xxxfrankiexxx · 1 month
The opps at school were trying to harsh my gig and make me cry, so I hit em with a “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And they immediately backed the FUCK off because they knew I was not. one to be trifled with.
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9livesless · 9 months
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nosleep83 · 1 month
Hghhhhh school starts tomorrow i dont wanna do that shit again it still feels like summer just started bro i hate those kids dont make me spend my whole day with them again 😭😭
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ruifictiveapproved · 5 months
irlly dontnwanna fuckjng go to school hh
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cringelordofchaos · 10 months
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matchbet-allofthetime · 5 months
how is it that 25mg D8 is gonna have me fucked up once, I sleep in late, then I get fucked up again while busy, then level out, then get fucked up a THIRD TIME from the same mf gummy from 25 hours earlier???
I wanted shit to help my chronic pain and to help me sleep, not make me zone out through space time 😭😭
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hchanlvr · 1 year
just need to yippe! my way through today
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rankballs76 · 4 days
bro i hate scjool uniforms tell me why i just had to buy PENNY LOAFERS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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scrunkalicious · 1 month
n e ways!! hope your school day was nice!
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viivzn · 2 months
Is grade 7th treating you good or bad🙁🙁
I feel it isn't treating ya good.
But i hope you get used it soon<33
And how are ya??
Btw i wouldn't mind helping you with geography homework questions if you want to ofc
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“ I HATE FIRST YEAR OF HIGH SCJOOL ITS BAD I HATE IT 🤬🤬🤬 . (omg yes pls teach me more geography someday im bad at it 💔) ”
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stil-yr-sand · 3 months
saaand you said were in europe? spare details how was it!
hi’!!!! it was reallt fun i went theu the german program at my scjool and we did a big tour germany italy switzerland austria and france’!! it was super fun and i got to see alot ot really neat stuff anf i mafe friends!! it was a small group 13 of us, 4 adults and 9 students and i knew all the students and was close with 1 before and im now aalot closer with 4 of them. 2 of them were my teachers kids and i didnt rlly walk to them much and the other one was this giy wjo i hate and he sucked the wjole trip but its ok i will prob never see him again. i am On my way! home and im glad bc im exhausted from all the traveling but im also sad bc friends :( and i miss our guide and bus driver they were both so awesome
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mychanicalbrides · 6 months
so I'm NOT going to fall out boy god damnit.. did they even have a Chicago show because there's a Milwaukee show which is fine but it's on a Tuesday 😭 andi have to go to Milwaukee 😭 ON A TUESDAY SCJOOL DAY NIGHT but I really want to UGHHH I HATE PETE WENTZ
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httpiastri · 4 months
okay this is a really long ask again bc i cannot shut up so it’s spirituality first then a lot on paul and pee at the end
but NO WAY YOU LIKED NICKELODEON TOO OMG THAT USED TO ALSO BE MY ROUTINE AFTER SCJOOL like id get home and do everything i needed to do just so i could watch victorious, the thundermans, and more and it’s crazy that you have so many experiences surrounding nickelodeon omgomg AND THE FACT THAT YOU DREAMT OF IT?? ive always had dreams that foreshadowed many many events in my life, especially significant events, sometimes months or years before they would happen but sometimes it happens to me with silly little things too and i believe that it happened to you too omg
things like that have happened to me for as long as i can remember so i’m always asking if it’s intuition or me manifesting it and like… could be both tbh
although my intuition has always been crazy strong and i’ve never ignored it even once and it has paid off really well but then again, manifestation is basically just the belief that your thoughts create your reality, simple as that. if you believe it to be true, then it’s true, so sometimes i wonder if my intuition is just a reflection of what i believe to be true, and that in turn is what ends up manifesting? if that makes sense.
and you saying, “it's such a weird coincidence that's not rlly a coincidence....” ?? I AGREE?? 100% because you go about life with people and youre like omg we both did this in this year? and we were in the same place during this time? and we know so many people mutually? and we just dismiss it all as a coincidence until youre like… wait bc how many coincidences until it’s not a coincidence, yk? i feel like the way you put it is like the perfect way of describing everything
(and if paul does end up winning the feature race then… 🤭🤭) but speaking of paul… i find it so odd that the same thing happened in both F3 and F2?? with the win being snatched away at the last moment 🤧🤧 like the worst part is i can’t even be mad about paul not getting his win, like i’m def gutted for him but franco also won it fair and square (i don’t think he passed the track limits, from what i saw anyway) and so it just sucks that things like this happen but im also!! so incredibly proud of franco because i understand what it must mean for him to be the first Argentinean F2 race winner like he’s literally made history within those few seconds but i have no doubt paul’s going to be driving with incredible intensity tomorrow (this is unrelated but at the start of the season idk why i used to be a little afraid of how harsh (…?) he’d become in terms of his driving style… like sometimes i’d feel like it was almost a little dangerous, especially when there were a few conflicts with kimi and i used to be worried that paul might’ve been taking out some anger onto kimi and it used to worry me a bit but i think……. it’s better now? i really really hope so because conflict scares me so bad and especially since no one knows if kimi and paul are still friends, and even they aren’t, you can’t really blame paul because kimi really got two major things that mattered to paul but also idk i think i’m rambling atp but i hope that even if he drives madly tomorrow, it isn’t at the cost of the safety of any of the drivers on track, including him)
but i was actually heartbroken over pepe though 😕😕 i can’t imagine being in his position, probably hoping to get a fresh start after the break and doing so well in between only for this to happen… and like with the way they replayed the incident in the race it looked like he was in the wrong but i rewatched it and it seemed mutual?? so idk why he was the only one who received a penalty for it but like ive also been in positions where i just became a little out of sync with things i usually excel at, and idk how to word it properly but i have a feeling he’s probably experiencing it rn which sucks 😓😓 i hate that feeling so much because you just feel so icky and everything seems so disjointed and im just wishing the best for him tbh, especially since i think it’s pretty clear that he holds himself up to really high standards, and even when he’s in a position someone else might be more than happy with, he’s just not satisfied with it…?
i NEED for pepe to be happy again with race results for once like it’s really all ive been asking for recently
- 🪷
paul and pee, my loves 🥰 sjdkfhdj sorry i had to
but omfg you saying that about nickelodeon, that's so crazy !!!! dreams are such a cool thing, i used to dream like every night but now it's rarely ever.... wish i had more clear examples of stuff ive dreamed about happening irl because i have a very strong feeling that it has happened at least a couple of times? but i can't come up with a single example rn?? 😭
that's also really cool!! and yes i think it makes sense, it's a very interesting thought. i always feel like my intuition is strong when it's about like little silly things, like "how many stones are under this cup", but im thinking like... what if i do trust my intuition way more than i remember, maybe i just haven't acknowledged it or really recognized that that's what im doing? im definitely gonna be more open-minded when it comes to my intuition and kinda try to see what happens 🤭
YES YES exactly!! how many coincidences until it's not a coincidence????????? because when i talk to people about stuff like this, most of them are just "yeah weird coincidence lol" but when does it become something bigger? it's v v v interesting, i personally don't think there have to be a lot of them to actually maybe be something more...
also kinda off topic but also not?? i dont want this to become a religious thing because idk how you feel about that, but i used to be kinda christian when i was younger just because i refused to believe that i just "happened" to land on this planet at this time as a human being. like you're telling me that the universe has been a thing for billions and billions of years, and that it's infinitely large, and i just happen to be a living human here right now?????? there's just no way. like rn idk if i would say that im religious but i believe that there's a reason that im here right now. i believe that there's something or someone (or whatever) kinda making up the world or guiding things, or something, and that's why i don't really see a lot of things as coincidences? like a lot of the time i say "it's a sign 😁" when there are "coincidences" and people think im joking but im usually at least a bit serious on the inside lol. idk if you get what im saying? if any part of this was okay to understand?? but yeah basically people around me have always looked at me weirdly for believing in spiritual stuff etc, so ive tried to hide and repress it but you're waking up all of these emotions in me and i just 😭
i think i jinxed paul win by talking too much about it... the times when ive been right haven't rlly been intentional so i think i shouldn't have shared this with everyone 😭 welp... but yes that's very odd!! and just like franco having his maiden f3 win in the imola sprint two years ago? and now maiden f2 win in the sprint?? 😦 and for example baku is an interesting circuit, ollie taking his maiden f2 win there in the sprint and then winning the feature too, and what happened at the same track two years earlier?? juri vips took his maiden f2 win in a sprint and then won the feature aswell..... an estonian driver in a hitech, will we see the same this year in baku?????????? (or do we have to wait until next year bcs so far it's been every other year? 😭)
yeah im super happy for franco too, i also think it was just a great move 🤭 but omg i totally see what you mean about paul and his driving style.... ive been so worried that he's gonna crash into kimi and just 😭 like yk what he wrote in his insta channel thing? about "i would've won the race if antonelli didn't do his wonder kid thing and ruin my race" after melbourne 😭 he's so so cocky istg (ALSO OMG did you see the clip from the press conference yesterday abt beating most of the big names in the championship??? 😶) but i still love him loads. but yeah i too feel more safe with him on the track, maybe especially since he has turned out to be doing better than i (and probs him too) expected and now he doesn't wanna ruin this lol. but yeah he must have such a complicated relationship with kimi, they used to be cute friends but it's very understandable to feel conflicted when kimi got everything paul should've had 😭
we were heartbroken yesterday already, but today... after this race...... i didn't even focus on all of the replays tbh because i was watching an hour late and in the car, but :(( even if it was his fault, that's not fair 💔 sdjfhdkfj. but yes gosh i agree with everything you're saying, he's so calm and cool off the track but so competitive and like a sore loser (this isn't exactly what i mean but english doesn't have a word for the swedish term im thinking of) in a good way? not in the way that he blames other people incessantly when he loses, but more that he hates it and blames himself and needs to do it better the next time. so this weekend.... 🥲 but yes yes i relate to that feeling too.... it feels so common in sports to do really well one week and the next you're like "?? what's going on????" :(((( and y e s you're so right about him holding himself up to really high standards 🥲 so painful to see
but uh yeah he will do well in monaco, i trust it!! it will happen!!!!!!!
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pipebombmontage · 8 months
I AM SO MAD!!!1! IDK WHY!!!1! i HATE life i hate scjool i hate eveyrtjign i want to crawl into a hole and dei
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pspwiki · 10 months
what's your issues mad angry really mad really mad really mad really mad rrally mad really mad really sad really upset very comfuseeduamd scared and small and in scjool and cant do anything TELL ME?????? IM NOT GONNA COMD TO YOU YOURE SCARY???? YOU HURT ME??????? ET CETERA????????? I HATE YOU???????? KIND OF A LOT FOREVER TO BE HONEST??????????? BUT IM WORKING THROUGH IT. ALL BY MY SELF I GUESS. WHATE ER
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
RRRUUUUGER🐛 RUEGERO🎸🎸🎸🎸🦅🐛🎵🎵 Ripping bricks out ofdg my shcoolds walls. HII EHATS UP its abiyt.thtime. chewig cintcet. Cinrvete.cincrete.concrete.HIII. HOW AR EYUO!!!!!! Tadc sion..........
BUGE!!!!!!HIIIIDJ HII)!!! Expldoet the scjool. Expldoe ot.🔥🔥🔥🔥🤑.HIII i wm doing a tests rightj now and I dontf want to (it iinj Spanish I hate writing itg so much)) …….💔💔💔💔🧨🧨🧨bomb explode me
Cheesinf the drywaylls 💪!!!!!!!!! Chewing *. SOO EXCIETEDS. HRU BUGE!!!!
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