroll. I would walk all throughout the quiet streets to the port, find my usual spot to rest, and watch the sun rise. I would greet whoever might acknowledge me in passing. Then, once the sun had risen fully from the gentle embrace of the sea, if I had nowhere else to be, I would walk back home and get to work.
 I had no such work that day. No one had commissioned me in some time, and the Navy had not bothered me for work for several weeks. So I was left with what I hoped was a significant amount of free time. Once I had gotten dressed, I took my cup of coffee, thanked Perlita for cooking with a kiss on her head, retrieved Orfeo from his cage, and headed down to the docks.
 Ah, that’s right!
 I haven’t introduced him yet!
 Orfeo was the family pet. A Macaw of proud stature who had been with the family for nearly twelve years at the time. He was a big bird, with feathers the color of sapphire, tall enough to stare down small children and playful enough to pull at their hair. But we taught him how to act and how to talk, so that he would behave himself in such situations. He only pulled on someone’s hair if they upset him, or if we gave him the secret signal to be a little troublemaker. And when he behaved well enough, we would reward him with treats. 
 He loved plátanos and mangos best.
 As I removed him from his enclosure for our morning routine, he greeted me as he always did, with a facsimile of Perlita’s voice. “¡Buenos días papá!”
 “Ah, buenos días, Orfeo! How did you sleep?”
 “How did you sleep?”
 I laughed. He was imitating me now. “No, no, I asked you first! How did you sleep, Orfeo?”
 He would do this sometimes, making circles out of conversations. But I was patient. I had to give him the chance to properly respond. He would know what I meant after a few rounds.
 Eventually, after some thoughtful bounces on his part, he finally gave me a different answer. “Like a baby! ”
 “Good boy!” I responded, holding out a small plátano piece for him. He took it with his beak so carefully, it was as if he was handling glass.
 I always tried to tell people he was smarter than he seemed. Sometimes, he would hold entire conversations with himself, in absence of me or my little pearl! I’ve caught him doing it! Sometimes, he would even come up with responses to conversations that I never taught him! Yes, surely he copied them from others, but the fact still remains that he learned to apply it!
 And yet our neighbors were insistent that he was nothing more than some “dumb tropical bird.”
 I took him with me on my morning walk, as I always did when the weather was fair enough for him. And it was off to the docks we went!
 The docks were easily one of my favorite parts of Cádiz. Second only to the beaches and bakeries, of course. Ever since I was little, I loved heading out at the earliest hours I could, just so I could watch them come to life. I watched the sails of returning ships billow in the breeze before they were doused, as men on the docks and on the boats prepared for the arrival of the other, voices calling out to one another, like seagulls coming home.
 They were always glad to see the land, too. There was never a sailor who came back who didn’t share some look of relief at the sight of the pier, or show a big smile when he undoubtedly saw someone he recognized waiting for him, to be answered with a cry of joy in return. For I watched as loved ones came out bright and early to see their ships return, tying their hair up as nicely as they could with pretty little ribbons of all colors, waving favors and hands to greet their jolly sailors.
 Today, a ship of particular pride was brought to port. Yes, new ships were always a sight,  but this one in particular was truly a sight to behold. One that caught my eyes as well as the eyes of any dock workers awake at that hour.
 The Pride of Venus.
 She was a ship of the line, and a fine example of her craft. No other ship present could compare. Elegant and lethal, she was fully rigged with three masts, three decks full of cannons, and three emblems of the Spanish Royal Navy hand-sewn upon her sails, with details of doves and dolphins on display anywhere they could be painted or carved. Her figurehead itself represented Venus in all her glory, rising from the waves with her arms outstretched in invitation. The sunlight warmed her painted skin so much, she looked like she was just as real as I was from a distance.
 She was a treasured gift to King Philip V from King Louis XV. Any Spaniard would have been proud to sail under her banner, making their way in the world with such beauty beneath them.
 I would have been proud of her too, if only she didn’t serve the Navy. But I could admire her fine craftsmanship without thinking of the blood she was stained with. The art of creating such beautiful vessels was slowly but surely falling out of public practice. Newer ships were being made with more cannons, more masts, and sleeker, simpler shapes, leaving little room for expressions of art such as this.
 It was such a shame. It was far easier to identify ships and their captains from afar when their ships were just as unique as they were. If they all started to look alike, I was afraid I wouldn’t enjoy watching them anymore. And one day, The Pride of Venus would fall out of my sight forever, into the endless blue sea.
 My only hope was that, perhaps if such creatures as merfolk existed, then they would appreciate such ships as her more than we ever could. That perhaps the fish in the sea would make a good home from her bones.
 Still, I could appreciate her while she stood. So I did. I slowly whittled away at my coffee, getting lost in dreamy ideas as to her adventures overseas while the world came to life around her. Dock workers helped tie her and other vessels down, while their crews filed out of their ships in orderly lines. The sailors maintained their professional airs while their captains addressed them, but once they were dismissed, they turned from men into boys once again. Those that had loved ones to reunite with did, running to them with much excitement, to be greeted with excitement in kind by those they left ashore.
 Some of them were taken into open arms, while others had their weary faces cradled in the hands of their other halves. A lucky few were painted in kisses from sweethearts that clearly missed them just as much, leaving colorful marks of affection wherever they could.
 I did my best to ignore that. Instead, I drank in the warmth of the sun, the songs of the gulls, and the smell of the sea, along with my coffee. Once my cup was empty, I wiped it clean, stowed it, and moved on.
 My next stop was the book store. Carrasco’s Book Shop, to be precise. Pearce was an old business associate of mine, having worked with my father long ago. Whenever I needed new paper, or was interested in the newest book release, he was the man I went to.
 Orfeo couldn’t come inside. This was due to a no-pets policy on Pearce’s part. An understandable rule, given the destruction any untrained animal could inflict upon those old bookshelves. Even my lovely bird was no exception, with beaks and talons that could make bedding out of any book’s pages. At my command, Orfeo flew up atop the sign for the shop and stayed there, well out of the reach of any would-be thieves. He was a very valuable bird, after all. Very pretty and bright.
 The bell above the door announced my arrival, prompting a look from Pearce behind the counter. He was a lean old man, as lithe and lax as an old cat, with just as fine of a face. What few scars he bore at his neck and arms told of his old life at sea, the life he said he had left behind for the comfort of the shore. He seemed to be finishing setting up shop for the morning, as I could see him putting a few things beneath the counter when I arrived. When he saw me, he smiled.
 “Good morning, Marco!” He greeted me, with a voice that creaked softly. “Normally you’re here before I’m open! Is it safe to assume that you slept in?”
 “Yes, sir,” I responded with a smile of my own, “but certainly not by choice.”
 “Is it ever by choice?” Said he. It was a tease, we both knew, so we shared a chuckle at the idea. Once he was finished putting things away, he then told me, “Your order arrived just this morning! If you’ll allow me to fetch it for you…”
 “Of course, sir! Take your time!”
 And so he disappeared into a room behind the counter, well out of sight. While I waited, I looked around. Hand-painted scenes on the wall depicted all kinds of adventurous moments, from a meeting of politicians to a crew of sailors heading out to sea. A fisherman had caught a mermaid on his line above one shelf, while another showed a procession of fairies walking through the woods, to the amazement of the children looking on from the bushes. Opposite of the sailors, a crew of pirates were burying their treasure, with their captain hiding a pistol behind his back.
 They had not been repainted in some time, so all their colors were worn. But in my mind, they were as bright as they were when I first walked into the shop, back when I was just a child. My father would happily chatter with Pearce while I looked through the shelves, only to stare at me in shock at the tower of books I came out with. My appetite for knowledge was insatiable.
 It still was. I just didn’t have as much desire to read as I used to. And most of it I had already read through countless times. I didn’t pick up too many books these days.
 “Here you are,” Pearce said as he came out, holding a wooden crate of fair size, “all blank pages, as requested! I have the paper for you to sign here…”
 I watched as he set the crate on the counter, waiting until he had fully released it before going to inspect it for damages. Sometimes, my shipments from overseas came in less… desirable condition. So it was always good to check.
 The crate itself looked to be intact, save for some residual dampness from the rain the night before. Upon prying the lid off, however, I was relieved to find all the paper inside to be completely untouched. Dry as sand, even. Perfect!
 He handed me the papers to confirm I had received my package, and I took them, and the quill, quite happily… only to stop.
 The name on the shipping order wasn’t mine.
 Instead of Marco Montero, it was addressed to Lazzaro Montero.
 My father.
 This happened sometimes. Mail for our house would come in with my father’s name, even though he had been dead for many years. It had been so long, in fact, that I had made the mistake of assuming these kinds of things would eventually stop.
 I was wrong. As usual.
 “... Marco?”
 I glanced up to Pearce.
 “Is everything alright?” He asked me. His oak-brown eyes were alight with concern behind his eyeglasses. “Is anything damaged?”
 “Oh, no,” I reassured him, “not at all! In fact, it’s all in remarkably good condition! It’s just… they put my father’s name on it again. See?”
 I showed him the paper, taking care to point out where his name was. Upon seeing it, his expression fell only further. “Oh, Marco, I’m so sorry… You would think they would learn to fix that by now!”
 “You would think… ”
 Regardless, I signed the paper with my name. When I handed the paper and quill back, Pearce reassured me, “I’ll correct them as soon as I’m able. This can not keep happening, it’s incredibly unprofessional…”
 He didn’t need to. Not because nothing would change, but because it didn’t bother me as much as it used to. It was just one small thing. An ant hill in a mountain of other, far more worrisome things. That, and I confess, I did still miss him. Sometimes, it was nice to think that perhaps that name wasn’t a mistake, and I would see him again when I went home.
 I would. But never in the flesh. I had long since accepted that.
 Holding the crate under one arm, I made my way to my next destination: a bakery. It was only a wooden crate full of parcels of paper, so it was no trouble for me to carry on my walk, even with Orfeo having returned to my shoulder. I walked slowly through the streets, letting the smell of firing ovens and baking bread delight my senses. If the coffee didn’t wake me up, this smell always would, without failure.
 I was most loyal to one bakery in particular. I could partake of the others whenever I liked, but my most devoted business was reserved for the Belmonte Family Bakery. It belonged to one of my dearest friends, Isabela.
 Isabela wasn’t the easiest friend to make, mind you. She was hard to crack open, with a harsh temper. To me, she was like one of those German nutcrackers, with a bite that could break bone and a stiff spine that no man could bend. In spite of it all, I knew that beneath that harsh exterior was a good heart. I wouldn’t hear anyone say otherwise.
 She was already dealing with a customer when I came in, so her greeting to me was brief. “Morning, búho!”
 “Morning, burra!”
 She finished packing up a loaf of bread for a young man she was dealing with, then spotted the crate under my arm and stopped. She tilted her head and frowned, a crooked frown that favored the right side of her face more than her left.
 “That’s funny, I don’t recall ordering any books.”
 “Ah, that’s because you didn’t. This order is mine. ”
 “So what are you doing bringing it into my shop, then?” She asked.
 I teased her and replied, “I figured you could use kindling for your oven. I don’t see any devils flying about to keep it alight, so I must assume you’re actually using your firewood, in which case you must be struggling.”
 She laughed. It was a loud sound, and a lovely one at that. “Ah, so you’ve noticed! Give it an hour or two, then you’ll see them, don’t you worry!”
 Once she had sent her customer on his merry way, she turned fully to me. She leaned against the counter with one arm as she asked, “Now, what do you need?”
 “I was wondering what your recommendation would be for us today.” I then told her, smiling. “I’m thinking Perlita and I could try something new!”
 Her proud brow-line lifted slowly. “New? You? Ha!” She scoffed loudly at this. “The day you try something new is the day Hell freezes over!”
 “Ah, but you were married to the Devil once,” I teased, “so you would know if Hell was cold today, wouldn’t you?”
 This got a good, long laugh out of her. This was because her former husband was a terrible, terrible man. One with a hard-earned reputation for putting past wives in the ground. He died several years ago, having apparently choked on his dinner.
 She insisted she had nothing to do with it. I pretended to believe her.
 When she could eventually speak again, she said to me, “Well, he was always complaining about having me around, so I figured I would give him some space. But the next time I go down to see him, I’ll check on him, just for you~”
 She then gestured for me to set my belongings aside with a wave of her hand, so while she perused what she had on display, I set the crate on the part of the counter farthest away from her work space.
 As I stood there waiting, I took the time to enjoy the atmosphere of the room. There was some comfort to be found in roasting wheat, in the smell of toasting almonds and slightly burned sugar. Isabela’s cooking always felt comforting. For all how harsh her exterior was, one could taste the truth in her mazapán, delicate and sweet. One could feel her comfort in the warmth of her bread, and find her kindness in the quiet tang of her mantecados.  
 But it wasn’t mantecados she brought me, or mazapán. Instead, what she brought up was a small woven basket, full of sugar-dusted pastries cut into familiar, fluffy squares. I would recognize them anywhere. My mother baked them every so often for my father when we were small.
 My familiarity must have been obvious, for her typical biting commentary came more softly than before. “It’s been a while since you’ve had these, right?” She asked. “The man who ordered these threw me a fit, so he didn’t get them. I don’t know if you still like them or not, but…”
 Looking over to her, I only said this: “If ever I were to fall out of love with beignets, then I would no longer be myself. How much do you want?”
 “Don’t bother.” She slid the basket over to me. “It’s on the house.”
 Now, I hated to leave anyone unpaid for their services, and she knew this. But when I tried to object, as she no doubt knew I would have, she only snapped her fingers at me. “And you’re going to take it, or it’s going on the house, got it?”
 “But– you could still sell it to me–”
 “I’m not selling anything that isn’t hot and fresh.” She rolled her eyes and huffed. “ Please. At least I know you’ll eat them. Now take them and go, before another customer sees.”
 So I looped the basket over one of my arms, took up my shipment, and did just that. If Perlita somehow didn’t appreciate the treat, I knew that I would.
 Perlita was already gone by the time I had returned. She was apprenticed to Dr. De la Fuente, and so spent much of her afternoons with him, learning what she could on medicine and the human body. He was the only one willing to teach her, as no one else took her seriously when she told them she wanted to be a doctor.
 This was alright with me. I knew she would be safe there. And it gave me plenty of time to myself. I set all of my things aside, set the basket of beignets on the coffee table, then took my shipment of paper upstairs to my office. But not before putting Orfeo away.
 Once I was inside, I got to work sorting out my shipment. The parcels were sorted onto my paper shelf one by one, nestled in neat and orderly fashion with the rest of the blank paper I had. It kept them cleaner to leave them in their parcels, rather than removing them. Especially with a pet like Orfeo. As well as he behaved, he still could make a mess if I wasn’t careful!
 That, and my office didn’t have that much space. Compared to my bedchambers, it was much smaller, with only enough space for my writing desk, my work table for book binding, and some bookshelves for storage. The window to the room also wasn’t as big. My father’s personal study back at our old home was much larger, with more breathing room, more books, more seating…
 This office felt more fitting for a mouse. I could scarcely be satisfied with my sorting, when I didn’t have much room to store the new paper in the first place. This was the other reason they stayed in their parcels.
 Not wanting to get lost in my thoughts, I went back downstairs for the beignets. With no commission work currently available, no tasks from the Navy, and Perlita gone from the house, I was hoping to finally be able to relax. So I took a beignet for myself, seated myself in the nicest armchair in the reception room, and was just getting ready to take my first bite… when I heard it.
 A knock at the front door.
 This knock was also familiar to me. However, unlike Perlita’s knock, this was a knock I never looked forward to answering. Also unlike Perlita’s knock, this was a knock that I couldn’t turn down. With a great sigh, I rose from the chair I had just seated myself in. I took a bite of my beignet to comfort myself, then came to answer the door.
 When the door opened, I was greeted with a charming smile. One filled cheek to cheek with wolf’s teeth.
 For my own well-being, I chose to be polite. So I answered his smile with one of my own.
 “Ah. Good morning, Captain Gutiérrez.”
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astral-athame · 1 month
@dhampiravidi asked: What would Cass do if her dad (maybe after hearing some gossip that includes the fact that the Sons are rich, handsome witches) tells her he doesn't want her dating Caleb and/or Pogue?
((Okay, so you sent this a while ago now and I've been thinking about it a TON and I even started writing up a drabble in relation to it (the first part of it is already 7 pages long so I won't post it as the answer like I initially planned to xD)
BUT to put in simpler (by which I mean less than 7+ page long) words: I think that Cass's dad would only keep her from them if it was out of concern for her well being. If Cassia found out that they were witches/warlocks like herself, her first reaction would be excitement. They're her friends. They're like her. She doesn't have to hide anything anymore. Maybe they could even help her learn to control some of the powers that neither of her parents have.
Her FATHER, however, would be TERRIFIED. He's grown up being taught to be wary of other magic users / supernatural creatures / etc. Both he and Cass's mother have tried to keep Cass wary of them, too, just to be safe (the difference being that Cassia wants to be optimistic because she feels like she knows these guys already, ya know?). For her dad, though, he would be running through a list of questions, concerns, fears. Things like: Do they know what we are? Do they know that Cass is a witch? do they know what kinds of magic she has? Do they know what kind of magic HE has? If they don't yet know what he and Cass are, how will they react when they find out she's a witch? Because some witches / warlocks / etc feel threatened by the inclusion / introduction / etc of new witches / warlocks. Will they think her a threat? Will they be willing to accept her? Will they try to harm her? Will they try to kill her? Where / what does their magic stem from and how might that make a difference in how they treat / interact with his daughter when they know what she is? Are any of them descended from a family that was at some point wronged by a descendant of Cass's family? Because, her mother's side especially, has made some centuries long enemies. There are plenty of families that hold grudges and would gladly harm / kill someone like Cassia on sight based solely on some infighting 500 years ago between long forgotten family members. How strong are they? If it came to it- how many of them would he be able to fend off to keep Cassia safe? He's incredibly strong with his magic, but he's also getting older and losing some of his edge because it's not like he really needs to use his powers often, much less for fighting. He's also not as physically fit as he used to be (I always picture her dad being tall and a bit stocky with a bit of a belly because he sits at his computer most of the day for writing / researching), so he'd be relying mostly on his powers. And Cass at this point... she doesn't have a lot of magic that's, like, helpful in a fight (or, at least, she doesn't know how to use it to be helpful in a fight) so would she be able to protect herself should he, for some reason, not be reach her if she needed him? How long would he have to get to her? He can teleport and she can always form a telepathic connection to him to communicate if she's in danger... but if she can't do so for some reason? Doesn't have enough time? How would he know she's in danger? Then there'd be the question of Jayn, too. Is she also a witch? If so, is she involved with the Sons? Is she a threat to Cassia, as well? Or, opposite to that, is she potentially in danger? Does he need to try to help her, too? Things like that.
Mostly it would boil down to him wanting to keep her away from them until he knew if they were trustworthy. But it's not like he could just ASK them outright, right? So he'd RESEARCH. He's an author, he's very, very, good at doing his research. He'd dig as deep as he could on their history to get answers before he would want Cass to be anywhere near them again. And I think, honestly, Cassia would listen to him. Not because she's afraid of upsetting him or something, but because she knew that he wouldn't be keeping her from them without good reason. He likes her friends. He's glad that she's made friends here so quickly. And I think he'd absolutely love her significant others. But he's also very, very, protective of his daughter. Not overbearingly so, obviously. He's not the kind to text her all night asking when she'll be home or whatever. He just wants to be sure that she's safe. He loves her. She's his only kid. She means the world to him.
So, yeah... I think he'd only keep her from them if he thought there was a chance they would harm her. It'd be solely out of fear and trying to protect her. And Cassia knows him well enough to know that would be the case. She trusts him entirely. She'd do as he asked and try to keep her distance from them, even if hurt to do so. Though I do think she'd fall into quite a depression if it came to that and her dose for her depression medication would have to be upped ^^; I can see her staring at her phone a lot, with, like, her last texts back and forth with Caleb open. She'd probably even type things out to him a lot and never send them. She'd be skipping classes a lot, especially any she shared with any of the boys. She'd stop going to D&D. I think if she was with the band at this point, too, she might even walk away from that. She'd spend a lot of time indoors, in her room, trying to make sense of things. She'd barely be eating. Her father would feel terribly guilty but she'd never blame him because it's not his fault- he's right. It's better to be safe. But she'd be feeling like she was cursed. Like it was just her luck that she'd find these fantastic friends, someone who loved her, and they'd all end up potentially being threats to her and maybe even her father. And she'd, of course, want to protect her father, too, so that would only give her more cause to keep a distance from them because if they found out what she was, then they'd probably figure out what her FATHER was, and if they wanted to hurt her, they'd probably want to hurt him, etc etc. Of course, she wouldn't dislike or hate any of her friends during all of this because they hadn't done anything wrong, but she'd be scared of them a bit because she wouldn't be sure of their intentions, of how they'd react if they found out what she was, etc etc. All the same fears her father has, ya know? ANYWAY- I've rambled too much! Just know that Cass would listen to her father because she would know that if he was keeping her from them, it wouldn't be without a good reason. It's better to be safe and have to apologize later for hiding away from them than it is to trust them without question and wind up dead because of it, right?))
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
working on expanding my will has powers theory and i was gathering some screenshots and i noticed something interesting. at the end of S4, will senses the mind flayer (not vecna, he can just feel vecna’s presence but he doesn’t trigger reactions like that) again, right?
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we aren’t in his perspective. he’s seeing something that we aren’t being allowed to see, something in the UD. something that likely has to do with the mind flayer
he has the same reaction to all his other instances of recognizing something is wrong, but we only ever get a shot of where will is looking when he’s actually seeing something
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for comparison, we get an over-the-shoulder shot of will’s pov at the arcade but at the nelson farm and castle byers, he doesn’t see anything. will’s reaction at the end of S4 is patterned the same way his reactions are when he has episodes, which only occur when the mind flayer is near
will knows something about the mind flayer, something we aren’t allowed to see. isn’t that fun.
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fudgecake-charlie · 10 months
weird i know but would people be interested in a silly little online recipe book? I made it so I, a guy who didn't cook often and doesnt like spending money, could cook regularly while living alone in university. I still use and update it!!
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courfee · 1 year
7 up! Tagged by @carrythispictureforluck ​here you go love, your 10 things i hate about you snippet as ordered :D
rules: post 7 (or more) lines of a wip you've been working on.
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Tagging @messrsage and @killianthefirst (if youve already done it please do it again?)
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abluescarfonwaston · 10 months
It's one thing to expect me to pay a subscription fee for something. Its another to not give me one of the Main quality of life things I enjoy.
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yeetthedragon · 1 year
I sit before my table, presented with
An image I know will haunt me to my final day.
The finished product is beautiful in theory, but
That blank emptiness absorbs all my focus.
Like a black hole sucking in all matter,
I feel nothing as I gaze upon it.
Something so small.
Everywhere I’ve looked,
On my hands and knees for hours or minutes, I don’t know.
Each nook and cranny has been searched,
Every crack checked meticulously.
My family thinks I’m crazy,
My friends don’t understand.
Even I’m not sure why I search,
Compelled by that empty space.
Something so small.
I stand in search of paper, cardboard, markers and scissors.
Is this how God feels?
The simple act of Creation, assembling pieces of a final image for it to end so wrong, requiring more effort to fix.
But She doesn’t. She sits atop Her throne above it all, not interfering.
I look down at my work. Maybe I should do the same.
Something so small.
"Where The Hell Is That Puzzle Piece?" 09/21/2023
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Over here fighting for my life in the Google Doc. The table of contents is escaping me. I can't do this.
#I'm working on a project#putting together a bunch of stories in a little google doc#well it's not little. this thing is 93 pages#ive had to proofread. format. transcribe 40 minute videos#hunt people down for their stories#its been a fairly difficult thing but im very proud of it#now im trying to make a little table of contents because its such a long document#i dont want people to have to scroll down 85 pages before getting to what they want#so im trying to do that cool hyperlink table of contents that docs will let you do#but its proving more difficult than i first thought#mostly the formatting#fuck formatting#this project is nearing the end which is exciting but sad and a little scary#because once its finished i have to send it to the proper people and they're going to see all of the work i did#its really important and kind of sacred. and theres difficulties with one of the people im going to send it to...#but that storys way too long for the tags#i still have to go through and proofread everything again. make sure transcriptions are accurate#more fucking formatting. and did i mention i hate transcripts? its hard to know whats important and whats not#i have to decide if im going to transcribe the ums and stutters and actions and shit#i hate this (not actually)#i think im just scared to finish. scared it wont be good enough. scared ill lose this thing ive been working on for the last 1.5 years#now im gonna stop procrastinating and go work on it more#if any of you have tips to make this fucking table of contents easier please share
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bibleofficial · 1 year
want to do my exercises & go on a bike ride rn but i’m devastated bc i’ve to instead go to the dentist, whom i’ve been avoiding for like 3 years 😭😭😭
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Mod B, what tools do you use when writing? Personally, I like writing it down on a notebook as an outline, write on the phone's note app if I have any notes or blurbs of scenarios I vividly imagined with detail, and move to a google doc if I plan on making the actual THING as well as import the stuff from the phone to the doc. (I don't really trust google to keep my things so I download them as pdfs after.)
Mod B: I, primarily, use Scrivener! A friend from an old writing server gave me their NaNoWriMo discount code a few years back, & I've been using it since.
Although, sometimes, I write on my phone too. I have a private Discord server for myself only, where I make notes that I can have both on my phone & on my laptop or PC. Mostly I write snippets of dialogue, or specific paragraphs of action that I can't get out of my head that I don't want to forget. But, I have been known to write entire one-shots that way if I was really bored but didn't have access to my computers in any way.
Unfortunately, I'd have to pay for a mobile version of Scrivener, & I'm pretty sure it isn't compatible with my operating system anyway. So that just leaves Discord, as a quick & easy way to send my work between devices.
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mando-of-esverr · 6 months
//this just in: tumblr is a pos and I was stupid enough to try writing a post on it.
//damn site ate 4 paragraphs of ask reply and now I'm gnashing my teeth at it. angy brain be angy.
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
society if they invented a scrivener available on iphone
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Unhappy bc I was assigned four more one-hour interviews to transcribe and I rapidly discovered during the transcribing of the last round of interviews that I frickin hate transcribing. I don't know what it is because it's pretty mundane work that I'm usually fine with, like along the lines of data entry, but if I do it for more than an hour at a time I get super antsy and become physically uncomfortable. Like I have to take at least an hour break between every hour of work, and the most I've ever been able to transcribe in an hour is 8 minutes of audio (and that was with perfect audio that had no fritzing or echoes or background noise), so it takes like bare minimum seven or eight hours for me to be able to transcribe a one hour interview.
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