mxdarling · 6 months
i do not think we have met before, noah. an astrologer can only tell so much by reading your constellations, and i did not expect to meet you here or now at this time. refer to me as lady trimegistus, for i am three times as great; hence, i will give you a reading three times better than other witches. have faith and take my hand; i will show you your destiny in its purest form with the power of the solstice.
you are a scorpio, and baizhu is a taurus—a most excellent pair indeed. you’re a natural fit and one of the most compatible astrological signs, i must say. you compliment each other for being unrealistic, whereas you are logical. you both share the same ideological and practical beliefs, which makes you less prone to conflicts. though the only cons i can see are both of your stubbornness, figure out how to work through your disagreements, and you’ll make it out.
now to the next part of the reading: spring. when i say spring, what do you think of? you think of blooming flowers, don’t you? glaze lilies are gorgeous, a remnant of a goddess now gone, an old age of liyue, but they can also symbolize your time with him. the scent of him is floral; the mixture of different herbs and medicines should taste bitter on your tongue, but why doesn’t it? spring is a time where you both flourish, side by side, hand in hand, step by step. it is lush with so many transitions, some good and some bad, but there is beauty in your life, and he is beautiful.
what about him, you ask? you are what has made his world revolve around him; he has converted his lifestyle because of your advice. most would dismiss him and talk to him if they required his assistance, but you actively seek him out. it’s hard, no impossible, to keep relationships when you yourself never change as the years pass by, but for you, he will try to move the heavens and bring you back to life if he has to. what’s the use of being a doctor when you cannot save and heal those closest to you? remember him always; men like him are scarce to come by.
to claim to be his lover must be an exhausting thing, no? to have other people’s expectations thrust open you and the constant need to fit other people’s image of you? take a deep breath and exhale. through your exhaled breath, think of all the negative energy and all their comments. baizhu loves you for you, and that’s what matters, isn’t it? don’t take him lightly; love him fiercely so that you can keep his doubts at bay. perhaps we will see each other again; perhaps we won’t; only the stars will tell.
~ B
?????jkgfjn HELP???? omg i had a heart attack when i saw this ask sent (i lowkey forgot i even sent one of these BHAHA), but woah baizhu??? i didn't think i'd get him actually haha! thank you for holding such a lovely event :DD your efforts are truly commendable to be sending such long asks to everyone single one that has answered the form!
honestly idk what to say this is just too good!!!!... <333
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randomrandomalright · 10 months
It would be interesting for Blade and Baizhu to meet each other….
And (kiss)
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sea-lanterns · 11 months
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synopsis: (slasher! AU) an escaped psych ward patient wants to see you again.
featuring: shenhe
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab fem reader, mentions of murder, knives, stalking, breaking and entering, house invasion, size k.ink, size difference, praise, manhandling, oral (reader recieving), wall se.x, grinding, hump.ing, ni.pple sucking, ni.pple biting, hickies, marking, possessiveness, pwp, not proofread.
art credits: high rise invasion
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“Hehe, I win!”
“Great job, Yaoyao!”
You smiled and pat Yaoyao on the head while her older sister Qiqi clapped quietly in praise. Although it was Halloween night, you spent your time babysitting your neighbor’s kids, as he had to go out unexpectedly to run some last minute errands. Though most adults your age would find this kind of thing “boring” and “a waste of a Halloween night,” you actually enjoyed babysitting Baizhu’s kids, as you practically raised them as an older sister from the time they were basically infants. 
At the moment, you were currently playing board games with the two girls, after a long night of watching kids’ Halloween movies and helping them with their homework. It was almost nearing the girls’ bedtime at this point, so you made a note to yawn and pretend like you were tired.
“Oh man…I’m all tired you guys…” you said with a smile, looking up at the clock. “I think it’s time for bed.”
“Awe…” Yaoyao pouted, but began cleaning up the games regardless. 
“Does this mean you’re leaving soon?” Qiqi inquired in a quieter voice, looking hesitant to let you go. “Is Papa home yet? I don’t wanna go to bed until Papa is home.” 
“Papa will be home soon. It’s almost nine.” You say reassuringly, giving Qiqi a small head pat before going over to the kitchen to pour Qiqi’s glass of coconut milk. “Come here and get your coco milk.” You say softly, peeking your head through the door. “Yaoyao, why don’t you go put on your PJs while I serve your sister her milk.”
“Okay!” Yaoyao exclaimed, running up the stairs while Qiqi quietly walked into the kitchen. She had a habit of drinking a cold glass of coconut milk every night before bed, so you opened up the fridge to grab the carton, before seeing Qiqi plop herself at the table. 
“…Big Sister.” Qiqi said in a monotone voice, catching your attention as you poured the milk into a glass. 
“Hm?” You glanced over, slightly distracted as she called you by your nickname. 
“…Is it true that the boogeyman exists?” She asks in a softer voice, her head resting on the table with a small look of worry in her eyes. “One of the kids at school said that the boogeyman was a tall man, whose face was as white as a sheet.” 
She turned her head and pointed to the abandoned house across the street, the one where the infamous murder incident took place over twenty something years ago. “They say that he lived in that house before he got taken away. That he murdered his father as a young boy…is it true?”
You froze when she said all this, not expecting Qiqi of all people to ask you about the murder case that happened about twenty something years ago. You were practically a kid when the news story made headlines, but as much as the story haunted you till this day, you didn’t want to scare the girl with a story that could potentially give her nightmares. 
“No, Qiqi honey.” You say in a soothing tone, handing her the glass of coconut milk and rubbing her head. “That’s just a Halloween story. The boogeyman doesn’t exist.”
‘It was a boogeywoman.’ You couldn’t help but think, as you shuddered just looking back at the old abandoned house. Years ago, a young girl was the perpetrator of a murder case back when you were just a child. It was the talk of the town, the story of the infamous young girl; Shenhe, who brutally murdered her father in that house and was sent to a psychiatric institution with a case of homicidal tendencies. 
You remember that day like it was yesterday, as Shenhe was actually one of your friends back when you were in elementary school. It was hard to believe such a quiet and mature girl could be the person behind slaughtering a full grown man, and while it was terrifying, you couldn’t help but feel upset that your friend had to be taken away. 
“…Big sister, you spilled some coco milk on your shirt.” Qiqi said in a monotone voice, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Wha—” you looked down and saw that you had accidentally spilled some coconut milk all over your clothes. 
“Oh…shoot!” You couldn’t help but exclaim, nearly cursing before remembering that you were in the prescience of a child. “Ah…sorry. I must’ve been lost in thought for too long.”
You set the carton back into the fridge and tried cleaning out the milk stain with a wet napkin and some soap. It was no use, the stain was simply too big and since you were wearing a white shirt, it looked translucent when in a brightly illuminated area for too long.
“…Big sister, I can see your—”
“Yes Qiqi, I know.” 
You sighed and walked over to your backpack to grab a spare change of clothes. “Luckily for me however, I am always prepared!” You held up an old T-shirt you had brought and showed it off to Qiqi. “Cool, right? Now, since you’ve finished your milk, why don’t you head upstairs and join your sister in going to bed? I have to change before the smell of milk stays on me.” 
Qiqi nods and gets out of her chair to make her way upstairs, leaving you to change in the kitchen as you sigh and begin stripping out of your clothes, already tired from today’s activities. As you removed your shirt however, you failed to notice a masked woman staring at you from behind the window, watching you as you removed the stained T-shirt and slid the new one on. 
Her heavy breathing fogged up the window while she watched you intently. Sharp, iridescent eyes trailing over the curves of your figure, before quickly moving away when you glanced back to look at the window. 
“…Hm.” You stared at the window for a few more seconds before turning away, cleaning up some of the plates off the table as the masked woman watched you from outside. It had been…so long since she had last seen you, so many years of isolation and she finally had the chance to see you again after being taken away to be locked like a prisoner for her own misdeeds. 
“…Mine.” The masked woman mumbled to herself, watching you with need before quickly scrambling away when the headlights of a car pulled into the driveway.
As you finished cleaning up some of the dishes, you heard the sound of keys jingling into the lock before Baizhu’s familiar footsteps entered the house. “I’m home…!” He exclaims jovially, the sounds of tiny footsteps running down the stairs, as Yaoyao and Qiqi —now in their PJs— ran to greet their Papa before heading to bed.
“Baizhu!” You exclaim with a smile.
“Papa!” Both Qiqi and Yaoyao exclaim, running up to him and hugging him on each leg. 
“Oof…easy there…my blood pressure is gonna spike…” he groans, giving the two girls a pat on the head before glancing over at you. 
“Hey…how were they?” 
“As easy as every other time.” You say with a chuckle, before beginning to put on your coat. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Baizhu says with a smile, nudging his two daughters to face you. “Well, what do you say girls?”
“Thank you Big Sister…!” Qiqi and Yaoyao speak at the same time. 
“Anytime.” You chuckle, saying your final goodbyes to the two girls, as they head upstairs to finally head to bed. This left you with Baizhu as you got ready to head home, making sure everything was packed in your bag and nothing was left behind. 
“Stay safe out there, it can get pretty dangerous late at night,” Baizhu hums as he counts the money in his wallet to give to you. “I heard rumors of an escapee from the psychiatric facility a few miles down from here. The police are tracking the escaped patient, but it’s best to get home quickly for your own safety.” 
Your heart sunk at the impending news, the same psychiatric facility where your childhood friend was locked up for murdering her father. It couldn’t be a coincidence, surely. 
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to head home fast.” You say with a nod, taking the money before stuffing it in your pocket. “Have a nice night, Mr. Baizhu, and have a wonderful Halloween.”
“You too.” Baizhu nods, allowing you to exit his home as you begin walking down the block to your own house. You didn’t live too far from the Baizhu family residence, yet walking down the block all alone on a late Halloween night was not really the ideal situation for you to be in. Especially considering the news of the escaped patient that Baizhu notified you about. 
“Geez, how eerie…” you mumbled to yourself, glancing up at the abandoned house Shenhe used to live in, and being reminded of your childhood together before she was taken away. 
Shenhe was such a sweet and quiet girl —at least to you— and you had such fond memories of playing with her everyday after school until it was so late into the evening you could see stars. You had no idea she was capable of such brutal, homicidal tendencies, yet perhaps you’ve misjudged her, and maybe she really was just a sociopath after all…
You shook your head at the thought. No, it can’t be. Shenhe was always so sweet to you. Perhaps one day she just snapped and was—
You stopped walking when you heard the sound of footsteps behind you. A shiver running down your spine as you slowly turned around and saw a tall, masked woman standing just several feet away.
“O-Oh!” You flinched a little and backed up a bit when you saw her. Her tall, looming figure made you feel small, as she towered over you like you were nothing but a mouse ready for her to step on. “Ah…sorry, you startled me a bit…” you say with a nervous chuckle, holding onto your backpack straps with worry. “I uh…I like your costume…”
The masked woman tilted her head slightly, staring at you with familiar, iridescent eyes that had you squinting for a closer look. ‘Why do they look so familiar…?’
“…Uhm.” When the woman did not respond, you looked around awkwardly before getting an idea. 
“Oh! Are you…trick or treating?” You ask with a smile, reaching into your pocket to pull out a small, wrapped mint. “Sorry I don’t have anything else, but I hope this is enough to suffice!”
You hesitantly walk closer to hold out the candy to the woman, whose body stiffens up when you offer her the small, wrapped treat. You may have forgotten after all these years, but her favorite candy was actually small mints, and the fact you still carried around mints to this day had her heart beating sporadically out of her chest.
‘She’s still as nice as ever…’ the masked woman thought as she slowly looked down and stared at the wrapped mint with amusement. Carefully, she takes it out of your hand, her much larger fingers brushing over your palm and causing you to shiver. 
“Ah…your hand is quite cold…” you couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling your arm back to keep it at your side. “Don’t stay out too long, it’s dangerous late at night. Stay safe out there, okay?” You smile sweetly at the masked woman and the sight has her blushing underneath her rubber mask. She had forgotten how sweet and beautiful you were after years of not seeing you, and she wanted nothing more than to keep you by her side for as long as she possibly could. 
“…Thank you.” She says in a muffled voice, your pulse jumping at how unexpectedly deep and husky it was. 
“You’re welcome!” You respond with a smile, giving her a polite bow before making your way back to your house. Though your initial encounter may have spooked you a little bit, all you could think about was just how cute the masked woman was. 
‘Ahhhh I should’ve asked for her number or something!’ You groaned inwardly, calling yourself pathetic in several different languages before pulling out the keys to your house. ‘Oh well, it’s a small town. Maybe I’ll see her again…’
Or tonight, considering you failed to notice the woman still stalking you from the shadows as you headed into your house rather blindly. Shutting the door behind you and heading inside to kick off your shoes, hang up your coat, and go to bed since you were aching for a good night’s rest before work tomorrow. 
“Ugh…” you trudged up the stairs to head to your room, plopping on the bed and taking a breather before mustering up the strength to do grown-up things like shower and eat a decent meal like a responsible adult. It took quite a bit of mental encouragement to get up from the heavenly abyss of your bed, but soon enough, you rolled off the covers and began digging through your dressers to find a nice clean pair of PJs to change into. 
After finding a decent set, you got up and began making your way to the bathroom, humming a small tune to yourself and locking yourself in the bathroom. As you did this however, the door to your house slowly creaked open, the tall, masked woman from earlier making her way inside as her only goal for tonight was to see you again. 
And hopefully make you hers.
She took a brief walk around your house, tilting her head at the various knick knacks and items scattered around your house before making her way upstairs. She heard the sounds of a shower being turned on and decided to surprise you by hiding in your bedroom closet. She couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you saw her again, the poor woman practically trembling with excitement as she stuffed her larger body into such a small space. 
Now, all she had to do was wait. 
And wait.
…And wait. 
And wait as she did, but the woman was beginning to feel incredibly cramped as she stood in your closet door for what seemed like eternity (even though it had only been ten minutes) 
Feeling a bit bored, the woman slowly exited the room and was about to walk down the hall, when she came face to face with just you in a towel. The moment you locked eyes on each other, you screamed and nearly dropped your towel out of fear, almost flashing yourself at the other woman as she scrambled to keep you calm. 
Before you could start running, the woman quickly ran up to you and suddenly picked you up in a hug that had your legs dangling in the air due to her strength. 
“H-Holy shit—!”
The woman pressed a comforting hand on your head and began petting you in soft, yet sturdy strokes. Her other arm had muffled your screaming as she tried her best to silence your fears, pleading for you to stay quiet so you didn’t alert the neighbors with your cries. 
“Mmmpf! Hnnn!” You squirmed in her grasp but it was no use. The woman holding onto you had some sort of freakish strength that kept you from making even the slightest of movements, causing you to flip out even more as you realized this might be the end. 
‘I’m gonna die. Oh my fucking god I’m gonna die!’ You were so close to tears and continued trying to fight for your life. Squirming and thrashing around like a fish out of water, before suddenly being pinned to the wall to stop your flailing. 
The masked woman spoke in a rough, yet somewhat familiar tone. Her larger body pinning you to the wall as she kept a firm hand over your mouth to successfully gag you from screaming any unwanted sounds. 
‘I’m so dead…I’m so dead…!’ You screamed with your eyes closed, mentally preparing yourself for the worst, only to have the killer…suddenly hug you?
At the feeling of the masked woman’s arms embracing you like an old friend, your body tensed up as she leaned forward to bury her face into your shoulder, as if she didn’t just scare the shit out of you moments prior. 
You heard the woman grumble the word like it was a fact, pushing you further against the wall. Your heart was still beating sporadically out of your chest from all the adrenaline, but something in the tone of her voice made you shiver with a strange nostalgia you had no idea you had.
“Mine.” The woman repeated once more, the screams in your throat dying down to a pathetic whimper. “Don’t go.”
“Aha…hah…” Was this hysteria? Were you finally beginning to lose it? 
“Don’t scream.” The woman says in a quiet groan, stroking the back of your head. “I missed you.”
“Wh-What…?” You were beginning to wonder if you were losing it, body trembling like a feather as she continued delivering soft and gentle strokes to the back of your head. Was this woman insane?! I mean, she was stalking you and breaking into your house, but perhaps this was the patient that escaped the psychiatric facility…?
“…U-Uhm…can you let me down…?” You ask in a shaky voice, too afraid to scream any more as the knife she had fastened to her jumpsuit paralyzed you with fear. 
Sensing that you won’t run away, the tall woman plopped you down like an obedient dog dropping a toy. You were shocked to say the least at how easily she complied, but didn’t want to question it as you stood there, trapped against the wall in nothing but a towel while you stared your house invader down. “…Wh-Why’re you here?” You ask with a bit of reluctance, pulling your towel up so it wouldn’t accidentally drop. 
“…I missed you.” The woman says again, keeping her head down as she stares at you through the eye holes of her mask.
“Well, you can’t just follow me home and break in…” You mumble politely, “It’s illegal…”
“It is?” The woman tilted her head and looked slightly upset. “I’m sorry…” 
Your eyes widened when she suddenly hugged you again, body tensing up as her muscular frame practically engulfed yours. “H-Hey now…” you froze under her grip and felt how easy it was for her to snap you like a twig. “Do you…uhm, have somewhere else to go?” 
The woman shakes her head no. 
“Ah…okay…” you wanted to call the police more than anything, but something in the back of your mind was screaming for you not to. Instead, all that was going on in your mind, was who it was behind the mask. 
“…Can I…see who you are at least?” You ask in a quiet tone, wondering why this random stalker took such a liking to you after all you did was give them a candy. “I want to know…who it is I’m talking to.”
The masked woman pauses at your statement, slowly leaning back and staring at you with those familiar, iridescent eyes. At first, you think she’s mad at you with how quiet she was being all of a sudden, but then you see her hand reach up to pull at the latex of her mask. 
Your breath hitches when the mask slides off to reveal a matured, much older, and familiar face of your childhood friend; Shenhe, who got taken away from you all those years ago. She never changed a bit, and with the way she was looking down at you, you realized you had reunited with her after so many years of disappearance.
“Shenhe…” you breathed out after a moment of silence, eyes trailing over the contours of her face before settling on her eyes. “It’s you?”
She nods at your response, almost excited in a way as she was happy to know you remembered her. “Yes, it is me.” 
She could barely contain herself as she moved forward to hug you once more, spooking you as she lifted you off the ground with ease. Shenhe was always strong as a kid, however; you had no idea she would be this strong as an adult, as she could practically split a man’s skull open like a pumpkin. 
“Oh!” You let out a yelp when she scooped you up in her arms, all fears of a home invader leaving your head, as all you could think about was the fact that your childhood friend was back and wanted to visit you.
“I missed you.” Shenhe repeated against your ear, voice gravelly and rich with the way she purred. “That’s why I escaped.”
“You— You escaped the psychiatric facility?” You mumble in disbelief. “Just to see me again?”
Shenhe nodded like an innocent child, burying her face into your shoulder and inhaling your soft, shampoo-like scent. “I wanted to see what was mine again…”
Your face flushed at those words and you couldn’t help but be reminded of your old, puppy love crush on the woman back when you two were just children. You knew this woman was capable of homicidal tendencies and yet, despite seeing a killer; all you could feel was your friend. 
And you wanted this friend to be yours too.
“…Okay.” You whisper in a shaky tone, hesitantly hugging Shenhe back as she nuzzles her face deeper against your neck, her hot breath tickling the skin of your ear and making it difficult to control the strange arousing feeling beginning to stir in the depth of your core. “I can keep you here for a bit, Shenhe. Just until you can manage on your own.” 
You had no idea why you were doing this, but allowing a killer to stay in your home was not the best idea. Nevertheless, Shenhe was ecstatic and she suddenly leaned in to kiss your cheek out of appreciation for what you were doing. The moment her lips planted on your face, you froze and almost dropped your towel completely out of shock.
“Oh.” Shenhe stopped when your towel moved lower and accidentally revealed your breasts, the tall woman’s face flushing pink at the sight, before glancing away in embarrassment. 
‘Oh…’ your hands quickly pulled the towel back up, yet when you looked up to see Shenhe’s reaction to the accidental flash, you saw her looking away, but also not-so-subtly trying to sneak an extra peak. 
‘Wow, I did not expect Shenhe to be such a closet pervert…’ you thought to yourself, smiling a bit cheekily and laughing to yourself. “Shenhe, it’s okay, we’re both girls. I mean, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“But I haven’t seen it before…” Shenhe mumbles ever so quietly, iridescent eyes slowly taking up your figure. “Your body…is so pretty.”
Aaaaand that’s how she managed to seduce you. All it took was for your pretty childhood best friend to say your body was pretty and bam, your heart began to flutter with newfound feelings for the killer. 
“I could…show you more if you’d like,” you chuckle a bit teasingly, wondering how far Shenhe would push the limits.
“You would?” She looked intrigued and leaned a little forward. “Can I see?” 
Your eyes widened at her boldness, before deciding to see where this goes and chuckling. 
As it turns out, Shenhe was a lot bolder than you took her for, as the moment you dropped the towel to reveal your entire body, Shenhe had you pinned against the wall and her lips sucking on your chest. You weren’t sure how you got here, as every second with Shenhe was a blur, but you knew for one thing that you were enjoying it.
“Hah…eager aren’t we?” You teased a bit light-heartedly, groaning a little when Shenhe bit on a nipple. “Nngh…gentle now, Shenhe. You have to be gentle with a woman…”
“‘M sorry…” she mumbles against your chest, trying to kiss your nipple better.
“Hah…it’s okay.” You whisper reassuringly, petting her long, white hair like she was a rabbit. “Is this your first time? I assume it’s not often you sleep with someone in a psych ward…”
She nods hesitantly and hides her face in your chest. 
“Pfft…” you missed this. You missed the feeling of your friend laying on your chest and whispering with you like you were the only two people in the world. “It’s okay…do you want me to guide you?” 
Shenhe nods again. You swear, if it weren’t for the news articles and details of her homicidal tendencies, you would’ve thought Shenhe was the sweetest girl on earth incapable of murder. 
“You’re so sweet…” you murmur into Shenhe’s ear, watching as the tips of her ears turn pink. “Do you wanna go to my bedroom so it’s easier?”
Shenhe shakes her head no, pushing you further against the wall. “I want to touch you here.” She mumbles under her breath. “I want to take you here. I don’t want to move.” 
A jolt of heat pushes through your body and you feel yourself dripping just at how direct she was. For someone so innocent and charming, you really did not expect Shenhe of all people to be so good at dirty talk…
“Aha…are you sure? The floor is kinda hard so it’ll be uncomfortable. I’d say a bed would be better as it— OH!” Shenhe suddenly lifted you up with ease and shoved you against the wall, your legs dangling over her forearms as she pressed her body closer to you. 
Where on earth did she learn this position?!
“Sh-Shenhe, this position—” you flinched as your legs were spread and the bare skin of your cunt brushed against Shenhe’s rough jumpsuit, the position making you blush as you were left vulnerable to whatever Shenhe had in mind for you tonight. 
“…I like this position.” Shenhe said after some time, practically folding you to her liking and leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as you tasted the familiar freshness of peppermint, and realized Shenhe had eaten the mint you had given to her prior to meeting her. ‘So sweet…’ Shenhe couldn’t help but think, trying to shove her tongue in your mouth and taste some more of what your body had to offer. 
“Mmpf…hnn…” your moans were muffled by her tongue and you couldn’t help but close your eyes as she began adjusting your legs to wrap around her waist. Once she had you wrapped firmly around her, Shenhe began to move her hands all over your body, searching, squeezing, trying to find that one spot that would have you whimpering out her name. 
“I want…I want more…” Shenhe pants out like a dog, nudging your legs further as she begins grinding her hips against yours. “Want more…want— n-need more…”
At the sudden grinding sensations you threw your head back and nearly hit your head against the wall. The rough cloth of her jumpsuit moving against you so well it had you writhing in her arms, Shenhe’s brutal ruts making it seem like she was trying to envision herself having a strap, as she was panting rather loudly with the sight of you all naked against her.  
“Sh-Shenhe…I think– hah… it’d be better if you took that jumpsuit off…”
Despite your pathetic pleas, your words fell on deaf ears as poor Shenhe was too caught up in her pleasure to even hear you. You just looked so perfect and pliable for her to maneuver, her feelings of missing you all these years starting to cloud her thoughts, as she leaned in to claim your neck as hers and hers alone. 
“Mine…mine…mine…” you hear her grunt into your ear, teeth grabbing at your skin and pinching it so hard it left a mark. “Shenhe! Gentle, baby. Gentle…” you whimper in a smaller voice, gasping with the amount of hickies she was starting to suck onto you, as it seemed a switch had flipped in your sweet, innocent Shenhe. 
“S-Slow down, please…” you whine into her ear, pulling something feral out of Shenhe as she decided this position wasn’t enough. She needed more. She craved more. 
And you were going to give it to her. 
In one quick motion, Shenhe crouched down for a moment before lifting your legs over her shoulders and having you practically straddle her face. You nearly screamed when she did this, her body keeping you upright as your legs dangled in the air, even higher than you were before. 
“Shenhe this is dangerous what’re you–”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when Shenhe began lapping at your clit, her tongue darting out with hunger as she tasted your glistening folds for the very first time. 
“Stay…still…” Shenhe practically growls as she keeps you balanced with just her strength alone. You had no idea how she was capable of such impressive feats, yet you weren’t complaining when her tongue was so wet and (somehow) so experienced.
Or many Shenhe was just really, really horny. Who knows. But either way, you were laying on cloud nine as Shenhe nudged her cold little nose onto the button of your clit. Strong hands squeezing the flesh of your thighs and leaving small nail indents in your skin that would surely leave a mark when you woke up in the morning. 
“Shenhe…Shenhe oh god…” your legs were trembling from the constant pleasure as Shenhe continued thrusting her tongue with insatiable hunger, her face practically glistening with your juices as a sex-drunk expression glazed over her face. 
“More…I want more…” she groans in a huskier tone, practically burying her face into your cunt and drinking up all the cum that was leaking out of you, too pussy drunk to even think. 
“Shenhe please…” you whined as you gripped her hair with your fingers. “Put me down I can’t…I can’t take it anymore…”
“No, you can.” She groans in response to your whining, pushing you further into the wall as she lapped up your sex like it was her last meal. “Just stay still, stay still.”
At her deafening command, you whimpered and let her take the reins as she coursed her tongue through each crevice and corner of your folds. You’ve never heard or seen Shenhe act so possessive before, but the feeling of being all hers, and only hers, had you nearing your orgasm sooner than you expected. 
“Go on…I want to taste it.” Shenhe says rather directly, giving your right thigh a squeeze. “I want to taste you.”
“Shenhe…” you groaned, feeling your stomach tighten. “You— nngh…”
You arched your back off the wall and gripped Shenhe’s shoulders tightly, cum starting to spill down your thighs and onto Shenhe’s awaiting tongue. Eagerly, she lapped up any stray droplets she could catch, savoring the flavor of your release like it was a fine wine she could ever hope to taste again. 
“Goodness…” you panted, catching your breath as Shenhe continued to clean up any traces of cum left on your hips. “Shenhe you…are you sure you’re a virgin?”
She nodded obediently, kissing the inside of your thigh before marking it with her teeth. 
“Oh wow…” you couldn’t help but tiredly laugh, petting Shenhe like the good girl she was and kissing the top of her head. “You’re really good, you know that?” 
Shenhe beamed at the praise and continued kissing the inside of your thighs before setting you down in her arms and carrying you to the bedroom. “I…I can please you more,” she murmurs in a rather pleading way, looking almost like a puppy getting ready to serve their master. “Please let me please you more.”
“Gosh, round two?” You chuckled, clinging to her arms as she brought you to your room. “Ah, why not. I’m sure you have enough stamina to go all night, hm?”
Shenhe nodded eagerly and set you down on your bed, climbing over on top of you before kissing the base of your neck and whispering under your ear. “I can go all night if you want.”
“Really?” You chuckle back in a whisper, bringing her down by the neck and kissing the side of her cheek. “Well, if that’s the case…”
“Happy Halloween, Shenhe.”
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bitterchocoo · 6 months
A Blessing or A Curse?
Jing Yuan | M. Reader as Baizhu [Genshin Impact]
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"The doctor will see you now~"
For centuries, immortality has been seen as a curse by the Xianzhou natives. An abomination.
How could they not? When they saw it with their own eyes, what immortality had brought to those who wished for it. How it changed them. Twist their minds until they're merely a shadow of their former self. What had become of those who got Mara-struck.
Amongst those who look down on immortality with disdain. There's one who sees immortality as a blessing rather than a curse.
Hey, have you heard? There's a Doctor that could cure any illness! It's like a miracle! He works in a Pharmacy in the Alchemy Commission called, Bubu Pharmacy. The Doctor's name is—
"Doctor [Name]?"
"This new prescription, though not as fast-acting. Will allow gradual recovery and build-up of strength making it well suited to someone who's been suffering from a long illness. The needed ingredients can also be found around the Exalting Sanctum."
"Thank you, Doctor!"
The man thanked the doctor for the new prescription with a smile on hie face. The previous prescription used ingredients are hard to get in the district and now with the new prescription, finding the ingredients for the medicine would be a lot more easier.
He then left the pharmacy with the prescription in hand, leaving the doctor alone with his...
"You actually found replacements for those ingredients." She says as she watched the man leave. "Of course, what kind of Doctor would I be if I couldn't?" He replied softly, his eyes scanning the documents in his hand.
One day, Doctor [Name] have an unexpected visit.
"Ah, General! To what do I owe the honor of your visit? Are you perhaps injured?" The doctor greeted him with a faint smile on his face. Jing Yuan laugh at [Name]'s words. "No, Doctor. I'm perfectly healthy."
"That's good to hear." "He better be, or else our work would have been for nothing!!"
"Good to see you too Changsheng." The General chuckles. The snake huffs as she rested her body around [Name]'s shoulders. The two old friends sat at a nearby table, chatting away and catching up with one another.
For as long as he could remember, [Name] had always been a kind soul, ready to help at any given time despite being a short-life species. That didn't concern him at all as he studies medicine and the art of healing.
The day [Name] retuned with a white snake around his shoulder was the day that changed everything. For the Luofu and for his friends. Almost like a miracle, the people began to heal ad recover in a rapid pace. Thanks to the Doctor's treatment. They've began to wonder as to how that could be? A short-life species? Having an ability akin to a Vidyadhara? Impossible! And yet..
As [Name] continues to heal and treat his patients... the sicker he became..
It wasn't that it's noticeable, no.. far from it..
He appears as healthy as ever, although a few coughs and wheeze here and there but as an old friend of his, Jing Yuan can't help but show concern for the Doctor.
"Life, death... and the world around us all follow a set of laws... Hehe, but if you never test the limits, how can anyone know where the boundaries of these laws are?"
He should have known..
He should have known that.. his friend was..
..Researching on something forbidden..
How could this be...?
A kind and gentle man.. wanting nothing but to help and treat others.. began searching for the thing his motherland sought to destroy..? And he's been doing this from the starts..?
Why..? Why must he..
He felt betrayed. Betrayed by an old friend.
Immortality is a curse! Can't the Doctor see that! All of those soldiers, all of those people that were lost from it! Is he blind!! Why!? Why must he search for such abomination!!
And yet.. and yet...
His reason.. the Doctor's reason... [Name]'s reason...
..It's still pure..
He wanted to help.. to treat and heal others..
Changsheng.. her ability to heal is simply out of this world.. but the price.. the price that needs to be paid to do such an act.. isn't that just prove how terrible the power of Abundance is? And yet..
[Name] saw this as a blessing.
It's a gift.
A gift he'll accept with open arms.
Once he received immortality.. he could continue on to help others and.. he won't have to pass down the contract to anyone ever again..
His objective is simple...
To prevent suffering.
But.. is immortality truly the only way? To him, yes. As it would prevent any more people from dying young thanks to the contract. But to someone like Jing Yuan? The General of the Luofu? The man who had seen what immortality had done to others?
Is Immortality a blessing..? Or.. a curse..?
He doesn't know anymore.
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bedoballoons · 9 months
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Ishsksbd love this idea hehe, thank you for requesting it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did~
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️
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{༻~Play with them please~༺}
CW: NSFW! MDNI!! Fem! Reader! Making out, slightly public s*x in Neuvillettes, nipple sucking/playing, tit massages, and tit fucking!!
Names used on the reader: My dear, Darling, My love, Love
A/n: Why do I literally simp when characters use the nickname love...like help, it's a problem!
(Includes: Zhongli, Baizhu, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley!)
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You sighed quietly in relief as you undid your bra, letting your breasts spring free after what seemed like the longest day in history. You were tired, your body felt sore and your chest was desperate for attention, to the point it almost ached to move.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped around you, lips trailing kisses along your shoulders as ungloved hands ran up your sides. It was like his touch was heaven, "May I? I've been eager for you all day my dear~" Zhongli leaned in, nipping at your ear as you gasped in response...how did he know thats exactly what you wanted? "Please~"
You moaned out loud as his hands engulfed your big tits, his fingers pinching at your sensitive nipples as he sucked delicate marks into your skin. You could feel yourself getting wet from this alone, gasps escaping your lips whenever he squeezed you harder, "A-ah! Zhongli, I n-needed this! O-oh please don't stop!"
"I won't~"
"Baizhuu nhh!" You whispered loudly, in a trance as a gentle moan slowly escaped your lips, his tongue flicking over your sensitive bud and the pads of his fingers rolling the other between them, sometimes grabbing at your chest excitedly. His eyes were focused on your features, watching carefully as you got more unraveled with every movement he made on your soft mounds. He had no idea you enjoyed this so much, "Mmm darling~"
His tongue slid up your nipple, coating it with his warm salvia before he started to roughly suck on it, your legs snapping together as heat poured between them. "O-h archons!! Baizhu!" You tilted your head back, hands grabbing at his silky light green hair as he hummed in delight.
You pressed your big tits together, encasing Neuvillette between them as he groaned into his hand, hoping to quiet the noises you knew would only grow louder as you went on. Your breasts were already covered in precum, salvia dripping down your nipples as you moved slowly up his length, playing with your nips and silently wishing no one could hear your needy sounds.
"I- mnhgh! My love, s-slow down-"
Your eyes flicked up to meet Neuvillettes as he gripped the arms of his chair, you licked his tip in protest, moving your breasts faster. His cock turned red at the head, your soft delicate skin surrounding him to the point he could have been dizzy. "Neuvie~"
You gasped loudly as Wriothesleys tongue slid into your mouth, your thighs tight around his legs and his hands massaging your breasts in just the right way. You could feel him growing needy beneath you and you were in the same boat, your tits begging for attention as you pulled away just long enough he could rip your shirt over your head, tossing it away like it was meaningless.
His lips were back on yours in seconds, his large fingers pinching your nipples as you moaned loudly, grinding down on him with your cunt wet and your eyes watery. "W-wrio nhhg!" He groaned into the kiss, rolling your rosey bud in the pads of his fingers, "Such a goregous chest, mmm love~"
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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lyneira · 2 years
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♡ ily ♡
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-> how often would the genshin men say "I love you"?
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Itto, Venti, Childe
Their hearts are overflowing with love for you that they can't help but say the phrase whenever you're near. They'll say it at the most random times too.
If you're in another room, you bet your bottom they're going to peep in just to say they love you. If you were in mid-conversation they'll tell you they love you. In anything that you're doing, they'll interrupt you for a moment to tell you they love you. They'll keep on telling you they love you until any shred of doubt that you might have of them loving you is nonexistent.
They need you to know that they love you, so that you know you can rely on them, trust in them, and that you know that you're never alone. Call them whenever you need help, go to them for comfort, use their shoulder to lean on because as they've said time and time again, they love you. And if it takes 1000 more times to show you, then so be it.
You've got to know how loved you are, how precious, and how valued you are. Especially when you're feeling low, they don't ever want you to forget that.
Heizou, Kaveh, Gorou, Thoma
They share a similar sentiment as those who like to say it all the time, but they're less overbearing about it in comparison. They'd usually make sure to say it before they leave or at the end of a conversation with you. In general, they're the types who would have no reservations when complimenting you, lifting you up, or expressing any of the adoration they have for you, which includes saying "I love you".
I also feel like they're the types to say "I love you" in between kisses, hehe 🤭 (Like, imagine them kissing your face. They kiss your forehead, "I love you". They kiss your nose, "I love you". They kiss your cheeks with another, "I love you". They finally kiss your lips, "I love you" and they continue to presses kisses upon your lips, saying "I love you" over and over again with each one)
Just enough
Zhongli, Kaeya, Kazuha, Baizhu
They prefer not to use the phrase too much nor too little. After all, they don’t find it necessary to say it so often as they are assured that you know they love you very much already.
Diluc, Ayato, Xiao, Albedo, Tighnari
These guys will say "I love you" sparingly. They believe saying it too much diminishes its value, so they tend to preserve it for when they're feeling great emotion. Usually after having not seen you for a while, or when they're internally overwhelmed with joy over something pertaining to you, they'll say it.
It’s likely not going to be an outburst, like "I LOVE YOU!!" lol. It's rather a soft, "I love you", whispered in your ear as they hold you close, their fervor showing in the firmness of their embrace.
Almost never
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Scaramouche, Cyno
Don't mistake their lack of saying the phrase as a lack of love for you. In truth, they love you terribly.
They are firm believers in showing it through their actions. To them, "I love you" doesn't mean much if their actions don't prove it. So they say "I love you" by being there for you, caring about you, listening to you, and in other numerous ways.
"I love you" is also a vulnerable phrase for them to say. Though, this doesn't mean that they won't say it at all. They'll say it when their hearts can no long carry the amount of love they hold for you inside. It'd come out of their mouths unexpectedly when they are swept up by overwhelming emotion.
Again, similar to those in the "rarely" category, their overwhelming emotions wouldn't come out as an outburst. Most of it is internal.
They'll be looking at you, eyes full of tenderness as their mind would be swirling with thoughts of how much they adored you. Lost in these thoughts, an "I love you" would subconsciously slip through their lips, earning a surprised look from you. It was only until then did they snap out of their thoughts and realize what they've done. And before they can brush it off and switch the topic, pleeease stop them and tell them "I love you" back. Heck, do whatever you can to savor this precious moment where they've finally expressed their innermost feeling because it's RARE.
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a/n: ngl I did the "just enough" category really dirty by not giving it more substance compared to the others lmao 💀 I just didn't know what else to write 😭
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theoryofthemultiverse · 4 months
hehe its okay I understand:D thank you for the stuff u put out though they're really good
And because of that, I’ll gladly continue to make more stuff :>
Always makes me happy when I see all the likes in the morning, you guys help me start my day!
Hoyo‘s Doctors Love Languages ♥️
Synopsis: What’s likely to be their love language?
Characters: Baizhu, Dr.Ratio, Il Dottore
A.N: I hope we can fundamentally agree that the Bordeaux heart in the title is one of the prettiest. Also keep in mind that these are just assumptions what I have on them, and what they are more likely to have than the other love languages :)!
Baizhu 🐍
Quality time and acts of service
Loveable man spends long hours in the pharmacy every day, sees patients tends to their problems, looks for function of certain limbs so I believe he gets a lot of general human contact through his job. So therefore I feel like he would still enjoy cuddling for sure, but it would be his priority.
Same goes for giving gifts and words of affirmation. He surely likes giving you gifts and telling you how good you’re doing at something, but to him personally, there are just things he values so much more!
Like when the two of you spend the evening or morning together simply talking while drinking tea. Or if you decide to join him for meditation before the pharmacy opens up in the morning. If you listen to him telling you about some patients he encountered today, it all adds to his liking for quality time with you.
And if you connect it with little acts of service, like helping him sort herbs, or bringing him something he needs while in an examination with a patient, he will be in love.
Dr. Ratio 🎓
Physical Touch and Quality time
I honestly wished he could give words of affirmation but I feel like he is bad at it. (Please teach him a few vocabularies on that part) Because it might be a little too obvious, but even though you’re not his student, he still has a hard time finding things affirm them with. So all in all, a rare occurrence to hear very affirming words from him, but at least you can be sure you’re one of the only ones that ever got them then :,)
When it comes to gifts and acts of service I can see him liking it to some point. He sees meaning in a gift that comes from you if you put your thoughts and heart into it. As well as he likes you doing some acts of service for him, but acts of service are likely able to go into the ‚could you solve that equation for me‘ which he would know is something he can’t ask, so he is good about it.
But physical affection and quality time? Oh lord.
It might just be my thinking, but I believe this man is touch deprived. (I mean the only touch he really gets is the book and the chalk- which definitely don’t do the job) So when you offer to cuddle him or take a bath with him, he is over the moon.
And if you connect that with quality time as well then you even manage 2 things in one go! Cuddling while talking, listening to each other, or simply staying silent while reading a book. It really helps him recharge with you by his side.
Il Dottore🧪
Gift giving and Acts of service
Wouldn’t find much use for physical touch and words of affirmation. If you want to cuddle and get a little bit of affirmative words he’s not going to deny your wish but it’s visibly hard for him to come up with something to say that is not making you feel worse, so personally i advise against that :,)
When it comes to quality time though he is unsure, because if you come into his lab and ask him about everything he is doing and what this and that machine does he can’t help but enjoy that time spent with you and proudly show you everything around the room.
But that’s still nothing against gift giving and acts of service. Let’s say you’re out and about and suddenly stumble upon an ancient relic in one of Sumerus markets. You take it back to him and he’s going to be all over it and love you for bringing (gifting) it to him. Basically like you brought a new toy he can tinker on home with you which also connects to acts of service.
Let’s say you know your way around his lab and the way he likes to work, so when he is gone somewhere to maybe conduct an experiment, you already put out a few papers and a pen to spare him of the action upon his return, and while it may be just a small action, he really greatly appreciates you for it.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! gn! reader
As my first request... I'm going to put voice claims as like a celebration!
Yan! Jock (Damon): Marshall Lee from Adventure Time (Donald Glover)
Yan! Sugar daddy (Rowan Silas): Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (Christian Bale)
Yan! Butler (Zero): Baizhu from Genshin Impact in JP (Yusa Koji)
Yan! Theater actor (Ignatius): Tamaki from Ouran Highschool Host Club (Vic Mignogna)
Yan! Dragon (Vincent): Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom (Behzad Dabu)
Yan! Artist (Arlen): Sal Fischer from Sally Face
((Just the voice claims, the charas involved are not really related to the Yans. BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CAN'T FIND A PERFECT FIT FOR ROWAN GRRRRRRRR also Zero being in Japanese... Well, I actually did a Beware the Villainess voice headcannons before, and I used Baizhu JP as Nine's voice. Since Zero's inspired by him, then... Yeah.))
TW: Blood, gore, violence against a dead body.
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He's a bit... Dumb.
That's what his friends would say when you ask about Damon.
He's dumb, yet sweet, kind, and insanely athletic.
People call him your typical himbo.
Rumors had it that he's completely a mama's boy, someone who doesn't know the difference between their, they're, and there, a man who has just one braincell that ticks around his head like the dvd logo bouncing around the screen and only get used on sports.
Ah yes, sports. The only thing he's extremely smart at.
Other than being street smart, he's body smart also. That's why he's being passed around by sports team in his University and also being gatekept by the clubs.
The baseball club needs a batter? On it. The basketball club had their ace sick? Don't worry, the mvp is here. The badminton team needs a pair for the doubles? Sure, just make sure to let him bring his own racket. Fencing club lacks one person for a complete sparring session? Uh, he hasn't tried fencing yet, but he will still master it immediately.
So because everything in his peanut brain gets squeezed onto sports, his academics isn't really the best...
Yet, his athlete scholarship made him stay afloat in the University. Plus he's the adorable kind of dumb, so everyone loved him.
If you try to tell him that he's a himbo, he would take it as an offense and would yell at you with the biggest pout and puppy dog eyes that he's not a himbo!
Oh, sweet summer child he is.
Everyone liked to watch this big, buff puppy play around with a smile on his face.
But not the Dean of his college. I mean, he's an athlete scholar, that's for sure, but he's still in Education! He needs to do better in his studies if he wants to be a teacher in the future!
And no! Damon cannot just cluelessly tilt his head to the side!
While Damon pouted, the dean called for you.
You're the candidate magna cum laude in your batch. Smart as you are, you buried your nose in books and notes as you studied to become a teacher, but lacked the confidence and charisma to be an effective one.
So the Dean thought this would be the perfect synergy. Damon's personality would rub on you, while your braincells will rub on his.
It was perfect.
And while you stood there with your eyes downcast, Damon's eyes widened as he stared at you.
It was love at first sight.
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"Damon for the last time, it's School Based Management! Not Shoe Base Management! How did you even twist it to that?"
"Hehe, sorry y/n..."
*You sighed and crossed out the number.*
"5/50. How did your score got lower than the last time?! And it's a repeat test too!"
Rowan pouted and fiddled with his fingers. His eyes downcast as he appeared vulnerable.
"I'm sorry y/n.... I will do my best next time..."
*You sighed once more, knowing you can't deny this man.*
"Alright alright. Let's just study again."
You and Damon are in the library now, studying for the upcoming retake that Damon needs to take. But despite being here in the library for two hours, he still hasn't improved at all!
You stood up and glanced around, trying to see more books to use for studying. One preferably understandable for ding dongs like him.
Maybe a children's picture book of CPE 102 was needed for this guy.
You were harsh yet also patient with Damon, something he really likes. If he had a tail right now, it would wag rapidly to the point he'll break a bone in it.
All his thoughts is filled with you and you. The back of his notebook is scribbled with your name and his encased in a heart, crude drawings of you and him holding hands, or a silly children's game where he does a compatibility test using both of your names.
Neverminded that the test always ends up at "enemies" or "strangers", no no no... He won't accept it.
So these tests had large scribble marks all over him as words filled with rage about how the tests are lies are inked there.
And while Damon swung his feet while scribbling your and his future children's (yes, plural) names, he suddenly wondered where you are.
He got off his seat and walked around until he found you.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
He felt shivers run down his spine.
There you where, smiling and bantering with an another man. Amicably talking to each other like you were the best of pals.
Damon recognized him from your class records (don't question why he knew your class records, he swears he's just doing research). Jupiter was his name, oddly enough. He's also a candidate magna cum laude and your study buddy. He's naturally gifted in academics and so does in his looks.
So when Damon saw how your eyes sparkled while talking to that guy...
He felt his façade crack.
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Jupiter ran quickly across the lit yet empty rugby field in his University. Everyone was out for the school day since it was already 10pm.
How did Jupiter end up running away frantically with his clothes sticking on his body due to sweat?
It would be because of a masked man chasing him, power walking towards him with a metal baseball bat in hand. Jupiter can't see his face, but knew he's absolutely huge.
Jupiter ran as quickly as he can, but his body can't keep up. His legs weakened and his knee started to hurt as he heaved quickly. His vision swimming as he tried to run across and away from the man.
He's academic for god's sake! Physical activities are his mortal enemy!
As he cursed his hatred away, Jupiter tripped on a rock and rolled forward. His knee also finally gave up and is now hurting a lot.
Jupiter tried to scream for help, but all he could do is bite his lip as he held his poor knee.
Not until the man got close and clubbed him on that knee, making Jupiter scream in agony.
That night, Jupiter's scream echoed throughout the empty rugby field and the sound of a hard object hitting a body. Then,
Then silence.
The masked man looked at the bloodied mess and chuckled. His small giggle turning into a full blown laughter as he tried to suppress it.
Damon grabbed a sharpie from his back pocket and scribbled on Jupiter's mangled body. His back, which is still somehow smooth, now contained your nickname and Damon's.
He's doing the compatibility test again.
"Soulmates! Oh my god!" Damon screamed in happiness. "Finally! Oh this is great! I shouldn't have doubted the test!"
Damon danced around Jupiter's body like he's not dead. Then, he kicked Jupiter's body. And kicked it. And kicked it. And kicked it more.
"Tch. You think you can smile at my soulmate like that? Think again buckaroo." Damon whispered, dropping his himbo jock persona.
This man had a sharp, intelligent look in his eyes. One that does not hold innocent curiosity, only a morbid bloodthirst.
This was the real Damon.
"Fuck. This dumb himbo persona is fucking me up. All I could do is put all my frustrations on sports." Damon spat out and kicked Jupiter's body towards his expensive truck. "I'm sick and tired of being labeled like that."
Then, he remembered your face. How he caught you staring at him with fondness as he acted dumb and cute.
He shivered.
"Maybe I'll continue to do this persona. Fuck. If only my parents would leave me be after that incident, then I won't have to do this."
Once Damon placed Jupiter's body on his truck, he started to clean the field with ease.
This wasn't his first kill after all.
He's always been twisted since he's a kid. But was forced to hide it due to his parents finding out he killed his cat with his own two hands with a smile on his face.
A trip to rehab, and he adopted this persona.
He slammed his truck close and drove away, humming and thanking that the University security cameras are broken.
He would kill more if necessary.
He's not afraid to dirty his hands. If ever, he loved it.
He looked at a picture of you and him in his dashboard. The picture was you smiling widely to the camera with a blushing Damon on the side, a test paper raised. It had full marks.
He kissed his finger and placed that finger on your lips.
"My soulmate~"
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slothgiirl · 2 years
in the air (xiao x reader)
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7.3k words. mentions of rock climbing and chinese traditional medicine. pining. fluff. first time writing in genshin impact for xiao so idk how in character this is. probs errors bc this is unedited like my lyfe lol. also xiao takes 1k words to show up hehe
“Delivery for Bubu Pharmacy,” you dump all your packages on the counter, finally able to see in front of you once again. The walk from Qingce Village to Liyue Harbor was long, made longer by the various dried herbs and distilled oils you had to carry.
“Ah, our lovely botanist,” Herbalist Gui grabs a letter opener, already sorting through the parcels. Silk flowers, glaze lilies, fresh lotus root, ginseng root, and the rest of the raw ingredients a pharmacy needed. “No violetgrass? Or qingxin flowers?”
You slip behind the counter, taking a seat on the stool Qiqi used to reach. You’d need the stool too in order to get the very top shelf ingredients. Maybe you weren’t a pharmacists, you think as you read the labels for ingredients as rare as sakura blooms imported from abroad to condensed ginger, but you could probably fix a cold.
Botany wasn’t your dream growing up, but your family’s business. The house you’d grown up in was tiny compared to the greenhouse full of silk flowers, to the pear trees and lotus growing in flooded terraces. You liked the job. You liked getting to see all of Liyue. You loved the smell of drying cinnamon and seeing a plant perk up once you gave it some compost.
“Not yet,” you admit, “with the rains last week I couldn’t exactly get to Huaguang Stone Forest.” Your favorite part of this job was getting to climb up the towering peaks. You loved rock climbing. You loved the cool wind on your skin after ascending, looking down and knowing you’d done this. You loved the solitude, the quiet and peace. You fell in love with the alien perspective of being up so high.
“Be careful out there,” Herbalist Gui says, a crease forming between his brows, “isn’t full of hilichurls and demons?”
“I am careful,” you massage your calves, “pretty sure a lawachurl could break me in half.” It ate at your time, having to go around treasure hoarders and hilichurls, unsure if they’d let you pass freely or not. There was no way you’d risk a run-in with fatui skirmishers that far from the Millelith’s sight.
So you hid behind bushes and trees, going around and losing hours.
“And the demons? You ever actually seen one?”
You laugh. “No, thank the Archons.” You didn’t want to test how effective exorcist charms were against demons. Chongyun had carved one out of wood for you to keep you from being possessed, while Hu Tao’s last present had been a jade sigil to tells ghosts you were a friend. You were concerned about its effects but Hu Tao always had good intentions despite her questionable methods.
You trusted her.
And there was no way you were going to disparage one of your childhood friends to her face. Some people had no tack.
You couldn’t imagine calling someone a weirdo even if it was true. Especially in a mean spirited way.
“That’s good.”
“Tell Baizhu I’ll be back in two days ,” you tell the pharmacist.
“That fast?”
You smile, “yeah. I’ll come back here then head home.” It’d mean only having one day to lazy about at home before hitting the road again, but like Hu Tao you valued the reputation of your business too much to delay the order of violetgrass and qingxi flowers to next week.
“Okay, I’ll be sure to let Baizhu know.”
“You’re the best.”
“Do you want some tea before you go,” Herbalist Bui asks, “it’s got jueyun chilis, good for all that running around you do.”
“Of course you don’t have regular jasmine tea?” This was a pharmacy. You accept it all the same, grateful for the warmth of the tea quenching your thirst. Maybe you wouldn’t be dead on your feet when you ascend tomorrow.
You camp at the south of Caijue Slope.
Travelling at night wasn’t a bright idea if you didn’t have a vision. Something you most definitely didn’t.
You’d always dreamed of a geo vision, though without Rex Lapis who knows if there would be any new geo visions. When you’d started bouldering around Mingyun Village, learning to identify fungi and flowers with your father, you could only ever imagine a geo vision.
It would be mad useful.
You wouldn’t need to carry ropes and anchors if you could just form your own anchors and climbing forms out of the very rock you ascended.
Passing through Jueyun Karst let you know waiting had been the right choice.
The mud clumps to the soles of your boots. When you step on the road, your feet sink. There’s little to no treasure hoarders or fatui to be seen. It must’ve been awful the day after the rains and near impassable with the rain. The towering mountains made the roads down below prone to flash flooding.
You have to stop and scrape the mud off your boots on rocks every few steps until finally you start the road up to Qingyun Peak. You barely even need to check your worn map.
Your family has been in the botany business for generations. You know where the clusters of Violetgrass and Qingxin spring up. Between here and Mingyun Village, you gather enough of both to fulfil Verr Goldet and Baizhu’s orders.
It takes the entire morning to ascend up the northernmost pillar of Huaguang Stone Forest, sitting on the edge as you Mint Salad and mora meat. It’s not as good when the food’s cold, but there’s nothing better than the food you eat after a long climb. Sweat runs down your spine as you look over Liyue. You can make out the Jade Chamber in the sky over Liyue Harbor. This must be what the adepti, what Rex Lapis, saw every day.
After Bubu Pharmacy you’d deliver to Wangshu Inn, then home. Then you’d collapse in bed before starting all over again.
You run your fingers over the petals of the qingxin flower. This one could stay. It was too small, the majority of the buds still closed.
The zenith of the sun has passed when you finally start to descend.
You hook your safety rope into the anchors you’d placed on the way up.
One of these days you’d buy yourself a Monstadt glider.
As you go, you remove the anchors, releasing the expansion clamps and slipping it into your bag, before descending the next metre.
You hook your safety rope into the next anchor. Then descend another metre. Carefully. Taking your time.
Pebbles fall past you.
It feels like the entire world rumbles.
You look out into the landscape, into the fog you can barely make out the other stone pillars, but even the fog cannot obscure the flashes of green anemo bursts in the skies.
You glance up. It was a good twenty metres to the peak. You look down. It wasn’t any better.
It was worse.
A good thousand metres up. 800 from where you’d started climbing from the top of the road.
The flashes of anemo grew closer.
More pebbles fell, clinking against your shoulder. Dirt dislodged and fell in your hair.
You were stuck.
Your hands grew sweaty.
If it had been raining you could make it up free handed. Waited it out. Rain usually built up. This stone forest had no ledges to seek shelter on.
Flashes of green interspersed with flashes of red and blue.
You look around, trying to find anything to perch on.
Okay, okay. Let yourself fall onto the ledge 30 metres below. No-
Not survivable.
Your hands grow slick with sweat as figures emerge out of the fog.
Dark figures. Demons. Monsters.
Your grip slips.
You flail, trying to catch yourself.
You slam into the side of the cliff, dangling by your safety rope over a thousand metres in the air. Pain explodes across your thigh.
Your fingers are bleeding where you’d tried to grab a rock.
The figures are closer now. Across from you fighting in the air, floating. Abyss mages and a fighter. You couldn’t tell.
And you couldn’t waste time watching.
You clip into the next anchor, attaching your safety rope. There was no time to climb up for the other rope and anchor.
You cut your loses.
Okay, move.
You scramble down, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.
There’s an extra safety rope in your bag, you climb another metre down. And another one.
The sound of fighting is still too close, approaching, you hear the laughter of the abyss mages, the clash of steel against abyssal magic. You don’t look, chest heaving as you try to climb down in minutes what would normally take hours.
You inhale sharply, the dirt from the rocks mixing with the blood on your fingers. You slice your fingers on the ledges but keep going.
It doesn’t matter.
You have to keep going.
And then nothing matters.
Ice explodes against your back.
A chill spreads from the spot, your muscles tense and freeze and you can’t move. You can’t move your fingers. You can’t-
You look up.
The abyss mage is looking at you, laughing behind it’s terrible mask, a mockery of Opera makeup, as you fall.
It’s why the spear that jut out of it’s chest catches it off guard.
But what does that matter?
You’re falling, falling…
The figures disappear from your vision.
You scream.
You’re so cold.
You can’t even flail as you plunge to your death.
You’ve never been so cold.
The fog dissipates as you approach the ground.
Your vision explodes in emerald and black. “Hgh,” a hand grips your wrist.
You smash onto the ground.
Only you’re still alive.
“Hold still,” a gruff voice says near your ear.
You kick, blinking the tears, blinking away the terror from your eyes, “let me go!” You were alive. YOU WERE ALIVE!
And tangled on the ground with a strange masked man.
Vexation is clear in his tone as he repeats, “hold still.”
You roll off him, wincing. Everything hurt. You side ached. Nothing was broken. You could tell you’d be bruised black and blue for the next week. “Thank you,” you huff, connecting the dots even as your vision grew white with pain. Your fingers were still cramped from the cold. You could use jueyun chilis right now.
Thank the Archons you still had your bag. Crushed flowers were better than no flowers.
“Mortals should not be in Jueyun Karst.” The man still wears a mask carved of blackened wood. It matches the black of his gloves. A vision is strapped to his wrist.
Not a man at all.
You breathe, forcing down the pain.
You couldn’t do anything about it until you were safe. Not out here. Not out in the open.
You look around.
You weren’t in Jueyun Karst anymore. This was the road east to Guili Plains.
“I have permission,” you tell the adepti, “I can show you the sigil of permission.”
He says nothing, crouching in front of you like an overgrown bird. The mask is still on.
Despite that you’re not scared.
The sigil feels strange. It feels akin to resting your back against the statues of Morax.
“See,” you tell him. You weren’t lying. It was the same sigil your family had used for generations. Your grandmother said Moon Carver had gifted it when the Qixing closed passage into Jueyun Karst. “Master Adepti? Sir?…” You weren’t sure of the proper way of addressing an Adepti.
His eyes travel from your sigil to you. There’s mirth in his cor lapis eyes.
The mask.
The fighting.
He wasn’t just any adepti.
You lean forward, “you’re the vigilant yaksha,” you raise your hand, forgetting yourself for a moment as you move to touch his mask only that might get you struck down for disrespecting an adepti’s pride. All the adepti had strange rules about what was permissible. “I don’t know about you adepti, but it’s kinda rude for you to keep your mask on for so long.” It felt like he had something to hide.
“You presume to order an adepti?”
You crack a grin, “I couldn’t make you do anything.” You shift, trying to get up. You need to get to Wangshu Inn before night.
“Fuck,” you hiss. Right. You were all banged up.
The yaksha moves swiftly, steadying her. “You’re hurt.”
“I am,” you wince. “Just bruises.”
“Why were you in Jueyun Karst.” His tone drips with disapproval.
“For qingxi flowers. Violetgrass. Pharmacists need it.” You laugh. “Ironic right?”
He’s still holding you up, his hands on your arms, gentle despite the destruction he just caused in the stone forest. You want to see his face. You want to thank him without any barriers.
He must be handsome, you think to yourself. You know he is.
“Can you not grow them in Liyue Harbor?”
You shake your head, “they only grow at high altitudes. They prefer rocks to soil. I think there’s something in the rocks, some mineral. We’ve tried to grow them in Qingce Village but they didn’t take.”
His eyes study you once more, “your hands are bleeding.”
“It’ll be fine,” you tell him, “some balm. Baizhu deals with worse all the time.” At least the cold wore off.
“Where should I leave you?”
The words are unexpected. He’d saved you, but he wasn’t exactly friendly and warm. The Yaksha was quiet and reserved.
He’d stayed to make sure you were okay.
“Liyue Harbor,” you say tentatively, “though if that’s too far…”
“Heh,” the Yaksha rolls his eyes, scoffing.
“If it’s out of your way,” you amend, smiling, “I’m sure that it’s an easy distance for the Vigilant Yaksha to cover.”
He tilts his head.
You wonder what he thinks of you.
“I’m only joking,” you add when the silence streches out in case he missed your teasing. “But Liyue Harbor would be great if it’s not a bother.”
The Yaksha nods. “I offered.”
“You did.” He didn’t have to.
You try not to read into it too much. The adepti were all about protecting Liyue. You weren’t special.
Quite the opposite.
You’d been in Huaguang Stone Forest at the wrong time.
He finally lets go of your arms, only to pick you up bridal style.
“Ah!” You’re caught off guard, barely processing what is happening before the world disappears in black smoke.
You squeeze your eyes shut, as wind streaks through your hair, chilling your skin all over again.
In seconds, he’s already placing you back down, overlooking the Harbor.
“Wow, that was amazing!” What took you two days to travel, the Yaksha had done in seconds. You look over the Harbor, it’s lights slowly turning on as the sun sets over the water. It was a short walk to the Pharmacy. You’d be imposing on Hu Tao tonight.
She’d probably love the impromptu sleepover.
“Thanks again-,” you turn back to thank the Yaksha once more.
But you’re alone.
“Jueyn chilis, qingxi flowers, and a boatload of mint and ginger,” you list off to Verr Goldet. “Hey, do you sell incense sticks?”
Verr’s eyes widened, “what happened to you my dear?”
Your hands were still all bandaged up, but as you suspected, it was pretty much all bruising. Still, you’d be sticking to Mingyun Village and Wuwang Hill until you were given the all clear by Baizhu. It was good to let the usual spots grow wild in the meantime.
You didn’t want to overpick any one spot.
“Nasty fall,” you also didn’t want to worry the Innkeeper unnecessarily. “I’m mostly bummed out. I have to go back for most of my anchors.” Stupid abyss mage.
“Well,” Verr Goldet hands you an incense stick, “this one’s on the house. Since you’re always on time. I’m glad you’re okay.”
“Are you sure,” you ask, already reaching for your mora bag.
“Listen to your elders and take the incense stick.”
“Thank you.” You bow respectfully to the woman, “this is so kind of you.”
“I know you would show me the same kindness.” She bows back. “Make sure you rest and rest before heading off.”
“Of course,” you grin, “you’re the only place that sells mushroom pizza in Liyue.” You could get honey roast and radish veggie soup at a street vendor in the Harbor but not pizza.
With your own mora you purchase healing balm. The Yaksha would appreciate this. You think. It made sense. He probably fought demons and monsters all the time.
He could use this when he got hurt.
You think.
You don’t know much about adepti.
“I think that’s a marvellous idea!” Hu Tao practically dances in delight when you tell her your plan.
“As a thanks,” you further explain. “It doesn’t feel right to just pray at a shrine.” You don’t even know his name.
“Ah,” she twirls in the street, running into a merchant
“Hey! Watch where you’re going weirdo!”
Hu Tao pays him no mind. “Obviously my charm worked.”
“What? No it didn’t,” you frown. The spirits had not been the problem. The abyss mages had nearly killed you.
But your friend is too busy with ideas to pay you any mind, “perhaps you need a noctilucous jade sigil to repel evil spirits?”
“That was an option,” you raise a brow. That seemed more useful.
“Most spirits aren’t bad silly,” she tells you, “very few become demons.”
“Can it at least be Cor Lapis,” you think about the Yaksha’s eyes again. You’d thought about the Yaksha a lot.
“No. That wouldn’t work for the carving. Hey, let’s get a drink before you go!”
You sit at the shrine in Mingyun Village. And it really was a village. Just two stores and a few houses. Most of the people here were fishermen, but you knew some lived off the shells and pearls that could be gathered on Yaoguang Shore.
The largest was inscribed to Rex Lapis. There were steles for Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper and the other adepti of legends. And a small one for the Yakshas, but there were no names for them.
You frown.
You set the jar of balm in front of you. Then you light the incense stick, unsure of what the proper prayers for a Yaksha were.
“Oh mighty vigilant Yaksha,” you cringe, closing your eyes, “scratch that. Um,” could adepti even hear your prayers? Could Rex Lapis answer prayers from the heavens? “Thanks again for saving me. Sorry if I got in the way or anything. I’m glad you keep those monsters aways from the Harbor and villages. And thank you for dropping me off in Liyue Harbor. That was incredibly kind of you. This balm is for you.”
There. That didn’t sound half bad.
Maybe you could still be a ritualist.
Change careers last minute.
You hear a snort.
You open your eyes.
In your peripheral, the Yaksha stands facing the shrines. His mask rests on his belt.
You were right, he is handsome.
Teal streaks through his dark hair. There’s a violet mark on his forehead and he’s handsome. His expression is inscrutable though his eyes remain kind despite what his demeanour would suggest.
He sits down next to you, watching the incense stick burn. The smoke wisps off in spirals.
“Thank you.”
“I heard.” His voice is not unkind.
You nod, “all the same.”
You breathe the rich aroma of the incense.
“You should always burn 3 sticks, or 5.”
“Sorry?” He doesn’t seem angry or upset. But you still feel the need to apologise. He was an adepti after all. The Yaksha did so much for Liyue already.
His eyes fall close. The last vestiges of wariness dissipate. “I do not need the balm.”
“Oh.” Your face falls. Stupid. You’d done nothing right. It would have been better to just leave things be.
You watch the smoke, biting your lip. He’d come all this way and you’d done everything wrong. You were embarrassed.
He probably had better things to do.
The Yaksha opens his eyes, turning towards you. He frowns.
He had such lovely eyes: black tea steeped perfectly. There was a warmth in them that had you dismissing all your negative thoughts. He wasn’t irritated with you at all. He’d chosen to come all this way for you even when you had things all wrong.
The Yaksha was strange, but kind.
Even as he held your gaze for an inhumane amount of time, unblinking, you felt comfortable the way you might with Chongyun.
You were right. He was handsome. The stories never mentioned that.
He parts his lips, brows furrowed, before looking away. He fixes his gaze on the steles again.
“Well, is there anything that you might like as thanks,” you finally settle on uttering, looking very pointedly at the bas relief of Morax. Heat rises to your cheeks. It was so silly. This was such a normal thing to do, thank someone and yet you grew flustered.
“Ah?” The Yaksha’s cheeks grow pink. “There is no need-I do not act in exchange for material gain.”
“I just want to thank you. If not for saving me then for taking me to the Harbor.” You bite your lip. “You can think of it as friends exchanging gifts.”
It’s the wrong thing to say.
The Yaksha stands suddenly, a swirl of anemo blowing your hair about. “I have duties to attend to.” And he’s gone.
Clearly, you and Hu Tao both failed at making friends.
A month passes, and you’ve made every effort to take your mind off the Yaksha. He was an adeptus. Two times you’d met him. That was more than most people ever interacted with adepti.
You weren’t part of the Qixing.
You were a simple botanist running around liyue.
You run your fingers over the new jade amulet from Hu Tao. You’d be okay.
Last time was a freak accident.
In two decades of life, last time had been the sole time you’d seen an abyss mage. Nothing would happen this time. You’d collect the herbs in Jueyun Karst as usual and be on your merry way.
Ascending is made easy by the anchors you left behind. You’re the one who takes baby steps, pausing with every push up to look around in case there’s some hilicurls aiming for you. You close your eyes, leaning your forehead against the rock. It was fine. You were fine.
Your hands had scarred over.
You refused to be afraid of going out in Liyue for the rest of your life.
You push onwards.
You check your safety line. You check each anchor.
You look around.
So far so good.
It’s only when you break past the fog that you realise how uneventful the entire ascension has been. You’re worried sick about nothing.
You pull yourself onto the cliff top and collapse on your back, panting.
You laugh, at yourself, at the situation. At being so high up. You close your eyes and soak in the warmth of the sun, the heat of your body against the cool stone. Had Rex Lapis created this stone forest too? You’d have to ask Baizhu. He knew all the stories since he told them to Qiqi endlessly, not that the little girl ever remembered.
She’s been a child for as long as you could remember.
Lunch is cold jade parcels and leftover fried radish balls which are never as good cold. Nothing fried was ever as good cold.
You pluck the qingxi flowers first, bunching them up in your bag. The violetgrass was easier since you collected those on your way up.
You take another drink of water from your flask, looking over the landscape. Jueyun Karst was so beautiful. You forgot how dangerous the area was.
The plan was to head north and swim across the waters to Qingce Village, swim home. You’d have to camp out on the isles, but it was safer than staying in the stone forest overnight or trying to swim in the frigid night.
You take a nap, waiting for midday to pass before you start your descent.
You pull the last anchor free when a voice startles you.
“What are you doing here?”
“Ah,” you weld the anchor like a knife in the air before you recognize the Yaksha’s distinctive purple pants and green tattoo. “Fuck,” you place a hnd on your chest, “you scared me.”
“I did not mean-,” he frowns, “why are you here?”
You point up, “have a job to do. Qingxi, violetgrass. I’m just happy everything else can be cultivated.”
The Yaksha’s frown deepens.
“I have a job to do. It has its risks but medicine must be supplied.”
He nods, but remains sullen.
“Anyways I’m all done here.” You wipe your hands on your robes, “and relax. I waited until I was done healing, see,” you hold up your palms. With coconut oil the scarring would fade.
The Yaksha steps close to you, taking your hands in his and looking them over. He runs a finger over your darkest scar. There were specks of gold in his eyes. The mark on his forehead glowed.
He looked up through long teal lashes at you when he was done accessing your hands.
Your mouth is dry. It’s hard to meet his heavy gaze. It feels like falling all over again.
There’s no way he misses the flush on your cheeks that has nothing to do with climbing and everything to do with the way his touch renders you breathless.
“I will escort you through Jueyun Karst.”
“Oh,” your eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t have to,” you brush your hair behind your ears. No matter what you did climbing made your hair a rat’s nest. “I’m sure your very busy with your adeptus duties.”
“Tt.” He releases your hands. “It is not up for discussion.”
“Vigilant Yaksha,” you have to insist, “I have an amulet to keep the monsters away. And I’ll just be back next week…I don’t want to be a bother. Really. I’ll be okay.”
He tilts his head, “what amulet?”
You lift the necklace up, “it’s from my friend. She knows more about ghosts but I-”
The Yaksha closes the distance between you. He scrutinises the sigil, his breath ghosting over your cheek. “There is a limit to the accumulation of evil spirits and demons an amulet can repel.”
“But it does work?”
He nods.
You can’t stand being this close to him while he is seemingly unaffected. Your heart is lodged in your throat but his expression remains as guarded as ever.
It was silly to even think about an adeptus like this.
A smaller, crazier voice that sounded a lot like Hu Tao points out that half adepti like Ganyu exist for a reason.
You avert your gaze, stepping back. “So you see, you don’t have to-”
He cuts you off. “It is not up for discussion.”
You nod, accepting he would do why he thought was right even if it did make you feel like you were bothering him. (He wasn’t even angry or bothered.)
The Yaksha was kind in his stilted way.
“I’m headed north to Qingce Village.” You pocket the last anchor and drink more water before embarking on the road home.
“My name is Xiao.”
You fall into a pattern. Buy 3 incense sticks from Verr Goldet, burn them for the Yakshas. Deliver to Wangshu Inn and Bubu Pharmacy once a week. Collect Herbs from Mingyun Village and Jueyen Karst once a week. See Xiao in Jueyun Karst.
A rough pattern because Xiao came and went without notice. Sometimes he’d be waiting for you at Cuijue Slope until he began to climb up a mountain. At times he wouldn’t appear until you’d finished descending.
You made the lion’s share of conversation, complaining that Chongyun was in Mondstat to deal with some apparition and therefore was getting to eat all the tea pancakes in the world. You told Xiao about flu season and how much ginger Baizhu went through. You complained about having to dilute soap in water to keep pests away from your family’s crops.
“-I’ll need new boots when the caravan from Sumeru stops by,” you take a break on a rock to catch your breath. You’d never seen Xiao tire.
The soles of your boots were worn down. You could feel the rocks poke at your heels through the leather.
You let the silence reign in the picturesque valley.
Xiao doesn’t sit, but he closes his eyes as the sun chases away the clouds. You soaked up the warmth. The sun’s rays made the chilly breeze bearable.
He leans his head back, basking in the sun like a lizard.
You wonder what his animal form looks like. You’d only seen Rex Lapis on the Rite of Descension. But everyone knew Mountain Carver was a magnificent stag.
With his eyes closed, you find yourself staring at his visage shamelessly. He was striking, the graphic cut of his hair only accentuating his bone structure.
You wanted him to hold you again. You wanted him to run his hands over yours, to-
You quash the thoughts down.
Xiao opens his eyes, polearm already in hand as he spots something in the distance. “Wait here.”
You nod, used to this by now.
It was never a long wait, but Xiao would step away for minutes to deal with threats to Liyue.
You are glad to rest for a while longer.
“Why don’t you just tell him,” Chongyun splits a milk tea shaved ice with you, “how you feel,” he scoops up a brown sugar boba with his spoonful of shaved ice.
“Are you crazy? What if I make things awkward? Then he’ll never speak to me again! That would be so much worse.” You didn’t want to lose Xiao’s friendship.
You eat another spoonful of shaved ice, making sure to get some of the mochi, managing to look incredibly dejected while eating dessert.
Chongyun sighs. “You can’t complain and not do anything about it.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “I’m not taking advice from someone who can’t even order.”
“So? I’m proactive about it,” his voice cracks. “I ask you, or someone I’m with to order.”
You pat his hand, knowing it wasn’t fair to take your crush out on him. It wasn’t his fault Xiao made you want to kiss him everytime he tilted his head to indicate he was listening to you, or confused. It wasn’t Chongyun’s fault Xiao went still, buff arms flexing right before he took off to fight.
Archons, you were down bad for the Yaksha.
You couldn’t even enjoy your shaved ice.
“What’s your adeptal animal form,” you asks Xiao, breaking the serene silence atop Qingyun Peak. “You don’t have to answer that if it’s rude.”
He wouldn’t answer if he didn’t want to either way.
You no longer found it rude when he stayed silent. Xiao meant what he said, and therefore took more time to speak, and didn’t answer at all when he didn’t think his words added to the conversation. The more time you spent with him, the easier you were able to read him.
It wasn’t so much that he was an unfeeling adeptus, but rather he was usually occupied with hunting demons. He falters when he knows you’re joking but cannot understand the joke. His eyes widen when you hand him dried chrysanthemums for protection. It was a peasant superstition, but the idea of Xiao fighting alone weighed you down if you contemplated it for too long.
He sits down next to you, feet dangling over the edge. “A Peng.”
“Huh.” You vaguely recalled a giant bird story, but Adepti were usually giant animals that saved Liyue at some point.
“Similar to this,” Xiao points at his tattoo. The bright colour shines against his pale skin. He never sunburns unlike you.
You study the depiction closely. You brush your fingers against his skin, tracing the lines of the tattoo.
Xiao shivers under your touch, his eyes flutter closed.
“Are there more?”
“Yes.” His voice is distant, in the world of the adepti you couldn never understand. “They do not immerse themselves in mortal affairs.” Xiao turns his gaze towards you, the naked emotion in his eyes draws you in. You cup his cheek with your hand before you think better of it.
He leans into your touch. “Seldomly do they take a mortal appearance.”
“Would you ever show me?” You knew he’d be beautiful. It was Xiao, you’d love him in every shape and form.
He pulls away, jerking away from you.
You let him, drawing back, giving him space.
Xiao clenches his gaze, cor lapis eyes on you. His mouth parts, but he thinks better of it, wavering between thoughts. He finally looks away.
“Xiao? You don’t have to.” You remind him. You think he might disappear like smoke in the air. “Xiao?”
“It is not safe for you.”
“Huh?” You don’t follow. “There’s no hilichurls up here.”
“My karmic debt…I could not forgive myself if I tainted you as well.”
You don’t understand. “I’m always safe with you.”
His shoulders tense, the Yaksha grows taunt as a bow string.
You reach out. “Xiao,” you utter softly, caressing his cheek with the back of your hand, “you would never hurt me.” Your belief in that is absolute. You had more than enough belief for the both of you.
He meets your searching gaze, eyes wide in surprise. There’s a glassy quality to their soft brown shade.
You know he’ll leave seconds before Xiao disappears in flashes of green and black.
You burn three incense sticks at your makeshift camp. The delivery at Wangshu in had taken longer than you should’ve. Verr Goldet was dealing with a broken door or something to do with a guest, you weren’t sure of the details. There were travellers from Monstadt so your food order had taken an hour. Nothing that was anyone’s fault, but now you had to camp out in Guili Plains. It was too late to try and make it to the Millelith Outpost in Liyue Pass. It was by far your favourite place to purchase artisan presents for Lantern Rite and birthdays, before they got marked up in Liyue Harbor.
So now you’re stuck here until daybreak.
You go back and forth between lighting a fire. It’s warm this far inland, without the ocean breeze or mountain winds, but a fire might attract hilicurls or treasure hoarders.
But if you were lighting incense sticks, you might as well have a hot dinner.
You kneel, praying to Rex Lapis and all the adepti. You pray that Xiao is safe, wherever he is, whatever he’s fighting.
You pray that Xiao is safe from monsters and the weight of his karmic debt.
You manage to deliver to Liyue Harbor and gather herbs in Qingxu Pool before heading back through Liyue Pass. Qingxu pool had more violetgrass than qingxu flowers but it was allergy season. Violetgrass was needed.
It wasn’t your favourite place to gather in, but these two herbs were the trickiest to find, loving spots out of the way, clumping in fours at best. You didn’t want to overpick and then lose a harvesting spot.
It’s sunset when you reach the Statue of Morax.
Your new boots were a mistake. You know there’s blisters on your ankles and soles. Breaking in leather sucked.
Your old boots left you with stinging pain whenever you stepped on any rock so there really wasn’t any winning.
Bowing your head at the statue, you say a little prayer to the geo archon. Morax. Rex Lapis. You’d made another successful trek. The god of contracts had built his nation in the most beautiful part of Teyvat. You could only hope to add to Liyue’s prosperity.
It’s hard to get back up, your muscles sore. Exhaustion always hit you in the last moments when rest is at hand. You were so close.
The people of Liyue pass were kind. They were always willing to host you for a night, forming a contract in exchange for something simple and silly like telling children a bedtime story or sweetflowers which were always abundant throughout Liyue. Uncle Liu generally wanted thunder god vine which was something you always carried.
You were happy to know you’d be fed and well rested tonight.
You hear the music, firecrackers going off in the dusk. The entire village was decorated in lanterns and colourful banners. A wedding!
Uncle Liu had many granddaughters of an age with you. Could one of them be getting married?
There would be roasted duck and lots of desserts like tofu pudding with red beans and almonds. Your mouth watered at the idea of fried fish and shrimp balls.
The folk music was carried by the wind.
It made the night take a magical quality to it. With the decorations and sky full of stars, it was a perfect backdrop to a celebration.
You smile, thinking of the silk flowers you could give the happy couple.
You look around. There’s pots of bamboo on the rock wall leading into the village proper.
The people are in reds and yellows, dancing and singing.
You grin, taking in the sight. You loved Liyue, you loved being from here and getting so many moments like this one. It wasn’t just Lantern Rite when the country was at its most beautiful.
You wonder if Xiao would go into Liyue Harbor with you for Lantern Rite. Hu Tao would talk his ear off but your heart fluttered at the idea of spending the festivities with him.
You’re so caught in your thoughts, they featured Xiao so often, that you nearly dismissed the Yaksha standing in the moonlight as a figment of your imagination.
You blink.
Xiao is still there, perched on a rock. It’s dark enough that no one would see him from the village, but his gaze is on the celebration.
You wonder why he doesn’t join in.
The Liu family was incredibly welcoming.
You make your way towards him instead, “Xiao?”
He jolts, standing up at once. “What is the matter?” There’s dried blood on his white shirt and dirt on his pants.
“Nothing,” you laugh lightly, “I’m always glad to see you.”
“Mm.” His gaze returns to the celebration.
You sit down next to him, sighing at the relief of being off your feet.
It’s nice: to listen to music with Xiao. While it’s not as energetic as Xinyan’s songs, there’s a beauty in the traditional wind and wood instruments. They were songs you’d known all your life.
“Are you alright?” You venture to ask. You’d never seen anything draw blood from Xiao.
“Mhm.” He nods. “The fight was long, but I persevered as I must to fulfil my sworn duty.”
You rest a hand on his shoulder, “so I don’t have to go get Baizhu then?” It was half a joke, half sincere worry.
“No.” Xiao shakes his head, “the statue of the Seven is all the healing I require.”
You nod, deciding to lay back against the rock. You were greedy for every minute you could spend with Xiao. Food, a warm bed, you could put those off for a while longer.
There was a tranquillity to just being besides Xiao.
Maybe Chongyun had been right. But the surge of panic that Xiao might vanish from your life kept you from saying anything about your feelings towards him.
Instead you reclined on the rock.
You release the hold on his shoulder, moving your hands to fiddle with the amulets around your neck. They were small fragile things, nothing compared to the adepti amulets Xiao wore.
He looks down at you, his expression tender in the starlight. You never tired of gazing at him, at the cut of his jaw and the light in his honeyed eyes. Unabashedly, you drink him in.
If he could look at you in such a way that had your heart palpitating despite not even touching you, then you could look at Xiao. You loved him.
He’d never so much as made a move to kiss you yet your heart was his. Every beat of your mortal heart belonged to the Vigilant Yaksha.
The music changes as a drumbeat joins the fray.
You close your eyes, stretching out like a cat. It felt nice. It was nice.
There was no pressure to make conversation.
Xiao brushes your hair out of your face. His hand lingers against your jawbone for a moment, too long to be a mistake.
You blink.
His mouth is parted in surprise at his own actions, he hunches in on himself, glancing back down at the party. He hugs his knees to his chest.
“You like music,” you ask.
“I do.”
Softly you offer, “we should go down there. Uncle Liu has always been kind to me and I always love an excuse to dance.”
Your words hang in the air.
You sit up, wrapping an arm around Xiao’s back lightly, unsure if he’d be okay with the action. You’re prepared for him to pull away immediately.
Instead, he replies, “I cannot endanger them for my own enjoyment.”
Your heart aches for him.
“I can listen from here.”
You squeeze his shoulders, “this is a great view,” you reply earnestly. There was no place else you’d rather be.
“I agree.” Xiao meets your gaze, brows drawn in thought.
He was so close you could see each individual eyelash of his. They were teal. Almost dark enough to be black at first glance.
You smile tenderly.
“I-,” he frowns at himself.
“What is it?”
Xiao cups your cheek with his hand. It’s the closest you’ve been since he saved your life and carried you to safety.
You swallow thickly, realising the love you felt for the man was mirrored in his eyes.
“Can I kiss you,” he asks in a hush whisper.
You don’t trust your voice. You nod, still not believing this was real, this was truly happening. Though you’d daydreamed that Xiao reciprocated your feelings, it had been more fantasy than a reality. You never believed it was possible.
But it was real.
The press of his lips against yours, Xiao’s breath warm on your skin, his thumb rubs your cheek. It was real. He kissed you with a softness you’d come to expect from the Yaksha.
He was a warrior; he moved through the world like a gentle breeze. His love for Liyue went further than a simple contract made long ago.
Xiao loved you.
Xiao kisses you softly and the moment is far too short.
He pulls back, tilting his head. Red dusts his cheeks, “I cannot say when I grew fond of you, but I have.” He lets out a sigh. “I wish to kiss you again?”
“I would very much like that,” you reply giddily, “I look forward to seeing you each week, and feel guilty when I don’t pass through Jueyun Karst.” You had to be mindful of how much you collected from any one spot.
“I would prefer that you did not go to Jueyun Karst,” Xiao admits, “but I selfishly enjoy your foolish ventures into Jueyun Karst.”
You laugh, full of love. You laugh knowing you are loved by the one you love.
You lean into him, kissing his cheek, “thank you for spending time with me.” You treasured every moment with him.
He nods, incredibly flustered.
So you kiss him again, granting his wish yourself.
His lips were slightly chapped. You hardly cared. He kisses you back clumsily. His hold on your cheek tightens, checking that you were solid, that you were kissing him.
You forget all about food and how tired you are. Your thoughts are full of Xiao.
Xiao caresses your cheek as you catch your breath.
You feel his heartbeat race from your hand on his back.
“Would you like to dance,” his voice was small.
You nod, beaming from delight. He liked you. He’d kissed you. Now he was asking to dance with you. Xiao, your Xiao.
“Yes.” Anywhere with Xiao was perfect.
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runawaymun · 13 days
Give us Dehya x Baizhu wip content *makes grabby hands*
WIP game
okay okay here's a section: small violence warning. More realistic than what we get in the game, for obvious reasons.
Pain burst through Dehya's arm, and the limb went dead. Damn. That wasn't good. Ugh. Fine. She bared her teeth at the treasure hoarder.
"Did your mommy teach you that?"
He snarled at her and lunged back in with the knife.
One, she could deal with. Two, three, no problem, but it was getting downright crowded in this cave. Boss and his kid had better start running so fucking fast right now.
Her good hand sparked. She slammed her claymore point-first into the ground with a whoosh of pyro, and let her fist blaze into flame.
"You're dead meat!"
She went in swinging. The first guy got a faceful of red-hot metal. The second caught the claws of her gauntlet, tearing straight down to his skull. She dodged a strike from the third and slammed her shoulder into him, but before she could throw another punch, she heard something whiz through the air, and her whole body seized with a surge of electro.
Well now they're not playing fair.
Not that treasure hoarders ever played fair.
The third guy regained his balance, hefted his hammer, and reeled back. Great. If she could just get her limbs to work. Goddamn fucking potion slingers--
Inexplicably, the hammer swung in and bounced straight off of a rippling field, inches away from Dehya's head. Then, a tendril of livid green mist shot out from the shadows behind her, cruised from one body to the next, slithering in through their noses, out through their mouths, felling them one, by one, by one, until it was just down to the idiot with the hammer: standing in shock, wondering what the hell was going on.
That was when boss, of all people, appeared out of nowhere and delivered three swift strikes with the points of his fingers: behind the bandit's ear, then to his shoulder, then with so much force to the guy's chest that he shot back into the cave wall before going completely slack and crumpling to the ground.
The mist curled back toward Dehya, but before she could worry, it soothed over the gash in Dehya's arm, and the pain disappeared. Experimentally, she shook it out. Huh.
Boss turned around and offered her a hand, tsking. "They never seem to learn."
Dehya took his hand, but didn't pull too hard. He was putting up a good front but he looked like he was about to tip over any second.
"I thought you were a doctor."
"I am," he said at the exact same time that Changsheng insisted: "He is!"
"Since when do doctors uh-- poke people to death?" Dehya demanded to know, standing and dusting herself off.
Boss almost looked offended. Behind his glasses, his pupils thinned. "He's not dead. Just...unconscious. A brief disruption to his vital qi. Call it the...classics of acupuncture."
"Sure," Dehya said. "Where's Qiqi?"
"I'm here~" came the deadpan call.
"I told you guys to run!"
From Boss' shoulders, Changsheng scoffed. "As if."
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
How could I forget the babygirl himself, Kaveh.
This man is so fucking hjggfgg he's so sweet and a little bit pathetic and I want him carnally 😤
Wanna be his sugar momma (I mean this in the most gender neutral way possible) but at the same time I wanna gently Dom him because unlike Alhaitham you can't be mean or tease him too much. He's sensitive and that's ok.
If you want him as a sugar baby given what we know from canon (this man deserves peace ffs), you'll have to gradually get him stuff. Like a new up to hold all of his pens and pencils for his architecture work, gradually replacing stuff that's inconsequential. Bring him homemade lunches when working on architecture commissions, have him sit down and take a break and eat 😤 he can't say no to you. Plus you can let him crash at your place when Alhaitham takes his key or locks him out of their place, he's gonna be pampered.
I just know that he'd moan so pretty, Nini, I feel it!
Better hope you have a soundproof room or live outside of the city because pretty boy can absolutely get loud, he can keep it down but why would you want that?
Since he wears clothes that cover a lot you have more places to leave hickies and love bites on him than say Cyno (truly a travesty).
He's a service top and eager but he also isn't against bottoming if he doesn't have to go anywhere the next day in terms of work.
Another one with a sensitive waist, his thighs, chest (right where his shirt's chest window is hehe 😈), back. Look with the right stimulation you can make him needy touching anywhere.
Also y'all are going to give me an inflated ego jgdjhd got me out here giggling and kicking my feet
No but Kaveh is such a pretty boy. I accidentally got baizhu and his c1 just for Kaveh. (Pulled him during his release) anyway~
He is so pretty, so adorable. If I were his sugar mommy I’d buy him whatever he wants but only if he asks for it. Pleading so gently with tears ridden eyes, rubbing his cheek against your hand… ughhhhh
Hold him with all the care in the world, caress every inch of his body and watch him squirm in your embrace. Mark his skin with bruises, teeth bites and hickeys, until he’s foaming at the mouth.
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i23kazu · 8 months
OMG YING YOU HAVE OCS??? Rein and Kailah sound super cool omg (also I'm loving the social work representation) A boxer and a librarian 👀👀 I'm looking
and your other ocs look really cute!! I like Shuying as well. I'm curious to learn more about her and Baizhu and their history as a family :)
- tired
HI TIRED !!!! HEHEH TY FOR LOVING IT AAAAH here's some shuying lore for youuuu
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about shuying's past
shuying is not baizhu's biological daughter!
he adopted her when she was 4 years old – her biological parents were physically unfit to take care of her, she was passed to the support system of liyue and eventually adopted by baizhu :-)
her parents were curse-stricken. baizhu had been one of the doctors that they tried to get a cure from, but to no avail. their dying wish was to pass their little girl into the care of the man who had shown them so much care in their last few years of life :")
in my fanon oc universe, baizhu has a wife! her name is jingliu and she was one of the social workers assigned to shuying's case. in this au, social workers are allowed to foster more personal connections with the children ; so much so as to be able to adopt them eventually if they are cleared to be adoptive parents
he and jingliu legally adopted her when she was 4 years old! her biological parents passed on when she was about 3 and a 1/2 years old ... :(
she didn't use to remember much about her biological parents – baizhu made sure to keep her connection to them throughout her growing-up years, in fear of failing them. there was still some remnant guilt stirring within him; could he have done more to save her parents? could he have done something more so that the little girl – standing outside his bedroom doorframe – wailing because of a monster she never saw, would never cry again?
it took him years to believe that he was a suitable parental figure. with his fatigue, he didn't think that he could keep up with an energetic little girl... but to his surprise, she was much quieter and softer than he could have imagined someone at her age to be.
shuying's childhood was spent curled up on his lap, the two of them thumbing through a picture book that baizhu had received.
his hands were always cold, but there was a blossom of warmth every time shuying crawled onto his lap
growing up, shuying and baizhu were definitely much closer than she and jingliu were. shuying wasn't very aware of the impact that jingliu had on her life just yet – 5 year olds didn't really understand what the social worker had done
i think it was really when she was maybe 13? 14 years old? that she truly understood what role jingliu had played after her parents death and she did cry over it .. multiple times ..
to think that jingliu loved her so much that she wanted to adopt her was very. heartstring-tugging at the very least :'))
and all of this eventually made her realise that she wanted a career in social work too :') that she had so much access to resources that could help her help others too and that was such a lovely thing huhuhu.
she got closer to jingliu throughout her teen years actually! and now they're all close to one another :3
shuying considers herself as qiqi's older sister – hearing "jiejie" tumble clumsily out of qiqi's mouth always makes her smile
quick note about the connection between kailah and shuying: kailah was an intern in jingliu's office before transferring over to the youth sector. jingliu was kailah's mentor. while jingliu and kailah were out for dinner once, shuying ended up accidentally spying on them – and getting caught by jingliu, who introduced kailah and shuying to each other. they hit it off (kailah was 18 and shuying was 16) and since then became good friends :3 (this was not a very quick note)
but yes :3 eventually, happy family. hehe
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mimi-2399 · 2 years
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I got into genshin cuz I was super interested in YaoYao and Yunjin and-- AS ALWAYS, four stars play hard to get with me but thank's to the event I got her so I'm happy HEHE 
Did this lil drawing to celebrate cuz I absolutely LOVE HER
Also, I find it endearing that Qiqi and her are besties I cry, Qiqi is one of my favs and I keep her in my teapot even though we have max friendship cuz I gave her lots of birdies to play, I'll soon put Yaoyao with her so they can play together... 
 Someday Baizhu too will go there(?)
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estrella-hellyea · 10 months
Character interactions from Genshin Impact and Project Sekai drawn by the wheel!!!
So I was a bit bored and I randomly chose a Genshin character for each Project Sekai character to think if they would get along. The results are quite cute.
(Sorry for any mistakes in my English, I'm literally using Google translator now)
Ichika and Nahida
I think they would get along very well! Ichika could tell Nahida about how music can evoke emotions in another person, and Nahida could teach her how to make that kind of web (you know the one she makes in indle animacion). I'm sure Ichika would show her songs with vocalioid (e.g. Ikanaide). This would be the most wholesome relationship ever
Saki and Yae Miko
At first, Saki would probably be a little scared of Yae Miko, but when the topic of the conversation turned to light novels, she would become more willing to talk. They would come up with different ideas for the plot of the novel. Girls would have fun
Shiho and Rosaria
They were probably sitting quietly in an awkward silence or idk I don't have any idea for now.
Honami and Arataki Itto
Honami would be scared at first by Itto's appearance, but fortunately she later got to know his personality. They would try to bake a cake together! Some complications would get in the way, but the cake would probably turn out very good. They would talk while eating it! Very wholsome
Minori and Cyno
Cyno would tell Minori some of his dad jokes. Minori wouldn't get it. Minori would teach him some idol dance routines and they would have fun doing it
Haruka and Diluc
idk I don't have any idea
Shizuku and Raiden Ei
Shizuku wanted to watch a movie with Ei, but unfortunately the TV broke down so they decided to fold origami. They would talk and Ei would casually drop philosophical bombs, for example she would ask "What does eternity mean to you?" "What is love?" "If you knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, what would you do today?". Shizuku would answer with simple and wise words.
Airi and Baizhu
They would talk at the table, drink tea and eat some sweets.
Kohane and Lyney
Lyney would teach Kohane some simple magic tricks. Then they would go to karaoke. They would have a great time
An and Keqing
An would tell Keqing about her passion for dancing. After this they would practice dancing together. Keqing would like the music An dances to.
Akito and Ninguang
tbh I don't have any idea for this one
Toya and Candace
no idea for this one either
Tsukasa and Gorou
Tsukasa's personality would blind Gorou hehe
Emu and Traveler
Traveler would tell Emu about his adventures. Emu would tell him about her friends from Worlderland x Showtime. Then they would go out for some good food together and Emu would teach him how to "Wonderhoy!!!!!!!!!"
Nene and Tartalgia/Childe
At first, Nene had a steppe attitude towards however, Childe told Nene a little about Snezhnaya and the fairy tales form there and Nene lost her steppe attitude towards him
Rui and Zhongli
Zhongli: Rui, no
Rui: Rui, yes *bomb in the hand*
but seriously, Rui would tell Zhongli about the robots and his future projects
Kanade and Eula
Kanade would have been a little scared by Eula's attitude, but then she realized that it was just her speaking style. I'm not sure what they would do, but they would definitely have cute conversations
Ena and Freminet
At first there was an awkward silence between them and Ena started asking Freminet about his interests.Freminet also asked Ene what she like to do and a very cute conversation about their hobbies ensued
Mizuki and Lynette
Mizuki would like Lynette's style, and Lynette would like Mizuki's hair accessories. They would go shopping together and eat some cake at the coffee shop
Mafuyu and Razor
That would be super cute. Mafuyu and Razor would draw, Razor would draw them together and when Mafuyu saw the drawing she managed to smile a little.
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ attempting to flirt ♡
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-> how the genshin men try to flirt with you
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Flirts through their words
Heizou, Cyno, Kazuha, Kaeya
I see these guys flirting primarily through their words, yet in a couple different ways.
I feel like Heizou and Kaeya would flirt by being smooth when giving you compliments or verbally teasing you, usually imbued with a seductive undertone. Even when talking to you in general, specifically about you, listen to his words carefully and you'll find a hidden meaning in there, containing his admiration and desire for you. They know which specific words to use and how to use them, dragging out certain syllables, speaking in a lower tone, changing their intonation in a way he knows makes you blush, and all that other good stuff.
Just as he's notorious for jokes, I'd think Cyno would also be notorious for making cheesy pick-up lines when trying to flirt with you. They might be cringe, but the sentiment behind them will be endearing enough to make you smile.
As for Kazuha, he knows how to use his words to describe how he feels for you and how he views you in a profound way, using the many poetic techniques to make it personal and specific to you, and only you.
Bottom line, these guys have have a way with words lol
Flirts through physical contact
Ayato, Baizhu, Childe, Venti, Kaveh
They flirt through their touch and they will never be abrupt or imposing with them. Their touches would be gentle and seemingly innocent. Maybe they might place a gentle hand on your shoulder or maybe softly graze his hand against yours when reaching for something. If you've got a stray hair blocking your face, he'll pull it away and hide the strand behind your ear so that he can clearly look upon the face that he so adores. Or if you have a crumb on your lip, he'll softly place his thumb on the corner of your mouth and wipe across to not only get rid of the crumb, but most of all, take the opportunity to feel the softness of your lips.
You know, his touches are gentle and light for a reason. They're like that to make you crave their touch even more and to instill you with a desire for them to touch you with more fervor and passion. At the same time, I see guys like Venti and Childe also touching you more forwardly. And to be clear, I'm not talking about in an indecent manner. Rather, they would be the type to cling onto your arm, pull you closer by your waist, or easily take you by the hand, all in a playful manner.
Also, you know that typical romantic scenario where the main character is learning how to do something using their hands and the love interest helps them out by coming in from behind, putting their hands on theirs and guides them? Yeah, the main character is you and the love interest is them, hehe
Flirts through eye-contact
Albedo, Diluc, Tighnari
These guys wouldn't have to say a word nor lift a finger to make it known that they admired you.
They would flirt using eye-contact and would do so subtly, and at times, purely unintentional. The sudden haze of longing and desire clouding their gaze and their half-lidded eyes would tend to occur subconsciously when they're simply interacting with you or even just staring at you from afar. One might even equate this look to "bedroom eyes", and it might as well be with how intense it was. It would be an intense look that let you know that their mind and their focus was solely on you at the moment.
Like, he can be totally silent or be talking to you about the weather, but was he really thinking about the weather? Nah, not at all. With that look on his face, bro was clearly thinking of you.
They CAN'T flirt
Xiao, Scaramouche, Itto, Gorou
They get embarrassed with any attempt to show attraction. It's not that they're unsure of their feelings for you, they're just unsure of how to make them known without ending up being too direct and scaring you off. They'll be very unsure of themselves and won't know if they're doing it right.
They'd be too proud to ask for advice, so they'll try to flirt their own way, but I think they'd end up putting themselves in awkward sitautions and would eventually become so frustrated with their poor attempts that they just ask you out or confess to you directly lol
They don't flirt
Zhongli, Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Thoma
They'd rather be direct with their intentions. If they're interested in you, they'll let you know clearly. After all, they'd prefer to show their interest in a genuine manner, being straightforward in all of your conversations and really taking the time to get to know and understand you in order to make fruitful attempts to earn your trust and your love.
Flirts through their words + physical touch + eye contact
AYATO, Kaveh, Heizou, Kaeya
These dudes are the very definition of a smooth casanova. They'll use all of their assets to make their desire for you known and attempt to woo you.
They'll not only tease you by touch through fingers, but through the feathery touch of his lips on your skin as well. Maybe as he whispers into your ear, his lips will slightly graze it, or when he takes your hand to kiss atop of it, he'll try to make you swoon.
As for eye-contact, he'd gaze at you with a sultry look in his eyes intentionally rather than unintentionally, and tends to use it when he's up-close in front of you, where you're able to look deep into his eyes.
They'll also charm you with compliments and witty remarks, but what will truly captivate you are the promises that he makes. Anyone can easily make false promises in order to woo someone over, but what makes them different is that they truly follow through with what they say and promise to you. He may be a casanova, but he's also a gentleman!
Overall, I see them being more direct with their flirting, showing that they're unafraid of revealing their affections and desire for you. Really, they want everyone to know that they want you. Their confidence and natural rizz will ward off anyone else seeking to do the same.
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ashes-onthewind · 3 months
Okay, I'll give you mine if you give me yours (my genshin has to update first so I can look in it)
:0000 aw hell yeah!!
I've not been playing super super long (I only just got my first five star) but I had to get to hard pity to get him so I've got a lot of fours :D currently pulling for haitham and sethos :D clorinde seems like a waste to me but ye
Very sad I lost my 50/50 on baizhu ;-; I wanted my silly transmasc man (hc) but I got diluc :c
Okokok so! The characters I have are:
Aether (currently electro but I <3 dendro traveller), lvl 65
Kaeya - level 60(/70) - I <3 this man, he's my go-to guy for running :3 he's not on a ton of my teams but I like him
C3 Barbara - level 60 (/60) - I don't understand the Barbara hate :( she's sweet and a pretty decent healer
Beidou - level 50(/50) - AURGH I love her. I only got her very very recently but!!! I'm in love already :3
Lisa - level 60(/60) - my first electro character<3 I love her with a large portion of my heart :D she sucks as a hyperbloom trigger but she's fun :3
C3 Yaoyao - level 60(/60) - part of my first team (dendro aether/Lisa/Barbara/Yaoyao) and sososososo sweet I luv her
Diluc - level 53(/60) - will forever be pissy with diluc for not being baizhu but he seems okay
Yanfei - level 50(/50). - luv her, sometimes I use my hyperload team (Yanfei/Beidou/Barbara/Yaoyao) with her but she'll probably be replaced by diluc :c bc 5star pyro > 4star pyro
Xiangling - level 50(/50) - pretty damn good, now that I have Bennett I can use a Bennett/xiangling pyro core :3
Lynette - level 40(/40) - yumyum for exploration bc of her e skill!! Never really played her in combat tho tbh
Amber - level 40 (/50) - blech. Awful. My first pyro character but. I actively avoided her bc her application SUCKS ASS. Idk I just really don't like her
Ningguang - level 34(/40) - LESBIAN!!! Also s h i e l d
Faruzan - level 20(/20) - triangles make my brain happy (it's one of my neurospicy things) so her Thing being triangles is !!!!! Hehduehdjbf!!!
Gorou - level 20(/40) - I project onto he so hard he so me frfr never played him in combat tho -<-
Mika - level 20(/40) - yeah he exists I forget about him a lot tho :< never played him
Freminet - level 20(/40) - penguin bby! So enby coded let's be real
Layla - level 20(/40) - RARWHM NOMNOM I love her I NEED to build her her skill is so SCRUMPTIOUS and shE aurgh I love
C2 Collei - level 20(/40) - played her for a few minutes when I first got her :v unimpressed
Xinyan - level 20(/40) - never played her
Noelle - level 16(/20) - never played her
Bennett - level 1(/20) - did a play test with him on the team and :D he! Lil guy!! I needa build + level him hehe
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