#this may not have been the laptop alternative id hoped for
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abluescarfonwaston · 1 year ago
It's one thing to expect me to pay a subscription fee for something. Its another to not give me one of the Main quality of life things I enjoy.
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toooldforfandom-liveblogs · 5 years ago
Gravity Falls S02E11 - Not What He Seems
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These past few days have been a constant struggle between my desire of watching this episode and waiting a couple more days until I felt better because if it is what I hope it is (answers!) I wanted to be in top shape for it. But I'm finally here! And with that title, it _has_ to be about Stan, "Stan is not what he seems" was the first hidden message of the show after all. So, let's do this!
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That's a really bright vending machine. How has no one in town noticed Stan's house lighting up the night?
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I'm guessing that the laptop's counter is the same as this one.
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The origin of the name "Gravity" Falls?
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The intro sequence!
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The picture with the twins is always in frame when Stan talks about the project, here and in previous episodes. I mentioned before that a theory I have is that Stan had a twin that screwed up everything (Dipper style) and he's trying to rescue him so it may be that the focus on the picture is to show _why_ he's doing this somewhat indirectly.
The other alternative is that he's doing it to somehow help the twins but I'm not sure how that would work. Unless whatever he's doing is going to help prevent Bill's prophesied disaster? Although, maybe _this_ is the disaster and everything is going to go to hell in 17 hours (with nine episodes to go? hmm)
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Three keys and three protagonists? 100% going to happen at some point.
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The shorter op song feels wrong even if probably means a good episode if they needed those extra 30 seconds.
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This is too wholesome to last.
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Yeaaah, this is just making me believe more and more that something is going to go horribly wrong and it'll be Stan's fault somehow.
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uuh, foreshadowing?
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What could it be?
I know he's "not what he seems" but what could the kids find out that they'd freak out? I doubt they'd really care about the portal, in fact they'd love it. Maybe he's not actually "Stan"? The episode about Soos's dad and the resolution could work as foreshadowing in that case, since what really matters is who was there for the twins.
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And he's dead.
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"doomsday device" would actually be a pretty good reason for the kids to freak out.
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Wouldn't the government be listening in? Wouldn't Stan definitely know this if that was the case? I can't decide if this is a trap for the government to lure them in or he trusts that no one is spying him.
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...but they have parents.
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Wow, the first fatality.
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Overthinking rocks is better or worse than overthinking cartoons?
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They are really making me lean into "he's not actually Stan" but if he's not Stan how does he know the twins' parents? His identity can't just be a "Stanford Pines" fake id, so he needs those ids for something else.
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"Rookie cop" could be Blubs and "leg warmers" really situates this in the past. Maaaybe 30 years ago?
Okay... okay. Let me think about what we know so far.
So, "The Author" was the original "Stan". He built something with McGucket that he believed would help humanity (maybe related to Bill's prophecy?) but something went wrong and he vanished and McGucket erased his own memories. Our Stan assumed Stan's identity (including the Mystery Shack?) and tried for 30 years to (re)build something (the same machine?) to somehow bring Stan (his brother?) back making little progress until Dipper found the missing journal.
I think that's the timeline with a little speculation to fill in the missing details. My main question is... why would Grunkle Stan need to steal the original Stan's identity to the point of faking his death? The only thing I can think of is that the original Stan vanished in such a way that Grunkle Stan looked like he killed him so the only way to make it less suspicious for him was to (unsuccessfully?) make it look like an accident.
_And_ in all the fake ids he looked younger so maybe he already knew how to assume fake identities (maybe he was a spy? He _did_ spent a time in a Colombian prison...), assuming his brother's was just one more job. A 30-year long job.
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Oh no, the twins are going to think (very naturally) that Stan stole the real Stan's identity as some sort of scam. I hope they remember the lesson from Soos's episode.
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Stan being a retired super spy is looking more and more plausible.
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Wow, Stan's a genius.
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I just can't look at glitter in the same way since I found out people have lost eyes because of it.
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They are nailing the music here, it really feels like the revelation it is, 21 episodes in the making.
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C'mon Dipper, you already learned back in Dreamscaperers about how jumping to conclusions about Stan kinda doesn't work out.
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Damn, that looks bad for Stan's credibility.
And bad for my theory about this being the same machine that The Author built and that made him disappear. Unless the universe did tear apart 30 years ago, swallowing him up but the machine stopped just in time to prevent "Total Global Destruction"?
All this time I assumed The Author had been the one to screw up but if he knew the machine couldn't be activated that'd mean that Our Stan was the one who did it (maybe he _was_ a criminal and he couldn't resist the knowledge that the machine promised?) And he has been trying to get him back not only because he's his brother but because he feels guilty about it. Guilty enough to risk the earth? He _has_ been saying that it's "all worth it" a whole lot...
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I bet he was deceived by Bill.
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That's a really solid joke.
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This is both heartbreaking and heartwarming
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But he _is_ their Grunkle. He assumed Stan's identity more than 15 years before they were born. This is killing me. And now Mabel's crying.
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Oh. Oooh. So he wants The Author to take his "rightful" place again, so in a way he _is_ helping the twins regain a family member. But what was his plan for himself?
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Was "Stan Prime" trapped in a Mad Max dimension? How did Grunkle Stan avoid destroying the universe? Unless he did and now they are in another, identical, universe?
Wow. I don't have a lot to write that I didn't already during the liveblog but whooooo, he _was_ his brother. Now give me all the answers for everything else!
The episode was incredible. The countdown was a great plot device to maintain the tension all the way through. I'm not sure if the writers intended the viewers to actually distrust Stan but they definitely did their job to make Dipper's reaction to him completely believable. He's "the smart one" and all the factual clues point to Grunkle Stan being a criminal who stole Stan's identity. But Mabel is the one who can see beyond the "truth" and realizes that even if Stan is not the man he says he is, he _is_ her Grunkle Stan and she can trust him.
Since we have a little less than half the season left this definitely wasn't the thing that Bill was talking about. Are they going to have to prepare for that now? Maybe the portal let _other_ things through besides Stan?
AAAAAAAAAAA I can't wait for the next episode. Until next time!
PS: What should I watch after Gravity Falls?
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teacupfulofstarshine · 6 years ago
but for just one day let’s only think about love
(a gift for my darling wife @notveryglittery!!! you mentioned wanting more fluff, and i have delivered! i hope you enjoy it, princess!) 
summary: it's the eve of their big day, and roman and patton want everything to be perfect. luckily, they've got their best friends in the world helping make sure everything goes smoothly - and who could ask for better friends? (OR: an absurdly fluffy royality wedding fic written for my lovely wife dani!)
pairings: romantic royality, background romantic analogical
word count: ~5759 
(cw: the briefest anxiety in the beginning, tooth-rotting fluff)
read it on ao3!
“Why did I let you talk me into wearing a white tuxedo?!”
Roman drapes himself over Logan’s couch, knocking his best friend’s newspaper out of his hands as he flops into his lap. Logan stares at him, unimpressed.
“I did not talk you into anything. On the contrary, I attempted to tell you that wearing a white tuxedo was a terrible idea.”
“Why didn’t I listen to you?!” “I have been asking myself that question since you met me. However, the reason you gave me for your current misstep was, and I quote.” Logan presses the back of his hand to his forehead and drapes himself against the back of the couch. “I have to wear a white tuxedo!” he gasps, imitating Roman’s voice and mannerisms to a truly creepy degree. “Only a white tuxedo will offset my perfect golden tan and make me appear to glow when the sunlight strikes me just so! And since Patton always calls me his sunbeam, it seems only fitting that I should be truly radiant for our wedding day! Though not as radiant as Patton of course - ah, my lovely fiancé! How have I gone more than six whole seconds without mentioning -”
“Alright, alright, I get it!” Roman grouses, shoving at Logan’s chest to make him stop. Logan sits up, adjusts his tie, and leans over Roman to get his newspaper off the ground. Rather than reading it, however, he folds it neatly.
“What is this really about, Roman?” “I’m regretting my fashion choices, Logan! Obviously, I -”
“Roman, be honest with me. It is not the suit which troubles you, is it?”
Roman sits up, clasping his hands together and leaning forward. He looks at Logan, dark chocolate eyes hidden behind his bangs. “It’s that obvious, huh?”
“Not to the average eye, perhaps. But we have known each other since we were approximately fourteen months old, Roman. There is very little that you can hide from me.”
“Geez, Lo, don’t I have any secrets?” Roman jokes. Logan rests a hand on his knee.
“Of course you do, Roman. But your insecurities, your . . . your fears should not be something that you attempt to hide, from yourself or from me. Please do not misunderstand me - I am not attempting to pry into your life.”
Roman quirks a half-smile. “I know, Lo. I know you’re just worried.”
“Tell me, then. What is troubling you? You . . . you are not getting the proverbial ‘cold feet’ about your impending nuptials, are you?”
“No! No, no, I absolutely don’t regret accepting Pat’s proposal! I - I love him, Logan. I love him so much, he . . .” Roman twists his engagement ring around his finger. “Patton is the best and brightest thing in my life. He genuinely loves everyone and everything so much, and he’s so kind and - and -”
“I understand,” Logan says. “I did not think that was the case, but it was necessary to eliminate it from the realm of -”
“What if it’s fucked up?”
Logan blinks. “I . . . I do not understand. Could you please expand on that statement?”
“I love Patton so much, Logan. You don’t even understand, I - I could live without food, without water, without oxygen, without anything as long as I had Patton with me. He’s so important to me and - and I just - what if something goes wrong tomorrow? What if there’s a hurricane? What if Emile loses his voice? What if someone drops my suit in a vat of grape juice, what if Virgil’s shop catches on fire and Patton’s dress is destroyed, what if Virgil ends up in the hospital, what if Patton doesn’t want to marry me, what if he stands me up at the altar, what if -”
“Roman!” Logan says. He shifts his hand from Roman’s knee to holding Roman’s hands, which have begun to grip painfully at his hair. “You are engaging in cognitive distortions which are sending you into a spiralling panic attack. Look at me, Ro - it will be alright. I am going to count for you.”
Logan’s voice is quiet and measured, breaths even and steady as he counts. He looks at Roman, who does his best to maintain eye contact. “That’s it, Roman. Take deep breaths. We are optimizing your oxygen circulation in an attempt to engage your parasympathetic nervous system. The process of counting out your breaths will -”
“Thanks, nerd,” Roman rasps softly. Logan smiles, squeezing his hands.
“Of course, prep.”
“I’m not - it’s not that I don’t want to marry him, Logan. It’s the exact opposite - I want to marry him so much that I’m terrified by the prospect of the wedding being anything less than perfect.”
“Realistically, nothing can truly be perfect,” Logan says. “Much of what exists in this world is inherently flawed -”
“Thanks, Lo, that makes me feel worlds better.”
“I was not finished. Much of what exists in this world is inherently flawed, and therefore striving for perfection is unrealistic. However, this does not mean that we cannot strive for excellence. I may not be able to guarantee a perfect wedding, but I can guarantee that I will do everything in my power to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible. You are my best friend, Roman, and I will be here to support you in every capacity that I can.”
Roman laughs, once, before lurching forward and throwing his arms around Logan’s neck. Logan, knowing Roman better than perhaps Roman himself, has already braced himself for impact, catching Roman and holding him. One hand slides up to scratch the curls at the nape of Roman’s neck while the other rubs Roman’s back in broad, firm strokes. These are the motions that have been proven to be the most soothing when Roman gets like this.
“Thank you, Lo,” Roman whispers, and his voice is so choked that if he were speaking to anyone other than Logan, he would be completely unintelligible. “This - I - you - you’re my best friend, you know that, right?”
“Yes, Roman,” Logan teases. “I had assumed that was why you asked me to be your best man.”
Roman makes an indignant squawking noise. “You are my best friend, too, you know.” He feels Roman nuzzle just a little into his neck.
“Love you, Lo.”
“I love you, too, Roman. If it will make you feel better . . . I have made an Excel spreadsheet to deal with potential outcomes.”
Roman pulls away from him, snorting in laughter. “Of course you did.”
“If you do not want it -”
Roman wipes his eyes, giggling. “Don’t be stupid, I know how many hours you must have poured into that. Let’s see it, then.”
Logan can’t help grinning as he picks up his laptop. “It’s color-coded.”
“Of course it is. I’d expect nothing less from you.”
“Patton, I swear to whatever deity exists out there in the great unending cosmos of the universe, if you stand up from that chair one more time, I am going to yeet my fucking pincushion under your ass.”
Patton, who’d been halfway out of his chair, promptly drops back down into it, giggling nervously. “Sorry, Virge, I just -”
“You’re nervous about this dress because it needs to go well. I know.” Virgil pokes their head out from behind the folding screen where they’re working on Patton’s wedding dress. “You do trust me to know what I’m doing, right?”
“Of course I do, Virgil! There’s a reason we’re partners in Fabricadabra!”
“I still regret letting you name it that.” Virgil ducks back behind the screen, muttering to themself. Patton can only see the vaguest shadowy outline of them moving around the mannequin on which his secret wedding dress rests.
“You’re just as good a seamster as I am, Virge, I trust you to work on all of our orders! It’s just that - that you’ve never hidden something you’ve made from me before.” Patton looks at the floor, wringing his fingers together. “I know you want it to be a surprise and all that, but I get married tomorrow!”
“I know, Pats. I’m not, like, working on the seams or anything! I’m just doing finishing touches! I don’t want you to see it before it’s completely done because I want you to have the experience, tm.”
“Did - did you just say the letters ‘TM’ out loud?” Patton giggles.
“Absolutely I did, it was for the fucking -”
“ - freaking emphasis. This dress is the most gorgeous thing I have ever created in my life. This dress has been labored over - SLAVED over - for months. This dress contains my blood! My sweat! My tears! My -”
“Sorry, Pat, but you get my point! This dress is the most important thing I’ve ever created. It’s my best friend’s wedding dress. I want it to be perfect when you see it for the first time. I want you to see it in all its glory - I want you to see it perfect.”
“Virge, honey, you know I’m gonna love it no matter what! It doesn’t have to be a Dior gown, it’s going to be special to me because you made it! My best friend, my partner in business and in crime, my best - human!”
Virgil pokes their head back out, arching a perfectly done eyebrow. “Did you just call me your best human?”
“Well, yeah! I didn’t wanna call you my best man, cause you’re not a man, I -”
“Bold of you to assume I’m human, Patton.”
Patton laughs. “Does ‘best enby’ work, then?”
“You are too much sometimes,” Virgil chuckles, shaking their head as they duck back behind the folding screen. “You can call me whatever your gay little heart desires as long as it’s not ‘maid of honor’, Pat. I’m really not that picky.”
Virgil falls silent for a few more minutes. Their shadow moves more rapidly around the mannequin, and they alternate between muttering to themself and humming to themself. Patton recognizes about half of the songs they’re humming, and tries to sing along where he can.
“Patton, I love you, but you are so far off key you might actually be in another one.” Patton rubs the back of his head in embarrassment, fiddling with the fraying lace hemming his skirt. “Shouldn’t be much longer, just finishing up a little bit on the sleeves and the neckline.”
“How much overtime did you pull to finish this, Virgil? Have you been sleeping properly? Eating enough? Drinking enough water?”
“I have consumed the life liquid, yes.”
Virgil’s head pokes out again. Patton squints, leaning forward to see how much makeup is covering the dark circles that normally reside beneath their eyes. “Pat, I’m not gonna lie to you. I’ve pulled a couple all-nighters. But I’ve done my best to avoid them, and I have timers set on my phone to make sure I eat and drink water on a regular basis. I’m practicing self-care.”
“I’m proud of you, kiddo,” Patton says softly.
“I know, Pat. I just hope you’re proud of my work, too.”
“Virgil, whatever this dress looks like, I promise it’s going to be wonderful. You know why?”
“Because you made it for me! And I know how hard you work and how detail-oriented you are and how super good at your job you are! I know you worry a lot about how good your stuff is, but I know it’s amazing!”
“Pat, stop, you’re gonna make me blush too hard for my foundation to cover.” “Why would you wanna cover up your blush, Virge?”
“I have an image to maintain! I am a cold and emotionless void!”
“You’re the cutest little gender-non-conforming void spawn I’ve ever seen!”
Virgil sticks their face out, cheeks and ears a bright rosy pink. “Patton, you are ruining my image right now.” Patton smiles unapologetically. “Come see your damn wedding dress already.”
“Language, kiddo, I - you’re serious?! It’s done, I can come see it now?!”
“Well, it’s as good as I’m gonna get it, so you might as well come look. Plus, I need you to try it on before the wedding to make sure you’re completely happy with it.” Patton almost trips over his own feet in his rush to get out of the chair as Virgil pushes the folding screen aside. All the air in Patton’s lungs leaves it in a single rush of breath.
“Well? You gotta tell me if you like it or not, Patty, I - Patton?” Patton’s eyes are brimming with tears, hands pressed over his mouth as he stares at the dress. The bodice is gold, with flowy, see-through sleeves of thin, delicate lace. There’s intricate needlepoint along the neckline and the waistline, with delicate floral embroidery on the bodice itself. The skirt is full and flowing, a gradation of blues. It’s so light it’s almost white at the waist, flowing into dark midnight blue at the hem, and the train is embroidered with stars and flowers. The layers of the skirt are varying colors of blue and white, and Patton is starstruck.
“You . . . th-this . . . Virgil, I . . . I . . .”
“Do you not like it? It’s too late to make, like, major changes, but I could theoretically change the - whoa!”
Patton throws himself at Virgil, sobbing openly and pressing soft kisses to their hair and cheek. “Oh, Virgil, it’s perfect!”
“You - r-really? You - you don’t think there’s anything wr-wrong with it?”
“The only thing wrong with it is that you think there’s something wrong with it! Virgil, it’s perfect, it’s everything I could ever want in a wedding dress! I couldn’t have done a better job if I’d designed it myself!”
“Yeah, there was no way in hell I was letting you design and make your own wedding dress, Pat. That would just be cruel.”
Patton hugs Virgil’s skinny little frame close to him, shaking with happy tears and soaking the sleeve of their hoodie. “Virgil, I could not have asked for a better wedding dress. Or a better wedding dress designer. I love it so much, I love you so much, I -”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I love you, too,” Virgil grumbles. They still kiss the top of his head before pushing Patton away. “Come on, Pats, you gotta try on this thing so I can make last minute alterations. With any luck, you’re only gonna get married once, so let’s go!”
“Where did you learn to tie a tie, the sandbox?”
Roman looks helplessly at Logan, red silk tie tangled around his hands and fingers. “That - Lo, what does that even mean?” Logan laughs, leaning against the doorframe. He’s already dressed in a tailored black suit, dark blue tie knotted snugly beneath his throat, hair neatly slicked back.
“It means that you are attempting to knot your tie with the skill and grace of a five year old in a sandbox. Was that not clear?”
“No, it wasn’t, Lo,” Roman grouses, standing up. Logan takes in his appearance - half-tucked-in shirt, unbuttoned vest, tie loosely slung around his shoulders. “But I appreciate it.”
“Roman, come here. Let me help you, alright? You’re going to look great.”
Roman tucks his shirt in and buttons his vest, letting Logan straighten and smooth his suit before taking the tie in his hands and beginning to tie it. “It still amuses me that you cannot tie one of these properly, Roman.”
“Hey! For all you know, I am the god of tie knots. I just pretend I don’t know what I’m doing so that you’ll keep tying them for me because I know how happy it makes you.” Logan smirks as he knots the tie, carefully adjusting Roman’s collar to make sure it lays flat over his tie.
“I would be inclined to believe you, but I know for a fact that you spent fifteen minutes prior to my arrival here standing in front of the mirror flailing that tie around pretending to be Amethyst.”
“Rude!” Roman screeches.
“Why? I am correct, am I not?”
“You’re right, but you shouldn’t say it!”
“On the contrary,” Logan says, “I am correct, and therefore I absolutely should say it.” He pulls his hands away from Roman’s neck, smoothing the lapels of his tuxedo jacket down neatly. “You may inspect my handiwork now, although I daresay you will find no fault with my knot. And even if you do, I can rest secure in the knowledge that it is infinitely better than anything you could manage.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re the most intelligent being that has ever lived, we get it,” Roman says breathlessly, staring at himself in the mirror. “I . . . th-this is really happening, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Roman. It really is. You are going to marry Patton today, and it is all going to be perfect.”
Roman’s hair is curled, falling neatly around his face in soft waves and ringlets that perfectly frame his eyes. Despite his penchant for dramatics, his makeup today is remarkably subtle. His eyelashes are darker and slightly curled, with minimal glitter on his eyes and cheeks. The boldest thing about his face is his bright red lipstick, perfectly matching his red silk tie.
“You look amazing,” Logan says. “I am proud to stand at your side as your best man.”
“Thanks, Lo,” Roman says, tipping his head back to knock gently against Logan’s shoulder. “But you can’t do that - not yet, anyway.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you’re not wearing any makeup.”
“Roman. There is a lifetime ban on you putting any sort of products on my face. You know this. Need I bring up -”
“Lo, please? I promise I won’t do anything too dramatic, and it’s not that I think you look ugly without it I just think it would complete the look! Please, please let me do this? For my big day?”
He bats his definitely-mascara’d eyelashes, and Logan sighs. “I reserve the right to veto the look if I think it is too ‘out there’, Roman.”
“Oh, thank you thank you thank you! You won’t regret it, I promise!”
Twenty minutes later, Logan is blinking at his reflection in the mirror to clear the phosphenes from Roman furiously blotting foundation against his face. True to his word, Roman has not done anything too dramatic - Logan recognizes minimal contouring on his cheeks, shimmery silver eyeshadow, the barest trace of eyeliner. He looks . . . he looks good.
“Do you like it?” Roman worries. “I can take it off if it’s too much, I -”
“Roman, I - it is - satisfactory,” Logan cuts him off, trying not to sound choked up.
“Damn it, Lo! You’re gonna make me cry with all your compliments, and if my mascara runs I’ll kill you I swear to God.”
“With your penchant for crying at emotional situations, I’m impressed that you think you’re getting through this wedding without wearing waterproof mascara.”
“Patton, if you don’t stop moving I’m gonna take your eye out with the mascara wand!”
“It’s rude to threaten someone on their wedding day,” Patton giggles. “It’s not a threat!” Virgil snaps. “You’re so damn ticklish and fidgety that I’m gonna end up accidentally stabbing your eye out! And then Roman’s gonna kill me to defend your honor and Logan’s gonna help because he’s been Roman’s friend longer than he’s been my boyfriend and -”
“Virgil! Calm down!” Patton says. He gently takes their hands, careful not to let the mascara smudge on his gloves. “I’m sorry, I’ll sit stiller. More still? I’ll fidget less, I promise.”
“Do you not trust me to make you look good?” Virgil asks, in a small voice.
“Oh, sweetheart, of course I do! Just look at you!” Patton gestures to the beauty-guru level makeup on Virgil’s face, from their silvery-purple-black eyeshadow to their dark purple lipstick to the way their cheekbones shine just a little more than the rest of their face. “You’re the best makeup person I know! But don’t tell Ro I said that, okay?”
“Don’t worry, Pat, I know better than to injure Princey’s precious ego. The last time I did that he pouted around for a whole week until I apologized. Not that I meant it - I was right the first time.”
“Hey, be nice,” Patton warns. Virgil shrugs, quirking a smile.
“Sorry, Pat. I know how much Princey means to you. If it makes you feel better, I don’t hate him like I did when we first met. Him not being a dick about my pronouns helped.”
“I told you he wouldn’t have a problem.”
“I know you did, Pat. Now hold still. Emile’s gonna be here to pick us up at any minute, and you need to be ready.”
Patton lets go of Virgil’s hands and obeys, letting them work their magic on his face. He doesn’t see the point in wearing excessive makeup every day the way Virgil does; he likes having his freckles on full display, and he doesn’t mind showing the occasional acne scar or blemish. But Roman had mentioned wearing makeup on their wedding day, and he hadn’t said that Patton had to but he thinks he would feel weird if Roman had makeup on and he didn’t.
Plus, Virgil really likes doing makeup, and they’ve apparently been planning what they’d do for his wedding for years now. Patton would hate to let all that work go to waste.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be done soon,” Virgil says, gently dabbing at Patton’s face. “If Emile gets here before I’m done, he can just wait.”
“I don’t want to make him wait too long!” Patton argues. “He’s doing us a huge favor by agreeing to officiate the wedding!”
“Please, Pat, you didn’t even have to pay Emi. He just loves weddings. He’s a loser like that.”
“Don’t you like them too, Virge?”
“I will admit that over my dead body, and I am denying any candor in your statements,” Virgil says, smooth and practiced. “Now blink onto my finger, I’m almost done.”
Emile shows up right as Virgil is preparing to put Patton’s lip gloss on. “Virgie! How’s my favorite twin?”
“I am your only twin, Emile, and I hate that nickname,” they grouse.
“Oh, look at you! You look so pretty!” Emile coos. Patton is inclined to agree; Virgil is wearing a silver button-down with a black vest, and a tie the same rich purple as their flowing knee-length skirt. Tall black boots lace up to just beneath their knees, and they have flowers matching the ones in Patton’s bouquet woven into their French-braided hair.
“Thanks, Emi. You look . . . adequate.”
“Oh, Virgil! That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!” Emile squeals, twirling around to show off the flaring of their pleated pink dress. “You’re doing such a good job with Patton’s face! Did you paint his nails, too?”
“Well, someone had to do it,” Virgil grouses, but based on their tone Patton knows that they’re pleased with their twin’s praises, smiling shyly as they focus on carefully applying his lipgloss. “Pat, smack your lips together, and then you’re just about ready to look in the mirror.”
Patton does as he’s told, looking down at his feet. His toenails are painted a bright, cheerful yellow, and he wiggles his toes where they poke out of his sandals. Virgil’s intricate wedding dress fits him perfectly, and beneath his gloves his fingernails are painted sky blue with swirling red-and-gold designs. Finally, he looks up into the mirror propped on the nearby table and sees Virgil’s makeup.
“Oh, Virgil,” he whispers, putting his glasses on and seeing his face in sharp, striking clarity. “I don’t care what you said about the dress, I’m paying you extra for this.”
“Pat, you don’t have to -”
“It’s happening, Virgil, whether you like it or not,” Patton sniffles, and then he’s hugging Virgil tightly.
“Hey - careful, Pat, your makeup hasn’t set yet! And you’re gonna wrinkle our clothes, and -”
“Shut up and take my love, Virgil.”
“Y-yeah, okay . . .”
It takes Emile another seven minutes to shepherd them out the door and into the car, but Patton catches the secret proud smile gleaming on Virgil’s face as they help him get his train into the car.
The church where they’re getting married is small. The wooden beams bracing the ceiling arc like the beams in the hull of a ship; when they’d first inspected the venue, Logan had gone on some sort of tangent about the historical and symbolic significance of the beams. Roman hadn’t bothered listening, too busy whispering and giggling with Patton and looking at all of the mosaics and stained glass and gilded paintings.
Now, standing at the altar, Emile at his side and Logan at his back, he tilts his head up, up, up to look at the ceiling. Dimly, he remembers Logan’s voice saying, “It is meant to represent the hull of the ark, the ship that supposedly carried two of every animal to safety during the Great Flood of the Christian mythos. The thought in designing the church to mimic this boat is that it will carry the members of its congregation safely to heaven.”
Privately, Roman hopes that this marriage will carry his and Patton’s relationship through the rest of their lives. He knows the divorce rate in America, he knows how likely it is that the average marriage won’t work out. But he refuses to let himself go down that road. He loves Patton, and Patton loves him. They’ve discussed their future a million and one times - he knows how committed he is to making this work. This is going to be the start of the rest of their lives.
His cousin Thomas is up in the choir loft, gently cracking his fingers and running them lightly over the gleaming keys of the organ. Roman can see Virgil waiting in the first pew, gazes out across the sea of faces belonging to his and Patton’s friends and families. Thomas looks down at him from the choir loft and cocks his head to the side, asking if it’s time. Roman looks down the aisle and sees two silhouettes waiting behind the opaque glass doors, glances up to Thomas, and nods. Thomas begins to play, letting a few instrumental bars pass by before he starts singing, voice rich and strong.
The door opens, and Roman loses all the breath in his lungs in one swift, silent rush.
Patton walks down the aisle slowly, timing his footfalls perfectly with the beats of the song. There’s a shimmery veil over his face, held in place by a glimmering silver tiara with sparkling gemstone flowers. Roman hasn’t even seen his face yet, and already he knows Patton is gorgeous.
The dress is stunning; he can see Virgil beaming, and he makes a mental note to slip a hundred dollars into their pocket before the night is over. He knows exactly how hard they’ve been working on this secret project, and how long they’ve been working on it, too. He’s seen Virgil’s handiwork, of course, wears their neat, precise stitches in a lot of his clothing. But that’s mostly minor tweaks - hemming pants here, fixing a torn sleeve there. This is the first time he’s seen one of Virgil’s original creations.
If this dress doesn’t get them catapulted to center stage of New York fashion week, Roman is going to sue the entire fashion industry.
The top is all delicate lace and intricate embroidery, clever flower patterns and flowy sleeves. But it’s the lower half that’s drawing gasps and exclamations from the wedding guests. There’s a pure white ribbon wrapped around Patton’s waist, tied neatly in a bow behind him. The skirt starts off pure white, but as it descends it becomes pale blue, growing deeper and darker and fuller and richer as it heads toward the floor. The train is a midnight blue, so dark it’s almost black, with shimmering stars and flowers sewn in. It’s only because Roman knows Patton asked for one that he knows what he’s looking for, but he finds it quickly - the train is detachable. Patton hadn’t wanted to change into a separate outfit for the reception, but he couldn’t very well dance with a full train behind him.
Virgil really is the cleverest designer that Roman’s ever met.
Patton reaches the altar right as the song crescendos to its climax, and Virgil carefully slips up to stand behind him. His beloved’s face is obscured by the veil, but Roman can tell that Patton’s wearing makeup. Virgil probably did that, too.
Roman owes them so much money.
“Dearly beloved,” Emile starts, practically bouncing in place, “do you how do?” His characteristic greeting draws confused murmurs and whispers from the gathered crowd. Roman can hear Virgil’s palm smack against their face without even looking at them.
The ceremony flies by like lightning, but it feels like forever until Emile is stepping back and they’re putting the rings on each other’s hands, saying their vows. Roman pulls Patton’s glove off, smiling softly to himself when he sees the designs on his nails. He takes the ring Logan offers him and carefully slides it onto Patton’s ring finger.
“Patton,” he says. “I - I wrote this whole big speech, and I even had Logan proofread it for me to make sure it was grammatically correct, but . . . but standing here now, looking you in the eyes - well, as best as I can, anyway -” Patton laughs softly, and some of Roman’s nerves dissipate.
“I agonized over the right way to do these vows for so long, and now that we’re here, now that we’re doing this I - I don’t think it matters as much. I’ll let you read the sappy speech later, but - but right now, all that matters is that we’re here, that we’re together. I love you, Patton, and I don’t care who knows it, but I also really want everyone here to know it.”
More laughter, from everyone else this time. “You are the sun in my sky, the light of my life, the reason I want to keep being the best version of myself. I don’t know if I believe in the concept of people who are fated to be together, but if I did, I know for a fact that I would be fated to be with you. And even if I wasn’t, I would choose to be with you. I - I would always choose you.”
Patton squeezes his hand, and then he’s taking a ring from Virgil’s hands and carefully sliding it onto Roman’s finger. “Roman, my sunbeam, the day that I met you used to be the best day of my life. Whenever I was feeling sad or alone, I would think back to that day and I would remember that you were out there, somewhere, even if you weren’t with me at that exact second. And I would think about the light in your eyes when you look at me, and the way you smile right before you kiss me, and the way you take those few extra seconds to make sure our fingers are perfectly laced together. Those memories always made me feel warm and happy, like I was standing in the summer sunshine. But that’s not the best day of my life anymore.”
Roman blinks in confusion, but Patton keeps talking. “The best day of my life will always be this day, when I look you in the eyes. And I’ll choose you, and you’ll choose me, and we’ll keep choosing each other for the rest of our lives. Sorry I kinda stole the last bit of your vows, honey, but what can I say? You’ve always been the creative one between us.”
There are mixed smatterings of laughter echoing in Roman’s ears, but all he can focus on is the fire in his cheeks and ears and the water in his eyes. “Pat, my makeup is gonna run,” he whispers.
“Logan didn’t make you wear waterproof mascara?” Patton asks, but Roman can tell he’s smirking beneath the veil. “Virgil made me.”
“I told him to,” Logan whispers. Roman considers kicking him, but he gets distracted by Emile’s voice. The ceremony continues on, with Roman and Patton holding each other’s hands tightly. Roman tilts their hands slightly, marvelling at the way the multicolored sunlight streaming through the stained glass glints off their wedding bands.
“You may lift the veil now,” Emile says gently. Roman squeezes Patton’s hands once before letting go and tenderly taking the lacy edges of the veil. He rubs the soft material between his thumb and index finger before carefully lifting the veil and flipping it over Patton’s head to reveal his face.
If he still had breath in his lungs, Patton’s face would steal it from him. His cheeks are glowing and rosy, and his eyes are perfectly framed with dark lashes and subtle eyeliner that brings out his irises. He has golden-red eyeshadow artfully painted on his upper lids, and his lips are a beautiful soft shiny pink. His mouth is slightly open, and Roman just wants to lean in and press kisses against it over and over and over again.
“By the power vested in me by the state of Pennsylvania, I now declare you husband and husband! You may now kiss the groom!”
Roman gently cups Patton’s face, careful not to smudge or smear Virgil’s beautiful makeup job. He gently swipes his thumbs over Patton’s cheeks, right beneath eyes that shimmer with tears. “Hello, husband,” he murmurs, leaning down to brush their noses together. Patton pushes himself up on his tip-toes and presses their mouths together, cupping Roman’s face in return. On one cheek, he feels the softness of Patton’s glove, and on the other he feels the cool metal of Patton’s wedding ring.
His arms slide down to wrap around Patton’s waist and brace his back as he dips him, keeping their lips pressed together as wedding bells begin to ring and the congregation erupts into thunderous applause. He’s kissed Patton a hundred, a thousand, a million times, but this is the first time he’s kissed his husband, and the searing fire in his lips and butterflies in his stomach are fresh as the very first time he’d ever kissed Patton.
Somehow, he prefers this kiss to the time Logan had slapped him a high-five while they kissed.
(Later, at the wedding reception, Patton turns his back to the crowd and throws his bouquet of flowers. When he and Roman turn around, Virgil is holding the bouquet, and Logan is fidgeting awkwardly.
“Would now be an inopportune time to propose?” he asks.
“YES, because this is MY WEDDING DAY!” Roman screeches, even as Virgil shakes their head and furiously pulls Logan in for a kiss.)
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jeseniaeep410 · 6 years ago
Youtube To MP3 & MP4 Converter
Sometimes, you want to convert your video and just hold the audio and reserve it as an MP3. MKV to MP4 Converter is an all-in-one MKV Converter. It will possibly convert MKV to MP4 format to make use of on your iPod, PSP, Apple TV or numerous different portable gadgets. Easy to make use of - Just two clicks, everybody can change into the master of MKV to MP4 Converter; Mechanically shutdown the computer after conversion; Excessive velocity - Provide > 300% converting pace by multithreading. Simultaneously convert your file to various codecs to fulfill different necessities. In case you are Apple Music subscriber and in addition need to take pleasure in Apple Music on MP3 players or other HD devices with out restrictions. Sidify Apple Music Converter must be the best choice, which lets you convert Apple Music tracks and iTunes M4P music to plain MP3 , AAC , FLAC and WAV format losslessly at as much as 20X speed, while conserving unique audio quality and all the ID tags. Aura Video to Audio inherits the YouTube downloader function from Aura Video Converter. In addition to downloading online movies (normally in FLV format) like YouTube videos, Google videos and MetaCafe movies, the Video to Audio converter software can be in a position to convert FLV videos, including downloaded YouTube FLV movies, to WMA, MP3, AAC, mp3Pack To mp4 Conversion WAV and OGG audio formats. Click on the Add Recordsdata" button to choose the MP4 file from the computer. This is likely one of the simplest ways to add an Audio file to your Fb, Twitter, Snapchat and other platforms where a direct MP3 file is just not allowed. You may also share the video on WhatsApp to your folks and family members. By using our converter you may easily convert your system videos to mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video) and different format and download them for free - this service works for computers, tablets and mobile gadgets. Stellar is suitable with 7 of the most well-liked audio file codecs—MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV, AAC, OGG, and FLAC. Not as broad as the one for the top converters, however ok mp3Pack To mp4 Conversion convert most of the fashionable audio recordsdata. The program is also able to extracting audio knowledge from video recordsdata. And just because the title implies, it does a stellar job changing video file formats to different formats. You may also obtain youtube music even faster ! We've got made a new solution to use our yt to mp3. Merely put the key phrase « stm » in front of handle url to download anything from youtube with just one tip ! This method is really convenient for users that do not have extension or don't want to use any addon. You won't have to sort our website in google anymore. The only thing, you should remember is the key phrase « stm ». It's actually practical and simple to use for everybody.
Wonderfox's Free HD Video Converter Factory gives a nice, straightforward-to-use multimedia converter program without cost, supporting all kinds of audio and video codecs, with options to transform them to almost another format of a similar kind, with quite a lot of presets to ensure compatibility with a range of smartphones and different device-pleasant formats. Users can set the bitrate and backbone, configure the encoders used and tweak the body charges, sample rates, and audio channel settings. The app even features a video downloader for ripping web movies. The free version limits you as much as 720 HD settings, with 1080 Full HD, 4k resolutions, batch conversions, and other options accessible in premium version, HD Video Converter Factory Professional. Nonetheless, even with these limitations, it is an excellent bundle. Step 2: Drag and drop the desired MP4 information to the software interface. You can also click Add Files > Load Media Recordsdata and browse MP4 file in your Mac. Prism is probably the most steady and complete multi-format video converter available and could be very easy to use. Download and set up Leawo Video Converter in your laptop (Mac users ought to swap to Mac version of Leawo Video Converter), and then comply with the information below to convert MP4 to MP3. Please note which you can additionally get an alternate downloader app and desktop converter for those who need extra handy approach to get your favourite songs in mp3. The guests make use of the video to MP3 converter as a result of they'll moreover convert any videos from YouTube.WAV (WAVE) information are audio files playable via multimedia playback software program similar to Home windows Media Player and other software program out there for your working system. These files comprise any sounds reminiscent of sound results, music or spoken words. WAV information are massive in size and with the advent of MP3 and MP4 WAV information are becoming less common and less widespread. They had been created and developed by IBM and Microsoft but unlike MP3 and MP4 the WAV file format doesn't use a type of lossy compression so file sizes are subsequently a lot bigger and now much less widespread.To transform songs presently in your iTunes library, open the software and find the Preferences menu from the iTunes dropdown on a Mac or Edit dropdown on a Home windows laptop. Next, click the Basic tab, then discover the Import Settings in the decrease section of the Preferences window. After that, click the dropdown next to Import Utilizing, select the format and click on OK to avoid wasting that import format because the default setting. iTunes permits for batch changing, so the final step is to pick all the files you wish to convert, click the File menu, then select Convert and click on Create MP3 Version. Should you selected a unique output format, it shows that format moderately than MP3.Free conversion utility can remodel both offline and on-line information. For example, you too can convert YouTube MP4 to MP3. At default settings, the applying converts recordsdata to MP3 with fixed bitrate (CBR) and automatically selects all of the encoding parameters so as to preserve the unique audio quality. Free MP4 Converter is helpful software program which permits customers convert any kind of format of video resembling MP4 to MP3 audio for playback, particularly on Apple products. The new model enhances the steadiness and velocity of audio conversion.Utilizing , it is simple to transform MP4 recordsdata to a variety of other formats. I need to convert all my wma music to mp3 is there a strategy to do it all of sudden or will I must spend hours doing each one individually. Hope you'll be able to assist way to many to don individually. By absolutely utilizing such tech, WinX DVD Ripper Platinum reaches incredible DVD ripping speeds that places its rivals to disgrace, particularly when performing DVD to MP4 conversions. You can even guarantee your ripped DVDs look their finest, as WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is the one DVD ripper that replicates your DVDs with out a single dropped body.
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calorieworkouts · 6 years ago
I Turned My Commute Into a Daily Run. Here`s How You Can Too
When I initially returned to Houston from New york city City six years back, I was thrilled to see that my brand-new office building was outfitted with a fitness center and a locker area with showers. Since I also lived just a couple of miles away, I could finally try something I had been fantasizing about as a morning exerciser for years: run travelling. I went on to go to and from benefit five years throughout three different tasks at offices all much less compared to 4 miles from my home.
I understand, the mini-luxury of a run commute is not possible for every person, as well as it's not an everyday thing (specifically when the weather misbehaves or when you need to carry your laptop or work documents home). If you are considering it-- if you, also, have desires of a car-free, no-traffic, no-delayed-trains commute-- then right here are my top 5 suggestions to assist you turn your travel to and also from work into a workout.
1. Plan backward from the moment you have to go to work.
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I recognized all that middle-school mathematics would come in convenient someday. Prior to I also set my alarm the evening before, I would certainly find out the timing of my run backward.
So if my workday started at 9 a.m., and also it takes me about Thirty Minutes to shower and prepare (low-maintenance FTW!), I would certainly plan to get here as well as be performed with my run by 8:30 a.m. If my prepared path and also distance usually took 45 minutes, I should be out the door by 7:45 a.m. From there, I would certainly determine when I should awaken, relying on just how long it would certainly take to drag myself out of bed. I directly am not a snoozer, yet I simulate to have my early morning coffee about HALF AN HOUR prior to I run, so in this timetable circumstance, I would plan to awaken by 7:15 a.m.
Imagine just how achieved you'll really feel sitting at your desk at 9 a.m., having currently had some coffee, traveled to work, as well as exercised!
2. Find the best route.
Run travelling is ideal for people who typically do not drive to work as well as have a pedestrian-friendly means to obtain there. That stated, the quickest course is not constantly the most safe, specifically in reduced light conditions of the very early morning or late afternoon. Believe about the distance you wish to cover one means and just how much time you need to do so.
If you recognize of a noticeable alternative for a route that avoids major roadways and also highways (state, a riverside path), you ought to be good to go. If not, have a look at Google Maps satellite sight to try to map it out on your own or have a look at user-generated running applications like Strava or MapMyRun to see where others in the area are heading.
3. Identify your shower situation.
If your workplace has a worker fitness center as well as locker space, send us some get in touch with information so we could apply there as well. (#goals) Kidding, but if you do, you are among the fortunate ones-- capitalize on it. If not, research nearby health club alternatives. If you do not intend to use the fitness center for much else besides showering, no in on less-expensive, no-frills gyms as opposed to a huge chain or shop studio.
Or, if you're lucky enough to stay in a cooler and drier climate (with Houston's sweltering humidity, I am not so lucky), you may be able to forgo the shower entirely as well as freshen up with cleaning wipes and completely dry shampoo.
4. Stash your job garments as well as non-valuables overnight.
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Whether you're leaving things in a gym storage locker or a locked desk cabinet, you'll intend to limit the stockpile to just your garments (so they do not wrinkle or get dirty in transit) and toiletries. Play it secure with your phone, keys, and also purse, as well as lug those on the run, either in a tiny knapsack or in your pocket. You could even abandon the whole pocketbook on run commute days and also simply travel with your ID as well as a credit rating card (in instance you need to get morning meal as well as lunch, spend for the commute back home, and so on).
5. Have a backup plan.
In case of an emergency situation (you forgot a crucial item at residence, you have to suffice short and obtain to function earlier, you mistakenly trip as well as fall), can you conveniently catch an Uber or taxi, or quickly get on a bus or train? The last point you'll want is to end up stranded and late to work without a good description, so plan for the worst however hope for the best.
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loadlo711 · 4 years ago
Hangout Chat Mac
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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hangouts Hangouts is cool and you can add a lot of people to chat with! But there is a just a teeny little problem, we can call each other but still chat in the call not go into the hangouts app just staying at the call and not leaving to go chat in the normal place. Safari 12 download for mac.
Latest update Facetime for Pc/Laptop lets you make free video calls with facetime ios app on wider screen. I think all apple ios users are aware of the facetime app. Facetime is the default video calling app for mac and ios devices. Facetime provides video calling features from one Apple device to another apple device i.e from Mac PC to iPhone or iPad and all could be connected together with a single app. Most of us think that it’s only available for Apple users.
Not at all for windows users, many companies are trying to develop facetime for windows. Hovering over the internet we found that that there is no official Facetime for Pc Version for Windows Computer.However, we also saw some interesting searches Download Facetime for Pc, Facetime download for Mac, Facetime for Windows 10. In this article, we are providing structured guide supported with images to download facetime for pc or laptop on Windows 10, Windows 8.1,8,7, XP and Mac Os.
Additionally, Apple’s latest AirPods firmware update adds the automatic switching feature to your second-gen AirPods and AirPods Pro. We’ll get into both of these below, but for now, here’s. An easy way to determine whether an update has been applied to the AirPods Max is to check the Version number. This isn’t the model number or anything of your specific headphones, but is the firmware version. At launch, the AirPods Max featured a firmware version number of ‘3C16‘. Apple has released a new firmware update for its AirPods Max, one that fixes battery issues experienced by a few owners. The new update name is 3C39 and replaces 3C16, which was the firmware number when AirPods Max was first launched. How to update macbook pro firmware. Apple has released new AirPods Max firmware which may address battery drain issues reported by customers. The update replaces version 3C16, which was installed when the AirPods Max first launched. Tiny EFI program for unlocking the Intel IGD on the Macbook Pro 11,3 for Linux and Windows. It has been made to be easily chainloaded by unmodified EFI bootloader like Grub, rEFInd etc. The Macbook Pro 11,3 model's EFI is switching off the Intel GPU if you boot anything but Mac OS X.
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Free Download Facetime for Pc/Laptop on Windows 10, Windows 7/8/8.1/Xp, Mac Os
Before choosing Facetime for Pc download, Let’s see Facetime video call app assets and features. Facetime is an apple company app developed and released with iPhone 4 for video calling standardized with W-LAN from one Apple device to another.
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Download and install Facetime for Pc/laptop on Windows 10,7,8,8.1, XP
Features of Facetime App :
Its setup is so easy and facetime app interface is simpler while compared with others.
Video Calling: A simplest Video Calling App to make Video Calls on iOS devices.
Make calls from one device to another device from anywhere.
HD quality Outgoing and Incoming.
Receive incoming calls while in the background also when facetime isn’t running.
Make Hd-Video calling with your PC to all devices with primary and secondary camera orientation.
Can opt between Voice, Video and Mute calls inside the app.
Visibility Settings are added Advantage in the latest version.
Add your frequent calls to your favorite list. You can also make a facetime conference call.
Since Facetime for Mac/iOS release, Many windows users have no questions about facetime video call app. Can’t we use facetime on windows Pc????? Until the development of facetime app for windows, the answer was No!!!!! Facetime Pc Version is available for Windows users also… Proceed to guide to know How to Download and Install Facetime for Pc with Windows 10, Windows 7/8/8.1/Xp Laptop.
Download and Install Official Facetime for Mac Pc or iPhone/iPad/iOS devices
Facetime for pc makes it easy to talk, smile and laugh with friends and family on their iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac Os. Getting this app is simple and easy. Simply enter your Apple ID and you’re ready to go. You can talk with your iPhone, iPad or Mac users Can make video calls to your favorite one’s with just a single click away. You can download facetime app also from Apple Store. All you need to do is just enter your Apple ID and install the app directly from Mac store. If you want the direct link to download and install facetime for pc click on the below link. Download FaceTime from Apple Store
Free Download Facetime for Pc/Laptop on Windows 10, Windows 7,8,8 .1 & XP
As we know Facetime for pc is officially not available for windows users, you can download it using Bluestacks app player. You can also download Imo Video call app for making free video calls in windows systems. Bluestacks is an android emulator app for running Android apps on your PC. If your system doesn’t have bluestacks app then download and install it on your pc using the below link.
Download Bluestacks for PC
Once you installed bluestacks app in your pc, all you need to do is simply follow the below simple steps provided to download facetime for windows computer. You can find Facetime alternatives in Bluestacks While searching for Facetime Pc App. You can also Install Facetime inside bluestacks by getting its Android Apk version.
Step 1: Open Bluestacks in your pc and click on the search box in bluestacks.
Typora mac. Facetime download for Pc/laptop
Step 2: Type “facetime ” in the search box and click on “Search play for facetime”.
Step 3: Click on the appropriate facetime app to install the app into your system.
Install Facetime app for Windows 10 Pc
Step 4: Click on the install button appearing on the screen and wait for some time to complete the installation of the app.
Step 5: Now navigate to Bluestacks home page-> All Apps-> you will see facetime app and enjoy making video calls with your friends on the windows system.
Facetime Pc App Download and Install on Windows 10/7/8/8.1 XP using Facetime Apk
Download the FaceTime APK App from the internet to your Pc.
Locate the apk file downloaded location on your Pc.
Right-click on the facetime apk and click on the option “Open With”
Look for Bluestacks Apk Handler and click on it.
Facetime Pc App installation setup on Windows will start and soon ends.
Now go back to home screen and find “All Apps” section of to find Facetime Pc App.
Hangout Chat Mac Download
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Download: OS X El Capitan This downloads as a disk image named InstallMacOSX.dmg. On a Mac that is compatible with El Capitan, open the disk image and run the installer within, named InstallMacOSX.pkg. It installs an app named Install OS X El Capitan into your Applications folder. Alternative Method to Install Mac OS X El Capitan ISO. Tried installing Mac OS X El Capitan ISO from the above method, but it didn’t work? We have another one for you. Download the macOS X El Capitan ISO file and don’t let it run automatically. Make a copy of the El Capitan ISO (10.11) on a disk or flash drive. Create el capitan usb installer from dmg. Brief Guide For Download El Capitan. In this article, we’ll also discuss few things that you should do before you upgrade your OS to the new Download El Capitan version in order to make sure your computer is all ready for the new upgrade including whether your Mac is compatible both in terms of hardware and software. An empty USB drive - This USB drive can be any size; it doesn't really matter, since the Hackintosh bootloader will only take up a few megabytes. We'll be erasing this drive, so make sure you back up any files that you have on it. Chameleon boot sector files - A collection of command-line tools that you'll need to create a boot USB drive in.
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I hope that you successfully Downloaded and Installed Facetime for Pc/Laptop on Windows 10,7,8,8.1, XP and Mac Os. If you still have any problems with installing the app feel free to share it with us. Do share this update with your friends on facebook, twitter, and google+. Thanks for reading this article.
Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities. Avidemux is available for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows under the GNU GPL license.
AviDemux 2.7.8 new features:
Many new video filters added by courtesy of https://github.com/szlldm
A dedicated MOV muxer is now available, replacing silent fallback to MOV muxing mode within the MP4 muxer.
A subset of color info relevant for HDR support is retained in copy mode when both input and output video are stored in Matroska / WebM containers. Settings to add or override color info have been added to MKV and WebM muxers.
The indexer in the MPEG-TS demuxer now detects resolution changes in MPEG-2 and H.264 streams which are entirely unsupported and suggests aborting indexing. If the user chooses to continue, it records file offsets of all resolution changes to the log. This allows advanced users to split the file at these offsets using other tools like head and tail into chunks which can be processed with Avidemux.
YUV varieties of the lossless Ut Video codec are supported now for decoding and encoding via bundled FFmpeg libraries.
Uncompressed 24-bit audio is now supported for a subset of file formats.
Limited support for 7.1 channel layout.
Decode and stream copy support for XLL substream in DTS audio tracks.
Audio properties are now updated on resuming playback. This allows to start saving after an audio format change. When audio format changes during playback, the FFmpeg-based audio decoder will output silence and keep format rather than producing garbage.
An option to keep the identity of markers A and B instead of swapping them automatically has been added to Preferences.
The keyboard shortcut for 'Delete' action has been made customizable with alternative keyboard shortcuts enabled.
Other Enhancements:
Multi-threaded video decoding is now available for the bundled FFmpeg.
On powerful multi-core CPUs, this can drastically improve decoding performance. A maximum of 8 threads can be created, but a conservative custom upper limit of 4 is recommended. Values above 8 cause decoding failures. Multi-threaded decoding and HW accelerated decoding are mutually exclusive, changes require application restart to have effect.
The maximum supported resolution has been increased to 8192x8192
The bundled FFmpeg has been updated to the 4.2.4 release.
Non-standard display aspect ratios can be configured in MP4 muxer by specifying display width.
MP4 muxer accepts now MPEG-1 and MPEG-2.
The configuration dialog of the x265 video encoder plugin enjoyed massive cleanup and refactoring by https://github.com/xyzzy42, more Adaptive Quatization Variance methods have been added.
Python interface has been substantially extended, includes now methods to query segment properties, the number and filenames of loaded videos, PTS of keyframes, methods to seek to time with preview updated, to open file dialogs filtered by extension and a built-in method to split filename extension from a given path.
Scripting shell now supports unicode characters.
On macOS, files can be loaded via Finder context menu or by dropping them onto Avidemux icon in the dock.
On Linux, Jobs GUI and the CLI executable can be launched from AppImage by creating a symlink with _jobs or _cli in filename respectively and running the AppImage via this symlink.
Rate control was broken in some video encoders, especially in VP9 and in NVENC-based encoders, fixed now.
Multiple issues in cut point checks for H.264 and HEVC streams in copy mode, leading to incorrect check results, were identified and resolved.
The first two frames of external AC3 or EAC3 audio tracks are not dropped anymore. This regression from enhanced protection against false positives, added 3 years ago, has been finally identified and fixed.
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olko71 · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2021/06/toshiba-shareholders-oust-chairman
Toshiba Shareholders Oust Chairman
TOKYO—A revolt by foreign shareholders at Toshiba Corp. TOSYY -0.63% has ousted the board’s chairman and audit committee, placed foreigners in three key board posts and set an example that will reverberate across Japan’s business world.
The upheaval at Friday’s shareholder meeting capped six years of turmoil that began with an accounting scandal and led to foreign shareholders owning a majority of the industrial conglomerate. After years of battling against Toshiba management and Japanese directors with roots in the country’s business culture, those foreign shareholders now have the upper hand.
“Because of today’s result, activists’ voices will likely get more attention from domestic investors in other cases,” said Masahiro Ichikawa, chief market strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management.
The shake-up Friday removed Toshiba’s board chairman, Osamu Nagayama, and put a former KPMG Hong Kong partner, Paul Brough, in charge of a powerful new strategic review committee on the board. Singapore-based financier G. Raymond Zage III will head the nomination committee while Jerry Black, an American retail veteran, will head the compensation committee.
The new board signaled openness to offers from global investors for parts of Toshiba or the entire company. “We believe it is important to engage with this investor base to understand what alternatives might be available to our shareholders,” it said in a statement.
The ousted chairman, Mr. Nagayama, had rebuffed an offer from CVC Capital Partners in April, saying it didn’t have enough detail.
The new board also said it would focus on raising shareholder returns through buybacks and dividends and engage a global executive search firm to look for a successor to Chief Executive Satoshi Tsunakawa, who will assume the board chairman role on an interim basis. Toshiba’s leaders until now have always been Japanese.
As recently as early this year, Toshiba’s board was stacked with veterans of corporate Japan and appeared to be in control. The audit committee, led by a former Nippon Steel Corp. executive, reviewed allegations that undue pressure was placed on foreign shareholders before last year’s annual meeting, and the review concluded in February there were no problems. A shareholder meeting was scheduled for March at which management hoped to put a final end to the activists’ complaints.
Television cameramen filming outside Toshiba’s annual general meeting in Tokyo on Friday.
Photo: kim kyung-hoon/Reuters
Instead, that meeting resulted in a vote ordering up a new investigation, which in turn uncovered evidence of broad collaboration between Toshiba executives and officials at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to stifle foreign shareholders’ voices. One executive wrote an email saying the group’s way of dealing with those shareholders was to “beat them up,” investigators found.
Mr. Nagayama, who said he wasn’t aware of the activity, tried to save his job by ousting executives and directors named in the report, but it was too late. After Friday’s vote, both he and the entire audit committee that was in place in February are gone.
Toshiba individual shareholder Kenkichi Abe said after Friday’s meeting that he voted against management recommendations. “I felt doubts and mistrust at the way they’re conducting maneuvers behind the scenes in hidden rooms,” he said.
Although it isn’t common for foreign shareholders to hold a majority of big Japanese companies, the Toshiba vote is likely to embolden other investors who have pushed for shareholder friendly changes.
Mr. Ichikawa of Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management said younger investors in Japan were more likely to listen to activists’ opinions. Also, the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s push to reduce cross-shareholdings in which big Japanese companies own stakes in one another would make it easier for foreign shareholders to make their case, he said.
NLI Research Institute strategist Shingo Ide said foreign directors would be helpful in overhauling companies. “They do not have any constraints within the company or with clients so they can think theoretically without getting swayed by emotion,” he said. “They have different ways of thinking from Japanese.”
Nonetheless, the foreign-dominated board at Toshiba will face challenges in streamlining the conglomerate, whose roots date to 1875. The company has suffered from a long string of accounting scandals, management infighting and bad business decisions. One of those decisions ended with the 2017 bankruptcy of Toshiba’s U.S. nuclear unit, Westinghouse Electric Co. The company has sold most of the consumer businesses, such as laptop computers, that once made it a household name.
Among the top Toshiba investors that pushed for change are Effissimo Capital Management Pte., a Singapore-based fund run by Japanese investors; Farallon Capital Management LLC, a San Francisco hedge fund known for having been founded by former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer; and Singapore-based 3D Investment Partners Pte.
In a statement, 3D welcomed the new board and said it hoped the shake-up “marks the beginning of a new era at Toshiba.” Effissimo didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Some foreign shareholders believe the best way to maximize Toshiba’s value is to put the company up for bidding by private-equity firms. Those firms would likely look to break off parts of the conglomerate, which makes elevators, semiconductors, nuclear power plants and sewerage systems among other things.
“Unless the company actively holds conversations with potential buyers about delisting, it’s impossible for them to make a credible and realistic offer,” Eijiro Imai, a Tokyo-based managing director of Farallon, said during an earnings call in May.
The new board declined to go so far as hanging a “for sale” sign on Toshiba but said the strategy committee would expand its scope and “undertake a full review of the current assets of the company.”
—Chieko Tsuneoka contributed to this article.
Write to Megumi Fujikawa at [email protected] and Peter Landers at [email protected]
Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
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visawords · 5 years ago
14 Ingenious Ways You Can Do With Credit Card Payment Icon | credit card payment icon
Be honest, the aftermost time you were in the grocery store, did you feel aloof a little careful about affecting the acquittal terminal? You know, the one that anybody abroad afore you had their fingers on too?
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Credit Card Payment Iconset (15 icons) | DesignBolts – credit card payment icon | credit card payment icon
If so, you’re not alone. Bodies are award acute agency to acclimate to the atypical coronavirus pandemic, and one of those agency is contactless acclaim cards. They’re so popular, in fact, that Visa afresh appear that the use of contactless acclaim cards in the U.S. is up by 150% from March 2019 to March 2020. 
We’re not actuality to fearmonger, and so it’s important to let you apperceive that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there’s actual little affirmation you can bolt the coronavirus from affecting adamantine surfaces. Still, they acclaim arena it safe. And besides, contactless acclaim cards acquire an added bonus: They’re quicker to process, acceptance you to captain through the band and get on with your day alike faster. 
Curious about how these chic little rectangles of technology work, and how they can advice you? Read on. 
Contactless acclaim cards are additionally accepted as “tap-to-pay acclaim cards,” or “tap-and-go acclaim cards.” They use a technology alleged Near Field Communication (NFC). It works like this: When you’re accessible to pay, you hover or tap the agenda aloof aloft the reader. The agenda itself has a dent and a tiny antenna central of it, which it uses to accelerate your acclaim agenda cardinal and a one-time-use cipher over that baby gap to the reader. 
This cipher identifies and verifies the transaction. That agency the agenda doesn’t charge to accelerate your name, announcement address, or the three-digit cipher on the back. In this way, it’s absolutely safer than added acceptable acclaim agenda purchases, such as those done online, as it’s harder for thieves to get authority of your claimed information. 
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If you’re not abiding whether you acquire a contactless acclaim card, there are two agency you can acquisition out: Either ask your agenda issuer or attending at the agenda itself. If it’s a contactless acclaim card, it’ll acquire a beachcomber attribute printed about on it. This logo looks a bit like a Wi-Fi attribute rotated on its side.
The merchant will charge a contactless acclaim agenda clairvoyant to acquire your payment. You can acquaint whether a clairvoyant accepts contactless cards or not because it’ll acquire the aforementioned beachcomber logo printed acutely on the machine. 
Americans aren’t application tap-and-go payments as abundant as bodies in Europe, area it’s been boundless for years. Contactless readers acquire absolutely been the big afraid point as abounding U.S. merchants aloof haven’t been advance their equipment. But coronavirus apropos accomplish it acceptable we’ll see this formed out added in the accessible months. 
If you’re afraid about active into a clairvoyant that doesn’t acquire contactless acclaim cards, there’s no need. You can still use your agenda the ancient way — by swiping, dipping, or alike entering in the advice manually.
Virtually all of the above acclaim agenda issuers action some array of contactless acclaim cards, abnormally for their added accepted cards. Most of American Express’s cards are accessible in contactless forms, for example, and Chase offers 22 contactless agenda options. It may be a bit accidental with abate agenda issuers, such as acclaim unions or abate banks. 
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Credit card, protection, secure payment icon – credit card payment icon | credit card payment icon
If you appetite a tap-to-pay acclaim card, you can consistently acquaintance your agenda issuer to ask if it offers a contactless adaptation of your card. Some of the above agenda issuers, such as Chase, alike acquiesce you to accomplish this analysis online. 
Contactless acclaim cards are about advised safer, both from a biological and a artifice perspective. Still, like any technology, they’re not foolproof, and they do acquaint new artifice risks you charge to be acquainted of. 
The better new blackmail is that accession physically steals your card. All they charge to do to buy article is to tap the card. They don’t charge to assurance anything, and they don’t charge to accommodate any ID. Losing your agenda or accepting a bandit (or, alternately, a cash-poor jailbait in your household) physically abduct it to use in-person isn’t as aerial on the calibration of accident as some added threats, but it is article to be acquainted of. 
In addition, it is accessible for thieves walking adjacent to browse your agenda with a radio abundance identification clairvoyant (similar to the one that you’d use at a banknote annals to pay) and aggregate your advice that way. But as we’ve already discussed, after your added advice — name, zip code, and the three-digit cipher on the aback — it’s mostly useless. 
Thieves can still get that advice in added ways, but they’d acquire to be added adamant than your boilerplate buck (and they could be). And if they do get that added advice as well, you’re still accessible to character artifice if accession impersonates you to affirmation a apocryphal tax acquittance or accessible a acclaim agenda in your name, for example. 
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Rest assured that alike if accession does accomplish artifice with your acclaim card, contactless cards acquire the aforementioned protections as approved cards. Most acclaim agenda companies action artifice accountability guarantees as continued as you acquaint them of any counterfeit accuse aural a reasonable time frame.
It absolutely doesn’t aching to get a contactless acclaim card. Alike if you never use it, at atomic you acquire the option. 
The alone affair to watch out for is that you don’t let your card’s contactless capabilities abeyance you into a apocryphal faculty of security. You still charge to accumulate an eye on your agenda so you can banderole any crooked charges. And if you anytime do lose your card, it’s alike added important to accomplish abiding you address it ASAP so your issuer can conciliate the card. 
But on the whole, contactless acclaim cards will acceptable chase hot on the heels of EMV-chips as the abutting big acclaim agenda technology. In this case, contactless acclaim cards are actually the beachcomber of the future.
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I had 4 Asian Cuisine restaurants in NYC I trusted to send girls home through.
In Iraq we used Mother Teresa.
In NYC I used the Chinese Outlets. So I'm very particular that y'all would abuse them. Most had came to the USA for a better life, made one and found that Americans had it worse thsn they did! And wanted to help. Some were kidnapped themselves, like by Jane's place.
So, anyone ridiculing the Chinese With violence or harassment needs to be arrested and dealt with appropriately.
In Texas I used local news media and lawyers.
In Alabama where i first started. I designed Al Qeada. Then used Mother Teresa to go at a faster pace while Al Qaeda learned the ropes in order to help her get people returned faster to keep all the bunkers empty throughout Iraq, Iran, Isreal, Egypt and all the ones we could reach. Together they acoomplished that.
So it was easy to empty The USSR 3 years later. Our system was fool proof. And good.
Unfortunately the USA and the qE2 teamed up again and imprisoned the real Queen of England you see today from 1991 to 2002. Then off and on until 2008 when Saint Luches "kidnapped her" with permission from then Princes William and Harry and herself and along with my crying pleas to protect her. All part of a sting to help escalate the 31200 factory deals and release some of the Abu from Iraq and Iran and the Chinese from the United States.
In Oklahoma I used the citizens of Okmulgee. The teachers at Preston which then shared information with the state to educate children of stranger,danger and teens of how to get safe jobs
By then I knew it was pointless to evacuate and kill and fight. I had to prevent and protect and work deals and negotiate wkth terrorists.
1. Alabama
2. NYC
3. Texas
4. Florida
5. Oklahoma
6. New Mexico
I wrote out of order. But this was my chronological order of operations.
After NYC i stayed above ground mostly. Those nights with Jane and Lily taught me that may be i was too young. That may be i did have a lot of growing to do.
But my heart craves those streets and the brisk walks In the cold nights.
I know staying off them has kept me alive.
So Jane and Lily stayed in those streets working and helping. And they're alive too. And they had each other and a constant working team
Which i have never had.
But in between living a normal life, and growing up... I had those meetings with terrorists. Being kidnapped in different ways. Being tortured in other ways.
Do i have regrets? Every day.
But what is most important is to keep on working. Keep on fighting. And just keeping on.
One thing that's best for me right now is i found my lifelong goal. I didn't ever know what it was. No job ever seemed right. I was always dissatisfied with options.
Would i be an amazing lawyer or doctor? Hell yes!
But my soul still felt empty with those options.
I remember in high school, graduation... "What's your goal in college?"
What the fuck? Who? What? Why? Such an absurdity that it made me viciously angry, full of hate at the world
Not because I didn't know what i wanted to do or know how but because it wasn't an option
Where was the box that said put a check here for something real like "World Peace" or "Make a difference worth keeping" or anything related to reality.
Sure be rich be a doctor. Save lives. You habe no idea how pointless that made me feel.
Be a lawyer. Sure hate myself and be a hypocrite because I can't remember anything worth a shit in the world that ive ever done. And have all the money in the world. Pointless.
So many options full of shit.
But now I have the ability to give people options. And i guess that's all i ever wanted to do. Free people and make super heroes of regular people in the world.
That's all i ever wanted to do. And it makes me feel safe and warm and cuddled in the corner of the world that is mine.
So i am grateful for all those that care and understand what i am feeling, the frustrations I have felt. Even if you don't feel it yourself but you understand.
I hope you will all be our super heroes of the World.
So stand up for someone that your intuition and intelligence says is being bullied.
Stand up to someone your intuition and intellect is telling you is bullying someone.
And if you can't tell the difference, find an older person in your neighbor hood or a younger person and explain to them fully what your eyes saw and your brain said and why and when.
And you'll both grow to be the greatest suoer heroes of all.
And sometimes you may feel you're not exactly understood. And you may not be. So ask someone else.
Like me, I prefer some one mean to talk to. Because I feel they know a lot. And they are suffering inside. They don't want to let down walls to trust anyone, because they have Seen too much pain and hurt.
And that is the type of person i need to talk to. Someone with real pain.
Like Saint Luches "fuck off I don't want to talk to you" he would always say that in 2008
Because i would make him cry. Everytime. Id ask him very difficult and tough questions. Tell him thank you and have my forehead wrinkled continued to work.
And he would cry. Because I cared. Not pretend to care So I could back stab him. But to help him.
A couple times he thought I was backstabbing him. And he accused me of it. So I would explain to him the web I had been caught in and how I was working to get out of it.
But because they believed what they wanted to, they went running their mouths.
So I let him in my laptop computer. Told him to look at all my documents. How I labeled them and what I would do with them.
And that is when he began to smile
He never took a break like me. Never lived ws a "normal" child.
Since 1985 hes been working everyday to stop human trafficking.
Everyday. Every single day.
I want to say i haven't. But the mental anguish i have suffered and the "normal life" is so that I could help the people coming out now to learn about how the rest of the world works
Although it never had worked for me, I always felt a mysterious place in the world needed m3 that I could never find nor define... I know how it works.
William and Harry have felt they had to leave the Kingdom to see how it is as well.
So while I quit the work and i changed my ways during it.
Its So it could all lead to this point here.
Channel KOAT news camera men being beat up multiple times while trying to document evacuations. (KRQE gave him a coat so he's safer. Yay!)
And that. Just that right there. Competitive news channels helping each other.
I mean world peace? Will it ever exist?
Yes. How can it not?
United We Stand.
Doing different things for the same goal.
Freedom. Sanity. Love. Friendship. Trust.
And more. The military offered him a camouflage jacket. But he understood he was there to be an alternative to the military and police due to their corruption. So he rejected their offer. Although it would saved him from a few more black eyes.
So the military asked KRQE and without hesitation, gave KOAT a jacket to use. Not due to fear, but kindness. And compassion.
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Why Is Digital Marketing So Important
Why is internet marketing so significant?
The next large hopes for the very best contributes to business growth and career growth.
As the internet users throughout the globe have been improved massively by year on year and as soon as it contrasts to because 2000-2018 the ratio is growing year by year. Currently the fifty percent (50%) of the populace around the world are utilizing the world wide web. And by 2020 the active internet users are crossing 65% of the population across the world.
The main reason to raise the active internet users in last few years is a result of the high usage of tablets tablets, and other smart mobile devices across the world. These are extremely convenient and useful to carry along with individuals where they go. Considering these things the online promotion is a huge and broadly open to all of the people around the globe to connect through multiple devices like (Mobile (Smartphone), Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smart TV etc.) So this will help the Digital Marketing industry to expand internationally their online market everywhere without having any stores in a specific place.
Now let us know the significance and the benefits of Digital Marketing. The important thing in the electronic marketing it is extremely simple to adapt and connect with the target market worldwide. There are a number of chapters beneath digital advertising class that's coming with different modules. A couple prime modules information are given below for the reference.
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The prime phases in digital marketing courses
1 Websites (for online presence) 2 Content Marketing 3 SEO/ Search Engine Optimization 4 Google Ads 5 Social Media Marketing/ / Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.. 6 Email Marketing 7 Mobile Marketing 8 Social Media Optimization 9 Online Reputations Management 10 Analytics
So when the industrialist, company operator, service providers understand these approaches why those are extremely vital in the electronic marketing and advertising area and also the need of internet presence for any company in current scenario then this may come to be very easy to implement the online advertising approaches in their field or industry.
Digital Marketing project openings are everywhere around the globe. Need to find out digital advertising and marketing classes thoroughly to perform well in the business. When you complete the digital marketing and advertising training from the institute in Academy, your confidence level would be high and you may easily get the task as wanted.
The Main Channels of Digital Marketing Courses
The online presence is very extremely valuable to any of the company for the present generation in the present marketing situation as with no website or information on internet about your business which can not be obtained away. So that the sites that is getting the complete facts about your company and gives more information for your customers or customers and makes them understand more about your company and its functions. So without the internet existence, it is challenging to reach more people and create the knowledge about the merchandise and manufacturer name.
Content Marketing
Why is articles very crucial in electronic Marketing field or internet marketing? Since the material is the king of all of the other chapters of digital marketing or internet advertising because when customer see a store directly to buy or inquire about some of this product from the shops the shopkeeper will explain them thoroughly the qualities and benefits of the merchandise.
Nevertheless, in regards to the online platform, the content itself will probably act/work as a sales executive or shopkeeper hence here the content will be your representative on behalf of your business. So that the content will attract more client, visitors or business towards your site when you write a unique content on your own page by itself the content begins talking about your products and businesses.
SEO/ Search Engine Optimization
This is among those procedures which enable you to record and operate your websites online or search engines like (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL, Baidu, DuckDuckGo etc.) without creating any payment on them. But the very significant thing in this can be it isn't so simple to position in SERP/ Search engine result page since there are numerous sites have been recorded under these research engine platforms so which must work difficult to rank better in search engine results page. This Procedure is called as an Internet Search Engine Optimization.
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Google Ads
Google ads are one of the best instruments to market the merchandise, services, or brands anywhere and everywhere across the world. The tool Google AdWords which is includes numerous choices within this computer software. Google Ads will provide an immediate result for any campaigns. To make a better a effort of your brand awareness and services the Google advertisements will provide a very good platform to the company owners, corporate businesses as well as the service providers around the world to reach their target audience via the Google AdWords channel. It is one of the main paid modules digital advertising courses.
SMM / / Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is one of the very effective methods in digital marketing and advertising strategies. The social networking marketing tools are included with various social networking sites. The significant SMM tools are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) these tools are extremely powerful to get to the people round the world within a couple of seconds of time. By using or implementing the strategies of social networking in any sort of solutions or company area is really likely to give them the hundred% results within their Social Media Marketing efforts. SMM could be learned using electronic advertising and marketing courses.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of their very old advertising procedures and effective tactics to send a single newsletter and other topics to the specific person by using the individual's e-mail id. This type will exist in future also, in spite of many others advertising channels, but the e-mail marketing will be continued as earlier with no hamper. As an email advertising methods are completely different compared to other marketing approaches. It is also one of the primary modules of Digital Marketing courses.
Mobile Marketing
The term mobile advertising sounds quite familiar to all us because of the people are extremely comfortable and fond of this device. Thus, this is among the most crucial factors of marketing with this application. There's not any limitation for using of mobile phones and the device will be with the people at all the time. So the mobile marketing which targets the users or audience of active internet users and non-active internet users on their mobile telephones. The distinction between active internet users and non-active net users once the user is utilizing the smartphone with info on his apparatus this is sometimes considered an active online user.
Non-active isn't connected with data or internet. There are a number of alternatives to make it to the non-active internet customers by sending out a text message, voice message and by phoning directly to their contact number and allowing them know about the features and services of the goods. For active internet users, it is possible to directly attain or send into your own inbox (email), WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts as well. Such marketing approaches are followed in mobile marketing. This module is also comprising electronic advertising and marketing classes.
To find out the whole processes of Digital Marketing Courses have to join a reputed electronic advertising and marketing training institute. At the seminar in Bangalore, we train the pupils from fundamentals to advanced degree advertising methods and approaches of internet marketing. That needs to be followed completely and this can enable them to understand each step through their training with practical understanding.
When you read all the above-mentioned info, you can readily understand that the value of digital marketing as well as the tendencies of current internet advertising situations also the benefits and benefits of its implementation in the industry, services or business around the globe to market and attain more your targeted audience/Customers across the planet to secure far better outcomes to the ROI/ return on those investments. Thus the digital advertising industry is going to be the next hopes for superior business results and career growth in coming years. To know more info click Houston Digital Marketing
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svetlanawagner-blog · 6 years ago
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While living in LA, we visited the no more than 5 times the ENTIRE year even though we said we wouldn’t take the for granted. We immediately regretted it after moving to land-locked Las Vegas.
Traffic was always our number one excuse for staying in, but we know we could have made the effort. Now that we’re back on the coast, we’re determined to enjoy San Diego’s beautiful es. We’re hoping to explore every in the area and make it out to a – new or old – once a week. Today, we put together a list of what to bring to the to help us and you stay organized.
A big thank you to Sparkling ICE for sponsoring this post. All opinions are always our own. This post may contain affiliate links, where we receive a small commission on sales of the products that are linked at no additional cost to you. Read our full disclosure for more info. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Local Adventurer possible.
Last Updated: Jun 7, 2019 // Originally Published: Jun 11, 2015
What to Bring to the Beach - Our Beach Essentials Packing List
Beach Bag – It’s especially good if it’s like this one with a zipper or clasps at the top and you can use it as your personal carry on item too.
Dry Backpack or Dry Bag – Jacob likes to carry this backpack to keep our stuff dry.
 Reef Safe Sunscreen – Skin cancer is no joke! We used to love using our Neutrogena Dry Touch, but after reading up on what ingredients go into their sunscreens along with other big brands, we’ve found some great non-toxic alternatives. Keep in mind sunscreens above SPF 50 only add slightly more protection. If you find oxybenzone, octinoxate, octocrylene, homosalate, or octisalate on the label, it is not reef friendly. Mineral sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are generally safer.
Chapstick with SPF – Jacob’s burnt his lips more than once because he forgot about them. This one is SPF 30.
 Cheap Big Sunglasses – I keep my nicer pair in the car, so that they don’t get scratched up by the sand. You want big sunglasses to be able to protect all around your eye.
Sunhat – Gotta keep the sun off your face. The one I’m wearing above is from San Diego Hat Company.
 Swim Cover Up
Summer Attire – Summer dress, tank top or tee, and shorts.
Beach Towel – This is a cute watermelon one from ban.do.
 Beach Blanket or Portable Beach Mat – Lately, it’s been too cold to get in the water, so we like to bring a blanket to relax on. Jacob hates getting sand in everything, so that’s the best way to keep the sand away. We got ours a while back at our alma mater.
A Good Book – Nothings better than feeling the breeze, soaking in the sun, and enjoying a good book. We typically bring our Kindles with us so we have multiple options on what to read. I’m currently reading Slaughterhouse Five, and Jacob is currently reading The Giver. What about you?
A Light Jacket – Even though the is usually nice, winds can always pick up and make it chilly as the sun sets. Be sure to bring a light jacket to stay warm. We really like our Patagonia nano puff jackets that pack up small.
Change of Clothes – Always good to have just in case.
 Camera – Whether it’s a phone, a point-and-shoot, GoPro, or DSLR, we like to have at least one camera (if not all 4) to capture the moments.
Waterproof Flip Flops x2 or Water Shoes: These flip flops go with me everywhere. They’re so thin and light that I can pack them in the side pocket of my backpack and forget about them until I need them. Pack an extra pair in case one breaks. I’ve had flip flops break on me on trips before, and it’s never fun hobbling back to the hotel. You also might want to consider bringing water shoes if you’re at a with rocky surfaces.
 Baby Powder – It removes moisture from your skin so sand will fall off easily.
Bug Repellent
Kleenex Wet Wipes or Sanitizer – this is the germ removal kind.
Zip Lock Bags in Various Sizes – I actually bring ziplock bags on every trip because they’ve come in so handy on many occasions. You can use them to protect your phone and personal items from getting wet or pack your wet swimsuits afterward.
 Portable Phone Charger: This Anker charger keeps both our devices charged all day.
First Aid Kit – We don’t always pack one, but we know we should.
Snorkel, Mask, Fins – if you can snorkel right off the , we prefer to bring our own masks and snorkels since it fits our faces better.
Wetsuit – if you’re swimming out in San Diego, you need a thick wetsuit.
 Rash Guard – for extra protection from the sun.
 Spare Change for Parking Meter
 Snacks – To keep the hanger at bay, we always bring some of our favorite beef jerky or trail mix to appease the monster. It’s good to bring nice portable snacks that won’t melt in the sun. Great snack options are fruit, nuts, crackers, and power bars.
 Hydroflask Bottle or Growler – to keep your drinks cold.
 Cooler Filled With Water and Beverage of Choice – It’s always important to stay hydrated. Doctors recommend you drink 8 full glasses of water. I’ve never liked drinking regular water, so it’s been nice having our fridge full of Sparking ICE. They have over 20 sparkling water flavors, and they have no calories. I love the fizziness, and my favorite flavor so far is Peach Nectarine.
More: How to Pack for a Snorkeling Trip
More Things to Bring to the Beach
These aren’t necessities but make life easier or more fun.
Beach Umbrella – Sure, you don’t need a umbrella, but once you use one, it’s hard to go back to the old life. This one is very packable and can turn into a sun or rain canopy or try this portable tent that’s easy to set up.
Camping Chairs – these fold down way smaller than chairs.
 Waterproof Portable Outdoor Speaker
 Towel Clips – to keep your towel in place
 Sand Coaster – to keep your drink from falling over.
Inflatable Lounger / Hammock
Giant Pool Float
Float Strap – for cameras, phones, and other devices
Entertainment – Frisbee, Football, Volleyball Kite, Card Games, Toys to Play in the Sand, Slackline
 Whistle – It’s good to have especially when ing with children.
 Binoculars – to do some birding or to scout other wildlife.
 Walkie Talkie – if there’s no service
cutest watermelon cooler / bag that I’ve been toting everywhere!
More: The Best Summer Sandals for Travel Road Tested and Reviewed
Essential Tips
Pick a Beach Bag you don’t mind getting dirty. Large totes or medium size backpacks are good. Compartments and pockets help keep things organized and water resistance is always a plus.
Maximize space by using cubes and rolling your clothes and towels at the bottom of bag.
Leave most of your valuables at home including your nice pair of sunglasses.
Weigh your luggage to make sure they will not go over the allowed weight. 
Personal Items
ID Driver’s License or Passport
Credit Cards and Cash
Insurance Cards
Car Rental and Hotel Information
 Phone + Charger + Portable Charger
Printable PDF
Clothes to Bring on Every Trip
Bras and Underwear
Nicer Outfit for Dinners
Workout Clothes
Tees + Tops
Shorts, Pants
Dryer Sheets – keep it in your suitcase to keep your clothes smelling fresh.
Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap / Body Wash, Lotion – Most hotels will carry these already. I usually only pack my own conditioner since my hair is so damaged and needs extra love.
Travel Hair Dryer – depending on where we stay, I’ll bring my own mini hair dryer.
Hairbrush – love the tangle teezer.
 Hair ties, Bobby Pins, Clips, Spin Pins – I always lose them so I like to bring extras and stash them in each bag.
Hair Product – Hair Cream, Gel, Spray
Shower Cap
Flat Iron or Curling Iron
Contacts, Contact Case, Contact Solution
Eye Drops
Makeup Bag + Makeup Listed Below
Pads and Tampons
Nail Clipper
Meds Prescription, Vitamin, Benadryl, Dramamine, Pain Reliever
First Aid Kit
Eye Mask
Ear Plugs – You never know when you will have snoring roomies. 
Garbage Bag
  Magic Cushion – this works as a great foundation and concealer
Face Setting Spray
Eyeshadow Pencil
Lipstick pencil
Chapstick with SPF
Makeup Remover – I’ve been collecting extras from hotels whenever I can, but I also love using these Grapefruit ones.
Eye Cream
Power Adapter and Converter
Phone Charger
Portable Phone Charger
Laptop Cables
Camera / GoPro
 Waterproof Case for Cameras and Phone
 Waterproof Outdoor Speakers for music
More: Your Essential Underwater Photography Guide
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Favorite Beach Destinations
Pfeiffer Beach, Big Sur, California
Zuma Beach, Malibu, California
Torrey Pines, La Jolla, California
Your Ultimate Oregon Coast Road Trip
All the Best Stops on Your California Coast Road Trip
Waipio Valley Black Sand Beach, Big Island, Hawaii
19 Incredible Road to Hana Stops
15 Best Things to Do in Turks and Caicos
Agios Sostis Beach, Mykonos, Greece
15 Most Beautiful Beaches in Greece
Checklist - Do This Before You Leave Your House
Stop deliveries – or have a friend or neighbor take packages inside for you.
Board your pets or hire a petsitter
Take care of any bills
Unplug appliances
Put all valuables in a safe
Empty the fridge
Take out garbage
Set Thermostat
Lock doors and windows
Send your itinerary to a friend or emergency contact just in case.
Set Alarm
Address, map
What to Bring to the Beach
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To Do
To Do
What do you usually pack for the ? Any essentials we’re missing?
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“Discovery consists not of seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes” – M. Proust
Esther + Jacob
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 5 blogs in the US. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They explore a new city in depth every year and currently base themselves in Las Vegas.
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endenogatai · 5 years ago
LivingPackets hopes to nurture a circular economy with its smart parcels
More than ever before, people are getting life’s essentials delivered — good news for Amazon, but bad news for the environment, which must bear the consequences of the resulting waste. LivingPackets is a Berlin-based startup that aims to replace the familiar cardboard box with an alternative that’s smarter, more secure and possibly the building block of a new circular economy.
The primary product created by LivingPackets is called The Box, and it’s just that: a box. But not just any box. This one is reusable, durable, digitally locked and monitored, with a smartphone’s worth of sensors and gadgets that make it trackable and versatile, and an E-Ink screen so its destination or contents can be updated at will. A prototype shown at CES and a few other locations attracted some interest, but the company is now well into producing V2 of The Box, improved in many ways and ready to be deployed at the scale of hundreds of thousands.
Sure, it costs a lot more than a cardboard box. But once a LivingPackets Box has been used a couple hundred times for returns and local distribution purposes, it breaks even with its paper-based predecessor. Cardboard is cheap to make new, but it doesn’t last long — and that’s not its only problem.
The Box, pictured here with standard cardboard boxes on a conveyor belt, is meant to be compatible with lots of existing intrastructure. Image Credits: LivingPackets 
“If you think about it, online transactions are still risky,” said co-founder Sebastian Rumberg. “The physical transaction and financial transaction don’t happen in parallel: You pay up front, and the seller sends something into the void. You may not receive it, or maybe you do and you say you didn’t, so the company has to claim it with insurers.”
“The logistics system is over-capacity; there’s frustration with DHL and other carriers,” he said. “People in e-commerce and logistics know what they’re missing, what their problems are. Demand has grown, but there’s no innovation.”
And indeed, it does seem strange that although delivery has become much more important to practically everyone over the last decade and especially in recent months, it’s pretty much done the same way it’s been done for a century — except you might get an email when the package arrives. LivingPackets aims to upend this by completely reinventing the package, leaving things like theft, damage and missed connections in the past.
Apps let users track the location and status of their box. Image Credits: LivingPackets
“You’re in full control of everything involved,” he explained. “You know where the parcel is, what’s happening to it. You can look inside. You can say, I’m not at the location for delivery right now, I’m at my office, and just update the address. You don’t need filling material, you don’t need a paper label. You can tell when the seal is broken, when the item is removed.”
It all sounds great, but cardboard is simple and, while limited, proven. Why should anyone switch over to such a fancy device? The business model has to account for this, so it does — and then some.
To begin with, LivingPackets doesn’t actually sell The Box. It provides it to customers and charges per use — “packaging as a service,” as they call it. This prevents the possibility of a business balking at the upfront cost of a few thousand of these.
As a service, it simplifies a lot of existing pain points for merchants, consumers and logistics companies.
For merchants, among other things, tracking and insurance are much simpler. As co-founder Alexander Cotte explained, and as surely many reading this have experienced, it’s practically impossible to know what happened to a missing package, even if it’s something large or expensive. With better tracking, lossage can be mitigated to start, and the question of who’s responsible, where it was taken, and so on can be determined in a straightforward way.
For packaging and delivery companies, the standard form factor with adjustable interior makes these boxes easy to pack and difficult to meddle with or damage — tests with European online retail showed that handling time and costs can be reduced by more than half. LivingPackets also pays for pickup, so delivery companies can recoup costs without changing routes. And generally speaking, more data, more traceability, is a good thing.
For consumers, the most obvious improvement is returns; no need to print a label or for the company to pre-package one, just notify them and the return address appears on the box automatically. In addition there are opportunities once an essentially pre-paid box is in a consumer’s house: for instance, selling or donating an old phone or laptop. LivingPackets will be operating partnerships whereby you can just toss your old gear in the box and it will make its way to the right locations. Or a consumer can hang onto the box until the item they’re selling on eBay is bought and send it that way. Or a neighbor can — and yes, they’re working on the public health side of that, with antibiotic coatings and other protections against spreading COVID-19.
The Box locks securely but also folds down for storage when empty. Image Credits: LivingPackets
The idea underpinning all this, and which was wrapped up in this company from the start, is that of creating a real circular economy, building decentralized value and reducing waste. Even The Box itself is made of materials that can be reused, should it be damaged, in the creation of its replacement. In addition to the market efficiencies added by turning parcels into traveling IoT devices, reusing the boxes could reduce waste and carbon emissions — once you get past the first hundred uses or so, The Box pays for itself in more ways than one. Early pilots with carriers and retailers in France and Germany have borne this out.
That philosophy is embodied in LivingPackets’ unusual form of funding itself: a combination of bootstrapping and crowdsourced equity.
Cotte and his father founded investment firm the Cotte Group, which provided a good starting point for said bootstrapping, but he noted that every employee is taking a less than competitive wage with the hope that the company’s profit-sharing plan will pan out. Even so, with 95 employees, that amounts to several million a year even by the most conservative estimate — this is no small operation.
CEO Alex Cotte sits with V2 of The Box. Image Credits: LivingPackets
Part of keeping the lights on, then, is the ongoing crowdfunding campaign, which has pulled in somewhere north of €6 million, from individuals contributing as little as €50 or as much as €20,000. This, Cotte said, is largely to finance the cost of production, while he and the founding team essentially funded the R&D period. Half of future profits are earmarked for paying back these contributors multiple times their investment — not exactly the sort of business model you see in Silicon Valley. But that’s kind of the point, they explained.
“Obviously all the people working for us believe deeply in what we’re doing,” Cotte said. “They’re willing to take a step back now to create value together and not just take value out of an existing system. And you need to share the value you create with the people who helped you create it.”
It’s hard to imagine a future where these newfangled boxes replace even a noticeable proportion of the truly astronomical number of cardboard boxes being used every day. But even so, getting them into a few key distribution channels could prove they work as intended — and improvements to the well-oiled machines (and deeply rutted paths) of logistics can spread like wildfire once the innumerable companies the industry touches see there’s a better way.
The aims and means of LivingPackets may be rather utopian, but that could be the moonshot thinking that’s necessary to dislodge the logistics business from its current, decidedly last-century methods.
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udemytutorialfreedownload · 5 years ago
This Indian firm wants to give you a reliable, more secure alternative to Zoom – tech
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At a time after we can not meet one another and do the issues we usually did to keep in contact and converse, apps like WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, Google Duo, Blue Denims, Microsoft Groups, Zoom and so forth have come to our rescue. Caught at dwelling for a whereas now, video calls have turn out to be a mainstay for many of us. You is likely to be utilizing them to your workplace calls or to simply chat with family and friends.
Nevertheless, whereas some apps enable solely a few individuals to participate in a video/voice chat, others have been coping with a entire bunch of safety and privateness points. In all this, the necessity to discover a secure, steady alternative, ideally an indigenous one, has been rising.
Enter, Say Namaste.
Made by Mumbai-based mostly firm Inscripts, Say Namaste dropped into the scene simply a few days in the past and has already crossed half a million customers (5 lakhs). They’re including roughly one lakh customers per day.
For starters, let’s make it clear that Say Namaste isn’t the Indian authorities’s official video calling app. The federal government has referred to as on tech corporations to develop a secure alternative to Zoom and has declared prize cash of Rs 1 crore to the winner, and Say Namaste might be taking part. Nevertheless, the app is in it’s beta testing section for now, and might solely be accessed on-line, from saynamaste.in (More on this later).
Additionally Learn: Govt invitations tech corporations to construct a secure Zoom-alternative, winner to get Rs 1 crore
Inscripts was based by twin brothers Anuj and Anant Garg who’ve been within the enterprise of making communication merchandise for enterprises for the previous 10 years. The corporate claims it’s APIs (utility program interfaces) are utilized by numerous corporations for his or her video conferencing amenities, textual content chats and so forth.
Say Namaste, although, got here into being by likelihood, on a day when the crew was discussing privateness issues in video calls. Why isn’t there an Indian app? We want one, they thought, and the remainder, as they are saying, is (latest) historical past.
“We’ve developed this underlying expertise, now we have experience on this, why don’t we simply go construct our personal app? That was the genesis,” mentioned Anuj. So, the crew went forward and constructed a net app that they began utilizing to talk internally. “One among us advised Namaste and it instantly resonated with everybody,” Anuj mentioned, whereas speaking about the place the identify got here from. In accordance to him, this was the primary time the crew used its personal product as a buyer.
Anuj ultimately determined to put it on Fb in order that he may get some actual-world suggestions. He additionally despatched a few hyperlinks out on WhatsApp. Whereas the crew determined to sleep on it, a few days later Anuj was woken up to a entire barrage of texts about a firm that has launched a new video-conferencing app.
Overlook Zoom and others, use this Indian-made app….
Anuj realised that folks have been speaking about Say Namaste.
We’ve been working 24/7 to sustain with the demand, to see how we will scale this resolution, it’s a huge spike, mentioned Anuj.
“We’ve been serving enterprise clients up to now, we all know what it takes to serve these clients,” he mentioned including that when you transfer from catering to 5,000 clients to 500,000, it brings its personal set of challenges.
“We’ve labored with banks, medical companies and so forth, so privateness and safety are a a part of Inscript’s DNA,” Anuj defined. Whereas a lot of issues have been already in place, the corporate is now considering of the way to strengthen the app and to scale it. “Proper now all our efforts are in the direction of breaking our personal software program, so no one else can break it,” he added.
The ship is being constructed whereas they sail it, and the main focus is on conserving it quite simple — a one-click on video conferencing expertise from begin to the top. When one thing goes viral, you can not plan for it, you scale with it,” mentioned Anuj.
“My usability tester on that is my mom. So long as she will be able to determine it out it’s nice,” he mentioned. He goes again to the drafting board at any time when his mom says she will be able to’t perceive one thing on the app.
How does one use Say Namaste to chat?
As talked about above, you begin at saynamaste.in. Enter your identify and hit ‘begin assembly’. You share the main points of this assembly with anybody and as soon as it begins, they arrive on to the identical web site, enter their identify, the assembly ID, and the secure assembly code to be a part of. The assembly ID and a non-public assembly code are important to all calls, which retains folks from becoming a member of uninvited.
A one-click on video-conferencing resolution with servers in India, so information residency is assured. ( saynamaste.in )
The corporate claims that the positioning doesn’t gather your electronic mail ID, and it doesn’t ask you to log in with Fb or Google. You possibly can enter any identify you need to use for the assembly. “We’re solely gathering information that’s wanted to facilitate your name, like your IP tackle. However we use that over the period of the decision and it’s forgotten after that. We aren’t storing something on our servers proper now, no chats, nothing. We’re decreasing all these potentialities of safety breaches,” Anuj defined.
How secure is all of this?
Cyptographic requirements like AES 256 bit encryption and TLS (Transport Safety Layer) encryption are already in place, Anuj claims.
“All our information is encrypted at relaxation and encrypted at transmit. We even have our GDPR (Common Information Safety Regulation) compliance in place. Issues like 2FA (two-issue authentication) are being constructed and might be launched quickly, we’re nonetheless experimenting with it when it comes to how we ensure that the expertise isn’t damaged,” he added.
“Finish-to-end encryption will get thrown about like it’s the be-all and finish-all of safety, however that’s not the case. There are numerous, many elements that go into making a secure utility. Encryption is one in every of them and we’re encrypted,” mentioned Anuj.
The corporate is engaged on a lot of issues because it tries not solely to scale its product, but in addition to get all the safety protocols in place. “We’re within the means of getting a third-get together impartial audit performed. The concept is to begin determining what the chinks within the armour are,” Anuj defined.
The app is constructed for less complicated use instances proper now, however Anuj mentioned the corporate will add customised log-ins and authentication techniques (normally required for enterprise use instances) when the necessity arises.
The truth that Say Namaste relies in India means it’s servers are based mostly right here too, which is one other factor that the corporate hopes will set it aside from different video-conferencing apps. “Relying on how this strikes forward we’re additionally working with a few corporates as a pilot proper now, so we will work out particular wants and construct the safeguards right here as an alternative of getting it from outdoors India,” Anuj mentioned.
Whereas Anuj says that comparisons with Zoom, which is a multi million greenback firm, is unfair at this level, Inscript is conscious that it’s build up to tackle giants.
“We’re ensuring we study from others’ errors. Our focus proper now’s to be in tune with what our clients want,” Anuj mentioned.
How many individuals on a name then?
Anuj mentioned that they’ve been doing “actually good calls with about 25 individuals” and there are individuals who have performed calls with more individuals, their information reveals that, however they don’t seem to be positive how scalable that’s proper now.
The corporate’s goal is to attain 100 individuals. Nevertheless it doesn’t cease there. “It’s not purely a numerical factor. One additionally has to take a look at the use case. Like in a webinar, for a 1,000 individuals, you don’t essentially need everybody to use video. That’s a one-to-many form of a dialog as opposed to a many-to-many dialog — there are alternative ways to scale that,” he defined.
What can you not do on Say Namaste proper now?
Anuj mentioned the corporate is engaged on options that might be “recreation changers”, however there are nonetheless issues you can’t do on Say Namaste. At the very least for now.
For one, there isn’t a app proper now. Say Namaste is barely supported on laptops, desktops or Android telephones (not iOS) by the Chrome browser.
Its cellphone apps are being examined. “We’ve already revealed it on the Play Retailer and the App Retailer and despatched it for evaluate. Nevertheless it’s not out for the general public but,” Anuj mentioned. Moreover the apps, the crew may also be including more browser help.
Say Namaste is free proper now however there might be a premium mannequin in future for energy customers.
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cryptowavesxyz · 5 years ago
Coronavirus ‘Didn’t Cause’ Crash, BTC Recovery ‘Will Take Months’: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 16–22
Coming every Sunday, Hodler’s Digest will help you track every single important news story that happened this week. The best (and worst) quotes, adoption and regulation highlights, leading coins, predictions and much more — a week on Cointelegraph in one link.
Top Stories This Week
Bitcoin price did not crash 60% due to coronavirus, Binance CEO says
It’s fashionable to think that Black Thursday’s bloodbath on the crypto markets was caused by the coronavirus. But Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, disagrees. He believes the pandemic certainly triggered the current global meltdown — but added the mass sell-offs over recent weeks have proved that the world’s economy is far too weak. Many investors are hoarding cash as the uncertainty continues, but Zhao believes they will begin to broaden their portfolios in time. “Have people bought more Bitcoin yet? No, in most cases. Many of them are still panicking over toilet paper,” he said. BTC has come a long way over the past seven days — and, at the time of writing, it’s up by 12%, sitting pretty at about $6,000. This is some way off the highs of $6,900 that were achieved earlier in the week.
Is Bitcoin correlated with the U.S. stock market?
The debate now is about how closely Bitcoin’s performance is tied to the U.S. stock market. According to research by Santiment, the correlation between BTC and the S&P 500 has now reached a two-year high — a bearish sign for the crypto markets. Historical data shows that such a high correlation is often accompanied by major downturns in BTC’s value. Santiment said: “With this pandemic, we are obviously seeing very similar movements in tandem as the coronavirus justifiably has investors in virtually every sector in a similar state of cautiousness.” Not everyone agrees with this analysis, though. Since the March 13 lows of $3,775, BTC has rallied by about 77%. Compare that with the S&P 500, which has fallen by 7.4%, and the Dow Jones, which is off by about 10% over the same period.
Congress proposal to give everyone $2,000/month “strengthens case for Bitcoin”
Countries around the world are now trying to figure out how to support those who have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus — and how to keep their economies afloat. In the U.S., one Democratic representative in Congress has proposed giving $2,000 a month to every adult — and $1,000 to every child. Other nations are similarly exploring radical measures, with the U.K. recently announcing plans to pay 80% of the wages of workers on furlough. Some in the crypto community have been taken aback by these ideas. Mati Greenspan, founder of Quantum Economics, told Cointelegraph that the American proposal would cause massive inflation — and would even benefit Bitcoin in the long run if the Democrats won the White House in November.
MakerDAO governance approves USDC stablecoin as collateral
We’ve got a little bit of time to switch gears and cover some different news in this week’s Hodler’s Digest. MakerDAO has added the USDC stablecoin as a third type of collateral, following an emergency vote this week. The move is designed to urgently increase Dai’s liquidity after how last week’s ETH flash crash created bad debt worth millions of dollars. A major downside with this decision is how it undercuts Dai’s selling point of exclusively being backed with decentralized assets. USDC is pegged to the U.S. dollar and was created by Coinbase and Circle.
Bakkt announces new direct payment integration with Starbucks
Bakkt — a platform best known for offering crypto derivatives — is diversifying into retail applications for digital assets. The company’s new app, Bakkt Cash, has now been added as a payment method to the Starbucks app on a trial basis. The ability to buy a caramel latte with an extra espresso shot using crypto is sure to cause plenty of excitement. Also this week, Bakkt managed to raise $300 million in a Series C funding round that was backed by Microsoft’s venture capital arm and the Intercontinental Exchange. The company is developing an app where cash, cryptocurrencies and loyalty points can be stored in one place and used to make purchases. Unfortunately, it’s unclear how much this new Bakkt feature will be used by Starbucks customers, with the coffee chain closing its locations to eat-in customers because of the coronavirus.
Winners and Losers
At the end of the week, Bitcoin is at $6,093.87, Ether at $128.94 and XRP at $0.15. The total market cap is at $170,237,547,952.
Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are Swipe, Numeraire and MCO. The top three altcoin losers of the week are Hedera Hashgraph, Komodo and Terra.
For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph’s market analysis.
Most Memorable Quotations
“In 2008, there wasn’t a pandemic pausing global economy. But I believe the coronavirus is just a trigger, not the root cause. Our economy should be stronger, at least strong enough to survive some shocks.”
Changpeng Zhao, Binance CEO
“We are stepping into the next generation. The next generation is happening right now with national bank-issued stablecoins, I believe. I would say it will grow the cryptocurrency user base like 10 times or more.”
Lennix Lai, director of financial markets, OKEx
  “The technology makes sense. The reason why it hasn’t become widely accepted is that Corporate America has a ‘walled garden’ approach to data — they need to start sharing data, a huge paradigm shift.”
Lisa Butters, Honeywell International Inc.
Prediction of the Week
Bitcoin’s price recovery may take months, Fundstrat analyst warns
We’ve seen some green shoots in Bitcoin’s price this week, but one technical analyst at Fundstrat Global Advisors warns that it might be some time before it stages a full recovery. Rob Sluymer said that “lower highs and lower lows are in place for Bitcoin” after investors practically fled every asset class — and this leaves it in a “compromised, potentially vulnerable long-term profile.” Looking ahead, he added: “Bitcoin will likely need months of consolidation to repair the technical damage now in place.” Another prediction this week came from eToro analyst Simon Peters, who predicted that the coronavirus crisis could strengthen Bitcoin.
FUD of the Week
Woman arrested for stealing $480,000 from crypto exchange she co-founded
A woman has been arrested for stealing 63.5 BTC from the cryptocurrency exchange she had previously co-founded. Ayushi Jain used to work for Bitcipher Labs and was arrested in the Indian city of Bengaluru. The 26-year-old was accused of stealing the cryptocurrency — worth about $480,000 — in two unauthorized transactions on Jan. 11 and March 11. Ayushi has since confessed to the theft, and the stolen funds have been recovered by detectives. A senior police officer said: “We seized a laptop which contained the history, showing how Ayushi used the passphrase and stole money in installments between January and March.”
Less than 1% of Australians used crypto to pay for services in 2019
A study by the Reserve Bank of Australia suggests that cryptocurrencies aren’t as popular as previously thought. The survey revealed that less than 1% of Australians used digital assets like Bitcoin to make a consumer payment in 2019. This is despite the fact that electronic transactions are becoming increasingly popular, and over 80% of those polled had heard about cryptocurrencies. In terms of the most-used alternative payment methods, crypto was third behind “buy now, pay later” services and “tap and go” mobile payments.
Bitfinex to delist 87 crypto trading pairs aiming to improve liquidity
Bitfinex has announced that it is removing 87 crypto trading pairs due to low liquidity levels. The major cryptocurrency exchange hopes the measure will improve liquidity elsewhere and help it move toward a more streamlined and optimized trading experience. In a statement provided to Cointelegraph, Bitfinex said: “The decision was taken after monitoring [the pairs] for six weeks and finding a consistent low level of liquidity. We take this type of action to concentrate trading in fewer pairs.”
Best Cointelegraph Features
Does Bitcoin have intrinsic value or is it based on thin air?
Bitcoin was dealt a blow after the newly appointed Bank of England governor said that Bitcoin has no extrinsic value — echoing similar remarks by billionaires including Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett. Are they right? Joseph Young finds out.
Flying hot off the shelves — virtual land based on blockchain
Virtual land worth hundreds of thousands of dollars has been sold on platforms such as Decentraland — and one deal was worth a whopping $215,000. Elena Perez takes a look at what’s driving demand.
China’s digital yuan is an economic cyberweapon, and the U.S. is disarming
As Beijing races to develop its central bank digital currency, the U.S. Federal Reserve sees no need for a dollar parallel. Jonathan Rosenoer has written about the implications for Cointelegraph Magazine.
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mybookjunction · 5 years ago
Reading is good for your brain
Include reading in daily lifestyle. Are books lying unopened in your bookshelf? Do you think of reading everyday but still can’t make it due to your busy schedule. Then this might help you in developing a reading habit in your day to day routine. I have seen a lot of people buy books and not being able to complete them. The reason being they are too busy working 9 to 5 and making other things a priority than reading. Now the question comes how to develop a good reading habit? The is answer id very simple lets start by looking at some of the most busy people on this planet like Bill Gates. Lets look at what Mr. Gates say about reading when asked during an interview. In an interview Mr Gates said that he reads almost 50 books per year, ‘it’s on of the primary ways through which he has gained much of his knowledge since his childhood days. Many people come with excuses like ‘oh i am too busy too read as I have to go to office and come back home and have a family to look after’. So now the point is do Billionaires like Mr. Gates don’t have family or office. You people already know the answer that in in spite of having a office they own a multinational corporation and with family they also do philanthropic work. Everybody has same 24 hours only difference is how well you manage them. And trust me people like Bill are master at managing their time. It is this time Management skills that have been one of the major contributing factors to such a huge success. So what can we do to inculcate daily reading in our lifestyle? The following are the strategies that you can adopt to develop daily reading habit. First – Allocate first and last Strategy. So when you get up early in the morning, allocate the first 20 minutes to reading and before you go to bed in the night assign the last 20 minutes to reading. Doing this daily will help you develop a schedule. Second- Assign days to your calendar. Reading is not at all hard if you put it up your calendar like you do your weekly meetings or conference calls. This is one of the effective ways to track your progress as you get a clear view. Third- Remove spending those long hours on Social Media Spending those endless hours on Social networking sites sharing those useless and pointless memes and those never ending conversations and chats are one of the biggest time killers. These are one of the major factors why your books are catching dust lying unread on your tables. Fourth- Focus on audio books. I understand in this busy routine it is difficult to sit down and read so you can opt out for another way and that is audio books. These audio books are readable on the go. You just need your electronic device like smartphone or laptop and a decent headphones. And now you can read while you travel, waiting for a train on a subway or checking in during flight. Fifth- E-books are another efficient way You can download e-books on your smart devices and guess what they are also environment friendly as now paper is printed and trees cut to make an e-book and they are another effective and convenient alternative to your fast paced life. Sixth- Kill Overthinking If you are into business then it becomes even more hectic to read as you are always reading be it news about the market or your daily mails from your employees discussing various on going problems in the company. But the good news is you can still read content that you find more relevant and engaging. So all the above mentioned skills are great practices which you could make to be better at reading. All these will help you enjoy the great benefits that books are to offer. Now lets cover up some of these benefits which I talked earlier in this blog. Benefit one- The more you read the smarter you get. Many Billionaires round the globe have agreed to at least read 30 books a year. So we can say that reading surely makes you smarter. So it proves that reading boosts your memory. Benefit two- Proven to increase Imagination and creativity Many scientific studies have shown that reading is indeed one of the reasons of increased imagination and creativity. It is directly interrelated to your brain. Benefit three- Improves Vocab Yes!! you heard it right. Reading is the one and only fastest method to improve vocabulary and English. So the more you read the more you are good at it. Benefit four- One of the best stress reducers Reading is one of the best stress reducers in the market apart from chocolates. Studies have proven it. Benefit five- great leaders are good readers If you aspire on becoming a good leader then you must be reading to increase knowledge in every subject that you may come across and only reading can help you out. Benefit Six- Reading is good for your brain Yes just like lifting weights and going to gym is good for your body in similar way reading is like sending your brain to gym. Studies have shown that reading ca prevent and even cure diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. So I hope that all the above things will help you encourage and become a good reader.
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visawords · 5 years ago
Ten Secrets You Will Not Want To Know About November Visa Bulletin 16 | november visa bulletin 16
TO 3,620,240 acceptance applicants all over the apple who are at the capital of their immigrant adventure to the United States, the account Acceptance Bulletin is the cartage light.
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September 16 Visa Bulletin | Landau, Hess, Simon, Choi & Doebley – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
This gives the absolute cardinal of immigrant acceptance applicants in the family-sponsored and employment-based alternative categories as of November 2019, the latest address on the affair by the State Department.
Before the alternation of proclamations akin the breeze of both immigrants and non-immigrants akin – and through the admiral of George Bush the first, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the Acceptance Office beneath the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State has been putting out the Acceptance Bulletin amid the ninth and 12th of anniversary month.
Without fail, the area “Procedure for free dates” explains how immigrant acceptance applicants may accept an clue of aback the cartage ablaze will about-face from red to orange, and from orange to green.
This area repeats the action in the latest Acceptance Bulletin for July 2020.
“Consular admiral are appropriate to address to the Department of State documentarily able applicants for numerically bound visas; USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) letters applicants for acclimation of status. Allocations in the archive beneath were made, to the admeasurement possible, in archival adjustment of arise antecedence dates, for appeal accustomed by June 9th.”
The July 2020 Acceptance Bulletin was arise on June 18.
A nine-day aberration may not assume much.
But to a adolescent axis 21 or a ancestor appellant with a medical condition, or an aged appellant who had to acknowledgment to the Philippines, for example, to adjournment for the son or daughter’s acceptance with the ambition of actualization afore the delegate in case it is bare and again biking together, the nine-day aberration could beggarly at the actual atomic addition four to 10 years of cat-and-mouse or, if the appellant passes away, abortion of a address that the ancestors had been cat-and-mouse anywhere from 10 to 20 years.
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November 16 Visa Bulletin-Little To No Change For India – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
At the time of autograph this cavalcade (8 p.m., July 18) the accessible Acceptance Bulletin for August 2020 still sports the tag “Coming Soon.”
Dolores was petitioned by her US aborigine sister on June 2, 2001. Her alone son Francis is axis 21 on Dec. 10, 2020. She’s abashed that if she does not get an account date afore December this year, Francis would age out and be larboard behind. He was beneath than two months old aback Dolores’ address was accustomed and accustomed by the USCIS.
Aware that the State Department now publishes two charts, Dolores watches the “Dates for Filing Family-sponsored Acceptance Applications” blueprint with unblinking hawkeye eyes.
This “Dates for Filing” blueprint is the red-to-orange light.
For mother and son, cat-and-mouse for the antecedence date on the F4 class for Philippine applicants to be accepted has been a antecedent of account anxiety.
If the absolute date on the Date of Filing blueprint does not accommodate abundant time for her to complete the immigrant acceptance action with the National Acceptance Center (NVC) aback the August Acceptance Bulletin comes out, she cannot alpha the processing of her immigrant acceptance application.
Based on her own analysis and cases of accompany with petitions, Dolores knows that it would booty about bristles to six months to complete the acceptance processing from the time she receives a case conception letter from the NVC. The case conception letter includes not alone her case number, but an Invoice ID number, as well.
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visabulletin hashtag on Twitter – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
Dolores needs both numbers to log on to her NVC case book online and alpha the acceptance processing. She abstracts that if the August 2020 Acceptance Bulletin comes out and the absolute date for F4 Philippine applicants on the Dates for Filing does not move from “08JAN02,” she may not accept abundant time to complete the process.
The “final dates” (interview dates) for the F4 class moves an boilerplate of four to bristles months aback January this year. The July 2020 Acceptance Bulletin shows the F4 absolute date for the Philippines as “01JUN01.”
Dolores’ antecedence date is “02JUN01,” a day abbreviate of the absolute date on the July 2020 Acceptance Bulletin. Hence, she waits with aside animation for the August 2020 address from the State Department.
Her F4 antecedence date has confused advanced four to bristles months aback April this year. In May, it was “01OCT00.” It confused four months in June to “01FEB01,” again addition four-month move advanced to “01JUN01” in July.
Fast. But not fast enough.
Coming of age
Meanwhile, Francis’ advancing of age is abutting faster. He turns 21 on Dec. 10, 2020.
Dolores was acquisitive the July 2020 Acceptance Bulletin would move accomplished her antecedence date of June 2, 2001. Adding to the accent of the account cat-and-mouse is the actuality that she has not yet accustomed the case conception letter with the Invoice ID number. She needs this advice to alpha processing.
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Visa Bulletin for October 2019 – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
The Dates for Filing blueprint of the aforementioned July 2020 Acceptance Bulletin shows the absolute date for Philippine F4 applicants at “08JAN02.” If alone she has the case conception letter with the Invoice ID number, she could alpha the action by logging on to her NVC case file, pay the $200-fee for the Affidavit of Support and $325-visa fee anniversary for her and Francis.
If the processing clip charcoal the aforementioned (at the four-to-five-months movement forward), Dolores would accept abundant time to complete the acceptance processing afore Francis turns 21.
But there is the immigrant acceptance arising ban issued by US President Donald Trump on June 23, 2020. Would this authority aback processing and accumulate the absolute date from affective forward?
Should she and Francis abort to complete the acceptance appliance process, become documentarily able and get an account date by Dec. 10, 2020, Francis will about-face 21 and could be advised disqualified for allocation as a acquired beneficiary.
She has heard of the Adolescent Cachet Protection Act, a 2002 law that could accumulate Francis from actuality banned his acquired almsman visa. She’d rather not – unless and until she has to.
Will the immigrant ban of Trump adjournment acceptance processing?
Theoretically, no.
The ban was for the arising of immigrant visas, not processing. The NVC continues accepting payments and uploading civilian abstracts as allotment of the acceptance processing stage. Aback completed, Dolores and Francis would be advised “documentarily qualified.” Aback Dolores’ antecedence date would accept been current, she and Francis could arise for an account afore the consul.
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DV Lottery || Visa Bulletin Update November 16 – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
Dolores expects to accept the account apprehension already she becomes documentarily qualified. But, first, she charge get the case conception letter and achievement that the August 2020 Acceptance Bulletin will appearance the absolute date of her F4 address move to or accomplished June 2, 2001.
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November 16 Visa Bulletin | Landau, Hess, Simon, Choi & Doebley – november visa bulletin 2019 | november visa bulletin 2019
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The USCIS has granted our client conditional permanent .. | november visa bulletin 2019
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